Oh my! What could be wrong with butter, mushrooms and garlic?! Little cremini mushrooms floating in golden deliciousness. Definitely putting on my Saturday night menu. My sweetheart is going to love it.

After a night of rain and hail, the morning sunshine is thick and warm, like an apology for the night before. Late winter in Sicily is known for its capricious weather, so I seize the moment to head out on a walk foraging for wild asparagus.

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Wild asparagus are thinner than the cultivated variety, and more bitter in taste. They are delicious in a frittata or simply steamed and doused with olive oil. But they really come into their own in an asparagus risotto, where they maintain a pungent flavor that is in perfect contrast to the mild nutty flavor of rice. And the effort and thrill of finding wild asparagus makes eating them infinitely more pleasurable.

Even those with thousands of nights of wild camping experience still sometimes feel like this. Evolution favoured those who could identify potential threats and avoid them. Our survival in the past depended on having overactive imaginations, which were (and still are) great at creating wild fantasies of savage beasts and hostile tribes hiding behind every rock.

The great benefits of a hammock in the context of wild camping is that they will allow you to sleep outside in denser woodland and/or on steep (wooded) hillsides, neither of which are suited to ground-based camping.

Hello everyone, I should mention two good alternatives which I use in Germany all the time; Warm showers which is great and rural shelters (which by the way are off-limits if they are situated in water protection areas, which means that you are allowed to take a break in them, but not to stay overnight). A brilliant third alternative, which works really well, as Tom already mentioned, is simply to approach farmhouses and ask for permission to set up your tent for the night. I have never been refused hospitality.

I had fun reading your post. I had to admit I asked myself why this guy would not want to be busted for camping when basically no one busts you for camping in the wild as long as you behave yourself. Lol. But yeah, a lot of the things you said up there are true. I especially agree with what you said about camping anywhere being a right and not a privilege. Your advice on talking to people is one of the best way to do it too. And also, most importantly, we really need to know when to stop. Respect nature just as it respects you. After all, us and nature, we are one.

Hi tom

Great post. we did much the same trip not by bike i should add but by boat from rye in east sussex all through the french canals and checked in to Turkey in ayvelik just opposite the island of lesbos. We intend to do the journey again this time in a van that we have converted and wanted to wild camp wherever possible. Not only for the financial side also for the adventure part of it.

The info i got from reading your post has been very helpful.

Just a foot note, the right to wild camp is I shrines in as coltish law (2001/3 ?).

But it is ingrained into the culture, such that wild camping outside of urban areas is quite the norm, again, part of the mindset of the locals. Very cool.

Hello! Great article and stunning pics! I am also heading for a wild camping trip in siberia-mongolia this fall, and want to head down to china after. Do you have any experience wild camping in China? I have heard its quite a tough nut to crack in this sense, any experience?

Cheers and happy travelling!

At last I have proof for my other half that I am not mad. I have not yet taken advantage of free camping but have just about convinced the boss to cycle from northern England to Morocco. Despite my absolute conviction that we could freebie almost every night she was never convinced but now you have provided the proof, thanks.


sooooo y not hike and camp her in USA!!! much safer and dont have to wory about getting killed buy ppl hew want money,rape,and what ur worst nightmear may come true.i say USA IS MY LAND OF THE FREE.come camp and hike or live with the rest of us that want to live in peace!!!

The only advice I would add to your post is to have a good lighting system. Spending the winter cycling in Albania and Greece, I seem to find myself looking for a place to camp in the dark each night. Sometimes a warm tea in a warm caf is a great way to spend the first couple cold hours of darkness. Having good lights makes that a much more comfortable option.

Hear! Hear! Fabulous post, Tom.

In case your readers think you are crazy and that wild camping is only for idiots, here is my own siren song of praise for nights out under the stars: -wild-camping-tents-trump-star-hotels-time/

ive been on the road with the bike for about 6 years now,by the way, love this site, its killed a couple hours blissfully as I take a break. Its not the cycling I find , after all the motion is the same weather it be snow sand or a runway, its that last hour before it. I get more of a buzz now from ticking off countries where ive camped, of nearly 100, 2 have beaten me-the vatican and monaco, a blemish that kind of has me wishing to go back and try again! Ive had a gun shot over my head, hippos, elephants, a sloth bear and lions around it and to cap it off a lion on top of me in it! Hail black wolf tents I say! i find it incredible that whn cycling for a spot at night that people still call out hey white man- or the equivelent, and I know I wont sleep a muscle in most places (bar sudan, iran norway) if I know somebody has seen my tent. Ive spent the last 7 months in europe and with using the hospitality sites and my tent havnt paid for a solitary night! I find around big city airports is a winner, and train lines to be a close second if you can handle the noise.

