Tiny Findings Parents Association

What is the Tiny Findings Parents Association?

The Tiny Findings Parents Association (TFPA) is an organization by families in Tiny Findings for the families of Tiny Findings! 

The TFPA was established in 2012 for the dual purpose of enhancing a sense of community and raising funds for Tiny Findings. Unlike the Tiny Findings Board, we do not set policy or have fiduciary responsibilities. We focus on encouraging each other and the classrooms, teachers, and children through volunteering and fundraising to help make Tiny Findings an awesome experience for all. 

We are an open group: as a parent or guardian, you automatically become a member when your child starts at Tiny Findings. You are not required to sign up or pay dues. We are open to ideas from everyone and offer ways for everyone to be involved (and fulfill volunteer hour requirements!).

Current Projects, Events, & Opportunities to Get Involved:

Find out about open TFPA positions and other opportunities for getting involved!

TFPA volunteers once a month to bring in birthday treats for teachers and staff with birthdays in that month. Sign up for a month to bring in treats!

Join our Next Steering Committee Meeting!

Our monthly calls are open to all Tiny Findings parents and typically occur on the first Wednesday of each month (occasionally will be moved for scheduling conflicts or holidays).  You should receive the Zoom information in a calendar invite each month!

Contact the TFPA Executive Committee with any questions.