Tibetan Proper Name Index

by Dan Martin 










The need for it:  This work is intended to be used by all who find it useful. Please scroll down below and have a look at it.  I doubt it will be of very much use to people who are not Tibet specialists, since it presumes and often requires familiarity with the Tibetan language.  (It would certainly be much easier for Tibetan‑speakers to use if it were in Tibetan letters, and perhaps a Tibetan‑letter version could be made in the future.)  Some people may have a brief look at it and see little more than clumps of letters and numbers, and think 'Why is such a thing even necessary?'  

Well, if you only knew how many times Tibetan proper names have been translated into meaningful words of the sentence, resulting in the most amazingly inventive and outrageous statements. Clearly Tibetanists need to understand proper names better, and they require a resource that can help them in identifying and then locating them in time and space. Nowadays when such tasks are increasingly, if far too prematurely, being turned over to robotic entities, the need is even more pressing.


What it is:  What is this then, exactly?  It is basically a sourcework for Tibetan onomastics and toponymy.  It isn't exactly a prosopography, although I think it may edge close to being one, as it does in truth, but only in some degree, include names of 'ordinary people,' people who are not so prominent in the historical records.


I first began entering this into the computer in 1994, initially, back in the early 1980's, on the basis of notes written mostly by hand, sometimes typed, on alphabetically sorted index cards.  This has been over 40 years in the making.  Its making at every phase was my own work alone, and not the work of a committee or a group project, neither was it funded by any funding agency. 

The version in front of you is likely to be the final version, so future updates are unlikely. Of course very minor corrections may still be introduced, but the information will remain the same.


I ask that it not be distributed or referred to under any title or compiler than "Tibetan Proper Name Index" (TPNI is the suggested acronym, even if, and even especially if, this might cause it to be confused with Third Party Non‑violent Intervention, while "TibProp" is also proper to use in the internet environment) and Dan Martin.  This work should remain free and freely available.  It is intended to include place names and personal names from all periods of Tibetan literature from the 7th century to the present, although it is true that the 7th through 10th centuries and the late-20th-to-21st century are not as well represented here as they could and anyway should be.  It was not my intention to include any living persons, although there are some exceptions. 


(*Simply cut and paste the content of this website into any word processing file you prefer, that way you can work offline and edit it.)


Abbreviated references:  A "Key to Abbreviated Bibliographical References," supplying the complete references to the works indexed wholly or in part herein, may be found here, listed in a separate file.  


Transcription:  This work makes use of the Wylie transcription system, without dashes.  I do believe in using dashes (generally following the Library of Congress system), but worked very hard to remove them with the idea they might impede computer searches (but this work was unnecessary, actually, since internet searches are not in the least impeded by dashes or their absence).  Add dashes before every Tibetan syllable (of a proper name) that contains no capitalized letter.  (Following Library of Congress practice, given names ought to be dashed all the way through regardless of their length — examples:  Tsong‑kha‑pa Blo‑bzang‑grags‑pa.  Blo‑bzang‑chos‑kyi‑seng‑ge.)


Entries:  I agree that, ideally, each individual place or person ought to be limited to a single entry, although there may be a number of referals to it from other entries.  I did strive to achieve this ideal, although I am afraid some double entries do remain and the work of locating and removing them will be one task of future students.


I had originally placed clan/locale/title/epithet specifiers in parentheses before the main entry given names (I call them 'specifiers' because they make more clear which Seng‑ge‑rgyal‑mtshan or which Chos‑kyi‑blo‑gros or which Chos‑'khor‑gling is intended).  But I removed these parentheses in the entry headers in order to make computer searching more efficient. These specifiers (except for the ones that are not all that specific, like Bla‑ma, Mkhas‑pa, Dge‑bshes and the like) are generally supposed to be cross-referenced, but I became less diligent about doing this as time went by.  (Computer searches will locate things regardless of old style cross‑referencing.)  Dates, whether 'exact' or approximate, whenever available are supplied immediately after the main‑entry given names in parentheses (all dates are CE unless otherwise specified).  Most dates are likely to vary by one year or so, except in those rare instances in which someone has troubled to calculate the corresponding birth and death dates in a western calendrical system, or checked them against the tables in Dieter Schuh's book.*  Such efforts are but rarely undertaken, and may not prove so effective for calender-dating events in the pre‑Mongol period of Tibetan history.


*Dieter Schuh, Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der tibetischen Kalenderrechnung, Franz Steiner (Wiesbaden 1973).


Key to abbreviations (for bibliographical abbreviations,

see the separate file):


is equivalent to (or is another name for)

abbre.  →  


acc.  →  


aka  →  

aka (also known as)

astro.  →  

astrology, astronomy, astrological, astronomical

b.  →  


bio[s].  →  

biography [biographies]

birthn.  →  

birthname (including childhood names)

ca.  →  


cent.  →  


chap[s].  →  


coll.  →  

collected, collection

comm.  →  


comms.  →  


contemp.  →  


d.  →  


disc[s].  →  

disciple [disciples]

DL  →  

Dalai Lama

E  →  


ed.  →  

edited by

evid.  →  


f.  →  


f. of  →  

founder of

fl.  →  

fluorit, flourished

illus.  →  

illustration, illustrated

info.  →  


lat.  →  


long.  →  


med.  →  

medical, medicine

mon.  →  


ms.  →  


mt[s].  →  

mountain, mountains

n.  →  

name (or 'note [number]' when used in page references)

N  →  


no[s].  →  


p.n.  →  

personal name

pl.  →  

place (or plate)

pl.n.  →  

place name

prob.  →  


pt.  →  


publ.  →  


q.v.  →  

quod vide; which see

redisc.  →  

rediscovered, rediscoverer

ref[s].  →  


S  →  


SE  →  


Skt.  →  


subj.  →  


Tib.  →  


tr.  →  


trans.  →  


vol[s].  →  


W  →  


w/  →  


Bibliographical references:  A key to bibliographical references is supplied separately.  Every abbreviated bibliographical reference includes an underlined element (in fact, underlinings are not used here for any other purpose; if there is no underlined element, there is no reason to look for it in the bibliographical key), and immediately after it comes a volume number, whenever relevant (in Roman numerals, generally), immediately followed by the page number.  Sometimes, even though some will consider this too pedantic, line references are also given immediately after the page no. and divided from it by a decimal point ("VI 66.2" means vol. 6, p. 66, line 2... "IX 66r.5" means vol. 9, fol. 66 recto, line 5).  It is important to be aware from the outset that some bibliographical references are numeric, using underlined numbers to stand for the bibliographical item.  A key to these is supplied. 


Some more minor notes'Phrin las is read as phrin las for the sake of alphabetization (that means the two are not distinguished; in modern Tibetan, there is a tendency to spell things in the shorter way). Skal ldan and Skal bzang are read as Bskal ldan and Bskal bzang (even though the former spellings are in reality more correct in the context of personal names).  Genitive case endings are ignored for the purposes of alphabetization, as are all vowel diphthongs formed with letter 'a (ex.: bye'u is alphabetized immediately following bye).  Long vowels in transliterations from Indian languages are alphabetized under the corresponding 'normal' Tibetan vowel (ex.: Au di yā na is alphabetized as if it were O di ya na).  The reversed Tibetan letters used to represent Sanskrit retroflexes are also treated alphabetically as if they were the ordinary unreversed forms of the letters.  In those odd cases in which Chinese is transcribed into Tibetan with a prescript 'h', the 'h' is ignored for the purpose of alphabetization.  The main entries are in ALL CAPITALS (this makes it easy to limit word searches to main entries only).


Generally speaking, if we have a name like Sgam po pa Bsod nams rin chen, the main entry will be the 'given' name "BSOD NAMS RIN CHEN."  Still, a cross reference to the main entry ought to be found under "SGAM PO PA."  Likewise, there should be a cross reference given under the alternative alias "DWAGS PO LHA RJE."  There are very few exceptions to this. In any case, one may use computer‑assisted searches that are not 'case sensitive' to search for the complete name "sgam po pa bsod nams rin chen," and this approach ought to be effective most of the time.


Note: As far as I know, the only publication devoted to Tibetan personal names as an indexing problem, is E.E.G.L. Searight, "Indexing Tibetan Names: Some Suggestions," The Indexer, vol. 25, no. 4 (October 2007), 10‑11, reprinted from the original publication in The Indexer, vol. 3, no. 2 (1962), pp. 64‑66.  This author decided to alphabetize names under the parts that precede the given name, unless that part is simply a title (or respectful epithet, I would add). There may be good arguments in favor of this, but I see more advantages for researchers by doing just the opposite and alphabetizing under given names.


Although I suppose it is no longer relevant in the 21st century, this file was made entirely in Gentium, a Unicode font. In any case, do make sure your word processing system is up‑to‑date and equipped for displaying Unicode.  

You may prefer to copy-paste the entire document into a text file of your choice so you can work with it offline.  This should be possible, you just have to try it.

One ought to be wary of the Sanskrit diacritics seen here, since in earlier days (that was before the advent of Unicode standards) they were simply omitted, being added in only recently.  

Disclaimer:  Although about a thousand items were used in the making of this index, I do not intend to imply that it is a complete index of any of those works. I am only too aware that a few entries and bibliographical references have been lost over the years, and if a reference or cross-referene on the odd occasion leads nowhere I must beg your forbearance.  I also do not guarantee that the person or place name that interests you will necessarily be found here. Use it for your own research and enjoyment, blessing it when it helps you, but at the same time please refrain from curses when it doesn't.  Please don't ask for refunds.

So, I think that about covers all the topics, I don't think you can even imagine how happy I am to at last get this out there, so I will just bid you a fond farewell before I go off and find age appropriate ways to celebrate.

Lha gyallo!





KA KA — BA 302.  Pl.n. in Nyan (q.v.) region.  N. of a Zhing skyong gi Mkha' 'gro ma met by Nā ro pa.  17 II 257.6. 

KA KA NI SGO BZHI — A famous chorten in Lhasa.  Spelled Kakni sgo bzhi.  History in Dungkar, Dictionary 19‑21.  It had doors, and was meant to geomantically 'join' Lcag po ri with Dmar po ri (but it also supplied a heavily symbolic entry point to the holy city proper, as it does to this proper name index).

KA KA LA — See  Ka la ka.

KA KA RI — Das 865.  Snow mountains mentioned in a guide to Shambhala.

KA KHOL MA — See Das 6.  See under Bka' chems.

KA CAN — Tibetan pl.n.  Das 3.

Rgya'i Mkhar KWA CU — Kua-chou.  OTC 11.3‑.4.  ISTS 314. It is nowadays in ruins located in northern Gansu, about 100 kms. distant from Dunhuang.  See Kwa chu.

KA COG ZHANG GSUM — Names of three famous early translators in abbreviated form.  See Dungkar, Dictionary .  See under the full names Ka ba Dpal brtsegs, Cog ro Klu'i rgyal mtshan, and Sna nam Zhang Ye shes sde.

KA LCOG — 132  89.3.

KA CHING ZI — Guoqing Si, 'National Purity Monastery'.  Thuken 361.

KA CHU — BA 826.  "He secured lands for both Blo and  Ka chu."  A part of Samye compound (?).  17 II 341.1.

Brag dmar KA CHU — BD of T & TB I 544.

KWA CHU — BA 75, 77, 78.  Firstly, name of a district capital of Kansu called Kua‑chou.  Secondly, not too far from Bsam yas but to the E, Mes 'ag tshoms named a place after the Chinese capital to commemorate the Tibetan victory over the district of Gansu.  This place was later taken over by Klu mes.  See OTA 727.  See Dungkar, Dictionary.  Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 114‑5.  Vitali, Temples has a chapter on this place.

KA CHEN BZHI — Four great disciples of Mar pa.  See Dungkar, Dictionary.

KA JU — Pl.n. in presentday Gansu.  See Dungkar, Dictionary.

Grong khyer KANYTSI — In E India.  120 51.6, 75.6.  An area (yul).  120  176.10.  =Kāñcī in southern India.  BD of T & TB X 25.12‑.16.  ka nytsi'i yul zhes pa'i ka nytsi ni gsal ba 'dzin.  Eimer, Dbyangs 56.  See Dungkar, Dictionary 21.  Jamspal, Treasury 85.

KANYTSI PU RA — See Dungkar, Dictionary 21.

KA ṬA KA — BA 762. =Orissa.  BD of T & TB I 780.  Cuttack.

O i sha'i Grong khyer KA ṬA KA BHA NA RA SI NA — BD of T & TB I 913. 

KA ṬA KI LA — Kaṭakila, n. of city in ancient Sind.  Lit., 'pillar of grass'.  Das 4. 

Glang KA TA NA — Kuijp, Some Remarks 177.

KA ṬA BO ṬA — Indian n. for Paro in Bhutan.  Das 4. 

KA TA YA —  =Katya.  N. of a cave at Snyi shang gur rta (q.v.).  4 124A.3.  Mon yul Snyi shang gi Ri Katya'i Phug na...  4 130B.1, 131A.2.  Bal po Ka tya'i Phug pa ru.  4 134A.5.  Katya'i Shel phug Chu shing Rdzong.  4  172B.2.  Also, pl. in ancient India, prob. country of Gætae.  Acc. to Csoma, =Scythia.  N. of district in Tibet.

KA TA YA NA NOG CAN — 'With hump on shoulder'.  One of 6 heretical teachers who disputed with the Buddha (Das).  413 74.6.  Kātyāyana.  DCD 89.

KA ṬA LĀ DI NI — Ceylon mon., residence of one Dharmakīrti.  449 18.3.

Sing ga la'i Nags KA TI SHEL PHUG — 4x I 229.7, 234.2.  Is ka ti a kind of tree?  Ka ti Shel phug Chu shing Rdzong.  See Andrew Quintman, Toward a Geographic Biography: Mi la ras pa in the Tibetan Landscape, Numen LV (2008) 363‑410, at p. 381.

KA TO RA — ?  115 141.6. 

KA TYA YA NA — First teacher of the Gnas brtan Sde, one of the 4 Śrāvaka schools.  See Dungkar, Dictionary 21.

KA THANG KLU TSHES — See Dungkar, Dictionary.

KA THE SHI — N. of a Chinese minister.  Emmerick

KAḤ THOG RDO RJE GDAN — In Mdo smad.  May be considered the most important Nyingma monastery in Khams.  Founded by (Kaḥ thog) Dam pa bde gshegs  [an emanation of Byang sems Blo gros] in Earth Hare (1059 or 1164??).  This mon. had many branches.  It fell into decay in 15th & 16th cents. Was renovated by Gter 'byin Grub pa'i Dbang phyug Bdud 'dul rdo rje and  (Rig 'dzin) Klong gsal snying po.  Propagated Snying thig and especially teachings of  Klong gsal snying po.  F. in 1059, acc. to Dhongthog 120 and BD of T & TB III 517.  Had incarnation of  the translator Vairocana.  9 X.  "'Bri chu'i 'gram Spom por dang nye bar Kaḥ thog ces pa'i Gnas Mgon." (i.e., gnas dgon?)  Das 1‑2.  F. 1159.  16 38.  See Ma ṇi rin chen.  The Kaḥ thog history by 'Jam dbyangs rgyal mtshan, on p. 25, gives the date of initial founding as the Earth Hare of the 3rd rab byung (1159), with date of completion two years later, and this date seems correct.  See Dungkar, Dictionary 4 ff, where we find among other things a listing of early abbots.  See Gardner in TJ XXVIII no. 3 (2003) 64‑65, where the founding is placed in 1159, by Ka Dam pa Bde gshegs (1122‑1192).  Cuevas, Hidden History 139 ff.

KAḤ THOG — See (— — Mkhan po) Kun dpal.  (— — Mkhan chen) Ngag dbang dpal bzang.  (— —) Dam pa bde gshegs.  (— —) Nam mkha' rdo rje.  (— —) Nus ldan.  (— —) Byams 'bum.  (— —) Ma ṇi rin chen. (— —) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan.

KAḤ THOG RIG 'DZIN — See (— — — —) Padma nor bu.  (— — — —) Tshe dbang nor bu.

KAḤ THOG RIG 'DZIN CHEN MO — General name for the head Lamas of Kaḥ thog Monastery in Khams.  See Das 2.  See Dungkar, Dictionary, where it is taken as name of Tshe dbang nor bu.

KAḤ THOG SI TU — Splinter of Si tu line that occurred following Si tu Chos kyi 'byung gnas (1700‑1774).  IX. Chos kyi blo gros; X. Chos kyi rgya mtsho; XI. Unknown name b. in family of Rgya nag Tshang of Skye dgu rdo.

KA MTHO DGON — Vai.Ser. 255. 

KA DA LI SHA — The first Kushan king.  See Dungkar, Dictionary 7.

KA DAG — Pl.n.  ISTS 311. 

Rig 'dzin KA DAG MTHONG GROL — (19th‑20th cent.?)  Author 474 (aliases listed).  Disc. of (Chag ri) Nyi ma grags pa. 

KA DAG RANG BYUNG RANG SHAR — Rgod kyi ldem 'phru can, Rdzogs chen Ka dag rang byung rang shar, publ. in Paro, 1979. 

KA DANG — Military regiment (one of 5) charged with guarding the Dalai Lama.  Goldstein, Hist. 67. 

KA DAM PA 'KHOD PA NYID — Das 423, no. 16. 

KA'U DINYA — One of 5 first followers of Gautama Buddha.  413 19.2. 

KA DRUG — Pl.n. BA 631, 634. 

Gtsang lung KA MDA' DGON — Dge lugs mon. in Nang chen?  Vai.Ser. 240.  473 29. 

KA ṆA — A yul in the west inhabited by Turkic king.  BD of T&TB I 577. 

Dza landha ra'i Rgyal po KA NA KA — Kaniṣka.  413 73.6. 

KA NA KA BRO TAM — River near Bodhgaya.  449 27.6.  For discussion, see Shin'ichiro Hori, "In the Wake of a Buddhist Monk in 15th-Century Eastern India: The Manuscripts of Sanskrit Grammatical Texts Originally Owned by Vanaratna," Bulletin of the International Institute for Buddhist Studies 1 (2018) 45-60, at p. 52.

KA NA KA WARMA — N. of Indian pundit who visited Tibet.  Das 5.  BA 342.  17 II 384.6.  In Tibetan, Gser mdog, he was invited by Pa tshab Lo tsā ba, and together they fixed the translation of the Yum at Ra mo che.  Mtshan tho no. 81.

KA NA KA SHO TI — N. of a river.  BD of T&TB I 896. 

KA NA KRA SHO TAM — BA II 798;  N. of Indian river.  Ka na ka shro ram in 17 II 310.5. 

KA NA KA SHRĪ — Disc. of Nā ro pa.  17 II 286.3, 408.3.  BA 382.  17 II 409.2.  BD of T&TB I 810‑811... 

KA NA KHA LA PA — Mahāsiddhā.  Tib.: Zegs ma'i g.yul.  Bio. in 120 166.  Younger sister of Me kha la.  BD of T&TB I 738. 

Ba lang gi Brtul zhugs 'dzin pa KA ṆA DA RO RU —  =Gzeg ma sgra sgrog.  BD of T&TB I 453. 

KA NA DZU — Newari craftsman.  17 III 481.5. 

Rgyal po KA ṆA RI PA — BD of T&TB I 416. 

KA NA RI ZHANG 'DZIN —  =Karna ri pa, q.v.  120 205. 

De wi ko ṭa'i Ḍā ki ma KA NA SHRĪ — Teacher of Khyung po Rnal 'byor in Nepal.  17 II 427.  BA 729. 

KA NA SA TA — N. of a grong khyer, 'town'.  120 9.1. 

KA NAM — (sp?) Mon. at Zangs dkar.  188 8.  Ka nam, in Nga ra (in bio. of Rin chen bzang po).  Klimburg‑Salter in TS9 VII 4.

KA NI KA — Also, Ka nis ka.  Kaniṣka.  N. of a Turuṣka king who ruled Pahlava, Kashmir and Jalandhara, said to have held the third and last Great Council for the compilation of Mahāyāna scriptures in 1st cent. B.C. Das 5.  See Dungkar, Dictionary 6‑7.

Mchod rten KA ṆI KA — 406 8v.2. 

Dza landha ra'i Rgyal po KA NI KA — Patron of 3rd canonical council.  BD of T&TB X 39.8.  211 27.6.  A letter to a king Ka ni ka from Ma ti tsi tra is preserved in Tanjur.  See Bu ston, Collected Works XXVIII 549.5.  See also index to Emmerick.

KA ṆI SGO BZHI — See Essais 160.

KA NYA KU PA JA — A country.  KB 117.5. 

KA GNAM — Province NE of Kong po.  Das 5.  See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 42 notes 11, 43.

KA GNAM — See (— —) Srin po rdzong.

KA GNAM SDE PA — Don grub rgya mtsho, "An Account of the History of Spo smad Ka gnam Sde pa," Tibetan Studies: Journal of the Tibetan Academy of Social Sciences, 1 (1989) 83‑89.

Khu nu KA GNAM LHUN GRUB DGE 'PHEL — Vai.Ser. 226.

*KA RNA SU WA RNA — Karṇasuvarṇa.  Together with Puṇḍravardhana, one of the leading Buddhist intellectual institutions during the visit of Hsüan–tsang.  Dasgupta, ORC 10.

Dge slong KA PA YA BA — (=Ka pa ya pa).  Ordination n. of Ti lo pa.  116 75.2 ff.

KA PĀ LA — Or: Ka pā li pa.  Tib.: Thod pa can.  A Mahāsiddha.  A common laborer with five children, his wife died and then all his children.  He was mourning them in the graveyard when Nag po spyod pa came and initiated him.  He made bone ornaments from his children and a skull cup from his wife's head.  BD of T&TB I 744‑745.

KA PA LA BHO LJON — 115 65.4. 

KA PI KA — An area (yul) in India where Mai tri met Shānti pa.  17 II 288.2.

KA PI TA — See Ka pe stan.  Ka pi.  Das 5.  Evidently Kapisha in area of Gandhāra, presentday Begram, west of Peshawar (now in Afghanistan).  Titles of Bon scriptures are quite often given in a Ka pi ta language (Ka pi ta Lha yi Skad), but it is not known what language this would be.  For examples, see the Gal Mdo (p. 48), the 'Dul ba Rgyud Drug, and so forth.  Sylvain Lévi, "Note rectificative sur le Ki pin," Journal Asiatique (Jan‑Feb 1896) 161‑162, shows how Chinese Ki pin is correct Chinese form for Kapiśa.  Kāviśa occurs as country name in Mañjuśrīmūlatantra, chap. 10 (discussion in Decleer, Tragkar verse VII.2).

KA PI NA — S Indian king.  See Das 5.  King of Singa la'i Gling.  120 37.6.  Ka bi na in BD of T&TB I 648.  DCD 8.

KA PI LA — [1] N. of a Deva.  [2] N. of a Yakṣa.  Emmerick.  [3] Pl.n.  NMH 117.1.

KA PI LA — See Dung dkar.

KA PI LA BASTU — See Ser skya'i gzhi.  See Dung dkar.  (Btsan po No min han was evidently aware of the relative locations of Buddha's birthplace and the palace of Kapilavastu...  This was long before its 'discovery' by Westerners [who after all partly based their search on what they learned from Tibetan sources!])

KA PI LA MU NI — Das 6.

KA PI LYA — TPS 505.

KA PU TI — Das 6.

KA PE STAN — Kapistan.  Wylie 53.  Ka be si stan, =presentday Kabul.  NMH 116.2. 

KA PE RDZOGS GSUM — BA 158.  Collective n. for the 3 great monasteries of the Rnying ma Sect, including Kaḥ thog.


KA PHYAG CHU BO GNYIS 'DRES — See Dung dkar, where he explains it as mistaken spelling for Bka' phyag...

KA BA — See (— —) Shākya dbang phyug;  (— —) Dpal brtsegs; (— —) Dar seng.

Bran ze'i Grong KA BA — There is in India this and another town called Nye ba'i Ka ba.  LPNT VII 89.

Ha shang KA BA — Lde'u2 155.

KA BA KHRA MO — Site of Bon redisc.  Kværne no. 63. 

KA BA CAN — BA 197, 892.  Dgyer meditated at a cave here. 

Bla ma KA BA CAN — 458 I 270.4.

KA BA NAG PO MAN NGAG RTSA BA'I RGYUD — Bon tantra in 258 IV 1‑100.  Listed in Everding's Bon catalog, no. JS 1991.

KA BA SPRUL SKU — Sardar‑Afkhami, Account, p. 9.  Elsewhere spelled Kha ba Sprul sku, which seems to be the correct spelling.

KA BA BUM PA CAN — N. of a pillar.  See Dung dkar.

KA BA SBRUL MGON CAN — N. of a pillar.  See Dung dkar.

KA BA SHING LO CAN — N. of a pillar.  See Dung dkar.

KA BA SA — Native place of Tshul khrims mgon po.  BA 304.

KA BA SENG MGO CAN — N. of a pillar.  See Dung dkar.

KA BI NA — See Ka pi na. 

Grong khyer KA BI LA SA KRU — 120 98.16, 100.9.

KA BE LA —  =Kabul.  Wylie 58.  Das 7.

KA BO KA — See Ka 'o ka.

KA BRAG — See (— —) Dkon mchog 'byung gnas.

KA SBUG —  =Kalimpong.  Goldstein 32.  Short for Ka ling sbug.

KA MA GHU PA — A sgrub gnas at Mt. Ka ma do ka.  115 64.7. 

KA MA CHA —  =Ka mu tsha.  Kāmakṣā in Assam.  Das 8.

KA MA TA — Sngon gyi Rgya gar ba'i yul zhig.  Dagyab5 166.4, 298.5.  King named Ma la ko shan circa 1564.  17 III 522.4.  grong khyer gyi ming, 'name of a city'.  Utpal 12.4.  See Dung dkar, where he describes its special script.  See Stearns, King 466‑7.

KA MA DO KA — Mt. W of Dhu ma tha la.  115 64.5, 64.6, 67.3.

KA MA PA — See (— — —) Shes rab 'od.

Zhang KA MA BA — See under (Ka ma pa) Shes rab 'od.

KĀ MA TSANDRA — See Dung dkar 18.

KĀ MA RŪ PA — 'Dod pa'i Gzugs (tr. into Tibetan).  BA 693.  In E India (Assam). 87 I 66.2, 254.5, 257.2.  120 125.15.  See Wilfried Nölle, "Kāmarūpa," contained in: Śata‑piṭaka series, Indo‑Asian Literatures Volume 37 (New Delhi 1965), pt. 1, pp. 125‑128.  Kenneth Grant, The Magical Revival, p. 76.  Bhattacaryya, Studies 8.  BD of T&TB X 9.15, 24.6‑10.  It has a Chos 'byung as high as a man marked with the stone symbol (linga) like an mchan khung (armpit).  NMH 67 ff.  KakatiBD of T&TB I 539, 912.  115 155.2.  LGCM 624.1.  As rare as the stone of Kamarupa (ka ma ru pa'i rdo ltar dkon pa'i).  601 37v.6.  See Dung dkar 10, 18.

Chang tshong ma KA MA RU PA SIDDHI — BD of T&TB I 336.

KA MA LA — Mahāsiddha.  Picture in 128 32A, 39A.

KA MA LA GUPTA — See Dung dkar.  An obscure teacher of Lo chen Rin chen bzang po.

KA MA LA TA — N. of the minister whose son was killed by the spear of Padmasambhava.  87 I 11.3.

KA MA LA RAKSHI TA — 17 II 352.1.  BD of T&TB I 577‑8.  Teacher of Khyung po rnal 'byor pa.  A Bhairava expert, he failed to attain Rainbow Body because of the taint of his practice of magic (mngon spyod).  12th abbot of Vikramaśīla.  See Dung dkar.

KĀ MA LA SHĪ LA — 17 II 328.2, 329.2.  Invited from China to Tibet by Khri srong lde btsan.  87 I 104.2, 105.5, 108.3.  Disciple of Śāntarakṣita.  BD of T&TB I 523, 558‑61.  Mtshan tho no. 14, gives the Tibetan tr. of the name as Padma'i ngang tshul; he composed the three Sgom rim and the Dbu ma Snang ba.  See Dung dkar 10‑12.

Paṇḍi ta KA MA LA SHĪ LA — N. by which Pha dam pa was known in India.  124 434.2.

KA MA LA SHRĪ — [1] See Karl Jahn's CAJ article on Rashid al Din.  [2] This is also one of the names of Pha dam pa.

KA MA LA SA RA — Large lake in North Kashmir (Kha che).  115 69.7.

KA MI LOG —  Also, Ka ma log.  See Karsten, TK 4 for a brief discussion.  Ka mo lug is spelling in LPNT VII 353.  Karsten suggests it as one of the possible names for Korea, but the context is Mongolo-Turkic areas much further west, and I think this name conceals the Turkic suffix -lük, with meanings of -hood or -ity.

Slob dpon KA MIN CHEN PO — See under Lo chen Sprul sku. 

KA MU TSHA — See Ka ma cha.

KA MED RTA RA — A stable near the Jo khang, used by Srong btsam sgam po.  See Dung dkar 12.

KA TSA RA — ISTS 11.  Aris, Discourse 25.  Heller, Tibetan Art 139.  See discussion of this word, which generally refers to persons of mixed Nepali‑Tibetan ancestry (and has a derogatory meaning in Nepal), by Amy Heller in Orientations 33 no 10 (Dec 2002) 61.

KA TSAN — An abbreviation.  See BA 786.  See the following.

KA TSAN DBYANGS GSUM — A way of abbreviating the names of the three main schools of Sanskrit grammar considered important in Tibet.  See Smith, Philology 18.

KA TSI LI BAN — See Das 9.

KATSTSHA — An area (yul) near O rgyan.  87 I 257.5 ff.  BD of T&TB I 494.

Slob dpon KATSTSHA PA — Contemp. of elder Indra bhu ti.  BD of T&TB I 455.

KA TSHAL —  =Ska tshal, q.v.  Das 9.  458 I 192.5.  =Bka' tshal. See Hazod in TS9 I 41.  See Dung dkar.

KA TSHIGS CHEN PO — N. of a book.  See Das 9.

Kla klo'i Ston pa KĀ DZI — BD of T&TB I 882, 883.

KA BZHI — KTDN 65.6, 66.2.


KA BZHI GDUNG BRGYAD — N. of the Mkhar (manor house) built by Mi la ras pa's father.  4C 24.  4A 11B.5.  Also refers to a group of Mi la ras pa's chief disciples:  "Gnyal la Ka Bzhi Gdung Drug."  KTDN 65.6.

KA BZHI PA — Tshogs chos lung pa'i Mkhan chen.  17 II 344.5.  BA 80.

KA 'O KA — N. of one of the 'four doors' of O rgyan.  115 52.6, 55.7.  Ka bo ka.  17 XX 286.6.  Das 7.

KA 'OG SNGAGS — Cuevas, Hidden History 185.

KĀ 'U RA BA — BA 13.

KA YA GA'U RI — Gayāgauri.  See Das 9.

Slob dpon KA YA TA PA — A teacher, in bio. of Lu yi pa.  24 I 45.1‑45.2, 46.6.  145 V 279c.4 ff.

Bal pa KA YA SHRĪ — Pundit listed with no further info. in Mtshan tho 105 (apparently belonged to 12th cent.).

KĀ YA STHĀ — Author of comm. on Saṃ pu ṭa.  KB 42.4.

Nyi grags pa KA YOG SNGAGS PA — See (— — —) (— — — —) Bdud 'dul.

KA RA — As the last element of a name, it shows that a monk belongs to the Phal chen Sde.  See Dung dkar 12‑13.

Mu zu KA RA 'PHAN — N. of Dgongs pa rab gsal.  Lde'u2 154.  This name might indicate that he was Turkish, with kara being a common word for 'black' and possibly the last part could be for burun or the like, meaning 'cape' (just a guess).

Yul KA RA BĪ RA — 120 90.5.

KA RA HA — N. of a trade center (tshong dus, i.e., tshong 'dus) where Klu sgrub (the tantrika) was born.  In the S district called Bhe ta'i Yul.  24 I 53.4.

KA RAG BSAM GTAN — A 'meditation grotto'.  See Uhlig, On the Path to Enlightenment 70.

KA RI — An area (yul).  BD of T&TB I 686.

KĀ RI KA LNGA BCU — See Dung dkar 18.  A Vinaya text of disputed authorship.

KA RI TA — Spyan ras gzigs Bsgrubs pa'i Brag phug (a rock cave for performing the Avalokiteśvara practice)  5 179.4, 219.2.

KA RI'I BU MO — Das 10. 

KA RING DKA' BCU PA — See (— — — — —) Phun tshogs rnam rgyal. 

A mdo KA RING BA — See (— —) (— — —) Blo bzang chos dar.

KA RING LHA KHANG — 332 preface 17.

KA RU — See Dmag gi Ka ru.

KA RU — Identified with Karma shar in Lhasa.  Dung dkar 140.

Sku gdung KA RU — BA 691, 954.

KĀ RU — Ancient temple which was later made a Dge lugs mon.  Vai.Ser. 121.

Rgya nag gi Mchod rten KA RU — 253 II 225.3.

Mu stegs KA RU — Zhi byed Coll. IV 162.5.

KA RU NA SI TI — Karuṇasiddhi (*Thugs rje dngos grub?).  A rare name for Pha dam pa, given in a list of names in Peacemaking Collection IV 91.6.

KA RU PA — Mahāsiddha.  Picture in 128 45a.


KA RUB  (sp?) — Site of Neolithic remains.  Precious Deposits I 18 ff.  In Chab mdo.

KA RU 'DZIN PA — 394 II 60.1.

KA RO NGA — See Mjal mo ka.  Emmerick.

KA RO PA — Disc. of Mai tri pa.  BA 843, 847, q.v.  17 II 430.  Bio. BD of T&TB I 791‑794, 837.  Alias Bi ta karma, Pītakarma.

Gnod sbyin KA LA — BD of T&TB I 873.

KA LA KA — Or,  Ka ka la.  In O rgyan.  Kālakavana (Chattopadhyaya, Reflections on the Tantras, p. 69).  115 62.2, 62.5.

KA LA KA BA — Tib.: Ku co can.  See Ki li ki li.

KA LA KI — Evidently the Kalkin incarnation is meant.  See Dung dkar.

KA LA DA GE — Mahāsiddha.  Picture 128 60a.  Also, Ka la le dhe (in a thangka reproduction).

KĀ LA DUNG MTSHO — In Tsari.  17 IV 226.3, 229.5.  BA 719, 720.

KA LA PA — Mahāsiddha.  Tib.: Smyon pa'i zhabs.  Ka la pī.  Bio. 120 82‑83.  BD of T&TB I 670‑671.

KA LĀ PA — [1] Capital city of Shambhala.  243 I 595.3.  LPNT VII 94 calls it Rgyal po'i Pho brang Ka mā pa.  [2] N. of a famous grammar of Sanskrit.  A Legs sbyar Sgra Mdo Ka la pa'i Legs bshad Rab Gsal Snang ba was published in Manali in 1979.  For another commentary, see SBTD I 15.  See Dung dkar 14‑15.

KA LĀ PA BYĀ KA RA ṆA — See Dung dkar.

KA LĀ PAR 'JUG PA'I SMON LAM — Dennison, India Office no. 4.

KA LA SPUR — See Ka la sur.

Dge slong KA LA BA — Monastic n. of Telopa.  73 36.6.

KA LA BU — Das 10.

KA LA MI TRA — Tib. Dus kyi bshes gnyen, he came to Tibet in 9th cent., time of Ral pa can more or less.  Mtshan tho no. 16.

KA LA TSANDRA — BD of T&TB I 870.  In Tibetan, Dus kyi zla ba.  He was skilled in Kālacakra.  One of the 9 lesser pundits who came with Shākya shrī.  Mtshan tho no. 97.  See Dung dkar.  Smith, Philology 12.

Srin po KA LA RA TSA — 491 26.5.

KĀ LA RI'I DGON BKRA SHIS LHUN GRUB — A monastery.  See Dung dkar 19.

KA LA RO ZAN — Das 10.

KA LA LANG KA — Mahāsiddha.  128 57a.

KA LA LE DHE — See Ka la da ge.

KA LA SUR — A city.  Also, Ka la spur.  115 54.7, 55.1.

KA LANG RMAL — Also, Ka lan, or, Ka len.  A king of Gu ge.  28 54, 56, etc.

KA LAN DA KA — Das 11.  DCD 78, has long discussion.

KA LAM PĀ TSHA — Columbus.  See Me pā rā dza.  NMH 392.1.

Lha btsun KA LI — Disc. of 'Brog mi.  BA 208.  17 II 398.4.

KA'U LI — Korea.  BA 502.  Kapstein, Assimilation 233 n. 2 (Ka'u hi, =Ka'u li, in Deb ther Dmar po; spelled Kwo le by Btsan po No mon han; Ku'u li by Sum pa Mkhan po).  The name is spelled Ko li and Ko ri ya by Btsan po No mon han; Yongdan, TCW 102.

KA'U LI DKAR PO — Ko ri ya (Korea).  Dung dkar 44.  Gendun Choempel says its ancient name was Ka'u cus li, and this was later contracted to Ka'u li. 

KĀ LI KA ṬA — Calcutta.  NMH 64.6.  Aris, Discourse 29.  See Dung dkar 15.

KĀ LĪ DĀ SA — See Dung dkar 19.  Tibetan name: Nag mo khol.

KA LINGKA — Kingdom of the south.  17 II 310.3.  In SE.  BD of T&TB X 10.11, 25.3‑8.  Das 11.  KB 135.4.  449 21.6.  See Dung dkar 2, 15.  See Karsten, TK 4 for a discussion (some say it is Korea).

KA LING KA'I BDAG PO — See Dung dkar 15‑16.

KA LING SPUG —  =Ka sbug.  Kalimpong.  TS5 812.

KĀ LINDA'I BU MO — N. of Yamunā.  Das 418.

KA LIB — Caliph.  See Dung dkar.

KA LIB KYI RGYAL KHAMS — See Dung dkar, where many of the Islamic ruler's names are given on pp. 16‑17.

Slob dpon KA LU KA — 449 40.5.

KA'U LE — Korea.  Dung dkar 45.  Also spelled Ka'u li.  See Kuijp, KPTB 52.

KĀ'U SHĀ M BĪ — BA 21.  See Ke'u shan byi.

KĀ SHI — District near Benares.  Emmerick.

KA SHI'I GRONG — See Dung dkar.

KA SHI BHA BHU — A person in Calcutta.  Aris, Discourse 29.


KA SHI RU — Pl. in Indian Ocean.  Das 11.

Rgya nag KA SHING KA — KTDN 135.3.


Bal po KA SHRĪ MIN — BD of T&TB I 810.

KA SAN KA RA — Das 11.

KA SĪ KĀ RĀ —  =Kashgar.  Wylie 67.  See Petech in T'oung Pao, n.s., L 340.

Rnal 'byor ma KA SU RI — 115 64.3.

KA SE RU — N. of an island. TPS 460.

KA SO RI PA — A vaiśya among the 3 chief discs. of Tilopa.  57 IIB 343.4.  75 96.  17 II 449.3.  116 77.7.  BD of T&TB I 850.  See Dung dkar.

KA HA RI — An area (yul).  120 100.12.

KA'U HI — A general in the T'ang army.  Dung dkar 44.

KA HO RA — Pl.n.  A part of Kanytsi, birthplace of Nāgārjuna in E India.  120 51.6.

KWAG 'AN TSE — Iwao, Preliminary 180.

KAG LA BONG — Nan‑chao (Mywa) King.  Beckwith, Tibetan Empire 65.  Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 114.  He should be Ko‑lo‑feng [Geluofeng], who ruled from 748‑779.  Dotson, Note 78.  Dotson, Dissert. 380.  Takata Tokio, A Note on the Lijiang Tibetan Inscription, Asia Major 19 nos 1‑2 (2006) 161‑170, at p. 166.

KANG KA'I RIGS GROL — See Tshe dbang bde chen snying po.

Lho phyogs KANG KA SHA RA — 17 IV 322.5.

KANGKAR MA — An area (yul).  120 88.3.

KANG KING — Wrathful (khro bo) deities.  See King kang.  115 56.7.

KANG GRĀ — Kangra district in Himachal Pradesh.  BA 669, 682, 700, 745, 845.

KANG DANG KING — See King kang.

Spu rang KANG TSE PHU — 253 II 567.5.

KAN KA RA MA — An area (yul).  BD of T&TB I 675.


KAN CI — See Kanytsi.

KAN CHEN DGON THAR PA GLING — 332  preface 18.  Vai.Ser. 268.

KAN JI — Luczanits in TS9 VII 117.

KAN TA PA — Mahāsiddha.  128 29A.

Dri KAN TA RO HI — See Dri kan ta ro hi.

KANTA LI PA — Mahāsiddha.  Or, Ka nā li pa.  Tib.: Gos hrul can  or  Tshem bu pa (q.v.).  His guru was the Ḍākinī Bai ta li.  Bio. 120 168‑169.  BD of T&TB I 740‑741.

Rgyal ba Byams pa KWAN TING TĀ'I SI TU — Title of Si tu Rin po che in 12 IX 83.3.

KWAN TING TĀ GU SHRĪ — Kuijp in TH&L 293, 294.  Bkwan ting Gu shri in  Dung dkar 185.

KWAN THA'I YES — Jackson, Patron 238.

KAN DRU'U SHRĪ — See Dung dkar 21‑22.  An ancient fort in presentday Gansu.  Its history is told in the A mdo Chos 'byung.

KANDHA PA — Disc. of Nā ro pa.  =Kandha ri.  17 II 285.2. BD of T&TB I 795. 


KAN DZI — In the NW.  BD of T&TB X 10.15.

KAN YA KUB DZA — See Dung dkar 6.  A city in ancient India.

KANHA — Or, Kahna.  Tib.: Nag po zhabs.  Bio. 120 57‑63.  Also called Nag po spyod pa.  His guru was Dza landha ra pa.  His primary fault was pride in his miraculous powers.  See the master's thesis by Dr. Paul Draghi (Indiana University).  See Karna pa.

KAM — See (—) Chos kyi ye shes.

KAṂ KA TA — BA 730.

KAM KA NA — See also Kaṃ ka ni and Kaṃ ka pa.  Tib.: Gdu bu pa.  "Kangga ni rlung rtag pa rkang gdub zhabs."  Mahāsiddha.  Bio. 120 85‑88.  He was a king who attained siddhi by concentration on his shining bracelet.  See Govinda, Foundations 59 ff.  =Kaṃ ki na.  BD of T&TB I 672‑674.

KAM KA RA — Country of NW India, unidentified. Wylie 56, 120 (n. 55).

KAṂ KA RI PA —  =Kaṃ ka li pa.  BD of T&TB I 635.  A worldly man whose wife died just as he was to marry her, he was met by a yogi as he was weeping by her corpse in the cemetery.  =Kangka ri pa.  A Mahāsiddha.  Bio. 120 25‑26.  Tib.: Keng rus zhabs.

KAM KAM — F. by Khrom bzher.  See Skam skam.  BA 305, 306, 307.  Vai.Ser. 141.  See Dung dkar (also at p. 104‑105).

KAM KAM PA — See (— — —) Don grub dpal.

KAM KO NA — BA 368.


KAM BCU — Gansu.  Also spelled Gan cu.  Bailey in AM 11 no.1 (1964) 10. Vitali in Rocznik Orientalistyczny LXVII (2014) 245.

KAM CHU — Kan chou.  BA 503‑504.  =Kam ju.  170 126.6.

KAM CHU — See (— —) Gu rub.


KAṂ ṆI — "Kaṃ ni sgo bzhi."  5 105.2, 163.6.  A Chörten in Lhasa.  Stearns, King 70.

KAM PA — See (— —) Shes rab 'od.

KAṂ PA RI PA — Mahāsiddha.  Tib.: Mgar ba or Rigs 'dzin zhabs.  Bio. 120 122.3 ff.  A smith who was taught yoga by analogy of bellows, embers, fire and iron.  BD of T&TB I 698‑700.

KAM PA LA — BA 849.

Khams KAṂ PO'I GNAS — F. by Dus gsum mkhyen pa in 1164. Dhongthog 120.  Kaṃ po Gnas nang.  12 IX 85.4.  Mt. chain.  ISTS 98.

KAM PO TSE GLING — See Dung dkar, p. 22, but note that he identifies this, and the more usual spelling Kam po dza, as referring to Cambodia (in fact, it's Kamboja, a kingdom in NW Indian subcontinent).

KAM PO DZA — Cambodia. Yongdan, TCW 99.

KAM BHA LA —  =Kamba la, Shri pra bha ta.  Tib.: Wa ba pa, Lwa ba pa.  Mahāsiddha.  Bio. 120 88‑93, 105.7.  He got his name because he dressed in black wool (wa ba, goiter?).  BD of T&TB I 675‑679.

KAM TSA RANG GA — An area W of Assam.  See Dung dkar 18.

KAṂ TSHANG BKA' BRGYUD —  =Karma pa.  One of 4 main branches of Bka' brgyud lineage.  F. by Dus gsum mkhyen pa.  See Richardson in JRAS (1959) 1‑18.  See also Skam rdzong.  See Dung dkar 23‑24.

KAM LĀ SHA — A great snow mt. (gangs ri) near Spa sde called Bai ḍurya tha ka by the Kla klo.  Wylie 61.  See Petech in T'oung Pao, n.s. vol. 50, p. 339.

KAM LO TSĀ BA — A disc. of Rwa Lo.  BD of T&TB III 330.

KAM LOG — See Bka' ma log.

KAM SHENG — Pl. in Khotan.  =Skam sheng.  Emmerick.  See Gam shang.  In Tibetan works on Khotan, n. of an eastern province of Khotan.  82 88.  Zhu, Preliminary 48.  See Rong in JAH 49 (2015) 170.

KARTI SGANG — N. of a pl. in Tibet.  Das 14.

KAR ṬIK — Works, SBTD I 7‑8.

Rgyal po KAR DA — BD of T&TB I 801.

KAR SDE — A term sometimes used by non Karma pas to refer to the Karma Bka' brgyud.  Dung dkar 45.

KARṆA — N. of an old Indian kingdom in the western parts.  See Dung dkar 22.

KARṆṆA TA — A Yul 'khor Chen po in Kālacakra literature.  Derge vol. 77, p. 276.7.

KARṆA TA KA — An area (yul) in S India.  BD of T&TB I 418.  Karnataka.

KARṆA ḌA — BD of T&TB I 443.

KARṆA PA — See Kānha.  Also called Kṛṣṇa.  =(Brtul zhugs) Nag po spyod pa.  Disc. of Dza landha ra pa.  BD of T&TB I 443‑451.

KARNA PA — Mahāsiddha.  Picture.  See 128 49A.

KARNA RI PA — N. of a person.  Successor of Shing lo pa, and succeeded by Tilli pa.  See under Bka' babs Bzhi.  =Rdo rje dril bu pa (q.v.).  Bio. 24 I 67‑72.  53 II 306.3.  Named after a rock on which he meditated which was shaped like a lion jumping into the sky.  24 I 71.7.  He transmitted to Ti lo pa especially the Bde mchog and 'Pho ba/Bar do teachings.  Bio. 120 63‑67.  In 120 205 he is identified with Ārya de ba and has Tib. n. Ka na ri zhang 'dzin.  A disc. of Klu sgrub (the alchemist Nāgārjuna). 

KARMA — As initial part of a personal name, it is (usually) the first part of the ordination name of all teachers belonging to the Karma Kaṃ tshang tradition.  23 56.  A pl.n.  BA 490, 492, 494, 500, 505, 506, 507, 510, 512, 514, 550.  For a 'guidebook' (gnas yig), see 239 XXX 161‑172.

Snye mo KARMA — Artist in time of DL V.  Essais 143.

KARMA KUN DGA' RNAM RGYAL — (1555‑1628).  35 II 299‑302.

KARMA BKA' BRGYUD — Subsect of Bka' brgyud pa.  F. by Dus gsum mkhyen pa.  See 11 4 ff.  Main incarnations besides the "Karmapas" (the Zhwa nag and Zhwa dmar, q.v.) are the Si tu, Dpa' bo, and Rgyal tshab.  Also, Tre ho (?) Rin po che.  11 4.  The old head monastery of the sect was Mtshur phu, while the head monastery in exile is Rumtek Mon. in Sikkim.  See articles by H. Richardson.  Karmapa prayers in 203

KARMA BKA' BRGYUD BKRA SHIS — See (Rgyal sras) Gzhan phan chos kyi grags pa.

KARMA BKRA SHIS — Important artist of Sgar bris school, a contemp. of Si tu Paṇ chen.  F. a school of art at Kar shod in Khams.  23 45.  For a selfportrait, see Jackson, Patron 16, etc., esp. p. 167.

KARMA BKRA SHIS CHOS 'PHEL — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 0050.

Mkhan po KARMA BKRA SHIS 'OD ZER — Helped compose text in 239 XXX 257‑270.  Work in 239 IX. 

KARMA KHYAB BDAG —  =Grub mchog dbang po.

Mkhan rabs xi Ba le Rab 'byams pa KARMA MKHYEN BRTSE — Eleventh abbot of Yangs pa can.  Bio. in 35 I 628.


Zhwa phug Sprul sku KARMA GAR DBANG DON GRUB — At his behest Tshe dbang nor bu wrote down songs in 1728.  10 556‑560.

KARMA GU RU — A gter ma cycle of Bkra shis stobs rgyal (q.v.).  Chos rje Karma gu ru.  210 46.3.  Alias of Chos rgyal dbang po'i sde.  410 140A.6.  Dung dkar 26.  Alias of Byang bdag Bkra shis stobs rgyal.  Cuevas, Hidden History 147.

KARMA GO RA ṆA — Indian king.  See 5 325.3.

Rgyal tshab xii KARMA GRAGS PA BSTAN PA YAR 'PHEL — Alias Bstan 'dzin phrin las chos kyi nyi ma.  The present Rgyal tshab Rin po che.  35  I.  BD of T&TB VII 301‑302.

Btsun pa KARMA GRAGS PA YONGS 'DU — Mentioned in 78 9B.1.

Zhu KARMA GRUB SKYES — (b. 1948)  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 466.

Gter ston KARMA GLING PA — (14th cent.)  He redisc. Zhi khro Dgongs pa Rang grol cycle at Sgam po Gdar.  16 37.  Comm. by Kong sprul in 12 V 99‑179.  BD of T&TB III 523.  Bio. 210 182.6 ff.  413 388.3.  217 388.7 ff.  Lived in 6th rab byung. 383 219.5.  410 124A.3.  411 288B.2.  His Zab chos Zhi khro Dgongs pa Rang grol in 87 IV 1‑281.  He was eldest son of Grub chen Nyi zla sangs rgyas from Sgam po.  Bio. in Cuevas, Hidden History 93, with discussion of the undecidable date of his birth.



KARMA DGE LEGS RAB BRTAN — Evid. n. of a son of the Sa thang King, his name appears on an inscribed conch illus. in Precious Deposits III 231.

KARMA'I DGON PA — Built by Dus gsum mkhyen pa in 1186.  Dhongthog 120.  471 121.2.  A manuscript history of its abbots penned by Karma ratna: 'Og min Karma'i Gdan rabs Lo rgyus Khu byug Gzhon nu'i Mgrin glu, photocopied from library of Tashi Tsering (McLeod Ganj).  Its library was said to be the 3rd largest in Tibet.  Jackson, Patron 3.  Roberto Vitali in Rome in 2014 gave a paper "Karma'i dgon in Khams Zla smad: Its Foundation and Early Phases."

KARMA DGON GSAR — F. in 1503.  See Dung dkar 26.  Aka Thub bstan chos 'khor.

Dpal yul Mchog sprul KARMA 'GYUR MED — 383 472.1.

KARMA 'GRO DON MTHAR PHYIN — See Dri med gling pa. 

Khams KARMA'I RGE RU — See under Rge ru.

KARMA RGYAL MTSHAN — Head Lama of Sham tr'ak Mon. in Nepal.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 170.

Skyo brag KARMA RGYAL MTSHAN — Met Zhwa nag ix (1556‑1603).  Met Zhig po gling pa (1524‑1583).  Died at age 78.  Bio. 467 II 220.1.










Ri pa Karma Bag yod vii KARMA SGRUB BRGYUD 'PHRIN LAS RAB RGYAS — (1876‑1942)  His works have been published in 1994, in 1063 pp.



KARMA NGAG DBANG GRAGS PA MCHOG GRUB — (d. 1923)  346 104.6.



Li thang Spang phug Bla ma KARMA NGES DON — (circa 1839)  471 141.4.



Sman Sdong Mtshams pa Rin po che KARMA NGES DON BSTAN RGYAS — Coll. works in 3 vols., publ. in 1975.  Cited by Kapstein in Soundings 371.  A biography and list of works has appeared in 'Bo dkar Sprul sku, Dpal ldan Bla ma'i Mdzad rnam Rags bsdus Mos ldan Yid kyi Sgron me zhes bya ba dang Gsung 'bum dkar chag bcas, Zhang zhung Rig gnas, inaugural issue (n.d.) 58‑61.  Here the full name is given as Stod Sman sdong Dgon gyi Mtshams pa Rin po che 7Karma nges don bstan rgyas smra ba'i seng ge dpal bzang po'i sde.

Zla bzang Sprul sku i KARMA NGES DON BSTAN PA RAB RGYAS — (1808‑1864)  Work in  239 XVII.  See Nges don bstan pa rab rgyas.










Si tu Dbon KARMA NGES LEGS BSTAN 'DZIN — (b. 1770)  Aka Karma nges don bstan 'dzin 'phrin las rab rgyas  Author of astro. work in 105 q.v., which has been dated to 1732 (1792?); see Dung dkar 27.  Med. work, see DD 717. (See also, Smith, Washington Catalog [reel A3‑8].)  Sobisch, Dissert. chap. 12, has dealt with a few notes on his biography.  His early teachers were Karma pa Bdud 'dul rdo rje (1733‑1797), Si tu Paṇ chen Chos kyi 'byung gnas (1699/1700‑1774) and Kaḥ thog Rig 'dzin.  His disciples included Rdo rje grags pa, Rta mgrin mgon po and 'Tsho byed Tshul khrims 'od gsal.  Sobisch makes use of his unpublished work on the Three Vows:  Sdom gsum Rnam par Bstan pa Nyer mkho'i Bum bzang zhes bya ba Rang 'dra'i Rgyud la 'Tshams par 'Khril ba'i Bstan bcos.  Aka Karma rin chen nges don bstan 'dzin, Karma nges legs.  Bio. told in Dung dkar 26‑27, 41.  His birth is given as 1732 by Ehrhard in Lungta XIII (2000) 29.

Gnas mdo ba KARMA CHAGS MED — (17th cent.)  Alias Rā ga a sya (a somehow Sanskritic form of his name with which he often signed his works).  He is known for incorporating folklore and folk belief into Khams pa Buddhism.  42 7.  Rnying ma/Karma pa.  Bio. in 35 II 344‑347.  Gcod works in 36 IX; 233 273 ff.  Works in 6 vols. publ. in 1974.  He was a gter ston.  He tells his own literary history in 331 619‑39.  Disc. of Zhwa nag ix and Zhwa dmar vi.  12 IX 84.3 ff.  His chief residence was Gnas mdo.  See also Gnas mdo Bka' brgyud.  Lived in 10th rab byung.  383 220.6.  BD of T&TB IV 245.  410 211a.6.  His Rin chen Brtag Thabs, see DD 717.  Acc. to TS7 II 894, he lived from 1613 to 1678.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1819: Ra ga a shye'i Rnam thar.  See Cuevas, Hidden History 153‑157.  His collected works have now been published in 60 vols.  Tables of contents have been published for these 60 vols. in a work entitled Rgyal ba Gnas mdo pa'i Bla brgyud dang Dam pa'i Chos kyi Byung ba Mdor bsdus Dwangs shel Me long (ca. 2011?), found together with the 60 volumes themselves in the collection of Josayma Tashi Tsering of the Amye Machen Institute.


1. Zab mdo'i zin bris (1970).

2. Gnam chos Thugs kyi Gter kha Snyan brgyud Zab mo'i Skor las Bde chen Zhing gi Sgrub thabs 'Don cha (1970).

3. Rnam dag Bde chen Zhing gi Smon lam (1970)

4. Collected Works in 6 volumes (1973‑4).

Sprul sku KARMA CHOS SKYONG — Karma pa.  35 II 348.

Ma pham KARMA CHOS GRAGS RGYA MTSHO —  =(Zhwa nag vii) Chos grags rgya mtsho.


KARMA CHOS RGYAL — Author of Gso rig Man ngag Gces Btus Rin chen Gter Mdzod, publ. 1975.

Mkhan rabs x Dbon Go shri KARMA CHOS RGYAL — Abbot of Yangs pa can.  Bio. in 35 I 628.  Dbon Gu shri.  Jackson, Patron 102.

KARMA CHOS 'PHEL — See Mkhyen brtse klong grol.




Mkhan rabs xii Chos rgyal Pho brang pa KARMA 'JIGS MED — Abbot of Yangs pa can.  Bio. in 35 I 628‑629.  Author of bio. of Dbang phyug rdo rje listed in BLP no. 1542.


Mkhan rabs XV KARMA NYI MA — Abbot of Yangs pa can.  Bio. in 35 I 630.

Hor KARMA NYI 'OD — (ca. 1839)  471 141.2.



KARMA SNYING THIG — Text revealed to Zhwa nag iii.  87 vol. 86.  Dung dkar 27.

KARMA BSTAN SKYONG — Of Gnyags family.  Took Gshis ka rtse in 1565 and supported the "Red sects."  Ferrari 144.  Sde pa Gtsang pa ruled in Gshis ka rtse from 1620 to 1642 when he was killed by soldiers of Gushri Khan.  Ferrari (ref. above) was confusing him with (Zhing bshag) Karma tshe brtan q.v.  Wylie 138, no. 209.  TPS 39‑66.  Aka Karma bstan skyong dbang po,  he was the king of Gtsang from 1621 to 1642.  210 123.1.  He composed the Khrims yig Zhal lce Bcu gsum (listed in BLP no. 0223) and the Khrims yig Zhal lce Bcu drug (no. 0225).  His bio. by Sangs rgyas rdo rje listed in BLP no. 1663. Thuken 379.

Sde pa KARMA BSTAN DRUNG — See Rdzong rtse Byams pa thub bstan's history of Bsam 'grub rtse, p. 12.

KARMA BSTAN PA'I NYIN BYED — Autobio. listed in BLP no. 0016.

KARMA BSTAN PA'I NYIN BYED GTSUG LAG CHOS KYI SNANG BA — Alias of (Si tu) Chos kyi 'byung gnas.

KARMA BSTAN PA MTHA' RGYAS — N. of Tshe dbang nor bu.  383 455.6.

KARMA BSTAN 'PHEL — The first Khams sprul Rin po che.  Schwieger in Kailash 18 (1996) 86 ff.

Bla ma KARMA BSTAN 'DZIN — (late 18th cent.?)  Came to Zangs dkar from Sde dge where he had been a disc. of Zhwa nag xiii (1733‑1797).  171 preface.  Bio. w/ coll. songs & instructions.  171 225‑299.

'Brang sprul KARMA BSTAN 'DZIN — 346 97.4.

Tre ho Sprul sku iii KARMA BSTAN 'DZIN DAR RGYAS — (1653‑1730/1).  =Tre ho Zhabs drung iii.  Bio. in 35 II 638‑664.  Jackson, Patron 32.

KARMA BSTAN 'DZIN 'PHRIN LAS — Bio. in 410 218B.2.

KARMA BSTAN 'DZIN PHRIN LAS RNAM RGYAL DPAL BZANG PO — (b. 1932)  Tenga Rinpoche.  Jackson, Patron 138.

Dpal spungs Dbon KARMA BSTAN 'DZIN 'PHRIN LAS RAB RGYAS — Med. works, see DD 717.


Gru tsha Sprul sku KARMA BSTAN 'DZIN RAB RGYAS — 346 97.1 ff.

Mkhan rabs XX Go shri KARMA BSTAN SRUNG — Abbot of Yangs pa can.  Bio. in 35 I 632.

KARMA BSTAN SRUNG DBANG PO — King of Gtsang who reigned until 1611.  See Dung dkar 29.

Tshab tsha Mkhan po KARMA THUB BSTAN — 346 149.6.



Dbon Rgan KARMA THEG MCHOG BSTAN 'PHEL — (d. 1842)  Participated in the ordination of Kong sprul.  23 55.

Mkhan rabs XVI KARMA THOS PA RGYA MTSHO — Abbot of Yangs pa can.  35 I 630‑631.

KARMA MTHA' YAS — A disc. of Karma nges legs bstan 'dzin.  Sobisch, Dissert. chap. 12.

KARMA MTHU STOBS RNAM RGYAL — Bio. note in Dung dkar 29.  Dates given as 1543‑1589 in  Cuevas, Hidden History 124.

Mkhan rabs xxiv Go shri KARMA DON GRUB SNYING PO — (1664‑?)  Bio. 35 I 633‑634.


KARMA DRAG PO — "Dbu ru byang phyogs su skyes pa'i Rlangs rigs kyi Sngags ban."  Author in colophon found in 87 XXVI 621.3.

KARMA GDAN SA — Mon. f. in 1147.  16 33.

KARMA BDUD RTSI — Image in Rhies & Thurman 253.  Portrait bronze pictured in Oriental Art 46 no 2 (2000) 22.

Sga Lo tsā ba KARMA BDUD RTSI — 378 II contents page.




Mkhan rabs xxii KARMA BDE MCHOG — Abbot of Yangs pa can.  Bio. in 35 I 632.

Mkhan po KARMA BDE LEGS PA — (recent)  348 211.6.





KARMA RDO RJE — David‑Neel, Magic & Mystery 184.

KARMA RDO RJE — "Dpon bla'i gdung sras."  Nomads 31.

KARMA RDO RJE — A contemporary 'Brug pa lama.  CFMS 13.

Khu nu Bya bral KARMA RDO RJE — 129 V 341.3.

Grub thob KARMA NOR BU — Teacher of Kong sprul.  470 8.

Mkhan rabs XVII KARMA GNAS BRTAN — Abbot of Yangs pa can.  Bio. in 35 I 631.

Mkhan rabs xviii Ding ri ba KARMA RNAM GROL MCHOG GI SDE — Abbot of Yangs pa can.  35 I 632‑633.

KARMA RNAM RGYAL — Student of Mchog gyur gling pa, author of 233 416‑420.

KARMA PA — See Karma Bka' brgyud, OR Kaṃ tshang, OR Zhwa nag & Zhwa dmar & Si tu & Dpa' bo incarnates who may all be called "Karma pa," even though "the Karmapa" has come to mean the Zhwa nag only.  F. by Dus gsum mkhyen pa (q.v.).  TPS 91.  BA 473 ff. Waddell 66‑67.  The seal of the Karma pa is illus. in Precious Deposits III 197‑9.

KARMA PA NO MON HAN — Someone by this name was apparently a near‑convert of the Capuchins in Lhasa in early 18th century.  See Engelhardt, Between 70.

Zhwa nag ii KARMA PAG SHI — (1204‑1283, 1206‑1282?)  His birth n. was Chos 'dzin.  Ordination n., Chos kyi bla ma.  One of his nicknames is explained by the fact that he wore 'sideburns'.  Bio. by Zhwa dmar ii in 121 II 1‑87.  Autobio. works in 170 1‑136.  Bio. 35 I 75‑159.  57 II B 360.4.  Huth 136‑7.  BA 485 ff.  TPS 682.  Ferrari 169.  17 II 533.1 ff.  Beyer 418‑419.

KARMA PAKSHI — Biographical sources, see TS5 748.  Kuijp in CAJ (1995) 280, dates him to 1204/06‑1283.  Portrait sculpture in Weldon & Singer, Sculptural Heritage 166‑167.  Depiction in Essen & Tingo, Die Götter des Himalayas 113 and especially 145. Dung dkar 30‑31.

KARMA DPAL — (16th cent.)  Mongol in Tibet.  TS5 741, 745.

KARMA PHUG — 116 309.3.

KARMA PHUN TSHOGS — Medicine teacher of Kong sprul.  23 29;  471 104.5.

Mkhan rabs V Chos rje KARMA PHUN TSHOGS — 5th abbot of Yangs pa can.  Bio. in 35 I 625‑626.

KARMA PHUN TSHOGS RNAM RGYAL — King of Gtsang, reigned from 1611 to 1621.  Patron of Yol mo ba iii.  Has title of Sde srid Gtsang pa, or Gtsang Rgyal po.  373 preface.  Schwieger in Kailash 18 (1996) 102.  Called Karma phun tshogs phyogs las rnam rgyal in Dung dkar 40, where his dates are given as 1550‑1620 (he died of smallpox or epileptic fit).

KARMA PHRIN LAS — Bio. by Karma mi bskyod bzang po listed in BLP no. 0017.

KARMA 'PHRIN LAS — (1456‑1539)  Work on Vinaya vows publ. in 1977.  He is known by the names Karma 'phrin las phyogs las rnam rgyal, Dpal sgang Lo tsā ba, and Karma 'phrin las ii.  Bio. in Dung dkar 40‑41 (with a list of his more famous works, as well as ref. to a manuscript biography in 20 fols.).  Smith, Philology appendix II, gives his name as Dpal khang Chos mdzad Lo tsā ba Karma phrin las, and his literary name as Ngag dbang chos kyi rgya mtsho dbyangs can snyems pa'i sde; says he was a student of the Zhwa nag Karma pa Mi bskyod rdo rje.  Apparently he is depicted as a teacher of the Zhwa dmar v in Jackson, Patron 207.

KARMA 'PHRIN LAS — (modern)  Aziz 19.

KARMA 'PHRIN LAS RIN PO CHE — (b. 1975)  B. Ananda Massaubre, son of a French politician. Sometimes also known as Ananda Trinlay Massaubre.  He was recognized by the late Karmapa as the 5th incarnation of the Karma 'phrin las pa.

KARMA 'PHRIN LAS II —  =(Dpal ston Lo tshā) Ngag dbang chos kyi rgyal po, q.v.

Mkhan rabs XIX KARMA PHRIN LAS iii — (1631‑1700?)  Abbot of Yangs pa can.  35 I 631‑632.

KARMA 'PHRIN LAS iv — B. in E Tibet, trained in the Bka' brgyud school. He was recognized as the 4th incarnation of the Karma 'phrin las by the late Karma pa.  He has been especially active in the Toronto area, and is building a new monastery close to Bodhanath in Nepal.  Author of H of SK of T.

Gcod Sprul KARMA PHRIN LAS DGE LEGS — 346 125.2.

KARMA 'PHRIN LAS PA — (1456‑1539)  Karma pa.  He was born in eastern Gtsang to the house of Dpal khang.  His paternal lineage was Dgyer.  He was paternal nephew of the 2nd abbot of Na lendra Mon., Bkra shis rnam rgyal (1399‑1458).  His songs and answers to inquiries publ. in 1975.  Sometimes his name is given as Karma 'phrin las pa Phyogs las rnam rgyal.  Bio. in 35 I 649‑654.  Full n. is Karma phrin las pa dpal phyogs thams cad las rnam par rgyal ba'i lha.  Sometimes called himself Dwags po Paṇ chen Gsum pa.  Kuijp in BIS I (1985) 96.  A brief resumé of his life and works appears near the end of a forthcoming paper by L. van der Kuijp on the authorship of the Blue Annals (in the colophon to the latter, his name is given as Shar Dwags po pa Dpal phyogs thams cad las rnam par rgyal ba'i lha; one of his other aliases being Dwags po Paṇ chen iii).


'Dzi sgar viii KARMA 'PHRIN LAS SHING RTA NGES DON KUN KHYAB —  =(Rig 'dzin) Lha mchog rdo rje, q.v.

KARMA BADZRA — Karmavajra, in Tib., Las kyi rdo rje.  An Indian pundit invited to Tibet by Zangs dkar Gzhon nu tshul khrims in the early 11th century.

KARMA BAG YOD — See Ri pa Karma Bag yod.

KARMA BI DZA — Of the Smyos clan.  453 237.3.






KARMA BLO BZANG — Subject of a bio., title listed by Mathes in  JNRC 12 (2001) 186.  At least two versions are in NGMPP, reel nos. L966/2 and L1013/1.

A lags KARMA DBANG 'DZIN — A 'das log.  404.  For sources on this figure, see Epstein in TJ 7 no 4 (Wint 1982) 79.  See also St. Petersburg collection, no. B9217/6.

Ku sā li KARMA 'BYOR LDAN — Teacher of Gter bdag gling pa.  458 I 328.2.

KARMA MA LE — Tantra in 320 XVII 470 ff.  348 34.4.

KARMA MI BSKYOD BZANG PO — Author of bio. of Karma phrin las listed in BLP no. 0017.

KARMA MI 'GYUR RDO RJE — (fl. ca. 1650) Abbot of Zab bu lung & author of 210.  See Mi 'gyur rdo rje (?).  =Karma mi 'gyur dbang rgyal.

KARMA MI PHAM MGON PO — Answers to his questions in 226 IV 155‑320.

KARMA MI PHAM BSOD NAMS RAB BRTAN — (1587‑1646/7).  Took throne of 'Jang in 1597.

Se bon KARMA MU PHYO — 253 II 221.1. Se bon Skar ma mu cho.  ZZFC 237.

Dmar ril ba Grub thob KARMA BRTSON 'GRUS — 363 116.1.

Mkhan rabs viii Chos rje KARMA TSHUL KHRIMS — Abbot of Yangs pa can.  35 I 627.

Ri mgul Sprul ming KARMA TSHUL KHRIMS 'GYUR MED PHRIN LAS — (b. 1952)  Author of a book of Tibetan folk tales, Bod kyi gna' ba'i shod sgrung, publ. in Gangtok in 60 pp.  For bio. and photo, see Rigpawiki on internet, under "Ringu Tulku Rinpoche."  His book on the history of Ris med has been translated into English and published.

Mkhan rabs xiii KARMA TSHUL KHRIMS PHYI MA — (Phyi ma means 'the later')  Abbot of Yangs pa can.  Bio. in 35 I 629.

Ri pa KARMA TSHE MCHOG — (Ri pa means 'retreatant')  Teacher of Gter bdag gling pa.  458 I 328.2.

Zhing bshag KARMA TSHE BRTAN — In 1565 he conquered the manor (Gzhis ka) of Bsam grub rtse, taking over the rule of Gtsang province from the Phag mo gru dynasty.  Wylie 138, n. 209. 

Ras chung Bla ma KARMA TSHE DPAL — (d. ca. 1928)  Wrote commentary on Spyod 'jug42 11.

Rje KARMA TSHE DBANG — (1887‑1957)  Rnying ma pa.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 555.

KARMA TSHE DBANG KUN KHYAB — Evid. the same as 'Be lo Tshe dbang kun khyab, he is given as editor of a collection of Sa skya biographies in BLP no. 1979.

KARMA TSHE DBANG KUN KHYAB NGES DON BSTAN 'PHEL — Full n. of (Be lo) Tshe dbang kun khyab, q.v.

Chags med Sprul sku V KARMA TSHE DBANG KUN DGA' RGYAL MTSHAN — Work in 239 XI.  Prob. the Chags med mentioned in BD of T&TB VII 271.

Mdo khams smad Spom rags KARMA TSHE DBANG DPAL 'BAR — (first half of 19th cent.)  Works in 378 II.

Sngags rams pa KARMA TSHOGS GNYIS — (ca. 1668)  458 I 101.6.

Zur mang Mkhan po KARMA TSHOGS GNYIS RGYA MTSHO — Author of Grub dbang Bde chen rdo rje'i Rnam thar Bsam gyis Mi Khyab pa las Sa bon Tsam Spel ba Zhing khams Rgya mtsho'i Rgyan,  the bio. of (Dpal me) Mkhyen brtse kun bzang 'gro 'dul, publ. in 1974.  341.  He wrote this in 1945‑1948.  He was a wellknown abbot of Zur mang Mon.  Alias: Mtsho byung dgyes pa'i blo gros sgra dbyangs rgya mtsho'i zla ba.

KARMA GZHAN PHAN 'OD ZER — Successor of (Mchog gzigs) Karma lhag mthong in the Jo nang pa lugs (q.v.), no. 29.

KARMA ZLA GRAGS — (modern)  415 XI 81.5.

KARMA BZANG PO — 210 121.6.

KARMA BZOD PA RAB BRTAN DPAL BZANG PO —  =Bkra shis 'od zer (1836‑1910), q.v.

Khyung po Dge bshes KARMA 'OD ZER — 346 49.3.


Skyo brag KARMA YE SHES — Met Zhwa nag ix (1556‑1603).  Bio. in 467 II 222 ff.

Ldan KARMA YE SHES — 365 434.2.

KAR MA YO LDE — Lde'u2 101.



Hor dpon KARMA G.YUL RGYAL — TS5 749.

KARMA RANG BYUNG KUN KHYAB 'PHRIN LAS — Called "Khenpo Kalu."  Author of Gling Ge sar Skyes bu'i Rnam thar las Dbus 'Chi bdag Cham la Phab pa'i Blo rgyus (sic!) in 2 vols. (1975). 

'Og min KARMA RATNA — Evid. a pl.n. (? But see following entry.)  239 IV contents page.

Mkhan po KARMA RATNA — (recent)  Author of texts in 239 XXX 69‑73, 419‑422, 427‑443, 507‑14.  Author of works (in 1893) in 239 viii.  Prob. =Karma rin chen.  Author of a history of Karma Mon.

'O phug KARMA RAB RGYAS — Author of Mkhas pa'i Rgyan, a grammatical work.  Das 183.

Mkhan rabs XXI KARMA RAB 'BYOR — Abbot of Yangs pa can.  Bio. in 35 I 632.

KARMA RI GLING — One of the chief headquarters (gdan sa) of the Karma pa school.  46 59.  12 IX 85.3.

KARMA RIG 'DZIN — 210 122.6.

Che tshang vi KARMA RIG 'DZIN — Teacher of Tshe dbang nor bu.  384 III contents.

KARMA RIG 'DZIN RNAM PAR RGYAL BA — Alias of (Rtse le) Sna tshogs rang grol, q.v.

KARMA RIN CHEN — ?  Reconstructed from Jialinzhen.  Kuijp in TH&L 306.

Dbon sprul KARMA RIN CHEN — Jackson, Patron 221.  I think this must be the nephew of Si tu; see just below.

Sa tham Lha btsun KARMA RIN CHEN — Karma pa.  Bio. in 35 II 348.  Disc. of Zhwa nag x.  An artist.  23 40.  His very remarkable silver portrait of the Karma pa ix, made in 1601, is illustrated in Heller, Tibetan Art 188, as well as in P. Pal et al., Tibet: Tradition & Change, The Albuquerque Museum (Albuquerque 1998) 64‑65 (plate 32), where it is said to have been made in 1598 at order of king Bkra shis phun tshogs. For more about him, see Yamada, Mu 124, which says he was the youngest son of the Dharma King Bsod nams rab brtan.

KARMA RIN CHEN NGES DON BSTAN 'DZIN — A skilled astrologer, nephew of Si tu Chos kyi 'byung gnas.  Named Karma nges legs.  Dung dkar 41.  Composed astro. work in 1732.

Mkhan po KARMA RIN CHEN DAR RGYAS — Work in 239 IV, X.  Work (from 1870) in 239 VII.  Work (from 1875) in 239 VIII.  Probably same as Karma ratna.

KARMA RIN CHEN 'PHRIN LAS RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of the short work in 137 571‑580.

Phur pa KARMA LAS KYI RGYUD — Tantra in 320 XXVII 351 ff.

KARMA LI SHI'I MCHOD RTEN — A chorten in Lanzhou.  Some believe Karma Pakshi's remains are there.  Thuken 373.

Ro snyoms Sprul sku vi KARMA LUNG RIGS ZLA BA — 346 101.2.



KARMA SHA TA KAM — Vinaya work discussed in Dung dkar 41.

KARMA SHAG — N. of a house in eastern Lhasa, named so because some of the Karma pas stayed there.  Is it the same as Karma shar, the protector temple?  See Alexander, Temples 183.


Mi nyag Gangs dkar KARMA BSHAD SGRUB CHOS KYI SENG GE — A famous Karma pa.  According to a Dagchen Rinpoche interview, this person was his main teacher of Bka' brgyud subjects.

KARMA BSHAD SGRUB BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN PHRIN LAS KUN KHYAB — 346 103.3.  This is the novice ordination name of Sangs rgyas mnyan pa IX.  See following.

Sangs rgyas mnyan pa IX KARMA BSHAD SGRUB BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — (1897‑1962)  See 419.  Bkra shis dpal 'byor, Sangs rgyas gnyan sprul Dgu pa'i Rnam thar Mdor bsdus Dad pa'i Sa bon, publ. in Gangtok, 44 pages in short format (LTWA KA 3/32/2079).  At his tulku recognition he was named Karma dge legs grub pa'i nyi ma phrin las 'od zer kun khyab.  His novice ordination n. was Karma bshad sgrub bstan pa'i nyi ma phrin las kun khyab.  His bodhisattva vow name was Rgyal sras 'jam dbyangs blo gros phrin las rab rgyas.


KARMA SANGS RGYAS CHOS 'PHEL —  =Karma sangs rgyas chos 'phel rgya mtsho.  Alias Padma dri med blo gros gzhan phan chos kyi snang ba, q.v.  Author of work (in 1866) in 239 XXX 215‑229, and also in vols. III and XXIII of the same.

KARMA SRI THAR — 420 I 66.5.

Dwags po Sgo pa Zhal ngo KARMA SRID BRAL —  =Sgo smyon.  A famous Karma pa artist, and attendant of the (Dwags po) Sgo pa.  35 II 65.  23 40, 51.

KARMA GSANG SNGAGS RNAL 'BYOR — 210 122.5.  458 I 327.5.

KARMA GSAL BYED — Karma gsal byed Rnam thar Dad pa'i Gsal 'debs, title listed in BLP no. no. 0020.

KARMA BSAM GRUB —  =Mi 'gyur rdo rje drag po nus ldan rtsal, q.v.

'Bri gung 'Pho lung pa KARMA BSAM GRUB — Of Bar khams.  Cuevas, Hidden History 185.

Lho brag Lha lung Mkhan po KARMA BSAM 'GRUB — Author of med. work mentioned in DD 716.

Zur Bla ma KARMA BSAM GTAN — 346 150.1.  =(Gling khog pa) Kar bsam.  363 125.3.

Dam pa KARMA BSOD NAMS RNAM RGYAL — (fl. 1767)  Jackson, Patron 16.

KARMA BSLAB GSUM RGYA MTSHO — Ordination n. of Tre ho II Dpag bsam dbang po.

Mkhan po KARMA LHA — Work in 239 VIII.


Mchog gzigs KARMA LHAG MTHONG — Successor of (Grub mchog) Bka' brgyud bstan 'dzin in the Jo nang pa lugs (q.v.), no. 28.

Khyung po Rgyal ston Rin po che KARMA O RGYAN 'JIGS MED CHOS KYI SENG GE — (1908‑1970)  Aka Bla ma Gsal stong Shwa sgom (i.e., Sho sgom, Shor sgom).  A Bka' brgyud teacher originally from Khams who stayed at the Palace Monastery in Sikkim, sent there by the Karmapa.  A substantial biographical sketch, with a photo, may be found under "Gyaltön Rinpoche" at the Rigpawiki on the internet. More still in a book on Tibetan Lamas of Sikkim written in Tibetan by Tshul khrims rgya mtsho.

KAR MO DGON — 363 120.4.

KAR TSA — See (— —) Bsod nams blo gros.

KAR SHOD — In Khams.  23 45‑46.  See Dkar shod?

KAR SHOD GONG DGON — Vai.Ser. 261.

KAR SRAS KONG SPRUL — See (— — — —) 'Jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse'i 'od zer.

KAR SRID PA — An important family in Kong po.  See discussion in Dung dkar 45.

KAL RGYUD — Branch of 'Gos family.  73 415.2 ff.

KAS DKAR — Evid., =Kashgar.  Probably it is the principle town of what is called Shu lig in Tibetan sources.  See 82 91.

Dur khrod Chen po KI KA'I TSHAL — Cemetery visited by Ḍing gi pa.  It was here that Ti lo pa met him...  Must be equivalent to Kī li kī lir Sgra sgrog, q.v.  24 I 51.6.

KI KA RI PA — See Kaṃ ka ri pa.

KI KANG ROG TI — In title found in 320 XXXIII 249.

KI MA — ?  See Rdo rje ki ma.

KI 'ANG SI —  =Ko'ang shis.  Translator in time of Qianlong Emperor.  Dung dkar 51‑52.

KI'U LANG — Kancheng (see Kham sheng / Kam sheng) in Ch.  See Rong in JAH 49 (2015) 169.

KI YA HA SHANG — See Kim Hwa shang.

KI YO'U MIN — Ch. Jiaomen, 'explanatory/exegetical lineage'.  Thuken 366.

KI RA TA — Kirāta.  A people in Nepal.  See Das 160, under Khyi ra pa.

KI RA BA LA — Mahāsiddha.  See Kir ba la.  BD of T&TB I 746‑747.

KI RI LI — Pl. visited by Ti lo pa.  See Ko ri li.  116 44.5.  234 I B 23.5.

KI LA PA — See Ki li ki la.

KĪ LA YA — Picture in 128 1120.  Another picture in 320 XXIX 2.

Bla ma Drag po KĪ LA YA — A bsnyen thabs (retreat method) by Padma dkar po commented on in 452 341‑399.

KI LI KI LI — Mahāsiddha.  Also, Ki la pa.  Tib.: Ku co can, 'Noisey'.  =Ka la ka ba.  Bio. in 120 166‑168.  BD of T&TB I 738‑739.

KĪ LI KĪ LIR SGRA SGROG — One of the 'eight great cemeteries'.  Das 630.

Rgyal po KI LI BYI — 472 130.1.

KI LUNG — A monastery f. by 'Jigs med ngo mtshar, a disciple of 'Jigs med gling pa, in Rdza chu kha.  The full name seems to be Kiḥ lung dgon 'Og min rig 'dzin 'phel rgyas gling.

KING NAN — Jiangnan, a place in southern China important in the account of the introduction of Buddhism to China.  Thuken 355, 362.

KING ṢHI TSUN CE — Venerable One of Jingqi (711‑782).  Thuken 362.

KIM HWA SHANG — Sba Sang shi ta met this probably Korean monk in China (identified as the 3rd prince of Korea [680‑756] by Kawaguchi).  See Jampa Samten Shastri, Origins of the Tibetan Canon 763.  Khangkar also wrote a chapter about him in his history of the Snga dar.  See Dung dkar 53, aka Ki ya Hā shang, Nyi ma Hā shang.  In Ch. called Jin Heshang.  Kapstein, Assimilation 71 ff.

KIM HUN — Kim hun Shen shi, Kim hu.  Kapstein, Assimilation 72.

KIṢMI RA — Kashmir.  17 II 250.6.

KING KANG GNYIS — From Chinese "Kin Kang" for 'Vajra'.  N. of a Ḍākinī whose image was on middle floor of the principle building of Bsam yas.  KTDN B XI 51B.4.  But, see Das (and above) under Kang dang King.  Laufer, Loan Words 524.

KING KA RA — Skt. for 'robber' (and still other meanings).  Dung dkar 45.

KING CAN HUR — Also, Kun cang hur, Kun cang hu, Kin cang, King cang.  Names for Chang‑an (Khrang an).  Dung dkar 45.  Apparently Chang-an is the Rgya yul Gying byang hur mentioned in HS XXXVI 400.2.

KIN BYANG HU — Chin ch'eng fu.  BA 54.

KIRTI — See (— —) Blo bzang 'phrin las.

Bi dza ya KĪ RTI — Khotanese king.  Emmerick.

KIRTI DGON — History told in Dung dkar 50.  It was founded by the Kirti Sprul sku V in 1748, when it was named Rnam rgyal bde chen gling. 

KIRTI PAṆḌI TA — A pundit of about early 13th cent., listed with no further info. given in Mtshan tho no. 120.

KIRTI SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Blo bzang bstan 'dzin 'jigs med ye shes rgya mtsho (b. 1942).  Biographies in BLP nos. 0021‑0024.  Author of bio. of Dge 'dun chos 'phel listed in BLP no. 0449.  Incarnates listed in Dung dkar 45‑51:

1. Dge 'dun rgyal mtshan (1374‑1450).

2. Bstan pa rin chen (1474‑1558).

3. Bstan pa rab rgyas (1564‑1643).

4. Blo bzang 'jam dbyangs (1656‑1708).

5. Blo bzang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan (1712‑1771).

6. Dge 'dun chos kyi dbang phyug (1773‑1796).

7. Kun dga' chos 'phags thub bstan nyi ma (1797‑1748).

8. Blo bzang 'phrin las bstan pa rgya mtsho (1850‑1905).

9. Bskal bzang blo gros kun dga' lung rtogs rgya mtsho (1905‑1919).

10. Ngag dbang blo bzang bstan pa tshe ring (1919‑1939).

11. Blo bzang bstan 'dzin 'jigs med ye shes rgya mtsho (1942‑present).

KĪ RTI PHA LA — Newari artist.  17 IV 146.2.

KIRTI BA DZRA — Author of a ms. entitled Jo bo Yab sras Sprod pa'i Skyes bu'i Bstan rtsis (or, Jo bo Yab sras las 'Phros pa'i Skyes bu Dam pa 'Ga' zhig gi Byon pa'i Tshul Bstan rtsis, manuscript cited by Vitali in his Tho ling book.  Vitali dates him to the 15th cent.  Perhaps the Tibetan name Grags pa rdo rje is hidden here?

KIR RNA — See (— —) Gzhon nu 'byung ldan.

KIR BA LA — Mahāsiddha.  Also, Kir pā la pa.  Tib.: G.yengs byed zhabs, or Sna tshogs sngags pa.  Bio. 120 174‑176.  A king who plundered neighboring kingdoms, but once felt remorse when, on one expedition, he heard the laments of the women who had been abandoned by their husbands on the approach of his army.  He decided to practice religion.  A yogi came who instructed him in the Four Immeasurables and initiated him into Cakrasamvara.  =Ki ra ba la in BD of T&TB I 746.

KIR MI RI — Derge vol. 77, p. 276.1.

Sa bdag KU KU — Vai.Kar. II 307.

Lce KU KU RA TSA — Translator in colophons in 320 XXIII 323.1, XXIV 328.4, XXVII 256.5.

KU KU RA DZA — 132 48.1, 55.2 ff, 81.3 ff.  Also called Khyi yi Rgyal po Snga ma (The Earlier Dog King).  Picture in 320 VII 583.  Teacher of Rgyal po Dza.  BD of T&TB I 157, 257‑262, 952, 954.  Also called Ku tā ra dza.  Kværne, Mongols 101.  Secret name: Rdo rje bde mchog rtsal.  413 59.3, 61.5.  Pundit in W India.  413 97.2.  See Dung dkar.

KU KU RA DZA BAR MA — 'The Middle Kukurāja'.  Son of King Be ta.  413 146.6.

KU KU RA DZA PHYI MA — 'The Later Kukurāja'.  BD of T&TB I 256.  413 149.3.

KU KU RI PA — Mahāsiddha.  Pictured with dogs in 128 25A.  Hoffmann, Religions 149.  5 60.3.  Revealed the Mahāmāyā Tantra.  211 43.2.  Tib.: Khyi mo can zhabs.  242 III 267.1.  Bio. in 120 98.15‑100.11, 161.13.  Thangka illustrated in Christie's New York catalogue (March 2000), no. 141.

KU CO CAN — See Ki li ki li.

KU COR — Clan name.  Kuijp in TH&L 298.

KU COR — Pl. in Tibet.  Das 17.

KU COR RTOGS LDAN — 17 IV 449.4.  Author of bio. of Tsong kha pa listed in BLP no. 0912.

KU COR RTOGS LDAN — See (— — — —) Sangs rgyas dpal bzang.

Rig 'dzin KUNYDZA RA — 413 137.3.

KU ṬA'I GRONG — Kuṭigrāma.  Li, NBA.

KU TĀ RA DZA — N. of (Rgyal po) Ku ku ra dza.  BD of T&TB I 257.

Mtsho KU TRA — In O rgyan.  132 41.4, 110.6.

KU THANG — Ku thang gi Phug pa.  4 39A.1.  Ku thang gi Sngags pa.  4 41B.2, 44A.3.  Ku thang gi Brag skya Rdo rje rdzong.  4 102A.3, 106B.6.  See Sku thang.  TS7 I 146, etc.

KU THANG SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Ting 'dzin dbang thob.

KU NA — N. of a king.  Emmerick.

Btsun pa KU NA LA — BD of T&TB I 1000. TPS 496.  Son of Aśoka.  Dung dkar 54.

KU NE RA DZA — Kværne, Mongols 102.

KU PA JA — BA 369.

KU PA TSA — Mahāsiddha.  Pictured in 128 57A.

KU SPYI SER BZHI — Karmay, Confucius 576.  Stein in McKay, History of Tibet I 563.

KU BA TSHAL — In India near Kha sar pa ṇi.  17 II 395.1.

KU BA DZA — Forest near Bodhgaya.  413 397.4.

Rdzu 'phrul gyi Lha KU BYI MANG SKE —  =Ku bya mang ke.  There are other possible spellings, and one should note the similarity of Khu byung ma skye.  One of the Mgon po rnam gsum (the three Lords, protectors) of Mt. Ti se.  Tucci, Religions 220, 243.  283 preface.  Karmay, Confucius 576.  485 II 14.6.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 298 etc.

Slob dpon KU MA TI — BD of T&TB I 305. 

Kha che'i Yul  KU MA NA — 413 73.6.

KU MA RA — Mahāsiddha.  Pictured in 128 42.

KU MA RA — A pundit listed, without further info., in Mtshan tho no. 107.

Rig 'dzin KU MĀ RA — 17 IV 475.5.  =Ku ma ra tsa.  17 492.5.  Teacher of Klong chen pa.  Bio. by 'Jigs med gling pa listed in BLP no. 1850.  Teacher of Me long rdo rje (1243‑1303).

KU MĀ RĀ KṢE TRA — City in O ḍi bi sha.  BD of T&TB I 403.

Ra sangs KU MA RA TSA — 248 15.6.

KU MA RA DZA — See Gzhon nu rgyal po.

Rig 'dzin KU MA RĀ DZA — 210 231.1.  See above.  Rig 'dzin Ku mā ra dza'i Rnam thar, by Bi ma[ la] mi tra, listed in BLP no. 1849.

Bram ze KU MA RA LI LA —  =Gzhon nu rol pa.  BD of T&TB I 453.

KU MA RA SHRĪ — (344‑412)  Indian translator in China.  488 466.2 ff.  His story told in Dung dkar 55.

G.yog mo KU MĀ RĪ CHU LEN — Perhaps not a proper name.  See 87 I 18.1.

KU MA RI PA — Tib.: Rdza mkhan, 'potter'.  See Kum bha ri pa.

Rgyal po KU MA SHA DU LA — 132 109.3.

Gu ru KU TSI PA — Mahāsiddha.  Tib.: Ku ba, or Skur po zhabs, or Ltag wa can ('goitered').  His guru was Klu sgrub who taught him to use the growth of his goiter as an aide in his sādhana.  BD of T&TB I 686‑687.


KU RA — See (— —) Dge 'dun seng ge.

KU RINGS SDE LNGA — Dung dkar 55.

KU RU — A region of north India, in Tibetan the name means sgra ngan and sgra mi snyan.  Dung dkar 55.

KU RU KU LLA — BA 869.  Beyer, index.  N. of a mt. BD of T&TB I 852.

KU RU KU LLA PA — Kurukullaka.  =Sa sgrags ris kyi sde. 

KU RU KULLE'I SGRUB THABS — 145 IV 55B.6 ff.  5‑diety, 349 XVI 144‑184.  374 I 554 ff.  Iconographical information in Dung dkar 55‑56.

KU RU KULLE PA — A splinter group in the early Buddhist community, so called because they stayed at Ku ru kulle'i Brag phug.  Dung dkar 56.

KU RU KULLE'I RI PHUG — 24 I 73.1, 75.3.

KU RU CHU — In Bhutan.  ISTS 20, n. 19.

KU RU BI HA RA — BA 1032.

KU RU LUNG — Pl.n.  BA 679.  (Mon) Ku ru lung, 5 200.1.

KU LA GANGS RI — N. of a mt. in Bhutan, where it is the highest, at 24,740 feet.  See Goldstein, Grammar 365.



KU LA HA RI — See under Phu la ha ri.

Paṇḍi ta KU LI SHA SHEṢTHA — BD of T&TB I 453.

KU LU — See (— —) Ma na li.

KU LU TA — In Apte, Sanskrit Dictionary, appendix III.  115 43.4.  Kulūta is valley of river Byas (Bias/Beas) in uppermost part.  Now called Kulu (in Kangra district).  The Kulinda people lived there.  Its capital, Nagarkot.  It has a famous pilgrimage place called Trailoknath by Hindus.  Hsüan‑tsang passed through a "Kuluto."  (Hoffmann)  In the NW.  BD of T&TB X 11.14, 27.10 ff.  BD of T&TB I 872.  Called Sa 'og na spyod pa'i gnas.  See Dung dkar.  The people of its neighbor Mnga' ris consider it to be a part of Nyung rda'i Yul.

KU LUNG — BA 621.  Ku lung Btsan Bzhi.  KTDN 60.1.  377 53B.1.

KU LO — N. of a magician.  Beyer 320.

KU SHA — As a name for the Kushans, it occurs in the Mahārājakanikalekha.

KU SHA KA — Pl. in India.  87 I 89.3.

KU SHA NA — Dung dkar 57.

KU SHA'I TSHAL — In back of Bodhgaya.  BD of T&TB I 547.

KU SHA LA GU THUG RGYAL PO — Dung dkar 57‑58.

Blon po KU SHA LA NĀ THA — BD of T&TB I 446.





KU SA SMAN PA — Alchemical work in 87 XLVIII.  =(Khu tsha) Zla 'od (q.v.) acc. to 258 III preface and IV preface.  253  II 192.5 ff.  Kværne, Canon 39 (n. 116).  =Padma skyabs.  Blondeau 117 etc.  See Sku tsha Ston pa.

KU SA RA — Indian teacher invited by Srong btsan sgam po.  17 II 318.5.  BD of T&TB I 432.  Slob dpon Ku sa ra.  Mtshan tho no. 1.  MKB 437.

KU SA LA BHA DRA — In lineage contained in BD of T&TB I 248, 800‑804.  Studied Shaivite magic in Kamarupa which he then used against the Shaivites.  He reflected that this magic was only a mirage‑like projection and did nothing real.  Met Ḍom bi pa (the later) and Nag po spyod pa. 

KU SA LI —  =Ku su lu, etc.  Discussed in BBNP 470.

KU SA LI — ?  Pictured in 128 79A.

KU SA LI — Kuśalī.  =Ku su lu, Ku su li, etc.  See 27 120; BA 361.  See (— — —) Kun dga' snying po. 

Lhan skyes KU SA LI'I SKOR — 17 IV 327.4 ff.

KU SA LI CHUNG BA — See (— — — — —) Rin chen sde.

KU SA LI CHE BA — See (— — — — —) Rin chen bzang po.

KU SA LI PA BZANG PO — 210 48.2.  BD of T&TB I 444.


KU SU LU — Autobiography requested by Bya bral ba Dkon mchog bzang po in form of a long damaged manuscript listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 333 (no. 668).

KU SU LU CHE CHUNG — One (or 2?) of discs. of Nā ro pa.  17 II 285.2.

KU SE — See (— —) Padma dbang chen; (— —) Gser ljongs; (— —) Smugs sangs.

KU SE RDZONG — N. of a fort & also a district in Khams.  Das 20.

KU HRUNG — ? A n. for the wild ass, or rkyang.  253 520.6.

KU LHA PAL BZUNG — Mt.  396 preface.


KUNGS DGON PA — BA 483.  BD of T&TB VII 93‑94.

Gter ston O rgyan KUN SKYONG GLING PA — (1408‑1489).  B. at (Shangs) Lha bu'i bi ji.  BD of T&TB III 586.  Redisc. Bai ro Snying thig contained in 87 vol. 89.  208 I 226.6.  Died at age 82.  210 153.4.  Bio. in 210 139.5 ff.  217 425.7.  17 IV 496.2 ff.  383 220.1.  410 74B.2.  458 I 18.4 ff.  Kun skyong gling pa may be an alias of Rdo rje gling pa (see 413 373.6).  Rebirth of Rdo rje gling pa; died at age 49.  Excavated prophecy cited in DTK5 135.  Achard, L'Essence 96.  He composed a larger and smaller bio. of Gu ru Rin po che listed in BLP no. 0315.  Stearns, King 25, gives the dates 1396‑1477.

Kong po Rdzogs chen pa KUN SKYONG RNAM RGYAL — 217 503.4 ff.

KUN SKYOB GLING — Mon.  Das 21.  JTL&CT 57 n.  A palace.  Wylie 69, 138 n. 208.  3/4 of a mile NE of Shigatse.  Residence of Panchen Lama.

Khra legs KUN KHYAB NYI MA — 415 XI 100.3.

KUN MKHYEN — This title, meaning 'allknowing', is not applied to very many persons in Tibetan history.  Here are a few: 'Jam dpal bzang po, Chos 'od, Klong chen rab 'byams pa, Stag tshang Lo tsā ba, Bstan pa'i nyi ma, Padma dkar po.  The title is generally restricted to those scholars who have written on all the main religious and secular sciences.  Sometimes translated 'polymath'.

KUN MKHYEN DGON PA — See Mengele, dGe 66.

KUN MKHYEN BAR MA — A way of referring to 'Jam dbyangs bzhad pa II. Dung dkar 70.

Kha che KUN MKHYEN LHA — Tib. tr. of the name Sarvajñādeva.

KUN GYIS BKUR BA — Saṃmitīya.  One of 10 subschools of Sarvāstivadins.  Sometimes substitute for A banta ka pa.  Dung dkar 74.

Mnga' bdag Rgyal po KUN GRAGS LDE — In song by 'Jig rten mgon po.  476 I 380.5.

Zhig po KUN GROL — (12th cent.)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 122.

KUN GROL GRAGS PA — Often called Rig 'dzin.  (b. 1700)  Kværne no. 166.  Author of Bstan byung in Three Sources 197‑552.  Lam rim work in 250.  Bonpo alias of 'Ja' tshon snying po, according to 259 preface (actually, 'Ja' tshon snying po is one of the aliases of Kun grol grags pa, who shouldn't be confused with the earlier Nyingmapa Terton).  Work in 298 597‑8.  Kværne, Canon 20 (n. 11), 28 (n. 48).  His sixth incarnation now resides in India.  Bio. in 342 88 ff.  FM no. 530.00 (Brda'i Bstan bcos Legs par Bshad pa Rin po che'i Za ma tog Bkod pa) is his work, but seems to be based on the grammatical treatise of (Zhwa lu Mkhan po) Rin chen chos skyong bzang po (see B. Laufer, Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft der Tibeter Zamatog, Munich 1898; and Taube catalog no. 2676).  This woodblock printed work also has a woodcut picture of him on the verso of the title page.  His Gter ston Brgya rtsa is cited in 383 417.2 ff.  239 XXX 61.6.  Quite a few of his rediscoveries have been published:  1) Zhi Khro Dgongs pa Kun 'dus and Ma mo Rbod gtong (Dolanji 1979).  2) Rtsa Rlung Mkha' 'gro Gsang Mdzod Cha tshang dang Mgur ma Byang Khrid bcas kyi Gsung Pod (Dolanji 1974).  The TBMC possesses photocopies of his lengthy three part autobiographical work.  Work in 260 295‑319.  261 75‑104.

KUN GROL GRAGS PA — See (— — — — v) 'Chi med bdud 'dul gling pa.

KUN GROL NO MIN HAN — See (— — — — —) Chos grags rgya mtsho.

KUN GROL LAS 'PHRO GLING PA — His rediscoveries in 87 LXIII.

Rig 'dzin KUN GROL GSANG BA RTSAL — An alias of (Gter ston) Bde chen gling pa (q.v.), acc. to  259 preface.  Phur pa redisc. in 259 73‑106.

KUN DGA'  Disc. of Gautama Buddha.  See under Kun dga' bo.

'Gru zhig KUN DGA' — Bio. in 253 II 398.6 ff.

Jo sras KUN DGA' — Disciple of Gtsang pa Rgya ras pa.  He must have flourished in ca. 1184.  24 I 416.6.

Byang chub sems dpa' KUN DGA' — (1062‑1124)  =Byang sems Kun dga'.  Disc. of Pha dam pa Sangs rgyas, said to be chief of all his discs. because he received the chig brgyud (the one on one transmission of teachings).  BA 913 ff (esp. 920 ff.).  17 II 425.1.  12 IX 93.4.  415 I introduction, etc.  Dge ye's history agrees with these dates for him.

Thar rtse Zhabs drung KUN DGA' — Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 102.

KUN DGA' BKRA SHIS — Subj. of thangka in Rhies & Thurman 208 ff.  Also, of one illustrated in TPS 372.

Mkhan Rin po che KUN DGA' BKRA SHIS — In inscription in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 165.

Dge dgon Bla ma KUN DGA' BKRA SHIS — 346 106.1.

Chos rje KUN DGA' BKRA SHIS — (1349‑1425)  Kuijp in  Lungta 14 (2001) 66.  Aka Theg chen Chos rje, Theg chen Chos kyi rgyal po, Kun dga' bkra shis rgyal mtshan.  Kurtis Schaeffer makes use of a 20 fol. ms. from Cultural Palace of Nationalities, Beijing: Ta'i Ming Rgyal po Yab sras la Gdams pa.  Went to China in 1413.  Dhongthog 124.  Returned the next year with a title from the Ming Emperor to Sa skya'i Chos grwa Chen po.  BA 641.  Teacher of an abbot of Stag lung who lived 1359‑1424 A.D.  See E. Sperling's Dissertation.  Da ra kha che.  TS5 567.  Precious Deposits III 144.  David Jackson, Traces of Tāranātha and His Previous Lives, forthcoming paper.  Notice the title attributed to Theg chen Chos rje in Drepung Catalog 982.  Jackson, MB 106.  A story about him and the making of a vermillion Kanjur told by Sman lung Gu ru in LPNT VII 79.

Rje KUN DGA' BKRA SHIS — A Stag lung pa Lama supposedly living from 1536 to 1605, whose name is inscribed on a cave at Bkra shis do chen, at Gnam mtsho.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 212.  He was 16th abbot of Stag lung.

Ldong khams shis pa KUN DGA' BKRA SHIS — Kuijp in  Lungta 14 (2001) 68.

Hor gyi Rgyal po KUN DGA' BKRA SHIS — Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 119.

Grwa thang Mkhan chen KUN DGA' MKHYEN BRTSE PHUN TSHOGS — (1715‑)  A Sa skya pa.  His father was Dam chos bstan 'dzin.  Dhongthog 24.  Bio. in 383 560.3 ff.

Zhang ston KUN DGA' GRAGS — Belonged to the tradition called Mes lugs.  Disc. of Ye shes snying po.  BA 405.  57 II B 348.4.  17 II 467.4.

KUN DGA' GRAGS — Western Tibetan royalty.  DTK5 72.

KUN DGA' GRAGS — Translator active in 12th cent.  Kuijp in CAJ 37 (1993) 190.

Chos rje Ldan ma KUN DGA' GRAGS — 16th cent. 'Bri gung pa teacher who founded Sgang sngon Mon.  DTK5 189.

KUN DGA' GRAGS PA — F. of Phyi dbang (q.v.) Mon.  14 123.

Kong po Dkar chen KUN DGA' GRAGS PA — Mentioned in BD of T&TB III 525.  (Dkar po) Kun dga' grags pa in 210 127.3, 245.2, 251.1.  Tulku b. in Kong po.  116 328.5.  374 II 473.5.

Thugs sras KUN DGA' GRAGS PA — Disc. of Sprul sku Sna tshogs rang grol.

Rtsa ri Rdor 'dzin pa KUN DGA' GRAGS PA — A famous early 20th century astrologer from Rtsa ri who made charts for the rich and famous of his day.  A biography by Toni Huber is said to be in the works.

Bsam yas Dkar chen KUN DGA' GRAGS PA — Teacher of Kun bzang nyi zla (b. 1514).  DTK5 137.

Jo nang Rje btsun KUN DGA' GROL MCHOG — (1495 or 1507 to 1566)  Successor of (Rgya sgom) Legs pa rgyal mtshan in the Jo nang Lugs (q.v.), no. 15.  Also 12th of the predecessors of the Rje btsun Dam pa (q.v.).  His Bka' 'bum (works) were printed (see E. Gene Smith, "Banned Books in the Tibetan Speaking Lands").  17 III 593.3.  This may be the author of the comm. included in 141.  See 141 17.5.  217 596.6.  He had visions of Ni gu ma, beginning the Nye brgyud (near transmission) of the Shangs pa Bka' brgyud pa.  12 IX 90.6.  383 386.5 ff, 575.6 ff.  On his bio. of Glo bo Mkhan chen, see ISTS 137 n. 5.  His autobiographical work has been published in 1982 in 2 vols. (Tibet House, N. Delhi).  TS5 474.  His autobios., bios. (and his bio. of Sang gha bha dra) are listed in BLP nos. 0041‑0045.  His bio. of Atiśa listed in BLP no. 0796.  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 1253‑1255.  Bio. of Dpal ldan Bla ma 'Jam dpal dbyangs listed in BLP no. 1328.

Gnas rnying KUN DGA' DGE LEGS — Author of bio. of Tsong kha pa listed in BLP no. 0929.

Rmog lcog pa KUN DGA' DGE LEGS DPAL 'BAR — Successor of 'Brug chen vii in the Jo nang pa lugs (q.v.), no. 25.

KUN DGA' RGYA MTSHO — 463 I 16.5.

KUN DGA' RGYA MTSHO — Disc. of the 'Ba' rom pa teacher Kun dga' snying po.  Lived 52 years.  467 II 214 ff.

Rje Mkhan po xii KUN DGA' RGYA MTSHO — (1722‑1772)  Abbot from 1769 to 1771.  Retired to Bkra shis sgang and died in about 1771.  24 I.  Co‑author of bio. contained in 159 I.

Bla ma KUN DGA' RGYAN — In Kālacakra lineage.  475 124.5 ff.

KUN DGA' RGYAL PO — Mentioned in colophon in 116 105.7.

Kong po Rtogs ldan KUN DGA' RGYAL PO — See 357 380‑384.

Mi dbang KUN DGA' RGYAL PO — Name in an image inscription.  Rhies & Thurman 172.  Probably a western Tibetan king in centuries neighboring the 15th?

Grub chen KUN DGA' RGYAL 'PHEL — 17 IV 447.3.

KUN DGA' RGYAL MTSHAN — A 15th cent. king of Mustang.  ISTS 134‑135.

KUN DGA' RGYAL MTSHAN — A Bon abbot in 1513.  TS7 I 332.

KUN DGA' RGYAL MTSHAN — A scribe for Glo bo Mkhan chen (1456‑1532).  Jackson in TH&L 235.

KUN DGA' RGYAL MTSHAN — (recent).  Bonpo.  Disc. of Smon lam rgyal mtshan.  Bio. in 253 II 491.2 ff.

KUN DGA' RGYAL MTSHAN — His son and biographer was the Dalai Lama ii.  See BLP no. 1836.

Rgyal sras II KUN DGA' RGYAL MTSHAN — (1689‑1713)  Bio. by Shākya rin chen contained in 435.

Mnga' bdag  KUN DGA' RGYAL MTSHAN — (d. ca. late 14th cent.)  A son of (Mnga' bdag) 'Jam dpal nor bu.  Rnying ma pa.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 142.  210 24.3.

Cha rgan Ho thug thu KUN DGA' RGYAL MTSHAN — 438 VI 516.5.

Chos rje KUN DGA' RGYAL MTSHAN — (1497‑1568)  Took ordination from (Spyan snga) Chos kyi grags pa.  BD of T&TB III 722.

Ti shi KUN DGA' RGYAL MTSHAN — (1310‑1358)  Dhongthog 25.  Belonged to 'Khon family and to the Lha khang Bla brang of the Sa skya pa.  27 109.  484 II 603.3.  Subj. of autobio. listed in BLP no. 0970.

Rdo gdan pa KUN DGA' RGYAL MTSHAN — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1187.

Sde gzhung KUN DGA' RGYAL MTSHAN — (1885‑1952)  A Khams pa teacher of the Sa skya pa.  His collected works have been published in 1976 (his miscellaneous writings in 1977).  Alias A 'jam Sprul sku, also ('Jam dbyangs) Kun dga' bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan.  A collection of his miscellaneous writings was publ. in 1977.  Bio. in 62 295 ff, 349‑355.

Snar thang Mkhan po KUN DGA' RGYAL MTSHAN — Thuken 222.  A teacher of Tsongkhapa.

Ba brtse KUN DGA' RGYAL MTSHAN — One of the founders of Bsam 'grub Mon. in Rdza khog in 15th cent.  Thar in TS9 IV 164.

Bla chen KUN DGA' RGYAL MTSHAN — (1344‑1418)  Dhongthog 25.  Sa skya pa.  Son of 'Jam dbyangs don yod rgyal mtshan. 

Bla ma Dkar po KUN DGA' RGYAL MTSHAN — Bio. by Rab 'byams pa Skal bzang legs bshad listed in BLP no. 1479.  See TBRC.

Sbyor lam pa KUN DGA' RGYAL MTSHAN — Also called Bde rgu chung ba.  Abbot of Dgon lung from 1693 to 1701.  332 II 22.

Mtshungs med KUN DGA' RGYAL MTSHAN — One of the main teachers of Sna tshogs rang grol (1494‑1570).  BD of T&TB III 723.

Rdzong pa KUN DGA' RGYAL MTSHAN — (1382‑)  Sa skya pa.  Dhongthog 25.  Bio. in 62 222.

Yab rje KUN DGA' RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of bio. of Dran mchog Don yod rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 1145.

Ri brag KUN DGA' RGYAL MTSHAN — Transcriber (secretary, yi ge pa) of 57 II B 373.5.

Las chen KUN DGA' RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of Bka' gdams Rin po che Gsal ba'i Sgron me in 1494, the best known history of the Bka' gdams pa school (publ. in 1972).  14654 preface.  374 I 99.5.  Author of bio. of Dalai Lama i listed in BLP no. 0511.  A bio. of Rtse dang Las chen gyi Slob ma Kun dga' rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 1678.

Sa skya Paṇḍi ta KUN DGA' RGYAL MTSHAN — (1182‑1251)  Sometimes known as Sa Paṇ.  Short English bio. in 86T.H. 51, 53, 150.  Ferrari 144.  Grandson of Kun dga' snying po.  TPS 9‑12.  Nephew of Grags pa rgyal mtshan.  His father was Dpal chen 'od po.  17 II 405.3 ff.  76 7.  23 4.  For his works, see 145 V.  Bio. by (Gung thang gi Btsun pa Zhang) Rgyal ba dpal contained in 145 V 422‑439.  Picture in 128 338, 432, 876.  His avadāna stories in 243 I 611 ff.  Poetic work in 378 1‑39.  Works: 1) Dpal ldan Sa skya Paṇḍi ta Rang gis Rang la Gros 'debs Bslab bya contained in: Lugs kyi Bslab bya Legs par Bshad pa'i Gter (Kalimpong 196‑).  A thangka with his consecration inscription is found in Kossak, Sacred Visions, plate 35.  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 1969‑1978, the authors being 'Phags pa, Paṇ chen Blo bzang chos rgyan, Lho pa Rin chen dpal, Rin spungs Ngag dbang grags pa, Tāranātha, Yar lung Lo tsā ba Grags rgyan [Grags pa rgyal mtshan], 'U yug pa Rigs pa'i seng ge, Btsun pa Grol mchog, & Zhang Rgyal dbang dpal.  Bios. in Filibeck, Catalog II 335 (nos. 680.12‑670.13).

Sreg ston KUN DGA' RGYAL MTSHAN — (1432‑1506)  Father of Dalai Lama ii.  See 23 8.  Also, Smith 179.

Gser khang stengs pa KUN DGA' RGYAL MTSHAN — (1223‑1292)  Abbot of Gung thang from age 38 to his death.  BA 716. 

A 'tsho KUN DGA' RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 401.6.


KUN DGA' CHOS GLING — Mon. where Blo bzang rta mgrin founded a tantra college.  224 introduction.

Cha btsun KUN DGA' CHOS KYI RGYA MTSHO — (1432‑1505)  'Brug pa.  Teacher of 'Brug pa Kun legs (1455‑1529).  Bio. in vol. entitled, Two Rare 'Brug pa Dkar brgyud pa Biographies (1974).  Note the (Lha btsun) Kun dga' chos kyi rgya mtsho in 49 preface. 

KUN DGA' CHOS 'PHAGS THUB BSTAN NYI MA — (1797‑?)  BD of T&TB V 641.  Bio. see SBTD I 19 (also, BLP no. 0048).

KUN DGA' CHOS 'PHEL — Sa skya.  Work, see 36 IV 846.  Subject of bio. by the Dalai Lama v (see BLP no. 0049).

Rgyal rong Rgyal sras Nang po Chos mdzad KUN DGA' CHOS 'PHEL — A prince of Rgyal rong.  Sobisch, Dissert. chap. 12.

Sman pa KUN DGA' CHOS 'PHEL — (fl. ca. 1707)  463 I 124.6.

KUN DGA' CHOS BZANG — Author of a 50‑folio biography entitled Kun mkhyen Chos kyi Rgyal po'i Rnam par Thar pa Dad gus kyi Chu 'dzin Rnam par Rol pa listed in Drepung Catalog 1508, 1531.

KUN DGA' CHOS LEGS — (early 19th cent.)  Disc. of Karma bstan 'dzin.  Teacher of Csoma de Körös.  His answers to Csoma's questions in 171 301‑441.  See 188 7, etc.  B in L 3.  T&BS II 13 (n. 9).

Bla ma Dam pa KUN DGA' MCHOG GRUB — (b. 15th cent.)  Biography by Kun dga' bzod pa bzang po (marginal notation CHI) in Filibeck, Catalog II 330 (no. 656.2).

Gdong sprul iv KUN DGA' 'CHI MED DBANG PO — (1309‑1382)  Sa skya pa.  Dhongthog 26.

KUN DGA' BRJID PA — (15th cent.)  TJ 35 no 3 (Aut 2010) 83.

Rje btsun KUN DGA' NYI MA — Active in 1495. Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 119.

Slob dpon Rin po che KUN DGA' NYI MA — Teacher of Gtsang smyon.  234 I A 15.5.

Lha rje KUN DGA' NYI MA — Personal physician of Ge sar.  Terrone in TS9 VIII 221.

Ta dben Gu shri KUN DGA' NYI MA'I RGYAL MTSHAN DPAL BZANG PO — Brother of Don yod rgyal mtshan (1310‑1344), q.v. 

Kro chen KUN DGA' NYI ZLA — Mentioned in colophon of the Bla med Go 'phang contained in the 2nd edition of the Bon Kanjur.

KUN DGA' SNYING — Mahāsiddha.  Pictured in 128 47A.

KUN DGA' SNYING PO — Ānandagarbha.  An Indian from Bengal.  75 12.  (Slob dpon) Kun dga' snying po.  17 II 352.5.  Hoffmann, Religions 116.  Previous rebirth of Dga' rab rdo rje.  413 117.5.

KUN DGA' SNYING PO — (1575‑1634)  N. of Tāranātha, the famous Jo nang pa.  Waddell 70.  Ferrari 154.  T.H. 212.  His history of Indian Buddhism was written in 1608.  On his life and works see TPS 128, 163.  See Tā ra nā tha.  For his iconography, see David Jackson, Traces of Tāranātha and His Previous Lives, forthcoming paper.

KUN DGA' SNYING PO — A 'Ba' rom pa teacher.  467 II 212.

KUN DGA' SNYING PO — A n. of (Dpyal) A mo gha.  475 118.1.

KUN DGA' SNYING PO — Birth name of Sgam po pa.  57 II B 353.2.

KUN DGA' SNYING PO — N. of a "Sakya Panchen" [Sa skya Paṇ chen] who died in 1882.  JTL&CT 240.

Ku sa li KUN DGA' SNYING PO — Thang stong rgyal po met him at (Ri) Bya rkang can.  5 57.2.

Sa chen KUN DGA' SNYING PO — (1092‑1158)  Only son of Dkon mchog rgyal po, b. when his father was 58.  His father d. when he was 10.  Mother was Ma gcig Zhang mo, daughter of Zhang gzhung Gu ra ba.  Sa skya pa writer and hierarch.  Wrote Rgyud sde Spyi'i Rnam bzhag on general field of tantra.  2nd abbot of Sa skya Mon.  BA 211.  TPS 134.  Had 4 sons including Bsod nams rtse mo and Grags pa rgyal mtshan.  Received vision of Mañjuśrī who gave him the famous verse of the Zhen pa Bzhi Bral ('Parting from the Four Attachments'), q.v.  A teacher of Phag mo gru pa.  B. in Phru ma.  17 II 401.1 ff.  16 34.  Seems to be his picture in 128 336, 428.  Bio. in 145 V 143 ff.  (But isn't this rather the bio. of Grags pa rgyal mtshan?).  On his meeting Phag mo gru pa, see 17 II 539.5.  Portrait bronze, see Uhlig, On the Path to Enlightenment 191.  For a magnificent thangka with him as central figure, see TPS 333 (Tucci dates it to 15th century).  Another is from Potala collection, illus. in Po ta la 155 (it is surrounded by scenes of 5th Dalai Lama and Potala, however; he holds vajra and bell; actual inscription reads:  rdo rje 'dzin pa'i gtsug rgyan Kun dga' snying).  Bios. by Ye shes rgyal mtshan, etc., & Bsod nams rtse mo listed in BLP nos. 1966‑1967.


KUN DGA' BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — Kun dga' bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan gyi Rnam thar U dum wa ra'i Dga' tshal, by Karma bkra shis chos 'phel, listed in BLP no. 0050.

'Jam dbyangs KUN DGA' BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN —  =A 'jam Sprul sku.  =(Sde gzhung) Kun dga' rgyal mtshan (q.v.). 

Sde gzhung Lung rig Sprul sku KUN DGA' BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — (1906‑1987).  Author of bio. of (Sa skya) Bkra shis grags pa (publ. in 1980).  Probably the author of the work Sga Ldan Sgyur Gsum gyi Byung tshul Nyung bsdus Gtam gyi Sa bon, a manuscript used by Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001).  See David Jackson's book A Saint in Seattle.  His miscellaneous works in one vol. published in Dharamsala (2005).

KUN DGA' BSTAN PA'I BLO GROS — Kun dga' bstan pa'i blo gros kyi Rnam thar Byin rlabs Bdud rtsi'i Thigs Phreng, listed in BLP no. 0051.

Khams sprul iii Ngag dbang KUN DGA' BSTAN 'DZIN — (1680‑1728)  His Phyag rgya chen po Lhan cig Skyes sbyor gyi Dngos gzhi'i Khrid yig Zab Don Rgya mtsho'i Lam Tshang Bla na med pa on the foundational practices of the 'Brug pa school (publ. 1974).  He was a Gter ston and an artist of the Sman ris style.  23 47.  Works on Tshe ring ma in 229 35‑71, 77‑135.  Author of Phyag chen Sngon 'gro'i Bsgom rim (publ. 1971) and several other books that are available, including the Mchod 'os Yongs rdzogs Bskang bshags Rim Gnyis Zung 'jug (1971), Thugs sgrub Yang zab Dkon mchog Spyi 'dus kyi Phrin las Rgyas Sdebs Sku Gsum Bla ma Dgyes Nor dbang gi Rgyal po Grub Gnyis 'Dod pa'i Char 'bebs (1971). One of his Mahāmudrā works was translated by E. dell'Angelo et al., L'Oro raffinato dell'insegnamento orale circa la pratica del modo di vedere, di meditare e di comportarsi secondo il Maha mudra, Archidosso (1983), with Tibetan text. Jackson, Patron 7.

Mkhan rabs xviii Nya ri Bla ma KUN DGA' BSTAN 'DZIN RGYAL MTSHAN — Abbot of Yangs pa can.  Bio. in 35 I 631.

Skyi KUN DGA' BSTAN GSAL — Teacher of Gter bdag gling pa.  458 I 328.1.

KUN DGA' DAR PO — (late 15th to early 16th cent.)  Helped compile the Yig cha of the Ras chung Snyan brgyud and seems to have been a contemporary of Gtsang smyon.  74 preface.  Bio. by Byang chub bzang po in 74 I 293‑312.  Name sometimes given in Sanskritic form as (Grub mchog) Ā nanda da ya.  Works in 74 I 553‑567, 663‑824; II 95‑158, 183‑206, 549‑688.

Sku zhang KUN DGA' DON GRUB — 27 31.  He was Sku zhang of Zhwa lu, beginning in 1333.  Contemp. w/ Bu ston.  See IT III, pt. 1, p. 90.  Ruler of Zhwa lu.  Kuijp in TH&L 290 n. 16.  Ricca & Fournier in TJ 26 no 3/4 (Aut/Wint 2001) 105.

Rgyud chen KUN DGA' DON GRUB — (1419‑1486)  Dge lugs pa.  B. in Gtsang.  F. Stod rgyud Grwa tshang, the Upper Tantra College, in 1474.  Dhongthog 26, 126.  Tucci, Religions 112.  Pictured in 128 1054. Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 109.  After saving Lhasa from flooding, he was awarded with ownership of Ra mo che.  Alexander, Temples 78.

Glo mkhar ba KUN DGA' DON GRUB — 'Brug pa.  See 20 37, no. 18.  235 introduction 11. 

Snye mdo ba  KUN DGA' DON GRUB — A teacher of Zhwa nag iii.  17 II 536.1.  Author of work on O rgyan Bsnyen sgrub mentioned in 17 XX 96.5 and IV 434.5, 437.6.  In Kālacakra lineage in 383 328.6.  BA 703.  In the Ram tradition (Ram lugs).  Disc. of Snye mdo Thams cad Mkhyen pa.  17 II 462.1.  BA 408, 490, 703.  Evidently it is his bio. of O rgyan pa that is listed in BLP no. 0397 with the title Grub chen O rgyan pa'i Rnam thar Byin rlabs kyi Chu rgyun.  Bio. by Slob dpon Hūṃ ka ra listed in BLP no. 0962.  He was considered a previous rebirth of Si tu Paṇ chen.

Pu rang KUN DGA' BDE BA RING MO — Aka Pu hrang Kun dga' ring mo & Rtsi Bde ba ring mo, members of the Zhang zhung Snyan rgyud lineage.  ZZFC 247.

Gnas rnying KUN DGA' BDE LEGS — Bio. by Se ra Rje btsun pa listed in BLP no. 1237.

KUN DGA' RDO RJE — Supposedly a Sa skya monk, who gave a tooth of the Buddha to the Taiwan teacher Hsing Yun.  Buescher in Changing Minds 32.  No one knows about a person by this name...  but he turns out to be a Sa skya monk (not a lama or rin po che) named Kun dga', who was living in Nepal. 

Rngog KUN DGA' RDO RJE — (1157‑1234)  Founded Gzhung spre'u zhing.  Son of (Jo tshul) Tshul khrims bla ma.  17 II 463.5.  Ferrari 134.  BA 409.  Bio. in Shākya mchog ldan, Works, vol. 16 (actually this is not about him, but about a Lam 'bras master from the Rma family, whose father was Nam mkha' mchog grags, mother Dpal mchog Mtsho mo.  He was born in a Wood Dragon).

Drung chen Si tu KUN DGA' RDO RJE — (1309‑1364)  Alias Dge ba'i blo gros (his ordination n.).  Wrote the Red Annals (Deb ther Dmar po) in 1346.  Cited in Dalai Lama v, History 106.  21 xi.  See 27 21.  TPS 140‑1, 630.  83E 479.  BA vi, etc.  Kværne, Mongols 95.  Petech (1983) 180.  T.H. 26.  Beyer 9, 293.  For an article on the Red Annals by Sh. Bira, see T&BS I 59 ff.  Son of Smon lam rdo rje.  Vai.Ser. 128.  Also called (Dbon) Kun dga' rdo rje.  See ('Tshal pa) Kun dga' rdo rje.  A 1353 death date is given in the 3‑vol. dict. chrono.

Dpyal KUN DGA' RDO RJE — Appears in an early thangka; see Kossak, Sacred Visions plate 21.  He is listed in Mtshan tho no. 47, which says that in Nepal he studied with Ha mu, as well as the Indians Phyag na & Stong nyid ting 'dzin rdo rje (the latter he invited to come to Tibet); apparently he never went to India.

KUN DGA' NO'UR — Small lake S of Kokonor.  Ho‑chin Yang, Annals of Kokonor 86.  Kun dga' nor =Kokonoor?  See Yu Dawchyan Appendix.

KUN DGA' NOR BU — (fl. ca. 1850)  King of Mustang.  ISTS 136.

Khro chen KUN DGA' NOR BU — A king of Khro skyab (Cosgiyab) in Rgyal mo rong area.  Sometimes named in Bonpo colophons for his patronage of literary works and woodblock prints. 

KUN DGA' RNAM RGYAL — A ruler in western Tibet in the 16th century whose domain may have included Ladakh.  For a letter to his wife Dkon mchog bzang mo from the Dalai Lama ii dated 1540, see Tohoku no. 5580 (97).  His name is found in the colophon to an old woodblock print of the bio. of Milarepa found in the Chicago Field Museum. 

KUN DGA' RNAM RGYAL — Author of works found in a collection entitled, Khrid Material on the Practices of Gcod (Thimphu 1978). 

Mkhar Tshong dpon KUN DGA' RNAM RGYAL — Donor/patron for a group of Padmasambhava thangkas.  TPS 540.

Chos rje Thon mi KUN DGA' RNAM RGYAL — Bio. by Rgya ban Byang chub dbang rgyal listed in BLP nos. 0756, 0769.  Another bio. by Smin gling Lo chen Dharma shrī listed in BLP no. 0770.

Jo sras KUN DGA' RNAM RGYAL — TS5 802.

Thu ston / Rdo rje gdan pa / Rdzong pa KUN DGA' RNAM RGYAL — (1432‑1496)  Belonged to lineage of Gong dkar ba.  Student of (Paṇ chen) Byams pa gling pa.  F. Gong dkar Chos grwa in 1464.  See under Rdzong lugs.  For name of his bio., see Tucci, Lhasa 149, 179 n. 54.  Ferrari 134.  Bio. in 62 223 ff.  Picture in 128 1056.  His bio. by Rgya ston Byang chub dpal published as Chos kyi Rje Thams cad Mkhyen pa Rdo rje gdan pa Chen po Kun dga' rnam rgyal dpal bzang po'i Rnam par Thar pa Ngo mtshar Rin po che'i Gter mdzod, Then mā Dpe skrun khang (Zhang kang 2001), in 213 pp., acquired by TBRC.  This same bio. is listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 340 (no. 703), as well as in Drepung Catalog 1503.

Blo ldan KUN DGA' RNAM RGYAL — Tāranātha's scribe.  Templeman, SIL 101.

Zur mang Drung pa KUN DGA' RNAM RGYAL — Belonged to Zur mang sub‑school of the Karma Bka' brgyud pa.  Short work in 36 VI 306‑314.  Evidently to be identified with the author of Gcod works mentioned above.  H of SK of T 37.  See Cuevas, Hidden History 153 (here identified as the Drung pa iv).

Lha btsun KUN DGA' RNAM RGYAL — Illegitimate (?) son of Rnam rgyal lde.  DTK5 130‑135.  Perhaps to be distinguished from Kun dga' rnal rgyal sde who would then be his half brother?  Ruled part of Gung thang from his base in Dge brtan.

Chos rgyal Khri KUN DGA' RNAM RGYAL LDE(16th cent.)  Evidently to be identified with the King Kun dga' rnam rgyal, above.  116 312.6.

KUN DGA' RNAM RGYAL DPAL BZANG PO — Kun dga' rnam rgyal dpal bzang po'i Rnam thar Ngo mtshar Rin po che'i Gter mdzod, by Byang chub dbang rgyal, listed in BLP no. 0052.  See also Drepung Catalog 1503.

Nya dbon KUN DGA' DPAL — (14th cent.)  Contemp. of Bu ston.  Author of Prajñāpāramitā commentaries.  Disc. of Dol po pa.  His Abhisamayālaṅkāra comm. publ. 1978.  'Bri gung Dpal 'dzin (q.v.) was his disc.  BA 340, 345, 777, 780, 1017.  27 XII.  76 6.  17 II 382.1, 418.5.  His dates may be found in the biography in the Jo nang Kālacakra history by Byang sems Rgyal ba ye shes, p. 178 ff, where he is b. in a Wood Bird and dies in his 95th year, an Earth Sheep (I think this should mean his dates are 1345‑1439).

Gnas rnying Mkhan po Gangs can KUN DGA' DPAL —  =Kun dga' 'brug dpal.  Passed on lineage to 'Brug chen II.  He was a disc. of (Kun spangs) Bde legs rin chen.  17 II 510.  17A VII pt. 2, p. 13B.2. 

Tshogs sgom KUN DGA' DPAL — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1696.

Sde dge Dgon chen Shar Bla ma  KUN DGA' DPAL LDAN — Author of a Kun rig Rnam bshad publ. in 1972. 

Bu chen KUN DGA' DPAL LDAN — 5 326.1.  446 I 565.5.

Bya bral KUN DGA' DPAL LDAN — Subj. of bio. by  Dis mgo Mkhyen brtse (see his Collected Works, vol. 1, pp. 307‑314).

Mon rtse pa KUN DGA' DPAL LDAN — (1408‑1475?)  235 introduction 8.  Author of bio. of Glo mkhar ba, and of an autobiography.  20 37.  =Kun dga' 'brug dpal, q.v.  =(Gnas rnying Mkhan po) Kun dga' dpal, lineage teacher of 'Brug chen II.  Author of 235 q.v.  (1408‑1475)  TS5 471.  Subj. of bio. by Rgyal mtshan dpal bzang listed in BLP no. 0411.

Sman bsgom Chos rje KUN DGA' DPAL LDAN — Franz Karl Ehrhard, The Biography of Sman bsgom Chos rje Kun dga' dpal ldan (1735‑1804) as a Source for the Sino Nepalese War. Paper given at "Tibet & Her Neighbors," conference at Harvard University, April 24‑25, 2004. Rje btsun Bla ma Dam pa Sman bsgom Chos kyi rje Kun dga' dpal ldan zhabs kyi Rnam par Thar pa, NGMPP, reel no. L376/3, a biography in 225 folios (source: Kurtis Schaeffer).

Gzhag bla KUN DGA' DPAL BA — Karma pa.  See 35 I 645.

'Brug chen II Rgyal ba'i dbang po KUN DGA' DPAL 'BYOR — (1428‑1476)  14th in 'Brug pa Gdan rabs (q.v.).  Knew Sanskrit.  Studied w/ (Rngog) Byang chub dpal.  36 VII 152.  1 20 ff.  Studied w/ Nags kyi rin chen and 'Gos Gzhon nu dpal.  For his two vol. coll. works, see 57.  His songs, see 222 469 ff.  Bio. by (A wa dhū ti pa) Rin chen rnam rgyal, dated 1479, found in 24 and 20 34, and 57 7‑67.  For a list of his teachers, see 57 preface.  He was active in Bhutan, staying in Bum thang area for a number of years.  Received Ras chung Snyan brgyud410 203B.6.  Met by Sha ra Rab 'byams pa.  116 477.6.  His Dkar chag Me tog, written in 1459, found in 129 I 1‑31.  Bio. by 'Brug chen iii found in  487 I 67.5 ff.  Bio. by Rin chen rnam rgyal (1469‑1531) listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 342 (no. 709.1).

Gtsang smyon KUN DGA' DPAL BZANG — Evidently not to be identified with Gtsang smyon He ru ka, this person lived in the time of Tā ra nā tha.  87 I 289.

Mi 'gyur Las 'phro gling pa KUN DGA' DPAL BZANG — 410 133B.6.  Rgya ma Mi 'gyur ba (1497‑1568).  Cuevas, Hidden History 67, 131.

Tshogs bsgom KUN DGA' DPAL BZANG PO — (1210‑1307).  Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 177.

Rgyal rtse Dpon chen KUN DGA' 'PHAGS PA — (1357‑1412)  TS5 562.  Kuijp in  Lungta 14 (2001) 64.  Father of (Si tu Rab brtan) Kun bzang 'phags pa.  160 preface.  Bio. in Dung dkar 75.

Bla chen KUN DGA' PHRIN LAS RGYA MTSHO — Alias Phun tshogs bstan pa.  King of Sde dge.  His chaplain was (Ngor) (Phan khang) Dpal ldan chos skyong (1702‑1759).  20 18.  440 293.2.

KUN DGA' 'PHRIN LAS DPAL LDAN — His medical work Gso ba Rig pa'i Lag len publ. in 1977.

Mkha' 'gro ma KUN DGA' BUM PA — A woman Terton.  410 113B.4.

KUN DGA' BO — Disc. of Gautama.  Ānanda.  128 30, 32.  Picture in Chandra 1778. Dung dkar 75‑76.  DCD 11‑17.  See Kun dga'.

KUN DGA' BO — A n. of Nam mkha' dpal bzang po (1333‑1379), q.v.

Rmor chen KUN DGA' BYUNG GNAS — (17th cent.?)  3rd successor of Mang thos Klu sgrub rgya mtsho in the Tshar pa branch of the Sa skya pa school.  Ferrari 119.  Perhaps the author of the continuation of the bio. of 'Jam mgon A myes zhabs Ngag dbang kun dga' bsod nams, covering the period 1652‑1659 (publ. 1978).

KUN DGA' BLO GROS — Pictured in 128 544.

KUN DGA' BLO GROS — Western Tibetan royalty.  DTK5 72.

KUN DGA' BLO GROS — Youngest son of Bsam lde (b. 1459).  DTK5 139.  His son, Kun bzang grags pa rdo rje, was born in 1528.

Grub chen KUN DGA' BLO GROS — Incarnation of Bu ston.  Resided at Rtse chen Chos sde.  Ferrari 59, 142.  Bio. by 'Jam dbyangs dkon mchog bzang po listed in BLP no. 0386.

Sa skya Gong ma or Bdag chen KUN DGA' BLO GROS — (1729‑1783)  Work on Phur pa (Phur pa'i Las Bzhi'i Sbyin sreg dang Sri mnan) publ. in 1978.  36 IV 876.  87 I 635.6.

Slob dpon KUN DGA' BLO GROS — Bio. listed in BLP no. 2055.

Bla chen KUN DGA' BLO GROS RGYAL MTSHAN — (1299‑1327)  Sa skya pa.  B. at Lha khang Bla brang.  Dhongthog 26, 122.  A teacher of Bu ston.  27 76.  Went to China in 1319, returned in 1322, and went again in 1331 (note the impossible dates!).  Has also the title Ti shi, but sometimes called simply Kun dga' blo gros.  See Kuijp, KPTB 51 for information on an official edict issued in 1317.  Thuken 176.

Grub chen KUN DGA' BLO LDAN — B. in Rgyal mo rong.  Bio. in 383 577.3 ff.

Bru sha Btsun pa or Bru ston KUN DGA' DBANG LDAN — Bonpo.  Work in 251 1‑29.  Also, 325 375‑93, 395‑447. 

Bhe drang KUN DGA' DBANG LDAN — 253 II 437.4.

Gung KUN DGA' DBANG PO — (1906‑1981)  He was the 13th Dalai Lama's younger brother.  He served as a prime minister.  Jampa Samten Shastri, Origins of the Tibetan Canon 779.

Blon chen Glang mdun KUN DGA' DBANG PHYUG — Goldstein, Hist. 147.

Slob dpon KUN DGA' DBANG PHYUG — (1418‑1462)  Sa skya pa.  Dhongthog 27.  =(Rgyal tshab Dam pa) Kun dga' dbang phyug.  Author of Lam 'bras Gzhung bshad Pod Dmar ma (=Lam 'bras Po ti Dmar chung), TBRC (Dolanji 1974).  Fourth abbot of Ngor, and disc. of the Ngor chen.  76 2.  His dates are 1424 to 1478, acc. to ISTS 134.

Lha lung pa KUN DGA' DBANG PHYUG — F. Shug gseb Mon.  Vai.Ser. 145.

KUN DGA' 'BUM — A Rnying ma teacher who in the 6th rab byung (1327‑1386) transformed the Dralag Mon. into a Rnying ma one.  He was b. in 1332; d. 1381.  Studied with Ye shes 'bum of Kaḥ thog Mon.  TS7 II 981‑2.

KUN DGA' 'BUM — A monk of Thang po che who, in around 1347‑49 supervised and corrected the Tshal pa Kanjur.  Jampa Samten Shastri, Origins of the Tibetan Canon 768.  His bio. may be found in the Jo nang Kālacakra history by Byang sems Rgyal ba ye shes, pp. 184‑186.  Here his dates are given as Iron Sheep through Fire Horse, his 72nd year.

KUN DGA' 'BUM — Kuijp, Rivers 313.  He was grandfather of 'Ba' ra ba.  From Chabs li grong village.

Mkha' 'gro ma Rje btsun ma KUN DGA' 'BUM — A famous woman gter ston teacher.  She was met by the Later Dung mtsho ras pa.  BD of T&TB III 506, 528.  She often bears the title of Mtsho rgyal Rnam sprul ("incarnation of Ye shes mtsho rgyal"), or Ma gcig.  Bio. in BD of T&TB III 516.  217 457.2 ff.  Bio. in 210 13.5 ff, 65.4.  Rediscoverer of the Gsang ba Lam khyer ('The Secret Expedient') contained in 87 vol. 85.  For the rediscovery of this text, see 210 16.3.  239 XXV 511.4.

KUN DGA' 'BUM — Wife of Chos skyong lde.  DTK5 113.

KUN DGA' 'BRUG DPAL — Resided at Klong rdol Gling stod 'Od gsal sgang.  Author of Yang dgon Gser 'phreng20 37.  Disc. of (Mon rtse pa) Kun dga' dpal ldan, q.v.  Editor of 235, q.v.

KUN DGA' MA — Female initiator of Padmasambhava.  431 I 162.3.  See Kun dga' mo.

KUN DGA' MI 'GYUR STOBS RGYAL DBANG GI RGYAL PO — N. given by Tāranātha to the Dalai Lama v.  Essais 124.

Dre'u lhas Grub dbang KUN DGA' MI 'GYUR RDO RJE — Compiler of Dpal ldan 'Brug pa'i Khyad chos Man ngag Skor Phyogs Gcig tu Sgrigs pa (publ. 1976).  The Rje Mkhan po IX (1710‑1759) was a student of his.  135 preface.  See =G.yung mgon rdo rje.  Work on Kīlaya contained in 452 341‑399.  Other works published.

Dge slong ma KUN DGA' MO — A ḍākinī met by Padmasambhava at Tsan dan Tshal.  87 I 17.6.  132 61.1 ff, 110.2.  See Kun dga' ma.  In Lde'u 308 she is blamed for giving watered‑down teachings in the marketplace, which led the other masters to bury the Dzogchen teachings in Bodhgaya.

KUN DGA' SMON LAM — Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 178.  One of two brothers exiled to southern China.  Kuijp, Rivers 310.

Spru lung KUN DGA' SMON LAM — Pictured in 128 538.  "Later Shabs‑drun Spru‑lun‑pa [Zhabs drung Spru lung pa], who indulged himself in the practice of the art of life‑taking, finally destroyed his own lineage by the reflexive power of his art."  Fa‑tsun, "Bkah‑brgyud‑pa" in Encyclopaedia of Buddhism, vol. 3, p. 145.

Rnal 'byor KUN DGA' TSHUL KHRIMS — Work in 283 397‑401.  He established the text of the Gsang ba Gzungs sde Nyi shu (see Bon Kanjur) in a Fire Tiger year.

Dbon Rin po che KUN DGA' TSHUL KHRIMS RGYA MTSHO — 87 XXVI 580.6.  Served as Phyag mdzod in circa 1712.  453 61.5.  Younger brother of Gter bdag gling pa.  458 I 183.4, 215.5, 260.6, 271.6, 350.3. 

Rig 'dzin KUN DGA' TSHE MCHOG — 374 II 177.1.

KUN DGA' TSHE RING — (late 19th cent.)  Stein, Recherches 86. 

KUN DGA' MDZES — Brother of Kun dga' smon lam.  Kuijp, Rivers 310.

KUN DGA' 'DZOM — Wife of Shes rab bzang po and mother of Kun dga' dpal 'byor (1428‑1476).  57 preface.  Niece of granddaughter of Tshul bzangs Du dben sha.

Bla ma KUN DGA' ZHIG PO — Met by (Bon zhig) Khyung nag.  A n. of ('Gru zhig) Kun dga', q.v.  Second Rab byung.  253 II 399.3, 466.2 ff.  244 372.5.

KUN DGA' GZHON NU — Dpon chen.  Petech (1983) 189.

Rgyus dkar ba KUN DGA' GZHON NU — TS7 I 271.

Zhing skyong KUN DGA' GZHON NU — The main 'earth lord' of the mt. ranges of Tsa ri, Tsa gong and Tsa nang.  5 136.5.  Work in 87 LXII.  See 216 510.4 ff.  346 172.1.  A worldly spirit in bio. of 'Jam dpal bshes gnyen.  LGCM 596.4.

KUN DGA' BZANG PO — With inscription in form A na nta bha dra, he appears as the patron for a Kālacakra maṇḍala thangka in Kossak, Sacred Visions plate 47b.  Evidently to be identified with the founder of Ngor; see below.  This name also appears in the form Kun dga' bzang po on the back of an image of Uṣṇīṣavijaya.  See Uhlig, On the Path to Enlightenment 156.  Also occurs in a patronage inscription for a Hevajra maṇḍala thangka in TPS 600.  Subject of bio. by Ngag dbang grags pa listed in BLP no. 0053.  Author of bio. of Grub chen Buddha shrī listed in BLP no. 0407.

KUN DGA' BZANG PO — (d. 1280 or 1281)  Born in Stag tshang in Gtsang.  His younger brother was Dpon Gzhon nu dpal.  He was grand‑governor of Sa skya Monastery during the 1270's.  Kuijp, Rivers 307 (and see especially p. 309, which details his horrible death).  See Dpon chen Kun dga' bzang po below, who must be the same person.

Gram pa KUN DGA' BZANG PO — 383 219.5.

Rgyal bu KUN DGA' BZANG PO — N. of Nāropa.  BD of T&TB I 827.

Ngor chen KUN DGA' BZANG PO — (1382‑1456)  Works in 36 VI.  F. Ngor pa (q.v.) subsect in 1427.  Waddell 71.  (1382‑1444)  F. Ngor Mon. in 1429.  Educated at Sa skya.  A voluminous author.  TPS 124.  Singh, Himalayan Art 206, and others have repeated the wrong dates of 1382‑1444.  From him came the Ngor lugs Tshogs Bshad (q.v.).  A member of the 'Khon family.  Dhongthog 27.  16 36.  5 189.6.  Nat.Geo. CXXVIII 590.  28 114.  Acc. to 28 16, b. 1382, f. Ngor in 1429, d. 1457.  A teacher of Kun dga' dpal 'byor.  57 preface.  Works listed in SBTD I 365.  Pictured in 128 1056.  449 33.3.  For artworks apparently patronized by him, see above.  His bios. are listed in BLP nos. 0648‑0649, one by Dkon mchog rgyal mtshan, the other by Bya bral Sangs rgyas phun tshogs & Gu ge Dpon po Nam mkha' blo gsal chos dpal bzang po.  Bio. by Dkon mchog rgyal mtshan listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 334 (no. 670.11).

Rgya ston Nang po KUN DGA' BZANG PO — BD of T&TB VII 167.

Chos rje KUN DGA' BZANG PO — Bio. listed in  BLP no. 0757.

Dpon chen KUN DGA' BZANG PO — Chag xlii.  Everding in TS9 I 117.  He was Dpon chen from 1270‑1275.  He was blamed for 'Phags pa's poisoning in 1280.

Pho rgod KUN DGA' BZANG PO — Great grandfather of Dalai Lama ii.  F. of Rta nag Rdo rje gdan.  Through him the Sreg lineage merged w/ the 'Jag subsect of Shangs pa.  23 8.

Bram pa KUN DGA' BZANG PO — He revealed teachings on the fusion of Mahāmudrā and Rdzogs chen contained in Rin chen Gter mdzod, vol. 92.  These were pased on to the Rngog lugs.

Dbus smyon KUN DGA' BZANG PO — (1458‑1532)  His bio. written in 1494 by Gnyug la Paṇ chen contained in 72 II 383‑560.  Jackson, Misc. no. 1302/1. The continuation by Lha mthong Lo tsā ba in 72 II 561‑660.  235 introduction 9.  The meeting of the 5‑6 year old Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan (1475‑1530) with him is related in 602 8v.3 ff.  Bio. by Gnyug la Paṇ chen Ngag dbang grags pa & Lha mthong Lo tsā ba listed in BLP no. 1546, with bio. by Zhabs drung Ngag dbang grags pa, no. 1547.  Bios. listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 339, 341.  Roesler, KSP 60.

Dpon chen KUN DGA' BZANG PO — Also called Mi dpon.  He controlled Dbus & Gtang in last half of 13th cent.  115 129.5 ff, 131.4.

Rtse Bla ma KUN DGA' BZANG PO — Shastri in TS9 I 133.

Sems dpa' chen po KUN DGA' BZANG PO — Bio. by Shākya'i Dge slong Legs pa bzang po listed in Drepung Catalog 1513.

Rje btsun KUN DGA' BZANG MO — (b. 1459) 5 310.3.  234 I A 18.6.  She was regarded as the rebirth of Chos kyi sgron me, daughter of the Gung thang king Lha dbang rgyal mtshan (1404‑1464).  Ehrhard, Corresp. xix.

Rgyal bu KUN DGA' 'OD — 352 547.8.  Canzio in Zlos gar 48.

Ngor rje KUN DGA' 'OD — In Guhyasamāja lineage.  17 II 410.4.  BA 365.  Disc. of (Rngog) Mdo sde.  17 463.3  BA 408.

KUN DGA' 'OD ZER — (16th cent.) Mergen Mañjuśrī Paṇḍita.  See Heissig 30. 

KUN DGA' 'OD ZER — (active, 1628)  Bandida Guushi.  Uspensky, Prince Yunli 31.

Khyung rtse KUN DGA' 'OD ZER — One of the founders of Bsam 'grub Mon. in 15th cent.  Thar in TS9 IV 164.

Slob dpon KUN DGA' 'OD ZER — Served as upādhyāya (mkhan po) at Klong chen's ordination.  A disc. of Karma pa Rang byung rdo rje.  Gave Vajramāla initiation to Mkha' spyod dbang po.  210 226.3.  115 144.1, 156.7.  52 2.

KUN DGA' RA BA — Skt. ārāma.  Generally speaking, in origin, a walled garden.  It is defined as 'a place where bhikṣus stay' (dge 'dun bzhugs pa'i gnas) in 171 440.2.

KUN DGA' RA BA — A temple on the back side of the 'Bras spungs Dga' ldan Pho brang. Dung dkar 76‑77.

Gzhu yi KUN DGA' RA BA — F. by (Rngog) Byang chub 'byung gnas in 1014.  Dhongthog 117.  BA 75, 792.  115 139.7.  Vai.Ser. 192.  Buston 204.

KUN DGA' RA BA MA — N. of a work.  Comm. in SBTD I 358.

Bya bral KUN DGA' RANG GROL — For sources on this 'das log figure, see Epstein in TJ 7 no 4 (Wint 1982) 80‑81.  His 'das log story was told by a Ma ṇi pa named 'Gyur med at the Smon lam Chen mo festival held in Washington DC in 2000.  LTWA no. KA3 / 24 / 2068 is a ms. in 441 pages, entitled:  Dmyal ba Mi yul gyi Sa mtshams Shi Gson Gnyis kyi Bang chen Bka'i 'Phrin pa Bya bral Kun dga' rang grol gyi Dmyal khams Gnas su Byon nas 'Khor 'das Kun gyi Chos rgyal Rin po che'i Dkar nag Dbye ba'i 'Bras bu'i Rnam thar Mdo tsam.  St. Petersburg collection has the same title, no. B9217/3 (see also B9217/2), but this is a xylograph in 42 fols.  BLP no. 1444 lists a ms. in 42 fols.

Smra dbang KUN DGA' RANG GROL — Author of Rgyal gshen Chen po'i Rnam rol Nges med Rnal 'byor Rgyal ba Dbang ldan gyi Rnam thar, listed in the bibliography of Namgyal's Zhang zhung dictionary.

Rang 'grub Dpon KUN DGA' RAB BRTAN — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 119.4.

Rig 'dzin Bskal bzang KUN DGA' RIG 'DZIN — An embodiment of Zil gnon dbang rgyal rdo rje.  Guru of Kun bzang rdo rje (1738‑1805), q.v.  One (Zur) Kun dga' rig 'dzin appears in 458 I 198.3.

Pu rangs KUN DGA' RING MO — In Bonpo lineage.  Bio. in 253 II 330.1 ff, where Pu rangs is spelled Spu reng.  206 576.5.  248 56.6.

KUN DGA' RIN CHEN — (1339‑1399)  15th abbot of Sa skya.  Brother of Bla ma dam pa. Dung dkar 77.  =Tā dben Kun dga' rin chen.

KUN DGA' RIN CHEN — (1517‑1584)  Sa skya pa.  [Should not be confused with the nearly contemporary 'Bri gung pa teacher by this name.]  Practically rebuilt Sa skya Mon.  He is subject of a bio. by A myes zhabs (b. 1597) in 76 2.  Ferrari 148.  TPS 156, 172.  Brother of Padma bdud 'dul, w/ whom he split circa 1775 to form 2 branches of Sa skya school.  See also Sgrol ma Pho brang.  84 230.  17 III 482.1.  Author of Gdan sa Chen po Dpal ldan Sa skya'i Gtsug lag khang dang Rten Gsum gyi Dkar chag, a manuscript used by Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001).  Sgo rum Mkhas chen Kun rin, Sa skya'i Rten Brten pa'i Dkar chag, BLP no. 1955.  Bio. by Ngag dbang kun dga' bsod nams (1597‑1662) listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 343 (no. 713).

'Bri gung pa or 'Bri gung Chos rje KUN DGA' RIN CHEN — (1475‑1527)  Son of Rin chen chos kyi rgyal mtshan (1446‑1484).  Served as abbot of 'Bri gung Mon. from 1494 to 1527.  F. Sgang sngon Mon. in Ladakh.  Probably author of Lo rgyus (history) cited in 168 preface.  Mentioned in BD of T&TB III 525.  Imprisoned by the army of Godan (?). 208 I 217.4.  Collected works in 357116 295.5.  BD of T&TB VII 175.  His bio. by Rin chen phun tshogs in 490.  His life story is told in Khenpo Könchog Gyaltsen (tr.), The Garland of Mahamudra Practices, appendix (pp. 104‑110).  His collected works in six volumes published in Delhi (in pothi format) in 2003. Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 116.

Sgom chen KUN DGA' RIN CHEN — Kuijp in TH&L 293 n. 20.

Bdag chen KUN DGA' RIN CHEN — (1517‑1584).  DTK5 142.

Shar pa KUN DGA' RIN CHEN — (late 13th cent.).  DTK5 111.

KUN DGA' RIN CHEN — Ruler of Bhutan from 1773‑6.  Aris, Discourse 3.

KUN DGA' RIN PO CHE — Teacher of C.M. Chen who died before 1959.  See C.M. Chen, Discriminations between Buddhist and Hindu Tantras.

KUN DGA' LUGS — ?  See Das 21.

KUN DGA' LUNG RIG — Main spiritual tutor of Bsod nams lde.  DTK5 143.  This name labels a lama image found in HAR, no. 30126: rdo rje 'chang dngos kun dga' lung rig la na mo, and the same image was advertised in Walter Arader Himalayan Art catalog (2015).

Lha dbang KUN DGA' LEGS — Author of bio. of Dpal sgang Lo tsā ba listed in BLP no. 1315 (a Mtshur phu print).

Rje KUN DGA' LEGS GRUB — 374 II 90.4.

KUN DGA' LEGS PA — (1433‑1483)  A Phag mo gru pa prince.  39 15.  BD of T&TB I 898.  383 444.4

Mkhas btsun KUN DGA' LEGS PA — Hermit of Jangpukpa.  In thangka inscription in Rhies & Thurman 231.

Sgo rum pa KUN DGA' LEGS PA — A teacher of Mkhyen brtse'i dbang phyug (b. 1524).  Aka (Sgom rum) Kun dga' legs pa'i blo gros, and Kun legs.  Dates given as 1497‑1544 in BD of T&TB III 721.  374 I 434.4.  Bio., see Jackson, Misc. no. 1298.  Bio. by 'Jam dbyangs Mkhyen brtse'i dbang phyug listed in BLP no. 0608.

Dbang KUN DGA' LEGS PA — DTK5 114.

'Brug smyon KUN DGA' LEGS PA — (1455‑1529)  Most commonly called Kun legs.  See 20 3 (n.4).  Member of the Rgya lineage of Rwa lung.  Son of (Nang so) Rin chen bzang po, who was son of Drung rdor ba, who was the younger brother of both Nam mkha' dpal bzang (1398‑1425) and Shes rab bzang po (1400‑1438).  His incarnation lineage existed at Dre'u lhas, and a bio. printed there from 1892 blocks was reproduced in 1978.  See Stein.  There have been several translations of his bio. in French, German and English.  See Rikon Catalogue 461.  A Ra lung print of the bio. is listed in BLP no. 1260, and note also bio. printed at Mnyal ri lha, listed in BLP no. 1571; 'Brug pa Kun legs kyi Btsog Rnam Le'u Gsum, no. 1572; bio. by Badzra dhi gli bha dra, no. 1573.  Filibeck, Catalog II 340 (no. 704) lists three biographies.

KUN DGA' LEGS PA'I BLO GROS RGYAL MTSHAN — Bio. by Bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 0054.

KUN DGA' LEGS PA'I 'BYUNG GNAS — Of Bkra shis chos 'phel.  In Thang lugs (q.v.) transmission.  29 7.

Ti shi KUN DGA' LEGS PA'I 'BYUNG GNAS — (1308‑1339)  Sa skya pa.  Some sources say he died in 1330.  Dhongthog 28.  Discussion of dates in Kuijp, KPTB 40.

Gnas gsar KUN DGA' LEGS PA'I 'BYUNG GNAS — (1704‑1760)  Famous Sa skya pa scholar.  His bio. by Ngag dbang kun dga' blo gros listed in BLP no. 1239 (and see also no. 1332).

Dbang KUN DGA' LEGS PA'I 'BYUNG GNAS — (1308‑1336)  Sa skya pa.  F. mon. in Re mda', to the W of Sa skya.  Dhongthog 28.

KUN DGA' LEGS RGYAL MTSHAN DPAL BZANG PO — His seal, given in 1378, illus. in Precious Deposits III 147.

Mon rtse Rtogs ldan KUN DGA' LEGS BZANG — Contemp. of Gtsang smyon.  20 10.

KUN DGA' LEGS RIN — Sa skya pa.  Work in 36 IV 806.

'Jam dbyangs KUN DGA' SENG GE — (1314‑1347)  8th in 'Brug pa Gdan rabs (q.v.).  BA 671.  57 IIB 367.5.  1 17.  Bio. by Bsam rgyal Kha che.  24 II 363‑447.  Author of bio. of his predecessor (Bcu gsum pa) Seng ge rgyal po.  24 II 303‑361.  487 I 52.1 ff.  See Aris in BSOAS XXXIX (1976) 634.

De ba KUN DGA' SENG GE — Work in 270.

Rtsis pa KUN DGA' GSAL BA — Student & contemp. of Bsod nams rgyal mtshan (1312‑1375).  Author of comm. found in 89

Rtse sdong Bdag chen KUN DGA' BSAM 'GRUB — 210 216.1.

Drung gnas KUN DGA' BSAM GTAN PA — Roesler, KSP 63.

KUN DGA' BSAM 'PHEL — 28 15.

KUN DGA' BSOD NAMS — (fl. 1370)  He acted as an interpreter of Tibetan for the Ming government. Toh, Ming 84.

Lcags zam pa KUN DGA' BSOD NAMS — 458 I 45.5.

Sa skya Lo tsā ba 'Jam pa'i rdo rje KUN DGA' BSOD NAMS — (b. 1485)  Longer form of name: Kun dga' bsod nams grags pa rgyal mtshan.  ='Jam dbyangs kun dga' bsod nams, q.v.  Author of a bio. of Glo bo Mkhan chen.  76 2.  Perhaps the subj. of the bio. listed in BLP no. 0835 (see Filibeck, Catalog II 344, no. 722, where his dates are given as 1597‑1659, the dates of A myes zhabs) and 347 (no. 742), where he is dated to 17th century.  In a forthcoming publication, David Jackson will give his dates as 1485‑1533 (tenure as 23rd chair of Sa skya from 1496 to 1533).  He is depicted (but incorrectly identified) in Kreijger, Tibetan Paintings, pl. 24, surrounded by his teachers (Rje Dkon mchog 'phel, Bdag chen Chos rje, 'Jam dbyangs shes rab rin chen, Grub chen Phyag rdor ba, 'Khrul zhig Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan, Mkhan chen Kun blo ba, Rje x x dge ba, Sngags 'chang x x dpal bzang, Shākya seng ge, Chos rje Yon tan pa, Gdong skyes pa, Ser chen Chos bzangs pa, Paṇ chen Grags pa rdo rje, & Glo bo Mkhan chen).  Author of a bio. listed in Drepung Catalog 1506.

A myes zhabs KUN DGA' BSOD NAMS — See under Ngag dbang kun dga' bsod nams.


KUN DGA' BSOD NAMS CHOS 'PHAGS — Alias of (Rig 'dzin) Bdud 'dul rdo rje.

Yar 'brog Khri dpon Hyentu Shrī KUN DGA' BSOD NAMS LHUN GRUB — Hendu Shrī.  Brother in law of Gter bdag gling pa.  Bio. written at his request circa 1689.  458 I 189.5, 352.5.

KUN DGA' LHUN GRUB — Bio. by Gter bton Nyi zla sangs rgyas listed in BLP no. 0055.  On a member of the Kar gling Zhi khro lineage by this name, see Cuevas, Hidden History 160.

Kong ston KUN DGA' LHUN GRUB — In lineage of O rgyan Bsnyen sgrub.  17 II 437.2.

Ngor chen KUN DGA' LHUN GRUB — (1497‑1557)  His work on Vajrabhairava publ. in 1978.  He is most likely the one depicted in upper corner of Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 139.

Mnga' bdag KUN DGA' LHUN GRUB — 210 24.3.  Cuevas, Hidden History 185.  He is also probably the Chos rje Kun dga' lhun grub depicted at bottom of Kriejger, Tibetan Painting pl. 66.

Rmor chen Rdo rje 'chang Ngag dbang KUN DGA' LHUN GRUB — (1654‑1726)  Sa skya pa.  Dhongthog 43.  =(Rmor chen) Kun dga' 'byung gnas ?  Pictured in 128 450.  Bio. in 383 478.2 ff.

Yongs 'dzin II KUN DGA' LHUN GRUB — (1617‑1678)  'Brug pa Bka' brgyud pa.  He is the second Bde chen chos 'khor Yongs 'dzin.  Author of 176.  Collected works in 2 vols., see 8.  B. in Dbus near the Gong ri dkar po, 2 days SE of Lha sa.  7.  Apparently the lengthy version of his name is Ngag dbang kun dga' lhun grub thub bstan dge legs 'byung gnas bsod nams rgyal mtshan, q.v.

KUN DGA' LHUN GRUB RGYA MTSHO — Successor of (Rmog lcog) Kun dga' dge legs dpal 'bar in the Jo nang pa Lugs (q.v.), no. 26.

KUN 'GRUB BDE DGA' BZANG PO — Initiatory n. of Sa dbang bzang po (q.v.) by which he is known in historical sources.  39 12.

Thel pa Mkhan chen KUN RGYAL — BD of T&TB I 898.

Gtsang ston KUN RGYAL — (1126‑1216)  Aka Rgyal tshab Kun rgyal.  B. in Gtsang.  Went to Kaḥ thog  in his 56th year.  Dhongthog 88.  BD of T&TB III 360‑62.

Bdud 'dul gling pa KUN SGROL GSANG RTSAL — Teacher of Shar rdza.  253 II 502.1.  Perhaps this is Kun grol grags pa V 'Chi med bdud 'dul gling pa?

KUN BSGAD — A new name given on completion of Sanskrit grammar course.  Dungkar in TJ 8 no 4 (Wint 1993) 43.

KUN CHEN — See (— —) Zur phug Chos rje. 

KUN 'CHANG RGYAL PO — ?  253 II 379.3.

KUN SNYING LUGS — A Guhyasamāja school.  Dung dkar 78.

Rgyal po KUN TU GO BYED — In Jātakas.  Pictured in 128 736.

Rgyal bu KUN TU DGA' — 128 802. 

KUN TU DGE BA — N. of Lu i pa.  BD of T&TB I 401.  N. of the king he served as scribe.  Joshi, Studies in Buddhistic Culture 272. 

KUN TU RGYAL BA — Father of Thams cad sgrol.  TPS 469.

Gnod sbyin KUN TU RGYAL BA — 216 316.1 ff.  Emmerick

A rog KUN TU RGYAL BA — 'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) VI 139.3.

KUN TU RGYU — One of the Rtog ge Drug (q.v.)  Lang ka pu ri'i Smad tshong ma.  A prostitute in KTDN 67.4.


KUN TU 'CHANG — Pictured in 320 XIII 3.



KUN TU 'DRES PA — N. of river in Ba glang spyod.  Das 417.

Bde mchog KUN TU SPYOD PA'I RGYUD — Comm. in 145 IV 45D.6 ff.

KUN TU BZANG PO — The Bodhisattva by this n. is pictured in 128 22.  A n. of Nāropa.  BD of T&TB I 827.  For the Rnying ma pa and Bon po, a slightly personified version of the unpersonifiable ultimate Buddhahood, sometimes pictured as a naked, dark blue Buddha figure with or without consort.  The 'Total Good' beyond dichotomies.  Dung dkar 78‑79.

Rim gro ba KUN TU BZANG PO — Karma pa.  35 II 349.

KUN TU BZANG PO — Pl.n.  BA 452.  N. of a hermitage associated with Phag mo gru pa.  Kuijp in Lungta 14 (2001).

Dpal KUN TU BZANG PO — Pl.n.  BA 1092.

Rgyal bu KUN TU BZANG PO — A n. of Na ro pa.  73 53.4.  See also above.

KUN TU BZANG PO'I CHE BA LA RANG GNAS PA'I RGYUD — 319 VIII 299‑327.  31 chaps.  320 XII 439‑84. 

KUN TU BZANG PO'I MCHOD PA — Dung dkar 79.

KUN TU BZANG PO THABS SHES DBYER MED — Title listed in Everding's Bon catalog, no. JS 1851.



KUN TU BZANG MO — [1] Generally refers to the consort of Kun tu bzang po.  He refers to the enlightened 'subject', the Enlightened Mind (Bodhicitta), while she refers to the enlightened 'object', the experience of the enlightened 'subject', the Realm of Dharmas.  [2] A "slave of Padmasambhava" and a gter ma protector acc. to 210 150.1.

KUN TU BZANG MO — Woman author of the biography of Mon rdzong ras chen (15th century).  Probably the same as one of the printing sponsors of Mang yul Gung thang.

Gsang yum KUN TU BZANG MO — G.yang 'dzom is one of her students.  72 I contents.

KUN BTUS — Shortened title of Asaṅga's Abhidharmasamuccaya.  For an outline (sa bcad), see SBTD I 76.


KUN THAR — P.n.  Stein, Recherches 160.

Shel grong KUN THAR — Havnevik, Dissert. 221.


Bzod thob Dpa' chen Gcan gzan KUNDA'I GZUGS — In Jātaka.  Pictured in 128 730.

KUN DAR MA — Aka Kun dar ras ma.  Lineage holder of the Nor bu Mthong grol cycle, which she received from the revealer (Bram pa) Kun dga' bzang po.

KUN DHA LI NA'I GLING — 124 440.5.

KUN DHAR LA MA'I GLING — 124 440.6.

KUN BDE GLING — Called Kontialing or Kundeling in JTL&CT 216, 230.  One of the four Gling of Lhasa from which the Regents were chosen.  Located W of Lhasa on the road to 'Bras spungs.  Also, =Brtan bzhugs chos 'khor (q.v.).  Waddell 253.  Waddell, Lhasa 375.  Schulemann 159.  Ferrari 93.  BA 1093.  One Kundaling Kusang la headed the women's protests in Lhasa of 1959; see Palden Gyatso, Autobio. 139.  May be abbreviated as Kun gling.  Dung dkar 80‑82.  Alexander, Temples 207.  Alexandre Andreyev, Tibet in the Earliest Photographs by Russian Travelers, Studio Orientalia (New Delhi 2013), p. 126 with photo.

KUN BDE GLING BLA BRANG — Location for a printery.  162 206.  See Mengele, dGe 64.

KUN BDE GLING RIN PO CHE — The present incarnation in India said to be in dispute.  Barlocher 588, 593, 627, 639.

Rje KUN 'DUL BA — Also called 'Or sgom, and Bla ma Kun 'dul.  Bio. in 206 573.6 ff, 575.6, 578.5.  248 53.3.  253 II 334.3 ff.  Redisc. in 313 II 89‑110, 207‑218.

Byang sems KUN 'DUS — Text in 320 I 443‑445.

KUN 'DUS GLING PA — See O rgyan 'gro 'dul+.

KUN 'DUS RDOR SEMS PHO BRANG — Sardar‑Afkhami, Account 11. See Ian Baker, Heart of the World 191 ff.

KUN 'DUS NOR BU'I LUGS — A style of visualizing the lama alone as representing all the deities.  Dung dkar 82.

Byang sems KUN 'DUS 'OD KYI RGYUD — Text in 319 III 365‑85.

KUN 'DUS RIG PA'I MDO — Title in 320 XII 2.

KUN 'DUS RIN CHEN RTSA RGYUD — Bon comm. in 292 II.  Comm. in 317 105‑191.

KUN 'DUS GSAL BA 'OD GLING — 253 II 379.6.

KUN RDOR SPRUL SKU — (b. 1953)  Presently in Switzerland, he is a Se ra Rje (Se ra Byes) incarnate.  Barlocher 407‑411, 765.

KUN LDAN — (1148‑1217)  Disc. of Phag mo gru pa.  Brother of Rgyal tsha.  BA 707‑708.  =Kun ldan ras pa, q.v.  =(Kun ldan Gtsang pa) Ras chung, q.v.  Pictured in 128 472.  484 I 858.1. 

KUN LDAN RAS PA — See under Kun ldan.

'Khrul zhig KUN LDAN RAS PA — Disc. of (Byang sems) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan.  In lineage of Gtsang smyon (q.v.).  Evidently a woman.  She is called Kun ldan ras ma, 'daughter' (physical or spiritual?) of (Byang sems) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan and Ma cig Kun ldan (q.v.).  =Ye shes kun ldan.  17 II 510.  Bio. in 74 I 207‑214.

Rgyal tsha KUN LDAN RAS PA — F. Khro phu Mon.  12 IX 87.5.  Surely ought to be identified with Kun ldan, above.

KUN LDAN SHES RAB — Gave the Dge tshul vows to Zhwa nag iii in circa 1291.  BA 489.  17 II 535.6.

KUN NAS DPAL — See under Sa manta shrī.

KUN GYI RNA CAN — N. of Yudhiṣṭhira.  Das 98.

KUN SNANG — Pl.n.  BA 5, 1039.

Rgyal sras KUN SNANG — 352 602.17.

KUN SNANG KHYAB PA — N. of a Bon 'creator'.  Tucci, Religions 214.  In center of a group of 5 deities.  Nine Ways 261 (n. 59).

KUN SNANG RTSA BA'I RGYUD LE'U RTSA GCIG PA — Bon tantra in 258 I 157‑231.

Kaḥ thog Mkhan po KUN DPAL — A teacher of Ngag dga' (b. 1879).  39 17.

KUN SPANGS — See (— —) Don yod rgyal mtshan; (— —) Bde legs rin chen; (— —) Chos grags dpal; (— —) Thugs rje brtson 'grus.

KUN SPANGS — See under A dhū.  BBNP 470.

KUN SPANGS CHOS RJE — In Kālacakra lineage.  475 119.4.

KUN SPANGS RJE — A teacher of Padma dkar po (1527‑1592).  1 27.

Sde pa KUN SPANGS DRUNG — A ruler of Bsam grub rtse.  See Rdzong rtse Byams pa thub bstan's history of Bsam 'grub rtse, at p. 11.

Gsi dkar KUN SPANGS PA — Karma pa.  Bio. in 35 I 646.


Shu mi dhur KUN SPRUL — A 'Gu log incarnation.  23 32.

Bla ma KUN 'PHAGS — 377 22a.1.

KUN 'PHEL — Or, Kun 'phel lags.  Advisor to 13th Dalai Lama, his name is often spelled Kumbela.  ISTS xvi.  Goldstein, Hist. 147.

Bya btang KUN 'PHEL — 601 16v.5.

Rdzogs pa Chen po KUN BYED RGYAL PO — Text in Rnying ma Rgyud 'bum.  One of the root texts of Rdzogs chen.  BA 137, 145, 172.  27 69.  33 231.2.  Extracts and comm. in 36 I.  See also vol. XIV of Gsung Bka' ma217 708.5 ff.  Its full length title is given variously:  Lta ba Nam mkha Ltar Mtha' Dbus Med pa'i Rgyud+ in 319 I 383‑435.  Chos Thams cad Rdzogs chen Byang chub kyi sems Kun byed rgyal po in 320 I 1‑220 (contains 84 chaps.).  Dung dkar 84‑85.


KUN 'BYUNG GSER MTSHO — Lake in Tsari.  17 IV 226.3.

Zhig po KUN RTSE — SFHB 728.5.

Chos rje KUN TSHANG — Illegitimate son of Bsod nams lde.  DTK5 144.

Ri bo KUN 'DZIN — KB 60.3.

KUN 'DZOM — "Where all meet."  N. of mt. pass on road to Lahul from Spiti.  Das 1056.


'Brug chen viii KUN GZIGS CHOS KYI SNANG BA — (1768‑1822)  For a list of his names, see 23 54‑55.  Bio. in 1 42.  23 48.  Author of 107.  Author of Guidebook to Tsari in 122 1‑59.  Author of Phyag chen Sngon Bsdus in 129 II 39‑53, and Phyag chen Sngon 'gro in 129 II 55‑151.  Works, see 465.  Continuation of his autobiography by Yongs 'dzin V contained in 136 365‑389.  Author of 414 5‑83.  Calls himself Chos kyi snang ba 'gyur med rdo rje'i snying po in 122 59.  In his autobiography, listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 348 (no. 744), he calls himself Mi pham chos kyi snang ba.

KUN GZIGS MTHONG BA DON LDAN — N. of 'Jam dbyangs bzhad pa iii.  Dung dkar 88.

KUN GZIGS PHO BRANG — A palace at Bkra shis lhun po built in 1837.  Dung dkar 88.

KUN BZANG — Disc. of Atiśa.  17 II 282.4.  Dung dkar 88.

Dpon chen KUN BZANG — Slain by the Mongol army at Bya rog tshang.  208 I 218.3.

Slob dpon KUN BZANG — (12th cent.)  Sometimes spelled Kun bzangs.  Father of 'Od 'bar seng ge.  Disciple of both of the 'Dzeng.  Bio. in BD of T&TB III 324.  BA 188.  He is none other than Kun bzang rdo rje, q.v.

G.yag sde Sprul sku KUN BZANG — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363. 117.1.

Rab brtan KUN BZANG — Chief under whom Rgyal rtse reached its climax of power.  Built the Sku 'bum and Dpal 'khor Chos sde.  Tucci, Lhasa 41.  TPS 665.  =Rab brtan pa.  5 254.6.  Same as Kun bzang 'phags pa, q.v.

Lha rtse Grub chen KUN BZANG KLONG GROL — 453 160.2.

Rtogs ldan KUN BZANG KLONG GROL — Father of Snang gsal lhun grub, who in 15th century served Bon religion in Reb gong.  They descended from Grub chen Khyung dkar tshang ba.  See Tsering Thar's paper on Kokonoor tantric practitioners.

Glo bo Bla ma KUN BZANG KLONG YANGS — (fl. ca. 1689)  458 I 314.6.

Rtogs ldan KUN BZANG KLONG GROL — Lost ref.

KUN BZANG KHYAB GDAL LHUN GRUB — N. of a person?  In colophon of Nyingma work.  FM 221.1.

KUN BZANG 'KHOR LO — SBTD I 155, 252.  This is a name for a special type of concrete poetry often found in Tibetan art (on monastery entrance‑way walls, etc.).  It seems to have been inspired by the poetics of Daṇḍin.  It looks like a checkerboard with a single syllable in each square, made in such a way that it can be read in at least 8 directions, usually ending at the center, hence forming a 'wheel' ('khor lo) which reads 'well' (bzang) in 'all' (kun) directions.  An old example from Mtho lding illus. in Precious Deposits II 154‑5. Another example studied by Ehrhard in Lungta XIII (2000) 28‑32.

KUN BZANG GANG SHAR RANG GROL — N. of Shākya shrī (1853‑1919).

KUN BZANG GRAGS PA — Father  of Snang gsal.  453 30.3.

KUN BZANG GRAGS PA RDO RJE — (1528‑1565)  Died in 38th year, a Wood Ox.  DTK5 139, 140.  See under Kun bzang rdo rje grags pa.

KUN BZANG GLING — Pl.n.  210 75.1.

Rdzogs chen KUN BZANG DGONGS 'DUS — A redisc. of Padma gling pa.  See 12 XII 3 for comm.

Rdzogs chen KUN BZANG DGONGS PA KUN 'DUS — Redisc. of Klong chen pa in 87 vol. 89.

KUN BZANG DGONGS PA BCUD THIG — N. of precepts.  Lineage prayer in 344 215‑216.  =Kun bzang dgongs bcud.

U rgyan Thugs kyi Yang tig KUN BZANG DGONGS PA CHIG 'DUS — A redisc. of Thang stong rgyal po.  5 115.4.

Grub dbang KUN BZANG 'GYUR MED KLONG GROL — 384 III contents.

Lha lung KUN BZANG 'GYUR MED MCHOG GRUB — Author in 1725 of a bio. of Klong chen pa.  Kuijp in TH&L 289.

Sngags rams pa KUN BZANG 'GYUR MED BSTAN 'DZIN — (19th cent.)  BD of T&TB VII 642.

KUN BZANG 'GYUR MED TSHE DBANG GRAGS PA NGES DON GRUB PA'I RDO RJE — (recent)  Author of Rdzogs chen work in  239 XXX 515‑519.

KUN BZANG 'GYUR MED LHUN GRUB — Of Rdo dmar family (d. 1767).  TS7 I 258.

Rgod ldem vi KUN BZANG 'GYUR MED LHUN GRUB RDO RJE — See 370 preface.

Dpal me Mkhyen brtse KUN BZANG 'GRO 'DUL — (1897‑1946)  Subj. of bio. by (Zur mang Mkhan po) Karma tshogs gnyis rgya mtsho, q.v.  341.  A vol. of writings publ. in 1975.  344.  Aliases:  Bde chen rdo rje, Kun bzang mdo sngags bde chen gling pa.  One of many reembodiments of 'Jam dbyangs Mkhyen brtse'i dbang po (1820‑1892).  He was a 'Universalist' (Ris med pa).  His mon. Dpal me in Khams followed a fusion of Dkar brgyud pa and Rnying ma pa practices. 

KUN BZANG RGYAL BA RGYA MTSHO — Painting illus. in Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 164.

KUN BZANG RGYAL BA 'DUS PA — Bronze illus. in Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 163.

Sga KUN BZANG RGYAL MTSHAN — Became abbot of Sman ri Mon. in 1464.  Kværne 233 (no. 137).  Bio. in A tri 54 ff.  342 65 ff.  Kailash I 48.  Work in 418.  Verses of praise in 333 55 ff.

A mdo KUN BZANG RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1837)  Kværne no. 197.  Alias Nam mkha' dbang phyug.  Work in Bon Dag

Rig 'dzin KUN BZANG NGES DON KLONG YANGS — 19th cent. teacher in Padma bkod.  Alias, Rdo rje gsang ba rtsal.  His autobio. publ. in Two Rare 'Brug pa Dkar brgyud pa Biographies (1974).  Author, in 1882, of 433.

Phyag tsha Sprul sku i KUN BZANG NGES DON DBANG PO — TS7 II 982.

Mkhan po KUN BZANG CHOS GRAGS — Collected works  publ. in 1982+.  Also called Kun bzang dpal ldan.

KUN BZANG CHOS GLING — Mon. in Dolpo.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 148.

Lhas sgang pa KUN BZANG CHOS RGYAL — 458 I 189.2, 295.1, 327.6.


KUN BZANG CHOS DBYINGS DPAL 'BAR — A disc. of Tshe dbang nor bu (1698‑1755), who wrote down instructions for him that are contained in 10.

KUN BZANG 'JA' LUS — Actually spelled Kun bzang 'bya lus in an inscription on a thangka depicted in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 75.

Rdo ba Grub chen iv KUN BZANG 'JIGS MED CHOS DBYINGS RANG GROL — (b. 1927)  Now residing in Gangtok.  Author of 15139 4, 11.  167 445 ff.  Bio. in Kailash I (1) 11‑12.  According to Tulku Thondup's Masters of Meditation and Miracles, there were two incarnations, both born in 1927.

KUN BZANG 'JIGS MED BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — See under 'Jigs med bstan pa'i nyi ma.

Rdzong gter KUN BZANG NYI MA — (1904‑1958)  Author of Gling rje Ge sar Rgyal po'i Sgrung Kong The'u rang gi Ra rdzong Phab pa, Si khron Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Chengdu 1999).  Aka Rig 'dzin Nus ldan rdo rje. See Gter ston Bdud 'joms gling pa dang Rigs sras Dri med 'od zer / Rdzong gter Kun bzang nyi ma bcas kyi Rnam thar Phyogs gcig tu Bsgrigs pa Dad Gsum Gser gyi Snye ma, ed. by Padma 'od gsal, Si khron Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Chengdu 2000), in 188 pages.

Chos rgyal KUN BZANG NYI MA — King of Mnga' ris Stod.  40 4.

Khri KUN BZANG NYI ZLA — (1514‑1560)  Son of Kun dga' rnam rgyal lde.  DTK5 135, 140.  Nonsectarian, but especially drawn to Old Tantras.  Took throne of Gung thang in his 16th year.  He lived until his 47th year, an Iron Monkey, when he was killed.

KUN BZANG MNYAM NYID RGYUD — Bon tantra in 258 III 1‑37.

KUN BZANG SNYING PO — A Torgut.  438 VII 19.5.

KUN BZANG SNYING PO — A n. of the Dpa' bo iv Phrin las rgya mtsho.

KUN BZANG BSTAN DAR — Author of Khregs chod Zin bris contained in Padma rig 'dzin, Chos Thams cad kyi Spyir Brtags (1974), pp. 501‑568.

KUN BZANG BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (modern)  Scribe for index to 414

KUN BZANG BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — (recent)  B. in Mon.  383 478.1.

Phyag tsha Sprul sku ii KUN BZANG BSTAN PA'I NYIN BYED —  TS7 II 982.

KUN BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN — 346 116.4.

Rig 'dzin KUN BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN RGYA MTSHO — Rebirth of Bde chen gling pa.  365 164.1.  415 XI 74.1.

KUN BZANG THUGS GTER — Cycle of (Byang chub gling pa) Dpal gyi rgyal mtshan (q.v.).

KUN BZANG THUGS THIG — Cycle of Mchog gyur gling pa.  363 25.3.  Texts in 239 XXX 445 etc.

'Khrul zhig KUN BZANG MTHONG GROL RDO RJE — (modern)  345 10A.2.  377 44A.1.  For his various names, see  Havnevik, Dissert. 84, acc. to which, he died in about 1923.

KUN BZANG DON GYI 'PHRIN LAS — Text in 317 227‑41. Title listed in Everding's Bon catalog, no. JS 1843.

Khro rgyal KUN BZANG DRAG 'KHROS — Also, Kun bzang drag sngags.  Texts in 299 291 ff.

KUN BZANG BDUD 'JOMS —  ='Gro 'dul 'od gsal rdo rje.

Mi dbang KUN BZANG BDUD 'DUL LDESee Bdud 'dul lde, etc.  King of W Tibet responsible for the edition of the Milarepa song collection in FM 206, printed in an Iron Mouse year.  Note the Bdud 'dul rgyal po in TPS 645. 

Se ra Mkha' 'gro KUN BZANG BDE SKYONG DBANG MO — (1892‑?)  TS7 I 357.

KUN BZANG BDE CHEN — In bio. of Snang sa.  Beyer 57‑58.

Chos mdzad KUN BZANG BDE CHEN — 363 116.1.

Gter ston KUN BZANG BDE CHEN RGYAL PO — His Rtsa Gsum Zab mo Kun 'Dus in 87 VII 1‑48.  =Smon lam rdo rje.  Bio. in 410 172B.4.

KUN BZANG BDE CHEN 'OD GSAL GLING — A hermitage in Rin chen brag.  23 72.  Retreat centre founded by Kong sprul, one of two such centres associated w/ Dpal spung Mon.  A n. of Tsā 'dra Rin chen brag (q.v.).

KUN BZANG MDO SNGAGS BDE CHEN RDO RJE — Alias of Kun bzang 'gro 'dul (1897‑1946).

KUN BZANG RDO RJE — (b. 1151‑?)  Achard, L'Essence 30, 31, 40.

KUN BZANG RDO RJE — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 117.1.  Alias of 'Phags mchog rdo rje, son of Shākya shrī.  464.

Rig 'dzin KUN BZANG RDO RJE — (1738‑1805)  Autobio. in 106.  B. near Gting skyes.  Padma chos 'phel was his disc.  His teachers included (Rig 'dzin) Mthu stobs rdo rje and Bskal bzang kun dga' rig 'dzin (who was an embodiment of Zil gnon dbang rgyal rdo rje).  His own reembodiment was (Rig 'dzin) Kun bzang rgyal mtshan (b. 1811).  TS5 470.

Grub chen KUN BZANG RDO RJE — Achard, L'Essence 83.

Grub dbang KUN BZANG RDO RJE — (in latter half of 14th cent.)  B. in Man log in S Mon.  BD of T&TB III 580.

Gsung sprul KUN BZANG RDO RJE — (ca. 1689)  458 I 309.3.

KUN BZANG RDO RJE GRAGS PA — (1528‑1565)  A king of Gung thang.  Dung dkar 88‑89.  See under Kun bzang grags pa rdo rje.

KUN BZANG NOR BU — (20th cent.)  STT 714.

KUN BZANG RNAM RGYAL — (1926‑1974)  King of Ladakh.  TS7 II 670.

KUN BZANG RNAM RGYAL — Author of bio. of Khyung lung ras pa listed in BLP no. 0197.

Kong smyon Rig 'dzin KUN BZANG RNAM RGYAL — A teacher of (Bres gshongs pa) Chos rgyal rdo rje (1602‑1677).  BD of T&TB III 790.  Probably to be identified with the (Lha btsun Chen po) Kun bzang rnam rgyal, below.

Stag chu Slob dpon KUN BZANG RNAM RGYAL — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 119.1.

'Dzar ka Sprul sku KUN BZANG RNAM RGYAL — (fl. ca. 1890)  470 42.  Evidently =(Dzaḥ ka Mchog sprul) (Rig 'dzin) Kun bzang rnam rgyal in 363 98.1.  Matthew Kapstein, "The Strange Death of Pema the Demon Tamer," in M.K., ed., The Presence of Light (Chicago 2004), pp. 119‑156, at p. 139.

Lha btsun Chen po KUN BZANG RNAM RGYAL — (b. 1595, arrived in Lhasa in 1648)  Rnying ma pa.  Generally considered the founder of Sikkimese Buddhism.  See =(Lha btsun) Nam mkha' 'jigs med.  Waddell 284‑285.  He joined with 2 others at Jo gsum to found the first Sikkimese religious institution.  T.H. 61.  TR XV (no. 10) 17.  58 940.  Pictured in 320 XXIV 2.

Lha KUN BZANG RNAM 'PHRUL — Younger son of Kun bzang nyi zla.  =(Lha) Rnam 'phrul.  DTK5 138.

Chos rje KUN BZANG PA — Abbot of the Bar khang of Bsam yas.  210 46.3 ff.

Rdo brag Rig 'dzin KUN BZANG PADMA PHRIN LAS [RTSAL]  (1641‑1717)  Incarnation at Rdo rje brag Mon. killed in Dzungar invasion.  B. at Mon Mkhar Rnam sras gling.  Dhongthog 28.  See under Padma phrin las.  Autobio. listed in BLP no. 0059.  His Gu ru'i Rnam thar listed in BLP no. 0311.  Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 1337.

Phyag tsha Sprul sku iv KUN BZANG PADMA 'PHRIN LAS RGYA MTSHO — TS7 II 982.  He may be the 4th or 5th incarnate.

Spang ston KUN BZANG PADMA TSHE DBANG — In Thang stong Snyan brgyud.  Bio. in 63 I 170.

Sprul sku KUN BZANG PADMA LEGS GRUB — Contemp. of Smin gling Lo chen.  242 III contents.

KUN BZANG DPAL — Disciple and secretary/scribe of Tre ston Rgyal mtshan dpal (14th cent.), q.v.

KUN BZANG DPAL — Newari in Kālacakra transmission.  475 128.1.

KUN BZANG DPAL LDAN — See Kun bzang chos grags.

Grub chen KUN BZANG DPAL 'BYOR — Mentioned in BD of T&TB III 724.  365 431.6.

KUN BZANG PHUG — 377 49B.3.

Chos rgyal KUN BZANG 'PHAGS PA — 5 172.1.  See following.

Si tu Rab brtan KUN BZANG 'PHAGS PA — (1389‑1442)  A ruler of Rgyal rtse & founder in 1440 of Dpal 'khor Chos sde, q.v.  Bio. by 'Jigs med grags pa phyogs las rnam rgyal, publ. in 1978.  Same verse bio. in 378 I 91‑106 (see also 160).  See under Kun bzang.  Second prince of Rgyal rtse.  Founded the main temple at Rgyal rtse in 1418.  Founded the Sku 'bum there in 1427.  56 119.  Ferrari 141.  IT IV pt. 1, p. 79 ff.  TPS 665‑668.  Wylie 139 (n. 217).  Macdonald (1963) 54‑55.  Son of Kun dga' 'phags pa.  Rgyal rtse Rab brtan Kun bzang 'phags kyi Rnam thar Dad pa'i Lo tog Rgyas byed Dngos grub Char 'bebs, by Bo dong Paṇ chen Phyogs las rnam rgyal, listed in BLP no. 0571.

KUN BZANG 'PHRIN LAS — See Thugs mchog rdo rje hūṃ nag 'gro 'dul.

Rdza mkhrang Bla ma KUN BZANG PHRIN LAS RGYA MTSHO — 377 22A.4. 

Skyid rong KUN BZANG 'PHRIN LAS DBANG PHYUG — (1772‑1812)  An artist. See Cantwell in TS9 X 361.  Perhaps subject of this biography: Mkhas mchog Bla ma Dam pa Kun bzang 'phrin las dbang phyug gi rtogs pa brjod pa, NGMPP reel no. L376/5, a text in 37 folios (source: Kurtis Schaeffer).

Zo lung Rje btsun ma KUN BZANG 'PHRIN LAS DBANG MO — A woman for whom Tshe dbang nor bu wrote a book in 1729 on Rdzogs chen.  10 568‑572.

Phyag tsha Sprul sku iii KUN BZANG BYAMS PA SENG GE — TS7 II 982.

KUN BZANG BLA MA — Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 334.

KUN BZANG BLO GROS — A modern teacher of Gzhis ka rtse who composed the 2001 publication Zhang Bod kyi Bstan 'byung Lo rgyus Lha Rgyud Rin chen Phreng ba Ma bcos Gser gyi Yang zhun.

KUN BZANG DBANG 'DU — Unsuccessful candidate in the (PRC) lottery for Panchen Lama.  Garratt in TS9 VIII 85.

Jo nang KUN BZANG DBANG PO — Kālacakra teacher of Tshe dbang nor bu.  383 454.2, 456.4, 458.6.  Essais 141.

KUN BZANG DBANG MO — Mother of Yol mo ba iii.  373 preface.

KUN BZANG ME LONG BRAG DKAR — A retreat place in Khri ka.  Dung dkar 89.  It was founded by Brag dkar Sngags rams pa Blo bzang bstan pa rab rgyas.

Sne'u gdong KUN BZANG RTSE — (Netung)  15th cent. civil capital of Tibet under the Phag mo gru pa rulers.  All that remains today is ruins and a monastery.  Ferrari 123. 

Dpal KUN BZANG RTSE BA — Contemp. of Kun dga' dpal 'byor (1428‑1476).  57 II 443.

Gzim shag KUN BZANG RTSE — A family residence in Lhasa.  TS7 I 449.  Havnevik, Dissert. 74.


KUN BZANG TSHUL KHRIMS — (b. 1909)  Smith 206. 

KUN BZANG ZHI BA'I ZLOG PA — Work in 315 97‑104. 

KUN BZANG GZHAN PHAN — N. of 'Jigs med 'phrin las 'od zer, q.v., a name he received from the Zhe chen Rab 'byams pa II.  Pictured in 320 XXIV 3.

Lha lung Thugs sprul KUN BZANG ZIL GNON BZHAD PA RTSAL — Appears in colophon of 124 411‑597 as the one who was responsible for the woodblock carving. 

Dbus pa KUN BZANG 'OD — 115 23.5.

KUN BZANG 'OD ZER GAR DBANG BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — See Gar dbang 'chi med rdo rje. 

KUN BZANG YE SHES — A prior incarnation of Lama Yeshe.

Khams pa KUN BZANG RIG 'DZIN — (fl. ca. 1689)  458 I 362.1. 

Dpal yul Rig 'dzin KUN BZANG SHES RAB — Founded Dpal yul Mon. in 1665.  A disc. of Karma chags med and Dalai Lama v, at whose request Dpal yul was founded.  Author of FM 483.00.  Dhongthog 129.  Pictures in 128 1066 and 320 XXII 639.  See Cuevas, Hidden History 150 ff.

Brag dmar Sprul sku KUN BZANG SHES RAB — 363 115.5.

KUN BZANG SROG GI THIGS PA — Part of title in 320 VII 525 ff.

Sngags ram pa KUN BZANG GSANG SNGAGS — (ca. 1831)  471 110.6.

KUN BZANG GSANG SNGAGS BSTAN 'DZIN — Author of bio. of O rgyan rang grol rdo rje 'jigs med go cha listed in BLP no. 2110.

Mi nyag KUN BZANG BSOD NAMS — (d. ca. 1908)  Alias Thub bstan chos kyi grags pa.  A Dge lugs pa who became a Rnying ma pa.  Wrote comm. on Spyod 'Jug42 11.


KUN BZANG A SKOR — A Bon deity.  in Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 163.

KU'ANG Ṭ'U — Kong kra'u.  Dung dkar 91.

KUN RA — See (Gzhu) Kun dga' ra ba.

KUN RIG — A form and maṇḍala cycle of Rnam par snang mdzad (Vairocana) belonging primarily, but not exclusively, to the Bka' gdams pa school.  See 14 30 et passim185 219‑308.  349 VI 202‑320.  SBTD I 281, 401.  Sometimes called Thams cad rig.  'Dul 'dzin Grags pa rgyal mtshan composed a Sarvadurgati work entitled Bcom ldan 'das Thams cad rig pa'i Rnam bshadDung dkar 90.  For a remarkable painting of this maṇḍala, see MBKP 136.

Sgom pa KUN RIG — Thondup, BM 160.

Bram ze KUN RIG — BD of T&TB I 845‑846.

Se ston KUN RIG — Disc. of 'Brog mi.  Evidently =Se Mkhar chung ba.  BA 208.  Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 192.  The best source on him is Cyrus Stearn's unpublished work on the Lam 'bras lineages.  His b. place was Mkhar chung.  Cyrus says he died in 1122, age 98.  The chrono. at end of 3‑vol. dict. says he was b. in 1116!  He is depicted in a thangka reproduced in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 90, where his dates are given as 1025‑1113.

KUN RIG RGYAL PO — 320 I 418.7.

Zhang zhung KUN RIG RGYAL PO — ZZFC 248.

KUN RIG LAS BZHI RGYUN LNGA — Bon rites in 301.

KUN RIN — A civil leader (Sgom chen) of the 'Bri gung pa who led a revolt in 1359 which Klong chen pa tried to mediate. 

Sngags 'chang KUN RIN — See BLP nos. 0331, 0673.

KUN LA KUN SA — Nepalese disc. of Padmasambhava.  87 I 30.2.  Also, Kun la kun sa zhi, or, Kun la kun zhi.  KTDN A VIII 20.5, 24.5.

KUN LA 'JUG PA RNAM DAG DON GYI RGYUD — Text in 320 III 606‑631.

KUN LEGS — Common abbreviation of the name Kun dga' legs pa, q.v.





Chos dbyings Sprul sku KUN LHA BSTAN 'DZIN — In colophon to section SA of 334363 115.1.

Kong btsun KUN LHUN — Work in 260 511‑514.

KUM BHA RI PA — Mahāsiddha.  Tib.: Rdza mkhan zhabs.  Bio. in 120 157‑159.  Ku ma ri pa in BD of T&TB I 729‑730. 

KUL 'CHING RU — Pl.n.  BA 354.

KUS PA'I —  =Kus byi.  See (— —) 'Or myong nag.

KUS PO YEN — In Khotan.  Emmerick.

KE KE RU — Wife of King Gsal rgyal (Prasenajit).  Khyung sprul 12.

KE KRO DHA — ?  See Na ga ra ke kro dha.

Rgya nag KE CU — 170 25.3.

KE GU NA — Eimer, NG 114.  Alternative spellings Gri gu na, Gre gu na.

KE JU MKHAR — Yamaguchi in Acta Asiatica 29 (1975) 39.

KE TA KA — 377 32A.5.

KE TA KA'I DRIS BSGOS PA — Das 413 (no. 48).

KE TA'I YUL — A country not too far from the land of the Śākyas in Śākyamuni's time.  It's mentioned together with Śākya'i Yul and Gyad yul (Malla).  Lde'u 62.

KE TU KA — A cave (brag phug) at Mtsho lnga brag.  253 II 593.5.

Drang srong KE NA'I BU — KB 61.4.  Perhaps something like Kenaputra?

KE SPE NI YA — A name for Guinea.  Yongdan, TCW 106.

KE'U TSHANG — See (— —) 'Jam dbyangs smon lam.

KE'U TSHANG BLA BRANG — Printery.  162 193.

KE'U TSHANG BLA MA — See (— — — —) 'Jam dpal ye shes.

KE'U TSHANG NUB RI KHROD — Dung dkar 92.

KE'U TSHANG RI KHROD — N. of a hermitage near Se ra and another near Bsam yas.  Photo in Chapman, Lhasa 206.  Ferrari 103.  Tsandan gyi Ke'u tshang.  87 I 143.3.  See Alexandre Andreyev, Tibet in the Earliest Photographs by Russian Travelers, Studio Orientalia (New Delhi 2013), p. 25.

KE'U TSHANG RIN PO CHE — A high lama of Sera.  Avedon 5.

KE'U TSHANG SHAR RI KHROD — F. in 18th cent. by Ke'u tshang 'Jam dbyangs blo gsal.  Dung dkar 93.

KE'U RI MA — "Ke'u ri ma mo brgyad kyi gzugs rang byung."  LGCM 596.1.

KE RU — A chapel at 'On.  'On Lha khang.  Built by Khri srong lde btsan.  Place and mon. at 'On.  Tucci, Lhasa 126.  Tucci, Tombs 83.  BA 257.  Ferrari 119.  It could be the "Skyi ru lha khang" in Zangs ri County mentioned in Precious Deposits I 188.  Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 86 n. 2.  Previous rebirth of Shākyamuni.  Ma ṇi Bka' 'bum I 40.5.  Jackson, MB 76.  Recently visited by M. Kapstein, who looked into their manuscript collection and identified a 12th-century Prajñāpāramitā ms. 

KE RU DPAL 'BYUNG — A temple built by Srong btsan in 'A‑zhwa.  Lde'u 285.

KAI LA SA RGOD — Dung dkar 91.

KE'U LI — Also, in various texts, Ka'u li, Ka'u le, Ko'u li, Kwa li.  These probably all go back to Ch. Kao‑li, standing for Koryô, name of the dynasty, and because of this an early exonym for Korea.  See Karsten, T‑K 5.

KE'U LI'I 'PHRANG — Dung dkar 93.

KE'U LE — Kuijp, Some Remarks 162, variant spelling (or reading?) for Ke'u lo.


KE'U SHAN — Horlemann in TS9 I 60.

KE'U SHAN BYI — Kauṣāmbī.  City near Allāhābād.  Emmerick

KE'U SHI KA — Sūtra said to be composed in Tibet.  413 581.2.  See Ko'u shi ka.

KEG SHI — Said to be a misspelling of Keng shi.  Dung dkar 91.

Phywa KENG TSE LAN MED — Karmay, Confucius 576.

KENG RI — BA 849.  Pl. where there is a cemetery where Ka ro pa meditated.  See following.

KENG RUS CAN — One of the 8 great cemeteries.  Das 630.

KENG RUS ME 'BAR — "An Indian cemetery."  5 86.1. 

KENG RUS ZHABS — See Kaṃ ka ri pa.

KENG LUNG GI LO — Dung dkar 91.

KENG SHI — Dung dkar 91.

KEM SHING KHRI SGO — N. of a city in China.  Sba 2.


KO KA LI KA — Like Lha sbyin, belonged to Buddha's clan.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum IV 490.4.  Lo ras pa, Gsung 'bum IV 501.4.

KO KI — N. of a country in India, discussed in Dung dkar 93.

KO KI LI PA — Mahāsiddha.  =Ko ka li pa.  Tib.: Khu byug zhabs, 'Cuckoo'.  Bio. in 120 192‑194.  A king who spent all his time in his pleasure garden of A mra trees until a bhikṣu came and informed him that his diversions were tinged with the three poisons.  When he meditated, he was diverted by the cuckoo birds, so the bhikṣu gave him precepts based on cuckoo bird imagery.  BD of T&TB I 760‑762.

KO KO THUNG MA — N. of a country in the vicinity of Ceylon.  Das 34.

KO KHYIM — BA 78, 617.

KO KHYIM PA — See (— — —) Ye shes bla ma.

KO GE PA — A (modern) people.  NMH 65.2.

Khyung po KO DGON — 253 II 613.1.

KO LCAGS 'GRO MGON — 377 21A.4.

KO NYA — N. of a country (yul).  Das 34.

KO ṬA LI PA — Mahāsiddha.  Tib.: Tog tse pa.  Bio. in 120 119.15.  Met Shanti pa as he was hoeing.  BD of T&TB I 696‑698.

KO'U DGON PA — Dung dkar 103.

KO'U TAM SDE — A famous temple.  332 preface 17.

KO TAṂ BHA RA — N. of a river.  115 56.6, 64.6, 67.3.  N. of a village.  BD of T&TB I 455.

Lha mo KAU STU BHA — KB 34.4.

KO STON — See (— —) G.yung drung.

Kun shes KAUṆḌI NYA — Ko'u ḍi nya.  One of the 5 first discs. of Buddha.  Dung dkar 90.

'Bro KO DE LUNG — Disc. of Dgon pa ba.  =('Bre) Ko de lung pa.  17 II 376.6.

'Bre KO DE LUNG PA —  =('Bro) Ko de lung.  BA 266.

KO DRE GRO CHUNG —  =Kom 'dre.  In the vicinity of Sa skya. Dung dkar 94.

KO'U BA — See (— —) Chos rgya mtsho.  (— —) Gzhon nu byang chub 'od zer.

KO BA BRAG — N. of a district in upper Tibet, in Stod lung.  Das 33.  Evid., also n. of a mon.  BA 727.  KTDN 60.3, 89.5.

KO'U BA RI PHUG PA — Dung dkar 103.

KO BANG — Chinese monk at ordination of Dgongs pa rab gsal.  17 II 340.1.

KO BO — See (— —) Ye shes rgya mtsho;  (— —) Ye shes rgyal mtshan;  (— —) Ye shes 'byung gnas;  (— —) Yon sgom thar mo.

Gshen chung KO BO — 333 II 497.1.

KO BRAG — A mon. f. by Ko brag pa Bsod nams rgyal mtshan, in the area of Rgyal rtse. Dung dkar 95.

KO BRAG PA — See (— — —) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan.

KO BRAG PA'I LAM 'BRAS — 17 II 400.3.

KO BRAG PHUG — In Ding ri.  Aziz 36‑37.

KO MANGS — Pl.n.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 144.

KO MDZO — Pl.n.  467 II 199.3. LPNT VII 358, 359.


KO RAN — Skya snga rtsa'i Ko ran (q.v.).

KO RI LI — Visited by Tilopa.  =Ki ri li.  36 V 252.

KO RU — BA II 992.  Where Sangs rgyas ston pa was born.  In Sgong ma. 

'Bri ldang KO RO — 210 156.2, 156.4.

KO RO SHI — See (— — —) Co ma Shān dor.

KO ROG DAR LUNG — 467 II 194.6.

KO RON — 4X I 148.4.

KO RON MDO — Everding in TS9 I 113.

KO RON SA — Place where Mi la ras pa's father settled.  See Skya snga rtsa'i Ko ron.  Wylie 130, n. 135.  BA 427.  See 17 II 472.6.  In Gung thang, Skya rtsa'i Ko ron.  4X I 7.3.  Ngan tswa'i Kong ron in 4X I 83.2 (but notice Ko ron in 83.7), 121.6.

KO LA SA — City in S Kha che (Kashmir).  57 II 6.

KO LONG BSDOM PA'I LHA DGU — Dung dkar 96.

Spyan snga KO SHAM PA — Name for (Spyan snga) Tshul khrims 'bar.  DCD 19‑20.

KO SHAM BI — Kau shāmbhī ni mdzod ldan te yul gyi ming.  Utpal 12.3.  Buddha stayed there a year at invitation of Blon po Gdangs can.  Dung dkar 96, 103‑104.  DCD 20 (Ko sham bi), 21‑23 (Ko'u sham bhi).

KO'U SHI KA — 17 II 391.4.  Sūtra believed to be apochryphal.  Sa Paṇ, Sdom Gsum (1971) 87B.5.  ko'u shi ka lha dbang brgya sbyin dang mkhas pa sogs mang po la 'jug.  Utpal 12.5.  See Ke'u shi ka.

KO SHENG — =Kong sheng, Ku sheng.  Chinese equiv. is Gucheng, while the Khotanese equiv. should have been Guma (Gūma).

KO SHRI — Prob. =Go shri.  See (— —) Ngag dbang bskal bzang.

KO SA — See Ngag phug Ko sa  or  Ngam phug Ko sa.  Ko sa means 'place of hide boats (coracals)'.

KO SA LA — Emmerick.  ko sa la ni rgya gar grong khyer gyi ming.  Utpal 12.4.  DCD 20‑21.  See Mnyan yod.

Lho KO SA LA — BD of T&TB X 9.20, 24.19.

KO SA LA'I RGYAN — Yogatantra comm. by Śākyamitra.  Dung dkar 97.

KO SA LA'I RGYAL PO — Picture in 128 694.

Ri bo Chen po KO SA LI — Mt. name.  LGCM 613.1.

KO SENG —  =Kong seng.

KOG YUL — A term used by Tibetans for the area of the Bru zha and Gog peoples.  See Karl Jettmar, The Gilgit Manuscripts and the Political History of Gilgit, Pakistan Archaeology, vol. 25 (1990), pp. 305‑314, at p. 310.  Might it have something to do with Gog & Magog?

KOG LANGS MKHAN — See Lu tsi ka pa.

KONG — See (— —) Ni ru pa;  (— —) 'Bru la Dgon pa;  (— —) Brag gsum pa.

KONG KA ṆA —  "U rgyan Kong ka na'i Lugs kyi Bde mchog bsgrub pa mdzad de."  17 II 256.5, 411.2.  BA 360.  N. of a country (yul) in S India.  Sometimes, Kongku na.  BD of T&TB I 414, 416, 546, 551, 904, 925.  Das 729A.  Discussion in Dung dkar 102.

KONG DKAR CHOS GRWA — A large Sa skya mon. f. by Kun dga' rnam rgyal.  Near confluence of Skyid chu and Gtsang po.  Tucci, Lhasa 149.

KONG GYO — BA 507, 515.

KONG RGYAL PO — Nine Ways 8 (Chapter 58).  'King Kong'.

KONG CO — Emmerick.

KONG CHA 'PHRUL BU — Kværne 225 (29).

KONG CHU BRLAG — Dung dkar 97.

KONG CHUNG PA —  =Skor chung pa (q.v.).  17 II 430.

KONG CHEN — See (— —) Nam mkha' dpal ldan.

KONG JO — Chinese wife of Srong btsan sgam po.  OTA 650, who has to be distinguished from Kim shing Kong jo, who lived in the following century.  Image illus. in Po ta la (1996) 60.  Ma cig Kong jo'i Lo rgyus listed in BLP no. 1592.  See Dung dkar, p. 52, under Kim shing Kong jo (the 8th century princess), and p. 1755 under Wun khreng Kong jo (7th century).

KONG RJE — Spirits.  "dkar po dmar po nag po gsum." "Kong rje Mched Gsum."  KTDN 67.1, 68.1.

KONG GTER — See (— —) Gung grags.

KONG STON — See (— —) (Gzhung brgya smra ba) Grags pa rin chen.  See (— —) Dbang phyug grub pa.

KONG STON CHOS RJE — Subject of an image constructed by his disciple Dngos grub bzang po.  P. Pal et al., Tibet: Tradition & Change (The Albuquerque Museum 1998) 56‑57.  Name occurs in a title in Drepung Catalog 901: 'Khor 'das Dbyer med kyi Zin bris.

KONG THUNG — Dung dkar 97.


KONG PO — Sometimes, Kong bu, Rkong po.  'Country of ravines'.  Province SE of Lhasa, and E of Rtse thang.  Kong gsum refers to three divisions of the province (but also N. of a kingdom in India, evidently).  Das 36.  BA 181, 198, 200, 278, 481, 491‑494, 505, 515, 524, 529, etc.  Province in SE Central Tibet.  Goldstein 38.  Dung dkar 97‑98.

KONG PO — Its kings have descent from Yum brtan.  DTK5 76.

KONG PO — In place names.  See (— —) Bu chu Lha khang.  (— —) Bha kha.  (— —) (Tā) Klu sdings.  (— —) Sba la.

KONG PO — In personal names.  See (— —) Bstan 'dzin legs bshad;  (— —) Bam stengs Sprul sku;  (— —) Chab nag pa.

KONG PO DKAR CHEN — See (— — — —) Kun dga' grags pa.

KONG PO CHOS MDZAD See (— — — —) Bskal bzang bstan 'dzin.

KONG PO RTOGS LDAN — See (— — — —) Kun dga' rgyal po.

KONG PO DE MO — Inscription discussed in Dung dkar 98‑99.

KONG PO DPON SPRUG — Stearns, King 234.

KONG PO SPRUL SKU — Jackson, Patron 5.

KONG PO BU CHU — See (Kong po) Bu chu Lha khang.


KONG PO RDZOGS CHEN PA — Achard, L'Essence 96.

KONG PO RAB 'BYAMS PA — In work on Rdel rtsis.  480.


KONG SPRUL — See (— — i) Yon tan rgya mtsho (1813‑1899);  (— — i) Blo gros mtha' yas (1813‑1899).  See (— — ii) Dpal ldan mkhyen brtse 'od zer (1902‑1952).  See (— — iii) Blo gros chos kyi seng ge (1954‑1992).  (— — iv) 'Jam mgon blo gros chos kyi nyi ma bstan pa'i sgron me.

KONG SPREL — N. of an individual who made donations to repair Bsam yas.  Das 36.

KONG PHO — BA 550.


Myang stod KONG BU SNA — Lde'u 385.

KONG MO'I RI — BA 726.

KONG MO SIDDHI — Bio. in 453 33.2 ff.

KONG SMYON — See (— —) Nam mkha' 'jigs med rtsal.

KONG SMYON RIG 'DZIN — See (— — — —) Kun bzang rnam rgyal.

KONG BTSUN — See (— —) Kun lhun;  (— —) Bkra dbang;  (— —) Shes rab ye shes.

KONG BTSUN DE MO — Unidentified mt.  Wylie 116 (n. 24).  "Kong btsun De mo Sman btsun De mo."  KTDN 59.3.  Picture of mt. spirit in 128 1150.  210 164.3.  Stearns, King 41.

KONG BTSUN DE MO — See (— — — —)  Rdo rje bod khams skyong.

KONG RTSE — Confucius.  253 II 176.5.  Often called 'Phrul gyi Rgyal po, an epithet also given to the Emperors in OT documents.  Author of works in 315 513‑97.  Karmay, Confucius352 493.19, 800.8 ff, 802 ff.  476 I 418.6.  374 I 35.5.  Dung dkar 101, 102.  See under Bi rje btsan po.

KONG RTSE — See (— —) Lan med.

KONG RTSER BA — Pl.n.?  438 VI 492.5.

KONG TSHA DKAR PO — One of Sku sras brgyad (q.v.).

KONG TSHA 'PHUL BU CHUNG — One of Sku sras brgyad (q.v.).

KONG TSHA DBANG LDAN — Son of Lord Shenrab and his wife Rkong bza'. See Lhagyal in Karmay et al., eds., New Horizons 438.

Dbas KONG BZHER — Last of the Blon chen, he was killed in battle in 866. T.H. 46.

KONG ZA — See (— —) Rin chen.

KONG YUL — BA 495.  5 129.6.

KONG YUL — See (— —) Bres sna;  (— —) Spre sna.

KONG RAM 'TSHO — (11th cent.?)  217 710.2.

KONG RAM SMAN BLA — See (Sman bla) Don grub.

KONG RON — See Ko ron.

KONG LI — Korea.  Dung dkar 45.

KONG SENG — Region of Khotan.  Emmerick.

KON TA LI — Mahāsiddha.  Pictured in 128 54A.

KON TI — Kuntī, mother of some of the Pāṇḍava brothers; Roesler in Facets 164.


KON TING GO SHRI — Dung dkar 102.

Rgyal chen KON YUN CHANG — Lo rgyus by Thu'u bkwan listed in BLP no. 0506.

KAUNDI NYA — 'khor lnga sde bzang po'i nang gi de'o.  Utpal 12.5.

KON PA KRA — Prince, son of 'Brong gnyan lde'u.  3 14.

KOM 'PHRANG CHOS RJE — See (— — — —) Ye shes dngos grub.

KOM SHING KONG JO — Youngest daughter of the fifth emperor of Tang dynasty.  Married Mes 'ag tshoms.  Das 37.  See Kim shing Kong jo.

KOR KA NA — Mahāsiddha. Pictured in 128 31A.

KOR KOR — 391 V 332.

KOR SHI BI — N. of a shrine.  Emmerick.

KOL TI — BA 490.

Mkhan po KOL TI BA — (ca. 1180)  476 I 101.2, 103.3.  484 I 841.2.

KYA YE GON — Pollock, Forms 345, 356.  Identified as Jiayuguan, the fort marking the end of the Great Wall in Gansu.

KYA LA —  =Rgya la.  Petty state in Tibet.  Chief city is (Rgya la) Seng gdong.  Where Gtsang po enters a chasm in the mts.  Das 123.  Evid. =(Kong po) Rgya la.  5 222.4.  Das JTL&CT 123.  Gyala Peri (=Rgya la Dpal ri) Mountain; see Bailey, No Passport 124, etc.

KYA LA MKHAN PO — See (— — — —) Chos mchog.

KYAN HE ZIR — N. of a mon. at Ri bo Rtse lnga, where Lcang skya's funerary monument, his gdung rten, is found.  Dung dkar 105.

KYI GTO 'BUM NAG PO — Bon sūtra.  Das 835.  Something appears wrong here, since the syllable kyi surely doesn’t belong to the title.

KYI STON — A Rdzogs chen teacher who traveled to India w/ Ras chung pa.  4 191B.1.

KYI NA TSUG — See Khyi na tsug.

KYI NOR — See (— —) Ye shes dbang phyug.  The name Kyi nor signifies that he was a Kinnauri.

KYI BAR RIN SGANG — Vai.Ser. 254.

KYI TSHANG — BA 874.  Kyi tshang Brag of 'Phyongs rgyas.  24 I 218.1.  =Skyi tshang (q.v.).

KYI TSHO — Monastic faction.  Dung dkar 105.  It included the Khri tsho, Brang tsho, Rgya tsho and 'Dar tsho.  It was divided into Kyi tsho Stod pa, Bar pa & Smad pa.

Pho brang KYI'I 'ON LJANG NGO — See 'On ljang rdo.  17 II 330.5.

KYI RI LJON SNGON — An area mentioned among the minor kingdoms in an O.T. text. Dung dkar 105‑106.  In later texts called Gyi ri ljongs sngon.

KYI ROG SNANG KHA — Vai.Ser. 254.

KYI HUN — Dung dkar 106.  Title of Ming Emperor, elsewhere transcribed as Kyen bun.  Toh, Ming 100.

Pho brang KYA BYU'I GLING — Place of printing of FM 710.00.

KYIN THĀ ZI — Dung dkar 106.

KYU RA — Clan n.  See =Skyu ra. 

KYU RA — See (— —) 'Od zer rgyal mtshan;  (— —) Rin chen rgyal mtshan;  (— —) Rin chen 'od zer.

Sprul sku KYU RA — Redisc. in 260 319‑326.

KYU RA RNAL 'BYOR — See (— — — —) Blo gros rgyal mtshan.

KYAI RDO RJE — Hevajra.  Many studies in  145 III.  Nine‑deity.  349 XVIII, XXVI.  374 383.5 ff.  History and bios., see SBTD I 366.  Thangka in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 167.  A 14th cent. brocade thangka (including a Karma pa depiction) illus. in Po ta la (1996) 145.  The 10 different traditions & so forth discussed in Dung dkar 106 ff.

KYAI RDOR MKHAN PO — See (— — — —) Ngag dbang mkhas grub.

KYE PO — See (— —) Ye rdor.

KYEN KHANG — Dung dkar 109.

KYEN 'UN — Dung dkar 109.

KYEM BU — In colophon to FM 521.02.

KRA KRAG — Pl.n.  See 82 90.

KRA CHUNG — ? Uncertain reading.  See (Pha rgod) (— —) Chos kyi rgya mtsho.

Dge bshes KRA RA BA — Student of Yol Chos dbang.  At Tre ka Brag he taught the Bka' gdams pa teachings to Dus gsum mkhyen pa.  356 58.6.  35 I 5.

KRA'U SHAR MA'I RGYAL RABS — Dung dkar 113.

KRA SANG THAL JI — Mongol king.  208 I 236.1.

KRANG AM BAN — Krang Am ban gyi Phal skad, a work on colloquial language by Chang Keng, Amban from 1888‑1890.  Filibeck, Catalog II, no. 1136.

KRAS PO — CHMO 15 14.

KRI — Valley upstream from Lhasa where the Zhol pillar originally stood.

Rgyal po KRI KI —  "Rgyal po Khri ka'i rmi lam ltar."  Sa Paṇ, Sdom Gsum 20A.2.  242 III 245.2.  397 V 191.2.

KRI KRI — A personal deity (yi dam).  Image in Jo khang Temple.  Essais 170.

Rgyal po KRI KRI —  =Kring kring?  =Kri ki?  413 74.1.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) VI 196.5.  In n. of a sūtra.  Dung dkar 109.  DCD 23‑24.  Kṛkin?


KRI YA — Dung dkar 110.

KRI YA DON GYI LHA DRUG — Dung dkar 110.

KRI YA SA MU TSTSHA — Dung dkar 110.


KRI YOG — Dung dkar 110‑111.

KRI LI KRA NA — A country (yul) in India.  132 108.4.

KRI ṢṆĀ — Mother of two of the Pāṇḍava brothers (but this name should be rather Mādrī); Roesler in Facets 164.

Jo bo KRI ṢṆA — Teacher of Rong zom.  (?)  166 12.6.

Paṇḍi ta KRI ṢṆA — In Tibet in 17th cent., working with Tāranātha.  Mtshan tho no. 124.

KRI ṢṆA RA DZA — BD of T&TB I 366.

KRI SHNA A NAN TA — Picture and bio. in 373 I 18.

KRIG BRTAN — Kapstein, Dialectic 272.

KRING KRING RA DZA —  =(Rgyal po) Kri kri?  320 II 460.6.

KRUNG THANG RGYAS DPYAD — Dung dkar 111‑112.

KRUNG THANG CHEN PO — Engelhardt in TS9 I 238.


KRE NAB MA — KB 95.3.

KRE MAṆḌAL — An unidentified area of Mdo khams.  Dung dkar 113.

KRE HO — See (— —) Blo bzang 'phrin las.

KRE HOR — See (— —) Blo bzang thabs mkhas.

KRO TI SHO RI — Consort of Yang dag He ru ka.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 380.2.

KRONG SAR — In Lho brag.  363 142.4.  346 89.6.

Dwags po KRONGS KHA — CFMS 79.

KLA KLO — Descriptions in NMH 71 ff.  Klo nag, etc.  Discussion of several meanings of the name in NMH 138 ff.  Story of their origins.  498 IVB 73.2 ff.  Dung dkar 113.

KLA KLO MTHA' 'KHOB KYI ZHAL LCE — Dung dkar 113‑114.

Slob dpon KLAG MDA' BA — (after 1170)  476 I 79.7.

KLAG PA LAM PA — See (— — — —) Klu mes Tshul khrims.  See also Glag pa lam. 

Byang KLAG BRAG — BA 238.

KLAGS — BA 862.

KLAGS GNAS CHEN —  =Glag Gnas mo che in BA 95.  124 487.3.

KLAGS MA — See (— —) Brag dkar.

KLANG CHUNG RA GSAR — A town in Go 'jo.  See Mengele, dGe 66.

KLAD DON NOR BU'I BRGYUD 'GREL — Title in 325 277‑293.

Snar KLAS MO CHE — BA 81, 421, 600, 1068, 1069.  Spelled Blas mo che in BA 82.  17 II 345.1.  Not far from Snar thang, Kha che Shākya shrī taught there.  Dung dkar 114.

KLU — Nāga.  See Combe 77; Beyer, index under 'Lu'.  8 Nāgas listed in 445 III 32.1.  One among the Mgur lha (q.v.).  On the klu castes, see Bellezza, Divine Dyads 417.

KLU DKYIL — "Likir."  La dwags mon. f. by Lha chen Rgyal po (ca. 1050‑1080).  Roerich, Trails 18.  14 28, 106, 118‑121.  See Klu 'khyil.  LaRocca, Warriors 43 ff.

KLU SKAR RGYAL — See (Klu) Skar rgyal. 

KLU KHANG — Often referred to as Rdzong rgyab Klu khang.  A brief historical sketch given in Dung dkar 114‑115.  The murals have been made subject of some studies and a book.

KLU KHANG NUB — Henss, CMT 158.

KLU KHANG PA — Photo in 424 229.

KLU KHANG PA — See (— — —) Tshe dbang rab brtan.

KLU'I KHYAB 'JUG — King of Vajrāsana.  413 139.3.

KLU'I MKHAR — A name for Jālandhara.  Lobzang Shastri, Jalandhara in the Eyes of Tibetan and Trans‑Himalayan Pilgrims, TJ 34 no 2 (Summ 2009) 12.

KLU 'KHYIL GYI DGON PA — DTK5 185.  See Li kir. Dung dkar 116.

KLU GAN RKYAL — Nīlakantha.  The famous reclining nāga of the Nepal valley.  Dung dkar 116.

KLU GONG — N. of a place in 'Phan yul.  BA 310.

Rams KLU GONG PA — See =(Ram) Btsan can.

KLU DGA' — See Lha dga' Klu dga'.

Gshen chen KLU DGA' — (996‑1035)  He redisc. Srid pa'i Mdzod phug (q.v.) in 1017 at 'Grig mtshams Mtha' dkar.  See 23 6.  348 130.2.  Bios. in SFHB 238‑244; and 253 II 184 ff, 538.1.  Redisc. in 258 I 157‑231.  Work in 260 421‑422.  Terma in 270; 261 1‑30.  277 129 ff.  286 II 1‑50, 157‑160.  288 1‑368.  301 II 231‑405.  Kværne nos. 68 & 75.  274 I 193‑196.  Kværne, Canon 34.  Subject of the book Unearthing Bon Treasures, published by Brill (Leiden).

Khyung po KLU MGON — 253 II 230.3.  Karmay, Treasury 178.

Smer Blon che KLU MGON — Patron of an image according to its inscription.  See Acta Orientalia 55 (1994) 109.  TS7 II 973.

Snyel 'or KLU MGON SGRA — Scribal colophon reproduced in C. Scherrer‑Schaub & George Bonani, "Establishing a Typology of the Old Tibetan Manuscripts: A Multidisciplinary Approach," contained in: Susan Whitfield, ed., Dunhuang Manuscript Forgeries, British Library (London 2002), pp. 184‑215, at p. 201 (fig. 25.3b).

KLU RGYAL — Kuijp in TH&L 303, 304.

Bla mchan Bla ma KLU RGYAL — 363 120.4.

Ra sangs KLU RGYAL — 248 15.3.

Lha bzo KLU RGYAL — I came across this name in an account of 'Dzeng in the history of the Rdo rje zam pa.  'Dzeng commissioned him to make a portrait of Pha dam pa.

KLU'I RGYAL PO BRGYAD — See description of the Eight Nāga Kings in  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 395.



Cog ro KLU'I RGYAL MTSHAN — F. mon. at Spyi bo of Mchims phu.  Bio. info. in LGCM 636.1.  Ferrari 115.  9 6.  17 II 325.5, 345.6.  BA 344‑5.  87 I 58.6, 60.1, 62.6, 94.6.  Picture 128 1028.  Achard, L'Essence 66, 96.  Listed in Mtshan tho no. 10.

KLU RGYAL GZI CHEN — Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 449.

KLU SGUG — An area of Lhasa, near G.yu thog Zam pa.  Also called Klu sbugs. Dung dkar 116‑117.

KLU SGUG SGAR SA — Dung dkar 117.


KLU SGRUB — Nāgārjuna.  See Nā gā rdzu na.  As part of Rnying ma transmission, see bio. in BD of T&TB III 28.  As part of Mahāmudrā transmission, he follows Blo gros rin chen.  57 IIB 342.  Names 1) as householder, Dharma dha ra.  2) monastic, Shā kya bshes gnyen.  3) as initiate, Mi bskyod rdo rje.  4) as prophesied, Klu sgrub.  5) Secret n., Badzra ra ka or Gnyis med rdo rje.  Those names acc. to bio. in 24 I 52.6 ff.  List of works contained in 24 I 56.4 ff.  Pictured in 128 69A, 268, 320.  His n. is often prefixed with epithets such as 'Phags mchog and Dpal mgon 'Phags pa.  Bios. in 165 251; and BD of T&TB I 163‑193.  As physician, see KB 126.4.  K. Yeshi & N. Katz, "The Hagiography of Nagarjuna," contained in Kailash 5 (1977), no. 4, p. 269 ff.  Klu sgrub Yab sras kyi Rnam thar by 'Brug chen iv Padma dkar po listed in BLP no. 0128.  Dung dkar 117‑120.

KLU SGRUB RGYA MTSHO — Student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717). 

Mkhan po KLU SGRUB RGYA MTSHO — (contemporary abbot at Sa skya)  See Loseries in TS7 vol. 2, pp. 587 ff.

Mang thos KLU SGRUB RGYA MTSHO — (b. 1523)  2nd successor of Tshar chen Blo gsal rgya mtsho.  Lived at end of 16th cent.  Ferrari 156.  374 I 472.2 ff.  His collected works in 4 vols have been published in pothi style in Kathmandu in 1999.  Autobio. listed in BLP no. 1600.

KLU SGRUB SNYING PO — Evid., an Indian Mahāsiddha in early transmission lineage of Mahāmudrā. 

KLU SGRUB PHUG — 115 45.3, 45.7.

KLU SGRUB YE SHES SNYING PO — In ancient Bon Rdzogs chen transmission.  253 II 370.


KLU BRGYAD PA — Reading teacher of Mi la ras pa.  BA 417.  Also, Klu brgyad or Klu chen brgyad (q.v.). 

KLU'I CHAB RAG — N. of a mt. range at source of Klu chu (q.v.). 

KLU CHU — (T'ao shui).  BA 53.  Called T'ao ho in Chinese.  Rises in Klu'i Chab rag range and flows N through Co ne, joining the Rma chu.  Wylie 119 (n. 45).  Dung dkar 120.

KLU'I CHU — River in Lus 'phags pa.  Das 417.

KLU CHEN BRGYAD — See list in Das 45.  N. of Mi la ras pa's reading teacher.  4X I 7.4.  Dung dkar 116, 120.

KLU MCHOG DGON — Vai.Ser. 242.

KLU RJE BTSAN PO — Bellezza, L&T 73.

KLU RJE ZING BRTSAN — Bellezza, L&T 75.


KLU YI STOBS LDAN — N. of Bhima, the Pāṇḍava.  Das 98.

Nyag rong KLU THOG BSKAL BZANG — 346 46.2.

KLU DA RU GA CHE — Dung dkar 121.

KLU'I DUG BCOM — A cosmological ocean.  Das 416.

KLU GDOL PA'I RIGS — "outcaste Nāgas."  An order of Nāga (their color is blue).  Wylie 26. 

KLU BDUD NAG PO — Dung dkar 121.

Glang sgo KLU BDUD RDZONG — Mi la ras pa stayed there.  4 116A.3.

KLU BDUN — ?  Dung dkar 121.


KLU 'DUL KHYUNG CHEN PHUG — Here Padmasambhava transformed himself into a Garuḍa and conquered the Nāgas.  Ferrari 116.

KLU 'DUL BA'I RGYUD — 320 XXIV 506 ff.

KLU SDINGS — See (— —) Rin chen mi 'gyur rgyal mtshan.

KLU SDING — Village in Kong po.  TS5 531.

Kong po Tā KLU SDINGS — Birthplace of 'Brug chen viii.  1 42.

KLU SDINGS PHO BRANG — One of the 3 or 4 palaces of the Ngor pa.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 90.


KLU'I SDE — Nāgasena.  An Arhat (Gnas brtan) at Na landa from whom Nā ro pa took Sems tsam teachings.  17 II 251.6.  Picture in 128 1086.  Picture in Uhlig, On the Path to Enlightenment 178.  Pictured in Rossi & Rossi, Beyond Lhasa pl. 19.

KLU PHUG — See Brag cha klu phug (Brag lha Klu phug).  Cave temple on Chagpori hill in Lhasa, which may have been founded in time of Srong btsan sgam po. Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 111 (Brag lha Klu phug).  Henss, CMT 148.

KLU PHUG BDE GLING — 253 II 480.1, 625.2.  =Klu phug Dgon pa G.yung drung bde chen gling. 

KLU'I PHO BRANG — Behind the Potala.  A small circular temple in the middle of a pond.  F. by the Dalai Lama vi acc. to Desideri.  Bell, Religion 130.  JTL&CT 216.  Waddell, Lhasa 342, 375.  Ferrari 96.

KLU'I BUM GTER GYI CHO GA — Tohoku no. 6135.

KLU BON — See (— —) Ba nam.

KLU BYANG — Short for Klu'i byang chub.  Das 46.  17 II 310.4.

KLU'I BYANG CHUB — Nāgabodhi.  Disc. of Klu sgrub who is identified with Ma tam gi (q.v.).  BA 361; 17 II 411.4.  Pictured in 128 272.  BD of T&TB I 487.  Also called Klu'i blo.  Meditates that a tree grows on his head.  476 IV 384.5.

KLU BYIN — Nāgadina is name of a householder in an inscribed Bodhisattva Image from Mathurā as described by T.N. Ramachandran in Ancient India 6 (1949) 100‑102.

KLU BRAG — Pl.n.  See Nine Ways 4.  Bon monastery.  253 II 618.3 ff.

KLU BRAG PA — See (— — —) Bkra shis rgyal mtshan.

Mkhan po KLU BRAG PA — Bonpo.  Bio. in SFHB 468.1.  Work in 271 103‑110.  Apparently identical to (Klu brag pa) Bkra shis rgyal mtshan.

Ri KLU DBANG — TS5 529.

Sangs rgyas KLU DBANG RGYAL PO — Dung dkar 124.

'Khon ston Lo tsā ba KLU'I DBANG PO SRUNG BA — Student of Padmasambhava.  83A 139.  One of 7 first Tibetan monks.  17 II 325.4.  =Khon Na ga bo rdhi in 73 415.1.  Pictured (?) in 128 850.  BD of T&TB X 87.14.  It's possible that his name is 'hidden' in an official document, in the form Ban de No ge'dradra (Nāgendra?).  See Hoernle, Manuscript Remains of Buddhist Literature found in Eastern Turkestan, p. 403.


Ban blon KLU 'BAR — 484 I 852.6.

KLU 'BUM — N. of a book.  326.  One of the three kham tshang of Sgo mang Grwa tshang.  Das 46.  Printery.  162 187.

KLU 'BUM — See (— —) Ngag dbang bstan 'dzin;  (— —) Shes rab rgya mtsho.

KLU 'BUM DGE — Father of Tsong kha pa.  ISTS 97.

KLU SBUG GLING KHA — See illus. in Po ta la (1996) 140.

KLU SBUG SGAR SGRIGS — Dung dkar 121‑122. 

KLU SBUG GI LJONGS — A field between the Jo khang and Lcags po ri.  In the past it had various trees.  Dung dkar 122.

KLU MES — See (— —) Tshul khrims shes rab.

KLU MES 'BROM CHUNG — TPS 556.  See Lo Bue in Skorupski, ed., Indo‑Tibetan Studies (Tring 1990), p. 181.  He was responsible for importing the cycle of Arhat depictions from China.  He is dated to tenth or early eleventh centuries.  Jackson, MB 55.

Klag pa lam pa KLU MES TSHUL KHRIMS — See (Klu mes) Tshul khrims shes rab.

KLU MO DKAR MO — Bonpo Treasure Protector of Lha sa.  253 II 182.6.

KLU MO SGANG — Havnevik, Dissert. 231.

KLU MO RA — Mon. in Mdo stod.

KLU SMAN GDONG DRUG — Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 168‑9.

Btsan rgod Skyes bu KLU BTSAN — See  216 645.6 ff.  (Byang bdud) Klu btsan, opponent of Ge sar, also called Khyab pa lag ring.  232 7.  Beyer 329.  ZZFC 22.

Bran ka Lha bzo KLU BTSAN GRAGS — An artist of lower 'Phan yul active in 1149.  Jackson, MB 78.


KLU TSHA — 87 I 265.2.  Klu tsha Rta po 'Od chen in Stein, Mi–ñag 254.

KLU RDZING — 87 I 274.6.  Bashey4 197.

KLU BZHER — P.n.  Coblin in TH&L 71.

Zhang KLU BZANG — See A.H. Francke, Tibetische Handschriftenfunde aus Turfan, SPAW (1924), pt. 3, p. 14 ff.  Francke says Zhang Klu bzang is a historical figure whose name is found on the famous Lha sa stone inscription as a foreign affairs minister (phyi blon).  Called 'Bro Zhang Klu bzang lha bo brtsan in Dotson, Note 86.

KLU BZANG GSHEN RAB — Chayet in Cardonna, Facets 70.

KLU RA DGON — Mon.  Vai.Ser. 241.

'Brug KLU RA SPRUL SKU — 415 XI 57.4.

KLU RAB DGON PA — A chos 7.

KLU RAB BZANG TO RE — Bellezza, L&T 72, 73.

Rgyal ba KLU RIGS SGRON MA — 73 405.3, 406.4, 410.1, 410.4.  Identified as a former rebirth of 'Jig rten mgon po. 

KLU LAS GYUR PA'I RNAL 'BYOR MA — 17 IV 373.1.  Dung dkar 123.  Thuken 118.

KLU SRAS — See (— —) 'Od 'bar.

KLU GSAS — 'Old earth lord' (gzhi bdag rgan po) of Rdo rje gling Mon.  115 86.6.

KLUNG DGON — 346 104.4.

Kong po KLUNG RGYAS GRONG — 373 preface.

KLUNG STOD — See (— —) Lo ma Dgon.

KLUNG MO CHE — Pl.n.?  476 I 54.5.

KLUNG DMAR — In Dpangs kong.  79 83 (no. 57).

Pho brang KLUNG TSHUGS — 87 I 262.3.

Snar KLUNG RONG — See (Snar) Khung rong.

KLUNG SHOD — The area containing Rwa sgreng, 'Bri gung, Dbus stod, Mal gro, etc.  Dung dkar 123.

KLUNG SHOD NAM PO — Dung dkar 123.

KLUNG SHOD RGYAL SAR SGANG — F. by (Glan) Ye shes shes rab in 1016.  Dhongthog 117.

KLUNG GSER GYI PHYE MA CAN — This is a Tibetan translation of a Chinese name for the Yangtse river, or 'Bri chu.  It means 'stream with gold powder'. 

KLUNGS DKAR — See (— —) Tshul khrims grags.


KLUNGS SHOD — See (— —) Khri ltags Dgon;  (— —) Dpal 'bar sgang;  (— —) Spyil bu ba;  (— —) Phyugs mtshams;  (— —) Byams pa gling;  (— —) 'Ba' tshag Chos sde;  (— —) 'Od sna Chos sde. 



KLUBS DKAR — See (— —) Tshul khrims grags.  See Klung dkar, above.

KLUBS DKAR 'DUL 'DZIN — Student of Sha mi Smon lam 'bar.  Dung dkar 123‑124.  F. Klubs dkar Mon.  Identical to Klubs dkar Tshul khrims grags.

KLUM THUGS PO — See Hazod in TS9 I 35 n. 20.

KLUM RO — See Hazod in TS9 I 35 n. 20.


KLO — Also called Lho pa. Dung dkar 124.

KLO NAG — Indians call them Ta pa la (Dafla), and Kamarupa people call them Lo no phos.  Described in NHM 71.  These hunters and gatherers lived in areas bordering Rtsa ri, Bhutan and Spo bo. 

Shar Mon KLO KHA — 5 339.3.

KLO PA — Aris, Discourse 66 n. 21.  Various types of these Assamese peoples, from Tibetan perspective, detailed in Huber, Pure Crystal 134.

KLO PA STOD BYAMS KHANG — Dung dkar 124.  Shawo Khacham, "A Study on the History and Development of the Chapel Klu Kha Stod Byams khang ('Phan yul)," contained in: Amy Heller, ed., The Arts of Tibetan Painting, placed on the internet at asianart.com.

KLO RDZONG — Rendered as 'barbarian tribute' in Huber, Pure Crystal 130.

KLO YUL — In SE Tibet. =Glo?  5 143.3‑4, 144.5.

KLO RONG — A place (sa cha).  184 180B.1.

KLOG SKYA — Pl.n.  "De nas Mdog [i.e., Mdo] Klog skyar phebs.."  5 189.

KLOG SKYA — See (— —) Shes rab rtsegs.

Ldog gi KLOG SKYA — See (— —) (— —) The he lhas Phug.

Dgyer phu'i KLOG SKYA JO SRAS — Also, Sgyer phu'i.  One of the four 'karmic' (las can) discs. of Mar pa.  57 IIB 347.5.  =Klog skya 'Byung gnas rgyal mtshan (q.v.).  Called (Sgyer phu'i) Klog skya Chen po in 17 II 432.6, 443.1.

KLOG SKYA MA — N. of a Sa skya teaching.  See Gzhung bshad Klog skya ma and Other Related Esoteric Sa skya pa Texts, TBMC (Dolanji 1975), in 2 vols.


KLOG CHOS SDE — Vai.Ser. 170.

Gru gu KLOG 'BYUNG — (10th cent.)  217 710.2.  Achard, L'Essence 28‑9.

KLOGS — BA 1087.

KLONG SKOR BCO BRGYAD — The 18 parts of the Klong sde scriptures.  See Dung dkar 124‑125.

KLONG DGU'I RGYUD — In title of text in 319 III 37‑73.

KLONG DGU BAM PO NYI KHRI — 132 43.1, 43.5, 47.2.

KLONG RGYAS DKYIL 'KHOR — Karmay, Confucius 562.

KLONG CHEN — See (— —) Chos dbyings stobs ldan rdo rje (1787‑1848).

KLONG CHEN SNYING THIG — Contained in 87, vols. 106‑108.  Steven D. Goodman, the Klong chen Snying thig: An Eighteenth‑Century Tibetan Revelation.  Seen listed in Dissertation Abstracts International 46 no 5 (Nov. 1985) 1282A.  See under ('Jigs med gling pa) Rang 'byung rdo rje.  Dung dkar 126 misidentifies it, apparently.

Mkhas grub KLONG CHEN THUGS SRAS — 210 245.2.

KLONG CHEN PA — See (— — — iii) Ngag dbang bkra shis rnam rgyal.

Bka' 'gyur Rin po che KLONG CHEN YE SHES RDO RJE — (1888‑?)  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 696.  A late Lama of Ri bo che.  210 preface.  A modern Rnying ma pa, disc. of Rje drung 'Phrin las byams pa 'byung gnas (q.v.).  The NGMPP (ID no. 3101) lists a work by Bka' 'gyur Rin po che Klong chen ye shes rdo rje (1897‑1975) entitled Lam gyi Gnad Kun 'Dus pa'i Smon lam Rnam mkhyen Zhing bgrod, a cursive ms. in 7 fols.

KLONG CHEN RAB 'BYAMS — Author, Tshad ma'i De kho na nyid Bsdus pa, Si khron Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Chengdu 2000), 364 pp.  The attribution of this work may not be correct, since there is evidence the text was written before Klong chen pa's time.

KLONG CHEN RAB 'BYAMS RGYAL PO'I RGYUD — Comm. work in 36 I.  Tantra in 48 chaps. contained in 320 III 255‑393.

KLONG CHEN RAB 'BYAMS KYI RGYUD — Redisc. by Rdo rje gling pa.  Text in 320 IV 175‑416.  413 11.2.

KLONG CHEN RAB 'BYAMS PA — See (— — — — —) Dri med 'od zer;  (— — — — — iii) Bkra shis rnam rgyal.

KLONG CHEN RAS PA — See (— — — —) Rin chen tshul khrims.

KLONG THANG — Pl.n.  Bu ston II 202.  Hoffmann, Religions 113.  17 II 341.4.  See Gardner in TJ XXVIII no. 3 (2003) 64.  See Sperling, Further 8.

'Dan KLONG THANG — Place in Khams where Smṛti established his Abhidharma teaching tradition.  For spelling 'Dan Rlung thang, see Sperling, Further 15.  LPNT VII 284.

Khams kyi KLONG THANG SGRON MA — 87 I 135.6.

KLONG THANG SGROL MA'I GTSUG LAG KHANG — TS5 801. Dung dkar 126.  See Gardner in TJ XXVIII no. 3 (2003) 85.

Kun bzang KLONG DRUG PA'I RGYUD — In 320 X 610‑669.

KLONG RDOL — BA 668.  F. by Gtsang pa Rgya ras pa.  17 II 579. Dung dkar 126.

KLONG RDOL — See (— —) (Gling stod) 'Od gsal sgang.

KLONG RDOL BLA MA — See (— — — —) Ngag dbang blo bzang.

KLONG SDE — Dung dkar 127.  See article by Sten Anspal in Acta Orientalia.

KLONG SDE — See (— —) Rdo rje zam pa.

KLONG NAG — 413 151.2.


KLONG RTSE — Pl.n.  DTK5 93.

KLONG RTSE BA — Disc. of Sgam po pa & teacher of Khro phu Lo tsā ba.  BA 711.  484 I 859.1.

Sprul sku KLONG YANG BDE BA — 210 166.2.

Grub chen KLONG YANGS — (ca. 1662)  BD of T&TB III 290.

KLONG YANGS RIN CHEN — (ca. 1700)  463 I 42.3.

Bya btang 'Khrul zhig KLONG YANGS 'OD GSAL — (ca. 1685)  458 I 278.3.

KLONG RONG BA — See (— — —) Padma dbang rgyal.

KLONG LA — A pass.  463 I 116.1.  Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 130.

KLONG GSAL RGYUD — In 320 VII 529 ff.

Zab gsang Mkha' 'gro KLONG GSAL NYI ZLA KHA BYOR — A tantric cycle.  See 240 370‑472.

Rdzogs chen KLONG GSAL SNYING THIG — Cycle of Ratna gling pa.  Contained in 87 LXXXVIII.  See also 91 XI.

Rig 'dzin KLONG GSAL SNYING PO — (1625‑1692)  A Gter ston.  He and his teacher (Rig 'dzin) Bdud 'dul rdo rje (1615‑1672), q.v., are responsible for most of the special teachings at Kaḥ thog Mon.  For his rediscs. in 2 vols., see 88.  More rediscs. in 87 XXIV, plus work on Amitāyus in 87 XXXI.  His Gu ru Drag po Ye shes rab 'bar in 87 XIX.  410 148A.2 ff.  383 220.6.  Many of his rediscs. have been published recently.  For example, his Bka' brgyad Bde gshegs Yongs 'dus Chos skor (1978).

KLONG GSAL DRI MED — A n. of Klong chen rab 'byams pa (q.v.).

'Bras spungs Dge 'phel ba DKA' BCU DNGOS GRUB — Yogi student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).

DKA' BCU PA — One who has mastered the five main Indian texts (pod lnga) and their commentaries.  443 I 20‑21.  Petech in T'oung Pao n.s. L 342. Dung dkar 127.

DKA' BCU PA — See (— — —) Sangs rgyas bkra shis.

DKA' CHEN — N. of the highest Dge bshes degree as bestowed at Bkra shis lhun po.  Dung dkar 128.

DKA' CHEN — See (— —) Ye shes thogs med;  (— —) Blo bzang rgyal mtshan.

Yongs 'dzin DKA' CHEN — See (— —) (— —) Ye shes rgyal mtshan.

DKA' CHEN LNGA — Acc. to Wayman, the five traditional subjects.  See 127 19 (and also p. 17). 

DKA' CHEN BCU GNYIS — The 12 trials of Nāropa.  Dung dkar 128.

DKA' CHEN BZHI — One who has mastered the 3 main monastic subjects, with the addition of either Abhidharma or Vinaya.  Dung dkar 128.

DKA' GNYIS SPYOD — See Rgyun shes kyi bu.  KB 93.6.

Bram ze DKA' THUB CAN — Pictured in 128 710.


DKA' BZHI PA — See (— — —) Grags pa gzhon nu;  (— — —) Shes rab seng ge.

DKA' ZLOG MA — N. of a Ma mo?  BD of T&TB I 438.  A n. of Goddess Uma. Dung dkar 130.

Bran za DKAR SKYID — Mother of Gan jag thang ta.  132 91.4.

DKAR SKYIL — =Kargil.  Pl. in valley of an Indus tributary.  Has sandy plane with gold.  Hoffman, Handbook 35.  The Indus tributary is itself known by this same name.

DKAR KHUD MOR — Pl.n.?  24 I 373.6.  Same place called Dkar mo in 24 I 374.3.


Myang tsha DKAR RGYAN — See Dkar mo rgyan.

DKAR RGYAL — Alternative spelling for Skar rgyal (q.v.) in 17 II 353.6.  BD of T&TB I 828.  See Dkar ma'i rgyal mtshan (for which it may be an abbreviation).


DKAR BRGYUD PA — Alternative spelling for Bka' brgyud pa (but not necessarily with exactly the same meaning).  This is sometimes considered the proper spelling for the name of the Dwags po Bka' brgyud, but including the Shangs pa Bka' brgyud & several minor traditions which did not pass through Sgam po pa.  Has some reference to the 'white' (dkar) cotton meditation garments of the Ras pa (cotton clad ascetics).  See E. Smith in 20 2 (n. 2).  It is especially used in 'Brug pa Bka' brgyud circles, it seems, and some would seem to want to restrict this to the snyan brgyud teachings.  Thu'u bkwan discusses this spelling in his Grub mtha' Shel gyi Me long.

Brug chen vii DKAR BRGYUD 'PHRIN LAS SHING RTA — (1718‑1866).  Also called Bka' brgyud+.  Some of his works published under the title Rnam thos sras kyi... (1982).  Ratna sa mu dra, Ven Khenpo Shedup Tenzin, Shri Gautam Buddha Vihara (Kathmandu 1999).  Thams cad Mkhyen pa Dkar brgyud 'Phrin las Shing rta Chen po'i Rnam par Thar pa Dad pa Rgya mtsho'i Gru rdzing.

DKAR CHAG — A genre of literature.  Dkar chag to 25 holy places of Tibet in 239 XXX 1‑40 (others follow).  Dkar chag for a Chorten in SBTD I 244.

DKAR CHUNG — Chapel (lha khang) on side of Ke ru.  Tucci, Lhasa 126.  OR the modern Ra ma gang where famous inscriptions were found.  BA 94.  See also Skar chung.  Ferrari 119.  F. in time of Mes 'ag tshoms.  132 86.6.  Das 51.  Kar ch'u in Lho brag valley (Waddell 278).  The rdo ring with its founding inscriptions discussed in Dung dkar 133 (he says that the Dkar chung temple is now called Sangs rgyas Dgon pa).  Stoddard, Early 4.

DKAR CHUNG RGYAL SDE'I LHA KHANG — Built by Sad na legs.  17 II 330.2.  Hoffmann, Religions 79.

Mchod rten DKAR CHUNG — A chorten erected by Emperor Ral pa can to set the border between Tibet and China.  LPNT VII 71.

Mchod rten DKAR CHUNG BAR MA — Also, Dkar chung Gong ma.  See T&BS II 244.

Mchod rten DKAR CHEN — T&TB II 244.

DKAR CHOS SDE — See Rong cha Dkar Chos sde. 

DKAR RJE — This is the spelling behind the common Sikkimese title Kazi, as can be seen at least in Bodleian Catalogue 110.

DKAR THANG MAR KHU'I MTSHO MO — In Mongolian, represented in Tibetan letters as Bo ro chu 'gag.  Dung dkar 133.

DKAR DUNG — Castle f. by 'Khor re.  28 63.  Tucci, Santi e briganti 52 ff.

DKAR DUM GNAM GYI KHYUNG RDZONG — A castle in Gung thang, one of 14 built by 'Bum lde, who ruled from 1253‑1280.  Dung dkar 133.

DKAR DONG — In Lahul.  See 78 80 (no. 40).  See M.D. Mamgain, Lahul and Spiti 55.  Mon. renovated in 1912 by Lama Norbu.  B in L 26.

Gnod sbyin DKAR MDA'I GDONG — ?  132 119.1.

Mtsho DKAR NAG — 406 6B.1.

DKAR NAG KHRA GSUM — A tsa ra Dkar po, meaning Atiśa; A tsa ra Nag po, meaning Pha dam pa; A tsa ra Khra bo, meaning Padmasambhava.  Dung dkar 133.

DKAR NAG ZANGS THAL — N. of a teaching.  413 571.2.

DKAR NAG BKRA GSAL — Temple of Kong rtse 'Phrul rgyal.  Kværne 223.

Kong rje DKAR PO — See Kong rje (?).  KTDN 65.1 ff.

Sgrags kyi DKAR PO GONG — Gling ras pa stayed there.  24 I 390.1.


DKAR PO GCIG THUB — See Shākya mchod ldan, Works VII 85.1, where he cites a Dgongs gcig text's citation from Sgam po pa in which he says that realizing the nature of one's own mind is like the herb Dkar po gcig thub.  Also, Dkar po chig thub.  Said to be n. of a teaching of Hwa shang Ma hā yā na.  348 115.3 etc.  484 I 389.6.  A teaching said to have been current in the early 13th cent. promising instant (or 'single cause') Buddhahood, especially targeted for criticism by Sa Paṇ in his Sdom Gsum Rab dbye359 II 240.5.  Mahāyāna says to Kamalaśīla, "Your religious system is like a monkey climbing to the top of a tree from the ground.  Ours is like a garuḍa bird alighting from the sky."  Reply:  "Is the bird fully equipped with wings?  And if so, wasn't it born in the rocks where it gradually developed its wings to fly?"  The Fifth Dalai Lama said,  "Those who know draw the form of a lamp.  When children see it they are unreflective and therefore confused.  If it is reflected on and examined, the mature without doubt will know that it (the drawing of the lamp) has no power to dispel darkness."

DKAR PO CHOS LUNG — BA 675.  F. by Lo ras pa in 1241.  20 33.  Dung dkar 134.

Sbas lung DKAR PO LJONGS — KTDN 152.2.

DKAR PO BSTAN 'DZIN NOR BU — Person mentioned in BD of T&TB III 751.

Lo ro'i Mchod rten DKAR PO DON LDAN — For Thang stong rgyal po's visit, see 5 203. 

Rig 'dzin DKAR PO RNAM GSUM — See under Rig 'dzin.

Sa gtso ba DKAR PO DPAL — DTK5 114.

DKAR PO BRAG — Ancient Bon mon.  253 II 601.5.

DKAR PO BRAG PA — See (— — — —) 'Jam dbyangs bsam 'grub bzang po.  (— — — —) Rin chen seng ge.

DKAR PO ZANGS — Foundation of Padmasambhava in Lho Mon.  Not located.  Ferrari 131.  458 I 142.3.

DKAR MA — BA 543.

DKAR MA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — Miracle performing Bonpo brother of Zla ba'i rgyal mtshan.  476 IV 374.5.

Rtsibs kyi Lha DKAR MA YOL SDE — Haarh, Yar luṅ 222.

DKAR MED MA — Queen of the gnod sbyin.  Das 52.

DKAR MO — See Dkar khud mo.

DKAR MO — Chinese form is Hu mang.  Sato in Acta Asiatica 29 (1975) 12.

Dge slong ma DKAR MO — Pabongka, Liberation in Our Palms, pt. 2, p. 237.

Lha sa'i Klu mo DKAR MO — 253 II 383.1.

DKAR MO GLING — See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 54.  Temple near Mipi, founded by Rje drung Byams pa 'byung gnas.  Sardar‑Afkhami, Account 13.

DKAR MO RGYANG GRAGS — N. of conch shell given to Chinese Emperor by the Indian King Dharmapāla, and then given to Sa skya Mon. by Qubilai.  TPS 682.  Ferrari 151.

DKAR MO BRGYAN — Mother of Rdo rje gling pa.  210 127.4.

Myang tsha DKAR MO BRGYAN — Or, Dkar rgyan.  N. of Mi la ras pa's mother.  4C 23.  Called also Nyang za Dkar brgyan.  4X I 10.4.  4A 11B.3.

DKAR MO CHEN MO — Could be understood as either Dbyangs can ma or Gos dkar mo or both.  Dung dkar 135.

Sbas yul DKAR MO LJONGS — Gnas yig excavated by Gu ru Tshe brtan listed in BLP no. 1589.

DKAR MO NYI ZLA — A goddess.  A Dharma Protector (Chos skyong) connected with the 'Khon family.  See 83ABD of T&TB X 90.14, 92.3.  Dung dkar 135.

DKAR MO STAG TSHANG — Mi pham spent a 13 year retreat in the last part of his life there.  Almogi, MA thesis 10.

DKAR MO RI KHROD — Bon hermitage in Amdo with 15 monks.  253 II 637.6. 

Khyung dkar Gdan sa DKAR SMAD BLA BRANG — Also, Dkar stod.  253 II 632.1.

DKAR RTSIS — A long discussion in  Dung dkar 135‑139.

DKAR RTSE — Visited by Thang stong rgyal po, 5 162‑163.

DKAR RTSE MGO PA — Pl.n.  Sperling in TH&L 458.

DKAR RTSED — Western Tibetan festival.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 57.

DKAR MDZES — Eastern district.  Stein 34.  Stein, Recherches 130.  SBTD I 16.  See Gardner in TJ XXVIII no 3 (2003) 67.

DKAR MDZES PA — See (— — —) Rta mgrin tshe dbang.

Dpon mo DKAR 'DZOM — See under Rong ston Shes bya kun rig.

DKAR YAG — In Eastern Tibet.  239 XXX 62.2.

DKAR YE — TS7 I 258.

DKAR RU — Subclan of Khyung po clan.  See 23 29.  471 94.6.  N. of an image of Pha Dam pa at Ding ri (also called Ka ru?).  BA 816.

DKAR RU — See (— — Grub dbang) Bstan 'dzin rin chen.

DKAR RU DANG DMAR RU — Dung dkar 139.

DKAR RU PHO BRANG — Also, Dkar ru Steng chen Dgon pa.  253 II 608.3, 609.5, 610.5 ff.

DKAR RU BANDE 363 30.2.

DKAR LEGS — See (— — Drang srong) Nyi ma bstan rgyal.

Khyung po DKAR LEGS DGON — 253 II 611.6.

DKAR LEB DRUNG YIG — See (— — — —) Padma rdo rje.


Rgyal po'i bu mo DKAR SHAM — An 'earth lord' (sa bdag).  Vai.Kar. II 269.1.


DKAR SHOD CHOS 'KHOR DGON — Dkar chag listed in BLP no. 0070.

DKON MCHOG KUN DBANG — 387 preface 4.

DKON MCHOG BKRA SHIS — An informant of Francke.  Stein, Recherches 56.

Ne rings Chos rje DKON MCHOG BKRA SHIS — 116 345.4.

Dbu mdzad DKON MCHOG BKRA SHIS — A 'Bri gung pa.  150 206.1.

Zhabs drung DKON MCHOG BKRA SHIS — Of U cu mu cin.  Mongolian scholar, and student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).

DKON MCHOG SKYABS — (fl. early 13th century)  Described as 'Phags pa'i Gnas brtan.  LPNT IV 62.

DKON MCHOG SKYABS — Name of the artist of a Mahākāla made in 1292.  See Heller, Tibetan Art 87.

DKON MCHOG SKYABS — Author of bio. of Dalai Lama ii, listed in BLP no. 0512, which was woodblock printed at 'Bras spungs in 161 fols.

Brang ti DKON MCHOG SKYABS — Pictured in 128 560.

Tshal pa DKON MCHOG SKYABS — A physician at Tshal Gung thang with whom Tsong kha pa briefly studied medicine as a youth.

Rog ston DKON MCHOG SKYABS — (ca. 12th cent.)  In transmission of Rgyud bzhi.  Disc. of (Dbus pa) Dar grags.  TR XV no. 2‑3, p. 15A. He's also called Stod ston Dkon mchog skyabs.

Lung steng pa Dge bshes DKON MCHOG SKYABS — See under Ba ri Lo tsā ba.

Gu ge Bdag mo DKON MCHOG BSKYANG MO — Wife of Kun dga' rnam rgyal lde.  DTK5 132.

Dge bshes DKON MCHOG MKHAR — Mtshan nyid teacher of Phag mo gru pa.  57 IIB 355.6.

La stod pa DKON MCHOG MKHAR — One of six chief discs. of Khyung po Rnal 'byor (q.v.).  Founded earliest subsect of the Shangs pa called Gnas rnying Dkar brgyud pa.  29.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 22 n. 7 argues that 1084‑1171 (or 1096‑1183) are his most likely dates.  See also Vitali in TS9 I 88, 96‑7.


DKON MCHOG GAR DBANG RGYA MTSHO — Author of Dga' ldan Byams pa gling gi Mchod rten Dkar chag listed in BLP no. 0436 (see also no. 1031).  Author of Rig 'dzin Chen mo Skal bzang padma Mchod sdong gi Dkar chag, a title listed in BLP no. 1855.

Jo ldan DKON MCHOG GRAGS — Kapstein, Assimilation 134.

Mkhan po DKON MCHOG GRAGS PA — Author of story in 152 I 213‑244.

Lho Bal A tsar DKON MCHOG GRAGS PA — 253 II 170.  383 417.4.

DKON MCHOG DGE BA'I 'BYUNG GNAS — (1733‑1741)  The Zhwa dmar ix.

DKON MCHOG DGE LEGS — Dkon mchog dge legs kyi Rnam thar Thar 'Dod Ded dpon (Stod Smad Gnyis), listed in BLP no. 0074.

DKON MCHOG DGE LEGS RGYAL MTSHAN — 42nd in abbatial succession (gdan rabs) of Bkra shis 'khyil Mon.  BD of T&TB V 855.

DKON MCHOG DGE LEGS PA — Dkon mchog dge legs pa'i Rnam thar, by Skal bzang thub bstan dbang phyug, listed in BLP no. 0075.

DKON MCHOG DGYES PA'I BLO GROS — (1773‑?)  BD of T&TB V 785.

Mchog gling DKON MCHOG 'GYUR MED — Author of bio. of Mchog gyur gling pa listed in BLP no. 0984.


DKON MCHOG 'GRO PHAN DBANG PO — (b. 1631?)  Of Gzhu Snye mo.  Disc. of 'Bri gung Rig 'dzin.  Author of medical work in 1661 found in 359 II 553‑667.  See under ('Bri gung) Tshe dbang brtan pa.

Rtogs pa Mthar phyin DKON MCHOG RGYA MTSHO CHE — Pictured in 128 306.

'Bri gung DKON MCHOG RGYA MTSHO — (b. 1968)  Author of a history of the 'Bri gung pa, and a published set of works on the Dgongs gcig.  He is also called Ra se Dkon mchog rgya mtsho, and has the titles (and nicknames) Dwags po Spyan snga, 'Bri smyon.

DKON MCHOG RGYA MTSHO — Elder brother of Bsod nams rgya mtsho.  Son of Al than.  208 I 236.3.

DKON MCHOG RGYA MTSHO — (1770‑1858)  41st in Gdan rabs of Bkra shis 'khyil.  BD of T&TB V 843.

'Khon DKON MCHOG RGYAL PO — (1034‑1102)  Dhongthog 29.  16 34.  F. chief mon. of Sa skya pa in 1073.  T.H. 51.  Younger brother of Shes rab tshul khrims.  Studied under 'Brog mi Lo tsā ba at Myu gu lung.  86 ii.  Wylie 133 (n. 161).  17 II 398.4, 399.2 ff.  BA 208.  May be subject of bio. in 145 V 143‑148.  Bio. in BD of T&TB X 91‑102.  Beyer 13.  Dung dkar 142.

'Phrang 'og gi 'Drang ston DKON MCHOG RGYAL PO — Note: Dbang ston may be substituted for 'Drang ston.  Disc. of 'Brog mi.  Not to be confused with ('Khon) Dkon mchog rgyal po.  BA 208.  17 II 398.3 ff.

DKON MCHOG RGYAL MO — Daughter of Bkra shis dpal 'bar who became a queen in Rgyal rtse.  DTK5 139.

Mkhar rtse'i Bdag mo DKON MCHOG RGYAL MO — DTK5 141.

DKON MCHOG RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of bio. of Tsong kha pa listed in BLP no. 0933.

DKON MCHOG RGYAL MTSHAN — Marco Pallis studied art under a Tibetan painter by this name at Phiyang Monastery in Ladakh.  Jackson in TJ 27 nos 1‑2 (2002) 163.

DKON MCHOG RGYAL MTSHAN — Dkon mchog rgyal mtshan gyi Rnam thar Ngo mtshar Chu rgyun, listed in BLP no. 0076.

DKON MCHOG RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1453)  Wellknown brother of Gtsang smyon.  20 7.  234 IA 4.7, 16.7.

DKON MCHOG RGYAL MTSHAN — Someone by this name had erected a tshogs shing of the Dge lugs pa school with Tsong kha pa at the center.  See TPS 409.  Tucci thought this was the name of the painter.

Grub chen DKON MCHOG RGYAL MTSHAN — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0388.

Sgom pa DKON MCHOG RGYAL MTSHAN — (ca. 1179)  476 I 97.1.

Rdzogs chen Stag bla DKON MCHOG RGYAL MTSHAN — (late 19th‑20th cent.)  A 'Das log (one who returned from the dead and told others about their experiences).  440 especially p. 282.1 ff.

Rdo rje 'dzin pa DKON MCHOG RGYAL MTSHAN — (1612‑1687)  Also, Sngags chen.  BD of T&TB V 288.  Dge lugs pa.  Dhongthog 29.  Pictured in 128 208, 218, 352, 392.  Bio. in 165 II 242‑255.  A 'Ba' ra Bka' brgyud pa who introduced that tradition to Sikkim, there is an article about him in Bull. of Tib. 49 no 2 (2013).

Dbal mang DKON MCHOG RGYAL MTSHAN — (1764‑1853)  BD of T&TB V 709.  24th in abbatial succession (gdan rabs) of Bkra shis 'khyil.  For his Gdan rabs of Bkra shis 'khyil, see 332 II preface 12.  His collected works in some 11 vols. have been published in 1974.  27 27.  Sometimes spelled Dpal mang, but this is an erroneous hypercorrection.  TS7 I 440.  Bio. by Brag sgom Bstan pa rab rgyas listed in BLP no. 1544.

Dbon yig pa DKON MCHOG RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of bio. of Bo dong pa listed in BLP no. 1428.

Phu ri ba DKON MCHOG RGYAL MTSHAN — A disc. of Rgod tshang pa (1189‑1258) who f. a monastery at Pha drug.  It was at his behest that the Ro snyoms Sgang 'dril of his just mentioned teacher was written.  57 IIB 372.3.  BA 686‑687.

Mus chen DKON MCHOG RGYAL MTSHAN — Also called Mus chen Sems dpa' chen po.  (1388‑1469)  F. Stag mo gling kha in 1436.  Pupil of Ngor chen Kun dga' bzang po, and author of his bio. in 1457.  "Mus Stag mo gling Skyar zhang gi rigs su 'khrungs." Dhongthog 29.  Compiler of Blo sbyong works in 36 I.  Prob. subj. of bio. listed in BLP no. 0650.  Bio. by Gung ru Shes rab bzang po listed in BLP no. 1632 & another by Go rams pa, BLP no. 1633.  Bio. by Go rams pa listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 335 (see also Drepung Catalog 1505).

Smar khams 'Od zer bla ma DKON MCHOG RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of bio. of Tsong kha pa listed in BLP no. 0913.

Shing sgo ba DKON MCHOG RGYAL MTSHAN — (1340‑1417)  Kuijp in Chayet, Edition 454.

Ser li Sprul sku DKON MCHOG RGYAL MTSHAN — (1773‑1815)  BD of T&TB V 916. 

A rdo DKON MCHOG RGYAL MTSHAN — (fl. late 15th cent.)  Cuevas, Hidden History 131, 145 ff.

DKON MCHOG SGRON ME — N. of Blo bzang thub bstan lung rtogs rgya mtsho ("Lauthang Tulku").  Bio. in Thondup, EL 15.

DKON MCHOG NGES DON CHOS BSGRAGS RGYA MTSHO — (recent)  Work in 359 II 407‑451.  Disc. of Chung tshang vi (b. 1868).  A work of his was written in 1948.  Disc. of Dkon mchog chos skyabs.  Disc. of Bstan 'dzin chos kyi blo gros.  Work in 479 425‑469.

Rje btsun DKON MCHOG CHOS SKYABS — B. in Nag shod.  34th abbot of 'Bri gung.  37 42 ff.  Teacher of Dkon mchog nges don chos grags.  431 contents.

Rnam gling Paṇ chen DKON MCHOG CHOS GRAGS — Grammar work in 451.  Disc. of Gter bdag gling pa.  458 I 348.1.  Mentioned by Naga in TJ 24 no 3 (1999) 62.  Subj. of bio. by Yar klong Lo tsā ba Grags pa rgyal mtshan, listed in BLP no. 0078. Jackson, Patron 6.

DKON MCHOG CHOS KYI RGYAL PO — Bio. by 'Jigs med 'bangs listed in BLP no. 0077.

DKON MCHOG CHOS SGRON — Gung ru Mkha' 'gro incarnate.  Chayet in Cardonna, Facets 75.

Dran dbang dam pa DKON MCHOG CHOS KYI RJE — Pictured in 128 566.

DKON MCHOG CHOS KYI NYI MA — N. of Chos grub rgya mtsho (1742‑1792).

DKON MCHOG CHOS 'PHEL — 20th cent. Ladakhi.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 306‑7.

Gling smad Zhabs drung DKON MCHOG CHOS 'PHEL — (time of Dalai Lama v)  Essais 124.  Subject of bio. by the Dalai Lama v, listed in BLP nos. 0079, 0758.

Dbal mang Chung ba  DKON MCHOG CHOS 'PHEL — (1767‑1834)  29th in abbatial succession of Bkra shis 'khyil.  BD of T&TB V 791.

Bde gling Ri khrod pa DKON MCHOG CHOS DBYINGS — Scribe in 476 I 523.4.

DKON MCHOG CHOS BZANG — (? 1673)  BD of T&TB VI 163.  39th Chairholder (Khri pa) of Dga' ldan (from 1648 to 1654).  Pictured in 128 926.

DKON MCHOG 'JIGS MED DBANG PO — See Ye shes brtson 'grus grags pa'i sde.

'Jam dbyangs bzhad pa II DKON MCHOG 'JIGS MED DBANG PO — (1728‑1817)  I have also seen his death dated at 1791.  Rebirth of 'Jam dbyangs bzhad pa.  In abbatial succession of Bkra shis 'khyil.  BD of T&TB V 667 (see also p. 683).  His complete works have been published.  One work on the philosophical schools has been translated by Geshe Sopa and J. Hopkins, 13.  He wrote most of the monastic textbooks (yig cha) for Sgo mang Grwa tshang.  See ='Jigs med dbang po.  See also under 'Jam dbyangs bzhad pa.  Portrait bronze in Uhlig, On the Path to Enlightenment 195.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 0080.  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 0822‑0824 (and following works).  Bio. in Dung dkar 64‑65.

DKON MCHOG RJES DRAN — Recitation before the noon meal.  Dung dkar 142.

DKON MCHOG NYI MA — (1795‑1857)  45th in abbatial succession of Bkra shis 'khyil.  BD of T&TB V 866.

DKON MCHOG NYI MA — (1801‑?)  BD of T&TB V 909.

DKON MCHOG RTEN — Lay supporter of Chag Lo tsā ba.  Chag 102.

DKON MCHOG BSTAN DAR — (1784‑1843)  39th in abbatial succession of Bkra shis 'khyil.  BD of T&TB V 835.

DKON MCHOG BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — Subject of bio. by 'Jam dbyangs rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 0081.

A mchog Sprul sku DKON MCHOG BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — Barlocher 165‑166.



Gung thang pa DKON MCHOG BSTAN PA'I SGRON ME — (1762‑1823/4)  Dge lugs pa.  B. in Mdzo dge area of Amdo.  Dhongthog 30.  Works listed in SBTD I 246.  For title of his bio., see SBTD I 267.  Pictured in 128 492.  Barlocher 166.  Among his many appellations are, Gung thang pa'i Mchog sprul, Nges pa Don gyi 'Jam pa'i dbyangs, etc.  He was 21st in the abbatial succession of Bkra shis 'khyil.  BD of T&TB V 691.  Translation of his work Nor bu'i Gling du Bsgrod pa'i Lam yig done by Olschak and Wangyal.  Autobio. listed in BLP no. 0082.  Bio. by Thu'u bkwan listed in BLP no. 0370 (see also nos. 0371‑0373).  Bio. by Dbal mang Dkon mchog rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 0934.

DKON MCHOG BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — (1791‑1854)  BD of T&TB V 582.

DKON MCHOG BSTAN PA'I DPAL BZANG — (1807‑?)  52nd in abbatial succession of Bkra shis 'khyil.  BD of T&TB V 897.

DKON MCHOG BSTAN PA RAB RGYAS — Called a 'Great Pundit'.  Teacher of Mkhyen brtse.  12 XV 381.3.

DKON MCHOG BSTAN PA RAB RGYAS — (1800‑?)  49th in abbatial succession of Bkra shis 'khyil.  BD of T&TB V 892.

Brag dgon Zhabs drung DKON MCHOG BSTAN PA RAB RGYAS — (1801‑1866?)  Sometimes spelled Brag sgom Zhabs drung.  383 641.6.  Author of The Ocean Annals of Amdo.  Published in 3 vols in 1975.  Published again in 1977.  Works in 349 III, etc. 

DKON MCHOG BSTAN 'DZIN — See Mchog gyur gling pa.


DKON MCHOG BSTAN 'DZIN 'GRO 'DUL — The Third Che tshang Rin po che.


Thor rgod Zhabs drung DKON MCHOG BSTAN 'DZIN RGYA MTSHO — See Dalai Lama xiii, Works VII 128.5.

DKON MCHOG BSTAN 'DZIN CHOS KYI NYI MA — 27th abbot of 'Bri gung, his dates were 1755‑1792.  Called Chos kyi nyi ma for short according to David Jackson in Damani, Dating 112.

DKON MCHOG BSTAN 'DZIN CHOS DBANG BLO GROS — 30th abbot of 'Bri gung.  37 39.

'Bri gung pa DKON MCHOG BSTAN 'DZIN CHOS KYI BLO GROS 'PHRIN LAS RNAM RGYAL DPAL BZANG PO — His handprint was placed on the back of a thangka in 1896 (illus. in Rossi & Rossi, Beyond Lhasa pl. 24).

DKON MCHOG BSTAN 'DZIN CHOS KYI BLO GROS PHRIN LAS RNAM PAR RGYAL BA'I SDE — 34th abbot of 'Bri gung.  Author of Dkar chag in 137 437 ff.  He might be identified with the Chung tshang Chos kyi blo gros, q.v.


DKON MCHOG BSTAN 'DZIN 'PHRIN LAS RNAM RGYAL — See Bstan 'dzin padma'i rgyal mtshan. 

Pad gling vii DKON MCHOG BSTAN 'DZIN RAB RGYAS — 438 VII 280.5.

Rgya rgyud DKON MCHOG CHUNG BA — (active ca. 1205)  See Sperling, Further 17.

DKON MCHOG THAL JI — 208 I 239.4.



DKON MCHOG DAM CHOS YAR 'PHEL — Author of bio. of Dalai Lama ii, listed in BLP no. 0517.

DKON MCHOG DAM CHOS YAR 'PHEL — Author of bio. of Paṇḍi ta Chen po Blo bzang 'jigs med listed in BLP no. 1272. 

DKON MCHOG DAM CHOS YAR 'PHEL — (1779‑?)  BD of T&TB V 615.

DKON MCHOG DAM CHOS YAR 'PHEL — (1797‑1860)  BD of T&TB V 840.  40th in abbatial succession of Bkra shis 'khyil.

DKON MCHOG DAR — A teacher of Thang stong at Byang Ngam ring.  5 32.

DKON MCHOG DAR RGYAS — (1775‑1833)  BD of T&TB V 643.

Gung thang gi Ti shrī DKON MCHOG DON GRUB — 116 278.3, 364.1.

Nyin rdzong Khri pa DKON MCHOG DON GRUB CHOS DBANG — (19th‑20th cent.?)  'Bri gung pa teacher.  Works in 460.

DKON MCHOG DON YOD — (1787‑1859)  BD of T&TB V 918.

Dpa' re Sprul sku DKON MCHOG BDE CHEN — BD of T&TB V 689.  19th in abbatial succession of Bkra shis 'khyil.

Gong sman DKON MCHOG BDE LEGS — Author of Gso rig Dgos pa Kun 'byung, a medical treatise published in 1972‑1976 in 3 vols.  Author of Pod dmar, acc. to DD 714.  Author of medical commentaries contained in vol. 84 in the Smanrtsis Shesrig Spendzod Series published in 1977.

'Ban DKON MCHOG RDO RJE — Disc. of Ko bo Ye shes 'byung gnas (circa 1100) in the Mngon pa Kun btus transmission lineage.  BA 345.  17 II 346.4.

Slob dpon DKON MCHOG RDO RJE — An early teacher of Kun dga' dpal 'byor (1428‑1476).  57 preface.

Rong po DKON MCHOG RDO RJE — Cuevas, Hidden History 146.

