Currently I have a configurable Time Series Chart which the user is able to choose the start date and end date. After the user generate the chart I would like export the dataset in xls format. May I know what is the best way to do it because I had tried in many ways but it dint work.

Image above show the time series chart and the dataset in Ignition Designer. May I know how can I read the dataset and export the xls file format or I should read the timeserieschart data then only export in xls format.

Time Series Dataset Csv Download

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@JordanCClark Hi Bro, thanks for your link but this is not the one I want. What I want is export the data in the dataset to excel format by clicking a button in the perspective. So I think what I need to use is system.dataset.toExcel but I had tried this code but it dint work. May I know that is there any example.

The thread that you provided is hard code the dataset inside the script. In my case, I would like to get the dataset from Time Series Chart like the image above. May I know how can I do that ?

Image below show the hard code of the data set in the script.

The script mentioned above has been implemented, now i can able to download multiple dataset in single excel file at different sheets.

Now i need to change the sheet names using script , can you please help on this

(Dataset1,Dataset2,Dataset3.......) to different names , refer to the screenshot.

Screenshot (332)19201080 227 KB

Since I am very lazy I don't want to spend time downloading datasets, loading them and perform pre-processing to test some sample functions on different timeseries. What are some sample timeseries datasets available with R and python? (which can be imported easily). For eg: there is the iris dataset (which can be easily loaded in my environment using data(iris)).

This site contains data, reference results and links to code for Time Series Classification (TSC), Time Series Clustering (TSCL) and Time Series Extrinsic Regression (TSER) The classification data form part of the UCR time series archive. Regression data are part of the TSER repository. We thank everyone else involved in donating to and maintaining these archives.

The scikit-learn compatible aeon toolkit contains the state of the art algorithms for time series classification. All of the datasets and results stored here are directly accessible in code using aeon.

The Advanced Analytics and Learning on Temporal Data (AALTD) workshop ran for the eighth time on 18th Sept in Turin. The workshop is part of the ECML/PKDD converence and selected papers will be published in LNCS. See, for example, 2022 and 2021 versions.

This website is an ongoing project to develop a comprehensive repository for research into time series classification. The domain is owned by Tony Bagnall and maintained by his research group to help promote reproducable research. Unfortunately, we never have enough time to do it justice. If you are interested in sponsoring this website so we can develop it further, please get in touch. If you use the results or code, please cite the latest bake off paper "Matthew Middlehurst, Patrick Schfer and Anthony Bagnall, "Bake off redux: a review and experimental evaluation of recent time series classification algorithms" ArXiv (under review)

I have a large dataset (I have split it into 2000 files, each with an hour of 256hz time series data, too large for memory), and my model takes 30 seconds of this data as input. I want to sample these 30 second windows randomly from the data. I was worried that using a map style dataset would be too slow considering it would have to load a whole file in order to get a 30 second window from it, which turned out to be true. I made a custom batch sampler and a custom dataset, where getitem calls the pandas function read_csv with skiprows and nrows parameters to try and only load what I need, but it is still incredibly slow due to the read_csv call on every sample to a file with ~900k rows, even with batching and multiple workers.

The multitude of papers exploring the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic over the last 12 months has motivated us to develop new, alternative measures of COVID-19. One limitation of current research has been the lack of robustness in quantifying the effects of the pandemic. We use a novel approach, word searches from popular newspaper articles, to capture key variants of proxies for the pandemic. We thus construct six different indices relating to the COVID-19 pandemic, including a COVID index, a medical index, a vaccine index, a travel index, an uncertainty index, and an aggregate COVID-19 sentiment index.

Specifically, we consider the different proxies used in the literature. The most popular measure of COVID-19 has been the number of deaths and the number of virus cases (Gurrib et al., 2021; Haroon & Rizvi, 2020). Other COVID-19 measures include the Google-based COVID-19 fear sentiment and investor attention to the pandemic (Chen et al., 2020), a global fear index that combines indices of COVID-19 cases and deaths (Salisu & Akanni, 2020), an index of uncertainty due to pandemics and epidemics (Salisu & Sikiru, 2020), an accounting index reflecting the periods before and after the COVID-19 outbreak (He et al., 2020), and other government response indices, such as the COVID-19 government response stringency, containment and health, and economic support indices (Chang et al., 2021).

