

Le Goff, M., C. Dussault, J.-P. Tremblay, J. Nocera and S. D. Côté. 2024. Tick, tick, boom : comment survit la tique d’hiver sans son hôte? 15th Annual meeting of the Biology department, Université Laval, Québec, QC, Canada.


Côté, S. D., C. Bajzak, V. Bonin-Palardy, D. DePierre, F. Déry, C. Dussault, J. Filali, S. Hamel, J. H. Richard, D. Laurendeau, M. Le Goff, P. Leighton, D. Munn, J. Nocera, C. Pouchet, C. Fernandez Prada and J.-P. Tremblay. 2023.  Experimental control of winter ticks demonstrates higher survival of juvenile moose in eastern Canada. 30th Annual conference of the Wildlife Society, Louisville, KY, USA.

Côté, S. D., C. Bajzak, V. Bonin-Palardy, D. DePierre, F. Déry, C. Dussault, J. Filali, S. Hamel, J. H. Richard, D. Laurendeau, M. Le Goff, P. Leighton, D. Munn, J. Nocera, C. Pouchet, C. Fernandez Prada and J.-P. Tremblay. 2023. An experimental study of the impact of winter ticks on the ecology and survival of moose in eastern Canada. 55th North American Moose Conference and Workshop, Grand Portage, MN, USA. ** Upcoming **

Richard J. H., V. Bonin-Palardy, S. D Côté, D. De Pierre, F. Déry, C. Dussault, J. Filali, S. Hamel, M. Le Goff, D. Laurendeau, P. Leighton, D. Munn, J. Nocera, C. Pouchet, C. Prada and J.-P. Tremblay. 2023. Partenariat de recherche sur les relations Tique-Orignal-Climat. Annual Conference of the Réseau ZEC, Québec, QC, Canada. 25 March 2023.

Richard J. H., V. Bonin-Palardy, S. D Côté, D. De Pierre, F. Déry, C. Dussault, J. Filali, S. Hamel, M. Le Goff, D. Laurendeau, P. Leighton, D. Munn, J. Nocera, C. Pouchet, C. Prada and J.-P. Tremblay. 2023. Partenariat de recherche sur les relations Tique-Orignal-Climat. Annual General Meeting of the Fédération québécoise des chasseurs et pêcheurs of the Capitale-Nationale region, St-Augustin-de-Desmaures, QC, Canada. 25 February 2023.


Tremblay, .J-P . 2022. Les hauts et les bas de l’orignal dans la lorgnette du prof Tremblay. Annual General Meeting of the Fédération des pourvoiries du Québec, La Malbaie, QC, Canada. 1 December 2022.

Côté, S. D., D. De Pierre, F. Déry, C. Dussault, J. Filali, S. Hamel, J. Hénault-Richard, M. Le Goff, D. Laurendeau, P. Leighton, D. Munn, J. Nocera, C. Pouchet, C. Fernandez-Prada and J.-P. Tremblay. 2022. An experimental study of the impact of winter ticks on the ecology and survival of moose in Quebec and New Brunswick. Research Symposium on Moose research in the Northeast U.S. and eastern provinces of Canada, New Hampton, NH, États-Unis. 6 July 2022.


Déry, F. 2021. Latest progress on a citizen science program to follow winter tick burden and demographic parameters. 4th meeting of the Tick-Moose-Climate partnership, Québec, QC, Canada. 4 December 2021.

Déry, F., S. Hamel, J.-P. Tremblay, N. G. Yoccoz, S. D. Côté and C. Dussault. 2021. Prédictions itératives à cour terme dans les écosystèmes nordiques, modèles basés sur les interactions trophiques et la variations climatiques (poster). Sentinel North scientific meeting. 4 November 2021.

Déry, F. 2021. Efforts récents de récolte de données pour quantifier l’effet de la tique d’hiver sur les orignaux. 3rd meeting of the Tick-Moose-Climate partnership, Québec, QC, Canada. 20 May 2021.


Tremblay, J-P.,  S. D. Côté., C. Dussault, P. Leighton and C. Fernandez Prada, C. . 2020. Partnership for the study of the role of winter ticks on the population ecology of moose in eastern Canada . Ontario Ministry of Natural Ressources moose research workshop, Guelph, ON, Canada. 19-20 February 2020.