DKON MCHOG RDOR PA — Artist mentioned in Wanla inscription.  Vitali, Kingdoms 387.

DKON MCHOG LDE2nd son of Btsan lde.  DTK5 92.

DKON MCHOG NOR BU — (1770‑1839)  35th in abbatial succession of Bkra shis 'khyil.  BD of T&TB V 823.

Kong po Rab 'byams pa DKON MCHOG NOR BU — Se ra Stod pa Slob dpon.  438 VI 560.1.

Mkhan po DKON MCHOG NOR BU — Teacher of Ngag dga' (b. 1879).  39 17.  Studied with Rdza Dpal sprul.  Devoted his life to the study of Spyod 'jug


Rgyud pa Slob dpon Sprul sku DKON MCHOG RNAM RGYAL — 332 II preface 9.

Che tshang iv  DKON MCHOG PADMA RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1770).  He was also the 19th abbot of 'Bri gung.

DKON MCHOG DPAL — Attendant of Chag Lo tsā ba.  Chag 111.

'Bro DKON MCHOG DPAL — P.Tib. 849.201.  Hackin, Formulaire 37 (he is the author of the work, or at least of the brief appended text).

Zhang DKON MCHOG DPAL — (1250‑1317)  Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 178.  His biography, entitled:  Zhang Dkon mchog dpal gyi Rnam thar, has been photographed by the NGMPP (running no. L8571, reel no. L976/8).  Two bios. are listed in BLP nos. 1502‑1503, by Dge slong Dpal ldan (see also no. 1735) & Tshal pa Si tu Dge ba'i blo gros.

Ri pa DKON MCHOG DPAL — Actually spelled Ri pa Kon cog dpal, he occupies the patron/donor corner of a thangka said to date to 13th cent., reproduced in an art company advertisement in the Orientations reprint volume, Art of Tibet (1998), at the end of the volume.  This thangka has as central figure "Bla ma Bsdan sa pa" which I read as Bla ma Gdan sa pa.  Subsidiary figures include, in top register, and probably top two figures on each side register, a 'Brug pa Bka' brgyud pa lineage, 14 in all, meaning that the patron figure is probably 16th in this lineage (a disciple of the 15th, the central figure).  There is a homage verse next to the patron which cannot be read.  Eight Mahāsiddha figures are depicted.

Shes phrug DKON MCHOG DPAL — TS7 I 272.  Married a daughter (!) of Karma pakshi (1206‑1283).

Sa skya'i Bstan 'dzin Zhang ston DKON MCHOG DPAL — Prob. =(Zhang) Rgyal ba dpal (q.v.).  Pictured in 128 434.  374 I 433.4.

DKON MCHOG DPAL LDAN — Sa skya pa author of FM 218.00.

DKON MCHOG DPAL LDAN — (1816‑1852)  BD of T&TB V 916.  Reincarnation of Dkon mchog rgyal mtshan.

DKON MCHOG DPAL 'BYOR TSHE BRTAN — King of Nang chen.  Contemp. of Zhwa nag xiii.  473 45. 

DKON MCHOG DPAL 'DZIN — (1765‑1844)  BD of T&TB V 613. 

Bka' 'gyur ba Chen po DKON MCHOG DPAL 'DZIN Dung dkar 156.


DKON MCHOG DPAL BZANG — 5 172.2.  Thugs sras Dkon mchog dpal bzang.  5 304.5, 305.6.  446 II 588.6.

DKON MCHOG DPAL BZANG — A physician who brought people back from the dead ['chi gsos 'tsho byed].  Pictured in 128 568.

DKON MCHOG SPYI 'DUS — Redisc. precepts of 'Ja' tshon snying po (q.v.).  See 23 13.  For a khrid yig, see 238.  Initiation rites and history in 226 VIII 55‑102.

DKON MCHOG SPRIN — Ratnamegha.  Its date of translation into Tibetan, see  Scherrer‑Schaub in JIABS 25 (2002) 292, 198, with ref. to a Skt. fragment.

Gong sman DKON MCHOG PHAN DAR — Medical works in 374 II 424.6 ff.  Author of Nyams yig Brgya rtsa (see DD 714).

Shar phyogs pa  DKON MCHOG PHAN BDEFrom E (the Tibetan pl.n.).  A famous artist.  An easterner (shar phyogs pa).  See 23 40.  Jackson, Patron 10, 96.

The bung DKON MCHOG PHUN TSHOGS — (1773‑1839)  BD of T&TB V 919.

Ngor Chos rje DKON MCHOG 'PHEL — A teacher of Grags pa mtha' yas (1469‑1531).  49 preface.  (Yongs 'dzin) Dkon mchog 'phel, the 7th abbot of Ngor.  Bio., see SBTD I 371.  76 2.

Rje DKON MCHOG 'PHEL — Kreijger, Tibetan Painting 78, where he is one of the lesser depicted figures.

DKON MCHOG 'PHRIN LAS — (1787‑?)  BD of T&TB V 567.

'Bri gung DKON MCHOG PHRIN LAS — Autobio. listed in BLP no. 1566.

'Bri gung Zhabs drung DKON MCHOG 'PHRIN LAS — An incarnate.  A student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).


DKON MCHOG 'PHRIN LAS RNAM RGYAL — His notes on the oral exegesis of Rig 'dzin Chos kyi grags pa on the Lnga ldan (Mahāmudrā precepts) contained in 22 1‑181.  473 40. 

Che tshang II DKON MCHOG PHRIN LAS BZANG PO — (b. 1656)  Works in 359 II 452‑552.

Dpa' chung Rin po che DKON MCHOG 'PHRIN LAS 'OD ZER — Biography published:  Dkon mchog 'phel rgyas, Rdo rje 'chang Dkon mchog 'phrin las 'od zer gyi Rtogs pa Ji bzhin Brjod pa'i Gtam Thar pa dang Thams cad Mkhyen pa'i Lam ston Thub bstan Mdzes pa'i Rgyan, Bod ljongs Mi dmangs Dpe skrun khang (Lhasa 2004), in 263 pages.

DKON MCHOG BLO GROS — 460 809.2.

Sib Rdzogs chen pa DKON MCHOG BLO GROS — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 117.3.

Rje DKON MCHOG DBANG PHYUG PA — (1768‑1833)  31st in abbatial succession of Bkra shis 'khyil.  BD of T&TB V 806.

DKON MCHOG 'BANGS — See Dkon mchog gsum gyi 'bangs.

Rgyal sras DKON MCHOG 'BANGS — See Gzhon nu rgyal mchog.  128 804.

Zhwa dmar ba DKON MCHOG 'BANGS — Mentioned in BD of T&TB III 724 as a 'successor' of Sna tshogs rang grol (1494‑1570).  Mkhas grub Mdo sngags bstan 'dzin (1516‑1568) took ordination from him.  BD of T&TB III 752.  Author of a guidebook to Mtshur phu, q.v.

Mnga' ris kyi Ston pa DKON MCHOG 'BAR — 17 II 408.5.

Shes phrug DKON MCHOG 'BUM — TS7 I 272.

Ka brag DKON MCHOG 'BYUNG GNAS — Lde'u2 135.

Tā Bla ma Yung dgon Dza sag DKON MCHOG 'BYUNG GNAS — A monk of Yung‑ho Kung who was sent by Chinese Republic in 1930's to try to convince Tibetan government that it should become a part of China.  Goldstein, History 381. 

De mo i DKON MCHOG 'BYUNG GNAS — (1374‑1453)  First De mo incarnate.  Alexander, Temples 210.

Lang gro Lo tsā ba DKON MCHOG 'BYUNG GNAS — Disc. of Padmasambhava.  91 preface.  132 89.6.  Pictured in 128 636.  Mentioned in a Dunhuang document.  Meinert in TS9 II 298.


DKON MCHOG BRTSEGS PA — A sūtra collection that forms a major part of the Kanjur, often abbreviated as Dkon brtsegs.  F. Weller, Betrachtungen über einen Ratnakūta text, Forschungen und Fortschrifte, vol. 37 (1963) 369 ff.  Dung dkar 143 tells how parts of it were destroyed in India, and the translator had to search out chapters from Khotan and China.

Karma DKON MCHOG GZHON NU — Disc. of Karma pa iv.  His Rtsod yig would seem to exist.  He composed a still‑existing biography of the Karma pa iv, with the title Chos rje Rol pa'i rdo rje'i Rnam thar Mkhas pa Dga' byed (see Dung dkar 34).  Kuijp, KPTB 48.  He is cited in Thuken 178.

Grong po lung DKON MCHOG GZHON NU — Teacher of Bu ston.  27 75.  Perhaps the same as the Dge bshes Grang po lung pa mentioned in LPNT IV 55.

DKON MCHOG BZANG PO — Of the Gtsang mon. Kun dga' chos, mentioned in official document of 1345.  Lost ref.

Sna phu DKON MCHOG BZANG PO — 374 II 470.6.

Sde snod 'dzin pa DKON MCHOG BZANG PO — Attended ordination of Bu ston.  27 78.

Dpon chen DKON MCHOG BZANG PO — TS7 I 273.

Lo se ba DKON MCHOG BZANG PO — 475 122.7.

Gu ge ma DKON MCHOG BZANG MO — Wife of Kun dga' rnam rgyal lde.  DTK5 135.  Ehrhard in NTFC I 154.

Gu ge bza' DKON MCHOG BZANG MO — Wife of Bkra shis dpal 'bar.  DTK5 139.

DKON MCHOG BZOD PA — (1856‑?)  BD of T&TB V 915.

Gu ge pa DKON MCHOG 'OD ZER — N. of an artist inscribed on a Buddha image.  See Uhlig, On the Path to Enlightenment 70.

Rgyal tshab vii DKON MCHOG 'OD ZER — (ca. 1699‑ca. 1765)  35 II 678.

Zhwa dmar v DKON MCHOG YAN LAG — (1525‑1583)  Bio. in 35 II 65‑141.  Author of Bstan bcos Zab mo Nang Don gyi Gtong Thun Rab gsal Nyi ma'i Snying po, a study of Rang byung rdo rje's treatise on Anuttarayoga Tantra, for which see 200.  Bio. by Karma pa viii, see SBTD I 4.  210 215.6.  BD of T&TB VII 171.  Two vols. of his 'selected writings' have been published in Gangtok, 1979.  Gilt portrait image, with identifying inscription, in Weldon & Singer, Sculptural Heritage p.191.  Cuevas, Hidden History 166.

Snyan rgyud Mdzod 'Dzin DKON MCHOG YAR 'PHEL — Pictured in 128 308. 

DKON MCHOG RIG PA'I SENG GE — (1838‑?)  BD of T&TB V 631.

DKON MCHOG RIG 'DZIN SGROL MA — Gung ru Mkha' 'gro incarnate.  Chayet in Cardonna, Facets 76.

DKON MCHOG RIG 'DZIN DPAL MO — See Smith in Linrothe, Holy Madness 74, where her dates are given as 1814‑1891.

Jo bo DKON MCHOG RIN CHEN — A contemporary of 'Jig rten mgon po (1143‑1217).  476 I 51.2.

DKON MCHOG RIN CHEN — (b. 1590)  357 contents.  20th abbot of 'Bri gung.  37 33.  Author of 'Bri gung pa'i Mantri Bsnyen bsgrub Spyi Spang blang22 428‑451.  Regarded as rebirth of (Rgyal dbang) Bsod nams rgya mtsho.  He received many visionary revelations including the Thugs rje chen po sogs Rtsa gsum23 10.  His Rin chen 'Phreng ba cited in 168 preface.  Work in 359.  Regarded as the rebirth of Spyan snga Grags pa 'byung gnas, he is said to be the first Che tshang Rin po che.  Because he didn't have offspring, the Skyu ra family died out with him.  Dung dkar 143.

DKON MCHOG RIN CHEN — Dge bsnyen n. of Sangs rgyas gling pa.  210 104.6.  413 351.5.

Zhabs drung DKON MCHOG RIN CHEN — 410 206A.3.

Gser gling Mkhan po DKON MCHOG RIN CHEN — Las slob at ordination of Padma dkar po.  1 28.

Gtsang po pa DKON MCHOG SENG GE — (d. 1218/9)  First Ti shih among the Tanguts.  Karma pa.  Also, Rtsang po pa.  A Tibetan active in Tangut land, where his funerary chorten was made in about 1219.  See Sperling, Further 18.

DKON MCHOG SENG GE — (1836‑?) 25th in abbatial succession of Bkra shis 'khyil.  BD of T&TB V 728.

Gtsang so pa DKON MCHOG SENG GE — (d. 1218)  Kuijp in TH&L 296.  I think Gtsang po pa is the more authentic form.

DKON MCHOG SRAS — A n. of (Stag lung) Sangs rgyas dbon.  BD of T&TB III 386.

DKON MCHOG GSUM GYI 'BANGS — Disc. of Dignāga.  BD of T&TB I 202, 426.

DKON MCHOG GSUM LHA KHANG — At 'Bum thang.  See Olschak, Bhutan 45 ff.

Mkhan rabs IX Ma ni pa DKON MCHOG BSAM 'GRUB — Abbot of Yangs pa can.  35 I 627.

Rab 'byams Chos rje DKON MCHOG BSAM GRUB — Successor of Bsod nams chos grub in Shangs pa transmission.  53 preface.  In O rgyan Bsnyen sgrub trans.  17 IV 438.2.

DKON MCHOG BSOD NAMS — (1770‑1844)  36th in abbatial succession of Bkra shis 'khyil.  BD of T&TB V 527.

DKON MCHOG BSOD NAMS — (1785‑1844)  BD of T&TB V 920.

Rtogs ldan tshang Yongs 'dzin DKON MCHOG BSOD NAMS — (b. 1911)  Work on mons. of Ladakh publ. in 3 vols in 1978 ff.

DKON MCHOG BSRUNG — Tib. disc. of Somanatha.  475 97.4.

DKON MCHOG LHA RGYAL — King of Nang chen.  473 46.

DKON MCHOG LHUN GRUB — See (Rig 'dzin Chen po) Rol pa'i rdo rje.

DKON MCHOG LHUN GRUB — Novice monk name of Sde gzhung Rin po che (1906‑1987).

Mdo po che ba DKON MCHOG LHUN GRUB — Teacher of Gter bdag gling pa.  458 I 328.1.

Ngor chen DKON MCHOG LHUN GRUB — (1497‑1557)  Sa skya pa.  Works in 36 vol. 4 on Hevajra.  Dhongthog 30.  Author of a Chos 'byung, title in 63 398.5.  Stein, Recherches 34.  Quoted in BD of T&TB X 33.2.  374 I 474.1.  10th abbot of Ngor.  ISTS 134.  Works listed in SBTD I 371 (dates given are 1497‑1504!).

DKON PA RJE — See (— — —) Gung stag.

DKON PA BA — (1016‑1082)  Teacher of Sne'u zur pa (q.v.) and an abbot of Rwa sgreng.  Misspelling for Dgon pa ba (q.v.).

Yon bdag DKON 'BAR — 73 250.4.

DKON ME — Short for Dkon mchog sgron me.

Gtsang rdo DKON BRTSEGS — Name of patron of Maitreya image at Rgyal Lha khang (the dedication text itself refers to the gift of a 'banner', rgyal mtshan).  Rahula Sanskrtyayana believed this image to be of Indian workmanship.  The inscription is in old orthography.  Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Works (1990) I 8.

Rab 'byams Chos rje DKON BSAM — See Dkon mchog bsam grub.

DKOR — BA 278.

DKOR MDZOD DPE HAR GLING — See Dpe dkar gling.  Bsam yas Dkor mdzod in 87 I 63.1.  Dung dkar 146.

DKOR RDZOGS — N. of a mon. in S Ladakh, 16,000 ft. above sea level.  Das 55.

DKOR ZAN RGYA BO — Evid. a name for La yag pa, disc. of Sgam po pa.  (I think it's rather a name for Lo ras pa, q.v.)

DKYIL — N. of a mon. in Spiti.  144.

DKYIL KHANG — The n. of the 2nd of 3 Grwa tshang to be built at Bkra shis lhun po.  Wylie 137 (n. 200).  Vai.Ser. 198.  Dung dkar 146‑147.

DKYIL KHANG RAB 'BYAMS PA — See (Dge bshes) Dam chos bzang po.

DKYIL 'KHOR LTA SGRUB — Rock cut cave, near mon. Shel dkar, where Padmasambhava stayed.  See Waddell 320 for description.

DKYIL 'KHOR GYI STENG — Dung dkar 148.

DKYIL 'KHOR MTHIL — N. of a statue.  Essais 176.

DKYIL 'KHOR SDINGS — Acc. to JTL&CT 151‑154, a n. for the Jo khang.  Actually, I think it is the central area that must have originally been an courtyard open to the sky.  Wylie 153 (n. 361).  Jackson, Patron 13.

DKYIL 'KHOR 'OG — Dung dkar 150.

DKYIL ZUR — See (— —) Blo bzang sbyin pa.

DKYEL CHEN — See (— —) Mu thur.

Rgyal khab BKWA RNGOM 'GYUR MED PHO BRANG — Site of printing of Bonpo Prajñāpāramitā text acc. to the colophon of FM 339.00.  In the Rab brtan kingdom of Rgyal mo rong.

Dgra lha BKWAN YUN CHA'ANG — See Sprin ring rgyal po.  Titled as "Khams gsum Bdud 'dul Rgyal chen."  A story (lo rgyus) and Gsol mchod by Thu'u bkwan II in FM 140.02.27.  Identified with Beg tse and (Zhang blon) Rdo rje bdud 'dul.

BKA'I DGUNG BLON GNYIS — Dung dkar 182.


BKA' DGE DGONGS PA GCIG SGRUB — Dung dkar 152‑153.

BKA' 'GYUR — Dung dkar 153‑154.

Dga' ldan Bstan 'dzin Khyab bdag BKA' 'GYUR BA — Pictured in 128 454.

BKA' 'GYUR BLA MA — Bios. of figure[s] with this name in BLP nos. 0086‑0087.  For explanation of this name or title, see Dung dkar 156.

BKA' 'GYUR RIN PO CHE — See (— — — — —) Klong chen ye shes rdo rje.

BKA' BRGYAD — Special doctrines of the Rnying ma pa school, listed in BA 106‑107.  Ferrari 116, 135.  See Zhi khro Bka' brgyad Bde gshegs 'dus pa.  Tohoku 6572.  5 98.1, 164.2.  See 27 29 note.  Beyer 43.  Works in 212 V.  Biblio. and history in 17 IV 476.2 ff.  History in BD of T&TB I 967 ff.  The set of eight teachings relate to 8 categories of gods/spirits/tutelaries, and were found in boxes made of 8 kinds of precious substances (gser dngul lcags zangs g.yu bse mchong gzi).  For a remarkable series of eight thangkas, see Po ta la (1996) 157‑163, 170.  For a remarkable ms. said to be the personal book of Khri srong lde btsan, see Precious Deposits I 128‑130.

BKA' BRGYAD DGON — In Khams.  See map in Beyer 16, and also 238‑240.

BKA' BRGYAD DRAG PO RANG BYUNG RANG SHAR — A gter ma of Rgod ldem (q.v.).

BKA' BRGYAD BDE GSHEGS 'DUS PA — A redisc. of (Nyang ral) Nyi ma 'od zer (q.v.).  See =Bde gshegs 'dus pa.  Dung dkar 157‑158.

Chos rje BKA' BRGYAD PA — Roesler, KSP 62.

BKA' BRGYAD PHUG PA — Pl.n.  Dung dkar 158.

BKA' BRGYAD RDZONG 'PHRANG GI SKOR — Texts w/ lineage prayer in 194 XIV. 

BKA' BRGYAD RANG BYUNG RANG SHAR — Cycle found by Rgod ldem.  Dung dkar 158.

BKA' BRGYAD GSANG BA YONGS RDZOGS — A gter ma of Gu ru Chos dbang (q.v.). 

BKA' BRGYUD — See under Bka' brgyud pa.  For the history of use of the term, see RS 600-607.

BKA' RGYUD RGYAL MTSHAN — 116 307.4, 309.7.

BKA' BRGYUD SGRON ME — In Bde mchog Snyan brgyud trans.  397 VII 17.5.

BKA' BRGYUD SNGAGS MDZOD — One of the Five Treasuries (Mdzod Lnga) of Kong sprul.  See 90 .



BKA' BRGYUD BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN 'GYUR MED YONGS GRUB DAM CHOS NYI MA — Upāsaka n. of 'Brug chen viii (1768‑1822).  23 54.  See n. in colophon of 337 137.5.  Appears as author in colophon of work in 129 nos. 39‑53.

Grub mchog BKA' BRGYUD BSTAN 'DZIN — Successor of Kun dga' lhun grub rgya mtsho in the Jo nang pa Lugs (q.v.), no. 27.

BKA' BRGYUD PA — A major school of Tibetan Buddhism.  For an explanation of the difference between the terms Bka' brgyud and Dkar brgyud, see 235 2 (n. 6), also for main divisions. For example of a Gser phreng, see 405.  The various sub‑divisions listed in Dung dkar 158‑159.

BKA' BRGYUD PA'I RNAL 'BYOR BZHI — Four yogas of Mahāmudrā listed in Dung dkar 159‑160.

BKA' RGYUD PADMA — N. of ('Khrul zhig) Ngag dbang tshe ring.  B in L 21.

BKA' BRGYUD 'PHRIN LAS RNAM PAR RGYAL BA'I SDE — Alias of 'Dzi sgar iv.  'Khrungs rabs Gsol 'debs contained in 465 IV 151 ff.

BKA' BRGYUD 'PHRIN LAS DBANG PHYUG — Teacher of Bde mchog Snyan rgyud to 'Jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse.  397 VII 74.2.

'Brug chen BKA' BRGYUD PHRIN LAS SHING RTA — 383 469.6.  Dung dkar 160, says he was b. in Kong po O rong, and died in 49th year.



Skyabs rje BKA' BRGYUD RANG GROL — 377 19B.3, 34A.1.

BKA' 'GYUR — Kanjur.  SBTD I 339.  In 1550's and 1565; see 17 505, 573.4 ff, 589.1.


BKA' 'GYUR RIN PO CHE — See (— — — — —) Klong chen ye shes rdo rje.

BKA' YI SGROM BU RNAM GSUM — Dung dkar 180.

BKA' LNGA PA — See (— — —) Dpal 'byor shes rab.

BKA' BCU PA — See (— — —) Rgyal mtshan bzang po;  (— — —) Nam mkha' 'od zer;  (— — —) Nam mkha' legs bzang;  (— — —) Blo gros rgyal mtshan;  (— — —) Yon tan snying po; (— — —) Sangs rgyas seng ge.

BKA' CHIMS PHU BA —  =Man ngag brgyud.  N. for Rnying ma lineage stemming from (Zhang) Rgyal ba'i yon tan.  BA 108.  Dung dkar 160.

BKA' CHEN — Degree at Bkra shis lhun po.  TS5 204.

BKA' CHEMS — Last will and testament. 

BKA' CHEMS KA KHOL MA — See Eimer article in Velm I 45‑51.  Work attributed to Srong btsan sgam po in 15 chaps called Bka' chems Ka khol ma378 I 363‑481.  Also published under title Ma 'ongs Lung bstan Gsal ba'i Sgron me (Leh 1973).  See Eimer in PCKS I (Vienna 1983).


BKA' GTER ZUNG DU 'BREL BA — Dung dkar 160.

BKA' RTOG — (Kartok)  Sikkim mon. f. in 1840 w/ 20 monks.  Waddell 285.

BKA' RTOG PA — Or, Bka' rtogs pa.  Rnying ma sect which adopted the revelation of Klong chen Rab 'byams found in Sgra mda' Mtsho.  Its chief mons. are Byang chub gling and Sde dge.  (All this according to Waddell 73.)

BKA' STOD — See (— —) Ye shes snying po.

BKA' THANG SDE LNGA — Dung dkar 161.

BKA' THANG ZANGS GLING MA — Dung dkar 161.

BKA'I THANG YIG CHEN MO — Dung dkar 182.

BKA' THANG SHEL BRAG MA — Dung dkar 162‑163.

BKA' DRUNG — See (— —) Bhrum pa sras.

BKA' GDAMS SKU MCHED GSUM — Dung dkar 163‑164.  Collective n. for Po to ba, Spyan snga ba & Phu chung ba, chief disciples of 'Brom ston.  Roesler, KSP 56.


BKA' GDAMS 'KHYIL BA — Dung dkar 164.  Residence of successive Dalai Lamas.

BKA' GDAMS GONG MA — Might refer to the early Bka' gdams pa (or the predecessors of the Dge lugs pa).  Dung dkar 164.

BKA' GDAMS GONG 'OG — Here the 'lower' Bka' gdams pa refers to the lineage of Dge bshes Rong pa Phyag sor ba, since his headquarters were 'below' Rwa sgreng.  Dung dkar 164.

BKA' GDAMS GLEGS BAM — Important collection of early Bka' gdams pa works which has been published several times.  For xylo., see Welcome Institute, no. 35 (p. 43 in catalogue).  Dung dkar 164 says it was first arranged by Rngog Legs pa'i shes rab.

BKA' GDAMS BRGYUD PA GSUM — Bka' gdams Gzhung pa (from Dge bshes Po to ba), Bka' gdams Man ngag pa (from Spyan snga ba), and Bka' gdams Lam rim pa (from Dgon pa ba).  Dung dkar 164, 168.

BKA' GDAMS CHOS SDINGS — F. in 1926 by Blo bzang rta mgrin.  224 intro.

BKA' GDAMS GDUNG RTEN — Style of early chortens.  Dung dkar 167.

BKA' GDAMS PA — For names of histories see under (Las chen) Kun dga' rgyal mtshan and 54.  For division into Gdams ngag pa and Gzhung pa, see BA 314.  There is a Bka' gdams Chos 'byung (ca. 1495) by Paṇ chen Ye shes rtse mo.  146.  For Lha chos, Pha chos and Bu chos literature, see 374 II 86 ff.  According to BA 269, the high sounding name of Bka' gdams became famous during the time of Po to ba Rin chen gsal.  Similar statement in Dza ya, Thob yig II 568.2.  Dung dkar 163, 167.  For the idea that there is something like a "Bka' brgyud bka' gdams pa," see Jackson, MB 204 note 40.  DCD 43.

Lha BKA' GDAMS PA —  Royalty in line of Yum brtan.  He was a son of Mgon ne.  Lde'u 389.

BKA' GDAMS PHO BRANG — Palace where Panchen Lama resides at Tashilhunpo.  Das 64.

Grwa pa BKA' GDAMS PA — Disc. of Dus gsum mkhyen pa.  57 IIB 359.7.  Also, BA 482. 

Myang BKA' GDAMS PA — LGCM 651.2.

BKA' GDAMS GZHUNG DRUG — 1) Mahāyānasūtrālaṃkāra of Maitreya & Asaṅga.  2) Bodhisattvabhūmi.  3) Śikṣāsamuccaya of Śāntideva.  4) Bodhicaryāvatāra by same.  5) Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra. 6) Udānavarga.  See BA 268.  17 II 375.1 ff.  127 7.  Dung dkar 168.  DCD 42.

BKA' GDAMS GZHUNG PA — Dung dkar 168.

BKA' GDAMS 'OG MA — A way of referring to the lineage from Phag sor ba.  Mkhas pa'i Dga' ston [PRC] 723.

BKA' GDAMS LI RNYING — Dung dkar 169.

BKA' GDAMS LO RGYUS — The title Bka' gdam gyi Lo rgyus [sic] occurs in Drepung Catalog 1513.

BKA' GDAMS GSAR MA — Dung dkar 169.

BKA' GDAMS LHA CHOS BDUN — See lha chos bdun. 

BKA' MDO RGYUD — Dung dkar 169.

BKA' 'DUS CHOS KYI RGYA MTSHO — A gter ma of O rgyan gling pa (q.v.). 

BKA' SDOM — Chang translates as Bka' gdams in his translation of Mi la'i Mgur 'bum, but he is mistaken.

BKA' GNAM — Mon. in Kinnaur.  B in L 47.

BKA' POD LNGA — The five main texts studied in Mtshan nyid institutions.  See discussion of their history in  Dung dkar 172‑173.  DCD 47‑48.

BKA' PHYAG CHU BO GNYIS 'DRES — Dung dkar 173.


BKA' BABS BDUN LDAN — Dung dkar 174.

BKA' BABS BZHI — In 73 17 (q.v.... here "Rka babs" is of course Bka' babs) they are called, 1) 'Pho ba'i Rka babs received by Ti lo pa from Tsa rgyal pa.  2) Rmi lam gyi Rka babs received from Klu sgrub.  3) Gdam ngag Gtum mo'i Rka babs, received from (Dha ki ma) Skal ba bzang mo.  4) 'Od gsal gyi Rka babs received from La ba pa.  Also, 38 I 52.  116 50.5 ff.  17 XXII 9‑11.  15 3.  75 37.  Biographical materials in 24 I 41 ff.  57 IIB 342.  One biographer of Tilopa harmonizes the two main conflicting accounts of the Bka' babs by calling the one thun mong and the other thun mong ma yin pa. See 130 60.5 ff.  Dung dkar 174.  In Bka' gdams pa tradition, this expression is used to refer to four disciples of Sha ra ba Yon tan grags.  See  Roesler, KSP 57‑58.



BKA' BLON — See (— —) 'Chi med bla ma.  (— —) Don grub rdo rje.

BKA' BLON SPUNGS — A possible spelling for the n. of Kalimpong (Ka ling spug).  Dorje Wangchuk gives the spelling Bka' blon spong.

BKA' MA — In Rnying ma school, refers to oral transmission as distinguished from gter ma 'rediscoveries'.  The six principle transmissions were called, after family names: So, Zur, Nub, Nyag, Ma and Rong (CM IV 113 ff.).  Also divided according to the means of transmission into three:  1. Rgyal ba Dgongs pa'i Brgyud pa.  2. Rig 'dzin Brda'i Brgyud pa.  3. Gang zag Snyan khungs Brgyud pa.  17 II 195. 

BKA' MA LOG — A clan.  Petech (1983) 188.  Bka' mi log in Vitali in TS9 I 84.  For the Bka' ma log Monastery Bsam gtan gling, see Dung dkar 23.  Qubilai's interior minister Saṃgha belonged to this tribe, descendents of soldiers sent to Amdo by Khri srong lde btsan.  They said they wouldn't return home until they received the order, bka' (hence their name).  See  Dung dkar 178.  Schaik, M&T 63.

BKA' BZHI — Often for Dka' bzhi (?).  Thuken 178, and note 747.  For an esay on the lineage of gurus for the Four Pronouncements, see RS 365-374.

BKA' BZHI GRWA SKOR — Thang stong went there.  At Sa skya.  5 32.

BKA' BZHI PA — See (— — —) Nam mkha' 'od zer.

BKA' YANG DAG PA'I TSHAD MA — N. of a work by Khri srong lde'u brtsan studied by Stein.  484 I 397.7.  Dung dkar 180.

BKA' YANG DAG PAR TSHAD MA MKHA' 'GRO'I MAN NGAG — See Chandra.  A basic work of the Bka' brgyud school, it seems to actually be composed by Tilopa, whose written works are few.  Guenther mentions it; see 75 54, 57, 77, 115.  The root of all works on the Nā ro Chos drug17 IV 13.2, 383.2.  For comm., see 386 and 17 XXII.

BKA' RAMS DGE BSHES — Dung dkar 181.

BKA' LUNG NYAN BSHAD SDE — 253 II 568.3.  See Das 807. 


BKA' SHAG — The council of the 4 Bka' blon in Tib. government instituted in 1751 by DL vii.  Dhongthog 132.

BKA' SHAG 'GAG — Dung dkar 181.

BKA' SHAG 'GAG PA — Dung dkar 181.

BKA' SHAG THUGS SPRO — Dung dkar 181.  A holiday for officials held in the 8th month for 7 or 8 days.

BKA' SHAG SHOD PA — Dung dkar 181.

BKA' SROL BCO BRGYAD — These 18 streams of teachings are enumerated in BD of T&TB X 52 ff.  Branches of Lam 'bras transmissions. 

BKA' GSANG LHA MO — Aspect of the goddess Srid pa'i rgyal mo.  270 preface.

BKWAN DONG — Thuken 367.

BKWAN LO'U YE — 'Old Gentleman', called the 'enemy god of China'.  "Rgya yul gyi dgra lha chen po bkwan yun chang ste sprin ring rgyal po / bkwan lo'u yer 'bod pa."  Thuken 361.

BKAS BCAD CHEN PO RNAM PA GSUM — Three decrees passed by Ral pa can.  One restricted monastic ordination to the Mūlasarvastivādin tradition.  Another forbade translations of Mother Tantras (this is perhaps a misreading?), and the third one set standard measures.  Dung dkar 184.  See Scherrer‑Schaub in JIABS 25 (2002), where the three have solely to do with the new standards of translation, the skad gsar bcad (but see especially p. 281 & 310, where she points to other usages (or understandings) of the 'three laws' term.  According to this, the first took place in around early or mid 8th cent., the 2nd in 783 (or possibly 795), the third most definitely in 814.

BKOG SKYID PHYUG PO — N. of a family with a very holy copy of the Prajñāpāramitā in time of Tsong kha pa (the scripture itself was destroyed in cultural revolution, but the binding boards survive).  Dung dkar 184‑185.


BKRA CHOS — Disc. of Shākya shrī. 363 122.4.

BKRA THANG — See (— —) Blo bzang chos kyi nyi ma.

Don gling BKRA THANG SPRUL SKU — 438 VII 426.1.

BKRA GDONG — Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 445.

BKRA PA DPON MO — A n. of a 'dre spirit.  See 83E 485.

Gnas gsar BKRA 'PHEL —  ='Jam dbyangs chos kyi nyi ma blo gros rgyas pa'i sde.  Author of continuation of Kong sprul's autobio.  471.

Kong btsun BKRA DBANG — Popular Bonpo Canonical Texts: A Collection of Eight Texts from the Gser 'Od Nor‑bu 'Od‑'bar, Dbal‑gsas, Klu‑'bum, and Sa‑bdag Bsangs‑'bum Groups Used in Popular Recitations, Tenpa Phuntshog (Dolanji 1976) 578.2.

Gnas chen Ri bo BKRA BZANG — 5 48.6.  N. of a mt. in Tibet.  Jaeschke 14.  210 53.3.  370 preface 5.  Birthplace of Rgod ldem.  481 7.2.  Ehrhard in Prats, Pandita 29.  Stearns, King 130.

BKRA BZANG CHOS RJE — (ca. 1675)  458 I 149.

BKRA YAG RE'U SKYES — 73 426.1.

BKRA RI GNAM MTSHO — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 343.

BKRA SHIS — See 23 38 ff.  Three artists.  23 40, 45.  Nam mkha' bkra shis, Chos bkra shis and Karma bkra shis, the greatest painters of the Sgar bris school. 


BKRA SHIS — N. of a poor Brahmin in an avadānaTPS 498.

Gu ru BKRA SHIS — Alias of (Stag sgang) Ngag dbang blo gros (q.v.).

Lce BKRA SHIS — 320 XXXI 192.7.  Listed in Mtshan tho no. 51, but with no further information.

Smad stod pa Bla ma BKRA SHIS — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 116.6.

Rim gro ba BKRA SHIS — Depicted in a 1777 gold ink painting.  Precious Deposits IV 114.

Mgo gza' BKRA SHIS SKYID — Mother of Khyung po rnal 'byor.  29 61.1.

Yon bdag BKRA SHIS SKYID — Story of this person and Nam mkha' chos grags listed in BLP no. 1796.

BKRA SHIS SKYID TSHAL —  LaRocca, Warriors 23.

BKRA SHIS KHANG GSAR — See Alexandre Andreyev, Tibet in the Earliest Photographs by Russian Travelers, Studio Orientalia (New Delhi 2013), p. 27,

Shar Rgya yi BKRA SHIS KHRI SGO — 4 140B.3.  This place associated with Shrī Sing ha.  LGCM 604.4.  The place name appears in forms like Ke she Khri sgo, Ka shi khri sgo, apparently all of them Tibetan versions of a name of the capital city of China at the time, Ch'ang‑an (Xi'an).

BKRA SHIS MKHA' LDING GI BRAG PHUG — In Tsa ri.  24 I 418.6.


Rtogs ldan Bla brang BKRA SHIS 'KHYIL — Bon mon. in Amdo with 350 monks.  253 II 637.5.

BKRA SHIS 'KHYIL — See (— — —) Khri pa Sde pa Zhabs drung.

Bla brang BKRA SHIS 'KHYIL — In Amdo.  Had a printery.  BA iii.  Work on its guardian deity.  186 I text no. 16.  For a gdan rabs, see 332 II preface 12.  dkar chags, see SBTD I 18.  F. in 1710 by 'Jam dbyangs bzhad pa.  Stein, Recherches 123.  Dung dkar 187‑188.


BKRA SHIS GONG — Sp.?  Fletcher spells it "Tashigong."

BKRA SHIS GRAGS PA — King of Gu ge in 17th cent.  See 83E 482.

BKRA SHIS GRAGS PA — (d. 1282)  In some lists he is considered the first Zhwa dmar. 

Rog BKRA SHIS GRAGS PA — Father of (Rog) Shes rab 'od (1166‑1244) and (Zhig po) Rin chen shes rab (1171‑1245).  BD of T&TB III 364.

BKRA SHIS GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — (1724‑1785)  Stag lung pa of Dbyi shod Ri bo che.  31 II.

Sa skya Sngags 'chang Khri chen Rdo rje 'chang BKRA SHIS GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — Bio. by Kun dga' bstan pa'i nyi ma publ. in 1980.  Sa skya'i Sngags 'chang Ngag dbang kun dga' bkra shis grags pa rgyal mtshan gyi Rtogs brjod by Nam mkha' bsam grub, listed in BLP no. 1953.


BKRA SHIS DGA' — N. of Shar rdza's father.  Thar in TS9 IV 156.

BKRA SHIS DGON PA — Sato in Acta Asiatica 29 (1975) 10.

BKRA SHIS GLING — N. of a pl. in Khams.  Das 69.

BKRA SHIS DGE GLING — At Sna phu.  N. of a cave associated w/ Gling ras pa.  15 74, 76.

BKRA SHIS DGE 'PHEL — An ordination n. of Dharma bha dra (q.v.). 

Bzhad BKRA SHIS DGE 'PHEL — Vai.Ser. 204.


BKRA SHIS DGRA 'DUL — Mme. David‑Neel, Initiations and Initiates in Tibet 149.  N. of Burmiok Athing; see A thing.

BKRA SHIS MGON —  =Tshangs pa bkra shis (q.v.).  A king of Gu ge.  28 51.  Middle son of (Skyid lde) Nyi ma mgon.  81 103.14, 117.  17 II 347.5.  He is pictured in Precious Deposits II 9.  Dung dkar 195.

Rgya gar BKRA SHIS MGON — Artist in inscription, "Rgya 'gar Bgra shis 'gon," illus. in Heller, Tibetan Art color plate no. 57

Tshangs chen BKRA SHIS MGON — (d. 1489)  King of Mustang.  ISTS 134‑5.  SBTD I 78.

Glu mkhan BKRA SHIS MGON — 115 33.4.

Snang gsal Rig 'dzin BKRA SHIS RGYA MTSHO — 410 206A.2.  Called Snang gsal ba Bkra shis rgya mtsho in Cuevas, Hidden History 159.

Pog to Cha han Bla ma BKRA SHIS RGYA MTSHO — (d. 1627)  See 332 II preface 4.  A bio. entitled Bkra shis rgya mtsho'i Slob brgyud dang bcas pa'i Rnam thar Mu tig Phreng Mdzes, by Thu'u bkwan Blo bzang chos kyi nyi ma, listed in BLP nos. 0120, 0414. This has been published.

Bla ma BKRA SHIS RGYA MTSHO — (1789‑1874)  Reincarnate of A skyabs Bla ma.  Garje, Memories 63.

A mye Bla rgan BKRA SHIS RGYA MTSHO — 346 23.3.

Khri BKRA SHIS RGYAL PO SDE — King of Gu ge.  28 63.

BKRA SHIS RGYAL MTSHAN — A representative of Gling tshang, sent to Ming court in 1433.  Toh, Ming 178.

Mnyam med BKRA SHIS RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 390.3.

Khu bo BKRA SHIS RGYAL MTSHAN — Teacher of (Bru ston) Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.  253 II 469.1.

Khyung po BKRA SHIS RGYAL MTSHAN — Also sometimes has title Sngags 'chang.  248 18.6.  253 II 231.5.  Karmay, Treasury 231.  Work in 286 II 521‑530.

Khra rgan BKRA SHIS RGYAL MTSHAN — Bio. in 253 II 351.4 ff, 357.3, 391.5.

Khra thul BKRA SHIS RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 401.3.

Khra chag med BKRA SHIS RGYAL MTSHAN — Founder, in 15th cent., of Khra rgyan nyi phug Mon.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 455.

Mkhan chen BKRA SHIS RGYAL MTSHAN — (d. 1689)  Abbot of Skyid tshal in ca. 1681.  458 I 223.6, 321.4.

Dbon BKRA SHIS RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of chronicle of (Khams) Yang steng.  332 II preface 15.  BLP no. 1771.

Gter chen BKRA SHIS RGYAL MTSHAN — (contemp.)  Terrone in TS9 VIII 220.

Thar po Chos rje BKRA SHIS RGYAL MTSHAN — Abbot of Dgon lung, from 1657 to 1661.  332 II 20.

Tshong pa BKRA SHIS RGYAL MTSHAN — See 5 20.1.  (Dge bo) Bkra shis rgyal mtshan in 5 35.5.

Zhang zhung BKRA SHIS RGYAL MTSHAN — Bonpo.  248 21.1, 86.1.

Yang ston BKRA SHIS RGYAL MTSHAN — Or (Klu brag pa) or (Ya ngal).  Founder of Lubra (i.e., Klu brag) Mon. in Dol po.  Son of (Yang ston) Shes rab rgyal mtshan.  Nine Ways 4.  253 II 618.  Work in 327 287‑309.  Pictured in 280 I 25.  253 II 357.4.  Ramble in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 292.

Shar rdza BKRA SHIS RGYAL MTSHAN — (1859‑1933)  D. in 1938 acc. to 253 II 503.4.  Widely known Bonpo known to both Bonpos and Chos pas in the Ris med atmosphere of E Tibet in his day.  Best known for his Mdzod Lnga and his A khrid Bka' lung Rgya mtsho262.  His Nyams Mgur publ. in 1973.  His Legs bshad Rin po che'i Mdzod publ. in 1 vol. in 1977.  Also called (Shar rdza) Manga wer shi (the Zhang zhung form of his name).  23 14, 36.  His Sdom Gsum Skor in 255.  See works mentioned in 255 preface.  Works in 256 538‑618, 641‑2.  Kværne no. 205.  Aka Dri med snying po.  His chief teacher was (Dbra sprul) Bstan 'dzin dbang rgyal.  262 preface.  His Nam mkha' Mdzod in 274.  Works in 279.  His '5 treasuries' (Mdzod Lnga) are as follows:

1) Lung rigs Mdzod.  314.  On philosophic approach to scriptures.

2) Sde snod Mdzod.  296.  On varieties of Bon scriptures and practices.  2 vols.

3) Nam mkha' Mdzod.  On 4 empowerments.

4) Legs bshad Mdzod.  506.  On history.

5) Dbyings rig Mdzod.  297

Author of Smon lam in 298 591‑596.  A listing of his works in 314.  Bio. in 253 II 501.5 ff.  His Rdzogs chen Sku Gsum Rang shar gyi Khrid Gdams Skor in 342.  His Sdom Gsum Skor on the three levels of vows publ. in 1972.

BKRA SHIS SGANG — Milarepa stayed there.  4 227B.5, 233B.1.  A small monastery in Bhutan.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 249.

BKRA SHIS SGANG GI 'DUS SDE — A small Sa skya mon. in environs of Lhasa, f. by Bla ma Dam pa Bsod nams rgyal mtshan. 

BKRA SHIS SGANG PA — Mentioned as presiding at the ordination of ('Khrul zhig) Seng ge rgyab pa.  BD of T&TB III 387.

BKRA SHIS SGO MANG — See Sgo mang.  N. of mon. in Amdo.  Das 69.  N. of an island.  124 440.3, 441.3.  Dung dkar 188‑189 enumerates the many meanings and usages.  A speciality of the 'Bri gung, see RS 647-651.

Mchod rten BKRA SHIS SGO MANG — 5 60.3, 168.1.  BA 406.


BKRA SHIS SGO MANG MCHOD RTEN — Near Rgyal rtse.  The sku 'bum of Rgyang.  TS5 571.  Stearns, King 51.  Located at Gcung Ri bo che.


BKRA SHIS NGAG DBANG — N. of Tshogs drug rang grol.  407 2A.

Khri BKRA SHIS DNGOS GRUB MGON — Son of Stag tsa Khri 'bar.  See 28 62.

Bsangs chog BKRA SHIS CHAR 'BEBS — N. of a rite.  SBTD I 178.

BKRA SHIS CHOS GLING — In Dung dkar.  Vai.Ser. 224, 240.  BD of T&TB III 289.

BKRA SHIS CHOS GLING — Gdan sa (headquarters) of Pha bong kha pa.  Has printery.  162 194.

BKRA SHIS CHOS GLING — Rnying ma monastery.  (There may be 2 by this n., one in Mdo smad, the other in Mdo stod, each having about 500 inmates.) 

Phyag mdzod BKRA SHIS CHOS 'GRUB — (20th cent.)  Barlocher 700, 701.

BKRA SHIS CHOS RGYAL — See Mi pham bkra shis chos rgyal.  377 47A.1.

BKRA SHIS CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — Alias of Ngag dbang bstan pa'i nyi ma (q.v.).

BKRA SHIS CHOS SDE — (also, Bkra shis chos sding ?)  "Tashichode."  Great Sa skya mon. at Yar klungs Chu.  F. by Ngag dbang kun dga' legs pa'i 'byung gnas (1704‑1760) in 1746.  Dhongthog 132.  Tucci, Lhasa 138.  Dung dkar 191.

Mkhan po BKRA SHIS CHOS 'PHEL — Teacher of (Gter chen) Bde chen 'od gsal rdo rje.  Terrone in TS9 VIII 218.

Gting skyes BKRA SHIS CHOS 'PHEL — Mon., at first Bka' brgyud pa, then Dge lugs pa.  Vai.Ser. 218.

Gnas gsar BKRA SHIS CHOS 'PHEL — Editor of Kong sprul's autobiography.  23 59.  In 87 vol. 95.  346 61.5.  363 98.4.

Karma BKRA SHIS CHOS 'PHEL —  =Blo gros 'od kyi snying po.  Author of printing colophon (par byang) to the Gdams ngag Mdzod36 XII 792.7.  Author of dkar chag to works of Mkhyen brtse.  397 XXIV 388.4.  Author of a biography of Mkhyen brtse entitled, 'Jam dbyangs Mkhyen brtse dbang po'i Rnam thar, which has been published separately.

BKRA SHIS CHOS 'PHEL GLING — Jackson, Patron 241.  Lijiang temple Wenfengsi, f. in 1733.  Debreczeny in Kapstein, BBTC 123.


Thim phug BKRA SHIS CHOS RDZONG — See Nat. Geo. CII no. 5 (Dec. 1952), p. 736.  In Thimphu valley.  One of Bhutan's biggest monasteries, having over 800 monks.  N. of a city in Bhutan.  Goldstein 61.  Summer residence of Bhutanese govt.  Das 69.  157 B preface.

BKRA SHIS CHOS RDZONG — N. of a mon. in Miyad Lahul (H.P., India). 

BKRA SHIS CHOS LUNG — Mon. f. by 'Phags pa lha.  Vai.Ser. 230, 231.  Dung dkar 191‑192.

BKRA SHIS CHOS KYI LHUN PO — N. of Bkra shis lhun po, q.v.

BKRA SHIS LJONGS — BA 548.  Vai.Ser. 130.  Bkra shis ljongs kyi Gnas yig and Bkra shis ljongs kyi Gnas yig Zin thun, in Dis mgo Mkhyen brtse's Collected Works, vol. 22, p. 187ff.

BKRA SHIS LJONGS — Modern 'Brug pa Bka' brgyud mon. not far from Dharamsala, close to town named Paprola.  Full name:  Bkra shis ljongs khams sgar phun tshogs chos gling. 

BKRA SHIS SNYING PO — (ca. 1810)  King of Mustang.  ISTS 135‑136.

Stag la me 'bar Bcud dril BKRA SHIS GTER RDZONGS — Bonpo tantric cycle.  Extracts contained in FM 45.00, 46.00, 49.00, 50.00, etc. 

BKRA SHIS RTAGS BRGYAD — Eight Auspicious Symbols.  See Mynak in Bulletin of Tibetology V no. 1 (1968) 41 ff.  Dung dkar 192.

BKRA SHIS STONG 'DUS — B. in Khams Mi nyag.  95th Dga' ldan Khri pa (1947‑1953).  BD of T&TB VI 222.  128 982.

Chos rgyal BKRA SHIS STOBS RGYAL DBANG PO'I SDE — (1550‑1602)  BD of T&TB III 714.  Aka Byang bdag or Bdag po.  33 478.  Also called just Bkra shis stobs rgyal.  Aka Bkra shis stobs rgyal mkha' 'gro yongs grub rtsal.  Aka Dbang po'i sde.  Aka Karma gu ru.  208 II contents.  His Sku gsum Rigs 'Dus in 87 XI 355‑514.  Redisc. Ma rgyud Snying po Don Gsum in 87 VI 409‑465.  His Karma Gu ru cycle in 87 XVIII.  Commentary on his verses in praise of gter ston, see 210.  Pictured in 128 570 and 320 XX 671.  Blondeau 82, etc.  Father of (Rig 'dzin) Ngag gi dbang po (1580‑1639).  210 preface.  Alias Gu ru Ral pa can.  See bio. in 210 321 ff.  Work in 307 II 413 ff.  Essais 141.  He appears on a thangka; TPS 549.  Another inscribed depiction in Kreijger, Tibetan Painting 178 n. 35.

Khri BKRA SHIS STOBS BSTAN LDEKing of Gu ge.  28 63.

BKRA SHIS BSTAN 'PHEL — Lama of Stag rna.  179387 preface 2.  Active in late 19th cent.  See A.H. Francke, Antiquities of Indian Tibet, vol. 2, p. 142, note.

Rig 'dzin BKRA SHIS BSTAN 'DZIN — Father of Dalai Lama vi.  ISTS 12.  See the work by the Dalai Lama vi, O rgyan gling gi Dkar chag, p. 227.3.

'Ol kha BKRA SHIS THANG — BA 516, 548.

Byang dmar BKRA SHIS THANG DGON — Vai.Ser. 245.

BKRA SHIS THEG CHEN GLING — Bkra shis theg chen gling gi Dkar chag, by Blo bzang tshul khrims, listed in BLP no. 0121.


BKRA SHIS MTHONG SMON — Place f. by 'Brug chen iii.  1 25, 26.  174 4A.2.  See Skyid gter.  Subject of work in 17 IV 281‑292, also, 19.6.  In final colophon in 414.  At Lo ro.  Essais 146.  458 I 171.5.  BLP no. 0122.

BKRA SHIS MTHONG SMON BA — See (— — — — —) Rnam grol bzang po.

BKRA SHIS MTHONG SMON DBU MDZAD — See (— — — — — —) Rgyal mtshan yongs 'dus. 

BKRA SHIS DAM 'PHEL — Ladakhi teacher of 18th–19th cent.  B in L 12.

Rkang tsha BKRA SHIS DAR RGYAS — Bio. in 253 II 341.5.

Ja pa BKRA SHIS DAR RGYAS — 234 IA 18.6.  Bya'i Sngags 'chang.  374 II 471.4.  See following.

Byang pa Khri dpon BKRA SHIS DAR RGYAS — 5 336.3.

Sde pa Bya pa BKRA SHIS DAR RGYAS — Prince of Bya yul.  ISTS 11.  These last three are probably the same person, an author of a Brtag thabs text.

Lha btsun BKRA SHIS DAR RGYAS — Of Har chin.  Mongol scholar, student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717). 

Mchod rten Thang BKRA SHIS DAR RGYAS GLING — Tiantangsi Monastery. Horlemann 136.



BKRA SHIS DON 'GRUB — (1899‑1961)  A famous Lha mo actor, his life is told in  Dung dkar 193‑4.

BKRA SHIS DON 'GRUB — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 117.2.

G.yu thog BKRA SHIS DON GRUB — (1906‑1983)  Photo in 424 26.  His biography has been published:  G.yu thog Tshe ring sgrol dkar, Yab gzhis G.yu thog Sa dbang Dam pa Bkra shis don grub Mchog gi Sku tshe'i Byung ba Che long tsam Ma bcos Lhug par Brjod pa, ed. by Tashi Tsering, Amnye Machen Institute (Dharamsala 2002), in 204 pages, with illustrations.

Rdza stod pa BKRA SHIS DON LDAN — 363 117.2 ff.

BKRA SHIS BDE RGYAS — Mon. in Stod.  Vai.Ser. 222.

BKRA SHIS BDE CHEN — Vai.Ser. 182.

BKRA SHIS BDE 'PHEL — Formerly a Bon mon. at Skyid gzhong, it was made into a Dge lugs pa monastery.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 444.


BKRA SHIS BDE LEGS — (19th cent.)  Thondup, EL 10‑11.

BKRA SHIS RDO KHA — "Tashetokha."  A place where Tsong kha pa stayed, spending 2 months there in 1415.  Tucci, Lhasa 126, 178.  BA 589, 1077.  Ferrari 119.

BKRA SHIS RDO KHA MA — A famous statue of Tsong kha pa.  Dung dkar 194‑195.

Zhang ston BKRA SHIS RDO RJE — (1097‑1167)  Dhongthog 31.  BD of T&TB III 295.  B. in Yar 'brog Do nang.  One of earliest Gter ston.  He redisc. the fundamental text of the Snying thig of Bi ma la mi tra (Vimalamitra) at Mchims phu in 1037, acc. to 16 37, but the actual date would be closer to 1157 (see BD of T&TB III 295).  Nyi 'bum was his son, and his personal disc. was Lce sgom (1158‑1213).  Bio. in 193 I 219.4 ff.  Pictured in 128 676.  Author of LGCM383 218.2.

BKRA SHIS LDING — F. in 1716.  Sikkimese mon.  Bernbaum 69.  T.H. 61.  Waddell 284‑285.  (Brag kar) Bkra shis lding in 58 930.

BKRA SHIS LDE(d. 1365)  A king of Gu ge later than Bkra shis lde mgon.  Also n. of an even later king.  His queen was Bsod nams 'bum.  28 53.  Pictured in 128 526.

BKRA SHIS LDESon of Chos skhong lde.  Patron of Rgod ldem.  Took throne in 1352.  Died in 1365.  DTK5 71, 114.

BKRA SHIS LDE MGON —  =Bkra shis mgon, king of Gu ge.  28 52.

Gro tshang BKRA SHIS LDENG KA — F. in 1624.  332 preface 17.

BKRA SHIS RNAM RGYAL — An abbot of Rgyud stod Monastery, he reincarnated as Gelek Rinpoche (b. 1939).

BKRA SHIS RNAM RGYAL — Subject of a bio. by Karma phrin las.  BLP nos. 0123, 0874.

BKRA SHIS RNAM RGYAL — King of Mustang.  See Bstan 'dzin rnam rgyal.

BKRA SHIS RNAM RGYAL — A 16th cent. ruler of La dwags.  14 index under 'Tashi Namgyal'.  Dung dkar 195.

BKRA SHIS RNAM RGYAL — Modern Mahārāja of Sikkim (1950's).  He was a well known painter.  Father of (Dpal ldan) Don grub rnam rgyal.  58 926.  Met by Zhwa nag xvi.  BD of T&TB VII 301.  Died in 1963.

BKRA SHIS RNAM RGYAL — (ca. 1555‑1575?)  DTK5 189.

Klong chen Rab 'byams pa iii BKRA SHIS RNAM RGYAL — Author of 394 II.

Rgyal tshab II BKRA SHIS RNAM RGYAL — (ca. 1490‑1518?)  B. in Snye bo.  Became regent at age of 17 upon the death of Chos grags rgya mtsho (in 1506).  SBTD I 15.  Bio. in 35 I 594.  Dates given as 1513?‑1587? in 36 V 547 ff.  Met by Zhwa nag viii (1507‑1554) in his youth.  BD of T&TB VII 166.

Sgam po pa BKRA SHIS RNAM RGYAL — Author of Sgam po Mangga la'i Mtshan can gyi Rnam thar, listed in BLP no. 0599 (it was once printed at Yangs pa can).

Ta'i Si tu pa II BKRA SHIS RNAM RGYAL — (1450-1497)  This Karma pa hierarch resided at Karma Dgon, the monastery that gave the Karma pa school its name.

Thams cad mkhyen pa BKRA SHIS RNAM RGYAL — Met at Na len dra by Sha ra Rab 'byams pa.  116 466.6.

Dwags po BKRA SHIS RNAM RGYAL — (1399-1458)  Sa skya pa.  Subject of bio. entitled Kun mkhyen Bkra shis rnam rgyal gyi Rnam thar Ngo mtshar Rgya mtsho, by Karma phrin las, listed in BLP no. 0025.

Dwags po Paṇ chen BKRA SHIS RNAM RGYAL — (1512/1513‑1587)  Author of Dpal Kye'i rdo rje zhes bya ba'i Rgyud kyi Rgyal po'i 'Grel, publ. in 1977.  Author of Nges don Phyag rgya chen po'i Sgom rim Gsal bar Byed pa'i Legs bshad Zla ba'i 'Od zer, publ. in 1974 and 1978, and in 129 III.  One work translated by Chang in Teachings of Tibetan Yoga.  Works, see 102.  Several works in 36 V 547‑707 (including the one partially translated by Chang).  Most famous works are the commentary on Hevajra (mentioned above, 99) and 'Od zer Skor Gsum (on Mahāmudrā).  His Phyag chen Gnyug ma'i De nyid Gsal ba in 452 1‑113.  Story of his return from death in 459.  One of his Mahāmudrā works has recently been translated by Lobsang P. Lhalungpa (see especially the review by Kapstein in JIABS where the identity of the author is discussed in much detail). His work Zab Lam Chos Drug gi Khrid yig Chen mo Gsang chen gyi De nyid Gsal ba, a woodblock in 40 fols., LTWA GA/2/22/16076 (here his name is signed Sgam po pa Mangga la'i ming can).  Kuijp, On the Composition, p. 23, gives his dates as 1398‑1458.

Subject of bio. entitled Kun mkhyen Bkra shis rnam rgyal gyi Rnam thar Ngo mtshar Rgya mtsho, by Karma phrin las, listed in BLP no. 0025.

Dwags po 'Brum mda' pa BKRA SHIS RNAM RGYAL — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1108.

Pad bkod BKRA SHIS RNAM RGYAL — ? Spelling uncertain.  Peykoe Tashi Namgyal, a Tibetan scholar who specialized in the art of manufacturing icons and musical instruments. See Rinchen Sandhutsang, "Tibetan Porcelain," Tibet Soc. Newsletter no. 12 (Fall 1984).

Spyan snga Rin po che BKRA SHIS RNAM RGYAL — (ca. 1586)  17 IV 67.5.

Bya pa BKRA SHIS RNAM RGYAL — Called Chos lung Tshogs pa'i Mkhan chen.  Mkhan po at ordination of Padma dkar po.  1 26‑28.

Byams gling BKRA SHIS RNAM RGYAL — (ca. 1689)  458 I 321.6.

Sha gzugs pa BKRA SHIS RNAM RGYAL — Dargyay 73.

Si tu II BKRA SHIS RNAM RGYAL — (1450‑1497)  See under Ta'i Si tu pa Bkra shis rnam rgyal, above.

BKRA SHIS PA'I RGYUD — Variant of a title in 320 I 526‑544.

BKRA SHIS DPAL — 115 83.7.

BKRA SHIS DPAL — (15th cent.)  Daying Fawang, at court of Xianzong Emperor.  Toh, Ming 183.

Stag lung thang pa BKRA SHIS DPAL — (1142‑1210)  Disc. of Phag mo gru pa, and founder of Stag lung branch of the Bka' brgyud pa.  F. Stag lung Mon. in 1180.  B. in G.yang shod Bong ra stengs.  See under Ngag dbang rnam rgyal.  Works in 36 IV 454, VI 511 ff; 117 271‑313.  Short bio. in 46 63.  T.H. 157.  Ferrari 82.  57 IIB 361.4.  BA 610 ff. (17 II 546.4 ff.).  Pictured in 128 1040.  484 I 852.5 ff.  Thangka portrait in Kossak, Sacred Visions plate 18.  Woodblocks for his biography (rnam thar) in 115 fols. existed at Stag lung, acc. to a dkar chag.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1020.  According to a website Tiger Valley Sacred Texts, his works have been recovered (no details given), and will be reprinted in due course.  See Sperling, Further 5, where Sperling argues that his date of death was December 16, 1209.  His relations with 'Jig rten mgon po discussed in RS 652-657.

Bla ma Gser gling pa BKRA SHIS DPAL — (1292‑1365)  B. at Gser gling in Yol phu.  Short bio. in BA.  A Shangs pa Bka' brgyud pa of Nyang smad Bsam sdings.  29 7.  Ferrari 78.

BKRA SHIS DPAL GRUB — (17th cent.)  Stag lung Bka' brgyud pa.  According to a website, Tiger Valley Sacred Texts, his works have been recovered (no details given), and will be reprinted.

'Jam dbyangs Chos rje BKRA SHIS DPAL LDAN — (1379‑1449)  A Dge lugs pa. 10th in line of predecessors of Rje btsun dam pa.  Disc. of Tsong kha pa.  1st abbot of 'Bras spungs.  Ferrari 98.  5 161.2.  BD of T&TB V 176.  B. in Bsam yas.  Dhongthog 55.  BA 412.  17 II 465.2.  128 984.  Bio. in 165 I 833.  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 0815‑0816.  Biography listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 333.  It is said that his collected works were kept on an altar at 'Bras spungs, but were not permitted to be opened, his works being thus effectively banned (see E. Gene Smith, "Banned Books in the Tibetan Speaking Lands").

BKRA SHIS DPAL 'BAR — BA 631.  N. appearing in title of text in 230 84. 

Khri BKRA SHIS DPAL 'BAR — Son of Bsam lde (b. 1459) who succeeded Kun bzang nyi zla to the throne of Gung thang in about 1550(?).  DTK5 137, 139.

Gsas khang BKRA SHIS DPAL 'BAR — 352 800.12?

BKRA SHIS DPAL 'BAR KHYAB KYI MDO — 300 preface.  Bkra shis dpal 'bar khab Mdo253 II 407.3.

BKRA SHIS DPAL 'BYOR — Father of Dri med lhun po.  210 246.1.

BKRA SHIS DPAL 'BYOR — (15th cent.)  Usually his name is given as Bkra shis dpal bzang (which could be an abbreviated form of Bkra shis dpal 'byor bzang po).  Author of Gso ba Rig pa Rtsod spongTR XV nos. 2‑3, p. 15A.  This work is published in Bzo rig kha shas kyi pa tra lag len ma & other texts on the minor sciences of the Tibetan scholastic tradition "reproduced from a collection of rare mss. & blockprints from the library of Burmiok Athing Rai Bahadur T.D. Densapa," LTWA (Dharamsala 1981), pp. 111‑152.  [IASWR microfiche no.] LMpj 014,775.  Here his name is given as Byang pa Bkra shis dpal 'byor bzang po ye shes mchog ldan gyi sde.  Byang pa Bkra shis dpal bzang.  Title of his med. work in DD 715.  =Bkra shis dpal 'byor bzang po ye shes mchog ldan gyi sde.  Med. work in 480.

BKRA SHIS DPAL 'BYOR — Alias 'Od gsal sna tshogs rang grol rdo rje theg mchog rtsal.  Author of Rdzogs chen text in 239 XXX 445‑505.

BKRA SHIS DPAL 'BYOR — Rnying ma pa.  (1910‑?)  BD of T&TB IV 703. 

Sangs rgyas mnyan pa i Grub thob BKRA SHIS DPAL 'BYOR — Also called Mnyan sprul.  Karma pa.  Bio. in 35 I 676‑681; 111.  Acc. to 11 70, =(Si tu) Bkra shis dpal 'byor.  Teacher of Mi bskyod rdo rje (1507‑1554) and pupil of Zhwa dmar iv (1453‑1524).  Bio. by Mi bskyod rdo rje in 153 88‑107.  D. in Hare year (1519?) acc. to BD of T&TB VII 170.  He was a disciple of Zhwa nag vii Chos grags rgya mtsho (1454‑1506) and was initiator of Mi bskyod rdo rje.

Si tu iii BKRA SHIS DPAL 'BYOR — (1498‑1541)  Bio. in 35 I 636.  It may seem he is identical to preceding entry.

BKRA SHIS DPAL BRTSEGS — (1359‑1424)  Became the ninth abbot of Stag lung.  BA 638.  Full monastic n. was Bkra shis dpal brtsegs nyi ma'i dbang po bsrung ba'i go cha.  484 I 855.6.  Kuijp in  Lungta 14 (2001) 66.  Author of Stag lung History listed in BLP no. 1019.  Subject of painting at Himalayanart.com, item no. 65168.

BKRA SHIS DPAL BZANG — See under (Byang pa) Bkra shis dpal 'byor.

BKRA SHIS PHUN TSHOGS — See Rtsa gsum gter bdag gling pa. 

Gcing dgon pa BKRA SHIS PHUN TSHOGS — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 116.2.

Sa skyong BKRA SHIS PHUN TSHOGS — A statue illus. in Heller, Tibetan Art 188, was made in his memory, so he must have died in 1601 or shortly before.  See also P. Pal et al., Tibet: Tradition & Change, The Albuquerque Museum (Albuquerque 1998) 64‑65. 

Lhab Chos rje BKRA SHIS PHUN TSHOGS — Abbot of Dgon lung (1617‑1621).

Chos rje BKRA SHIS PHUN TSHOGS GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1574)  An abbot of 'Bri gung.  357 contents.  In 'Bri gung lineage, with dates 1574‑1628 according to David Jackson in Damani, Dating 111.  See Dungkar, Dictionary 1196 for a bio.  Here he is called Nā ro Gnyis pa.

BKRA SHIS 'PHAGS — Pictured in 128 302.

BKRA SHIS 'PHAGS PA — (fl. 1434)  TS5 562.


BKRA SHIS PHYUG MO — Site of Bon redisc.  Kværne 232, no. 116.

A khu BKRA SHIS BA TUR — (1632‑1714)  Became ruler of Kokonor in 1660. Thuken 379.

BKRA SHIS BYAMS SNYOMS — N. of main temple of Khra 'brug.  Ferrari 125.  Tucci, Tombs 46.  Dung dkar 195‑196.

BKRA SHIS BLA MA — (1231‑1297)  Kuijp in  Lungta 14 (2001) 67.  Mangga la Gu ru, 4th abbot of Stag lung.  Jackson, MB 107.

Mi pham BKRA SHIS BLO GROS — A 'Brug pa teacher of 'Ja' tshon snying po (1585‑1656).  23 13.  BD of T&TB III 774.  Also, 231 330.3.

Thar gling pa BKRA SHIS DBANG SDUD — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 119.1.

Dge slong BKRA SHIS DBANG PHYUG — 453 79.2, 97.5, 105.2.

Mgar ston BKRA SHIS DBANG PHYUG — Dgyes pa rdo rje'i 'grel pa nor bu'i sgron me: A Detailed Commentary of Hevajra (Delhi 2005), in 819 pp.

Rnam gong BKRA SHIS DBANG PHYUG — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1258.

'Brug tsha BKRA SHIS DBANG PHYUG — 467 II 209.2.

'Bre ston BKRA SHIS 'BAR —  "Brin pa'i Ston pa rus 'Bre yin pa/ sngar Rje btsun gyi snyan pa thos la zhal ma mthong ba zhig yod pa de dad pas Rje btsun gyi zhal bltar byung ba." Story of meeting with Milarepa in 4 246A.3 ff.

Dge bshes BKRA SHIS 'BUM — Tutor of present Hor sprul at Se ra rje Mon. in S India.  Barlocher 391‑392, 393‑397. 

'Brom ban BKRA SHIS 'BYUNG GNAS — See 132 preface.  Karmay, Rdzogs chen 149.

BKRA SHIS MI 'GYUR BA GSAL BAR GNAS PA'I RGYUD — Title of text in 320 I 544 ff.

Rin spungs BKRA SHIS SMIN GROL GLING — Bon mon. in Amdo.  500 monks.  253 II 636.6.

Dge bshes BKRA SHIS BTSAN — (9th cent.)  DTK5 185.

'Jad BKRA SHIS RTSE — Either n. of, and/or pl. where there was, a bridge built by Thang stong.  5 189.3, 191.5, 258.2.  Bkra shis rtse is n. of a village in Stod lung, acc. to Das 70.

BKRA SHIS RTSE PA — Bkra shis rtse pa Nang so Blo bzang rnam rgyal.  Dung dkar 176, 196.

BKRA SHIS RTSE MO — Traveling companion of Lo chen Rin chen bzang po when he first set out for Kashmir.

Yon bdag BKRA SHIS BRTSEGS — A patron of Milarepa at (Brin) Lha bron.  4 307A.1 ff.  4X I 209.

BKRA SHIS BRTSEGS PA — A brother of King Skyid lde Nyi ma'i mgon who settled in Mnga' ris.  Das 70.  Bkra shis rtsegs dpal in 81 103.2, 114.  17 II 347.4.  "The sons of bKra sis rtsegs, Glaṅ dar ma's other grandson, settled in Gtsaṅ, gYas ru and Ñan stod."  TPS 3.  Vitali in TS9 I 91.

Yel pa BKRA SHIS BRTSEGS PA — Founded Yel pa Bka' brgyud (q.v.).

BKRA SHIS TSHAL — One of the Eight Great Cemeteries acc. to Das 630 (q.v.).  =Bsil ba'i Tshal.

Lo ro BKRA SHIS TSHAL GRU — 210 155.3.

Mkhan chen BKRA SHIS TSHUL KHRIMS — A monk by this name is depicted as central figure in a painting.  See Pratapaditya Pal, Desire and Devotion, Walters Art Museum (Baltimore 2001), illus. 142. It can also be seen at the website of The Walters Art Museum (Baltimore), where you can also see that his lineage members have labelled portraits also.

BKRA SHIS TSHE RGYAL — N. of Tshogs drug rang grol.  407 2A.

Thog legs BKRA SHIS TSHE BRTAN — A Bonpo of 'Phyongs rgyas mentioned in bio. of the Dalai Lama v.

Sngags 'chang BKRA SHIS TSHE BRTAN — A terton.  410 143B.5 ff.

Dil mgo BKRA SHIS TSHE 'PHEL — 346 32.4.


Nang chen Rgyal po BKRA SHIS TSHE DBANG RDO RJE — (b. 1910)  King of Nang chen in Khams.  Photo taken in 1950 in 473 frontispiece.  See 473 50 ff.

BKRA SHIS TSHE RING — (contemp.)  =Josay Tashi Tsering (Jo sras Bkra shis tshe ring).  Scholar working for Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, more recently the Amnye Machen Institute.  Work in 440.

BKRA SHIS TSHE RING — (ca. 1918‑1966)  A Mongolian princess, daughter of Kun dga' dpal 'byor.  Nietupski, Labrang 78.

Jo mo BKRA SHIS TSHE RING MA — The principle of 5 sisters of Long Life.  4 149B.3, 260A.4 ff.  115 103.2.  Many works in 229.  History (lo rgyus) in 239 IX.  Depicted in 216A; 320 XXXIII 621.

Mchims mo BKRA SHIS MTSHO — Mother of (Gnubs chen) Sangs rgyas ye shes.  139 preface. 

BKRA SHIS MTSHO RGYAL — King of Nang chen (late 17th cent.).  473 43 ff.

BKRA SHIS MTSHO MO — Wife of Bde chen 'od gsal rdo rje.  Terrone in TS9 VIII 224.

BKRA SHIS MDZES LDAN CHEN PO'I RGYUD — Or, Nam mkha' Med pa'i Rgyud320 X 669‑685 (has 5 chaps.).  Achard, L'Essence 85‑9, 91, 99.

BKRA SHIS RDZAS BRGYAD — Subject of text listed in SBTD I 256.

BKRA SHIS RDZONG — Near Ding ri and S of Shel dkar Rdzong.  Wylie 66, 133 n. 155.  N. of a district under Lhun grub Rdzong.  Das 58.

BKRA SHIS ZIL GNON — Samten G. Karmay, A Most Pleasing Symphony, an Unknown Biography of the Fifth Dalai Lama, contained in: Samten G. Karmay, The Arrow and the Spindle (Vol. 2), Mandala Publications (Kathmandu 2005) 106‑107.

BKRA SHIS ZLA BA — Modern novelist.  See TS7 I 337 ff.

BKRA SHIS BZANG PO — In Kar gling Zhi khro lineage, teacher of 'Od gsal klong yangs.

Drung btsun BKRA SHIS BZANG PO — 116 324.4.

Mar yul ba BKRA SHIS BZANG MO — 5 268.4.

BKRA SHIS 'O MA'I CHU BO — 4 155B.4.

Gu ge Bdag po BKRA SHIS 'OD SDE — (fl. early 15th cent.)  Thuken 282.

BKRA SHIS 'OD 'BAR — [1] N. of a minor fierce deity in the retinue of Tsi'u dmar.  Nebesky 174‑175.  [2] N. of a stūpa in the upper part of Glo bo Don steng.  Ferrari 119.  [3] An earth lord (gzhi bdag), see Tucci, Lhasa 64.  BA 563.  N. of a stūpa in Sikkim.  TR XV #10, p. 18.  As a type of chorten, and as name of a btsan, it is discussed in  CFMS 85‑86.

BKRA SHIS 'OD 'BAR — Reliquary of DL vii.  TS5 659.

Dbus kyi Rgya ma Rin chen rgang Rdza mkhan BKRA SHIS 'OD 'BAR — A clay artist who made an image of Śākyaśrī.  See R. Sanskrtyayana's 1938 article, p. 140.

Ma ni ba BKRA SHIS 'OD 'BAR — 601 51r.1.

BKRA SHIS 'OD ZER — (1836‑1910)  Mkhan chen of Dpal spungs.  23 4, 35.  Also called Bkra shis 'od zer blo gros rgyas pa'i sde and Karma bzod pa rab brtan dpal bzang po.  Disc. of Kong sprul.  345 10A.1.  Pictured in 128 1072.  346 170.1.  BD of T&TB VII 270.  See TBRC Person RID: P1373.

Rje BKRA SHIS 'OD ZER —  =Karma bkra shis 'od zer.  Bio. in 35 I 656‑657.  Work in 36 VII 671.

'Dan chung BKRA SHIS 'OD ZER — Abbot of Dgon lung.  332 II 19.

BKRA SHIS 'OD ZER BLO GROS RGYAS PA'I SDE — See Bkra shis 'od zer.

'On BKRA SHIS YANG DGON — Also called ('On) Bkra shis rdo ring (?).  Birthplace of Kun dga' 'bum (14th cent.).  BD of T&TB III 516.  210 13.5.


BKRA SHIS RAB BRTAN — Under the name Bkras rab, he was an old monk who was made to play the role of the deceased Fifth Dalai Lama in public audiences.  See Jalsan, "The Reincarnations of Desi Sangye Gyatso in Alasha and the Secret History of the Sixth Dalai Lama," Inner Asia 4 no 2 (2002) 347‑359, at p. 350.

BKRA SHIS RAB BRTAN — (ca. 1681, 1686)  Vai.Ser. 232.  458 I 226.4, 294.1.

BKRA SHIS RAB BRTAN One of 4 great monasteries in Kong po.  F. by Rin chen rnam rgyal, disciple of Dalai Lama ii.  Dung dkar 196‑197.

Sa skyong BKRA SHIS RAB BRTAN — (1531‑1589)  Younger brother of Don 'grub rgyal po, this Skyod shod pa ruler ruled from 1568‑1589.  Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 126.

Mgar BKRA SHIS RIN CHEN — Also, 'Gar.  Disc. of (Rngog) Chos sku rdo rje.  BA 408.  17 II 463.3.

BKRA SHIS RIN CHEN — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 118.4.

BKRA SHIS RIN CHEN — Manga Ratna in thangka inscription, where he serves as a donor.  Rhies & Thurman 212.  See also T. Bartholomew's article in Orientations (Feb. 1987), also in reprint volume.

Slob dpon BKRA SHIS RIN CHEN — Specialist in Lam 'bras system which he conferred on Klong chen pa in 1323.  See BD of T&TB III 467.  52 2.  It seems quite likely that this same person would be the author of a Lam 'bras texts that was translated from Tibetan into Uyghur (the names Bkra shis and Rin chen occur in the colophon, and may belong to one and the same person), although there seem to be problems.  The text was edited and studyed by G. Kara; see Zieme in Akasoy, I&T 185.

BKRA SHIS SHUGS GLING DGON PA — Mon. in Lahul.  75 intro. p. 5.

BKRA SHIS SENG GE — "Potar Tashi Sengé," a king in Derge in 1446 when Thang stong went there.  Stearns, King 56.

Dbus pa BKRA SHIS SENG GE — 116 311.7.



Tre shod BKRA SHIS BSAM GRUB DGON — See under Rdza rgyal.

Skyid grong BKRA SHIS BSAM GTAN GLING — F. by Ye shes rgyal mtshan in 1756.  Gnas bstod in 225 II 336.1.  At present, many of the monks from this monastery have resettled at the old Dge lugs pa monastery, known locally as Samten Ling, close to the Bodhnath stūpa near Kathmandu Nepal.

Khri BKRA SHIS BSOD NAMS SDE — King of Gu ge.  28 63.

Gshen sgar BKRA SHIS LHA STENG — 253 II 627.6 ff.

Slob bu BKRA SHIS LHA DAR — Also called Gzi ba Rtogs ldan.  363 65.3, 116.3.


BKRA SHIS LHA YUL —  =Bkra shis byams snyoms (q.v.).

BKRA SHIS LHAG PA — D. 1986, at age of 43.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 201 etc.

BKRA SHIS LHUN GRUB — Disc. of Mdo sngags 'byung gnas.  376 271.2.  Listed as 'author' (actually not) of the Sgra 'grel in Btsan lha 1049.

BKRA SHIS LHUN GRUB GTSUG LAG KHANG — F. by Dge 'dun grub in 1509 (note that this date is impossible!).  Dhongthog 127.  See under Kā la ri'i Dgon Bkra shis lhun grub.

BKRA SHIS LHUN PO — F. 1447 by Dge 'dun grub.  "Tashilhunpo."  Waddell 231, 270 ff, 321.  Ferrari 144.  Dhongthog 125.  BA ii, 339.  79.  For 4 divisions, see Das 1162.  Three Grwa tshang were, in order of their founding, Shar rtse Grwa tshang, Dkyil khang, and Thos bsam gling.  Tucci, Lhasa 155‑157.  JTL&CT 45‑68.  TPS 30.  Wylie 137 n. 200.  The Rdo rje slob dpon of its tantric college have bios. in 147 1‑185 (This same work has been published separately; see also SBTD I 229).  Printery, see 162 220.  Dkar chag in 162 130‑148.  Dkar chag of a stūpa there in 243 IV 743 ff.  Vai.Ser. 194 ff, 223.  A chos spyod has been published separately (Spiti 1978).  A large painting of the area of the monastery is found in Precious Deposits III 188‑9 (notice the park with three elephants at the bottom of the picture).  For a nice painted 19th‑century 'map' of the monastery, also depicting the huge thangkas (gos sku), see Essen Catalog, p. 439.  Two mchod rten dkar chag by Paṇ chen Blo bzang chos rgyan listed in BLP nos. 0125‑0126.  Dung dkar 197‑199.  The early abbatial lineage (gdan rabs) of the monastery is as follows:

1.  (Paṇ chen) Dge 'dun grub (1391‑1474), abbot 1447 or 1459 to 1474.

2.  (— —) Bzang po bkra shis (1410‑1478), abbot 1474‑1478.

3.  (— —) Lung rig rgya mtsho, abbot 1478‑1487.

4.  (— —) Ye shes rtse mo (1433‑ ), abbot 1487‑1512.

5  (Tā la'i Bla ma ii) Dge 'dun rgya mtsho (1475‑1542), abbot 1512‑1516.

6.  (Mnga' ris Lha btsun) Blo bzang bstan pa, abbot 1516‑  .

7.  (Paṇ chen) Shanti pa.

8.  (— —) Don grub rgya mtsho.

9.  (Shangs pa) Blo gros legs.

10. (Gnas rnying) Chos kyi rgyal mtshan, abbot 1569‑  .

11. (Shangs pa) Chos kyi rgyal mtshan.

12. (Phyug gzhug pa) Bsod rgyal.

13. (Shangs pa) Bsam grub dpal.

14. (Nyang pa) Dam chos yar 'phel.

15. (— —) Lha dbang blo gros.

16. (Paṇ chen) Blo bzang chos kyi rgyal mtshan (1567‑1662), abbot 1600‑??.

BKRA SHIS LHUN PO — See (— — — —) Smon byed shag. 

KBRA SHIS LHUN PO — Another "Bkra shis lhun po" Monastery was founded by Stong 'khor i Zla ba rgyal mtshan in Amdo.

Mda' ba BKRA SHIS LHUN PO — Mon. f. by Shanti pa Blo gros rgyal mtshan (1487‑1567) somewhere around 1539 to 1565.  Vitali, Tho.ling 142.  It was visited by Tucci (Santi e briganti).

BKRAG — Haarh, Yar luṅ 195.  Bkrags, as a clan name.  Hazod in Steinkellner Festschrift 263.

BKRAG BZANG — See Ri bo Bkrag bzang.


BKRAS LJONG — Abbre. for Bkra shis ljongs.

BKRAS MTHONG — See (— —) Bsod nams stobs 'byor.

Gzim shag BKRAS MTHONG — Printery.  162 240.

Rag ra BKRAS MTHONG — (modern)  See TR XV #10, p. 8.

BKRIS — Common abbre. for Bkra shis.

RKA PHU DGON — Vai.Ser. 239.

RKANG KHRA — A king in ancient India.  Das 72.



RKANG MTHIL RDZONG — See Rtsig pa Rkang mthil Rdzong.

RKANG MIG — Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 2, p. 253.

RKANG MIG PA — A protector.  lha chen gyis lha mo u ma'i srung mar bzhag pa na drang srong de rkang par mig babs te / brtul zhugs bsrung bas rkang mig pa zhes grags so.  Eimer, Dbyangs 54.

RKANG MED RGYAL MTSHAN — Cuevas, Hidden History 126.

RKANG TSHA — See (— —) Bkra shis dar rgyas.

RKANG RAB CAN — A temple. Yamada, Mu 116.

RKUN MO CAN — The name would seem to mean 'He who has a she‑thief'.  See Tsau rāngga pa.

RKEG — See (—) Gnas rnying pa.

RKO BO — See (— —) Yon sgom thar mo.

RKO BO ZA — See (— —) Dge ma thar.

Ding ri RKONG CHAD — 115 109.5.

RKONG PO — A less usuall spelling for Kong po, q.v.  Important clan and area (T.H. 43).  247 I 464.5.

RKONG BU MAR ME — Bonpo.  253 II 137.3 ff.

RKONG BTSUN DE MO — 206 566.3.


Mang yul RKOS KAR PHUG — 115 119.1, 119.5.

RKYA RGYA — A Bon mon. in Amdo.  253 639.1.

RKYANG — BA 722.

RKYANG — Refers to a Mkhan po of Zul phu in 17 II 344.5.

RKYANG CHU — In Rupchu.  79 81 no. 46.  Lake in S La dwags where there are many wild horses (rkyang).  Das.


RKYANG CHEN — See (— —) Shākya shrī.

RKYANG THANG SGANG — Pl. between Po ta la and 'Bras spungs on NW side of Lcags po ri.  Sumpa, Annals 32.  208 I 253.2.

RKYANG THANG NĀ GĀ — See Das 1008.

Gong dpon tshang RKYANG 'THING GI RI — 253 II 627.1.

RKYANG 'DUR — BA 335, 769, 771.  =Skyang 'dur (q.v.).  17 II 381.3, 405.5.  475 104.6.  Ruegg, JSBO 90.  Jo nang Thugs rje brtson 'grus was one of its abbots.

Chos rje RKYANG 'DUR BA — T&BS I 193.

RKYANG NAM PA — See 292 II 133‑142.

RKYANG PO — (— —) Grags pa dbang phyug.

RKYANG SPRUL — See (— —) Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan.

RKYANG PHAN — See (— —) Nam mkha' rdzong.

RKYANG PHU — An imperial age temple at Samada, now completely destroyed, but fortunately documented by Tucci & Maraini.  Di Mattia in TS9 III 108.  For wonderful old photos, see Li Gotami, Pictures 39 ff.

RKYANG 'PHAGS — Also spelled Skyang 'phags.  See (— —) Nam mkha' g.yung drung.

Kong yul RKYANG BU TSHAL — Brandon Dotson, "'Emperor' Mu rug btsan and the 'Phang thang ma Catalogue," Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, no. 3 (December 2007), pp. 1‑25, at p. 13.

Rta RKYANG BO — Ge sar's magical horse.  ZZFC 71.


RKYANG MO KHA PA — Founder of Bar 'brug Bu chen.  1 14.

RKYANG MO SPANG KHA BA — Disc. of Mes ston Tshon pa.  17 II 530.6.  35 I 7. 


RKYANG TSHA — See (— —) Rdor tshul.

RKYANG TSHANG — See (— —) Nub grong Dgon.  (— —) Phun tshogs dar rgyas gling.  (— —) Shar ma'i Dgon. 

RKYANG TSHE — See (— —) Shes rab rgyal mtshan.


RKYANG RI DGON — 253 II 631.2.

BRKOS MKHAS — See (— —) Bya pa Dar rgyas.

LKUGS PA NA GA RA — 116 72.2.

LKUGS LUNGS — BA 737, 739, 740.

LKOG THANG STOD — May not be a real proper name.  4 69A.4, 70B.6.

LKOG 'PHRENG — BA II 492, 496, 543.

SKA BA — See (— —) Dpal brtsegs.

SKA TSHAL — Mon. built by Srong brtsan sgam po on the right shoulder of the supine demoness.  Buston 184.  In Mal gro.  See Ferrari 109‑110.  Now Dge lugs pa, although it had long been 'Bri gung pa.  56 78.  17 II 317.6.  See Ka tshal.

SKA BRAG — Temple on right knee of the supine demoness.  Buston 184.  17 II 318.2.

SKA LA — A 25 mile wide valley w/ lake of same name in S Tibet, North of Dochen.  Tucci, Lhasa 34.

SKAGS — On maps, Kāgbeni.  In N part of present‑day Nepal.  See also Skag rdzong.  28 index.

SKAD KYI DBYANGS CAN — Das 414, no. 60.

SKAD GSAR — See Doboom Tulku, A Short Investigation of the Proclamation of New Literary Standards, TJ II, no. 1, pp. 69‑73.

SKAN RDAR BHIG — N. of Alexander Csoma de Körös in 171 301.  Also, Sken dhar bhig.  171 302.5.  Also, Sa snyan rdas.  171 441.4.  He Persianized his name as 'Iskandar Beg'.  188 foreword.

SKABS SBYOR BDUN PA'I RGYUD — 320 XII 627‑662.  319 VIII 87‑119.

SKAM — N. of Zhi byed lineage.  See (Skam) Ye shes rgyal mtshan.

SKAM — (—) Ye shes rgyal mtshan.  (—) G.yung drung nyi rgyal.  (—) G.yung drung bstan rgyal.  (—) Gsal ba'i snying po.

Yul SKAM KON — 413 397.3.

SKAM SKAM — BA 90.  See =Kam kam (?).

SKAM DGON — BA 316.  F. by Dus gsum mkhyen pa.  57 IIB 359.5.  Vai.Ser. 132.


SKAM PA RDZONG — On trade route North from Sikkim.  Tucci, Lhasa 15.  Photo in Mele, Tibet 86.  McGovern, To Lhasa in Disguise 130.

SKAM PO GNAS NANG — BA 479.  Spelled Sgam po Gnas nang in BA 481.  In Khams.  17 II 531.5.

SKAM PO RTSE'I GLING — Zhi byed Coll. V 226.3.


SKAM TSHANG BLA MA — See (— — — —) Rnam rgyal grags pa.

SKAM RDZONG PA — Evidently an eccentric spelling for Kam tshang.  57 IIB 359.2.  On the other hand, it may be the more authentic spelling.  See Skam Dgon, from which the sect, the Kam tshang Bka' brgyud pa (i.e., the Karma pa) took its name.

SKAM ZHIG — See (— —) Nyi ma rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Nyi ma lhun grub.

SKAM ZAM — 'Dry bridge'.  Bridge over a ravine in Mnga' ris Skor gsum.  See 79 79, no. 38.

SKAM BZANG MKHAS GRUB — Pictured in 128 500.

SKAM LUGS — One of three main schools of Zhi byed (q.v.).  Called the Bka' babs Bar pa.

SKAR GIL — "Kargil."  Seems to be the area of the 'gold digging ants' of the Indus valley.  Perhaps the same as Mkhar dkyil (q.v.).  14 xiii.  Ladakh's second largest town.  Nat.Geo. vol. 153, no. 3, p. 346.

SKAR RGYAL — Also, Dkar rgyal (q.v.).  See Dkar ma'i rgyal mtshan.  Survival of Bon religion in Gu ge with cult of nāga.  T.H. 139, Hoffmann, Religions 117.  Tiṣya, as n. of a person.  73 54.5.  Father of Sha ri'i bu.  BD of T&TB I 111.  Revealer of false teachings.  484 I 535.6.  Mkhan po Skar rgyal in Ma ṇi Bka' 'bum (1975) I 104.7 ff.  Rescued an image of Buddha from the nāga realm. 

Klu SKAR RGYAL — "Bonpo" contemporary of Rin chen bzang po (958‑1055), said to perhaps be identical to (Gshen chen) Klu dga' (996‑1035), q.v.  This acc. to 23 6.  Actually, he is neither Bonpo nor identifiable with Klu dga'. Dung dkar 114.


SKAR CHUNG — BA 759.  56 80.  (Dbu ru) Skar chung in BA 62.  See also Dkar chung.

SKAR CHUNG RGYA SDE — Built by Sad na legs.  Buston 196.

SKAR CHEN — May be a place n. but more likely a mistake for Skor chen, 'large pilgrim group'.  5 305.6.

Drang srong SKAR GDA' — A brahmanical sage cited in Sdom Gsum Rab dbye commentaries in the part about relics.  He appears in a sūtra.

Gnod sbyin Rig 'dzin Chen po SKAR MDA' GDONG — Pictured in 320 VII 2.  413 93.6.

SKAR RDO — Kardo.  The name of the capital of Sbal ti.  =Skar mdo.  79 90, no. 101.

SKAR BA — N. of a wild yak.  Bellezza, L&T 93.  Dotson, Horse 276.

Bram ze'i Khye'u SKAR MA — Story alluded to by Tsongkhapa in Tantra in Tibet 111.  128 754.

SKAR MA KHYA — Old state oracle.  Hoffmann in TJ, vol. 10, p. 12.

SKAR MA DBANG 'DZOM — Modern Bhutanese 'das logTS5 681.

SKAR MA LA DGA' BA — Astrologer in India.  TR XIV no. 10 (Oct. 1978) 18.

SKAR LA MTSHO — Vitali in TS9 I 85.

SKAR GSHEN — See (Skar gshen) Thi'u bzhug.

SKAL LDAN — This and other such words, including Skal bzang, will be found under the spelling Bskal.

SKU SKAD — Language of Sku thang (q.v.).

SKU KHOG —  =Lha pa.  'medium'.  Hoffmann in TJ X 7.  See also sku rten pa, below.

Bla ma SKU RGYAL — Kuijp in TH&L 295.

SKU MCHED GSUM — 'Three brothers', referring to Spyan snga ba, Po to ba, and Phu chung ba.  In Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 1, p. 57.

SKU BSNYEN PA ZHABS — See Su ta li pa.

SKU RTEN PA —  =Lha pa.  "medium."  Hoffmann in TSB X.

SKU STOD PA — See (— — —) Rig 'dzin rdo rje.

SKU THANG — In Nepal.  See under Ku thang.  See 396.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 158.


SKU GDUNG KA RU — See Ka ru.

SKU GDUNG 'BAR BA CHEN PO'I RGYUD — Text in 320 IX 600 ff.  Similar title in 320 XIII 375.3.  Cited in end of bio. of Nyang ral.  477 162.5.  As a title of a Bon text, see Karmay, Treasury 293.6.

SKU MDUN — See (— —) Bsod nams g.yung drung.

SKU MDUN RGYA MTSHO — Son of Chos rgyal mtshan pa.  Brother of Karma bzang po.  210 121.6.

SKU MDUN CHOS RJE — See (— — — —) Bstan pa rin chen.

Mkhas grub Chos rje SKU 'DA' KA — Shangs pa.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 0263.

Rma rgyud SKU BLA BRAG DKAR KHROD — 253 II 638.3.

SKU 'BUM — BA 65, 1073.  At Rgyal rtse.  See 27 18 for references.  Besides the wellknown books by Erberto Lo Bue, there is also Xiong Wenbin, The Kumbum of Gyantse Palcho Monastery in Tibet (Chengdu 2001), all richly illustrated.

SKU 'BUM MKHAN PO — See (— —) Ra kho Dpon slob.

SKU 'BUM THANG — Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 107.

SKU 'BUM BYAMS PA GLING — Also, Sku 'bum dga' ldan byams pa gling.  F. in 1578.  T.H. 167.  Waddell 280.  F. by Bsod nams rgya mtsho.  Dhongthog 127.  Dkar chag in 332 II preface 9, 842‑850.  Abbots listed in 332 II preface 12‑13.  Vai.Ser. 263.  ISTS 97.  There is one book by Filchner devoted to this monastery.  The following list of texts about Sku 'bum was supplied to me by J. Karsten:

1. 'Phan po ba Shes rab dpal bzang (fl. 1624‑1630), Sku 'bum Dkar chag Bsdus pa, which seems to be no longer extant.

2.  Paṇ chen i Blo bzang chos kyi rgyal mtshan, Sku 'bum gyi Gnas bshad, which also seems to be no longer extant.

3.  Dalai Lama vii, Sku 'bum Dkar chag, which seems to be no longer extant.

4.  A kya II Blo bzang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan (1708‑1766), Phyogs Thams cad las Rnam par Rgyal ba'i Chos sde Chen po Sku 'bum Dga' ldan Byams pa gling gi Rgyud pa Grwa tshang gi Byams chen gyi Dkar chag, begun in 1741 and completed in 1762.

5.  A kya II and Dkon mchog bkra shis (fl. 1700‑1780?), Lha khang Chen mo Gsar bzhengs kyi Dkar chag Tshangs sras Dgyes pa'i Glu dbyangs, written in 1762.  Not seen, perhaps no longer extant.

6.  Thu'u bkwan iii Blo bzang chos kyi nyi ma, Sku 'bum Dkar chag, probably compiled when he was abbot between 1789 and 1793.

7.  Rgya yag iv Skal bzang tshul khrims bstan pa'i nyi ma (1858 to after 1902), Sku 'bum Rgyud pa'i [*Grwa tshang?] Dkar chag, written in 1883.  (The title here is reconstructed from Chinese).


SKU 'BUM MTHONG GROL CHEN MO — Residence of Paṇ chen Byams pa gling pa+  BA 776.  =Byams pa gling (q.v.) in Grwa.  Ferrari 133.  Or, Sku 'bum chen mo erected by Dol po pa.  17 II 418.4.

SKU 'BUM RTSA —  N. of a mon. f. by Ras pa dkar po.  Barom Bios. 6v.7.

SKU TSHA BTON PA — A gter ston before Gu ru Chos 'dbang.  210 42.5.  His Gu ru'i Rtogs brjod listed in BLP no. 0309.  See Ku sa Sman pa.

SKU TSHAB GTER LNGA — See Sku gzugs Sde Lnga.

SKU TSHABS SDE LNGA — See Sku gzugs Sde Lnga.

SKU TSHE BLA RGAN SPRUL SKU — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 120.4.

Zhwa lu SKU ZHANG — Family.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 91.  Ricca & Fournier in TJ 26 nos 3/4 (Aut/Wint 2001) 104.

SKU ZHANG — See (— —) Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.

SKU GZUGS SDE LNGA — A mon. in presentday Nepal.  See 28 12‑13.  Currently it is commonly called Sku tshabs sde lnga .  Tucci, JTM 53, 68‑69.  The correct spelling would seem to be Sku tshab gter lnga (after some famous relics housed there), as in Kailash VII no. 2, p. 77 ff.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 151.  It was founded by O rgyan dpal bzang, disc. of Bdud 'dul rdo rje (1615‑1672).

Khe smad SKU BZANG RTSE — "Kusantse" in Goldstein, Hist. 102, etc.

SKU YAL BA — See (— —) Rin chen mgon.

SKU YE BLA BRANG — Diemberger in TH&L 140.


SKU LA MKHA' RI — See under Phu la ha ri.

SKU LA THANG LHA — Pl.n.  Where Padmasambhava subdued Thang lha yab zhur.  KTDN 86.1.

SKU LA HA RI — See under Phu la ha ri (?).  See Gzhi bdag Sku la ha ri.

SKU SE — An administrative region of Sde dge, a major source of paper and ink and woodblock carvings.  Epstein, Dissertation 45.

SKU SRUNG GI STONG SDE — "Chiliarchy of guards."  A military division.  See 28 81. 

SKU GSUNG THUGS KHROS PA — Mahākala tantra.  320 XXXII 484 ff.

SKU GSUM GLING PA — See under (Nyag Bla) Rang rig rdo rje.

SKU GSUM GLING PA — (1934-2009)  Buffetrille in FBTB 139.

Zab mo SKU GSUM BCUD DRIL KHRID GZHUNG — Title of a volume of 'New Bon' teachings, publ. in 1974.

SKU GSUM JA LOG GI RGYUD — Text in 319 VI 235‑240.

SKU GSUM 'DUS PA — Bon work redisc. by Rdo rje gling pa.  413 363.4.

SKU GSUM GYI SNANG BA GSAL BAR NGO SPROD PA'I RGYUD — Text in 319 III 239‑244.  320 IV 581 ff.

SKU GSUM GZHAL MED PHO BRANG — Depicted in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 197.

SKU GSUM YE SHES KYI RGYUD — Or, Sku gsum Ye shes Lnga ldan gyi Rgyud.  Text in 319 VI 19‑29.

Rdzogs chen SKU GSUM RANG GROL — 344 285‑336.

Rdzogs chen SKU GSUM RANG SHAR — For texts, see 274342.

SKU LHA PAL BZUNG — Mt.  396 preface 2.

SKU LHA STAG RI SBUG — 253 II 567.6.

SKUNGS — BA 525.

SKUR STOD — Pl. in E Bhutan.  OlschakTS7 II 1087.  This is probably the Kur stod 'Um gling (sp.?), a giant underground stone fort at Lhun rtse in Bhutan, thought to date to 1500 BCE (!).  ZZFC 57.

Mal tro SKE BYI — OTA 660.

SKE TSHANG — N. of Rnying ma oral tradition.  BA 138.  Spelled Ke tshang gi skor in Kapstein, Record 112.

SKE RAGS CAN — See Me kha la.

SKENG LUNGS — See Skyeng lungs.

SKEN DHAR BHIG — See Skan rdar bhig.

SKEM BYED —  =Skanda.  KB 39.2.

SKO'I BRONG — A vihāra.  Emmerick.

SKO RA — Name of a pass that leads into Glo bo.  Ramble in RET XV 490.

SKONG — BA 642.




SKOR — See (—) Ni ru pa.

SKOR SKOR — See Kor kor.

Bsam yas SKOR KHANG MA — Bon rediscoveries.  SFHB 748.2.

SKOR CHUNG BA —  =Kong chung pa (q.v.).  BA 845.  (Skor) or (Kong) Ni ru pa took over his body.  Lo Bue, Newar Scholars 651.

SKOR CHEN — The great pilgrimage to Lha sa, which was often organized into large groups led by a Skor dpon.  Stearns, King 164.

SKOR CHEN — (12th cent.) Pupil of Byang chub dge mdzes who built a stūpa at Stag can.  Ferrari 126.  BA 318.

SKOR CHEN PO — (1200's)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 121.

Rdzogs chen SKOR BDUN RANG CHAS — A system of Rdzogs chen.  BA 178.

Rdzogs chen SKOR LUGS — A school of Rdzogs chen.  BD of T&TB III 334.  BA 142.

SKOR GSUM GSUM — 'The Three Trilogies'.  Major work of Klong chen Rab 'byams pa composed of 3 parts:  1.  Ngal gso Skor Gsum.  2. Rang grol Skor Gsum.  3. Mun sel Skor Gsum.  23 14.

SKOL MDO — See (— —) Dpal brtsegs.

Yar klungs SKYA'O — BA 990.

SKYA KRANG SKYI KRANG — ?  87 I 129.2.

SKYA MKHAR — Birthplace of Blo bzang bstan 'dzin chos 'phel.


SKYA RNGA RTSA — A village in Mang yul Gung thang where Mi la ras pa's ancestors settled.  4C 22.11.  4A 11A.3.

SKYA SNGA RTSA'I KO RON — La stod Gung thang Khab kyi Skya snga rtsa'i Ko ron zhes bya bar 'khrungs.  Birthplace of Milarepa.  57 IIB 348.6.  See under Ko ron.


SKYA NAR LDAN MA — Pāṭalavatī or Pāṭalāvatī.  River of ancient India.  Das 97.

SKYA NAR GYI BU — Pāṭaliputra.  Das 97.  17 II 243.  413 73.3.

Yar klungs SKYA DPON DGON PA — 124 513.5.

SKYA PHUD YANG A DGE — I am not certain if it is really a personal name.  Hackin, Formulaire 37.

SKYA 'PHAR PA'I SDE — Pl.n.  28 18.

Snyan brgyud SKYA SMUG — Bonpo Rdzogs chen cycle.  Karmay, Rdzogs chen.  Short for Skya ti Smug ti gnyis?  253 II 364.5.

SKYA TSHO — See (— —) Mu la rad na.

Mdog stod SKYA RA — Also, Mdo stod.  N. of mon. in Mdo stod.  5 45.5, 187.3.

Zar gyi SKYA RA BRAG — 253 II 573.3, 583.4.

Mtsho SKYA RENGS — Also, Skya ring.  "Tsaring" or "Chaling Nor."  SW of Kokonor.  Close to Sngo rengs.  At source of Rma chu.  See Wylie 117 no. 30, 118 no. 43. 

Srin po SKYA RENGS KHRAG MED — BD of T&TB X 85.1.

Mtsho SKYA RENGS SNGO RENGS — See Skya rengs.  See Sngo rengs.

Rje btsun SKYA SE RTOGS LDAN — Karma pa.  Bio. in 35 I 643.  He studied under the Karma pa vii, and was involved in the recognition controversies surrounding the Karma pa viii.

SKYA SENG — Pāṇḍu, mother of the Pāṇḍavas in the Mahābhārata. Roesler in Facets 164.

SKYA SENG GI BU — Pāṇḍava.  See Das 98.  Skya bseng Btsun mo'i Bu Drug.  253 II 516.4. Roesler in Facets 162.

SKYA SER TSHO LNGA — Five divisions of Ru thog district.  They are:  Bla brang, Mkhar stod, Mkhar smad, Shar sna and Nub sna.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 34.

SKYA SRID — BA 1059.

SKYAG PO — N. of pl. in Tibet (evidently marshy).  Das 98.

SKYAGS — BA 199.

SKYANG 'DUR — BA 335.  =Rkyang 'dur (q.v.).

SKYANG NAG — See (— —) Mtha' yas rgya mtsho.

SKYANG SPRUL — See (— —) Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Tshul khrims nam mkha' bstan 'dzin.  (— —) Lung rtogs skal bzang rgya mtsho.

SKYANG 'PHAGS — Also spelled Rkyang 'phags.  Bon Mon.  Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 420.  Sources listed in Berounsky, Lapsed 170, with painting of him as central figure at p. 232 [pl. 2].  Berounsky's article in Asiatische Studien 67 (2013).

SKYANG DBON — See (— —) G.yung drung phun tshogs.

SKYANG TSHANG — Bon mon. in A mdo.  Kværne, Canon 19.

SKYANG TSHANG — See (— —) Skal bzang mkhas grub.  Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 420.

SKYANG RO — In Gtsang near Iwang.  See  28 82.

SKYANG SO — Pl.n. in Sichuan region.  LPNT, vol. 7, p. 73.

SKYAB PA BZANG PO — N. of a person.  Disc. of Thang stong who worked among the eastern Mon peoples and at the Tsa gong Gdan sa.  5 304.4, 339.2.  Stearns, King 15, which reads: Skyob pa bzang po.

SKYABS KHRA — Rje Mkhan po IX was imprisoned here.  135 preface.

SKYABS 'GRO — Ritual of taking refuge, synonymous with becoming a Buddhist.  SBTD I 121.  "Refuge guide" listed in in SBTD I 344.


SKYABS CHE — Dkar brgyud mon. in E Tibet.  Tucci, Religions 92.

SKYABS CHE RTOGS LDAN — See (— — — —) 'Jam dpal rgya mtsho.

SKYABS MCHOG DPAL BZANG — A teacher of Dben sa pa Blo bzang don grub (1505‑1566).

SKYABS KYI STON PA — See (— — — —) Rin chen 'od zer.

SKYABS DBYINGS — The 'regent' who rules in the interim period between Panchen Lamas.  McKay in TS9 I 264.

SKYABS SBYIN — 128 832.

G.yas ban SKYABS SE — LGCM 650.1.

SKYAM — BA 994.


SKYI — BA 154, 155, 438.  Stein, Recherches 118.  Macdonald, Lecture 196.

SKYI — N. of one of the Phur pa transmissions of the Rnying ma pa.  BD of T&TB III 294.

SKYI — See (—) Kun dga' bstan gsal.  (—) Rgyal ba'i gtsug tor.  (—) Chos kyi seng ge.

SKYI KHUNG — BA 176, 185.

SKYI MKHAR LHA KHANG — A mon. in Gtsang.  Das 100.  Skyi mkhar in BA 126, 1005.

Mang yul SKYI GRONG — See Skyid grong.  17 II 320.6.

SKYI RGYAL STAG RI — Stein, Recherches 118.

SKYI CHU — BA 202, 303, 717.

SKYI CHU BA — Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 30.  A disc. of Mal Lo tsā ba.

Rgyal po SKYI RJE RMANG PO — Dung dkar 105.  Bellezza, D&B 133, with many references.

SKYI STON — See (— —) 'Khor 'das rang grol.  (— —) Gu ru Tshe brtan.  (— —) Grags 'bum.  (— —) Chos grags.  (— —) 'Jam dbyangs.  (— —) 'Jam dbyangs grags pa.  (— —) Padma dbang chen.  (— —) Tshe ring dbang po. 

Mi yul SKYI MTHING — TS5 530, 534, 536, 539.  This geographical term is discussed in a forthcoming paper by Henk Blezer.  Mi yul Skyid sdings and other spellings are known.  Hazod in Steinkellner Festschrift 261.  Berounsky in FBTB 103 (Mi yul Skyid 'thing).  Dotson, Horse 277.

SKYI NAG — A pasture land in Gtsang.  Das 100.

SKYI NAM NYAG CIG MA — Bellezza, L&T 38.

SKYI SMAD — BA 288, 289.

SKYI TSHANG — BA 438, 946, 998.  In 'Phyos.  =Kyi tshang (q.v.). 

SKYI YUL LA MO 'JING SNGON — Bellezza, L&T 66.

SKYI G.YOR — Pl.n.  602 16r.1.

SKYI RONG —  =Skyid grong.

Mar yul SKYI RONG SHEL RI — A mon.  115 116.5.


SKYI SHOD — The district of Lha sa.  BA vi, 294, 373, 384, 590, 591, 668, 693, 695, 734, 911, 912, 944, 1075.  5 156.3, 157.1.  476 I 75.2.

Ston pa SKYI SHOD PA — 73 426.6.

SKYI LHA SBYAR MA — 'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 401.4.

SKYING DKAR LA — "Tingki La."  To SW of Mtsho mo dre btung.  Wylie 143 no. 257.

SKYID — A clan divided into upper (stod) and lower (smad) which ruled Zha gang sde gsum.  28 80.  Skyid stod and Skyid smad also refer to two of the eight Rgod Stong sde of Dbu ru.  28 81.

SKYID KHUD — Lost ref.

SKYID MKHAR — Pl. where Khyung sprul meditated.  306 chapter 5.  The most important mon. of Zhu lineage, it still survives.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 465.

SKYID MKHAR — See (— —) Ri zhing rtsa phu.

Ru lag Nyang stod SKYID MKHAR BRAG — A 'practice retreat' (sgrub gnas) of Zhu lineage.  F. in 1016.  253 II 597.

SKYID GRONG — Also, Skyi rong, Skyid rong.  "Kirong."  Chief city in Mang yul in S Tibet on the western part of the border with Nepal.  Ferrari 154.  5 91.  BA 41, 254, 255, 392, 401, 433, 488, 528, 603, 656, 709, 711, 801, 1008, 1064.  Wylie 64, 129 n. 126.  17 II 320.6, 372.2.  4 47A.2.  115 116.6.  354 12.2.

SKYID GRONG — See (— —) Bkra shis bsam gtan gling. 

SKYID GRONG JO BO — A work (a biography of an image), for which see SBTD I 87.

SKYID SGO — Vitali in TS9 I 85.

SKYID CHU — River of the Lhasa valley.

SKYID 'JO — See (— —) Bshad sgrub dar rgyas bde chen.

SKYID 'JOM — N. of a woman.  Stein, Voc. 131.

SKYID GTER DGON — 'Brug pa Bka' brgyud mon.  172 1.  Skyid gter Bkra shis mthong smon Ljongs.  174 1.3.  =Chittre Monastery in Darjeeling.  See 172 61.

Spru hreng SKYID THANG — 4 93A.1.

Khri SKYID LDING — A n. of Skyid lde (q.v.), founder of Gu ge dynasty.  28 51.

SKYID LDESee (— —) Nyi ma mgon.


SKYID SDINGS — Hazod in Steinkellner Festschrift 261.  Hazod believes it is related to the ZZ word skyi 'dangs.

Stod lung SKYID SNA — Birthplace of the elder G.yu thog pa.  Klong rdol 769.4.

SKYID PO DGON PA — See (— — — —) Padma shes rab.

Ra shag SKYID DPAL 'DUS — 253 II 191.1.

Lha lung SKYID SPRO DGON — Vai.Ser. 144.

Byar SKYID PHUG SGRUB SDE — See (—) (— — — —) Rtag brtan 'od gsal bde chen gling.

SKYID PHUG NYI MA'I RDZONG — 4X I 256.5, 262.1.

Brag dmar Spo mtho  SKYID PHUG NYI MA RDZONG — Place where Milarepa stayed with his disciples.  See Nyi ma rdzong.  4 224A.  Brag dmar Spo mtho Nam mkha' rdzong.  4 214A.4.

Ngom chu SKYID BA DGE 'DUN SGANG — Vai.Ser. 261.

Nyang smad SKYID SBUG — A residence of Sog bzlog pa.  208 introduction.

SKYID SBUG — See (— —) Dbang 'dus nor bu.  (— —) Bsod nams dbang rgyal.

SKYID SBUG DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang.  A small retreat near Rgyal rtse belonging to the 'Brug pa Bka' brgyud pa.  20 21.  An aristocratic family, Skyid sbug, took its name from the place.  A Skyid phug (sp?) retreat center in upper Nyang (Nyang stod) was site of "lung-gom-pa" training according to David-Neel and Govinda.

SKYID MA — An epithet of Draupadī.  Das 98.

Sbas yul SKYID MO LUNG — See Bernbaum 70.  247 514.5‑519 and ff.  396 preface 3 ff.  Hidden country opened by Rgod ldem.  DTK5 119. Nikolai Solmsdorf, "Sojourning in the Valley of Happiness: Shedding New Light on the Sbas yul Skyid mo lung," Bulletin of Tibetology, vol. 49, no. 1 (2013), pp. 113‑136.

Gzhung SKYID MO GSHONGS — 116 480.2.

SKYID TSHAL — See Skyed mo tshal.

SKYID 'DZOM BDE CHEN DGON — Bon mon. in Amdo with 120 monks.  253 II 636.6.

SKYID GZHONG — Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 444, 464.


SKYID RU — BA 95, 96.

SKYID SHOD — =Skyi shod.  District including tracts in lower valley of the Skyid chu, hence the name.  Das 101.  Sumpa, Annals 32.  253 II 405.1.  21 194.

SKYID SHOD SDE PA — Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 113.

Sa skyong SKYID SHOD PA — Patron of Gter bdag gling pa.  458 I 349.1.  Sde pa Skyid shod pa is title of ruler of Lhasa district during the rule of the Gtsang kings.  See Aris in BSOAS 39 (1976) 630.  See  Chayet in Facets 79.

SKYID SHOD ZHABS DRUNG — I. Bstan 'dzin blo bzang rgya mtsho (1593‑1638).  Sørensen, Restless Relic 867.  II. Ngag dbang bstan 'dzin 'phrin las (1639‑1682). 


SKYIN THANG 'KHRUG PA — In title in 320 XXI 211.3.  363 76.4.

SKYIN PO RU THOG RJE — Bellezza, L&T 41.

Sum pa SKYIL MKHAR — BA 420.


SKYU PA BLA MA — See Skyu ra, following.  The founder of 'Bri gung Thel is sometimes called by this name.  ='Bri gung Chos rje (1143‑1217).  He belonged to the Skyu ra clan.  Ferrari 111.  BA 577.

SKYU RA — Lineage (gdung) of the 'Bri gung hierarchs.  20.  Clan of 'Jig rten mgon po.  BA 596.  See BD of T&TB III 743.  Called 'Brug rgyal Skyu ra.  For story, see 476 I 44.3 ff.  It is said to have died out with the death of Dkon mchog rin chen.

SKYU RA —  =Cu ra.  =Kyu ra. 

SKYU RA — See (— —) A skyabs.

SKYU RA YONGS 'DZIN — See (— — — —) Byams pa kun khyab.

SKYUNG 'PHUR — In Kamaon.  "Kyungar."  79 81, no. 47.

SKYUR PO CAN DGON PA — Havnevik, Dissert. 171.


Sga SKYE DGU DON GRUB GLING — (Sga) Skye dgu don grub gling.  Sa skya Mon. f. by (Bdag chen Rgya gar) Shes rab rgyal mtshan in the eighth 60‑year cycle.  Dhongthog 126.  Said to have ben founded by Thang stong rgyal po.  Photo of a carved meteorite found there, see BLKC I 65.

SKYE DGU'I BDAG MO — Prajāpatī.  Das.  Avadāna in 243 I 673 ff.  BLP no. 0163.

SKYE DGU MDO — Jyekundo.  Stein, Recherches 57.  See 482 title page.  Also, Skye rgu mdo.  TS7 I 478 ff.

SKYE RGU'I BDAG PO MYUR BA — Disc. of Kāśyapa.  3 9.  Prajāpati composed 'Phrul gyi Me long3 11.

'Khor ba dong sprug SKYE SGO GCOD PA'I MDO — Bon text in 353.

SKYE STON — See (— —) Tshe ring dbang po.

SKYE BDUN RIL BU — A 'medicinal' made of flesh of one who was seven times reborn as a brahmin.  History in 413 541.5 ff.

SKYE BA MED PA'I RGYUD — In title in 319 II 41‑55.  (Rin po che dang mnyam pa)...  320 I 404 ff.

Rgya gar gyi Mkhas pa SKYE MED — A medical teacher of Sgam po pa.  17 II 512.5.

Bal po SKYE MED —  =(Bal po) 'Jig rten (q.v.). 


Zhang SKYE MED RTOGS GROL — A sgom chen of Tibet, contemp. w/ Padmasambhava.  87 I 164.3.

SKYE MED BDE CHEN — 75 223 ff.  See under (Bal po) A su.

SKYE TSHAL — In 17 II 382.5, =Skyid tshal (q.v.) or Skyed ma tshal.

SKYE RANG SKRAG MED — Ramble in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 292.

Zhu ston SKYE SE CHEN PO — 253 II 413.3.  342 4.3.  Dates discussed by Berounsky in Asiatische Studien 67 (2013) 787.


SKYEGS RU GSUM — Vitali in TS9 I 84.

SKYENG LUNGS —  =Skeng lungs.  BA 120, 124.

'Bras yul SKYED TSHAL —  Stearns, SR 111.

SKYED MO TSHAL —  =Skyid tshal (q.v.), Skye tshal (q.v.).  "Kyishong."  Sa skya mon. in Rong chung.  F. in 1449 by (Byams chen Rab 'byams pa) Sangs rgyas 'phel (q.v.).  Sum pa Mkhan po was abbot there for awhile.  Ferrari 163.  TPS 642.  ='Bras yul Skyed tshal (q.v.).  458 I 321.4.

SKYED LHAS — Short for Kha'u skyed lhas (q.v.).

SKYEN — See (—) Nyi ma rgyal mtshan.  115 160.5.

SKYEMS — N. of place in Dwags stod.  Known for its manufacture of superior 2 x 6 foot sized paper.  Das 110.  Skyems Stong rdzong and Skyems Sprags lung are located there.  See Precious Deposits IV 266, which says this was the source of paper that was used by the Dalai Lama and for currency.

SKYEMS PA — See (— —) Tshe dbang.

SKYEMS MTSHO — Wylie 131 n. 144 identifies this with Mtsho mo dre btung.

SKYER SGANG — BA 738, 740, 743.  A school (lugs).  235 introduction 2, n. 7.  374 II 81.5.  See Skyer sgang lugs, below.

SKYER SGANG PA — See (— — —) Chos kyi seng ge.

Rta mgrin SKYER SGANG LUGS — Teaching beginning from (Sgyer sgang pa) Chos kyi seng ge.  BD of T&TB III 329.  Avalokiteśvara lineage of Skyer sgang pa.  Jackson, MB, pp. 73‑74.

SKYER CHU — N. of a river of Spa gro in Bhutan.  Das 110.

'Bum thang SKYER CHU'I GNAS — Das 920.

Lho SKYER CHU LHA KHANG — Temple at Spa gro.  87 I 135.3.

Yar stod SKYER SNA — BA 872, 874, 876.  17 II 423.5.  Birthplace of Dam pa Rma of the Zhi byed school.

Dpal SKYER SHING RAS PA — Disc. of Rgod tshang pa.  BA 687.

SKYEL CHE DZAR TOG — Also, Skyel che dzar mo.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 143.

SKYEL DAR MA — Text cited in 481 49.2.

SKYEL NAG — See (— —) Grags seng.

SKYES RGU SKYES — N. of youngest of five Pāṇḍava brothers.  Das 98.

Lcog ro SKYES PA RGYAL GONG — 132 87.1.

SKYES BU BA — Teacher of the young 'Jig rten mgon po.  207 3.6.

SKYES BU PA — Kuijp in JAOS (1994) 611.

SKYES RTSA — Jackson in TS9 I 153.

SKYES BZANG — Scherrer‑Schaub in JIABS 25 (2002) 272.  Tibetan minister active in mid 8th century, called Blon Skyes bzang Rgyal kong (d. 757). Takata Tokio, A Note on the Lijiang Tibetan Inscription, Asia Major 19 nos 1‑2 (2006) 161‑170, at p. 164.  See also H. Uebach's article "Tibetan Officials in the 8th-Century Southeastern Part of the Empire."

SKYES BZANG — Father of the Kashmiri translator Ananta in late 8th century.  He was guilty of a serious crime in India, but being a Brahmin, he couldn't be executed, so he was banished to Tibet.  See Sam van Schaik & Kazushi Iwao, "Fragments of the Testament of Ba from Dunhuang," JAOS 128 no 3 (2008) 477‑487, at p. 485.

SKYES BZANG — As an element in Old Tibetan names, and possible re‑Tibetanization of Ch. Shang Jiezan, see Kapstein, BBTC 32.

SKYES RABS — History and bibliographical information in 17 IV 486.3 ff.  See also BLP nos. 0166‑0173.  Roesler in Facets 158.

SKYES RABS SO BZHI PA — By Slob dpon Dpa' bo.  Comm. listed in SBTD I 236.

Rdzi sgom SKYES SE — Disc. of Sgam po pa.  BA 462.

SKYO — BA 124.  Holy place in E Tibet.  239 XXX 44.4.

SKYO — See (—) 'Od 'byung.  (—) Shākya ye shes.


SKYO SGOM — Disc. of Sgam po pa.  73 264.3.

SKYO SGOM — See (— —) 'Od 'byung.


SKYI STON — See (— —) Sngags dpal.  (— —) Bsod nams bla ma.

Gung pa SKYI STON — See (— —) (— —) Dri med.

SKYI STON GNYIS — 124 490.5.

SKYI STON RIN PO CHE — See (— — — — —) Byang chub rin chen.

SKYO MDA' BA — See (— — —) Chos kyi rgyal mtshan.

SKYO BRAG — BD of T&TB (?vol.?) 276.  239 XXX 45.4.  F. by Glang ras pa?  467 II 191.5.  F. in 14th cent.?  473 63.

SKYO BRAG — See (— —) Karma rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Karma ye shes.  (— —) Chos kyi 'od zer.  (— —) Bstan 'dzin bzang po. 

SKYO BRAG CHOS RJE — See (— — — —) Bsod nams bzang po.



Yon bdag SKYO MA MI CHUNG — Ras chung pa stayed at the place of this donor.  24 I 217.7.

SKYO ZUR — BA 976.

SKYO RA LUNG PA — Contemp. of Bu ston.  27 163.

SKYO RO RO — BA 664.

SKYO LUGS — A particular Yamāntaka tradition.  BD of T&TB I 379.  349 X 1‑41.  374 316.2.

SKYO BSOD NAMS — 1st successor of Pha dam pa.  Waddell 74.  See (Skyo) Bsod nams bla ma.

SKYOG STON — See (— —) Smon lam tshul khrims.  (— —) Rig 'dzin rgyal po.  (— —) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan.

SKYOG MO — See 'Dre lung skyog mo. 

Pho brang SKYOG MO — 17 IV 249.4.  363 86.6.

SKYOG MO'I SINDHU RA'I RGYA MTSHO — In Tsā ri.  17 IV 226.1, 229.5.

Lo tsā ba SKYOGS — See (— — —) (—) Shes rab 'byung gnas.

SKYONG RU SPRUL SKU — (20th cent.)  See Willis in TJ 8 (1983) 20 ff., where Don grub tshe ring is given as his lay personal name, his ordination name Mkhyen rab rdo rje.

SKYONG LHA — See (— —) Ngag dbang blo bzang.

SKYOB PA LDESon of 'Od lde.  DTK5 93.

SKYOBS CHEN — Pass in Tsā ri.  Also, n. of a cave.  17 IV 238.6, 239.1.

SKYOBS LDEWestern Tibetan royalty.  DTK5 71.

SKYOR DUN RTSE — 87 I 135.5.

Pho brang SKYOR LDEM — Pl.n.  17 II 504.

SKYOR MO LUNG — "Kimulung."  "Minchuling?"  A mon. on the side of a hill near Skyid chu on S bank of Stod lung river W of Lha sa.  Sumpa, Annals 86.  F. in 1169 by (Sbal ti Dgra bcom) Dbang phyug tshul khrims.  Tsong kha pa studied here under Blo gsal ba.  One of its abbots, (Mkhan chen) Chos rgyal ba, became a disc. of Gtsong kha pa.  Had 3 colleges:  Khyams pa, Phug khang and Mtshan nyid pa.  Ferrari 167 n. 690.  Converted to Dge lugs pa by Tu kyur pa, a disc. of Gtsong kha pa.  Wylie 149 n. 320.  Tucci, Lhasa 39.  TR XVI, no. 10, p. 7C.  BA 79, 83, 190, 278, 302, 410, 673.  Also, n. of a village with mon. containing estate of (Zhabs pad) Sres chung pa.  Das 118. Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 121.

SKYOR MO LUNG — Kuijp in TH&L 298.

SKRA — For Bon 'hair clipping' rites, see 325 499 ff.  Skra chog, 'hair rite', listed in SBTD I 382.

SKRA CAN MA — N. of a river.  See Decleer in Lungta 13 (Summer 2000) 53.

SKRA BDUN — In W Tibet.  TS5 205.

SKRA MED NYI SHER — See 216 510.4 ff.

SKRAG — KTDN 66.4.

SKRAG MED NYI SHAR — Deity name.  See Ehrhard in SCEAR 9 (1996) 44, 45 n. 18.

SKRONG SA — "Tonsa" in Bhutan.  Goldstein.

BSKANG BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN — Author of work in 303 113‑170.


BSKANG GSO — Rites for protective deities performed at regular intervals in order to assure their continued benevolence, and to make up for mistakes in ritual performances.  313 I preface.  Rites in 313.

SKAL LDAN — See (— — iii) Dge 'dun phrin las.

BSKAL LDAN SKYID — Mother of Mar pa.  57 IIB 346.3.  17 II 431.6.  Called Rgyal mo 'od zer in BA 399.

SKAL LDAN GRAGS PA — BD of T&TB I 553‑554.

Rong po Grub chen SKAL LDAN RGYA MTSHO — (1607‑1677)  Famous Dge lugs pa from A mdo, founder of Reb skong Mon. in A mdo.  For his songs (mgur), see 97.  These have also been published under the title Shar Skal ldan rgya mtsho'i Mgur 'bum, Mtsho sngon Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (1994).  BD of T&TB VI 587.  Bio. by Ngag dbang byang chub bsod nams listed in BLP no. 0388 (but note no. 1885, where the author's name is scrambled).  Autobio. listed in BLP no. 1886.  Chayet in Cardonna, Facets 75.  See Victoria Sujata, Tibetan Songs of Realization: Echoes from a Seventeenth‑Century Scholar & Siddha in Amdo, Brill (Leiden 2005).

SKAL LDAN RGYAL PO — Bhavyarāja.  An Indian pundit in Tibet in 1076.  TS7 II 875.  TPS 594.

Lha btsun SKAL LDAN CHOS 'DZOM DPAL MO — 601 55v.5.

SKAL LDAN RDO RJE — Pictured in 320 XVI 3.

Gsang sngags Rnying ma'i Grub thob SKAL LDAN RDO RJE GRAGS PA — Rnying ma teacher of Thang stong.  See 5 61.4.  410 128B.1.  Stearns, King 24.

SKAL LDAN BYANG CHUB YE SHES — (end of 12th cent.)  Teacher of Zhi byed school.  CFMS 72.

SKAL LDAN BYIS PA — (?)  See BD of T&TB III 389.  N. of a Terton active in the 4th sixty‑year cycle.  383 219.2.  410 112A.3.

Zwa ra ba SKAL LDAN YE SHES SENG GE — Also, Cha ra ba.  Disc. of Phag mo gru pa.  Bio. in BA 652 ff.  =(Mon dkar ba) Ye shes seng ge (q.v.).  484 I 856.3.

SKAL LDAN RIN CHEN GTSO MO — Stearns, King 231.

SKAL LDAN RIN CHEN BZANG MO — She built a residence for Thang stong at Lcags po ri.  Stearns, King 41, 534 (n. 658).  She was also called Dpon mo Shag kha ma (p. 535, n. 669).

SKAL LDAN LEGS PA — Zlos gar 31.

SKAL LDAN SHING RTA — Note that Bhāgīrathī is n. of the Ganges in its lower course.  T'oung Pao L 338.

Byang chub sems dpa' SKAL LDAN SHING RTA — BA 315.  17 II 377.5. 

SKAL LDAN SHES RAB — F. of A lci Mon. in Ladakh.  14 15 (see index).  He belonged to the 'Bro family.  He was a wealthy builder of bridge and fort at A lci as well.  TS7 II 977.  Papa Kalantari in TS9 VII 87.


BSKAL PA 'OD LDAN GYI RGYUD — Text in 319 VI 193‑213.

Dha ki ma SKAL BA BZANG MO — See under Bka' babs Bzhi.  =Su ma ti (q.v.).  17 II 435.4.  Bon text in 280 II 297‑333.

BSKAL MED BUM NAG — Tucci, Religions 215.

BSKAL BZANG — See (— —) Kun dga' rig 'dzin.  (— —) 'Gyur med bde chen. 

Bla phyag Mkhan chung SKAL BZANG KLU SGRUB CAN — 438 VII 443.6.

Rgya Zhabs drung SKAL BZANG DKON MCHOG RGYA MTSHO — (1896‑1960)  Aka Rgya Zhabs drung Tshangs sras bzhad pa'i rdo rje.  Rgya Zhabs drung Tshang gi Gsung 'bum, Kan su'u Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Lanzhou 1998). 

SKAL BZANG KHROGS — Havnevik, Dissert. 189.

Skyang tshang SKAL BZANG MKHAS GRUB — (circa 1800?)  Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 420.

Dwags po BSKAL BZANG MKHAS GRUB — A teacher of Pha bong kha pa Bde chen snying po.  See Dreyfus in JIABS 21 (1998) 246.

BSKAL BZANG GAR GYI DBANG PO — See Blo bzang chos kyi dbang phyug.

Rgyal Mkhan sprul iv BSKAL BZANG GRAGS PA RGYA MTSHO —  =Bskal bzang bstan pa rab rgyas.  (1880‑ )  Works listed in SBTD I 324.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 0502.

SKAL BZANG DGE LEGS RGYA MTSHO — (1776‑1833)  33rd in abbatial succession of Bkra shis 'khyil.  BD of T&TB V 817.

Zhabs drung BSKAL BZANG DGE LEGS RGYAL MTSHAN — Scholar of Peking, student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).

Brgya dpon BSKAL BZANG DGRA 'DUL — Modern general.  Photo in 424 249.  Words from a speech made by him in Memories of Life 21.

SKAL BZANG MGON — Son of Karma rdo rje.  Nomads 31.

Blo bzang BSKAL BZANG RGYA MTSHO — The Seventh Dalai Lama.  (1708‑1757/8)  T.H. 60.  Waddell 233.  B. in Li thang.  Dhongthog 32.  Instituted the Bka' shag (q.v.) in 1751.  Collected works in 13 vols. publ. in 1975‑6 (Gangtok).  Appears in bio. of Tshe dbang nor bu, 383 467.2.  His bio. described in Petech, China 2.  Pictured in 128 314, 354, 400, 602, 858.  Bio. in 165 II 757‑817.  Bio. by Lcang skya Rol pa'i rdo rje in 558 folios composed in 1758‑1759.  Paṇ chen Dpal ldan ye shes composed the Rgyal ba Bskal bzang rgya mtsho'i Gser sdong gi Dkar chag listed in BLP no. 0556.

Ru shod Bdag mo SKAL BZANG RGYAL MO — DTK5 192.

Khod spungs Mkhas dbang SKAL BZANG RGYAL MTSHAN — Bio. in 253 II 506.5.

Khro chen BSKAL BZANG RGYAL MTSHAN — The one who commissioned Bonpo Kanjur blocks in 1769 (?).  485 I 7.5.

Snye nam pa Rdo ra Bla ma SKAL BZANG RGYAL MTSHAN — 363 119.2.

Rme'u ston Mchog sprul BSKAL BZANG RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 625.6.

Mkhar sprul SKAL BZANG RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 484.3.

BSKAL BZANG SGROL MA — Mother of Zhwa nag xv.  BD of T&TB VII 258.

BSKAL BZANG NGAG DBANG — (ca. 1940)  Goldstein, Hist. 511.

Hor BSKAL BZANG DNGOS GRUB — Student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717). 

Sna nam Btsun pa SKAL BZANG CHOS KYI RGYA MTSHO BSOD NAMS DBANG PO'I SDE — Author of Sangs rgyas Bcom ldan 'das kyi Rnam thar publ. in 1975, a detailed life of the Buddha.  Also publ. by Kunzang Topgey in Thimphu in 1976.  Listed in BLP no. 1072.  Listed in Drepung Catalog 1505 (a woodblock in 197 fols) & 1640.


SKAL BZANG CHOS 'PHEL — 363 117.1.

SKAL BZANG CHOS 'BYOR — (fl. 1939)  Peng in TS9 IV 72.  His Sinified n. is Liu Jiaju.

Dwags po Bya bral Dge bshes SKAL BZANG 'JAM DPAL — BD of T&TB VI 83.1.


Rgyal sras SKAL BZANG 'JIGS MED RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of a history listed in BLP no. 0289.

Mkhan chen SKAL BZANG NYI MA — (b. 1841)  Kværne 247 no. 199.  Bskal bzang nyi ma tog gi rgyal mtshan, abbot of G.yung drung gling Mon. who ordained Shar rdza.  Thar in TS9 IV 156.

Zhwa sgom Sku skye BSKAL BZANG SNYING PO — Karma pa.  Bio. in 35 II 347‑348.

Dbra ston SKAL BZANG BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (1897‑1959)  Author of a work called 'Dzam gling gi mtha' dbus kyi rnam gzhag nyer mkho'i snang ba.  Author, in 1929, of a brgyud rim ('stages in the transmission') text for the Bon Kanjur.  It is contained in the 192‑vol. Bon canon, vol. 103.  Author of a bio. entitled Rje btsun Bla ma Chen po Dbra sras Kun bzang nam mkha'i snying po'i Rnam par Thar pa Ngo mtshar Ud 'bar Me tog, contained in: Shar rdza Bka' 'bum (Chamdo 1990) XV 599‑731.  His collected works have been published recently in Tibet.

Mkhan chen SKAL BZANG BSTAN PA'I NYI RGYAN  —  Lost ref.

Rgyal khang rtse pa Sprul sku iv BSKAL BZANG BSTAN PA YAR 'PHEL — (1746‑1794).

BSKAL BZANG BSTAN PA RAB RGYAS — See Bskal bzang grags pa rgya mtsho. 

Phul byung Rgyal sras SKAL BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN — Pictured in 128 500.

Kong po Chos mdzad Bgres pa SKAL BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN — Bio. by Ye shes brtson 'grus listed in BLP no. 0061.  Disc. of Yongs 'dzin Ye shes rgyal mtshan & Kong po 'Brug la Mkhan chen Ye shes bstan sgron.  Dung dkar 98.

SKAL BZANG THABS MKHAS — Former Drepung Gomang abbot, he died in 1999, after traveling from New Zealand to his birthplace in Amdo.  Garratt in TS9 VIII 61, 65.

Rgyal sras vi BSKAL BZANG THUB BSTAN 'JIGS MED RGYA MTSHO — (1743‑ )  =Yongs 'dzin No mon han.  332 preface 16.  Works listed in SBTD I 337.  Bio. by Hor tshang Khri chen Bstan pa'i nyi ma listed in BLP no. 0828.

Rgyal sras SKAL BZANG THUB BSTAN 'JIGS MED BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0577 (probably to be identified with the preceding Rgyal sras?).

Btsan po Hu thog thu SKAL BZANG THUB BSTAN PHRIN LAS RGYA MTSHO — (1839‑ )  BD of T&TB V 551.  SBTD I 400.  SBKC 693 (no. 20).

Rje btsun 'Jam dbyangs bzhad pa iv BSKAL BZANG THUB BSTAN DBANG PHYUG — (1856‑circa 1916)  BD of T&TB V 775.  SBTD I 66.  Nietupski, Labrang 82.  Autobio. listed in BLP no. 0141.  Author of bios. listed in BLP nos. 0607, 1159.  Subj. of bios. listed in BLP nos. 0819‑0821.  Bio. in Dung dkar 66‑67, where his dates are 1856‑1916.

SKAL BZANG DAR RGYAS — (1925‑1989?) Former head teacher of the dGa' mal Monastery.

Rtogs ldan BSKAL BZANG DON GRUB — TR XV no. 10, p. 18.

Rdo rje 'dzin pa SKAL BZANG DON YOD — A teacher of Dga' ldan bstan 'dzin (1741‑1803).

SKAL BZANG NOR BU — (1841‑ )  BD of T&TB V 565.

Dbra khyung Dge bshes SKAL BZANG NOR BU — Bon po.  Author of a poetics work entitled Snyan ngag gi 'Grel pa Er sangs Lha mo'i Mgul rgyan, published in 1999, in 681 pp.

'Ba' pa SKAL BZANG RNAM RGYAL — (modern)  See Gonkatsang & Willis in JRAS (2008) 43.  Director of the Religious Affairs Bureau of the TAR.

Rig 'dzin Chen mo SKAL BZANG PADMA — Rig 'dzin Chen mo Skal bzang padma mchod sdong gi Dkar chag, by Dkon mchog gar dbang rgya mtsho, listed in BLP no. 1855.

Rgod ldem viii SKAL BZANG PADMA DBANG RGYAL — B. in Lho brag.  370 preface 7.  Author of work listed in BLP no. 1768.

SKAL BZANG PADMA DBANG PHYUG — See Rgod ldem V.  370 preface.  See Ehrhard in SCEAR 9 (1996) 41.  Rdo brag Skal bzang padma dbang phyug gi Rang rnam, listed in BLP no. 1193.  His bio. of Rwa Lo Rdo rje brag (i.e., Rdo rje grags?) listed in BLP no. 1833.


Nor gling BSKAL BZANG PHO BRANG — 438 VII 498.6, 501.2.  Henss, CMT 157.

SKAL BZANG 'PHRIN LAS — (20th cent.)  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 88.


BSKAL BZANG BLO LDAN — (sp.?)  See 58 929.

Snang zhig Bla ma BSKAL BZANG BLO GROS RGYA MTSHO — (b. 1983)  Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 421

SKAL BZANG DBANG 'DU — The Tibetan assistant and Tibetan‑language teacher of Albert Shelton in 1908.  Here his name is spelled Gezang Ongdu, or Gezong Ondu (reflecting eastern Kham pronunciation, I guess).  He was a wealthy trader and former headman under the deposed prince of Batang.  Douglas Wissing, Pioneer in Tibet: The Life and Perils of Dr. Albert Shelton, Palgrave Macmillan (NY 2004), p. 100.

Tshes gsum phun khang BSKAL BZANG DBANG PHYUG — (1897‑ )  Velm I 127.

SKAL BZANG DBANG 'PHEL — Bio. by Blo bzang lung rtogs rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 0145.

Sde yangs Rab 'byams pa SKAL BZANG TSHUL KHRIMS — A co‑author of a bio. of the Dalai Lama ix.

SKAL BZANG TSHUL KHRIMS BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — Title of his bio. listed in BLP no. 0146.

BSKAL BZANG TSHE BRTAN — See Paṇ chen vii.

BSKAL BZANG TSHE DBANG — Favorite pupil of (Zhwa lu) Rin chen lhun grub who favored him with profound instructions in Kālacakra and also administered him many sound beatings.  On account of the beatings, evidently, he ran away to Lha sa and met the Dalai Lama who gave him a position in Rnam rgyal Grwa tshang.  He was sent to Peking by request of the Emperor.  Later he returned to Tibet and was appointed 30th Mkhan chen of Zhwa lu.  41 I 7.

SKAL BZANG TSHE RING — Leader of a Khams self rule movement in 1932.  Peng in TS9 IV 64.

Rab 'byams pa SKAL BZANG YE SHES — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 0185.

Dgon lung Khri pa Wang Zhabs drung BSKAL BZANG YE SHES DAR RGYAS — (fl. ca. 1790)  A student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).

Khri Dwags po pa BSKAL BZANG YON TAN LHUN GRUB — Student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).

BSKAL BZANG RAB RGYAS — Artist who painted a Sa skya lineage thangka illus. in P. Pal et al., Tibet: Tradition & Change, The Albuquerque Museum (Albuquerque 1998) 68‑69.

SKAL BZANG RIN CHEN DBANG PHYUG — Author of bio. of Ye shes dpal 'byor listed in BLP no. 0950.

SKAL BZANG LEGS BSHAD — (1852‑ )  BD of T&TB V 563.

Rab 'byams pa SKAL BZANG LEGS BSHAD — Author of bio. of Bla ma Dkar po Kun dga' rgyal mtshan (=Byams pa mthu stobs kun dga' rgyal mtshan) listed in BLP no. 1479.


BSKAL BZANG GSANG SNGAGS CHOS RGYAL RIN PO CHE — (1841‑1903)  Rnying ma pa.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 527.

BSKAL BZANG LHA DBANG — Student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).

Dgon lung Byams pa gling Khri zur BSKAL BZANG LHA DBANG — Author of FM 465.00, which was composed in a Water Horse year (1762?).

Dza sag Bla ma BSKAL BZANG LHA DBANG — Replaced Rol pa'i rdo rje as the 'chairholder' (Khri) of Dgon lung.  41 I 9.

Lha rams pa BSKAL BZANG LHA DBANG — Berkeley 182/3.

BSKAL BZANG LHUN GRUB — A modern Tibetan publisher who put out an inexpensive edition of the Rje btsun Bka' 'bum

SKAL BZANG LHUN GRUB — Author of bio. of 5th Dalai Lama.  Rikon Catalogue 478‑479.

SKAL BZANG LHUN GRUB — (20th cent.)  TS5 118.

BSKAL PA'I MAR ME — (?) Roesler, KSP 64.






KHA DKAR — See Ka ba dkar po.

KHA DKAR — N. of a mon. of 'Brug pa school in Ru thog.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 39.

KHA SKONG RJE DBON GNYIS — In bio. of Zhwa nag xv?  BD of T&TB VII 262.

KHA SKYON BRAG PA — See (— — — —) Cer sgom Rin po che.

Bsam yas KHA KHOL MA — Bon rediscoveries.  Karmay 122‑3.

Ri rab KHA KHYER — N. of a mt.  432 1143.1.

KHA KHRA — See Blo Kha khra, or, Lo Kha brag.  N. of tribes of Tibet Assam border area.  Das 124.  See NMH, 73.3 ff.  Indians call them Ghri dho.  Mon Kha khra in Aris in BSOAS 39 (1976) 628.  Stearns, King 137 ("Khatra").

KHA GA DA TA — P.n.  =Kha ga drod, =Kha ga ro yang.  Emmerick.

KHA GA SA RA NA — Pl.n.  BD of T&TB I 530.

KHA GEN DRA — N. of mt. in S India.  BD of T&TB I 922.

KHA GENDRA — A country in S India.  BBNP 481.

KHA GLING —  "mtha' khob yul gyi ming."  Das 125.

KHA GHAR — Aris, Discourse 27.

KHA RGYA TSHO DRUG — Equiv. to the A mdo region.  Nietupski, Labrang 15.

KHA RGYAL ZHA GDONG — Zhwa mo ('hat'?).  KTDN 104.2, 144.4.

Ding ri KHA SGANG — 115 8.3.

'Phyos KHA SGING — BA 720.

KHA CHAR — Temples built by Rin chen bzang po.  T.H. 139.  F. by 'Khor re (q.v.).  =Kojarnāth.  28 54.

KHA CHUL — Aris, Discourse 45.  In W Tibet, near Sgar thog.  Dung dkar 113.

KHA CHE — N. for Kashmir.  Also came to be a name for Tibetan Muslims.  See 79 80 no. 41.  See description in 115 69.6 ff.  On Buddhism and Hinduism in Kashmir, see Pandey 146‑147.  "For instance, it would be the greatest of misfortunes if we had been born as a present day Muslim. For even though we might live a long life, we would be unable to accumulate even the virtue of reciting one round of the Mani mantra." Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 2, p. 75.  Discussion in Dung dkar 42‑43.

KHA CHE — See (— —) Pha lu.

Dge bshes KHA CHE — See Spyan g.yas Lha khang.

Paṇ chen KHA CHE — See (— —) (— —) (Dpal 'bar) Gyang ti gsas.

KHA CHE PAṆ CHEN — See (— — — —) Shākya shrī.

KHA CHE DMAR PO — Alexander, Temples 196.

KHA CHE'I LA — See 14 81.  81 103.18, 117.

KHA TI KA — Tshe tan Zhabs drung wrote an article on a very early thangka of Tsong kha pa that is kept today at this place.

KHA STAG 'DZAM YAG — Shastri in TJ 34 no 2 (Summ 2009) 10.  A Tibetan merchant from Khams who left a travel account of his time in India in the 1940's and 1950's.  Lucia Galli is writing more about this figure.

KHA THA SU — 208 231.2.

KHA THAN — N. of a Mongol tribe?  "Kha than gyi dmag."  208 I 244.2, 244.6, etc., 247.3.

KHA THAN BAL DUR — 208 I 236.1.

KHA THI KA — Vai.Ser. 267.

KHA THI LU HANG — ?  466 IV 413.2, 413.3.

KHA THUN — N. of a tantra in 320 XXI 534.5.

KHA THUN NAG PO — Form of Gshin rje gshed.  Texts in 194 VII.

KHA DANG — One of 5 military regiments.  Goldstein, History 67.

KHA DAN PĀ THUR — =Kha than.  TS5 749.

Rong pa KHA DRUG KHA TA'I SMAN KHANG — Has printery.  162 233.

KHA DRO — See under Kha ro.  28 84.

KHA DRON NANG PA — See (— — — —) Blo bzang bstan 'dzin.

KHWA GDONG MA — Precepts for invisibility mentioned in 17 IV 442.5.

KHA ṆA ḌHO — One of the consorts of Saraha.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 365.4. 


Gnod sbyin KHA PA RA — SBTD I 70.

KHA PHYAR — Pl.n.  Kuijp in TH&L 301 n. 24.


Yar 'brog KHA BA KLUNGS — BA 829.

KHA BA KLO 'DRIL — Unidentified mt.  Wylie 115 n. 17.

KHA BA DKAR PO — Mountain and mountain god.  See Archiv für Volkerkunde no. 13‑14.  Nebesky‑Wojkowitz, Tibetan Blockprints 178.  See also Nebesky.  Work in 12 XIII.  =Kha dkar.  N. of a religious institution in Khams.  Das 131.  N. of a mt. in Tsha ba rong.  232 I 18.  363 55.4.  See David‑Neel, My Journey to Lhasa 69, etc.  In Tsha ba rong.  352 890.  First 'opened' by Karma pakshi and later by Rang byung rdo rje.  Visited in circa 1163 by 'Jig rten mgon po.  239 XXX 48.4.  476 I 53.5.  Rin chen rdo rje et al., Gnas chen kha ba dkar po'i bsang mchod dang gnas yig (Beijing 2006), in 118 pages.

KHA BA GLING — N. of a chorten in Nyoma.  See Orientations 45 no 5 (June 2014) 77.

Mal KHA BA CAN PA — (1126‑1211)  Zhi byed master.  Bio. in BA 888 ff.

KHA BA'I BZHIN — In avadāna story.  TPS 492.

KHA BAR LAS RGYA MTSHO'I RGYUD — Or Kha bar nag po.  320 XXX 163 ff.

KHA BI — BA 367.

Btsan KHA BO CHE — (1021‑ )  BA 347 ff.  17 II 385.2, 385.6.  B. in 1020 acc. to Mtshan tho no. 24, which says he studied in Kashmir.


KHA 'BAR MA — Jvālāmukhī, 'burning mouth'.  N. of goddess.  Das 132.  Kha 'bar in 243 IV 895 ff.  Mimaki in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 113, n. 41.

KHA MUS ONG — 208 I 238.2.

KHA MO GDONG — Rnying ma ser khyim mon. near Sgo bzhi dedicated by Gu ru Chos dbang of Lho brag (b. 1222).  458 I 256.3.

KHWA TSE WING GIR — BA 69.  Kha tse is Rin chen bzang po's home area in Gu ge.

KHWA RTSE — Ruling family of Spiti.  Walter in Lungta 16 (Spring 2003) 22.

KHA ZANGS — One of the 10 rgod stong sde of Sum pa'i Ru.  28 84.

KHA ZAL BA SHI — Pollock, Forms 346.

KHA'U SKYED LHAS — See =Kha'u brag Rdzong.  BD of T&TB X 95.8.

Bla ma KHA'U PA —  =Gnam kha'u pa, q.v.  Ferrari 151 n. 509.  Wylie 133 n. 164.  BD of T&TB X 93.1, 94.16.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 16.  Probably the Gnas brtan Dka'u ba mentioned in  Roesler, KSP 63.  Shakabpa, Hundred 235.

KHA BRAG — 239 XXX 47.1.

KHA'U BRAG RDZONG — A day's journey North of Sa skya.  Wylie 66.  =Kha'u skyed lhas.  E of Sa skya.  Wylie 133 n. 163.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 40 n. 54.

KHA'U BRAG RDZONG PA — A term for the tradition that emanated from Tsarchen's main teacher Kun spangs Rdo ring pa, who lived at Kha'u Brag rdzong, basically synonymous with Slob bshad.  Stearns, SR 153.

Stag tshal KHA 'UR — Pl.n.  24 I 346.3, 347.7.

Zhang zhung KHA YUG — ZZFC 259.  Bellezza, D of T 83.

KHA RA BYING — N. of a Mongol area/tribe?  208 I 236.6.

KHA RA BYING GI MAG PA — 208 I 238.4.

KHA RA SHWA — N. of a rishi.  N. of Khotan.  Emmerick.

KHA RAG — BD of T&TB X 49.17.

KHA RAG — N. of a place in Tibet.  Das 135.  BA 207, 522, 675, 687, 715, 878, 956, 957, 1000, 1004.  Spelled Mkha' rag in 57 IIB 364.5.  17 II 397.6.  The Gnyos lineage came from Kha rag.  163.  Discussion by Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 418.

Rgyal po KHA RAG — 247 I 478.1.

Jo mo KHA RAG — Pl.n.  17 IV 250.6‑251.1. 

KHA RAG SKOR GSUM — Said to be a blend, by Kha rag Sgom chung, of the A ro system of Rdzogs chen with the Bka' gdams pa teachings from Rwa sgreng monastery.  Dza ya, Thob yig II 586.1.

KHA RAG KHA —  "Kha rag Kharna yi lo." ?  115 56.4, 57.6.

KHA RAG KHYUNG BTSUN — Birthpl. of Tāranātha (?).  Ferrari 155.

KHA RAG KHYUNG BTSUN — See (— — — —) Rdo rje dpal gyi yum.

KHA RAG GRA PA — See (— — — —) 'Dul ba 'od.

KHA RAG GRUB CHEN — See (— — — —) Bsod rgyal ba.

KHA RAG DGON — Bon mon. f. by (Ngo zhu) Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.  253 II 633.3.  Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 418.

Bdud yul KHA RAG MGO DGU — Said to be n. of Tibet when inhabited by demons.  17 II 314.6.

KHA RAG SGOM CHEN — SBKC 706.  'Jigs med bsam gtan, Kha rag Sgom chen gyi Dgag lan Gnam lcags 'Khor lo (in Sku 'bum print of collected works as found in LTWA).

KHA RAG SGOM CHUNG — A lama of Bka' gdams pa.  Das 135.  See (— — — —) Dbang phyug blo gros.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 0183.  Roesler, KSP 63 (relics).

KHA RAG PA — See (— — —) Grags pa rgyal ba.

KHA RAG PHUG — BD of T&TB III 239.  210 61.1.


KHA RAG BON DRUG — BA 715.  Bka' ma Rgyas pa XLVI 363.5.  Seems to be a Tshal pa Bka' brgyud mon.

KHA RAG BLA MA — See (— — — —) 'Jam dpal blo bzang rgyal mtshan.

KHA RAG LA KHA — Meaning "top of the pass at Kha rag."  See under La kha.  KTDN 70.6.

KHA RAG SHAR — BA 491.  (Kha rag Gra pa) 'Dul ba 'od (q.v.) founded a mon. there.


Dge bsnyen Chen po KHA RI — KTDN 63.6.

Lag sor ba KHA RU BA PHYI MA — 499 7.1.

KHA RU LA — A pass on the main route between Rwa lung and Sna dkar rtse, about 16,800 feet high.  Tucci, Lhasa 63.  JTL&CT 129.  Wylie 144 n. 264.

KHA RE'U STENG — N. of a rishi.  Emmerick.

KHA REG DGON — 415 XI 133.5, 135.4.

KHA RO — Pl.n.  One of the ten Rgod stong sde of Sum pa'i Ru.  Probably =Kha dro.  27 130.  28 84.

KHA RO LA — Near Phag ri.  453 99.5.

KHA ROG PA — See (— — —) Ngag dbang rab brtan.

KHA LA KHA CHU — Tibetan transliteration of Chinese form of the name Khri gtsug lde brtsan (=Ral pa can).  BA xix.  On the surface, it would appear to mean 'spit in the mouth' (which in any case is where it belongs).

KHA LA BYA LA — ?  5 39.4.

KHA LA BRAG RI — 87 I 44.5.  KTDN 112.5.

KHA LA ME 'BAR — N. of a king of the Yi dwags.  Das 135.  The Sage (thub pa) of the Pretas.  502 81.5.

Bse ston Ring mo KHA LA ME 'BAR — Gter ston mentioned in 210 83.2.  Khams ston, in 3rd rab byung.  383 218.5.

KHA LA RTSE — Sp?  Khalsi.  A village in Ladakh.  14 1, 6.

KHA LA RTSE — DTK5 186.  Luczanits in TS9 VII 116.

KHA LA RA RTSE'I BSTAN 'DZIN — Author of a work on the invasions of Zoravar Singh.  BLP no. 1701.

KHA LA RONG SGO — Pl.n.  A dkar chag in 239 XXX 47.1, 173‑182.

KHA LI BA — A Bhutanese lama, in recent times.  TS7 I 356.  Havnevik, Dissert. 139.

KHA LIN PA — N. of a pl. in Tibet.  Das 135.

Rgya gar Gshen po KHA LU SHA — Ref. lost.

KHA LE MON — Langelaar, Chasing 10.

KHA SHA — N. of a region.  413 424.2.  Perhaps this is the Khaśa that was once a kingdom in the area of western Nepal.  Heller, Hidden 17.

KHA SHU RA 'DRA — 253 II 230.5.

KHA SHYA — Mountainous country in NE India (Tā), the Khasya Hills of Assam.  Das 136.  BD of T&TB I 299.

KHA SA MA DE BA — BD of T&TB I 810.

KHA SA MUN DZA — Text in 319 IV 467‑503.  320 II 352‑399.

KHA SAG — N. of a wild country on Tibetan borders.  Das 136.  This does make one think of Cossacks (see under Ha sag, below).

KHA SAR — Pl.n.  Vitali, Tho.ling 146.

KHA SAR PA ṆA — BA 1020, 1030.

KHA SAR PA ṆI — Famous pl. in E India.  17 II 395.1.  57 IIB 345.3.  Tatz, LSPM 700‑701, et passim.

KHA SI — N. of a wild hill tribe of India (of the Khasya Hills).  Das 136.

KHASYA —  =Kha si?  87 I 255.1.

KHANG — See (—) Mang zigs.  (—) Rin chen rdo rje.  (—) Shin thar.

KHANG DKAR — N. of a mt. and the hospital built on it in Skyid grong area.  See TR XIII no. 5 (May 1978) 9 ff.

G.yas ru KHANG KHRI — BA 116.

KHANG RGAN — See Mgo log.


KHANG CHEN NAS — A regent who rebuilt Chos 'khor rgyal.  Ferrari 122.  435 98.3.  Called "Kang Naji, General Governor in mNgav ris" in Precious Deposits IV 83.

KHANG THOG — Area in western Tibet that contains the Brag gyam Mon.  Vitali, Tho.ling 153.

KHANG GDONG — See ='Khor gdong.

KHANG NE BLA RGAN — See (— — — —) A brtan phun tshogs.


KHANG BU GANGS KYI RA BA — 601 23r.1.  In vicinity of Sikkim.

KHANG BU BRTSEGS PA — See K. de Vreese, "Skt. Kūṭagāra," contained in India Antiqua [Festschrift for J.P. Vogel] (Leyden 1947).

KHANG DMAR — See (— —) Tshe brtan rdo rje.

Grwa phyi KHANG DMAR — BA 154.

Ra la KHANG DMAR — Site of victory of 1679.  Vai.Ser. x.

KHANG DMAR BA — Teacher of Klong chen pa.  210 229.4.

KHANG BRTSEGS MGON PO — 375 preface.

Gong ma KHANG ZHI — The Kangshi Emperor.  SBTD I 121.  Said to be a reincarnation of Grags pa rgyal mtshan.  See Dreyfus in JIABS 21 (1998) 239.

KHANG SAR — Listed as one of the eight Rgod stong sde of Ru lag.  28 83.

KHANG SAR — See (— —) Bstan pa'i dbang phyug.

KHANG SAR MGO — A 16th-century temple in Rgyal thang.  Yamada, Mu 123.

KHANG SAR TSHANG — 23 29‑30.

KHANG GSAR — BA 216.  See Mgo log.  Vitali, Tho.ling 146.

KHANG GSAR — N. of a temple in Dolpo dating to 11th‑12th centuries.  Heller, Hidden 33 et passim.

KHANG GSAR — See (— —) Blo bzang tshul khrims bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan.

KHANG GSAR MKHAN PO — See (— — — —) Ngag dbang chos skyong bzang po.  (— — — —) Ngag dbang blo gros snying po.  (— — — —) Tshul khrims dar rgyas.



KHANG GSAR PA — See (— — —) Nam mkha' 'od.

Dam pa KHANG GSAR PA — See (Bal po'i Paṇḍi ta) Dza ya se na.


KHANG GSAR PHO BRANG — One of the 3 or 4 palaces of the Ngor pa.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 90.

KHANG GSAR BA — In Mar do lineage.  17 II 408.6.

KHANG GSAR YA RI PHUG — Or, Khang pa gsa ma ri'i phug. Horlemann 135.

KHAḌ GA PA — Tib.: Ral gri pa or Ral gri zhabs.  Mahāsiddha.  His name means 'sword man'.  Bio. in 120 49‑51.  He was a robber who met the Yogi Tsar pa tri in a cemetery & was told to meditate at a stūpa.  When a snake crawled from under the foot of Spyan ras gzigs, it turned into the sword of Gnosis.

Al than gyi Tsha bo Se chen KHAN CHU — 208 I 236.2.

KHAN JU — 208 I 239.4.

KHAN THES — Area between 'Brug yul (Bhutan) and Kamarupa.

Gu ru KHANDHI — See Dhu khan dhi pa.


KHAB GUNG THANG — BA 260, 321, 338, 436, 1026.

KHAB PA — Everding in TS9 I 113.


KHAM STON — See (— —) Sher seng.

KHAM PA ME ZOR — A terton.  210 97.3.  In 7th rab byung.  383 220.2.

KHAM PA LUNG — BA 283.  "Hidden country" opened by Padma gling pa.  413 382.5.

KHAM PA LUNG PA — (1232‑1282)  Bka' gdams.  BD of T&TB V 95.

KHAM BU CAN — N. of  nāga.  KTDN B XI 52B.4.

Rgyal sras KHAM BU DPAL — Gcod teacher of Nyang ral.  477 131.4.

KHAM BU PA — See (— — —) O rgyan bstan 'dzin.

KHAM BU YA LE — Or, Yal le.  Son of Snying po grub pa by Padma mtsho.  BA 986.  17 II 426.3.  Kham bu Yag lags in 124 497.4, 508.1.  His ordination n. was Bsod nams rin chen.

KHAM BRAG SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Ngag dbang kun bzang rnam rgyal.

KHAM LUNG PA — See (— — —) Shākya yon tan (1023‑1115).

Dpal gyi KHAM SHAG RDO RJE SNYING RDZONG — Cuevas, Hidden History 188.

KHAM SHENG — See Kam sheng.

KHAMS — The large eastern province of Tibet.  The modern usage is not the same as the older, although this is quite a complicated matter to go into with the necessary depth.  In pre-Mongol sources Khams is likely to be a shortening of Mdo khams (or of Bde khams) and hence indicate an area more or less in area now called A mdo.  See Horlemann 121.

KHAMS — A school of Rdzogs chen.  BD of T&TB III 294.  Perhaps to be identified with the Khams A ro school?  See under Khams lugs.

Gtsang KHAMS GRAGS SPRUL SKU — 363 120.1.

KHAMS SGAR — See (— —) Tshab shis Sprul sku.

KHAMS SGAR DGON — In Khams.  See map in Beyer 16.  Khams sgar Phun tshogs chos gling Phyag srol Gsar Rnying Chos spyod Nyer mkho Khag dang Mgon po Rigs 'Dus Lha Mang gi Sgrub skor Phyogs sdebs (Tashijong 1975).

KHAMS SGOM — See (— —) Drang srong.  (— —) Tshul khrims rgyan.

KHAMS BRGYAD — Bonpo version of Prajñāpāramitā.  A list of the 'Eight Elements' in 308 preface.  Khams bsdus in 291 465‑626.  For the classification of the different texts according to their sizes, see 308 preface.  Khams chung, 'Phyong 'bum, Khams chung, etc.  Khams rtsa Nges pa'i Mdo redisc. by Gnyan 'thing Shes rab seng ge, publ. in 2 vols in 1974.  'Bum Nyi ma Dgu Shar redisc. at Brag Yer pa, publ. in 10 vols. in 1974.  The Hundred Thousand (Stong phrag Brgya pa) version was redisc. by Gshen chen Klu dga', publ. in 16 vols in 1974.

KHAMS BRGYAD SHOD PA — See (— — — —) Mchog ldan rdo rje.

KHAMS STON — See (— —) Kha la me 'bar.  (— —) Yon tan rgya mtsho.

KHAMS DRUG —  "khams drug gi don ni / sa'i khams dang / chu'i khams dang / me'i khams dang / rlung gi khams dang nam mkha'i khams / dang rnam par shes pa'i khams ."  From Shes rab kyi Pha rol tu Phyin pa 'Bum Bsdus pa (FM 471.30).  This text was especially esteemed by Atiśa.

KHAMS SDE DGE — Common Tibetan n. for 'Bri chu (?).  Das 930.

KHAMS PA — See (— —) Sdom tshang (pl.n.).  (— —) A khrung.

Rlangs KHAMS PA GO CHA — (8th cent.)  He went to India and memorized the 100,000 Prajñāpāramitā, and translated it from memory after he returned to Tibet.  Mtshan tho no. 13.

Sbas yul KHAMS PA LJONGS — 210 254.4.

KHAMS PA RIN PO CHE — See (— — — — —) Ngag dbang kun dga' bstan 'dzin.

KHAMS PA LUNG PA — See (— — — —) Shākya yon tan.

KHAMS PA LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — — —) Gzhon nu grags.

KHAMS PA SENG GE — Author of a very early (pre 13th cent.) work on the religious history of Mdo khams smad.  211 47.3.

KHAMS SPRUL — See (— — iii) Kun dga' bstan 'dzin.  (— — iv) Bstan 'dzin chos kyi nyi ma (1730‑1779).  (— — v) Sgrub brgyud nyi ma (1781‑1847).  (— — vi) Bstan pa'i nyi ma (1849?‑1907?).  (— — viii) Don brgyud nyi ma.

Rdzong chen KHAMS PHUG — Work on this pl. in 239 XXX 147‑160.

KHAMS BU LUNG — In Rong region, in Rong chung.  Place where Byang bdag Bkra shis stobs rgyal found gter maFerrari 163.


KHAMS BYE BSHAD GRWA — (Bshad sgrub dar rgyas gling).  Sa skya school f. by 'Jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros in 1918 at Sde dge Rdzong gsar.  Dhongthog 136.

KHAMS SMYON — See (— —) Dharma seng ge.

KHAMS RTSA — A version of the Khams brgyad (q.v.) found in 308.

KHAMS TSHA BA — See (— — —) Blo bzang bstan pa.

KHAMS TSHANG — N. for provincial divisions of large monasteries.  Waddell 189.

KHAMS RI BO CHE — See Ri bo che. 

KHAMS LUGS — The followers of (Dar rje) Dpal gyi grags pa split into Dbus lugs and Khams lugs.  BA 108.  Germano in TS9 X 257.

KHAMS LUNG PA — Picture in 128 78A.  See Kham lung pa.

KHAMS SRAS — See (— —) Chos kyi seng ge.

KHAMS GSUM — BA 77, 568.

KHAMS GSUM KUN SGROL GYI RGYUD — Bon tantra in 258 IV 489‑503.

KHAMS GSUM SGRON MA — Text in 320 I 456‑457.

Khro bo KHAMS GSUM RNAM PAR RGYAL BA'I RGYUD — 320 XXVIII 492 ff.  1037‑deity maṇḍala of Yoga Tantra class.  349 IV 243‑534.

KHAMS GSUM ZHANGS KHANG GLING — N. of a temple in Bsam yas.  Das 142 ff.  For Khams gsum zangs khang, see BA 62.

Rdor brag Rig 'dzin KHAMS GSUM ZIL GNON — See Smad Rdo rje brag.  See =Kun bzang 'gyur med lhun grub rdo rje.

KHAMS GSUM YONGS GROL — "An introduction into the Mahāmudrā system."  BA 449.

Rba kha viii KHAMS GSUM RIG 'DZIN YONGS GROL — He met the first Bhutanese king O rgyan dbang phyug in 1891.  See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 55.

KHAR — N. of a city in W.  Das 142.

KHAR KHA — A Mongol tribe.  Sumpa, Annals 61 n. 29.

KHAR CAN — Horlemann in TS9 I 60.

KHAR CHU —  =Mkhar chu (?).  BA 438.

KHAR CHEN BZA' — Princess of Khar chen & one of the queens of Khri srong lde'u btsan.  Das 142.

KHAR TA TA — N. of city or seaport on mouth of Indus, Tata.  Das 142.

KHAR RTA — TS7 I 269.

KHAR PA — Karśa?  Kaṃśa?  Demon killed by Krishna.  Das 143.

KHAR BA ṬA — Rich man in an avadāna story.  TPS 490.

KHAL KHA — Native n. of Mongolia proper, the country of Chinghis Khan.  See also Hal ha.

KHAL KHA — See (— —) Ngag dbang dpal ldan.  (— —) Dam tshig rdo rje.

KHAL KHA KHU RAL BLA BRANG — "The sacred enclosure of Khalkha."  N. applied to Urga in North Mongolia where incarnation of Tāranātha resided.  The Khu ral part is often spelled Khu re.

KHAL KHA MKHAN PO — See (— — — —) Ngag dbang blo bzang mkhas grub.

KHI KHIR — Also, Khi khar.  This is Zhang zhung for 'od zer, 'light ray', and as such occurs in many Zhang zhung language names.  See Pradznya khi khir.

KHI THAL THAL JI — 208 I 236.5.

KHI BI DZA LA — Khibijala.  N. of city in vicinity of Shambhala.  Das 144.

KHU — BA 76.  Clan name (in Yar klungs).  See 28 79.

KHU — See (—) Khri snya dkru zung.  (—) Byang chub 'od.

KHU SGOM — See (— —) Chos kyi seng ge.

KHU 'GYUR — See (— —) Gsal ba'i mchog.

KHU STON — See (— —) Dar ma grags.  (— —) Mdo sde 'bar.  (— —) Brtson 'grus g.yung drung (1011‑1075).  (— —) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan.

KHU THU CHI — Title of Mongolian noblemen.  Das 144.

KHU THUG THU THAL JI — 208 I 237.2.


'Bangs KHU NAG BTSAN — DTK5 185.

KHU NU — Kinnaur.  The districts of Kunawar and Bissahar (i.e. Bishahr) on the upper Sutlej, bordering Tibet and inhabited in northern parts by Tibetan people.  Das 144.  Khu nu Ri bo, =K'un lun Mts.  Goldstein 130.  For travels of a Bonpo there, see 306 chapter 8.  Klimburg Salter in TS9 VII 4.

KHU NU — See (— —) Ka gnam lhun grub dge 'phel.

KHU NU PA — See (— — —) Theg chen rgya mtsho.  (— —) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan.

KHU NU BLA MA — See (— — — —) Tshe dbang rnam rgyal.

KHU PO — N. of a place & also n. of a Lama of that place.  Das 144.

KHU PO GLING — Pl.n.?  53 II 299.4.

KHU BU — Pl.n.  28 51.

Rye shin KHU BUL BU — Person in OTA 677.

KHU BE — N. of pl. W of Lhasa.  Das 145.

KHU BO —  =Khu bu (q.v.).  Perhaps =Kunu, an area of Mon.  See 28 75.

KHU BO — See (— —) Bkra shis rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Bstan 'dzin bzang po.

KHU BON — See (— —) Mthong grags.

KHU BYIN — See (— — Btsun pa) Mchog gi shes rab.

KHU BYUG — Cuckoo as king of birds. TN 521, 522.  =Khri rgyal khug pa, =Khri bzhi nam ting, =Rlung gi 'dab ma can, =Lha rgod thog pa, =Sang po 'bum khri.  Gsang mchog Rgyal po'i Rig pa Khu byug Sku.  TN 523.  Ye shes Rlung gi 'Dab ma can.  TN 627.

KHU BYUG — Son of Snying po grub pa.  17 II 426.3.  124 497.2.

KHU BYUG — Patron of Milarepa.  4 224A.6, 275B.1, 308B.3.  Yon bdag mo Khu byug.  4 309A.6.  4X I 209.2.

KHU BYUG — See (— —) Dben pa Rdzong.

KHU BYUG — Text w/ comm. in 319 V.

KHU BYUG CHE — Picture in 128 74A.

KHU BYUG MCHOD PA — An annual observance at Rwa sgreng Mon.

KHU BYUG GNYIS PA — Picture in 128 75A.

KHU BYUG MANG SKYE — A Deva in a Bon sūtra.  491 85 ff.

KHU BYUG ZHABS — See Ko ki li pa.

KHU DBON —  =khu bo dang dbon po.  Refers to the uncle to nephew transference of the abbatiate in celibate monasteries, a type of succession meant to keep power over the monastery in the family.  Wylie 147 n. 303.

Chos rje KHU DBON GNYIS — 1 15.  Collective name for two teachers of Gzhon nu seng ge (1200‑1266).  Refers to (Khu ston) Brtson 'grus g.yung drung (1011‑1075) and his abbatial successor (Dbon po) 'Byung gnas rgyal mtshan, acc. to 75 109.  Notice the obvious chronological problem here.

KHU 'BYIN PAKSHI — Mongol.  208 I 237.5.


KHU RMANG DAR — N. of a horse.  Bellezza, L&T 43.

KHU TSHA — See (— —) Zla 'od.

KHU 'DZIN — See (— —) Mjing nag.

KHU 'OD BZA' — Mother of 'Brom ston.  Das 145.

KHU YUR — Pollock, Forms 345.

Gdan sa KHU RAL CHEN MO — 224 I 503 ff.

KHU RIL — Pollock, Forms 346.


KHU LUNG — BA 518, 665.  "At Khu lung in Sgro lung Ser chung pa of Lower Myang."  A Lha rje Kun rgyal came from there. 

Gnubs KHU LUNG — BD of T&TB III 156.

KHU LUNG PA — See (— — —) Yon tan rgya mtsho.

KHU LE — N. of a place in Tibet.  Das 146.  BA 664, 917.  See 17 IV 179.6.  In Myang stod.  17 II 572.4.  484 I 861.3.  Vitali in TS9 I 93.

KHU LE — See (— —) Rnam rgyal.

KHU SHUN CI — Mongol.  208 I 237.4.

KHU SHUL CI — Mongol.  208 I 237.3.

KHU SA MO NU YON — 208 I 238.1.

KHU SA MO ONG — 208 I 239.3.

KHU SEN — See F.W. Cleaves, "Daruga and Gerege," HJAS 16 (June 1953) 237-259, at p. 244.  This place is named in lists of countries in works by early Sa skya masters (findable in TBRC database).

KHUG PA — (Dama khu).  In Rta nag Lung.  BA 360.  17 II 410.4.

KHUG PA — See (— —) Lhas btsas.

KHUG PA LHAS RTSI —  =Rta nag Lo tsā ba.  Das 146.

KHUG RON RNGOG BKRA — Dotson, Horse 277.

KHUGS PA — N. of a dynasty and its area.  Das 146.  Das takes this from a line in the Rgya Bod Yig tshang, which reads:  (p. 16 of PRC ed.) rgyal rabs khugs pa thugs rje chen po'i yang tig las gsungs pa dge.


KHUNG MO NYAG PA — 81 103.3, 115.

KHUNG RTSI — Khung phu'u rtsi.  Confucius.  Das 147.  See Kong rtse.

KHUNG 'UR — Pollock, Forms 357.

Snar KHUNG RONG — BA 160.  Almogi, MA Thesis 79.  Birthplace of Rong zom pa, located in lower Ru lag in Gtsang.

KHUD KHUR — Pollock, Forms 345, 356.

KHUD KYI RDZONG — See Dpal khud kyi Rdzong.

KHUN DA LA KHAN — 208 I 236.6.

KHUN DA LAM DAL BYING — 208 I 237.2.

KHUN DU LE CHOS KHUR — The Se chen Da'i ching of the Thu med (Tümed).  Sørensen, Restless Relic 868.

KHUN DU LEN — An Indian from Magadha who visited Tibet sometime in 1655 or 1656.  Shastri in TS9 I 140.

KHUM BU — A Hidden Country (sbas yul) in the S.  A "mt. barrier/wall."  377 5A.6 ff.

Sma shod KHUM BU — 4 155B.3.

Rje KHUM BU BA — BD of T&TB X 54.11.

KHUM BU STENG PO CHE — See (— — — — —) Gsang sngags theg mchog chos gling.

KHU'U KI HPHA SHI — Kuiji Fashi, a disciple of Xuanzang.  Thuken 360.

KHUR CHAGS — In this spelling, it almost seems as if it ought to mean 'cheek whip'.  Original spelling is probably 'Khor chags, q.v., since it was supposed to have been founded by 'Khor re.  Legends about its founding may suggest different etymologies with different spellings...  A Sa skya temple about 9 miles below Taklakot on the bank of the Karnali River.  Wylie 127 n. 108.  Ngag dbang thub bstan, 'Khor chags Dgon pa, Bod ljongs Mi dmangs Dpe skrun khang (Lhasa 2009), in 150 pages.

KHUR LUG — Pollock, Forms 345, 355.

KHUL BU — BA 907.

KHE GAD — See (— —) 'Khor lo grags.

Dge bshes KHE GAD — One of the 8 chief discs. of Marpa.  See =Khyer skad.  46 28.  BA 403.  17 II 456.3.

KHE GAN RTSE — N. of a vihāra.  Emmerick.

KHE RGAD — For discussion of this ethnonym, see Rona-Tas in CAJ 42 no 2 (1998) 323.  See also Tsuguhito Takeuchi's book on Old Tibetan contracts, p. 132.

KHE CHEN SPRUL SKU — (ca. 1687)  458 I 304.5.

KHE LJONGS PA — 363 116.6.

KHE MDA' STONG SHOD — Pl.n.  210 81.1.

KHE NANG — BA 498.

Bla chen KHE NAN YO PHYA — ZZFC 250, 255.

KHE BRAG MDO — N. of pl. where Karma pa viii was born.  Das 150.

KHE'U GANG — BA 983.

KHE CHOS NU YON — A Thu mad Mongol.  208 I 236.1

KHE SMAD — A noble family of 'Phyongs rgyas.  TS7 I 356.  Havnevik, Dissert. 135.

KHE SMAD — See (— —) Rin chen dbang rgyal.  (— —) Bsod nams dbang 'dus.

KHE 'ONG BDE BA CAN BSOD NAMS DAR RGYAS GLING — Temple completed in 1604. Yamada, Mu 116.

Rtse sgang KHE 'OD BDE BA CAN — Vai.Ser. 238.

KHE LE MON — N. of place in Mongolia.  Das 150.

KHE GSUM — N. of a pl. in Tibet.  Das 150.

KHENG DMAR DGON —  =Khang dmar.  TS5 806‑7.

KHENG ZE CHIN WANG — (1697‑1738)  See Uspensky, Prince Yunli.

KHEN PA — Rolf Stein's The World in Miniature, p. 200.

KHEN ZI CHING WANG — 332 II preface 5.

KHEM KHEN CHI — Pollock, Forms 344.

KHER — Clan (sku rus) of Las 'phro gling pa Phyi ma (q.v.), and of Bde chen gling pa.  210 217.4.

KHER KHAD — See (— —) 'Khor lo grags.

Hor Rgyal bu KHER TA — Mongol invader.  484 II 520.6.  Khyer khe ta.  484 I 851.2.

KHER LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — —) 'Khor lo rgyal mtshan.

KHEL SGO — N. of a district & a mt.  See Das 150.

KHO KHOM — Bhaktapur, =Bhatgaon.  7 miles E of Kathmandu.  See Wylie 13.  4 131A.1, 191B.2.  406 6r.5.  See Kho bom (?).

Sbu rangs KHO CHAR — Pl.n.  478A I 109.3.  The Sbu rangs is just an eccentric spelling for Pu hrang.  See 'Khor chags.

KHO TAN — Pollock, Forms 345, 355.

KHO THOG THOR KHAL — Mongol.  208 I 237.3.

KHO MTHING LHA KHANG — N. of a temple in Lho brag.  Das 151.  124 492.2.  Site of redisc. by Nyang ral.  477 123.7 ff.  Repaired by Lo ras pa.  484 I 871.3.  Temple on left elbow of demoness.  Bu ston 184.  One of the 4 mtha' 'dul temples.  Has dmar gdung of Rgyal ba Lo ras pa.  Ferrari 137.

KHO DO CHI — 208 I 238.4.

KHO PO — Tribe name.  Das 151.

KHO BO — See (— —) Bya btang chos dar.

KHO BOM — The early Tibetan n. for Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal.  In E Tibet, Kathmandu is still called Yam bu.  See Jaeschke 43.  Das 151.  But see Kho khom!

KHO DBRA — 'Tribal' name.  See Das 151, under Kho po.

KHO MA NE CHUNG — Nine Ways 115.

KHE MEG — N. of a Khotanese minister.  Emmerick.

KHO MO NON — Khotanese nunnery.  Emmerick.

KHO RTSE — A village in Lijiang.  Jackson, Patron 235.

KHO TSHE — See (— —) Bde chen. 

KHO TSHE — See (— —) Tshul khrims 'jam dpal dgyes pa'i blo gros.

KHO RĀ SĀ NA — N. of an area (yul).  BD of T&TB I 1000.  Khorasan.

KHO RE — In 17 II 348.1.  See ='Khor re.

KHO LO CI PHYING BAL DUR — A Thu mad king.  208 I 236.1.  See 'Kho lo che.

KHO LO CI'I DMAG PA — Mongol.  208 I 237.4, 242.3, 247.3.

KHO SHOS — 208 I 238.6.

Ding ri KHOG SNA — 4 69B.3.


KHOG 'BUGS SBAS PA'I MIG 'BYED — Tantra text in 319 VII 451‑461.


KHONG KHYAB DRUG CUN — Iwao, Preliminary 178.


KHONG RA DGE DGON — 253 II 635.1.

Mchod rten KHONG SENG CAN — ZZFC 247.

KHOD PO — Seems to be n. of an area w/ Bonpo monasteries.  253 II 638.4.  At the moment I believe it is the general area of presentday Jiuzhaigou.

KHOD PO — See (— —) Nyi ma 'od zer.  (— —) Blo gros thogs med.

KHOD DPON — A title, =Khos dpon (q.v.).

KHOD SPUNGS — A name element generally understood to be Zhang zhung, with Tibetan equiv. 'dul ba'i ston pa, or 'dul ston.

KHOD SPUNGS — See (— —) Dran pa.  (— —) Blo gros rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Blo gros thogs med.

KHOD SPO — See (— —) Blo gros thogs med.

Ra sangs KHOD RAM — Bonpo.  Bio. in 253 II 135.1 ff.  "Lo Paṇ grub brnyes."

KHON STON — See (— —) Dpal 'byor lhun grub.

KHON MA — Rolf Stein's The World in Miniature, p. 200.

KHON BZHER — 56 61.

Ya 'brog KHOB LE — BA 917.

KHOM MTHING — See under Kho mthing.

KHOR KHO — 208 I 238.4.

KHOR KHO'I KHA CHAR CI — Mongol.  208 I 237.5.

KHOR KHO KHAGS — 208 I 238.5.

KHOR RE — 17 II 478.4.

KHOL PO PA TI'I MAN NGAG — In 145 IV 35B.6 ff.

Lho Dug mtsho KHOL MA'I GLING — Where Mai tri pa was staying when Mar pa came to find him.  46 15.  Where Mar pa met Zhi ba bzang po.  57 IIB 347.1.

KHOS DPON — Title of ministers under Khri srong lde btsan.  For names of some of them, see 28 76.

KHYA — See (—) Dge legs bshad gling.

KHYA DGE — See (— —) Blo gros rgya mtsho.

KHYA DGE BLA MA — See (Kha dron Nang pa) Blo bzang bstan 'dzin.


KHYAD PAR MKHAR SKU — A temple in Tangut land.  Kuijp in CAJ 37 (1993) 191.

KHYAD PAR 'PHAGS PA'I MDO — In 320 I 252 ff.


KHYAD PAR BSHES GNYEN —  =Viśeṣamitra, author of Vinayasamgraha, or, in Tibetan, 'Phags pa Gzhi Thams cad Yod par Smra ba'i 'Dul ba Bsdus pa, published in 1976.

KHYAD PAR LHA GSUM — They are Gtsug tor rnam rgyal ma, Sgrol ma, and Rdo rje sems dpa'.  See 90 IV 519‑539.

KHYAB 'JUG — Vishnu.  Text in 213 211 ff.

Drang srong Chen po KHYAB 'JUG — With nine faces & 4 arms, crowned with Phyag na rdo rje.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 398.4.  Surrounded by the 8 planets.

Gza' KHYAB 'JUG — RS 800-809.

Gza' bdud Chen po KHYAB 'JUG — Title of tantra in 320 XXXIII 321.6.


KHYAB 'JUG SBAS PA — King of Shambhala.  128 1002.  Reigned 527‑627 A.D.  Kālacakra Studies 67.

KHYAB 'JUG BZHAD PA'I DPAL — N. of Ngag gi dbang phyug (q.v.).  17 II 270.6.

KHYAB BDAG — See (— —) Mgon po rnam rgyal.  (— —) Bstan pa'i nyi ma.

Mkhas grub KHYAB BRDAL LHUN GRUB — (14th cent.)  Disc. of Klong chen pa.  B. in Lho brag.  Depicted in Essen & Tingo, Die Götter des Himalayas 118.  Achard, L'Essence 82.

KHYAB PA LAG RING — In Gesar epic, he is called (Byang Bdud) Klu btsan.  He is of course best known in stories of Gshen rab.  232 7.  Rock, Naga Cult I 90, 113.  485 I 17.5.  The lag ring element of the name may suggest the name of the chief general of Rāvaṇa, Prahasta, whose name also means 'long handed'.  Note his appearance in Prins in ZAS XXXVI (2007) 196, 203 ("Cha pa la ring").

KHYAM — BA 786.  See under Gyam.

Mkhan rabs iii Chos rje KHYAM KA BA — 3rd abbot of Yangs pa can.  35 I 625.

KHYAM MKHAR DMAR — Pl.n., in Nang chen area.  See Sperling, Further 23, n. 66.

KHYAM MDO — TS7 II 1025.



KHYAMS SGO — F. by Chos dpal ldan pa.  Vai.Ser. 228.

KHYAMS LDAN — N. of a river in an avadāna.  TPS 513.

KHYAMS PA — Vai.Ser. 132‑133.

KHYAR DGE — See (— —) Blo gros rgya mtsho.

KHYI KLUNG — N. of pl. & valley in Tibet.  Das 159.

Bram ze KHYI'U SKAR MA — Tantra in Tibet 111.  This ought to be read more like this: (Bram ze'i Khye'u) Skar ma, q.v.

KHYI KHYO — N. of pl., also of a fabulous country to the E of Asia, probably Kamschatka (Dpag bsam ljon bzang).  Das 159.  But no, it actually means 'dog husband'.  Surely Kamchatka has nothing to do with it.  Rgya mo khyi khyo can is the complete name of the country.  Chinese know about it, see for example, Zhang, Making the World Their Own, p. 76: “Yao Silians Liangshu 梁書 (History of the Liang Dynasty, 502–557), juan 54 (Accounts of Foreign Peoples), tells of how a man sailing east into the open sea encountered an island country in which ‘the womenfolk were like those in China, albeit speaking an unintelligible language, whereas the men had human bodies and dog heads, and therefore barked [instead of talking]’.”  See the Armenian history by Kirakos, which records the words of Het'um: "There is a land beyond Ghatayik' [Cathay, China] where women have the forms of natural women, while the men have the forms of dogs.  They are mute, large, and hairy.  The dogs let no one enter their land and the dogs hunt from which prey they and the women eat.  From the comingling of dogs and women, the males are born in the shape of dogs, the females in the shape of women."  (This means, of course, that the men there are real dogs.)  Perhaps this work by Sarat Chandra Mitra is somehow relevant: "The Dog‑Bride in Santali and Lepcha Folklore," Journal of the Bihar & Orissa Research Society, vol. 14 (1928), pp. 322‑325.  See Karsten, T‑K 5‑6 for a discussion.  There is a paragraph about this country by Sman lung Gu ru in LPNT VII 78-79.

KHYI KHYON — See 352 740.10.  Kværne, Mongols 87.

KHYI KHYON — See (— —) Dar ma ra tsa.  (— —) Sing nga ra tsa.

Tsang kun KHYI MGO MIG SMAN — An earth lord, sa bdagVai.Kar. II 270.  The name means 'dog head eye medicine'.

KHYI'I RGYAL PO — See (— — —) Dha hu na.

KHYI'I RGYAL PO SNGA MA — =Ku ku ra dza.

KHYI'I RGYAL PO PHYI MA — Not to be identified w/ (Khyi'i Rgyal po) Dha hu na.  132 120.6.

KHYI THAN — Khitan.  LPNT VII 308, 353.

Ja pa KHYI THAN OG DMAR — A Tangut tea trader.  LPNT VII 291.

KHYI DAN — Khitan.  476 I 118.3.

KHYI NA TSUG —  =Khyi khyon.  Kværne, Mongols 87.

Glo KHYI RNA RGYAL PO — Stein, Recherches 46.

Lce KHYI 'BRUG — Known as ancestor of the Lce family.  2 5.  27 9, 32.  TPS 565 ff.  17 II 331.5.  (fl. 798‑815)  TS5 835.

Rngegs KHYI MA RE — N. of a person.  OTA 684.  The reading Rngegs is uncertain, although we do find it as a clan with its own territory elsewhere in Old Tibetan documents (and notice also Pritzker, Canopy 153.

KHYI MO CAN ZHABS — See Ku ku ri pa.

KHYI TSHOG CHOS SKYABS — 115 37.2, 39.1 ff.

KHYI RA PA — 'Huntsman'.  Acc. to Das 160, =Ki ra ta (q.v.).

KHYI RA RAS PA — Disc. of Milarepa.  4c 10.4.  17 II 511.  Very short bio. in 57 IIB 352.5.  Story in 4 123B.5 ff.  Also called Mgon po rdo rje.  4A 5B.5.  To see a portrait, see HAR 19838: of the 6 standing figures he is the 6th.

KHYI RONG — A misspelling for Skyid grong in 79 81 no. 45.

KHYI SHO NO — Khotanese nunnery.  Emmerick.

KHYU MCHOG RGYAL MTSHAN — N. of Dbang phyug.  Das 909.


KHYUNG — An important Bonpo hereditary lineage.  For connected monasteries & temples, see 253 II 607.1 ff.  Four branches listed (w/ their origins) in 471 94.3 ff.  See Khyung po.

KHYUNG — See (—) Rin chen grags.  (—) Lha gra 'dul.

'Bro KHYUNG — Jackson in Prats, Pandita 104.

KHYUNG DKAR — BA 684. 686.  Fletcher "Chungkar."  See Jamyang Norbu's book, Mandala of Sherlock Holmes, p. 242.

KHYUNG DKAR — See (— —) Bstan 'dzin rin chen bde chen snying po.

KHYUNG DKAR BA — See (— — —) Bstan pa rgyal mtshan.  (— — —) Bstan pa lhun grub.

KHYUNG DKAR TSHANG — See 253 II 481.4.


KHYUNG DKAR RIG 'DZIN SMIN GROL GLING — A small temple in Khyung po village N of Reb kong.  Mori in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 514.


Rdo rje KHYUNG KHRA BO — Tantra.  374 II 15 ff.  See Ye shes khyung khra.

Khyin Lo tsā ba Dge tshul KHYUNG GRAGS — (11th cent.)  A translator of canonical texts.

KHYUNG GRAGS — A person of Lho brag.  Gter ma in 319 IV 159‑190.  320 I 628.7.  Rnying Rgyud 1982 VII 961‑999.

KHYUNG GRAGS RDO RJE — Alias O rgyan phun tshogs.  410 167A.5.  239 XXX 47.5.

Dbyil ston He ru ka KHYUNG RGOD RTSAL — Also, Dbyil ston Dpon gsas Khyung rgod rtsal.  Born in 1175 acc. to Kværne 231 (104).  In Bonpo lineage.  206 587.3.  Bio. in SFHB 245‑275.  Commonly identified w/ Rgod ldem, q.v.  Often known as Dbyil ston He ru ka.  Rediscoveries found in 249 and 258 III 313‑361; 260 449‑467; 261 337‑340, 348‑350, 373‑380, 525‑541; 263 151‑167.  253 II 217.1, 221.4 ff, 233.2, 386.4.  Karmay, Treasury 173‑174.  Phur pa redisc. in 269 597‑607.  274 I 197‑199.  276 preface.  278.  Redisc. in 278 239‑359, etc.  280.  Son of (Dbyil ston) Rdo rje seng ge.  Redisc. in 285.  Work in 286 I 69‑185, 187‑97; II 135‑147, 181‑199, 493‑520.  Redisc. in 283.  Terma in 292 I 501‑509.  301 I 565‑643.  301 II 89‑145, 637‑647.  302 I 119‑127, 147‑164, etc.  313316.  Redisc. in 325.  See under Khyung thog.  Acc. to BMBM 120, his treasures were opened in an Earth Horse year, which must be 1198.  For a testimony that Rgod ldem is his reincarnation, see Ramble in RET 15 (2008) 490.

KHYUNG RGOD TSHOG — Sub‑clan of Khyung po.  23 29.

Bru ston KHYUNG RGYAL — 253 II 191.2, 586.2.

KHYUNG SGOM — A monastery in vicinity of Gnyan chen thang la mentioned in 'Jig rten mgon po's biography.

KHYUNG CHEN — See (— —) Yon tan rin chen.

Byang sems KHYUNG CHEN GYI RGYUD — In 10 chaps., contained in 320 I 475‑495.

KHYUNG CHEN LDING BA — Text in 319 II 357‑70, IV 259‑262.  320 I 419‑423.

Ri bo KHYUNG CHEN LDING BA — 210 217.3.



KHYUNG STON — See (— —) Grub pa rdo rje.

Spa Bon KHYUNG THOG — 253 II 230.1.

Dbon sras KHYUNG THOG — Also, Dpon gsas.  Gter ma in 87 XXXI.  Said to be the Chos form of the name of Khyung rgod rtsal.  383 412.6.  410 50A.6, 157A.4.

KHYUNG THOG RTSAL — See Khyung rgod rtsal.

KHYUNG DRAG RDO RJE — Terton.  11th rab byung.  383 221.2.  See under Khyung grags rdo rje.  Penor Rinpoche recognized Steven Seagal as a reincarnation of this person (a website spells his name Khyung brag rdo rje, which is likely incorrect).  Centuries divide their births.

KHYUNG BDUD — Guardian of the Ha valley.  Aris in BSOAS 39 (1976) 605.

Has kyi KHYUNG 'DUS — In Bhutan?  5 164.1.

KHYUNG LDING — A place associated with the Rngog lineage.  RS 441-446.

KHYUNG NAG — A deity.  SBTD I 232.  N. of a Bon monastery in S Tibet.  JTL&CT 128.  Khyung nag Chos 'byung, by Shar 'bum chung ba Dpal ldan grags pa, listed in BLP no. 0196.

Bon zhig KHYUNG NAG — (1103‑1183)  See 244.  Bio. in 244 367‑385.  253 II 232.4.  Kværne no. 91.  253 II 394.5 ff.  Snyan rgyud Rig pa Gcer mthong, publ. 1972.

KHYUNG NAG — See (— —) Rgyal ba bstan 'dzin.  (— —) Shāk dar.

Chab mdo KHYUNG NAG RTOGS LDAN — 253 II 624.3.


KHYUNG NAG ME'I SPU GRI — Sādhana in FM 318.04 (p. 25v, ff), a work of Blo bzang zhi ba.


Sgra bla KHYUNG NAG RAL CHEN — Nine Ways 59, 109.

KHYUNG PO — A clan (rus).  For its history see 23 28‑29.  Ruled over Gtsang smad.  28 80.  Karmay, TreasuryGdung rabs in 253 II 309.2 ff.  Sha ra Rab 'byams belonged to it.  116 453.5.  "Mdo stod kyi yul zhig."  Dagyab.  The clan (rus) of Milarepa.  4C 17.9.  4A 9A.1.  BA 550.

KHYUNG PO — See (— —) Klu mgon.  (— —) Bkra shis rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Gyer zla med.  (— —) Grags bzang.  (— —) Grags se.  (— —) 'Chal chen.  (— —) Stag sgra dun gtsug.  (— —) Snang chen grags pa.  (— —) Dpal dge.  (— —) Spungs sad zu tse.  (— —) Bu yal.  (— —) Bon zhig.  (— —) Blo gros rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Dbyig 'od.  (— —) Tshul khrims mgon po.  (— —) Tshul khrims mthar phyin.  (— —) Yid bzhin rgyal ba.  (— —) Legs mgon.  (— —) Legs blo.  (— —) Seng ge rgyal mtshan.  (— —) A ba ldong.

KHYUNG PO DKAR PO — Ancestor of Ku tang people.  TS7 I 141.


KHYUNG PO DGE BSHES — See (— —) Karma 'od zer.

KHYUNG PO JO SRAS — Ancestor of Milarepa.  4A 9B.4 ff.

KHYUNG PO STENG CHEN — Capital of Khyung po district.  Ferrari 122.  Stein, Recherches 131.  Acc. to  Thar in TS9 IV 168, it is a Bon mon. in Steng chen county in Amdo.  It shouldn't be confused with the Bon mon. called Steng chen in Rdza khog (near Sde-dge), associated with Shar rdza. According to Gyurme Dorje's Tibet Handbook, it is also called Rnam dag Padma Klong yangs, and was founded by Shes rab rgyal mtshan & Smon lam Rgyal mtshan in 1110.  Other sources say it was founded in 1061 and had the fuller name G.yung drung bstan rgyas gling.

Grub thob KHYUNG PO RNAL 'BYOR — Also has the epithet Mkhas grub, and is sometimes called Brtson 'grus mgon.  Of Snye mo Ra mangs.  B. in a Tiger year.  (978‑1079) Dhongthog 32.  (1002‑1064)  11 3.  Originally b. a Bonpo, but converted to Rdzogs chen.  Founded 'Chad dkar of 'Phan yul 'Jog po.  Introduced Ni gu Chos drug into Tibet.  F. Zhong zhong (where he died) and '108' monasteries in the Shangs Valley.  (b. 990)  TPS 91.  See Wylie 141 n. 239.  Short work in 129 II 1‑2.  Called Brtson 'grus mgon in 128 1044 (picture).  484 II 546.4 ff.  Bio. in 53 I 417‑465; 17 II 427.  BA 728.  Ferrari 159.  28 15.  29TPS 91, 586.  12 IX 90.1 ff.  Acc. to Dung dkar, he founded Gzhong gzhong Mon. in 1121.  His six main disciples were 1. Rme'u ston.  2. G.yor po Rgya mo che.  3. Rngul ston Rin dbang.  4. La stod pa Dkon mchog mkhar.  5. Zhang sgom Chos seng.  6.  Rmog lcog pa Rin chen brtson 'grus.  Also, Nye gnas Rin chen rdo rje.  29.  Also, BA 733.  17 II 429.  He is given the dates 990‑1139 in Mtshan tho no. 17, where it adds that he lived 150 years and had 150 teachers.  Bio. listed in Drepung Catalog 1512.

KHYUNG PO PA — Refers to the Rgya sde tribes.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 199.

KHYUNG PO PUN ZUNG TSE — See under Spung sad zu tse.

KHYUNG PO DPAL — (11th cent.)  BD of T&TB III 238.

KHYUNG PO'I BON DGON — A Bon mon. in Kong po restored by Dalai Lama v.  Depiction in Po ta la (1996) 132‑3.

KHYUNG PO RA SANGS RJE — Minister of Zhang zhung under Lig snya shur.  28 106.


KHYUNG PO RAS PA — Havnevik, Dissert. 213.

KHYUNG PO RAS PA — (— — — —) 'Gyur med 'od gsal.

KHYUNG PO LHAS BA — Picture in 128 294, 344.  See (— —) (— —) Gzhon nu bsod nams.

KHYUNG SPRUL — See (— —) 'Jigs med nam mkha'i rdo rje.

KHYUNG BYID — See (— —) Mu thur.

KHYUNG BYID ZA — See (— — —) Byang chub sgron.

KHYUNG BLA — See (— —) Tshul khrims nyi ma.

KHYUNG DBANG WANG —  Aka Khyung wang.  TVS 155.

KHYUNG 'BAR RDO RJE+  See O rgyan khyung 'bar rdo rje+.

Mgyar KHYUNG 'BUM — See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 44.  Ruled Spo yul during the 2nd half of 14th century.


KHYUNG MO — Bon mon. in northern A mdo, f. in 14th cent. by Sog btsun Ye shes rgyal mtshan.  Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 419, 423.

KHYUNG MO SBUG — Bon mon.  253 II 567.3.

KHYUNG DMAR — Bon texts in 260.

KHYUNG BTSUN — See (— —) Blo gros rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Mu la.  (— —) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan.

Gter srung KHYUNG BTSUN MA — Ritual text in 233 I 413‑418.  F. G.yu lung Mon. in 1808.  Kværne no. 185.

KHYUNG RTSE — See (— —) Kun dga' 'od zer.

KHYUNG RTSE DGON — Mon. in valley of Panam in Gtsang.  Das 164.

KHYUNG TSHA ZHABS DRUNG — See (— — — —) Ngag dbang dbang rgyal.

KHYUNG TSHANG — BA 443.  Kyung tshang Brag phu.  28 I 361.3.  210 209.5.

KHYUNG TSHANG — See (— —) Ye shes bla ma.

Rtswa phu KHYUNG TSHANG — A holy place in vicinity of Ru thog.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 44.

KHYUNG TSHANG DGON — F. by (Nang so) Seng ge.  Vai.Ser. 239.

Rgyal po KHYUNG TSHANG CAN — See Rgyal ba Khyung tshang can.  73 264.6.

KHYUNG TSHANG PA — See (— — —) Ye shes bla ma.

KHYUNG TSHANG BRAG — BA 443.  Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 122.

Ru thog KHYUNG TSHANG BRAG — 253 II 567.6.

Dang ra KHYUNG RDZONG — Pl. where (Gyer mi) Nyi 'od redisc. work in 246.  Also, tantras in 258 I 233‑603, VI 562‑666.  253 II 208.5 ff.  F. in 1108.  Kværne no. 92. Bellezza, Divine Dyads 384 ff.  Photo in Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 70.  For ref. to a dkar chag by Snang zhig 'Dul ba rgyal mtshan, see ZZFC 236, etc.  One of the four or six rdzong in outer areas of Zhang zhung, this one in the northern lowlands.  ACTP II 5.

Rgyal po'i Pho brang KHYUNG RDZONG DKAR PO — In colophon to Mi la'i Mgur 'bumFM 206.  Called Rdzong dkar in 116 284.1, 302.7.  TS7 II 1029.  In Mang yul.  =Rdzong dkar.  DTK5 102.  Everding in TS9 I 113.  Dung dkar 186.

KHYUNG RDZONG DKAR MO — In Mnga' ris.  Where blocks of 51 were carved.

KHYUNG RDZONG BLA MA — A teacher of Khyung sprul.  306 chap. 9.

KHYUNG ZHIG — See (— —) Tshul khrims 'od zer.

KHYUNG ZA — See (— —) Mtsho rgyal.

KHYUNG YER DKAR PO — Bonpo.  253 II 142.3.

KHYUNG RAM — See (— —) Rdo rje rgyal po.


KHYUNG RU DKAR PO — Stein, Tribus 16.

Gsas khang KHYUNG RUM G.YU RTSE — 352 787.11.

KHYUNG LUNG — Or, Khyung lung Dngul mkhar.  In upper Sutlej valley, described as place of Bon pilgrimage.  T.H. 103.  Capital of Zhang zhung.  Stein 35.  Description in Tucci, Santi e briganti.  Uray, Narrative 44, with long discussion.  "They continued west to the ancient town of Kyunglung, where Ghersi documented many mural paintings, whose photographs are unfortunately lost."  Nalesini, Assembling 90.  Denwood, TW2 150.

KHYUNG LUNG — See (— —) Gur rgyam.

KHYUNG LUNG — A Bon mon. in Rgyal rong.  Thar in TS9 IV 158.

KHYUNG LUNG DNGUL DKAR — Holy pl. of Bonpo.  28 29, 74, 107.  Tucci, Santi e briganti 130‑137.  Former seat of the Lig dynasty in Zhang zhung.  For the stay of Khyung sprul, see 306 chap. 10.  Khyung sprul also built a mon. there.  306 chap. 12.  253 II 582.2.  Location discussed in Bellezza, D of T 92 ff.

KHYUNG LUNG DPAL RGYAS THUGS BSTAN MDO SNGAGS GRAGS RGYAS GLING — Mon. f. by Khyung sprul 'Jigs med nam mkha' in Fire Mouse year (1936).  253 II 620.3 ff.

KHYUNG LUNG RAS PA — See (— — — —) Dam tshig rdo rje.

KHYUNG SER BA SGOM CHEN — (— — — — —) Smon bstan.

Phyag rdor KHYUNG GSANG BA YANG KHOL — Text in 87 XXXXV.

Mtsho Bon KHYUNG GSAS — Bonpo terton.  Bio. in 253 II 214.5 ff.

KHYUNG GSER BA — See (— —) Smon lam bstan pa.

KHYUNG LHAS PA — One of the three "most eminent discs." of Bu ston (1290‑1364).  27 11.  He composed the bio. of Bu ston listed in BLP no. 1412.

KHYE — Clan (gdung rigs) of Ma cig Lab sgron.  63 I 12A.

Mtshan ldan KHYE'U CHUNG BZHI — Berounsky, Lapsed 199.

KHYE'U CHUNG LO TSĀ — Disc. of Padmasambhava.  Picture in 128 630.

Gzhan gyi gnod pas ji brdzi KHYE'U GNYIS — In Jātakas.  Picture in 128 736.

Lho KHYE TOR TSHAL — 253 II 568.2.

KHYE STUG — P.n.  Coblin in TH&L 70.

Jo lcam KHYE 'DREN — Mother of Rgod ldem.  370 preface.

Lo ro'i KHYE LAB — Seems to be a pl.n.  Note that it is comprised of the 'family names' of Ma cig Lab sgron.  53 II 339.5.

KHYER SKAD — One of the "Mnyes pa'i bu chen bzhi" disciples of Mar pa.  =Khe gad, q.v.  57 II B 347.5.

KHYER GRUB — Pl.n.  A town in eastern Dwags po.  Cuevas, Hidden History 93.

KHRA — N. of a Tibetan tribe.  Das 166.  Shar Mon Klo Kha khra.  5 339.3.  124 467.4.

KHRA DGON — 346 48.3.

KHRA MGO CHU MIG — See Hazod in TS9 I 38.  Hazod in Tropper, Epigraphic 59.

KHRA 'GU DGON — See 346 74.5, 92.2, 109.4, 111.6.

KHRA 'GU MA — Jackson, Patron 3.

KHRA 'GU'I RI KHROD — Place of composition of a work by Mi pham, requested by Rig 'dzin A tshang.  See Filibeck, Catalog II 71, no. 324.36.

KHRA 'GU RIN PO CHE IX — (b. 1933)  Thrangu Rinpoche, as he is popularly known.

KHRA 'GYES MA — A mon.  Jackson, Patron 16.

KHRA RGAN — In Ge sar epic.  232 I 15.  See (— —) Bkra shis rgyal mtshan.

Mdo smad KHRA RGAN NYI PHUG — A Sgrub sde of Zhu lineage.  F. ca. 1446.  253 II 599.5 ff, 632.3.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 455, 465.  F. in 15th cent. by Khra chag med Bkra shis rgyal mtshan.

KHRA CHAG MED — See (— — —) Bkra shis rgyal mtshan.

Zhang zhung KHRA SNYA STAG SGRO — 248 20.4.

KHRA THUL — See (— —) Bkra shis rgyal mtshan.



KHRA SNA — BA 990.  OTA 691.  Brandon Dotson, "'Emperor' Mu rug btsan and the 'Phang thang ma Catalogue," Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, no. 3 (December 2007), pp. 1‑25, at p. 13.  See Eimer, NG 245 and NTSP section NGA 125v.6: 'On Khra sna.

KHRA SNA KE RU — N. of pl. in Tibet near 'On.  Das 166.

KHRA PHU — BA 284.  Founded by Stabs ka ba.  Roesler, KSP 52.  Cuevas, Travels 158 n. 2.  May be misspelled Phra phu.

KHRA BO LA — See Grang so Khra bo La.

'Jang KHRA 'BO DGON — 346 114.4.  415 XI 120.1, 134.3.  Perhaps a var. spelling for Khra 'gu?

KHRA 'BRUG — "Tandub."  One of five great oracles of Tibet.  41 I 8.  Mon. built by Srong brtsan sgam po to push down left shoulder of demoness.  Buston 184.  Das 1130B.  Five miles S of Sne'u gdong.  Das JTL&CT 302.  BA 40, 319, 642, 656, 890.  Tucci, Lhasa 136.  Tucci, Tombs 70‑71.  Nebesky 148, 153.  Ferrari 124.  =Phra 'brug in 27 131.  17 II 318.1.  87 I 136.1.  4 278B.6.  463 I 64.2.  The title of a guidebook by Tshul khrims chos 'byor is listed in Tucci, Tombs 84 n. 130.  Its founding is dated to 639.  CFMS 36.  A "Khra 'brug Dkar chag" is listed in BLP no. 0198.

G.yo ru KHRA 'BRUG BYAMS PA MI 'GYUR BA'I LHA KHANG — ...zhes Chos rgyal Srong btsan sgam po'i dus bzhengs pa mtha' 'dul gyi lha khang khyad par can.  BD of T&TB III 787.  See Hazod in TS9 I 27 ff.

KHRA MO SGAL — Kuijp in  Lungta 14 (2001) 68.

KHRA MO BRAG — Not located.  Ferrari 122.  In Dwags po region.  Prob. =Khra 'brug (q.v.).  210 35.4.  See Mon Mkha' brag mtha' khra mo (?).


KHRA TSHA — ?  In title of text in 261 521‑4.

KHRA TSHA — See (— —) A brag.

Gza' rgod KHRA TSHA — See 292 II 59.1 ff.

KHRA TSHANG — See (— —) 'Brug bla.

KHRA TSHANG PA — 210 23.5.  Vai.Ser. 303.  Khra tshang pa'i Rnam thar, listed in BLP no. 0199.

KHRA TSHANG PA — See (— — —) Blo gros mchog.


KHRA RIG DGON — 346 103.2.

Ra shul KHRA RUG DGON — Khra rug Bla ma.  346 98.2.

Gsar mda' KHRA LUNG — BA 1042.

KHRA LEGS — See (— —) Kun khyab nyi ma.  (— —) Nyi ma 'gyur med.

KHRA LEGS SKYABS MGON RIN PO CHE — (b. 1955)  A contemporary Bka' brgyud teacher.  A brief bio. sketch at Rigpawiki on internet under "Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche."

KHRA LEGS MKHAN PO — See (— — — —) Bstan 'dzin 'od zer.

KHRA LEGS SPRUL SKU — 346 74.6.  415 XI 105.6.

Bla ma KHRA LO PA — 24 I 372.5.

KHRA ZHU — Pl.n.  354 24.5.  A valley containing the town of Sog sde Bon dgon.  Ramble in RET 15 (2008) 483.

Mgo log Dmag dpon KHRA SHUS LI NGAN — 440 310.6.

KHRA SHOD — See (— —) Spom brag.  (— —) Sbom rag sna.

'Byams pa KHRAG MGO — 489 594.3.

Byang gter gyi 'Gong po KHRAG LCE DMAR PO — 208 I 244.4.


KHRAG 'THUNG RGYAL PO — Secret n. of Gtsang smyon He ru ka which he received from his tutelaries (hence his name He ru ka, Sanskritic equiv. of Khrag 'thung).  20 9.

KHRAG 'THUNG BDUD 'JOMS GLING PA — A bio. by Padma lung rtogs rgya mtsho, or Blo bzang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan, listed in BLP no. 0200.

Rje drung Rin po che KHRAG 'THUNG BDUD 'JOMS NAM MKHA'I RDO RJE — See ='Phrin las byams pa 'byung gnas.


KHRAG 'THUNG RDO RJE —  =Si la dhwa dza.  See reprint entitled Two 'Das Log Manuscripts from the Library of Lhakhang Lama (Delhi 1978), which contains bios. of Chos kyi dbang phyug and Karma dbang 'dzin.

Rgya gar KHRAG 'THUNG NAG PO — Indian teacher of Gnubs chen.  87 XXVI 344.3.  Disc. of Padmasambhava.  413 124.2.

KHRAG 'THUNG DPA' BO — See (— — — —) 'Jigs med rdo rje.

KHRAG 'THUNG MA — 17 IV 449.6.


'Go log Gter bton KHRAG 'THUNG LAS KYI RDO RJE — 420 I 657.4.

KHRAG 'BAB — Epithet of Gtsang po river.  Das 418.

KHRANG KHRU — See BLP no. 0495 for a story or history listing.

KHRAB — BA 177.

KHRAB 'BUM BYE MUN LA 'BAR — Bellezza, L&T 92.

KHRAB LA KHA — BA 82, 93, 284.

KHRAM SHING — Or, Khram kha'i shing.  Equiv. to the 3k'o 1byu of the Nakhi.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 176.  See "Talley stick" in index to Beyer320 XXX 161.1 etc.

KHRI KAR — Pl. in Amdo?  253 II 639.5.

KHRI SKOR — Myriarchy.  For a list of the thirteen myriarchies, see Sumpa, Annals 38.  27 5.  28 71 ff.  Vitali in TS9 I 102 (where the division takes place in the last half of the 13th century, but before 1279; here the divisions are different!).  See Wylie 129.  TPS 251 no. 36, 628.  IT IV 84 ff.  These divisions came into being in 1268.  ISTS 293.

Dbus:  1) Rgya ma.  2 'Bri gung.  3) Tshal pa.  4) Thang po che.  5) Phag gru.  6) G.ya' bzang.

Gtsang:  1) Lho of La stod.  2) Byang of La stod.  3) Gur mo.  4) Chu mig.  5) Shangs.  6) Zha lu.  Also, Yar 'brog. 


'U ru KHRI SKYABS — From Yar 'brog.  Blondeau 91.

Rgyal bu KHRI SKYONG DON BZANG — 352 463.12.

KHRI KHA —  =Ch'i ko.  Sometimes spelled Khri ga, Khri ka.  Petech (1983) 178.  In the 9th century, there was a monastery there headed by Spug Ye shes dbyangs.  See Heller, Tibetan Art 53.  Heller in TJ 27 no 1/2 (2002) 38.

Cog ro KHRI KHA — Pl.n.  Located on the Rma chu.  See Sperling, Further 17.  LPNT VII 302.

Rgya ma KHRI KHANG — "Tigang."  S of Skyid chu, a region just E of Dga' ldan.  See Ferrari 109.  Henss, CMT 273‑274.  Hazod in Tropper, Epigraphic 61.

KHRI KHUG RGYAL PO — N. of "Bon creator God."  Tucci, Religions 215.

Rgyal po KHRI KHRI — The king Kṛkin, who was patron of the Buddha Kāśyapa.  BA 17, 26.  A famous statue in the Jo khang.  JTL&CT 157.  Wylie 80, 154 no. 365.  I think Kri kri (even sometimes Tri tri), is a more common way to spell it.  Kri ki, which is the most correct form, does occur.

KHRI GA — See also Khri kar?  See Khri kha.  TS7 I 394.

KHRI GA SHING YONG — I think it's a descriptive name of a famous image in Khri ga, but see Matthew Kapstein, "The Strange Death of Pema the Demon Tamer," in M.K., ed., The Presence of Light (Chicago 2004), pp. 119‑156, at p. 138.

KHRI 'GA' — See Khri kha.

KHRI RGAN TSHANG — N. of Ngag dbang bkra shis.

KHRI RGYA NAG PA — N. of La mo Khri chen (q.v.).

Be hu KHRI RGYAL — A scion of the Se chen Hor lineage.  Work in 286 II 285‑288.  346 126.4.  253 II 625.3.

KHRI RGYAL KHUG PA — The beneficent power (phan byed) emerging from the white egg of Bon cosmogony, also called Snang ba 'od ldan or 'Od zer ldan.  See 83C 201.  Kværne 219.

Zhang Sna nam KHRI SGRA RGYAL — Interior minister (nang blon).  Dotson, Note 85.

KHRI BCU BDE CHEN DGON — Large mon. (1400 inmates) in Mdo smad.

KHRI BCU BSAM GTAN GLING — Large mon. (1800 inmates) in Mdo smad.

Dbus mong bza' KHRI LCAM — Mother of Gung ri gung btsan.  Image illus. in Po ta la (1996) 60.

Zhabs drung KHRI LCAM RIN PO CHE — 458 I 271.6, 281.6.

Mnga' bdag KHRI CHUNG — Lde'u2 154.

KHRI CHEN — A title applied especially to the hierarchs of Sa skya, but also to others.  See 84 230.

KHRI CHEN SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Blo bzang bstan pa'i nyi ma.

KHRI CHEN RIN PO CHE — He was a member of the Zhu family, active in late 1800's, who went to Gro mo to look after the Pad mo sgang Mon. Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 465.

'Bri KHRI 'JAM GUNG STON — Dotson, D&L 48.

KHRI RJE LUNG BSTAN MDO — Bon sūtra.  491 1‑84.  Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Cod.tibet 715.  Bellezza, D of T 89 ff.

KHRI SNYA —  With variant readings Khri gnya', etc.  A Bon po of Sum pa.  ZZFC 219, 220.


KHRI SNYAN — Son of G.yu thog pa who, like his father, was a physician.  Das 170.

KHRI TA — Sometimes spelled Khri te or Khrig pa.  An area in Mnga' ris Skor Gsum divided into Upper and Lower.  Perhaps the Ki li to of Hsüan‑tsang, may be identified w/ Kirāta.  28 73, 109.  See discussion in Kun Chang's article 'On Zhang zhung', p. 152.

KHRI TANG PA — See (— — —) Ye shes dpal.

Brgye'u rje KHRI TANG 'OR TO KHRA CAN — Iwao, Preliminary 177.

KHRI TE —  =Khri ta (q.v.).  As a ms. var. for Khri to (q.v.), see Stein, Tribus 15.

Klungs shod KHRI LTAG DGON — Vai.Ser. 145.

KHRI STAG BU — Mentioned in a fragmentary Dunhuang text.  See ZZFC 223.

KHRI STENG DGON — Mon. in Mdo smad w/ about 1500 inmates.

KHRI STONG An abbreviation compounding khri skor with stong skor administrative divisions.  Vitali in TS9 I 102.

'Gos kyi Mkhas pa KHRI STONG RGYAL PO — 253 II 377.3.

KHRI BRTAN — Country E of Tibet.  473 14.  Khitan.

Rgyal bu KHRI BRTAN — 352 581.6.

KHRI BRTAN NOR GLING — Ri rgyal Dgon Khri brtan Nor gling gi Lo rgyus, a ms. used by Dhondup in his article in New Horizons.

KHRI THA —  =Khri 'thang, Khri ta and Khri te [?].  28 83.

KHRI THANG 'BYAMS PA'I GLING — Kværne, Mongols 98.

Se dkar Ston pa KHRI THUNG — 253 II 232.3.

KHRI THO CHEN PO — Bod mi Khri tho chen po.  Discussed in Karmay, Arrow 249.  He married a gnyan woman and they had three sons called Ldong, Dbra and 'Gru.  He married a dmu woman and had a son Dmu tsha sga.  He married a srin woman and had 2 sons: Dbal and Lda.  Prins in ZAS XXXVI (2007) 196.  See also discussion in Stein, Tribus 5.

KHRI THOG — Khri Rin po che.  Title of Rector or Abbot of Dga' ldan who is chosen (not hereditary or incarnated).  Kept chair for 7 years.  Ferrari 117.  Bell, Religion 184.  Waddell 268.

KHRI 'THANG —  =Khri tha, etc.  Listed as one of the Rgod stong Sde of Ru lag.  28 83.

KHRI DWAGS PO PA — See (— — — —) Bskal bzang yon tan lhun grub.

KHRI DE YAG PA — The spelling Spu de yag pa also occurs.  Hazod in Steinkellner Festschrift 268.

KHRI DO — Alternative spelling of Khri tho, q.v.

KHRI GDUGS SMYON PA — Kuijp in Lungta 14 (2001) 60, where it is something Shākya rin chen was called.

KHRI BDUN — The 'Seven Thrones'.  The 1st 7 legendary kings of Tibet.

Gnon KHRI BDUN G.YU SBYIN — He was one of the seven skilful men in the time of Emperor 'Dus srong.  Ahmad, Fifth 47.

KHRI 'DU — A county.  TS7 I 478.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 98.

KHRI 'DU SKAL BZANG DGON PA — Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 40.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 97.

KHRI 'DU SRONG BRTSAN — (676‑704)  King after Mang slong mang brtsan & before Mes 'ag tshoms.  OTA 676, 677, 685.

Gshen KHRI 'DUL KUN SKYONGS — Work in 313 I 1‑9.


KHRI 'DU DGON — 253 II 632.4.



KHRI LDE — N. of Yum brtan, born to queen of Glang dar ma, but of doubtful legitimacy.  See the interesting discussion in Vitali, Tho.ling 75.

Lha btsun KHRI LDE — A disciple of Pha dam pa, one of royal blood, mentioned in the Zhi byed Coll. 

KHRI LDE MGON — Son of Yum brtan.  DTK5 75.


KHRI LDE GTSUG BRTAN — Son of 'Du srong, & builder of fortress of Lhasa, the Phu gnam sral of "Chim" and the Dar 'phur mkhar ltag, etc.  Buston 186.  740‑802 are the (surely mistaken) dates given in Dhongthog 32.  Khri lde gtsug bstan.  17 II 319.3 (here certainly =Mes 'ag tshom).

KHRI LDE GTSUG BRTSAN MES 'AG TSHOMS — (704‑755)  King after Khri 'du srong brtsan.  Ruegg 304.  Dunhuang texts only know the spelling Khri lde gtsug brtsan; they do not know of the sobriquet Mes ag tshoms.

Mi bon KHRI LDE ZAM BU — P.n.  206 541.4.  248 21.5.

KHRI LDE SRONG BTSAN — N. of Srong btsan sgam po in 17 II 316.4.  Appears as n. of Ral pa can in 17 II 330.3.  But it really must be the name of Sad na legs!

KHRI LDE SRONG BRTSAN SAD NA LEGS —  =Khri lde btsan po.  (re. 799‑815)  Puppet king for elder brother Mu rug btsan po.  See Buston 196. Karmay, Arrow 59 ff, gives him the dates 776‑circa 815.

KHRI LDEM — Khri ldem Lcags kyi bya ru can.  ZZFC 249, 250.

KHRI NE KHOD — Uray, Narrative 38.  Khyung po Ra sang Khri ne khod.  See under Khrin ne khod.

Kha che KHRI GNAD — ?  347 89, picture caption.  I imagine Kha che Khri brtan (i.e., Grib brtan) must have been intended.

KHRI PA — Younger son of Rdo rje 'bar.  DTK5 75.  Emperor of Samye, he is mentioned in a colophon in vol. DU of the Derge Tanjur: rigs sngags kyi rgyal mo rma bya chen mo'i mdo'i 'bum 'grel | gsang sngags chen mo rjes su 'dzin pa'i mdo'i 'bum 'grel | rig sngags kyi rgyal mo chen mo bsil ba'i tshal gyi mdo'i 'bum 'grel zhes bya ba rnams slob dpon mkhas pa chen po las kyi rdo rjes mdzad pa | paṇḍi ta mkhas par grags pa mi mnyam rdo rje'i sras skye ba lnga brgyar sbyangs pa'i 'bras bu lnga rig la ma rmongs shing gsang sngags gdams pa thugs la mnga' ba'i mtshan don yod rdo rjer grags pas bod yul du byon nas | 'dzam gling byang phyogs kyi brag dmar dpal bsam yas su rgyal po khri pa'i gdung brgyud kyi sras lha gcig lha lcam dar sgron gyi pho brang rdo lung dgon par rang 'gyur du mdzad pa rnams bzhugs so.

Rje KHRI PA — An apparent royal blood mentioned in Zhi byed Coll.

Bkra shis 'khyil KHRI PA SDE PA ZHABS DRUNG — See (— — —) (— — — — — —) 'Jigs med lung rigs rgya mtsho.

Zhang zhung KHRI 'PHAN — Bonpo.  206 541.5.

KHRI BOMS — Pl.n.?  OTA 684.

KHRI BYANG — See (— — i) Byang chub chos 'phel (1756‑1838).  (— — ii) Blo bzang tshul khrims dpal ldan (1839‑1900).  (— — iii) Blo bzang ye shes bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho (1901‑?).

KHRI BYANG BLA BRANG — Printery.  162 238.

KHRI DBANG PHYUG BTSAN — Elder son of Rdo rje 'bar.  DTK5 75.

Stag tsha KHRI 'BAR — Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 14.  Ruled at beginning of 13th cent. in Purang.  Vitali, Kingdoms 379.  Heller, Hidden 25.  He gets noticed in LPNT IV 31 (Pu rangs kyi Jo bo Stag tsha).

Zhang zhung Mkhan po KHRI 'BAR GTSUG PHUD — 253 II 566.6.

Sog ston KHRI 'BAR TSHUL KHRIMS — Kværne no. 57.

Blon chen KHRI 'BRING LHA LOD — KTDN 164.4.

KHRI 'BRING BTSAN BRONG — (Blon) Khri 'bring.  OTA 673, 685, 680, 686‑690, 693, 695, 696, 698.  Appointed Blon chen on the death of his brother Btsan snya.


KHRI MA LOD — Grandmother of Mes 'ag tshoms.  Member of 'Bro clan who ruled in his minority.  T.H. 43.  Scherrer–Schaub in JIABS 25 (2002) 273, 298.

KHRI MEN LCAGS KYI BYA RU CAN — 283 97‑108.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 456.  Khri man or Khri men.  ZZFC 251.

Btsan mo KHRI MO STENGS — OTA 688.  Notice the Btsan mo Snya mo stengs in Denwood, TW2 152 (she was sent to marry the Zhang zhung ruler Snya shur Spungs re rkyug in 671).

Btsan mo KHRI MO LAN — OTA 675.


KHRI SMIN 'KHOR LO DGON — Bon mon. in Amdo w/ 200 monks.  253 II 636.5.

KHRI SMON — 23 33.

KHRI SMON — See (— —) Bsod nams nor bu.

Bka' blon KHRI SMON — See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 58.  Tibetan governor in Khams in early 20th century.

KHRI SMON RGYAL BZHED — Palace.  Kværne 223.

KHRI SMON ZHABS PAD — ISTS xvi.  Goldstein, History 164.

KHRI GTSUG — N. of Gnubs chen.  320 XXII 82.5.

KHRI GTSUG RGYAL BA'I GSUNG RAB RMA MED NYI MA 'BUM SHAR — Colophon title of Bon Prajñāpāramitā text in 100,000 verses.  FM 339.



KHRI BTSUN — Nepalese Queen (Bal bza') of Srong btsan sgam po.  17 II 317.5.  Image illus. in Po ta la (1996) 60 & in Precious Deposits I 76‑7.

Dpal bza' KHRI BTSUN — Wife of Dri gum, later chronicles call her Klu btsan Mer lcam. Hazod in Steinkellner Festschrift 263.

Zhang 'Bro KHRI BRTSAN SGRA MGON PO RGYAL — In Old Tibetan Avalokiteśvara dedication inscription found in Gangs ljongs Rig gnas, 2nd issue of 1994 (general series no. 22), pp. 4‑5.  Precious Deposits I 172‑3.  In the first part of the inscription the name occurs in this form: seng ge zhang chen po 'bro khri brtsan sgra // mgon po rgyal...

KHRI BRTSIGS 'BUM GDUGS — TS5 661.  Khri brtsigs 'bum gzugs.  CFMS 13.  Hazod in Tropper, Epigraphic 54.

KHRI TSHO MKHAN PO — See (— — — —) Blo gros bzang po.


KHRI TSHOGS —  =Tiktse Mon. in Ladakh.  Khri tshogs tshul khrims rnam par dag pa'i gling+ by Blo bzang bzod pa (publ. 1979).  455.  See Khrig rtse.

KHRI WER LA RJE — A Zhang zhung king.  Tucci, Religions 237.  Full name is Khri wer la rje gu lang, the Gser gyi Bya ru can.  ZZFC 251.

KHRI BZHI NAM TING — 352 621.8.

KHRI BZHUR 'OD LDEM — A royal woman of Zhang zhung who was abducted by an invading Stag gzig army, according to the story behind Ge khod rites.  ZZFC 256, 257.

KHRI BZHER — Or, Khri sher.  See (— —) Shang shi.

'Bon Da rgyal KHRI ZUNG — Also, Dbon Da rgyal Khri zung.  A 'lord' of the Tu‑yu‑hun ('A zha), a vassal of the Tibetan state.  Died in 694.  OTA 675, 687, 690, 694.

KHRI ZUR — See (Zhang) (Khri zur) Ram shags.

Sba KHRI GZIGS — Kuijp, Some Remarks 171, 172.  Perhaps same as Bya Khri gzigs.  Or the Blon Khri gzigs in H. Uebach's article "Tibetan Officials in the 8th-Century Southeastern Part of the Empire," at p 56, where we find a full name Dba's Khri gzigs Zhang nyen.

Dbal gyi Mkhas pa KHRI GZUNG STONG LOD — 253 II 377.2.

'Gos KHRI BZANG — Karmay, Arrow 370.

'Bro Zhang KHRI BZANG KHA CE STONG — Dotson, Note 83.

Rwa KHRI BZANG 'BAR — Also, Rwa Khri bzang.  In Mngon pa Kun Btus transmission.  BA 345.  17 II 346.2.


KHRI BZANG YAB LHAG — Minister.  87 I 89.4, 157.4.  Called Khri bzang yab lha in KTDN 164.4.  Vitali in TS9 I 83.  Dotson, Note 80.  He would have served between 763 and circa 775 CE.  Bashey4 209.

KHRI BZANG LHA LOD — Minister.  87 I 89.4.

KHRI 'OD KHYUNG RTSE — 253 II 573.2, 583.3.

KHRI 'OD ZUR THANG — 253 II 568.1.

KHRI 'OD RU THANG — 253 II 573.2, 583.3.


Mgon po KHRI RAL CAN — KTDN B XI 51B.2.

KHRI LA ZHAM — Langelaar, Chasing 11.

Rgyal bu KHRI SHANG — 352 316.21.  Karmay, Arrow 370.

Rgyal po KHRI SHI DBANG RGYAL — Kværne 222.  352 221.15, 754.13.

Khrom KHRI SHOG — Stein, Recherches 195.  Combe 168‑169.

KHRI SHOD RGYAL BA — P.n.  206 541.4.  Khri sho rgyal ba in 248 22.1.

KHRI SHOD RGYAL MO'I MTSHO — KTDN 123.1.  Stein, Recherches 196.

KHRI SHOR 'BUM RDUGS — Or, Khri shong 'bum rdugs.  P.T. Denwood & N.F. Howard, "Inscriptions at Balukhar and Char Zampa and Archaeological Observations on the Fort of Balukhar and Its Environs," contained in:  Tadeusz Skorupski, ed., Indo‑Tibetan Studies: Papers in Honour and Appreciation of Professor David L. Snellgrove's Contribution to Indo‑Tibetan Studies, The Institute of Buddhist Studies (Tring 1990), pp. 81‑88, at p. 85.

KHRI GSHOG RGYAL MO — Terrifying deity of whom the Kokonoor (Mtsho sngon) is the Bla mtsho.  Wylie 131 no. 145.  I noticed in a book catalog, Mtsho chen Khri gshog Rgyal mo'i Mtsho Bsang dang Gnas yig Gnas bstod Sna tshogs bzhugs so: Rab byung Bcu bdun pa'i Chu mo lug Lo'i Mtsho Skor Dran rten, by Blo bzang bsod nams snyan grags (no publisher, no date, Tibet), in 92 pages.


KHRI SUM RJE — Discussed by Horlemann in TS9 I 53.

KHRI SE — Spelling for Khrig rtse (q.v.) in Wylie 60.

KHRI SOM — Listed as one of the Rgod stong Sde of Ru lag.  28 83.

Bstan gnyis Mgron por 'bod pa KHRI SRONG RJE — In other words, Khri srong lde brtsan.  Picture in 128 520, 618, 670.

Chos rgyal KHRI SRONG LDE BRTSAN — Also, Khri srong lde'u btsan.  (755‑797)  Ruegg 304.  "Brag dmar Mgrin bzang du 'khrungs /  Yab Khri lde gtsug brtan Mes ag tshom / Yum Gyim shong Ong co."  Dhongthog 33.  (758‑846)  BD of T&TB III 46.  83B 279 ff.  83C 197 ff.  Pictured in 320 XV 3.  Names of his three queens listed in 87 I 34.2.  Kværne no. 53.  His literary works listed in 484 I 397.7.  The Dba bzhed evidence would suggest a death date in 802.  CFMS 37.  The Zangs gling ma places his death in his 69th year.  Dung dkar 162.  His name after his birth in 742 was Srong lde brtsan, and the element "khri" was obtained upon his enthronement in 756.  His death date is probably around 800 CE at around the age of 59.  His activities on behalf of Buddhism are the first such activities to be mentioned in the O.T. Chronicles.  Schaik, Prayer 194‑201.

KHRI SRONG BTSAN — (ca. 620‑649)  Early n. for Srong btsan sgam po.  OTA 649.  A somewhat similar name, Khri slong brtsan, may be an early n. of Gnam ri slong btsan (q.v.).

'Bro Stag snang KHRI GSUM RJE — 332 II preface 3.  I guess the name should be rather, 'Bro Khri sum rje Stag snang.  Horlemann in TS9 I 53.  In Lde'u 264, 'Bro rje Khri gsum rje Rtags snang.

Rgyal po KHRI BSAL RJE — 491 26.3.

KHRIG PA — Misspelling for Khri ta.  28 73.

KHRIG MO — BA 199.

KHRIG RTSE — Dge lugs mon. in La dwags.  "Tiktse."  Roerich, Trails 30.  14 4, 102, 114‑117.  See Khri tshogs.  Picture in Nat.Geo. vol. 153 no. 3, p. 343.  It has to be the oldest Dge lugs mon. in that region, founded as it was by a spiritual grandson of Tsong kha pa.  Thuken 282.

KHRIG TSE DKA' CHEN — See (— — — —) Blo bzang bzod pa.

KHRID CHEN BRGYAD — A basic text of the Stod 'Brug lineage of Bka' brgyud pa.  17 IV 195.1, 421.5 ff.  Root text in 391 (section thi).  See 17 XX.  1 22.11.  Klong rdol 990.3 ff.  484 I 869.6.  Bonpo have their own Khrid Brgyad (see 268 preface).  SBTD I 296 ff.  See Yonten Dargye & Per K. Sørensen, trs., The Biography of Pha 'Brug‑sgom Zhig‑po called 'The Current of Compassion', The National Library (Thimphu 2001) 13.  Thuken 148.

KHRID CHEN BRGYAD — Teachings of Tsong kha pa.  374 II 80 ff.  "srad rgyud lugs kyi khrid chen drug dang / smad rgyud lugs kyi khrid chen brgyad." Thuken 288.

KHRID CHEN BZHI — 475 123.3.

KHRID DPON SPRUL SKU — (b. 1960)  Reincarnation of La dwags Khrid dpon Padma chos rgyal.  Picture in Aziz, Frontier.

Sangs po KHRIN KHOD — (6th cent.?)  =(Ra sangs) Khrin ne khod, q.v.  Clemente in TS6 133, n. 4, 6.  Karmay, Arrow 346. 

KHRIN TE'I PHU'U NYING DGON — BLKC I 11.  A monastic building in Jehol.

Ra sangs KHRIN NE KHOD — 248 17.4.  See under Khri ne khod.

KHRIM NYER — In Dolpo.  Map in Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 141.

KHRIMS KHANG GLING — BA 812, 822, 826, 827.


KHRIMS YIG — 'Law book'.  See Sde srid Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho, Blang dor Gsal bar Ston pa'i Drang thig Dwangs shel Me long (Dolanji 1979).  Also, Bod kyi Khrims yig Chen mo Zhal lce Bcu drug gi 'Grel pa (Thimphu 1979).  For Bka' yi Khrims yig Chen po Rnam drug, six laws given by Srong btsan sgam po, see  Dung dkar 180.

KHRUNG KHRUNG — Krauñca.  A Lha ma yin.  Wylie 124 no. 80.

Gtsang sngags KHRUN SMAR WER ZUR — Author of text in 283 109‑140.

KHRUM CHU — S tributary of Gtsang po in Mang mkhar.

KHRUS KHANG GLING — Building at Bsam yas.  87 I 51.4, 107.4.

Lo chen KHRUS KHANG PA — 5 242.4.  Khrus khang Lo tsā ba in 17 II 422.6, 465.4.  Follower of Kun skyong gling pa.  210 153.1.

KHRUS SGO — At Gnam mtsho.  See  Bellezza, Divine Dyads.

Byams pa KHRUS MDZAD — Essais 174.

KHRUS GSOL — For a work with an explanation of the origins of the rite, see SBTD I 363.  See also RS 1037-1041.

Glo bo KHRE DKAR —  =(Glo bo) Dge dkar.  28 14.

KHRE SRAS RGYAL BA — 248 20.6.

KHREGS CHOD — For a Zin bris to the practice, see 329.  See under 'Jigs med dpa' bo.  'Breakthrough' teachings pertaining to the Man ngag Sde of Rdzogs chen.

KHREGS GCOD BSDUD PA — Text in 319 VIII 121‑133.

KHREGS BDUN PA — Text in 319 VIII.

KHREN BU BA — 208 259.3.

KHRES KHANG PA — See (— — —) Don grub rnam rgyal.

KHRO SKYABS — A principality in Rgyal rong.  See Khro bcu.  23 32.  253 II 635.4.

Myang stod KHRO GANGS — N. of a Gtsug lag khang.  210 75.4.

KHRO GONG — One of Sde chen Bco brgyad.  Nomads 20.

KHRO 'GAB — One of Sde chen Bco brgyad.  Nomads 20.


KHRO RGYAL — See (— —) Kun bzang drag 'khros.  Khro rgyal as an epithet of Gshin rje gshed appears in 190 II 68.3; 87 XXVI 334.2.  =Khrodharāja.  Also, Khro mchog.

Gu rub KHRO RGYAL — Father of Dmu shod tram.  206 560.6.

Mgar ston KHRO RGYAL — Also, 'Gar ston.  =Khro rgyal 'bum.  Bonpo Terton.  253 II 198.5 ff.  Follows Khu tsha Zla 'od in a Bon lineage in 317 321.2.  383 419.2.

Gnyags G.yung ston KHRO RGYAL — Magic teacher of Mi la ras pa.  BA 427‑428.  17 II 474.6.  4 120B.3.  4X I 15.4 ff, 22.6, 23.4, 97.3, 99.4, 112.5.

Se bon KHRO RGYAL — 206 575.5.

Sgo rigs Sngags 'chang KHRO RGYAL BKRA SHIS — 253 II 479.4.

Skye skya sgang pa Drung KHRO RGYAL RDO RJE — TS7 II 1033.

Sngags 'chang KHRO RGYAL DPAL MGON — 390 442.6.

KHRO RGYAL 'BAR — Son of Zhu Jo 'bar.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 454.  His monastic n. was Ye shes rin chen.

KHRO RGYAL 'BUM — (16th cent.)  A western Mongol.  TS5 741.

Do khong Phyogs med KHRO RGYAL RIN CHEN — 253 II 221.4.

KHRO RGYAS DAR ONG — 208 I 239.1.

KHRO BCU — A principality in Rgya rong.  =Khro chen, =Khro skyabs.  Kværne, Canon 19.  23 32.

KHRO BCU ROL PA'I RGYUD — Group of 12 tantras ending at 320 XXVIII 508.7.

KHRO CHU DUG GDONG NAG PO — A wrathful form of Yamāntaka.  Works in 212 IV.  189.


KHRO CHU DMU RDZONG — A citadel.  Nine Ways 61.

KHRO CHUNG — See Sprul pa'i Khro chung.

'Bre ston KHRO CHUNG — Of Nyang stod.  Teacher of Zur po che and disc. of Gnubs chen (one of the 'four sons', bu bzhi).  'Bre ston Khro chung Sher mchog.  See =(Myang) Shes rab mchog.  BA 110.  BD of T&TB VII 98.  33 174.2, 188.6.

KHRO CHEN — See Khro bcu.  See (— —) Bskal bzang rgyal mtshan.

KHRO GNYAN — See (— —) Rgyal ba blo gros.

Sprul sku KHRO GNYAN RGYAL MTSHAN —  =Khro gnyen rgyal mtshan.  =(Be ri Sprul sku).  (14th cent.).  Bonpo.  Oral teachings he received in 267267A253 II 235.2.  Received revelation in 1386.  Kværne 232 no. 126.  Bio. 253 II 433.  Lengthy bio. contained in Katen, vol. 200, pp. 159‑221.  D. Rossi, Holy Mountains and Saint Immortals in the Bon Tradition, Rivista degli Studi Orientali 78 (2005) 415.

KHRO GNYER CAN MA — Bhṛkuṭī.  128 1110.  See Chandra4x I 32.4.

Sgo rigs KHRO TA WER ZHI — Work in 286 55‑56.  303 319‑324.

A khu KHRO THUNG — His name means 'short tempered'.  Brother of Ge sar's father, a Bon po rival of Ge sar.  232 I 7, 13.  Stein, Recherches 185.

KHRO PHU — See (— —) Dga' ldan gtsug lag khang.  (— — Lo tsā ba) Byams pa'i dpal (1173‑1225).  (— —) Tshul khrims shes rab (1173‑1225).  (— —) Sems dpa' chen po.  (— —) Bsod nams seng ge.

KHRO PHU — In a gorge on route from Jo nang to Bkra shis lhun po.  In second half of 12th cent., Ri bo che Rgyal tsha bought land here & began a monastery.  TPS 179.  BA 707.  Ferrari 157.  BA 335, 707, 708, 709, 1034, 1070.  210 26.3.  F. by Kun ldan ras pa (No, not him, his elder brother Rgyal tsha!).  12 IX 87.5.  Schwieger in Kailash 18 (1996) 105.

Thar pa KHRO PHU — BA 792.

KHRO PHU BKA' BRGYUD — One of eight lesser branches of Bka' brgyud.  F. by Rgya tsha Khu dbon.  235 intro. 6.  Branch connected with Khro phu Lo tsā ba (q.v.).

KHRO PHU BRGYA RTSA — 374 II 164.1 ff.

KHRO PHU'I BYAMS CHEN — BA 600, 709, 710, 1034, 1070.  Famous giant image of Maitreya in Khro phu Dga' ldan (q.v.).  Consecrated by Śākyaśrī in 1212.  TPS 135.  Wylie 68, 135.  It was 80 cubits in height, just like the visualized Maitreya in the Ajitanāthasādhana text, which was translated by Khro phu Lo tsā ba.  Stearns, SR 63.

KHRO PHU LO TSĀ BA — The one who invited Śākyaśrībhadra to Tibet.  See (— —) Byams pa'i dpal and (— —) Tshul khrims shes rab.

KHRO PHUR GDANGS YIG — Texts in 303 1‑86.




Phu thang gi KHRO BO DGON PA — Visited by Nyang ral.  477 131.5, 133.6.

KHRO BO RGYAL MTSHAN — 14th cent. Dpon chen of Shar kha'i Gling.  TS5 805, 806.

Slob dpon KHRO BO RGYAL MTSHAN — Bonpo.  Bio. in 248 120.5.  272 preface.  Bio. in 253 II 353.5 ff.

KHRO BO RGYUD DRUG — See Khro bo Drug.

KHRO BO SNGON PO — For story, see 115 30.6 ff.

KHRO BO CAN — N. of Dbang phyug.  Das 909.

KHRO BO BCU — Chag 113.

KHRO BO DMAR SER — Subj. of tantra in 320 XXIV 414 ff.

KHRO STOBS KYI RGYUD — In 320 XVI 138 ff.  A similar title follows.

Yon bdag KHRO BO DAR — 208 I 248.6.

KHRO BO DRUG — 1) Gtso mchog (Gsang ba Bsen thub).  273 II 43‑44.  2) Dbal gsas (Sgyu 'phrul Drwa ba, spyod).  3)  Rngam gsas (Ghu ya srog 'dzin, dam tshig).  4) Khro gsas (Gsang ba Dgu 'phar, sgom).  5) Gtum gsas (Dbal mo Las thig, 'phrin las).  6) ? (Thabs kyi Zhags pa Ba ga Yum gyi Rgyud, =Thabs zhags Nyi ma'i Rgyud, =Yum Rgyud).  See also SFHB 612.1 ff, especially 612.6.  Contained in 258 I and also separately published as 294.

KHRO BO 'DUS PA'I RGYUD — Title in 320 XXII 222.3.

KHRO BO RDO RJE'I RIGS — In title in 320 XII 2.

Bde mchog KHRO BO RDO RJE SEMS DPA' — 51‑deity.  349 XIV 293‑323.


KHRO BO DPAL LDAN — N. given to Thang stong rgyal po at birth.  5 14.2.

KHRO BO 'PHAN — Son of Khro bo skyabs.  Said to be identical with Khro thung.  TS5 799.

KHRO BO DBANG PHYUG — A chief of Hor.  Stein, Recherches 189.

KHRO BO DBU DGU — Mt. in eastern Tibet.  239 XXX 47.2.

KHRO BO 'BAR BA — A Bka' brgyad cycle found by Ye shes khyung grags.  210 76.6.

KHRO BO LHA RGYUD — Text in 320 XIII 37 ff.

Tre ston KHRO 'BRUG DAM PA — 253 464.4.

KHRO SMAD SKYA PA'I DGON — A Rnying ma mon. in Mdo smad which had about 800 monks.

KHRO TSHANG — See (— —) 'Brug lha.  (— —) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan.

Rdza KHRO TSHANG DGON — 253 II 633.3.  Bon mon. in Khams.  Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 420.  Thar in TS9 IV 159.


KHRO TSHANG PHO BRANG — Stein, Recherches 189.

Dngul chu KHRO RDZONG — Stein, Recherches 130.

KHRO ZHANG — From Ch. Chaoxian.  Kapstein, Assimilation 70.

KHRO ZANGS KHA — Bu ston went there.  27 79.

KHRO RI — See (— —) Rdo rje zil khrom.

KHRO RU — See (— —) Tshe rnam.

Yid lhung KHRO SHUL — 383 633.5.

KHRO GSAS — See under Khro bo Drug.

Gyer ston KHRO GSAS — Bonpo.  253 II 183.1.  Achard, L'Essence 225.

Rdza bo KHRO GSAS — 253 II 438.6.

KHRO GSAS PADMA — 253 II 381.5.

Stag gzig KHROD TO RGYAL BA — He's the opponent of the Zhang zhung kingdom in the story behind the Ge khod ritual cycle.  His residence was at Stag gzig Kho ti.  The spellings Khri thog rgyal ba & Khro to rgyal ba & Khri tho also occur.  ZZFC 256, 257, 258.

KHROD YUL — See (— —) Sa mdo Dgon.

KHRON STENG — Hermitage.  ISTS 11.

KHRON PA'I GLING — BA 868.  Thuken 158, where it is Sanskritized as if it were a proper name (which it may well be) as Kūpadvīpa.

KHROM —  =Phrom.  See Stein 57.  BA 159.  'market place'.  N. of a province in Tibet.  Das.  Rgyal Khrom Smad in 4 81B.6.  KTDN 64.5.  An administrative unit in areas of early Tibetan conquest.  See article in ISTS 310 ff.  In areas referred to as khrom, direct military rule was established (unlike in Khotan, where the local prime minister [a ma cha] was allowed to keep his position).

Lha lcam KHROM RGYAN — Consort of Padmasambhava.  58 927.

Mar pa KHROM RGYAL — (10th cent.)  217 709.3.

KHROM RDO — Monastery.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 93.

Ma zhang KHROM PA SKYES — Tucci,  Religions 4.  Gonkatsang & Willis in JRAS (2008) 41. See Grom pa skyes.

Sna nam Zhang KHROM PA RGYAN — 132 87.1.  458 189.5.

KHROM BTSUN — See (— —) Tshe dbang rgyal po.

KHROM TSHANG — See (— —) Tshul khrims ye shes.



KHROM BZHER — See (— —) Rin chen seng ge.

KHROM GZHER CHEN PO — Founded Kam kam Mon.  Vai.Ser.

KHROM GZHER JO SRAS — See (— —) Rin chen seng ge.

KHROM BZHER DBANG PO — See (— — — —) Rin gzhon.

KHROM GZIGS SGANG — See Essais 160.

Dbu mdzad KHROM YON PA — Contemp. w/ Thang stong.  5 270.2.

Yar stod KHROM SA THANG.  Schwieger in Kailash 18 (1996) 87.

KHROS MA NAG MO — In 87 LVII.  413 353.6.

KHROS MA RIGS LNGA — A Zhi byed teaching.  349 XXI.


MKHAN MA GRON LO GSUM — See Yu Dawchyan, preface.


MKHAN PA LJONGS — BA 197.  Mkhan po ljongs said to be on the NW boundary.  See Das 471.  Said to be in the S.  17 IV 276.6 ff.  363 51.3.  =Kham pa lung.  413 390.3.

Sbas yul MKHAN PA LUNG — See Khembalung in index to Bernbaum.  For a guidebook, see 364 533‑548.  377 6A.2.  See Diemberger in TH&L.

MKHAN SLOB CHOS GSUM — There is a tapestry thangka displaying this triad of figures in Precious Deposits V 52‑3.

MKHA' KLONG MCHOD KHANG — Site of printing of a Prajñāpāramitā text of Bon in FM 339.00.

MKHA' KLONG GSANG MDOS — See 275.  Mkha' klong Bskang ba.  313 I 567‑601.

MKHA' SKYONG BYA 'PHUR DGON — Bon mon. in Amdo.  200 monks.  253 II 637.1.

Zhwa nag xv MKHA' KHYAB RDO RJE — (1845‑1924)  11 69.  A Me mchod by him in 87 XVI.  Author of short astro. work in 105.  His long work on Rin chen Gter Mdzod in 87 vols. 100‑103.  Author of 202.  Works in 239 II, V, VIII, X, XIV, XX, XXI, XXVII.  Works in 415.  Works published: Ye shes kyi Mgon po Ber nag can Lcam dral gyi Bsnyen sgrub Skor (Paro 1979).  Rgyud Sde Bzhi'i Bskyed Rdzogs kyi Rim pa dang Lus Dkyil Dkyil Chog gi Zin bris Sna tshogs Nyer mkho 'Dod 'jo'i Bum Bzang (Delhi 1976).  His collected works in 10 vols. were published in 1994.

Bka' gsang MKHA' KHYAB RANG GROL — Visionary teachings of Padma bdud 'dul.  375 preface.

MKHA' 'GYING DKAR PO — Kha 'gying Dkar po.  491 168.5.

MKHA' 'GYING DBAL — Nine Ways 109.

MKHA' 'GYING LHA MO — Form of Srid pa'i rgyal mo.  270 preface.


Mon MKHA' 'GRO GLING — N. of mon. in (Mon) Rta dbang (q.v.)  Das 976.

Ga zha MKHA' 'GRO GLING PA — See (— —) (— — — —) Rig 'dzin rdo rje.  363 122.1.


MKHA' 'GRO RGYA MTSHO — Cakrasamvara teachings.  349 XIV 324‑611.

MKHA' 'GRO RGYAL MO — Sister of Shes rab dpal bzang.  Wife of Kun dga' rnam rgyal.  DTK5 134.

MKHA' 'GRO SGANG LAM — For origin of this trail in area of La phyi, see 4 7B.4.

MKHA' 'GRO SGYU MA'I BDE CHEN — In title in 320 XVI 168.7 ff.


MKHA' 'GRO SNYAN BRGYUD — 4 283B.1.  Initiation works in 186 II.  17 II 452.1.  History.  383 299.6 ff.  A copy of the collection was looted by Waddell during the Younghusband expedition and is now located in Oxford.  See Bodleian Catalogue 15‑18.

MKHA' 'GRO SNYAN BRGYUD KYI YIG RNYING — Title of a reprint volume published in Darjeeling in 1982.  436.

MKHA' 'GRO SNYING THIG — In 87 LXXXVII.  A gter ma of Bde chen gling pa.

Zab Gsang MKHA' 'GRO SNYING THIG — Title of a gter ma in 193 XIII.

MKHA' 'GRO'I THUGS THIG — Title of a gter ma in 193 XVI.

MKHA' 'GRO PHUG PA — 115 128.5.

MKHA' 'GRO DBANG PHYUG RTSAL — N. of (Rgyal sras) Bstan pa'i 'byung gnas (q.v.).

MKHA' 'GRO 'BUM — Lce family member, given in marriage to Phyag na, who of course belonged to the 'Khon family.  Ricca & Fournier in TJ 26 nos 3‑4 (Autumn‑Winter 2001) 104.

MKHA' 'GRO 'BUM RDZONG — 239 XXX 51.3.  BLKC I 25.

MKHA' 'GRO MA — Nathan Katz, "Anima & Mkha' 'gro ma: A Critical Comparative Study of Jung and Tibetan Buddhism," Tibet Journal 2 no 3 (1977) 13 ff.


MKHA' 'GRO RIN CHEN 'PHRENG RGYUD — Bon tantra in 258 I 605‑723.

MKHA' 'GRO RIN CHEN GSANG BSKOR — Bon tantra in 258 III 453‑467.

MKHA' 'GRO'I LAS TSHOGS — Text in 316444 123 ff.

'Dzi smad MKHA' 'GRO SHEL PHUG — A gnas yig for this place is in 239 XXX 271‑3.

Ma rgyud MKHA' 'GRO GSANG RGYUD — 413 357.2.

MKHA' 'GRO'I GSANG SGROGS BDE BA CHEN PO'I KHRID YIG — By Padma dkar po.  444 37‑58.  476.

MKHA' 'GRO GSANG PHUG — Has hot springs and Mkha' 'gro ma footprints.  One of the 'four great caves of Sikkim' in the south.  Waddell 257.  In 'Phrag Yul.  5 136.6, 153.6.

Rtsa Rlung MKHA' 'GRO GSANG MDZOD — Of Kun grol las 'phro gling pa, contained in 87 LXIII.

Bhi lung MKHA' 'GRO GSANG MDZOD — Gnas yig in 240 489‑499.

MKHA' 'GRO GSANG MDZOD PHRIN LAS LHUN GRUB — A gter ma of Thang stong.  5 116.5.

MKHA' 'GRO GSANG LAM — A kind of shortcut in the Kailash circuit.  Allen, Search for Shangri La, map on p. 141.

MKHA' 'GRO LHA KHANG — 33 234.1, 234.5.  Sgro phug Mkha' 'gro Lha khang.  33 235.6.

MKHA' RGYUD — Text title.  253 II 407.

MKHA' MNYAM KLONG GI RGYUD — Text in 319 IV 291‑433.

MKHA' LDING — In Bon mythology, enemy of Khyung.  Tucci, Religions 218.


MKHA' SPYOD — Kværne no. 55.  Khecarī.  Pandey.

MKHA' SPYOD — See (— —) Rong mo sdings.

MKHA' SPYOD DKAR DMAR — Shangs pa teaching.  36 VIII.  Brown in TJ 27 nos 1‑2 (2002) 75.

MKHA' SPYOD DGYES PA'I RDO RJE — An alias of Chos kyi seng ge, given in the colophon to Chos kyi seng ge's biography of Pha Dam pa.  This Chos kyi seng ge is of course none other than Khams smyon Dharma seng ge, q.v.

Gcen lung MKHA' SPYOD CHOS SDE — Vai.Ser. 204.

MKHA' SPYOD DRI MED DPAL YE SHES — Identical to Zhwa dmar Mkha' spyod dbang po (1350‑1405).  Author of Karma pa Chen po'i Rnam thar Bsam yas Lha'i Rnga chen, listed in BLP no. 0007.  Author of bio. of O rgyan pa titled Grub chen O rgyan pa'i Rnam thar Rdzogs ldan Bdud rtsi'i Dga' ston listed in BLP no. 0399.  Author of bio. of Pra dznya bha dra listed in BLP no. 1321.  Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 1864.

MKHA' SPYOD BDE CHEN — 458 I 314.1.

MKHA' SPYOD BDE LDAN DBANG MO — Dpal ldan Lha mo Dmag dang Zor gyi Rgyal mo'i So Khram Nad rkyal Mtshon gru Byad Dmar gyi Las tshogs Lnga'i nang nas Dkar nag la brten nas Rno mthon Sgrub tshul gyi Gdams pa Sngon med Zla ba Gsar pa (On casting of dice for divination, connected with Lha mo), publ. in New Delhi in 1979.  Probably =Bde ldan rdo rje.

MKHA' SPYOD DPAL RI — Ketsuperi.  Sikkim mon. with 11 or so monks.  Waddell 285.  This place is, by the way, claimed as a source of mystic inspiration by Eckankar followers (Katsupari, according to them a monastery in N Tibet, repository of texts from some lost continent or another, abbot named Fubbi Quantz).  See article by Jain about the modern condition of this holy lake in SW Sikkim.

Zhwa dmar ii MKHA' SPYOD DBANG PO — (1350‑1405)  Author of short work in 36 V 800, VII 74.  52 2.  Bio. in 35 I 398‑434.  Author of bio. of Rgod tshang pa; see 50 preface.  His Gsung 'bum in 4 vols publ. in 1978.  121Beyer 172.  Work in 36 I.  450 789‑795, 797‑810, 811‑5.  Bio. listed at BLP no. 1727.  It is reported that the Tsadra Foundation has made a new edition of his collected works available.

MKHA' SPYOD DBANG MO — Recent Bon woman gter ston.  She died in 1987.  See the article by Span Hanna.

Lho na MKHA' SPYOD RI — 17 IV 237.5, 239.1, 243.2.

Lho rtse MKHA' PHUG — In Dol bu where Padma dkar po stayed for 7 days.  1 31.

MKHA' DBYINGS BSTAN 'DZIN DBANG MO — Yoginī who wrote work contained in 118 313‑361, at Ras chung Phug.

MKHA' YAG G.YUNG DRUNG — Founder of Phug pa Dgon, during time of Dzungar invasion.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 248.

MKHA' RAG — See under Mkha' reg.

MKHA' RI — One of 20 principle mts. of Tibet.  Das 212.  Mkha' ri Gangs Brag.  87 I 136.5.

Lho brag Sku lha MKHA' RI — Protector.  Picture in 216A.

Jo mo MKHA' REG — Pl.n.  jo mo mkha' reg 'di sngon slob dpon padmas byin gyis brlabs pa'i gnas chen yin pa dang / gzhan yang mkha' rag sgom chung sogs grub thob mang po'i bzhugs gnas yin pas...  502 23v.4.

MKHA' LA GDUG MO — Yum of Khro bo.  270 preface.

MKHAR DKYIL — In Dras, seems to be mistaken for Dkar gil (q.v.).  79 80 no. 42.

MKHAR SKYA CHOS SDE — Vai.Ser. 158.  476 I 51.7.

MKHAR KHA — Older orthography, Mkhar dga'.  In Nyang stod of Gtsang near Rgyal rtse.  Where Gtsang smyon was born.  20 7.  Das 182.  5 255.4.  Mkhar dga' in 234 IA 4.4.  TS5 561.

Shangs MKHAR KHA BLA MA — (ca. 1686)  458 I 295.2.

Lha sa'i MKHAR GRAG — 132 86.6.

MKHAR MGO DGON — Nyingma mon. in Nang chen.  473 66.

MKHAR RGYAL — Some give as place where Ral pa can died.  Hazod in Tropper, Epigraphic 45.

Dge ba'i Bshes gnyen MKHAR SGO BA — 17 II 526.2.

MKHAR RNGA GDONG — Alexander, Temples 93.

MKHAR SNGON — Köke Qota.  332 II preface 4.

MKHAR CHU — A river flowing into Bhutan from Lho brag.  BA 196, 197, 199, 606, 667, 668, 676, 682, 686, 895, 948, 953, 958‑959, 963, 974‑976, 1002.  Also, n. of a monastery in Lho brag, called Kharchu, Rahar chu.  Ferrari 137.  17 IV 73.4.

MKHAR CHU — See (— —) Me ru.  (— —) Me long 'od gsal phug.

Lho brag MKHAR CHU — BA 676, 814.  5 200.2.  17 II 505, 328.4.  78 I 71.2, 74.1, 145.2.  4X I 113.1.  A place where Gtsang pa Rgya ras pa especially meditated, and where the Ro snyoms Skor Drug was discovered by him.

MKHAR CHU BA — From G.ya' bzangs.  115 118.6.  Received O rgyan Bsnyen sgrub from O rgyan pa (1230‑1308).  115 118.6.  BA 703.  17 XX 97.1.  CFMS 18, 89.  See under Chos bzang 'od po.

MKHAR CHU'I BRAG — 5 340.4.

MKHAR CHUNG RAS PA — Disc. of Mi la ras pa.  4 chap XX, p. 90B.4 ff.

MKHAR CHEN — See (— —) Lha bzher 'ches pa.

MKHAR CHEN BRAG DKAR — One of 37 sacred places of Bon.  Das 182.

MKHAR CHEN RDZONG — N. of a fort near Tengri Noor.  Das 182.

MKHAR CHEN BZA' — See (— — —) Mtsho rgyal.

MKHAR GNYA' DGON — 370 preface.  483 preface.

MKHAR RTA — N. of pl. on confines of Tibet & Nepal.  Das 182.

MKHAR RTA CHOS SDE — Diemberger in TH&L 140.

MKHAR LTAG — Abbreviation combining the names of two forts, Mkhar rtse & Ltag rtse.  Das 182.

MKHAR STENG — Vai.Ser. 176.

MKHAR STOD LCANG GLING — Shastri in TS9 I 141.

MKHAR THOG — N. of Tibet.  Das 182.

MKHAR THOG DGON GSAR — Kuijp in Lungta 14 (2001) 60.


Wang MKHAR THOG PA — RS 829-884.

MKHAR DRUNG — See (— —) Bsod nams dpal.


MKHAR MDO — See (— —) Chos kyi rdo rje.

MKHAR MDO GTER STON — See (— — — —) Tshe dbang grags pa.

MKHAR 'DUS YID RAB NYI MA'I SDE — A meditation center f. by Ti shrī ras pa.  See Sperling, Further 16.

MKHAR RDO — E of Se ra.  A Small hermitage.  Nebesky 493.  Ferrari 103.

MKHAR RDO — See (— —) Padma dga' rdor.  (— — Sprul sku) Blo bzang rin chen.  (— — Mkhan chen) Bzod pa rgya mtsho. 


Zur MKHAR RDO'I MCHOD RTEN —  "Chos rgyal Khri srong gis 'gyod tshangs su bzhengs pa Zur mkhar rdo'i Mchod rten."  BD of T&TB III 767, 820.

MKHAR RDO BLA MA — Associate of Reting Rinpoche.  Goldstein, History 464.

MKHAR RDO BSAM GTAN GLING — Mkhar rdo Bsam gtan gling gi Bla rabs Mgur ma, title listed in BLP no. 0247.  Mkhar rdo Bsam gtan gling Chags tshul Rags tsam, by Zhabs dkar Tshogs drug rang grol, listed in BLP no. 0248.  Place where blocks of 'Khon btsun's Yamāntaka history were first carved.

MKHAR NAG — A gnyan demon who opposed Thang stong rgyal po.  Stearns, King 244.

MKHAR NAG — See (— —) Rdo rje tshe brtan.

MKHAR NAG PA — See Dollfus in J. Bray & E. de Rossi Filibeck, eds., Mountains, Monasteries and Mosques (Pisa 2009).

MKHAR NAG LO TSĀ BA — 463 I 81.2.  Author of bio. of Dalai Lama iv listed in BLP no. 0526.  Author of bio. of Tsong kha pa listed in BLP no. 0927.

MKHAR SNA — Important Bon mon. in G.yas ru.  History in 253 II 62.4 ff, 591.3 ff.  Also called G.yung drung phun tshogs Dgon.  Kværne, Canon 22.  Karmay, Great Perfection 218.  Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 142, says it was founded in 1838, destroyed in 1969, and not yet reconstructed.  Actually, 1838 is not the date of founding, but the date of birth of the founder Shes rab g.yung drung.  The founding must have taken place afer 1861.  There is a brief history in Bon sgo 7 (1994).

MKHAR PA DRUG —  Takeuchi in TS6 855.

MKHAR SPRUL — See (— —) Skal bzang rgyal mtshan.

MKHAR PHU — N. of tombs in Rtsa mda' (Rtswa mda') county.  Precious Deposits I 215.

MKHAR PHUG — BA 78, 789.

Yar lung MKHAR 'PHAR — 253 II 573.4.


MKHAR BA RI — Pl.n.  Kuijp in TH&L 294.

Brang ti MKHAR 'BUM — See =(Brang ti) Rgyal nye mkhar bu.

MKHAR BRAG — A temple built and destroyed in the course of the 8th century.  It's mentioned in histories.  Hazod in Tropper, Epigraphic 43.

MKHAR DMAR — Old castle & nomad area "beyond Ru mthog."  81 103.6, 115.

MKHAR RME'U — See (— —) Bsam gtan rgyal mtshan.

MKHAR TSAN — Liangzhou.  Horlemann in TS9 I 60.  Schaik, M&T 46, 163 (Khar tsan, Leng cu Khar tsan).  I think khar tsan just means 'strong fort[ification]' and isn't a real proper name.  It is subject of an article by Z. Yamaguchi, in 1981 (in Japanese).

MKHAR RTSE — N. of a rdzong in 'Phan yul.  Das 182.

MKHAR RDZONG  —  ?  Nalesini, Assembling 102.  Evidently it ("Khardzong") is also supposed to be called Dbus su mkhar (? "Usukhar").  Ruined temples on a hilltop overlooking the right bank of the Mangnang River.

MKHAR ZAM LHA KHANG RDZONG — N. of a fort & town.  Das 182.

MKHAR YAG DGON — Bon mon. in Amdo with 20 monks.  253 II 637.2.


MKHAR LUNG — Site of Khyung rgod rtsal's treasure.  BMBM 114‑5.  Site of the Bla chen Monastery in Tangut land.  See Sperling, Further 9 and n. 29.  LPNT VII 309.

Ge khod MKHAR LUNG  See ZZFC 36‑7, where a radiocarbon date of 200 BCE to 100 CE is mentioned.

Slob dpon MKHAR LUNG PA — One of the early teachers of Gtsang pa Rgya ras pa.  1 10.  BA 665.  24 I 404.

MKHAR SE MO — TS5 532.

MKHAS GRUB RGYA MTSHO — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 121.1.

Tā la'i Bla ma xi MKHAS GRUB RGYA MTSHO — (1837‑1855)  Waddell 232.  "Mdo stod Mgar thar phyogs su 'khrungs."  BD of T&TB VI 357.  128 862.  Story attributed to him in 152 II 261‑417.  A jade brush pot, inscribed in three languages as an imperial gift, is illustrated in Christie's New York catalogue (Mar 2000), no. 116 (a verse praising Tsong kha pa is inscribed on the interior part of the rim).  'Phags mchog Thams cad Mkhyen Gzigs Chen po Rje btsun Mkhas grub rgya mtshos Mdzad pa, ed. by Lama Lobzang Migyur (head Lama, Darjeeling High School), 1st ed. in 500 copies, printed by the Rev. G.P. Pradhan (Darjeeling 1909).  IIAS Library, Leiden:  Kern 883 /Dal13 / 1.  "A Story of Birds and Monkeys."  Bio. by Rgyal dbang Phrin las rnam rgyal (the subsequent Dalai Lama), is listed in BLP no. 0550; and Filibeck, Catalog II 350 (no. 758).

MKHAS GRUB RGYA MTSHO — Author of a compiled and illustrated biography of Gshen rab (projected in 4 vols., 1977).  This same person has published many Bonpo and other Tibetan books in India.

MKHAS GRUB RJE — See (— — —) Dge legs dpal bzang.

MKHAS GRUB CHEN PO GSUM — Subj. of bio. in 243 I 421 ff.

MKHAS GRUB NYI MA — Contemp. abbot of Srid rgyal Monastery.  Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 94.

Rigs smra'i Dbang phyug MKHAS GRUB BSTAN DPAL — 128 986.

MKHAS GRUB BSTAN 'DZIN — (1743‑1805)


Tre bo MKHAS GRUB BRTSON 'GRUS — Mkhas brtson.  Vitali, Tho.ling 66.

Kun mkhyen MKHAS GRUB BZANG PO — Follower of Rdo rje gling pa.  210 138.6.

Khyung lung Gur rgyam gyi Sngags pa MKHAS MCHOG RDO RJE — Scribe for 273A I 314.

Bdag chen MKHAS MCHOG DPA' BO — Comm. on his work in 224 I 273 ff.

Dri med Lung gi Dbang phyug MKHAS MCHOG ZHABS — Picture in 128 93A.


MKHAS PA'I NYI GZHON —  =Ngag dbang dge legs lhun grub.


MKHAS PA MI BZHI — A historical group of four Bonpos who collectively authored a few commentarial works.  292 preface.

MKHAS PA LO PAṆ BRGYUD PA — Bonpo transmission.  253 II 324.5 ff.

MKHAS DBANG — See (— —) Blo bzang rgya mtsho.  (— —) Sangs rgyas rdo rje.

Lha lung MKHAS DBANG BSTAN 'PHEL — (ca. 1834)  471 122.1.

Bru ston MKHAS BTSUN RGYAL PO — Bio. in 253 II 347.1.

MKHAS BTSUN CHOS RJE — Name of successor of Nam mkha' bsam grub in Shangs pa transmission.  53 preface.

MKHAS BTSUN RNAM DAG — Work in 263 349‑422.

MKHAS BTSUN BZANG PO — (1921-2009)  Compiler/author of BD of T&TB in 12 volumes.  Article on Dalai Lamas in Tibet Journal, vol. 7, nos. 1‑2.  See his Mkhas btsun Rgan po'i 'Bel gtam Kun gsal Me long, Nyi hong Rdzogs chen Chos sde (Tokyo 1999), in 121 pp., an autobiographical account.

G.yung ston Chen po MKHAS BTSUN SANGS RGYAS — A teacher of Zur Shākya 'byung gnas (14th cent.).  BD of T&TB III 511.  Evid. =(Zur mo) Dge 'ba 'bum (q.v.).



Lho brag MKHO MTHING — Temple built on left elbow of demoness.  17 II 318.1.  Bon texts redisc. there.  305 preface.

MKHO MTHING LHA KHANG — A temple mentioned in by Padma dkar po in 17 XX 383.  A convent in Bhutan.  20 33.  466 IV 191.2.

MKHO NO —  ="Konglong."  Prins in ZAS XXXVI (2007) 199.

MKHYEN — Aka Mkhyen ris, q.v.  A school of painting named after its founder Mkhyen brtse'i dbang phyug.  See 23 38 ff.  Actually, although the mistake is much repeated, Mkhyen brtse'i dbang phyug was not the founder of this painting school.  It was someone else with the name or title Mkhyen brtse Chen mo.  See Jackson in Prats, Pandita 100.

MKHYEN LDAN LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — — —) Tshe dbang.

MKHYEN PA RDO RJE — (17th cent.)  Macdonald 141.

MKHYEN BRTSE — See (— —) Chos kyi blo gros.

Mkhan chen MKHYEN BRTSE — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0235.

Rig 'dzin MKHYEN BRTSE KLONG GROL — (1832‑1909)  See 420.  Alias Karma chos 'phel.  420 I 10.4, 31.3.  Name received in a vision of Me long rdo rje.  420 I 135.2.

Sgrol Bstod MKHYEN BRTSE DRI MED MA — N. of a religious eulogy of Tārā.  Comm. mentioned in SBTD I 113.

MKHYEN BRTSE'I DBANG PO — See 'Jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse'i dbang po.

Gnas gsar ba 'Jam dbyangs MKHYEN BRTSE'I DBANG PHYUG — (1524‑1568)  Rnying ma.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 218.  Sa skya gter ston23 10.  A chief disc. of (Tshar chen) Blo gsal rgya mtsho, & also a student of (Sgo rum pa) Kun dga' legs pa (1502‑1566/7).  Gene Smith identified him as the founder of Mkhyen ris school of art (see also under Mkhyen, above).  See 23 44.  But the actual founder lived several generations earlier, as shown by David Jackson.  Bio. 62 267 ff.  Mkhyen brtse'i dbang phyug, Bla ma Rin po che Mkhan chen pa'i Rnam thar Ngo mtshar Nyi ma, print in long format dpe cha of Central Tibetan origins [dbus dpar], in 115 fols., listed in LTWA KA3/56/14329.  Autobio. listed in BLP no. 0277.

MKHYEN BRTSE'I 'OD ZER — A n. of 'Jigs med gling pa (1729‑1798) q.v.  Picture in 320 XXXIV 3.

'Jam mgon Kong sprul ii MKHYEN BRTSE 'OD ZER — (b. 1899)  Second incarnation of 'Jam mgon Kong sprul.  Apparently the same as Zhe chen Kong sprul (q.v.).  Picture in 320 XXVI 621.  11 69.  Jackson, Patron 221 (here gives birthdate as 1899).

MKHYEN BRTSE RIN PO CHE — Title of Rang byung rdo rje.  Tucci, Tombs 1.  Ferrari 131.

Dge bshes MKHYEN RAB — At Drepung Gomang Mon. in S India.  Barlocher 590.

Gnam gang ba MKHYEN RAB — A minister of the Yar rgyab Chos rgyal.  8.

Smon grong MKHYEN RAB KUN BZANG — 19 249, 264.

Dge bshes MKHYEN RAB RGYA MTSHO — (modern)  Assistant of Khri byang Rin po che iii.  TR XVI no. 10, 7c.

Gnubs kyi sngags 'chang MKHYEN RAB RGYA MTSHO — Mentioned in Padma dkar po's Rdo rje'i Glu.

G.yag sde 'Dul 'dzin MKHYEN RAB RGYA MTSHO — Dargyay 73.  Author of 413 in 1557.

Rtse drung Rme ru MKHYEN RAB DNGOS GRUB — 438 VII 428.1.

Zhwa lu MKHYEN RAB CHOS RJE — (1436‑1497)  210 154.3.  His work Sems 'Khrid Yid bzhin gyi Nor bu in 234 IB 807‑817.  Also called Zhwa lu ba Dge slong Mkhyen rabs.  Bio. by Rin chen 'jam dbyangs rgyal mtshan listed in BLP nos. 0278, 1707.

Zhwa lu MKHYEN RAB MCHOG GRUB — Prob. the same as the preceding, a bio. is listed in BLP no. 1714.  See also Thurman & Rhie, A Shrine for Tibet, pp. 117‑9, for a portrait bronze, inscribed with Rin chen mkhyen rab mchog grub, who is here dated 1436‑1497, depicted with vajra and bell on lotus flowers above his shoulders.


MKHYEN RAB 'JAM DBYANGS — (late 17th cent.)  Painter of thangka in Rhies & Thurman 212 ff.  See also Bartholomew's 1987 article in Orientations.

MKHYEN RAB RJE — ?  Picture in 128 448.

