TPNI Bibliography

Key to Abbreviated Bibliographical References

This is specifically intended to serve as a bibliographic key for users of "Tibetan Proper Name Index," compiled by Dan Martin (version: December 2023).


In using this reference work you are certain to encounter at every turn abbreviated bibliographical references in [1] the form of numbers or in [2] the form of letters.  This latter includes combinations of authors' last names and/or words from titles or sometimes acronyms based on titles.  There are also some number‑letter (and letter‑number) combinations.  An underlined element is always included in all these types of references.  (The underlined last name of an author can and often does stand alone as a complete abbreviated reference.)


Please note that, unless otherwise noted below, page numbers follow added Arabic numerals in reprinted Tibetan texts whenever these are available (rather than the Tibetan folio nos., folio nos. may be easily identified when they are used since they are accompanied by letters indicating the side of the folio page, the recto marked 'r' and the verso marked 'v'); the number following the page number, divided with a decimal point, is the line number (Klong chen pa is an exception; in this case the verse no. is given following the chapter no. and a decimal point).  A Roman numeral directly following the underlined part of an abbreviated reference (and before the page and line references) refers to volume or serial number.


The first, the numerical type of bibliographical reference:  The text is indicated by an underlined number alone, and this is immediately followed by the volume [when necessary], page and line numbers.  The second is alphabetical, in which cases the volume [when necessary], page and line numbers immediately follow the underlined part of the abbreviated reference.  In many, but not all cases, the family name of the author has been supplied immediately before the underlined portion, divided from it by a comma.  In these cases, one must look it up under the name of the author.  If you see a reference such as Tucci, TL&B, it must be located under "Tucci," and not under "TL&B."  Sometimes, in cases in which the author's family name is the only word used for the abbreviated reference, the name itself is underlined and can stand alone as a short reference.  For example: Waddell.


NOTE:  Given the variety of confusions plaguing bibliographers in the field of Tibetan studies, I thought it important to provide varied even if sometimes rather random sources of verification for the bibliographical information given here.  Truth be told, it is of little value to know the volume and page reference to a publication if that publication cannot be correctly identified and located.  Many entries have Library of Congress numbers as used in the Indiana University Main Library (official name: Herman B. Wells Library), reproducing the call numbers actually used in the I.U. library (in order to help eliminate ambiguities about which precise edition is intended).  Sometimes Library of Congress accessions numbers are given, and these may be located in the India (& sometimes also Nepal or Sikkim) accessions lists.[1] Some IASWR fiche nos. are included here.  More recently, some effort has been made to match works with their TBRC (Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center, aka BDRC) Work RID numbers.[2]  Between the valuable internet resources of the I.U. library[3] ("iucat") and the TBRC website (now called BDRC or BUDA), it ought to be possible to find a good reference for every published 20th‑century Tibetan book edition with (in my experience) very few exceptions.  Of course "WorldCat"[4] can also be used to locate copies of the relevant publication in a library in, or as near as possible to, your city of residence.  Those who prefer to do so can, of course, make use of the Library of Congress online catalog.[5]  I believe that today, in 2023, Tibetans and Tibetanists are most likely to use the online resources of BDRC/BUDA, not only because of its relatively complete set of title entries,[6] but for the fact that they often link to immediately downloadable texts, maps, biographical sketches, searchable etexts and so on.



1 —    Mkhan po Ngag dbang chos grags, A Brief Account of the Spiritual Succession to the Headship of the Exalted Drukpa Kargyudpa Tradition Entitled The Key to Golden Miraculous Events [Tibetan title:  Dpal Rgyal dbang 'Brug pa'i Gdan rabs Mdor bsdus Ngo mtshar Gser gyi Lde mig], KSNK (Darjeeling 1974).  Copy in personal possession.  I–Tib 74‑902738.  In I.U. library - Tib‑A/BQ7683.2/.N33/1974.

2 —  The Amarakoṣa in Tibet, ed. by Lokesh Chandra, Śata–piṭaka Series no. 38, Arya Bharati Mudranalaya (New Delhi 1965).  IASWR Fiche R‑1121.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/PK945/.A5/1965.

3 —  Ven. Rechung Rinpoche Jampal Kunzang, Tibetan Medicine, University of California Press (Berkeley 1976).

4 —    Rje btsun Mi la ras pa'i Rnam thar Rgyas par Phye ba Mgur 'bum. A woodblock recently printed in Kulu Manali at Monastery of Ci ta ri.  Personal woodblock printed copy.  TBRC Work RID: W1CZ1988.

4 Chang — Garma C. C. Chang, The Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa, Shambhala (Boulder 1977), reprint of 1962 edition.

4A Rnal 'byor gyi Dbang phyug Dam pa Rje btsun Mi la ras pa'i Rnam thar Thar pa dang Thams cad Mkhyen pa'i Lam ston. A woodblock recently printed in Kulu Manali at Monastery of Ci ta ri (same printing as 4).  Personal woodblock printed copy.  TBRC Work RID: W1CZ1988.

4A Lhalungpa — Lobsang P. Lhalungpa, in collaboration with Far West Translations, The Life of Milarepa: A New Translation from the Tibetan, E.P. Dutton (New York 1977).

4B Evans‑Wentz  — Walter Yeeling Evans‑Wentz & Dawa Samdup Kazi, ed. & tr., Tibet's Great Yogi Milarepa, Oxford University Press (New York 1971).

4X —   Rnal 'byor gyi Dbang phyug Mi la Bzhad pa'i rdo rje'i Gsung Mgur Mdzod nag ma, "edited and arranged by Zhwa nag iii Rang byung rdo rje (1284‑1339)," Damchoe Sangpo (Dalhousie 1978), in 2 volumes. Personal copy.  TBRC Work RID: W23432.

5 —  Lo chen 'Gyur med bde chen, Grub pa'i Dbang phyug Chen po Brtson 'grus bzang po'i Rnam thar Kun gsal Nor bu'i Me long, M.M. Press, Ballimaran (Delhi 1976).  Personal copy.

6 —  Kālacakra Tantra and Other Texts, pts. 1 & 2, ed. by Raghu Vira and Lokesh Chandra, Śatapiṭaka series no. 69, Arya Bharati Mudranalaya (New Delhi 1966).  Personal copy.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ2172/.R3/1966.

7 —  Nges Gsang Don Brgyud Snying po'i Bstan Srung Yongs 'dus kyi Smin byed Rjes gnang Phyogs Bsdus Legs bshad Nor bu'i Drwa ba, or, Mgon po'i Dbang Dpe, "compiled by Byams me Lha mchog Ngag dbang bstan 'dzin blo gros," KSNK (Darjeeling 1973).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ4750/.M353 B2.

8 —  Bde chen chos 'khor Yongs 'dzin II Kun dga' lhun grub (1617‑1676), The Collected Works (Gsung 'bum) of Bde chen chos 'khor Yongs 'dzin ii Kun dga' lhun grub, KSNK (Darjeeling 1973 & 1985).  Two volumes were published, in 1973 and 1985.  I‑Tib 73 902713.  TBRC Work RID: W23218.

9 —  Detlef Ingo Lauf, Secret Doctrines of the Tibetan Books of the Dead, Shambhala (Boulder 1977).

10 Kaḥ thog Rig 'dzin Tshe dbang nor bu, Selected Writings, KSNK (Darjeeling 1973).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7662/.K242/1973.  Evidently the 2nd volume was never published. Historical note: What was formerly 10 was at one point changed to 4C (q.v.), while 10A was changed to 4A.

11 'Jam mgon Kong sprul, The Torch of Certainty, tr. by Judith Hanson, Shambhala (Boulder 1977). For a Tibetan text of the Nges Don Sgron me, see 12 VIII 3–123.

12 'Jam mgon Kong sprul (1813‑1899), Rgya chen Bka' Mdzod: A Collection of the Writings of 'Jam mgon Kong sprul Blo gros mtha' yas, Ngodup, Kyichu Temple (Paro, Bhutan 1975), in 20 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7662 .K6 1975.

13 Geshe Lhundup Sopa and Jeffrey Hopkins, Practice and Theory of Tibetan Buddhism, Grove Press (New York City 1976).

14 David L. Snellgrove, and Tadeusz Skorupski, The Cultural Heritage of Ladakh:  Vol. 1, Prajña Press (Boulder 1977).

15 Mkhan po Ye shes chos dar, Mnyam med Dwags po Bka' brgyud kyi Ring lugs Dri ma med pa'i Tshul Cung zad Gleng ba Legs bshad Dbyar rnga'i Sgra dbyangs, Pleasure of Elegant Sayings Printing Press (Sarnath 1972).  I‑Tib 72‑905286.  In I.U. library - Tib‑A/BQ7681.2/.Y47/1972.

16 Detlef Ingo Lauf, Tibetan Sacred Art:  The Heritage of Tantra, Shambhala (Berkeley 1976).

17 'Brug chen iv Padma dkar po, Collected Works (Gsung 'bum) of Kun mkhyen Padma dkar po (Darjeeling 1973‑76).  TBRC Work RID: W10736.  Note:  See the printing history in 1 60. Vol. 2, the volume largely indexed here, contains his Chos 'byung Bstan pa'i Padma Rgyas pa'i Nyin byed (for the date and circumstances of its composition, see 17 IV 12.4).

17A —  Refers to a more recent blockprinted edition with red edging.  In I.U. library - Tib‑D BQ7673/.P32/1979.  TBRC Work RID: W22080.

18 David Snellgrove and Hugh Richardson, A Cultural History of Tibet, Praeger (New York 1968).

19 Tsepon W.D. Shakabpa, Tibet:  A Political History, Yale University Press (New Haven 1973).

20 E. Gene Smith, "Preface," contained in: The Life of the Saint of Gtsang, Śatapiṭaka series no. 79 (New Delhi 1969).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7668.9/.G78 R4.

21 Bsod nams grags pa, Deb ther Dmar po Gsar ma, tr. by Giuseppe Tucci, Serie Orientale Roma XXIV, Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente (Rome 1971).

22 'Bri gung Dkar brgyud pa Texts, "comprising a collection of rare works on 'Bri gung Dkar brgyud pa practice from the library of Rtogs ldan Rin po che of Sgang sngon," D. Tsondu Senghe (Bir 1975).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7684.4/.B75/1975.

23 Kongtrul's Encyclopedia of Indo‑Tibetan Culture, pts. 1‑3, ed. by Lokesh Chandra with introduction by E. Gene Smith, Śatapiṭaka series no. 80, International Academy of Indian Culture (New Delhi 1970).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7547/.K827.

24 Rwa lung Dkar brgyud Gser 'phreng, "reproduced from the 1771‑2 Spungs thang xylographic blocks," SNGP (Palampur 1975), in 4 volumes.  TBRC Work RID: W19222.

25 Hugh E. Richardson, "A Tibetan Inscription from rGyal Lha khang and a Note on Tibetan Chronology from A.D. 841‑1042," Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1957), pp. 57‑78.

26 'Khrul zhig Nam mkha'i rnal 'byor, Phyag rgya chen po Gsal ba'i 'Phreng ba, Gonpo Tseten, Palace Monastery (Gangtok 1976).

27 D.S. Ruegg, The Life of Bu ston Rin po che, Serie Orientale Roma series no. 24, Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente (Rome 1966).

28 Giuseppe Tucci, Preliminary Report on Two Scientific Expeditions in Nepal, Serie Orientale Roma series no. 10, Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente (Rome 1956).

29 Golden Rosary of Shangs pa Dkar brgyud pa Masters, "reproduced from the Dpal spungs Tsa 'dra Ri khrod edition," Smanrtsis Shesrig Spendzod series no. 15, Sonam W. Tashigangpa (Leh 1970).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7680/.S4/1970.

30 Yang dgon pa Rgyal mtshan dpal, Gsung 'bum, KSNK (Darjeeling 1973).  TBRC Work RID: W23790.

31 Stag lung Zhabs drung Ngag dbang rnam rgyal, Chos 'byung Ngo mtshar Rgya mtsho, SNGP (Tashijong 1972), in two volumes.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B BQ7685.2/.N3/1972.  For more publishing details, see now Dan Martin's Tibetan Histories (2020 edition), no. 314.

32 Thang stong Snyan brgyud, "a collection of Gcod practices," Trayang (New Delhi 1973).  TBRC Work RID: W23921.

33 Rdo brag Rig 'dzin I Padma 'phrin las, Bka' ma Mdo Dbang gi Bla ma Brgyud pa'i Rnam thar Ngo mtshar Dad pa'i 'Phreng ba, S.W. Tashigangpa (Leh 1972). Written in 1681.  TBRC Work RID: W21523.

34 Karma nges don bstan rgyas, Chos rje Karma pa Sku 'phreng Rim byon gyi Rnam thar Mdor bsdus Dpag bsam khri shing (cover title: Karmapa Biographies), Topden Tsering, TBMC (New Thobgyal 1973).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7682.9/.A2 K28/1973.

35 Si tu Paṇ chen Chos kyi 'byung gnas and 'Be lo Tshe dbang kun khyab, History of the Karma Bka' brgyud pa Sect, "reproduced from a print of the Dpal spungs edition belonging to Nam mkha' rdo rje of Nang chen," D. Gyaltsen and Kesang Legshay (New Delhi 1972), in 2 volumes.  IASWR fiche: R-1809.  TBRC Work RID: W23435.  For more publishing details, see D. Martin's Tibetan Histories (2020 ed.), no. 452.

36 Kong sprul (comp.), Gdams ngag Mdzod, "reproduced from Dpal spungs blockprint," N. Lungtok and N. Gyaltsan (Delhi 1971).  TBRC Work RID: W21811.

36A —This refers to the more recent pothi format edition (Paro 1979) of the same collection in 17 vols.  TBRC Work RID: W20877.

37 La dwags Rtogs sprul Thub bstan bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan (b. 1938), Chos rje 'Bri gung Gdan rabs, no ed. (n.p. n.d.).  BT4913.  I‑Tib 75‑904913 (1969?).  TBRC Work RID: W2CZ6035.  For more publishing details, see Tibetan Histories (2020 ed.), no. 661.

38 Bka' brgyud Gser phreng Chen mo:  Biographies of Eminent Gurus in the Transmission Lineage of the 'Ba' ra Dkar brgyud pa Sect, Ngawang Gyaltsen and Ngawang Lungtok (Dehra Dun 1970), in 4 vols.  TBRC Work RID: W19231.

39 Bya bral Sangs rgyas rdo rje, ed., Autobiographical Reminiscences of Ngag dbang dpal bzang, Sonam T. Kazi (Gangtok 1969), with a preface by E. Gene Smith.  TBRC Work RID: W30148.

40 Dalai Lama viii 'Jam dpal rgya mtsho, Biography of Tshe gling Yongs 'dzin Ye shes rgyal mtshan, with a preface by E. Gene Smith, Ngawang Gelek Demo (Delhi 1969).  TBRC Work RID: W30171.

41 Collected Works of Thu'u bkwan Blo bzang chos kyi nyi ma, ed. and reproduced by Ngawang Gelek Demo (Delhi 1969), with an introduction by E. Gene Smith.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7550/.T48/1969.

42 Mi pham rgya mtsho, Gzhan gyis Brtsad pa'i Lan Mdor bsdus pa Rigs lam Rab Gsal:  De nyid Snang byed, Sonam T. Kazi (Gangtok 1969), with a preface by E. Gene Smith.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ3147/.M57 B566/1969.

43 The Autobiography of the First Panchen Lama Blo bzang chos kyi rgyal mtshan, "edited and reproduced by Ngawang Gelek Demo with introduction by E. Gene Smith," Gedan Sungrab Minyam Gyunphel Series no. 12 (Delhi 1969).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7945/.B547 A33/1969.

44 Brag phug Dge bshes Dge 'dun rin chen, 'Brug smyon Kun dga' legs pa'i Rnam thar Rgya mtsho'i Snying po Mthong ba Don ldan, Mani Printing Works (Kalimpong 1971).  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ942/.R8 B8/1971.

45 LahulCollected Works (Gsung 'bum) of Sgam po pa Bsod nams rin chen, "reproduced from a manuscript from the Bkra shis Chos rdzong Monastery in Miyad Lahul," Khasdub Gyatso Shashin (Delhi 1975 or 1976).  TBRC Work RID: W23444.

45 GemurSelected Writings of Sgam po pa (the Ge mur ms.), TBMC (Dolanji 1974).  TBRC Work RID: W23346.

46 Ye shes chos dar, Mnyam med Dwags po Dkar brgyud, Pleasure of Elegant Sayings Press, Tibetan Monastery (Sarnath 1972).  In I.U. library - Tib‑A/BQ7681.2/.Y47/1972.

47 Smon lam rab bzang, Nā ro Chos drug gi Khrid yig Rmongs Mun Sel byed Nyi 'od (a longer title exists), Jayyed Press (Delhi 1975).  Written in 1911, this publication is a retracing of a 1949 Bde chen chos 'khor blockprint.  TBRC Work RID: W23575.

48 'Khrul zhig Padma chos rgyal, Bka' brgyud Che Bzhi Chung Brgyad kyi Gsol 'debs Gdung ba'i Pho nya (, n.d.). CT905612.  I.U. library has two publications of this, one from 1969, and another from 1972.  I am not sure which one is meant here.  Probably this one:  Tib‑C/BQ7679.6/ .P33/1969.

49 Ma pham rdo rje, Rnal 'byor gyi Dbang phyug Grags pa mtha' yas dpal bzang po'i Rnam thar Mgur 'gum Ngo mtshar Nor bu'i Phreng ba, "reproduced from tracings from prints of the Central Tibetan blocks from the library of Burmiok Athing," Gonpo Tseten, Palace Monastery (Gangtok 1977).  PL3602b/T100.  See TBRC Work RID: W14371.

50 Rare Tibetan Texts from Lahul, "reproduced from a manuscript preserved at the Gemur Monastery," Topden Tshering (Delhi 1974).  TBRC Work RID: W1KG9607.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ982/.G638 R39/1974.

51 —   Bka' brgyud Gser 'phreng, Topden Tshering (Dolanji 1975), in 2 vols. complete.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7669.9/.A2 R5/1975.  Contains biographies of Nāropa and Tilopa.

52 Klong chen Rab 'byams pa Dri med 'od zer, Rang grol Skor Gsum, reproduced by Sonam T. Kazi with preface by E. Gene Smith (Gangtok 1969).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7800/.K577/1969.

53 Shangs pa Bka' brgyud pa Texts, "a collection of rare manuscripts of doctrinal, ritual and biographical works of scholars of the Shangs pa tradition from the monastery of Gsang sngags chos gling in Kinnaur," Jayyed Press (Delhi 1977), in 2 vols.  Vol. 2 contains the Mgur 'bum of Gling ras pa.

54 Two Histories of the Bka' gdams pa Tradition from the Library of Burmiok Athing:  Paṇ chen Bsod nams grags pa, Bka' gdams Gsar Rnying gi Chos 'byung Yid kyi Mdzes Rgyan (1529); Bsod nams lha'i dbang po, Bka' gdams Rin po che'i Chos 'byung Rnam thar Nyin mor Byed pa'i 'Od Stong (1484), Gonpo Tseten, Palace Monastery (Gangtok 1977).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7670.2/.T85/1977.  See D. Martin's Tibetan Histories (2020 ed.), nos. 225 and 256.

55 'Jam mgon Rgyal ba Gnyis pa'i Rgyal tshab Dpal ldan Bla ma Dam pa Khyab bdag Khri chen Byang chub chos 'phel dpal bzang po'i Rnam thar Dga' ldan Bstan pa'i Mdzes rgyan (biography of 69th Khri chen of Dga' ldan, Byang chub chos 'phel, by Dar han Mkhan sprul Blo bzang 'phrin las rnam rgyal) & Bka' gdams Bstan pa'i Mdzod 'Dzin Rje btsun Bla ma Sangs rgyas bstan 'phel dpal bzang po'i Rnam par Thar pa Dad ldan Yid kyi Dga' ston (biography of Sangs rgyas bstan 'phel of Shel dkar by Shel dkar Bka' 'gyur Bla ma Ngag dbang blo bzang bstan 'dzin tshul khrims rgyal mtshan), "reproduced from blockprints from Lha sa and Shel dkar," Ngawang Sopa (Delhi 1976).  TBRC Work RID: W5336.

56 Giuseppe Tucci, Transhimalaya, Nagel Publishers (Geneva 1973).  A volume in the Archaeologia Mundi series.  It has been reprinted by Vikas Publishing (Delhi n.d.).

57 Rgyal dbang Kun dga' dpal 'byor, Collected Works, "reproduced from a manuscript set preserved at Pha jo lding Monastery," Kunzang Tobgey (Thimphu 1976).  Note:  The second volume has two parts, each with its own separate pagination; the two parts have been marked 57 IIA and 57 IIB.

58 Joseph F. Rock, "Excerpts from a History of Sikkim," Anthropos, vol. 48 (1953), pp. 925‑48.

59 Gtsang Mkhan chen 'Jam dbyangs Dpal ldan rgya mtsho (1610‑1684), Dpal 'Brug pa Rin po che Ngag dbang rnam rgyal gyi Rnam thar Rgyas pa Chos kyi Sprin chen po'i Dbyangs, "the detailed biography of the 1st Zhabs drung Rin po che of Bhutan, reproduced from a print of Punakha blocks (carved ca. 1800) preserved in the Beling Monastery in Lahul, H.P.," Topden Tshering (Delhi 1974).  TBRC Work RID: W30164.

60 Khams smyon Dharma seng ge, Nyams mgur Chu zla'i Gar 'Phreng, "The Visionary and Mystic Poetry of Khams smyon Dharma sengge, being the text of Khams smyon Dharma Seng ge'i mgur chu zla'i gar 'phreng," Sonam T. Kazi (Gangtok 1970).  I(Sik)‑Tib 70‑917092.

61 'Phags mchog rdo rje, Nges Don Phyag rgya chen po'i Khrid rim gyi Zin Thun Rgyal Kun Dgyes pa'i Gsang Mdzod, printed at Rta mgo Monastery in Bhutan. Colophon:  Punyabhadras Mkhan ljongs 'Od gling du// (?).  A woodblock print in 115 folios.  The publisher's name evidently ought to bea Tibetan by the name *Bsod nams bzang po.  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ7805/.P43/1976.

62 T.G. Dhongthog (Gdong thog) Rinpoche, A History of the Saskyapa Sect of Tibetan Buddhism, =Byang phyogs Thub pa'i Rgyal tshab Dpal ldan Sa skya pa'i Bstan pa Rin po che Ji ltar Byung ba'i Lo rgyus Rab 'byams Zhing du Snyan pa'i Sgra dbyangs, Lakshmi Printing Works (Delhi 1977).  TBRC Work RID: W1KG3706.  See Dan Martin's Tibetan Histories (2020 ed.), no. 708.

63 The Collected Works (Gsung 'bum) of Thang stong rgyal po, Jayyed Press (Delhi 1976), in 4 vols.  TBRC Work RID: W23919.

64 Rgod tshang pa Mgon po rdo rje, Collected Works (Gsung 'bum), "reproduced from the manuscript set once belonging to Rje Shākya rin chen and preserved at Pha jo lding Monastery," Jayyed Press (Delhi 1976), in 5 vols.  For more details, see TBRC Work RID: W23867.

65 IV — vol. 4 of a Gsung 'bum of Rgod tshang pa Mgon po rdo rje, "reproduced from manuscript belonging to the Stag tshang ras pa Bla brang of He mis," KSNK (Darjeeling 1972). Vol. 5 was also printed (but vols. 1‑3 were never found, so they were published from a different manuscript).  For more details, see TBRC Work RID: W23789.

66 The Collected Works of Zhe chen Rgyal tshab Padma rnam rgyal, "reproduced from xylograph prints and manuscript available in India, Bhutan and Nepal at the order of Ven. Dingo Chhentse Rimpoche," Ngodup, Kyichu Temple (Paro 1975+).  I.U. library has vols. 1‑4 (more added).  For more publishing details, see TBRC Work RID: W3916.

67 Kun mkhyen 'Jigs med gling pa Rang byung rdo rje mkhyen brtse'i 'od zer, Sgom Phyogs Dris lan dang Zhal gdams Skor, "a collection of instructions and replies to various queries on Buddhist meditation and practice, photo‑reproduction of a Lha sa print," Ngodrup and Sherab Drimay, Kyichu Monastery (Paro 1976).

68 The Collected Autobiographical Writings and Works on Rnying ma pa Philosophy of Rig 'dzin Zil gnon dbang rgyal rdo rje, "reproduced from the library of H.H. the Dalai Lama," Tibet House (New Delhi 1977).  Also in 1977, a similar collection of the same author's works appeared published by Gonpo Tseten, Palace Monastery, Sikkim.  This may be a source of confusion.

69 Collected Works (Gsung 'bum) of Padma chos 'phel, "reproduced from a manuscript collection from the library of Ri bo che Rje drung Rin po che of Padma bkod," Tseten Dorje, Tibetan Nyingmapa Monastery, Camp no. 5 (Arunachal Pradesh 1974), in 2 vols.

70 Zhabs dkar Sna tshogs rang grol, Snyigs dus 'Gro ba Yongs kyi Skyabs Mgon Zhabs dkar Rdo rje 'chang chen po'i Rnam tharThe Autobiography of Zhabs dkar Sna tshogs rang grol of Amdo together with his O rgyan Sprul pa'i Glegs bam, "reproduced from examples of the Bkra shis 'khyil xylographic prints," Tsering Wangyal (Dolanji 1975).  I.U. library has the first two of three (?) vols.

71 The Collected Works (Gsung 'bum) of Phag mo gru pa Rdo rje rgyal po, "reproduced from rare manuscript from India, Nepal and Bhutan)," Gonpo Tseten, Palace Monastery (Gangtok 1976).  One vol. only was published, and it is in cursive letters.

72 Khams sprul Don brgyud nyi ma, ed., Bka' brgyud pa Hagiographies, SNGP (Tashijong 1972-1976).  For more details, see TBRC Work RID: W20499.

73 Bka' brgyud Yid bzhin nor bu yi 'Phreng ba: A Precious Rosary of Lives of Eminent Masters of the 'Bri gung pa Dkar brgyud pa tradition, ascribed to O rgyan pa Rin chen dpal, SSS series no. 38, S.W. Tashigangpa (Leh 1972).  See TBRC Work RID: W23181. See the discussion of authorship in D. Martin's Tibetan Histories (2020 ed.), no. 114.

74 Bde mchog Mkha' 'gro Snyan rgyud OR Ras chung Snyan rgyudA Manuscript Collection of Orally Transmitted Precepts Focussing upon the Tutelaries Cakrasamvara and Vajravarahi, "representing the Yig cha compiled by Byang chub bzang po, reproduced from a rare manuscript in the library of Apho Rimpoche," n.p. (New Delhi 1973), in 2 vols.  TBRC Work RID: W24891.

75 Herbert V. Guenther, The Life and Teachings of Naropa, Oxford University Press (London 1963).

76 Glo bo Mkhan chen Bsod nams lhun grub, Tshad ma Rigs pa'i Gter gyi Rnam par Bshad pa Rigs pa ma lus pa la 'Jug pa'i Sgo, "a commentary on the Tshad ma Rigs Gter of Sa skya Paṇḍi ta," reproduced from an original manuscript by Sonam T. Kazi with English introduction by E. Gene Smith (Gangtok 1970).  TBRD Work RID: W30185.

77 Christopher I. Beckwith, A Study of the Early Medieval Chinese, Latin and Tibetan Historical Sources on Pre‑Imperial Tibet, doctoral dissertation, Indiana University (Bloomington 1977).

78 Karma Grags pa yongs 'dus, Pha Gcig Bla ma Dam pa'i Rnam thar Rjes su Dran cing Gsol 'debs pa dang // Bshags shing Bsngo ba'i Rim pa bcas Mos gus Yid kyi 'Khri shing, a woodblock print. PL3600c/.T906893.  This could not be located in TBRC.

79 Adolphe Hermann and Robert de Schlagintweit (ed. by Hermann de Schlagintweit), "Glossary of Tibetan Geographical Terms," Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 3rd series vol. 20 (1863), pp. 67‑98.

80 Gary W. Houston, "The System of Ha Sang Mahayana," Central Asiatic Journal, vol. 21, no. 2 (1977), pp. 105‑110.

81 Karl Marx, "Three Documents Relating to the History of Ladakh," Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. 60, no. 3 (1891), pp. 97‑135.  This title continues in later issues of the same journal.

82 Luciano Petech, "Alcuni nomi geographici nel La dvags rgyal rabs," Rivista degli Studi Orientali, vol. 22 (1947), pp. 82‑91.

83A —Giuseppe Tucci, "Oriental Notes I:  The Tibetan White Sun Moon and Cognate Deities," East and West, vol. 15 (1963), pp. 133‑145.

83B —Giuseppe Tucci, "The Simbolism [sic!] of the Temples of bSam yas," East and West, vol. 6, no. 4 (January 1956), pp. 279‑281.

83C —Giuseppe Tucci, "The Secret Characters of the Kings of Ancient Tibet," East and West, vol. 6, no. 3 (October 1955), pp. 197‑205.

83D —Giuseppe Tucci, "Animadversiones Indicae," Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, n.s. vol. 26 (1930) article no. 2, pp. 125‑160.

83E —Giuseppe Tucci, "Tibetan Notes," Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, vol. 12 (1949), pp. 477‑496.

84 Turrel Wylie, "Mortuary Customs at Sa skya, Tibet," Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, vol. 25 (1964‑5), pp. 229‑242.

85 Lama Thubten Yeshe and Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche, Wisdom Energy: Two Tibetan Lamas on a Lecture Tour in the West, ed. by Jonathan Landaw & Alexander Berzin, The Conch Press (Honolulu ca. 1976).

86 Formerly AT316.  The reference was lost, unfortunately.  It would have contained a brief English biography of Sa skya Paṇḍi ta.

87 Rin chen Gter Mdzod Chen mo, Kyichu Monastery (Paro 1976‑1980), in 110 vols.  For more details, see TBRC Work RID: W20578.

88 Rig 'dzin Klong gsal snying po, Gu ru Drag po Ye shes Rab 'bar, "collection of revealed texts on the wrathful manifestaion of the guru, revealed by Rigzin Longsel Nyingpo (1625-1692) of Katok," B. Jamyang Norbu (1971-1972), in 2 vols.  AT924130.  TBRC Work RID: W30100.

89 Rtsis pa Kun dga' gsal ba (14th century), Yuddhajayārṇava Tantra, Tibetan Translation of the Text and a Detailed 14th Century Commentary, D. G. Khochhen Trulku (Dehra Dun 1975), in 713 pages.  "Reproduced from the Manuscript from the Library of Nyingmapa Lama's College."  The Tibetan title is: G.yul las Rnam par rgyal ba.  For more details, see TBRC Work RID: W2CZ6595.

90 Bka' brgyud Sngags Mdzod, "A Treasury of Precious Teachings of the Mar pa Bka' brgyud pa Tradition, compiled and Largely Written by Kong sprul," SNGP, Tibetan Craft Community, Tashi Jong (Palampur 1974), in 6 vols.  For more details, see TBRC Work RID: W20875.

91 Collected Rediscovered Teachings of Ratna gling pa, Taklung Tsetrul (Darjeeling 1977), vols. 1‑14 (vol. 3 missing).  In cursive script.  For details, see TBRC Work RID: W21730.

92 The Collected Gter ma of Rdo rje gling pa, Dodrup Sangye Lama, Kyichu Lhakhang (Paro 1976). I.U. library has vol. 2.  For more details, see TBRC Work RID: W23206.

94 The Collected Works of Lcang lung Paṇḍi ta Ngag dbang blo bzang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan (late or mid 18th century), "reproduced from a rare set of the A ga ba Bsod nams kun sdud gling blocks by the Ven. Mongolian Lama Gurudeva," Jayyed Press (Delhi 1975+).  IU Library has the first 3 volumes.  For more details, see TBRC Work RID: W6799.

95 The Life and Works of 'Khrul zhig Ngag dbang tshe ring, "reproduced from a manuscript collection at Rdzong khul Monastery in Zangs dkar," Topden Tshering (Delhi 1975), in 2 vols. complete.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ974/.A32 L5/1975.  Contents analysed in B in L 1‑2, ff.  It is fairly surely identical to TBRC Work RID: W22245.

96 Collected Works (Gsung 'bum) of the Eighth Khams sprul Skal bzang don brgyud nyi ma, SNGP, Jayyed Press (Delhi 1975). vols. 1 & 2 in I.U. library.  For more details, see TBRC Work RID: W24027

97 The Collected Songs of Spiritual Experience of Rong po Grub chen Skal ldan rgya mtsho, A lag 'Jam dbyangs, Ladakh Bauddha Vihara (Delhi 1977).  I was unable to locate this in TBRC.

98 Dbu ma Rgyan gyi Rnam bshad 'Jam dbyangs Dgyes pa'i Zhal lung, "a detailed study of the Madhyamakālaṅkāra of Śāntarakṣita by Mi pham rgya mtsho," Delhi Karmapae Chodhey (Delhi 1976).

99 Dpal Kye'i Rdo rje zhes bya ba'i Rgyud kyi Rgyal po'i 'Grel pa Legs bshad Nyi ma'i 'Od zer, "a detailed commentary on the Hevajra Tantra by Dwags po Paṇ chen Bkra shis rnam rgyal, reproduced from a print from the 16th century central Tibetan blocks by order of H.H. the 16th Karmapa."  See TBRC Work RID: W29342, which seems to be a 2004 reprint of this one, in 2 vols.

100 —   Dpal Rdo rje'i Tshig Zab mo Nang gi Don gyi 'Grel Bshad Sems kyi Rnam par Gsal bar Byed pa'i Rgyan, "a detailed exegesis of the famous treatise on the Anuttaratantra and its practice, the Zab mo Nang don (by Karmapa ii), by Dwags ram pa Chos rgyal bstan pa, reproduced from a 16th‑century blockprint edition by Karmapa xvi," Delhi Karmapae Chodhey (Delhi 1977).  TBRC Work RID: W23931.

101 —   Rlung rta'i Ka 'Dzugs Skor, "a collection of rites connected with Tibetan prayer flags used in Amdo," Mujib Press (Delhi 1976).  This must be the same as TBRC Work RID no. W8LS73601.

102 —   Dwags po Paṇ chen Bkra shis rnam rgyal, Gsang sngags Rdo rje theg pa'i Spyi Don Mdor bsdus pa Legs bshad Nor bu'i 'Od zer, Delhi Karmapae Chodhey (Delhi 1976).

103 —   Smin gling Lo chen Dharma shri, 'Byung rtsis Man ngag Zla ba'i 'Od zer, "a verse treatise on principles of Tibetan astrology, reproduced from prints of 1927 Lhasa blocks," SSS series no. 82, Dondup Tashi (Leh 1976).  TBRC Work RID: W29569.

105 —   Si tu Karma nges legs bstan 'dzin, Rtsis kyi Lag len Nyer mkho'i Bum Bzang, "and other texts by various authors, a collection of texts of the Mtshur lugs of Tibetan astrology, both Skar rtsis and Nag rtsis, reproduction from Dpal spungs blocks," T.G. Dhongthog Rinpoche (New Delhi 1977).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BF1714/T53 T4.  TBRC Work RID: W1GS88389.

106 —   Rig 'dzin Kun bzang rdo rje'i Rnam thar Skal ldan Snying gi Mun Sel Rig pa'i Sgron me, "autobiography and songs edited by his disciple Padma chos 'phel," Gonpo Tseten (Gangtok 1978).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ968/U5 K8/1978.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG4214.

107 —   'Brug chen viii Kun gzigs chos kyi snang ba, Dpal 'Khor lo sdom pa Lhan cig Skyes pa'i Dkyil 'khor gyi Cho ga Byin rlabs Bdud rtsi'i Gter Bum, "printed from blocks preserved in Sgrub sde of He mis Rgod tshang" (Chemre 1968).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ2180/.S247 K86/1968. This precise edition couldn't be located in TBRC.

108 —   Sde dge Mtshal par Bka' 'gyur, "a facsimile edition of the 18th century redaction of Si tu Chos kyi 'byung gnas under the direction of HH 16th Karmapa," Jayyed Press (Delhi 1976‑1979).  BQ1260/1976.  TBRC Work RID: W22084.

109 —   Bod pa Sprul sku Mdo sngags bstan pa'i nyi ma, Dbu ma Bzhi brgya pa'i Tshig Don Rnam par Bshad pa Klu dbang Dgongs rgyan, Sherpa Lama Ngawang Topgay (New Delhi 1978).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ2776/.M3.  TBRC Work RID: W10196.

110 —   Sog bzlog pa Blo gros rgyal mtshan, Slob dpon Sangs rgyas Gnyis pa Padma 'byung gnas kyi Rnam par Thar pa Yid kyi Mun Sel. Temples at Bsam yas listed on p. 237.  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ7950/.P327 S63/1975.  I haven't been able to identify which edition this ought to be, although it must date to 1975.  There are later editions of this same work from around 1985.

111 —   Rab gsal zla ba, Sangs rgyas Mnyan sprul Dgu pa'i Rnam thar Mdor Bsdus Dad pa'i Sa bon. A verse biography of Mnyan pa Bkra shis dpal 'byor.  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ968/.A8747 R3.  This ought to be identical to TBRC Work RID: W2PD19903.

112 —   Ngag dbang rnam rgyal, He ru ka'i Zhing du 'Dren pa'i Smon lam Yid kyi Shing rta. Written at Bkra shis Mon mo Rdza'i Ri khrod.  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ5592/.H4 N3/1973.  I was unable to locate this exact edition in TBRC.

113 —   Shes rab rdo rje, Thugs rje chen po'i Gsol 'debs Gdung 'Bod ma. Xylographic print from blocks preserved at Gsang sngags chos gling Monastery in Solu. N‑Tib 71‑919798.  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ5592/.A8 S46/1970.  I was unable to locate this exact edition in TBRC.

114 —   Tsong kha pa, Skyes bu Gsum gyis Nyams su Blang ba'i Byang chub Lam gyi Rim pa 'Bring po Sa bcad Kha skong dang bcas pa.  This is in the form of a photocopy in 20 leaves in personal possession.

115 —   Grub chen O rgyan pa'i Rnam par Thar pa Byin brlabs kyi Chu Rgyun, "a biography of the famed Tibetan Mahasiddha O rgyan pa Seng ge dpal by Zla ba seng ge... reproduced from a rare manuscript from the library of Slob dpon Bsod nams bzang po," Sherab Gyaltsen Lama (Gangtok 1976). Most of this work is actually by another direct disciple of O rgyan pa (the editors and catalogers missed a hidden colophon on p. 210).  Personal copy.  TBRC Work RID: W23940.

116 —   Rare Dkar brgyud pa Texts from Himachal Pradesh, "a collection of biographical works and philosophical treatises, reproduced from prints from ancient western Tibetan blocks," Urgyan Dorje (New Delhi 1976).  TBRC Work RID: W30121.

117 —   Phyag chen Khrid yig of Ngag dbang bstan pa'i nyi ma and Other Texts on the Mahamudra and Nā ro Chos drug precepts of Stag lung pa Dkar brgyud pa Tradition, "reproduced from manuscript from the library of Ri bo che Rje drung Rin po che of Padma bkod," Tseten Dorji, Tibetan Nyingmapa Monastery (Tezu 1973).  Copy in personal possession.  TBRC Work RID: W20522.

118 —   Rare Dkar brgyud pa Texts from the Library of Ri bo che Rje drung of Padma bkod, "comprising a selection of Bde mchog Snyan rgyud texts and the Rnam thar of Mitrayogin written by Rin chen rgyal mtshan ('Od zer 'bar)," Tseten Dorji, Tibetan Nyingmapa Monastery (Tezu 1974).  TBRC Work RID: W30534.