cheers for the read


Italy may not be the first destination you think of when considering a wildlife holiday but we will highlight some of the amazing animals that choose this beautiful and diverse landscape as their home. Nature watching is an enjoyable and tranquil activity that allows you to slow down and witness some of the spectacular happenings in the animal world.

The elusive and wild cat of Italy is probably the most impressive wildlife sighting you may see on your holiday. Claimed to be extinct for almost 100 years, the stunning lynx was spotted in Italy in 2000; it was breaking news at the time as many enthusiasts celebrated the finding. The lynx is nocturnal and solitary, unless with young, and there have been recordings of the big cat in the north and central Italy. The lynx usually hunts hares, rabbits and deer.

Ibex are a popular subject for viral videos as their gravity defying moves cause amazement amongst viewers, jump over an astonishing 2 metres. The wild goats of Italy live in herds, on mountains or areas with steep cliffs. They can live in these locations as their hooves are formed in a shape which sucks them to the ground, making them comfortable and agile. Their chosen habitat may seem odd to us, but the Ibex live there as their main predators find it difficult to hunt on the terrain.

We have a fantastic range of luxury villas in Italy that will make the perfect base while you are on your wildlife exploration adventure. So, slow the pace down, grab your binoculars, pack a picnic and wait to see what amazements the wonders of nature provide.

Traditional gnocchi verdi are made using spinach, but at the time of writing, we're still in Lock Down and I'm avoiding supermarkets. It's also a beautifully sunny spring this year, which means we have LOADS of wild garlic nearby and handfuls of rocket (aka arugula) in the back garden!

I'd never normally suggest mixing things up with such a traditional Italian recipe, but at times like these, we have to be flexible. I also understand most of you won't have access to rocket and wild garlic either, so here's my solution. USE WHATEVER!

I say "leaves" here instead of rocket and wild garlic because this recipe is super versatile and I want to encourage you to use what you have access to! Use the leftover potato boiling water to cook the leaves for a few seconds and then cool them in some cold water. Blitz them up and add to your mashed potato.

Jacobs kept running around the turn into the arms of Tamberi, draped in an Italian flag. Only moments earlier Tamberi twice collapsed onto the track sobbing with joy. Now he wrapped the flag around the most unlikeliest of Olympic champions on the most unlikely of nights.

Antonella Lentini (left) rehearses a student-written play at the Florence International Theater Company, as part of a program that aims to give foreign students something to do at night that doesn't involve alcohol. Tommaso FontanellaĀ  hide caption

At one of the dozens of pubs in the city's center, six U.S. students were tipping back mojitos on a recent Sunday night. Peanut shells covered the floor of the bar, where five euros buys you five drinks.

"Italians go to those pubs only on weekends, but the Americans are there every night," Biagi said. "And then they complain about Italian men seducing them. They go around in miniskirts up to here, half undressed. They get drunk. What do they expect?"

Graziano Cioni, a city councilman in charge of security, recalled a night when about 20 young women were found drunk on the street at 4 a.m. What sticks out about the Americans, he said, is that many are well-heeled women who are often seen vomiting off to the sides of the cobblestone streets.

Many of the Americans have never traveled outside their home states before. And some turn the entire school semester into one long spring break. Italian bar owners are tapping into this burgeoning demand with special offers like ladies night, while tour operators organize night-long pub crawls.

In Scandinavia, the Wild Hunt is known as Oskoreia (commonly interpreted as 'The Asgard Ride'), and as Oensjgeren ('Odin's Hunters').[12] The names sgrdsrei ('Asgard Ride' as attested in parts of Trndelag),[17] Odens jakt and Vilda jakten (Swedish: 'the hunt of Odin' and 'wild hunt') are also attested.[citation needed] At the very front of Oskoreia rides Guro Rysserova ('Gudrun Horsetail'), often called Guro sgard, who is "big and horrid, her horse black and called Skokse (...)"[18] 589ccfa754

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