Mkhan chen MKHYEN RAB BSTAN PA CHOS 'PHEL — Bio. listed in BLP no. 236.

Blo gling Slob dpon Zur pa MKHYEN RAB BSTAN 'DZIN LHUN GRUB — 438 VI 570.3.  Goldstein, History 350.

Slob dpon MKHYEN RAB THAR 'DOD — 438 VI 576.2.

Bstan 'dzin Chos rje viii Blo bzang MKHYEN RAB MTHU STOBS — In Thang stong Snyan brgyud.  Bio. in 63 I 173.  Stearns, King 16.

MKHYEN RAB DON GRUB — (1909‑1945)  Member of A blo family of Labrang.  Nietupski, Labrang 77, photo.

Brag g.yab Mdzod zur MKHYEN RAB DRI MED — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 119.3.

Bla sman pa Mkhas dbang MKHYEN RAB NOR BU — (1890‑1962)  The famous doctor who founded the Lha sa Sman rtsis khang.  "Lho kha khul du 'khrungs."  Dhongthog 34.  Wrote Rtsis Gzhung Rig ldan Snying thig in 1927 (publ. 1976).  134.  His Dpal ldan Rtsa ba'i Rgyud kyi Sngon 'Grems Gso Rig Rgya mtsho'i Snying po publ. in 1976, also reprinted in BJZJ 1982.  Med. works listed in DD 718.  Smith, Washington Catalog 188, for letter to D. McDonald.  Bio. by Byams pa 'phrin las listed in BLP no. 1650.

MKHYEN RAB DPAL BZANG — Author of bio. of Sman pa Sangs rgyas dpal bzang listed in BLP no. 1648.

Mkhan chung MKHYEN RAB PHUN TSHOGS — 438 VI 532.6, 561.6.  Goldstein, History 57.

Go 'jo Sde pa MKHYEN RAB 'PHEL RGYAS — 365 98.2.

Bco brgyad Khri chen iv MKHYEN RAB BYAMS PA — (1633‑1703)  Nalendra'i Lha bsangs Chen mo, coll. of rituals performed at 'Phan po Na lendra.

Rdo rje 'chang MKHYEN RAB BYAMS PA NGAG DBANG LHUN GRUB — (1633‑1703)  Dhongthog 34.

Sde drug iii MKHYEN RAB DBANG PHYUG — (d. 1872)  440 302.4.  Regent during the time the 12th Dalai Lama was a minor.  Bell, Religion 158.

MKHYEN RAB DBANG PHYUG GRAGS PA BZANG PO — Bio. in 243 I 685 ff.  Title of brief 6‑fol. bio. by Blo bzang chos kyi rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 0280.

Lcang rgyab MKHYEN RAB YON TAN RGYA MTSHO —  =(Lcang rgyab Khri zur) Mkhyen rab yon tan.  B. at 'Bri gung.  88th Dga' ldan Khri pa (1914‑1919).  BD of T&TB VI 216.  Collected works published in 1976.  128 976.


MKHYEN RIS — School of art founded by Mkhyen brtse Chen po of Gong dkar.  He is much mentioned in the biography of his patron Gong dkar rDo rje gdan pa Kun dga' rnam rgyal.  See David Jackson's book.

MKHYEN GSOL RNAM DAG CHU RGYUN — Text in 489 409‑428.

MKHAR CHEN BZA' — See (— — —) Gtum mo.

'KHAR RE — Stag tsho'i Dpon 'Khar re.  LPNT IV 66.

'KHU SGOM — A Zhi byed pa.  BD of T&TB I 863.

'KHUN KA MA PA — (?)  Jinpa, Mind Training 371.

Phu thang 'KHUN PA SA — BA 975.

'KHO LO CHE — A Tümed Mongol governor, Qoloci, who patronized Skal ldan rgya mtsho (see Victoria Sujata's dissertation).

'KHON — Family lineage originating in Bru sha (Gilgit).  Hoffmann Handbook 51.  N. of an ancient family of Tibet.  Das.  One of the first 7 Tibetan monks belonged to this family.  N. of the main family lineage of Sa skya.  For fuller story of this family, see 86 ii.  BA 210 ff.  Explanation of the name in BD of T&TB X 85.5.

'KHON — See under Sa skya.  (—) Klu'i dbang po srung ba.  (—) Dkon mchog rgyal po.  (—) Gad pa kirti.  (—) Sgyi chu ba.  (—) Rdo rje rin chen.  (—) Dpal ldan don grub. 

'KHON JO SRAS — Member of a lineage stemming from Yang dgon pa.  57 IIB 372.1.  A Sa skya pa called 'Khon Jo sras Rtse mo (prob. =Bsod nams rtse mo) mentioned in BA 333.

'KHON STON — See (— —) (Lo tsā ba) Klu'i dbang po srung ba.  (— —) Dpal 'byor lhun grub.

'KHON BSDUMS —  =Sri gcod 'bum pa.

'KHON PHU — BA 229.

'KHON PHU BA — See (— — —) Chos kyi rgyal po.

'KHON PHU BA LCAM SRING — "Sister of 'Khon phu ba."  From her Khyung tshang pa received the Lam 'bras teachings.  17 II 508.


Bro bza' 'KHOR SKYONG — Wife of Skyid lde.  DTK5 185.  'Bro za 'Khor skyong in KWT 83.

'KHOR CHAGS —  =Kojarnath, Khojarnath.  F. by 'Khor re (q.v.).  18 61, 62.  See under Khur chags, and Kho char.  There are various stories to explain the name, and perhaps the story that 'Khor re founded it is just another one of these stories?  Kun Chang, in his article 'On Zhang zhung', p. 149 note, lists a title of a guide to Kojarnāth:  Lhar bcas 'gro ba'i mchod sdong jo bo dngul sku mched gsum sngon byung gi gtam rang brjod pa'i rin chen ... bai dūrya sngon po'i pi wang.  This title was published with Tibetan and English introductions in Dharamsala in 1988 (see TBRC Work RID W8LS43880).

'KHOR TO — N. of tribe in Tibet.  Das 189.

'KHOR DAG PA RNAM BRGYAD — A group of 8 discs. of Tsong kha pa.  List in 165 I contents.

'KHOR GDONG —  =Khang gdong.  Mon. in Khams, in Tre hor Snyi Yul.  F. in 12th rab 'byung by Shes rab me 'bar.  483 preface.  See 370 preface.

'KHOR GDONG GTER STON — See (— — — —) 'Gro phan gling pa.

'KHOR GDONG GTER SPRUL — See (— — — —) 'Chi med rig 'dzin.

Skyi ston Sngags 'chang 'KHOR 'DAS RANG GROL — (ca. 1685)  458 I 275.6.

'Brog chen 'KHOR 'DUL — See (— —) (— —) Rdo rje bgegs kyi gtso.

'KHOR RDO — Mon. near Lhasa.  Chag 109.

'KHOR LDE —  ='Khor re.  =Ye shes 'od.  28 52.

'KHOR SNANG LHA KHANG — See Hazod in TS9 I 39.

'KHOR BA KUN 'DREN — Kværne 219.

Sangs rgyas 'KHOR BA 'JIGS — 496 1v.4.

'KHOR BA THOG MTHA' GCOD PA'I RGYUD — Text title.  320 V 525‑601, VI 2‑52.

Rgyud Thams cad kyi Snying po 'KHOR BA DONG DKRUG GI RGYUD — Text in 319 VI 1‑18.

'KHOR BA DONG SPRUG — See Cuevas, Hidden History 155 (and note).

Rin chen Sgron ma 'KHOR BA DONG SPRUG — Bon teaching in 254.  In title in 320 IV 528.6, V 500.3.

'KHOR BA 'DAM 'DON — A prayer.  The title means "Extracting from the Swamp of Saṅsāra."  Havnevik, Dissert. 165.

'KHOR BA RTSAD NAS GCOD PA — In titles in 319 II 29‑41, etc.  320 VII 109‑21, VII 387 ff.

Rje btsun 'KHOR BA RLUNG KHYER — Teacher of 'Jig rten mgon po.  476 I 48.7, 51.1, V 267.7.  207 3.5.

'KHOR MO 'JIG —  =Wā rā ṇa sī.  DG 153.1.  Michael Hahn discusses this in one of his articles; Mnyam dka(r) and Dharmakīrti's Praise of the Buddha's Nirvāna: Miscellanea Etymologica Tibetica IX, JCBSSL, vol. 10 at p. 9, where he derives it from Skt. vāra, 'turn', and the root naś, 'to perish'.

'KHOR MO BZANG — W of Rdo rje gdan.  BD of T&TB I 496.

'KHOR RA BA — See (— — —) Dpon tshang dge slong.  (— —) Tshe bstan 'gyur med (Tshe brtan 'gyur med?).

'KHOR RE — King of Spu rang.  ='Khor lo lde.  DTK5 73.

'KHOR RE — Grandson of Skyid lde, a king of Gu ge.  T.H. 138.  Son of Bkra shis mgon.  17 II 348.  BA 37.

'KHOR LO — Pl.n.  BA 1059.

Kher khad 'KHOR LO GRAGS — A translator who studied under Abhaya, and translated Dus 'khor Phreng ba Skor, Man snye, and Thub dgongs, etc.  Mtshan tho no. 57.  He must be the same as Kher Lo tsā ba 'Khor lo rgyal mtshan.  Sometimes spelled Khe'u brgad.

'KHOR LO RGYAL PO — Son of (Rme'u) Lha ri gnyan po.  253 II 601.2.

Kher Lo tsā ba 'KHOR LO RGYAL MTSHAN — 210 169.6.  See Kher khad 'Khor lo grags.

'KHOR LO RGYAS 'DEBS MA — Dīptacakra.  See Mayer in JIABS 27 (2004) 143, where he notes that the Tibetan doesn't translate the Sanskrit.

'KHOR LO SGYUR DRUG — 71‑deity Cakrasamvara.  349 507‑608.

'KHOR LO CAN — King of Shambhala.  128 1020.

'KHOR LO CAN — Ancient Cakravartin type kings parallel to Bya ru can kings.  SFHB 559 ff.

Phyag na rdo rje 'KHOR LO CHEN PO — 349 VIII 1‑118.  SBTD I 174‑5.

Byang chub sems dpa' 'KHOR LO RDO RJE'I RGYUD — Text in 319 V 369‑381, VII 95‑109.  320 II 299‑312.

'KHOR LO LDE — Karmay in ISTS 150.

Dpal 'KHOR LO SDOM PA —  Cakrasamvara.  107.  Picture in 128 462.  Chandra 2144.  A bskyed rim acc. to Lu yi pa Tradition in 243 II 641.  SBTD I 170‑172.  Works on 5‑deity maṇḍala in 150.  Dge lugs lineages in 165 II 963‑965.  62‑deity & 5‑deity in 349 XI, XII, XIII.  374 350.4.

'KHOR LO NAG PO'I RGYUD — In title in 320 XXXII 429.4.

'KHOR LO SNA BDUN — Francke, Antiquities of Indian Tibet, vol. 2, pp. 23, 69, etc., thinks it is the name of a historical text.  This is doubtful.

'KHOR LO DBANG SGYUR — N. of a Bon teacher.  Das 192.

'KHOR LO 'BAR BA'I RGYUD — Text title.  320 XXVI 58 ff.

'KHOR LO BZHI SBRAG — Bon precepts.  248 446 ff.

Rgyal po 'KHOR LO 'OD GSAL — Nine Ways 133.

'KHOR LO RIN PO CHE SKU LTAR 'BAR BA — Title in 320 IX 212.3.

'KHYAGS STOD — In Dpangs kon.  "Kyagtad, Kaktet."  79 81 no. 41.

Ban chung 'KHYAM PO — 320 III 416.1.

'KHYAR BON — Acc. to Chos polemical tradition, the period of Bon history from Gri gum btsan po to Srong btsan sgam po's introduction of Buddhism.  Das 379.  =Dur bon.  Tucci, Religions 224.

'KHYIN LO TSĀ BA — BD of T&TB X 92.9.



'KHRA 'BRUG — See ('Khor gdong Gter chen) 'Gro phan gling pa.

'KHRANG PO SPRUL SKU — 208 211.3.

'KHRI SHING GIS G.YOGS PA — A river in Lus 'phags pa.  Das 417.

'KHRUG BCOS — Bon texts in 303 557‑598.

'KHRUNGS RABS LHA KHANG — In Potala.  TS5 655.  Po ta la (1996) 62‑3.  Henss, CMT 114.

'KHRUNGS GZHIS — Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 452.

'KHRUL 'KHOR — Skt. yantra in the sense of physical yoga, as well as 'mechanism' in the case of animated figures and the like.  Practice of Ras chung Snyan brgyud in 331 97‑104.  Rtsa ba Drug, etc.  414.  By Marpa.  444 21‑35.  452 415‑423.  476 21‑35.

'KHRUL 'KHOR BCO BRGYAD — Text by Mar pa.  414 395 ff.

'KHRUL 'KHOR NAG PO — In title of tantra in 320 XXI 188.4.

'KHRUL SPONG BA — A maṇḍala of Cakrasamvara.  349 XIII 101‑130.

'KHRUL MED ZHIG PO — In Bonpo lineage.  206 587.3.  248 65.2.

'KHRUL ZHIG — 'remover of illusion'.  See Das 202 & BA 960. 

'KHRUL ZHIG — See (— —) Ngag dbang tshe ring.  (— —) Mdo sngags bstan 'dzin nor bu.  (— —) Nam mkha'i rnal 'byor.  (— —) Nor bu chos brtan.  (— —) Padma chos rgyal.  (— —) Byang chub gling pa.  (— —) Seng ge rgyab pa.

Zhwa de'u 'KHRUL ZHIG — Incarnation lineage.  See 154.

'KHRUL ZHIG DAR MA — 17 IV 450.1.

'KHRUL ZHIG ZHA SPRUL — Aziz 19.  Aziz, Frontier.

'KHRUL ZHIG RIN PO CHE — See (— —) Dar ma seng ge.

'KHRUL ZHIG SANGS RGYAS DBON PO — See (— — — — — —) Shes rab rgya mtsho.

'KHREN BRAG LUNG — Bu ston went there.  27 79.





GA SKYA RA RENG — Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 69.  A song collection.

GA GA — N. of mother of Chos dbyings rang grol (b. 1918).  A chos 6.

Chu bo GA GA — 115 121.5.

Tshong 'dus GA GA — Where Se ban ras pa met Mi la ras pa.  57 IIB 352.4.

Rnal 'byor ma GA GĀ DHA RA — 129 V 77.5.

GA GA NA DHA RA — Nam mkha' 'dzin  An Indian pundit who came to Tibet in early 11th cent.  Mtshan tho no. 70.

GA GA NE SHWA RA —  =Nam mkha' dbang phyug?  See under Gha gha+.

GA GA I SHRA RA MA HA — Father of Zhig po gling pa.  210 210.2.

GA GE MO — Pl. in Tibet.  Das 203.  Go ge mo?

Tshong dpon GA GON — N. of one of the 2 merchants the Buddha met immediately after His six years under the Bodhi tree.  Das 203.  Ga gon Bzang skyong in 211 53.5.  KB 135.4.

Yul GA GON — 491 26.3.  Uebach in Daffina (1990) 402.

GA GLA — Stein, Tribus 15.

GA SGROG GI STENGS — BA 507.  This is not a place name.  See Sperling, Thesis, p. 35 (n. 9).

GA CU — An O.T. transcription of the name Hezhou.  Schaik, M&T 162.

GA CU — See (— —) Gtsug phud rgyal ba.

GA CU SER KHANG G.YU GANG —     Horlemann 130.

GA CHU — BA 501.  OTA 700.  Hezhou.  Toh, Ming 83.  HS LV 201.1.

Yul GA JA NI — BD of T&TB I 880.

GA 'JAG — Kashgar.  EmmerickCambridge History of Iran III 1232.

GA'U TO SHAN — Gośīrṣa.  Emmerick.

GA THUNG — Stein, Recherches 186.

GA DANG — One of five regiments, located in Gtsang.  Goldstein, History 67.

GA DU — See (— —) Rin chen.

'Brug lha GA PA — Vai.Kar. II 285.

GA PU RĪ LA — Mu stegs pa teacher.  BD of T&TB I 194.

GA MA — Mother of A ma dpal.  TS7 II 1032, n. 23.

GA MA RDO SE — TS5 804.

GA DZA NI — (?)  Country near Kashmir.  BD of T&TB II 197.

GA ZHA —  =Gar zha.  See (— —) Mkha' 'gro gling pa.

GA ZI — A hereditary religious lineage of Stag lung and Khams Ri bo che.  20 2.  A bone lineage (gdung) to which Sangs rgyas Dbon (q.v.) belonged.  235 intro. 6.  A part of the Dbra clan to which Stag lung thang pa belonged.  484 I 852.5.  See the article by P. Schwieger in Kailash (1996). I wonder if the name may be of foreign origin, and Old Turkish is the first possibility that comes to mind (in later Turkish gazi means a victorious warrior or general, in modern Turkish a war veteran... but it may also be a late borrrowing from Arabic).

GA ZI YA MTSHAN BCU BDUN — Title of text in 50 folios in Drepung Catalog 1726.

GA YĀ — BA 22.  NMH 35 ff.

Gnas ri GA YA — Lde'u 65.

GA YA GAU RI — See Ka ya ga'u ri.

GA YA MGO'I RI — Gayāśīrṣa, the holy hill of Gayā town.  Lde'u 65 has Gnas ri Ga ya, evidently meaning the same place.

GA YA DHA RA — (993‑1343) (?!)  BD of T&TB I 877‑878.  Famous Kashmiri pundit who died in Tibet, contemporary and teacher of 'Brog mi (q.v.).  BA 207.  Father of Ti bu pa.  17 II 298.4.  17 II 502, 396.4 ff.  BD of T&TB X 4.5, 47.4 ff.  Picture in 128 1026.  33 190.1.  He was invited to Tibet at the age of 289, which, according to above 993 CE date of birth should be 1281, but Mang thos dates this event to 1041.  Subj. of thangka in Rhies & Thurman 206 ff.  Mtshan tho no. 59, gives the Tibetan tr. of his n. as Sprin 'dzin, and says he came to Tibet in the 11th century.  He remained a layperson, and was student of Nāropa, Maitripa, etc.  Here he is identified with A tsarya Dmar po and Gsang ba shes rab (Guhya pradznya; Guhyaprajñā).

GA YA DHA RA'I LHA KHANG — Near Lha rtse.  Ferrari 152.  TPS 205 (description).

Rgyal po GA YA PŪ — BD of T&TB I 963.

GWA G.YE NYAL — Evid. missp. for Grwa phyi ba.  See (— — —) Rdo rje 'od.

GA RA KHA CHE — N. of a guest house where Milarepa stayed in Gtsang G.yas ru byang.  4 65B.4.

GA RA GANG LIG — Name of a Turkic clan found in Pt 1283.  Erkoç 299.

GA RA GO JO — Qara Qoco.  Uighur capital.  ISTS 291.

GA RA GU SHU —  Erkoç 300.

La stod GA RA NGO MONG — Mon. of Bru family.  253 II 585.6. Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 448.

Mkhas mchog Phyi bo GA RA DMAR PO — 253 II 376.5.

GA RING RGYAL PO — 145 IV 104.6.

Ka gnam Sde pa Dpon chen GA RIS — Follower of Thang stong rgyal po.  See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 45.

GA RU — Bon mon. in Rgyal shod.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 467.

GA RU ḌA — N. of a city in Kamarupa.  BD of T&TB I 913.

Mon Rgyal GA RUNG — Patron of Zhwa nag i.  356 63.4.

GA RE'I DGON — 253 II 631.1.

GA RE'I G.YU MTSHO DGON — 253 II 631.2.

GA RO —  "Rgya gar na yod pa'i yul zhig gi ming."  The Garo Hills.  A people of the Kha kanta hills.  NMH 74.3.

GA ROD LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — — —) Tshul khrims 'byung gnas sbas pa.

GA LU GSER KHANG G.YU GANG — See Thomas, "A Chinese Buddhist Pilgrim's Letters," p. 552.

GA LE NOS — Galen.  From Stag gzig gi Khrom.  484 II 698.1.

Ra tsa GA'U SHA — N. of Indra bo dhi (q.v.).

GA'U SHA RA — Daughter of Hu ron ga.  =Ga'u shu rya.  Emmerick.

GA SHEL KHRI CHEN — See (— — — —) G.yung drung rgyal mtshan.

GA SHEL SHA 'DRA DGON — 253 II 630.6.

GA'U SHOD — In U rgyan.  87 I 13.6.

GA'U LHA SDINGS — A hermitage in Gung thang, where Tshe dbang nor bu had discs.  10.

GAG KAR — Macdonald, Lecture 196 n. 21.

Dol pa GAG STON — BA 403.  =(Dol ba) Grags ston (q.v.).  17 II 456.3.

GANG GA — When the name of the Ganges is translated, it means 'Gro ldan ma.  ga nggā ni bsgyur na 'gro ldan ma zhes pa yin.  Eimer, Dbyangs 56.

GANG GĀ 'DZIN — N. of Dbang phyug.  Das 909.

GANG GĀ'I LHA MO — Picture in 128 1096.

GANG CHEN MTSHO — This is the more authoritative spelling for gangs chen mtsho, q.v.  However, it is clear that some Tibetans have understood it with the other spelling to mean Great Glacial Lake.  This might very well represent a "Tibetanizing" spelling.  Henss, CMT 76, has a discussion.

Bla ma GANG 'DUD — Havnevik, Dissert. 137.


Ltas ngan gyi Rgyal po GANG PAR GE BER — Bellezza, L&T 48, 66.

Gnas brtan GANG PO PA — Disc. of Gautama.  Pūrṇa?  Picture in 128 38.

GANG BA SPEL — BD of T&TB I 934.

GANG BA BZANG PO — Pūrṇabhadra.  N. of a serpent demon.  Das.  N. of a Gnod sbyin.  5 163.  53 162.1.  "Gnod sbyin Gang ba bzang po'i Ri mgul."  44 39.4.

GANG BYANG THANG GI RAB BTSUN — A Lha khang.  27 131.

Ding ri GANG MA — Protective deity of Ding ri.  Aziz 32.

Ding ri GANG DMAR — Name of a mountain considered to be a protective btsan spirit for the king of Gung thang.  See Todd Gibson's dissertation (1991) 206.

Slob dpon GANG ZHUG THOG RGYAL — The Bon master who excavated the 'Dul ba Gling grags.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 435.  See Dpal tshul's Bon history (PRC ed.), p. 336 (last line), where one Ga zhugs Thog rgyal is said to have excavated the Rin chen Gling grags at Mang mkhar Lcags 'phrang.

GANG ZAG SNYAN KHUNG BRGYUD PA — Bon transmission.  253 II 323.2.

GANG BZANGS — BA 743, 953, 976.

Lde GANG RAG MA — Macdonald, Lecture 196.

GANG RANG — Area around Poo (Spu) and lower Spiti.  Klimburg–Salter in TS9 VII 4.

GANG SHAR DAG SNANG — A name of Sha ra Dgon pa.  Roesler, KSP 56.

Mkhan po GANG SHAR DBANG PO — (b. 1925)  A teacher of both Trungpa and Thrangu Rinpoches.  He probably died in around 1980 after many years in prison.  I recommend searching the internet for "Khenpo Gangshar."

GANG SHAR RANG GROL — An alias, with Nyingma inspiration, of Dalai Lama v that is found in 307 II 205 contents.  469 120.5.

GANGS DKAR — BA 478, 492, 522, 1040.  87 I 265.1.



GANGS DKAR RNAM GLING DGON — In Khams.  Shakabpa, History II 141.

GANGS DKAR RIN PO CHE — Or, Paṇḍi ta.  Teacher of Zhwa nag xvi.  BD of T&TB VII 294‑295.  Evidently the subject of a forthcoming article by Carmen Meinert.

GANGS DKAR SHA MED RDO RJE SPYAN GCIG MA — N. of E ka dza ti after her conversion. (??)  Waddell 382.  Also, Gangs dkar Gnam sman dkar mo.  See Ferrari 168.  =Gangs dkar ma in 17 II 533.5.  Tucci, Religions 166.

Yar 'brog GANGS KHYIM KU RINGS — One of 18 dbang ris.  28 79.

GANGS CAN —  [1] Emmerick.  Translation of Himavat, "Snowy" (which may mean the Himālayas or may be a more specific epithet of Kailāsa/ Kailash).  [2] Snowland of Tibet.

GANGS CAN MKHAS PA'I GTSUG RGYAN — Also, Gangs can shing rta.  Honorary names for Tsong kha pa.  Das 211.

GANGS CAN CHOS 'PHEL GLING — See Ferrari 156 for references.  SW of Bkra shis lhun po, and near to Shab chu.  F. by (Paṇ chen) Bzang po bkra shis (q.v.).  185 contents.

GANGS CAN MTSHO — N. of a deity.  17 II 310.3.  Vision of this deity in work by Nags kyi rin chen.  Mistaken spelling for Gangs chen mtsho, q.v.

GANGS CAN RIN PO CHE — Photographs of him may be seen in the front of  Paṇ chen Bzang po bkra shis kyi Gsung 'bum, Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (1999), including one of him together with Kofi Annan.  He drew fire for publicly accepting the PRC's Panchen Lama.  Garratt in TS9 VIII 85.

Bde gshegs Rnam snang GANGS CHEN MTSHO — Picture caption in 320 I 651.  A form of Buddha seen by Nags kyi rin chen.  BD of T&TB I 896.  Davidson in Lungta 16 (2003) 68.  The true form, testified hundreds of times in the Kanjur, is Gang chen mtsho, q.v., a stock expression that seems to refer to a pleroma, or more literally, an overflowing lake.

GANGS CHEN MDZOD LNGA — Kanchenjunga Mt. in Sikkim.  Das 211.  High god of Sikkim with annual dance & feast.  T.H. 95.  58 925.  79 80 no. 39.  TR XV no. 10, p. 18.

GANGS LDAN — See Bernbaum 177.

GANGS PA'I CHOS BCU — 478A I 116.2.

GANGS PA RMUG SENG — 124 482.5, 483.2.

GANGS PA SHE'U — Disc. of Rngog Legs ldan shes rab, learned in Logic.  17 II 379.6.  BA 326.

GANGS PAR — BA 179, 187.  Gangs par Lha khang.

GANGS PAR — See (— —) Spel cig ma.


Lha GANGS PO SHON GANGS — Dotson, D&L 22.


GANGS PHUG GANGS — Mt. in N Lunana, Bhutan.  Olschak.

GANGS BA — ?  N. of an early 'Brug pa, prob. =Gangs pa.  57 IIB 372.5.  BA 703.

Nor sbyin GANGS BZANG — A yakṣa deity or n. of a range which takes its name from the deity of the Rnam thos sras cycle.  Tucci, Lhasa 53.  See Gnod sbyin Gangs bzang.  Nebesky 69.  KTDN B XI 263.6.

Gnod sbyin GANGS BZANG — 23,794 foot peak North of Karo Pass.  =Ha se.  Also, Nor sbyin Gang bzang.  See Wylie 115.

Klu mo GANGS BZANG BU MO 'OD ZER — Cuevas, Hidden History 86.

GANGS YOD PA — Das 413 no. 41.

GANGS RA NGES GSANG RDO RJE GLING — See (— — — —) Rdo rje gling.

GANGS KYI RA BA — [1] Pl. in proximity of Yar lha sham po.  Ferrari 126.  [2] Means generally, 'wall of mountains', or mountain range.  Tibet as a 'glacier‑walled enclosure' or 'snow corral'?

GANGS RI PA — N. of a Sthavira School.  Gnas brtan pa.  BA 27.

GANGS RI SPRUL SKU — 363 88.1.


GANGS RI'I GSER LUNG — 253 II 567.3.

GANGS LA — TS7 I 269.

GANGS LA — Mon.  Diemberger in TH&L 147.


GANGS LUNG — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 388.

GANGS LUNG — See (— —) Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Smon lam seng ge.

GANGS LUNG LHA PHU — 253 II 567.4.

GAD —  See (Gad kyi) Byi ba mkhar.

GAD DKAR — A Rnying ma temple near Charkā in Nepal.  28 34.

GAD BKRAM —  =Gad pram, q.v.

GAD DKAR — Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 167.

GAD KHA SA — N. of a family.  See Dreyfus in JIABS 21 (1998) 237.

GAD THOG PA — Jackson, Patron 3.

'Khon GAD PA KI RTI — A disc. of Mtshur ston.  57 IIB 348.1.  (Mgon) Gad pa ki rti.  BA 416, 418.  See under Gsang 'dus.  17 II 468.3.  Picture in 128 284.

Gcung gi GAD PA GLE GSUM — Gle, acc. to Das, means a small uncultivated island or grove (=tshal, gling ka).

GAD PA STENGS — BA 77.  In Yar klungs.  24 I 218.2.



GAD PRAM —  =Gad bkram.  Listed as one of 8 rgod stong sde of Ru lag.  28 83.  Spelled Gad sram in Lde'u 257.  Gad khram gzigs Dgon.  346 119.1.

GAD KYI PHUG RI — In Yar klungs.  See 133 preface.

La ru'i GAD RDZONG DKAR PO — DTK5 108.

GANG JAG THANG TA — The 'Great Translator' (Lo chen).  132 91.4.  239 XXX 251.2.  415 IX 377.2.  Ba gor Gan jag than.  Achard, L'Essence 38.

Karma GAN DKAR — Ming period porcelain that survived into modern times, given to the Karma pa.  Dung dkar 25.

Mkhas grub GAN DKAR — Active at beginning of 9th rab byung, he made pottery. Dung dkar 139.

GAN CU — See under Kam bcu.

Chu bo GAN TI — BD of T&TB X 24.15.

Karma GAN DRIL — Ming period bells given to the Karma pa.  Dung dkar 26.

GAN DRU — Stein, Mi–ñag 238.

GAN DHA RA — Emmerick.

GANDHO LA'I GTSUG LAG KHANG — Pl. where Gsang sngags kyi rgyud sde rnams were hidden by the Ḍākinīs.  211 41.4.  For Gandha la, see Ghan dha la.

Lho GAN DHO LI'I RGYA MTSHO — Pl. of origin of Father Tantras.  413 312.6.

Ha shang GAN 'BAG — Lde'u2 155.

GAN MO RI — 132 96.4.

GAB TOG SHA BA — Mt. in Rgyal mo rong.  Kværne, Treasury 141.

GAB PA DGU SKOR — N. of texts in 284.  Comm. in 317 243‑311.  Bon tantras in 328.  Comm. in 328 B 195 ff.

GAB PA GNAD KYI LDE MIG — Text in 319 II 92‑100.

GAB PA GSANG BA'I RGYUD — In title in 320 XXVII 225‑56.

GAB SBAS GSAL BA'I SGRON MA — Bon tantra in 258 III 113‑119.

GAB SHIS — Acc. to 27 22, stands for Pakshi.

GAM — A part of Spo bo.  See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 45.


Kha che GAM BHI — Disc. of Dus zhabs chung.  BD of T&TB I 814.

Slob dpon GAM BHI RA MA TI — BD of T&TB I 894‑5, 923.  One of 2 chief discs. of Zhi ba sbas pa, and a teacher of Tā ra nā tha.

Hor GAM RTSE — City in Hor khog region.  Kandse, Kanze, Ganze.  Wylie 118, n. 4.  I think the spelling questionable.  Dga' mdzes is nicer.

GAM TSHE DGON — Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 36 n. 40.

GAM PA LA — Kampa la.  Pass at N end of Yar 'brog Mtsho.  5 171.4.

GAM SHANG — Acc. to 82 88, =Kam sheng.

Gnod sbyin GAR MKHAN MCHOG GI RGYUD — In 320 XXII 102‑112.

GAR CHEN GSAS YUL — 352 787.5 ff.

GAR MCHOD DGON — Mon. in Mdo smad (405 monks).

GAR THIG PA — 17 IV 446.4.

GAR THE CHOS BU — Dotson, D&L 23.

GAR PHU DGON — Vai.Ser. 258.

'Ol dga' GAR PHUG — Vai.Ser. 163.

GAR BA PRA TI — 253 382.2.

GARBHA RI PA — Disc. of Ḍombi He ru ka.  BD of T&TB I 420, X 5.6.

GAR BABS BTSAN PA — Tucci, Religions 230.

Zur mang GAR DBANG — BD of T&TB VII 284 ff.  The 9th was Dge legs 'od zer, q.v.

GAR DBANG viii — 346 112.3.  The Gar dbang incarnates stayed at Brag dkar Rta so.  396 pref. 3.

GAR DBANG 'GRO 'DUL GLING PA — Alias of Nyi ma grags pa.

GAR DBANG CHOS RGYAL —  =(Gter ston) Chos rgyal gling pa.

Stag phu GAR DBANG CHOS KYI DBANG PHYUG — Autobio. listed in BLP no. 1028.

Zhwa dmar vi GAR DBANG CHOS KYI DBANG PHYUG — See under Chos kyi dbang phyug.

GAR DBANG 'CHI MED RDO RJE — Gter ma87 XXXI.  =Kun bzang 'od zer gar dbang bstan pa'i nyi ma.  Bio. in 410 174A.5.

Chab mdo Sis Bla ma GAR DBANG BDE CHEN DBANG PHYUG — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 117.2, 142.5.

Mnga' ris Gter ston GAR DBANG RDO RJE — (1640‑1685)  Zab tig Chos dbyings Rang grol gyi Sgrub Skor, publ. in 1979+.  10th rab byung.  383 220.6.  TS7 I 147.  Two biographies listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 345 (no. 728).  His gter ma were approved by the Dalai Lama v (see E. Gene Smith, "Banned Books in the Tibetan Speaking Lands").  Also called Zla ba rgyal mtshan.  228 105.3.  Work on Amitāyus.  87 XXXI, XXXV.  B. 1580.  396 preface 3.  Cuevas, Hidden History 189.  Ehrhard, Register 153.

Rig 'dzin GAR DBANG RDO RJE'I SNYING PO — Autobio. listed in BLP no. 1851.

GAR DBANG GNAM LCAGS RDO RJE — Alias of Rtsa gsum gter bdag gling pa.

GAR DBANG PADMA SHWA RA —  =(Stag phu Sprul sku ii) Blo bzang chos kyi dbang phyug.

'Khrul zhig Gar dbang Rin po che GAR GYI DBANG PHYUG — (late 19th)  Allione, Women of Wisdom 249.

Rdzogs chen pa GAR GYI DBANG PHYUG RTSAL — Compiler of Bde mchog work in 87 LXXXII 155 ff.

GAR DBANG 'PHRIN LAS RNAM RGYAL — Bio. in 228 262.3 ff.

GAR DBANG BLO BZANG TSHUL KHRIMS DPAL 'BAR — (fl. 1736).  Second embodiment of Bon lung pa.  384 II contents.

GAR GYI DBANG MO — N. of a Mkha' 'gro ma.  BD of T&TB III 392.

GAR DBANG ZLA BA RGYAL MTSHAN — =Padma gar dbang rtsal (q.v.).

Mnga' ris Gter ston GAR DBANG ZLA BA RGYAL MTSHAN — TS5 422 n. 12.

Go 'jo Chos rje GAR DBANG 'OD GSAL BSTAN 'DZIN — 208 II contents.

GAR DBANG YE SHES MCHOG GRUB — Bio. in 228 305.5 ff.

GAR DBANG YE SHES ROL PA THEG MCHOG RDO RJE — See O rgyan kun grol gling pa.

GAR DBANG RIN PO CHE — 482 13.1.

Gling Gter ston GAR DBANG ROL PA RTSAL — TS5 820.

GAR MA LI SHO — Nine Ways 133.  See discussion in R.A. Stein's Zhang zhung article, at pp. 242‑3.  He believes it is a deformation of Tibetan form Bi sho karma, in turn a deformation of Viśvakarman

GAR MI — See (— —) Yon tan g.yung drung.

GAR TSA — N. of a clan (gdung rus).  253 II 348.5. 

GAR TSA — See (— —) Bsod nams blo gros.

GAR TSHA — See (— —) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan.

GAR ZHA —  =Ga zha.  Local name for Lahul (Lahoul).  Das 217.  Gar sha in BD of T&TB X 27.11.  Gar zhwa in 334 title page, where Kerdang temple is mentioned.  See Lho yul.  FM 902.00 contains a basic geography of the area.  For a praise of a miraculous alabaster image of Avaloktesvara in Trailoknath form to be found in Lahul, see O rgyan 'chi med padma gar dbang 'gro 'dul gling pa, Stag tshang ras pa V, Gar zhwa'i 'Phags pa 'Gro ba drug sgrol gyi Gsol 'debs Byin rlabs Sprin Phung (Chemre 1968), and see also B in L 33.

GAR RI DGON PA — A nunnery in Lhasa.  Alexander, Temples 94.

GAR LOG — Qarluq.  The Qarlughs (Kharlukh, etc.) were rulers of Turkish origin who started adopting Islam already in 799 CE (although this was a long process).  They ruled the areas of Bīnbān and Koh‑i‑Jūd, roughly the area east of Ghazna that falls on either side of the Indus and north of the Jhellum River.  17 II 330.5, 339.1, 356.2.  Hoffmann, Religions 112.  Ref. to them in circa 1203 in 476 I 112.3.  The Muslim invaders of India in the 12th century.  476 II 250.7.  484 I 680.1.  Border with Tibet in 13th cent. at Gnye gong.  478A I 109.4.  BD of T&TB IX 230‑237.  Sher 'byung goes to Byang Gnye gong, border between Gar log and Tibet, and meets the Gar log gi Gung blon Sin wig bho gi.  Also, Gar log envoys visited Khri lde srong btsan in early 9th century.  See, for more refs., Kapstein, Assimilation 219 n. 55.  Iqtidar Husain Siddiqui, The Qarlugh Kingdom in the North-Western India during the Thirteenth Century, Islamic Culture, vol. 54, no. 2 (1980), pp. 75-82.  There is also an interesting discussion by the late Gonpo Tsering in Latse Journal, vol. 7 (2011-2012), p. 68.


GAR SHA BA — See (— — —) Thogs med rdo rje.

GAR GSAS BTSAN PO — Rock, Naga Cult I 60, 151.  Nine Ways 73.

GAR BSAM — A country (yul).  LGCM 630.3.

GWAL GWAS — The royal line of Qosūt Mongols.

GAL MDO — 246.

Khrag 'thung Rtsa Rgyud GAL PO — He ru ka Gal po.  Title in 320 XXV 395.5.  397 XXIV 98.2.

GAL PO CHE — See Khrag 'thung Gal po che.

GIR KIS — Sam van Schaik has identified this, as it appears in a Dunhaung colophon (IOL Tib J 1410), as referring to Kirghiz as the homeland of the scribe, who therefore must have been of Turkish ethnicity.  This would seem to be the same as Hir kis form that appears in Pt 1283.  Erkoç 305 gives the original meaning of Kyrgyz (Qïrq Qïz) as "Forty Maidens."

GIRTI SPRUL SKU — In incarnation lineage of Rol po Lce nag pa, student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).

GI'U THEN PO SA YI LHA — Vai.Kar. II 257.

GI RI BHAN DHA — A mountainous country.  Das 218.

GING — See 216 324.4 ff.  Ging Lnga in 307 II 83, etc.  Zlos gar 24, etc.

GING KA RA — Beyer 50.  N. of a slob dpon.  BD of T&TB I 305.

GING CHEN — Wife of Sa tham.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 143.

GING GI GTSO — 'Chief of the Ging', an  epithet sometimes given to Rdo rje legs pa (q.v.).  On the Ging, see Nebesky 278‑80.  Dkar po Ging.  87 I 129.5.

GIM MI SHAN — Mt. Jiming, near Dadu.  Kuijp, KPTB 32.

GU KHROM RDO GSUM SKOR — A tribal group.  TS7 II 983.

GU GUM — A 'bridge' said to connect Rtsa rang Rdzong with India.  TJ XXIII (1998) 108.

GU GE — District in W Tibet in Mnga' ris province.  N. of section and school of Se ra Monastery.  Old center of Zhang zhung empire.  T.H. 50.  "This land of Gu ge is definitely the Zhang zhung country of the Bon po." LPNT VII 90.  BA 37, 643.  14 xii.  Lost independence completely when absorbed into central Tibetan government in 1683.  See 28 129, etc.

GU GE — See (— —) 'Dam grogs mkhar.  (— —) (Khri thang pa) Ye shes dpal.  (— —) Shang rtse gzhung.

GU GE PAṆ CHEN — See (— — — —) Grags pa rgyal mtshan (1433‑1474).

GU GE YONGS 'DZIN — See (— — — —) Blo bzang bstan 'dzin.

Yon bdag GU CHUNG PA — 115 136.4.

GU TAN — Kötan, elder grandson of Jen gis khan (Chinggis Khan).  Das 219.  He invited Sa skya Paṇḍi ta to Mongolia to teach Go dan.  17 II 406.4.  208 I 217.3.

GU DHU RA — Or, Gu dhu ri pa, or, Gu dhi ra.  See Go dhu ra.

GU ḌHAṂ RA — 383 318.2.

GU ṆA — Sanskrit for yon tan.  Kong sprul sometimes signed his works with this shortened Sanskritized version of his name.  23 56.

Za hor GU NA — BD of T&TB I 534.

GU ṆA PHA LA — Cuevas, Hidden History 123.

Gser khang Chos rje GU ṆA MA TI — Bio. listed in BLP no. 2026.

GU ṆA RAKṢI TA — BD of T&TB I 814, 848.

Bla ma GU ṆA A KA RA NA — BD of T&TB I 562.

GU NE — N. in epic literature for the Mon.  Stein, Recherches 186.

GU NE RU — Indian yoginī.  Das 218.  BD of T&TB I 546.

GU PHU BA — See (— — —) Chos dpal rgya mtsho.

GU PHU BLA RGAN — See (— — — —) Chos dga'. 

GU MA — In Mang yul.  Hoffmann, Religions 117.

Tshong dpon GU MO — ?  128 1096.

GU TSI — Perhaps an official title?  LPNT VII 299.

GU WER RGYAL PO — In Gzi brjid.  See 276 preface.  For Gu wer ra tsa, see Kværne 222.

GU WER — See (— —) So'u ra tsa.

GU ZAN —  =Guchen?  Emmerick.  =Kucha.  Beckwith, Tibetan Empire 50.  =Kushana?  F.W. Thomas, "Matriceta and the Maharajakanikalekha," Indian Antiquary 32 (1903) 349, cites from Li yul Lung bstan pa.  See Sylvain Lévi, "Problèmes Indo–Hébraiques," contained in: Mémorial Sylvain Lévi 314‑318, where he discusses the place name Gozan.

GU YANG — Area of Hor.  Stein, Recherches 49.

GU YANGS — Teacher of Bkra shis rgya mtsho (d. 1627).  332 II preface 4.

GU RA BA — See (— — —) Tshul khrims rdo rje.

Zhang zhung GU RA BA — A sa bdagBD of T&TB X 93.18.  A clan?  Cassinelli, Tibetan Principality 12.

Zhims kyi GU RAN — OTA 675.

GU RAM DGON — 253 II 632.5.

GU RIB —  =Gu rub?  See (— —) Dpal bzang.  (— —) Shing slag can.  (— —) Gsas dga'.  (— —) Lha sbyin.

GU RU'I BKA' THANG GNAM SKAS MKHAR CHU MA — A gter ma of Gter ston Chos kyi dbang phyug listed in BLP no. 0301.

GU RU GYAMS — See 275 title page.  Bon mon. near Mt. Kailash.  282 preface. It is mentioned in Swami Prabhavananda's book on Kailash.  Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 145, has a photo.  See Gur gyam.

GU RU CHOS DBANG — Mon. in Lho brag bordering on Bhutan.  Built on model of Nalanda.  Waddell 277.  See also JTL&CT 91, note, which mentions a famous stuffed horse kept there.

GU RU CHOS DBANG — (1212‑1273)  A famous Gter ston.  Ferrari 136.  BA 445.  TPS 259.  (1212‑1270) Dhongthog 34.  (1212‑1270)  BD of T&TB III 391‑406.  See under (Gu ru) Chos kyi dbang phyug.  128 846.  383 413.5.  Gter ma in 87 XVII.  His Bka' brgyad Gsang ba Yongs rdzogs in 87 XXII, XXV.  Work on Yamāntaka in 87 XXVII, XXXIV, XLII, XLIII.  He rediscovered, among other things, works by Mar pa.  413 348.  17 IV 446.5 ff.  Bibliography in 374 II 622 ff.  Bio. in 413 343.6.  410 52A.4.  411 263A.1.  His Bla ma Gsang ba 'Dus pa in 87 VII 461‑614.  His 'Chi med Tshe Sgrub in 87 VIII. [See also (Bu ston) Gong khug ma]  320 VI 608.3.  208 I 219.2.  Bio. in 210 27.2 ff.  See 217 166.4 ff.  See 321 .  Pictures in 321; 320 XX 3.  His Bka' brgyad Gsang ba Yongs rdzogs in 4 vols. publ. in Paro 1979.  His Ma ni Mchod pa 'Dham Dbyangs Rgyas pa publ. in Thimphu, 1979. 

GU RU CHOS KYI DBANG PHYUG — One Gu ru Chos kyi dbang phyug (in this case not the famous Gter ston) is subject of a 'das log story, for which see 50 529‑605.  For sources on this 'Das log figure, see Epstein in TJ 7 no 4 (Wint 1982) 80.

GU RU JO TSE — See =Tshe dbang dar po.

GU RU BSTAN 'DZIN — 375 preface.

GU RU THAL JI — 208 I 236.3.

GU RU DRAG PA — See (— — — —) Ye shes rab 'bar.

GU RU DRAG PO — MBKP 137 has a very remarkable painting.

GU RU DRAG PO KI LA YA — A dag snang of Padma dkar po (q.v.).

GU RU DRAG PO CHE — Kreijger, Tibetan Painting pl. 45.

GU RU DRAG PO MTHING GA — Picture in 320 XXX 619.



GU RU DRAG PO DBU DGU — A gter ma of Legs ldan rdo rje (q.v.).


GU RU DRAG PO DMAR NAG ME PHRENG CAN — A form of Padmasambhava  Picture in 320 XV 649.  Myang lugs Gu ru Drag Dmar Me yi Phreng ba can.  349 I foreword.

GU RU DRAG PO YE SHES RAB 'BAR — A gter ma of Klong gsal snying po (q.v.).

GU RU DRAG DMAR — Gter ma of Gter bdag gling pa (q.v.).  Kreijger, Tibetan Painting pl. 46; holds vajra in right and scorpion in left hand.

GU RU BDUD 'DUL DRAG PO RTSAL — Depicted in Essen & Tingo, Die Götter des Himalayas 113.

GU RU SPRUL SKU — ISTS 18. n. 9.  See (— — — —) Bstan 'dzin 'phrin las rnam rgyal.

Sde dge'i Drung yig GU RU 'PHEL — Alchemico medical work.  Kolmas, Catalogue, no. 1231.  Med. works, see DD 717.  Stein, Tribus 21.

GU RU 'BUM PA — A stepped‑pyramid structure (rather chorten‑like) in Pu rang, the village of Sdod yod.  ZZFC 145.

Skyi ston GU RU TSHE BRTAN — Disc. of Yol mo ba iii (1598‑1644).  373 preface.  Rediscovered a guidebook to the hidden country Dkar po ljongs contained in 504 203‑215, in a Water Pig year (1623?‑1683?).

GU RU TSHOGS PA — Temple near 'Byams pa gling.  Tucci, Lhasa 148.

GU RU 'OD ZER Bellezza, Divine Dyads 394.

Yar 'brog pa GU RU YANG DAG — BA 156.  BD of T&TB III 316.

GU RU RATNA — N. of author of Dgongs gcig Bsdus Don479 471‑529.

GU RU GSANG PHUG — ?  See under Chu mig Brgya rtsa.  Kailash VII 81, etc.

'Brog smad brgyud GU RU LHA KHANG — Pl.n.  5 198.5.

La yag GU RU LHA KHANG — Waddell 277.  Ferrari 140.  Conn. w/ successors of Gu ru Chos dbang.  210 45.2, 46.1.  (Lho brag) Gu ru Lha khang.  BD of T&TB III 289.

GU RUB — N. of a country?  206 556.6.  Gu rub kyi mi sde Zhang zhung du bos te.  Bellezza, D of T 85.

GU RUB — See (— —) Khro rgyal.  (— —) Gyer rgyung.  (— —) Stong rgyung nge.  (— —) 'Bum me.  (— —) Dmu tso ge.  (— —) Tso tang.  (— —) Btsan dor mi sad.  (— —) Rtsu gu.  (— —) Ye shes tshul khrims.  (— —) Sa snang sna sgron.  (— —) Gsas dga'.

Kam chu GU RUB — Also spelled Kaṃ chu Gu tub.  Monastery founded by Ti shrī ras pa in his 35th year.  See Sperling, Further 9, 15.  LPNT VII 293: Kaµ cu Gu rub.

Bla ma GU RUM — Kuijp, KPTB 38.

GU LANG — BA 729.  17 II 427.6.  Known for gold mines (gser kha).  KTDN A VIII 23.3.  115 80.1, 80.2.  In Nepal, means the golden lingam at Pashupati.  406 5B.6.  See following.

GU LANG DBANG PHYUG — N. of Pashupatinath.  Das 777.  =Gu ling.  NMH 12.1.

GU LOG GOL CHOR — Takao Moriyasu, New Developments in the History of East Uighur Manichaeism, Open Theology, vol. 1 (2015), pp. 316-333, at p. 324.

GU SHI — See also, Gu shri, Go shrī, etc.  As a title, see 27 119.  See (— —) Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan.

GU SHU — Pelliot, Notes on Marco Polo 687.

GU SHRI DKA' BCU PA — See (— — — — —) Blo bzang tshe 'phel.

GU SHRĪ HAN — Thu'u 456.

GU SE — See 'Gu zi.

GU SE LANG LING —  Another n. for Gur zhi, son of 'O de gung rgyal.  Huber in N‑T I 264.  See also Huber's 2015 article entitled "An Obscure Word for Ancestral Deity..."  Hazod, Blauschaflinie 167.

GU HYA KA — Indian depicted in mural illus. in Precious Deposits 288.


GU HYA TSANDRA — Picture in 320 IX 645.

Rgya gar gyi Mkhan po GU HYA GSANG BA — 320 XXX 619.5 etc.  Achard, L'Essence 50.

GUG GE — Also, later, Gug.  One of the four Rgod stong sde of Zhang zhung Smad.  28 83.  Lde'u 274.

GUG COG — Lde'u 274.

GUG SHI PAKṢHI — 208 I 237.6.

Dge bshes GUG SHRI — 476 IV 301.1 ff.

Kong gter GUNG GRAGS — 253 II 230.1.

'Ban GUNG RGYAL — See (—) (— —) Tshul khrims rgyal ba.


GUNG CHUNG — Pl.n.?  115 10.5.

GUNG RTON — See Btsan nyen gung rton.

Mgar GUNG RTON — In 695 he was judged to be disloyal and was killed. Dotson, D&L 16.  Schaik, Red 51.

Dkon pa rje GUNG STAG — A progenitor of 'Khon.  BD of T&TB X 85.17.  Interior minister for Khri srong lde btsan.  He married Glang bza' Ne chung ma, and had 2 sons, the eldest 'Khon Klu'i dbang po, and the younger 'Khon Rdo rje rin chen.  Dung dkar 145.

GUNG STON — Emmerick.

GUNG THANG — "Central plain."  A part of Mnga' ris Skor Gsum.  N. of a monastery in Mnga' ris.  N. of  pass (la) in Mang yul by which Padmasambhava entered Tibet.  Ferrari 91.  Yul Gung thang means the district of Gung thang in western Gtsang.  Its capital is called Rdzong kha.  Near the Nepalese border and birthplace of Milarepa.  T.H. 155.  BA 130, 207, 245, 366, 432, 435‑6, 496, 498, 786‑7, 802, 855, 916, 1002, 1023.  TPS 545.  Buston 189.  Ferrari 154.  For history of Gung thang kings, see ISTS 137, n. 5.

GUNG THANG — See (— —) Dkon mchog bstan pa'i sgron me.  (— —) 'Phrang ra (pl.n.).  (— —) Blo gros rgya mtsho.  (— —) Rtsa'i Ko ron.  (— —) Tshul khrims.  (— —) Tsher Yul.  (— —) Ral pa.

'Tshal GUNG THANG — BA 338, 341, 717.  =(Mtshal) Gung thang.

Mtshal GUNG THANG —  =('Tshal) Gung thang.  F. in 1175.  16 33.  Dkar chags by ('Jog ri) Ngag dbang bstan 'dzin.  T&BS I 60.  'Jog ri's work is listed in BLP nos. 0369, 1683.  Qubilai's son had a vision concerning this place.  484 II 592.6.  For artistic depiction of the Dalai Lama iii's visit, see thangka illustrated in TPS plate 71.

Mang yul GUNG THANG — BA 916.  17 II 323.6.

Lha za GUNG TSHUN — Dotson, Horse 276.

La stod GUNG THANG KHAB — Or, Khab Gung thang.  Birth area of Ras chung and Mi la ras pa.  Khab means 'castle' (or 'wife' or 'needle').  57 IIB 348.6, 349.7.

GUNG THANG KHRI RIN PO CHE — Subj. of bio. by Snyan ngag mkhan Bsam gtan don grub listed in BLP no. 0368.


GUNG THANG 'JAM DBYANGS — Incarnate lama of Amdo.  See Das 221.

Tshal GUNG THANG CHOS 'KHOR GLING — Khungtang.  on S bank of Skyid chu near front of Brag Yer pa.  F. by Zhang Rin po che in 1175.  See Ferrari 105.  F. in 1187 by Zhang.  Tucci, Lhasa 112.  F. in 1187 by Bla ma Zhang.  Dhongthog 121.  17 II 528.6.


Khri chen GUNG THANG PA — See =Dge 'dun phun tshogs (Khri pa L).

Dge bshes GUNG THANG PA — One sent to summon Atiśa.  17 II 363.6, etc.  =(Nag tsho) Tshul khrims rgyal ba.

Tshal GUNG THANG PA — See (—) (— — —) Gzhon nu bsam gtan.

GUNG THANG PA'I MCHOG SPRUL RIN PO CHE — See (— — — — — — — —) Dkon mchog bstan pa'i sgron me.  (— — — — — — — —) Tshangs sras dgyes pa'i rdo rje.  The most recent Gung thang Rin po che was b. Feb. 1926 & died at Bkra shis 'khyil on Feb. 29, 2000, aged early 70's.

GUNG THANG BUM PA — Large mchod rten of Yar klung Chu.  Tucci, Lhasa 143.

GUNG THANG ME SHOR — N. of a statue.  Essais 176.

GUNG THANG GTSUG LAG KHANG — Gung thang Gtsug lag khang Byung rabs dang bcas pa'i Dkar chag, by Sprul sku Phrin las rnam rgyal listed in BLP no. 0376.

GUNG THANG GI BTSUN PA — See (— — — — —) (Zhang) Rgyal ba dpal.

GUNG THANG RAS PA — Disc. of Ngam rdzong.  17 IV 411.2, 443.5.  484 II 798.4.

GUNG THANG LA — "Thung la."  A mt., residence of the twelve Brtan ma.  Wylie 65, 132 n. 149.

GUNG DU THA BU NONG — Mongol.  208 I 237.3.

GUNG SNANG PA — See (— — —) Mdzes pa'i dbang phyug.

GUNG PA — One of the four great bla brang allied with Sa skya Mon.  76 7.

GUNG PA — See (— —) Skyo ston.

GUNG PA TSHANG — See (— — —) Bstan pa rgyal mtshan.

GUNG BU — BA 120.


Phywa lcam GUNG MA RONG — Karmay, Confucius 576.

Ma Ne ne GUNG SMAN RGYAL MO — "Queen Fairy of Heaven."  A guardian of Ge sar.  232 6.  Tallystick 174.

GUNG RI GUNG BTSAN — (669‑686)  Father was Srong btsan sgam po, mother Mong za.  Dhongthog 34 (his mistaken dates are given here).  Image illus. in Po ta la (1996) 60.

Blon GUNG BZHER — (d. 866)  A member of the Sba (perhaps 'Bal?) clan, he had been an administrator of the territory around Dunhuang where he led a kind of separatist movement.  He was killed in 866.  Davidson, TTBR 67‑68 (and references given there).  Later sources spell his name Kho byer lde srong sbas, Kho bzhir stong sde sbas, Dba's Kho bzher legs steng.  In Chinese Shang Kong zhe.  Schaik, M&T 63.  Dbas Khro gzher legs steng in Hazod, Blauschaflinie 167.

GUNG RU — See (— —) Rgyal mtshan bzang po.  (— —) Snang nga Dgon.

'Bras spungs Sgo mang GUNG RU KHAMS TSHAN — Printery.  162 187.


GUNG RU CHOS SDE — See (— — — —) Pus ti ma.

GUNG RU DPAL 'BAR — Vai.Ser. 251.

GUNG RU BA — 210 23.5.

Gtsang GUNG RU BA — In a leaflet put out by the Lhasa Archives, there is a photograph of a red–page book they explain as Dmag gzhung (Tibetan book of the art of war).  The title seems to read:  Gtsang gung ru bas rnol zil gnon gyi deb bar ma.

GUNG RU YE SHES MKHA' 'GRO MA — A biography in 18 folios is listed among the works of Zhang ston Bstan pa rgya mtsho (1825‑1895).

GUNG SHING — See (— —) Brtson 'grus rgyal mtshan.

GUNG SRONG GUNG BTSAN — Son of Mang srong mang btsan.

GUN CI RGYAL MO — See illus. in Po ta la (1996) 119.

GUR KUM — ?  17 II 271.3.

GUR SKYONG — Disc. of Ti shri ras pa.  467 II 108.5.

GUR GYAM — Mon. in Khyung lung.  269 preface.  See Gu ru gyams, Gur rgyam.


GUR MGON — A Dharmapāla.  Sādhana in 87 LX.  TPS 91.  Nebesky 49‑51.  Tucci, Lhasa 65 (?).  Wylie 74, 145 n. 278.  349 XXI, XXVII.  Picture in 216A374 I 598 ff.  Depicted in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 209.  Kreijger, Tibetan Painting pl. 56.

Khyung lung GUR RGYAM — 373A title page.  See Gur gyam.


GUR SGOM — See (— —) Smon lam rgyal mtshan.

Zhogs GUR SNGON — Vai.Ser. 145.

GUR CHUNG DGON PA — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 232 ff.

GUR CHUNG RIN PO CHE — See (— — — — — vi) Padma theg mchog zil gnon rol pa.  (— — — — — vii) Blo gros dpal 'byor bzang po (b. 1927).

GUR STON — See (— —) Dpal mdzes rgyal mtshan.

GUR DRAG — See (— —) Gu ru drag po.  See Das 222.

GUR ṆA WA TRA — Land between India & Persia from which a Bonpo 'A zha came.  Khetsun Sangpo, History 88.  See Ghurna parna.  I imagine that here 'A zha may very well mean Hazāra, Mongolic peoples who had settled in mountainous areas of central Afghanistan (but in fact a very mixed population, although it is true their language does include Mongolian words). I've had other ideas about this.

GUR PA GRWA TSHANG — A Sa skya college at Dpal 'khor Chos sde (q.v.).

GUR MO — A khri skor (q.v.) of Gtsang.

GUR ZHI — See under Gu se lang ling.

GUR ZHI'I TSHO KHANG — 253 II 632.2.

Shangs GUR ZHOG DGON PA — F. by (Rme'u ston) Lha ri gnyen po in first rab byung.  253 II 600.6 ff.  Gur zhog is n. of a mt.

GUR ZHOGS — Home area of Dgongs mdzod ri khrod pa, q.v.

Co ne GUR YAG PA — Co ne Gur yag pa Yab sras kyi Rnam thar, by Dbal mang Dkon mchog rgyal mtshan, listed in BLP no. 0688.

GUR RIGS MDO CHEN — Ehrhard in NTFC I 158.

GUR LA — "Tent Pass."  In Mnga' ris Skor Gsum.  Lat. 30°, long. 81°.  See 79 77 no. 30.

Yul GUL GUL — In colophon of FM 361A.50.

GUS GUM — See (— —) Rin chen rgyal mtshan.

GUS RGYA DGON — 253 II 633.6.

GUS TIG — Pl.n.  In Tarim.  See Pelliot, Notes on Marco Polo 714.  See also Nattier, Once Upon a Future Time 195‑196.  Beckwith, Tibetan Empire 131.  An unidentified city along the northern Silk Route.

GUS SDE RE MA — Nunnery.  Emmerick.

GE KAR — In Glo bo.  A temple associated with Padmasambhava.  Ramble in RET XV 496.

GE KHA BRAG — BA 1042.

Dbal chen GE KHOD — Also sometimes, (Sbal chen).  Iconography in Tucci, Religions 243.  One of 5 great deities of Spyi spungs.  275 preface.  See 283.  260 deities who live at peak of Mt. Kailash.  May equal Wer ma.  T.H. 106.  56 38.  4 96A.5.  In titles in 299, 313 I 361 ff.  Thangka illustrated in Christie's New York catalogue (Mar 2000), no. 133.  Descr. of a rite in Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 47.


Mchims phu'i GE GONG — 124 491.4.


GE TAN —  =Ge tang.  Kværne, Mongols 100.

GE THUNG — Stein, Recherches 185.

GE THO — ?  (Zhabs dkar) Sna tshogs rang grol (q.v.) went there.  =Dge tho, n. of a mt.  Stein, Recherches 185.

GE MUN — N. of Gri gum in Tucci, Religions 223.

GE 'DZO — Or, Ger dzo, Sger mtsho, Ger 'tsho, Ger 'dzo, etc.  232 6.  Stein, Recherches 129, 184.  The mountain deity (described as gnyan and sku lha) with whom Gesar had a special connection.

GE ZIR GU SHU — A Turkish clan.  Erkoç 300.

GE YA — BA 13.

GE RA — N. of a country.  Das 223.  =Rgya ri.  ISTS 163.

GE RA LHA PA — N. of a Tibetan chief said to have descended from Srong btsan sgam po.  He belonged to a place called Ge ra lha to the E of Lhasa on the Gtsang po beyond Chethang.  Das 224.

GE RI'I BRAG — See Hazod in TS9 I 30.

GE RU — See Ke ru.

GE RE BKA' PA — See (— — — —) Rin chen rgyal mtshan.

GE RE LHA KHANG — Built by Sher 'byung.  57 IIB 358.7.

GE LU — See Ghi lu za zi.

GE SAR — Might be a pl.n., referring to Turkic Shahi kingdom.  253 II 642.2.  Emmerick.

GE SAR — Houston article in TJ V no. 4.  Poppe, Geserica, in Asia Major III (1926).  This is the hero of the Tibetan national epic.  232.  See under Theg mchog dbang rgyal.  The many different episodes and versions have been published in an edition by Lopon Pema la in 25 vols. (Bhutan, Thimphu 1979).  Karma rang byung kun khyab phrin las (Khenpo Kalu), Gling Ge sar Skyes bu'i Rnam thar las Dbus 'Chi bdag Cham la Phab pa'i Lo rgyus (1975), 2 vols.  Ge sar Stag gling Sgrung (Khasdub Gyatsho Shashin, N. Delhi 1976).  'Dan Bla ma Chos kyi dbang phyug, Dmyal Gling (revealed by Rig 'dzin Drag rtsal rdo rje), Damchoe (Thimphu 1979).  Skyes Mchog Ge sar Rgyal po'i Rnam thar Sog gling Bsam Don Kun 'Grub Dgos 'dod Rin chen Bang mdzod Khams Gsum Dbang du Bsdus pa'i Lcags kyu (Dehra Dun 1978).  Gling Seng chen Rgyal po'i Sgrung Byung Bdud dang Hor 'Dul ba'i Le'u Byon tshul dang bcas pa Shin tu Bsdus pa (Delhi 1979).

GE SAR — His family held 'upper' Ladakh in 9th cent.  DTK5 184.  This does seem to correspond to the Turkic Shahi kingdom (see an earlier entry, just above).

GE SAR — See (— —) Ngam pa lce rings.

Gling rje GE SAR — (1038‑ )  Dhongthog 34.  Texts for his cultus in 212 V.  239 XXVI.  81 103.9, 116.  128 822.  Beyer 304, 56.  206 551.3.  See discussion in DTK5 69.  At this moment, I tend to read his epithet as meaning 'Lord of the [Animal] Trainers [gling bu]' rather than Lord of some area called Gling.

Phrom GE SAR —  A country to the north of Tibet, renowned for its violence.

GE SAR RGYAL PO — (1038‑1124)  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 97.  Also called Seng chen Nor bu dgra 'dul.  232 7.

GE SAR NOR BU DGRA 'DUL — In Gling tshang royal line.  TS5 810.

GE SAR LHA KHANG — Waddell, Lhasa 331, 334.  Temple at top of Bong bo Ri.  Picture in Bell, Tibet Past and Present 20.  Built in Chinese style by Chinese.  Ferrari 92.

Rngog Dbus pa GE SER — BA 364.  =(Brdog) Ges ra in 17 II 412.1.  I see in a quite old Tibetan ms. that was found in Tangut land, he is given as a disciple of Gyi ljang Lo tsā ba, but with his name spelled Dbu pa Dge' gser (i.e., Dbus-pa Dge gser).

Gsas khang GE SER 'BUM GLING — 352 773.17 ff.

GER MDA' — Ferry launching place.  458 I 243.6.

GER DZO — See Ge 'dzo.

GES DUM — See L. Hambis, "Kästim et Ges‑dum," JA 246 (1958) 313‑320.

Brdog GES RA — 17 II 412.1.  See =(Rngog) (Dbus pa) Ge ser.

GO KU LA NĀ THA MISH RA — Gokulanāthamiśra.  An Indian pundit at the court of Dalai Lama v.  Smith, Philology 22.

GO KOG — Discussion of this Turkic tribal name by Zieme in Akasoy, I&T 178‑179.

GAU KSHU LA NA THA MI SHRA — 17th‑century pundit in Tibet.  Mtshan tho no. 128.  See the entry just above.

GO KHA — N. of a country (yul) in Kālacakra lit.  Derge vol. 77, p. 276.7.

GO GE PA — Native of Gu ge.

GO GOL 'KHRUL ZHIG — See (— — — —) Ldum bu.

Khams pa GO CHA — See under Khams pa Go cha.

Tre ston GO CHA — 253 II 414.2, 464.2.

Mtshams ston GO CHA — Contemp. of Rong zom.  205 preface.

GO CHA GNYIS MA — Phyag chen teaching.  17 IV 379.6.

GO CHA MA — Disc. of Mai tri pa.  BA 843.

GO CHE — See (— —) 'Brog sgar Sprul sku.


GO CHA RNA BA SPRUL SKU — 346 99.5, 114.2.


GO 'JO — A Dge lugs mon. in Khams.  23 33.  N. of an area.  See Beyer 16.  See Sperling, Dissertation 198.

GO 'JO — See (— — Chos rje) Gar dbang 'od gsal bstan 'dzin.  See (— —) Rgya ra Dgon pa.  (— — Bla ma) Shes rab 'od zer.  (— — Bla ma) Shes rab dbang phyug.

GO 'JO A PHO BLA CHUNG — A name for Shes rab rgya mtsho (b. 1905).

GO TA BI RA'I GTSUG LAG KHANG — KTDN A VIII 24.6, 33.4, IX 35.5.  In Bal yul.  KTDN 148.1.  BD of T&TB I 525.  Godavarī?

GO ṬA LI PA — In vision of Sa chen.  BD of T&TB X 59.16.

GO ṬA'I RGYAL PO — N. of a king.  rgya gar shar phyogs bham ga la'i yul gau rī dang gau ṭa zhes 'byung bas gau rī dang gau ṭa ni dkar mo zer ba yin pas yul de'i rgyal po zhig gi ming yin nam.  Eimer, Dbyangs 57.

GO TAN — Or, Go dan.  See Gu tan.

GO TAM SDE — See under Gro tshang Rdo rje 'chang.

GO STA NA — See Sa nu.

GO STOD — See (— —) Rin chen rnam par bkod pa.

GO ḌA — Skt. Gauḍa.  Jamspal, Treasury 133. 

Rgyal po GAU ḌA — BD of T&TB I 355.

GAU ḌA PAṆḌI TA DĀ MO DHA RA GRI DZA — Mentioned in 152 I contents.

GO ḌA BA — N. of a pl. in India.  17 II 255.2.  BD of T&TB I 825.

GO DA WA RI —  Said to be in the southeast.  BD of T&TB X 9.6.  BD of T&TB I 440.  Sircar, Śākta Pīṭhas406 7B.4.

GO DHU RA — Or, Gu dhu ra, or, Gu dhu ri pa.  Tib.: Bya rngon zhabs.  Mahāsiddha.  Bio. in 120 145‑6.  See also Bya da li pa.  Gu dhi ra in 17 IV 373.5.

Dge bshes GO 'DUL — (ca. 1181)  476 I 101.2.

GO LDE 'PHAGS PA — See (— — — —) G.yung drung ye shes.

GO NUB — Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 39.  A Dge lugs mon. in Ru thog.

Rgyal po GO PĀ LA — Go po la, Go pe la.  17 II 258.4, 534.1.  =Qubilai in BA 702, 487.  247 I 540.1.  Sometimes refers to the first Pāla king of India.

Bhra wa ma GO DPAL — "Brahmin."  373 I 24.2.

GO 'PHANG — N. of a king.  Stein in McKay, History of Tibet I 535.

GO BI TSANDRA — N. of a mon. in Nepal Valley.  BD of T&TB I 899.

Rgyal po GO BI TSANDRA — BD of T&TB I 436, 459, 463.

GO BIN DA TSIṆḌA — King of Benares.  BD of T&TB I 333.

Blo gsal gling GO BO KHAMS TSHAN — Printery.  162 189.

Rdza stod GO BO KHYUNG PHUG — 363 108.6.

'Bras spungs Blo gsal gling Bla ma GO BO 'JAM DBYANGS PHUN TSHOGS — Student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

GO BO RAB 'BYAMS PA — See (— — — — —) Bsod nams seng ge.

GO BO RONG — See (— — —) Rin chen sgang.

Mtsho GO MA DE BA — 406 3A.2.

GO MA DE BYI — 132 53.6 ff.  Pictured in 320 V 3, 30.4.  Daughter of U pa rā dza.  BD of T&TB I 261.

Sras mo GO MA PĀ LA — BD of T&TB I 955.

GO MA SA LA GAN DHA — Stūpa in Li yul.  406 1B.4, 2A.4.  Go ma swa lag ddho; ='Phags pa shing kun.  363 140.2.  Emmerick.  The name explained (in a 'Tibskrit' kind of way) in Ehrhard, Old & New 111 n. 8.

Yul GO DZI RA — BD of T&TB I 881.

GO ZA PAṆḌI TA — (ca. 1165)  476 I 57.2.

GO RA — Mon. in Tangut land, or in Tsong kha.  484 I 825.3.  See Sperling, Further 9.  LPNT VII 271, 292.

GO RA GDONG — A mon. subsidiary to G.ya' bzang.  CFMS 16.

GO RA ZAM PA — In the Chamdo area.  Tsarong in TJ XXIII no 3 (1998) 31.

Gu ru GO RAKSHA — Mahāsiddha.  Tib.: Ba glang srung.  Bio. in 120 29‑33.  JTM 28, 31.  BD of T&TB I 440, 454, 640‑644.  NMH 43.6.

GO RA BA RI —  =Go ra wa ri.  "Ba'i mchog sbyin."  BD of T&TB X 23.5‑23.10.

GO RAM — See (— —) Bsod nams seng ge.

GAU RI BRGYAD —  "Gau ri brgyad la sogs bran du 'khol."  33 196.4.

GO RI SHWA RI — In bio. of Tilopa.  "Go ri shwa ri Rgyal po'i khab tu."  116 54.7.

GO RIN — 115 161.6.

GO RU RA — Mahāsiddha.  BD of T&TB I 716‑7.

GO RUB LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — — —) Chos kyi shes rab.

GO RO SHI SHA — ?  KTDN 100.3.

GO RONG — BA xvii, 64.

GOR SHA —  =Gorkha, Gurkha.  A mt. village in Nepal, "original" home of the Gurkhas.  Wylie 127 n. 117.  About 45 miles NW of Kathmandu.

GO LA — BA 21.

GO LAM — A gdung rus253 II 355.1.  See (— —) Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.

Hor chen GO LU SU SHOG SNGAGS DGON — 438 VII 415.5.

GO LUNG — BA 698.  (Pha drug gi) Go lung.  4 84B.2.  115 8.2.  Go lung Dgon pa.  115 109.7, 110.1.

GO LUNG — See (— —) Mdo sde dpal.

GO LUNG PA — See (— — —) Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Gzhon nu dpal.

GO LUNG PHU — BA 698.  115 13.6.

GO LEN NĀ THA — Tib.: Rdza ma'i mgon po.  Disc. of Nā go pa.  BD of T&TB I 416, 423.  Teacher of O ko ra nā tha.  BD of T&TB I 423.

GO SHA — See (— —) Tshe ring.

GO SHĀK — Abbreviated form combining the names of two famous Sa skya teachers.  See (Go bo Rab 'byams pa) (Kun mkhyen) Bsod nams seng ge and Shākya mchog ldan.

GAU SHAN TING — In O rgyan.  KB 92.1.

GO SHRI — National preceptor.  Guoshi.  Sperling in Lungta XIII (2000) 23.

GO SHRI — See (— —) Karma chos rgyal.  (— —) Karma bstan srung.  (— —) Karma don grub snying po.  (— —) Chos kyi rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Bstan 'dzin chos rgyan (17th cent.).  (— —) Dpal 'byor don grub.  (— —) Blo gros rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Blo bzang mi 'gyur rdo rje.  (— —) Shākya bzang po.

GAU SĀN — Gosain.  Wylie 63.  NMH 74.2.

Bha ha ma na GO SAL — Picture in 373 I 24.

GAU HA RI — An area west of Assam.  See Dung dkar 18.

GOG — Or, Kog.  Wakhan.  Scherrer‑Schaub in JIABS 25 (2002) 273.  See ZZFC 184.  Dotson, OTA 129.  The Wakhan Corridor is over 200 kilometers long, joining modern Afghanistan to modern China.  The Tibetan Gog certainly does resemble the Gog in Gog and Magog, doesn't it?  (I think this has already been picked up on by some prophecy mongers.)  See now the article by John Mock in RET 27 (Oct 2013) 5‑9, with its photo of an O.T. inscription in Wakhan reading "Gog." There is also a new book Gog & Magog in Early Eastern Christian and Islamic Sources, by E. van Donzel & A. Schmidt, published by Brill (Leiden 2010).  Denwood, TW2 152.

GOG CU — Pl.n. discussed in Horlemann 123.

GOG CU'I CHOS GRA —  Horlemann 131.

GOG DOR — BA 449.


GONG DKAR — BA 338, 799.  5 209.5.  458 I 44.6.  "White Collar," name of a dog, in Jinpa, Mind Training 394.

GONG DKAR — See (— —) Nges gsang rdo rje gling.

GONG DKAR CHOS GRWA — Or, Gong dkar Chos gling, or, Gong dkar Rdo rje gdan gyi Chos grwa.  On Gtsang po near confluence with Skyid chu.  Sa skya Mon. f. by (Rdzong pa) Kun dga' rnam rgyal in 1464.  JTL&CT 308.  Tucci, Lhasa 149 ff.  Ferrari 134.  Dhongthog 126.  This mon. preserved doctrines of Zha lu pa and Bu lugs into modern times.  27 179.  F. in 1469.  76 8.  Jackson, Patron 5.

GONG DKAR RDO RJE GDAN PA THON MI — See (— — — — — — — —) Kun dga' rnam rgyal.

GONG DKAR BA — A branch of Sa skya pa.  Ferrari 164, 134.  N. of a lineage, also called Gangs dkar.  12 IX 92.2 ff.

GONG DKAR BA — See (— — —) Lha dbang dpal 'byor.

GONG DKAR BLA MA — An important Rinpoche of Kham in the first half of the 20th century.  He evidently belonged to Karmda (Skar mda'?) Monastery.  He is mentioned quite negatively in Loup, Martyr in Tibet, p. 221 ("Kongkar Lama") et passim.

Rgya Lcags ri pa GONG KHA PA — Bka' gdams teacher of Sgam po pa.  BA 453.  57 IIB 353.3.  73 246.4.  His tomb in the 'Phan yul valley is especially venerated.  See Roesler, KSP 61.

Bu ston GONG KHUG MA — N. under which the 'Chi med Tshe sgrub teachings by Gu ru Chos dbang passed into the Zhwa lu and Sa skya traditions.  87 VIII preface.  Bi ma la'i Gong khug ma.  210 63.1.

GONG RGYAL — Bon mon. in Nyag rong.  Thar in TS9 IV 167.

'U yug GONG SNGON — Thang stong met Rdo rje legs pa there.  5 190.4.

GONG TEN THO — A way of referring to southern Africa.  Yongdan, TCW 106.

GONG PA RI — BA 279.  Gong po Ri.  KTDN 132.1.


GONG BU — BA 124.

GONG BU MA RU — See H. Uebach's essay in E. Steinkellner, ed., Tibetan History and Language (Vienna 1991).


GONG BO — BA 937.

GONG SMAN — See (— —) Dkon mchog bde legs.

GONG RA LO CHEN — See (— — — —) Gzhan phan rdo rje.

GONG RI DKAR PO — Two days SE of Lha sa in Dbus.  Birthpl. of Bde chen chos 'khor Yongs 'dzin II.  8.

GONG GSUM BDE CHEN PA — Or, Gong gsum pa.  See (— — — — —) Chos kyi dpal.

GON GYO — Spelling for Go 'jo.  TS5 803.

GOR — ? "Gor Bod Zhang gsum."  253 II 581.1.

GOR KHA —  =Gurkha.  363 144.2.

GOR NUB RI BA — See (— — — —) Dbang rgyal.

Rgya gar GOR BU RI — Prob. missp. for Gong bu Ri?  57 IIB 369.6.

GOR ṢHA — Gurkha.  DTK5 142.

GOR ṢHA ṬI — Pl.n.  177 1B.5.


GOL SGRIB STON PA'I MDO —  Text contained in 320 I 260 ff.

GOS DKAR CAN — Śvetavastrin.  In Kālacakra, =Mani?  Refers to physicians.  KB 98.5. 

Drang srong GOS DKAR CAN — Thought to be =Gshen rab in Sim ha pu ra (?).

GOS 'KHRUD ZHABS — See Dho bi pa.

GOS SNGON — Valley in 'U yug.  N. of village near confluence of tributaries of 'U yug Chu w/ temple of same name on other side of river.  Ferrari 160.  History of temple in 383 630.2.

GOS SNGON CAN — With Blue Raiment.  See under Byang chub rdo rje.

GOS DMAR BA — Tāmraśatīya.  Branch of Sarvāstivāda.  BA 29.

GOS DMAR CAN — Kapstein, Dialectic 277, with the suggestion (Kapstein calls it an "assertion") by van der Kuijp that they may be Christian clerics, although this seems not well substantiated in the sources (Kapstein supplies several).

GOS SER CAN —  With Yellow Raiment.  N. of Vishnu.  Eimer, Dbyangs 55.  Jamspal, Treasury 10.

GOS HRUL CAN — With Tattered Raiment.  See Kanta li pa.

GOS LHA PAṆḌI TA — Subject of an article by Khu byug in Krung go'i Bod ljongs 5th issue of 1998.

Snye mo GYA PA'I RU BA — ?  "Rotten tent"?  17 II 534.3.  Seems not to be a proper n., actually.

GYA BA — BA 519.

GYA BAR — BA 518.

GYA TSHOM CAN — "One in doubt."  Kīṭaka.  A bard of Māgadha.

GYA LA BA — A group of heretical wanderers, mentioned in words of advice to a minor king.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum IV 468.3 ff.

GYA HA WAM — A man of Chinese royal blood, sent to accompany the princess Un shing Kong 'jo in an Iron Ox year.  HS XXXVI 361.7.

GYANG CHU — Ch. Jiangzhu.  A Chinese teacher of Mchog ldan legs pa in about late 13th century.  Kuijp, KPTB 57.

Paṇ chen Kha che Dpal 'bar GYANG TI GSAS — 292 preface.

GYANG STONG — Vai.Ser. 249.

Lha ri GYANG DO — Macdonald, Lecture 199.

GYANG PA — BA 298.  Of Mar snon.

Lha ri GYANG MA GYANG MTHO — 239 XXX 234.1.

GYANG TSE — BA 732, 791, 799, 1073.

'Ol kha GYANG SAR — Also, ('Ol dga') Gyang gsar.  Pl.n.

GYAD — BA 849.  N. of a people.  Jaeschke 74.  N. of Mallā region.  Emmerick.  Banerjee, Sarvāstivāda Literature 95.  See Gyad yul.

GYAD DO — N. of a tribe.  Das 235.

GYAD KYI NOR BU — In bio. of Tilopa, "Gyad kyi Nor bu'i grong du."  116 57.5.

Shangs kyi Phu ru GYAD PA — 115 135.2.  Kuijp, Rivers 314.

GYAD BU THUNG — 352 5.5.

GYAD 'BUM BSAGS — Sp.?  58 929‑930.

Lho phyogs GYAD KYI YUL — Samdo A I 8v.5.  Gyad yul.  Lde'u 62.

GYAM — Pl.n. in Mang yul.  DTK5 94, 112.

GYAM — BA 726.  The Gyam in 17 II 421.3 is equivalent to (La stod) Khyam in BA 786.

GYAM PA'I RDZONG — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 383.

Rgyal po GYAM RING PO — 122 82.4.

GYAM RIM — BA 726.

GYAM SHER — Pl.n.  BD of T&TB VII 393.

GYAR — See =Dgyer.  See Sgom chen po.

GYAR RI — Bon mon. in Amdo.  253 II 639.2.

GYI GLING — Kulti, n. of a place.  Das 235.

GYI JO LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — — —) Zla ba'i 'od zer.

GYI LJANG — N. of pl. in Tibet.  Das 235.  Beyer 320‑321.  413 424.2.  502 79.3.

GYI LJANG — See (— —) Dbu dkar.

GYI THAN — Or, better, Gyi thang.  N. of pl. and tribe in E Tibet ("smad na.").

GYI BAN — Chinese monk serving at ordination of Dgongs pa rab gsal.  17 II 340.1.

GYI RI — While this is easily confused as "the mountain of," it may also stand for the Sanskrit giri, "mountain."

GYI RI LJONGS SNGON — Dung dkar 105.

GYI LING GSI — Kuilinsi, in Lijiang.  Jackson, Patron 244.

GYING — See Jaeschke 74.  Laufer, Loan Words 484.

GYING THANG — Pl.n.  See Sperling, Further 15; and note Zla Gying thang at p. 23, n. 66.

GYIN THAS RGYAL PO —  Jingtai Emperor.  Toh, Ming 182.

Ya ngal GYIM KONG — A ritual specialist (a bo) who features in the Rnel dril 'dul ba'i thabs studied in Huber, FDNL.

GYIM RNGUL GLANG CHEN RDZONG — One of the four or six rdzong in outer areas of Zhang zhung, this one in the eastern part.  ACTP II 5.

Spug GYIM TANG RMANG BU — A figure that is named three times in Dunhuang document PT 1287.  The clan name is given as both Spug and Spung.

GYIM PO — Kværne, Mongols 99.

Co bon GYIM BU — 253 II 139.6 ff, 378.1.

Lde bon Mkhas pa GYIM TSA RMA CHUNG — 253 II 133.2 ff, 371.6.  Colophon to FM 364.01.

Lte bon Mkhas pa GYIM TSA RMA BO — 253 II 375.6.

GYIM SHANG — Of Hor.  See 82 88.  "Byang Gring sham Hor gyi rgyal sa na."  4 140B.4.  Gyim shang Nag po.  Kværne, Mongols 88.  Gyim shang is a religion of China which said all life came from a golden turtle.  SBKK II 347.  See A.H. Francke, Tibetische Handschriftenfunde aus Turfan, SPAW (1924), pt. 3, p. 17 for a discussion.

Spa GYIM SHANG GONG GONG — Kværne, Mongols 99.


GYIM SHING KONG JO — Same as following.  Sba 2.

GYIM SHONG ONG CO — Wife of Khri lde gtsug brtan Mes ag tshoms, and mother of Khri srong lde'u btsan.  17 II 319.5.  Or, Gyim shang bza' Ang cung.  87 I 33.1 ff.

GYIM SHOD — N. of a mt.  See 23 29.  253 II 573.6.  For an attempt to interpret it as meaning 'Gold Country', see Yasuhiko Nagano, "Zhangzhung and Gyarong," contained in: Y. Nagano, ed., Issues in Tibeto‑Burman Historical Linguistics, National Museum of Ethnology (Osaka 2009) 131‑149, at p. 133.

GYIL KYANG —  =Gyil yang.  Pl.n.  Emmerick.  Zhu, Preliminary, has a discussion, identifying it with the place known in Chinese as Jiliang.

GYUR PA — See (— —) 'Od zer rgyal mtshan.


GYE KHOD GNYAN LUNG GANGS — 253 II 567.6.  See under Ge khod Gnyan lung.  In Ru thog.  ZZFC 249.

GYE RE — Pl. on Gtsang po SE of Lha sa.  Gye re Lha pa, an old noble family.  Das 236.  BA 991.  5 103.5.  Ahmad, Fifth 97.  On Gye re Monastery, see Dungkar, Dictionary 554.

GYE RE —  =Rgya ri.  ISTS 163.  BD of T&TB VII 179.7.  See Hazod in TS9 I 30‑31.

GYE RE — See (— —) Mchog skyor.

Gtsang pa GYE RE BA — Chag 57.

GYE RE YAR 'PHRANG — Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 103.  The spelling Gye re Yar 'phreng also occurs, although it would seem less correct.

GYED BUM GSAR — Sp?  N. of a rāja of Sikkim.  58 928.  See Man of the Frontier 5 ("Khye bum sar").  His story explains why Sikkimese can claim descent from Tanguts.

GYEN THO CHEN MO — Vitali in TS9 I 82.

GYER — See (—) Thogs med.  (—) Sangs gtsug phud.

GYER GLING NYI SHAR — Pl.n.?  5 170.3.

Gu rub GYER RGYUNG — 206 559.3.

GYER SGOM CHEN PO — (1090‑1171)  F. of Shug gseb Bka' brgyud.  235 intro.?  12 IX 89.5 ff.  See Hazod in TS9 I 31 n. 9.

Khyung po GYER CHEN BLA MED — Bonpo terton.  253 II 192.4.

GYER GTO — Ritual in 12 XII.

GYER STON — See (— —) Khro gsas.  (— —) Nam g.yung.  (— —) Dbang 'grub.

GYER NAM ZU RTSE — 471 95.2.

GYER PA GLING — 5 241.3.  "Gyer pa gling gi shan chen."  5 246.6.

GYER SPUNGS — See (— —) Dge 'phen.  (— —) Rgyal gzigs gsas chung.  (— —) Legs grub.

GYER SPUNGS CHEN PO — See (— — — —) Snang bzher lod po.

GYER MI — See (— —) Nyi 'od.

GYER 'DZOM —  =Ge 'dzo.  Stein, Recherches 184.

GYER ZA — See (— —) Snang rgyan.

Khyung po GYER ZLA MED — (8th cent.)  SFHB 731.4.

GYER GSHEN — See (— —) Stag lha.

GRA — One of 6 early tribes.  Das 238.  BA 96, 352, 654, 671, 715, 822, 937, 943, 966, 970.  24 I 390.5, 217.6.  N. of a clan, spelled variously as Rga or Lga, etc.  See 82 85.

GRWA — See (—) Rnga yul.  (—) Dar rgyas chos lding gi Ri khrod.  (—) Bde ba gling.  (—) Byams pa gling.  (—) Ri bo Rnam rgyal.

GRWA SKOR MKHAN CHEN — See (— — — —) Chos skyabs bzang po.

GRA RGOD LDONG BTSAN — Stein, Tribus 24, with vars. Dgra rgod, Dbra rgod.

GRWA SGOM — See (— —) Chos kyi rdo rje.

GRA LNGA RDO RJE — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 0152.

GRA JANG PA — See (— — —) Nam mkha' 'od.

GRA STAG — See (— —) Rin chen rdo rje.

GRWA STON 'BAR — Founder of Gnas (or, Gnas sgor) Mon. and disc. of Grwa pa Mngon shes.  124 489.4.  Also called Bre ston 'Bum lha 'bar, q.v.

GRWA THANG — Tathang.  Grwa nang is the name of the valley.  On Gtsang po not so far W of Grwa phyi.  Temple f. by Grwa pa Mngon shes (d. 1091) in 1081, and completed by his nephews in 1093.  BA 76‑77, 96‑97, 823, 852, 906, 931, 942, 991.  At first it was Rnying ma, but later Sa skya.  Ferrari 132.  Tucci, Lhasa 147.  27 131.  G.yo ru Grwa thang.  124 454.3.  Description in 124 492.6 ff, where it is said to be patterned after Bsam yas.  Photo of doorway in Precious Deposits II 145, with paintings on pp. 156‑7.  Heller in TJ 27 no 1/2 (2002), esp. p. 41, which notes a special chapel in the north part for the drawings of Ma cig Lab sgron related to Prajñāpāramitā.

GRWA THANG MKHAN CHEN — See (— — — —) Kun dga' mkhyen brtse phun tshogs.

Sger pa Rje drung Rin po che GRWA THANG MKHAN CHEN — See (— — — — — — —) (— — — —) Ngag dbang bstan 'dzin phun tshogs.

GRA DOL — Short for Lho gra and Nang dol.  BA vi.

GRA LDING CHE —  =Grwa Sdings po che.  See (— — —) Cung Sprul sku.

GRWA SDINGS PO CHE — S. of Grwa thang.  'Brug pa sect.  Ferrari 133.

GRWA NANG — Valley with temple named Grwa thang, q.v.  =Dra nang, q.v.  Pl. in Lho kha.  Das 238.

GRWA NANG — Chayet in TH&L 31.

GRWA NANG — See (— —) Rgyal gling tshogs pa.  (— —) Ar dge Dgon.

GRWA PA — NOTE: the name refers to the region, and as such does not mean 'monk', and neither does it seem to have been a family name (Mngon shes belonged to the Mchims family).  It was a local name for the Mgos family in Myang stod, a name based on their family origins.  Vitali in TS9 I 83.

GRWA PA — See (— —) Mngon shes.

Dge bshes GRA PA — See Spyan g.yas Lha khang.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 0452.

GRA PAD — A gter maDas 238.

GRA PHU DGON PHUG — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang. 


GRWA PHYI — Drachinang.  On banks of Gtsang po W of Bya sa.  Home of Skyogs Lo tsā ba Shes rab 'byung gnas.  A pl. in Lho kha.  Das 238.  Ferrari 132.  BA 75, 78, 693, 906, 947, 990.  Velm I 123.  Gra phyi Thar pa gling.  453 39.2.

GRWA PHYI — See (— —) Khang dmar.  (— —) Rta lam po.  (— —) Tshong 'dus Grwa tshang.  (— —) O rgyan smin grol gling.

GRWA PHYI CHU BZANG — 210 240.6.


GRWA PHYI BA — See (— — —) (Gnyal) Rdo rje 'od.


GRWA PHYI O RGYAN SMIN GROL GLING — See under Smin grol gling.

GRA BYAMS PA GLING — Vai.Ser. 188.

GRA BYI LA — City of Magadha where Mai tri pa was born.  See 57 IIB 344.6.  17 II 287.1.  Tatz, LSPM 696, note 1.

GRWA MA GRU BZHI — Karma Bka' brgyud mon.  12 IX 85.4.

GRWA MA LUNG — Havnevik, Dissert. 193.

GRA MI — Disc. of (Klubs dkar) Tshul khrims grags.  17 II 345.4.  BA 82.

Gtsang Gshis GRA SMAD DGON — Vai.Ser. 242.

GRWA TSHANG — One of the 5 families responsible for the administration of Tho ling.  TJ XXIII (1998) 108.

GRWA BZHI — Chinese garrison North of Lha sa.  See Wylie 158 n. 389.  See also Dgra shi.

GRWA BZHI LAS KHUNGS — Dept. set up by the Dalai Lama xiii.  19 267.

GRA RA RING BRAG DKAR — A Bon mon.  TS7 II 981.

GRA RABS — BA 653.


GRWA LO — See (— —) Rnam rgyal rdo rje.

Dbus pa GRWA SUM —  =(Dbus pa) Sna drug.  BA 364.

GRA'I SO THANG PA — Jinpa, Mind Training 316.

GRA HA BAD TA — Khotan protector.  Emmerick 'Gra ha bad ta.

Grong khyer GRA HA RA — 120 174.7.

GRA HE MI BO CHE — Sa bdagKTDN 143.3.

Kha rag GRAGS RGYAL BA — (1186‑1271)  BA 687‑688. Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 2, p. 70.  Aka Grags pa rgyal mtshan.

Mkhan chen GRAGS RGYAL — Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 454.

Bla ma GRAGS RGYAL BA — Karma pa.  Bio. in 35 I 646.


Spu hrangs Lo tsā ba GRAGS MCHOG SHES RAB — 17 II 408.4.

Dol ba GRAGS STON — One of the mnyes pa'i bu chen bzhi discs. of Mar pa.  57 IIB 347.5.  See =(Dol pa) Gag ston.

GRAGS LDAN GLING PA — Secret n. of the Dalai Lama xiii.  438 VI 770.1.

GRAGS LDAN MA — Epithet of Draupadī.  Das 98.

GRAGS LDAN MCHOG SKYONGS — Picture in 320 VI 635.

GRAGS LDAN 'OD — A monk whose n. appears in an inscription.  Luczanits in TS9 VII 119.

Dgra bcom pa GRAGS PA — In story of Aśoka.  BD of T&TB I 279.  Dung dkar 170.

Rigs ldan GRAGS PA — Evidently Paṇ chen I composed a story of this Shambhala king, listed in BLP no. 1862.  Bio. by Dge tshul Blo bzang bstan 'dzin listed in BLP no. 1863.

GRAGS PA BKRA SHIS RGYAL MTSHAN DPAL BZANG PO — (1376‑1421)  A teacher of Ri bo che who had a dream of Phag mo gru pa in 1418 and constructed an image.  Jackson, MB, p. 138.

GRAGS PA SKYONG BZANG — Father of Grags pa 'od zer (q.v.).  5 5.

Ser smad pa GRAGS PA MKHAS GRUB — Author of a history of Shar rtse Grwa tshang that was published in Materials for a History of Dga' ldan (publ. 1975), vol. 1.  He was also known as Ser smad Mkhan zur Thub bstan legs bshad.

GRAGS PA RGYA MTSHO — Subj. of bio. by Ngag dbang rnam rgyal bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 0383.

GRAGS PA RGYA MTSHO — Author of bio. of Zhwa dmar Dge 'dun bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 1733.

Byang sems GRAGS PA RGYA MTSHO — Subj. of a bio. by Rje Mkhan po IX (1710‑1759).  135 I 493‑605.

GRAGS PA RGYA MTSHO — (1646‑1719)  Aka Sangs rgyas grags pa.  23 48. Disc. of (Gtsang Mkhan chen) 'Jam dbyangs dpal ldan rgya mtsho (q.v.). 

GRAGS PA RGYA MTSHO — (1647‑1713)  BD of T&TB V 572.

Rgyal tshab xi GRAGS PA RGYA MTSHO — (ca. 1902‑ca. 1959).

Chos rje GRAGS PA RGYA MTSHO — (13th cent.)  Rnying ma.  Bio. BD of T&TB IV 165.  Prob. subj. of bio. in BLP no. 0760.

Chos rje GRAGS PA RGYA MTSHO — (1555‑1627)  BD of T&TB VI 155.  33rd Khri thog of Dga' ldan (at age 70).  "Gye re Stod du 'khrungs."  Picture in 128 920.

Yongs 'dzin GRAGS PA RGYA MTSHO — Bio. of Dme shul Rin po che listed in BLP no. 1640.  Bio. of A mchog 'Jam dbyangs mkhyen rab rgya mtsho, BLP no. 2094.

GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — Mentioned in a Mongolian document in 'Phags pa script.  See TPS 623.

GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — (1830‑1877?)  See BD of T&TB V 566.

GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — (1900's)  BD of T&TB V 576.

Mkhan chen GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — Bonpo.  253 II 389.4.

Sku zhang GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — Became, starting in 1308, up until 1333, the lay leader of Zhwa lu.  Ricca & Fournier in TJ 26 no 3/4 (Aut/Wint 2001) 104.  He went to China & was awarded with titles of Gu shri and Du dben sha.

Rje btsun Rin po che GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — (1147‑1216)  Dhongthog 35.  16 35.  T.H. 23.  Sa skya pa writer and hierarch, abbot starting from 1172.  BA 211.  TPS 101, 257.  Wrote medical works.  3rd son of (Sa chen) Kun dga' snying po.  Bu ston met him (in vision) and revised his works.  27 112.  17 II 404.6 ff.  Pictured in 128 338, 430.  Collected works in 145 III & IV.  Beyer, index under "Dragpa Jets'en."  Portrait bronze, see Uhlig, On the Path to Enlightenment 188; another in Weldon & Singer, Sculptural Heritage p. 171.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1968.

Gong ma GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — (1374‑1432)  Father of (Gong ma) Grags pa 'byung gnas pa (q.v.).  Died in 1432 at age 59.  208 229.2.  19 85 ff.  449 34.3.  For sources, see E. Sperling, Dissertation, p. 171, note 3.  Precious Deposits III 93.  Shastri in TS9 I 133.

Glang ras pa GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — Disc. of Stong nag ras pa.  467 II 187.4.  Also studied w/ Zhwa nag iii (1340‑1383).  B. and d. in Tiger year, living to age 73.

Rgyal Mkhan chen GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — (1762‑1837)  BD of T&TB V 693.  23rd in gdan rabs of Bkra shis 'khyil.  Works listed in SBTD I 311.  Skyes rabs comm. listed in BLP no. 0173.  Author of bios. listed in BLP nos. 0866, 1146.

Chos bzhi Snying ma ba GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — 57 IIB 358.5.  See =(Tshes bzhe) (Rnying ma ba) Grags pa rgyal mtshan.

Snyos GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — Also, (Smyos).  Disc. of Nyang ral.  413 338.2.  477 136.1.

'Jam dbyangs GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of a comm. on the 1st chap. of Guhyasamāja Tantra, publ. 1977.

'Dul 'dzin GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — (1374‑1436) or (1374‑1434)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 165.  "Dbus Stod Sprad du 'khrungs."  Dhongthog 35.  Disc. of Tsong kha pa.  Pictured in 128 482.  Bio. in 165 I 822.  Barlocher 445.  His 'Dul ba'i Bslab bya Chen mo has been published in 248 folios in 1972(?) in Dehra Dun.  I Tib 72‑905163.  For a portrait in a 15th‑century thangka, see Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 214.  His work on Yogatantra is in woodblock print in LTWA.  Its title is Bcom ldan 'das Thams cad Rig pa'i Rnam bshad, with 161 fols.  Author of bio. of Red mda' ba listed in BLP no. 1883.

Nang chen Bla ma GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — 23 29.

Sne bo GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — (11th cent.)  One of 'four great disciples' (bu chen bzhi) of (Gzus) Rdo rje rgyal mtshan.  "yul Rang lho tsa ba/ rus Zhang."  BD of T&TB III 234, 235.  17 II 342.6 ff.  (Sog) Tshul khrims bla ma was his disc.

Paṇ chen Bsod grags iv GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — (1619‑1654)  He is the human who evidently committed suicide by stuffing a scarf down his own throat, and subsequently became the protective deity Rdo rje shugs ldan.  MHTL no. 13499 would seem to be a ref. to a volume of his collected works:  "sprul sku grags pa rgyal mtshan gyi gsung pod gcig."  He was at first a candidate for Dalai Lama, but was finally recognized as the 3rd reincarnation of Bsod nams grags pa (1478‑1554).  He was at the head of the estate known as the Gzims khang Gong ma, while the 5th Dalai Lama was at the head of the estate Gzims khang 'Og ma.  See Dreyfus in JIABS 21 (1998) 229 ff.

Paṇḍi ta GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — Bio. by 'Jam dbyangs nam mkha' listed in BLP no. 1271.

Bo dong Mkhan chen Lo tsā ba GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — DTK5 120.  His dates were fairly surely 1352‑1405.  He is later than Yar klungs Lo tsā ba, but the two of them are often confused in the sources (and there was a Shud ke Lo tsā ba Grags pa rgyal mtshan as well, although he might be identifical with Yar klungs Lo tsā ba??).  Dates given as 1352/3‑1405 by Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 184.  His biography is included in Bo dong Phyogs las rnam rgyal's history of the Guhyasamāja.

Dbang GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — (1374‑1432)  Kuijp in Lungta 14 (2001) 60.  See Gong ma Grags pa rgyal mtshan, above.

'Be tsha GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 409.1, 476.3.

Mar ston GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 437.3, 604.1, 604.3.

Tshes bzhi Rnying ma ba GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — (1293‑1360).  BA 583.  Became abbot of 'Bri gung in 1310.  A Kālacakra image said to have been found in the stūpa of "Chos bzi pa, Abbot of Densatil and king of Tibet during the late 14th century" is reproduced in Orientations 35 no 4 (May 2004), P. 83  Evidently his name is sometimes given as Chos bzhi Snying ma ba Grags pa rgyal mtshan.

Yar Lo tsā ba GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — (1242‑1346)  2 12.  Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 0078.  Evidently this is Yar lung Lo tsā ba.  His name is given as Yar klung Lo tsā ba Grags pa rgyal mtshan in Mtshan tho no. 76, which says he received the 45 initiations of Kriyā from Kha che Paṇḍi ta Bhu mi shrī (Bhūmiśrī), so it would seem he went to Kashmir.  He certainly worked on many of his translations in Nepal.  According to information from the PRC, his biography has recently surfaced.  According to sources there, his dates should be 1242‑1346, meaning he lived for 105 years.  He was a student of Sman lung pa (b. 1239) and a teacher of Snye mdo Kun dga' don grub (b. 1268).  He was also a teacher of Rngog Chos kyi rgyal mtshan (1283‑1359).  He met Sa skya Paṇḍi ta and was an associate of 'Phags pa.

Se'i len dbang GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — Sa skya pa.  (1336‑1377).  "Stag tshang Rdzong khar 'khrungs/ yab Dbang Kun dga' legs pa'i 'byung gnas."  He is called Bailan Wang (1336‑1376) in Kuijp, Rivers 308, which suggests the intended Tibetan spelling ought to be Pe'i len Dbang.

Slob dpon Chen po GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — (1433‑1474)  Sa skya pa.  Dhongthog 36.  No doubt =Gu ge Paṇ chen Grags pa rgyal mtshan, the disc. and biographer of Ngor chen.  76 2.  He's probably the Kirti dhwa dza depicted in lower registers of Kriejger, Tibetan Painting pl. 66.  For what may be a different Grags pa rgyal mtshan of the 15th cent., see Toh, Ming, 183, 186.

Co ne Dge bshes GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — (20th cent.)  438 VII 510.1.

Mkhan chen GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — Teacher of Sangs rgyas bstan 'phel (1817‑1884).  55 preface.

Rgyal tshab V GRAGS PA MCHOG DBYANGS — (1618‑1658)  Bio. 35 II 302‑17.  Among teachers of (Gsang bdag) 'Phrin las lhun grub.  BD of T&TB III 806.  Beyer 322. 

GRAGS PA MTHA' YAS — 'Brug pa.  (1469‑1531)  His chief guru was (Lha btsun) Kun dga' chos kyi rgya mtsho.  For bio. see 49.  From Gtsang; b. in Dpal rnams grong stod in Nyan zhabs (?).  Probably the Rnal 'byor gyi Dbang phyug Grags pa mtha' yas whose bio. is listed in BLP no. 1261.

Dpal GRAGS PA MTHA' YAS — (early 15th cent.)  CFMS 31 ff.  Fuller name is Grags pa mtha' yas mi 'gyur dbang gi sde.  B. in 1433.

GRAGS PA MTHA' YAS — King of Mustang in circa 1520.  ISTS 134.5.

GRAGS PA MTHA' YAS — (1469‑1531)  Bio. by Ma pham rdo rje, publ. in 1977: Rnal 'byor gyi Dbang phyug Grags pa mtha' yas dpal bzang po'i Rnam thar Mgur 'bum Ngo mtshar Nor bu'i 'Phreng ba, Gonpo Tseten (Gangtok 1977), in 246 pp.

GRAGS PA DON GRUB — 80th Khri thog of Dga' ldan (abbot 1870‑1876).  BD of T&TB VI 208.  128 968.

Rgyal tshab iv GRAGS PA DON GRUB — (ca. 1550‑ca. 1617)  Bio. in 35 II 141‑146.  373 preface.  B. in Snye mo Stod Dbra skor, his father was Tshe dbang nor bu, mother Legs mdzes sgron ma.

Paṇ chen GRAGS PA RDO RJE — Kreijger, Tibetan Painting 78, where he is a lesser figure in a thangka.  On Paṇḍi ta Kīrtivajra, who composed a chronological work, see forthcoming paper by Leonard van der Kuijp (now published under the title "On the Composition and Printings of the Deb gter sngon po"; see its p. 14).  David Jackson supplies a longer name Mi nyag Paṇḍi ta Grags pa rdo rje (b. 1491).  See also under Kirti badzra.  Jackson, MB 98.

GRAGS PA LDE — A king of Gu ge.  28 53.  Heller, Hidden 25.  HS LVII 147.1.

GRAGS PA RNAM RGYAL — Subj. of bio. listed in BLP no. 0384.

Rnam grwa Dus 'khor Slob dpon GRAGS PA RNAM RGYAL — 438 VII 501.4.

Dge bshes GRAGS PA DPAL — Thang stong met him at Stag lung.  5 214.1.

Gnyos GRAGS PA DPAL — (d. 1210)  Central figure of thangka in Kreijger, Tibetan Painting 72.  See the study by Allinger  in TS9 VII.  See Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 100, which has the dates 1106‑1182/3.  See also Jackson, MB 29, with the dates given as 1106‑1165/1182.

Gnyos nag GRAGS PA DPAL — BA 601.

Bal po GRAGS PA DPAL — Pundit listed, with no further info, in Mtshan tho no. 106.


Bla ma Cham dgon pa GRAGS PA DPAL LDAN — Karma pa.  35 I 676.

Rgyal tshab iii GRAGS PA DPAL 'BYOR — (ca. 1519‑1549).  Student of Mi bskyod rdo rje (1507‑1554).  Lived 1516‑1546, acc. to bio. in 35 II 63‑65.

Rngog ston GRAGS PA DPAL 'BYOR — He received the revealed cycle of the Nor bu Mthong grol from 'Khrul zhig Kun dar ras ma, who in turn received it from its revealer (Bram pa) Kun dga' bzang po, q.v.

Wang Chos rje GRAGS PA DPAL 'BYOR — Dgon lung Abbot from 1734‑1737.  332 II 24.

Spang khang Bla ma GRAGS PA DPAL BZANG — Pictured in 128 538.

GRAGS PA DPAL 'OD ZER BZANG PO — Ordination n. of Sangs rgyas dbon (1251‑1296), q.v.  Jackson, MB 115.

GRAGS PA 'PHRIN LAS — Student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

GRAGS PA BYANG CHUB — Met by Lha btsun pa (1473‑1557).  116 295.1.

Tshe bzhi Gsar ma ba GRAGS PA BYANG CHUB — (1356‑1386)  Also called Spyan snga and Tshes bzhi.  Became abbot of 'Bri khung at age 16.  BA 585‑596.  127 20.  Pictured in 128 478.  17 XX 98.1.  Kuijp in TH&L 289.  Kuijp in Lungta 14 (2001) 60‑61, 72 n. 22.

GRAGS PA'I BLO GROS — In bio. of Nāropa.  75 8.

GRAGS PA BLO GROS — Novice n. of (Spyan snga) Dpal ldan bzang po ba (q.v.).

Blo gros Chen po GRAGS PA BLO GROS — (1367‑1446)  Sa skya pa.  Father's n. was Ta dben Kun rin.  Dhongthog 36.

Sngags 'chang GRAGS PA BLO GROS RGYAL MTSHAN — (1563‑1617)  Sa skya pa.  "gdan sa chen po'i nub phyogs gdong kha rdzong ga yang rtser 'khrungs."  Dhongthog 36.

Rkyang po GRAGS PA DBANG PHYUG — A gter stonBD of T&TB III 311.


GRAGS PA 'BUM — A king in La dwags.  14 82.

GRAGS PA 'BUM — Brother of Grags 'bum lde.  DTK5 187, 188.

Sngags 'chang GRAGS PA 'BUM — Father of Lha Rin chen rgyal po in the Gnyos family lineage.  See the Kha rag Gnyos history.

GRAGS PA 'BYUNG GNAS — Complete ordination n. of Spyan snga Rin po che (q.v.).

Chos rje GRAGS PA 'BYUNG GNAS — Subj. of bio. by Rje Rgod tshang pa listed in BLP no. 0761.

Spyan snga GRAGS PA 'BYUNG GNAS —  This is none other than the famous 'Bri gung pa hierarch (see under Spyan snga Rin po che).  TPS 366, 726.

Mi'i dbang po GRAGS PA 'BYUNG GNAS — Also, (Bdag po) or (Lha gzigs)  (1414‑1445)  Appted. in 1433.  A Phag mo gru prince.  39 5.  BA 799.  =(Gong ma) Grags pa 'byung gnas, son of (Gong ma) Grags pa rgyal mtshan pa.  5 117.5, 241.1‑242, ff.  See 19 86.  17 II 311.5, 422.6.  BA 412.  17 II 465.4.  BD of T&TB I 897.  "Sa tham gyi Dbang phyug Grags pa 'byung gnas rgyal mtshan."  449 38.2.  CFMS 34.  Patron of Nags kyi rin chen.  Mtshan tho no. 123.

'On pa Rgod phrug GRAGS PA 'BYUNG GNAS — F. ('On) Dga' ldan chos 'khor sdings.  =Rgod phrug ras pa.  In lineage of O rgyan Bsnyen sgrub17 IV 436.5, 489.4.  BA 704.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 0477.

Nel pa Paṇḍi ta GRAGS PA SMON LAM TSHUL KHRIMS — Author of a Chos 'byung.  =Smon lam blo gros (q.v.).  BA viii.  242 III 297.1.  488 1‑50 contains the history he composed.

GRAGS PA BRTSON 'GRUS — An attendent of Karma pa iii, he was appointed as Tshen dben (Ch. qianyuan), 'secretary' in early 14th century under the Yüan.  Kuijp, KPTB 35.

Rgyud smad Mkhan chen GRAGS PA BRTSON 'GRUS — Pictured in 128 408.

Rgyal ba Rin po che GRAGS PA BRTSON 'GRUS — (1203‑1267)  Disc. of Spyan snga Rin po che.  Bio. BA 579.  Became abbot of 'Bri gung in 1235.  He had the nickname Thog brdungs pa.

Ze'u 'Dul 'dzin GRAGS PA BRTSON 'GRUS — (1253‑1316)  10th abbot of Snar thang from 1305‑1316.  For a bio., see Leonard van der Kuijp, "On Some Early Tibetan Pramāṇavāda Texts of the China Nationalities Library of the Cultural Palace of Nationalities in Beijing," Journal of Buddhist & Tibetan Studies, vol. 1 (1994), pp. 1‑30, at p. 26.  See Kuijp in CAJ (1995) 299.  See Kuijp, Treatise 408, where his abbacy is dated to 1304‑1314.  See also Kuijp, KPTB 4.  His work entitled Dge ba'i bshes gnyen mchims pa rnams kyi lo rgyus listed in Drepung Catalog 1726.

Mkhan chen Dka' bzhi pa GRAGS PA GZHON NU — (1257‑1315)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 452.  "dbu ru stod kyi lha lcang ring mo can zhes pa'i grong grud gsar du 'khrungs/ yab gyad gsar dgos pa." Dhongthog 36.  27 75.  Bio. in 165 II 829‑32.

GRAGS PA BZANG PO — (1710‑1765).  BD of T&TB V 616.

GRAGS PA BZANG PO — (late 13th cent.)  =Grags bzang.  Kuijp in Chayet, Edition 452.

Mkhyen rab dbang phyug GRAGS PA BZANG PO — Rnam thar in 243 I 685 ff.

Dge ba'i bshes gnyen GRAGS PA BZANG PO — Subj. of a bio. by Pradznya'i ming can listed in BLP no. 0451.

Chen po GRAGS PA BZANG PO — BD of T&TB I 898.

Smar khams pa GRAGS PA BZANG PO — Bio. by Stag tshang Lo tsā ba & Paṇ chen Chos rgyan both listed in BLP no. 0889.  Evidently he was an immediate disc. of Tsong kha pa.

Shar phod Chos mdzad GRAGS PA BZANG PO — The collected works were published (Beijing 2004), in 3 vols, as part of the series Mgo log dpe rnying dpe tshogs, nos. 8‑10.

Snying stobs 'gran med Dge slong GRAGS PA 'OD — In Jātaka story.  Pictured in 128 732.

GRAGS PA 'OD ZER — N. of a prince, son of Grags pa skyong bzang, about whom story is told in bio. of Thang stong.  5 6.  Grags 'od is a former birth of Thang stong.  5 224.4.

Ti shrī GRAGS PA 'OD ZER — (1245‑1303)  N. of the 5th imperial tutor of Yüan Dynasty, in the last decade of 13th century.  His seal illus. in Precious Deposits 22‑24.

Mkhyen rab GRAGS PA 'OD ZER — (d. 1641)  13th of 13 predecessors of Lcang skya line (q.v.).  Also called (Lcang skya) Grags pa 'od zer.  Abbot of Dgon lung (1630‑1633).  332 pref. 16, 17.

Rgyal sras Sprul sku GRAGS PA 'OD ZER — (1356‑1409).  thugs sras of Klong chen pa.  BD of T&TB III 558, 573.


Kla yas pa'i Dge slong  GRAGS PA YE SHES — LPNT VII 329.

Rgyal tshab IX GRAGS PA YE SHES — (ca. 1821‑1876).

Mdo khams kyi Dpon GRAGS PA YE SHES — Letters to him from Gtsang pa Rgya ras.  447 31 ff, 51.1, 128.4.

Rin po che GRAGS PA YE SHES (1240‑1288)  Became abbot of 'Bri kung in 1281.  BA 582.

Rje dbon GRAGS PA YONGS 'DUS — Said to be author of 78.  Most probably is the same as Karma grags pa yongs 'du, q.v.

Lha rin pa GRAGS PA YON TAN — Also, (Lho Rin po che).  BA 592, 595.  Disc. of Zhwa nag iv & teacher of Zhwa nag v.  57 IIB 361.2.

Kong ston Gzhung brgya smra ba GRAGS PA RIN CHEN — See 17 XX 452.6.  A slob dpon of Spur steng Chos sde.

Rgyal sras GRAGS PA RIN CHEN — (1349‑1367)  Kuijp in Lungta 14 (2001) 60.

Mnga' bdag GRAGS PA RIN CHEN — (1255‑1328)  Kuijp, Rivers 312.

Spyan snga GRAGS PA RIN CHEN — (1250‑1310)  Kuijp in TH&L 286 n. 9. 

Sme'u ti GRAGS PA RIN CHEN — 478A I 118.4.

Rin po che Gnyis mchod pa GRAGS PA RIN CHEN — Also, (Gnyis mched pa).  (1250‑1310).  Became abbot of 'Bri khung in 1289.  BA 582 ff.

Mi nyag Rtogs ldan GRAGS PA RIN CHEN — Karma pa.  Bio. in 35 I 512.

Dkar po GRAGS PA RIN CHEN SENG GE — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 0955.

Bcu gnyis Gsar ma ba GRAGS PA SHES RAB — (1310‑1370).  Became abbot of 'Bri khung in 1360.  BA 584‑585.  Younger brother of (Tshal pa) Kun dga' rdo rje.  T&BS I 61.

Ze'u GRAGS PA SHES RAB — (1259‑1325)  Kuijp, Treatise 408.

Co ni GRAGS PA BSHAD SGRUB — (1675‑1748)  See Vostrikov, Critical 56.  BD of T&TB V 629.  Works listed in SBTD 426.  Author of bio. of Tsong kha pa listed in BLP no. 0899.  Bio. by Dbon po Ngag dbang bkra shis listed in BLP no. 0385.  Autobio., see BLP no. 2058.



Spyan snga GRAGS PA BSHES GNYEN PA — (1322‑1381)  Became abbot of Gung thang in 1357.  BA 717.

Lha GRAGS PA BSHES GNYEN — Founded Bsam grub Bde chen in 1416.  CFMS 31.

GRAGS PA SENG GE — Ordin. n. of Brag kha ba.  475 122.1.

GRAGS PA SENG GE — Author of bio. of (Rdo rje gling pa) Shes rab seng ge.  24 II 185‑233.

Rtogs ldan GRAGS PA SENG GE — Bonpo.  253 II 390.2.

Drag po Shugs ldan Rgyal chen GRAGS PA SENG GE — A Bon protector.  Subject of 286 I 603‑5.  313 II 301‑9.  Lo rgyus in 333 497 ff, where he seems to be connected with the Zhwa dmar hierarchs.  489 527 ff, 651 ff.  Karmay, Arrow 364.  Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 170.

Rtogs ldan Zhwa dmar i GRAGS PA SENG GE — (1283‑1349)  Student at Mtshur phu and Gsang phu.  Bio. by Zhwa dmar ii in 121 II 163‑201.  Pupil of Chos rje Bde chen.  In 1333, f. Gnas nang Monastery.  Usually considered to be the first Zhwa dmar incarnate.  BA 523‑532.  35 I 233‑264.  17 II 536.4.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1015.

Yar lung pa GRAGS PA SENG GE — Tshal pa priest to Tangut king.  484 I 825.2.

GRAGS PA BSAM 'GRUB — Bsod nams grags pa'i dpal (composed at Lha rtse Dgon gsar), Dpal Gsang ba 'dus pa'i Rdzogs rim Thar lam Sgron me Mkhas pa'i Yid 'gros, composed at behest of Grags pa bsam 'grub, an 81‑fol. xylo. printed at Dga' ldan phun tshogs gling (LTWA GA/2/32/14405).

Mtshams bcad pa GRAGS PA BSOD NAMS — (1238‑1310)?  (1240‑1288)?  6th abbot of 'Bri gung.  Bio. 357 104‑110.  37 24.  B. in Water Bird year.  484 I 851.5.  Bio. in 168 173.2 ff.  Bio. by "Chos 'khor gling gi Ban chung Bla ma'i ming can" listed in Drepung Catalog 1504.

Mkhas grub GRAGS PA LHUN GRUB — Author of work on Shangs pa doctrines in 138.

Me ston GRAGS DPAL — (d. 1168)  Kværne 231 no. 102.

GRAGS BYIN — In avadāna story.  TPS 500.

Sne'u rdzong pa Nang so GRAGS DBANG — 5 198.4.

Skyi ston GRAGS 'BUM — Teacher of (Bcom ldan) Rig pa'i ral gri.  27 22‑24.  17 II 381.4.  BA 336.

GRAGS 'BUM LDE — A king in La dwags.  14 82.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 315.

Bla chen GRAGS 'BUM LDE — Brother of Grags pa 'bum.  DTK5 187.

Me nyag GRAGS 'BYUNG — 410 195B.1.

Zhang ston pa GRAGS SBYOR — Or, Grags 'byor.  In Mes lugs.  BA 405.  57 IIB 348.4.

GRAGS BTSAN LDE — A king of Gu ge.  28 53.


GRAGS 'DZIN MA — See the inscription on the thangka depicted in the exhibition catalogue Trésors du Tibet (Paris 1987), illus. 6.

Khyung po GRAGS BZANG — Contemp. w/ Zur chung.  33 231.2.

Mkhyen rab GRAGS BZANG — Disc. of (Rong ston) Shes bya kun rig, who founded Bi lung.  17 II 382.3.

GRAGS BZANG PA — Half brother of Thang stong.  Stearns, King 21.

GRAGS YAS — N. of a district in Khams.  Das 240.

Jo mo GRAGS RIN MA — 17 IV 449.6.

Khyung po GRAGS SE — Pupil of Rma Lo tsā ba.  76 5.

Skyel nag GRAGS SENG — Opened a college at Snar thang.  See 27 24 note.  17 II 381.4.  BA 336.

Mkhas btsun GRAGS SRED — Belonged to a 'Brug pa lineage.  57 IIB 372.1.

GRANG KLUNG — N. of a large village under Kamba Jong on the other side of the Gangs chen mdzod lnga mt.  Das 240.

GRANG PO LUNG — See (— — —) Dkon mchog gzhon nu.

GRANG PHU LUNG PA — See (— — — —) 'Jam dbyangs rgyal mtshan.

GRANG MO — BA 720.  Hazod in Steinkellner Festschrift 266.

'Dar GRANG MO CHE — Printery.  162 234.

GRANG SO — See Drangs so.


GRANGS DKAR BA — An image inscribed with this name is found in Portraits of the Masters, but I suggest this ought to be read Gangs dkar ba, q.v.

GRANGS CAN — See (— —) 'Jam pa'i rdo rje.

GRANGS CHEN LO TSĀ BA — See (— —) Shākya nor bu.

GRANGS 'DZIN DBYINGS — Rock, Nāga Cult I 151, 269.

GRAB — BA 269, 292, 862.  27 132. 

Phan yul GRAB — 17 II 413.6.

'Phan yul GRAB DKAR — One of 30 holy places of Bon.  Das 847.

GRAB MKHAR BA — Slob dpon at ordination of Zhang G.yu brag pa.  17 II 526.2.

GRAB DGON SNGAGS PA GRWA TSHANG — Bon mon. of Amdo.  253 II 637.3.

GRAB SHUL BA — See (— — —) Blo bzang phun tshogs.

GRAM PA — N. of region around Lha rtse Rdzong.  Ferrari 154. 

GRAM PA — See (— —) Kun dga' bzang po.

GRAM PA KHAM BU — Pilgrimage place of Bon.  Das 243. 

GRAM PA RGYANG — 253 II 569.3, 578.5.  5 76.1.  Stearns, King 161.

GRAM PA RIN PO CHE — 601 3r.4.

Stod lung GRAM BU'I TSHAL — 87 I 44.3.  KTDN 100.1.

GRAM MTSHO — See Drangs so.


GRAM SAG GI CHU — Das 413 no. 8.


GRI GU — CFMS 13.  See Lcags rtse Gri gu.

GRI GU NAS LHA BTSUN — See (— — —) (— —) Blo gros pad dkar.

GRI GU MTSHO — Large lake S of Gtsang po & NW of Gnyal.  Ferrari 135.

GRI — See (Gri'i) Me'u chung.

GRI GU — Pl.n.  17 III 455.5.

Bstan srung Mgon po GRI GUG — Texts in 36A IV near end.

GRI GUG BRTSEGS PA'I RGYUD — Title in 320 XXXII 455.5.  17 IV 334.1.

GRI GUM — See 83C 203 et passimRuegg 317.

GRI GUM BTSAD PO — Kværne no. 46.  For a list of sources on his death, including the Old Tibetan Chronicles account, see Cuevas, Hidden History 30 and notes.  See under Dri gum btsan po.

GRI MDO — BA 995.

GRI 'DUR — A ceremony.  Kværne no. 48.

GRI PA DGON — Vai.Ser. 258.

GRI BSHAD GNA' MI'I NGAG RGYUN — An oral epic set in ancient Tibet.  A kind of historical source, apparently, that was orally transmitted.  I think it probably just means the traditional account of untimely deaths (such as that of Gri gum btsan po).  253 preface.

Byang phyogs GRI HA DE WA — BD of T&TB X 11.3.

GRING SHAM — See Gyim shang.

GRIB — N. of a tract of land S of Lhasa where Rtse mchog gling (Tshe mchog gling) is located.  Ferrari 96.  BA 331, 738.

GRIB — See (—) Me'u thung.  (—) Tshe mchog gling Grwa tshang.


Kha che GRIB BSTAN —  =Khri brtan.  Birthpl. of Kha che Paṇ chen.  27 52.  17 II 305.2, 350.6, 411.3.  =Srinagar, according to BA 360. (Kha che) Mgrin stan in TS5 52.  Place where Buddha left his permanent shadow (witnessed by Fa hsien, etc.).  See Eugene Y. Wang, Oneiric Horizons and Dissolving Bodies: Buddhist Cave Shrine as Mirror Hall.  Art History 27 no 4 (Sept 2004) 494‑521, at p. 496 (Soper located it in vicinity of Hadda, in a mountain south of Nagarahāra [now Jelalabad], in Afghanistan; a Chinese cave was modelled after it in 412 CE).  Discussion in Kapstein, Dialectic 272.


GRIB BSE SGROM — Hazod in Tropper, Epigraphic 50.

GRU — A district E & North of Dbus.  Das 245.  KTDN 66.3.

GRU SKYA MO — 484 I 843.7.

De ba GRU SKYOGS PA — 217 710.3.

Stag GRU KHA — 115 139.4, 139.5.

Sog GRU KHUG GI RI — 253 II 627.3.

GRU GU — N. of a mon. & district in Khams.  See map in Beyer 16.  Clan name.  See BA 480.  Beyer xv, 238‑240.  Source of ms. in 487.  A Hor tribe, named as an element in early Tibetan population by Btsan po No mon han.  Gruschke, Amdo I 12.

GRU GU — See (— —) Klog 'byung.  (— —) E pag sha.  (— —) E bag.  (— —) Yang dbang (a gter ston).

Gtsang po GRU GU — Taught at Zhwa lu.  BA 335.  Disc. of Gnyal zhig.  17 II 381.2.

GRU GU DGON — Togden 249 n. 97, which gives an explanation for the name.

GRU GU RGYA RA — A village in Khams.  Das 246.

GRU GU CHOS RGYAL RIN PO CHE — The 7th Chos rgyal Incarnate was a brother of Sgrol ma dbyangs 'dzom. See Mengele, dGe 131.

GRU GU RTOGS LDAN — A n. of (Rtogs ldan) Shākya Shrī.  363 98.2.

GRU GU STON PA — See (— — — —) Blo gros seng ge.

GRU GU DMAR NAG — 17 II 388.3.

GRU GU YANG DBANG — A gter ston210 55.4, 57.4.  Called Gru gu Yang wam in 217 460.5 ff.  383 218.3.  For text recording the transmission of his gter ma, see Bodleian Catalogue 47.

GRU GU RAS PA —  =Ras chen.  Bio. in 484 II 17.4.  He was a disc. of Zangs ri ras pa, an early Bka' brgyud pa disc. of Zhwa nag i.  =Bsod nams grags pa (q.v.), =Sangs rgyas ras chen.

Khams GRU DGON SPRUL SKU — See (—) (— — — —) Chos rgyal rgya mtsho.

GRU SGOM — See (— —) Sba 'gying.


GRU THA LA GRU — Toh, Ming 70.

Bla ma GRU SPANG RTSA BA — Jampa Samten Shastri, Origins of the Tibetan Canon 769.  He made an early collection called Mdo mang 'Dzam gling rgyan, which was kept at Sha lu Monastery.

Dags po GRU MA LUNG — 17 IV 246.1, 250.6.

GRU MUR — BA 611.

GRU MER — See (— —) Tshul khrims 'byung gnas.  (— —) Ye shes 'byung gnas.

GRU TSHA SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Karma bstan 'dzin rab rgyas.

GRU 'DZIN — Potalaka, Potala.  Means boat holding, hence 'harbor'.  N. of a mt. in S India.  Residence of Avalokiteśvara on small island of Puto (Putuo Shan) off Shanghai.  Residence of the Dalai Lamas at Lhasa.  N. of father of Maudgalyayana.  BD of T&TB I 114.  Das 246.  BA 4.  Wylie 152 n. 358.  124 425.2.  SBTD I 361.  N. of a merchant in an avadāna.  TPS 470.  See discussion of Tibetan misinterpretations in Rhoton, CD 170.


GRU 'DZIN RI BO — An 'alternative' Potala site opened by Zhig po gling pa. Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 122.

GRU ZHA — See Bru zha.  28 73.  Gru zha Ldo ka ne.  SFHB 630.4.

GRU BZHI DGON — BA 478‑479.



GRU SHA — See Bru zha.  141 15.1.

GRU SHAN PA — 373 I 25.6.

Lho brag GRU SHUL — Birthpl. of Ratna gling pa.  BD of T&TB III 583.



GRU GSHAN CHOS RGYAL — Picture in 373 I 25.

Ne bal Yul GRU SAB 'GOR — ?  347 89, picture caption.

GRUB DGON — 379 preface.

GRUB RGYAL MO — See Grub pa'i rgyal mo.

GRUB RGYAL LUGS — Or, Grub pa'i rgyal mo'i Lugs.  A 'school' of Tshe dpag med (Amitāyus).  90 I 207 ff.  The lineage pictured in 128 638 ff.  349 XVI 91‑143.  17 IV 359 ff.

GRUB SGAR — Refers to mon. of Rdo ba Grub chen.  Thondup, EL 116.

GRUB CHUNG — Middle son of Ma gcig Lab sgron.  Ferrari 121.  124 463.5.

GRUB CHE — N. of Rgyal ba don grub (q.v.).

GRUB CHEN BRGYAD — Eight great adepts in the Cakrasamvara maṇḍala's cemeteries.  See Jackson in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation 94 for a list.

GRUB CHEN TSHANG — N. of a mon.?  253 487.1.

Khyab bdag GRUB MCHOG DBANG PO — (1563?‑1618?)  Karma pa.  Bio. in 35 II 343‑344.  Belonged to Za hor family.  Declared by Lha bab pa to be Rgod tshang ras pa incarnate.  Ordained under Zhwa dmar v.  Went to Legs bshad gling Mon. at age 13 and was made Mkhan po for 7 years.  397 VII 17.5, 75.

GRUB MCHOG RTSAL — Secret n. of Jo shāk (q.v.).

GRUB THOB BRGYAD CU'I RTOGS BRJOD — Title listed in BLP no. 0389.

GRUB THOB DNGOS GRUB — Also spelled Grub thob Dngos sgrub.  A gter ston who apparently lived in the 12th cent.  BD of T&TB III 310.  383 217.6, 409.1, 418.2 ff.  410 41A.4.  458 I 22.6.  See (Gzhod ston) Dngos grub grags pa.  His Padmasambhava bio. listed in BLP no. 0347.

GRUB THOB CHEN PO — Mahāsiddha.  The 84 are listed in 374 II 76 ff.  There have been several translations of the work by Abhayākaragupta about them (by Dowman, Robinson, etc.).  A nice collective representation in a thangka illus. in Precious Deposits V 41‑3.  For wall paintings of the Mahāsiddhas in 14th‑15th cents., see TS5 569.  See also Jackson in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation 110 ff.

GRUB THOB THUGS TIG — A gter ma of 'Jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse'i dbang po (q.v.).

GRUB THOB DPAL — The inscription "Grub thob dpal la na mo" is found in a cave at Bkra shis do chen.

GRUB THOB DMAR MO — See (— — — —) Bsod nams don 'grub.

A she GRUB THOB BZANG MO — An aunt of Padma gling pa, and a consort of Thang stong.  Stearns, King 62.

GRUB THOB RIN PO CHE — Incarnation of Thang stong from Mgo log.  ISTS 111.


GRUB MTHA' CHEN MO — For a comm., see SBTD I 156.

Khri mchog GRUB LDE — DTK5 117.

GRUB PA — Eldest of 3 sons of Ma cig Lab sgron.  124 463.5.

GRUB PA DGON — Vai.Ser. 244.

Mkha' 'gro ma Ma gcig GRUB PA'I RGYAL MO — Siddharajñī.  A woman teacher of Ras chung.  BA 440.  See under Grub rgyal Lugs.  Bio. in 135 I 179‑188.  For meeting with Ras chung pa, see 4 191B.4, 201B.5, 203A.5, 204A.2.  Pictured in 128 638.  See 17 IV 360 ff.  For a thangka depicting her and her lineage, see Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 157.  For an Amitāyus thangka shows her at top and center, with Ras chung pa off to her left, see Precious Deposits V 54‑5.

Spang ston GRUB PA'I SNYING PO — Alias (Ston pa) Nyi 'od.  Father of (Gu ru) Chos dbang.  210 27.5.

Khyung ston GRUB PA RDO RJE — Teacher of Gter bdag gling pa.  458 I 234.6, 328.3.

GRUB PA SDE BRGYAD — Set of texts edited and published by the Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies (Sarnath 1987).

GRUB PA SDE BDUN — A group of tantric texts, listed in appendix B of Timothy Kragh's thesis on Sgam po pa.


Gsang bdag GRUB PA'I DPA' BO — Byams me lha mchog belonged to this 'nephew lineage'.  7.

'Dul 'dzin GRUB PA DPAL — BA 80.

Dge slong GRUB PA DPAL BZANG — Author, Chos rje'i Rnam thar Rin chen 'Phreng ba, listed in BLP bno. 0767.

Zhang Lo tsā ba GRUB PA DPAL BZANG PO — Also, (Wa).  (d. 1273?)  =(Zhang Lo tsā ba) Phur pa skyabs (q.v.).  In Ras chung Snyan brgyud, at the end of the thirteen generations of single transmission (Chig brgyud). (?)  484 I 803.1.  He composed a bio. of Abhayākaragupta, according to the colophon to the biography of the same by Paṇ chen I.  Acc. to same source, he was disc. of Legs spyod 'byung gnas, in turn a disc. of Abhayākaragupta.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1741.

Mkhan po GRUB PA RIN CHEN — Mkhan po Grub rin.  115 73.7.

GRUB PA SHES RAB — 14th in abbatial line of Snar thang.  Belongs, therefore, in 14th cent.  42 3.

GRUB PA LHA RJE — A medical student of Sgam po pa.  17 II 513.1.

GRUB BE — N. of Rgyal ba don grub (q.v.).

Rgyal po GRUB BYED — 132 83.3.

GRUB DBANG — Short for Grub pa'i Dbang phyug.  See (— —) Thang stong rgyal po.  (— —) Blo bzang rnam rgyal.  (— —) (Stag mtsher Zhabs drung) Ye shes skal bzang.  (— —) Shākya shrī.


GRUB DBANG RIN PO CHE — See (— — — — —) G.yung mgon rdo rje.

GRUB RI — See (— —) E waṃ dga' 'khyil.

GRUM — A tributary of the Gtsang po on which Sa skya Mon. is located.  84 229.  KTDN 66.3.

GRUM — See (—) Ye shes rgyal mtshan.

Bla ma GRUM — A gter stonBD of T&TB III 464.  Grum pa in 217 465.3 ff.  =(Mkhar nag) Rdo rje tshe brtan.

GRUM THIS DGON PA — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 236.

The se GRUM BU — An earth lord (sa bdag)Vai.Kar. II 285.

GRUM BU LUNG — BA 142, 411.  In area called Gzad.

GRUS SHUL BA — Disc. of Spar phu ba Blo gros seng ge (12th cent.).  Kurtis Schaeffer,  Dissert. 144.

GRE — BA 732.

GRE — See (— ) 'Bras yul.  (Gre'i) Mi'u chung.

GRE SNA — N. of pl. in Kong po.  Das 248.

GRO — BA 1022.  KTDN 66.3.

Mon GRO GA — BD of T&TB X 94.6.

Ti se GRO GYANG GSAR BA — Kuijp, Contributions 24.

GRO SGOM — See (— —) Chos kyi brtson 'grus.

GRO THANG — Pl.n.  4 31B.3.

GRO THANG RGYAL PO — A 'dre met by Mi la ras pa.  4 31B.

Dra'i GRO PU — Pl.n.  OTA 695.


GRO BO KLUNGS — BA 403, 816.

Lho GRO BO LUNG — "Lho ta o lung."  Favorite residence of Mar pa where he taught Mi la.  Later became seat of (Dbon) Sher 'byung.  Mar pa's Dmar gdung is there.  Ferrari 138.  BA 421, 431, 437, 473, 606, 814, 816.  4 23.1.  75 101.  17 II 458.2, 458.6.  Visit by Sher 'byung.  478A I 114.7.  Guidebook in 504.

GRO MO — Chumbi of the maps.  BA 710, 732, 1066.  Bon monasteries, see 253 II 623.3.

GRO MO DGE BSHES — See (— — — —) Ngag dbang bskal bzang.

GRO MO CHE — BA 1016.

GRO MO CHE BA — See (— — — —) (Snar thang) Bstan pa'i nyi ma.

GRO TSHANG — Ledu in present-day Zi ling area. Horlemann 122.

GRO TSHANG — See (— —) Bkra shis ldeng ka.  (— —) (Has Bla ma) Bsam gtan blo gros.

GRO TSHANG DGON — Vai.Ser. 265.

GRO TSHANG RDO RJE 'CHANG — Popular name for a monastery, after its famous image, about 50 kms. E of Xining.  Sperling in Lungta 14 (2001), where it is also called Go tam Sde.  Also, Gro tshang Lha khang.  It was founded in about 1392 by (He Bla ma) Sangs rgyas bkra shis. Horlemann 141, says it aleady existed before it was made into a Karma Bka' brgyud monastery.

GRO ZHA MA SKYI BRLING MA — Nurse of Dri gum.  See Gibson, Dissert. 118.

GRO ZHUN SKYES — Story about a contemporary of Buddha.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) VI 198.1 ff.

GRO ZHUR — See (— —) Mdo mkhar Chos sde.

GRO BZHIN SKYES — Śroṇa.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 347.

GRO BZHIN BYE BA NYI SHU — In an avadāna story.  TPS 470.


GRO YAG — See (— —) Mon rgyal.

GRO LUNG — BA 331.

La stod GRO LUNG — BA 489.

GRO LUNG PA — See (— — —) Blo gros 'byung gnas.

GRO LUNG PA CHEN PO — Disc. of Steng pa Lo tsā ba (1107‑1190?).  BA 1054.  17 II 431.  His Bstan rim Chen mo exists in Patna collection, no. 1289 (b. no. 459) in 548 leaves.  It finally reached publication around the beginning of the 21st century.  In Btsan lha 1044, is listed a work of his called Brgyad stong 'Grel chen gyi Rnam bshad.

GRO LUNG GI PHU — Thang stong's visit, see 5 270.5.

GRO LOD — Or, Gro bo lod.  A form of Padmasambhava  128 610.  See Rdo rje gro lod.  Picture in 193 I 719.

GRO LOD RTSAL — Translator.  320 XIII 375.2.

GRO SHUL — Sp?  Drashü.  Combe 115‑6, 164.


GRO SHUL GTER BTON — Ehrhard, BC [5] 26v.3.  This probably means Las 'phro gling pa.

GRO SHUL TSHA LUNG — Area in Lho brag.  BD of T&TB III 750.

GRO SHOD — An area in Mnga' ris.  =Dro shod.  See Wylie 124 n. 83.  TS7 II 1023.

GRO SHOD G.YU PHRENG — A song collection.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 69.

GRO SA — BA 79, 83, 276, 306‑308, 571, 993, 1080.

GRO SA BA — BA 278.

GROG — BA 305.

GROG — See (— —) E waṃ Chos sde.

GROG KHANG STENG — Vai.Ser. 235.

GROG MKHAR — Mon.  Vai.Ser. 130.  This mon. is mentioned in 'Jig rten mgon po's biography.

GROG MKHAR BA — Vālmīki (a name meaning 'ant hill'), sage who told the Rāmāyaṇa.  Eimer, Dbyangs 54.


GROG GSUM — "Three rivulets."  In Balti.  Place where two rivers merge.  79 76 no. 21.

GROGS O RGYAN — Mon.  Thondup, BM 160.

Shel dkar Pha drug GRONG DKAR — Birthpl. of Sangs rgyas bstan 'phel (1817‑1884).  55 pref.

GRONG KHYER SGROL 'KHOR — A teaching from Atiśa.  502 65.6.

GRONG KHYER DAM PA —  =Sadnagar.  E of Gāya.  23 11.  Birthpl. of Nags kyi rin chen.  17 II 309.5.  BD of T&TB I 896.

GRONG KHYER DRUG PA — Sannāgarika.  A subsect of the Gnas ma'i bu pa.

Thub pa GRONG KHYER MA  —  Name for images of the Buddha shown in the act of going to the city for alms.


GRONG PHUG — 17 IV 222.1.

GRONG MO CHE — A mon.  See (Tshar chen) Blo gsal rgya mtsho.

Sgrags GRONG MO CHE — Unknown.  Ferrari 118.

GRONG MO CHE BA — 601 6v.5.

Sa skyong GRONG SMAD PA — Patron of Gter bdag gling pa.  458 I 348.6.  Evidently this is the Grong smad Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho (1653‑1705) mentioned in Kuijp, Edge 144.

GRONG SAR RDZONG — Center of district Mang sde.  Ancestral seat of Bhutanese royal family, it has many temples.  Olschak.

GRONG GSUM MTHAR BYED — N. of Dbang phyug.  Das 909.

GROṬ SHANG MKHAN PO — See (— — — —) Blo bzang bstan pa'i nyi ma.

GROD PA PHUG — Cave at Snya nang where Milarepa stayed.  Wylie 65.  (Gnya' nang) Grod phug.  4 172B.6, 176A.4, 180A.5, 190B.2, 283B.3, 285A.3, 288A.4, 292A.1, 292B.3.  4A 5B.4.  4X 282.1.

GROM PA — Listed as one of the eight Rgod stong sde of Ru lag.  28 83.  The district of Lha rtse.  See Ba lam grom pa (?).  Called Grom lung in Lde'u 257; Grom pa Lha rtse in Lde'u 374, where it is called an 'imperial fort' (btsan po'i mkhar).

Zhang GROM PA SKYES — A blon po17 II 321.2 ff.  See under Ma zhang Grom pa skyes.

GROM PA RGYAN — Mon. built by Srong btsan sgam po to hold down the left leg of the geomantic 'demoness'.  Buston 184.  See Das 253.  Grom pa rgyang in 17 II 318.1, 393.2.  210 20.1.  Ru lag Gron pa rgyang in BD of T&TB X 43.19.


GROM PA G.YA' LUNG — BD of T&TB X 89.2.


GROL — Pl.n.  BA 467.

'Ol kha ba GROL SGOM — Disc. of Sgam po pa.  BA 462.  57 IIB 355.2.  ? 476 V 249.2.  See following.

GROL SGOM CHOS G.YUNG — (1103‑1199)  =Rnal 'byor Chos g.yung.  Disc. of Sgam po pa.  Ferrari 158.  Biography by 'younger brother' Blo gros rgyal mtshan listed in Drepung Catalog 1504.

GROL MCHOG — See (— —) Sems kyi mdud grol.

Zhabs lugs GROL TIG — Text tr. by Padma gsang ba.  DTK5 76.

'Phags pa GROL SDE — 413 28.3.  Author of Nyi khri Rnam 'grel, etc.  449 40.4.

GROL BA'I BSHES GNYEN — See under Mukti mi tra.

GROL BU'I LHA LNGA — Also, Lha Dgu.  Vai.Ser. II 298.

GLA KHAMS — See (— —) Tshul khrims bzang po.

GLA 'KHOR — BA 691.  =Glang 'khor?

GLA'O DGON — 471 135.1.

GLA SGANG — Beyer 283.

GLA BA'I TSHAL — N. of a grove.  87 I 275.  Bashey4 197 (Brag dmar Gla ba'i tshal).

GLA BRO DGON — 253 II 633.5.  415 XI 109.1.


GLA YON — Pl.n.  27 81.

GLA RU BA — Vai.Ser. 229.

GLA RONG MTSHAN NYID GRA TSHANG — Also, a Sngags Gra.  Vai.Ser. 242.

GLAG —  =Klags (q.v.).  BA 95.

GLAG — See (Glag gi) Pu chung.  (Glag gi) Ryu bye.

GLAG PA LAM — BA 148.  Das 254.

GLAG BLA — See (— —) Bsod nams chos 'grub.

GLAG MA BRAG DKAR — See (Klags ma) Brag dkar.


GLANG — BA 155.  Das 255.

GLANG — See (—) Su ga ta warma rakṣhi ta.

GLANG DKAR CAN — A bla ma who traveled by white ox, hence the name.  Sumpa, Annals 29.  See (He Bla ma) Sangs rgyas bkra shis.

GLANG KHANG — Evid. not a proper name!  Elephant house.  Henss, CMT 144.

Bla ma GLANG MKHAR BA — In Thang stong Snyan brgyud.  63 I 107.

Ding ri GLANG 'KHOR — Also, Glang skor.  Place from which the Bka' babs Phyi ma of the Zhi byed (q.v.) was propagated.  See also 5 184.4.  BA 902, 912, 916‑919, 953‑954.  4X I 25.4, 26.3.  See Aziz, especially p. 31 where an origin story for the name is told.

GLANG 'KHOR GYI SMYON PA — See (— — — — —) 'Bag chung.

Sum pa GLANG GI GYIM SHOD — 206 552.1. D. Rossi, Holy Mountains and Saint Immortals in the Bon Tradition, Rivista degli Studi Orientali 78 (2005), note 20 on p. 418.  The old name for the Steng chen region.  ZZFC 263.

GLANG MGO —  =Ga'u to shan.  Emmerick.

GLANG MGO RI — In vicinity of Lhasa.  See Velm I 124 n. 49.

GLANG SGO — See (— —) Klu bdud Rdzong.

GLANG CHU — Monastery.  TS7 I 259.

GLANG CHEN KHA BAB — Or, Glang po che Kha bab.  =Sutlej River.  See 79 82 no. 50.  Wylie 121 n. 61.

Rgya nag GLANG CHEN 'GYING RI —  Crouching Elephant Mountain.  253 II 640.5.  352 890.  This is identified as Emei Shan in Szechwan province by Schwieger in Kailash 18 (1996) 97.  Dung dkar 78.  The Tibetan name (not the Chinese, which seems to have something to do with eyebrows) may come from the legendary visit of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra, riding on his elephant.  See Toh, Ming 63.  A guidebook by one Sangs rgyas gling pa has been posted at TBRC Work RID no. W3MS483 (section na).  Said to also be holy to Bonpos, it's called Glang chen 'Gying ri, located a day's distance from another holy place called O mi Shan.  LPNT VII 72.  For a guidebook by Sangs rgyas gling pa, look in Katen (300+ vol. version), vol. 203.


GLANG CHEN PHA MA — In Amdo.  253 II 640.2.

Zhang zhung Rig 'dzin GLANG CHEN MU WER — Early Bon sage.  Bio. in 253 II 131.4 ff.  Probably the same as Glong Mu wer phyo sangs.  ZZFC 219.

Sku mchog GLANG CHEN RDZONG — 253 II 567.4.

Bkres la lus sbyin GLANG CHEN GZUGS — Jātaka.  Picture in 128 722.

GLANG MCHING YON —  =Sad na legs.  Son of Khri srong lde brtsan.  Das 256.

GLANG THANG — Or, Glang ri thang.  "Langta" in Singh, Records 242.  Bka' gdams mon. f. in 1093 by Glang ri thang pa Rdo rje seng ge.  The Body of Pha dam pa Sangs rgyas is said to be there (based on some confusion with Ding ri Glang 'khor??).  Ferrari 84.  BA 271, 314, 643.  Das 256.  It may be the place in 'Phan yul that served as some time as a place to quarantine smallpox victims.  See Hugh Richardson's article 'The Smallpox Edict', p. 118.  For a guidebook (dkar chag), see Gangs ljongs Rig gnas, 2nd issue of 1994 (22nd in general series).  For its location on a map, see Roesler, KSP 11 (Langtang), as well as 30‑33.  'Phan-yul Glang-thang Dgon-gyi Lo-rgyus sam Dkar-chag Kun-gsal Me-long, Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang (Beijing 2014), in 120 pages.

Gling GLANG THANG — In Khams.  Cuevas, Hidden History 195.

GLANG THANG PA — See (— — —) Rdo rje seng ge.

GLANG THANG ZHANG — 2nd abbot of Glang thang.  Roesler, KSP 30.

GLANG THOD MGO LEGS — Or, Mgo legs.  4 498.5.

Khri 'U dum brtsan GLANG DAR MA — (re. 838‑842)  Said to have been a puppet ruler under the control of an anti‑clerical minister Dbas Rgyal to re.  T.H. 46.  Dhongthog 37, gives him the dates 863‑906.  Glang dar ma 'U dum btsan.  Story of his reign in 17 II 337.5 ff.  Beyer 11, 304.  Kværne no. 58.  Ruegg 305.  It seems possible this nickname was derived from a name of an anti‑Buddhist ruler in India, "Gomin the Ox."  See Lamotte's history, p. 391.

GLANG DONG — Monastery.  Vitali in TS9 I 87.

GLANG BDUD — Karmay, Arrow 366.

GLANG MDUN — Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 130.  In Dwags po.  Yab gzhis Glang mdun, name of the family of the 13th Dalai Lama (based on their home area before they came to Lhasa).

GLANG MDUN — See (— —) Kun dga' dbang phyug.

GLANG MDUN GZIMS SHAG — Printery.  162 239.

GLANG NAG — See (— —) Bsod nams brtan pa.

GLANG NAG THUR SEL — Karmay, Arrow 369.

Bal po GLANG SNA — May =Glang po sna (q.v.).  S sector of Ru lag.  28 78.

GLANG SNA GTER BTON — 420 I 322.3.

GLANG SNA SBUG — Vai.Ser. 219.  Retreat of Pha dam pa Sangs rgyas.

GLANG SNA RIN PO CHE — See Prince Peter in Folk 16‑17 (1974‑5) 309.

GLANG PO SGANG — In W India.  416 128.4.  464 21.1.

GLANG PO CAN — Subject of avadāna story.  TPS 489.

GLANG PO CHE KHA 'BAB — See Glang chen Kha 'bab.

GLANG PO CHE'I KO BA CAN — Story told by Brown in TJ 27 no 1/2 (2002) 73.

GLANG PO CHE RAB 'BOG GI RGYUD — 320 XIX 199‑288.  Ind.Off.Cat. no. 87.

GLANG PO'I STOBS — Hastibala.  Das 256.

GLANG PO DAM PA'I DPAL — It says he achieved the ultimate in samādhi.  Pictured in 128 8.

GLANG PO SNA — BA 659.  (Bzhengs kyi) Glang po sna was the birthpl. of Gling ras pa in Nyang stod.  57 IIB 362.7.

GLANG PO'I TSHAL — In W India.  BD of T&TB I 536.


GLANG 'PHRANG — Langtang.  TS7 I 144.  Havnevik, Dissert. 229.  Ehrhard in Prats, Pandita 43.

Yar 'brog GLANG BU — BA 930.


GLANG BU NAS 'GYUR MED — See Briana Foley's 2019 thesis, p. 49.

GLANG BYAR BA — Author of bio. of Po to ba.  499 8.5.

Lo ro GLANG BYI MGO BA — One of 13 chief discs. of Ras chung pa.  BA 439.  Probably =(Dge bshes) Glang of 24 I 388.2.

GLANG MA — BA 895.  Glangs ma stengs.  24 I 385.2.

GLANG MA GUR PHUB — N sector of Dbu ru.  May be near Glang thang.  See 28 77.  RS 101-103.

GLANG MA LUNG — 253 II 627.5.

GLANG DMAR — See (Mon) Rgyal gdungs gling dmar.

GLANG MTSHO — Lake in Zangs mkhar.  79 82 no. 52.

GLANG MTSHO MGO NAG —  =Bshad sgra'i Bla mtsho.  CHMO 15 6.

GLANG ZHIG — See (— —) Rgyal ba blo gros.

GLANG RA RGYAG SA — In Yol mo.  TS7 I 260.

GLANG RA BYAR DGON — Vai.Ser. 130.

GLANG RAS PA — See (— — —) Grags pa rgyal mtshan.

GLANG RI — See Combe 176.

GLANG RI THANG PA — See Glang thang. 

GLANG RI THANG PA 'DUL 'DZIN — See (— — — — — —) Rdo rje seng ge.

GLANG RU — N. of a hill near Khotan.  Emmerick.


GLANG RU LUNG BSTAN PA — Originally, n. of a mountain with a mchod rten in Khotan; presently Tibetans believe it to be Nagarjun Hill in Kathmandu Valley near to Swayambhu.

GLANG RO GAD PA — Pl.n.  27 130.

GLANG LA — Unidentified mt. pass.  Perhaps in mts. NW of Ljongs dga'.  Wylie 63, 128 n. 118.

GLANG GI LAS STABS BCU GSUM — Explanation in TS7 II 1028, n. 16.

GLANG LING DGON — Vai.Ser. 255.

GLANG LING LA — BA 617, 622, 650.

GLANG LUNG — Pl.n.  124 506.6, 507.1.  Rgyal ba don grub f. a sgrub khang there.  BA 302, 695.

GLANG LUNG GNAS KHRA MO — Pl. in Khams.  Das 257.

Yar 'brog GLANG LUNG DGON — Vai.Ser. 187.

Rin po che GLANG LUNG PA — (1123‑1193)  Bka' gdams pa.  Bio. in BD of T&TB V 87.


GLANGS — See (—) Dpal gyi ye shes.


GLAN — A lugs, Glan lugs kyi Phyag na rdo rje.  17 II 500.

GLAN — The gdung rus of (G.yung ston) Rdo rje dpal.

GLAN — See (—) Nya rtsal pa.  (—) Rdo rje 'od po.  (—) Tshul khrims 'byung gnas.  (—) Ye shes 'bar.  (—) Ye shes shes rab.  (—) Shākya byang chub.  (—) Shākya bzang po.  (—) Gsal 'od.  (—) Bsod rgyal.

GLAN SGOM RAS PA — A nye ba'i sras of Milarepa.  4 XXXI 218A.1 ff.  4A 5B.5.

GLAN CHUNG — See (— —) Dar ma tshul khrims.

Lo tsā ba GLAN CHUNG — Teacher of Milarepa.  17 II 474.1, 491.4, 500.

GLAN STON — See (— —) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan.

GLAN LO — "Nephew of Glan Lo" (Glan Lo'i dbon po).  17 II 491.4.  See (Lo tsā ba) Glan chung.

GLI THU — See Sperling, Further 8.

GLING — BA 507.  Area of S Khams.  Beyer 16.  See 5 225.3 n.  (Mi nyag gi yul mkhar) Gling.  5 233.4.  N. of a family.  Gling ras pa belonged to the Gling smad branch.  24 I 346.1.  In Ge sar, it would seem to be short for 'Dzam bu gling, "the world."  232 5.

Grub thob GLING — One of the chief disciples of Ras chung pa.  17 II 507.  This may be Gling ras pa's paternal uncle called Gling (a Bka' gdams pa?).  53 II 297.4.

Rtsan gyi GLING KAR TSHAL — In Rtsang (Gtsang).  OTA 690.

GLING DKAR — In E Tibet.  SBTD I 351.

GLING DKAR CHOS RGYAL — See (— — — —) Dbang chen bstan 'dzin chos rgyal.

GLING DKAR RDZONG — N. of a district in Tibet.  Das 258.

Sta mo'i 'Bri sgom GLING KHA PA — Met by Khyung tshang pa.  17 II 508.  234 IB 96.5.  ='Bri sgom ras pa (q.v.).  For his meeting with Milarepa, see chapter 16 of the Mgur 'bum4 68A.3 ff.  Stag mo'i 'Bri sgom Gling kha ba.  4 285A.5.

Zhang zhung GLING KHA BA — Met Pha dam pa on his 2nd visit to Tibet.  12 IX 93.3.  BD of T&TB I 854.

GLING GI KHRI RTSE — Temple f. in time of Mes ag tshoms.  132 86.6.

Rngog GLING GAM — He was one of the seven skilful men in the time of Emperor 'Dus srong.  Ahmad, Fifth 47.  He could lift a 2 or 3 year old yak.

Snubs mtsho GLING DGU'I BLA DO — Das 770.

GLING RGYAL — Nagano in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 570.

Rtogs pa mthar phyin GLING RJE RAS PA — A bu chen of Phag mo gru pa.  46 62, 72.  =Gling ras pa, =Rje Gling chen ras pa, etc.  See (— — — —) Padma rdo rje.


GLING MTHA' BA — 210 245.4.

GLING PA — For a list of 14 gter stons whose names end in gling pa, see 210 97.6 ff, 217.1.


GLING PA BRGYAD — Gter stons listed in 413 324.1.  Other lists in 469 83.6 ff.

GLING GI DPA' BRTUL — A mediumistic religious movement in Amdo suppressed in 1982.  It was led by one Bsod nams phun tshogs.  See Schwartz, Circle of Protest 227‑229.  Heroes of Ling, The Elimination of a Tibetan Sect, in TIN publication, Background Papers on Tibet: September 1992, pt. 2 (1992) 30‑33.


GLING BU'I SKAD — "Flute voice."  115 121.4.

GLING BU CHOS RJE — See (— —) Chos skyong dbang phyug.

GLING BU PA — Mahāsiddha.  Pictured in  128 59A.

GLING BU RDZONG — Near Lhasa.  Havnevik, Dissert. 301.

GLING DBON — See (— —) Rgya mtsho.

GLING SMAD — See (Gling smad Zhabs drung) Dkon mchog chos 'phel.


GLING TSHANG — Pl.n.  Refs. in Sperling, Dissertation 198.

A lags GLING TSHANG — Incarnates of (Gling) Don grub rgya mtsho.  Stein, Recherches 123.


GLING TSHANG GTER STON — See (— — — —) Drag rtsal rdo rje.

GLING BZHI — (sometimes this can be just a variant spelling for gleng gzhi, introduction, nidāna).  May refer to 4 mons. in Lha sa:  1) Bstan rgyas gling.  2) Kun bde gling.  3) Tshe mchog gling.  4) Tsho mo gling.  See Wylie 157.  Waddell 253‑254.  JTL&CT 172‑173.  See the discussion in Alexander, Temples 256 n. 4, which makes the important point that the monasteries in this list are not entirely identical to the monasteries from which regents were chosen (rather tutors of the Dalai Lama were associated with them).

GLING BZA' — See (— —) Chos skyid.

GLING YAGS PA — N. of a chief priest of Dga' ldan.  Das 258.

GLING RAS BKA' BRGYUD — One of the 8 lesser branches of Bka' brgyud pa f. by Gling ras pa.  This name may be regarded as equivalent to 'Brug pa Bka' brgyud pa.

GLING RAS PA — See (— — —) Padma rdo rje.


GLING RIN PO CHE — See (— — — —) Thub bstan lung rtogs rnam rgyal 'phrin las.  (— — — —) Blo bzang lung rtogs bstan 'dzin phrin las.

GLING LOG — Revolt vs. Mongol overlordship in 13th cent.  484 I 851.6, II 522.1.

GLING GSHEN — See (— —) Nam mkha' thogs med.  (— —) Bsod nams blo gros.

GLING BSRE — Title for graduates of Gsang phu, rather equivalent to Dge bshes.  Dungkar in TJ 8 no 4 (Wint 1993) 43.

GLING BSRE'I DKA' BCU — See 443 I 21.2.  Gling bsre'i Bshad pa.  SBTD I 209.

GLU MKHAN KLUGS PA — "Dumb minstrel."  A convert of Ti lo pa.  57 IIB 343.4.  Called Dbyangs ldan in 116 72.2.  116 67.6 ff.

GLU 'PHE — Chinese:  La p'u.  On tributary of Yangtze.  Rock, Nāga Cult II 617.

GLU DBYANGS CAN — Mahāsiddha.  Pictured in 128 53A.

GLUD 'GONG — "Scapegoat" in Smon lam Chen mo.  Essais 164.

GLUD 'GONG SGANG — In 'Phan po.  Karmay, Arrow 365.

GLE — N. of clan presiding over the dbang ris comprised of Shangs and (Gle) Phyi ri in Gtsang.  28 80.  "A small, uncultivated island" or "grove."  Das 260.

GLE — See (—) Phyi ri.

GLE'U — N. of a citadel.  See Sperling, Further 14, 19.


GLE LUNG CHOS SDE CHEN PO — A monastery.  See Gnyags Ston pa'i Gdung rabs, publ. in Lhasa.

Mus GLE LUNG — Lelung gompa.  Ferrari 158.  BA 1016.  (Gtsang) Gle lung is in valley of Mus chu.  28 80.

GLEN CE'U — Probably Lanzhou.  See Sperling, Further  19.


GLEN BTSUN — See (— —) Sangs rgyas skyabs.

GLES DGON — BA 565.  253 II 618.5.

GLO — DTK5 99.

GLO — See (—) Sman thang.

GLO BKRA — N. of country in Tibet.  Das 261.  I believe it may actually be in the area of Assam.  See under the spelling klo.

GLO MKHAN CHEN — See (— — —) Bsod nams lhun grub.

GLO MKHAR BA — See (— — —) Kun dga' don grub.

GLO CHU MIG —  =Chu mig Brgya rtsa.  253 II 583.2.

GLO THU KAR MA — ?  239 XXX 45.5.

GLO DON STENGS MCHOD RTEN — See =Bkra shis 'od 'bar.

GLO SPUGS — Vai.Ser. 208.

GLO BA MKHAN CHEN — Son of A mgon bzang po.  28 19.

GLO BUR RGYAL PO — Das 261.  These are the 'incidental kings', to be distinguished from the bskos pa'i rgyal po, 'appointed kings'.  It is not a proper name, although Thomas and others have taken it to be one.

GLO BO — BA 262, 643, 1029, 1071.  N. of Mustang, spelled Blo bo in 14 81.  See Sman thang.  Also spelled Klo bo, Blo bo and Lo bo.  Sman thang is actually the main center of the area of Glo bo.  OTA 652.  Bon monasteries.  253 II 618.1 ff.  Kings.  ISTS 133 ff.

GLO BO — See (— —) Dge dkar.  (— —) Chos dbyings 'gyur med Dgon.  (— —) Don steng.  (— —) Dge dkar.

GLO BO MKHAN CHEN — See (— — — —) Bsod nams lhun grub.

GLO BO DGON — Vai.Ser. 178.

GLO BO MTSHO — 4 90B.4.

GLO BO LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — — —) Shes rab rin chen.

GLOG MA SPRIN — Atmospheric spirits.  BD of T&TB I 206.

Rgyal po GLOG 'OD — BD of T&TB I 313.  445 III 10.2.

GLOG GI 'OD ZER 'BYUNG BA — Bodhisattva of 8th bhūmi.  LGCM 557.4.

GLONG THANG — N. of pl. in Khams.  Das 262.

GLONG THANG SGROL MA'I GTSUG LAG KHANG — Mentioned in BD of T&TB III 292.  Temple built on left palm of geomantic 'demoness' called Glong thang Sgrol ma of Khams in 17 II 318.2.  Das 262.  See under Klong thang.


GHA — Mi nyag Gha'i yul.  Stein, Mi–ñag 226.  356 I 216.1.  See under 'Ga'.

Rgyal rigs kyi bu GHA GHA — BD of T&TB I 894.

GHA GHA NE SWA RA —  =Nam mkha'i dbyangs, protector of Khotan.  Emmerick.

GHA GHA PĀ LA — Aka Gha gha pa ta la.  Eimer, NG 140.

GHA ṬA GA — Kuch Bihar.  Aris, Discourse 7.

GHA ṬA NA — BD of T&TB I 913.

GHA ṬI KA — Equivalent to Cooch Bihar.  Luciano Petech, The Missions of Bogle and Turner according to the Tibetan Texts, T'oung Pao, vol. 39 (1950), pp. 330‑346, at p. 339.


GHA DHA LA — Probably Gandhola, n. of town at confluence of Chandra and Bhāgā rivers in NW India.  115 50.3.  See Ghan dha la.

GHĀṆṬA PA — See also Dril bu zhabs or Dril bu pa.  Mahāsiddha.  Bio. in 120 133.7 ff.  A learned monk at Nālandā.  BD of T&TB I 706‑714.

Yul GHA NDHA PŪ RA — 120 80.1.

GHA NDHA SHĀ LA — A mt. visited by Nāgārjuna.  He turned it to iron, then copper, intending to transmute it into gold, but Mañjuśrī informed him that it would only lead to strife among men, so presumably it remained copper.  120 52‑53.

Rnal 'byor pa GHA MA LA WARMA — BD of T&TB I 892.

GHA RA ṬAM ḌA — N. of city in India.  BD of T&TB I 911.

GHA RI — 115 68.4.

GHA RU RI — A yul in India.  BD of T&TB I 636.

GHA ROG — Garo.  Aris, Discourse 23.

GHA HU RA — Or, Gha hū ra.  A yul in India.  120 35.1, 194.9.  BD of T&TB I 646.

Ri bo chen po GHAN DHA LA — N. of a mt. and a place.  115 44.4, 45.1, 76.7.  There is a Gandhala on Chandra River in Lahul.  Said to have five siddhi producing springs (chu mig).  There are two places in the same area with the name on Francke's map.  Near Ti nan.  115 98.5.


GHI LU ZA ZI — Later called Ge lu.  73 429.2.


GHU NA BA — A vihāra at Nalanda.  Chag xx.

GHU NA WE RA — Stūpa in Ceylon.  449 17.6.

GHU YA GANG PA — He was sent by 'Jig rten mgon po to build a temple near Kailash in 1215.  Heller, Hidden 25.

GHU YA SROG 'DZIN DAM TSHIG GI RGYUD — Bon tantra in 258 I 501‑545.

GHURNA PARNA — Between Sog po and Stag gzig.  488 5.1.  Another form of this name of a place "between India and Kashmir" appears as Karna pa na in an account of a prior incarnation of Sgam po pa with the name Zhi ba go cha.  See Cabezón in RET 38 (2017) 9.

Bas yul thang GHE ME — 115 94.2, 94.7, 103.3.

GHO KAR — N. of a country.  Yongdan, TCW 110.

GHO DZNYA RA — 115 51.6.

GHO TA BA RI — 115 95.3.

GHO MA — N. of Nepal.  122 82.4.

GHO RO SA HEB — Name for the British agent in Calcutta.  Aris, Discourse 29.

Dur khrod GHOR ANDHA KAR — 87 I 252.1.

GHRI DO — ISTS 16 n. 9.  Aris, Discourse 66 n. 21.


Rdza mkhan DGA' SKYONG — 'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) VI 196.3.

Sprul sku Zhig po DGA' RGYAL — 273A I 310.1.

Dbus pa'i Dpon DGA' RGYAL PO — 115 143.1.

DGA' THANG 'BUM PA — Bellezza, L&T 32, has the story of how old texts were found in this chorten in 2006.

Ru mtshams pa DGA' THED — ?  17 II 403.4.

DGA' GDONG — See Dga' ba gdong.  Tucci, Lhasa 94.  The 'second' state oracle of Tibet.  T.H. 101.  In Pa rnam.  Barlocher 529, 651, 700, etc.  Palden Gyatso, Autobio. 20‑21, provides etymologies for the name.

Pa rnams DGA' GDONG DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang.  See Dga' gdong.  Has printery.  162 212.

Tshal pa Khri dpon DGA' BDE BZANG PO — Essais 176.  F. of Bzhi sde (q.v.).  Originator of printed books in Tibet, acc. to Wang Furen & Suo Wenqing, Highlights of Tibetan History, p. 76; Lo Bue in Skorupski, ed., Indo‑Tibetan Studies (Tring 1990), p. 184, with the name Dga' bde mgon po (but this mistake, often repeated, is explained in Kuijp, KPTB 9 n. 26; he founded a bar khang, not a par khang).  Alexander, Temples 72 n. 37, 143 (acc. to this he was active in 1280's or 1290's).  HS X 463.6, where he is called Gre hos Dga' bde bzang po.  Called Dpon chen Dga' bde dpal (re. 1267‑1296) in Henss, CMT 269.

DGA' LDAN — See also Dga' ldan Rnam rgyal gling.  Mon. f. in 1409 by Tsong kha pa.  T.H. 55.  Contains Tsong kha pa's tomb.  The head of the mon. is not an incarnate, but is chosen for his knowledge.  Waddell 268.  25 miles ENE of Lhasa.  Ferrari 107.  Has 2 colleges, Shar rtse and Byang rtse.  See Tucci, Lhasa 102, 106, 110.  BA 686.  Dkar chag in 162 48‑81.  Kaschewsky, Die Aebte von dGa' ldan, ZAS 4 (1970) 239 ff.  A Dga' ldan Dkar chag by 'Jam dbyangs bzhad pa listed in BLP no. 0431.  Ri bo Dga' ldan gyi Dkar chag by Legs pa'i gling, listed in BLP no. 1946.  Alexandre Andreyev, Tibet in the Earliest Photographs by Russian Travelers, Studio Orientalia (New Delhi 2013), p. 174 for a panorama of the buildings in 1900.

DGA' LDAN — See (— —) Brtan bzhugs chos skor.  (— —) Spor thog.  (— —) Phun tshogs gling.

Khro phu DGA' LDAN — A gtsug lag khang dedicated by Khro phu Lo tsā ba in 1212, this temple contains a famous image of Byams pa called Khro phu Byams chen (q.v.).  27 71, 140.  Thu'u bkwan (Thuken, p. 136) notes that some Bhutanese were coming to recite in front of the Maitreya statue, which means it must have still existed in his day.

Ston pa DGA' LDAN — A pre‑imperial period figure in a Bon text.  ZZFC 226.

DGA' LDAN KHANG GSAR — Alexandre Andreyev, Tibet in the Earliest Photographs by Russian Travelers, Studio Orientalia (New Delhi 2013), p. 116-7 with photo.

DGA' LDAN KHRI PA — Head of the Dge lugs pa (Dga' ldan) school.  The chairholder in 2000 CE is the 100th, Blo bzang nyi ma.

DGA' LDAN GANGS DKAR — Vai.Ser. 238.

DGA' LDAN GLING — N. of G.yung drung lha sdings (q.v.) after being converted to Dge lugs pa sect.  But see this earlier source: 115 85.7, 87.4, 106.1, 106.4.

DGA' LDAN CHOS 'KHOR — Name often given to monasteries converted in time of Fifth Dalai Lama.  See Geshé Sopa's autobio. (2012), p. 28

Shangs DGA' LDAN CHOS 'KHOR — In Shangs valley.  Sumpa, Annals 77.  =(Shangs) Dga' ldan chos 'khor gling, a Dge lugs mon. in Shangs.  Wylie 71.  Geshe Sopa, now of Wisconsin, was a monk there.  Mon. f. in 1645, an important center of debate.  Dungkar in TJ 8 no 4 (Wint 1993) 9.  A guidebook is listed in BLP no. 1355.

DGA' LDAN CHOS 'KHOR GLING — In Rtse thang, f. by Bsod nams stobs rgyal, with a huge convent.  Tucci, Lhasa 134.

DGA' LDAN CHOS 'KHOR GLING — In Nyug of Gtsang.  Sumpa, Annals 77.  ? =Mdzod dge Dgon pa near Bla brang Bkra shis 'khyil in Amdo?  BA iii.

A mchog DGA' LDAN CHOS 'KHOR GLING — In Ching hai / Amdo.  Meisezahl published an article about the catalogue of their printery.

DGA' LDAN CHOS GLING PHUN TSHOGS GLING — N. of the Panchen Lama vi's monastery in 1933.  Jaguo in TS9 IV 95.

'On DGA' LDAN CHOS 'KHOR SDINGS — F. by Rgod phrug Grags pa 'byung gnas.  Vai.Ser. 179.

DGA' LDAN CHOS 'KHOR YANG RTSE — In Chu shur.  Sumpa, Annals 77.

Dben gnas DGA' LDAN CHOS GLING — SBTD I 113.

Bzhad DGA' LDAN CHOS SDINGS — Vai.Ser. 210.

Bka' 'gyur ba DGA' LDAN BSTAN 'DZIN — (1741‑1803)  Dge lugs pa.  Picture in 128 454.

Li thang Chos sde DGA' LDAN THUB CHEN CHOS 'KHOR GLING — Vai.Ser. 236.


DGA' LDAN THOS BSAM DAR RGYAS GLING — In Yar stod of Sne gdong.  Sumpa, Annals 77.

DGA' LDAN DAM CHOS GLING — Vai.Ser. 267.  (Btsan po) Dga' ldan dam chos gling.  Vai.Ser. 268.  383 242.2.  Among its abbots were the Smin grol No min han incarnates.  It was founded in Gser khog by the 10th abbot of Dgon lung, Bla ma Btsan po [?] Don grub rgya mtsho.

Mang mkhar DGA' LDAN DAR GLING — Vai.Ser. 217.

DGA' LDAN DAR RGYAS GLING — F. by (Sog po) Blo bzang chos 'phel.  Vai.Ser. 213.

Rgya mtshams Lha steng DGA' LDAN DAR RGYAS GLING — Vai.Ser. 238.  Yamada, Mu 116.

DGA' LDAN DAR RGYAS DPAL BZANG PO — (1758‑1820)  Dge lugs pa.  BD of T&TB VI 79.  Pictured in 128 454.

DGA' LDAN DON GNYIS GLING — In Lho brag Do rdzong.  Sumpa, Annals 77.  See Ehrhard in SCEAR 9 (1996) 39, which says it was f. in 1649 by the Dalai Lama v.

DGA' LDAN BDUD 'JOMS GLING — In Lho brag Mkhar chu.  Sumpa, Annals 77.  See Ehrhard in SCEAR 9 (1996) 37.  Its prayerbook has been published in 4 vols. under the title Lho brag Mkhar chu Bdud 'joms gling gi 'Don cha'i Skor, in 1999.


Shangs DGA' LDAN BDE CHEN RAB RGYAS GLING — See Bde chen rab rgyas.

DGA' LDAN RNAM RGYAL GLING — F. by Tsong kha pa in 1409.  Ganden.  For list of abbots, see BD of T&TB VI 94 ff.  For history, see Vai.Ser. 65 ff.

Zhang DGA' LDAN PA — Zhi byed pa.  BD of T&TB I 858.

Bshad gra DGA' LDAN DPAL 'BYOR — (20th cent.)  Velm I 130.

Ze mkhar DGA' LDAN PHAN BDE GLING — Vai.Ser. 172.

Mgo ra DGA' LDAN PHAR PHYIN GLING — Vai.Ser. 235.

DGA' LDAN PHUG PO CHE — At Skyid grong.  40 5, 6.  Monastic seat of Blo bzang rnam rgyal, restored by Ye shes rgyal mtshan in 1759.

DGA' LDAN PHO BRANG — Built by the Dalai Lama ii, perhaps in 1530.  It was residence of the Dalai Lama before the Potala was built.  At present it is in the SW corner of 'Bras spungs, but it is still often a name for the seat of political power in Tibet since 1642.  Wylie 152 n. 350.  T.H. 167.  Ferrari 98.  Dga' ldan Pho brang was originally a name given by Sne gdong Mi dbang Bkra shis grags pa to Dge 'dun rgya mtsho, the Dalai Lama ii (1476‑1542), in 1518.  The name was applied to the Tibetan government only in 1642.  See Dung dkar 76‑77, 596, and especially 1733‑1734.  In 1518 the estate close to 'Bras spungs called Dga' ldan Pho brang was donated to the 2nd Dalai Lama by the Phag mo gru pa leader of the time.

DGA' LDAN 'PHEL RGYAS GLING — In Mnga' ris.  Sumpa, Annals 77.

Nam DGA' LDAN BYANG CHUB — Teacher of Dgongs pa rab gsal.  17 II 339.5.  332 II preface 3.

DGA' LDAN BYAMS PA GLING — Monastery in Ngam ring.  Ehrhard in Prats, Pandita 33.

DGA' LDAN BYIN CHAGS GLING — Tibetan n. of the Beijing temple Yonghegong.  Uspensky in TS9 I 224.  A picture album has been published: Palace of Harmony (Beijing 1995), with 465 illustrations.  It is also the subject of Ferdinand Lessing, Yung ho kung (Stockholm 1942).  Thuken 368.  BLKC I 101 has photo of a huge Maitreya made from a single piece of wood.

DGA' LDAN MA MO — BA 544, 545.  See =Dga' ma mo.  Jackson, Patron 90.

Chu bzang DGA' LDAN MI 'GYUR GLING — Vai.Ser. 267.

DGA' LDAN BRTSEGS PA — Achard, L'Essence 79.

DGA' LDAN TSHAN — Mongol general.  Santi e Briganti 29.

DGA' LDAN TSHE DBANG DPAL BZANG — Mongol prince sent to fight in Ladakh in 1679.  Vai.Ser. X.  B in L 10.

DGA' LDAN TSHE RING DBANG PO — (1727‑1745)  Thuken 377.

DGA' LDAN 'OG MIN GLING — In Lha rtse.  Sumpa, Annals 77.

DGA' LDAN YANGS PA CAN — Foundations laid in 1415.  Dhongthog 124.


Thob rgyal DGA' LDAN RAB RGYAS — Printery.  162 234.

DGA' LDAN RAB BRTAN — See Pomplun in History of Religions 50 (2011) 399.

DGA' LDAN SHAR PA CHOS RJE — See (— —) Nam mkha' bzang po.

DGA' LDAN SHI RE THU — See (Khri chen Sprul sku) Blo bzang bstan pa'i nyi ma.

DGA' LDAN BSHAD SGRUB GLING — In Gong dkar.  Sumpa, Annals 77.  SBTD I 188.  Dkar chag listed in BLP no. 0438.

Bsam mngon DGA' LDAN BSHAD SGRUB CHOS 'KHOR — Vai.Ser. 243.

Smu li DGA' LDAN BSHAD SGRUB RNAM RGYAL GLING — F. by (Sbag ti Rab 'byams pa) Bsam gtan bzang po.  Vai.Ser. 238.

DGA' LDAN GSANG SNGAGS YANG RTSE — In Yer pa Brag gseb.  Sumpa, Annals 77.

DGA' LDAN GSUNG RAB GLING — In Dol of Lho kha.  Sumpa, Annals 77.


Mang dur DGA' LDAN BSAM GTAN GLING — Vai.Ser. 218.

DGA' LDAN LHA'I GLING — Bon, 12 continents. Das 258.

DGA' LDAN LHUN PO — In Shangs phu of Gu ge.  Vai.Ser. 224.  F. by (Sang thar pa) Seng ge rgya mtsho.

DGA' LDAN LHUN PO — Vai.Ser. 190.

DGA' SDONG — ? =Dga' gdong.  ?  56 138.

DGA' PA SRIN MO'I GLING — 116 69.6.

DGA' BA — Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 86 n. 2.

DGA' BA SKU GZHUNG DGON — Bon mon. in Amdo.  253 II 638.1.


Paṇḍi ta DGA' BA'I GRAGS PA — BA 347.  17 II 385.4.

Rgyal bu DGA' BA RGYAS — 352 7.19.

DGA' BA DON GRUB — One of 5 Bon gods (in south).  Nine Ways 261 n. 59.

DGA' BA GDONG — Gadong.  Residence of Rgya 'Dul ba 'Dzin pa (q.v.) near mouth of Stod lung Chu.  Seat of famous oracle.  See Amaury de Reincourt, Roof of the World: Tibet, Key to Asia (London 1950), pp. 243‑247.  Ferrari 167.  =Dga' gdong (q.v.).  17 II 343.3.  Also called Bde ba can.  F. by (Zhig po) Shes rab pa.  Wylie 78, 150 n. 333.  SBTD I 86.

Tha ga pa DGA' BA'I RDO RJE — 17 IV 371.4.

Gzu DGA' BA'I RDO RJE — Also, (Gzud).  (11th cent.)  One of the lo tsā bas.  211 38.4.  BA 348.  17 II 386.1.

DGA' BA'I SDE — In Avadāna story.  TPS 449.

Don gnyis lhun grub sangs rgyas DGA' BA'I DPAL — Picture in 128 12.

Sangs rgyas DGA' BA'I DPAL — Nandaśrī.  N. of a rare Buddha mentioned in Bhadrakalpika Sūtra.  KTDN B XI 52A.3.

DGA' BA'I DBANG RGYUR — N. of Arjuna, the Pāṇḍava.  Das 98.

DGA' BA'I DBANG PHYUG — Dga' rab dbang phyug.  Emmerick.

DGA' BA'I DBANG PHYUG — See Ra me shwa ra.

Zhang DGA' BA'I BLO GROS — See Mengele, dGe 108.

DGA' BA'I TSHAL — Ānandārama.  75 18.  Cemetery in Za hor.  87 I 15.1.

Spu bo DGA' BA LUNG — In E Tibet.  239 XXX 47.6.  In Spo bo.  See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 47.

DGA' BAS 'JUG PA — Das 413 no. 55.

DGA' BO — On various persons with the name Nanda, see  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 346.  Among them a cowherder (ba lang rdzi), a kulaputra, and a character in an avadāna in which he crushes a frog with a stick.

Klu'i Rgyal po DGA' BO — Also called 'Jog po and Na ga ra dza si tra ta.  In Rdzogs chen transmission.  132 48.1, 50.3, 50.5, ff.  Also called Dga' bo 'jog po.  Das 462.  4 87B.2, 225A.4.  Dung dkar 116.

Gnag rdzi DGA' BO — 'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) IV 297.2.

Sbrang DGA' BO — TS5 661.

DGA' BYANG BSTAN PA — Goldstein, History 348.

DGA' BYED — N. of Rāma.  Karmay, Introduction 199.  TPS 457, 525. 

Tshe dang ldan pa DGA' BYED — Nandaka.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 345.

DGA' BYED DGRA STAG CAN — I think this must be the "Axe" Rāma.  See Lobzang Shastri, Jalandhara in the Eyes of Tibetan and Trans‑Himalayan Pilgrims, TJ 34 no 2 (Summ 2009) 14.

Rgyal po DGA' BYED GTUM PO — BD of T&TB I 922.

Lha'i Bu DGA' BYED DBANG PHYUG — 445 III 17.6.  LGCM 591.2.  Achard, L'Essence 49.

Rgyal bu DGA' BYED BZANG PO — (last half of 16th cent.)  Prince of Tripura.  13th in predecessor lineage of Rje btsun Dam pa (q.v.) directly preceding Tāranātha.  Rgyal bu Dga' byed Sa skyong gi Rtogs pa Brjod pa, by Tāranātha listed in BLP no. 0566.

Lha rje Dbu gtso DGA' 'BAR RGYAL PO — Father of Sgam po pa.  4 321B.1.

DGA' 'BAR MA — N. of a sūtra collection preserved at Gtsang Chu mig ring mo.  Jampa Samten Shastri, Origins of the Tibetan Canon 769.

DGA' MA MO — BA 543, 547, 549, 550, 551.  See =Dga' ldan ma mo.

DGA' MAL G.YUNG DRUNG DAR RGYAS GLING — Bon mon. in Amdo w/ 300 monks.  253 II 636.4.  Thar in TS9 IV 159.  D. Rossi, Holy Mountains and Saint Immortals in the Bon Tradition, RSO 78 (2005) 414.

Dbul mo DGA' MO — Story about her offering of a single drop of lamp butter.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) VI 195.5.

DGA' BRTSEGS — Achard, L'Essence 49.

DGA' 'DZIN — 128 810.

DGA' BZHI — Illustrated with 'Chakras' in 370 161.  ?  I guess this means the 'four joys', but would need to check this again.  453 232.1. 

DGA' BZHI — See (— —) Mi 'gyur bsod nams.

DGA' BZHI GUNG PAṆḌI TA — "Noble student" of Rol rdor (b. 1717). 

DGA' 'OD — Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 86 n. 2.

DGA' YUL — Stein in McKay, History of Tibet I 603.  A happy land where the dead go.  Bellezza, D&B 39 (with other epithets for celestial homes for the dead).  Dotson, Horse 282 (Dga' yul, Dga' dang skyid pa'i yul).

DGA' YO — Pass in Tsari.  17 IV 239.1.

DGA' RA — Aziz, Frontier 221.

Zhang zhung DGA' RAB — 248 20.6.  See TR XV no. 12, p. 9c.

DGA' RAB RDO RJE — The first human belonging to the Rdzogs chen transmission of the Rnying ma pa school.  Bio. in 33 79 ff.  132 41.4 ff.  Waddell 73.  Pictured in 128 664.  Works in 319 II 74 ff.  See 211 36.4.  Said to be a son of Aśoka.  BD of T&TB I 300‑323.  413 117.4 ff.  Article in JIABS IX no. 2 (1986).  Ma ṇi Bka' 'bum I 119.6.

DGA' RAB DBANG PHYUG — Ratīśvara.  Stein, Recherches 157.  King of māras.  =Kāma.  Stein in Essais 59.

Gsum DGA' RAB RDZONG — Chief citadel of Thag in Nepal.  Kailash VII 80.

DGA' RI — See (— —) Yon bzang.

Dpal chen DGA' LO — A spelling for Rgwa Lo, in 602 13v.3.

DGAR PO SHEL LE DUNG — Bellezza, L&T 45.

DGU — N. of a country.  Stein in McKay, History of Tibet I 603.

DGU SKYANG — Bon mon.  Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 421.


DGU KHRI STONG SHONG — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 249.

DGU KHRI GNAM MKHAR — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 249.

DGU CHU — Nagano in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 569.  Discussion in Karsten, T‑K 9, where it says that Dgu chu is the river flowing through the Dgu rong, southwest of the Kokonor.

DGU GTOR — Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 43 ff. says this means the torma rite done on the 29th of the month (hence the 'nine' in the name).  In Ru thog they did it twice a year, once in the 9th month, and again in the 12th.

DGU THANG DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang.

Mchod rten Dmar po DGU THOGS — Part of Potala.  Vai.Ser. xii.

DGU RONG RGYAL SRAS — See Mengele, dGe 75.

DGU RONG SPRUL MING —  A letter by him addressed to Madame Alexandra David‑Neel has been placed on the internet at www.dtab.uni‑bonn.de.  Evidently the name appears somewhere in one of her books as Lama Gourong.  Now Matthew Kapstein has published more about him in STT 711‑714, where he is further identified as the Nyingma teacher O rgyan 'jigs bral chos dbyings rdo rje (1875‑1932).  He travelled with David‑Neel in 1918 from Beijing to Amdo.  He is surely the same "Kurung Tsering" whose story is told in F.D. Learner's book Rusty Hinges, chap. 5.

DGUNG KHUNG — In Dolpo.  Map in Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 141.

DGUNG THANG —  =Dgon thang 'bum pa (probably).  Ferrari 127.

DGUN 'BAR GLING CHUNG TSHANG — See (— — — — —) Thub bstan legs bshad rgya mtsho.

DGUNG 'BAR GLING CHE TSHANG — See (— — — — —) Thub bstan dngos grub 'phrin las rab rgyas.

DGUL — A county in Ru thog district.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 35.

Glo bo DGE DKAR —  =(Glo bo) Khre dkar.  28 14.  23 7.

DGE GONG — BA 110, 275, 319.

DGE GONG GI CE — See (— — — —) Shākya mchog.

DGE GLING — See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 54.

DGE DGON BLA MA — See (— — — —) Kun dga' bkra shis.

DGE RGAN CHOS RGYAL — Or, Dge rgan Mchor po.  "Targo."  ISTS 41.

DGE RGYAL — Bon po.  206 542.1.  248 24.4.

DGE RGYAL RDZOGS CHEN DGON — In Nang chen, f. in time of the Dalai Lama v.  473 65.

DGE RGYAL BZU RU DGON — 346 117.5.

DGE RGYAS — For a list of temples in this area of western Tibet, see  Vitali, Tho.ling 153.

DGE RGYAS — N. of a nomad girl.  See Mengele, dGe 70.

DGE RGYAS — 124 492.2. 

DGE RGYAS — See (— —) Bye ma gling.  (— —) Li ma gling.

DGE RGYAS CHU — Sato in Acta Asiatica 29 (1975) 9.

Yul lha chen po DGE RGYAS DPAL 'BAR — 224 XII 489.

DGE RGYAS YON TAN GLING — Bon 'continent'.  Das 258.

Skyid grong DGE BRGYAD LHA KHANG — DTK5 134.

DGE CHU KUN DGA' GLING — Cuevas, Travels 71.

Bla ma DGE CHOS PA — Roesler, KSP 62.

Ldang ma DGE MCHOG — Father of (Ldang ma) Lhun rgyal.  BD of T&TB III 239.  Achard, L'Essence 81.

DGE BSNYEN — In Bon, the fifth Vehicle.  T.H. 110.  352 734.16 ff.  Tucci, Religions 229.

DGE BSNYEN CHOS 'PHEL — N. of Bu ston.  Das 270.

DGE BSNYEN DHARMA — Lay disc. of Buddha.  Dharmatāla.  Waddell 377.  BLKC I 291.



DGE STAG BLA MA — (1903‑1950)  Goldstein, History 640.  Barnett, Resistance & Reform 170, with famous painting of his meeting with Zhu De (a Chinese leader in the Long March).  Tsering Shakya, Dragon 37, 137 etc.  He was one of the first religious leaders to join the winning Chinese side.

Pho brang DGE BRTAN — DTK5 134.

Sku mkhar Byang DGE BRTAN — Pl.n.  DTK5 126.

A myes DGE THO — Mt.  Stein, Recherches 185.

Rgyal bu DGE DON CHEN PO — 36A IV 62.5.  For refs. to the story about princes Dge don and Sdig don, see Roesler in Facets 160.

DGE DRUNG LHA KHANG — N. of mon. in Gtsang.  Das 270.

Sga stod Gnas bzang ba DGE 'DUN — Author of Sku gzugs kyi Thig rtsa Dam pa Gong ma rnams kyi Man ngag Mngon du Phyung ba Blo Dman 'Jug Bde 'Dzam bu'i Chu Gser (Paro 1978).

Mtha' bsam pa DGE 'DUN — Disc. of Phag mo gru pa.  57 IIB 356.5.  See =(Lha sa ba) Dge 'dun skyabs.

Bla ma DGE 'DUN — (ca. 1880‑ca. 1940)  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 88.  Longer name, Dge 'dun bzang po.

DGE 'DUN BKRA SHIS NYI MA — (1844‑?)  BD of T&TB V 584.

Lha sa ba DGE 'DUN SKYABS — Disc. of Phag mo gru pa.  BA 563.  =(Mtha' bsam pa) Dge 'dun.

DGE 'DUN MKHYEN RAB — (1736‑1815)  BD of T&TB V 593.

Dpon tshang DGE 'DUN GRUB — Author of bio. of Paṇ chen Blo bzang ye shes listed in BLP no. 1289.

DGE 'DUN GRUB PA — (1391‑1474/5)  The First Dalai Lama.  Waddell 233.  Abbot of Dga' ldan and successor of Tsong kha pa.  T.H. 56, 166‑7.  Founded Bkra shis lhun po in 1447 (or 1459?) and was its first abbot for life.  Ferrari 144.  Bio. in BD of T&TB VI 270.  Gtsang Ru lag Srad Gur me'i Ru bar 'khrungs/ Ngar tsho'i rigs.  Dhongthog 37.  Bell 101‑106.  Wylie 137.  17 II 383.5.  128 852.  Bio.  165 II 608‑651.  Bio. cited in Aziz 22.  Beyer 14, 231, 388, 395.  Gsung 'bum carved.  438 VI 521.2.  For an image of himself, which he had made and consecrated in 1453, see Bell, Religion 105.  A wooden statue of him illus. in Precious Deposits III 185‑7 (teaching mudrā, holding a large flower over his right shoulder).  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 0510‑0511.  For a thangka of him, holding begging bowl in his left hand, right in teaching mudrā, with Bkra shis lhun po depicted to his side, see Kreijger, Tibetan Painting, p. 87 (plate 28).

DGE 'DUN GRWA PA — P.n.  Barlocher 154, 157‑8.

Las chen pa DGE 'DUN GRAGS PA — Thuken 377.

Tā la'i Bla ma ii DGE 'DUN RGYA MTSHO — (1475‑1542)  Waddell 233.  T.H. 56, 167.  Note that the king of Gtsang ruled Lhasa from 1498‑1517.  He was abbot of Bkra shis lhun po from 1512‑1516.  Bio. in BD of T&TB VI 279‑291.  "Mnga' ris Zangs dkar gyi sa'i cha Zangs lar 'khrungs/ Phur bu lcog tu gshegs."  Dhongthog 37.  One of his works tr. in TR XIV no. 5 (May 1979) 11‑15.  Bio.  165 699‑700; 383 279 ff.  128 852.  Beyer 395.  Portrait bronzes in Uhlig, On the Path to Enlightenment 197 and in Christie's New York catalogue (March 2000), no. 77.  Bio. by G.yang pa Chos rje:  Chos kyi Rgyal po Thams cad Mkhyen pa Dge 'dun rgya mtsho dpal bzang po'i Rtogs pa Brjod pa Dpag bsam ljon shing, in xylograph form (cited by Vitali in his Tho ling book).  Bio. sketch in Heller, Tibetan Art 182 ff.  Depicted in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 152.  Bio. of his own father, Kun dga' rgyal mtshan, listed in BLP no. 1836.  Bio. listed in Drepung Catalog 1505.

DGE 'DUN RGYA MTSHO — (1782‑1857)  BD of T&TB V 616.

Mkhan chen DGE 'DUN RGYA MTSHO — (1679‑1765)  A bla ma of Rong po Dgon.  BD of T&TB V 591.  Works listed in SBTD I 196.  Bio. by Bde chen Paṇḍi ta listed in BLP no. 0237.

Chu tshan khar Mkhan po DGE 'DUN RGYA MTSHO — (ca. 1705)  463 I 94.3.

DGE 'DUN RGYAL MTSHAN — Personal n. of (Gter ston) Chu bo Rtogs ldan (q.v.).

DGE 'DUN RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1446)  In Kar gling Zhi khro lineage.  Cuevas, Hidden History 81.

Kirti Sku phreng i DGE 'DUN RGYAL MTSHAN — (1374‑1450)  Dung dkar 45.  Rong po Ljags nag pa, disciple of Tsong kha pa.  Childhood n. was Chos 'bum.

DGE 'DUN RGYAL MTSHAN — (1374‑1450)  BD of T&TB V 638.

Grub pa'i Dbang phyug DGE 'DUN RGYAL MTSHAN — Pictured in 128 202, 212.

Brgyad sde pa DGE 'DUN RGYAL MTSHAN — Also, (Byams chen Brgyad sde pa).  Contemp. of Thang stong.  5 292.3, 329.5.

Chos rje DGE 'DUN RGYAL MTSHAN — (1532‑1607)  28th Khri thog of Dga' ldan (at age 58).  BD of T&TB VI 149.  Picture in 128 916.  Also called Gnas bcu Dge 'dun rgyal mtshan (Smith in Linrothe, Holy Madness 69, where his dates are given as 1532‑1605/7).

Chu bo Rtogs ldan DGE 'DUN RGYAL MTSHAN — See under Chu bo Rtogs ldan.

Rtogs ldan DGE 'DUN RGYAL MTSHAN — 17 IV 459.1.

DGE 'DUN SGANG — BA 276, 1072 (has list of abbots beginning with Lho brag Byang chub dpal).  See Jackson, Patron 112, etc.  See article by Elena Pakhoutova, "A Wondrous Great Accomplishment" (available at asianart.com), for a painting depicting the building of a chorten for the 3rd abbot, Gzhon nu byang chub.

DGE 'DUN SGANG PA — One of 4 monastic communities stemming from Shākya shrī.  Kuijp in JAOS (1994) 603.

Rje drung Rin po che DGE 'DUN CHOS RGYAL DBANG PHYUG — (d. 1696)  463 I 16.5.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 0878.  Bio. by Panchen Lama II listed in Ind.Off.Cat. no. 138c.

Rtse drung DGE 'DUN CHOS LDAN — Representative of Tib. govt. at Urga.  443 I 32.2.

DGE 'DUN CHOS 'PHEL — (1905‑1951)  A great Tibetan Indologist of the 20th century.  Author of Bod Chen po'i Srid lugs dang 'brel ba'i Rgyal rabs Deb ther Dkar po and Hi ma la ya zhes bya ba'i Bstan bcos.  Bio. BD of T&TB IV 634.  Author of 'Dod pa'i Bstan bcos, a treatise on the lines of Kāmasūtra.  42 7.  370 preface 7.  Barlocher 654‑656.  On the probability he was b. in 1903, see Mengele, dGe 139.  Dreyfus, Sound 313 has him b. in 1904.  His incarnational name was A lags Rdi tsha.  His collected works, including photographs of recently found mss., published: Mkhas dbang Dge 'dun chos 'phel gyi Gsar Rnyed Gsung rtsom, ed., by Rdo rje rgyal (Zhang kang 2002), in 333 pp.

DGE 'DUN CHOS KYI DBANG PHYUG — (1772‑1798)  BD of T&TB V 642.

DGE 'DUN 'JAM DBYANGS — (1675‑?)  BD of T&TB V 635.

DGE 'DUN 'JIGS MED RNAM RGYAL — (1785‑1843)  BD of T&TB V 595.

Zhwa dmar DGE 'DUN BSTAN PA'I RGYA MTSHO — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 1525.

DGE 'DUN BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (late 17th cent.)  Barlocher 466‑467.

DGE 'DUN BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — (1847‑?)  BD of T&TB V 584.

DGE 'DUN BSTAN PA DAR RGYAS — (1553‑1628)  BD of T&TB VI 142.  Became 22nd Khri thog of Dga' ldan at age 73.  "Klong shod Dbu snar 'khrungs."  Picture in 128 910.  Vai.Ser. 74.

DGE 'DUN BSTAN 'DZIN — (1680‑?)  BD of T&TB V 594.

Zhwa dmar Rdo rje 'chang DGE 'DUN BSTAN 'DZIN RGYA MTSHO — 438 VII 29.2.  Author of bio. of Tshul khrims phun tshogs listed in BLP no. 1689.  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 1730‑1733 (?).

La mo Zhabs drung Dkar po DGE 'DUN BSTAN 'DZIN NOR BU — (1873‑1927)  Bio. and account of his funeral published by Yonten Gyatso (Dharamsala 1987).

DGE 'DUN BSTAN 'DZIN BZANG PO — (1852‑?)  BD of T&TB V 575.

DGE 'DUN DAR RGYAS — (1786‑1855)  43rd in gdan rabs of Bkra shis 'khyil.  BD of T&TB V 859.

Lu'u kya Grub chen DGE 'DUN DAR RGYAS — (17th cent.)  332 preface 16.

DGE 'DUN DON GRUB — (1668‑?)  BD of T&TB V 584.

Mtshan sgrog Mkhan po DGE 'DUN DON GRUB — Student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

DGE 'DUN DPAL — Saṃghaśrī.  One of the 9 lesser pundits who accompanied Kha che Shākha shrī.  Smith, Philology 12.

Snar thang Lo tsā ba DGE 'DUN DPAL — Author of comm. on Kāvyadarśa of Daṇḍin publ. in 2 vols. (1976), entitled Snyan ngag Me long gi Rgya cher 'Grel pa.

Bka' bzhi pa DGE 'DUN DPAL BA — 116 479.7.

Mdzad dge DGE 'DUN DPAL BZANG — (1791‑1869)  BD of T&TB V 908.

Blo gling Gtsang pa DGE 'DUN PHUN TSHOGS — 438 VI 530.3.

Zha bra DGE 'DUN PHUN TSHOGS — The First Gung thang Sprul sku.  B. in Wa shul.  50th Khri thog of Dga' ldan (from 1714‑1720).  BD of T&TB VI 182.  Picture in 128 310, 398, 938.  TS7 II 1006.  Thuken 395.

Skal ldan iii DGE 'DUN PHRIN LAS — Bio. by Mi pham zla ba listed in BLP no. 0140.

DGE 'DUN 'PHEL — Shown slicing off flesh to feed animals.  128 820.  Depicted in TPS 538.

DGE 'DUN 'PHRIN LAS RAB RGYAS — (1740‑1794)  BD of T&TB V 588.

Rong po No mon han Sprul sku DGE 'DUN 'PHRIN LAS RAB RGYAS — In incarnation line of (Grub chen) Skal ldan rgya mtsho.  A student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

Tā Dbon Bla ma DGE 'DUN 'PHRIN LAS SENG GE — (1720‑1790)  BD of T&TB V 608.

Dge bshes DGE 'DUN BLO GROS — 27 XVI.  Is he perhaps the one by this name who worked for awhile at Hamburg?

So chung ba DGE 'DUN 'BAR — (1062‑1128)  Pupil of Rma sgom.  Waddell 74.  17 II 424.2.  BA 873, 876 ff.  115 III.3.  BD of T&TB I 858 ff.

Gnyan ras DGE 'DUN 'BUM — Also, (Snyan ras).  Teacher of Zhwa nag iii.  A disc. of Karma pakshi.  57 IIB 360.6.  BA 489, 490, 568 ff.  17 II 536.1.  12 IX 85.1.

Lo ston DGE 'DUN 'BUM — A monk logician 'converted' to yogic meditation by Milarepa.  Associated with (Ra ston) Dar ma blo gros.  Became a yogi monk disciple of Milarepa.  4 176B.3, 179A.4‑6, 183B.1 ff, 242A.5‑246A.3.

DGE 'DUN TSHUL KHRIMS — 65th Khri thog of Dga' ldan (1795‑1801).  BD of T&TB VI 202.  128 952.

DGE 'DUN MTSHAMS 'PHEL — 453 85.2, 92.5.

'Phags pa DGE 'DUN 'TSHO — 'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) VI 183.1.

G.yer shong Sngags ram pa Sprul sku DGE 'DUN ZLA BA GRAGS PA — Incarnation line of Milarepa and rebirth of (G.yer shong) 'Jam dbyangs blo gros.  Student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).  Bio. listed in BLP no. 0621.

DGE 'DUN BZANG PO — See (Bla ma) Dge 'dun (ca. 1880‑ca. 1940).

Khams pa DGE 'DUN BZANG PO —  See the colophon of Gzhon nu Drug gi Rtogs brjod.

Mkhan rabs II DGE 'DUN BZANG PO — Abbot of Yangs pa can.  Bio. in 35 I 624‑625.

'Bri lung pa DGE 'DUN BZANG PO — (1726‑1799)  BD of T&TB VI 80.

Dge slong DGE 'DUN 'OD — Indirect informant to the author in 356 I 44.6.

Byang rtse Klu 'bum Rab 'byams pa DGE 'DUN 'OD ZER — 438 VI 610.3.

Ri bde DGE 'DUN RAB RGYAS — 438 VII 428.2.

DGE 'DUN RIN CHEN PA — Slob dpon at ordination of Zhwa nag iii in circa 1302.  17 II 536.2.

Dge bshes Brag phug DGE 'DUN RIN CHEN — (1926‑ )  His history of Buddhism in Bhutan, publ. 1976 (see under 'Brug yul).  Comm. on Sdom gsum text of Padma dkar po (Sdom pa Gsum gyi Rgyan ces bya ba'i Bstan bcos kyi Mchan 'brel Pad Dkar Zhal lung, Thimphu 1978). Rituals of the Bhutanese State for the Performance of the Vajrakila Practices from the Rdo rje Phur pa Yang gsang Bla med Cycle of Ratna gling pa (Thimphu 1978).  Zhabs drung Dag snang ma'i Skor, Guruyoga for 'Brug chen Ngag dbang rnam rgyal received in a vision by Gser kong Ngag dbang tshul khrims don ldan (Thimphu 1981). His Miscellaneous Writings (Thimphu 1981).  Author of a bio. of 'Brug pa Kun legs.  44.

Chos rje DGE 'DUN RIN CHEN — 37th Khri thog of Dga' ldan (from 1644‑1648).  BD of T&TB VI 161.  Picture in 128 924.

DGE 'DUN SENG GE — A teacher of Grags pa mtha' yas (1469‑1531).  49 preface.

Ku ra DGE 'DUN SENG GE — BD of T&TB VII 168.

Slob dpon DGE 'DUN BSRUNG BA — Indian.  BD of T&TB I 207.  TPS 506.

DGE LDAN — BA 1078, 1080.

DGE LDAN BKA' BRGYUD — Lineage biographies in 243 I 563 ff.

DGE LDAN CHOS GLING — Nunnery near Dharamsala, H.P., India.  See the booklet The Abbot & Nuns of Geden Choeling Nunnery, Tibetan Nuns: From Nechung Ri, Tibet, to Geden Choeling, India, Geden Choeling Nunnery (McLeod Ganj 1985), in 20 pages.

DGE LDAN BSTAN PA RGYAS PA'I SMON LAM — Comm. listed in SBTD I 251, 262.


DGE LDAN PA — A n. for Dge lugs pa.  Sumpa, Annals 62 n. 39.  Dreyfus, Sound 26, argues that Tsong kha pa & other early Dga' ldan pas probably saw their group as part of the broader Sa skya school.  Of course the general wisdom is they saw themselves as a continuation of the Bka' gdams pa.

Mkhas grub Chos rje DGE LDAN LEGS DPAL BZANG PO — See =(Mkhas grub rje) Dge legs dpal bzang.

Shab DGE SDINGS — "Shapdeding."  In Shab Valley.  TPS 701.  Ferrari 157.  56 51.  Stearns, SR 61, 132.

DGE SDINGS PA — Disc. of Khyung tshang pa.  17 II 509.  BA 444.  See under (Shangs pa) Ltar sgom.  115 134.7.

DGE SDING PA — See (— — —) Ngag dbang bsod nams dbang po grags pa rgyal mtshan.

DGE SDINGS RAB 'BYAMS PA — See (— — — — —) Lhun grub 'od zer.

Bum thang DGE GNAS — 87 I 135.4.

DGE DPAL LA — Tombs near Shigatse.  Precious Deposits I 211.

DGE 'PHAN — Bon po.  206 542.1.

DGE 'PHAR DON GRUB — 248 24.2.

Gyer spungs DGE 'PHEN — 248 24.3.

Ri bo DGE 'PHEL — A mt. behind 'Bras spungs.  Ferrari 102.  See Alexandre Andreyev, Tibet in the Earliest Photographs by Russian Travelers, Studio Orientalia (New Delhi 2013), p. 146.

Rwa sgreng DGE 'PHEL GLING — Has printery.  162 208.

DGE 'PHEL DGA' LDAN CHOS MDZOD GLING SKAL BZANG LHA KHANG — Dkar chag by Lcang lung listed in BLP no. 0450.

Shangs DGE 'PHEL CHOS RJE — Kollmar‑Paulenz in Brauen, VH 54.

'Bras spungs DGE 'PHEL BA — See (— —) (— — —) Dka' bcu dngos grub.

DGE 'PHEL BLA MA — See (— — — —) Stag lung kun spangs chen po.

DGE 'PHEL BSAM GTAN GLING —  "Kha gro'i ri khrod."  SBTD I 140.

DGE BA — N. of a city.  122 82.6, 84.4.

'Byung po'i Rgyal po DGE BA — 'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 401.2.

DGE BA'I GO CHA — Kalyāṇavarman.  A king named Dge ba'i go cha was father of Nāropa.  Buston I 161.  57 IIB 343.5.  17 II 251.3.  73 53.2.  Father of Zhi ba 'od.  BD of T&TB I 495.

Rgyal bu DGE BA 'KHOR LO — 352 794.2 ff.

Rong po DGE BA RGYAL — 29 64.6.

DGE BA RGYAL MTSHAN — (1382/87‑1462)  See Leonard van der Kuijp, "On Some Early Tibetan Pramāṇavāda Texts of the China Nationalities Library of the Cultural Palace of Nationalities in Beijing," Journal of Buddhist & Tibetan Studies, vol. 1 (1994), pp. 1‑30, at p. 19 ff.

DGE BA CAN — Khotan fort.  Emmerick.

DGE BA CAN — See Ku sa li Chung ba.  Picture in 128 80A.  BD of T&TB I 271.


DGE BA LDAN PA'I YID CAN — Father of Shrī singha.  BD of T&TB I 507.

DGE BA'I DPAL — Most likely son of Tshangs pa bkra shis.  28 20.

Rgyal po DGE BA'I DPAL — Father of Atiśa.  17 II 280.2.  A rāja of Za hor.  BA 241.  114 2B.5.  128 834.  Roesler, KSP 57.

Klu'i Rgyal po DGE BA DPAL 'BAR — Also, Dpal 'bar.  132 77.6.

DGE BA'I BLO GROS — Monastic n. of (Tshal) Kun dga' rdo rje (q.v.).

Rma Lo tsā ba DGE BA'I BLO GROS — (b. 1044)  11th cent. translator, although the date just given probably does not belong to him.  76 5.  (Khyung po) Grags se was his student.  17 II 419.2.  Teacher of ('Khon) Dkon mchog rgyal po.  BD of T&TB X 92.19.  He is sometimes identified with (Rma ban) Chos 'bar (q.v.).  BA 71, 219, 220, 232, 240.  Lobsang Dorjee Rabling, Five Treatises 179‑180 has a brief bio.  On p. 179 says he is sometimes given the dates 1044‑1089 based on a false identification with Rma ban Chos 'bar.  He was one of the 5 main translator students of Rin chen bzang po, and he must have already been active in Tibet when Atiśa arrived there.  Acc. to Mtshan tho, no. 19, which dates him to the late 10th cent., he went three times to India, translated the text and autocommentary of the Rnam 'grel, and was a disc. of Rin chen bzang po.

Chos rgyal DGE BA'I DBANG PO — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0750.

Mdo pa DGE BA'I DBANG PO — Teacher of Gter bdag gling pa.  458 I 328.2.

Tshong dpon DGE BA 'BUM — Father of Rgyal bu gzhon nu.  124 496.1.

Zur mo DGE BA 'BUM — Alias Mkhas btsun sangs rgyas.  =Ma cig Zur mo.  Daughter of (Zur) Byams pa seng ge.  453 34.1 ff.

Lha rje DGE BA 'BUM — Famous for dike building activities, his statue is kept in Jokhang (see Sørensen in Lungta 16 [2003] 105, with discussion of bio. and dates on p. 106 ff.).

DGE BA 'BUM PA — Character in 'cham from Karma gling pa tradition.  440 277.4.

DGE BA'I 'BYUNG GNAS — Disc. of Atiśa.  17 II 282.3.

Paṇḍi ta DGE BA BZANG PO — BD of T&TB I 791.

DGE BA RANG RGYAL — A monastery.  Kuijp, KPTB 51.

DGE BA RAB GSAL — Mon. n. of 1st ordained monk of 2nd propagation.  Buston 201.  Later widely known as Dgongs pa rab gsal (q.v.).  17 II 339.4.

DGE BA'I SEMS CAN — Mother of Jñānasūtra.  BD of T&TB I 517.  464 21.2.

DGE BA'I LHA — Mkhan po at rab byung of Pha dam pa Sangs rgyas.  17 II 304.3.


Bla chen DGE BHE — DTK5 186.

DGE DBANG — N. of an old mon. in vicinity of Tsaparang.  Images illus. in Precious Deposits II 226‑8, 242, 244, 248.

Mchims phu DGE'U DBEN GNAS — 87 I 120.6, 135.3.  =(Mchims phu) Bre gu dge'u (q.v.).  It's now known as Brag dmar Ke'u tshang.  Schaik, Prayer 201.

Lha rje DGE 'BUM — 208 230.2, etc.  17 IV 488.6.

G.yo DGE 'BYUNG — Hoffmann, Religions 112.  17 II 338.6.  (Bo dong pa) (G.yo) Dge 'byung.  BD of T&TB X 43.10.

DGE SBYOR BDUN — Evid. a basic text of the Bar 'Brug.  17 IV 195.2.  Hist. & biblio.  17 IV 424.6 ff.  See the list in Yonten Dargye & Per K. Sørensen, trs., The Biography of Pha 'Brug‑sgom Zhig‑po, The National Library (Thimphu 2001) 13.

Rko bo za DGE MA THAR — Mother of Chos sdings pa.  73 417.3.

DGE MANG — A retreat in Rdza chu kha area belonging to Rdzogs chen Monastery.  See (Rdzogs chen Rgyal sras) Gzhan phan mtha' yas.

DGE MUR — A mon. in Kinnaur (?), or Khu nu.  In Lahul.  16 76.

DGE MO — Kuijp in  Lungta 14 (2001) 65.

DGE TSE GRA LAG DGON — In Mdo smad.  Rnying ma mon.

DGE RTSA PAṆḌI TA — See (— — — — —) 'Gyur med tshe dbang mchog grub.

DGE RTSE — An incarnation lineage at Kaḥ thog.  One of Sde chen Bco brgyad.  Nomads 20.  TS7 II 982 ff.

DGE BRTSAN — Kazushi Iwao, "An Analysis of the Term rkya in the Context of the Social System of the Old Tibetan Empire," Memoirs of the Toyo Bunko 67 (2009) 89‑108, at p. 93

DGE TSHA — BA 849.

DGE MDZES — From Tho gar.  See Vitali, Kingdoms, p. 188.

Dbon DGE MDZES 'OD — (d. 1296)  aka Rtogs ldan rgyal po.  The first G.ya' bzang Khri dpon.  He held office of Spyan snga between 1265 and 1296 (or, between 1243‑1280?).  Also called Dben Rin po che, although probably a misreading of Dbon Rin po che.  CFMS 20‑21, 88.

DGE 'DZIN — King of Bal po.  87 I 29.4.

DGE YE — Place name.  Kramer, rNgog 117.

DGE YE BLA MA — (ca. 1684)  458 I 268.6.

DGE G.YE BA — See (— — —) Tshul khrims seng ge.

DGE RI — BA 1053.

Nye gnas A ma DGE RIN — 115 131.2 ff.

Dpon DGE LU — See Gardner in TJ XXVIII no. 3 (2003) 65.  Patron for the founding of Kaḥ thog Monastery.

DGE LUGS PA — On the structure of the Dge lugs pa monastic order, see TJ II (1977).  See Thuken 215, where there is an argument that people couldn't easily pronounce Dga' lugs (abbreviated form of Chos rje Dga' ldan pa'i Lugs), so it became Dge lugs.  Thu'u bkwan makes fun of people who derive the name from Sger lugs, 'private school'.  "Sheer fantasy," he says, and goes on to discuss the "babble" of those who say Tsong kha pa adopted yellow hats just to make his school different.  He did so to honor the early Vinaya masters who wore yellow hats, he says.

DGE LUNG CHOS SDE — Ghiling.  See 28 17 ff.

DGE LE — See (— —) Sman bzang.

DGE LEGS RGYA MTSHO — Subj. of bio. by Phur lcog Byams pa Rin po che listed in BLP no. 0458.

Sgrub khang DGE LEGS RGYA MTSHO — (1641‑1712/3)  Bka' gdams pa (?).  BD of T&TB V 343.  Pictured in 128 218, 228.  Bio. in 165 II 433‑462.  Bio. by Phur lcog Ngag dbang byams pa listed in BLP no. 0609 (see also Filibeck, Catalog II 345 [no. 727]).

Sangs rgyas mnyan pa iv DGE LEGS RGYA MTSHO — Founder of Ban chen Monastery.

DGE LEGS RGYA MTSHO — A Buriat.  443 I 26.6.

DGE LEGS RGYAL MTSHAN — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0459.

Zhi bzang 'Phags pa DGE LEGS RGYAL MTSHAN — Aka Padma dgyes pa rtsal.  Works in 307 II 320 ff.  A Rnying ma pa lama.  SBTD I 89.  Bio. of De mo listed in BLP no. 1133 (here called Zhi ba lha 'Phags pa Dge legs rgyal mtshan.


DGE LEGS CHOS 'PHEL — (ca. 1712)  Petech, China 18.

'Dzin sgar ii DGE LEGS MCHOG GRUB BSTAN 'DZIN — 382 preface.

Sangs rgyas mnyan sprul iii DGE LEGS SNYING PO — No info. given.

Lha btsun DGE LEGS BSTAN 'DZIN — Bio. by Dbal mang listed in BLP no. 1070.

Bla ma DGE LEGS DON BZANG — 363 121.1.

DGE LEGS 'DOD 'JO — N. of the tomb stūpa of the Dalai Lama xiii.  Po ta la (1996) 110‑1.  Henss, CMT 121.

Nye gnas DGE LEGS NAM MKHA' — Attendant of Rol rdor (b. 1717).  Prob. the Dge slong Dge legs nam mkha' who composed a guide to Ri bo Rtse lnga listed in BLP no. 1747.  Bodleian Catalogue 110.


Mdzod DGE LEGS RNAM RGYAL — 174 16A.4.

'Phags pa DGE LEGS RNAM RGYAL — (modern)  Tsering Shakya, Dragon 128.

Mkhas grub rje DGE LEGS DPAL BZANG PO — Also, (Mkhas grub) (Smra ba'i nyi ma) Dge legs dpal bzang.  (1385‑1438)  BD of T&TB V 208, VI 117.  One of the main disciples of Tsong kha pa.  T.H. 210.  Wrote Rgyud sde Spyi'i Rnam bzhag.  Succeeded Rgyal tshab rje as abbot of Dga' ldan.  T.H. 166.  Third Khri thog of Dga' ldan.  Ferrari 130.  "La stod Ldong gzhung du 'khrungs."  Dhongthog 38.  Wrote Kālacakra comm. in 1434.  Dhongthog 125.  76 8.  Pictured in 128 95, 100, 296, 384, 480, 602, 878, 890.  Bio. 165 I 877.  Collected works in 12 vols. publ. (N. Delhi 1980+).  Met Tsong kha pa in 1407.  127 23.  Beyer 410.  Bio. by Ser smad pa Chos kyi rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 0250 (other biographies, see nos. 0251‑0255).  Author of bios. of Tsong kha pa listed in BLP nos. 0890, 0893.

Bde ba can pa DGE LEGS DPAL BZANG — (1505‑1567)  Also, (Khri chen), (Dga' ldan Khri Rin po che), ('Ol dga' Gyang gsar pa).  "'Ol kha Gyang sar du 'khrungs."  Dhongthog 38.  Prob. pictured in 128 588.  Bio. in 156 II 700‑702.  21st abbot of Dga' ldan.  Pictured in 128 908.  Vai.Ser. 74.  Became Khri thog of Dga' ldan at 54 years.  BD of T&TB VI 141.

Si tu V Chos kyi rgyal mtshan DGE LEGS DPAL BZANG — (?‑1657?).

Bla rgan DGE LEGS SPRUL SKU — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 120.2.

Yongs 'dzin iii DGE LEGS BZHAD PA — 'Brug pa.  7466 IV preface.

DGE LEGS GZI 'BAR — Reliquary for DL viii.  TS5 659.

Mchod sdong DGE LEGS 'OD 'BAR — SBTD I 26.

DGE LEGS 'OD ZER — Gar dbang Rin po che IX.  Associated with Zur mang.


A mdo DGE LEGS SHES RAB RGYA MTSHO — (1884‑ ) Dge lugs pa.  Dhongthog 38.

Khya DGE LEGS BSHAD GLING — Dkar chag in Gung thang pa, Works X 174 ff.

DGE LEGS BSHES GNYEN — An artist by this name signed a wall painting at Spos khang.  See TPS 204, 205.

'Dul 'dzin DGE LEGS BSHES GNYEN — BD of T&TB I 566.  Dung dkar 42.

Mkhas grub DGE LEGS BSAM 'GRUB — See under Lo chen Sprul sku.

Gzhung khang ba DGE LEGS LHUN GRUB — Author of bio. of Dalai Lama iii listed in BLP no. 0522.  Author of bio. of Dalai Lama iv in BLP no. 0525.

Bon brgya DGE LEGS LHUN GRUB RGYA MTSHO — (b. 1935)  The contemporary leader of the Bon tantric practitioners group in Reb gong.  See Tsering Thar's paper, where the title of a history he composed is also mentioned.  Karmay in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 383.

DGE BSHES — One of the 18 traditional kingdoms of Rgyal rong.  Thar in TS9 IV 158.

DGE BSHES STON PA — A common way to refer to 'Brom ston pa.  Yisun.

DGE BSHES BTSAN — ?  81 103.10, 116.

DGE BSHES RTSA — Pl.n.  253 II 635.6.  Thar in TS9 IV 159.

DGE SER — Beyer 321.

DGE SLONG — Son of Yum brtan.  See Red Annals 41.  Of course this is usually not a proper name, just a Tibetan translation for bhikṣu.

DGE SLONG DRUG SDE — Also called Drug sde'i dge slong.  A group of six monks who were always finding loopholes in (or too strictly adhering to the letter of) the Vinaya rules, thus forcing revisions.  See Schopen in Gedenkschrift J.W. de Jong, p. 176 ff.  Called the 'gang of six' in J. Duncan M. Derrett, "Monastic Masturbation in Pāli Buddhist Texts," Journal of the History of Sexuality, vol. 15, no. 1 (January 2006), pp. 1‑13.  Gregory Schopen, "A Well Sanitized Shroud: Asceticism and Institutional Values in the Middle Period of Buddhist Monasticism," contained in: Patrick Olivelle, ed., Between The Empires: Society in India 300 BCE to 400 CE, Oxford University Press (Oxford 2006), pp. 315‑347, at p. 336.  Encyclopaedia of Buddhism IV 110.  Shayne Clarke in JIP (forthcoming article "Locating Humour in Indian Buddhist Monastic Law Codes") tells the story how they cooked monkey meat.

DGE SLONG DPAL LDAN — In Rnying ma lineage.  Iden. w/ Nāgārjuna.  Bio. in 33 89.

DGE BSOD MTSHAMS PA — Work in 292 I 13‑34.

DGE LHA GAR PHYUG — One of 5 Bon deities (in N).  Nine Ways 261 n. 59.

DGE RDOR 'BUM — Father of the later Rin chen gling pa.  210 155.3.

Ri mo DGOG — BD of T&TB VII 144.


DGONGS KA — Pl.n.  Buston 201.

DGONGS SKAD PA — See (— — —) Dar ma gzi brjid.

DGONGS 'GREL — Short title of Sandhinirmocanasūtra.  Vostrikov, Critical 64.

DGONGS RGYUD — Bon transmission.  253 II 317.2 ff.


DGONGS GCIG — N. of 'Jig rten mgon po's presentation of Mahāyāna Buddhism.  Comm. in 505 35‑253.  See under Dgongs gcig Yig cha by (Dbon po) Shes rab 'byung gnas.  Sa skya Paṇḍi ta considered dangerous the idea that logic is equivalent to jñāna (ye shes), but he and Sher 'byung did not go about defining 'logic' in the same way.  BA 598, 606.  23 4.  76 6.  217 601.1.  Bibliography in 17 IV 457.5 ff.  357 344‑356.  359 II 1‑397.  431478479478ASBTD I 6.  The root text for the Dgongs gcig is Rdo rje'i Gsung Brgya lnga bcu pa.  The rnam bshad on the root text is by 'Bri khung pa Chos kyi grags pa.


Kun tu bzang po'i DGONGS NYAMS RDO RJE'I TSHIG — 324 22.2.

DGONGS NYAMS 'PHRUL GYI ME LONG — Bon tantra in 258 II 233‑283.

Mdo DGONGS PA NGES PAR 'GREL BA — Sūtra preached in 3rd turning of Wheel of Dharma.  Sandhinirmocana.  Chandra211 20.4.

Rdzogs chen DGONGS PA ZANG THAL — Part of Padma Snying thig in 87 LXXXVIII.  Kun bzang Dgongs pa Zang thal gyi Ngo mtshar Bla brgyud, devotional verses to teachers in the lineage transmission of this Byang gter teaching printed from blocks at Dgon steng Bshad sgrub chos gling Mon. in Solu, Nepal in 1970.  A gter ma of Rgod ldem (q.v.).  See under (Shugs chen) Tshul khrims bzang po.  Rdzogs pa Chen po Dgongs pa Zang thal gyi Chos skor reprinted from Gnas chung blocks carved by Chos rje Shākya yar 'phel (sp?) publ. in 4 vols. (Leh 1979).

Bla chen DGONGS PA RAB GSAL — (892‑975) acc. to BA 67 &  BD of T&TB III 128‑133.  (In context of a prophecy:) "Mu zu Dgongs pa gsal byed bon btsun la/ Dbus Gtsang mi bzhi bya bas bslab pa len?"  431 I 33.4.  Came from Khams to Dbus in 953.  Dhongthog 39, 117.  His pre‑conversion n. was Mu zu Gsal 'bar, & his ordination n. was Dge ba rab gsal.  17 II 339.2 ff.  Hoffmann, Religions 112 ff.  Bio. 332 II 521‑534.  Names listed as:  1. Dge ba gsal.  2. Bla chen.  3. Ka ra 'phan.  4. Gsas 'bar (his Bon n.).  Lde'u2 155.  Pictured in 128 1028.  There is a bronze image in Tibet House collection, New Delhi which is supposed to be him (Huntington Archive scan no. 000399).

Rje btsun dam pa DGONGS MDZAD — 253 II 412.5.

DGONGS MDZOD — See (— —) Ri khrod chen po.

DGOD GSAS KHAM PO — Rock, Nāga Cult I 60, 152.


DGON DKAR — BA 976.  Visited in early 13th cent. by Sher 'byung.  478A I 114.2.

DGON RGAN SPRUL SKU — Of Dpal spungs Mon.  See 23 30.

DGON JO — Spelling for Go 'jo.  TS5 803.

DGON RNYING — An incarnation lineage at Kaḥ thog.

DGON PA — A lama from Khams in Nepal.  Macdonald 142.

Slob dpon DGON PA — Seems to be a misspelling for Sgom pa (the disc. of Sgam po pa), q.v., in 24 I 358.1 and elsewhere.

Zhang ston DGON PA SKYABS — His aunt was disc. of Ras chung pa.  24 I 218.1.

Ma cig Kar bza' DGON PA SKYID — Mother of Gu ru Chos dbang.  210 27.5.


DGON PA STENG — Bon mon. at Kong po Bon ri.  Ramble in Mandala & Landscape 137.

Gzhan la Phan pa'i Dbyangs DGON PA PA — See Aspiration preface.

DGON PA BA — A sgom grwa in Bur.  17 II 372.5.

Kha che DGON PA BA — Teacher of Khyung po Rnal 'byor in Nepal.  BA 729.  17 II 427.

Dge bshes DGON PA BA — See (— — —) ('Dzeng) Dbang phyug rgyal mtshan.

DGON PA DBON PO — Everding in TS9 I 120.

DGON PA GZHUNG — The Junbesi of the Nepal maps.  On this town and its temple Bkra shis mthong smon, see Berg in NTFC I 1‑25.

DGON PA GSAR MA — Temple at Muktinath.  JTM 67.


DGON PA'I RI — Mt. N of Rtse thang, a resort of Spyan ras gzigs where an ogress and ape mated and from them evolved the Tibetan people.  JTL&CT 229.

DGON SPAR DGON — A Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang.

DGON PHU BA — Brother of Ma cig Zha ma and disc. of Rong zom pa.  166 15.2.

DGON PHUG — Mgon phug?  In Ding ri.  Aziz, Tibetan Frontier Families 84.

DGON PHUG GI BKA' BRGYUD — See note to text in 319 II 241‑287.

DGON BYANG — See Gting skye Dgon byang.


DGON LAG — See Gzhis dgon.

DGON LUNG — Vai.Ser. 255.  CFMS 43.

DGON LUNG DGON PA — See Dgon lung Byams gling.

DGON LUNG MGON CHEN — A mon. in A mdo.  Sumpa, Annals 66 n. 56.  F. in 1604.  List of abbots, see 332 II preface 5, 7‑8.  See following.

DGON LUNG BYAMS GLING — A mon. in center of Dpa' ris, f. in 1604 by Don yod chos kyi rgya mtsho.  Rol pa'i rdo rje originated there.  Sumpa, Annals 75.  332 preface 16.  F. in 1604 by Yon tan rgya mtsho.  Dhongthog 128.  Dgon lung Byams pa gling gi Dkar chag by Thu'u bkwan listed in BLP no. 0462.  B. Sullivan, The Mother of All Monasteries: Gönlung Jampa Ling and the Rise of Mega Monasteries in Northeastern Tibet, doctoral dissertation, University of Virginia (Charlottesville 2013). Horlemann 141.

DGON SAR BRGYUD 'DZIN — See (Mang mkhar) (— — — —) Blo gros rgyal mtshan.

DGON GSAR — BA 593.  A lesser Ngor pa mon. in Khri 'du.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 98.

DGON GSAR — A Dge lugs mon. in Rdza khog area founded by Hor Chos rje Ngag dbang phun tshogs in time of the Dalai Lama v.  Thar in TS9 IV 157.

DGON GSAR — See (— —) Bstan 'dzin mkhas grub 'jigs med rnam rgyal (b. 1949).  (— —) Blo bzang don grub rab rgyas (ca. 1880‑1946).

DGON GSAR DGA' LDAN CHOS 'PHEL GLING — Dkar chag by Sprul sku Blo bzang bstan 'dzin mthu stobs listed in BLP no. 0464.

DGON GSAR MA — N. of a Mdo mang collection preserved at Snar thang Mon.  Jampa Samten Shastri, Origins of the Tibetan Canon 769.

DGON GSUM THAR PA GLING — Small Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang.

Mdo mkhar Sde pa DGOS DGOS — (d. ca. 1677).  458 I 182.1.

DGOS 'DOD 'BYUNG BA — Kuijp in CAJ 37 (1993) 195.  N. of a person?  It literall means 'producing all needs and desires'.

Rtsis dpon DGOS SLIB — ?  In Rdel rtsis work.  480.

DGYA RA — See =Dgyer.

DGYER — A clan divided into Ge bu pa and Ne gu pa.  BA 890.

DGYER — See (—) Sgom pa chen po.

DGYER SGOM — One pictured in 128 91A.  See (— —) Tshul khrims seng ge.  (— —) Gzhon nu grags pa.

Bla ma DGYER SGOM — Disc. of Phag mo gru pa.  BA 564.

DGYER SGOM ZHIG PO — Disc. of Phag mo gru pa who stayed in Rtsa ri.  17 IV 258.1.

DGYER PA SA — BA 1087.

DGYER BTSUN — See (— —) Zla ba grags pa bzang po.

Dpal DGYES RDOR — Or, Dgyes pa'i rdo rje.  See texts in 90 II.  See Kye rdo rje.  4 212B.2‑6.  Depiction in  Kreijger, Tibetan Painting pl. 41.

DGYES RDOR 'GREL PA LUGS — BD of T&TB X 5.10. Dung dkar 108.  It is also called Mtsho skyes Lugs.

DGYES RDOR MAN NGAG LUGS — Passed from Ga ya dha ra to 'Brog mi.  BD of T&TB X 4.11.  A n. of the Lam 'bras tradition.

Yon bdag DGYES 'BUM — 73 260.5.

DGYES RI — Mon. in Kong po.  TS5 532.

DGRA NGAN — See under Sgra ngan.

Chag Lo tsā ba DGRA BCOM — (1153‑1216)  Petech (1983) 179.  He studied with 36 pundits, was a student of Steng pa Lo tsā ba. When Kha che Paṇ chen was giving ordination to others he served as the las slob and would speak the words of the las chog in Sanskrit.  Mtshan tho no. 68, which gives the same dates.

*DGRA 'CHI — I believe this is the spelling behind Drabchi (Ja-shi-tan, Drashitan, Trapchi, Dabchi), the famous prison in neighborhood of Sera outside Lhasa.  it was originally the site of the Chinese garrison.  See Alexandre Andreyev, Tibet in the Earliest Photographs by Russian Travelers, Studio Orientalia (New Delhi 2013), p. 132.

Zhang ston DGRA 'JIGS — Picture in 128 586.

DGRA 'DUL THOGS MED RTSAL — A local deity.  Karmay, ed., New Horizons 384.

Tsha rong DGRA 'DUL RNAM RGYAL — (1920‑ )  Velm I 131.  Son of the famous Tsha rong.

DGRA 'DUL DBANG PHYUG — Nagano in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 576.

DGRA 'DUL 'BUM ME — TS5 810.

DGRA 'DUL RLUNG SHOG — A peak of the Rma chen Spom ra (q.v.).

DGRA NAG GI SGRUB THABS — 145 IV 57B.1 ff.  Dgra nag is conn. w/ Gshin rje in 211 25.6.  Bon works in 286 II.

DGRA DPUNG 'JOMS MDZAD MA — A Tārā.  Pictured in 128 1110.

DGRA BRUB — In titles in 313 II 409, etc.

DGRA BLA — Karma pa Dgra bla rites in 233 457‑480.

Yon bdag DGRA BLA RGYAL — 476 II 357.4.

DGRA MED RTSE — Drametse Mon. in easternmost Bhutan.

DGRA SHI — See Grwa bzhi.

DGRA LHA — Rock, Nāga Cult I 275.  Heissig 84.  SBTD I 184.

Zhang zhung DGRA LHA — KTDN 59.3.



Jo mo BGRES MO — A Grub thob ma, disc. of Ras chung pa.  24 I 217.5.  (Gtsang gi Jo mo) Bgres mo in 24 I 222.6.  Called (Jo mo) Sgre mo in BA 439.

BGRES MOS ZHUS PA — Sūtra, subject of article by Stanley Frye in TJ IV no. 1.

BGRO BA DGON — Vai.Ser. 177.

BGROD DKA' SENG GE — Durgasiṃha.  27 184.

BGROD BYED TSHOGS KYI LUNG — Text in 320 IX 156 ff.

MGAR — Pl.n.  OTA 698.

MGAR —  ='Gar.  Family.  Emmerick.  Bailey in AM 11 no.1 (1964) 6.  Although Bailey connects them to the Tokharians, it seems possible that this family name goes back to the Ghar, or the ancient Georgians.

MGAR — See also 'Gar.  See (—) Bkra shis rin chen.  (—) Gung rton.  (—) Sta gu ri zung.  (—) Stong btsan yul bzung.  (—) Bstan snya ldem bu.  (—) Mang nyen stag tsab.  (—) Btsan nyen gung rton.

MGAR DGON BLA MA MI 'GYUR — 346 128.6.

MGAR SGOM DKAR PO — Disc. of Sgam po pa.  57 IIB 353.7.  ='Gar sgom dkar po.

MGAR CHUNG DGON PA — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 266.

MGAR STON — See (— —) Khro rgyal.  (— —) Zung nge (1074‑1134).

MGAR THAR — Pl. where the 7th Dalai Lama was held in exile until 1734.  41 I 5.  Uspensky, Prince Yunli, p. 5 ff.  In the Mi nyag region.  Lungta 13 (2000) 5. It got its name because Minister Mgar escaped pursuit by the Tang troups there. The 11th Dalai Lama was born there. See lecture by Yudru Tsomu.

MGAR DAM PA — See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 44.

MGAR PHUG — See ='Gal phug.

MGAR BA — See Kaṃ ki ri pa.

Dam can MGAR BA NAG PO — Text in 334363 94.1.

Lha chen MGAR BA SPUN GSUM — Also, (Btsan rgod Drag po)  FM 131.22.10.

MGAR BA BLA MA — See 'Phrin las rgya mtsho  (1876‑1935/6).

MGAR MO CHOS RDZONG — Not far S from (Dben sa) Chos kyi Pho brang, where a (Grub chen) Chos kyi rdo rje meditated.  Wylie 71.

MGAR RA BLA MA — See Mgar ba Bla ma.

MGU STON — Disc. of Po to ba.  367 I 242.4.

MGU DBU THO DGON — Vai.Ser. 247.

MGUR MO — BA 1068.

MGUR LHA — Mgur lha Mched Bzhi.  Das 436.  Four brothers from whom 4 great tribes of Tibet are said to have originated.  They are 1) Gnyen.  2) Dmu.  3) Klu.  4) Tsha. 

MGUR LHA BCU GSUM — Thirteen Mgur lha in 253 II 584.1.  dri za'i rgyal po chen po rje'i mgur lha chen po bcu gsum (Tibetan mountains).  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 401.2.  Dotson, D&L 25.  ZZFC 224.  Pasang Wangdu, The Slebs ri Tombs and the Mchims Clan, IN: Hildegard Diemberger and Karma Phuntsho, eds., Ancient Treasures, New Discoveries, IITBS (Saale 2009) 73‑96, at p. 89.


MGUL NAG MGRIN — N. of Dbang phyug.  Das 909.

Lha ma yin MGUL 'PHRENG CAN — 171 318.6.

MGO DKAR — N. for Muslims (and other foreigners).  Sumpa, Annals 70.  See Kapstein in Pollock, Forms 355.  Desideri referred to himself as a 'white head', but seems to have preferred the spelling Mgo skar (Trent Pomplun's book Jesuit on the Roof of the World, p. 158 and footnote)  See De Fillipi's book, p. 211.  It really seems that in the time of Dalai Lama v, this was a word for Christian foreigners of European type.  It is also the name of the Prince Mgo dkar, son of Ru las skyes.  Ahmad, Fifth 11.

MGO DKAR BA — See (— — —) Bsod nams dbang po (late 16th cent.)

MGO SKAR DPA' 'DRI — Star Head Padre.  See Trent Pomplun's Jesuit on the Roof of the World, p. 264.



MGO SBAS — Sa tham Mgo sbas.  Tibetan name for the town of Lijiang in Lijiang.  Jackson, Patron 235.

MGO MA — N. of a Khotan river.  Emmerick.

Phung bon MGO DMAR — N. frequently appearing in colophons of FM 361A.00.  See 374 II 465.1.  Acc. to Sangs rgyas bstan 'dzin, n. of an old Bon teacher who came from the West.  People sometimes say that the light‑haired caucasian‑looking people of A mdo are his descendents.  His name does suggest that he was a redhead.  But note that Kapstein in Pollock, Forms 344, interprets mgo dmar to mean 'bald'.

MGO RTSE DA WA — A king of Benares/Varanasi who visited 'Bri gung.  Kuijp in JAOS (1994) 611.

MGO TSHA DGON — A medium‑sized Rnying ma mon. in Mdo stod.

MGO BZHI — Vitali in TS9 I 85.

MGO GZA' — See (— —) Bkra shis skyid.

Mar pa MGO YAGS — Disc., as well as a relative, of the famous Mar pa.  Guru of Ngam rdzong ston pa.  Of Byang tsam lung.  BA 401, 403.  17 II 455.2, 510.  =('Dam gyi Mar pa) 'Go legs (q.v.).  Work mentioned in 17 IV 444.1.  Jackson, Patron 96.

MGO RA — See (— —) Dga' ldan phar phyin gling.

MGO LI — See (— —) Bya rgyal.

MGO LEGS — 124 499.2.  Short for Glang thod mgo legs.

Mar MGO LEGS — Jackson, Patron 96.

MGO LOG — Also, 'Go log, Ngo log.  Combe 104 ff.  Historical work in 167 419.  For Mgo log tribes, see Rock, Nāga Cult I 252, II 606.  3 main tribes were 1) Ri mang.  2) Khang gsar.  3) Khang rgan.  Others are Me'i tshang, Gtsang skor, and 'Bu tshang.  Stein, Recherches 123.  General name for the area surrounding A mye rma chen.  Nomads 26.

MGO LOG DGON GSAR — Vai.Ser. 237.

MGO LOG BLA MA — See (— — — —) Bsod nams dpal ldan.

MGON DKAR — Text in 225 XIII.  A remarkable silver statue illus. in Po ta la (1996) 73.  MBKP 145.

Khyung pa MGON SKYID — N. of Pe ta, sister of Milarepa.  4X I 156.2.  See under Mgon mo skyid.

MGON NE — A royal descendent.  CFMS 30.  This name, in the form Mgo ne, appears as patron of a huge Prajñāpāramitā volume; see Tibet. Klöster öffnen ihre Schatzkammern, Kulturstiftung Ruhr Essen (Villa Hügel 2006), p. 597, n. 82.

MGON GNANG CHOS RJE — Ehrhard in Prats, Pandita 45.

MGON PO — For various forms, see index to Beyer under 'Lord'.  See  Dung dkar 182.

Nya mo MGON PO — One of the A tsa rya Gsum.  383 417.4.

MGON PO BKRA SHIS — This name seems to appear in an inscription.  See Vernier, Uncommon.

A 'brug MGON PO BKRA SHIS — Photo in 424 230.  Memories of Life 18.

MGON PO SKYABS — (1833‑?)  BD of T&TB V 906.

Gung MGON PO SKYABS — (late 17th‑early 18th cent.)  Mongol scholar and lexicographer.  Famous for his Rgya nag Chos 'byung (found in 488 407‑625).  See Kolmas in Leslie, Essays 137.  Uspensky, Prince Yunli 33.  His Dgra bcom pa Lnga brgya'i Lo rgyus listed in BLP no. 0465.

Grub mchog MGON PO GRAGS PA — Successor of ('Ja' lus) Mgon po dpal 'byor in Jo nang pa Lugs (q.v.), no. 21.


MGON PO RGYAL — See ('Bro) Khri brtsan sgra Mgon po rgyal.

Spyi ston MGON PO RGYAL — 210 77.5.  Picture 347 218.

MGON PO RGYAL MTSHAN — (late 12th‑early 13th cent.)  A half‑brother of Spyan snga Grags pa 'byung gnas (1175‑1255/6).  Lho-rong Chos-'byung 368.


MGON PO RGYAL MTSHAN GRAGS PA MTHA' YAS PA'I SDE — See Grags pa mtha' yas, King of Mustang.

MGON PO STAG ZHON — Thangka illus. in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 215.

MGON PO DON GRUB — Member of A blo family.  See  Nietupski, Labrang 75 ff.

MGON PO GDONG — A cave on the W bank of Mtsho sngon.  Another pl. by the same n. at Mon mkhar.  Wylie (1977) 116.  Sumpa, Annals 29.  CFMS 79.

MGON PO RDO RJE — Hunter converted by Milarepa.  See chapter in 4 123B.5 ff.  Later named Khyi ra ras pa (q.v.).  157 B 5.11.

MGON PO RDO RJE — Gombudordzi, a Khalkha prince.  Heissig 31.  (1594‑1655)  Gruschke in TS9 I 191.  He is considered the first Jetsun Dampa.  They say that he became a sculptor under the name Danzanbazar (Jñānavajra) or Zanabazar.

MGON PO RDO RJE — A lama of Kong po area, who had some role in the redactional history of the Tibetan Book of the Dead.  See Cuevas, Hidden History 20, 124, 171 (and index).

Karshu MGON PO RDO RJE — A painter.  H of SK of T ix.  Painter of a thangka in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 143.

Grub thob MGON PO RDO RJE — Aris, Bhutan 193.

Rgyal ba Rgod tshang pa MGON PO RDO RJE — (1189‑1258)  Ferrari 137.  TPS 158.  Aka Mgon po dpal.  Disc. of Rgya ras pa, and founder of Stod 'Brug.  Bio. by (Sde snod 'dzin pa) Rin chen dpal.  24 II 73‑82.  For another bio., as well as a list of 13 bios., see 50 preface.  Bio.  BA 680 ff.  57 IIB 368.4 ff.  Three chief disciples: Yang dgon pa, U rgyan pa and Spyil dkar ba.  For list of other discs., see BA 686‑687.  His collected works in 3 volumes, see 64 (note: 2 other vols. have also been published, see 65, the years 1972‑1976).  Bio. by Rgyal thang pa in 119 567‑619.  115 13.5 ff.  Pictured in 128 1042.  Collected works in 391, containing bios.  Mgur 'bum, see 391 V.  Work in 447 55‑60, 197.5.  Bio. in 484 I 865.1 ff.  The Collected Works of Rgod tshang pa Mgon po rdo rje, the Founder of the Upper Tradition (Stod) of the 'Brug pa Dkar rgyud pa, "reproduced from a rare ms. preserved at Rta mgo Mon." (5 vols, Thimphu 1981).  Work in 447 25‑7.  Works listed in SBTD I 296.  A portrait image exists in the Newark Museum collection, with inscription.  See also Thurman & Rhie, A Shrine for Tibet, p. 121, for a portrait bronze.  The following is found in microfilms of NGMPP (running no. L8573, reel no. L976/10):  Chos kyi Rgyal po Rgod tshang pa'i Gsung Gru pa Sgro sdus pa Gnad kyi Them bu Chen mo zhes bya ba Byang chub sems dpa' Sher gzhon gyis Tshig Kha ya Sdus nas 'Gro la Phan Phyir Gsal bar Sdebs shing Legs par Sbyar ba'o (total of 25 leaves, cursive ms.).  Bio. by Shes rab gzhon nu listed in BLP no. 0478, and several more bios. listed in BLP nos. 0479‑0482.  Bio. by Sangs rgyas dar po listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 350 (no. 759).  He is rather oddly listed among the translators in Mtshan tho no. 71, although it says that he was not a translator.

MGON PO LDE —  =Dpung dmar.  Son of Skyob pa lde.  DTK5 93.

MGON PO RNAM RGYAL — A Nyag rong prince.  23 33.  See (Nyag sked) A mgon.  Article by Tashi Tsering in Soundings.  Norbu, Warriors 25. Spengen & Coleman in TS9 IV.  Now there is a Harvard dissertation by Yudru Tsomu.

Lcags mdud Nyag sked MGON PO RNAM RGYAL — (1799‑1865)  TS5 818.

Khyab bdag MGON PO RNAM RGYAL — Successor of (Grub mchog) Mgon po grags pa in Jo nang Lugs transmission (q.v.), no. 22.

MGON PO RNAM GSUM — 3 gods of Mt. Ti se.  1) Ku byi mang ke.  2) A ti mu wer.  3) Dbal chen Ge khod Gsang ba drag chen.  283 preface.  ZZFC 236.

Sku zhang MGON PO DPAL — A lay leader of Zhwa lu.  Ricca & Fournier in TJ 26 no 3/4 (Aut/Wint 2001) 104.

Rgod tshang pa MGON PO DPAL — See (Rgod tshang pa) Mgon po rdo rje.

Mi nyag Rab 'byams pa MGON PO DPAL — Karma pa.  35 I 647‑648.

Bla ma MGON PO DPAL BA — Author of a bio. of Bu ston listed in BLP no. 1415.  It has now been published (it is partly in verse).

'Ja' lus MGON PO DPAL 'BYOR — Successor of (Byams pa) Yon tan mgon po in Jo nang Lugs transmission (q.v.), no. 20.

MGON PO PHYAG DRUG PA — As subject of a 15th‑cent. thangka, see Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 214.

MGON PO PHYAG BZHI PA — Depicted in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 212.  Kreijger, Tibetan Painting pl. 40.

MGON PO PHRIN LAS RAB BRTAN — (1916‑1966)  Photo labeled "last king of Ngaba" in Berounsky, Murdered 34.

MGON PO BING — Depicted in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 208.

MGON PO DBANG RGYAL — (19th cent.).  370 preface 7.  Gter ma in 370 1‑116.  Author of a gcod text mentioned in Crook, Yogins of Ladakh 323 etc.

MGON PO 'BUM — TS7 II 1029.

MGON PO MA NING — Depicted in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 207.  See also bottom register, center of thangka illus. in Po ta la (1996) 171.

MGON PO TSHE BRTAN — (1913‑ )  Author of Rdzogs pa Chen po Klong chen Snying thig gi Sngon 'gro'i 'Bru 'grel Rnam mkhyen Thar Gling 'Grod pa'i Them skas, publ. 1973.

MGON PO TSHE BRTAN — (1906‑1991)  An Amdo‑born Dzogchen teacher and noted artist, a fairly detailed biography, "Gönpo Tseten Rinpoche" was found at Rigpawiki on the internet (the same was also found, in March 2008, at the main Wikipedia site).  In 1982 he returned to Amdo where he died.

Hor phrug MGON PO TSHE 'PHEL — At his behest, Padma dkar po composed his Thugs rje chen po'i Dmar khrid (LTWA GA/2/32/7095).

MGON PO TSHE RING — Father of Stag tshang ras pa I.  Schwieger in Kailash 18 (1996) 84.  He was Drung 'khor for the governor Blo bde ba.

Phun khang MGON PO TSHE RING — (20th cent.)  Velm I 129.  An obituary for him by N.C. Sinha appeared in Bulletin of Tibetology, issue no. 1 of the year 1977.

Dbu mdzad Ser byes Har sog MGON PO TSHE RING — (20th cent.)  438 VII 499.1.  ? 440 311.5.

MGON PO ZHAL BZHI — Wylie 66, 133‑134 n. 164‑165.  TPS 589‑590.  Nebesky 60‑63.

Dpon drung MGON PO RAB BRTAN — (ca. 1575)  17 III 597.3.  Brother of Yid bzhin nor bu (both were taken hostage for 15 years).  Sørensen, Restless Relic 867.

MGON PO RI — Small mt. near Ti se.  Wylie 59.  See Combe 24, 36‑37.


MGON PO RIN CHEN — (15th cent.)  Redisc. Rdzogs chen Padma Snying thig.  Lived 84 yrs.  BD of T&TB III 582.  217 485.5.  410 126B.3.

Sne gdong Ban gtsang pa MGON PO RIN CHEN — (ca. 1687)  458 I 292.1.

MGON PO RONG — In Tsari.  17 IV 238.1, 259.2.

Rtogs ldan MGON PO YE SHES — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1016.

MGON PO GSANG BA — In title of 320 XXXII 425.6 ff.

MGON PO BSAM 'GRUB — (modern)  Barlocher 571‑574.

MGON PO BSOD NAMS — (1871‑1913)  Berounsky, Murdered 33.

Rig 'dzin MGON PO LHUN GRUB — TS5 800, 811, 817.

Lcog ro bza' MGON DPAL — Wife of Bkra shis brtsegs pa dpal.  DTK5 71.

MGON MED ZAS SBYIN — Anāthapiṇḍada.  Donor connected with Gautama Buddha.  27 93.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 344.

MGON MO SKYID — Milarepa's sister, =Pe ta Mgon skyid (q.v.).

MGON BTSUN — Work in 278 129‑135.

Mnga' bdag MGON BRTSON — A royal descendent.  CFMS 30.

MGON TSHUN PHYWA —  Dotson, Horse 277.

Yo ga pa MGON BZANG — Met at Zha lu by Tsong kha pa.  127 21.

Yongs grags MGON RI — (1899‑?)  =Mgon po tshe ring.  440 311.5.

Jo sras MGON SENG — ?  Gling ras pa was invited to Lha sa Sgo phu by him.  24 I 390.4.

Mkha' 'gro ma MGON SEMS MA — LGCM 618.2.

MGON GSUM — Listed in DTK5 73.

MGOS — Clan name.  See ref. in 28 79.  It appears this clan originated in Skyid grong, then went to Dbus in time of Srong btsan sgam po, and finally transferred to Myang stod.  Vitali in TS9 I 83.

MGOS — See (—) 'Bum yu 'byin.

MGRIN SNGON — A n. of Dbang phyug.  Das 909.

Lang ka MGRIN BCU — King of Srin po.  476 IV 419.1.

MGRIN BZANG — Founded by Mes ag tshoms.  BA 40.  Tucci, Tombs 83‑84.  Ferrari 113.  132 86.6.  mgrin bzang / 'dir mgrin bzang zhes pa'i lha khang la go dgos te / deb ther sngon po las 'gran bzang dang / rgyal rabs gsal ba'i me long las 'brin bzang zhes ming tha dad du byung yang / de rgyal po khri lde gtsug brtan gyis bzhengs pa'i lha khang rnam lnga'i ya gyal zhig tu ni kha mthun pa red.  Gser Sbram 54.

'GAG SGOM — See ('Gag sgom) Zhig po.

'GAG LA RIN PO CHE — (modern)  Barlocher 374.

'GA' — BA 740.  =Gha.  See Stein, Mi–ñag 227.  See Sperling, Further 9, where it is taken as a Tibetan version of Xia.

'GA' PO — N. of a ri khrod115 119.3.

'GA' RA DGON — Vai.Ser. 258.

Stod lung 'GA' RAS — Cuevas, Hidden History 229.

'GA' RU LO TSĀ BA — Also called Sna che ('big nose', but see Yisun dictionary).  Monk of Dgon lung Dgon chen in A mdo.  Sumpa, Annals 32.

'GA' RONG — BA 1013.  Ruegg, JSBO 91.

'GAR — See also Mgar.  BA 421, 602.  The 'Gar family was divided into 4 branches called rgyud bzhi73 415.2  They are 1) Chos rgyud.  2) 'Phrul rgyud.  3) Dpa' rgyud.  4) Kal rgyud.

'GAR — See also Mgar.  See (—) Chos sdings pa.  (—) Snye rang phag mdzug.  (—) (Lha rje) Dpal gyi byams pa.  (—) Btsan pa dred po.  (—) Shes rab 'byung.  (—) Bsod nams ye shes.

Bla ma 'GAR — D. in about 1175 & became a ghost.  476 I 87.7.

Rong pa 'GAR DGE — Disc. of Atiśa.  Bio. 165 366.  35 I 7.  He appears as a commentator on Sgyu ma chen mo in Drepung Catalog 899.

'GAR SGOM — See (— —) Zhig po.

'GAR SGOM DKAR PO — See also Mgar ston dkar po.  BA 402.  73 264.2.

'GAR CHEN RIN PO CHE — (b. 1936)  A contemporary 'Bri gung Bka' brgyud teacher.  A bio. and photo at Rigpawiki on internet under "Garchen Rinpoche."

'GAR STON — See (— —) Khro rgyal.  (— —) Tshul khrims bzang po.

'GAR DAM PA — (1180‑?1240)  =Gzhon nu rdo rje, =Chos sdings pa, =Shākya dpal.  See under (— — —) Chos sdings pa.

'GAR PHUG — See 'Gal phug.

'GAR BA — See (— —) Rin chen dpal.

'GAR BRAG — BA 235, 238.

'GAL PHUG — Also, Mgar phug, 'Gar phug.  Near 'Ol kha Stag rtse.  Pl. where Padmasambhava meditated.  Ferrari 121.  BA 465.

Ma sangs Rgyal po 'GING PA — KTDN 60.6.

'GI BA KHA — See (— — —) Byams pa gling.

Spo 'bor 'GIR TI SGANG — F. by Sangs rgyas dpal bzang.  Vai.Ser. 236.

'GU ZHAN — Khotan mon.  ='Gu zhan ta, which is translated in Tib. as zhi ba'i sa.  Emmerick.

'GU ZI — TS5 808.

Gling 'GU ZI —  =Gu se, on the  'Bri chu.  Stein, Recherches 128.

'GU ZI ZHABS DRUNG — Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 92.



'GU LOG GSER RTA — In Khams, near Tre hor.  483 preface.

'GU LOG GSER THA BA — See (— — — — —) Sgra rdo rje.

'GU HI LI SPAR YA — Name of a Ta zig teacher of Bon.  Perhaps the first part relates to guhrayenidan, guhrayen‑ [gw)hPyn‑ytn'] — waken, arouse.  And the 2nd part: spurri~ [spwlyk' I (M <spwr), N sipari]— entire, complete, perfect.  ‑ih: completeness, perfection.  (This was based on an online Pahlavi dictionary by MacKenzie.)  It would then look as if the Pahlavi interpretation of this name would be something like Perfect Awakening.  Well, I suppose it was worth a try.

'GUN TIR — N. of a pl., mon., & stūpa.  Emmerick.

'GUN 'BANG — Khotan mon.  Emmerick.

'GUR PO CHE KHRI — Pl.n.  27 130.

'GUR MO — BA 183.  Tshong 'dus (trade mart) 'Gur mo in Gtsang.  Bu ston stayed at a building called Bla brang Shar there.  27 77.  17 II 340.3.  115 134.1.

'GUL PHU BA — 73 426.6.

'GUS NO — Hill near Hu ten.  Emmerick.

'GEGS MTHAR — Vighrāntaka.  =Khro ba Bdud rtsi 'khyil pa (q.v.).

Rdzogs chen Bla ma BGEGS 'PHRANG BA — 115 128.1.

'GO GOM ZA 'OD — Pl.n. in Dba' rong area of A mdo.  LPNT VII 287.

'GO CHUNG — See (— —) Dbang seng.

'GO STON — See (— —) Dbang phyug rdo rje.

Rgya nag gi Lha khang 'GO'U DE SHAN — 87 I 267.1.  See the master's thesis of Todd Gibson.  In Schaik, M&T 161‑162, 'Go de shan is interpreted as Wutai Shan.  It is probably also the Ri Mgo de'u shan (or Mgo rde'u shan) mentioned in Sba 8 (Sgo de'u shan is another possible spelling).

'GO BA — See (— —) Bya tsha.

'GO BA'I LHA LNGA — Rock, Nāga Cult I 141.  Tucci, Religions 193.  See text by the Dalai Lama v entitled Lha Lnga'i Gsol mchod Bsod nams Dpal Bskyed.  1) Yul lha, on the head.  2) Dgra lha, on the right shoulder.  3) Mo lha at the left armpit.  4) Pho lha, at the right armpit.  5) Srog lha, at the heart.  Work by Sum pa Mkhan po.  Berkeley 174/13. Daniel Berounsky, "Iconography and Texts of the Tibetan Five Protecting Deities," contained in: S.V. Pahomov, ed., Filosofiya, religiya i kul'tura stran vostok: Materialy nauchnoi konferencii chetvertye torchinovskie chteniya, St. Petersburg University (St. Petersburg 2007), pp. 331‑340.  Nika Jovic, The Cult of the 'Go‑ba'i Lha Lnga: A Study with Pictorial and Written Material of the Five Personal Protective Deities, Diploma Arbeit, Univ. of Vienna (Vienna 2010).

'GO BANG — Tr. into Tib. as Spyil bu.  =Garbha, 'cell'.  Khotanese mon.  Emmerick.

'GO MA DE BYI — See Go ma de byi.

'GO TSHA DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo stod.

'GO RA NYA — Pl.n.  See Sperling, Further 17.

'GO LI LA — Golila.  Convent in Solu, Nepal, where the Slob dpon Klu sgrub kyi Smon lam (5 folios) was published (1972).

'GO ZLA PAṆḌI TA — 207 3.6.  From him 'Jig rten mgon po first heard of Phag mo gru pa.

'Dam gyi Mar pa MGO LEGS — See (Mar pa) Mgo yags.  57 IIB 347.5.

'GO LOG — See Mgo log.

'GO LOG GTER STON — See (— — — —) Khrag 'thung las kyi rdo rje.

'GOG — Near Rudok in La dwags, has gold mines (gser kha).  28 97.  Gser kha 'Gog in 81 103.17, 117.

'GOG KU — Rock, Nāga Cult I 141.  Das 291.  Vai.Kar. II 308.  Chinese for 'Byung ba'i Lha.

'GOG PA RI —  =Dbang bskur Ri.

'GOG TSHA LHA MO — Earthly mother of Ge sar.  232 7.

'GONG STON — A traveling companion of Sgam po pa.  17 II 516.2.  ='Gongs ston in BA 454.

'GONG DE DO RA — BA 652.

'GOR TI — Pl.n. in OTA.  Dotson, D&L 7.  Hazod in Tropper, Epigraphic 55, identifies this place on the map.

'GOR RA BA — 210 245.4.

'GOS — BA 327.  1) n. of a mon.  2) n. of a family.  3) n. of a translator.  Das 293.

'GOS — See (—) Dngos grub mgon po.  (—) Dngos grub rgyal mtshan.  (—) Padma.  (—) G.yag chung.

'GOS — See (—) Ring chu nag pa.

'GOS KHRI BZANG — A minister of Khri srong lde btsan.  Buston 187.  17 II 322.3 ff.

Blon 'GOS RGAN — A name for 'Gos Khri bzangs Yab lhag.  Bashey4 210.

Stod Ra sa'i Zhang 'GOS CHUNG BA — Disc. of Zur po che.  33 211.1.

'GOS STON — See (— —) Dar ma seng ge.  (— —) Byang 'bar.

'GOS PHUG — 185 474.4.

'GOS YUL — BA 687.

'GOS LUGS — 374 240.1.

'GOS LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — —) Khug pa lhas btsas.  (— — — —) Gzhon nu dpal.

'GYANG DGON — 253 II 632.1.

'GYANG RO SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Ngag dbang bstan 'dzin.

Bla ma 'GYUR GRAGS — (d. 1975)  Thondup, BM 138.

Dbus 'GYUR 'CHANG — Pl. in India (?).  17 II 349.3.  Dbus 'gyur in 17 II 351.2.  N. of Magadha.

'GYUR BON — Tucci, Religions 224.

Sa bdag 'GYUR MED — Vai.Ser. II 297.

'GYUR MED KUN BZANG BSTAN PA'I NYI MA PHYOGS LAS RNAM RGYAL DPAL BZANG PO — See ='Gyur med padma theg mchog+ (1864‑1909).

Zhe chen Rab 'byams II 'GYUR MED KUN BZANG RNAM RGYAL — (1713‑1769)  F. Zhe chen Bstan+ Mon. in 1734/5.  B. in an Iron Tiger yr. of 11th rab byungDhongthog 131.  Rgyal ba gnyis pa Kun mkhyen Ngag gi dbang po'i Gsung rab las Mdzod Bdun Ngal gso Gsang Tik rnams Rmad byung 'Phrul gyi Phyi Chos Ji ltar Bsgrub pa'i Tshul las Brtsams pa'i Ngo mtshar Gtam gyi Gling bu Skal bzang Rna ba'i Dga' ston, a detailed dkar chag to the works of Klong chen pa, including historical accounts of Rnying ma tradition and Rdzogs chen Mon.  (publ. 1976).  His Gang zag Nyams len can la Thugs dam+ (publ. 1976).  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 383.  Famous for his emphasis on pure scholasticism and education.  Dhongthog 39.

Smin gling Khri chen Rin po che 'GYUR MED KUN BZANG DBANG RGYAL — (1931‑2008)  An important Rnying ma teacher, the 11th throne holder of Smin grol gling.  For bio. and photo, see Rigpawiki on internet under "Minling Trichen Rinpoche."

'GYUR MED KLONG GROL — 453 124.2.

'GYUR MED KLONG YANG — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 237.

'GYUR MED BKRA SHIS RGYA MTSHO — (1714‑ )  Rnying ma pa.  "Rma Chu'i nye 'gram Dar gyi Lcags 'phreng bya bar 'khrungs."  Dhongthog 39.  Disc. of 'Gyur med theg mchog bstan 'dzin.  Bio.  383 495.2 ff.

'GYUR MED CHOS SGRON — (ca. 1718)  453 79.2, 86.4.

Byang 'dren pa 'GYUR MED CHOS DAR — 470 4.6.  471 113.1.

Mtsho phu Bla ma 'GYUR MED CHOS SDBYINGS RANG GROL — Also, (Grub chen).  (19th cent.)  Main teacher of Padma bdud 'dul.  375 preface.  440 280.5.

'GYUR MED BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — See (Gung pa tshang) Bstan pa rgyal mtshan.


'GYUR MED BSTAN 'DZIN — (ca. 1831)  471 110.6, 136.2.

'GYUR MED THUB BSTAN 'JAM DBYANGS — (ca. 1883‑ ca. 1945)  Abbot of mon. in Gling tshang.  TS5 809.

Gser bzang Sprul sku 'GYUR MED BSTAN 'DZIN DON LDAN — 453 156.1.

'GYUR MED THAR PHYIN — 453 124.4.

'GYUR MED THUB BSTAN 'JAM DBYANGS GRAGS PA — (19th cent.)  Stein, Recherches 65.

Dis mgo Mkhyen brtse Rin po che 'GYUR MED THEG MCHOG BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (modern)  Author of a Lo rgyus Dkar chag in 242 I 1‑21.  Aka 'Gyur med theg mchog bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan mkhyen brtse'i 'od zer rgyas pa'i sde.  Work in 239 IX.

'GYUR MED THEG MCHOG BSTAN 'DZIN — (18th cent.)  Rnying ma pa.  BD of T&TB VI 424.

Zhal zur 'GYUR MED THOB RGYAL — (sp.?)  Aris, Boneless Tongue 141.

'Jam mgon 'GYUR MED MTHU STOBS RNAM RGYAL — Rnying ma teacher of Zhe chen, from whom Kong sprul took ordination in 1832.  23 30.  Pictured in 320 XXIV 621.

Zhe chen Dbon sprul 'GYUR MED MTHU STOBS RNAM RGYAL — (1787‑?) Also, (Paṇ chen).  ='Jam mgon bstan 'dzin 'phel rgyas.  Teacher of Kong sprul, Dpal sprul and Mkhyen brtse.  BD of T&TB VII 643.  471 108.1.  12 XV 376.4.  His grammatical explanations in 12 XV 1‑259.  BD of T&TB IV 463.

'GYUR MED DON GRUB — (ca. 1840)  12 XV 379.5.

Bskal bzang 'GYUR MED BDE CHEN — Of Grub ri E waṃ dga' 'khyil.  In Thang lugs transmission.  29 7.

Lo chen 'GYUR MED BDE CHEN — (b. 1540?)  B. in Iron Mouse year in lineage of Thang ston rgyal po, whose biography he composed.  5 (see pref. for names of teachers).  =(Bskal bzang) 'Gyur med bde chen (q.v.).  373 preface.  Bio. in 383 574.3 ff.  His bio., as contained in the Shangs pa Gser 'phreng, is listed in BLP no. 1917.

'GYUR MED RDO RJE — See Padma gar dbang 'gyur med rdo rje.

Rgyal sras 'GYUR MED RDO RJE — (b. 1895)  Son of A 'dzom 'Brug pa.  Incarnation of Gter bdag gling pa.  His bio. entitled Grub dbang Rje btsun Bla ma 'Gro 'dul dpa' bo rdo rje'i Rnam thar Zhal gsungs ma Byin rlabs Gter 'byin listed in BLP no. 0415.

Rig 'dzin 'GYUR MED RDO RJE — Rig 'dzin 'Gyur med rdo rje'i 'Phrul snang Rdzun ris Chu zla'i Rol rtsed listed in BLP no. 1852.  Bodleian Catalogue 52, 53.

'GYUR MED RDO RJE RGYAL MTSHAN DPAL BZANG PO — At his behest, the text in 226 VI 85 ff, was written.

'GYUR MED RNAM GROL — 453 124.4.

'GYUR MED RNAM RGYAL — (d. 1750)  440 302.1.  Son and ill‑fated successor of Pho lha nas.  Murdered in 1721 [date impossible] by 2 Chinese Ambans who were in turn executed by Tibetan mob, whereupon the secular government was abolished.  T.H.  He was a lay leader from 1747‑1750, who even indulged in hunting expeditions (Toni Huber, 'The Chase and the Dharma', p. 47).

Chos rgyal 'GYUR MED RNAM RGYAL — (b. 1707)  Took throne of Sikkim in 1717.  58 931.

Mdo chen 'GYUR MED RNAM RGYAL — Father of 'Chi med mgon po (1755‑1807).  TS7 I 258.

'GYUR MED PADMA THEG MCHOG BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN —  (1864‑1909)  Or, 'Gyur med kun bzang bstan pa'i nyi ma+  BD of T&TB V 552.

Dpal yul 'GYUR MED PADMA BSTAN 'DZIN — Allione, Women of Wisdom 250.

Zhe chen Rgyal tshab iv 'GYUR MED PADMA RDO RJE THEG MCHOG BSTAN PA'I NYIN BYED —  ='Gyur med padma bstan 'dzin.  358 9.6.  397 XXIV 391.4.

'GYUR MED PADMA RNAM RGYAL — See (Rgyal tshab) O rgyan theg mchog rdo rje.

'GYUR MED DPAL 'BYOR DBANG PHYUG — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 237.


Sprul sku 'GYUR MED 'PHRIN LAS RNAM RGYAL — (1879‑1926)  Aka Rdo rje rnam rgyal.  The previous incarnation of Garje Khamtrul Rinpoche.  He must have died in around 1928.  Garje, Memories 24, 63 et passim.

Bla ma 'GYUR MED 'PHRIN LAS RNAM RGYAL — 228 310.3.

'GYUR MED TSHE BRTAN — Elder son of Pho lha nas, murdered by his brother in 1750.  TPS 440.  Ferrari 146.

Bka' blon Mdo mkhar ba 'GYUR MED TSHE DBANG — CHMO 15 23.  Mdo mkhar Zhabs drung, Rtogs brjod Snga rabs kyi Lo rgyus dang Phyin chad Blang dor Skor, listed in BLP no. 1013.

Kun bzang 'GYUR MED TSHE DBANG GRAGS PA — Works in 239 III, IV, VII.

Dge rtse Paṇḍi ta 'GYUR MED TSHE DBANG MCHOG GRUB — (1761‑1829)  Great scholar of Kaḥ thog.  39 6.  Work in 194 XIII.  Author of comm. on Gsang sngags Lam rim218, written in 1824.  (ca. 1764‑?)  218 preface.  Picture in 320 XXV 2  His Rnying ma Rgyud 'bum Dkar chag in 320 XXIV‑XXVI (composed in 1797).  Works on Khregs chod and Thod rgal in 452 115‑131.  TS7 I 462, where it says he was converted to Gzhan stong ideas.

Mchog gling Gter sras 'GYUR MED TSHE DBANG BSTAN 'PHEL — Work in 239 IX.

Zhabs drung 'GYUR MED GZHAN PHAN DBANG PO — 453 83.3.

Khyung po ras pa 'GYUR MED 'OD GSAL — Also, (Grub dbang).  Wrote 453 in 1782.

Gzims dpon 'GYUR MED G.YANG 'DZOM — 453 79.2, 91.3, 231.5.

'GYUR MED RIG 'DZIN BZANG PO — (ca. 1840)  12 XV 379.4.

Rigs sras gzhon pa 'GYUR MED RIN CHEN RNAM RGYAL — (18th cent.)  Rnying ma pa.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 372.

'GYUR MED BSHAD SGRUB CHOS KYI NYI MA — (b. 1920)  A biography exists.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 237.

Zhe chen Sprul sku 'GYUR MED BSHAD SGRUB DAR RGYAS — (modern)  Publisher of 341.

Sde pa 'GYUR MED BSAM GTAN MCHOG GRUB — 453 125.1.

'GYUR MED BSOD NAMS STOBS RGYAS — See Bsod nams stobs rgyal.

'GYUR MED O RGYAN BSTAN DAR — (early 18th cent.)  Rnying ma pa.  BD of T&TB IV 408.

'GYED — N. of a district in North Gtsang.  Das 295.

'GYEL LHA KHANG — At Ra mo.  F. by Klu mes and Sum pa in 1009.  Dhongthog 117.

'GRAN GONG PHUG — 253 II 579.6.

Bdud 'GRAN DE YA BO — N. of Khyab pa lag ring.  485 I 17.5, 20.3.

'GRAN BRAL — See (— —) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan.

Brag dmar 'GRAN BZANG — BD of T&TB I 544.  Same as Brag dmar Mgrin bzang?  Kapstein, Assimilation 71.  Bashey4 195.

'GRAN GYI RI GONG — 253 II 573.5, 579.6, 583.4.

'GRAM SNGON — In Chinese, Zha'en.  A village south of Menkong.  See Stéphane Gros, Ritual and Politics: Missionary Encounters with Local Culture in Northwest Yunnan, available online, p. 7.

'GRIG — See (—) Nor bu sgang.

'GRIG MTSHAMS MTHA' DKAR — See 'Brig mtshams.  23 6.

'GRU — Tibetan tribe.  Das253 II 439.3.

'GRENG RO  — N. of a clan.  See Geza Uray, 'Greng, the Alleged Old Tibetan Equivalent of the Ethnic Name Ch'iang, AOH XIX (1966) 245‑256, at pp. 249‑250.

'GRU RGYAL RGYUD — The family of (Rje) Rig 'dzin chos kyi grags pa.

'GRU SGOM — See (— —) Nyi ma 'od zer.  (— —) Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Tshul khrims dbang rgyal.

'GRU BTSUN — See (— —) Rin chen phun tshogs.

'GRU ZHIG — See (— —) Kun dga'.  (— —) Nam mkha' 'od zer.

'GRUS KHANG PA — See (— — —) Bsod nams rgya mtsho.

'GRES PHU — BA 275.


'GRES BYANG — Text in 315 599‑600.

'GRO KUN DGA' BA'I BSHES GNYEN —  =Dge legs legs pa'i 'byung gnas.  466 IV contents.

'GRO SKYONG GI BU — See Rgyun shes kyi bu.

'GRO GLING — See Das 300, but he seems to be mistaken.  The location of this place is quite unclear.

'GRO MGON — Short form of 'Gro ba'i mgon po.  Evidently an epithet of Sgam po pa in 46 67, etc.  See Sangs rgyas ras chen Dpal grags and Rgya tsha Khu dbon.  Seems to have been a rather popular epithet for teachers of the late 11th to early 13th centuries.

'GRO MGON — N. of a Bon mon. in Bzhag gsar in Li thang.  Thar in TS9 IV 158.