119 —   Rgyal thang pa Bde chen rdo rje, Dkar brgyud Gser 'phreng, "reproduced from a rare manuscript from the library of Hemis Monastery," The 8th Khams sprul Don brgyud nyi ma, SNGP, Tashijong (Palampur 1973).  IASWR R-3021.  TBRC Work RID: W23436.

120 —   Mi 'jigs pa sbyin pa dpal (Abhayadanasri), tr. by Dge slong Smon grub shes rab, 'Phags yul Grub chen Brgyad cu rtsa bzhi'i Byin rlabs Skor las/ Lo rgyus Rnam par Thar pa rnams. The Biography of 84 Saints of Buddhist (added Eng. title). E. Kalsang (Varanasi 1972).  Two copies in I.U. library - Tib‑A/BQ8948/.A4/1972.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG14799.

121 —   The Collected Writings (Gsung 'bum) of the Second Zhwa dmar Mkha' spyod dbang po, Gonpo Tseten, Palace Monastery (Gangtok 1978), in 2 vols., out of a projected 4 (?) vols. available.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7672/.M5/1978.  TBRC Work RID: W23928.  TBRC registers 4 vols.

122 —   Rare Tibetan Texts from Nepal, "a collection of guides to holy places, lives of religious masters, and khrid yig by the famed Rdza Rong phu Bla ma," Tashi Dorji, TBMC (Dolanji 1976).  TBRC Work RID: W30538.

123 —   Karma pa viii Mi bskyod rdo rje, Gdams Khrid Man ngag gi Rim pa 'Chi med Bdud rtsi'i Ljon bzang, "a collection of brief instructions on various aspects of Buddhist practice, reproduced from Dpal spungs blocks," Ven. Khetsun Sangpo Rimpoche (Delhi 1978), in 2 vols.  I.U. library has both vols.  TBRC Work RID: W26627.

124 —   Gcod kyi Chos skor: Three Texts on the History and Practice of the Zhi byed and Gcod Precepts, "reproduced from rare block prints from the library of the Tibet House," Tibet House (New Delhi 1974).  Includes:  Sher phyin Tshigs bcad Chen mo of Āryadeva, Phung po Gzan skyur gyi Rnam bshad, and Zhi byed dang Gcod yul gyi Chos 'byung by 'Jigs bral chos kyi seng ge.  IASWR fiche, Set III: SB 2232; LMpj 012,522 (but seems to be missing from my personal fiche collection).  TBRC Work RID: W00EGS1016278.

125 —   A Tibetan Encyclopedia of Buddhist Scholasticism: The Collected Writings of 'Ba' ra ba Rgyal mtshan dpal bzang, Ngawang Gyaltsen & Ngawang Lungtok (Dehradun 1970).  Library has 14 vols. (dbu med script).

126 —   Zhwa dmar vi Chos kyi dbang phyug (1584‑1630), Zab mo Nā ro Chos drug gi Nyams len Thun Chos Bdud rtsi'i Nying khu zhes bya ba Sgrub brgyud Karma Kam tshang gi Don khrid, woodblock print from Rum btegs, Sikkim (n.d.).  Includes also:  Bla ma Rgyang 'bod, Chos drug Gsol 'debs, Chos Bro bcas, as well as Chos drug Bdud rtsi Nying khu Sngon 'gro Dngos grub Myur Stsal, prepared by Si tu ix.  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ7645/.N3 C4/1972.  TBRC Work RID: W22479.

127 —   Alex Wayman, tr., Calming the Mind and Discerning the Real:  From the Lam rim chen mo of Tsoṅ kha pa, Columbia University Press (New York 1978).

128 —   'Phags pa Shes rab kyi Pha rol tu Phyin pa Brgyad stong pa, Tashi Wangdus, Ladakh Bauddha Vihara (Delhi 1968), a reprint of the 1954 Lhasa edition.  Has over 1200 woodcut illustrations.  IASWR fiche: R-1303.  Also found in the larger published collection of Prajñāpāramitā texts.

129 —   Rtsib ri Spar ma, "a collection compiled by La dwags Khrid dpon 'Khrul zhig Padma rnam rgyal," Kargyud Sungrab Nyamso Khang (Darjeeling 1978+), in 30 or 31 vols.  TBRC Work RID: W20749.

130 —   Bka' brgyud Gser 'phreng —  A Golden Rosary of Lives of Eminent Bka' brgyud pa Masters, "reproduced from a manuscript from Gemur Monastery," Topden Tshering, TBMC (Dolanji 1975), in 2 vols.  This is an old manuscript copy of a very old blockprint of Mnga' ris.  The biographies end with that of Gampopa.  TBRC Work RID: W23564.

131 —   Writings (Bka' 'Thor bu) of Zhang G.yu brag pa Brtson 'grus grags pa, Sungrab Nyamso Gyunpel Parkhang (Palampur 1972).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7996/.Z36/1972.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7669/.Z36/1972. (Not certain which call number is correct.)  TBRD Work RID: W1KG10016.

132 —   Khams smyon Dharma seng ge, Rje btsun Thams cad Mkhyen pa Bai ro tsa na'i Rnam thar 'Dra 'bag Chen mo, Ven. D.G. Khochhen Tulku, Nyingmapa Lama's College, Clement Town (Dehra Dun 1977).  Biography of Vairocana, as compiled in the 19th century.  Personal copy.  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ994/.A437 D72/1977. I couldn't locate this edition in TBRC.

133 —   Ngag dbang rig gnas rgya mtsho, Bdud rtsi Snying po Yan lag Brgyad pa Gsang ba Man ngag gi Rgyud las Dum bu Dang po Rtsa ba'i Rgyud kyi Rnam bshad Zhal lung Don Gsal, "reproduced from a rare manuscript from library of Tashi Wangyal Martse," T. Sonam Tashigang (Leh 1977).  SSS series no. 78.  Personal copy.  TBRC Work RID: W29576.

134 —   Mkhyen rab nor bu, Bstan bcos Bai ḍūr Dkar po dang Nyin byed Snang ba'i Dgongs Don Gsal bar Ston pa Rtsis Gzhi'i Man ngag Rigs ldan Snying gi Thig le, "reproduced from a set of prints from the 1918 Lhasa Sman rtsis khang blocks," O rgyan rnam rgyal (Leh 1976). SSS series no. 83.  Personal copy.  TBRC Work RID: W21527.

135 —   The Collected Works (Gsung 'bum) of Shākya rin chen, the IXth Rje Mkhan po of Bhutan, "reproduced from the unique manuscript prepared after the author's death and preserved at his monastery of Pha jo lding Bya rgod phung po," Kunzang Topgey (Thimphu 1976), complete in 8 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7549/.S3/1976.  TBRC Work RID: W8684.

136 —   The Collected Works (Gsung 'bum) of the Fifth Bde chen chos 'khor Yongs 'dzin Sprul sku Ye shes grub pa, "reproduced from a tracing from a print of the 1857 Spo bo Gsang sngags bde chen blocks," Topden Tshering, TBMC (Dolanji 1974), in one vol. complete.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG3234.

137 —   Mnyam med Dwags po'i Chos bzhir Grags pa'i Gzhung gi 'Grel pa Snying po Gsal ba'i Rgyan, "a detailed study on Sgam po pa's Chos bzhi presentation of fundamental Buddhist practice, by La yag pa Byang chub dngos grub, & Two Historical Works on the Lives of the Masters of the 'Bri gung pa tradition by Nges don rgya mtsho and the VIth Che tshang Bstan 'dzin chos kyi blo gros, reproduced from the library of Rtogs ldan Rin po che of Ladakh," D. Tsondu Senge, Bir Tibetan Society (Bir 1978).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7600/.B9.  TBRC Work RID: W22707.

138 —   Beg tse Be'u bum (Gnod sbyin Beg Gdong Lcam sring gi Chos skor Yongs su Tsang ba), Compiled by Tshar chen Blo gsal rgya mtsho, and Instructions on the Esoteric Practices of the Shangs pa Bka' brgyud pa by Mkhas grub Grags pa lhun grub, "reproduced from rare manuscript of Kyi in Spiti (H.P.)," Rdo rje tshe brtan, PO Losar, Dist.:  Lahul Spiti (Losar 1978).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ4775/.B4/1978.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG9752.

139 —   Sgom gyi Gnad Gsal bar Phye ba Bsam gtan Mig Sgron (also called, Rnal 'byor Mig gi Bsam gtan), "a treatise on bhavana and dhyana and the relationships between the various approaches to Buddhist contemplative practice by Gnubs chen Sangs rgyas ye shes, reproduced from a manuscript made presumably from an eastern Tibetan print," 'Khor gdong Gter sprul 'Chi med rig 'dzin, S.W. Tashigangpa (Leh 1974).  TBRC Work RID: W00EGS1016286.

140 —   Shākya'i Dge slong Yon tan 'od, Phyag chen Sngon 'gro'i Ngag 'don Rdo rje'i Grong 'dren Shing rta'i Lam srol 'Byed pa'i 'Bru 'grel Nges shes Sgron me, pothi style, in one volume.  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ7457/.Y6/1976. I was unable to locate this in TBRC.

141 —   Gsang sngags Lam gyi Rim pa Rin po che Gsal ba'i Sgron me, "a Lam rim text of the Rnying ma pa tradition from the revelations of Nyang ral Nyi ma'i 'od zer with the 'Grel pa Rin chen Phreng ba and Khrid material by Kun dga' grol mchog," Ven. 'Khor gdong Gter sprul 'Chi med rig 'dzin, ed., T.S. Tashigang (Leh 1977).  Personal copy.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7645/.L35 N3/1977. I was unable to locate this edition in TBRC.  Note there are two sets of page nos. (1‑21, 1‑94), here marked A and B.

142 —   Bsod nams grags pa (1478‑1554), 'Dul ba'i Chos 'byung (History of Vinaya), LTWA (Dharamsala 1975).  Longer title: 'Dul ba'i Chos 'byung Dad pa'i 'Bab stegs.  Paperback (personal copy).  TBRC Work RID: W913.  See D. Martin's Tibetan Histories (2020 edition), no. 268.

143 —   'Ba' ra ba Rgyal mtshan dpal bzang, The Rnam thar and Mgur 'bum of 'Ba' ra ba with His Sgrub pa Nyams su Blang ba'i Lag len Dgos 'dod 'Byung ba'i Gter Mdzod, "reproduced from the early 16th century western Tibetan blocks," Urgyan Dorje (Delhi 1976), in one vol.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ942/.A187 A35/1976.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG9991.

144 —   Collected Biographical Materials about Lo chen Rin chen bzang po and His Subsequent Reembodiments, "a reproduction of a collection of ms from the library of Dkyil Monastery in Spiti," Rdo rje tshe brtan (Delhi 1977). one vol.  For catalog information, try "iucat," the Indiana University library (Bloomington) online catalog, where it is given the call no. Tib‑C/BQ982/.I487 C64/1977. This edition could not be located in TBRC.

145 —   Sa skya pa'i Bka' 'bum, Toyo Bunko (Tokyo 1968). Personal copy. TBRC appears to list reprint editions, but not the original 1968 publication of the entire set, apart from the catalog, which they do list.

146 —   Las chen Kun dga' rgyal mtshan, Bka' gdams kyi Rnam par Thar pa Bka' gdams Chos 'byung Gsal ba'i Sgron me. "a detailed account of the Kadampa sect in Tibet reproduced from a Khampa dbu med manuscript," B. Jamyang Norbu (New Delhi 1972), in 2 vols.  I‑Tib 72‑904971.  TBRC Work RID: W15964.

147 —   Three Dge lugs pa Historical Works, "biographies of the successive occupants of the Rdo rje Slob dpon of Tantric College at Bkra shis lhun po and Paṇ chen Bsod nams grags pa, an account of the protective deity Rdo rje shugs ldan and a history of the Bka' gdams pa traditions," Gedan Sungrab Minyam Gyunphel series no. 58, Ngawang Gelek Demo (New Delhi 1978).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B BQ7570/.T5.  TBRC Work RID: W17594.

148 —   Bsod nams grags pa (1478‑1554), Rgyud sde Spyi'i Rnam par Bzhag pa Skal bzang gi Yid 'phrog ['General Introduction to Buddhist Tantra'], LTWA (Dharamsala 1975). Pothi format.  Personal copy.

149 —   'Bri gung Skyob pa 'Jig rten mgon po Rin chen dpal, Collected Works (Gsung 'bum) of 'Bri gung Skyob pa 'Jig rten mgon po Rin chen dpal, "reproduced from a 1 vol. collection of the writings from the library of Rtogs ldan Rin po che of Sgang sngon," D. Tsondu Senghe, Bir Tibetan Society (Bir 1976).  Reproduction of a cursive manuscript. In I.U. library - Tib‑B BQ7674/.B7/1976.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG10019.

150 —   Rare 'Bri gung pa Texts, "eight works by masters of the 'Bri gung pa Bka' brgyud pa tradition on the Lnga ldan practice of Mahāmudrā, the Cakrasamvara Tantra and the rites of Akṣobhya, reproduced from rare xylographs from the library of 'Bri gung Dbon sprul," Tenzin Chodak (Delhi 1975).  TBRC Work RID: W1KG9729.

151 —   Rdo ba Grub chen iv (Dodrupchen), Gsang sngags Snga 'gyur Thun min Lugs kyi Bslab bya [Tantric Doctrine according to Nyingmapa School], Namgyal Institute of Tibetology (Gangtok 1975).  In I.U. library - Tib‑A/BQ8918.5/.D62/1975.  I couldn't locate this in TBRC.

152 —   Tibetan Didactic Tales on Animal and Bird Themes, "a reproduction of a collection of manuscripts from LTWA," Damchoe Sangpo (Dalhousie 1978), in 2 vols.  Tibetan title:  Bya dang Ri dwags kyi Rtogs brjod.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/PN989/.T5 T5.  TBRC Work RID: W23796.

153 —   Rdo rje'i Mgur dang Zhal gdams Tshigs bcad kyi Skor: Songs of Esoteric Spiritual Realization and Various Verse Instructions of the 8th Zhwa nag Karma pa Mi bskyod rdo rje, "reproduced from an incomplete manuscript of unknown provenance for the benefit of Rdzong sar Mkhyen brtse Sprul sku," Gonpo Tseten (Gangtok 1978).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7672/.M48/1978. 1 vol.  TBRC Work RID: W23656

154 —   'Khrul zhig Mdo sngags bstan 'dzin nor bu, Zhwa de'u 'Khrul zhig Sprul sku'i Ming gi Rnam grangs las Drangs pa'i Gsol 'debs Dam pa'i Drin gyis Smin pa'i Dag snang Me tog, xylographic print from blocks preserved at Thubten Choling (Thub bstan chos gling) Monastery in Solu, Nepal, n.p. (Solu 1972).  This could not be located in TBRC.

155 —   Blo gros rgyal mtshan, Rje Bla ma Rdo rje 'chang Chen po Gzhon nu blo gros zhabs kyi Rnam thar Theg mchog Chos kyi Gaṇḍi'i Sgra dbyangs, "biography of Yol mkhan chen Gzhon nu blo gros (1587‑1660) of the Tshar pa tradition by his disciple Blo gros rgyal mtshan, a tracing of central Tibetan blocks," T. G. Dhongthog Rimpoche (New Delhi 1978).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ960/.Z6 B5/1978.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG4852.

156 —   Sa skya pa Bla ma dam pa Bsod nams rgyal mtshan, Rgyal rabs Gsal ba'i Me longA History of the Tibetan Kings of the Royal Dynastic Period and of the Lha Dynasty, "reproduced from a rare manuscript from Langza in Spiti," Lahoul Shashin Learned Works Library and Publishing House Series no. 6, Khasdup Gyatsho Shashin (Delhi 1979).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/DS785/.B82/1979.  TBRC Work RID: W8LS26123.

157 —   'Brug gzhung 'Cham gyi Bshad pa, Director of Postal Services and Information, His Majesty's Government of Bhutan (Kalimpong 1970?).  In I.U. library - Tib‑A/BL605/.N33/1970.  This could not be located in TBRC.

158 —   Lcang skya Rol pa'i rdo rje, Dag yig Mkhas pa'i 'Byung gnas, "reproduced by C.R. Lama ('Khor gdong Gter sprul 'Chi med rig 'dzin)," SSS series no. 59, S.W. Tashigangpa (Leh 1975).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ133/.L36/1975.  TBRC Work RID: W23741.  This same work could also be found in the author's Gsung 'bum, vol. 7.

159 —   Rje Shākya rin chen gyi Rnam thar dang Gsung: The Autobiography and Selected Writings of Shākya rin chen, the 9th Rje Mkhan po of Bhutan, "reproduced from prints from the Thub bstan Bya rgod phung po blocks preserved in the Kerdeng Monastery of Lahul," Thamchoe Monlam (Delhi 1974).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ984/.A4 S3/1974. Library has vol. 1.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG9605.

160 —   'Jigs med grags pa phyogs las rnam rgyal, Dharma ra dza'i Rnam thar Dad pa'i Lo thog Rgyas byed Dngos grub kyi Char 'bebs, "the biography of Si tu Rab brtan kun bzang 'phags (1389‑1442), reproduced from the Library of Burmiok Athing," LTWA (Dharamsala 1978).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ982/.A3/1978.  TBRC Work RID: W20532.

161 —   Lce sgom Shes rab rdo rje, Dpe chos Rin chen Spungs pa'i 'Bum 'Grel, "detailed explanations of the examples used in Po to ba Rin chen gsal's Dpe chos Rtsa ba and Dge bshes Wa brag dkar ba's Dpe chos Rin chen Spungs pa, popular presentation of the principles of the Bka' gdams pa approach, reproduced from a rare manuscript from Zangskar in Ladakh," Topden Tshering, TBMC (Dolanji 1975), complete in one volume.  TBRC Work RID: W22927.

162 —   Three Dkar Chag's, GSMG series no. 13, Ngawang Gelek Demo (New Delhi 1970), with Introduction  by E. Gene Smith.  This publication includes the 5th Dalai Lama's guide to the Jokhang, the 1744 work of Phur bu lcog Ngag dbang byams pa on the 4 great monastic universities of Lhasa (plus the upper and lower tantra colleges), and a work on the history of printing in Tibet.  TBRC Work RID: W4CZ2732.

163 —   Kha rag Gnyos kyi Gdung rabs AND Rlangs kyi Po ti Bse ru Bsdus pa, the history of the Gnyos Lineage of Kha rag and a version of the Rlangs Po ti Bse ru containing the genealogy of the Rlangs lineage, reproduced from various manuscripts from India and Nepal," Khedup Gyatso, TBMC (Dolanji 1978).  Copy in I.U. library — Tib‑B/CS1168/.T53 H5/1978.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG9562.

164 —   Tāranātha (b. 1575), Tāranātha's Life of the Buddha and His Histories of the Kālacakra and Tārātantra, "ed. and reproduced by Ngawang Gelek Demo with a foreword by Prof. D. Seyfort Ruegg," GSMG series no. 20 (New Delhi 1971).  Copy in I.U. library — Tib‑B/BQ868/.T37/1971.  TBRC Work RID: W12362.

165 —   Tshe mchog gling Yongs 'dzin Ye shes rgyal mtshan, Biographies of Eminent Gurus in the Transmission Lineages of the Teachings of the Graduated Path, Being the Text of:  Byang chub Lam gyi Rim pa'i Bla ma Brgyud pa'i Rnam par Thar pa Rgyal mtshan Mdzes pa'i Rgyan Mchog Phul byung Nor bu'i Phreng ba (1787), GSMG series nos. 18 & 19, Ngawang Gelek Demo (New Delhi 1970), in 2 volumes, complete.  TBRC Work RID: W986.

166 —   Rong zom Bka' 'bum, "a collection of writings by the Rnying ma pa master Rong zom Chos kyi bzang po, reproduced from a manuscript copy of an incomplete print og the Zhe chen blocks with the detailed Dkar chag of 'Jam mgon Mi pham Rin po che," Kunsang Topgay (Thimphu 1976), in one volume.  Copy in I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7662/.R66/1976.  TBRC Work RID: W27479.

167 —   Collected Miscellaneous Writings of the Successive Embodiments of the Rdo Grub chen, "reproduced from manuscripts from library of Rdo Grub chen Bla brang," Lama Dodrup Sangyay (Gangtok 1977), in one volume.  Copy in I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7662 /.C64/1977.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG2782.

168 —   Che tshang Sprul sku iv Bstan 'dzin padma'i rgyal mtshan, 'Bri gung Chen po'i Gdan rabs Chos kyi Byung tshul Gser gyi Pheng ba, "a detailed account of the various masters of the 'Bri gung Bka' brgyud pa sect," D.Tsondu Senghe, Bir Tibetan Society (Bir 1977).  TBRC Work RID: W2CZ6031.

169 —   Dngul chu Thogs med (1295‑1369), Rgyal sras 'Phags pa Dngul chu Thogs med kyi Rnam thar Dad pa'i Shing rta dang Gsung 'Thor bu, a modern reprint with no bibliographic information given (except in the colophon), in one volume.  TBRC Work RID: W2CZ6641.

170 —   Autobiographical Writings of the Second Karmapa Karma Pakshi and a work called Spyi Lan Ring mo, "a defence of the Bka' brgyud pa teachings addressed to G.yag sde Paṇ chen, reproduced from rare manuscripts from Rumtek collections," Gonpo Tseten (Gangtok 1978).  Matthew Kapstein, in Soundings 371, suggested this is by G.yung ston Rdo rje dpal.  TBRC Work RID: W27319.

171 —   Three Lamas of Zangskar, "three autobiographical works by 'Brug pa Bka' brgyud pa masters of Zangs dkar:  Bzhad pa rdo rje, Karma bstan 'dzin, and Kun dga' chos legs, reproduced from rare manuscripts preserved at Dzongkhul Monastery, Kawring, Gemur," Topden Tsering (Gemur 1978).  TBRC Work RID: W23952.

172 —   Rje Bla ma 'Khor lo'i Dbang phyug 'Jam dpal ye shes grub pa'i Rnam thar Rags tsam 7Skyabs mgon nyid kyi Gsung Ngo ma Mthong bas Yid 'phrog Ngo mtshar Dad pa'i Snang byed, "Autobiographyof Ye shes grub pa, printed by Ngag dbang bde chen 'gyur med," Skyid gter Dgon (Darjeeling 1969?).  TBRC Work RID: W1KG3877.

173 —   Stag tshang ras pa Ngag dbang rgya mtsho, Grub pa'i Dbang phyug Dam pa O ti ya na pa Gnyis pa Ngag dbang rgya mtsho'i Rdo rje'i Mgur Skal ldan Yid kyi Mun sel, "from 17th century blocks preserved at the Hemis Monastery" (Chemre 1968).  TBRC Work RID: W2CZ5991.

174 —   Chos mgon vii Chos kyi nyin byed, Kun mkhyen Yongs 'dzin Bla ma'i Zhabs kyi Rnam par Thar pa Cha tsam Brjod pa Byin rlabs Mchog gi Gter Bum, "a biography of Yongs 'dzin V Ye shes grub pa," Ngag dbang bde chen 'gyur med, Chittre [Skyid gter] Monastery (Darjeeling 1969).  TBRC Work RID: W1KG3870.

175 —   Dpal ldan Bla ma Dam pa Ngag dbang bzang po'i Rnam thar gyi Cha shas Brjod pa Zla tshes Bdud rtsi'i 'Dzum Rlabs, "a biography of Yongs 'dzin I Ngag dbang bzang po (1546‑1615) by his personal disciple Dgyer btsun Zla ba grags pa bzang po," Ngag dbang 'gyur med at Skyid gter Dgon (Darjeeling 19xx).  TBRC Work RID: W1KG3868.

176 —   Yongs 'dzin II Kun dga' lhun grub, Au ḍi yā ṇa pa Ngag dbang rgya mtsho'i Rnam thar Legs Bris Bai ḍu rya Dkar po'i Rgyud mang, "biography of Stag tshang ras pa, from 17th century blocks preserved at Hemis Monastery" (Chemre 1968).  TBRC Work RID: W2CZ5991.

177 —   Grub thob Chen po'i Rnam thar Gsol 'debs Dngos grub Char 'Bebs, reverential petition to Stag tshang ras pa, from blocks at Hemis Monastery (Chemre 1968).  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ988/.T337 G78/1968.  TBRD Work RID: W2CZ5991.

178 —   Yongs 'dzin viii Ngag dbang phun tshogs, Skyabs mgon Stag tshang Sku 'phreng Drug pa'i Zhabs brtan Gsol 'debs Rdo rje'i Sgra dbyangs Bden tshig Myur 'Grub, "reverential petition and prayer for the long life of the 6th Stag tshang ras pa incarnate Bstan 'dzin chos kyi nyi ma," from blocks preserved at Hemis Monastery (Chemre 1968).  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ942/.S687 N33/1968.  TBRC Work RID: W2CZ5991.

179 —   Grub dbang Zhwa mo na tha'i 'Khrungs rabs Rnam thar Gsol 'debs Dpag bsam 'Khri shing, reverential petitions recounting the lives of Stag tshang ras pa and his subsequent rebirths, by Ngag dbang dkar brgyud rgya mtsho and Yongs 'dzin V Ye shes grub pa, from worn blocks carved through the efforts of Bkra shis bstan 'phel, Lama of Stag rna. preserved at Chenrezi temple (Leh 1968).  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ988/.T337 N33/1968.  I failed to locate this in TBRC.

180 —   O rgyan pa Ngag dbang rgya mtsho'i Mgur 'bum Zhal gdams Zab Don Utpa la'i 'Phreng ba, mystic poems and instructions of Stag tshang ras pa, 17th century blocks at Hemis (Chemre 1968).  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ6450/.I4 S7/1968.  TBRD Work RID: W2CZ5991 (not absolutely certain if it is the exact same publication).

181 —   Mnyam med Lha rtse ba Chen po'i Rnam thar Rab bsngags Snyan pa'i Sgra dbyangs Brgya pa, "by his personal disciple (zhal slob) named Ngag dbang sangs rgyas rdo rje, previously printed at Rtsib ri," Ngag dbang bde chen 'gyur med (1970).  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ974/.A29 S372/1970.  The same title can be found several times in TBRC, but perhaps not this specific edition.

182 —   O rgyan Mkha' 'gro'i Gling gi Lam yig Thar lam Bgrod pa'i Them skas, "an account of a journey through India to O rgyan (Swat), from 17th century blocks," Hemis Monastery (Chemre 1968).  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ6450/.I4 S7/1968.  TBRC Work RID: W2CZ5991 (perhaps not exact same publication).

183 —   Rgyal khams pa Tā ra nā thas Bdag nyid kyi Rnam thar Nges par Brjod pa'i Deb gter Shin tu Zhib mo Ma bcos Lhug pa'i Rtogs brjod: The Autobiography of Jo nang Rje btsun Tāranātha Kun dga' snying po, "reproduced from a rare manuscript preserved at the Mtshams brag Monastery," Ngodrup and Sherab Drimay, Kyichu Monastery (Paro, Bhutan 1978).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7950/.T37 A3/1978.  TBRC Work RID: W12197.

184 —   Sna tshogs rang grol, Chos rje Mi pham mgon po nas Dri ba Snga phyi Tha dad Mdzad pa'i Dri lan Thor bu'i Skor rnams Phyogs gcig tu Bsdebs pa (margin:  Ma ga).  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ7662.2/.S618/1970.  The title is in TBRC, but not the exact same edition.

185 —   Miscellaneous Works of the First Paṇ chen Blo bzang chos kyi rgyal mtshan, "reproduced from an incomplete manuscript collection from Zangla Khar (Rdzang la Mkhar)," Topden Tsering, Gemur Monastery (Lahul 1979).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7945/.B54/1979.  TBRC Work RID: W1§KG12079.

186 —   Collected Writings and Teachings of the Fifth Khams sprul Sgrub brgyud nyi ma (1781‑1847), SNGP, Tashijong (Palampur 1976), but vol. 3 was published in 1978.  I.U. library has all 3 vols.  Tib‑C/BQ7683.9/.S4/1976.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG4191.

187 —   The Collected Works and Gter chos of 'Bri gung Rig 'dzin Nus ldan rdo rje. reproduced from manuscripts and prints in India and Nepal. D.Tshondu Senghe (Delhi 1977).  The I.U. library has at least 3 vols.  Tib‑C/BQ7684.9/.N8/1977.  TBRC Work RID: W23653 (records 8 vols.).

188 —   Tibetan Compendia Written for Csoma de Koros by the Lamas of Zangs dkar [Dris lan Grub pa'i Rgya mtshor 'Jug pa'i Gru gzings], "manuscripts in Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences," Śatapiṭaka series no. 231, Society of Csoma de Koros and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (New Delhi 1976).  TBRC Work RID: W00KG09382.

189 —   'Jam dpal Gshin rje'i Gshed Khro chu dug sdong nag po'i Chos skor, "a collection of texts from 'Bri gung, Kam tshang and Gnas mdo Bka' brgyud traditions focussing on propitiation of a form of Yamāntaka according to the redisciscovery of Rgya Zhang khrom Rdo rje 'od 'bar, reproduced from the unique manuscript collection from the library of Rtogs ldan Rin po che of Sgang sngon Monastery in Ladakh," Pema Lodoe and Zogyam (Bir 1978), in 2 vols. complete.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ4860/.Y34 T55/1978.  TBRC Work RID: W3CN21329.

190 —   'Jam dpal Gshin rje'i Gshed Yang bzlog Me'i Spu gri'i Chos skor, "a cycle of revelations focussing upon Yamāntaka from visions of 'Bri gung Rig 'dzin Chos kyi grags pa, with liturgical notes by others... reproduced from rare manuscript collection from library of Sgang sngon," D.Tsondu Senghe (Bir 1977), in 3 volumes, with the 4th vol. forthcoming.  The I.U. library has all 4 vols.  Tib‑C/BQ7684.4/.C44/1977.  TBRC Work RID: W23166.

191 —   Bdud 'joms 'Jigs bral ye shes rdo rje (1904‑1987), Rin chen Gter mdzod kyi Thob yig.  Full Title:  Gsang sngags Snga 'gyur Nang Rgyud sde Gsum gyi Bka' babs Nye brgyud Zab mo Rin Gter gyi Mdzod Chen po'i Thob yig Ngo mtshar U dumwa ra'i Phreng Mdzes.  Published in 1968?  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7662/.R52/1968.  A similar title in TBRC Work RID: W4CZ301924 (not sure if it is the same edition exactly).

192 —   Collected Works of Bu ston, Śatapiṭaka series nos. 41-68, Lokesh Chandra, International Academy of Indian Culture (New Delhi 1965).  I.U. library has most of the vols. 1‑28 (vols. 10, 23‑24 missing).  Complete set in personal possession.  Tib‑B/BQ124/.B87/1965.  TBRC Work RID no. W22106.

193 —   The Collected Writings and Revelations of H.H. Bdud 'joms Rin po che 'Jigs bral ye shes rdo rje, Dupjung Lama (Kalimpong 1979), in 25 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7662/.B44/1979. Volume 1‑17 are supposed to be present, but apparently volume 2 is missing.  TBRC Work RID: W20869.

194 —   Bka' ma, "the redaction of Rdzogs chen Rgyal sras Gzhan phan mtha' yas, enlarged and expanded, reproduced from Dudjom Rimpoche's original Tibetan manuscript collection," NNS series nos. 7‑20, Sonam T. Kazi  (Gangtok 1969‑1971). Volumes 1‑14 complete.  TBRC Work RID: W19228

195 —   Bya btang ras pa, Lta Sgom Spyod pa'i 'Bras bu Gnyan brgyud [as in Gnyan Lugs] Khros ma nag mo'i Nyams len Sa Lam Myur Thob. Xylographic prints from blocks preserved at Shey (Shel) Monastery in Dolpo, n.p. (1971).  N‑Tib/77‑927751.  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ4890/.V343 T548/1971.  Could not be located in TBRC.

196 —   Bstan 'dzin ras pa (1646?‑1723), The Autobiography and Selected Works of Bstan 'dzin ras pa, prints from Shel Monastery in Dolpo, n.p. (1971).  The author was the founder of Shel Monastery.  This edition couldn't be found in TBRC.

197 —   The Collected Works of Stag rtse Sku skye Mi pham phun tshogs shes rab.  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ7683/.M56/1971.  TBRC Work RID: W18167.

198 —   Rites of Propitiation of the Protective Deities and Medicine Buddhas according to the Tradition of the Stag lung Bka' brgyud pa, by Ngag dbang rnam rgyal and Ngag dbang bstan pa'i nyi ma (b. 1788), reproduced from the library of Stag lung Ma Rin po che (New Delhi 1976).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7685.4/.N35/1976.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG12220.

199 —   Līlavajra, Dpal Gsang ba Snying po'i 'Grel pa Rin po che'i Spar khab Slob dpon Sgeg pa'i rdo rjes Mdzad pa, reproduced by Zhe chen Rgyal tshab Padma rnam rgyal, Dodrup Sangyay Lama (Gangtok 1976).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ2180/.G935 L5/1976.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG12973.

200 —   Zhwa dmar v Dkon mchog yan lag, Bstan bcos Zab mo Nang Don gyi Gtong Thun Rab gsal Nyi ma'i Snying po, "a study of Karma pakshi's treatise on Anuttarayogatantra," Gyalwae Sungrab Partun Khang (New Delhi 1976).  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ8918/.R363 D57/1976.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG5151.

201 —   Zhabs drung iii 'Jigs med grags pa (1791‑1830), Skyabs rje Rdo rje 'chang Dbang Ngag dbang 'jam dbyangs rgyal mtshan gyi Rnam par Thar pa Grub Rigs Bzhad pa'i Rgyud mangs Thugs rjes Bskul ba'i Chu 'dzin 'Khrigs pa'i Sgra, published in 1975 from blocks kept at Theg chen Mdo sde brag.  Small, related texts at end.  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ966/.A477 J53/1975.  For the same title, see TBRC Work RID no. W2CZ5988, with a listing of titles contained within it.

202 —   Zhwa nag xv Mkha' skyab rdo rje, Mgon phrin rgyas pa [Title page:  Rje btsun Dpal ldan Nag po chen po'i Mngon rtogs Don Kun Sgrub byed Log 'dren Tshar Gcod Sdang ba Rnam Bsreg gi Phrin las Gsal bar Byas pa Mi nub Bstan pa'i Rgyal mtshan], Karma grags pa yongs 'du (Rumtek 1972).  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ4750/.M354 T5497/1972.  TBRC has a few editions of this edition, although a 1972 edition couldn't be located.

203 —   Dpal ldan Karma Bka' brgyud kyi Rjes su 'Brang ba'i Dge 'dun rnams kyi Thun mong Tshogs su Zhal 'don du bya ba'i Chos spyod kyi Rim pa Legs Lam Rab Gsal. There is a praise biography of Dus gsum mkhyen pa (p. 66b ff.) and his successors.  This prayer book has seen more than one printing, but I believe this is the one in the I.U. library, at Tib‑D/BQ7682.4/.D56/1972.

204 —   Klong chen pa Dri med 'od zer, Dpal Gsang ba snying po'i Rgyud kyi Bsdus pa'i Don Ma rig pa'i Mun pa Thams cad Sel ba. Colophon:  prepared by Rdo rje gzi brjid (=Klong chen pa) at Gangs ri Thod dkar.  Unfortunately I am now unsure which printing this would be, since it was printed in 1967, 1973, 1975 and again in 1982.

205 —   Selected Writings (Gsung Thor bu) of Rong zom Chos kyi bzang po, "comprising the Man ngag Lta Phreng gi 'Grel pa, Snang ba Lhar Bsrub, Dam bca', Lta ba'i Brjed byang, Mtshan brjod 'Grel pa, Grub mtha'i Brjed byang, reproduced from a manuscript, presumably from the Dpal spungs print, by 'Khor gdong Gter sprul 'Chi med rig 'dzin," SSS series no. 73, S.W. Tashigangpa (Leh 1974).  In I.U. library.  TBRC Work RID: W30125.

206 —   Snyan rgyud Nam mkha'i 'Phrul mdzod Drang nges Skor and Zhang zhung Snyan rgyud Skor, "texts from 2 cycles of Bon po Rdzogs chen Oral Transmission Precepts, compiled and reproduced by Sherab Wangyal from xylographic prints from Sman ri blocks," TBMC (Dolanji 1972).  I‑Tib 72‑902363.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.S59/1972.  This edition not found in TBRC.

207 —   Ngo rje ras pa, Bstan snying Yig cha: Theg chen Bstan pa'i Byung tshul and Theg chen Bstan pa'i Snying po, "a synthetic treatise on the essential concepts of Mahayana Buddhism by Ngo rje ras pa (=Zhe sdang rdo rje), reproduced from a manuscript tracing of a print from the 'Bri gung thil blocks belonging to Ven. Rtogs ldan Tshang," D. Tsondu Senghe, Bir Tibetan Society (Bir 1974).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7674.2/.N67/1974.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG4479.

208 —   Collected Works of Sog bzlog pa Blo gros rgyal mtshan, "reproduced from an incomplete dbu can manuscript from the library of Ven. Bdud 'joms Rin po che," Sanje Dorji (Delhi 1975).  The I.U. library has volumes 1 and 2.  TBRC Work RID: W8870.

209 —   Collected Works of Dpal sprul O rgyan 'jigs med chos kyi dbang po, "reproduced from Dudjom Rimpoche's xylograph collection," Sonam T. Kazi (Gangtok 1970). NNS series volumes 38‑43.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7662/.D6/1970.  TBRC Work RID: W21857.

210 —   Karma mi 'gyur dbang rgyal, hierarch of Zab bu lung Monastery, Gter bton Brgya rtsa'i Mtshan Sdom Gsol 'debs Chos rgyal Bkra shis stobs rgyal gyi Mdzad pa'i 'Grel pa Lo rgyus Gter bton Chos 'byung, Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche Pema Wangyal, Orgyan Kunsang Chokhor Ling (Darjeeling 1978).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7662.9/.K25/1978.  TBRC Work RID: W19709.

211 —   Rog Bande Shes rab 'od, Grub mtha' So so'i Bzhed tshul Gzhung Gsal bar Ston pa Chos 'byung Grub mtha' Chen po Bstan pa'i Sgron me, "edited from a blockprint by 'Khor gdung Gter sprul 'Chi med rig 'dzin," Tshul khrims 'jam dbyangs (Leh 1977).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ766.2/.S4/1977.  TBRC Work RID: W27610.

212 —   Collected Writings of 'Jam mgon 'Ju Mi pham rgya mtsho, "prints and manuscripts from libraries of Dudjom Rimpoche, Luding Khen Rimpoche and others," Sonam Topgay Kazi (Gangtok 1975). NNS series nos. 60‑71.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7662/.M5/1972. Library has volumes 2‑15, while the complete set has 15. Still there are missing parts in this publication that can at least be found in Rome.  TBRC Work RID: W5062.

213 —   Mgon po'i Dbang Skor: Nges gsang Don brgyud Snying po'i Bstan srung Yongs 'dus kyi Smin byed Rjes gnang Phyogs bsdus Legs bshad Nor bu'i Drwa ba, "a collection of propitiatory and initiatory rites for invoking the protective deities of 'Brug pa Dkar brgyud pa compiled by Byams me Lha mchog Ngag dbang bstan 'dzin blo gros, reproduced from manuscripts belonging to Stag sna Rin po che," Tobdan Tsering (Leh 1978).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ4750/.M353 B2/1978.  While there are other editions, this particular one could not be found in TBRC.

