AAWP Amazon Affiliate Plugin tutorial – Part 1

AAWP or Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugin is the best plugin to sell as an Amazon affiliate that I have used.

You can choose between different designs or customize and create your own templates.

And you do not need to have programming knowledge to be able to use it!

How to use the AAWP plugin to sell as an Amazon affiliate

AAWP is a plugin for WordPress used to sell Amazon products through your Website, generating a commission for the sale.

These commissions can reach up to 30% of the value of the product depending on the category to which it belongs.

The function of this plugin is to link your page with the article on Amazon.

When the user clicks and goes to the Amazon.com website, a cookie is inserted in his browser that will be there for 24 hrs.

In other words, ALL PURCHASES made by this user during the next 24 hours will be a commission that you will earn.

Regardless if your article for which it was referred is in the shopping cart.

Everything, absolutely everything you buy in those 24 hours will be a commission for your pocket.

Sounds good, does not it?

So what we should do as bloggers is to create a very attractive page, with a lot of traffic and with ads of articles that promote the click to the Amazon page through our website.

And this is where AAWP starts doing its job.

First you have to install the plugin in your WordPress

How to install the AAWP plugin

Getting credentials

After installing the AAWP plugin in your WordPress you must create the credential in your Amazon Affiliate account to connect the plugin with your affiliate account.

This is done as follows:

  1. Enter in Tools - Product Advertising API
  2. Press "Add credentials"
  3. Copy the "Access Key" and "Secret Key" that is generated there.
  4. Then go to WordPress and in the Amazon Affiliate plugin section place the Key API, the Secret API and your tracking ID.

If your affiliate account is new, it may not allow you to add credentials until you make three sales.

Connecting with all your stores.

What happens if your articles are from Amazon.es and a person enters from the United States?

Do you lose the sale because the article only belongs to Amazon.es and not to Amazon.com?

Well, no!

This plugin allows you to include your different Amazon stores, in a way that shows the user the similar item in the store in your country.

If you have tracking IDs in several Amazon stores like .es .com .ca .mx or others you place them in the Settings section - Amazon API low and you will see "Multiple stores" there you enter the different tracking IDs

Then you save the changes.

Configuring AAWP

After connecting the plugin with your Amazon account Affiliated in the different countries that you have available, we will configure the rest of the tabs.

For the best configuration I show you a video how to do it. (In spanish)

Product boxes (Product Boxes)

To start publishing Amazon articles on your website you must first know the product's ASIN number or ISBN number if it is a book.

How to find the ASIN or ISBN code?

To show any article on your website you need the ASIN or ISBN number (for books).

You can find these numbers in the URL of the article as follows:

And for books the ISBN code

To publish a single article

Place the following shortcode in the location where you want the article to appear:

[amazon box = "ASIN"]

In ASIN you will place the product code as explained in the previous point.

This will look like this:

There it is configured so that only two points appear in the description list.

If you want more points to appear in the description list, you can change it in the plugin configuration as explained in the previous video.

And it would look like this:

To publish multiple articles

Just as you did with the previous one, place this shortcode where you want the articles to come out:

[amazon box = "ASIN1, ASIN2"]

Place each ASIN of each product separated from a comma (,)

It will look like this:

And so many products as ASIN codes you place.

To customize the title of the article

Generally advertisers place long titles to their articles to include as many keywords as possible.

This is why in some occasions it is convenient to place a short and personalized title that looks better and that the user understands what product they are referring to.

This is done with the following shortcode:

[amazon box = "ASIN" title = "The name of the product"]

It will look like this:

To customize the description of the article

Like the title, you can also modify the product description by placing it according to your preference.

For this use the following shortcode

[amazon box = "ASIN" description = "The description of the product"]

How to customize the title and description

You can customize the title and description in the same shortcode

[amazon box = "ASIN" title = "The name of the product" description = "The description of the product"]

How to customize the description including an html code with aawp

A more elaborate description, with list points, is made including the html code.

[amazon box = "ASIN"]


<li> Description 1 </ li>

<li> Description 2 </ li>

<li> Description 3 </ li>

</ ul>

[/ amazon]

And this will look like this:

How to customize the purchase button with AAWP

You can customize the purchase button with aawp by placing the text of your choice.

The shortcode for this is:

[amazon box = "ASIN" button_text = "My favorite text"]

How to add an Details button with the link of your preference

You can also add a details button with a link to where you indicate.

You can change the color of this button in the configuration section.

The shortcode for this is:

[amazon box = "ASIN" button_detail = "http://domain.com/test-XYZ/"]

How to place an SEO title that shows when you pass the mouse over the title of the product

One of the recommendations of SEO techniques is that the mouse shows a title when passing over.

With AAWP you can do it with the following shortcode

[amazon box = "ASIN" link_title = "My SEO link title" /]

So far the first part of this course to use the AAWP plugin and make money with Amazon Affiliates.

In the next chapters I will explain:

  • List the best sellers
  • Show only the fields that are indicated in a publication
  • New releases
  • Product comparison tables

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See you in the next part ;-)