'GRO MGON PHUN TSHOGS DAR RGYAS GLING — See Gardner in TJ XXVIII no. 3 (2003) 86.

Sho dgon pa 'GRO MGON RIN CHEN — 145 V 338.

Gser lung Mkhan po 'GRO DRUG RANG GROL — 354 12.1.

'GRO 'DUL — See (— —) Las 'phro gling pa.

'GRO 'DUL GLING PA — See (— — — —) Shes rab 'od zer.  Also, an alias of Ratna gling pa.

Hūṃ chen 'GRO 'DUL GLING PA — (1901‑1956)  Kværne no. 219.  6th embodiment of Kun grol grags pa.  Terton of Bon gsar.  259 preface.  Rediscoveries in 259 107‑116, 127‑144.  Thar in TS9 IV 167.

Thugs rje chen po 'GRO 'DUL GYI RGYUD — 413 328.6.

Dpal 'bar Gter ston 'GRO 'DUL DRAG SNGAGS GLING PA — Sardar‑Afkhami, Account 15.

'GRO 'DUL RDO RJE — Aka Rig 'dzin nus ldan.  Gter ma in 240 81‑93.  Sikkimese gter ston438 VI 340.1.

A 'dzom 'Brug pa 'GRO 'DUL DPA' BO RDO RJE — (1842‑1924)  Two Introductions (Khrid yig) to Dzogchen Practice (Klong chen Snying thig gi Sngon 'gro'i Khrid yig Thar lam Gsal byed Sgron me and 'Od gsal Rdzogs pa Chen po Yang gsang Bla na med pa Spyi'i Khyad par gyi Khrid yig Lam bzang Ye shes Snying po), publ. 1974.  See under A 'dzom 'Brug pa.  His bio. of Padmasambhava published in:  Visionary and Revelatory Teachings from the Library of Rgya ston Em chi, "a collection of writings on Buddhist realization techniques collected over the years from the gter ma teachings of recent Rnying ma pa masters," Tulku Pema Lodoe (Bir 1985), with this title:  Gter chen Rig 'dzin 'Gro 'dul dpa' bo rdo rje'i Gter ma Gu ru'i Rnam thar Rdo rje'i Sgra dbyangs, at pp. 467‑492.  Achard, L'Essence 141, 240.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 0416.  His bio. by his son the A 'dzom Rgyal sras i 'Gyur med rdo rje (b. 1895) acquired by TBRC.

'GRO 'DUL 'OD GSAL RDO RJE — (19th cent.)  =Kun bzang bdud 'joms.  375 preface.

'GRO 'DREN MI 'GYUR SPRUL SKU — 363 115.6.

'GRO LDING — N. of a country, sometimes said to be Madagascar.  See Das 300.  87 I 259.1, 260.1, 286.6, 287.2, 287.3.  'Gro lding gi Gling.  87 I 285.2.  BD of T&TB I 550, 883.  TS7 II 962.  I'm now certain that it is much more likely to be used for Tamil territory in South India.  Yongdan, TCW 105 (I don't think the name 'Gro lding belongs to Abhidharma cosmology strictly speaking, as seems to be implied here).

'Khor gdong Gter chen 'GRO PHAN GLING PA — Gter ma teachings on Atiyoga and Gcod in use at 'Khor gdong and 'Khra 'brug called Zab Gsang Mkha' 'gro Gsang Mdzod, publ. in 2 vols. in 1975 (483).  His Mkha' 'gro Dgongs 'dus on Kurukulla publ. in 1975.

'GRO PHUG PA — See (— — —) Ngag dbang kun dga' bstan 'dzin.

'GRO BA DBUGS 'BYIN  —  Jackson, MB 140.

Mnga' bdag 'GRO BA'I MGON PO — Follower of Myang ral.  210 24.2, 26.4.  His physical son.  413 338.3.

'Dzam ston 'GRO BA'I MGON PO — A disc. of (Zur) Sgro phug pa who taught Kaḥ thog Dam pa bde gshegs (1122‑1192).  BD of T&TB III 330.  Probably pictured in 128 84.

Lha 'GRO BA'I MGON PO — (1186‑1259)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 56.  "Pho brang Khang dmar du 'khrungs/ yab Jo 'bag."  Dhongthog 112.  Bio. in 165 I 560.  He is called 'Gro mgon Byang chub 'od in Roesler, KSP 46.

'GRO BA 'DREN BCU GSUM — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 384.

'GRO BA'I DPAL MO — Pictured in 128 758.

'GRO BA'I ME LONG — See Dar pan A tsarya.

Paṇḍi ta 'GRO BA BZANG PO — Disc. of Atiśa.  17 II 282.2.

'GRO BA BZANG MO — See 4 93A.4.  64 I 145.6.  ='Gro bzangs.  115 26.4, 27.3, 27.7, 28.1, 29.1, 34.4, 83.5.  yul gcig la mthong snang tha dad pa ma 'gro ba bzang mo lta bu.  Zhi byed Coll. II 473.7. 'gro ba bzang mo'i mya ngan 'di ni yid la zhog.  Zhi byed Coll. I 312.6.  'gro ba bzang mo rang gi phrug gu gso' ba mkhas.  Zhi byed Coll. I 312.7.

Mkha' 'gro 'GRO BA BZANG MO — From O rgyan, she was one of the three consorts of Rgod tshang pa.  She died shortly before 1259.  See Kuijp, Rivers 307. 

'GRO BZA' — Variant of 'Bro bza' (q.v.).

'GRO BZANG SNYING PO — A n. of Zhi ba bzang po (q.v.).  See 17 II 252.1.

'GRO LUGS — In 17 II 420.2.  ='Bro lugs in BA 784.

Shangs 'GRON KHANG — 116 291.7 ff.

'GROM PA — In Gtsang.  This area together with area of Nyang ro comprised one of the 18 Dbang ris; its presiding clans were 'Bre and Lce.  See 28 80.


RGA — As n. of a clan, see =Lga.

RGA STON — See (— —) A seng.

RGA 'DRA — See Sga 'dra.

RGA PHYOGS — 375 preface.

RGA LO TSĀ BA — Also, Rgwa Lo.  At age 30, Dus gsum mkhyen pa studied Sbyor Drug of Kālacakra and Mgon po Bya rog ma, etc. with Rgwa Lo.  46 55.  Phag mo gru pa studied Mgon po'i Skor from him.  46 60.  See 23 8.  Disc. of Abhayākaragupta.  17 II 303.2.  17 II 413.4; BA 379.  Bio. by Zhang Rin po che in 131 360 ff.  See under Lo chen Sprul sku.  239 XXX 69.1.  He is probably the one identified by inscription as Dga' Lo in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 75, a Mahākāla thangka.  He is especially connected with the island of Se mo do in Gnam mtsho.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 162, etc.  Listed as Rgwa Lo Gzhon nu dpal in Mtshan tho no. 64, where it says he studied with Tsa mi & Abhaya, did his tantric practice at Bsil ba Tshal and Ma mgon Bya rog ma offered his life heart (srog snying), he brought that practice to Tibet and gave it to Dus gsum mkhyen pa, Zhang Rin po che & Khams pa A seng (the latter passed it own to Phag mo gru pa), this being the origins of the Mgon po Kar Lugs (Karma pa system of Mahākala).  Stag lung Chos 'byung (PRC 1992), p. 194, says that Dpal chen Rgwa Lo tsā ba Mthu stobs kyi dbang phyug brought one of the 4 canine tooth relics of the Buddha to Tibet, which then came into the possession of Stag lung thang pa.  Be aware that there was a later Rgwa Lo, regarded as a reincarnation of his (and?) a later Sga Lo.

RGA LO'I LUGS — Refers to a 'school' of Mgon po Phyag bzhi pa in 90 VI 97‑112.



RGANG LO — Author of bio. of Dus gsum mkhyen pa in 356 I 128.2.

RGAN DKAR — Sa bdag Rgan dkar gyi Gsang mchod, title, with phonetic transcription by L. Feer, listed in Ind.Off.Cat. no. 579.

Sa bdag RGAN RGON — Vai.Ser. II 290.

RGAN RGYA — Nagano in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 573.

RGAN CHAG — See (— —) Rdo rje rgyal.

RGAN CHAG STAG — 132 96.2.

RGAN PHRUG GSUM BRGYA BDUN CHU — In Garwhal.  N. of a large glacier of A phyi gangs smin.  79 76 no. 25.

RGAN LAM RIM — See (— — —) Ngag dbang phun tshogs.

Lo tsā ba RGAN GSUM — Refers to 1) Bai ro tsa na.  2) Gnyags Dznyā na ku mā ra.  3) Rma Rin chen mchog.  211 109.4.

RGAB 'DRE MNAN PA — Texts in 87 LXV.

Lo ro RGAM PHAG —  "Lor Rgam phag Dgon pa."  53 II 338.5.  "Lo ro Mgo ba'i Rgam phag gi Phu Skyung tshad Brag phug tu bzhugs."  53 II 337.7.

RGAL BON — See (— —) Thod dkar.

RGAL ZHAD MA — Mother of Gshen rab mi bo.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 82.

RGU 'DUL KHAL — 208 I 238.1.

RGUN SHES — "grape knowledge" (?).  Possibly misspelling for Rgyun shes.  Kratu.  One of the seven sons of a divine sage disciple of Indra who gave the medical teachings to human sage disciples.  The others are named 'Od zer can ma, 'Od yang, Yan lag skyes, Lha min 'joms, Mchod sbyin can, Gnas 'jog.  3 12.

Btsun mo Rog shud za RGE MA — 206 558.6.

Khams Karma'i RGE RU — Pl.n.  1 45.11.

RGOD — Divided into Upper and Lower.  =Rgod tshan (q.v.).  A pl. in Zhang zhung.  Karmay, Treasury 115.

RGOD DKAR LA — BA 258.  Pass several miles S of Dga' ldan leading to G.ya ma lung.  Ferrari 112.  463 I 64.5.

RGOD RJE — See under Drung mu'i ming can.

RGOD RJE RGYA — Kværne 223.

RGOD STONG SDE — N. for the "great military chiliarchies."  There were 8.  See 28 81.

RGOD LDING — Clan "of the north."  Stein, Mi–ñag 235.

RGOD LDEM — Associated with Gung thang kings.  DTK5 117, 119.

Rig 'dzin RGOD LDEM —  (1337‑1409)  =Rgod kyi ldem phru can.  Founder of Rdo rje brag pa subsect of Rnying ma pa [a very anachronistic way of putting it].  Waddell 73.  Ferrari 153.  Excavated gter ma at Zang zang Lha brag.  It is usual to connect him with the Bon terton Khyung rgod rtsal (q.v.).  249 preface.  Acc. to 481 11.6, he was b. in a Wood Ox (10th day of 1st month) and therefore must have been born in 1325 (1337 is a Fire Ox year).  The same source says he died in an Iron Snake (1401!).  Rigzin Ngodup (Rig 'dzin dngos grub), "Biography of Terton Rigzin god kyi dem 'phru can 1337‑1408" [in Tibetan], Bulletin of Tibetology, issue no. 2 for the year 1999.  Gter ma in 87 XVII, XVIII, XXIX.  His Bka' brgyad Drag po Rang byung Rang shar in 87 XXIII.  Others in 87 XXXIV, XL.  See 370 preface, for Byang gter.  410 121B.4.  Identified with Khyung thogs.  383 418.3.  411 277A.4.  His bio. by Nyi ma bzang po, see 481Rdzogs pa Chen po Dgongs pa Zang thal gyi Bla ma'i Rnal 'byor dang Bla ma Brgyud pa'i Kha skong Gsol 'debs, publ. in 4 folios in 1970.  The Longs sku 'Chi med 'Od Snang from his cycle Dgongs pa Zang thal in 87 VIII 253‑298.  His Bla ma Rig 'dzin Gdung sgrub in 87 IX 143‑200.  His texts of Byang gter tradition of Phur pa, along with works by others, publ. in 2 vols in 1977.  His Rdzogs pa Chen po Dgongs pa Zang thal and Ka dag Rang byung Rang shar publ. in Smanrtsis Shesrig Spendzod Series, vols. 60‑64, in 1973.  List of excavations in 210 72.4 ff.  210 53.2 (for bio. see 66.4 ff.).  Pictured in 320 XX 3.  Drag po Rang 'byung Rang shar Chen po'i Rgyud dang Bka' brgyad+, collection of Byang gter texts publ. in 2 vols. in 1975.  5 261.1.  Aka Dngos grub rgyal mtshan (q.v.), acc. to 210 66.4.  217 284.4 ff.  Bio. in 228 101.5 ff.  Inscribed depiction.  Kreijger, Tibetan Painting 178 n. 35.  For a passage that might be relevant to the identification of Rgod ldem with Khyung rgod rtsal, see Ramble in RET XV 490.

RGOD LDEM — Notes from 481:  Reason for his name. 16.5 (also, 17.4).  Finds 6‑sided crystal, 18.1, a sign of obtaining siddhi.  Age 30, makes excavation at Zang zang Lha brag. 19.1 ff.  Le'u Bdun ma & other excavations in Water Tiger (1362?). 34.4.  Achieves fame for his gter ma. 45.6.  Fire Sheep (1367?). 46.6.  Goes to find gter ma at Mang yul Skyid grong. 47.3.  Idea to go to 'Bras mo gshong, Iron Dog year (1370?). 49.6 (also, 52.3.).  Water Ox. 53.1.  Dream vision of people in distress, their future satisfaction to be found in Sikkim.  64.1.  At border of Sikkim.  Earth Snake (1389?). 64.6.  Granted monasteries and fiefs by a descendent of Royal family named Mchog grub sde. 64.6.  This is a bla mchod relationship. 66.1.  The King composed a long edict for him at Mang yul Gung thang.  Iron Horse. 67.3.  Gets directions in dream. 68‑69.  Fire Mouse (1396?). 70.3.  Son Rnam rgyal mgon po born. 76.6.  Earth Tiger (1398). 76.6.  Iron Snake 79.5.  Died 1401?

RGOD LDEM — Incarnates.  370 preface.  483 preface.

(— — i) (1337‑ )

(— — ii) (Legs ldan) Bdud 'joms rdo rje.

(— — iii) (Rig 'dzin) Ngag gi dbang po.

(— — iv) Ngag dbang blo bzang padma 'phrin las (b. 1641).

(— — v) Rdo rje thogs med rtsal.

(— — vi) Khams gsum zil gnon.

(— — vii) Ngag dbang 'jam dpal.

(— — viii) Skal bzang padma dbang rgyal.

(— — ix) (Thub bstan chos dbang) Mnyam nyid rdo rje.

(— — x) Rnam grol rgya mtsho (modern).

Dbas RGOD LDONGS BTSAN — He was one of the seven skilful men in the time of Emperor 'Dus srong.  Ahmad, Fifth 47.

RGOD PO RDZONG — ?  (Zhabs dkar) Sna tshogs rang grol (q.v.) went there.

Ri bzar RGOD PO LUNG — 210 61.1.

RGOD SPRUL RAS PA — 602 16r.3.

RGOD PHRUG — See (— —) Grags pa 'byung gnas.  (— —) Bsod nams dbang rgyal.

RGOD PHRUG RAS PA — See BA 705, 752.  Evid., =Rgod phrug grags pa.

RGOD PHRUG RAS PA — Author of Gcod Dmar khrid Chen mo mentioned in colophon to FM 433.00. 

RGOD PHRUG RAS PA — A master of Rdo rje gsum gyi bsnyen sgrub (O rgyan bsnyen sgrub), he lived 1363‑1447.  See Franz‑Karl Ehrhard, "Spiritual Relationships between Rulers and Preceptors: The Three Journeys of Vanaratna (1384‑1468) to Tibet," contained in: Christoph Cüppers, ed., The Relationship between Religion & State (chos srid zung 'brel) in Traditional Tibet, Lumbini International Research Institute (Lumbini 2004), pp. 245‑265, at p. 258.

Gnod sbyin RGOD MA KHA — KTDN A VIII 13.6, 31.2, 44.6.  BD of T&TB I 206.

Mtsho sna RGOD RTSE SPRUL SKU — Author of bio. of Gtsang pa Ye shes dpal 'byor listed in BLP no. 1665.

Khyung po RGOD TSHANG — Khyung po Rgod tshang gi Lo rgyus, title listed in BLP no. 0190.

Rtsib ri RGOD TSHANG — Götshang.  BA 421, 527, 684‑686.  Not far from Shel dkar rdzong.  115 19.4.  253 II 573.3.

RGOD TSHANG GLING — A retreat place originally f. by Rgod tshang ras pa (1482‑1559) in Yol mo.  Ehrhard in Steinkellner Festschrift 124.

RGOD TSHANG SGRUB SDE — Mentioned in inscription at the base of the Rgod tshang pa image kept in the Newark Museum.  This place is said to be near Hemis monastery in Ladakh.

RGOD TSHANG PA — See (— — —) Mgon po rdo rje.  (Rtse le) (— — —) Sna tshogs rang grol.

Mnyam med RGOD TSHANG RAS PA — See (— —) (— — — —) Sna tshogs rang grol.

Shangs RGOD TSHANG RI KHROD — F. by 'Ug pa gling pa.  Vai.Ser. 206.

RGOD TSHAN —  =Rgod.  Upper and Lower Rgod are two of the Rgod stong sde of Sum pa'i Ru.  28 84.

RGOD LO TSĀ BA — BD of T&TB X 92.17.

RGOD GSAS KHAM PA — Tawny Wild God.  Bellezza in RET 29 (2014) 166.


RGYA — Hereditary religious lineage of Gnas rnying (Bka' brgyud pa).  Also, a (different?) lineage of 'Brug pa  and Rwa lung.  20 2.  Rgya is a place in Upper Ladakh, ruled by the Rgya chiefs.  Schwieger in Kailash 18 (1996) 105.

RGYA — A college of Se ra Mon.  Ferrari 100.  BA 80‑81, 185, 876.

RGYA — See (—) Rgyal tshul.  (—) Lcags ri pa.  (—) (Zhang khrom) Rdo rje 'od 'bar.  (—) Brtson 'grus seng ge.  (—) Tshul le.  (—) 'A ma can.  (—) Ral pa can.  (—) Shākya gzhon nu.

RGYA KLO — Indians call them Ma rān.  Tribes SE of Assam in mts. near Mun nying (NMH).

RGYA SKEG DPON — A chieftain position in Markham.  McGranahan in TS9 IV 106‑7.

RGYA SKYAGS KYI TSHAL — Grove of lac (lākṣā) trees.  115 50.3.

RGYA KHRI MA HA YA NA — Chinese teacher in astrological tradition.  TR XIV no. 10 (Oct. 1979) 19c.

RGYA MKHAR — Kiangka, =Sgar thog, =Smar khams.  Stein, Recherches 131.


RGYA MKHAR SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Ngag dbang dge 'dun rgya mtsho.

RGYA MKHAR BA CHOD — 253 II 573.1.  See Martin, Mandala Cosmogony.

RGYA GAR — [1] India.  [2] N. of a pl. in Tibet?  See BA 1040.  [3] N. of a sandy place on the Indus near Hemis Monastery in Ladakh.  See 79 78 no. 31.

RGYA GAR — See (Bdag chen Rgya gar) Shes rab rgyal mtshan.  See (— —) Bkra shis mgon.

Jo mo RGYA GAR — A wife of Nyi 'bum.  464 31.3.

Mtsho RGYA GAR — In Rub chu.  79 95 no. 122.

RGYA GAR KHAMS PA — Refers to Tibetan who had settled in India prior to 1959.  Havnevik, Dissert. 143, etc.

Rlung ston pa RGYA GAR MCHOD GNAS — BD of T&TB III 560.  210 79.2.

'A zha RGYA GAR BTSEGS — N. of person.  BD of T&TB I 788.  Acc. to Mtshan tho no. 50, he assisted Somanātha with the translation of the Kālacakra in the late 11th century.  Their patrons were the Lce Yab sras.

RGYA GAR RI — See (— — — Rdo rje phag mo) Bde skyong ye shes dbang mo.

RGYA GAR LAM SA — See (— — — —) Dwag spo ri.

RGYA GAR LHA MO — Mother of Thang stong.  She later took the religious name Dpal mo mgon.  Stearns, King 152.

RGYA RGYA RGYA — In esoteric books, attached to the end or ends of chapters.  For origins and meaning, see 87 I 145.5.

RGYA RGOD —  =Rgyal rgod.  See Stein, Mi–ñag 234 etc.

RGYA RGYUD — See (— —) Dkon mchog chung ba.

RGYA SGANG BKRA SHIS LHA MO — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 301.

RGYA SGOM — See (— —) Rmi ras.  (— —) Legs pa rgyal mtshan.

RGYA SGOM — Or, Rgya sgom ma. The most preeminent among the women disciples of Pha dam pa Sangs rgyas.

RGYA LCAG RGYAL PO — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 237.

RGYA LCAGS RI — Mon. in 'Phan yul where Sgam po pa was ordained under Rgya mchil ba.  4 223A.1 ff, 225B.2.  For a photo of the small mountain‑like hill in 'Phan yul, see Roesler, KSP 25.

RGYA LCAGS RI PA — A teacher of Sgam po pa.  4 223B.  Bio. 165 I 452.

Zur phug RGYA LCANG TSHAL — 87 I 52.6.

Shel mo RGYA LCAM — One of Pe kar Bu Bzhi.  Inspired by Pe kar.  478A II 459.1.  A woman leader.

RGYA CHEN RTOGS LDAN GLING — Mon. in Mongolia.  BLKC I 110.

RGYA CHEN SPYOD RGYUD — See lineage in 165 I contents.  Rgya chen spyod pa'i brgyud pa.  See Thuken 360.

RGYA CHER ROL PA — Lalitavistara.  Refs. to western literature.  T&BS II 15 n. 12.

Bla ma RGYA MCHIL BA — Before whom Sgam po pa was ordained & given his monastic n. Bsod nams grags pa.  4 223B.

RGYA 'CHING RU PA — Disc. of Gnyal zhang.  F. Bde ba can (q.v.), i.e., (Snye thang) Bde ba can.  Ferrari 165.  17 II 381.5.  BA 341 ff.

RGYA RJE —  'Chinese lord'.  Generally this does mean the Chinese Emperor, although it could be also for more local Chinese rulers.  Schaik, M&T 170.  In Old Tibetan texts, as well as in the Sba bzhed, one finds the "Chinese lord" mentioned side‑by‑side with the Tibetan emperor (btsan po).

RGYA RJE RGYAL PO — N. of Mi nyag king(s).  Stein, Mi–ñag 230.

RGYA NYI MA — A fort near Manali.  Gergan map.  Trading post for western Tibet.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 57.

RGYA TIG SMON RAM PA — See (— — — — —) Blo bzang don grub.

RGYA STAG — At E door of Ti se.  Tucci, Religions 219.  As epithet of Ra mo che (perhaps Rgya btags is the more correct spelling), see Alexander, Temples 77; Sørensen, TBH 274 n. 831.

RGYA STON — See (— —) Jo sde.  (— —) Padma dbang phyug.  (— —) Blo gros byang chub.  (— —) Blo bzang grags pa.  (— —) Brtson 'grus seng ge dar.  (— —) Zhig po.  (— —) 'Od gsal rang grol.  (— —) Ye shes snying po.  (— —) Ye shes rin chen.  (— —) Sangs rgyas ye shes.

RGYA STON SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan.

RGYA STON BYA BRAL — (— — — —) Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan.

RGYA STON RING MO — Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 197.

RGYA THANG MYED — Bellezza, L&T 61.

Zhang mo RGYA 'THING MA — One of Pe kar Bu Bzhi inspired by Pe kar.  She later became consort of Pha dam pa, it is said.  478A II 459.1, 460.7.

RGYA DUR — BA 82, 277, 654.  17 II 345.4.

Stag la RGYA DUR —  Sp.?  OTA 695.

RGYA DUR BA — N. of Klubs dkar Tshul khrims grags, who was abbot of Rgya dur.  CFMS 69.

Phug pa RGYA DOR — Disc. of Dbu ma pa.  115 109.2, 114.4, 114.6, 115.2.

RGYA DOR RTA NAG PO — Army which invaded Tibet in 1204.  Dhongthog 121.  This actually happened in 1240!  See Dor rta.

RGYA DRUNG — See (— —) Rnam phun.

RGYA'I DRUNG PA — See (— — — —) Shes rab bzang po.

Dmu rje RGYA BDUN — Dotson, Horse 278.

RGYA MDA' — BA 542.  Rgya mda' Rdzong, =Gyamda, capital of Kongpo district.  David‑Neel, My Journey to Lhasa 233, 253.  363 43.3.

RGYA MDUD DGON — Bon mon. in Amdo with 100 monks.  253 II 636.5.


RGYA MDUD 'BAR BA'I RGYUD — Bon tantra.  258 IV 463‑487.  Everding's Bon catalog, no. JS 1997.

RGYA 'DUL 'DZIN — See (— — —) Dbang phyug tshul khrims 'bar.

RGYA SDE — A region of NE central Tibet.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 18, 113, 199.  JTL&CT 205 n.

RGYA NAG — This almost invariably means 'China', but some say, in connection with 'Jam dpal bshes gnyen, it means Dur khrod Bsil ba tshal.  17 IV 473.6.  This, the usual Tibetan word for 'China', was supposedly abolished in the 1960's, and replaced in the press with mes rgyal ('ancestral country'), a neologism specifically intended to mean a China that included Tibet. Tsering Shakya, Dragon 297.  Etymology in Thuken 331, says it's because the Chinese people mostly wear black colored clothes.

Lce ston RGYA NAG — (1094‑1148)  Rnying ma pa.  "Yul Nyang stod du 'khrungs."  Dhongthog 47.  (1094‑1149)  BD of T&TB III 295.  Sgro phug pa taught him tantra.

RGYA NAG MKHAN PO — N. for Hwa shang Ma hā yā na found in 348 83.2.

RGYA NAG GCER BU — A Gcod practitioner.  Bio., see 124 514.6 ff.  B. in Khrang sna ba.  B. in Phra nang, acc. to bio. in 228 84 ff.

RGYA NAG RTOGS LDAN — See (— — — —) Ngag dbang blo gros rgya mtsho.  (— — — —) Byang chub 'phags dbang.

RGYA NAG PA — (— — —) 'Jam dbyangs bstan pa'i nyi ma (1686‑ ).  (— —) Blo gros rgya mtsho (1635‑1688).

Khri RGYA NAG PA SPRUL SKU — See (—) (— — — — —) Ngag dbang thub bstan 'phrin las rgya mtsho.

RGYA NAG PO'I YUL — I want to take this to be an extended version of Rgya nag Yul, meaning China, but for an understanding as being the 'Land of Po in China', see Schaik, M&T 172 (does he mean Po‑hai or the like?).

RGYA NAG BYANG CHUB SHING — BD of T&TB I 517.  See also master's thesis of Todd Gibson.

RGYA NAG MA ṆI — Pl. of pilgrimage near Skye rgu mdo in Sga.  See 482.  Its founding, see 482 87.3.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 97.


RGYA NAG GZHAN — "The other China."  Perhaps a reference to Korea?  See Karsten, T‑K 5.

Mkhas pa RGYA NAM — Disc. of (Ram) Btsan can.  BA 407.  17 II 461.6.

RGYA SNE STENG — See (— — —) Thub bstan dar rgyas gling.

RGYA PA — BA 112.

RGYA PA JO MKHAR — An early fortress in Ladakh.  Subj. of a blog by J. Bellezza in his site Tibet Archaeology (June 2013).

RGYA PA SE RE — Father of Sgom tshul and paternal uncle of Sgam po pa (BA 463 says "elder brother").  Spelled Rgya ba ga gser ba.  57 IIB 354.2.



Bla ma RGYA PHUG PA — Gter ma in 229 455 ff.

RGYA PHO BA LUNG PA — 484 I 798.4.

RGYA BA GA GSER BA — See Rgya pa se re.

Rlung ston pa RGYA BA PAṆ CHEN — See BD of T&TB III 560.  210 79.1 ff.  "Secret name" (gsang mtshan) Dri med zla shar.  His son was (Rlung ston) Rgya gar mchod gnas.

RGYA BAN — See (— —) Rdo rje dbang phyug.

RGYA BO — BA 116, 117.  (Thag) Rgya bo.  Das 566.  33 222.4, 228.2.

RGYA BO — See (— —) Rin chen 'od zer.

Gtsang gi RGYA BO DGU 'DUS — BA 114, 116.  Descr. as Zur chung pa'i sgrub gnas.  BD of T&TB III 386.  33 222.

Snang zhig RGYA BO DGON — Bon mon. in Amdo.  253 II 637.

RGYA BO PA —  =Zur chung Shes rab grags pa (q.v.).

RGYA BO PHUG — Retreat of Gzhan phan chos kyi snang ba which he f. at Khro khog khro zil phrom.  39 15.

RGYA BON — See Tshe dbang bde chen snying po.

RGYA BYANG CHUB SEMS DPA' — Bla ma of Tangut king (late 13th cent.?)  484 II 13.3.

RGYA BRAG — Evidently a village.  Tucci, Lhasa 51.  BA 643, 966.

RGYA BRAG KA BA — Pl.n.  27 130.

RGYA BRAG PA — A lineage honored as one of the six great disciple lines of the 'Brug pa Bla mas of Rwa lung.  39 9.

RGYA DBANG — See (— —) Tshur tsha srang dar.

RGYA 'BAG — N. of text in 132.

RGYA 'BAR GDONG — Birthpl. of Zur chung in Gtsang.  See 33 217.4.

RGYA 'BUM KHANG — Adviser to Stag brag Rin po che.  Goldstein, History 489.

RGYA 'BUM LHA KHANG — In Lha sa.  Tucci, Lhasa 91.  Said to be located on a site where 100,000 Chinese (rgya 'bum) died in battle.  Also known under n. of Zhi khro, as it is devoted to the peaceful and wrathful deities of the Bar do.  =Rje 'bum Lha khang.  443 I 38.5.  This place is subject of a 2019 book by Matthew Akester.

RGYA MA — Kuijp in TH&L 305.  This family was in control of 'Phan yul in 13th‑14th century.  Kuijp in  Lungta 14 (2001) 66.  They came into conflict with the 'Bri gung pa. 

RGYA MA — A Khri skor (q.v.) of Dbus.  BA 271, 600, 789, 1070.  See Hazod in TS9 I 27 ff.  See Hazod in Tropper, Epigraphic 39 ff. (map on p. 53), where he says that its older name is Snon (or Rnon), as well as Yar Snon.

RGYA MA — N. of a gtsug lag khang.  17 II 377.5. 

RGYA MA — See (— —) Khri khang.  (— —) Khri khang pa.

Chab mdar RGYA MA KHA — Pl.n.  210 230.2.

RGYA MA'I KHRI 'OG —  =Rgya ma Khri khang (q.v.).

RGYA MA NYE KHA —  =Rgya ma Nye'u kha.  BA 1029.


RGYA MA PA — BA 317.

RGYA MA BA — Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 2, p. 105.

RGYA MA BA — See (— — —) Blo gros rgyal mtshan.

RGYA MA RIN SGANG — See (Rgya ma) Rin chen sgang.

RGYA MI — Clan.  396 preface 2.  With the meaning 'Chinese', I'm not sure how old it is, but it is used in this sense very clearly in Thuken 331.

RGYA MO KHOM — A place in Nepal.  Havnevik, Dissert. 141.

RGYA MO RGYA LCAM —  =Rgya mo Cha lcam, =Rgya mo Bya lcam.  Wife of a Bonpo of Sum pa.  Lde'u2 107.

G.yor po RGYA MO CHE — One of 6 chief discs. of Khyung po rnal 'byor (q.v.).

RGYA MO RAB — Fording place of the Chinese queen.  See Hazod in TS9 I 39.

RGYA MON — A n. of (Rog) Shes rab 'od.  BA 941.


Stod lung RGYA DMAR BA — See (— —) (— — —) Byang chub grags.


RGYA SMAN — BA 879.  In Phyongs rgyas.  BD of T&TB III 317.

RGYA SMAN PA — See (— — —) Sangs rgyas grags.

RGYA TSHA — Half brother of Ge sar.  232 I 8.

RGYA TSHA — See (— —) Rin chen mgon po.  Also, Rgyal tsha.

'Gro mgon RGYA TSHA KHU DBON — Founder(s) of Khro phu Bka' brgyud.


RGYA MTSHO — King of nāgas in avadāna story.  TPS 488.

Grub thob RGYA MTSHO — See Sa mu dra.

Gling dbon RGYA MTSHO — Author of bio. of Karma pa Chos dbyings rdo rje, listed in BLP no. 0008.

Rab 'byams RGYA MTSHO — David‑Neel, Magic & Mystery 154.

RGYA MTSHO BKRA SHIS — N. of a house on Sbra nag Shol in Lhasa.  The house was named after its builder.  Memories of Life 1.

'Brug RGYA MTSHO GRA TSHANG — 363 120.6.





'Brong pa RGYA MTSHO DAR RGYAS — Contemp. of Chos rgyal rdo rje.  336 contents.

Bram ze RGYA MTSHO'I RDUL — Samudrareṇu.  See Vimalaprabhā Paripṛcchā Sūtra.  Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 2, p. 50.  Jinpa, Mind Training 320.

RGYA MTSHO RNAM PAR RGYAL — King of Shambhala.  128 1004.

Grub chen RGYA MTSHO DPAL — In lineage of O rgyan Bsnyen sgrub.  17 IV 436.6.


RGYA MTSHO SPRIN 'BRUG SGRA BZANG PO — See ('Bri gung) Dpal 'dzin.

RGYA MTSHO PHUG — Place name.  Kramer, rNgog 117.

RGYA MTSHO'I BLO GROS — Minister of Shambhala.  17A VII pt. 1, p. 14A.4.

Se khrom RGYA MTSHO 'BAR — Contemp. of Rong zom.  205 preface.

RGYA MTSHO'I RBA RLABS — Disc. of Atiśa.  17 II 282.4.

RGYA MTSHO'I MTSHAN CAN — Father of Mchog ldan mgon po.  210 249.5.

RGYA MTSHO'I LHA MO —  Goddess of the Ocean.  =Dbyangs can ma.  Das 913.


RGYA ZHANG KHROM — See (Rgya) (Zhang khrom) Rdo rje 'od 'bar.  Excavator of gter ma at G.yu phug in Ri bo che.  TPS 285.  Ferrari 162.

RGYA ZHABS DRUNG — See (— — —) Skal bzang dkon mchog rgya mtsho.

Dam pa RGYA ZHIG — 253 II 429.6.

RGYA GZHIS DGON — 253 II 633.6.


RGYA YAGS PA — See (— — —) Blo bzang rab brtan.

RGYA'I YIG TSHANG NANG GSAL BA'I BOD KYI RGYAL RABS GSAL BA'I ME LONG — History of Tibet extracted by Stag lha Phun tshogs bkra shis from the Chinese sources (Dharamsala 1973).

RGYA YON PA — Bka' gdams pa teacher of Sgam po pa in Dbu ru Stod.  Rgya yon bdag de in 17 II 514.1, 514.3.  Rgya yon bdag in 129 V 119.1.  46 43.

RGYA RA — See (— —) Bsam gtan rgyal mtshan.

Gru ru RGYA RA — See Gru gu Rgya ra.


'Bar khams pa RGYA RA KLONG CHEN PA — Cuevas, Hidden History 123.

Go 'jo RGYA RA DGON PA — 363 117.4.

RGYA RA SPRUL SKU — Thuken 283.

RGYA RA BA — See (— — —) Nam mkha' chos kyi rgya mtsho.

RGYA RA RIN PO CHE — Late Tulku of Blo gsal gling Mon.  Barlocher 736‑737.

RGYA RAGS BON PO — The Bonpo who gave Gtsang pa Rgya ras pa his first name, G.yung drung dpal.  24 I 402.4.


'Chan bu RGYA RAS — Also, (Mchan bu), (Chan bu).  Disc. of Phag mo gru pa.  57 IIB 356.2.  BA 56.3, 566.  Built Zar ra'i Dgon.  Short bio. in 26 64‑65.  17 II 550.6.

RGYA RAS PA — See (— — —) Ye shes rdo rje.

Lha RGYA RI — A noble family.  See ISTS 163 ff.  Spelling variants:  Bya ri, Gye re, Ge ra.


RGYA RI DGON PA — Vai.Ser. 170.

RGYA RI GDONG — Evidently n. of a village.  Tucci, Lhasa 51.



RGYA RONG MKHAN SPRUL RIN PO CHE — Tutor of the Phabongkhapa (ca. 1950).  Barlocher 618.

RGYA LA — See Kya la.

RGYA LA RTSE RING — Mt.  5 229.2.  Fletcher, "Gyala Tsutum."

RGYA LAG 'OD MA'I GLING — Region in 'Ol mo lung ring.  Karmay, Confucius 564.

RGYA LO TSĀ BA — See Brgya Lo tsā ba.  Ferrari 155.  Tibetan translator who worked together with the Indian Rgyal ba'i lha, acc. to Schaeffer, Dissert. 140.  See (— — — —) Rdo rje bzang po.

Gter ston RGYA LO TSĀ BA — His Gu ru Pad 'byung gi Skyes rabs Rnam thar Dum bu Chung ngu listed in BLP no. 0328.

RGYA SHING — Luczanits in TS9 VII 117.

RGYA SHOD — "Vast low land."  See under Phu lhags. 

RGYA SHOD — See (— —) Stag la tshal.  (— —) Ban mkhar.

Sgrub chen RGYA GSHONGS PA — Karma pa.  Bio. in 35 I 674.

RGYA SA KHUD — Zung lung rgyab ri (?).  5 290.5.

RGYA SAR SGANG — BA 99, 277.  I believe this can also be spelled Rgyal sar sgang, q.v.

RGYA SE DKAR PO — Nickname of Byams pa ye shes.  Goldstein, History 488.

RGYA SER — Maybe n. of Russia (in work of Lcang lung Ārya Paṇḍi ta).  Pollock, Forms 344. It doesn't seem to be a very old name form, although it may go back to the Khazar kingdom in southern Russia, and explain the place name Ge ser, acc. to Kapstein.  Kuijp, TBMP 448, along with other Russian-Tibetan connections, suggests possible connection ("fortuitous echoe") with the Golden Horde.  Stein, Tribus 6.  Discussion by Schaik in JAOS 140 no 2 (2020) 280.

RGYA SOG LHA STENGS — At border of 'Ol kha and Dwags po.  Vai.Ser. 164.

Rong pa RGYA SOR PA — In Gsang 'dus lineage.  17 II 410.4.  =(Rong pa) Phyag sor pa.

RGYA HOR DPAL BZANG — King of Mustang in circa 1550.  ISTS 134‑135.

Chos rje RGYA HOR BA — 116 295.6.

Gnya' nang RGYAGS MDA' — Milarepa on his way to Ti se from La phyi met Rgyags phu ba there.  4 90A.1.

RGYAGS PA'I RI MO — Daughter of Nanda.  TPS 484.

Dam pa RGYAGS PHU BA — Disc. of Milarepa.  4C 10.5.  See 4 12A.4 and 4 Chang 23.  4 89B.4 ff.  4A 5B.6.

RGYANG — See (Rgyang gi) Yon po lung.

RGYANG — BA 255.  See index to 56 under 'Gyang'.

RGYANG KHAR — In Myang Stod.  17 II 478.3.

RGYANG GRAGS DGON PA — In map in Allen, Search for Shangri La 140.  Near Kailash.  Acc. to a paper by R. Vitali on the Bya ru can Kings, it was founded by the 'Bri gung pa named Rdor 'dzin Ghu ya sgang pa.  ZZFC 251.  For a contemporary account of it, see Woeser, "Encounters at Mount Kailash: A Travelling Monk, Local Tibetans and the Exiled Spiritual Leader South of the Sacred Mountain (Part 7)," posted on internet, where it is spelled "Gyandrak."

RGYANG MDA' SGANG — Site of the first (?) Mosque in Lhasa.  Chen Bo, "A Multicultural Interpretation of an Ethnic Muslim Minority: The Case of the Hui Tibetans in Lhasa," J. of Muslim Minority Affairs 23 no 1 (April 2003).  On its gateway, as seen in a video, it is said to be founded in 1650, and the name is spelled "Lha-sa Rgyang-mda' Gang."  One Pir Yakub is said to be the founder.

RGYANG PO — See (— —) Chos blo.

RGYANG PHAN PA — Also, Rgyang 'phan.  Lokāyata.  A grub mtha' (philosophical school) of the Hindus called by Buddhists 'Jig rten rgyang phan pa "i.e., considered to be caught in a sort of psychic limbo." Their name means "cast from the world."  Das 308.  17 II 241.

RGYANG PHAN PA — See (— — —) Dzi na.



RGYANG RU — See (— —) Gser sdings Dgon.

RGYANG RO — BA 448, 1068.  IT IV pt. 1, p. 49 ff.

RGYANG RO — See (— —) Byang chub 'bum.  (— —) Zhang ston.



RGYANG SHOD — See (— —) Cham rdzong.  (— —) Dil mgo.  (— —) Rdzong chung.


RGYANGS — See (—) 'Bum mo che.  (—) Yon po lung.

RGYAD MKHAR JO TSHA — See ('Phags 'od pa) Yon tan rgya mtsho.

RGYAN MKHAN PO — Prajñākaragupta, a commentator, author of Pramāṇavārttikālaṃkāra.  See 27 73.  See also Stcherbatsky, Buddhist Logic I 39‑47.

Myang Smad RGYAN GONG — F. by Lo ston Rdo rje dbang phyug of Gtsang in 973 with the help of Lce ston pa.  A few hundred yards from Zhwa lu.  Ferrari 143.  BD of T&TB X 43.13.  Heller in TS9 VII 47.  See Puchung's dissertation (Oslo 2011), where among other things the name is interpreted to mean 'Before the Lottery'.  Puchung also discusses the two different dating traditions that would have it founded either in the Fire Hen year 997 or in the Water Hen 973.  Stearns, SR 77.

RGYAN GONG LHA MO — Epithet of Rdo rje rab brtan ma, q.v.

Mang wer za RGYAN CHUNG — 206 561.6.

RGYAN THANG PA — Or, Rgyan mdangs pa.  Disc. of Phag mo gru pa.  BA 563.

RGYAN DRUG MCHOG GNYIS — See under (Khri tsho) Blo gros bzang po.  The 'six ornaments' are:

1) Mgon po Klu sgrub.

2) 'Phags pa Thogs med.

3) 'Phags pa lha.

4) Dbyig gnyen.

5) Phyogs glang.

6) Chos grags.

The 'two supreme' are

1) Yon tan 'od.

2) Shākya 'od.

For no. 3, other lists substitute Yon tan 'od.  413 116.4.  The Mchog Brgyad list adds Candragomin and Aśvaghoṣa.  See Jackson in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation 117.  Almogi, MA thesis 77.

RGYAN NE — Or, Rgyan ne ma.  124 499.6, 500.1, 500.5, 501.1.

Rtogs ldan RGYAN PO — Contemp. of Sa paṇ.  Jackson in TH&L 239.

RGYAN PO PA — 128 764.

RGYAN SPUNGS THANG — In Tsari.  17 III 45.5.

Ma gcig RGYAN 'BUM — BD of T&TB III 573.

RGYAN 'DZIN — Deity.  Rhies & Thurman 339.

RGYAN RI — Heller in TS9 VII 47.

Zhabs drung RGYAN RIN PO CHE — (ca. 1683)  458 I 245.1.

RGYAN GYI LHA — See under A lang ka [ra] de wa.

RGYAB SDOD PA — Class of monk students who are not supported by the monastery, but from their own personal resources.  Tucci, Religions 114.  The name would appear to mean 'backed residents'.


RGYAB BZANG — Bu ston (acc. to forthcoming paper by Kurtis Schaeffer) refers to rgyab bzang 'spellers'.

RGYAB RI SNA — 253 II 608.2, 608.4.

RGYABS — BA 946, 950.

RGYAM SHI GAR — Pl.n.  OTA 692.

Dpon RGYAM SENG — Writing & arithmetic teacher of Bu ston.  27 66.

Byang RGYAR YEB TSHAL — 253 II 568.1.

RGYAL — In 'Phan yul.  BA 78, 649, 846, 897, 1003, 1042.  BD of T&TB I 859, 860.

RGYAL — The area.  BA 253, 255, 269, 273, 421, 543, 862, 876, 1043.

RGYAL — In a list of river names.  Kuijp, Rivers 327 n. 83, believes this might be the Pāvanī.

RGYAL — See (—) Rtsib ri.

RGYAL DKA' — King of Shambhala.  128 1006.

RGYAL KHANG — 5 255.1.

RGYAL KHANG RTSE — The palace of (or synonymn for) Rgyal rtse.  See Wylie 70.  Called Rgyal mkhar rtse.  Wylie 139 n. 220.  Stearns, SR 95.

RGYAL KHANG RTSE PA — Seat at Kobdo.  43.

1) (Khri xxv) Dpal 'byor rgya mtsho (1526‑1599).

2) Chos 'byor rgya mtsho, of Khams.

3) Blo bzang bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho.

4) Bskal bzang bstan pa yar 'phel (1746‑1794).

5) Blo bzang dpal 'byor lhun grub (1796‑1846).

RGYAL KHAB — Rājagṛha.  Li, NBA.

La stod RGYAL KHAMS — Birthpl. of Zhi ba 'od.  57 IIB 351.5.

RGYAL MKHAN CHEN — See (— — —) Grags pa rgyal mtshan.

RGYAL MKHAN PO — Of Bhutan.  See (— — — x) Bstan 'dzin chos rgyal (1700‑1767).  =Rje Mkhan po?

RGYAL MKHAN SPRUL — See (— — —) Bskal bzang grags pa rgya mtsho.

RGYAL MKHAR — Kværne, Mongols 102.

RGYAL MKHAR RTSE —  =Rgyal khang rtse, acc. to Wylie 139 n. 220.

Grwa nang RGYAL GLING TSHOGS PA — Has printery.  162 212.


RGYAL RGOD — Tibetan king.  58 927.  Tangut king, son of Chos rgyal Thi zhu.  BD of T&TB VIII 121.  See Sperling, Further, which says he ruled from 1212/3‑1226 (although Chinese sources have two Tangut kings during this same period, one ruling from 1211‑1223, and another from 1223‑1226).

RGYAL SGOM PA — Aziz 35.

RGYAL SGRA LEGS GZIGS — Of the Sbrang clan.  Dotson, Note 81.

RGYAL CHEN GLING PA — 17 III 470.1, 534.2, 543.3.

Che tshang V RGYAL MCHOG THUGS RJE NYI MA — Che tshang incarnate as well as the 33rd abbot of 'Bri gung.


RGYAL NYID RAB BRTAN DGON —  Bon Mon.  253 II 638.2.

Brang ti RGYAL NYE MKHAR BU — A gter ston.  See BD of T&TB III 335.  Called Brang ti Mkhar 'bum in 210 93.6.  Excavator of medical works.  Placed in 2nd rab byung.  383 218.3.  410 112B.2.


RGYAL TI — Pu rang gi pho brang.  5 177.6.



Dbas RGYAL TO RE — A blon chen who controlled Glang dar ma, an anti cleric.  T.H. 46.  Leader of conspiracy of nobility against Buddhism under Ral pa can, here said to be BonpoT.H. 133.  Chief minister under Glang dar ma.  T.H. 134.  Rgyal gto re in 17 II 337.5.  HS XXXVI 414.3.


RGYAL BSTAN RNAM RGYAL — (b. 1912)  Gyeten Namgyal, a tailor and Tibetan government official, whose story is told in Chos dbyangs, no. 6.  As an old man, he had the title Rtse drung Las tshan Na bza' Chen mo ba.

RGYAL THANG — Pl.n.  5 173.1.  =Chungtien, a country in NW Yunnan populated by Tibetans.  ISTS 87.

RGYAL THANG — See (— —) Sum rtsen gling.

RGYAL THANG PA — See (— — —) Bde chen rdo rje.  (— —) Bsam gtan 'od zer.

RGYAL THANG ZANGS SGRUB PA — An official sent to collect copper.  Tsarong in TJ XXIII no 3 (1998) 31.


RGYAL THABS SPYI BLUGS KYI DBANG BSKUR — 132 43.2, 47.2.  Blondeau 117, etc.  Everding's Bon catalog, no. JS 1845.

RGYAL THABS DBANG KHRID GNAD KYI LAG LEN ZHAL GDAMS DANG BCAS PA — Title listed in Everding's Bon catalog, no. JS 1849.

Mon RGYAL GDUNGS GLANG DMAR — Pl.n.  5 168.3.

RGYAL MDO — Karmay, Arrow 354.

RGYAL NAM PA'I SKAD — See under Nam.

RGYAL PO — N. of a spirit, "the dangerous red spirit of a religious person, who had died after falling from his monastic vows or had been killed in troubling circumstances."  See Dreyfus in JIABS 21 (1998) 240.

A lags RGYAL PO — Father of Dge 'dun chos 'phel.  See Mengele, dGe 49.

Bya RGYAL PO BKRA SHIS — (d. 1689).  458 I 313.6.

RGYAL PO SKU LNGA — Deity whose main form is Pe har (q.v.).  SBTD I 124, 184.  Refers to Pe har and his chief attendants.

RGYAL PO'I KHAB — BA 814, 829.  Rājagṛha.  EmmerickEncyclopaedia of Buddhism VII 490‑496.

Nyang RGYAL PO GRAGS —  =Smon mkhar ba.  Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 185.

RGYAL PO DGA' — (1205‑1284)  BA 409.  17 II 464.2.  Seng ge sgra (1235‑1308) and Rin chen bzang po (1243‑1319) were his sons, as was Chos rdor (1246‑1311).

RGYAL PO'I CHU — N. of the Rma chu.  See 82 90.

RGYAL PO CHEN PO BZHI — Caturmahārāja.  E) Dhṛtarāṣṭra, Yul 'khor srung.  S) Viruḍaka, 'Phags skyes po.  W) Virūpākṣa, Mig mi bzang.  N) Vaiśravaṇa or Kubera, Rnam thos sras.



RGYAL PO THU BO CHE — Rock, Nāga Cult I 144.

Shar RGYAL PO'I DAR MDOS — 300 III 461‑487.

RGYAL PO'I GDUNG RGYUD — Title in 320 IX 364.2.

RGYAL PO'I MDO BCU — Stearns, King 25.

RGYAL PO BYIN — A disc. of Klu sgrub.  24 I 62.1.

RGYAL PO RTSE MDOS — Karmay, Arrow 350.  See Gu ru Bkra shis's history [5‑vol.], vol. 1, p. 447 for the history of this text.


RGYAL PO G.YU LHA — N. of a 'das log.  Havnevik, Dissert. 173.

RGYAL PO SHAR PA — A Nepalese trader in Lhasa.  Goldstein, History 163.


RGYAL SPRUL — As a category of tulkus, see Dungkar Rinpoche's dictionary, p. 669.

RGYAL PHRAN — TS5 529.  For a list of 17, see Hazod in TS9 I 35 n. 19.

RGYAL PHRAN BCU GNYIS — Mentioned in Mdo 'dus as existing contemporary to the Mkhas pa Mi Bzhi, who should date not long after Lord Shenrab (for argument, see Lhagyal in TS9 II 399‑400).  See Pasang Wangdu, "The Slebs ri Tombs and the Mchims Clan," contained in: Hildegard Diemberger and Karma Phuntsho, eds., Ancient Treasures, New Discoveries, IITBS (Saale 2009) 73‑96, at p. 84.

RGYAL PHRAN BCU GSUM — Yamaguchi in Acta Asiatica 29 (1975) 24.  See listings in Haarh, Yar luṅ 240 ff.

RGYAL PHRAN SIL MA — There were 42 of these in the very early history of Tibet.  Pasang Wangdu, "The Slebs ri Tombs and the Mchims Clan," contained in: Hildegard Diemberger and Karma Phuntsho, eds., Ancient Treasures, New Discoveries, IITBS (Saale 2009) 73‑96, at p. 84.

RGYAL BA KUN DGA' — See Dza ya nānta.

RGYAL BA KUN DGA' RIN CHEN DPAL BZANG PO — A 2nd manifestation of 'Jig rten mgon po.  15th abbot of 'Bri gung.  37 26 ff.

Dge bshes RGYAL BA KHYUNG TSHANG CAN — 73 259.5.

Bra bo RGYAL BA GRAGS PA — 253 II 220.3.


Thugs rje chen po RGYAL BA RGYA MTSHO — Cycle in 87 XXXVIII.  349 XVI 1‑90.  SBTD I 313.  Thangka illustrated in Christie's New York catalogue (Mar 2000), no. 146.

'Phags pa lha V RGYAL BA RGYA MTSHO BSOD NAMS LHUN GRUB — Bio. by Blo bzang dbang phyug listed in BLP no. 1380.

RGYAL BA SNGAGS RAM PA — See (— — — — —) (Rwa sgreng Yang dgon pa) Blo bzang don grub.

Byang chub sems dpa' RGYAL BA MCHOG — See Gzhon nu rgyal mchog. 

Ngan lam RGYAL BA MCHOG DBYANGS — One of the 25 discs. of Padmasambhava, and one of the Sad mi Bdun.  Ferrari 117.  87 I 121.5, 122.6.  17 II 326.4.  73 415.1.  Picture in 128 614.  210 55.3.  Picture in 320 XVI 543.  320 XXIV 224.5.  Karmay, Arrow 350.  Achard, L'Essence 20.

Lho RGYAL BA NYIN DGON — 253 II 631.5.

RGYAL BA STON GZUGS — BA 986.  17 II 426.4.

Khyung nag RGYAL BA BSTAN 'DZIN — F. Gshen bstan rin gling at Lung dkar in 1868.  Kværne no. 211.  253 II 485.2, 629.2.

RGYAL BA DON GRUB — An older bro. of the Dalai Lama xiv.  Photo (Dolan/Tolstoy) in Tung plate 39.

RGYAL BA DON GRUB — (12th cent.)  Also called Grub che or Grub be.  Eldest son of Ma gcig Lab sgron ma.  The n. Rgyal ba don grub given in 124 506.1.  Lab sgron's lineage disc. in Gcod tradition.  16 39.  Ferrari 121.  BA 985.  Also called Snying po grub pa (q.v.)  See =Thod pa don grub.  Also called Ra dgra grub pe (q.v.).  Bio. in 124 494.5‑507.5.

Nang so RGYAL BA DON GRUB — 210 179.3.

Lha yi Rgyal po RGYAL BA DON GRUB — In Gser 'od Nor bu 'Od 'bar gyi Mdo (1985) 139.1.

Tshe sgrub RGYAL BA 'DUS PA — A gter ma87 XXX.

Me ge RGYAL BA RDO RJE — 413 59.3.

G.yung ston RGYAL BA RDO RJE — In Yamāntaka lineage, a successor of Zhang khrom.  189 I 37.2.

RGYAL BA'I SDE — See under Dza ya se na.

RGYAL BA'I SDE — In avadāna story.  TPS 517.  Depicted in Precious Deposits IV 114, with his father Mes sbyin and mother Mchog ma.

Rig sngags 'chang RGYAL BA'I SDE — A teacher of Nāropa.  17 II 252.1.  Author of work in 145 IV 29B.3 ff.

RGYAL BA PAṆ CHEN — See Rgya ba Paṇ chen.

Gung thang gi Btsun pa Zhang RGYAL BA DPAL — Author of bio. of Sa skya Paṇḍi ta in 145 V 433‑439.  Probably =(Zhang ston) Dkon mchog dpal (q.v.).

Mkhan po RGYAL BA DPAL — CFMS 87.

RGYAL BA DPAL RI — David‑Neel, My Journey to Lhasa 215.

RGYAL BA BYANG CHUB — Pictured in 128 636.  Rgyal ba'i byang chub accused of mixing Buddhism, heresy and Bon.  348 130.1, 174.6.  One by this name was born to the Bse clan in the 11th century; he meditated at Do ri Dpal gyi ri bo.  See Smith in Linrothe, Holy Madness 74.

Khrom RGYAL BA BYANG CHUB — See biography of Shākya shrī, p. 28.4.  Khrom Grub thob Rgyal ba byang chub; see A chos 6.

RGYAL BA BYIN PA — Abbot of Na len tra at ordination of Klu sgrub.  24 I 53.7.

Sku mdun RGYAL BA BLO GROS — Bonpo.  Bio. in 253 II 43.6 ff.  Bio. in 267 59‑112.

Khro gnyan RGYAL BA BLO GROS — 253 II 235.3, 433.5.  Disc. of (Be ri) Khro gnyan rgyal mtshan.  There is a "Rgyal ba blo gros kyi Rnam thar" listed in Everding's Bon catalog, no. JS 1916.

Glang zhig RGYAL BA BLO GROS — (b. 1390)  Kværne 232 no. 128.  Work in 267 535‑542.  There is a Glang zhig mentioned in 448 230.1, as a scribe.  Depicted in a painting illus. in Berounsky, Lapsed 232 (here called Gling zhig).

Mnyam med Sprul sku RGYAL BA BLO GROS — Bio. in 253 II 459.3 ff.

'Dre RGYAL BA'I BLO GROS — For sources on this 'Das log figure, see Epstein in TJ 7 no 4 (Wint 1982) 80.

Spo chen RGYAL BA BLO GROS — See title Spo chen Rgyal ba blo gros Lugs kyi Chos spyod (a scatological farce) publ. in 1978 in Bhutan, for which, see Aris, Boneless Tongue 148 ff.

'Bre RGYAL BA BLO GROS — Ordained under Zhi ba 'tsho.  87 I 66.1, 69.6.  132 89.6.  Pictured in 128 630.  440 278.5.

Sbas RGYAL BA BLO GROS — Also, Rba.  Lde'u 394.  Lde'u2 157.

Dmu RGYAL BA BLO GROS — Bonpo.  Bio. in 206 561.3.  248 35.3.

Ngam RGYAL BA'I DBANG PO — Also, (Ngan lam).  Lde'u2 158.  Lde'u 394.

Stobs bcu'i dpal mnga' RGYAL BA'I DBANG PO — Picture caption in 128 6.

'Brug chen II RGYAL BA'I DBANG PO — See (— — —) (— — — —) Kun dga' dpal 'byor.

RGYAL BA'I 'BYUNG GNAS — Met by Rin chen bzang po at Bi kra ma la shī la.  17 II 351.5.

'Brom ston RGYAL BA'I 'BYUNG GNAS — (1004/5‑1064)  T.H. 147.  52 2.  Lay disc. of Atiśa who in 1057 founded the monastery at Rwa sgreng that later became center of Bka' gdams school.  T.H. 142.  Born at Stod lung phu, he left home because of a quarrel with his stepmother and met Atiśa in 'Phan yul.  Ferrari 77‑78.  Bio. in BD of T&TB V 17.  320 XXVII 633.5.  17 II 370.1 ff.  Pictured in 128 77A, 844.  Bio. in 165 383.  Beyer 11‑12, 322, 387, 418.  He may be shown in iconography with lay robes, long hair, a flower held in the right hand (in teaching mudrā), with the left hand pointed downward in 'giving' mudrā.  Two of his works, one a praise of Atiśa, the other entitled Mi chos Gnad kyi Phreng ba, are contained in Gser Sbram 80‑92.  A wall painting of him painted by Gtsang pa Chos dbyings rgya mtsho is illus. in Po ta la (1996) 143.  See also Precious Deposits II 41‑3.  Bio. by Snar thang Shes rab rgya mtsho, BLP no. 1584.

RGYAL BA'I 'BYUNG GNAS SBAS PA — Disc. of Tsi lu pa.  BD of T&TB I 780.

Skyi RGYAL BA'I GTSUG TOR — Teacher of Dgongs pa rab gsal.  17 II 339.5.  332 II preface 3.


RGYAL BA TSHUL KHRIMS — Bonpo.  (b. 1853)  Kværne no. 203.  Works in 278 75‑82; 293 383‑608.  253 II 484.4 ff, 628.6 (Hor Bla ma).

U ri Rnal byor RGYAL BA TSHUL KHRIMS — Also, (Dbu ri Bla ma).  253 II 629.3.

RGYAL BA BZANG PO — (1419‑1493)  Jo nang pa.  Gruschke in TS9 I 203.

Dpon chen RGYAL BA BZANG PO — (d. 1357)  Chief of Khri dpons, and one of the main opponents of Byang chub rgyal mtshan.  27 117.  BA 217.  TPS 21, 687, 628‑629. Petech in TH&L 419 n. 8.  (?‑1357).  Kuijp in TH&L 289.  Died in 1357.  Kuijp, Rivers 309.  Stearns, SR 140.

Rgyal mo RGYAL BA'I 'OD — In avadāna story.  TPS 442.

Zhang zhung RGYAL BA 'OD — Reputedly a disciple of Rin chen bzang po who became a Bon po.  They think he is just confused with Rgyal ba'i shes rab.  See TJ XXIII (1998) 110.

Yam shud RGYAL BA 'OD —  "Klu mes kyi mkhan bu" ‑ ordinand of Klu mes ‑ from whom Grwa pa Mngon shes (1012‑1090) took ordination.  BD of T&TB III 274.  17 II 342.5.  BA 95.  124 485.6.

Gdar 'bum RGYAL BA 'OD ZER — CFMS 92.

Ban tsa RGYAL BA 'OD ZER — (1587‑ )  Collected songs in 317 409‑604.  Kværne no. 147.


Gnubs RGYAL BA YE SHES — In lineage of Lha mo.  TPS 590.

Byang sems RGYAL BA YE SHES — (1257‑ )  Disc. of Thugs rje brtson 'grus.  BA 772.  17 II 417.4.  Of his two disciples ('Phags 'od) Yon tan rgya mtsho and (Mkhas btsun) Yon tan rgya mtsho, the first was a teacher of Bu ston, while the second was Bla ma of Jo nang pa.  (1257‑1320).  Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 189 ff.  His Kālacakra history, Dpal ldan Dus kyi 'khor lo Jo nang pa'i Lugs kyi Bla ma Brgyud pa'i Rnam thar has been published by Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Beijing 2004), in 209 pages.

Dbas RGYAL BA YE SHES — In Mngon pa Kun btus transmission.  BA 345.  17 II 346.1.  P. Tib. 849.191.  Mentioned in Hackin, Formulaire 36.

Zhang RGYAL BA'I YON TAN — 193 I 291.6.  A Rgyal ba yon tan is depicted in a thangka; TPS 332.  Jackson, MB 29.  Germano in TS9 X 256.

Bru sgom RGYAL BA G.YUNG DRUNG — Also, (Bru rje), (Bru yi Btsun pa), (Bru chen), and (Bru zha).  (1242‑1290)  Kværne 231 no. 108, 232 no. 116.  Author of Lo rgyus in 206.  Bio. in 248 98.4.  Works in 363 121‑148; 277 29‑127; 288 413‑718; 301 I 531‑534; 311 521‑703.  F. mon. G.yas ru Dben sa in 1072.  Kværne no. 83.  A tri introduction. 330 175.6.  Picture in 330 207.  Bio. in A tri 39.  He compiled the Gzungs 'dus, published in 1974 in 2 vols.  Kailash I 48.  Bio. in 342 37 ff.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 450.

Bla khri RGYAL BA G.YUNG DRUNG — (1814‑1871)  Of Sde dge.  276 preface.  F. mon. Bsam gtan smin gling in 1859.  Kværne no. 205.  253 II 500.5 ff.  Biography published in 503.

Dbra btsun RGYAL BA G.YUNG DRUNG — Author of work in Dkar ru Grub dbang, Dmar khrid Dug Lnga Rang grol, vol. II, a prayer to Padmasambhava.

Rgyal tshab Gsum pa RGYAL BA G.YUNG DRUNG — Bonpo.  Bio. in 253 II 65.3 ff.

Gshen po RGYAL BA G.YUNG DRUNG — Author of Rtogs ldan Nyams rgyud Bla ma'i Rnam thar (Rikon Catalogue 492).

RGYAL BA RIN PO CHE — See (— — — — —) Grags pa brtson 'grus.

RGYAL BA LAS RNAM PAR RGYAL BA — A Bodhisattva figure with four hands, described in 'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 368.1.

Bram ze RGYAL BA SHES — Aris, Discourse 39.

Spa ston RGYAL BA SHES RAB — 253 II 605.3.  Disc. of Khyung rgod rtsal.  383 418.5.

RGYAL BA SHES RAB — Figures in a Bon context.  SFHB 729.5.

Zhang zhung ba RGYAL BA'I SHES RAB — 17 II 353.6.

Chos rje Bla ma RGYAL BA SENG GE — (1508‑1568)  Gruschke in TS9 I 204.

RGYAL BA'I LHA — Jayadeva.  (7th cent.)  Abbot of Nalendra after Chos skyong.  Buston 162.  17 II 349.6.  BD of T&TB I 443, 447.  Patron of Nalanda in early 13th cent.  Chag 90.  Indian translator of a commentary on dohās by Advayavajra.  Kurtis Schaeffer,  Dissert. 140.

RGYAL BA LHA NANG PA — See under Gnyos.

Dmu rgyal Gsang bdag RGYAL BA LHUN GRUB — 253 II 439.4, 440.1.

RGYAL BAS BYIN — See Dza ya datta.

RGYAL BAS SBAS PA — Jinagupta.  One of the 9 lesser pundits who accompanied Kha che Shākya shrī.  Smith, Philology 12.

RGYAL BU — See (— —) Dga' byed bzang po.

RGYAL BU MCHED GSUM — Story in 352 101.9.

RGYAL BU GZHON NU — 124 496.1, 496.5.

RGYAL BYIN — Choix P.T. 1040 (notes).

RGYAL BYED TSHAL — Rgyal byed tshal gyi Gtsug lag khang Bzhengs tshul, by 'Brug chen iv, listed in BLP no. 0570.

Snye mo RGYAL BYED TSHAL — A mon. in Gtsang smad.  Wylie 74, 145 n. 281.  Subject of work in 17 IV 293‑298.

RGYAL BYED TSHAL GNAS — Jetavanīya.  Branch of Sthavira school.  BA 30.


RGYAL BLON GYI BSTAN BCOS — See (Ha shang) De ba (?).

RGYAL DBANG KARMA PA — Title of all the Zhwa nag Incarnates.  Ferrari 160.

'Brug pa RGYAL DBANG RJE — Abbot of Sgam po for 6 years.  17 II 524.6.  Gter ston of rab byung 7.  383 220.1.

Bya khyung pa RGYAL DBANG BSTAN 'DZIN — 210 125.5.

Pa rnam Sde pa RGYAL DBANG RDO RJE — Stearns, SR 144.

RGYAL DBANG NOR BU — Author of Lugs kyi Bstan bcos Lha dang Dpal 'Du ba'i Nor bu (Thimphu 1980).  Author of Rig 'dzin Thugs kyi Thig le Pad Rab Yi ge can Byin rlabs Mkha' 'gro'i Kha Rlangs Chil le ba (including the titles Yang gsang Mkha' 'gro'i Thugs thig las Sngon 'gro'i Lam rim Ngag 'don, and Zab Chos 'Dzin pa Rang grol).  Author of Yon tan Rin po che'i Mdzod kyi Sa bcad (Thimphu 1975). 

Rgya gar lho phyogs RGYAL DBANG GTSUG GI NOR BU — BD of T&TB I 490.

Rab 'byams pa RGYAL DBANG SENG GE — (d. 1708)  =Rdo rje bdud 'dul.  DTK5 144.

RGYAL ME TOG THANG — Area long N. tributary of eastern Gtsang po.  Ferrari 122.  Vai.Ser. 99.

Jo mo RGYAL MO — 253 II 421.1.


RGYAL MO DAS CHAD KYI RGYUD — Bon tantra in 258 III 493‑506.

RGYAL MO 'BRUG PA — (modern)  TS5 798.

RGYAL MO SMAD 'TSHONG MA — Kværne, Mongols 101.

RGYAL MO TSHA BA RONG — ?  87 I 84.1.  See Tsha ba rong and Rgyal mo rong.

Ma gcig RGYAL MO MTSHO — Mother of Theg chen chos rje Kun dga' bkra shis (1349‑1425).  Kuijp in CAJ 39 (1995) 281.


RGYAL MO BZHI — Vai.Kar. II 296.

RGYAL MO G.YANG — Wife of Zhang Rin po che.  464 29.5, 30.5.

RGYAL MO RI — In E Tibet.  239 XXX 72.5.

RGYAL MO RONG — Presently, Chin‑ch'uan, or the Aba Autonomous Region in NW Szechuan.  Land of the Sum pa (q.v.).  T.H. 193, 224.  Country on confines of SE Tibet.  BA 170, 340, 1080.  =Chia‑liang.  77 147 (map on p. 146).  167 436.2.  348 173.5.  Bon monasteries.  253 II 635.3 ff.

RGYAL MO RONG PA — See (— — — —) Shākya rgyal mtshan shes bya kun rig.

RGYAL SMAN — BA vi.  Mongol general active in 13th century.  TPS 9.

RGYAL SMAN GNYIS KYI BSKUL PA — Text in 313 II 245‑257.

Pa tsab RGYAL TSAN THOM PO — OTA 690.  Read as equivalent to Pa tshab Rgyal mtshan 'thon po.

RGYAL GTSO — A mon. in area of Dkar mdzes.  See  Thar in TS9 IV 158.

RGYAL BTSAN G.YUNG DRUNG GLING — Bon mon. in Amdo, 100 monks.  253 II 637.3.

Shel dkar RGYAL RTSE — Gyantse.  Ferrari 141.  See JTL&CT 85 ff.  BA 799.  (Nyang stod) (Shel dkar) Rgyal rtse in 5 194.3.  Tucci, Lhasa 84‑88.  Wylie 79, 139 n. 218.  (Myang stod) Rgyal rtse.  Beyer 57.

RGYAL RTSE SKU 'BUM — The famous walk‑in stūpa at Gyantse.  For photos, see Li Gotami, Pictures 74‑98.


RGYAL RTSE RDZONG — Printery.  162 212.

RGYAL RTSE SHOG SGRUB PA — Gyantse Paper Collector, an official sent to collect paper in Rgyal rtse.  Tsarong in TJ XXIII no 3 (1998) 31.

RGYAL TSHA — Also, Rgya tsha (q.v.).  See (— —) Kun ldan ras pa.  (— —) Thogs med grags.  (— —) Zhang ye.  (— —) Ra mo.  (— —) Rin chen mgon po.

Rin po che RGYAL TSHA — Disc. of Phag mo gru pa who started mon. in Khro phu.  Ferrari 157.  See (— —) Kun ldan ras pa.

Sna nam RGYAL TSHA KHRI GSUM — An enemy of Buddhists under Glang dar ma.  17 II 337.6.

RGYAL TSHAB — An incarnation lineage of Mtshur phu, belonging to Karma pa order.  They were:

1) (Go shri) Dpal 'byor don grub (ca. 1427‑ca. 1489).

2) Bkra shis rnam rgyal (ca. 1490‑ca. 1518).

3) Grags pa dpal 'byor (ca. 1519‑ca. 1549).

4) Grags pa don grub (ca. 1550‑ca. 1617).

5) Grags pa mchog dbyangs (1618‑1658).

6) Nor bu bzang po (ca. 1659‑ca. 1698).

7) Dkon mchog 'od zer (ca. 1699‑ca. 1765).

8) Chos dpal bzang po (ca. 1766‑ca. 1820).

9) Grags pa ye shes (ca. 1821‑ca. 1876).

10) Bstan pa'i nyi ma (ca. 1877‑1901).

11) Grags pa rgya mtsho (ca. 1902‑ca. 1959).

12) Karma grags pa bstan pa yar 'phel, aka Bstan 'dzin phrin las chos kyi nyi ma.  See 35 I. 

RGYAL TSHAB — See (— —) O rgyan theg mchog rdo rje.

RGYAL TSHAB RJE — See (— — —) Dar ma rin chen.

RGYAL TSHAB DAM PA — See (— — — —) Kun dga' dbang phyug.

RGYAL TSHAB NO MIN HAN — Author of work on Tshe smon gling gi Bla brang listed in BLP no. 1693.

Rgya RGYAL TSHUL — Contemp. of Rong zom.  205 preface.

Jo bo RGYAL MTSHAN — Protector.  Pictured in 216A.

Gnon RGYAL MTSHAN — He was one of the seven skilful men in the time of Emperor 'Dus srong.  Ahmad, Fifth 47.

Bo dar RGYAL MTSHAN — (d. ca. 1946)  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 102.

Ma do ru Sman pa RGYAL MTSHAN — Disc. of (Rtogs ldan) Shākya shrī.  363 116.5.

Rang grol Bla ma RGYAL MTSHAN — Bonpo.  Bio. in 248 105.2.  Work in 282 571‑648.  (b. 1328) Kværne no. 119.  (Khyung po)  253 II 391.2, 622.4.  Songs in 448 245.5.  Teacher of (Khyung po) Blo gros rgyal mtshan. Bio. in Katen (300+ vol. version), vol. 203.

RGYAL MTSHAN DKON MCHOG — Subj. of bio. listed in BLP no. 0575.

Khri dpon RGYAL MTSHAN SKYABS — Kuijp in TH&L 279.


RGYAL MTSHAN GRAGS PA — Author of an untitled and incomplete study of Snar thang abbots and other important personalities, listed in Kuijp, Treatise 436.

Yo ga pa RGYAL MTSHAN GRAGS PA — From Zha lu.  127 21.

RGYAL MTSHAN CHOS 'PHEL — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 253.

Slob dpon RGYAL MTSHAN DGE BA — 115 33.3.

Zhu g.yas RGYAL MTSHAN NYI MA — (b. 1814)  Kværne no. 188.  253 II 400.6.  Rgyal mtshan mchog legs in 153 II 404.2, 627.4.

Rtse drung RGYAL MTSHAN NYI MA — 438 VI 518.4.

Bla brang RGYAL MTSHAN MTHON PO — N. of court of the Panchen Lama.  Wylie 68, 135 n. 179.  JTL&CT 160.

Shar chen RGYAL MTSHAN DAR — 253 II 598.1.

RGYAL MTSHAN NOR BU — Gyansten Norbu.  Garratt in TS9 VIII 77.  The current Chinese‑sponsored Panchen Lama.  At his recognition ceremonies, he was given the name Blo bzang 'jam dpal lhun grub chos kyi rgyal po.

Tre ston RGYAL MTSHAN DPAL — He preceded (Spa) Bstan rgyal bzang po in Vinaya lineage.  SFHB 703.6.  Bon works in 261325 499‑520.  At head of a lineage.  253 II 359.1, 474.2 ff.  See under Nam mkha' lhun grub.  Velm II 165 ff.  For much discussion about him see Mimaki & Karmay's edition of his Bon sgo Gsal byed.

Dpon po RGYAL MTSHAN DPAL — 5 184.1.  Identical to Tsha mda' ba Rgyal mtshan dpal in 5 193.5.

Yang dgon pa RGYAL MTSHAN DPAL — Also, Lha gdong pa.  (1213‑1258)  Bio. in 38 I 544‑679.  Work in 36 VII 204.  Disc. of Rgod tshang pa.  F. Shri ri Gnam sdings near Shel dkar in his later life.  His two chief discs. were (Spyan snga) Rin chen ldan & (La stod pa) Rgyal mtshan 'bum.  BA 688‑691.  See 20 29.  57 IIB 369.2.  Gsung 'bum, see 30.  B. in La stod Gsher lung.  Collected works in 3 vols. publ. 1976, and also in 1982.  Works listed in SBTD I 329.  Rgyal ba Yang dgon pa'i Thugs kyi Bcud Ngo sprod Bdun gyi Mgur ma in 116 3810449.  His Mi rtag pa dang Zhen Log Bsgom Lugs in 129 II 239 ff.  Pictured in 128 647.  Work in 331 537‑594.  Bio. in 484 I 868.5 ff.  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 1769‑1770.  Brief bio. in Cuevas, Hidden History 56.

Mnga' ris pa Bla ma RGYAL MTSHAN DPAL BZANG — 601 20r.5.

Mtshungs med RGYAL MTSHAN DPAL BZANG — Achard, L'Essence 83.

Mus chen RGYAL MTSHAN DPAL BZANG — Of Mus Mtha' gong.  Shangs pa.  29 6.  Bio. in 383 569.6 ff.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1496.

Pha rgod Rtogs pa'i Rgyal po RGYAL MTSHAN DPAL BZANG PO — In the Thang stong Snyan brgyud.  Bio. 63 I 71.  Stearns, King 21, gives his dates as 1519?‑1592? 

'Ba' ra ba RGYAL MTSHAN DPAL BZANG PO — (1310‑1391)  T.H. 157.  "Founder" (?!) of Shangs pa Bka' brgyud & chief disc. of (Zur phug pa) Rin chen dpal bzang.  T.H. 157.  F. 'Ba' ra Brag dkar and died at Spa gro.  Wrote songs, yogic treatises, and specialized in Gcod.  BA 692, 895‑896.  TPS 115‑116.  Ferrari 159‑160.  Dhongthog 40, gives him the dates 1255‑1343, and says he was born in Chab li Grong in Shangs in G.yas ru.  His Rnam thar and Mgur 'bum publ. 1976.  See 143.  Acc. to TR XIII no. 5 (May 1978) 9 ff, his dates are 1357‑1419.  383 307.5.  484 I 869.2 ff.  235 introduction 10 ff.  17 IV 442.1 mentions his work on Chos Drug.  He is depicted at the top of a thangka: Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 120 (see, too, Rubin no. 517).  Bio. by Kun dga' dpal ldan listed in BLP no. 1558.  Autobiography, biographies, works and songs; see Filibeck, Catalog II 335 ff.  Woodblock print of his bio. & collected songs listed in Drepung Catalog 1509 (see also 1183).

RGYAL MTSHAN PHUN TSHOGS — Ta Bla ma of Kun 'dul gling.  332 II preface 4.

Mkhan chung RGYAL MTSHAN PHUN TSHOGS — Shakabpa, History II 164.

Rab byung Ho po RGYAL MTSHAN BYA — Occurs in inscription at Ribba.  Thakur in TS9 VII 35.

RGYAL MTSHAN BRAG — See (— — —) Bshad sgrub chos 'hor gling.

'Bum thang RGYAL MTSHAN BLO BZANG — (modern)  Tsering Shakya, Dragon 147, etc.

Mkhas btsun RGYAL MTSHAN 'BUM — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0276, by Nam mkha' bsam 'grub rgyal mtshan.

'Jag pa RGYAL MTSHAN 'BUM — (1261‑1334)  In 'Jag pa transmission.  29 7.  A few of his Guidance texts (Khrid yig) in 53 I 313‑323, 405‑415.  Successor of Shangs chen Chos rje in Shangs pa Transmission.  Mentioned in 57 IIB 370.5.  His 'Jag pa transmission lineage (for Mgon po Phyag drug pa) is illustrated on a thangka in TPS 586.  601 3r.4.

La stod pa RGYAL MTSHAN 'BUM — One of 2 discs. of (Yang dgon pa) Rgyal mtshan dpal (q.v.).  BA 695.

Bla ma RGYAL MTSHAN 'BYUNG GNAS — 115 158.1.

RGYAL MTSHAN RTSE MO'I RGYUD — Text in 319 VI 215‑116.  320 V 492‑500.

Rje btsun ma Lha mo RGYAL MTSHAN RTSE MO'I DPUNG RGYAN CAN — 'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 391.2.

RGYAL MTSHAN BZANG PO — (1496‑1548)  18th Khri thog of Dga' ldan.  BD of T&TB VI 138.  Pictured in 128 906.  Vai.Ser. 73.

Bka' bcu pa RGYAL MTSHAN BZANG PO — 5 246.2, 247.1.

Gung ru RGYAL MTSHAN BZANG PO — (1350‑1425)  Famous abbot of Se ra.  Guenther, Buddhist Philosophy 105.  Disc. of Tsong kha pa.  12 IX 96.3. Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 2, p. 45.  His bio. listed in BLP no. 0377.  I have seen his Collected Works listed in a catalog in 2013, in 3 vols.

Sgam po Mkhan chen RGYAL MTSHAN BZANG PO — Contemp. of Kun dga' dpal 'byor (1428‑1476).  57 II 448.

Gnas rnying Stong dpon RGYAL MTSHAN BZANG PO — He was a contemporary of Rdzong phyi Rgyal mtshan bzang po, but shouldn't be confused with him.  Kuijp in Lungta 14 (2001) 63.

Rdzong phyi RGYAL MTSHAN BZANG PO — Kuijp in Lungta 14 (2001) 60 ff.

RGYAL MTSHAN 'OD ZER — 346 148.4.

RGYAL MTSHAN 'OD ZER — An abbot of Ka˙ thog Rdo rje gdan, a naturalistic image, in clay, illus. in BLKC I 219.

RGYAL MTSHAN 'OD ZER — Patron of thangka named in its inscription.  TPS 600.

Sgo RGYAL MTSHAN 'OD ZER — Disc. of Blo ldan snying po.  253 II 409.1, 476.1.

Dmar ston RGYAL MTSHAN 'OD ZER — A disc. of (Ngor chen) Kun dga' bzang po.  There is a bio. by Glo bo Mkhan chen.  76 3.

La dbyil RGYAL MTSHAN 'OD ZER — 253 II 409.3.

A rig Dge bshes RGYAL MTSHAN 'OD ZER — (1726‑1804)  BD of T&TB V 568.  =A rig Dge bshes Byams pa dge legs rgyal mtshan.

Bkra shis mthong smon Dbu mdzad RGYAL MTSHAN YONGS 'DUS — 363 120.6.

Cog ro RGYAL MTSHAN G.YANG MGON — Mthong khyab kyi khod dpon (minister of spies) under Khri srong lde btsan.  28 76.  Actually, the Mthong khyab has to be the ethnonym.  Uray, Narrative 42.

Zug ston RGYAL MTSHAN G.YUNG DRUNG — 253 II 401.4.

RGYAL MTSHAN RIN CHEN — Bonpo.  Bio. in 148 91.4; 253 II 346.1 ff.

Yang ston RGYAL MTSHAN RIN CHEN  — Founder of Bsam gling Monastery in Dol po.  Heller, Hidden 35, where she dates the founding to the early 13th century.

Gnas rnying pa RGYAL MTSHAN RIN CHEN — (1393‑1456?)  Successor of (Gnas rnying pa) Rin chen rgyal mtshan in Ras chung Snyan brgyud.  His bio. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan in 74 I 259‑272.

RGYAL MTSHAN LEGS — Bon abbot in 1610.  TS7 I 332.

Chos rje RGYAL MTSHAN LEGS GRUB PA — Became abbot in 1466.  D. 1471.  CFMS 95.

RGYAL MTSHAN SENG GE — Rgyal mtshan seng ge'i Sku gdung Rten bzhengs kyi Dkar chag, by Rong po Blo bzang phrin las, listed in BLP no. 0576.

RGYAL MTSHAN SENG GE — (1678‑1756).  B. in Zam tsha'i Ka de'u mgo.  53rd Khri thog of Dga' ldan (from 1732‑1738).  128 940.

Khri RGYAL MTSHAN SENG GE — His bio. by Dbyangs can dga' ba'i blo gros listed in BLP no. 0201.  A work listed in BLP no. 1251.

'Bro RGYAL MTSHAN SENG GE — (7th/8th cent.?)  TS7 I 270.

Gtsos Khri chen RGYAL MTSHAN SENG GE — Bio. by Gtsos Bstan pa rgyal mtshan (a print of Stag tshang Lha mo) listed in BLP no. 1672.

RGYAL MTSHAN LHA SNANG — Scherrer‑Schaub in JIABS 25 (2002) 289‑290.  Dotson, Note 84.

Sku bsrung pa RGYAL MTSHAN LHUN GRUB — 17 IV 492.3.

Rme'u RGYAL MTSHAN LHUN GRUB — Work in 260 341‑344.

RGYAL 'DZOM — A supposed ancient and very secret society in the Himalayas that possessed knowledge of technologies far ahead of its time.  This includes light bulbs and cell phones.  The probably nearly entirely imaginary account is found in Captain V. D'Auvergne, "My Experiences in Tibet," J. of the Bihar & Orissa Research Soc., vol. 26, pt. 2 (1940).  Interesting that the author does seem to know some real Tibetan vocabulary.  On p. 104 he says that "Gyal‑dzom" means 'King or Royal Power', but I think the more correct explanation would be Royal Assembly or Assemblage (based of course on my understanding that the 'correct' spelling would be rgyal 'dzom).

RGYAL ZHAD MA — Kværne 220.


Bram ze RGYAL BZHES — Aris, Discourse 39.

Zhang RGYAL ZIGS — A famous general, member of the Mchims clan.  Dotson, Note 83.  See also H. Uebach's article "Tibetan Officials in the 8th-Century Southeastern Part of the Empire," at p. 58.

Blon Chen po RGYAL GZIGS — Longer name: Rgyal gzigs Shu theng.  Scherrer‑Schaub in JIABS 25 (2002) 289.  Dotson, Note 84.

Gyer spungs RGYAL GZIGS GSAS CHUNG — Also, (Pha ba).  Bio. in 206 558.2 ff, 559.4.  248 31.5.

Blon RGYAL BZANG — Hoernle, Manuscript Remains of Buddhist Literature Found in Eastern Turkestan, p. 402 ff.

RGYAL BZANGS — BA 239, 812.  Mas dro Rgyal bzang in Vai.Ser. 158.


RGYAL 'OBS BSTAN 'DZIN Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 421

RGYAL 'OBS BSTAN 'DZIN DBANG RGYAL — (20th cent.) Head of Khyung mo Mon. (Bon po). Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 423.  Berounsky, Murdered 40, supplying his birthdate as 1928.

Zhang RGYAL YON — 17 II 389.3.

RGYAL RABS — See (— —) Me long Gsal byed.  (— —) Yig tshang Gsal ba'i Me long.  (— —) Gser gyi Phreng ba.

RGYAL RABS RIM BYUNG GI MING — N. of Pelliot tibétaine 1286 (studied in the famous article by Macdonald).

RGYAL RABS GSAL BA'I ME LONG — Famous historical work.  156Vogel (1981).  Articles in TJ vol. 3, no. 3.  Review of Kuznetsov's edition in Archiv Orientalni 35 (1967).  Several texts have been published.  Two English translations have been completed, including one by Per Sørensen.


RGYAL RI U RGYAN SMIN GROL GLING — See Loseries in TS7 II 589.  Bon mon. founded by Mi 'gyur rgyal mtshan.

Bla ma RGYAL RIN — Kuijp in TH&L 312.


RGYAL RONG PA — See (— — —) Blo bzang smon lam.  (— — —) G.yung drung rgyal mtshan.


RGYAL LUG LHAS — BA 75, 76, 88.

'Phan yul RGYAL LUGS LHA KHANG — F. by (Sna nam) Rdo rje dbang phyug in 1012.  =Rgyal Lha khang (?).  Dhongthog 117.

RGYAL LUNG PHU BA CHUNG BA — In Guhyasamāja lineage.  BA 426.

RGYAL LUNG PHU BA CHEN PO — In Guhyasamāja lineage stemming from Ro mnyam rdo rje.  BA 426.

Sman gong pa Mar ston RGYAL LEGS — Bio. by Zhang btsun 'Bar tang pa in SFHB 374‑388.  253 II 232.5.  Born in 1123, acc. to Kværne no. 93.

RGYAL LEGS BSHAD SGROGS PA'I DGA' TSHAL — Epithet of Bkra shis lhun grub Gtsug lag khang (q.v.).

Bya ston RGYAL SHE — 115 8.4.

Spa RGYAL SHES — 253 II 386.5.

RGYAL GSHEN — See (— —) Mi lus bsam legs.

Dge ba'i Bshes gnyen RGYAL SENG — Disc. of Phag mo gru pa.  476 III 216.3.

RGYAL SRAS — N. apparently reconstructed from the Chinese version, Juesiluo.  Lived from 997‑1065, acc. to TS7 I 395.  Ruled over Tsong kha at Khri ga.  Schaik, M&T 66.

RGYAL SRAS — Names taken in conjunction with the Bodhisattva vows are often prefixed with the titles of Rgyal sras or Byang sems.  23 56‑57.

RGYAL SRAS — Series of incarnations of Dge lugs pa.  332 preface 16, has a list.  See (— — iii) Don yod chos kyi rgya mtsho.  Rgyal sras Sku 'phreng gi Rnam thar would seem to be a collective biography; see BLP no. 0578.

RGYAL SRAS — As a title, =Byang sems.  See (— —) Thogs med dpal bzang po.  (— —) Blo bzang ngag dbang thogs med bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho.  (— —) Yon tan 'od.

RGYAL SRAS DGON — A fairly large (350 monks) mon. in Mdo stod.  Illus. of empty nimbus in Precious Deposits II 240‑1.

RGYAL SRAS SPRUL SKU — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 115.4.  See (— — — — ii) Kun dga' rgyal mtshan.  (— — — —) 'Gyur med rdo rje.  (— — — —) Gzhan phan mtha' yas.

Mkhas chen RGYAL SRAS BZANG PO — (late 1300's or 1400's).  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 154.  Pictured in 128 90A, 95A.  Bio. in 165 I 639.  TS5 53.

RGYAL SRAS BZOD PA — See BLP no. 0026.

RGYAL SRAS RAL GRI — See Mengele, dGe 50.

RGYAL SRAS RIN PO CHE — Incarnation of Śāntideva.  Lineage of reincarnations at Chos sdings.  Ferrari 120.  Bernbaum 71.  One of them died in 1674, aged 27.  458 I 137.4.

Sho RGYAL SRAS LEGS PA — See (—) (— — — —) Dpal ldan shes rab.

RGYAL SRAS SEMS DPA' — Rgyal sras sems dpa'i Rnam thar, by Kun dga' grol mchog, listed in BLP no. 0582.

RGYAL SRAS LHA RJE — Name of the 2nd son of Mu tig btsan po.  He is regarded as a prior rebirth of a number of gter stons.

Pho brang RGYAL GSER SGANG — Vai.Ser. 183.

RGYAL BSE — N. of Se Spyil bu pa Chos kyi rgyal mtshan.  367 II 127.1.

RGYAL LHA KHANG — BA 87‑92, 263, 306, 330, 346, 405, 475, 783, 1055.  F. by (Zhang Sna nam) Rdo rje dbang phyug (q.v.) in 1012.  About 40 kms. NW of Lha sa.  56 90.  'Phan yul Rgyal Lha khang burned by Mongols.  208 217.5.  Vai.Ser. 147.  Rahula S. & Gendun Choephel visited it, and found Tibetan books in old orthography and an Indian style Maitreya, human sized, made of stone, with a donor's inscription.  See its location in the map in Roesler, KSP 11, and history at p. 24.

Gtsang RGYAS SDE THANG — Place in Gtsang where Thang stong stayed, and where he received his name.  5 74.

Drang srong RGYAS PA — Vyāsa.  Eimer, Dbyangs 54.

RGYAS BYED — Composition of Vyāsa.  N. of Mahābhārata.  TS5 140.


RGYAS LU — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 122.4.


RGYAS SA SGANG — BA 319.  See Rgya sa sgang.

RGYU SKAR DPAL GYI ROL PA —  "O rgyan gyi dur khrod."  17 II 304.5.


RGYU YI MCHOG — N. of a Buddha.  TPS 517.

RGYU NE — Bka' brgyud mon. in E Tibet.  Tucci, Religions 92.

RGYU SA — BA 696.

RGYUG RTA — Gyugti.  N. of a river in Mnga' ris; also, n. of a pass N of Sgar thog.  See 79 78 no. 32.

Mal la RGYUNG DKAR NAG — ?  Pl.n.  206 558.6.


RGYUNG YAR MU KHYUD — Bonpo, bio. in 253 II 135.4.

RGYUNG SRUB SHEL BRAG — 253 II 582.1.  Gyung srung Shel dkar gyi Brag & Rgyung srung Shel dkar gyi Brag. ZZFC 255.

RGYUD — "Tantra."  The usual tantra classifications of the New Translations schools are 1) Kriya — ritual bathing and purification.  2) Carya — has both philosophical analysis and practical application.  3) Yoga — has generation and completion stage evocations of deities.  4) Anuttarayoga (or more correctly Yoganirottara) — liberation through ripening of previous karmic propensities and releasing them into the sphere of Voidness.  Sog bzlog pa II 237.  See also p. 238, where 10 deciding factors for a Tantra are listed:  1) Lha.  2) Spyod.  3) Ting nge 'dzin.  4) Dbang.  5) Sngags.  6) Phyag rgya.  7) Dkyil 'khor.  8) 'Phrin las.  9) Nyams rtags.  10) Sa lam Rim.  An alternative list with explanations given also.

RGYUD CHEN — See (— —) Kun dga' don grub.

RGYUD STOD GRWA TSHANG — Has printery.  162 202.  This is the "Upper Tantric College."  Dkar chag in 162 162‑171.  Beyer xiii.  For a story of how they split off from the Rgyud smad, see Thuken 290.

RGYUD STOD LCAGS MKHAR — Printery.  162 201.

RGYUD STON — See (— —) Ra dza.

RGYUD 'DREN — Kværne 223, 225.  Rgyud 'dren sgron me.  352 763.7 ff.

RGYUD SDE KUN BTUS — A large collection of tantric texts on initiation into the 132 maṇḍalas of the Sa skya pa tradition, printed in 30 volumes with 2 vol. supplement (Kha skong).  349.

RGYUD SDE LNGA RIGS BSDUS — Shangs pa teaching.  349 XXI.

RGYUD SDE SPYI'I RNAM PAR BZHAG PA — One by Glo bo Mkhan chen.  SBTD I 79, 89.

RGYUD BU CHUNG KHYUNG CHEN LDINGS PA'I RGYUD — Bon tantra in 258 I 445‑499. 

RGYUD BU CHUNG BCU GNYIS —  See Karmay, Great Perfection 222, and now also Donatella Rossi's translation of the text in her book.

RGYUD BLA MA'I BSTAN BCOS — Theg pa chen po Rgyud Bla ma'i Bstan bcos zhes bya ba'i Mchan 'grel, by Gzhan dga' Gzhan phan chos kyi snang ba, xylographic prints from blocks preserved at the Simtokha (Sems rtogs kha) in Bhutan (1976).

RGYUD 'BUM GSER GYI MCHOD SDONG — Rgyud 'bum Gser gyi Mchod sdong gi Lo rgyus Dkar chag Tshangs pa'i Gandi, by Mi pham bsod nams rgya mtsho snying stobs mchog gi sde, listed in BLP no. 0597.

RGYUD SMAD GRWA TSHANG — "Lower Tantric College."  Near Mo ru Mon. in NE corner of Lha sa.  Had printery.  162 202.  Dkar chag in 162 154‑162.  It moved to its present location in the 1720's.  See Alexander, Temples 156 ff, which says that its earlier location hasn't been identified (its monk residence and printing house both disappeared in 1980 in order to build Beijing Road.  The number of its monks, since time of Khang chen nas, has been limited to 555, and an equal number of iron begging bowls were kept there.

RGYUD BZHI — The main treatise and 'scripture' of Tibetan medical practice.  In four parts:  1) Rtsa Rgyud.  2) Bshad Rgyud.  3) Man ngag Rgyud.  4) Phyi Rgyud.  3 11.  Excavated by (Grwa pa) Mngon shes (1012‑1090).  23 10.  124 492.1.  Comm. in 212 IX.  A. Sárközi article in T&BS II 249‑279.  Reproduction of 1888 Lhasa Lcags po ri blocks publ. (Delhi 1978).  For what may be the earliest verifiable ref. to this medical scripture, with the given title Gso sman Rgyud Bzhi, see Kuijp, ZH 24, showing it must have existed around 1150.

RGYUD GSUM PA — Stein, Tibetica Antiqua I 173.

RGYUN 'BRU'I CHU — Das 413 no. 5.

RGYUN SHES KYI BU — Ātreya.  See Rgun shes.  One of 8 descendants of the devas with a human mother.  They each composed a medical work which together are called the Tsa ra ka Sde Brgyad.  The others were called Me bzhin 'jug, Thang la 'bar, Dka' gnyis spyod, Mu khyud 'dzin, 'Gro skyong gi bu, Gshol 'gro skyes, Nam so skyes.  3 12.  He was a learned doctor at Taxila, the court physician to King Padma dpal.

RGYUS — Family n. for ancestors of O rgyan pa.  BA 697.  115 8.1 etc.  Evidently derived from the pl.n. Rgyu sa.  BA 696.

RGYUS — See (—) Smon lam grags pa.

RGYUS DKAR BA — See (— — —) Kun dga' gzhon nu.

RGYUS NAG — See (— —) Bde gshegs.

LGA — Tibetan family.  Das.  Spelling variant for Gra (q.v.).

SGA — Gdung rus of (Kaḥ thog) Dam pa bde gshegs.  Dhongthog 64.  Clan of Phag mo gru pa.

SGA KHRA 'GU RI KHROD — 363 29.6.

SGA GONG — BA 443.

Mi nyag SGA'I DGON PA — See (— — — — —) Bde chen.

SGA RJE — See (— —) Tshe dbang lha mo.

SGA RJE KHAMS SPRUL — See (— — — —) 'Jam dbyangs don grub.

SGA RJE KHAMS GZHUNG — Garje Khamzhung Monastery.  Garje, Memories 61 etc.

SGA RJE DPON TSHANG — A 'princely' family with a history of Rnying ma connections.  Tshe dbang lha mo belonged to this family.  23 24.

SGA RJE BLA MA — See (— — — —) Gsang sngags bstan 'dzin.

SGA STOD — A gnas yig in 239 XXX 205‑213.  441 I 12.3.

SGA STOD — See (— —) Jo bo ri.

SGA STOD GNAS BZANG BA — See (— — — — —) Dge 'dun.

SGA STOD ZUR DGON — 346 108.5.  Prob. the Zur Mon. mentioned in Jackson, Patron 16, 17.

SGA STON — See (— —) Ngag dbang legs pa.  (— —) Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan (ca. 14th cent.).


SGA 'DRA — A mon.  BA 96, 657.  Rga 'dra in 124 489.4.  CFMS 79.

SGA BA BLA MA — See (— — — —) 'Jam dbyangs rgyal mtshan.

SGA ZHE 'JONG DGON — 346 100.2.

SGA 'OD ZER DGON — 346 108.2.

SGA LO — A Kālacakra master (a disciple of 'Jam gsar in the 'Bro lineage) whose bio. is told in the Dge ye History (fol. 39).  He was b. in Rong dben dmar, son of Dbang phyug chos kyi 'od zer...  He was born in a Water Pig year (1203), and studied with Sa skya Paṇḍi ta among others, dying at age 80 (i.e., in about 1282).  Sometimes called Rong po Sga Lo, to keep him distinguished from Mi nyag Rga Lo.

SGA LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — —) Karma bdud rtsi.

SGA LHA RTSE — 415 XI 110.4.

SGANG — BA 545.  =Spo 'bor sgang.

SGANG DKAR — N. of a family.  116 280.3.


SGANG DGU — Maraini 198.

SGANG RGAD — See (— —) 'Od zer rgyal mtshan.

Ngom tsha SGANG SGYOGS GDENG DGON — Vai.Ser. 258.

SGANG SNGON — Gangon.  149 preface.  N. of a mon. in Ladakh f. by ('Bri gung) Kun dga' rin chen.  357 preface. For a golden manuscript kept there, see Sobisch, Dissert. (chap. 14): La dwags 'Bri gung Dgon Sgang sngon Bkra shis chos rdzong Dgon gyi Phyag dpe 'Bri gung Gser phreng Gser chos Bris ma.  Sgang sngon Bkra shis chos rdzong, mon. in Ladakh.  DTK5 189.


SGANG TOG — Also, Sgang thog.  "Hilltop."  Gangtok, main city of Sikkim.

STANG STENG SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Bstan 'dzin legs pa'i don grub.

SGANG THOG — Gangtok.

Gnyal SGANG THOG — BA 326.

SGANG DRUG — Geographical term.  167 419.2.  The 6 divisions of A mdo and Khams.  Tsha ba sgang is one of them.  See Das 102‑103.  Listed in 380 38.1.

Chos rje SGANG PA — See (Gangs pa) Rin chen 'od zer (1175‑1249).

SGANG BA RIN PO CHE — (recent)  Barlocher 174‑176, 186, 761.

SGANG ZA LHA MO — Vitali in Lungta, vol. 16 (Spring 2003), p. 4.

SGANG RA — BA 297.

SGANG RA LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — — —) 'Od zer rgyal mtshan.

SGANG RU — See (— —) Dar rgyas Dgon.  (— —) Byang tha'i Dgon.

SGANG RU DPON SLOB — See (— — — —) Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.

SGANG LUGS — A school of Phyag rgya chen po.  BD of T&TB III 334.  BA 142.

SGAM CHEN PHA WANG — A trickster type of figure.  Huber in N‑T I 266 ff.

SGAM PA RDZONG — 56 76, plate 55.

SGAM PO — BA 458‑471, 476‑477, 490, 498, 558‑559, 574, 607, 642, 662, 668, 672, 704, 718‑719, 737, 1040.  Sgam po Khri gdung Rnam thar Baidūrya'i 'Phreng ba, listed in BLP no. 0598.

SGAM PO DKAR PO — "White old man," or "Wise white man."  Santa Claus?!  See Heissig 76.  I think Heissig confused Rgan po with Sgam po, although the mistake is an interesting one.

SGAM PO DAR — Pl. where Karma gling pa excavated the Bar do Thos grol.  9 8.  See following.

SGAM PO GDAR — A mt. in the east where Sgam po pa went to meditate and teach, after staying with Milarepa.  4 239A.4, 239B.4.  I believe this is somehow identical to Dwags lha Sgam po (q.v.).  See Cuevas, Hidden History 220, where it is said to be a minor peak belonging to Dwags lha Sgam po, a mountain range which is said to be identical to Sgam po Dpal ri and Sgam po Gangs.


SGAM PO PA — See under Zla 'od gzhon nu (1079‑1153) for the most famous person by this name. 

SGAM PO PA — See (— —) Chos kyi rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Nor bu brgyan pa (1599‑ ).  (— —) Dpal 'byor dbang phyug.  (— —) Zla 'od gzhon nu (1079‑1153).  (— —) Bsod nams rin chen (1079‑1153).  (— —) Bsod nams lhun grub (1488‑1552).  (— —) O rgyan 'gro 'dul gling pa.

SGAM PO PA — (— — v) 'Jam dpal phrin las dbang po (b. 1757).

SGAM PO RIN PO CHE — See (— — — — —) Chos kyi seng ge.

SGAM SPRUL — See (— — v) Bstan pa'i nyi ma.

SGAM SMYON — See (— —) Phyag rdor nor bu.

SGAM RI CHU — ISTS 19 n. 13.


SGAR — For a list of temples in this area of western Tibet, see  Vitali, Tho.ling 153.



SGAR DGUN SA — Gargunsa or Gar Dzong.  Winter government headquarters of W Tibet, N of Sgar thog.  Wylie 120 n. 59.

Khams SGAR DGON — See Khams sgar Dgon.

SGAR CHEN — See (— —) Mthu stobs dbang phyug.

SGAR CHEN — Collected Karma pa rites for propitiation of local and mt. deities, publ. 1981, with the title Sgar chen Phyag bzhes Bsang brngan+.

SGAR THOG — Gartok.  In Mnga' ris.  Site of autumn (August) market where traders camp.  It has only a few stone houses which go under the name Phan bde Khang sar (q.v.).  79 77 no. 27.  Also called Sgar Dbyar sa (q.v.).  Pl. in E Tibet, =Smar khams, acc. to Stein, Recherches 131.

SGAR PA GRA TSHANG — Vai.Ser. 166‑167.

SGAR PA SDE PA — Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 116.

SGAR PA RI KHROD — Has printery.  162 201.

SGAR BRIS — School of art deriving  from the Bkra shis (q.v.) school.  23 38 ff.  See under Karma Sgar bris in Dung dkar 26.

SGAR DBYAR SA — N. of government 'summer residence' headquarters in W Tibet.  =Sgar thog.  See Wylie 120 n. 59.

SGAR RDZONG — For temples in this area, see  Vitali, Tho.ling 153.

SGAR GSAR — See (— —) Theg chen chos mdzod.

SGI SNA DGON — BD of T&TB VII 293.  415 XI 116.5.

SGIS SNA SPRUL SKU — 346 127.2.  415 XI 137.5.

SGU RAB PA — BA 1089.

SGUR CHUNG — Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 2, p. 240.  Jinpa, Mind Training 477.

SGE'O CHE — See under Ma bdun pa.

SGE RA — A hamlet 5 or 6 miles below A lci (q.v.) in La dwags.  14 19.

SGEG PA'I RDO RJE — Lalitavajra (sometimes Sanskritized as Līlavajra, but wrongly, as Davidson has shown).  "A Buddhist sage of ancient India who visited Udyāna and spread Buddhism there."  Das 322.  17 II 410.1.  Pictured in 320 VIII 2.  BD of T&TB I 262, 264‑265.  Disc. of Ku ku rā dza.  B. in Ṇaṃ ṇa ra.  His rab byung n. was Byang chub mchog gi skal pa dang ldan pa; also called Sna tshogs gzugs can.  BD of T&TB I 542.  484 II 654.7 ff.  Author of a comm. on Gsang ba Snying po called Spar khab  27 68.  For a copy, see 199320 XV 96.7.  List of names in BD of T&TB I 958.

SGEG PA'I ZHABS — See Lī la pa.

SGEG MO RDO RJE — See Bi la sra badzra.


SGER PA RJE DRUNG RIN PO CHE — See (— — — — — — —) Grwa thang Mkhan chen.

SGER RTSE — For a list of temples in this area of western Tibet, see  Vitali, Tho.ling 153.

SGO — Pl.n.  BA 501.  Acc. to Btsan-lha, it can be a clan name as well.

SGO — See also (Zhang zhung) Sgo (=Sgo pa'i Yul).

G.ya' ri SGO LNGA — Stearns, King 135.

Shab SGO LNGA — BA 929.  17 II 340.4.  Das 1231.

SGO LCOGS SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Nges don bstan 'dzin chos kyi dbang po.

SGO STON — See (— —) Rgyal mtshan 'od zer.  (— —) Nyi ma rgyal mtshan.

A myes SGO LDONG — Prins in ZAS XXXVI (2007) 192 ff.

Dwags po SGO PA — See Sgo smyon.  23 40.

Zhang zhung SGO PA'I YUL — 253 II 572.1.

Lha sa SGO PHU — ?  24 390.3.

SGO MA RTSE DKAR — A gtsug lag khang in Bya yul.

SGO MANG — As n. of a certain type of mchod rten (see IT I) & especially one at Rgyal rtse, see Wylie 70, 139 n. 219.  JTL&CT 88‑89.  Tucci, Lhasa 41.  TPS 666.

SGO MANG MKHAN CHEN — See (— — — —) Blo bzang chos dar.

SGO MANG GRWA TSHANG — One of 4 colleges of 'Bras spungs.  Ferrari 97.  BA 406.  Das 46.  Printery. 162 186.

Tshar ston SGO MANGS PA — Ordinator of Stag lung thang pa.  17 II 546.5.

SGO MO — Padma dkar po stayed there.  1 27.

Sprul sku SGO MO — (1838‑?)  BD of T&TB V 567.

SGO MO CHOS RJE — See (— — — —) Shākya rin chen.



SGO MO BA — A Zhi byed teacher of Sgra tshad pa Rin chen rnam rgyal.

SGO SMYON —  =(Dwags po Sgo pa Zhal ngo) Karma srid bral (q.v.).

SGO BTSUN — See (— —) Dar ma rgyal mtshan.  (— —) G.yung drung rin chen.

SGO DZUNG — See (— —) Nam mkha' g.yung drung.  (— —) Blo gros rgyal mtshan.

SGO DZO — See (— —) Nam mkha' 'od zer.  (— —) Blo gros rgyal mtshan.

SGO BZHI — Village with ruins of a rdzong.  Between Rgyal rtse and Rwa lung.  JTL&CT 172.  Tucci, Lhasa 52.  Ferrari 141.  Schwieger in Kailash 18 (1996) 91.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 23.

SGO BZHI MDZOD LNGA — Categories of Bon teachings.  1) Dpon gsas — man ngag lung.  2) Chab nag — srid pa rgyud.  3) Chab dkar — drag po sngags.  4) 'Phan yul — mdo khungs 'Bum.  5) Gtsang ma Tho thog Spyi rgyug.  273A I 329.5 ff, II 36.6 ff.  TS5 529‑30.

SGO RIGS — See (— —) Khro ta wer zhi.

SGO RIGS NYI MING PA —  =(Mkhan chen) Nyi ma bstan 'dzin.  286 I 543‑546.

SGO RIS GRWA TSHANG — Guleisi.  Horlemann 142.

SGO RUM PA — See (— — —) Kun dga' legs pa.

SGO RUM GZIM SPYIL DKAR MO — Earliest temple at Sa skya, built by 'Khon.  Ferrari 148.  The name Sgo rum is said to be Zhang zhung for 'immoveable' (or 'not permitted to move').  See TPS 6.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 28 et passim, esp. 40 n. 56.  It had about two thousand books, including Chinese scrolls (these probably being the objects that weren't supposed to be moved).  Apparently it is no longer existing (Vitali circles it on an old photo of Sa skya).

SGO LA — See 'Phan po Sgo la.

SGO SHAR DGON — Vai.Ser. 255.

SGOG — Pl.n.  Kuijp, Contributions 29.

SGOG MKHAR BA — See (— — —) Bsod nams mgon po.

SGONG — N. of a country, prob. to be identified w/ Kong po.  Das 326.

SGONG — See (—) A drag rdza pa.

SGONG MA — BA 992.

'U sang SGOM DKAR — 253 II 420.4.

Dags po SGOM CHUNG — (d. 1171?)  Disc. of Sgam po pa, also called Shes rab byang chub.  BA 462‑463, 465‑466, 483.  Younger brother of Sgom tshul.  Died at age 44.  57 IIB 354.4.  17 II 524.4 ff.  According to his country, he was called Rong chung.  Bio. in 131 352 ff.  The "himalayanart" webpage (no. 418) has a thangka with him as central figure.  To his right is depicted Gcung Grags mdzes, while to his left is depicted Sgom Zhi mdzes.  For what must be a quite early painting of him, see Luczanits in Jackson, MB 174‑175.

Bal po SGOM CHUNG — Contemp. to Lce btsun.  LGCM 648.6.

SGOM CHEN 'BRUG PA — See under 'Brug pa.

SGOM CHEN SMON LAM — A disc. of Ras chung pa.  24 I 218.7.

Bla ma SGOM CHOS — One of 13 chief discs. of Ras chung pa.  BA 439.  A minor teacher of Gling ras pa.  24 I 219.5, 349.4.

Bra bo SGOM SNYAG — Bon gter ston253 II 221.2.

SGOM STON — See (— —) Dpal gyi rtse mo.

SGOM SDE — BA 406, 549, 550, 716.

SGOM SDE — See (— —) Dbang phyug blo gros.

Mtshal thang SGOM SDE SPRUL SKU — 458 I 23.1.

SGOM NAG BRAG — Pl.n.  5 136.3, 138.3, 138.6, 141.6.

SGOM PA — Title of officials governing 'Bri gung in early Ming period.  See Sperling, Dissertation 237 etc.

SGOM PA — A chief disc. of Sgam po pa who in his turn had a chief disciple named (Bla ma) Zhang, q.v.  18 137.  =(Dbon sgom) Tshul khrims snying po (q.v.).  Misspelled as Dgon pa in 24 I 358.1, 358.4.  =Sgom tshul (q.v.).

SGOM PA GRAGS LEGS — A 'Brug pa.  See BA 704.

Dgyer SGOM PA CHEN PO — (1090‑1171)  Bka' gdams pa.  Bio. in BD of T&TB V 114.  =(Dgyer sgom Chen po) Gzhon nu grags pa (q.v.).  F. Rin chen sgang in 1119.  Dhongthog 119.  484 I 857.2 ff.  BA 315.

SGOM PA 'PHEL — Father of Zhwa nag i.  356 58.3.

SGOM PA DBON PO — Title of (Dbon po) Rin chen (q.v.).

Lo ro SGOM PHAG GI DGON PA — Pl. where Sum pa stayed, in Lo ro.  24 I 361.3(?), 362.3.

Rtogs ldan SGOM 'BAR — 342 15.6.

Zhang ston SGOM MIN PA — Ordinator of Stag lung thang pa.  17 II 547.4.

Sreg ston SGOM BTSUN — See 23 8.

Dwags po SGOM TSHUL — (1116‑1169)  One of 4 chief discs. of Sgam po pa.  57 IIB 353.5, 354.2.  "Rje Sgam po pa'i yab mched."  Also called Tshul khrims snying po.  =Sgom pa.  Bio. BA 463.  For a Zhu lan w/ questions & answers of Sgom tshul and Sgam po pa, see 129 V, also found in Gsung 'bum of Sgam po pa.  356 59.6.  484 I 815.4.  Nephew of Sgam po pa.  His younger brother was Sgom chung.  The Lho rong Chos 'byung dates him to 1129‑1181.  See Schaeffer in JIP 28 (2000) 374.  For what must be a quite early painting of him, see Luczanits in Jackson, MB 174‑175.

Khams pa 'Brug SGOM ZHIG — 410 196A.5.  See 'Brug sgom Zhig po.

Rong lugs SGOM YIG CHEN MO — A group of Old Tibetan texts which were passed down through the Rong lugs transmission of Rnying ma pa school.  Listed in Gu ru Bkra shis2 II 224.3, 233.5, as follows:

1) Rnal 'byor Rig pa'i Nyi ma.

2) Bsam gtan Mig gi Sgron ma.

3) Bsam gtan Snying gi Nyi ma.

4) Brdar sha.

5) Gzer bu.

6) Zhu lan.

7) Khung gdab.

8) Rdo rje sems dpa'i Zhu lan. 

Nos. 6‑7 might be together a single title for a single text.

Zhang SGOM RI PA CHEN PO — DTK5 109.

SGOM RIN — Common way that Spyan snga Rin chen ldan signed his name to his works.

Drang srong SGOM RIN — 253 II 229.6.

SGOM RUM — See (— —) Kun legs.

Gsal stong SGOM SHOR — Disc. of Sgam po pa.  57 IIB 353.6, 354.6.  =(Gsal ldong) Sor re (q.v.).  =(Gsal stong) Sho sgom (q.v.).


SGOS KYI LHA KHANG — This is not a proper name, but Henss, CMT 128 completely misconstrues his English-language source.  Mtshal Gung thang itself was regarded as the 'private temple' of Qubilai Khan, and nothing was founded in 1323.

'Khon SGYI CHU BA — 17 II 401.3.  BD of T&TB X 93.2.


SGYU 'PHRUL BKA' LUGS — Germano in TS9 X 257.

Grong khyer SGYU 'PHRUL DGA' BA — Nine Ways 115.

SGYU 'PHRUL RGYA MTSHO — Tantra in 320 XV 339 ff.

SGYU 'PHRUL CHEN MO — Mahāmāyā.  Beyer 41.  For texts on same, see 90 III 175‑293.  4 212B.2 ff.  5‑deity.  349 XV.  SBTD I 13.

SGYU 'PHRUL SNYING PO BKOD PA — Tantra in 320 XVI 147 ff.

SGYU 'PHRUL THAL BA'I RGYUD — Title in 320 XV 427.7.

SGYU 'PHRUL DRWA BA — Rites & sādhanas in 194 III.  See Karmay, Great Perfection 148.  This refers to an entire group of Rnying ma Tantras, many in 320 XIV.  Tantra in 320 XIX 289 ff.  In 8,000 verses.  BD of T&TB I 259.

Lha mo SGYU 'PHRUL DRA BA CHEN PO — Tantra in 320 XV 2 ff.

SGYU 'PHRUL GSANG SNYING GI SKOR — N. of a teaching.  BD of T&TB III 330.  BA 103‑104, 107‑108.  See Gsang ba Snying po.  Tantra in Rnying ma Rgyud 'bum.  Part of Sems phyogs.  210 227.4.  Bibliography, see 374 II 368.6 ff.

Kun spangs SGYU MA'I GAR MKHAN — A 'Brug pa.  61 7A.1.  17 IV 156.3, 489.2.

SGYU RTSAL SHES — Kālāma.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 345.

SGYU RA SGANG — One of 6 sgang, 'districts', in Khams.  Das 103.

SGYU RI — See (— —) G.ya' ma g.yu ral.

SGYU LUS DBANG MO — Shangs pa teaching.  349 XXI.

SGYE'U RI — Name of mountain near Chos skor Dben pa'i Gtsug lag khang, where Steng Lo translated Toh. no. 4152.

SGYER SGOM KHU DBON — 17 II 377.4.  =Dgyer sgom (q.v.).

Gtsang Sgyer phu'i Dge bshes SGYER CHUNG PA CAN — 17 II 459.5.

SGYER STON — See (— —) Dbang nge.

SGYER PHU — See (Sgyer phu'i) Klog skya chen po.

SGYEL — BA 61.


SGRA GROGS — An ancient kingdom.  Roruka?  27 116.

SGRA SGROGS — Rauruka kingdom.  TPS 481.

SGRA SGYUR GLING — Building at Bsam yas.  87 I 51.4, 107.4.  132 94.1.

SGRA NGAN — May be misspelled Dgra ngan.  Kuru, Kaurava.  Roesler in Facets 162.

SGRA CAN — N. of a city visited by Buddha.  Banerjee, Sarvāstivāda Literature 95.  Nādika.  Snellgrove, SFN 400.

SGRA GCAN — See Newman in JIABS 21 (1998) 336.

Rgyal po SGRA GCAN 'KHOR LO — 352 346.11.

SGRA CAN ZIN — Rāhula.  A gnas brtan (q.v.).

SGRA CAN 'DZIN — See Rā hu la.  Picture in 128 1078.  KTDN 142.5.  Pictured in Rossi & Rossi, Beyond Lhasa pl. 16.

SGRA GCAN 'DZIN RDO RJE — Disc. of Ḍombi He ru ka.  BD of T&TB I 420.

Paṇḍi ta Chen po SGRA GCAN 'DZIN GZHON NU — BD of T&TB VII 154.  He was Vajrāsana Abbot in 15th cent., when Karma pa vii was invited to come there.

SGRA GCAN 'DZIN BZANG PO — (9th cent.)  Figures in early transmission of Rnying ma school.  Bio. in BD of T&TB III 26‑27.  BD of T&TB I 550‑551, 571‑572.  Klu sgrub took ordination under him at Nā lendra.  BD of T&TB III 28.  Contemporary of Sangs rgyas ye shes zhabs.

Dpal SGRA GCAN 'DZIN BZANG PO — Rahulaśrībhadra.  D. in his 90's in early 13th cent.  Abbot of Nalanda.  Chag 90.

SGRA GCAN 'DZIN BZANG PO CHUNG BA — (10th cent.)  Yang slob of Klu sgrub.  B. a Shudra.  BD of T&TB I 249‑250.


SGRA THAL 'GYUR CHEN PO'I CHOS RNAMS KUN GYI RTSA BA — Tantra in 320 X 386 ff.  This tantra is cited in Dge 'dun chos 'phel gyi Gsung rtsom (1990) I 264, for a passage with a 'Tibetanizing' etymology for sa ma ya (samaya):  sa zhes bya ba bskyed pa'i don // ma zhes bya ba ma nyams na // ya zhes bya ba g.ye gyur na...

SGRA MTHO — KB 37.3.

'Gu log Gser tha ba SGRA RDO RJE — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 117.5.

SGRA PA — See (— —) A mo gha pa.

SGRA DPUNG BTSAN — A king.  128 838.

SGRA PHAN — See (— —) Nor bu rgyal mtshan.

SGRA BLA — "Genies."  Nine Ways 57 ff.  =Dgra lha, evidently.

SGRA BLA GO BSANG — Clemente in TS6 127.

SGRA BLA'I RGYAL MO — Bon protector.  Text in 300 III 411‑425.  313 II 157‑167.  FM 369.36.

Stobs bcu'i dbang phyug SGRA DBYANGS MI ZAD SGROGS — Picture in 128 14.

SGRA DBYANGS LHA MO —  =Dbyangs can ma.  Das 913.

SGRA SBYOR ZHABS — See Dha ma pa.

SGRA TSHAD PA — See (— — —) Rin chen rnam rgyal.

Paṇḍi ta SGRA'I TSHER MA — "Grammar thorn."  Grammar teacher of 'Brom ston.  BA 252.  17 II 370.3.

G.yu thog SGRA GSER BZANG — The first dpon po of Zha lu Mon.  Ricca & Fournier in TJ 26 no 3/4 (Autumn 2001) 104.

SGRAGS — District on left bank of Gtsang po, above Bsam yas.  Tucci, Lhasa 119.  17 II 386.6., 387.2.  BA 198.  33.  Rdo rje brag Mon. located here.

SGRAGS — See (— kyi) Dkar po gong.  (—) Grang mo che.  (— kyi) Gzhogs stengs.  (—) Ri bo che.

SGRAGS PHU — BA 196.  Birthpl. of (Gnubs chen) Sangs rgyas ye shes in Central Tibet.  139 preface.

SGRAGS YANG RDZONG — Sgrags kyi Yang rdzong.  Hermitage of Gnubs chen Sangs rgyas ye shes.  Later on, Klong chen pa stayed there.  BD of T&TB III 805.  24 I 372.4.  87 I 136.3, 144.4.  Ferrari 46, 117 n. 162.  33 166.2. This is the place where the woman gter ston Kun dga' 'bum made her excavation of the Gsang ba Lam khyer.

SGRAGS YANG RDZONG SHEL GYI BRAG PHUG — For Thang stong's visit, see 5 203.  Sgrags Yang rdzong Shel gyi 'od gsal phug in 210 14.2 ff, 17.2.

SGRIB PA RNAM PAR GSAL — Pictured in 128 20.

SGRUB KHANG — See (— —) Dge legs rgya mtsho.  (— —) Blo bzang ngag dbang bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho.

SGRUB KHANG RIN PO CHE — (20th cent.)  Geshe Sopa's autobio. (2012) 99.

SGRUB KHANG RTSE —  =Se ra Rtse?  A small hermitage behind Se ra.  Ferrari 103.

SGRUB GRWA GSAR PA — 253 II 631.5.

Bla ma SGRUB BRGYUD RGYA MTSHO — 363 116.1.

Khams sprul V SGRUB BRGYUD NYI MA — (1781‑1847)  For Collected Writings, see 186.

Sangs rgyas mnyan pa vi SGRUB BRGYUD BSTAN DAR — This might be the Mchog sprul Sgrub rgyud bstan 'dzin dar rgyas mentioned as a behester in the colophon to De'u dmar Dge bshes' famous work on the arts.

SGRUB THABS SKOR LNGA — Teachings of 'Brug pa.  17 IV 313 ff.  383 293.5.

SGRUB CHEN RDO RJE — 116 323.2.

Bla ma SGRUB MCHOG BZANG PO — Secret name: A bo Dpal 'byor.  210 122.1 ff.

SGRUB THABS KUN BTUS — "A collection of sādhanas and related texts of the Vajrayāna traditions of Tibet," published by G.T.K. Lodoy, N. Gyaltsen & N. Lungtok (Dehradun 1970), in 14 volumes.  The contents of the volumes are as follows:  Vol. 1) Dkar po Lha Gsum.  Vol. 2) Rigs Gsum Mgon po. Shes rab kyi Lha+  3) Spyan ras gzigs. Phyag na rdo rje.  Sgrol ma.  4) Rnal 'byor Bla med Yi dam+ 5) Bde gshegs Chags bral.  Thugs dam gyi Yi dam+  6) Las Rgyas Lha Gsum.  Sdig Sgrib Zhi byed+ 7) Khrus Lha.  Rgyas Lha.  Gnyen Lha.  8) Gnyen Lha.  Nor Lha.  9)  Nor Lha.  Bstan srung+  10) Nyer mkho Sna tshogs+  11) Sna tshogs.  12‑14) Kha skong Gsar Bcug skor.

SGRUB THABS RGYA MTSHO — Sādhanasaṃgraha.  349 XXIII.

SGRUB THABS BE'U BUM — See (— — — —) Bstan bsrung A phyi.

SGRUB SDE — See Lha btsun Chen po.  Oldest mon. in Sikkim.  TR XV no. 10, p. 19.

SGRUB SDE SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Mi pham phrin las rgya mtsho.

SGRUB GNAS SO DRUG — Bon retreat places.  Listed in 253 II 579.3 ff.

SGRUB GNAS MKAR CHEN BRAG — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang.

SGRUB PA BKA' BRGYAD — "Padmasambhava's tutelary."  Waddell 72.  See under Bka' brgyad.

SGRUB PO CAN — Spirit.  KTDN 144.2.

SGRUB PA MTHAR PHYIN — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 266.  A Chinese from Xining, he came at the beginning of 20th cent. to Khyung mo Monastery, where he declared himself to be the Khyung mo Bla ma. Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 423.

SGRUB DPON — Head of a Sgrub khang, director of retreats.

SGRUB SPRUL — See (— —) Phrin las rgya mtsho.

SGRUB MTSHO PADMA GLING — Small Rnying ma mon. described in Ferrari 139.  Located in Lho brag.  Also, Sprul mtsho Padma gling.  5 198.6 (here it is actually a mtsho, 'lake').  240 353 ff.


SGRE PA — A person.  Beyer 387, 395, 418‑9, 466.

Jo mo SGRE MO —  =(Jo mo) Bgres mo (q.v.).


Rin spungs Rgyal bu SGRES PA — 208 232.3.

SGRO — N. of a clan which, along with the Rma clan, headed the Dbang ris of 'Phan yul Stong sde.  28 80.


SGRO STON — See (— —) Gnam la brtsegs.

Rgyal bu SGRO SPANGS —  =Btsun pa lde.  DTK5 94.

SGRO PHUG — Pl. in Tibet where Sgro phug pa built Sgro ston Lha khang.  DasBA 113.  See (Sgro phug) Mkha' 'gro Lha khang.  Zhang zhung Sgro phug, in 12 X 74.3.

Rig 'dzin SGRO PHUG PA — Also, (Gsang bdag).  Also, (Lha rje chen po) Sgro sbug pa.  (1074‑1134)  BA 122 ff.  Also called (Zur) Shākya seng ge, the name given him by his father, (Zur chung) Shes rab grags.  Dhongthog 108.  33 245.  BD of T&TB III 280.  His mother gave him the name Mda' tsha Hor po.  Picture in 320 XIX 561.

SGRO BA DGON — In Ban pa of Lho brag.  F. by Zla ba rgyal mtshan.  Tsong kha pa went there in 1395 and converted it to Dge lugs pa.  Ferrari 136.

SGRO SBUG — BA 125.  =Sgro phug.

SGRO LAG — BA 268.


SGROD LUNG PA — Disc. of Dung mtsho ras pa.  BA 720.

Mang wer za SGRON NE — Bonpo.  206 542.5.

Gtsang gi Jo mo SGRON NE — Disc. of Sum pa.  57 IIB 351.1.

SGRON MA DRUG — Six texts by Gnyan Dpal dbyangs included in the Tanjur, most titles ending in "Sgron ma."  Listed in Karmay, Great Perfection 66 n. 21.  'Od gsal Sgron ma Drug Bskor.  601 2v.3.

SGRON MA RNAM PAR BKOD PA'I RGYUD — Title in 320 V 301.5.

Dka' thub Rgyal po SGRON MA SNANG BYED — In Jātakas.  Pictured in 128 734.


SGRON MA TSHE RING — Given n. of Ma cig Lab sgron.  124 453.2.

SGRON MA MTSHO — Also, Sgron mtsho.  Consort of Grub be.  124 495.5.

SGRON MA 'DZIN — N. of Nyi ma 'od after she was converted.  17 II 240.

SGRON MA 'OD 'BAR GYI RGYUD — In 320 VI 243 ff.

SGRON MA GSAL BA — Indian text by Candrakīrti dealing with Guhyasamāja Tantra.  11 137 n. 46.


A lce SGRON 'DZOM — Hazod, Blauschaflinie 167.

SGRON GZER — In titles in 327.

SGROM RGYAL — 17 IV 222.3.


Dwags po SGROM MDA' GNAS GZHI — Vai.Ser. 168.

SGROM MDZOD DPAL GYI DBEN DGON — Bon mon. between Khams and Dbus.  206 589.3.

SGROL DKAR — For Dkar brgyud pa works on White Tārā, see 90 I 55 ff.

SGROL MGON PA — ?  Wylie 68.  See Kawamura, Golden Zephyr 44.

SGROL CHEN — See (— —) Sangs rgyas rin chen.

Khyung mong XXII SGROL PA MTHAR PHYIN — Described as a Chinese grong 'jug.  See photo in Bon‑sgo 21 (2008) 50.

SGROL PHUG KHRI PA — See (— — — —) Padma kun gsal.

SGROL BYED NAG MO — Tantra.  17 IV 336.1.

SGROL MA — Tārā.  Tāranātha's work in 164374 I 144 ff.  SBTD I 175‑176.  For an interesting image of a Tārā seated on a duck, see Precious Deposits V 76‑7.  Sgrol ma'i Ngo mtshar Rnam thar Cung zad Gtam du Bya ba Dad pa'i Sa bon, by Tāranātha listed in BLP nos. 0614, 0935.

SGROL MA SKYABS — A history teacher by this name received, in 2006, a 10‑year prison sentence for writing (not publishing) a book called 'Turbulent Himalayas'.

Lho bdag po SGROL MA SKYABS — DTK5 125.

Nag mo SGROL MA SKYID — Kuijp in TH&L 280.

SGROL MA RGYAN MED — For story of this Tārā image "without ornaments'' at Nalanda, see Chag 92.

Grub mtshams Mkhan chen SGROL MA RGYAL MTSHAN — 116 302.6.

SGROL MA CAN GYI SDE — Author of Toh. no. 1208.

Bka' gdams pa'i SGROL MA BCU GNYIS — Listed in  Dung dkar 167.  These are not strictly speaking Tārās, but feminine divinities of various types.

SGROL MA PHUG — Don phug, or Drömabuk.  Just N. of Gtsang po, W of Bkra shis lhun po.  Ferrari 158.

SGROL MA PHO BRANG — A branch of Sa skya due to a schism that occurred in about 1775.  See also Phun tshogs Pho brang.  See 84 230.

SGROL MA PA — Two brothers of Rta nag.  373 preface.

SGROL MA BA — See (— — —) Bsam 'grub rdo rje.

Ldan stod SGROL MA BRAG RTSA — Birthpl. of 'Bri gung Skyobs pa.  Short account of this place in 137 571‑580.

SGROL MA BLA MTSHO — In Tsa ri.  17 IV 226.1.

SGROL MA DBYANGS 'DZOM — See Mengele, dGe, esp. p. 131.  She was b. in about 1884 in Brag g.yab, Khams.  She married William Henry Luff, a British army sargeant (he died in about 1942 or 43).

SGROL MA 'BUM — Mother of Buddhaśrī (the Tibetan by this name), to whom she gave birth in 1338.  See Kuijp, KPTB 28‑29.

SGROL MA LA — N. of a pass at Mt. Kailash.  Pilgrims here offer a torn piece from their own clothes.  Has a tomb called "Tomb of the Ascetic."  56 55.  Combe 169.

Bar skor SGROL MA LHA KHANG — 438 VII 442.5 ff.


Dbang po BRGYA BYIN — Indra.  4 225A.1.  Pictured in 128 702, 1130; 320 VII 583.

BRGYA BYIN DGA' — Epithet of Arjuna, the Pāṇḍava.  Das 98.

Rgyal po BRGYA BYIN RĀ TSA — King of O rgyan.  87 I 14.1.  Brgya byin byang chub is said to reflect a wrong reading of Indrabhūti's name in Sa paṇ, Sdom Gsum (1971) 91A.4.


BRGYA TSHO BCU GSUM — TS7 II 1028.  Post‑Mongol divisions of the area of Mang yul.  DTK5 100.


BRGYA ZHING BSTAN RGYAS GLING — Bon mon. in Amdo with 15 monks.  253 II 637.2.

BRGYA BZHI'I CHO GA — Rite of Gnubs tradition.  87 LXIX.  A revelation of Gter bdag gling pa.  233 215‑250.  243 IV 909 ff.  SBTD I 138.  Discussed by Blondeau in Annuaire EPHE v section, Sciences Religieuses 94 (1985‑1986) 145‑154.  Karmay, Arrow 343.

Gnas chen BRGYA YAB — Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 44.  It is supposed to mean 'father of a hundred holy places'.

BRGYA LO TSĀ BA — (d. 1041)  See Rgya Lo tsā ba, which is the more correct form.  BD of T&TB III 277.  Went with Nag tsho Lo tsā ba to invite Atiśa to Tibet.  He died suddenly in Nepal on the way back to Tibet with Atiśa.

BRGYAG BRNGAM — N. of a Bon deity.  Das 341.

BRGYAD GLING TSHOGS PA — At Grwa nang.  Ferrari 133.

Mdo sde BRGYAD BRGYA PA — A remarkable ms. version of this scripture may be found illus. in Precious Deposits V 38‑9.

BRGYAD STONG PA — An especially elaborate manuscript done in time of Dalai Lama v, illus. in Precious Deposits IV 133‑9.

BRGYAD SDE PA — See (— — —) Dge 'dun rgyal mtshan.

BRGYAD 'BUM GSAR — See 58 928, 933 ff.

BRGYAR GYES — Epithet of Gtsang po River.  Das 418.

BRGYUD 'DREN — One of the Sku sras brgyad (q.v.).

BRGYUD DPAL RI — Mt. in Lho brag where Dus gsum mkhyen pa went.  35 I 7.


BRGYE'U RJE — See (— —) Khri tang 'or to khra can.


Me nyag BSGOM RING — Disc. of Phag mo gru pa who f. 'Bri gung Thel (Byang gling Rdo rje gdan) in 1179.  Dhongthog 120.  Made image of Phag mo gru pa.  476 IV 85.2.

BSGOM RIM — Work by Kamalaśīla.  See Öbermiller article in TJ II no. 1, pp. 28‑34.  See ZDMG 115 (1965) 309‑319.  RSO 39 (1964) 211‑242.

BSGYUR BON — According to a Chos tradition (beginning from the polemic of Dbon Sher 'byung), the 3rd stage of Bon history beginning with Srong btsan sgam po down to the time of Tsong kha pa.  Das 879.

Rdzogs chen BSGRAGS PA SKOR GSUM — Redisc. by Gzhod ston in 1088.  See 264253 II 387.4 ff.  352 743.10 ff.  Das 807.  383 418.3.  Blondeau 110.





NGA RGYAL CAN — See Ma hi la pa.

NGA DANG — Military regiment centered in Gyantse.  Goldstein, History 67.

NGA DRUG — BA 229.

NGA 'DRA MA — "Resembles me."  N. of a statue of Tsong kha pa in the Jo khang.  See Wylie 80, 154 n. 366.  Essais 174. Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 110.  Apparently, it's also name of an image of Guru Rinpoche that once stood in the central temple at Samye.  For an image of Srong btsan, called Chos rgyal Nga 'dra ma, see Henss, CMT 77.

NGA PHOD — N. of a house near Zhol at Lhasa.  See Mengele, dGe 63.

NGA PHOD — See (— —) Phun tshogs rab brtan.

Bka' blon NGA PHOD — BD of T&TB VII 300.

NGA PHOD DGE RGAN — See (— — — —) Padma dgyes pa.

NGA MIN 'CHOS PO — Berounsky, Lapsed 189, etc.

NGA YAM — Kind of sprite.  Beyer 294.

Chu NGA RO WA — "Roaring river."  In Mnga' ris.  An affluent of the Mangnang.  79 74 no. 12.

NGA LAS NU — In Jātaka.  128 758.  TPS 446.

Mkhan po NGAG DGA' — Also, Ngag chung.  'Endearing' names for Ngag dbang dpal bzang (b. 1879).  39 1.

Ngag gshen NGAG CHIG — Stein in McKay, History of Tibet I 599.

Mkhan po NGAG CHOS — Pod chen Drug gi 'Bel gtam (Thimphu 1979).

Glud bon NGAG SNYAN — Bellezza, L&T 51, 55.

NGAG GI RDO RJE — Excavated Phyag rdor Dmod pa Drag sngags in 87 LIV.  11th rab byung.  383 221.2.  Aka (Ja pa Gter ston) Bya btang sku mchog.

NGAG PHUG KO SA — 5 37.3.  Apparently same as the Ngam phug Ko sa in 5 68.6.

NGAG BLA — See (— —) Padma bdud 'dul.

NGAG BLO RIN PO CHE — Ngag blo Rin po che, Sa skya'i Sngon 'gro'i Khrid yig Thar lam Gsal sgron, Then mā Dpe skrun khang (Zhang kang 2002), in 32 pp.

'Phyongs rgyas Bla mkhyen NGAG DBANG — Author of Sngon med kyi Bstan bcos Bai dūrya Dkar po las 'Phros pa'i Snyan Sgron Nyis brgya dang Brgyad pa.

NGAG DBANG KUN DGA' RGYA MTSHO — (1722‑1776)  Aris, Discourse 10.

NGAG DBANG KUN DGA' BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (1863‑1899)  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 90.

Khams pa Rin po che NGAG DBANG KUN DGA' BSTAN 'DZIN — 410 161A.2.  ? 494 196.3.

'Gro phug pa NGAG DBANG KUN DGA' BSTAN 'DZIN — (1680‑?)  Dge lugs pa.  Dhongthog 41.  473 43 (?).

NGAG DBANG KUN DGA' THEG CHEN DPAL 'BAR 'PHRIN LAS DBANG GI RGYAL PO — (1945‑present)  Sa skya pa.  "Gdan sa gnyis pa Rtse gdong du 'khrungs."  Dhongthog 41.  The present Sa skya Khri 'dzin.  His record of teachings received (Thob yig) was published in 2 vols. (1977).  Dpal chen Rdo rje Phur pa'i Rab gnas Byin rlabs 'Dod dgu'i Char Lnga Bdo'i Mi mthun Rgud Tshogs Me Zhi byed Thugs rje'i Rgya mtsho (Sakya Centre, Rajpur 1981). 

NGAG DBANG KUN DGA' RNAM RGYAL — See =(Stag lung pa) Ngag dbang rnam rgyal.

NGAG DBANG KUN DGA' RNAM RGYAL NOR BU — N. of Padma dkar po.  17 IV 160.4.

NGAG DBANG KUN DGA' 'PHRIN LAS — (b. 1934).  A Sa skya pa living in Seattle.  84 230.

NGAG DBANG KUN DGA' BLO GROS SANGS RGYAS BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (1729‑1783)  His father was 'Jam dbyangs bsod nams rin chen.  Dhongthog 41.  Bio. in 383 519.3 ff.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 0617.

NGAG DBANG KUN DGA' DBANG RGYAL — (1592‑1620)  Sa skya pa.  Son of Grags pa blo gros.  Dhongthog 41.

NGAG DBANG KUN DGA' RIN CHEN — (1902‑1950)  Sa skya pa.  Son of Drag shul phrin las rin chen.  Dhongthog 42.

Sngags 'chang NGAG DBANG KUN DGA' RIN CHEN BKRA SHIS GRAGS PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (1517‑ )  Sa skya pa.  B. at Rtse gdong Bla brang.  Dhongthog 42.  Music works cited in T&BS I 193.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 29.

Gnas gsar Rdo rje 'chang NGAG DBANG KUN DGA' LEGS PA'I 'BYUNG GNAS — (1704‑1760)  Sa skya pa.  B. in a place called Rgya mtsho Lo tsa in Shangs.  His family was 'A zha.  Dhongthog 42.  F. Btsun ma'i Dgon pa of Bkra shis chos sding in 1746.  Dhongthog 132.  Bio. in 383 526.5.

'Jam mgon A myes zhabs NGAG DBANG KUN DGA' BSOD NAMS — (1597‑1659)  Also, (Sngags 'chang) Ngag dbang kun dga' bsod nams grags pa rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po.  Author of 'Dzam gling Byang Phyogs kyi Thub pa'i Rgyal tshab Chen po...Dpal ldan Sa skya pa'i Gdung rabs Rin po che Ji ltar Byon pa'i Tshul gyi Rnam par Thar pa Ngo mtshar Rin po che'i Bang mdzod Dgos 'dod Kun 'Byung (publ. 1975), a history of the 'Khon lineage composed in 1629.  Dhongthog 43, 128.  T&BS I 192.  BD of T&TB X 7.19.  Preceptor of King of Mustang.  ISTS 134‑135.  62 398.6.  For title of his bio. of Kun dga' rin chen, see 76 2.  See under Kun dga' blo gros.  Work in 349 XVI.  Lam 'bras Khog phub and Bde mchog Chos byung: Two Historical Studies of Sa skya pa Lam 'bras and Cakrasamvara Traditions (1974).  Brda' rnying work, see DD 719.  Dpal Rdo rje nag po chen po'i Zab mo'i Chos skor rnams Byung ba'i Tshul Legs par Bshad Bstan srung Chos Kun Gsal ba'i Nyin byed: a detailed historical account of the Mahākala traditions in India and Tibet, publ. in 2 vols. (N. Delhi 1979).  144.  Author of bio. of the Dalai Lama vi, listed in BLP no. 0542.  Bio. by Kun dga' blo gros listed in BLP no. 0618.

Rmor chen NGAG DBANG KUN DGA' LHUN GRUB — B. in a Wood Horse year.  Bio. in 383 478.2.  See Kun dga' lhun grub.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1645.  Bio. of Yongs 'dzin Ngag dbang kun dga' lhun grub listed in BLP no. 1798.

NGAG DBANG KUN DGA' LHUN GRUB THUB BSTAN DGE LEGS 'BYUNG GNAS BSO DNAMS RGYAL MTSHAN DPAL BZANG PO — Author, in 1663, of the woodblock printed biography of Stag tshang ras pa.  Schwieger in Kailash 18 (1996) 83.

Kham brag Sprul sku NGAG DBANG KUN BZANG RNAM RGYAL — Dictionary entitled, Dpal khang Lo tsā bas mdzad pa'i Bod kyi Brda'i Bye brag Gsal bar Byed pa Ngag gi Sgron ma zhes bya ba'i Don rnams Cung zad Mchan bur Btags pa Byis pa Dga' ba'i Ma gu ra, publ. in 39 folios in 1970 (N Tib 70‑914827).

NGAG DBANG KLU SGRUB — See Uspensky, Prince Yunli 33.


Dge slong NGAG DBANG DKON MCHOG — 458 I 286.6.

Ba so Chos rje NGAG DBANG DKON MCHOG NYI MA — (evid. late 18th early 19th centuries)  Pictured in Essen & Tingo, Die Götter des Himalayas 57.

NGAG DBANG DKON MCHOG BSTAN RGYAL — Author of Bdud rtsi Snying po Yan lag Brgyad pa Gsang ba Man ngag gi Rgyud las Dum bu Bzhi pa Phyi ma Rgyud kyi Gzhung dang 'Grel pa Mun sel Sgron me: a detailed study of the fourth of the Four Medical Tantras (494 pp., Dalhousie 1979).

NGAG DBANG BKRA SHIS — Alias Khri rgan tshang.  Pupil of 'Jam dbyangs bzhad pa I.  Vostrikov, Critical 61.

NGAG DBANG BKRA SHIS — Subj. of bio. by Blo bzang bkra shis listed in BLP no. 0619.

Mkhan po NGAG DBANG BKRA SHIS — (20th cent.)  Abbot of Pacho.  Photo by Dolan/Tolstoy expedition in Tung plate 36.

Mkhan rabs xiv Stag tshang pa NGAG DBANG BKRA SHIS — Abbot of Yangs pa can.  35 I 629‑630.

Mkhyen gter NGAG DBANG BKRA SHIS — (1678‑1738)  Second in the gdan rabs of Bkra shis 'khyil.  BD of T&TB V 677.  See Uspensky in TS7 II 1005 ff.  His name in his youth was Sbyin pa rgya mtsho. Dung dkar 128.

Thugs sras NGAG DBANG BKRA SHIS — Subj. of bio. listed in BLP no. 1085.  The Collected Works of one 'Jam dbyangs Bla ma Thugs sras Ngag dbang bkra shis dpal bzang po were published in 8 vols. by Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang (Beijing 2018).

Drung yig NGAG DBANG BKRA SHIS — 458 I 216.4.

NGAG DBANG BKRA SHIS GRAGS PA — Son of Sne'u gdong pa.  DTK5 131.

Bla ma NGAG DBANG BKRA SHIS RNAM RGYAL — Subject of portrait bronze in Uhlig, On the Path to Enlightenment 191.

Klong chen III NGAG DBANG BKRA SHIS RNAM RGYAL — (17th cent.)  Seems to have been immediate rebirth of Nam mkha' dpal ldan, known for Rnying ma defenses vs. Karma pa critics.  39 5.

Stag lung Zhabs drung NGAG DBANG BKRA SHIS DPAL GRUB — Extensive bio. listed in BLP no. 1024.

NGAG DBANG BKRA SHIS DPAL BZANG — Bio. by A rol Blo bzang don grub listed in BLP no. 0620.

Ko shri NGAG DBANG BSKAL BZANG — 'Khrungs rabs listed in SBTD I 347.

Gro mo Dge bshes NGAG DBANG BSKAL BZANG — Guru of Lama Anagarika Govinda, in whose works he is called Tomo Geshe.  See index of his Way of the White Clouds.  Abbot of Dung dkar Mon. in Gro mo lung.  Also, 85 3, 4.  Tucci, Lhasa 31.  Photos of him and his monastery may be seen in Li Gotami, Pictures 16 ff.

Gro stod Mtshams pa Dge bshes NGAG DBANG SKAL BZANG — 438 VII 275.6, 458.6.

Dbra btsun NGAG DBANG BSKAL BZANG BSTAN RGYAL — Disc. of (Shar rdza) Bkra shis rgyal mtshan.  314 preface.

Kyai rdor Mkhan po NGAG DBANG MKHAS GRUB — (1779‑1838)  Of Urga.  Collected works published in SSSS, vols. 44‑48 (1972‑1974).  366.

NGAG DBANG MKHAS GRUB RGYA MTSHO — (1711‑1774)  Alias Bstan pa dar rgyas.  BD of T&TB V 559.  Near end of the Outer Biography of Kun grol grags pa, it says that one Bya btang Rab 'byams pa Bstan pa dar rgyas was a disciple of Paṇ chen Blo bzang ye shes (1663‑1737) who outwardly was Dge lugs pa, but inwardly practiced the A khrid.

NGAG DBANG MKHAS GRUB RGYA MTSHO — (1917‑ca. 1969)  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 94.

NGAG DBANG MKHAS GRUB NYI MA — (1727‑?)  BD of T&TB V 552.

Tshang khyim pa NGAG DBANG MKHYEN BRTSE — Of 'Phyos.  Time of the Dalai Lama v.  Essais 131.  Called Chang khyim pa Ngag dbang mkhyen brtse in Kuijp, TBTC 395, where he serves as a scribe.

Khang gsar NGAG DBANG MKHYEN BRTSE THUB BSTAN SNYING PO — (1913‑1988)  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 91, 94.  He later lived many years in Spiti.

NGAG DBANG MKHYEN BRTSE'I SNANG BA — A name of Chos dbyings rang grol, q.v.

Gtsang rong pa NGAG DBANG MKHYEN RAB — Author in 1735 of Rje btsun Bla ma Dam pa Skyes mchog 'Jam dbyangs bzang po'i Sku 'phreng Yang srid Mkhan dbon Rgyud 'dzin dang bcas pa'i Mdzad Bzang gi Snang snyan Tongs su 'Char ba'i Chos 'byung Dri med Dwangs shel gyi Me long (Chengdu 1992).

Bla tshab Spom ra Dge bshes NGAG DBANG MKHYEN RAB — (20th cent.)  438 VII 499.1.  At Centre Alexandra David‑Neel at Digne, France.

NGAG DBANG MKHYEN RAB 'JAM DPAL SNYING PO — (1871‑1952)  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 91, 92.  He supported the cult of Shugs ldan.

Lho pa Sprul sku NGAG DBANG MKHYEN RAB BSTAN PA'I DBANG PHYUG — Perhaps the author of the work on Gcod contained in 124 10‑410.  He was a Dge lugs pa of 'Bras spungs.

Chos rje NGAG DBANG GRAGS PA — Disc. of Tsong kha pa (1357‑1419).  B. in Mnga' ris.  Rebuilt temple of Mtho lding.  83E 483 n. 14.

Rje btsun NGAG DBANG GRAGS PA — Inscribed image in Portraits of the Masters 265.

NGAG DBANG GRAGS PA — (1506‑1538)  Bio. by (Byar po Sgom chen) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan.  20 35.  24 IV.

NGAG DBANG GRAGS PA — (1678‑1745)  BD of T&TB V 582.

NGAG DBANG GRAGS PA — (1799‑1844)  BD of T&TB V 608.

NGAG DBANG GRAGS PA — (20th cent.)  He was abbot of Ku se Mon. in the 1950's.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 106 n. 100.

Mkhan chen NGAG DBANG GRAGS PA — (1365‑1431)  Bka' gdams pa (?).  BD of T&TB V 174.  Aka Tsha kho Dpon po.  Bio. in 165 I 830.  Sopa, P&T of TB xiv.  An important disciple of Tsong kha pa.  It is said a monastery he founded in Rnga ba in 1414 was the 2nd Gelugpa monastery ever built:  Da tshang Lhun grub gling, or Da tshang Dgon.

Gu ge Mkhan chen NGAG DBANG GRAGS PA — Wrote a Mnga' ris Chos 'byung, acc. to Dung dkar, History 145.  It has now been published by Roberto Vitali.  Bio. in HS XLIII 107.

Nyag ri NGAG DBANG GRAGS PA — Student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

Stag lung NGAG DBANG GRAGS PA — A teacher of Ngag dbang chos kyi rgyal po (1465‑1540).  1 24.  17 II 548.6.  According to a website, Tiger Valley Sacred Texts, his works have been recovered (no details given), and will be reprinted.  Lineage disc. of ('Dul 'dzin) Ngag gi dbang po.  Teacher of Sha ra Rab 'byams pa.  116 460.6.

Dwags po Paṇ chen NGAG DBANG GRAGS PA — Pictured in 128 1054.  His works have been published in 4 vols.  Sometimes called (Sgom chen).

Smyug la Paṇ chen NGAG DBANG GRAGS PA — (1458‑1515)  Also, Gnyug la Paṇ chen.  Karma pa.  BD of T&TB III 721.  Bio. in 35 I 648‑659.  Author of bio. of Dbus smyon in 72 II 383‑560.  See also Dpal ldan Bla ma Dam pa Grub pa'i Khyu mchog Phyogs Thams cad las Rnam par Rgyal ba'i Spyod pa can Rje btsun Kun dga' bzang po'i Rnam par Thar pa Ris med Dad pa'i Spu long G.yo byed (Dus smyon Kun dga' bzang po's biography), publ. in Delhi (1973).  Called Snyug la Paṇ chen Ngag dbang grags pa in 602 24v.2, 25v.3.  Author of bio. of Dbus smyon listed in BLP no. 1546.  Ehrhard in NTFC I 151.

Zhabs drung NGAG DBANG GRAGS PA — Author of bio. of Dbus smyon, BLP no. 1547.

Yar lungs Gong ma Spyan snga NGAG DBANG GRAGS PA — 5 336.2.

Yongs 'dzin NGAG DBANG GRAGS PA — (16th cent.)  Also, Rin po che Yongs 'dzin.  A teacher of Sog bzlog pa (1552‑1624).  39 5.  "Spa gro Kun bzang gling du Kun mkhyen Chen po'i Gdung brgyud du 'khrungs."  BD of T&TB III 729.  Bio. in 410 143B.2 ff.

Rin spungs NGAG DBANG GRAGS PA — Author of bio. of Ye shes rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 1780.

Lo tsā ba NGAG DBANG GRAGS PA — (14th cent.)  DTK5 120.


Rdo ba Zhabs drung NGAG DBANG GRAGS PA RNAM RGYAL — Abbot of Dgon lung in 1775.  332 II 27.

Dge bshes NGAG DBANG DGE 'DUN — 85 2.

Rgya mkhar Sprul sku NGAG DBANG DGE 'DUN RGYA MTSHO — Author of Yab rje Dhwa dza'i Rtogs brjod Me tog Phreng ba, listed in BLP no. 1775.

NGAG DBANG DGE 'DUN BSTAN 'DZIN — (1738‑?)  BD of T&TB V 602.

NGAG DBANG DGE 'DUN ZLA BA GRAGS PA — (1734‑1811)  BD of T&TB V 600.  Author of Te lo'i Rnam mgur, listed in BLP no. 0973.

Chas pa Sprul sku NGAG DBANG DGE 'DUN SANGS RGYAS RGYA MTSHO — BLP no. 0540 lists his bio. of Dalai Lama vi.

NGAG DBANG DGE LEGS — Author of a history (?).

Bra nye ba NGAG DBANG DGE LEGS — Student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

Dre'u lhas NGAG DBANG DGE LEGS RGYA MTSHO —  =G.yung mgon rdo rje, q.v.  380 preface.

Bde dgu NGAG DBANG DGE LEGS RGYA MTSHO — Sent on mission to Tibet from Rol pa'i rdo rje after the Amban murders of 1750.  41 I.  Abbot of Dgon lung from 1740 to 1743.  332 II 25.

De mo V NGAG DBANG DGE LEGS RGYAL MTSHAN — (1631‑1668)  Depicted in a remarkable thangka in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 133.  Author of work listed in BLP no. 1564. Alexander, Temples 208 (painting), 210 (here his dates are given as ca. 1670‑1723).

NGAG DBANG DGE LEGS LHUN GRUB —  =Mkhas pa'i nyi gzhon, q.v.

Mtshams pa NGAG DBANG DGRA 'DUL — Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 304.  Petra Maurer in  Kailash 17 no 3‑4 (1995) 146.  See also Sienna Craig's book, Horses Like Lightning, where his name appears as Tshampa Ngawang.

NGAG DBANG 'GYUR MED — See =Ngag dbang bde chen 'gyur med.

Seng brag Rin po che NGAG DBANG 'GYUR MED CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — Mkhan po Phrin las rdo rje, Skyabs mchog 'Khor lo'i Mgon po Shri Seng brag Rin po che Ngag dbang 'gyur med chos kyi rgyal mtshan mchog gi Rnam thar Gsol 'debs Mdor bsdus su Bkod pa Byin rlabs Gter mdzod dang De'i Don 'grel Yid bzhin Nor bu'i Phreng ba (Kathmandu 2006).

Stag tshang ras pa NGAG DBANG RGYA MTSHO — (1574‑1651)  Also, (O di yā na pa Gnyis pa), (O rgyan pa).  Author of 173.  Bio. by Yongs 'dzin II.  176.  Prayers to him.  177; 179.  In ca. 1642.  466 IV 191.2.  His incarnations were the chief lamas at Hemis Monastery, which was f. in early 16th cent.  14 xiii.  Disc. of Dung mtsho ras pa.  BA 720.  For his Mgur 'bum, see 180.  His O rgyan Lam yig182.  Pictures in 182 1B; 173 1B; 176 2A.  Disc. of Lha rtse ba.  179 2B.6 ff.  Went to Ri bo rtse lnga.  179 3A.6.  Also went to Dza lan dha ra and O rgyan.  179 3B.1.  Appears in bio. of Rdo rje gling pa.  210 132.5, 133.4.  Account of his travels in Schwieger in Kailash 18 (1996).  Depicted in thangka in TPS 608.  Bios. listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 342 (no. 712)

Zhabs drung NGAG DBANG RGYA MTSHO — Mongol scholar, student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

NGAG DBANG RGYA MTSHO — A modern abbot of Sera Mon.  Dhargyey 2.

NGAG DBANG RGYA MTSHO — (1911‑1939)  Nietupski, Labrang 78.

Chos rje NGAG DBANG RGYA MTSHO — Robin, Note 16.

Sprul sku NGAG DBANG RGYA MTSHO — 363 120.2.

'Dul 'dzin NGAG DBANG RGYA MTSHO — Successor of (La phyi ba) Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan in the Shangs pa transmission.  53 preface.

NGAG DBANG RGYAL MTSHAN — Dkon mchog dam chos yar 'phel, Ngag dbang rgyal mtshan gyi Rtogs pa Brjod pa Lhun po'i Stod cha/ Smad cha, listed in BLP nos. 0622‑0623.

NGAG DBANG RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of a Yer pa'i Dkar chag listed in BLP no. 1784. Author of Rwa sgreng gi Dben gnas Dkar chag listed in BLP no. 1832.

Se'u la Byams mgon NGAG DBANG RGYAL MTSHAN — Rje mkhan po IX (1710‑1759) studied with him at Se'u la.  159 preface.  135 preface. Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 98.  Cuevas, Hidden History 194 (here his dates are given as 1647‑1732).

Tshwa ba Rab 'byams pa NGAG DBANG RGYAL MTSHAN — Lost ref.

Mkhan chen NGAG DBANG BRGYA BYIN — See under Lo chen Sprul sku.


Khang gsar Mkhan po NGAG DBANG CHOS SKYONG BZANG PO — (1723‑ )  Sa skya pa.  "Sga Thub bstan dgon du gshegs."  Dhongthog 43.

NGAG DBANG CHOS GRAGS — Subj. of bio. by Lha btsun Ngag dbang rdo rje listed in BLP no. 0625 and one by Ngag dbang bsod nams rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 0626.

NGAG DBANG CHOS GRAGS — (1572‑1641)  Sometimes called (Mkhan chen).  Work on Sdom Gsum publ. 1978.  Comm. on Abhidharma publ. 1978.  Bod kyi Mkhas pa Snga Phyi dag gi Grub mtha'i Shan 'byed Mtha' spyod dang bcas pa'i 'Bel ba'i Gtam Skyes Spyod ldan Mkhas pa'i Lus Rgyan Rin chen Mdzes pa'i Phra tshom Bkod pa,  publ. 1979.  Author in 1623 of Gsung ngag Lam 'bras Snyan Gsum Rgyud Gsum Snying po'i Legs bshad publ. 1976.  412.  Title of work in 62 398.6.  Called (Yongs 'dzin) in 349 XXVI.  Work on snyan dngags in 480.  Collected Works in 6 vols. publ. in 2001.  Stearns, King 10.

NGAG DBANG CHOS GRAGS — (1501‑1551)  B. in Stod lung.  19th Khri thog of Dga' ldan (at age 48).  BD of T&TB VI 139.  Pictured in 128 906.

NGAG DBANG CHOS GRAGS — Called (A mdo Bya khyung pa) or (Bya khyung ba).  58th Khri thog of Dga' ldan (from 1763‑1769).  BD of T&TB VI 198.  Pictured in 128 946.  Yongs 'dzin of the 8th Dalai Lama.

NGAG DBANG CHOS GRAGS — Called "the later" (phyi ma).  59th Khri thog of Dga' ldan (from 1769‑1770).  "Lha sa'i nye 'khor Stod lung Chu bzang du 'khrungs."  BD of T&TB VI 199.  128 946.

Mkhan po NGAG DBANG CHOS GRAGS — Modern author of 1.

Drung rams pa NGAG DBANG CHOS GRAGS — Work mentioned in 332 II preface 14.  Author of bio. of Gzims shag Mkhan po listed in BLP no. 1761.

Phug brag Mkhan po NGAG DBANG CHOS GRAGS — TS5 118.

Bla brang rdzong pa Mkhan chen NGAG DBANG CHOS GRAGS — In Thang lugs trans.  29 7.

Paṇ chen NGAG DBANG CHOS GRAGS — Bibliography in 374 I 472.5.

Gsal khang Sprul sku NGAG DBANG CHOS GRAGS — (1501‑1551)  Also, (Khri xix).  Vai.Ser. 73.

NGAG DBANG CHOS GRAGS RGYA MTSHO — See Jalsan, "The Reincarnations of Desi Sangye Gyatso in Alasha and the Secret History of the Sixth Dalai Lama," Inner Asia 4 no 2 (2002) 347‑359, at p. 349.  The name the Sixth Dalai Lama assumed after his supposed death (confusing, isn't it?).

Btsun pa NGAG DBANG CHOS GRAGS RGYA MTSHO — Author of bio. of Tsong kha pa listed in BLP nos. 0898, 0917.

She'u le'i Spyan snga NGAG DBANG CHOS GRAGS RGYAL MTSHAN — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1944.

NGAG DBANG CHOS KYI GRAGS PA — Author of bio. of Tsong kha pa listed in BLP no. 0904.

Mkhas grub Mtshungs med NGAG DBANG CHOS KYI GRAGS PA — Picture in 320 XXVI 621.

NGAG DBANG CHOS KYI GRAGS PA BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — N. given to Rol pa'i rdo rje at his dge bsnyen ordination in about 1720.

NGAG DBANG CHOS GRAGS DPAL BZANG PO — Bio. by Er te No min han Ngag dbang lhun grub dar rgyas listed in BLP 0627.

Thu'u bkwan II Hu thog thu NGAG DBANG CHOS KYI RGYA MTSHO — (1680‑1736)  A teacher of Rol pa'i rdo rje at Peking.  Bio. in 332 II 551‑623 (preface 22‑23).  Prob. his bio. listed in BLP no. 0700.  Bio. by Thu'u bkwan Chos kyi nyi ma listed in BLP no. 1093.

Do skya Sprul sku NGAG DBANG CHOS KYI RGYA MTSHO — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 237.  He was discovered in Bhutan in 1990.

Dpal khang Lo tsā ba NGAG DBANG CHOS KYI RGYA MTSHO — (16th cent.)  Kværne 220 no. 11.  A refutation of his criticism of Rnying ma pa contained in 394 II.  See under Ngag dbang kun bzang rnam rgyal.  See =(Dpal khang Lo tsā ba) Ngag dbang chos kyi rgyal po.

NGAG DBANG CHOS KYI RGYA MTSHO DBYANGS CAN SNYEMS PA'I SDE — Literary n. of Dpal khang Chos mdzad Lo tsā ba Karma phrin las.

NGAG DBANG CHOS RGYAL — Rdo rje mi 'khrugs pa'i Sbyin bsreg gi Cho ga Bskal bzang Snang ba Rgyan gyi 'Khor lo publ. as a print from Rtsib ri blocks in 1970 (N Tib 76‑903050).

NGAG DBANG CHOS RGYAL PO — F. Stag lung Mon. in 1178.  Waddell 69.

'Brug chen iii NGAG DBANG CHOS KYI RGYAL PO — (1465‑1540)  15th in 'Brug pa Gdan rabs (q.v.).  1 23, 27.  Author of bio. of Shes rab bzang po (1400‑1438).  20 34.  Bio. by Padma dkar po written in 1549.  20 34.  24 III, IV.  17 II 510.  17 IV 153.6.  Disc. of Padma dbang rgyal.  210 265.2.  Bio. in 487 I 76.6 ff.  His 13‑deity Cakrasamvara maṇḍala rite contained in 487 I 119‑185, along with other works.  Bio. by 'Brug chen iv listed in BLP no. 0624.  Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 125.  Stearns, SR 95.

Dpal khang Lo tsā ba NGAG DBANG CHOS KYI RGYAL PO —  =Karma phrin las pa ii.  =(Dpal khang Lo tsā ba) Ngag dbang chos rgyal.  Bio. in 35 II 65.  12 IX 84.6.

NGAG DBANG CHOS RGYAL DBANG PO — A n. of 'Ja' tshon snying po (q.v.), his ordination name.

Gsal khang Sprul sku NGAG DBANG CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — (1575‑?)  B. in 1675?  BD of T&TB VI 156.  34th Khri thog of Dga' ldan (from 1627‑1629).  Pictured in 128 922.

'Brug pa Rgyal dbang NGAG DBANG CHOS RJE — (evidently the Ngag dbang chos kyi rgyal po listed above)  Bio. by Padma dkar po listed in BLP 1574.

Dpal ldan NGAG DBANG CHOS KYI NYI MA 'JIGS MED BZANG PO PHYOGS THAMS CAD LAS RNAM PAR RGYAL BA'I SDE — Complete n. of (Stag lung pa) Ngag dbang rnam rgyal (q.v.).

Spangs rtogs mtshar song NGAG DBANG CHOS LDAN — Dge lugs pa.  Pictured in 128 394.

NGAG DBANG CHOS LDAN — Alias of (Bzang shu Dka' chen) Shes rab dar rgyas.  He represented the Emperor at the investiture of Rol pa'i rdo rje, and was his teacher at Peking.

Lcang skya NGAG DBANG CHOS LDAN — Autobio. listed in BLP no. 0701, with bio. by Rab 'byams Blo bzang nyi ma at BLP no. 0702.

Mer lding Zhabs drung NGAG DBANG CHOS LDAN — Died in 1770.  332 II 27.

Nyi ma thang Zhabs drung NGAG DBANG CHOS LDAN DPAL BZANG — A Sprul sku of Dbus, student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

Thu med Lo tsa NGAG DBANG CHOS DPAL — Translator at Peking, student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

NGAG DBANG CHOS DPAL RGYA MTSHO PHRIN LAS RAB RGYAS DPAL BZANG PO — A n. of Byams me lha mchog (b. about 1843?).  7.

'Dod 'jo ba NGAG DBANG CHOS KYI DPAL 'BYIN — See BLP no. 1021.

NGAG DBANG CHOS KYI DPAL 'BYOR — Alias of (Stag lung pa) Ngag dbang bstan pa'i nyi ma (q.v.).

NGAG DBANG CHOS 'PHEL — Subj. of autobio. in BLP no. 0628.

NGAG DBANG CHOS 'PHEL — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 122.1.

NGAG DBANG CHOS 'PHEL — (1685‑1737)  332 II preface 4.

NGAG DBANG CHOS 'PHEL — Of 'Bras spungs Ha sdong.  1st head of Mtshan nyid Grwa tshang at Byin chags gling (q.v.).


Khri NGAG DBANG CHOS 'PHEL — (1760‑1839)  70th Khri thog of Dga' ldan (from 1814‑1819).  BD of T&TB VI 204.  Acted as Yongs 'dzin of 10th Dalai Lama.  Pictured in 128 488, 958.  Works listed in SBTD I 294 (including ref. to a bio.).  His work Dkar chag Gsal ba'i Sgron me listed in BLP no. 0069.  His autobio. listed in BLP no. 0202.

Sman khang pa NGAG DBANG CHOS 'PHEL — Bio. by Dge bshes Ngag dbang ye shes listed in BLP no. 1647.  Rje Sman khang pa'i Dag snang Dmigs brtse ma'i Sgo nas Char 'bebs dang Sad Bsrung ba'i 'Khor lo Sgrub tshul bcas, title listed in Ind.Off.Cat. no. 138d.

NGAG DBANG CHOS 'PHEL RGYA MTSHO — (b. 1922)  Modern teacher at Maratika, in Nepal.  See bio. in Slob dpon Karma dbang phyug Shar pa, Mā ra ti ka'i Gnas bshad, New Nepal Press (Kathmandu 2000).

'Khrul zhig Rin po che NGAG DBANG CHOS KYI BLO GROS — (1924‑2011)  Born at Yar 'brog Stag lung in Central Tibet in 1923 or 1924, he was a disciple of Ngag dbang bstan 'dzin nor bu (1867‑1942) of Rdza rong phug, and was his successor at that monastery on the slopes of Mount Everest.  For a biography and photo see Rigpawiki on internet under "Trulshik Rinpoche."  See also Berg in NTFC I 11‑12.

Rta tshag Rje drung NGAG DBANG CHOS KYI DBANG PHYUG — Author of bio. of Tsong kha pa listed in BLP no. 0914.

NGAG DBANG CHOS DBYINGS — Son of Shākya shrī in colophon in 334363 115.1.  429 11.5.



Ldan rje NGAG DBANG CHOS 'BYOR — Author of an account of the 9th Panchen Lama [Chos kyi nyi ma]'s travel to Central Tibet, in 23 fols (LTWA KA3/2992/KHA).

NGAG DBANG CHOS 'DZIN — Pictured in 128 238, 248.

'Brog pa NGAG DBANG CHOS 'DZIN — (ca. 1708)  463 I 130.1, 182.2.

La dwags pa NGAG DBANG CHOS BZANG — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 119.3.

NGAG DBANG MCHOG GRUB BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — See =Blo bzang tshul khrims rgya mtsho (1832‑?).

Khri chen NGAG DBANG MCHOG LDAN — (1665‑1751)  BD of T&TB vi 188.  54th Khri thog of Dga' ldan (from 1739‑1745).  "Mdo smad Btsan tsho'i Lung Lag dkar mo Phugs su 'khrungs."  Pictured in 128 312, 398, 942.  Lived from 1665 to 1739 acc. to bio. in 165 II 741‑757.  He is considered 1st in the line of Rwa sgreng Rin po ches; see following entry.  Go shul Grags pa 'byung gnas, "Khri chen Ngag dbang mchog ldan Rnam thar Mdor bsdus," Bod ljongs Zhib 'jug, 1st issue of 1993.  Lived from 1677‑1751 acc. to  Vitali, Tho.ling 54.  He was abbot of Tho ling, 1710‑1716, before becoming Khri chen.  His bio. by Lcang skya Rol pa'i rdo rje listed in BLP no. 0203 & 0218. Roesler, KSP 19.  He had a dream of Tsong kha pa as a boy of about 15 wearing Chinese silk, which revealed the location of treasures (gter ma) he was unable to excavate.  Kapstein, Assimilation 134.

Yongs 'dzin NGAG DBANG MCHOG LDAN — (1677‑1751)  Often has title A chi thu No mon han.  Teacher of Rol pa'i rdo rje.  Became 54th abbot of Dga' ldan (from 1739‑1746).  Was first of Rwa sgreng incarnation lineage.  41 I 5.

Rgod ldem vii NGAG DBANG 'JAM DPAL — Also, (Rig 'dzin).  370 preface 6.

De mo vi NGAG DBANG 'JAM DPAL BDE LEGS RGYA MTSHO — Acting regent of Tibet who died in 1777.  41 I 10.  His name appears in an inscription on a thangka in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 142.  Bio. by Zhi ba lha 'Phags pa Dge legs rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 1133.  Kate Teltscher, The High Road to China, Bloomsbury (London 2006), p. 190, etc.  He was the first De mo to serve as a regent, from 1757‑1777, founding Bstan rgyas gling sometime after 1757, probably in 1762‑3. Alexander, Temples 210.

NGAG DBANG 'JAM DPAL DGE LEGS RGYA MTSHO — Subj. of bio. in BLP no. 0629.

Tshe gling Rgyal tshab NGAG DBANG 'JAM DPAL TSHUL KHRIMS RGYA MTSHO — (1792‑?)  BD of T&TB V 630.  This is the name of the Tshe smon gling Regent, as pointed out by Jackson in TS7 I 442, n. 19.  A golden butterlamp with donor inscription of Tshe smon gling No min han (time of 10th Dalai Lama), is pictured in Po ta la (1996) 177.  Author of bio. of Khri chen Blo bzang dge legs listed in BLP no. 0211.

Bya bral ba NGAG DBANG 'JAM DBYANGS — An otherwise unknown person with a set of works in a manuscript that once belonged to Ariane Macdonald, studied by Matthew Kapstein. I am also unable to identify him.

Khri rgan Mchog sprul Rin po che NGAG DBANG 'JAM DBYANGS BKRA SHIS — 12th in Gdan rabs of Bkra shis 'khyil.  BD of T&TB V 683.  Bio. by Blo bzang bkra shis phrin las rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 0630.

NGAG DBANG 'JAM DBYANGS CHOS 'PHEL — In Thang stong Snyan brgyud.  63 I 139.

Mnga' ris pa NGAG DBANG 'JAM DBYANGS NYI MA BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of bio. of Tsong kha pa listed in BLP no. 0926.

Rin spungs pa NGAG DBANG 'JIG RTEN DBANG PHYUG GRAGS PA — (fl. 1577) Also, (Rin spungs Zhabs drung).  Also, Ngag dbang 'jig rten dbang phyug grags pa'i rdo rje, and Ngag dbang 'jig grags, and Ngag dbang 'jigs med grags pa.  Author of a comm. on the Kavyadarśa, publ. 1975.  Jātaka verses, publ. 1976.  Fl. in 1577.  17 IV 17.2.  466 IV 244.2.  Author of lexicographical work Mngon brjod Mkhas pa'i Rna rgyan2 14.  Lexical work cited in DD 719.  Bernbaum 195.  Cited by Das xxx.  Probably this is the Rin spungs Ngag dbang 'jigs bral listed as an author of a history of the 16 Arhats listed in BLP no. 1232.

NGAG DBANG 'JIGS MED YE SHES — His Dngul gdung Dkar chag listed in BLP no. 0631.

Sgo mang Dge bshes NGAG DBANG NYI MA — (1907‑1990)  Modern author of Buriat origins.  Outline of Abhisamayālamkāra publ. 1977.  See Guenther, Buddhist Philosophy xi.  75 introduction 6.  Barlocher 201, 224, 239, 247‑248, 271, 222.  For his collected works, see 443.  His Bsdus grwa'i Dka' gnad Mdor bsdus publ. in 1974 (I Tib 75‑900694).  A 2‑vol. collected works publ. in 2003 (dpe cha format).

NGAG DBANG SNYAN GRAGS — (1706‑1781)  BD of T&TB V 562.

NGAG DBANG SNYAN GRAGS — 66th Khri thog of Dga' ldan (1801‑1807).  B. in A mdo Bya khyung.  BD of T&TB VI 202.  128 954.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 0204.

Lding po che NGAG DBANG SNYAN GRAGS — Subj. of bio. by Phug mo che listed in BLP no. 1198.


Kun spangs NGAG DBANG STOBS LDAN PA — Bio. by Blo bzang byams pa rab rgyas listed in BLP no. 0056.

Bar gshis NGAG DBANG BSTAN SKYONG — Tsering Shakya, Dragon 187.

NGAG DBANG BSTAN DAR — Member of A lo family in 20th cent.  Nietupski, Labrang 75.

A lag sha NGAG DBANG BSTAN DAR — (1754‑1840)  An important philosopher of Mongolian ethnicity.  For a list of his works studied & translated by modern western scholars, see Tillemans, Scripture, Logic, Language 265, n. 4.

NGAG DBANG BSTAN DAR RGYAL — Picture caption in 128 496.

NGAG DBANG BSTAN PA — (1814‑1885)  Bio. and works in 399.

Gtsang pa NGAG DBANG BSTAN PA RGYAL MTSHAN — Scribe for Padma dkar po in circa 1564.  17 III 522.6.

A mdo Dhi phu Chos rje NGAG DBANG BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — 363 110.2.

Rgyud smad Mkhan po NGAG DBANG BSTAN PA'I SGRON ME — 438 VII 265.2.

Stag lung pa NGAG DBANG BSTAN PA'I NYI MA CHOS KYI 'BYUNG GNAS 'PHRIN LAS RNAM PAR RGYAL BA'I SDE — (b. 1788)  Aka Bkra shis chos kyi rgyal mtshan and Ngag dbang chos kyi dpal 'byor.  31 II.  Author of a book in 1828 called Nges don Phyag rgya chen po'i Khrid yig Sku Bzhi'i Khang bzang la 'Jug pa'i Rin chen Them skas found in 117 1‑270.  Works in 198.  According to a website, Tiger Valley Sacred Texts, his works have been recovered (no details given), and will be reprinted. In Lungta XVI (Spring 2003) 4, the name of his biography of Stag lung thang pa is given.  Here his dates are given as 1788‑ca. 1856, and his name as Ma sprul Ngag dbang bstan pa'i nyi ma.

'Dzi sgar vi NGAG DBANG BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — 382 preface.

NGAG DBANG BSTAN PA DAR RGYAS — Of Gsang sngags bde chen Mon.  In Thang lugs transmission.

NGAG DBANG BSTAN PA DAR RGYAS — Author of bio. of Gzims shag Lho pa Mkhan po listed in BLP no. 1762.

NGAG DBANG BSTAN PA DAR RGYAS RGYA MTSHO — (b. 1857)  Fourth incarnation of Sde srid Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho.  He didn't live long after his enthronement.  See Jalsan, "The Reincarnations of Desi Sangye Gyatso in Alasha and the Secret History of the Sixth Dalai Lama," Inner Asia 4 no 2 (2002) 347‑359, at p. 353.

A pa ga tas Gu shri NGAG DBANG BSTAN 'PHEL — Translator at Peking.  Student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

NGAG DBANG BSTAN 'DZIN — Alias of Gter bdag gling pa.

Klu 'bum NGAG DBANG BSTAN 'DZIN — Author of work mentioned in 332 II preface 14.

'Gyang ro Sprul sku NGAG DBANG BSTAN 'DZIN — BD of T&TB V 682.  4th in gdan rabs of Bkra shis 'khyil. 

Jo nang NGAG DBANG BSTAN 'DZIN — Author of work listed in BLP no. 1797.

'Jog ri NGAG DBANG BSTAN 'DZIN — Aka Ngag dbang bstan 'dzin 'phrin las rnam rgyal.  Author of Dkar chag of (Tshal) Gung thang.  Red Annals.  For his collected works, see Jackson, Misc., no. 1211‑1212.  Biographical works, see BLP nos. 0871‑0873.

Gter ston NGAG DBANG BSTAN 'DZIN — A teacher of Ngag dbang dpal bzang (b. 1879).  Re‑embodiment of Shod bu Dpal gyi seng ge (i.e., Shud pu Dpal gyi seng ge).  His gter ma were connected with the Klong gsal Snying thig39 17.

Pha bong kha pa NGAG DBANG BSTAN 'DZIN — (ca. 1707)  463 I 119.3.

Sa bzang Bla ma NGAG DBANG BSTAN 'DZIN — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1980.

NGAG DBANG BSTAN 'DZIN RGYA MTSHO — (1807‑1849)  BD of T&TB V 574.




Rdza sprul NGAG DBANG BSTAN 'DZIN NOR BU — (1867‑1940)  Rnying ma pa.  Aka Rdza Rong phu Bla ma Ngag dbang bstan 'dzin nor bu,  Ngag dbang nor bu, and Rdza ban Wa gindra.  Aka Kun bzang rig 'dzin mkha' khyab 'od gsal rdo rje dpal bzang po.  BD of T&TB IV 573.  For a bio. sketch and photo, see "Ngawang Tenzin Norbu" at Rigpawiki on internet.  He renovated the Rdza Rong phu Mdo sngags chos gling in 1901.  BD of T&TB III 135.  See also BD of T&TB III 721.  Three of his works, including one on Gcod, are in 122 175‑577.  Pictured in 128 1074.  Gcod works cited in Aziz 24.  Author of 228, 345.  Aziz, Frontier.  Works in 364377 3B.2, 43B.2, 50A.4.  415 I preface.  His Jo bo Thugs rje chen po Yi ge Drug pa'i Gsol 'debs Sgrub thabs kyi Khrid yig Dri med 'Od Snang publ. in 1970 from Rong phu blocks kept at Thub bstan chos gling in Solu.  His Gcod yul Nyon mongs Zhi byed kyi Bka' Gter Bla ma Brgyud pa'i Rnam thar Byin rlabs Gter Mtsho  publ. in Gangtok in 1972 (BQ7920.N33).  His bio. called Dus mthar Chos Smra ba'i Btsun pa Ngag dbang bstan 'dzin nor bu'i Rnam thar 'Chi med Bdud rtsi'i Rol Mtsho is to be found in Snellgrove collection.  Smith 214.  Evid. subj. of bio. in BLP no. 0632.  Autobio., BLP no. 1705; Filibeck, Catalog II 350 (no. 763).  His collected works in 9 vols. published in Kathmandu (2004) in pothi format.

'Brug pa NGAG DBANG BSTAN 'DZIN NOR BU — Autobio. listed in BLP no. 1576.

NGAG DBANG BSTAN 'DZIN RNAM RGYAL — Subject of a bio. listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 340 (no. 701.3).

NGAG DBANG BSTAN 'DZIN RNAM RGYAL — (1691‑1738)  Gruschke in TS9 I 205.

'Dzi sgar vii NGAG DBANG BSTAN 'DZIN DPAL BZANG — 382 preface.

Sger pa Rje drung Rin po che Grwa thang Mkhan chen NGAG DBANG BSTAN 'DZIN PHUN TSHOGS — (1648‑1714)  Sa skya pa.  His mother was from the family of Thang stong rgyal po.  Dhongthog 44.  Bio. in 383 561.5.

NGAG DBANG BSTAN 'DZIN 'PHRIN LAS — (1666‑1723)  BD of T&TB V 552.

Skyid shod Zhabs drung ii NGAG DBANG BSTAN 'DZIN 'PHRIN LAS — (1639‑1682)  To be identified with (Skyid shod) Bstan 'dzin 'phrin las rnam rgyal, q.v.  See SBTD I 136.

'Dan ma Grub chen ii NGAG DBANG BSTAN 'DZIN 'PHRIN LAS — Abbot of Dgon lung from 1723‑1724.  332 II 23.

Byams me lha mchog NGAG DBANG BSTAN 'DZIN BLO GROS — (b. ca. 1843)  Compiler of 7, which is the same as 213.  He belonged to the 'nephew lineage' of (Khams sprul iv) Bstan 'dzin chos kyi nyi ma (1730‑1779) and (Gsang bdag) Grub pa'i dpa' bo.  He was apparently born in Gdong stod in Khams.  His Rnam thar is in India, but may not yet be published.  He was chief master of Khams sprul vi (1849?‑1907?), and also teacher of (Grub dbang) Shākya shrī (1853‑1919).  7.  He was 6th in an incarnation lineage at a 'Brug pa Bka' brgyud mon. in Nang chen.  His Gsung 'bum filled 10 vols.

NGAG DBANG THUB BSTAN — Of Brag g.yab Ma Dgon.  363 116.1.

NGAG DBANG THUB BSTAN SKAL BZANG — Subj. of bio. in BLP no. 0633.

NGAG DBANG THUB BSTAN BSKAL BZANG BSTAN PA'I SGRON ME — 438 VI 414.4.  Bio., see SBTD I 65.  See also Jackson, Misc., no. 1318.  He was the 11th Ba so.  Subj. of bio. by Dge bshes Shes rab rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 0634.  He is also called Rta tshag Sku phreng (BLP no. 1001).

Mkhan po NGAG DBANG THUB BSTAN RGYA MTSHO — (1836‑1889)  51st in Gdan rabs of Bkra shis 'khyil.  BD of T&TB V 895.  Works listed in SBTD I 205.  His bio. by Sgo mang Blo bzang tshul khrims rgya mtsho is listed in BLP no. 0231.  Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 0867.  Bio. of A khu Shes rab rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 2092.

NGAG DBANG THUB BSTAN CHOS KYI NYI MA — Panchen vi.  See also Thub bstan chos kyi nyi ma.  Pictured in 128 412.

NGAG DBANG THUB BSTAN CHOS KYI DBANG PHYUG — Pictured in 128 252.  438 VI 455.6.

De mo vii NGAG DBANG THUB BSTAN 'JIGS MED RGYA MTSHO — (1778‑1819) Alexander, Temples 210.  He served as the second De mo Regent from 1811‑1819.

Khri Rgya nag pa Sprul sku NGAG DBANG THUB BSTAN 'PHRIN LAS RGYA MTSHO — A student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

Chu bzang iii NGAG DBANG THUB BSTAN DBANG PHYUG — (b. 1736)  In incarnation lineage of Sher 'byung blo gros.  41 I preface.  Student of Rol rdor (b. 1717), his younger brother & biographer (BLP no. 0696).  Abbot of Dgon lung from 1749‑1754.  332 II 26.


Dge bshes NGAG DBANG THOS BSAM — Attendant of present Rakra Tethong in ca. 1935‑1943.  Barlocher 633‑638, 656.

Rgyal rong Dge bshes NGAG DBANG MTHAR PHYIN — 438 VII 511.6.

NGAG DBANG MTHAR PHYIN — Author of part of the texts published under the title 'Jam tshon Pod Drug gi Dbang Dpe (Leh 1978).

Mi pham NGAG DBANG MTHAR PHYIN — Explanations of Initiations of the 'Brug pa Dkar brgyud pa School, Instructions on Conferring the Abhiṣeka of the Zhi khro Nges don Snying po, 'Jam dpal Phyag rgya Zil gnon, Tshe bdag nag po, and the Mgon po Dngos grub 'Byung ba, and the Rjes gnang Nyi shu rtsa gnyis (Gemur 1979).

NGAG DBANG MTHU CHEN RGYA MTSHO — Teacher of 'Brug chen xi.  1 49.1.

Sa skya Khri 'dzin NGAG DBANG MTHU STOBS DBANG PHYUG — (1900‑1950)  Abbot from 1935/6‑1950.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 97.  His memorial stūpa is illus. in Precious Deposits 63.

Brag g.yab Gdong kam Khri chen NGAG DBANG DAM CHOS RGYA MTSHO — Full name: Ngag dbang dam chos rgya mtsho blo bzang bshad sgrub nyi ma 'chi med grub pa'i dpal.  A disc. of Mkhyen brtse'i dbang po.  62 399.3.  Work in 349 X 328‑434.  Work (written in 1892) in 349 XXX 238‑634.  Author of Rje btsun Rdo rje rnal 'byor ma Na ro Mkha' spyod kyi Bskyed Rdzogs Dmigs khrid Mkha' spyod 'Khrid pa'i Sa Mkhan Mdzes pa'i Byed pa'i Rgyan (on Vajrayoginī teachings of Nāropa), publ. in Thimphu 1981.

Dge bshes NGAG DBANG DAR RGYAS — Teacher at Library of Tibetan Works and Archives.  Barlocher 163, 359, 718, 721.

NGAG DBANG DAR RGYAS — (1769‑1845)  BD of T&TB V 919.

NGAG DBANG DAR RGYAS — (d. 1807)  "Mongol king."  Thondup, EL 13.

Chos rgyal NGAG DBANG DAR RGYAS RIN CHEN — (1740‑1807)  A descendent of Gu shri Bstan 'dzin chos kyi rgyal po, and son of Ja sag Dbang phyug rab brtan.  He was b. in 1740.  While in Central Tibet, he was recognized as an incarnate of Mnga' bdag Nyang ral.  He founded Gsang sngags smin rgyas gling, and was responsible for spreading Rnying ma pa teachings in A mdo and Mongolia according to a paper by Lce nag tshang Hūṃ chen given at 10th IATS (Oxford 2003).  He wrote on the cycle called Rdzogs chen Ma rig Mun sel.

Bde 'byor Mkhan po NGAG DBANG DON GRUB — Teacher and student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

Brag ri NGAG DBANG DON GRUB — Also, (Ser byes Bla zur).  Yogi disc. of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

NGAG DBANG BDUD 'JOMS RDO RJE — A n. of (Zhabs drung) Ngag dbang rnam rgyal (q.v.).

NGAG DBANG DON YOD — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 122.3.

NGAG DBANG BDE CHEN — 363 120.1.

'Brug Gdung sras NGAG DBANG BDE CHEN 'GYUR MED — (b. 1916)  Also, ('Brug Thugs sras); ('Brug Sras) Ngag 'gyur. His main teacher was Padma chos rgyal.  172 1.  174 1.  Picture in 1.  Works near end of 337Nat.Geo. vol. 153 no. 3, p. 358.  Bio. in 1 56 ff.  Son of 'Brug chen x and of a daughter of Shākya shrī.  =Mi pham bshad sgrub chos kyi nyin byed.  408 2A.5.  He died on March 8, 1983.  His main seat was Thub bstan sangs rgyas chos gling.

NGAG DBANG RDO RJE — Author of bio. of Dalai Lama vi, listed in BLP no. 0541.

Dngul chu Mkhas grub NGAG DBANG RDO RJE — A teacher of Dharma bha dra (1712‑1791).  BD of T&TB VI 88.  162 233.  Subj. of bio. by Dbyangs can grub pa'i rdo rje listed in BLP no. 0656.

NGAG DBANG RDO RJE — (1720‑1803)  Also, Ngag dbang rdo rje dpal bzang po.  Bio. in BD of T&TB VI 75.  "Bzhad ljongs Chu smad Gro skor Bkra shis Khang gsar ba la sku bltams."

Jo sras? NGAG DBANG RDO RJE — (recent)  Chö zä may represent Jo sras.  Teacher at Se ra.  Dhargyey 2 (picture, p. 44).

Nas lung pa NGAG DBANG RDO RJE — A student of Rang rig ras pa and editor of his Songs (Mgur).  20 7.  222.  Author of 406.

Spom ra NGAG DBANG RDO RJE — Head of 'Bras spungs Tshogs chen.  438 VI 532.4.

Mtshan zhabs NGAG DBANG RDO RJE — (b. 1853)  Also, (Mtshan nyid Mkhan po).  =Dorjiev, the famous Buriat philosophical consultant and political adviser, diplomat, etc for the Dalai Lama xiii.

Lha btsun NGAG DBANG RDO RJE — Author of bio. of Ngag dbang chos grags listed in BLP no. 0625.

Lha btsun No mon han NGAG DBANG RDO RJE — Of A lag sha.  See (Lha btsun No mon han) Ngag dbang lhun grub.

NGAG DBANG NOR BU — Initiation n. of Padma dkar po.  TY&SD 111.  17 IV 155.6, 390.1.  Built Vajravārāhī temple in Tsa ri.  In Mkha' 'gro Snyan brgyud.  122 23.7, 25.1, 38.3.

NGAG DBANG NOR BU — Active in late 17th cent., teacher of Blo bzang lha mchog.  See Ehrhard in SCEAR 9 (1996) 39.

NGAG DBANG NOR BU — 81st Khri thog of Dga' ldan (1876‑1880).  BD of T&TB VI 209.  128 968.  Bio. by Dbyangs can dgyes pa'i rdo rje listed in BLP no. 0205.

NGAG DBANG NOR BU BZANG PO — See under Nor bu bzang po.

NGAG DBANG RNAM GROL — An unsuccessful candidate in the PRC's lottery for Panchen Lama.  Garratt in TS9 VIII 85.

'Phyongs rgyas NGAG DBANG RNAM RGYAL — (17th cent.)  Contemporary of Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho (1653‑1705).  TR XV nos. 2‑3, pp. 14c 15a.  ISTS 11.

NGAG DBANG RNAM RGYAL — Bio. in 95 I 375‑391.  Author of 112.  Disc. of Tshe dbang nor bu.  383 466.4.

Dge slong NGAG DBANG RNAM RGYAL — Author of a bio. of Po to ba Rin chen gsal, q.v., listed in Btsan lha 1053.  Other works by him listed in Drepung Catalog 1539‑1540.

Chos rje NGAG DBANG RNAM RGYAL — (fl. 1618).

Sprang po NGAG DBANG RNAM RGYAL — (b. 1626)  He should not be confused with his famous contemporary (Zhabs drung) Ngag dbang rnam rgyal.  See Jackson in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation 89.

Stag lung pa NGAG DBANG RNAM RGYAL — (1571‑1626)  His Chos 'byung is in 31.  Works in 198.  Author of Rgyal ba Thams cad kyi Sku Gsung Thugs Mi Zad pa Rgyan 'Khor Lnga'i Bdag nyid Mtshungs bral Chos kyi Rje Rin po che Stag lung thang pa Chen po Mangga la Shrī'i Rnam par Thar pa Ngo mtshar gyi Phul Zab Rgyas las Brtsams pa'i Gtam Mos gus kyi Snye ma Dge legs su Mngon par Dar ba'i Dpyid, bio. of the founder of Stag lung mon. Stag lung thang pa Bkra shis dpal. (Publ. in Tezu in 1979, it is used as a source in Sperling, Further)  His name is inscribed on a cave at Bkra shis do chen.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 212.  Autobio. (up to age 66) and bio. listed in BLP no. 1026.  According to a website, Tiger Valley Sacred Texts, his works have been recovered (no details given), and will be reprinted.  See Kuijp, On the Composition & Printings of the Deb gter sngon po, p. 12.

Bya bral NGAG DBANG RNAM RGYAL — Collected Songs of Exoteric Experience publ. 1976.

Rin spungs pa NGAG DBANG RNAM RGYAL — (b. 1494?)  Stearns, SR 153.

Lho brag Zhabs drung i NGAG DBANG RNAM RGYAL — (1594‑1651)  Pupil of Padma dkar po.  N. of chief lama of Lho 'Brug pa sect.  Waddell 68.  Tibetan 'Brug pa monk who set up theocracy in Bhutan.  T.H.  Mention of a bio. by Gtsang Mkhan chen in 20 18.  Bio. by Rje Mkhan po ix (1710‑1759).  20 36.  24 IV.  Also in 135 I 403‑492.  A painter.  23 48.  Also called Ngag dbang bdud 'joms rdo rje.  Bio. by (Gtsang Mkhan chen) ('Jam dbyangs) Dpal ldan rgya mtsho.  59.  Son of (Yab chen) Mi pham bstan pa'i nyi ma (1567‑1617) and the lady Bsod nams dpal gyi bu.  His status as incarnation of the 'Brug chen iv was disputed, and troubles forced him to flee to Bhutan.  Originator of Lho 'Brug.  12 IX 88.5.  A thangka representing him in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 115.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1577.  Bio. listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 343.

NGAG DBANG RNAM RGYAL BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 0383.

Bya chu dkar mo NGAG DBANG PAD DKAR — Bio. by Shākya bstan 'dzin in 435.

Bya khyung pa NGAG DBANG PADMA — 216 347.1.

Rig 'dzin NGAG DBANG PADMA — Bio. by Padma bde chen, as printed at De mo Chos sde, is listed in BLP no. 1854.

NGAG DBANG PADMA BSTAN 'DZIN — N. given to Gter bdag gling pa by Dalai Lama v.  458 I 49.3.  BD of T&TB III 285.

Rab 'byams pa NGAG GI DBANG PO — Author of bio. of Paṇ chen Bsod nams grags pa listed in BLP no. 1305.

Slob dpon NGAG GI DBANG PO — Mahāsiddha pictured in 128 56A.

NGAG GI DBANG PO — Author of text entitled Bka' brgyud Che Bzhi Chung Brgyad Ngos 'dzin Byed tshul, listed in BLP no. 0092.  For a discussion about how this way of distinguishing the Bka' brgyud subschools came into being, see RS 1018-1025.

NGAG GI DBANG PO — Of Bsam yas.  A pen name of Klong chen Rab 'byams pa.

NGAG GI DBANG PO — Rin chen rnam rgyal, Ngag gi dbang po'i Rnam thar Yid 'phrog Ngo mtshar Bdud rtsi'i Thigs pa, listed in BLP no. 0616.

Chos rgyal NGAG GI DBANG PO — (1736‑1807)  Teacher of (Zhabs dkar) Sna tshogs rang grol (q.v.).  Teacher of Tshogs drug rang grol.  407 2B.  Gter gsar Rdzogs chen gyi Khrid yig Ma rig Mun sel Ye shes Sgron me, "an introduction to Atiyoga practice focussing on Hayagrīva and Vajravārāhī Revealed by Chos rgyal Ngag gi dbang po" (Paro 1979).  Tulku Thondup, Masters of Meditation 150, gives him the dates 1759‑1809, and the alternative name Ching wang Ngag dbang dar rgyas.  He was an important Mongol chieftain of the Kokonoor region.

Stag lung Rin po che NGAG GI DBANG PO — 116 466.3.

Bde chen chos 'khor Yongs 'dzin vii NGAG GI DBANG PO — Alias 'Jigs bral bde chen gling pa.  344 preface.  Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 199.6.

'Dul 'dzin NGAG GI DBANG PO — Lineage disc. of (Phyi pa) Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan.  In lineage of Gtsang smyon (q.v.).  36 V 363.  116 465.6.

Spyan snga NGAG GI DBANG PO — (1439‑1491)  A Phag mo gru prince.  39 5.  Stearns, King 13.

Bya khyung pa NGAG GI DBANG PO — 210 125.5.

'Brug pa NGAG GI DBANG PO — (1517‑1554)  Also, (Gcung Rin po che).  Wrote bio. of ('Jam dbyangs) Chos kyi grags pa (1478‑1523) in 1525.  20 35.  24 III, IV.  Aka Ngag gi dbang phyug grags pa rgyal mtshan.  Bio. by Padma dkar po.  20 35.  24 III or IV.  Precepts in 331 505‑524.  Pictured in 128 332.  Gcung Rin po che'i Rnam thar, by Padma dkar po, listed in BLP no. 0690.

Rig 'dzin NGAG GI DBANG PO — (1520‑1579)  This date, found in BD of T&TB III 759 is surely mistaken.  "yab Chos rgyal dbang po'i sde/ Srong btsan bang sor sku bltams."  Note:  See other (Rig 'dzin) Ngag gi dbang po (1580‑1639).  Both lived 59 years, and therefore are probably the same person!  Note: (Zur chen) Chos dbyings rang grol (1604‑1664) studied under (Byang pa Rig 'dzin) Ngag gi dbang po, necessitating a later date, if this is the same person.  Root guru of Yol mo ba iii.  373 preface.  Essais 141.

Byang pa Rig 'dzin NGAG GI DBANG PO — (1580‑1639)  Also, (Byang bdag Rig 'dzin i), (Byang pa).  Founder of Rdo rje brag in 1610 (in 1632, acc. to Dhongthog 129).  B. in lineage of Byang Ngam rings.  B. at Gra phyi Chos sdings Mon., acc. to Dhongthog 98.  Son of (Byang bdag) Bkra shis stobs rgyal.  Picture in 128 572.  Perhaps also considered to be Rgod ldem iii (see 370 preface).  Bio. in 410 141B.5.  Also, 33 478.  Aka Rdo rje chos rgyal bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan.  Bio. by the Dalai Lama v listed in BLP no. 1453.

Gtsang pa Gsum ston NGAG GI DBANG PO — Follower of Padma dbang rgyal.  210 266.2.

Bsam yas NGAG GI DBANG PO — Epithet of Klong chen Rab 'byams pa.  Guenther, KBTEU.

NGAG GI DBANG PO 'JIGS BRAL PHYOGS THAMS CAD LAS RNAM PAR RGYAL BA'I SDE DBYANGS PA CAN SNYEMS PA'I LANG TSHO'I SDE — Literary n. of Zhu chen Tshul khrims rin chen.  Smith, Philology appendix II.

Bka' bcu NGAG DBANG DPAL MGON — An emissary of the Lhasa government, active in around 1700.  Cuevas, Hidden History 197.

NGAG DBANG DPAL LDAN — (b. 1797)  The Chos rje of Urga.  Author of Grub mtha' Chen po'i Mchan 'Grel23 6.  Vostrikov, Critical 73.  A story attributed to him has been published entitled Sgom chen Tshul khrims dang / rdza ra ser skha / byi ba smug chung gnyis bcas kyi rtsod gtam.

Khal kha NGAG DBANG DPAL LDAN — (1806‑ )  Works listed in SBTD I 156.  Evidently to be identified with the preceding Ngag dbang dpal ldan, b. in 1797.

Dge bshes NGAG DBANG DPAL LDAN — Teacher of the present Rakra Tethong Rinpoche in Lhasa (in ca. 1935‑1943?).  Barlocher 638, 642‑643, 648, 655.

Lcang ra Chos rje NGAG DBANG DPAL LDAN — Author of Lha mo divination text in Mo dpe phyogs bsdus snang srid gsal ba'i me long, Snga 'gyur mtho slob mdo sngags rig pa'i 'byung gnas gling [Ngagyur Nyingma Institute] (Mysore 2000), pp. 90‑145.

NGAG DBANG DPAL LDAN CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — Dge lugs pa.  Pictured in 128 410.  Bio. by 'Bul sdud pa Blo bzang ye shes bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 1002.

NGAG DBANG DPAL LDAN BZANG PO — Author of bio. in 435.

'Jun pa NGAG DBANG DPAL MO — Modern general.  Photo in 424 248.

NGAG DBANG DPAL BZANG — Another n. of Sbyin pa rgya mtsho (q.v.).  BD of T&TB VI 173.

NGAG DBANG DPAL BZANG PO — Monastic n. of Ngag dbang dpal bzang (b. 1879) given at his ordination by (Dzi phu) (Bco brgyad Zhabs drung) Blo gros rgya mtsho.  See =Padma las 'brel rtsal.  Works on Nyingma contemplative practice, publ. 1977.  See following.

Kaḥ thog Mkhan po NGAG DBANG DPAL BZANG — (1879‑1941)  Autobiography in 39.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 595.  Also called Bstan pa rab 'phel (q.v.).  Author of 393.  A new bio., written by Thub bstan ye shes 'od zer in 2001, has been acquired in digital form by TBRC.

'Phyongs rgyas NGAG DBANG DPAL BZANG — DD 716.  Author of Man ngag Lhan thabs kyi Lde mig (comm. on a medical work of Sde srid Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho) publ. in 1973.  Surely he's also the author of a work on 'secret medicine' contained in TBRC no. W1NLM6822, although the name is given in the colophon in Sanskritic form.

'Brug lhag pa NGAG DBANG DPAL BZANG — A Sgo mang Dge bshes in early 17th cent.  Dungkar in TJ 8 no 4 (Wint 1993) 9.

NGAG DBANG PHUN TSHOGS — (fl. ca. 1741)  The head lama of the Buryats, a Tibetan by origin, called Agvan Puntsok.  The temples there were all tent temples, but the first wooden monastery was built by his disciple Damba Darzha Zaiaev (1711-1777).  BinR 14.

NGAG DBANG PHUN TSHOGS — (18th cent.)  Dung dkar 189‑190.  Sgo mang Mkhan po.

Rgan Lam rim NGAG DBANG PHUN TSHOGS — A famous Dge lugs pa lama who died in Lhasa in 1997.  A popular public teacher on the stages of the Buddhist Path, he was and is best known by the name Rgan Lam rim.

'Dar lo NGAG DBANG PHUN TSHOGS — Author of Gtam rgyud Dpag bsam 'Bras bu listed in BLP no. 0979.

Hor Chos rje NGAG DBANG PHUN TSHOGS — Founder of (Rta'u) Nyi mtsho Mon. in Khams.  Barlocher 569.  Founded Dgon gsar in Rdza khog in time of 5th Dalai Lama.  Thar in TS9 IV 157.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 2064.

Bde chen chos 'khor Yongs 'dzin viii NGAG DBANG PHUN TSHOGS — Author of Klong chen Snying thig las: Thun mong gi Sngon 'gro Sems sbyong Rnam pa Bdun dang Bla ma Gyon 'bod kyi Rtsa ba Rdo rje'i Tshig 'Grel ma... Thar pa'i Myur lam (publ. 1975).  Author of 178.  Edited Rig 'dzin Srog sgrub publ. in 1977.

Zur NGAG DBANG PHUN TSHOGS — Teacher of Gter bdag gling pa.  458 I 327.4.

Lha btsun NGAG DBANG PHUN TSHOGS — Author of Rje 'bangs rnams kyi Rigs rus Gsal ba'i Sgron me, listed in BLP no. 0882.

O thog Dge slong NGAG DBANG PHUN TSHOGS — Thuken 396 (scribe named in the colophon).

Hor Chos rje Rab byams NGAG DBANG PHUN TSHOGS 'JAM DPAL — (1668/9‑1746).  Sperling in TH&L 459 n. 19.


'Dar Lo tsā ba NGAG DBANG PHUN TSHOGS LHUN GRUB — (17th cent.) Sanskritist who was most probably responsible for the Dalai Lama v's knowledge of Sanskrit.  23 18.  Shastri in TS9 I 140‑141.  Mentioned in Dge 'dun chos 'phel gyi Gsung rtsom (1990) I 291.

NGAG GI DBANG PHYUG — Keeper of S gate of Vikramaśīla  Mon.  Also called Khyab 'jug bzhad pa'i dpal.  17 II 271.1, 312.5.  Author of Phyag chen Yi ge Med pa'i Lam SkorBD of T&TB X 3.17.  Bio. in BD of T&TB I 818‑822.  Tāranātha insists that he was the keeper of the W door (because this is supported by 3 Indian texts).

Spyan snga NGAG GI DBANG PHYUG — He is depicted in a thangka at the Himalayan Art Resources website, Himalayanart.com (no. 874), identified by an inscription.

NGAG GI DBANG PHYUG — Disc. of Atiśa.  17 II 282.3.

NGAG GI DBANG PHYUG GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — (1517‑1554)  Alias of ('Brug pa) Ngag gi dbang po (q.v.).

Gong dkar Sde srid NGAG GI DBANG PHYUG GRAGS PA RNAM RGYAL — At whose behest the Chos 'byung of Padma dkar po was written in 1575.

NGAG DBANG PHYOGS LAS RNAM RGYAL KHAMS GSUM 'BRUG GRAGS — N. of Dpag bsam dbang po.  466 IV 166.4.

NAG DBANG 'PHRIN LAS — Author of Stag lung Gdan sa mthil gyi Lo rgyus, listed in BLP no. 1022.

Rje Mkhan po vii NGAG DBANG 'PHRIN LAS — There is a bio. written by (Rje Mkhan po ix) Shākya rin chen found in Biographies of Three Bhutanese Prelates (1976) by Bstan 'dzin phun tshogs.  Also found in 135 II 263‑338, or III 1‑294. 

Gtsos rams pa NGAG DBANG 'PHRIN LAS — 14th in Gdan rabs of Bkra shis 'khyil.  BD of T&TB V 684.

Zhwa dmar NGAG DBANG 'PHRIN LAS — (1661‑?)  B. in family of the Zhwa dmar.  Of Sgo mang Grwa tshang.  BD of T&TB V 574.

Smin grol No mon han Sprul sku NGAG DBANG 'PHRIN LAS RGYA MTSHO — E Tibetan sprul sku and student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).  In incarnation lineage of (Byang sems) Zla ba rgyal mtshan.

NGAG DBANG 'PHRIN LAS RGYA MTSHO — (1678‑1738)  BD of T&TB V 583.

Rje Tā Kau shri NGAG DBANG 'PHRIN LAS RGYA MTSHO — (1688‑?)  BD of T&TB V 627.

Spang sgang Rdo rje 'chang NGAG DBANG 'PHRIN LAS CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — Autobio. Spang dgon Bla ma, Rang rnam Bden pa'i Gleng mo (=Rgyud stod Mkhan rabs Brgya dang bcu pa 'Bras Blo gling Phu khang Spang dgon Sprul ming pa Rang gi Byung ba Brjod pa Bden pa'i Gleng mo, Tsering Tashi, Phukhang Khamtsen (Mundgod 2007), in 126 pages, with photos.

Char 'og Skyabs mgon NGAG DBANG PHRIN LAS LHUN GRUB — 377 21B.4, 33A.6.

Phur bu lcog i NGAG DBANG BYAMS PA — (1682‑1762)  Teacher of Ye shes rgyal mtshan (b. 1713) at Bkra shis lhun po.  Bio. in BD of T&TB V 370.  "Chab mdo'i nye phyogs su khrungs."  Dhongthog 44.  Pictured in 128 220, 230, 356, 490.  His Grwa sa Chen po Bzhi dang Rgyud pa Stod Smad Chags tshul Pad Dkar 'Phreng ba, composed in 1744, in 162.  Teacher of Pho lha nas.  162 introduction.  Bio. in 165 II 469‑544.  Bio. in 225 III.  41 5.  Vostrikov, Critical 66‑67.  Bio. by Paṇ chen Dpal ldan ye shes listed in BLP no. 1366.

Mkhas grub NGAG DBANG BYAMS PA PHUN TSHOGS — Autobio. listed in BLP no. 0256.

NGAG DBANG BYAMS PA RIN CHEN — Bio. by Paṇ chen Dpal ldan ye shes listed in BLP no. 0637.

Stag sgang Mkhas mchog NGAG DBANG BLO GROS — Author, in 1807‑1809, of Chos 'byung Ngo mtshar Gtam gyi Rol Mtsho.  Alias Gu ru Bkra shis.  There have been several printings of this history.  Dargyay 73.

Na lendra Bshad grwa Mkhan po NGAG DBANG BLO GROS — (1892‑ca. 1959)  Jackson in TH&L 243.

Rgya nag Rtogs ldan Sprul sku NGAG DBANG BLO GROS RGYA MTSHO — Author of bio. in 482.

Stag phu NGAG DBANG BLO GROS RGYA MTSHO — Autobio. listed in BLP no. 1029.

Khang gsar Mkhan po NGAG DBANG BLO GROS SNYING PO — (1876‑1952)  Also, (Ngor Khang gsar Dam pa Rin po che) Ngag dbang blo gros gzhan phan snying po.  Also, (Ngor Khan gsar).  Author of 417.  Belonged to the Gnubs family.  B. 1874, acc. to Dhongthog 45.  62 340‑349.  His Yongs Rdzogs Bstan pa'i Nyams len Sdom Gsum Gtan la 'Bebs pa 'Jam dbyangs Bla ma'i Dgongs Rgyan publ. in Dehra Dun? in 1968 (a comm. on Sdom Gsum Rab dbye).  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 90 ff. gives different dates (early 1850's 1907/7?, abbot ca. 1881? to ca. 1890).

NGAG DBANG BLO GROS SNYING PO GZHAN PHAN MTHA' YAS PA'I 'OD ZER — See Ngag dbang legs grub.  349 II contents.

Mus Mkhan po NGAG DBANG BLO GROS THEG MCHOG BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (1906‑ca. 1960)  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 92.

Mi nyag Zhabs drung NGAG DBANG BLO GROS DAR RGYAS — Student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

NGAG DBANG BLO GROS GZHAN PHAN SNYING PO — See Ngag dbang blo gros snying po.

Byams pa NGAG DBANG BLO GROS RIN CHEN — Bla med Rdo rje theg pa'i Lam gyi Sngon 'gro Thun mong dang Thun mong ma yin pa'i Khrid Rim Thar pa Thams cad Mkhyen pa'i Lam gyi Sgron me, an explanation of Vajrayāna Buddhism according to the Sa skya tradition, publ. in N. Delhi in 1979.


Klong rdol Bla ma NGAG DBANG BLO BZANG — (1719‑1794)  Important Dge lugs pa scholar.  T.H. 212.  Compiled bibliographies, etc.  B. 1729, acc. to Wylie 75, 146 n. 293.  See Klong rdolBeyer 38, 70, 244, 245‑246, 283, 290, 294, 305, 405‑406.  Works listed in SBTD I 106.  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 0132‑0137; Filibeck, Catalog II 346 (no. 735).  Dung dkar 126‑127.

NGAG DBANG BLO BZANG — See 19 index under Dorjieff.

Skyong lha NGAG DBANG BLO BZANG — Rikon Catalogue 854.

Tsha sprul NGAG DBANG BLO BZANG — Sent to Japan by Dalai Lama xiii in 1911, according to the chronology at end of Yisun.

Rab 'byams pa NGAG DBANG BLO BZANG — (1779‑1838)  Works listed in SBTD I 147.  Bio., see SBTD I 354.  Abbot of Khu re Mon. in Urga.  Works listed in SBTD 354.  Aka Ngag dbang ye shes thub bstan, Ye shes thub bstan.  Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 2, p. 246.

NGAG DBANG BLO BZANG BKRA SHIS — See =Grags pa rgya mtsho (1647‑1713).

Khal kha Mkhan po NGAG DBANG BLO BZANG MKHAS GRUB — See (Rab 'byams pa) Ngag dbang blo bzang.  Author of Gdung rten Dkar chag listed in BLP no. 1151.  Author of Byams pa'i Sku Bzhengs pa'i Dkar chag listed in BLP no. 1470.

Dalai Lama v NGAG DBANG BLO BZANG RGYA MTSHO — (1617‑1682)  Waddell 233.  Aka (Za hor gyi Rigs) Ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho 'jigs med go cha thub bstan lang tsho'i sde.  The effective political power of the Dalai Lamas was initiated when Mongols handed Tibet over to them.  Visited Peking in 1651‑1653.  T.H. 57.  TPS 57 ff, 133 ff.  Dhongthog 46.  Author of Snyan ngag Dbyangs can Dgyes Glu.  See 23 20 ff.  Pictured in 128 390, 550, 574, 658, 856.  Visionary works contained in 87 XIII, XIX, XXXVII.  Author of Lha ldan Sprul pa'i Gtsug lag khang gi Dkar chag (1645) which has been translated into English and German and has appeared in many editions.  See 162 introduction.  Bio. 165 II 730‑736.  His Gsan yig219.  His autobio. called Gsang ba'i Rnam thar Rgya can ma in 220 (see 217 504.2 ff).  Aka Gang shar rang grub.  Explanation of name in 370 preface 9.  Author of bio. of Zur Chos dbyings rang grol.  390.  His autobio. called Za hor gyi Bande Ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho'i Dag snang Khrul pa'i Rol Rtsed Rtogs brjod kyi Tshul du Bkod pa Du ku la'i Gos bzang publ. in 6 vols. (only 3 were published) in Kawring, 1979.  410 207B.5.  411 300A.6.  He composed biographies of the Dalai Lama iii and Dalai Lama iv published in a volume entitled: Rje btsun Thams cad Mkhyen pa Bsod nams rgya mtsho'i Rnam thar Dngos grub Rgya mtsho'i Shing rta and 'Jig rten dbang phyug Thams cad Mkhyen pa Yon tan rgya mtsho dpal bzang po'i Rnam thar Thar pa Nor bu'i 'Phreng ba (Dolanji 1982).  Author of Lugs Zung gi Bslab bya Mu thi la'i 'Phreng ba, explaining in verse the Tibetan idea of the unification of church and state to a Mongol leader, publ. by T. Lawang, Darjeeling 1960.  A collection of his letters publ. under the title, Rgya Bod Hor Sog gi Mchog Dman Bar pa rnams la 'Phrin yig Snyan ngag tu Bkod pa Rab Snyan rgyud Mang by Kunsang Tobgay (Thimphu 1975).  Bio. from Rnying ma history found in BD of T&TB IV 252. A thangka of him, with Padmasambhava above his head, is found in TPS plate 80.  Depicted in a tapestry in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 153.  Subject of a thangka in Po ta la (1996) 153. The famous picture from the Potala (much used in Chinese propaganda) is illus. in Precious Deposits IV 10‑11, with other items associated with his visit to Beijing, including a remarkable silver image of the Dalai Lama v that was presented to the Shunzhi Emperor in 1652.  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 0527‑0537.

Rje btsun Dam pa NGAG DBANG BLO BZANG CHOS KYI NYI MA BSTAN 'DZIN DBANG PHYUG — (1871‑1924)  The Eighth Jebtsun Dampa.  Lubos Belka, The Myth of Shambhala, Archiv Orientalni, vol. 71, no. 3 (2003), p. 249.

Lcang skya I NGAG DBANG BLO BZANG CHOS LDAN — (1642‑1714)  Sumpa, Annals 84.  Abbot of Dgon lung from 1688‑1690.  332 II 21.  Bio. written in 1729.  Berkeley 117.  works listed in SBTD I 452.

NGAG DBANG BLO BZANG 'JAM DPAL BSTAN 'DZIN — Called Tshawa Thritrüü (or Tsha sprul).  Went to Japan in the early 20th century.  Tada, Thirteenth Dalai Lama 95.  Apparently this journey had something to do with Dorjieff, who did visit Japan in the early 20th cent., acc. to his memoirs.



Rta tshag NGAG DBANG BLO BZANG BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1003.

Lcang lung Paṇḍi ta NGAG DBANG BLO BZANG BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (1770‑1846)  Collected Works in 8 vols. publ. in 1975.  94.  Works listed (7 vols.) in SBTD I 500.  His Dge 'phel Dga' ldan Chos mdzod gling Skal bzang Lha khang Rten dang Brten pa bcas pa'i Dkar chag  listed in BLP no. 0450.  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 0704‑0706.  Author of Ma pham pa'i Snang brnyan gyi Dkar chag, listed in BLP no. 1596.  Author of Sman bla'i Sku brnyan dang Mi 'khrugs pa'i Snang brnyan Rnam 'dren Stong gi Sku brnyan Gsar bzhengs kyi Dkar chag, BLP no. 1649.

NGAG DBANG BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN — (1745‑1812)  BD of T&TB V 605.


Shel dkar Bka' 'gyur Bla ma NGAG DBANG BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN TSHUL KHRIMS RGYAL MTSHAN — Author in 1892‑1893 of Bka' gdams Bstan pa'i Mdzod 'Dzin Rje btsun Bla ma Sangs rgyas bstan 'phel dpal bzang po'i Rnam thar Dad ldan Yid kyi Dga' ston (N. Delhi 1976).  See 55 preface.  His autobiography, entitled, Dge slong Ngag dbang blo bzang bstan 'dzin tshul khrims rgyal mtshan gyi Spyod tshul Drang por Brjod pa Myong Snang 'Khrul pa'i zlos gar, publ. in N. Delhi, 1975 (listed in BLP no. 0635).  This autobiography was continued and edited by (Chu bzang Sprul sku) Blo bzang sangs rgyas bstan pa'i sgron me.  Picture in 128 458.  Gdung rten Dkar chag listed in BLP no. 0636.

Khri chen NGAG DBANG BLO BZANG THUB BSTAN — 87th Dga' ldan Khri pa.  128 974.

Rdo rje phag mo'i Sprul sku NGAG DBANG BLO BZANG THUB BSTAN CHOS SDINGS DPAL MO — The Dalai Lama xiii, Works VII 228.4.  The famous female incarnate of Samding (Bsam lding).

Rig 'dzin NGAG DBANG BLO BZANG PADMA 'PHRIN LAS — (b. 1641)  Also, (Rgod ldem iv).  See 370 preface.

NGAG DBANG BLO BZANG DPAL LDAN BZANG PO — Subj. of bio. by Rta tshag Bstan pa'i mgon po listed in BLP no. 0639.

De mo IX NGAG DBANG BLO BZANG 'PHRIN LAS RAB RGYAS — (1855‑1899)  He was the 3rd and last De mo Incarnate to become a regent, serving from 1886 to 1895.  Alexander, Temples 210.

NGAG DBANG BLO BZANG SMON LAM DPAL BZANG PO — Subj. of bio. by Blo bzang bsam gtan listed in BLP no. 0640.


Rwa sgreng Hu thog thu NGAG DBANG BLO BZANG YE SHES BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (d. 1912)  The Dalai Lama xiii Works VII 215.5.  Precious Deposits IV 77‑9 has an edict of 1898. 

Stag brag NGAG DBANG BLO BZANG GSUNG RABS MTHU STOBS BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (1874‑1951)  BD of T&TB VI 92.  =Ngag dbang gsung rabs grub thob bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan (q.v.)  Photo in Goldstein, History 356.  ISTS xvii.  Perhaps he is the Stag brag Ho thog thu Wa gindra as signed in a work or two.  Disciple of Phur bu lcog Byams pa rgya mtsho, he received the Lha rams Dge bshes degree at the New Year  in Lhasa in his 30th year.  At age 53, after he had worked on the Lhasa Kanjur, he became a Mtshan zhabs of the Dalai Lama xiii.  He was made regent in 1941 and remained for ten years.  His Collected Works in two volumes are listed in the Gsan yig of Stag brag Ngag dbang gsung rab mthu stobs (as listed in TBRC website).

Khyung tsha Zhabs drung NGAG DBANG DBANG RGYAL — Abbot of Dgon lung from 1737 to 1740.  332 II 24‑25.

'Bum gsar Dge bshes NGAG DBANG 'BYUNG GNAS — A teacher of Mi pham.  42 6.

NGAG DBANG 'BRUG PA — (early 18th cent.)  Bhutanese.  See Aris, Bhutan 318 n. 71.

NGAG DBANG MI BSKYOD RDO RJE — A teacher of (Lha btsun) Nam mkha' 'jigs med (1597‑1653).  BD of T&TB III 778.



NGAG DBANG MI PHAM ZLA BA — (1767‑1807)  BD of T&TB V 594.  Described as Rong po Bi'i pa Sprul sku.  Thuken 396.

NGAG DBANG BRTSON 'GRUS — (modern)  338 9.1.

'Jam dbyangs bzhad pa I NGAG DBANG BRTSON 'GRUS — (1648‑1721/2)  Held the throne of Sgo mang Grwa tshang, and returned to A mdo in 1707.  BD of T&TB V 650.  23 6, 21.  He began as a Dge lugs pa, and later, it is said, became a Rnying ma pa.  Article by Eva Dargyay, TJ VI no. 1.  BD of T&TB V 650.  Vai.Ser. xii.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 0818.  Bio. in Dung dkar 62‑64.

Dpal shul NGAG DBANG BRTSON 'GRUS — N. of the 'Jam dbyangs bzhad pa V.  Nietupski, Labrang 22.

Shar pa NGAG DBANG BRTSON 'GRUS — Printer of a woodblock print in personal possession entitled Rlung Dgu Phrugs Sbyangs Tshul.

NGAG DBANG TSHUL KHRIMS — (1762‑?)  BD of T&TB V 578.

NGAG DBANG TSHUL KHRIMS — (1721‑1791)  Regent of Tibet from 1777‑1781.  Ind.Off.Cat. no. 33.  Also, (Co ne ba)?  Yongs 'dzin of 8th Dalai Lama and Mtsho smon gling Regent.  61st Khri of Dga' ldan (from 1775‑1781).  BD of T&TB VI 200.  128 948.  Images he had casted in 1783 are depicted in Po ta la (1996) 68‑9.  Tshe smon gling No min han Ngag dbang tshul khrims kyi Rnam thar Dad pa'i Sgo 'byed, listed in BLP no. 1694; see also Filibeck, Catalog II 347 (nos. 739‑740, quite a lengthy biography), where he is also called Sa ma ti Pakshi.  Kate Teltscher, The High Road to China, Bloomsbury (London 2006), p. 191.

Khri chen NGAG DBANG TSHUL KHRIMS — Author of Skyes rabs Rnam thar Dad pa'i Sgo 'byed, listed in BLP no. 0168.  His bio. by Rgyal ba 'Jam dpal rgya mtsho, listed in BLP no. 0206.  Bio. by Blo bzang thugs rje in BLP nos. 0209 & 0216.

Mchod dpon NGAG DBANG TSHUL KHRIMS — (ca. 1684, 1687)  458 I 267.3, 306.6.

Se ra Smad Kong po Dge bshes NGAG DBANG TSHUL KHRIMS — Author of 'Dul ba'i Gzhung lugs Kun gyi snying po+, a verse work on Vinaya, publ. 1976.

Co ne ba NGAG DBANG TSHUL KHRIMS RGYA MTSHO — 73rd Khri of Dga' ldan (in about 1819).  BD of T&TB VI 205.

Gser kong NGAG DBANG TSHUL KHRIMS RGYA MTSHO — (recent)  441 I 28.5, 47.2.

Gser khang Sprul sku NGAG DBANG TSHUL KHRIMS DON LDAN — Comm. on Bzang spyod Smon lam publ. in 1975?  See under (Brag phug) Dge 'dun rin chen.  His biography, composed by C. Rakra Tethong, was published by Tibet House (Delhi 1995), in 313 pages.

NGAG DBANG TSHE 'PHEL — 52nd Khri thog of Dga' ldan from 1728 to 1731.  B. in Dwags po Tsa ri G.yag zhol.  BD of T&TB VI 184.  128 940.

NGAG DBANG TSHE RING — Article in TJ IV no. 1.  Modern Ladakhi author of B in L.

NGAG DBANG TSHE RING — Mongolian lama of early 19th cent.  399 preface 5.

Grub dbang NGAG DBANG TSHE RING — (1717‑1794)  Also, ('Khrul zhig).  A 'Brug pa lama of Zangs dkar.  Father of Bzhad pa rdo rje.  Disc. of Rang rig ye syes and Dpag bsam dar rgyas.  Dpal ldan Bla ma Dam pa 'Khrul zhig Rin po che Ngag dbang tshe ring gi Rnam thar Kun tu Bzang po'i Zlos gar Yid kyi Bcud len, edited and arranged by Tshul khrims 'byung gnas, aka Bzhad pa rdo rje.  Bio. and works in 95.  See B in L171 preface.  TS5 469.  Bio. cited in Vitali's Tho ling book.  Gutschow, Becoming a Buddhist Nun 99.  Shastri in TJ 34 no 2 (Summ 2009) 10.

NGAG DBANG TSHOGS GNYIS — See under Tshogs gnyis.  336 contents.

Stag tshang ras pa NGAG DBANG MTSHO SKYES RDO RJE — B in L 47.

NGAG DBANG 'DZAM GLING GRAGS PA — One who made suggestion to compile 7 in 1891.  Abbot of Mdo sngags bshad sgrub gling and a nephew of Mchog 'gyur gling pa.

Nyi thang NGAG DBANG GZHON NU BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — Rebirth of (Gling stod) Blo bzang rgya mtsho.  332 II preface 13.

Rgyal thang pa NGAG DBANG ZIL GNON RDO RJE — (active ca. 1675)  Cuevas, Hidden History 189.

Stag lung Lo tsā ba NGAG DBANG GZUNGS MCHOG — Disc. of Gter bdag gling pa.  458 I 348.2.

Mkhas dbang NGAG DBANG BZANG PO — Subj. of bio. listed in BLP no. 0257, and prob. also BLP no. 0638 (by Zla ba grags pa).

Yongs 'dzin I Lha rtse ba NGAG DBANG BZANG PO — (1546‑1615)  Disc. of Padma dkar po and preceptor of Dpag bsam dbang po (1593‑1641).  Wrote continuation of the autobiography of Padma dkar po contained in the Gsung 'bum20 36.  17 IV 1‑147.  Important teacher of 'Ja' tshon snying po.  BD of T&TB III 773.  Bios. in 175, 181.  Pictures in 176 1B and 173 1B.  Author of prayer in 129 II 30 ff.  Beyer 137‑138, 141.  Bronze image in 16 illus. no. 79 (another is kept in Asian Art Museum of San Francisco), perhaps same as one in P. Pal et al., Tibet: Tradition & Change (The Albuquerque Museum 1998) 66‑67  (plate 33).  Schwieger in Kailash 18 (1996) 86 ff.  Bio. of Padma dkar po listed in BLP no. 1580.  Bio. by Ngag dbang sangs rgyas rdo rje listed in BLP no. 2074.  Prob. subj. of BLP no. 2075, a bio. by Chos kyi rgyal mtshan.

Khri rgan NGAG DBANG BZOD PA — (1740‑1810)  BD of T&TB V 647.

Dbu mdzad NGAG DBANG BZOD PA — (ca. 1680)  458 I 350.3.

Mtho lding Dge slong NGAG DBANG YE SHES — 407 39B.  A portrait bronze of him mentioned in  Vitali, Tho.ling 73.

'Ba' ra ba NGAG DBANG YE SHES — Son of ('Dzam gling pa) Blo gros chos 'phel.  References to his biography are made by Vitali in TS9 I 83.  Bio. by Chos dbyings rdo rje listed in BLP no. 1560.

Snang gsal Rin po che NGAG DBANG YE SHES GRUB PA — A teacher of (Zur chen) Chos dbyings rang grol (1604‑1664).  BD of T&TB III 798.  Cuevas, Hidden History 66, 161.

NGAG DBANG YE SHES RGYA MTSHO — See Pad dkar 'dzin pa.  For a composition, see Uspensky, Prince Yunli 20.

NGAG DBANG YE SHES THUB BSTAN — See Ngag dbang blo bzang.


NGAG DBANG YE SHES RANG GROL — Prayers and works in a Lahul print of Mkhyen brtse'i dbang po, Rdo rje sems dpa' la Brten+ (1975).

Rtogs pa'i Dbang phyug Grub Rigs NGAG DBANG YONGS GRAGS — (1714‑1767)  In Thang stong Snyan brgyud.  63 I 145.  Stearns, King 17, supplies the dates.

Shar pa NGAG DBANG YON TAN — (1922‑ )  Kun mkhyen chen po Si tus Mdzad pa'i Sum rtags 'Grel pa Mu Phreng gi Dgongs Don 'Ga' zhig la Mkhas pa Dkar legs Drung yig gi Zhal gyis Bzhes te Mthar Gcod Dwangs shel Me long+ Publ. 1970 (N Tib 72‑917300), on controversies about grammar.

Sga pa NGAG DBANG YON TAN RGYA MTSHO — (1902‑ca. 1963)  Subject of article by Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001).

Rje NGAG DBANG YON TAN RGYA MTSHO — (1907‑1958)  Rnying ma.  BD of T&TB IV 691.

NGAG DBANG YON TAN RGYA MTSHO — A modern abbot of 'Dzam thang Monastery, who led the revival of the Jo nang pa school in eastern Tibet.

Rje NGAG DBANG YON TAN MTHA' YAS — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0875. Author of 'Brug Pad dkar gyi Rang rnam Thugs rje chen po'i Zlos gar dang 'Phros Sgyu ma Chen mo'i Do ra, listed in BLP no. 1579.

Char 'og Sprul sku NGAG DBANG YON TAN NOR BU — Disc. of Ngag dbang nor bu bzang po (1850‑1934).  377 3A.6, 71.4.

Kha rog pa NGAG DBANG RAB BRTAN — His bio. listed in BLP no. 0183.  Kha reg Dge bshes Ngag dbang rab brtan, author of bio. listed in BLP no. 0581.

Dge 'phel Bla ma Stag lung Kun spangs Chen po NGAG DBANG RAB BRTAN — Yogin student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

Chos kyi rje NGAG DBANG RAB BRTAN — (ca. 1710)  463 I 162.6.

Smad pa Bla ma NGAG DBANG RAB BRTAN — Student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

NGAG DBANG RIG GNAS RGYA MTSHO — Also called Rdo rje'i dbang phyug Ngag dbang dpal bzang po.  Author of 133, written in 1683.

Sprul sku NGAG DBANG RIG 'DZIN RDO RJE — Son of (Byang pa Chos rgyal Chen po) Dbang po'i sde, and incarnation of Legs ldan bdud 'joms rdo rje.  210 267.6.

NGAG DBANG RIN CHEN — Scribe active in 1729.  Meisezahl in Zentralasiatische Studien, vol. 2 (1968), p. 113.

Grub pa'i Dbang phyug NGAG DBANG RIN CHEN — (1776‑?)  Sa skya.  B. at Yid lhung at Sde dge.  Dhongthog 46.  Bio. in 383 581.3 ff.

NGAG DBANG RIN CHEN — Became Sde srid in 1703.  Vai.Ser. xi.  463 I 78.5.

'Jog po NGAG DBANG RIN CHEN — Author of bio. of 'Bru la Mkhan chen listed in BLP no. 1570.

NGAG DBANG LUNG RTOGS YON TAN RGYA MTSHO — 78th Khri pa of Dga' ldan (1850‑1853).  BD of T&TB VI 206.

Ngor pa Dpon slob NGAG DBANG LEGS GRUB — (b. 1811)  Also, ('Jam pa'i dbyangs).  A grammarian.  23 35.  Work on Gza' yum.  194 I.  Alias Ngag dbang blo gros snying po gzhan phan mtha' yas pa'i 'od zer.  349 II contents, XXVIII.  Work in 36 IV 806.  "Gru Sga Lung Rung Bzhi'i nang tshan Lab 'mda' zhes par 'khrungs."  Dhongthog 46.  Took abbotship of Ngor E wam in 1843.  Dhongthog 133.  Work in 349 I, etc.  Bio. in 383 596.5 ff.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 88, 102 n. 2.

Dge bshes NGAG DBANG RIG GSAL — (20th cent.)  Geshe Sopa's autobio. (2012) 102.

NGAG DBANG LEGS LDAN — (modern)  Abbot of Rgyud smad Mon.  Tsering Shakya, Dragon 187.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 201.

Sga ston NGAG DBANG LEGS PA — (1864‑1941)  62 329‑340.  His Gsung Thor bu, publ. in 1978.  A Sa skya pa from Khams.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 89.  Subj. of bio. by Blo gsal bzang po listed in BLP no. 0642.

NGAG DBANG LEGS BSHAD NYI MA — BD of T&TB V 599.  Subj. of bio. by Blo bzang tshul khrims rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 0641.

NGAG DBANG SHES RAB — Author of Tha ma kha'i Nyes dmigs Mdo tsam Bstan pa (Nepal 1972).  N. of a 20th cent. Nepalese painter.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 113.

Mchod dpon NGAG DBANG SHES RAB — (ca. 1680?)  Macdonald in Essais 122.  This is probably the person whose name appears on two thangkas pictured in Bod kyi thang ga, Bod Rang skyong ljongs Rig dngos Do dam U yon Lhan khang (Lhasa 1984), pp. 76, 79, one of Dalai Lama v, the other of the Sde srid.

Drung chen NGAG DBANG SHES RAB — Author of work mentioned in 332 II preface 14.

A ṇi NGAG DBANG SHES RAB — 277 14A.1.

NGAG DBANG BSHAD SGRUB BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — Sku 'bum Che shos Sprul sku.  'Khrungs rabs in FM 117.31.

NGAG DBANG SANGS RGYAS RDO RJE — Author of a bio. of Paṇ chen Blo bzang chos kyi rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 1287.

Srid skyong Stag brag Paṇḍi ta Chen po NGAG DBANG GSUNG RAB GRUB THOB BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (1873‑1952)  Became acting Regent in 1941.  2 16.  Pictured in 128 256.  TS7 I 446. Author of work devoted to funerary chorten of the Dalai Lama xiii, listed in BLP no. 0560.

NGAG DBANG BSAM GTAN — A modern Rnying ma.  85 3.  Bio. of a Grub dbang Ngag dbang bsam gtan in 124 pp. to be printed (or, perhaps, already has been).

NGAG DBANG BSAM GTAN BLO GROS — (1866?‑1931?)  Subj. of bio. by 'Jam dbyangs chos kyi dbang phyug listed in BLP no. 0643.

NGAG DBANG BSOD NAMS — Subj. of bio. by Chos rje Grags pa 'od zer listed in BLP no. 0644.

Bya bral ba NGAG DBANG BSOD NAMS — Bya bral ba Ngag dbang bsod nams kyi Rtogs brjod Dwangs shel Nor bu'i Phreng ba, listed in BLP no. 1445.

Yang sprul NGAG DBANG BSOD NAMS DGE LEGS — Vai.Ser. 72.

NGAG DBANG BSOD NAMS RGYA MTSHO — 16th cent. disc. of Shanti pa.  Vitali, Tho.ling 44.  BLP no. 1301.

NGAG DBANG BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 0626.

Bi lig No min han Rab 'byams pa NGAG DBANG BSOD NAMS BSTAN 'DZIN DPAL BZANG PO — His bio. by Rab 'byams pa Blo bzang 'phrin las, bilingual Tibetan Mongolian ms., listed in BLP no. 1407.

'Jam pa'i dbyangs Byams pa Dpal NGAG DBANG BSOD NAMS DBANG PO GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN DPAL BZANG PO — (1559‑1621)  Sa skya pa.  Dhongthog 47.  Called Dge sding pa in  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 35.  Bio. listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 342 (no. 710), in 50 fols.

NGAG DBANG BSOD NAMS DBANG PHYUG — Subj. of bio. by Sras Ngag dbang kun dga' bkra shis listed in BLP no. 0645.

NGAG DBANG LHA MO — N. for the deity Dbyangs can ma.  Das 913.

NGAG DBANG LHUN GRUB — Author of Mtshungs med Chos kyi Rgyal po Rje Rin po che'i Rnam par Thar pa Bskal Bzang Legs Bris 'Dod pa'i Re skon Dpag bsam gyi Snye ma (1977).

NGAG DBANG LHUN GRUB — A traveling companion of Dkar ru Grub dbang.  Ramble in RET XV 491.

Lha btsun No mon han NGAG DBANG LHUN GRUB — Alias Ngag dbang rdo rje.  Of A lag sha. Also, Ngag dbang lhun grub dar rgyas, the one who wrote the 'Secret History ' of the 6th Dalai Lama.  There is an article on him in Bod ljong Zhib 'jug, 1st issue of 1995.

'Bras bu gling pa NGAG DBANG O RGYAN — Teacher of Gter bdag gling pa.  458 I 328.2.

Tshangs sras NGAG GI ZLA BA — An alias of Lung rtogs rgya mtsho.  285 458‑460.

NGAG RONG PA — See (— — —) Ye shes rdo rje.


NGANG SKYAL — Vai.Ser. 175.

NGANG RGYAL — BA 569, 608, 752.

NGANG NGUR GYIS GANG BA — Das 413 no. 9.

NGANG PA — N. of an Arhat.  TPS 530.

NGANG PA KUN TU SGRA 'BYIN PA — Das 413 no. 10.

Byang sems NGANG PA'I GZUGS — In Jātaka.  Picture in 128 714.

NGANG PA GSER LDAN — 'Goose with Gold'.  N. of a horse. Wylie 152 n. 349.  This horse belonged to (Rgyal bu) Gzhon nu don grub.  Kaschewsky 83.

NGANG PAS RTSE BA — Pl.n.  In S India.  BD of T&TB I 486.


Phywa za NGANG 'BRANG MA — Karmay, Confucius 576.


NGANG MO 'GROS KYI RGYUD — Text in 319 IV 265‑267.

Rnal 'byor ma NGANG TSHUL CAN — 87 I 257.1.

Btsun mo NGANG TSHUL MA — Queen of Ral pa can, accused of improper relations with Bran ka Dpal gyi yon tan.  17 II 337.4.

Bram ze NGANG TSHUL ZAB PA — Indian minister.  BD of T&TB I 273.

NGANG LHA KHANG — N. of Bum thang in Bhutan.  Olschak.

NGAD PHU PA — 478A I 98.5.

NGAN — Richardson sees this as a clan name indicating Sogdian origins.  HP,PE 23, n. 11.

Lha mo NGAN NE MA — 458 I 261.4.

NGAN RDZONG STON PA — Or, Ngan rdzong ras pa, or, Ngam rdzong ston pa (q.v.).  Often called Bo dhi rā dza or Byang chub rgyal po.  Disc. of Milarepa.  4 chap XV, p. 84B ff, 143.4, 155A.1, 200A.3, 200B.1, 224A.6.  4A 5B.5.  Author of works in 229 21‑27, 29‑33, 193‑213. To see a portrait, see HAR 19838: of the 6 standing figures he is the 4th.

NGAN LANG GI RI CHUNG RING MO — ?  Ngan lang, =Ngan lam?  24 I 390.3.

NGAN LAM — BA 89, 805.  "yul Dbu ru Ngan lam Ral Gsum pa yin."  BD of T&TB III 256.

NGAN LAM — See (— —) Rgyal ba mchog dbyangs.  (— —) Byang chub rgyal mtshan.

NGAN LAM BAN CHUNG — In image inscription in Weldon & Singer, Sculptural Heritage 135.  He is the one who had the image made.

Dbu ru NGAN LAM RAL GSUM — BA 173.

NGAN SONG SBYONG RGYUD — A yoga tantra.  349 VI 1‑320.


Thugs rje chen po NGAN SONG RANG GROL — An excavation of 'Ja' tshon snying po (q.v.).  Work on same in 226 V 441 ff.

NGAB MI — See (— —) Byang chub rgyal mtshan.

NGAM — See (—) Rgyal ba'i dbang po.  It is possible Ngam could be a reduction of Ngan lam.

NGAM GROG — N. of Tibet.  Stein.

Ge sar NGAM PA LCE RINGS — SFHB 630.5.  Khrom gshen Chen po.  Bio. in 253 II 134.2.

NGAM PHUG KO SA — 5 68.6.

NGAM RDZONG — The family n. of Ngam rdzong ston pa.

NGAM RDZONG SNYAN BRGYUD — A special Bka' brgyud pa oral transmission lineage.  36 V 425 ff.  Ngan rdzong in 20 4.  BA 437.  =Bde mchog Snyan brgyud (q.v.).  Text in 118 303‑312.  12 IX 81.1  10‑deity Cakrasamvara.  349 XXI.  History and bibliography in 17 IV 443.3 ff.

NGAM RDZONG STON PA —  =Ngan rdzong ston pa (q.v.).  Aka Gcen lung pa, Lcam lung pa, Bo dhi rā dza, Byang chub rgyal po.  Disc. of Milarepa.  He was originally a teacher of Old Tantras who became a follower of (Mar pa) Mgo yags and Milarepa.  BA 435.  Bio. in BA 449, and 17 II 510.  57 IIB 352.2.  For his meeting with Milarepa, see 4 88B.3‑89B.4, 143A.4, 169A.3, 171A.4.  "Gcen lung gi Ngan rdzong bde ba skyong." 4 285A.4.

Byang NGAM RING — Also, Ngam rings.  In North Gtsang.  Stein 34.  For Thang stong's visit, see 5 261.1 ff, 194.2.  BA 778.  Ngam ring Chos sde.  5 270.1 ff.  Vai.Ser. 213.

NGAM RINGS — Provincial capital of the Byang pa myriarchs.  23 35.  Stein, Mi–ñag 237.

NGAM RING — See (— —) (Mkhan chen) Tshe brtan rgyal mtshan.

NGAM RING CHOS SDE — F. by (Byang pa) Ta'i dbang po, acc. to BA 778.  But, acc. to Re'u mig, it was f. in 1225 by (Stag rtse la rgyab pa) Shākya seng ge, & restored in 1354 by (Ta'i dben) Blo gros rgyal mtshan (b. 1332).  Ferrari 152‑153 n. 536.  =Namring of JTL&CT 209.  =Chamnamrin of Waddell 274 (he confuses it with Rnam gling).  Wylie 68, 135 n. 183.  =Chos sde Byams pa gling (q.v.).


NGAM RING MTSHO — Nigap ring tso, or, Ngap ring khyim Lake.  Wylie 135 n. 177.

NGAM RING RDZONG — On left bank of Gtsang po, opposite Lha rje Rdzong and Phun tshogs gling.  Wylie 135 n. 177.

NGAM RIM — BA 818.

NGAM LEN SKYOL PO — Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 461.

NGAM LEN NAG PO — Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 446‑7.

NGAM SHOD — BA 557, 565, 574, 575, 936.  =Ngams shod (q.v.).  17 II 327.3, 540.3.  87 I 266.4.  See Schaeffer in JIP 28 (2000) 376 n. 47.  Ngam shod is the valley‑region that includes Gdan sa mthil.


NGAMS SHOD — BA 143, 177, 184, 438, 570, 895, 957.

'Phrul bon NGAR DRAG BYAMS PA — Rock, Nāga Cult I 151, 269.

NGAR PA THANG — Pl. near Yar klungs where Gri gum btsan po's tomb is thought to be.  56 63.  Tucci, Religions 226.

NGAR MI ZIN — A Bon spirit.  4 292.4.

NGAR TSHO — The family (rigs) of Dalai Lama i.  Dhongthog 37.

NGAR LA SKYES — See Ru la skyes.

NGAR SHAG — See (— —) 'Bum rje.

NGAL MDA' — BA 468.

NGAL GSOS BU —  =Jambhala?  Protector, pictured in 320 XXXIII.

NGAS PO — Ancient n. of 'Phan po ('Phan yul).  TS5 530, 661.  Btsan lha.  See Hazod in TS9 I 29, 35.

NGU ZA — See (— —) Nyi ma.

Bya NGUR MO — BA 275.

NGUR SMRIG — BA 80, 378, 382, 790.  17 II 346.2.

Rong NGUR SMRIG — 17 II 401.2.

NGUR SMRIG SGROL MA KHANG — Humi Dolma, Dolma Lhakang.  On left bank of Rong chu at juncture of Rong chung lung.  Ngur smrig Sgrol ma is also n. of a statue at Bkra shis lhun po.  Ferrari 163.  For Thang stong's visit see 5 81.  There is a history entitled Ngur mig Jo mo Sgrol ma'i Dkar chabs, contained in HS XI 531‑543.

NGUR SMRIG LHUN GRUB GTSUG LAG KHANG — Dkar chag listed in BLP no. 0646; see also no. 1084.

NGER GOM — BA 301.

NGEL PA RAS PA — ??  4X I 14.4.

NGES DON RGYA MTSHO — (b. 1859?)  Author of work on the 'Bri gung pa hermitage of Yang ri sgar, contained in 137 243‑435.  His collected works have been published:  Nges don rgya mtsho (b. 1859), The Collected Works (Gsung 'bum) of 'Bri gung Nges don Rin po che Nges don 'dzam gling chos bsgrags rgya mtsho, Tsondu Senghe Yorey Tsang (Delhi 2000).  See Ngag dbang nges don rgya mtsho.

Yongs 'dzin NGES DON RGYA MTSHO — Author of 'Phags pa Thugs rje chen po'i Sgrub thabs kyi Bla ma Brgyud pa'i Rnam thar Rin chen Phreng ba, published by D. Tsondu Senghe Yorey Tsang (Delhi 2004), in book format.  A 'Bri gung pa work, it is evidently by the just mentioned person by this name born in 1859.  We may know from the lineage given in the colophon that he was a disciple of (Rje btsun) Dkon mchog chos skyabs, the 34th abbot of 'Bri gung.

Lam mkhyen NGES DON CHOS GRAGS RGYA MTSHO — See under Dkon mchog nges don chos grags rgya mtsho.  He was Lam mkhyen pa (an honorary title, and later name of his reincarnation lineage) during the time of Chung tshang Chos kyi blo gros (1868‑1906).  See Kuo‑wei Liu's dissertation.

NGES DON CHOS KYI RGYA MTSHO — 'Brug pa.  7.  Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 121.3.

Dbang phyug NES DON CHOS RGYAL — 363 5.3.

Zla bzang Sprul sku i NGES DON BSTAN PA RAB RGYAS — (1808‑1864/1867)  23 4.  See Karma nges don bstan pa rab rgyas.

'Bri gung Sgo lcogs Sprul sku NGES DON BSTAN 'DZIN CHOS KYI DBANG PO — (early 20th cent.)  Jampa Samten Shastri, Origins of the Tibetan Canon 779.

Rdzogs chen pa iii NGES DON BSTAN 'DZIN BZANG PO — (1759‑1792)  He was responsible for the first printed edition of the Tibetan Book of the Dead.  Cuevas, Hidden History 137, 204‑205, 260.

NGES DON THAMS CAD 'DUS PA — In title in 320 VIII 124.

NGES DON 'DUS PA'I YANG SNYING — In title in 320 VIII 478.

Rdzogs chen NGES DON 'DUS PA'I RGYUD — 320 VII 2‑108.

NGES DON PHUN TSHOGS GLING — Jackson, Patron 239.  Zhiyunsi temple in Lijiang f. in 1727.  Debreczeny in Kapstein, BBTC 123.

NGES DON PHYAG RGYA CHEN PO'I SMON LAM — Famous prayer by Karma pa Rang byung rdo rje.  Comm. by Si tu in 452 183‑339.  See master's thesis by Steve Kronenberg (Indiana University, Bloomington).  There have now been several translations.

NGES PA STON PA'I MDO — Text in 320 I 298 ff.

Lho kha Grwa phyi 'Og min Smin grol gling NGES PA DON GYI DGA' TSHAL — Mentioned in BD of T&TB III 762.

Gung thang pa'i Mchog sprul NGES PA DON GYI 'JAM PA'I DBYANGS — See (— — — — —) (— — — — — — —) Dkon mchog bstan pa'i sgron me.

NGES PA MAR SKU DGON — 253 II 630.5.

Gong dkar NGES GSANG RDO RJE GLING — Has printery.  162 212.  For its conversion by Fifth Dalai Lama, see especially James Gentry's dissertation.

NGO — For Ngor Mon., in Kværne 233 no. 133.

NGO KHRO RAB 'BYAMS PA — See (— — — — —) Dbang phyug dpal.

NGO KHROD RAB 'BYOR — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1280.

NGO SGRA — BA 280.

NGO RJE RAS PA — See Bal bu Gongs pa.

NGO 'DU DGON — Vai.Ser. 253.  Kuijp in  Lungta 14 (2001) 68.

NGO SNU'I — The name of the clan of the Tangut ruling family according to Tibetan sources.  It has a meaning that has to do with the founding myth, that included an abandoned child drinking milk from a cow, a story not found otherwise than in Tibetan-language sources.  See Guillaume Jacques, "A Note on the Etymology of the Tangut Name Ngwemi," JAOS 130 no 2 (2010) 259‑260.

Rgyal ba Yang dgon pa'i NGO SPROD BDUN MA — A khrid yig to this teaching of Yang dgon pa found in 123 II 279A ff.

NGO SPROD GZHI YI RGYUD — Text in 319 III 239‑244.  320 IV 581‑586.

NGO SPROD RIN PO CHE SPRAD PA — In title in 320 IX 626.1.


NGO MTSHAR RGYAS PA — See Dbang chen Ngo mtshar Rgyas pa.

NGO MTSHAR LTA NA RIG BYED GLING — A medical college, usually known by the name of the hill it was on, Lcags po ri, founded by Regent Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho.  Dungkar in TJ 8 no 4 (Wint 1993) 11.

NGO MTSHAR GZHAN PHAN PHUL 'BYUNG SANGS RGYAS RGYA MTSHO — (b. 1871)  The fifth incarnate of Sde srid Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho.  See Jalsan, "The Reincarnations of Desi Sangye Gyatso in Alasha and the Secret History of the Sixth Dalai Lama," Inner Asia 4 no 2 (2002) 347‑359, at p. 353.  He was also known as Tshangs sras bzhad pa'i rdo rje and Lha btsun Rnam rgyal rdo rje.  He studied in Central Tibet and corresponded with the Dalai Lama xiii.  In 1897 his incarnation was officially recognized by the Manchu court.

NGO ZHU — See (— —) Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.

NGO LOG — See 'Go log, of which it is said to be the correct spelling.  Nomads 26.

NGO SA KHU BAR — Dotson, D&L 24.

NGOG — BA 109.

NGOG LU ZHI NAM KA — A Tibetan official who issued a letter of passage.  Schaik, M&T 151.  Yi, TWS 33.

NGOM — Pl. where Zhwa nag vi was born.

Bra gu NGOM NGAN — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 40, etc.  John Bellezza, Notes on Three Series of Unusual Symbols Discovered on the Byang‑thang, East and West, vol. 47 (1997), pp. 395‑405, at p. 400.

NGOM CHU — BA 550.  See map in Beyer 16.

NGOM CHU — See (— —) Skyid ba dge 'dun sgang.

NGOM NAG PA — Nickname of Glang ri thang pa.  Roesler, KSP 31.

NGOM PA BYA BRAL — See (— —) (— —) Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan.

NGOM TSHA — See (— —) Sgang sgyogs gdeng Dgon.

NGOR — BA 1045, 1053.  A list of the abbots of Ngor, starting with the first, Ngor chen Kun dga' bzang po (abbot from 1429‑1456), the latest being the 75th, Klu sdings 'Jam dbyangs bstan pa'i nyi ma (tenure 1954‑1957) is found in David Jackson, Apropos a Recent Tibetan Art Catalogue, WZKS 37 (1993) at 127‑129.

NGOR KHANG GSAR MKHAN CHEN DAM PA RIN PO CHE — See (— — — — — — — — — —) Ngag dbang blo gros gzhan phan snying po.

NGOR DGON GSAR — "New monastery of Ngor."  Evidently =Ngor Khang gsar and/or Ngor E wam.  Thang stong met Kun dga' bzang po there.  5 189.5.

NGOR CHEN — See (— —) Kun dga' snying po.  (— —) Kun dga' bzang po.  (— —) Kun dga' lhun grub.  (— —) Dkon mchog lhun grub.

NGOR RJE — See (— —) Kun dga' 'od.

NGOR RJE RAS PA — See Ngo rje ras pa.

NGOR PA — Subsect of Sa skya pa. T.H. 51.  Named after the Ngor Mon. f. by Kun dga' bzang po.  17 II 408.2.  12 IX 92.3 ff.  Ronald M. Davidson, "The Nor‑pa Tradition," contained in: Ronald M. Davidson, ed., Wind Horse, Jain Publishing (Fremont 1981), pp. 79‑98.

NGOR PA DPON SLOB — See (— — — —) Ngag dbang legs grub.  (— — — —) Blo gter dbang po.

NGOR LUGS TSHOGS BSHAD — System of Lam 'bras coming from (Ngor chen) Kun dga' bzang po.  36 IV introduction.  Actually, the "Ngor lugs" is unnecessary.  Ngor chen originated the division into Tshogs bshad and Slob bshad.  See Thuken 184.

NGOR E WAM CHOS SDINGS — F. 1429 by Kun dga' bzang po.  Seat of Ngor pa sect of Sa skya pa.  Situated between Snar thang and Zhwa lu.  TPS 91, 157, 205‑6, 260.  Wylie 143 n. 254.  Ferrari 62, 156 n. 468.  Kværne 233 no. 133.  F. in 1434, acc. to 76 8.  56 183.  Has printery.  162 217.

NGHO NA KHAM — Vietnam. Yongdan, TCW 98 (Vietnam is called Ta na khrin on p. 99).  Probably Dho na kham is the intended spelling.

DNGAR LDAN — A Khotan city.  Emmerick.

DNGUL SKU LCAGS MDUD — Bon mon. in Amdo, 400 monks.  253 II 637.1.

Snang zhig DNGUL SKU DGON — Bon mon. in Amdo, 400 monks.  253 II 636.5.

DNGUL MKHAR — See Khyung lung.

Khyung lung DNGUL MKHAR — 253 II 567.5.  Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 145 has photo.  See Khyung lung.


DNGUL CHU — See (— —) Khro rdzong.  (— —) Ngag dbang rdo rje.  (— —) Thogs med bzang po.  (— —) Dharma bha dra.  (— —) Dbyangs can grub pa'i rdo rje.

DNGUL CHU — The Salween River.  W. of 97°, longitude, it is called Nag chu.  Not to be confused with (Rgyal mo) Dngul chu (q.v.).  See Rngul chu.

DNGUL CHU — TS5 559.

Rgyal mo DNGUL CHU — A river rising in Rgyal mo rong and passing to the east of Dar rtse mdo.  Not to be confused with the Dngul chu (q.v.).  Wylie 118 n. 42.


Bzhad DNGUL CHU CHOS RDZONG — Printery.  162 233.  Connected with Dngul chu Thogs med bzang po.  SBTD I 346.

DNGUL STON — See (Rngul ston) Rin dbang.

DNGUL MDA' — Valley of Dngul chu.  =Lcags ra.  Stein, Recherches 131.

DNGUL GYI MDOG — Das 413 no. 32.

Mdo khams Sde dge DNGUL CHU — BD of T&TB III 815.5.

Chu mig DNGUL 'BUM — Pl. where Zhi ba 'od met Milarepa.  57 IIB 351.6.  17 II 69B.2.  4 chapter 17, pp. 69A ff.

DNGUL MDA' — Ngemda.  Stein.  A site of Neolithic remains.  Precious Deposits I 18 ff.  In Chab mdo.

Yongs 'dzin DNGUL RWA'I GRAGS PA TSHANG — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 0502.

Bla chen DNGOS GRUB — Ladakhi king, contemp. of 'Jig rten mgon po.  DTK5 186.  Mentioned by Goepper in Damani, Dating 18.  See Dngos grub mgon, below.

Tshe dpag med Gnam lcags rdo rje DNGOS GRUB KUN 'DUS — Form of Amitāyus from the revelations of 'Ja' tshon snying po.  Abhiṣeka work in 226 VI 1‑83.

Gzhod ston DNGOS GRUB GRAGS PA — Also, Dngos grub grags 'bar.  Excavations in 246 131‑146.  Excavated Bsgrags pa Skor Gsum in 1088.  See 264.  Also see Yang rtse Klong chenKværne no. 87.  305  Bio. in 253 II 387.4 ff.  Kværne, Canon 39.116.  Discussed in Blondeau 83, etc.  Called Grub thob Dngos grub mgon in 477 131.7, where his proper n. seems to be Grub thob Dngos grub (q.v.).  Achard, L'Essence 223.

DNGOS GRUB MGON — A Ladakhi king who patronized 'Jig rten mgon po in 1215.  Luczanits in TS9 VII 122.

'Gos DNGOS GRUB MGON PO — 217 709.4, 710.1.

DNGOS GRUB RGYA MTSHO — Picture in 128 310.

Thang sag Mkhan po Rtse dang pa DNGOS GRUB RGYA MTSHO — Bio. by Spos khang pa Blo bzang mchog grub listed in BLP no. 1078.  Author of 'Jigs byed kyi Lam la 'Khrid tshul Yongs 'dzin Zhal lung and Gsang 'dus Rdzogs rim Mkhas pa'i Yid 'phrog.  This is probably the Vajradhara Dngos grub rgya mtsho mentioned in Roesler, KSP 65.  Thuken 289.

Do skya Bla ma DNGOS GRUB RGYA MTSHO — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 237.  Aka Padma 'gyur med.

DNGOS GRUB RGYAL MTSHAN — Birth n. of Rgod ldem.  481 15.2.

DNGOS GRUB RGYAL MTSHAN — In Bon lineage.  Bio. in 206 570.3.  Dngos grub rgyal mtshan ring mo in 248 48.6.  Bio. in 253 II 333.6 ff.


Snye mo DNGOS GRUB RGYAL MTSHAN — A Stag lung pa.  Disc. of Stag lung thang pa.  Nalanda Translation Committee, The Rain of Wisdom, Shambhala (Boston 1980), pp. 265‑267.

Lung ston DNGOS GRUB RGYAL MTSHAN — In Yer rdzong transmission.  253 II 386.2.

Gter ston Rig 'dzin Chen po DNGOS GRUB RGYAL MTSHAN — (1337‑1408)  Dhongthog 47.  BD of T&TB III 537.  See Rgod ldem.  5th rab byung383 219.2.

Dpon po Slob dpon DNGOS GRUB RGYAL MTSHAN — Contemp. of Bu ston (1290‑1364).  27 147.

Ya gyal Gter ston DNGOS GRUB RGYAL MTSHAN — Gter ston.  Kværne, Canon 39 n. 117.

DNGOS GRUB CAN GYI DGON PA — A mon. where Marpa stayed with Maitripa.  46 15.



Bka' brgyad DNGOS GRUB SNYING PO — Abhiṣeka for this practice originating from 'Ja' tshon snying po found in 226 VI 85 ff.

Dge bshes DNGOS GRUB SNYING PO — From Grwa thang.  124 433.3.

La dwags Bka' blon DNGOS GRUB BSTAN 'DZIN — CHMO 15 23.

Mtsho sgo DNGOS GRUB RDO RJE — (20th cent.)  Velm I 130.

Gzhung brgya pa DNGOS GRUB DPAL 'BAR — (16th cent.)  Author of Byams pa'i Smon lam Yon tan gyi Rgya mtsho la Rnam bshad Dad pa'i Ngang mo Rnam par Rtse ba, comm. on work of Sthiramati, publ. in 1979.  Author of Rje btsun Gtsang pa He ru ka'i Thun mong gi Rnam thar Yon tan gyi Gangs ri la Dad pa'i Seng ge Rnam par Rtse ba, NGMPP microfilm, reel no. L834/2 (in 31 fols.), used by Kurtis Schaeffer (listed in BLP no. 1666).

Rab 'byams pa DNGOS GRUB DPAL 'BAR — A senior disc. of Gtsang smyon (1452‑1507), and author of his bio.  20 24.  116 292.3.

DNGOS GRUB DPAL 'DZOM — Wife of Gter bdag gling pa.  458 I 189.6.

DNGOS GRUB PHUG — Havnevik, Dissert. 227.

Ra ston DNGOS GRUB 'BAR BA — 253 II 179.5.

Dkar ye DNGOS GRUB MTSHO GLING — Ehrhard in Prats, Pandita 43.

DNGOS GRUB BZANG PO — A disciple of Kong ston Chos rje who made an image of the latter.  See P. Pal et al., Tibet: Tradition & Change (The Albuquerque Museum 1998) 56‑57.

DNGOS GRUB YONGS 'DU — Sp?  Noedup Yongdu Rongae.  A modern artist b. in Khams, son of Tenzin Rongae.  Has taught thangka painting in the U.S.


DNGOS SLOB — Or, dngos kyi slob ma, 'actual disciple', 'personal disciple'.  Means a disciple who carries on the transmission of teachings.  dngos kyi bla ma means personal teacher.  The predecessors of the 'personal teacher' are then called brgyud pa'i bla mas, 'teachers of the transmission lineage'.

MNGAN — Title for high officials, like superintendent of palace guards...  OTA 653+, 684, 692.  Zhu, Preliminary 49, identifies as official in charge of fiscal affairs.

MNGA' BDAG — A disc. of Padmasambhava  17 II 326.4, 326.6.  Frequently found prefacing names of teachers in the Nyang family lineages.  See the following entries.

MNGA' BDAG NYANG RAL PA CAN — Teacher of Zhang Lo tsā ba and Yang dgon pa.  See Nyi ma 'od zer.  BA 445.  Ferrari 115.

MNGA' BDAG PA — Offshoot of Rdo rje brag pa, acc. to Waddell 73 (but this is a terribly anachronistic way to put it).  Refers to Mnga' bdag Nyang Ral pa can (q.v.) or his followers, who often have their names prefaced with Mnga' bdag.  Ferrari 56.

MNGA' BDAG MYANG RAL — See Nyang Ral pa can.

MNGA' NANG — See Snyan nang.

MNGA' PHU — BA 124.

MNGA' RIS — Mnga' ris Skor Gsum.  Westernmost province of Tibet, made up of 3 districts, Spu rangs, Mang yul (Mar yul, or La dwags) and Zhang zhung (Gu ge).  28 72 ff.  79 77 no. 28.  For Dge lugs pa mons. there, see Vai.Ser. 220 ff.  Its problematic geography discussed in Soundings 152‑156.  See also TPS 252.

Lho rgyud MNGA' RIS GRWA TSHANG — F. in 1541 by Dge 'dun rgya mtsho, the Dalai Lama ii.  Dhongthog 127.  F. by the king of Gu ge on a hillock near Rtse thang.  56 142.  JTL&CT 298.  Tucci, Lhasa 125.  Has printery.  162 209.  Vai.Ser. 165. Heller, Tibetan Art 182.

MNGA' RIS DGRA BCOM — See (— — — —) Byang chub tshul khrims.

MNGA' RIS GTER STON — See (— — — —) Gar dbang rdo rje.

MNGA' RIS PA — See (— — —) Jo gdan.  (— — —) Thogs med.  (— —) Nag po sher dad.  (— —) Blo bzang chos 'phel.  (— —) 'Od gsal mchog ldan.  (— —) Gsal mchog.

Bla ma MNGA' RIS PA — Roesler, KSP 62.

MNGA' RIS PAṆ CHEN — Descended from kings of Gung thang.  DTK5 72.

MNGA' RIS PAṆ CHEN — See (— — — —) Padma dbang rgyal rdo rje.  (— — — —) Padma dbang rgyal.

MNGA' RIS SPRUL SKU — Incarnation lineage of (Paṇ chen) Bsod nams grags pa (1478‑1554).

MNGA' RIS RDZONG — Chief town in district North of Skyid grong.  28 17.  =Rdzong kha (q.v.), Rdzong kha Rdzong, (Mnga' ris) Rdzong dkar.  On maps, Tongkha Dzong.  5 310.6.

MNGA' RIS ZHABS DRUNG — (ca. 1706)  463 I 109.1.

MNGA' RIS RIG 'DZIN CHEN PO — See Legs ldan bdud 'joms rdo rje.

Dam pa MNGA' RIS SA — Cuevas, Hidden History 125.


MNGAR LA RI — See Mtsho mo Mngar la ri.

Gu ru MNGAL SKYES CHOS SKOR — An excavation of Ba mkhan Smug po.  210 75.2.

Phag mo'i MNGAL CHU — Name for Guheśvarī.  Ehrhard, Old & New 118.  Decleer in Lungta XIII (2000) 50.

MNGON DGA' — Pl.n. in Tibet, evidently a monastery name.  BA 591, 829.

MNGON DGA' — Paradise.  Rhies & Thurman 367.  For mention of prayers for rebirth in Abhirati, see TPS 348.  Bod Mkhas pa composed a text on how this pure land ought to be depicted.

MNGON DGA' — Monastery.  Kuijp in TH&L 309.

MNGON DGA' — Temple in Gung thang.  DTK5 127.

MNGON DGA' CHOS GLING — Also, a different mon. named Mngon dga' gling, mentioned in Vai.Ser. 227.

MNGON DGA' CHOS SDE — DTK5 130.  Founded by the Mustang King Gtsug rgyan nor bu (fl. 1710's).


Bshad rgyud MNGON BRJOD BLA MA — 349 XIV 272‑292.


Rog MNGON PA — Also, ('Brog).  A teacher of (Gtsang pa) Sum pa.  24 I 221.3.  BA 440.

MNGON PA KUN BTUS — Abhidharmasamuccaya.  For list of commentaries, etc., see Velm II 259 ff.

MNGON PA GONG 'OG — Two versions of Abhidharma, the lineage of the former said to no longer exist in Tibet.  See 478 I 247.3 ff.

Klu yi bu mo MNGON PAR DGA' BA — Das 414 no. 61.


MNGON PAR 'BYUNG BA'I MDO — Abhiniṣkramaṇa Sūtra.  Refs. in T&BS II 25.

MNGON RDZOGS RGYAL PO — 320 XXIX 3.  Anspal, Space 172 et passim, 181.

Grwa pa MNGON SHES — (1012‑1090)  (b. 1033?)  A gter ston  and founder of Grwa mda' (Grwa thang) in 1081.  Ferrari 133.  Prophesied in Padma Thang yigBA 95‑101.  For the prophecy, see 124 491.2 ff.  "G.yon ru Grwa'i Skyid du zhes par 'khrungs/ Mchims Rdo rje spre'u chung gi gdong rgyud."  BD of T&TB III 274.  16 37.  Klong rdol 769.5.  His excavations include Rgyud bzhi and Bon and Chos works.  23 10.  124 454.3, bio. in 124 483.5 ff.  Ordination n. was Shes rab rgyal ba or Shes rab 'bar.  He was born in the same year as Mar pa.  For his excavations, see 124 491.6 ff.  Pictured in 128 1064.  210 28.2, 94.1 ff.  217 269.4 ff.  410 45B.6.  411 259A.3.  BD of T&TB I 863.  Founder of a minor Zhi byed lineage.  373 I 40.2.  458 I 16.4 ff.  383 411.3 ff (says he was b. in 1027).  Named Dbang phyug 'bar (q.v.).  The Mkhas pa'i Dga' ston (PRC ed., p. 475) says he was named Mngon shes because of his knowledge of the Mngon pa (i.e., Abhidharma).  He founded Spyan g.yas Mon.  His longer and shorter Padmasambhava bios. listed in BLP no. 0348.

MNGON SHES CAN — [1] An Indian.  75 12.  From Bhangga la.  17 II 411.2, 411.4.  BA 360, 361.  [2] An 8th cent. Chinese teacher.  413.

MNGON SHES RIG PA'I RGYUD — Text in 319 245‑248.

MNGON SUM STON PA — N. of a person?  363 5.2.


RNGA RGOD — Collected works of lamas belonging to this lineage are found in the Baradiin collection (see the article by Uspensky).

RNGA RGOD — See (— —) Nam mkha' seng ge.  (— —) Blo bzang byams pa rab rgyas.

Sku zhang RNGA SGRA — A lay leader of Zhwa lu, son of Sku zhang Sangs rgyas ye shes.  Ricca & Fournier in TJ 26 no 3/4 (Aut/Wint 2001) 104.

RNGA'I SGRA'I DBYANGS CAN — Das 413 no. 59.

Klu rgyal RNGA CHEN — 128 750.

Mtsho RNGA DRIL CHUNG — 253 II 578.5.



Drang srong RNGA BONG CHE — 128 788.  Das 367.

RNGA MO 'PHRANG — 33 234.5, 234.6.

Dge bshes RNGA MO BA — LPNT VII 284.

RNGA TSANG KHYUNG GI 'PHRIN LAS — Text in 299 467‑472.

Sa bdag RNGA ZOR DMAR PO — Vai.Kar. II 293.

RNGA YAB — Rnga yab gling.  5 261.6.  "Zhing khams rnam par bkod pa zhes bya ba'i grong khyer Rnga yab."  53 II 294.  Cāmara or Prakīrṇaka, n. of a continent North of Jambudvīpa, in the Abhidharma cosmography.  Das 368.  "lho nub Rnga yab gling phran na."  87 I 153.2, 202.4, 209.3, 217.4, 218.1, 218.4, 259.5, 285.2.  TPS 605.

Grwa'i RNGA YUL — 124 485.3.  Called Rngan in BA 95.

RNGA LONG — In Bhutan.  Thondup, BM 161.

RNGAN CHUNG STON PA — Disc. of Grwa pa Mngon shes and founder of Rga 'dra (Sga 'dra) Mon.  BA 96.  124 489.4.

Dbal gsas RNGAM PA — One of 5 great deities of the Spyi spungs.  275 preface.  489 543 ff.

Mon yul Dur khrod RNGAM PA SGRA SGROG — Pl. where Thang stong practiced Gcod.  63 I 46.

RNGAM MO YUM CHEN — Yum of Dbal gsas.  270 preface.

RNGAM GSAS — See under Khro bo Drug.

RNGAM CHU —  =Dngul chu.  See Das 369.  NMH 85.6.

RNGU SHOD — Kuijp in  Lungta 14 (2001) 68.

RNGUL STON — See (— —) Rin dbang.


RNGEGS — See (—) Khyi ma re.

RNED RU BA — See (— — —) Zhing skyong bla ma phrin las pa.

RNGO CHU — BA 579.


RNGOG — (—) Kun dga' rdo rje (1157‑1234).  (—) (Dbus pa) Ge ser.  (—) Gling gam. (—) Chos kyi rdo rje (1036‑1102, disc. of Marpa).  (—) Chos sku rdo rje.  (—) Dad pa can.  (—) Mdo sde (1090‑1166).  (—) Rdo rje seng ge.  (—) Byang chub dpal.  (—) Blo ldan shes rab (1059‑1166).  (—) Mun pa can.  (—) Ring la nag po. (—) Legs pa'i rdo rje (uncle of Blo ldan shes rab, above).  (—) Seng ge kha pa.  (—) Bsod nams shes rab.



RNGOG CHUNG STON PA — 450 355.7.

RNGOG STON — See (Rngog) Chos kyi rdo rje.

RNGOG PA BKA' BRGYUD PA — 87 XCII preface.  Byang chub rnam rgyal, Rngog pa Bka' brgyud kyi Chos 'byung, listed in BLP no. 0664.

RNGOG MI — 4 70A.5.

RNGOG BTSUN — See (— —) Bsod nams bstan 'dzin.

RNGOG TSHA — See (— —) Chos sku.

RNGOG LUGS — 217 527.7.  349 XV, XIX.

RNGOG LO CHEN PO — (1059‑1109)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 127.  BA 345.  17 II 346.3.

RNGOG LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — —) Legs pa'i shes rab.

RNGOGS — Hereditary religious lineage of Spre'u zhing (Bka' brgyud pa).  20 2.

RNGOD — Zhwa nag vii born in the S part of Rngod.  Dhongthog 50.  BA 493, 517.  Rngog Spyi mda'.  BD of T&TB VII 141.

RNGOD — See (—) Chos 'khor bkra shis gling.  (—) A rig thang.

RNGOR — BA 778.

RNGOL BON — Misreading for Rdol Bon in Das 370.

LNGA CHOS — A Dge lugs mon. at Rtse thang.  Tucci, Lhasa 135.

LNGA MCHOD — Mon. in Rtse thang.  Tucci, Lhasa 135.  Ferrari 123.

LNGA DAR — Brother of Thang stong.  5 14.2, 26.6.  Scribe for the biography of Rngog Lo when it was being carved onto blocks.  Kramer, rNgog 117.

'Brig mtshams kyi Mtsho LNGA DE'U CHUNG — 4 116A.5, 122A.4.  =Snga dre chung (q.v.). 

LNGA LDAN — Pl.n.  [1] N. of Lhasa because, "rang byon lnga ldan gtsug lag khang der yod pa."  Das 1334.  [2] N. of a city in Li yul.  See also Das 370; Emmerick.  [3] A part of ancient India in the N.  157 B 10.18.

LNGA LDAN — A system of Phyag chen precepts.  N. of certain practices connected with the Phyag rgya chen po teachings of the 'Bri gung Bka' brgyud pa.  See Padma dkar po's collected works and 22 1‑181.  Especially connected with the 'Bri gung pa school.  Work by 'Bri gung Rig 'dzin written in 1628 in 150 1‑25.  331 133‑146.  It resembles the Five Gates of Chinese Buddhism (itself of course based in Indic texts).

LNGA LDAN LHA KHANG — Principle temple at Grwa thang.  124 493.3.

LNGA PA CHEN PO — See Ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho.

LNGA BA — BA 777.  In S Amdo and extreme E Khams, now in Szechuan province.  List of Bon mons.  253 II 637.4.

