DIY Dance Pads

It had been a while since I did anything hardware related. I tried my hand at building a hard pad for playing DDR/ITG, mostly following existing guides.  The pad consists of a 2x2' plywood board with acrylic panels placed over force sensing resistors. The FeatherS2 Neo microcontroller is programmed using CircuitPython and contains a built-in LED matrix, perfect for debugging sensors.

I also made a mini version of this! I wrote a more detailed description on the design choices. Project page here.


I participated in the LA Hacks 2017 hackathon with Hirak Kashyap, Xinyun Zou, and Si-Yuan Kong. We created a working demonstration of a babysitter robot designed to help parents monitor the safety of small children and toddlers. The project ended up winning the 1517 Prize and placed in the top 10.



Scheherazade’s World 

For a college class in gaming and narratives, I worked with Tiffany Wang to prototype an interactive multiplayer online game targeted towards young girls, utilizing elements of narrative to address suicide prevention. The project was presented to the class and won the first place prize.


For a college class in computer music, I designed an interface in Max/MSP/Jitter, a visual programming language for musicians, performers, and composers. The interface re-created the functionalities of Vocaloid, a popular singing synthesizer tool.