Practical Info

The workshop will be held in the conference hall of

Bellavista Relax Hotel in Levico Terme (Trento, Italy).

Expected arrival date: Sunday 1st, September / Expected departure date: Friday 6th, September (after lunch)

Participants will be lodged in the same hotel. Hotel Bellavista offers full pension (breakfast, lunch, dinner and morning coffee break). The costs are:

70,80€ p.p. per night (double room) and 82,80€ p.p. per night (single room).

We hope that the participants are willing to share double rooms.

If you want to participate in the summer school, but you want to stay in a single room, then please contact us at such that we can check the current capacity at Hotel Bellavista.

Please, click here to find information on how to reach Levico and the conference venue.