Yar lungs LNGA RDZINGS — Pl.n.  57 IIB 357.2.

LNGA LEN — BA 13.  An area of India.  Dagyab.  Pañcāla.


LNGAB — See (—) Yang steng Dgon.

LNGOG MKHAR CHUNG — F. 1064 by Grub chen Se mkhar chung ba.  Ferrari 52.

Gter bdag LNGONG BTSAN DKAR PO — 253 II 199.4.

Rdzogs chen SNGA 'GYUR LNGA — Earliest translated Atiyoga Tantras.  Texts in 319 V 305‑327.

SNGA DRE CHUNG — A lake of 'Bri mtshams.  24 I 216.6.  =Lnga de'u chung (q.v.).

SNGA MRE ḌĀ — River in Lus 'phags pa.  Das 417.

SNGA TSHA DGON PA — 253 II 596.5.

SNGA RIS PA — Stearns, King 205.


SNGAGS CHEN RIN PO CHE — A secretary to the Paṇ chen Bla ma who was sent to Tibet to try to smooth things over with Lhasa.  See Veenhof, White Lama 89:  "Ngagchen Rinpoche."  See Geshe Sopa's autobio. (2012) 77.


SNGAGS LDAN —  =Chibs lnga ldan, a horse of Gautama Buddha.  Das 413.

Rgyal ba G.yung gi rjes su zung ba'i SNGAGS NAG — Picture caption in 347 267.  Sngags ngag, who was accepted as a disciple of Rgyal ba G.yung.

SNGAGS PA GRWA TSHANG — One of 4 'Bras spungs colleges.  Ferrari 97.  Printery.  162 190.  Vai.Ser. 117.

Se ra SNGAGS PA GRWA TSHANG — Printery.  162 193.

Skyo ston SNGAGS DPAL — 253 II 388.2.

Lho pa SNGAGS 'BUM — 17 IV 493.4.

SNGAGS SMYON — See (— —) Blo gsal rgya mtsho.

SNGAGS BZLOGS — In title in 320 XXII 265‑270.

SNGAGS RAMS PA — See (— — —) Ye shes skal ldan.


SNGAGS KYI SRUNG MA — Text in 87 LXIII.  Picture in 320 XXXII 629.


SNGAS MGO — Between G.ya' ma lung and Bsam yas.  Ferrari 113.

SNGO SGANG — 4 193B.6.

Bla ma SNGO THOB PA — 115 147.6.

SNGO PHO DGON — 253 II 632.2.

SNGO BA KLOG SKYA — One of 8 chief discs. of Marpa.  46.

SNGO RDZONG PHUG — Vai.Ser. 219.

SNGO GZI 'JO — In Yunnan.  Stein, Recherches 207.

Gnya' nang SNGO RA DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang with 300 monks.

SNGO RA BLA MA — See 230 title page.

SNGO'I RI KHROD — 253 II 631.2.

Mtsho SNGO RENGS — Also, Sngo ring.  Oring, or, Oling Nor.  SW of Kokonoor.  Close to Skya rengs.  See Wylie 117 n. 30.


SNGO BSANGS — A son of Hiruka in an Avadāna story.  TPS 482.



SNGO SANGS — 128 786.  Interpreted as meaning Siam or Thailand in Yongdan, TCW 97, where the name Zhi ba'i yul (translation of Skt. shyama, to represent Siam??) is also supplied.

SNGON GYI GANG GĀ — Pūrvagaṅgā.  I guess it means the Eastern Ganges, whatever that means.


Rgyal sras SNGON TOG — BD of T&TB III 560‑561.  210 79.4.

SNGON GYI DU BA'I STOBS — Das 413 no. 56.

Lha btsun SNGON MO — Disc. of Rwa Lo.  BA 376.  17 II 413.3.  BA 376.

SNGON MO CHOS RDZONG —  =Sman mo rdzong Rdo rje gdan.  Memo dzong.  F. in 15th cent. by 'Jam dbyangs 'khon ston SW of Bkra shis lhun po.  Vai.Ser. 211.





CA GANG — A county in Ru thog district.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 35.

Dur khrod CA CO CAN — 87 I 252.4.

CA CO PA — River in Lus 'phags pa.  Das 417.

CA TI MA — A trove of excavated texts.  See 253 II 172.

CA TI DMAR PO — At Bsam yas, the Red Chorten, site of Bon excavations in 961.  Kværne no.62.

CA DANG — Military regiment in Dingri.  Goldstein, History 67.

CA RA SIṂ HA — BA 868.

CA RI TRA — Evidently, =Tsa ri tra.  BA 826.

CA LA KO ṬA — BA 819.

CANG — On the Chang family in Dunhuang, see Schaik, M&T 175.

CANG KE SHE — Chiang Kai shek.  441 I 132.3 ff.

CANG KHUNG — In Nepal.  406 6B.1.

CANG CIN DAR — Schaik, M&T 175.

Rgya nag gi Bon CANG THAS PI — See Hoong Teik Toh, Ch. Qiong ~ Tib. Khyung; Taoism ~ Bonpo — Some Questions Related to Early Ethno‑Religious History in Sichuan, Sino‑Platonic Papers, no. 147 (March 2005), p. 13.  Here the Tibetan is corrected to Cang thas si, and he is identified with Zhang Tianshi.

CANG MDO TSE — OT p.n.  Dotson, D&L 58.

CANG 'A PHO — Minister.  DTK5 69.

CANG RAB GSAL — Schaik, M&T 174.

CANG IN RTSE — BA xvii, 64.

CANG SENG — Ritual works on the same in 260.  Deities.  TS6 129.

CANG LHA SNANG — Schaik, M&T 175.

CAN BZHI RGYAL PO — See DasKTDN 135.5, 147.2.  Kuijp in TH&L 293 n. 20.

CAM PĀ — BA 5, 14.

CAR STAG — N. of a great river.  4X I 144.7.

Gnod sbyin ma CAR LANGS MA — 33 179.1.

CAL LED PHO BRANG — See Zhi ba 'od.

CI'U KYUNG — Zhou Gong.  Tibetans mistakenly spell his name Ji gong.  Thuken 337.

CI'U CIR — Scherrer‑Schaub in JIABS 25 (2002) 290.

CI ṬA RI'I DGON — 4 319.4 (i.e., the colophon).

CI TI — "ci ti dang yang ti dang a ti dang."  210 23.2.  This seems to be an alternative spelling for spyi ti, q.v.

Bsam yas CI TI MA — See Ca ti ma.  Bon excavations from the Ce ti Nag po (Black Chorten) at Bsam yas.  SFHB 748.2 ff; 258 III 265‑311.

CI DI — May =Ce ti.  The Stong bu chung of Zhang zhung Smad.  28 84.

CI PHUG — BA 652.

CI YA THU — Thu'u 453.  Jayatu (1304‑1332).  Thuken 375.

Tsa ri CIG CAR — 17 IV 228.3, 232.3 ff, 242.4, 253.5, (called the pho brang) 265.6.  Padma dkar po's visit.  17 III 412.5.  See (Rtsa ri) Cig char, below.

CIG CAR PHU — 17 IV 215.3.

CIG CAR DMAR PO — 17 IV 254.4, 262.3, 263.

Rtsa ri CIG CHAR —  =Cig car.  363 121.1, etc, 135.2.  Shākya shrī met there in 1910.  377 44B.4.

CU GU PAN — Karghalik, kingdom W of Khotan.  =Cu gun paṇ.  Emmerick.

CU RA — See (— —) 'Od zer rgyal mtshan.

CU RI BA — ?  5 167.4.

CU LE — See Tsu le.

CUG TE BU MO — Of G.yon ru.  Pelliot, Notes on Marco Polo 686.

CUNG — Pl.n.  Das 382.  "tshur lam Cung Yul po che'i mdar phebs." 5 83.4.

CUNG — See (— —) Gdong zhur.

Mkhan po CUNG — Gsang ston of Dus gsum mkhyen pa.  35 I 5.

CUNG GAR PA — See (— — —) Blo bzang chos grags.

CUNG MCHOG DKAR — BA 438.  "G.yas ru Phyang gi Cung mchog dkar."  5 255.6.  Ras chung pa stayed here at a retreat (dgon pa) for several years.  24 I 216.5.

CUNG RTA SHAR BA — Vai.Ser. 215.

Gnyal smad pa CUNG STON RGYAN NE — One of 13 chief discs. of Ras chung pa.  BA 439.

Gnyal smad pa CUNG STON RGYAS PA — One of 13 chief discs. of Ras chung pa.  BA 439.

La stod CUNG PA — N. of an area, =Gcung.  57 IIB 350.4.  BA 440.

Gra lding che CUNG SPRUL SKU — 363 120.1.


CUNG YUNG — The Confucian text, the Zhongyong.  Thuken 334.

Rje btsun CE TĀ YAN — Bio. in 224 III 513 ff.

CE TI — Pl.n.  See under Ci di , or Ci ti.  28 84.

CAITYA GI RI — BA 22.  =Mchod rten ri (q.v.).

CE STON — 17 II 426.6.  The Lce ston of BA 998.

CE DOG PAN — A messenger of Ce dog pan paid homage.  OTA 697.  Compare Cu gu pan.

CE'U PHU TSI — Thuken 334, identifies as Zhu Xi (1130‑1200), the Neo‑Confucian.

CE ZHAR — Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 38 n. 49.

Kha skyong brag pa CER SGOM RIN PO CHE —  =Lce sgom?  Mgur publ. 1976.  Note that one Lce sgom Rdzong pa Mkha' skyong Nam mkha' brag is author of Man ngag Rin chen Spungs pa.

CER CEN — Pl.n.  Coblin in TH&L 76.  Pelliot, Notes on Marco Polo 261.

CO GRU ZHANG BTSUN THAR BYANG — A name found inscribed on rock.  See ZZFC 186.  The Co gru is probably Cog ro clan name.  He was a monk, and Thar pa byang chub was probably the full form of his name.  The inscription probably commemorates his sponsorship of a chorten.  A possible place to look for more might be this anyway unavailable title listed in the Mdo smad Chos 'byung:  "Zhang Cog Gru Bla ma sogs kyi Lo rgyus Cog Rabs Rin chen 'Phreng ba."

CO NI — Also, Co ne.  N. of a district in E Tibet.  Das 384.  An edition of the Kanjur and Tanjur completed there in 1773.  T.H. 203.  A large Tibetan tribe.  See Nat.Geo. issue for Nov. 1928.

CO NI — See (— —) Tshul dar.

CO NE BKA' 'GYUR — Carving began in 1721, and was completed in 1731.  It had 107 volumes and 36,546 woodblocks.  The Co ne Bstan 'gyur was carved between 1753 and 1772.  It had 209 volumes.  Jampa Samten Shastri, Origins of the Tibetan Canon 776.

CO NE DGON CHEN BSHAD SGRUB GLING — Zhuoni Chandingsi. Horlemann 143.

CO NE BA — See (— — —) Ngag dbang tshul khrims.

CO PA — Ehrhard, Register 156, 157.  It is identified as Chobar in Nepal.

CO BON — See (— —) Gyim bu.

Ko ro shi CO MA SHAN DOR — Csoma Sandor.  Csoma v.  See Skan rdar bhig.

CO MI — Bellezza, L&T 54.

CO RMA RMA — One of the Ston mun pa.  Buston 195.  See Gco rma rma.

Mkha' 'gro CO BZA' BON MO — Consort of Li shu stag ring.  253 II 374.5, 378.1 ff.  Gco bza'.  Bio. in 352 708.8.  Story in Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 173.

CO RO — Also, Lco ro.  Variant of Cog ro (q.v.).  See Roesler, Palace 130, where their burial site is located near Rwa sgreng.

CO RO SRAD BUR MA LA YA — Pl.n.?  53 II 300.7.

CO ROG DU — 208 I 239.2.


CO ROG DU THA BU NONG — 208 I 238.3.

CO ROG DU NU YON — 208 I 236.1.

CO ROG DU U CANG BAL DUR — Mongol.  208 I 236.5.

Rtogs ldan Drang srong CO LU — Bio. in 253 II 504.2 ff.

CO ṢHI LANG TSUN CE — Venerable Xuanlang of Zuoqi.  Thuken 362.

CO SA BON MO — 17 II 497.3  See Co bza' Bon mo.

COG GRA — See (— —) Chos kyi rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Mi pham ngag dbang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan. 

COG GRWA — See (— —) Mi pham ngag dbang snyan grags.

COG GRWA RIN PO CHE — 'Brug pa incarnation lineage.  Khrungs rabs in 337 127 ff.  One was a disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 120.1.  See (— — — — — —) Shes rab chos 'phags.  The more recent incarnate was recognized & enthroned in 1955.  Garratt in TS9 VIII 97.

COG GRU SKYES — ?  17 II 320.5.

Jag dpon COG PA SNGO THUR — A robber chief.  (?)  Contemporary of Bu ston.  27 132.

COG RU — N. of a village in "sPhu leng County."  Precious Deposits I 211.

Khams kyi COG RO — Also, Lcog ro.  Pl. in district of Tsang dkar (sp.?) in E Tibet.  Das 385.  An ancient clan name.  A noble of this clan assassinated Ral pa can.  T.H. 46.  Dagyab 180.  T&BS I 212 n. 3. 

COG RO — See (— —) Klu'i rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Rgyal mtshan g.yang mgon.  (— —) Chos rgyal.  (— —) 'Brong shor.  (— —) Legs sgra lha legs.  (— —) Sred.

COG RO RJE'U KHYE'U CHUNG — Author of a book on horse medicine.  TS7 II 614.

COG RO BON STON — Disc. of Mar pa Mgo yags.  17 IV 390.2.


COG LA — One of the 4 Rgod Stong sde of Zhang zhung Smad.  28 83.  For the location, see Vitali, Kingdoms, p. 167.  Denwood, TW2 152 (Lcog la).

COG LO — "Cog ro'i yul nas byung ba'i Lo tsā ba.  Dagyab 180.

COG LO — N. of a Bon mon., subsidiary to Snang zhig.  Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 421

CONG TU MKHAR —  =Chung tu.  BA 487.  Cong to Mkhar  17 II 534.2.  'Phags pa wrote a letter from Cong to in 1270.  Smith, Philology 18.  This fort was also the place where Mchims 'Jam pa'i dbyangs composed his Abhidharma commentary.  It was Khubilai's headquarters immediately after abandoning Karakorum, and the first headquarters for his rule over China.

CONG PAN MGRIN BZANG MA — One of the five Tshe ring ma.  4 149B.4.  Pictured in 216A.


COM PA — One of 8 Rgod Stong sde of Dbu ru.  28 81.

G.yas ru GCANG 'GRAM — 87 I 135.6.


GCAN GZAN 'KHRO BA'I GLING —  =Khyi khyon.  Kværne, Mongols 86.

GCAM BU PA — 365 86.5.

Sta gu GCI BZHAR — Pl.n.  342 72.1.

GCIG CAR DMAR PO — See Cig car dmar po.  A deity residing in Tsā ri.  Text in 213 339‑349.

GCIG CHOD — See (— —) Dad pa shes rab.

GCING DGON PA — See (— — —) Bkra shis phun tshogs.

La stod GCUNG — Gtsang pa was born here.  17 II 507.

GCUNG — (Gcung gi) Gad pa gle gsum.

GCUNG — See (—) Gzi byin 'bar.  (— —) Yid bzhin legs sgrub.

GCUNG PA — See (— —) Yu ba gdon.

GCUNG PA CHOS 'KHOR DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo stod with 300 monks.


GCUNG PA SPYI — A village in North Gtsang La stod.  4C 19.10.  4A 9B.5.  Bcung pa Spyi ba in 4X I 6.5.

GCUNG PO THANG CHUNG — Nepalese teacher of Ras chung pa.  24 I 213.1.  He was the youngest of the four Pham mthing pa brothers.  Lo Bue, Newar Scholars 644.


GCUNG RI BO CHE — Famous mon. conn. w/ Thang stong.  Das Journey 192.  On hillside on North bank of Gtsang po in general area of La stod.  Ferrari 153.  Gcung Ri bo che'i Mchod rten Bkra shis sgo mang gi Dkar chag Gsal ba'i Me long, by Zhabs dkar Tshogs drug rang grol, listed in BLP no. 0692.

GCUNG RIN PO CHE — See (— — — —) Ngag gi dbang po.  (— — — —) Rdo rje grags.

Gshen GCE 'OD — Karmay, Arrow 346.

Yar klungs GCEN PA — BA 717.

GCEN LUNG — 4 84B.5.  An interesting receipt, dated 1947, from a storehouse that had to give supplies for the 14th Dalai Lama's elephant, evidently as it was in transit to Lhasa, see Cüppers in Prats, Pandita 15.

GCEN LUNG — See (— —) Mkha' spyod chos sde.

GCEN LUNG PA — See Ngam rdzong ston pa.

GCEN LHA MIG DGU — Karmay, Confucius 577.


GCER GRONG PA — See (— — —) Thod pa 'bar re.


Slob dpon GCER BU — 87 I 252.4.

GCER BU'I RGYUD — Title in 320 XXXII 459.5.

GCER BU RTOGS LDAN — Berounsky, Lapsed 176.

GCER BU PA — See Nā go pa.  See Newman in JIABS 21 (1998) 336.  Generally this stands for the Nirgranthas.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 346.

Snyags GCER BU PA — A disc. of Ras chung pa.  24 I 218.7.  BA 439.  Also called Rta shong ras pa (q.v.).  (Gnyan) Gcer bu pa in 24 I 222.7.  Gnyags Gcer bu pa Badzra shong ras pa, disc. of Sum pa, in 57 IIB 351.1.

GCER BU PA — See (— — —) Gnyen gyi bu.

GCER BU DBANG PHYUG — 253 II 182.1.  Achard, L'Essence 225.

GCES BSGOM LUGS — BD of T&TB X 52.5, 54.2.

GCO — See (—) Dbu dkar.

GCO RMA RMA — See Co rma rma.  348 116.3.

GCO BZA' — See Co bza'.

GCO GSHEN — See (— —) Phyag dkar.

GCONG GZHI RANG BYUNG — Near Muktinath, N Nepal.  Kailash VII 111.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 153.

GCONG SA — In Garhwal.  =Niti (?).  79 73.

GCOD — Practices of the Smin grol gling tradition called Gcod yul Stan thog Gcig ma in 87 LXVII.  Works in 167 91 ff.  Bon works in 257, 265, 267.  Classifications.  265 preface.  Biographies in 228.  See under Ye shes rdo rje.  Works in 233.  Bon lineage prayer in 333 127 ff.  243 IV 683‑710.  Work in 334357 471‑486.  Works, including a Lo rgyus, in 459.  History.  484 II 543.7 ff.  For parallel in vision of Zosimos, see H.M.E. de Jong, Atalanta Fugiens 27.  Gcod traces its origins to Pha dam pa Sangs rgyas and especially to Ma cig Lab sgron.  The teachings are an esoteric approach to the Prajñāpāramitā.  Gcod spread widely in Karma pa, Jo nang pa and some Rnying ma traditions, as well as the Dge lugs pa.  Often called Spyod (pronounced the same).  BA 982.  36 IX introduction.  A Gcod Khrid by Ngag dbang bstan 'dzin nor bu in 122 373‑577.  A very short Khrid yig in 123 II 289A ff, and 292A ff.  See especially 124.  See under Padma lung rtogs rgya mtsho.

GCOD PA'I 'KHOR LO — In titles of works in 319 V.

GCOD SPRUL — See (— —) Karma phrin las dge legs.  415 XI 103.1, 125.3.

Gnas mdo GCOD BLA SPRUL SKU — 346 124.4.

GCOR GNAM MDO THANG — A village.  Beyer 241.

BCAD PO — See (— —) Lha sgom.

BCA' CING RGYAL PO — Chia ch'ing, the Manchu Emperor.  Pictured in Essen & Tingo, Die Götter des Himalayas 57.

BCAS BSHAM — ?  239 XXVII contents.

'Bri mtshams BCIN LUNG — Birthpl. of Ngam rdzong ston pa.  57 IIB 352.2.  =(Mdo khra) Lcim lung (q.v.).

Sa rgyal Rje Blon BCU GCIG — Sa bdagVai.Kar. II 271.

BCU GNYIS PA — See (— — —) Rdo rje rin chen.  (— — —) Rin chen rdo rje.

Phur pa BCU GNYIS 'BYUNG BA'I RGYUD — 320 XXIX 189 ff.

BCU GNYIS GSAR MA PA — See (— — — — —) Grags pa shes rab.

BCU GSUM PA — See (— — —) Seng ge rgyal po.


BCUD LEN — Two short works in 125 XIII 564‑567, XII 504‑511.  Sman chen po'i Bcud len.  145 IV 35C.4.  See 87 XLVIII.  BA 184.  Works in 194 XIII.  Works in 212 IV.  265 419‑28; 280 II 563‑603.

BCUD LEN GYI RIL BU BSGRUBS NAS SPYOD TSHUL SOGS — Collected Works of Dngul chu Dharma bha dra (vol. Kha, 4 folios).  Ref.: SBTD I 381.

BCUR CI — Jurchen?  Pelliot, Notes on Marco Polo 367.

BCO BRGYAD KHRI CHEN — ISTS 133.  See (— — — —) Legs bshad rgya mtsho.

BCO BRGYAD ZHABS DRUNG — See (Rdzi phu Bco brgyad Zhabs drung) Blo gros rgya mtsho.

BCOM LDAN — See (— —) Rig pa'i ral gri.

BCOM LDAN 'DAS — Bha ga, =bcom pa, skal pa and legs pa.  Wan, =ldan.  0 ='das.  413 582.1.

Mtha' yas Bla ma BCOM LDAN RDO RJE — (d. ca. 1888)  A teacher of Ngag dga' (b. 1876).  A pupil of Mdo Mkhyen brtse.  39 17.

BCOM PA — See =Com pa.  28 81.

BCOM MA BA — A teacher of Sudhana (or Nor bzang).  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) IV 158.2.

BCOM RLAG — Mathurā.  N. of ancient city of India near Agra, important especially in the time of the Kushans.  TPS 510.  See Dung dkar 6.

BCOM BRLAG — Mathurā.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 346.  Yonezawa Yoshiyasu, "sTeng lo tsā ba Tshul khrims 'byung gnas: Tibetan Translator of the Vinayasūtravṛtty-abhidhāna-svavyākhyāna," Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies, vol. 64, no. 3 (March 2016), pp. 1147-1154, at p. 1149.

BCOM LHA KHANG GDONG — Chiomo Lhakang in Singh's Records 243.  At or near Bcom mdo (Chomdo).  5 miles S of Rwa sgreng.  Built by Mi dbang (q.v.).

Byang sems BCOS THABS MDOR BSDUS — Work in 319 V 223‑245.

LCAG MO BLA MA — Mentioned by Jackson in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation 83.

LCAG RTSE GRI GU — Trigu Dzong.  On shore of the lake of the same name, near Yar lha sham po.  Ferrari 135.

LCAG RI — BA 991.

LCAGS KYI SDONG PO — A Rgod ldem practice for long life adapted by Thang stong.  Stearns, King 26.

LCAGS KYU CAN — Goddess.  Emmerick.

LCAGS SKUD SA HEB — See (— — — —) Ru su ma yer.

LCAGS KYI KHYIM SKYES — In Jātakas.  128 724.

LCAGS KHYIM PA — Mentioned in Roesler, KSP 61.


Dben sa'i LCAGS MKHAR — SBTD I 326.

LCAGS MKHAR CHEN MO — A magical rite, in cycle of Vajrabhairava.

LCAGS SGO — Bāb al abvāb.  Built in 531‑79 in Durband, in vicinity of present Bāku in Azerbaijan.  Esin 136.

Pha jo LCAGS GTUN — BD of T&TB III 561.  210 79.4.

Gnubs LCAGS GTUN NAG PO — Follows Rgya Zhang khrom in lineage in 217 254.2.

LCAGS MDUD — In Nyag rong.  379 preface.  Kolmas, Ch'ing shi kao 87 n. 24.  N. of a Rinpoche now in Nepal.  Stein, Recherches 130.  Stein in BEFEO (1947) 223.  Norbu, Warriors 18.  N. of a mon. in Shar khog in A mdo.  Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 418.

LCAGS MDUD — See (— —) Padma rnam rgyal.  (— —) Zla ba rgyal mtshan.

LCAGS MDUD NYAG SKED — See (— — — —) Mgon po rnam rgyal.


LCAGS PA BA — See (— — —) Thun mong.

Mkhas pa LCAGS PO CAN — 413 151.4.

LCAGS PO RI BAI DURYA GRWA TSHANG — The medical school about 1.5 miles from Lcags po ri where its temple is located.  Ferrari 91.  See Wylie 79‑80, 156 n. 382.  F. by Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho.  TM‑BH 15.  Printery. 162 238.  Thub bstan tshe ring, Lcags ri 'Gro phan rig byed gling gi Byung ba Brjod pa Gsal ba'i Sgron me, listed in BLP no. 0695.  Henss, CMT 150.  Robert Gerl & Jürgen Aschoff, Der Tschagpori in Lhasa: Medizinhochschule und Kloster, Fabri Verlag (Ulm 2005).  Alexandre Andreyev, Tibet in the Earliest Photographs by Russian Travelers, Studio Orientalia (New Delhi 2013), p. 122, with photos.

LCAGS DPON — See (— —) Sangs rgyas dpal 'byor.

LCAGS SPU — Pl.n.  Das 398.


LCAGS SPRUL — 383 476.1 ff.

LCAGS PHUR BRAG — 87 I 71.3.  Lcags phur can, visited by Nyang ral, 477 132.7, may actually be the name of an old  Prājñāpāramitā manuscript/relic.

LCAGS PHRA 'AB SHES — "A name."  Kaschewsky 83.

LCAGS 'PHEL — N. of a district in Tibet NE of Kashmir.  Das 398.

Mang mkhar LCAGS 'PHRANG — Site of excavation of text in 258 III 313‑361.  253 II 573.2, 581.6.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 435.

Dra ma LCAGS KYI BYA RU CAN — TS6 129.

Dge slong LCAGS KYI BYIN PA CAN — BD of T&TB I 342.  See the text title in Drepung Catalog 1526.

LCAGS 'BREL — Text in 319 V 397‑453.

LCAGS MO — Area in E Tibet.  TS5 806.  Subclan of the 'Gru.  Jackson, Patron 3.

LCAGS RTSE GRI GRU — CFMS 8, etc.  Site of the Rdzong of Yar stod.

LCAGS ZAM — "Bridge."  There is one in Mnga' ris Skor gsum near Mtho gling (sp?).  79 72.

LCAGS ZAM PA — See (— —) Kun dga' bsod nams.

LCAGS ZAM BLA BRANG — Chaksam.  Main building of shrines at Chu bo ri.  A Rnying ma pa convent.  'Du khang in Tucci, Lhasa 68.  Ferrari 164.  At perhaps the most famous iron bridge built, in 1444, by Thang stong rgyal po.  See Tucci, Lhasa 67.  N. of the place where that bridge once spanned the Gtsang po.  Now bridge and monastery are completely destroyed.  See Stearns, King, esp. p. 43.


LCAGS RA — Mon. in Chab mdo.  363 14.2.  Stein, Recherches 130.  See Gardner in TJ XXVIII no. 3 (2003) 67.

LCAGS RA — See (— —) Bstan pa rin chen.

LCAGS RA DGON — Vai.Ser. 257.

LCAGS RA BA SPU — See (— — — —) Gzhong Grub chen.

LCAGS RA SPRUL SKU — Thuken 283.

Rgya LCAGS RI PA — See (—) (— — —) Gong kha pa.

LCAGS LA — District in Khams with people described, perhaps uncharitably, as 'dwarfish'.  Stein 27.  Area of Dar rtse mdo.  See 218 preface.  365 110.1.  370 preface 6.

LCAGS LA — Name of a pass in  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 96.  Stearns, SR 38.  Alexandre Andreyev, Tibet in the Earliest Photographs by Russian Travelers, Studio Orientalia (New Delhi 2013), p. 186.

LCAGS LA RGYAL PO — 482 26.5 ff.

Po ti LCAGS LUNG MA — A ms. of 100,000‑line Prajñāpāramitā ('Bum) at Sa skya.  TS5 116.  For a photo of this giant one volume Prajñāpāramitā, see Tibetan Studies (1990, no. 2), inside front cover.  It was 'constructed' by 'Phags pa.  Tibet. Klöster öffnen ihre Schatzkammern, Kulturstiftung Ruhr Essen (Villa Hügel 2006), pp. 57‑58, where it is spelled Lcags long ma.

LCAGS KYI SENG GE CHEN PO BZHI — Manifestation of Re ma ti Mched Bzhi (q.v.).  KTDN A X 40.4.

LCAGS SO CAN — "Having an iron tooth," nickname of (Rog) Shes rab 'od.  BA 941.

LCANG SKYA — [1] A pl. in Khams.  [2] N. of Peking incarnates of Rol pa'i rdo rje (1717‑1786).  See Dagyab.  For recognition controversies over the 8th incarnate, at age 18, see  Garratt in TS9 VIII 89.

1) Ngag dbang blo bzang chos ldan (1642‑1714).

2) Ye shes bstan pa'i sgron me, or, Rol pa'i rdo rje (1717‑1786).

3) Ye shes bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan (1787‑1846).

4) Ye shes bstan pa'i nyi ma.  (1849?‑1859?).

5) Blo bzang ye shes bstan pa'i rgya mtsho (1860?‑1870?).

6) Blo bzang dpal ldan bstan pa'i sgron me (1871?‑1890?).

7) Chos dbyings ye shes rdo rje (1891‑1957).

See also 41 I appendix 1.

LCANG GLANG ROL PA — Author of a guidebook to Yam bu bla khang, according to Rgyal mo 'brug pa, Bod kyi Lo rgyus Gleng ba'i Gtam, p. 33.


LCANG GLING PA — See (— — —) Rol pa'i rdo rje.

LCANG RGYAB — See (— —), or, (— — Khri zur) Mkhyen rab yon tan.

LCANG LDAN — See (— —) Dbang ldan rdo rje.  (— —) Dbang phyug rgyal po.

LCANG PA — DTK5 143.

LCANG BU — Site of an inscription for a temple there, from first half of 9th century.  Dotson, D&L 50.  Henss, CMT 306.

Nyen kar LCANG BU RA — OTA 695.  May have connection with Thang bu ra (q.v.).

LCANG MA BRAG — Pl.n.  Das 399.

LCANG MANG PHU BA — BA 486.  17 II 533.3.

LCANG SMAN — (— —) Don grub 'bar, =Don grub dar.

LCANG RTSAGS — N. of pl. near Nyam shod (?).  Das 399.



LCANG YUL RA BA KHA — Lcang ra means 'willow grove'.  In Lho kha.  5 170.3.

LCANG RA — Pl. west of Rgyal rtse.  TS5 560.  Kuijp in  Lungta 14 (2001) 62‑3.  A bridge consecration by Śāriputra.  Shastri in TS9 I 131.

Nyang stod LCANG RA — Pl.n.  27 156.

Shab LCANG RA — BA 79.

LCANG RA CHOS RJE — See (— — — —) Ngag dbang chos ldan.

LCANG RA PHO BRANG — Jackson, Patron 10.

Dge bshes LCANG RA BA — 17 II 386.2.  BA 348.  TS7 II 900, n. 42.

Li yul LCANG RA SMUG PO — Schaik, Red 45.

LCANG RA RDZONG — N. of Tibetan district.

LCANG LUNG DGON — 253 II 633.3.

LCANG LUNG PA — See (— — —) Drung mu.  (— — —) G.yung drung bstan rgyal.  (— — —) Rol pa'i rdo rje.

LCANG LUNG PAṆḌI TA — See (— — — — —) Ngag dbang blo bzang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan.

LCANG LUNG SPRUL SKU — Sp?  A modern Bonpo.  TR XV no. 12, p. 10B.

LCANG LO CAN — N. of a village near Rgyal rtse.  Alakāvatī, abode of Kubera.  17 II 506.  Aṭakāvatī, n. of pl. in ancient India, also of another pl. on Mt. Meru.  Das 399.  132 12.5.  115  117.1.  See TPS 575 ff.  Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 123 n. 88.

LCANG LO CAN — See (— — —) Bsod nams rgyal po.


Mgon LCAM DRAL — 4 68A.4, 282B.3.  A Chos skyong.  225 VIII.  A form of Mahākala.

LCAM MDA' DGON — Vai.Ser. 262.1.

LCAM BE — BA 693.  =Cam pā (q.v.).

LCAM ME — A lady who entertained Atiśa.  Yon bdag mo Lcam me zhes bya ba.  4 296A.6.  Generally means 'lady', =Lcam mo.  "lcam me/ lhing nger bzhag pa lta bu." Dagyab.

Rma ston LCAM ME — Bonpo.  Excavations in 251 267‑286.  Bio. in 253 II 215.3 ff.

LCAM LUNG — BA 435.  =Lcim lung, q.v.

LCAM SRING — Juan Roger Riviere, "On the Iconographical Origin of Lcam spring, God of War," Bulletin of Tibetology Nov. 1966, pp. 13‑16.  "Sring mo'i zhe sa."  Dagyab.  =Beg rtse (q.v.).  Pictured in 216A.  Image illus. in Po ta la (1996) 68.  With the name "Jamsran," is said to be the protector of the Mongolian army even today.  See Vesna Wallace, Mediating the Power of Dharma: The Mongols' Approaches to Reviving Buddhism in Mongolia, The Silk Road 6 no 1 (2008) 44‑53.

LCAM SRING SKYABS — Evid. a n. of Blo bzang bsam grub (1820‑1882).


Sham bu LCAL — BA 657.

LCI — Pl.n.  Stein, Recherches 118.  =Spyi, =Skyi, in NE Tibet.

LCI BA THUB PA'I RI — In China. Vimalamitra went there.  LGCM 645.4.


Mdo khra LCIM LUNG — BA 449.  =('Bri mtshams) Bcim lung (q.v.).  =Lcam lung, q.v.

'Bring mtshams LCIM LUNG — BA 1043.  =('Bri mtshams) Bcin lung.


LCUG RA BA — Mon.  463 I 56.4.

LCE — An ancient & powerful family which produced the Zhwa lu princes.  27 32.  Together with the 'Bre clan, it presided over the dbang ris comprised of Nyang ro and 'Grom pa in Gtsang Province.  28 80.  N. of a minor Zhi byed lineage.  BD of T&TB I 863.  Ricca & Fournier in TJ 26 no 3/4 (Aut/Wint 2001) 103.

LCE — See (—) Ku ku ra dza.  (—) Bkra shis.  (—) Khyi 'brug.  (—) Mdo sde seng ge.  (—) 'Bum me.  (—) Dznyāna siddhi.  (—) Gzung skyab.  (—) Gzung ngo. (—) G.yu 'bum.

LCE SGOM — N. of many different persons.  See Ferrari 92 for refs.

LCE SGOM — B. at Rta nag.  Disc. of Rgyal tsha.  BA 711.

LCE SGOM — Apparently =Lce sgom nag po.  The direct disciple of (Zhang ston) Bkra shis rdo rje (1097‑1167).  BD of T&TB III 359.

LCE SGOM — See (— —) Shākya rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Shes rab rdo rje.  (— —) Shes rab seng ge.

LCE SGOM NAG PO — Gter ston320 V 314.5.  383 218.1.  Bka' ma Rgyas pa XLIV 355.1.  Achard, L'Essence 82, 231.

Shang pa LCE CHUNG PA — In Rnying ma lineage.  320 VIII 522.7.

LCE STON — Zhi byed pa.  BA 998.

LCE STON — See (— —) Rgya nag.  (— —) Rdo rje gzungs.

LCE STON GRAGS PA — In Bon lineage.  206 566.2.

LCE STON NAG PO — Bio. in 210 62.1 ff.

LCE STON PA — F. of Zhwa lu Mon. in Gtsang in 1040.  Studied Kālacakra acc. to 'Bro transmission.  T.H. 158.  =(Lce btsun) Shes rab 'byung gnas (q.v.).

LCE DO — Pl.n.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 238 ff.

LCE BDE — See Lce 'bre.

Rong po LCE NAG PA — Rong po Ljags nag pa'i Rnam thar Yongs 'du'i Ljon pa, by Kirti Bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan, listed in BLP no. 1890.

LCE NAG TSHANG — See (— — —) Hūṃ chen.

LCE SPYANG ROL PA — Kālacakra text.  See J. Newman in IIJ XXX 99 n. 17.

LCE PHA — Clan.  ISTS 201.

LCE PHU — See (— —) Sham po lung.

LCE DBE KHU — Pl.n., in Nang chen area.  See Sperling, Further 23, n. 66.


LCE 'BRE —  =Lce bde.  See 14 index under Chendey.  F. by Stag tshang ras pa.  14 132.

LCE BTSUN — See (— —) Shes rab 'byung gnas.  (— —) Seng ge dbang phyug.

LCE RTSE RKAN SBYAR — Teachings associated with the six limbed yoga of Kālacakra.  See the following texts in 36 X:  1) Snying po Rdo rje'i Tshig ces bya ba Lce Rtse Rkan Sbyar gyi Gdams ngag gi Rtsa ba, teachings of Paṇ chen Nags kyi rin chen handed down to 'Brug chen Kun dga' dpal 'byor, pp. 396‑398.  2) Lce Rtse Rkan Sbyar gyi Khrid Rdo rje 'dzin pa'i Nye lam, by Padma dkar po, pp. 399‑421.  3) Lce Rtse Rkan Sbyar gyi 'Khrul 'khor, pp. 422‑426.  See also 17 IV 441.3 ff.

Me nyag LCE TSHA — (?)  Translator.  206 543.4.  Lce tsha Mkhar bu.  Bio. in 253 II 133.5 ff.

LCE YAB SRAS — See under 'A zha Rgya gar brtsegs.

LCE RING —  =Spyi ring.  Stein, Mi–ñag 254.

LCES — BA 62.


LCOG STENG — Goldstein, History 706.

Rtogs ldan LCOG PU RI KHROD — 253 II 633.4.

LCOG RTSE — 253 II 636.2.

LCOG RTSE LA — N. of a mt. in Tibet with a flat top like a table (Lcog rtse).  Prob., =Lcog la ?  Das 401.

LCOG RO — See (— —) Skyes pa rgyal gong.

LCOG RO 'BRING MTSHAMS — BA 1028.  =Lco ro'i 'Brig mtshams in 4 116B.1.

LCOG RO BZA' — See (— — —) Bu chung sman.  (— — —) Lha bu sman.

LCOG LA — BA 201.  TS7 II 975.

LCOG LA — See (— —) Ring tsug skor.

LCOG LA BRAG KHUNG — N. of a rock cavern on Chogla Pass in Tibet.  Das 401.

LCOG SHUL — In Lhasa.  TS7 I 312.

LCOGS BKRAS — An official.  Goldstein, History 340.






CHA KAR SHES BYING — 208 I 238.5.

CHA DKAR —  "Bod kyi yul zhig."  Dagyab.  A district in Lho kha.  Das 402 (q.v.).

CHA DKAR DGA' LDAN CHOS GLING — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang, 100 monks.

CHA DKAR DGON — A mon. in Mal gro f. by a disc. of Tsong kha pa.  Ferrari 110.  Vai.Ser. 141.


Gru shul CHA KHROD — CFMS 79.

CHA GA TA'I — 170 127.4.

CHA GAN — ?  BD of T&TB X 5.13, 52.17 (Cha rgan), 55.11.  Besides being Mongolian for 'white' it may refer to a person.

CHA GAN — See (— —) Dbang phyug rgyal mtshan.

CHA GWAN HAN — White Khan.  Pollock, Forms 344.

CHA RGAN HO THOG THU — See (— — — — —) Kun dga' rgyal mtshan.

CHA'O TA'O — Security commissioner.  Kuijp in TH&L 309 n. 38.

CHA'O DUNG — Ch. Caodong.  The Chan lineage that became the Soto Zen in Japan.  Thuken 365.

CHA'O RDO — Pl.n.  Sperling in TH&L 458.

CHA PHU — See (— —) Brag sog Dgon.

CHA PHRENG — See (— —) Ye shes.

CHA 'PHRIN — See (— —) Bsam 'phel gling.

CHA 'PHRENG — Birthpl. of (Khri chen) Byang chub chos 'phel, near Li thang in Khams.  55  preface.

CHA BTSUN — See (— —) Kun dga' chos kyi rgya mtsho.

CHA LUNG — BA 976.

Mang mkhar CHA LUNG — Vai.Ser. 217.

CHA GSUM GTOR MA — Ritual text.  226 II 321‑353.  349 VI 244‑252.  Gtor ma for three classes of spirits:  1. Phyogs skyong bcu.  2. 'Byung po.  3. 'Gegs.  FM 714.02.

CHA BSAGS PA — Kalāpa, capital of Shambhala.  See Das 404.  Thuken 381, where it isn't actually noticed.  Thu'u 462 reads: byang du chos rgyal rigs ldan rnams kyi bzhugs gnas cha bsags kyi pho brang chen po yod do.

CHA HAN — See (— — No mon han Sprul sku) Blo bzang thub bstan dge legs rgyal mtshan.

CHA HAR — N. of a Mongol tribe, Chahar.  Das 404.  Jaeschke 152.

CHA HAR DGE BSHES — Med. work.  DD 718.  A Mongolian Dge lugs pa author.

CHAG — BA 1054.  "Chag gi Gtsug lag khang." BA 88.  N. of a clan centered in the dbang ris  comprised of Nam ra and Chag gong.  28 80.

CHAG — See (—) Chos rje dpal.  (—) Byang chub gling pa.  (—) Seng ge grags.

CHAG KHRI MCHOG — (1058‑?)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 125.

CHAG GONG — Together with Nam ra, formed one of the 18 dbang ris which was headed by clans of 'Bring and Chag.  28 80.

Lho brag CHAG PA — BA 322.

CHAG RI — See (— —) Nyi ma grags pa.

CHAG LA — Pass by which 'Phan yul valley may be entered from the N, from Stag lung.

CHAG LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — —) Dgra bcom. 

CHAG LO TSĀ BA CHOS RJE DPAL — 145 V 408 ff.  115 10.2, 15.6, 151.5, 153.1.  Beyer 233, 237.  Bio. publ. in 1981.  His Sngags Log Sun 'byin in 493BA 94, 389, 417, 699, 727, 757, 765, 1047‑1048, 1057‑1059.  Bio. by Dge bsnyen Chos dpal dar dbyangs listed in BLP no. 0709.  Mtshan tho no. 70, gives his dates as 1197‑1264, saying he studied with 12 pundits at Nalanda.

CHAGS PA RDO RJE — Author of a few works in the St. Petersburg collection, including B10798/1.  This must be a pen name of Sle lung Rje drung.  BLP no. 0229.

CHAGS PA MED — 128 802.

CHAGS MED DGON — 346 74.5.

CHAGS MED MCHOG SPRUL — D. in 1834.  471 122.2.

CHAGS MED SPRUL SKU — See (— — — — v) Karma tshe dbang kun dga' rgyal mtshan.

CHAGS MED RA GA A SYA — (17th cent.)  See under Karma chags med.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 245.

CHAGS RU'I SGRUB SDE — F. in 1703.  Dhongthog 130.

CHAGS LO TSĀ BA — Probably =Chag Lo tsā ba.  Mentioned in conn. w/ (Nyang Ral) Nyi ma 'od zer.  BD of T&TB III 339.

CHANG KUN — In retinue of Pe har, in form of a Chinese monk surrounded by monkeys.  Karmay, Arrow 364.

CHANG KHYIM — "Beer house."  BA 905, 943, 960.  A pillar rug illustrated in Christie's New York catalogue (Mar 2000), no. 120, bears the inscription: chang khyim nas phul.

CHAN BU — See 'Chan bu.

CHAN ZHI — 332 II preface 5.

CHAB DKAR NAG — See Dkar chu and Nag chu.  5 221.1.

CHAB MDO — Town and district in Khams.  See map in Beyer 16.  Beyer 22, 239, 341.

CHAB MDO BKA' 'GYUR — See Jampa Samten Shastri, Origins of the Tibetan Canon, p. 780.

CHAB MDO RGYA DPON — See (— — — —) Phin thang ling.

CHAB MDO CHOS 'KHOR BYAMS PA GLING — Also, Dge ldan byams pa gling.  Dge lugs mon. f. by (Byang sems) Shes rab bzang po in 1437.  Dhongthog 125.  348 6.1.  Burned to ground by Chinese earlier in the century.  Bailey, No Passport 104.


CHAB NAG — Dge lugs pa Mon.  TS5 529.

CHAB NAG — N. of a mon. in Kong bu, E Tibet.  Das420 I 525.1. 

CHAB NAG — N. of a particular Bon classification of religious teachings.

CHAB NAG BON SGO'I YIG SNA — Bon work mentioned in 253 preface.

Kong po CHAB NAG PA — See (— —) (— — —) Sangs rgyas dpal 'byor.

CHAB NAG RI BO DGA' LDAN — Vai.Ser. 232.

CHAB SPEL — See (— —) Tshe brtan phun tshogs.

CHAB MA NYI LON BTSUN — Bellezza, L&T 84.


CHAB RDZONG DGON — 253 II 632.1.

CHAB ROM DKON MCHOG PHUG — Site of a printing place, acc. to BLP no. 1320.

CHAB LA KHA PA — See (— — — —) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan.


CHAB SHOG SKOR — 'Letter collection."  225 II, X.

CHAB SRING BON — 12 IX 74.2.

CHABS LI GRONG — Kuijp, Rivers 313.

CHAM MKHAR DMAR — Pl.n., in Nang chen area.  See Sperling, Further 23, n. 66.

Bla ma CHAM DGON PA — See (— — — — —) Grags pa dpal ldan.

Dge 'dun CHAM PHU BA — ?  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) IV 98.4.

Rgyang shod CHAM RDZONG — Vai.Ser. 256.


Tshe dang ldan pa CHAR KA — 476 IV 415.5.

Bla ma CHAR THANG PA — Zhi byed Coll. V 312.3.


Sreg ston CHAR 'BEBS — See 23 8.

CHAR 'BEBS G.YU MTSHO 'KHYIL BA — A Bon text, copy kept in Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Cod.tibet 548.

CHAR MA — BA 976.

CHAR ZEN ZHING — In Tsong kha.  332 II preface 5.

CHAR BZANG 'BEBS PA — Suvarṣaka.  One of 10 sub‑schools of Sarvāstivāda.  BA 28.  Sometimes substituted by 'Od srungs pa.

CHAR 'OG SKYABS MGON — See (— — — —) Ngag dbang phrin las lhun grub.

CHAR 'OG SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Ngag dbang yon tan nor bu.

CHAR RI — Cuevas, Hidden History 185.

CHAS PA SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Ngag dbang dge 'dun sangs rgyas rgya mtsho.

CHI BA — Acc. to Tucci, in 28 73, =Li (Khotan).

CHIG CHOG PA — 'Brug pa teachings.  447 53 ff.

CHING NGA PAKṢHI — 208 I 238.4.

CHING TSHUNG A YUR PAR PA TA BU YAN THU — Mongol emperor who ruled from 1312‑1320, responsible for support of the Snar thang Kanjur.  Jampa Samten Shastri, Origins of the Tibetan Canon 765.

CHINGS HU — 346 181.2.

CHIBS BSGYUR CHEN MO — An old procession that took place in the 4th Tibetan month.  See the entry in Dungkar Rinpoche's dictionary.

CHIBS LNGA LDAN —  =Sngags ldan, a horse of Gautama Buddha.  Das 413.


CHU KLUNG CHEN PO BRGYAD — See Silk in JIABS 22 no 1 (1999) 224.

CHU KLUNG DAG PA — Nadīsnāta.  A Tīrthika.  Das 414.


CHU KLUNG 'OD SRUNGS — Nadīkāśyapa.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 345.

CHU DKAR MO — Sato in Acta Asiatica 29 (1975) 12.



Khye'u CHU SKYES — 128 740. TPS 480.

CHU KHUR THAL JI — 208 I 247.4.

CHU KHYER — BA 430, 432.  See Chus khyer.


CHU 'KHOR — BA 929.

CHU GAR KHOG — 253 II 638.5.

CHU GONG — Site of Neolithic remains, in Lha sa.  Precious Deposits I 18 ff.

CHU GOD DPAL LE — One of 8 lesser discs. of Mar pa.  One of the Mnyes pa'i bu chen bzhi discs. of Mar pa.  57 IIB 347.5.  17 II 456.3.

CHU GRANG MO — "Cold water."  In Kumaon.  N. of a spring N of Skyung 'phur.  79 74 no. 11.

CHU GLANG WANG ZHU TSHUR PHUL GYI DEB — Title listed in BLP no. 0711.

CHU GLANG RTSE — A gter bton210 97.3, 97.4.  =Jo rtse.  217 489.5.


CHU MGO PHYUG MA — Sato in Acta Asiatica 29 (1975) 7.

CHU 'GO RTA RING — One of 37 Bon holy places.  Das 415.


CHU SGO — BA 857.  17 II 431.1.

CHU SGOM — A Zhi byed pa.  BD of T&TB I 863.

CHU SGOM PA — Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 106.

CHU LCAM RGYAL MO — Tucci, Religions 215.

CHU CHAL MON GRAGS — Father of Rgod tshang pa.  57 IIB 368.5.  BA 680.  Chu cal is the clan name.  484 I 865.1.

CHU CHEN STEG COG — Pl.n.  Kværne no. 123.

CHU NYI MA — BA 544.

CHU MNYAM PA — A sea beyond Klu'i dug bcom in cosmology.  Das 416.

CHU TI DPON — See TJ XXIII (1998) 109.

CHU GTAD NAG PO — 374 II 465.5.

CHU STOD — See (— —) A 'bel Dgon.

CHU DRON CAN GYI SGO — Tapoda Gate, at Rājagṛha.  Buston II 31.

CHU MDO — BA 540.  See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 45.

La phyi CHU MDO — See (— —) (— —) Snyan g.yon Phug.

CHU MDO BYAMS PA GLING — Bodleian Catalogue 36.

CHU 'DUS — Large valley E of Nya nang.  Wylie 67.  Village.  TS7 I 269.  A regional dormitory at Ngor.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 102.

CHU NAG KHOG — Bon mons.  253 II 638.5 ff.

CHU NAG PO — River in Lus 'phags pa.  Das 417.

CHU SPE STENG PA — A Rnying ma pa sngags pa.  Karmay, Arrow 350.

CHU PHO RTOGS LDAN — See Chu bo Rtogs ldan.

Grub chen CHU 'PHUR BA — A Karma pa.  Bio. in 35 I 644.

Brin CHU BAR — Also, Chu dbar.  BA 120, 124, 434, 435, 704, 720‑721, 814, 819, 911, 1041.  Where Milarepa died, near Nepalese border.  Wylie 65, 130 n. 139.  17 II 494.5.  See also Brin gyi Sman lung Chu bar, Chu bar Sprul sku'i Pho brang.  406 7B.5.  4 135A.2, 143B.1, 147B.4, 150B.5, 155B.5, 163A.1, 169A.6, 169B.4, 218A.2, 227A.5, 242A.1, 159B.4, 260B.2, 301A.6, 301B.4, 312B.5.

Bras CHU BAR — BA 1000.

Rgyal po CHU BO RGYUN — Father of Ka ro pa.  BD of T&TB I 791.

Gter ston CHU BO RTOGS LDAN — His personal n. was Dge 'dun rgyal mtshan.  BD of T&TB III 499.  Gter ma in 87 LX.  7th rab byung383 220.2.  410 102B.1.

Dpal Lcags zam CHU BO RI — 32 miles SW of Lhasa.  Pl. where (Gtsang) Rab gsal and (G.yo) Dge 'byung and (Smar) Shākya mu ne stayed at time of Glang dar ma.  Buston 201.  JTL&CT 143.  Ferrari 163.  BA 63, 141‑144, 295, 479, 668, 670, 864, 867, 990.  5 166.2, 171.4, 228.6, 246.  Hermitage f. by Khri srong lde brtsan, later residence of Rta ston Jo yes.  BA 141.  Hoffmann, Religions 112.  17 II 338.6.  Wylie 146 n. 284.  Tucci, Lhasa 67‑68.  Bernard 139.  Lde'u2 154.  Vitali in Rocznik Orientalistyczny LXVII (2014) 241 (alternative name: Shwa bo ri).


Gnyos CHU BO RI PA — Thugs sras of (Glan) Nya tshal pa and teacher of (Rta ston) Jo 'bum (q.v.).

CHU BONG CHU SNGON MO — P.n.?  4 81B.6.

CHU BYA SNGON PO — The sa bdag of Mu le sgang (q.v.).  28 11.

CHU BYI THAR ONG — 208 I 239.1.

CHU BRAG — In Dpangs kong area.  A hot spring a little above Spang po che.  97 74 no. 10.

CHU DBAR SPRUL SKU'I PHO BRANG — Where Gtsang smyon wrote Marpa biography in about 1505.


CHU 'BI — Chumbi Valley.  Kolmas, Tibet & Imperial China 59.

Tsong dpon Khye'u CHU 'BEBS — Taught Dharma to fishes.  36A IV 62.4.  KB 50.3.

Sman pa CHU 'BEBS — 128 746.



CHU MA DBEN — Bureau for military affairs.  Kuijp in TH&L 312.

CHU MIG — 1) A Khri skor (q.v.) of Gtsang.  For its four divisions (stong skor), see Vitali in TS9 I 102.  2) N. of  lungsBA 79.  3) N. of a mon. f. by Byang chub rgyal mtshan of Glag.  Buston 206.  See Ferrari 146.  BA 212, 331, 408, 792, 1055, 1068.  TS7 I 271.  N. of a still active Bon Mon. in the 'Dra area of modern Rta'u County.  Thar in TS9 IV 158.

CHU MIG — Site of a religious conference in 1277.  Petech (1983) 188.

CHU MIG — See (— —) Dngul 'bum.

Nyang stod CHU MIG — Pl.n.  27 130.



CHU MIG SGRON MA — Lo rgyus listed in BLP no. 0712.

CHU MIG BRGYA RTSA BRGYAD — 108 springs, or Brgyad rtsa bzhi, 84 springs.  Pl. of pilgrimage, sacred to Buddhists and Hindus, =Muktinath.  Place where many springs emerge from the rock in a cavern, with a strange light coming through the crystal rock and water, as if fire were burning behind the rock.  Hoffmann  28 11.  Guidebook in Kailash VII no. 2.  Manuscript texts entitled, Gnas chen Chu mig Brgya rtsa'i dang Cong zhi Sku tshab Gter lnga Mu li Rin chen gangs Gu ru Gsang Phug Sna ris Jo bo sogs kyi Bka' chag Dngul Dkar Me long in 122 61‑80.  253 II 482.4, 573.1.  383 459.5.  377 28A.1.  116 302.1 ff.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 153.

CHU MIG CHOS 'KHOR — Religious council held in 1277 ('Phags pa's 2nd visit to Tibet) at the place called Chu mig ring mo, 'Long Spring'.  27 94.  TS7 II 874.  Thuken 174.  See under Chos 'khor.

CHU MIG THANG — (sp.?) Chumitang Nunnery, photo in Li Gotami, Pictures 99.




CHU MIG PA — See (— — —) Blo gros dbang phyug.  (— — —) Sher grags.

CHU MIG DMAR PO — In Lahul.  'Red Spring'.  Called 'red' because of iron oxide.  79 74 no. 13.

CHU MIG RING MO — BA 81‑82, 408, 688, 788, 1009, 1069.  Ferrari 146.  17 II 405.6.  Mon. SW of Snar thang, now destroyed.  TS7 II 874.

CHU MIG LUNG — A mon.  BA 79, 81, 82.  17 II 343.5.

CHU MO LDING — Havnevik, Dissert. 155.

Mon kha CHU MO PHUG — 210 56.1.

CHU MO LUNG — Stearns, SR 44.

CHU DMAR — A county.  TS7 I 478.

CHU SMAD SKYES — Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 2, 168.

Rong CHU TSHAN — BA 126.


Tshong dpon CHU 'DZIN — KB 50.2.

CHU 'DZIN ZHABS — See Dza landha ra pa.

Rgya nag CHU RDZONG — 346 72.5.

CHU YI ZHABS PA CAN — See Byi'u 'byin.

CHU BZHI GANGS DRUG — N. for the Tibetan resistance movement developed under the name in 1957.  TR XIV no. 5, May 1979, p. 19.  N. for E Tibet, as it is composed of "4 rivers and 6 ranges."

CHU BZANG — See (— —) Dga' ldan mi 'gyur gling.

CHU BZANG — See (— — iii) Ngag dbang thub bstan dbang phyug.  (— — i) Rnam rgyal dpal 'byor.  (— — ii) Blo bzang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan.  (— — Sprul sku) Blo bzang sangs rgyas bstan pa'i sgron me.  (— — Yongs 'dzin) Ye shes rgya mtsho.  (— — Sprul sku) Sangs rgyas bstan pa dar rgyas.

CHU BZANG — N. of several places, monasteries.  4 8.1.  See Ferrari 103.  458 I 287.1.

La phyi CHU BZANG — 4X I 182.3.

Stod lung CHU BZANG — F. by a disc. of Gtsong kha pa called Shes rab 'byung gnas blo gros.  Wylie 78, 149 n. 322.  Vai.Ser. 134.

CHU BZANG DGE BSHES — See (— — — —) Bstan pa mchog grub.

CHU BZANG DGON — F. by (Grub chen) Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan and (Drung chen) Bsod nams blo gros.  Vai.Ser. 161.

Pa nam CHU BZANG DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang, with 70 monks.

CHU BZANG PA CHEN PO — 210 241.1.

CHU BZANG PO — N. of a river in Ba lang spyod.  Das 417.

CHU BZANG RI KHROD — Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 1, p. 1.

CHU BZANGS — BA 915, 917, 1015.

Ru mtshams CHU BZANGS — BA 975.

CHU 'O NE RA DZA RA — Probl., =(Chu bo) Nairañjana, the river.  132 12.4.

CHU YANG — 208 I 238.2.

CHU G.YO BA — River in Lus 'phags pa.  Das 417.

CHU RA KHA THAL JI — 208 I 241.3, 241.5.

CHU RAG — "Dike."  The dike at Lhasa.  17 IV 108.5.  19 92.  BA 256, 140.  21 149.  484 I 446.7, 452.7, 624.7, 640.4.  Ma ṇi Bka' 'bum (1975) I 22.3.

CHU RAGS PA — See (— — —) Blo gros rgyal mtshan.

CHU RI MUN TA — Lake in Tsa ri.  17 IV 234.6.

CHU RUL BA — "Putrid Water."  In Mnga' ris Skor Gsum.  See 79 74 no. 14.

CHU LA ME 'BAR — Holy pl. in Nepal.  Havnevik, Dissert. 141.

CHU LAS 'O MA LEN PA — See Ba bha hi.

CHU LUG — BA 974.


CHU LONG — Milarepa ordered Ras chung pa to go there.  24 I 213.6.

CHU LON MA — N. of a Buddha image made from his reflection in water.  See 27 116‑117.  BD of T&TB VII 147.  See Lo Bue in Skorupski, ed., Indo‑Tibetan Studies (Tring 1990), p. 193.

CHU SHING GI SNYING MA CAN — N. of a Ḍākinī.  24 I 89.3.

Shel phug CHU SHING RDZONG — 129 II 38.3.  4 253A.2.  363 64.1, 87.3.  377 41A.2.

CHU SHUN SHIN — A Daoist.  Chu Shanzin.  Thuken 354.

CHU SHUL — Chushul.  At confluence of Skyid chu and Gtsang po.  JTL&CT 144, 192.  Tucci, Lhasa 68‑69.  Ferrari 165.  BA 759.  Wylie 75, 146 n. 289.  (Bzad) Chu shul in 5 209.5.  Chu shu in Bernard 131, 139, 140, 152, 188.

CHU SHUL — In Dpangs kong.  "Water Track" refers to dried river beds acc. to 79 74 no. 15 (q.v.).  Map in Nat.Geo. CLIII no. 3, p. 335.

CHU SA SKYO STON — 253 II 218.3.

CHU YI SEMS DPA' — Jalasattva, king in an avadāna.  TPS 465.


CHU SRIN — Makara.  Vogel in Revue des Arts Asiatiques VI (1929‑1930) 133‑147.  Cousens in ASIR (1903‑1904) 227‑231.  Combaz in MCB VII (1938‑1945) 136‑172.  Coomaraswamy, Yaksas II 47‑56.  Viennot in Arts Asiatiques I (1954) 189‑208.  These refs. are from Rosenfield, Dynastic Arts 303 no. 16.

CHU SRIN RNGAM PA'I RGYUD — Bon tantra in 258 IV 447‑462.  Title in Everding, Bon catalog, no. JS 1996.

Klu mo CHU SRIN GDONG — 'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 396.5.

CHU SRIN NA KRAS BSKOR BA — Das 413 no. 21.

CHU SRIN NAG PO — Lives in Rakastal.  Rock, Nāga Cult II 496.

CHU SRIN PHA BONG — A crocodile shaped rock, protector of Sman ri Monastery.  Illus. in Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 140.


CHU SRIN MA — In avadāna story.  TPS 490.

CHU SRIN MO — Attendant of Dpal ldan Lha mo.  Talley-stick 176.

CHU SREG — Bird in Jātaka.  128 750.

CHU GSUM — An area in western Tibet; for list of temples, see  Vitali, Tho.ling 152.

CHU GSOL — BA 511.  Mon. founded by 'Od zer bzang po (disc. of Rma se Rtogs ldan).  See Cuevas, Hidden History 153.

CHU BSUN GDONG CAN — Leads the mule of Dpal ldan Lha mo.  Rock, Nāga Cult II 496.

CHUNG KHA BA — Ruegg, JSBO 91.

CHUNG DPAL — See 'Jag Chung dpal.

CHUNG MA CAN — See Dā ri ka pa.

Gnyal pa Rngog CHUNG MA CAN — A disc. of (Rngog) Chos rdor.  BA 406.

Lho pa CHUNG MA CAN — A disc. of (Rngog) Chos rdor.  BA 406.

CHUNG TSHANG — See (— — iii) Chos kyi nyi ma.  (— — vi) Bstan 'dzin chos kyi blo gros.

CHUNG LUNG — Pl.n.  Das 422.

CHUN GYI BRAG DMAR — One of 37 holy places of Bon.  Das 422.

Glo bo CHUN RINGS — Pl.n.  See 82 90.

CHUMS — See (—) Lha sdings.

CHUR KHUS SPUN PO — 208 I 237.1.

CHUR LHUNG — Pātakṣala.  N. of a sage, expounder of yoga philosophy.  Das 423.

Lho brag CHUS KHYER — See Chu khyer.  Birthpl. of Mar pa.  57 IIB 346.3.  4 70B.1.

CHUS KHYER SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Tshe ring.

CHE GA MA — N. of a girl.  CFMS 106.

Ho shod CHE CHEN HAN — Khoshot Ocirtu Sechen Khan (17th century). Thuken 376.

Rdzogs chen CHE CHOS LNGA — Rdzogs chen Che Chos Lnga yis Man ngag Bcud Thugs Thig Skor Bzhi'i Ngag 'don Chu 'babs Dge  publ. in Gangtok (1979), collected rites of Byang gter tradition, including a Mar me Smon lam [I Tib 82‑900125].

Khrag 'thung CHE MCHOG — Pictured in 193 I 720.  =Che mchog He ru ka.  Pictured in 320 XXVII 3.  Generally resembles Yang dag, q.v., but holds vajras in all three right hands, skullcups in all three left hands.


CHE MCHOG 'DUS PA RTSAL — A gter ston(?).  216 657.4.  N. of the Dalai Lama v, acc. to Essais 125.  A biographical work authored by Sle lung Rje drung is listed in BLP no. 1184 (and see also no. 1185).  Decleer makes mention of it in his review article about the Dalai Lama vi.  Decleer tells a fantastic story about the disappearance of this biography, which was preserved in the library of Trijang Rinpoche.  Shakabpa quotes from it.

CHE MCHOG RDO RJE — (d. 1535)  Biographer of 'Ba' ra ba.  Kuijp, Rivers 313.  Gur ston.  Ehrhard in NTFC I 158.

CHE STON —  =Ches ston.  See (— —) Bsod rgyal.

CHE DBANG — I.e., Tshe dbang Rig 'dzin.  Kværne 226 no. 43.

CHE BTSAN SKYES — Translator.  320 XI 536.7.

Bru sha'i Mkhan po CHE BTSAN SKYES — BD of T&TB I 966.  Translator in Anuyoga transmission.  Hoffmann, Account of the Bon Religion 142.  BA 104‑105.

CHE TSHANG SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Blo bzang 'jam dpal thub bstan 'jigs med chos kyi dbang phyug.  (— — — — ii) Dkon mchog 'phrin las bzang po (17th cent.).  (— — — — iv) Bstan 'dzin padma'i rgyal mtshan.  (— — — — vi) Karma rig 'dzin.  (— — — — vi) Bstan 'dzin chos kyi blo gros (b. 1868).  Brief accounts of their lives may be found in Elmar R. Gruber, From the Heart of Tibet, Shambhala (Boston 2010).  Different names(but evidently the same persons) are listed in the preface to 'Bri gung thel Chos Bdud rtsi'i Thigs pa, Tsering Dorma Gelek (N.Delhi 1975).  The list as given here is

o) Spyan snga Grags pa 'byung gnas (1175‑1255). 

i) Dkon mchog rin chen. 

ii) Dkon mchog phrin las bzang po. 

iii) Dkon mchog bstan 'dzin 'gro 'dul. 

iv) Dkon mchog padma rgyal mtshan (b. 1770). 

v) Rgyal mchog thugs rje nyi ma. 

vi) Zhi ba'i blo gros (b. 1886). 

vii) Tshe brtan 'gyur med (b. 1946).

CHE WO — One of Sde chen Bco brgyad.  Nomads 20.

CHE SA — BA 412.  See (— —) Sangs rgyas rgyal mtshan.

CHEN KYA'U WANG — Ch'an chiao wang.  TS5 805.

CHEN PO ZHABS — See Ma hi la pa.

CHEN HA WANG — Ch'an hua wang.  TS5 805.

CHER CHEN — Pelliot, Notes on Marco Polo 261.

Kho lo ci'i bu CHO KHOR THAL JI —

CHO MI BYA — Haarh, Yar luṅ 209.

CHO RAB — BA 287.

Go shri CHO LO — See Quintman in RET 23 (2012) 24.

CHO LO BA — Or, Cho lo Mkhan zhabs.  See Tanti pa.

Yon bdag mo CHOG SKYID — 115 87.4, 87.6.

CHOG GRA — Chog gra'i Dngul gdung Dkar chag & Chog gra'i Dngul gdung Chung ba'i Dkar chag listed in BLP nos. 0719‑0720.

CHOG THU — In the Dalai Lama v's Chronicles, =Tshog thu.  Erdeni Chogtu (1326‑1332), spelled Erte ni Chog thu. Thuken 375.

Brag dmar CHONG LUNG — Pl.n.  17 II 492.3.

CHOM GOS — 208 I 238.6.

CHOM LAM — "Robber's way."  In Balti.  See 79 73.

CHOL KHA — A Mongol loanword.  See T.H. 150.  In 1268, "Bla chen Sa skya pas Bod Chol kha Gsum la dbang bsgyur."  Dhongthog 122.  See the quotation of Ngor chen in  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 91:  "The people of Far‑west Tibet (Mnga' ris) are like monkeys, the people of Central Tibet (Dbus) are like horses, and the people of Khams, like oxen."

Bya CHOS KYI KA BA — Haarh, Yar luṅ 211.

CHOS BKRA SHIS — Famous artist.  23 40.

Rngog tsha CHOS SKU — Disc. of (Rngog) Mdo sde.  17 II 463.4.  Called (Sdo tsha) Chos sku in BA 408.


CHOS SKU DGON PA — A mon. near Kailash.  Allen, Search for Shangri La 141, and map on p. 140.

Rngog CHOS SKU RDO RJE — Not to be confused with (Rngog) Chos kyi rdo rje.  Ferrari 134.  Actually, they are identical.  One of the 4 chief discs. of Mar pa.  46 26.  17 II 455.6, 459.4 ff.  He also figures in the bio. of Milarepa (see 17 II 485.5 for 'proof').

CHOS SKU BLA BZANG PA — In 'Brug pa lineage.  57 IIB 372.2.

CHOS SKU 'OD ZER — (1214‑1292)  'Phags pa gave him this name, but he was originally known as Chos kyi 'od zer.  Son of (Gser sdings pa) Gzhon nu 'od.  Pupil of 'Jam gsar Shes rab 'od zer.  Teacher of Thugs rje brtson 'grus.  Connected with Jo nang pas.  See Bdag med rdo rje.  BA 770.  17 II 417.4.  Pictured in 128 288.  475 100.3.  Bio. in Dung dkar 60‑61.

Kun mkhyen CHOS SKU 'OD ZER — Founder of Dwags po Rtse le Monastery sometime in the 14th century.  Full name: Byang mkhar po G.yu shul ba Kun mkhyen Chos sku 'od zer.  Cuevas, Hidden History 123.

Rin po che CHOS SKU 'OD ZER — 17 IV 492.3.

CHOS SKYABS — It is possible to read "rugs phor [dugs tsher?] chos skyabs" in label for a lay patron figure at Tho ling (perhaps dating from around 1000?) in Precious Deposits II 238. 

CHOS SKYABS — Actually spelled Chos skyab.  An abbot or ordinator active in Dunhuang area in late 10th century.  Schaik, M&T 174.

Mkhan po CHOS SKYABS RNAM RGYAL — 28 15.

CHOS SKYABS DPAL BZANG — (1476‑1565)  Disc. and biographer of Bsod nams blo gros of Dmar sgom in Dol po.  (1536‑1625)  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 171.


Mkhan chen CHOS SKYABS BZANG PO — (1300's)  Also, (Grwa skor Mkhan chen)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 147.  Pictured in 128 88A.  Bio. in 165 I 573.  TPS 418, on his meeting with Tsong kha pa.

Gling bza' CHOS SKYID — This person's 'Das log story appears in Three 'Das log Stories, publ. 1977.  W. Baruch, Un mystère tibétain: La dame Tchokyid de Ling, Cahiers du Sud 291 (1948) 310‑321.  For sources on this 'das log figure, see Epstein in TJ 7 no 4 (Wint 1982) 80.  BLP no. 0424.

Phyag rgya ma CHOS SKYID — 377 35A.3.

Dpon mo CHOS SKYID DPAL 'DZOM — TS5 802.

CHOS SKYID DBANG MO — Modern Bhutanese 'das logTS5 681.

Blon po Lha rje CHOS SKYONG — (early 14th cent.)  DTK5 118.

Dbang chen CHOS SKYONG — TS5 812.

Slob dpon CHOS SKYONG — Dharmapāla.  Disc. of Dignaga and Dharmadāsa.  BD of T&TB I 441‑443.  Abbot of Nalendra after Candrakirti and before Jayadeva.  At the end of his life he went to Suvarnadvīpa and mastered alchemy.

CHOS SKYONG BKRA SHIS — A woman who appears with a role in a 'das log story.  Cuevas, Travels 66.

CHOS SKYONG GLING PA — (19th‑20th cent.)  Alias (Gter ston) Bsod rgyal (q.v.).  In bio. of the Dalai Lama xiii (Collected Works VI 539.3 ff., 662.6).  The Collected Rediscovered Teachings of Gter ston Chos skyong 'jigs bral gling pa phyogs las rnam rgyal, publ. in 2 vols (Bir 1978).  He is depicted in, but also composed verses placed on the back of, a thangka dating to the end of the 19th cent. illus. in Rossi & Rossi, Beyond Lhasa 24.

CHOS SKYONG RGYA MTSHO — 16th Khri thog of Dga' ldan (1473‑1539).  BD of T&TB VI 136.  Pictured in 128 904.  Vai.Ser. 72.

Sga Drung pa CHOS SKYONG RGYA MTSHO — (1598‑1683)  Garje, Memories 62.

Thar shul Dge slong CHOS SKYONG RGYA MTSHO — (b. 1810)  =Dge 'dun chos skyong rgya mtsho.  Autobio. listed in BLP no. 1082.  Author of bio. of Blo bzang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 1524.

CHOS SKYONG RGYAL MO — Queen consort of Bsod nams lde (1371‑1404).

Mnga' ris pa Dge slong CHOS SKYONG RGYAL MTSHAN — 601 33v.5.

Bya rgod pa CHOS SKYONG RGYAL MTSHAN — 458 I 225.5, 250.4, 268.6, 302.3, 315.6.

Nang chen pa CHOS SKYONG DAR RGYAS — Disc. of Rtogs ldan Shākya shrī.  363 122.3.

CHOS SKYONG LDE — (d. 1352)  Son of (Khri) Rin chen bzang po.  DTK5 112.  DTK5 114.  His queen was Kun dga' 'bum.


Lo ras pa CHOS SKYONG DPAL — A disc. of Yang dgon pa (1213‑1258).  BA 691.  57 IIB 370.2.

Bla ma CHOS SKYONG DPAL BA — Of Byang sdings.  Taught reading to Thang stong.  5 25.3.

Gling bu Chos rje CHOS SKYONG DBANG PHYUG — A teacher of (Bres gshongs pa) Chos rgyal rdo rje (1602‑1677).  BD of T&TB III 790.

CHOS SKYONG 'BUM — (ca. 1400)  Ruler of Mustang.  ISTS 134‑135.  TS7 II 1032, n. 23.  Heller, Hidden 28.

CHOS SKYONG 'BUM — Younger brother of (Khri dpon) Byir ma.  He conquered Pu rang for the king of Gung thang.  DTK5 119.  His descendents became kings of Sman thang.

CHOS SKYONG TSHE RING — (d. 1947)  Father of the present Dalai Lama.

Dge slong CHOS SKYONG LHUN GRUB — Artist responsible for thangka in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 88.

Dgra bcom pa CHOS SKYOB — Early Buddhist philosopher.  Lde'u2 46.

Lo chen CHOS SKYOB — 488 474.1.

CHOS KHRI LTO LCOG — Mon.  Vai.Ser. 130.

Mnga' ris Rdzong kha'i CHOS KHRI THANG — For Thang stong's visit, see 5 174.2.  Vai.Ser. 253.

CHOS 'KHOR — The famous religious council of 1076, sponsored by King Rtse lde.  Kuijp, Contributions 31.  BA 70, 328.  See also Chu mig Chos 'khor.  Occurs as an element in monastery names, since these monasteries were sites of translation activities during the Second Spread.  TS7 II 874.

CHOS 'KHOR — Chongkhor, at Muktinath.  Ramble in L'Ethnologie (1987) 238.


CHOS 'KHOR GLING — BA 308‑309, 341, 536, 778.  Vai.Ser. 245.

CHOS 'KHOR RGYAL — Mon. in Rgyal Me tog thang.  F. in 1509 by the Dalai Lama ii.  Destroyed by Dzungars in 1718.  Ferrari 122.  Later rebuilt.  Mon. in 'Ol kha, history in 332 II preface 14.  463 I 79.3, 78.5.  Vai.Ser. 164.

CHOS 'KHOR RGYAL GYI GNAM MTSHO — A bla mtsho.  See also Dmag zor ma.  Bell, Religion 159.  Bell, Portrait 41.  Nebesky 450.  Ferrari 122.

CHOS 'KHOR SGANG — BA 152, 830.  ('Bri gung) Chos 'khor sgang.  5 243.3.  (Dbur stod) Chos 'khor sgang.  5 338.6.

Mas dro CHOS 'KHOR SGANG — Vai.Ser. 158.

Zar CHOS 'KHOR BDE CHEN — Vai.Ser. 220.

Zas CHOS 'KHOR G.YANG RTSE — Mon. above Thimphu.  Olschak.  Has printery.  162 212.

CHOS 'KHOR RAB RTSE — Aris, Discourse 5.

Nyang stod CHOS KYI 'KHOR LO — Father of (Nyang Ral) Nyi ma 'od zer.

Si tu iv CHOS KYI GO CHA — (1542‑?)  Bio. in 467 II 217.2.  35 II 63.

Skyi ston CHOS GRAGS — Disc. of (Rgya) 'A ma can.  BA 688.

Dge bshes CHOS GRAGS — Author of a well‑known Tibetan‑Tibetan dictionary.

Nyi phug CHOS KYI GRAGS — Pictured in 128 584.  A Nyi phug pa mentioned in BD of T&TB X 56.4.  Vitali in TS9 I 98 ff, gives him the dates 1094‑1186.

Ding ri CHOS GRAGS — Disc. of A bha yā kā ra gupta (Abhayākaragupta).  17 II 303.2.  See Schaeffer in JIP 28 (2000), which reads Lding ri Chos grags.  Called Lding ra Chos grags in listing of translators in Mtshan tho no. 60.

Ldi li CHOS GRAGS — Gter ma in 87 LX.

Spang zhod CHOS GRAGS — DTK5 93.

Phyag mdzod CHOS GRAGS — (contemp.)  Phyag mdzod for Shri Chu bzang Sprul sku.  Barlocher 218 ff.

Li ston CHOS GRAGS — In 11th cent. section of Mngon pa Kun btus lineage.

CHOS GRAGS RGYA MTSHO — A coauthor of a bio. of Klong chen Rab 'byams pa.  BLP no. 0026.

Kun grol No min han CHOS GRAGS RGYA MTSHO — N. of the Dalai Lama vi in his life after his supposed death, acc. to the Secret Biography by A la sha Dar rgyas No min han.

Zhwa nag vii CHOS GRAGS RGYA MTSHO — (1454‑1506)  Bio. in 35 I 530‑594.  B. in the south of Rngod.  Dhongthog 50.  Author of Rig Gzhung Rgya mtsho, on logic, the basic text for this subject of the Karma pa school.  76 8.  BD of T&TB VII 140‑162.  Teacher of Lha btsun pa.  116 312.1 ff.  SBTD I 9.  Portrait image in Weldon & Singer, Sculptural Heritage p.180‑1.  Tibet House, New Delhi, has a small bronze image (Huntington Archive Scan no. 000430).  Dung dkar 36‑37.  Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 114‑115.

Rig 'dzin 'Dzam gling CHOS GRAGS RGYA MTSHO — Work on confession (ltung bshags) in 150 439‑479.

Mdo smad 'Brug tshang pa CHOS GRAGS DAR RGYAS — Yogi disc. of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

CHOS KYI GRAGS PA — Dharmakīrti.  The Indian logician; pictured in 128 71A.  Disc. of a disc. of Phyogs glang.  Bio. in BD of T&TB I 490‑492.  Bio. 413 144.3 ff.

CHOS KYI GRAGS PA — Subj. of bio. by Rgyal mkhar Bsod nams rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 0721.

CHOS KYI GRAGS PA — Author of bio. of 'Gos Lo tsā ba Gzhon nu dpal written in 1517.  See Kurtis Schaeffer's  Dissert. 119.  Acc. to BLP no. 0470, this should be by Zhwa dmar iv Chos kyi grags pa, but BLP no. 0471 is by Dge slong Chos kyi grags pa (this must be the same biography).

CHOS KYI GRAGS PA — Ordination n. of Dus gsum mkhyen pa, of Gtsang smyon, and of Rol pa'i rdo rje.

Karma pa Khams pa Dbu se Dus gsum mkhyen pa CHOS KYI GRAGS PA — (1110‑1193)  See U se, Dbus se and Dbu se.  Aka Chos 'dzin dge 'phel, and Dge 'phel.  T.H. 157.  Ordained in 1124, aged 16 (?).  A disc. of Ras chung pa (BA 439), but mainly of Sgam po pa.  F. Skam Dgon (q.v.), Karma dgon pa in 1186 (Dhongthog 120), and Mtshur phu in 1189.  Bio. by Zhwa dmar ii in 121 I 435‑504.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 369.  Selected writings with biographies by Dge 'dun 'od, Smon lam Bla ma, Rgang lo, and Gzhon nu byang chub in 356.  Called 'Tshur phu pa in 476 I 108.4.  Bio. in 35 I 4‑44.  Waddell 66.  17 II 529.6 ff.  BA 474‑480.  Ferrari 169.  TPS 6, 30, 91.  Wylie 150 n. 330.  Pictured in 128 1038.  Beyer 419.  Called Khams pa Se bo in 356 61.5.  Thangka depictions, see Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plates 104, 107.  For bios. see BLP nos. 0009‑0010.  Dung dkar 29‑30.  For his portrayal with a kind of monkey‑like mug face, see Brown in TJ 27 no 1/2 (2002) 81.

'Jam dbyangs CHOS KYI GRAGS PA — (1478‑1523)  'Brug chen iii.  16th in 'Brug pa Gdan rabs.  Bio. by 'Brug pa Ngag gi dbang po (1517‑1554) written in 1525.  Work in 414 445 ff.  His Ras chung Snyan rgyud collection in 487.

Gnubs CHOS KYI GRAGS PA — A scribe who scribed a palmleaf ms. in both Sanskrit and Tibetan, described as "jo rtsa mye'i mkhan bu," which probably means 'ordinand of Rtsa mi Lo tsā ba'.  See Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Works (1990), vol. 1, p. 21.

'Bri gung Rig 'dzin CHOS KYI GRAGS PA — (b. 1595)  Works in 36 VI 397 ff.  21st abbot of 'Bri gung and a Gter ston, a dngos slob of 'Ja' tshon snying po.  Author of many books and comms.  37 33 ff.  46 70 ff.  His Lam zab Bla ma Sgrub pa'i Chos Skor publ. 1975.  Work on Nā ro Chos Drug (1639) and others publ. in 22.  A dkar chag in 137 563‑570.  Author of Phyag chen Lnga ldan (1628) in 150 1‑25.  Prob. author of Padma'i 'Phreng ba cited in 168 preface.  217 503.7 ff.  Autobio. and works in 359 I 1‑303.  383 220.5.  410 206A.5.  (1595‑1659?)  Work written in 1633 in 359 II.  His Dgongs gcig Rnam bshad, written in 1633, in 479 1‑397. Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 106.  His biography has been published in his Collected Works (Dehra Dun 1999), vol. 1, pp. 1‑246.

Lo pa Spyan snga CHOS KYI GRAGS PA — Teacher of 'Gyur med bde chen (b. 1540).  5.

Gser gling pa CHOS KYI GRAGS PA — Dharmakīrti of the Golden Isle.  For list of his seven treatises (Sde Bdun), see under Sde Bdun.  27 73.  Atiśa studied with him.  17 II 282.5 ff.  Some centuries later, Nags kyi rin chen (Vanaratna) studied Vinaya with a person by this name at Singga gling.  17 II 310.2.  Bio. in 165 229.  Pictured in 320 XII 3.  BD of T&TB I 579‑585.

Rta rna Bla ma CHOS KYI GRAGS PA — Collected Writings and Visionary Teachings of the New Bon (Bon gsar) Master Rta rna Bla ma Chos kyi grags pa: Reproduced from a rare ms. coll. from the library of the late Dpal tshul (Delhi 1978).


CHOS GRAGS DPAL BZANG —  =Mi bskyod rdo rje, acc. to 11 79.  The Zhwa nag viii.

Yar lung pa CHOS GRAGS DPAL BZANG — Contemp. of Thang stong.  5 208.1.

Kun spangs CHOS GRAGS DPAL BZANG PO — (1283‑1363)  Disc. of Dol po pa.  BA 777, 785, 838, 1045.  17 II 418.5.  Jo nang pa.

Gu'i gung CHOS GRAGS DPAL BZANG PO — The Byang bdag king in time of Thang stong.  Stearns, King 516, n. 496.

Chos rje CHOS GRAGS DPAL BZANG PO — (mid 14th cent.)  Bio. by Mi bskyod rdo rje in 74 I 247‑248.

CHOS GRAGS SPRUL SKU — Incarnate residing at 'Bras spungs Blo gsal gling.  Barlocher 539.

Thar gling pa CHOS GRAGS BLA MA — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 119.1.

CHOS GRAGS BZANG PO — (1493‑1559)  20th Khri thog of Dga' ldan (at age 60).  B. at Stag phu.  BD of T&TB VI 140.  Pictured in 128 906.  Vai.Ser. 74.

CHOS GRAGS BZANG PO — Disc. of Klong chen pa and author of a bio. of him.  Kuijp in TH&L 289.

Khri dpon CHOS GRAGS 'OD — CFMS 88.

Zhwa dmar iv CHOS GRAGS YE SHES — Also, (Spyan snga Rin po che).  (1453‑1524/5)  "Tre shod Khang dmar du 'khrungs."  Dhongthog 47.  35 I 594‑624.  Chos kyi grags pa ye shes dpal bzang po was his full ordination n.  BD of T&TB III 709.  Work on Ti se published.  Work in 36 I.  Works in 450 737‑750, 751‑788.  His Gsung 'bum was kept at Nyi lde Dgon in Lho brag (see the monastery encyclopedia by Bla brang Skal bzang, p. 239).  A biographical thangka is illustrated and described by D. Jackson in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation 81 ff. and plate 110.  Portrait image, with inscription, in Weldon & Singer, Sculptural Heritage p.180‑1.  Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 114.  His bio. of 'Gos Lo tsā ba Gzhon nu dpal was published in 2004.  Autobios. listed in Drepung Catalog 1506, 1507.

Rje btsun CHOS GRAGS RANG GROL — Pictured in 196.


CHOS GRAGS SENG GE BSAM GRUB 'BUM — Birthn. of (Sgrol ma ba) Bsam 'grub rdo rje (q.v.).

Zhwa dmar x CHOS GRUB RGYA MTSHO — (1742‑1792)  Bio. in 35 II 678‑690.  Abbot of Yangs pa can which was taken from the Karma pa on account of his involvement with the Gurkha invasions of 1792.  Wylie 150 n. 332.  T&BS II 155 ff.  Precious Deposits III 201.  He is supposed to have committed suicide.

CHOS GLING GAR DBANG — See (— — — —) 'Chi med rdo rje.

CHOS GLING DGON PA — Rnying ma mon. in Nang chen.  473 65.

CHOS GLING LA — A pass.  Fletcher, "Chöling La."

CHOS DGA' — Dharmananda.  He was born as a makara.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 345.

Gu phu Bla rgan CHOS DGA' — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 120.4.

Mal ston CHOS DGA' — CFMS 106.

CHOS MGON — Incarnation lineage of 'Brug pa.  7  Khrungs rabs in 337 123 ff.  See also Bde chen chos 'khor Zhabs drung.  See (— — i) Chos kyi mgon po.  (— — ii) Mi pham chos kyi dbang phyug (1639‑1703).  (— — iii, iv?)  'Jam mgon dgyes pa'i dbang phyug.  (— — vii) Chos kyi nyin byed (b. 1829).  (— — viii) Mthu stobs chos kyi rgya mtsho (1887‑1964). 

CHOS MGON — See (— —) Mi pham 'jam dpal rdo rje. 

Zhabs drung viii CHOS MGON SPRUL SKU — See (— —) (— — — —) Mthu stobs chos kyi rgya mtsho.

Rje btsun CHOS KYI MGON PO — Subj. of bio. listed in BLP no. 0936.

Bde chen chos 'khor Zhabs drung i CHOS KYI MGON PO — Bio. by Padma dkar po (1527‑1592), see 20 35.  24 IV.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1191.

CHOS 'GRUB — (modern)  Monk student at Se ra in S India.  Barlocher.

CHOS KYI RGYA MTSHO — Brother of Byang chub rgya mtsho.  115 7.1.  This name appears in a thangka inscription near top of illus. in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 120.

Ko'u ba CHOS RGYA MTSHO — (1571‑1635)  In 47th year became abbot of Sku 'bum.  Dung dkar 102‑103.  BD of T&TB V 579, VI 66 ff.

Rje btsun CHOS RGYA MTSHO — A teacher of Rol pa'i rdo rje at Peking.

Kaḥ thog Si tu x CHOS KYI RGYA MTSHO — (1880‑1925)  A nephew and student of Mkhyen brtse'i dbang po (1820‑1892).  =Si tu Paṇ chen.  Wrote dkar chag of Central Tibet.  Author of short bios. in 63 I 169‑177.  In Thang stong Snyan brgyud63 I 48.  Bio. in 63 I 185‑187.  Pictured in 320 XXVI 2.  Author of 363.  A list of rare books owned by him is listed in BLP no. 1339.

'Jam pa Chos rje CHOS RGYA MTSHO — (d. 1630)  Abbot of Dgon lung.  332 pref. 17.

Tre ho I CHOS KYI RGYA MTSHO — (d. 1547)  Karma pa.  Bio. in 35 I 639‑642.  Work on Nā ro Chos Drug in 331 261‑316.  D. in a Fire Sheep year.

Pha rgod Kra chung? CHOS KYI RGYA MTSHO — Inscribed portrait image in Weldon & Singer, Sculptural Heritage 186‑7.

Tshar chen CHOS KYI RGYA MTSHO — A bio. by Mkhyen rab listed in BLP no. 1681.

Zhabs drung CHOS RGYA MTSHO — (1665‑1732)  BD of T&TB V 610.

Zur mang Drung pa Sprul sku CHOS KYI RGYA MTSHO — (1940‑1987)  TS5 795.

CHOS RGYAN — Frequent contraction for Chos kyi rgyal mtshan.

CHOS RGYAM DRUNG PA — Chogyam Trungpa.  Of course Drung pa Chos rgyam would be more correct.

CHOS RGYAL — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 120.4.

Cog ro CHOS RGYAL — See (Cog ro) Chos kyi rgyal mtshan.

Bya khyung pa CHOS RGYAL BKRA SHIS — 210 125.5.

CHOS RGYAL SKYES — Dharmarājaputra.  N. of Yudhiṣṭhira.  Das 98.

Mkhan po CHOS RGYAL SKYONG — BD of T&TB I 960.

Gter ston CHOS RGYAL GLING PA — Also, (Ban khrom).  See =Gar dbang chos rgyal.  Excavated bio. of Padmasambhava  FM 486.00.  =Padma bdud 'dul gar dbang chos rgyal gter bdag dri med 'od zer.  A Khams pa Bla ma.  458 I 368.4.

Gru dgon Sprul sku CHOS RGYAL RGYA MTSHO — Beyer xv, 238‑240.  See Chos rgyal bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho, who seems to be an earlier member of the incarnation lineage at Gru gu Dgon.  363 120.2.

CHOS RGYAL SGRUB PHUG — In Potala.  TS5 657.  Some wallpaintings there are believed to be 7th century!  See Po ta la (1996) 117‑8.  Henss, CMT 99.

Ka shod pa CHOS RGYAL NYI MA — Goldstein, History 199. See Mengele, dGe 144, says he was b. in Lhasa in 1903, and became a lay official of the government in 1919.

Dwags ram pa CHOS RGYAL BSTAN PA — (1449‑1524)  Monastic n., Chos rgyal bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan.  Root disc. of Karma pa vii.  See 10035 I 654‑655.  =(Dwags ram) Bstan pa, author of Zab mo Nang Don gyi 'Grel bshad Thar pa Gsal bar Byed pa'i Rgyan, publ. in 1976, 1977.  This is a comm. on Zhwa nag iii's treatise on Anuttarayogatantra called Zab mo Nang Don12 IX 85.1.  A person with the 'same' dates, 1449‑1526, with the name Kun spangs Bya bral Chos rje, is depicted in Essen & Tingo, Die Götter des Himalayas 127.  Apparently he is the Sakya student of Thang stong whose name was Kun spangs Rdo ring pa (1449‑1524).  Stearns, King 28.

Lo chen CHOS RGYAL BSTAN 'DZIN — (1631‑1708)  Dhongthog 51.  "E 'dam Sngon po Grong smad du 'khrungs."  Stein, Recherches 81.

CHOS RGYAL BSTAN 'DZIN — (1631‑1708)  Rnying ma pa.  BD of T&TB IV 412.

Mchog sprul CHOS RGYAL BSTAN 'DZIN RGYA MTSHO — An incarnate of Gru gu Dgon.  363 18.6.

Rig 'dzin CHOS RGYAL RDO RJE — (1789‑ca. 1859)  Khams pa and a gter ston.  Studied w/ 'Brug chen viii and (Grub dbang) Lhun grub rab brtan.  He was a 'Brug pa/Karma pa/Rnying ma pa.  For more info. and an autobio., see 336.  His chief disc. was Tshogs gnyis grub dbang.  Mchog 'gyur gling pa also studied with him.  Bio. in 410 184B.1.  His Gu ru Drag po Mthing Gnam lcags Thog gi Ral gri'i Chos skor, publ. 1973.  363 25.3.

Lha chen Bres gshongs pa CHOS RGYAL RDO RJE — (1602‑1677)  Rnying ma pa.  Bio. in 33 379.  Also called ('Jam dbyangs) Chos rgyal rdo rje.  Gter ma by a Chos rgyal rdo rje contained in 87 XXI.

CHOS RGYAL NOR BU — SBTD I 78.  Cuevas, Hidden History 189.

CHOS RGYAL RNAM GSUM — Chos skyong of Dge lugs pa.  They are:  1) Dam can Chos rgyal.  2) Mgon po Phyag drug pa.  3) Dpal ldan Dmag zor rgyal mo.  Sumpa, Annals 67.

CHOS KYI RGYAL PO — Disc. of 'Jam dpal bshes gnyen who descended from 33‑god paradise.  132 74.1 ff, 75.2.

Kun spangs CHOS KYI RGYAL PO — Bio. by Blo bzang grags pa rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 0057.  Bio. by Blo gsal grags pa rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 1319.

'Khon phu ba CHOS KYI RGYAL PO — Given the dates 1069‑1144 in Mtshan tho no. 41, which also tells how, at the prophecy of Rma Lo, he went to Nepal at age 26, studied with Ye rang ba, Pha mthing pa and A tulya badzra, etc.  Accompanied Su na ya shrī as attendant to India, where, at Rdo rje gdan, he met Sau ri pa, and, at Vikramaśīla, Dānaśrī. 

Sngags 'chang CHOS KYI RGYAL PO — Subj. of bio. listed in BLP no. 0674.

Nyer gnyis pa 'Dzam gling CHOS KYI RGYAL PO — Also, (Nyer gnyis Rin po che).  (1335‑1407)  10th (or 9th?) abbot of 'Bri gung, from 1351 to 1407.  Bio. in 357 125‑143.  37 25.  Bio. in 168 189.1 ff.

The bo CHOS KYI RGYAL PO — Bio. by Kun dga'i ming can listed in BLP no. 1098.

Dam can CHOS KYI RGYAL PO — Protector.  Pictured in 216APrecious Deposits III 90.  MBKP 125.

Bya btang CHOS KYI RGYAL PO — 377 7B.2.

Bla ma Dam pa CHOS KYI RGYAL PO — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1487.  Also listed as authored by Ye shes rgyal mtshan (49‑folio cursive ms.) in Filibeck, Catalogue, vol. 2, p. 333 (no. 670.2).  This probably means 'Phags pa.

Dbang Rin po che CHOS KYI RGYAL PO — (1448‑1504)  Abbot of 'Bri gung from 1484 to 1494 (?).  357 177‑192.

Dmar ston CHOS KYI RGYAL PO — Disc. of Sa skya Paṇḍi ta.  Wrote logic commentaries on Subhāṣitaratnanidhi and the Tshad ma Rigs Gter.  Bio. by Glo bo Mkhan chen.  SBTD I 74, 87.  76 7.  17 II 408.5.  BA 382.  115 at ca. 132.1.  Roesler in Facets 160 ff.

Rtsags CHOS KYI RGYAL PO — Disc. of (Rngog) Mdo sde.  17 II 463.3.  BA 408.

Rtse le CHOS KYI RGYAL PO — Chief successor of Mchog ldan mgon po.  413 389.6.

Tshar chen CHOS KYI RGYAL PO — Bibliography in 374 II 256 ff.  392 388.

Yang dgon CHOS KYI RGYAL PO — Disc. of Rgod tshang pa in Ras chung Snyan brgyud36 V 363.  =(Yang dgon pa) Rgyal mtshan dpal (q.v.).

Lha btsun CHOS KYI RGYAL PO — See also (Lha btsun) Rin chen rnam rgyal.  See Rnam mgur (Rnam thar dang Mgur 'bum) in 116 273‑379.  Works mentioned in 116 360.4.  Notes from 116:  In previous rebirth: 281.3.  Ordination n. Kun dga' rgyal mtshan.  Invited to be abbot of Tho gling by the King of Gu ge (282.4).  =Lha btsun Rin chen rnam rgyal (283.5).  B. in Water Snake year, or 1473 (285.5).  He meets Gtsang smyon (293) but doesn't immediately become his follower until he feels a strong repentence (297).  Meets the King Kun dga' rnam rgyal sde (312.6).  Does restoration work at 'Phags pa shing kun.  Age 70 (361). 

CHOS KYI RGYAL PO'I MDO — Stein, Tibetica Antiqua I 153‑5.

CHOS RGYAL PHUG — Cave at Yer pa named so because Srong btsan sgam po was supposed to have meditated there.  Tucci, Lhasa 109.  Evidently should be taken as descriptive rather than a proper name, since the same name is used for the cave on Dmar po ri.

'Bri gung CHOS RGYAL PHUN TSHOGS — (16th cent.)  BD of T&TB III 743.  Son of ('Bri gung pa) Rin chen phun tshogs (1509‑1602).  The Skyu ra family seems to have ended shortly after him.  Among his teachers is ('Phreng po Gter ston) Shes rab 'od.  Preceptor of Mustang king.  ISTS 134.  His dates were 1547‑1602 according to David Jackson in Damani, Dating 111, 112.

CHOS RGYAL PHO BRANG — Ancient capital of Tibet in Yarlung in Lho kha, now in ruins.  Das 829.

CHOS RGYAL PHO BRANG PA — See (— — — — —) Karma 'jigs med.

CHOS RGYAL DBANG PO'I SDE — Gter bton128 848.  See Karma gu ru.  217 475.6 ff.

CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — N. given to Nāropa upon full ordination.  75 19.  73 56.2.

CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — 29th abbot of 'Bri gung.  Wrote many commentaries.  37 39.

CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — The only son of 'Jigs med gling pa.  39 9. 

CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — See (— — — —) Dge legs dpal bzang.

Skyo mda' ba 'Phags pa CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — Works in 349 XXI.

Mkhas grub CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — In a line stemming from Rgyal thang pa.  119 preface.

Go shri CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — Karma pa.  Bio. in 35 I 480‑482.

Sgam po pa CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — Bio. in 35 I 508‑509.

Cog gra CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — A teacher of 'Brug chen x.  1 46.

Cog ro CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — Disc. of Mar pa Do pa.  17 II 409.4.  Bio. in BA 386.  Disc. of (Rngog) Mdo sde.  BA 408.  17 II 463.4.  One of his works on the 'four grades' (rim bzhi?) was translated into Uighur.  See JAOS 99 (1979) 512, where he is given the dates 1108‑1176.

Rje drung CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — (20th cent.)  Stag lung Bka' brgyud pa.  According to a website, Tiger Valley Sacred Texts, his works have been recovered (no details given), and will be reprinted.

Rje btsun CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — Bio. by Paṇ chen Bde legs nyi ma listed in BLP no. 0937.  Author of yig cha for Se ra Grwa tshang Byes.  Dung dkar 69.

Ta dben CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — His father's name was Kun dga' rgyal mtshan.  He was father of Dharma dhwa dza (1351‑1396) and Rdo rje rin chen rgyal mtshan (1353‑1404).  Went to China in 1356.  There he became the private chaplain (dgos kyi bla mchod) of Ayushiridara, and later became National Preceptor.  Kuijp, KPTB 47.

Ta'i Si tu pa I CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — (1377‑1448)  He was the first in the line to bear the title Tai Situ, conferred upon him in 1407 by the Chinese Emperor Yung Lo.

Tre ho CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — (ca. 12th or 13th cent.)  473 27.

Ding ri ba CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — (1897‑1956?)  20 24.  Redactor of the 1951 Lha sa edition of the Kun bzang Bla ma'i Zhal lung.  A printer and block carver.  162 241.  Author of bio. of Yongs 'dzin Ye shes rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 1795.

Dong pa CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — 17 II 422.3.

Bdag chen CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — (1359‑1428)  Sa skya pa.  His father was Dbang Grags pa rgyal mtshan.  Dhongthog 48.

Gnas rnying CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — 10th abbot of Bkra shis lhun po, from 1569‑?

Dpal ldan CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — Subj. of bio. listed in BLP no. 1318.

Se Spyil bu pa CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — Also, (Lha) (Spyil bu pa).  (1121‑1189)  Bka' gdams pa.  Teacher of Gro mo che ba.  BD of T&TB III 384, V 53.  Pictured in 128 82A.  Dhongthog 75.  Bio. in 165 I 552.  He appears in a thangka inscription.  See Kossak, Sacred Visions 59, n. 10.

Ba so ba CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — (1402‑1473)  Dge lugs pa.  BD of T&TB V 224.  "La stod Ldog gzhung du 'khrungs."  Dhongthog 48.  Held Khri of Dga' ldan from 1463‑1473.  BD of T&TB VI 122.  Willis in Soundings.  Pictured in 128 96A, 202, 348, 386, 482, 894.  Bio. in 165 I 923.  Vai.Ser. 68.  Ba so Chos rgyal gyi Rnam thar, by 'Brong rtse Lha btsun, listed in BLP no. 1397.

Dmar CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — A teacher of Phag mo gru pa.  BA 555.  Dmar Chos rgyal ba in 17 II 539.3.

Gtsang pa CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — Contemp. of Thang stong.  5 208.1, 293.5.

G.yag sde pa CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — Kuijp in JAOS (1994) 605.

Zhabs drung iii Ngag dbang CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — (1762‑1785)  Waddell 242.  59 preface.

Ras chen CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — (13th cent.)  Vitali in TS9 I 98.

Rin chen gling pa CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — Bio. by Sa skya pa 'Jam dbyangs bsod nams rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 0266.

Shangs pa CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — 11th abbot of Bkra shis lhun po.

Shel drung CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — (1897‑1959)  See =(Ding ri) Chos kyi rgyal mtshan.

Si tu I CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — (1377‑1448)  Regent during minority of De bzhin gshegs pa.  He was b. in Mdo khams Ri bo che.

Si tu V CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN "the later" — (1586‑1632)  Karma pa.  35 II 253‑255.  See under Chos kyi rgyal mtshan dpal bzang.

Se Spyil bu pa CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — 367 II 127.1.

Se ra Rje btsun CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — (1469‑1546)  11th of 13 predecessors of Lcang skya (q.v.) line.  Short bio in BD of T&TB VI 52 ff, where his dates are given as 1469‑1544.  Bio. by Dpal 'byor bsod nams lhun grub listed in BLP no. 2003.  Bio. by Lcang lung Paṇḍi ta Blo bzang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 2004. 

Ser byes Rje btsun CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — (1659‑?)  Dge lugs pa.  Dhongthog 49.

Slob dpon CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — (1283‑1359)  Eldest son of Chos rdor.  17 II 464.4.  BA 411.

Lho sprul CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — Teacher of Che tshang Sprul sku iv (b. 1770).  168 preface.

Bla ma CHOS RGYAL MTSHAN PA — Lived 110 years.  Grandson of Sangs rgyas gling pa (?).  210 121.4 ff.

Ser smad pa CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — Biographer of Mkhas grub rje.  BLP no. 0250.

Ta'i Si tu pa V CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN DPAL BZANG — (1586‑1657), the fifth Tai Situpa.

Ta dben CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN DPAL BZANG PO — (1332‑1359)  Sa skya pa.  Son of (Ti shi) Kun dga' rgyal mtshan.  Dhongthog 49.  He belonged to the Lha khang Bla brang of Sa skya.  27 108.


CHOS RGYAL RIN CHEN DPAL BZANG PO — 12th abbot of 'Bri gung.  37 26.

Gru gu CHOS RGYAL RIN PO CHE — See under Gru gu Chos rgyal.

CHOS RGYAL BSOD NAMS — (late 15th‑early 16th cent.)  (Sngags 'chang).  B. in Glo bo.  One of his teachers was (Chos rje) Sangs rgyas dpal bzang.  BD of T&TB III 725.

CHOS RGYAL LHUN PO — N. of Gtsang smyon as a young man.  20 7.


CHOS RGYAL LHUN PO — A pl.n.  BA ii, 838, 1091.

CHOS RGYUD — A branch of the 'Gos clan.  73 415.2 ff.

CHOS SGO BA — See (— —) Chos dpal shes rab.  (— —) Rdo rje ye shes.



Ma gcig CHOS SGRON — A successor of Phu ri ba.  BA 687, 916(?).  57 IIB 372.4.

A phyi CHOS KYI SGRON MA — Bio. by Spyan snga Rnam rgyal tshul khrims mgon po listed in BLP no. 2098.  Kristen K. Muldowney, Outward Beauty, Hidden Wrath: An Exploration of the Drikung Kagyü Dharma Protectress Achi Chökyi Drölma, master's thesis, Florida State University (2011), in 145 pages.

Rje btsun CHOS KYI SGRON ME — 5 220.2, 310.2.  Same as the following, I think.

Ā grol CHOS KYI SGRON ME — Daughter of Lha dbang rgyal mtshan (b. 1404).  DTK5 125.  Originator of the Rdo rje phag mo incarnations.  Her immediate reincarnation was Kun dga' bzang mo (b. 1459).  Ehrhard, Corresp. xix.  Quote from an electronic mail of Cyrus Stearns:  "...the son of the 15th century La stod Lho ruler Lha btsan skyabs was a Bon po? Chos kyi sgron me, who became the consort of Bo dong Pan chen and then later of Thang stong rgyal po, was earlier married to Lha btsan skyabs' son, the Shel dkar prince Drung Tshe dbang bkra shis (died. ca. 1454). Chos kyi sgron me's name at the time (before ordination) was Dkon mchog rgyal mo. She was from the royal house in Mnga' ris gung thang, and was severely depressed when she found out that her husband to be was an evil Bon po, and not even a Buddhist!"  Her biography has now been told in considerable detail in a new book by Hildegard Diemberger.  See also Stearns, King 52 ff.

CHOS SNGON DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang with 60 monks.

CHOS CHUNG BRGYA RTSA — Collection of texts, mostly authored by Atiśa.  See 374 I 87.1 ff.

Kya la Mkhan po CHOS MCHOG — (1893‑1957)  Thondup, BM xvii, 140.

CHOS MCHOG NYI MA — 368 139.2.

CHOS MCHOG PA — Dharmottarīya.  One of 10 sub‑schools of Sarvāstivādins.


CHOS RJE — See Chos rje pa.

Ta'i Go'i shri CHOS RJE SKYABS — Toh, Ming 189.

Rig 'dzin CHOS RJE GLING PA — (1682‑1725)  A gter ston, excavator of a Rdo rje phur pa sādhana publ. in 1976.  A propagator of the (Rdzogs chen) Rta mgrin Snying thig gi Chos Skor (q.v.).  BD of T&TB III 307.  11th rab byung383 221.1.  Also excavated Bon works.  383 419.6.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 0985.  Excavator of 'Chi med Rtsa Gsum Dril Sgrub in 87 VI.  Excavated Bla ma Thugs kyi Nor bu87 XI preface.  His Zab lam Thugs kyi Nor bu in 87 XIII.  See also 87 XX, XLIII.  463 I 12.1.  Lived in about 1711.  463 I 195.5.  See Ehrhard in SCEAR 9 (1996) 46.  He is surely the same Lungar Lama who befriended Desideri, since he was born in Klu mkhar.

CHOS RJE PA — In Sa skya pa writings this seems to always refer to Sa skya Paṇḍi ta.

Chag CHOS RJE DPAL — A Gsang 'dus teacher.  BA 366.  17 II 411.5.  See under Chag Lo tsā ba.

CHOS RJE RAS PA — N. found in TJ IV no. 1, p. 21.

CHOS RJE SENG GE — Author of Mar Mi Dwags Gsum gyi Rnam thar listed in BLP no. 1607.

CHOS KYI NYI MA — See Bstan 'dzin chos kyi nyi ma.

CHOS KYI NYI MA — A disc. of Khyung po Rnal 'byor.  TS7 II 981.

CHOS KYI NYI MA — (1737‑1802)  A Dge lugs pa writer.  T.H. 101.  See Blo bzang chos kyi nyi ma.

Chung tshang iii CHOS KYI NYI MA — (1755‑1788)  27th Abbot of 'Bri gung.  37 38.  Teacher of Che tshang Sprul sku iv.  Prob. author of Lhan thabs work in 479 410‑414.  His dates were 1755‑1792 according to David Jackson in Damani, Dating 111.

Stag lung Rin po che CHOS KYI NYI MA — (1975-)  Aka Ngag dbang bstan 'dzin 'jam dpal rig grol phrin las dpal bzang po. 

Rdo ring Kun spangs pa CHOS KYI NYI MA — Bio. by Tshar chen Blo gsal rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 1179.

'Dzi sgar V CHOS KYI NYI MA — 382 preface.

Bsam gsang Sprul sku CHOS KYI NYI MA — Preceptor to 'Jam dpal dgra 'dul (in ca. 1830).  ISTS 135.

CHOS NYID RDO RJE — Bhutanese royalty.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 247 etc.

CHOS NYID NAM MKHA'I KLONG MDZOD — Visionary teaching of Bdud 'joms gling pa.  Text in 233 481‑488.

CHOS NYID NOR BU — 37 39  31st abbot of 'Bri gung.  Work in 150 481‑499.

CHOS NYID 'DZIN — Tib. trans. of Dar ma ta la.  BBNP 481.

CHOS NYID BZANG PO —  =Chos nyid seng ge (q.v.).  28 20.

CHOS NYID BZANG MO — (1841‑1940)  Rnying ma pa.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 528.  See Rig 'dzin chos nyid bzang mo.

Shugs gseb CHOS NYID BZANG MO — (1865‑1951)  TS5 819.  See Gter ston Bde ba'i rdo rje, Shug gseb Rje btsun Sku zhabs kyi Rnam thar (=Gangs shug Ma ṇi Lo chen Rig 'dzin Chos nyid bzang mo'i Rnam par Thar pa Rnam mkhyen Bde ster), Bod ljongs mi dmangs dpe skrun khang (1997), in 320 pp.  Jackson, MB 64.


CHOS NYID YE SHES — See 'Phags mchog chos nyid ye shes.

CHOS NYID RANG GROL — A follower of Gu ru Chos dbang, acc. to 493 26.6.

Gu ge Mkhan chen CHOS NYID SENG GE — (ca. 15th cent.)  28 19.

CHOS NYID GSAL STONG — Havnevik, Dissert. 106.

Bde chen chos 'khor Zhabs drung vii CHOS KYI NYIN BYED — (b. 1829)  Also, (Chos mgon).  Author of bio. of Yongs 'dzin V in 136 395‑440.  Author of 174.

Paṇḍi ta CHOS KYI NYIN BYED — 11th in precessors of Rje btsun dam pa (q.v.).  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 1273‑1274.

'Brom CHOS KYI SNYING PO — For his excavations, see 210 82.5 ff.  410 195A.5.


CHOS DANG CHOS NYID RNAM PAR 'BYED PA — Dharmadharmatāvibhaṅga.

'Ju ba CHOS DAR — Beyer 529.  Author of the biography of Chag Lo tsā ba translated by Roerich.

Sum pa CHOS DAR — One of 13 chief discs of Ras chung.  BA 439.  To be distinguished from Sum pa.  24 I 220.4 (where he is called Sum ston Jo dar).

Dus zhabs pa CHOS DAR GRAGS 'PHEL — A teacher of 'Gyur med bde chen (b. 1540).  5.

Ldong CHOS DAR RGYAS — Bio. by Dkon mchog rab gsal listed in BLP no. 1196.

Bla ma CHOS DAR SPRUL SKU — 346 108.2.

Zhwa dmar viii Dpal chen CHOS KYI DON GRUB — (1695‑1732)  Bio. in 35 II 351‑443.  Aka Rnam rol mchog pa, acc. to 11 70.  466 IV 405.2.  For circumstances of his death in the same year as the Zhwa nag, see Uspensky, Prince Yunli 10.  Depicted in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 143, 177.

La stod pa CHOS DRUG RDO RJE — 601 15r.4.


Bla ma CHOS BDAG — (modern)  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 130, 237 etc.

Rtse slob Ser sngags CHOS LDAN BSTAN DAR — 438 VII 428.2.

CHOS KYI RDO RJE — Author of a set of Lam rim biographies listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 351 (no. 767), printed in Lhasa in 1946.

Mkhar mdo CHOS KYI RDO RJE — Work on Padma dbang chen yang gsang khros pa, publ. 1977.

Gu ru CHOS KYI RDO RJE — Spiritual descendent of Gu ru Chos dbang.  210 45.3.

Grwa sgom CHOS KYI RDO RJE — 'Jam dpal 'Dus Rgyud Rig sngags Brgya rtsa, Yamāntaka mantras, publ. in 2 vols in 1974.  410 58A.6.  His Gu ru Padma'i Bka' thang Dbu tshal Gser khang, listed in BLP no. 0343.

Grub chen CHOS KYI RDO RJE — (1400's)  Dge lugs pa.  BD of T&TB V 230.  Probably pictured in 128 97A, 204, 348, 386, 484.  Willis in Soundings.  Bio. in 165 I 930.  His birth date is sometimes given as 1457, although it is difficult to be sure about it, since the sources seem only to give an animal year date (Ox Year).

Rngog CHOS KYI RDO RJE — Also, (Rngog ston), Gzhung po.  (1036‑1102)  Disc. of Marpa.  BA 403 ff.  Ferrari 134.  One of a group of discs. called Bka' chen Bzhi.  Short bio. 57 IIB 347.7 ff.  17 II 413.  Aka Rngog Gzhung pa.  4X I 40.2, 43.1, 74.2, 74.7, 79.4, 81.3.  Bio. with chronology.  331 170‑174.

Gnyal pa 'Gar CHOS KYI RDO RJE — Also, (Mgar).  Disc. of ('Gos) Lhas btsas.  BA 364.  17 II 412.1.

Sprul sku CHOS KYI RDO RJE — Author of bio. of 'Jam dbyangs mkhyen rab listed in BLP no. 0834.

Pra sgom CHOS KYI RDO RJE — (pre-11th cent.)  Horlemann 137.

Khams pa CHOS RDOR — Dies in 24 I 387.1.  Seems to be abbreviated form of Phag mo gru pa's name.

Myang ban CHOS LDAN — See Kuijp, Rivers 299.  He is here identified with Rdo rje Chos ldan and Lho pa Chos ldan.

CHOS LDAN CHOS RJE — 399 preface 5.

CHOS LDAN DPAL BZANG — Thugs sras of Rdo rje gling pa.  210 138.5.

Rdo rje slob dpon CHOS LDAN BLO GROS — 148 124.6.

CHOS LDAN DBANG MO — A princess of the Bug pa can royal line.  CFMS 94.

Gsang mda' ba CHOS LDAN RAB 'BYOR — Aspiration preface.  Vai.Ser. 218.  Author of bio. of Mkhas grub rje, BLP no. 0252. 


CHOS SDINGS — On hillside E of Ke ru.  F. by 4 teachers of 12th cent.  Tsong kha pa stayed there.  BA 138‑9, 704.  Ferrari 119.  Tucci, Lhasa 126.  116 478.6.

CHOS SDINGS — Monastery in La stod Byang founded by (Bzhad pa) Padma rin chen before the 1240's.  Vitali in TS9 I 99.

'Gar Dam pa CHOS SDINGS PA — (1180‑1240)  His ordination n. was Gzhon nu rdo rje, and 'Jig rten mgon po gave him the name Shākya dpal.  73 433.1.  F. (Rlung shod) Dar chos sdings and Phur Dgon Rin chen gling.  F. Si lung Dgon pa.  BA 602.  37 8.  Disc. of 'Jig rten mgon po.  57 IIB 359.1.  Bio. by U rgyan pa (but not the famous one).  73 400‑634. 

'On CHOS SDINGS BLA BRANG — Has printery.  162 209.  Chief mon. of Rgyal sras incarnations.  332 preface 16.

CHOS SDE GLING — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang, with 100 monks.



CHOS SDE BYAMS PA GLING — Mon. located in Byang Ngam ring.  JTL&CT 277.  F. 1225 by a Sa skya pa named (Stag rtse Rgyab pa) Shākya seng ge, and restored in 1354 by (Ta'i dben) Blo gros rgyal mtshan (b. 1332).  Became partly Dge lugs pa in time of Tsong kha pa.  Ferrari 153.  =Ngam ring Chos sde (q.v.).

CHOS SDE RIG LDING GRA TSHANG — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang with 80 monks.

Gu ru CHOS KYI NOR BU — Spiritual descendent of Gu ru Chos dbang.  210 45.3.


Rta nag Thub bstan Mkhan po CHOS RNAM RGYAL — Preceptor of Mustang King Bsam grub rab brtan (ca. 1650).  ISTS 134.  Author of a history contained in 488 225‑405.


CHOS KYI SNANG BA — 38th abbot of 'Bri gung.

CHOS KYI SNANG BA 'GYUR MED RDO RJE'I SNYING PO — See Kun gzigs chos kyi snang ba.

CHOS PA — [1] Normally a rather rarely used term for a follower of Chos.  [2] As n. of a Mahāsiddha, see Dharma pa.

CHOS PA RIN PO CHE — (1581‑1659)  One of 2 brothers of Skal ldan rgya mtsho.

CHOS KYI PA — A n. of Zhi ba bzang po (q.v.).  Occurs in 17 XXII 14.6.

Mkhas grub CHOS KYI DPAL — Subj. of bio. in BLP no. 0261, by Kun bzang rin chen.

Sgrub chen CHOS DPAL — Karma pa.  Bio. in 35 I 674.

Gong gsum pa CHOS KYI DPAL — One of 3 most eminent discs. of Bu ston (1290‑1364).  27 11.  Aka Gong gsum Bde chen pa.  17 II 417.2.  BA 794‑795.

Gu phu ba CHOS DPAL RGYA MTSHO — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 121.5.

CHOS DPAL RGYAL MTSHAN — 15th century "wang."  See E. Sperling, Dissertation 172, etc.  See Gardner in TJ XXVIII no. 3 (2003) 68.

Bla brang pa CHOS DPAL RGYAL MTSHAN — 16th abbot of Gling stod college of Gsang phu Ne'u thog.  Teacher of Klong chen pa.  210 226.4.  52 2.  Achard, L'Essence 230.

Bsam lding pa CHOS DPAL RGYAL MTSHAN — Bio. listed in BLP no. 2039.

Shākya'i Dge bsnyen CHOS DPAL DAR DPYANG — Author of The Biography of Chag Lo tsā ba Chos rje dpal, critically edited by Champa Thubten Zontse with a preface by Gustav Roth (N. Delhi 1981).  ='Ju ba Chos dar.  ChagBLP no. 0709.

CHOS DPAL BZANG PO — A mnga' bdag gi bla ma who, out of jealousy, gives Thang stong poisoned beer.  5 175.3 ff.  It's possible, even probable he is same as the Bla ma Chos dpal bzang po who served as chaplain of the king of Gung thang named Khri Lha dbang rgyal mtshan in the 15th century (see also just below).  Hildegard Diemberger, "The Buddhist Princess and the Woolly Turban," Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines, vol. 15 (November 2008), 337‑356, at p. 347.

CHOS DPAL BZANG PO — Abbot of Dga' gdong in Pa rnam.  42 3.  He wrote a commentary in the 1400's that is not available on the Sdom Gsum Rab dbye (but see now Drepung Catalog 1018).  He was disc. of Spos khang pa Rin chen rgyal mtshan.  His views on the three vows were argued against by Go rams pa.  See Sobisch, Dissert. chap. 2.

Rgyal tshab viii CHOS DPAL BZANG PO — (ca. 1766‑ca. 1820).  B. near the palace of the Sa tham Rgyal po in 'Jang yul (Yunnan).

Spyan snga CHOS DPAL BZANG PO — (1600's)  Dge lugs pa.  BD of T&TB V 440.  Bio. in 165 II 721‑723.  Stayed in the hermitage Lhas ltag Dgon.  Disciple of the Dalai Lama iii.

Bla chen CHOS DPAL BZANG PO — (1371‑1439)  Patronised by Lha dbang rgyal mtshan (1404‑?).  DTK5 122‑123.  Became the latter's court lama in his 50th year, and died in 69th year, an Earth Sheep (1439).  Was born in an Iron Pig year.

Bla chen CHOS DPAL BZANG PO — (b. late 14th century)  Also, (Rwa ban).  Works in 307 I 117 ff, 143.  A bronze image inscribed Ra pan Chos dpal bzang po is found in Tibet House (New Delhi), Huntington Archive no. 0000432.  He has vajra and bell above right and left shoulders.

Slob dpon CHOS DPAL BZANG PO — Contemp. of Bu ston (1290‑1364).  27 147.

Zhwa dmar iii CHOS DPAL YE SHES — (1406‑1452)  Bio. in 35 I 482‑501.

Chos sgo ba CHOS DPAL SHES RAB — In Nyang smad Bsam sdings transmission.  29 7.

CHOS SPYOD — Collections of rites in use at a particular monastery.  For an example, Chos spyod Ngag 'don gyi Rim pa Bklag chog tu Bkod pa (Kalimpong 1979).  Chos spyod Rab gsal, see Tucci, Religions 138.


CHOS KYI PHO NYA — In avadāna.  TPS 477.

Dben sa CHOS KYI PHO BRANG — In Rong valley North of Bkra shis lhun po.  The seat of (Dben sa pa) Blo bzang don grub.  Wylie 71.  Praises in 225 VIII.

Byang chub sems dpa' CHOS 'PHAGS — See BA 938.  4 233A.6.  Pictured in 128 1094.

CHOS 'PHEL — From Tashilhunpo, he assisted A.H. Francke in 1899 in Khalatse, where he lived until 1934.  Dollfus in Karmay, Habitants 467.

Gtsug rgyan ba Dbu mdzad CHOS 'PHEL — 363 116.3.

Sde gzhung Mkhan po CHOS 'PHEL — From Rdzong sar.  Wrote comm. on Spyod 'Jug42 11.  He was abbot from about 1936‑1940.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 102.

Gangs can CHOS 'PHEL GLING — A mon. in area of Bsam grub rtse.  F. by (Paṇ chen) Bzang po bkra shis pa.  Wylie 70, 138 n. 211.  Stearns, SR 67.

CHOS 'PHEL RGYA MTSHO — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0784.

Rgyal sras II Sprul sku CHOS 'PHEL RGYA MTSHO — 332 preface 16.

Bya do Rin po che iv CHOS 'PHEL RGYA MTSHO — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 125, 253, etc.  More or less time of 13th Dalai Lama.

Dpon slob Dbu mdzad CHOS 'PHEL RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 1157.

CHOS 'PHEL JA BZANG — 453 77.5.

CHOS 'PHEL DON GRUB — (1797‑?)  BD of T&TB V 564.

CHOS 'PHEL RNAM RGYAL — Bernbaum 55.

Rgyal khams pa CHOS 'PHEL DPAL BZANG — Author of Gcod work in 459 369‑506.

Rig 'dzin CHOS 'PHEL BZANG PO — TS7 II 982.

CHOS KYI BU — Dharmaputra.  N. of Yudhiṣṭhira.  Das 98.

CHOS BYANG — 17 II 344.5.  The Chos byang who was abbot of Mtshur phu (BA 520) may be a different person.

Lha rje CHOS BYANG — F. of G.ye dmar, q.v.

CHOS KYI BYANG CHUB — Gsang ston at ordination of Nāropa.  75 19.

CHOS KYI BYANG CHUB — A monk in an avadāna story.  TPS 517.

Bum thang CHOS BRAG BDEN GNAS — A Bhutanese mon. where Smon lam rab bzang wrote his Rmongs Mun Sel byed Nyi 'od.

CHOS KYI BLA MA — Dge slong ordination n. of Nāropa.  57 IIB 343.6.  Mkhan po at ordination of Nāropa.  75 19.  Ordination n. of Karma pag shi.

Zhang Tshe spong ba CHOS KYI BLA MA — Teacher of (Nyang bran) Chos kyi ye shes.  Successor of Rngog Lo tsā ba to the throne of Gsang phu.  42 2.  TS7 II 834.

Zhang ston CHOS KYI BLA MA — (1184‑1241)  His biography written by Mchims Nam mkha' grags signalled in Kuijp, Treatise 391.

Rgyang po CHOS BLO — Earliest student of Rin chen bzang po, from Rgyang ro Dpe dmar.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 38 n. 49.  See under Chos kyi blo gros, below.

Bla ma CHOS KYI BLO GROS — Appears in bio. of Sangs rgyas gling pa.  210 106.2 ff.

CHOS KYI BLO GROS — [1] Birthn. of Mar pa Lo tsā ba (q.v.).  [2] A n. of Tshe brtan rgyal mtshan.  [3] Dharmamati.  Disc. of Rin chen bzang po and f. of temple at Samada.  56 93.

Kaḥ thog Si tu IX CHOS KYI BLO GROS — (late 1700's early 1800's).

Bande CHOS KYI BLO GROS — He was present at a treaty made with Bru zha in 836, according to the history by Bsod nams rtse mo (in the chronological appendix).  He bears the title of Stod kyi Chos kyi Gzhi 'dzin pa.

Mar pa CHOS KYI BLO GROS — See under Mar pa.

Rdzong gsar Mkhyen brtse CHOS KYI BLO GROS — (1896‑1959)  2nd 'Jam dbyangs Mkhyen brtse incarnate.  Belonged to Ris med tradition.  Teacher of Dar thang Sprul sku.  Teacher of 'Brug chen xi.  1 48.12.  Bio. in 62 355‑365.  Author of colophon 363 197.3.  He settled in Sikkim as a teacher of the Mahārāja in 1958.  His bio. by Dis mgo Mkhyen brtse has been published (it's in the first vol. of the latter's Collected Works).  Photo in  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 100, where his dates are given as 1893‑1959.  For his attitude about Bon, see Thar in TS9 IV 161.

Yongs 'dzin CHOS KYI BLO GROS — A teacher of 'Gyur med bde chen (b. 1540).  5.

CHOS KYI BLO GROS RGYAL MTSHAN — King of Mustang in ca. 1500.  ISTS 134‑135.

Gu ru CHOS DBANG — (1212‑1273)  TS5 476.  See under Gu ru Chos dbang.

Bya'i Snag dpon CHOS DBANG — Also, (Dbon po).  17 II 344.4.  BA 80.

Ri mthil Dbu mdzad CHOS DBANG — Author of Bum chu Rin po che Byung tshul, a title listed in BLP no. 1419.

Zhang zhung CHOS DBANG GRAGS PA — (1404‑1469)  A Dge lugs pa poet.  23 19.  See under Lo chen Sprul sku.  Author of bio. of Rin chen bzang po in 144 18‑50 (this bio. listed in BLP no. 1918).  Author of Kālacakra comm.  Taube.

CHOS DBANG RGYAL MO — For sources on this 'Das log figure, see Epstein in TJ 7 no 4 (Wint 1982) 80.  See also St. Petersburg catalogue, no. B9217/7.

CHOS DBANG RGYAL MTSHAN — (1475‑1530)  Mnyam med Chos dbang rgyal mtshan gyi Gsung ngag Thor bu ba rnams, an uncatalogued woodblock print in Hamburg Institute.65 fols. (marginal notation KA).  It looks like a Mang yul Gung thang print, and has fine woodcut illus. in front and end.  He belonged to the Rgya family, and was born in Shangs.  While still rather young, he met Karma pa vii (1454‑1506); 601 3v.6.  He is identical to (Shā kya'i Dge slong) Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan (1475‑1530), q.v.  This is quite surely the Chos dbang rgyal mtshan who is depicted in an image published with a description by E. Lo Bue in p. 29 of the Rossi & Rossi catalogue entitled Gods and Demons of the Himālayas (London ).  Ehrhard in NTFC I 152 ff.

Gsang gling pa CHOS DBANG BSTAN 'DZIN — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 118.5.

CHOS KYI DBANG PO — Dharmendra.  Author of Rnal 'byor la 'Jug pa'i Man ngag (q.v.).

Skyabs mgon CHOS KYI DBANG PO — 363 77.3, 119.6.  Of Gsang sngags chos gling.

Tre ho V CHOS KYI DBANG PO — Disc. of Zhwa nag xiii & Zhwa dmar x.


Kun mkhyen CHOS KYI DBANG PHYUG — Alias (Rigs mchog) Rdo rje bzhad pa rtsal.  Bio. in 228 180.6 ff.

Kun gzigs Paṇ chen CHOS KYI DBANG PHYUG — Dge lugs pa.  Pictured in 128 416.

Gu ru Rin po che CHOS KYI DBANG PHYUG — (1212‑1270)  See =Gu ru Chos dbang.

Dge slong CHOS KYI DBANG PHYUG — Author of story in 152 I 47‑67.

Dgon chen Mkhyen brtse CHOS KYI DBANG PHYUG — (1910‑1960's?)  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 89; on p. 103 tells how he had troubles at Dgon chen and went to Len steng Monastery in Sga, where he became known as the Sga Len steng Mkhyen brtse.

Gu ru CHOS KYI DBANG PHYUG — (1212‑1270)  See under Gu ru Chos dbang.

Ngag dbang CHOS KYI DBANG PHYUG — 7th Bhutan hierarch.  Preceded the 2nd 'Jigs med grags pa.  Waddell 242.

'Dan Bla ma CHOS KYI DBANG PHYUG — See under Ge sar.  232 I 13.  Author, 'Dzam gling Seng chen Nor bu dgra 'dul gyi Rnam thar las/ Dmyal gling Rdzogs pa Chen po, a Gesar episode concealed by (Gling tshang Gter ston) Drag rtsal rdo rje, publ. 1977.

'Dar mgon CHOS KYI DBANG PHYUG — Three Sources 382.4.

Byang sems CHOS KYI DBANG PHYUG — Subj. of bio. by 'Jig rten rnam rgyal listed in BLP no. 1455.

Brag dkar Rta so Sprul sku CHOS KYI DBANG PHYUG — (b. 1775)  Aka Mi pham 'chi med grub pa chos kyi rgyal mtshan.  Wrote bio. of Tshe dbang nor bu (1698‑1755), q.v., in 1819.  10.  See under Tshe dbang 'chi med mgon po.  384 I.  396 preface 4.  Dated to 1775‑1837 in TS7 I 255.  His work on Nepal's sacred geography; see ref. by Decleer in TJ 24 no 1 (1999) 126.  His work on holy places of Nepal: Bal yul gyi Gnas dang Rten gyi Lo rgyus Nges par Brjod pa 'Phrul spong Nor bu'i Me long listed by Rospatt in  JNRC 12 (2001) 237.  Also wrote historical works.  His Gzungs 'bul gyi Lag len Go bde Klags pas 'Grub pa Dang shel Me long is listed in Ind.Off.Cat. no. 531.  Several biographical works are available (in NGMPP).

Dbu ri ba CHOS KYI DBANG PHYUG — Subject of a bio. by Karma pa Rang byung rdo rje (perhaps!) listed in Drepung Catalog 1511.  A secret biography by one Lha rje is also listed here, and yet another biography by his personal disciple Shi la'i mtha' can.  This is just another name for Lo ras pa, q.v.

Mar pa Do pa CHOS KYI DBANG PHYUG — At head of a specific branch of Cakrasamvara lineage.  For bio. see 17 II 408.6 ff.  BA 383 ff.  17 II 457.1.  Disc. of Rong zom pa.  166 15.1.  B. when Marpa (1012‑1098) was 31, and lived to age 95 (BA 381); therefore lived from about 1042 to 1136.  He appears in history in about the middle of the 11th cent., acc. to Mtshan tho no. 26, which says he studied with Nāropa & the latter's disc. Ma na ka shrī and others, and when he returned to Tibet he translated much of the Cakrasamvara cycle.

Gtsang chen CHOS KYI DBANG PHYUG — 17 II 510.

Zhwa dmar vi Gar dbang CHOS KYI DBANG PHYUG — (1584‑1630)  Bio. in 35 II 255‑299.  Went to Mtshur phu at 15.  Ordained under Zhwa nag v.  Dpa' bo Gtsug lag rgya mtsho was one of his teachers.  Dated 1584‑1635, acc. to 11 70.  Author of 126, written at age 26.  Beyer 462.  Portrait, see Essais 154.  Work on Nā ro Chos Drug publ. at Rumtek, 1972.  Lhan cig Skyes sbyor gyi Zab Khrid Nges don Rgya mtsho'i Snying po Phrin las 'Od 'Phro publ. at Paro, 1979.  Thangka reproduced in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 141.  For his Bal yul Bgrod pa'i Lam yig Nor bu Spel ma'i 'Phreng ba, in 48 fols., see Mathes in  JNRC 12 (2001) 186.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1728.  See Gardner in TJ XXVIII no. 3 (2003) 69.

Dpa' bo I CHOS DBANG LHUN GRUB — (1440‑1503)  1st in line of Dpa' bo incarnates.  Ferrari 169.  Bio. in 35 I 658‑673.

Spa gro CHOS DBANG LHUN GRUB — Student of Mdo sngags bstan 'dzin (1516‑1568).  BD of T&TB III 753.  Alive in circa 1649.  BD of T&TB III 282?  See Orna Almogi, "The Spa sgar and Gdong dkar la Rnying ma rgyud 'bum Editions: Two Newly Discovered Sets from Bhutan," contained in: Illuminating Mirror (Sørensen Festschrift) 1-14, at p. 7.

Bya bral Rin po che Mkhan chen CHOS DBYINGS KHYAB BRDAL — (1920‑1997)  See Padma 'od gsal mtha' yas, Bya bral Rin po che Mkhan chen Chos dbyings khyab brdal gyi Rnam thar, Si khron Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Chengdu 2000).

Glo bo CHOS DBYINGS 'GYUR MED DGON — 415 XI 126.5.

CHOS DBYINGS RGYA MTSHO — A son and successor of Rdo rje gling pa (1346‑1405).  210 135.2 ff, 138.5.

CHOS DBYINGS RGYA MTSHO — (active 1620‑1665)  Painter for 1st Panchen Lama and DL V.  Rhies & Thurman 61.  Heller, Tibetan Art 189.  Henss, CMT 109.

Gtsang pa CHOS DBYINGS RGYA MTSHO — F. of the 'New' Sman ris school of art.  See 23 40, 46.  Flourished between 1620 and 1665.  An example of his wallpainting of 'Brom ston pa illus. in Po ta la (1996) 143 (and another on pp. 134‑5).  More examples in BLKC I 195.

Klong chen CHOS DBYINGS STOBS LDAN RDO RJE — (1787‑1848)  He was born in Reb skong.  Between 1836 & 1838, he wrote Mdo Rgyud Rin po che'i Mdzod, Si khron Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Chengdu 2001), in five volumes.  It is an encyclopedic work, with woodblock illustrations (some are reproduced in Lungta 16 [Spring 2003]).  A divination work published in small book with overall title:  Rab Rno Sum 'Dzoms, Kan su'i Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (1993/1995).

CHOS DBYINGS BSTAN 'DZIN — (ca. 1687)  458 I 306.6.

CHOS DBYINGS BDE CHEN MTSHO MO — Author of bcud len work in Gdams ngag Mdzod, vol. 17.

CHOS DBYINGS RDO RJE — Author of bio. of Ngag dbang ye shes listed in BLP no. 1560.

Skyes mchog Dam pa CHOS DBYINGS RDO RJE — SBTD I 19.

Ston pa CHOS DBYINGS RDO RJE — (ca. 1682)  458 I 234.4.

Zhwa nag x CHOS DBYINGS RDO RJE — (1604‑1674)  35 II 324‑336.  B. at 'Gu log.  An artist.  See 23 41, 50.  466 IV 173.1.  Richardson in HP,PE 499‑515.  A painting by him reproduced in Essen & Tingo, Die Götter des Himalayas 108.  For some reason his bio. as contained in the xylograph of the history by Si tu and 'Be Lo, fols. 161‑190, was replaced by a briefer version in the 1972 reprint publication (information from the bibliography of von Schroeder 2001).  Dung dkar 39‑40.  For his connection with region of the Naxi, see Yamada, Mu 126.

A pham Gter ston CHOS DBYINGS RDO RJE — (1895‑1945)  370 preface 8.  A significant biography, "Apang Tertön," was found at the Rigpawiki on the internet.

CHOS DBYINGS SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Kun lha bstan 'dzin.

'Gro mgon CHOS DBYINGS DBANG PHYUG — 17 IV 450.4, 452.4.

CHOS DBYINGS DBANG MO — Lama D.T. Bhutia, "Obituary: Mayum Chonying Wangmo Dorji," Bulletin of Tibetology, issue no. 2 of the year 1994.

Chos sde CHOS DBYINGS 'OD GSAL GLING — 224 I 541 ff.

CHOS DBYINGS 'OD GSAL RTSE — Pl.n.  226 II contents.

Yang sngags pa CHOS DBYINGS YE SHES — 363 118.1.

CHOS DBYINGS YE SHES RDO RJE — (1891‑1957)  7th Lcang skya (q.v.) at Peking.  He died in Taiwan (in 1958?).  Garratt in TS9 VIII 89.

CHOS DBYINGS RANG GROL — Disc. of A 'dzom 'Brug pa (d. 1924).  365 470.2, 473.4. 

CHOS DBYINGS RANG GROL — (1918‑1998)  His biography has been published in PRC under the title:  Mkhan Rin po che Chos dbyings rang grol gyi Rnam thar Snying bsdus Dpyid kyi Rgyal mo'i Rgyang glu Snga 'gyur Rdo rje theg pa'i Khyad chos 'Dzam gling Rgyan gcig (further details not available, although I have a photocopy; Kapstein in his article says this was written by Mtsho po Rdor blo).  The birthdate in this publication is given as 1918, however, and he died in 1998; his dge tshul ordination name is given as Ngag dbang mkhyen brtse'i snang ba; he was also known as Ma ban A chos, while he seems to have been most generally known as Mkhan po A chos.  See Matthew Kapstein, The Strange Death of Pema the Demon Tamer, in M.K., ed., The Presence of Light (Chicago 2004), pp. 119‑156, at p. 149 ff.

Zab tig CHOS DBYINGS RANG GROL — See under (Mnga' ris Gter ston) Gar dbang rdo rje.

Zur chen CHOS DBYINGS RANG GROL — (1604‑1664)  Rnying ma pa.  His father was Zur chen Gzhon nu don grub.  Disc. of Dpal 'byor lhun grub (1561‑1637).  Studied under Byang pa Rig 'dzin Ngag gi dbang po and Snang gsal Rin po che Ngag dbang ye shes grub pa (1604‑1669).  BD of T&TB III 798.  Teacher of the Dalai Lama v.  219 III 78.2, etc.  373 preface.  458 I 49.1.  BD of T&TB III 285.  Bio., see 390.  Pictured in 128 446, 572.  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 1757‑1758.  On his funerary chorten, see Roesler, KSP 62.  He took control of Tshal Gung thang in 1633.  Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 128.  Cuevas, Hidden History 161‑162.

G.yu khog Bya bral ba CHOS DBYINGS RANG GROL — (d. 1953?)  Thondup, BM 140.

'Brug pa Sku chen CHOS DBYINGS ROL PA'I RDO RJE — A teacher of Ngag dga' (b. 1879).  39 17.

Smar khams Gter ston CHOS DBYINGS SHES RAB — Disc. of Rtogs ldan Shākya shrī.  363 117.6.

'Phags mchog CHOS DBYINGS LHUN GRUB — (18th cent.)  Stag lung Bka' brgyud pa.  According to a website, Tiger Valley Sacred Texts, his works have been recovered (no details given), and will be reprinted.

Rnal 'byor CHOS DBYUNG — Misspelling for Chos g.yung (q.v.).

Slob dpon CHOS 'BANGS — B. in Bengal.  Disc. of Asaṅga and Vasubandhu.  BD of T&TB I 426, 441.

Gnyos ston Bra 'or pa Chen po CHOS 'BAR — Disc. of Ras chung pa.  17 IV 244.2.

Rma ban CHOS 'BAR — (b. 1044)  Disc. of Phyag na.  BA 405, 857.  He was 25 when Milarepa was 29.  194 VI 13.6.  I suspect he may be Rma Lo tsā ba.  450 251.5.  This would seem to be so, based on BA 219.  Kurtis Schaeffer,  Dissert. 133.  But see under (Rma) Dge ba'i blo gros, where there is evidence that they should not in fact be identified with each other.  Called Rma Lo tsā ba Chos 'bar in Mtshan tho no. 42, which gives him the birth date of 1044, and says he went to India and studied with Kha che Dgon pa ba, Abhaya & others, then at the prophecy of his guru returned to Tibet and took Ma gcig Zha ma as his Karmamudrā.

Gtsang ston CHOS 'BAR — Excavator of medical works.  210 93.6, 95.2.  217 490.4.  410 195B.3.

Tsha tig CHOS 'BAR — Disc. of Rong zom pa.  Almogi, MA thesis 36.

Zhang CHOS 'BAR — Teacher of Kun dga' snying po.  17 IV 461.3.

Zhang ston CHOS 'BAR — (1053‑1135)  Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 186.

Ra shag Gter ston CHOS 'BAR — (11th cent.)  BD of T&TB III 337.  Ma mo text in 87 LI.  229 135.6.  B. in Yar 'brog Gnyan.  Aka Bsod nams rdo rje.  A teacher of Milarepa (?).  383 412.1.  Contemporary of Marpa.  Identified with the Bonpo named Ra shag 'Bum rje  (see 383 418), or G.yung drung 'bar (see 458 I 17.2 ff.).  Blondeau 79.

CHOS 'BUM — Mother of Chag Lo tsā ba.  Chag 49.

CHOS 'BUM — His Guru Rin po che biography listed in BLP no. 0307.

CHOS 'BUM — 'Bri dpon Lha rgyal gyi Rgyud pa Bla ma Chos 'bum gyi Rnam thar listed in BLP no. 1569.

Kong po CHOS 'BYUNG — A dgon pa210 249.1.

Rnal 'byor CHOS 'BYUNG —  =(Rnal 'byor) Chos g.yung (q.v.).

He pa CHOS 'BYUNG — Cuevas, Hidden History 145.

CHOS KYI 'BYUNG GNAS — B. in Rong Do.  37th abbot of 'Bri gung.  Ordained by Zhi ba'i blo gros.  37 45.

Si tu Paṇ chen viii CHOS KYI 'BYUNG GNAS — (1699/1700‑1774)  B. in Sde dge.  Author of part of 35.  For bio., see 35 II 449‑508.  An extensive bio. entitled Dri bral Shel gyi Me long.  His Si tu'i Sum rtags 'Grel chen, a grammatical work, see 2 11 ff.  Aka Bstan pa'i nyin byed.  Founder of Dpal spungs, acc. to 11 70.  Main editor of the Sde dge Mtshal par Bka' 'gyurBeyer 417, 418.  383 463.3, etc.  Grammatical comm., see DD 719.  Received Dus 'khor and many other teachings from Tshe dbang nor bu.  His Nges don Phyag rgya chen po'i Smon lam gyi 'Grel pa Grub pa Mchog gi Zhal lung publ. at Rumtek in 1979.  Medical works, see DD 717.  For a painting identified as his, see Essen & Tingo, Die Götter des Himalayas 88.  Dung dkar 73‑74.  His collected works have been published in 1990.

CHOS 'BYUNG ZANGS MTSHO — In Tsari.  17 IV 226.2.

Grub thob CHOS 'BYUNG RIN CHEN — In 'Jag pa transmission.  29 7.  TPS 586.

CHOS 'BYUNG LO RGYUS — The title Chos byung gi lo rgyus occurs in Drepung Catalog 1513.

Rgyal khang rtse pa Sprul sku ii CHOS 'BYOR RGYA MTSHO — Probably from early 1600's.  A Khams pa.  See Padma chos 'byor rgya mtsho (?).

'Bri ru Dgon pa CHOS 'BYOR DBANG PHYUG — 363 118.2.

CHOS SBAS PA — Dharmaguptika.  One of 10 sub‑schools of Sarvāstivāda.

CHOS MA BRAG SMUG SGRUB GRA — Bon mon. f. by (Bru ston) Khyung rgyal.  253 II 586.2 ff.

CHOS KYI MYU GU'I DGON PA — 87 I 253.3.  BD of T&TB I 361.


CHOS RTSE SPRUL SKU — Mtshan zhabs, in 1894, of the Dalai Lama xiii.  438 VI 493.3.

Khung po CHOS KYI BRTSON 'GRUS — Was at the Chos 'khor of 1076.  Listed in Mtshan tho no. 31.  It seems Khung po is a mistake here for Khyung po, but I would have to check to be sure.

Gro sgom CHOS KYI BRTSON 'GRUS — Disc. of Dus gsum mkhyen pa.  57 IIB 359.7.

Zul phu CHOS KYI BRTSON 'GRUS — 17 II 344.5.  BA 80.

Rog CHOS KYI BRTSON 'GRUS — Disc. (in about 1100) of Ko bo Ye shes 'byung gnas in the Mngon pa Kun btus lineage.  BA 345.

CHOS KYI TSHUL KHRIMS — I'm not sure if it's actually a proper name, but see Jackson, MB 122 for a discussion.

Yon bdag mo CHOS MTSHO — 124 465.1.

CHOS MDZAD KHANG BZANG — Rten gsar Bzhengs pa Rin po che Chos mdzad Khang bzang gi Dkar chag, by Tshangs sras bzhad pa'i rdo rje, listed in BLP no. 1010.

Lha rtse ba CHOS MDZAD RGYAL MTSHAN PA — 601 61r.5.

CHOS MDZAD BSTAN DAR — (20th cent.)  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 465.

CHOS KYI MDZOD —  =Dharma ganydza.  BA 1039.  See Gandho la chos mdzod, pl. in O rgyan  where Tilopa received teaching, as did La li ta badzra.  BD of T&TB I 266‑267.

CHOS 'DZIN — Ordination n. of Karma pag shi.  BA 485.  17 II 533.2.

CHOS 'DZIN — (fl. 1640's)  A woman, son of Yol mo ba.  Ehrhard in Prats, Pandita 39.

Khams pa CHOS 'DZIN DGE 'PHEL — A n. of Dus gsum mkhyen pa.  Wylie 126 n. 104, 150 n. 329‑330. 

CHOS RDZONG — Stein 25.  BA ii, 1092.  5 260.2.  N. of a mon.  Kuijp in Lungta 14 (2001) 62.  See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 45.

Ba lam nub CHOS RDZONG — Vai.Ser. 131.  CFMS 92.

CHOS RDZONG PA — A yon bdag of Thang stong.  5 259.1 ff.

CHOS KYI ZHABS — See Dharma pa.


CHOS KYI GZHI 'DZIN — Eimer in Facets of Indian Culture: Gustav Roth Felicitation Volume (Patna 1988) 468.

CHOS BZHI — Dwags po Chos Bzhi.  Special teachings (khyad chos) of Sgam po pa.  For comm. and root text, see 137.  Bibliography and history, 17 IV 366 ff.

CHOS BZHI — See (— —) Snying ma ba.

CHOS ZAM — In Tsari.  17 IV 262.4.  Fletcher "Chösam."

CHOS ZOM 'DU KHANG — Temple.  SBTD I 80, 83.

CHOS KYI ZLA BA — See Dar thang Mchog sprul Chos kyi zla ba.

Gnyos CHOS KYI GZI BRJID — Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 185.  Stearns, Hermit, identifies him with Gnyos Lha nang pa Sangs rgyas rin chen, although I wonder about this.

CHOS BZANG — In avadāna.  TPS 505.

Dpyal CHOS BZANG — 17 II 415.5.  Same as the Dpyal in BA 790.  Contemporary of (Dpyal) A mo gha.  475 118.2.

Tho tsha ba CHOS BZANG SGRON MA — Consort (gsang yum) of Shākya shrī.  363 22.6, 26.1, 139.2.

CHOS BZANG NYI MA — Rnam thar mentioned in 420 I 95.2, 155.5.  A work on Rnam rtog chos sku'i bzhed lugs has been published in:  Khrid Material of the Rnying ma pa and Dkar brgyud pa Traditions, Tobden Tsering (Village Kawring, Lahul 1985).

Dpyal Lo tsā ba CHOS KYI BZANG PO — (d. 1216)  Chag 51.  Kuijp in JAOS (1994) 603.

Rong zom pa CHOS KYI BZANG PO — (11th cent.)  B. in Gtsang rong.  Descended from ancient line of Rnying ma teachers.  Met Atiśa in his youth.  Mastered Rnying ma and Gsar ma.  4th in predecessors of Rje btsun dam pa (q.v.).  39 4.  Considered a manifestation of Nag po pa (the teacher of Atiśa).  Author, Rgyud Rgyal Gsang ba snying po'i 'Grel pa Dkon mchog 'Grel, publ. 1976.  See BA 160‑163.  Kawamura, Golden Zephyr 44.  The Rong zom Bka' 'bum publ. 1977.  166.  Pictured in 320 XIX 561.  410 97B.2.  He was grandson of (Rong ban) Yon tan rin chen, son of (Rong ban) Rin chen tshul khrims.  Lived to be 119.  166 14.6.  Aka Dharma bha dra.  Works.  204 (see preface for biographical information).  His Dpal Gsang ba'i snying po'i Rgyud kyi Khog dbub, publ. 1977.  Bio. in 66 II 280.  17 II 409.1.  Pictured in 128 1036.  Beyer 13.  Bio. in 166 3 ff.  BD of T&TB I 782.  211 115.6.  374 II 382.3.  A biography based on a bio. by Yol Dge bsnyen Rdo rje dbang phyug.  502 213.2.  TS7 I 442‑3.  Almogi, MA thesis 86, lists his Indian teachers:  Mañjuśrīvarman, Mañjuśrījñāna, Upāyaśrīmitra, Buddhākarabhadra, Devākaracandra, Parameśvara & Aśokavajra.  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 1894‑1895.  Recently, perhaps starting with Bradburn, exact dates of 1012‑1088 have been given for Rong zom pa.  I hesitate to accept these dates, since they do not appear to have any basis.

CHOS BZANG SPRUL SKU — A Rnying ma monk with contacts to Sikkimese leaders in the 1840's.  TS7 I 214.

Rtsib ri CHOS BZANG BLA MA — Aziz, Frontier (has a photograph).

Grub thob CHOS BZANG YE SHES — Follower of O rgyan pa.  444 206.2.  He sets down a teaching on rtsa rlung from his teacher O rgyan pa, contained in Collected Instructional Texts of the Dkar brgyud pa and Rnying ma pa Tradition for the Practices Followed in Western Tibet, repr. from a ms. coll. from library of Seng brag Sprul sku of Yol mo,  Konchhog Lhadripa (Darjeeling 1985), pp. 197‑206.

Kun mkhyen CHOS 'OD — (1274‑1352)  Dhongthog 23.  His father was Kun mkhyen Gzhon nu 'od.  Glang 'khor gyi Dbon po, received Kālacakra from O rgyan pa.  115 158.1.

Skyo brag CHOS 'OD ZER — D. at age 65.  Bio. 467 II 209.1.

CHOS KYI 'OD ZER — N. of Chos sku 'od zer (q.v.). 

CHOS KYI 'OD ZER — N. of a translator into Mongolian (himself an Uighur), who knew Uighur, Mongol, Tibetan and Sanskrit.  Lived from 1214‑1292.  27 13.  See Bdag med rdo rje.

Dge bshes CHOS KYI 'OD ZER — In time of Po to ba.  Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 1, p. 103.

Dpa' shi CHOS KYI 'OD ZER — Went on a mission to the imperial court in Qara Qorum in 1372 on behalf of his family, the Shar ka ba family.  Kuijp, KPTB 57.

Mun mkhyen CHOS KYI 'OD ZER — See ref. in Petech (1983) 198 n. 45.

CHOS KYI YE SHES — Slob dpon at ordination of Nāropa.  75 19.


Nyang bran CHOS KYI YE SHES — (12th cent.)  Disc. of (Zhang) (Tshe spong ba) Chos kyi bla ma (q.v.).

Dpal chen CHOS KYI YE SHES — Author of a bio. of Phag mo gru pa in 71 5‑62.  Prob., author of bio. of Smar pa Grub thob in 73 672‑716.  476 V 65.1.

Rnal 'byor CHOS G.YUNG — Also, (Rang nye).  A disc. of Sgam po pa.  57 IIB 353.6, 354.6.  The answers to his questions are found in the collected works of Sgam po pa.  The same as (Ram nyi ba) Chos kyi g.yung drung of 129 V 59.2.  BA 462, 891. 

Ram nyi ba CHOS KYI G.YUNG DRUNG — See under Chos g.yung.

Rwa CHOS RAB — Disc. and nephew (dbon po) of Rwa Lo tsā ba.  17 II 413.3; BA 378, 379.  17 II 415.3; BA 789.  Pictured in 128 376.  Acc. to Mtshan tho no. 65, he went to Nepal after the death of Rwa Lo and invited the Nepalese pundit Sa man shrī [Sa man ta shrī] to Tibet.  Afterwards he went to India and met Wa gi shwa ra gupta [Vāgiśvaragupta], heard the teachings on 37‑deity Phag mo, then translated the He ru ka Mngon 'byung, the Phag mo Mngon 'byung, and Mgon po Mngon 'byung, etc.

CHOS KYI RIN CHEN — TS7 I 273.  An abbot of Chos sdings, Vitali in TS9 I 97, gives him the dates 1209‑1273.  He is referred to as the Chos rje Ras chen in the Gnas rnying history, where mention is made of a historical work he composed, the Gdung rabs Rnam gzhag, which tells the history of the Dbyil clan.

Kun spangs pa CHOS KYI RIN CHEN — What would seem to be a unique copy of the Gsung 'bum of this 17th‑century teacher is preserved in the Tucci collection in Rome.  His biography has been translated in an Italian thesis: Michela Clemente, La biografia di Chos kyi Rin chen, maestro bka' brgyud pa del XVII secolo. Traduzione e commento.  Some titles are listed in Drepung Catalog 1731, on subjects of Blo sbyong, Phyag chen, etc.  Actually, there is a detailed listing of his Bka' 'bum in Bodleian Catalogue 60‑63.  Included there is a verse biography by his disciple Dpal ldan rin chen.

Gu'i gung CHOS KYI RIN CHEN — (d. 1402)  Kuijp, KPTB 30.

Gnas rnying Mkhan chen CHOS KYI RIN CHEN — (1199‑1255)  He was abbot from 1241‑1255 (but note on p. 101 the date 1247 instead of 1241).  Vitali in TS9 I 100.

Btsun pa CHOS KYI RIN CHEN — Author of Bla ma'i Bstod pa Yid bzhin nor bu, listed in Drepung Catalog 1681.

Lha btsun CHOS KYI RIN CHEN — The name of the deposed Gongdi Emperor (1269‑1332) of the southern Song dynasty.  He lived in vicinity of Sa skya Monastery from the 1280's until his "recall and execution in Hexi."  See Kuijp, KPTB 57.

CHOS LA — 413 348.2.

CHOS LA 'PHAN — TS5 810.

CHOS LAS 'DAS PA'I RGYUD — In 319 VII 1‑109.  320 IV 434‑471.

CHOS LU SPRUL SKU — (ca. 1709)  346 116.6.  466 IV 407.1.

CHOS LUNG — Celebrated place where Tsong kha pa had his hermitage at the foot of O lde gung rgyal Mt.  Tucci, Lhasa 132.  BA 109, 110, 678, 1073. 

CHOS LUNG — See (— —) Byang rtse.


CHOS LUNG PA — One of 4 monastic communities stemming from Kha che Shākya shrī.  Kuijp in JAOS (1994) 603.



CHOS LUNG TSHOGS PA — Mon. f. in 1255.  TS5 559.  Dge 'dun chos phel, Works (1990), vol. 1, p. 14.

CHOS LUNG LHO PA — Vai.Ser. 216.

Btsun pa CHOS LEGS — (1437‑1521)  Aka Mkhas grub Chos kyi legs pa.  Jackson in TS9 I 150.  Ehrhard in NTFC I 144‑145 (depicted at 149).

Bla ma Dam pa CHOS LEGS MTSHAN CAN — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1493.

Dpon chen pa CHOS KYI SHES RAB — (ca. 1165)  476 I 56.1.

Gnyan ston Ri gong pa CHOS KYI SHES RAB — Transmission disc. of (Dbon ston) Skyer sgang pa.  Bio. in 17 II 430.  BA 741‑743, 746.  Ferrari 164.  Built Ri gong Mon.  Contemp. of Rje Spyan snga (1175‑1255).  B. in Yol, of the Gnyan family.  Aka Sangs rgyas gnyan ston.  Bios. in 53 II 163‑178; 122 145‑173.  467 II 171.5.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1485.  Another in Drepung Catalog 1543.

Dge slong Go rub Lo tsā ba CHOS KYI SHES RAB — 17 II 409.1.  166 12.3, 15.1.  T&BS I 58.  Karmay, Great Perfection 133.  Almogi, MA Thesis 89.  Dietz, BBI 119‑120.

Dbyar CHOS KYI SHES RAB — LGCM 650.2.  Achard, L'Essence 81.

Rma sgom CHOS KYI SHES RAB — (b. 1054)  2nd successor to Pha dam pa.  Waddell 74.  B. 1055.  BD of T&TB III 125.  The Rma lineage of Zhi byed stems from him.  BA 872 ff.  17 II 423.4 ff.  Bio. in BD of T&TB III (?) 856.

CHOS KYI BSHES GNYEN — Disc. of Atiśa.  17 II 282.3.  As n. of a Gter bton in 210 134.2.

Dge slong Rdo rje 'dzin pa CHOS KYI BSHES GNYEN — Author of several works belonging to the cycle Snyan rgyud 'Khor lo Skor Gsum.  See Drepung Catalog 597 ff.

Chos rje CHOS KYI BSHES GNYEN — (1453‑1540)  13th Khri thog of Dga' ldan.  BD of T&TB VI 132.  Pictured in 128 900.  Vai.Ser. 71.

Zhang sgom CHOS SENG — One of 6 chief discs. of Khyung po Rnal 'byor (q.v.).

Slob dpon CHOS SENG — ?  Died in India.  115 93.6.

Khams sras CHOS KYI SENG GE — (early 20th cent.)  363 97.5, 120.1.

CHOS KYI SENG GE — Birthn. of (Dgyer sgom) Tshul khrims seng ge (1144‑1204). 

CHOS KYI SENG GE — Author of bios. of Te lo, Nā ro, Mar pa, Mi la ras pa and Sgam po pa.  Berkeley 175/1.

Skyi CHOS KYI SENG GE — Disc. of Rngo thog pa (Rdo thog pa).

Khu ston CHOS KYI SENG GE — Important disc. of Ma gcig Lab sgron.  16 39.  124 509.1 ff.

Dbon ston Skyer sgang pa CHOS KYI SENG GE — Transmission disc. of (Rmog lcog pa) Rin chen brtson 'grus.  Had close connections with his ancestral convent of 'Bal which followed the Zhi byed tradition.  Originated (Rta mgrin) Skyer sgang Lugs, from the excavations of (Rgya gong ri pa) Sangs rgyas dbang chen (q.v.).  Bios. in BA 737; 17 II 429; 53 II 203‑231.  BD of T&TB III 329.  Gter ma in 87 XL.  410 199B.5.  122 150.1.  Story in Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 1, pp. 152‑3.  Central figure in a thangka reproduced in Essen & Tingo, Die Götter des Himalayas 117.  Autobio. & bio. listed in BLP nos. 1480‑1482.

Sgam po Rin po che CHOS KYI SENG GE — Contemp. of Bu ston, who met him in Shar Dwags.  27 133.

Phywa pa CHOS KYI SENG GE — (1109‑1169)  A Bka' gdams pa teacher, abbot of Gsang phu (1152‑1169).  Famous logician.  Ferrari 166.  BA 329, 332, 465.  Vostrikov, Critical 61.  42 2.  Disc. of (Gro lung pa) Blo gros 'byung gnas.  Author of Tshad ma'i Bsdus pa Yid kyi Mun Sel (listed in form of a 96‑folio ms. in Kuijp, Treatise 436). Dbu ma teacher of Dus gsum mkhyen pa.  35 I 5; 17 II 530.2.  17 II 380.2, 404.5.  See T&BS I 267.  He wrote a Phyi Nang gi Grub mtha' Bsdus paBA 333.  See Kuijp in Brauen, Tibetan Studies 163 ff.  Kuijp.  Bio. by Gtsang nag pa Brtson 'grus seng ge listed in BLP no. 0708. 

Sbrang ban CHOS KYI SENG GE — Author of Bdud Lam khyer447 110‑121.


CHOS SRED — In avadāna story.  TPS 522.

Mkhar chu ba CHOS BSAM 'OD PO — Abbot from 1281‑1298.  CFMS 89.  Kuijp, Rivers 306.

Spyan snga CHOS KYI BSOD NAMS LHUN GRUB ZLA 'OD RGYAL MTSHAN — N. of (Sgam po pa) Bsod nams lhun grub (q.v.).

MCHAN BU PA — See (— — —) Rgya ras.

'Bring  MCHAMS ZHANG — BA 345.  ('Brang) Mchams bzang in 17 II 346.4.

MCHING NGA — See (— —) Stag rtse.

MCHING BU — N. of pl. in Tibet.  Das 434.

MCHIM — See (—) Shākya pra bha.

MCHIMS —  ='Chims, q.v.  Famous old clan.  28 87.  T.H. 50.  Village near Bsam yas.  Das 434.  Macdonald, Lecture 196.  Pasang Wangdu has located the Old Tibetan Mchims clan area in Dwags po (or half in lower Dwags po and half in upper Kong po), saying it shouldn't be confused, as often happens, with Mchims phu.  I haven't yet seen this publication: Lhag sgron, Bod kyi Gna' rabs Mchims kyi Rus rgyud Skor Brjod pa, Bod ljongs Mi dmangs Dpe skrun khang (Lhasa 2014), in 197 pages. The Sakya Monastery Catalog, vol. 1, p. 743, lists a title Mchims kyi Gdung rabs, a ms. in 34 fols., and on p. 744, another text related to Mchims clan.

MCHIMS — See (—) Blo brtan.  (—) Mang bzher nan pa.

MCHIMS CHEN PO — See (— — —) Nam mkha' grags.

MCHIMS STON — See (— —) Nam mkha' grags pa.  (— —) Blo bzang grags pa.

MCHIMS THAMS CAD MKHYEN PA — Name of Mchims Nam mkha' grags.

MCHIMS PHU — Place where Khri srong lde btsan built a mon.  Ferrari 115 (other refs.).  Tucci, Lhasa 125.  Tucci, Tombs 83.  JTL&CT 294.  ='Chims phu.  BA 40, 44, 174, 194, 201, 260, 277, 492, 823, 828, 844, 1070.  5 116.3, 243.1.  87 I 116.5, 142.1, 144.4, 208.3.  Mchims phu'i Tshogs khang.  87 I 74.3.  Schaik, Prayer 200‑201.

MCHIMS PHU — See (— —) Bre gu Dge'u, or, (— —) Dge'u Dben gnas.

MCHIMS PHU NAM RA — F. in time of Mes ag tshoms.  132 86.6.

Dkar chag MCHIMS PHU MA — Listed in BLP no. 0066.  Discussed in Dung dkar 131.

MCHIMS MO — See (— —) Bkra shis mtsho.

MCHIMS MDZOD — Dreyfus, Sound 117.

MCHIL LHAM CAN — See U pa na ha.

Glang chen MCHE DRUG — 128 766.

MCHE BA'I GRONG KHYER — Dantapura.  'Town of Tusks'.  Ahmad, Fifth 89.

Sa bdag MCHE BA CAN — Vai.Kar. II 305.

MCHE BA'I SDE — BD of T&TB I 566.

Nor lha MCHED BRGYAD — Text in 315 397‑416.

MCHED LNGA — See Das 436.  4 260B.6.

'Jam dpal MCHED BZHI'I SNGAGS RGYUD — In 320 XXII 271 ff.

Gye re MCHOG SKYOR — A successor of (Rma) Rin chen mchog.  17 II 389.3.  Gye re Mchog skyong in Jackson, MB 29.

MCHOG GYUR GLING PA — See (— — — —ii) Padma kun khyab ye shes snying po.

Gter chen MCHOG GYUR GLING PA — (1829‑1870)  Aka Mchog 'gyur bde chen zhig po gling pa.  Rnying ma pa.  39 13.  "Mdo stod lho rgyud Sgam sde Grwa nang du 'khrungs."  Dhongthog 52.  His collected gter ma in 33 vols, 1975.  See 239.  Author of Sgyu 'phrul Lcags Byang Mu'i Chos skor (sp?), a collection of his excavated Rdo rje sems dpa' and Zhi khro precepts, publ. 1975.  His dates are 1829‑1879, acc. to 11 6.  Excavated Thugs sgrub Bar chad Kun Sel; for comm., see 12 V 549.  A medium sized version, the Bla ma'i Thugs sgrub Bar chad Kun Sel gyi Phrin las 'Bring po publ. 1970 at Mtho mthon Mon. (Thodung) in Solu.  The larger sized cycle printed at Sgang tog in 1972 (also found in 87 XV).  Chos rgyal rdo rje (q.v.), was one of his teachers.  BD of T&TB IV 517.  Three of his gter ma in 87 XIV.  Gter ma in 87 XX, XXV; work on Yamāntaka in 87 XXVII (still other works in V, VII, XLI).  His collected excavations in 33 vols, publ. in Delhi, 1975+.  Biographical verses in 239 XXX 279 ff.  Pictured in 320 XXV 3.  The Rtsa Gsum Sgrub Skor Gces Btus publ. in Pari, 1977‑78 in 10 vols.  Aka Nor bu bstan 'dzin, =Dkon mchog bstan 'dzin.  Bio. in 410 177A.4; 411 314B.4.  A biography has been separately published.  BD of T&TB IV 517.  His Gu ru'i Rnam thar Dpag bsam ljon shing is listed in BLP no. 0322.  Bio. by Mchog gling Dkon mchog 'gyur med listed in BLP no. 0984.

Gter chen MCHOG GYUR BDE CHEN ZHIG PO GLING PA — See Mchog gyur gling pa.

Mnga' bdag MCHOG GRUB LDE — Invited Rgod ldem.  481 64.6.  TS7 II 1030.


Khyab bdag MCHOG GRUB DBANG PO — Disc. of Zhwa dmar v.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1734 (see also Drepung Catalog 1509, where he is evidently named Kar ma mchog grub).

MCHOG GLING — See (— —) Dkon mchog 'gyur med.

MCHOG GLING MCHOG SPRUL — See (— — — —) 'Jam dbyangs smra ba'i zla ba.

MCHOG GLING GTER SRAS SPRUL SKU — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 115.4.

MCHOG GLING SPRUL SKU — See (— — — — iii) Padma 'gyur med theg mchog bstan 'dzin.


MCHOG BRGYAD — See under Rgyan drug.

Lo tsā ba MCHOG LDAN — 17 II 421.6.  BA 786.

Gter ston MCHOG LDAN MGON PO — Founded Ban pa Drug ral (q.v.).  Shākya bzang po (16th cent.) met him.  BD of T&TB III 526.  (1376‑?)  "Lho brag Ban mi Grong Mchong lung zhes bya bar 'khrungs."  Met Padma gling pa at Bum thang.  BD of T&TB III 711.  F. mon. w/ large image of Padmasambhava at Ban pa.  Teacher of Mnga' ris Paṇ chen.  208 I 222.1, 228.2, 228.5, 229.2.  Bio. in 210 249.4 ff.  Alias Mdo sngags gling pa (410 76B.2).  Alias Padma rgyal po (413 382.6).  413 7.6.  Considered to be a re‑embodiment of Rdo rje gling pa.  Mchog ldan mgon po'i Rnam thar dang Mgur 'bum publ. by Dingo Khyentsey Rinpoche.  368.  Bio. in 413 388.6 ff.  458 I 19.2 (says he d. at age 46).  This is probably the same Gter ston Mchog ldan mgon po that Smith dates to 1497‑1557); see E. Gene Smith's essay, "Banned Books in the Tibetan Speaking Lands."  Dates 1497‑1531/43 in Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 111.  Dates given as 1497‑1521 in Cuevas, Hidden History 125.

MCHOG LDAN MGON PO — Court lama to Kun bzang nyi zla (b. 1514).  DTK5 137.

MCHOG LDAN RDO RJE — B. in a Wood Tiger year.  Excavated the (Rdzogs chen) Rta mgrin Snying thig gi Chos Skor (q.v.).  BD of T&TB III 307, 367.  "Khams brgyad shod pa."  7th rab byung383 220.2.  410 128B.5.

Nyang po MCHOG LDAN RDO RJE — Aka Las rab zhig po gling pa.  Gter ma in 87 XLI.

MCHOG SDE — Pictured in 128 75A.  Rgyal sras Mchog gi sde.  Bio. in 165 196.  BD of T&TB I 422, 493.

MCHOG SPRUL — See (— —) Chos rgyal bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho.

MCHOG SPRUL RIN PO CHE — See (Khri rgan) (— — — — —) Ngag dbang 'jam dbyangs bkra shis.  (Sde rgan) (— — — — —) 'Jigs med lung rig rgya mtsho.  See also Gung thang pa'i Mchog sprul, 'Dzi sgar Mchog sprul.

MCHOG MA — See under Rgyal ba'i sde.

MCHOG GZIGS — See (— —) Karma lhag mthong.

MCHOG BZANG LEGS PA'I BLO GROS — Or, Mchog legs blo gros.  Thang stong met him at Thar pa gling (5 71.4), and visited him at Gro lung gi Phu (5 270.5).  Pictured in 128 342.

Khu byin Btsun pa MCHOG GI SHES RAB — Translator.  320 XVIII 448.1.

Dpal bu MCHOG GI SHES RAB — (9th cent.)  Lde'u 322.

MCHOG SRED — Vararuci.  See Bethlenfalvy article in T&BS I 17 ff.  Chag 83.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 400.5.

Bram ze MCHOG SRED — Bla ma who gave Thang stong the initiation of Gur gyi mgon po.  5 94.5.  This is a form of Mahākala.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 14, 35 etc.

MCHOG SRED RTSAL — Pictured in 128 606.

Brag dmar MCHONG GLING KHYUNG RDZONG — 4X I 170.3, 176.2.  Milarepa lived here 12 years after spending 6 years at Spo ri Spo thon. See Andrew Quintman, Toward a Geographic Biography: Mi la ras pa in the Tibetan Landscape, Numen, vol. 55 (2008), pp. 363‑410, at p. 381.

MCHONG LUNG — 4 134B.2.  Mchong lung Brag.  4 152B.3.  N. of a village.  210 249.5.

MCHONG LUNG KHYUNG GI RDZONG — 4 1B.1.  Brag dmar Mchong lung.  4 2B.5.  Brag dmar Mchong lung Khyung gi Rdzong.

MCHOD KHANG — A frequent n. for Jo khang.

MCHOD KHANG RTSE — Vai.Ser. 234.

MCHOD MKHAN PA — See Ba tsa ri pa.

MCHOD GTOR — In titles of texts in 317 1‑104.

MCHOD RTEN — See Gnas Chen po Brgyad kyi Mchod rten.  See texts in Collected Works of Bu ston, vol. PHA.

MCHOD RTEN DKAR PO — BA 381.  Thuken 355.



MCHOD RTEN NYI MA'I DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang, about 50 monks.  Peter Hopkirk, Trespassers on the Roof of the World 207.

MCHOD RTEN NYI MA LA — Pass between Sikkim & Tibet.  A small mon.  See David‑Neel, Magic & Mystery 64 ff.  Visited by Rgod ldem.  481 64.1.  This is evidently the Rdo rje nyi ma, a guidebook to which was excavated by Rgod kyi ldem 'phru can.  It has been published separately, and also in the volume entitled Ritual Texts of the Dpal dpuns Tradition.  Katia Buffetrille has written about this place.  Rdo rje nyi ma'i Gnas yig Gsang ba'i Dkar chag, contained in:  Jo sras Bkra shis tshe ring, ed., Hi ma la ya'i Nang pa Sangs rgyas pa'i Chos dang / Rgyal rabs / Rig gzhung gi Zhib 'jug, Rnam rgyal Bod kyi Shes rig Nyams zhib khang (Gangtok 2011), pp. 177‑188, including English translation.

MCHOD RTEN THANG — N. of a mon.  332 preface 18.

MCHOD RTEN PA — Caityaka, or, Caityaśaila.  One of the 8 branches of the Dge 'dun phal chen pa.  BA 27.


MCHOD RTEN SA DGON PA — (sp?)  In Chin‑chuan.  Tafel II 220, etc.

Rgyal po MCHOD SBYIN — The patron of the "turning of the Wheel of the Dharma" at Bya rgod phung po'i Ri.  211 18.4.

MCHOD SBYIN CAN — Vaiśiṣṭha.  See Rgun shes.

Mi bdag MCHOD SBYIN BYED — Jātaka.  Pictured in 128 702.

MCHOD SBYIN MA — Epithet of Draupadī.  Das 98.

MCHOD 'OS — N. of a city in an avadāna.  TPS 516.

'CHAG GZHUNG DGON — 253 II 630.3.

'CHANG DKAR — See 'Chad dkar.

'CHAD DKAR — Mon. in 'Jog po of Phan yul f. by Khyung po Rnal 'byor.  BA 654, 732.  17 II 429.

'CHAD DKAR CHOS SDE — In Dbus.  Gdan rabs, see 332 II preface 14.



Dge bshes 'CHAD KHA BA — See (— — —) Ye shes rdo rje.

Bya 'CHAD KHA BA — See (—) (— — —) Ye shes rdo rje.


'CHAD PO CHE — BA 450.

'CHAN BU — See (— —) Rgya ras.

'CHAM — Monastic dances.  On Bhutanese 'cham, see 157.

'CHAR KA — A person.  Pictured in 128 768.  Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 2, p. 79.  A sthavira disc. of Buddha, named Udāyin.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 345.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) VI 242.2.

'CHAR DGA' — In what is now Nepal.  Charkā.  See 28 25 and index.

'CHAR STENGS — Pl.n.  Das 443.

'CHAR PA — A Bka' gdams pa teacher of Khyung tshang pa.  17 II 508.  Disc. of Bya 'dul.  17 II 464.2.  The "Ba char ba" of BA 409.

'CHAR BYED — In avadāna.  TPS 477.

'CHAL CHUNG — See BD of T&TB III 316.  BA 156.

Khyung po 'CHAL CHEN — See BD of T&TB III 316.  BA 156.

Phyag na rdo rje 'CHI BDAG 'JOMS PA — SBTD I 167.

Paṇ chen 'CHI BA SDE — 413 483.6.

Dpal 'CHI MED GRUB PA — 234 IA 18.6.  ? 168 205.6.

Dpal ldan Bde chen Rnam rol 'CHI MED GRUB PA'I DBANG PHYUG —  =Ye shes lhun grub (q.v.).

'CHI MED MGON — Amarnath.

Mdo chen 'CHI MED MGON PO — (1755‑1807)  TS7 I 258.

Paṇḍi ta 'CHI MED MGON PO — BD of T&TB VII 154.

'CHI MED SGROL MA — (20th cent.)  Female military leader in Nyag rong.  Norbu, Warriors 52.

Tshe dpag med 'CHI MED RNGA SGRA — Krīya tantra form of Amitāyus.  349 II 197‑251.

'CHI MED NYI MA — A woman practitioner, sister of the Sa skya pa Karma blo gros.  Sakyadhita 2 no 2 (1991).

'CHI MED RTAG PA'I RDO RJE — (recent)  239 XXX 54.6.

'CHI MED BSTAN GNYIS G.YUNG DRUNG GLING PA — The gter ston n. of Kong sprul.  Given to him by Mchog 'gyur gling pa.  23 57.  Work in 239 XX.


Kun grol grags pa V 'CHI MED BDUD 'DUL GLING PA — (active in 1890's) Mentioned in the colophon to the biography of Tshe dbang rig 'dzin discovered in 1889 by Gsang sngags gling pa (found in 2nd edition of Bon Kanjur).

Khri smon 'CHI MED RDO RJE — (fl. ca. 1865)  Norbu, Warriors 27. 

'CHI MED RDO RJE — (b. about 1829)  B. in A mdo.  See under Padma rgya mtsho.

'CHI MED RDO RJE — (1941‑1999)  The 9th incarnation of 'Chi med g.yung drung Rin po che.  An Amdowa by birth, he originally belonged to the Benchen Monastery in Khams.  He went to the United Kingdom in 1965, and founded Marpa House there.  (The Rangjung Wiki says he was never considered an incarnate of Benchen Monastery...)  Under the name Chimi Youngdong Rinpoche, he is said to have been for a brief time a teacher of David Bowie, the famously androgynous rock star.

Chos gling Gar dbang 'CHI MED RDO RJE — (1763‑ )  Rnying ma pa.  Dhongthog 50.

Gnam ru Dpon 'CHI MED RDO RJE — Havnevik, Dissert. 243.

Khri 'du Dpon 'CHI MED RNAM RGYAL — Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 99, 102.

'CHI MED PADMA DGYES PA YE SHES ROL PA RTSAL — A n. of Khams sprul vi (q.v.).


'CHI MED DPAL GTER — Stearns, King 28.


'CHI MED BUM PA — See A ma ra ka la sha.

Bka' blon 'CHI MED BLA MA — CHMO 15 10.

'CHI MED BLO GROS — Aziz 32.

'CHI MED BLO BZANG SHES RAB — A monk student at Ganden in S India.  Barlocher.

Dpon 'CHI MED DBANG RGYAL — Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 97.

'CHI MED GTSUG PHUD — 248 11.6.  253 II 369.6 ff.  Bio. in 352 628.7.  Son of Tshad med 'od ldan.  206 541.  Berounsky, Lapsed 180.

'CHI MED RTSA GSUM DRIL SGRUB — Gter ma of Chos rje gling pa, q.v.

'CHI MED TSHE SGRUB — A gter ma of (Gu ru) Chos kyi dbang phyug (q.v.).

'CHI MED MTSHO SKYES SNYING THIG — A gter ma of 'Jam dbyangs Mkhyen brtse'i dbang po (q.v.).

'CHI MED MDZOD — N. of a text.  KB 33.2.  449 8.2, 8.3.

'CHI MED ZLA BA — See under A ma ra tsandra.

'CHI MED 'OD SNANG — Pl.n.  242 III contents.

'CHI MED YONGS 'GRUB — 178 2B.5 ff.

Zang zing Ne ring pa 'CHI MED RAB RGYAS — Author of bio. of Tsong kha pa listed in BLP no. 0908.  It is considered rare...  See comment in Roerich's dictionary, vol. 10, p. 332.

'Khor gdong Gter sprul 'CHI MED RIG 'DZIN — Reproduced the ms. in 139.  Compiler of Thub bstan Rdo rje brag E wam Lcog sgar ba'i 'Dus sde rnams kyi Chos spyod Rab gsal, publ. 1975.  Editor of 141, 370, and 483.

'CHI MED LUNG DGON PA — A Dge lugs pa nunnery.  85 1.

Slob dpon 'CHI MED SENG GE — 374 I 31.1.  Lexical work, see DD 718.

'CHI MED GSANG BA — An excavation of Gu ru Chos dbang.  374 II 646.4 ff.

'CHI BSLU — "Cheating death" text in 233 323‑339.  259 41‑51.  285 475‑484.  397 V 206 ff.

'CHING DA 'CHING YUL — 'Ching nga?  Sp?  One of 18 dbang ris28 79.

'CHING PHU BA — Author of a Bstan rim text.  499 8.3.

'CHING PHU'I ROG — See (— — —) Shākya 'byung gnas.

'CHING BU — See (— —) Phyag sbal.

Dge bshes 'CHING BU PA — Eimer, NG 113.

'CHING RI — BA 450.

'CHING RU — BA 256.

'CHIMS — N. of a family later called Zhang (because of marrying into the royal family).  BA 486.

'CHIMS PHU —  =Mchims phu.  BA 305, 306, 345.

Bsam yas 'CHIMS PHU — BA 110, 173, 812.

'CHIMS BZA' — See (— —) Lha mo btsan.

'CHIMS YUL — BA 910.

'CHIMS LHA THAN TSHO — N. of a mt. and mt. deity.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 401.3.  Spelled Mchims lha Than mtsho (and also later on Mchims lha Than tshogs); see Pasang Wangdu, "The Slebs ri Tombs and the Mchims Clan," contained in: Hildegard Diemberger and Karma Phuntsho, eds., Ancient Treasures, New Discoveries, IITBS (Saale 2009), pp. 73‑96, at pp. 84, 88, 89, 92.

'CHU GU — BA 655.

'CHUS PA — See (— —) Dar ma brtson 'grus.  (— —) Brtson 'grus seng ge.

'CHONG CHEN SDE DGU — See also 'Phyong.  Bon teaching.  253 I 501.4 ff.  List in Nine Ways 189.

'CHOS — BA 960.

'CHOS KYI KHU 'GYUR — See (— — — —) Gsal ba'i mchog (?).





Pho brang JA MKHAR RING MO — TS5 795.

JA MTHONG — In Mes lugs.  BA 405.  =Jom thong (q.v.).

JA PA — ?  467 II 104.4.

JA PA GTER STON — See Ngag gi rdo rje.

Jo bo JA MA LI — -'Ja' ma li.  N. of an image.  See Das 450.  Henss, CMT 104.

JA MUN — The goddess dgra lha of Zhang zhung.  Stein's article on Zhang zhung, at p. 251.

JA YUL BA — Ordinator of Khyung tshang pa.  234 IB 96.1 ff.

JA RA RONG — In Amdo.  253 II 639.6.

JA ROD GU SHRI — A translator at Peking, student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

Rgya ma Khri khang pa JA SAG — See (— —) (— — —) (— —) Dbang 'dus.

JA SAG BLA MA — See (— — — —) Blo bzang chos 'phel.

JA SUM MDO — N. of an area.  363 181.1.

JAG PA ME LEN — Protector.  Pictured in 216A.  Ramble in L'Ethnologie (1987) 235.  See Togden 250‑251.

Dge bsnyen JAG PA ME LEN — Protector of Drukpa and Nyingma.  Text publ. under authorship of Bdud 'joms 'Jigs bral ye shes rdo rje (Manali 1973).  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 256, etc.


JANG — BA 937.

JAM DPON — Laufer, Loan Words 494.

JAL — Sal.  Pollock, Forms 345.

JAL GYI PHU — BA 193‑194.  Das 448.

JI 'JIG — Deity.  Rhies & Thurman 339.

JI NONG — A Chinese name mistakenly spelled by Tibetans She nong.  Thuken 337.

Spa JI PHROM DKAR PO — (8th cent.)  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 457.

JI MA KHOL — OTA 668, 670.  19 30 (Dri ma khol).  Beckwith, Tibetan Empire 33.  River S of Koko Nor.

JI TSAM — In TPS appears to have been in part responsible for introducing the cult of the Arhats.  Also spelled 'Ji tsam thon pa (?).  TPS 556.


JI LA — N. of a place.  Emmerick.  Zhu, Preliminary 48.

Bal po JI LA JI SA — Male Nepalese disciple of Padmasambhava, as was Kun la kun sa (q.v.).  KTDN A VIII 20.5, 24.5, 28.2, 28.6, 30.1, 31.3.  87 I 30.2.

JING — Chinese for 'sutras', a name for Buddhism.  Thuken 332 (and note 1368, which has a discussion).

JIN SHAN — Jing Shan.  A hill in Peking.  Thuken 367.

JIR MA —  =Byir ma.

JU GU MER — Pl.n. in Tangut land.  LPNT VII 292.

JU JU THAL ONG — 208 I 239.2.

JU THIG — A kind of prognostication using knots.  See 212 XV.  Also, 259 473‑520.  For a similar string divination, see Rock, Nāga Cult I 199.  Tucci, Religions 228, 232, 234, 235.  BA 251.

JU DBEN — Kuijp in TH&L 280.

JU TSE BTSAN PO — Reigned 797‑804.  Roerich xix. (?)

JU 'UNG GWAR — Dzungar, one of four O lod Mongol tribes.

JU RIG — See (— —) Thu hong tha'i ji.


JUG 'GAR — Dzungar (?).  Das 1352.

JUN WANG — See Das 449.

JUR CHED MI TSHAN — Printery.  162 187.

JUR JID — Jurcid.  Petech in T'oung Pao n.s. L 343.

JUL CHA'I THU BO NONG — 208 I 238.3.

JUS DU KHAL — 208 I 238.3.

JUS SI NAM — A border area of Tangut land in which there was a residence of Kāśyapa.  See Sperling, Further 12.

Rgya'i Pho nya JE'U ZHANG SHO — OTA 699.

Lha rje JO BKRA — SFHB 241.7.  253 II 594.1.

JO KHANG — See =Jo bo khang.  BA 44, 258, 465, 672, 776, 878, 1006.  For a dkar chag, see 12 X 297‑438.  Das (JTL&CT) mentions special pillars in the Jo khang named Ka ba Shing lo can and Ka ba Seng mgo can.  Murals about its construction in Precious Deposits I 84‑86.  See Lha ldan Gtsug lag khang & Lha sa Gtsug lag khang.  On pillars, which concealed texts, see Kapstein, Assimilation 133.  The huge Padmasambhava statue was built only in the 1980's sponsored by one Lhundrub from Amdo, and consecrated by Dilgo Khyentsé in 1985 (TJ 31 [2006] 86).  Nyi ma tshe ring & Ngag dbang 'jigs med, Lha ldan Rwa sa 'Phrul snang Gtsug lag khang gi Lo rgyus dang 'Brel ba'i Gnas bshad Mdor bsdus Dris lan Bdun cu rtsa gsum, Bod ljongs Mi dmangs Dpe skrun khang (Lhasa 2005).

JO SGOM — See (— —) G.yung drung rgyal.

Sde srid JO DGA' — A regent and prince of Yar klungs.  Petech (1983) 179‑180.  Son of G.yu spyan.  TPS 9.

Btsun mo JO JO RGYAL MTSHAN — A 'queen' in Mnga' ris.  115 76.3, 76.7, 77.1.

JO JO LHA KHANG — Zhenzhusi. Horlemann 142.

JO 'JAM — A n. of Gu ru Chos dbang.  321 I 456.2.



Shangs pa JO BRTAN —  =Shangs pa Jo stan in BA 82.  17 II 345.1.  Prob. =(Jo brtan) Nag po dar tshul (q.v.).

JO STON — "Attendant" of Sgam po pa.  BA 462.

JO THANG — See Thang lde, "king" in about 1181.  476 I 102.2.

Lha phu steng gi Mkhan po JO DAD — 253 II 420.5, 422.5.

Dge bshes JO DAR — He invited Gling ras pa to Phreng po Zho ra.  24 I 406.5.

Rdza ston JO DAR — Mentioned in 5 135.3.  See the entry in Drepung Catalog 927: Rdza sum ston snyoms las dar gyi gsung mgur, author given as Sha sum ston Ston pa Jo dar.

JO DAR BZA' — See (— — —) Lha mo skyid.

JO GDAN — See under Gdan gcig pa.

Mnga' ris pa JO GDAN — He was a student of the Indian master Vajrapāṇi, important for Doha transmission in Tibet.  Schaeffer,  Dissert. 141, etc.

Shangs kyi Phu gu JO GDAN — 253 II 420.4.

JO GDAN SDE BZHI — See discussion in Kuijp in JAOS (1994) 603.

Gze ba JO BDE —  =Bde mchog rdo rje (q.v.).

Bla chen JO RDOR — DTK5 186.

Rgya ston JO SDE — 253 II 387.5.  Blondeau 92.

JO NANG — BA 772, 775, 778, 794, 1039.  See Das 450.  Jo nang gi Gnas bshad listed in BLP no. 0807.  Jo nang Phun tshogs gling, once the main seat of the Jo nang pas.  Photo of ruins in Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 131.

JO NANG SKU 'BUM — Dkar chag by Ngag dbang blo bzang rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 0806.  Illus. in Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 131.

JO NANG SGRUB CHEN — See (— — — —) Dpal ldan legs pa.

JO NANG RJE BTSUN — See (— — — —) Kun dga' grol mchog (1495‑1566).

JO NANG PA — Sect f. by (Dol po pa) Shes rab rgyal mtshan (q.v.), named after Jo mo nang Mon.  T.H. 158.  27 12‑13.  For modern surviving members, see BA 777.  12 IX 94.6 ff.

JO NANG PA LUGS — N. of Shangs pa transmission of Ni gu ma's doctrines.  For a list of bla mas in this transmission, see 29 5‑6.  Tāranātha is said to have elaborated it from 'Jag pa and Bsam sdings pa and Thang lugs, as well as his own visions of Ni gu ma.

JO NANG LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — — —) Blo gros dpal.

Gnubs ban Nag po JO 'PHAN — Father of Khro Lo.  LPNT IV 6.

Dpon JO 'PHAN — Father of O rgyan pa.  115 6.3, 8.5, 9.7, 11.7, 17.4.  BA 697.

Dpon po JO BER — 17 IV 475.5.

JO BO —  =Rje bo.  BBNP 485.

JO BO KHANG — Repairs done by the Dalai Lama xiii described ending at 438 VII 451.4.  This name is used by Lhasa people to refer to the Lha sa Gtsug lag khang, although properly speaking it should mean only the particular room in which the Jo bo image is enshrined.

JO BO RGYAL PO — 12th‑cent. king who ruled from Dunkar.  Heller, Hidden 24.

JO BO SGOM CHEN — David‑Neel, Magic & Mystery 74.

JO BO CHUNG BA — Famous statue of Akṣobhyavajra, representing Buddha at age 8, and brought by Nepalese wife of Srong btsan sgam po.  Ferrari 87.

JO BO CHEN PO — Most famous Tibetan statue.  Representing Buddha at age 12.  Brought to Tibet by Chinese wife of Srong btsan sgam po.  In 'Phrul snang Temple.  Bad photograph in JRAS (1938) 535.  JTL&CT 151‑152, 201.  Waddell, Lhasa 303, 369.  Ferrari 86‑87.  Wylie 80, 154 n. 363.

JO BO MCHED BZHI — Four famous statues of Jo bo.  Wylie 64, 129 n. 128.  For by far the best source on this subject, see the dissertation of Franz‑Karl Ehrhard.

JO BO RJE — Tibetan title for Atiśa.

Lho sgo Byar JO BO THEM PA LA — Pass near Tsari.  17 IV 241.6.  See Jo bo la.

JO BO NOR BU BSAM 'PHEL — Unidentified pl. at Yam bu Bla mkhar.  Ferrari 125.

Bla chen JO BO DPAL — DTK5 186.

JO BO'I DBU SKRA — See Essais 160.

Sga stod JO BO RI — 239 XXX 217.4.

JO BO MI BSKYOD RDO RJE — Nyams gso Zhus pa'i Dkar chag by Bsod nams don grub listed in BLP no. 0802.

JO BO G.YUNG DRUNG — The name Jo bo G.yung rung appears as donor in an early colophon of a Prajñāpāramitā ms. from Tholing.  See de Rossi Filibeck in the Steinkellner Festschrift, p. 59.

JO BO LA — "Cho La."  Fletcher17 IV 237.3.

JO BYIS — Area in Amdo.  253 II 640.4.

Shar Mon gyi Rgyal po JO 'BAG — Stein, Recherches 187.  Ahmad, Fifth 87.

Zhu JO 'BAR — Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 454.

G.yu sgom JO 'BAR — Disc. of Zur po che.  33 211.6.

Dgug shi JO 'BUM — A disciple of Grags pa rgyal mtshan (1147‑1216) who became bla mchod of the Mi nyag king (1986 edition of the Sa skya Gdung rabs Ngo mtshar Bang mdzod, p. 75).  Perhaps he is the Rkong po Gug shi mentioned in LPNT VII 287. I noticed a work of his on guruyoga in vol. 49 of TBRC Work RID W3CN11633.

Lcam JO 'BUM — 475 98.3.

Rta ston JO 'BUM — (1123‑1174)  Father of Jo yon and Jo bsod.  Dhongthog 53.  BD of T&TB III 333‑335.  He considered that among his many teachers, his rtsa ba'i bla mas were (Gnyos) Chu bo ri pa and Phag mo gru pa.

Ma gcig JO 'BUM — Daughter of Yu mo.  502 168.3.

JO 'BUM MA — Wife of (Nyang ral) Nyi ma 'od zer.  BD of T&TB III 339.  413 338.3.  477 126.4.

JO 'BER — (1196‑?)  BD of T&TB III 377.  Son of Nyi 'bum (1158‑1213), born in his father's 39th year.  BD of T&TB III 359.  Pictured in 128 678.  Bio. in 193 I 223.5 ff.  Bio. in Bka' ma Rgyas pa XLVI 364.4 ff.  Achard, L'Essence 82.  I've seen 1255 given as date of death, but am not sure of it.  I do not suppose it's possible he is the same as the Jo 'ber (son of Jo rgyal and grandson of Jo 'bag) who belongs to the line of Yar klungs Jo bo kings as listed in HS VIII 560.5?

Rgyal tsha JO 'BER — Killed in 1253.  Petech (1983) 182.

Lha rje JO 'BRUG — SFHB 242.2.

JO MA KHA NAG — Snowy mt. in S Tibet toward Bhutan.  Das 450.

JO MO — BA 179.

JO MO KHA RAG — One of 20 principle mts.  Das 212.  BA 976, 986.

Zangs ri JO MO MKHAR SGOM — 124 436.6.

JO MO GANGS DKAR — Tibetan n. for Mt. Everest.  BA 491, 518, 527, 675.  Wylie 115 n. 7, n. 12.

JO MO GLANG MA — Tibetan n. for Mt. Everest.  See discussion by van Driem in: Charles Ramble & Ulrike Roesler, eds., Tibetan and Himalayan Healing: An Anthology for Anthony Aris, Vajra Books (Kathmandu 2015) 163 (Glang gur, mentioned by Grueber).


JO MO GLING — Three buildings at Bsam yas built by 3 queens of Khri srong lde btsan.  Ferrari 114.  JTL&CT 295.

JO MO 'GRO SA — BA 675.

JO MO'I MCHOD RTEN — Said to exist 'now' in Gnyal.  Built to house remains of the wife of Sgam po pa.  4 222B.3.

JO MO NAG RI — Unidentified mt.  Wylie 116 n. 23.  Mentioned in 79 72.


JO MO NANG — Mon. after which Jo nang pa was named.  In Gtsang, W of Bkra shis lhun po.  T.H. 158.  Tsong kha pa studied Kālacakra there.  BA 526, 633, 634, 772‑777.

Gter ston Chen po JO MO SMAN MO — Rnying ma pa.  (1248‑1283)  Dhongthog 52.  Name at birth was Padma mtsho skyid.  BD of T&TB III 407‑411.  Gter ma in 87 LV.  410 108B.4.  411 271B.6.


JO MO LHA RI — Mountain between Tibet and Bhutan.  Chumalari.  Das 450.  BA 675.  23,944 feet in elevation.  See 79 72.

JO BTSUN YE SHES — 253 II 571.2.

Gu ru JO RTSE —  =Chu glang rtse mo.  A gter bton217 489.5.  Lived in 4th rab byung383 219.1, 414.2 ff.  Identified with (Gu ru) Rnon rtse.  383 419.4.

Slob dpon JO RTSE — 253 II 420.2.

JO TSHUL — See (— —) Tshul khrims bla ma.

Gu ru JO TSHE — Evidently, =Jo rtse.  Gter ma in 87 LXX.  383 42.3.

JO RDZONG —  =Jo mo Rdzong.  A fort and district in Tibet.  Das 450.

Rta ston JO YES — (1163‑1230)  Also, Jo ye.  Probably same as (Rta ston) Jo yon.  Son of Jo 'bum (1149‑1199).  BA 141.  BD of T&TB III 333.  The dates 1163‑1230 are acc. to BD of T&TB III 363 (see also 368).  Disc. of Zhig po bdud rtsi.  Probably identical to the Slob dpon Jo ye met by Gling ras pa at Ra grong glu grong in the 1180s or so.  24 I 418.4, 436.7.

Rlung gi Rnal 'byor JO YES — Disc. of Rgya ras pa.  447 46.4, 47.1 (etc.), 50.4.

Rta ston JO YON — (1163‑1230)  Dhongthog 53.  Brother of Jo bsod.  Son of (Rta ston) Jo 'bum.  Evidently same as Jo yes.

Khyung sgom JO G.YUNG — 253 II 422.3.  Bio. in 342 15.4.

Slob dpon JO RA — A teacher in the youth of Rngog Kun dga' rdo rje.

JO RAGS — Lhasa dike. Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 107.

JO RIG THU HUNG THAS CI TSHE DBANG RAB BRTAN — (1643‑1697)  From Bkra shis lhun po he invited Dge legs rab rgyas and Dpal 'byor rgya mtsho.  Invited scholars from 'Bras spungs including Wa shul ba Bstan pa rab rgyas.  Thuken 376.

JO RU — N. of Ge sar in his youth.  232 4.

JO ROG DGON — Mon. in period of 'Phags pa.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 36 n. 40.

JO ROG DU — Mongol.  208 I 236.4.

JO ROG DU KHAL — Mongol.  208 I 237.3.

JO LUN WANG — Aka Co ling wang.  TVS 155.

JO SHAK — Disc. of Zur chung.  Secret names are Rdo rje dngos grub rtsal or Grub mchog rtsal.  33 232.1.  See BA 120.

Lang gro JO GSHEN — 253 II 415.5, 420.5.

Mnga' bdag Rgyal po JO SING — 'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum IV 466.5 ff.

JO SENG — CFMS 30, n. 38.

Gnas brtan JO SOG — 253 II 415.6, 421.2.

JO SRAS — Jo sras was, in general, a term used for the son of a revered religious figure (who could be called a jo bo or jo mo).  Or, just as likely, a son of a noble family, possibly even a prince.

JO SRAS — N. of the scion of the royal family who went to Tsong kha to rule in the 10th century.  TS9 II 465, where his name is also given as Khri Gnam lde dbon btsan.

JO SRAS — Milarepa's family (rigs) name.  4A 9A.1.  4C 17.10.  Part of Khyung po clan which originated in northern Tibet.  4C 16.5.  Named after Khyung po Jo sras, a yogin. 

Mkhas btsun JO SRAS —  =Spra ba lung pa.  253 II 415.6, 421.3.

'Brug JO SRAS — BA 857.  17 II 431.  See also Rdo rje 'bar.

'Dzeng JO SRAS — A disc. of ('Dzeng) Dharma bo dhi.  BA 187.  BD of T&TB III 326.

Slob dpon JO SRAS — Mentioned as a teacher of Seng ge rgyab pa.  BD of T&TB III 387.

JO SRAS RNAM THAR — Title of work by Byang dar listed in BLP no. 0809.

Rta ston JO BSOD — (1166‑?)  Rnying ma pa.  Dhongthog 53.  Brother of Jo yon.  Son of (Rta ston) Jo 'bum.  Teacher of Khyung tshang pa.  17 II 508.

JOG GDAN — Mon. (could this be the same as Jo gdan?).  Sato in Acta Asiatica 29 (1975) 9.

JOG PO — See 'Jog po.  BA 732.

JOG PO SPRUL SKU — Havnevik, Dissert. 80.

JOM THONG — See (— —) Blo gros grags.

JOS ZI NAM — A place near the outer ocean.  LPNT VII 353.

JYA ZHUR — BA xvii, 63.

MJAL MO KA KA RO NGA — N. of a Khotan mon.  Emmerick.

Khu 'dzin MJING NAG — Or, 'Jing nag.  253 II 230.4.  Karmay, Treasury 230.

'Phags pa 'JA MA LI — BA 392, 1053.  See ('Phags pa) Wa ti.

'JWA SA — "Edict."  BA 487.  17 II 534.2.

'JAG CHUNG DPAL — Mon. f. by (Mkhas grub) Shangs ston (1234‑1300), q.v.  BA 748.

'JAG CHEN — See (— —) Byams pa dpal.

'JAG PA — See (— —) Rgyal mtshan dpal.

'JAG PA DKAR BRGYUD PA — Subsect of Shangs pa.  F. by (Mkhas grub) Shangs ston (q.v.).  For bla mas of this transmission, see 29 7.  BA 748‑749.  See (Pha rgod) Kun' dga' bzang po. 

'JAG SPYIL RIN PO CHE — Phag mo gru pa stayed there 7 years.  57 IIB 356.1.  This seems to refer to his famous grass meditation hut.

Zhang yul 'JAG GSHONG — BD of T&TB X 93.5.

'JANG — "Jang."  The Moso state of Nan‑chao/Nanzhao (so called during the T'ang), in area of present day Yunnan.  Submitted to Tibetans in 751.  T.H. 43.  Seceded again in 788.  T.H. 44.  Actually, it is in SW Tibet S of the area of Mi li, between Tibet and Yunnan province.  Wylie 119 n. 50.  =Mywa?  'Jang dmag.  208 I 220.4.  253 II 632.6. For more sources, see Kapstein, Assimilation 215 n. 20.  "Nanchao and Tibet in South Western China," by Thom. A. Marks, TJ III no. 4.  Ecsedy article in T&BS I 165‑189.  There is a discussion of the name by Laufer, Kleinere Schriften II/2 781‑997, as well as in Pelliot, Notes on Marco Polo 169‑181.  See Gardner in TJ XXVIII no. 3 (2003) 68. Takata Tokio, A Note on the Lijiang Tibetan Inscription, Asia Major 19 nos 1‑2 (2006) 161‑170.  There is also a long note by Laufer published in JRAS (Oct 1915) entitled "Karajang."

'JANG — A half day's journey E of Chu shul, there are 2 villages close together, one called 'Jang 'og, the other 'Jang smad.  Wylie 75, 146 n. 290.  JTL&CT 144.

'JANG — See (—) Sa tham.

'JANG KHANG SER PO — A grwa tshang for Yunnan monks at Mtshur phu Mon.  Debreczeny in Jackson, Patron 230.

'JANG DGUN CHOS — Monastic winter debating sessions, held at 'Jang.  Dreyfus, Sound 234.

'JANG 'JIG — Minister under Mang srong mang btsan.  19 30.


'JANG PHUR — Pl.n.  476 I 79.4.

'JANG BRAG LTAG PA — 17 II 539.3.  ='Jang bras stag pa in BA 556.


'JANG TSHA LHA BON — 132 86.6.

'JANG RI — See (— —) Smug po.


'JAD — Seems to be spelling for Bzhad.  Ferrari 158.  'Jad kyi Lung bshad Mkhas pa Gsum gyi Gzhung Btus listed in BLP no. 0811.

'JAD — See (—) Bkra shis rtse.  (—) Thub bstan yangs pa can.  (—) Bo dong lung.  (—) Bor mo dar sdings.

'JAD PA — See (— —) Byang skyabs.  (— —) Gzhon byang.

Jo bo 'JAD PA — N. for royal line from 'Od lde.  ='Dzad pa.  DTK5 93.

'JAM — BA 732.

'JAM DKAR BA — See (— — —) 'Jam dpal chos bzang.

'JAM SKYA NAM MKHA' DPAL — A teacher of Bu ston.  27 76.  See under Nam mkha' dpal.

'JAM GLING GRAGS PA — A n. of Sgam po pa Zla 'od gzhon nu.

Chos rje 'JAM GLING RDO RJE —  =Rog rje gling pa.

'JAM GLING PA — See (— — —) Blo gros chos 'phel.

'JAM DGAG PAKSHI — See (Btsun pa) 'Jam dbyangs.

'JAM MGON — See (— —) Kong sprul Blo gros mtha' yas.  (— —) Mkhyen brtse 'od zer.  (— —) Rdo rje rin chen.  (— —) Mi pham rgya mtsho.

Chos mgon iii or iv 'JAM MGON DGYES PA'I DBANG PHYUG — (b. after 1703)  'Brug pa.  7.

'JAM MGON BLA MA — Title of Tsong kha pa.  Vai.Ser. 62, 123.

'JAM MGON BLO GROS CHOS KYI NYI MA BSTAN PA'I SGRON ME — Name given to Kong sprul iv by the Karma pa.  Name given by Dalai Lama was Bstan 'dzin 'od gsal chos dbyings rgya mtsho.

'JAM SGEG —  See (Btsun pa) 'Jam dbyangs.

'JAM NGAG GAB SHIS — See (Btsun pa) 'Jam dbyangs.

'JAM NE — BA 548.

'JAM NE BKRA — E sector of Ru lag.  28 78.

'JAM SNE — See (— —) 'Dzam gling rdzong kha.

'JAM PA GLING — Near Grwa nang.  Built around a large Sku 'bum.  See Tucci, Lhasa 148.

'JAM PA CHOS RJE — See (— — — —) Chos rgya mtsho.

Gnyal zhig 'JAM PA'I RDO RJE — See under 'Jam dpal rdo rje.

Grangs can 'JAM PA'I RDO RJE — A disc. of (Zhwa lu Lo chen) Chos skyong bzang po.  23 20.  Beyer 53.

Bde mchog 'JAM PA'I RDO RJE NGAG GI DBANG PHYUG — 25‑Heruka maṇḍala.  349 XIV 1‑133.

'JAM PA'I DBYANGS — Taught astrology at Wu‑t'ai Shan in 1076 B.C.  Kværne no. 34.

'JAM PA'I DBYANGS — An Indian.  Pictured in 128 16, 68A.  Bio. in 165 236.

Rje btsun 'JAM PA'I DBYANGS — Refers to Sa skya Gong ma rnams.  27 139.

'JAM DPAL — Mañjuśrī.  For Bka' brgyud texts on same, see 90 IV 295‑423.  Tantras in his division of Rnying ma tantras, see 211 74.1 ff.  White form.  374 I 106 ff.

'JAM DPAL — A disc. of Padma dbang rgyal (the disc. of Khu lung pa).  17 II 389.5.

Lo sgom 'JAM DPAL — Disc. of Zur po che.  33 211.5.

Ras chung Rin po che 'JAM DPAL KUN BZANG — Modern author of 3.

'JAM DPAL DKAR PO — See Phra gsas gzhon nu.

Dge bshes 'JAM DPAL BKRA SHIS — Disc. of Tsong kha pa.  165 I contents.

'JAM DPAL SKYABS MCHOG — Lcags la'i dge rgan.  365 279.5, 371.3.

'JAM DPAL MKHAS BTSUN — (early 20th cent.)  A teacher of Dus 'khor at Rnam rgyal Grwa tshang, his story is told briefly in Memories of Life 7.

'JAM DPAL GO CHA — 132 89.5.  See Manydzu shrī warma.

'Ug pa gling pa 'JAM DPAL GRAGS PA — Vai.Ser. 206.

Slob dpon 'JAM DPAL GRAGS PA — Author of work cited in 420 I 396.2.

Rigs ldan 'JAM DPAL GRAGS PA — Second predecessor of Paṇ chen Bla ma (q.v.).  "Dang po'i rtsa rgyud sdud mdzad."  Picture in 128 870.  BD of T&TB I 567.  He's the king of Shambhala by that name.


Pad nor II Thub bstan chos kyi glang po 'JAM DPAL GRUB PA'I BLO GROS — His works were published by the present Pad nor Rin po che at Byalakuppe in 1983 in 5 or more vols.  It has a short Sde dge Rgyal rabs (I 143 ff.), bios. of Pad nor lineage.  A short verse bio. of 'Jigs med gling pa.  Gnam chos teachings.  Many ritual texts, and bca' yig.

'JAM DPAL GLING — In Bsam yas.  87 I 51.4.

'JAM DPAL DGONGS 'DUS GSANG SNGAGS CHEN PO'I RGYUD — Text in 319 IV 87 ff.  320 IV 557‑581.

Mi pham 'JAM DPAL DGYES PA — N. of Mi pham (1846‑1912).

'JAM DPAL DGYES PA'I RDO RJE — N. of Mi pham (1846‑1912).

'JAM DPAL DGYES PA'I BLO GROS GTSUG LAG BSTAN PA 'DZIN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — Literary n. of Khu nu ba Bstan 'dzin rgyal mtshan (b. 1896).  Smith, Philology appendix II.

'JAM DPAL DGRA 'DUL — (ca. 1830)  Aka Theg mchog seng ge.  King of Mustang.  ISTS 135‑136.  Met by Dkar ru Grub dbang.

'JAM DPAL RGYA MTSHO — Contemp. of Mkhyen brtse.  Almogi, MA thesis 231.

'JAM DPAL RGYA MTSHO — (1758‑1804/5)  Dalai Lama viii.  Waddell 233.  "Gtsang Thob rgyal du 'khrungs."  Dhongthog 54.  Bio. in BD of T&TB VI 351.  Pictured in 128 360 (?), 402, 858.  Bio. in 165 II 817‑818.  Bio. by Rta tshag Rje drung Blo bzang thub bstan 'jigs med rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 0544, in 365 fols. as well as in Filibeck, Catalog II 347 (no. 743).  Rta tshag Bstan pa'i mgon po composed Rgyal ba 'Jam dpal rgya mtsho'i Gser sdong Dge legs Gzi 'bar gyi Dkar chag listed in BLP no. 0557.  A very large applique silk thangka depicts him and his tutor, the Tshe mchog gling Yongs 'dzin.  See Pal, AHC 197.

Grub pa'i Dbang phyug 'JAM DPAL RGYA MTSHO — (1356‑1428)  Dge lugs pa.  BD of T&TB V 195.  "Mdo smad Tsong kha'i yul du 'khrungs."  Dhongthog 53.  Disc. of Tsong kha pa.  165 I contents.  Pictured in 128 94A, 99A, 360 (?).  Bio. in 165 I 849.  Called Rtogs ldan in 332 preface 16.  Wrote secret biography of Tsong kha pa.  Author of bio. of Tsong kha pa listed in BLP no. 0907.  See Willis in SoundingsTS7 I 66. 

Skyabs che Rtogs ldan 'JAM DPAL RGYA MTSHO — A Karma pa.  Bio. in 35 I 638‑639.  Prob. subj. of bio. in BLP no. 1017.

'JAM DPAL RGYAL MTSHAN — Subj. of bio. by Spyan snga Blo gros rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 0839.

'JAM DPAL CHOS 'KHOR MA — Pictured in Essen & Tingo, Die Götter des Himalayas 68.

'JAM DPAL CHOS KYI BSTAN 'DZIN 'PHRIN LAS — Btsan po No mon han Sprul sku.  His 1820 version of 'Dzam gling Rgyas Bshad publ. in 1981 (see NMH).  The Indian part of his work is evidently described in Lama Sherab Rhaldi, "India in 'Dzam gling rgyas bshad," Bulletin of Tibetology, issue no. 2 of the year 1984 (see also issue no. 3 of the year 1985).  His correct dates should be 1789‑1839; information thanks to Vladimir Uspensky.  Uspensky gives the name of a 363 fol. medical work, carved in Peking, with title Gso rig Bstan bcos Mtha' dag gi Snying po rnams Phyogs gcig tu Bsdus pa Man ngag Rin chen Gcig tu Bsdus pa Man ngag Rin chen 'Byung gnas

Lo paṇ 'JAM DPAL CHOS DPAL — Author of a bio. of Yang dgon pa listed in BLP no. 1770.

'Jam dkar ba 'JAM DPAL CHOS BZANG — Disc. of Tsong kha pa.  165 I contents.

'JAM DPAL CHOS KYI BSHES GNYEN — N. of Rdo rje gling pa.  413 373.6.

Lo paṇ ras pa 'JAM DPAL CHOS LHA — Met Gtsang smyon in circa 1502 and served for some time as his scribe.  Author of bio. of Yang dgon pa.  See 20 29.  72 I 481.1.

'JAM DPAL SNYING PO — N. of Tsong kha pa in Tuṣita paradise.  Waddell 268.

'JAM DPAL BSTAN DAR — A monk cabinet minister who, in 1918, introduced the me gshe (gun ranch) tax to the nomads.  Tsarong in TJ XXIII no 3 (1998) 28.

'JAM DPAL BSTAN PA'I SGRON ME — (1728‑?)  BD of T&TB V 622.

'JAM DPAL MTHU STOBS RDO RJE — See Mi pham 'jam dpal mthu stobs rdo rje.


'JAM DPAL BDE BA'I NYI MA — (active circa 1920)  A chos 7.

'JAM DPAL 'DUS PA'I RGYUD — Text in 319 VIII 395‑403.  320 VIII 551‑558.

'JAM DPAL RDO RJE — Guhyasamāja deity thangka illus. in Po ta la (1996) 168.  This is the main deity of Guhyasamāja according to the Ye shes zhabs Lugs.  The image that belonged to Atiśa is said to be preserved at Rwa sgreng. Roesler, KSP 18.

'JAM DPAL RDO RJE — Author of Gso rig Bstan bcos Mtha' dag gi Snying po rnams Phyogs gcig tu Bsdus pa Man ngag Rin chen 'Byung gnas.  Publ. in SSSS vol. 30 in 1975.  A letter from him to his older sister, dated 1805, was found inside an appliqued silk thangka of Tsongkhapa in the Newark Museum collection.  He was studying at 'Bras spungs.  I haven't yet seen the article by P. Banzragch & B. Gerke, Some Notes on the Famous Mongolian Pharmacologist Jambal Dorje, Ayurvijnana 8 (2002).

'JAM DPAL RDO RJE — King of Mustang (late 18th cent.).  ISTS 136.

Gnyal zhig 'JAM DPAL RDO RJE — (c. 1160‑1220)  His Abhisamayālaṃkāra comm. is subj. of articles by Gareth Sparham and Jampa Samten.  TS7 II 831 ff.  ='Jam pa'i rdo rje.

Mang rong 'JAM DPAL RDO RJE — Gter bton217 484.2 ff.  410 131B.1.

Rdza stod Mtshan nyid Sprul sku iv 'JAM DPAL NOR BU — (b. 1892)  Collected Works in 3 vols. publ. 1974.

Mnga' bdag 'JAM DPAL NOR BU — (d. in 14th cent.)  Son of Padma dngos grub.  Rnying ma.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 138.  210 24.3.

Yongs 'dzin iv Mi pham 'JAM DPAL DPA' BO — (1720‑1780)  'Brug pa.  7  Author of Phyag chen Khrid yig.  Author of Snyan rgyud Yid bzhin nor bu'i Rnam bshad Yang gsal gyi Zin bris Bde mchog 'Khor lo Mtha' yas pa'i Nges Gnas Rab Gsal, a comm. on Bde mchog Snyan brgyud study of Padma dkar po, publ. in 2 vols., 1978.  355.  Author of comm. on Nā ro Chos Drug Zin bris of Padma dkar po.  117 271‑313.  Author of Phyag chen Sngon Khrid129 OO 251‑567.  Author of Phyag chen Khrid yig129 V 425‑597.  For bio., see Kolmas catalogue no. 1355.  Bio. by Ber tshang Chos rje listed in BLP no. 0842.

Stod mtshans Sprul sku 'JAM DPAL 'PHRIN LAS YON TAN RGYA MTSHO — (1913‑?)  Author of Bsdus grwa'i Don Kun Bsdus pa Legs bshad Mkhas pa'i Dga' ston, publ. by Drepung Loseling Library Society (Mundgod 1978).  On Buddhist logic.

Mkhan Rin po che 'JAM DPAL BLO GROS — Author of Bod kyi Chos brgyud Khag gi Chos 'byung dang Lta grub Mdor bsdus 'Khrul sel Dad pa'i Sgo byed, n.p. (2003), in 92 pages.

Dpal yul Rdzong nang 'JAM DPAL BLO GROS — (b. 1931)  Author of Record of Nyingma Monasteries in Tibet (Dalhousie 1965).

Kha rag Bla ma 'JAM DPAL BLO BZANG RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1939)  Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 418.

Smon 'gro ba 'JAM DPAL DBANG RGYAL RDO RJE — Author of bio. of Dalai Lama v listed in BLP no. 0534.  This work, with the title Rgyal dbang Thams cad mkhyen pa Ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho'i Mtshan Thos pa'i Yid la Bdud rtsir Byed pa'i Rnam thar Mthong ba Don ldan Mchog tu Dga' ba'i Sgra dbyangs Garga ga Gsum pa, is now available (E. Gene Smith).

'JAM DPAL DBYANGS — Author of Sman Dpyad Zla ba'i Rgyal poDD 714.

'JAM DPAL DBYANGS — Pictured in 128 518.

Zhabs drung 'JAM DPAL DBYANGS — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1749.

Rje drung 'JAM DPAL 'BYUNG GNAS — (19th cent.)  Stag lung Bka' brgyud pa.  According to a website, Tiger Valley Sacred Texts, his works have been recovered (no details given), and will be reprinted.

'JAM DPAL TSHUL KHRIMS — B. at Gtsang Thob rgyal.  72nd Dga' ldan Khri pa in about 1819.  BD of T&TB VI 205.  Pictured in 128 406, 498, 960.

Rgyud smad Bla ma Dbu mdzad 'JAM DPAL TSHUL KHRIMS — A co‑author of BLP no. 0547, bio. of the Dalai Lama ix.

Tshe smon gling 'JAM DPAL TSHUL KHRIMS — See under Tshe smon gling.

'JAM DPAL DMAR PO — In title in 320 XXII 83.1.  It also occurs in title of the Mo gho Ding ri'i Sgra Tshad, q.v.

'JAM DPAL SMRA BA'I SENG GE RDO RJE DBYANGS CAN...  — (fl. 1950).  337 157.4.

'JAM DPAL RTSA RGYUD — Mañjuśrīmūlakalpa.  An outline of the chapters has been supplied by Hartzell in his dissertation, 302 ff.

'JAM DPAL MTSHAN BRJOD — Subject of a fine bronze in Essen & Tingo, Die Götter des Himalayas 72.

'JAM DPAL MTSHAN YANG DAG PAR BRJOD PA — Text.  320 XV 97‑118.  Commentaries listed in 449 40.3.  Comm.  SBTD I 238.  Tohoku 6000.

Slob dpon 'JAM DPAL RDZUS SKYES — 87 XXVI 57.3.

'JAM DPAL ZHAL LUNG — A frequently quoted scripture revealed by 'Jam dpal to the Indian Sangs rgyas ye shes.  11 126, 137 n. 44.  For transmission, see 165 II 590 ff.

'JAM DPAL ZHING BKOD PA — Cited in 476 V 227.7.

'JAM DPAL ZLA BA'I GO CHA DBYANGS CAN DGYES PA'I BSHES GNYEN — Literary n. of Sde gzhung Sprul sku Kun dga' bstan pa'i nyi ma (b. 1906).

'JAM DPAL BZANG PO — See 'Jam dpal bshes gnyen phyi ma.

'JAM DPAL BZANG PO — (late 15th early 16th)  Mentioned in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation 83.  Jackson, Patron 88.

Kun mkhyen 'JAM DPAL BZANG PO — (ca. 1400)  Aka (Ban sgar Kun mkhyen).  Karma pa.  Bio. in 35 I 526‑530.  11 70.  Work in 123 II 427B ff.  BD of T&TB VII 141.  12 IX 85.1.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1399.  Drepung Catalog 894.

Brang ti 'JAM DPAL BZANG PO — One who was instrumental in transmission of the gter ma of (Brang ti) Rgyal nye mkhar bu.  BD of T&TB III 335.

Smugs sangs Ban de 'JAM DPAL BZANG PO — (1901‑1980)  TS5 816.

Mkhan chen Rnal 'byor 'JAM DPAL BZANG PO BKRA SHIS GRAGS PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0238.

'JAM DPAL YE SHES — Shastri in TS9 I 141.

Ke'u tshang Bla ma 'JAM DPAL YE SHES — (b. 1944)  Keutsang Trulku Jampel Yeshe, Memoirs of Keutsang Lama (Life in Tibet after the Chinese 'Liberation'), Paljor Publications (Delhi 2001), in 258 pages.

Yongs 'dzin V 'JAM DPAL YE SHES GRUB PA — (1781‑1845)  Aka Ye shes grub pa, the Fifth Bde chen chos 'khor Yongs 'dzin.  'Brug pa.  7.  Collected works in one vol., see 136.  His autobiography in 136 7‑72.  Bio. by Zhabs drung vii in 136 395‑440.  Pictured in 128 258.  Autobio., see 172.  Bio. by Chos mgon vii in 174.  Author of 179.  Full name in 174 4A.5.  Verses of praise ending at 337 96.  His Smon lam Rang 'byung Klong yangs publ. at Chemre in 1968 from Hemis Mon. woodblocks.

Rwa sgreng Rin po che 'JAM DPAL YE SHES RGYAL MTSHAN — ISTS xvi ff.

'JAM DPAL YE SHES BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — Subj. of bio. listed in BLP no. 0840.  A Yongs 'dzin by this name, bio. listed in BLP no. 1799.  Bio. by Dge bshes Tshul khrims rnam rgyal listed in BLP no. 1802.

Yongs 'dzin Chen po A mdo Dge bshes 'Jam dpal rol pa'i blo gros — (1888‑1944)  His collected works have been published in 2 vols. in 2004 (in Xining): Yongs 'dzin chen po A mdo Dge bshes 'Jam dpal rol pa'i blo gros kyi Gsung 'bum Legs bshad Nor bu'i Thang ma.  A bio. with photo has been posted at "lotsawahouse.org."

'JAM DPAL RIGS LNGA — A gter ma of (Spo bo Gter chen) Bdud 'dul rdo rje (q.v.).

Yongs 'dzin 'JAM DPAL SHES BYA KUN RIG — A 'Brug pa.  7.  =('Brug pa Yongs 'dzin) Shes bya kun khyen.  BD of T&TB VII 262.

'JAM DPAL GSHIN RJE — Disc. of Dga' rab rdo rje.  Son of King of Singga la.  413 120.3 ff.

'Phags pa 'JAM DPAL GYI BSHAD RGYUD RIN PO CHE'I PHRENG BA — Text in 10 chapters in 320 IV 529‑556.

'JAM DPAL BSHES GNYEN — Mañjuśrīmitra.  Previous to his initiations from Dga' rab rdo rje, he was known as Snying po grub pa (q.v.).  Met by Padmasambhava.  87 I 19.4.  Bio. in 33 82.  132 44.2 ff, 120.2.  Works in 194 XIV.  Pictured in 128 664.  320 IV 645.  BD of T&TB I 303 ff, 307 ff, 377‑382.  Work in 36 I.  In Guhyasamāja lineage.  BD of T&TB I 120.  Aka 'Jam dpal gshin rje.  413 121.3.

'JAM DPAL BSHES GNYEN — A n. of (Gtsang Mkhan chen) ('Jam dbyangs) Dpal ldan rgya mtsho (q.v.).

'JAM DPAL BSHES GNYEN PHYI MA — Aka 'Jam dpal bzang po.  132 58.4 ff.  BD of T&TB I 320, 382.  413 149.3.  He is rebirth of 'Jam dpal bshes gnyen in W India who gave teachings to Padmasambhava  LGCM 602.5.

Dge bshes 'JAM DPAL SANGS RGYAS — Tucci, Religions ix.  Perhaps his real name is 'Jam dpal seng ge?  See Encyclopaedia of Buddhism V 602.

Rgya 'JAM DPAL GSANG BA — Head of the tantric community of Bsam yas in reign of Khri Ral pa can.  His dates can be estimated at around 760‑850.  Vitali in TS9 I 84.

'JAM DPAL GSANG BA'I RGYUD — 320 XXII 2 ff, 284 ff.

'Khor lo'i Mgon po 'JAM DPAL LHUN GRUB — Pictured in 128 502.

Dwags po Sprul sku 'JAM DPAL LHUN GRUB RGYA MTSHO — (recent)  Barlocher 224, 227‑232, etc.  Bio. by Drung yig Blo bzang rdo rje listed in BLP no. 1106.

'JAM DPON — Title, 'head of postal station'.  Kuijp in TH&L 302 n. 26.

Skyi ston 'JAM DBYANGS — Or, 'Jam dbyangs grags pa.  A teacher of (Dol po pa) Shes rab rgyal mtshan (1292‑1361).  Probably same as the (Btsun pa) 'Jam dbyangs, who was in the lineage of (Skyi ston) Grags 'bum.  See BA 776 ff.  17 II 417.6.  27 87.  He seems to come between Dpang Lo and Dol po pa in the Kālacakra lineage.

Btsun pa 'JAM DBYANGS — Donor for compilation of Snar thang Bka' 'gyur and Bstan 'gyur.  Name variously spelled as 'Jam ngag gab shis, or, 'Jam dgag pakshi, or 'Jam sgeg.  27 22.  He was a disc. of Rig pa'i ral gri.  BA 337.  17 II 381.4.  83E 477.  Went to Mongolia.  Thu'u 452.  Dung dkar 154.

A sang 'JAM DBYANGS KUN DGA' — One of the founders of Bsam 'grub Mon. in 15th cent.  Thar in TS9 IV 164.

'Bras yul Skyed tshal Mkhan po 'JAM DBYANGS KUN DGA' CHOS BZANG — Author of 'Dul ba'i Rnam bshad Lung Rigs Gter Mdzod, on Buddhist Vinaya, publ. 1974.

'JAM DBYANGS KUN DGA' PHYOGS LAS RNAM RGYAL — Dpal Ngan song Thams cad Yongs su Sbyang ba (Sa skya pa) publ. 1979.


'JAM DBYANGS KUN DGA' SENG GE — (1314‑1347)  Kuijp in TH&L 281.

Sa skya Lo tsā ba 'JAM DBYANGS KUN DGA' BSOD NAMS GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — (1485‑1533)  Abbot of Sa skya starting in 1498.  TPS 686‑687.  Ferrari 151.  "Rtse gdong Phun tshogs gling Khang bzang du 'khrungs."  Dhongthog 53.  Acc. to 76 2, he wrote bio. of Glo bo Mkhan chen.  See under Kun dga' bsod nams.  For his Bka' 'bum, see Kolmas, Catalogue.  His bio., see SBTD I 371.

Phun khang 'JAM DBYANGS KUN BZANG THUB BSTAN CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. ca. late 1870's, d. ca. 1930).  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 91.

Chos rje 'JAM DBYANGS DKON MCHOG CHOS 'PHEL — (1573‑1646)  35th Khri thog of Dga' ldan (1627‑1638).  BD of T&TB VI 157.  Pictured in 128 922.  Vai.Ser. 302.


'JAM DBYANGS DKON MCHOG BSTAN PA'I RGYA MTSHO — (1824‑1906)  48th in gdan rabs of Bkra shis 'khyil.

Bya 'JAM DBYANGS BKRA SHIS RNAM RGYAL — Karma pa.  Bio. in 35 I 643.

'JAM DBYANGS BKRA SHIS DPAL LDAN — Bio. by Kun dga' grol mchog listed in BLP no. 0813, with another bio. by Paṇ chen Bsod nams grags pa, BLP no. 0814.  Isn't this 'Jam dbyangs Chos rje Bkra shis dpal ldan?

'JAM DBYANGS SKAL LDAN — (1769‑1831)  34th in gdan rabs of Bkra shis 'khyil.  BD of T&TB V 820.

'JAM DBYANGS KHA CHE — A Tibetan.  378 I contents.  TS5 51.  Author of bio. of Tsong kha pa listed in BLP no. 0900.

Shāk btsun 'JAM DBYANGS MKHAS GRUB — See BLP no. 0023.

'JAM DBYANGS MKHYEN BRTSE — (pre 17th cent.)  Contents of Gsung 'bum, see 374 II 267.4 ff.

Sta ru Dge slong 'JAM DBYANGS MKHYEN BRTSE — Author of guidebook to Rwa sgreng listed in BLP no. 1825.

Kun gzigs 'JAM DBYANGS MKHYEN BRTSE'I DBANG PO — (1819/20‑1892)  Wrote Dbus Gtsang Gnas yig, the one tr. by Ferrari.  Mind manifestation of 'Jigs med gling pa.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 500.  Short bio. in 63 I 175.  Kong sprul wrote his bio. in 1893 (listed in BLP no. 0831).  12 XV 343‑577.  Pictured in 128 442, 688.  BD of T&TB VII 267.  Bio. in 344 173‑192.  363 25.4 ff.  409 2A.4.  Monastic n. was Kun dga' bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan.  BD of T&TB V 48‑62.  Main leader of the Ris med movement.  B. at Zhal mo sgang.  At age 12 he became novice at Thar rtse.  In 1840 he went to Central Tibet and was ordained at Smin grol gling Mon.  Tucci, Lhasa 123‑124.  Bio. cited in 420 I 546.3.  29 7.  23 2.  His Grub thog Thugs tig in 87 IV 449‑612.  His Rtsa gsum Spyi 'dus Snying thig in 87 VII 49‑90.  Dgongs gter in 87 XXIV, XXV.  Work on Yamāntaka in 87 XXVII (see also XLI).  His 'Chi med Mtsho skyes Snying thig in 87 XV.  Collected works in 24 vols publ. at Gangtok in 1977+.  397.  His large 'Od gsal Snying thig in 87 CIV.  See Kværne no. 191.  Pictured in 320 XXV 2.  Collected songs, see 392.  Aka Mdo sngags gling pa.  Aka 'Jigs med mkhyen brtse'i 'od zer bdud 'dul 'phrin las rol pa rtsal (q.v.).  Mkhyen brtse on History; 383.  Songs in 397 XXII 331‑622.  Rebirths, see 415 XI 130.5.  For medical work, see DD 717‑718.  His Zab lam Bla ma Sgrub cing Mchod pa'i Cho ga Bde chen Mkha' spyod 'Jug pa'i Sgo publ. at Rum btegs in 1972, and again at Paro in 1979. 

'JAM DBYANGS MKHYEN BRTSE'I 'OD ZER — (1895/6‑1945)  The first Be ru Mkhyen brtse Rin po che.  He is considered the Speech reincarnation of Mkhyen brtse.

'JAM DBYANGS MKHYEN RAB — Bio. by Sprul sku Chos kyi rdo rje listed in BLP no. 0834.

A mchog iii 'JAM DBYANGS MKHYEN RAB RGYA MTSHO — (1847‑ca. 1941)  TS5 798.  A 4‑vol. set of what are probably his collected works published in Chengdu in 2009:  Rtogs ldan Khri Rin po che 'Jam dbyangs mkhyen rab rgya mtsho'i Gsung 'bum.  D. 1940, acc. to Velm I 266.  Barlocher 165‑171, etc.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 2094.

'JAM DBYANGS 'KHON STON — Founded Sngon mo Chos rdzong (q.v.).

'JAM DBYANGS GRAGS — King of Shambhala.  128 996.

'JAM DBYANGS GRAGS PA — Disc. of Kong sprul and Mkhyen brtse.  380 preface.

Skyi ston 'JAM DBYANGS GRAGS PA — See (Skyi ston) 'Jam dbyangs.

Dge slong 'JAM DBYANGS GRAGS PA — 458 I 217.5.  Active in 1696.  See Ehrhard in SCEAR 9 (1996) 39, 49.  He did the gzungs 'bul rites for the roof ganjira of stūpa hall of the Dalai Lama v, depicted in a wallpainting in Po ta la (1996) 130.

Pha bong kha pa 'JAM DBYANGS GRAGS PA — Works in 307 II 456 ff.  Bio. of the Dalai Lama v listed in BLP no. 0530.

Sdog ston 'JAM DBYANGS GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — Comm. on Guhyasamāja publ. in 1979.

'JAM DBYANGS GRAGS PA 'OD ZER — Achard, L'Essence 82.

'JAM DBYANGS DGA' BA'I BLO GROS — (1429‑1503)  3rd abbot of 'Bras spungs.  Vostrikov, Critical 67.  ='Jam dbyangs legs pa chos sbyor.

'JAM DBYANGS DGA' BA'I BLO GROS LEGS PA CHOS 'BYOR See Mengele, dGe 144, n. 281.  Author of BLP no. 1466.

'JAM DBYANGS DGA' BA'I BSHES GNYEN — A n. of the Dalai Lama v.  Essais 125.

Gong sa 'JAM DBYANGS DGE BA'I BSHES GNYEN — A ruler at Phag mo gru.  Wylie 68.

Ku se Gser ljongs Mkhan po 'JAM DBYANGS DGE LEGS — (20th cent.)  Karma pa.  Work in 346.  Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 0969.


'JAM DBYANGS MGON PO — (b. 1208)  Of Smad 'brug.  17 IV 450.6, 464.4.  'Jam dbyangs mgon po'i Phyi Nang Gsang Gsum gyi Rang rnam, listed in BLP no. 0836.  He is very likely the subject of an image kept in the Norton Simon Museum. See Pal, AHC 150 (pl. 101), which bears the inscription: pha 'jam dbyangs mgon po la na moBA 676‑679.  A brief bio. may be found in 17 II 587.5 ff.  According to this, he was one of the chief disciples of Lo ras pa (d. 1250), and he was lineage teacher of Tsa ri ras chen.  He compiled some works (titles given), his secret name was Don yod rdo rje, and later he went to Ri bo Rtse lnga in China without abandoning his body.  He seems to have followed Cutting teachings as well as Kagyu; see Chos kyi seng ge & Gang pa, Pha dam pa dang Ma cig Lab sgron gyi Rnam thar, Mtsho sngon Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (1992), p. 234.  He is located quite early in some of the Gcod lineages.  A few of his Gcod works still exists, and may be found in Gcod tshogs kyi Lag len sogs, "a collection of Gcod texts representing the ancient practices of the adepts of the tradition, reproduced directly from a rare ms. collection from Limi, Nepal," D. Tsondu Senghe (Bir 1985).  I've noted another of his Gcod works in St. Petersburg collection.  Acc. to Gangs can Mkhas grub, pp. 634‑636 (a summary entirely based on Blue Annals):  Among his names were Bsod nams mgon po, [ordination n.] Shes rab 'byung gnas, Don yod rdo rje.  He got the name by which he is remembered, Mañjughoṣanātha, because of  his great accomplishments as a scholar.  He wrote works on worldly subjects (BA 679 notes a work of his on making Chinese stoves), as may be seen in this list of his works: sngags kyi dbang rgyud 'grel ba man ngag gi skor / gzhung bshad spyi bsdus mang po / mi dpyad / rta dpyad / sman dpyad / rtsis kyi bstan bcos.

'JAM DBYANGS RGYA MTSHO — (1688‑1761)  BD of T&TB V 578.

'JAM DBYANGS RGYA MTSHO — (1803‑1865)  BD of T&TB V 893.  50th in gdan rabs of Bkra shis 'khyil. 

'JAM DBYANGS RGYAL MTSHAN — Subj. of bio. by Blo gsal bzang po listed in BLP no. 0838.

'JAM DBYANGS RGYAL MTSHAN — (1748‑1811)  BD of T&TB V 601.

Sga ba Bla ma 'JAM DBYANGS RGYAL MTSHAN — (1870‑1940)  'Jam blo.  346 150.1.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 88.

Ngag dbang 'JAM DBYANGS RGYAL MTSHAN — 6th Bhutan hierarch.  Preceded Chos kyi dbang phyug.  Probably the subject of bio. in 201.

Grang phu lung pa 'JAM DBYANGS RGYAL MTSHAN — Named as a teacher of Gro mo che ba (12th cent.).  BD of T&TB III 384.

Rje Mkhan po xviii 'JAM DBYANGS RGYAL MTSHAN — (1743‑1802)  59 preface.

Byang nags chub 'JAM DBYANGS RGYAL MTSHAN — 363 118.1.

'JAM DBYANGS SNGON PO — Kuijp in  Lungta 14 (2001) 65.  Was briefly abbot of Rtse thang in 1364.

'JAM DBYANGS CHEN PO — See (— — — —) Don grub 'od zer.  (— — — —) Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan.

'JAM DBYANGS CHOS SKOR — Visionary teachings of Tsong kha pa.  374 II 78 ff.


'JAM DBYANGS CHOS RJE — See (— — — — —) Bkra shis dpal ldan (1379‑1449).

'JAM DBYANGS CHOS KYI NYI MA — Author of a bio. of Karma blo gros mtha' yas listed in BLP no. 0018.

'JAM DBYANGS CHOS KYI NYI MA — (1810‑1849)  BD of T&TB V 626.

Brag ri Rdo rje 'chang 'JAM DBYANGS CHOS KYI NYI MA — Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 90, 92, 96 (here called Klu sdings Rgyal sras, dates 1864/1872‑1926).


'JAM DBYANGS CHOS 'PHEL — Dge lugs pa.  Bio. in 165 II 339‑341.  Hoffmann in Houston, Wings of the White Crane xix.

Rdzong sar Mkhyen brtse 'JAM DBYANGS CHOS KYI BLO GROS — (1893‑1959)  Student of Si tu who died in Gangtok.  Wrote a long travel account.  Bio. in 454.  The 'phrin las sprul sku of 'Jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse'i dbang po.  Dhongthog 136.  Works in 7 vols. publ. 1981 in 398.  Other works have been published.  Gnas Yul Ḍā ki'i Gtso mo Zhing skyong dbang mo'i Gsol mchod publ. 1972.  Lha chen Phrin bcol Dbang byed Padma'i Phreng Mdzes publ. 1972 (on Mahādeva, or Shiva as a Buddhist protector).  Ma gcig Gnyan gyi Lha mo'i Gsang ba'i Phrin bcol Rdo rje'i Rig 'dzin Gdung ba'i Smre sngags Gu hya Rgya publ. 1972.  He did not meet Shākya shrī, but received many teachings from his disc. Padma chos rgyal.  His biography was woodblock printed in Sikkim, but unfortunately the copy acquired by the LTWA is incomplete (pages from a dhāraṇī text have been made to replace the missing pages!):  'Jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros kyi Rtogs pa Brjod pa Sgyu ma'i Rol rtsed, but copies have also been made available to PL480, fortunately.  There are now substantial biographical sketches on the internet.

'JAM DBYANGS CHOS KYI DBANG PHYUG — See under (Dgon chen Mkhyen brtse) Chos kyi dbang phyug.

'JAM DBYANGS MJING G.YON — Image at Nalanda.  Chag 92.

Brag dgon Sprul sku 'JAM DBYANGS BSTAN PA RGYA MTSHO — Work entitled Bcom ldan 'das Kun rig Rnam par snang mdzad+ publ. 1976.  Lama of Labrang Mon. in Amdo.

'JAM DBYANGS BSTAN PA CHOS BSTAN — (1760‑1797)  BD of T&TB V 622.

Rgya nag pa 'JAM DBYANGS BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — (1686‑1738)  Works listed in SBTD I 306.  Autobio. listed in BLP no. 0493.

Gung thang pa 'JAM DBYANGS BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — Bio. by 'Jigs med 'phrin las rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 0374.

Drung yig 'JAM DBYANGS BSTAN 'DZIN — (ca. 1676)  458 I 178.4.

Stong 'khor Sprul sku 'JAM DBYANGS BSTAN 'DZIN RGYA MTSHO — In incarnation lineage of (Stong 'khor) Zla ba rgyal mtshan.  Student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

'JAM DBYANGS BSTAN 'DZIN NYI MA — (1807‑?)  BD of T&TB V 914.

'JAM DBYANGS THUB BSTAN RGYA MTSHO — Author of Kirti'i Mchod sdong gi Dkar chag, listed in BLP no. 0024.

'JAM DBYANGS THUB BSTAN RGYA MTSHO — (contemp.)  Manager of Labrang Mon.  TS7 I 303.

Lcang lung Khri rgan 'JAM DBYANGS THUB BSTAN RGYA MTSHO — His bio. by 'Jigs med dam chos rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 0703.

Bde thang Mkhan sprul 'JAM DBYANGS THUB BSTAN RGYA MTSHO — Subj. of bio. listed in BLP no. 1159.

'JAM DBYANGS THUB BSTAN NYI MA — (1719‑1803)  BD of T&TB V 793.  30th in gdan rabs of Bkra shis 'khyil.

Gshis tshang 'JAM DBYANGS THOGS MED — (1860‑?)  BD of T&TB V 915.


Blo bzang 'JAM DBYANGS DAM CHOS — B. at Rgyal rong.  78th Dga' ldan Khri pa (1861‑1867).  BD of T&TB VI 207.  128 966.

'JAM DBYANGS DON GRUB — Bio. by Blo bzang snyan grags rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 0837.

Sga rje Khams sprul 'JAM DBYANGS DON GRUB — (b. 1928)  See Garje, Memories.

'JAM DBYANGS BDE BA'I RDO RJE — Author of a work on Bka' gdams Thig le Bcu drug, listed in Dung dkar 166.  Author of the Dkar chag of the Golden Tanjur. 

'JAM DBYANGS NAM MKHA' — His bio. of Paṇḍi ta Grags pa rgyal mtshan is listed in BLP no. 1271.

'JAM DBYANGS NOR BU — A famous modern author who writes in English, primarily.  Short story, The Silence, publ. in TJ II no. 1, pp. 60‑65.

'JAM DBYANGS RNAM RGYAL — (17th cent.)  A king of Ladakh.  Father of Seng ge rnam rgyal.  14 86.  TS7 II 669.  King of Ladakh at beginning of 17th cent.  DTK5 191.

'JAM DBYANGS RNAM RGYAL — A pen name of E. Gene Smith (proof in preface to Dezhung Rinpoche's Sa skya history).

'JAM DBYANGS RNAM RGYAL — N. of Mi pham (1846‑1912).

'JAM DBYANGS RNAM RGYAL RGYA MTSHO — N. of Mi pham (1846‑1912).

Chos rje 'JAM DBYANGS PA — 16th century king of Mustang.  ISTS 134‑135.

Gtsang Mkhan chen 'JAM DBYANGS DPAL LDAN RGYA MTSHO — See Dpal ldan rgya mtsho.


'JAM DBYANGS 'PHRIN LAS — 'Phags pa Tshe dpag tu med pa'i Be bum, a collection of long life rites of Amitāyus, including the 'Ba' ra ba Tshe khrid Rin chen Gter Mdzod (N. Delhi 1978).  Dates to circa 1710?  463 I 163.4.

'JAM DBYANGS BYAMS PA'I BSHES GNYEN — Name appears in Sanskritic form in Bod kyi thang ga, Bod Rang skyong ljongs Rig dngos Do dam U yon Lhan khang (Lhasa 1984), p. 76.

'JAM DBYANGS BLA MA — Revealer of the Rtsa Gsum Dril Sgrub Gsol 'debs in 87 VI 39‑121.  Bio. in 210 75.3 ff.  Lived in 6th rab byung383 219.5.  410 124B.3.

'JAM DBYANGS BLO GROS — (1651‑1733)  BD of T&TB V 599.

G.yer shong 'JAM DBYANGS BLO GROS — In incarnation lineage of Mi la ras pa.

Brag g.yab Stong ldan 'JAM DBYANGS BLO GROS — (1888‑1941)  Rnying ma pa who became a Dge lugs pa.  441 I 51.6.  Called Brag g.yab Rtogs ldan 'Jam dbyangs blo gros in Jampa Samten Shastri, Origins of the Tibetan Canon 780.  He urged the carving of the Chab mdo Kanjur blocks.  His bio. of Byang sems Shes rab bzang po listed in BLP no. 1457.  TBRC gives his dates as 1888‑1941, and the variant names Ngag dbang ye shes, Don grub tshe ring, 'O 'bom Rtogs ldan, Brag g.yab Rtogs ldan.

'JAM DBYANGS BLO GROS RGYA MTSHO'I SGRA DBYANGS —  =Rdo rje dbang mchog dgyes pa rtsal (q.v.).


'JAM DBYANGS SMON LAM — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 116.6.  365 300.4.

'JAM DBYANGS SMON LAM — See under Seng chen Blo bzang bstan 'dzin dpal 'byor.

'JAM DBYANGS SMON LAM — 67th Khri thog of Dga' ldan (1807‑?).  BD of T&TB VI 203.  B. in Mu li.  128 954.

Ke'u tshang 'JAM DBYANGS SMON LAM — (b. 1689)  Works listed in SBTD I 46.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 253.  Author of bio. of Rin chen rnam par rgyal ba listed in BLP no. 1868 & of another bio. listed at no. 1870.  Dung dkar 153.

'JAM DBYANGS SMRA BA'I NYI MA TSHANGS SRAS DGYES PA'I LANG TSHO — Literary n. of Ngor pa Dpon slob Ngag dbang legs grub.  Smith, Philology appendix II.

Mchog gling Mchog sprul 'JAM DBYANGS SMRA BA'I ZLA BA — 239 XXV contents.

'JAM DBYANGS TSHUL KHRIMS DAR RGYAS — (1632‑?)  45th Khri thog of Dga' ldan (1685‑1691).  BD of T&TB VI 169 ff.  Pictured in 128 932.


'JAM DBYANGS BZHAD PA — They were the presiding bla mas of Bla brang Bkra shis 'khyil, one of the most important Dge lugs pa establishments in E Tibet.  There is a picture of a 'Jam dbyangs bzhad pa as a child in David‑Neel, My Journey to Lhasa 84.  The 5th incarnation was b. in 1916, & died Apr. 4, 1947; Nietupski, Labrang 22‑25, 72. 

'JAM DBYANGS BZHAD PA — See (— — — — i) Ngag dbang brtson 'grus (1648‑1721/2).  (— — — — ii) Ye shes brtson 'grus grags pa'i sde (1728‑1791).  (— — — — ii) Dkon mchog 'jigs med dbang po (1728‑1791).  (— — — — iii?) Blo bzang thub bstan 'jigs med rgya mtsho (1792‑1855), acc. to Dhongthog 56.  (— — — — iv) Bskal bzang thub bstan dbang phyug (1856‑1916).  (— — — — v) Blo bzang 'jam dbyangs ye shes bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan (1916‑1947).  (— — — — vi) Blo bzang 'jigs med thub bstan chos kyi nyi ma (the current incarnate).

'JAM DBYANGS BZHAD PA'I RDO RJE — Author of bio. of Tsong kha pa listed in BLP no. 0903.

Har gdong Dge bshes 'JAM DBYANGS ZLA BA — Abbot of (Smar khams) 'Gro phan gling.  438 VI 652.3.

'JAM DBYANGS BZANG PO — Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 95, 96.  See under (Gtsang rong pa) Ngag dbang mkhyen rab.

'JAM DBYANGS YE SHES RIN CHEN — (1364‑1413)  Bka' brgyud pa.  Kuijp in TH&L 281.7.

'JAM DBYANGS RAL GRI — A teacher of Sangs rgyas 'bum.  BD of T&TB III 502.

'JAM DBYANGS RIGS BDUN — Subject of thangka in Essen & Tingo, Die Götter des Himalayas 68.

'JAM DBYANGS RIN CHEN — N. of an artist active in late 17th cent.  See Ehrhard in SCEAR 9 (1996) 50.


'JAM DBYANGS RIN CHEN RGYAL MTSHAN — Father of Padma dbang rgyal (1487‑1542), q.v.  Stearns, King 25, gives his birthdate as 1446[?].


'JAM DBYANGS RIN CHEN RGYAL MTSHAN — (1364‑1422)  Mkhan chen of Gnas rnying Monastery, responsible for a number of artistic projects.  Jackson, History of Tibetan Art 111.

'JAM DBYANGS RIN CHEN RGYAL MTSHAN — 16th cent. King of Mustang.  ISTS 134‑135.

'JAM DBYANGS RIN CHEN RGYAL MTSHAN — Rnying ma pa.  33 272.

Glo bo 'JAM DBYANGS RIN CHEN RGYAL MTSHAN — Son of Chos rgyal nor bu of Gung thang.  He witnessed the 1505 great earthquake.  Jackson in TS9 I 151‑2.

Thar rtse Mkhan po 'JAM DBYANGS RIN CHEN RDO RJE — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1081.

'JAM DBYANGS RIN PO CHE — (d. ca. 1947)  Zhwa dmar xi.  The Zhwa nag xvi recognised his rebirth as the Zhwa dmar after the political situation had prevented the recognition of the Zhwa dmar for many years.

'JAM DBYANGS LEGS PA — 446 I 565.4.

'JAM DBYANGS LEGS PA DON GRUB — Founder of Phug brag Mon.  TS5 115.

Nag phug pa 'JAM DBYANGS SHES RAB — For autobio., see Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 186.

'JAM DBYANGS SHES RAB RGYA MTSHO — (1396‑1474)  3rd Abbot of Ngor.  ISTS 134.

Dpal yul Gzi 'gags Sprul sku 'JAM DBYANGS SHES RAB CHOS KYI SNANG BA — (1854‑1893)  Dpal yul Gzi 'gags Sprul sku'i Gsung 'bum Lhag bsdus, Si khron Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Chengdu 1999), in 1999 pages?

'JAM DBYANGS SHES RAB DAR LEGS PA'I BLO GROS — (1450‑1530)  Also, 'Jam dbyangs shes rab legs pa'i blo gros.  12th Khri thog of Dga' ldan.  BD of T&TB VI 130.  Pictured in 128 900.  Vai.Ser. 71.

'JAM DBYANGS SHES RAB RIN CHEN PA — Kreijger, Tibetan Painting 78, where he is one of the lesser depicted figures.

'JAM DBYANGS SHO RE BA — (13th cent.)  Of Brag ram.  He was a writer on logic.  His work Tshad ma Rnam nges gyi 'Grel bshad Shig Don Rnam par Nges pa Nyi ma'i Snying po is signalled in Kuijp, Treatise, p. 430, n. 77.

'JAM DBYANGS BSHES GNYEN — (14th cent.?)  217 709.4.

'JAM DBYANGS BSHES GNYEN — (1769‑1828)  BD of T&TB V 617.

Rtse Dbus pa 'JAM DBYANGS BSHES GNYEN — Bio. by 'Jam dbyangs thub bstan nyi ma listed in BLP no. 1679.

'JAM DBYANGS SANGS RGYAS — (b. ca. 1932)  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 254.

'JAM DBYANGS SENG GE SGRA — See Li Gotami, Pictures 92.

'JAM DBYANGS GSAR MA — F. a school at Skyang 'dur.  ='Jam gsar pa (q.v.).  BA 335.  208 I 218.

'JAM DBYANGS GSAR MA — Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 187.

'JAM DBYANGS BSAM GRUB RDO RJE — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0843.

Dkar po Brag pa 'JAM DBYANGS BSAM 'GRUB BZANG PO — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0072.

'JAM DBYANGS BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — Of Dge 'phel chos kyi pho brang.  In Thang lugs transmission.  29 7.

'JAM DBYANGS BSOD NAMS DPAL BZANG — In Thang lugs transmission.  Of Mdog zhe Dgon.  29 7.

'JAM DBYANGS BSOD NAMS LHUN GRUB — See Portraits of the Masters 271.

Ri khrod ras chen 'JAM DBYANGS LHUN GRUB — Karma pa.  Bio. in 35 I 673.


'JAM DBYANGS LHO PA — Member of a 'Brug pa lineage.  57 II 372.2.

'JAM SAR BA — See (— — —) Shes rab 'od zer.

Drung yig 'JAM SRAS PA — Author of bio. of Dalai Lama iii, listed in BLP no. 0523.

'JAM GSAR PA — F. a school at Rkyang 'dur.  17 II 381.3.  ='Jam dbyangs gsar ma (q.v.).


Mkhas pa 'JA' PA MDO SNGAGS — Contemp. of Mi pham.  42 9.

'JA MO CHE — Postal officials.  Petech (1983) 187.

'JA' DMAR MA ṆI — Pl.n.  =Ljang dmar Ma ṇi.  239 XXX 70.3.


Gter ston 'JA' TSHON SNYING PO — (1585‑1656)  BD of T&TB III 772.  Aka Las 'phro gling pa, (Sngags 'chang) Hūṃ nag me 'bar, (Dge slong) Rdo rje 'dzin pa chen po.  Studied under (Zhabs drung) Nor bu brgyan pa (1599‑?), ('Brug pa) Thams cad Mkhyen pa, and Lha rtse ba (1546‑1615).  Ordination n. was Ngag dbang chos rgyal dbang po.  His important gter ma, the Dkon mchog Spyi 'dus, in 87 XII 1‑380.  Others in 87 XIX, XXIV, XXXVII, XLI.  His Dwags po'i Gsang lam Bla sgrub in 87 XVII.  217 445.6 ff.  Account of his last years in 226 I 407‑433.  'Ja' tshon Bka' 'bum in 231.  Bio. in 210 341.2 ff.  383 220.5.  410 88A.1.  411 293A.2.  Bka' Rdzogs pa chen po Yang zab Dkon mchog Spyi 'dus publ. 1971.  He was b. in Kong yul Wa ru gnam tshal.  Dhongthog 56.  His Gsung 'bum in one vol. publ. 1975.  231.  Comm. on his rediscovery, the (Thugs rje chen po) Ngan song rang grol, publ. in 12 V 225‑238.  His (Tshe dpag med) Gnam lcags Rdo rje Dngos grub Kun 'dus (q.v.).  See 23 13.  He was one of the few gter ston who held monastic vows.  Gter ma in 240 1‑35.  'Ja' tshon Pod Drug: The Collected Revelations of Rig 'dzin 'Ja' tshon snying po,  publ. in 7 vols. in Darjeeling (1979) — 1) Bka' Rdzogs pa Chen po Dkon mchog Spyi 'dus.  2) Tshe dpag med Gnam lcags Rdo rje Dngos grub Kun 'dus.  3)  Rtag Phag Yid bzhin nor bu.  4) Zhi khro Nges don Snying po.  5) Spyan ras gzigs Ngan song Rang grol.  6‑7) Dpal Ye shes kyi mgon po Ma ning nag po.  An eighth volume was added, which includes his autobiographical writings.  His autobiography was published separately in 1974.  See under Ngag dbang mthar phyin.  Bios. of Padmasambhava listed in BLP no. 0339.  Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 0780.  Autobios. and a bio. listed in BLP nos. 0844‑0848 (the last is an account of his last years by Rtse le Sna tshogs rang grol).  His Gter byung gi Rim pa listed in BLP no. 0996.

'JA' TSHON SNYING PO — (b. 1700)  Alias of (Rig 'dzin) Kun grol grags pa, q.v., the Bon gter ston.

'JA' TSHON ME 'BAR —  =(Rgyal sras) Bstan pa'i 'byung gnas.  374 II 430.6.

'JA' 'OD RIL BU — Dkar chag in 465 IV 141‑148.

'JA' LUS — Rainbow body.  'Ja' lus pa'i Skyes bu 'Ga' Brda' sprod Byed pa, by Bsod nams don grub, published in Bod ljongs Nang bstan, no. 8, acc. to BLP no. 0851.

'JA' LUS CHEN PO — An epithet for (Mdo Mkhyen brtse) Ye shes rdo rje (q.v.).

'JA' LUS RJE RTSAL — See =(Rtogs ldan) Shākya shrī.

'JA' LUS RDO RJE — 'Ja' lus Rdo rje'i  Rnam thar Khag Gnyis, listed in BLP no. 0850.


'JA' SA MU TIG MA — "Pearl Document."  See Petech (1983) 184.

'JAR MAN — Germany.  Dhongthog (the dictionary).  232 I 9.

'JAR MAN — See (— —) Shes rab rgya mtsho.

'JAL — BA 705.

'JI SKAR — See (— —) Rdo rje grags pa.

'JI STON — See (— —) Dbang gi rgyal mtshan.

'JI THAR SMAL — See 'Ji dar rmal.

'JI DAR RMAL — Also, 'Ji thar smal.  A king of Gu ge.  28 54.

'JI YOS — Official.  Emmerick.

'JI LAGS CHU — Ta‑t'ung Ho in Amdo.  Hermanns, Überlieferung 161.

Bal po 'JIG RTEN — Also called (Bal po) Skye med.  BA 861 ff.  17 II 431.  Lo Bue, Newar Scholars 642 (name of A su's grandson).

'JIG RTEN GRAGS — A n. of Rten ne.  BA 931.

Ra lung pa'i Sgom chen 'JIG RTEN GRAGS — 115 115 30.5.

'JIG RTEN GRAGS SDE SPYOD PA'I DBU MA PA — Apparently, =Dbu ma Thal 'gyur ba (q.v.).

'JIG RTEN DGA' — 128 742.

'Bri gung pa 'JIG RTEN MGON PO — (1143‑1217)  29 3.  23 4.  (14 20 says 1143‑1212).  F. of 'Bri gung branch of Bka' brgyud pa  T.H. 157.  Disc. of Phag mo gru pa.  Went to 'Bri khung to stay in 1180.  Dhongthog 120 (BA 598, says 1179).  Bios. in BA 596 ff; 46 67 ff; 57 IIB 357.5.  His Bodhisattva vow name was Rin chen dpal (q.v.).  Works in 149, 476.  Pictured in 128 470, 644; 150 29.  Several shorter biographies in 149 123 ff.  Bios. in 357 64‑80; 207 1‑20  (149 5‑122 and 73 291‑398 are the bio. by Dbon Shes rab 'byung gnas, 1187‑1241).  Work in 359 II 398‑406.  'Bri gung Thel chos Bdud rtsi'i Thigs pa: A Collection of Highly Esoteric Instructions on Various Aspects of Buddhist Practice comprising the 'Sealed' (Bka' rgya ma) Portions of the Collected Writings of 'Jig rten mgon po, publ. in 2 vols (N. Delhi 1975).  'Bri khung Skyobs pa'i 'Dzab Ltar Gsum gyis Mdzad pa'i Thub pa'i dbang po la Stod pa (publ. 1972).  Dhongthog 57.  Short guide to the birthplace of 'Bri gung Skyobs pa in 137 571‑580.

'JIG RTEN MCHOD BSTOD — 7th of the Bka' brgyad.  See 87 LII.  In title in 320 XXXII 339.

Li tsa byi 'JIG RTEN THAMS CAD KYIS MTHONG NA DGA' BA — A long name for a prior existence of 'Jig rten mgon po.  132 410.6, 411.1.

'JIG RTEN 'DAS PA'I MDO'I RGYUD — Title in 320 XIII 518.6 etc.

'JIG RTEN RNAM RGYAL — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 1455.

Dpal 'JIG RTEN SNANG BYED — Tantra in 320 XXVII 163.

'JIG RTEN PHA ROL GRUB PA — By Dharmottara.  Tr. by Geo. Roerich in 1948.  Studied by E. Steinkellner.

Dbal phur Nag po'i Rgyud Gsum las 'JIG RTEN PHUNG BYED KYI RGYUD — Bon tantra in 258 IV 503‑517.


Lha khab 'JIG RTEN BLO GROS — Beyer 39.

'JIG RTEN DBANG 'DUS SNYING PO — A Sa skya pa (32nd abbot of Sa skya).  He is portrayed and named in an inscribed thangka painting illus. in Linrothe, Holy Madness 375.  His dates are said to be 1763‑1809, and he must be identical to Khri chen Dbang sdud snying po.

'JIG RTEN DBANG PHYUG — (1454‑1532)  Abbot of Stag lung.  Portrait painting in Heller, Tibetan Art 196.  See also Thurman & Rhie, A Shrine for Tibet, pp. 117‑9, for a portrait bronze, with a significant biographical sketch.  He was first nominal then actual eighth abbot of Ri bo che, from 1462/3 to his passing.  Kuijp in Lungta 14 (2001) 58‑59.  His religious name was Bsod nams rin chen dpal bzang po.  He authored a set of biographies of the first seven abbots in 1523 entitled Ma thang gi Brgyud pa'i Rnam thar Mu tig Phreng ba.  Dates given as 1454‑1542 in Stearns, King 47.

'JIG RTEN DBANG PHYUG — 'Jig rten gsum dbang du byed pa'i 'jig rten dbang phyug.  Depicted in Kreijger, Tibetan Painting pl. 49, lower right.

'JIG RTEN DBANG PHYUG — See (— — — —) Padma Dkar lde.

Chos rje 'JIG RTEN DBANG PO — A skyes rabs by Zhwa dmar ii.  121 II 344‑355.


'JIG RTEN DBANG PHYUG — (15th cent., or early 16th)  Rhies & Thurman 66 n. 11.  Built the White Temple at Tsaparang.  Same as 'Jig rten dbang phyug pad dkar lde.

'JIG RTEN DBANG PHYUG — Short n. for Ngag dbang 'jig rten dbang phyug grags pa'i rdo rje.

Chos rje 'JIG RTEN DBANG PHYUG — (16th cent.)  BD of T&TB VII 165.

'JIG RTEN DBANG PHYUG PAD DKAR LDE — See also Pad dkar lde.  King of Gu ge.  Vitali, Tho.ling 45.

'JIG RTEN LAS 'DAS PA'I MDO — 320 XXV 395 ff.

'JIG RTEN LAS 'DAS PAR SMRA BA — Lokottaravādin.  One of 8 branches of Dge 'dun phal chen pa.  BA 27.

'Bri gung Skyob pa 'JIG RTEN GSUM MGON — See 'Jig rten mgon po.

'JIG RTEN GSUM RGYAL — A Tārā.  128 1106.


'JIGS 'JIGS SU LTA BA — See Me ko pa.

'JIGS SDE — Bhimasena (Bhimsen).  The Pāṇḍava.  See Das 98.  Roesler in Facets 164.

Sgrol ma 'JIGS PA KUN SKYOB — Gter ma in 87 LV.

'JIGS PA SKYOB — Pictured in 320 III 2.  'Jigs pa skyob pa'i yid.  445 III 18.1.

'JIGS PA RANG GROL — See Shes pa rang grol.

Khri dpon 'JIGS BYED RGYAL PO — 17 IV 101.3.

Dur khrod 'JIGS BYED THONG BA — 87 I 252.2.

'JIGS BYED MA — A Tārā.  128 1102.


'JIGS BYED DMAR MO — Depicted in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 150.

Bdag chen 'JIGS BRAL KUN DGA' BSOD NAMS — (b. 1928)  The Sakya Dagchen, Sa skya pa hierarch now at Seattle.  84 230.

Khams smyon 'JIGS BRAL CHOS KYI SENG GE — See (Khams smyon) Dharma seng ge.

'JIGS BRAL MTHU STOBS GLING PA —  =(Gter ston) Ngag dbang bstan 'dzin.

'JIGS BRAL BDE CHEN GLING PA — 344 contents.  =(Bde chen chos 'khor Yongs 'dzin vii) Ngag gi dbang po.

Rig sngags 'chang ba 'JIGS BRAL YE SHES RDO RJE — (1904‑1987)  Dudjom Rinpoche.  His root guru was 'Phrin las byams pa 'byung gnas (q.v.).  Author of Rnying ma'i Chos 'byung411.  Author of 191.  Partial translation in Dargyay.  Pictured in 320 XXVII 2.  Obituary in Vajradhatu Sun vol. 8 (1987) no. 3.  His Dam can Spyi'i Gtor ma'i Cho ga Nyung ngur Bsdus pa publ. (Thimphu 1977).  His Zangs mdog dpal rir Bgrod pa'i Smon lam Skal bzang Dga' ba'i Snying rta publ. from blocks of Mtho mthong Mon. in Solu (1970).  His Zab lam Mkha' 'gro'i Thugs thig publ. from 1961 blocks at Thub bstan chos gling Mon. in Solu (1970).  His collected writings and revelations publ. in 25 volumes (Kalimpong 1978+).  His Chos spyod kyi Rim pa Rnam par Grol ba'i Lam gyi Shing rta publ. (Kalimpong 1972).  His Rigs bdag Bla ma'i Zhabs brtan Gsol 'debs Drang srong Dgyes pa'i Dbyangs Snyan publ. (1972).  His Thugs rje chen po Kha sarpa ni'i Smyung gnas kyi Mtshams sbyor Zla zer Thig sbreng publ. (1970).  His Dam pa Gong ma'i Zhal gdans Rdo rje'i Gsung gi Don bsdus publ. 1972.  His Gdugs Seng Rnam Gnyis kyi Rgyun khyer publ. 1972.  His Pe ha ra dang Gnod sbyin chen po Shan pa'i Skon (sp?) Skor publ. (Thimphu 1979).  His Bar do'i Lam khyer dang Sbyar ba'i Smon lam publ. 1972.

Phreng ring 'JIGS MED — Taring Jigme.  Famous Tibetan official.  He died in about 1992 in Dehra Dun.  Was married to the author of Daughter of Tibet.  He was one of the few Tibetan cinematographers, according to Jamyang Norbu's blog entry for Feb. 22, 2010.

'JIGS MED KUN GROL — See Byang chub rgyal mtshan (b. ca. 1717).

'JIGS MED SKAL BZANG — Scholar student of Rdo ba Grub chen i (q.v.).

Rdzogs sprul iv 'JIGS MED MKHYEN BRTSE'I DBANG PHYUG 'PHRIN LAS RNAM RGYAL RDO RJE — (1793‑?)  Dhongthog 57.  =(Rdzogs chen iv) Mi 'gyur nam mkha'i rdo rje (q.v.).  =Mi 'gyur nam mkha'i rdo rje tshe dbang grub pa rtsal.  410 226A.3.

'JIGS MED MKHYEN BRTSE'I 'OD ZER BDUD 'DUL 'PHRIN LAS ROL PA RTSAL — (1820‑1892)  B. at Dil mgo.  Works in 239 III, XXVI.  Aka Padma gar dbang bde chen 'od gsal mdo sngags gling pa.  239 XXV contents.  Aka Padma 'od gsal mdo sngags gling pa.  346 40.2.  Dargyey 71 ff, 73, 94, 96, 123, 126, 128, 143, 155, 173, 190, 192 ff, 197 ff.  ='Jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse'i dbang po, =Mkhyen brtse'i dbang po.

Rtse sprul 'JIGS MED GO CHA — (1764‑1804)  Preceptor of Ngag dbang bstan pa'i nyi ma.  Byang Stag lung.  31 II.

'JIGS MED GO CHA THUB BSTAN LANG TSHO'I SDE — Part of the astrologer's name of Dalai Lama v.  Essais 125.

'JIGS MED GRAGS — See =Bo dong Phyogs las rnam rgyal.

'JIGS MED GRAGS PA — Author of 201.

'JIGS MED GRAGS PA — See under A bha ya kir ti.

'JIGS MED GRAGS PA — Author in 1479‑81 of Dad pa'i Lo thog Rgyas byed Dngos grub Char 'bebs, partially tr. by Tucci.  TS5 572.

'JIGS MED GRAGS PA — Teacher of Shākya shrī bha dra.  17 II 305.6.

Dge slong 'JIGS MED GRAGS PA — BD of T&TB I 783.

Dpal 'JIGS MED GRAGS PA — "Pundit" n. of Nāropa.  57 IIB 343.7.  75 3, 21.  17 II 252.4.  73 57.4.

Zhabs drung ii 'JIGS MED GRAGS PA — (1725‑1761)  See bio. by Byang chub nor bu (?).  59 preface.

Zhabs drung iv 'JIGS MED GRAGS PA — (1791‑1830)  59 preface.

'JIGS MED GRAGS PA RGYA MTSHO — (1838‑?)  BD of T&TB V 707.

'JIGS MED GRAGS PA PHYOGS LAS RNAM RGYAL — Wrote (in 1479‑1481) a biography of Si tu Rab brtan found in 160.

'JIGS MED GLING PA — See (— — — —) Rang byung rdo rje.

Rig 'dzin 'JIGS MED GLING PA — (1729/30‑1798)  Belonged to Rgya brag pa'i Dbon Rigs.  Systematized the Klong chen Snying thig (q.v.) which he received from Klong chen pa in vision.  He put the Rnying ma'i Rgyud 'Bum into its present form (the index is in his collected works, vol. 3).  Bio.  BD of T&TB IV 388.  He and his disc. Rdo ba Grub chen i were influential 'chaplains' of the royal family at Sde dge.  See 23 23‑4.  Pictured in 128 682; 320 XXIII 649.  Aka Rang byung rdo rje and Mkhyen brtse'i 'od zer.  For his Sgom Phyogs Dris lan dang Zhal gdams Skor, see 67.  His Rin chen Brtag Thabs (see DD 717).  Works listed in SBTD I 220.  410 219A.3.  411 310B.2.  Works in 498Smith 211‑212 tells his bio. (giving dates 1728‑1799).  Brief bio. by Schaik in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 5.  Rang rnam listed in BLP no. 0857.  Bio. by Kong sprul listed in BLP no. 0858.  Bio. by 'Od zer 'phrin las listed in BLP no. 0859.  Bio. in Dung dkar 69.

Sprul sku 'JIGS MED DGA' BA'I RDO RJE PHYOGS LAS RNAM PAR RGYAL BA — Work written at his behest in 226 IV 263‑304.

'JIGS MED RGYA MTSHO — Subj. of bio. by Mkhan po Ngag dbang rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 0868.

'JIGS MED RGYA MTSHO — Bios. by Skal bzang thub bstan dbang phyug listed in BLP nos. 0862‑0864.

'JIGS MED RGYA MTSHO — (1779‑1839)  BD of T&TB V 598.

'JIGS MED RGYA MTSHO — (1806‑?)  BD of T&TB V 612.

Be lug thu 'JIGS MED RGYA MTSHO — (1787‑?)  BD of T&TB V 920.

A lags 'JIGS MED RGYA MTSHO — Author of bio. of Zhwa dmar Dge 'dun bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 1731.

'JIGS MED RGYAL BA'I MYU GU — (1765‑1843)  Disciple of 'Jigs med gling pa and teacher of Dpal sprul.  F. mon. of Phra ma, or Rgyal Dgon in Rdza chu kha.  Propagated Klong chen Snying thig.  He was among the main teachers of both Dpal sprul and Mkhyen brtse (in ca. 1838).  23 27.  12 XV 377.1.  Pictured in 128 684.  Thondup, BM 125‑126.  Biography:  'Gro mgon Bla ma Rje'i Gsang Gsum Rnam thar Rgya mtsho las Thun mong Phyi'i Mngon rtogs Rgyal sras Lam bzang (New Delhi 2004), in 320 pages.

'JIGS MED RGYAL MTSHAN — (1773‑1850)  BD of T&TB V 744.  26th 'Gyang ro Sprul sku.  (Possible he was 26th in the gdan rabs of Bkra shis 'khyil?)  Disciple of Tshogs drug rang grol.  407 46B.

Rdo brag Kun gzigs 'JIGS MED CHOS GRAGS — Autobio. listed in BLP no. 1192.

Zhabs drung vi 'JIGS MED CHOS RGYAL — (1862‑1904)  59 preface.  Biography & Collected Writings of the Fifth Zhabs drung Thugs sprul of Bhutan, 'Jigs med chos rgyal (1862‑1904), Nat. Lib. of Bhutan (Thimphu 1985), microfiche set XIII.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 248.

'JIGS MED CHOS KYI DBANG PO — Beyer 109‑110, 171.  Pictured in 320 XXIV 621.

Dpal sprul 'JIGS MED CHOS KYI DBANG PO — (1808‑1887)  Bio. in Thondup, EL 5‑8.

'JIGS MED CHOS DBYINGS — Recognized by Zhwa nag xvi in 1951 as 9th reincarnation of the Stag na Sprul sku (sp?).

'JIGS MED CHOS KYI SENG GE — (b. 1836)  He was the first of the 'Bar rdor Incarnates (the present one is the 3rd).  He received the name Bde chen 'bar ba'i rdo rje in a vision of Padmasambhava (source on the internet).

Karma 'JIGS MED CHOS KYI SENG GE — See (Khams smyon) Dharma seng ge.  Bio. in Byams pa phrin las, Gangs ljongs Gso Rig Bstan pa'i Nyin byed Rim byon gyi Rnam thar Phyogs Bsgrigs, Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Lhasa 1990), pp. 404‑408.


Ngag dbang 'JIGS MED RTAGS CHOS RGYAL — (sp?)  Bhutan Lama in 1892, 10th Bhutan hierarch.  Waddell 242.  The 9th Bhutan hierarch was 'Jig rten rtags nor bu (sp?).

Ngag dbang 'JIGS MED RTAGS PA — 2nd Bhutan hierarch, preceding Chos kyi rgyal mtshan.  Also, the n. of the 8th Bhutan hierarch who preceded 'Jigs med rtags nor bu.

'JIGS MED BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — See Rdo grub 'Jigs med bstan pa'i nyi ma (1865‑1926).

'JIGS MED BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — Rnam thar by Thu'u bkwan listed in BLP no. 0860.

'JIGS MED BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — (1808‑?)  BD of T&TB V 913.

'JIGS MED BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — (1756‑1861?)  47th in gdan rabs of Bkra shis 'khyil.  BD of T&TB V 873.

Rdo Grub chen iii 'JIGS MED BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — (1865‑1926)  His Gsung 'bum has been published in 6 vols. (1974), and again in Lhasa in 7 vols. (2003).  Bio. in 167 403‑419.  Work in 237.  Pictured in 320 XXVI 3.

