apparently, I just called the .toString() function after the timezone and it worked. Although on the screenshot it says there is an issue with the function. It works good now, and the time looks like this:

Ok thanks @adamhholmes. So if I have 08/26/2022 10:00 am stored in a date field and considered as a timestamp. I want to display that as UTC, I am going to select a static timezone from the builder. Specifically I am going to pull the timestamp from my date object and will select UTC as static timezone.

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What time zone or city are you looking for; the time zone strings won't reflect Daylight saving time, but the timezone will adjust for it. So look up the standard timezone offset (no daylight saving adjustment) for your location's nearest major city for best results in the cli parameters.

I'm looking for timezone "GMT+01:00-CET-Europe/Amsterdam". This zone is listed in the developer doc, but I can't select it. 

First I tried a couple times, but the only one that's "close" to my location is Lisabon :S

(even tried within shell)

I also deployed version 12.1 492.23 and with this version I have no problem changing the timezone.... (even with the GUI) 

t really looks like a "version specific bug". So this problem exists in the two latest versions of the Netscaler OVF (12.1-51.19 and 12.1-50.28).

The issue is that times are being converted to another timezone and then displayed in 12-hour format, when we want them to be displayed in 24-hour format (and 24-hour format is specified in the formatting settings of the formula field).

I'm using the REST API with a one-shot search to pull back some previously summarized information. The summary indexing was done with EST timezone so the events show up as 00:00:00 EST. The server i'm doing the REST API call from is on CST timezone. When I get the results back from the search they show up as the previous day because the timestamp ends up being 1 hour before at 23:00:00 CST - 1Day. This is completely screwing up my search results. Is there a way to force the API call to use EST timezone instead of the system default?

Warning: getdate() [function.getdate]: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. You are required to use the date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'America/Chicago' for 'CST/-6.0/no DST'

...which had the correct timezone for me and was the only .ini file being loaded with date.timezone within it, but I was receiving the above error when I ran a script through Bash. I had no idea that I should have been editing:

Hey Matthias,

What is in that file that you created? I would like to set the timezone in all my containers to be the same as my windows host. Would you like to share that file you created with us who are trying to solve this timezone issue?

Thanks in advance.


Is there any way to have the field converted properly without having to worry about DST changes?

I was thinking that using formatDate I could create a string with date, time and timezone, then use parseDate, but unfortunately time zone info is not in the list of supported formats.

This really depends on your server and your DB configuration. If they are in sync and are in the Brazil timezone then you can just use the :naive_datime or :naive_datetime_usec Ecto types and everything should be in your local timezone.

My students are confused because suddenly there is a box popping up on Acuity when they go to schedule a class that asks them to choose a timezone. I've explained that they just need to click one and then it will continue, but I'd rather turn this function off. Any ideas?

I hate this timezone option! When my clients are trying to schedule, they do NOT UNDERSTAND that button, and I have to continually answer emails that they are not able to schedule the class--because they don't know to click it to continue---JUST FIX THIS PLEASE--this is horrible!

This drop down feature for timezones is great for clients who offer virtual services but for businesses that have customers in one timezone or in person it is confusing and bad UX. So please look into an option to remove the drop down here. 

Thank you ?

In case you aren't using any custom CSS, you can use the 'new scheduling experience' and remove this timezone selection. However, they told me that if we have any custom CSS, we are bound to have this section and also the drop-down selection for the slots on the calendar. It really sucks.

Damla, I use Acuity with Squarespace. I am not sure if I have the 'new scheduling experience'. I have tried everything I can see to get rid of this timezone selection box! I have had multiple emails with support and they just say there is no way to do it. How can I remove the timezone selection? Thank you!

However if you stay on the GMT + 1 Europe timezone I believe it should shift automatically with the time change. I have to admit I haven't really paid attention, but that's the timezone I'm currently set to and I haven't noticed needing to change the hour back and forth with the change.

Thanks Genevieve but I don't think that does help, as if I select GMT+1 the time will either be incorrect for me for half of the year, or permanently 1hr out for the whole year. It is seemingly like Smartsheet timezone is not so much "where you are located" and updates the time accordingly, but "what time it is now", and as such I have to change it when we have daylight saving changes?

Under Sales > Meetings we have meeting calendar links setup so that others can book appointments. We give this link to a call center located in a different timezone so that they can schedule contacts when they call our hotline. We noticed that the timezone setting on the meetings page appears to default to the local browser timezone. This is a problem for scheduling meetings since our callers are in Eastern and the call center is Central. Unfortuately instructing the call center to be mindful of changing the timezone setting has not been sufficient, mistakes are still being made and the setting does not stand out.

This is based on the browser timezone and probably the system timezone of the call center agent. I'm not aware of any options to force showing the meeting page in a desired timezone. The call center agents would have to choose the correct time zone from the dropdown whenever they load the meeting page.

The problem is not actually about the time window settings (which are based on our company's availability). We have a call center based in central time that uses our meeting page to schedule meetings with our company on behalf of callers. We are eastern time and the call center is reporting that when they load the page, the timezone setting is defaulting to Central time since they are browsing the web page in a central timezone location. The timezone setting specified in "Your time zone" dropdown is Eastern. So I am not sure if the expected functionality is that this locks the setting (regardless of what timezone the webpage is accessed in) and something else is up or that is just not a feature.

Hey Karsten. The call center we are using typically deals with Calendly pages which have the ability to lock timezones. Their agents are trained to use Calendly and it is convenient HubSpot meeting pages look similar, however, as a result there is a ton of human error forgetting to lock the timezone.

The timezone dropdown also does not stand out. We have had several conversations with multiple call centers now who have had the same problem and have incorrectly booked appointments. I do not think this an isolated issue.

Is there a way I can have a solution pushed to the development team as a request as soon as possible? This is an issue we really cannot wait on. Having an option to disable considering browser timezone, lock the timezone, or just even minimum making the option stand out more on the form would be incredibly helpful.

Whereas the local timezone will vary from browser to browser, the UTC time zone is guaranteed to be the same in every browser. It will also not experience daylight savings times. The UTC time zone was designed this way and it serves as a time zone that other time zones define themselves relative to.

I'm a Confluence user and I created a Calendar. I'm in timezone GMT+1, however when creating the Calendar, it asked for options to set timezone and I picked IST, because 90% of our team is located in India. I only realized later that Confluence actually understands time zone challenges and it wouldn't have been necessary to set to IST. Also, it seems like events added appear with a weird time in IST (some 6 hours difference instead of 3:30 hours). So to resolve I would like to revert to my timezone for Calendar for the ease of adding events based on my timezone. How do I make a change to the Calendar timezone?

As an aside, for new dashboard tile creations, I also see an empty line initially selected in the UI for that dashboard time zone. It shows UTC prior to clicking, but when I select it, a blank line appears at the top and is selected. This line disappears after I select a time zone and go back into the dropdown to select another timezone.

This formula will strip out the timezone issue and store it properly, I think with the recent release of the time-zoning settings there is always things that will not work as expected, I will see if it is already being addressed for you. ff782bc1db

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