Top Tips to Make Your Kid Listen to You

It’s some parent’s nightmare to make their child listen to you. It is a problem faced by all the parents. There comes a phase in a child’s life where they turn rebel or simply lost in their sweet world. It becomes challenging for parents to listen to make them listen to what they are saying in such a situation.

Here are a few ways by the best nursery school in Greater Noida which you ensure that your kid is listening to you:

Shorten your sentences

Many times, when you say longer sentences, the main gist of your saying gets lost in between the longer sentences. It is better that you keep your sentences short and to-the-point. Kids usually have a short attention span, and thus they can get distracted in no time. You should make sure that your instructions do not lose their essence, and hence, it gets delivered to your kid effectively.

Have their full attention before speaking

Do not start speaking until you have your kid’s full attention. When you are connecting with them, ensure that your children are fully listening to you before you say anything to them. Don’t order or shout at your kid from another room to do something. You should approach your kid and ensure that they are paying attention to what you are saying.

Say it gently

When you are talking with your kids, always be gentle. Sometimes, it may become irritating to deal with kids, but remember not to lose your temper. This approach will not only harm them, but they will also not abide by your instructions. Ensure that you always talk to them politely and keep your tone sweet and say thank you in advance to make your kids listen to you and do what they are asked to.

Do away with negative commands.

When you ask a kid not to do something, they will do that thing more. If your kids are in rebel mode, they may never respond to your instructions. If you ask him to study or not to play with the ball, he will end up doing that thing more than before. The best public school in Greater Noida suggests that in such a situation, it is better to avoid using negative statements and follow other processes instead.

Use playful ways

Use playful techniques instead of using negative words. When instructions are given in a fun-frolic manner, kids become receptive to them rather than those given as an order. You can use a squeaky voice to attract their attention or use hand-puppets or their favourite toy to provide them with instructions, which will make it fun for them.

Model active listening

Children gain most from following the adults and, let’s face it, many of us aren’t good listeners either. Oh, sure, we pick up some of what others are saying, but we’ve got one ear pricked for an incoming text, our eyes on the road and, somewhat possibly, our head in the clouds. Active listening requires more than the ears—it focuses our entire body in service (and encompasses our heart). Active listening obligates us to hear more than simple words; it’s about listening to the (sometimes masked) meaning behind the words and acknowledging it. How often can you think you do that?

Love them unconditionally

Sometimes, kids don’t listen to us in order to send us a message. They tune us out to make a point: “You can’t make us do things; I am tired of your bossing around.” It is better to restore goodwill. You will have to put in the deposits in the love bank. Though you might want to pull your hair out at that moment, hug them instead.


Finally, at the end, when nothing works, use your voice at lower levels to have their attention. Kids are yelled at continuously. When you lower the voice to a whisper, it is precisely the opposite of what the children are expecting, and that may lead to a surprising new outcome for you.

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