Gung thang Sprul sku vi 'JIGS MED BSTAN PA'I DBANG PHYUG — (1926‑2000)  TS7 I 304.  A bio. in his memory is published in Ldum ra (magazine of Drepung Gomang, Karnataka), general series no. 10 (2000), pp. 32‑39.  Garratt in TS9 VIII 94.  Noble Mountaineer 274.

'JIGS MED THEG MCHOG — Quote from obituary in a TIN report: "Jigme Thegchog, who died in December 2001 at the age of 50 after a long illness, was an influential scholar and monk known for his open‑minded views on Tibetan  culture and society, particularly the importance of the Tibetan language. Jigme Thegchog, from Rebgong (Chinese: Tongren) in Malho (Ch: Huangnan) prefecture,  Qinghai province (formerly in the Tibetan area of Amdo), was a lay person and married with three children before he took monks' vows. He was widely known among Tibetan intellectuals and monks for his poetry, prose and works of criticism, informed by both a secular and religious education."

Dpa' ris 'JIGS MED DAM CHOS — Author of a dictionary, Dag yig shes bya rab gsalTS7 I 448.

'JIGS MED DAM CHOS RGYA MTSHO — Bio. by Tshe tan Zhabs drung listed in BLP no. 0861.  Author of bio. of 'Jigs med bsam gtan listed in BLP no. 0870.

'JIGS MED RDO RJE — Rnying ma pa, of Sikkim.  Bodleian Catalogue 87.

'JIGS MED RDO RJE — (d. 1964)  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 247.

Khrag 'thung Dpa' bo 'JIGS MED RDO RJE — (ca. 1718)  453 92.1.

'Ju dbon 'JIGS MED RDO RJE — A teacher of Mi pham.  42 6.

Gter ston Bla ma 'JIGS MED RDO RJE — Gter ston Bla ma 'Jigs med rdo rje dpa' bo'i Gsung 'bum, Zang kang Gyi ling Dpe skrun khang (Hong Kong 2001), in 397 pp.  Not seen.

Ḍā ki Ras chen 'JIGS MED RDO RJE — An author of several works belonging to the cycle Snyan rgyud 'khor lo skor gsum, listed in Drepung Catalog 597 ff.

Phyogs las Sprul sku iv 'JIGS MED RDO RJE — (1830‑1850)  59 preface.

Zhabs drung vii 'JIGS MED RDO RJE — (1905‑1931)  59 preface.

'JIGS MED NAM MKHA' — 233 506.4.  Work in 285 499‑507.  Pelliot, Notes on Marco Polo 686.

'JIGS MED NAM KHA' — TS5 743 n. 5.

Mchog sprul 'JIGS MED NAM MKHA' — (1768‑1821)  BD of T&TB V 902.

Hor btsun 'JIGS MED NAM MKHA' — Bon po.  Work in 298 539‑564.

Khyung sprul 'JIGS MED NAM MKHA'I RDO RJE — (1897‑1956)  Kværne no. 217.  Author of Bonpo Lexicographical Works, publ. 1976.  Aka G.yung drung rgyal mtshan.  Works in 252.  Bio. and works in 306 I, II.  Astrology, see 310.  Medical works in 318.  F. Mdo sngags grags rgyas gling in 1936.  Kværne no. 228.  Work cited in Kværne, Canon 24 no. 39.  Bio. in 253 II 509.2 ff (he belonged to the ruling Ga rgya family, his father being Ga rgya Bsod nams bstan dar), 620.3.  Dbyangs can Sgra Mdo'i 'Grel pa (Dbyangs can Sgra Mdo'i 'Grel pa Rgyal Yum Bzang bza' Ring btsun gyi Dgongs Bcud Dpyod ldan Bye ba'i Snying Nor), publ. in 2 vols (1974).  His biography is listed in Everding's Bon catalog, under the number JS 2363 (xylograph), and his works under JS 2364 (ms.).  I believe he is the one in the photo in Li Gotami, Pictures 121.

Zhabs drung v 'JIGS MED NOR BU — (1831‑1861)  59 preface.  His collected works in 2 vols. published.  Aris, Boneless Tongue 161.

'JIGS MED PADMA BDE CHEN BZANG PO — (19th cent.)  440 285.3.

'JIGS MED DPA' BO — 'Od gsal Snying po'i Khregs gcod kyi Khrid Gser gyi Them skas publ. (Gangtok 1976), on Rdzogs chen practice.

Mkhan po 'JIGS MED PHUN TSHOGS — The  contemporary Rnying ma pa leader of Ser tha.  His collected writings have been published in 3 vols. Chos rje Dam pa Yid bzhin nor bu 'Jigs med phun tshogs 'byung gnas dpal bzang po'i Gsung 'bum, Gser ljongs Bla ma Rung Lnga Rig Nang bstan Slob gling gis bsgrigs (Zhang kang 2002), acquired by Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center.

Nam sprul 'JIGS MED PHUN TSHOGS — (b. 1944)  See under Nam mkha' gling pa.

Rdo Grub chen ii 'JIGS MED PHUN TSHOGS 'BYUNG GNAS — Bio. in 167 399‑401.

Chos rje Dam pa Mkhan chen 'JIGS MED PHUN TSHOGS 'BYUNG GNAS — Author of Dus rabs Nyer gcig pa'i Gangs can pa rnams la Phul ba'i Snying gtam Sprin gyi Rol mo (Taipei 1999?).  See TS9 V 25.


'JIGS MED 'PHRIN LAS RGYA MTSHO — SBTD I 325.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 0865.  Author of bio. of Zhwa dmar Dge 'dun bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 1730.  Author of bio. of Zhwa dmar Dge 'dun bstan 'dzin nor bu (?) listed in BLP no.

Bla khog 'JIGS MED PHRIN LAS RGYA MTSHO — Author of bio. of 'Jam dbyangs bzhad pa iv, listed in BLP no. 0819.

'JIGS MED 'PHRIN LAS RNAM RGYAL — Author of Rgyal Yum Gsang ba ye shes las 'Phros pa'i Theg pa Spyi dang Bye brag gi Chos 'byung 'Khrul Mun Sel byed Lung Rig Nyi ma'i 'Od zer publ. 1975.

Rdo ba Grub chen i 'JIGS MED 'PHRIN LAS 'OD ZER — (1745‑1821)  B. in Rdo yul, from Smug po Gdong lineage.  One of 2 chief discs. of 'Jigs med gling pa.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 396.  Was attached as 'chaplain' to the royal family of Sde dge.  23 23.  Bio. in 167 387‑399.  Pictured in 128 684.  383 441.2.  Bio. in 410 224A.6.  The dates given above, aliases & bio. in Thondup, EL 12‑13.

'JIGS MED BLO GROS RGYA MTSHO — BD of T&TB V 790.  28th in gdan rabs of Bkra shis 'khyil.

Sog po Bā rin Bla ma Rin po che 'JIGS MED BLO GROS RGYA MTSHO — Dalai Lama xiii, Works VII 229.6, 238.5.

'JIGS MED BLO GROS RGYA MTSHO — (1857‑?)  BD of T&TB V 869.  Rebirth of Dkon mchog nyi ma (1795‑1857).

Bla ma 'JIGS MED BLO GSAL — 471 107.2.


'JIGS MED DBANG PO — Author of bio. of Klong rdol Bla ma listed in BLP no. 0134.  'Jigs med dbang po Rnam gur Dad pa'i Lcags kyu, by Rgyal Mkhan po Grags pa rgyal mtshan, listed in BLP no. 0866.

Dngul chu 'JIGS MED DBANG PO — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 0658.

Ngag dbang 'JIGS MED DBANG PO — 4th Bhutan hierarch, preceding Shākya seng ge.  Waddell.

Rje btsun 'JIGS MED DBANG PO — (1728‑?)  Dge lugs pa.  Dhongthog 58.  =Dkon mchog 'jigs med dbang po (1728‑1781).  A philosophical work of his translated by Guenther in Buddhist Philosophy.  Pictured in 128 458.

'JIGS MED DBANG PHYUG — In 2009 this 11‑year‑old living in Boston was chosen as reincarnation of Lo ras pa, 759 years after Lo ras pa's death.  There was a story about this in The Times of India (Oct 30, 2009).

'Brug rgyal Gnyis pa 'JIGS MED DBANG PHYUG GZHON NU — 157 A (preface).  Does this perhaps refer to the second king of Bhutan?

'JIGS MED 'BANGS — Author of bios. in BLP nos. 0077, 1426.  Author of Gu ru Mkha' 'gro'i Rnam thar listed in BLP no. 0308.  Author of Dpal ldan 'Jigs med grags pa'i Rnam thar Ngo mtshar gyi Dga' ston, listed in Drepung Catalog 1509.

'JIGS MED 'BYUNG GNAS — Abhayākaragupta.  BA 32.  (Slob dpon) 'Jigs med 'byung gnas.  Pictured in 128 874.  'Jigs med 'byung gnas sbas pa in BD of T&TB I 252.  See A bha ya ka ra.

'Brug chen ix 'JIGS MED MI 'GYUR DBANG RGYAL — (1823‑1883)  22nd in 'Brug pa Gdan rabs (q.v.).  Author of short biographical work in 136 391‑394.  172 63.5.  Emender of 414 87‑94.

'Brug chen xii 'JIGS MED MI 'GYUR DBANG GI RDO RJE 'PHRIN LAS KUN KHYAB DPAL BZANG PO PHYOGS LAS RNAM PAR RGYAL BA'I SDE — (1963‑ )  24th in 'Brug pa Gdan rabs (q.v.).  Bio. 1 50.

Dbal mang iv 'JIGS MED TSHUL KHRIMS RNAM RGYAL — (20th cent.)  The Dbal mang incarnate, member of A blo family.  Nietupski, Labrang 78.  For his biography, see Paul Nietupski, "The Fourth Belmang: Bodhisattva, Estate Lord, Tibetan Militia Leader, and Chinese Government Official," contained in: Charles Kevin Stuart, Gerald Roche & Tshe‑dbang‑rdo‑rje, eds., Asian Highlands Perspectives: Volume 1, Lulu.com (2009) 187‑212.

'JIGS MED MTSHAN CAN — (1762‑1815)  BD of T&TB V 917.

'JIGS MED ZLA BA — (modern)  He has in recent years been head of the monastic assembly at Rong Dgon chen, and has been arrested more than once.

Rta nag 'JIGS MED BZANG PO — Tanak Jigme Sangpo, the longest serving prisoner in Tibet, due to be released in the year 2011 at age 85.  Photo in Palden Gyatso, Autobiography of a Tibetan Monk.  He shouted 'Free Tibet' on a visit by a Swiss delegation to Drapchi Prison in December 1991.

'JIGS MED 'OD GSAL RDO RJE — Dus 'khor initiation n. of Si tu xi.  346 40.2.

Rgyal sras V 'JIGS MED YE SHES GRAGS PA — (1696‑1740/50)  Regent of Tibet from 1728‑1735.  332 preface 16.  Petech in T'oung Pao L 342.  A political history of the Dga' ldan pa listed in BLP no. 0097 as being by one Rgyal sras 'Jigs med, would seem to be by him.  He recommended a religious exchange with the Catholics in Italy.  See Engelhardt, Between 71.

'JIGS MED YE SHES RDO RJE — 383 441.1.

Dri med Zhing skyong 'JIGS MED YON TAN MGON PO — Appears in bio. of Shākya shrī, p. 28.3.

Go 'jo Mgo chung Bla ma 'JIGS MED RANG GROL — 365 233.1, 492.5.  Gter bton 'Jigs med rang grol, author of Rgyal ba Sku Gsum gyi Rnam thar Yongs 'du'i Ljon pa, listed in BLP no. 0509.

'JIGS MED RIG PA'I RDO RJE — Wrote Hor Chos 'byung in 1819.  Petech (1983) 179.  Stein, Recherches 36.

Hor tshang Rin po che 'JIGS MED RIG PA'I SENG GE — (1800's)  BD of T&TB V 690.  20th in gdan rabs of Bkra shis 'khyil.

Bkra shis 'khyil 'JIGS MED LUNG RIGS RGYA MTSHO — Also, (Khri pa) (Sde pa Zhabs drung).  Student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).  Subj. of bio. in BLP no. 0867.  Author of Rong po Bde chen chos 'khor gling gi Gnas yig listed in BLP no. 1893.

Sde rgan Mchog sprul Rin po che 'JIGS MED LUNG RIG RGYA MTSHO — 16th in gdan rabs of Bkra shis 'khyil.  BD of T&TB V 684.

'JIGS MED SENG GE DPAL 'BAR — The current King of Mustang.  TS7 II 615.

'Brug rgyal 'JIGS MED SENG GE DBANG PHYUG — The present king of Bhutan. 

'JIGS MED BSAM GRUB RGYA MTSHO — (1833‑?)  53rd in gdan rabs of Bkra shis 'khyil.  BD of T&TB V 899.

'JIGS MED BSAM GTAN — Author of Rdo rje 'jigs byed Chos Skor Bka' rgya ma (Bdud las rnam rgyal Bsnyen Yig).  Subj. of autobio. listed in BLP no. 0869, and bio. by 'Jigs med dam chos rgya mtsho, no. 0870; bio. of Blo bzang mkhas mchog, no. 1514.

Rdor brag Rgyal sras Sprul sku 'JIGS MED BSOD NAMS RNAM RGYAL — 438 VI 603.6.

'JING STON — See (— —) Lha dga'.

'JINGS — See (—) Gsal 'bar.

'JIB RU'I GDAMS PA — Work in 267 427‑428.

Bla ma 'JIM — 73 283.4.

'JIMS — In 17 II 343.1.  Stands for ('Dzim) Sher 'od (q.v.). 

'JU — BA 1059, 1066.

'JU NYUNG — Hermitage where Mi pham did propitiation of Mañjuśrī.  42 5.

'JU SNYA —  ='Od can.  Khotan mon.  Emmerick.

'JU PHU JO SRAS — Biography of this person by Sgom chen Shar yon in 18 fols. listed in Drepung Catalog 1504.  Note also the title 'Ju phu pa'am lha shugs pa lugs kyi bka' brgyud bla ma'i lo rgyus.

'JU'I PHU — Mon. in Yarlung.  Chag xl, etc.

'JU BA — One of Sde chen Bco brgyad.  Nomads 20.

'JU BA — See (— —) Chos dar.

'JU DBON — See (— —) 'Jigs med rdo rje.

'JU MA — BA 76.

'JU MO HOR DGON —  =Me hor.  Mon. in Mdo stod with 225 monks.

'JU MONG DGON — Mon. in Mdo stod with 370 monks.

'JU LAG — See Sumpa, Annals 83 n. 153.

'JU LAG CHU — River rising NE of Kokonor which merges into the Rma chu, of which it is the northernmost branch.  Wylie 119 n. 47.  Kuijp, TBMP 460.

'JUG NGOGS DPAL — See Dza bha la shrī.


'JUNG SGAR — Dzungar.  'Jun gar in 253 II 627.6.

'JUN PA — See (— —) Ngag dbang dpal mo.

Rdol gyi 'JUR — Ras chung went there.  24 I 217.6.

'JUR NA — Yüan official in 1256.  Chag 105.

'JED — See (—) Bzang 'or.

'JED SPANG LUNG — Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 455.

'JO PHU — See (— —) Nyi rab Sprul sku.

'JO PHU DGON — 346 116.6.

'JO RI BYANG SPRUL — 129 II 37.5.  338.  Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 84.3.  'Jo phu Byang chub Sprul sku in 363 115.6.  Text in 414 97 ff. written at his behest.

'JO LO — Pl.n.  Yamada, Mu 117.

'JOG PO — Pl. in Phan yul.  May also be a place in India, =Rdo 'jog, Takṣaśilā, Taxila.  Ancient city in Punjab.

Klu'i Rgyal po 'JOG PO — Takṣaka.  See (Klu'i Rgyal po) Dga' bo.  132 48.1.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 184.  In astrological tradition, TR XIV no. 10 (Oct. 1979) 19B.  Picture in 320 VII 2.  In Rdzogs chen lineage.  BD of T&TB I 312.

'JOG RI — See (— —) Ngag dbang bstan 'dzin.

'JONG —  ='Dzom.  The upper and lower 'Jong are two of the 10 Rgod Stong sde of Sum pa'i Ru.  28 84.

'JONG LAG 'BRANG — Langelaar, Chasing 11.

Bya gshen 'JON MO — Stein in McKay, History of Tibet I 598.  Bellezza, L&T 40.

Gorkha 'JON DMAR — Shastri in TS9 I 139.

'JOMS BYED — Mathanīya.  Future heretic of Kālacakra literature.  See Byis pa'i blo gros.

'JOL BON — Acc. to Tucci, Religions 224, the first stage of Bon history when it had no literature.  This could be a misreading of Rdol Bon ("Outbreak Bon"), a polemical term never used by Bonpos for their own teachings.

'JOS — A Khotanese cowherder boy.  Emmerick.

RJI DANG SKYE CHED PO — Bellezza, L&T 87.

RJI PYAR PYUR — Dotson, Horse 276.

RJI LUNG DANG BA — Dotson, Horse 276.

RJE MKHAN PO — Bhutanese prelates also called Rje Mkhan chen.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 248‑9, etc.  Also, Lho 'brug Mkhan chen.  See 

(— — ii) Bsod nams 'od zer.

(— — vii) Ngag dbang 'phrin las.

(— — ix) Shākya rin chen.

(— — x) Bstan 'dzin chos rgyal (1700‑1767).

(— — xii) Kun dga' rgya mtsho (abbot 1769‑1771).

(— — xiii) Yon tan mtha' yas.

(— — xiv) Bstan 'dzin rnam rgyal.

(— — xvi) Shes rab seng ge.

(— — xviii) 'Jam dbyangs rgyal mtshan (1743‑1802).

(— — xxv) Shes rab rgyal mtshan.

(— — xxxi) Yon tan rgyal mtshan.

RJE'U NGANG KHEN — ?  17 II 387.2.

RJE'I CAN DGU — Nine royal possessions.  CFMS 14, 28, chap. 5, etc.  There is a listing in Dungkar Rinpoche's dictionary, p. 1317.  In Middle East and East Asia one often finds stories of the first king descending from the sky, often onto a mountain top bringing with him royal regalia. See discussion by Todd Gibson in his dissertation (Bloomington 1991) at p. 108.  There is a set of five objects, royal insignia, that represented the kingship of Prasenajit, his crown, parasol, sword, yak‑tail and embroidered shoes.  When he lost them he lost his kingship to his son.  W. Rockhill, Life of the Buddha, p. 113.  Note that the small Lde'u, p. 143, talks of the eight royal possessions (rje'i can brgyad).

RJE CHE GANGS PHUG GANGS — Mt. North in Lunana, Bhutan.  Not to be confused with Gangs phug gangs.  Olschak.

RJE DRUNG — See Sle lung Rje drung.

RJE DRUNG — See (— —) Blo bzang 'jam dpal.

RJE DRUNG RIN PO CHE — 346 100.6.  See (— — — — —) Khrag 'thung bdud 'joms nam mkha'i rdo rje.  (— — — — —) Dge 'dun chos rgyal dbang phyug.  (— — — — —) Bstan pa rgya mtsho.

Phun khang RJE DRUNG LAGS — Goldstein, History 337.

RJE BDAG NYID CHEN PO — In Dge lugs pa texts, an epithet almost invariably reserved for Tsong kha pa.

RJE BLA MA — In works of Paṇ chen Bla ma I, refers to Tsong kha pa.

RJE DBON RIN PO CHE — Of Mtshur phu.  346 34.2.

RJE 'BANGS NYER LNGA — For text on iconographical representation of the 25 disciples of Padmasambhava, see 331 1‑11.  See Smith in Linrothe, Holy Madness 70 ff.  RS 719-725.

RJE 'BUM LHA KHANG — See Rgya 'bum Lha khang.

RJE BTSAN DAM PA — Text in 320 I 442‑443.  One of the earliest translated Tantras.

RJE BTSUN CHOS RGYAN — Pictured in 128 240.

RJE BTSUN DAM PA — N. of Tāranātha.  Waddell 70.  Title of Mongolian hierarchs, who were considered reincarnations of Tāranātha.  Waddell 70, 240.  The 21st (or the 8th) one who died in 1924 was the last.  Sumpa, Annals 91.  For biographies, see SBTD I 356.  The predecessors in the line are mostly in common with predecessors in the line of the Kong sprul (should compare Jackson, Patron 256).  Acc. to 43 preface, the predecessors were:

A) (Paṇḍi ta) 'Bar ba'i gtso bo.

B) Nag po spyod pa, Kṛṣṇacārin.

C) Ra tan bha hu la.

D) (Rong zom) Chos kyi bzang po.

E) ('Bab rom pa) Dar ma dbang phyug.

F) (A wa dhu ti pa) 'Od zer dpal.

G) (Zhang) 'Brug sgra rgyal mtshan.

H) (Gnyos Rgyal ba) Lha nang pa (1164‑1224).

I) (Snar thang Kun mkhyen) Sangha bhadra.

J) ('Jam dbyangs Chos rje) Bkra shis dpal ldan (1379‑1449).

K) (Paṇḍi ta) Chos kyi nyin byed.

L) (Jo nang Rje btsun) Kun dga' grol mchog (1495‑1566).

M) (Rgyal bu) Dga' byed bzang po (prince of Tripura).

N) (Tāranātha) Kun dga' snying po (1575‑ ca. 1634).

i) Ye shes rdo rje, aka Blo bzang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan (1635‑1723).

ii) Blo bzang bstan pa'i sgron me (1724‑1757).

iii) Ye shes bstan pa'i nyi ma (1758‑1773).

iv) Blo bzang thub bstan dbang phyug, aka Blo bzang thub bstan dbang phyug 'jigs med rgya mtsho, aka Blo bzang dge legs rab rgyas (1775‑1813).

v) Blo bzang tshul khrims 'jigs med (1815‑1840), aka Blo bzang tshul khrims 'jigs med bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan.

vi) Blo bzang dpal ldan bstan pa (1843‑1848), aka Blo bzang dpal ldan dam pa.

vii) Ngag dbang chos dbyings dbang phyug phrin las rgya mtsho (1850‑1868).

viii) Ngag dbang blo bzang chos kyi nyi ma bstan 'dzin dbang phyug (1871‑1924).

ix) Enthroned by the Dalai Lama in 1991 at Dharamsala.  Gruschke in TS9 I 209.

RJE RIN PO CHE — Usual way to refer to Tsong kha pa.

Ri rgyud RJE'U LHA BTSAN — N. of a mountain chain.  DTK5 90.

RJED PHA BA — See (— — —) A lug.

RJES SKYES — A n. of Yudhiṣṭhira.  Das 98.

RJES SMAN — See (— —) Son pa.

RJES SU PHYOGS PA — N. of a problematic disciple of Gautama Buddha.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum IV 491.5.

RJE DGON PA — Bhutanese mon.  Olschak.

RJOL BAN THA BU NONG — 208 I 239.4.

Rong po LJAGS NAG PA — See Rong po Lce nag pa.  See under Kirti Rin po che.

LJANG — Also, Ljangs.  A pl. one day's journey W of Lhasa.  It had an ancient monastery named Ljang Bkra shis Dgon pa.  'Jang is a frequent spelling for this place, as well as Yunnan in general (see next). 

LJANG — Yunnan.  T.H. 196.  BA 190, 486, 591, 612, 648, 891.  Ljang yul in 17 II 533.4.  Army of Ljangs mentioned in 210 254.1.  See 'Jang.  (I believe it's justifiable to connect it with the place name Lijiang!)

LJANG KYANG — Most likely not equivalent to Ljang.  One of the 8 Rgod Stong sde.  See 28 82.

LJANG GU MTSHO — "Green Lake" in Sikkim.  Li Gotami, Pictures 4.


LJANG THANG — A province of Mnga' ris.  79 79 no. 37.  This may be a mistake for Byang thang (?).



LJANG 'PHAD 'KHUR — Beyer 57.

LJANG MO — District in Li thang, in Khams.  Das 470.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 2.

LJANG DMAR MA ṆI — See 'Ja' dmar Ma ṇi.

LJANG TSHA — See (— —) 'Phan snang.  (— —) Lha dbon.

Shes phrug LJANG TSHA — See (Shes phrug) Rdo rje 'bar.


Li yul LJANG RA SMUG PO — See Lcang ra smug po.  BD of T&TB X 26.11.

LJANG RI SMUG PO — Chinese Wen‑pi Shan.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 155.  Wenfengsi.  Jackson, Patron 243.  Debreczeny in Kapstein, BBTC 123 ("'Jang ri smag po dgon").

LJANG LUGS — A minor branch of Zhi byed.  BD of T&TB I 863.

LJANG LUNG — "Green valley."  In Ladakh.  79 79 no. 36.


LJANG SRIN —  =Byang srin.  TS5 534.

LJANG DGA' — Jongka Dzong.  See Wylie 63, 128 n. 119.  Apparently, =Rdzongs dkar, Rdzongs kha.

LJONGS DGA' — See (— —) 'Phel rgyas gling.

LJONGS ME TOG RGYAS PA RI BO GSER GLING — A mon. where Mar pa first met Nāropa.  46 12.  17 II 434.6, 436.3.

LJONGS GSUM — See Das 471.

LJON PA — Druma, a Kinnarī king in avadāna story.  TPS 502.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 401.1.

Mi'am ci'i Rgyal po LJON PA RTA MGO CAN — 'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) VI 101.2.  Lde'u 196.

LJON PA LUNG — A district of Kong po in SE Tibet.  Das 471.

LJON SHING GI DBANG PHYUG — Drumeśvara, Drumarāja.  King of Mi'am ci (q.v.).

BRJID DGON — Vai.Ser. 246.






NYA KHAN — BA 513.

NYA KHRI BTSAN PO — A son of Gri gum.  Stein 49.

NYA MKHAR PHU — 5 281.5, 282.1.

NYA MGO GRU KHA — 'Fish Head Fording Point'.  5 241.2, 240.6, 285.4, 336.6 ff.  Stearns, King 13 (Nya mgo is sometimes spelled Nyang po).  The iron bridge here was built in 1485.

NYA MGO DGON — Vai.Ser. 241.

NYA 'GUG — N. of a village in Rdza khog.  Thar in TS9 IV 164.

NYA SGOM RTOGS LDAN — See (— — — —) Blo gros rgyal mtshan.

Byang sems NYA CHEN GZUGS — Pictured in 128 706.

Mkha' 'gro NYA NYA — 253 II 465.2 ff.

Mi la'i NYA CHOS DRUG — 17 IV 448.3.

NYA LTO ZHABS — See =Lū yi pa.

NYA STON MCHOG — Depicted on a thangkaTPS 332.  Jackson, MB 29 ("Nya [illeg.]... mchog").

Bde klong rgyal NYA THANG — 375 preface.

A ne NYA LDAN — 476 V 246.7.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) VI 159.4.

NYA NANG — See Gnya' nang.  Wylie 67.

NYA PA'I ZHABS — See Mī na pa.

NYA DBON — See (— —) Kun dga' dpal.

NYA MA RDZONG — Mon. in La phyi.  363 62.6.


NYA MED 'OD MTSHO — 253 II 580.1.

NYA MO — See (— —) Mgon po.

NYA MO KHA — BA 466.

Byang sems NYA MO 'KHOR LO'I RGYUD — Or, Gser gyi Nya mo.  Text in 319 II 241‑287.

NYA MO GANGS — "N. of a snowy mt. in Tibet to the north of Palpa in Nepal."  Das 473.

NYA MO BAG LA NYAL GYI RGYUD — Tantra in 320 II 426‑453.  Cited in 91 I 596.4.

NYA MO BON GNAS — 253 II 586.4.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 448.

Glan NYA RTSAL PA — Also, Nya tshal pa.  A teacher of Sgro phug pa (1074‑1134).  BD of T&TB III 283.  A teacher of Gnyos Chu bo ri pa.  BD of T&TB III 334.

NYA TSHAL PA — See Nya rtsal pa.

Slob dpon NYA TSHAL BA — 601 46v.1.

NYA MTSHO — A tribe.  Sato in Acta Asiatica 29 (1975) 7.

Zhang NYA BZANG — Bashey4 199.

Yon bdag NYA BZANG — 476 I 54.7.


NYA RA — BA 126.

NYA RA PA — See (— — —) Gzhon nu dpal.

NYA RI — BA 112.  Place NE of Bkra shis lhun po.  Das 474.

NYA RI MKHAN SPRUL — A name by which Gelek Rinpoche was known in India, before moving to the U.S.

NYA RI BLA MA — See (— — — —) Kun dga' bstan 'dzin rgyal mtshan.

NYA RO HI 'KHOR BA — Das 413 no. 19.

NYA LAM NYA NANG — Nyalam Dzong.  Region in S Tibet.  Wylie 129 n. 134.  =Gnya' nang and Snya nang.

Phul po'i NYA SHA TSHAL — OTA 689.

Sde dge NYA GSHIS — See (— —) (— —) Gsang sngags bde chen gling.

NYAG — One of 6 principal Rnying ma lineages.  See under Bka' ma.

NYAG SKED — In Khams.  253 II 633.6.  470 22. 

NYAG SKED — See (— —) A mgon.

NYAG SKED — See (Lcags mdud Nyag sked) Mgon po rnam rgyal.

Rtogs ldan NYAG SGOM RI PA — In Bon lineage.  206 587.5.

NYAG CHU — 5 245.5.  Tibetan name for the river that becomes the Yalung River, which then enters the Yangtze River.  In its upper reaches it is called Rdza chu kha.  See Wylie 118 no. 41.

NYAG NYI — One of 8 Rgod Stong sde of G.yo ru.  28 82.

NYAG GTER — See (— —) Gsang sngags gling pa.

Rtogs ldan NYAG PO SENG GE — N. of 'Dul ba 'od.  484 I 824.7.

NYAG BLA — See (— —) Padma rig 'dzin.

NYAG BLA GTER STON — See (— — — —) Bsod rgyal.

NYAG BLA STOBS LDAN — See Thub bstan rgyal mtshan 'od zer.

NYAG MO BA — Disc. of Lha bzo ba.  Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 2, p. 14.

NYAG RI — See (— —) Ngag dbang grags pa.  (— —) Pu to ba.

NYAG RE — N. of a pl. in Khams.  Das 474.

NYAG RE — See (— —) Se bo.

Blo gsal gling NYAG RE KHAMS TSHAN — Had a printery.  162 189.

NYAG RE MKHAN SPRUL — (sp.?)  A name by which Dge legs Rin po che was known in India, before going to the U.S.  This spelling seems more probable than Nya ri Mkhan sprul, q.v.


NYAG RONG — In Khams.  Das 575.  In 1863, its armies took over Sde dge.  23 33.  Border negotiations.  438 VI 579.1.  253 II 633.6.  375 preface.

NYAG RONG GTER STON — See (— — — —) Bsod rgyal.

NYAG RONG BLA MA — See (— — — —) Dri med.


NYAG LE — Pl.n.  Das 474.  N. of a tribe subdivided into the Kho po and Kho dbra.  Das 151.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 37 n. 43.

Bla ma NYAG SE — (fl. ca. 1191)  476 I 109.5 ff.

NYANG —  =Myang.  District of Gtsang of which Rgyal rtse is the chief city.  Myang is a clan name also.  T.H.  Nyang Ral Nyi ma 'od zer and Gtsang smyon belonged to this clan (gdung).  See 28 82, where it is a military division of G.yo ru.  KTDN 66.3.

NYANG 'KHRUL ZHIG — A yogin contemporary of Padmasambhava.  87 I 165.6.

NYANG GRU — Ferry near Rtses thang.  463 I 84.3.

NYANG CHU — River passing through Rgyal rtse, a tributary of the Gtsang po.  Das 474.  5 127.4.  132 94.6.  TS5 529.

NYANG STOD — See (— —) (Khra tshang pa) Blo gros mchog.

NYANG STOD — See (— —) (Shel dkar) Rgyal rtse.  (— —) (Bzhengs kyi) Glang po sna.  (— —) Lcang ra.  (— —) Chu mig.  (— —) Phyug mo dpal.  (— —) Sa ral.

NYANG STON — See (— —) Chos kyi 'khor lo.  (— —) Rdo rje snying po.  (— —) Rdo rje seng ge.

Sprul sku NYANG STON — Bon gter ston253 II 219.1.

NYANG NAG — See (— —) Dbang gi shes rab.

NYANG PA — See (— —) Dam chos yar 'phel.  (— —) Lha dbang blo gros.

NYANG PA — Pl.n.  BA 288.

NYANG PO —  =Myang po.  E and SE of 'Ol kha and Dbus stod.  A district of Kong po province.  Visited by Atiśa.  Ferrari 122.  BA 645.  Das 475.

NYANG PO SHING NAG — Hazod in Steinkellner Festschrift 266.

NYANG PHRAN — See (— —) 'Phrin las rgya mtsho.

NYANG BRAN — Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 94.

NYANG BRAN — See (— —) Chos kyi seng ge.

NYANG SMAD — See (— —) Skyid sbug.

NYANG SMAD BSAM SDINGS — Shangs pa subsect f. by (Mkhas btsun) Gzhon nu grub (q.v.).  For a list of teachers in this transmission, see 29 7; BA 749‑752.  Also n. of a mon. f. by Gzhon nu grub.

NYANG SMAN LUNG PA — Prob. =Sman lung pa Shākya 'od (q.v.).

NYANG TSHA DKAR LEGS — N. of Mi la ras pa's mother.  57 IIB 348.6.

NYANG RAL — See (— —) Nyi ma 'od zer.

NYANG RAL PA CAN — See (Nyang Ral) Nyi ma 'od zer.

NYANG RO — Also, Myang ro (q.v.).  In Gtsang.  This area, together with the area of 'Grom pa, comprises one of the dbang ris.  Its presiding clans were 'Bre and Lce.  28 80.  It is divided into upper (stod) and lower (smad).  115 133.7.  244 369.1.

NYANG RO — See (— —) Ta shal.  (— — Smad) Bya rog tshang.  (— —) Shug pa ri.  (— —) Bsham po mkhar.

NYANG RONG — "N. of a battlefield where the people of Tibet fought with one of their kings."  Das 475. 


NYANG LUGS —  =Rong lugs, acc. to 193 I 303.6.

NYANG ZHA MI — Bashey4 199.

NYANG GSHAN GRONG PA — Disc. of Phag mo gru pa.  =Myang gshen grong pa.  BA 563.  57 IIB 356.4.

NYAN — Pl.n.  BA 284, 302, 312.

NYAN CHEN — See (— —) Bsod nams bstan pa (excuse the false crossreference!).

Chos rje NYAN CHEN PO — Biography by Ratnasiṃha (Rin chen seng ge) listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 334 (no. 670.7).

Dur khrod NYAN THOS BOG PU'I SDE — See Das 807.

NYAN PO DGON — Vai.Ser. 148.

NYAN TSHO — BA 266.  (Myang stod) Nyan tsho in 17 II 376.3.

NYAN ZHABS — Pl.n. (?)  49 preface.

NYAN RE — BA 829.


NYAM BYANG CHU — Sp?  Fletcher, "Nyam Jam Chu."

NYAM RJE — Tucci, Religions 234.

NYAM ZE — Pl. in Rgyal mo rong.  253 II 448.2.

Zhang Rgyal nyen NYAM BZANG — 17 II 322.2 ff, 331.4.  There is an Old Tibetan letter written to Zhang Rgyal nyen by one 'Bra ['Bre?] Nya khri.  See A.H. Francke, Tibetische Handschriftenfunde aus Turfan, SPAW (1924), pt. 3, p. 12.

NYAR MA —  =Myar ma.  A fort and monastery in La dwags now in ruins.  14 4.  Velm I 281 ff.

'Dam la NYAL SGANG LA — Sato in Acta Asiatica 29 (1975) 14.

A ne NYAL LDAN — In Khams.  A meditator who would not respond even when a conch was blown in her ear.  476 I 298.5.

Rnam 'dren NYI DKYIL SNANG BA DAM PA'I DPAL — Pictured in 128 10.

NYI GUNG — N. of a monk in an avadāna  who goes to Kashmir.  TPS 509.

O rgyan Rgyal tshab NYI GRAGS GTER STON — (early 20th cent.).  Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 115.4.

NYI GRAGS SPRUL SKU — A prayer for the speedy rebirth of this incarnate found in Zhu chen Tshul khrims rin chen gyi Gsung Rnam, p. 154.  See under Nyi ma grags pa.

NYI DGA' RIN PO CHE — (1846‑1925)  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 88.

Rdis phu Bla ma NYI RGAN — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 117.1.

Bru ston NYI RGYAL — 206 578.1 ff.

NYI LCANG RIN PO CHE — See bio. in Donatella Rossi, An Interview with the Ven. Nyichang Rinpoche, IBK Fellowship Newsletter no. 6 (2003) 5‑7.  He was a student of Shug gseb Rje btsun ma, who recognized him as an incarnation of 'Brug pa Sangs rgyas rdo rje.  Later on he became a teacher at 'Bri gung Nyi ma Lcang ra [Nyi lcang] Monastery.

NYI LCANG BSHAD SGRUB THOS BSAM GLING — Mon. f. by Skyabs rje Zhi ba'i blo gros (q.v.).

NYI CHOS BZANG PO — See Aris, Boneless Tongue 143.  See Norbu, Drung Deu & Bon 3 (and note).

Dpa' chen Wer ma NYI NYA — Nine Ways 63.

Wer ma NYI'U NYA — TS6 134, n. 23.

NYI TI — A pass through which Mda' ba Rdzong conducted trade with India. TJ XXIII (1998) 108.

Pho brang NYI'I TU — In China.  5 232.2.

NYI THANG — See (— —) Ngag dbang gzhon nu bstan pa'i nyi ma.

NYI THANG DGON — 438 VII 468.2.

NYI THOG PA — See (— — —) Sangs rgyas kun smon.

NYI MTHONGS — Pl.n.?  4 222B.4.

NYI LDAN — Pl.n.  TS5 807.

Lho brag NYI LDE DGON PA — BD of T&TB VII 302.  See under Rmu btsan.  Almogi, MA thesis 20 shows that it had a ms. of Rong zom pa's works.  It also possessed important thangkas by Karma pa Chos dbyings rdo rje (see Dung dkar 26).  In 1958, the Karma pa xvi sent the other Rinpoches, including Mnyan pa Rin po che, to stay there (this was before the Lhasa Uprising!).

Lho brag NYI LDE SPRUL SKU — 415 XI 115.1.

Rgyal po NYI PANG SAD — A non human tamed by Gyer spungs chen po.  206 557.5, 563.5.  A Bon protector.  248 645 ff.  Text in 361 353‑356.  272 347‑348.  286 I 597‑598, II 447 ff.  Smith 221.  489 494.1 ff.  Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 168.

NYI DPAL BZANG PO — SFHB 730.2.  (Spa ston) Nyi dpal bzang.  253 II 386.4, 605.5.  SFHB 707.6.

'Brug NYI SPRUL — Contemp. of A 'dzom 'Brug pa (d. 1924).  365 465.2.

NYI PHUG — In title in 306 chapter 7.

NYI PHUG — Lde'u 380, where it would seem to be n. of a building.

NYI PHUG — See (— —) Chos kyi grags.

Bram ze NYI PHRENG SPONG — 128 786.

NYI DBANG — 352 3‑7.

NYI DBANG MGON PO — Ravīndranātha, a poet.  His Snyan ngag Mkhan po Nyi dbang mgon pos Mdzad pa'i Glu Thal sbyar ma, tr. by K. Angrup Lahuli, published by CIHTS (Sarnath 2000).

NYI 'BUM — Elder sister of 'Phags pa.  Wife of Western Tibetan king Btsun lde.  Mother of 'Bum lde mgon.  DTK5 71.

Mkhas pa NYI 'BUM — (1158‑1213)  His father was Zhang ston Bkra shis rdo rje.  Dhongthog 58.  BD of T&TB III 359.  Among his many teachers were Sa skya pa Grags pa rgyal mtshan and (Rngog) Rdo rje seng ge.  Pictured in 128 676.  Bio. in 193 I 333.4 ff.  464 30.5.  Bio. in Bka' ma Rgyas pa XLVI 361.5 ff.

Dge bshes G.yol ban NYI 'BUM — 321 II 434.1.

Ngu za NYI MA — 253 II 231.1.  Karmay, Treasury 183.

Gsang gling Grwa NYI MA — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 122.5.

Mthu bo che NYI MA — See (Mthu bo che) Nyi zla.

Bram ze mo NYI MA — BD of T&TB I 313.

NYI MA KHYE 'DREN — Mother of Bkra shis rab brtan.  TS5 570.


Rdzogs chen NYI MA 'KHOR LO — 413 187.3.

NYI MA GUNG PA — 115 134.6.

Dgra bcom pa NYI MA GUNG PA — 17 II 251.1.  Vai.Ser. 225.  Soundings 158.

NYI MA GRAGS — King of Shambhala.  128 1002.

Khams stod Dwags po Gter ston NYI MA GRAGS PA — (13th cent.)  Cuevas, Hidden History 182.

Khams pa NYI MA GRAGS PA — (1647‑1710)  Also, (Char), (Rig 'dzin).  Collected gter ma published in 2 vols. in 1979.  410 60B.5.  Aka Gar dbang 'gro 'dul gling pa.  Bio. in Gu ru Bkra shis VI 338‑436.  A 13‑volume set of his works has been microfilmed in Nepal.  Cuevas, Hidden History 179 ff.

Dbang ston NYI MA GRAGS — Vitali in TS9 I 100.

Dge slong 'Gro mgon NYI MA GRAGS PA — (b. 1853)  Kværne no. 203.  Bonpo.  Bio. in 253 II 63.1.  Teacher of Khyung sprul.  306 chapter 4.

Cha ru NYI MA GRAGS PA — His bios. of Gu ru Rin po che listed in BLP no. 0319.  Same as Char Nyi ma grags pa, above.

Chag ri NYI MA GRAGS PA — (recent)  See under Ka dag mthong grol.  474 preface.

Pa tshab Lo tsā ba NYI MA GRAGS PA — Dbu ma teacher of Dus gsum mkhyen pa at Gsang phu.  35 I 5.  Disc. of Abhayākaragupta.  17 II 303.2.  BA 341 ff.  17 II 384.3 ff.  B. 1055 (perhaps 60 years too early?).  Roerich (1948)356 59.3.  Subject of article by Karen Lang.  Acc. to Mtshan tho no. 37, he was b. in 1055, was educated for 23 years in Kashmir, spread the Prāsaṅgika view in Tibet, and invited Ka na ka warma [Kanakavarman].  Roesler, KSP 57.

Zhu yi Rnal 'byor NYI MA GRAGS PA — Author of the Zhang zhung dictionary studied by Haarh, and also contained in Candra, Scripts 69 ff.  I think he probably was active in first decades of the 18th century, and an abbot of Khra rgyan Mon.

A tsarya NYI MA GRAGS — 374 I 825.

NYI MA GLING — F. by (Rnal 'byor) Byang chub seng ge.  Vai.Ser. 161.

NYI MA DGA' — Sūryanandana.  N. of Rna can.  See Das 98.

Skyid lde NYI MA MGON — A "scion of the old imperial dynasty."  Founder of independent kingdom of Gu ge in W Tibet.  T.H. 138.  5 52 ff.  Das 101.  81 103.1, 114.  17 II 347.4.  Pictured in 128 526.  B. in a Pig year, at age 28, a Tiger year, he went to the Mnga' ris highlands and in the Sheep year wielded power over all the highlands (stod khams).  He died in a Hen year, age 59.  HS XXXVI 427.1.  Gutschow, Becoming a Buddhist Nun 94, confidently gives his reign dates as 923‑950.

Grub thob NYI MA MGON — Disc. of (Spyan snga) Rin chen ldan.  BA 692.

Khra legs NYI MA 'GYUR MED — BD of T&TB VII 301.

NYI MA RGYAL PO — N. of an 18th‑cent. king of Spo bo.  Sardar‑Afkhami, Account 7.

Spen ta pa NYI MA RGYAL PO — Author of bio. of Spos skya pa (1242‑1297), as well as disc. of the same.  20 34.  24 II 235‑301.

Skam zhig NYI MA RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1877)  Kværne no. 213.  =(Sga ston) Nyi ma rgyal mtshan.  Kværne, Canon 22.

Skye bo NYI MA RGYAL MTSHAN — Work in 283 445‑450.

Skyen NYI MA RGYAL MTSHAN — 115 160.5.

Khyung po NYI MA RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 634.1.

Grub chen NYI MA RGYAL MTSHAN — (19th cent.?)  253 II 487.6 ff.  F. of Mthong grol Ri khrod.  Lived 80 years.  253 II 608.2.

Sga ston NYI MA RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1877)  Also, Sgo rgyal, or, Skam zhig.  Principle guru of Khyung sprul 'Jigs med nam mkha'i rdo rje.  Kværne no. 213.  Snyan brgyud works in 299.  Songs in 299 649‑651.  253 II 479.5 ff, 626.6.

Sta gu NYI MA RGYAL MTSHAN — (16th cent.)  Bio. in 253 II 444.3 ff.  B. to Dbra nag family in Rta gu Ci gzha'.  Bio. in 342 72 ff.

Thar pa Lo tsā ba NYI MA RGYAL MTSHAN — A teacher of Bu ston.  39 5.  BA 104, 792, 800.  Ferrari 144.  27 80‑81.  In lineage of O rgyan Bsnyen sgrub.  17 IV 437.3.  475 127.3.

Rdo rje brag pa NYI MA RGYAL MTSHAN — 210 126.2.

Snar thang Mkhan chen NYI MA RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of work on Lha chos of Bka' gdams pa.  374 II 87.1 ff.

Spang mda' NYI MA RGYAL MTSHAN — His story is told by McGranahan in TS9 IV.

Bya btang NYI MA RGYAL MTSHAN — Disc. of Nam mkha' lhun grub.  253 II 617.3.

Me ston NYI MA RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1816)  Kværne no. 190.  Bon gsar.  259 preface.  The bio. of Me ston Rnal 'byor Nyi ma rgyal mtshan gyi Skyes rabs Rnam thar Skal bzang Dangs 'dren, contained in Bon Tanjur, vol. 197.

Dmu rgyal Rnal 'byor NYI MA RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1360)  Also, Dmu rigs, or, Dmu dbang.  Aka Nyi ma'i dbang po, Nyi ma'i rtsal.  His comm. on Mother Tantras in 251 411‑593.  Work in 260 505‑510.  Mkhan chen Nyi ma rgyal mtshan gyi Gsang mchog gis Dbang Lung Thobs tshul, text in 268 769 ff.  Work on Mother tantras in 270 363‑578.  Works on Mother tantras in 290Kværne no. 125.  F. Rtse ri rgyal Dgon at age 30.  253 II 595.5.  Author of FM 364.09.  Bio. in Katen (300+ vol. version), vol. 203.

Zhu btsun NYI MA RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 626.5.

Rag shi Rtogs ldan NYI MA RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of work in 256 461‑472.  253 II 437.5, 615.4 ff.

Gshen NYI MA RGYAL MTSHAN — Work in 286 I 606.  Founder, supposedly in the fourteenth century, of the original Khri brtan nor bu rtse Monastery in Gtsang.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 443 ff.  He must be the same as Dmu rgyal Nyi ma (b. 1360).

NYI MA SGRUB PHUG — 253 II 617.3.

Sprang po NYI MA DNGOS GRUB — 413 312.1  478 I 247.4.  Heretical teacher who preceded and contaminated Asaṅga's teachings, acc. to Sa skya Paṇḍi ta in his Sdom Gsum Rab dbye (1971) 93A.6.

'Bri gung NYI MA LCANG RA — Has printery 162 208.  Remains of its bridge built by Thang stong illus. in Precious Deposits III 255.  See under Nyi lcang.

NYI MA'I GNYEN — The Solar Kinsmen.  Epithet of Shākyamuni Buddha.  Almogi, MA thesis 77.

Kun mkhyen NYI MA'I GNYEN — Stein, Mi–ñag 245.

Phyag chen NYI MA'I SNYING PO — Gter ma of Ratna gling pa.  (Rdzogs chen) Nyi ma'i Snying po in 253 II 220.6.

Se ban NYI MA'I SNYING PO — Gter ston410 196A.4.


Dkar legs Drang srong NYI MA BSTAN RGYAL — (recent)  Also, Shel zhig.  Bio. in 253 II 497.3, 612.2.  Belonged to Shel zhig family.

Mkhan chen NYI MA BSTAN 'DZIN — (1813‑1875)  Also, Nyi ma bstan 'dzin dbang gi rgyal po, Nyi ri shel zhin pa shang wer ro.  The family names Sgo and Skam are sometimes prefaced to his name.  Zhang zhung linguist.  23 29.  Bonpo abbot of Sman ri (the 23rd).  245 preface.  For dates, see Kværne nos. 187, 195 and 196.  Disc. of (Dkar ru) Bstan 'dzin rin chen.  Phur pa work in 269 927‑947.  271 291‑300.  275 1‑50.  277 281‑328.  Kværne 206.  Became abbot of Sman ri in 1836.  =Sgo rigs Nyi ming pa.  286 I 546.  286 I 65‑68, 607‑608.  Works in 301253 II 625.4.  Zhabs brtan in 333 171 ff.  Author of Gtsugs dkar mo'i Sgrub thabs kyi Skor, publ. 1974 (on Bon Sitatapatra).  Work in 418.  Lengthy bio. located at Katen, vol. 90, pp. 228‑861 (there is an extensive chronology & history of Bon ending on p. 445.6, with the biography proper beginning at 449.6 [well, actually only at p. 540.7!]; section 9 in the outline of his life at p. 479.1, concerns his construction of a Bka' 'gyur Lha khang after searching out the scriptures).  I believe it is the same as the biography now published as:  Dpal Gshen bstan Sman ri'i Mkhan po Sgo ston Nyi ma bstan 'dzin dbang gi rgyal po'i Rnam thar Legs bshad Nyi ma 'Bum gyi 'Od can 'Gro kun Blo mun Sel ba'i Sgron me, Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Beijing 2012), in 432 pages.  The same title has now been published by the Bon Dialectic School (2017), where his dates are given as 1813-1862.

Gsang phu NYI MA THANG — Evid., =Gsang phu Ne'u thog (?)  BD of T&TB VI 134.  Vai.Ser. 125.

NYI MA THANG PA — See (— — — —) Shes rab sbyin pa.

NYI MA THANG ZHABS DRUNG — See (— — — — —) Ngag dbang chos ldan dpal bzang.

NYI MA DANG 'DRA BA — A n. of Sgeg pa rdo rje.  BD of T&TB I 265.


NYI MA DON GRUB — N. of person conn. w/ the publication of the rnam thar of Gling ras pa.  ?  24 I 395.2.  377 7A.4.

Dbu zhwa NYI MA BDE LEGS — N. of a hat.  CFMS 81.

NYI MA RDO RJE — Led army into Nepal.  208 233.1.

Gnyi ba'i Ban chung NYI MA RDO RJE — Mysterious n. occurring in a colophon.  Rnying Rgyud 1982, vol. 1, p. 727.

NYI MA NOR BU — See Nebesky, Where the Gods are Mountains 39.

NYI MA RNAM RGYAL — (1680‑1720)  Ladakhi king.  95 preface.  TS7 II 670.

NYI MA DPAL — Wrote comm. on Nāmasaṅgīti.  449 40.3, 44.2.

NYI MA DPAL PHU — 253 II 567.4.

NYI MA DPAL YE SHES — Teacher of Shākya shrī bha dra.  17 II 305.6.  Author of work on Yan lag Drug (have copy).  Quoted in 351 5.6.  17 IV 439.4.  475 126.6.

NYI MA PHUN TSHOGS — Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 93.

NYI MA PHYED — N. of a mt. near Kye lang.  FM 902 (p. 13).

Mkha' 'gro ma NYI MA'I 'PHRENG BA — 320 VIII 569.2.

Slob dpon NYI MA'I BU — 87 I 252.2.

NYI MA'I BU MO — Epithet of Yamunā.  Das 418.

Sku mdun NYI MA DBANG RGYAL — (b. 1910)  Bonpo.  Bio. in 253 II 44.6.  Kværne no. 221.

Brag steng Rgyal po NYI MA DBANG LDAN — Mentioned in colophon to the 1930's geographical work by Dbra ston Skal bzang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan.

NYI MA'I DBANG PO — A n. of (Dmu) Nyi ma rgyal mtshan?

NYI MA'I DBANG PO'I LHA — Ravīndra.  Chag 54.

Smyal pa NYI MA 'BAR — Student of Mal gyo Blo gros grags pa, q.v.

NYI MA 'BUM — (early 13th cent.)  DTK5 95.

NYI MA 'BUM — Achard, L'Essence 82.

NYI MA 'BUM — See Nyi 'bum.

Spa ston NYI MA 'BUM GSAL — (b. 1854)  Kværne no. 204.  Work in 260 1‑250.  253 II 512.1, 606.4.  Bio. in 474.  "Zhang zhung" name, Surya kha ri.  B. in Hor Ye tha in 1854.  Became abbot of Spa tshang Mon.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 460.

Gshen NYI MA 'BUM GSAL — (b. early 20th cent.)  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 462.

NYI MA SBAS PA — A teacher of Shākya shrī bha dra.  17 II 305.6.  Mahāsiddha pictured in 128 52A.  145 IV 83B.3.  BD of T&TB I 826.

NYI MA SBAS PA'I LUGS — 224 XII 11 ff.  A system of Tārā practice taught by Dānaśīla to Mal gyo Lo tsā ba (q.v.).

NYI MA'I RTSAL — A n. of (Dmu) Nyi ma rgyal mtshan.

Dge rgan NYI MA TSHUL KHRIMS — 354 4.6.

NYI MA TSHE RING — (contemp.)  Thangka painter.  TS7 I 303.

NYI MA MTSHO MO — (contemp.)  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 464.

NYI MA MDZAD PA — Beyer 318.

Brag dmar Spo mtho'i Skyid phug NYI MA RDZONG — See under Skyid phug.  4 210B.1, 224A.5.  4X I 148.6.

Sku mkhar NYI MA GZUNGS — Built by Skyid lde Nyi ma mgon.  DTK5 73.

NYI MA BZANG PO — (modern)  TR XVI no. 11, p. 5B.

NYI MA BZANG PO — Author of bio. of Rgod kyi ldem phru can.  481.

Rgyal ba'i Sras po NYI MA BZANG PO — Empowered as rgyal tshab by Thang stong.  =Bstan 'dzin nyi ma bzang po (q.v.).  5 285.6‑286.1, 288.3, 290.5, 291.3, 336.2, 338.1, 338.5, 343.3, 343.6.  Stearns, King 16, etc.

NYI MA'I 'OD — A Chang tshong ma (beer selling woman) of Kośala met by Ti lo pa.  See 17 II 239.  57 IIB 343.3.

Rong sman NYI MA'I 'OD — Gter ma in 87 LXXII.

Slob dpon NYI MA'I 'OD — Karmay, Great Perfection 150.

Lha NYI MA 'OD — Royal descendent.  CFMS 30.

Lha phyug pa NYI MA 'OD — Also, Nyi zla 'od (q.v.).  Disc. of Zhang Rin po che.  F. mon. of Lha phyug.  BA 715.  Bio. by Dge slong Kirti bo dhi (Grags pa byang chub) listed in Drepung Catalog 1504.

NYI MA'I 'OD 'PHRO — N. of a past (Indian, evidently) master.  Almogi, MA Thesis 104.

Dge slong NYI MA'I 'OD ZER — A monk who commissioned the painting in Essen & Tingo, Die Götter des Himalayas 68.

NYI MA 'OD ZER — (modern)  Aziz 19.

NYI MA 'OD ZER — An incarnate chair holder of Steng chen who disagreed with Shar rdza about building his hermitage.  Thar in TS9 IV 156.

NYI MA 'OD ZER — An Rnying ma pa lama who led the rebuilding of Gur chung Mon. after its destruction in about the 18th cent.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 233.  He is evidently the first of the Gur chung Sprul sku line.  The present Gur chung is the 7th.

Khod po NYI MA 'OD ZER — Present Bon lineage holder at Ni nub Mon. in Nyag rong.

'Gru sgom NYI MA 'OD ZER — 253 II 615.5.

Nyang Ral NYI MA 'OD ZER — (1124‑1192, or, 1136‑1203)  Also, Myang Ral.  Dhongthog 58.  Wife's name was Jo 'bum ma (q.v.).  Famous gter ston who excavated many important Rdzogs chen works.  Ferrari 115.  T.H.  Excavated Bka' brgyad Bde gshegs 'Dus pa12 V 469.  BD of T&TB III 336‑341.  His son Nam mkha' dpal ba was also his chief disc.  He was born in Lho brag Gtam shul 'Dzed sa Ser dgon.  His father's n. was (Nyang ston) Chos kyi 'khor lo.  Dhongthog 58.  Mentioned in BD of T&TB III 394.  Bio. in 210 18.2 ff.  Wylie 71.  His Bla ma Yongs rdzogs Bla sgrub in 87 VIII 457‑537.  Excavated a bio. of P.Sam called Bka' thang Zangs gling ma in 87 I.  His Bka' brgyad Bde gshegs 'Dus pa in 87 XXI (other cycles in XVII, XXIX, XXXIII, XL, XLII).  Text of Padmasambhava excavated by him in 141128 846.  His Bla ma Dmar khrid in 87 XCII 179‑705.  411 260A.1.  320 V 601.4, VII 562.5, XXVI 620.3.  383 42.2 ff.  Pictured in 320 XX 2.  410 47A.6.  His historical work entitled Chos 'byung Me tog Snying po Sbrang rtsi'i Bcud, publ. several times.  Bibliography, see 374 II 490 ff.  Biographical sources, see 374 II 559.1 ff.  Bio., see 413 324.3.  477.  His bio. of 8th cent. Tibetan emperors, see 429.

Gnyal NYI MA 'OD ZER — Mentioned in BD of T&TB III 405.  Probably, a contraction of the n. of (Nyang Ral) Nyi ma 'od zer.  BD of T&TB III 573.

Rgya mtshams Gdong zam kha ba NYI MA 'OD ZER — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 121.6.

Bya dur NYI MA 'OD ZER — (1563‑1637)  Also, Dran chog.  Kværne nos. 144, 154.  253 II 387.4, 403.6, 441.3 ff.  B. to 'Gru clan.  D. in Fire Ox year.  A tri 59 ff.  253 II 458.2.

NYI MA 'OD ZER CAN — Form of Padmasambhava pictured in 128 608; 320 XV 2.

NYI MA 'OD GSAL — Bonpo.  253 II 139.4 ff.

Byang rong E yi Sman pa NYI MA 'OD GSAL — 410 57B.3.  His Padmasambhava bio. listed in BLP no. 0349.

NYI MA RANG GROL — Successor of Dung mtsho ras pa in Gsang ba Lam khyer lineage.  210 17.1.


Ri bo NYI MA RAB TU SNANG BAR BYED PA — LGCM 588.1.  Achard, L'Essence 49.

NYI MA RAS CHEN — Disc. of Dus gsum mkhyen pa.  =Bha rtan dngul ba.  239 XXX 71.2.

NYI MA LA — Fletcher "Nyima La."

Slob dpon NYI MA LUNG PA — 17 IV 445.5 ff.  Cuevas, Hidden History 229 note 77.


NYI MA'I SHING RTA — Sūryaratha.  BA 1045.  Sage of Shambhala.  243 I 598.5.  17A VII pt. 1, 13A.5.

Gnyos NYI MA SHES RAB — (fl. before 1310)  265 preface.  An alias of (Go lde 'Phags pa) G.yung drung ye shes (q.v.).  See following.

Gnyal pa NYI MA SHES RAB — (12th cent.)  Student of (Zangs dkar Lo tsā ba) 'Phags pa shes rab.  BD of T&TB III 301.  Gter ma in 87 LXXX.  In list of earliest gter stons.  383 217.3.  Identified with the Bonpo Go lde 'Phags pa.  383 419.3.  410 105A.4.  Kapstein, Assimilation 134.

NYI MA SENG GE — Founded temple in Yol mo in ca. 1723.  Father of 'Phrin las bdud 'joms.  Velm I 28.  See Decleer in Lungta, vol. 13 (Summer 2000), p. 55.

Grub thob NYI MA SENG GE — Also, (Zhig po).  253 II 464.6 ff.  502 195.2.

NYI MA SENG GE — The bla ma before whom Thang stong received his rab byung ordination at Byang sdings.  5 31.

NYI MA SENG GE — An early gter stonGter ma in 87 XXXIV.  210 97.5, 104.2.  Lo tsā ba Nyi ma seng ge.  Called Gnyal ston Nyi ma seng ge in 217 490.1.  383 408.1.  410 39A.4.  Gnyal pa Nyi ma seng ge lived in the third rab byung383 218.5.

Rngog NYI MA SENG GE — Another name of Rngog Lba ba can, author of the anti‑Lam 'bras polemic called Gze ma ra mgo.  Bio. now in HS XL 428 ff.

Byang sems NYI MA SENG GE — (1251‑1287)  BA 671.  B. in Iron Pig year of 4th rab byung (1251).  Took vows at age 11 from one Chos rje Gzhon nu.  57 IIB 366.4.  He died at age 37 in a Fire Pig year.  He was fourth in 'Brug chen Gdan rabs (q.v.).  1 16.  Author of bio. of Gzhon nu seng ge.  24 II 135‑163.  His own bio. was written by Shākya rin chen.  24 II 165‑183.  Bio. in 487 I 37.4.

Zhig po NYI MA SENG GE —  =(Zhig po) Rin chen shes rab (q.v.).  BA 937.  17 II 425.3.

NYI MA HA SHANG — See Kim Hwa shang.

Skam zhig NYI MA LHUN GRUB — (b. 1691)  Kværne no. 164.  Kværne, Canon 22.  253 II 479.6 ff.

NYI GZHON 'CHAR KA MA — Text with comm. listed in SBTD I 24.

NYI ZER SGANG — Mon. above Dbang 'dus Pho brang.  Olschak.

Mthu bo che NYI ZLA — One of the 8 converts of Ti lo pa.  Also called Nyi ma.  See 116 72.2 ff.

Mdo NYI ZLA — Je yue chan.  Mt. in SE pt. of Kokonor.  Stein, Recherches 190.

NYI ZLA KUN MDZES — See Padma bdud 'dul.

NYI ZLA KLONG GSAL — (16th or 17th centuries)  Person.  87 XLVIII preface.  380 218.5.  10th rab byung (lasting from 1557 to 1626).  383 221.1.  Bio. contained in the Gcod bios. by Rdza sprul.  228.  (d. 1695)  TS7 I 143 ff.  Alias 'Ja' lus snang stong rang grol.


NYI ZLA KHA SBYOR GSANG BA'I RGYUD — In 320 IX 386 ff.  Rediscovered by Rdo rje gling pa.  413 357.3.


NYI ZLA CHOS RJE — Disc. of Nyi zla sangs rgyas, who was his grandfather.  210 183.3.  Probably the only son of Karma gling pa, he is also referred to as Nam mkha' sangs rgyas.  Cuevas, Hidden History 121.


NYI ZLA'I SNYING PO 'OD 'BAR BA — In title in 320 VI 53 ff.

Long smad NYI ZLA THANG — Vai.Ser. 232.


NYI ZLA DBANG GRAGS — (b. 1942)  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 466.  253 II 595.4. 

NYI ZLA DBANG MO — A princess of Mustang, married by Bde skyong rnam rgyal in 18th cent.  TS7 II 670.  She later divorced, and gave birth to the Panchen Lama Dpal ldan ye shes.

NYI ZLA TSHE DBANG — A Bon scholar of 'Bri ru county, near Gnam mtsho.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 130.

Gshen NYI ZLA TSHE DBANG — (beginning 20th cent.)  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 462.

Rnal 'byor pa NYI ZLA 'DZIN — N. given to a non‑Buddhist (mu stegs) converted by Te lo pa.  17 II 243.

NYI ZLA ZUNG GCIG — Seems to be proper n. of some supernatural being.  4 20A.6.  But note its occurrence in Lde'u 349.

NYI ZLA BZANG PO — B. in Fire Dragon year in a cave near Thar pa gling.  5 192.3.  Stearns, King 17.

Dbang chen NYI ZLA BZANG PO — Son of Kun skyong gling pa.  210 153.5.  PPTK 144.

Lha phyug pa NYI ZLA 'OD — See =(Lha phyug pa) Nyi ma 'od.  484 I 824.5.

Lha phyug mkhar ba NYI ZLA 'OD — (1145‑1215)  Kuijp in TH&L 296.  Became abbot of Tshal Gung thang Mon. in 1210.


NYI ZLA 'OD ZER — Alias of Legs ldan rdo rje (1512‑1625).

NYI ZLA 'OD ZER — (b. 1409 or 1421)  He was student of Nyi zla Chos rje, and teacher of Rgya ra ba Nam mkha' chos kyi rgya mtsho.  See Cuevas, Hidden History 20, 121.  Belonged to the area of Long po.

Gter ston NYI ZLA SANGS RGYAS — (late 13th or 14th cent.)  BD of T&TB III 441.  Father of Karma gling pa (q.v.).  Helped him find his gter ma.  See 210 58.5 ff, 182.6.  383 219.4.  410 117B.6.  Author of bio. of Kun dga' lhun grub listed in BLP no. 0055.  Subj. of bio. listed in BLP no. 0987.

Rtsi dkar Drung pa NYI ZLA SANGS RGYAS — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1675.

NYI GZUNGS — Or, Nyi bzungs.  =Nyi shung in Pu rang.  Built by Nyi ma mgon.  28 52, 54.  81 103.12, 116.  484 I 432.4.

NYI 'OG — Aparānta ("living at the western border [of India]").  2 5.  Discussion in Skilling, Mahāsūtras II 119 ff.  Kapstein, Plague, Power, and Reason, p. 419, n. 44.  Jinpa, Mind Training 474.  This epithet seems to suggest a strong degree of 'western' influence at the Tibetan court.  Nyi 'og gi Mkhan po is usually used with the name of Jinamitra (or perhaps the whole list of Indian pundits).

NYI 'OD — Pl.n.  438 VI 578.6 (and preceding pages), 604.1.  Name of Dalai Lama xiii's throne.  See also Essais 135.

NYI 'OD — See Karma nyi 'od.

Gyer mi NYI 'OD — Story of his meeting with (Rma ston) Srid 'dzin in SFHB 288‑308.  Rediscoveries in 246; 258 I 233‑603; 258 III 247‑263; 278 559‑567.  253 II 50.1, 204.6 ff.  Karmay, Treasury 156 ff.  Berounsky, Lapsed, p. 214 lists a biography:  Skyang 'phags [?], Rig 'dzin Gyer mi Nyi 'od kyi Skyes rabs Rnam thar Yon tan Thugs rje nyi ma, as contained in the Bka' brten (another ref. by him  in Asiatische Studien 67 [2013] 801).

Ston pa NYI 'OD — Father of Gu ru Chos dbang.  See =(Spang ston) Grub pa'i snying po.

Bya dur NYI 'OD — 253 II 438.2.

A tsarya NYI 'OD GRAGS PA — A tantric sage who rediscovered a text on Lcam sring and was thereby able to kill all his enemies.  Nebesky 492.

Gzims chung NYI 'OD DGA' 'KHYIL — N. of person or place.  150 206.4.

Rnal 'byor ma NYI 'OD SGRON MA — A convert of Ti lo pa, who had been a tavernkeeper, but later stayed at So sa gling.  May possibly have some connection with Ni gu ma.  116 61.4‑64.2.

Slob dpon NYI 'OD SENG GE — 242 III 215.3.  502 117.4.

NYI 'OD GSAL — See Nyi ma 'od gsal.

'Jo phu NYI RAB SPRUL SKU — 363 120.3.

Mkhan ming NYI RI SHEL ZHIN — See =Nyi ma bstan 'dzin.  Works in 261 187‑212, 243‑246; 277 329‑352, 371‑379; 283 347‑352; 292 II 63‑85; 303 413‑415, 515‑556.  Kværne, Canon 21 ff.  Work in 418489 451‑458.

NYI SHAR — Pl.n.  TS7 I 269.

NYI SHU — A Bon mon. in Rgyal rong.  Thar in TS9 IV 158.

NYI SHU SPRUL SKU — 253 II 636.1.

NYI SHUNG — See =Nyi gzungs.

NYI SLOB SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Zla 'od rdo rje.

NYI HON — In Tibetan, Nyi hon; in general name, Ya phang, in Mongolian, Yag so.  See 443 VI 575.

NYING KHRI — Village/town in Kong po with juniper tree planted by Gshen rab.  TS5 533.

NYING PHUG — BA 1010, 1011.

NYING PHUG PA — (1094‑1186)  Also, Snying ri ba.  BA 1008‑1011.  Ferrari 157.  Descendent of one (of the two) Grub thob Dar 'phyar (q.v.).

NYING RO — Hoffmann, Quellen 310.  See under Gnying ro.  Vitali in TS9 I 88.

NYIN THA RE NE DGON — 253 II 630.5.

NYIN BYED GLING — Ehrhard in Prats, Pandita 33.

NYIN BYED 'OD ZER — The only known son of 'Jigs med gling pa, he became abbot of 'Bri gung in 1797.  See Gyatso, Apparitions 135.

NYIN BYED SENG GE —  =Mi 'byed seng ge.

NYIN RDZONG — Mon. in Khams ('Bri khung pa?).  460.

NYU SE — Pl. in western Tibet.  Hermanns, Überlieferungen 174.

NYUG — See (Nyug gi) Rdo rje sgrom bu.

NYUG PA — N. of a place in Gtsang province.  Das 483.

NYUG MO LUNG — See (— — —) Byams tshal.

NYUNG TI — Kulu.  N. of area of Kulu valley, Mandi, etc.  BA 644.  BD of T&TB X 27.11.  B in L 11.  Havnevik, Dissert. 179.

NYUR LA — 14 1.  Near Kha la rtse in La dwags.

Gdan sa NYE KHA — BA 1030.

Sum pa NYE'U MKHAR PA — See (Gtsang pa) Sum pa.  17 II 507.  Also spelled Ne'u mkhar (q.v.), and Nye mkhar, which is the place of Sum pa's birth in (La stod) Cung pa.  57 IIB 350.4.

NYE 'KHOR NA KHYAB PA — Das 413 no. 51.

NYE RGYAL — Disc. of Gautama?  413 28.1.

NYE DU MA — N. of a wife of (Dpon) Bsod nams bzang po.  Kuijp in Lungta 14 (2001) 67.

NYE GNAS — See (— —) Dge legs nam mkha'.  (— —) Rin chen grags.  (— —) Rin chen rdo rje.

NYE BA 'KHOR — Disc. of Gautama.  128 28.

NYE BA'I SRAS CHEN BRGYAD — See Jackson in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation 102 ff.  These are the eight Great Bodhisattvas.

NYE MO — A village in La dwags.  Nimmu.  14 3.  Achard, L'Essence 54‑55.

NYE RO LUNG — See =Gnyid ro lung, "Valley of Timber Road."

NYE LAM — Between Nepal and Tibet.  56 33.  Kuti, capital of Gnya' nang.  Wylie 129 n. 134.

NYE LAM SDE BZHI — Bon gter ma253 II 224.4.

NYEN GAR — Listed as one of the 8 Rgod Stong sde of G.yas ru.  28 82.  Frequently appears in Dunhuang documents as a royal residence and fertile country.  Probably between lower G.yo ru and Gtsang.  See OTA for the year 653 and elsewhere, where it is spelled Nyen kar.  Discussion in Dotson, Dissert. 184.

NYEN GUNG — Military commander.  332 II preface 5.

Klu'i Rgyal po NYER DGA' BO — Rock, Nāga Cult II 424.

NYER LNGA — A medicinal preparation.  361 99‑116.

NYER GNYIS PA — See (— — —) ('Dzam gling) Chos kyi rgyal po.

NYER SBAS — Or, Nye bar sbas.  Upagupta.  A Buddhist priest who was spiritual guide of Aśoka.  Das 488.  413 73.4.  TPS 510.

NYER SMAS — Disc. of Gautama.  Pictured in 128 34.

NYES PA KUN SEL BYIN RLABS SGRON ME — Confessional text from an unidentified cycle of gter ma, publ. 1972.

NYES DMIGS — Literary genre on the evils of something.  Epstein, Dissertation 79, 98‑99.

Rje drung NYO MDA' BA — Donor for printing of FM 433.

NYO MA — Sp.?  In Ladakh.  B in L 9.  Orientations 45 no 5 (June 2014) 76 ff.

Nyang stod NYONG RO CHU ZANGS — 244 368.6.

NYON BGYIR — N. of mt. in Khotan.  Emmerick.

NYON MONGS RANG GROL GYI RGYUD — Bon tantra in 258 IV 101‑202.  Chos teaching.  383 459.6.  Title listed in Everding's Bon catalog, no. JS 1992.

GNYAG SGOM RI PA — See (— — — —) Sher tshul.

GNYAG CHEN — See (— —) Dznyā na ku mā ra.

GNYAG DBON — Pupil of (Mkhas pa) Nor bzang dpal.  76 8.

GNYAG TSHA — Pl.n.  Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 192.

GNYAGS — Also spelled Snyags.  N. of pl. in Tibet.  DasBuston 186.  BA 170.  N. of a clan (in Yar klungs).  See 28 79.  A Gdan rabs and Gdung rabs has been published recently in Lhasa.

GNYAGS — See (—) Gcer bu pa.

Dge bshes GNYAGS NAG — Disc. of Sgam po pa.  Prob. =Gnyan nag (q.v.).  BA 462.  73 259.6.

GNYAGS BAN — Author of work in 307 I 202 ff.

Rnam 'grel GNYAGS MA — Sa skya text.  349 XXVI 127‑221.

GNYAGS DMAR PO — Disc. of Sgam po pa.  BA 462.  17 II 519.5.  73 259.6.


GNYAGS LHA BYAR MA — N. of a mt. & mt. deity.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 401.3.

GNYAN — Type of spirit.  T.H. 94.

GNYAN — See (—) Gcer bu pa.  (—) Stag spungs pa.  (—) Dar ma grags.  (—) Rdo rje grags.  (—) Rdo rje seng ge.  (—) Sna me ba (=Lha mo ba).  (—) Lha mo ba (=Sna me ba).



GNYAN KHRA DRUG — Vai.Kar. II 306.

GNYAN RGYAL — See (— —) Rdo rje rig byed rtsal.

Gung thang gi GNYAN CHUNG RAS PA — 4 285A.4.

GNYAN CHUNG LO TSĀ BA — 124 507.6, 508.2 ff.

GNYAN CHEN — See (— —) Dpal dbyangs.

Chos rje GNYAN CHEN PA — Disc. of (Bo dong) Rdo rje brtson 'grus.  Bio. in 307 I 82 ff.

GNYAN CHEN POM RA — Work in 286 I 587‑589.  313 II 169‑171.

GNYAN CHEN THANG LA —  =Gnyan thang lha, Thang la (q.v.).  Range of mts. in E part of Transhimalayas.  T.HBA 76, 587, 598.  See Wylie 115 n. 14.  KTDN 60.1.  Picture in 128 1140.  Work in 87 LXII.  Picture in 216A.  Works in 213 263‑285; 313 II 311‑318.  Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 101.

GNYAN CHEN SPUN LNGA — May mean the Tshe ring ma sisters?  4 260B.6.

Dar tsha GNYAN STAG 'BUM 'OD — TS5 796.

GNYAN STON — Zhi byed pa.  BA 999.  The Gnyen ston of 17 II 426.6.  Gcod work in 233 251‑272.

GNYAN STON — A Shangs pa teacher.  BA 741.  Relics kept at Rwa sgreng.  Ferrari 78.

GNYAN STON — See (— —) Dzam bha la.  (— —) Gzi brjid.  (— —) Shes rab rdo rje.  (— —) Ri gong pa.  (— —) Lha 'bar.

La stod GNYAN GYI THAR MA — See (— —) (— — — —) Ya changs.

GNYAN 'THING — An alias of (Rma ston) Shes rab rdo rje.  291 contents.

GNYAN 'THENG — See (— —) Shes rab rdo rje.

'Bri GNYAN GDONG — Gzhi bdag of Sde dge.  Tucci, Religions 154.

Dge bshes GNYAN NAG — Disc. of Sgam po pa.  17 II 519.5.  =Gnyags nag.

GNYAN PO — BA 884.


GNYAN GYI 'BAR — Paternal uncle of Ras chung pa.  24 I 211.2.


'Brig GNYAN RTSE GAD DMAR — A Bon temple (lha khang) of Dmu lineage.  253 II 592.5.

GNYAN YOD GRAGS — Father of Ras chung pa.  24 I 211.1.

GNYAN RAS — See (— —) Dge 'dun 'bum.  (— —) Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan.


Ge khod GNYAN LUNG — In Ru thog.  263 II 218.3.  253 II 582.4.

GNYAN LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — —) Dar ma grags.

GNYA' KHRI — 83C 200, 202.

GNYA' KHRI BTSAN PO — 1st legendary Tibetan Emperor, whose origins are explained in different ways, some saying he came from India.  Buston 182.  17 II 315.6.  Lived 1136 B.C., acc. to Kværne no. 33.  128 834.  Recent thangka illus. of him in Precious Deposits I 70.  Rolf Stein's The World in Miniature, p. 203.

GNYA' GONG — A place enroute to China.  HS LV 201.1.

GNYA' SGOM — See (— —) Phar phyin.

GNYA' STON — See (— —) Rdo rje.

GNYA' NGAN TSHANG — Coleman in TS9 IV 33.

GNYA' NANG — Nilam.  See also Snya nang and Nya lam nya nang.  Tibetan region bordering Nepal.  Wylie 12.  4 14A.6, 6B.1, 12A.4.  Its capital is Nye lam.  Wylie 129 n. 134.  4A 37.  4 56A.4, 175B.4, 179A.3, 227A.4, 297A.6.  N. of a sbas yul in the south.  377 5B.2.

GNYA' NANG — See (— —) Grod phug.  (— —) Rgyags mda'.  (— —) Sngo ra Dgon.  (— —) Dur snan.  (— —) Snang yul gyi ri.  (— —) Rtsar ma.


GNYA' NANG LUNG CHEN — See 72 I contents.

GNYA' NAM — Mon. f. by Rgod tshang pa.  SBTD I 303.

GNYA' NAM — See (— —) G.yag po'i sna.

GNYA' LAM — Fort and administrative headuarters of the rdzong dpon of Gnya' nang.

GNYA' ZHUR — Gnya' zhur Rgyal po occurs in La dwags Rgyal rabs; no doubt meaning the kings of Zhang zhung, who had the title Lig snya shur.  See 82 88, 89.  See also KWT 81.  Sometimes spelled Rnya shur.

GNYA' SHING 'DZIN — One of the Gser gyi Ri Bdun.  Das 1310.

GNYAL — Pl. in Lho kha.  Its older n. is Dmyal (q.v.).  28 82.  Gnyal pa Grwa tshang is a part of 'Bras spungs Mon.  In Dwags po?  Sgam po pa born there.  46.  The valley of the Gnyal chu, with 'upper' and 'lower' parts.  BA 72, 75, 82, 269‑278, 284, 320, 365, 376, 382, 403, 439‑440, 481, 577, 608, 656, 661, 672, 709, 720, 849, 871‑872, 880, 911, 963, 984‑986, 1070, 1076.  17 II 423.2.  4 222B.3, 278B.6, 279A.5.

GNYAL — See (—) Sgang thog.  (—) Dre'u sles.  (—) Rong lings.  (—) Lo ro.

GNYAL — A rigsBD of T&TB III 788.  Name of a region.



GNYAL STOD — See (— —) Dar ma sgang.

GNYAL STON — See (— —) Nyi ma seng ge.  (— —) Nag po.  (— —) Dpal 'byor lhun grub.  (— —) Gzhon nu 'bum.

GNYAL PA — See (— —) ('Gar) Chos kyi rdo rje.  (— —) Nyi ma shes rab.  (— —) Nyi ma seng ge.

GNYAL PA JO SRAS —  =(Gnyal ston) Nag po.

GNYAL BUD NYI'I BYE BRAG SER LUNG — Birthpl. of Sgam po pa, acc. to 17 II 512.4.  See (Gnyal) Se ba lung.


Dge bshes GNYAL DMAR PO — A disc. of Sgam po pa.  46 48.

GNYAL SMAD PA — See (— — —) Cung ston rgyan ne.  (— — —) Cung ston rgyas pa.


GNYAL ZHIG — In lineage from Phywa pa.  BA 335.  17 II 381.1.

GNYAL ZHIG — See (— —) 'Jam dpal rdo rje.



GNYI BA — Clan n. of Dwags po Lha rje.  73 246.1.


GNYI SMAN DMYAL BA — N. of patron of artwork illus. in Heller, Tibetan Art, color plate no. 57.

GNYI SHANG KUR TI — See Snyi shang gur rta.

GNYING RO DE MO DGON — Mon. with paintings from 14th cent. a day's march SE of Sgo bzhi.  Tucci, Lhasa 52.  Ferrari 140.

GNYING RO LUNG — Route by which timber was brought from Bhutan.

GNYID CHE BA — See Tsa lu ka.

GNYIS GCIG TU BYED PA — See Dhu khan dhi pa.

GNYIS GCOD ZHABS — See Dhu kha ndhi pa.

Rin po che GNYIS MCHED PA — Or, Gnyis mchod pa.  See (Rin po che) (— — —) Grags pa rin chen.

GNYIS MED RDO RJE — Or, Badzra ra ka, is gsang mtshan of Klu sgrub.  24 I 54.3.  Advayavajra in 75 213 ff.  17 II 446.3.  Author of sādhana text in 145 IV 28D.3 ff.  A name of Mai tri pa, q.v.

GNYIS MED RNAM RGYAL — N. of a tantra.  See BA 417.

GNYIS MED MAN NGAG SROG GI 'KHOR LO — Text in 319 I 305‑316.

GNYIS MED SENG GE — This looks like a proper name, but Willis, Enlightened Beings note 103 gives a different explanation.

GNYUG LA PAṆ CHEN — See =Smyug la Paṇ chen.

GNYUN — Gdung rus of Ras chung pa.  57 IIB 349.7.

GNYE GONG — Visited in about 1220 by Sher 'byung.  On border of Gar log and Bod.  478A I 109.4.

GNYE MA — Listed as one of the 4 Rgod Stong sde of Zhang zhung Stod.  Maybe same as Nyi mo.  The 'Od dpon belongs to a clan named Rhye lig.  28 83.  Chang in BJZJ X no. 2, p. 120. 

GNYE MONG — In 29 60.4, =Snye mo.

GNYE YUL — See (— —) Bum nag.

GNYEN — One of 4 brothers, ancestors of four Tibetan tribes.  See Mgur lha.

GNYEN MKHAR RI — 453 101.1.

Gcer bu pa GNYEN GYI BU — Nirgrantha Jñātiputra.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 346.

GNYEN STON — A Zhi byed pa.  17 II 426.6.  Same as the Gnyan ston of BA 999.

GNYEN LDAN — King in an avadāna story.  TPS 489.

Bla ma GNYEN PO BA — Roesler, KSP 63.

GNYEN RTSE LHA KHANG — Bla ma Gshen gyi Gnyen rtse Lha khang.  Visited by Khyung rgod rtsal; BMBM 102.

Gangs lha GNYEN SHEL — 4 135A.1.

GNYER — Pl.n.  BA 288.

GNYER TSHANG — One of the 5 families responsible for the administration of Tho ling.  TJ XXIII (1998) 108.

GNYON — See (—) Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.

GNYOS — Kha rag Gnyos kyi Rgyud pa Byon tshul Mdor bsdus, a genealogy of the Gnyos clan, compiled in the Iron Pig year, 200 years after the founding of the Gye re Mon. (1231?).  ZY no. 504‑3047.  Gnyos was hereditary religious lineage of the Lha pa convents of the Bka' brgyud pa.  =Myos.  The Kha rag Gnyos lineage was a family of lamas of 'Bri gung pa.  They were active in the Phag ri district of S Tibet and Bhutan, where they were known as the Lha pa.  163 preface.  KTDN 66.1.  See Allinger in TS9 VII.

GNYOS — See (—) Cho bo ri pa.  (—) Nyi ma shes rab.  (—) Mthing ma ba.  (—) Dar ma 'od.  (—) 'Byung po.  (—) 'Od ma.  (—) Lag drug.

GNYOS KHRI CHEN — Hereditary heads of Smin grol gling and its affiliates.  The line died out at end of 19th cent. when Dalai Lama xiii gave the throne to Gter chen Rang rig.  39 7.

GNYOS RGYAL BA — See (— — —) Lha nang pa.

GNYOS STON — See (— —) Mdo sngags bstan 'dzin.  (— —) 'Phrin las lhun grub.  (— —) Ye shes mchog.

GNYOS NAG — See (— —) Grags pa dpal.

GNYOS 'OD — See (Gnyos) 'Od ma.

GNYOS LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — —) Yon tan grags.

GNYAN DU YOD PA — Śrāvastī.  Indian city.  Emmerick.  See Mnyan yod, below.


Sangs rgyas MNYAN SPRUL — An incarnation lineage.  (Mnyan pa) Bkra shis dpal 'byor was the 1st.  111.  See under Karma bshad sgrub bstan pa'i nyi ma.

(Sangs rgyas mnyan sprul i) Bkra shis dpal 'byor.

(— — — — ii) Lhun grub rab brtan.

(— — — — iii) Dge legs snying po.

(— — — — iv) Dge legs rgya mtsho, founder of Ban chen Dgon.

(— — — — v) Bde legs snying po.

(— — — — vi) Sgrub brgyud bstan dar.

(— — — — vii) Shes rab snying po.

(— — — — viii) Bstan 'dzin grub mchog.

(— — — — ix) Karma bshad sgrub bstan pa'i nyi ma (1897‑1962).

MNYAN YOD — Śrāvastī.  City in Koṣala.  Das 495.  17 II 239.  Sa ra ha meditated at a Mnyan yod kyi Dgon pa.  24 I 43.1.

MNYAN YOD RGYAL PO — See (— — — —) Gsal rgyal.

MNYAM NYID RDO RJE — Subj. of bio. by Blo gros rgyal po listed in BLP no. 0957.

Zur mkhar ba MNYAM NYID RDO RJE — (1445‑1484)  Karma pa.  Bio. in 35 I 635.  Author of Bye ba Ring bsrel, a collection of his medical instructions, publ. in SSSS, 1975.  Also published in 2 vols. in 1977.  Also called A bo Chos rje, A pho Chos rje, and Dhar ma swa mi.  TR XV nos 2‑3. p. 15B.  Pictured in 128 566.  Bibliography, see 374 II 420.5 ff.  He is also given the dates 1439‑1475?  DD 715.  He originated the Zur mkhar school of medicine.  See Klong rdol 769.6.  For a text Zur mkhar pa'i khyad chos, see Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Cod.tibet 619.

Rig 'dzin Thub bstan chos dbang MNYAM NYID RDO RJE — (Modern)  Rgod ldem Rig 'dzin IX.  370 preface 7.

Btsun pa MNYAN NYID BZANG PO — Author of bio. entitled Rgyal bu Don thams cad grub pa'i Rtogs brjod Padma Dkar po'i Phreng ba, listed in BLP no. 0567.

MNYAM PA'I RDO RJE — Sāmavajra.  Disc. of Maitrīpa.  BA 843.

MNYAM MED 'GRO MGON — Epithet of Sgam po pa.  46 84.

MNYAM MED BCU PA —  =A tu le da shā.  BD of T&TB I 840.

MNYAL GYI SHUD KYI LBA BA CAN — One of 8 chief discs. of Mar pa.  46 28.

MNYES THANG — Pl.n.  Story behind name, see 486 I 369.6.

RNYI SGOM — A n. of Sgam po pa.  See under Snyi.  BA 558.  17 II 541.1.

RNYING MA — For monasteries of the Rnying ma school, see Paltul Jampal Lodoe (1931‑ ), Bod na Bzhugs pa'i Rnying ma'i Dgon Deb (=Record of Nyingma Monasteries in Tibet), publ. in Dalhousie, 1965.

RNYING MA GRWA TSANG — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo stod with many monks.

RNYING MA'I RGYUD 'BUM — Publ. in 36 vols. in 1973, see 320The Mtshams brag Manuscript of the Rnying ma Rgyud 'bum (Thimphu 1982+), in 46 volumes.  The practice of including a few volumes of Nyingma tantras in the Kanjur already started with the Tshal pa manuscript Kanjur; see Jampa Samten Shastri, Origins of the Tibetan Canon 767.

RNYING MA PA — 16 36 ff.  TPS 87‑89.  Tucci, Lhasa 25.  Waddell 72‑74.  For list of Rnying ma tantras, see 87 I 60.1 ff, 76.2 ff.

Tshes bzhi RNYING MA BA — See (— —) (— — —) Grags pa rgyal mtshan.

RNYED LEGS — Bonpo.  206 544.3.


RNYOG PA MED PA'I RGYUD — Text in 319 II 14‑29.  Rgya mtsho dang Mnyam pa320 I 377 ff.

SNYA CHEN — See (— —) Li shu.

SNYA LDE NGAG RTSAN — Bellezza, L&T 53.

SNYA NANG — Milarepa stayed there.  10 10.1.  Misspelling for Gnya' nang.  115 86.6.

SNYA BO LAG RING — Aka Spra myi zin thang po.  Bellezza, L&T 64, 65.

Shangs mtsho SNYA SMAN GONG GI 'DUS SDE — 253 II 603.6 ff.

SNYA SHUR PHA — Clan.  ISTS 201.

SNYAG STON — See (— —) Lha 'bar.

SNYAG PHU — Place.  BA 1016.

SNYAG PHU BA — See (— — —) Bsod nams bzang po.

SNYAGS — N. of murderer of Dpal 'khor btsan.  17 II 347.4; BA 46.  Vitali in TS9 I 84.

SNYAGS — See (— —) Gcer bu pa.  (— —) Dznyā na ku mā ra.

SNYAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — BA 985.  17 II 426.2.

SNYANG GRAGS BZANG PO DPAL — Built Sku 'bum at Snar thang in 14th cent.  Ferrari 145.

SNYAN GRAGS — Kuijp in TH&L 312.

Bya bral Dge bshes SNYAN GRAGS — Yogin student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

Thor rgod Dge bshes SNYAN GRAGS — Mongol scholar, student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

SNYAN GRAGS RGYA MTSHO — B. at Khams Brag g.yab.  89th Dga' ldan Khri pa (1919‑1920).  BD of T&TB VI 217.

Bde yangs SNYAN GRAGS RGYA MTSHO — Mtshan zhabs of Dalai Lama xiii.  438 VI 556.5; VII 33.1, 230.3.

Mi pham SNYAN GRAGS DPAL BZANG — Also, (Ngag dbang).  Pictured in 197.

SNYAN GRAGS DBANG PO — Father of Zhwa nag xv.  BD of T&TB VII 258.

SNYAN GRAGS BZANG PO — Initiatory n. of (Slob dpon) (Mtshams pa) Nor bu.  Also a n. of Nāropa.  61 4B.2.  BD of T&TB I 827.

SNYAN GRAGS BZANG PO DPAL — Founded a mchod rten at Snar thang.  56 119.

SNYAN RGYUD YI GE MED PA'I MAN NGAG — Text in 319 II 73, 74.

SNYAN BRGYUD — In Bon, oral lineage from sages of Zhang zhung.  262 preface.  Rdzogs chen teachings.

SNYAN DNGAGS — See BA 786.  Also, Snyan ngag.  Sanskrit, kāvya.  Poetic paradigms in 242 III 327‑421.  SBTD I 390.  Work in 480.

SNYAN NANG — Or, Mnga' nang.  District in NW Tibet.  Das 500.  =Snyan mo?  See Das 775.

Dge spyod SNYAN PA'I 'OD — 128 740.

SNYAN PA BZANG LDAN — Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 2, p. 233.

La phyi Chu mdo'i SNYAN G.YON PHUG — 4 134B.1.  La phyi na G.yon chu mdor phyin.  4 152B.1.

SNYAN RAS —  =Gnyan ras.

SNYAL — See (—) Phag mo grong.

SNYAS KI BTSUN PA LDUM BU — See (— — — — — —) Ma ṇi arga sidhi.

SNYI KHU — N. of a village.  370 preface.  483 preface.

SNYI CHU — River in Khams.  See 370 preface.  483 preface.

SNYI PHU — TS7 I 356.

SNYI BA — Gdung rus of Sgam po pa.  See Snye ba.  4 221B.1.  BA 453.  17 II 512.4.

SNYI BA RGYAL PO — Father of Sgam po pa.  See U tsho Rgyal 'bar.

SNYI BA CHEN PO 'DZAM GLING GRAGS PA — A name of Sgam po pa in 35 I 4.

SNYI MO SGON CHEN — Contemp. of Sa skya Paṇḍi ta.  145 V 417.

Tre hor SNYI YUL — In Khams.  370 preface.  483 preface.

SNYI SHANG — 4 132B.4.  TS7 I 144.

SNYI SHANG KA TYA — N. of mts. in Nepal.  Jaeschke 197.  See under Ka tya.

SNYI SHANG GUR RTA — Also, Snyi shangs Gur rta and Gnyi shang Kur ti.  A mt. on the border of Nepal and Tibet.  4 123B.6, 130A.6.  Milarepa stayed in a cave here called Ka ta ya.  See Snye shangs?  SE of Bhaktapur.  406 6A.5.  Jaeschke 197.

SNYI SHANG GI RI — See (— — — — —) Ka tya.

SNYING — See (—) De wa ko ṣha.

Btsan rje SNYING KRUNG — A Mo lha.  Tucci, Religions 203.

Rtsang sras SNYING KHAR — See Bellezza, D&B 99.

SNYING KHU GYER SGOM CHEN PO — F. Shug gseb Bka' brgyud.  See under Gyer sgom chen po.

SNYING KHUNG — Pl.n.  BA 491.

SNYING KHRID MAN NGAG GI RGYUD — Text in 319 VIII 157‑193, 381‑387.


SNYING RJE'I MGRON — Text in 315 71‑85.

SNYING RJE RGYA MTSHO — A name of Lama Yongden.

Ded dpon SNYING RJE CHE — In Jātaka.  128 752.

SNYING RJE'I DPAL — Grub thob Chen po'i Bka' babs Smyung gnas Cho ga, printed from blocks in Glo bo Sman thang in Nepal (acc. no. 73‑907351), in 1971.

SNYING RJE'I ROL PA'I RGYUD — In title in 320 XVIII 184.2, 315‑449.

SNYING RJE ROL PA RNAM PAR RGYAL BA CHEN PO'I MDO — CFMS 49, with variant Snying rje Rnam par Rol pa Rgya chen po'i Mdo.

Byang sems SNYING STOBS CAN — Also, (Rgyal bu).  Previous rebirth of Buddha, who sacrificed himself to a hungry tigress.  See picture in 128 692, 772.


SNYING STOBS MCHOG — In avadāna story.  TPS 492.

SNYING THIG —  A central teaching of the Rnying ma pa school, by Vimalamitra, rediscovered by (Zhang ston) Bkra shis rdo rje (q.v.) at Mchims phu in 1037.  16 37.  17 II 390.6.

SNYING THIG YA BZHI — Collection of initiations and instructions on Rdzogs chen practice, arranged and structured by Klong chen pa.  Publ. in 13 vols, 1975+.  Work on it in 209 IV 431.

SNYING DRUNG — BA 500.  OTA 657, 658.

'Dam SNYING DRUNG DGON — 253 II 596.5.

SNYING MDO DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang with 70 monks.

SNYING PO BKOD PA — In title in 320 XVI 147.

SNYING PO SKOR DRUG — Phyag chen teachings.  See 17 IV 371.6.  A group of tantric texts, listed in Appendix B of Kragh's thesis on Sgam po pa.

SNYING PO GRUB PA — Son of Ma gcig Lab sgron.  BA 983, 985 ff.  Also called Rgyal ba don grub (q.v.).  17 II 426.3, where names of his sons are supplied.

SNYING PO GRUB PA — Also called Bde mchog grub pa.  See 132 44.3 ff, 70.6 ff.  See 'Jam dpal bshes gnyen (BD of T&TB I 379).

SNYING PO RGYAL MTSHAN — B. in Gnyag clan.  Pictured in 128 536.  374 I 433.2, 463.6.

Gnyags SNYING PO RGYAL MTSHAN — Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 177‑178.

SNYING PO BCUD SPUNGS — In title in 320 VI 286.1.

Rgyal po SNYING PO THIG LE — KB 142.6.

SNYING PO DON GYI RGYUD — See Rnal ma Don gyi Rgyud.  This phrase is used to describe the Chan transmission in Thuken 363 ff.  Interesting idea, I suppose, since snying po'i don often points toward Dohā songs and Mahāmudrā.  But I think this is his own peculiar understanding of the term.

SNYING PO DON GSUM — Precepts of Mitrayogin.  217 600.2 ff.  243 IV 665‑674.  Defined in 383 258.3.  1) Tshe 'di.  2) 'Chi kha.  3) Bar do.  Tohoku 6131‑6133.


SNYING PO MED — One n. of Arjuna, the Pāṇḍava.  Das 98.


SNYING BYANG RGYAS PA — Prophecy text cited in 481 15.2.

SNYING 'BUM — Pl.n.  Chag 105.

SNYING 'BROM BTSAN PO — Zhi byed Coll. V 215.7, 378.7 (sku lha snying 'brom btsan po).  A mt. deity.

Chos bzhi SNYING MA BA — See (— —) (— — —) Grags pa rgyal mtshan.

Rdor sems SNYING GI ME LONG GI RGYUD — 320 X 530‑581.  (Rdzogs chen) Snying gi Me long.  253 II 386.1.

SNYING GZER GSANG RGYUD — In 320 XXI 487 ff.  Snying Gzer Nag po in title in 320 XXXIII 249, or Snying Gzer Drag po Chen po (264.2).

SNYING RI — N. of mon. in Tibet.  Das 504.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 28.

SNYING RI BA — Seems to be same as Nying phug pa (q.v.).

SNYING SANGS LA — Pass between Bhutan and Mon yul.  ISTS 19 n. 10.

SNYING A SONG — A prostitute.  Goldstein, History 447.


SNYUG RUM — Pl.n.  BD of T&TB 285, 322.

SNYUG RUM PA — Also, Snyung rum pa.  See (— — —) Brtson 'grus rgyal mtshan (1042‑1109).

SNYUG LA PAṆ CHEN — =Smyug la Paṇ chen, q.v.

SNYUG LA BA — 5 209.5.

SNYUG LA RAB 'BYAMS PA — 501 12v.1.

SNYUNG RUM PA — 476 I 115.6.

SNYUR LA — A hamlet in La dwags.  Roerich, Trails 17.

SNYE — BA 893.

SNYE THANG — Netang, or, Nethang.  Has a mon. and school called Bde ba can.  A village, 10 miles SW of Lha sa, on the bank of Skyid chu.  Pl. where Atiśa spent his last days.  ='Or?  Das 506.  See Tucci, Lhasa 69 ff, 72, 117.  T.H. 142.  BA 193, 259‑263, 288, 324, 330, 673, 794, 847, 948, 1021.  Has three temples: 1) Sgrol ma Lha khang, where Atiśa's robes and Marpa's mchod rten are.  2) Sku 'bum Lha khang.  3) Gnas brtan Lha khang.  17 II 372.5.  Wylie 76, 147 n. 298.  Bell, Religion 58‑59.  Monastery, see Beyer 11.

SNYE THANG — See (— —) Bde ba can.  (— —) Blo brtan.

SNYE THANG GLING GA — Large grove in neighborhood of the mon. in which Atiśa resided, and where his remains are kept in a mchod rtenDas 506.

SNYE THANG PA — See (— — —) Blo gros brtan pa.

SNYE THANG 'OR —  =Sku 'bum Lha khang in Tucci, Lhasa 70.  Das 1121A.  Has mon. and attached school called Bde ba can (q.v.).  Ferrari 165.

SNYE MDO — BA 490, 948, 956‑962, 972‑974.  A monastery.  115 143.6, 144.1 ff.  Snye mdo Grwa tshang.  458 I 202.2.

Kun mkhyen SNYE MDO — In Guhyasamāja transmission.  BA 426.

SNYE MDO — See (— —) Bso thang.

SNYE MDO SKU ZHANG CHOS RJE — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0961.

SNYE MDO THAMS CAD MKHYEN PA — In Rum lugs, disc. of Gnyan Rdo rje seng ge.  17 II 462.1.  The person generally known by this name is in the Later Zhi byed Transmission, Snye mdo Thams cad mkhyen pa Bsod nams dpal (1216‑1277).

SNYE MDO THAMS CAD MKHYEN PA — See (— — — — — —) Kun dga' don grub.

SNYE MDO BA — See (— — —) Kun dga' don grub.  (— —) Bsod nams dpal.

SNYE NAM — BA 449, 648, 903.

Brin SNYE NAM — BA 453.

SNYE NAM — See (— —) Drod phug.  (— —) Snang yul.  (— —) La kha.

SNYE NAM PA — See (— — —) (Rdo ra Bla ma) Skal bzang rgyal mtshan.

SNYE PHU — Small town in Tibet.  Das 506.  BA 894‑895.

SNYE PHU — See (— —) Shug gseb.

SNYE PHU BA — Bio. by Chos kyi shes rab, in ms. form, listed in BLP no. 0964.

SNYE BA — Gdung rus of Sgam po pa.  57 IIB 353.2.  Snyi ba in BA 453.

SNYE BO — BA 498, 548.

SNYE MO — District between Dbus and Gtsang.  Snye mo 'Phrang rdzong, a fort on a precupice of Snye mo.  Das 506.  BA 478, 526, 731.  5 248.6.  4X I 15.2.  Site of a revolt in 1969.  Tsering Shakya, Dragon 344.  Small Bon mon. of Zhu lineage.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 455.

SNYE MO — See (— —) Karma.  (— —) Gya pa'i Ru ba.  (— —) Rgyal byed tshal.  (— —) Phur dar.  (— —) 'Phags phu.  (— —) Bye mkhar.  (— —) Tshul mig.  (— —) Gzhu yas.  (— —) Ra mangs.  (— —) (Rgya gong ri pa) Sangs rgyas dbang chen.  (— —) Bsod nams dar.

Gzhu SNYE MO — Western part of Dbu ru.  28 77.



SNYE MO BA — See (— — —) Zhu yas.

SNYE MO YON BDAG — See (— — — —) Tshe ring don grub.

'Gar SNYE RANG PHAG MDZUG — See 73 415.2.

SNYE SHANGS — Pl.n.  A yul5 91.5, 92.1, 271.5.  May =Snyi shang Gur rta.  Snye shang Kur ta in 157 B 5.2.



SNYEL 'OR — TS7 II 970.  Kuijp, Some Remarks 188.

Klu bdud SNYON KHA'I RJE BTSUN — Protective deity residing in (Lho brag) Lha mo mkhar.  213 351‑362.

Dge bsnyen Chen po SNYON DGA' — (Dge bsnyen) Snyon kha ba in 157 A 6.3.  KTDN 64.1.

SNYOS — Variant of Gnyos (q.v.).

BSNYUNG GNAS — Rite and its history.  SBTD I 130, 131.

BSNYEN JO MO — Aris in BSOAS 39 (1976) 605.

BSNYEN GNAS DKAR PO CHA BRGYAD — Tucci, Religions 170.  Bsnyen gnas Yan lag Brgyad pa, see Tohoku 6087.






TĀ — See (Kong po) (Tā) Klu sdings.

TA KI RI — A king of Ta ki ri, or of Ta ki ri Tsan dan gyi Ri gling, appears in Lde'u 313.

Rje TĀ KAU SHRI — See (—) (— — —) Ngag dbang 'phrin las rgya mtsho.

TA GLING DGON — 253 II 632.5.

TA'I TA — Also called Sad gyin, a royal palace.

TA'I TU — BA 500‑501.  Tatu (Dadu), the winter capital in Yüan times.  North of Peking (Beijing).  See E. Sperling, Dissertation 175.  See Precious Deposits III 28.  HS LV 202.1


TA THA GA TA RAKṢHI TA — (10th cent.)  BD of T&TB I 772.

TA SDE — Country W of Tibet.  473 14.  This is obviously Stag sde in the Tibetan geographical conception of the 18 Great Countries.

Kha che'i Slob dpon TA NA — MKB 437.

TA NA GA NA — "Ta na ga na sbyor sgrol gyi cho ga mdzad pa."  87 I 14.4.

TA NA RAG THANG — Pl.n., in Nang chen area.  See Sperling, Further 23, n. 66.

TA NAG DBYANGS CHOS — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang with 120 monks.

Kha che TA NU — Went to Tibet in time of Srong btsan sgam po.  BD of T&TB I 440.  Acc. to Mtshan tho no. 3, it might be that he came from India rather than from Kha che.

TA NE PA — Label on what seems to be a Mahāsiddha  carved in stone.  Precious Deposits 208.  See under Tanti pa.

TA PA SA TA — A town in India.  17 II 500.

Sprul pa'i Khye'u TA PI HRI TSA — 206 544.1, 549.3.  Ta pi ra tsa in 248 15.5, 26.5.  His prophecy, 248 247 ff.  Bio. in 253 II 325.4 ff.  Karmay, Treasury 52, 54‑55.  330 38.2.  413 368.2.  Hri tsa is Zhang zhung language for Khye'u.  See discussion in Stein's article on Zhang zhung, at p. 252.  Achard, L'Essence 232.  Teacher of Snang bzher lod po in time of Khri srong lde btsan.  See retelling of his biography by Tenzin Namdak in Voice of Clear Light 1 no 1 (Oct 2005), a web publication.

TA PO THA — See Das 513.


Chos 'khor TA BO — BA 355.  In Spi ti.  14 4, 19.  A foundation of Rin chen bzang po, and therefore late 10th or early 11th cent.  Actually, it is supposed to have been founded in 996.  Said to be founded by Ye shes 'od, it is spelled Ta po in a 12th century history (Pritzker, Canopy 157).

TA'I BA'U HWA WANG — Vai.Ser. 118.

Byang pa TA'I DBANG PO — See BA 778.  Prob., =Ta'i dben.

TA DBEN — Or, Ta'i dben.  See (— —) Chos kyi rgyal mtshan (1332‑1359).  (— —) Chos kyi rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po (father of Dharma dhwa dza, 1351‑1396).  (— —) Blo gros rgyal mtshan (1332‑1364).

Bdag po TA DBEN — Kuijp in TH&L 299.

TA DBEN GU SHRI — TPS 34B.  See (— — — —) Kun dga' nyi ma'i rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po.

TĀ DBON BLA MA — See (— — — —) Dge 'dun 'phrin las seng ge.

TA MA LA RI KHROD MA — Ḍākinī.  4 149A.2.

TA MA LA SINTA — An Indian city where Rin chen bzang po studied Yogatantra with Śrāddhākaravarman.  Mtshan tho no. 33.  Occurs as Ta ma la santi in Ahmad, Fifth 79.

TA MANGS — A people of Nepal.  The Tamang.  373 preface.  See Rta mang.


TA ZHIG — DTK5 61.

TA ZHIN — Chinese king who invited the Indian Śāriputra in 1414.

TĀ ZHES DWUR — A title.  Wylie 77, 148 n. 315.

TA ZIG — Roughly denoting Iran.  See Stein 57.  BA 46.  82 83.  Same as Nub phyogs Rta zhig in 413 445.4.  See Btsan lha where it is said to be a minor country neighboring 'Ol mo'i Gling.  See also Btsan lha 264, under Stag gzigs gsal ba 'od kyi gling.  Dung dkar 113.

TA'U — See (—) Rog rje gling pa.

TA YAN HAN — Son of Gushri.  Thu'u 459.  Dayan Khan (d. 1668).  Thuken 379.

Blon chen TA RA KLU KHONG — Praised in the 764 pillar inscription at Zhol.  T.H. 23.  =Stag ra klu gong, a "Bonpo" minister.  Hoffmann, Religions 83.  Ta ra klu gang in 87 I 89.5.  Rta ra klu gong in KTDN 164.5.  See 19 34‑35 on the confusion of names.  Khri srong lde btsan gyi blon po Ngam Stag ra klu gong: story about how Bon pos stopped his Bla.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) X 50.4.  Stag sgra klu khong, of the Ngan lam clan.  Dotson, Note 81.  Bashey4 200.

TĀ RA NĀ THA — (1575‑1634)  Tāranātha.  Aka Kun dga' snying po.  B. 1575 (although some say 1573).  E. Gene Smith has given him the dates 1575‑1634.  Dhongthog 59.  29 6.  At age 41, he built Rtag brtan Mon.  Waddell 70.  Successor of (Chos sku) Lha dbang grags pa in Jo nang Lugs (q.v.), no. 17.  His study on Indian sources for the life of Padmasambhava in 87 I.  See works in 164 and foreword.  Pictured in 128 1048.  Beyer 4, 13, 417.  Autobiography, Rgyal khams pa Tā ra nā thas Bdag nyid kyi Rnam thar Nges par Brjod pa'i Deb Gter Shin tu Zhib mo Ma bcos Lhug pa'i Rtogs brjod (ZY no. 372‑2666).  183  Disc. of Gam bhi ra ma ti.  Bio. in 383 387.5 ff. Article by Hummel in Asiatische Studien 24 (1970) 25‑33.  Article by D. Templeman in TJ VI no. 2.  Following are some notes from his Autobiography (183):  22.6.  Tāranātha saw Mon rtse pa'i Rtogs ldan holding breath and doing 'khrul 'khor, and was inspired to become like them.  He also saw A tsa ras begging and this made him very happy.  30‑40.  Interesting dream where he visits O rgyan and is taken under the care of Vajrayoginī.  41.6.  Paṇ chen Shākya shrī'i snam sbyar dang Rdza sku Don zhags.  46.  Age 8, takes complete dge bsnyen.  48.1.  Ras chung Snyan brgyud.  48.2.  Chos drug Sras mkhar ma.  48.3.  Bde mchog Bong zhal can.  52.6.  Sanya shi mang po dang Rgya gar gyi Gleng slang mang po byung.  54.2.  "This land is to the east of China."  57.  Sbyor ba Yan lag Drug in Monkey year.  58.3.  It was the first nyams khrid he obtained in this life.  Bio. works listed in BLP nos. 0965‑0967.  His writings, or some of them, were banned (see E. Gene Smith, Banned Books in the Tibetan Speaking Lands).

TA RA SPYAN — Havnevik, Dissert. 179, etc.

TA RA RIN PO CHE — Beyer 375‑398.

TĀ RA SHRĪ — BD of T&TB I 880.

TA RAB DGON PA — See 253 II 472.6, 618.5.  See Rta rab.

Rnal 'byor ma TĀ RAM GA — Or, Twa ram ba.  BD of T&TB I 924, 925.

TĀ RI — Stein, Mi–ñag 250.

TA RIG BRA SHA — P.n.  Coblin in TH&L 82.

TA RE TA — 17 IV 222.4.


TA LA'I BLA MA — Dalai Lamas.  The title originated in 1578.  Wylie 137 n. 201, 153 n. 359.  43.  Bios. in BD of T&TB VI 270 ff.

i) Dge 'dun grub (1391‑1474).

ii) Dge 'dun rgya mtsho (1475‑1542).

iii) Bsod nams rgya mtsho (1543‑1588).

iv) Yon tan rgya mtsho (1589‑1616/7).

v) Ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho (1617‑1682).

vi) Tshangs dbyangs rgya mtsho (1683‑1706).

vii) Bskal bzang rgya mtsho (1708‑1757).

viii) 'Jam dpal rgya mtsho (1758‑1804/5).

ix) Lung rtogs rgya mtsho (1805‑1815).

x) Tshul khrims rgya mtsho (1816‑1837).  Dhongthog 90.

xi) Mkhas grub rgya mtsho (1838‑1855).

xii) 'Phrin las rgya mtsho (1856‑1874/5).

xiii) Thub bstan rgya mtsho (1876‑1933).

xiv) Bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho (June 7, 1935 to present).

The history of the 8th to 12th Dalai Lamas, by Khetsun Sangpo, may be found in TJ VII nos. 1‑2.

TA LA RTSI PHUG — 120 90.6.

Phun tshogs dpal gyi ri TA LA SI GLING — 124 441.3.

TĀ LO YE — Chinese loanword.  Title of respect given to Chinese officials.  Wylie 158 n. 392.

Nyang ro TA SHAL — 253 II 573.4.  Is this perhaps the same as the Nyang ro Thal pa tshal (or Nyang ro Ltag zhal?) of Hazod in Steinkellner Festschrift 262.


TA'I SI TU — See refs. in 27 8. 

TA'I SI TU — See (— — —) (Rab brtan) Kun bzang 'phags pa.  (— —) Byang chub rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Bsod nams 'phags.  (— —) Lha btsun skyabs. 

(— — — i) Chos kyi rgyal mtshan (1377‑1448).

(— — — ii) Bkra shis rnam rgyal (1450‑1497). 

(— — — iii) Bkra shis dpal 'byor (1498‑1451). 

(— — — iv) Mi 'khrugs chos kyii go cha (1542‑1585).

(— — — v) Chos kyi rgyal mtshan dpal bzang or Chos kyi rgyal mtshan Phyi ma (1586‑1657).

(— — — vi) Mi pham chos rgyal rab brtan or 'Phrin las rab brtan (1658‑1682). 

(— — — vii) Smra ba'i nyi ma or Legs bshad smra ba (1683‑1697).

(— — — viii) Chos kyi 'byung gnas (1699‑1774).

(— — — ix) Padma nyin byed (1775‑1853).

(— — — x) Padma kun bzang (1854‑1885). 

(— — — xi) Padma dbang phyug rgyal po (1886‑1950 or 1952?). 

(— — — xii) Padma don yod snying rje (b. 1954).

NOTE: Of these, only the 8th and later ones actually held the name Si tu.

TA'I SI TU — See Kuijp in TH&L 277 n. 1.

TA'I HU — Empress dowager.  See Johan Elverskog, "The Mongolian Big Dipper Sūtra," Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, vol. 29, no. 1 (2006), p. 117.

Ha shang Rgya bon TA HU'I — 253 II 143.2 ff.

TA KṢHA KA — Nāga king.  Emmerick.

TANG GUD —  =Mi nyag (q.v.).  Tangut.  See Tong kus.  Jaeschke 413.

TANG 'PHAGS PA — Havnevik, Dissert. 141.

Lo tstsha ba TANGRA KU TRA — 320 XXII 67.4.

TANTI PA —  =Tante pa.  =Tendha pa.  Tib.: Cho lo mkhan zhabs, or, Cho lo ba, "dice player."  Mahāsiddha.  120 97.4‑98.15.  A compulsive gambler who lost everything and met a yogi in the cemetery, and so forth.  Disc. of Dza landha ri pa.  BD of T&TB I 469, 684‑685.  See under Ta ne pa.

Grub thob TAN TI PA — See Tantri pa.  Disc. of Dza landha ri pa and Nag po spyod pa.  Thags mkhan, a name meaning Weaver.  BD of T&TB I 436‑439.

TAN TING PHU — Temple a few days W of Peking with ancient 1,000‑armed Spyan ras gzigs image.  41 I 11.

TANTRI PA — Mahāsiddha.  See Tanti pa (?).  Tib.: Thags mkhan zhabs.  Bio. in 120 42‑46.  Pictured in 128 64.

TAM BA LA — A country in S India.  BD of T&TB I 486.

TAM BRA PRA 'DI MA — In the south.  BD of T&TB I 339.

TAM PA TA — Mahāsiddha.  Pictured in 128 32A.

TAM SEMS GZHA' — Rock, Nāga Cult I 143.

TAR KHAN THAL JI — 208 I 236.6.

TAR TI — BD of T&TB VII 145.

TAR MDA' — BA 615.

TAR MI TA — Pl.n.  See Bailey in BSOAS 13 (1951) 400; (1982) 10‑13; in the latter he identifies it as Termez and etymologizes it as tara‑mita, or 'river crossing town'.  Bu ston, Works XXI 125.1, where it is located on the banks of the Pakshu.  Termez, Tirmidh, evidently.  (L. van der Kuijp, in his article snpiy bam po, at p. 127, also notes this place name.)

TAR SAG — Word for Christian used in work by Avalokitavrata.  See Kuijp, Earliest 200.  Tarsakan is a middle Iranian word for Christians (it is in the plural; tarsa in singular).  The Persian word seems to mean 'fearers [of God]'.  See Grupper, Buddhist 18, for a Chinese borrowing of the word used in 1256.  Mark Dickens, "Tarsā: Persian and Central Asian Christians in Extant Literature," contained in: Li Tang & Dietmar W. Winkler, eds., Artifact, Text, Context: Studies on Syriac Christianity in China and Central Asia, LIT Verlag (2020), PDF.

TAS KUNG DGON CHEN — 332 preface 18, 20.

TAS MING — The Ming dynasty.  Wylie 149 n. 316.

Khyim bdag Bram ze TI KA — Father of Klu sgrub snying po.  413 146.1.

TI SGRO — BA 183, 193.  208 I 212.4.  A Tshogs khang Chen mo at Ti sgro mentioned in BD of T&TB III 730.  Ti sgro Bsgrags.  87 I 208.3.  Dbu ru Gzho'i Ti sgro'i Brag Dkar po.  LGCM 630.4.  This is Gter sgrom, even if Ti sgro would be the older spelling.  Kapstein in Goldstein & Kapstein 1998: 178, n. 5, says Ti sgro means 'pigeon quill', explained by the shape of the rock spires there.  Cuevas, Hidden History 95, on the nunnery, which practices both Kar gling and 'Bri gung teachings.  'Bri gung Gter sgrom Gnas yig, a booklet in 61 pages.

TI SGRO — See (— —) Brag dkar.

TI SGROM —  =Ti sgro.  An upper branch of Gzho Rong chu.  See Ferrari 112.

TI CHUNG — A lesser peak of Mt. Kailash.  Allen, Search for Shangri La 141 (map).

TI TI RA KU RA — Village on banks of Ganges.  BD of T&TB I 875.

TI THUNG — Pl.n.  115 8.1.  Also spelled Tes thung, Thes thung and Tai tong, it refers to Ch. Datong.  See Kuijp, TBMP 460.

Lha mo TI NU MA — One of the Dmar chung skor gsum.  TBRC lists a title Ti nu ma'i Bsnyen sgrub Las Gsum gyi Man ngag Yi ge Yid 'phrog Li khri'i Chu gter (Dehradun 1970).

'Gor 'Jam dbyangs Sprul pa TI PA TSA — 374 II 474.5, 597.4.

TI PU — N. of a town in India.  BD of T&TB I 907.

TI PU'I CHOS BZHI —  =Rdo rje Lus kyi Sbas Bshad.  See history and biblio. in 17 IV 416.6 ff.  383 301.2 ff.

TI PU PA — Pārāvatapāda.  "Pigeon."  Considered an incarnation of Marpa's son Dar ma mdo sde.  A direct disc. of Nāropa and Maitri pa.  10 11.7.  Ras chung pa received teachings from him in India.  17 II 502.  24 I 213.4, 214.4.  BA 437, 843.  Son of Ga ya dha ra.  17 II 286.4.  Bio. in 17 II 298.4 ff.  4 191B.2 ff, 200B.5, 201B.5.  Called Ti pu Gsang sngags sdong po in 4 203B.1, 204A.2.  Bio. in 487 I 18.5 ff.  Pictured in 128 640; 170 120.  Bla ma Ti pu in 450 251.4.

TI PU RI — Area in E India.  BD of T&TB I 416.  Ti pu ra in BD of T&TB I 907.

TI PHU — Variant of Ti pu, or Ti pu pa (q.v.).

TI PHU THĀD — Russian title for Paṇḍi ta Mkhan po (Bandido Hambo).  Vostrikov, Critical 53.

TI PHU SUM CU PA — 'Khrul 'khor texts in 414.

TI BU ZHABS — Variant of Ti pu pa (q.v.).

TI MUR BHO KHA — A Chinese (i.e. Mongolian) dmag dpon on side of Sa skya against the 'Bri khung.  Wylie 134 n. 170.  See also Thi mur.

TI BZANG HAD KYI SGRON — Rock, Nāga Cult I 269.

TI RA HU TA — Chag 57.

TI RA HU TI — Tīrabhukti.  Tirhut.  BA 383, 580, 1034, 1058.  87 I 254.5.  17 II 409.2.  73 45.4.  In upper Bihar.  Tucci, Journey to Mustang 7.  115 95.6, 121.3.  BD of T&TB I 203.  484 I 848.4.

TI RI KHA — A town.  5 164.6, 165.2.

TI RUB 'BUM RI — Aris, Discourse 37.

TI LA KA KA LA SHA — In Tibetan, Thig le bum pa. In late 11th cent., he, with Pa tshab Nyi ma grags, translated the Gsang 'dus 'Phags lugs.  He would seem to be the Paṇḍi ta Ka la sha invited by Pho brang Zhi ba 'od.  "Dpal mchog gi hor khong gsab."  Mtshan tho no. 79.

TI LA PA — See Hi la pa.

ṬI LING PA CA — N. for the Mughal emperors in Delhi.  Aris, Discourse 35.

TI LO PA — (late 10th‑mid‑11th cent.)  Or, Tilli pa.  Tailapāda.  Early Tibetan sources often spell his name Te lo pa.  (988‑1069)  11 2.  57 IIB 342.6 ff.  75 introduction.  Bio. in 73 14‑52.  Three disciples, Nāropa, Ri ri pa, and Ka so ri pa.  His bio., said to be by Mar pa, in 74 I 8‑28.  His Phyag rgya Chen po Bsam mi khyab in 74 I 313‑347.  His Dpal Te lo pa'i Pra khrid Lung bstan Gtad rgya in 74 I 347‑369.  His Rdo rje'i Gzhung Chung in 74 I 405‑411.  Two songs granted to Nāropa, entitled Dbang Mdud 'Grol dang Chos nyid Gnyug ma'i Mgur Gnyis in 74 I 547‑552.  Bio. called Sangs rgyas Thams cad kyi Rnam 'phru Rje btsun Ti lo pa'i Rnam Mgur in 116 37‑83. His bio. by Lha btsun pa (first publ. in 1550) in 72 I 1‑75.  For the story of his name, see 24 I 64.5 ff.  Bios. in 17 II 226‑250; 121 I 8‑99; 120 74‑75.  Bio. by Rgyal thang pa in 119 15‑57.  Tib. name, Til rdung zhabs.  Short bio. by Zhang Rin po che (1123‑1193) in 131 311‑312.  Pictured in 128 33, 280, 330, 422, 464.  Bio. by Rje Mkhan po IX in 135 1‑50.  Comm. on his Bla ma Sgrub thabs in 224 I 359 ff.  His Do ha Mdzod in 331 381‑391.  Bio. in 357 22‑26.  Etymology of name was discussed by Sa Paṇ in his Sdom Gsum Rab dbye (1971) 91A.2.  Works in the Tanjur, with Peking numbers: 2193) Dpal Lhan cig skyes pa'i Bde ba'i Mchog Bdag Byin gyis Rlab pa.  2238) Snyan brgyud Yid bzhin nor bu.  2371) De kho na nyid Bzhi pa'i Man ngag Gsal ba'i Sgron ma.  3128) Do ha Mdzod.  3132) Phyag rgya chen po'i Man ngag.  3227) Snying rje Sgom pa'i Byin brlabs.  3256) Phyi Nang gi Dug Sel.  4635) Phyag rgya chen po Bsam gyis mi khyab pa.  5014) Bla ma'i Sgrub thabs.  1015) Phyi Sgrub kyi Rten 'brel

TI SHI — A title, see 27 109.  Heissig 24.  See (— —) Kun dga' rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Kun dga' blo gros.  (— —) Kun dga' legs pa'i 'byung gnas.

TI SHRĪ — One source defines it as "the lama who initiates the king from the crown of the head" (rgyal po'i spyi bo nas dbang bskur ba'i bla ma).  See Sperling, Further 11.  Sperling in Lungta XIII (2000) 23.

TI SHRI MGON — Kuijp in TH&L 303.

'Gro mgon TI SHRĪ RAS PA — (1164‑1236)  A Bka' brgyud pa.  Aka Dhor grags, Pradznyā seng ha.  57 IIB 354.5.  BA 601.  235 introduction 5.  12 IX 82.2.  B. in Wood Monkey (1164).  Went in 1196 to Xixia (Tangut) and stayed until age 63.  He died in a Monkey year (1236?).  Bio. in 467 II 100 ff.  473 27.  484 I 825.4.  Kuijp in TH&L 295‑6, with discussion of dating problem.  See Sperling, Further, where his dates are given as 1164/5‑May 7, 1236.  In his 63rd year, he returned to Tibet from the Tangut kingdom.

TI SE — Also, Ti rtse, etc.  For Thang stong's visit, see 5 176.2.  Height of main peak is about 22,300 feet.  Das 515.  BA 139, 269, 574, 579, 598, 602, 605, 669, 682, 686, 693, 700, 720, 726, 975, 976, 1039, 1040.  Its name is a Zhang zhung 'survival'.  4 89A.6.  115 40.5 ff.  Three Bon protectors (Mgon po rnam gsum) named in 283 preface.  Two Bon dkar chag in 304.  Travels of Khyung sprul, 306 chapter 9.  Bskang rites.  313 II 311‑318.  For 'Jig rten mgon po's verses of praise, see 476 I 374.3 ff.  Pilgrim's guide & description under title Tshes Bcu'i Phan yon Dgos 'dod Kun 'Byung, publ. 1976.  Early 13th century visit, see 478A I 108.2, 112.3.  Dkar chag by Ngag 'phrin, see 504 139‑201.  For a map of the circumambulation paths, see Allen, Search for Shangri La map on p. 141.  For visit by an Indian in OT times, Hackin, Formulaire 36 (here spelled Ti si).  Gangs Ti se dang Ma pham G.yu mtsho'i Gnas yig Bstod glu'i Mgrin dbyangs, ed., by Chos ngag, Bod ljongs Mi dmangs Dpe skrun khang (Lha sa 2002), in 203 pp., including extracts from various works.  Bhattacharya, LW 343, no. 20, suggests that this means 'three peaked mountain', and that here tri stands for Skt. tri (I think this is surely not right).  There is a not very pleasing etymology of Kailāsa according to which it is derived from kilāsa, meaning 'leprous' since the mt. is spotted with snowy patches.  See Seldeslachts in L'antiquité classique 67 (1998) 273‑299 at p. 289.

TI SE SMAR — Patron of Sangs rgyas bzang po.  28 14.

TI SE ZHING SKYONG — Allen, Search for Shangri La map on p. 141.

TIG TIG — See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 57.

TING KHYU — In Dolpo.  Map in Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 141.

TING NGUR RONG — In Hor.  354 23.4.

Myang TING NGE 'DZIN — Great Ban de of early times who, with Bran ka Dpal yon, presented the finished Mahāvyutpatti to the Emperor.  2 6.  See below.


Spyan ras gzigs TING NGE 'DZIN RTSE GCIG GI RGYUD — In 320 VIII 558‑569.

Myang TING NGE 'DZIN BZANG PO — (8th‑9th cent.)  Also, (Nyang).  Lived during reign of Khri srong lde'u brtsan.  Executed after 836 under Glang dar ma.  Founded Zhwa'i Lha khang where he concealed the Snying thigFerrari 110.  "Snying thig gi gdams pa rnams Dbu ru Zhwa Lha khang du gter du sbas."  BD of T&TB III 125.  Received transmission of Rdzogs chen from Bi ma la mi tra.  T.H. 160.  17 II 327.2, 338.3 ff.  Pictured in 128 672.  476 IV 368.5.  Court priest (mchod gnas) of Khri srong lde brtsan.  LGCM 635.3.  Achard, L'Essence 47 n. 100, 55, 80‑1, 96.

TING TING TING LO SMAN — A yakṣa.  87 I 43.6.

Chos rje TING TING PA — (ca. 1543)  17 III 401.6, 405.5.

TING RDU BON DGON — See (— — — —) Nor bu gling.

TING MUR G.YU RTSE'I RGYUD — Bon tantra in 258 III 313‑361.  Mentioned in 253 II 224.1.  Also in 309 1‑110.  Everding's Bon catalog, no. JS 2065.

TING SMAD — A county in Ru thog district.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 35.


A dzi ta'i TING 'DZIN PHUN TSHOGS — Compiler of 414 415 ff.

Ka thang Sprul sku TING 'DZIN DBANG THOB — 129 V 597.4.

TING 'DZIN BZANG PO — A disc. of Karma pa iii.  Toh, Ming 133.

Gling Drung pa TING 'DZIN BZANG PO — TS5 808.

Se ra Dge bshes TING 'DZIN LEGS BZANG — Author of small Tibetan–Tibetan dictionary (in 1912) in personal possession.

TING WA RI — On border of Mang yul and Nepal.  DTK5 90.

Dmu tso TING RUM — ?  253 II 374.2.

TING LO SMAN MO — KTDN 99.4, 98.3.


TING 'DZIN YE SHES — Du si of Gling Bar tshang.  TS5 807.

TIR PU RA — In hills of Go ra area (Assam).  NMH 75.2.

TIL — A village in Sle mi.  BA 476.

TIL PHUG — Cave where Dus gsum mkhyen pa meditated for 4 months.  35 I 6.

TIL DMAR DGE BSHES — Also spelled De'u dmar Dge bshes, q.v. 

TIL DMAR DGE BSHES — See (— — — —) Bstan 'dzin phun tshogs.

ṬU KU RA — ?  Wylie 63.

TU KYA HO WANG — Fu chiao wang, title.  E. Sperling, Dissertation 215.

TU KYUR PA — A disc. of Gtsong kha pa who converted mon. of Skyor mo lung to the Dge lugs pa.  Wylie 149 n. 320.

TU GUL — OTA 662.

TU RU KA — Btsan lha.

TU RU ṢHKA — 17 II 307.1.  Tu ru ka in 115 95.1 ff.  87 I 257.6, 258.2.  BD of T&TB I 197, 568.  "Tu ru ska ni Kla klo dang Sog po la 'jug pas Byung khungs kyi ming ste."  DG 242.6.

TU RUB — Aris, Discourse 43.

Nub TU LA KṢHE TRA — Also, Du la kṣhe tra.  See Du la khye tra.  17 II 437.2 ff, 447.4.  BA 400.  46 14.  Where Mar pa met Ye shes snying po.

TUNG YANG THE'AN TSUN CE — Venerable One of Dongyang Tiangong Si (Eastern Sun Heavenly Palace Monastery).  Thuken 362.

TUN YAR MU KHROD — A king of Zhang zhung.  See Tucci, Religions 217.

TUN HU'ANG — Dunhuang.  488 474.1.  A disc. of Lo chen Chos skyob named Hwa shang Hpha cheng built first temple there in Han period (!).

TE'U BKRA SHIS 'OD 'PHRO — A mchod rten.  DTK5 187.

TE GYER — N. of a pl. in upper Tibet.  Das 518.

TE RGAN PA —  =Tigin.  See Tshe dbang bde chen snying po.

Lho pa TE SGOM — 17 II 456.6.  Prob. =(Lho pa) Rta sgom of BA 445 ff.

TE SGRO — See Ti sgrom.  One of 20 principle mts.  Das 212.

Rgyal ba TE NE — See (Rgyal ba) Ten ne.

TE PU PA — Variant form of Ti pu pa (q.v.).

TE PHU PA — Variant form of Ti pu pa (q.v.).

Ha shang TE TSA — 87 I 114.1.

TE'U RA — Headquarters of Chag Lo tsā ba.  115 151.5, 152.6.  Vai.Ser. 175.  Rje Ti'u ra pa in 602 23r.1.

TAI LIṂ GA — Modern Telingana, birthplace of Dignāga.  Das 518.

TE SO — A sa bdagVai.Ser. II 261.


TE'U GSER PO — A large mchod rten, now in ruins, built by Grags 'bum lde in La dwags.  14 82, 83.

TENDHA PA — See Tanti pa.

Rgyal ba TEN NE — (1127‑1217)  Also, Rten nas pa, Te ne. An earlier n. was 'Jig rten grags, which was the source of the other nicknames.  A Zhi byed pa, he received the chig brgyud from Pa tshab.  17 II 425.2.  BA 929 ff.  Dge ye's history says he died age 95, therefore in 1221.

TO'U KANG — Chinese Emperor.  Kværne no. 200.

ṬO ṬA KA'I RGYUD — 449 34.1.

TO DOG — Bailey in AM 11 no 1 (1964) 9.

TO PO RONG — In Amdo.  253 II 639.6.

TO MI — Area near So byi (Sum pa).  Chang in BJZJ X no 2, p. 121.

TO TSHA — ?  115 8.3.

TO YO CHAS LA — 28 105 n. 2.  Uray, Narrative 40, 41.  Dotson, Dissert. 301. Denwood, TW2 149.

Snubs gnya' TO RE RTSUG LO — Son of King To re srong btsan.  Prince of Snubs gnya'.  Das 770.

TO LA —  =Mdo lo.

TO LE'U — Horlemann 130.  A mon. or temple located in or near Te'u chu, f. in around 9th century.

TO LE'U STAG GSUM — A Tibetan official who issued a letter of passage.  Schaik, M&T 151.

Dam pa TOG DKAR — Name of Śākyamuni before he descended to earth from Tuṣita.  Das 619.  There are impressive similarities between the father of Lord Shenrab (variously named, but including Thod dkar) as well as the name of Gesar before he descended to earth (Bu tog dkar po, or rather, the son Tog dkar po), that ought to be sorted out.

Lha'i bu TOG DKAR PO — Śvetaketu.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 347.

Rnal 'byor TOG GI RGYAL MTSHAN — Disc. of Shar pa Rnal 'byor.  253 II 430.3.

TOG TSE PA — Mahāsiddha.  See Ko ṭa li pa.  476 II 265.5.

TOG RTSE PA —  =Rtog rtse ba.  For his Bsam mi khyab kyi Gdams ngag, see 36 IV 575.  This work is important for Sa skya and Lam 'bras system.  57 IIA 8.1.  For meeting with Shānti pa, see 120 39‑40.  Mentioned in 17 XXII 15.1.  17 IV 317.4.  Pictured in 128 27A.  129 V 85.5.  BD of T&TB X 3.13.  BD of T&TB I 495.  See also David Jackson, Enlightenment by a Single MeansDpal Tog tse pa'i Bsam mi khyab kyi Gdams ngag, contained in:  Sa skya Lam 'bras Literature Series Sakya Centre (Dehra Dun 1983), vol. 1, pp. 347‑362.


TONG KAN SMAD — In Khotan.  Emmerick.

Rgya nag TONG KUN — 476 IV 95.3.  See the lengthy discussion of this pl.n. in Schaik, M&T 170‑174, where the most likely conclusion is that it means the 'eastern capital' of Emperor Taizu, which means Kaifeng.  See also Stong khun.  Sam van Schaik has now written an essay, "Ruler of the East, or Eastern Capital: What Lies Behind the Name Tong Kun?" contained in:  Imre Galambos, ed., Studies in Chinese Manuscripts, Institute of East Asian Studies (Budapest 2013) 211-225. Spelled Stong 'khun or Stong khung in Eimer, NG 70-71.

TONG KUS — In colophon to FM 592.00, "Tong kus mi bdag gi mdun sar wu yin."  Perhaps, Tong kus is Tungus?  But note Tūng kus in Schaik, M&T 171.

TON YA BGO KHA GAN — OTA 699.  Bailey in AM 11 no 1 (1964) 7.

TOR KONG — N. of an image.  Emmerick.

TOR BAN — ?  Tor ban gyi Jag pa.  4 259.5.  4 Chang 538.

TRA KE 'JO — Khotanese nunnery.  Emmerick.

Las kyi mgon po TRAK SHAD — Text in 87 LX.  243 IV 783 ff.  Ref. to an early Bka' gdams pa thangka of him in BA 267.  Raudrāntaka?

TRAG LUNG — 253 II 566.2.  Trag cung in 253 II 567.2.

TRI KA TU'I GTSUG LAG KHANG — Eimer, NG 129.  NTSP section NGA 84r.2 gives alternative forms Tri ka tu ka and Rgya mtsho sbas pa, and Gho so ma pu ri'i Gtsug lag khang.

TRI TA ṬU KA — In Tibetan, Tsha ba gsum gyi Gtsug lag khang.  HS XIX 66.4.

TRI NA 'DZIN — A name.  Kaschewsky 83.

TRI MA LA — Tri ling ga in S India.  87 I 255.3, 256.5, 257.3.

TRI RONG — Monastery in Tsong ka.  See Sperling, Further 8.

TRI LING GA — In S India.  87 I 255.3.  BD of T&TB I 916.

Nub TRI SHA KU NE — BD of T&TB X 9.19, 24.14 ff.  In Stag gzig, at confluence of three rivers.

TRE —  =Tre bo.  BA 479, 500.

TRE KAṂ KHYIM — Karma pa monastery.  12 IX 85.4.

TRE KA BRAG — A Bka' gdams pa monastery where Dus gsum mkhyen pa studied and was ordained.  35 I 5.

TRE'I MGON KHANG — Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 36.

Gsang bdag TRE'U RGYA RĀ DZA — 253 II 172.6.

TRE STON — See (— —) Khro 'brug dam pa.  (— —) Go cha.  (— —) Rgyal mtshan dpal.  (— —) Phun tshogs grags pa.  (— —) Tshe dbang tshul khrims.  (— —) Bsod nams rgyal po.

TRE PA — See (— —) Lho ma.

TRE BO — See Tre.

TRE BO — See (— —) Blo bzang rnam rgyal.  (— —) Shes rab dpal.

TRE BO MGON PO — Disc. of (Mkhas pa) Rgya nam.  Disc. of (Rngog) Mdo sde.  17 II 461.6; BA 407.  17 II 463.3; BA 408.

TRE BO RJE — Teacher of 'Brug chen xi.  1 49.

TRE BO SPRUL SKU — (ca. 1681)  458 I 215.1.

TRE MED DUNG MDZES — King of Tibet in "Bon period."  Das 520.

TRE RONG — Pl.n.  See Sperling, Further 15.  LPNT VII 289.

TRAI LO KYA A NANDA — BD of T&TB I 871.  'Jig rten gsum kun nas dga' ba.  He came to Tibet in early 13th cent.  Mtshan tho no. 118.

TRE SHOD — BA 474.  239 XXX 50.2.

TRE SHOD GANGS KYI RA BA — A place in the east part of Mdo smad.  35 I 4.  Place in Khams, place of birth of 7th Zhwa nag Karma pa.  Das 520.  Birthplace also of Dus gsum mkhyen pa.  17 II 529.6.  356 58.2.



TRE HO — See (— —) Chos kyi rgya mtsho.  (— —) Chos kyi rgyal mtshan.

TRE HO ZHABS DRUNG — Of Gtsang Rta rna, a Karma pa incarnation lineage.  1) ?  2) ?  Evidently, Chos kyi rgya mtsho (d. 1547).  3) Karma bstan 'dzin dar rgyas, contemporary of Dalai Lama v.  4) Byang chub chos kyi dbang po.  8) 346 96.3; 377 40B.4.  Looks like Tre bo II Dpag bsam dbang po is the second!

TRE HOR —  "Bod Mdo stod Hor khog gi yul."  Dagyab.

TRE HOR — See (— —) Blo bzang dge legs.

TRE HOR BKA' 'GYUR — See (— — — —) Blo bzang sbyin pa.

TRE HOR SKYOR DPON — (1898‑1966)  See Mengele, dGe 67.  A biography, composed by Sermed Ribur Tulku, was published by Tibet House (New Delhi 1988), in 149 pages.

Blo gsal gling TRE HOR KHAMS TSHAN — Printery.  162 189.

TRE HOR DGE BSHES — See (— — — —) Rta mgrin rab brtan.

TRE HOR BRAG DKAR — See (— —) Blo bzang dpal ldan bstan 'dzin snyan grags.

GTANG — Pl.n.  BA 1088.

GTANG CHU — Tucci, Religions 155.

GTAD DKAR 'GRO BZANG MA — One of 5 Tshe ring ma.  4 149B.6.  Pictured in 216A.

GTAD KHRAM — Gter ma of Nyang ral.  374 II 616.5 ff.

GTAD SPRUG — Also, Gtad sprug Rgyud Gsum, in titles in FM 346.00.

GTAD RABS BDUN — First 7 Buddhist hierarchs after Buddha.  Das 520.

GTAN TSHIG 'KHOR LO'I MAN NGAG — Text in 319 II 67‑68.

GTAN BZANG — Stein in McKay, History of Tibet I 603.

GTAN LA 'BEBS PA'I MDO — In 320 I 276 ff.

GTAM RGYUD NOR BU'I 'PHRENG BA — Bon tantra in 258 II 337‑394.

GTAM STOD — Also, Gtam smad.  A mon.  253 II 631.6.

GTAM MYONG — Or, Gtam myog.  Cuevas, Hidden History 129.

GTAM ZHING — Gtam shing.  Pl.n. in Bhutan.  Olschak.  Gtam shing Lha khang founded by Padma gling pa in 'Bum thang area.  It is called the gdan sa of Padma gling pa.

Lho brag GTAM SHUL — BA 657.  87 I 138.4.  Site of the mon. Bkra shis chos gling.  Vai.Ser. 178. A valley ("lung nag gcig").  BD of T&TB III 572. Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 103. Famous for being the residence of Nyang ral Nyi ma 'od zer.

GTAM LHA SPUN DGU — Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 103.

GTA' CHEN GTOR MA'I DBANG — Title in 352 449‑450.

GTAR GA GAGS SEL GYI RGYUD — Med. text?  No, these are Rdzogs chen teachings using medical analogy.  Blondeau 88.

Sbang ma byang GTING — Sp?  58 926.

GTING SKYES — In W Tibet.  Das 1092.  Tibetan district just to the North of Kanglachen Pass called Gzar Gting skyes Rdzong.  Das 523.  Gting skyes Rdzong is in the area.  Located S of Mtsho mo Dre btung.  Wylie 143 n. 258‑259.  320 title page.  Gting skyes Dgon pa, see 322458 I 212.1.

GTING SKYES — See (— —) Bkra shis chos 'phel (mon.).

GTING BRAG BDUD 'DUL GSAS KHANG — ZZFC 252, & evid. same as Ting brag Chen po on pp. 253, 254.

Bra sgom GTING GSAL — See 253 II 220.5.

Chos rje GTUM — Disc. of Phag mo gru pa.  57 IIB 356.4.  Prob., =(Chos rje) Gdum (q.v.).

GTUM CHUNG — Or, Phyag rdor gtum chung.  For works on same, see 90 I 387 ff.

GTUM STON — See (— —) Blo gros grags.

GTUM DRAG — A dur khrod5 165.3.  63 I 46.  Gtum brag gi Tshal, where Sa ra ha stayed.  24 I 43.5.  87 I 252.4.  One of 8 great cemeteries.  Das 630.  115 67.6.

GTUM PO — For a Dkar brgyud work on the same, see 90 I 279‑385.

Gnod sbyin Gdug pa can GTUM PO — 132 104.6.

Phyag na rdo rje GTUM PO KHYUNG LNGA — Ras chung Lugs.  349 VIII 244‑284.

GTUM PO RJE — Haarh, Yar luṅ 187.


GTUM MO — Text in 280 I 615‑636.

'Khar chen bza' GTUM MO — Mother of Gtsang legs sgrub.  132 96.1.


GTUM GSAS — See Khro bo Drug.

GTE SHEL BRAG — Pl.n.  458 I 306.3.

GTE YA — Sp?  Ladakhi village.  14 104.

GTER KA GONG 'OG — Refers to these two gter ston:  1) Nyi ma 'od zer.  2) Gu ru Chos dbang (Gter ka 'Og ma).  BA 445.  413 323.6.

GTER KLUNG — In Khams.  12 XV 366.1.

GTER SGO — A spelling for Rta mgo, but with quite a different meaning.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 404.

GTER SGROM — See Ti sgrom.  On upper branch of Gzho Rong chu. 

GTER CHEN RIN PO CHE —  =Gter bdag gling pa (q.v.).

GTER RNYING — 'Old excavations' of Bon.  List in 12 IX 97.1‑3.


GTER STON — For "8 great gter ston," see Evans Wentz, Tibetan Book of the Dead 76.

GTER STON DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Nang chen.  473 66.

GTER STON GSUM TSHOGS — See under Yer rdzong ma.  Kværne, Canon 39 no. 116.  In 3rd rab byung383 218.4, 419.1 ff.

GTER BDAG — As name of official state oracle in Bhutan, see TS7 II 1082.

GTER BDAG GLING PA — Since mentioned in Mkhas pa'i Dga' ston, must be an earlier one!  484 I 635.6.

Rig 'dzin GTER BDAG GLING PA — (1646‑1714)  Aka Padma gar dbang 'gyur med rdo rje, or, 'Gyur med rdo rje.  Founder of Smin grol gling.  Son of 'Phrin las lhun grub.  Dalai Lama v was teacher of both him and his brother, (Lo chen) Dharma shrī (1654‑1717).  39 6.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 281.  Thugs rje chen po Bde gshegs Kun 'dus kyi Chos Skor is one of his gter chos (publ. in 4 vols., 1975).  Also, Khrag 'thung Padma Drag po Chos Skor (also publ. in 1972) and Sgrub thabs 'Dod 'jo'i Bum Bzang, both publ. in 1977.  Bka' ma Mdo dbang gi Sgrub Skor  publ. in Gangtok (1987).  Works on bar do and death rites in 87 LXVI 501‑521, 522‑533.  'Jam dpal Gshin rje Dregs pa 'Joms byed, publ. 1976.  Autobiography publ. 1977.  Autobio. in 380 465‑508.  383 220.6.  Alias Ngag dbang bstan 'dzin.  410 71B.6.  411 303A.2.  Dpal Rdo rje sems dpa' Thugs kyi Sgrub pa'i Bsnyen sgrub, publ. 1972.  16 37.  Emanation of Vairocana born in 11th rab byung in a Fire Dog year.  F. Smin grol gling in 1670, acc. to Dhongthog 129.  Waddell 277.  JTL&CT 308.  Ferrari 132.  His Rig 'dzin Thugs thig (see 87 III preface) contained in 87 XIII 67‑197.  Work on Yamāntaka in 87 XXVII.  Gu ru Drag Dmar in 87 XIX.  Also, 87 XXV, XXXI.  1675 work on Yamāntaka in 229 229‑243.  Works in 194.  His gsan yig in 217.  Bio. by Smin gling Lo chen in 242 I 23‑379.  His Nang Rnam in 242 II 1‑377.  An account of his death ('Das Rnam) in 242 II 379‑431.  Essais 142 (refs. to bios. on p. 145).  Bio. of his daughter, 453.  Pictured in 128 574; 320 XXIII 2.  Published in 1998 is a 16 vol. set of his Collected Works in dpe cha style.  Bios. by Smin gling Lo chen & Padma blo gros rgyal mtshan & an autobio. listed in BLP nos. 0992‑0994.  Some of his gter ma found at Bying mda' 'od dkar brag are listed in Bodleian Catalogue 52 ff.

Klu rgyal GTER SPYOD — 128 760.

GTER SPRUL — See (— —) 'Chi med rig 'dzin 'khor gdong.

GTER MA — "Treasure" or "excavation."  Rediscovered texts, etc.  For the largest collection of gter ma, see 87.  The hidden scriptures seem to have included texts of the Ston mun pa, acc. to 17 II 329.5.  For Bon gter ma, see under Gter rnying and Gter gsar.  Controversy — 359 II 259.5 ff.  "The secrets had been disclosed to the legendary sages of antiquity who in turn put them into books which were sealed away, and in that condition they were preserved till the eschatological time came to open them."  I. Gruenwald, Apocalyptic (1980) 12.  There is not a single  philosophical school in Tibet that has not been pervaded by the teachings of the treasure texts.  "Gter chos rnams kyis ma khyab pa'i grub mtha' ni Bod na gcig kyang med do." 12 IX 77.3.

GTER LAM RDZONG — This is better known under the name Dulan these days, site of graves that have been excavated, rich in luxury items in the form of grave goods.  See under Dur lam.

GTER SMYON — 482 10.4.

GTER YO DGON — Vai.Ser. 250.

GTER GSAR — "New excavations" of Bon.  It makes not much sense to be doctrinaire about what this means, since in a clear sense, all the old concealed texts are "new" at the time they are revealed.  However, in more recent times the term tends to include the excavations of Blo ldan snying po, Mi shig rdo rje, Sangs rgyas gling pa, and Kun grol grags pa.  12 IX 97.3‑4.  As noted there, they became quite "Buddhist."  In older times, earlier gter stons were called "new," but "Nowadays the texts rediscovered by Shel zhig G.yung drung rgyal po (=Mi shig rdo rje, b. 1650) onward are known as gter gsar."  Karmay, Treasury 191.

GTO — Rites in 233.  Tucci, Religions 155.  315.

GTO RGYAL STON PA — 352 713.3.

GTO RGYAL YE MKHYEN — Kværne 219.  Pictured in 280 I 6.  Hoffmann, Symbolik 87.

GTO CHOG SKOR — Karma pa rites from Bhutan publ. in 1978.  Thu'u bkwan believes that in these gto rituals when they say "at first there was nothing at all," have Chinese hun‑tun or 'chaos' of the I‑ching in mind.  Thuken 340.  Thu'u bkwan quotes from the gyer ba of Gto ritualists: "ngar gyi pha smos pa gnam la yang rtse / ngar gyi ma smos pa sa la dogs ma yum / de gnyis bshos shing tshogs pa las..."

Rgyal bu GTO BU DOD DE — Kværne 222.  352 197.7.  Sdig chen Gto bu dod de.  352 751.19 ff.

GTO BU BUM SANGS — Also, Gto bu 'bum sangs, Gto bu 'bum sras.  Mon. name Drang srong rgyal ba.  432 1132.2.  One of Sku sras brgyad (q.v.).  Said to be equivalent to Ānanda.  T.H. 103.  Das491 122.3 ff.  Kværne 222, 225.  Bio. in 352 759.10 ff.


GTOD — (rare)  Spirits of lower terrestrial sphere.  The gtod that dwell in stone.  "rdo la gnas pa'i gtod rnams."  FM 346.00.  Hoffmann, Symbolik 71.


GTOR MA BRGYA RTSA — SBTD I 393.  Tohoku 6136.


BTAGS GROL — Liberation through attaching (fastening, wearing).  Rites in 87 LXVII.  "gshegs kar btags grol sku la sgron cing."  458 I 272.4.  These are amulets said to 'liberate' (grol) through mere 'touch' (btags).

BTAGS PAR SMRA BA — Prajñāptivādin.  One of 8 branches of Dge 'dun dpal chen pa.  BA 27.


BTAD — Valley near Muktinath.  Kailash VII 109.

BTUD 'DZIN — Deity.  Rhies & Thurman 339.

RTA — For a history of horses (rta), see Rikon Catalogue 498.

RTA'U — In Khams.  Stein in BEFEO (1947) 224.  Sperling in TH&L 459.  BLKC I 115.

Byang RTA'I KHOG PA — 206 569.4.

RTA KHYUNG — Also, Rta skyong.  Name of the Porong protector deity. Hildegard Diemberger, The Buddhist Princess and the Woolly Turban, RET XV (Nov. 2008) 337‑356, at p. 346.

RTA KHYUNG 'BAR BA — Tucci, Religions 273.

RTA GLING SGOM CHEN — Sp?  David‑Neel, Magic & Mystery 57.  Daling Gomchen.

RTA MGO — Dkar brgyud Sprin gyi 'Phreng ba Gdan rabs Brgyud pa la Phyag 'tshal Yan lag Bdun pa 'Brug gi Dbyangs snyan Byin rlabs kyi Char 'bebs (Thimphu 1982), is a devotional work enumerating the successive masters of the Rta mgo Monastery in Bhutan, also called Rta mgo Gdan rabs Gsol 'debs.

Chang snod RTA MGO CAN — Also called Dngul dam Rta mgo can.  A silver wine jar kept in the Jokhang believed to have belonged to Srong btsan sgam po.  It has an inscription, "rab byung bcu drug pa me khyi lo [1946] 'di ni gter ma byin can la brten bkxxxx [illeg.].  It has a camel, not a horse, head on top.  Two of the 3 figures decorating the sides have the sun and moon symbol on their heads, and it otherwise looks quite foreign and Persian.  It is illustrated in van Schroeder's book, vol. 2, p. 792, etc.  To me, it seems possible that the original name could have been written somewhere as Rnga mong can, meaning having camel (or Rnga mgo can, or Rnga mong mgo can) that got transformed at some point.  Both horse and camel‑headed deities appear in the retinue of Beg tse.


RTA MGO BLA TSHAB — An official position in Bhutanese state held by Rje Shākya rin chen.  159 preface.

RTA MGO ME 'BAR — A shrine of this Yul lha is found at Dung dkar in Khul pa, in Ru thog.  ZZFC 147.

RTA MGRIN — Black Hayagrīva gter ma texts in 87 XLII.  For gter ma on red form, see 87 XXIX XLI.  Ritual texts and short bios. of lineage in 94 II.  Works in 212 V.  Bon works in 260Kakaki 70.  Beyer 42‑43, 351, 413‑415.  Pictured in 320 XXVIII 2.  Metal image of a peaceful form, illus. in Po ta la (1996) 89.

RTA MGRIN — See (— —) Padma yang gsang khros pa.

Dge bshes RTA MGRIN — See (— —) Blo bzang rta dbyangs.

RTA MGRIN MGRON KHANG — Allen, Search for Shangri La map on p. 141.

Dbang chen RTA MGRIN CHOS SKYONG — TS5 818.

Dpal Rdo rje Khro bo Chen po RTA MGRIN ZHES BYA BA'I RGYUD — 320 XXIV 329 ff.  Rta mgrin Rgyud Phyi ma in 320 XXIV 362 ff. (similar title, 391 ff).  Rta mgrin gyi Rgyud in 320 XXVIII 474‑481.

Se ra RTA MGRIN KHANG — Printer in 162 191.

Rig 'dzin RTA MGRIN MGON PO — Teacher of 'Dzi sgar iv (1740‑1798) who gave him Rat gling Phur pa teachings.  382 preface.  One Rta mgrin mgon po (Hayagrīvanātha) is depicted in Jackson, Patron 220.

Bla ma RTA MGRIN RGYAL PO — Follower of Rdo rje gling pa.  210 138.6.

Pha jo RTA MGRIN RGYAL MTSHAN — Alias of (Rdo rje gdan pa) Mi pham tshe dbang bstan 'dzin (q.v.).

Rdzogs chen RTA MGRIN SNYING THIG GI CHOS SKOR — Excavation of Mchog ldan rdo rje at Nyang po Brag ckar Lha chu, propagated by Stag sham pa and Chos rje gling pa.  BD of T&TB III 307.

RTA MGRIN DREGS PA ZIL GNON — Gter ma of Sangs rgyas bla ma (q.v.).


RTA MGRIN DPA' BO GCIG SGRUB — A gter ma of Mol mi 'khyil (q.v.).

Drung yig RTA MGRIN DBANG RGYAL — Author of Snyan ngag Me long Le'u Gnyis pa Don rgyan gyi Dper brjod pa Lha'i Glu Snang, publ. 1976.  463 I 140.3.


Sa skya Rje btsun ma RTA MGRIN DBANG MO — Visited by Kong sprul in 1875.  470 32.

Dkar mdzes pa RTA MGRIN TSHE DBANG — See Mengele, dGe 72.

Se ra Byes Tre hor Dge bshes RTA MGRIN RAB BRTAN — His Drang nges Rnam 'byed Legs bshad Snying po+, publ. 1978).

RTA MGRIN RINGS — Hindu deity.  KB 25.2, 26.6.




RTA MGRIN LHA KHANG — At Rtsis Gnas gsar.  Ferrari 142.

Gangs RTA RGO — Pl.n.  206 561.1, 561.3.  See Rta sgo.

RTA RGYUG — Targyug.  N. of a mt. in Zangs mkhar.  79 92 no. 110.

La stod RTA SGA — This place name appears in early Tshal pa Bka' brgyud sources.  See for example Ehrhard, Old & New 115. 

Do RTA SGA — Do Rta sga, name of an island in a lake.  ZZFC 209.

RTA SGO — BA 1010.  (Byang) Rta sgo'i Gangs.  4 58A.6, 65A.3.  115 80.3, 82.2.  Bellezza seems to spell this Rta rgo for some phonetic reason, I guess.  And of course Rta mgo, 'Horse Head' is a very probable spelling/reading to give the river that comes from a horse's head in Tibetan geographical conceptions.


RTA SGOM — Disc. of Khyung tshang pa.  17 II 509.  BA 445‑446.  Bio. (presumably by Zhang Lo tsā ba) in 74 I 170‑174.  May be same as (Lho pa) Te sgom (q.v.).

RTA SNGON CAN — Protector.  194 XIV.

RTA SNGON PA — Nīlāśva.  Rock, Nāga Cult II 400.

RTA MCHOG KHA 'BAB — A great river, "chu klung chen po."  =Rta nag Chu.  5 162.6.  N. of Dihong.  79 91 no. 107.  N. of Gtsang po in Mnga' ris.  Wylie 121 n. 61.

RTA MCHOG SGANG — In Lho kha or Mon yul.  5 170.3.

RTA MCHOG CHOS RJE — Stearns King 15.

Smra mkhas RTA MCHOG TING 'DZIN — 17A VII pt. 1, p. 18A.6, 24A.2.  Thu'u 465.

RTA MCHOG NOR BU SGANG — A monastery in Bhutan. Stearns, King 57.

RTA MCHOG DZI NA — 17 II 373.4.

RTA MCHOG YANG GSANG — See Padma yang gsang khros pa.  FM 310.00.

RTA MCHOG ROL PA'I RGYUD — 320 XVIII 184‑315.  320 XXIII 2 ff.

RTA RJES DGON — Horlemann 126, where it is identified with Matisi, a place where early Buddhist tombs are found.

Lho brag RTA NYA'I PHUG — 4X I 76.6.

RTA STON — See (— —) Jo 'bum (father of Jo bsod and Jo yon).  (— —) Jo yes (1163‑1230).  (— —) Jo yon (1163‑1230).  (— —) Jo bsod (1166‑ ).  (— —) Gzi brjid.

Dgra lha RTA THUG DKAR PO — Texts by Dalai Lama v in FM 698.00, FM 470.03.

RTA THUL — One of five first followers of Gautama Buddha.  413 19.1.  Bodhisattva Rta thul can, 453 23.3.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 344, gives Skt. as Aśvajit.


RTA BDUN DBANG PO — Work mentioned in 310 preface.  Kværne no. 189.  474 284.3.

RTA BDUN TSHA ZER — In title in 307 II 49.

RTA MDA' — A valley in eastern Tibet.  Cuevas, Hidden History 199.

Kong po RTA SDINGS — N. of a Mon.  17 IV 66.6.

RTA NAG — Tanakpo.  Valley and river, a north tributary of Gtsang po W of Bkra shis lhun po.  Ferrari 157.  Birthpl. of Lce sgom and 'Gos Lo tsā ba.  Rta nag Phug mentioned in Buston 210.  BA 228, 360, 518, 711.  Artistic center.  56 141.  33 193.4.  Gnas Bstod in 243 IV 712.2, etc.

RTA NAG — See (— —) Thub bstan rnam rgyal gling.  (— —) Dung phor.  (— —) Rdo rje gdan.  (— —) Ri mkar Chos sde.  (— —) La kha Dgon.  (— —) Sa sde chen.  (— —) Gser gling.  (— —) U rgyan rdzong. 


RTA NAG MKHAN CHEN — See (— —) Chos rnam rgyal.

RTA NAG THUB BSTAN — Mon.  See under Dbang phyug grub pa.

RTA NAG RDO RJE GDAN — See (Pha rgod) Kun dga' bzang po.



RTA NAG LO TSĀ BA — Tucci, Lhasa 125.

RTA RNA — TS5 813, 815.

RTA RNA — N. of one of the seven golden mountain chains.  Das 1310.

Byang RTA RNA — Mon. of Yel pa Bka' brgyud.  F. by Ye shes brtsegs pa.  235 introduction 7.  12  IX 89.3.  346 74.3, 104.5.  Stein, Recherches 126.

RTA RNA BLA MA — See (— — — —) Chos kyi grags pa. 

RTA SNA RI —  =Rta rna ri (more correct spelling).  Skt. Aśvakarṇa.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 152.

RTA DPYAD MTHONG BA NGOS BZUNG — Hippological work in 480 55‑73.

RTA SPYAN BUM PA — A mchod rten near Lha ru sman brgyad where the eye of the Prajñāpāramitā's Rtag tu ngu Bodhisattva is said to be preserved.  Tucci, Lhasa n. 51.  See Rtag spyan 'bum pa, which ought to be the more correct spelling.

RTA PHAG YID BZHIN NOR BU — An excavation of 'Ja' tshon snying po.  Initiation instructions in 226 IV 159‑216.  Pilgrimage pl. to Rta phag at Gtsos ri (q.v.).


RTA PHUG PA — See (— — —) Blo bzang dam chos rgyal mtshan.

Gzims phug RTA PHUR MA — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 217.

RTA BAR — BA 278.


RTA BO — Taofu.  A council in 1076.  Ferrari 166.  N. of an area in Hor khog.  Wylie xxxii.

RTA BON — See (— —) Dbang grags.

Mon RTA DBANG — Tawang.  A small raj (principality) in mountains immediately adjoining the eastern border of Bhutan.  It is a trading center for Tibeto‑Assamese trade.  Das 976.  Has monastery called (Mon) Mkha' 'gro gling (q.v.).  ISTS 9.  Fletcher "Tawang."  See under Blo bzang thabs mkhas for a history.  Lars Erik Nyman, "Tawang, A Case Study of British Frontier Policy in the Himalayas," JAH X no 2 (1976) 151 ff.  79 92 no. 114.

RTA DBU DMAR CHUNG — Bon.  See 292.

RTA DBYANGS — Aśvaghoṣa.  See Aspiration, preface.  Beyer 28.  KB 135.6.  =Bdud rtsi bum pa, =(Dpal chen) Dge ba, =Pha khol ma khol, =Dga' byed,  Ma ti tsi tra, =A=shwa ka, =Thub rgyal nag po.  =Ngo bo gnyis med pa, =Mar me mdzad, =Dkon mchog 'bangs, =Rab 'byor bskyangs, =Bha wi lha, =Bkod ma 'dzin, =Dpa' bo, =Dgra las rnam rgyal, =Rdo rje'i mtshon cha, =Lha gsum pa.  KB 153.

Mgon po RTA MANGS — 'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 400.5.

RTA MO — BA 278.

RTA MYOG — BA 496‑497.

RTA RMIG LA — In Shangs mda'.  115 138.3, 139.1.


RTA TSHAG RJE DRUNG — See (— — — —) Blo bzang bstan pa'i mgon po (d. 1810).  (— — — —) Blo bzang dpal ldan rgyal mtshan.

RTA TSHAG NO MIN HAN — Appears in inscription of painting of the Four Harmonious Brothers.  Bod kyi thang ga, Bod Rang skyong ljongs Rig dngos Do dam U yon Lhan khang (Lhasa 1984), p. 140.  A Mkhan chen Rta tshag illus. in Precious Deposits IV 134.

RTA TSHAG RJE — Incarnations of Ba so Chos kyi rgyal mtshan.  Thuken 283.

RTA TSHAGS — Incarnate at Kun bde gling.  Two of them were regents between 1791‑1819, and 1875‑1886.  Ferrari 93.  For a false claim to recognition, see Garratt in TS9 VIII 101.

RTA TSHAGS — See (— —) Bstan pa'i mgon po.  (— —) Ye shes blo bzang.

RTA MTSHAL LU BYA GDONG — ?  87 I 131.2.

RTA MTSHO — In Zangs mkhar.  79 92 no. 113.

RTA RDZI RI — Mt. name.  Sato in Acta Asiatica 29 (1975) 13.

RTA ZA LUNG BRANG GI BYA MA RON — Dotson, Horse 276.

RTA GZUGS — Aśvatthāman, a character in Mahābhārata.  Roesler in Facets 164.


RTA YAB ZANGS MDOG DPAL RI — 187 I 253.  Generally it should be Rnga yab Zangs mdog dpal ri.

RTA YUL — Dayul.  David‑Neel, Magic & Mystery 143.

RTA YUL — See (— —) Dung re Bla ma.

Mkha' 'gro RTA G.YANG — 440 280.6.

RTA RA — Pl.n.  458 I 295.6.

RTA RA MDO — In Kong po.  10.

RTA RA MDO PA — A Rnying ma alive in early 18th cent.  68 contents.  347 contents.


RTA RAB — Pl. in Dol po.  10.  See Ta rab.  384 I contents.  In Dolpo.  Map in Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 141.

RTA'U RI — Vai.Ser. 135.

RTA ROG — Disc. of Zur po che.  33 211.5.

Gra phyi RTA LAM PO — BA 956.

RTA LOG — Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 248. 

RTA LOG — See (— —) Gsang sngags chos gling.

RTA LONG — In Bhutan.  79 92 no. 109.

RTA'U SHEL — 253 II 634.6.

Sum pa RTA SHONG — Pl. where (Gnyan) Gcer bu pa stayed.  24 I 222.7.

RTA SHONG RAS PA — A n. of (Snyags) Gcer phu pa (q.v.).

RTA SHOD — Pl.n.  In Nang chen area.  See Sperling, Further 23, n. 66.

RTSA GSUM GTER BDAG GLING PA — His Thugs rje chen po 'Khor 'das Zil gnon publ. 1976.

RTAG RKYANG DGON — 253 II 638.1.

RTAG GU GNYAN — 132 85.6.

RTAG GU BAN CHUNG — 115 37.2, 37.4.

RTAG BRGYAD LA — N. of a pass.  Havnevik, Dissert. 289.

RTAG TU NGU — Sadāprarūdita.  Guenther 35.  Bodhisattva of Prajñāpāramitā.  Tucci, Lhasa 179.  BA 938.  Pictured in 128 1094.  Verse bio. in 135 II 371‑378.  Bio. in 224 I 133 ff.  Subj. of a poetic work by Tsong kha pa listed in BLP no. 1456.

Byang sems RTAG TU BRNYAS PA BZOD — 128 776.  Bodhisattva who withstands constant condemnation.

Chu mig RTAG TU SNANG — On North face of Ri rab.  87 I 270.3.

RTAG TU MYOS — N. of a city in an avadāna.  TPS 525.

RTAG TU RDZUN SMRA BA — See Tha ga na pa.

RTAG TU LANG TSHO LDAN MA — Epithet of Draupadī.  Das 98.


Byar Skyid phug Sgrub sde RTAG BRTAN 'OD GSAL BDE CHEN GLING — 'Brug pa Bka' brgyud mon. with printing house.

RTAG BRTEN — Or, Rtag brten phun tshogs gling.  Mon. f. by Tāranātha in 1614.  Name changed to Phun tshogs gling.  Waddell 70.  F. in 1624, acc. to Dhongthog 128.  Has printery.  162 214.

RTAG NAG RTING DKAR — A horse name.  Kaschewsky 83.  Of course here the syllable rtag should probably be read ltag, meaning 'nape'.

RTAG PA'I RDO RJE — See Gsang 'dzin rdo rje.

RTAG SPYAN BUM PA — Tagtsan Bumba.  Near Lha ru sman brgyad.  BA 317.  Tucci, Lhasa 179.  Das 1130.  JTL&CT 303.  David‑Neel, My Journey to Lhasa 308‑309.  See Rta spyan bum pa.  Havnevik, Dissert. 305, where it is spelled Rtag spyan Sha ba 'Bum pa.

RTAG TU 'BAB — Epithet of Gtsang po.  Das 418.

RTAG MYOS — A gnod sbyinDagyab 272.

RTAG SMRA — See Dagyab.

RTAG TSAM 'DZIN PA — N. of a period.  Kværne no. 230.

RTAG ZHIB — See Dagyab.

RTAGS CHAGS WAL WAL —  =Stag rje 'al 'ol.  Haarh, Yar luṅ 264.

RTANG CHEN — See (— —) Mu tsha gyer med.

RTAM MDA' DGON — 253 II 632.2.

RTAS SBYIN — In avadāna story.  TPS 524.


RTING RGYA 'DUL — (11th cent.)  A teacher of (Bya 'Dul 'dzin pa) Brtson 'grus 'bar (1031‑1106).  BD of T&TB II 277.

RTING STOG — A county in Ru thog district.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 35.

RTIS TSHANG MA ṆI — See (— — — —) Shes rab bkra shis.

RTE'U MKHAR — Pl.n.  OTA 682.

RTE'U GLANG RU DKAR — Haarh, Yar luṅ 332.  Btsan lha.  Lhe Glang ru dkar. Hazod in Steinkellner Festschrift 266.

RTE'U RA — BA 94, 1056‑1060.

Mal RTE'U RA PA — BA 888.

RTE SHOD — Erroneous for Tre shod (q.v.) in 34 14.5.

RTEN KHROD — ?  Pl.n.  363 50.6.

Rgyal ba RTEN NE — See under (Rgyal ba) Ten ne.

Rgyal ba RTEN NAS PA —  =(Rgyal ba) Ten ne.

Jo sras RTEN 'BREL — 502 195.2.

RTEN 'BREL KHO BO LUGS — A special teaching of the 'Brug pa.  17 IV 397 ff.  See 447.

RTEN 'BREL PHUG — T&BS II 246.  Roesler, KSP 14; a cave in Yer pa where Atiśa and/or 'Brom ston meditated.

Dge bshes RTOG — ?  Some of his discs. came to ask teachings from Gling ras pa.  24 I 345.7.

RTOG GE DRUG — N. of the "6 tīrthika" teachers of Buddha's time.  Das 967.

RTOG GE BA — See (— — —) Blo bzang rin chen.

RTOG GE 'BAR BA — Text.  TS5 132.

RTOG RGYAL YE SHES MKHYEN — Bon deity.  One of five Bon sku.  28 35.


Rong RTOG MED ZHIG PO — In Bon lineage.  206 576.6.  Met by (Yang ston) Shes rab rgyal mtshan.  206 577.2.  248 59.6.  Bio. in 253 II 331.3 ff.  Ramble in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 292.

RTOG RTSE BA — See Tog tse pa.

RTOGS LDAN — See Himalayan Anthropology 282.

RTOGS LDAN DGE SLONG — See Sangs rgyas dge slong.

RTOGS LDAN DGON — 253 II 624.2.  Thar in TS9 IV 159.

RTOGS LDAN RGYAL PO — 145 V 334 ff.

RTOGS LDAN RGYAL MTSHAN — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 121.5.

Bla ma RTOGS LDAN NYAG PO — 5 240.4.

RTOGS LDAN SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Thub bstan bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan.

Grub chen RTOGS LDAN DMAR PO — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 279.

Rtsib ri ba RTOGS LDAN ZLA BA — 363 119.2.

'Phags pa RTOGS PA CHEN PO YONGS SU RGYAS PA'I MDO — Cited in 476 II 149.4.

Gu shrī RTOGS PA YONGS SU GSAL BA — Kuijp in TH&L 296.

RTON PA BZHI LDAN — N. with which Dol po pa usually signs his works.  Stearns, Dissert..

LTA NA SDUG — N. of one of the seven golden mt. chains.  Das 1310.  133 20.4, 21.3.  Place where Sman bla taught Rgyud bzhi3 10.  Some say it is at top of Ri rab, some say in O rgyan, some near Mtsho ma dros pa, etc.  133 21.5 ff.  See also Blta na sdug.

Chu mig LTA NA 'DZIN — 413 96.1.

Pha rgyud LTA BA KLONG YANGS — Quoted in 413 9.6.  Excavation of Rdo rje gling pa.  413 357.2.


LTA BA MKHA' MNYAM GYI RGYAL — In title in 319 I 317‑329.  Comm. in 319 II 74‑80.


Rdzogs chen LTA BA THAMS CAD KYI SNYING PO — 319 VIII 329‑356.  320 VII 2‑108, VIII 58‑101.

Rdzogs chen Yang rtse LTA BA THOG DBAB — See 371.

LTA BA SPYOD PA'I 'KHOR LO — Text in 319 V 61‑153.

LTAG GNYA' — Probably =Stag nya.  Guidebook in 504.

LTAG PA RI — Discussed in Skilling, Mahāsūtras II 372.

Gtsang LTAG TSHAL — Birthpl. of Rgya Lo tsā ba.  17 II 354.3.

LTAG RTSE — N. of a fort.  Das 182.

LTAG WA CAN — See Ku tsi pa.

LTAG LO DGON — 253 II 638.1.

LTAM — Pl.n.  OTA 695.

LTAM — See (Ltam gyi) Ra sngon.

Shangs pa LTAR SGOM — N. for Dge sdings pa in 57 IIB 351.3.

La stod LTE SKYUS — Bu ston visited this place.  27 79.

LTE BSGYUR — A medical method for procuring male children.  145 V 351B.5.

LTE 'PHI — N. of an area.  253 II 638.5.

LTE BA LTA BU'I RI — In Tsa ri.  17 IV 232.1.

LTE BON — See (— —) Gyim tsa rma bo.

LTE'U RA — Mon.  Chag xliii.

LTE LAG — TS7 II 981.

LTO DKAR NYA — 4 20B.3.

LTO PHED MKHA' 'GRO — 440 281.1.

Sa bdag LTO 'PHYE — Vai.Kar. II 302.

LTOS MED SA LA — Ltos med sa la'i Nags gseb.  116 44.6.  =Sa la (q.v.).

Rus STA GA — 4 171B.1.

STA GU —  =Rta gu.  See (— —) Gci bzhar.  (— —) Nyi ma rgyal mtshan.

STA GU RI TSAB — A minister who made the mkhos (settlement?) at Zhang zhung in 724.  28 106.


Mgar STA GU RI ZUNG — OTA 687, 694.

Gangs gnyan STA SGO — 253 II 573.1, 580.1, 620.5 ff.

STA SGO — See (— —) Se zhig Dgon.

STA NA BA TI —  =Gnas ldan ma.

STA NAG — A small Bon mon. of Zhu lineage.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 455.

STA MO — See (— —) 'Bri sgom Gling kha ba.

STA ZUR — Meaning 'hip', it is also a pl.n.  5 259.5.

STAG DKAR BDUN — A sa bdagKTDN 143.2.  Das 547.

Zhang STAG DKAR BA — Father of Grwa pa Mngon shes.  BA 95.  124 484.3.

Khyung rgyal STAG SKYE — Father of Khyung po Rnal 'byor.  29 61.1.  Also called Stag la skye.  Karmay.

Ri rgyud STAG KHYER — Mt. chain in Mang yul.  DTK5 90.

STAG GU RI KHRA — See Stag mo ri bkra.

STAG MGO — Tiger‑headed button, sign of military rank (from Chin. or Mong.).  TS5 671.

'Phan yul STAG MGO — BA 232.

STAG MGO NOR BU GSUM PA — N. or description of the seal of Ta'i Si tu.  Kuijp in TH&L 291.

Zings po STAG MGO BA — Roesler, KSP 62.  He held the treasure site (gter kha) of Padma gling pa.



Bande Chen po STAG GI RGYAL MTSHAN — Hoernle, Manuscript Remains of Buddhist Literature found in Eastern Turkestan, p. 403.

STAG SGANG — See (— —) Ngag dbang blo gros.

Sha 'ug STAG SGO —  =Sa 'ug Stag mgo.  A sacred pl. in Tibet.  Das 1228.  Here Dus gsum mkhyen pa meditated and "nirvana and sangsara became inseparable."  46 56.  17 II 531.4.  Near Sa skya.  BA 196.  BD of T&TB I 854.  BA 669, 871, 976.  S sector of G.yo ru.  28 77.  17 II 423.3.

Sha 'ug STAG SGO'I DOM TSHANG — A 'crystal rock cave' where Dus gsum mkhyen pa stayed.  35 I 8.

STAG SGOM RAS PA — See (— — — —) Rdo rje dbang phyug.

STAG SGRA — Pelliot, Notes on Marco Polo 706.  Sato in Acta Asiatica 29 (1975) 10.


Phya yi Mkhas pa STAG SGRA KYI SHAG — 253 II 376.2.

Blon chen STAG SGRA KHONG LOD — OTC 11.2.

Khyung po STAG SGRA DUN GTSUG — 253 II 375.3.

STAG SGRO'I RONG — "Tiger feather gorge."  Perhaps =Stag sgo.  5 340.4.

STAG NGOS MKHAR — See BA 553.  Birthpl. of Phag mo gru pa.  Stag ngos Sab khang in 17 II 537.4.

STAG CAN — Pl.n.  BA 318‑319.

STAG CAN — See Byā li pa.

STAG CAN 'BUM MO CHE — Mistake for Rtag spyan bum pa (q.v.).

STAG CHA YAL YOL — Huber in FBTB 285.

STAG CHU SLOB DPON — See (— — — —) Kun bzang rnam rgyal.

STAG RJE 'AL 'OL — Haarh, Yar luṅ 64, etc.

Lho brag STAG NYA'I BRAG — Pl. where Mi la ras pa meditated.  17 II 489.6.  420 I 129.4.  Probably =Ltag gnya'.

STAG NYAG BZANG — Family n. of Lha lung Dpal gyi rdo rje.  T&BS II 239.

STAG STOG PA GNYAN — See Leonard van der Kuijp, "On Some Early Tibetan Pramāṇavāda Texts of the China Nationalities Library of the Cultural Palace of Nationalities in Beijing," Journal of Buddhist & Tibetan Studies, vol. 1 (1994), pp. 1‑30, at p. 8.

STAG STON — See (— —) Ye shes rgyal mtshan.



La stod STAG SDE — BA 916.  Das 547.

STAG SDE — See (— —) Mig mangs.

STAG SDE PA — See (— — —) Seng ge rgyal mtshan.

STAG RNA — Ṣārdulakarṇa.  Tiger Ear.  Das 547.  Bongard‑Levine, Complex Study of Ancient India 272.  JRAS (1956) 254‑255.  See Sujit Kumar Mukhopadhyaya, Critical Study of the Śārdūlakarṇāvadāna, Vishva Bharati Annals XII, pt. 1 (July 1967) 1‑108.

Rbas STAG RNA CAN — 488 7.3.

STAG SNA — Mon. in Tibet.  See under "Stakna" in 14 index.  See 14 131.  Stag rna in 179.  (Sba) Stag sna.

Mda' dpon STAG SNA — See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 58.

Zar gyi STAG SNA — Site of Bon excavations.  Kværne no. 66.

STAG SNA GO'U SI — See Sumpa, Annals 83.



STAG SNA SPRUL SKU — (sp?)  See under 'Jigs med chos dbyings.




STAG SNANG — A rather common Old Tibetan name element.  See (— —) Khri gsum rje.

Sbas Rgyal to re STAG SNANG — A story about this person told in Lde'u 359 ff.  Not to be confused with a member of the 'Bro family with a rather similar name.

Rgya shod STAG PA TSHAL — Central sector of Sum pa'i Ru.  Perhaps has to do with Stag tshal.  28 79.

STAG PO CHE DAR DPAL — Vitali in Lungta 16 (Spring 2003) 4.

Rgyal po Gnyan STAG SPUNGS PA — 253 II 372.1.

STAG SPRUL — See Stag tshang Sprul sku.  See Stag tshang ras pa.

STAG PHU — Pl.n.  Had a chos sdeBD of T&TB VI 140.  Stag phu Chos sde.  Vai.Ser. 157.

STAG PHU GO SHRI — See (— — — —) Dpal ldan don grub.

STAG PHU SPRUL SKU — Bio., see SBTD I 354.  St. Petersburg collection, no. B6415/5, with title Grub dbang Stag phu Sprul sku Rin po che'i Rnam thar Mdo tsam Brjod pa Skal bzang Rna ba'i Bcud len. In the colophon, the full name is given as Stag phu Sprul sku Rin po che Rje Blo bzang chos kyi dbang phyug.  They were recognized line of incarnations of the direct disciple of Tsongkhapa by the name of Gu shrī Dpal ldan don grub.  Thuken 283.

STAG PHU SPRUL SKU — See (— —) Blo bzang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan.  (— — ii) Blo bzang chos kyi dbang phyug.

STAG PHU YONGS 'DZIN — See (— — — —) Ye shes mtshan can.

STAG PHUG SENG GE RDZONG — See 4 33B.3.  Yol mo Stag phug Seng ge rdzong in 4 38B.1.  Mon yul Stag phug Seng ge rdzong in 4 172B.2.  TS7 I 144.

STAG PHRUG — N. of an underground resistance movement active in Tibet in the late 1970's.  Palden Gyatso, Autobio. 168.

STAG 'PHRANG GZIG 'PHRANG — N. of a trail in La phyi mts.  See 4 13A.5.

STAG BU SNYA GZIGS — Todd Gibson, dissertation (Bloomington 1991) 130.

STAG BEN LOD — Inscription on the base of a ceremonial platter.  Heller in JIABR 1 (2013) 269.  The syllable ben is actually a Chinese character, but the other syllables are Tibetan.

STAG BRAG — Short for Stag lung brag.  See (— —) Ngag dbang blo bzang gsung rabs mthu stobs bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan.

Srid skyong STAG BRAG PAṆḌI TA CHEN PO — See (— —) (— — — — — — —) Ngag dbang gsung rab grub thob bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan.

STAG BRO — See (— —) Nam mkha' 'od zer.  (— —) G.yung drung dga' tshal.

STAG BRO SA — Mon. in Kong po.  TS5 532.  Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 95, 102 (earthquake damage in 1949).

STAG BLA — Lineage of Rga phyogs.  375 preface.

STAG BLA — See (— —) Dkon mchog rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Nor bu.  (— —) Padma ma ti.

STAG BLA LUGS — N. of a tradition of Kar gling Zhi khro teaching.  Cuevas, Hidden History 142.


STAG MO — Pl.n.  In general area of La dwags. See 28 74.  The Stag mo'i Chos sde, founded by a direct disciple of Tsong kha pa by the name of Stod Shes rab bzang po, was located on the Sitā River.  Thuken 282.

STAG MO GLING KHA — Linga gompa.  F. by Dkon mchog rgyal mtshan in 1436 in Mus.  Ferrari 158.

STAG MO SGANG — Or, Stag mo sgang Bskal bzang phun tshogs gling.  Founded by Nyi ma grags pa, it became his main residence.  Cuevas, Hidden History 195.

STAG MO GTER STON — Bio. in 383 416.1 ff.


STAG MO RDZONG — ?  (Zhabs dkar) Sna tshogs rang grol (q.v.) went there.

Mang yul STAG MO RDZONG — One of the four or six rdzong in outer areas of Zhang zhung, this one in the southern highlands.  ACTP II 5.

STAG MO RI BKRA — 4 20B.2.  Stag gu Ri khra in 4 21B.2.

STAG MO LUS SBYIN — Now called Namobuddha.  A mchod rten 12 miles from Kathmandu and 10 miles from Bhatgaon, where Buddha is said, in a prior rebirth, to have given his body as food for a starving tigress.  363 140.6.  406 6A.6.  Ma ti tsi ṭa, Byang chub sems dpa' Chen po Stag mo la Lus Sbyin pa'i Rtogs brjod, listed in BLP no. 1450.

STAG MO LHA KHANG — In Mang yul.  Vai.Ser. 225.

STAG SMAN GDONG — A demoness.  KTDN 98.3, 99.4.

STAG SMAN ZOR GDONG MA — N. of a yakṣa87 I 43.6.

Bla chen STAG TSA KHRI 'BAR — 28 62.

STAG BTSAN LDONG GZIG — Bashey4 199 (and notice Snyar Stag btsan Ldong gzig on p. 209).

STAG RTSE — BA 507, 543, 546‑549.  Stag rtse Byang chub chen po'i Mchod rten Dkar chag, by Dkon mchog gar dbang rgya mtsho, listed in BLP no. 1031.  See also Mdzod lnga Stag rtse.

STAG RTSE — Bon mon. in Kong po.  TS5 527.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 462.

STAG RTSE — See (— —) Mi pham phun tshogs shes rab.  (— —) Tshe dbang lhun grub.

Mching nga STAG RTSE — Mching nga Stag rtse'i Sde srid.  210 209.4.

'Ol kha STAG RTSE — Thang stong went there.  5 120.6.  Mi la ras pa's father went to Stag rtse on business. 10 24.  Castle at 'Ol kha.  Tucci, Lhasa 130.  27 131.  Stearns, King 210.

Zhe zhol STAG RTSE — Bon holy pl. in E Tibet.  239 XXX 61.5.

Shud phu STAG RTSE — Or, Stag rtse snyags.  Hazod, Blauschaflinie 171.

STAG RTSE KHA — Aris, Discourse 17.


STAG RTSE MKHAS PA — An artist.  See Rahula Sanskrtyayana's 1938 article, p. 140.

STAG RTSE DGON — Vai.Ser. 254.

Shu dag STAG RTSE DGON — Vai.Ser. 234.

STAG RTSE'I RGYA MA RIN SGANG —  =Rin chen sgang (q.v.).

STAG RTSE THA'I JI — Sentenced to death in about 1720.  TS7 I 425.

STAG RTSE THAL JI — (ca. 1675)  458 I 146.1. 


STAG RTSE PA — Tibetan puppet governor during Dzungar occupation of 1717‑1720.  332 II preface 5.

STAG RTSE RDZONG — NE of Lha sa, on right bank of Skyid chu.  Sumpa, Annals 69.  Das 548.  Lo rgyus listed in BLP no. 0981.

STAG RTSE ZHABS DRUNG — He was in circa 1682 at Bsam yas.  458 I 229.3, 233.5, 275.1.

STAG RTSE G.YUNG DRUNG GLING — F. by (Ldong sgom) Bstan pa lhun grub.  253 II 614.1.  Gyurme Dorje, Tibet Handbook 305.  Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 98, says it has a tooth relic of Ston pa Gshen rab.  Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 149 seems to refer to a different mon. with this same name in Rgyal mo rong.

STAG RTSE RI KHROD DGON — F. by (Ldong sgom) Bstan pa lhun grub.  253 II 452.5.

STAG TSHA — See (— —) Bla ma rgyal mtshan.

STAG TSHANG — Birthpl. of translator by the same name.  Das 548.  5 144.4.  See 'On phu Grwa tshang.

Spa gro STAG TSHANG — Spa dro Stag tshang in 206 568.2.  4X I 256.3.  Mon. f. at end of 8th cent. on a cliff North of Paro in W Bhutan.  Olschak.  Probably =U rgyan chen po'i Sgrub gnas Stag tshang.  5 164.2.  See also Nat.Geo. CII no 6 (Dec. 1952) 724, for a picture and story of a visit (pp. 733‑735).  Kværne 231 no. 109.  BA 976.  Acc. to 23 48, it was built and its frescoes were painted by Sangs rgyas grags pa in 1692/3.

Has STAG TSHANG — Place in Bhutan.  Das 1328.

Tsha lung STAG TSHANG DGON — Bon mon. in Amdo.  253 II 637.5.

STAG TSHANG PA — See (— — —) Ngag dbang bkra shis.  (— — —) Shrī bhu ti bha dra.

STAG TSHANG BRAG — Site of Bon gter ma253 II 405.2.

STAG TSHANG RA BA STOD — A hermitage in mts. W of Lhasa.  Das 548.  Wylie 75, 146 n. 292.


STAG TSHANG RAS PA — See (— — — —) Ngag dbang rgya mtsho.  (— — — — ii) Ngag dbang mtsho skyes rdo rje.  (— — — —) Mi pham 'jam dpal mthu stobs rdo rje.

STAG TSHANG RAS PA SPRUL SKU V — Work in 421.  See (— — — — — —) O rgyan 'chi med gar dbang 'gro 'dul gling pa.

STAG TSHANG RAS PA BLA BRANG — A bla brang of He mis Mon.  10.

Nub STAG TSHANG RONG — In Tsa ri.  17 IV 238.5.

STAG TSHANG LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — — —) Shes rab rin chen.

STAG TSHANG SENG GE — BA 1028.  Stag tshang seng ge'i Phug.  87 I 136.2.

STAG TSHANG LHA MO — Monastery.  SBTD I 25, 44.  Aka Stag tshang lha mo kirti Monastery, it is located in Rnga ba.  Stag tshang Lha mo Dga' ldan bshad sgrub gling gi Gdan rabs Pad dkar 'Khri shing, listed in BLP no. 0982.  Berounsky, Lapsed 173.  Daniel Berounsky, "The Tigress and the Goddess: The Tibetan Sacred Place Tagtshang Lhamo," contained in: J. Vacek, ed., Pandanus '05, Signeta (Prague 2005) 35‑188.

STAG TSHANGS PA — Subsect of Sa skya pa.  T.H. 51.

STAG TSHAB 'BAR — Childhood name of (Spyan snga ba) Tshul khrims 'bar.

STAG TSHAL — BA 440, 1009, 1058.  Pl. in Gtsang.  Das 548.

STAG TSHAL — See (— —) Kha 'ur (?).  (— —) 'Or mo.

Dungs kyi STAG TSHAL — OTA 673.


STAG TSHAL BA — N. of pl. in Gtsang.  N. of a translator.


Grub dbang STAG MTSHER ZHABS DRUNG — See (— —) (— — — —) Ye shes skal bzang.

STAG 'TSHER — Birthpl. of the Stag 'tsher Rin po che and Dalai Lama xiv.  Dhongthog 61.  Gung thang pa, Works IV 436.3.

STAG 'TSHER RIN PO CHE — See (— — — — —) Thub bstan 'jigs med nor bu.  (— — — — —) Blo bzang rdo rje.

STAG ZHIG DGON PA — 253 II 633.2.


Gu yang Rgyal po STAG ZHU — Stein, Recherches 49.

STAG ZHON — A protector.  See 194 XIV.

Bran ka Blon STAG GZHER HAB KEN — Dung dkar 175.

STAG ZA — See (— —) Rin chen mtsho mo.

STAG ZUNG DGON PA — 253 II 635.6.

STAG GZIG — Bordered Gru sha, etc. (which was part of Tibetan kingdom of Ral pa can).  DTK5 182.  In Kālacakra literature, it is used to tr. Skt. tāyin (a word which may also be translated in Tib. as skyob pa), referring to the foreign Muslim invaders.  The usual Skt. term for them would be Tājika.  See Newman in JIABS 21 (1998) 318.  The spelling Rtag gzigs is explained in Bra bo's Nyi zer Sgron ma (1969 ed.), p. 175, because this is the place where the Buddhas 'always look' before they are born.  Classic explanation by Bailey in AM 11 no 1 (1964) 20‑21.  In Lungta 16 (2003) 31, M. Walter criticizes those who simply translate it as 'Persia," saying that in the time in question for Bon texts, it must have meant both Arab and Arab Empire of the early Middle Ages (which at its height included all of Western Central Asia, present day Afghanistan and into the Sindh).  In a biography of O rgyan pa, it looks clear that for this writer Stag gzig is located south of Gilgit and north of O rgyan.  So perhaps it does correspond to some degree with modern Tadjikistan?  Kuijp, Rivers 329.  Vitali in Rocznik Orientalistyczny LXVII (2014) 240 says, "I am inclined to locate [Stag gzig] in the wider expanse of land surrounding Chilas."

Blon Chen po STAG RA — Scherrer‑Schaub in JIABS 25 (2002) 289.

STAG RA KLU GONG —  =Ta ra klu kong (q.v.).


STAG RAS SPRUL SKU — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 119.6, 120.1.

Mdog STAG RI — 124 435.3.  =Ldog Stag ris in BA 997.  Stag ri in 487 I 36.6.

STAG RI GNYAN GZIGS — Early Tibetan king.  Das 548.  N. of Kong pa kra.  3 15.  Father of Gnam ri srong brtsan.

STAG RI MO — A 'Brug pa Bka' brgyud mon. in Zangs dkar.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 308.

STAG RI RONG — A non human tamed by Gyer spungs chen po.  206 557.5.  Text in 283 569‑576.

STAG RIS — 17 II 432.6.

'Dzi sgar ba STAG RIS KUN DGA' — 363 121.5.

Bka' blon STAG RU NAS — (ca. 1673)  458 I 124.2, 127.2.

STAG RUS — N. of a clan.  Das 548.

STAG RONG — Stein, Recherches 187.

STAG LA — Thang stong passed through here on his way from Bo dong to Sha ba.  5 78.1.  Bu ston passed through here on his way from Khro phu to Gla yon and 'Dang kar.  27 81.  Stag la'i la 'og rnam snang dgon pa. LPNT IV 19.

STAG LA — See (— —) Dkon mchog rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Rgya dur.

STAG LA MKHAR — 253 II 567.4.  An area in Pu hrang, for a list of temples, see Vitali, Tho.ling 152.  One of the four forts of the central part of Zhang zhung.  ACTP II 5, 9 ff.  Rta lha mkhar said to be another spelling.

STAG LA DGRA BRUB — Bon works in 260.

STAG LA RGYA DUR — See  Btsan lha.

STAG LA STAG — "Taklakot" in Santi e briganti.

STAG LA NUB — Tra.  Pass between Bkra shis lhun po and Gangs can chos 'phel gling.  Ferrari 157.

STAG LA SPU GRI — Teaching in 260 295‑319.  302.

Mar pa STAG LA DBANG — Karmay, Treasury 164‑165.  253 II 178.2.

STAG LA ME 'BAR —  =Stag lha me 'bar.  Note similarity to Kha la me 'bar of Rnying ma school.  Bronze illus. in Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 167.

Dbal gshen STAG LA ME 'BAR — Ancient Bon sage.  Bio. in 253 II 122.5 ff.

Me nyag STAG LA ME 'BAR — (d. late 11th to mid 12th century)  SFHB 353.3.

Dbal 'bar STAG LAG CAN — (b. 1832)  Alias, G.yung drung bstan 'dzin.  His 'oral tradition' Phur pa works in 257.  B. 1832, acc. to Kværne no. 192.

STAG LUNG — District to North of Gtsang.  Das 548.  N. of mon. (see following card).  BA 268, 307, 313, 338, 412, 523, 532, 570, 593, 616‑623, 628‑634, 641, 645, 649, 786‑787, 792, 894.  Thang stong.  5 213.

Phi ri STAG LUNG — BA 615.

Byang STAG LUNG — Had printery.  162 208.

Yar 'brog STAG LUNG — 53 II 309.6.  Wylie 73, 144 n. 269.  See (— —) (— —) Gsang sngags chos 'khor gling.

Dge 'phel Bla ma STAG LUNG KUN SPANGS CHEN PO — See (— — — —) (— — — — — —) Ngag dbang rab brtan.

STAG LUNG BKA' BRGYUD — Stag lung thang pa'i Bka' brgyud kyi Chos Skor, Collected writings of the Stag lung tradition in 4 vols (Darjeeling 1979+).  17 IV 459.2 ff.  One of 8 lesser branches (ya brgyad) of Bka' brgyud pa, reflecting the teachings of (Stag lung thang pa) Bkra shis dpal (1142‑1209/10) who split away from the 'Bri gung pa.  Ferrari 82.  It passed on a transmission of Lam 'bras teachings outside the Sa skya sect.  See 36 IV introduction and 117.  They incorporated, in later times, the teachings of the 'Brug pa.  Their transmission/succession method was by dbon brgyud198.  From the internet: "Sonam Rinpoche [Sonam Thobgyal] has dedicated the remainder of his lifetime restoring this tradition. His major projects include publishing a 65‑volume collection of Taklung Kagyu texts that he has recovered."  Drepung Catalog 1554, lists a title Dpal Stag lung gi Gdan rabs, in 11 folios.


Dpal STAG LUNG THANG —  =Stag lung Dgon pa.  F. by (Stag lung thang pa) Bkra shis dpal in 1180.  Later was made a Dge lugs mon.  Ferrari 81.  Pictured in Bell, Religion 68.  F. in 1178, acc. to Dhongthog 120.  BA 627, 648.

STAG LUNG THANG PA — See (— — — —) Bkra shis dpal.

STAG LUNG THANG PA RIN PO CHE —  =Bkra shis dpal.  See also (Stag lung thang pa) Ngag dbang grags pa.

STAG LUNG PA — See (— — —) Ngag dbang bstan pa'i nyi ma.  (— —) Ngag dbang rnam rgyal.  (— — —) Sangs rgyas dbon.

Dge bshes STAG LUNG PA — A name for Dge bshes Po to ba Rin chen gsal.

STAG LUNG SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Blo bzang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan.

STAG LUNG BRAG — See (— — —) Bsam gtan gling.


STAG LUNG BRAG PA'I DGA' LDAN GDAN RABS — Title listed in BLP no. 1023.

STAG LUNG MA THANG — See =(Dbyi shod) Ri bo che.

STAG LUNG MA SPRUL — Contemp. of Si tu xi.  346 40.  The 7th incarnate, the one living now, has the name Bstan 'dzin kun bzang 'jigs med.

STAG LUNG MA SPRUL — See (— — — —) Theg mchog 'jigs med dpa' bo.


STAG LUNG SMYON PA — Mentioned as a disc. of Gtsang smyon.  20 3.  Also n. of father of Sangs rgyas gling pa.  210 104.4.



STAG LUNG TSHE SPRUL — (b. 1926)  Unsure of spelling.  He was enthroned as a reincarnation of Rngog Chos sku rdo rje. Became Chairholder of Rdo rje brag.  A bio. "Kyabje Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche" at Mindrolling website on internet.

STAG LUNG ZHABS DRUNG KHRI CHEN — (d. 1690)  458 I 324.2.

STAG LUNG YA THANG — Also, (Byang) Stag lung.  Chief Stag lung Bka' brgyud mon.  F. by Stag lung thang pa in 1180/1.  31 I.  For split into Stag lung ya thang and Stag lung ma thang, see 17 II 548.5.

STAG LUNG ZHABS DRUNG — See (— — — —) Blo bzang bstan pa chos kyi nyi ma.

STAG LE — A mt. E of Ti se (Is this Stag lha me 'bar?).  4 101B.5.

STAG LO 'DUL BA — 253 II 420.4.

STAG LO — See (— —) Gzhon nu tshul khrims.

STAG SHAM — See (— —) Nus ldan rdo rje.

STAG SHAM PA — Propagator of (Rdzogs chen) Rta mgrin Snying thig gi Chos Skor (q.v.).  BD of T&TB III 307.

STAG GSHAM PA — See (— — —) Tshul khrims bzang po.

Grub thob STAG SE — 383 631.2.

Rgyal po STAG SENG GE — 17 IV 261.4.

STAG SENG GE 'BUM — Ruler of Mustang.  ISTS 134‑135.

Bla ma STAG SO BA — Contemp. of ('Khon) Grags pa rgyal mtshan.  Bka' ma Rgyas pa XLVI 363.4.

STAG SRAS — See (— —) Dbon Rin po che.

Dbal 'bar STAG SLAG — Excavator of text in 259 65‑71.  Author of texts in 286 I 299‑345, 387‑446; 313 II 301‑309.

Pha ba STAG SLAG CAN — A grub thob206 559.6.

STAG LHA — See (— —) Phun tshogs bkra shis.

STAG LHA — Bonpo.  206 542.1.  Gyer gshen Stag lha in 248 23.5.

'Bri rong gi STAG LHA — TS5 799.


STAG LHA BCUD DRIL — 489 563 ff.

STAG LHA ME 'BAR — In Zhang zhung language, La sad ne bar.  A Zhang zhung scholar at Bsam yas.  T.H. 219.  A Bon god who resembles in attributes Bdud rtsi 'khyil ba.  Das 548.  17 II 496.4.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 94, II 388.  302313 I 429 ff.  He is described as a local gzhi bdag in  TJ XXIII (1998) 108.  Thangka illus. in Heller, Tibetan Art, color plate no. 115.

STANG CHEN — See (— —) Dmu tsha.

Rgya yul STANG BZANG — Karmay, Arrow 343.

STANGS DBYAL — Tibetan translation for Chinese yin‑yang458 I 45.6.

STANGS KYI 'O YUG RGYAL BA — Bellezza, L&T 65.

Lho brag STANGS SHUL — CFMS 79.

STAN GCIG PA — See Gdan gcig pa.

STABS KA — BA 284.  Das 549.

STABS KHA BA — See (— — —) Dar ma grags.

STABS KHRI BZUNG MON KHENG — N. of a Tibetan king.  Das 549.

STAM KHAR SKYA — Pl.n., in Nang chen area.  See Sperling, Further 23, n. 66.

STAR SGO — One of 20 principle mts. of Tibet.  Das 212.

Blon chen STAR GDONG — ?  458 I 247.4.

STAR PA — See (— —) Rdo rje dpal bzang.

STI MKHAR SKYA — Pl.n., in Nang chen area.  See Sperling, Further 23, n. 66.

STING MO SGANG — An old citadel in La dwags.  14 1, 88, 102‑104.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 291.

STIN MO MIG — BA 1087.

Bre sya STU LAG — P.n. of a Khotanese.  Emmerick.

Dbus phyogs STUG PO BKOD PA'I ZHING KHAMS — Ghanavyūha, Paradise of Vairocana.  236 KA 15A.4.  Achard, L'Essence 42 n. 75.

STE SGO — In Sbal ti.  A small fort opposite the village of Ste ste.  See 79 91 no. 102.

STE 'JAM —  =Sde mtshams (q.v.).  28 81.

STE STE — See under Ste sgo.

STE DUNG — A zam kha (bridgehead?).  5 184.1, 193.5, 194.2.

STE PA 'BUM 'KHOR — Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 69.

STE PO — In Ldan yul.  TS5 559.

Bzhad STENG KHA DGON — Vai.Ser. 208. Perhaps this has to do with the Dpal Shes Sdeng kha Dgon pa mentioned in Horlemann 143.


STENG GRO — BA 686.  115 85.7, 157.1.

STENG CHEN DGON — Mon. in Rdza khog, near Derge, visited by Li An‑che, described in his 1948 article on Bon.  Thar in TS9 IV 156‑7, 160, 164‑5.  See Gardner in TJ XXVIII no 3 (2003) 64.  Rdza Steng chen Dgon, in 253 II 633.3.  It shouldn't be confused with the Khyung po Steng Chen Mon. which is way up toward the Kokonor in Amdo.

STENG CHEN 'DUL GRWA — F. by (Ngor) Kun dga' bzang po.  28 18.

STENG PA — See (— —) Chos skyabs bzang po.

STENG PA LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — — —) Tshul khrims 'byung gnas.

Khum bu STENG PO CHE — See (— —) (— — —) Gsang sngags theg mchog chos gling.


STENG 'BRO — Mon. f. by Rgod tshang pa.  SBTD I 303.

STENG TSAR — Stearns, King 221.

STENG SHOD — Unknown.  See Ferrari 118.  Cave in Sgrags.


Lho brag STENGS CHEN PO — Prob., =Waṃ stengs chen (q.v.).  BA 964.

STENGS PA LO TSĀ BA — See Steng pa Lo tsā ba.

STO — A tribe in Tibet.  Das 551.

STOG — Summer residence of La dwags king.  Roerich, Trails 26.  See Index of 14, under "Stok."  Stog Rgyal po.  378 preface.

STONG — N. of one of the 6 ancient tribes of Tibet.  Das 551. 

Rgya nag STONG KUN RGYAL PO — BP 287.6.  See Stong khung.

STONG SKOR — Tongkor.  N. of the region in upper reaches of the She chu.  Wylie 118 n. 44.  In Khams.

STONG KHUNG — Also, Stong khun.  Ancient Chinese king of fabled wealth.  See Das 552. and 17 II 280.1.  Apparently misunderstood in BA 241.  114 2B.4.  Btsan lha.  This Chinese borrowing, if translated into Tibetan, means Shar phyogs Rgyal po.  There is a note in Eimer, Testimonia 20‑21, in which, citing R.A. Stein, etc., it would seem to refer to present day northern Vietnam.  However, it now seems most likely (to me) that it is the 'eastern capital' (that's what the name means in Chinese, it appears) of Kaifeng.  In Stag lung Ngag dbang rnam rgyal, Stag lung Chos 'byung, Bod ljongs Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Lhasa 1992), p. 230, we see that at the court of Rgya nag Stong khun was a teacher named Kho yo Mkhan rgan, a disciple of Stag lung thang pa, who headed a group of 700 monks.  An article has appeared on this: Skal bzang thogs med, "Stong khun zhes pa'i tha snyad kyi mtha' la dpyad pa ke ta ka'i phreng mdzes," contained in: Bod kyi rig gnas las 'phros pa'i gtam spyi nor blo gsal mgul rgyan, Mi rigs dpe skrun khang (Beijing 2005).  Sam van Schaik has written a paper, "Ruler of the East, or Eastern Capital: What Lies behind the Name Tong kun?"  For his more recent discussion, see Schaik, M&T 170 ff. Kapstein in Journal of Tibetology, vol. 9 (2014) 79, has discussed this further.  Mention in Helman-Wazny, Arch. of Tibetan Books, p. 81.

Stod lungs STONG KHUNG — BA 918.


STONG KHUN — See Stong khung.

STONG KHYAB NAG MO —  =Khro bo rgyas 'debs, a wrathful Bon deity.  Das.

Sa bdag STONG KHYAB MA — Yum of Phur pa.  270 preface.

STONG 'KHOR — A mon. near Kokonor in Amdo.  Stong 'khor Zhabs drung was an incarnate lama there.  Stong 'khor Hu thug thu was highest spiritual leader in Köke Khota.  For discussion on the monasteries (one in Khams, the other in A mdo), see Sørensen, Restless Relic 876, 877 (a list of the first four tulkus).

STONG 'KHOR — See (— —) Zla ba rgyal mtshan.

STONG 'KHOR SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) 'Jam dbyangs bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho.  (— — — —) Blo bzang 'jigs med tshul khrims. (— — — — iv) Mdo rgyud rgya mtsho. (— — — — xi) Blo bzang 'jigs med tshul khrims rgya mtsho.

STONG GUG SHE — ?  A mchod gnas24 I 222.7.

STONG GYI SPYI BTUD MA — Bellezza, L&T 45.

STONG RGYUNG — Btsan lha.

Gu rub STONG RGYUNG NGE — 206 560.3.

Rig 'dzin STONG RGYUNG MTHU CHEN — Bonpo sage.  254 preface.  265.  Text in 283 339‑346; 286 II 101‑134; 313 I 347‑360; II 111‑126.  B. in 976 BCE, acc. to Kværne 226 no. 36.  See under G.yung drung rgyal mtshan.  253 II 371.3.  G.yung drung rgyal mtshan, Rig 'dzin Chen po Stong rgyung mthu chen gyi Sgrub Skor , publ. by Sonam Gyaltsen (Dolanji 1978), in 3 vols.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 271.  Bellezza believes he can recognize him in his "bram ze" form in a piece of rock art.  See ZZFC 179.

STONG RGYONG — See (— —) Smug mo ri.

STONG CHEN — Listed as one of 8 Rgod Stong sde in G.yas ru, perhaps mistaken for Stod yongs.  See 28 82.


STONG CHEN MO RAB TU 'JOMS MA — 4 faces, 8 arms.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 391.4.

STONG NYID TING NGE 'DZIN — Śūnyatāsamādhi.  =Jñānāveśanāma, 11th to 12th cents.  See Gnoli, Tattvajñānasamsiddhi.  See A ka ra tsandra.

STONG NYID TING 'DZIN RDO RJE — Early 11th cent.  Acc. to Mtshan tho no. 57, he is the same as De wa a ka ra tsan dra, as is clear in the Sum pa Chos 'byung.  He was a student of A mo gha badzra Che ba, and when he came to Tibet, served as chief tutor of Zhang Lo chen Shes rab bla ma.  He is the same as the Bla ma Btsun mo can of 'Gos [Lo tsā ba's History], and composed many texts about Dgra nag.  He was invited to Tibet by Dpyal Kun dga' rdo rje, q.v.

STONG STENG DGON — Bon mon. in Amdo.  253 II 639.3.

STONG THANG LDAN DKAR — A pho brang27 31.

STONG THUN — See 423.  Title listed in Everding's Bon catalog, no. JS 1855.

STONG 'DU RU BZHI — See 58 929‑930.

STONG LDAN — ?  A body of water.  352 733.12.

STONG SDE BCU GNYIS — Of Dbu ru.  Listed in 488 3.1.  Stong sde Drug of G.yas ru, etc.

STONG SDE LUNG PA — Pl.n. ?  27 131.


STONG NAG YAR DGON — 346 110.3.

STONG NAG RAS PA — Disc. of Byang chub gzhon nu.  Ordained as Blo gros rdo rje.  F. Zla nyin ching Dgon.  Bio. in 467 II 185.5, 186.6 ff.


Ldan ma STONG DPON — See (— —) (— —) Ngag dbang chos grub.

STONG DPON DPAL RI — 413 327.4.

Dge bshes STONG DPON RIN PO CHE — Scholar at Blo gsal gling in circa 1925.  Barlocher 268, 271.

STONG BU CHUNG — "Small chiliarchy," a military division equivalent to Yel zhabs.  28 81.


Mgar STONG RTSAN YUL BZUNG — Made the mkhos (settlement) of Zhang zhung in 662.  A minister under Srong btsan sgam po who, upon the latter's death, became regent and held the real power in Tibet until his own death in 667.  See OTA up until the year 667.  28 76.  17 II 316.5.  Called Srungs btsan yul bzung in 73 415.2.  A statue from 13th cent. depicted in Po ta la (1996) 90 & in Precious Deposits I 74‑5.  Story about one 'Gar Stong btsan dred po and Rgyal po Rje Srong nam.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) VI 177.5.

'Phan yul STONG RTSE RA — Tsa ri Gnyis pa 'Phan yul Stong rtse ra'i Gnas yig, listed in BLP no. 1659.

STONG TSHAB BYANG CHUB — Teacher of Zur po che.  33 189.4.  320 XIII 299.1.  Spelled with slight mistake Stong tshan Byang chub.  Lde'u 329.

STONG RA — BA 133.

STONG LOM MA CE — Minister under Lig snya shur.  28 106.

STONG SHONG PHUG — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 248 ff.

STONG GSHONGS — A pl. in Dwags sman.  Das.

STONG SAR — P.n.  Coblin in TH&L 88.  Horlemann in TS9 I 60.


STOD — BA 580, 875.

STOD SKYANG — Stod skyang zhes su grags pa A skyid Skyang tshang Dgon Bkra shis g.yung drung dar rgyas gling gi Byung ba Cung zad Brjod pa Shel dkar Me long, by Dri med 'od zer.  A ms. was utilized by Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons (see biblio.).


STONG KHUNG SDE LNGA — Five subdistricts of the district of Stod lung.  Das.

STOD GLING GSER KHANG — Misspelled?  Evid., the Gser khang of Mtho gling.  16 31.

STOD 'GYUR — The Upper Translations of Mahāmudrā.  See Kurtis Schaeffer's  Dissert. 120.  It descended from the teacher Vajrapāṇi.

STOD 'GREL — N. of Kālacakra comm.  Kværne no. 200.

STOD RGYUD GRWA TSHANG — F. by (Rgyud chen) Kun dga' don grub in 1474.  Dhongthog 126.

STOD SGAR — 'Upper encampment'.  N. for the government headquarters where a Lha sa official presides.  See Wylie 120 n. 59.

STOD RDO RJE BRAG — Ancestral mon. of Byang princes.

STOD PHYOGS — Emmerick

STOD 'BRUG — Sub‑branch of 'Brug pa, f. by Rgod tshang pa.  It is equivalent to the lineage from Rgod tshang pa.  484 I 870.2.  See Khrid chen Brgyad.  Its major incarnation lineages are 1 'Brug chen.  2) Bde chen chos 'khor Yongs 'dzin.  3) Bde chen chos 'khor Zhabs drung, or Chos mgon.


STOD MTSHAMS SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) 'Jam dpal 'phrin las.

STOD RI DKAR PO — Unidentified mt.  Wylie 115 n. 16.

STOD LUGS — See also Smad lugs.  Refers to Vinaya transmission introduced by (Kha che Paṇ chen) Shākya shrī in early 13th cent, and surviving in Sa skya and Bka' brgyud sects.  23 55.  (This last statement is a mistake.  The Stod lugs refers rather to the Vinaya transmission introduced in the time of Ye shes 'od by Dharmapāla.)  Or, may also refer to the Kashmiri Yogatantra tradition.  27 109.  See 17 II 353.1 for explanation of the terms.  12 IX 79.5.

STOD LUNG — District NW of Lhasa, with mon. of Mtshur phu (seat of the Karma pa).  Das 553.  A part of the larger district of Dbu ru.  T.H. 42.  Also contains Chu bzang Chu mig lung and Bde chen Rdzong.  Wylie 77, 149.

STOD LUNG — See (— —) Skyid sna.  (— —) Chu bzang.  (— —) Lam pa.  (— —) Sha mo ra.



STOD LUNG PA — See (— — —) Ngag dbang chos grags.

STOD LUNG PA CHEN PO — See (— — — — —) Rin chen snying po.

STOD LUNG TSHAL BDE — Subdistrict of Stod lung.  Its chief town is Bde chen Rdzong.  Das 554.

STOD LUNG MTSHO SMAD — Part of Stod lung.  Das 554.

STOD LUNGS — BA vi, xvii, 42, 148, 251, 262, 265, 286, 314, 332, 386, 441, 544, 557, 587, 734, 880‑881, 893, 932, 942, 963, 1078.  Same as Stod lung.







STOD LUNGS 'TSHUR — BA 297.  See Mtshur phu (?).

STOD HOR — Upper Hor.  BA 504, 1040.  Aris, Discourse 45.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 29 tells story of a repulsed invasion.  See under Hu lu hu.  Everding in TS9 I 112.  For a Chinese article devoted to the meanings of this geographic term, see notice in Kuijp, KPTB 53.

Span phug pa STON RGYAL — Disc. of Rong pa 'Gar dge (q.v.).

STON CHEN PO — A kind of title of rank or general honorific term used in O.T. letters.  Schaik, M&T 151.

STON MUN PA — N. for the Chinese Buddhist school which advocated "letting it flow" and instant Enlightenment (according to its critics).  Buston 192.  Comes from Chinese word meaning instantanealist.  17 II 328.5 ff.  Might be regarded as equivalent to cig car ba in Tibetan.

Slob dpon STON MO CHE — 115 22.4, 22.5.

STON MO LUNG — BA 782, 1043.

STON TSHUL — 13th cent. ruler of Go 'gyo.  Petech in TH&L.  Gardner in TJ XXVIII no 3 (2003) 66.

Ra lcags STON TSHUL — Hevajra, Cakrasamvara, Mahāmāyā and Lam 'bras teacher of Zhwa nag i.  356 59.4.

Slob dpon STON TSHUL — Alchemy teacher of Klong chen pa.  210 228.5.

Dbus pa STON SHĀK — (13th cent.)  =(Dam pa) Se sbrag pa.  BD of T&TB III 388‑389.  G.yo ru Ston shāk in 383 218.1, 408.2.  413 320.5.  His bio. of Padmasambhava listed in BLP no. 0350.

Khro bo STOBS RGYAL — Uncle of Bdud Klu btsan, rival of Gesar.  ZZFC 22.

Spam mnga' STOBS RGYAL — BD of T&TB VII 300.

Spom mda' tshang STOBS RGYAS — Patterson, Requiem for Tibet, 25, etc.  Goldstein.

STOBS BCU RAB RGYAS — 346 149.5.

STOBS CHEN CHU — Allen, Search for Shangri La map on p. 141.

STOBS CHEN LA — Secretary of Snang rtse shag.  See Mengele, dGe 74.

STOBS LDAN — "Lha ma yin gyi bdag po zhig gi ming."  Eimer, Dbyangs 55.

Bya rgod tshang STOBS LDAN — Goldstein, History 640.

Gzhon nu Dpa' bo STOBS LDAN RGYAL — Pictured in 320 III 3.  Prob. a bio. listed in BLP no. 1754.

STOBS LDAN SNYING PO — Prince of Orgyan.  413 551.3, 552.4.

Rwa ston STOBS LDAN RDO RJE — Excavated Phur pa text in 87 XLIX, L, LVII.  11th rab byung383 221.1.  Aka Padma tshe dbang rtsal.  410 159B.6.  Disc. of Gnam lcags rdo rje rtsa gsum gling pa.  See Ehrhard in SCEAR 9 (1996) 46.

STOBS LDAN NAG PO — Deity.  Pictured in 320 XXX 619.  Connected with black magic.  413 45.6.

Yol mo ba iii STOBS LDAN DPA' BO — (1598‑?)  Rnying ma.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 223.  =Bstan 'dzin nor bu (q.v.).  =Stobs ldan shugs 'chang rtsal (q.v.).

Rig 'dzin STOBS LDAN DBANG PO — Disc. of Yol mo ba iii.  373 preface.  Ehrhard in Prats, Pandita 40.

STOBS LDAN DBANG PHYUG — (contemp.)  Head of Khyung mo Mon. (Bon po).  Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 423.

Rig 'dzin Bla ma STOBS LDAN SHUGS 'CHANG — Bio. by Yol mo listed in BLP no. 1859.  See under Stobs ldan dpa' bo.

STOBS PO CHE — King of Shambhala.  128 1014. 

Khro bo STOBS PO CHE — N. of a tantra in 320 XXVIII 499.


Gnyan mgon STOBS 'PHROG ZHAL BZHI PA — Propitiation text in FM 117.14.

STOBS RTSE PO — A mt. deity.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 295.

STOBS BZANG — Hindu god.  KB 39.2.

STOBS BZANG — Pundit in time of the Dalai Lama v.  See under Ba la bha dra.


STOBS BZANG DBANG — N. of Arjuna, the Pāṇḍava.  Das 98.

BRTAG GNYIS — Hevajra work.  Comm. in 145 V 439 ff.  145 III 96‑162.

Gu ru BRTAN RGYAL MTSHAN —  =Tshe brtan rgyal mtshan.

Sla BRTAN DAR — DTK5 189.

BRTAN PA'I RGYA MTSHO — (16th cent.)  King of Mustang.  ISTS 134‑135.

BRTAN PA'I RDO RJE — (late 17th cent.)  King of Mustang.  ISTS 135.

Ting 'dzin rab brtson Rgyal po BRTAN PAS BYIN — In Jātakas.  Pictured in 128 738.

BRTAN MA KHANG — Part of Potala.  Po ta la (1996) 25.

BRTAN MA BCU GNYIS — 12 goddesses converted by Padmasambhava, residing at Gung thang la.  Nebesky 181‑198.  TPS 728‑729.  Wylie 132 n. 150.  =Bstan ma.  17 II 324.1.  87 I 42.2 ff, 268.2.  4X I 89.3.  115 112.6.  Work in 87 LXII.  213 287 ff.  Tucci, Religions 166.  They seem to be illus. in thangka in Po ta la (1996) 165.  Dotson, D&L 25.

Dga' ldan BRTAN BZHUGS CHOS 'KHOR — BA 1093.  Where printing blocks of the Blue Annals were kept.  Better known as (Dbus gtsang) Kun bde gling (q.v.).

BRTUL ZHUGS RIN PO CHE — Sp?  Bernbaum 55.

Gter ston BRTUL ZHUGS GLING PA — (b. 1916)  B. in Golok.  His Gter Chos publ. in one vol. (1977).  Bernbaum 68.  Brauen in Soundings 252 n. 17.  It is said that he died in the early 1960's in an avalanche between Nepal and Sikkim, while with a group in search of the hidden land of 'Bras mo gshongs (here obviously not an 'outer' name of Sikkim, as if so often is).  There is now a whole book about him by Thomas S. Shor, A Step Away from Paradise: A Tibetan Lama's Extraordinary Journey to a Land of Immortality, Penguin Ananda (New Delhi 2011).  His account of the death of "Gye‑re Lama" is translated in Glenn Mullin's book Living in the Face of Death.

Gu ru BRTUL ZHUGS GLING PA — An acquaintance of H.V. Guenther.  75 introduction 6.

BRTUL ZHUGS BZANG — In avadāna story.  TPS 532.

BLTA NA SDUG — A pho brang where a rdo rings was erected.  17 II 337.1.

BSTAN SKYONG —  =Bhi ra pā la.

BSTAN SKYONG DBANG PO — (b. 1606)  Title: Sde pa Gtsang pa.  Ruled from Shigatse from 1620‑1642.  Killed by soldiers of Gushri Khan.  Wylie 138 n. 209.  See Rdzong rtse Byams pa thub bstan's history of Bsam 'grub rtse, p. 38.  Aka Karma bstan skyong dbang po (q.v.), Rab brtan dbang gi rgyal po.  His bio. is told in Dung dkar 27‑28 (and note information on his law code of 1631 on pp. 28‑29).

Zur mang BSTAN DGA' RIN PO CHE — 346 120.4.

BSTAN DGON PA — 15th abbot of Gling stod college of Gsang phu Ne'u thog.  Teacher of Klong chen pa.  52 2.

BSTAN 'GYUR GSER GYI GAD PA — The Tanjur in gold completed in Gung thang in 1363 (DTK5 116), was captured by Byang pa Ta dben pa and taken to Mnga' ris (in 16th cent.), but then was deposited in Gung thang Sgo mang.  DTK5 141.

BSTAN 'GRO NYI SHAR — Ordination n. of Byang chub 'phags dbang.  482 7.6.

Ya ngal BSTAN RGOD — 253 II 471.5.

Spa ston BSTAN RGYAL BZANG PO — (14th or 15th cent.)  His history of Bon entitled Bstan pa'i Rnam bshad Dar rgyas Gsal ba'i Sgron me.  Work in SFHB 498‑769.  Mentioned in SFHB 730.7.  281 231.4.  Bios. in 248 116.4, 253 II 350.1 ff.  Kværne, Canon 27 no. 48.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 458‑9.

BSTAN RGYAS GLING — Most important of the four gling of Lha sa.  North section of Lhasa, SW of Ra mo che.  Ferrari 93.  Many refs. in Wylie 157 n. 387.  Printery.  162 236.  Destroyed by Chinese in 1911.  TM‑BH 16.  Cuevas, Hidden History 268 note 10.  Hostile Chinese forces of Zhao Erfeng were allowed (?) to stay in the monastery during the 1910‑1912 war, and for this the monastery was subsequently punished.  Alexander, Temples 215.

BSTAN RGYAS GLING — Tib. n. of Baruun Heid in Alasha.  See Jalsan, "The Reincarnations of Desi Sangye Gyatso in Alasha and the Secret History of the Sixth Dalai Lama," Inner Asia 4 no 2 (2002) 347‑359.

BSTAN RGYAS GLING — A small Bon mon.  253 II 610.1.


BSTAN GNYIS GLING PA — N. of (Sangs rgyas gling pa) Byang chub rdo rje rtsal.  FM 61.00, colophon.  See also Velm I 27.

BSTAN GNYIS GLING PA — See (— — — —) Padma tshe dbang rgyal po.

BSTAN GNYIS GLING PA — (1480‑1535)  Cuevas, Hidden History 189.


Gter ston BSTAN GNYIS GLING PA — Court lama to Kun bzang nyi zla (b. 1514).  DTK5 137.

O rgyan BSTAN GNYIS GLING PA — His composition, Gu ru'i Rnam thar Lcam gyi Rnam thar ma, listed in BLP no. 0317.

BSTAN GNYIS G.YUNG DRUNG GLING PA — Gter ston n. of Kong sprul.  23 57.  Appears in 380 5.3.

BSTAN GNYIS GSANG SNGAGS GLING PA — See under Gsang sngags gling pa.

Mgar BSTAN SNYA LDEM BU — Also spelled Btsan snya ldem bu (q.v.).  Son of (Blon chen Mgar) Stong btsan.  Succeeded his father at the latter's death in 667 as chief minister (Blon chen).  T.H. 43.  OTA 673, 675, 676, 680, 681, 682, 683, 684.  D. in 685.

BSTAN SNYING — 'Bri gung teachings.  See 207.  Root text in 479 415‑423.  See Theg chen Snying po.  Root text in 359 II 398‑406.

Smon ram pa BSTAN DAR — Of Thu med.  Mongol scholar, student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

Sog po BSTAN DAR — His Yon tan Rin po che'i Mdzod kyi Dka' gnad publ. 1978.

Sog po BSTAN DAR LHA RAM PA — (1759‑ )  Probably the same as (Smon ram pa) Bstan dar (q.v.).

Rta tshags BSTAN PA'I MGON PO — 253 II 613.3.  Author of 2 bios. of Klong rdol Bla ma listed in BLP nos. 0132‑0133.  Author of work on icon of Tsong kha pa listed in BLP no. 0915.  His bio. by 'Brug rgyal Sprul sku listed in BLP no. 1004, bios. by Sprul sku 'Phrin las rnam rgyal at nos. 1005‑1006.

BSTAN PA RGYA MTSHO — (late 15th early 16th)  Mentioned in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation 83.  Probably the 'Brug pa teacher mentioned in 602 29v.6.

BSTAN PA RGYA MTSHO — Bstan pa rgya mtsho'i Gdung rten Dkar chag by Gung thang Bstan pa'i sgron ma, listed in BLP no. 1037.

Rje drung Rin po che BSTAN PA RGYA MTSHO — 463 I 115.5, 121.5.

Zhang ston BSTAN PA RGYA MTSHO — (1825‑1895)  His collected works have been outlined.  Rabsal 230‑232.  His collected works were published in Lanchou in 4 vols. in 2004.

Zhang BSTAN PA RGYA MTSHO DPAL BZANG PO — Bio. by A lags 'Jigs med bsam gtan listed in BLP no. 1737.  BLP no. 1738 lists the title of a bio. of Zhang ston Bstan pa rgya mtsho by Blo bzang tshul khrims rgya mtsho, printed at Dga' ldan chos 'khor gling.

BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1912)  Kværne no. 222.

BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1863)  Kværne no. 207.

BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (1912‑1969)  Bonpo abbot of G.yung drung gling.  Kværne nos. 206, 248.

BSTAN PA RGYAL MTSHAN — Abbot of Ru thog in 1959.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 43.

BSTAN PA RGYAL MTSHAN — (?‑1648)  38th Khri thog of Dga' ldan.  BD of T&TB VI 162.  Pictured in 128 926.

Khyung dkar ba Sku zhog BSTAN PA RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 621.2.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 408.

Gung pa tshang BSTAN PA RGYAL MTSHAN — Bellezza, Divine Dyads.  Also named 'Gyur med bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan.

Grub thob BSTAN PA RGYAL MTSHAN — Bonpo.  B. in Rgyal mo rong.  Bio. in 253 II 446.1 ff.

Mkhyen brtse'i dbang phyug Mdo sngags gling pa BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — 410 139A.6.

Jag pa BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — A bandit.  443 I 34.2.

Rje btsun BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — B. in Na'o.  See under Lo chen Sprul sku.

Bya bral BSTAN PA RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 435.3.

'Bul sdud pa BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 0606.

Tshe gling BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — B. at Co ne.  87th Dga' ldan khri pa (1908‑1914).  BD of T&TB VI 213.

Zhe chen Rab 'byams I BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (1654‑1709)  Pictured in 128 1068.  Cuevas, Hidden History 195.

Zhwa dmar Rab 'byams pa Chen po BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (1650‑ )  Student of Dalai Lama v, among others.  BD of T&TB III 812.

Hor bla Sprul sku BSTAN PA RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 625.6.

Khri chen BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN DPAL BZANG PO — See under Rgyal mtshan bzang po.

Gshongs chen Ri khrod pa Mkhas btsun BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN DPAL BZANG PO — In Thang stong Snyan brgyud.  63 I 283.  374 II 475.4.  He is author of a biography of Ma gcig Lab sgron entitled Ma cig gi Rnam thar Mdzad pa Bco lnga ma.  Stearns, King 21.

Chos mdzad BSTAN PA'I SGRON ME — Author of Kun mkhyen 'Jam dbyangs bzhad pa'i Phar phyin gyi Yig cha'i Mchan 'grel Gser gyi Lde mig, publ. by Mongolian Lama Gurudeva (N. Delhi 1982).

Dge bshes BSTAN PA'I CHOS GRWA — A teacher at Sgo mang in about 1935‑1943.  Barlocher 655.

Sgo mang Mkhan chen BSTAN PA CHOS 'PHEL — (1840‑1908)  Dge lugs pa.  Dhongthog 60.  Pictured in 128 316.  Bio. by 'Bul sdud pa Bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 0606.

Chu bzang Dge bshes BSTAN PA MCHOG GRUB — 438 VI 532.1.

BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — Active circa 1593.  Son of the prince abbot of Rwa lung, who favored his own son Ngag dbang rnam rgyal as the 5th 'Brug chen incarnate.  Schwieger in Kailash 18 (1996) 88.

BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — One of the most active Bonpo lamas in Nag chu since the early 1980's.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 464.

Sgam sprul V BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — A ms. autobio. listed in BLP no. 0604.

Che shos Sprul sku BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0714.

Panchen Lama iv BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — (1781‑1854)  Author of bio. of Rje btsun dam pa iv Blo bzang dpal ldan bstan pa'i nyi ma phyogs las rnam rgyal (publ. N. Delhi 1982).  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 1290‑1291.

Lho brag Pad gling Sku 'phreng Gsung sprul BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — (20th cent.)  345 10A.2.

Rdzogs chen pa Kun mkhyen BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — 329.

Dpal ldan Gro mo che ba Snar thang BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — (12th cent.)  Mkhan bu (pupil) of Rtsis pa Gzhon nu seng ge.  He lived for 80 years.  Stayed at Snar thang for 39 years.  Also called Bdud rtsi.  He had many teachers.  See BD of T&TB III 384.  Pictured in 128 534.

Snang mtha'i sgyu 'phrul BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — Dge lugs pa?  Pictured in 128 362.

Khams sprul vi BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — (1849?‑1907?)  'Brug pa.  7363 19.1.  420 I 463.5.  Also, (Khyab bdag).  Teacher of Shākya shrī (1853‑1919).  334 KI colophon.  The Biography of the Sixth Khams sprul Bstan pa'i nyi ma by Byams me Lha mchog (Chos dpal rgya mtsho), reproduced from a new copy of an ancient [sic!] ms. recently brought from Khams pa Sgar, Sungrab Nyams gso Gyunphel Parkhang (Tashi Jong 1985).

Rgyal tshab x BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — (ca. 1877‑ca. 1901)  Pictured in 128 1072.

Rdzong dkar Rab 'jam pa BSTAN PA'I NYI MA SANGS RGYAS 'PHEL — 116 464.5.

BSTAN PA'I NYIN BYED — Author of a work on Tshe ring ma in 90 V 409‑412.

Si tu Rin po che Kun mkhyen BSTAN PA'I NYIN BYED — F. Dpal spungs in 1727 acc. to Dhongthog 131.  =(Si tu) Chos kyi 'byung gnas, acc. to 11 70.  Comm. on Phyag chen Smon lam in 452 183‑339.  Author of Bal yul Rang byung Mchod rten Chen po'i Lo rgyus listed in BLP no. 1405.  Bio. by 'Be lo listed in BLP nos. 2000‑2001.

Thos grol pa BSTAN PA'I RTA LJANG — Bonpo.  Several works and gter ma in 256 505‑524.

BSTAN PA DAR RGYAS —  =Ngag dbang mkhas grub rgya mtsho (q.v.).

BSTAN PA DAR RGYAS — Son of (Khum gzhung) Sum thog pa.  377 6B.4.

Khyung po BSTAN PA DAR RGYAS — Progenitor of a certain lay tantric practitioners of Bon in Kokonoor area.  See Tsering Thar's paper.

Nag tshang BSTAN PA DAR RGYAS — Author of two 26‑page works on Nā ro Chos Drug in Rikon Catalogue 200‑201.

Paṇḍi ta Mkhan po BSTAN PA DAR RGYAS — (1766‑1777)  Also, (Dza ya Paṇḍi ta).  See Lokesh Chandra, "Life of Damba Darja Jaya Yin, The First Bandido Hambo Lama (1766‑1777)," contained in: Lokesh Chandra, Cultural Horizons of India Int'l Acad. of Indian Culture (N.Delhi 1998) vol. 7, pp. 352‑360.

Rtse mkhan mgron che ba BSTAN PA DAR RGYAS — Also, (Mgron gnyer chen po).  Nicknamed A rag dkar po.  438 VII 450.3.  Goldstein, History 92.  McGranahan in TS9 IV 118.  Chamberlain of the Dalai Lama xiii.

Hor bla BSTAN PA DAR RGYAS — 253 II 483.6, 625.5.

BSTAN PA DAR RGYAS GLING — 332 II preface 9.

BSTAN PA DON LDAN — A lama who passed through Paris near the beginning of the 20th cent.  See Bacot in JA (Mars Avril 1913) 445.


Lha bla BSTAN PA PHUN TSHOGS — F. mon. Bde chen gling in 1837.  Kværne no. 197.  272 preface.  253 II 483.4, 625.4.

Mkhan chen BSTAN PA BLO GROS — Bonpo.  Bio. in 253 II 44.3 ff.

Khang sar BSTAN PA'I DBANG PHYUG — His collected writings in 5 vols. were published in Beijing in 2005.

BSTAN PA DBANG MO — A woman of Sa skya family who taught Lam 'bras.  Sakyadhita 2 no 2 (1991).

Rgyal sras BSTAN PA'I 'BYUNG GNAS — Gter ston.  Also named 'Ja' tshon me 'bar and Mkha' 'gro dbang phyug rtsal.  217 502.5.  374 II 430.6 ff.  410 205B.4.

Spa ston BSTAN PA 'BRUG GRAGS — (1892‑1951)  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 460.  He was born & died in Hor Ye tha.  Author of short work in 257 559‑561.  For a bio. of Lord Shenrab by him, see under Gshen rab.

BSTAN PA 'BRUG RGYAS — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 122.4.

Ldong btsun BSTAN PA TSHUL KHRIMS — 281 231.7.

BSTAN PA TSHE RING — See Avedon 73‑79, 94‑104, 109, 114, 130‑133, 329.

BSTAN PA TSHE RING — (1678‑1738)  A king of Sde dge who built Dpal spungs or who, acc. to Dhongthog 131, built the scriptural press at Sde dge in 1729‑1733.  Pictured in 320 XXXVI 643.  440 293.1.  Cuevas, Hidden History 200.

Rwa sgreng BSTAN PA TSHE RING — Author of Rwa sgreng Bstan pa tshe ring gi Mi Tshe'i Myong ba (Dharamsala 2001), in 289 pages, an autobiographical account of a political prisoner.

BSTAN PA 'DZIN PA — Śāsanadhara.  A n. of Nā ro pa.  75 19.

Gnas brtan BSTAN PA 'DZIN PA — 17 II 252.3. 73 56.3.

BSTAN PA 'OD ZER — Bon work in 285 149‑152.  Disc. of Bsod nams ye shes.  253 II 391.1, 403.6.  Bio. in A tri 56.  253 II 435.5, 438.2, 439.1 ff, 615.5, 622.6.

Dbus pa BSTAN PA YAR 'PHEL — Student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

Khri BSTAN PA RAB RGYAS — His bio. by Blo bzang phrin las rnam rgyal listed in BLP no. 0207.

Wa shul ba BSTAN PA RAB RGYAS — Thu'u 455.

Mkhyen pa'i Klong yangs BSTAN PA RAB RGYAS — Dge lugs pa.  Pictured in 128 406.

Snang zhig Bla ma BSTAN PA RAB RGYAS — (1930‑1961) Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 421

BSTAN PA RAB 'PHEL — N. of Ngag dbang dpal bzang (b. 1879) given by Zhe chen Rab 'byams pa.  39 1.

BSTAN PA RIN CHEN — Performed an ordination in 1530.  Abbot of Kirti Monastery.  Gruschke in TS9 I 204.

Sku mdun Chos rje BSTAN PA RIN CHEN — Attendant of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

Dge bshes Zhu dag pa BSTAN PA RIN CHEN — Author of 402  Alias Dzā ya kā ra.

Lcags ra BSTAN PA RIN CHEN — 253 II 436.

Sprul sku BSTAN PA'I GSAL BYED — Prob. not really a proper name, but these words appear in a title of a bio. listed in BLP no. 1349.


Khyung dkar ba Dge bshes BSTAN PA LHUN GRUB — Abbot of Phyug tso Dgon.  253 II 621.6. Bellezza, Divine Dyads 408.

Ldong sgom BSTAN PA LHUN GRUB — (11th rab byung)  Founded Stag rtse G.yung drung gling.  253 II 401.2, (bio.) 451.5 ff, 614.1.  TS5 527.  Bio. in Katen (300+ vol. version), vol. 203, where the name is spelled Gdong sgom.

BSTAN 'PHEL — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 118.3.  Ri khrod pa Bla ma.  397 XXIV 392.5.

Bsgrub brtson Yongs 'dzin BSTAN 'PHEL — See Blo bzang bstan 'phel.

Drung yig BSTAN DBANG — Name in inscription in wallpainting illlus. in Po ta la (1996) 122.

BSTAN 'BRU NANG RGYAS — Evidently, Btsan 'bru nang rgyas (q.v.) is intended.

Sa yi Lha mo BSTAN MA — Pictured in 216A.

BSTAN MA BCU GNYIS — N. of Brtan ma bcu gnyis (q.v.), after their conversion.  4 260B.1.  Beyer 318.

BSTAN MA RI KHROD PA — See (— — — — —) 'O dge.

BSTAN 'DZIN — Author of Bon work in 292 I 111‑172.

Rma sprul Rin po che xi BSTAN 'DZIN KUN BZANG 'JIGS MED — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 127.

BSTAN 'DZIN SKAL BZANG — See under Lo chen Sprul sku.


Dgon gsar BSTAN 'DZIN MKHAS GRUB 'JIGS MED RNAM RGYAL — (b. 1949)  Barlocher 113, 145, 261, 327‑328, 334, 338‑363, 613, 679, 688.

'Brug chen xi BSTAN 'DZIN MKHYEN RAB DGE LEGS DBANG PO — (1931‑1960)  24th in 'Brug pa Gdan rabs.  Bio. in 1 48.  Author of bio. of Rgod tshang pa.  50 preface.  Prophecies and omens of his reincarnation.  346 107‑108.  Alias Vallapureddi Buccāreḍḍi.  Also, Vallapureddi Bucha Reddy.  Alias Ye shes rgya mtsho.  Alias, Dpal ldan 'jigs med ngag dbang 'phags mchog ye shes dbang rgyal phyogs las rnam rgyal (Dpal ldan 'jigs med ngag dbang 'phags mchog ye shes dbang gi rgyal po phyogs thams cad las rnam par rgyal ba'i sde). 

Grub mchog BSTAN 'DZIN GRAGS PA — Achard, L'Essence 83.

Rgyal dbang BSTAN 'DZIN GRAGS PA — Mentioned in BD of T&TB III 724.  (Mkhas grub) Mdo sngags bstan 'dzin (1516‑1568) took ordination from him.  BD of T&TB III 752.

Smon lam Rab 'byams pa BSTAN 'DZIN GRAGS PA — Disc. of Lcang skya I (1642‑1714).  Heissig 43.

Sprul sku BSTAN 'DZIN GRAGS PA — (1536‑1597)  BD of T&TB III 766.  210 178.5.  The Pad gling Gsung sprul ii.  Cuevas, Hidden History 166.

Rgya rong BSTAN 'DZIN GRAGS PA — Rnying ma critic of Rin chen Gter Mdzod.  Blondeau, Controverse 59 ff.


Sangs rgyas mnyan sprul viii BSTAN 'DZIN GRUB MCHOG — (19th cent.)

Thugs sras Sprul sku BSTAN 'DZIN 'GYUR MED — BD of T&TB III 291.  458 I 327.3.

Se zhig Sprul sku BSTAN 'DZIN 'GYUR MED — The present head of Se zhig Mon. near Dang ra. Bellezza, Divine Dyads 400.

Rje BSTAN 'DZIN 'GRO 'DUL — 25th abbot of 'Bri gung.  37 38.  He lived from 1724‑1766, according to David Jackson in Damani, Dating 111.

Dalai Lama xiv BSTAN 'DZIN RGYA MTSHO — (July 6, 1935‑ )  Also, Ngag dbang blo bzang bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho.  Father's name, Chos skyong tshe ring.  Mother's name, Bde skyid tshe ring.  Dhongthog 61.  Pictured in 128 416, 864.  Kværne no. 227.  Author of Mchog Gsum Thugs rje Skul ba'i Bden gsol Smon tshig, publ. 1972.  Pictured in 128 250, 260.

BSTAN 'DZIN RGYA MTSHO — (recent)  Co‑author of work in 239 XXX 147‑160.  Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 121.5.

BSTAN 'DZIN RGYA MTSHO — (1778‑?)  BD of T&TB V 566.

Khren zin Dka' bcu BSTAN 'DZIN RGYA MTSHO — Thuken 395.

Mkhas btsun BSTAN 'DZIN RGYA MTSHO — (1856‑?)  BD of T&TB V 582.

'Jam dbyangs BSTAN 'DZIN RGYA MTSHO — (1754‑1798)  BD of T&TB V 556.

De mo x BSTAN 'DZIN RGYA MTSHO — (1901‑1973)  He married in 1938 and had two sons.  The photographs he personally took have been published.  He died after being persecuted in the Cultural Revolution. Alexander, Temples 210.

Sme sprul BSTAN 'DZIN RGYA MTSHO — (b. 1968).  Holler in TS9 II 212.

Zhe chen Drung yig BSTAN 'DZIN RGYA MTSHO — (1759?‑1771?)  Famous Sanskrit scholar best known for the Sanskrit lexicon Prajñā.

BSTAN 'DZIN RGYAL PO — 363 118.2.

Drang srong BSTAN 'DZIN RGYAL PO — Father of Byang ngos pa Bstan 'dzin dar rgyas, physician to the Dalai Lama v. 

Khu nu Bla ma BSTAN 'DZIN RGYAL MTSHAN — (ca. 1885‑1977)  Kunu Lama, or Khunnu Lama.  85 2.  Pictured in Aspiration 127.

Smugs gnas BSTAN 'DZIN RGYAL MTSHAN — 5 225.4.

Rdzogs chen pa BSTAN 'DZIN RGYAL MTSHAN — Lexical work listed in DD 719.

Lo chen BSTAN 'DZIN RGYAL MTSHAN — Disc. of Paṇ chen Bla ma iii.  See under Lo chen Sprul sku.

Bkras lhun Yongs 'dzin Lho pa Sprul sku BSTAN 'DZIN NGAG DBANG — 438 VII 257.4.

BSTAN 'DZIN CHING WANG — A prince of Kokonor, who revolted against China in 1723.  41 I 3.  332 II preface 5.

BSTAN 'DZIN CHOS GRAGS — (contemporary)  Ph.D. dissertation at Center for International Education, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, on "Education of Tibetan Refugees."  Nowak.

Mgron BSTAN 'DZIN CHOS GRAGS — 438 VI 516.5.

Dā Bla ma BSTAN 'DZIN CHOS GRAGS — Venturi in Sperling Festschrift, p. 488.

BSTAN 'DZIN CHOS RGYAL — Author of work on 16 Arhats listed in BLP no. 1233.

Gu shrī BSTAN 'DZIN CHOS RGYAL — N. of Dzungarian chief who conquered Tibet and established supremacy of Dalai Lama in 1643 (or, rather, 1642, I think).  Also called Gu sri Sog po.  Das 220.  S.K. Sadhukhan, "The Genealogy of the Great Mongol King Kau sri han alias bsTan 'dzin chos rgyal," Bulletin of Tibetology issue no. 3 for the year 1992.

Rje Mkhan chen x BSTAN 'DZIN CHOS RGYAL — (1700‑1766/7)  Author of bio. of (Chos rje) Shes rab 'byung gnas, publ. 1976.  Wrote Lho Chos 'byung on Buddhism in Bhutan.  A famous Bhutanese scholar.  40 7.  Wrote bio. of (Sgang steng Sprul sku) Bstan 'dzin legs pa'i don grub, publ. 1975.  20 23.  Author of the 1729 Bhutanese legal code (with rules of conduct for the ruling class) studied by Christoph Cüppers (paper given at 10th IATS, Oxford 2003).  He partly copied the 1681 legal code by Sde srid Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho.

Dbang chen BSTAN 'DZIN CHOS RGYAL — TS5 812.  See Gling tshang Dbang chen bstan 'dzin chos rgyal.

'Bri gung Mkha' 'gro BSTAN 'DZIN CHOS SGRON — See Loseries in TS7 vol. 2, p. 586.  For sources on this 'Das log figure, see Epstein in TJ 7 no 4 (Wint 1982) 80.

Khams sprul iv BSTAN 'DZIN CHOS KYI NYI MA — (1730‑1779)  Author of Rgyan gyi Bstan bcos, a comm. on the Kavyadarshana, publ. 1976.  Collected works, together with works of his disciple Mkhas grub Bsod nams rab 'phel, publ. in 1978 at Palampur.  Beyer 16, 19.  His Snyan rgyud las Yum bka' Lhan cig skyes ma'i Sgrog chog Sgrub thabs publ. 1975 in Manali.

Stag tshang vi BSTAN 'DZIN CHOS KYI NYI MA — See 178.

BSTAN 'DZIN CHOS KYI BLO GROS — 35th abbot of 'Bri gung.  Ordained in presence of Dalai Lama xii.  Founded La dwags Shar khul Phun tshogs gling Mon.  37 43 ff.

Che tshang vi BSTAN 'DZIN CHOS KYI BLO GROS — (b. 1868)  Author of a history of 'Bri gung pa establishments in the area of Kailash.  137 437‑561.  359 II contents.

Mnga' bdag BSTAN 'DZIN CHOS DBANG — Also, (Nyang).  Student of Mdo sngags bstan 'dzin (1516‑1568).  BD of T&TB III 753.  453 I 127.4, 328.1.  Ehrhard, Register 153.

BSTAN 'DZIN 'JAM DBYANGS RIN PO CHE — Reincarnation of the Sa skya pa abbot Sangs rgyas bstan 'dzin.  Garratt in TS9 VIII 91.

Rdzogs chen Sprul sku BSTAN 'DZIN 'JIGS BRAL LHUN PO — (b. 1965)  Barlocher 306‑309.

BSTAN 'DZIN 'JIGS MED — Acc. to  Garratt in TS9 VIII 74, this is the name of the 6th Rwa sgreng Rin po che (d. 1997).

Zhu BSTAN 'DZIN NYI RGYAL — Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 455.  During time of the Dalai Lama v, he enlarged Lhun grub sgang into three colleges and went to China.

BSTAN 'DZIN NYI MA — A resident of Lubra who died about a century ago.  His skull, used in rituals, has a miraculously manifested white letter 'A'.  Ramble in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 306.  For more on this person, a close disciple of Dkar ru Grub dbang, and a work he composed see Ramble in RET XV 497.

Rgyal ba'i Sras po BSTAN 'DZIN NYI MA BZANG PO — See Nyi ma bzang po.  5 286.1, 286.5.

Brag dkar Sprul sku BSTAN 'DZIN SNYAN GRAGS — Author of Smon lam in 298 598‑600.  This is a Bon prayer although the author is a Dge lugs pa Rin po che from Hor.

BSTAN 'DZIN BSTAN PA YAR 'PHEL — N. of Rgyal tshab xii.

BSTAN 'DZIN THUB BSTAN — N. of the current Nyingre Trichen (sp?) Rinpoche, residing in Dharamsala.  He reincarnates Dar phyar ba.  He was 16 years old in the year 2000.  He has a website, of course.

BSTAN 'DZIN DAR RGYAS — A Yogi depicted in a Gzungs 'dus collection.  Meisezahl in ZAS 2 (1968) 88‑89.

Byang ngo ba Nang so BSTAN 'DZIN DAR RGYAS — Physician for the Dalai Lama v (accompanied him to Peking in 1652).  Subject of a paper by Tshe dbyangs Byang ngo ba given at 10th IATS (Oxford 2003).

BSTAN 'DZIN DON GRUB — Subj. of a bio. listed in BLP no. 1057.

Bsam pho BSTAN 'DZIN DON GRUB — Velm I 131.

Mchod dpon BSTAN 'DZIN RDO RJE — 383 468.4.

Mtshungs med BSTAN 'DZIN RDO RJE — (1533‑1605?)  Brief bio. included in bio. of (Rtse le) Sna tshogs rang grol (b. 1608), who was his reembodiment.  226 1‑200.  Was a teacher of Rtse le and Thang 'brog monasteries.  226 preface.  Cuevas, Hidden History 124.

Dkar po BSTAN 'DZIN NOR BU — Disc. of Bde chen gling pa.  210 223.1.  374 II 473.6, 475.6.

Rdo ring BSTAN 'DZIN NOR BU — (20th cent.)  Velm I 127.

Yol mo ba iii BSTAN 'DZIN NOR BU — (1598‑1644)  The third incarnation of Rig 'dzin Yol mo ba lineage.  Autobio. and collected works in 2 vols, publ. 1977.  373373A217 477.7 ff.  210 257.6.  Pictured in 347 298.  Aliases: Stobs ldan shugs 'chang rtsal, Karma thub bstan snying po rnam par rgyal ba'i sde, Stobs ldan dpa' bo.  Died in 1644.  410 150B.2 ff.  Belonged to the Byang gter branch of Rnying ma pa.  Patronised by Gung thang King Bsod nams sde late in the latter's life.  He later took the king's only daughter as a consort.  DTK5 143, 144.  His bio. of Ratna gling pa, printed at Lho kha Lhun grub Pho brang, is listed in BLP no.  989.  Prob. the Yol Bla ma Bstan 'dzin nor bu who authored BLP no. 1807.  Stearns, King 10.

Gter ston BSTAN 'DZIN NOR BU — (1589‑1668)  BD of T&TB III 781.  "Shar Kong Ljon pa'i Tshal gyi Zeng po Klu lnga rgyal Grong du sku bltams."

BSTAN 'DZIN RNAM RGYAL — Person who rebuilt Bon monastery Lhun grub mthong smon gling in 1986 in Bzang ri.  Karmay, ed., New Horizons 391.

Bzo rig Gnas mdo dgon Sprul sku BSTAN 'DZIN RNAM RGYAL — 346 103.6.

Rje Mkhan chen xiv BSTAN 'DZIN RNAM RGYAL — Author of Rang Blo Gsal ba'i Me long las Mngon brjod kyi Bstan bcos Bsam 'Phel Nor bu, a dictionary of Sanskrit equivalents for Tibetan terms, publ. 1976.

BSTAN 'DZIN RNAM RGYAL — (1769‑1793)  6th Mahārāja of Sikkim.  Took throne in 1780.  58 931. 

BSTAN 'DZIN RNAM RGYAL — The name of a crown prince of Sikkim killed in an accident in March 1978 before he could take the throne.

BSTAN 'DZIN RNAM DAG — (b. 1926)  Author of Bon gyi Bstan byung in Three Sources 553‑670.  Bio. in 253 II 48.5 ff.  Kværne 206, 226.  Chronology of his life in TJ 12 no 2, pp. 9‑10.  Brief sketch of his life in Bellezza, Divine Dyads 279.

Rtogs ldan BSTAN 'DZIN RNAM DAG — Author of Gcod work.  36 IX 646‑695.

Che tshang Sprul sku BSTAN 'DZIN PADMA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (1770‑?)  Aka Padma'i rgyal mtshan.  B. in Kong po, and belonged to Myang family.  Went to 'Bri gung at age 7 where he was given the name Dkon mchog bstan 'dzin 'phrin las rnam rgyal.  Chief teachers were (Chung tshang iii) Chos kyi nyi ma and (Lho sprul) Chos kyi rgyal mtshan.  See 168 preface.  Author of 168, in 1800.  Works in 190460 810.5.  His Nges don Bstan pa'i Snying po+, a history of 'Bri gung pa, publ. 1977.  Dung dkar 142.  David Jackson in Damani, Dating 112.

Bla ma BSTAN 'DZIN DPAL — 115 147.3, 147.4.

BSTAN 'DZIN DPAL 'BAR — Alak Tsayue Tenzin Pelbar (b. 1943).  Biographical sketch in Chö Yang (Year of Tibet Special Edition, 1991) 88.  Escaped Tibet in 1987.

Gzims dpon BSTAN 'DZIN DPAL BZANG — 458 I 183.5.

Dil dmar Dge shes BSTAN 'DZIN PHUN TSHOGS — (b. 1725)  Also, De'u dmar Dge bshes, or Til dmar Dge bshes.  Other sources have given him an earlier birthdate!  Author of medical work called Shel phug.  See DG361 preface.  Medical works listed in DD 716‑717.  Author, apart from his very many medical works, of a very famous work on the arts (bzo rig).


Sle lung Sprul sku BSTAN 'DZIN PHUN TSHOGS BLO LDAN — Author of a history of the successive reincarnations of the Sle lung Rje drung, published in Dharamsala in 2002.


BSTAN 'DZIN 'PHRIN LAS CHOS KYI NYI MA — See under Karma grags pa bstan pa yar 'phel.

Snyan brgyud spel mkhas BSTAN 'DZIN PHRIN LAS — Pictured in 128 452.

Skyid shod BSTAN 'DZIN 'PHRIN LAS RNAM RGYAL — Pictured in 128 396.  =(Skyid shod) Ngag dbang bstan 'dzin 'phrin las (q.v.).

Gu ru Sprul sku BSTAN 'DZIN 'PHRIN LAS RNAM RGYAL — (b. 1967)  Barlocher 382‑389.  ISTS 18 n. 9.

Gnyal sprul BSTAN 'DZIN 'PHRIN LAS 'OD ZER — 438 VII 444.1.

Mtshan zhabs Bde yangs Sprul sku BSTAN 'DZIN 'PHRIN LAS 'OD ZER — 438 VII 467.3.

BSTAN 'DZIN BLO GROS — Work in 303 511‑514.

Hor btsun BSTAN 'DZIN BLO GROS RGYA MTSHO — (1889‑1975)  Berounsky in Asiatische Studien 67 (2013) 804.

Rje btsun Thams cad mkhyen pa BSTAN 'DZIN BLO BZANG RGYA MTSHO DPAL BZANG PO — (1593‑1636)  Short bio. in BD of T&TB VI 58.  Ref. to Gsung 'bum in 463 I 204.4.  He arrived in Amdo in 1618 and died there in 1638.  See Victoria Sujata's dissertation.

Skyid shod Zhabs drung i BSTAN 'DZIN BLO BZANG RGYA MTSHO — (1593‑1638)  Subj. of a bio. by one Shes rab, listed in BLP no. 0160, and another by Skal ldan rgya mtsho, no. 0161.  Chayet in Cardonna, Facets 79.

Bong stag BSTAN 'DZIN BLO BZANG RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of Lhag bsam gyi Sprin dkar, Zang kang Gyi ling Dpe skrun Kung zhi (PRC 2003).

Shar rtse Nyag re Rab 'byams pa BSTAN 'DZIN BLO GSAL — 438 VI 610.3.

Mchog sprul BSTAN 'DZIN DBANG GRAGS — 253 II 625.5.  Probably the same as the Mchog sprul Chen po Bstan 'dzin dbang drag who gave teachings to Ka ru Grub dbang near beginning of 19th century.  Ramble in RET 15 (2008) 484 (also,  p. 486).

Rgyal sras BSTAN 'DZIN DBANG RGYAL — (ca. 1700?)  463 I 63.1.

BSTAN 'DZIN DBANG RGYAL — (ca. 1740) King of Mustang.  Alias, Bkra shis rnam rgyal.  ISTS 135.

Dbra sprul BSTAN 'DZIN DBANG RGYAL — A Bonpo, chief teacher of (Shar rdza) Bkra shis rgyal mtshan.  262 preface.  272 preface.  330 36.5.  253 II 501.3 ff.  Thar in TS9 IV 156.

BSTAN 'DZIN DBANG LDAN — A Tibetan who worked in 1894 as typesetter, a job he learned at the Secretariat Press in Calcutta.  See L.A. Waddell, The Tibetan Press at Darjiling, The Academy, no. 1212 (July 27, 1895), pp. 75‑76.

Bya do Sprul sku BSTAN 'DZIN 'BYUNG GNAS CHEN — (b. 1954)  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 254.  He was appointed abbot of Rnam rgyal Grwa tshang in 1997.

BSTAN 'DZIN 'BYUNG GNAS DAR RGYAS — (1793‑1856)  3rd incarnation of the Sde srid Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho.  See Jalsan, "The Reincarnations of Desi Sangye Gyatso in Alasha and the Secret History of the Sixth Dalai Lama," Inner Asia 4 no 2 (2002) 347‑359, at p. 353.

BSTAN 'DZIN 'BRUG RGYAL — (1591‑1656)  Aris in BSOAS XXXIX (1976) 631.  Note the same date in the following publication:  Rigzin N. Dokham, "A Brief Account of the Life of Mnga' bdag sems dpa' chen po (1591‑1656)," Bulletin of Tibetology issue no. 1 of the year 1996.

BSTAN 'DZIN 'BRUG SGRA — (1607‑1667)  Illegitimate son of Mi pham bstan pa'i nyi ma and second regent of Bhutan who ruled for 12 years.  Aris in BSOAS XXXIX (1976) 630.


Mchog sprul BSTAN 'DZIN TSHUL KHRIMS — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 300, 325, 381.


BSTAN 'DZIN ZLA 'OD RDO RJE — See Rdo rje thogs med.

Skyo brag BSTAN 'DZIN BZANG PO — Student of (Si tu) Chos kyi go cha (1542‑?) and (Zur mang) Legs bshad sgra dbyangs.  D. age 80.  Bio. in 467 II 216 ff.

Khu bo BSTAN 'DZIN BZANG PO — (16th cent.)  467 II 223.5.

Lcam BSTAN 'DZIN BZANG MO — (ca. 1687)  458 I 292.6.  McGranahan in TS9 IV 106.

BSTAN 'DZIN 'OD ZER — (1900‑1978)  Danjin odser.  Of Gandang Mon.  Picture and bio. in 399 preface 1 ff.

Khra leg Mkhan po BSTAN 'DZIN 'OD ZER — Author of bio. of Bya bral Sangs rgyas rdo rje.

BSTAN 'DZIN WANG — Started a war in 1723, which was quite destructive for monasteries in Amdo.  Thuken 379.

Grub chen BSTAN 'DZIN 'OD ZER RGYAL MTSHAN — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 279.

BSTAN 'DZIN 'OD GSAL CHOS DBYINGS RGYA MTSHO — Name given to the Kong sprul iv by the Dalai Lama xiv.  See His Eminence Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche the Fourth, Ema Ho!  The Reincarnation of the Third Jamgon Kongtrul, A Sweet Song of Unending Connection between the Compassionate Guide and Those to be Tamed, Jamgon Kongtrul Labrang (Kathmandu 1998).


"Rongae" BSTAN 'DZIN YONG 'DU — (20th cent.)  A wellknown artist in several mediums, including painting, sculpture and mask making. His name has been Anglicized as Tenzin Yongdu Rongae.

BSTAN 'DZIN G.YUNG DRUNG — An early n. of Kong sprul.  23 54.  BD of T&TB VII 642.

BSTAN 'DZIN RAB RGYAS — A Bhutanese ruler of 17th cent.  23 48.

Rgyal sras BSTAN 'DZIN RAB RGYAS — (1638‑1696)  Bio. by (Rje Mkhan po vi) Ngag dbang lhun grub, publ. 1977.

BSTAN 'DZIN RAB BRTAN — (ca. 1699)  463 I 34.3.

BSTAN 'DZIN RAS PA — (1646?‑1723)  Collected works and autobio. in 196.  Mentioned in 195 2B.1.  Lived 1644 to 1723, acc. to 396 preface 2 ff.  Subject of paper by Kurtis Schaeffer, unpublished.  His father died when he was ten.  He was adopted by his uncle the next year.  His most important teacher was Rang grol rdo rje, a 'Brug pa teacher.  A biography listed by Mathes in  JNRC 12 (2001) 186.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 148.

Dkar ru Grub dbang BSTAN 'DZIN RIN CHEN — (b. 1801)  Kværne no. 182.  Aka (Khyung dkar) Bstan 'dzin rin chen bde chen snying po, or, Bstan 'dzin rin chen rgyal mtshan bde chen snying po can.  A Bonpo yogi, author of 245.  See 245 preface.  Master of Nyi ma bstan 'dzin (b. 1813).  Work in 304 491‑657.  For autobio., see 354, completed in 1845; also found in Katen vol. 139 (in 575 pp.).  Work in 260 515‑596.  253 II 481.3 ff.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 296.  Subj. of a recent article by Charles Ramble.

Sgang steng Sprul sku BSTAN 'DZIN LEGS PA'I DON GRUB — A Bhutanese lama with bio. by Rje Mkhan po x (1700‑1767), publ. 1975.  Gelong Tenzin Chogyal, The Marvelous Gem of Veneration: Biography of the Second Gangteng Trulku Tenzin Legpai Dondrub (1645‑1727), National Library of Bhutan (Bhutan 2011), in 221 pages.

Kong po BSTAN 'DZIN LEGS BSHAD — 36th Khri thog of Dga' ldan (from 1638‑1644).  128 924.

Stag lung pa BSTAN 'DZIN SRID ZHI RNAM RGYAL — Gter ston in 11th rab byung383 221.2.

BSTAN 'DZIN BSOD NAMS — (d. 1999)  A Tibetan volunteer in Indian army, killed in 1999 at Kargil fighting irregular Pakistani troops.  Garratt in TS9 VIII 73.

Mtshungs med BSTAN 'DZIN LHUN GRUB — Bio. in 383 590.5.

BSTAN RIM — An old Bka' gdams pa genre closely corresponding to lam rim499 8.3.  Article by Duboom Rinpoche in Za ma tog.

BSTAN LI — Khams pa 'name of endearment' for O rgyan bstan 'dzin nor bu.  39 14.


BSTAN SRUNG RNAM RGYAL — (b. 1644)  2nd Mahārāja of Sikkim.  58 930.  Sde srid Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho composed a legal text in the form of answers to his questions.  See Kuijp in CAJ 43 (1999) 270.

Karma BSTAN SRUNG DBANG PO — Stein, Recherches 117.

Sgrub thabs Be'u bum BSTAN BSRUNG A PHYI — Texts connected with A phyi,  the protective deity of the 'Bri gung pa published as vols. 77‑78 in Gedan Sungrab Minyam Gyumphel series, in 1975.

BSTI YAG PU RI — A mon. at place where Rin chen bzang po was born.  Precious Deposits II 57, 146.

BSTI GSUM — "Three halts."  This name appears to be analogous to gsum mdo, as it refers to a place where three roads meet.  In Mnga' ris.  79 94 no. 120.





THA DKAR — Dotson in RET XXI (2011) 90.

Lha'i Sman pa THA SKAR — 413 127.5.  Tha skar gyi bu, =Aśvinīkumāradvaya.  Divine physicians conceived by the sun in the form of a horse and the goddess of the constellation Tha skar.  KB 44.6 and preceding.  Roesler in Facets 164‑5.

THA GA NA — Or, Tha ka na, or, Tha kha na.  See BA 415.  17 II 468.2.  A Mahāsiddha.  Tib., Rtag tu rdzun smra ba, or, Rdzun smra ba, "always telling lies," "liar."  Bio. in 120 67‑80.  Thag ga pa, pictured in 128 37A.  Lde'u 50.  Also, Tha ga na pa.  BD of T&TB I 658‑661.

THA GAD NE'U — ?  476 I 115.6.

THA NGA PUNG MO THANG — See (Tha nga) Pung mo thang.  Stein in McKay, History of Tibet I 601.  Dotson in JIABR 1 (2013) 216.

THA CHUNG LHAR BCAS — N. of Aśviṇīkumāra sahadeva.  One of the Pāṇḍava brothers.  Das 98.  Tha chung means 'youngest'. 

THA'I KHYAM — Toh, Ming 100.

THA'I RJI — See Also Thal che.  Das 828, under Pho lha ba.  See Tha'i dzi.

THA SNYAD GCIG PA — Ekavyavahārika.  One of 8 branches of Dge 'dun phal chen pa.  BA 27.

THA THAL — BA 503.

Na ga ra THA ṆA — City in W India.  BD of T&TB I 454.

THA BA BRAG — Aris, Discourse 6.

THA MI — Sp?  A village in the Solu Khumbu region of Nepal.  85 3, 4.

THA MI MGON BRTSON — Contemporary of Khri srong lde brtsan, connected with cult of Vaiśravaṇa.  Ferrari 116.

THA MU — Chinese form reintroduced into Tibetan for Dar ma, i.e., Glang dar ma.  BA xiv.

THA'I TSUNG 'UN — Emperor T'ai Tsung Wên Huang Ti, posthumous n. of Abahai, founder of the Ch'ing dynastic line.  See Richardson's article "Smallpox Edict," p. 121.

THA TSHAN HI PANGS SKYES — Means "Thams cad las snga ba'i rgyal po."  506 30.3.

THA'I DZI — Mongolian loanword for descendants of Chinggis Khan (they were exempt by Mongol law from taxation).  Das 575.

THA'I SHANG LA GYIN — Lao‑tse.  Laufer, Loan Words 526.

THA RAM MDUD 'GROL GAGS SEL GYI RGYUD — Bon tantra in 258 III 225‑245.  Tha ram is Zhang zhung language for Thabs shes.  Well, actually, it's Tibetan for "lock."

THA RAMS SGO DBYE — 283 633‑634.

THA RIM — Tarim basin of modern Sinkiang province.  Sumpa, Annals 73.

THA RU — Pl.n.?  Tha ru'i yul.  87 I 255.1.  Tha ru'i rgyal khams rnams.  87 I 254.5.

THA RU — See (— —) Me 'bar.

THA RO MTSHO — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 343.

THA HU — Also, Tha'i hu.  Name of the Tangut king who ruled from 1194‑1206.  See Sperling, Further. Notice the names Tshin Tha hu, Tshin Dha hu, and Ling Ta hu.  LPNT VII 297.

THA HU CHU MA MKHAR — 170 128.7.

Mi nyag gi Rgyal po THA'I HU LA — BD of T&TB VII 392.  484 II 586.7.

THAG — BA 122, 116‑117.  See Das 566.  Thag Sgrub khang.  33 227.1, 227.2.  G.yas ru Thag gi lung pa.  33 228.3, 229.1.

THAG PHYOGS — A district in presentday Nepal with capital at Sprug ches (Tukuchā).  Thāk of the maps.  See 28 13 and index.  Kailash VII no. 2.

THAG MA BA — See (— — —) Ka ba dar seng.  (— — —) Rdor gzhon.


THANG — BA 354, 1063.



THANG SKOR — Philosophical school centered in Thang po che (q.v.) mon.

THANG SKYA — "White plain."  Locality near Lhasa to the W with mon. by the same name.  Monastery in Mal gro the founding of which is attributed to Srong btsan sgam po, restored (perhaps in a slightly different location?) by Klu mes.  Belonged to Jo nang pa and later to Dge lugs pa, and most recently connected with Rnam rgyal Grwa tshang.  Ferrari 110.  BA 141, 148, 611, 617, 622, 634.  Vai.Ser. 142.  See Hazod in TS9 I 42.  A woman who returned from the dead (shi log ma) appears to Stag lung thang pa at this place and prophesies.  Cuevas, Travels 147.

THANG SKYA LHA KHANG — BA 610, 634.  Confusion is created by the fact that in history of early Stag lung pa, there is a temple by this name in Smar khams in Khams which must not be confused with the more famous imperial temple in Mal dro.

THANG SKRE DGON — Vai.Ser. 239.

THANG KHAB — BA 851.  Indian site of a cemetery named Dur khrod Tsin tsi ling.

THANG KHRA DGON — Vai.Ser. 234.

Khyung po THANG DGON — Bon mon. in Amdo.  253 II 639.3.

THANG MGO — BA 615, 620.

THANG 'GO — Have seen this as the spelling for Thanggu in northern Sikkim. I was thinking the real spelling was something else, perhaps Khra 'gu.

Rgyal po THANG 'GREM — Among them was one called Rgyal po Thang 'grem, chief of a group of Lha chen pa.  4A IIB.2.

THANG RGYAL — Kuijp in Chayet, Edition 452.

THANG SGO BSAM GTAN CHOS GLING — This is the spelling given for Thangu Monastery in northen Sikkim in Erschbamer in Bull. of Tib. 51 (2015) 49.  She says most believe this Nyingma mon. was f. in earlry 19th centuryr, there had been a structure there since at least the 1750's.

THANG SGONG — In Dpal kong, situated at Mtsho mo Mngar la ri.  79 93 no. 116.

THANG SGOM DGON — 415 XI 122.2.

THANG CHUNG — BA 176.  Identified as the Tundikhel, the open area in the middle of Kathmandu, where Tibetans were allowed to camp, for which reason it became known as Bod thang or 'Tibet Field'.  Roberto Vitali, "The Transmission of Bsnyung gnas," contained in: Ronald Davidson et al., eds., Tibetan Buddhist Literature and Praxis, Brill (Leiden 2006), pp. 229‑259, at p. 240.  Vitali in Rocznik Orientalistyczny LXVII (2014) 248, with discussion of the Mahākāla temple there.



THANG CHEN MO — See Thang mo chen?  In Mnga' ris, =(in Garhwali language) Guru Garik.  See 79 93 no. 115.


THANG STONG RGYAL PO — See (— — — —) Brtson 'grus bzang po.

THANG STONG SNYAN BRGYUD — Oral transmission received by Thang stong from Vārāhī as Ma gcig Lab sgron, broadly classified as Gcod practices.  32.  See BD of T&TB III 567.  Also called Ma gcig Gsang spyod Snyan brgyud.  See 63 I.  Stearns, King 19.

Btsad po THANG LDE — 476 I 101.4.

THANG THA'I ZUNG — Chinese emperor (here titled Lha'i Rgyal po). MKB 386.  Thang tha'i dzu.  HS XXXVI 360.6.

THANG NAG BON PO — N. of the Bonpo whom Padmasambhava 'officially' debated.  T.H. 104.  373 I 11.3.

THANG PA BKRA SHIS DBANG RGYAL — Founded Stag lung Bka' brgyud.  =(Stag lung) Bkra shis dpal (q.v.).

THANG PE BA — See (— — —) 'Phags pa skyabs.

THANG PO CHE — A Khri skor (q.v.) of Dbus.

Sol nag THANG PO CHE — F. in 1017 by Gru mer Tshul 'byung in Yar klung S of Spa gor in 'Phyongs rgyas Valley.  Seat of philosophical school called Thang skor.  BA 75‑76, 88, 93, 94, 257, 404, 1055, 1058, 1062, 1070.  115 148.5 ff.  Buston 204.  Tucci, Lhasa 142.  Vai.Ser. 182.  Ferrari 104, 129.  17 IV 118.  Dhongthog 118.  17 II 372.4.  Visited by Khyung rgod rtsal; BMBM 98.  Bsod nams seng ge, Thang po che'i Mchod rten Dkar chag, listed in BLP no. 1075‑1076.  Eimer, NG 257.

THANG SPANG — Pl.n.?  See 'Phrag yul.

THANG SPEL BA — 17 II 408.6.

THANG SPRIN — Blondeau in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 264.

THANG BA RMU THANG — Dotson in JIABR 1 (2013) 216.

THANG BI HA RA'I GTSUG LAG KHANG — Temple built by Atiśa in Nepal.  17 II 368.5.  Called Sthaṃ Vihāra in BA 247.  17 II 369.6.  115 153.2.  Had Indian manuscripts of Rdzogs chen teachings, acc. to O rgyan pa.  413 426.2.  This temple, Tham Bahil, which was rebuilt and still stands, has given its name to the famous tourist area of Thamel in Kathmandu.

Nyen kar gyi THANG BU RA — OTA 689.

Kong po THANG 'BROG — Monastery.  See Cuevas, Hidden History 19 (and index).

THANG MA ME SGRON — Pictured in 280 I 24.  Hoffmann, Symbolik 90.

THANG MIG CAN — Ramble in L'Ethnologie (1987) 239.

Dpo bza' THANG MO — 352 792.11 ff.

Tshen THANG MO CHE — In Yar klung.  115 110.6.

THANG MO CHEN — Waddell 285.


Gong ma THANG TSHE — Son of Thogan Themür.  TS7 I 273.

THANG GZHON PA — BLP no. 495, a guidebook to Ri bo rtse lnga, is by him.

THANG ZING —  =Hsüan‑tsang.  Mgon po skyabs wrote a short resumé of his travel story called Thang gur Dus kyi Rgya gar Zhing gi Bkod pa'i Dkar chag, cited in NMH 33.6.  Also cited in DTK5 365.

THANG RA DGON — 420 I 527.2.


THANG LA — Pass with elevation of 15,200 feet S of Rgyal rtse.  Wylie 144 n. 261.