This table provides details of words used to represent each measure of COVID-19 for index construction. Covid is our COVID-19 measure; medical relates to a medical index; travel relates to a travel index; vaccine relates to a vaccine index; uncertainty relates to an uncertainty index; and aggregate relates to an aggregate COVID-19 index, capturing the pandemic sentiment.

In the next step, we run a heteroskedasticity-consistent ordinary least squares (OLS) regression of T on day-of-the-week dummy variables. We exclude the Wednesday dummy to avoid the dummy variable trap. The resulting constant and residuals from the OLS model are added to adjust the data for day-of-the-week effects. We thus obtain \({T - adjusted}_{t}\), where \(t\) denotes time. In the third step, we compute the index as

The time-series indices based on Equation (1) are presented in Table 3. There are six indices, and the aggregate index includes all 327 keywords. An MS Excel version of the dataset is available from the authors.

This table presents the time-series index for each measure/proxy of the COVID-19 pandemic. A_COVID Index is an aggregate measure that includes all 327 words as noted in Table 1 (Panel A). This is followed by the medical index, a travel index; an uncertainty index; a vaccine index; and the COVID index. Specific details on the words contained in each index can be found in Table 2. The index covers the sample 12/31/2019 to 4/28/2021.

I am new to this technology and trying to understand the applicability of taking a large time series based dataset largely made up on metrics and associated meta data and storing the embeddings in the pinecone vector database. The aim is to use Question Answer to allow users through a ChatGPT style LLM ask investigatory style questions of the measurement data. Conceptually thinking of leverage the context of the user asking the question to apply filters against the meta data stored in the time series data. Thanks for any pointers!!

Thanks for your quick reply @Cory_Pinecone. Our data set is largely measurement metrics that are relevant to the meta data of each sample. You could think of it like health metrics such as pulse rate, blood pressure etc and the meta data being the person being tested, their age, location etc etc. Our aim is to be able to ask questions across a large collective dataset of these ongoing measurements to uncover insights that may otherwise be lost in standard visualisations etc

The QoG datasets are open and available, free of charge and without a need to register your data. You can use them for your analysis, graphs, teaching, and other academic-related and non-commercial purposes. We ask our users to cite always the original source(s) of the data and our datasets.

In the QoG Standard CS dataset, data from and around 2019 is included. Data from 2019 is prioritized, however, if no data is available for a country for 2019, data for 2020 is included. If no data exists for 2020, data for 2018 is included, and so on up to a maximum of +/- 3 years.

The QoG Standard, Basic, and OECD datasets have been made possible thanks to researchers and institutions, who kindly share their data with us to disseminate it to a larger audience. Our compilation datasets and visualization tools are and will be always open-source, and it has been used by thousands of researchers and students across the world and disciplines.

With the 2022 update, we made some changes in our identification variables to make the data-merging processes with other datasets easier. We have replaced our country name (cname) and country code (ccode) variables with the ISO-3166-1 standard country names and numeric codes. Whenever the numeric code or name does not exist in the ISO standard, we imputed the code and name used by the QoG standard, making sure it did not clash with previous codes. For example, the QoG name standard for France is France (-1962) and France (1963-). With adopting the ISO standard, the name is France for both entities.

In November, 2023, we found that we had dropped the observation for the Democratic Republic of Congo for the variables of the Global Gender Gap Index 2006-2023 for one year. The datasets are now corrected.

The Stata/IC has limitation in 2 047 variables. The QoG Standard datasets are bigger and therefore users of the Stata/IC cannot use these datasets in its original form. If you have access to Stata/IC, you can only open the variables in the QoG Standard dataset that you need for studies.

For example, in the demand forecasting domain, a target time series dataset would contain timestamp and item_id dimensions, while a complementary related time series dataset also includes the following supplementary features: item price, promotion, and weather. e24fc04721

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