About me. 

I enjoy writing and exploring areas where existing and new methods can be applied in different domains in order to discover new knowledge about the world in which we live and work.

I've published on a variety of platforms, from scientific publishing and book chapter writing, to newsletter and blog articles. Access all of my writing here

Maastricht University Diversity Day 2018

Featured Recent Publications

Leung TI, de Azevedo Cardoso T, Mavragani A, Eysenbach G. Best Practices for Using AI Tools as an Author, Peer Reviewer, or Editor. J Med Internet Res 2023;25:e51584. DOI: 10.2196/51584

You J, Leung TI, Pandita D, Sakumoto M. Primary Care Informatics: Vitalizing the Bedrock of Health Care. J Med Internet Res 2024;26:e60081. DOI: 10.2196/60081

El Emam K, Leung T, Malin B, Klement W, Eysenbach G. Consolidated Reporting Guidelines for Prognostic and Diagnostic Machine Learning Models (CREMLS). 

J Med Internet Res 2024;26:e52508. DOI: 10.2196/52508

Griffin AC, Wang KH, Leung TI, Facelli JC. Recommendations to promote fairness and inclusion in biomedical AI research and clinical use. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 2024;157. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbi.2024.104693

Leung TI, Sagar A, Shroff S, Henry T. Can AI Mitigate Bias in Writing Letters of Recommendation? JMIR Med Educ 2023;9:e51494. DOI: 10.2196/51494

Pietrantonio F, Kuhn S, Kärlberg K, Leung TI, Said-Criado I, EFIM Telemedicine, Innovative Technologies and Digital Health Working Group. Telemedicine in internal medicine: A statement by the European Federation of Internal Medicine. Eur J Intern Med. 2023 Mar 3:S0953-6205(23)00061-4. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejim.2023.02.021 Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36872139.

McCall T, Asuzu K, Oladele CR, Leung TI, Wang KH. A Socio-Ecological Approach to Addressing Digital Redlining in the United States: A Call to Action for Health Equity. Front Digit Health. 2022;4:897250. DOI: 10.3389/fdgth.2022.897250

Previous Scholarly Work

Book chapter on 

"Leadership Roles in the Specialist Digital Health Workforce"

Check out the book chapter here and the whole book, The Health Informatics Workforce

SGIM Forum Monthly Newsletter

For the latest issue of SGIM Forum, visit: https://connect.sgim.org/sgimforum/home. 

Check out all published monthly Editorials during term as Editor-in-Chief of SGIM Forum from August 2020 through July 2023.

Women in Medicine - Check out my latest work on gender equity in medicine and informatics. Also, I was an ACP WEL scholar (2020-2022)

Projects & Collaborations

The ACP Pan-Asian Affinity Group is a collaboration of Pan-Asian members of the American College of Physicians. 

Join the Affinity Group by logging in with your ACP ID here.

A podcast sharing stories to advance medicine. One story at a time.

Check out all episodes here.

Dragonfly Mental Health, a non-profit organization created to cultivate excellent mental health in academics worldwide.

WiDS Datathon Maastricht - Feb 5-6, 2021

Reprising my role as a judge on the pitch evaluation committee for the 2nd annual datathon

A campaign to raise awareness about physician suicide.

#NPSAday on September 17th of every year