Gnyan chen THANG LA — Also, Thang lha.  God of mt. chain of same name.  T.H. 95.  87 I 265.3.  See Waddell 383.

THANG LA 'BAR — Dhanvantari.  See Rgyun shes kyi bu.  KB 93.6.

Sna nam Khri thog rje THANG LA 'BAR — 17 II 320.5.  Gonkatsang & Willis in JRAS (2008) 41.

THANG LA 'OD RGYAL — Huber, SofL II 125.  I believe Thang ma 'od rgyal would be the corrected form.

THANG LA YAB ZHUR — ?  KTDN 60.1.  Thang la ya zhur.  476 IV 420.4.

THANG LA RI SKYES — Mt. near Zur mang.  239 XXX 72.1.

THANG LUGS — N. of a Shangs pa transmission of Ni gu ma's doctrine.  For list of teachers in the transmission, see 29 6‑7.  Named after Thang stong rgyal po.  Includes Ri gong Stod brgyud (q.v.).

THANG LO PA — 53 II 306.3.  Successor of (Mkha' 'gro ma) Su ti, succeeded by Shing lo pa.  See under Bka' babs Bzhi.  Son of two Thag mkhan (i.e., Thags mkhan, 'weaver') in the city of Tsam pa ka.  His mother died and his father could not take care of him, so he left him in a cemetery where Su ma ti in the form of a jackal came and suckled him.  24 I 65.5.  Got his name by meditating on top of a pine tree (Thang shing).  The Ḍākinīs gave him the name Dzho ki Dur khrod pa.

THANG SHING DUR KHROD — A fir tree in Kong po where coffins of children are suspended.  Ramble in Mandala & Landscape 188.

THANG SAG — BA 310, 343, 344, 993.  17 II 385.2.

THANG SAG DGA' LDAN CHOS 'KHOR — Monastery in 'Phan po  It was founded by Thang sag pa Ye shes 'byung gnas.  It was reestablished as a Dge lugs pa monastery in 1651.

Zhang THANG SAG PA — See (—) (— — —) Ye shes 'byung gnas.

THANG SEN BLA MA — Bio. by Rgya nag Sprul sku Bdud 'dul listed in BLP no. 1079.

THANG GSOL — An official Lhasa gov't ritual annually observed in worship of Gnyan chen thang lha.

THANG HU — 'Khor los Sgyur Rgyal Gong ma Thang hu Rgyal.  Picture caption in FM 429.  The emperor is shown opposite a Hwa shang with Dharmacakra in left hand and right hand 'calling the earth to witness'.  FM 429 was written by Dalai Lama v in 1676 and printed with a colophon by Lcang skya I in 1711.

THANG LHA — One of 20 principle mt. ranges.  Das 212.  See Thang la, and, Gnyan chen Thang lha.  BA 43, 486, 490, 492, 522, 536, 538.  (Gnam) Thang lha in 87 I 43.3, 268.2.  Sādhana text in 382 513‑516.

Gtsang THANG LHA — 87 I 74.5.

THANG LHA GANGS RI — Sato in Acta Asiatica 29 (1975) 13.



THANG LHA YAB ZHUR — See Thang la yab zhur.  N. of gnod sbyin subdued by Padmasambhava  KTDN 86.1 ff.

THANGS — Used for T'ang dynasty in the smallpox edict.  See Richardson's article "Smallpox Edict," p. 121.

Rgya nag gi THAN — ?  476 II 256.2.

THAB JI JA BZANG — 453 98.4.

Rdzogs chen THABS DRUG GSAL BA'I LAG LEN — Bon tantra in 258 II 285‑335.

Dge slong THABS LDAN DON LDAN — Karma pa.  35 I 675.

THABS KYI ZHAGS PA — In title in 320 XIX 395.4.


THABS KYI ZHAGS PA PADMA'I PHRENG BA'I 'GREL CAN — A commentary by Padmasambhava.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) VI 53.3.

THABS BZHAG NYI MA'I RGYUD — Bon tantra in 258 I 585‑603.

THABS LAM GNAD KYI SKOR — 17 IV 390.3 ff.  History and bibliography of thabs lam, 'Path of method', in 17 IV 448.6 ff.

THABS LAM NOR BU'I SGRON MA — Title listed in Everding's Bon catalog, no. JS 1848.

THAM KA BLA MA — "Lama of the Seal."  Highest Tibetan Buddhist position in China.  Given to Thu'u bkwan and Rol pa'i rdo rje.  332 II preface 4.

THAM BI HA RA —  =Chos kyi dbyings kyi gtsug lag khang.  Chag 55.

Spug THAMS CAD MKHYEN PA — 17 IV 446.4.

THAMS CAD MKHYEN PA'I DPAL — A pundit who worked on translations with Chag Dgra bcom pa.  Mtshan tho no. 108.

THAMS CAD MKHYEN PA'I BSHES GNYEN — (11th cent.)  Disc. of Nyi ma sbas pa.  BD of T&TB I 841‑844.

THAMS CAD MKHYEN PA LHA — Sarvajñādeva, a translator.

THAMS CAD MKHYEN PA'I LHA — A possible Tib. tr. of the name Sarvajñādeva.


Rgyal dbang chen po THAMS CAD MKHYEN GZIGS CHEN PO — N. given to 'Brug chen xii.  1 51.

Slong la sras sbyin Rgyal po THAMS CAD SGROL — The king who gave away everything, including his wife, his children and his eyes.  Pictured in 128 700.  115 123.4.  TPS 469.


THAMS CAD STONG PA — Sarvaśūnya.  4 269.4.

THAMS CAD BDUD RTSI'I RANG BZHIN — 320 XXVI 210 ff., and in other titles in that same volume.


THAMS CAD ZA BA — See Sarba bhakṣha.

THAMS CAD YOD PAR SMRA BA — See Encyclopaedia of Buddhism, vol. 7, pp. 570‑580, the entry "Sabbatthivāda."

THAMS CAD GSANG BA — Tantra translated by A. Wayman.  Belongs to Yoga Class.

THAR SKAS RIN CHEN DBANG LDAN — See (— —) Rin chen dbang ldan.  253 II 409.6.

THAR GLING PA — See (— — —) Bkra shis dbang sdud.  (— —) Chos grags bla ma.

THAR RGYAS PHUN TSHOGS GLING — Bon temple of Charkā in Nepal.  28 34.

THAR BDE'I RI KHROD — 253 II 633.2.

THAR BDE RI KHROD RTOGS LDAN — See (— — — — — —) G.yung drung phun tshogs.

THAR 'DOD DED DPON — N. of Gcod work by Dben sa pa.  Tohoku 6057, 6071.

THAR PA — Pl. near Dong tse in Tibet.  Das 573.  BA 790‑791. 17 II 415.6.

THAR PA — See (— —) Khro phu (pl.n.).

THAR PA GLING — Samuel Turner visited Panchen iv here.  Few miles S of Zhwa lu.  Residence of Thar pa Lo tsā ba.  Ferrari 144.  BA 658, 676, 751, 829.  Dben gnas Thar pa gling.  5 330.4.  5 71.4, 172.5, 192.3.  27 81.

THAR PA GLING — Mon. in Mang yul founded in late 14th cent.  DTK5 120.

THAR PA GLING — Dge lugs mon. in N Nepal.  Diemberger in TH&L 140.

Bum thang THAR PA GLING — F. by Lo ras pa.  BA 676.

THAR PA RGYAL MTSHAN — Bio. by 'Jog ri Ngag dbang bstan 'dzin listed in BLP no. 1080.

Grub chen THAR PA RGYAL MTSHAN — Teacher of Rgyal sras iii.  332 preface 16.  ? 17 III 370.6.  Bio. written in 1795 listed in BLP no. 0390.

THAR PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — Bio. by Dge slong Ngag gi dbang po published in vol. entitled, Two Lives of Two Esoteric Adepts (1974).  434.

THAR PA RGYAL MTSHAN — (15th cent.)  Gling tshang shing dbang.  TS5 806.

'Gru THAR PA RGYAL MTSHAN — (13th cent.)  TS5 804.

Na kha pa THAR PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — Das 726.  Bcud len 'alchemy' lineage.  374 II 255.5.  Bios. by Dwags zur Blo bzang mkhas btsun & Bhikṣu Ga swa gwa ra listed in BLP nos. 1209‑1210.  See also Filibeck, Catalog II 339 (no. 700), for a lengthy bio. by Ngag gi dbang po.  E. Gene Smith, in Linrothe, Holy Madness, p. 69, gives his dates as 1535‑1589/1601.

Tsan shing 'ang wang THAR PA RGYAL MTSHAN — TS5 811.

Lhong chen THAR PA RGYAL MTSHAN — Spirit converted by Padmasambhava.  167 430.3, etc.

THAR PA CHEN PO'I MDO — A wellknown sūtra used in popular practices.  On its recitation, see SBTD I 258.  'Phags pa Thar pa Chen po Phyogs su Rgyas pa 'Gyod tshangs kyis Sdig Sbyangs te Sangs rgyas su Grub par Rnam par Bkod pa zhes bya ba Theg pa Chen po'i Mdo.  Suzuki no. 930.  Translated from Chinese.  It was in popular use as a recitation text by laypeople. 332 II preface 10.  Bon version.  353 1‑320.

Ru tra THAR PA NAG PO — Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 8.  KTDN 67.2.  413 39.4.  TPS 541.

THAR PA DPAL BRTSEGS — Compiler of the Dpe chos Rin chen Spungs pa.  Roesler, KSP 64.

THAR PA BA — N. of a mon. f. by Dpyal Lo tsā ba.  Vai.Ser. 206.

THAR PA LAM STON — A teacher of Mar pa in India.  BA 400.  It appears to be more of an epithet than a proper name.

THAR PA'I LAM 'DZIN GLING — A "Lamasery."  Chinese: P'u chi Ssu.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 249.

THAR PA LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — — —) Nyi ma rgyal mtshan.

THAR PA CHOS RJE — See (— — — —) Bkra shis rgyal mtshan.

THAR BA — Spelling unsure, perhaps Thar ra?  Berounsky, Murdered 32 ff.

Hor THAR 'BUM — TS5 747.

THAR RTSE MKHAN CHEN — See (— — — —) (Rdo rje 'chang) Byams pa kun dga' bstan 'dzin.  (— — — —) Byams pa nam mkha' 'chi med.  (— — — —) Byams pa rnal 'byor 'jam dpal bzang po.

THAR RTSE PAṆ CHEN — See (— — — —) Nam mkha' dpal bzang.

THAR RTSE PHO BRANG — One of the 3 or 4 palaces of the Ngor pa.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 90.

THAR SHUL — One of Sde chen Bco brgyad.  Nomads 20.

THAL KA RU RING — A yak.  =Thal dkar ru ring, Thal kha ru ring.  TS5 661.

Phung g.yag THAL DKAR RU RING — A yak implicated in the discovery of salt.  Haarh, Yar luṅ 332.

THAL MKHAN PO — See (— — —) Shes rab rdo rje.

THAL 'GYUR BA — Prāsaṅgika.  12 IX 72.5 ff.  Candrakirti and Shantideva belonged to it.  For list of Tibetan adherents, see 12 IX 98.5.  The orthodox philosophy for Dge lugs pa and all the other sects as well (well, at least no one would admit to following any of the other Buddhist philosophical systems).

THAL CHE —  =Tha'i rji (q.v.).  Thal ji in 208 I 236.

THAL BA NAG PO — See Ro sreg thal ba nag po.

THAL BA'I DBANG PO — Pictured in 216A.

THAL MO RDO RING — Hazod in Tropper, Epigraphic 50-51.

THAL LA TSHAL — N. of pl. in Nyag rong in Khams.  Das 575.

THAS KO KHA DUN — Mongol.  208 I 237.4.

THI BA'I PHRENG LDAN MA — Kapotamālinī.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 345.

THI MA RBA — Disc. of Atiśa.  17 II 282.3.

THI MUR — See Ti mur.  Mi thog Thi mur.  115 161.6.

Hor gyi Rgyal bu THI MUR BO KA — 484 II 543.5.  Aris, Discourse 45.

Mi nyag Chos rgyal THI ZHU — King of Tanguts when Ti shrī ras pa went there.  BD of T&TB VIII 120.

Skar gshen THI'U BZHUG — Bellezza, L&T 37.

THIG PA CAN — Nagarabindu.  Banerjee, Sarvāstivāda Literature 204 et passim.

Byang sems THIG PA NYI SHU RTSA GNYIS PA'I RGYUD — Also, Thigs pa+.  Text in 319 IV 243 ff.

THIG PHYI — Mon. in Lho brag.  Place where the Shud phu lineage was located.  Temple in Lho brag.  TS5 49.  See Ehrhard in SCEAR 9 (1996) 42.

THIG TSHON — Ritual.  SBTD I 372.

THIG LE KUN 'DUS CHEN PO'I RGYUD — Text in 319 VI 125‑162.  320 V 352‑386.

THIG LE KUN GSAL CHEN PO'I RGYUD — Text in 320 V 124‑289 (97 chapters).  Similar title in 320 VI 230.

THIG LE 'GYUR MED RTSAL — Secret n. of Yang kheng Bla ma (q.v.).

THIG LE RGYA MTSHO GNAS LA 'JUG PA — Tantra in 320 II 129‑148 (19 chapters).

THIG LE BCU DRUG — Work in 165 II 972‑988.  Bka' gdams maṇḍala.  349 XXII, XXVII.  Tohoku 6034, 6124.  SBTD I 381.  Illus. of maṇḍala in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 183.  Dung dkar 166.  For a list of the 16, see Lobsang Dorjee Rabling, Five Treatises 45: 

1. phyi'i bkod pa bsam gyis mi khyab pa'i thig le.

2. mi mjed kyi thig le.

3. yang sgos bod khams kyi thig le.

4. gnas khang dang bris pa dkyil 'khor gyi thig le.

5. yum sher phyin gyi thig le.

6. sras thub pa'i thig le.

7. snying rje chen po'i thig le.

8. ye shes sgrol ma'i thig le.

9. khros pa'i thig le.

10. rang bzhin mi g.yo ba'i thig le.

11. thams cad kyi ngo bo a ti sha'i thig le.

12. rgyal ba'i 'byung gnas kyi thig le.

13. rgya chen spyod pa'i thig le.

14. zab mo lta ba'i thig le.

15. nyams len byin rlabs kyi thig le.

16. mthar phyin pa byang chub chen po'i thig le.

THIG LE NYAG GCIG GI RGYUD — Text in 319 VI 416 ff.  Similar title in 320 IV 174‑416.

THIG LE MTHONG RTOL GYI RGYUD — Text in 319 VI 233‑234.

THIG LE 'DUS PA'I RGYUD — Texts in 319 VI 423 ff.

THIG LE 'DUS PA MAN NGAG GI RGYUD — Text in 319 VI 359‑369.

THIG LE SPROD PA GCOD PA'I RGYUD — Also, Thig le Sprod pa Spyod pa'i Rgyud.  Text in 319 VI 113‑123.

THIG LE BUM PA — BD of T&TB I 840.  The Indian pundit Tilakakalaśa.  Silk, Dissert. 652.  He translated together with Blo ldan shes rab.

THIG LE YE SHES BCUD SPUNGS — In title in 320 VI 243.


THIG LE GSANG BA BRDA' RGYUD — Text in 319 II 177‑191.  Text in 19 chapters in 320 V 482‑492.

THIG LE GSANG BA YANG GTER GYI RGYUD — 319 VI 265‑276, 371‑384.

THING GIR SRID — Identified as Caspian Sea.  Pollock, Forms 344.

THING THING GI SE — Identified with Mediterranean Sea, with a question mark.  Pollock, Forms 347.

THIBS PO'I TSHAL — Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 345.

THIM PA RNAM GSUM — A teaching.  See BA 556.

THIM PHU — City in Bhutan.  Thimbu, Thimphu.

THIM CHUNG — N. of pl. in Tibet.  Das 577.

THIL RJE — A Lhasa‑appointed official who resided in Markham and had under his authority 13 district governors bordering Yunnan province. Stéphane Gros, Ritual and Politics: Missionary Encounters with Local Culture in Northwest Yunnan, available online, p. 7.

Bon sde THIS DKAR GSO RGYUD BZHI — Also, This dmar and This nag.  253 II 183.5.  Is this a ref. to the four tantras of Bon medicine, usually called the 'Bum bzhi?

THIS CHEN — See (— —) Hring ni mu ting.

THIS DMAR — Norbu, Drung Deu & Bon 35. ZZFC 257.


THU'U BKWAN — See (— — ii) Ngag dbang chos kyi rgya mtsho (1680‑1736, also, Chos kyi rgya mtsho).  (— — iii) Blo bzang chos kyi nyi ma.

THU'U BKWAN — Gray Tuttle says that it is from Chinese Tuguan, meaning 'native official'.  But he was a Monguor, and they are also known as the Tu people.

THU KUR — Iwao, Preliminary 177.

THU GU —  =Thu gud.  27 98.

THU GUD —  =Thu gu.  BA 423.

THU GUR — ?  244 371.6.

THU STON — See (— —) Kun dga' rnam rgyal.

THU MI — See (— —) Lhun grub bkra shis.

Stod hor Rgyal po THU MUG — (1347‑1363)  Tughlugh Temür.  Petech (1983) 202 n. 96.

THU MED — See Mthu med.

THU MED LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — — —) Ngag dbang chos dpal.

THU MONG KHU JA LANG — 332 II preface 4.

THU 'O RĀ DA HA TI — See Mthu 'o ra tsa ha ma.

THU LU HU — 473 35.

THU SHU THU — Pl.n.  438 VI 564.4.

I'i cin Thor rgod Dpon THU SA LAKṢHI — 438 VI 599.2, 602.2.

THU ER CHI — Evid. name for Turkish peoples.  Btsan lha 238.

Rgya'i Dmag dpon Chen po THUG PU SHI BZUNG — OTA 698.  Beckwith, Tibetan Empire 61.

THUGS DKAR — Or, Thug khar.  Group of 360 Bon deities.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 136.  Nine Ways 51 ff.

Rma bon THUGS DKAR — Bonpo.  253 II 141.3.

THUGS KYI RGYAL PO — Illus. in MBKP 107.

THUGS SGRUB BDE GSHEGS 'DUS PA — Gter ma of (Stag lung pa) Sangs rgyas dbon (q.v.).

THUGS SGRUB BAR CHAD KUN GSAL — A rediscovery of Mchog gyur gling pa (q.v.), popular in northern Nepal.

THUGS SGRUB YANG SNYING 'DUS PA'I CHOS SKOR — Gter ma of Rin chen gling pa (q.v.).  See 91 IV.

THUGS SGRUB YID BZHIN NOR BU — Gter ma of Dri med kun dga' (q.v.).  Gter ma of (Stag sham) Nus ldan rdo rje.

THUGS KYI SGRON MA — Work by Dpal dbyangs in Derge vol. 211, pp. 746‑766.  One of the Sgron ma Drug.

THUGS CHEN — Practice.  In 87 vol. 89.

THUGS CHEN 'KHOR BA LAS SGROL — Gter ma of Zhig po gling pa (q.v.).

THUGS CHEN BLA MA RIG 'DUS — Gter ma in 193 IX.


THUGS MCHOG RDO RJE — Work from Dregs 'dul Drag po Gnam lcags 'Khor lo in 87 XXIX.  Evidently the teacher of 'Jigs med gling pa's youth mentioned in Gyatso, Apparitions 131.

THUGS MCHOG RDO RJE HŪṂ NAG 'GRO 'DUL —  =Kun bzang phrin las.  410 170B.5.

Rgyal sras THUGS MCHOG RTSAL — A n. of Klong chen Rab 'byams pa.  BD of T&TB III 498.  But, there is a problem here; see Karmay, Great Perfection 33 n. 45.

Se ston THUGS MCHOG 'OD 'BAR — (17th cent.)  BD of T&TB III 727.  458 I 121.2, 327.4.

Yum chen THUGS RJE KUN GROL — Also, Kun sgrol ma.  Picture in 280 I 7.  Text in 285 458‑460.  253 II 403.2.

THUGS RJE GLING PA — (ca. 1592)  17 IV 119.6, 541.3.

Ston pa THUGS RJE RGYAL MTSHAN — Disc. of Rgod tshang pa.  481 79.5.

Ras dkar ba THUGS RJE RGYAL MTSHAN — He accompanied Karma pa Rol pa'i rdo rje to Tsa ri, which makes him too late to be the disc. of Rgod tshang pa by the name.

THUGS RJE CHEN PO — Epithet of Avalokiteśvara.  For a collection of gter ma on Thugs rje chen po, see 87 XXXIII through XXXIX.  Bibliography and history, see 17 IV 363 ff.  374 I 139 ff.  Padma dkar po, Thugs rje chen po'i Dmar khrid (LTWA GA/2/32/7095).  Rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po, Thugs rje chen po Dmar khrid Sku Gsum gyi Khrid yig, 13 fol. cursive ms. (LTWA GA/2/32/8000).  An old thangka illus. in Precious Deposits I 148‑9.

Bal po THUGS RJE CHEN PO — Disc. of Ka na ka shrī.  17 II 408.3, 411.3, 412.5.  BA 361, 375, 382.  BD of T&TB I 784.

THUGS RJE CHEN PO 'KHOR 'DAS ZIL GNON — A Gter ma of Rtsa gsum  Gter bdag gling pa (q.v.).

THUGS RJE CHEN PO'I GTOR MA — In title in 320 XIII 98.

THUGS RJE CHEN PO DRA BA 'DZIN PA'I RGYUD — A Rnying ma tantra.  4 221B.3.


THUGS RJE CHEN PO RANG BYUNG LNGA THIM — Thugs rje chen po Rang byung Lnga Thim gyi Lo rgyus dang Ngur smrig Lhun grub kyi Dkar chag, listed in BLP no. 1084.

THUGS RJE CHEN PO GSANG BA 'DUS PA'I CHOS SKOR — A Gter ma of Ratna gling pa (q.v.).  See 91 VI, VII.

THUGS RJE NYI MA — Among the three classes of Bon Mother Tantras, this is the Secret class.  288 preface.  313 I 505‑530.  Texts in 268.  For a transmission lineage text, or Brgyud rim, in Snellgrove Collection, see Karmay, Treasury 195.  Commentaries in Collected Tantras of Bon VI.

THUGS RJE NYI MA — 32nd Abbot of 'Bri gung.  37 39.

Gshen sprul THUGS RJE NYI MA — (b. 1901)  Also called (Kun mkhyen).  Kværne no. 219.  Disc. of (Sgo ston) Nyi ma rgyal mtshan dbang gi rgyal po.  His visions of paradises and hells in 276 1‑481.  286 II 301‑312.  Works in 299 291‑324 and following.  Bio. in 253 II 511.2 ff, 627.1, 628.2.

Rgyud THUGS RJE NYI MA'I MAN NGAG YE SHES ZANG THAL — Bon tantra in 258 VI 455‑560.

Rgyud THUGS RJE NYI MA'I LUNG DRI MED 'OD GSAL — Bon tantra in 258 VI 375‑453.

THUGS RJE'I STON PA — 248 6.3.

Mus Rab 'byams pa THUGS RJE DPAL — Founded Thub bstan yangs pa can in 1490.  Ferrari 161.

Lo tsā ba THUGS RJE DPAL — Also, Sgra pa.  Author of Tsandra pa'i 'Grel chen on Sanskrit grammar, publ. in 2 vols, 1976.  Disc. of Lo tsā ba Nam mkha' bzang po.  17 II 422.3.

Chos rje Sku skye THUGS RJE DPAL 'BYOR — (ca. 1591)  17 IV 99.6.

Dbang chen THUGS RJE'I SPRIN SPUNGS — In title in 325 395‑447.

Dge bshes THUGS RJE DBANG PHYUG — (b. 1928)  Sa skya pa. 

Kun spangs THUGS RJE BRTSON 'GRUS — (1243‑1313)  Founder of Jo nang Mon.  Disc. of Chos sku rdo rje.  BA 771 ff.  17 II 417.4.  383 329.1.  475 102.6 ff.  Dung dkar 83.  Ruegg, JSBO 80.  Composed a rare work entitled Bstan pa Spyi'i 'Grel pa (see E. Gene Smith, "Banned Books in the Tibetan Speaking Lands").

Kun spangs THUGS RJE BRTSON 'GRUS — (d. 1313)  Bio., see Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 190.


THUGS RJE RIN CHEN — Lama in story of Gling bza' Chos skyid.  TVS 61.

Rtsang nag phug pa THUGS RJE SENG GE — 17 IV 258.4.

Gtsang Nags phug pa THUGS RJE SENG GE — Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 187.

Grub chen THUGS RJE LHUN GRUB — 17 IV 465.5, 489.4.

THUGS RJES KUN GROL MA — Bon woman deity that resembles Vajravārāhī.  See English, Vajrayoginī xxvii.

Gshen sprul THUGS KYI NYI MA — (19th‑early 20th cent.)  Bonpo.  A teacher of Dpal tshul (b. 1904).  253 preface.  See (Gshen sprul) Thugs rje nyi ma.

THUGS KYI NYING KHU — Colophon title in 320 VIII 522.5.


THUGS KYI RDO RJE — Gter ma in 87 LXX.  Author of Bio. in 381 2‑67.

Yang dgon pa THUGS KYI RDO RJE — Author of Ri chos work.  374 II 204.2.

Rig 'dzin THUGS KYI RDO RJE —  ='Dzi sgar iv (1740‑1798).  =Rdo rje drag po phrin las 'dus pa rtsal. =Rdo rje drag po.  Bio. in 410 214A.6.

'Bri gung pa Dbur smyon Chen po THUGS KYI RDO RJE — 87 XXVI 435.6, 513.1.  219 III 35.2.  Dbur smyon Bsod rin phrin las.

Zab lam THUGS KYI NOR BU — Gter ma of Chos rje gling pa (q.v.).

Lho brag Mkhar chu THUGS KYI GNAS CHEN —  =Thugs kyi Dben gnas Lho brag Mkhar chu (q.v.).

THUGS KYI DBEN GNAS LHO BRAG MKHAR CHU — See Mkhar chu.  Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang, with about 80 monks.  BD of T&TB III 742.

Kun bzang THUGS KYI ME LONG — Tantra in 320 X 581‑609.

Bka' brgyad THUGS KYI ME LONG — See under Padma gling pa.

Snyan brgyud THUGS KYI ME LONG — N. of Chos teaching said to have been taken from Bon.  See Karmay, Treasury 156.

Rdor sems THUGS KYI ME LONG — 396 preface 3.

Yang mdzod THUGS KYI ME LONG — 17 IV 393.2.

THUGS KYI YANG GAB NYI MA'I RGYUD — Bon tantra in 258 VI 1‑373.


THUGS SRAS — See (— —) Spyan snga Rin ldan.

THUGS SRAS RIN PO CHE — Tutor of 'Brug chen.  Petech, Kingdom xii.

THUN BRGYAD MA — N. of a Bka' gdams pa doctrine.  BA 180.

THUN NGANG MA MO — Rock, Nāga Cult I 113.

ṬHUN CEN RGYAL PO — Chongzhen.  Thuken 367.

THUN DRUG — Six time daily ('six sessions') guru yoga.  452 411‑413.

Lcags pa ba THUN MONG — See under Dar rgyas gling, which he co founded in 1645.

Lha THUN 'TSHO — Dotson, D&L 24.

THUB DKA' — ?  Tub dka' in Aspiration preface.


THUB DKA' ZLA BA — See Mi thub zla ba.

'Brog pa Sna nam THUB RGYAL — Early Gter ston217 490.5.  383 217.3, 407.5.  410 37B.4.

Mu stegs kyi Ston pa Nag po THUB RGYAL — BD of T&TB I 429.  413 113.3 ff, 309.1.

THUB CHEN GLING — Unidentified mon.  Sumpa, Annals 32.

Li thang THUB CHEN DGON PA — F. by Bsod nams rgya mtsho in 1580.  Dhongthog 128.

THUB CHEN CHOS RJE — Subj. of bio. listed in BLP no. 1087.

THUB CHEN LHA KHANG — In Sman thang.  28 16.

THUB CHOG — Ritual centering on Śākyamuni (Shākya thub pa), by Mi pham.  212 XIV.

THUB BSTAN — Tugden.  NE of Gshen dar lding.  Ferrari 158.

THUB BSTAN — A mon. S of Lab Monastery on the eastern side of the 'Bri chu.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 97.

Mkhan po THUB BSTAN — Modern Sikkimese Rnying ma pa.  Bio. in Kailash I no. 1, p. 14.

THUB BSTAN KUN DGA' — B. in Gtsang.  96th Dga' ldan Khri pa (from 1954‑1964).  BD of T&TB VI 222.

'Brug sku stod pa THUB BSTAN KUN 'DUS — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 118.6.

THUB BSTAN KUN 'PHEL — See Kun 'phel lags.



THUB BSTAN DGE LEGS — Disc. of A 'dzom 'Brug pa.  365 466.1.

'Ba' mda' THUB BSTAN DGE LEGS RGYA MTSHO — (1844‑1904)  Gruschke in TS9 I 203.

Mang mkhar THUB BSTAN DGE 'PHEL — N. of a mon.  Stearns, SR 32.

THUB BSTAN DGON — Mon. f. by 'Phags pa.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 36 n. 39.

THUB BSTAN RGYA MTSHO — (1774‑1847)  BD of T&TB V 552.  Pictured in 128 364?

Dalai Lama xiii THUB BSTAN RGYA MTSHO — (1875/6‑1933)  Waddell 233.  B. in Glang mdun in Dwags po.  Dates are 1883‑1937, acc. to Dhongthog (but this, like so many other dates there, is wrong).  Pictured in 128 244, 254, 864.  363 143.4.  In Sikkim.  377 43B.5.  Collected Works, see 438.  A seven volume version of his collected works is also found in Berkeley nos. 48‑54, including biography in 2 vols.  Article in TJ VII no. 4.  Bio. in 2 vols. (748 fols.) by Phur bu lcog Yongs 'dzin Byams pa tshul khrims listed in BLP no. 0553.  Work on his funerary chorten by Stag brag Ngag dbang gsung rab mthu stobs listed in BLP no. 0560; another work at no. 1011.

Dmar gsar Sku skye THUB BSTAN RGYA MTSHO — Author of work listed in BLP no. 1088.

Mgron THUB BSTAN RGYAL MTSHAN — Mentioned in 78 9A.4.

Rgya gar ba THUB BSTAN RGYAL MTSHAN — Disc. of Sākya shrī in colophon in 334.  Gru gu Thub bstan rgyal mtshan in 365 409.4.

Rtse sprul THUB BSTAN RGYAL MTSHAN — Contemporary Stag lung pa.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 130.

Stod Zangs dkar ba THUB BSTAN RGYAL MTSHAN — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 118.4.

THUB BSTAN RGYAL MTSHAN 'OD ZER — (b. 1862)  Alias Nyag bla Stobs ldan.  346 49.6.  Aka Mkhan po A stobs.  Garje, Memories 64.

Dgung 'bar gling Che tshang THUB BSTAN DNGOS GRUB 'PHRIN LAS RAB RGYAS — (b. 1942)  Barlocher 365‑366, 367‑379.

THUB BSTAN CHOS 'KHOR — Where Si tu Paṇ chen viii (1699‑1774) worked on his Amarakoṣa.  2 11.  See under Karma dgon gsar in Dung dkar 26.  In an area of eastern Lhasa, a temple built by Zhwa nag vii.  Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 116.  Apparently its name sometimes appears as Thub chen chos 'khor, and it was founded in 1489‑1490 by Karma pa vii.  Jackson, Patron 89.

Ldan ma THUB BSTAN CHOS 'KHOR — TS5 801.

Dang po'i Gzhi ma Dgon THUB BSTAN CHOS 'KHOR GLING — Horlemann 140.

Ldan ma THUB BSTAN CHOS 'KHOR GLING — Vai.Ser. 259.

THUB BSTAN CHOS GRAGS — His 'Dul ba Gzhi Bcu bdun gyi Spyi don Thub bstan Gser gyi Rgyal mtshan Mdzes par Byed pa'i Legs bshad Nor bu'i Phreng ba and Spyir bstan gyi Don Rnam par Bshad pa 'Dul gzhung Mdzes pa'i Rgyan 'Phreng publ. in a single vol. (Gangtok 1979).

THUB BSTAN CHOS GRAGS — This person wrote, in 1902, a short comm. called Dgongs gcig Gsal byed Lung rigs Snying po'i Gter, as well as a famous comm. called Spyod 'jug gi 'Grel bshad Rgyal sras Yon tan Bum bzang.  See Kuo‑wei Liu's  Dissert.  He was a disciple of Dpal sprul (1808‑1887).

THUB BSTAN CHOS KYI GRAGS PA — Alias of (Mi nyag) Kun bzang bsod nams (q.v.).  There are two recent persons by this name, one b. in 1832, the other b. in 1916 (and both can have Mi nyag as part of their names).

THUB BSTAN CHOS KYI GLANG PO See (— — — — — —) 'Jam dpal grub pa'i blo gros.

THUB BSTAN CHOS GLING — Aziz 19.  Modern mon. in Solu Khumbu.  415 I preface.

Paṇ chen vi THUB BSTAN CHOS KYI NYI MA — (1883‑1937)  B. in Dwags po.  His rediscovery is described in Dalai Lama xiii, Works VI 373 ff.  Pictured in 128 886.  An account of his attempt to return to Central Tibet:  Ldan rje Ngag dbang chos 'byor, Paṇ chen Sku 'phreng Dgu pa Chos kyi nyi ma Mchog Me glang Dbus Phebs Skabs kyi Gnas tshul, 23‑fol. library photocopy kept in LTWA KA3/2992/KHA.

Rdzogs chen v THUB BSTAN CHOS KYI RDO RJE — (1872‑1935)  Also, (Rdzogs sprul).  Also, Thub bstan chos kyi rdo rje bstan 'dzin 'jigs med dbang po.  Havnevik, Dissert. 76.  Performed ceremony for the tonsure of Ngag dbang dpal bzang in 1889.  39 1.  Pictured in 320 XXVI 3.  BD of T&TB VII 292.  440 285.2.  438 VI 434.3.  Tulku Thondup's book Masters of Miracles & Meditation, pp. 256‑7, has a bio. including photo.

THUB BSTAN CHOS 'PHEL BZANG PO — Author of 'Bum gyi Dkar chag Ngo mtshar Gtam gyi Gling bu, listed in BLP no. 1561.

Rig 'dzin THUB BSTAN CHOS DBANG — Also, (Rgod ldem ix).  See under Mnyam nyid rdo rje.

Phur lcog 'Jam mgon Rdo rje 'chang Rje btsun THUB BSTAN 'JAM DPAL TSHUL KHRIMS BSTAN 'DZIN — Dhargyey 4.

Rwa sgreng Rgyal tshab THUB BSTAN 'JAM DPAL YE SHES RGYAL MTSHAN — (1911‑1947)  364 preface.  Maraini 184.  Stein, Recherches 115.  Nebesky Wojkowitz, Oracles & Demons 103.  Jampa Samten Shastri, Origins of the Tibetan Canon 779.  A golden butterlamp with his donor inscription illus. in Po ta la (1996) 177.

THUB BSTAN 'JAM DBYANGS — See 'Gyur med thub bstan 'jam dbyangs grags pa.

Rdzogs chen Dpon slob vi THUB BSTAN 'JIGS BRAL TSHE DBANG RDO RJE BSHAD SGRUB PHRIN LAS RAB 'BYAMS — (d. 1962?)  See 419.  For brief bio. sketch and photo, see Rigpawiki on internet under "Jikdral Tsewang Dorje."

THUB BSTAN 'JIGS MED SKAL BZANG — (1820‑?)  Reincarnation of Skal bzang 'jam dbyangs rgya mtsho (1799‑1811).  Picture in 128 316?

'On Rgyal sras THUB BSTAN 'JIGS MED RGYA MTSHO — In incarnation lineage of Zhi ba lha; rebirth of 'Jigs med ye shes grags pa.  39 appendix II.

Stag 'tsher Rin po che THUB BSTAN 'JIGS MED NOR BU — A modern abbot of Sku 'bum.  Eldest brother of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama.

THUB BSTAN NYI MA — See Kun dga' chos 'phags thub bstan nyi ma.

THUB BSTAN NYI MA — N. of Alak Zenkar Rinpoche.

THUB BSTAN NYIN BYED — 92nd Dga' ldan Khri pa (1933‑?).  BD of T&TB VI 220.  B. in Gtsang.  128 980.

THUB BSTAN SNYING RJE — Principal of nursery in Dharamsala.  Avedon 94.

Lha'u rta ra THUB BSTAN BSTAN DAR — One of the signers of the 17‑Point Agreement.

Rtogs ldan Sprul sku THUB BSTAN BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (modern)  = Dkon mchog thub bstan bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan.  Modern author of Chos rje 'Bri gung pa'i Gdan rabs Mdor bsdus37.  See 149 preface.  Collected Works, see 505.

THUB BSTAN BSTAN 'DZIN — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 1307.

THUB BSTAN BSTAN 'DZIN — A Tibetan name of the Englishman Marco Pallis (1895-1989).

THUB BSTAN THAR PA — (1904‑1983)  Liushar (Sne'u shar?).  Former foreign minister of Tibet.  TR XVIII nos. 6‑7. See Mengele, dGe 68.


Zang zang Lha brag pa THUB BSTAN DAR RGYAS — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 118.6.

Zur mang ba Dge slong THUB BSTAN DAR RGYAS — 363 117.5.


Rgya sne steng THUB BSTAN DAR RGYAS GLING — Bca' yig in 397 XXIII 261‑71.

THUB BSTAN DON GRUB — Received Dge bshes degree in Lhasa.  At his behest, Dorjiev wrote his memoirs.  Buriat teacher of Ngag dbang nyi ma.  443 I 15.2.

THUB BSTAN RNAM GROL — (contemp.)  An activist monk.  TS7 I 312.

A tsa Bla ma Rin po che THUB BSTAN RNAM RGYAL — Chief of the heart sons (thugs sras) of Shākya shrī.  377 42B.6.

Chos grwa Chen po THUB BSTAN RNAM RGYAL — A mon. in what is now Nepal.  28 15.

Rta nag THUB BSTAN RNAM RGYAL GLING — Thubden.  A Sa skya mon. f. by (Go rams pa) Bsod nams seng ge in 1478 at Rta nag Lung.  Ferrari 158.  JTL&CT 279.  TPS 642.  F. in 1473, acc. to Dhongthog 126.  F. in 1747, acc. to 76 8.  Printery, see 162 233.

Bum thang pa THUB BSTAN 'PHRIN LAS RNAM RGYAL — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 118.6.

THUB BSTAN PHRIN LAS DPAL BZANG — See =Rdo ba Grub chen iv.

THUB BSTAN BYA RGOD PHUNG PO — See =Pha jo lding Bya rgod phung po.

Mkhan drung THUB BSTAN BYANG CHUB — He had a number of official jobs in Lhasa in the first half of the 20th century, dying in prison in 1963.  Memories of Life 3‑4, with photo.


Dge bshes THUB BSTAN DBANG PHYUG — 85 2.

Zom phud THUB BSTAN DBANG PHYUG — (1909‑ )  Velm I 129.

THUB BSTAN DBANG PHYUG KUN BZANG RNAM RGYAL — Reincarnation at Gsang sngags chos gling.  438 VI 423.1.

THUB BSTAN DBANG MO — Dalai Lama xiii, Works VII 212.3.

THUB BSTAN 'BYUNG GNAS — N. of the person who founded the main old Tibetan temple in Sarnath in 1955.

THUB BSTAN TSHE RING — Author of historical work listed in BLP no. 0695.


THUB BSTAN MDZES PA'I RGYAN — Title of work by Dmar gsar Sku skye Bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 1088.

THUB BSTAN ZLA BA — 438 VI 603.6.

Mkhan chung THUB BSTAN BZANG PO — His 'Dzam gling gi Bde ba Gsar pa, an open letter to Lyndon B. Johnson and Indira Gandhi concerning Tibetan refugees and the world situation (Delhi 1966), I Tib 180.

Brag g.yab THUB BSTAN BZANG PO — (1891/2‑1930/1)  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 102.

Pha lha THUB BSTAN 'OD LDAN — (1911-1985)  Tsering Shakya, Dragon 141.  Henss, CMT 162.  He served as Byang spyi, from 1942‑1947.  Hardly a popular figure, he is notorious for having killed by deception Dkon mchog rgyal mtshan, aka Ga rgya 'Gram nag (1908‑1944), brother of Khyung sprul.  See Schrempf in Schrempf, ed., Soundings 116.

'Jad THUB BSTAN YANGS PA CAN — See Kuijp, TBTC 382 n. 21.  Founded by Mus pa Rab 'byams pa in 1490.

Bla ma THUB BSTAN YE SHES — (1935‑ )  For bio. see 85 1.


Sprul sku THUB BSTAN RAB 'PHEL — 346 93.2.

Yar 'brog pa THUB BSTAN RIN CHEN — 363 118.4.

Sgam po Mchog sprul THUB BSTAN RIN CHEN BZANG PO — Text written at his behest in 226 VI 485‑521.

Gling Rin po che THUB BSTAN LUNG RTOGS RNAM RGYAL 'PHRIN LAS — (1903‑1983)  97th Dga' ldan Khri pa.  Long bio. in BD of T&TB VI 223.  332 II preface 15.  Also (Skyabs rje Yongs 'dzin Khri Rin po che).  Dhongthog 63.  Pictured in 128 414.  Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 0840.  Barlocher, many refs.

THUB BSTAN LEGS BSHAD — See under Grags pa mkhas grub.

Dgung 'bar gling Chung tshang THUB BSTAN LEGS BSHAD RGYA MTSHO — (b. 1963)  Barlocher 366‑370 ff., 376‑379.

Bco brgyad Khri chen THUB BSTAN LEGS BSHAD SNYING PO — (b. 1919) Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 91.  Collected works have been published in 1998, in 660 pages.  An obituary places his dates at 1920‑2006, and gives his full name as Ngag dbang mkhyen rab thub bstan legs bshad rgya mtsho.  He was born in Gzhis ka rtse.

Mi nyag Rong shar ba THUB BSTAN LEGS BSHAD BZANG PO — Work in 349 X 694‑736, XVI, XXI, etc.

THUB BSTAN SHES RAB — A 'Bras spungs Dge bshes of Mongolian origins who lived in India.  His photo and something about his life told in Pandit Vidhusekhara Sastri, "Depung: The Monastic University of Tibet," Journal of the Greater India Society (January 1934), pp. 47‑50.  He evidently had the goal of introducing Pali Buddhism to Tibet.

Rag mgo Mchog sprul THUB BSTAN BSHAD SGRUB RGYA MTSHO — (1890‑1973)  Also, (Rag sprul).  365 374.6.  Alias Padma kun bzang rang grol.  Author of 469 in 1957(?).

THUB BSTAN BSHAD SGRUB DAR RGYAS GLING — Dkar chag listed in BLP no. 1089.

THUB BSTAN GSAL BYED — N. of a modern Mongolian Lama named Chos rje Bla ma.

Dza sag Bla ma Rong dpal lhun THUB BSTAN BSAM 'PHEL — Goldstein, History 537.

THUB PA'I GO CHA — See Mu ne warma.

THUB PA DGONGS GSAL — Title of a work, see SBTD I 75.

THUB PA RGYAL PO — See Thub rgyal.

THUB PA LNGA — N. of a certain system of precepts.  See Dam chos Thub pa Lnga'i Sngon 'gro Skor, publ. 1976.  Evidently considered a basic text by the Smad 'brug School.  See 17 IV 195.2, 418.6 ff.  349 I 68‑92 (bya rgyud).  See  Yonten Dargye & Per K. Sørensen, trs., The Biography of Pha 'Brug‑sgom Zhig‑po, The National Library (Thimphu 2001) 13.

THUB PA DRUG — CFMS 47, with refs.  An unidentified text seems to deal with them.  See M. Slusser, A Document on Himalayan Painting, Artibus Asiae 52, nos 1‑2 (1992) 119‑130 (see the illustrations from the manuscript).

Bya btang THUB PA BZANG PO — 116 301.7.

THUB PA SHES RAB — Author of a history of the teaching transmission of the Lower Vinaya incorporated (twice) in the Rgya Bod Yig tshang (ex. PRC ed., p. 472).

THUB DBANG RTEN GSUM MTHONG GROL LHA KHANG — Temple at Sde dge.  See long account in 12 X.

THUB DBANG BYAMS MGON — Thub dbang Byams mgon gyi Rten Gsum Dkar chag, title by Bsod nams seng ge listed in BLP no. 1090.

Ser sngags THUB DBANG SPRUL SKU — 438 VII 456.5.

THUR PHAN — Turfan.  T'oung Pao n.s. L 339.

THUR MA LAG BRDZANG — Teaching of Shākya shrī.  429 10.2.

THUR LA — BA 319, 420.

THUR LA — See (— —) Tshul khrims skyabs.

Byang gi sa bdag THE KHYIM — KTDN 143.2.  Vai.Kar. II 260.

THE GOD ZA — See (— — —) Leg mo.

Tsong ka'i THE CHUNG — Pl.n.  Samdo A I 32r.6.

THE BO — A 'country'.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 3.  The The chu (O.T. The'u chu) river runs through it.  Variant spellings: The'u bo, 'The'u bo, 'The bo, Mthe bo.  See Berounsky, Lapsed.

THE BO — See (— —) Chos kyi rgyal po.  (— —) Ye shes thub bstan rgya mtsho.

THE BRANG — N. of beings in Kālacakra literature.  Derge LXXVII 279.3.

THE MU KHA SHES BYING — Mongol.  208 I 238.1.

THE MUR SO KA — 115 165.7.

THE'U RANG — Type of celestial spirit.  T.H. 95.  The rang.  4 267A.5.  4X I 155.4.  The'u brang in KTDN 116.2 ff.  Tucci, Religions 166.  Beyer 294, 329.  Stein, Recherches 189.  See Poussin, Catalogue, no. 711.  For a translation of the longest passage on the Yang gsang The'u rang Lugs, see Todd Gibson's dissertation (Bloomington 1991) 110‑111 (according to this the original Tibetan king was born in Spo bo).

THE'U RANG MDOS MA — Text tr. in Serta Tibeto Mongolica (1973) 47 ff.

Hor THE LAS — A clan lineage.  208 I 238.1.

Gtsang THE LEN TRA — 132 89.4.


THE'U SHAN WANG — Aka The'i shan wang.  TVS 155.

THE SE — Sa bdagKTDN 143.5.  Vai.Kar. II 257.  The se 'Or Sgrub sde in 458 I 369.3.  See Zhou Jixu, Old Chinese *tees and Proto‑Indo‑European *deus, Sino‑Platonic Papers no. 167 (2005), at p. 15.

Li THE SE — One of the 2 foreigners who brought texts to Lha tho tho ri snyan btsan according to one version of the origins of Buddhism in Tibet. 

THE SE RGYAL PO — Sa bdagVai.Kar. II 259.

Ldog gi Klog skya THE HE LHAS PHUG — Thang stong stayed there.  63 I 46.

THE ONG NU YON TAN — 208 I 239.4.

THEG DGU — 208 II 385‑419.  See under Theg pa Dgu.

Khu nu ba THEG CHEN RGYA MTSHO — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 122.3.


THEG CHEN CHOS RJE — Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 40 n. 56.

Sgar gsar THEG CHEN CHOS MDZOD — 332 II preface 9.

THEG CHEN SNYING PO —  =Theg snying.  Title of text written by (Dbon) Sher 'byung at the behest of Mkhan po Shong bde ba.  478A I 116.2.

THEG CHEN DAR RGYAS GLING — See Brag dkar Chos sde Theg chen dar rgyas gling.


Chos rje THEG CHEN PA — BA 704.

Sa skya Khri chen A yu badzra THEG CHEN DPAL 'BAR — (b. 1945)  See 84 230.

THEG CHEN 'BUM PA — Wrong spelling for Rtag spyan 'bum pa (q.v.).

THEG CHEN LHA — A name of Hsüan‑tsang.  See Macdonald in JA (1962) 543.


THEG MCHOG GLING — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang with 205 monks.  See also Waddell 73.  Branch mon. of Rdo rje brag pa.  Another, smaller Rnying ma mon. by the same name had about 53 monks.  "N. of a mon. within the suburbs of Lhasa... seems to be identified with Tshe mchog gling."  Das 587 (in this, he seems to be mistaken).

'Phyongs rgyas Dpal ri THEG MCHOG GLING — Mon. f. by ('Phreng po Gter ston) Shes rab 'od zer.  BD of T&TB III 777.

THEG MCHOG CHOS DBYINGS RDO RJE — Author of a work called Mdo Rgyud Rin po che'i Mdzod, published in photo offset by the Academy of Social Science, Lhasa (in 9, 77 plus 70 fols.).

Stag lung Ma sprul THEG MCHOG 'JIGS MED DPA' BO — (fl. 1890's)  Havnevik, Dissert. 79.

Rtogs ldan Drang srong THEG MCHOG BSTAN 'DZIN — (recent)  253 II 497.6 ff.

Karma pa xiv THEG MCHOG RDO RJE — Zhwa nag Karma pa.  (1797‑1867)  1797‑1845, acc. to 11 69.  36 VI 240 ff.  Short work in 239 XXX 401‑404 and in III.  471 132.6.  365 250.3.  Woodblock print of his astro. work in 480 279‑453.  His Gcod work is being translated and published under the title Chod Practice Manual and Commentary.

Rgya ra Sprul sku THEG MCHOG RDO RJE — (20th cent.)  Garje, Memories 63.

THEG CHOG PHO BRANG — Bodleian Catalogue 44.

THEG MCHOG DBANG RGYAL — His version of the Hor Gling Ge sar epic entitled, Hor rje Gur dkar Btul ba'i Le'u Sdang Dgra Chams 'bebs G.yul las Rnam rgyal (Kangra 1979), in 2 vols.  He was from the hermitage of Kun bzang chos gling.  See 'Phrin las theg mchog dbang rgyal.

Lha lung THEG MCHOG RAB RGYAS GLING — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang with about 110 monks.  Lha lung in upper Lho brag, f. by Lha lung pa, a saint with 3 different incarnations in Tibet.  Waddell 278.  458 I 270.5.

THEG MCHOG SENG GE — See 'Jam dpal dgra 'dul.


THEG PA DGU — See Tucci, Religions 227 ff (Zhang zhung names listed on p. 272 n. 15).  12 IX 74.3 ff.  See (Dpal btsun) Nam mkha' bzang po.  Mentioned in Saddharma Pundarika, acc. to 413 441.6.  Bon Nine Vehicles listed & defined in 474 266 ff.  There are three Bon systems of Vehicles.  That according to the Byang gter is:

A. Phyi.

1‑3.  Snang ldan, Rang ldan, Bzhed ldan.

B. Nang.

4‑6.  Tho tho, Pyi tho, Yang tho.

C.  Gsang.

7‑9.  Lha rtse, Snang rtse, Yang rtse.

That according to the Lho gter is:

A.  Rgyu.

1‑4. Phya gshen, Snang gshen, 'Phrul gshen, Srid gshen.

B.  'Bras.

5‑8.  Dge bsnyen, Drang srong, A dkar, Ye gshen.

C.  And, in a class by itself,

9.  Khyad par ba.

That according to Dbus gter is:

A.  Mtshan nyid.

a. Theg chung.

1. Lha Mi Gzhan Rten gyi Theg pa.

2. Rang rtogs Gshen rab kyi Theg pa.

b.  Theg chen.

3. Thugs rje sems dpa'i Theg pa.

4. G.yung drung sems dpa'i Theg pa.

B.  Sngags.

a.  Phyi.

5. Rnal ma Kun Ldan Mngon shes kyi Theg pa.

6. Bya ba Gtsang Thog Ye Bon gyi Theg pa.

b.  Nang.

7. Mngon spyod Thugs rje Rol pa'i Theg pa.

8. Shin tu Don ldan Kun Rdzogs kyi Theg pa.

c.  Gsang.

9. Ye nas Rdzogs chen Bla med kyi Theg pa.

THEG PA GCOD PA'I 'KHOR LO — Text in 319 V 1‑59.

THEG PA'I RIM PA MNGON DU BSHAD PA'I MDO RGYUD — Bon text in 16 folios in 295 (published in 1960's at Delhi).

THENG KWAN —  =Dri med gzigs (q.v.).  Das 587 (q.v.).  Chinese scholar.

THED — N. of an area or valley (lung).  5 165.5.  17 II 355.6.

THED THEM BU — ?  5 169.5.

THEN GRU'U — Thuken 385.  Then kru'u is a place in China.  See Yisun.

THEN TU HU — Ch'eng tu fu (the modern Ch'eng tu, capital of Szechwan).  Sperling, Dissertation 184.

THEN BAN — Transcription for the name of Taiwan.  Yongdan, TCW 103, also referred to as Phur mu tsa, or Formosa.

THEB CHU — Area (in Amdo?).  Bon mon.  253 II 638.2.

Tsa ri Gsar mang Ri THEBS RDZONG PA — ? 57 IIB 367.2.

Tsha ba THEM THOG DGON — Vai.Ser. 244.

Dmu rgyal THEM PA SKAS — Karmay, Confucius 576.

THEM DPANG MA — See 27 30.

THEM SPANG — ISTS 19 n. 18.

THEM SPANGS MA — Ms. Kanjur completed in 1431.  TS5 563.

THEL — BA 577, 584, 586, 642, 644‑645, 752, 926, 1039, 1040.  A kind of spirit.  Kværne no. 46.  Thel gyi Gdung rten Bkra shis 'od 'bar sogs Rten Gsum Dkar chag, a ms. listed in BLP no. 1101.

THEL CHU — Pl.n.  T'ao chow.  232 I 17.

THEL LTAG — Vai.Ser. 234.

THEL PA MKHAN CHEN — See (— — — —) Kun rgyal.


THEL RTSE — [1] May mean a 'seal' or [2] an abbreviated ref. to Gdan sa thel and Sne gdung rtse.  Kuijp in TH&L 292 n. 19.

THO DKAR — See also Thod dkar.  "It is well known that T'o dkar can indicate two utterly different regions: Tokharestan (upper Badakhshan) to the West and T'o gar or P'od kar in the eastern part of the Tarim Basin.  It is evident that here it refers to Tokharestan, or rather to the Pamir which borders it on the East.  In any case, T'o dkar can never be 'the southwestern region of the Tarim Basin' as maintained by Wylie."  Petech in T'oung Pao n.s. L 338‑339.  Also, Tho gar.  N. of a kingdom North and NW of Kashmir, including Khotan.  Tukhara.  Jaeschke suggests it is the Togarmah of the Bible.  Das 589.  Wylie said it was the SW region of Tarim Basin North of Bru zha (Wylie 122 n. 70, q.v.), but this is incorrect (see above).  323 63.1.  BD of T&TB I 1000.  BA 159.  See Bailey in BSOAS 13 (1951) 400.  Vitali, Kingdoms, p. 188, etc.

THO GAN THE MUR — Precious Deposits III 42.

THO GAR —  =Tho dkar.  Bu ston, Works XX1 125.1‑2.  Discussion in Sam van Schaik, "Fakes, Delusions or the Real Thing? Albert Grünwedel's Maps of Shambhala," JAOS 140 no 2 (Apr 2020) 273-286, at p. 276.

THO GAR — See (— —) Nam mkha' sde.  (— —) Gnam sde.

THO GON SENG DE BONG — Iwao, Preliminary 177.

THO GRU GU — Pl. in Khams.  See map in Beyer 16.

THO CI — 9th Tangut ruler, killed in 1227.  Petech (1983) 179.  Perhaps the same as the king Thi zhu?

THO CO — N. of a yoginī said, in bio. of 'Jig rten mgon po, to have been phyag rgya mo of Phag mo gru pa.  See Kuo‑wei Liu's  Dissert. 43.

Lha THO THO RI GNYAN BTSAN — Lived 254‑373, or, 374‑493, acc. to Dhongthog 61.  Legendary king who received a casket from the sky with the Karaṇḍavyūha Sūtra (Za ma tog Bkod pa) and the Pang kong Phyag rgya ma, as well as a mchod rten.  This occurred at his palace Yam bu bla sgang when he was 16 years old.  Buston 183.  BA 40.  His story is briefly told, with the dates 374‑494, in BD of T&TB17 II 316.1 ff.  Lha Tho tho ri snyan shal in 132 85.3 ff.  Kværne no. 50.  In the Old Tibetan documents, we can find his name spelled Tho do snya brtsan, acc. to H. Hoffmann, and this is true.

THO THO DO TSAM BSDUS PA'I RGYAL PO — N. for Mang pos bskur ba'i rgyal po.  Literary Arts in Ladakh I 388.2.

THO BA —  The minister Mudgara in an avadāna story.  TPS 482.  Both the Tibetan and Sanskrit names mean hammer.

THO BTSUN GRUB RJE — BD of T&TB I 351.  Mentioned also in Mang thos, Bstan rtsis, p. 12, etc.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 8 ff.

THO TSHA BA — See (— — —) Chos bzang sgron ma.

THO'U YUG — Sgal shen Tho'u yug.  Stein in McKay, History of Tibet I 599.

THO YE — Zhang zhung word translated into Tibetan as Spyi spungs.  273A 95.5.

Byang THO YOR NAG PO — In Byang thang.  87 I 69.6.  210 53.3.  370 preface.  483 preface.

THO RI SNYAN — Evidently, a short form of Tho tho ri snyan btsan.  128 840.

THO LING —  =Mtho lding.  BA 84, 86, 87.  This is the more authentic spelling, found in documents from earlier centuries (See Vitali's Tho ling book, p. 4).  For miraculously preserved paintings from Ye shes 'od's temple, see Precious Deposits II 236‑8.  For photos, see Li Gotami, Pictures 147 ff.  Confused reference to a temple Lo chen built in "Gu ge Gro ling" that was burned by the Mongols.  LPNT VII 90.

THO LUG THE MUR — Tughluq Temür, ruler of Moghūlistān from 1347‑1363.  Kuijp, KPTB 53.  The Tibetan texts refer to him as Stod hor Rgyal po.

Thang stod THO LE — DTK5 92, 100.

THO LE RGYANG GRAGS — Bonpo.  253 II 139.3.


THO SHO LEGS — N. of Tibetan tribe (?).  Das 590. 

THO HO CHI — N. of mon.  See 332 II preface 4.

THO LHA TSHA GTER STON — See (— — — — —) Rdo rje grags pa.

THOG KHA BA — See (— — —) Rin chen seng ge.

THOG GAN THE MUR — =Tho gan The mur.  Hor King connected with Seng ge rgyal po (i.e., Se chen rgyal po).  1 17.

THOG RGOD — A protective deity.  McGranahan in TS9 IV 107.

Sa skyong THOG RGOD RNAM RGYAL — 390 280.5.

Rdo rje THOG RGOD RTSAL — 17 IV 335.6.

THOG RGYAL — See (Slob dpon) Gang zhug thog rgyal.

THOG RJE LHA 'BAR — 132 87.1.

THOG THE MUR — Panglung in TH&L 408.

THOG THOR — 208 I 238.4.


THOG MTHA'I GRAS THAG GCOD PA — Tantra in 320 VI 120‑133.

Zhang sum THOG PA — Disc. of Sgam po pa.  BA 462.  Mkhan po of 'Jig rten mgon po.  37 5.  207 4.4.

Spe bon THOG 'PHRUL — Early Bon sage.  Bio. in 253 II 129.5, 397.1.

THOG BABS — Phyag chen teaching for Cig car ba.  17 IV 376.6, 377.2.

THOG GI BLO GROS — 128 784.

Yol THOG 'BEBS — Vitali in TS9 I 93.

Gyer ston THOG 'BRUG — 253 II 392.6.

Spe bon THOG RTSE — Bonpo.  Bio. in 253 II 130.2.

THOG ZA DPA' MO THANG — Bellezza in RET 29 (2014) 195.

Gshen THOG LA RTSE MO — 206 561.6.

THOG LHA 'BUM — TS5 810.


THOGS MED — Asaṅga.  4 87B.2.  Pictured in 128 59A, 69A, 590.  Bio. in 165 161.  Beyer index.  Picture in 320 XI 3.  BD of T&TB I 355‑371.  Thangka depiction in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 39.

Skyang THOGS MED RIN PO CHE — Depicted in a painting illus. in Berounsky, Lapsed 232.

Mnga' ris pa THOGS MED — Yogin student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

Gyer THOGS MED — Redisc. Srid pa Rgyud kyi Kha byang in 1310 (more probably in 1373), also called Srid pa Rgyud kyi Kha byang dang Tshe Rtsis kyi Re'u mig bcas kyi Gsung Pod, TBMC (Dolanji 1976).  Kværne, Canon 27 n. 48.  Karmay, Treasury xxxvii, 180.  =Khod spo Blo gros thogs med, 13th cent.

Rgyal sras THOGS MED — (1295‑1369)  Ind. Off. Cat. no. 23, etc.  Works listed in SBTD I 342.  Author of a Gzungs 'bul gyi Dkar chag502 169.3.  1295‑1362, acc. to Kuijp in BIS I (1985) 77.  Also called (Dngul chu) Thogs med dpal bzang po.  A great Bka' gdams pa master of Dngul chu.  Significant figure in the transmission of Blo sbyong teachings.  Dhongthog (p. 63) says he is Sa skya pa.  Disc. of Bu ston and specialist in tantric Mahākarunika.  BA 310, 584, 585.  Ferrari 168.  Author of Byang chub sems dpa'i Spyod 'Jug gi 'Grel pa (Legs bshad Rgya mtsho), publ. at Sarnath, 1974, and at Thim phu, 1975.  His Theg pa Chen po Mdo sde'i Rgyan gyi 'Grel pa Rin po che'i Phreng ba publ. at Gangtok, 1979.  374 II 155.6.  Bio. in 169 1‑46.  Bio. in 165 II 839‑954.  332 preface 16.  Collected works in 169 46 ff.  A cursive ms. in 88 sides [LTWA KA3/14318]:  Dpal gyi rin chen Nyan po ba, Rgyal sras Thogs med pa'i Rnam thar Gzhan phan Snying gi 'Od zerRgyal sras Thogs med kyi Rnam thar Bdud rtsi'i Thigs pa Nyon mongs Nad sel, by Dpal ldan ye shes, listed in BLP no. 0579.  Another bio. by Nyang po Btsun pa Dpal gyi rin chen, no. 0580.

Rgyal tsha THOGS MED GRAGS — (1120‑1156)  Son of (Rngog) Mdo sde.  BA 412‑413.  17 II 466.1.

Blo bzang ngag dbang THOGS MED BSTAN 'DZIN RGYA MTSHO — See Blo bzang ngag dbang thogs med bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho.

Gar sha ba THOGS MED RDO RJE — (ca. 1553)  17 III 470.6.

Chos rje THOGS MED PA — Disc. of Rgyal thang pa Bde chen rdo rje.  119 preface.

THOGS MED SPRUL SKU — A 20th century teacher of Shar khog.  Schrempf in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 325.

Rgyal sras THOGS MED BZANG PO DPAL — (1295‑1369)  Kuijp in TH&L 290 n. 16.  Biography listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 332, composed by Dpal gyi rin chen.

THONG GLING DGON PA — A Bka' brgyud mon. in Tshwa rtse township.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 295.

THONG JI — Chinese title.  Petech (1983) 187.  =Thong byi.  An official rank.  TS5 670.

THONG BYI — See Thong ji.

Yol THONG 'BEBS — He undertook several foundations in Myang stod in the 11th century.  Vitali in TS9 I 82.

THONG MYI — In OTA, year 653.  May =Thon mi.  Thong myig in OTA 666.  In Dotson's translation it is rendered as 'homicide.'

THONG LA — N. of a pass.  17 II 496.5.  Gnya' nang Thong la.  4 288A.4, 288A.6, 292A.1, 298B.2.

THOD DKAR — Klu'i Mes po Thod dkar.  87 I 43.4.  Place name, see Nattier, Once Upon a Future Time 201. H.W. Bailey, Ttaugara, BSOAS 8 no 4 (1937) 883‑921, esp. p. 885, 887.  According to Bailey, when there is a 'd' on the first syllable it probably means the eastern Tokhara, while without the 'd' it would mean the western.

THOD DKAR — See (— —) Sman skyid.

Gangs ri THOD DKAR — Unknown.  Ferrari 166.  BA 309.  204 colophon.  Place where Klong chen pa composed many of his works.

Rgyal bon THOD DKAR — Father of Gshen rab mi bo.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 82, 149.

Rgya ma THOD DKAR — See Hazod in TS9 I 38.  Hazod in Tropper, Epigraphic 59.

'Bri bza' THOD DKAR — See Hazod in TS9 I 38.

Dmu rgyal THOD DKAR — Father of Gshen rab.  Karmay, Confucius 576.

Lha bon THOD DKAR — 248 20.6.  Grandfather of Gshen rab mi bo.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 82, 148.

Par bu THOD PA KHA SBYAR — 17 IV 494.4.

THOD PA CAN — BA 13.  See Ka pā la.

THOD PA DON GRUB —  =Grub be, the eldest of 3 sons of Ma cig Lab sgron. 124 477.5.  See Rgyal ba don grub.  "ma lab sgron gyi bu thod pa don grub kyis ra khra dge 'dun khang pa gcig bu'i ro tsha thar byi bo rogs po na re / nga dang gnyis brgyad bcu bsad zer..."  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) VI 74.1.

THOD PA BHA DRA — His story in 124 460.2.  Called Bha dra for short.  Authors of his several bios. listed in 124 464.1 ff.

Gcer grong pa THOD PA 'BAR RE — Also, (Cer grong pa).  See BA 983.  17 II 425.5.

THOD PA G.YU'I SMIN MA CAN — Haarh, Yar luṅ 211.

THOD PA LO TSĀ BA — Achard, L'Essence 82.

THOD PHU — BA 1001.  BD of T&TB X 50.10, 50.17.

THOD 'PHRENG RTSAL — Newari yogi.  5 105.6.  A Buddha, pictured in 320 XIII 3.

THOD DBANG ME'I 'KHOR LO — Subject of 414 445 ff.  487 I 491 ff.

THOD SMYON — See (— —) Bsam grub.

THON — N. of a village at the foot of the Khambala ridge on the S side of Yeru Tsangpo.  Birthpl. of Thon mi.  Das 593.

THON PA ZHABS DRUNG — See (— — — —) Sri chod tshe brtan.

THON MI — See (— —) Sambho ta.

THON MI GRU GU — Ancient n. of a sub‑tribe of the Dru gu.  Later, Thon mi became name of a Tibetan clan.  See 82 83, 84.  Note that Tho Gru gu (q.v.) is the name of a town in Khams.

Gzims shags THON ZUR — Printery.  See 162 240.

THOB RGYAL — Pl. in Gtsang.  40 4.  Wylie 142 n. 249.  253 II 588.1.  Das 594.

THOB RGYAL — See (— —) Dga' ldan rab rgyas.

THOB YIG — Thob yig Zin bris su Bkod pa Yid bzhin nor bu'i Gter Mdzod, list of teachings received by a Lama of the Rdo dmar tradition from the library of the late Sno ra Bla ma, in 64 pages, publ. in Delhi, 1979.

THOR KHOD —  =Thor god.  N. of a Mongol tribe.  See Das 595.

THOR RGOD — See (Thor rgod Dge bshes) Snyan grags.

THOR COG CAN — Epithet of O rgyan.  413 118.3.

Dpal mo THOR THO — KB 34.4, 37.3.


THOS — An ancient Tibetan clan (rus).  Das 596.

THOS KHO BAL DUR — 208 I 239.3.

THOS GROL PA — See (— — —) Bstan pa'i rta ljang.

THOS PA'I GO CHA — In avadāna story.  TPS 517.

THOS PA DGA' — N. of Milarepa, given him at birth.  4A 12A.6 ff.  Name given because of his skill at singing and storytelling while a youth.  4X I 13.4.

Ba reg THOS PA DGA' — (11th cent.)  translator listed in Mtshan tho no. 62.  He was a student of Rgya gar Phyag na who translated Phyag chen Sgrub skor & Snying po Do ha, etc.

THOS PA'I SHES RAB — See Dha ma pa.

THOS SMYON — See (— —) Bsam grub.

THOS BSAM GLING — One of the now defunct colleges at 'Bras spungs, OR, later name of Byang rtse (q.v.).  Ferrari 107.  The 3rd of the 3 Grwa tshang founded at Bkra shis lhun po.  Wylie 137 n. 200.  Vai.Ser. 199.

THOS BSAM BYANG CHUB GLING — A dkar chag by Bsod nams don grub, 100‑fol. ms., listed in BLP no. 1103.

MTHA' DKAR — In Dolpo.  Map in Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 141.

MTHA' DKAR BA — Subject of portrait image, a monk, in von Schroeder, Buddhist Sculptures in Tibet, vol. 2, p. 1192.  The inscription actually reads: dri med chos kyi spyan ldan 'tha' dkar ba la na mo.  See the website Himalayan Art Resources, no. 57378.

'Brig mtshams MTHA' DKAR BRAG — Also, ('Bri mtshams).  Site of excavations of Bon tantra by (Gshen chen) Klu dga' in 1017 (the tantra found in 258 I 157‑231).  Kværne no. 72.  253 II 184.3, 186.1, 573.3. 

'Brig mtshams MTHA' RKAS MTSHO — In title of 306 chap. 6.

MTHA' GROL RDO RJE — Author of 322.

Dge bshes MTHA' DGE MTHONG — Senior contemporary of Rngog Lo tsā ba.  Kuijp, Treatise 416.

MTHA' CHEN — Achard, L'Essence 57‑59.

MTHA' 'DUL BZHI — Four temples built on elbows and knees of the demoness.  Buston 184.  BA 40.  17 II 318.2.

Dran ston MTHA' BRAL — Or, Mtha' 'brel.  Disc. of (Rngog) Mdo sde.  BA 408.  17 II 463.4.

Bru ston MTHA' BRAL — See (Bru ston) (Mtha' bral) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan.

MTHA' MI HOR — An unidentified tribe or group of tribes that troubled Gu ge in the late 12th century.  Heller, Hidden 25.

MTHA'I MUN SEL CHEN PO — 320 II 475‑486.

MTHA' RTSA — BA 891.

MTHA' RTSA PA — A n. of Phag mo gru pa.  24 I 21.1.  17 II 542.4.  476 V 211.6.

MTHA' BZHI — This term is used in O.T. texts with meaning of 'four horizons' as well as less specifically 'foreign realms.'  In his volume translated from Kongtrul's Encyclopedia, Book Four, Ngawang Zangpo translates it as 'four frontiers'. It also becomes an epithet of a lineage of physicians. I think it refers to the borderlands of Tibet, but it is also possible that in O.T. texts (an OTDO search finds 12 results), as J. Bialek has suggested, it means the four chief families of the time, the Skyi, Lde, Dwags and Mchims.

MTHA' BZHI — See  (— —) 'Dul seng.  (— —) 'Phrul gsas.  (— —) Tshul khrims.  (— —) Ye blo.  (— —) G.yung drung rgyal po.

MTHA' BZHI BYA BRAL — 17 IV 488.6.

MTHA' BZHI LO TSĀ BA — He studied in Kashmir with Kha che Dgon pa ba, remaining a dge bsnyen, traveling 3 times with Rma Lo tsā ba to India as his attendant.  Mtshan tho no. 53.

MTHA' 'OG — See (— —) Bdud 'dul phug.

MTHA' YAS — Disc. of Dus zhabs chen po.  BD of T&TB I 812.

Klu'i Rgyal po MTHA' YAS — Ananta, or, Śeṣa.

MTHA' YAS GRAGS PA — Son of Padma gling pa.  210 176.4.

Skyang nag MTHA' YAS RGYA MTSHO — (contemp.)  An abbot of Stag rtse mon. in Kong po, although he was from A mdo.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 462.

MTHA' YAS GNYEN — King of Shambhala.  128 1010.

MTHA' YAS RNAM PAR RGYAL — King of Shambhala.  128 1018.

MTHA' LUNG — BA 665‑666.

MTHA' YAS BLA MA — See (— — — —) Bcom ldan rdo rje.  A student of (Grub chen) 'Ja' lus chen po.

MTHA' SEL LNGA BCU RTSA GCIG — Zhi byed teaching.  BD of T&TB I 859.

MTHAR GLUD BSKANG BA — Text in I 603‑629.

Phyug mtsho Dgon gsar MTHAR BSTAN SMIN GROL GLING — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 372.

MTHAR THUG PA'I RGYUD — Colophon title in 320 VIII 123.


MTHAR RTSA BA — BD of T&TB X 57.1.

MTHAR 'ON — BA 847.

Rgyal bu MTHING KA — Prince in ZAS XXXVI (2007) 196.

MTHING MA BA — See (— — —) Sangs rgyas grags pa.

MTHING MIG CAN — A nickname for Candrakīrti.  Thuken 360.

MTHING GI ZHAL BZANG MA — One of 5 sisters of long life.  4 149B.4.  Pictured in 216AThangka in TPS 372.

MTHIL PA DGON — Vai.Ser. 246.


MTHU CHEN —  =Mahāsthāma, the Bodhisattva.  Emmerick.

MTHU CHEN NGAG DBANG RNAM RGYAL — Label for a person depicted in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 121.

MTHU CHEN DBANG SDUD — (1763‑1806)  Head of Sa skya Lamas.  T&BS II 156.  Called Dbang sdud snying po in  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 96.  See under 'Jig rten dbang 'dus snying po.

MTHU STOBS — See (— —) Yon tan ye shes.

MTHU STOBS RGYA MTSHO — (ca. 1687)  458 I 306.6.


Zhabs drung viii Chos mgon Sprul sku MTHU STOBS CHOS KYI RGYA MTSHO — (1887‑1964)  At Bde chen chos 'khor.  47 preface.  1 46.  ? 363 116.6, 119.6.

Lha btsun Smon ram pa MTHU STOBS NYI MA — Chairholder at Sgo mang.  Yogin student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

MTHU STOBS BDAG MO — A goddess.  Rhies & Thurman 171.

Rig 'dzin MTHU STOBS RDO RJE — A guru of Kun bzang rdo rje (1738‑1805) q.v.  His birth n. was Bsod nams don grub.

MTHU STOBS NUS PA MA — A popular prayer.  463 I 93.5.

MTHU STOBS RNAM RGYAL — (1860‑ )  8th Mahāraja of Sikkim.  58 932.

Mkhan po MTSHU STOBS RNAM RGYAL — (b. 1926)  See Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 421.  Thar in TS9 IV 166 (his untitled autobiography is mentioned on p. 167).

Sto ston MTHU STOBS RNAM RGYAL — 453 131.5.

Sde pa MTHU STOBS RNAM RGYAL — A ruler of Bsam grub rtse.  See Rdzong rtse Byams pa thub bstan's history of Bsam 'grub rtse, p. 14.

Zhe chen Dbon sprul MTHU STOBS RNAM RGYAL — See 'Gyur med mthu stobs rnam rgyal.

'Khrul zhig Kun bzang MTHU STOBS DPAL 'BAR — Pictured in 128 546.

Sgar chen MTHU STOBS DBANG PHYUG — BD of T&TB III 790.  From the Sa skya family.  A teacher of (Bres gshongs pa) Chos rgyal rdo rje (1602‑1677).

Rje MTHU STOBS ZHABS — Subj. of bio. by 'Brug chen iv, listed in BLP no. 0880.

MTHU BO CHE — See (— — —) Nyi ma.  (— — —) Nyi zla.

MTHU MID — Tümed Mongols.  TS5 646.

MTHU MED — The Tümed Mongols.  Chinese: T'u me t'e.  Also, Thu med, or Thu mad.  208 I 236.  TS5 749.

MTHU RTSAL GLING — N. of a temple at Bsam yas.  KTDN B XI 259.3.

MTHU 'O RA TSA HA TA MA — Or, Thu 'o rā dza ha ti, or, Thu bo ra dza ha ti.  132 41.4, 49.2 ff, 45.3, 46.1, 47.6.

MTHUN PA MCHED BZHI —  =Mthun pa Spun Bzhi.  The Four Harmonious Brothers, wellknown in Tibetan art, showing a partridge (gong ma sreg pa) riding on a hare that is riding on a monkey that is riding on an elephant.  Mthun pa Spun Bzhi'i Lo rgyus [The Story of the Four Harmonious Brothers], tr. from Tibetan into English by G. Tharchin (Kalimpong 1960), in 14 pages.  For a version based on Chinese sources, see the article by Eric Reinders, "Ritual Topography," History of Religions 36 no 3 (Feb 1997) 244‑264.  Precious Deposits V 109.  What might perhaps be the 'original' (as far as Tibet is concerned) telling of this story, see Vinayavastu (or the summary in Banerjee, Sarvāstivāda Literature 234).  Given the context in the Vinayavastu, it's possible that the story is really about hierarchy (or hierarchical seating order).  It's also possibly connected to a story in Kalila & Dimna, "The Fable of the Four Friends" (also about 4 animals).  The Kalila & Dimna is well known to derive from the Pañcatantra.  The story is retold, on the basis of the 'Dul ba Lung gzhi, in 443 VI 466 ff.  See also TNB 120.

MTHO GLING — Pl. in Gu ge.  Site of Gser khang temple.  T.H. 51, 139, 141.  Built in 954 (an impossible date!) by Rin chen bzang po.  Waddell 283.  16 31.

MTHO DGON — Seal on work in 457.

Gangs MTHO MTHING RGYAL MO — 4 260A.1.

MTHO LDING —  =Mtho gling.  See under Tho ling.  Place where Atiśa met Rin chen bzang po.  Ferrari 79.  BA 247, 248.  In Mnga' ris, see 79 93 no. 117.  17 II 348.1, 369.2.  See 83E 485 ff.  Tshe rdor, Mnga' ris mtho lding dgon pa'i 'du khang gi ldebs bris yi ger dpyad pa, Krung go'i bod kyi shes rig, vol. 47 (1999), pp. 77‑86.  B.R. Chatterji, "Tholing Monastery in Western Tibet: A Cultural Link between Greater India, Pāla Bengal and Tibet," The of the United Provinces Historical Soc., vol. 13, no. 2 (1940), pp. 30‑34.

MTHO LDING GSER KHANG — For founding of this monastery by Ye shes 'od, see Wylie 125 n. 96.  17 II 348.4.  Vai.Ser. 221.

Mar MTHO LING — In Kamaon.  The Hunias call this village Namla.  79 84 no. 62.

MTHONG KHYAB — TS5 782. Dotson, D&L 45.  Rong Xinjiang, Mthong‑khyab or Tongjia: A Tribe in the Sino‑Tibetan Frontiers in the Seventh to Tenth Centuries, Monumenta Serica 39 (1990/1) 247‑299.  Uray, Narrative 45, was unable to identify it.  Vitali in NTFC II 269‑281, sees it as a special military unit, and not a tribal entity or ethnonym.

Khu bon MTHONG GRAGS — Bonpo.  253 II 140.4.

MTHONG GROL CHEN MO — N. of a mchod rten built by Bu ston for his mother at Ri phug.  27 135.  Ferrari 60.

Gos sku MTHONG GROL CHEN MO — See Mthong ba rang grol (the thangka).

Kong yul MTHONG SGROL SGRUB SDE — 253 II 487.1.  =Mthong grol Ri khrod, f. by Nyi ma rgyal mtshan.  253 II 488.4.

Rtogs ldan MTHONG THOS RAS PA — 601 32v.5.

MTHONG MTHING — See Mtho ling.  28 56.

MTHONG LDAN — See discussion in Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 1, p. 204, n. 8.  Ajātaśatru.  Name occurs also in Sgam po pa's Thar rgyan.

Rgyal po MTHONG NA DGA' — 17 IV 371.2.

MTHONG BA DON LDAN — Golden stūpa with relics of Tsong kha pa at Dga' ldan.  Ferrari 108.  N. of an image.  332 II preface 10.  N. of a particular painting prescribed in scripture.  See Kimiaki Tanaka's article, "The Mañjuśrīmūlakalpa and the Origins of Thangka."

'Phags pa lha iii MTHONG BA DON LDAN — (1567‑1604)  Incarnate at Chab mdo.  332 preface 16.

Mi yi nyi ma MTHONG BA DON LDAN — Medical works listed in DD 715.

Zhwa nag Karma pa vi MTHONG BA DON LDAN — (1416‑1453)  Bio. in 35 I 515‑525.  B. in Ngom gyi sa.  Dhongthog 64.  Short bio. in 210 81.2 ff.  As Bon protector, see 474 380.6.  410 204B.3.  Portrait silver image in Oriental Art 46 no 2 (2000), p. 22.  Thangka portrait in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 144.  Dung dkar 35‑36.

MTHONG BA RANG GROL — Also called (Gos sku) Mthong grol chen mo.  A huge embroidered thangka in Spungs thang done by Sangs rgyas grags pa (1646‑1719) between 1689 and 1692.  23 48.

Shangs MTHONG SMON — Pl.n.  27 157.

MTHONG LEGS BKRA SHIS — Havnevik, Dissert. 139, etc.

Gangs MTHON MTHING RGYAL MO — 4 143A.6, 146B.6, 156B.2.  Mthon mthing Ri.  4 154B.5.

MTHON PO — In Zangs mkhar.  79 93 no. 118.

'THAB DKA' — Duryodhana.  Roesler in Facets 164.

'THAB MED — Ayodhyā, the city.  Lde'u 216.  BA 14.

Rgyal bu 'THING GE — 253 II 520.3.  Discussed in Karmay, Arrow 258, where the name is spelled 'Thig ge.  See Berounsky in FBTB 100, with spellings 'Thing ge & Mthing ke.  Stein, Tribus 15, where he marries three females belonging to different classes of spirits and engenders three countries:  Tibet, Hor and China.  Langelaar, Chasing, compares various accounts. I've noticed a chapter on the lineage of Prince Thing ge in a listing of Bon Tanjur texts by Kun grol grags pa: "rgyal bu mtheng ghe'i gdung rabs so sor gyes tshul gyi le'u" the text in question has now been published in the Steng chen edition of the Bon Tanjur, so it may be possible to locate it.  See Beauvoir-Stock, Folk-lore and Customs of the Lap-chas of Sikhim, the section on creation myths. Huber, SofL I 82 connects 'Thing se zhe and a large no. of variants as names for the ancestral god.

'THUNG GROL — A spring near Ti se.  Wylie 56, 121 n. 60.

'THON MI — A yulLGCM 630.3.  See Thon mi.

'THON LUGS RA KHA — 4A Lhalungpa 24.  4X I 15.3.

STHYA SHU TA — Female Arhat.  Emmerick.






ḌĀ KI NI PĀ TA — Yul of S India.  BD of T&TB I 336.

Chos rje ḌĀ KI RAS CHEN — (ca. 1539)  17 III 393.5.  487 I 566.6.

ḌĀ KI RAS CHEN — See (— — — —) 'Jigs med rdo rje.

ḌĀ KHI TA — BD of T&TB X 22.4.

DA RGYAL — Title occurring in OTA for year 653 and elsewhere.  Da could be Chinese for 'great', but actually, Uray has shown that this is just the title used in the O.T. texts for the rulers of Dwags‑po.  See Dar rgyal.

DA CI — Nāga king.  Emmerick.

DA LCAG BLA CHEN — 253 II 185.6.

DĀ CHEN PO — Dānaśīla.  Nepalese teacher of Khyung po Rnal 'byor.  A disc. of Nāropa.  BA 729.  17 II 427.

DĀ NĀ KA RA — Gsang ston at Bsnyen rdzogs ordination of Shākya shrī bha dra.  17 II 305.5.

DĀ NA SHĪ LA — Teacher of (Sa skya) Kun dga' rgyal mtshan.  BD of T&TB I 869.  He came to Tibet together with Shākya shrī.  Kurtis Schaeffer's  Dissert. 142.  In Tibetan, his name might be translated Sbyin pa'i ngang tshul.  He was skilled Tshad ma Rgyan and Chos mchog.  Sa paṇ gave him his sister (lcam ma zhag[zhig?]) as Karmamudrā, and he died in Tibet.  Mtshan tho no. 94.

Paṇ chen DĀ NA SHĪ LA — 17 II 331.1, 405.6.  From Singga la'i yul.  Invited to Tibet by Khri srong lde'u btsan.  87 I 104.1, 105.5.  Called Kha che Sbyin pa'i ngang tshul, as well as Dā na shī la, in Mtshan tho no. 20.

DA NA SHRĪ — 17 II 303.5, 419.2.  BD of T&TB I 563.

DĀ NA SHRĪ — He was nephew (dbon po) of Atiśa.  Was also known as Dā Byang chub sems dpa'.  He came to Mnga' ris.  Mtshan tho no. 42.

Paṇḍi ta DA NA SHRI — Stayed in Yar lung in 1250's.  Chag 105.

DA NO YA — See 'Da' no ya.

DĀ BYANG CHUB SEMS DPA' — BD of T&TB I 813.  See under Dā na shrī.

DĀ MI ḌO DWI PA — 87 I 281.3.  I wonder if this could possibly be Termez (Tarmita, or, as Xuanzang called it Ta-mi)? Or is it Tamil Land?

Zhang zhung DA MI THAD KE — 235 II 219.3.

DWA'I MING — Toh, Ming 68.

DWA'U NGO NGAN — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 169.

DA YA CI — 208 I 239.3.

DA YA CI THAL JI — 208 I 236.5.

DA YAN KHAGS — 208 I 238.6.

DA RA — [1] Headless ghosts.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 150, II 491.  [2] Nāga King.  Emmerick.

DA RA KHA CHE — Title, Darugaci.  Sperling, Dissertation 166.  Precious Deposits III 20.  TS5 568, 805, 806.

DA RA BU DZHI TI WI — 115 52.2.

DA RAS SHES BYING — 208 I 238.6.

DĀ RI KA PA — Mahāsiddha.  See Dha ri ka pa.  Tib., Chung ma can zhabs.  Bio. in 120 185.  Pictured in 128 332.  The King Indra pā la in Sa la pu tra was going hunting one day and happened to see Lu yi pa eating fish entrails, and offers him anything he wants, even his kingdom.  Becomes a disciple along with his minister.  BD of T&TB I 383, 384.  Teacher of Rdo rje dril bu pa.  BD of T&TB I 401 ff.

DA RIG — Kuijp in Chayet, Edition 452.

DA ROG GI LCAGS PHUG — 206 561.4.

DA ROG GI BRAG RI — 206 561.6.

DA ROG MTSHO — 253 II 567.6.  See the article on this place by John Belezza.

DA LUNG — BA 40.

DĀ LO YER — 438 VI 465.2.

DA SHA PĀ LA — Las slob at Bsnyen rdzogs ordination of Shākya shrī bha dra.  17 II 305.5.

DA SHA GRI BA — See Berounsky, Lapsed 201.

DA SHA BA LA LA PING HA — In Bal po'i yul.  Indian.  BD of T&TB I 245.

DĀ SI RI — Mahāsiddha.  Pictured in 128 46.

Mnga' ris DA HA NA — Havnevik, Dissert. 175.

DĀ HAN BSKAL BZANG — 363 57.3.


Bla ma DAG CHAS PA — Roesler, KSP 62.


DAG SNANG RGYA CAN — Collection of visions of Dalai Lama v.  Part of it is called Tshe dpag med Dwangs ma Bcud 'Dren, in 87 XIII 1‑60.

DAG SNANG ZHING SBYONG — Root texts in 391 (BI).

DAG PA SHEL RI — 17 IV 214.3 ff, 216.1.  Words of praise by Padma dkar po (in 1588).  17 IV 75.1 ff.  Also, Dag pa shri.  17 IV 249.4.  484 I 842.2.  BA 199.  Main mt. peak to S of Chig char in Tsa ri.


DAG PO DBANG SKU TSHE STONG — 11th abbot of 'Bri gung.  37 25.

Rgya gar Lam sa DWAG SPO RI — 408 2A.6.

DAG BYIS — Area in Amdo.  253 II 640.4.

DAG RA BA — 356 78.1.

DWAGS — See (Dwags kyi) Yang dben.

DAGS PO — Also, Dwags po.  One of 8 Rgod Stong sde of G.yo ru.  A region S of Gtsang po and E of Yar lung.  28 82.  Vai.Ser. 167 ff.

DWAGS PO — See (— —) Tsong sde.  (— —) Rdzam gyi Mkhar Klu bzang.  (— —) Zhu ru.  (— —) La bar.  (— —) Bshad sgrub gling.

DWAGS PO BKA' BRGYUD — A generic term covering all the several Bka' brgyud subsects stemming from Dwags po Lha rje.  16 33.  1 1.  Its khyad chos are Phyag chen and Na ro Chos Drug.  117 preface.  Short Bka' brgyud Gser 'phreng found in 231 147‑172.


DWAGS PO GRWA TSHANG — [1]  A Dge lugs pa institution in Dbus.  [2]  A Sa skya institution in Rnam rab.  Das 762.  Ferrari 120, 133.  Gdan rabs, see 332 II preface 14.  Vai.Ser. 167.

DWAGS PO SGO PA ZHAL NGO — See (— — — — — —) Karma srid bral.

DWAGS PO SNYAN BRGYUD — 10‑deity Cakrasamvara.  349 XXI.


DAGS PO 'DUL 'DZIN — Also, Dwags po 'Dul 'dzin.  Took abbot position in about 1171 A.D.  BA 466 ff.  17 II 524.5.

DWAGS PO PA — See (Khri) (Dwags po pa) Bskal bzang yon tan lhun grub.

DWAGS PO PAṆ CHEN — See (— — — —) Bkra shis rnam rgyal.  (— — — —) Ngag dbang grags pa. 

DWAGS PO PAṆ CHEN GSUM PA — N. that Karma 'phrin las pa I (1465‑1539), q.v., sometimes uses for himself.  The first and second Dwags po Paṇ chens were both among his uncles.  The first Dwags po Paṇ chen was Bkra shis rnam rgyal (1398‑1458).  The second Dwags po Paṇ chen is better known as Zur mkhar ba Mnyam nyid rdo rje (1439‑1475).

DWAGS PO SPRUL SKU — 27 XVI.  See (— — — —) 'Jam dpal lhun grub rgya mtsho.

DWAGS PO BRAG KHA'I DGON PA — Mon. where Dus gsum mkhyen pa met Sha ba gling pa and Sgom tshul.  35 I 5.


DWAGS PO BSHAD SGRUB GLING — See article by Ngawang L. Nornang in Epstein & Sherbourne, eds., Reflections on Tibetan Culture (Lewiston 1990) 249‑268. 

DWAGS PO'I GSANG LAM BLA SGRUB — Received in a vision of Sgam po pa by 'Ja' tshon snying po.  87 XVII.

Mnyam med DWAGS PO LHA RJE — (1079‑1153)  Bios. by Nor bu brgyan pa and Bsod nams lhun grub.  See under Sgam po pa.


DWAGS RAM PA — See (— — —) Chos rgyal bstan pa.

DWAGS RIS — A minor school of art confined to Dwags ris and associated with the name of Zhung mthil pa.  23 47.

DWAGS LA SGAM PO — Talha Kampo (Dwags lha Sgam po).  Also, Dags lha Sgam po.  Shrine of Bka' brgyud.  F. 1121 by Sgam po pa.  Destroyed by Dzungars in 1718 (see Jackson, Patron 6).  Just N. of eastern part of Gtsang po.  BA 458, 528, 719, 976.  Ferrari 121.  F. 1122, acc. to Dhongthog 119.  4 241B.6.  Dwags lha sgam po'i Ngo mtshar Bkod pa Dad pa'i Gter chen, by Sgam po Mi pham chos kyi dbang phyug, listed in BLP no. 1112 (see also 1113; listed and apparently scanned by TBRC).  See Cuevas, Hidden History 16.  For a history of the abbatial lineage composed between 1640 and 1662, see Sørensen, Rare Texts, Text F.  There is now a major study in 991 pages, by 'Bri gung Dkon mchog rgya mtsho, Dpal Mnyam med 'Gro mgon Dwags po Bka' brgyud kyi Rtsa ba'i Gdan sa Dpal Dwags lha Sgam po'i Gdan rabs Chos kyi Byung ba Brjod pa Sgrub brgyud Bstan pa'i Mdzes rgyan (2013).  RS 559-563.

DWAGS LA SGAM PO'I MCHOG SPRUL — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 119.6.

DANG KO — Pl.n. in OT Chronicles.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 333. 

DANG DKAR RDZONG — Ramble in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 316, n. 8.

DANG 'GYA DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo smad with about 700 monks.

DANG CHUNG — Small lake North of Dang ra.  ISTS 41.

DANG PO SDE GUNG PA — Mon.  Vai.Ser. 214.



DANG RDZONG — Ramble in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 316, n. 8.

DANG RA — Zhang zhung language for 'lake' and for this reason found in geographic names.  5 319.2, 323.2.

DANG RA — See (— —) Khyung rdzong.  (— —) Phyug tso Dgon.  (— —) 'U bu Dgon.  (— —) G.yu bum Sgrub sde.  (— —) Shes rab rin chen.

Bzhad DANG RA DGON — Vai.Ser. 247.

Rma Gter DWANG RA MA — Bon excavations of Rma.  Story in 253 II 209.4.

DANG RA MTSHO SMAN — N. of a spirit.  115 80.3, 81.3 ff.

DANG RA G.YU MI — Mother of Ka ru Grub dbang.  She belonged to the Rgyal rmog Sog po clan.  Ramble in RET 15 (2008) 483.

DANG RA G.YU MTSHO — N. of a sacred lake.  Hoffmann in ZDMG (1967) 377.  Combe 163.  See ISTS 39 ff.  CFMS 31, n. 31.  Description of a visit (with mention of previous foreign visitors) in Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 57 ff.

Sbas DANG LA BYAMS PA — Bon gter ston253 II 230.3.  Karmay, Treasury 178.

DANGS MA DANGS MTSHO — 5 127.6, 129.6.  Stearns, King 218.

Deb ther DWANGS SHEL 'PHRUL GYI ME LONG — Historical work in 488.

Ri bo DWANGS BSIL — N. of Wu‑t'ai Shan.  Velm I 17.

DATTA TRE — Heretical teacher.  BD of T&TB I 452.

Mkhan po DAD PA — CFMS 87.

DAD PA RGYAL PO — Ordin. n. of (Yu mo) Mi bskyod rdo rje.

Rngog DAD PA CAN — Disc. of (Rngog) Chos rdor.  BA 406.  Probably, =(Rngog) Mun pa can (q.v.).


DAD PA BRTAN — 128 806.

DAD PA'I LO THOG RGYAS BYED DNGOS GRUB CHAR 'BEBS — Text composed by 'Jigs med grags pa in 1479‑81.  TS5 559.

'U bzang DAD PA BZANG PO — 253 II 431.6.

Gtsang dar DAD PA YE SHES — Disc. of Mar pa who denied that Mar pa met Nāropa.  145 III 278A.5.

DAD PA RAB TU BRTAN — 128 808.

Gcig chod DAD PA SHES RAB — Bonpo.  Bios. in 248 94.2; 253 II 346.3 ff, 356.5.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 451.

Snyel 'or Dge bsnyen DAD PA SHES RAB — His name appears in a colophon of a Prajñāpāramitā text reproduced in C. Scherrer‑Schaub & George Bonani, "Establishing a Typology of the Old Tibetan Manuscripts: A Multidisciplinary Approach," contained in: Susan Whitfield, ed., Dunhuang Manuscript Forgeries, British Library (London 2002), pp. 184‑215, at p. 201.

DAD BYED GO CHA — Tib. tr. of the name Śraddhākaravarman.

Brud kyi DAD MO STENGS — BA 444.

Tsha ba Drang rje Btsun pa DAD TSHUL — 253 II 177.5.

DAN — See (—) Yon tan mchog.

DWAN CUNG KOG — Yunnan minister under Kog la bong.  Takata Tokio, A Note on the Lijiang Tibetan Inscription, Asia Major 19 nos 1‑2 (2006) 161‑170, at p. 166.  See also H. Uebach's article "Tibetan Officials in the 8th-Century Southeastern Part of the Empire," at p. 56.

DAN TI — A yulLGCM 610.2.

DAN TIG — BA xviii, 65, 67.  Chu bo Dan tig in BD of T&TB I 303, 380.  A cave in 239 XXX 50.3.  Dan ting was birthpl. of Dgongs pa rab gsal acc. to Lde'u2 154.  See Gardner in TJ XXVIII no. 3 (2003) 64.  I. Galambos & S. van Schaik, "The Valley of Dantig and the Myth of Exile and Return," BSOAS (2015), not seen.

DAN TIG — See Ri Dan tig.

DAN TIG SHAN — See Thomas, "A Chinese Buddhist Pilgrim's Letters," p. 552.  Horlemann 129.

DAN BAG — Or, Dam bag.  BA 157, 202.  N. of a hamlet situated below the mon. of 'Bras spungs about 4 miles W of Lhasa.  Das 618.

DAN BAG PA — See (— — —) Smra ba'i seng ge.

DAN 'BAG — Brought Thar pa nag po from hell.  479 256.2.  Spelled Dan phag in TPS 541.  In Lha sa area; see map in Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 103.  Didn't M. Kapstein write about this character?

DAN 'BAG PA — Kuijp, Treatise 418.  An early Tibetan logician, perhaps 12th (or 11th?) century.  Appears as the famous logician Dge bshes Dan 'bag Phye rkun [flour thief?] in LPNT IV 21.

DAN 'BAG GZIM KHANG — Printery.  162 190.

DAB PHI DA PHI — Name of a barbaric language used by the Buddha to speak to the Lokapālas.  D.R. Shackleton Bailey, The Śatapañcāśatka of Mātṛceṭa, Cambridge University Press (Cambridge 1951) 206.  Perhaps it's Aramaic.


DAM — Pl.n.  81 103.7, 115.

DAM CAN — Pictured in 128 1138.  320 XXXIII 3.

DAM CAN BKA' SRUNG DREGS PA + — A gter ma of Thang stong.  5 116.5.

DAM CAN DGONGS PA YANG ZAB — N. for gter ma of Gnam lcags me 'bar (q.v.).

DAM CHOS RGYA MTSHO — Aka A lags 'Jigs med.  Account by Tshe tan Zhabs drung in BLP no. 2099.

Dharma ta la DAM CHOS RGYA MTSHO — Author of the Hor Chos 'byung, publ. in Delhi, and recently translated by Piotr Klafkowski.

'Ol kha ba Zangs ri DAM CHOS RGYA MTSHO — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0441.

Sum pa Slob dpon DAM CHOS RGYA MTSHO — Abbot of Dgon lung (from 1609‑1612).  332 preface 16‑17.

DAM CHOS RGYAL MTSHAN — Compiler of Bla ma Mchod pa'i Cho ga Yon tan Kun 'byung zhes bya ba Lhan thabs Dbang chog dang bcas pa 'Gros Bklags Chog tu Bkod pa (Khum bu blocks, 1970).

DAM CHOS RGYAL MTSHAN — (1886‑1910)  Mongolian Lama.  399 preface 6.

Kun spangs Rta phug DAM CHOS RGYAL MTSHAN — Picture in 128 488.

Sum pa Slob dpon Chung ba DAM CHOS RGYAL MTSHAN — (d. 1651)  Abbot of Dgon lung from 1633‑1637.  332 preface 18.

Em chi DAM CHOS CHOS LDAN — Donor for printing of FM 433.

Wa ra Ri khros pa DAM CHOS BSTAN PA — (d. 1946)  He produced a half sized blockprint edition of the Kanjur in 206 volumes, which never became popular.  39 19.

A tshe Bla ma DAM CHOS BSTAN PA — Work on Mahākala, publ. 1978.

Bka' bcu DAM CHOS THOGS MED — Donor for printing of FM 433.

Dbu ri DAM CHOS NOR BU — (ca. 1700)  466 IV 391.3.

Khri pa DAM CHOS RNAM RGYAL — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0208.

Chos rje DAM CHOS DPAL — (1546‑1620)  Also, (Shar pa).  BD of T&TB VI 153.  31st Khri thog of Dga' ldan (at age 73).  Called Shar pa because he had been a Bla ma of Dga ldan Shar.  Pictured in 128 918.

Chos rje DAM CHOS DPAL 'BAR — (1523‑1599)  26th Khri thog of Dga' ldan (at age 67).  BD of T&TB VI 147.  Pictured in 128 914.

DAM CHOS SPRUL SKU SNYING THIG — A gter ma of Bdud 'dul rdo rje (q.v.).

Dwags po DAM CHOS BLO BZANG 'JAM DPAL LHUN GRUB RGYA MTSHO — Bio. by Pha bong kha pa Byams pa bstan 'dzin listed in BLP no. 1107.  Called Dwags po Bam chos Rin po che Blo bzang 'jam dpal lhun grub rgya mtsho, bio. listed in BLP no. 1763.

DAM CHOS SMON LAM — Publisher of 47 and 336.

Mang thos DAM CHOS BZANG PO — Also, (Dge bshes).  Student of Mdo sngags bstan 'dzin (1516‑1568).  BD of T&TB III 753.  Teacher of Bzhad pa'i rdo rje (b. 1697).  Aka Dkyil khang Rab 'byams pa.  216 preface.  Dam chos bzang po'i Rnam thar Rgya mtsho'i Snying po, by Bzhad pa'i rdo rje, listed in BLP no. 1120.

Zangs ri pa DAM CHOS BZANG PO — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1759.

Nyang pa DAM CHOS YAR 'PHEL — 14th abbot of Bkra shis lhun po in late 1500's.

Bla ma DAM CHOS RIN CHEN — A bla ma of H.V. Guenther.  75 introduction 5.

DAM PA — Pl.n.  BA 797, 811.  See also Grong khyer Dam pa.

DAM PA DGONGS MDZOD — See Rig 'dzin chen po.

DAM PA RGYA GAR — A n. for Pha dam pa Sangs rgyas.  124 455.5 ff.  115 16.6 ff.  Or, simply Dam pa.  BA 699.  Acc. to Mtshan tho no. 82, his middle visit to Tibet was in 1098, while his arrival in Tibet from China was in 1113.

Gshen DAM PA RGYAL TSHAB — F. Bo dong kha (q.v.).

DAM PA TOG DKAR — 128 792.

Kaḥ thog DAM PA BDE GSHEGS — (1122‑1192)  Rnying ma founder of Kaḥ thog Mon. in 1150 (1159‑61 most likely correct!).  "Mdo khams Bu 'bur sgang du gtogs pa 'Bri chu'i 'gram du 'khrungs/ Gdung rus Sga."  Dhongthog 64.  BD of T&TB III 329‑333.  Pictured in 128 1064; 320 XXII 639.  Bio. in Kaḥ thog history by 'Jam dbyangs rgyal mtshan gives his alias as Bla ma Spos pa mtha' yas, and date of birth as Water Tiger of 2nd rab byung (1122), mentions as his main authority a biography by Dge slong Lding po ba, Rnam thar Grub mchog Rjes dran; his father named him Dge ba 'phel, he received name Shes rab seng ge upon his ordination at age 23.  See Dung dkar 5‑6.  See Gardner in TJ XXVIII no. 3 (2003) 65.

DAM PA RANG GRUB DGON — In Me nyag.  253 II 634.5.

DAM PA RANG GROL — N. of a mon. existing today in Rta'u county in Dkar mdzes.  Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 419.

Shar pa Rnal 'byor DAM PA RANG GROL — (b. 1149)  Bonpo of Khams.  Smith 214 (this is mistaken).

Smon rgyal DAM PA RANG GROL — "Son" of Shar pa Rnal 'byor.  253 II 233.3, 429.4.  B. 1149, acc. to Kværne 231 no. 101.

DAM PA SANGS RGYAS — See Dam pa Rgya gar, or Pha dam pa Sangs rgyas.

DAM BAG — See Dan bag.

DAM BU CAN GYI MTSHO — A marsh near the Potala.  Wylie 80.  JTL&CT 146.

DAM 'BYAR MGON KHANG — ?  124 493.6.

DAM TSHIG — Works on vows (dam tshig and sdom pa), see SBTD I 283.

DAM TSHIG BKOD PA GZHI'I RGYUD — Text in 319 VI 227‑234.  320 V 30‑33.  320 XII 560‑626 (in 34 chapters).

DAM TSHIG RDO RJE — Samayavajra.  In Hevajra lineage.  Uspensky in TS9 I 224.  Jackson, MB 140.

DAM TSHIG RDO RJE — Contemplative student of Rdo ba Grub chen i.  Pictured in 128 600.

Khyung lung ras pa DAM TSHIG RDO RJE — Bio. by Kun bzang rnam rgyal listed in BLP no. 0197.

Brag ri Yongs 'dzin DAM TSHIG RDO RJE — (1781‑1855)  Khalkha Mongolian scholar.  His works listed in SBTD I 159.  His Padma dbang chen Rta mgrin Yang gsang khros pa'i Chos Skor publ. in 3 vols. (Delhi 1979).  Brag ri Dam tshig rdo rje'i Gsung 'bum, Mtsho lho Mi rigs Dge 'os Slob grwa'i Par khang (Kokonoor 2002?), in 21 vols. (vol. BA missing).  Title of his bio. by Rab 'byams pa Skal bzang ye shes listed in BLP no. 0185 (another, by Dga' ldan The bo Sprul sku Ye shes thub bstan in no. 0186).

Thub pa DAM TSHIG GSUM BKOD — Trisamayarāja Cycle.  SBTD I 162‑163.  Heller in TS9 VII 45.


DAM SRAG RDZONG — N.  of a district.  Das 619.

DAM SRI — Beyer 298, 299, 354, 356.  Dam sri Mnan pa texts in 87 LXV.

DAM SRI SPUN BDUN — Cameron David Warner, "Re/Crowning the Jowo Śākyamuni: Texts, Photographs and Memories," History of Religions 51 no 1 (Aug 2011) 1‑30, at p. 18.

DAR — Pl.n.  BA 91, 615, 617‑618.

DAR — See (— —) Yon tan grags.

Phu thang DAR DKON — Taught at Stod lungs and Yar klungs.  17 II 381.1.  Disc. of Gnyal zhig.  BA 335.

Dbus pa DAR GRAGS — Disc. of (Grwa pa) Mngon shes.  TR XV nos 12‑13, p. 15A.

Yon bdag DAR RGYAL — 73 262.1.

DAR RGYAL BO SHOG THUS — A grandson of Gushri Khan.  Jackson, Patron 270 n. 470.

DAR RGYAL MANG PO RJE — Dar rgyal might appear to mean a 'flag king' or the like, but in O.T. it would seem to be only an alternative spelling for Da rgyal, q.v.  Uray, Narrative 29 esp.

DAR RGYAS — Student of Bu ston (1290‑1364).  27 87.

Brag steng DAR RGYAS GLING — 253 II 635.5.

DAR RGYAS GLING — Thakialing.  Mon. f. in 1645 by (Sog po) Blo bzang chos 'phel and (Lcags pa ba) Thun mong in S Tibet just North of Nya lam Rdzong.  Wylie 130.  Das 621.

DAR RGYAS GLING — Darjeeling.  79 75 no. 19.

Sgang ru DAR RGYAS DGON — 253 II 630.4.

Yar lung DAR RGYAS DGON — Mon. in Yar lung.  Das 1131.

DAR RGYAS RGYA MTSHO — Teacher of (Bla ma) Nor lha.  Disc. of Kong sprul.  D. in 1959.

'Dul 'dzin Bde dgu DAR RGYAS RGYA MTSHO — Student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

DAR RGYAS CHOS GLING — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang near Byams pa gling with about 50 monks.  Tucci, Lhasa 148.  =Dar rgyas chos lding, f. by Sna tshogs rang grol.  458 I 40.4 ff.  The "old" gdan sa of Gter bdag gling pa.  458 I 240.5.  Also called (Grwa) Dar rgyas chos gling.  A ri khrod f. by Sna tshogs rang grol (1494‑1570).  BD of T&TB III 724, 754.  453 100.3.  Cuevas, Hidden History 166 etc.

Gter ston DAR RGYAS CHOS SDINGS PA — 453 63.2.

Lho pa DAR SGOM — Disc. of Sgam po pa.  BA 462.

Jo mo Rgyal mo DAR SGRON — 253 II 425.6.  Jo mo Rgyal mo and Dar sgron are two different people; see 253 II 421.1.

Sang ka ra DAR CHUNG — Also, (Pang ka OR Spang kha) Dar chung.  A contemp. of Rong zom.  205 preface.

DAR CHUNG CHU — Allen, Search for Shangri La map on p. 141.

DAR CHEN — Pl.n.  See 82 90.  Near Kailash.  Allen, Search for Shangri La map on p. 140


Rlung shod DAR CHOS SDINGS — BA 603.

DAR RJE DPAL GYI GRAGS PA — Germano in TS9 X 256‑7.


DAR THANG — See (— —) Gzi 'gags Mchog sprul.

DAR THANG MCHOG SPRUL CHOS KYI ZLA BA — (b. 1893)  Abbot of Tarthang monastery in Khams.

DAR THANG MDO SNGAGS BSHAD SGRUB DAR RGYAS GLING — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo smad with about 1210 monks.

DAR LDING — Place where the mon. Dar lding Gser sgo is located.  253 II 355.3.

DAR LDING GSER SGO — Bon mon. f. in 1173 by Ye shes blo gros.  Kværne 231 no. 103.  Hedin, My Life as an Explorer 438.  JTL&CT 206.  Velm II 166.  Photo in Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 143.

DAR SDINGS — N. of Bon mon. visited by Thang rgyal.  5 257.6.  Evidently the same as Dar lding.

DAR PAN A TSARYA — 3rd of 13 predecessors of Lcang skya line (q.v.).  Translator.  349 XXIV contents.  In Tibetan, 'Gro ba'i me long.  Came to Tibet in 12th cent., invited by Glo bo Lo tsā ba Shes rab rin chen.  He renewed his teeth 20 times, living 1800 years in all, it is said.  He made the extended maṇḍala rite of Kriyā.  Mtshan tho no. 86.

DAR PO GLING BTSAN KHANG — Alexander, Temples 175 ff.

Grub thob DAR 'PHYAR — Also, Rdor phyar, Mdar 'phyar, etc.  N. for 2 different persons.  See Ferrari 157.  See 'Dar phyar.  Vitali in Rocznik Orientalistyczny LXVII (2014) 250.

'Tshe'u DAR BA — Disc. of (Rngog) Mdo sde.  =('Tsho'u) Dar re.  BA 408.

DAR BA THAL SHI — 208 I 238.6.

Ston pa DAR BLO — Mentioned in an inscription on back of an Atiśa thangka in Jane Singer's article in Artibus Asiae, vol. 54 (1994) 113.  Evidently short for Dar ma blo gros.

DAR 'BAG ZIM KHANG — ?  Dar 'bag Gzims khang?  Roesler in Facets 160.  Waddell 161 was woodblock printed there, at Dar 'bag Rin chen sgang gi Gzim khang.

DAR MA — N. of a district in 'Phan yul with a small fort.  Das 621.  Zhang zhung Dar pa (=Dar ma).  Uray, Narrative 41.  Darma language is still spoken by a small group of people living in Uttar Pradesh along the westernmost border of Nepal.  For Bon sources, see Namgyal Nyima's dictionary.  Name of a language, and of an area.

DAR MA DKON MCHOG — Author of a work on logic, listed in Kuijp, Treatise 435.

Yon bdag mo) DAR MA SKYID — 5 175.4.

DAR MA GRAGS — A n. of (Spom brag) Bsod nams rdo rje.

DAR MA GRAGS — Successor of Zhang G.yu brag pa at Tshal Gung thang Mon.  Ferrari 106.  A n. of Sgam po pa.  See 72 II 68.  Also, 4 221B.2.

Khu ston DAR MA GRAGS — A dge bshes of Yar klungs.  BD of T&TB III 275.  Connected with (Grwa pa) Mngon shes (1012‑1090).

Gnyan DAR MA GRAGS — Father of Ras chung pa.  17 II 499.  Prob., =(Gnyan Lo tsā ba) Dar ma grags.  Died when Ras chung was in his 8th year.  17 II 500.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 26. 

Gnyan Lo tsā ba DAR MA GRAGS — Teacher of Gtsang pa Rin po che.  Took part in the council of 1076, then accompanied Rwa to India.  Ferrari 105.  B. in upper Shab.  56 137.  Beyer 13, 417.  Gter ston410 101A.2.  Acc. to Mtshan tho no. 34, he was present at the council of 1076, stayed 12 years in India, translated Gsang 'dus acc. to Ye shes zhabs Lugs, studied with Paṇ chen Ma ti, introduced Mgon po Zhal bzhi, and following magical combat with Rwa Lo, the both of them died, or so it is said.

Stabs kha ba DAR MA GRAGS — (prob. 1200's)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 66.  Founder of Khra phu, in a remote valley around 'Phan yul.  Roesler, KSP 52.

Gtsang stod DAR MA MGON PO — Author of 2 medical works, publ. 1975.

Kha'u pa DAR MA RGYAL MTSHAN — Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 16.

Sgom chen Dar sang Sras DAR MA RGYAL MTSHAN — Picture caption in 347 267.

Sgo btsun DAR MA RGYAL MTSHAN — Work in 261 343‑348.  286 II 201‑208.

Ras chu lhad DAR MA RGYAL MTSHAN — Picture in 128 534.

Ri khrod pa Chen po DAR MA RGYAL MTSHAN — Disc. of Rang byung rdo rje (1284‑1339) and Grags pa seng ge (1283‑1349).  Bio. by Zhwa dmar ii.  121 II 327‑344.


Gnyal stod DAR MA SGANG — In Eastern Lho brag.  5 200.3.

Brang ti DAR MA SNYING PO — In Mngon pa Kun btus transmission.  BA 345.  17 II 346.2.  BD of T&TB X 58.3.

So DAR MA SNYING PO — Teacher of (Rog) Shes rab 'od (1166‑1244).  211 preface.

DAR MA TA LA — Tr. into Tib. as Chos nyid 'dzin.  BBNP 481.

DAR MA TIR — Khotanese mon.  Emmerick.

DAR MA DA SHA —  =Yan lag 'byung.  One of the 16 Arhats.  BBNP 457.

DAR MA MDO SDE — Son of Marpa.  T.H. 153.  Tucci, Lhasa 49, 137.  17 II 457.2 ff.  Aziz 36.  4X I 40.7, 77.1.  The NGMPP catalog contains a number of biographies of one Sras Dar ma mdo sde, which might be of interest.

Dpon DAR MA DPAL — A brother of O rgyan pa.  115 9.2, 11.5.  Is he possibly the "Master Dar ma dpal" mentioned in Precious Deposits III 22?

Spa DAR MA DPAL — Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 458.

Sgrub chen DAR MA DPAL BA — 5 36.4.  Stearns, King 119.

DAR MA BO DE — Bonpo.  206 541.5.

Glan DAR MA BLO GROS — A translator who worked with Vairocanavajra.  See Schaeffer in JIP 28 (2000) 372.  Glan Lo, Glang Lo...

Ra ston DAR MA BLO GROS — A monk logician.  His associate was (Lo ston) Dge 'dun.  He died with bitter feelings toward Milarepa, while his associate was converted.  4 176B.3, 179A.4, 180B.1 ff, 242A.5.  Dreyfus, Sound 254.

DAR MA DBANG PHYUG — Elder son of G.yung ston.  4X I 18.3.  4 Lhalungpa 26.

'Ba' rom pa DAR MA DBANG PHYUG — Disc. of Sgam po pa.  46 43.  BA 462.  57 IIB 354.4 ff.  Wrote down account of Sgam po pa's life in 73 245‑270.  Founder of 'Ba' rom Bka' brgyud.  235 introduction 5.  Bio. in 467 II 71 ff.  B. in Fire Sheep year (1127).  Died at age 77.  Bio. by Kun dga' grol mchog listed in BLP no. 1557.  Bio. listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 332.  His biography, by his disciple Ti shrī ras pa (1164/5‑1236), is entitled 'Ba' rom Dar ma dbang phyug gi Rnam thar Ngo mtshar Nor bu'i Sprin chen.  It is used as a source in Sperling, Further.

Ras pa DAR MA DBANG PHYUG — Disc. of Milarepa.  4 chapter XVIII, p. 92B ff.  Earlier n. of (Ras pa) Zhi ba 'od (q.v.; see 4 83A.1), who is not to be confused with the former, even though both were disciples of Milarepa.

'Bab rong pa DAR MA DBANG PHYUG —  = ('Ba' rom pa) Dar ma dbang phyug.

DAR MA 'BUM — See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 44.  A king of Tsong kha visited by Milarepa.  See Quintman in RET 23 (2012) 15.

DAR MA 'BOD DE — 248 22.5.

'Chus pa DAR MA BRTSON 'GRUS — A Zhi byed pa.  BD of T&TB I 855.

Glan chung DAR MA TSHUL KHRIMS — A teacher of Ras chung pa.  24 I 213.2.  17 IV 385.1.  See Glan Lo.

DAR MA 'TSHO — Yon bdag4X I 209.2.


Gnyos DAR MA 'OD — See under (Gnyos) 'Od ma.

Zhang DAR MA 'OD — Brother‑in‑law of Sgam po pa.  4 221B.4, 222B.6.

DAR MA YE SHES — Abbot of Rgya dur.  Disc. of Gra mi.  BA 82.  17 II 345.4.

Sum pa Lo tsā ba DAR MA YON TAN — Translator of text in 145 IV 23B.5 ff.  Paternal nephew of Sum pa Lo tsā ba Dpal mchog dang po'i rdo rje, q.v.

Rgyal po DAR MA RA TSA — 352 742.11.

Rgyal tshab rje DAR MA RIN CHEN — (1364‑1432)  Chief disc. of Tsong kha pa.  T.H. 210.  Bio. in BD of T&TB VI 114.  Wrote mostly on systematic philosophy.  Abbot of Dga' ldan in his 56th year (1419).  T.H. 166.  Dates were 1362‑1432, acc. to 76 8.  Bio. by Glo bo Mkhan chen.  17 II 383.3.  Bio. in 165 I 814‑822.  127 23.  8 vols. of his Collected Works publ. by Mongolian Lama Gurudeva (N. Delhi 1982+).  Works listed in SBTD I 330.  Pictures in 128 93, 98, 890.  Bio. by Brag yab Blo bzang bstan pa, and another bio. listed in BLP nos. 0572‑0573.

Pu rong pa DAR MA RIN CHEN — Also, (Zhang btsun).  Gter ma in 87 LXI.  Mentioned among earliest gter ston in 383 217.3.  410 97A.6.

DAR MA SHES RAB — Bonpo.  206 541.5.  248 22.4.

Kong po DAR MA SHES RAB — (1228‑1310)  Stag lung pa.  Kuijp in TH&L 292 n. 19.  Called Kong po Dar shes in  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 168, etc.  See also John Bellezza, Notes on Three Series of Unusual Symbols Discovered o the Byang‑thang, East and West, vol. 47 (1997), pp. 395‑405, at p. 400.

Ya zi DAR MA SHES RAB — 217 709.3.

DAR MA SENG GE — Disc. of Phag mo gru pa who saw all trees as divine forms.  476 IV 368.6.

'Khrul zhig Rin po che DAR MA SENG GE — (1223‑1303)  A Zhi byed pa.  BA 958 ff.

'Gos ston DAR MA SENG GE — 217 710.1.

'Ching phur Dge bshes DAR MA SENG GE — (ca. 1173)  476 I 80.5.

Dbon ras DAR MA SENG GE — (1177/8‑1237)  "rab me'i me byar 'khrungs/ kha cig sa pho bya'i lor 'khrungs zer."  Bio. in 1 14.  2nd in 'Brug pa Gdan rabs (q.v.).  Also, (Sangs rgyas Dbon ras).  Bio. by Rin chen seng ge in 24 II 83‑133.  BA 671.  57 IIB 365.6 ff.  Bio. in 119 527‑565.  He was nephew of Gtsang pa Rgya ras pa and regarded as a sprul sku of Milarepa.  119 contents.  Works in 447 105 ff.  Bios. in 135 I 355‑402; 487 I 32.1 ff.  484 I 864.3 ff.

Shangs chung DAR MA BSOD GRAGS — (11th cent.)  217 709.3.

Zangs chen pa DAR MA BSOD NAMS — Also, (Bzang chen pa).  Teacher of (Mtsho sna ba) Shes rab bzang po.  Student of (Lha) 'Gro ba'i mgon po (1186‑1259).  Disc. of Dar ma ye shes.  17 II 345.4.  BA 82.  Pictured in 128 85.  Bio. in 165 I 565.  BD of T&TB V 136.  Called Zangs chen po in Kuijp, Rivers 321.

Rdza chu DAR MO — BA 720.

DAR MO SMAN RAMS PA — Tibetan doctor and medical writer.  Das 621.  Klong rdol 770.1.  See (— — — — — —) Blo bzang chos grags.

DAR RTSE MDO — Ta‑chien‑lu.  Southeastern most corner of Tibet.  Transport place whence brick tea was brought to Tibet.  It was practically out of Tibetan jurisdiction.  Das 621.  BA 411.  5 226.5, 232.2. Evidently the Tibetan name is explainable as meaning the confluence of the Dar and Rtse rivers (although I wonder if these rivers truly exist!).  See Gardner in TJ XXVIII no. 3 (2003) 84‑85.

DAR RTSE MDO PA — See (— — — —) Phyag phul dam chos.

Rgya DAR TSHUL — 115 101.1 ff.

DAR DZWA 'O GYAN — 363 76.1.

Nye gnas DAR GZHON — Vai.Ser. 128.

Mtsho DAR 'OG GI DO — In the North.  115 33.7, 34.1, 34.7, 35.7, 36.1.

DAR YUL — BA 232, 269, 477, 635.

DAR YUL — See (— —) Gtsang ra mo.

DAR YUL BA — Teacher of Dbu se.  17 II 531.1.


Mtsho'u DAR RE — Disc. of (Rngog) Mdo sde.  17 II 463.3.  =(Mtshe'u) Dar ba.

DAR LUNG — In Bhutan.  Aris, Discourse 5.

Sgrol ma DAR LEN MA — Statue in Jo khang.  Essais 170.  Beyer 6.

DAR SENG — Family in North Gtsang province.  58 927.

'Dul 'dzin chen po Thag ma ba Ka ba DAR SENG — (12th cent.)  Disc. of Sha mi.  17 II 345.4.  BA 79.  Bio. in 165 I 470.  ?  467 II 104.2.


DAR GSANG DKAR MO — Pl. in Ladakh, subject of a gnas bshad in 505 477 ff.

DAR HAN MKHAN PO — See (— — — —) Dpal ldan don grub.

DAR HAN MKHAN SPRUL — See (— — — —) Blo bzang 'phrin las rnam rgyal.

DAL BON — "A Bon sect."  Das 623.

DAL BYING — Mongol.  208 I 237.2.

DAL BYING THA BU NONG — 208 I 239.3.

DAL BYING I CHIS — Or, Khyi bzhis.  Mongol.  208 I 237.3.

DAL 'BYOR SKYES — In Bon sūtra.  491 6.3.

DAL MA — Kind of spirit.  KTDN 142.3.

DAS CI DAR KAN — 208 I 238.4.

DAS SMAN — Mongolian, Dashman, title of Postal Authority.  Petech (1983) 187.

Rnal 'byor ma DI NA KA RA — Disc. of Zhi ba sbas pa.  BD of T&TB I 889‑893, 927.

DĪ NA PRA BHA — BD of T&TB I 565.

DI NA RI —  =Denarius, the monetary unit.  BD of T&TB I 908.

DĪ NYA PRA BHA — In Tib., Rig byed 'od zer, in time of Ral pa can.  Mtshan tho no. 24.  Perhaps a mistaken re‑Sanskritization for Vidyākara?

DĪ PAṂ KA RA RAKSHI TA — Aka Bal po Thugs rje chen po & Paṇ chen Me tsa ling pa.  Pundit in Tibet in 11th cent.  He was a teacher of Rwa Lo tsā ba.  He taught yoga to Zangs dkar Lo tsā ba, who went on to translate the Yo ga Smad 'grel Chen moMtshan tho no. 54.

DĪ PAṂ KA RA SHRĪ DZNYĀ NA — N. of Atiśa given at Bsnyen rdzogs ordination.  17 II 282.1.

DI'U PI LING TA — 'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) VI 196.2.

Yul ḌI PU NA GAR — BD of T&TB I 716.

DI MIR — A Hor tribe, named as an element in early Tibetan population by Btsan po No mon han.  Gruschke, Amdo I 12.

Chos skyabs DI YAN CHI — (d. 1684)  Others with n. Di yan chi also mentioned in 332 II preface 4.

Do'u ge'i DI YAN CHI — See (— —) (— — —) 'Phrin las rgya mtsho.

Bram ze DI RI PA NI — 17 IV 322.5.

ḌI LI — 17A VII pt. 1, p. 23B.2.

ḌIṂ KI PA — Or, Ding gi pa, or, Lding gi pa, or, Denggi pa (q.v.).  Successor of Lu hi pa in Phyag chen transmission.  57 IIB 342.  He was a minister under Dha ri ka (when he was a king).  Short bio. found in 24 I 51.1 ff.  Pictured in 128 37.

Slob dpon DIK WARMA — Bio. in BD of T&TB I 194.

DING KHRI BTSAD PO — (b. 967 B.C.)  Kværne no. 37.

Hor yul DING CHEN — Everding in TS9 I 119.

ḌENGGI PA — Or, Ḍingki pa, or Ṭingga pa.  Tibetan, 'Bras brdung zhabs.  Bio. in 120 93.2‑95.12.  Pictured in 128 420.  BD of T&TB I 401 ff, 680 ff.  Disc. of Lu yi pa (Lu hi pa).

DING CHU — Tributary of A chu in E Tibet.  In area where Mi pham was born.  42 5.

DING THANG — Vai.Ser. 256.

DING MA — 4 162B.6.

DING MA BRIN — See Brin.

DING MA BA — ?  Ding ma ba'i Ra rdzi.  57 IIB 352.6.

DING RI — Extensive table land NE of Nepal in Tibet.  Commonly called Tingri Maidan.  Pl. where Pha dam pa f. a mon. in 1117 (but this is the usual date for his death!).  T.H. 148.  In 1097, acc. to Ferrari 153‑154.  See ref. in Aziz 20.  Aziz, FrontierBA 36, 73, 200, 222, 225, 294, 429, 435, 488, 518, 528, 691, 726, 727, 733, 796, 816, 871, 879, 895, 902, 912, 914, 917‑920, 924, 927, 953, 973, 974, 1026, 1053.  Its administrative center called Ding ri Rdzong, see Wylie 132 n. 152.  4 227A.5.  June Campbell, "The 100 Verses of Advice of Jetsun Padampa Sangyes to the People of Tingri, in Kailash 2 (1974) no. 3, p. 199 ff.  Phur bu, Ding rir Bzhugs res kyi Lo rgyus Rags tsam Bkod pa, Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Beijing 2003).

DING RI — See (— —) Rkong chad.  (— —) Kha sgang.  (— —) Khog sna.  (— —) Gang ma.  (— —) Glang 'khor.  (— —) Chos grags.  (— —) Sna dmar.

DING RI GDONG PA — BA 918‑919.

DING RI BA — See (— — —) Karma rnam grol mchog gi sde.  (— — —) Chos kyi rgyal mtshan.  (— — —) O rgyan rdo rje.

DING RING SGANG — Pl. in A lo district of Sde dge, birthpl. of Si tu Paṇ chen.  Jackson, Patron 3.

DING LEGS KHOG — 253 II 638.6.

DIN CHI — 438 VI 533.3.

DIL MGO — Vai.Ser. 256.

DIL MGO — See (— —) Bkra shis tshe 'phel.

Rgyang shod DIL 'GO — BLP no. 0194.

DIL DMAR DGE BSHES — 473 47.  Identical to De'u dmar Dge bshes, q.v.

DIL YAG — See (— —) E waṃ dpal ri.

DIS MGO MKHYEN BRTSE — (1910‑1991)  A gter ston.  See (— — — —) Rab gsal zla ba.  See also (Dis mgo Mkhyen brtse Rin po che) 'Gyur med theg mchog bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan.  At his order the Kun bzang Bla ma'i Zhal lung was published by a temple in Paro, Bhutan.  =Dil mgo Mkhyen sprul.  320 XXXVI 650.3.  Biographer of (Mnyan pa) Bkra shis dpal 'byor.  111.  Author of a long life prayer for 'Khrul zhig Mdo sngags bstan 'dzin nor bu entitled Zhabs brtan Bden smon 'Chi med Rdo rje'i Dbyangs Snyan, publ. in Nepal (1973?).  For recognition of his reincarnation, see Garratt in TS9 VIII 89.

DU GU — See (— —) Rin chen seng ge.

Mon mo Phyug mo DU GE — Wife of (Dpon) Jo 'phan.  115 8.6.  See Dug ge ma.

DU RGYUS — Türgiš.  Takao Moriyasu, New Developments in the History of East Uighur Manichaeism, Open Theology, vol. 1 (2015), pp. 316-333, at p. 324.

DU TRI SU — Bon mantra.  FM 522.00.  FM 10.00.

DŪ PA KĀ YA — Stūpakāya.  A n. of the great temple in Drepung Mon. near Lha sa.  Das 626 (q.v.).

DU PE TA —  =Do be ta.  Petech (1983) 182.



DU BA RLUNG ZHON — 210 229.5.

DU DBEN SHA —  =Tu‑yüan‑shuai, a military office and title of the Dpon chen.  TPS 16, 34, 686, 696.  27 168.  83E 478.  Petech (1983) 194, 200 n. 78.  Commander in chief.  Kuijp in TH&L 292.  A Chinese loanword.  DTK5 113.  TS5 670.

DU 'BUR — A mt. in Ra bang.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 52.

DU MA PA — BD of T&TB I 733.

DU RU KA —  =Dru gu?  24 I 61.2.  See Childs in AO 60 (1999) 132.  On Du ru ka king who invaded India & who was killed by Mahākāla, and whose skin was used to make a famous Mahākala mask, see Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 9 ff.

Chu bo DU LA KHYE TRA — See Tu la kshe tra.  116 75.1.

DU LU CHUNG — See Rdo lu chung.

DU SHRI — Official title.  TS5 670.

DU HAR NAG PO — N. of a celebrated Chinese astronomer and mathematician.  Vai.Kar. II 59.3, etc.  Das 626.  413 308.4.  See Dieter Schuh's article in http://www.tibet‑encyclopaedia.de/duhar‑nagpo.html.

DUG GU RING SREL — A gter ston before Gu ru Chos dbang.  210 43.1.

DUG GE MA — Mother of U rgyan pa.  =Du ge (q.v.).  BA 697.

DUG LNGA RANG GROL — Five poisons self‑released.  245.  Ramble in RET 15 (2008) 487.

DUG LNGA LAM KHYER — Bon text.  Blondeau 99.

DUG DUG — See (— —) Phug mo che.

DUG DONG BRAG — 253 II 586.2.

DUG PHYUNG 'BAR BA NAG PO — Gter ma text in 283 63‑67.

Lho DUG MTSHO'I GLING — Pl. where Mar pa met Zhi ba bzang po.  17 II 438.3.  Or, Dug mtsho Khol ma'i Gling.  17 II 438.6, 447.1.

Dmod pa DUG MTSHO KHOL MA — N. of text in 307 I 316 ff.

Dmag dpon DUG MTSHO RGYAL LE — 116 280.3.

DUG MTSHO'I 'OBS — In bio. of Tilopa.  116 46.3.


DUG SEL MA — Kreijger, Tibetan Painting 179 n. 115.

DUGS TSHER — Apparently the spelling for a family/clan name found together with several patron figures illus. in Precious Deposits II 238.

DUNG — N. of a mon. in Phyongs rgyas.  See Cuevas, Hidden History 159.  Huber, SofL has arguments about Dung clan migrations south into eastern Bhutan.

DUNG — N. of an O.T. administrative district in Ru lag.  Lde'u 257.

Rgyal po DUNG — TPS 462.

DUNG DKAR — [1] A monastery in Spi ti.  See especially Vitali, Kingdoms, p. 275, n. 415, and refs. given there.  For a list of monasteries in the area, see Vitali, Tho.ling 151.  [2] Also name of a group of caves, with remarkable wallpaintings dating to circa 11th century, in W Tibet.  Their inscriptions related to Sa skya and 'Bri gung lineages have been transcribed by Gu ge Tshe ring rgyal po in Kurt Tropper, ed., Epigraphic Evidence (Vienna 2014).

DUNG DKAR DGON — Mon. in Gro mo lung.  Tucci, Lhasa 31.  See (Gro mo Dge bshes) Ngag dbang bskal bzang.  85 3.  Bernard 53 ff.

Gro stod DUNG DKAR DGON — 438 VII 458.6.

DUNG DKAR SGRUB PHUG — Near Tsaparang, these caves were recently 'rediscovered'.  See photos in Precious Deposits II 110 ff, 148‑9.

DUNG DKAR SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Tshangs dbyangs 'brug sgra.

DUNG DKAR 'BRUG SGRA — Havnevik, Dissert. 163.  A similar name is found in Henss, CMT 198 (note 211): Mdung dkar 'brug grags.

DUNG DKAR SA SNYING — Pl.n.  83E 485.

DUNG DKAR SENG GE — Rock, Nāga Cult I 162, 205.

Klu rgyal Dkar po DUNG SKYONG — Rock, Nāga Cult I 178.

DUNG SKYONG DKAR MA — Nāga queen.  Zlos gar 26.

Lco mo DUNG SKYONGS MA — Wife of Klu rgyal gzi chen.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 449.

Lha Dbang phyug gi Bu mo DUNG SKYONG MA — 115 86.3.


DUNG KHUR BA — See (— —) Dbang phyug bkra shis.

Klu'i Rgyal po DUNG SGRA — 4 134B.6, 169B.4.

DUNG CAN — Indian prince.  BD of T&TB I 271.

DUNG CAN MA — Śaṅkhinī.

DUNG CHU'I LHA KHANG — In Spo bo.  See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 47.

La mo DUNG THOD CAN — An oracle?  438 VI 554.1.

DUNG GI THOR COG CAN — A physician in 4th cent. Tibet.  See Das 628.  A n. of G.yu thog pa.  Das 170.  TM‑BH 9.

Bram ze DUNG SNA CAN — ?  210 21.3.

Rgyal bu DUNG PHUD 'DZIN — N. of a prince on whose body Ḍākinīs feasted at Dur khrod Chen po Ha ha sgrogs.  Zhi byed Coll. I 301.2.

Rta nag DUNG PHOR — Site of Bon gter ma253 II 219.2 ff.  Karmay, Treasury 166‑167.

Rkong po'i DUNG BRAG DKAR PO — 247 I 464.5.


DUNG MTSHO — An area of western Tibet that contains the Dung mtsho Lha khang.  Vitali, Tho.ling 154.

DUNG MTSHO RAS PA — The elder.  (1315‑?)  =(Dung rab) Shes rab rgya mtsho.  =Rin chen bzang po.  Bka' brgyud gter ston.  At least one of his gter ma made up part of the Zur mang Snyan brgyud.  BD of T&TB III 424‑426.  36 V 713 ff.  Bio. in 410 113A.3.  210 16.3, 17.1, 65.3 ff.  217 458.1.  17 IV 450.4, 451.6.  Belonged to fifth rab byung383 219.3.  See 235 introduction 4.  502 179.6.  Bio. by Dpon Sangs rgyas bzang po listed in BLP no. 1122, with biography of Lamas who transmitted the Sems khrid Yid bzhin nor bu listed at no. 1123.

DUNG MTSHO RAS PA PHYI MA — (14th cent.)  Rebirth of the former Dung mtsho ras pa.  He excavated the Rdzogs chen Yang tig Nag po in 87 XCI 1‑299.  Student of Ma nyag ras pa.  BD of T&TB III 506.  410 114B.4.  His Rdzogs pa Chen po Yang ti Nag po Gser gyi 'Bru Gcig pa (Dalhousie 1979) publ. in 3 vols.

DUNG ZUR — BA 1001.

DUNG RAB — See (— —) Shes rab rgya mtsho.

DUNG RI — Sacred mt. in Amdo.  352 890.

Rta yul DUNG RE BLA MA — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 118.3.

DUNG RENG — Kuijp in  Lungta 14 (2001) 64.  This tribe raided Central Tibet from area near Bhutan in the 1330's or 1340's. 

DUNG LUNG — BA 197.  N. of a sacred pl. in Tibet.  Das 629.

DUNG LO LJON PA'I MDO — Bon work.  Das 629.

DUNG SHA DKAR MO — White Conch Hind.  ZZFC 260.

DUNGS — See (—) Stag tshal.

Lha mo DUD SOL MA — Or, Dud pa'i sol ba can.  For texts on same, see 90 V 1‑361.  17 II 436.4, 436.6.  Beyer 52, 54.  213 129‑151.  17 IV 468.1 ff.  465 IV 169‑177.  Thangka in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 225.

DUN BKAR — This is another spelling for the monastery in Spiti named Dung dkar.

DUN GTSUG — See Stag sgra dun gtsug.

Bram ze'i Khye'u DUB PA MED PA — Previous rebirth of the Buddha Gser thub.  Ma ṇi Bka' 'bum I 39.6.

DUM PA CHU TSHAN KHA — Chuchen, Rong chhu tsen khar.  "Hot springs of Dum."  In Rong.  Ferrari 163.  87 I 366.4.

Shar DUM PA RTSAL — 253 II 568.1.  Spelled Dum pa tshal.  Ramble in RET 15 (2008) 490.

DUM BU — N. of a minister in an avadāna.  TPS 465.

DUM BU DGE BSHES — Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 185.  A name for Ko brag pa Bsod nams rgyal mtshan, q.v.

DUM BU RI — BA 305.

DUM BRAG — N. of a rock cavern.  Das 630.

Khyung po DUM TSHUGS — A playmate of the young Khri srong lde btsan.  Sba 5.  Khyung po Dum gtsugs is named as a great astrologer for the Bon side in Bashey4 200.

DUMS — BA 673.

DUR SKAD KYI GLING — Zhi byed Coll. V 226.3.


DUR KHROD BRGYAD — In the E, Gtum drag.  In the N, Tshang tshing 'khrigs pa.  In the W, Rdo rje 'bar ba.  In the S, Keng rus can.  In Dbang ldan, Drag tu rgod pa.  In Me, Bkra shis tshal.  In Bden bral, Mun pa drag po.  In Rlung, Ki li ki li'i sgra sgrogs pa.

DUR KHROD CHEN PO'I RGYUD — In title in 320 XXXII 511.

DUR KHROD NAG PO — Mahākala tantra in 320 XXXII 468 ff.


DUR KHROD PHUNG PO 'BAR BA MAN NGAG GI RGYUD — Text in 319 XIII 195‑211.  320 IV 586‑603.


DUR KHROD LHA MO — In title in 320 XXXI 360.4.

DUR GUD KYI THANG — Sp?  In Snya nam.  115 109.1.

DUR GYIS — Btsan lha 325.  Dotson, OTA 119.  Turgesh.

DUR GDAB TSHA TSHA'I LUNG — Title in 320 IX 90.5.

DUR BDUD NAG PO — Gter bdag of Bon.  At Has po ri'i Dur.  253 II 182.6, 383.1.

Gnya' nang DUR SNAN DGON CHUNG — 4 84B.2.

Brang kyi DUR PA SNAL — Central section of Ru lag.  Not identified.  Perhaps conn. w/ Rdur pa.  28 78.

DUR BON — Tucci, Religions 224‑225.  See 'Dur bon.

Mu stegs DUR MONG NAG PO'I SKOR — 210 36.5.

DUR YA — Pl. in Khotan.  Emmerick.  =Du rya.  Zhu, Preliminary, has a discussion, identifying with modern Duwa in SE Pishan county.

DUR YĀ BHA WA NA — A famous statue.  See Wylie 63.

DUR LAM — This is how some people give the Tibetan form of what is evidently a Mongolian name Dulan, the place where many tombs of imperial period were found.  See under Gter lam.

Sa bdag DUR LEN — Vai.Kar. II 306.

DUR GSHEN — N. for Srid gshen (q.v.).

DUR GSHEN — See (— —) Rma da.


DUL MO SPRUL SKU — (recent)  Had mon. in E Tibet.  See 239 XXX 71.5.

Gshen gyi DUS KHRIMS GTSANG MA'I MDO — Text in 491 238.2.

DUS 'KHOR — Kālacakra.  634 and 72 deity maṇḍalas.  349 XVII.  Texts in 349 XXV, XXVI.  350351SBTD I 308, 338.  Lineages in 383 328.2 ff; 374 II 1 ff.  See under Dus kyi 'khor lo, below.

DUS 'KHOR PAṆḌI TA ZHABS DRUNG — See (— — — — — —) Blo bzang rgyal mtshan.

DUS 'KHOR BA — At Bi kra ma shī la.  17 II 394.6.

DUS 'KHOR BA — See (— — —) Ye shes rin chen.  (— — —) Sangs rgyas rdo rje.

DUS 'KHOR ZHABS DRUNG — A disc. of 'Brug pa Sangs rgyas rdo rje and of Bod mkhas pa, who authored a general work on the five sciences contained in:  Rig gnas phyogs bsdebs, LTWA (Dharamsala 1981), pp. 1‑105, where he signs his name Snyoms las pa Kā la pā da (with note reading Dus 'khor Zhabs drung, and telling the names of his teachers).


Khyab bdag Dang po'i Sangs rgyas DUS KYI 'KHOR LO — 128 988.  Work of Tāranātha, 164.  Comm. of Paṇ chen i, 243 III 7‑380.  Tantra preached by Gshen rab.  Kværne 221.  SBTD I 145, 172‑173.  Ngawang Dhargyey, The Kālacakra InitiationTJ I.  Damdinsuren article in TJ VI no. 1.  A tapestry thangka, said to be 14th cent., illus. in Po ta la (1996) 148‑9.  Another tapestry thangka in Precious Deposits V 46‑7.


DUS GO BA MKHAN CHEN — See Rin chen dar rgyas.

DUS MCHOD — One of the Sa skya Bla brang Bzhi (q.v.).  Gdan rabs in 383 378.4 ff.

DUS LDAN RDO RJE — See Gnas brtan.  Pictured in 128 1082.  An early Dunhuang painting of this Arhat with a Tibetan‑language painter inscription appears in Whitfield & Farrer, Caves of the Thousand Buddhas, plate 54.

DUS NA DGA' BA — N. of mt. in Uttarakuru.  Das 634.

Bram ze DUS DPOG — Story, see SBKK I 185.

Lha mo DUS MTSHAN MA — Picture in 216A.

DUS ZHABS CHUNG BA — A n. of Nāropa.  15 8.  Hoffmann, Religions 126 ff.  BD of T&TB I 812‑816.

DUS ZHABS CHEN PO — A n. of Tsi li pa.  15 8.  Hoffmann, Religions 126 ff.  See BD of T&TB I 811‑812.  Discs.: 1) Dus zhabs Chung ngu.  2) 'Dul ba 'byung gnas blo gros.  3) Seng ge rgyal mtshan.  4) Mtha' yas.

DUS ZHABS PA — Pictured in 128 1022.

DUS ZHABS PA — See (— — —) Chos dar grags 'phel.  (— — —) Rin chen rgya mtsho.  (— — —) Shākya dbang phyug.

Slob dpon DUS BZANG — Teacher of Dbyig gnyen.  BD of T&TB I 371‑372.

DUS YUM LHA MO — Form of Srid pa'i rgyal mo.  270 preface.

DUS YON DGON — Vai.Ser. 237.

DUS KYI BSHES GNYEN — See under Ka la mi tra.

DUS KYI SA — Kālabhū.  TPS 472.

Bdag po DUS SI — Thang stong meets him at Rtse chen.  5 255.4.

DUS SU 'BAB PA — Das 413 no. 28.

DUS GSUM MKHYEN PA — See (— — — —) Chos kyi grags pa.

DUS GSUM BLA MA SPYI SGRUB CHIG DRIL — A gter ma of Thang stong.  5 116.5.



DE KHO NA NYID GSUM DU 'DUS PA — In title in 320 XXXI 175.1.

Bla chen DE KHYIM — A chief in Mar yul.  115 76.1, 76.7, 77.5, 79.4, 115.7.  De gyim in 115 79.5, 116.1.

DE GA G.YU TSHAL — Mon.  ISTS 314.  Scherrer‑Schaub in JIABS 25 (2002) 291.  See Kapstein, BBTC 39, where he intends to identify it with Yulin (Tib. tshal translates Ch. lin, while yu is Ch. for elm tree), although he has since then come up with an even better idea. See also Horlemann 125.

DE GA LHA SKYES — P.n.  Coblin in TH&L 79.


DE GYIN HOR — Royal descent line of Rgod ldem.  481 8.6 ff.

DE'U MGO DGON — 253 II 632.1.

DE NYID 'DZAB SKUL — A Bon mantra.  Snellgrove, Nine Ways 207.

DE DE — N. of a yul listed in 431 I 166.6.

DE BA — See (— —) Kun dga' seng ge.

Hwa shang DE BA — [1] Chinese doctor and translator of medical texts in 9th cent.  BD of T&TB I 564.  [2] Perhaps the subject of Rgyal Blon gyi Bstan bcos, "The story of King Hashang Deo and his young minister," publ. in Hindi by G. Tharchin (Kalimpong 1967).

Snying DE BA KO ṢHA — N. of person in Tibet at time of Śāntarakṣita.  17 II 331.5.

DE BA PĀ LA — King in Magadha.  87 I 246.4.  Acc. to 120 133, he ruled over Kā ma rū pa and Bengal.  BD of T&TB I 494, 499, 706.

DE BA BHA MA — See under Lo chen Sprul sku.

DE BA BZANG SKYONG — Father of Kun dga' snying po.  413 117.6.

DE BA RI — N. of mt. on ocean shore.  BD of T&TB I 924.

Paṇḍi ta A tsarya DE BA RENDRA — BD of T&TB I 811.

DE BA Ā KA RA — One of 4 chief discs. of Mai tri pa.  17 II 298.1.  BD of T&TB I 799.

DE BA A KA RA TSANTRA — 210 103.6.

DE BI KO TI — Devīkoṭi.  See BA 729.  In NW India.  BD of T&TB X 9.9.  "Lha mo'i Rdzongs."  BD of T&TB X 23.15 ff.

Bod yul DE WI KO ṬA — In S Tibet.  Subject of work in 17 IV 275‑280.  406 8A.1.  See Tsā ri.

DE BENDRA CHEN — Arhat.  EmmerickIIJ 31 (1988) 182.

Rtsangs DE BENDRA RAKṢHI TA — See =(Rtsangs) Lha'i dbang po srung ba.

Hor DE MU DZU — Temüjin, the Mongol.  E.G. Smith in introduction to 476 I.

Hor gyi Rgyal po DE MU RU KHO — LPNT VII 308.

DE MO — See (— —) Ngag dbang 'jam dpal bde legs rgya mtsho.  (— —) 'Phrin las rab rgyas.  (— —) Blo bzang 'jam dpal lung rtogs bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho.  (— —) Blo bzang thub bstan 'jigs med rgya mtsho.

DE MO — Dge lugs mon. in Kong po.  Also, n. of a mt., an area and a sku blaTS5 532, 534.

DE MO — Khyim bya mo dang Bod Kong po'i Yul zhig la'ang.  Dagyab 313.  Tempo Gompa, see Bailey, No Passport 153.

Kong btsun DE MO — T'oung Pao n.s. L 338.

DE MO DGON — De mo Dgon gyi Dkar chag, by Ngag dbang rgyal mtshan, listed in BLP no. 1132.

DE MO THANG PA — See (— — — —) Blo gros rgyal mtshan.

DE MO SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Dbang rgyal don grub.

DE MO SPRUL SKU — (ca. 1704)  463 I 79.6.  For a list of 11 incarnates, see Alexander, Temples 210.

DE MO RIN PO CHE — One of the 4 temporary replacements or regents (rgyal tshab) of the Dalai Lamas.  Tulku lineage of Bstan rgyas gling (q.v.).  Three of them actually served as regents.  Their mon. was closed and destroyed in 1912, because it had sided with Chinese against Dalai Lama xiii, and was made into the Lhasa post office.  Ferrari 93.  Younger Brother Don Yod 147.

DE MO LA KHA'I CHOS SDE — On border of Kong po and Spo bo.  Vai.Ser. 233.

DE WA KIRTE — On relic inscription slip.  Rhies & Thurman 340.  Lha grags?

DE WA RA DZA — Rdzogs chen pa.  132 59.2 ff.  Nepali artist.  17 IV 146.2.  In royal lineage of De gyin Hor.  481 9.1 ff.

DE WA RĀ DZA — Son of Srong nge.  Took monastic n. Zhi ba 'od.  DTK5 74.

DE WA SHA MA — Disc. of Chos skyong.  BD of T&TB I 452‑454.

DE WA Ā KA RA — Disc. of Mai tri pa.  BA 842.  Devākaracandra.  Also called Śūnyatāsamādhi.

DE BZHIN BRAG G.YUNG DRUNG DGON — Bon mon. in Amdo w/ 200 monks.  253 II 636.4.  (Does this have to do with the Brag G.yung drung nunnery in Amdo?)

Zhwa nag v DE BZHIN GSHEGS PA — (1384‑1415)  35 I 437‑477.  B. in Nyang po.  Dhongthog 65.  Famous for the magical feats by which he convinced the Yung‑lo Emperor not to invade Tibet.  He was the first to wear the Black Hat (Zhwa nag).  11 70.  BA 506 ff.  57 IIB 361.3.  A very long picture scroll illus. in Precious Deposits III 94‑137.  His seal, given in 1407, is in the same vol., pp. 138‑9.  Dung dkar 34‑35.

DE BZHIN GSHEGS PA'I SNYING PO — Or, De gshegs snying po.  Tathāgatagarbha.  See 27 12.

DE'U SHAN — An old n. for Wutai Shan.  Bashey4 195.

DE'U SHI — Meaning Daoism.  See Schaik, Red 55 n. 42.

DE SHO — N. of a tribe in Tibet.  Das 638.

DE SHO LEGS — N. of a king of Tibet.  Das 638.

Dge bshes DE'U SE BA — (active ca. 1200)  See Sperling, Further 8.

DE HA RA — Heretical king of Ra ḍa in E India.  BD of T&TB I 342.

ḌENGGI PA — See Ḍiṃ ki pa.


DEB CHUNG — N.?  4X I 173.4.

DEB THER SNGON PO — Short title of a famous history book.  Mentioned by Dalai Lama v.  374 II 229.3 ff. 

DEB THER DMAR PO GSAR MA — Pott's review of Tucci's published translation of this historical work is contained in CAJ 18 (1974) 81.


DEL MGO — Pl.n. of hill in Khams.  12 XV 366.1.

Slob dpon DEL PA RAS PA — ?  4X I 14.4.

DO — Generally, this means an island in a lake, although it may refer to any peninsula or protrusion into the shoreline of a lake, also.

DO'U — The Chinese word behind it is Dao, as in Taoism.  Thuken 332, 342 (Do'u si).

Ya 'brog DO — Also, Yar 'brog Do.  Island in Yamdok Lake.  BA 324.  27 131.  17 II 478.5.

Bka' gdams DO KOR BA — A person.  145 V 402.

DO SKYA DGON PA — F. in 1641.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 236.

DO SKYA SPRUL SKU V — 415 XI 109.6.

DO KHONG LEGS — N. of the artist, inscribed on the front of a Dunhuang painting.  See Whitfield & Farrer, Caves of the Thousand Buddhas, plate 54.  The "Do" must be a family name here.

Dpon DO GAL CHE — See TJ XXIII (1998) 109.

DO'U GE'I — See (— —) Di yan chi.

Pho brang DO SNGO — Pl.n.  27 131.

DO CIN — See under Ma ga Do cin.

DO DRIL BU — An island in a lake, 'Bell Lake'.  ZZFC 209.

DO PO SGANG — BA 1040.

DO 'PHAGS — Depicted in a painting illus. in Berounsky, Lapsed 232.  See Berounsky in Asiatische Studien 67 (2013).

DO BA RDZONG — N. of a district in province of Lho brag.  Das 640.  162 210.

Gter ston DO BAN RGYA MTSHO — (14th cent.)  Lived during the early part of the life of Rdo rje gling pa (1346‑1405).  410 56B.4.  His Padmasambhava bio. listed in BLP no. 0359.

Mkhan rabs vii DO BO RI PA — Abbot of Yangs pa can.  Bio. in 35 I 627.

Chos rje DO BO RI PA — Karmapa.  Bio. in 35 I 658.

DO BOS KONG — 208 I 238.4.

DO RDZONG RDZONG DPON — (ca. 1684)  458 I 270.4.

DO RI — BA 906.

Dbas DO RE STAG SNYA — Evil minister of Glang dar ma.  DTK5 183.

DO LUNG — ?  "Do lung rtsa brgyad du ma thog byang 'bar bya ba."  33 229.1.

DO LO CHUNG — See Rdo lu chung.


DO HA — 'Phags yul Grub dbang Dam pa rnams kyi Zab mo'i Do ha rnams las Khol byung Mu tig Phreng ba, publ. in Paro (1979).  Lo rgyus of Doha lineage and collections in 331129 IV 1‑47.  Do ha Mdzod Brgyad, 452 133‑181.

DOG BDE'I PHU CHU — A tributary that joins the Skyid chu near Lha sa. Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 95.

DOG SDE — Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 94.

'Phyogs kyi DOG PA — BA 63.

Sa bla DOG RUM — Earth deity.  Tucci, Religions 219.

DOG LUM PA — Pl.n.  Kuijp in TH&L 282.

Gshin rje'i DONG KHA — 5 229.3.  =(Rgya la) Rba dong (q.v.).

DONG KHYAGS LA — Donkia Pass, between Sikkim and Tibet.

DONG PA — See (— —) Chos kyi rgyal mtshan.

Sa rgyal DONG GI DBAL MO — Earth goddess.  Tucci, Religions 218.

DONG MO RI PA — Gtsug lag khang145 V 405.

DONG RTSE WANG — N. of a goldfield.  Heller in JIABR 1 (2013) 267.

Ba gor DOD DE — 253 II 140.6 ff, 376.3.

DON KUN GRUB PA — Bonpo.  206 542.2.  248 25.4.

Drang srong DON KUN GRUB PA — Thondup, EL 48.

DON MKHAR — Valley where most of Tibetan royal tombs were placed.  Tucci, Tombs 32.  Where debate between Buddhists and Bonpos was held.  Ferrari 130.  Don la khar in 87 I 41.1.

Kun mkhyen DON GRUB — Bonpo.  248 14.5.

'Bri sgom DON GRUB — One of 13 chief discs. of Ras chung pa.  BA 439.  Also called ('Brog sgom) Don grub in 24 I 220.4.

Nyag re DON GRUB — Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 95.

Sngags 'chang DON GRUB BKRA SHIS — 373 I 331.2.

DON GRUB GLING — A large mon. in Yunnan, with 500 monks.  TS7 I 86, 478.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 89.

DON GRUB GLING — A village.  Stearns, SR 34.

Sngags 'chang DON GRUB MGON PO — In colophon in 334.

Khri chen DON GRUB RGYA MTSHO — 48th Khri chen. Fl. circa 1707.  Pictured in 128 936.  463 I 121.6.  Petech, China 11.

Gling Dpon slob DON GRUB RGYA MTSHO — 10th in gdan rabs of Bkra shis 'khyil.  BD of T&TB V 683.  Stein, Recherches 123.

Sgo mang Dpon slob DON GRUB RGYA MTSHO — (17th century)  He went to the Torgod (Thor gwod) and taught Buddhism there. He was also called Byams sems Sbyor lam pa.  Thu'u 454.  Thuken 376.

Paṇ chen DON GRUB RGYA MTSHO — 8th abbot of Bkra shis lhun po.

Btsan po pa DON GRUB RGYA MTSHO — Abbot of Dgon lung (1648‑1650).  332 II 19.

A thog Ta wang DON GRUB RGYA MTSHO — 332 II preface 9.

DON GRUB RGYAL PO — Author of bio. of Ratna gling pa listed in  BLP no. 0988.

Drung Bshes gnyen DON GRUB RGYAL PO — (1369‑1427)  10th (11th?) abbot of 'Bri gung from 1412‑1427.  357 143‑153.  37 25.  Bio. in 168 199.3 ff.  Thuken 252, where he is called Shrī Don grub rgyal po.

DON GRUB RGYAL MO — Wife of both Nor bu lde and his half brother Bsam lde.  DTK5 131.

DON GRUB RGYAL MTSHAN — 'Bri gung pa who, in 1409, sent a mission to the Ming Emperor.  Precious Deposits III 90.

DON GRUB RGYAL MTSHAN — (1792‑1855)  He is to be identified with Tho yon Ye shes don grub bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan, aka 'Jam dpal rdo rje.  Student of (Gung thang) Dkon mchog bstan pa'i sgron me.  Author of Dge ldan Thun mon ma Yin pa + on a work of Tsong kha pa.  Editor of 499.  Prob. author of bio. of Tsong kha pa listed in BLP no. 0901.  His bio. and thob yig listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 350 (no. 764).  A copy of his materia medica work, entitled Dri med Shel phreng nas Bshad pa'i Sman gyi 'Khrungs dpe Mdzes Mtshar Mig rgyan, in 34 folios, is kept in the Royal Library of Copenhagen (see E. Conze, The Buddha's Law among the Birds, Motilal Banarsidass [Delhi 1996], p. 61, this being the same xylo. published in Śatapiṭaka series; Conze uses some of its depictions of different birds).

Mdo mkhar Mai tri DON GRUB RGYAL MTSHAN — Subj. of bio. by Spyan snga Mi pham chos kyi rgya mtsho listed in BLP nos. 1167, 1636.  Another bio. where he has the name Bod mkhar ba Mai tri..., see BLP no. 1437.

DON GRUB CHOS KYI RGYAL PO — Born in Ljang yul.  24th abbot of 'Bri gung.  F. Zhi rab rgyas gling.  37 37 ff.  Author of Gdan rabs Shel Dkar 'Phreng ba cited in 168 preface.  His dates were 1704‑1754 according to David Jackson in Damani, Dating 111.

DON GRUB CHOS DBANG — See Dkon mchog don grub chos dbang.  460.


Lcang sman DON GRUB DAR —  =Don grub 'bar.  383 220.2.  =Don grub dar rgyas.  410 196A.1.

DON GRUB RDO RJE — N. at birth of Zhwa nag xv.  BD of T&TB VII 259.

DON GRUB RDO RJE — King of Mustang in circa 1580.  ISTS 134‑135.

Bka' blon DON GRUB RDO RJE — CHMO 15 10 ff.  He was sent in 1834 at the head of an army against Spo bo for its refusal to pay taxes.  See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 50.

Ilagugsan Khutukhtu DON GRUB RDO RJE — (1820‑1882)  Aka Mergen Bandita.  Heissig 100.

DON GRUB SDINGS — 601 10r.1.

Khras khang pa DON GRUB RNAM RGYAL — Karma pa.  Bio. in 35 I 676.

Dar han Dpon po Rab 'byams pa DON 'GRUB RNAM RGYAL — (18th cent.)  332 II preface 5.

Dpal ldan DON GRUB RNAM RGYAL — Son of Bkra shis rnam rgyal.  Chos rgyal of Sikkim, the one who married Hope Cooke.

DON GRUB DPAL — (1331‑1398)  Son of Seng ge 'bum.  BA 411.  17 II 464.6.

Kam kam pa DON GRUB DPAL — (b. 1365)  Bio. told in Dung dkar 22.  He composed the Kam kam Chos 'byung in 1417.

Chos rje DON GRUB DPAL — A teacher of Kun dga' dpal 'byor (1428‑1476).  57 preface.

Ldum chung ba DON GRUB DPAL PA — Disc. of Byang chub dpal pa (1360‑1446).  BA 412.  Called Zlum khyung pa in 17 465.5.

DON GRUB DPAL BA — (1365‑1417)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 107.  Elder bro. of (Khro phu) Byams pa dpal (q.v.).  27 75.

Ldum bu DON GRUB DBANG RGYAL — (17th cent.)  A famed astrologer, he advocated the Phug pa system of Rtsis over that of the Mtshur and others.  Some reckon he was the actual author of the Bai ḍūrya Dkar po, attributed to Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho.  23 18.  458 I 131.2 (?), 153.4.  Died in 1675.  Maternal grandfather of Gter bdag gling pa.  BD of T&TB III 281.  Ldon bu Don grub dbang rgyal (17th cent.) in Chayet in TH&L 41.  See Kuijp, Some Remarks 135.

Yul lha ba DON GRUB DBANG RGYAL — 438 VII 465.4.

Lcang sman DON GRUB 'BAR — Gter ma in 87 LXXII.  Called Don grub dag in 217 493.1.

Spa DON GRUB 'BUM BZANG — 253 II 605.4.

Sde pa DON GRUB TSHE RING — 463 I 115.6.

DON GRUB BZANG PO — Disc. and son of Thang stong.  5 339.2.  Stearns, King 15.

Ban rgan DON GRUB BZANG PO — Author of a text on the benefits of turning prayer wheels found in St. Petersburg Oriental Institute collection, no. B 9293/1.

'Jam dbyangs Chen po DON GRUB 'OD ZER — Karma pa.  Bio. in 35 I 478‑480.  Mtshur phu ba 'Jam dbyangs Don grub 'od zer gyi Rnam thar, listed in BLP no. 1692.

DON GRUB YONGS 'DUS — 363 120.6.

DON 'GRUB RIN CHEN — Most important teacher of Tsong kha pa from Amdo.  127 16.  Pictured in 128 382.  On his gdung rten, see Dalai Lama xiii, Works VII 134.2.  Bya khyung Mkhan zur pa Blo bzang chos dbyings, Chos rje Don grub rin chen gyi Rnam thar, listed in BLP no. 0765.


DON GRUB SENG GE — See (Sgom chen) ('Brug pa) (Gnyan ston) Dzam bha la.

Pa shi DON GRUB SENG GE — A n. of Rgod tshang pa.  See BA 680.

Khams sprul viii DON BRGYUD NYI MA — (1931‑ 1980)  Two vols. of his Gsung 'bum publ. in 1975.  96.  Compiler of Bka' brgyud bios. in 4 vols. (1973‑6).  232 I 9.  Beyer xv, 18, 19, 22, 40, 199, 232, 241, 323.

Chab mdo DON RGYAL — See Mengele, dGe 72.

DON CHEN — Tung‑chan, successor and son of Chüeh‑ssu‑lo, ruler of Tsong kha in late 11th cent.

DON GNYIS MCHOG GRUB — 226 II preface.

DON TIG 'GRO BA KUN GROL — Gter ma of Dri med lhun po.  210 248.1, 249.1.

Glo bo DON STENG — Valley above Lo of the maps.  To the E of Bsam yas?

Rgyal po DON THAMS CAD GRUB PA — Bio., see Ind.Off.Cat. no. 63.  Bio. by Btsun pa Mnyam nyid bzang po, entitled Rgyal bu Don thams cad grub pa'i Rtogs brjod Padma Dkar po'i Phreng ba, listed in BLP no. 0567.  Chos kyi Rgyal po Don thams cad grub pa'i Rnam thar Gsang lung, listed in BLP no. 0722.

DON DAM SMRA BA'I SENG GE — Author of Bshad mdzod Yid bzhin nor bu, publ. in one vol., 1976.  Rikon Catalogue 488.  Also publ. in Śata–piṭaka Series, vol. 78 (1969).

DON DRIL — N. of oral transmission of Shar pa Rnal 'byor.  253 II 427.2 ff.

DON DRUG LTA BA GCOD PA'I 'KHOR LO — Text in 319 V 155‑168.

Blo sbyong DON BDUN MA — SBTD I 216.  499 39.6.

Rgyal bu DON LDAN — 352 606.22.

Dge bshes DON LDAN — Dge lugs pa.  Gcod works publ. in 1979. 

Rje Smyon pa DON LDAN — Met by Nyang ral.  477 133.6.

*DON LDAN RGYA MTSHO — Name given in form Sa artha sā mu dra, author of Tsa kra sam wa ra'i bris sku 'bri tshul gyi man ngag, evidently on making thangkas of Cakrasamvara (NGMPP, reel no. DD21/15, in 14 fols.).

Rje DON LDAN ZHABS — 5th rab byungGter ston383 219.4.

DON PHU — La stod Don mo sa'i ming.  Gces 589.1.

Gnas brtan DON BU BA — 73 437.6 ff.  476 I 115.6.

DON BYIN — In avadāna story.  TPS 490, 528.

DON MO — See Don phu.  BA 1039.

DON MO RI — BA 82, 1013.  Rgyang Don mo ri.  LPNT IV 65.

DON MO RI PA — 356 62.4.

Klu mo DON YONG — Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 58.

DON YOD — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 122.5.

Gcung DON YOD — The Younger Brother Don yod.  Note the following entry in a printery catalogue: par pa padma don grub sar / gcung don yod don grub gnyis kyi rnam thar la / 45.  I located a copy of this text, also in 45 fols., which actually has the title Dpal ldan Bla ma Dam pa 7Rje btsun Blo bzang ye shes kyis Gsung las Gsang ba'i Rnam thar.  It is located in LTWA, shelf no. KA 3 / 32 / 2085.  Gcung po Don yod Don chung Sku mched Gnyis kyi Rnam thar, in 68 fols., listed in BLP no. 0691.

Slob dpon DON YOD — Phur pa teacher of O rgyan pa.  115 139.7.

DON YOD MKHAS GRUB — Pictured in 128 312.

DON YOD MKHAS GRUB — His bio. by Ngag dbang byams pa listed in BLP no. 1144.

Zogs pa DON YOD MKHAS GRUB — Collected works in 2 vols., publ. 1974. 

Zhogs pa DON YOD MKHAS GRUB — (1671‑1736)  Berkeley Tib. 136, 163/24.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1748.

DON YOD RGYA MTSHO — 48th khri thog of Dga' ldan (1701‑1706).  BD of T&TB III 180.

DON YOD RGYA MTSHO — (1778‑1825)  BD of T&TB V 592.

Be ri DON YOD RGYAL PO — Or, Don yod rdo rje.  King of Be ri who favored all schools except the Dge lugs pa, which he persecuted.  Wylie 60.  253 II 635.2.  Hoffmann, Religions 99.  19 103, 105, 107.  Thu'u 458.  Put to death in 1640‑41.  Subject of a recent article by Peter Schwieger.  His story told from Bon perspective in 3rd ed. of Bon Kanjur, vol. 90, p. 501 ff.  Thuken 378, calls him a Bönpo, although it doesn't seem that he specifically favored Bön.

Kun spangs DON YOD RGYAL MTSHAN — One from whom Thang stong received Rnying ma Byang gter precepts.  Thang stong's mother went to him to ask the meaning of her dreams before Thang stong's birth.  5 18, 21.2, 48.6, 260.6.  BD of T&TB III 565.  Personal disc. of Rgod ldem.  210 72.3, 73.1.  383 432.6.  Stearns, King 26, 105 etc.

'Jam dbyangs DON YOD RGYAL MTSHAN — (1310‑1344)  B. at Zha lu Khang gsar.  Dhongthog 56.  Brother of Kun dga' nyi ma'i rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po and Bsod nams rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po (1312‑1375).  They all belonged to the Rin chen sgang Bla brang of Sa skya.

Dran mchog DON YOD RGYAL MTSHAN — Grandfather of Dalai Lama ii.  Smith 179.  Bio. by Yab rje Kun dga' rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 1145.

Ha gdong DON YOD RGYAL MTSHAN — Abbot of Dgon lung (1651‑1653).  332 II 19.

'Phags pa DON YOD LCAGS DKYU — Author of the Lam yig translated from "Nepalese" by Tāranātha.  Wylie 64, 129 n. 125.  Author of Kalapāvatāra.  NMH 395.1.

Lu'u kya Chos rje DON YOD CHOS GRAGS — Abbot of Dgon lung (1661‑1665).  332 II 20.

Rgyal sras iii DON YOD CHOS KYI RGYA MTSHO — B. in Dwags po and recognized as rebirth of Chos 'phel rgya mtsho.  Sent to A mdo to found Dgon lung Byams pa gling, an event that occurred in 1604.  332 preface 16.

DON YOD 'CHAR — An Indian poet king Amoghavarṣa who composed a set of verses made up of questions and answers contained in Tanjur.

DON YOD RDO RJE — Disc. of 'Jam dpal bshes gnyen.  BD of T&TB I 379.

DON YOD RDO RJE — In around late 1470's this Rin spungs ruler invaded Dbus, conquered 'Phan yul, and attacked the rulers of Lha sa.  Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 115.

Rgyal sras DON YOD RDO RJE — A n. of Kheng zi Chin wang.  Uspensky, Prince Yunli 19.

Rgyud don rab mkhas DON YOD RDO RJE — Amoghavajra.  Pictured in 128 370.  See BA 1020.

DON YOD RDO RJE — Son of Rgya Zhang khrom.  217 261.3.

DON YOD RDO RJE — See Don yod rgyal po.

DON YOD RDO RJE — An initiation n. of Tsong kha pa.  127 16.  "Gsang mtshan."  Vai.Ser. 55.5.

Paṇḍi ta DON YOD RDO RJE — BD of T&TB I 875. A teacher of Ba ri Lo tsā ba, q.v.

Phying dkar DON YOD RDO RJE — (19th cent.)  The 9th 'Khrul zhig Rin po che.  He was also known as Gu yangs Blo bde Bde chen mdo sngags gling pa.  Havnevik, Dissert. 84.  He was both teacher and student of Zhabs dkar Tshogs drug rang grol.  Considered an incarnation of Dung mtsho ras pa.

Be ri DON YOD RDO RJE — See Gardner in TJ XXVIII no. 3 (2003) 69‑70.

Mi dbang DON YOD RDO RJE — 601 40v.5.  602 16v.2.

DON YOD RDO RJE CHUNG BA — See under A mo gha ba dzra.

DON YOD SDE SRID — Wylie 148 n. 313.  TPS 692 n. 248.

Kun mkhyen DON YOD DPAL LDAN — (1445‑1524)  10th abbot of Se ra Theg chen gling.  Dung dkar 69‑70.

Rig pa'i Dbang phyug DON YOD DPAL LDAN — Pictured in 128 228, 238.

Paṇ chen DON YOD DPAL BA — (pre to mid 15th cent.)  Also, (Kun mkhyen).  F. of Gtsang Gser mdog can.  Dhongthog 126.  17 II 382.4.

DON YOD DPAL 'BAR — Kailash VII 108.


DON YOD ZHAGS PA — Ritual in 145 IV 268D.1 ff.  349 II 252‑351.

DON YOD BZANG PO — In abbatial succession of 'Gro tshang Rdo rje 'chang.  Sperling in Lungta 14 (2001) 81.

DON YOD LHA — Comm. on Mañjusrināmasangiti.  449 40.3.

Mgos DON RIN — Vitali in TS9 I 88.


DOM NYAG PA — See (— — —) Bsod nams chos bzang.

ḌOMBI PA — 17 II 245.  Tib., G.yung mo zhabs.  B. in Magadha.  Initiated by Nag po pa.  He was born in a royal family, but left for the forest with a daughter of a minstrel.  For bio., see 120 14‑18.  BD of T&TB X 3.9, 5.4.  Originator of 'Od gsal Bka' babs by direct revelation from Vajradhara.  See under Bka' babs Bzhi.  Listed as one of Nāropa's 7 most famous discs.  57 IIB 344.3.  Teacher of Atiśa, acc. to 45 Lahul I 329.  17 II 274.6, 276.4.

Dpal mchog ḌOM BI PA PHYI MA —  =Ḍom bi pa chung ba.  (11th cent.)  A disc. of Nāropa.  BD of T&TB I 805‑806.  A royal herdsman, he did menial tasks for Nāropa, being illiterate.  Fetching water one day, he was swallowed by a fish and saw the maṇḍala of He ru ka inside it.  Teacher of a teacher of Atiśa.

ḌOMBI LUGS — 9‑deity He badzra (Hevajra).  349 XIX.

ḌOM BHI HE RU KA — Mahāsiddha.  Picture of him on a tiger in 128 24.  Disc. of Bi ru pa.  4 225A.3.  Pictured in 320 X 2.  Ḍombi means G.yung po, or rather, G.yung mo can in Tibetan.  BD of T&TB I 336, 373, 416 ff.  After taking the G.yung mo as his vidyā, he was expelled from his kingdom.  Six years later, famine and pestilence caused the people to invite him back.  He and his consort returned riding on a tiger, poisonous snakes coiled around them.

DOM TSHANG — In Tsā ri.  Dom tshang Ka lā.  17 IV 238.6, 249.3.

Tsā ri DOM TSHANG — 234 IA 27.5.

DOM TSHANG RAS PA — Disc. of Dung mtsho ras pa.  BA 720.

DOM TSHANG RONG — 210 113.2, 186.2.

DOR TA — The Mongol invader.  484 I 848.2.  See Rdo rta.

DOR TOG — Commander of Godan's army in 1240.  Petech (1983) 181.

DOR SDE — Is in Rma, but since the Rma clan was in 'Phan yul, it could be in 'Phan yul.  28 81.  One of the 8 Rgod Stong sde in Dbu ru.

DOR PO — Iwao Kazushi has published, in Japanese, an article "Dor-po: A Non-Tibetan Group under the Rule of Old Tibetan Empire."

DOR PO PHU — In Lho kha.  ?  5 166.6.

Dbyil bon DOR SENG — Father of (Dpon gsas) Khyung rgod rtsal.  SFHB 248.7.

DOL — A pl. in province of Lho kha in Tibet.  Das 646.  BA ii, 176, 256, 269, 292, 414‑415, 480, 667, 760, 1090.

DOL — See (Dol gyi) 'Jur.  (Dol gyi) Gdong sna.  (—) Rnam rgyal rdzong.  (—) Mtshur ston.  (—) Bsam gtan gling.  (—) Lha sna.  (—) Lhun grub lha rtse.

DOL SKYI THANG GZHI DOD — Tsarong in TJ XXIII no 3 (1998) 27.  An estate that supplied thick woolen material to the Lhasa government treasuries.

DOL GRU — DTK5 99.

DOL RGYAL — N. of Rdo rje shugs ldan.  See Dreyfus in JIABS 21 (1998) 240 for explanation of the name. 


DOL MDA' — BA 695.

DOL PA — See (— —) Gag ston.  (— —) Zangs thal.

Dge bshes DOL PA CHEN PO — (1059‑ )  Dhongthog 65.  Bka' gdams pa.  Author of Be'u bum Sngon po and its comm.  161 preface.  The 3‑vol. dict. chrono. gives his death date as 1131.

DOL PO — BA 776.  Bon monasteries in area, see 253 II 618.  Article in TJ II no. 1, pp. 50‑59.  A text in 32 folios entitled Dol po Yul Bzhi yi Lo rgyus Dkar chag, is found in NGMPP, reel nos. E2878/5 and E2756/14 (source: Kurtis Schaeffer).

DOL PO PA — See (— — —) Shes rab rgyal mtshan.

DOL BU — Pl.n.  See 1 31.  Das 646.

DOL BON — A sect of Bon.  Das 646.  Evidently, just a bad reading for Rdol bon.

DOL MA CAN — Mon. in Bhutan.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 95.

Mtshur phu'i DOL RAS PA — Contemp. of Me long rdo rje.  210 62.4.

DRA — Upper and Lower Dra are 2 of the 10 Rgod Stong sde of Sum pa'i Ru.  28 84.

DRA — See (—) Gro pu.

DRA NANG —  =Grwa nang (q.v.).  See 56 index under "Danang."

DRA'U DPON — Chieftain at Jyekundo.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 89, 99.


DRA BA NAG PO MI BDUD — Subj. of sādhana in 286 I 347‑389.  See 426.

Mi bdud DRA BA DMAR NAG — 253 II 589.6.  Protectors of Sman ri.  See 426.

DRA BA GTSUG DGU — See under Gtsug dgu.  BD of T&TB I 509.

DRA BA 'DZIN — See Dza landha ra pa.

DRA BYE'I DUNG LUNG — 206 544.4.  Dra bye'i Mtsho.  206 555.5.

DRA 'BYAD PA — Sp?  57 IIB 362.4.  =Gra jang pa (q.v.).

DRA MA LNGA — ?  BD of T&TB I 941.  (Dam pa'i Rigs can) Dra ma Lnga.  Thondup, BM 28.

DRA MA MCHED DGU — Nine Ways 61.

DRA LUNG RING MO — Site of gold mine near Ti se.  DTK5 115.

DRAG SNGAGS SNGON DU PHYUNG BA'I RGYUD — Yamāntaka tantra in 320 XXI 583.1 ff.

DRAG SNGAGS 'DUS PA — Tantra in 320 XXXII 388 ff.

DRAG PO — Rudra.  M.Vy. no. 3128.  But note:  M.Vy. nos. 2225, 2957, 8600, Tīvra.

DRAG PO BKOD CHUNG — N. of Padma bkod Chung.  239 XXX 47.6.


DRAG PO MNGON SPYOD — "Violent sorcery" in 87 vols. 83‑84.  Includes rites for causing deaths through sorcery.  Also, one of the eight Bka' brgyad.

DRAG PO NUS LDAN RTSAL — Alias of (Yongs dge) Mi 'gyur rdo rje.

Bde mchog DRAG PO PHYAG 'BUM — 62‑deity maṇḍala.  349 XIV 272‑292.

DRAG PO'I MTSHO CHEN BZHI — 1) Skyems mtsho.  2) Gnam mtsho phyug ma.  3) Yar 'brog g.yu mtsho.  4) ?  Perhaps Mtsho sngon.  Wylie 131 n. 145.

DRAG PO LHA CHEN — N. of Dbang phyug.  Das 909.

DRAG BYED — See (— —) Ha la ra tsa.

Bon po DRAG RTSAL — Gter bton217 500.3 ff.  His bios. of Gu ru Rin po che listed in BLP no. 0316.

Gling tshang Gter ston DRAG RTSAL RDO RJE — Member of a lineage of Gling.  A Gter ston, unidentified acc. to Stein.  232 I 13.  See under Ge sar.  Stein, Recherches 67.

Za hor Sngags smyon DRAG RTSAL RDO RJE — N. of the Great Fifth Dalai Lama.  219 III. 

Rig 'dzin DRAG RTSAL RDO RJE — TS5 815.

DRAG RTSUB SKYES — In Bon sūtra.  491 6.3.

DRAG YIG — An ancient script of Zhang zhung.  268 preface.

DRAG G.YAB — Should be Brag g.yab.

DRAG SHUL — See (— —) Na ku.

DRAG SHUL CAN — N. of a mt.  132 23.3, 13.6, 95.5.  N. of a householder (khyim bdag).  BD of T&TB I 943.

'Brug mgron bsgres DRAG SHUL RDO RJE — 365 462.1.

Sa skya Khri chen DRAG SHUL PHRIN LAS RIN CHEN — (1871‑1936)  Autobiographical materials entitled Rdo rje 'chang Drag shul phrin las rin chen gyi Rtogs brjod, publ. in 2 vols. in 1974.  TS5 478.  McGranahan in TS9 IV 114.

DRAG SHUL DBANG PO — A spirit who possesses oracles.  Alexander, Temples 176.

DRANG — Border country of G.yas ru.  See 28 79.

DRANG MKHAR — "Straight fort."  In Spiti.  79 76 no. 23.

DRANG NGA — See (— —) Mdo la skyes.  (— —) Dpal gyi yon tan.  (— —) Shāk tshul.  (— —) Shag tshul.  (— —) (Mdo la) Gser mig.

DRANG NGA MA — Bon excavations of Drang nga Mdo la.  SFHB 751.6 ff.  253 II 177.1 ff.


DRANG RJE — See (— —) Pha lnga.  (— —) Gser mig.

DRANG NAM SKYOL PO — Bellezza in RET 29 (2014) 200.

DRANG PA — BA 986.


DRANG BTSUN — See (— —) Gser mig.

DRANG SRONG — In Bon, the 6th Vehicle.  T.H. 110.  Drang srong is Bon equivalent of Dge slong.  Kværne 228.  352 735.17 ff.

Khams sgom DRANG SRONG — Bio. in SFHB 474‑496.  253 II 458.2 ff.

Lha rje DRANG SRONG — 253 II 415.4.

DRANG SRONG KHROS PA'I RGYAL — Picture in 320 III 631.  Achard, L'Essence 51.

DRANG SRONG DGA' BA SNGON 'BAB PA — A river in Lus 'phags pa.  Das 417.

DRANG SRONG RGYAL BA — See Gto bu 'bum sangs.

DRANG SRONG RGYAL MTSHAN — A Bon lama in thangka in Kværne, The Bon Religion of Tibet, plate 31.  Perhaps, and it should be checked, this name is hidden under the name "Trang po rgyal mtshan," in Belezza's article in TJ (Spr 1999) 63.

DRANG SRONG LTUNG BA — Ṛṣīpatana.  Buston II 44.

Bla ma DRAN STON MTHA' BRAL — (1154‑1212)  AKA Mtha' bral Rdo rje 'dzin pa.  Kuijp in JAOS (1994) 602.

DRANG SRONG DRAG PO — Text in 212 V.

DRANG SRONG DRI MED — Texts in 87 LIV.  Drang srong in 213 211 ff.

DRANG SRONG 'DUS PA'I GLING — A Medical College, Gso rig Grwa tshang, opened in time of the Dalai Lama v at 'Bras spungs, which didn't exist long.  Dungkar in TJ 8 no 4 (Wint 1993) 11.

DRANG SRONG LDE — Karmay in ISTS 150.

DRANG SRONG DPAL — Teacher of King Stobs ldan snying po.  413 552.4.

DRANG SRONG BON — 6th Vehicle of Bon.  Tucci, Religions 229.

DRANG SRONG BYI PO — N. of a yul in India.  See 83D 146.

DRANG SRONG GZA' — 216 368.6 ff.

DRANG SRONG SRIN PO RI — Pl.n.  27 131.  5 229.2.

DRANG SRONG LHUNG BA — Pl. in India.  Das 650.

DRANGS SO — One of the 16 divisions of Ru lag, it is also spelled Grang so, Gram mtsho, Brang mtsho, Brang so and Bram so.  TS7 I 269.  See Ehrhard in Prats, Pandita 28, where it is spelled Gram so and Drang so (a region in western Gtsang).

DRAN MCHOG — See (— —) Don yod rgyal mtshan.

DRAN MCHOG DBANG GI RGYAL PO — Appears in an inscription in Precious Deposits III 200, but might not be a 'proper' name.  It also occurs in an inscription (of the same image?) in van Schroeder's book.

DRAN STON — See (— —) Mtha' bral.

Khod spungs DRAN PA —  =Dran pa nam mkha' of Zhang zhung.  Subj. of devotional cycle in 263.

DRAN PA KHOD SPUNGS — Zhang zhung pundit at Bsam yas.  T.H. 219.

DRAN PA DGE GSAR — Berounsky, Lapsed 178.

DRAN PA'I DGRA — N. of Dbang phyug.  Das 909.

DRAN PA CHOG DRUG — Six rites centered on Dran pa nam mkha'.  Works in 316.

DRAN PA NAM MKHA' — Translator of the Snga dar period.  76 4.  Disc. of Padmasambhava (acc. to Rnying ma), father of Padmasambhava (or Padma mthong grol, acc. to Bon).  Pictured in 128 632.  Prophecies and bio. in SFHB.  Bio. in 352 662 ff.  Called "Bon" in 217 494.3.  Verse treatise in 246 1‑16.  Bonpo.  374 II 468.1.  Subj. of sādhanas in 249.  Bio. in 253 II 144.6 ff.  Tantric comm. in 258 III 553‑715.  Bio., see under Gsang sngags gling pa.  Interesting to note that a Bonpo by this name has been dated to 1027‑1086; he meditated at Gong mo'i Gur khang Pho brang.  See Smith in Linrothe, Holy Madness 74.

Gyer spungs DRAN PA NAM MKHA' — Prayer to his eight names in 274 I 427‑430; same text in 333 84 ff.

Dmu gshen DRAN PA NAM MKHA' — Not to be confused with the other more famous Dram pa nam mkha'.  Bio. in 253 II 160.3 ff.

DRAN PA MED PA — See A tsinta.

DRAN PA TSHE SGRUB — In title in 325 135‑151.

Sro DRAN PA YE SHES — Contemp. of 'A zha Blo gros rgyal mtshan (1198‑1263).  273A I 475.6.

Ā tsa rya DRAN PA YE SHES — A Tibetan translator with Vimalamitra.  320 II 65.6; VII 109.1, 413.2, 499.6.

DRAN PA SHES RAB BKRA SHIS — SBTD I 319.  Bio. by Rgyal Mkhan po Grags pa rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 1146.

DRAN PA YE SHES GRAGS PA — Tib. tr. of the name Smri ti dznyā na kī rti, q.v.

DRAN PA SHES RAB BKRA SHIS — (16th cent.?)  Berounsky, Lapsed 178.

DRAS — Sp?  In W La dwags.  Dras of the maps.  14 1, 7, 84.  79 passim.

DRAS SA MA — N. of images.  BA 569.  Jackson, MB 136.

DRI KAN TA RO HI — Zhi byed Coll. V 482.4.  Name of a plant or its fruit.

DRI LNGA SPOS RI — 253 II 567.5.

DRI'I CHU — Das 413 no. 47.

DRI MCHOG GI GLING — 124 440.6.

DRI LDAN MA — Gandhavatī.  N. of pl. in ancient India.  Das 652.

Yul DRI PU RA — BD of T&TB I 900.

DRI BI LE — Also Dir bi le.  See Nattier, Once Upon a Future Time 202.  A transcription of the Khotanese transcription of Tripiṭaka [master].

DRI'I DBANG PHYUG —  =Gandheśvara.  King of the Dri za.

DRI MA KHOL — In 19 30.  See Ji ma khol.

Li tsa byi DRI MA MED PA — BD of T&TB I 941, 953.

DRI MA MED PA'I RGYAN — Comm. on same in 145 V 379‑393.

DRI MA MED PA'I RGYAL PO — Confessional tantra in 320 XIX 423 ff.

DRI MA MED PA'I RGYUD — In title in 319 II 29‑41.

Nyi Zla dang Mnyam pa DRI MA MED PA'I RGYUD — 320 I 392 ff.

Slob dpon DRI MA MED PA'I DBYANGS — At ordination of Klu sgrub.  24 I 53.7.  =Dri ma med pa'i gzi brjid (q.v.).

DRI MA MED PA'I GZI BRJID — Vimalatejas.  Upadhyāya under whom Nāgārjuna was ordained at age 28.  =Dri ma med pa'i dbyangs.  BA 35.

DRI MA MED PA'I 'OD — Emmerick.

DRI MA MED PA'I BSHAGS RGYUD — Dam tshig Thams cad kyi Nyams chag Bskong ba'i Dri med Bshags Rgyud, published from blocks preserved at 'Go li la in Solu (1972), in 81 folios.


Gung pa Skyo ston DRI MED — Pupil of Sa skya Paṇḍi ta.  76 7.  115 133.2.

Gter ston DRI MED — Also called Padma 'gyur med gling pa.  BLP no. 0189.

Be ru ba Sna ru DRI MED — 363 117.3.

Nyag rong Bla ma DRI MED — (d. 1932)  A Gter ston.  A teacher of Ngag dga' (b. 1879).  39 17.  363 96.4.  397 XXIV 392.4.

DRI MED KA DAG GI RGYUD — In 320 VI 349‑364.

Gter ston DRI MED KUN DGA' — His Thugs sgrub Yid bzhin nor bu, which was re‑revealed by Mkhyen brtse'i dbang po, in 87 VIII.  Gter ma in 87 XXXV.  Pictured in 320 XXX 3.  410 120A.6.  Bio. in 413 391.2.  Secret name, A nanta (Ānanda).  413 392.2.  He was b. in a Fire Pig year, and founded Lhun brag Dgon pa in Kong po.  BD of T&TB III 455.  Seems to have been born in 1357.  Belonged to the Grwa phyi area of Dbus.  23 12.  Gter ma in 87 LXXXVI.  217 450.3 ff.  B. in Fire Pig year.  210 239.6 ff.  Ordination n., Shes rab rgyal mtshan.  F. Lhun grags Dgon pa.  His Thugs rje chen po Ye shes 'Od Mchog, published together with a bio. of Mitrayogin, in 2 vols. (Dalhousie 1978).

DRI MED KUN LDAN — Legendary figure.  Beyer 56.  Vessantara.  See under Blo bzang rnam rgyal.  Maraini 190 ff.

U rgyan DRI MED KO SHA'I MTSHO GLING — 87 I 204.5, 212.1.

DRI MED KLONG YANGS — N. of A 'dzom 'Brug pa.  365 42.6.

Mi yi Rig 'dzin DRI MED GRAGS LDAN — Pictured in 320 VII 3.

Li tsa byi DRI MED GRAGS PA —  =(Li tsa byi) Dri ma med pa.  BD of T&TB I 941.

DRI MED GRAGS PA — Sūtra.  Article in TJ II no. 1.  Vimalakīrtinirdeśa.  Tibetan text edition by Jisshu Oshika found in Acta Indologica I.

DRI MED GRAGS PA — Author of bio. of Ye shes rdo rje listed in BLP no. 0762.  Subj. of bio. by Rigs gra Rigs pa'i ral gri, BLP no. 1147.

DRI MED GLING PA — Gter ston.  His autobio. and songs publ. as Bdag' 'Dra Theg gling 'Gro Don Mthar phyin nam O rgyan Dri med gling pa gar dbang bdud 'dul las rab rtsal du 'Bod pa'i Rnam thar Mgur 'bum Don gyi Me long Tshangs pa'i Sgra dbyangs, publ. in Thimphu (1978).  His collected gter ma publ. as The Collected Rediscovered Teachings (Gter Chos) of Gter ston Dri med gling pa (18th cent.), published from texts of mss. from Skur stod Dgon pa Bka' 'babs chos gling Mon., the seat of Bla ma Chos dbyings rang grol in eastern Bhutan, Kunzang Tobgey (Thimphu 1976), in 4 vols.  =(Gter ston) Dri med?  =Karma 'gro don mthar phyin.  Bio. in 410 171B.6.

DRI MED GLING PA GAR DBANG BDUD 'DUL — Bio. listed in BLP nos. 1149, 1856.

DRI MED SGRON MA — N. of wife of Nāropa.  See Dri med ma.

DRI MED LNGA — 5 gter ston with Dri med as part of their names. These are listed in 413 324.1.  469 84.2.

DRI MED SNYING PO — Also, Dri med snying po 'jigs med dbang po'i sde.  A n. of (Shar rdza) Bkra shis rgyal mtshan.  262 preface.  253 II 501.6, 504.6.

DRI MED RDO RJE — 17 IV 343.5.

DRI MED RNAM GNYIS — Rnying ma teachings.  For them and their lineages, see 194 II.  Refers to 'Od zer dri med and Gtsug tor dri med.  349 III 106‑544.

Mkhan po DRI MED BLO GROS — Work in 239 XII.

Lho phyogs DRI MED 'BYUNG GNAS — BD of T&TB X 38.9.

DRI MED MA — Wife of Nāropa.  75 15, 16 ff.  Called Dri med in 73 54.6.  BD of T&TB I 828.

DRI MED RTSA BA'I MDO — 300 preface.

DRI MED ZHING SKYONG — TS7 II 982.  Appears in inscription on thangka illustrated in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 68.

DRI MED ZHING SKYONG — See (— — — —) 'Jigs med yon tan mgon po.  (— — — —) Mi 'gyur bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan. 

DRI MED ZHING SKYONG MGON PO — A rebirth of Zhing skyong (q.v.) lineage.

DRI MED ZLA SHAR — Gsang mtshan of (Rlung ston) Rgya ba Paṇ chen (q.v.).


DRI MED GZIGS — Vimaladṛṣṭi.  Das 587.  See Theng kwan.

Rgyal ba'i Dbang po DRI MED 'OD — Rgyal ba'i Dbang po Dri med 'od kyi Rnam thar Legs par Bshad pa Gsung rab kyi Gter mdzod, BLP no. 0565.

Kun mkhyen Klong chen Rab 'byams pa DRI MED 'OD ZER — (1308‑1363)  B. 1308 at G.yo ru (G.yon ru).  A Gter ston, among other things.  Abbot of Bsam yas early in his life.  Then he went into retreat.  He compiled the Snying thig and composed Seven Treasuries (Mdzod Bdun).  See BA 200‑203.  BD of T&TB III 465.  Bdud 'joms, Chos 'byung 233‑274.  For list of his names, see BD of T&TB III 498.  Author of Skor Gsum Gsum23 14.  His Snying thig Ya Bzhi in 13 vols. publ. 1975.  Pictured in 128 682; 320 XXIII 2.  Comm. on Gsang ba snying po204217 232.1 ff.  Works in 36 I.  Bio. in 210 225.4 ff.  Ordination n. Tshul khrims blo gros.  210 226.3.  See under Mdzod BdunGter ston, 383 219.  410 67A.3.  Works listed with bio. in SBTD I 92.  410 67A.3, 200B.4.  See Karmay, Great Perfection 211 ff. for bio. and list of his various names.  Polemical work (surely by some other Klong chen pa), see 502.  Actually not actually by this Klong chen pa is Chos 'byung Rin po che'i Gter mdzod Bstan pa Gsal bar Byed pa'i Nyi 'Od published in 2 vols. (Gangtok 1976).  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 0026, 0028.  Bio. listed in Drepung Catalog 1512.  Bio. in Dung dkar 59‑60.

Gter ston DRI MED 'OD ZER — Author of a kind of autobiographical work, Kho bo Bi ma la'i Spyod tshul Mdor bsdus Rang gi ngag nas Brjod pa'i 'Chal gtam, listed in BLP no. 0187.

Rigs sras DRI MED 'OD ZER — (1882‑1924)  See Gter ston Bdud 'joms gling pa dang Rigs sras Dri med 'od zer / Rdzong gter Kun bzang nyi ma bcas kyi Rnam thar Phyogs gcig tu Bsgrigs pa Dad Gsum Gser gyi Snye ma, ed. by Padma 'od gsal, Si khron Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Chengdu 2000), 188 pp.

Bya btang DRI MED 'OD ZER — Bonpo teacher of Gong rgyal Mon. in Nyag rong.  Thar in TS9 IV 167.

Bram ze DRI MED 'OD ZER — Zhi byed Coll. V 483.1.

Gter ston DRI MED 'OD GSAL GLING PA — A chos 37.

Rag shi Rtogs ldan DRI MED G.YUNG DRUNG — (b. 1908)  Author of Dri med g.yung drung dgyes pa rtsal gyi Nyams mgur Phyogs bsgrigs, Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Beijing 1999), in 120 pp.

DRI MED BSHES GNYEN — Bi ma la mi tra.  Vimalamitra.  87 I 84.3, 93.4, 105.2, 108.3, 279.5.  Pictured in 106 2A; 320 XVI 2.  From Kha che, acc. to 12 IX 75.3.  B. in Glang po sgang.  Bio. in 413 128.4 ff.  On Bye ma la mu tra, an old spelling of his n., see Sa paṇ, Sdom Gsum (1971) 90B.6.  33 105.  17 II 327.2, 389.2, 390.6.  132 61.5 ff.  320 XIX 422.5, 516.5.  BD of T&TB I 536‑541. Dodrup Chen, The Biography of Maha Pandita Vimalamitra, publ. by author (Gangtok 1967), seen in library of E.Gene Smith.  It's in English, with some Devanagari letters used.

DRI MED LHUN PO — (1352‑?)  A gter ston.  =Rnam par snang mdzad 'od.  BD of T&TB III 556.  Gter ma in 87 XXXV.  217 447.3 ff.  Bio. in 210 245.6 ff.  6th rab byung383 219.5.  Thuken 377.

DRI GTSANG ZHAGS PA — A gzhi bdag.  See Tucci, Lhasa 64.

DRI ZA'I DBYANGS CAN — Das 413 no. 58.

DRI ZA MO — Gāndhārī, mother of the Kauravas.  Roesler in Facets 164.

Rgyal po DRI SE LAG RING — 206 566.3.

A nu DRI HOS PA — E. Sperling, Dissertation 173.

Mtsho sna DRIL CHUNG — BA 439.

DRIL BU SGRA — Das 655.

DRIL BU PA — 27 67.  Ghaṇṭāpāda.  The Sa skya follow his Bde mchog tradition.  Pictured in 128 24A, 324, 420.  Subject of a magnificently painted thangka in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 7.

DRIL BU'I BRAG — KB 130.2.

DRIL BU RI — A holy mt. near Guru Ghantal in Lahul.  B in L 26, 34, etc.  For a guidebook, see Raghu Vira catalog, "TIB.1397," a 12-fol. xylograph.

DRIL BU LUGS — Lineage.  224 VIII 345 ff.  5‑deity Cakrasamvara.  349 XI, XXV.

Thar bon DRU SKYOL — Bellezza, L&T 51, 54, noting the spelling Thar bon Grub skyol in the Gling grags history.

DRU GU — Turks.  Stein, 39, 57.  For discussion, see 82 83‑84.  OTA 675, 676, 686, 689.  Emmerick.  See F.W. Cleaves, "Daruga and Gerege," HJAS 16 (June 1953) 237-259.  See under Gru gu.

DRU GU — See (— —) Bu zan Yul.  (— —) Ring bsrel.

DRU GU MO — Wife of Bre sya Stu lag.  Emmerick.

DRU BĀ NA — A creator god believed in by the Par sig (Persians).  See Kuijp, "The Earliest Indian Reference to Muslims," in IIJ (2006) 184.  The Persian word for 'grape' is druvan. But perhaps it is Zurvan that is intended? (That's what Leonard van der Kuijp already said in the above-mentioned paper, at p. 190.)

DRUG CU MA — Gtor ma rite.  SBTD I 399.

DRUG SDE — Skt. ṣaḍvargiya.  The six monks (and their groups) who rebelled against the disciplines and in doing so caused great headaches to the original monastic order.  See Encyclopaedia of Buddhism, vol. 4, pp. 110‑111.  Liu Cuilan, Noble or Evil: The ṣaḍvargiya Monks Reconsidered, AOH 66 no 2 (2013) 179‑195.

Klu DRUG PO ZLA SKYONG — 124 458.5.

DRUG ZUR 'BRUG MO RDZONG — Had woodblocks for the Bon canon.  253 II 635.4.

DRUNG CHEN PA — BA 411.  17 II 465.1.

DRUNG CHOS — See (— —) Rdo rje rtogs ldan.

DRUNG CHOS LDAN PA — Also called Drung pa Rdo rje.  Cuevas, Hidden History 124.

DRUNG RDOR BA — Father of (Nang so) Rin chen bzang po (q.v.).  A teacher of Kun dga' dpal 'byor (1428‑1476).  57 preface.

DRUNG PA — See (— —) Si tu Rin po che.

DRUNG PA RGYAL TSHAB PA — See (— — — — — —) Blo bzang brtson 'grus rgyal mtshan.

DRUNG PA RTA PHUG PA — See (— — — — —) Blo bzang dam chos rgyal mtshan.

DRUNG PA RIN PO CHE — Appears in inscriptions for images erected in honor of his death anniversary.  Vernier, Uncommon.  The inscriptions actually seem to read Drung ba Rin po che.

DRUNG PA RU PA — (?)  Author of a Gcod work.  36 IX 472‑500.

DRUNG PA LEGS SPYAD DPAL BZANG PO — See (Drung pa) Legs spyad dpal bzang po.

DRUNG PA LHA — A valley in Gtsang which turns W from the Rgyal rtse to Gshis ka rtse road.

DRUNG MU — As frequently used in Zhang zhung names, this is equiv. to G.yung drung.  Haarh.

Lcang lung pa DRUNG MU — Author (?) of text in 259 387‑415.

Wer zhi DRUNG MU — Author of works in 256 473‑492; 313 I 487‑503.

DRUNG MU KHRI RTSE — N. of ancient Bon temple.  253 II 566.

DRUNG MU GCOD CHEN — Bon texts in 265.

Sgo btsun DRUNG MU NYI WER — Author of work in 286 II 447‑460.  Also, 427.

DRUNG MU THOGS MED RTSAL — See Tshe dbang bde chen snying po.

Dge bshes DRUNG MU RNAM RGYAL — Work in 292 I 337‑350.

DRUNG MU'I MING CAN — The one with the name Drung mu.  "Rgod rje'i rus 'thob."  Author's penname for a work in 418.

DRUNG MI TSA LBER — The name is spelled in the catalog as "drung mi tsa lber."  Author of Sman gyi Ngos 'dzin Kun gsal Nyi ma'i dbang po, Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Beijing 2008), in 403 pages.  The lber syllable could very well be read as wer.

Sman ri'i Sku mdun DRUNG MU WER ZHI — Work in 263 69‑70.  280 II 15‑19.  302 I 173‑205, etc; II 581‑613.  303 171‑190, etc.  Most likely identical to Phywa btsun; see following.

Phywa btsun DRUNG MU WER ZHI — (17th cent.)  =(Phywa ston) G.yung drung rgyal mtshan.  Work in 269 147‑156; 283 155‑195; 302 I 477‑484.  Became abbot of Sman ri Mon. in 1662.  Kværne no. 158.

DRUNG MU HA RA — Author of Snyan rgyud work in 260 411‑420.  283 83‑89.  265.  Karmay, Treasury 174.  253 II 234.1, 358.3, 431.1 ff. A bio. is found in Katen (300+ vol. version), vol. 203.

DRUNG YIG — See (— —) Blo gros nor ldan. 

DRUNG YIG — Drung yig usually means 'secretary'.  It could also be a family name (secondarily).

DRUNG YIG CHEN MO — A spirit.  Beyer 297.

Dpon DRUNG G.YUNG PA — 208 I 227.3.

DRUNG RAM RGYA SPRUL RIN PO CHE — 346 149.5.  There is mention of a Drung ram Dgon in 415 XI 123.6.

DRUNG RAMS PA BSOD NAMS — Teacher of Ye shes rgyal mtshan (b. 1713) at Bkra shis lhun po.  40 5.

Nyang ro DRUM GYI STAG TSHAL — 253 II 573.4.

DRE 'THUNG — See Mtsho mo Dre 'thung.

DRE NA JO SRAS — BA 985.  ='Dreng Jo sras.

Srid pa'i rgyal mo DRE'U NAG MO — Bon deity.  Bskang rite in 313 II 65‑88.  489 475 ff, 569 ff.  Also, Dre'u dmar mo can.  Mngon rtogs in 259313 II 111 ff.

Srid rgyal DRE'U DMAR MO — 286 II 65‑80.

DRE'U RAB — Monastery.  Jinpa, Mind Training 316.

DRE'U LHAS — A mon. in Gnyal where the incarnations of 'Brug smyon (q.v.) resided up until 1959.

DRE'U LHAS — See (— —) Ngag dbang dge legs rgya mtsho.

Gnyal DRE'U SLES —  =Dre'u lhas.  Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang with about 140 monks.

DRE'U LHAS GRUB DBANG — See (— — — —) Kun dga' mi 'gyur rdo rje.

DRE'U LHAS BLA BRANG — Site of a printery.  162 210.

DREGS 'DUL DRAG PO GNAM LCAGS 'KHOR LO — Gter ma of Thugs mchog rdo rje (q.v.).

Phyag rdor DREGS PA KUN 'DUL — In 87 XLV.



Bram ze'i Bu mo DREGS MA — Thondup,  EL 129.

Bdud bon DRENG NAG CHU LCAGS — Bellezza, L&T 51.

Srid rgyal DREL NAG MO — Bon deity.  Sādhana in 286 I 265‑294.

DRO TIR — In Khotanese, drrūttīrai.  H.W. Bailey, Altun Khan, BSOAS 30 (1967) 95‑104, at p. 100.

DRO MDA' — BA 1087.

DRO MO MJA' — Nunnery.  Emmerick.

DRO SHOD —  =Gro shod, q.v.  Wylie 124 n. 83.

Snye nam DROD PHUG — Where Mi la ras pa granted to Ras chung pa the Mkha' 'gro Snyan brgyud precepts.  17 II 504.

DHA GU LI — Or, Dha gu khri pa, or, Dha ku li.  Tib.: Rtswa thogs mkhan.  Bio. in 120 169‑171.  Mahāsiddha.  He was making grass ropes and one day got a bad blister.  His guru came, etc.

Yul DHANYDZU RA — 120 106.15.  BD of T&TB I 692.

DHA NA KO SHA'I GLING — In O rgyan.  132 41.4.  Descending place of Atiyoga teachings.  211 36.1.  397 III 479.5.

DHA NA KO SA — 87 I 287.6.

DHA NA TĀ LA — In E India, acc. to 211 45.3.

DHA NA TI LO PA — N. of Tilopa when he was king.  24 I 60.3.

DHA NA DĀ LA — Son of Zla ba 'od.  Bio. in 413 142.6 ff.

DHA NA BA — A vihāra at Nalanda.  Chag xx.

Slob dpon DHA NA MI TRA — Kashmiri.  BD of T&TB I 567.

Tshong dpon DHA NA RAKṢHI TA — BD of T&TB I 366.

Sing gha la yi Rgyal po DHA NA SHRĪ — P.n.  KTDN 115.3.

DHA NA SHRĪ — Pl.n.  Dhanaśrī.  Nihar‑Ranjan Ray, Sanskrit Buddhism in Burma (Amsterdam 1936), p. 86, identifies it with Tennasserim.  The latter is the narrow peninsula that forms the southernmost part of Burma.  N. of a 'far island'.  BD of T&TB I 926.

DHA NA SHRĪ MI TRA — Disc. of Atiśa.  17 II 282.3.

Slob dpon DHA NA SAM SKRI TA — 87 I 20.1.  (Rig 'dzin) Dha na sam pictured in 128 66, and 320 IX 3, XXX 511.4.  17 IV 495.3.

DHA NA SU RI — BD of T&TB I 201.

Slob dpon DHA NU SKRI TA — 87 I 252.1.

Shrī DHA N.YA KA TA KA — 17A VII pt. 1, p. 7B.5.

Rnal 'byor ma DHA PA SI — 115 64.3.

'Ban DHA PHUG PA — Disc. of Phag mo gru pa.  BA 563.  57 IIB 356.3.


DHA MA ṆA — See Kālacakra Studies 66‑67.

Gu ru DHA MA PA — Tib.: Thos pa'i shes rab, or, Sgra sbyor zhabs.  Mahāsiddha.  Bio. in 120 102.3 ff.  His problem was forgetfulness.  He was taught to melt all he heard into the realm of citta just as a smith joins the grains of metal.  BD of T&TB I 464, 688.

Rba Bandhe DHA RA SHRI — Author of a bio. of Zhang Lo tsā ba in 74 I 176‑186.  His bio. by (Rba) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan in 74 I 187‑196.  =Rnga ra shri ri (q.v.).  =(Sba'i Sngags 'chang) Dha ra shrī Rnying ma ba (q.v.).  Teachings granted him by Zhang Lo tsā ba in 74 II 499‑516, 453‑466.

Sba'i Sngags 'chang DHA RA SHRĪ RNYING MA BA — Disc. of (Zhang Lo) Phur pa skyabs.  17 II 509.  =Rnga ra shri ri (q.v.).  =(Rba Bandhe) Dha ra shri (q.v.).

Lha btsun DHA RI — LGCM 617.2.

DHA RI KA PA — Teacher of Ti lo pa.  See Dā ri ka pa.  17 II 233.  57 II 342.3.  Successor of Lu yi pa in Phyag chen transmission.  He was king of Dza lan dha ra when he met Lu yi pa.  24 I 47.5 ff.  Lu yi pa made him become the servant of a prostitute in order to overcome his royal arrogance.  Picture of him in royal garments in 128 35.  BD of T&TB I 754‑757.

DHA RI THA — A gling phran between Jambudvīpa and Ba glang spyod.  356 49.1.

DHA RI MA — N. of the prostitute (smad tshong ma) to whom Tilopa went to be a servant on orders of La ba pa.  24 I 90.3.

Bi dza ya DHARMA — Khotan king.  Emmerick.

DHARMĀ — Mother of Khotan king.  Emmerick.

DHARMA KA YA — King of O rgyan.  BD of T&TB I 307.

DHARMA KA RA — BD of T&TB I 812, 903.

DHARMA KĪ RTI — A 14th cent. imperial envoy.  Kuijp in TH&L 309.

DHARMA KĪ RTIS — Mon.  Emmerick.

Sngags 'chang DHARMA KIRTI — On the Indian tantrika by this name who visited Tibet, see 17 II 326.1.  Hoffmann, Religions 71.  Mahāsiddha, pictured in 128 39.  BD of T&TB I 541.

Yo ga'i Slob dpon DHARMA KIRTI — He did a consecration at Bsam yas.  Invited in time of Khri srong.  Mtshan tho no. 10.

DHARMA KE TU — 219 78.1.

DHARMA KO SHA — Student translator (mchan bu) under Thon mi Sambho ta.  17 II 318.5.  Mtshan tho no. 2.  MKB 437.


Lho pa DHARMA SKYABS — HS V contains a history authored by him.  He is mentioned in BA 1004.

DHARMA GANYDZA — See under Chos mdzod.

DHARMA TA LA — See (— — — —) Dam chos rgya mtsho.

DHARMA TĀ SHĪ LA — 17 II 331.2.

Ston pa DHARMA DHĀ TU — Teacher of Gter bdag gling pa.  458 I 328.3.

DHARMA DHWA DZA — (1351‑1396)  Sa skya.  Dhongthog 68.

DHARMA DHA RA — N. given to Klu sgrub by his parents.  24 I 53.5.

DHARMĀ NAN DA — Khotanese.  Emmerick.

DHARMA PA — Mahāsiddha.  Tib.: Chos kyi zhabs, or, Chos pa.  He was a pundit who liked to talk and not practice.  He went blind and decided to find a guru.  A Ḍākinī appeared to him and initiated him.  Bio. in 120 127.13 ff.

DHARMA PĀ LA — King of Magadha.  87 I 253.2.  King of Assam in the 12th cent.  Kakati viii.  Patron of 'Jam dpal bshes gnyen.  BD of T&TB I 379.  Son of De ba pā la.  BD of T&TB I 539, 556, 933.

DHARMA PĀ LA — Tib. tr. of the name is Chos skyong.  Teacher in E India in time of Ye shes 'od.  17 II 349.3, 352.3, 353.3.  He founded the Stod 'dul lineage in western Tibet.  Acc. to Mtshan tho no. 29, some say he was a Kashmiri, but it is made clear in the responsa text (dris lan) of Mkhan chen Ngag dbang grags pa that he was an East Indian.

Shrī DHARMA PĀ LA —  =(Dpal ldan) Chos skyong.  Teacher of Bi rū pa.  BD of T&TB I 326.

Bdag nyid chen po DHARMA PA LA RAKṢHI TA — (b. 1268)  Sa skya.  Dhongthog 68.

DHARMA BA LA — Emmerick.

DHARMA BO DHI — Indian contemp. of Milarepa.  4 173A.1.  For a chapter on Milarepa's meeting with him in Nepal, see 4 172B.5‑176A.3.

DHARMA BO DHI — Disc. of Milarepa.  4 XXV p. 172B ff.

'Dzeng DHARMA BO DHI — (1052‑1168)  BD of T&TB III 261.  For his personal discs., see BA 186‑187.  His lo rgyus in 194 XII.  Achard, L'Essence 30, 40.  Matthew Kapstein, The Strange Death of Pema the Demon Tamer, in M.K., ed., The Presence of Light (Chicago 2004), pp. 119‑156, at p. 142.

Lha lcam DHARMA BO DHI — Dharmabodhī.  Indian princess.  87 I 93.6.

Dngul chu DHARMA BHA DRA — (1712‑1791)  Also, (Thams cad mkhyen pa), (Dngul chu ba).  B. in Water Dragon year of 12th rab byung (the 9th day of 9th month).  BD of T&TB VI 87.  Works listed in SBTD I 376, where his dates are given as 1772‑1851 (same dates given in Dhongthog 69).  Said to be a teacher of Sangs rgyas bstan 'phel (1817‑1884).  His collected works described in 162 233.5.  For a lexical work, see DD 719.  Pictured in 128 456.  CHMO 15 30.

Gnas mdo Dge bshes DHARMA BHA DRA — 239 XXV contents.

DHARMA MA TI — Dharmamati.  17 II 285.3.  BD of T&TB I 783.

DHARMA MI TRA — Dharmamitra.  Abbot of Nalendra.  BD of T&TB I 325.  Bhaṃ ga lar Paṇḍi ta Dharma mi tra.  BD of T&TB I 810.

Chos skyong ba'i Rgyal po DHARMA TSA KRA — A Dharma protecting king, Dharmacakra. 87 I 94.5, 95.1.  DTK5 72.

Rgyal po DHARMA TSANDRA — King Dharmacandra.  BD of T&TB I 539.

DHARMA RAKSHI TA — Teacher of Atiśa.  17 II 282.2.

Nyang DHARMA RĀ DZA — LGCM 647.5.  Achard, L'Essence 81.

DHARMA SHĀ NTI GHO ṢHA — See Chos kyi zhi ba'i dbyings.

DHARMA SHI LA — Dharmaśīla.  BD of T&TB I 565.

DHARMA SHRĪ — Dharmaśrī.  Indian pundit.  BD of T&TB I 565.

Dge bshes Chu mig pa Bla ma DHARMA SHRĪ — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0453.

Smin gling Lo chen DHARMA SHRI — (1654‑1717)  Also, (Kun gzigs Lo chen).  Younger brother of O rgyan Gter bdag gling pa.  Co‑founder of Smin grol gling Mon.  Killed in Dzungar invasion.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 327.  Zhi byed work in 36 IX 39‑296.  See 103.  Collected works in 20 vols, publ. 1975 (see 242).  Works in 194 and 36 I.  Autobio. in 242 III 63‑115.  Pictured in 320 XXIII 3.

Following are notes from 242 III 63‑115, his autobiography composed in his 60th year (a Water Snake).  68.5.  Father and mother, fifth of 7 children (5 sons and 2 daughters).  69.1.  B. in Wood Horse at Tantric mon. Dar rgyas chos gling.  Named Legs pa don 'grub.  70.1.  Given n. Padma phrin las rgyal mtshan.  70.4.  Given n. O rgyan grags pa bzang po.  70.5.  Age 9 (Water Tiger), his father died and his older brother Gter bdag gling pa raises him like a father.  71.6.  Age 13.  72.1.  Named Bstan 'dzin 'jam dbyangs dbang po.  72.2.  Age 15, his brother received Ti shrī title from the Great Fifth.  72.3.  He receives ordination from Great Fifth and the name Ngag dbang chos dpal.  72.4.  Age 20, asks for complete ordination.  72.6.  Age 27 (Iron Monkey) becomes full Dge slong.  78.3.  Age 17, Smin grol gling reopened.  84.3.  Receives Bka' ma teachings.  85.1.  Gter ma teachings.  85.4.  "De thams cad kyi rtsa bar gyur pa Rnying ma Rgyud 'bum gyi lung yongs rdzogs."  88.3.  Zur Lugs of Guhyagarbha.  89.4.  Refers to his Thob yig.  107.4.  Composed Guhyagarbha comms., etc.

DHARMA SHRĪ BHA DRA — Dharmaśrībhadra.  [1] An Indian pundit who worked with Lo chen Rin chen bzang po & Shākya blo gros on the Spyod 'jug translation.  Mtshan tho no. 34.  [2] Zhwa lu Lo tsā ba Chos skyong bzang po sometimes signed his name this way in colophons.

DHARMA SWA MI — Nickname of (Zur mkhar) Mnyam nyid rdo rje.  Also, nickname of Chag Lo tsā ba.

Bal po DHARMĀ SA HU — A Newar disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 65.5, 122.2, 141.5, 190.6.

Slob dpon DHARMA SIDDHI — 124 466.3.

DHARMA SENG GE — (1177‑1237)  TS5 605.

Khams smyon DHARMA SENG GE — For his Nyams mgur Chu Zla'i Gar 'Phreng, see 60.  Poem of his translated in Gesar (Summer 1978) 12.  Author of Zhi byed Chos 'byung in 124 411‑597.  Compiler of bio. of Vairocana entitled 'Dra 'bag Chen mo, he was a guru of the Bstan rgyas gling regent at the end of the last century.  132 preface.  Made no difference between Bon and Chos.  253 II 464.4.  His G.yu thog Snying thig Bla sgrub kyi Drag po'i Sbyin sreg publ. 1973.  His Rlabs chen Rgyal ba'i Spyod pa las Sman Sgrub Drang srong Dgongs pa'i Rgyan, publ. 1973 (70 pp.).  =(Karma) 'Jigs med chos kyi seng ge.

Tshal pa DHARMA BSOD NAMS — Heller, Hidden 25.

DHARMA A SHE KA —  =Dharma a sho ka?  87 I 93.6.  BD of T&TB I 300.  King of O rgyan.

DHARME SHWA RA — Son of Yu mo.  17 II 415.1.  BA 768.  Bu ston, Works IV 64.  See The Dalai Lama, The World of Tibetan Buddhism, tr. by Geshe Thupten Jinpa, Wisdom Publications (Boston 1995), p. 44, where he is credited with a view emphasizing the objective substantiality of ultimate truth.

DHA LI PA — BD of T&TB I 728‑729.

O rgyan Mkhan po DHA HI KA — Pictured in 320 V 2.

Mkhan po DHA HU NA — Also called Khyi'i Rgyal po Phyi ma.  132 58.1 ff, 111.6, 112.6, 120.4.  Dha ha na in BD of T&TB I 728.

DHA HU LA —  =Dha hu li pa.  BD of T&TB I 741.

Rgyal po DHA HE NA TA LO — 132 41.4, 47.6, 48.2 ff.  Pictured in 320 V 601.  BD of T&TB I 305.

DHA HE NA'I 'DU KHANG — 132 84.1.  Dha he na ta lo'i 'Du khang.  132 85.1, 109.3, 109.5, 110.1, 110.5, 115.2, 120.1.

DHAS NU YON — A Mongol.  208 I 237.2.

DHI LNGA — The Five Di Kings (of China).  Thuken 335.

DHĪ TI KA — Disc. of Gautama.  Pictured in 128 36, 38.

DHI DHI KA — 413 73.4.

DHI PHU CHOS RJE — See (— — — —) Ngag dbang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan.

DHI RI SHRĪ DZNYĀ NA — Dhītiśrījñāna.  Disc. of Mai tri pa.  BA 843.

DHI LI PA — Mahāsiddha.  Tib.: Mar nag 'tshong pa'i zhabs.  Bio. in 120 156‑157.  An oil seller who became very rich.  His guru was Bha ha na.

Byang phyogs DHING KO ṬA — KB 130.2.

DHU KHANDHI PA — Mahāsiddha.  Tib.: Gnyis gcig tu byed pa.  "Legs sbyar la De banṭa ste /  gnyis gcod zhabs."  120 79‑81.  BD of T&TB I 668‑669.

DHU MA TA LA — BA 701.  Dho ma tha la.  115 54.7, 55.5, 56.3, 60.1 ff. 62.2, 75.3.  Central city of O rgyan.  17 XX 286.5.  LPNT VII 92.  The name would seem to mean 'smoking reed' or 'smoking palmtree'.

DHU MA PA — BD of T&TB I 464.

DHU MU KHU — A stone kṣetrapāla.  115 65.3.

DHUN DHU MĀ RĀ — Das 413 no. 50.

DHE NA PUR — Dinajpur.  Aris, Discourse 29.

DHE PHAR MUL — 115 70.2.

Bal po DHE WA LHA DGA' — An artist.  28 16.

DHE LI PA — BD of T&TB I 728‑729.

DHO KA RI PA — Mahāsiddha.  Tib.: Snod khur, or, Rdza snod zhabs.  A potter.  Bio. in 120 129.1.  BD of T&TB I 702‑703.

Yul DHO KAR — 120 169.14.

DHO KI RI — A grong khyer120.

DHO KU RA — Area in NW India.  115 51.6.

DHO BI PA — Mahāsiddha.  He worked as a laundryman.  Tib.: Gos 'khrud zhabs.  Bio. in 120 83‑85.

DHO HAR MUL — 115 69.6.

GDANG DGON GSAR — Vai.Ser. 178.

GDANGS CAN — In avadāna.  TPS 477.

Blon po GDANGS CAN — Minister who invited the Buddha to Kaushambi.  Dung dkar 96.

GDAN GCIG PA —  =Stan gcig pa.  See discussion in Kuijp in JAOS (1994) 606.

Se ba GDAN 'DID — Sa bdag.  Vai.Kar. II 266.

Bcom ldan 'das GDAN BZHI — Or, Rdo rje gdan bzhi.  For works on same, see 90 III 295‑555.  17 II 350.1.  4 212B.2 ff.  349 XV.  Outline of the text by Hartzell,  Dissert. 367 ff.  The 'Four Seats' of the title are:  1. bdag gi gdan.  2. gzhan gyi gdan.  3. sbyor ba'i gdan.  4. gsang ba'i gdan.

GDAN YIG — A genre, literal meaning 'cushion document'.  TS7 I 189.  It fixes seating orders for government officials.

GDAN SA MTHIL — Also, Gdan sa thel.  Also called Ngoms shod Phag mo gru Kun tu bzang po'i Nags khrod.  Headquarters of Phag mo gru pa sect.  T.H. 54.  In Csoma, Tibetan Grammar, p. 185, says f. in 1156.  JTL&CT 227, 298‑299.  F. in 1158 by Phag gru.  Tucci, Lhasa 127. The tombs of the Phag mo gru pa rulers (at Rtses thang) were located there.  BA 338, 561, 563, 564, 570, 571, 582, 583‑588, 592‑593, 643, 649, 687, 717, 752, 787, 802.  For Thang stong's visit, see 5 120.  115 145.1 ff.  It is located north, and a bit to the east of Tsetang, on the opposite side of the Brahmaputra.  It is famous for preserving the 'hut' (spyil pu) of Phag mo gru pa.  A highly ornamented tomb mchod rten of the Rtses thang princes is illustrated in Mele, Tibet, pp. 60‑62.  A piece of the same was offered for sale in the Christi's, New York, Indian & Southeast Asian Art (Wednesday 22 March 2000) catalogue (cover illustration) for 150,000‑200,000 US dollars.  According to Gyurme Dorje's guidebook (p. 282‑3), little of its former grandeur remains.  Stag lung Gdan sa mthil gyi Lo rgyus, by Ngag dbang 'phrin las, listed in BLP no. 1022.  Gdan sa mthil gyi Dkar chag, by Legs pa'i gling, listed in BLP no. 1150.  See the photos in Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 130, for a photo of a few relics from the chortens of this monastery which still exist in situ (he says it was founded in 1158).  For a listing of abbots, see Thuken 127.  Jackson, Patron 89.  Most recent monumental study of these monuments is a book by Olaf Czaja.

GDAN SA PA — See (— — —) Dbang gi rgyal po.

Rnal 'byor gyi Dbang phyug GDAN SA PA — Lama of Dbu mdzad pa.  115 128.5, 129.1.

Yang ston GDAN SA BA — Bonpo.  Bio. in 206 581.1 ff.  Ya ngal Gdan sa ba.  206 587.4, etc.


GDAN SA GSUM — Also, Gdan gsum.  [1] Refers to 3 larger monasteries of the Dge lugs pa: 'Bras spungs, Se ra and Dga' ldan.  Goldstein 583.  [2] May refer to 3 larger monasteries of Bonpo: Sman ri, G.yung drung gling, and Mkhar sna.  253 II 2 ff.

GDAMS NGAG SNA TSHOGS 'KHOR LO — Tantra in 320 IV 123‑152.

Bka' gdams GDAMS NGAG PA — Branch of Bka' gdams pa.  See lineage in 165 I contents.  Dung dkar 166.

GDAMS NGAG 'BOGS PA'I RGYAL PO — TS7 I 67.  Sum pa Mkhan po, and Gung thang Dkar chag both cite this as a source of a prophecy about Bla ma Zhang.

GDA' PHU'I RI KHROD — 253 I 631.2.

GDAR — See Sgam po gdar.

GDAR 'BUM — See (— —) Rgyal ba 'od zer.

GDU BU PA — See Kaṃ ka na.

GDUG — KTDN 66.4.

GDUG PA'I KLU — Made a protector by Padmasambhava.  247 I 285 ff.


GDUGS DKAR PO CAN — Maṇḍala illus. in Po ta la (1996) 152.  Image illus. in Precious Deposits III 274.

GDUGS DKAR MO CAN — Text, see 225 X.  Bya rgyud.  349 I 409‑586.  SBTD I 72. 'Phags pa De bzhin gshegs pa'i Gtsug tor nas Byung ba'i Gdugs dkar mo can Gzhan gyis Mi Thub pa Phyir zlog pa Chen po Mchog tu Grub pa, publ. at Rumtek (Rum btegs) in 1972.

Srid Zhi'i Gdung ba Kun Skyob GDUGS DAM PA — Lost ref.


GDUNG KHAR — ?  5 166.6.

GDUNG BRGYUD RGYAL PO DRUG — Six great hereditary lineages of Bon:  Bru, Zhu, Gshen, Spa, Rme'u, Khyung.  253 II 585.5 ff.  Also, Gdung brgyud Che Drug.  See chapter in 253 II 245 ff.

Rin po che GDUNG BRGYUD PA — See (— — —) Tshul khrims shes rab 'od zer.

GDUNG GNYIS — A large village in Garhwal.  79 76 no. 24.

GDUNG RTEN DKAR CHAGS — Catalog of the contents of a monument built for Jebtsun Dampa iv.  SBTD I 150.

GDUNG DRUG — In KTDN 65.6, 66.1.

GDUNG PHUD CHOS 'KHOR — Dumbuichokor.  A Sa skya mon.  JTL&CT 289.  Tucci, Lhasa 148‑9.  Near Gtsang po W of Rnam rab.  Ferrari 134.  See von Schroeder's bronzes book, vol. 2, p. 1080, which has an image of its 15th cent. founder Shel grong Paṇ chen Blo gros chos kyi khyu mchog.

GDUNG BYED MA — Epithet of Yamunā.  Das 418.

GDUNG SRAS RIN PO CHE — See under 'Brug chen Gdung sras.

GDUNG BSAM RGYA DRUNG — Aris, Discourse 8.

GDUNG BSAM PA — Aris, Discourse 8.

Chos rje GDUM — BA 563.  See (Chos rje) Gtum.

GDENGS BZHI — Secret Rdzogs chen teaching.  413 524.1.

GDONG KAM — Leader of Brag g.yab.  23 33.

Brag g.yab GDONG KAṂ KHRI CHEN — See (— —) (— — — —) Ngag dbang dam chos rgya mtsho.


Brag g.yab GDONG KOM SPRUL SKU — See (— —) (— — — —) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan.

GDONG KHAR — In Gtsang.  39 5.

GDONG KHAR 'TSHO BYED — N. of (Sog bzlog pa) Blo gros rgyal mtshan (q.v.).

GDONG MKHAR — In Gtsang.  208 introduction.

GDONG DGA' — A family in La stod.  See 23 15.

GDONG DGON CHOS 'KHOR GLING — Sa skya mon.  397 XXIII 242.4.

GDONG THOG RIN PO CHE — Modern author of Dhongthog.  Author of 62.

GDONG DRUG — Six-faced form of Yamāri.  349 IX 1‑124.

GDONG DRUG GRUB PA'I RDO RJE — See =(Gu ge Yongs 'dzin) Blo bzang bstan 'dzin.


GDONG NAG MA — Bon protector.  Bskang rite in 313 II 199‑205.

Jo bo GDONG NAG PA — A sa bdagBD of T&TB X 93.18.

Dol gyi GDONG SNA — Village in Dol.  Das 646.  BA 627.

GDONG PU RI — A desert under Tibetan administration in the N.  443 I 35.

GDONG SPEL 'KHOR LO DGON — Bon mon. in Amdo.  About 30 monks.  253 II 636.6.

GDONG SPRAD — A smaller Ngor pa mon. in Khri 'du.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 98.

GDONG SPRUL — N. of Sa skya lineage.  See (— — ii) Rin chen bsod nams chos 'phel.  (— — iv) Kun dga' 'chi med dbang po.

Spu rangs GDONG DMAR — 115 42.4.  Prob. same as (Spu rangs) Rdo dmar.  This may mean "Tibetan Spu rang" to distinguish from the Spu rangs which was part of Zhang zhung (??).  See Kuijp, Rivers 323.

Gnod sbyin GDONG DMAR MA — She was mother of the bloody egg from which the Btsan spirits hatched.  She was daughter of Zla ba Thod dkar.  Todd Gibson's dissertation (1991) 202.

GDONG DMAR YUL — N. of Tibet, 'Country of Red Faces'.  See  Stein in McKay, History of Tibet I 563.  Term probably had its literary source in the Vimalaprabhāvyakaraṇa.  See Kuijp, Some Remarks 161 ff.

GDONG BTSUN — See (— —) Padma rang grol 'od gsal gzi brjid rtsal.

GDONG ZHUR — Stearns, King 169.

Cung GDONG ZHUR GYI RI — 5 269.5, 271.3.

Rgya mtshams GDONG ZAM KHA BA — See (— —) (— — — —) Nyi ma 'od zer.


GDONG RI DGON — Bon mon. in Amdo.  50 monks.  253 II 637.5.

Gnod sbyin GDONG GSUM PA'I RGYUD — 320 XXII 242‑264.

GDOD MA'I MGON — N. of Samantabhadra.  Pictured in 128 660.

GDON BON — Clemente in TS6 127.

GDOL BA NAG PO — Nāga king.  Zlos gar 26.

BDAG CHEN — Title of the eldest male offspring of the Sa skya hierarchs who, unlike his siblings, was supposed to marry.  See 84 230.  Wylie 133 n. 162.

Smad tshong ma BDAG NYID — Or, (Dge slong ma) Bdag nyid ma.  132 56.5 ff, 110.1, 121.2.


BDAG PO DPAL — Aka Dpal ldan rnam rgyal.  Nephew of Gshen Bsod rgyal dpal bzang.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 443.

BDAG PO SPRUL SKU — (ca. 1686)  458 I 288.5.

BDAG PO RAB BRTAN PA — ?  5 172.2.

BDAG MED RDO RJE — Son of Gser sdings pa and also Guhyasamāja teacher of Bu ston.  BA 421 ff.  Also named Chos kyi 'od zer and Chos sku 'od zer.

BDAG MED MA — [1] Consort of the deity Hevajra.  For texts on same, see 90 II 195 ff.  Beyer 81.  349 XIX.  [2] Wife of Mar pa.

Yab bla BDAL DRUG — Karmay, Confucius 576‑577.  See Bellezza, L&T 47, with a long discussion and many references to the literature.  Huber in FBTB 285.

Nub tu BDUD KYI KHRAM MDOS — Text in 300 III 521‑543.


BDUD KYI RGYAL PO — Sa bdagVai.Kar. II 277.

BDUD 'JOMS — See (— —) 'Jigs bral ye shes rdo rje.

Rgya BDUD 'JOMS — Vitali in TS9 I 89.

Gter chen BDUD 'JOMS GLING PA — (1835‑1904)  Rnying ma.  Dhongthog 65.  Author of Phur pa Bdud 'joms Gnam lcags Spu gri'i Chos skor in 2 vols.  Autobiography, 372Khros ma'i Sgrub Skor in 2 vols. publ. in Kalimpong, 1979.  Dag snang Ye shes Drwa ba las Gnas lugs Rang byung gi Rgyud Rdo rje'i Snying po,  publ. in Thimphu, 1978.  Collected Gter ma in 20 vols, publ. Kalimpong 1978‑1979.  Rare Rdzogs chen Instructions from the Revelations of Bdud 'joms gling pa, publ. in Thimphu in 1978.  Dudjom Lingpa, Buddhahood without Meditation: A Visionary Account Known as Refining Apparent Phenomena (Nang jang), Padma Publications (Junction City 1994), tr. of text title ending with the phrase ma bsgom sangs rgyas; acc. to this publication he died in 1904.  See Gter ston Bdud 'joms gling pa dang Rigs sras Dri med 'od zer / Rdzong gter Kun bzang nyi ma bcas kyi Rnam thar Phyogs gcig tu Bsgrigs pa Dad Gsum Gser gyi Snye ma, ed. by Padma 'od gsal, Si khron Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Chengdu 2000), 188 pp.  Responsible for bios. of Padmasambhava listed in BLP no. 0338.

BDUD 'JOMS RDO RJE — Title of Zhabs drung Ngag dbang rnam rgyal (q.v.).

Rig 'dzin Legs ldan BDUD 'JOMS RDO RJE — Also, (Rgod ldem ii)  Wearing hat of Padmasambhava in picture in 128 570.  Younger brother of Mnga' ris Paṇ chen.  370 preface.

Rig 'dzin BDUD 'JOMS RDO RJE — Depicted, with identifying inscription, in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 76.  He is with a set of 4 teachers of Padmasambhava.

Rig 'dzin BDUD 'JOMS RDO RJE ROL PA RTSAL — Rig 'dzin Bdud 'joms rdo rje rol pa rtsal gyi Rnam thar, Mtsho sngon Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Lhasa 1991).

BDUD 'JOMS NAM MKHA'I RDO RJE — Alias of (Ri bo che Rje drung) 'Phrin las byams pa'i 'byung gnas (q.v.).


Rgya nag Sprul sku BDUD 'DUL — Author of Thang sen Bla ma'i Rnam thar, listed in BLP no. 1079.

Slob dpon BDUD 'DUL — Father of Rgod ldem.  370 preface.

Nyi grags pa Ka yog Sngags pa BDUD 'DUL — 363 118.1.

Mnga' bdag BDUD 'DUL — (in 13th cent.)  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 128.

Rngog BDUD 'DUL — Autobio. listed in BLP no. 0665.

Khro lung BDUD 'DUL GRAGS — Teacher of Zhi byed teachings to (Bzhad pa) Padma rin chen (1171‑1243).  Vitali in TS9 I 100.

Rong pa Gter ston BDUD 'DUL GLING PA — (18th cent.)  =Bdud 'dul gling pa rdo rje gro lod rtsal.  Rnying ma.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 339.  Gter ma in 87 LV.  Also excavated Bon works.  383 419.5.  Bio. in 410 144B.5.  He had the Dalai Lama vi enthroned as Vidyādhāra at Zab phu lung (Ehrhard's rev. of Sørensen's book on Dalai Lama vi, and Decleer's review article).  However, he suffered death from strangulation; he must have been executed during the period 1707‑1721 (see E. Gene Smith, "Banned Books in the Tibetan Speaking Lands").

BDUD 'DUL GLING PA — See (— — — —) Kun sgrol gsang rtsal.

BDUD 'DUL MGON PO LDE — A king of Gung thang.  For sources on this figure, see Epstein in TJ 7 no 4 (Wint 1982) 82.

BDUD 'DUL SNGAGS KYI GLING — Among 12 continents of Bon.  Das 258.

BDUD 'DUL SNGAGS PA GLING — At Bsam yas.  87 I 51.5.  Cuevas, Hidden History 207.


BDUD 'DUL DRAG MO — An excavation of (Stag sham) Nus ldan rdo rje.  12 (commentary).

BDUD 'DUL RDO RJE —  =Bdud tshogs 'dul ba'i rdo rje (q.v.??).

Rig 'dzin Chen po BDUD 'DUL RDO RJE — Alias, Kun dga' bsod nams chos 'phags.  410 145A.3.  411 295B.5.

Gter chen BDUD 'DUL RDO RJE — His Gu ru'i Bka' thang Bsdus pa Dun chung Gnyis listed in BLP no. 0299.

Gter byin Grub pa'i Dbang phyug BDUD 'DUL RDO RJE — (1615‑1672)  Also, (Gter chen), (Spo bo Gter ston).  Built new convent in 1656 on site of Kaḥ thog along with Klong gsal snying po.  39 6.  BD of T&TB III 815.  19th rab byung383 220.6.  Kailash VII 79.  Stein, Recherches 70.  (1615‑1675)  232 I 12.  The Padma 'od 'bar from his Dam chos Sprul sku Snying thig in 87 XII 381‑434, and also in 87 XIX.  His Gter Chos in 8 vols. publ. 1976.  His 'Jam dpal Rigs Lnga in 87 XXV.  Other gter ma in 87 XXXI, XXXVII.  Work in 87 LXXXIX.  His gter ma, and especially his prophecy texts, gained the disapproval of the Dalai Lama v (see E. Gene Smith, "Banned Books in the Tibetan Speaking Lands").  Cuevas, Hidden History 187.

Zhwa nag xiii BDUD 'DUL RDO RJE — Bio. in Dung dkar 40.  Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 130.

Rig 'dzin BDUD 'DUL RDO RJE — 'Ja' tshon snying po (1585‑1656) entrusted him with converting the tribes of the Brahmaputra gorge and opening the way to the Hidden Country of Padma bkod. 

Tsha rong BDUD 'DUL RNAM RGYAL — Dundul Namgyal Tsarong, In the Service of His Country: The Biography of Dasang Damdul Tsarong, Commander General of Tibet, Snow Lion (Ithaca 2000).

BDUD 'DUL SPRUL SKU — 253 II 611.1.

BDUD 'DUL PHUG — Cave where Gtsang smyon meditated at La phyi.  20 10.  Bdud 'dul Phug mo che.  4 12B.5, 13A.5.  In La phyi Gangs.  4 17A.2, 271B.2.  La phyi Bdud brtul Phug mo che.  377 21A.3.

Mtha' 'og BDUD 'DUL PHUG — A Gnas bshad in 226 379‑392.

Mnga' bdag BDUD 'DUL BA — Follower of Myang Ral.  210 24.2.

BDUD 'DUL MA — Ḍākinī met by Padmasambhava at Dga' ba'i tshal.  87 I 15.1.

Lha khang BDUD 'DUL MA — See TJ XXIII (1998) 112.

Hor BDUD 'DUL RAB BRTAN — 453 I 125.3.

BDUD PO TI YAG — See Tandin Dorji, The Cult of Radrap (in RET 15) 361.

BDUD DPUNG GZIL GNON GLING — In Phung po Ri bo che of Gtsang.  Sumpa, Annals 77.

BDUD PHO — Bskang works in FM 35.00, 36.00.

BDUD BON — Clemente in TS6 127.

BDUD MO STAG 'DREN — Also, Stag 'gran.  N. of aunt of Milarepa given in 4X I 9.3.  4A Lhalungpa 18.

BDUD MO DAS CHAD KYI RGYUD — Bon tantra in 258 III 519‑529.

BDUD RTSI — A division of Rnying ma tantras.  See 211 75.1.

BDUD RTSI — A n. of Gro mo che ba (12th cent.).  BD of T&TB III 384.

Zhig po BDUD RTSI — (1149‑1199)  Teacher of Jo 'bum (1123‑1174).  BD of T&TB III 333.  Disc. as well as son of Dbus pa Zhig po (1125‑1195).  BD of T&TB III 344, 363, 345, 358.  BA 132 ff.  I believe he is sometimes called Bdud rtsi zhig po, q.v.

'A ston BDUD RTSI — Also, ('Gro mgon).  Bonpo of 'A zha family.  Bios. in 253 II 88.5 ff; A tri 28.  Likely he the same as 'A zha Bdud rtsi rgyal mtshan, q.v.

Li chung BDUD RTSI — 115 113.7.  He's mentioned as founder of a calligraphy school in the colophon to the Byang khog text said to be by Tsan Ba shi la ha.  See Li Bdud rtsi grags.

BDUD RTSI 'KHYIL BA — In 87 XLVII.  N. of tantra in 320 XXVIII 486.

Khro bo BDUD RTSI 'KHYIL BA — Krodha Amṛtakuṇḍalī.  Ferrari 84.  ='Gegs mthar.  Belongs to several cycles including Guhyasamāja.  See Nebesky 320‑322.  87 I 256.6.  Sādhana in 145 IV 65D.5 ff.


Jo sras BDUD RTSI GRAGS — N. given to Kun ldan by his father.  HS LII 106.3.

Li BDUD RTSI GRAGS — See under (Li bdud) Rtsi grags (!).

Sgros ston BDUD RTSI GRAGS PA — 17 IV 465.3.

Lhun sdings pa BDUD RTSI 'GYUR MED — DD 715.

BDUD RTSI RGYA MTSHO 'KHYIL BA — Tantra in 320 VI 53‑119.

'A zha BDUD RTSI RGYAL MTSHAN — (late 12th cent.)  Bio. in 342 24.6 ff.  Kailash I 47.  Comm. on Gzer mig432 1138.4.


BDUD RTSI BCUD THIGS — In title in 320 VI 254.

BDUD RTSI CHE BA'I LHA — Pictured in 320 XXVIII 567.5.

BDUD RTSI THIGS PA — Comm. on 'Jam dpal Mtshan brjod.  A Skt. ms. was sent to Sa paṇ.  Chag 102.

BDUD RTSI DIL — Evidently a Karma Bka' brgyud mon.  See 35 II 299 ff.

BDUD RTSI DRI MED KYI MAN NGAG — Text in 319 II 68‑70.


Zhwa nag xiii BDUD RTSI 'DUL BA'I RDO RJE — (1733‑1797)  11 70.  See under Bdud 'dul rdo rje.


BDUD RTSI BUM PA — Kashmiri doctor.  KB 135.2.  See =Ma ti tsi tra.  =Blo gros bkra ba.  =Aśvaghoṣa; see under Rta dbyangs.

BDUD RTSI BUM PA'I RGYUD — Bon tantra in 258 III 439‑452.

BDUD RTSI 'BYUNG BA'I GTSUG LAG KHANG — Called 'habitation of 500 arhats' where Nāropa first took ordination.  17 II 251.5.  Located in the city of Dpe med.  Kuijp, TBTC 387.  There is a kind of mysterious reference to the founding of this place "mtha' kha ce'i gtsug lag khang bdud rtsi 'byung gnas" by Khri srong lde brtsan in Pritzker, Canopy 119. 145.


BDUD RTSI 'OD ZER 'KHYIL BA — Sādhana in 300 III 103‑194.

BDUD RTSI ZHIG PO — In Bon lineage.  206 566.3.  See (Zhig po) Bdud rtsi?  One of the three 'behesters' of Nyang ral's history is "bdud rtsi zhig po zhes pa'i 'khrul zhig dam pa."

BDUD RTSI ZAS — Amṛtodana.  Uncle of Gautama Buddha.  Das 1094.

BDUD RTSI 'OD — Joshi 71.

BDUD RTSI YON TAN GYI SGRUB SKOR — 4th of the Bka' brgyad.  See 87 LXV ff.  Bdud rtsi Yon tan gyi Rgyud.  320 XXVI.

BDUD RTSI RIN PO CHE — In title in 320 XXVI 2.




BDUD RTSI A MA RA YA — An important ritual cycle for Long Life.  See ZZFC 248.

BDUD GSOL MA — An aspect of Dpal ldan Lha mo.  Nebesky 24.

BDUN PHUD CHOS 'KHOR — 124 492.5.

BDUN TSHIGS — 4 294A.3, 294B.6. 


BDUN TSHIGS KYI CHO GA — See Chandra.  In title in 320 IX 36.

BDE KLONG RGYAL — See (— — —) Nya thang.

Bka' blon BDE SKYID GLING PA — 438 VII 281.5.  Shakabpa, History II 183.

BDE SKYID RGYAL PO — Name for the Kangxi Emperor (1661‑1722).  Called a "Noble student" of Rol rdor (b. 1717).  It was in his reign that the Mongol Kanjur was created.  See 443 VI 509.  Thuken 268, 375.

BDE SKYID SGROL DKAR — (b. ca. 1916)  Barlocher 719, 720.

BDE SKYID DBANG MO — The present queen of Ladakh.  TS7 II 670.


BDE SKYID TSHE RING — (modern)  Garratt in TS9 VIII 87.  N. of the mother of the Dalai Lama xiv.

BDE SKYONG RNAM RGYAL — King of Ladakh from 1720‑1740.  TS7 II 670.

BDE SKYONG DBANG MO — See Bde chen rdo rje.  See Kun bzang bde skyong dbang mo.

Rgya gar ri Rdo rje phag mo BDE SKYONG YE SHES DBANG MO — (fl. 1886‑1909)  Havnevik, Dissert. 75.

BDE KHANG PA — See (— — —) Blo bzang rab brtan.

BDE KHAMS — In Amdo.  332 II preface 3.  Schaik, M&T 62.  For spelling Bde gams in an early marginal note, see Kazushi Iwao, "On the Roll‑Type Tibetan Śatasāhasrikā‑prajñāpāramitā sūtra from Dunhuang," contained in: B. Dotson et al., eds., Scribes, Texts & Rituals in Early Tibet & Dunhuang, Ludwig Reichert (Wiesbaden 2013) 111‑119, at p. 114.

BDE MKHAR — P.n.  Photo in 424 229.

BDE MKHAR BA — See (Klu khang pa) Tshe dbang rab brtan.

BDE DGU — See (— — iii) Ngag dbang dge legs rgya mtsho.

'Dul 'dzin BDE DGU — See (— —) (— —) Dar rgyas rgya mtsho.

BDE RGU CHUNG BA — See (Sbyor lam pa) Kun dga' rgyal mtshan.

BDE RGU CHE BA — See (— — — —) Dpal ldan rgya mtsho.

Kong po BDE RGYAL — See Kuijp, ZH 23.

BDE 'GRO GSANG YUM — Wrathful form of Srid pa Lha mo.  270 preface.

Gnas chen BDE SGANG — Another name for (Spa) La phug, q.v.

BDE CAN DPAL SGRON — Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 88, 97.

BDE CHUNG BA — 356 I 45.1.

BDE CHEN — Pl.n.  BA 499‑504, 526‑531, 541.  Across Skyid chu from Lha sa.  David‑Neel, My Journey to Lhasa 255. 

BDE CHEN — Name of Shar rdza's hermitage (ri khrod) which he opened by Shar rdza in 1892.  Thar in TS9 IV 156.  Its full name was Bde chen Ri khrod Drang srong dgyes pa'i skyed tshal, but most often known as Bde chen Ri khrod.

BDE CHEN — Usual contemporary name for a place in Khams (in neighborhood of Yunnan), formerly known as Atunze/ Atuntze/ Atuntse.  Spelled Deqin in Pinyin.  Perhaps Atunze is the Chinese name, since Teichmann, for example, says the Tibetan name is "Jü" (the Jo Lama/=Ju Lama, friend of Albert Shelton, was from there, hence his name).

Kho tshe BDE CHEN — (1780‑1847)  BD of T&TB V 909.

Chu mig BDE CHEN — Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 192.

Jo sras BDE CHEN — A man depicted with his wife Jo mo Lo tse at the end of a Prajñāpāramitā manuscript.  See Pratapaditya Pal, Desire and Devotion, Walthers Art Museum (Baltimore 2001), pp. 330‑331.

Mi nyag Sga'i Dgon pa BDE CHEN — A Tangut monastery.  5 226.1.

BDE CHEN SKOR GSUM — 'Brug pa teaching.  History and biblio. in 17 IV 441.5.  383 307.4.  487 I 70.6 ff.

BDE CHEN MKHA' 'GRO — (1839‑1953)  Aka Tshe dbang dpal sgron, Rdo rje dpal sgron, and A yu Mkha' 'gro.  Bio. in Allione, Women of Wisdom.  Chayet in Cardonna, Facets 68.

BDE CHEN GLING — Bon mon. f. in 1837.  Kværne no. 197.

Sbu tra Dpal gyi BDE CHEN GLING — 115 13.7, 114.3.

Sprul sku BDE CHEN GLING PA — (16th or early 17th cent.?)  Because his bio. appears in a history dated to ca. 1650, he must be somewhat older than that.  See 210 217-225, acc. to which he was b. in a Dog Year and lived to be 39 years old.

Rong ston Padma BDE CHEN GLING PA — Or, Bde chen gling pa.  The Zhi khro from his Bka' 'dus Snying po Yid bzhin nor bu cycle contained in 87 IV 347‑447.  Also, 87 XXXI.  A text from his Mkha' 'gro Snying thig cycle in 87 XX.  Bio. in 210 217.2 ff.  Said to be the last of the "14 Gling pa."  Lived 78 years.  Alias Mi 'gyur tshe dbang gsang sngags grags pa.  Gter ma in 240 507‑525, 553‑592.  Lived in 11th rab byung [1627‑1687].  383 221.2.  (But there is some confusion between this person and the following!)

Rgyal sras BDE CHEN GLING PA — Eldest son of Sgam po pa V.  Sardar‑Avkhami, Account 11.

Gter ston BDE CHEN GLING PA — (b. 1833)  Kværne no. 193.  Aka Rig 'dzin Kun grol gsang ba rtsal.  Gter ston of Bon Gsar.  259 preface.  276 preface.  Stein, Recherches 35.  Gter ma in 285 419‑428.  Kværne, Canon 36.  410 93B.1.  Gter ma in 418.  The Rnying ma and Bon gter stons are confused here, but perhaps they are identical?  He seems to have died in about 1893.  A bio. of Padmasambhava listed in BLP no. 0332.

BDE CHEN DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo stod with about 300 monks.

BDE CHEN RGYAL PO — 210 215.5.

Mkha' 'gro BDE CHEN RGYAL MO — See 395.

Sgrub pa mo BDE CHEN RGYAL MO — 601 63v.3.

La phug BDE CHEN SGANG — Bon mon. in 253 II 605.3 ff.  It was f. in 4th rab byung, and belonged to the Spa family.

Dur khrod BDE CHEN RNGAM PA — Roesler, KSP 65.

BDE CHEN CHOS 'KHOR — BA 531.  Bde chen Chos 'khor Rin po che was chaplain to King of Ladakh.  This mon. was just S of Gong dkar Chos grwa.  Belongs to 'Brug pa sect.  Ferrari 135.  Had printery (in 1949).  47 preface.

Rong po BDE CHEN CHOS 'KHOR GLING — A Gnas yig by 'Jigs med lung rigs rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 1893.

BDE CHEN CHOS 'KHOR ZHABS DRUNG — Another name for the Chos mgon incarnation lineage.  See (— — — — — — i) Chos kyi mgon po.  (— — — — — — vi or vii) Chos kyi nyin byed.

BDE CHEN CHOS 'KHOR YONGS 'DZIN — See under Yongs 'dzin.

BDE CHEN CHOS GLING — Hermitage f. by Thu'u bkwan.  332 II preface 8.

BDE CHEN CHOS SGRON — Birth n. of Kun 'phel lags.  Goldstein, History 147.

BDE CHEN CHOS SGRON — N. of the (or a?) consort of Mchog gyur gling pa, according to the Eric Kunsang dictionary.  She is also called "Lady Degah" (perhaps Bde dga'?).  Joel Gruber, "The Fantastic Stories of Könchok Paldrön and Her Enlightened Children: The Literary Impact of a Strong Female Voice in Blazing Splendor," Journal of Global Buddhism, vol. 16 (2015), pp. 107-125, at p. 109.  Here she is called Dechen Dhödrön, aka Lady Degah. 

Chibs kha ba BDE CHEN MCHOG GRUB — 363 71.2.

BDE CHEN CHOS KYI DBANG MO — (b. 1866)  Terton, and wife of the Terton Gsang sngags gling pa.  See under Dbang gi sgron ma.  She is subject of Donatella Rossi's article in RET XV.

BDE CHEN 'JIGS MED CHOS DBYINGS — N. of Ka dag mthong grol.  474 preface.

BDE CHEN SNYING PO — See Tshe dbang bde chen snying po.

BDE CHEN SNYING PO — Belonged to Chags med tradition of Gnas mdo.  Author of 233 139‑141.

Pha wong kha pa BDE CHEN SNYING PO — (1878‑1941)  Dge lugs pa.  Pictured in 128 246, 366, 460.  348Beyer 239.  Also named Byams pa bstan 'dzin phrin las rgya mtsho (name given him by Phur bu lcog).  Considered to be the rebirth of the abbot of Pha bong Ri khrod, Rgyal rong pa Bstan 'dzin bzang po.  Hence, he is sometimes called Pha bong kha pa Mkhan sprul.  11 vols. of his collected works have been published (N. Delhi 1973).  See Dreyfus in JIABS 21 (1998) 245 ff.  His published biography:  'Dan ma Dge slong Blo bzang rdo rje, Rigs dang Dkyil 'khor Rgya mtsho'i Khyab bdag He ru kaḥ Dpal Ngur smrig Gar rol Skyabs gcig Pha bong kha pa Bde chen snying po'i Rnam par Thar pa Don ldan Tshangs pa'i Dbyangs snyan,  edited by Yongs 'dzin Khri byang Rdo rje 'chang, Sermey Pharchin Class (Bylakuppe 2000), in 907 numbered pages, with a fairly detailed table of contents.

BDE CHEN STENGS — Mon. f. by Rgod tshang pa.  SBTD I 303.  BA 491, 525, 537‑538, 686, 698, 699.  57 IIB 372.7.  115 13.5, 17.7, 18.2, 86.7, 87.1, 87.4, 87.7, 88.2, 94.5, 103.5, 158.2.

BDE CHEN THANG —  =Bde ba thang.  Hermitage in Sikkim where Madame David‑Neel stayed.

Gu yangs Blo bde BDE CHEN MDO SNGAGS GLING PA — N. of (Phying dkar) Don yod rdo rje, q.v.

BDE CHEN RDO RJE — An alias of Kun bzang 'gro 'dul (1897‑1946).  Stein, Recherches 90.  Prob. the Grub dbang Bde chen rdo rje mentioned in  Terrone in TS9 VIII 219.

A mkhar BDE CHEN RDO RJE — 363 152.6.

Grub dbang BDE CHEN RDO RJE — Author of an old yig cha of Ngam rdzong Snyan brgyud.  349 XXI contents.

Rgyal thang pa BDE CHEN RDO RJE — A disc. of Rgod tshang pa (1189‑1258).  His 'Brug pa Bka' brgyud Gser 'phreng in one vol., see 119.  Author of bio. of Rgod tshang pa.  50 preface.  His Bka' brgyud biographies are listed in Drepung Catalog 1508‑1509.

Se ra Mkha' 'gro BDE CHEN RDO RJE — Also called Kun bzang bde skyong dbang mo and Bde ba'i rdo rje.  Excavated the Chos nyid Mkha' 'gro'i Gsang mdzod.  Collected excavations in 7 vols. publ. in Kalimpong (1978‑9).  Probably =Mkha' spyod bde ldan dbang mo.  420 I 568.1.  Subject of a paper, studying her unpublished biography, by Sarah Jacoby at the Xth IATS conference, according to which her dates are 1892‑1940, and her other name is Kun bzang bde skyong dbang mo.  I've seen on the internet where she is given the dates 1899‑1952.  She was consort of Gter sras Dri med 'od zer (1881‑1924), himself a son of Bdud 'joms gling pa.  A 6‑vol. set of her collected works was published in Chengdu in 2009, entitled: Zab Gsang Theg pa Mchog gi Rnal 'byor ma Chen po Dbus bza' Mkha' 'gro Kun bzang bde skyong dbang mo bde ba'i rdo rje'i Gsung 'bum Legs bshad Nor bu'i Me long.  Quite recently Sarah Jacoby has published a book about her.

Rnal 'byor gyi Dbang phyug BDE CHEN RDO RJE RI KHROD PA — Name found in a portrait bronze inscription.  Christie's New York catalogue (Mar 2000), no. 84.

Dur khrod BDE CHEN BRDAL — 406 8B.2.

BDE CHEN RNAM RGYAL — A gtsug lag khang located at Wam le, in Mar yul.  10.

BDE CHEN RNAM RGYAL — Son of Seng ge rnam rgyal.  Brother of Bde ldan rnam rgyal.  DTK5 194.

Shar kha Ras chen pa BDE CHEN DPAL 'BAR — 17 III 430.4.

BDE CHEN PHUG — Near Jongri.  One of four great caves of Sikkim, in the W.  Waddell 257.  A temple in Bhutan founded by Kun dga' seng ge (1314‑1347).  Aris in BSOAS 39 (1976) 634.  An article by Dungchen Sangay Dorji and Karma Ura, Historical Profile of Dechenphu Geynyen Neykhang, has been placed on the internet (www.bhutanstudies.org.bt).

BDE CHEN BLA BRANG — In Dolpo.  Map in Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 141.

BDE CHEN DBANG MO — At Kanze (Ganze).  A female ruler.  David‑Neel in Asia (the year 1941), p. 221.  Peng in TS9 IV 73.

Mkha' 'gro BDE CHEN DBANG MO — (b. 1868)  Kværne 239, no. 211.  Bon work in 285 581‑582.  Work in 298 583‑586.  Her Gcod visions have been published under the title Yum chen Kye ma 'od mtsho'i Zab Gsang Gcod kyi Gdams pa Las Phran dang bcas pa'i Gsung Pod.  She was the 'treasure partner' (gter grogs) of Gsang sngags gling pa.

BDE CHEN 'BAR BA'I RDO RJE — A gter ston whose excavations were publ. in one vol. in 1976.  See under 'Jigs med chos kyi seng ge (b. 1836). 

BDE CHEN MI 'GYUR SNYING PO — Aural transmission (snyan rgyud) in 299 367‑369, 377‑394, etc.

BDE CHEN MTSHO — Tibetan n. given to the missionary Blanche Griebenow.  Nietupski, Labrang 52.

BDE CHEN MTSHO MO — Barlocher 403.

BDE CHEN RDZONG — Dechen, Dhejen.  Chief town of Stod lung Tshal bde.  In North end of Stod lung valley.  There is a second Bde chen Rdzong to the E of Lha sa.  Wylie 149 n. 324.  Sørensen, Restless Relic 864.  Alexandre Andreyev, Tibet in the Earliest Photographs by Russian Travelers, Studio Orientalia (New Delhi 2013), p. 172.

BDE CHEN ZHIG PA GLING PA — See Mchog 'gyur bde chen zhig pa gling pa (i.e., Mchog gyur gling pa).

BDE CHEN ZHING GI SMON LAM — Comm. on this work found in 279.

Shar zhig BDE CHEN BZANG PO — 253 II 410.4.

'Khrul zhig BDE CHEN 'OD GSAL MDO SNGAGS GLING PA — See under Mdo sngags bstan 'dzin nor bu.

Gter chen BDE CHEN 'OD GSAL RDO RJE — (b. 1920)  A contemporary gter ston in eastern Tibet whose activities have been researched by Antonio Terrone.  See Terrone in TS9 VIII 218 ff.

Shangs BDE CHEN RAB RGYAS — A Dge lugs mon. in Shangs.  Wylie 71, 141 n. 237.  Consecration rites in 225 VII.  Bogle called this place Desheripgay.  See Petech in T'oung Pao n.s. L: p. 341.

BDE CHEN RI KHROD — See Roberto Vitali, "The Transmission of Bsnyung gnas in India, the Kathmandu Valley and Tibet (10th‑12th Centuries)," contained in: Ronald Davidson & Christian Wedemeyer, eds., Tibetan Buddhist Literature and Praxis, Brill (Leiden 2006), pp. 229‑259, at p. 243.

Bla ma BDE CHEN LAM KHYER — 383 420.6.

Dam chos BDE CHEN LAM MCHOG — Cycle redisc. by Rdo ba Grub chen i.  Thondup, EL 13.

Sprul sku BDE CHEN SENG GE — A successor of Phu ri ba.  BA 687.  57 IIB 372.4.

BDE CHEN GSANG SNGAGS MKHAR — Lo rgyus by Tshe ring mgon po listed in BLP no. 1158.

Gsang bdag BDE CHEN LHUN GRUB — Disc. of (Kun spangs) Don yod rgyal mtshan.  210 73.1.

BDE CHEN LHUN GRUB GLING — N. of Buriat Aga mon.  Vostrikov, Critical 62.  =A ko'i Dgon sde.

BDE CHOS — A county in Ru thog district.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 35.

BDE MCHOG — Cakrasamvara.  For text on same, see 90 VI 1 ff.  Lo hi pa (Luipada) tradition, 145 V 278 ff; 145 IV 1 ff; 4 232A.5; 145 III 293B.1; 115 10.1.  Bde mchog Nag po pa.  145 III 300 ff.  115 12.2.  186 III.  Pictured in 320 XXVIII 3.  349 XXI, XXIV.  See the book by Shinichi Tsuda, Samvarodaya Tantra: Selected Chapters, for a partial translation of one of the main tantras.  See also Bde mchog 'khor lo, below.  For a Nepalese thangka dated 1408, see Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 165.  For a Rnying ma inspired Cakrasamvara thangka, see Kreijger, Tibetan Painting pl. 42.  A wonderful tapestry thangka illus. in Precious Deposits IV 122‑3 (metal image on pp. 124‑5).  Easiest way to identify him is the four‑faced head of Brahma held by the hair in one of his lower left hands.

Rgyal po BDE MCHOG — King Samvara.  TPS 538.

Rgyal bu BDE MCHOG — Prince Samvara.  128 818.


BDE MCHOG MKHA' 'GRO SNYAN RGYUD — Practically equivalent to Ras chung Snyan rgyud (q.v.).  See 349 XXV 457 ff.  346 69.5.  Biblio. and history, see 17 IV 405 ff.

BDE MCHOG 'KHOR LO — For works on same, see 90 II 521‑597.  4 212B.2, 212B.5.  Bde mchog 'khor lo'i Chos kyi Lo rgyus87 LXXXII 155 ff.  Biblio., 17 IV 313 ff.

BDE MCHOG CHOS 'BYUNG — See under Ngag dbang kun dga' bsod nams.

BDE MCHOG NYUNG NGU — Translation, as revised by Mar pa, found in Phug brag Bka' 'gyur.  TS5 119.

BDE MCHOG SNYAN BRGYUD — N. of a lineage.  See BA 437.  =Ngam rdzong Snyan brgyud, q.v., or, Ras chung Snyan brgyud, q.v.  397 III 278 ff.  Works and lineage, 397 VII 17 ff.  This is an all‑inclusive term for the teachings that passed through Milarepa (the ones received by Tilopa in O rgyan) which thereupon split into medium, extensive and abbreviated, as follows:

'Bring:  Ras chung Snyan brgyud (which includes the Ro snyoms Skor Drug redisc. by Gtsang pa Rgya ras pa as one current).  In the 13th generation of its transmission it was given by Zhwa nag v to (Rma se) Blo gros rin chen, and in the 18th generation it was given to Gtsang smyon He ru ka.

Rgyas: Dwags po Snyan brgyud.

Bsdus: Ngam rdzong Snyan brgyud.  36A VII 158.1 ff, 329.

Bram ze BDE MCHOG SNYING PO — Precedes Shri sing ha in lineage.  320 VII 202.1.  Bio. in 413 139.3.

BDE MCHOG SNYING PO — See Snying po grub pa.

BDE MCHOG RDO RJE — Also called (Gze ba) Jo 'od.  Son of (Gze ba) Blo ldan.  BA 385.  BD of T&TB I 942.

BDE MCHOG BONG GDONG CAN — Cakrasamvara having donkey head.  Maṇḍala in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 1921  (??  check!).


BDE MCHOG DMAR PO — Gter ma of Nyang Ral.  374 II 581.

Lo gya dung BDE MCHOG RANG 'BYUNG — BA 381.

Las stod pa BDE MCHOG SANGS RGYAS — Disc. of Yang dgon pa.  17 IV 445.1.


BDE 'JAM — Text in 320 I 430 ff.

Dge slong BDE STER — TPS 538.

BDE STER MA — Or, Bde ba ster ma.  N. of Ti lo pa's spiritual 'sister'.  17 II 246, 248.  116 45.6, 48.1.

BDE LDAN — Pl.n.  BA 20.

Khyim bdag BDE LDAN — Father of Dri med bshes gnyen.  413 128.4.  See Bde ldan 'khor lo.

Kha che'i Dur khrod BDE LDAN — A cemetery in Kashmir visited by Nāropa.  17 II 254.2.

Khyim bdag BDE LDAN 'KHOR LO — Father of Vimalamitra.  464 21.1.  LGCM 606.3.

BDE LDAN 'KHYIL — Chapel at top of Potala.  TS5 659.  Po ta la (1996) 44.

BDE LDAN SGYE'U LUNG — 253 II 631.3.

BDE LDAN SGROL MA — Daughter of Pho lha nas.  453 182.3.

BDE LDAN RNAM RGYAL — (re. 1620‑1640? These dates are too early)  King of La dwags.  Roerich, Trails 15.  Son of Seng ge rnam rgyal.  See 14 87.  Reigned circa 1642‑1675, acc. to 14 101.  Chang in BJZJ X no. 2, p. 122.  Son of Seng ge rnam rgyal.  DTK5 193.

BDE SPYOD — N. of a king.  124 471.4.  KB 131.6.  Velm II 62 n. 11.

BDE SPYOD LDE — Western Tibetan royalty.  Son of Dpal lde.  DTK5 71, 91.

Ras pa BDE BA SKYONG — A disc. of Milarepa.  57 IIB 349.3, 352.5.  4 254A.1, 260A.3.

Gra BDE BA GLING — Vai.Ser. 188.

BDE BA RGYA MTSHO — (early 17th cent.)  Schwieger in Kailash 18 (1996) 104.

Dpal ldan BDE BA RGYA MTSHO — Teacher of one Nag chen Dge slong (did they mean Nang chen Dge slong?).  Nag chen was a Khams pa traveling in western Tibet when Tucci met him.  See Tucci & Ghersi, Secrets of Tibet 149. 

BDE BA'I RGYAL PO — Collected works in 3 volumes (dpe cha format) have been published.

BDE BA CAN — Buddhafield of Amitābha.  Depicted in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 204.

Chos sde BDE BA CAN — A sgrub sde within the same Rdzong as Rgyal rtse.  Wylie 71.

Snye thang BDE BA CAN — At Snye thang (q.v.).  Bka' gdams mon. f. in 1205 by Rgya 'ching ru pa (q.v.), Rgya 'ching ri ba in Dhongthog 121.  Ferrari 160?  BA 308, 341, 542, 670, 737, 1015.  17 II 381.5.

BDE BA CAN PA — See (— — — —) Dge legs dpal bzang.

BDE BA'I CHU — Das 413 no. 15.

Dpal BDE BA CHEN PO — Kamalakulīśa.  See Allinger in TS9 VII 61.

BDE BA CHEN PO'I RGYUD — Short title for tantra in 320 III 537 ff.


Bram ze BDE BA MCHOG — Early Rdzogs chen.  319 III contents (3).

BDE BA'I SNYING RJE LDAN — Servant of Su dhar ma.  LGCM 582.3.

BDE BA THANG — See Bde chen thang.  Aris, Discourse 21.

BDE BA'I RDO RJE — [1] See (Zhang G.yu brag pa) Brtson 'grus grags pa.  See also Bde chen rdo rje.  [2] This is also a n. of Rog rje gling pa.  Gter ston Bde ba'i rdo rje'i Phyi Nang Gsang ba'i Rtogs pa Brjod Rab gsal Me long, by Dbyings rig byang chub dbang po (LTWA no. KA3/5828).

O rgyan BDE BA'I RDO RJE — 178 2B.3 ff.

Se ra Mkha' 'gro BDE BA'I RDO RJE — See under Bde chen rdo rje.

BDE BA'I RDO RJE — (1899‑1952?)  Excavator of Rdo rje phag mo'i Zab Khrid Dbang Phur Thugs thig Skor, publ. from blocks at Dgon steng Bshad sgrub chos gling Mon. in Solu in 1970 [N Tib 75‑927547 and N Tib 72‑902974](includes a text with 'hidden country' [sbas yul] in the title), along with another text entitled, Rdo rje phag mo'i Zab Khrid kyi Rta mgrin Las byang Skor [N Tib 74‑928261].  His Rdo rje phag mo'i Zab Khrid las Thugs rje chen po Kha sarpa ni'i Sgrub Khog Nya Sdom Bsnyen gnas dang Smyung bar Gnas pa'i Cho ga Thar pa'i Lam ston  publ. in 1970 [N Tib 73‑926205].  His (her?) Gter ston Bde ba'i rdo rje'i 'Khrungs rabs Gsol 'debs Dad Gsum G.yo ba'i Dbyar rnga'i Sgra dbyangs  publ. in 1970 [N Tib 77‑926667].  457.

BDE BA GNAM GSAS — 253 II 381.6.

Mkhan chen BDE BA DPAL — (1291‑1357)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 450.  (1231‑1297)  B. in Gtsang rong G.yag sde.  Dhongthog 66.  In tradition of Shākya shrī (q.v.).  27 75.  Bio. in 165 II 827.  HS LIII 5.6.

Byang chub sems BDE BA PHRA BKOD — Title of text in 319 I 463‑469.  320 I 453‑455.

Btsun pa BDE BA'I BLO GROS — Work on sdeb sbyor in 480.

Ting 'dzin mthu brtan Byang sems BDE BA SBYIN — In Jātakas.  Pictured in 128 738.

Byang sems BDE BA'I MYU GU — Text in 320 I 448‑453.

BDE BA'I MYU GU — Gsang mtshan of Lang lab (q.v.).  BD of T&TB III 305.


Pa gro ba BDE BA BZANG PO — Also, (Mon pa).  5 304.6.  Author of bio. of Thang stong.  446 II.  Aris in BSOAS 39 (1976) 603.  Shastri in TS9 I 144.

BDE BA RA DZA — 132 83.4.  CHWT 239.  De ba ra dza in KWT 87, where his dates are given as 996-1023.

Rtsi BDE BA RING MO — In Bon lineage.  206 576.6.  248 59.2.

Dpal ldan BDE BA'I ROL PA MO — Contemp. of Indra bhu ti chen po.  BD of T&TB I 234, 247‑248.


Bla ma BDE BAR GSHEGS PA — A teacher of Gtsang ston (1126‑1216) when the latter was in his 17th year.  BD of T&TB III 360.

Glang BDE BAR GSHEGS PA'I GO CHA SRUNG BA — One of first 7 Tibetan monks.  17 II 325.2.

A nu'i Slob dpon BDE BA GSAL MDZAD — Pictured in 320 XI 2.

'Phyos BDE BYAMS — F. by Bsod nams rin chen.  Vai.Ser. 183.

BDE BYED — A butcher (shan pa) converted by Ti lo pa.  17 II 240.4.  57 IIB 343.4.  116 67.3 ff.

BDE BYED — Udayana (?).  A man who killed his mother in order to commit adultery.  Perhaps standing for Skt. Śaṅkara?

Khye'u BDE BYED — 472 174.5.

BDE BYED BDAG PO — BD of T&TB I 351.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 8 ff.

Mchod rten BDE BYED BRTSEGS PA — 413 153.6.

Rgyal po BDE BYED BZANG PO — 413 107.5.

BDE BYED SER MO — BD of T&TB I 303.2.

BDE BLON — Minister of the Bde khams, the pacified region of the NW in the imperial era.  Schaik, M&T 62.

BDE DBYANGS — A college.  CFMS 9.

BDE 'BYUNG — N. of Dbang phyug.  Das 909.  N. of Shambhala.  Das 1231.  Pelliot, QT 77.

BDE 'BYOR — See (— — Mkhan po) Ngag dbang don grub.

Dge bsnyen ma BDE MA — In story in 476 IV 414.2.

BDE MO THANG — Vai.Ser. 241.

Byang BDE MO LJONG — See Bernbaum 71.

BDE MO SPRUL SKU — 346 126.2.

BDE MO SA — On North bank of Gtsang po.  56 64.

BDE YANGS — One of 4 colleges of 'Bras spungs.  =Zab yangs 'khyil pa.  Ferrari 97.  Dedicated to medicine Buddhas.  Vai.Ser. 115.  CFMS 9, 21, etc.

BDE YANGS — See (— —) Snyan grags rgya mtsho.

'Bras spungs BDE YANGS BLA MA — See (— —) (— — — —) Zhabs drung.

BDE YANGS SHAR — N. of a courtyard in the Potala.  Tsarong in TJ XXIII no 3 (1998) 24 ff.  Part of Potala.  TS5 654.  Depicted in Po ta la (1996) 23.  Henss, CMT 109.

BDE ROGS — A county in Ru thog district.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 35.

BDE LEGS — Last half of the name seems to be illegible.  In Rnying ma thangka in TPS 539.

Theg chen Chos rje Dbon po BDE LEGS BKRA SHIS — ?  5 255.6.

BDE LEGS GLING — Temple.  SBTD I 80.

BDE LEGS RGYA MTSHO — (d. ca. 1500)  King of Mustang.  ISTS 134‑135.  Contemp. of Gtsang smyon.  20 11.

