TFPA Open Positions

The following positions on the TFPA Steering Committee are currently open.
Contact any TFPA Executive Committee member to indicate interest in an open position!

Teacher Appreciation Chair

The Chair of the TFPA Teacher Appreciation Committee is appointed by the TFPA President and organizes parent efforts to contribute cash, other gifts, and recognition to teachers and staff throughout the year. Past efforts have included cash collections for teachers in December, May, and sometimes August; organizing parent volunteers to recognize teacher birthdays each month with baked goods; arranging an annual teacher appreciation week with daily tokens of appreciation; contributing snacks during teacher in-service weeks; and sending e-cards for teacher and staff educational achievements.

Community Engagement Chair

The TFPA Community Engagement Chair is appointed by the TFPA President and is responsible for organizing and leading engagement activities that enhance a sense of community within Tiny Findings and its surrounding community. Past efforts have included a fall welcome breakfast for parents with a particular focus on new parents; organizing parent volunteers for Center events; and a summer picnic.

Scholastic Coordinator

The TFPA Scholastic Coordinator is appointed by the TFPA President and coordinates Tiny Findings' participation in Scholastic book sales in coordination with the TFPA Fundraising Chair. The Scholastic coordinator notifies parents of bimonthly opportunities to purchase Scholastic books online, assists Center leadership in obtaining free books, and troubleshoots account issues with Scholastic.

Other Opportunities to Get Involved!
Contact any TFPA Executive Committee member to indicate interest!

Serve as a Class Parent

We are looking for a new Caterpillar class parent!  Class parents touch base monthly with their class lead teacher, and share information with the other parents. The time commitment is about 30-60 minutes per month, and it is a wonderful opportunity for you to get to know your child's lead teacher a bit better, and it is a tremendous help both to teachers and parents!