214 —   Sources for a History of Bon. a collection of rare manuscripts from Bsam gling Monastery in Dol po, "compiled and edited by Tenzin Namdak," TBMC (Dolanji 1972).  Copy in I.U. library.  Not in TBRC.

215 —   Bstan srung Rgya mtsho'i Rnam thar. by Sle lung Bzhad pa'i rdo rje, "reproduced from a rare manuscript preserved in Bhutan at order of Dingo Chhentse Rimpoche," Ngodrup and Sherab Drimay, Kyichu Monastery (Paro 1978), in 2 vols. complete.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ4730/.T5 B92/1978.  This particular edition was not located in TBRC.

216 —   Bstan srung Rgya mtsho'i Rnam thar (=Dam can Bstan srung Rgya mtsho'i Rnam par Thar pa Cha shas tsam Brjod pa Sngon med Legs bshad), by Sle lung Rje drung Bzhad pa'i rdo rje, "reproduced from rare manuscript at Pha jo lding 'Og min gnyis pa," Kunzang Topgey (Thimphu 1976).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ4730/.T5 B92/1976.  TBRC Work RID: W27414, even though the date of publication is given as 1979.

216A Sle lung Rje drung Bzhad pa'i rdo rje, Dam can Bstan srung Rgya mtsho'i Rnam par Thar pa, "an account of the origins and iconography of the protective deities of Tibetan Buddhism," SSS series volumes 104 and 105, T.S. Tashigang (Leh 1979), in 2 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑A/BQ4730/.T5 B92/1979.  TBRC Work RID: W9366.  This has been published several times, the main advantage of this edition is that it is illustrated.

217 —   The Gsan yig of Gter bdag gling pa 'Gyur med rdo rje (1646‑1714), "reproduced from a manuscript preserved in library of Dudjom Rimpoche," Sanje Dorje (New Delhi 1974), in one volume complete.  TBRC Work RID: W30323.

218 —   Gsang sngags Nang gi Lam rim Rgya cher 'Grel pa Sangs rgyas Gnyis pa'i Dgongs Rgyan (1805), "an exegesis of a rediscovered Nyingmapa Lam rim text by Kaḥ thog Dge rtse Paṇḍi ta 'Gyur med tshe dbang mchog grub, reproduced from a print from Dar rtse mdo blocks by Padma chos ldan," SSS series volume 35, S.W. Tashigangpa (Leh 1972).  TBRD Work RID: W30187.

219 —   Tā la'i Bla ma v Ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho, Thob yig Gangga'i Chu rgyun, Nechung and Lakhar (Delhi 1971). 1‑4 volumes, complete.  TBRC Work RID: W30183.

220 —   Gsang ba'i Rnam thar Rgya can ma, "a record of the visionary experiences of the 5th Dalai Lama reproduced from rare manuscript belonging to the Stag tshang ras pa Bla brang of Hemis," SSS series no. 42, S.W. Tashigangpa (Leh 1972).  TBRC Work RID: W21992.

221 —   Rnying ma'i Rgyud 'bum, "reproduced from manuscript preserved at Gting skyes Dgon pa Byang Monastery in Tibet under direction of Dingo Khyentse Rimpoche" (Thimbu 1973). Volumes 1‑36 (1, 18, 26 missing from I.U. library?).  TBRC Work RID: W21518.  This was also assigned the no. 320, q.v.

222 —   Songs of Esoteric Experience (Mgur) of Rang rig ras chen, "ed. by his disciple Nas lung pa Ngag dbang rdo rje, and other Dkar brgyud pa works from the Monastery of Gsang sngags chos gling," Urgyan Dorje (Sumra 1976).  TBRC Work RID: W30460.

223 —   Zla gsang Be'u bum, "collected rites for invoking Gshin rje for various purposes, reproduced from manuscript belonging to Smin gling Khri chen," Ven. D.G. Khochchen Trulku (Dehra Dun 1975).  TBRC Work RID: W2CZ7967.

224 —   Blo bzang rta mgrin (1867‑1937), Gsung 'bum (Collected Works) of Rje btsun Blo bzang rta mgrin, "reproduced from manuscript belonging to Lama Gurudeva," Gurudeva (Delhi 1975), ought to be complete in 17 vols.  Note the biography of Fa Hsien — Pha Hyin, the Gold Annals, and a Thob yig in vols. 15‑16, commentary on Dus 'khor chaps. 3‑5 in volume 17.  TBRC Work RID: W13536.

225 —   Paṇ chen Bla ma iii Dpal ldan ye shes, Gsung 'bum of Dpal ldan ye shes, "tracings over Tashilhumpo blockprints," Chode Tashilhumpo Society, (1975‑1979).  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ7549/.D6/1975. vols. 1‑13.  The biographies are in vols. 3 and 11‑12, 13.  TBRC Work RID: W2046.

226 —   The Complete Works of Rtse le Rgod tshang pa Padma legs grub, "reproduced from a rare manuscript collection of Sikkim," Mgon po tshe brtan, Palace Monastery (Gangtok 1979), complete in 8 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7662/.S67/1979.  TBRC Work RID: W21019.

227 —   Blo gsal gling Rgyal mo rong Dge bshes Tshul khrims nyi ma, Dben sa Snyan brgyud kyi Bla ma'i Rnal 'byor Thun mong ma yin pa dang 'Brel ba'i Phyag chen gyi 'Khrid Man ngag Zhal shes dang bcas pa'i Kha chems Rlung la Bskur ba'i 'Phrin yig, Blo bzang bstan 'dzin (Dharamsala 1974).  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ7805/.T7/1974.  This particular edition not located in TBRC.

228 —   Ngag dbang bstan 'dzin nor bu of Rong phu, Gcod yul Nyon rmongs Zhi byed kyi Bka' Gter Bla ma Brgyud pa'i Rnam thar Byin rlabs Gter Mtsho, "reproduced from L.P. Lhalungpa's Tibetan xylograph," NNS series no. 21, Sonam T. Kazi (Gangtok 1972).  TBRC Work RID: W19811.

229 —   Bkra shis tshe ring ma'i Sgrub Skor sogs, "a collection of texts outlining the rites of the Five Long Lived Sisters and other highly esoteric rituals, reproduced from a manuscript preserved at Pha jo lding Monastery in Bhutan," Kunzang Topgey (Thimphu 1976).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7673.4/.B67/1976.  TBRC Work RID: W30292.

230 —   Collected Works (Gsung 'Thor bu) of Rdo dmar Zhabs drung Mi 'gyur rdo rje (b. 1675), "reproduced from a copy of manuscripts belonging to the late Sngo ra Bla ma," Chophel Legden (Delhi 1979).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7662/.M48/1979.  TBRC Work RID: W11184.

231 —   Collected Writings (Gsung 'bum) of Rig 'dzin 'Ja' tshon snying po, "reproduced from an incomplete manuscript from the library of Ri bo che Rje drung of Padma bkod," Ngawang Sonam (Tezu, Arunachal Pradesh 1975).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7662/.J3/1975.  This edition appears not to be found in TBRC.

232 —   The Epic of Gesar, "with Tibetan introduction by Lopen Pemala and English introduction by R.A. Stein," Kunzang Tobgyel (Thimphu 1979).  There are 31 vols. in I.U. library — Tib‑A/BQ3748/.G42/1978b.  TBRC Work RID: W26078.

233 —   Spar kha'i Gto brgyad dang Gto thabs Skor, "a collection of various gto and related rites, reproduced from manuscripts and blockprints from various private libraries," Sangye Namgyal, TBMC (Dolanji 1975), in 1 volume complete.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7695/.S66.  TBRC Work RID: W22092.

234 —   Ras chung Snyan rgyud [Bde mchog Mkha' 'gro Snyan rgyud (Ras chung Snyan rgyud)], "two manuscript collections of texts from the Yig cha of Gtsang smyon He ru ka, reproduced from 16 and 17th century manuscripts belonging to the Ven. Dookpa Thoosay Rimpoche," SSS series no. 11, S.W. Tashigangpa (Leh 1971), in 2 vols.  The biography of Gtsang smyon by Lha btsun Rin chen rnam rgyal is in volume 1.  TBRC Work RID: W30124.

235 —   Mon rtse pa Kun dga' dpal ldan (1408‑1475), Dkar brgyud Gser 'phreng: A Golden Rosary of Lives of Eminent Gurus, ed. by Kun dga' 'brug dpal, "reproduced from original manuscripts with English introduction," SSS series, no. 3, Sonam W. Tashigangpa (Leh 1970).  TBRC Work RID: W30123.

236 —   Zab chos Zhi khro Dgongs pa Rang grol las Thos grol Chen mo'i Skor. Printed at Spa gro Bskyed chu Lha khang (in Bhutan).  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ7662.4/.K2791/1977.  This exact edition could not be located in TBRC.

237 —   Rdo ba Grub chen iii 'Jigs med bstan pa'i nyi ma, Skyid sdug Lam khyer gyi Man ngag: Instructions on Turning Happiness and Suffering into the Path of Enlightenment, English translation by Tulku Thondup, Ogyan Kunsang Choekhorling (Darjeeling 1979).  In I.U. library - Tib‑A/BQ4330/.J536/1979.  Could not locate it in TBRC.

238 —   Rje btsun Mi 'gyur dpal sgron, Bka' Gsang Rdzogs pa chen po Dkon mchog Spyi 'dus kyi Khrid yig Man ngag Gsal Sgron Snying po, "reproduced from rare manuscript preserved at Sangdo Palri in Kalimpong," Ven. D.G.Khochhen Tulku, Nyingmapa Lama's College, Clement Town (Dehra Dun 1977).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7662.4/.M5/1977.  This particular edition could not be located in TBRC.

239 —   The Collected Rediscovered Teachings (Gter ma) of Gter chen Mchog gyur gling pa (1829‑1870), "reproduced from a set of the Rtsi rke blockprints and unpublished manuscripts from library of the late Mchog gling Sprul sku," Patshang Lama Sonam Gyaltsen, TBMC (Dolanji 1977).  In I.U. library, with at least 30 vols.  Tib‑B/BQ7662/.M28/1975.  According to TBRC, there ought to be 32 vols.  TBRC Work RID: W8751.

240 —   Sbas yul Padma bkod kyii Lam yig/ Ma 'ongs Lung bstan Sna tshogs Phyogs gcig tu Bsdus pa'i Gsung Pod, "from the library of Ri bo che Rje drung of Padma bkod," Tseten Dorji, Tibetan Nyingmapa Monastery (Arunachal Pradesh 1974).  TBRC Work RID: W1KG9406.

241 —   Collected Works of Lha btsun Nam mkha' 'jigs med (1597‑1650), "reproduced from manuscript collections from Sikkim and Darjeeling," Jurme Drakpa (New Delhi 1974).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7662/.N3/1974, vols. 1‑2.  TBRC has 4 vols.  TBRC Work RID: W20865.

242 —   Collected Works (Gsung 'bum) of Smin gling Lo chen Dharma shrī (1654‑1718), "reproduced from various manuscripts available in India and Nepal," Ven. D.G. Khochen Tulku, Nyingmapa Lama's College (Dehra Dun 1977).  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ7662/.S6/1975.  I.U. library has vols. 1‑4, 7, 9‑19.  It appears that a vol. 6 was also published, although 5 and 8 evidently have not been.  TBRC Work RID: W22197.  TBRC says vols. 5 8, and 20 were never published.

243 —   Collected Works (Gsung 'bum) of Blo bzang chos kyi rgyal mtshan, "works of the 1st Panchen Lama, reproduced from tracings from prints of the Bkra shis lhun po blocks," Mongolian Lama Gurudeva (New Delhi 1973).  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ7945/.B54/1973. I.U. library has vols. 1‑5, and this seems to be a complete set.  TBRC Work RID: W23430.

244 —   Snyan rgyud Rig pa Gcer Mthong, "Bonpo oral transmission precepts granted by Srid pa rgyal mo to Bon zhig Khyung nag, reproduced from rare manuscript from Bsam gling Monastery in Dol po," TBMC (Dolanji 1972).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.B654/1972.  Not found in TBRC.

245 —   Dkar ru Grub dbang Bstan 'dzin rin chen (b. 1801), Dmar khrid Dug Lnga Rang grol, "practical instructions of Bonpo meditative practice, reproduced from a manuscript from Bsam gling Monastery in Dol po," TBMC (Dolanji 1972).  There was a similar title published in 2 vols. in 1974, and yet another, in one vol., in 1985.  The 1972 version is in I.U. library.  Tib‑B/BQ7982.2/.B73/1972.  TBRC does not list this particular 1972 edition.

246 —   Gal Mdo, "texts concerned with the logical establishment of the authenticity of the Rdzogs chen teaching of Bon, reproduced from a blockprint from the Sman ri Monastery in Tibet," Tenzin Namdak, TBMC (Dolanji 1972).  TBRC Work RID: W28802.

247 —   Ma 'ongs Lung bstan Gsal ba'i Sgron me, "reproduction of 2 manuscript containing a collection of prophecies of Padmasambhava (being chaps. 89‑108 of the Rnam thar Chen mo Mthong ba Don ldan), related accounts of the various Sbas yul from the rediscoveries of Rgod ldem, and the Bka' chems Bka' khol ma of Srong btsan sgam po in 13 chapters," SSS series nos. 33‑34, S.W. Tashigangpa (Leh 1973), in 2 vols. complete.  Volume 1: Stog manuscript.  Volume 2: Leh manuscript.  TBRC Work RID: W29704.

248 —   History and Doctrine of Bon po Niṣpanna Yoga, Śatapiṭaka series no. 73, International Academy of Indian Culture (New Delhi 1968).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BL1943/.B6 L83.  TBRC Work RID: W8LS66718.

249 —   Rgyal Kun Spyi Gzugs Bla chen Dran pa Gsang ba'i Sgrub pa'i Khrid Gzhung bcas kyi Gsung Pod, "a collection of esoteric teachings focussing upon Dran pa nam mkha', rediscovered by Dpon gsas Khyung rgod rtsal, reproduced from rare manuscripts from Bsam gling Monastery in Dol po," Tshultrim Tashi, TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  I‑Tib 73‑902478.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7989/.D729 D64/1973.  TBRC Work RID: W8LS67524.

250 —   Bka' rten Sum brgya pa dang Lam rim Chung ba bcas kyi Rnam 'grel Lhan cig Bsdus pa'i Gsung Pod, cover title: Bon po Lam rim Texts, "Bonpo texts on the meaning of the Bodhisādhana and the brief graduate path by Me ston Shes rab 'od zer, Sku mdun Bsod nams g.yung drung, and Rig 'dzin Kun grol grags pa, reproduced from manuscripts preserved at Bsam gling Monastery in Dol po," Khedup Gyatso, TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  I‑Tib 73‑904145.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7980.2/.S45/1973. Unable to locate it in TBRC.

251 —   Dbal mo Las Thig & Ma rgyud 'Grel pa Dpal mo Las kyi Thig le'i Las Mtha'i Skor, "a collection of Bonpo rites for invoking curses upon the enemy, & Ma rgyud Rgyal ba rgya mtsho'i Bshad byang, a commentary on the Bonpo Mother Tantra by Dmu dbang Nyi ma rgyal mtshan, reproduced from manuscripts preserved at Bsam gling Monastery," Patsang Lama Sonam Gyaltsen, TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.D325/1973.  TBRC Work RID: W8LS67590.

252 —   Bonpo Miscellaneous TextsBonpo Texts on the Laying out of Mandalas, Mantras, Poetic, Scripts, and Pujas, "by Khyung sprul 'Jigs med nam mkha'i rdo rje and others, reproduced from lithographic prints and manuscripts from the library of the late Dpal ldan tshul khrims," Sonam Drakpa, TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7965/.J53/1973.  TBRC Work RID: W4CZ354412.

253 —   Dpal ldan tshul khrims (1904‑1972), History of Bon: G.yung drung Bon gyi Bstan 'byung (1972), TBMC (Dolanji 1972), in 2 vols., complete.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7964.2/.D6/1972.  TBRC Work RID: W8LS67515.

254 —   Snyan rgyud Mdo sde Rin chen Sgron ma & Snyan rgyud Gser 'od Nor bu 'Od 'bar, reproduced from ancient manuscripts from Dolpo and Kongpo, Ngawang Sonam, TBMC (Dolanji 1972).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.B56/1972.  Not listed in TBRC.

255 —   Shar rdza Bkra shis rgyal mtshan, Sdom Gsum Skor, "four Bonpo works on the concepts of the 3 vows, reproduced from Delhi lithographic editions prepared in the 1950's by Khyung sprul Rin po che," Topden Tshering, TBMC (Dolanji 1972), in 2 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7980.5/.B55/1972.  TBRC Work RID: W4CZ328563.

256 —   Tshe dbang Bod yul ma [longer title: Yang zab Bla med Rdzogs pa Chen po'i Gdams Khrid Tshe dbang Bod yul ma'i Sgrub pa bcas kyi Gsung Pod], "a cycle of Bonpo life consecration precepts and ritual and meditational instructions rediscovered from its place of concealment at Nyang stod Phyug mo dpal by Bon zhig G.yung drung gling pa, copied from a blockprint from Hor Bon tha belonging to Tenzin Namdak," G.yung drung rgyal mtshan, TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.B652/1973.  TBRC Work RID: W1GS91723 (no scan made available).

257 —   Zab mo Gcod kyi Gdams ngag Yum chen Thugs rje sgrol ma, "Bonpo Gcod precepts rediscovered by Nyag gter Gsang sngags gling pa, together with ritual texts from the Gnas brtan phyag mchod, Phur pa and Spa yi Rig 'dzin Rgyud Bskang cycles of Bon teachings, reproduced from a collection of Delhi lithographs published by Khyung sprul 'Jigs med nam mkha'i rdo rje in circa 1955," TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.G72/1973.  TBRC Work RID: W8LS67530.

258 —   Bka' 'gyur Rgyud sde'i Skor [Collected Tantras of Bon], "reproduced from a manuscript from Bsam gling Monastery in Dolpo by Tenzin Namdak," TBMC (Dolanji 1972‑78), complete in 6 vols.  I.U. library is missing vol. 3.  Tib‑B/BQ7973.2/1972.  TBRC Work RID: W8LS67533 (vol. 5 only?).

259 —   Bon Gsar Sna tshogs Skor'Chi med Mgon po Tshe dpag med dang Ma Gshin Gnyis kyi Sgrub Chog Mo Yig Sna tshogs bcas kyi Gsung Pod, "a collection of ritual and divinational texts of the Bon Gsar tradition. Chiefly works by Kun grol grags pa and Mi shig rdo rje, reproduced from a manuscript brought from Rgyal ri Monastery in Kong po by Tenzin Namdak," TBMC (Dolanji 1973), in 1 volume, complete.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.C45.  TBRC Work RID: W8LS67548.

260 —   Zhu dang Gshen Pod/ Dbang ldan Zhu yi Gsang sngags Spyi yi Nyer mkho'i Phyag len dang Dmu rgyal Gshen gyi Zhi ba Bsang Mchod bcas kyi Gsung Pod, "a collection of texts setting forth the ritual methods (lag len) of the Zhu and Gshen lineages of hereditary Bonpo lamas, reproduced from manuscripts belonging to the late Khyung sprul 'Jigs med nam mkha'i rdo rje," Tashi Dorji, TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.D33/1973.  Not found in TBRC.

261 —   Bru Pod/ Rgyal Gshen Bru yi Ring lugs Gsang sngags Cha lag Nyer mkho Sna tshogs Bsdus pa'i Gsung Pod, "a collection of texts setting forth the ritual methods (lag len) of the Bru Lineage of hereditary Bonpo Lamas, reproduced from manuscripts borrowed from various Bonpo lamas and laymen," Ngawang Sonam, TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.R484/1973.  Not in TBRC.

262 —   Shar rdza Bkra shis rgyal mtshan, A khrid Bka' Lung Rgya mtsho, "an introduction  to the A khrid practices of Bonpo realization, being the text of Man ngag Rin po che A khrid Thun mtshams Bco lnga pa'i Sngon 'gro'i Khrid Bka' Lung Rgya mtsho, reproduced photographically from a print of the rare Delhi lithography by Tenzin Namdak," TBMC (Dolanji 1972).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.B535/1972.  This edition not found in TBRC.

263 —   Khod spungs Dran pa Sgrub skorKhod spungs Dran pa Sgrub pa'i Gzhung Sna tshogs Gcig tu Bsdus pa'i Gsung Pod, "a collection of precious teachings of the Bonpo tradition concerning the Dran pa Sgrub pa rites, reproduced from manuscripts preserved in the Bsam ging Monastery in Dolpo (Northwest Nepal)," Tshultrim Tashi, TBMC (Dolanji 1976).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7989/.D729 K46.  TBRC Work RID W8LS6784 (but its publication year is 1973).

264 —   Rdzogs chen Bsgrags pa Skor GsumRdzogs pa Chen po Zab Lam Gnad kyi Gdams pa Bsgrags pa Skor Gsum Ma Bu Cha lag dang bcas pa, "collection of Bonpo Rdzogs chen teachings rediscovered by Gzhod ston Dngos grub grags 'bar from a Vairocana image at Lho brag Mkho mthing, reproduced from a manuscript from Bsam gling Monastery in Dolpo," Patsang Lama Sonam Gyaltsen, TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.D57/1973.  TBRC Work RID: W8LS67596.

265 —   Gshen gsas Lha rje, Drung mu Gcod ChenZab Lam Gnad kyi Gdams pa Drung mu Gcod Chen gyi Gsung Pod, "a collection of Bonpo Gcod texts:  tantras, rituals, and Khrid yig. Received in a vision from Stong rgyung mthu chen by Gshen gsas Lha rje, reproduced from an ancient manuscript preserved at Bsam gling Monastery in Dolpo," Tshultrim Tashi, TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.G729/1973.  With the mistakenly spelled title "Drung mo gcod chen," TBRC Work RID W8LS67581.

266 —   Gshen gsas Lha rje, Man ngag Rin po che Dran pa Gser gyi Gdams paSnyan rgyud Man ngag Rin po che Dran pa Gser gyi Gdams pa, "Bonpo oral transmission precepts granted by Dran pa nam mkha' to Gshen gsas Lha rje, reproduced from a rare manuscript from Bsam gling Monastery in Dolpo," TBMC (Dolanji 1972).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.G73/1972.  Not found in TBRC.

267 —   Mkha' 'gro Gsang Gcod Rgyud SkorZab Lam Mkha' 'gro Gsang ba'i Gcod kyi Gdams pa, "a collection of Bonpo Gcod tantras and related texts, largely from the oral transmission received by Sprul sku Khro gnyan rgyal mtshan, reproduced from manuscripts of Bsam gling Monastery," Tashi Dorji, TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.K46/1973.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG3960.

268 —   The Three Basic Mother Tantras with Commentaries: Ma rgyud Sangs rgyas Rgyud Gsum Rtsa 'Grel, "commentaries by Mi lus bsam legs included, reproduced from Ms. from Samling Monastery," TBMC (Dolanji 1971). Personal copy.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7973.5/.M37 R45/1971.  Not in TBRC.

269 —   Khu tsha Zla 'od, Phur pa Sgrub Skor: Dbal phur Nag po'i Rgyud las Spyi Don Nyi shu rtsa lnga'i Sgrub pa Las Tshogs bcas kyi Gsung Pod, "Bonpo rituals for worship of Vajrakila rediscovered from their place of concealment at Spa gro Phug gcal in Bhutan by Khu tsha Zla 'od, reproduced from Khyung sprul 'Jigs med nam mkha'i rdo rje's Delhi lithographic edition of about 1950," Sherab Wangyal, TBMC (Dolanji 1972).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7981.4/.P472 K472/1972.  This edition couldn't be located in TBRC.

270 —   Srid rgyal Dre'u dmar mo'i Rgyud 'Grel SkorSrid rgyal Dre'u dmar mo'i Rgyud dang 'Grel pa bcas kyi Gsung Pod, "a collection of texts connected with the worship of Srid pa'i Rgyal mo Dre'u dmar mo largely from rediscoveries of Gshen chen Klu dga', reproduced from an incomplete manuscript collection from the Bsam gling Monastery," Patshang Lama Sonam Gyaltsen, TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7981.4/.S722 G8/1973.  TBRC Work RID: W8LS67593.

271 —   Zhang zhung Me ri Bka' Gter Gnyis kyi Sgrub pa Las Tshogs bcas pa'i Gsung Pod, "a collection of texts from the Zhang zhung Snyan rgyud and the rediscoveries of Gter ston Khu tsha Zla 'od concerned with the propitiation of the Bonpo Deity Me ri, reproduced from lithographic ed. prepared in Delhi about 1950 by the late Khyung sprul 'Jigs med nam mkha'i rdo rje," Tenzin Namdak, TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7981.4/.G462Z3/1973.  Could not be located in TBRC.

272 —   Rtsa Gsum Yi dam Kun 'Dus kyi Sgrub pa Las Mtha' dang bcas pa'i Gsung Pod, "a collection of precious teachings for the invocation and propitiation of the host of Bonpo tutelary deities by Skyang sprul Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan, reproduced from Delhi lithographic prints from circa 1955 through efforts of Tshul khrims nyi ma of Khyung po," Sherab Wangyal, TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.N36/1973.  Not found in TBRC.

273 —   Rtsa Rgyud Chen po Gsang ba bsen thub Rgyud 'Grel Skor/ Rtsa Rgyud Chen po Gsang ba bsen thub kyi 'Grel pa Rin po che Yid bzhin Rnam par Bkod pa'i Rgyan dang bcas pa, "commentary on the Bonpo tantra Gsang ba bsen thub and the Khro bo Sku Gsung Thubs kyi Sgrub thabs by A zha Blo gros rgyal mtshan and Mnyam med Shes rab rgyal mtshan, reproduced from rare manuscripts preserved at Bsam gling Monastery," Tenpa Yeshe, TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7973.5/.G835 B55/1973.  This edition not located in TBRC.

273A Rtsa rgyud Chen po Gsang ba bsen thub dang De'i 'Grel pa, "from a manuscript from Khung lung Gur rgyam Monastery," Tashi Dorje, Tibetan Bonpo Monastic Centre (Dolanji 1985), in 2 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7973.5/.G83/1985.  Not located in TBRC.

274 —   Shar rdza Bkra shis rgyal mtshan, Nam mkha' Mdzod, "a collection of ritual texts, Khrid yig, and treatises on aspects of the four consecrations, reproduced from Delhi lithographic editions of early 1950's and xylographic prints from Khams," Ngawang Sonam, Patshang Lama Sonam Gyaltsen, and Khedup Gyatso, TBMC (Dolanji 1973), in 3 vols. complete.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.B537/1973.  This edition not found in TBRC.

275 —   Mkha' Klong Gsang MdosGsas mkhar Rin po che Spyi spungs kyi cha lag Mkha' Klong Gsang ba'i Mdos Chen gyi Las Mtha' bcas, "a collection of Bonpo propitiatory texts from the rediscoveries of Rma ston Srol 'dzin, 'Or sgon Phug pa, and others, reproduced from a manuscript belonging to the late Khyung sprul 'Jigs med nam mkha'i rdo rje and brought from Gu ru Gyams Monastery near Mt. Kailash," Khedup Gyatso, TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.G728/1973.  This edition not in TBRC.

276 —   Bon po'i 'Das log SkorThree Bonpo Visionary Accounts of Hell, "the contemplative insights of Gshen sprul Thugs rje nyi ma and the eye‑witness accounts of La phyi Sprul sku and Dbu za Rin chen sgron gsal, two who had returned from death, compiled and reproduced from various manuscripts collections in India," Tenzin Namdak, TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7980.5/.T4/1973.  TBRC Work RID: W30537.

277 —   Rten Gsum la Rab tu Gnas pa'i Cho ga/ Sku Gsung Thugs kyi Rten la Rab tu Gnas pa'i Cho ga, "a collection of Bonpo ritual texts for use in the consecration and vivification of stūpas, temples, images and scriptures, reproduced from rare manuscripts from library of Bsam gling Monastery in Dolpo," Tenzin Namdak, TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  See Karmay, Catalogue, no. 84.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.S56/1973.  Not found in TBRC.

278 —   Dbal gsas Las rimDbal gsas Las rim gyi Sgrub pa dang Las tshogs bcas, "a collection of Bonpo ritual texts for propitiation of tutelary Dbal gsas, rediscovered by Dpon gsas Khyung rgod rtsal (b. 1175), reproduced from a manuscript brought by the late G.yung drung gling mkhan Rin po che from a monastery in Dolpo," Khedup Gyatso, TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  I‑Tib 1035.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7981.4/.D322 D66/1973.  Not found in TBRC.

279 —   Gsang sngags Khrid dang Smon lam Rnam Gsum sogs kyi 'Grel pa, "a collection of exegetical works on esoteric Bonpo practice and liturgy by Shar rdza Bkra shis rgyal mtshan, reproduced from a copy of the Delhi lithographic print made by Khyung sprul 'Jigs med nam mkha'i rdo rje during the 1950's," Khedup Gyatso, TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  Couldn't be found in TBRC.

280 —   Tshe dbang Rgya gar maTshe dbang Rgya gar ma'i Khrid dang Sgrub pa bcas kyi Gsung Pod, "a collection of Bonpo teachings on the life consecration rites, rediscovered by Dpon gsas Khyung rgod rtsal, reproduced from a manuscript collection of Bsam gling Monastery in Dolpo," Yongzin Sangye Tenzin, TBMC (Dolanji 1973), in 2 vols.  Not found in TBRC.

281 —   Zhang zhung Snyan rgyud kyi Bla ma'i Nyams rgyud Rgyas pa Skya Smug Gnyis kyi Gsung Pod, "a collection of instructions incorporating the insights of the successive masters of the Zhang zhung Snyan rgyud teachings of the Rdzogs chen together with other Rdzogs chen instructions rediscovered by Tshe dbang rgyal po, reproduced from manuscripts from Bsam gling Monastery in Dolpo and the library of Bstan 'dzin rnam dag," Ngawang Sonam, TBMC (New Thobgyal 1973).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.Z36/1973.  Not found in TBRC.

282 —   Zhang zhung Snyan rgyud kyi Bla ma'i Nyams rgyud: 'Bring po Sor Bzhag pa dang Bsdus pa 'Thor bu bcas kyi Gsung Pod, "two collections of instructions incorporating the insights of the successive masters of the Zhang zhung Snyan rgyud teachings of the Rdzogs chen approach to Bon, reproduced from a manuscript formerly belonging to Khyung sprul 'Jigs med nam mkha'i rdo rje," Yongs 'dzin Sangs rgyas bstan 'dzin, TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.Z36/1973b.  Not found in TBRC.

283 —   Ge khod Gsang ba Drag chen gyi Sgrub SkorGtsang ma Zhang zhung gi Bon Ge khod Gsang ba Drag chen gyi Sgrub pa Las tshogs bcas kyi Gsung Pod, "a collection of texts from the rediscoveries of Dpon gsas Khyung rgod rtsal (b. 1175) concerned with the Bonpo deities of the Ge khod cycle and their propitiation, reproduced from lithographic edition prepared in Delhi circa 1950 by the late Khyung sprul 'Jigs med nam mkha'i rdo rje," TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  I‑Tib 73‑901153.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7981.4/.G46 D63/1973.  Couldn't locate this in TBRC.

284 —   Gsang 'dus Sgrub SkorDpal Gsang bdag Gsang ba 'dus pa Bsgrub pa'i Gsung Pod, "a collection of Bonpo rites and precepts delivered as an oral transmission to Ge shel Khri chen G.yung drung rgyal mtshan, reproduced from a rare manuscript collection brought from E. Tibet," Sonam Gyaltsen, TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.G97/1973.  Not in TBRC.

285 —   Rig 'dzin Rgya mtsho 'Dus pa'i Sgrub Skor / Zang Gter Rig 'dzin Rgya mtsho 'Dus pa'i Sgrub pa Khrid dang bcas pa'i Gsung Pod, "a collection of Bonpo sādhanas, meditational precepts, and liturgical texts belonging to the Rig 'dzin 'Dus pa cycle of textual discoveries, rediscovered by Dpon gsas Khyung rgod rtsal and amplified by subsequent religious masters, reproduced from lithographic ed. printed in Delhi in early 1960's by Pa la Kun bzang Rin po che of Dolpo," TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.D64/1973. Not in TBRC.

286 —   Bon skyong Sgrub thabs Bskang gsol bcas, "a collection of propitiatory rituals for the host of Bonpo protective deities (especially Dbal gsas), reproduced from a manuscript prepared by Phyug gtso Mkhan po," Tsultrim Tashi, TBMC (Dolanji 1972), in 2 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.B64/1972.  TBRC Work RID: W8LS67577.

287 —   'Od dkar Dpag med kyi Tshe g.yang Bsgrub pa & Lam Lnga Mkha' 'gro Rgya mtsho'i Sgrub Gzhung, "rites from rediscoveries of Ge shel Khri chen G.yung drung rgyal mtshan, reproduced from manuscripts brought from the Khyung po area of Khams," Sonam Gyaltsen, TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.G98/1973.  Not in TBRC.

288 —   Rnam dag Padma Klong yang Rgyud Gzhung gi Gsung Pod, "a collection of ritual and contemplative texts focusing on the Outer Bonpo Mother Tantra (Ma rgyud Phyi'i Rgyud), reproduced from a manuscript from the library of the late Dpal tshul," Tenpa Yeshe, TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  I‑Tib 1066.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7973.5/.M355 R6/1973.  Not found in TBRC.

289 —   Nam mkha' dpal, Hor ston (1373‑1447), Blo sbyong Nyi ma 'Od zer, "Lhasa blocks carved circa 1950," Mongolian Lama Guru Deva (New Delhi 1971), in 225 pages.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7699/.B5 N35/1971.  This edition not found in TBRC.

290 —   Ma rgyud Dbang Bzhi Skor, TBMC (Dolanji 1972), in 408 pp.  Contains 8 distinct texts.  In pothi format.  I‑Tib 72‑905653.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7973.5/.M355 M3/1972.  Not located in TBRC.

291 —   Rnam rgyal Gzungs Chen (by Gshen gsas Lha rje) & Khams Bsdus Tshigs bcad ma (rediscovered by Rma ston Sher seng), "two liturgical texts from the Bonpo canon, reproduced from a manuscript from Bsam gling Monastery in Dolpo," Khedup Gyatso, TBMC (Dolanji 1972).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/ .G75/1972.  This edition not in TBRC.

292 —   Spyi 'dul Rta dbu dmar chungSpyi 'dul Yi dam Rgya mtsho'i Rgyud las Yang Gas Rta dbu dmar chung gi Sgrub pa las Tshogs dang bcas pa'i Skor, "propitiatory teachings of Bon rediscovered by Skyu ra Rnal 'byor and related texts by great masters of the past, reproduced from manuscripts brought from Tre pa Lho ma near Skyid rong," Patshang Lama Sonam Gyaltsen, TBMC (Dolanji 1973), in 2 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7981.4/.S68 B6/1973.  TBRC Work RID W00EGS1016296.

293 —   Zhi ba G.yung drung Yongs Rdzogs, "a collection of Bonpo esoteric texts from the Spyi spungs cycle, rediscovered by Rma ston Shes rab seng ge, reproduced from manuscripts from library of late Dpal tshul," Tenzin Namdak, TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.R63/1973.  This edition not in TBRC.

294 —   Khro bo Rgyud Drug Spa gro ma, "six texts translated from Zhang zhung, concealed and rediscovered from Spa gro by Khu tsha Zla 'od," TBMC (Dolanji 1970).  In pothi format, dbu can script.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7973.5/.K4/1970.  This publication not listed in TBRC.

295 —   Theg Rim Rtsa 'Grel Cha lag bcas, "a collection of five Bon texts," TBMC (Dolanji 1972).  In pothi format, dbu can script.  I‑Tib 72‑905215.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7971.5/.T48/1972.  Not in TBRC.

296 —   Sde snod Rin po che'i Mdzod, "a synthetic treatise on the varieties of Bonpo practice and the results to be obtained from each by Shar rdza Bkra shis rgyal mtshan, reproduced from a Delhi lithographic edition of circa 1950 through the efforts of Khyung sprul 'Jigs med nam mkha'i rdo rje," Patsang Lama Sonam Gyaltsen, TBMC (Dolanji 1972), in 2 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7980.2/.B54/1972.  This edition couldn't be found in TBRC.

297 —   Shar rdza Bkra shis rgyal mtshan, Dbyings Rig Rin po che'i Mdzod, "a synthetic treatise on the Bonpo traditions of Dzogchen meditational practice by Shar rdza Bkra shis rgyal mtshan, reproduced from a Delhi lithographic edition of circa 1955 prepared through the efforts of Khyung sprul 'Jigs med nam mkha'i rdo rje," Topden Tshering, TBMC (Dolanji 1972), in 2 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.B53/1972.  I believe this is identical to TBRC Work RID: W4CZ328563.

298 —   Mdo 'Bum Rgyud Mdzod Bzhi'i Dbang Lung Khrid kyi Brgyud rim Gser gyi Phreng ba, "lists of eminent gurus in the transmission lineages of the teachings of Bon, reproduced from manuscripts preserved at Bsam gling Monastery in Dolpo," Tashi Dorje, TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7966.2/.M38.  Not found in TBRC.

299 —   Dbal chu'i Las tshogsGsang sngags Dbal chu'i Las tshogs & Kun bzang Drag 'khros kyi Sgrub Skor, "a collection of Bon rituals used in the purification of illegitimate births, the production of Btso "bombs," propitiatory rites, etc, reproduced from lithographic prints published in Delhi by Khyung sprul 'Jigs med nam mkha'i rdo rje," Tenzin Namdak, TBMC (Dolanji 1973), in one vol.  I‑Tib 73‑901468.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.G7/1973.  Not found in TBRC.

300 —   Dbal gsas Rtsod ZlogGsas mkhar Rin po che Spyi spungs las Dbal gsas Rtsod Zlog, "a collection of Bon teachings concerned with contemplation and propitiation of the tutelary deity Dbal gsas, received in visions of personages of the past by Sprul sku Blo ldan snying po, reproduced from a manuscript collection in the library of the late Dpal ldan tshul khrims," Tshering Wangyal, TBMC (Dolanji 1973), in 4 vols.  I‑Tib 73‑901330.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7981.4/.D322 B6/1973.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG589.

301 —   Kun rig Las Bzhi Rgyun LngaKun rig Las Bzhi Rgyun Lnga'i Sbyin sreg, "Bonpo crematory rites from rediscovered teachings of Rma ston Sher seng, Khu tsha Zla 'od, Dpon gsas Khyung rgod rtsal and others, reproduced from a manuscript belonging to Dpal ldan tshul khrims," Bsod nams rgyal mtshan, TBMC (Dolanji 1972), in 2 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.K87.  Not in TBRC.

302 —   Stag la me 'bar gyi Sgrub SkorStag la Spu gri Dkar Nag Dmar Gsum Yang gsang Bcud dril bcas kyi Sgrub Skor, "a collection of teachings for invoking and propitiating the Bonpo tutelary Stag la me 'bar, compiled by the late Khyung sprul 'Jigs med nam mkha'i rdo rje and photographically reproduced from his Delhi lithograph edition of circa 1950," Tashi Dorji, TBMC (Dolanji 1973), in 2 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7981.4/.S732 J53/1973.  Not in TBRC.

303 —   Mnyam med Bla ma'i Nang Sgrub: Rnam 'dren Rgyal ba'i Dbang po Mnyam med chen po sogs Bla ma Sgrub pa'i Las Tshogs kyi Gsung Pod, "a collection of texts on ritual worship of Bonpo tantric preceptor as exemplified by Mnyam med Shes rab rgyal mtshan, together with Khro phur Gdangs yig, reproduced from manuscript collection calligraphed by G.yung drung rgyal mtshan," Ngawang Sonam, TBMC (Dolanji 1973), in 1 volume.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.R64/1973.  Not in TBRC.

