Good Young Adult Books to Read for YA

Good young adult books include adventure and excitement. Other essentials for good books to read for young adults include a message.  Any good ya books that successfully combine a fast-paced storyline, with twists and turns, coupled with the above, are generally popular with all readers, regardless of age.

Add to the mix a bit of time travel and a sci-fi theme, set in a modern world where climate change is a big part of the story, and readers of all ages are captivated by the possibilities. Start with a seemingly ordinary teen who discovers his connection with extraterrestrial heroes, one of whom is his senator father, running for president, and a fictional story takes on a new twist, where modern day events become blurred with fictional possibilities.

Such is the story of  Aaden BlueStar Awakening, which joins the ranks of good young adult books. It’s part of a series of good ya books to read for young adults that includes sci-fi and time travel in a modern-day setting.

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