
Privacy Policy

Protection of your personal data is fundamental to us. This confidentiality policy outlines information pertaining to the manner in which we collect a process this data.

“Personal data” or “Data” shall mean any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

“Data controller” shall mean the person that determines the purposes and means of the processing.

Remit of the personal data protection policy

This personal data protection policy is applicable to all of our applications.

What data is collected?

With your prior consent, we are likely to collect and process the following data in whole or in part when you use our applications.

We are also likely to use cookies which correspond to small files containing letters and figures downloaded onto your device when you access our applications.

This data is collected via external tools (Software Development Kit or « SDK ») implemented by our partners, which are an integral part of the application.

Purposes of data storage

Data is used to:

We collect the data listed hereinabove, in whole or in part, only once we have your express consent for the purposes for which they are to be processed, through a pop-up in our applications.

At any time you can withdraw your consent from the "Settings" page in our various applications.

We stores your personal data for a maximum duration of 13 months after collection. Beyond this term, data may be rendered anonymous and stored solely for statistical use and will not be exploited, in any nature whatsoever.

Personal data concerning children

We does not knowingly collect any personal data concerning children under 15 years old.

Personal data security

We take all necessary security measures so as to prevent as far as practically possible any alteration or loss of your data or any unauthorised access thereunto.

In such instance as we should be aware of any illegal access to personal data concerning you and corresponding to processing for which we are responsible, we undertake to notify you of the incident as soon as possible if this fulfils a legal requirement.

Updating the present policy

The present policy may be updated at any time. We hereby invite you to consult this page regularly.