304 —   Mdzod Phug Rtsa 'Grel & Ti se'i Dkar chag: Snang srid Mdzod Phug gi Rtsa ba dang Spyi Don gyi Gsung Pod, "text with commentary on the Bonpo Abhidharma work, the Mdzod Phug, & two rare Bonpo dkar chag to the sacred Kailash and Manasarowar written by Ye shes rgyal mtshan and the Dkar ru Grub dbang Bstan 'dzin rin chen, reproduced from rare manuscripts preserved at Bsam gling Monastery in Dolpo," Tashi Dorji, TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  I‑Tib 73‑904144.  I‑Tib 1073.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7974.5/.M49/1973.  This edition not in TBRC.

305 —   Yang rtse Klong chen Khrid Gzhung Cha lag bcasBla med Rdzogs pa Chen po Yang rtse Klong chen gyi Khrid Gzhung Cha lag dang bcas pa'i Gsung Pod, "rare teachings on practice of an important Bonpo Dzogchen Tantra recovered from place of concealment at Lho brag by Bzhod ston Dngos grub grags 'bar, reproduced from a recent manuscript collection copied from various texts preserved in Bsam gling Monastery in Dolpo," Sherab Wangyal, TBMC (Dolanji 1973), in 2 vols.  Vol. 1 contains the historical work associated with the cycle, which has its own abbreviation (YL, below).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7973.5/.Y365 D6/1973.  This edition not in TBRC.

306 —   Biography of Khyung sprul: The Biography of Khyung sprul 'Jigs med nam mkha'i rdo rje, "being the text of Khyab bdag 'Khor lo'i Mgon po Mkhas grub 'Jigs med nam mkha'i Rnam thar Dad Brgya 'i Rma bya Rnam par Rtse ba, written by Dpal ldan tshul khrim together with the Zhal gdams and Nyams mgur of Khyung sprul, reproduced from lithographic print published in Delhi in 1957," Sonam Dakpa, TBMC (Dolanji 1972), in 2 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7989/.J467 D6/1972.  TBRC Work RID: W30158.

307 —   Rta mgrin Padma yang gsang khros pa'i Chos Skor, "a collection of rites for invoking and propitiating Hayagrīva according to the tradition of the Dge lugs pa, reproduced from a unique set of prints from central Tibetan blocks," Ngawang Sopa (Delhi 1976), in 2 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ4860/.H374 T537/1976.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG9593.

308 —   Khams rtsa Nges pa'i Mdo, "a concise version of the Bonpo Prajñāpāramitā recovered from its place of concealment by Gnyan 'thing Shes rab seng ge, published from the dbu med manuscript preserved at Dorpatan Monastery," Lama Sonam Gyaltsen, TBMC (Dolanji 1974), in 2 vols.  Not in TBRC.

309 —   Ting mur G.yu rtse'i Bsnyen sgrub SkorSpyi spungs Rin po che Dbal gsas Ting mur G.yu rtse Bsnyen sgrub Rtsa ba'i Rgyud dang 'Grel pa'i Gsung Pod, "the tantra outlining the sevasādhana vidhi of the Dbal gsas recovered from its place of concealment by the Gter ston Rma ston Shes rab seng ge, together with its commentary by Bru ston Bsod nams blo gros, reproduced from a manuscript once preserved at Gur gyam Monastery in Tibet," Tashi Dorji, TBMC (Dolanji 1974).  I‑Tib 74‑901745.  I‑Tib 1280.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7981.4/.D322 R53/1974.  This edition not in TBRC.

310 —   Gshen Rtsis Las Nag Rtsis SkorGshen gyi Rtsis Gsar Rnam dag las 'Byung rtsis gyi Skor 'Grel bshad bcas kyi Gsung Pod, "writings on astrology and calendrical calculations by Gshen Mkhas grub Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan together with the Nag rtsis of Khyung sprul 'Jigs med nam mkha'i rdo rje reproduced from manuscripts and lithographic prints from library of Dpal ldan tshul khrims," Sonam Dakpa, TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  I‑Tib 73‑901469.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BF1714/.T53 T77/1973.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG4518.

311 —   Yang rtse Klong chen 'Grel SkorBla med Rdzogs pa Chen po Yang rtse Klong chen gyi 'Grel Skor, "a collection of rare commentary on an important Bonpo Dzogchen Tantra, compiled and photographically reproduced from manuscripts preserved in library of Bsam gling Monastery in Dolpo," Tenzin Namdak, TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7973.5/.Y365 N3/1973.  This edition not in TBRC.

312 —   Spyi spungs dang Dbal phur gyi 'Grel paSpyi spungs Khro bo Dbang chen gyi 'Grel pa dang Dbal phur Spyi don Nyi shu Rtsa Lnga'i 'Grel pa bcas, "commentary on the Spyi spungs and Dbal phur cycles of esoteric Bonpo practice by Skyabs ston Rin chen 'od zer and Khu tsha Zla 'od, reproduced from rare manuscripts from library of Bsam gling Monastery in Dolpo," Yongzin Sangyay Tenzin, TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  I‑Tib 73‑901152.  I‑Tib‑1014.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.R57/1973.  Not in TBRC.

313 —   Bskang 'BumMchog Gsum Rgyal ba Sras bcas dang Bka' skyong Dam can Rgya mtsho bcas kyi Thugs dam Bskang ba'i Gsung Pod, "collection of propitiatory rites for the host of tutelary and protective deities of Bon according to the liturgy of Sman ri Monastery and the Bru lineage, reproduced from a manuscript prepared on the basis of older texts from Dolpo," TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  Volume 1 — Yi dam Skor. Volume 2 — Bon Srung Skor.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.M35/1973.  Not in TBRC.

314 —   Shar rdza Bkra shis rgyal mtshan, Lung rigs Rin po che'i Mdzod, "a synthetic treatise on the Bonpo traditions of philosophical analysis by Shar rdza Bkra shis rgyal mtshan, reproduced from a Delhi lithography circa 1955 by Khyung sprul," Topden Tshering, TBMC (Dolanji 1972).  This includes a Dkar chag to the author's other works by his disciple Dbra ston Ngag dbang bskal bzang bstan rgyal, as well as a commentary on the Bon refuge formula.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7980.2/.B53/1972.  This edition was not found in TBRC.

315 —   Gto PhranSnang srid Gdug pa Zhi ba'i 'Phrin las dang Gto Mdos Sna tshogs kyi Gsung Pod, "a collection of Bonpo rites for subduing and quelling evil forces through the production of thread crosses, reproduced from manuscript preserved in library of the TBMC," Khedup Gyatso, TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.S6/1973.  Not in TBRC.

316 —   Dran pa Chog DrugBla chen Dran pa nam mkhas Mdzad pa Chog pa Drug gi Gdams ngag & Mkha' 'gro Las tshogs, "Bonpo ritual teachings rediscovered by Khyung rgod rtsal, reproduced from rare manuscripts from Bsam gling Monastery in Dolpo," Tsering Wangyal, TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  I‑Tib‑1033.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.D62/1973.  Not in TBRC.

317 —   Bonpo Tantric Commentaries from DolpoGsang chen Sngags kyi Rgyud sde Zab mo 'Ga' zhig gi Dgongs 'Grel Gces par Btus pa'i Theg mchog Gsal ba'i Rgyan, "a collection of commentaries and exigetical works on Bonpo tantras and esoteric practice including the Mgur of Ban tsa Rgyal ba 'od zer, selected and reproduced from libraries of Dolpo," Tenzin Namdak, TBMC (Dolanji 1973).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7973.25/.N35.  Not in TBRC.

318 —   Bon MedicineKhyung sprul 'Jigs med nam mkha'i rdo rje on the Practice of Medicine, "four texts largely based on Bonpo medical terma rediscoveries, reproduced by photographic process from the lithograph edition printed in Delhi circa 1950," Tenzin Namdak, TBMC (Dolanji 1972).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/R644/.T5 J4/1972.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG12968.

319 —   The Rgyud 'bum of Vairocana, "a collection of ancient tantras and esoteric instructions compiled and translated by the 8th‑century Tibetan master, reproduced from rare manuscripts belonging to the Ven. Tokden Rimpoche of Gangon," Tashi Y. Tashigangpa (Leh 1971+), complete in 8 vols.  SSS series nos. 16+.  I‑Tib 70‑924557.  TBRC Work RID: W21519.

320 —   Rnying ma'i Rgyud 'bum, "reproduced from manuscripts preserved at Gting skyes Dgon pa Byang in Tibet," Dingo Khyentse Rimpoche (Thimbu 1973), in 36 vols.  Also given the number 221.  TBRC Work RID: W21518.

321 —   The Autobiography and Instructions of Gu ru Chos kyi dbang phyug, "reproduced from a rare manuscript from library of the late Lopen Choedak at the order of HH Dingo Khyentse Rimpoche," Ugyen Tempai Gyaltsen (Paro, Bhutan 1979), in 2 vols.  This is equivalent to vols. 8‑9 of Rin chen Gter Mdzod Chen po'i Rgyab Chos.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7662.9/.A3 G8/1979.  TBRC Work RID: W23802.

322 —   Mtha' grol rdo rje, Gting skyes Dgon pa Byang gi Mchog sprul gyi 'Khrungs rabs Bcu'i Rnam par Thar pa Mdo tsam Brjod pa, "reproduced from a manuscript made in 1965 in Sikkim," Kunzang Topgyel & Mani Dorje (Thimphu 1979).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7662.9/.M82/1979.  TBRC Work RID: W2CZ6602.

323 —   Rin chen dpal bzang po, Chos 'byung Bstan pa'i Sgron ma Rtsod zlog Seng ge'i Nga ro, "reproduced by Khams sprul Don brgyud nyi ma," SNGP (Tashijong, Palampur 1972).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7662.2/.R27/1972.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG4849.

324 —   Snang gsal 'O bde 'bum gyi Rnam thar Ma rig Mun Bsel, "reproduced from a manuscript from Padma bkod," Jamyang Samten (New Delhi 1979).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/PL3748/.S59/1979. "The present manuscript bears the notation that it was written by one Tshe dbang don grub in his 47th year.  It is as yet uncertain whether he was the writer or the scribe."  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/PL3748/.S59/1979.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG10284.

325 —   Bonpo Abhiṣeka Texts, "a collection of liturgical works outlining the theory and practice of the initiations and consecrations of Bon, compiled and edited by Hor pa Slob dpon Sangs rgyas bstan 'dzin," TBMC (Dolanji 1974), in 1 volume.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.B658/1974.  Not located in TBRC.

326 —   Gtsang ma Klu 'bum Chen mo, "reproduction of a manuscript copy based on the Tāranātha tradition of the famed Bonpo recitational classic," TBMC (Dolanji 1977), complete in 5 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7981.4/.N342 K5/1977.  TBRC Work RID: W2CZ7968.

327 —   Zhang zhung Snyan rgyud kyi Rnam thar Chen mo sogs dang Brgyud phyag bcas kyi Gsung Pod, "a collection of texts of the Bonpo Zhang zhung Snyan rgyud precepts of Rdzogs chen practice, reproduced from manuscript from Samling Monastery in Dolpo," Yongs 'dzin Sangs rgyas bstan 'dzin, TBMC (Dolanji 1974).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.Z36 Z36/1974.  Not found in TBRC.

328 —   Bonpo Tantra Miscellany, Brtson 'grus rgyal mtshan, Tibetan Bonpo Foundation (Delhi 1968).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7973.2/1968.  Contains:  Gab pa Dgu Skor, Sdong po Dgu 'dus, Gsas mkhar G.yung drung, etc.  Not found in TBRC.

329 —   Rdzogs chen pa Kun mkhyen Bstan pa'i nyi ma, Gzhi Khregs chod Skabs kyi Zin bris Bstan pa'i Nyi ma'i Zhal lung Snyan brgyud Chu bo'i Bcud 'dus, Spom‑mda' Mkhan‑po (Dehra Dun 1963 or 1964).  Author in colophon:  Padma las 'brel rtsal.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7805/.N34/1963.  This edition not in TBRC.

330 —   Rgyal ba g.yung drung, Zhang zhung Snyan brgyud. Published by Khyung btsun Bsod nams rgyal mtshan. (p. nos. confused!).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7982.3/.Z36/1960z. This edition seems not to be in TBRC.

331 —   Rare Writings on the Esoteric Teachings of the Bka' brgyud pa tradition from the library of Zhwa dmar Rin po che, Dzongsar Chhentse Labrang, Palace Monastery (Gangtok 1980).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7679/.R37/1980.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG12912.  Includes chronology by Tshe dbang nor bu (pp. 147‑91, general chronology work on pp. 13‑96).

332 —   Collected Works of Thu'u bkwan Blo bzang chos kyi nyi ma, with introduction  by E. Gene Smith, Ngawang Gelek Demo, GSMG series (Delhi 1969).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7550/.T48/1969. 10 vols.?  TBRC Work RID: W21506.

333 —   Sman ri Tshogs 'don, "a collection of liturgical texts of Sman ri Monastery," Ngawang Sonam, TBMC (Dolanji 1976).  I‑Tib 76‑902026.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7982.3/.S58.  Not in TBRC.

334 —   Selected Visionary Writings of Rtogs ldan Shākya shrī (1853‑1919), printed from blocks preserved in the Kerdang Temple in Gar zhwa (Kelang 1969).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7673/.S14/1969.  This edition not found in TBRC.

335 —   'Phags mchog Thugs rje chen po'i Sgrub thabs Yang zab Bcud kyi Thig le, revealed to Shakya shri, printed from blocks preserved in the Bho gar Temple (Kelang 1968).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ4710/.A84 T5589/1968.  This exact edition not found in TBRC.

336 —   The Autobiography of Rig 'dzin Chos rgyal rdo rje, "together with his Phyag chen Zhal gdams and works from his visionary cycle O rgyan mkha' 'gro Lha'i Sgrub thabs, reproduced from rare manuscripts from library of late A pho Rin po che," Dam chos smon lam (Manali 1975).  TBRC Work RID: W23827.

337 —   'Brug lugs kyi Mchod brjod Rab gsal. Printed at 'Brug pa'i Chos sgar. Publ. by Chopal Lama, 1969.  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ7683.6/.B78/1968.  It appears the I.U. library has two differing publications with the same title, both published in 1968. TBRC has two publications of it, but neither is from 1968.

338 —   Shākya shrī, Snyan brgyud Gsang ba'i Mthar thugs las Zab lam 'Pho ba'i Gdams pa Snying gi Thig le. No printing information except in colophon.  Copy in I.U. library — Tib‑D/BQ7645/.N3 S32/1976.  TBRC doesn't seem to have this particular edition.

339 —   Padma chos rgyal, Bka' brgyud Che Bzhi Chung Brgyad. By Padma chos rgyal. Printed at He mis Rgod tshang.  This was already numbered 48, above.  TBRC doesn't appear to have this Ladakhi woodblock print, although it does have the Rtsib ri.

340 —   Rig 'dzin Grub dbang Shākya shrī dznyā na'i Dgongs gter dang Gsung Thor bu'i Dkar chags Rdo rje Nor bu'i Phreng baCollected Works of Rtogs ldan Shākya shrī. Note:  Tibetan letters mark separate texts within this collection. Printed from 1976 blocks preserved at the Lhong tsho Dgon pa near Thim phu.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7673/.S14/1978.  It doesn't appear that TBRC has this exact woodblock edition.

341 —   Zur mang Mkhan po Karma tshogs gnyis rgya mtsho, Grub dbang Bde chen rdo rje'i Rnam thar Bsam gyis mi Khyab pa las Sa bon tsam Spel ba Zhing khams Rgya mtsho'i Rgyan, "the biography of Dpal me Mkhyen brtse Kun bzang 'gro 'dul, reproduced from a print from Mer chen Lhun grub gling blocks," Zhe chen Sprul sku 'Gyur med bshad sgrub dar rgyas (1974).  TBRC Work RID: W2CZ7877.

342 —   Shar rdza Bkra shis rgyal mtshan, Rdzogs pa chen po Sku Gsum Rang shar gyi Khrid Gdams Skor, "reproduced from a manuscript belonging to Phyug gtso Mkhan po," Khedup Gyatso, TBMC (Dolanji 1974).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.B55/1974.  Not in TBRC.

343 —   Rdzogs pa chen po Man ngag A khrid kyi Khrid Skor Cha tshang dang Mgur ma / Gsang sngags Ngag 'don / A khrid kyi Bskyed rim Ngag 'don / Smra seng Sgrub thabs Bcas kyi Gsung Pod (added English title: Bonpo A khrid Texts), "a collection of rare texts connected with A khrid teachings, reproduced from a manuscript in the library of TBMC," Tenpa Phuntshog, TBMC (Dolanji 1976).  Many of these texts are also to be found in A TRI.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.A25/1976.  Not in TBRC.

344 —   Writings of Dpal me Mkhyen brtse Kun bzang 'gro 'dul (1897‑1946), "reproduced from various blockprints and manuscripts from Bir," Sonam Topga (Bir 1975).  I‑Tib 75‑904276.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7662/.K86/1975.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG3939.

345 —   Ngag dbang bstan 'dzin nor bu, Jo bo Thugs rje chen po Yi ge Drug pa'i Gsol 'debs Sgrub thabs kyi Khrid yig Dri med 'Od Snang.  Written at Mdo sngags chos gling.  Xylograph from Rong phu blocks in 56 leaves.  Margin:  ca. Verso:  Thugs rje Khrid.  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ4710/.A84 T55195/1970.  TBRC may or may not have this particular woodblock version (needs checking).

346 —   Zur mang Sprul sku Blo gros mtsho'i sgra dbyangs dri med 'od kyi snang ba & Ku se Gser ljongs Mkhan po 'Jam dbyangs dge legs, The Life of the 11th Situ of Dpal spungsKun gzigs Rdo rje 'chang Skyabs mgon Ta yi Si tu Padma dbang mchog rgyal po'i Rnam thar Cha tsam Brjod pa Ngo mtshar Nor bu'i Ljon bzang, "reproduced from Dpal spungs print in the library of Dbon rgan Rin po che," Sherab Gyaltsen Lama (Gangtok 1976).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ978/.A347 B57/1976.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG4208.

347 —   Rig 'dzin Zil gnon dbang rgyal rdo rje'i Rnam thar dang Bka' 'bumThe Autobiography Reminiscences and Writings of the 17th‑Century Rnying ma Visionary, "reproduced from manuscripts in the library of Dgon pa Byang Sprul sku," Gonpo Tseten (Gangtok 1977).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7662/.Z46/1977.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG9748.

348 —   Three Texts Reflecting the Views of Pha bong kha pa Bde chen snying po on the Questions of Heresies and Intersectarian Relations in Tibet, "by Ldan ma Blo bzang rdo rje and others, reproduced from Pha bong kha Bkra shis chos gling blocks from the library of Gro mo Dge bshes Rin po che," Ngawang Topgay (New Delhi 1977).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7550.2/.T47/1977.  TBRC Work RID: W29252.

349 —   Rgyud sde Rin po che Kun las Btus paRgyud sde Kun Btus, ed. by 'Jam dbyangs blo gter dbang po, "reproduced from a Sde dge print belonging to Thartse Rimpoche," N. Lungtok & N. Gyaltsan (Delhi 1971), in 30 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ5125/.M3 R49/1971.  TBRC Work RID: W21295.

350 —   Stag tshang Lo tsā ba Shes rab rin chen, Dus 'khor Spyi Don Bstan pa'i Rgya mtsho — Dpal Dus kyi 'khor lo'i Spyi Don gyi Sgo nas Gtan la 'Beb par Byed pa'i Legs bshad Bstan pa'i Rgya mtsho, "reproduced from print of Dga' ldan Phun tshogs gling blocks carved under the auspices of the 5th Dalai Lama," Trayang and Jamyang Samten (New Delhi 1973).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ2175/.S72/1973.  TBRC Work RID: W703.

351 —   Mkhas grub Nor bzang rgya mtsho, Phyi Nang Gzhan Gsum Gsal bar Byed pa Dri med 'Od kyi Rgyan, "a detailed exegesis of Kālacakra Tantra, reproduced from an ancient print from Gemur Monastery in Lahul," Topden Tshering, TBMC (Dolanji 1975).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ2175/.N67/1975.  TBRC Work RID: W30197.

352 —   Rgyal Gshen Rnam thar — The Life of Lord Gshen rab, "excerpted from original texts by Tenzin Namdak," TBMC (New Delhi 1971), in 2 vols., but page nos. are consecutive.  In I.U. library - Tib‑A/BQ7987.7/.N35/1971.  This edition not in TBRC.

353 —   Bonpo Popular Canonical Texts: [1] Thar mdo. [2] Thos grol. [3] Skye sgo Gcod pa, "reproduced from manuscripts preserved in Bonpo monasteries in Dhorpatan, Nepal and at Dolanji," TBMC (Dolanji 1974).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7971.2/1974.  Couldn't locate this in TBRC.

354 —   The Autobiography of Dkar ru Grub dbang Bstan 'dzin rin chen, "reproduced from manuscript preserved at the monastery in Bsam gling, Dolpo," Gelong Sonam Gyaltsen, TBMC (Dolanji 1974).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7989/.B757 A3/1974.  TBRC Work RID: W3JT13641.

355A Bde chen chos 'khor Yongs 'dzin iv 'Jam dpal dpa' bo, Snyan rgyud Yid bzhin nor bu'i Rnam bshad Yang gsal gyi Zin bris Bde mchog 'khor lo Mtha' yas pa'i Nges Gsang Rab tu Gsal ba, KSNK (Darjeeling 1978), in 2 vols.  Pothi format.  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ4860/.C354 T5666/1978.  TBRC Work RID: W20541.

355B Same author & title, but published by Kunsang Topgay (Thimphu 1976), in 2 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ4890/.C332 P325/1976.  TBRC Work RID: W26077.

356 —   Selected Writings of the First Zhwa nag Karma pa Dus gsum mkhyen pa, "reproduced from rare manuscripts from library of Zhwa dmar Rin po che," Dzongsar Chhentse Labrang, Palace Monastery (Gangtok 1980).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7672/.D88/1980.  TBRC Work RID: W23651.

357 —   Miscellaneous Writings (Bka' 'bum Thor bu) of 'Bri gung Chos rje Kun dga' rin chen, "reproduced from rare manuscripts from library of Tokden Rimpoche of Gangon," SSS series no. 27, S.W. Tashigangpa (Leh 1972).  I‑Tib 72 901803.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7684.4/.K86/1972.  TBRC Work RID: W21993.

358 —   Shar pa'i Bla ma Sangs rgyas bstan 'dzin & Alexander W. MacDonald, Documents pour L'Etude de la Religion et de l'Organisation Sociale des Sherpa (Junbesi & Paris Nanterre 1971).  N‑Tib 71‑920588.  TBRC Work RID: W  Includes autobiography of same, with his Shar pa'i Chos 'byung, etc.  TBRC Work RID: WA1KG9412 (no scan provided).

359 —   'Bri gung pa Texts: Miscellaneous Writings by Eminent Masters of the Drigung Kargyudpa Tradition, "reproduced from library of Tokden Rimpoche of Gangon," SSS series no. 29 (Leh 1972), in 2 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7674/.B77/1972.  TBRC Work RID: W23189.

360 —   Brtag thabs Padma Dkar po'i 'Chun po. by Sngags 'chang Hum kara dza ya, Tashi Dorji, TBMC (Dolanji 1979).  TBRC Work RID: W23859.  Includes work on horses by 'Jam dpal lung rig.

361 —   Three Tibetan Medical Texts, "from the library of Ri bo che Rje drung Rin po che of Padma bkod, reproduced from the original manuscripts," Tseten Dorji, Tibetan Nyingma Monastery (Arunachal Pradesh 1973).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/R644./T5 T37/1973.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG12967.

362 —   Abhayākaragupta, Vajrāvalī, "Sanskrit manuscripts from Nepal containing the ritual and delineation of maṇḍalas, reproduced by Lokesh Chandra from the collection of Raghuvira," Śatapiṭaka series no. 239, International Academy of Indian Culture (New Delhi 1977).  TBRC Work RID: W22737.

363 —   Kaḥ thog Si tu x Chos kyi rgya mtsho (1880‑1925), Grub dbang Shākya shrī'i Rnam thar Me tog Phreng ba, Sherab Gyaltsen, Palace Monastery (Gangtok 1980).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ984/.A59 K24/1980.  Personal copy.  TBRC Work RID: W23809.

364 —   Padma'i Gsang thig Dgongs 'dusRtsa gsum Gsang thig Dgongs 'dus, "a cycle of Rnyingma practice leading up to Rdzogs chen realization revealed from concealment in Mkhan pa lung in 1923 by Gter ston Sangs rgyas dbang 'dus (=Sangs rgyas ye shes nyi ma), reproduced from prints of Lha sa Bza sde Dga' ldan Bsam gling blocks," Lama Ngodrup and Sherab Demy (Paro, Bhutan 1979).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7662.4/.S23/1979.  TBRC Work RID: W22917.

365 —   Collected Instructions of A 'dzom 'Brug pa 'Gro 'dul dpa' bo rdo rje, "reproduced from a blockprint from A 'dzom Chos sgar blocks in library of A pho Rin po che," Dam chos smon lam (1976).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7662/.G6/1976.  TBRC Work RID: W19665.

366 —   Collected Works of Kyai rdor Mkhan po Ngag dbang mkhas grub, "reproduced from Urga blocks," SSS series nos. 44‑48, S.W. Tashigangpa (Leh 1972‑1974).  TBRC Work RID: W16912.

367 —   Collected Works of A kya Yongs 'dzin Dbyangs can dga' ba'i blo gros, Lama Guru Deva (Delhi 1971+).  I.U. library has vols. 1 and 2.  Tib‑B/BQ7550/.D5/1971.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG9561.

368 —   Sprul sku Rig 'dzin Mchog ldan mgon po'i Rnam thar Mgur 'gum Dad ldan Spro ba Bskyed byed, "reproduced from a manuscript from the library of late Lopon Choedak at order of H.H. Dingo Chhentse Rimpoche," Ugyen Tempai Gyaltsen, Kyichu Temple (Paro 1979).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ972/.C47 A3/1979.  TBRC Work RID: W25271.

369 —   Rig 'dzin chen po Gter bton Las 'phro gling pa'i Dus gsum gyi Skye brgyud Dang Rnam par Thar pa Che long tsam zhig Bkod pa Me tog 'Phreng Mdzes, "autobiography with continuation by 'Od gsal rgya mtsho, reproduced from ancient Central Tibetan print," Gonpo Tsetan, Palace Monastery (Gangtok 1979).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7662.9/.G7 A3/1979.  TBRC Work RID: W22191.

370 —   Mkha' 'gro Dgongs 'dus, "rediscovered by 'Khor gdong Gter chen i 'Gro phan gling pa, edited and reproduced under 'Chi med rig 'dzin," C.R. Lama (Santiniketan 1975).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ4890/.K963 T54/1975.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG10777.

371 —   Rdzogs chen Yang rtse Lta ba Thog Dbab Rtsa 'Grel, "precepts of Bonpo Dzogchen practice received in a vision of Tshe dbang rig 'dzin by Rig pa rang shar of Rgyal rong, reproduced from copies of rare manuscripts from Dolpo," Yongs 'dzin Sangs rgyas bstan 'dzin, TBMC (Dolanji 1974 and 1977), in 2 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7982.3/.R53/1974.  TBRC Work RID: W19674.

372 —   Gter chen Chos kyi rgyal po Khrag 'thung Bdud 'joms gling pa'i Rnam thar Thar pa Zhal gsungs ma, +Rdzogs chen Gsang Khrid, +Man ngag 'Phrul gyi Glegs bam (note that each of these 3 works has its separate pagination), G.T.K. Lodoy and N. Gyaltsan (Dehra Dun 1970).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ942/.D777 A33/1970.  TBRC Work RID: W20534.

373 —   The Autobiography and Collected Writings (Gsung Thor bu) of the Third Rig 'dzin Yol mo ba Sprul sku Bstan 'dzin nor bu, "reproduced from a manuscript set preserved in LTWA," Damcho Sangpo (Dalhousie 1977), in 2 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7662/.B77/1977.  This edition couldn't be located in TBRC.

373A Bstan 'dzin nor bu, Yol mo ba iii (b. 1598), Collected Writings of Yol mo Sprul sku, Dawa Lama (Delhi 1982).  I‑Tib 82‑906212.  TBRC Work RID: W22115.

374 —   Record of Teachings Received, the Gsan yig of the Fifth Dalai Lama, Nechung and Lhakhar (Delhi 1970-1971).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7662/.B77/1982.  TBRC Work RID: W30183.  Note:  This is the same text that takes up the first four vols. of His Gsung 'bum.

375 —   The Biography, with a Selection of the Songs, of Nyag bla Padma bdud 'dul Written and Arranged by His Disciple Nyag rong pa Ye shes rdo rje, "reproduced from prints of blocks at Ngor gling Chos grwa in Nyag rong," Ven. D.G. Khochhen Trulku (Dehra Dun 1975).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ978/.A337 Y47/1975.  TBRC Work RID: W27502.

376 —   Rgyal sras Mdo sngags 'byung gnas kyi Rnam par Thar pa Mthong ba Don ldan Nor bu'i 'Phreng Mdzes, "reproduced from manuscripts from library of Khochchen Tulku," Shedrup Trulku [Bshad sgrub Sprul sku] (Bir 1976).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ972/.D699 A34/1976.  TBRC Work RID: W24045.

377 —   Kho bo Bya btang Chos dar ram Ngag dbang nor bu bzang por 'Bod pas Rang Snang 'Khrul pa Tshul bzhin Brjod pa Mukti ka Phreng ba. Autobiography of Bla ma Dgu lo (1850‑1934). Written in 1932.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ974/.A317 A34/1970.  Could not be located in TBRC.

378 —   The Literary Arts in Ladakh, a reproduction of a collection of Bhotia manuscripts on poetics, prosody, Sanskrit grammar, lexicography, etc., from the library of the former ruling family, KSNK (Darjeeling 1972), in 2 vols.  TBRC Work RID: W20515.

379 —   Skal bzang padma dbang phyug, The Autobiography of the Third Rdo rje brag Rig 'dzin Bskal bzang padma dbang phyug, "reproduced from print from the 1774 Grub dgon O rgyan theg mchog gling blocks," Pema Choden (Leh 1973).  TBRC Work RID: W30122.

380 —   Lam rim Ye snang Brjed byangBla med Nang Rgyud Sde Gsum gyi Rgyab chos Padma'i Zhal gdams Lam rim Ye snying 'Grel pa Ye shes Snang ba'i Zur rgyan Brgyud ldan Bla ma'i Zhal rgyun rnams Brjed byang Gcig Bsdus Ye shes Lam 'Jug, "a subcommentary on a commentary of Kong sprul on the Terma Lam rim Ye shes Snying po, rediscovered by Mkhyen brtse and Mchog gyur gling pa, by Padma 'phrin las snying po, with three other works from the library of Dookpa Thoosay Rimpoche," SSS series no. 8, S.W. Tashigangpa (Leh 1971). TBRC Work RID: W23219.

381 —   The Lives of Two Lamas of Nang chen, "Gter ston Mi 'gyur rdo rje & Tshogs gnyis Padma dri med 'od zer, reproduced from manuscripts from Khams by Kandro," Tibetan Khampa Industrial Society (Bir 1973).  TBRC Work RID: W00KG09218.

382 —   The Collected Visionary Teachings of 'Dzi sgar Mchog sprul Rdo rje drag po, "reproduced from manuscript collection belonging to Dookpa Thoosay Rimpoche" ['Brug pa Thugs sras Rin po che], KSNK (Darjeeling 1972).  TBRC Work RID: W9563.

383 —   Mkhyen brtse on HistoryMkhyen brtse on the History of the Dharma, "reproduced from Kalu Rimpoche's example of the Rdzong sar edition of the 11th volume (da) of the collected works of 'Jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse'i dbang po," SSS series no. 39, S.W. Tashigangpa (Leh 1972).  I‑Tib 72‑904179.  TBRC Work RID: W30136.

384 —   Collected Works (Gsung 'bum) of Kaḥ thog Tshe dbang nor bu, "reproduced from manuscript set preserved in LTWA," Damchoe Sangpo (Dalhousie 1976), complete in 6 vols.  I.U. library appears to be missing volume 4.  TBRC Work RID: W29688.

385 —   Pha bong kha pa Byams pa bstan 'dzin 'phrin las rgya mtsho, Stag phu'i Gsang Chos Rgya can Bcu gsum gyi Dbang Chog, "reproduced from print from the 1935 blocks preserved in Lha klu House in Lha sa," Ngawang Sopa (New Delhi 1979), in 1 vol.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7550.4/.P52/1979.  TBRC Work RID: W3838.

386 —   Shākya rin chen, Bsre 'pho Zin thun Rdo rje theg pa'i Nges gsang Sgo 'byed. A Bhutanese woodblock print in 52 leaves.  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ7645/.N3 S3/1969.  This particular edition not found in TBRC.

387 —   Yoseb Gergan (Yo seb Dge rgan Bsod nams tshe brtan), Bla dwags Rgyal rabs 'Chi med Gter (History of Ladakh), published by Dge rgan Bsod nams skyabs ldan [son of the author] in 1975?  It is said that it was first published in 1976 by S.S. Gergan, Srinagar (Kashmir).  In I.U. library - Tib‑A/DS485/.L2 G4/1976.  TBRC Work RID: W1GS60864.

388 —   Khu nu Tshe dbang 'jigs med rdo rje, Rig 'dzin Grub pa'i Dbang po'i Rnam thar gyi Tshul la Gsol ba 'Debs pa Byin rlabs Nyin byed 'Dren pa'i Shing rta.  Printed from woodblock prints kept at Hemis Monastery in Ladakh.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ984/.A59 T84/1969.  This exact woodblock edition couldn't be located in TBRC.

389 —   Brang ti Nam mkha' dpal bzang, Mkha' spyod Bum DbangNā ro Mkha' spyod kyi Man ngag Bum pa Bzang po.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ4890/.V343 T546/1968.  This exact edition doesn't appear in TBRC.

390 —   Dalai Lama v Ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho, Zur Thams cad Mkhyen pa Chos dbyings rang grol gyi Rnam thar Theg mchog Bstan pa'i Shing rta (1676), edited by Slob dpon Gnag mdog; Kunsang Topgyel and Mani Dorji (Thimphu 1979).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ946/.O747 N33/1979.  TBRC Work RID: W2CZ6608.

391 —   The Collected Works of Rgod tshang pa Mgon po rdo rje, "reproduced from a rare manuscript set preserved at Rta mgo Monastery," Tango Monastic Community (Thimphu 1981).  Note:  each of the included texts has a letter marker, and the Dkar chag is at the end of vol. 3.  Bhu‑Tib 81‑901041.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7673/.R4/1981. vols. 1‑5.  TBRC Work RID: W23661.

392 —   'Jam dbyangs Mkhyen brtse'i dbang po, Collected Songs of Mystical Realization and other Visionary Poetry, "reproduced from two manuscripts," N. Gyaltsan, Nyingmapa Lama's College (Dehra Dun 1971).  The two titles listed as follows:  1. Gang shar Rdo rje'i Glu Phreng Skal bzang Rna ba'i Dga' ston. 2. Tshar chen Chos kyi rgyal po la Lam Zab Bla ma'i Rnal 'byor dang 'Brel ba 'Debs pa'i Rdo rje'i Glu Byin rlabs Bdud rtsi'i Char 'bebs.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ972/.K467 A32/1971.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG3510.

393 —   Ngag dbang dpal bzang, Rdzogs pa chen po Ye shes Bla ma'i Spyi don Snying thig Ma Bu'i Lde mig Kun bzang Thugs ṭik, "reproduced from a manuscript from the library of Smyo shul Mkhan po," B. Jamyang Norbu (New Delhi 1971), in 1 volume (but in 2 parts), in cursive script.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7800/.J55 J57/1971.  TBRC Work RID: W30339.

394 —   Two Refutations of Attacks on the Nyingmapa School, NNS series no. 2, Sonam T. Kazi (Gangtok 1971).  Two titles listed — one by Sog bzlog pa, other by Klong chen Rab 'byams iii.  TBRC Work RID: W30540.

395 —   Klong chen Snying gi Thig le'i Mkha' 'gro Bde chen rgyal mo'i Sgrub Gzhung gi 'Grel pa, "commentary on visionary teaching of 'Jigs med gling pa by Ngag dbang bstan 'dzin rdo rje, reproduced from a print from the library of Dudjom Rimpoche," NNS series no. 28, Sonam Topgay Kazi (Delhi 1972).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7800/.J55 N34/1972.  TBRC Work RID: W19615.

396 —   Autobiographies of Three Spiritual Masters of Kutang, "lives of Padma don grub, Padma dbang 'dus, and Padma lhun grub (=O rgyan bstan 'dzin) with introduction  by Michael Aris," Kunsang Topgay & Mani Dorje (Thimphu 1979).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7662.9/.A2 A9.  TBRC Work RID: W27484.

397 —   The Collected Works of the Great 'Jam dbyangs Mkhyen brtse'i dbang po, "reproduced from a set of prints from Rdzong gsar blocks," Gonpo Tseten, Palace Monastery (Gangtok 1977), in 24 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7662/.M6/1977.  TBRC Work RID: W21807.

398 —   The Complete Works of Rdzong gsar Mkhyen brtse Rin po che 'Jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros, "reproduced from carefully edited manuscripts from library of Chhentse Labrang," Dzongsar Khyentse Labrang, Palace Monastery (Gangtok 1981-1985), in 7 vols., missing vol. 8.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7665/.J26/1981.  TBRC Work RID: W21813, with 8 vols. complete.

399 —   Works of Agwangdampa [Ngag dbang bstan pa], Śatapiṭaka series nos. 260-261 (Delhi 1980), in 2 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7550/.N37/1980.  LTWA Work RID: W30102.

400 —   Blo gsal Bstan skyong and others, Regular Rituals of the Zhwa lu Monastery, "reproduced from tracings of prints in possession of monks from Zhwa lu," Chophel Legden (Delhi 1979).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7675.4/.Z3 Z8/1979.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG9751.

401 —   Rig 'dzin Shes rab blo ldan gyi Rnam thar dang Mgur 'bum, "autobiography and songs of a rebirth of Ratna gling pa active in Lho brag, reproduced from an incomplete manuscript from library of the late Lopon Choedak at order of H.H. Dingo Chhentse Rimpoche," Ugyen Tempai Gyaltsen (Paro 1981).  Equivalent to Rin chen Gter Mdzod Chen po'i Rgyab chos, series vol. 15.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ984/.E852 A3/1981.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG11691.

402 —   Phyag rgya chen po la 'Jug pa'i Khrid yig Sngon 'gro Ngag 'don gyi 'Grel pa Bde chen Lam Bzang, by Bstan pa rin chen (?, colophon:  Dza ya ka ra), a woodblock print in 131 leaves, written at Bum thang, and printed at Rta mgo in 1976.  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ7805/.B8/1976.  This exact edition might not be in TBRC.

403 —   Zhwa nag viii Mi bskyod rdo rje, Rlung Sems Dbyer med kyi Khrid yig Chen mo, "reproduced from prints of Dpal spungs blocks from Rumtek Monastery," Delhi Karmapae Chodhey Sungrab Partun Khang (Delhi 1980).  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ7645/.N3 M4/1980.  TBRC Work RID: W23943.

