Tijn de Vos

About me

I'm a PhD student in theoretical computer science at the University of Salzburg, supervised by Sebastian Forster. I obtained my master's degree in Mathematics from the University of Amsterdam, under supervision of Viresh Patel.  You can find my master's thesis here


Room 2.34

Jakob-Haringer-Str. 2

5020 Salzburg, Austria 


Climate Crisis

The biggest problem we will face in our lifetime might be the climate crisis. It is my opinion that everyone, but especially all scientists, have  a role to play in creating a more sustainable way of living. As an individual researcher, this can include travelling by train as much as possible, adjusting eating habits to a vegetarian/vegan diet, combining multiple trips into one when feasible, and use modern tools for global collaborations. Please consider supporting the Theoretical Computer Scientists for Future initiative

Research interests


Tree-Packing Revisited: Faster Fully Dynamic Min-Cut and Arboricity (arXiv)

Tijn de Vos ® Aleksander B. G. Christiansen

Manuscript, 2024

New Tradeoffs for Decremental Approximate All-Pairs Shortest Paths (arXiv)

Michal Dory, Sebastian Forster, Yasamin Nazari, Tijn de Vos

ICALP 2024

Fast 2-Approximate All-Pairs Shortest Paths (arXiv)

Michal Dory, Sebastian Forster, Yael Kirkpatrick, Yasamin Nazari, Virginia Vassilevska Williams, Tijn de Vos

SODA 2024

Fast Algorithms for Energy Games in Special Cases (arXiv)

Sebastian Forster, Antonis Skarlatos, Tijn de Vos

GandALF 2023

Minimum Cost Flow in the CONGEST Model (arXiv)

Tijn de Vos


PODC 2023 (Brief announcement)

The Laplacian Paradigm in Deterministic Congested Clique (arXiv)

Sebastian Forster, Tijn de Vos

PODC 2023 (Brief announcement)

The Laplacian Paradigm in the Broadcast Congested Clique (arXiv)

Sebastian Forster, Tijn de Vos

PODC 2022

A Framework for Distributed Quantum Queries in the CONGEST Model (arXiv)

Joran van Apeldoorn, Tijn de Vos, 

PODC 2022

QIP 2022 (Poster, no proceedings)

Faster Cut Sparsifiaction of Weighted Graphs (arXiv)

Sebastian Forster, Tijn de Vos

ICALP 2022

Algorithmica, 2022

An Improved Random Shift Algorithm for Spanners and Low Diameter Decompositions  (arXiv)
Sebastian Forster, Martin Grösbacher, Tijn de Vos

OPODIS 2021 

Teaching Assistant

Academic Service