The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers

Department of ECE

Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology

The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers

The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) is India's leading recognised professional society devoted to the advancement of Science and Technology of Electronics, Telecommunication & IT. Founded in 1953. The IETE is the National Apex Professional body of Electronics and Telecommunication, Computer Science and IT Professionals. It serves more than 1,25,000 members (including Corporate, Student and ISF members) through various 64 Centres, spread all over India and abroad. The Institution provides leadership in Scientific and Technical areas of direct importance to the national development and economy.


The Engineering students studying in Engineering Colleges and Polytechnics across the Country can be a part of the ISF ( IETE Students' Forum ). More than 550 live ISFs are functioning in India today with a student membership of more than 60,000.

For more details visit :

Objective of Society

The main objective of this society is to organize technical events that involve electronics, telecommunication, and IT as a core area. It organizes events like workshops on Arduino from scratch, Line Follower, Bluetooth controlled Robots, etc.It helps in enhancing students’ interest and knowledge in electronics and communication areas by imparting practical knowledge through various workshops, technical talks, and minor projects. It helps students to acquire the necessary skills required and achieve much more at unmatched scale, with software and interactive learning.


  • ISF students are welcome to attend IETE technical programs in India at reduced Regn. fees.

  • One complete set of technical publications of the IETE including IETE Journal of Research and IETE Journal of Education is available for study to student member of ISF at TIET.

  • ISF member will be issued with an Identity Card.


Our team will always be there for your help and support.


Competitive environment in order to enchance your level.


Regular workshops for your personal development.


Difference between IETE and ISF ?

IETE is the parent of ISF (IETE Students' Forum) . The student body for IETE is called ISF.

Difference between IETE and ISF ?

IETE is the parent of ISF (IETE Students' Forum) . The student body for IETE is called ISF.