404 —   Rje btsun Rdo rje rnal 'byor ma'i Sprul pa A lags Karma dbang 'dzin gyi Rnam thar Rgyas pa Rgyu 'bras Gsal 'Phreng. A xerox copy in LTWA with catalog no. ka/3 acc. no. 1604.  The original was printed and appears quite old (the titles are added recently in handwriting).

405 —   Dkar bryud Gser 'phreng Glegs bam Zung gi Dkar chag Gser gyi Sgron me. Printed by Chos rgyal Bsod nams stobs rgyal (1689‑1747) at Spungs thang Bde chen (the Nāropa biography is by Sangs rgyas 'bum). Xerox in LTWA:  ka/3 acc. no. 1523.  Breakdown:  nga — Nāropa (5 Rnam thar used as sources).  ca — Marpa (4 sources).  cha — Milarepa (5 sources).  ja — Rechungpa.  nya — Gampopa.  There are several published editions of woodblocks of the same title listed in TBRC.

406 —   Bal yul Mchod rten 'Phags pa shing kun dang De'i Gnas Gzhan rnams kyis Dkar chag Mdor bsdus. Main work is by Nas lung Ngag dbang rdo rje. Woodblock in 8 leaves, personal collection. Printed at Bodhnath.  A 4-folio blockprint, also printed at Bodhnath, is listed as being locatable within TBRC Work RID: W2PD20323 (in fact there are two identical [?] copies there).  There was an earlier (1686) version of this work that included a section on the reliquary of Rang rig ras pa. On this issue, see Franz‑Karl Ehrhard, The Register of the Reliquary of Lord Raṅ‑rig Ras‑pa, Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Süd und Ostasiens, vol. 46 (2002), pp. 146‑167.

407 —   Mtshan ldan Bla ma Tshogs drug rang grol gyi 'Khrungs tshul Gsungs Sgur (~Mgur) Zhal gdams, manuscript in personal collection.  One text was written at Everest (La phyi).  Purchased in a shop at Swayambhunath.

408 —   Dpal ldan 'Brug pa'i Grub chen Rdo rje 'chang Ngag dbang Padma chos rgyal Rin po che la Gsol ba 'Debs Bla ma Rgyang 'bod ma Dpag bsam ljon bzang.  Woodblock in 2 leaves in personal possession.  Printed in 16th Rab byung, "sa phag" (1959).

409 —   [Kong sprul] Blo gros mtha' yas, Bod yul Bde Smon. Woodblock in 3 leaves in personal collection.  Appended is Dus kyi Rgud pa Zhi ba'i Bden tshog Smon lam, by Mi pham 'jam dpal.  (Note: read Bden tshig instead of Bden tshog.)

410 —   'Jam mgon Kong sprul Blo gros mtha' yas, Gter ston Brgya rtsa, contained in 87 I.  Page references were taken from Dargyay, q.v.

411 —   Rnying ma Chos 'byung, by Bdud 'joms Rin po che.  Page references taken from Dargyay, q.v.

412 —   Mkhan chen Ngag dbang chos grags, Lam 'bras Snang Gsum Rgyud Gsum Snying po'i Legs bshad [1623], with the Bon Chos kyi Bstan pa Shan dbye by Rong ston Shes bya kun rig, Tashi Dorje, TBMC (Dolanji 1976).  TBRC Work RID: W10302.

413 —   'Dul 'dzin Mkhyen rab rgya mtsho, Sangs rgyas Bstan pa'i Chos 'byung Dris lan Smra ba'i Phreng ba, Dzongsar Chhentse Labrang, Palace Monastery (Gangtok 1981).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7572/.M6/1981.  TBRC Work RID: W22146.  This is mostly cited as:  Mkhyen rab rgya mtsho 1557. There is potential confusion here as there are two editions, one in 1981 and another in 1984.

414 —   Writings of the Successive 'Brug pa Dkar brgyud pa Masters on the Esoteric Nā ro Chos drug practices of Rtogs ldan Śākya śrī, "arranged by Bsod nams bzang po," Drug Sherig Press (Thimphu 1981).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7645/.N3 W6.  Unable to locate it in TBRC.

415 —   Zhi byed Snga Bar Phyi Gsum gyi Skor [real title: Dam chos Snying po Zhi byed las Rgyud Phyyi Snyan rgyud Zab khyad ma], "Glang Smon Gzim chung Phyag Dpe'o," with English introduction by Barbara Nimri Aziz, Druk Sherik Parkhang (Thimphu 1979), in 5 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7664/.T6/1979.  TBRC Work RID: W23911.  There is an added English title: "The Tradition of Pha dam pa Sangs rgyas — A Treasured Collection of His Teachings Transmitted by Thugs sras Kun dga'" [misspellings tacitly corrected here].

415 —   Karma pa xv Mkha' khyab rdo rje, The Collected Works, "reproduced from a set of prints from Dpal spungs blocks from Rumtek."  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7672/.M49/1979+.  TBRC Work RID: W2KG23864 (with 10 vols.).  At least 12 vols. have appeared so far.  I apologize for the duplication of the number; this should have been renumbered as 415A.

416 —   Collected Works of Nam mkha' seng ge, GSG series no. 137, Ngawang Gelek Demo (New Delhi 1982).  The author, dating to the late 18th century, was from the Mongolian borderlands.  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ7549/.N36/1982. Library has vol. 1, but two vols. were published.  Has a biography.  TBRC Work RID: W11818.

417 —   Khang gsar Mkhan po Ngag dbang blo gros snying po, Dpal Rdo rje gzhon nu'i Rdul tshon la Brten pa'i Dkyil Chog...Ci Bsam Kun Grub, Sakya Centre (Dehra Dun 1981).  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ4890/.V333 T57/1981.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG12548.

418 —   Tshogs 'Don (title work:  Skyabs gnas Bka' rgyud Drin can Bla ma'i Gsol 'debs — it is a collection of prayers).  Printed in Delhi by Khyung sprul.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7982.4/.T84/1960z.  Unable to locate it in TBRC.

419 —   Karma pa xvi Rang byung rig pa'i rdo rje, Myur 'byon Gsol 'debs, "two prayers for rebirth of 9th Ban chen Sangs rgyas mnyan pa Karma bshad sgrub bstan pa'i nyi ma (1897‑1962) and the 6th Rdzogs chen Dpon slob Thub bstan 'jigs bral tshe dbang rdo rje bshad sgrub phrin las rab 'byams (d. 1962?)."  I(Sik)‑Tib 72‑906034. 3 pages only.  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ7682.6/.R36/1972.  Unable to locate it in TBRC.

420 —   Mkhyen brtse klong grol, Rig 'dzin (1832‑1909), The Autobiography and Collected Writings of..., "reproduced from a rare manuscript collection from Hemis Monastery," KSNK (Darjeeling 1982), in 3 vols.  I‑Tib 82‑902933.  TBRC Work RID: W23843.

421 —   Stag tshang ras pa Sprul sku V O rgyan 'chi med padma gar dbang 'gro 'dul gling pa, Mtsho Padma'i Gsol 'debs. Written in Iron Bird year. Printed from He mis Rgod tshang blocks (Chemre 1968).  I‑Tib 417.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ5593/.P3 O695/1968.  This edition not found in TBRC.

422 —   'Jam mgon 'Ju Mi pham rgya mtsho (1846‑1912), Gzhan gyis Brtsad po'i Lan Mdor bsdus pa Rigs Lam Rab gsal De nyid Snang byed, "a reply to Pa ri Rab gsal's queries raised against the author's commentary on Bodhicaryavatara of Shantideva, reproduced from Sde dge blocks at order of Kho chen Rin poche," Khochen Tulku, Clement Town (Dehra Dun 1982).  I‑Tib 82‑901817.  TBRC Work RID: W4997.

423 —   Rwa btsun Rig 'dzin rgyal mtshan, Bon Theg pa chen po'i Sa Lam, "a concise presentation of Bonpo Mahayana practice [this title includes the Rdzogs pa chen po'i Stong thun Man ngag Lung gi Thig pa by U ri Sgom chen Bsod nams rgyal mtshan and the Snyan rgyud Nor bu Lugs by Sprul sku Lha gnyan], reproduced from manuscripts from Bsam gling Monastery in Dolpo," Tshering Wangyal, TBMC (Dolanji 1974).  I‑Tib 75‑901782.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7980.2/.R53/1974.  TBRC Work RID: W4CZ354414.

424 —   Rgyal rtse Rnam rgyal dbang 'dud, Bod ljongs Rgyal khab Chen po'i Srid lugs dang 'Brel ba'i Drag po'i Dmag gi Lo rgyus Rags bsdus, Bod gzhung Shes rig par khang (Dharamsala 1976).  Note the photo of the author at the end of the book.  Personal copy.  First edition in 1,000 copies.  In I.U. library - Tib‑A/DS786/.R62/1976.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG21000.

425 —   Rtsa Gsum Bde gshegs 'Dus pa'i Sgrub Skor, TBMC (Delhi 1969?).  I‑Tib 70‑924679.  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ7982.3/.G99/1969.  Not located in TBRC.

426 —   Spyi spungs Rin po che A dkar Gsang sngags kyi Bka' srung Drwa ba nag po'i Rgyud Skor, "texts for the invocation of protective deities of Dbal gsas cycle, Drwa ba nag po mi bdud ('Byams pa Khrag mgo), and Drwa ba dmar po (Btsan rgod Hur pa), special protective deities of Sman ri Monastery, reproduced from a rare manuscript collection from Samling Monastery in Dolpo," Yongs 'dzin Sangs rgyas bstan 'dzin, TBMC (Delhi).  I‑Tib 74‑900488.  Not found in TBRC.

427 —   Shes rab smra ba'i seng ge'i Sgrub Skor, Tibetan Bonpo Foundation (Delhi 1971).  I‑Tib 79‑925062.  Not in TBRC.

428 —   Shar pa Rnal 'byor, The Songs of Realization (Mgur 'bum), "includes the Guidebook to 'Ol mo lung ring by Tshe dbang tshul khrims, and the Sangs rgyas Dgongs 'dus Dzogchen cycle revealed by Tshe dbang rgyal po, reproduced from rare manuscripts from Dolpo," Ngawang Sonam, TBMC (Dolanji 1976).  I‑Tib 76‑903169.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7965/.S27/1976.  Not listed in TBRC.

429 —   Writings on Various Aspects of the Fusion of the Rdzogs chen and Phyag chen Systems Taught by Rtogs ldan Shakya shri (1853‑1919), "arranged and edited by Slob dpon Bsod nams bzang po," Drug Sherig Press (Thimphu 1981).  Bhu‑Tib 82‑904022.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7805/.S36/1982.  Not able to locate it in TBRC.

430 —   Rgod tshang ras pa Sna tshogs rang grol (1494‑1570), Bcom ldan 'das Dpal 'Khor lo sdom pa'i Spyi bshad Theg mchog Bdud rtsi'i Dga' ston Ye shes Chen po'i Sman Mchog, "on Cakrasamvara Tantra and its history according to the snyan brgyud, reproduced from prints from Ras chung Phug blocks from library of Rtogs ldan Rin po che," D. Tsondu Senghe (Bir 1982).  I‑Tib 82‑902319.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ4860/.C352 R4/1982.  TBRC Work RID: W21140.

431 —   The Rediscovered Teachings of the Great Padma gling pa, reproduced from manuscripts preserved at Sgang steng Monastery of Bhutan. Kunsang Topgay (Thimphu 1975).  22 volumes?  7 volumes?  TBRC Work RID: W00EGS1017093 (in 7 vols.).

432 —   Gzer mig.  For bibliographical information, see Karmay, Catalogue, no. 4.  Personal copy.  TBRC Work RID: W23431.

433 —   Bod du Byung ba'i Gsang sngags Snga 'gyur gyi Bstan 'dzin Skyes Mchog Rim byon gyi Rnam thar Nor bu'i Do shal, "a concise history of the Nyingmapa tradition by Rig 'dzin Kun bzang nges don klong yangs (Rdo rje gsang ba rtsal), completed in 1882," Damchoe Sangpo (Dalhousie 1976).  Print from Padma bkod.  I‑Tib 77‑900729.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B BQ7662.2/.K86/1976.  TBRC Work RID: W19708.

434 —   The Lives of Two Esoteric Adepts, "the rnam thars of Rwa Lo chen Rdo rje grags by Rwa Ye shes seng ge & of Grub chen Thar pa'i rgyal mtshan by Dge slong Ngag gi dbang po, reproduced from tracings of central Tibetan prints," GSMG series no. 59, Ngawang Gelek Demo (New Delhi 1974).  I‑Tib 75‑900857.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ946/.E5 Y4/1974.  TBRC Work RID: W23800.

435 —   The Lives of Three Bhutanese Religious Masters, "reproduced from manuscripts preserved at Pha jo lding and Bya chu dkar mo," Kunsang Topgey (Thimphu 1976).  I(Bhu)‑Tib 76‑902136.  TBRC Work RID: W30169.

436 —   Mkha' 'gro Snyan brgyud kyi Yig Rnying, "edited and arranged by 'Brug chen iv Padma dkar po," KSNK (Darjeeling 1982), in 2 vols..  This particular edition was copied by Smon lam rab bzang from the copy once owned by Bde chen Chos 'khor Zhabs drung (16th‑17th centuries).  I‑Tib 82‑902170.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C BQ2180/.S245 M6/1982.  TBRC Work RID: W21141.

437 —   Sde srid Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho (1653‑1705), Phug lugs Rtsis kyi Legs bshad Mkhas pa'i Mgul rgyan Bai ḍūr Dkar po'i Do shal Dpyod ldan Snying Nor, T. Tsepal Taikhang (New Delhi 1972), in 2 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BF1714/.T53 S37/1972.  TBRC Work RID: W30116.

438 —   The Collected Works of Dalai Lama xiii Thub bstan rgya mtsho, Śata‑piṭaka series no. 288a, International Academy of Indian Culture (Delhi 1982), vols. 1‑7, complete.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7935/.T48/1981.  TBRC Work RID: W29228.

439 —   Slob dpon Bstan 'dzin rnam dag, Snga rabs Bod kyi Byung ba Brjod pa'i 'Bel gtam Lung gi Snying po, "a study of the early history of Tibet according to the Bonpo tradition," published by the author, TBMC (Dolanji 1983).  In I.U. library - Tib‑A/DS785/.N36/1983.  TBRC Work RID: W19962.

440 —   Dkon mchog rgyal mtshan, Rdzogs chen Sta bla, 'Das log Dkar chag Thar pa'i Lam Ston Gsal ba'i Sgron me, Konchhog Lhadripa (Paro 1983).  Foreword by Bkra shis tshe ring.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ4490/.D67/1983.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG3170.

441 —   Bka' gdams Gsar ma'i Dge bshes 'Ga' zhig gi Rnam thar dang Gsung 'Thor bu Bsgrigs pa, "a collection of writings and biographies of Ldan ma Blo bzang chos dbyings, Ldan ma Stong dpon Ngag dbang chos grub, and Tre hor Skyor dpon Tshe dbang nor bu," Samten (Delhi 1981).  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ7550.9/.B62/1983.  Library has 2 vols.  TBRC Work RID: W00EGS1016950.

442 —   Mdo mang, "a collection of Bonpo canonical texts and dhāraṇīs of the Gshen tshang, compiled by Gshen Mkhas grub Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan (b. 1783)," TBMC (Dolanji 1974), in 2 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ7968.5/.T73/1974, vols. 1‑2.  TBRC Work RID: W23545.

443 —   Sgo mang Dge bshes Ngag dbang nyi ma, The Collected Works, Mongolian Gurudeva (New Delhi 1982+), in 6 vols.  I‑Tib 82‑903730.  TBRC Work RID: W24052.

444 —   Collected Instructional Texts of the Dkar brgyud pa and Rnying ma pa Tradition for the Practices Followed in Western Tibet, "reproduced from a manuscript collection from library of Seng brag Sprul sku of Yol mo," Konchhog Lhadripa (Darjeeling 1985).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7673.4/.C65/1985.  TBRC Work RID: W23736.

445 —   Klong chen pa Dri med 'od zer, Mdzod Bdun, Sherab Gyaltsen (Gangtok 1983), in 6 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7800/.K57/1983.  TBRC Work RID: W2KG232485.

446 —   The Collected Works (Gsung 'bum) of Thang stong rgyal po, "reproduced from rare manuscripts from library of Grub thob Rin po che and Rta mchog sgang," National Library of Bhutan (Thimphu 1984), in 3 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7670/.T46/1984.  TBRC Work RID: W23918.

447 —   Rten 'brel Yig Rnying, National Library of Bhutan (Thimphu 1985).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ4240/.G88 R83/1985.  TBRC Work RID: W19224.

448 —   Rgya Rigs Gnam bon Rji'u Rgya gar gyi Gdung rabs Rin chen Phreng ba dang Sku mdun Bsod nams blo gros kyi Rnam thar Padmo Phreng ba. Biography of Sku mdun Bsod nams blo gros (1784‑1835) with account of the origins of his lineage by G.yung drung bstan 'dzin. Tshultrim Tashi, TBMC (Dolanji 1985).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7989/.B737 G98/1985. Not found in TBRC.

449 —   'Gos Lo tsā ba Gzhon nu dpal, Mkhas pa chen po Dpal Nags kyi rin chen gyi Rnam par Thar pa [biography of Vanaratna], National Library of Bhutan (Thimphu 1985).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ994/.A626 G68/1985.  TBRC Work RID: W23938.

450 —   Phyag chen Rgya Gzhung, "collected texts of Mahamudra practice tr. from Sanskrit, reproduced from dbu med manuscript from 'Bri gung thel," D. Tsondu Senghe, Bir Tibetan Society (Bir 1985).  Personal copy.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7800/.P59/1985.  TBRC Work RID: W21554.

451 —   Three Rare Grammatical Works from Helambu, "Rnam gling Paṇ chen Dkon mchog chos grags, Lung du Ston pa Sum cu pa dang Rtags kyi 'Jug pa'i Rnam 'grel and two other works," Lama Dawa and Sherab Gyaltsan, Palace Monastery (Gangtok 1984).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/PL3611/.T53 D56/1984.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG10590.

452 —   Dwags po Paṇ chen Bkra shis rnam rgyal, Phyag rgya chen po'i Khrid yig Chen mo Gnyug ma'i De nyid Gsal ba, "and other works from O rgyan chos gling Monastery," Mani Dorje, Druk Sherig Press (Thimphu 1981).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7805/.B26/1981.  TBRC Work RID: W22505.

453 —   Khyung po ras pa Grub dbang 'Gyur med 'od gsal, Rje btsun Mi 'gyur dpal gyi sgron ma'i Rnam thar Dad pa'i Gdung sel (1782), National Library of Bhutan (Thimphu 1984).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ972/.I597 G98/1984.  TBRC Work RID: W23846.

454 —   'Jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros, 'Jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros kyi Rtogs pa Brjod pa Sgyu ma'i Rol Rtsed by 'Jigs med phrin las mgon po (?).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ966/.A457 A34/1972.  This is likely the same as TBRC Work RID: W21814.

455 —   Blo bzang bzod pa, Khri tshogs Tshul khrims rnam par dag pa'i gling gi Mkhan brgyud Rnam thar Dad pa'i Rgyan Mchog, "edited by Slob dpon Padma lags," Kunsang Topgyel and Mani Dorje (Thimphu 1979).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ400/.L33 B57/1979.  TBRC Work RID: W27416.

456 —   The Autobiographical Writings of Gter chen 'Bar ba'i rdo rje (1836‑1920), "completed by his disciple Karma bka' brgyud bkra shis, alias Rgyal sras Gzhan phan chos kyi grags pa, reproduced from a rare manuscript from Nang chen in Khams," Mr. Aogen Sheza, Ladakh Budha Vihara (Delhi 1984).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ942/.A622 A2/1984.  TBRC Work RID: W21953.

457 —   Gter ston Bde ba'i rdo rje'i 'Khrungs rabs Gsol 'debs Dad Gsum G.yo ba'i Dbyar rnga'i Sgra dbyangs.  Has seal of Mtho Dgon.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ942/.D427 A34/1970.  Not found in TBRC.

458 —   The Life of Gter bdag gling pa 'Gyur med rdo rje of Smin grol gling, "reproduced from Eastern Bhutanese manuscripts at the order of Dil mgo Mkhyen brtse Rin po che," Lama Ngodrup and Sherab Drimey, Kyichu Temple (Paro 1982), vols. 1‑2.  Includes autobiography and biographies by Smin gling Lo chen Dharma shri.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ960/.T477 A36/1982.  TBRC Work RID: W24120.

459 —   Shar Dwags po Bkra shis rnam rgyal gyi Dmyal ba'i Bskal Chags Rin chen Phreng ba Cha lag Dgos 'Dod Kun 'Byung Mthong ba Don ldan Yid bzhin nor bu Bde legs Chen po 'Dra ba [other titles include a history of Gcod], "reproduced from the library of Rgya ston Em chi," Tulku Pemo Lodoe, Tibetan Medical Store (Bir 1982).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ942/.K62 A3/1982.  Not in TBRC.

460 —   The Collected Works (Gsung 'bum) of Nyin rdzong Khri pa Dkon mchog don grub chos dbang, "from rare manuscripts brought to India by Yudra Rinpoche," D. Tsondu Senghe, Bir Tibetan Society (Bir 1985).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7674/.D67/1985.  TBRC Work RID: W23173.

461 —   Mkhas grub Chen po Bsod nams blo gros kyi Rnam par Thar pa Mthong ba Don ldan Dad pa'i Gsal 'debs, "biography of Dmar sgom Bsod nams blo gros (1456‑1521) by his disciple Chos skyabs dpal bzang (1476‑1565) and the secret biography by Star pa Rdo rje dpal bzang, and the Mgur 'bum, from a rare manuscript collection found by Trulku Tshewang in Dolpo," Damchoe Sangpo (Dalhousie 1985).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ942/.S597 C46/1985.  TBRC Work RID: W23935.

462 —   Lho brag Gro bo lung Grub thob Blo bzang lha mchog Rin po che'i Rnam thar, "reproduced from a rare manuscript from Mtsho padma," Sherab Drime (Paro 1983).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ942/.L61 A34/1983.  TBRC Work RID: W22136.

463 —   Sle lung Rje drung Bzhad pa'i rdo rje, The Collected Works (Gsung 'bum) of..., "reproduced from 'Ol dga' blocks from the library of He mi Rgod tshang," SSS series nos. 115-127, O rgyan rnam rgyal. T. Sonam and D.L. Tashigangpa (Leh 1985), in 13 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ7662/.B96/1983.  TBRC Work RID: W22130.

464 —   'Phags mchog rdo rje, Gnas lugs Rdzogs pa chen po'i Khrid yig Yang zab Yid bzhin nor bu (written in 1931), Sherab Gyaltsen, Dzongsar Chhentse Labrang (Gangtok 1985).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7805/.P432/1985.  TBRC Work RID: W22337.

465 —   The Collected Works of 'Brug chen viii Kun gzigs chos kyi snang ba (1768‑1822), "reproduced from manuscripts newly copied from set of Gsang sngags chos gling blocks from the library of the late 'Brug pa Thugs sras Rin po che," Zigar Drukpa Kargyud Institute (Rewalsar 1985), in 4 vols.  I‑Tib 85‑904404.  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ7673/.K87/1985.  TBRC Work RID: W10754.

466 —   Biographies of the Successive Embodiments of the Rgyal dbang 'Brug chen, KSNK (Darjeeling 1974).  Volume 4 is the only volume of this set ever published.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7673.9/.A2 B5.  TBRC Work RID: W20905.

467 —   'Bab rom Bka' brgyud kyi Chos skor Thor bu Sna tshogs, Mr. Hogen Sheza, Ladakh Baudh Vihara (Delhi 1982).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7669.4/.B23/1982 (3 vols. in library).  Not located in TBRC.  The biographies in volume 2 are the ones used here.

468 —   Dpal 'byor bzang po, Rgya Bod kyi Yig tshang (=Rgya Bod kyi Yig tshang Mkhas pa Dga' byed Chen mo 'Dzam gling Gsal ba'i Me long), Kunsang Topgyel and Mani Dorje (Thimphu 1979), in 2 vols.  Composed in 1434, with some chapters written later.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7576/.D62.  TBRC Work RID: W23958.

469 —   Rag mgo Mchog sprul thub bstan bshad sgrub rgya mtsho (1890‑1973), Rgyal bstan Grub mtha' Ris med kyi Chos 'byung Mdor bsdus Yid ches Dad pa'i Shing rta, Konchhog Lhadrepa (Darjeeling 1985).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7640/.T48/1985.  TBRC Work RID: W27913.

470 —   Ri mgul Sprul sku Karma tshul khrims 'gyur med phrin las Kong sprul Yon tan rgya mtshos Gangs can gyi Ljongs su Rgyal bstan Ris med Gnad gcig tu Sgrub pa'i Tshul la Dpyod pa, Pema Thinley, Sikkim National Press (Gangtok 1985).  In I.U. library - Tib‑A/BQ7640/.R46/1985.  Unable to locate this in TBRC.

471 —   The Autobiography of 'Jam mgon Kong sprul Blo gros mtha' yas (='Du shes Gsum ldan Spong ba pa'i Gzugs brnyan Padma gar gyi dbang phyug Phrin las 'gro 'dul rtsal gyi Rtogs pa Brjod pa'i Dum bu Smrig rgyu'i Bdud rtsi), "completed and supplemented by his disciple Gnas gsar Bkra 'phel, reproduced from a xylographic print from Dpal spungs blocks," Kandro, Tibetan Khampa Industrial Society (Bir 1973).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ968/.O57 A3/1973.  TBRC Work RID: W20880.

472 —   Zhabs dkar Tshogs drug rang grol, 'Od gsal Rdzogs pa chen po'i Khregs chod Lta ba'i Glu dbyangs Sa Lam ma lus Myur du Bgrod pa'i Rtsal ldan Mkha' lding Gshog Rlabs & Rang Gzhan Thams cad 'Tshengs pa'i Man ngag Gser gyi Ri bo, "from manuscripts from the library of Sprul sku Tshe dbang," Rangrig and Konchhog Lhadrepa (Darjeeling 1985).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7805/.Z2/1985.  TBRC Work RID: W6474.

473 —   Bla ma Dbang chen Karma 'phrin las, Gangs ljongs Mdo stod Nang chen Rgyal rabs dang 'brel ba'i Lo rgyus Phyogs bsdus Ya rabs Rna rgyan. Composed in 1965. n.p. (n.d.).  In I.U. library - Tib‑A/DS786/.K36.  TBRC Work RID: W00KG09734.

474 —   Rig 'dzin Ka dag mthong grol, Skyes bu Chen po Nyi ma 'bum gsal (b. 1854) Dbang gi Rgyal po'i Rnam thar Nor bu'i Phreng ba, "reproduced from a rare manuscript from Spa tshang Dgon in Yi tha," Patshang Lama Sonam Gyaltsen, TBMC (Dolanji 1984).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7989/.N677 K23/1984.  TBRC Work RID: W23422.

475 —   Khrid Material to the Practice of the Ṣaḍaṅgayoga of the Kālacakra by A wa dhu ti pa Btsun pa Bsod nams, "reproduced from rare manuscripts from the library of Bla ma Seng ge of Yol mo." Sherab Gyaltsen and Lama Dawa, Palace Monastery (Gangtok 1983).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7645/.N3 B68/1983.  The title page says it is by Bu ston Rin chen grub, but the colophon states that it is by Yu mo (11th century).  TBRC Work RID: W24001.

476 —   The Collected Writings (Gsung 'bum) of 'Bri gung Chos rje 'Jig rten mgon po Rin chen dpal, Khangsar Tulku (New Delhi 1969‑71), in 5 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7674/.B7/1969.  TBRC Work RID: W30101.

477 —   The Collected Works (Gsung 'bum) of 'Bri gung Chos rje 'Jig rten mgon po Rin chen dpal, "reproduced from the 'Bri gung Yang re sgar print," Khangsar Tulku (New Delhi 1969), in 5 vols.  Introduction by E. Gene Smith.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7674/.B7/1969.  TBRC Work RID: W30101.  I apologize for using two different numbers for the same publication.

477 —   Mnga' bdag Bla ma Brgyud pa'i Rnam thar, "biographies of early masters in the transmission lineage of the Bka' brgyad Bde gshegs 'Dus pa, teachings revealed by Mnga' bdag Myang ral Nyi ma 'od zer (including his biography), reproduced from a rare manuscript from the Monastery of Gnam rtse in Sikkim," Sherab Gyaltsen Lama and Acharya Shedup Tenzin (Rewalsar 1985).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7662.4/.N3 B46/1985.  TBRC Work RID: W23380.

478 —   Dbon po Shes rab 'byung gnas, Dam Chos Dgongs pa Gcig pa'i Yig cha, "reproduced from an 18th century manuscript collection from the library of Pha jo lding," Kunsang Topgey (Thimphu 1976), in 2 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7674.2/.S4/1976.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG10073.

478A Dgongs Gcig Yig cha, "reproduced from tracings of prints belonging to the Ven. Rtogs ldan Tshan of Sgang sngon and 'Bri gung Dbon sprul [the original texts were mid‑16th century blocks kept at 'Bri gung thil]," D. Tsondu Senghe, The Bir Tibetan Society (Bir 1975), in 2 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7674.2/.S4/1975.  TBRC Work RID: W1648.

479 —   Dgongs Gcig and Bstan snying Texts of the 'Bri gung pa Tradition, "reproduced from 'Bri gung thel prints from the library of Rtogs ldan Rin po che," D. Tsondu Senghe, Bir Tibetan Society (Bir 1977).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7674.2/.D4/1977.  TBRC Work RID: W23442.

480 —   Bzo rig Kha shas kyi Patra Lag len ma and other Texts on the Minor Sciences of the Tibetan Scholastic Tradition, reproduced from works in Library of Burmiok Athing (Densapa), LTWA (Dharamsala 1981).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/DS786/.B96.  TBRC Work RID: W23858.

481 —   Suryabhadra (=Nyi ma bzang po), Sprul sku Rig 'dzin Rgod kyi ldem 'phru can gyi Rnam thar Gsal byed Nyi ma'i 'Od zer, "reproduced from manuscript from the library of H.H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche," Lama Ngodrup and Sherab Drimey, Kyichu Temple (Paro 1985).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ982/.G636 S97/1985.  TBRC Work RID: W27603.

482 —   Rgya nag Rtogs ldan Sprul sku Ngag dbang blo gros rgya mtsho, Rgya nag Rtogs ldan Byang chub 'phags dbang gi Rnam thar Dad Gsum Chu 'Phel ba'i Zla Gzhon, "including this title:  Gnas mchog Rgya nag Ma ni'i Dkar chag Rin chen Sgron me (on a pilgrimage place near Jyekundo)," S. Khedup, Himalayan Marketing Association (New Delhi 1985).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ942/.Y267 N24/1985.  TBRC Work RID: W22126.

483 —   Zab gsang Mkha' 'gro Gsang Mdzod, "rediscovered by 'Khor gdong Gter chen Nus ldan rdo rje 'Gro phan gling pa," 'Chi med rig 'dzin, 'Khor gdong iii (Santiniketan 1975), in 2 vols.  Has an English preface with much history.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7800/.G67/1975.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG9670.

484 —   Gnas nang Dpa' bo ii Gtsug lag 'phreng ba, Chos 'byung Mkhas pa'i Dga' ston, "reproduced from prints from Lho brag blocks from Rumtek Monastery," Delhi Karmapae Chodhey Gyalwae Sungrab Partun Khang (Delhi 1980), in 2 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ7572/.D7/1980.  TBRC Work RID: W28792.

485 —   G.yung drung Bon gyi Bka' 'gyur Rin po che, "the Bonpo canon reproduced from the surviving prints from the Khro chen blocks [evidently, those of 1769]," Khedup Gyatso, TBMC (Dolanji 1984).  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ7968.2/1984.  Unable to locate this edition in TBRC.  Out of the circa one hundred volumes that ought to constitute the Bon canon, only a few volumes were published. 

486 —   Sde srid Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho, Thams cad Mkhyen pa Drug pa Blo bzang rin chen tshangs dbyangs rgya mtsho'i Thun mong Phyi'i Rnam par Thar pa Du ku la'i 'Phro 'Thud Rab gsal Gser gyi Snye ma, Chhentse Labrang, Palace Monastery (Gangtok 1980), in 2 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7935/.T87 S2/1982.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG9087.

487 —   'Brug chen iii 'Jam dbyangs chos kyi grags pa (1478‑1523), compiler, Ras chung Snyan rgyud Gsar ma, "from a manuscript from Gru gu Chos rgyal Monastery in Khams," Khampa Gar Sungrab Nyamso Gyunphel Parkhang (Tashijong 1985), in 2 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ4860/.C354 T5532/1985.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG1812.  Includes biographies of lineage masters (vol. 1, pp. 7‑84) by the compiler, and his visionary works of O rgyan and Ras chung pa (vol. 1, pp. 85‑97).

488 —   Sngon gyi Gtam Me tog gi Phreng ba, "a 13th‑century source on the history of Tibetan kings and rulers by Ne'u Paṇḍi ta Grags pa smon lam blo gros, with other rare historical texts from the library of Burmiok Athing," T.D. Densapa, LTWA (Dharamsala 1985).  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/DS785/.G72/1985.  TBRC Work RID: W24011.  Contained here are several texts, including some works of Tshe dbang nor bu, the Rgya nag Chos 'byung, and so on.

489 —   Phyi Nang Gsang ba'i Bsdus don Nyer mkho 'Dod 'jo 'Khri shing, "by Tshul khrims ye shes of Lung dkar Monastery with other texts on ritual, reproduced from manuscript from Yi tha area of Tibet," Patshang Lama Sonam Gyaltsen, TBMC (Dolanji 1985).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7982.3/.T84/1985.  TBRC Work RID: W3CN6351.

490 —   'Bri gung pa Ratna'i ming can gyi Skyes rabs Mos gus Dran pa'i Lcags kyu & Rje btsun Rin chen phun tshogs kyi Rnam thar Smad cha Dad pa'i Gdung ba Sel byed, "autobiography (1509‑1557) with continuation by Rin chen dpal; also, Rin chen phun tshog's biographies of 'Bri gung gling pa Shes rab 'byung gnas (1187‑1241) and Kun dga' rin chen (1475‑1524), reproduced from a damaged manuscript from the library of Yudra Rinpoche," D. Tsondu Senghe, Bir Tibetan Society (Bir 1985).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ982/.I493 A22/1985.  TBRC Work RID: W23169.

491 —   Mdo phran Nyi shu rtsa gcig pa, "a collection of hitherto unpublished Bonpo canonical works from the sutra section of the Bonpo Kanjur, reproduced from rare manuscript from Hor Ba chen Klu phug Bde chen g.yung drung gling," TBMC (Dolanji 1985).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7971.21/1985.  Not in TBRC.

492 —   Nyang ral Nyi ma 'od zer, Byang chub sems dpa' Sems dpa' chen po Chos rgyal Mes dbon Rnam gsum gyi Rnam thar Rin po che'i 'Phreng ba, "from an incomplete and ancient manuscript from library of late Lopon Choedak at order of H.H. Dingo Chhentse Rimpoche," Ugyen Tempai Gyaltsen, Kyichu Temple (Paro 1980).  The colophon says that this is the book of Btsun pa Shākya rin chen (perhaps the Sgom pa by that name in the time of the Mongol incursions of early 13th century?).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/DS785/.N16/1980.  TBRC Work RID: W23934.

493 —   Sngags log Sun 'byin gyi Skor, "including works by Chag Lo tsā ba and Khug pa Lha btsas," Kunsang Topgyel and Mani Dorji (Thimphu 1979).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7662.2/.S6/1979.  TBRC Work RID: W23954.

494 —   Responses to Various Polemical Writings by Mkhas dbang Sangs rgyas rdo rje (1569‑1645), Zigar Drukpa Kargyud Institute (Rewalsar 1985). Personal copy.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7610/.S27/1985.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG22417.

495 —   Karma 'phrin las pa (1456‑1539), The Songs of Esoteric Practice (Mgur) and Replies to Doctrinal Questions (Dris lan), Ngawang Topgay (New Delhi 1975).  Personal copy.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7682.2/.K37/1975.  TBRC Work RID: W1GS56154.

496 —   Rje btsun Mi la ras pa'i Rdo rje'i Mgur Drug sogs Gsung Rgyun Thor bu ba 'Ga', n.p. (n.d.). Published by the Karmapa (at Rumtek?).  Contains 27 numbered folios.  Personal copy.  There are several very similar titles, but this exact edition was not found in TBRC.

497 —   Dpal Kye rdo rje'i Phyi Nang Bskyed rim Nyams len Gnad kyi Gsal byed:  Snyan brgyud Bstan pa Rgyas pa'i Nyin byed and Rgyal ba Rdo rje 'chang Kun dga' bzang po'i Rnam par Thar pa Legs bshad Chu bo 'Dus pa'i Rgya mtsho Yon tan Yid bzhin Nor bu'i 'Byung gnas, Trayang & Jamyang Samten (New Delhi 1976).  The second text is by Ngor Mkhan chen xxv Sangs rgyas phun tshogs (1649‑1705), embedding the earlier 1457 biography by Dkon mchog rgyal mtshan.  Copy from reprint text in possession of 'Khor chen Rin po che.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ2167/.T88/1976.  TBRC Work RID: W18115.

498 —   'Jigs med gling pa, The Collected Works of Kun mkhyen 'Jigs med gling pa, Sonam T. Kazi (Gangtok 1970‑1975), in 9 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7662/.J556/1970.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG10193.

499 —   Don grub rgyal mtshan, Legs par Bshad pa Bka' gdams Rin po che'i Gsung Gces Btus Nor bu'i Bang mdzod, "a print based on Lha sa Bzhi sde blocks," D. Tsondu Senghe, Bir Tibetan Society (Bir 1985). Rs. 425.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7664/.L44/1985.  TBRC Work RID: W23747.  The author was a follower of Gung thang pa.  A vocabulary of rare Kadampa words is appended.  It was actually collected from Bka' gdams literary remains in scattered places in Dbus, A mdo, and Mongolia.  As it turns out, the author is identical to the author of the wellknown materia medica work, namely 'Jam dpal rdo rje (1792‑1855), a Mongolian prince who spent many years in Tibet.

500 —   Lam 'bras Slob BshadThe Sa skya pa Teachings of the Path and the Fruit, according to the Tshar pa Transmission, "as arranged by 'Jam dbyangs blo gter dbang po and supplemented by texts continuing the lineage through the Khang gsar dam pa and Sga ston Ngag dbang legs pa Rin po che's, reproduced from prints of Sde dge from the library of Klu sdings Mkhan Rin po che," Sakya Centre (Dehra Dun 1983), in 21 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ7665/.L27/1983.  TBRC Work RID: W23649.

501 —   The Bonpo Approach to Abhidharma, "texts from the Sman ri Yig cha by Mnyam med Shes rab rgyal mtshan and Slob dpon Bstan 'dzin rnam dag, reproduced from rare manuscript from the library of the Bonpo Monastic Centre," Khedup Gyatso (Dolanji 1982).  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ7974.5/.M49 B6/1982.  Not found in TBRC.  List of titles:  [1] Snang srid Mdzod phugs kyi Gzhung dang 'Grel ba 'Phrul gyi Sgron me by Shes rab rgyal mtshan (pp. 1‑548).  [2] A related text by Bstan 'dzin rnam dag (pp. 549‑572). 

