This plugin is built as a datasource plugin that comapre and contrasts different time shifts data - GitHub - AutohomeCorp/autohome-compareQueries-datasource: This plugin is built as a datasource pl...

Note: On Mint's Xfce-spin (18.* and 19) the "All Settings" manager does not show the foregoing option. Moreover, Xfce's popup window differs somewhat from Gnome's -- it has an "unlock" button (prompting you for the root password) not present on Gnome's, but doesn't display a time-server selection list like Gnome's popup.

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Prompted by your replies, i did some additional research. On my Mint systems, LM18.3 & LM19, i found the "Time and Date" settings GUI in the menus. In a terminal, however, the equivalent command to execute is "time-admin" which ends up displaying the afore mentioned gui. It even has its own man-page.

Much to my surprise, though, this command's man-page states that this command is part-and-parcel of the "Gnome system tools". Then when i searched in synaptic on Mint 18.3, i found both an entry for the "gnome-time-admin" and "gnome-system-tools" packages, and i also found an apt-cache policy for both. The troubling observation i made was that the installed gui looks different (possibly back-leveled?) from what synaptic lists, and what the gui's help button displays (the look of the gnome-version).

The Panel has a helpful dialog for how the time is shown, but it looks like if I need to change the time itself I need to manually install another package or use the Terminal? I can't offer an OS like this to non-power users. "Install the OS, oh and don't forget to install the Date/Time Settings Dialog box after", is not going to get anyone excited.

Nice surprise to see this old post again. I have checked several of my systems (Mint 19.3 32-bit and 64-bit with xfce 4.12, and Mint 20.0, 64-bit with xfce 4.14) and the "gnome-system-tools" package is installed by default. As well, the "time-admin" app can be added to the xfce panel (if so desired) and pops up its gui when run from the terminal. So it really depends on how a distro is being packaged, imho.

Howeverm i do agree with your observation -- any DE should ship with a FULL complement of config tools, and not leave it up to a distro to provide such necessities as time & date setting. As much as we tend to look down on windoz' "Control Panel", we have a way to go to reach that level of completeness out-of-the-box on linux' DEs...

(I'd advise the dev team that a 'cog' button be placed in the top corner of the month/calendar view, which appears when a user clicks the time in the Panel. Upon clicking this the user would immediately be provided the relevant dialog. Also, a 'Time and Date' launcher should be added to the Whisker menu, because 'Manjaro Settings Manager' is not what people search for. At the very least add keywords 'date' and 'time' to the above launcher. Any Manjaro devs here? Thanks)

When adjusting the time, you may have to configure some setting items.

If you are having trouble setting the time, we recommend trying the watch operations described here before contacting us for repair or inquiry.

2. Refer to the manual and check the Home Time City and Daylight Saving Time settings.

(Depending on the manual, the description in the table of contents may appear as How to Set Home Time City and Daylight Saving Time and How to Adjust Home Time Data)

3. If the time is still misaligned after trying the above operation, try the Manual Signal Reception operation in the manual.

(Depending on the manual, the description in the table of contents may appear as Receiving Radio Signals, How to Enable Radio Signal Reception, etc.)

Upon successful signal reception, the time will be corrected.

Even when Manual Signal Reception is not selected, the watch will automatically receive signals late at night, so if the watch is placed near a window with the glass side up, the signal will be received and the time will be corrected by the next morning.

(If signal reception is successful after trying the operation in Step 1, the time will be adjusted correctly.)

Try the operation described in the Manual Signal Reception section of the manual.

(Depending on the manual, the description in the table of contents may appear as Receiving Radio Signals, etc.)

Upon successful signal reception, the time will be corrected.

If the signal reception fails, please check the Home Time City and Daylight Saving Time settings in the instruction manual and try Manual Signal Reception again. (Depending on the manual, the description in the table of contents may appear as How to Set Home Time City and Daylight Saving Time and How to Adjust Home Time Data)

Even when Manual Signal Reception is not selected, the watch will automatically receive signals late at night, so if the watch is placed near a window with the glass side up, the signal will be received and the time will be corrected by the next morning.

(Upon successful signal reception, the time will be corrected)

Even when Manual Signal Reception is not selected, the watch will automatically receive signals late at night, so if the watch is placed near a window with the glass side up, the signal will be received and the time will be corrected by the next morning.

(If signal reception is successful after trying the operation in Step 1, the time will be adjusted correctly.)

2) If the digital and analog time is out of sync after performing the above operation, try the operation in the Analog Hand Adjustment section.

(Depending on the manual, the description in the table of contents may appear as Hand Position Correction, etc.)

The Windows Time service (W32Time) synchronizes the date and time for all computers managed by Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS). This article covers the different tools and settings used to manage the Windows Time service.

By default, a computer that is joined to a domain synchronizes time through a domain hierarchy of time sources. However, if a computer has been manually configured to synchronize from a specific time source, perhaps because it was formerly not joined to a domain, you can reconfigure the computer to begin automatically sourcing its time from the domain hierarchy.

Most domain-joined computers have a time client type of NT5DS, which means that they synchronize time from the domain hierarchy. An exception to this is the domain controller, which functions as the primary domain controller (PDC) emulator operations master for the root forest domain. The PDC emulator operations master in turn is configured to synchronize time with an external time source.

Also, on older computers that run Windows XP or earlier, the Net time /querysntp command displays the name of a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server with which a computer is configured to synchronize, but that NTP server is used only when the computer's time client is configured as NTP or AllSync. This command has since been deprecated.

