

Name: Buckpaw
--Other Names: Buckkit, Bucktail
Gender: Male
Age: 8 moons
Looks: Slim brown tom with a long tail, and brilliant blue eyes.
Personality: Bold, snarky, full of himself, loud, proud
Sexuality: Straight
Clan/Allegiance: Shadowclan
--Mother: Open, must be dead, but formerly shadowclan, and have hated Buckpaw when she was alive.
--Biological Father: Open, must have died before Buckpaw was born, and have been Shadowclan.
--Fatherly Figure: Flashtail ( @Flashtail ), loves Buckpaw, despite the fact Buckpaws a bad cat he always tries his best to be the father Buckpaw never had, and make sure the good things he does gets noticed.
--Littermates: None, Buckpaw was a single kit.
Friends: Open, though it won't be many
Mentor/App: His mentor is Flashtail ( @Flashtail )
Mate/Crush: Crush is open, but he's not gonna be the one to start crushing
Kits: N/A
Other: At heart Buckpaw wants to be a good cat, but he's had rough past that makes him make bad choices because he never learned any better.