502 —   Snga 'gyur Rnying ma la Rgol Ngan Log rtog Bzlog pa'i Bstan bcos, "Kun mkhyen Ngag gi dbang pos Mdzad pa," T.S. Tashigangpa (Leh 1977).  The added page says it is by Klong chen pa Dri med 'od zer.  The colophon gives the title as Rdzogs pa chen po la sogs Sngags Rnying ma Rjes 'brang dang bcas pa'i Tshig Don la Log par Rtog pa'i 'Khrul pa Ngan pa 'Joms pa'i Bstan bcos 'Khrul 'Joms (compare the title on the verso of the title page!) and author is given as Klong chen Rab 'byams (certainly a latter member of his reincarnation lineage).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7662.2/.K5/1977.  TBRC doesn't have this exact edition, but they do supply the woodblock print as part of TBRC W2PD20323.

503 —   Bla khri Rgyal ba g.yung drung, Dbra sprang Lho gling Smar khams gling gi Bla mchod Khri chen Rgyal ba g.yung drung bstan 'dzin gyi 'Khrul snang Bar do'i Rnam thar, "the return from death experiences of Bla khri Rgyal ba g.yung drung, written in 1862 at the behest of his disciples, Tashi Dorji, Tibetan Bonpo Foundation (Oachghat 1985).  This is the biography of Bla khri Rgyal ba g.yung drung (1814‑1871).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7989/.R499/1985. Not found in TBRC.

504 Tibetan Guides to Places of Pilgrimage:  A Collection of Guidebooks (Gnas yig) to Places of Buddhist Pilgrimage in Tibetan and China, "reproduced from rare manuscripts and xylograph prints from the library of Burmiok Athing, [aka] T.D. Densaga [i.e., Densapa]," LTWA (Dharamsala 1985).  Personal copy.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ6450/.T55 T52/1985.  TBRC Work RID: W00EGS1016705.

505 —   The Collected Works (Gsung 'bum Thor bu) of La dwags Rtogs ldan Rin po che Dkon mchog thub bstan bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan, D. Tsondu Senghe, Bir Tibetan Society (Bir 1985).  Has mention of Bse rag.  Has commentary on Dgongs gcig on pp. 35‑253.  Brda' yig, or Ḍākinī codes, on pp. 395‑398 (supplies alphabet).  Collected Works of Rtogs ldan Sprul sku Thub bstan bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7684.9/.D69/1985.  TBRC Work RID: W23171.

506 —   Shar rdza Bkra shis rgyal mtshan, Legs bshad Rin po che'i Mdzod, TBMC (Dolanji 1977).  From Delhi lithographic prints of 1955.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7964.2/.B544/1977.  I was unable to locate this exact edition in TBRC.

506A Shar rdza Bkra shis rgyal mtshan, Legs bshad Rin po che'i Gter mdzod, ed. by Rdo rje rgyal po, Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Lhasa 1985).  Personal copy.  TBRC Work RID: W20081.

507 Tibetan Legal Materials:  A Collection of Texts on the Legal and Administrative Structure of Tibet from a Manuscript Deb ther Preserved in the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Library of Tibetan Works and Archives (Dharamsala 1985). Copy in personal possession.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/KQK/.T52/1985.  TBRC Work RID: W23704.

600 —   Dkon mchog 'jigs med dbang po, Chos kyi Rnam grangs (=Mdo Rgyud Bstan bcos Du ma nas 'Byung ba'i Chos kyi Rnam grangs Shes ldan Yid kyi Dga' ston), Mtsho sngon Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Xining 1992).  This exact edition not found in TBRC.

601 —   Mnyam med Chos dbang rgyal mtshan gyi Gsung ngag Thor bu ba rnams, an uncatalogued woodblock print in Hamburg Institute (no call no., but with accessions no. 1975.130), in 65 fols. (marginal notation KA).  It is a characteristic Mang yul Gung thang print, and has fine woodcut miniatures in front and end.  TBRC Work RID: MW0NGMCP45290 (no scan made available).

602 Dpal ldan Bla ma Dam pa / Sprul pa'i Skyes mchog Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po'i Rnam par Thar pa / Skal ldan Dga' ba Bskyed pa'i Pad tshal Yid kyi 'Dod 'jo, woodblock print in 58 fols. (marginal notation kha), in Hamburg institute collection (no call no., but with accessions no. 1975.129).  It is a Mang yul Gung thang print.  Includes a woodcut portrait of the author.  Not in TBRC.


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A chos  —  Mkhan Rin po che Chos dbyings rang grol gyi Rnam thar Snying bsdus Dpyid kyi Rgyal mo'i Rgyang glu Snga 'gyur Rdo rje theg pa'i Khyad chos 'Dzam gling Rgyan gcig.  Bibliographical details lacking, but published in PRC in about 1999.  Have photocopy with neither cover nor title page.  I am not certain, but it may be identifiable as the work in I.U. library — Tib‑C/BQ7662/.C42 1998.  This is, in any case, a biography of the same Chos dbyings rang grol (1872‑1952).  I believe it is the same as TBRC Work RID: W20031.

A tri  —  A tri Thun tsham Cho na Dan Cha lak Che Shuk so (=A khrid Thun mtshams Bco lnga dang Cha lag bcas), TBMC (Delhi 1967).  This exact edition not found in TBRC.  See Kværne, Canon, p. 142, for contents.

Achard, L'Essence — Jean‑Luc Achard, L’Essence perlée du secret. Recherches philologiques et historiques sur l’origine de la Grande Perfection dans la tradition rNying ma pa, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Brepols (Paris/Turnhout 1999).

Acta Asiatica  —  The journal.

Ahmad, Fifth  —  Zahiruddin Ahmad, tr., A History of Tibet by the Fifth Dalai Lama of Tibet, Research Institute for Inner Asian Studies (Bloomington 1995).

AHT  — Yeshi Dönden (Ye shes don ldan), Ambrosia Heart Tantra, tr. by Jhampa Kelsang (Byams pa skal bzang), LTWA (Dharamsala 1977).

Akasoy, I&T  —  Anna Akasoy, Charles Burnett & Ronit Yoeli‑Tlalim, eds., Islam and Tibet: Interactions along the Musk Routes, Ashgate (Farnham 2011).

Alexander, Temples  —  André Alexander, The Temples of Lhasa: Tibetan Buddhist Architecture from the 7th to the 21st Centuries, Serindia (Chicago 2005).

Allen, Search for Shangri La  —  Charles Allen, The Search for Shangri La: A Journey into Tibetan History, Abacus (London 2000).

Allione, Women of Wisdom — Tshultrim Allione, Women of Wisdom, Arkana (London 1986).

Almogi, MA Thesis  —  Orna Almogi, The Life and Works of Rong‑zom Paṇḍita, Master's thesis, University of Hamburg (Hamburg 1997).

AOH  —  Acta Orientalia Hungarica.

Archiv für Volkerkunde  —  The journal.

Aris, Discourse  —  Michael Aris, 'Jigs med gling pa's "Discourse on India" of 1789:  A Critical Edition and Annotated Translation of the lHo phyogs rgya gar gyi gtam brtag pa brgyad kyi me long, The International Institute of Buddhist Studies (Tokyo 1995).

Asia Major  —  The journal by that name.

Aspiration  —  Aryasura's Aspiration and a Meditation on Compassion, LTWA (Dharamsala 1979).

Avedon  —  John F. Avedon, In Exile from the Land of Snows, Alfred A. Knopf (New York 1984).

Aziz  —  Barbara Nimri Aziz, "Indian Philosopher as Tibetan Folk Hero: Legend of Langkor: A New Source Material on Phadampa Sangye," Central Asiatic Journal, vol. 23, nos. 1‑2 (1979), pp. 19‑37.

BA  —  George N. Roerich [and, of course, Gendun Chomphel], trs., The Blue Annals, Motilal Banarsidass (Delhi 1976), first published in Calcutta in 1949.  An earlier abbreviation was "Bl.An."

Bailey, Journey through a Portion  —  F. M. Bailey, "Journey Through a Portion of South-eastern Tibet and the Mishmi Hills," Scottish Geographical Magazine, vol. 28 (1912), pp. 189-203.

Bailey, No Passport  —  F. M. Bailey, No Passport to Tibet, Hart-Davis (London 1957).

Baker, Heart of the World  —  Ian Baker, Heart of the World: A Journey to Tibet's Lost Paradise, Penguin Books (2006).

Barlocher  —  Daniel Bärlocher, Testimonies of Tibetan Tulkus: A Research among Reincarnate Buddhist Masters in Exile, Tibet‑Institut (Rikon 1982), in 2 vols.

Barom Bios.  —  Po rag Bya bral (i.e., Spom brag pa Bsod nams rdo rje, b. 1170), [Po rag Bya bral gyis mdzad pa'i] 'Bā' sbrom Gser phreng gi Rnam thar Mdor bsdus Rin chen Rgyan phreng, in 26 folios, found in the first volume of a set of scans of 'Ba' rom pa works, where the author's name is signed as Po rag Bya bral (it sometimes looks more like So rag).  For this set, see TBRC no. W4PD1417, vol. 1.

Barnett, Resistance and Reform  —  Robert Barnett and Shirin Akiner, eds., Resistance and Reform in Tibet, Hurst (London 1994).

Bashey4  —  Shin'ichi Tsumagari, "Bashey with Supplement: A Critical Edition of the Tibetan Text and an Annotated Translation (4)," Annual Review of Religious Studies, vol. 25 (2013), pp. 193‑210. 

Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön  —  Christoph Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön, Orchid Press (Bangkok 2002).

BBNP  —  Bka' gdams kyi Man ngag Be'u bum Sngon po'i Rtsa 'grel, by Po to ba, Lha 'bri sgang pa, etc. [=Gangs can Rig Brgya'i Sgo 'byed Lde mig, vol. 16], Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Beijing 1991).  TBRC Work RID: W1KG15517.  Includes, on pp. 464‑486, the Be'u bum Sngon po'i Ming Brda Go Dka' ba 'Ga' zhig Bshad pa Som nyi'i Mun Sel, written at the urging of Thor kod Rab 'byams Sma ba Blo bzang shes rab by the famous philologist Dbyangs can dga' ba'i blo gros.

BD of T and TB  —  Khetsun Sangpo (compiler), Biographical Dictionary of Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism, LTWA (Dharamsala, 1973+), in 12 vols.

Beckwith, Tibetan Empire  —  Christopher I. Beckwith, The Tibetan Empire in Central Asia, Princeton University Press (Princeton 1993).

BEFEO  —  Bulletin de l'Ecole Française d'Extrême Orient.

Bell  —  Sir Charles Bell, The Religion of Tibet.  First published in 1931 by Clarendon Press (London), there have been many reprintings, and I am not sure which one was actually used, or even if it makes a difference.

Bell, Tibet Past and Present  —  Sir Charles Bell, Tibet Past and Present, Clarendon Press (London 1924).

Bellezza, D&B  —  John Vincent Bellezza, Death and Beyond in Ancient Tibet, Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Vienna 2013).

Bellezza, D of T  —  John Vincent Bellezza, The Dawn of Tibet: The Ancient Civilization on the Roof of the World, Rowman & Littlefield (Lanham 2014).

Bellezza, Divine Dyads  —  John Vincent Bellezza, Divine Dyads: Ancient Civilization in Tibet, Library of Tibetan Works & Archives (Dharamsala 1997).

Bellezza, L&T  —  John Vincent Bellezza, "gShen‑rab Myi‑bo: His Life and Times according to Tibet's Earliest Literary Sources," Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines, vol. 19 (October 2010), pp. 31‑118.

Berkeley  —  This refers to an unpublished catalog of a collection of Tibetan woodblock prints and manuscripts acquired by Haenisch, I believe.  I've lost the reference, unfortunately.

Bernard  —  Theos Bernard, Land of a Thousand Buddhas, Rider and Co. (London 1950; reprint of 1st ed. of 1940).  Also published under the title:  Penthouse of the Gods.

Bernbaum  —  Edwin Bernbaum, The Way to Shambhala: A Search for the Mythical Kingdom beyond the Himalayas, Anchor Books (Garden City 1980).

Berounsky, Lapsed  —  Daniel Berounsky, "Lapsed Buddhists, Evil Tobacco and the Opening of the Bon Pilgrimage Place of Dmu‑ri in the Thewo Region of Amdo," Pandanus '07: Nature in Literature, Art, Myth and Ritual, Volume 1, Charles University (Prague 2007), pp. 165‑234.

Berounsky, Murdered  —  Daniel Berounsky, "The Murdered King Protecting Fields: A Tibetan Deity‑Medium from the Bonpo Village in Amdo," Mongolo‑Tibetica Pragensia '12: Ethnolinguistics, Socio‑linguistics, Religion & Culture, vol. 5, no. 2 (Prague 2012), pp. 21‑50.

Beyer  —  Stephan Beyer, The Cult of Tara, University of California Press (Berkeley 1973).

Bhattacharyya, Studies  —  Dipak Chandra Bhattacaryya, Studies in Buddhist Iconography, Manohar (New Delhi 1978).

B in L  —  Buddhism in Ladakh, "a study of the life and works of the eighteenth century Ladakhi saint scholar Ngag dbang tshe ring by [his modern namesake] Nawang Tsering," Sterling Publishers, Pvt. Ltd. (New Delhi 1979).  Personal copy.

BinR  —  A. Terentyev, Buddhism in Russia: Tsarist & Soviet (Old Photographs), published by the author (St.-Petersburg 2014).

BIS  Berliner Indologische Studien.  Name of journal.

BJZJ  —  Bod ljongs Zhib 'jug. A periodical published by the Tibetan Academy of Social Sciences, Lhasa (Bod ljongs Spyi tshogs Tshan rig khang).  References are to the Tibetan‑language version only.

Bka' ma Rgyas pa  —  Rnying ma Bka' ma Rgyas pa, ed. by Bdud 'joms Rin po che, Dupjung Lama (Kalimpong 1982‑1985), in 58 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7662/.B55/1982.  TBRC Work RID: W19229.

BKC —  Ska ba Shes rab bzang po, ed. in chief, Bod khul gyi Chos sde Grags can Khag gi Dpe rnying Dkar chag, Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Beijing 2010). 

Blaṅ  —  Blang dor Gsal bar Ston pa'i Drang thig Dwangs Shel Me long by Sde srid Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho [plus 16 other texts], Sonam Drakpa (Dolanji 1979).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/KPK/.S2/1979.  TBRC Work RID: W8234.

BLKC — Dkon mchog bstan 'dzin et al., Bod kyi lag shes kun 'dus chen mo, Krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang (Beijing 2010), in 2 vols., profusely illustrated.

Blondeau  —  Anne Marie Blondeau, Le "Découvrer" du Mani Bka' 'bum était il Bon po? T and BS I 77‑123.

Blondeau, Controverse  —  Anne Marie Blondeau, "La controverse soulevée par l'inclusion de rituels bon-po dans le rin-chen gter-mjod.  Note préliminaire," contained in: Helga Uebach and Jampa L. Panglung, eds., Tibetan Studies:  Proceedings of the 4th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Schloss Hohenkammer, Munich 1985, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Munich 1988), pp. 55-67.

BLP  —  Bsod nams don grub, Bod kyi Lo rgyus Dpe tho, Bod ljongs Mi dmangs Dpe skrun khang (Lhasa 2000).  Personal copy.

BMBM  —  Biographical Materials about Bonpo Masters (in Tibetan), Lopon Tenzin Namdak, Tibetan Bonpo Monastic Centre (New Thobgyal 1981).  TBRC Work RID: W1KG15409.

Bodleian Catalogue  —  A Descriptive Catalogue of the Tibetan Manuscripts Held at the Bodleian Library, Oxford, prepared by John E. Stapleton Driver in circa 1970, and revised by David Barrett, n.p. (1993).  Total page count: 152.  This is an unpublished typescript, but the Bodleian Library made it available as a PDF at their website.

Bon Dag  —  Five Bonpo Texts for the Study of Grammar, Poetics and Lexicography by Kun bzang rgyal mtshan (b. 1837), Tshul khrims phun tshogs (b. 1783), and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan (b. 1898), "reproduced from manuscript copied from G.yung drung gling prints by Khedup Gyatso," TBMC (Dolanji 1985).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/PL3635/.F49/1985.  Unable to locate it in TBRC.

Bon sgo  —  Name of a periodical published from Dolanji, Himachal Pradesh, India.

Bongard‑Levine, Complex Study of Ancient India —  G.M. Bongard-Levin, A Complex Study of Ancient India: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach, Ajanta Publications (Delhi 1986).

BP  —  Man ngag Lhan thabs kyi Lde mig (cover title) SSS series no. 57.  For more details, see TBRC Work RID: W20953.

BR  —  Brda Rnying Tshig mdzod Gsar bsgrigs, ed. by Blo gros rgya mtsho, Bkra shis dngos grub, Bod ljongs Mi dmangs Dpe skrun khang (Lhasa 2011), in 381 pages.

Brauen  —  Martin Brauen, "The Cosmic Center in the Ladakhi Marriage Ritual," contained in:  D. Kantowsky and R. Sander, eds., Recent Research on Ladakh: History, Culture, Sociology, Ecology, Weltforum Verlag (Munich 1983), pp. 107‑113.

Brauen, VH  —  Martin Brauen, The Dalai Lamas: A Visual History, Serindia (Chicago 2005).

Broido 1984  —  Michael M. Broido, "Padma Dkar‑po on Tantra as Ground, Path & Goal," Journal of the Tibet Society, vol. 4 (1984), pp. 5‑46.

Bru  —  Rgyal rigs Bru yi Ring lugs kyi Zhi khro'i Sgrub Skor, "reproduced from a manuscript from the library of the late Dpal tshul," Sonam Dakpa (Delhi 1975), in 2 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.R49/1975.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG585.

Bsam gtan Mig Sgron  —  Gnubs chen Sangs rgyas ye shes, Rnal 'byor Mig gi Bsam gtan, S.W. Tashigangpa (Leh 1974).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7662.2/.S26/1974.  TBRC Work RID: W00EGS1016286.

BT  —  Bulletin of Tibetology.  The abbreviation ought to be followed by a volume number in every case.

Btsan lha  —  Btsan lha Ngag dbang tshul khrims, Brda dkrol Gser gyi Me long, Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Beijing 1997).

Bu ston  —  Refers to Obermiller's 1931 translation of Bu ston's Chos 'byung in 2 vols.  At the moment I only have the Indian reprint available to me, although I believe the pagination ought to be identical.  Volume One:  The Jewelry of Scripture of Bu‑ston, tr. by E. Obermiller, Bibliotheca Indo‑Buddhica no. 42, Sri Satguru Publications (Delhi 1987).  Volume Two:  The History of Buddhism in India and Tibet by Bu‑ston, tr. by E. Obermiller, Bibliotheca Indo‑Buddhica no. 26, Sri Satguru Publications (Delhi 1986).

Bulag, MTI  —  Uradyn E. Bulag and Hildegard G.M. Diemberger, The Mongolia‑Tibet Interface:  Opening New Research Terrains in Inner Asia, Brill (Leiden 2007).

Buston  —  E. Obermiller, tr., The History of Buddhism in India and Tibet by Bu‑ston, Sri Satguru Publications (Delhi 1986), reprint of Heidelberg 1932 edition, made in two volumes.

BYNP — Padma-bkra-shis, Bod-yig Gna'-dpe'i Rnam-bshad, Bod-ljongs Mi-dmangs Dpe-skrun-khang (Lhasa 2013).

CAJ  —  Central Asiatic Journal.

Cabezón, SM  —  José Ignacio Cabezón and Penpa Dorjee, Sera Monastery, Wisdom (Somerville 2019).

Cassinelli, Tibetan Principality  —  C.W. Cassinelli & Robert B. Ekvall, A Tibetan Principality: The Political System of Sa‑skya, Cornell University Press (Ithaca 1969).

CFMS  —  Tsering Gyalbo, Guntram Hazod and Per K. Sørensen, Civilization at the Foot of Mount Sham po:  The Royal House of lHa Bug pa can and the History of g.Ya' bzang, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften and Tibetan Academy of Social Sciences (Wien 2000), Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch Historische Klasse Denkschriften, 290. Band; Beiträge zur Kultur und Geistesgeschichte Asiens, Nr. 36.

Chag  —  George Roerich, Biography of Dharmasvāmin (Chag Lo tsā ba Chos rje dpal), K.P. Jayaswal Research Institute (Patna 1959).  Copy in National Library.

Chandra  —  Lokesh Chandra, Tibetan‑Sanskrit Dictionary.

Chandra, Scripts  —  Indian Scripts in Tibet, reproduced by Lokesh Chandra (New Delhi 1982).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/PK 119/.I63/1982.  TBRC Work RID: W30268.

Chart  —  Bshad rgyud Le'u Nyer gnyis pa Cha byad, Lokesh Chandra (Delhi 1967?).  A chart of Tibetan medical instruments, etc.  In I.U. library - Tib‑A/RD71/.B82.  Not able to locate in TBRC.

Chatt.  —  Alaka Chattopadhyaya, Atīśa and Tibet: Dīpaṃkara Śrījñāna in Relation to the History and Religion of Tibet, Indian Studies Past and Present (Calcutta 1967).  Personal copy.

Chatto  —  Sudhakar Chattopadhyaya, Reflections on the Tantras, Motilal Banarsidass (Delhi 1978).  Personal copy.

Chayet, Edition —  Jean‑Luc Achard, Anne Chayet, Christina Scherrer‑Schaub, Françoise Robin et al., eds., Édition, éditions: l'écrit au Tibet, évolution et devenir, Indus Verlag (Munich 2010).

Chimpa, THBI  —  Tāranātha's History of Buddhism in India, tr. from Tibetan by Lama Chimpa and Lama S. Rinpoche, ed. by Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya, Motilal (Delhi 1990), reprint of 1970 edition.  Personal copy.

CHMO — Refers to the series entitled Bod kyi Rig gnas Lo rgyus Rgyu cha Bdams bsgrigs, often used as a source by Melvyn Goldstein in his modern history books.

Chodag  —  Geshe Chhosdag (Dge bshes Chos grags), Brda dag Ming tshig Gsal ba — Tibetan Dictionary, Gnas chung Sprul sku (Delhi 1967).  This is the edition I actually used, although there are several others.

Choix  —  Ariane MacDonald and Yoshiro Imaeda, eds., Choix de documents tibétains conservés à la Bibliothèque nationale: complété par quelques manuscrits de l'India office et du British Museum, Bibliothèque Nationale (Paris 1978), in 2 vols.

CHWT  —  Deborah Klimburg‑Salter, Liang Junyan, Helmut Tauscher and Zhou Yuan, eds., The Cultural History of Western Tibet: Recent Research from the China Tibetology Research Center and the University of Vienna, China Tibetology Publishing House (Vienna 2008).

CM  —  Crystal Mirror (especially volume 5).  An irregularly issued periodical from Dharma Press (Berkeley).

Combe  —  G.A. Combe, A Tibetan on Tibet, Ratna Pustak Bhandar (Kathmandu 1975).  Bibliotheca Himalayica Series III, no. 4.  Personal copy.

Crook, Yogins of Ladakh  —  John Crook & James Low, The Yogins of Ladakh: A Pilgrimage among the Hermits of the Buddhist Himalayas, Motilal Banarsidass (Delhi 1997).  Personal copy.

Cuevas, Hidden History  —  Bryan J. Cuevas, The Hidden History of the Tibetan Book of the Dead, Oxford University Press (Oxford 2003).

Cüppers, Remarks  —  Christoph Cüppers, "Some Remarks on Bka' 'gyur Production in 17th‑Century Tibet," contained in: Chayet, Edition 115-128.

CVTS  —  Brandon Dotson, Kalsang Norbu Gurung, Georgios Halkias & Tim Myatt, eds., Contemporary Visions in Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the First International Seminar of Young Tibetologists, Serindia Publications (Chicago 2009).

Daffina — Paolo Daffina, ed., Indo‑Sino‑Tibetica: Studi in onore di Luciano Petech, Bardi Editore (Roma 1990).

Dag Yig  —  Dag yig Gsar Bsgrigs, Mtsho sngon Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Xining 1979).

Dagyab  —  L.S. Dagyab, Bod Brda'i Tshig mdzodTibetan Dictionary, published by the author (Dharamsala 1966).

Damani, Dating  —  Ingrid Kreide Damani, ed., Dating Tibetan Art, Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag (Wiesbaden 2003).

Dargyay  —  Eva M. Dargyay, The Rise of Esoteric Buddhism in Tibet, Motilal Banarsidass (Delhi 1977).

Dargyay, Ausbildung  —  Geshay Lobsang Dargyay, "Die Ausbildung Buddhistischer Moenche in Tibet," contained in:  Martin Brauen and Per Kværne, Tibetan Studies, Völkerkundemuseum der Universität Zürich (Zürich 1977), pp. 103‑111.

Dargyay, TVC  —  Eva K. Dargyay, Tibetan Village Communities: Structure and Change, Aris and Phillips Ltd. (Warminster 1982).

Das  —  Sarat Chandra Das et al., A Tibetan‑English Dictionary with Sanskrit Synonyms, Government Printing (Alipore 1960).

Davidson, TTBR  —  Ronald M. Davidson, Tibetan Renaissance: Tantric Buddhism in the Rebirth of Tibetan Culture, Columbia University Press (New York 2005).

DCD  — 'Bras blo gling Nyag re Lha rams Dge bshes Tshe dbang nyi ma, Dam chos 'dul ba gtso gyur gyi gzhung sne mang las btus pa'i tshig mdzod mun sel sgron me, Nor gling Bod kyi Rig gzhung Gces skyong khang (Dharamsala 2009).  A dictionary specializing in Vinaya terminology.  Personal copy.  TBRC Work RID: W4CZ369157 (no scans supplied).

DD  —  Go 'jo Dbang 'dus, Bod Gangs can pa'i Gso ba Rig pa'i Dpal ldan Rgyud bzhi sogs kyi Brda' dang Dka' gnad 'Ga' zhig Bkrol ba Sngon byon Mkhas pa'i Gsung Rgyan G.yu thog Dgongs rgyan, Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Beijing 1982).  Some have cataloged this under the author name Bkra shis dbang 'dus.

Denwood, TW2  —  Philip Denwood, "The Tibetans in the West, Part II," Journal of Inner Asian Art & Archaeology, vol. 4 (2009), pp. 149-160.

Derge  —  Sde dge Mtshal par Bka' 'gyur, "facsimile of 18th century redaction of Si tu Chos kyi 'byung gnas, prepared under the direction of HH the 16th Rgyal dbang Karma pa" (Delhi 1976+).  In I.U. library - Tib‑D/BQ1260/1976, vol. 77(?).  TBRC Work RID: W30532.

DG  —  Principles of Lamaist PharmacognosyDri med Shel Gong / Dri med Shel Phreng, SSS series no. 6 (Leh 1970).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/R644/.T5 B867/1970.  TBRC Work RID: W23762.

Dhargyey  —  Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey, Tibetan Tradition of Mental Development, LTWA (Dharamsala 1974).

Dhongthog  —  T.G. Dhongthog Rinpoche (Gdong thog Bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan), Important Events in Tibetan History, published by the author (Delhi 1968).  This same abbreviation may also refer to the same author's New Light Dictionary, nota bene (it ought to be clear from the context which one is intended).  In I.U. library - Tib‑A/DS786/.D47.  I believe that this edition is absent from TBRC, but for what appears to be a 2010 reprint, see TBRC Work RID: W1KG6148.

Doney, BringingDoney, Lewis, ed. Bringing Buddhism to Tibet: History and Narrative in the Dba' bzhed Manuscript, De Gruyter (Berlin 2021). Open access, available at

Dotson, D&L  —  Brandon Dotson, "Divination and Law in the Tibetan Empire: The Role of Dice in the Legislation of Loans, Interest, Marital Law and Troop Conscription," contained in:  Matthew T. Kapstein and Brandon Dotson, eds., Contributions to the Cultural History of Early Tibet, Brill (Leiden 2007), pp. 3‑77.

Dotson, Horse — Brandon Dotson, "The Horse and the Grass-Grazing Man: Domestication, Food, and Alterity in Early Tibetan Cosmologies of the Land of the Dead," History of Religions, vol. 57, no. 2 (February 2018), pp. 270-287.

DPBDon brgyud Dpal ldan 'Brug pa'i Chos mdzod Chen po Bsam 'phel Nor bu'i Bang mdzod, Nang chen Bsod nams (Khams Nang chen 2010), in 116 volumes.  TBRC Work RID: W3CN2232.

Dpe chos  —  Dpe chos dang Dpe chos Rin chen Spungs pa, Gangs can Rig brgya'i Sgo 'byed Lde mig series no. 17, Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Lhasa 1991).  Personal copy.  Most references here are to the glossary that forms the final section of the book:  Dpe chos Rin chen Spungs pa'i Brda bkrol Don gnyer Yid kyi Dga' ston, on pp. 502‑520.

Drepung Catalog  —  Dpal brtsegs Bod yig Dpe rnying Zhib 'jug khang, 'Bras spungs Dgon du Bzhugs so Gsol ba'i Dpe rnying Dkar chag, Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Beijing 2004), in 2 volumes with the pagination continuous.  Personal copy.

Dreyfus, Sound  —  Georges B.J. Dreyfus, The Sound of Two Hands Clapping: The Education of a Tibetan Buddhist Monk, University of California Press (Berkeley 2003).

DTK5  —  Bod kyi Lo rgyus Deb ther Khag Lnga, Bod ljongs Bod yig Dpe Rnying Dpe skrun khang (Lhasa 1990).  Personal copy.

Dung dkarMkhas dbang Dung dkar Blo bzang 'phrin las Mchog gis Mdzad pa'i Bod Rig pa'i Tshig mdzod Chen mo Shes bya Rab gsal, Krung go'i Bod Rig pa Dpe skrun khang (Beijing 2002), in 2388 pages.  Personal copy.

Dungkar, DictionaryMkhas dbang Dung dkar Blo bzang 'phrin las Mchog gis Mdzad pa'i Bod Rig pa'i Tshig mdzod Chen mo Shes bya Rab gsal, Krung go'i Bod Rig pa Dpe skrun khang (Beijing 2002), in 2388 pages.  I use both abbreviated references.

Early Ch'an  —  Whalen Lai and Lewis R. Lancaster (eds.), Early Ch'an in China and Tibet, Berkeley Buddhist Studies Series (Berkeley 1983).

Eastman  —  References to various unpublished papers by Kenneth Eastman written in around 1980's.  These papers are no longer available to me.

Ehrhard, BC  —  Franz‑Karl Ehrhard, A Buddhist Correspondence: The Letters of Lo‑chen Bsod‑nams‑rgya‑mtsho: Facsimile Edition of a 15th Century Tibetan Manuscript, Lumbini International Research Institute [Facsimile Edition Series no. 3] (Lumbini 2002).

Ehrhard, Old & New  —  Franz‑Karl Ehrhard, "Old and New Tibetan Sources Concerning Svayaṃbhūnāth," Zentralasiatische Studien, vol. 36 (2007), pp. 105‑130.

Ehrhard, Register  —  Franz‑Karl Ehrhard, "The Register of the Reliquary of Lord Raṅ‑rig Ras‑pa," Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Süd und Ostasiens, vol. 46 (2002), pp. 146‑167.

Eimer, Dbyangs  —  Helmut Eimer, "dByaṅs‑can dga'‑ba'i blo‑gros' Explanation of Some Expressions from the Sa skya legs bshad," contained in:  Vicitrakusumāñjali, Volume Presented to Richard Othon Meisezahl on the Occasion of his Eightieth Birthday, Indica et Tibetica series no. 11 (Bonn 1986) pp. 49‑60.

Eimer, NG  —  Helmut Eimer, Rnam thar rgyas pa, Materialien zu einer Biographie des Atiśa (Dīpaṃkaraśrījñāna). 2. Teil: Textmaterialien, Asiatische Forschungen Band 67, Otto Harrassowitz (Wiesbaden 1979).

Emmerick  —  R.E. Emmerick, Tibetan Texts concerning Khotan, Oxford University Press (London 1967).  In I.U. library - Tib‑A/BQ609/.K5 L6/1967.  All references are to the Index of Proper Names, so page nos. are not normally provided here.

Encyclopaedia of Buddhism  —  G.P. Malalasekera, ed., Encyclopaedia of Buddhism, Government of Ceylon (Colombo 1965+).

Epstein, Dissertation  —  Lawrence Epstein, Causation in Tibetan Religion: Duality and Its Transformations, doctoral dissertation, University of Washington (Seattle 1977).

Epstein, Reflections  —  Lawrence Epstein and Richard F. Sherburne, Reflections on Tibetan Culture:  Essays in Memory of Turrell V. Wylie, Edwin Mellen Press (Lewiston 1989).

Erkoç  —  Hayrettin Ihsan Erkoç, "Elements of Turkic Mythology in the Tibetan Document P.T. 1283," Central Asiatic Journal, vol. 61, no. 2 (2018), pp. 297-311.

Esin  —  Emil Esin, Antecedents and Development of Buddhist and Manichaen Turkish Art in Eastern Turkestan and Kansu, Milli Egitim Basimevi (Istanbul 1967).

Essais  —  A. MacDonald and Yoshiro Imaeda, Essais sur l'art du Tibet, Librairie d'América et d'Orient (Paris 1977).  I.U. library — N8193.3/.T36 T553.  Personal copy.

Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya —  Gerd‑Wolfgang Essen & Tsering Tashi Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya: Buddhistische Kunst Tibets, Prestel (Munichg 1989), in 2 volumes.

Essen Catalog  —  Tibet. Klöster öffnen ihre Schatzkammern, Kulturstiftung Ruhr Essen, Villa Hügel (Essen 2006).  Personal copy.

Everding, Bon Catalog  —  Karl‑Heinz Everding, Title and Location List for Dieter Schuh's Microfilm Collection of Bon po Texts: Compiled on the Basis of the Microfilm Copy in 85 Volumes, Archiv für Zentralasiatische Geschichtsforschung series no. 15, VGH Wissenschaftsverlag (Bonn 2001).  Personal copy.

Facets  —  Alfredo Cadonna and Ester Bianchi, eds., Facets of Tibetan Religious Tradition and Contacts with Neighbouring Cultural Areas, Orientalia Venetiana series no. 12, Leo S. Olschki Editore (Florence 2002).

FBTB  —  Charles Ramble & Hanna Havnevik, eds., From Bhakti to Bon: Festschrift for Per Kværne, The Institute for Comparative Human Culture, Novus Forlag (Oslo 2015).

Ferrari  —  Alfonsa Ferrari, Mk'yen brtse's Guide to the Holy Places of Central Tibet, Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente (Rome 1958).  This has been reprinted in 2009.

Filibeck, Catalog  —  Elena de Rossi‑Filibeck, Catalogue of the Tucci Tibetan Fund in the Library of IsIAO, Istituto Italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente (Rome 2003), vol. 2.  No references have been given to vol. 1 as I have no access to it.

Fletcher  —  Harold R. Fletcher, A Quest of Flowers:  The Plant Explorations of Frank Ludlow and George Sheriff, Edinburgh University Press (Edinburgh 1975).  In I.U. library.  QK359.6/.F54.

Flick, Carrying Enemies  —  Hugh Meredith Flick, Carrying Enemies on Your Shoulder:  Indian Folk Wisdom in Tibet, Sri Satguru Publications (Delhi 1996).

FM — Field Museum (Berthold Laufer collection of Tibetan books, Chicago Field Museum).  Nota bene:  the numbers following are most likely to be the catalog numbers of the texts, and not page numbers; note also that only folio numbers (not page nos.) are supplied in these cases.  There is no guarantee these catalog numbers will not be changed if a catalog is ever made public.

Fundamentals  —  Fundamentals of Tibetan Medical Practice, D.L. Tashigangpa (Leh 1974).  In I.U. library - Tib‑A/R644/.T5 F8/1974.  TBRC Work RID: W30138.

Garje, Memories  —  Garje Khamtrul Rinpoche, Memories of Lost and Hidden Lands: The Life Story of Garje Khamtrul Rinpoche Jamyang Dondrub, Chime Gatsal Ling ['Chi med dga' tshal gling] (Dharamsala 2009).  This is an English translation by Lozang Zopa of the title Sga rje Khams dbus Dgon gyi Sprul ming 'Dzin pa 'Jam dbyangs don grub gyi Mi tshe'i Lo rgyus Mdor bsdus su Bkod pa.

Gces  —  Don grub rgyal mtshan, alias Ye shes don grub bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan, ed., Legs par Bshad pa Bka' gdams Rin po che'i Gsung gi Gces Btus Nor bu'i Bang Mdzod, "reproduced from a print from the Lhasa Bzhi sde blocks," D. Tsondu Senghe, The Bir Tibetan Society (Bir 1985).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7664/.l44/1985.  TBRC Work RID: W23747.  The refs. in the "Tibvocab" vocabulary are all to a brief vocabulary found at the end of this work.  It is, in its turn, keyed to the text, so that sometimes one may locate the actual passage where the word is used.

Gibson, Dissert.  —  Todd Allen Gibson, From Btsanpo to Btsan: The Demonization of the Tibetan Sacral Kingship, unpublished doctoral dissertation, Indiana University (Bloomington 1991).

Goldstein  —  Melvyn C. Goldstein, Tibetan‑English Dictionary of Modern Tibetan, Ratna Pustak Bhandar (Kathmandu 1975). N‑Tib 76‑902419.

Goldstein, Hist.  —  Melvyn C. Goldstein, A History of Modern Tibet, 1913‑1951 — The Demise of the Lamaist State, University of California Press (Berkeley 1989).

Goldstein, Taxation  —  Melvyn Goldstein, "Taxation and the Structure of a Tibetan Village," Central Asiatic Journal, vol. 15, no. 1 (June 1971), pp. 1‑27.

Govinda, Foundations  —  Anagarika Govinda, Foundations of Tibetan Mysticism, Samuel Wieser (New York 1969), first published in 1960.

Grousset  —  René Grousset, Empire of the Steppes, a History of Central Asia, tr. Naomi Walford, State University of New Jersey (Rutgers 1970), reprint of 2002.

Grupper, Buddhist  —  Sam Grupper, "The Buddhist Sanctuary‑Vihāra of Labnasagut and the Il‑Qan Hülegü: An Overview of Il‑Qanid Buddhism and Related Matters," Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi, vol. 13 (2004), pp. 5‑77.

GSMG  —  Gedan Sungrab Minyam Gyunphel (book series).

Guenther, MM  —  Herbert Guenther, Matrix of Mystery, Shambhala (Boulder 1984).

Gung thang pa, Works  —  Gung thang Dkon mchog bstan pa'i sgron me, The Collected Works of Gung thang Dkon mchog bstan pa'i sgron me, "reproduced from prints from the Lha sa Blocks," Ngawang Gelek Demo (New Delhi 1972‑1979), in 10 vols.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG9408.

Gyatso, Apparitions  —  Janet Gyatso, Apparitions of the Self: The Secret Autobiographies of a Tibetan Visionary, Princeton University Press (Princeton 1998).

Gyurme Dorje, Tibet Handbook  —  Gyurme Dorje, Tibet Handbook, with Bhutan, Passport Books (Chicago 1996).  Personal copy.

H of SK of T  —  Karma Thinley, History of the Sixteen Karmapas of Tibet, Prajña Press (Boulder 1980).  Personal copy.

Haarh, Yar luṅ  —  Erik Haarh, The Yar‑luṅ Dynasty: A Study with Particular Regard to the Contribution by Myths and Legends to the History of Ancient Tibet and the Origin and Nature of Its Kings, G.E.C. Gad's Forlag (Copenhagen 1969).  Personal copy.

Hackin, Formulaire  —  Joseph Hackin, Formulaire sanscrit‑tibétain du Xe Siecle, Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner (Paris 1924).

