
Voyager on ArtBlocks

Voyager is part of the ArtBlocks Presents collection. Drop occurred on April 17th 2023.

Available on the secondary market :

Voyager on ArtBlocks
    Voyager on OpenSea 


Voyager 1&2 have been launched in 1977. They were sent to explore the 4 giant gaseous planet of our solar system, thanks to an alignment configuration available once every 175 years. Wikipedia 

Io and Europa moons with Jupiter

Voyager 2. Feb. 1979. NASA/JPL.

This image is the inspirational source of my project. A giant planet, moons with the size of our Earth looking so small... giving the scale of the Jupiter planet.

I was 6... when this image has been taken. Real people have discovered this image for the first time...

I want to give the same feeling with my project... to give the feeling to discover the first image of a new world for the first time. In fact, you'll not get a single image, but many different views of your planetary system (thanks to the liveMode, see below).

Voyager is a pass ticket giving access to infinite views of your planetary system...


Voyager 1&2 are the farthest objects from Earth created by man. Now travelling at the speed of 17km/s, it will require tens of thousands years at least for it to reach other system.

In "Voyager", I imagine Voyager approaches a planet and its moons and send back the image to Earth.

In reality, they will never approach anything close enough to be capture by camera by far. Distances in the Universe are difficult to apprehend.


I've made a short video using the Voyager that have already been minted on ArtBlocks.

Sound on and loud. Fullscreen.

Youtube link :

FEATURES : Mission Phase

The "Mission phase" features gives an information on the distance to the planet.

I used the NASA description of the different phases : NASA Phase Description 

In a flyby operation, Observatory phase (OB) begins when the target can be better resolved in the spacecraft's optical instruments than it can from Earth-based instruments. This phase generally begins a few months prior to the date of flyby. OB is marked by the spacecraft being for the first time completely involved in making observations of its target (rather than cruise activities), and ground resources are completely operational in support of the encounter. The start of this phase marks the end of the interplanetary cruise phase.  (...)

Far Encounter phase (FE) begins when the full disc of a planet can no longer fit within the field of view of the instruments. Observations are designed to accommodate parts of the planet rather than the whole disc, and to take best advantage of the higher resolution available. (...)

Near Encounter phase (NE) includes the period of closest approach to the target. It is marked by intensely active observations with all of the spacecraft's science experiments, including onboard instruments and radio science investigations. It includes the opportunity to obtain the highest resolution data about the target. (...)

Observatory (far)     Observatory

far encounter

Coming closer and closer...

Moon near encouNter

In this one, a moon appears on the first plan.

Planet near encounter

Closest distance to the planet. Maximum details on the planet texture.


Standard space environment consists on a dark sky with some stars placed randomly.

There are 3 types of feature family that have an impact on the visual layout :

Milky Way

Milky Way is the view of our galaxy as we can see it in clear nights. It's a compound of gaseous parts with bright star population.


Nebula is composed of gas that blocks light (and appears dark) or diffuses light (and appears bright).


Cluster comes with 2 possibilities : Hyades and Coma Berenice. These are 2 closests star clusters. They contain lots of stars... I interpreted this with dust like structure and more stars. The difference between the two is light (depends on parameters, but Hyades is little more extreme than Coma Berenice).

Milky Way



Coma Berenice

Small features.

Disclaimer : some objects look real (comet, eclipse, Magellanic clouds...) some have been enlarged to be seen given the scale (Einstein ring and cross, asteroid like), some are just creative interpretation but would not look like that (nova, supernova...) and some have never been seen...

White Dwarf




Einstein Ring

Einstein Cross

Magellanic Clouds


Above : the objects in the Voyager artwork. Below : real images of the same objects (the astrophysical scale is not respected, Einstein cross and rings should be so small you can't see them giving the camera aperture).

FEATURES : Gravitational wave

Gravitational waves are produced by the collapse of binary systems involving black holes and/or neutron stars. They produce waves that distort the space structure itself. My interpretation is quite extreme, but these are the most energetic events in the Universe...


Voyager is roughly 3/4 Monochromatic and 1/4 Bichromatic. Blue for Cold planets, Red-Orange for Warm planets and Red for Hot planets.




FEATURES : Planet Category

I followed a nomenclature used to characterize exoplanets (and added a few style myself like TransNeptunian).
TransNeptunians, Neptunians and Jovians are gaseous planets. Jovian contains stripes like Jupiter while Neptunian are homogeneous.
All other are Telluric planets. I've decided to give the names to the ones that look more what I imagined they could be.

Cold, Warm and Hot are usually related to the scale of the noise I used to create their texture (colder => larger scale and hotter => smaller scalle). For Jovian, the hotter, the larger the number of stripes.
There is no physics, just my inspiration on what they could look like.

Gaseous planets

Cold Jovian

Hot Jovian

Warm Neptunian

Cold Transneptunian

Telluric planet

Hot Superterran

Warm Terran

Warm Subterran

Warm Miniterran



press S : to save the current image in png.

High Resolution

press 2, 3... 9 (URL, add DP=2) : change resolution. Increase the value step by step. Can be very long to draw, but it's worth it for printing. Very High Resolution can be achieved (depends on your system, test before purchase). Image is saved automatically at the end of the drawing.


press L (URL, add liveMode=true) : to discover different views of your planetary system (images will be drawn one after the other, with the same parameters for the main planet and the space environment).


press F (URL, add fitToScreen=true) : to adapt the artwork to any screen size (artwork is changed but main parameters remain the same).

Monochrome mode

press M (URL, add monoChromatic=true) : to force the artwork to be monochromatic

Remove Gravitational Wave mode

press G (URL, add GW=false) : to remove the gravitational wave effect


URL, add offset=<Number>, to offset the image production (same planet parameters and space environment).


URL, add grainy=true, to produce images with larger grains and speed the rendering process (useful for display purpose)

URL Parameters

URL Parameters are added to the end of a URL after a ‘?’ symbol, and multiple parameters can be included when separated by the ‘&’ symbol.

You can combine "?liveMode=true&fitToScreen=true&grainy=true" in the URL for display purpose (TV, Art show...).

You can combine "?liveMode=true&DP=4&offset=1000" to produce new images and save them automatically with the correct resolution (to adapt the resolution to your needs).


A guide help you discover the main options for interactions.
You can download its PDF version.

Sample Gallery

Vitie the Sample Gallery page to have a glimpse of what you could mint (or obtain with your token with the liveMode possibilities.)

High Resolution

In the Interactive guide you'll be explained how to achieve high resolution images. Here, an example of details obtained with DP=6 (5672x8508 pixels rendered in 30 minutes). This is a good example where the thumbnail do not give justice to the planet details... but in High Resolution the details are beautiful (and DP can go higher than 6)...


Higher resolution