De Pierre, D ., J-P. Tremblay, P. Leighton and S. Côté. 2019. Manipuler la charge de tiques d’hiver pour comprendre comment les ectoparasites influencent la condition corporelle des veaux orignaux (poster). 1st meeting of the Tick-Moose-Climate partnership, Québec, QC, Canada. 10 December 2019.

Déry, F. 2019. Effets du polyparasitisme sur la condition corporelle des orignaux selon les conditions environnementales (poster). 1st meeting of the Tick-Moose-Climate partnership, Québec, QC, Canada. 10 December 2019.

Pouchet, C. 2019. Effets du polyparasitisme sur la condition corporelle des orignaux selon les conditions environnementales (poster). 1st meeting of the Tick-Moose-Climate partnership, Québec, QC, Canada. 10 December 2019.

Tremblay, J.-P., S. D. Côté., C. Dussault, P. Leighton, and C. Fernandez Prada. 2019. Les changements globaux, ça touche aussi les orignaux : R&D sur les interactions entre tiques, orignal et climat. Congrès annuel de la Fédération des pourvoiries du Québec, Trois-Rivières, QC, Canada. 5 December 2019.

Déry, F. 2019. Citizen science to monitor tick spread and its influence on moose. Citizen science - Data integration from multiple sources and modelling challenges - Aminor workshop, Norway. 28 November 2019.

De Pierre, D ., J-P. Tremblay, P. Leighton, S. Côté. 2019. Who’s to blame? Partitioning the effects of winter ticks from winter severity on moose body condition. 44th annual meeting of the Société Québécoise pour l’Étude Biologique du Comportement, Montréal, QC, Canada. 3 November 2019.

De Pierre, D., S. D. Côté, P. Leighton, and J.-P. Tremblay. 2019. Partitioning the effects of winter ticks from winter severity on moose body condition. 53rd North American Moose Conference, Sugarloaf, Maine, USA. 12 June 2019.

Tremblay, J.-P., S. D. Côté., C. Dussault, P. Leighton, and C. Fernandez Prada. 2019. Partnership for the study of the role of winter ticks on the population ecology of moose in eastern Canada. 53rd North American Moose Conference, Sugarloaf, Maine, USA. 12 June 2019.

Pouchet, C., C. Fernandez-Prada, C. Dussault, I. Laurion, J. Nocera, J.-P. Tremblay and S.D. Côté. 2019. Combined effects of parasitism on moose body condition in relation with winter tick (Dermacentor albipictus) load and environmental conditions. 53rd North American Moose Conference, Sugarloaf, Maine, USA. 12 June 2019.

De Pierre, D ., J-P. Tremblay, P. Leighton and S. Côté. 2019. Partitioning the effects of winter ticks from winter severity on moose body condition. 53rd North American Moose Conference and Workshop, Sugarloaf, Maine, USA. 12 June 2019.

Tremblay, J.-P. 2019. Partnership for the study of the role of winter ticks on the population ecology of moose in eastern Canada. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources moose research workshop, Guelph, ON, Canada. 19 February 2019.

De Pierre, D ., J-P. Tremblay, P. Leighton and S. Côté. 2019. Winter ticks and where to find them. American Bald Eagle Foundation, Haines, Alaska, USA.


De Pierre, D ., J-P. Tremblay, P. Leighton and S. Côté. 2018. Manipulating winter tick load to understand how parasites shape moose body condition (poster). 12th annual meeting of the CFR, Québec, QC, Canada. 1 May 2018.

De Pierre, D ., J-P. Tremblay, P. Leighton and S. Côté. 2018. Détermination des effets de la tique d'hiver (Dermacentor albipictus) sur la santé des orignaux : une approche expérimentale. 7th edition of the Journée de la Recherche en Sciences et Génie. Québec, QC, Canada. 21 September 2018.

De Pierre, D ., J-P. Tremblay, P. Leighton and S. Côté. 2018. Partitioning the effects of winter tick from winter severity on moose body condition. 43rd annual meeting of the Société Québécoise pour l’Étude Biologique du Comportement, Trois-Rivières, QC, Canada. 17 November 2018.