Havnevik, Dissert.  —  Hanna Havnevik, The Life of Jetsun Lochen Rinpoche (1865‑1951) as Told in Her Autobiography, Faculty of Arts, University of Oslo (Oslo 1999), in 2 vols.

Hazlitt  —  William Hazlitt, tr., Huc and Gabet: Travels in Tartary, Thibet and China 1844‑1846, Harper and Brothers (New York 1928), in 2 vols.

Hazod, Blauschaflinie  —  Guntram Hazod, "Die Blauschaflinie. Zu einer tibetischen Überlieferung der Herrschertötung," contained in Gingrich & Hazod, eds., Der Rand und die Mitte, pp. 164-192.

Heissig  —  Walther Heissig, The Religions of Mongolia, University of California Press (Berkeley 1980).

Heller, Hidden  —  Amy Heller, Hidden Treasures of the Himalayas: Tibetan Manuscripts, Paintings and Sculptures of Dolpo, Serindia (Chicago 2009).

Heller, Tibetan Art — Amy Heller, Tibetan Art: Tracing the Development of Spiritual Ideals and Art in Tibet, 600‑2000 A.D., Jaca Books (Milan 1999).

Henss, CMT — Michael Henss, The Cultural Monuments of Tibet: The Central Regions, Prestel (Munich 2014).  Personal copy.

Hermanns, Überlieferungen  —  P. Matthias Hermanns, "Überlieferungen der Tibeter nach einem Manuskript aus dem Anfang des 13. Jahrh. n. Chr.," Monumenta Serica, vol. 13 (1948), pp. 161‑208.

History of Religions  —  The journal by this name from Chicago.

HJAS  —  Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies.

Horlemann — Bianca Horlemann, "Buddhist Sites in Amdo and Former Longyou from the 8th to 13th Century," contained in: C. Scherrer-Schaub, ed., Old Tibetan Studies, Brill (Leiden 2012), pp. 119-157.

HP,PE  —  Hugh Richardson, High Peaks, Pure Earth:  Collected Writings on Tibetan History and Culture, Serindia (London 1998).

HRB  —  Himalayan Research Bulletin.

HS  —  Dpal‑brtsegs Bod‑yig Dpe‑rnying Zhib‑'jug Khang, ed., Bod‑kyi Lo‑rgyus Rnam‑thar Phyogs‑bsgrigs, Mtsho‑sngon Mi‑rigs Dpe‑skrun‑khang (Xining 2011), as last I knew, 90 volumes have been published.  The HS of the abbreviation just stands for "history set."  Personal copy.

Huber, SofLToni Huber, Source of Life: Revitalisation Rites and Bon Shamans in Bhutan and the Eastern Himalayas, Austrian Academy of Sciences Press (Vienna 2020), in 2 volumes.

Humanitas Religiosa  —  Humanitas Religiosa:  Festschrift für Haralds Biezais zu seinem 70. Geburtstag, Almqvist and Wiksell International (Stockholm 1979).

Huntington Archive  —  This is available online.  Catalog nos. are given.

Huth  —  G. Huth, Geschichte des Buddhismus in der Mongolei (Strasburg 1896).  This is a translation of the Hor Chos 'byung.  I think all these "Huth" references were taken at second hand from Ferrari.

IIJ  —  Indo‑Iranian Journal.

Ind.Off.Cat.  —  P. Denwood, Catalogue of Tibetan Mss and Block‑Prints outside the Stein Collection in the India Office Library, n.p. (London 1975).

Indian Antiquary  —  Indian Antiquary.  The journal by this name is intended.

Indianisme et Bouddhisme  —  Indianisme et Bouddhisme: Mélanges offerts à Étienne Lamotte, Institut Orientaliste (Louvain‑la‑Neuve 1980).

Inner Asia  —  The journal by this name.

ISTS  —  International Seminar on Tibetan Studies (Oxford 1979), Tibetan Studies in Honour of Hugh Richardson, ed. by Michael Aris and Aung San Suu Kyi, Aris and Phillips, Ltd. (Warminster 1980).

IT  —  Giuseppe Tucci, Indo‑Tibetica.  I used the original Italian version.  Now an English version has been published as a series under various titles.

Iwao, Preliminary  —  Iwao Kazushi, "Preliminary Study on the Old Tibetan Land Registries from Central Asia," containedin:  The History Behind the Languages: Essays of Turfan Forum on Old Languages of the Silk Road, Academia Turfanica (Shanghai 2013) 175-182.  PDF.

JA  —  Journal Asiatique [Paris].

Jaeschke  —  Heinrich August Jäschke, A Tibetan‑English Dictionary: With Special Reference to the Prevailing Dialects, Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. (London 1972).  First published in 1881.

Jackson  —  David P. & Janice A. Jackson, Tibetan Thangka Paintings:  Methods and Materials, Shambhala (Boulder 1984).

Jackson, MB  —  David P. Jackson, Mirror of the Buddha: Early Portraits from Tibet, with contributions by Christian Luczanits, Rubin Museum of Art (New York 2011).

Jackson, Patron  —  David P. Jackson, Patron and Painter: Situ Panchen and the Revival of the Encampment Style, with an essay by Karl Debreczeny, Rubin Museum of Art (New York 2009).

Jampa Samten Shastri, Origins of the Tibetan Canon —  Jampa Samten Shastri, "Origins of the Tibetan Canon with Special Reference to the Tshal‑pa Kanjur (1347‑1349)," contained in: Buddhism & Science, Dongguk University (Seoul 1987), pp. 763‑781.

JAOS  —  Journal of the American Oriental Society.

JD  —  'Jam dpal rdo rje, Gso byed Bdud rtsi'i 'Khrul med..., =An Illustrated Tibeto‑Mongolian Materia Medica of Ayurveda (New Delhi 1971).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/R644/.T5 J28/1971.  TBRC Work RID: W30452.

JIABR  —  The Journal of the International Association for Bon Research.  Only one issue appeared, available online without charge.

JIABS  —  Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies.

'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001)  —  The Collected Works (Bka' 'bum) of Khams gsum Chos kyi Rgyal po Thub dbang Ratna śrī (Skyob pa 'Jig rten gsum mgon).  Tibetan title page:  Khams gsum Chos kyi Rgyal po Thub dbang Ratna shrī'i Phyi yi Bka' 'bum Nor bu'i Bang mdzod, H.H. Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche, Drikung Kagyu Institute (Dehradun 2001), in 12 vols.  TBRC Work RID: W23743.

Jinpa, Mind Training  —  Thupten Jinpa, tr. & ed., Mind Training: The Great Collection, Compiled by Shönu Gyalchok and Könchok Gyaltsen, Library of Tibetan Classics, Wisdom (Boston 2006).

Jinpa, Sacred Landscape  —  Geshe Gelek Jinpa, Charles Ramble and Carroll Dunham, Sacred Landscape and Pilgrimage in Tibet: In Search of the Lost Kingdom of Bön, Abbeville Press (New York 2005).

JIP  —  Journal of Indian Philosophy.

Jo bo Brgya rtsa  —  Atiśa, Byang chub Lam gyi Sgron ma sogs Chos chung Brgya rtsa, Lama Ngodrup & Sherab Drimey (Paro 1979), in 1 vol.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7950/.A872 C48/1979.  TBRC Work RID: W2CZ6751.

JTL&CT  —  Sarat Chandra Das, Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet, Mañjusri Publishing House (New Delhi 1970).  Personal copy.

JTM  —  Giuseppe Tucci, Journey to Mustang, 1952, tr. by Diana Fussell, Bibliotheca Himalayica series, Ratna Pustak Bhandar (Kathmandu 1977).  Personal copy.  The title of the original Italian book was Tra Giungle e Pagode (Rome 1953).

JTS  —  Journal of the Tibet Society (Bloomington).

Kakati  —  Bani Kanta Kakati, Mother Goddess Kamakhya, Lawyer's Book Stall (Gauhati, Assam 1948).  Reprinted in 1961.  In I.U. library.  BL2030/.A8 K13.

Kālacakra Studies  —  Helmut H.R. Hoffmann, "Kālacakra Studies I: Manichaeism, Christianity, and Islam in the Kālacakra Tantra," Central Asiatic Journal, vol. 13 (1969), pp. 52‑73, with addenda entitled "Kālacakra Studies I: Addenda et Corrigenda," Central Asiatic Journal, vol. 15 (1972), pp. 298‑301.  It ought to be observed that the author never published a Kālacakra Studies II.

Kämpfe  —  Hans Ranier Kämpfe, Ñi ma'i 'od zer/Naran u Gerel  —  Die Biographie des 2. Pekinger Lçan skya Qutuqtu Rol pa'i rdo rje (1717‑1786), MTH Abteilung II, Band 1, VGH Wissenschaftsverlag (St. Augustin 1976).

Kapstein, Assimilation  —  Matthew T. Kapstein, The Tibetan Assimilation of Buddhism: Conversion, Contestation and Memory, Oxford University Press (Oxford 2000).

Kapstein, BBTCBuddhism between Tibet and China, Wisdom (Boston 2009).

Kapstein, Dialectic — Matthew Kapstein, "The Dialectic of Eternal Heaven: A Tibetan Defense of Mongol Imperial Religion," contained in: M.T. Kapstein & R. Jackson, eds., Mahāmudrā and the Kagyü Tradition, International Institute for Tibetan & Buddhist Studies (Andiast 2011), pp. 259-316.

Kapstein, Record  — Matthew T. Kapstein, "A Record of the Teachings of the Great Perfection in the Twelfth-Century Zur Tradition," Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines, vol. 44 (March 2018), pp. 109-128.  PDF.

Karmay, Arrow  —  Samten G. Karmay, The Arrow and the Spindle: Studies in History, Myths, Rituals and Beliefs in Tibet, Mandala Book Point (Kathmandu 1998).  A second volume was published, but if no volume no. is indicated, the first volume is the one intended.

Karmay, Confucius  —  Samten Karmay, "The Interview between Confucius and Phyva Keṅ tse Lan med," Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, vol. 38 (1975), pp. 562‑580.  This has now been reprinted in The Arrow and the Spindle, pp. 169‑189.

Karmay, General Introduction  —  Samten G. Karmay, "A General Introduction to the History and Doctrines of Bon," Memoirs of the Research Department of the Tōyō Bunko, vol. 33 (1975), pp. 171-218.

Karmay, ed., New Horizons — Samten G. Karmay & Yasuhiko Nagano, eds., New Horizons in Bon Studies, National Museum of Ethnology (Osaka 2000).

Karmay, Rdzogs chen — Samten G. Karmay, "A Discussion on the Doctrinal Position of rDzogs‑chen from the 10th to the 13th Centuries," Journal Asiatiques, vol. 263 (1975), pp. 147‑156.

Karmay, Treasury  —  Samten G. Karmay, The Treasury of Good Sayings:  A Tibetan History of Bon, Oxford University Press (London 1972).

Karsten, T‑K  —  Joachim G. Karsten, "Unfinished (?) Preliminary Notes on Tibeto‑Korean Contacts (7th‑18th Centuries)."  Unpublished draft of a paper written on an exceptionally interesting topic in 1996 and revised in 2014.  PDF from internet site.

Kaschewsky  —  Rudolf Kaschewsky, with Pema Tsering, Das Leben der Himmelsfee 'Gro ba bzaṅ mo, Octopus Verlag (Vienna 1975).

Kaschewsky 2  —  R. Kaschewsky and Pema Tsering, "Gesars Abwehrkampf gegen Kaschmir," Zentralasiatische Studien, vol. 6 (1972), pp. 273‑398, with glossary on pp. 394‑398.

Katen  —  Samten G. Karmay and Yasuhiko Nagano, eds., A Catalogue of the New Collection of Bonpo Katen Texts:  Bon Studies 4‑5, Senri Ethnological Reports nos. 24‑25, National Museum of Ethnology (Osaka 2001), with indices in the 2nd of the two volumes, vol. 5.

KB  —  Sde srid Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho, Dpal ldan Gso ba Rig pa'i Khog 'bugs Legs bshad Baidurya'i Me long Drang srong Dgyes pa'i Dga' ston [spine title:  Ayurveda in Tibet], SSS series no. 4, Sonam W. Tashigangpa (Leh 1970).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/R644/.T5 S295/1970.  TBRC Work RID: W30126.

KCDS  —  Krung go'i Bod kyi Shes rig Zhib 'jug Lte gnas su Nyar ba'i Ta la'i Lo ma'i Bstan bcos (Spyin shog 'Dril ma'i Par) kyi Dkar chag Mdor gsal.  I have no publishing details, only a photocopy.  A listing of palmleaf manuscripts.  Evidently "printed on a roll of film" means microfilm.

KDKC1 —     Bka' gdams Gsung 'bum Phyogs sgrig Thengs Dang po'i Dkar chag, Dpal brtsegs Bod yig Dpe rnying Zhib 'jug khang, Si khron Dpe skrun Tshogs pa (Chengdu 2006), vol. 1 of 3.  References are to the biographies in the 2nd half in the volume, although these also supply keys to the sets of these authors' works.

Khetsun Sangpo, History  —  Khetsun Sangpo, Bod kyi Rgyal rabs Sa 'og nas Brnyes pa'i Dum Bsgrigs Rna ba'i Bdud rtsi, Nyingmapa Wishfulfilling Center (Kathmandu 1986).  TBRC Work RID: W00KG09696.

Khro  —  Skyabs ston Rin chen 'od zer (b. 1353), Spyi spungs Khro bo Dbang chen gyi 'Grel pa, TBMC (New Thobgyal 1973).  The historical section is found on pp. 31‑68.2.  This publication includes the Dbal Phur Spyi Don, rediscovered by Khu tsha Zla 'od.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7982.3/.R57/1973.  This edition not in TBRC.

Klong chen pa  —  Klong chen Rab 'byams pa Dri med 'od zer, Chos dbyings Rin po che'i Mdzod (draft translation, verses divided according to autocommentary). References here are to chapter and verse nos. rather than page and line nos. The references to the commentary are marked "comm."

Klong rdol  —  The Collected Works of Longdol Lama, parts 1,2, "reproduced by Lokesh Chandra from the collections of Prof. Raghu Vira," Śatapiṭaka series no 100, IAIC (New Delhi 1973).  Personal copy.  TBRC Work RID: W30182.

Kossak, Sacred Visions — Steven M. Kossak & Jane Casey Singer, Sacred Visions: Early Paintings from Central Tibet, Metropolitan Museum of Art New York 1998).  Personal copy.

KP  —  This refers to various publications of 'Khrungs dpe (meaning the Tibetan botanical genre).

KP1  —  Gso spyad Sngo sbyor Tshogs kyi Man ngag Rin chen 'Khrungs dpe Bstan pa (Leh 1974).  TBRC Work RID: W29568.

KP2  —  Sngo sbyor gyi 'Khrungs dpe Man ngag Rin chen, contained in:  Bod kyi Sngo sman, Library of Tibetan Works & Archives (Dharamsala 1980), pp. 141‑233.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/R644/.T5 F68/1980.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG23541.

KP3  —  Rin chen 'Khrungs dpe, contained in:  Bod kyi Sngo sman [Four Treatises on the Principle and Practice of Tibetan Medicine] (Dharamsala 1980), pp. 235‑347.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/R644/.T5 F68/1980.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG23541.

KP4  —  Gso Dpyad Sngo Tshogs gis Man ngag Rin chen 'Khrungs dpe Bsten pa, contained in:  Three Tibetan Medical Texts, Tseten Dorji (Tezu 1973), pp. 359‑583.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/R644/.T5 T37/1973.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG12967.

Kramer, rNgog  —  Ralf Kramer, The Great Tibetan Translator: Life and Works of rNgog Blo ldan shes rab (1059‑1109), Indus Verlag (Munich 2007).  Personal copy.

Kreijger, Tibetan Painting  —  Hugo E. Kreijger, Tibetan Painting: The Jucker Collection, Serindia (London 2001).  Personal copy.

Kretsch.  —  Andreas Kretschmar, 'Brug pa kun legs:  Das wundersame Leben eines verrückten Heiligen, VGH Wissenschaftsverlag (Sankt Augustin 1981).

KRNT  —  Brandon Dotson, ed., Kingship, Ritual & Narrative in Tibet and the Surrounding Cultural Area (Cahiers d'Exrême-Asie 24), École Française d'Extrême-Orient (Kyoto 2015).  Personal copy.

Krug, PVG — Adam C. Krug, "Pakpa's Verses on Governance in Advice to Prince Jibik Temür: A Jewel Rosary," Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie, vol. 24 (2015), pp. 117-144.  PDF.

KSNK  —  Kargyud Sungrab Nyamso Khang.

KTDN  —  Bka' thang Sde Lnga.  Pothi print with no publishing information in personal collection.  Capital letters A‑E immediately following the bibliographical reference refer to the 5 main sections of the book. The Roman nos. that follow refer to chapter numbers of the given section, and Arabic numerals refer to Arabic p. nos. in my edition with the line no. given in brackets.  This means that references to this work are very nearly worthless, for which I apologize.

Kuijp, Contributions  —  Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp, Contributions to the Development of Tibetan Buddhist Epistemology: From the Eleventh to the Thirteenth Century, Franz Steiner (Weisbaden 1983).  Personal copy.

Kuijp, KPTB  —  Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp, The Kālacakra and the Patronage of Tibetan Buddhism by the Mongol Imperial Family, Central Eurasian Studies Lectures series no. 4, Department of Central Eurasian Studies, Indiana University (Bloomington 2004).

Kuijp, Rivers  —  Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp, "U rgyan pa Rin chen dpal (1230‑1309), Part Two:  For Emperor Qubilai? His Garland of Tales about Rivers," contained in:  Christoph Cüppers, ed., The Relationship between Religion and State (chos srid zung 'brel) in Traditional Tibet (Lumbini 2004), pp. 299‑339.

Kuijp, Some RemarksLeonard W.J. van der Kuijp, "Some Remarks on the Textual Transmission and Text of Bu‑ston Rin‑chen‑grub's Chos‑'byung, a Chronicle of Buddhism in India and Tibet," Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines, vol. 26 (April 2013), pp. 115‑193.

Kuijp, TBMP — Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp, "Tibetan Buddhism Meets Protestant Christianity: A Memorandum of Conversations of Mā yang Paṇita with Cecil H. Polhill near Xining, Qinghai, on January 14-16, 1890," Historical and Philological Studies of China's Western Regions, vol. 8 (2015), pp. 443-482.

Kuijp, Treatise  —  Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp, "A Treatise on Buddhist Epistemology & Logic attributed to Klong chen Rab 'byams pa (1308‑1364) and Its Place in Indo‑Tibetan Intellectual History," Journal of Indian Philosophy, vol. 31 (2003), pp. 381‑437.

Kuijp, ZH  —  Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp, "Za hor and Its Contribution to Tibetan Medicine, Part One: Some Names, Places, and Texts," Bod Rig pa'i Dus deb [Journal of Tibetology], issue 6 (2010), pp. 21‑50.

Kværne  —  Per Kværne, "A Chronological Table of the Bonpo, the Bstan rcis of Ñi ma bstan 'jin," Acta Orientalia, vol. 33 (1971), pp. 205‑282.

Kværne, Canon  —  Per Kværne, "The Canon of the Tibetan Bonpos," Indo‑Iranian Journal, vol. 16 (1974), pp. 18‑56, 96‑144.

Kværne, Mongols  —  Per Kværne, "Mongols and Khitans in a 14th‑Century Tibetan Bonpo Text," Acta Orientalia Hungarica, vol. 34 (1980), pp. 85‑104.

KWT  —  Christian Jahoda & Christiane Kalantari, "Kingship in Western Tibet in the 10th and 11th Centuries," Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie, vol. 24 (2015), pp. 77-125.

Lag len  —  Kong sprul, 'Tsho byed Las dang po pa la Nye bar Mkho ba'i Zin tig+, contained in Fundamentals 309‑667.

Langelaar, Chasing  —  Reinier J. Langelaar, “Chasing the Colours of the Rainbow: Tibetan Ethnogenesis in Flux,” Medieval History Journal, vol. 21, no. 2 (2018), pp. 1-37.

LaRocca, Warriors — Donald J. La Rocca et al., Warriors of the Himalayas: Rediscovering the Arms and Armor of Tibet, Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York 2006).  Personal copy.

Lati Rimbochay, Death  —  Lati Rimbochay and Jeffrey Hopkins, Death, Intermediate State and Rebirth in Tibetan Buddhism, Snow Lion (Ithaca 1985).

Lde'u  —  Mkhas pa Lde'u, Rgya Bod kyi Chos 'byung Rgyas pa, Bod ljongs Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Lhasa 1987).  Personal copy.  The more recent edition is differently paginated.

Lde'u2  —  Lde'u Jo sras, Chos 'byung Chen mo Bstan pa'i Rgyal mtshan Lde'u Jo sras kyis Mdzad pa (cover title:  Lde'u Chos 'byung), Bod ljongs Mi dmangs Dpe skrun khang (Lhasa 1987).  Personal copy.

Leslie, Essays —  Donald L. Leslie, ed., Essays on the Sources for Chinese History, University of South Carolina Press (Columbia 1975).

LGCM  —  Lo rgyus Chen mo. Rdzogs pa Chen po Snying thig gi Lo rgyus Chen mo, contained in:  Rnying ma Bka' ma Rgyas pa Dupjung Lama (Kalimpong 1985), vol. 45, pp. 503‑675.  It can also be found in other editions of the Snying thig Ya bzhi.  According to Karmay, Great Perfection 209 ff, it was composed by Zhang ston Bkra shis rdo rje (1097‑1167 CE).

Lha Lama Bio. — Gu ge Paṇḍi ta Grags pa rgyal mtshan, Lha bla ma Ye shes 'od kyi Rnam thar Rgyas pa, Bod ljongs Mi dmangs Dpe skrun khang (Lhasa 2013), in 169 pages.

Li Gotami, Pictures  —  Li Gotami Govinda, Tibet in PIctures: A Journey into the Past, Dharma Publishing (Berkeley 2002), reprint of 1979 edition.

Li, NBA  —  Li Shenghai, "The Nirvāṇa of the Buddha and the Afterlife of Aśvaghoṣa's Life of the Buddha," Journal of Indian Philosophy, prepublished version online (February 2019).

Linrothe, Holy Madness  —  Rob Linrothe, ed., Holy Madness: Portraits of Tantric Siddhas, Rubin Museum of Art (New York 2006).

Lo Bue, Newar Scholars  —  Erberto F. Lo Bue, "The Role of Newar Scholars in Transmitting the Indian Buddhist Heritage to Tibet (c. 750‑c. 1200)," contained in:  Samten Karmay and Philippe Sagant, eds., Les Habitants du toit du monde, Société d'ethnologie (Nanterre 1997), pp. 629‑658.

Lobsang Dorjee Rabling, Five Treatises  —  Lobsang Dorjee Rabling, tr. & ed., Five Treatises of Ācārya Dīpaṃkaraśrījñāna, Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies (Sarnath 1999).

Loup, Martyr in Tibet  —  Robert Loup, Martyr in Tibet: The Heroic Life and Death of Fr. Maurice Tornay, St. Bernard Missionary to Tibet, David McKay Co. (New York 1956).  Personal copy.

LPNT  —  Lo paṇ gyi Rnam thar Phyogs bsgrigs, Krung go'i Shes rig Dpe skrun khang (Beijing 2018), in 7 vols.  Personal copy.

Lungta  —  Lungta.  Journal of the Amnye Machen Institute (MacLeod Ganj, H.P. India).

LW  —  Berthold Laufer, "Loan Words in Tibetan," T'oung Pao, vol. 17 (1916), pp. 403‑552.

M.Vy.  —  Mahāvyutpatti. Bon‑zo‑kan‑wa yon’yaku taiko Mahabuyuttopatti (Mahāvyutpatti), ed. Sakaki Ryozaburo (Tokyo 1965), reprint of 1916 edition.  Number refs. following this abbreviation are all entry nos., not page nos.

Ma  —  Ma Rgyud Sangs rgyas Rgyud Gsum (=The Three Basic Mother Tantras with Commentaries), TBMC (Dolanji 1971).

Ma ṇi Bka' 'bum  —  Ma ṇi Bka' 'bum: A Collection Focussing upon the Tutelary Deity Avalokiteśvara, Trayang and Jamyang Samten (New Delhi 1975), in 2 vols.  TBRC Work RID: W19225.  Some references are marked as being this 1975 edition, while others are not.  Another edition of this is called "MKB," q.v.

MacDonald  —  Alexander W. MacDonald, "The Coming of Buddhism to the Sherpa Area of Nepal," Acta Orientalia Hungarica, vol. 34, nos. 1‑3 (1980), pp. 139‑146.

Macdonald, Lecture  —  Ariane Macdonald, "Une lecture des P.T. 1286, 1287, 1038, 1047 et 1290. Essai sur la formation et l'emploi des mythes politiques dans la religion royale de Sroṅ‑bcan sgam‑po," contained in: Études tibétaines dédiées à la mémoire de Marcelle Lalou, Librairie d'America et d'Orient (Paris 1971), pp. 190‑391.

Man  —  This means the anthropological journal by that name.

Man of the Frontier  —  Nicholas and Deki Rhodes, A Man of the Frontier: S.W. Laden La (1876‑1936), His Life and Times in Darjeeling and Tibet, Mira Bose (Kolkata 2006).  Personal copy.

Mandala & Landscape  —  A.W. Macdonald, ed., Maṇḍala and Landscape, D.K. Printworld (New Delhi 1997).  Personal copy.

Maraini —  Fosco Maraini, Secret Tibet, tr. Eric Mosbacher, Grove Press (New York 1960), reprint of 1952 edition by Viking Press.  Personal copy.

Martin, Mandala Cosmogony  —  Dan Martin, Mandala Cosmogony: Human Body Good Thought and the Revelation of the Secret Mother Tantras of Bon, Harrassowitz Verlag (Wiesbaden 1994).

Mat. Med.  —  'Jam dpal rdo rje, An Illustrated Tibeto‑Mongolian Materia Medica of Ayurveda, Foreword by E. Gene Smith, Śatapiṭaka series no. 82, International Academy of Indian Culture (New Delhi 1971).  This is also referenced by JD, q.v.

MBKP  —  Masterpieces of Bogd Khaan Palace Museum, Bogd Khaan Palace Museum & Ajnai Corporation (Ulaanbaatar 2011).  Personal copy.

McGovern, To Lhasa in Disguise  —  William Montgomery McGovern, To Lhasa in Disguise: A Secret Expedition through Mysterious Tibet, The Century Co. (New York 1924).

McKay, History of Tibet  —  Alex McKay, ed., The History of Tibet, Routledge Curzon (London 2003), in 3 volumes.

McKay, Tibet & the British Raj  —  Alex McKay, Tibet and the British Raj: The Frontier Cadre, 1904‑1947, Curzon (Richmond 1997).  Personal copy.

Mdo  —  Mdo Dbus Mtho Sgang Sman ris Gsal ba'i Me long, Mtsho sngon Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Ziling 1973).  This refers mainly to the botanical volumes, meaning the first two vols. (3 vols. in all).  I have a photocopy of vol. 3, which is about animals (Xiling 1976).  These appear to be extremely rare publications, since I couldn't locate any references to library holdings in internet sources.  In 2009 they were reprinted, and these reprints may be found in TBRC.

Mele, Tibet  —  Pietro Francesco Mele, Tibet, Snow Lion (Ithaca 1969).

Mémorial Sylvain Lévi  —  Sylvain Lévi, Mémorial Sylvain Lévi, ed. by Eli Franco, Motilal Banarsidass (Delhi 1996).  Personal copy.

Memories of Life  —  Tubten Khétsun, Memories of Life in Lhasa under Chinese Rule, translated with an introduction by Matthew Akester, Columbia University Press (New York 2008).

Mengele, dGe  —  Irmgard Mengele, dGe‑'dun‑chos‑'phel: A Biography of the 20th‑Century Tibetan Scholar, Library of Tibetan Works and Archives (Dharamsala 1999).

MHTL  —  Lokesh Chandra, ed., Materials for a History of Tibetan Literature, Mrs. Sharada Rani (New Delhi 1963), in 3 vols.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG9848.

MKB  —  Rgyal po Srong btsan sgam po, Gsang chen Snga 'gyur Rnying ma pa'i Gsung rab Phyogs bsgrigs Dri med Legs bshad Kun 'dus Nor bu'i Bang mdzod las Pod Dang po / Ma ṇi Bka' 'bum, ed. by 'Ba' Seng khri Chos grwa Chen mo, Mtsho sngon Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Xining 2007).

Mkhyen rab rgya mtsho (1557)  —  See 413.

MTH  —  Monumenta Tibetica Historica.

Mtshan tho  —  Dus rabs Bdun pa nas / Dus rabs Bcu bdun pa'i Bar Rgya gar gyi Paṇḍi ta Bod du Rim byon dang / Bod kyi Mkhas pa Rgya gar du Rim par Byon pa'i Mtshan tho dang / Lo dus Mdzad brjod Rag bsdus bcas Phyogs bsdebs Rin chen Nor bu'i Do shal [Indian and Tibetan Scholars who Visited Tibet and India from the 7th to the 17th Century A.D.], Da sa Shes rig Par khang (Dharamsala 1968).  TBRC Work RID: W1KG4200.  For this work, the entry nos., not the p. nos., are supplied.  But note that there are two lists:  first the list of 128 Indian Pundits, and second (from p. 15 on), the list of 76 Tibetan translators.

N-T  —  Nepalica-Tibetica.

Nalesini, Assembling  —  Oscar Nalesini, "Assembling Loose Pages, Gathering Fragments of the Past:  Giuseppe Tucci and His Wanderings throughout Tibet and the Himalayas, 1926-1954," contained in: F. Sferra, ed., Sanskrit Texts from Giuseppe Tucci's Collection, Part I, Istituto Italiano per l'Africa e L'Oriente (Rome 2008), pp. 79-111.

Namkhai Norbu, Cycle  —  Namkhai Norbu, The Cycle of Day and Night. Zhang Zhung Editions (Oakland 1984).

Nat.Geo.  —  National Geographic (Washington D.C.).

Nattier, Once Upon a Future Time  —  Jan Nattier, Once Upon a Future Time: Studies in a Buddhist Prophecy of Decline, Asian Humanities Press (Berkeley 1991).

Nebesky  —  Réne de Nebesky‑Wojkowitz, Oracles and Demons of Tibet (The Hague 1956).

Nebesky‑Wojkowitz, Tibetan Blockprints  —  Réne de Nebesky‑Wojkowitz, "Tibetan Block Prints and Manuscripts in Possession of the Museum of Ethnology in Vienna," Archiv für Völkerkunde, vol. 12 (1958), pp. 174‑209.

Nietupski, Labrang  —  Paul Kocot Nietupski, Labrang: A Tibetan Buddhist Monastery at the Crossroads of Four Civilizations, Snow Lion (Ithaca 1999).

Nine Ways  —  David Snellgrove, The Nine Ways of Bon:  Excerpts from Gzi‑brjid Edited and Translated, Prajñā Press (Boulder 1980).  First published by Oxford University Press (London 1967).

Nishida, TTDD — Ai Nishida, "Two Tibetan Divination Texts from Dunhuang: Pelliot tibétain 1046B and IOL Tib J 740," Central Asiatic Journal, vol. 51, no. 1 (2018), pp. 133-150.

Niyogi, BSAB  —  Pushpa Niyogi, "Buddhist Scholars of Ancient Bengal," Annali, Istituto Universitario Orientale [Napoli], vol. 47 (1987), pp. 373-396; vol. 48 (1988), pp. 11-34.

Niyogi, SBM  —  Pushpa Niyogi, "Some Buddhist Monasteries in Ancient Bengal and Bihar," Journal of Indian History, vol. 54 (1976), pp. 273-298.

NMH  —  Btsan po No mon han, 'Dzam gling Rgyas bshad'Dzam gling Chen po'i Rgyas bshad Snod bcud Kun gsal Me long, "the earlier (1820) version of the monumental Tibetan geography of the world by Btsan po No mon han, calligraphed from an ancient manuscript from the library of Burmiok Athing," Dzongsar Chhentse Labrang (Gangtok 1981).  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/DS785/.J26/1981.  TBRC Work RID: W22138.  Other editions exist.

NNS  —  Ngagyur Nyingmay Sungrab [publication series].

Noble Mountaineer  —  Daniel Berounsky and Martin Slobodnik, "The Noble Mountaineer:  An Account of a la btsas Festival in Gengya Villages of Amdo," Archiv Orientalni, vol. 71, no. 3 (2003), pp. 263‑284.

Nomads  —  Nam mkha'i nor bu, Byang Brog gi Lam yig (A Journey into the Culture of Tibetan Nomads), Shang shung Edizioni (Arcidosso 1983).

Norbu, Drung Deu & Bon  —  Namkhai Norbu, Drung, Deu and Bön: Narrations, Symbolic Languages and the Bon Tradition in Ancient Tibet, Library of Tibetan Works and Archives (Dharamsala 1995).

Norbu, Warriors  —  Jamyang Norbu, Warriors of Tibet: The Story of Aten, and the Khampa's Fight for the Freedom of Their Country, Wisdom (London 1986).

Nowak, Tib. Refugees  —  Margaret Nowak, Tibetan Refugees, Rutgers University Press (New Brunswick 1984).

NSOTD — Yoshiro Imaeda, Matthew Kapstein & Tsuguhito Takeuchi, eds., New Studies of the Old Tibetan Documents: Philology, History and Religion, Old Tibetan Documents Online Monograph Series no. 3, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (Tokyo 2011).

NTFC  —  FranzKarl Ehrhard & Petra Maurer, eds., Nepalica Tibetica: Festgabe for Christoph Cüppers, International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies (Andiast 2013), in 2 vols.

NTSP — Mchims Nam mkha' grags, Snar thang gser 'phreng (a descriptive rather than an actual title), a manuscript supplied at TBRC RID W2CZ7888. Except for the last two biographies (the last one being the biography of the author by Smon lam tshul khrims, 1219-1299), all of the biographies included here are composed by Mchims Nam mkha' grags.

NVTC  —  David Templeman, ed., New Views of Tibetan Culture, Monash University Press  (Caulfield 2010).

NZT  —  Dge bshes Blo gros rab gsal, Gna' bo'i zhang bod tshig mdzod, Kan su'u Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Lanzhou 2010).

OITMD  —  G. Gnoli and L. Lanciotti, Orientalia Iosephi Tucci Memoriae Dicata, Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente (Rome 1988), in 3 vols.

Olschak  —  Blanche C. Olschak, Bhutan: Lands of Hidden Treasures, Allen & Unwin (London 1971).

Orientations  —  The art journal by that name.

OTA  —  "Old Tibetan Annals."  References are made to years only.  The years are 649‑747 [the years 653‑695 indexed].  Now there is Brandon Dotson's book with complete translation and indices.

OTC  —  "Old Tibetan Chronicle."  The line nos. are figured from the beginnings of paragraphs rather than from the tops of pages.

OTMET  —  Tsuguhito Takeuchi, Old Tibetan Manuscripts from East Turkestan in the Stein Collection of the British Library, The Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies for Unesco, The Toyo Bunko (Tokyo 1997).  Vols. 2 and 3 were published in 1998.

Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 1 — Pabongka Rinpoche, Liberation in Our Hands, Part One: The Preliminaries, tr. Sera Mey Geshe Lobsang Tharchin with Artemus B. Engle, Mahayana Sutra and Tantra Press (Howell 1990).

Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 2 — Pabongka Rinpoche, Liberation in Our Hands, Part Two: The Fundamentals, tr. Sera Mey Geshe Lobsang Tharchin with Artemus B. Engle, Mahayana Sutra and Tantra Press (Howell 1994).

Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 3 — Pabongka Rinpoche, Liberation in Our Hands, Part Three: The Ultimate Goals, tr. Sermey Khensur Lobsang Tharchin with Artemus B. Engle, Mahayana Sutra and Tantra Press (Howell 2001).

Padma gling pa, Works  —  Padma gling pa, Collected Gter ma Rediscoveries of .... N. Topgay (New Delhi 1975‑7), in 7 volumes.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7662/.P286/1975.  TBRC Work RID: W00EGS1017093.

Pal, AHC  —  Pratapaditya Pal, Art from the Himalayas & China [Asian Art at the Norton Simon Museum, Volume 2], Yale University Press (New Haven 2003).

Pal, HAA  —  Pratapaditya Pal, Himalayas: An Aesthetic Adventure, Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago 2003).

Pal, TTC  —  Pratapaditya Pal et al., Tibet: Tradition and Change, The Albuquerque Museum (Albuquerque 1997).

Palden Gyatso, Autobio.  —  Palden Gyatso, Autobiography of a Tibetan Monk, Grove Press (New York 1997).

Pandey  —  Kanti Chandra Pandey, Abhinavagupta:  An Historical and Philosophical Study, Chowkhamba Sanskrit series vol. 1, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office (New Delhi 1963), 2nd ed.

PCKC  —  Rtsom sgrig U yon Lhan tshogs [compilation committee], Krung go'i Bod Rig pa'i Dpe cha'i Dkar chag [Catalogue of Chinese Publications in Tibetan Studies (1949‑1991)], Phyi yig Dpe skrun khang [Foreign Languages Press] (Beijing 1994).

PCKMS  —  Louis Ligeti, ed., Proceedings of the Csoma de Körös Memorial Symposium Matrafüred, Hungary, 24‑30 September 1976 (Budapest 1978).

Pelliot, Notes on Marco Polo  —  Paul Pelliot, Notes on Marco Polo, Imprimerie Nationale (Paris 1959‑1973), posthumous publication in three volumes.  Partial set in personal possession.

Pelliot, QT — Paul Pelliot, "Quelques transcriptions apparentées a Çambhala dans les textes chinois," T'oung Pao, 2nd series vol. 20, no. 2 (1920‑1921), pp. 73‑85.

Pelliot Tib.(or Pel. tib., or P.t.)  —  See Choix.

Petech  —  Luciano Petech, Aristocracy and Government in Tibet, 1728‑1959, IsMEO (Rome 1973).

Petech (1983)  —  Luciano Petech, "Tibetan Relations with Sung China and with the Mongols," contained in: Morris Rossabi, ed., China Among Equals, University of California Press (Berkeley 1983), pp. 173‑203.

Petech, China  —  Luciano Petech, 1972. China and Tibet in the Early XVIIIth Century, Brill (Leiden 1972).

Petech, Kingdom  —  Luciano Petech, The Kingdom of Ladakh, SOR series no. 51, IsMEO (Rome 1977).

Po ta la (1996) —  Dom po ba Thub bstan rgyal mtshan, chief ed., The Potala: Holy Palace in the Snow Land (Gangs ljongs Gnas mchog Pho brang Po ta la), Krung‑go Yul‑skor Dpe‑skrun‑khang (Beijing 1997).

Pollock, Forms —  Sheldon Pollock, ed., Forms of Knowledge in Early Modern Asia, Duke University Press (Durham 2011).

Portraits of the Masters  —  Donald Dinwiddie, ed., Heather Stoddard et al., Portraits of the Masters: Bronze Sculptures of the Tibetan Buddhist Lineages, Serindia (Chicago 2003).

Pott  —  Peter H. Pott, Yoga and Yantra, Martinus Nijhoff (The Hague 1966).

Prats, Pandita  —  Ramon N. Prats, ed., The Pandita and the Siddha: Tibetan Studies in Honour of E. Gene Smith, Amnye Machen Institute (Dharamsala 2007).

Precious Deposits  —  Precious Deposits, Morning Glory Publishers (Beijing 2000), in 5 volumes.

Puchung's dissertation  —  Puchung Tsering (Bu chung Tshe ring), The History of Zha lu Monastery, Ri sbug Hermitage and rGyan gong Temple, PhD dissertation, University of Oslo (Oslo 2011).  Personal copy.