The Windows Time service follows the Network Time Protocol (NTP) specification, which requires the use of UDP port 123 for all time synchronization. Whenever the computer synchronizes its clock or provides time to another computer, it happens over UDP port 123. This port is reserved by the Windows Time service as the destination port.

You can use the w32tm command to configure Windows Time service settings and diagnose computer time problems. W32tm is the preferred command-line tool for configuring, monitoring, and troubleshooting the Windows Time service. Membership in the local Administrators group is required to run this tool locally and membership in the Domain Admins group is required to run this tool remotely.

/update: Notifies the Windows Time service that the configuration has changed, causing the changes to take effect./manualpeerlist:: Sets the manual peer list to , which is a space-delimited list of DNS or IP addresses. When specifying multiple peers, this option must be enclosed in quotes./syncfromflags:: Sets what sources the NTP client should synchronize from. should be a comma-separated list of these keywords (not case sensitive):MANUAL: Include peers from the manual peer list.DOMHIER: Synchronize from a domain controller (DC) in the domain hierarchy./LocalClockDispersion:: Configures the accuracy of the internal clock that W32Time will assume when it can't acquire time from its configured sources./reliable:(YES|NO): Set whether this computer is a reliable time source. This setting is only meaningful on domain controllers.YES: This computer is a reliable time service.NO: This computer isn't a reliable time service./largephaseoffset:: Sets the time difference between local and network time that W32Time will consider a spike./debug {/disable | {/enable /file: /size:/ /entries: [/truncate]}}Enables or disables the local computer Windows Time service private log. This parameter was first made available for the Windows Time client in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008./disable: Disables the private log./enable: Enables the private log.file:: Specifies the absolute file name.size:: Specifies the maximum size for circular logging.entries:: Contains a list of flags, specified by number and separated by commas that specifies the types of information that should be logged. Valid values are 0 to 300. A range of numbers is valid, in addition to single numbers, such as 0-100,103,106. Value 0-300 is for logging all information./truncate: Truncate the file if it exists./dumpreg [/subkey:] [/computer:]Displays the values associated with a given registry key.The default key is HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time (the root key for the Windows Time service)./subkey:: Displays the values associated with subkey of the default key./computer:: Queries registry settings for computer ./monitor [/domain:] [/computers:[,[,...]]] [/threads:]Monitors the Windows Time service./domain: Specifies which domain to monitor. If no domain name is given, or neither the /domain nor /computers option is specified, the default domain is used. This option might be used more than once./computers: Monitors the given list of computers. Computer names are separated by commas, with no spaces. If a name is prefixed with a *, it's treated as a PDC. This option might be used more than once./threads: Specifies the number of computers to analyze simultaneously. The default value is 3. The allowed range is 1-50./ntpte Converts an NTP time (measured in 2-32-second intervals starting from 0h 1-Jan 1900) into a readable format./ntte Converts a Windows NT system time (measured in 10-7-second intervals starting from 0h 1-Jan 1601) into a readable format./query [/computer:] {/source | /configuration | /peers | /status} [/verbose]Displays the computer's Windows Time service information. This parameter was first made available for the Windows Time client in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008./computer:: Queries the information of . If not specified, the default value is the local computer./source: Displays the time source./configuration: Displays the configuration of run time and where the setting comes from. In verbose mode, display the undefined or unused setting too./peers: Displays a list of peers and their status./status: Displays Windows Time service status./verbose: Sets the verbose mode to display more information./registerRegisters the Windows Time service to run as a service and adds its default configuration information to the registry./resync [/computer:] [/nowait] [/rediscover] [/soft]Tells a computer that it should resynchronize its clock as soon as possible, throwing out all accumulated error statistics. The NTP client requires UDP 123 as the source port. /computer:: Specifies the computer that should resynchronize. If not specified, the local computer resynchronizes./nowait: don't wait for resynchronization to occur; return immediately. Otherwise, wait for resynchronization to complete before returning./rediscover: Redetects the network configuration and rediscovers network sources, then resynchronizes./soft: Resynchronizes by using existing error statistics. This is used for compatibility purposes./stripchart /computer: [/period:] [/dataonly] [/samples:] [/rdtsc]Displays a strip chart of the offset between this computer and another computer. The NTP client uses ephemeral UDP source port to communicate to the server to prevent conflicts with the inbox NTP client./computer:: The computer to measure the offset against./period:: The time between samples, in seconds. The default is 2 seconds./dataonly: Displays the data only, without graphics./samples:: Collects samples, then stops. If not specified, samples are collected until Ctrl+C is pressed.

/rdtsc: For each sample, this option prints comma-separated values along with the headers RdtscStart, RdtscEnd, FileTime, RoundtripDelay, and NtpOffset instead of the text graphic.

RdtscStart: RDTSC (Read Time Stamp Counter) value collected just before the NTP request was generated.RdtscEnd: RDTSC value collected just after the NTP response was received and processed.FileTime: Local FILETIME value used in the NTP request.RoundtripDelay: Time elapsed in seconds between generating the NTP request and processing the received NTP response, computed as per NTP roundtrip computations.NTPOffset: Time offset in seconds between the local computer and the NTP server, computed as per NTP offset computations./tzDisplays the current time zone settings./unregisterUnregisters the Windows Time service and removes all of its configuration information from the registry.Set the client to use two time serversTo set a client computer to point to two different time servers, one named and another named, run the following: e24fc04721

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