Time to Teach-With Tami

Welcome! My name is Tami and I am a passionate educator. I have a BA in English, two teaching credentials, and a Master's in Teaching. I teach pre-first (a grade between kindergarten and first grade in the bilingual schools in Mexico) and serve as the grade-level leader for my grade. My goal as an educator is to make the world a better place. I don't just teach students reading, writing, and math for the sake of it; I teach students reading, writing and math so they can go out and make a difference in the world.

My BackStory

Originally from California, I currently live and teach in Guadalajara, Jalisco Mexico with my husband and daughter. We have been here for the last 8 years and love it! Aside from the delicious food, Mexico is a beautiful, colorful country of old traditions and hospitable people. Never will you grow more than when you live among a people and culture not of your own.

My Back, BackStory:

I LOVE to:

~read (19th Century literature is my favorite)

~listen to podcasts

~ take online courses

~ laugh

~ drink coffee (just ask my students)

Contact information:

Twitter: @TamiJ123

Facebook groups:

Teachers For Effective Curriculum

"Teachers Who Podcast" is for educators who produce their own podcast shows: Teachers Who Podcast