Rdo Grub chen iii, Works  —  Rdo Grub chen iii 'Jigs med bstan pa'i nyi ma (1865‑1926), The Collected Works of ...., Dodrup Chen Rimpoche (Gangtok 1974‑5), in 5 vols.  TBRC Work RID: W23627.

Reflections of the Mountain  —  Anne Marie Blondeau and Ernst Steinkellner, eds., Reflections of the Mountain:  Essays on the History and Social Meaning of the Mountain Cult in Tibet and the Himalaya, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Wien 1996).

RET  —  Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines (Paris journal, all issues freely downloadable via the internet).

Reynolds  —  Valrae Reynolds, Tibet a Lost World: The Newark Museum Collection of Tibetan Art and Ethnography, Indiana University Press (Bloomington 1978).

Rhies and Thurman  —  Marylin M. Rhie and Robert A.F. Thurman, Wisdom and Compassion:  The Sacred Art of Tibet, Harry N. Abrams (New York 1991).

RIFIAS  —  This means the former Kentucky collection of Tibetan woodblock prints and manuscripts that were moved to the Research Institute for Inner Asian Studies, at Indiana University.  The numbers are the numbers assigned to the texts, and not page numbers.

Rikon Catalogue  —  Champa N. Lodro Dahortshang [Blo gros byams pa rnam rgyal], Tibetan Manuscripts, Blockprints and Modern Editions in the Library of the Tibetan Institute at Rikon/Zurich (Sud si Ri kon Chos 'khor Dgon du Bzhugs pa'i Bod kyi Dpe deb rnams kyi Dkar chag Gzigs bder Bkod pa Blo ldan Padmo'i Dga' tshal), Tibetan Institute (Rikon‑Zürich 1974).

Rng  —  Rngog Slob brgyud dang bcas pa'i Gsung 'bum, Dpal brtsegs Bod yig Dpe rnying Zhib 'jug khang, Krung go'i Bod rig pa Dpe skrun khang (Lhasa 2011), in 35 volumes.

Rnying Rgyud 1982  —  The Mtshams brag Manuscript of the Rnying ma'i Rgyud 'bum, Bhutan National Library (Thimpu 1982), in 44 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ2143/.T5/1982.

Rock, Nāga Cult  —  Joseph F. Rock, The Na‑khi Nāga Cult and Related Ceremonies, Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente (Rome 1952).

Roerich, Trails  —  George N. Roerich, Trails to Innermost Asia, Yale University Press (New Haven 1931).

Roesler, KSP  —  Ulrike Roesler and Hans‑Ulrich Roesler, Kadampa Sites of Phempo:  A Guide to Some Early Buddhist Monasteries in Central Tibet, Vajra Publications (Kathmandu 2004).

Rosenfield, Dynastic Arts  —  John M. Rosenfield, The Dynastic Arts of the Kushans, Munshiram Manoharlal (New Delhi 1993).

Rossi and Rossi, Beyond Lhasa  —  Anna Maria Rossi and Fabio Rossi, Beyond Lhasa:  Sculpture and Painting from East and West Tibet (London 2002).  Exhibition catalogue.

RR  —  Rechung Rinpoche, Tibetan Medicine, University of California Press (Berkeley 1976).

RS  —  Ra-se Dkon-mchog-rgya-mtsho, Bod Rig-pa'i Dpyad-rtsom Brgya dang Brgyad-cu-ma, Bod Rang-skyong Ljongs Dpe-skrun Do-dam Khru'u (Lhasa 2016).

RSO  —  Rivista degli Studi Orientali [journal].

Ruegg  —  D. Seyfort Ruegg, "A Recent Work on the Religions of Tibet and Mongolia," T'oung Pao, vol. 61, nos. 4‑5 (1975), pp. 303‑324.  This is a review essay on Giuseppe Tucci & Walther Heissig, Die Religionen Tibets und der Mongolei (Stuttgart 1970).

Ruegg, JSBO  —  D.S. Ruegg, "The Jo naṅ pas:  A School of Buddhist Ontologists according to the Grub mtha' šel gyi me loṅ," Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 83, no. 1 (January 1963), pp. 73‑91.

Sakyadhita  —  A journal devoted to Tibetan Buddhist nuns (issues available online).

Samdo A  —  This refers to a manuscript of the Works (Bka' 'bum) of Zhang G.yu brag pa Brtson 'grus grags pa.  Nepalese National Archives microfilm collection with running numbers L4686 through L4697.  This same set has been rephotographed by the Nepal-German Manuscript Preservation Project during the Nubri Expedition of April-June, 1998.  This version, which appears to be superior to the earlier one in legibility, bears the running number L8340.  The original manuscript is kept in the private library of the Thugs-chen-chos-gling Monastery.  There is a separate catalog of it.

Santi e briganti  —  Giuseppe Tucci's book (at present my personal copy is one in French: Sadhus et brigandes du Kailash: Mon voyage au Tibet occidental, so it is not easy to make use of these references).

Sardar‑Afkhami, Account  —  Hamid Sardar‑Afkhami, "An Account of Padma bkod:  A Hidden Land in Southeastern Tibet," Kailash, vol. 18, nos. 3‑4 (1996), pp. 1‑21.

Sba — Sba Gsal snang, Sba bzhed ces bya ba las Sba Gsal snang gi Bzhed pa, Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Beijing 1982).

SBKC  —  Gsung 'bum Dkar chag (=Zhwa ser Bstan pa'i Sgron me Rje Tsong kha pa Chen pos Gtsos Skyes chen Dam pa Rim byung gi Gsumg 'bum Dkar chag Phyogs Gcig tu Bsgrigs pa'i Dri med Zla shel Gtsang ma'i Me long), Lhag pa tshe ring et al. ed., Bod ljongs Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Lhasa 1990).  Personal copy.

SBKK  —  Kong sprul Yon tan rgya mtsho, Shes bya Kun Khyab — Theg pa'i Sgo Kun las Btus pa Gsung rab Rin po che'i Mdzod bslab pa Gsum Legs par Ston pa'i Bstan bcos Shes bya Kun Khyab (Beijing 1985), in 3 vols.  Ed. by Rdo rje rgyal po and Thub bstan nyi ma.  Personal copy.

SBTD  —  Mi rigs Dpe mdzod khang gi Dpe tho las Gsung 'bum Skor gyi Dkar chag: Shes bya Gter mdzod, Si khron Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Chengdu 1984).  Personal copy of 1st and 3rd vols. (complete in 3?).

SCEAR  —  Studies in Central and East Asian Religions [a journal].

Schaeffer, Dissert.  —  Kurtis Schaeffer, Tales of the Great Brahmin: Creative Traditions of the Buddhist Poet‑Saint Saraha (Tibet, India), doctoral dissertation, Harvard University (2000), in 524 pages.

Schaik, M&T  —  Sam van Schaik & Imre Galambos, Manuscripts and Travelers: The Sino‑Tibetan Documents of a Tenth‑Century Buddhist Pilgrim, De Gruyter (Berlin 2011).

Schaik, Prayer  — Sam van Schaik & Lewis Doney, "The Prayer, the Priest and the Tsenpo: An Early Buddhist Narrative from Dunhuang," Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, vol. 30, nos. 1‑2 (2007), pp. 175‑217.

Schaik, Red — Sam van Schaik, "Red Faced Barbarians, Benign Despots and Drunken Masters: Khotan as a Mirror to Tibet," Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines, vol. 36 (October 2016), pp. 45-68.

Schmied  —  Hanna Rauber Schweizer, Der Schmied und sein Handwerk im traditionellen Tibet, Rikon (Zürich:  1976).  In I.U. library.  TT 205/.R38/1976.

Schopen (1986)  —  Gregory Schopen, "Burial Ad Sanctos and the Physical Presence of the Buddha in Early Indian Buddhism:  A Study in the Archaeology of Religions," Religion 17 (1987) "forthcoming."  Of course the page numbers will not correspond, but this has been published as Chapter 7 in:  Gregory Schopen, Bones, Stones, and Buddhist Monks, University of Hawai'i Press (Honolulu 1997), pp. 114‑147.

Schram, Monguors  —  Louis M.J. Schram, The Mongours of the Kansu-Tibetan Frontier: Their Origin, History and Social Organization, American Philosophical Society (Philadelphia 1954) 1-138.  Ibid., "The Mongours of the Kansu-Tibetan Border: Pt. II: Their Religious Life," Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, n.s. vol. 47, pt. 1 (1957), pp. 1-164.

Schwartz, Circle of Protest  —  Ronald D. Schwartz, Circle of Protest: Political Ritual in the Tibetan Uprising, Motilal Banarsidass (Delhi 1996), reprint of 1994 edition.

SFHB  —  Sources for a History of Bon, Tenzin Namdak (Dolanji 1972).  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7964.2/.S68.  This doesn't appear to be in TBRC.

Shakabpa, History  —  Rtsis dpon Zhwa sgab pa Dbang phyug bde ldan, Bod kyi Srid don Rgyal rabs, Sa sgab shag (Ka blon sbug [Kalimpong] 1976), in 2 vols.  My copy is actually the 3rd edition of 1986, done by the Tibetan Cultural Printing Press (Dharamsala).

Shakabpa, Hundred  —  Tsepon Wangchuk Deden Shakabpa, One Hundred Thousand Moons:  An Advanced Political History of Tibet, Brill (Leiden 2010), in 2 volumes.

Sharro — Donatella Rossi & Charles Jamyang Oliphant of Rossie, eds., Sharro: Festschrift for Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, Garuda Books (Zurich 2016).

Singh  —  Madanjeet Singh, Himalayan Art, Macmillan (New York 1971).

Sircar, Śākta Pīṭhas  —  Dines Chandra Sircar, The Śākta Pīṭhas, Motilal Banarsidass (Delhi 1973), 2nd revised edition.

Skal bzang  —  Skal bzang, ed., Bod Brgyud Nang Bstan Lha ris kyi Thig rtsa, Mtsho sngon Mi dmangs Dpe skrun khang (Xining 1992).

SKC  —  Srid pa Rgyud kyi Kha byang Chen mo, rediscovered by Khod spo Blo gros thogs med, ed. by Lopon Tenzin Namdak, TBMC (Dolanji 1976). Text rediscovered in 1301/1310?  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BQ7964.2/.B55/1976.  This edition not in TBRC.

Sky Dancer  —  Keith Dowman (tr.), Sky Dancer, Routledge and Kegan Paul (London 1984).

Smith, Philology  —  E. Gene Smith, "The Tradition of Philology and Literary Theory in Tibetan Scholasticism," Inner Asia Colloquium, February 7, 1964.  Although this important work was never actually published, a copy is kept in RIFIAS reading room, Indiana University, Bloomington.

Smith, Washington Catalog  —  E. Gene Smith, University of Washington Tibetan Catalogue, University of Washington (Seattle 1969).  This publication was quite rare, but a copy is kept in the Indiana University main library and I also have a print copy.  Now a scan has been posted - TBRC Work RID: W1KG9243.

Snellgrove, Nine Ways  —  See under Nine Ways.

Snellgrove, SFN  —  David Snellgrove, "Śākyamuni's Final Nirvāṇa," Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, vol. 36 (1973), pp. 399‑411.

SNGP  —  Sungrab Nyamso Gyunphel Parkhang (publication series, Tashijong, H.P., India).

Snying thig Ya Bzhi 1975  —  Klong chen Rab 'byams pa Dri med 'od zer (1308‑1363), Snying thig Ya Bzhi, "a collection of important initiations and instructions on Rdzogs chen practice, arranged & structured by Klong chen Rab 'byams pa," Sherab Gyaltsen Lama (Delhi 1975‑1979), in 13 vols.  In I.U. library - Tib‑C/BQ7800/.K58/1975.  TBRC Work RID: W4PD2043.

Sobisch, Dissert.  —  This dissertation has now been published as a book:  Jan‑Ulrich Sobisch, Three‑Vow Theories in Tibetan Buddhism, Ludwig Reichert Verlag (Wiesbaden 2002).

Sopa, P&T of TB — Geshe Sopa and Jeffrey Hopkins, Practice and Theory of Tibetan Buddhism, Rider (London 1976).

Sørensen Festschrift  —  Olaf Czaja & Guntram Hazod, eds., The Illuminating Mirror, Ludwig Reichert (Wiesbaden 2015).

Sørensen, Restless Relic  —  Per Sørensen, "Restless Relic: The Ārya Lokeśvara Icon in Tibet: Symbol of Power, Legitimacy and Pawn for Patronage," contained in: B. Kellner et al., eds., Pramāṇakīrtiḥ: Papers Dedicated to Ernst Steinkellner on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday, Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien, Universität Wien (Vienna 2007), pp. 857‑886.

Soundings  —  Barbara Nimri Aziz and Matthew Kapstein, eds., Soundings in Tibetan Civilization, Manohar Publications (New Delhi 1985).

Sources  —  Michael Aris, Sources for the History of Bhutan, Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien Universität Wien (Vienna 1986).

SPAW  —  Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.Hist. Klasse.

Sperling, Dissertation  —  Elliot Sperling, Early Ming Policy Towards Tibet: An Examination of the Proposition that the Early Ming Emperors Adopted a 'Divide and Rule' Policy toward Tibet, doctoral dissertation, Indiana University (1983).

Sperling, Further — Elliot Sperling, "Further Remarks Apropos of the 'Ba' rom pa and the Tanguts," Acta Orientalia Hungarica, vol. 57, no. 1 (2004), pp. 1‑26.

Sperling, Thesis  —  Elliot Sperling, The Life of the Fifth Karma‑pa: An Annotated Translation of a Tibetan Biography of the Dharmasvamin De‑bzhin Gshegs‑pa, master's thesis, Indiana University (Bloomington 1979).

SRZT  —  [Kong sprul] Yon tan rgya mtsho, Gso rig Zin tig Gces bsdus (Xining 1976).  This exact edition not in TBRC.

SS  —  Sde srid Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho, Gso ba Rig pa'i Bstan bcos..., SSS series nos. 51-54 (Leh 1973), in 4 vols. at vol. 1, chapter 20, pp. 393‑547, the chapter on materia medica.  TBRC Work RID: WAS00EGS1016202.

SSS  —  Smanrtsis Shesrig Spendzod [series published in Leh, Ladakh].

Stcherbatsky, Buddhist Logic  —  Fedor Ippolitovich Shcherbatskoi, Buddhist Logic, Dover Publications (New York 1962), in 2 vols.

Stearns, King  —  Cyrus Stearns, King of the Empty Plain: The Tibetan Iron‑Bridge Builder Tangtong Gyalpo, Snow Lion (Ithaca 2007).

Stearns, SR  —  Cyrus Stearns, Song of the Road: The Poetic Travel Journal of Tsarchen Losal Gyatso, Snow Lion (Ithaca 2012).

Stein  —  R. A. Stein, Tibetan Civilization. This should have been changed to: Stein, TC.

Stein  —  R. A. Stein, Vie et chants de 'Brug pa Kun legs, le Yogin, G. P. Maisonneuve et Larose (Paris 1972).  I apologize for the double use of this particular abbreviated reference, which is bound to create some confusion.

Stein, Mi–ñag  —  R. A. Stein, "Mi‑ñag et Si‑hia, Géographie historique et légendes ancestrales," Bulletin de l'Ecole Française d'Extrême Orient, vol. 44 (1947‑1950), pp. 223‑265.

Stein, Recherches  —  Rolf Alfred Stein, Recherches sur l'épopée et le barde au Tibet (Paris 1959).

Stein, TC  —  R. A. Stein, Tibetan Civilization, tr. from the French by J.E. Stapleton Driver, Stanford University Press (Stanford 1972).

Stein, Tibetica Antiqua I  —  R. A. Stein, "Tibetica Antiqua I," Bulletin de l'Ecole Française d'Extrême Orient, vol. 72 (1983), pp. 149‑236.

Stein, Voc.  —  R. A. Stein, "Vocabulaire tibetaine de la biographie de 'Brug pa Kun legs," Zentralasiatische Studien, vol. 8 (1974), pp. 129‑178.

Steinkellner Festschrift  —  Birgit Kellner et al., eds., Pramāṇakīrtiḥ:  Papers Dedicated to Ernst Steinkellner on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday, Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien, Universität Wien (Vienna 2007), in 2 vols., pagination continuous.

Studies in Ch'an  — Robert M. Gimello and Peter N. Gregory, eds., Studies in Ch'an and Hua yen, The Kuroda Institute for the Study of Buddhism and Human Values, University of Hawaii Press (Honolulu 1983).

Sumpa, Annals  —  Sum pa Mkhan po Ye shes dpal 'byor (1704‑1788), The Annals of Kokonor, tr. Ho‑chin Yang, Indiana University Research Center for Language Sciences, Uralic and Altaic Series vol. 106 (Bloomington 1969).

T&BS  —  Louis Ligeti, ed., Tibetan and Buddhist Studies Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Alexander Csoma de Koros, Akadémiai Kiadó (Budapest 1984), in 2 vols.

Talley‑Stick  —  A. Róna-Tas, "Tally‑stick and Divination Dice in the Iconography of Lha‑mo," Acta Orientalia Hungarica, vol. 6 (1956), pp. 163‑79.

Tantra in Tibet  —  Tsong‑ka‑pa (sic!), Tantra in Tibet: The Great Exposition of Secret Mantra, Volume 1, tr. & ed. by Jeffrey Hopkins, The Wisdom of Tibet Series, George Allen & Unwin (London 1980), 2nd printing.

Tatz, LSPM  —  Mark Tatz, "The Life of the Siddha Philosopher Maitrīgupta," Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 107, no. 4 (1987), pp. 695‑711.

TBMC  —  Tibetan Bonpo Monastic Centre.

T.H.  —  Helmut Hoffmann et al., Tibet:  A Handbook, Asian Studies Research Institute, Research Center for the Language Sciences (Bloomington 1973).  Co‑authors: Stanley Frye, Thubten J. Norbu & Ho‑chin Yang.

TH&L  —  Ernst Steinkellner, ed., Tibetan History and Language:  Studies Dedicated to Uray Géza on His Seventieth Birthday, Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien Universität Wien (Vienna 1991).  Personal copy.

Thondup, BM  —  Tulku Thondup Rinpoche, Buddha Mind:  An Anthology of Longchen Rabjam's Writings on Dzogpa Chenpo, ed. by Harold Talbott, Snow Lion Publications (Ithaca 1989).  Personal copy.

Thondup, EL  —  Tulku Thondup, Enlightened Living:  Teachings of Tibetan Buddhist Masters, ed. by Harold Talbott, Shambhala (Boston 1990).

Thondup, TTN  —  Tulku Thondup, The Tantric Tradition of the Nyingmapa, Buddhayana (Marion Massachusetts 1984).

Three Sources  —  Three Sources for a History of Bon: The Rgyal rabs of Khyung po Blo gros rgyal mtshan, the Bstan 'byung of Bstan 'dzin rnam dag, the Bstan 'byung of Kun grol grags pa, Khedup Gyatso, TBMC (Dolanji 1974), in 1 vol.  In I.U. library - Tib‑B/BL1943/.B6 T4.  Not in TBRC.

Thuken  —  Thuken Losang Chökyi Nyima, The Crystal Mirror of Philosophical Systems: A Tibetan Study of Asian Religious Thought, tr. by Geshé Lhundub Sopa et al., ed. by Roger R. Jackson, Library of Tibetan Classics, Wisdom Publications (Boston 2009).

Thurman  —  Robert A. F. Thurman, Tsong Khapa's Speech of Gold and the Essence of True Eloquence, Princeton University Press (Princeton 1984).

Thu'u  —  Thu'u bkwan Blo bzang chos kyi nyi ma, Thu'u bkwan Grub mtha': Grub mtha' Thams cad kyi Khungs dang 'Dod tshul Ston pa Legs bshad:  Shel gyi Me long ["A Belles Lettres Explaining the Origins of All Schools of Thought  —  A Crystal Mirror"], Kan su'u Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Lanzhou 1984).  Personal copy.

TJ  —  The Tibet Journal [Dharamsala, H.P. India].

TM  —  Tibetan Medicine [periodical of LTWA, Dharamsala 1980+].

TM–BH  —  Dr. Yeshe Donden [Ye shes don ldan], "Tibetan Medicine:  A Brief History," tr. Gyatsho Tshering, Tibet Society Bulletin, vol. 5 (1972), pp. 7‑24.

TMC  —  Bdud rtsi Sman gyi Phan yon Ngo mtshar 'Phrul gyi Me long (=The Gist Prescriptions of Tibetan Traditional Medicines), Tibetan Medical Centre (Dharamsala 1972).  Personal copy. Not in TBRC.

TMP  —  Tibetan Medical Paintings:  Illustrations to the Blue Beryl Treatise of Sangye Gyamtso (1653‑1705), Harry N. Abrams (New York 1992).

TMT  —  Andrea Loseries‑Leick, Tibetan Mahayoga Tantra: An Ethno‑Historical Study of Skulls, Bones and Relics, BR Publications (Delhi 2008).

TMXT — Orna Almogi, ed., Tibetan Manuscript and Xylograph Traditions: The Written Word and Its Media within the Tibetan Culture Sphere, Indian and Tibetan Studies series no. 4, Department of Indian and Tibetan Studies (Hamburg 2016).

TN  —  Tenzin Namdak, ed., Rgyal‑gshen Rnam‑thar (=The Life of Lord Gshen‑rab: Excerpted from Original Texts), Tibetan Bonpo Monastic Centre (Dolanji 1971).  This exact edition not in TBRC.

TNB — Kurtis R. Schaeffer, "Tibetan Narratives of the Buddha's Acts at Vajrāsana," Journal of Tibetology [Bod rig pa dus deb], 1st issue of the year, general series no. 7 (2011), pp. 92-125.  PDF.

Togden  —  Kathog Situ Chökyi Gyatso, Togden Shakya Shri: The Life and Liberation of a Tibetan Yogin, tr. by Elio Guarisco, Shang Shung Publications (Arcidosso 2009).

Toh, Ming  — Hoong Teik Toh, Tibetan Buddhism in Ming China, doctoral dissertation, Harvard University (Cambridge, May 2004).

TPS  —  See Tucci, Tibetan Painted Scrolls.

TR  —  Tibetan Review [a periodical; volume, section no., month, year, and page given].

Treasury  —  See Karmay, Treasury.

Tropper, Epigraphic — Kurt Tropper, ed., Epigraphic Evidence in the Pre-Modern Buddhist World, Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien (Vienna 2014).

TS4  —  Helga Uebach and Jampa L. Panglung, eds., Tibetan Studies:  Proceedings of the 4th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Schloss Hohenkammer, Munich 1985, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Munich 1988).

TS5  —  Tibetan Studies:  Proceedings of the 5th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Narita 1989, Naritasan Shinshoji (Narita 1992), in 2 vols.

TS6  —  Per Kværne, ed., Tibetan Studies:  Proceedings of the 6th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Fagernes 1992, The Institute for Comparative Research in Human Culture (Oslo 1994), in 2 vols. (pagination continuous).

TS7  —  vols. 1‑2:  Helmut Krasser, Michael T. Much, Ernst Steinkellner, Helmut Tauscher, eds., Tibetan Studies I and II:  Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Vienna 1997), in 2 vols.

vol. 3:  Helmut Eimer, ed., Transmission of the Tibetan Canon:  Papers Presented at a Panel of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Vienna 1997).

vol. 4:  Frank J. Korom, ed., Tibetan Culture in the Diaspora:  Papers Presented at a Panel of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Wien 1997).

vol. 5:  Graham E. Clarke, ed., Development, Society, and Environment in Tibet:  Papers Presented at a Panel of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Vienna 1997).

vol. 6:  Anne Marie Blondeau, ed., Tibetan Mountain Deities, Their Cults and Representations:  Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Vienna 1998).

vol. 7:  Deborah Klimburg-Salter and Eva Allinger, eds., The Middle Asian International Style, 12th 14th Century:  Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Vienna 1998).

TS9  —  vol. 1:  Henk Blezer, ed., Tibet, Past and Present:  Tibetan Studies I, Brill (Leiden 2002).

vol. 2:  Henk Blezer, ed., Religion and Secular Culture in Tibet (Tibetan Studies II), Brill (Leiden 2002).

vol. 3:  John Ardussi and Henk Blezer, eds., Impressions of Bhutan and Tibetan Art (Tibetan Studies III), Brill (Leiden 2002).

vol. 4:  Lawrence Epstein, ed., Khams pa Histories:  Visions of People, Place and Authority, Brill (Leiden 2002).

vol. 5:  Toni Huber, ed., Amdo Tibetans in Transition:  Society and Culture in the PostMao Era, Brill (Leiden 2002).

vol. 6:  Christopher I. Beckwith, ed., Medieval Tibeto Burman Languages, Brill (Leiden 2002).

vol. 7:  Deborah Klimburg Salter and Eva Allinger, eds., Buddhist Art and Tibetan Patronage:  Ninth to Fourteenth Centuries, Brill (Leiden 2002).

vol. 8:  P. Christiaan Klieger, ed., Tibet, Self, and the Tibetan Diaspora:  Voices of Difference, Brill (Leiden 2002).

vol. 9:  Katia Buffetrille and Hildegard Diemberger, eds., Territory and Identity in Tibet and the Himalayas, Brill (Leiden 2002).

vol. 10:  Helmut Eimer and David Germano, eds., The Many Canons of Tibetan Buddhism, Brill (Leiden 2002).

TS10  —  vol. 1. Proceedings of the Tenth Seminar of the IATS (Oxford 2003), Volume 1  —  Medieval Tibeto‑Burman Languages II.  Edited by Christopher I. Beckwith.

vol. 2. Proceedings of the Tenth Seminar of the IATS, 2003, Volume 2  —  Tibetan Borderlands.  Edited by P. Christiaan Klieger.

vol. 3. Proceedings of the Tenth Seminar of the IATS, 2003, Volume 3  —  Power, Politics, and the Reinvention of Tradition.  Edited by Bryan J. Cuevas and Kurtis R. Schaeffer.

vol. 4. Proceedings of the Tenth Seminar of the IATS, 2003, Volume 4  —  Tibetan Buddhist Literature and Praxis.  Edited by Ronald M. Davidson and Christian K. Wedemeyer.

vol. 5. Proceedings of the Tenth Seminar of the IATS, 2003, Volume 5  —  Bhutan.  Edited by John A. Ardussi and Françoise Pommaret.

vol. 6. Proceedings of the Tenth Seminar of the IATS, 2003, Volume 6  —  Contemporary Tibetan Literary Studies.  Edited by Steven J. Venturino.

vol. 7. Proceedings of the Tenth Seminar of the IATS, 2003, Volume 7  —  Text, Image and Song in Transdisciplinary Dialogue.  Edited by Deborah Klimburg‑Salter, Kurt Tropper and Christian Jahoda.

vol. 8. Proceedings of the Tenth Seminar of the IATS, 2003, Volume 8  —  Discoveries in Western Tibet and the Western Himalayas.  Edited by Amy Heller and Giacomella Orofino.

vol. 9. Proceedings of the Tenth Seminar of the IATS, 2003, Volume 9  —  The Mongolia‑Tibet Interface.  Edited by Uradyn E. Bulag and Hildegard G.M. Diemberger.

vol. 10. Proceedings of the Tenth Seminar of the IATS, 2003, Volume 10  —  Soundings in Tibetan Medicine.  Edited by Mona Schrempf.

vol. 11. Proceedings of the Tenth Seminar of the IATS, 2003, Volume 11  —  Tibetan Modernities.  Edited by Robert Barnett and Ronald Schwartz.

vol. 12. Proceedings of the Tenth Seminar of the IATS, 2003, Volume 12  —  Buddhism Beyond the Monastery.  Edited by Sarah Jacoby and Antonio Terrone.

TSB  —  Tibet Society Bulletin [Bloomington, Indiana].

Tsering Shakya, Dragon  —  Tsering Shakya, The Dragon in the Land of Snows: A History of Modern Tibet since 1947, Columbia University Press (New York 1999).

Tshad Rig  —  Bod Rgya Tshad ma Rig pa'i Tshig mdzod, Si khron Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Chengdu 1987).

TTRF  —  Tibet: Treasures from the Roof of the World, The Bowers Museum of Cultural Art (Santa Ana 2003).

Tucci, JTM —  Giuseppe Tucci, Journey to Mustang 1952, tr. by Diana Fussell, Ratna Pustak Bhandar (Kathmandu 1977).

Tucci, Lhasa  —  Giuseppe Tucci, To Lhasa and Beyond, Istituto Poligrafico della Stato (Rome 1956).  Personal copy.

Tucci, Religions  —  Giuseppe Tucci, The Religions of Tibet, Allied Publishers Pvt. (New Delhi 1980).

Tucci, Tibetan Painted Scrolls  —  Giuseppe Tucci, Tibetan Painted Scrolls, Rinsen Book Company (Kyoto 1980), reprint of 1940 edition.  A more recent reprint done in Bangkok.  Personal copy of Bangkok edition.

Tucci, Tombs  —  Giuseppe Tucci, The Tombs of the Tibetan Kings, ISMEO (Rome 1950).  Personal copy.

Turner  —  Samuel Turner, An Account of an Embassy to the Court of the Teshoo Lama in Tibet, W. Bulmer and Co. (London 1806), consulted in the office of T.J. Norbu.••  I believe this is the 2nd edition, since the 1st appeared in 1800.  I have more recently made use of a modern reprint edition as I have a personal copy.

TVS —  Daniel Berounsky, The Tibetan Version of the Scripture on the Ten Kings, and the Quest for Chinese Influence on the Tibetan Perception of the Afterlife, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Triton (Prague 2012).  Personal copy.

Uhlig, On the Path to Enlightenment  —  Helmut Uhlig, On the Path to Enlightenment: The Berti Aschmann Foundation of Tibetan Art at the Museum Rietberg Zürich, Museum Rietberg (Zurich 1995).

Uray, Earliest Evidence  —  Géza Uray, "The Earliest Evidence of the Use of the Chinese Sexagenary Cycle in Tibetan," contained in: Louis Ligeti, ed., Tibetan and Buddhist Studies Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Alexander Csoma de Koros, Akadémiai Kiadó (Budapest 1984), vol. 2, pp. 341360.

Uray, Narrative  —  Géza Uray, "The Narrative of Legislation and Organization of the Mkhas pa'i Dga' ston," Acta Orientalia Hungarica, vol. 26 (1972), pp. 1168.

Uspensky, Prince Yunli  —  Vladimir L. Uspensky, Prince Yunli (1697‑1738), Manchu Statesman and Tibetan Buddhist, Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (Tokyo 1997).  Personal copy.

Vai.Ser.  —  Vaiḍūrya ser po (Bai ḍūrya Ser po): Dpal Mnyam med Ri bo Dga' ldan pa'i Bstan pa Zhwa ser Cod pan 'Chang ba'i Ring lugs Chos Thams cad kyi Rtsa ba Gsal bar Byed pa Bai ḍūrya Ser po'i Me long, parts 1 & 2, by Sde srid Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho AND Annals of Kokonor by Sum pa Mkhan po Ye shes dpal 'byor, Śatapiṭaka series no 12, International Academy of Indian Culture (New Delhi 1960), including an English preface by Luciano Petech.  Personal copy.  TBRC Work RID: W1KG1610.

Velm  —  Csoma de Körös Memorial Symposium, Proceedings of the Csoma de Körös Memorial Symposium held at Velm‑Vienna, Austria, 13‑19 September 1981, Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien, Universität Wien (Vienna 1983).  Has two volumes with separate titles.

Vernier, Uncommon  —  Martin Vernier & Quentin Devers, "The Uncommon History of Markha Chorten," Ladakh, RET, vol. 30 (October 2014), pp. 199-218.

Vitali, Kingdoms  —  Roberto Vitali, The Kingdoms of Gu‑ge Pu‑hrang:  According to Mnga'‑ris Rgyal‑rabs by Gu‑ge Mkhan‑chen Ngag‑dbang‑grags‑pa, Tho‑ling Dpal Dpe‑med Lhun‑gyis Grub‑pa'i Gtsug‑lag‑khang Lo 1000 'Khor‑ba'i Rjes‑dran Mdzad‑sgo'i Go‑sgrig Tshogs‑chung (Dharamsala 1996).

Vitali, Tho.ling  —  Roberto Vitali, Records of Tho.ling:  A Literary and Visual Reconstruction of the 'Mother' Monastery in, High Asia (McLeod Ganj 1999).

Vohra, Mythic  —  Rohit Vohra, "Mythic Lore and Historical Documents from Nubra Valley in Ladakh," Acta Orientalia Hungarica, vol. 46, nos. 1-2 (1990), pp. 225-239.

Vostrikov, Critical  —  Andrew Vostrikov, "Some Corrections and Critical Remarks on Dr. Johan van Manen's Contribution to the Bibliography of Tibet," Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, vol. 8 (1935‑7), pp. 5176.

Waddell  —  L.A. Waddell, Tibetan Buddhism with Its Mystic Cults, Symbolism and Mythology, Dover Publications (New York 1972), reprint of 1895 edition entitled The Buddhism of Tibet, or Lamaism.  Personal copy.

Waddell, Lhasa  —  L. Austin Waddell, Lhasa and Its Mysteries, Metheun and Co. (London 1929).

Walter, B&E  —  Michael L. Walter, Buddhism and Empire: The Political and Religious Culture of Early Tibet, Brill (Leiden 2009).  Personal copy.

Weldon & Singer, Sculptural Heritage  —  David Weldon and Jane Casey Singer, The Sculptural Heritage of Tibet: Buddhist Art in the Nyingjei Lam Collection, Laurence King (London 1999).  Personal copy.

Wylie  —  Turrel V. Wylie, The Geography of Tibet According to the 'Dzam gling rgyas bshad, IsMEO (Rome 1962).  Personal copy.  [Indexed up to note 415.]••

Wylie (1977)  —  Turrell V. Wylie, "The First Mongol Conquest of Tibet Reinterpreted," Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, vol. 37 (1977), pp. 103‑133.

Wylie, Nepal  —  Turrell V. Wylie, A Tibetan Religious Geography of Nepal, IsMEO (Rome 1970).  Personal copy.

Yamada, Mu — Yamada Noriyuki, "The Mu Native Official's Governance of the Tibetan World and His Sponsorship of Tibetan Buddhism," contained in: Christian Daniels & Jianxiong Ma, eds., The Transformation of Yunnan in Ming China: From the Dali Kingdom to Imperial Province, Routledge (London 2020), pp. 111-136.  PDF.

YL  —  Yang rtse Klong chen (see 305 I) by a follower of Khyung po Blo gros rgyal mtshan.  For details, see D. Martin, Tibetan Histories (2020 ed.), no. 211.

Yongdan, TCW  —  Lobsang Yongdan, "Tibet Charts the World: The Btsanpo Nomonhan's Detailed Description of the World, an Early Major Scientific Work in Tibet," contained in: Gray Tuttle, ed., Mapping the Modern in Tibet: PIATS 2006, Königswinter, IITBS International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies (Andiast 2011), pp. 73134.

Yu Dawchyan  —  Yu Dawchyan, Love Songs of the Sixth Dalai Lama Tshangs‑dbyangs‑rgya‑mtsho: Translated into Chinese and English with Notes and Introduction by Yu Dawchyan and Transcribed by Jaw Yuanrenn (Y.R. Chao), National Research Institute of History and Philology (Peiping 1930).  PDF.

ZAS  —  Zentralasiatische Studien [journal].

Zhi byed Coll.  —  Kun‑dga' et al., The Tradition of Pha Dampa Sangyas:  A Treasured Collection of His Teachings Transmitted by T[h]ug[s]‑sras Kun‑dga', Kunsang Tobgey (Thimphu, Bhutan), in 5 volumes, with English preface by Barbara N. Aziz.

Zhu, Preliminary  —  Zhu Lishuang, "A Preliminary Survey of Administrative Divisions of Tibetan-Ruled Khotan," contained in: Brandon Dotson, Kazushi Iwao, Tsuguhito Takeuchi, eds., Scribes, Texts, and Rituals in Early Tibet and Dunhuang, Reichert Verlag (Wiesbaden 2012) pp. 43-52.

Zhu yas  —  'Gro ba'i Mgon po Rgyal sras Zhu g.yas Legs po'i Skyes rab Rnam thar la [A] Lung bstan Dngos grub Thob pa'i Le'u ste Dang po (23 folios). [B] Gsang ba'i Man ngag Dngos grub Thob tshul dang Rgyal rigs 'Khrungs Lung bstan Gter Sgo 'Byed pa'i Le'u Gnyis pa (9 folios). [C] Gsang ba'i Rnam thar Dngos grub Lag tu Blang ba (24 folios). These are not the exact titles given, but only indicative of the contents.  Have photocopy of manuscript from Tibet thanks to the librarian at TBMC.  The added pagination is continuous, even if each chapter has its own.

Zlos gar  —  Jamyang Norbu, ed., Zlos‑gar:  Performing Traditions of Tibet, Library of Tibetan Works and Archives (Dharamsala 1986).

ZY  —  Zuiho Yamaguchi, Catalogue of the Toyo Bunko Collection of Tibetan Works on History, The Toyo Bunko (Tokyo 1970).

ZZFC  —  John Vincent Bellezza, Zhang zhung: Foundations of Civilization in Tibet, a Historical and Ethnoarchaeological Study of the Monuments, Rock Art, Texts, and Oral Tradition of the Ancient Tibetan Upland, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Vienna 2008).



[1] Some libraries, such of University of Washington at Seattle, have (at least in the past decades when I visited them), unfortunately used these as shelving numbers.  If we base ourselves on information found on a Library of Congress webpage (, South Asian accession numbers were used beginning in October 1984, while PL480 ("Public Law 480") numbers were "discontinued" in 1969 (but I believe that 1969 was in fact the year they were initiated!).

[2]  It is possible to use the TBRC's RID number in the search box.  Or, if you add it to the end of the following URL, it will take you swiftly and directly to the desired item:  Here "XX" needs to be replaced by the RID no.  For example, the TBRC Work RID for "4" listed below is given as W1CZ1988.  If you add this to the URL, you get this result:  The great advantage of TBRC is of course that you might be able to find a way to access digital scans of the desired work, in some cases directly, and virtually immediately, through an internet download. Nowadays (2023) you may simply put the RID number directly into the search box, so the just given instructions may be out of date (but I just tested them, and they still work, as one is redirected to the item in the new website).

[3]  Once you are there, press the button labeled "Guest Access" in order to get to the page with the search box.  The Indiana University library catalog has a fast and friendly interface.  One small drawback is that you may have to adjust your search terms to suit the Library of Congress Tibetan transcription system.  Instead of Wylie's dbang lung dang man ngag gi snying po, you will have to type dban lun dan man nag gi snin po in the search box.  One very positive thing is, even if they do not live in or close to Bloomington Indiana, academics residing in the U.S. may still be able to make use of their local library's interlibrary loan service in order to receive, on loan, a hard copy of the book.  Much honor and congratulations are due to Dr. Michael L. Walter, who labored for decades to make I.U.'s the most Tibetology-friendly library for printed books on the planet.

[4]  Once you are there, you may immediately place the desired search terms in the box.  There is no need to sign in.

[5]  On the Library of Congress Tibetan transcription system, see the earlier footnote.

[6] Not every title listed in TBRC is made available in scanned pages or in etext.  Also, it is true that most of the Bon titles referenced here are not (or not yet) listed in TBRC.  Also overlooked are quite a few titles of Indian materials published roughly between 1965 and 1975 (examples may be noted in the bibliography at the end).  Printed books have by no means been replaced by digital resources, and for preservation purposes far into the future print resources are crucial.



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