The same errors popped up this morning with the email pulses

I have taken a look at the logs and this is what I have come across (of which there are multiple instances)

May 30 07:16:05 ERROR metabase.task.send-pulses :: Error sending Pulse 33

clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Input to defaulted-timezone does not match schema:

I had a series of layers with joins created before encountering the error. When I unchecked the editor tracking fields the error didn't go away. It wasn't until I removed the joins and joined tables, verified the fields were unchecked, added the join tables, redid the join, and analyzed that the error was gone.

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Yes, this time zone feature when pushing ArcPro data to AGOL or Portal is very frustrating. I have two relation tables for my feature class table and all have editor tracking so I can tell when something has been changed in the tables. I tried to define the times as Pacific (a while back - not sure if I defined the time while in ArcMap or Pro) and I thought the transfer process would take those Pacific time zones and convert to UTC. I too, don't need to worry about different time zones since we're all in the same zone. I created a work around by copying my tables and then removing the four editing tracker fields.

MSFT SharePoint Online - I am all the sudden getting "Error: Failed to load current time zone" on multiple, different sites when creating a new list item. It is tied to a calculation I do "now()+70" which calculates 70d for a calendar field.

@Dr_Jason_Seibel My organization started experiencing the same thing this week within the Teams desktop app. Microsoft Support instructed me to set the time zone in SharePoint site settings like you described. Now if you're the owner of the Team it's not giving the error, but if you're just a member the error still occurs. Everything works fine in the web browser though.

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Change the time zone set for the feature class with editor tracking enabled to match the time zone set for the map service in ArcGIS Pro. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Enable and configure editor tracking for steps and more information.

Alternatively, the time zone set for the map service can be changed to match the time zone set for the feature class with editor tracking enabled. Refer to How To: Set the UTC time field to follow a specific time zone for steps and more information.

I deployed several apps in the exchange server but onle one app is reporting wrongly , called TA-Windows-Exchange-IIS. So I only need to change the timezone in that specific app if I understood correctly.

Knime 4.3.1. Using PostgreSQL connector and DBWriter with Zoned Date Time columns, trying to commit to table in PostgreSQL. Postgres has a timestamp with timezone type. Default behavior is to map this type to a string in the db. Not sure why since the driver should support it. For some reason Knime/jdbc driver fails with this error trying to map to the timestamp_with_timezone db type.


Create a table with a Zone Date Time column and some data. Update PostgreSQL Connector mapping for Zoned Date Time to timestamp with timezone. Try to use a DB Writer to commit it to a new table. Should get this error.

Hello txjmb,

Postgresql does not properly support the timestamp with time zone type according to the documentation it is just an offset timestamp. The returned column does not contain the timezone itself.

The recommended "fix" would be to do a software-only of the full Oracle version and copy the files from there. Unfortunately, Oracle 11 is no longer available, so my recommendation would be to - if possible - use Oracle XE 18 instead of 11, and see if you have the same problem. If you do, then get a full software-only install of Oracle 18 or 19 and copy the timezone files from there.

Honestly, you get used to all these things. No language is without itsquirks, and terrible design choices are no barrier to massivepopularity. Just ask Rasmus Lerdorf, creator of PHP, by any measureone of the world's most successful languages.

But we found a new bug in golang, one that stumped an entire room ofseasoned industry veterans for a solid hour. I actually hesitate toeven call it a bug, because it's so obscure, and the trigger mechanismso specific to our unit test that it broke, that most people willprobably never run into it. So, maybe surprising undefined behavior isa better description?

A new customer came to us with a problem: his R program writing rowsto Dolt wasn't actually writing any rows. This was pretty surprising,since at this point we've integrated customers on a variety ofplatforms and languages, and they all manage to get basic read / writefunctionality working. That's the benefit of being MySQL compliant: ifit works for one language or connector, that's pretty decent evidenceit will work for others. But he sent us a reprocasethat demonstrated the problem. Something wasn't working.

After a little digging into the intricacies of the R MySQL client, Maxfigured out what the problem was: the result schema from aCOM_STMT_PREPARE should return a response indicating 0 columns forINSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements, since these statementsdon't have a return schema, just status metadata like rows edited. Wewere returning a column with our internal OKResult schema. Mostclients don't care about this difference, but R's does.

But that's not the bug. That's just the bug fix that made us discoverthe real bug, the one that had us scratching our heads. Because whenwe went to release it to unblock our customer, we also picked upanother change, an innocuous change to how our SQL server's logmessages were formatted.

Deep equality was failing because the time struct returned by thequery had a different timezone than the expected value. Specifically,we weren't giving an initialized time.Location for the expected timeobject, but the server was returning one.

After a lot of excited and confused shouting as we argued about how toship our crucial bug fix when CI was failing for unrelated reasons,somebody figured out that the test started passing again when youcommented out another test case, one that failed and wrote a logmessage. And it wrote a log message using a new format I had justmerged, one that did this:

As it turns out, our SQL server was using the time.Local location,which has some interesting behavior. golang doesn't try to determinewhat your timezone info is without asking you. That would be rude!Instead, it waits for you to tell it to load this info explicitly,after which further calls to fetch the Local location will includethis cached, detailed information. But calling Format on a timeobject, for some format strings (such as time.RFC3339), needs toload this information, so will do so implicitly as a sideeffect. After such a call to time.Format, all time.Time structswith the time.Local location will include this info, when theydidn't before.

All of us with a few years of experience under our belts have seenworse bugs than this. This one was kind of fun, because it only set usback a few hours, never hit production or impacted customers, and wasjust so wacky in its root cause that it crossed over intoentertaining. Thanks for the memes, Rob. But still: even anentertaining foot-gun is still a foot-gun. Learn from our mistake,kids. Never trust a datetime library will do what you want, especiallyany defaults.

We have a workflow which schedule to runs daily 2 times a day (1st run is at 6am and 2nd run is at 11 am). The workflow using 1 zip file and 2 .csv files which are places at same folder. From last two weeks the workflow is getting failed once a week with error that it cannot find one file i.e. xyz.csv (Rest two files are able to fetch by WF). However, the file is already present in the given folder and

2. We observed that whenever workflow failed at first run with the given error, In second run it takes more time than usual. (usually it'll finish running in 1 hour but when failed at 1st run it takes 2+hours to run)

You may also want to look through the Windows Event Viewer logs on both the machine hosting your Alteryx Server and the network share. This may have logged a more descriptive reason for why the file was not read/found.

Is there a specific syntax in the name of the file which is being created during the failed runs which would create problems for the action tool or whatever you are using to update the file path? Perhaps there is a something in the specific name which is causing a regex_replace or other part of the action tool to generate the wrong path identifier for Alteryx? A trouble shoot would be to download the workflow and attach a browse tool next to the file path/location and enter the specific name of the .csv file not found (with syntax) to see if it could find it.

@apathetichell : Might not be an issue with the file path. The OP notes that the workflow runs successfully on a second run after the first run fails. There might be some kind of timing or permission issue somewhere in the systems surrounding their Alteryx system.

One of the reasons behind this message is the use of the wrong JDK version (JRE instead of JDK). In principle, when you start with a clean system, I would expect dataiku to take care of installing the right Java runtime. But maybe there was a previous installation in the machine DSS is installed?

Hello, I set up an Offload workflow to SharePoint. It ran for two days and has been falling since. I receive the following error "Workflow Execute: Could not access target. Please check your workflow configuration for errors.". In some of the research, found that I should not use Microsoft Edge. I deleted my workflow and created a new one in Chrome, and I'm experiencing the same issue. 152ee80cbc

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