Final Grade Determination

Final Grade Components and Due Dates

Exams (40% of Final Grade)

Two 45 minute exams given in lecture. Each exam is equally weighted for the exam portion of the final grade. All exams are closed book, closed notes, and no electronic devices allowed.

    • September 17, 2018
    • October 9, 2018

Quizzes (45% of Final Grade)

Five 15 minute quizzes given in lecture over the term. Material based on recommended homework assignments covered in conference, and are documented on Canvas. Best four grades are averaged for the quiz portion of the final grade. All quizzes are closed book, closed notes, and no electronic devices are allowed. No make-up quizzes are allowed.

    • August 27, 2018
    • August 31, 2018
    • September 10, 2018
    • September 24, 2018
    • October 1, 2018

WebWorK (15% of Final Grade)

There will be assignments using this online tool to understand your basic knowledge of the topics for that day's lecture. You receive full credit for correct answers, independent of the number of attempts made. The first two assignments is due on August 24, 2018. Each problem is equally weighted (1 point is a perfect score). These assignments need to be completed by 5:30pm on their due date. No make-up assignments are allowed. The three lowest percentage scores will not be included in this component of the final grade.

Due dates can be found on WebWorK