Slob dpon Ne rings pa BDE LEGS RGYAL MTSHAN — (1225‑1281)  See 1 21.10.  A disc. of Rgod tshang pa.  BA 686, 688.  F. mon. of Ne rings in 1259.  57 IIB 372.2.  116484 I 868.5.  Kuijp in TH&L 299 n. 22.

Paṇ chen BDE LEGS NYI MA — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 0937.

Sangs rgyas mnyan sprul V BDE LEGS SNYING PO — Lost ref.

BDE LEGS STENGS — Mon. established by O rgyan pa at Skyi rong.  115 127.2.

BDE LEGS RNAM RGYAL — Reigned between 1640 and 1680 (dates not right).  King of La dwags.  Roerich, Trails 18.  See 14 87.

Khams pa BDE LEGS DPAL — Contemp. of Thang stong.  5 236.6.


Za ra ba BDE LEGS 'OD — Built Thar pa gling in Tshan gsum of Gnyal.  Became abbot in 1291.  CFMS 89.

BDE LEGS RAB BRTAN — Goldstein, History 434.

Kun spangs BDE LEGS RIN CHEN PA — Disc. of Kun ldan ras pa.  17 II 510.  =(Bya btang pa) Bde legs rin chen whose bio. was written by Gzi brjid rgyal mtshan (his spiritual successor) in 1277.  Contained in 74 I 215‑226.  17A VII pt. 2, p. 13B.2.

BDE GSHEGS — Pl.n. ?  BA 560.

Rgyus nag BDE GSHEGS — BA 697.  115 8.1.

BDE GSHEGS KUN SKYOBS — A person.  391 V 357.

Thugs rje chen po BDE GSHEGS KUN 'DUS — In 87 XXXVIII.

BDE GSHEGS RGYA BO — A lama from 'Ug pa lung mentioned in the bio. of Rwa Lo tsā ba.  It appears to be a nickname for Zur chung pa Shes rab grags pa (1014‑1074), q.v.

BDE GSHEGS BCU GNYIS — A Zhi byed teaching.  349 XXI.


BDE GSHEGS BDUN — 374 II 84.4.

BDE GSHEGS 'DUS PA — Mūlatantra in 320 XXXI 460 ff.  =Bka' brgyad Bde gshegs 'dus pa.  374 II 520.5 ff.  Textual history, see 458 I 260.1 ff, 290.2.  The Bka' brgyad Bde gshegs 'dus pa, as excavated by Nyang Ral Nyi ma 'od zer, has been published in 17 vols. (Gangtok 1979).  Another such collection was publ. in 4 vols. (Dalhousie 1977‑78), as well as a 13‑vol. version (Paro 1979).

Rdzongs shod BDE GSHEGS 'DUS PA — Palace in Zam bu lung.  Ferrari 160.

BDE GSHEGS DPAL —  =Su ga ta shrī, Sugataśrī.  BD of T&TB I 869.  One of the 9 lesser pundits who came with Śākyaśrī.  He was skilled in Madhyamaka and Prajñāpāramitā.  Mtshan tho no. 92.  Smith, Philology 12.

BDE GSHEGS SPYI 'DRIL — In title in 320 XXIV 110.3.

BDE GSHEGS PHUG — Phag mo gru pa stayed there for 4 years.  57 IIB 356.1.

Ram sdings ma BDE GSHEGS 'BYUNG GNAS — (end 11th or early 12th cent.)  Bka' gdams pa.  Disc. of Po to ba and teacher of Rgyal tsha.  BA 269, 705.  Ferrari 160.  Ref. to his bio. in 499 10.3.

BDE GSHEGS YONGS 'DUS — Or, Bka' brgyad Bde gshegs yongs 'dus Chos skor, excavated by Klong gsal snying po,  publ. in Delhi (1978).

BDE GSHEGS RIN PO CHE — Cuevas, Hidden History 229.


Bcom ldan 'das ma BDEN GNYIS ZHAL — 374 I 536.3.  This is a way of referring to Vajravārāhī.



BDEN MA RI PA — 253 II 226.6.

BDOG — A clan.  235 introduction 11.

MDANG THANG SRIN — 115 149.3.

MDAN — OTA 678.  May equal place in Khams spelled Ldan or 'Dan.

MDA' — Var. zla.  A clan.  Stein, Tribus 17.

Sngags 'chang MDA' CHA RU BA — 413 510.6.

MDA' CHEN DKAR MO DGON — Bon mon. in Amdo which had about 600 monks.  253 II 637.6.

MDA' BSNUN ZHABS — Tibetan translation of the name Sa ra ha.  12 IX 73.4.

MDA' PA MKHAR — 253 II 567.5.

MDA' PHU — N. of a place in Tibet.  Das 673.  N. of a mon.  Vai.Ser. 155.

Grub thob MDA' 'PHYAR PA — An Indian sage.  (?)  See Wylie 83, 158 n. 399.  See Dar 'phyar.

MDA' BA — See (— —) Bkra shis lhun po.

MDA' BA — See (— —) Bsam gtan.

MDA' BA RDZONG — One of the 4 administrative divisions of Mnga' ris in time of Dga' ldan Pho brang.  TJ XXIII (1998) 108. It had trade with India via the Nyi ti Pass.  Vitali, Tho.ling 141 ff.  I think this might be just a different spelling, and a less correct one, for Zla ba Rdzong, q.v.

MDA' BYANG CHUB SEMS DPA' — BA 141‑142.  BD of T&TB III 333.  Bka' gdams pa teacher at (Gzad) Grum bu lung, during youth of (Rta ston) Jo 'bum.

MDA' TSHA HOR PO — N. given to Sgro phug pa by his mother.  BD of T&TB III 282.

MDA' GZHU CAN — Lo Bue, Newar Scholars 651.  The name means 'Having Bow and Arrow'.

MDA' GZHUNG — An area of western Tibet, containing the Bka' brgyud mon. called 'Bur dkar.  Vitali, Tho.ling 154.

MDA' 'OD — See (— —) Blo gros snying po.

MDA' LUGS — Kaṃ ka ni mda' lugs.  24 I 404.2.

MDA' HOR TSHANG — Family n.  Barlocher 475.

MDUNG THOGS — N. of Dbang phyug.  Das 909.

MDUNG NAG ZHABS DRUNG — Peking scholar, student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).


MDUNG RIS BRAG DKAR — N. of a family in Zangs dkar.  161 preface.


MDUN CHUNG DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang with about 50 monks.

MDO — Short way of referring to to a specific Bon text, (at least most usually) the Gzer mig.

MDO — Pl.n.  BA 712.  Acc. to T. Norbu, this may serve as a general n. for the eastern provinces of Khams and A mdo, just as Stod is a general n. for the western parts of Tibet.  Notice that mdo also has a geographical meaning of low part of the valley, or the place where two rivers join together.

MDO DBANG GI SKOR — Rnying ma work  publ. in Paro (1979).

MDO BKRA — See (— —) Se ban ras pa.

MDO KHAMS — BA 213, 474, 553, 630, 647, 1042.  =A mdo, or "lower Khams." 

MDO'I KHYUNG PO — See (— — —) Hūṃ snying.

MDO KHRA — See (— —) Lcim lung.

MDO MKHAR — BA 94.  Yar klungs Mdo mkhar.  115 147.2.  Mdo mkhar Chos sde.  Vai.Ser. 171.

MDO MKHAR — See (— —) Tshe ring dbang rgyal.

Gro zhur MDO MKHAR CHOS SDE — Vai.Ser. 179.

MDO MKHAR SDE PA — See (— — — —) Dgos dgos.

MDO MKHAR BA — See (Bka' blon) (— — —) 'Gyur med tshe dbang.

MDO MKHAR MAI TRI — See (— — — —) Don grub rgyal mtshan.

MDO MKHYEN BRTSE — See (— — —) Ye shes rdo rje.

Stong 'khor Sprul sku iv MDO RGYUD RGYA MTSHO — (1639‑1683)  He 'reincarnated' the previous Stong 'khor by means of Grong 'jug, as Dungkar Rinpoche points out in his dictionary.

MDO RGYUD RTOGS PA BSDUS PA — Text title  Chag 54.

Dpal MDO SNGAGS GRAGS RGYAS GLING — A lineage account (brgyud rim) in 298 539‑564 for chanting at this monastery.  Mon. f. in 1936.  Kværne no. 228.

MDO SNGAGS GLING — F. by Kun dga' bzang po.  Vai.Ser. 188.

MDO SNGAGS GLING PA — Alias of Mchog ldan mgon po.  See Padma gar dbang bde chen 'od gsal mdo sngags gling pa (?).  ='Jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse'i dbang po.  210 255.3.  208 I 227.2.  Pictures in 320 XXI 3, 363 2.  365 15.5.

MDO SNGAGS GLING PA — See (— — — —) Mchog ldan mgon po.  (— — — —) Bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan.


MDO SNGAGS CHOS GLING — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang, with about 60 monks.

Rdza Rong phu MDO SNGAGS CHOS GLING — Rnying ma mon. restored in 1901 by (Rdza sprul) Ngag dbang bstan 'dzin nor bu (q.v.).  Rongbuk in Bernbaum 55.  Mon. in Tibet, on the northern approach to Mt. Everest.  415 I preface.  At the 15th IATS (Paris 2019) a paper was to be given by Thub bstan rnam rgyal, "'Dzam-gling Steng-gi Sa-bab Mtho-shos-su Chags-pa'i Rdza Rong-phu Dgon-gyi Snga Phyi Byung-rabs-la Dpyad-zhib."

Bod pa Sprul sku MDO SNGAGS BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — (active in first half of 20th cent.)  (1907‑1959)  Also, (Bod sprul).  Author of 109.  Studied 37 years under (Mkhan chen) Kun bzang dpal ldan, in his turn a disc. of 'Ju Mi pham.  Was head of Kaḥ thog Mon.  His Sher phyin Mngon par Rtogs pa'i Rgyan gyi Tshig Don Rnam par Bshad pa Ma pham Zhal lung, publ. by Tarthang Tulku at Benares in 1965 (I Tib 92), also publ. in N. Delhi in 1978.

Mkhas grub MDO SNGAGS BSTAN 'DZIN — (1516‑1568)  B. at G.yo Dol.  BD of T&TB III 752.  217 507.6.  Achard, L'Essence 83.

Gnyos ston MDO SNGAGS BSTAN 'DZIN — Father of (Gnyos ston) 'Phrin las lhun grub (1611‑1662).  He is most likely identical to Mkhas grub Mdo sngags bstan 'dzin.  Spiritual grandson of Sprul sku Sna tshogs rang grol, he taught Kar gling Zhi khro to his son 'Phrin las lhun grub.  Cuevas, Hidden History 166 (dates here given as 1576‑1628/48; but note that this is exactly one 60‑year cycle later than 1516‑1568...).

'Khrul zhig MDO SNGAGS BSTAN 'DZIN NOR BU — (b. 1923/4)  Author of 154.  Author of Jo bo Thugs rje chen po'i Sngon 'gro'i Gdon Khrigs Mun Sel Sgron me,  publ. from blocks preserved at Thub bstan chos gling Mon. in Solu in 1970 (N Tib 72‑903487). Thugs rje chen po Bde gshegs Kun 'Dus kyi Sgrub thabs Chog Khrigs Zab Lam Gsal ba'i Nyin byed, publ. from blocks at Thub bstan chos gling in Solu in 1970 (N Tib 72‑906612).  Also, Bde gshegs Kun 'Dus Sku Gsum Bla ma'i Bsnyen sgrub kyi Yig Chung Man ngag Gsal ba'i Sgron me, 1970 (N Tib 72‑903720).  Also, Bla ma'i Rnal 'byor Byin rlabs Dngos grub 'Dod 'jo (N Tib 72‑903722).  Also, Yang ti Bla ma Sku Gsum Thugs thig gi Las byang 'Ja' lus Ye shes Gseng lam (N Tib 72‑902267).  Also, Gsol 'debs 'Chi med Sgra dbyangs (N Tib 72‑904802).


Rgyal sras MDO SNGAGS 'BYUNG GNAS — 210 255.4.  Autobio. and instructions.  376.  Follower of Mdo sngags gling pa (after age 11).  B. in Water Mouse year.  Disc. of Bdud 'joms rdo rje (1615‑1672), after age 12.  Studied with Nus ldan rdo rje (=Stag sham Nus ldan rdo rje, b. 1655).  Studied also with (Sprul sku) Zla ba.  (Mkhan chen) Rin chen shes rab.  One of his followers was called Bkra shis lhun grub.

MDO SNGAGS BSHAD SGRUB GLING — Evidently a 'Brug pa Bka' brgyud mon.  7.

MDO CHEN — TS7 I 257.

MDO CHEN PA — See (— — —) Tshe dbang 'chi med mgon po.

Sog chu MDO NYI GRAGS DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo stod with about 705 monks.

MDO STOD — [1] A term covering the high provinces of Stod Mnga' ris Skor Gsum.  Includes Zhang zhung.  See Waddell 265 ff.  [2] Acc. to T. Norbu, Mdo stod equals Khams, while Mdo smad equals A mdo. This is common usage nowadays, although the history of the terms is more complicated.

MDO STON — See (— —) Seng ge rgyal mtshan.

Mi la MDO STON SENG GE — An ancestor of Milarepa.  Father of Rdo rje seng ge.  4A Lha lung 14.  4A 9B.4.  4X I 6.6, 7.4.

Rtsa ba MDO BDUN — Classification of Rnying ma tantras.  413 464.1.

MDO MDA' DGON — 253 II 632.4.

MDO 'DUS — Short version of life of Gshen rab.  Nine Ways 3.

MDO SDE — In 17 II 457.2.  Short for Darma mdo sde (q.v.).

Rngog MDO SDE — (1090‑1166)  =Rngog Jo sras Mdo sde.  Ferrari 146.  Bka' brgyud pa teacher of Gtsang pa.  BA 406 ff, 408, 688.  17 II 459.2, 462.1 ff., 507.

Sog po MDO SDE — Zhi byed pa.  BD of T&TB I 857.

Pho rog MDO SDE MGON PO — (1195‑1257)  =Bya skyungs pa.  A disc. of Ko brag pa.  BA 728.  Stearns, SR 102.

MDO SDE RGYAN — Comm.  SBTD I 311.  St. Schayer, Die Erlösungslehren der Yogācāra's nach dem Sūtrālaṃkāra des Asaṅga, Zeitschrift für Indologie und Iranistik 2 (1923) 99 ff.

Gro lung MDO SDE RGYAL MTSHAN — BA 784.  17 II 420.2.

MDO SDE MCHOD PA — A popular religious festival in late 8th century Tibet.  See for example the Rgya bod yig tshang (2007 edition), p. 117.

Khu MDO SDE DPAL — A bhiksu translator in Tanjur.

Go lung MDO SDE DPAL — Also, (Go lung pa).  A teacher of U rgyan pa.  BA 698, 784.  =(Gro lung pa) Mdo sde dpal rgyal mtshan of 17 II 420.2, who is said to be elder brother of U rgyan pa.  115 9.1, 14.4, 15.6, 16.1, 23.5, 110.1, 110.4, 117.2.  Eldest brother of O rgyan pa Rin chen dpal.  Kuijp, Rivers 306.

Zhang MDO SDE DPAL — Pupil of (Nyi thog pa) Sangs rgyas kun smon.  76 8.

MDO SDE SPYOD PA'I DBU MA PA — School of Bhavya.  The Mādhyamika Sautrāntika.  Buston I 135.

MDO SDE PHUG — Mon. near Lhasa.  Chag 109.

MDO SDE BRAG — Mon. in Bhutan.  See under (Rje Mkhan po xiii) Yon tan mtha' yas.

Khu ston MDO SDE 'BAR — (12th cent.)  Kuijp in CAJ 37 (1993) 190.


MDO SDE RIN CHEN — Disciple of Mtsho sna ba Shes rab bzang po mentioned in Gutschow, Being a Buddhist Nun 63.

Snyan rgyud MDO SDE RIN CHEN SGRON MA — Bonpo teachings.  See 254.

Mnga' bdag MDO SDE SENG GE — (b. in 13th cent.)  Son and spiritual heir of (Mnga' bdag) Bdud 'dul.  Rnying ma.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 131.  210 24.2.

Lce MDO SDE SENG GE — In 'Char kha transmission.  217 263.7.  475 101.6.  He is also known as Sri'u chung Mdo sde seng ge; Lce btsun, Lce ston.

MDO PHAL PO CHE — See (Mdo) Phal po che.

Dge 'dun sbyangs MDO PHUG PA — Donator of the place where Gling ras pa founded his mon. at Sle'u chung (q.v.).

MDO BA — On bank of Rma chu in A mdo.  332 II 22.

MDO BA RAS PA — BA 197, 518.

MDO BUNG MGON PO LJANG SNGON DRAG PO RTSAL — 320 XXXI 685.  Note: Shouldn't this read "Mdo byung" rather than "Mdo bung"?

MDO BO CHE PA — See (— — — —) Dkon mchog lhun grub.  See Ma bdun pa.

MDO BYANG — A literary genre akin to dkar chag.  Examples in 239 XXX.

MDO MANG — For the Bon collection of texts, see 442.  Various early Mdo mang collections are listed in Jampa Samten Shastri, Origins of the Tibetan Canon 769.  These include the Mdo mang 'Dar phyar ma, Mdo mang Gser gshun ma, Mdo mang Dgon gsar ma, Mdo mang 'Dzam gling rgyan, etc.

MDO SMAD — BA 386, 501, 595, 607, 696.  =A mdo.  Mdo stod is equivalent to Khams.  I have noticed ref. to a general guide to the holy objects of this region:  Li kya Dpon po Shes rab dpal bzang, Mdo smad kyi Rten Rags rim gyi Dkar chag, listed in BLP no. 1172. Schaik, M&T 60.

Blon chen MDO BZHER SPRE CHUNG — KTDN 164.4.

Zhang Tshe spong MDO BZHER PHES PO — Dotson, Note 85.

Blon MDO BZANG — Schaik in JIABR 1 (2013) 247.

MDO RIN PO CHE — See Mengele, dGe 50. 

Drang nga MDO LA SKYES — 253 II 177.5.

MDO LI — 478A I 119.1.

MDO LUNG — BA 305.

MDO LO — In Khotan region.  Emmerick.  Zhu, Preliminary 48.


MDOG — BA 775.  May be variant of Mdo (?).  See Skya ra for evidence.

MDOG — See (— —) Klog skya.  (— — Stod) Skya ra'i Dgon pa.  (— —) Stag ri.  (— —) Speng pa.

MDOG CHU — River in Mdog (q.v.).  5 189.5.

MDOG BUM PA — Vai.Ser. 216.

Ma jo MDOG GSAL MA — 253 II 395.6.

MDONG STON — See (— —) Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan.



MDOS — Texts in 300 III.  315.

'DANG KAR — Pl.n.  27 81.

'DAN — In Khams.  See =Ldan.  See also Mdan.

'DAN KLONG THANG SGRON MA — In Khams.  The temple on left hand of the demoness.  Buston 185.  See under Klong thang.

'DAN KHOG — 23 29‑30.  Stein, Recherches 127.

'DAN CHUNG — See (— —) Bkra shis 'od zer.

'DAN BLA MA — See (— — —) Chos kyi dbang phyug.

'DAN MA — [1] Capital of a Turkish king.  See 82 83.  He took title of Ge sar (i.e., Caesar).  [2] Family name, see 467 II 194.6.  [3] Sangs rgyas 'Dan ma'i Rnam thar listed in BLP no. 1992.

'DAN MA — See (— —) Spyang khra.  (— —) Blo bzang rdo rje.  (— —) Mi bskyod rdo rje.  (— —) Tsi lung pa.  (— —) G.yul rgyal thog rgod.  (— —) Bsam grub.

'DAN MA GRUB CHEN — See (— — — — ii) Ngag dbang bstan 'dzin 'phrin las.  (— — — —) Tshul khrims rgya mtsho.  SBTD I 16.

'DAN MA SPRUL SKU — Nephew of Rang byung rdo rje mentioned in 41 I 10.

'DAN MA BLO CHOS SPRUL SKU — Rinpoche of Depung Loseling Mon.  Present incarnation b. in 1927.  Barlocher 261‑275, 302.

'DAB CHAGS RGYAL PO — Or, 'Dab chags seng ge.  Epithet of Garuda.  Rock, Nāga Cult II 390.

'DAB BU CHE — N. of Arjuna, the Pāṇḍava.  Das 98.

'DAM — BA 263, 279, 354, 542, 577, 652, 1089.  17 II 374.1, 444.3.  Sometimes, (Byang) 'Dam.  Rong po 'Dam in 208 233.2.  Note: 'dam means 'swamp' and may or may not be a proper name when used by itself.

'DAM — See (—) Snying drung Dgon.

'DAM DKAR DUL MO SPRUL SKU — See (— — — — — —) Phrin las bstan 'dzin dam pa.

'DAM DKAR MO — In E Tibet.  See 239 XXX 71.3.  Site of modern mon. of Dul mo Sprul sku.

Gu ge 'DAM GROGS MKHAR — 210 95.3, 95.5 ff.  The name appears to mean 'Anthill [in] Swamp'.  This doesn't sound very likely, does it?

'DAM STON — See (— —) Tshul khrims 'od zer.

'DAM THOG DGON — History.  383 628.5.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 97.

Stod Snye nam 'DAM PHUG — BA 232.

'DAM BU KA — Pl.n. in India.  75 16.  'Dam bu ka ra.  BD of T&TB I 828.

'DAM BU'I TSHAL — See Das 619.

'DAM BLA TSHANG — Rnying ma mon. in Nang chen.  473 65‑66.

'DAM GZHUNG — TS5 741.  See article in Bulag, MTI 363 ff.

'DAM SHOD DKAR MO — Perhaps conn. with the 'Dam to the north of Lha sa.  One of 18 dbang ris headed by Phya and Rwa clans.

'DAM SHOD SDAR MO — One of 37 sacred places of Bon.  Das 679.

'DAM SENG G.YU RAL CAN — One of 3 first settlers of Mang yul.  ='Dam seng.  DTK5 90, 92.

'DA' NO YA — Khotanese royal minister.  'Da' no yon is a mon. named after him.  Emmerick.

'DAR — In Gtsang stod.  BD of T&TB VI 129.  There is also a 'Dar Chos sde.  A major family in La stod area.  See 23 15.

'DAR — See (—) Grang mo che.

'DAR MGON — See (— —) Chos kyi dbang phyug.

Dpang kha 'DAR CHUNG — Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 38 n. 49.

'DAR CHO — BA 81.

'DAR STON — See (— —) Blo bzang grags.

'DAR PA LO CHEN — See (— — — —) Phun tshogs lhun grub.

'DAR PHYAR — Many spelling variants.  See Dar 'phyar.  See Ferrari 101.  BD of T&TB III 312.

'DAR 'PHYAR — See (— —) Rin chen bzang po.

'DAR BA — Daba Dzong.  A sde.  Tucci identifies it with present day Dabadzong to the east of Ladakh.  28 75.  Wylie 120 n. 59, 125 n. 94.

'DAR 'DZIN — BA 14.

'DAR RAS — Disc. of Rgod tshang pa.  BA 687.

'DAR LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — —) Ngag dbang phun tshogs lhun grub.

'DAL MA LUNG — BA 1002.

'DAS LOG — See 276404.  See 440 especially.  Article by Larry Epstein in TJ VII no. 4.  See TVS.

'DAS SHUL BLA MA — See (— — — —) Bsod nams chos ldan.

'DI SKAD BDAG GIS THOS PA — Note the quite exceptional opening phrase "'di skad bdag med ci yang ma thos" meaning 'the following words the nonself did not at all hear', in 319 V 248.2.

'DI NYA — Region in Khotan.  Emmerick.

Mkhan po 'DI PA — (1740‑1827)  BD of T&TB V 560.

Sprul sku 'DI PA ZHES PA — (1695‑1738)  BD of T&TB V 598.


'DU KHANG — Assembly hall.  Defined: 'du khang yang dge ba'i chos spyod par 'dug pa'i khang pa'o//  171 440.3.

'DU KHANG DKAR MO — 7‑storied building at Sa skya.  Wylie 133 n. 160.  Waddell 274.

'DU RA DGON — 253 II 634.5.

'DU LE RONG — In Dolpo.  Map in Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 141.

'DU SRONG MANG PO RJE BLO RNAM 'PHRUL GYI RGYAL PO — (679‑704)  Son of Gung srong gung btsan.  82 90.  'Du srong Mang po rje Rlung nam 'phrul.  132 86.5.

Tshe dan ldan pa 'DUN PA — Chanda, the Buddha's charioteer.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 345.

'DUN TSA LONG CU — "'Dun tsa long cu nas gnang ba'i bka' yig."  See Gong ba Klu 'bum rgyal, Spu rgyal btsan po'i skabs kyi brda rnying yig cha slob gsar stong gi 'jug sgo, Mi rigs dpe skrun khang (Beijing 2006), pp. 312‑314.

'DUM PO — Pl.n.  458 I 79.1, 79.6.

'DUR PHUG — Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 453.

'DUR BON — Nine Ways 121.  Clemente in TS6 127.

'DUR GSAS RMA BO — Nine Ways 121.  Is he same as Rma-da?

'DUL DKAR — See (— —) Gzhon nu tshul khrims.

'DUL GRA — BA 306.

'DUL GRO — BA 469.

'DUL NAG PO — See (— — —) Dpal ldan bzang po.

'DUL BA — Vinaya.  For a Vinaya lineage of Rnying ma tradition, see 242 III 1‑62.  History.  Tohoku 5993.  For discussion on the 4 major scriptural subdivisions, see Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 2, p. 278.

'DUL BA KHRIMS KYI GLING — One of 12 'continents' of Bon.  Das 258.

'DUL BA GRWA TSHANG — Vai.Ser. 116.

'DUL BA RGYA MTSHO'I SNYING PO — Work by Tsongkhapa.  Comm. in Tohoku 6126.

'DUL BA RGYAL MTSHAN — Work in 303 361‑374.

'DUL BA RGYAL MTSHAN — 115 129.4.

'Bru ston 'DUL BA RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1239)  Kværne 231 no. 107.  253 II 386.5.  Bio. in 342 32 ff.  Two bios. in Katen (300+ vol. version), vol. 203.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 450.

'DUL BA'I SDE — An Indian.  Bio. in 165 196.  Dul sde in BD of T&TB I 493.

'DUL BA'I SDE SNOD KUN 'DZIN — See (— — — — — —) Ka ba dar seng, or, Thag ma ba.

Snyel 'or 'DUL BA BYANG CHUB — TS7 II 970.  Important monastic personage in early history of Tabo Monastery.

Sum ston 'DUL BA BLO GROS — 253 II 604.2.

Paṇḍi ta 'DUL BA 'BYUNG GNAS — 17 II 303.6.

'DUL BA 'BYUNG GNAS BLO GROS — Disc. of Dus zhabs chen po.  BD of T&TB I 812.

Ra bla 'DUL BA TSHUL KHRIMS — 12 XI 330.1.

'DUL BA GZHI — Vinayavastu.  Refs. in T&BS II 24‑25.

Kha rag Gra pa 'DUL BA 'OD — Disc. of Zhang Rin po che.  BA 715.  Kha rag shar du dgon pa mdzad.  57 IIB 362.5.  =Dngos grub Bla ma.  17 II 529.4.  17 IV 456.4.  484 I 824.6.

'DUL BA LHA — (9th cent.)  Indian.  BD of T&TB I 567.  There have been some publications on works by Vinītadeva by Bareau and others.

'DUL BYED SNYING PO — 253 II 142.5.

'DUL 'DZIN — See (— —) Ngag gi dbang po.

Dags po 'DUL 'DZIN — A disc. of Sgam po pa.  BA 462.

Bya 'DUL 'DZIN CHEN PO — Sa skya pa.  (1091‑ )  Dhongthog 77.

Snabs 'DUL 'DZIN PA — ?  57 IIB 356.7.

Bya 'DUL 'DZIN PA — A teacher of Sgam po pa.  4 223B.  Presided at the full ordination (bsnyen rdzogs) of Phag mo gru pa.  57 IIB 355.5.

'DUL SENG — Author of bio. in SFHB 326‑344.

Mtha' bzhi 'DUL SENG — ='Dul seng ?  Author of bio. in SFHB 438‑457 and SFHB 474‑496.

'DUS CHUNG — Village in Gtsang.  Das 828 (under Pho lha ba).

'DUS PA CHEN PO'I MDO — Subject of study in Japanese in Acta Indologica I.  Has text in Tibetan and Indian original.

'DUS PA MDO DBANG GI BLA MA BRGYUD — Lineage of initiation transmission of the Samāja Sūtra, a Rnying ma tantra of the Anuyoga class.  Started with Dga' rab rdo rje, passed through Shrī singha, Bi ma la mitra, etc.  See lineage in 33.  This transmission includes two tantras, the rtsa rgyud, Kun 'dus Rig pa'i Mdo, tr. from Bru sha language, and the bshad rgyud, Mdo Dgongs 'dus pa194 X (includes lineage prayer), XI.  Directions for empowerment, 209 II 311‑383.  209 IV 413.


'DUS SRONG MANG RJE — (712‑740)  Son of Mang srong.  Dhongthog 67.

'DEB TI BA NI — Image in Khotan.  Emmerick.

'DONG KA — See ('Dong ka'i) Ne tso lung.

'DOD MKHAR — BA 974.

'DOD RGYAS DGON — Vai.Ser 219.

'DOD CHAGS RDO RJE — 131 8.3.  Secret n. of Maitripa.  487 I 15.2.

'DOD 'JO'I DPAL 'KHYIL — Mon. in Lhasa.  See 'Dod dpal.  Schmied 96.

'DOD 'JO BA — See (— — —) Ngag dbang chos kyi dpal 'byin.

Sgrub thabs 'DOD 'JO'I BUM BZANG — Sādhana collection of Gter bdag gling pa.  Subject of a Dris lan text in 242 133‑195.  Of Smin gling tradition, in 87 vols. 93‑94.

Rgyal bu 'DOD PA SKYES — Identified as former existence of Chos sdings pa.  73 405.4 ff, and especially 410.2.

Gshen rab 'DOD PA DGU 'GYUR — Zlos gar 48.

'DOD PA'I RGYAL PO — Ṭakkirāja.  Depicted in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 162.

'DOD PA'I BSTAN BCOS — By Mi pham, in 212 XII.  Another written by Dge 'dun chos 'phel.

'DOD DPAL — N. of an artistic tradition originating from E pa Lkugs pa and (Sprul sku) Bab phro.  23 41, 51.  This is an abbreviated form of 'Dod 'jo'i dpal 'khyil.  For Zhol 'Dod dpal as an artisanal office that organized Lhasa artists, see Jackson, Patron xi.  Clarke in LaRocca, Warriors 23 spells it 'Dod zhol dpal 'khyil, which seems to combine elements of both names.

'DOD DPAL DO DAM PA — Schmied 97.

Be rtse 'DOD YON RDZONG — 4 200B.3, 208A.2.

'DON 'DROS — Eldest son of Khotanese king.  Emmerick.

'DOM DKAR SPRUL SKU — 346 172.4.

'DOMS DKAR — Pl.n.  346 92.4.

'DOL KHA — BA 811.

'DOL KHAR TSHANG — 5 28.5.

'DOL LE — See Lha mchog lde.

'DRA DHA MU KA — A yakṣa.  Emmerick.

'DRA 'BAG CHEN MO — Great Mask.  N. of biography in 132.

'DRA RTSIS LA — 253 II 634.4.

'DRA YUL MKHAR THOG — Vai.Ser. 235.

'DRE — Ghost.  See Combe 78.

Myang stod kyi 'DRE KHRO CHUNG — Disc. of Zur po che.

'DRE CHEN PO — 17 II 344.1.  See (— — —) Shes rab 'bar.

'DRE SBE SAD — See 'Dro spe sad.

'DRE RAG DGON — 253 II 630.4.

'DRE LUNG SKYOG MO — Pl.n.  4 7A.3, 12A.2.

'DRE'U SE RA — Lake in Khotan area.  Emmerick.

'DRENG JO SRAS — 17 II 426.2.  =Dre na Jo sras.

'DREN MCHOG — See (— —) Byang chub rgyal mtshan.



'DRE TIR — N. of a Khotan region and mon.  Emmerick.

'DRO SPE SAD —  ='Dre spo sad.  N. of King Kauśāmbi, son of Man 'dre seng ge.  Emmerick.

RDA GLING KHA — Aris, Discourse 17.  In Bhutan.

Bla ma Mkhas pa RDA MA CHOG — Teacher of Atiśa.  17 II 283.6.

RDA BA — One of 36 border countries of India.  Das 699.

RDA LA ME 'BAR — 17 IV 449.6.


Slob dpon RDAR SGOM GYI SKU CHE BA'I YON TAN — (early 12th cent.)  Bio. in BD of T&TB VII 98 ff.

RDI TSHA — A lags Rdi tsha is incarnational n. of Dge 'dun chos 'phel. See Mengele, dGe 49 ff.  Rdi tsha is a monastery in A mdo, on which see Mengele, dGe  139.

RDIL SPRUL SKU — 415 XI 127.3.

RDIS GU SPRUL SKU GRUB MCHOG — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 120.3.

RDIS PHU BLA MA — See (— — — —) Nyi rgan.

RDIS BAN — See (— —) Dbang drug.

RDIS BON DGON — ?  363 56.6.

RDU RGYUD — See (— —) G.yag mgo Dgon.



RDUR PA — Pl.n.  ?  See 28 78.  See Dur pa snal.

Yul RDE KA RA — BD of T&TB I 741.

Ri RDE'U — In Tsa ri.  17 IV 232.6.

Phyag chen RDE'U SKOR — See BA 863.  Rdzogs chen Rde'u Skor Bdun pa goes back to one Bla ma Sro ba.  Karmay, Great Perfection 206.  It is possible that the Rde'u Bdun Skor, as a 'heretical' teaching, refers ultimately to the theory of Pakudha (a contemporary of Buddha) who believed that the human is simply composed of seven elements (see Akira Sadakata's Buddhist Cosmology, p. 23).  It is also possible that rde'u is to be understood as a diminutive of rdul, equivalent to rdul phran, 'atom'.  Hence the 'materialism' aspect.  However, I doubt the latter interpretation.  Now I think the rde'u should be understood as diminutive of rdo, and mean therefore 'pebble'.

RDE GO — 20th century borrowing of Chinese Deguo, word for 'German'.  A German visited the Dalai Lama xiii at Wu‑t'ai Shan, although he didn't discuss much of anything, spending all his time trembling and unable to speak (Sperling, Tibeto‑Mongol Treaty, unpublished draft).

RDE'U SPRUL SKU — 253 II 636.1.

RDE TSHAG —  =Rta tshags.

RDEL RTSIS — Subject of work in 480.

RDO — Of course this syllable can simply mean 'stone', which creates confusion, and it can be a spelling for mdo...  Left bank tributary of Gtsang po below Lo.  N. of the valley of the same river.  N. of a mon. located there.  BA 625.  JTL&CT 298.  4 305A.4, 305B.1.  Note this: Rdo yul Ngos 'dzin, title of work in 167 437‑439.

RDO — Pl.n.  DTK5 76.

RDO KI RI — Village.  BD of T&TB I 502.

RDO KLONG DKAR PO — "White stone heap."  In Balti.  A sandbank in the Hanu Lungba River.  79 76 no. 22.

RDO DKAR DGON — 363 122.2.

RDO KHYAB MGON PO — Kværne, Tibetan Studies 104.

RDO KHRA SGANG — 602 30v.4.

RDO MKHAR DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang with about 70 monks.

RDO GRUB CHOS SGAR — In Amdo.  See Rdo ba Grub chen.


RDO CAN — Pl.n.  Aśmaka.

RDO CHU — BA 854.

RDO CHU ME 'BAR — At Muktinath.  383 459.5.

RDO 'JOG — Takṣaśilā.  Taxila.  Das 462.  See the entry Takkasilā in EoB VIII 227‑232.

RDO RJE — One of 20 principle mts. of Tibet.  Das 212.

Gnya' ston RDO RJE — 253 II 200.2, 200.4.

RDO RJE KI MA — ?  See picture in 320 XXVIII 567.

Jo bo Brag btsan RDO RJE KUN SKYONG — Also, (Bka' srung chen po).  Text in 213 313‑323.

Dge bshes Brang nga RDO RJE KUN GRAGS — (early 11th cent. or late 10th)  Also, (Prang).  ?  210 54.3.  383 217.2.  410 99A.2.

RDO RJE KUN GRAGS MA — A spirit.  128 1142.  Prob. the goddess riding on a pig, called Rdo rje grags mo rgyal, pictured in Rossi & Rossi, Beyond Lhasa pl. 6.

Gangs kyi Yum chen RDO RJE KUN TU BZANG — 128 1144.  Pictured in 216A.

Zhab tog pa RDO RJE KUN THUB — 115 7.2.

RDO RJE KRO DHA — Disc. of Pha dam pa.  21 IX 93.3.  Badzra kro dha, or Vajrakrodha, would be the Sanskritic version.

Gser chen Mkha' lding RDO RJE KLU MO — Pictured in 128 1148.

Lung chen RDO RJE BKOD PA — N. of a person (?).  239 XXII contents.



RDO RJE BKRA SHIS — 17 IV 469.4.

Du dben shwa RDO RJE BKRA SHIS — Kuijp, Rivers 308.

RDO RJE BKRA SHIS DPAL BZANG PO — See the article by Dai Matsui, The Chaghataids and Uigur‑Tibetan Buddhists: Re‑examination on a Mongolian Decree Newly Discovered at Dunhuang (in Japanese).  He was a State Preceptor of the Mongols at Karakorum, the capital on the Orkhon River in Mongolia.  Toh, Ming 75.

RDO RJE SKYABS — Aka Dpal bzang sri thar.  Bodleian Catalogue 51.

Bra ston RDO RJE SKYABS — 476 II 24.6.


Srung ma RDO RJE'I KHRAB RING — 397 XXI.

RDO RJE KHRI GTSUG — Birth n. of Gnubs chen Sangs rgyas ye shes.  33 161.1.

RDO RJE KHROS PA PHUR PA RTSA BA'I RGYUD — 320 XXVII 129 ff.  A title Rdo rje Khros pa Rtsa rgyud ends p. 633.

Bshad rgyud RDO RJE MKHA' 'GRO — In Cakrasamvara cycle.  349 260‑400.


RDO RJE GUNG PHUG — 210 247.6.

RDO RJE GUR — A tantra, the VajrapañjaraChandra 1284.  See comm. in 145 III 175‑211.  Also, 90 II 351‑357.  49‑deity.  349 XX, XXVI.  Outline of the 51 chapters in Hartzell,  Dissert. 344.

Gnyan RDO RJE GRAGS — N. of Ras chung pa in 17 II 501.

Rwa Lo tsā ba RDO RJE GRAGS — Most famous Yamāntaka master.  Buston II 221.  BA 71, 293, 375‑380, 396.  Ferrari 98.  BD of T&TB VI 9 ff.  His bio. by Rwa Ye shes seng ge called Kun khyab Snyan pa'i Rnga Sgra53 II 298.3.  He was responsible for restoration of Bsam yas after the fire of 986.  Wylie 130 n. 136.  Pictured in 128 374.  Called Ra ba.  Wylie 68.  Bio.  434.  B. in 1016.  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 1833‑1835.  Listed without much further information in Mtshan tho no. 38.

Gcung Rin po che RDO RJE GRAGS PA — (1210/11‑1278/79)  The 4th abbot of 'Bri gung.  He held the chair for 25 years.  Bio. 357 90‑99.  B. in Iron Sheep yr.  37 23.  Bio. 168 163.6 ff.  Evidently identical to 'Bri gung Gcung Rdo rje grags (d. 1280)  DTK5 110.

'Ji skar RDO RJE GRAGS PA — Picture in 231 3.

Tho lha tsha Gter ston RDO RJE GRAGS PA — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 117.4.

Rig 'dzin RDO RJE GRAGS PA RTSAL — 'Brug pa.  Subj. of bio. in Two Rare 'Brug pa Dkar brgyud pa Biographies (1974).

RDO RJE GRO BO LOD — KTDN 72.4.  A form of Padmasambhava.  Text in 226 VI 217‑261.  320 XIII 430.2.

RDO RJE GRO LOD — Acc. to 210 266.3, a secret n. of Legs ldan bdud 'joms rdo rje.  Stag sham, Gu ru Rdo rje gro lod kyi Rnam thar Gser gyi Phreng ba, listed in BLP no. 0327.

Gter ston RDO RJE GRO LOD — Extensive & abbreviated bios. of Padmasambhava listed in BLP no. 0335.

Gser chen Mkha' lding RDO RJE GLANG MO CHE — Pictured in 216A.

RDO RJE GLING — Darjeeling (?).  115 98.4.

Gangs ra Nges gsang RDO RJE GLING — 4 miles S, near Ngur smrig Sgrol ma.  BA 686.

'Bar 'brog RDO RJE GLING — Mon. f. by Rgod tshang pa.  BA 671, 686.  115 82.4, 82.6, 84.6, 85.3, 85.7, 86.6, 109.5.  SBTD I 303.

Dbang 'dus RDO RJE GLING DGON PA — A Rnying ma mon. said to have given n. to Dar rgyas gling (Darjeeling) founded by Chuzang (Chu bzang) Tulku.  58 931.

Gter ston RDO RJE GLING PA — (1346‑1405)  B. in Gra nang Dben rtsa.  Father's n. was Khu ston Bsod nams rgyal mtshan.  Dhongthog 67.  (1346‑1406)  16 37.  Collected gter ma in 3 vols. publ. 1976.  BD of T&TB III 548.  His Bla ma Bka' 'dus Rin chen Gter mdzod in 87 X.  Pictured in 320 XXI 2.  Other gter ma in 87 XVIII, XXIX, XXXVI.  See 92217 310.5 ff.  320 IV 416.1.  383 219.3.  Bio. in 210 127.4 ff.  See 256 preface.  See G.yung drung gling pa.  Mgon po Ma ning Nag po'i Chos Skor, publ. 1974.  Alias O rgyan bzang po.  Bon redisc., see 383 419.4.  B. in Fire Dog year.  Bio. in 413 355.4 ff.  410 79B.2.  411 282B.3.  Made excavations at age 13.  413 356.4.  Bio. of Padmasambhava, see 413 357.1.  Gave teachings to (Karma pa) Rol pa'i rdo rje.  413 367.6.  458 I 17.6 ff.  See Karmay, Great Perfection 216 ff.  The following 5 names listed in 413 373.6:  1) Rdo rje gling pa.  2) Padma gling pa.  3) Kun skyong gling pa.  4) G.yung drung gling pa.  5) 'Jam dpal chos kyi bshes gnyen.  See discussion of dates in Blondeau, Mkhyen brce'i 126.  His real dates may be 1267‑1326.  Achard, L'Essence 41, 43, 49, 61.  Samten Karmay argues in his article in J. of Bhutan Studies that the dates 1346‑1405 must be correct.

RDO RJE GLING PA — See (— — — —) Chos kyi rgyal mtshan.  (— — — —) Seng ge shes rab.

RDO RJE GLING PHUG — In U rgyan.  132 41.4.

RDO RJE GLU GAR — J. Newman in IIJ XXX, p. 99, n. 17.

RDO RJE DGA' BYED RTSAL — Secret n. of 'Jam dpal bshes gnyen.  BD of T&TB I 312.

Btsan rgod Dge bsnyen RDO RJE DGRA 'DUL — Also, (Bstan srung).  A protector.  Text in 213 363‑377.

RDO RJE DGRA 'DUL RTSAL — Secret n. given to a spirit when Zur chung bound him by an oath.  33 224.2.

'Brog chen 'Khor 'dul RDO RJE BGEGS KYI GTSO — Pictured in 216A.

RDO RJE MGON — N. of father of Dus gsum mkhyen pa.  17 II 529.6.

RDO RJE MGON PO — (ca. late 14th to early 15th cent.)  B. in Sna mo lung.  BD of T&TB III 576.  Lived 68 years.

Gro mo tshong pa RDO RJE MGON PO — 438 VI 484.6.

Gling dpon RDO RJE MGON PO — (17th cent.)  TS5 817.

'Brog chen 'Khor 'dul RDO RJE 'GEGS KYI GTSO — 128 1144.

Rgan chag RDO RJE RGYAL — Father of Ba'u gan chag rtag.  132 95.1.

RDO RJE RGYAL PO — Author of Sangs rgyas kyi Bstan pa la Rim gyis 'Jug pa'i Tshul, publ. 1977.  =Phag mo gru pa Rdo rje rgyal po.

RDO RJE RGYAL PO — Secret n. of (Dgyer sgom) Tshul khrims seng ge (1144‑1204).

Khyung ram RDO RJE RGYAL PO — (1885‑1945)  Velm I 128.  ISTS xvi.  Photograph in Goldstein, History 339.

Nga phod pa RDO RJE RGYAL PO — (d. 1728)  He was executed. Jackson, Patron 7.

Chos rje RDO RJE RGYAL PO — (1284‑1350)  8th abbot of 'Bri gung, from 1315‑1350.  Bio. in 357 118‑125.  37 25.  Bio. in 168 184.1 ff.

Phag mo gru pa RDO RJE RGYAL PO — Also called Mtha' rtsa pa.  (1110‑1170)  B. in Rme shong.  Father's n. was A 'dar.  Mother's n. was Khu 'dzum A skyabs.  T.H. 157.  46 59.  Ferrari 120.  BA 552 ff.  57 IIB 355.4 ff.  Rdo rje rgyal po was his dge tshul name.  17 II 537.3 ff.  Bio. by (Dpal chen) Chos kyi ye shes in 71 5‑62.  For his Gsung 'bum, see 71.  Bio. in 73 241‑291 (includes his 'last testiment' on his previous rebirths).  TPS 688 n. 128 (also n. 515).  Bio. by Lha btsun pa in 116 1‑35.  Bio. by Rgyal thang pa in 119 387‑435.  Pictured in 129 V 426, 128 468, 644.  Bio. by Rje Mkhan po in 135 I 263‑314.  115 19.2.  Bio. in 357 41‑51.  Bio. in 168 87.6 ff.  Possible portrait bronze in Uhlig, On the Path to Enlightenment, 193; another in Weldon & Singer, Sculptural Heritage  136 (for discussion of how he should look in artistic representations, see p. 139).  Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 140. A nice thangka of him illus. in Precious Deposits II 50‑51 (hands in teaching mudrā, but holding lotus flowers with vajra and bell on them).  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 1359‑1360.

'Bog RDO RJE RGYAL PO — P.Tib. 849.198.  Hackin, Formulaire 37.

Sha mi RDO RJE RGYAL PO — Gter ston383 410.5 ff.  410 44A.2.  His Gu ru Pad 'byung gi Rnam thar Has po ri listed in BLP no. 0329.

RDO RJE RGYAL PO'I DBANG LUNG — Hackin, Formulaire 37.

Ston pa RDO RJE RGYAL BA — 115 110.2.

RDO RJE RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of text in 307 II 188 ff.

RDO RJE RGYAL MTSHAN — Lay ordination name of Milarepa.

RDO RJE RGYAL MTSHAN — Myriarch of Yar 'brog principality of whom little is known.  52 3.

RDO RJE RGYAL MTSHAN — Abbot of Bang rim Chos sde in about 1704.  463 I 81.3.


Nyang RDO RJE RGYAL MTSHAN — BD of T&TB X 44.6, 44.10.

Rtogs ldan RDO RJE RGYAL MTSHAN PA — 601 6v.5.  Called Gro mo che ba'i Rtogs ldan in 602 19v.4.

Sding bya RDO RJE RGYAL MTSHAN — Goldstein, History 369.

Pha jo RDO RJE RGYAL MTSHAN — (ca. 1178)  476 I 95.2.

Phod mdo RDO RJE RGYAL MTSHAN — (ca. 1203)  476 I 113.3.

Spyi 'bras lung pa Dbon po RDO RJE RGYAL MTSHAN — Father of Thang stong rgyal po.  See 5 13.6.

Bar ston RDO RJE RGYAL MTSHAN — Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 178.

Bar lding gi Btsun pa RDO RJE RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of history listed in BLP no. 1484.

Dbon po RDO RJE RGYAL MTSHAN — (1283‑1325)  Disc. of (Rong pa) Shes rab seng ge.  See BA.  Kālacakra master and teacher of Bu ston at Rong; to be distinguished from another Kālacakra master called (Shong ston) Rdo rje rgyal mtshan.  27 87.

Gtsang ston RDO RJE RGYAL MTSHAN — (1126‑1216)  Follower of Kaḥ thog Dam pa bde gshegs.  Bradburn, Masters 119, 142.  Wrote most extensive commentary on Guhyagarbha.

Zi na RDO RJE RGYAL MTSHAN — (early 13th cent.)  Kuijp in  Lungta 14 (2001) 67.

Gzus RDO RJE RGYAL MTSHAN — (in 10th cent.)  Klu mes served as his Dge ba'i bshes gnyen, and Gru mer as his Las slob at his ordination.  His chief discs. (Bu chen Bzhi) were ('Dzim) Sher 'od, Sne bo, (Glan) Tshul 'byung, and (Spo chung) Tshul khrims 'byung gnas.  BD of T&TB III 234.  17 II 342.6.  124 488.3.

Ras chung RDO RJE RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of bio. of 'Brom Seng ge rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 1585.

Rong po RDO RJE RGYAL MTSHAN — (1283‑1325)  Kuijp, KPTB 26‑27.

Rong ling Lo tsā ba RDO RJE RGYAL MTSHAN — Kālacakra master.  BA 1061.

Shong ston RDO RJE RGYAL MTSHAN — Also, (Gshong Lo tsā ba).  (1283‑1325)  Brother of Dpang Lo (1276‑1342).  Brother of Shong ston Blo gros brtan pa.  BA 786.  Kālacakra master who translated Vimalaprabhā.  A contemp. of 'Phags pa, and teacher of Bu ston.  27 87.  See Das 1246.  BA 792‑793.  17 II 416.3.  BA 784.  17 II 420.1 ff.  Pictured in 128 1024.  115 159.4.  Derge vol. 77, contents.  Smith, Philology 16.

Lha RDO RJE RGYAL MTSHAN — Royal descendent.  CFMS 32.

Spyan snga Rin po che RDO RJE RGYAL MTSHAN 'OD — Became abbot in 1454, d. 1473.  CFMS 93.

Gnas chung RDO RJE SGRA DBYANGS GLING — A Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang with about 115 monks.  A small mon. to SE of 'Bras spungs.  See Das 752.

RDO RJE SGRON MA — An emanation of Ma cig who redisc. Gcod works.  12 IX 94.4.  Havnevik, Dissert. 135.

Nyug gi RDO RJE SGROM BU — Pl.n.  33 166.2.  In G.yas ru in Gtsang.

RDO RJE DNGOS GRUB — "The present Buddhist temple in pagoda style [in Rewalsar] was built by a philanthropist of Lahaul, Myas Dorje Ngodup, in 1936."  Ahir, Himalayan Buddhism 75.

Zhang sras RDO RJE DNGOS GRUB — Father of (Zhang) Bkra shis rdo rje.  Bka' ma Rgyas pa XXXVI 354.3.

Byang ngos pa RDO RJE DNGOS GRUB — Author of an article on Tibetan education in Krung go'i Bod kyi Shes rig 1st issue of 1999.

RDO RJE DNGOS GRUB GTER — A secret n. of Rgya ston?  NO!  N. of his disc. (Zhu ston) Bsod nams shākya.  See BD of T&TB III 168.

RDO RJE DNGOS GRUB RTSAL — A secret n. of Jo shāk (q.v.).

RDO RJE CAN — ?  See Derge vol. 77, p. 274.3.

RDO RJE LCAGS THAG — (or, Rdo rje lcags sgrog?)  Vajrasphota.  See illus. of this deity in Pal, HAA 146‑7.  See also: Weldon & Singer, Sculptural Heritage p. 94.

Srung ma RDO RJE CHEN MO — Dharma protector of Tho ling.  See TJ XXIII (1998) 111.  Vitali, Tho.ling 74, etc.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 5 ff.

Rgyal ba Rgya mtsho'i Rigs bdag RDO RJE CHOS — Also, (Rgyal Kun Thugs kyi Gsang Mdzod), (Rig 'dzin Gtso bo Gsang bdag).  Diety.  128 418, 662.  Picture in 320 XXIX 677.

RDO RJE CHOS RGYAL BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — See =(Rig 'dzin) Ngag gi dbang po.

RDO RJE CHOS LDAN — Had a controversy with O rgyan pa.  Dge 'dun chos 'phel gyi Gsung rtsom (1990) I 279.

RDO RJE CHOS PA — Beyer 231.

Rgyal sras RDO RJE CHOS DBANG — 19th cent.  375 preface.

Gnod sbyin RDO RJE MCHED BZHI — Nebesky 182.  KTDN B XI 52A.3.

RDO RJE MCHED GSUM — In Dben sa Snyan brgyud.  1) Chos rdo rje.  2) Dpal rdo rje.  3) Rin chen rdo rje.  Karmay, Great Perfection 145.  Thuken 291.


RDO RJE 'CHANG — See 16 91‑93 for fairly detailed treatment of the Adi Buddha doctrine.  Karma pa Rang byung rdo rje, Rgyal ba Rdo rje 'chang Yab yum gyi Rnam thar, listed in BLP no. 0562.  Pictured in 128 3, 660.

RDO RJE 'JIGS BYED — For Kong sprul's texts on same, acc. to system of 9‑deity (Lha dgu), see 90 IV 425‑517.  Picture in 128 368.  Dge lugs lineages.  165 II 965‑972.  Guruyoga.  243 II 723 ff.  Bskyed rim.  733 ff.  349 XXIV.  According to Linrothe in Oriental Art 46 no 2 (2000) 31, Yamāntaka uses the buffalo as a vehicle, while Vajrabhairava has a buffalo head.  Linrothe finds no securely Indian representations of Vajrabhairava.

RDO RJE 'JIGS MED RTSAL — One of the secret names of Sgro phug pa.  BD of T&TB III 283.

RDO RJE NYI 'OD RTSAL — A secret n. of Rgyal po Dzah.  BD of T&TB I 955.

RDO RJE SNYING PO — Received wordless inspiration through Bhagavan's blessing that enabled him to teach the Daśabhūmika sūtra to Rnam grol zla ba.  Lde'u 2 54.  Note that a Vajragarbha Tantra was translated in around 973 by Fa‑t'ien into Chinese.

Nyang ston RDO RJE SNYING PO — 115 128.1.

Ldong ston RDO RJE SNYING PO — Also, (Lho pa).  A disc. of 'Gos Lo tsā ba.  BD of T&TB III 330.  17 II 412.1.  BA 364.

'Brog ston RDO RJE SNYING PO — Samdo A V 140v.4.


RDO RJE SNYING PO RTSAL — Secret n. of (Skyo ston) Shākya ye shes (q.v.).

RDO RJE GTUM PO — Vajracaṇḍāla.  KTDN B XI 51B.1.  Work with Lo rgyus of lineage in 197 tsaTPS 530.

Drung chos RDO RJE RTOGS LDAN — Cuevas, Hidden History 123.

A seng RDO RJE BRTAN PA — (d. ca. 1496)  King of Mustang.  ISTS 134‑135.  SBTD I 78.

RDO RJE THUGS MCHOG RTSAL — Secret n. of Ku ku ra dza.  132 82.4.  Also n. of Shākya shrī (1853‑1919).

Rig 'dzin iii RDO RJE THOGS MED — Rnying ma.  (1763‑ )  Dhongthog 99.  Redisc. works in 240 209‑297.  =Skal bzang padma dbang phyug, Rgod ldem V.  See 370 preface.  Autobio. in 379, where his dates seem to be 1719‑1770?  =Bstan 'dzin zla 'od rdo rje.  Bio. in 410 175A.5.  See following.  Dates given as 1719/1720‑ca. 1770 in Filibeck, Catalog II 346 (nos. 736‑738), where his full name is given as Rdor brag Rig 'dzin iii Bskal bzang padma rdo rje thogs med rtsal.

Gter ston RDO RJE THOGS MED — (1746‑1797)  Rnying ma.  BD of T&TB IV 405.  His Vajrakīla sādhana publ. 1976.  Collected termas in 6 vols. publ. 1978+ (The Collected Revelations [Gter chos] and Writings of Gter ston Rdo rje thogs med.  He was born in Kong po Brag gsum, hence his name Brag gsum Gter ston.  He was son of a Dkar brgyud pa Grub chen 'Jam dbyangs.  420 I 83.1.  Zab chos Bdun pa Sbas yul Sgo byed Yid bzhin 'Od 'phro'i Gter Skor, publ. in 1974 in 2 vols.

RDO RJE THOGS MED RTSAL — [1] Secret n. of (Zur) Shākya 'byung gnas (14th cent.).  BD of T&TB III 515.  [2] Secret n. of Legs pa dpal bzang.  BD of T&TB III 518.  [3] Secret n. of the Great Fifth Dalai Lama.  Essais 125.  Kuijp, Edge 144.


Dge rgan RDO RJE MTHAR PHYIN — (1890‑1976)  Born in Kinnaur.  Gergan Dorje Tharchin, or G. Tharchin, or Tharchin Babu.  H. Louis Fader, Called from Obscurity: The Life & Times of a True Son of Tibet, Gergan Dorje Tharchin, Tibetan Mirror Press (Kalimpong 1994, 2002?).  Tharchin met the Indian (Christian converted from Sikhism) missionary Sadhu Sundar Singh.



RDO RJE DRAG PO — See (Rig 'dzin) Thugs kyi rdo rje.

'Dzi sgar iv RDO RJE DRAG PO — (1740‑1798)  Also, ('Dzi sgar Gter ston).  A 'Brug pa gter ston23 11.  337 p. 164 ff.  Volume of Dgongs gter, see 382.  =(Rig 'dzin) Thugs kyi rdo rje.  =Rdo rje drag po 'phrin las 'dus pa rtsal.  =Rta mgrin dbang gi rgyal po nus ldan drag po rtsal. Rituals for the Propitiation of the Four Faced Mahākāla, Rma chen Spom ra, Gnyan chen Thang lha, and Dge bsnyen Sprang btsan, publ. in Darjeeling in 1982 [I Tib 82‑903182].  The Collected Visionary Teachings of 'Dzi sgar Mchog sprul Rdo rje drag po, publ. in 1 vol. in Darjeeling in 1972.

RDO RJE DRAG PO 'PHRIN LAS 'DUS PA RTSAL — N. of ('Dzi sgar iv) Rdo rje drag po, q.v.  See also (Rig 'dzin) Thugs kyi rdo rje.

RDO RJE DRAG PO RTSAL — Secret n. of (Mgar ston) Zung nge.  BD of T&TB III 291. 

RDO RJE DRAG PO RTSAL — Secret n. of Padmasambhava  87 I 15.6.

RDO RJE DRAG PO RTSAL — N. given by a spirit to Zur chung.  33 224.2.

RDO RJE DRAG PO RTSAL — Name of the central yi dam of the Thugs sgrub cycle, found by Rgod ldem.  See the thangka illus. in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds in Transformation, p. 263, which is misidentified as a blue Vajrapāṇi.  Bodleian Catalogue 86.

Rma ri Rab 'byams RDO RJE DRAG MO — Picture in 128 1148.  320 V 30.4.  Picture in 216A.

RDO RJE DRIL BU PA — Vajraghaṇṭa.  A teacher of Tilopa.  17 II 233.  =Karṇa ri pa.  Slob dpon Rdo rje dril bu pa'i Lo rgyus, 145 III 345A.1 ff.  Pictured in 320 X 2.  Disc. of Dā ri ka pa.  BD of T&TB I 383‑388.  Ordination n., Blo gros snying po 'i dpal.  Alias, Dgra las rgyal ba.  Works in 349 XXV 52‑71.

RDO RJE GDAN — Buddhagayā.  Vajrāsana.  Das 705.  Wylie 11.  Called 'Phags yul gyi Lte ba.  BA 701.  Four gate protectors, 115 99.7.  115 90.7, 97.3 ff.  That there was Buddhist activity there in the 15th century seems to be demonstrated by the invitation to the Karma pa vii to come there to spread Buddhism!  A wonderful thangka of Vajrāsana illus. in Precious Deposits III 284‑295; an iron model illus. in IV 160‑1.  See under Rig pa'i ral gri for an early title on Rdo rje gdan.  A Rdo rje gdan gyi Lam yig listed in BLP no. 1183.  Throne symbolism of the actual seat where Enlightenment (Vajra Mind) took place.  EoB VIII 488‑492.

Rta nag RDO RJE GDAN — F. by Pha rgod Kun bzang.  Vai.Ser. 207. 

RDO RJE GDAN PA — Mahāsiddha.  Pictured in 128 62A.  This is evidently a picture of Dza ba ri pa (?).

RDO RJE GDAN PA —  =Amoghavajra, acc. to BA 729. Teacher of Khyung po Rnal 'byor.  17 II 427.  His rab byung n. was Ratna ā kā ra gupta.  17 II 299.4 ff.  Also called Sau ri pa.  17 II 301.5.  Discussion of various persons called Rdo rje gdan pa by  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 8.  Vitali also gives the list of three different Rdo rje gdan pas according to Sum pa Mkhan po.  The elder is Mya ngan med dpal, the middle So ri pa or Ratnākaragupta, and the younger Don yod rdo rje.

RDO RJE GDAN PA — See (— — — —) Kun dga' rnam rgyal.  (— — — —) Mi pham tshe dbang bstan 'dzin.

RDO RJE GDAN PA CHUNG BA — A teacher of Shākya shrī bha dra.  17 II 305.6, 419.5.  ='Jigs med 'byung gnas.  17 IV 330.6.  Teacher of Ba ri Lo tsā ba (1040‑1112), q.v.  Said to have been a lineage disciple of Ratna bo dhi ā ka ra (Rdo rje gdan pa che ba).  See under A mo gha ba dzra.

RDO RJE GDAN PA CHE BA — See (— — — — — —) Ratna ā ka ra gupta.


RDO RJE GDAN BZHI — See Gdan bzhi.

Sna nam RDO RJE BDUD 'JOMS — A Buddhist sage of Samarkand (questionable!).  Das 765.  Lived in time of Khri srong lde brtsan, who sent him to India to invite Padmasambhava  Buston 189.  BA 104, 166.  Included in list of 25 discs. of Padmasambhava  Ferrari 163.  17 II 323.6.  132 88.6.  Pictured in 128 622.

Gnod sbyin Zhang blon RDO RJE BDUD 'DUL — Text in 213 439‑451.  Chandra 2009.  KB 113.1.  Protector of rgyud Bzhi.

RDO RJE BDUD 'DUL — See (Rab 'byams pa) Rgyal dbang seng ge.

Mtsho phu RDO RJE BDUD 'DUL — (active circa 1918)  A chos 6.

RDO RJE BDUD RTSI'I RGYUD — Cited in 91 I 576.1.  320 XXVI 215.1 ff, 250 ff.

RDO RJE BDE MCHOG RTSAL — Secret n. of Ku ku rā dza.  BD of T&TB I 954.

Klu btsan RDO RJE BDE 'BAR — LGCM 652.1.

RDO RJE BDE MA — (d. 1490/1)  Wife of Rgyal ba shes rab and his younger brother Rin chen bzang po (d. 1475/6), rulers of Yar rgyab.  Kuijp, On the Composition, p. 23.

RDO RJE BDE GSAL RTSAL — Secret initiatory n. of 'Jam dpal bshes gnyen.  132 72.3.

RDO RJE SDE — Bodhisattva.  Emmerick.

Mkha' 'gro RDO RJE SDER MO — 239 XVI.

Lha mo RDO RJE NAG MO DBANG PHYUG MA — Tantra in 320 XXXI 310.6.

RDO RJE RNAM RGYAL — (active 1930's)  Bka' blon. Peng in TS9 IV 71.

Gnyer RDO RJE RNAM RGYAL — 365 79.6.

RDO RJE RNAM PAR 'JOMS PA — Texts in 87 LXXV.  Text in 212 XI.  243 III 969‑986.  349 II 493‑587, VIII 119‑175.  SBTD I 113.

Rgyal ba'i Yum mchog RDO RJE RNAL 'BYOR MA — Pictured in 128 418.

RDO RJE RNAL 'BYOR MA'I RGYUD — Text in 319 VI 179‑191.

RDO RJE DPAL — Leader of a Hor army.  115 113.3.  Everding in TS9 I 117.

RDO RJE DPAL — See Lho rong Chos 'byung 403‑409.  Clan: Skyu ra.  B. in Water Pig (1143?).  He studied while young with his paternal uncle Dar ma.  Studied with disc. of 'Gos named Lho pa Rdo rje snying po.  His father & mother died when he was 11, and his paternal uncle also died when he was 18,  so he was quite impoverished.  He became known as Skyu ra Gsung bcad pa.  He came to Phag mo gru at age 25 (Fire Pig).  He d. at age 75 (Fire Ox, 1217?).  Thag ma pa was his disciple.

RDO RJE DPAL — Disc. of Shākya shrī bha dra.  17 II 345.6.  BA 34.

Kha rag Khyung btsun RDO RJE DPAL — 'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 402.1.

Khri dpon RDO RJE DPAL — Active in about 1254.  CFMS 97.  Everding in TS9 I 117.

Brag po che ba RDO RJE DPAL — In Nyang smad Bsam sdings transmission.  29 7.

'Bri gung Khri dpon RDO RJE DPAL — Sided against Khubilai (spat in his face).  Petech (1983) 184.

G.yung ston RDO RJE DPAL — Karma pa.  (1284‑1365)  Bio. in 35 I 274‑321.  7th predecessor of Paṇ chen line (q.v.).  His clan name was Glan.  Dhongthog 67 (which says he was a Rnying ma).  A Mahāmudrā teacher.  11 71.  BD of T&TB III 431‑433.  Pictured in 128 876.  BA 149‑150.  Work in 194 XIV.  219 III 77.3, 93.2.  David‑Neel, Magic & Mystery 205.  Ref. to his Guhyagarbha comm. being printed in China.  502 150.4.  He seems to have written a Gter ston Brgya rtsa Gter 'byungGu ru Bkra shis [A] IV 107.2.  Prob. the author of the autobio. listed in BLP no. 1815.

Lha lung RDO RJE DPAL — Translating apprentice to Thon mi in 7th cent.  Mtshan tho no. 3.  MKB 437.

Dpon chen Ag len RDO RJE DPAL — In 1290.  Petech (1983) 189.

RDO RJE DPAL SGRON — See Bde chen mkha' 'gro.

RDO RJE DPAL MCHOG RTSAL — Secret n. of Bde ba rā dza.  132 84.2.

RDO RJE DPAL BA — (late 14th to early 15th cent.)  BD of T&TB III 725.


RDO RJE DPAL BZANG — Founder of Ma spro Mon. in Ladakh in 15th cent.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 315.  A Drung chen of the Sa skya school.  See Todd Gibson's dissertation (1991) 208.

Star pa RDO RJE DPAL BZANG — (late 15th to early 16th cent.)  Wrote bio. of (Dmar sgom) Bsod nams blo gros in 461.

Rmog ston RDO RJE DPAL BZANG — Of Kaḥ thog.  Work in 36 I.

Kha rag Khyung btsun RDO RJE DPAL GYI YUM — Picture in 128 1146.  Picture in 216A.

Sha med Gangs dkar RDO RJE SPYAN GCIG MA — 87 I 42.1.

Chims RDO RJE SPRE'U CHUNG — 210 97.2, 97.4, 177.1.

RDO RJE PHAG MO — 5‑deity maṇḍala and 37‑deity.  349 XII.  Waddell 245, 275.  JTL&CT.  Pictures in 128 462, 320 XXXI 2.  87 I 15.4.  17 IV 316 ff.  Work by Meisezahl in Oriens 18‑19 (1967).  Work by Mallmann in Arts Asiatiques 9 (1962/3) 73 ff; 20 (1969) 21 ff.  Review of Meisezahl by Mallmann, see T'oung Pao 56 (1969).  Maṇḍala in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 189.  A very old thangka of her illus. in Precious Deposits  I 146‑7 (compare to the early painting in Sacred Visions 97).

RDO RJE PHAG MO'I SPRUL SKU — On this famous female Incarnation lineage, see article in TR XIV no. 8 (Aug. 1979) 11‑17.  In about 1681, see 458 I 226.1.  On the 12th incarnation,  Garratt in TS9 VIII 95.  Tashi Tsering, Bsam sding Rdo rje phag mo Sku phreng Rim byon gyi Mtshan dang 'Khrungs Gshegs kyi Lo Khams Star Chags su 'God thabs Sngon 'gro Zhib 'jug mdor bsdus, G.yu mtsho 1 no 1 (1993) 20‑53.  See (— — — — — —) Ngag dbang blo bzang thub bstan chos dbyings dpal mo.

RDO RJE PHUG — At Mkha spyod Ri in Tsa ri.  17 IV 239.1, 242.4.  17 II 539.6.

RDO RJE PHUG RING — 429 8.1.

RDO RJE PHUG LAM — See KTDN 68.6.  Evidently the spirit pictured in 128 1150.

RDO RJE PHUR PA — +Gsang ba'i Rtsa ba.  320 XXVII 2 ff.  ='Phrin las kyi 'Khor lo.  225 ff.  +Gsang ba'i Rgyud 'Byung po Kun 'Dul.  256 ff.  =Zhe sdang Yongs su Dag pa.  285 ff.  +Gsang ba Gdam ngag can.  322 ff.  +Chos Thams cad kyi Gsang ba'i Don.  337 ff.  +Gsang ba'i Don.  345 ff.  +Gtor ma'i Rgyud.  422 ff. 

In titles in 320 XXVIII 2‑279.  +Bshad pa'i Rgyud.  XXVIII 2‑279.  +Chos Thams cad Mya ngan las 'das pa'i Rgyud.  281‑283.  +Gsod Byed 'Bar ba'i Rgyud.  385‑ .  +Rgyud kyi Rgyal po.  509 ff.  +Drag po'i Las kyi Rtog pa Chen po, title in 541.3.  +Bcu gnyis.  XXIX 211 ff.  +Gsang ba'i Dgongs.  270 ff.  +Gsang ba'i Rgyud.  442 ff.

Vajrakīla Texts of the Sa skya pa Tradition, publ. in Bir in 1979.  349 XVI 427‑667.  Rdo rje phur pa'i Chos 'byung Rgyud sde Mang po'i Gleng gzhi dang Sbyar ba and Rdo rje phur pa'i Chos 'byung Bsdus pa, by 'Jam dbyangs dpal ldan rgya mtsho, Gtsang Mkhan chen, publ. in Darjeeling in 1979.

Bya yul RDO RJE PHO THOG DGON — Had printery.  162 210.

Btsun mo RDO RJE PHYUG MO — BD of T&TB X 94.17.

RDO RJE PHRENG BA — See BA.  Exegetical work in 243 II 5 ff.  349 XXII.  N. of tantra in 320 XXVII 93.6.  449 42.2, 44.5.  See 362.  Work by Abhayakaragupta.  Dung dkar 147148.

Zhabs drung RDO RJE 'PHRIN LAS — (19th cent.)  King of Mustang.  Brother of Bkra shis snying po.  ISTS 135‑136.

RDO RJE 'PHRIN LAS RTSAL — A secret n. of Rgya ston?  No, not his name, but name of his disc. (Tho gar) Nam mkha' lde.  See BD of T&TB III 169.

'Gro mgon RDO RJE BA — Roesler, KSP 64.

RDO RJE BU DGA' LHA MO — Mother of Tāranātha.

Gsang bdag RDO RJE BE CON CAN — 239 III.

RDO RJE BER CAN — A form of Mahākāla, the chief protector of the Bka' brgyud pa school.  11 72.

Kong btsun De mo RDO RJE BOD KHAMS SKYONG — Pictured in 216A.  Pictured in Rossi & Rossi, Beyond Lhasa pl. 6.

RDO RJE BYANG CHUB — T&BS II 240.  Note that this would be the Tibetan form of the name of Vajrabodhi (b. 661), although no occurrence of this Tibetan form is known to me.

Thub bstan RDO RJE BRAG — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang with about 200 monks.  Founded by (Rig 'dzin) Ngag gi dbang po in 1659 (1610?).  Tucci, Lhasa 119.  F. in 1632, acc. to Dhongthog 129.  Petech 44, 47, 92.  Has incarnation lineage called Rig 'dzin chen po (q.v.).  Ferrari 118.  F. by Bkra shis stobs rgyal.  Follows Byang gter teachings.  F. in 1668, acc. to 16 38.  Had printery.  162 212.  Bar Rdo rje brag was the main mon. with branch mons. Smad Rdo rje brag and Stod Rdo rje brag (q.v.).  Rig 'dzin Ngag gi dbang pos Rdo rje brag Padma'i E wam Lcog sgar btab.  Dhongthog 129.  Thub bstan Rdo rje brag E wam Lcog sgar ba'i 'Dus Sde rnams kyi Chos spyod Rab gsal, ed. by 'Khor gdong Gter sprul 'Chi med rig 'dzin, publ. by Tashi Sonam at Leh in 1975 [I Tib 75‑906592]. 

RDO RJE BRAG PA — Subsect of Rnying ma.  Waddell 73.  Rdo rje brag, between Bsam yas and Lha sa, was an important mon. =Thub bstan rdo rje brag (q.v.).  Waddell 277.

RDO RJE BRAG BTSAN — Depicted in a thangka in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 149.

RDO RJE BLA MA — A member of the early Gnyos family lineage, son of Gnyos Lo tsā ba.  Kreijger, Tibetan Painting 72.  See Allinger in TS9 VII 60 ff.

RDO RJE DBANG GRUB RTSAL — N. given to spirit converted by Zur chung.  33 224.2.

RDO RJE DBANG GRUB RTSAL — Secret n. of (Gnubs) Ye shes rgya mtsho.  BD of T&TB III 163.

RDO RJE DBANG MCHOG DGYES PA RTSAL —  ='Jam dbyangs blo gros rgya mtsho'i sgra dbyangs.  Author of a comm. on the Snga 'gyur Bstan pa Rgyas pa'i Smon lam of 'Ju Mi pham.

Pha lha RDO RJE DBANG 'DUD — (1915‑ )  Velm I 128.  Dorje Wangdu Phalha, Genealogie, Geschichte und Geschicke des Hauses Phalha, tr. by Loten Dahortsang, Tibet‑Institut (Rikon 2004).  Author of Pha lha'i Mi rgyud Rim pa'i Sri zhu'i Byung ba Brjod pa Srong po'i Gtam, Oral History Series no. 9, LTWA (Dharamsala 1999).

Kaḥ thog RDO RJE DBANG PO — See Smith in Linrothe, Holy Madness 74.

Sku zhang RDO RJE DBANG PHYUG — Mentioned in a Mongolian document in 'Phags pa script.  See TPS 623.  Lay leader of Zhwa lu, probably from 1303‑1305.  Ricca & Fournier in TJ 26 no 3/4 (Aut/Wint 2001) 104.

Rgya ban RDO RJE DBANG PHYUG — Bcud len work in 87 XLVIII.  Gtsang Nyang ro pa Rgya ban Rdo rje dbang phyug.  217 491.6 ff.  Ordination name, given him by Lo ston Rdo rje dbang phyug, of Rgya Jo sras Phur pa skyabs, q.v.  Vitali in TS9 I 104.

Stag sgom ras pa RDO RJE DBANG PHYUG — Disc. of Milarepa.  See 4 171A.6‑172B.5.

Sna nam RDO RJE DBANG PHYUG — (976‑1060)  F. 'Phan yul Rgyal lugs Lha khang in 1012, or, Rgyal Lha khang (q.v.).  56 90.  Dhongthog 117.  Pupil of Klu mes.  17 II 342.3.  BA 87.  He traveled to India in search of Vinaya teachings, met Rdo rje gdan pa, and when he returned founded Rgyal Lha khang.  Mtshan tho no. 16.

Yol Dge bsnyen RDO RJE DBANG PHYUG — Student of Rong zom Chos kyi bzang po.  BD of T&TB III 243.  Yol lcags Dge bsnyen in 166 15.2.  Biographer of Rong zom.  See 166 16.4.  Bio. of Rong zom listed in BLP no. 1894.

Ro gling Lo tsā ba RDO RJE DBANG PHYUG — An 11th cent. translator listed, with no further information, in Mtshan tho no. 59, apart from his being a disciple of Abhaya.

'Gur mo Rab kha ba Lo ston RDO RJE DBANG PHYUG — One of the five men of Gtsang ordinated under Dgongs pa rab gsal.  17 II 340.3.  F. hermitage near Zhwa lu in 973.  Kuijp, Contribution 6.  BA 205.

Gshen sgom dkar ba RDO RJE DBANG PHYUG — Disc. of Phag mo gru pa.  BA 563, 565.  Also, (Gshen dgon mkhar ba).  56 IIB 356.4.  Founded mon. of Tsa'i nang.

RDO RJE DBANG PHYUG NGAG DBANG DPAL BZANG PO — See Ngag dbang rig gnas rgya mtsho.

RDO RJE DBANG PHYUG RTSAL — Secret n. of (Gnubs) Ye shes rgya mtsho.

RDO RJE DBANG PHYUG RAB BRTAN — Bio. by the Dalai Lama v listed in BLP no. 1189.

RDO RJE DBYANGS CAN MA — Kreijger, Tibetan Painting 179 n. 106, 107.

RDO RJE DBYINGS — N. of a person?  127 II 326.1.  A 1037‑deity maṇḍala of yogatantra class.  349 IV 1‑242.  374 232.

RDO RJE DBYINGS KYI DBANG PHYUG MA —  =Dbyangs can ma.  Das 913.

RDO RJE 'BAR — Royal son of Rig pa mgon.  DTK5 75.

Bon po Brag tshal RDO RJE 'BAR — Gter ston383 408.3 ff.  410 40A.3.  413 320.6.

'Brog Jo sras RDO RJE 'BAR — See ('Brog) Jo sras.

Shes phrug RDO RJE 'BAR — Son of Shes phrug Dkon mchog 'bum.  Aka Shes phrug Ljang tsha.  TS7 I 272.

RDO RJE 'BAR BA RTSAL — See Zur phud lnga pa.  216 480.4.



RDO RJE 'BUM — Sister of O rgyan pa.  115 9.2.

G.yag 'phyar Sngon mo RDO RJE 'BUM — See under Rin chen rgyal po.

RDO RJE 'BUM — Rab byung n., Chos kyi grags pa.  210 11.1 ff. (here regarded as the first of all gter ston (gter bton thams cad kyi thog ma).  See 217 274.7.  410 97B.4.

Zur sgom RDO RJE 'BYUNG GNAS — Disc. of Zur po che.  33 211.6.  A Zur Sgom chen was younger brother of Zur po che.  33 217.4.


RDO RJE MI BSKYOD PA — In main Lam 'bras lineage.  Phag gru, Bka' 'bum (2003) VI 27.4.

RDO RJE MI KHRUGS PA — 374 I 169 ff, 236 ff.  SBTD I 166‑167.

Khra tshang pa RDO RJE MI RTOGS RTSAL — See (Khra tshang pa) Blo gros mchog.

RDO RJE ME LONG — N. of tantra.  320 XV 129.2.

RDO RJE MI'I BU — See Gnas brtan.  Picture in 128 1084.

RDO RJE MYU GU RTSAL — Secret n. of (Glan) Shākya bzang po.  33 232.2.

Btsan la Lo ro RDO RJE SMAN GCIG MA — 128 1152.  Pictured in 216A.

Ram RDO RJE BTSAN — Nephew and disc. of (Ram) Btsan can.  BA 407.  17 II 461.6.

Dpa' bo Sprul sku RDO RJE GTSUG LAG DGA' BA — See Gtsug lag dga' ba'i dbang po.  383 468.5.

Stobs ldan nag po RDO RJE GTSUG LAG GI RGYUD — Said to be the "root of all evil mantras."  210 84.2.

Bya yul ba RDO RJE BTSUN — See under Bya yul ba.

Drag sngags 'Dus pa RDO RJE RTSA BA'I RGYUD — Rnying ma tantra.  Das 647.

RDO RJE RTSE MO 'DUS PA'I RGYUD — Text in 319 VI 385‑413.  320 V 441‑469.  1271‑deity maṇḍala of Yogatantra class.  349 V 1‑491.

Bo dong pa RDO RJE BRTSON 'GRUS — Bio. in 307 I 77 ff.

RDO RJE'I TSHIG RKANG — In general, means Vajra verses.  In connection with the Ras chung Snyan brgyud, see outline by Byang chub bzang po in 74 I 375‑389.  Its basic text, the Snyan rgyud Rdo rje'i Tshig rkang (tr. by Mar pa) is found in Tanjur no. 4632 of Peking, as well as in 36 V 89‑95.  Also in 414 109 ff, and in 444 1‑10, 487 I 109‑118.

RDO RJE TSHUL KHRIMS — A direct disciple of Dus 'khor ba Sangs rgyas rdo rje.  He gave the complete Kālacakra initiations to O rgyan pa.

Rtsis dpon Lung shar RDO RJE TSHE RGYAL — 438 VII 425.4.  Goldstein, History 156.  Lived from 1880‑1940?  Maraini 181.  440 308.2.

RDO RJE TSHE BRTAN — Author of piece in BJZJ (1982, month 2).

Hor RDO RJE TSHE BRTAN — Ancestor of Dalai Lama v and prince of 'Phyongs rgyas who was converted to Dge lugs pa by (Zhwa lu Cog chung ba) Legs pa rgyal mtshan (1375‑1450).  Smith 63.

Bkras dpal RDO RJE TSHE BRTAN — A general.  Photo in 424 246.

Mkhar nag RDO RJE TSHE BRTAN — Work in 332 II 14 preface.  (Chos rgyal Nang so) 351 preface.  =(Bla ma) Grum in 410 59B.3.  ? 438 VI 632.2.  Prob. the Gter ston Grub thob Mkhar nag whose bio. of Padmasambhava is listed in BLP no. 0363.  One Mkhar nag composed a bio. of Dalai Lama iii listed in BLP no. 0521.  His Buddha & Arhat bio. listed in BLP no. 1063. (But it isn't sure if the two Mkhar nag persons ought to be identified as one person or not.)

Pir 'dzin Dbang po RDO RJE TSHE BRTAN — Artist who signed the thangka reproduced in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 87.

RDO RJE TSHE DBANG — King of Nang chen in about the late 17th cent.  473 43.

RDO RJE TSHE DBANG — Appears in the scribal colophon of Phyag rgya chen po'i Khrid yig Chen mo Gnyug ma'i De nyid Gsalpba, by Dwags po Paṇ chen Bkra shis rnam rgyal (Bir 1992).

RDO RJE TSHE RING — N. of a painter.  Zlos gar 24.

Mi nyag pa RDO RJE TSHE SRUNG — (b. 1974)  Author, Rmi lam Nang gi Mjal 'dzom (Kathmandu 2002), in 154 pp.


'Khrul zhig Sna'u Bya bral ba RDO RJE MDZES — Disc. of Dung mtsho ras pa.  BA 720.

Gsang bdag RDO RJE 'DZIN — Pictured in 128 18.

Dge slong RDO RJE 'DZIN PA — A n. of Phrin las bzang po.

RDO RJE 'DZIN PA — See (— — — —) Dkon mchog rgyal mtshan.

G.yag RDO RJE 'DZIN PA CHEN PO — Almogi, MA thesis 25.  Disciple & biographer of Rong zom pa.

RDO RJE RDZONG — In Zangs dkar.  Gutschow, Becoming a Buddhist Nun 100.

Brag skya RDO RJE RDZONG — 4 41B.1, 44B.1, 108A.3.  Ku thang gi Brag skya Rdo rje rdzong in 4 102A.3.  234 IB 94.2.  4X I 181.1.  There is also a (Brag dmar) Spo thon Rdo rje rdzong.

RDO RJE'I ZHABS — See Mi na pa.  BD of T&TB I 639.

RDO RJE GZHON NU —  =Rdo rje phur pa.  349 XVI contents.  Pictured together with his yum, 'Khor lo rgyas 'debs ma, in Phag mo gru pa's funerary stūpa.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 368.4.

Li'i Rgyal po RDO RJE GZHON NU — A Khotanese king (O rgyan pa in a previous life) who was captured and tortured by the Turkic Qarluq. 115 129.7.  Kuijp, Rivers 317.

Bla ma RDO RJE GZHON NU — From whom Thang stong heard doctrines of Shangs pa school.  BD of T&TB III 565.  Of Brag rtsa Dgon.  In Thang lugs transmission.  Connected with Sangs rgyas gling pa.  210 118.5, 119.1, 120.4.  29 6.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1496.

Dpal RDO RJE'I GZHON NU THUGS RJE KHROS PA RTSA BA'I RGYUD — 320 XXVII 551 ff.  Rdo rje gzhon nu'i Rgyud.  320 XXIX 1.  Rdo rje gzhon nu is n. of a Bhagavan.  XXIX 211.3.

Slob dpon RDO RJE BZHAD PA — Indian.  BD of T&TB I 205.  Work cited in Bka' ma Rgyas pa XVII 406.

RDO RJE BZHAD PA'I GTER — Secret n. of Shrī singha.  BD of T&TB I 516.

Rigs mchog RDO RJE BZHAD PA RTSAL — Alias of (Kun mkhyen) Chos kyi dbang phyug.  Bio. in 228 180.6 ff.  Secret n. of Shrī singha.  BD of T&TB I 516.  See under (Gru gu) Yang dbang.

RDO RJE ZAM PA — Appears to be a teaching begun by 'Od 'bar seng ge.  See lineage in BD of T&TB III 296‑298.  BA 175 ff.

Klong sde RDO RJE ZAM PA — See BA 172‑191.  Texts and historical material in 194 XII-XIII.  Texts and lineages in 36 I.

Khro ri RDO RJE ZIL KHROM — 239 XXX 52.3.

G.yu yi Dril bu RDO RJE ZU LE MA — Pictures in 128 1152 and 216A.

RDO RJE GZI BRJID — (1164‑1224)  Youngest son of Gnyos Grags pa dpal.  He spent 11 years in Bhutan, founding the Lha pa lineage there.  Kreijger, Tibetan Painting 72.  See Allinger in TS9 VII 61, on a thangka she believes that he commissioned before 1204, which was probably the year he went to Bhutan.  She says he is also known as Sangs rgyas ras chen Rgyal ba Lha nang pa.

RDO RJE GZI BRJID — N. given to Klong chen pa in a vision by Ye shes mtsho rgyal.  Used as a pen name in many colophons, that of 204, for example.

RDO RJE GZI BRJID RTSAL — N. of Mkhyen brtse'i dbang po.  239 XXX 251.1.  Achard, L'Essence 83.

RDO RJE GZI LDAN 'BAR BA — Tantra in 320 XIX 516.6.

Lce ston RDO RJE GZUNGS — In Rnying ma pa lineage.  319 VII contents.

RDO RJE GZEB CHEN — Cited in 476 I 435.4.

RDO RJE BZANG PO — (1491‑1551)  17th Khri thog of Dga' ldan.  Took throne at 49th year.  BD of T&TB VI 137.  Pictured in 128 304, 904.  Vai.Ser. 73.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 0215.  A Brazilian named Antonio was recognized by Khri Rin po che as an incarnation of one Rdo rje bzang po, who was the 6th abbot of Ser rgyud Monastery in the 16th century (David Komito, Rehearsing Enlightenment, p. 39).

Mkhas grub RDO RJE BZANG PO — Thuken 288.

Gling gi Rgyal po RDO RJE BZANG PO — (18th cent.) TS5 817.

Rgya Lo tsā ba RDO RJE BZANG PO — His Bla ma Bstan gnyis Skor Gsum was revealed by Mkhyen brtse'i dbang po.  87 VIII 1‑136.  An early gter ston.  See 23 7.  383 407.3.  410 37A.5.

Drung pa RDO RJE BZANG PO — (16th cent.)  Founder of the Matho (Ma spro), the first Sakya mon. in Ladakh.  Vernier in RET 30 (2014) 206.

Ser pa RDO RJE BZANG PO — Macdonald 142.

Grwa phyi ba Gnyal RDO RJE 'OD — One of 13 chief discs of Ras chung pa.  BA 439.  (Gwa g.ye) (Nyal) Rdo rje 'od.  24 I 217.7.

Glan RDO RJE 'OD PO — Father of (Glan) Bsod rgyal.  BD of T&TB III 315.  BA 155.  217 709.4.

Byang sems RDO RJE 'OD 'PHRO'I BRGYUD RIM — Text in 319 IV 143‑157.  320 IV 107‑123.

Rgya ban RDO RJE 'OD 'BAR — Distinguished from, but contemporary of, Rgya Zhang khrom, acc. to 383 217.1 ff.

Rgya Zhang khrom RDO RJE 'OD 'BAR — (11th cent.)  Early gter ston, re‑embodiment of (Rgya Lo tsā ba) Rdo rje bzang po.  See 23 7.  Gter ma on Yamāntaka in 87 XXVI 1‑416.  17 II 389.2.  Beyer 498 n. 112.  Bio. in 210 54.3 ff.  17 IV 493.5.  383 407.5 ff.  410 38A.4.  See 189 preface.  TPS I 258.  87 XXVI 345.2.  217 246.3 ff.  346 41.5.  Appears as Rgya Zhang 'brom in lineage of Mgon po Trakshad in the Thob yig of Sumatimaniprajñā (FM 129.00, p. 264).  His Gu ru'i Bka' thang listed in BLP no. 0304.

Shar po RDO RJE 'OD ZER — Works, see Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 196 ff.

RDO RJE YANG RTOG GI SNYING PO'I RGYUD — Text in 319 IV 217‑242.  In 15 chaps. in 320 IV 625‑645.

RDO RJE YANG DBANG GTER — Esoteric n. of (Gnubs chen) Sangs rgyas ye shes.  In 319 IV contents, VIII contents.  Also, Rdo rje yang gter, or, Yang dag gter.  Precepts in 320 XII 485‑531.  320 XV 338.7.  Achard, L'Essence 34, 49, 55.

RDO RJE YANG RTSE'I RGYUD — Text in 319 IV 191‑216.  320 IV 603‑625.

RDO RJE YAN LAG MA — Prajñā of Tilopa.  337 39.5. Depicted in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 179.

RDO RJE YE SHES — Tib. translation (but not a literal one) of the name of Vajrabodhi, the tantric in China.  488 534.1.

Chos sgo ba RDO RJE YE SHES — Also, (Snubs).  (1223‑1293)  357 contents (note 15).  7th abbot of 'Bri gung (from 1288‑1293).  484 I 851.6, II 521.7.  ? 476 II 349.4.  Bio. in 168 177.1 ff.

Gnyan ston RDO RJE YE SHES — Cuevas, Hidden History 123.

Dpal chen RDO RJE YE SHES — Active in Xixia in ca. 1200. LPNT VII 300.

Ha ri RDO RJE G.YA' MA — Pictured in 128 1142.  Pictured in Rossi & Rossi, Beyond Lhasa pl. 6.

Sman btsun chen mo RDO RJE G.YA' MA SKYONG — Pictured in 216A.

Sman btsun Ug chos RDO RJE G.YAR MO — A spirit.  128 1150.

RDO RJE G.YU SGRON MA — See Sha med Rdo rje G.yu sgron ma.

RDO RJE G.YU BUN MA — KTDN 70.3.  Pictured in 128 1146.

Gangs kyi Yum chen RDO RJE G.YU BUN MA — Also, (Gangs dkar Sha med) .  87 I 41.3.  Pictured in 216A.

RDO RJE G.YUNG DRUNG — Bla ri of Kings of Sde dge.  At Khro khog Khro zil phrom.  39 15.

Lcags ri RDO RJE'I RWA BA — In bio. of Tilopa.  116 46.3.

RDO RJE RAB BRTAN — (b. 1953)  Incarnation of Shugs gseb Rje btsun ma, presently residing in Lhasa where he (not she) works for a radio station.  TS7 I 360.

RDO RJE RAB BRTAN MA — Beyer 52, 54.  A Ḍākinī.  Lde'u2 158.  Protectress of Rgyan gong Monastery (Puchung's dissertation, Oslo 2011).

Gnyan rgyal RDO RJE RIG BYED RTSAL — Author, 336 403‑407.

Mkhan chen RDO RJE RIN CHEN — A disc. of Kun dga' seng ge (1314‑1347).

'Khon RDO RJE RIN CHEN — A student of Padmasambhava  83A 139.

Bcu gnyis pa RDO RJE RIN CHEN — (1278‑1314)  Bio. in 357 110‑118.  7th abbot of 'Bri gung.  37 24.  Bio. in 168 179.2 ff.  His dates are given as 1218‑1280 in Dungkhar Rinpoche's dictionary, p. 1913.

'Jam mgon RDO RJE RIN CHEN — Of Rdo rje brag Rdzong.  In Thang lugs transmission.  29 7.

RDO RJE RIN CHEN RGYAL MTSHAN — (1353‑1404)  Sa skya pa.  Dhongthog 68.

RDO RJE LUS — Treatise on the subject of the 'Diamond body' in 331 337‑380.  Rdo rje Lus kyi Sbas Bshad, history and biblio. in 17 IV 416.6 ff.

RDO RJE LEGS PA — Also, Rdor legs.  Chief of the 'oathed ones' (Dam can).  TPS 582.  Defeated and converted by Padmasambhava at 'O yug Bge'u tshang.  Sometimes called Ging gi Gtso.  See Nebesky 154‑159.  Ferrari 160.  Called a The'u rang in KTDN 60.5, 72.6, 74.1, 84.4.  For conversion by Padmasambhava, see KTDN 68‑85.  See 216 530.2 ff.  210 140.3.  224 XII 293 ff.  307 II 89.  5 190.4.  Wylie 71‑72, 141 n. 242, 142 n. 243.  87 I 130.2.  Text in 87 LXI.  Text in 213 415‑423.  Achard, L'Essence 81, 90.  For a remarkable thangka, see MBKP 184.

Bla ma RDO RJE SHING PA — P.n.  5 155.1.  Stearns, King 243.

RDO RJE SHUGS — Protective deity of Kālacakra cycle.  Bcom ldan 'das Dus kyi 'khor lo'i Khro rgyal Rdo rje shugs kyi Sgrub thabs dang Rjes gnang Bklags chog tu Bkod pa Ye shes Grub pa, by Kong sprul contained in Gdams ngag Mdzod (?).  374 II 20 ff.  A thangka illustrated in  Kreijger, Tibetan Painting pl. 48.

RDO RJE SHUGS LDAN — Protective deity, especially for Dge lugs pa.  See under Bsod nams grags pa.  An account of his origins in 147 222‑239.  Combe 82.  224 X 381 ff.  There was a chapel at Tho ling;  Vitali, Tho.ling 74‑5.  Iconographical description in Nebesky Wojjkowitz, Where the Gods are Mountains 23.

Spyan snga RDO RJE SHES RAB — 'Bri gung pa.  17 IV 458.6.  Wrote early comm. on Dgongs gcig called the Rdor shes ma.  It was published in 2 vols in pothi format (Delhi 2005).  A woodblock printed Gsung 'bum in 304 folios is listed in Drepung Catalog 794.

RDO RJE SHOG RGOD RTSAL — Secret n. of (Myang nag) Dbang gi shes rab (q.v.).

Dge bshes Glang ri thang pa RDO RJE SENG GE — Also, ('Dul 'dzin).  (1054‑1123)  Pupil of Po to ba and Sne'u zur pa.  F. Glang thang in 1093.  Bell, People 296.  Ferrari 84.  Bio. BD of T&TB V 43.  7th of 13 predecessors of Lcang skya line (q.v.).  Khyung po Rnal 'byor took ordination from him.  BA 732.  17 II 429.  B. in 'Phan yul Gnyan gong Gser ma shongs, to the Shugs tshang clan.  Dhongthog 68.  BA 270‑271.  17 II 375.3.  476 I 50.7.  Pictured in 128 1050.  Bio. in 165 I 512.  Article with sketch of his life in Gangs ljongs Rig gnas, 2nd issue of 1994 (22nd in general series).  He was nicknamed Ngom nag pa (gloomy faced one).  During his time public teachings started to become common, and the number of monks increased greatly.  Roesler, KSP 6, 30, 31 (a clothed image of him illustrated), 59 (a painting of Amitābha he used in his meditations, blessed by his 'hand barley').

Rngog Rgyal tsha RDO RJE SENG GE — (1152‑1219)  Son of (Rgyal tsha) Thogs med grags.  Met by Gtsang pa Rgya ras.  Appears as 'spiritual son' of Rngog Yab sras.  BA 413.  17 II 466.1.  17 XXII 14.1.  A teacher of Nyi 'bum (1158‑1213).  BD of T&TB III 359.  Bka' ma Rgyas pa XLVI 363.3.

Nyang ston RDO RJE SENG GE — A teacher with whom (Sgrol ma ba) Bsam 'grub rdo rje studied at age 20.  BD of T&TB III 459.

Gnyan RDO RJE SENG GE — In Ram lugs.  Disc. of Tre bo Mgon po.  17 II 462.1.  BA 408.

Bya sgom RDO RJE SENG GE — Disc. of Sgam po pa.  BA 462.

Sprul sku RDOR SENG — Son of (Spyan mnga') Rin chen rgyal mtshan.  210 80.4.

Sprul sku Dbyil ston RDOR SENG — Father of (Dbyil ston) Khyung rgod rtsal.  253 II 221.6.  280 preface.  302 II 97‑115.

Mi la RDO RJE SENG GE — An ancestor of Mi la ras pa.  Son of (Mi la) Mdo ston Seng ge.  4A Lha lung 14.  4A 9B.4 ff.  His son was (Mi la) Shes rab rgyal mtshan.  4X I 7.1, 7.5.

Gshen pa RDO RJE SENG GE — Also, (Shen).  Disc. of (Rngog) Mdo sde.  17 II 463.4.  BA 408.  Teacher of Dbu se.  17 II 530.6.  484 I 835.5.  Disc. of Phag mo gru pa.  17 II 546.3.  Biography by his disciple Rdo rje 'dzin pa Surya ti (that means Punya kīrti!) in 13 fols. listed in Drepung Catalog 1504.

Lha btsun RDO RJE SENG GE — King of Gu ge.  28 63.

RDO RJE SEMS DPA' — Vajrasattva.  See picture in 128 662.  Also a n. of Klong chen Rab 'byams pa (q.v.).  Bibliography.  17 IV 346.6 ff.

Bde mchog Zhi ba RDO RJE SEMS DPA' — 37‑deity.  349 XXI.

Spug RDO RJE SEMS DPA' — 17 IV 446.4.


RDO RJE SEMS DPA' THUGS KYI ME LONG — Text recited in ritual.  TS5 731.

RDO RJE SEMS DPA' NAM MKHA' CHE — In 320 I 424‑430, II 332‑362, with similar titles following.

RDO RJE SEMS DPA'I MAN NGAG — Text in 319 II 70‑71.

RDO RJE SEMS DPA'I ZHU LAN — A Dunhuang text. See Meinert in TS9 II 302.

RDO RJE SRIN PO RNO BA — In title in 320 V 500.3.

RDO RJE SRIN PO BSE YI SKYES BU CAN — In title in 320 XXII 43.1.

RDO RJE GSANG BA CHEN PO'I SKU — In title in 320 V 112.2.

RDO RJE GSANG BA'I SNYING PO — Tantra in 320 XVI 2 ff.

RDO RJE GSANG BA RTSAL — See Kun bzang nges don klong yangs.


Zab mo RDO RJE GSUM GYI BSNYEN SGRUB — 115 62.3, 63.6, 111.7, 112.3, 118.7 ff.  =O rgyan Bsnyen sgrub.  17 XX 95 ff.  444 175 ff.  The three Rdo rje are those of Body, Speech and Mind, equated to Rtsa, Rlung and Thig le.  The Body, Speech and Mind are cleansed by the three Rdo rje, which results in the Sku Gsum.  The three Rdo rje seem to be equivalent to Yid bzhin nor bu Gsum: 1) Brgyud. 2) Smin. 3) Sgrol.  Mentioned in work on Kālacakra.  12 IX 342.5. 

RDO RJE LHA KHANG — An octagonal three storied temple built by Zhig po gling pa just to the NE of Lhasa.  It only lasted about 40 years and no trace of it remains today. Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 123.

RDO TI GANGS DKAR — 353 contents.  In E Tibet.  239 XXX 59.3.  An island in a lake in Padma bkod.

RDO TI GANGS KYI RA BA — A gnas yig in 239 XXX 183‑195.

RDO RTA —  =Dor rta.  A Mongol general who invaded Tibet in 1240.  Destroyed Rwa sgreng and Rgyal Lha khang.  Ferrari 77.  He also destroyed in some degree Gnas rnying; Vitali in TS9 I 100‑1.  Stoddard in Damani, Dating 66, says he had an army of 30,000 men.

Rgyal po RDO RTA CAN — King in time of Maitreya.  476 III 64.3.  'Jig rten mgon po, Works (2001) V 284.1.

RDO STON — A teacher from whom Gro mo che ba heard the precepts of Sha ra ba.  BD of T&TB III 384.

RDO DUNG DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang with about 120 monks.

RDO MDA' — BA 644.

RDO RDO STENG — 239 XXX 72.2.

RDO PHUNG CHOS 'KHOR — Havnevik, Dissert. 78.

RDO BA GRUB CHEN — Also frequently spelled Rdo Grub chen.  A Rnying ma incarnation lineage starting with 'Jigs med 'phrin las 'od zer.  The seat of this line was at Rdo grub Chos sgar in A mdo.  39 11.  Works of these masters in 167.  See (— — — — i) 'Jigs med 'phrin las 'od zer (1745‑1821).  (— — — — ii) 'Jigs med phun tshogs 'byung gnas.  (— — — — iii) 'Jigs med bstan pa'i nyi ma (1865‑ca. 1926).  (— — — — iv) Kun bzang 'jigs med chos dbyings rang grol (b. 1927).

RDO BA 'GRIM PA — River in Lus 'phags pa.  Das 417.

RDO BA ZHABS DRUNG — See (— — — —) Ngag dbang grags pa rnam rgyal.

RDO BA RAB 'BYAMS PA — See (— — — — —) Dpal ldan rgya mtsho.

RDO BUG PA CAN — Pl.n.  81 103.18, 117.

RDO BUM SPRUL SKU — Rinpoche of 'Bras spungs Blo gsal gling.  B. 1971.  Secretary to Dalai Lama.  Barlocher 283‑297, 705, 715.

RDO BRAG RIG 'DZIN — Chief of 3 incarnates of Rdo rje brag.  Rebirths of (Rig 'dzin) Ngag gi dbang po and, ultimately, of (Rig 'dzin) Rgod kyi ldem 'phru can. 

RDO SBIS DGE BSHES — (— — — —) Shes rab rgya mtsho.

Spu rangs RDO DMAR — Prob. should be Gdong dmar (?).  115 42.3.

RDO DMAR BA — See (— — —) Padma rdo rje.

RDO DMAR BLA BRANG — Rnying ma mon.  354 6.5, 6.7.

RDO DMAR ZHABS DRUNG — See (— — — —) Mi 'gyur rdo rje.

RDO SMAD DGON GANG MA — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo smad with about 950 monks.

RDO TSHA TSHA — Mt. near Zur mang.  239 XXX 71.6.

RDO TSHA GSER CHEN — This name apparently appears on an interesting image in the website Himalayan Art Resources (item no. 57856).

RDO ZHUN RGYAL PO — Medicinal preparation.  361 117‑134.

RDO 'ONG — BA 894.

RDO RA BLA MA — See (— — — —) Skal bzang rgyal mtshan.


RDO RAMS PA — See Lha rams pa.  443 I 21.

RDO RAMS PA — See (— — —) Blo bzang tshul khrims rgya mtsho.

RDO RING — Rdo ring Gdung rabs listed in BLP no. 1180.

RDO RING — See (— —) Bstan 'dzin nor bu.

Gzims shag RDO RING — Printery.  162 239.

RDO RING KUN SPANGS PA — See (— — — — —) Chos kyi nyi ma.

RDO RING BKA' BLON GUNG PAṆḌI TA MGON PO DNGOS GRUB RAB BRTAN — (1721‑1792)  He was son of Mnga' ris Sgar dpon Tshe brtan bkra shis, the younger brother of Khang chen nas.  His mother was Bsod nams lha sgron.  His own elder brother was Rnam rgyal tshe brtan, and his younger brother was Lho brag Nyi lde Sprul sku Blo bzang gar dbang mchog grub.  Dung dkar.  See Velm I 126.  Petech in T'oung Pao n.s. L 341.

RDO RING BSTAN 'DZIN DPAL 'BYOR — (1760‑)  Author of the Rdo ring Paṇḍi ta'i Rnam thar.  He was the son of Rdo ring Paṇḍi ta and his wife Rin chen skyid 'dzoms (daughter of Mdo mkhar Zhabs drung).  Dung dkar.  In 1783, he was appointed Bka' blon.

Snyan brgyud Mnga' bdag Rje btsun RDO RING PA — Sa skya.  Pictured in 128 440.

Zhabs pad RDO RING PA — Owner of an estate (gzhis) in the rdzong of Rgyal rtse.  Wylie 71.

RDO RING GZIM SHAG — Essais 160.

RDO LA ME 'BAR — Holy place in Nepal.  Havnevik, Dissert. 141.

RDO LA GSER ZHUN — A Bka' ma teaching.  See 212 XII.

Mtsho phu RDO LU — 440 280.5.

Lho brag RDO LU CHUNG — Birthpl. of Rgod tshang pa.  57 IIB 368.5.  Also spelled Do lo and Du lu.

RDO LUNG — Talung.  Sikkim mon. with about 90 monks, f. in 1789.  Waddell 285.  See TR XV no. 10, p. 17.

RDO SHUL BA — See (— — —) Gnam lcags Sprul sku.

RDOG MA LEB RGAN — In title in 320 XXIV 110.3.

RDOG ZA G.YAS MO BTSUN — Bellezza, L&T 73.

RDOG SI — Taoist (well, they are in any case people who fly).  438 VII 71.5.

RDOR GRAGS — Son of Snying po grub pa.  17 II 426.3.  =Rnal 'byor grags in BA 986.

Ston pa RDOR RGYAL — One of the disciples of Gling ras pa.  24 I 406.6.

Paṇ chen RDOR RGYAL BA — Roesler, KSP 62‑63.  Founder of Sna mkhar Mon.


RDOR 'BUM CHOS GRAGS — Early gter ston383 217.2.

RDOR SMIN DPAL RI —  ='Phyongs rgyas Dpal ri (q.v.).

Rkyang tshul RDOR TSHUL — 'Phan yul Rgyal gyi yon bdag.  367 I 243.2.

Sha ston RDOR 'DZIN — Pl.n.  BA 998.

RDOR RDZONG DGON — In Khams.  See map in Beyer 16.

'Dul ba'i Sde snod Kun 'dzin Thag ma ba RDOR GZHON — Bka' gdams pa.  Bio. in BD of T&TB V 131.  Disc. of (Ka ba) Dar seng.  17 II 345.4.  BA 79.  =Rdo gzhon.  Pictured in 128 86.

Mtsho phu RDOR LO — A chos 31.

Se gu LDANG KHROM — Mt. deity.  Stein, Mi–ñag 255.

LDANG MA — Achard, L'Essence 81‑2.

LDANG MA — See (— —) Dge mchog.  (— —) Lhun rgyal.

LDAN — BA 78, 272, 505, 510.  See 'Dan.

LDAN DKAR — In OT ms., spelled Lhan dkar.  A palace.  See Buston 191.  Beyer 10.  Discussion in RS 213-215.

Dkar chag LDAN DKAR MA — A catalog of translated texts.  See 27 19.  Ruegg 307.  Dated to 812 (but see recent work of G. Uray).  Another early catalog was called the 'Phang thang ma242 III 300.4.  BLP no. 0067.  Dung dkar 132 decides it dates (not as some Tibetan histories say during reign of Khri srong lde btsan) to time of Khri lde srong btsan Sad na legs, either 800 or 812.

LDAN KHOG — Village in Sde dge.  Goldstein, History 641.  Site of inscriptions, see TS7 I 385, 387, etc.


LDAN GO — Pl.n.  Tsering Shakya, Dragon 38.

LDAN SGA — BA 545.

LDAN STOD — See (— —) Sgrol ma brag rtsa.  (— —) Gtson du.

Blon po LDAN PA — Stein, Recherches 56, etc.


LDAN MA — Birthpl. of 'Jig rten mgon po.  57 IIB 357.5.

LDAN MA — See (— —) Kun dga' grags.  (— —) Ngag dbang chos grub.  (— —) Thub bstan chos 'khor gling.  (— —) Blo bzang rdo rje.  (— —) Rtse mang.  (— —) Shes rab tshul khrims.  (— —) Lhun rgyal. 

LDAN MA KHANG TSHANG — Of 'Bras spungs.  441 I 65.1.

LDAN MA DGE BSHES — See (— — — —) Blo bzang chos dbyings.

LDAN MA BRAG — Place with a statue of Maitreya carved in the rock, credited to the Chinese queen of Srong btsan sgam po.  See Sørensen, TBH 240‑241.

LDAN MA DBON PO — See (— — — —) Bzang po rgyal mtshan.


LDAN YUL — BA 202.  In Myang stod.  TS5 559.

Lho brag LDI TSHANG SPRUL SKU — Disc. of Tshe dbang nor bu.  383 469.6.

LDI RI — See (— —) Chos grags.

LDING PA BA — Bio. by 'A zha Sngags 'chang Dbang phyug rab brtan listed in BLP no. 1197.

LDING MA — A mon. in 'U yug.  Also, Sding ma.  Ferrari 160.

Rje btsun LDING MA PA — Subj. of bio. by Tshar chen Blo gsal rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 0941, & one by 'A zha'i Sngags 'chang Dbang phyug rab brtan, no. 0942.

LDING KHA CHOS MDZAD — Involved in Amban murders of 1750.  41 I 7.

LDING GI PA — N. of a person.  53 II 306.2.

LDING PO CHE — Havnevik, Dissert. 151.  "Dingpo‑ché monastery in the Dra‑nang valley."  See Tibet Journal 31 (2001) 84.

LDING PO CHE — See (— — —) Ngag dbang snyan grags.

LDING RI — See (— —) Chos grags.

LDING SHES SHA BA — "Deer that knows flight."  Clemente in TS6 133, n. 11.

Zred kyi LDU NAG — OTA 665, 666, 669.

Mi nyag gi Dmag dpon LDU MI SPYI GZINGS — A Tangut general.  LPNT VII 312.

LDUB RA — BA 688.

Chos rje LDUM — Disc. of Phag mo gru pa.  BA 563.  Prob. = Chos rje 'Bum (q.v.).

LDUM CHUNG BA — See (— — —) Don grub dpal ba.

Sku zhang LDUM PO BA — 453 99.5, 108.5.

Go gol 'Khril zhig LDUM BU — 253 II 397.2.

LDUM BU — See (— —) Don grub dbang rgyal.

LDUM BU KHRI BSHOS — Maybe a name, but doubtful.  OTA 676.

LDE — N. of family that once ruled Gu ge.  See 28 51.  A prefixed tribal title that some of the early kings of Tibet had assumed.  Das 711.  MacDonald, Lecture 196.

LDE RGYAL — King.  128 838.

Dge bshes LDE'U — Appears as successor to Sha mi Smon lam 'bar in a Zhi byed lineage; see Kollmar Paulenz, Schmuck 250.  His name appears as Lde ston Shes rab tshul khrims in the same work, p. 273.

LDE'U SGANG — Pl.n.  Das 711.

LDE'U SGANG PA — Presided at ordination of ('Khrul zhig) Seng ge rgyab pa.  BD of T&TB III 387.

Lad kyi LDE MCHOG DKAR PO — Pl.n.  81 103.7, 117.

LDE CHUNG BA — See (— — —) Rnam rgyal tshe dbang.

LDE STON — See under (Dge bshes) Lde'u, above.

LDE'U STON PA — ?  131 20.1.

LDE STON GYI CHOS 'BYUNG — A 13th (?) cent. history.  For ref., see Uray in AOH XX (1967) 385.  Cited by author of Mkhas pa'i Dga' ston (484 I 459.1).  Recently published in PRC in a longer and a shorter version.

Dge bshes LDE 'DUL — (fl. ca. 1188)  LPNT IV 19.

LDE SNOL NAM — N. of one of the early kings of Tibet, acc. to Das 711.

LDE DPAL 'KHOR BTSAN — Son of 'Od zhung (i.e., 'Od srung).  81 103.1, 114 n. 1.  See Dpal 'khor btsan.

LDE 'PHRUL NAM GZHUNG BTSAN — N. of a descendent of King Ze lde, one of the early kings of Tibet.  Das 711.


LDE BLA GUNG RGYAL — Btsan lha 378.  Davidson in Lungta 16 (2003) 66.  See Cuevas, Hidden History 30.  Appears in the story of Dri gum as told in Old Tibetan Chronicles.  Discussion by Todd Gibson in his dissertation (Bloomington 1991) 122.

LDE GYI MA TSHA — ?  Translator.  206 543.4.

Hor gyi Rgyal po LDE MI TSAN DRA — LGCM 653.1.

LDE GTSUG MGON — Also, Sde gtsug mgon (q.v.).  Also, Lde btsun mgon.  Son of Nyi ma mgon.  28 52 ff.  81 103.14, 117.  17 II 347.5.  DTK5 73.

LDE BTSUN — See (— —) Ye shes rab gsal.

LDE BTSUN MGON — King of Gu ge.  =Lde gtsug mgon.  28 59.

LDENG RGYAS — A mt. on border with India.  Das 711.

Spu la LDENGS TSIGS — Sp.?  58 926.

Yar gshen LDEM BU — 253 II 141.6.

Lha lcam LDEM BU — 4 301B.1.

LDEMS DBUS — See (— —) Mon rgyal.

LDOG — BA 354, 1010, 1014.

LDOG — See (Ldog gi) Klog skya.

LDOG MKHAR CHUNG — Vai.Ser. 217.

LDOG CHU — N. of a river/stream.  63 I 47.

LDOG STAG RIS — BA 997.  =(Mdog) Stag ri.

LDOG LTOD — BA 1014.

La stod LDOG PA — BA 916.


LDONG — One of six early Tibetan tribes that descended from the four sons of the monkey ascetic.  BA 501.  A rigs.  The family lineage of Sog bzlog pa.  208 introduction.  232 I 18.  Lineage.  Clarke in TH&L 48.  Bailey in AM 11 no.1 (1964) 7‑8.  Much material in Stein, Tribus.

LDONG — See (—) Chos dar rgyas.  (—) Dpung grags.  (—) 'Od zer rgyal mtshan.

'Dzum chen LDONG KHROM — Stein, Mi–ñag 255.

LDONG SGOM — See (— —) Bstan pa lhun grub.

LDONG NGES — Bon mon. in A mdo.  253 II 639.2.

LDONG STON — See (— —) Rdo rje snying po.

LDONG 'BUM PA — TS5 794.

LDONG DMAR — See (Bai'u) (— —) Shi tsu wer ma.

LDONG BTSUN — See (— —) Bstan pa tshul khrims.  (— —) Bzod pa rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Shi tsu wer ma.

LDONG ZHIG — See (— —) Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan.

LDONG LONG — BA 1013, 1016.

LDONG LHA — N. of a mt. and its presiding deity.  Das 713.  N. of a mt. in Tibet and its deity.  5 14.1.

LDOB LDOB — Ordinary unlearned monks.  Tucci, Religions 139.  They have been subject to a study of M. Goldstein.  Also spelled rdob rdob.

LDOM — Tibetan tribe.  Das.

Smyon pa LDOM CHUNG — Of Myang stod (valley of Nyang chu).  =Gtsang smyon He ru ka (?).  Ferrari 127.

LDOM BU PA — Author of text in 315 259‑271.


SDI LDI THOG CI — 208 I 238.4.

Bya thang SDAB GZHUNG — Birthpl. of Chos rgyal rdo rje.  336 preface.

SDIG CHEN BSHAN PA — Stein, Recherches 127.

SDIG PA'I GRONG — Pāpāgrāma.  Li, NBA.

SDIG PA CAN — Place through which Buddha traveled shortly before His death.  It ought to corresp. to Skt. Pāpā, but the Pāli is Pāvā.

SDIG PA SNYING 'DZINGS — In title of tantra in 320 XXI 188‑211, XXII 134 ff.


SDIG PA PHU — Pl.n.  210 36.5.

SDIG RAG — Depiction in Po ta la (1996) 123.

SDIG BSHAGS — A confessional text was found in Turfan.  On it, see A.H. Francke, "Weitere tibetische Handschriftenfunde von Turfan," SPAW (1924).

SDIG BSHAGS GSER GYI SPU GRI — A small confessional text published in 6 folio xylography from blocks of Dom phug in Solu in 1970 [N Tib 75‑920136].  Text mentioned in Epstein, Dissertation 73.  Another confessional text, the Nyams chag Sdig Sgrib Thams cad Bshags pa'i Rgyal po Na rag Dong sprugs, publ. in 1971 [N Tib 76‑900333].  On its popularity, see Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 46.

SDING CHEN NAS — A Tibetan chieftain in 1735.  Uspensky, Prince Yunli 6.

SDING BYA — See (— —) Rdo rje rgyal mtshan.

Stod lung SDINGS KA — Vai.Ser. 135.

SDINGS CHEN SMYON PA — Author of the only Tibetan play with a known author called the Life of the Religious King Nor bu bzang po.  Stein 278.

Yel zhabs SDINGS PO CHE — W sector of Sum pa'i Ru.  28 79.  458 I 202.5.

SDINGS ZLUM — Alternative spelling, Rting stong.  Dindun site in Upper Tibet.  ZZFC 36.

SDUR BA — See Hazod in TS9 I 35 n. 20.

SDE DGE — Monastery, see Waddell 73.  Small principality in E Tibet near upper 'Bri chu.  T.H. 27.  Waddell 278.  BA 202.  23 23‑24.  253 II 632.6.  See map in Beyer 16.  Beyer 22, 241.  Li, "Dege: A Study of Tibetan Population," Southwestern Journal of Anthropology (1947).  For information on a text composed in 1824 by Byams pa kun dga' sangs rgyas bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan entitled Dpal Sa skyong Sde dge Chos kyi Rgyal po Rim Byon gyi Rnam thar Dge legs Nor bu'i Phreng ba 'Dod dgu Rab 'Phel, see ZY 505‑3048.

SDE DGE — See (— —) Lhun grub steng Dgon.

SDE DGE YAB CHEN — Common n. for Tshe dbang rdo rje rig 'dzin (q.v.).

Lha srin SDE BRGYAD — Eight classes of spirits and divinities.  Beyer 294, 300, 353.  224 XII 287 ff.  Outer, inner and secret lists, see KTDN 142.3.  A set of praises to them in Sanskrit, but in Chinese transliteration, was part of Kūkai's collection (my source for this was an article by Rolf Giebel).

SDE BRGYAD KUN 'DUL — Picture.  320 XXX 3.

SDE LNGA — Refers to clans ruling over (Ya 'brog) Gangs khyim Ku rings.  28 79.

SDE BCO BRGYAD — Classification of tantras.  320 XVII 1.

SDE CHEN BCO BRGYAD — Nomad areas listed.  Nomads 20.

Rgyal po SDE MCHOG — NMH 111.4.

SDE DRUG SPRUL SKU — See Smith 182.  Goldstein, History 333.  Alexander, Temples 136 ff.

SDE BDUN — Seven treatises by Dharmakīrti.  1) Nyāyabindu.  2) Pramāṇaviniścaya.  3) Pramāṇavārttika.  These preceding three are called Gtso bo lus lta bu'i bstan bcos gsum.  4) Saṃbandhaparīkṣā.  5) Vādanyāna.  6) Hetubindu.  7) Saṃtānāntarasiddhi.  These last four are called Yan lag gi bstan bcos bzhi27 73.  There are also distinct sde bdun sets in areas of tantra and abhidharma.

SDE BDUN RAB 'BYAMS PA — See (— — — — —) Dbang phyug rgyal mtshan.

SDE NANG GLO GTER — See BLP no. 0344.

SDE SNOD 'DZIN PA — See (— —) Dkon mchog bzang po.  (— — — —) Rin chen dpal. 

Sdong zam SDE BA THANG — On border of Bhutan.  See Das 1325.

SDE BA TSHANG — See 370 preface.  483 preface.  See (— — —) Gnam lcags me 'bar.

SDE YANGS RAB 'BYAMS PA — See (— — — — —) Skal bzang tshul khrims.

SDE GTSUG MGON — A ruler of Gu ge.  28 51 ff.

SDE MTSHAMS — Also, Ste 'jam.  One of the eight Rgod stong sde of Dbu ru.  28 81.

SDE GZHUNG — See (— —) Kun dga' rgyal mtshan.

SDE GZUNG MKHAN PO — See (— — — —) Chos 'phel.

SDE GZHUNG LUNG RIG SPRUL SKU — See (— — — — — —) Kun dga' bstan pa'i nyi ma.

SDE LE GRAGS — N. of a sorrel horse in 4X I 14.3.  Compare 4A Lhalungpa 23.

SDE SRID — Generally translated as Regent.  In Bhutan, the 16th Sde srid was (Chos rgyal) Bsod nams lhun grub.

SDE SRID — See (— —) Dbang phyug rgyal po.

SDE SRID DBU MDZAD — See Bstan 'dzin 'brug rgyal.

SDEN PHUG PA — Teacher of Dbu se.  17 II 530.6.

SDEB SBYOR — Chanda.  Poetic treatise: 242 III 491‑551.  Text in 480.


SDER MO DGON — Nunnery in Mdo stod with about 150 nuns.

SDO TSHA — See (Rngog tsha) Chos sku.

SDOG STON — See (— —) 'Jam dbyangs grags pa rgyal mtshan.

SDONG PO DGU 'DUS — Bon tantra redisc. by Gshen chen in 328 193 ff.  See BD of T&TB I 495.  In simile in 476 V 85.2.  There is an interesting definition of sdong po dgu 'dus in 476 V 85.2, where it means the combination of the four elements and five skandhas.  At its root you find the universal medicine for exorcising the five poisons.  These teachings are by Jo mo Lha rje ma (i.e., Ma gcig Zha ma).

Mdo SDONG PO BRGYAN PA — A canonical sūtra published separately in 1972 [N Tib 73‑906646].  Rgya gar skad du ārya dha manydzan nā ma ma hā ya na sū tra.

SDONG PO GSUM DRIL — Explained in Yonten Dargye & Per K. Sørensen, trs., The Biography of Pha 'Brug‑sgom Zhig‑po, The National Library (Thimphu 2001) 45.


SDONG ZAM — Das 1325.  See (— —) Sde ba thang.

Bram ze SDOM PA BZANG PO — Disc. of Dha ri ka.  17 IV 314.3.  Teacher of 'Bro Lo.  374 II 459.4.

SDOM 'BYUNG — N. of Cakrasamvara tantra.  13‑deity maṇḍala.  349 XIII 131‑259.

Khams pa SDOM TSHANG — BA 1021.

SDOM GSUM — Three vows.  Bon work in 255  For two best known works on the subject, see 255 preface.  Work by Padma dkar po.  129 I 517‑623.  SBTD I 75, 280, 401.  478A I 120.2.  Tohoku 6116.

SDOM GSUM GLING — Kuijp, Rivers 327.

SDOM GSUM GNAD GCIG — Work by 'Jig rten mgon po or at least an idea about the unity of the three vows attributed to him.  502 138.4.

BRDA' — BA 82.

BRDA' DGE DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo stod with about 500 monks.

BRDA' MO — Birthpl. of 'Bri sgom ras pa.  57 IIB 352.3.

BRDA' RTSA — Doctrinal system.  27 80.

BRDA YIG — Ḍākinī codes.  505 395‑398 (supplies alphabet).

BRDA GSAR RNYING GI RNAM PAR DBYE BA — Text by Dbus pa Blo gsal (early 14th cent.)  TS5 592 ff.

BRDA' BSANGS — A peak in Nubra at 28,278 feet.  79 75 no. 18.

BRDAL SKYOB — A continent (gling chen) whose surrounding islands are given in 124 440.1 ff, 441.5 ff, 471.3.


BRDOG — See (—) Ges ra.  (—) Mun ne.

BSDE GER GUG SHI — 208 I 237.6.





NA KA — Nakka.  See Das 726.

Drag shul NA KU — 346 193.1.

NA KU NA — See Na gu ṇa.

NA KHA — N. of pl. in Tibet.  Das 726.  According to the 1724 grant by the Dalai Lama given to the Capuchins (mgo dkar bla ma), this was the site of their 'hermitage' (dben gnas dgon chung).

NA KHA PA — See (— — —) Thar pa'i rgyal mtshan.


Grub chen NA GA DKA' BCU PA — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0405.

NA GA DAI BA — A yon bdag mo (patroness) of O rgyan pa at Gan dho la.  115 44.7, 79.7.

NĀ GA DE WA — A king of Gu ge.  28 53.

Rnal 'byor pa NĀ GA PU RI — BD of T&TB I 793.

NĀ GA BO DHI — Stayed at Dpal gyi Ri.  Mahāsiddha pictured in 128 34.  Tib.: Klu'i byang chub.  Bio. in 120 182‑185.  He came as a robber to the door of Nāgārjuna and saw a golden bowl.  As he was thinking about stealing it, it turned to an ordinary bowl, etc.  For bio. of the disc. of Nāgārjuna, see 165 272.

NA GA TSE BO — TS5 645.

NĀ GA DZU NA — In Rdzogs chen transmission.  132 57.2 ff.

NA GA DZU NA — A gtsug lag khang in Magadha.  See 57 IIB 344.6.

Slob dpon NĀ GĀ RDZU NA — Mahāsiddha.  Bio. in 120 51‑57.  87 I 19.5.  See Klu sgrub.  B. in Kanytsi at a part called Ka ho ra.  Picture in 128 42, 64.

NA GA RA — In the W.  Source of "Nagara" letters.  BD of T&TB X 26.19.  A city (grong khyer) in Kha che.  115 69.4.  Shri Na ga ra.  115 70.3.  No doubt the modern Srinagar, once known as Pravarapura.  But there was, acc. to Legge, an ancient kingdom and city Nāgara on S bank of the Kabul river about 30 miles W of Jellalabad.  Henning, Selected Papers 344.

Shrī NA GA RA KE KRO DHA — A city in general vicinity of Dza lan dha ra.  Acc. to Tucci, it was Nagarkoṭ, which is a little to the North of Dza lan dha ra.  At one time it was a capital of Kulūṭa (Ku lu ta).  Hoffmann.  115 45.5.

Khyab bdag NĀ GA RAKṢHA — An exceedingly wrathful form of Mañjuśrī.  For four gter ma on him, see 87 XXIX.  Pictured in Chandra 785.  'Jam dpal Na ga raksa'i Chos Skor, publ. in Bir in 1979.

NA GA RA DZA — TS7 II 970.  Western Tibetan king.  Son of Srong nge.  Took monastic n. of Byang chub 'od.  DTK5 74.  KWT 87, where his (reign) dates are given as 1023-1026.

Lha btsun pa NA GA RA DZA — Inscription on image.  Rhie & Thurman 42.  His name seems to appear on an Avalokiteśvara bronze image of the li ma type, said to have been cast in Indian style in the 8th century.  A paper on various images inscribed with his name was given by Ajay Kumar Singh at 10th IATS (Oxford 2003).  By now a lot more has been written.  He would have received the name Nagarāja at his lay ordination in 998.  KWT 88.

Lha NA GA RA DZA — Nā ga rā dza.  Inscription on image.  See Uhlig, On the Path to Enlightenment 70.  This is the name of a western Tibetan king of the 10th or early 11th century.

NA GA RA HA RA — Nagarahāra.  Pelliot, QT 85.

NA GU — Brother-in-law of Nāropa.  73 54.5.

NA GU NA — Mahāsiddha.  Also, Na ku na.  Tib.: Yon tan med pa.  Bio. in 120 147‑149.  He suffered from laziness.  BD of T&TB I 719.

Dpon NA GE BA — 476 I 66.7.

NĀ GENDRA RAKṢHI TA — See =Klu'i dbang po srung ba.

NĀ GO PA —  =Gcer bu pa.  See Das 729.

Shar lho NA GO RA — BD of T&TB X 11.10.

Ma gha dha'i Grong khyer NA GO RA SA MA KRA — BD of T&TB I 657.

NA'I LJONGS — N. of pl. in Tibet.  Das 738.

NA SNYIL GANGS — 253 II 567.4.

NA TA PA — Mahāsiddha.  Pictured in 128 58.

NA TI KA — N. of place in ancient India.  Das 726.

NA TE KA RA — See =Na treng ka ba.

NA TRENG KA BA — Disc. of Mai tri pa and Newari teacher of Khyung po Rnal 'byor.  17 II 428.  =Natekara.  BA 729, 842.  On his conversion, he took the name Sahajavajra (Lhan cig skyes pa'i rdo rje).  17 II 298.1.  BD of T&TB I 836.

NĀ DĀ'I KA —Nādika.  Li, NBA.

NA DRA BLA MA — See Aziz, Frontier (includes photograph).


Tshe spong NA GNAG SER — TS5 661.

NA SPUNGS PA — 210 245.4.

Bal po Rdzong gi NA BA KU ṬI PA — 17 II 411.3.  BA 361.  Na ba ko ṭi pā da.  349 XXIV contents.

NA BUN RDZONG — 239 XXX 49.1.

Gtsang rong NA MA — NTSP section NGA 125r.5.  The parallel in Eimer, NG 245 reads Byang thang Na ma.

NA MA KI — A river.  Wylie 57.  But, see T'oung Pao n.s. L 338, where this is said to be a misinterpretation.

NA MAR — See OTA.  There is a possibility this is not a proper name

NA MI SI — A land at the Arctic Circle more or less.  Pollock, Forms 346.

NA MO — N. of a Tibetan lama.  ISTS 292.

NA MO BOD — N. of a householder.  Emmerick.

NA MO 'BU GDONG — Mon.  Emmerick.

NA MO SHOD — BA 1088.

NA'U RTSE — Tibetan spelling for Namche, as in Namche Bazaar.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 114.

NA RDZA GLING PA — 458 I 87.6.

La stod NA ZLUM — Birthpl. of U rgyan pa.  57 IIB 370.6.

NA BZA' PA CHEN PO — Bio. by Blo gros brtan pa (Dpang Lo?) listed in BLP no. 1495.

Paṇ chen NA BZA' BA — The Na bza'i Be'u 'bum has been published.

NA BZA' BRAG PHUG PA — (1277‑1350)  Sa skya pa.  Dhongthog 69.  Subject of a thangka in Essen & Tingo, Die Götter des Himalayas 126.  See under Brag phug pa.

NA'O — Birthpl. of (Lo chen Sprul sku) Bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan.

NĀ YA KA PĀDA — Indian disc. of A bha yā kā ra gupta.  17 II 303.1.

NA'I YA KO ṬA — Naiakot, Nawākot.  Nai ya ko ṭa (?).  About 20 miles NE of Kathmandu.  Wylie 129 n. 133.

Mkha' 'gro ma NA YA SHRI — See Kreijger, Tibetan Painting 72.

Klu mo NA RA — Karmay, ed., New Horizons 392.

NA'I RA THU — Kuijp, KPTB 49.

NA RA DA — He achieved the siddhi of ro langsBD of T&TB I 935.

NA RA DZA RA — The Nairañjana, visited by Padmasambhava  431 I 165.4.

Chu bo NA RA DZA RA — 115 35.2, 122.1.

NA RA WARMA — Minor king of the west.  BD of T&TB I 267.

NA RAG DONG SPRUG — Teachings in 194 IV, where lineages are supplied.  374 II 391.3 ff.  See Cuevas, Hidden History 157.

NA RAS THAL JI — 208 I 236.2.

NA RENDRA NĀ THA — Indian n. of Pha dam pa Sangs rgyas.  Aziz 30.

NA RO MKHA' SPYOD KYI SGRUB THABS — Text with notes in 145 IV 30B.5 ff.  217 524.1 ff.  349 XXV 339 ff.  Bum Dbang in 389.

NA RO MKHA' SPYOD MA — Ferrari 167.  Text in 186 II.  Text in  224 VIII 423.  349 XXI 455‑549.

NA RO CHOS DRUG — The Zin bris of Padma dkar po in 17 XXII 265 ff.  A Khrid yig by 'Jam dpal dpa' bo (1720‑1779) in 117 315‑503 (the same work exists in a separately published blockprint).  The Bka' Yang dag pa'i Tshad ma, quoted by Padma dkar po, seems to be the main 'root' text (in 116 and 36 V).  Other shorter works by Ti lo pa and Na ro pa are found in the Tanjur.  Beyer 136, 486 n. 196.  243 IV 649‑664.  Zab mo Nā ro Chos Drug gi Nyams len by Zhwa dmar vi.  126.  Lineage 217 599.3 ff.  Nā ro Chos Drug gi Snying po Mdor bsdus pa in 331 261‑316.  357 385‑413.  SBTD I 145, 393.  See 9 bibliography nos 13, 14, 15 for some titles.  1) Gtum mo (Caṇḍa).  2) Sgyu lus (Mahāmāyā).  3) Rmi lam (Svapnadarśana).  4) 'Od gsal (Abhāsvara).  5) Bar do (Antarābhava).  6) 'Pho ba (Samkrānti).  Note also Grong 'jug (Parakāyapraveśana).  9 9.  See work in 96.  Work in 22.  See 4 172B.2 for support for the idea that Phyag chen is the lta ba, while Chos Drug is the sgom paNa ro Chos Drug Texts of the 'Brug pa Dkar brgyud pa Tradition (Thimphu 1978).  Biblio. and history, see 17 IV 380 ff.

NĀ RO PA — Aliases:  Kun dga' bzang po, Nam mkha' snying po, (Rgyal bu) Kun tu bzang po (q.v.), Snyan grags bzang po, Ye shes dngos grub, Rtsa bshad pa.  BD of T&TB I 827.  Bio. by Rje Mkhan po in 135 I 51‑108.  Bio. by Rgyal thang pa in 119 59‑135.  Bio. by Dbang phyug rgyal mtshan in 72 I 77‑123.  17 II 394.6.  116 77.7 ff.  121 I 101‑185.  For his bio. as one of the 84 Mahāsiddhas, see 120 70‑72:  Born in beer selling caste, he hears of Tilopa and goes to meet him at Viṣṇunāgara.  When they meet, Tilopa is angry and hits him saying that he is not his teacher.  Nāropa follows him anyway without getting a word from him for 12 years.  Finally, Nāropa begs some vegetables in a town which please Tilopa very much, so much that he finally breaks his silence and gives him the precepts of Vajravārāhī.  After 6 months, he receives the siddhi.  Pictures in 128 33A, 280, 330, 424; 320 X 3.  BD of T&TB I 827‑840.  Bio. in 357 26‑34.  Etymology of name discussed by Sa paṇ in the Sdom Gsum Rab dbye (1971), p. 90B.6.  Acc. to Wayman, he died in 1027.  Acc. to BD of T&TB I 835, he died in 1054.  Acc. to 11 2, he lived from 1016 to 1100.  It seems most likely that he died in 1040 (see article by T. Wylie).  In Sanskrit his name is Nāḍapāda (which seems to be rendered into Tibetan as Rtsa bshad pa).  Das 1008.  Ferrari 168.  Bio. by Lha btsun pa.  222 333.  Bio. in 57 IIB 343.5 ff.  Bio. in 73 52‑106.  A bio. of him said to be by Mar pa in 74 I 29‑62.  His Dpal 'Khor lo Bde mchog gi Bsgrub thabs in 74 II 1‑29.  His Bde mchog 'Khor lo'i Bsgrub thabs Gsang ba Rin po che Yid bzhin nor bu in 74 II 35‑46.  His Yum Rgyal mo'i Sgrub thabs las: Rgya Gzhung in 74 II 159‑160.  See 75 (but be wary of mistakes —Guenther translates the version by Lha btsun Rin chen rnam rgyal [1473‑1557]).  Bio. by Tāranātha listed in BLP 1211.  Some of his works [and translations] as found in the Suzuki reprint of the Peking Tanjur are as follows:

2068) Dbang Mdor Bstan pa'i 'Grel Bshad Don dam pa Bsdus pa.

2316) Rdo rje Tshig gi Snying po Bsdus pa'i Dka' 'grel.

4614) [trans.] Bcom ldan 'das Dpal 'Khor lo sdom pa'i Sgrub thabs.

4628) Dpal 'Khor lo bde mchog gi Rnam par 'Phrul pa dang Yul Nyi shu rtsa bzhi'i Rgyu mtshan Bshad pa.

4668) Dpal Rdo rje rnal 'byor ma'i Gsang ba'i Sgrub thabs.

4790) Rim pa Lnga Bsdus pa Gsal ba.

4789) Dpal Gsang ba 'dus pa'i Man ngag Rim pa Lnga pa.

Check also nos. 3136, 3137, 5016, 3225, 4623, 4632 [trans.], 2194, 2747, 2618.

Rgyal po NĀ RO PA —  =Mi'i bdag po.  BD of T&TB I 337.

NĀ RO'I PHUG MO CHE — At Rdzong 'khrul.  171 441.5.

NA RO BON CHUNG — Bon priest who struggled with Mi la ras pa for sectarian dominion over Gangs Ti se, according to the story.  17 II 496.3 ff.  See 4 chapter 22.  253 II 534.5 ff.  484 I 797.5.  A Sna ro, author of Bon work listed in Karmay, Catalog 120.

NA RONG SHAG — A private school for aristocrats in Lhasa which emphasized calligraphy, but also letter writing, government decrees, legal proceedings, and other things necessary for the aspiring government administrator.  Dungkar in TJ 8 no 4 (Wint 1993) 12.

Gnas gsar Gung thang NA LA RTSE — Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 11.

NA LAN DA — Also, Nā len dra, Na len da. Nālandā. For the mon. in India, see BA 229, 367, 382, 400, 729, 757, 809, 822, 844, 1055, 1058.  HS XIX 67.5 says that Śrī Nalenda means, in Tibetan, Dpal Rgyun ster, 'Granting Flow', although Tibetans call it Na lentra (he cites the tomb rdo ring of Sad na legs as authority).  The spelling Shi lin Na len tra is found in an O.T. letter.  See Schaik, M&T 164.

NA LANDA — A Bhutanese temple f. by Rje Mkhan po IX in 1753.  135 preface.

'Phan po NA LAN DA — Besides being the famous Indian monastic educational institution, Na len da is also n. of a mon. in 'Phan yul valley S of 'Phan po Chu.  There is a recent book on this subject by David Jackson.  This Tibetan monastery was founded by Smra ba'i seng ge in 1435.  BA 1081.  Ferrari 84.  F. by (Rong ston) Shes bya kun rig Shes rab rgyal mtshan in 1436, acc. to Dhongthog 125.  For the mon. in Tibet, see BA 1081, 1082.  F. in 1437 by (Rong ston) Shes bya kun rig (1367‑1449).  76 8.  17 II 382.2.

Rgyal sras NA LANDA PA — N. of Nāropa when he became abbot.  17 II 252.5.  N. of Dus zhabs Chung ba.  BD of T&TB I 812.

Shrī NA LANDA PA — Disc. of Mai tri pa.  BA 843.

NA LANDA PA PHYI MA — N. of Bodhi bha dra (q.v.).  17 II 299.1.

NA LI NA — Tib.: Padma'i rtsa ba.  See Na lin pa.  BD of T&TB I 693‑694.

NA LI NI — In a list of rivers.  Kuijp, Rivers 327 says it is the Nālinī.

NA LIN PA — Mahāsiddha.  Tib.: Padma'i rtsa ba, or, Padma'i sdong bu spyod pa'i zhabs.  Bio. in 120 107.15.

NA LE BONG ZAN — A yak.  TS5 662, 663.  The last part of the name means 'Clod Gobbler'.

NA LEN DRA — BD of T&TB I 932.

NA LEN DRA — Etymologized in BBNP 474.  The proper form, Nā landa, translates as 'Dam bu sbyin, place of Shariputra's birth.

NA LENDRA — Mahāsiddha.  Pictured in 128 25.

'Phan po NA LENDRA — For location, see map in Roesler, KSP 11, as well as 26‑29.  Founded by Rong ston in 1436.  See David Jackson's book, The Early Abbots of 'Phan po Na lendra.  Also spelled Na lan da, q.v.  In the biography of Śākyaśrī, I've seen Nā lendra glossed with 'Dam bu sbyin.

NA LENDRA PA — A sub‑school of Sa skya pa.  For a gdan rabs of Na lendra, see 62 273 ff.

NA HU GRI — N. of a mt.  Called Sman tsha'i Ri bo, a source of salt for surrounding areas.  115 51.5, 51.6, 52.1.

NAG KHRID — See BA 927.

NAG GA MA — Tucci, Religions 155.

Bram ze NAG GU — BD of T&TB I 828.  This ought to mean Pha dam pa.

NAG GRU — (sp?)  Pl. in Batahor (sp?) where there was a monastery.  58 928.

NAG RGYA — N. of a tribe in ancient India.  Das 729.

NAG CHU — Salween River.  T.H. 2.  See under Dngul chu.  See Das 729.

NAG CHU KA — BA 860.  Or, Nag chu kha pa.  Das 730.  Combe 104.  429 10.3.

Dam pa NAG CHUNG — Evidently the same as Pha dam pa Sangs rgyas, but in in a polemical context.  493 14.3.

Hor NAG 'JA' — Sperling in TH&L 458.

NAG PA — In avadāna story.  TPS 521.

Gnyal ston NAG PO — 210 97.3.  410 102A.3.

Pag shi NAG PO — Pag shi Nag po, the 'Black Bakshi'.  Also called Bla ma Mar zan.  (d. 1286).  Disc. of 'Phags pa.  See Kuijp in CAJ (1995) 287.

NAG PO BKRAG MED — Bellezza, L&T 53.

Klong NAG PO KHA 'BYAMS — 413 151.1.  I believe this means a blank empty (nihilist) space, or nihilist superficialism, or the like. Note the following, also.

NAG PO KHA 'BYAMS BDUD KYI LTA BA — TS5 56.  The delusionary world-view of opaque superficialism.

NAG PO KHA SBYOR — 377 42B.1.


Yon bdag NAG PO MKHAR — 217 465.3 ff.

NAG PO 'KHOR CAN — A sa bdagKTDN 143.4.

NAG PO DGU SBYOR — Medicinal preparation.  361 37‑41.

NAG PO DGE BA — N. given to a heretical teacher who lost a debate/magical context with Tilopa and became his disciple.  17 II 238.  116 57.5.

NAG PO CHED — Name of Namche Bazaar in Nepal.  Berg in NTFC I 2.

Dpal NAG PO CHEN PO — Mahākāla.  Pictured in 150 207.  Tantras in the vicinity of 320 XXXII 455.  Empowerment rite in 331 603‑618.  349 XXVII 64‑175.  Although often treated as a yi dam, it seems that Mahākāla is the only 'protector' who left India for Tibet (all the others are of local Tibetan origins).  Nag po chen po'i Dkar chag listed in BLP no. 1212.

NAG PO CHOS DRUG — 145 III 346A.4.

NAG PO 'CHI BA MED PA — Made Yon po Srong ba'i Lam SkorBD of T&TB X 3.20.

A carya NAG PO 'JIGS MED — 374 II 455.6 ff.

NAG PO THUB RGYAL — N. of Aśvaghoṣa.  KB 136.6.

NAG PO THOG 'PHEN — Cuevas, Hidden History 184.

Dpyal NAG PO THOG 'BEBS — A lama whose story is told in Puchung's dissertation (Oslo 2011), ch. 6, section 5.  Aka Thar pa Bla ma.

Rdo rje gdan gyi NAG PO DAM TSHIG RDO RJE — (10th cent.)  17 II 411.2.  BA 360.  Bio. BD of T&TB I 771.  Devoted to Dgyes rdor.

Slob dpon NAG PO DAM TSHIG RDO RJE — He may have been in Tibet in the 11th cent.  He was teacher of both 'Gos Lo and Nag tsho.  His story is told in the Rgya gar Chos 'byung, although nothing is said there about him coming to Tibet.  He came later to Dbus and Gtsang and taught the Gshed Skor, acc. to Deb ther Sngon poMtshan tho no. 43.

Jo brtan NAG PO DAR TSHUL — One of four chief discs. of Rgya 'Dul 'dzin.  His chief disc. was Sha mi.  17 II 345.2.  BA 79.

NAG PO BDUD KYI LNGA ZOR — Text in 313 II 173‑198.

NAG PO RDO RJE — "dka' thub spyod pa can."  Mahāsiddha pictured in 128 26.

NAG PO PA — Kṛṣṇa.  Buston 166.  75 12, 20.  Pictured in 128 326.  BD of T&TB X 3.15, 4.7.  BD of T&TB I 339.  See under Lam 'bras.

Dgra bcom NAG PO PA — Disc. of Gautama pictured in 128 36.

'Bras phu khang NAG PO PA — (modern)  441 I 44.5.

NAG PO PA CHUNG BA — Disc. of Maitripa.  BA 843.

NAG PO SPYOD PA — Kṛṣṇacārin.  =Kaṇha, Karṇa pa.  2nd of the predecessors of Rje btsun Dam pa (q.v.).  BD of T&TB I 469.  Disc. of Dza landha ri pa.  Tradition of 62‑deity Cakrasamvara.  349 XI 262‑420, XXV.  Tilopa learned the Bde mchog Lugs Gsum teachings from him in Bengal.  17 II 233, 461.2.  Guru of Bhandhe pa (q.v.).  Pictured in 128 276; 320 X 685.  Mural of him in dancing posture, with ḍamaru drum and skullcup, in Precious Deposits II 287.  Bios. by Kun dga' grol mchog & Tāranātha listed in BLP nos. 1213, 2056.

NAG PO SPYOD PA CHUNG BA — The called the lesser Kṛṣṇacārin, he was a follower of Kṛṣṇacārin.  BD of T&TB I 566‑567.

NAG PO BI RU PA — The black Virūpa.  At birth, the soothsayers said that he would commit the four sins and gave him the name Nag po.  He was at age 7 sent to another kingdom.  He unknowingly slept with his mother (who had become a Chang tshong ma, a barmaid), drank beer, killed a brahmin and a cow.  To expiate his sins he did penance.  He was a disciple of Bi ru pa.  Also called Bi ru pa chung ba (lesser Virūpa), teacher of Bya da li pa (probably same as Vyālipāda).  BD of T&TB I 413‑415.

NAG PO BRTSEGS PA — KB 26.4, 37.4.  See Chashab's article in Rocznik Orientalistyczny, vol. 68 (2015) 51.

NAG PO ZHABS — See Kāṇha.  (Brtul zhugs spyod pa) Nag po zhabs.  4 162B.1.  Born in Kamarupa.  320 XXVII 322.6.

NAG PO LUGS — 9‑deity Hevajra.  349 XVIII.

Mnga' ris pa NAG PO SHER DAD — Disc. of Phyag na and (Bal po) Skye med.  Bio. in BA 862.  17 II 431.  Kurtis Schaeffer's  Dissert. 133.

NAG PO GSANG BA'I RGYUD — Title in 320 XXI 333.6, etc.

NAG 'PHEL —  "'cham gyi mdo chen drag sho."  Dance director of the Bhutanese government and author of 157.

NAG MO — BA 273.

NAG MO'I 'KHOL — BD of T&TB I 1002.

NAG MO'I KHOL PA — Kālidāsa.  Chag 84.  See Dung dkar 19.

NAG MO KHYO MED — A sa bdagDas 731.

NAG MO'I RGYUD — Text in 87 LXI.  Nag mo'i Rang rgyud320 XXXI 360.4.

NAG MO LNGA LEN — Kṛṣṇāpāñcālī.  Epithet of Draupadī.  Das 98.

NAG MO SNGAGS RGYUD — Title in 320 XXXI 350.1.

NAG MO PA — BA 736.

NAG MO RI — BA 120.

NAG RTSIS — Astrological prognostics.  Text in 242 III 423‑490.  Tr. by Bi rje btsan po.  BD of T&TB I 505.  See 374 I 35.4.

NAG TSHANG — N. of a pasture land to NW of Sa skya Mon. and S of Yeru Tsangpo.  Das 731.  BA 619.  Combe 113.  BD of T&TB VII 265.  DTK5 131.

NAG TSHANG — See (— —) Bstan pa dar rgyas.

NAG TSHANG ZHIG PO — 253 II 485.4.

NAG TSHO BKA' BRGYUD — 383 381.4.

NAG TSHO LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — — —) Tshul khrims rgyal ba.

NAG ZHIG — Seems to be n. of a person in title and colophon of FM 33.00 (also FM 40.02).

NAG RA THOD BRA — An area (yul) in India.  120 124.9.

Zing chu NAG RING SGRUB GRWA — Bon mon. in A mdo.  253 II 637.1.

NAG RU — A sub‑clan of Khyung po.  See 23 29.  471 94.6.

NAG RU MKHAN PO — See (— — — —) Tshul khrims phun tshogs.

Khyung po NAG RU DGON — 253 II 612.3.

NAG RU RA CAN DGON — 253 II 630.6.

NAG ROG — Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 52.

Lha chen NAG LUG — (re. 1150‑1175)  An early Ladakhi king.  Roerich, Trails.  Luczanits in TS9 VII 116.  Called Bla chen Nag lug in DTK5 186.

NAG SHOD — Iwao, Preliminary 179.

NAG SHOD — See (— —) Bur rdzum zhu tshang.

NAG SANGS ZHIG PO — In colophon to FM 21.00.

NAG HRANG — N. of a local sa bdag at Ma spro who possesses the oracle priest.  14 133.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 315.

NAGS CHE — Macdonald 143.

NAGS NA GNAS — See under Gnas brtan.  Pictured in 128 1080.

NAGS NAS 'BYUNG BA — River in Lus 'phags pa.  Das 417.

NAGS PHU — BA 492, 494, 497, 529.

Paṇ chen NAGS KYI RIN CHEN — (1384‑1468)  Dhongthog 69.  =Ba ratna.  Vanaratna of Sadnagar (Grong khyer Dam pa, q.v.).  He was an Indian who studied with Ratnakīrti.  Received Padma tshe khrid in a vision and passed it on to Kun dga' dpal 'byor (1428‑1478).  1 22.  5 242.3.  17 IV 440.5 ff.  17 II 309.5 ff, 345.2, 422.5.  Beyer 417.  BD of T&TB I 896‑900.  410 202B.2.  Bio., see 449TS5 563.  Shastri in TS9 I 131‑136.  Bio. by Bsod nams rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 1282.  Student of Sangs rgyas dbyangs (i.e., Buddhaghoṣa), he was also cared for by Sha wa ri (i.e., Śabari).  He was patronized by Lha gzigs Grags pa 'byung gnas.  After his visit to Tibet, he went to Nepal.  Mtshan tho no. 123.

NAGS SHOD — BA 546, 549, 625, 662.  "Forest low land."  Topographical name for several localities.  28 79.  N. of the Stong bu chung of Sum pa'i Ru.  28 84.

NAGS SHOD — See (— —) Gzi 'phrang.

NANG GONG — In modern times, a common n. of Sbal ti.  See 82 90.

NANG CHEN — 50 miles North of Ri bo che.  Has Bka' brgyud mon. called Tshe chu.  Ferrari 123.  (Khams) Nang chen.  1 48.  See map in Beyer 16.  See 473.  As a title, see Kuijp in TH&L 310 n. 40.  For Nang chen explained as a shortened version of Nang so Chen mo, see Barom Bios. 13v.5.

NANG CHEN — See (— —) 'Phags pa.

NANG CHEN CHOS RGYAL — See (— — — —) U'i jing tha'i ji.

NANG CHEN PA — See (— — —) Chos skyong dar rgyas.  (— —) Rin chen mchog grub.

NANG CHEN BLA MA — See (— — — —) Grags pa rgyal mtshan.

NANG CHEN 'BUM — One of 3 divisions of Mgo log.  TS5 395.

NANG STON MGON PO — A teacher of Rta ston Jo 'bum (1123‑1174).  BA 142.  BD of T&TB III 334.

NANG DO — N. of the island in Gnam mtsho usually known as Se mo do, q.v.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 159.


Pho brang NANG PO CHE — See Pho brang Nang po che.  467 II 168.3.

NANG RME 'KHRUG RTSOD — A war of 1465 in Gling in Eastern Tibet.  TS5 807.

NANG RTSE SHAG — See Essais 160.  Alexander, Temples 184.


NANG SO — See (— —) Grags dbang.  (— —) Rgyal ba don grub.  (— —) Nor bzang pa.  (— —) Phyag rdor bkra shis.  (— —) Blo bzang rnam rgyal.  (— —) G.yung drung bstan 'dzin.  (— —) G.yung drung ye shes.  (— —) Rin chen bzang po.

NANG LHA —  ='Brug rje.  Vai.Kar. II 290.

NAD BRGYA SMAN GCIG — Stearns, King 23.

NAN THEL — N. of a palace in China.  LPNT VII 74.

Bi dza ya NAN DA — Khotan king.  Emmerick.

NAM — N. of a country.  Emmerick.  Of course there is F.W. Thomas' book, but see also the skeptical review by Robert Shafer in HJAS 13 (1950) 244‑249 and the same author's article "Clews to the Decipherment of the 'Nam' Language, Monumenta Serica 22 no 1 (1963) 169-184.  The existence of the language is mainly based on a passage in IOL Tib J 732 (available online): yul myi yul skyi mthing na / skyi rgyal bod kyi skad du na / yab sten rgan gyi nyer ba / rgyal nam pa'i skad du na / yab ngal lde'i thol phrom la / khab chen chung gnyis shig mnga'...  Also IOL Tib J 731: pha yab ki mtshan na rgyal nam 'i skad du na yab ltong te'i mye kru spu rgyal bod gyi skad du na glong myig long na bya glong gi lgo dang rje ma ...  See also ZZFC 515, 516, which translates IOL Tib J 731.  It seems likely to me that the Nam is the same as the Nam in Vietnam, which means 'southern'.  Nanzhao, although called in Tib. 'Jang yul, also means "Southern Kingdom."  However, a professor from Chengdu named Wen Yu reviewed Thomas' book in T'oung Pao, n.s. 40 (1950) 199‑207, and discussed the problem of the identity of the Nam people in some detail from a Chinese language perspective primarily, and he seems to favor a Gansu or Amdo location for them.

NAM — See (—) Dga' ldan byang chub.

Bran ka Jo btsun NAM MKHA' — 12th cent.  467 II 87.1.

Sngags 'chang NAM MKHA' KUN BZANG — Ehrhard in Prats, Pandita 36.

Lta ba'i yang snying NAM MKHA' KLONG YANGS KYI RGYUD — Text in 319 VIII 1‑85.  320 VI 285‑304, VII 121‑202.

Sprul sku NAM MKHA' BKRA SHIS — Karma pa.  35 II 65.  Famous artist.  See 23 40.  Student of Zhwa nag viii (1607‑1554).  23 45.  Founder of the Sgar bris school. Heller, Tibetan Art 188 ff.  See Lo Bue in Skorupski, ed., Indo‑Tibetan Studies (Tring 1990), p. 193.

Zhong zhong NAM MKHA' BKRA SHIS — 601 61r.6.

NAM MKHA' BKRA SHIS RGYAL MTSHAN — Sa skya pa.  (1458‑ )  Dhongthog 70.  SBTD I 90.  Sometimes, (Mi'i dbang po).  Precious Deposits III 152.  Son of Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po, and successor to his title.

NAM MKHA'I SKRA CAN — N. of Dbang phyug.  Das 909.

Brag dmar NAM MKHA' KHYUNG RDZONG — 372 final p. (line 4).

Mchims ston NAM MKHA' GRAGS — (d. 1289)  Also, (Mchims chen po).  Abbot of Snar thang for 36 years from 1250 until his death in 1289.  BA 283.  Ferrari 146.  Mkhan bu of Gro mo che.  BD of T&TB III 385.  Beyer 172, 203.  SBTD I 137.  Author of a famous Abhidharmakosa commentary.  His bio. by Skyo ston Smon lam tshul khrims (1219‑1299) listed in C. Stearns, Hermit of Go Cliffs 201 (Kurtis Schaeffer gives the title as Mchims Nam mkha' grags kyi Rnam thar, and adds that it has 50 fols., and is from the Cultural Palace of Nationalities, Beijing); listed in BLP no. 0786.

NAM MKHA'I GRAGS PA — Abbot from whom Nāropa took his lay ordination.  75 11.

Smon rgyal NAM MKHA' GRAGS PA — (b. 1910)  Kværne no. 221.

Lo chen NAM MKHA' GRAGS PA — Depicted on a thangka; TPS 366.

Bon ston NAM MKHA' GRUB — ?  253 II 639.4.

Nam sprul NAM MKHA' GLING PA — Also named 'Jigs med phun tshogs.  Author of Gling rje Ge sar Rgyal po'i Sgrung 'Jang G.yu lhas A khyung Ke ru'i Rgyal khab Chos la Bkod tshul, Si khron Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Chengdu 1999), 105 pp.


Pha rgod NAM MKHA' RGYA MTSHO — Name occurs in the inscription on the image of Rgod tshang pa in the Newark Museum.  See the 3rd volume of the reprint catalogue, pp. 102‑3.

Dza ya Paṇḍi ta NAM MKHA' RGYA MTSHO — (1599‑1662)  C. Bawden, Shamans, Lamas and Evangelists, p. 43.

NAM MKHA' RGYA MTSHO — (ca. 1711)  436 I 194.4.

Se tshang NAM MKHA' RGYA MTSHO — 346 23.3.

Byang sems NAM MKHA' RGYA MTSHO RDZOGS CHEN GSANG RGYUD — Text in 319 III 257‑307.

Mkhan chen NAM MKHA' RGYAL PO — (14th cent.)  Bka' gdams pa.  Also, (Lho brag Mkhan chen).  BD of T&TB V 150.  Pictured in 128 88, 93.  Bio. in 165 I 636.

Snor mangs Mkhan chen NAM MKHA' RGYAL PO — 116 310.4, 463.5.

'Phags pa NAM MKHA'I RGYAL PO — Subj. of bio. listed in BLP no. 1375.

Byang sems NAM MKHA'I RGYAL PO — 320 I 461‑464.

Rdzi bo NAM MKHA' RGYAL PO — 352 II 438.6.

Rab rgyal Mi dbang NAM MKHA' RGYAL PO — King of Rab brtan in Rgyal mo rong responsible for printing of Bon Khams chen text (FM 339.00, colophon).

Rin dpungs NAM MKHA' RGYAL PO — (15th cent.)  TS7 I 99.

Slob dpon NAM MKHA' RGYAL PO — Depicted in Essen & Tingo, Die Götter des Himalayas 122, as one of the lesser figures surrounding Dgon pa ba.

NAM MKHA' RGYAL MO — A woman, to whom Tāranātha addressed one of his dohā songs.  See Templeman in Lopez, ed., Religions of Tibet in Practice, p. 215.

NAM MKHA' RGYAL MTSHAN — Bio. by Sangs rgyas rdo rje listed in BLP no. 1215.

Shā kya'i Dge slong NAM MKHA' RGYAL MTSHAN — (1475‑1530)  Shākya'i Dge slong Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po'i Mgur 'bum, contained in 116 181‑271.  143 preface.  Pictures in 116 and 143.  Had disc. named Nam mkha' rdo rje.  Had teachers named (Pha rgod) Bsod nams bzang po and Ba lu me tog pa.  Contemp. of Zhwa nag vii (1454‑1506).  He is certainly to be identified with (Mnyam med) Chos dbang rgyal mtshan, whose Gsung ngag thor bu ba is 601Dpal ldan Bla ma Dam pa / Sprul pa'i Skyes mchog Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po'i Rnam par Thar pa / Skal ldan Dga' ba Bskyed pa'i Bang Tshal Yid kyi 'Dod 'jo [602].  He was considered a reincarnation of Saraha, Zhang G.yu brag pa, Yang dgon pa and 'Ba' ra ba; 602 2r.  He was b. in a Wood Sheep.  602 5v.5 ff.  Childhood n. was Tshe ring skyabs.  602 7r.6.  Dge tshul n. was Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po.  602 9v.2.  There is ref. to his Mgur 'bum, as well as a Gsan yig, in 602 10v.2‑3.  Bio. by Kun dga' dpal ldan listed in BLP no. 1559.

NAM MKHA' RGYAL MTSHAN — A Bon abbot in 1497.  TS7 I 332.

NAM MKHA' RGYAL MTSHAN — (16th cent.)  Lived for 90 yrs.  Student of Sangs rgyas dpal ba (=Sangs rgyas dpal bzang).  BD of T&TB III 786.

NAM MKHA' RGYAL MTSHAN — Received seal as "Commander of mDo khams Regional Office" in 1407.  Precious Deposits III 140‑141.

Skyang sprul NAM MKHA' RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1770)  Also, (Rkyang sprul).  Bon po.  Kværne no. 176.  Author of 272.  Work in 286 I 447‑480.  See (Spyang sprul) Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan and (Khyung sprul) Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan.  Work in 353 513‑617.  Works in Katen vol. 41, end of volume.  Bio. with title Mchog sprul Rin po che Kun gsal nam mkha' rgyal mtshan gyi Rnam thar Gsal byed Rin chen Dngul gyi Me long in Katen vol. 200, pp. 345‑390.

Khyung sprul NAM MKHA' RGYAL MTSHAN — Gsol 'debs dang Re chags, TBMC (Delhi 1972).  Latter includes Bla chen Yab sras Gsum gyi Gsol 'debs Bar chad Kun sel Bsam 'grub Nor bu by Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan, and Gang zhig Shi bo Gson la Re chags Byed pa Bkang ba'i Bon Chog Yang dag Sbyin pa by Spyang sprul Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan [I Tib 72‑905216].  Mkha' 'gro Gsang Gcod kyi Lag len Skor, publ. 1974.  Mkha' 'gro Gsang Gcod Yid bzhin nor bu'i Dmigs pa'i Skor rnams Cha tshan, Gcod practices transmitted in a vision of Khro gnyan Rgyal mtshan to the famed Skyang sprul Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan (1974).

Gangs lung NAM MKHA' RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 434.1.

Gu shi NAM MKHA' RGYAL MTSHAN — (1312‑1331)  Sa skya pa.  Dhongthog 70.  D. in Hor yul.

Go lung pa NAM MKHA' RGYAL MTSHAN — (13th cent.)  A teacher of O rgyan pa.  115 8.4, 10.1, 11.7.

Grub chen NAM MKHA' RGYAL MTSHAN — Successor of (Mnyam med) Sangs rgyas dpal bzang in Jo nang Lugs (q.v.), no. 13.  Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 0392.

Rgya ston Sprul sku NAM MKHA' RGYAL MTSHAN — Also, (Rgya ston Bya bral).  Author of Dkon mchog Spyi 'dus kyi Khrid yig Phul byung Lam rim, publ. 1975.  A Karma pa.  Bio. in 35 I 646.  He framed questions that were answered by Karma 'phrin las pa in his 1502 Zhus lan texts.

Sgom sde NAM MKHA' RGYAL MTSHAN — (1523‑1592)  Chayet in Cardonna, Facets 79.

Ngom pa Bya bral NAM MKHA' RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1370)  35 I 501‑508.

'Jam dbyangs chen po NAM MKHA' RGYAL MTSHAN — (1398‑1472)  Also, (Bdag chen).  Sa skya (or Rnying ma).  Father was Bla chen Kun dga' rgyal mtshan.  Mother was Nam mkha' rgyal mo.  Dhongthog 54.  Pictured in 128 438.

Gnyan ras NAM MKHA' RGYAL MTSHAN — 17 IV 443.2.

Thugs sras NAM MKHA' RGYAL MTSHAN — A teacher of Shākya bzang po (16th cent.).  BD of T&TB III 525.

Ldong zhig NAM MKHA' RGYAL MTSHAN — Disc. of ('Gru zhig) Kun dga'.  253 II 399.4.

Mdong ston NAM MKHA' RGYAL MTSHAN — Disc. of (Ras chen) Gzhon nu dpal ldan in lineage of Gtsang smyon (q.v.).

Snang gsal NAM MKHA' RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 624.2.

Spyang sprul NAM MKHA' RGYAL MTSHAN — Work in 301 II 583‑584.  302 II 183‑189.  See (Skyang sprul) Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan.

Phyi pa NAM MKHA' RGYAL MTSHAN — Lineage disc. of (Sman sgom) 'Od zer seng ge.  36 V 363.

Dbang NAM MKHA' RGYAL MTSHAN — Sa skya pa.  Dhongthog 70.

Chos rje 'Bri gung pa NAM MKHA' RGYAL MTSHAN — Thang stong met him at La phyi.  5.

La phyi pa NAM MKHA' RGYAL MTSHAN — (1372‑1437)  Successor of Grub dbang Dbang phyug rgyal mtshan in Shangs pa transmission.  53 preface.  Said to be a 'Bri gung pa of 14th century.  His biography: Nam mkha' bsam grub rgyal mtshan, Rje La phyi ba Chen po Nam mkha' 'rgyal mtshan gyi Rnam thar Gsal bar Byed pa Dri med Zla ba'i Phreng ba [Thon mi'i Rig lam, no. 3], (Dehra Dun 1999), in 89 pages.  Michael Pahlke did a dissertation, and now a book, devoted to this person.

Shud bu Mkhan chen NAM MKHA' RGYAL MTSHAN — Alias Las kyi rdo rje.  217 594.2 ff.  =Lho brag Grub chen?  374 II 205.6.

Gshen ston NAM MKHA' RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of bio. in SFHB 346‑373.

Se mo che ba NAM MKHA' RGYAL MTSHAN — Disc. of (Khang gsar pa) Nam mkha' 'od.  BA 769.  17 II 415.1.

Lho brag Grub chen NAM MKHA' RGYAL MTSHAN — (1326‑1401)  Also, (Lho brag Mkhan chen).  Collected Writings of Lho brag Grub chen Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan, "reproduced from a rare ms. originally preserved in the temple of Thig phyi in Lho brag by Tshe ring Dargye (N. Delhi 1972+) in 2 (?) vols. [I Tib 72‑906713].  Teacher of Tsong kha pa.  Bio. in BD of T&TB V 155.  Rnying ma.  Dhongthog 70.  Belonged to Shud phu clan.  Pictured in Chandra 2552.  Teacher and disc. of Tsong kha pa.  127 22.  Bio. 165 I 640.  Also called Shud bu'i Mkhan chen.  =Las kyi rdo rje.  410 200B.6.  TS5 48 ff.  Ref. to an image of him in  Vitali, Tho.ling 71.  Depicted in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 57.  Bio. by Tsong kha pa listed in BLP no. 2088.

NAM MKHA' SGO 'BYED KYI DBANG — 243 IV 675‑682.  452 401‑413.


Rig 'dzin NAM MKHA' SGRON GSAL — Teacher of Tshe dbang bde chen snying po.  425.

Gling tshang Dpon mo NAM MKHA' SGROL MA — (18th cent.)  TS5 818.

Sprul sku NAM MKHA' BRGYA BYIN — (16th cent.)  Also called Yol mo ba II, and Shākya bzang po Gnyis pa.  Rnying ma.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 220.  210 257.4 ff.  Pictured in 347 268.  Bio. in 373 I 34‑37.  Patronised by Gung thang king Bsod nams lde.  DTK5 143.

Rdo rje sems dpa' NAM MKHA' CHE RTSA BA'I RGYUD SKYE BA MED PA — Similar titles also in 319 I 291‑381, II 313‑337.  320 II 332‑362.

Kun tu bzang po NAM MKHA' CHE RTSA BA BSDUS PA'I RGYUD — 320 III 393‑416.

Dpal NAM KHA' CHEN PO — In title in 320 X 669.

NAM MKHA' CHOS GRAGS — Subj. of bio. in BLP no. 1796.

Kha ba dkar po NAM MKHA' CHOS KYI RGYA MTSHO — Lama of Kaḥ thog.  See Cuevas, Hidden History 249, where it is argued that he should not be confused with Rgya ra ba.

Rgya ra ba NAM MKHA' CHOS KYI RGYA MTSHO — (b. 1430)  N. appears in colophons of some Bar do Thos grol texts.  FM 229.03, 229.07, 229.09, 229.18.  He also composed a history.  See Cuevas, Hidden History 20, 123, etc.  He was born in lower Kong po to the Gru clan.  His parents died when he was 5, and he was given over to the guardianship of his paternal uncle.  

Rgya ra Klong chen NAM MKHA' CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — See the end of the preface to Klong chen Chos 'byung (1991), p. 6.

Rmog grub NAM MKHA' CHOS DBANG — TS7 II 982.

NAM MKHA' CHOS DBANG — Composed a rgyal rabs of Gung thang in time of king Nyi zla.  DTK5 149.

Jo gdan NAM MKHA' CHOS 'BYOR — Author of Rje btsun Thams cad Mkhyen pa Lo chen Ratna bha dra'i Rnam thar Zin bris listed in Drepung Catalog 1513.

NAM MKHA' CHOS MDZOD — Vai.Ser. 213.

Mkhan chen NAM MKHA' 'CHI MED — 12 XV 371.4.  Author of a Sa skya music book printed in Derge.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 7.

Lha btsun NAM MKHA' 'JIGS MED — (1597‑1653)  Rnying ma pa.  BD of T&TB III 778.  B. in royal lineage (Lha Btsad po) in Lho rgyud Dbyar yul.  Dhongthog 71.  Author of Sprin gyi Thol Glu (note that this title is a 'running title'), on Rdzogs chen meditation, publ. in 2 vols. in 1975; xylographs from blocks preserved at the Palace Monastery in Gangtok [I Tib 75‑904359].  Ordination n. was Kun bzang rnam rgyal (q.v.).  Studied Snying thig for 17 years under (Rdzogs chen pa) Bsod nams dbang po.  See under Lha btsun chen po.  Bernbaum 69.  Pictured in 383 220.5.  Autobiographical material in 241.  Collected Works in 6 vols. publ. in 1974.  Collected Writings in 4 vols. publ. in Darjeeling 1974.  His dag snang, called Rig 'dzin Srog Sgrub in 87 XII.  See also 87 LVI.  Bio. in 167 347‑386.  Verses of praise in 398 I 231‑238.  374 II 442.3 ff.  410 206B.2.  411 298B.5.  His Padmasambhava bios. listed in BLP no. 0352.  His brief text on alchemical use of air as source of nourishment is translated by Walter in Lungta 16 (2003) 35‑36.  Rigzin N. Dokham, "Notes and Topics: Notes on the Biography of Lha btsun Nam mkha' 'jigs med," Bulletin of Tibetology, issue no. 3 of the year 1994.

NAM MKHA' 'JIGS MED RDO RJE — (20th cent.)  TPS 554.  "... whom Tucci met at Lippa on his journey in 1931 and who still lives there."  Tucci & Ghersi, Secrets of Tibet 149.

Kong smyon NAM MKHA' 'JIGS MED RTSAL — N. of (Lha btsun) Nam mkha' 'jigs med.

NAM MKHA'I SNYING PO — Pictured in 128 22; 320 XVII 2.

NAM MKHA' SNYING PO — N. of Nāropa from his Dge bsnyen ordination.  57 IIB 343.6.  73 53.6.

Gnubs NAM MKHA'I SNYING PO — (8th-10th centuries?)  Also, (Snubs).  Lived under Khri srong lde btsan.  BA 104.  A representative of Ch'an Buddhism, acc. to Ferrari 138.  27 68.  17 II 326.4, 386.6.  87 I 65.6, 68.6, 70.1, 73.6, 108.4, 121.3, 122.5, 118.3, 139.1.  132 89.6.  Pictured in 128 612.  320 XIII 223.  Story in 476 IV 362.6.  Achard, L'Essence 20.  Mentioned in Dunhuang document.  Meinert in TS9 II 298.  Listed in Mtshan tho no. 7.

Lho brag NAM MKHA' SNYING PO — Author of long biographies of Ye shes mtsho rgyal listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 337 (nos. 683‑685).

Dpon chen NAM MKHA' BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (14th cent.)  Contemp. of Bu ston (1290‑1364).  His rab byung n. was Rin chen dpal bzang po.  27 134.

Byang NAM MKHA' BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — Kuijp in TH&L 299.  Toh, Ming 87.

Bon slob NAM MKHA' BSTAN 'DZIN — (b. 1932)  Head of G.yung drung lha steng Mon. Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 420.

Rme'u ston NAM MKHA' BSTAN 'DZIN — 354 4.6.

Bla ma NAM MKHA' THOG BZUNG — 253 II 633.2.

Gling gshen NAM MKHA' THOGS MED — Bon teachings in 254253 II 234.6.  =Mu la thogs med.  =Mu la blo gros rgyal mtshan.  Received oral transmissions from Stong rgyung mthu chen of Gser 'od Nor bu 'Od 'bar.  Kværne, Canon B39.

Rdo rje sems dpa' NAM MKHA'I MTHA' DANG MNYAM PA'I RGYUD CHEN PA — Has longer title also.  Text in 319 I 173‑290.  Similar title in 319 IV 467‑503.  In 27 chaps. 320 III 433‑537.  320 VI 170‑230.  Similar title in 320 IX 364.2.

NAM MKHA' MTHONG GSAL — Snyan brgyud work in 278 361‑367 and in 286 I 199‑204.

NAM MKHA' DANG MNYAM PA'I RGYUD — In 320 VII 568 ff; XVI 366 ff.

Ri bla'i Gdung 'dzin iii NAM MKHA' DRI MED RAB 'BYAMS — (b. 1939)  TS5 797.

NAM MKHA'I BDAG PO — Michael J. Sweet, Jesus the World‑Protector: Eighteenth‑Century Gelukpa Historians View Christianity, Buddhist‑Christian Studies, vol. 26 (2006), pp. 173‑178, at p. 177.  Probably a translation of tianzhu, a Chinese term used by missionaries in China.  Thuken 347.

NAM MKHA' RDO RJE — A n. of Las 'gro gling pa Phyi ma (q.v.).

NAM MKHA' RDO RJE — (19th or 20th cent.)  A disc. of Kong sprul who was also called Phrin las byams pa 'byung gnas.  Achard, L'Essence 28.  He plays a role in a forthcoming novel by Matheus Skybrook, as a teacher of Theos Bernard.

NAM MKHA' RDO RJE — (1486‑1553)  Student of Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan (1475‑1530) in 'Ba' ra Dkar brgyud tradition.  143 preface.  Pictured in 116 183.  Called Mnga' ris pa Dbon po Nam mkha' rdo rje in 601 21r.2.  Bios. listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 342.

NAM MKHA' RDO RJE — Khavajra.  Disc. of Mai tri pa.  BA 843.

NAM MKHA' RDO RJE — Cuevas, Hidden History 66 (and index).

Kaḥ thog pa NAM MKHA' RDO RJE — Works in 36 I, 194 XIV.

Dka' chen NAM MKHA' RDO RJE — Bio. by Chos rgyal lhun grub listed in BLP no. 0073.

Grub chen NAM MKHA' RDO RJE — Pictured in 128 210, 220.

Chos rgyal NAM MKHA' RDO RJE — 5 339.4.

Rig 'dzin NAM MKHA' RDO RJE — 17 IV 493.4.

Shākya'i Dge slong NAM MKHA' RDO RJE — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1928.

NAM MKHA' LDING — Mon. on top of Chu bo ri.  Ferrari 164.

Khyung rgod NAM MKHA' LDING — Vitali in Lungta XVI (Spring 2003) 5.

Lha phrug NAM MKHA' LDING — 'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 363.4, 377.4.

Tho gar NAM MKHA' LDE — Also, less correctly, (Tho 'bar).  Disc. of Rgya ston Blo bros byang chub.  Teacher of Zur po che.  BD of T&TB III 168‑169.  17 II 390.1.  33 189.1.  394 I 65.3.

NAM MKHA' NOR BU — Or, Nam mkha'i nor bu.  (b. December 8, 1938)  Prof. at University of Naples.  Article in TR XV no. 12.  Ruegg 313.  Tucci, Religions ix.  Article in TJ III no. 3; VII no. 3.  He had a teacher named Byang chub rdo rje.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 248.

NAM MKHA' NOR BU — Son of Lha dbang rgyal mtshan.  DTK5 124.

'Khrul zhig NAM MKHA'I RNAL 'BYOR — (15th cent.)  A teacher of Kun dga' dpal 'byor (1428‑1476).  Author of Phyag rgya chen po Gsal ba'i 'Phreng ba. 261 21.  Student of (Grub dbang) Blo gros bzang po.  Founded Bsam gling phu, a hermitage in the Thimphu valley.

Mus chen NAM MKHA'I RNAL 'BYOR — Of Mus sdi lung.  In Thang stong transmission.  29 7 no. 11a.  Bio.  383 572.4 ff.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1496, as part of Shangs pa Gser phreng.  Aka Mtshan ldan Nam mkha'i rnal 'byor.  Stearns, King 164 (aka Bya 'phur ba, Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan).

NAM MKHA'I SNANG — Nine Ways 103.

Mnga' bdag NAM MKHA' DPAL — (1170‑1236)  BD of T&TB IV 109.  Considered an emanation of Spyan ras gzigs.  Son of (Nyang ral) Nyi ma 'od zer, as well as his chief disc.  BD of T&TB III 339‑340.  Pictured in 347 218.  Preface to vol. I of Rnying ma Rgyud 'bum (1982).  477 137.4. Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 100, where his dates are given as ca. 1181/2‑1244, with discussion of dating problems.

'Jam skya NAM MKHA' DPAL — TS7 II 839.

Lha btsun NAM MKHA' DPAL — (15th cent.)  Brother of Bkra shis dpal 'bar.  Son of Bsam lde (b. 1459).  DTK5 139.  Was ordained.

Hor ston NAM MKHA' DPAL — (1373‑1447)  Also, Nam mkha' dpal bzang po.  B. in Mal gro.  Founder of Byang rtse college at Dga' ldan.  Ferrari 107.  Work in 289.  His Blo sbyong Nyi ma'i 'Od zer, publ. by Mongolian Lama Gurudeva (N. Delhi 1971).

Dpon NAM MKHA' DPAL — Next to eldest brother of O rgyan pa.  115 9.2.

Zho nga ba dpa' shi NAM MKHA' DPAL — Kuijp in CAJ (1995) 291.

NAM MKHA' DPAL MGON — Appears in a thangka's dedication inscription.  TPS 366.

Kong chen NAM MKHA' DPAL LDAN — A teacher of Shākya bzang po (16th cent.).  BD of T&TB III 525.  Pictured in 128 568.  210 260.2.

Gu ge'i Bla ma NAM MKHA' DPAL 'BYOR — (16th cent.)  Disc. of (Sprul sku) Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan (1475‑1530) and of the latter's disciple Nam mkha' rdo rje (1486‑1553).  Author of bio. in 116 181 ff.

NAM MKHA' DPAL BZANG — TS7 I 258.  Lord of Spong rong.

NAM MKHA' DPAL BZANG — (1532‑1602)  13th abbot of Ngor.  Heller, Tibetan Art 150.

Thar rtse Paṇ chen NAM MKHA' DPAL BZANG — Works in 349.  According to TBRC this as well as Brang ti Nam mkha' dpal bzang, are all names of the 13th abbot of Ngor.

Brang ti NAM MKHA' DPAL BZANG — Author of 389.

Gsang bdag NAM MKHA' DPAL BZANG — (1398‑1425)  Also, (Phag rdor Sprul pa).  Elder brother of Drung rdor ba (q.v.).  Bio. by Shes rab bzang po (1400‑1438) written in 1432.  20 34.  24 III.  487 I 65.4 ff.  "rab ri sa pho stag la 'khrungs/ dgung lo rtsa brgyad pa shing mo sprul la gshegs/ ."  12th in 'Brug pa Gdan rabs (q.v.).  Also called Ra smyon.  1 19.  BA 672.  Main subject of a painting at himalayanart.com no. 65193.

NAM MKHA' DPAL BZANG PO — (1333‑1379)  Became abbot of Stag lung at death of Ratna a ka ra.  Some of his other names are Yon tan rgya mtsho, Kun dga' bo, and Nam mkha' rin chen.  BA 635 ff.  Jackson, MB 107.  Perhaps he was the one by this name who brought tribute to the Ming court in 1373.  Toh, Ming 87 (but here he was "presumably a Sa skya pa").

NAM MKHA'I SPYAN — Ākāśacakṣu.  Emmerick.

Rdzogs chen NAM MKHA' SPYI GCOD — Texts in 258 II 1‑406.  300 preface.  Lineage.  253 II 405.5 ff.

Snyan rgyud NAM MKHA' 'PHRUL MDZOD DRANG NGES SKOR — A Bon Rdzogs chen cycle.  See 206253 II 382.5.

Dge slong NAM MKHA' BYANG CHUB — Author, Paṇ Grub Gsum gyi Rnam thar Dpag bsam 'khri shing, listed in BLP no. 1278 (see 1279, where it seems that Paṇ Grub Gsum refers to Kha che Paṇ chen, Mi tra dzo ki & Khro Lo).

Chos rje NAM MKHA' BYANG CHUB — (active around 1433)  CFMS 33, 95.

NAM MKHA' BLO GROS — Work in 303 375‑400.

Snang zhig Drang srong NAM MKHA' BLO GROS — 253 II 508.2 ff.  A Bon lama in thangka in Kværne, The Bon Religion of Tibet, plate 49.  He is probably the one mentioned in Berounsky, Murdered 35, with his dates given as 1891‑1949.  Probably the same as Snang ston Nam mkha' blo gros who was subject of a paper by Sherab Samphel (Shes rab bsam 'phel) at the 15th IATS (Paris 2019).

Rtogs ldan NAM MKHA' BLO LDAN — 253 II 432.6, 622.5.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 299, 315, 402 (he lived in 14th cent.).

NAM MKHA' BLO BZANG — P.n.  Sperling in TH&L 459.

'Od sku NAM MKHA' DBANG LDAN — 253 II 438.6.

Khri NAM MKHA' DBANG PO — King of Guge.  Maybe =Blo bzang rab rtan.  See 28 19.

Khri NAM MKHA' DBANG PHYUG — Son of Padma Dkar lde, in 16th cent.  TPS 399.

Sbra ser NAM MKHA' DBANG PHYUG — Tsering Thar, in his paper for 8th IATS, says he was an important Bon po scholar in the eighteenth century, who made what may be regarded as the 'original' picture of 'Ol mo lung ring.

Btsun pa NAM MKHA' DBANG PHYUG — Work in 303 491‑510.  =Kun bzang rgyal mtshan (b. 1837), q.v.

Bla ma Mtshungs med NAM MKHA' DBANG PHYUG — A teacher of (Gter bton) Las 'phro gling pa.  210 186.1.

NAM MKHA' 'BAR BA'I RGYUD — 320 VI 608‑635.

NAM MKHA' 'BUM — A Bka' gdams pa in the time of Sa paṇ.  Petech (1983) 181, 198 n. 44.  Author of a life of 'Phags pa in 1267.  145 V 415.  502 193.5.

NAM MKHA' 'BUM — Wife of Phun tshogs lde.  DTK5 117.

Lha lcam NAM MKHA' 'BUM — N. of a woman.  TS7 I 273.

Lding dpon NAM MKHA' 'BRUG — ISTS 18.

Rdzogs chen NAM MKHA' 'BRUG SGRA — Student of Mdo sngags bstan 'dzin (1516‑1568).  BD of T&TB III 75.3.


NAM MKHA' MED PA — In title in 320 IX 600.

NAM MKHA'I SMAN BTSUN — Vitali in Lungta XVI (Spring 2003) 4.

NAM MKHA'I TSHIG — N. of a Bodhisattva.  =Ākāśapradāha. (HH).

NAM MKHA' TSHUL KHRIMS 'OD — Disc. of Dus gsum mkhyen pa.  57 IIB 360.1.

NAM MKHA' TSHE BRTAN RGYAL PO — Ordination n. of Zhig po gling pa.  210 210.6.

NAM MKHA' TSHE DBANG — The one who urged the writing of A chos 31.

Chos rgyal Byang pa Gong ma NAM MKHA' TSHE DBANG RDO RJE — Active in about 1550.  17 III 479.1.

Zhwa lu Sku zhang Chos rje NAM MKHA'I MTSHAN CAN — (1400's)  TS5 656.

Ri khrod pa NAM MKHA'I MTSHAN CAN — 116 358.7.

NAM MKHA' MDZOD — See 274.  A cave at Dang ra Mtsho.  448 256.


NAM MKHA' MDZOD PA — In about 1683.  458 I 242.5.

NAM MKHA' MDZOD PHUG — 253 II 580.1.

NAM MKHA' 'DZIN — N. of a town (grong khyer) in Bde ba myos byed kyi gling.  53 II 294.1.

NAM MKHA' 'DZIN — See Ga ga na dha ra.

NAM MKHA' RDZONG — 1) Zhig po (the Zhi byed pa) stayed there.  BA 950.  2) (Mon yul) Nam mkha' rdzong.  5 164.4.  3) (Brag dmar Spo mtho) Nam mkha' rdzong.  4 172B.2, 214A.4, 247A.3, 310B.5.  4X I 105.2, 124.4, 150.3.  Macdonald 140.  Roberts, Rechungpa 63.  4) Rag ma Nam mkha' rdzong (q.v.).

Rkyang phan NAM MKHA' RDZONG — For Milarepa's visit, see 4 31B.1 ff.  377 27B.4.

Brag dkar Rta so NAM MKHA' RDZONG — 4X I 150.3.

Brag dmar Ze chung NAM MKHA' RDZONG — 210 165.2.

Rag ma NAM MKHA' RDZONG — 4X 125.2, 126.6.

Sa stag NAM MKHA' GZUNGS — TS5 799.

NAM MKHA' BZANG PO — Administrator of Sne'u rdzong who helped found 'Bras spungs.

NAM MKHA' BZANG PO — In abbatial succession of 'Gro tshang Rdo rje 'chang.  Sperling in Lungta XIV (2001) 81; his presence at Ming court recorded in 1442, 1443, 1448.

Nyi lde ba NAM MKHA' BZANG PO — (15th cent.?)  Kuijp in TH&L 300 n. 24.  His work Lo rgyus Ngo mtshar Chun po listed in BLP no. 1911.

Drung NAM MKHA' BZANG PO — Requested 'Gos Lo to write 449.

Dpal btsun NAM MKHA' BZANG PO — Author of Theg pa'i Rim pa Gsal ba'i Sgron ma, "a synthetic treatise on Bonpo cosmology and the vehicles of Bonpo practice and realisation, reproduced from a ms. once preserved in the Gur gyam Bla brang by Tshering Wangyal, TBMC (Dolanji 1974) [I Tib 74‑902671].

Spa ston NAM MKHA' BZANG PO — F. mon. G.yung drung rab rtan in 1847.  Kværne no. 202.  =G.yung drung nam bzang.  I think there may have been a much earlier Bon po of the Spa family who had the name Nam mkha' bzang po, although this needs more investigation.

Zam tsha Sprul sku i Dga' ldan Shar pa Chos rje NAM MKHA' BZANG PO — (18th cent.)  The 55th Khri thog of Dga' ldan from 1746 to his death in 1750.  40 5.  BD of T&TB VI 196.  B. at Rdo zug rmog ri ldan thang. 

Yar 'brog Khri dpon NAM MKHA' BZANG PO — Author of bio. of Bo dong pa listed in BLP no. 1425.

Lo tsā ba NAM MKHA' BZANG PO — (14th cent.)  Aka Bo dong Lo tsā ba.  Nephew of Byang chub rtse mo (1303‑1380).  BA 787‑788.  17 II 422.2.  Pictured in 128 292.  Dhāraṇī translating work in 451.  Kuijp, Some Remarks 166, gives the title of a work of his on Bstan rtsis.  He was Tsongkhapa's Sanskrit and kāvya tutor.

NAM MKHA' 'OD — Disc. and son of Mar pa Do pa.  17 II 409.5.  BA 384.  A monk Nam mkha' 'od is mentioned in BA 463.

Khang gsar pa NAM MKHA' 'OD — In the early 'Bro Kālacakra transmission.  BA 768.  17 II 415.1.  475 98.2.

Gra zang pa NAM MKHA' 'OD — Or, (Lha ri ba).  Disc. of Zhang Rin po che, also called Sangs rgyas ras chen, the one who founded mon. of Lha ri kha.  BA 715.

Phug ston NAM MKHA' 'OD — Disc. of Zur po che.  33 211.5.

Dka' bcu NAM MKHA' 'OD ZER — Sperling in TH&L 459.

Bka' bzhi pa NAM MKHA' 'OD ZER — Disc. of Ma gcig Chos sgron.  BA 687.  Called (Bka' bcu pa) in 57 IIB 372.4.

Khyung po Bla ma NAM MKHA' 'OD ZER — 23 29.

Mkhas grub NAM MKHA' 'OD ZER — Bonpo.  253 II 389.6.

'Gru zhig NAM MKHA' 'OD ZER — 253 II 409.2, 409.3.

'Gro mgon NAM MKHA' 'OD ZER — A son of (Nyang Ral) Nyi ma 'od zer.  BD of T&TB III 339.  Has early bio.  See 477 137.3.

Sgo dzo NAM MKHA' 'OD ZER — 253 II 356.6.

Stag bro NAM MKHA' 'OD ZER — 253 II 477.2, 615.1.

Stag gzig NAM MKHA' 'OD ZER — Work in 305 II 259‑268.

Pho chen NAM MKHA' 'OD ZER — 253 II 230.6.  Also, (Pho che).  Karmay, Treasury 183.  Of A mdo.  Author of FM 29.00.

Bya btang NAM MKHA' 'OD ZER — Part of a 'Brug pa lineage.  57 IIB 372.1.

Bru zha NAM MKHA' 'OD ZER — (late 13th cent.)  Younger bro. of Rgyal ba g.yung drung.  Kailash I 48.  Bio. in 342 41 ff.

Rnam sprul NAM MKHA' YE SHES — Also, (Gnya').  Became abbot of Sman ri in about 1446.  Kailash I 48.  Bio. in 342 62 ff.  Kværne 233 no. 134.  Bio. in A tri 53 ff.  Also, (Kun gzigs), redactor of Gzungs 'dus12 XI 334.2.

Smon rgyal NAM MKHA' YE SHES —  =(Smon rgyal) Mu la.  253 II 461.1.  This is actually a n. for Kun grol grags pa.  If this person equals the Smon rgyal Mu la shel zhin of 503 33.3, then it appears he died in a Fire Horse year at age 49 (but this does not work for Kun grol grags pa), so there is some doubt.

Khyung po Drang srong NAM MKHA' G.YUNG DRUNG — 253 II 355.1.

Gyer ston NAM MKHA' G.YUNG DRUNG — Also, (Gyer bon).  253 II 392.6.

Gyer mi'i Sprul pa Rkyang 'phags NAM MKHA' G.YUNG DRUNG — Bon gter ston263 II 218.4.  His bio. has been published in Katen, vol. 200, pp. 1‑110.

Sgo dzung NAM MKHA' G.YUNG DRUNG — 253 II 477.3.

Bru chen NAM MKHA' G.YUNG DRUNG — (996‑1054)  First head of G.yas ru Dben sa kha.  Kværne nos. 67, 76, 80.  Bio. in SFHB 438‑457.  253 II 191.6. A bio. is used by Dhondup Lhagyal in his article in New Horizons (listed on p. 471).

NAM MKHA' RAB BRTAN — Seventeenth century king of Khro bcu, patron of Kun grol grags pa.  Karmay, 'General Introduction', p. 189.

Khog lung pa NAM MKHA' RAB GSAL — See Chiara Bellini's article in Orientations 45 no 5 (June 2014) 92.

NAM MKHA' RIN CHEN — One of the names of Nam mkha' dpal bzang po (1333‑1379), q.v.

NAM MKHA' RIN CHEN — Author of Zhus lan Nor bu'i Phreng ba Lha chos Bdun gyi Bla ma Brgyud pa rnams kyi Rnam thar, listed in Btsan lha 1058.

Dge bsnyen NAM MKHA' RIN CHEN — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 0843.

Sman chu ba NAM MKHA' RIN CHEN — Ordinator of Zhig po gling pa (1524‑1583).  210 210.5.  Considered rebirth of Gnubs chen.  Commentaries on the Guhyagarbha Tantra and Other Rare Nyingmapa texts from the library of Dudjom Rimpoche, publ. in 2 vols. in N. Delhi (1978). 

Dbra btsun NAM MKHA' RIN CHEN — (b. 1360)  Alias Blo ldan snying po, q.v.  254 preface.  Visionary teachings and works in 254.  Works in 300 I 165‑201, etc.  325 449‑450.  Monastic name.  253 II 407.1.  Lived in 6th rab byung253 II 475.2.  273A I 483.6.

Dza rong NAM MKHA' RIN CHEN — (contemp.)  Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 418.

Yang ston NAM MKHA' RIN CHEN — Nine Ways 4.

A ba Rtogs ldan NAM MKHA' RIN CHEN — 253 II 409.2, 476.4.

NAM MKHA' RIN CHEN RGYAL MTSHAN — (1453‑ )  Sa skya pa.  Dhongthog 71.

Rtsis kyi Mkhan po NAM MKHA' RIN CHEN DPAL BZANG PO — Bu ston presided at his ordination.  27 130.

Chos kyi rgyal po NAM MKHA' LEGS PA — 5 344.4.  Evidently, =(Ri khrod pa) Nam mkha' legs pa, or ('Jam dbyangs) Nam mkha' legs pa.  63 I 47 (bio. on p. 49).  383 631.1.  Stearns, King 20.

Mkhas btsun chen po NAM MKHA' LEGS PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN DPAL BZANG PO — (1305‑1343)  Sa skya pa.  B. at Lha rtse.  Dhongthog 71.  Kuijp, Rivers 209.

Dbang NAM MKHA' LEGS PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (1399‑1444)  Sa skya pa.  Dhongthog 71.  The Dbang =Chinese Wang.  For sources, see E. Sperling, Dissertation p. 172 n. 7.  Precious Deposits III 39.

Bka' bcu pa NAM MKHA' LEGS BZANG — 5 281.1.

NAM MKHA' BSHES GNYEN — (active 1448)  Cuevas, Hidden History 125.

Rtogs ldan NAM MKHA' SANGS RGYAS MGON PO — Gter ston of 7th rab byung383 220.2.

NAM MKHA' SENG GE — Blo bzang yon tan, Nam mkha' seng ge'i Rnam thar Dge legs 'Byung gnas, listed in BLP no. 1216.

Kaḥ thog pa NAM MKHA' SENG GE — (b. 1443)  Cuevas, Hidden History 131 (but see pp. 141, 144, where it says he was b. in 1431 or 1443).  He served as Drung (a kind of abbot) of Kaḥ thog.

Mkhan chen NAM MKHA' SENG GE — (1200's)  Also, (Lho brag Mkhan chen).  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 134.  Bio. 165 I 473.

Rnga rgod NAM MKHA' SENG GE — (1712‑1780)  Collected works and bio. in 416  Works listed in SBTD I 409.  Bio. by Blo bzang bkra shis (Co ne print) listed in BLP no. 0662.

Sngags 'chang NAM MKHA' SENG GE — (fl. early 17th cent.)  Visited at Byams pa sprin, an imperial period temple.  Ehrhard in Prats, Pandita 36, 41.

NAM MKHA' GSAL SGRON — "Rje btsun Mi la'i slob ma rtse mo."  35 I 8.

NAM MKHA' BSAM GRUB — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 1953.

Tre bo NAM MKHA' BSAM GRUB — Vai.Ser. 140.

NAM MKHA' BSAM GRUB — Successor of ('Dul 'dzin) Ngag dbang rgyal mtshan in Shangs pa transmission.  53 preface.  Depicted on a thangka; see TPS 366.

NAM MKHA' BSAM GRUB RGYAL MTSHAN — Work in Ind.Off.Cat. no. 37.  Author of bio. of Mkhas grub Khyung po listed in BLP nos. 0249, 0759.  Author of bio. of (Mkhas btsun) Rgyal mtshan 'bum listed in BLP no. 0276.  Author of bio. of (Chos rje) Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 0764.  Author of bio. of Bla ma Skyer sgang pa, BLP no. 1482.

NAM MKHA' BSOD NAMS — Author of Rngog rabs Gsal ba'i Me long Nyi zla'i 'Od 'Phro Nor bu'i Rin chen, listed in BLP no. 1195.  Now published in HS XL 417‑509.

Khri NAM MKHA' BSOD NAMS — (16th cent.)  A local ruler of 'Brong rtse.  Stearns, SR 95.

Ldong NAM MKHA' BSOD NAMS — 374 II 322.6. 

Mnyam med NAM MKHA' BSOD NAMS —  =Bsam gtan gling pa.  =A tir grags.  410 204A.4.

Bru NAM MKHA' BSOD NAMS — Also, (Bru ston).  Bonpo.  Work in 251 403‑410.  In 263 81‑86.

Dbyil ston NAM MKHA' BSOD NAMS — In Bon lineage.  206 587.4.

NAM MKHA'I LHA — ?  476 V 171.1.

Rnal 'byor NAM MKHA' LHUN GRUB — (b. 1665), acc. to Kværne no. 159.  253 II 236.3 (bio. 455.4 ff).  253 II 617.3.  Songs and Teachings of Nam mkha' lhun grub and the G.yung drung Klong rgyas kyi Gnas bshad kyi Skor of Tre ston Rgyal mtshan dpal, publ. by Ngawang Sonam, TBMC (Dolanji 1976) [I Tib 76‑902684].  His songs are listed in Everding's Bon catalog, no. JS 1907.

Rgyal bu NAM MKHA' LHUN GRUB — DTK5 140.

NAM MKHA' LHUN RGYAL — See BLP no. 0918.

NAM MKHAR SPYOD PA — A name Sog bzlog pa used to sign at least one of his works. 

NAM GUNG DGON PA — In Dolpo.  Map in Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 141.

NAM GRU SKYES — 1) Kālindī, the river Yamunā.  2) Epithet of the wife of the sun.  Das 738.

Gshan pa NAM GRU SPUN DGU — Stay in Tsari.  17 IV 238.4.

NAM GRU MA — 1) N. of a Yakṣa princess.  2) Narmadā, river in S India (Nerbudda).  3) Raivatī, n. of a constellation or lunar mansion.  4) Revatī, wife of Kāmadeva.  Das 738.  132 71.2.

NAM GRU RIGS — 17 II 305.1.

NAM RJE — Schaik, M&T 155.

NAM TIG — See under Nam pa.

NAM THAS — Pho brang Nam thas su phebs.  HS LV 201.4.

ṆAM ṆA RA — Pl.n.  BD of T&TB I 264.

NAM NANG — See (— —) Zla ba'i rdo rje.

NAM PA — N. of a country.  See under Nam.  28 86.  =To mi.  Chang in BJZJ X no. 2, p. 122.  =The To mi tribe.  Sato in Acta Asiatica 29 (1975) 8.  See F.W. Thomas's book.  He believed that the Nam language was spoken in the Nam pa Kingdom by the Nam tig people.  Robert Schaefer (HJAS XIII 245 etc.) had doubts.  Note the words from the language of Nam pa Ldong in Bellezza, D&B 121.

NAM PA — See (— —) 'Phan ne.

Ma gcig NAM PA — Kuijp in TH&L 301 n. 24.

NAM PO 'DRU — In Klungs shod phyugs mtshams (in Amdo).  28 80.

NAM SPRUL — See (— —) Nam mkha' gling pa (b. 1944).

Dpon NAM GYI BU — 115 111.4.

NAM GZA' DON GRAM PA TSHAL — Pl.n.  See 28 76.  Nam ra zha don gram pa tshal.  Uray, Narrative 45.

Gyer ston NAM G.YUNG — Bonpo.  253 II 182.6.

NAM RA — BA 401.  =Nam ru.  W of A mdo.  Together with Chag gong, one of 18 dbang ris headed by 'Bring and Chag clans.  28 80. 

Byang NAM RA — 17 II 443.2.

NAM RA GCEN GCUNG — 476 I 383.2.

NAM RA RTSE SKU — 253 II 137.5.

NAM LING —  =Bkra shis nam ling.  Completed in Water Mouse year (1432?) in Mang yul.  DTK5 123, 130, 139.

NAM SO SKYES — "Born during the 7th lunar mansion."  See Rgyun shes kyi bu.  413 127.5.

NAR PHUG — BA 198.  In Sgrags.

NAR MA THAL JI — 208 I 236.2.

NAL BA — N. of place in Tibet.  Das 739.

NAL MI ZAN — Karmay, Arrow 369.

NAS GLING — N. of an island.  BD of T&TB I 927.  It ought to be identified with Java (named after a kind of grain, barley; see Hobson Jobson under 'Java').

NAS CHI THO YON HU THOG THU — Neichi Thoyon Hutuqtu (1557‑1653).  The Bogdo Gegen.  Thuken 367.

NAS ZLUM GNAS CHUNG — 115 8.3.  Nas zlum gyi Gshag rings.  115 11.2.

NAS LUNG PA — See (— — —) Ngag dbang rdo rje.

NI KṢHAṬ — N. of a mt.  Das 740.

NI GU CHOS DRUG — For short intro. by Kong sprul, see 12 VIII.  See under Shangs pa.  Practiced by Tsong kha pa.  127 20.  138.  Works in 36 VIII.

NI GU MA — Sister of Nāropa, one of 84 Mahāsiddhas.  BA 491 ff.  Originator of Shangs pa Bka' brgyud pa.  Bio. 53 I 529‑535.  BA 730.  75 introduction, p. 2.  17 II 441.2.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1779.

NI TSU LUNDA 'BAB PA — River in Lus 'phags pa.  Das 417.


Kong NI RU PA — Khyung po Rnal 'byor studied doctrines of this person at Sha mo ra.  17 II 427.  Skor Ni ru pa in BA 729.  17 II 430.  =Ni ru pa ta'i Rnal 'byor (q.v.).  Said to have been source of many general Bka' brgyud doctrines that he taught to Sgam po pa.  413 580.4 ff.  His song of Tibet's seven qualities in Lde'u 2 397.  Kurtis Schaeffer's  Dissert. 135 ff.

NI RU PA TA'I RNAL 'BYOR PA — (1062‑1102)  A disciple of Ka ro pa.  BA 853 ff.  17 II 430.4.  =(Kong) Ni ru pa.

NI LA TA — N. of a valley.  Wylie 57.  =Nīlāb, acc. to T'oung Pao L 338.

NI LA BA — Mahāsiddha.  128 43A (picture).  A ras mkhan, 'Indigo maker'.

NI LI PA — One of 'four doors' of O rgyan.  115 52.6.

NIṢHKA LANGA KA DE WA — Indian disc. of Abhayākaragupta.  17 II 303.1.  Niska langka de wa.  He is also called Rdo rje gdan pa, as are many others.  He translated the Ber wa'i Sgrub thabs Che Chung, 'Khrul 'khor Phreng ba, etc.  Mtshan tho no. 85.

NIR BA ṆA SHRĪ — BD of T&TB I 927.  Nirvānaśrīpāda.  TS7 II 963.

NIR YA PĀ LA — A king in India.  17 II 270.3.  One of Atiśa's works, the Vimalaratnalekha, is written for his guidance.  His name might need to be 'corrected' (?) to Nayapāla.

NU KHO DGON — Vai.Ser. 254.

NU BO NYA — Nunnery.  Emmerick.

NU MA RI — Shakabpa, History II 166.

NU ZOG — Sog po nu zog.  TS7 II 983.

NUB — One of 6 principal Rnying ma lineages.  See Bka' ma.

Rkyang tshang NUB GRONG DGON — Bon mon. in Amdo.  200 monks.  253 II 636.5.

NUB GLING — Sikkim mon. f. in 1875 with 5 monks.  Waddell 285.


Mar yul NUB SNANG — 115 76.1.

NUB PA — See (— —) Rig 'dzin grags.

Gu ru NUB PHYONG PA — 217 485.2 ff.

NUB KYI BA GLANG SPYOD GLING — Aparagodhānya.  The western continent.  Waddell 377.

NUB BOD LEGS BCOS SKYID SDUG — Tibet Improvement Party.  See Goldstein, History 450.

NUB RA — (sp?)  Nubra.  See 14 4.  I believe the real spelling in Tibetan for Nubra is Ldum ra.

NUB KYI RI BO PA — Aparaśaila.  One of 8 branches of Dge 'dun phal chen pa.  BA 27.

NUB RI LHA MDUN — Vai.Ser. 228.

NUS LDAN — Son of king Bde byed bzang po.  413 107.5.

Mkhan po NUS LDAN — Of Kaḥ thog.  Author of Mkhas pa'i Tshul la 'Jug pa'i Sgo'i Mchan 'grel Legs bshad Snang ba'i 'Od zer, a comm. on the work of Mi pham publ. in 1974.  Also author of comm. on Mdo Dgongs 'dus (of Anu yoga) in 4 vols.

'Dzi sgar Rin po che NUS LDAN DRAG PO — (recent)  Teacher of Mi pham bstan 'dzin 'phrin las.  414 67.

O rgyan NUS LDAN RDO RJE — Also, 'Bri gung Rig 'dzin.  B. to family of the gter ston Ratna gling pa.  33rd abbot of 'Bri gung.  37 39.  Collected Works and Gter Chos in 6 vols, publ. 1977.  Also called O rgyan che mchog.  Works in 187.  Bio. in 187 I 163‑186.  His Gsung 'bum originally had 21 vols.  Full length bio. not available.  Long name: Dkon mchog bstan 'dzin 'phrin las mthar phyin+.  Also called Nus ldan rol pa'i rdo rje.

Stag sham NUS LDAN RDO RJE — (b. 1655)  Author of Bla phur Sbrags ma'i Phrin las Gsang ba dang bcas pa, a collection of texts from the Bka' Rdzogs chen Padma Yongs 'grol Gsang ba'i Snying thig, publ. 1974.  Rediscovered Yi dam Dgongs 'dus teachings.  12 V 3‑19. Rediscovered Bdud 'dul Drag mo (q.v.).  Evidently to be identified with Bsam gtan gling pa (q.v.)?  Redisc. in 240 473‑487.  His Bod kyi Jo mo Ye shes mtsho rgyal gyi Mdzad tshul Rnam par Thar pa Gab pa Mngon byung Rgyud mangs Dri za'i Glu Phreng, also called, Jo mo'i Rnam thar Skabs Don brgyad pa, publ. from blocks kept at Ka sbug Zangs mdog dpal ri Par khang (in Kalimpong) in 1972 [73‑902534], translated by Dharma Press and Keith Dowman.  He held the transmission of (Gter ston) Bdud 'dul rdo rje (1615‑1672).  Redisc. Rta mgrin gyi Skor.  Among his disciples the most important was Padma bde chen gling pa.  BD of T&TB III 804.  His Thugs sgrub Yid bzhin nor bu in 87 XIII.  Other gter ma in 87 XX, XXXI, XXXV, XLI.  Lived in 10th rab byung, acc. to 383 220.6.  Opened hidden country.  239 XXX 47.6.  His Mkha' 'gro Bdud 'dul Drag mo'i Chos Skor Gter Gzhung, on the wrathful lion faced Ḍākinī, publ. in 1977.  His Rtsa Gsum Yi dam Dgongs 'dus, publ. in 19 vols. from ms. belonging to Rig 'dzin chos rgyal by D. Gyaltsan and K. Lekshay, N. Delhi 1972+ [I Tib 72‑905855].  His Padmasambhava bios. listed in BLP no. 0354.  Cuevas, Hidden History 196.

NUS LDAN RDO RJE 'GRO PHAN GLING PA GRO LOD RTSAL — (19th cent.) Said to have lived in the latter part of the 19th century in Eastern Tibet.  Author of a Gcod text translated in Crook, Yogins of Ladakh 317 ff. See now the entry “Khordong Terchen Nuden Dorje (1802-1864)” by Stéphane Aguillère in Treasury of Lives website.

NUS LDAN RTSAL — See Drag po nus ldan rtsal.

NUS LDAN ROL PA'I RDO RJE — N. of (O rgyan) Nus ldan rdo rje.

Zhang zhung gi yul smad 'gram NE KA — 491 22.3.

NE KHWE KHAGS — 208 I 238.6.

Sum pa NE'U MKHAR — BA 440.  Place in lower part of Las stod Gcung pa.  See Nye'u mkhar.

Me nyag NE GU — 253 II 190.3.

Zhang btsun NE GU — A Bonpo.  476 V 219.2.

Mi chen NE GU TA — 115 162.1.

NE GU PA — See under Dgyer.

NE GE TSHWA KHA — 467 II 106.2.

Lcam mo Gshen bza' NE CHUNG — 352 764.3 ff.

Lcam mo Gshen bza' NE CHEN — 352 760.17 ff.

NE'U THOG — See Gsang phu.  BA 325, 332, 340, 341, 405, 786.

Gsang phu NE'U THOG — On the Skyid chu.  F. by (Rngog) Legs pa'i shes rab in 1073.  In recent times, had 7 Sa skya pa and 4 Dge lugs pa colleges.  52 2.  Ferrari 84.  TPS 680.  Tucci, Lhasa 116‑117.  Wylie 76, 148 n. 305.  BA 325.  Dhongthog 118.  116 455.6.  Karl‑Heinz Everding, gSang phu Ne'u thog, Tibet's Earliest Monastic School (1073): Reflections on the Rise of its Grva tshang Bu gsum and Bla khag bcu, ZAS 38 (2009).

NE NE GUNG SMAN — Talley-stick 174.

NE BAL YUL — 347 89 (picture caption).

Rgyal po NE MI TA — BD of T&TB I 271.

NE ME SHING — Pollock, Forms 346.

NE TSO — N. of a minister of the king of the Rakṣa.  Das 743.

NE TSO BDUN BCU PA — (?)  Seventy Tales of the Parrot.  Śukasaptati.  Roesler in Facets 156 etc.

NE TSO SPUN GSUM — Story in 352 34.16.

'Dong ka'i NE TSO LUNG — OTA 673.

NE RTSAM PA — A pl. situated to the SW of the birthpl. of Dignāga in the neighborhood of Aurangabad in S India.  Das 743.

NE TSHO 'BUM PA — A mchod rten near Gung thang 'bum pa.  Ferrari 127.

Ma ga dhar Rgyal po NE YA PĀ LA — BD of T&TB I 810, 850.  Son of Bya ya pā la.

NE RA G.YU MTSHO — 115 155.3.

Chu bo NAI RANYDZA NA — Where Śākyamuni practiced austerities for 6 years.  124 427.6.  Indians call it Phal gu.  NMH 37.

NE RING — Also, Ne rings, Sna rings.  See Zang zang Ne ring.

Chu bo NAI RA NYDZA NA — 234 IA 19.6.

NAI RANYDZA RA — A region of India.  87 I 91.2, 91.3.

Mchims phu NE RAL — BD of T&TB I 544.

NE RING CHOS RJE — ?  Byams pa Bshes gnyen  (q.v.) took ordination from him.  BD of T&TB III 577.

NE RING SENG GE RDZONG GSUM — Also, Sna ring.  Singi Dsong.  In Lho brag.  In Mon kha.  Ferrari 136.  There is an article about this place by Kunzang Thinley in Journal of Bhutan Studies issue of 2016.

NE RINGS PA — See (— — —) Bde legs rgyal mtshan (1225‑1281).

NE'U RU — BA 81.

Kong NE RU PA — See under Ni ru pa.

Bla sman NE RU TSE — Contemp. of Padmasambhava.  87 I 173.4.

NE LE THOD DKAR — King of Nāgas.  KTDN 87.1.

NE SHAG — Manichaeans.  Takao Moriyasu, New Developments in the History of East Uighur Manichaeism, Open Theology, vol. 1 (2015), pp. 316-333, at p. 324.

NE SER — In title found in 225 XIII.  SBTD I 388.  LaRocca, Warriors 45.

NE NIR ṬA KA SHI YO — Sudan.  Yongdan, TCW 107.

Chu klung Chen po NE HENKA — NMH 112.3.

NENG SER — Pl.n.?  5 155.5.

NEL PA PAṆḌI TA — 242 III 297.1.  See (— — — — —) Grags pa smon lam blo gros.

NO KRO GONG — N. of a small towm in Assam near Gharagson.  Das 743.

NO KO BO LOD — 208 I 239.3.

NO KHOL THAL SHI — 208 I 238.3.

NO KHOS THAL SHI — 208 I 238.5, 238.6.

NO GE JE'U — N. of an Arhat.  Emmerick.

NO NA HU THOG THU — Beyer 232‑233.

La dwags NO NO — See (— —) (— —) Mi pham bshes gnyen.

NO NO DPAL RGYAS — 172 16.5.

NO NO RIG 'DZIN — 171 179.3. 

NO NO BSOD NAMS — LaRocca, Warriors 44.

NO MI HAN — Nomun Qan.  Tulku lineage of Tshe smon gling.  Among them were two regents of Tibet, from 1777‑1784, and 1819‑1844.  Ferrari 94. 

NO MIN HAN —  =Nomin Qan.  =Chos rgyal.  Sumpa, Annals 83.

Yul lha Chen po NO MO KON — Text in 224 XII 465.

NO TSUR PA NI TRAM — See Li nid no tsur pa ni tram.  This entry is a rdzu ma entry, intended to encode the name of the compiler of this prop name index for future discovery, in case by chance this had become obscured in the course of transmission.

NO YON BLA MA — See (— — — —) Blo bzang bstan 'dzin.

NO ROM JI — A Tu ru shka leader.  Wylie 62.

NO LE — Khotanese word for 'drama' derived from Sanskrit.  Emmerick, vocab.

NOG CAN — One of the Rtog ge Drug (q.v.).  Appears in avadāna.  TPS 488.  Katya'i bu Nog can, or Kakudha Katyāyana.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 345.  He is described as a Vedanta esotericist (rig byed kyi mtha' gsang bar smra ba'i slob dpon), and his name is spelled A ti'i bu nog can in Zhi byed Coll. V 421.1.

NONGS LU ZHI NAM KA — A patron (yon bdag) mentioned in a Dunhuang text.  See Thomas, "A Chinese Buddhist Pilgrim's Letters," pp. 551, 552.

NOB CHUNG — Pl.n.  ISTS 311.

Gzhi bdag NOM THU — Text in 224 XII 449.

NOR — N. of a serpent in an avadāna.  TPS 497.

NOR BKRA BLA MA — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 117.3.

NOR SKYONG — Dhanapāla, in an avadāna.  TPS 472.

NOR RGYA — 253 II 639.1.

Se che NOR RGYAL — 17 II 410.2.  =(Se tsha) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan (q.v.).

NOR RGYUN MA — As a goddess of medicine, see 3 12.  Chandra 2091, 2149.  As overcomer of poverty.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 392.4.

NOR CAN — Rich merchant in an avadāna story.  TPS 524.

Rgyal po NOR CAN — 128 768.  BD of T&TB I 271.

NOR GTER MA — Picture in 128 1108.

NOR BDUN — See Sinha in BT VI (1969) no. 3, p. 30 ff.

NOR LDAN — N. of a river, mentioned in Buddha's life, with identity discussed in Li, NBA.


Mdzod pa Rgya bo NOR LDAN SHES RAB BZANG PO — Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 90.  Active in around 1837 & 1855‑7.  He participated in the war against the Gurkhas.  Younger brother of Byams pa kun dga' bstan 'dzin.

NOR SDE — (modern)  Of Mgo log region.  TS5 798.

NOR BAN — See (— —) Rak shi ta.

Stag bla NOR BU — Author of a medicine text published under the title Mkhyen brtse dbang po'i Sman yig Stag bla Nor bu'i Sman yig, Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Beijing 2008).

Bya btang NOR BU — ?  In Thang stong Snyan brgyud.  Bio. in 63 I 117.

Bla ma NOR BU — Disc. of Rtogs ldan Rin po che who restored Dkar dong Mon. in Lahul in 1912.

Slob dpon Mtshams pa NOR BU — Teacher of Kazi Dawa samdup.  See TY&SD 105 ff.


NOR BU DKAR GSAL — 431 I 176.6.  453 16.4.

NOR BU GLING — BA 367.  Bon mon.  253 II 481.2, 635.3.

Ting rdu Bon Dgon NOR BU GLING — 253 II 624.4.

NOR BU GLING GA — Jewel Park, summer residence of the Dalai Lamas.  Founded under the Eighth Dalai Lama in 1783.  19 156.  Henss, CMT 155 ff.  For an old photo of the main entrance, see Alexandre Andreyev, Tibet in the Earliest Photographs by Russian Travelers, Studio Orientalia (New Delhi 2013), p. 128.

Paṇḍi ta NOR BU GLING PA — Teacher in 'west' (India?) at time of Ye shes 'od.  17 II 349.3, 349.5, 351.3, 352.2.  A n. of Sgeg pa'i rdo rje.  BD of T&TB I 958.

NOR BU DGE 'PHEL — Vai.Ser. 223.

NOR BU DGRA 'DUL — Epithet of Ge sar.  232 7.

Bai hu Rkyang NOR BU DGRA 'DUL — Aka Phun tshogs bstan 'dzin rnam rgyal, he lived in Nag chu kha in early to mid 19th cent.  Bon Kanjur, 3rd ed., vol. 90, p. 649.7.

NOR BU MGO LEB — 413 125.4.

NOR BU'I RGYAN — A collection of stories.  Roesler in Facets 168.

NOR BU RGYAN PA — (1589‑1683)  See TBRC.

NOR BU RGYAL MTSHAN — Mentioned in colophon.  331 131.3.

Sgam po Zhabs drung NOR BU RGYAL MTSHAN — Subj. of bio. in BLP no. 0602.  Evidently same person as Nor bu rgyan pa.

Sgra phan NOR BU RGYAL MTSHAN — 17 IV 447.3.

Be hu NOR BU RGYAL MTSHAN — 415 XI 84.1.

NOR BU SGANG — In Bhutan.  Construction begun in 1756.  135 preface.

'Grib NOR BU SGANG — Vai.Ser. 213.

Sgam po pa NOR BU BRGYAN PA — (1599‑ )  Bka' brgyud pa.  Dhongthog 72.  Author of bio. of Dwags po Lha rje.  20 18.  A teacher of 'Ja' tshon snying po (1585‑1656).  23 13.  231 contents, no. 7.  420 I 87.5.

'Dzam gling NOR BU BRGYAN PA — Seen in E. Gene Smith's library: Rje btsun Thams cad Mkhyen pa 'Dzam gling Nor bu brgyan pa'i Rnam par Thar pa / Skal ldan Yid kyi Gdung sel Nor bu'i Gter mdzod, marked E, in 57 fols, followed by a second part, marked WAM, in 11 fols, entitled Rgyal ba Thams cad Mkhyen pa Nor bu brgyan pa'i Gsang ba'i Rtogs brjod Ngo mtshar gyi Za ma tog.


NOR BU CHEN — Norbu Chen.  It isn't sure how his name would be spelled in Tibetan, and anyway, he was an American with the original name Michael Alexander according to Elmar R. Gruber, From the Heart of Tibet, Shambhala (Boston 2010) 176, which has more details about him.  An internet search reveals he is best known as the discoverer of "Max the Crystal Skull."  I learned from an internet discussion page that Healing: A Doctor in Search of a Miracle, by William A. Nolen, a M.D., devotes many pages to exposing Norbu Chen as a "pompous, arrogant, and vulgar" fraud.  According to this, his original name was Charles Vernon Alexander II, but he legally changed his name to Norbu Chen in 1972.  A book was written about him by one named Tom Valentine, but it seems to be long out of print and extremely rare (the Library of Congress possesses a copy).  Now there is a webpage about him:  http://selfdefinition.org/norbu-chen/norbu-chen-fate-magazine-august-1974-full-article.htm.  There was another story about him in the magazine Beyond Reality, no. 11 (Sept. 1974) entitled "The Remarkable Norbu Chen."

'Khrul zhig NOR BU CHOS BRTAN — A teacher of (Gsang bdag) 'Phrin las lhun grub (1611‑1662).  BD of T&TB III 806.

Bla ma NOR BU CHOS 'PHEL — Nor bu chos 'bebs.  In Ge sar epic.  232 I 15.


Gling Dpal ldan NOR BU STAG RGYAL — In Ge sar epic.  232 I 15.

NOR BU BSTAN 'DZIN — See Mchog gyur gling pa.

Tshogs shul Bla ma NOR BU BSTAN 'DZIN — An author with a controversial idea that the extra postscript 's' may be omitted in the spelling system.  This idea earned him the name Sa gcod Bla ma.  See Naga in TJ 24 no 3 (1999) 66.  See Dorji Wangchuk's blog Philologia Tibetica, entry dated August 25, 2012.

Phyag Rdzogs Zung 'jug NOR BU MTHONG GROL — Of Bram pa Grub chen, in 87 XCII.

NOR BU DAR RGYAS — Father of Gter bdag gling pa's father.  458 I 79.1, 182.5.

NOR BU DON GRUB — Prior to Padma dkar po.  17 IV 447.3.

NOR BU DON GRUB — (b. ca. 1870)  Disc. of 'Jam mgon Kong sprul.  Root teacher of Kalu Rinpoche (Shangs pa lineage).  Teacher of Zhwa nag xvi.  11 69.  Died in early 1950's. 

NOR BU DON GRUB — (d. 1944)  British Indian official of Tibetan origin.  Goldstein, History 126.  TS7 II 903 ff.  http://www.tibet‑encyclopaedia.de/norbu‑doendrub.html.  He had title of Rai Bahadur O.B.E. (Ra he Bha 'dur O 'Bi'i I'i, as found on a gold coin dated 1937).

NOR BU DON GRUB — A Potala sweeper who became a very close friend of the Dalai Lama xiv, playing with tin soldiers together with him (as in the movie Kundun).

NOR BU DRI MA MED PA'I RGYUD — Text in 319 VI 583‑602.

NOR BU DRI MED RGYUD — Text in 319 VI 171‑177.

Gung thang Mnga' bdag NOR BU LDE — Author of a rgyal rabsDTK5 71, 149.

Chos rgyal NOR BU LDE — 1st son of Rnam rgyal lde (1422‑1502).  Born in an Iron Horse (1450), and died before his father.  DTK5 127, 129, 134.

NOR BU DPAL LDAN — Disc. of Gtsang smyon (?).  116 304.2.

NOR BU PHUN TSHOGS — DTK5 132.  Depicted in Ehrhard in NTFC I 156.

NOR BU PHUN TSHOGS KYI GLING — 124 440.4, 471.3.

NOR BU PHRA BKOD — In title in 320 IX 468.3.

NOR BU'I PHRENG BA — N. of a person?  See work in 118 363‑414.

NOR BU DBANG RGYAL — 208 I 215.4.  N. of a Rtsis dpon.  365 86.1.  Shakabpa, History II 197.

Yug rdzong NOR BU DBANG RGYAL — 374 II 472.4.

Gshen NOR BU DBANG RGYAL — (d. 2022)  Present representative of the Gshen family in Tibet.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 462.  Usually known as Gshen sras Rin po che.

NOR BU DBANG RGYAS — Chieftain of Chu mo lding.  Havnevik, Dissert. 155.

NOR BU DBANG CHEN — (b. 1967)  Present Mar lo ba Bla ma.  Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 419.

NOR BU DBANG PHYUG — Author, Snyan ngag Le'u Gnyis pa'i Dper brjod: Mkhas pa'i Rgyan Mchog Bshes gnyen Dam pa Nor bu dbang phyug gis Mdzad pa'i Snyan Dper Gsal ba'i Me long, comm. on the 2nd chap. of the poetics text by Daṇḍin, publ. in Thimphu, 1978.

NOR BU 'DZIN PA — 17 IV 447.3.

NOR BZANG — Prayers and works concerning him in 209 VI+.  "Prince" (Rgyal bu).  476 I 58.7.  A merchant.  Zlos gar 25.

Gzhon nu NOR BZANG — Subj. of story by Thu'u bkwan listed in BLP no. 1755.

NOR BU BZANG PO — See Aziz 36.  Lord of yakṣas17A VII pt. 1, p. 16A.6.  Subject of a popular avadāna story.  332 II preface 6.  A woodblock version of the play is illus. in Precious Deposits III 260‑1.

NOR BU BZANG PO — An ancient progenitor of 'Bru lineage.  473 25 (or, perhaps this should be a ref. to 474?). 

NOR BU BZANG PO — A deva.  Emmerick.

Rgyal tshab vi NOR BU BZANG PO — (ca. 1659‑ca. 1698)  B. in Rgyal thang. 

Ngag dbang NOR BU BZANG PO — (1850‑1934)  Autobio., see 377.

Rin spungs Sde pa NOR BU BZANG PO — Took over Bsam grub rtse in 1435 and consolidated the power of the Rin spungs rulers in Gtsang which would last until 1565.  Wylie 72, 142 n. 247.  TPS 641‑642, 651.

Lo phyag NOR BU BZANG PO — Responsible for the Paro woodblocks of the Tibetan Book of the Dead made in 1943, now the most widely available version.  Cuevas, Hidden History 205.

NOR BU BZANG MO — See Ma ni bha dra.

NOR BU'I 'OD — N. of a mt.  Das 746.

NOR BU YONGS GRAGS — (17th cent.)  BD of T&TB III 727.

NOR BU RI — Hazod in Steinkellner Festschrift 272.

NOR BU RIG 'DZIN — Nephew of 'Phrin las rgya mtsho (d. 1656).  332 II preface 4.

NOR BU RIN PO CHE'I RGYUD — Text in 319 VI 35‑41.

NOR BU RIN PO CHE 'BAR BA'I RGYUD — Text in 319 VI 163‑169.

Snyan brgyud NOR BU LUGS — See 423.

NOR BLA HU THUG TU — See 'Phrin las rgya mtsho (1876‑1935/6).

NOR SBAS — Vasugupta.  An Indian pundit who came to Tibet in the early 11th cent.  Listed, with no additional info., in Mtshan tho no. 71.

NOR SBYIN — See (— —) Gang bzang.

NOR MA RO BA — A village.  Beyer 241.

NOR 'DZIN — Disc. of Buddha Gautama.  Pictured in 128 26.  See also Nor lha 'dzin pa.

NOR 'DZIN DBANG MO — Granddaughter of Gung thang King Bsod nams dbang phyug lde.  DTK5 144.  She was daughter of the Yol mo ba iii and the daughter (only child) of Khri Bsod nams dbang phyug lde (??).  She died young, age 25, bringing the line of the Mang yul Gung thang kings to an end.  See Ehrhard in Prats, Pandita 35.

NOR 'DZIN DBANG MO — Ladakh.  TS7 II 670.  She married into the Mustang royal family.

NOR GZUNGS CHEN PO'I MDO — Publ. in Thimphu, 1978.

Lnga ldan gyi Rgyal po NOR BZANG — 157 B 10.18.

Gnod sbyin NOR BZANG — Or, Nor bu bzang po.  Nebesky 69.  KTDN B XI 263.6.

Mkhas grub NOR BZANG RGYA MTSHO — (1423‑1513)  Bka' gdams pa.  Also, (Dus zhabs).  BD of T&TB V 435.  Dhongthog, p. 72, says he was Jo nang pa, although he was very surely Dge lugs pa.  Author, 351.  An astronomer who codified the Phug lugs (q.v.).  Pictured in 128 1024.  Bio. in 165 II 665.  Beyer 395.  Rim pa Lnga'i Don Yang gsal Sgron me in FM (have copy), a comm. on Guhyasamāja Tantra and its 5 stages in 83 fols., was begun at 'Ol kha Stag rtse'i Pho brang and completed at Ri bo bde chen.  He is pictured, with a writing slate on his lap, in Bod kyi thang ga, Bod Rang skyong ljongs Rig dngos Do dam U yon Lhan khang (Lhasa1984), p. 78, your lower lefthand corner.  His text Bka' Dge Dgongs pa Gcig bsgrub kyi Phyag rgya chen po Gsal ba'i Sgron me, in woodblock print, in LTWA (see Jackson in Changing Minds 190).  On controversy over the titling of his Mahāmudrā work, see Dung dkar 152‑153.

Nang so NOR BZANG PA — Thang stong visited him at Rin spungs.  5 194.4.

Mkhas pa NOR BZANG DPAL — Disc. of (Zhang) Mdo sde dpal.  76 8.

Tsha ba Rgang ke Bla ma NOR BZANG SPRUL SKU — 363 120.5.  Perhaps to be read: Tsha ba sgang gi Bla ma.


'Phags pa NOR BZANGS — 17 IV 489.1.

'Dzi Dgon Mkhan NOR G.YANG — 4 319A.4.

NOR LAS BYUNG BA — N. of a village.  TPS 464.

'Dzi mda' NOR LU — A chieftain of 'Dzi mda' town.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 88.

NOR SHUL DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo smad with about 400 monks.

NOR LHA HU THUG TU — See 'Phrin las rgya mtsho (1876‑1935/6).

Bla ma NOR LHA — (1938-2018)  Contemporary Lama who was connected with Kalu Rinpoche.  He was considered to be a reincarnation of an earlier Norlha Rinpoche.

NOR LHA 'DZIN PA — Or, Nor 'dzin.  See Bha ndhe pa.

NOR LHAS SBYIN — N. of a courtesan in an avadāna story.  TPS 510.

NYA GRO TA'I PHUG — 413 69.3.


Slob dpon GNAG MDOG — Bhutanese editor of 390.

Kong po'i GNAG RA DGON PA — 210 93.1.

Bram ze GNAG LHAS SKYES — 128 748.  Bram ze Chen po Gnag las skyes in  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) IV 324.4.

Kun tu rgyu GNAG LHAS KYI BU — Gośalīputra.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 346.



GNAM — Sometimes for Snam.  BA 262, 263, 500, 540.

GNAM — See (Gnam gyi) Bye ma lung.

GNAM DKAR PO — A pl. connected with 'Brog mi.  Thuken 183.

GNAM SKAS CAN GYI SRIN BYA BRAG — Nyi ma 'od zer found gter ma here.  BD of T&TB III 338.

GNAM KHA'U PA — A disc. of Gnyan Lo tsā ba.  BD of T&TB III 302.  Wylie 133 n. 164.  See also Kha'u pa.  Gnam Kha 'u pa in 17 II 401.3.

GNAM KHYI NAG PO — Sa bdagVai.Kar. II 281.

GNAM 'KHUN DING BA — Bellezza, L&T 45.

GNAM SNGA MA'I LUGS — Thuken 335, 336.

GNAM GANG BA — See (— — —) Mkhyen rab.

GNAM MGON SDE — King of Gu ge.  28 62‑63.

GNAM SGO ZLA GAM — A sbas yul peculiar to a particular gter ma tradition.  Text in 230 60 ff.  354 264.1 ff.  Ehrhard in Prats, Pandita 43 (gnas chen zla gam gnam sgo), said here to be an alternative name for Langtang valley in Nepal.

Grub thabs GNAM LCAGS THOG 'BEBS — Text in 286 I 381‑386.

Gar dbang GNAM LCAGS RDO RJE — See Rtsa gsum gter bdag gling pa.

Tshe dpag med GNAM LCAGS RDO RJE DNGOS SGRUB KUN 'DUS — A redisc. of 'Ja' tshon snying po.  12 vol. no. ? (commentary).

Phur pa GNAM LCAGS SPU GRI — Gter ma in 193 X.

Rdo shul ba GNAM LCAGS SPRUL SKU — 363 115.5.

Padma bkod kyi Ri bo GNAM LCAGS 'BAR BA — Mt.  Picture in BD of T&TB III 577.  Bailey, No Passport 124.  Fletcher "Namcha Barwa."  See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 45.

Gter ston GNAM LCAGS ME 'BAR — (1509‑1557)  Also called ('Bri gung pa) Rin chen phun tshogs, q.v.  Dam chos Dgongs pa Yang zab kyi Chos Skor, a collection of his gter ma, in 3 vols, publ. 1975.  16th in 'Bri gung Gdan rabs.  Teachers included Zhwa dmar iv, Kun dga' rin chen, Vajranātha, and (Mnga' ris Paṇ chen) Padma dbang rgyal.  23 10.  BD of T&TB III 730, 732.  410 134A.5. Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 123.

Sde ba tshang GNAM LCAGS ME 'BAR — Father of Shes rab me 'bar.  370 preface.

Rig 'dzin GNAM LCAGS ME 'BAR — Depicted, with identifying inscription, in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 76.

Ri Ma la ya GNAM LCAGS YOD PA — 211 35.6.  BD of T&TB I 942.

GNAM LCAGS SROG GI SPU GRI — Bon text found in FM 363.00.

GNAM LCAGS URMO — Teaching.  210 229.6.

GNAM CHOS — A dgongs gter of Mi 'gyur rdo rje (q.v.), which was set down by Karma chags med and was a specialty of the Dpal yul monastery.  A large part of it made its way to France, while only fragments exist in India.  Broadly classified as Rdzogs chen.  39 6.

GNAM CHOS SPRUL SKU — (fl. 1740)  Jackson, Patron 167.

GNAM THANG — Pl.n.  87 I 41.4.

GNAM THANG DKAR PO — BA 207.  17 II 396.4.

Lha GNAM THEN CHEN PO — Lde'u2 100.

Pho lha GNAM THE'U DKAR PO — Or, Gnam thel dkar po.  Sādhana in 286 I 553‑584, 600‑602, II 247‑57, etc.  313 II 289‑291.  KTDN 137.4.  Gnam the in KTDN 147.3.  Roerich (1942) 302.  Stein, Recherches 121.  See Childs in AO 60 (1999) 139, which says it is just another name for Pe har.  Spelled Gnam thel dkar po, in Sperling, Further 12.

GNAM GDONG PO — N. of pl. in Tibet.  Das 749.

GNAM LDING DKAR PO — Epstein, Dissertation 206.

Khri GNAM LDE DBON BTSAN — Presumably the name of Jo sras, ruler of Tsong kha.  TS9 II 465.

GNAM LDE 'OD SRUNGS — Buddhist supported successor to Glang dar ma.  Son of a different queen than Khri lde (q.v.).  His descendents went to W Tibet and ruled in Gu ge and La dwags.  17 II 347.3.  See 'Od srungs.

Shrī ri GNAM SDINGS — BA 690.  Gnam ldings.  57 IIB 370.2.

Tho gar GNAM SDE — Or, Gnam lde.  17 II 346.4.  BA 345.

GNAM PAR — BA 524.

GNAM PHU DGON — Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 36 n. 39.  A mon. f. by 'Phags pa.

Ram sdings GNAM PHUG — 4 274A.4, 277B.2.

GNAM PHE YOR — Tibetan name for the Tangut king who ruled briefly from 1226‑1227.  See Sperling, Further 19, 21.

GNAM PHYI GUNG RGYAL — Also called A phyi gung rgyal.  Tucci, Religions 216.  Bellezza in RET 29 (2014) 174.

GNAM PHYI MA'I LUGS — 'Later heavenly system'.  Thuken 336.

GNAM 'BRUG SE BA — See (— — — —) Byang chub gling.

GNAM SMAN DKAR MO — A non human.  87 I 41.4.  KTDN 59.3, 59.4.  See discussion in FitzHerbert's article "Constitutional Mythologies..." p. 319.


GNAM RTSE — Namchi.  Sikkim mon. f. in 1836 with about 6 monks.  Waddell 285.

Sgro ston GNAM RTSEGS — In early Kālacakra transmission.  475 97.6.

GNAM TSHAL — "Gnam tshal zer ba'i skyed mos tshal chen po 'di ."  See Wa ru Gnam tshal (?).  5 126.6.

GNAM TSHO — TS5 750.

GNAM MTSHO PHYID MO — "Frozen Sky lake."  Mongol n., Tengri Nor (meaning 'Heaven Lake').  Large lake about 120 miles NW of Lhasa.  Das 749.  BA 386, 605, 614, 928, 1089.  Gnam mtsho Phyug mo in 24 I 218.5.  Gnam mtsho Phyug mo in Wylie 116 n. 26.  87 I 265.6.  149 480.2 ff.  KTDN 123.4.

GNAM MTSHO BA — See (— — —) Mi bskyod rdo rje.

GNAM MDZOD — "A demi god of the sa bdag class."  Das 749.



GNAM YAS — N. of a castle in Tibet.  Das 749.

GNAM RI SRONG BTSAN — Father of Srong btsan sgam po, poisoned in about 620 A.D.  17 II 316.3.

GNAM RI SLONG MTSHAN — TS5 661 ff.  Gnam ri slon mtshan is the real O.T. spelling.

GNAM RU — N. of an area in N. Tibet.  T.H. 220.  =Nam ra (?).  Namruma in Combe 104.

GNAM RU KHYUNG PA — A family (gdung rus) members of which were Drung skor (officials) of Mnga' ris rdzong.  28 17.

GNAM RU DGON PA — In N. Nepal near Nub ri.  TS5 119.

GNAM RU DPON — See TJ XXIII (1998) 109.


Sgro ston GNAM LA BRTSEGS — Disc. of Dkon mchog srung.  BA 755, 766‑767.  17 II.


GNAM SA DPA' SHI — Administration of western Tibet, used by the Stod Hor.  Everding in TS9 I 112.  Spelled Gnam sa Pag shi in Kuijp, Rivers 307.  Kuijp in CAJ 39 (1995) 289.

GNAM GSAS PHYI RUM — Bellezza, L&T 78.

GNAM LHA DKAR MO — Goddess living in the neighborhood of Mt. Everest.  T.H. (chapter on Mi chos).  Fletcher "Namla Karpo."

GNAM GYI LHA RGOD THOG PA — Tucci, Religions 218.

GNAM LHA MCHED GSUM — The three sky god brothers named Spyi ring, G.yu ring, and Gyu se.  They play ultimate role in the genealogy of the 'Khon family acc. to Thuken 169.

GNA' BO'I YUL — Geographical description.  352 884.1 ff.


GNAS MKHAR — BA 466.  In title of false tantra, acc. to Sa paṇ, Sdom Gsum (1971) 88A.

GNAS GOG — See (Skyegs) Gnas gsar.

GNAS SGO GRWA TSHANG — See Dung dkar 22.

GNAS SGOR —  =Gnas sgo gsar pa (?).  =Gnas sgo phye (?).  In Sgrags.  Founded by Bre ston 'Bum lha 'bar in 11th cent.  Ferrari 118.  BA 96.  Called Gnas in 124 489.4.

Chu klung GNAS CAN — A river in Yangs pa can in India.  Dungkar Rinpoche's dictionary, p. 818.

GNAS BCAS — Deity.  Rhies & Thurman 339.

GNAS BCAS — Sāketa.  Pl.n.  Banerjee, Sarvāstivāda Literature 216.  Gustav Roth in Gedenkschrift J.W. de Jong, p. 123.  See Rajendra Bihari Pandey, "Sāketa, Its Probable Identification," Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bombay, vols. 36‑37 (1961‑62), pp. 42‑47.


GNAS BCU'I RTOGS BRJOD — Authors of this type of text are listed as Chag Lo, Snar thang pa, the Dalai Lama v, Mkhar nag Lo tsā ba, Lding po che'i Sprul sku ngag dbang snyan grags, Paṇ chen Dpal ldan ye shes, and Yongs 'dzin Ye shes rgyal mtshan.  They are collections of stories of the 16 Arhats (gnas brtan bcu drug).

GNAS CHUNG — One of five great Tibetan oracles.  41 I 8.  BA 937.  Seat of the Dpa' bo incarnation lineage.  Gnas chung lcog, the residence of Gsung gi rgyal po, oracle priest of Pe har.  See JTL&CT 146.  Waddell 478‑481.  Nebesky 419‑424.  Wylie 80, 152 n. 355.  Printery.  162 190.  SBTD I 294.  Sde srid Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho,  Sngon med Bzo Sna Brgyad kyis 'Phags pa'i Gnas chung Pe har Lcog gi Dkar chag, listed in BLP no. 0681.  Works by Sde srid Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho, Gling dbon Padma skal bzang & others listed in BLP nos. 1220‑1222.  Franco Ricca, Il Tempio oracolare di gNas chung (Torino 1999).

GNAS CHUNG — See (— —) Rdo rje sgra dbyangs gling. 

GNAS CHUNG CHOS SKYONG — Text in 224 XII 225 ff.


GNAS CHEN PO BRGYAD KYI MCHOD RTEN LA BSTOD PA — Peking no. 2024.  Translated by H. Nakamura in Indianisme et Bouddhisme 259‑265.

GNAS CHEN SDE — Vai.Ser. 211.

Skyegs GNAS RNYING — Mon. in Gtsang near road to Rgyal rtse from Phag ri.  Das 752.  5 163.3, 170.6, 171.3.  BA 749.  56 178.  Tucci, Lhasa (index under "Nenying").  For photos, see Li Gotami, Pictures 52 ff.  Belonged to three different sects.  17 III 562.3. See under Rna rnying.  Evidently this was among the monasteries looted by Younghusband Expedition soldiers; see Michael Carrington, Officers, "Gentlemen and Thieves: The Looting of Monasteries during the 1903/4 Younghusband Mission to Tibet," Modern Asian Studies 37 no 1 (Feb 2003) 81‑109, at p. 97, where the spelling is Naini; see also H. Diemberger, "The Younghusband-Waddell Collection and Its People:  The Social Life of Tibetan Books Gathered in a Late‑Colonial Enterprise," Inner Asia 14 (2012) 163.  Acc. to  Vitali in TS9 I 86, etc., it must have been built between 821 and 836.  Subject of a paper by Tsering Norbu given at 10th IATS (Oxford 2003).  He says its original name was Rgyags grong, when it was founded by Rgya 'Jam dpal gsang ba.

GNAS RNYING — See (— —) Kun dga' bde legs. (— —) Chos kyi rgyal mtshan.

GNAS RNYING DKAR BRGYUD PA — Earliest subsect of Shangs pa, f. by (La stod pa) Dkon mchog mkhar.  Evidently also n. of a mon. Gnas rnying.  See Rgya.

GNAS RNYING MKHAN PO — See (— — — —) (Gangs can) Kun dga' dpal.

GNAS RNYING PA — See (— — —) Rgyal mtshan rin chen (1393‑1456?).  (— — —) Rin chen rgyal mtshan (1364‑1422).

Rkeg GNAS RNYING PA — Contemp. of Bu ston (1290‑1364).  27 151.

Nyang stod GNAS SNYING PA — Vai.Ser. 202.

GNAS BRTAN — See (— —) Rab 'byor.  (— —) Rin rgyal ba.  Ldang ma Lhun rgyal was called a Gnas brtan, but in the sense the word was used in the post‑imperial period, as a lay caretaker of a temple.

GNAS BRTAN BCU DRUG — 16 Sthāviras.  See Waddell 376‑377, for enumeration.  Worship ritual in 226 V 441‑468.  Bon rites in 257BD of T&TB II.  374 I 224.2 ff.  For an early thangka of them, in early 13th cent., see BA 279.  See also Jackson in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation 119 ff.  For one of the most important art historical studies, see Tucci, TPS.  Work by Yongs 'dzin Ye shes rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 1091.  Several works listed in BLP no. 1231‑1234.

GNAS BRTAN CHEN PO — Schaik, M&T 151.

GNAS BRTAN LHA KHANG — Part of the Yer pa complex.  Roesler, KSP 14.  It was founded in 1011.

GNAS BRTAN MCHOG GLING RIN PO CHE iv — (b. 1973)  He was born in Bhutan in 1973.  There is a bio. and photo at Rigpawiki on the internet under "Neten Chokling Rinpoche."

GNAS MTHIL — Milarepa stayed there for a month.  4 11B.6, 12A.2. 

GNAS MTHIL BLA BRANG — Cell of Padmasambhava at Shel brag.  Ferrari 128.

GNAS DRUG — BA 571.  (Mdo smad) Gnas drug pa, birthpl. of Spyan snga Rin po che.  57 IIB 358.1.  Kuijp in JTS VIII 5.  Where Ras pa dkar po met one Gung sgom U'u (later called Sgom pa A'u & Gung sgom A'u).  Barom Bios. 7r.2-3, with actual bio. at fol. 9r.6 ff.

GNAS DROS PO — A nāga king.  Emmerick.


GNAS MDO BKA' BRGYUD — A branch of the Bka' brgyud pa, offshoot of Karma pa.  Connected with Karma chags med.  A dmar khrid of this school in 36 VI 315‑337.  235 introduction 4.  12 IX 84.3 ff.  See Cuevas, Hidden History 150.  See Halkias in RET 52 (2019) 77 for discussion where he says the other main branch of the Karma pa is the Zur mang.

GNAS MDO DGE BSHES — See (— — — —) Dharma bha dra.

GNAS MDO BA — See (— — —) Karma chags med.

GNAS LDAN MA — A devī.  Emmerick.

GNAS NANG — Nenang.  Between Stod lung and Mtshur phu, but nearer Mtshur phu.  F. 1333 by Grags pa seng ge.  BA 530.  Residence of the Dpa' bo Incarnate, q.v.  BA 498, 530, 531, 538, 539, 540‑542, 546, 549.  Mentioned in BD of T&TB III 723.  See Dung dkar 22‑23, under the entry Kam po Gnas nang.

Kong po GNAS NANG — Kong po Gnas nang gi Dkar chag, by Zhwa dmar Drug pa Chos kyi dbang phyug, listed in BLP no. 0062.

GNAS NANG PA — Author of bio. of Zhwa nag i, listed in BLP no. 0009.

GNAS PA ZHES BYA BA'I GRONG KHYER — Vāsavagrāma.  Banerjee, Sarvāstivāda Literature 222.

GNAS MA'I BU PA — Vātsīputrīya.  One of 10 branches of Sarvāstivādin.  BA 27.

GNAS PADMA BKOD — A holy place that lies behind Padma bkod (q.v.).  Wylie xxxi.


GNAS GZHI DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang with about 60 monks.  Gnas gzhi Zhi 'khro Lha khang (Nashi Mon.).  Affiliated with Smin grol gling.  Principle image is one of Gu ru Chos dbang.  Ferrari 135.

GNAS BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN SPRUL SKU — 346 149.6.  415 XI 135.1.

GNAS LUNG CHEN PO — N. of a rite.  Rnying ma Rgyud 'bum (1982) XI 17.7, XVII 490‑539.  See Kongtrul in 87 LXVI 470.1, etc.

GNAS GSAR — An old temple.  See index to 56 under "Nesar."  Gnas gsar Dgon had a printery.  162 214.

GNAS GSAR — See (— —) Bkra shis chos 'phel.

Skyegs GNAS GSAR — Also called Gnas gog.  Vitali in TS9 I 97.

GNAS GSAR BDE CHEN  — Heller, Hidden 34.

GNAS GSAR RDO RJE 'CHANG — See (— — — — —) Ngag dbang kun dga' legs pa'i 'byung gnas.

GNAS GSAR PA — Pictured in 128 450.

GNAS GSAR BA — See (— — —) Kun dga' legs pa'i 'byung gnas.  (— — —) Mkhyen brtse'i dbang phyug.

Zhang GNAS GSAR BA — 132 preface.

GNAS GSAS DBYING RUNG — Or, Dbying dum.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 60, 152.

GNAS GSUM RTEN GSUM — David‑Neel, My Journey to Lhasa 308.

GNUBS — N. of a clan (rigs).  BD of T&TB III 136.  See Snubs. 

GNUBS —  =Snubs, q.v.  See (—) Nam mkha'i snying po.  (—) Mang nyen bzhi brtsan.  (—) Yang gnyen btsan po.  (—) Yang dag gter.  (—) Gsal ba dbang phyug.

GNUBS KHU LUNG PA — See (— — — —) Yon tan rgya mtsho.

Gtsang rong Lha rje GNUBS CHUNG — Snub chung.  Work on Yamāntaka.  87 XXVI 417‑621.  Teacher of Mi la ras pa.  4 70A.6.  17 481.4.  4X I 17.7, 18.3.  BA 428, 432.  Called a Bon po, or Ban bon.  210 54.3.  374 II 332.6.  410 99A.4.

GNUBS CHEN — See (— —) Sangs rgyas ye shes.

GNUBS CHOS GRAGS — A manuscript done by him mentioned in Dge 'dun chos 'phel gyi Gsung rtsom (1990) I 263.

GNUBS 'DUL 'DZIN — See (— — —) G.ya' bzang pa.

GNUBS MTSHO — An O.T. name for Yar 'brog g.yu mtsho.  Btsan lha.

GNUBS YUL — 33 160.3.  Specially connected with area of Sgrags.

GNOD 'JOM — N. of a text.  Kværne no. 230.


GNOD SBYIN — Tibetan word for yakṣa.  Supernatural beings of an ambivalent character.  Examples: 'Be log can and Gang bzang.  See Nebesky.  Picture in 128 700.  Seven great yakṣa, see 445 III 31.6.

GNOD SBYIN SKYABS — A royal descendent.  CFMS 30.

GNOD SBYIN NOR GY GLING — One of 12 continents of Bon.  Das 258.

GNOD SBYIN PHUN TSHOGS — (19th cent.)  Vitali, Tho.ling 56.

GNOD SBYIN 'BAR — See (Snye mo ba) Zhu yas.


GNOD SBYIN DMAR PO'I RGYUD — In 320 XXII 43‑67 (in 21 chaps.).

GNON — See (—) Khri bdun g.yu sbyin.  (—) Rgyal mtshan.

MNON — An O.T. clan.  See Hazod in TS9 I 36 n. 24.

RNA GU LI — Nakula, in M.Vy. (Rigs med).  Roesler in Facets 164.



RNA RGYUD ZAM PA — In title in 319 IV 1‑52.

RNA CAN — Karṇa.  N. of eldest of Pāṇḍava brothers.  Das 98.

RNA CHEN — See (— —) Li phyogs.

RNA RNYING — Nanying.  "Monastery of the Ancient Ear."  In valley of Rgyal rtse.  Bernard 65.  Seems to me likely a mistake for Gnas rnying.

RNA THOD LA — Natula Pass between Tibet and Sikkim.  Goldstein 657.  Photo of Champithang, just over the Natu‑La pass, in Li Gotami, Pictures 5.

RNA NAM —  =Sna nam (q.v.).


RNA PHU — A place.  Also, Sna phu.  Ferrari 118.

RNA PHU PA —  =Sna phu ba.  A n. of Gling ras pa.  Sumpa, Annals 60.

Shrī RNA BA — Śrī Arṇapa.  Disc. of Mai tri pa.  BA 843.

RNA BA'I MKHAR — A name for Jalandhara.  Lobzang Shastri, Jalandhara in the Eyes of Tibetan and Trans‑Himalayan Pilgrims, TJ 34 no 2 (Summ 2009) 12.

RNA BA GON PA — N. of a pl.  Prob., E of India.  Das 756.

RNA BA BYE BA RI — Das 756.

RNA BA'I LHAS — Everding in TS9 I 120.

Sgom ma RNA 'UR MA — 115 89.3.


RNAM GRWA SHES RAB — Goldstein, History 432.

RNAM GRAGS 'JIGS THUL — A king.  Martelli in TJ 26 no 3/4 (Aut/Wint 2001) 150.

Rig 'dzin RNAM GROL RGYA MTSHO — (modern)  Rgod ldem X.  370 preface 8.


RNAM GROL SDE — Madhyamaka philosopher.  128 73A, 74A.  There is a 'Phags pa Rnam grol sde and a Btsun pa Rnam grol sde.  Bios. in 165 189 and 165 194.  Vimuktasena.  T&BS II 163.  BD of T&TB I 421, 425, 556.

RNAM GROL ZLA BA — Lde'u2 54.

RNAM GROL BZANG PO — In Gsang ba Lam khyer lineage.  210 17.2.  Texts by a person of this name are listed in Drepung Catalog 1728, 1729.

Bkra shis mthong smon ba RNAM GROL BZANG PO — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 122.5.

Go 'jo RNAM GROL BZANG PO — Cuevas, Hidden History 167.

Dpung thang pa RNAM GROL YE SHES — 363 121.5.

RNAM GROL YE SHES BZANG PO — Disc. of Kaḥ thog pa Bsod nams rgyal mtshan, q.v.  Cuevas, Hidden History 141.

Shangs RNAM GLING — Namling.  Mon. (?) in Shangs valley North of Shigatse.  Wylie 135 n. 184.

RNAM GLING PAṆ CHEN — See (— — — —) Dkon mchog chos grags.

RNAM GLING RDZONG — On rt. bank of Shangs chu, having a large monastery of about 500 monks (in 1872).  There is an iron chain bridge there crossing the Shangs chu.  Wylie 141 n. 240.

RNAM DGA' RDO RJE 'CHANG — 346 117.3.

RNAM 'BREL — Mdo Rnam 'brel Par ti ka, a Bon canonical text published by Samtin Jansin Lama in 1960's [Bsam gtan rgyal mtshan].

RNAM RGYAL — Rnam rgyal Stong Mchod sogs kyi Lag len Dwangs Shel Me long, "a collection of Bonpo liturgical texts for use in the worship of Rnam rgyal, reproduced from mss. belonging to Yungling Khenpo," Kalsang, TBMC (New Thobgyal 1973) [I Tib 73‑905759].

RNAM RGYAL — (1748‑1808)  Aka Lha dbang mchod sbyin bzang po.  Aris, Discourse 6.

Khu le RNAM RGYAL — ?  Das 146.  BA 827.

Zhang zhung RNAM RGYAL — Bonpo.  206 542.1.

Yar klungs RNAM RGYAL — Pl.n.  BA 1040.

A jo RNAM RGYAL — A musician.  TR XV no. 10, p. 9.

Bru ston RNAM RGYAL KA RA — (14th cent.)  Work in 301 II 63‑65.  In lineage in 253 II 357.1, 403.4.  Bio. in A tri 47.  342 48 ff.  Kailash I 48.

Tse RNAM RGYAL GRWA TSHANG — This mon. preserved doctrines of Zha lu pa and Bu lugs into modern times.  27 179.  Has printery.  162 202.  Vai.Ser. 166.  Po ta la (1996) 45.

RNAM RGYAL GRWA TSHANG — See (— — — —) Phan bde legs bshad gling.

RNAM RGYAL GRAGS PA — Father of the Dalai Lama iii.  TPS 392.

Skam tshang Bla ma RNAM RGYAL GRAGS PA — Work in 292 II 181‑200.  F. Rdza dmar Sha ru Dgon.  253 II 624.1.

Zhu Bla ma RNAM RGYAL GRAGS PA — Also, (Zhu yas).  Lama who left handprint in stone in possession of abbot of TBMC.  A teacher of Nyi ma rgyal mtshan.  342 72 ff.

Si tu RNAM RGYAL GRAGS PA — A Phag mo gru ruler.  Wylie 68, 135 n. 183.  See TPS index.

Byang bdag RNAM RGYAL GRAGS BZANG — (1395‑1475/6)  Also, (Byang pa), (Mi'i dbang po), (Rigs ldan).  A physician.  Klong rdol 769.6.  Originated Byang school/lineage of medicine.  TR XV nos. 2‑3, p. 15B.  Medical works listed in DD 714‑715.  Blondeau in TS7 I 59 ff, where his death date is given as 1475.  He was 17th chief of Byang Ngam ring.  His biography published under title Kun dga' grol mchog (1507‑1566), Byang bdag Rnam rgyal grags bzang gi Rnam thar (=Rig ldan Chos kyi Rgyal po Byang bdag Rnam rgyal grags bzang gi Rnam par Thar pa Rab bsngags Snyan pa'i 'Brug sgra), Kan su'u Zhing chen Grangs nyung Mi rigs kyi Gna' dpe Dag sgrig Gzhung Las khang (1985), in 132 pp.  He is held responsible for the erection of the 3‑dimensional Kālacakra maṇḍala at the Potala; see Po ta la (1996) 85.  His work: Bshad rgyud kyi 'Grel chen Bdud rtsi'i Chu rgyun, Si khron Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Chengdu 2001), 716 pp.  Shastri in TS9 I 130.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1458.  His biography is mentioned by E. Gene Smith, "Banned Books in the Tibetan Speaking Lands."  A brief work by him listed in Drepung Catalog 2182. 

Rigs ldan Bla ma RNAM RGYAL GRAGS BZANG — Thang stong met him at Ngam rings.  5 261.2.  Probably same as subject of bio. listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 339 (no. 696), an incomplete text in 38 fols. (author's dates being given as 1404‑1469, the same dates as Zhang zhung pa, nota bene).  There is quite a marvelous bronze image of him, dated by Pal to the 15th century, contained in Pratapaditya Pal, Desire and Devotion, Walthers Art Museum (Baltimore 2001), fig. 173 (it is inscribed "rigs ldan sprul pa rnam rgyal grags pa bzang po la na mo").  The website of the Walters Art Museum also has a photo of this image.  I think he may be the same as Byang bdag.

Dga' ldan RNAM RGYAL GLING — Mon. where Tsongkhapa took his final vows.  Sumpa, Annals 88.

Dar mdo RNAM RGYAL GLING — 415 XI 117.4.

RNAM RGYAL DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo smad with about 500 monks.

'Bri gung Mkhan po RNAM RGYAL MGON DRI MED SDE — Author of Chos kyi rje Thams cad mkhyen pa Rdo rje gdan pa Chen po'i Rnam par Thar pa Rin po che'i 'Phreng ba listed in Drepung Catalog 1513.

RNAM RGYAL MGON PO — See A rnams mgon po.  TS7 I 90.

Sras mchog RNAM RGYAL MGON PO — (1398‑1423)  Son of (Rig 'dzin) Rgod ldem.  BD of T&TB III 571.  His birth noted for the year Fire Ox (1397) in 481 76.6.

RNAM RGYAL RGYA NAG MA — Text.  Karmay, Confucius 578.

RNAM RGYAL CHOS SDE — Or, just Rnam rgyal.  2 miles North of Sman thang.  28 18.  Mon. in Potala of which Dalai Lama is the head.  Waddell 253, 272.

'Dar stod RNAM RGYAL STAG RTSE'I PHO BRANG — Stearns, SR 32.

Mda' dpon RNAM RGYAL DON GRUB — 365 452.3.

Ngag dbang RNAM RGYAL BDUD 'JOMS RDO RJE — First Bhutanese hierarch, preceding 'Jigs med rtags pa (sp?).  Waddell 242.

Grwa Lo RNAM RGYAL RDO RJE — (1203‑1282)  17 II 415.2, 415.5.  BA 789 ff.  Pictured in 128 378.  B. in Gtsang rong.  Disc. of Rwa 'Bum seng.

Lha btsun RNAM RGYAL RDO RJE — A name for Ngo mtshar gzhan phan phul 'byung sangs rgyas rgya mtsho, q.v. 

Lhun sding RNAM RGYAL RDO RJE — Czaja in Schrempf, Soundings 349.

RNAM RGYAL LDE — Gung thang king, active in 1442.  TS7 II 1033.

Khri RNAM RGYAL LDE — (1422‑1502?).  Son of Lha dbang rgyal mtshan.  He was father of Gtsang smyon's disciple Lha btsun Rin chen rnam rgyal.  Became king of Gung thang in his 15th year.  B. in Water Tiger, and lived until 81st year.  Patronized lamas included Bo dong 'Jigs med, Dpal ldan sangs rgyas, Rgyal mtshan 'bum and Gtsang smyon He ru ka.  See Roberts, Rechungpa 64, which gives his dates as 1422‑1502, with reign dates of 1436‑1502.  His sister was A grol Chos kyi sgron me, who became the first in the Rdo rje phag mo incarnate line.  He sponsored a large number of woodblock prints, which are some of the finest ever produced.

Mnga' bdag RNAM RGYAL LDE — DTK5 72.  Dated to 1372‑1439 in Stearns, King 37.  He abdicated in 1424.

RNAM RGYAL SDE — In Bya dkar.  Vai.Ser. 222.

A rtsa ba RNAM RGYAL DPAL LDAN — Also, (Ar rtsa Bla ma).  Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 116.6, 125.3, 126.1.  365 371.4.

Chu bzang I RNAM RGYAL DPAL 'BYOR — (1578‑1651)  Abbot of Dgon lung from 1639 to 1648.  332 preface 18.

Chos rje RNAM RGYAL DPAL 'BYOR — Subj. of bio. by 'Jam dbyangs bstan 'dzin listed in BLP no. 0768.

Mus sras pa RNAM RGYAL DPAL BZANG — Also, (Mus chen).  Author of commentaries in 307.

RNAM RGYAL PHUN TSHOGS — Father of Tāranātha.  Waddell 70.

Chos rgyal RNAM RGYAL PHUN TSHOGS — 5th Mahārāja of Sikkim.  B. 1733.  58 931.

Sde pa RNAM RGYAL PHUN TSHOGS — Havnevik, Dissert. 137.

RNAM RGYAL BYANG CHUB CHOS GLING — See Dpal ldan Rnam rgyal byang chub chos gling.

Rgyal rtse RNAM RGYAL DBANG 'DUD — Author of military history Bod Dmag gi Lo rgyus, publ. 1976.

Ru thog pa RNAM RGYAL DBANG 'DUD — (1896‑ )  Velm I 131.

Bla ma RNAM RGYAL DBANG 'DUS — Modern Bonpo Lama.  371 preface.

RNAM RGYAL DBANG 'DUS RGYAL MTSHAN — Bonpo n. of Paṇ chen v.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 452.


RNAM RGYAL DBANG MO — A woman member of the A blo family.  Nietupski, Labrang 115, n. 139.

Lha mo RNAM RGYAL MA — In astrological tradition.  See TR XIV no. 10 (Oct. 1979) 19B.

RNAM RGYAL RTSE MO — At Sle.  14 84 ff.  Dung dkar 195.

'Dul bla RNAM RGYAL TSHUL KHRIMS — 253 II 479.4.

Spyan snga RNAM RGYAL TSHUL KHRIMS MGON PO — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 2098.

Dge slong RNAM RGYAL TSHE 'PHEL — In Thang stong Snyan brgyud.  Bio. 63 I 131.

Lde 'chang ba RNAM RGYAL TSHE DBANG — 363 119.4.

Dol RNAM RGYAL RDZONG — Headquarters of Dol.  Das 646.

RNAM RGYAL ZHABS — A disc. of Nag po spyod pa with whom Tilopa studied.  17 II 233.  Pictured in 128 328.

RNAM RGYAL GZUNGS CHEN — Text known as Gshen rab Rnam par Rgyal ba Yid bzhin nor bu Rin po che Dpal Mgon Rgyal po'i Gzungs, in 291 1‑464.

Sgrub thob RNAM RGYAL BZANG PO — (active 1446)  Cuevas, Hidden History 125.

Dbon po RNAM RGYAL BZANG PO — Contemp. with Thang stong.  5 245.1.  =(Thugs sras) Rnam rgyal bzang po.  5 286.1.

Dpon pa RNAM RGYAL 'OD — CFMS 99.  Khri Rnam rgyal 'od.  Thuken 282.  HS XXXVIII 423.2 says he was b. in Iron Tiger year.

Dga' ldan RNAM RGYAL LHA KHANG — Also, Rnam rgyal gling.  Place of Tsongkhapa's initiation.  Small building S of Rtse chogs ba.  JTL&CT 306.  See Rnam rgyal gling.

RNAM RGYAL LHA RTSE — ? 5 181.6.  Combe 165, 115.  253 II 568.1.

Rigs pa Smra ba RNAM RGYAL LHUN GRUB — Bon work in 267 511‑533.

RNAM RGYAL LHUN PO — N. of a monastery in Gong dkar.  Schwieger in Kailash 18 (1996) 89.


RNAM 'JOMS — Vajravidhu.  A teaching.  BA 142.

Yang ri Bla ma RNAM 'JOMS PA — A 'Bri gung pa.  207 contents.

RNAM THANG — N. of Nanking?  Sperling, Dissertation 175.

RNAM THAR — Text on rnam thar sgo gsum in 384 III 375‑380.  SBTD I 263.


Khyim bdag RNAM THOS KYI BU — 'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) X 131.2.


RNAM THOS KYI RI BO — In Kong po.  378 II contents.

RNAM THOS SRAS — One of the Rgyal po Chen po Bzhi (q.v.).  He holds a mongoose.  Pictured in 128 1134, 216A.  Called the King of Gnod sbyin.  Texts in 213 189‑209.  216 247.5.  224 XII 247 ff.  A lengthy historical discussion in TPS 571 ff.  Vaiśravaṇa is a patronymic name for Kubera.

RNAM DAG DRI MED — Member of Gshen family lineage, in early 14th cent. or so.  Abbot of Ri rgyal.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 443.

Khri XLII RNAM DAG DRI MED (d. 1678)  =Blo bzang don yod.  Abbot of Dga' ldan from 1668 to 1675.  332 II 21.

RNAM DAG PADMA — N. of an important Mother Tantra of Bon.  288.

Mkhas btsun RNAM DAG MING CAN — Bonpo.  Work in 249 599 ff.

RNAM DAG GTSUG PHUD — Nine Ways 137 ff.

Grub dbang RNAM DAG TSHUL KHRIMS — Bio. in 253 II 457.6 ff, 622.2.  A Bon lama in thangka in Kværne, The Bon Religion of Tibet, plate 31.

Mtshungs med RNAM DAG TSHUL KHRIMS — A Bonpo who took over G.yu bun Mon. in about 1687.

Mkhas grub RNAM DAG 'OD ZER — Also, (Sprul sku).  Work in 260 393‑406.  283 209‑213.  253 II 403.5.

RNAM DAG SENG GE — Viśuddhasiṃha.  Went to Tibet in time of Khri srong lde'u btsan.  BD of T&TB I 557.  Mtshan tho no. 13 (no information provided).

RNAM 'DUD — N. of one of the Seven Mountains of Gold, the Gser gyi Ri Bdun.  Das 1310.

RNAM 'DREN — See (— —) Bu ram shing pa.

RNAM GNON TSHUL GYI DGON PA — BD of T&TB I 810.  See under Bi kra ma shī la.

RNAM SNANG — Khal kha'i yul gyi chos bdag.  SBTD I 236.

RNAM SNANG CHEN PO — A grub thob5 165.2.

RNAM SNANG THUB PA RGYAL — A gter bton210 97.3.

Rlabs chen Spyod pa'i Gter gyur RNAM SNANG MDZAD — Pictured in 128 77A, 150 28.

RNAM PAR — BA 322.

Bram ze RNAM PAR GRAGS — 128 764.

RNAM PAR GRANGS PA'I MDO — In 320 I 235 ff.

RNAM PAR RGYAL — A king in an avadāna story.  TPS 516.

RNAM PAR RGYAL BA — A terrifying transformation of Gshen rab.  Karmay, Confucius 577.  A green pacific thangka in Kriejger, Tibetan Painting pl. 70.

RNAM PAR RGYAL BA — In Gshen family lineage in 17th cent.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 444.

'Brug RNAM PAR RGYAL BA — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 122.1.

RNAM PAR RGYAL BA'I MCHOD BSKANG — Text in 313 I 531‑549.

Khro bo RNAM PAR RGYAL BA'I RGYUD — 320 XXVIII 452 ff.

Gshen rab RNAM PAR RGYAL BA'I YID BZHIN NOR BU — Bonpo smon lam in 328 B 519 ff.

RNAM PAR RGYAL BYED — Epithet of Arjuna, the Pāṇḍava.  Das 98.

RNAM PAR RGYAL MA — Text.  243 II 757‑794.

RNAM PAR 'JOM — Deity pictured in 320 XXIX 2.  Rdo rje'i Rigs kyi Khro bo.  374 227.2 ff.

RNAM PAR GNON — King of Shambhala.  128 1014.

RNAM PAR SNANG MDZAD — Vairocana.  349 II 1‑38.  Tapestry (actually entirely embroidered) maṇḍala illus. in Precious Deposits IV 99.

RNAM PAR SNANG MDZAD RDO RJE — Vairocanavajra. From Ko sā la in S India.  331 391.3.  450 6.5.  Called Bai ro tsa na in 450 9.4 ff.

RNAM PAR SNANG MDZAD 'OD — A n. of Dri med lhun po.  210 246.4.  410 119A.4.

RNAM PAR SNANG MDZOD SRUNG BA — See Bai ro tsa na rakṣhi ta.

RNAM PAR PHYE STE SMRA BA — Vibhajyavādin.  One of 10 subsects of Sarvāstivādins.  BA 27.  Sometimes substituted by Mu run ta ka.

Mkha' 'gro ma RNAM PAR ROL PA'I RGYAN — LGCM 604.5.

Lha RNAM 'PHRUL — See (Lha) Kun bzang rnam 'phrul.

RNAM RTSE — See Gnam rtse.

RNAM RAB — Apparently, river valley of the S Gtsang po tributary just W of Grwa nang.


RNAM ROL MCHOG PA —  =Chos kyi don grub, the Zhwa dmar viii.  11 70.

Chos rje RNAM BSHAD NYI MA'I 'OD ZER — Title listed in BLP nos. 0776, 0783.

RNAM SENG ZHABS — Pictured in 128 87A.

RNAM SRAS — Vaiśravaṇa (or, Kubera).  Chief of Yakṣa, protector of northern quarter.  Iconography in TPS 571‑578.  For Rnam sras Mdung dmar Rta sngon can, see Nebesky 69‑70.  Ferrari 156.  Invocations in 87 LXXX.  For Rnam thos sras Mdung dmar can, see Vitali in Rocznik Orientalistyczny LXVII (2014) 243.

RNAM SRAS GAN MDZOD — In Potala.  463 I 66.2. See Briana Foley's 2019 thesis, p. 61.  Storeroom for the rin chen rgyan cha ornaments annually worn by Lhasa officials.

RNAM SRAS GLING — A 'house'.  See 373 preface.  458 I 234.2, 297.5.  602 23r.6.

RNAM SRAS MCHOD PA — An annual observance at Zha lu Monastery.  See Puchung's dissertation (Oslo 2011).

Dbang RNAM SRAS RGYAL MTSHAN — (1360‑1408)  Sa skya pa.  Dhongthog 72.

RNAM SRAS SRIN GSEB MA — Rnam sras Srin gseb ma dang Be dkar Ar gtad Chos 'byung, listed in BLP no. 1259.

Ya ba RNAM GSAS — Bonpo said to be in time of Srong btsan.  Blondeau 87.  See also A'u rnam gsas.

RNAL 'BYOR GRAGS — BA 986.  =Rdor grags of 17 II 426.3.


RNAL 'BYOR RGYUD — See 4‑vol. work listed under the author (Karma pa viii) Mi bskyod rdo rje.




Rdzogs chen RNAL 'BYOR CHOS NYID KYI RGYUD — Text in 319 III 253‑255.

RNAL 'BYOR MCHED BZHI — Rigzin Ngodup, "A Short Biography of rNal 'byor ched bzhi," Bulletin of Tibetology (2000).

RNAL 'BYOR RNAM BZHI — A group of early Bka' gdams pas.  See Roesler, KSP 56.

RNAL 'BYOR PA CHEN PO — It has been said that in Bka' gdams pa works this refers to Dgon pa ba Dbang phyug rgyal mtshan (but now I think this must be mistaken...  He was the 2nd abbot of Rwa sgreng, and Dgon pa ba was the 3rd.  See under Byang chub rin chen).  See Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 2, p. 11.  Dates given as 1031‑1106 in Roesler, KSP 4.  I've seen him given the dates 1015-1078, becoming abbot in 1065 (German language Wikipedia).

RNAL 'BYOR SPYOD PA'I DBU MA PA — Yogācāramādhyamika.  Buston I 135.  The school to which Śāntirakṣita belonged, and the earliest Tibetan philosophical school.  T&BS I 216.  476 V 213.6 ff.  'Jig rten mgon po says that Atiśa belonged to it, and that it accords with his own way of thinking.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) VI 103.5.



RNAL 'BYOR DBANG MO — Bio. in 383 615.1 ff.  Disc. of Stag tshang Lo tsā ba.

RNAL 'BYOR BZHI — Four Yogas.  Teachings of Sgam po pa.  331 105‑132, 537‑602.  Fo a historical study, see RS 567-582.

RNAL 'BYOR ZLA BA — Tib. translation of the name of Vibhūticandra.

RNAL 'BYOR GYI RIM PA'I RGYUD — Text in 319 V 455‑519.

RNAL 'BYOR LA 'JUG PA'I MAN NGAG — By Dharmendra.  Tr. by D. Chatterji in JASB n.s. XXIII (1927).


RNAL MA DON GYI RGYUD — Text in 319 II 313‑337.  320 III 65‑88.

'Bri lung RNE SHOD — Acc. to Wylie 149 n. 318, is birthpl. of Phag mo gru pa.  See also Rme shong.

RNEL PHU BA — 145 V 335 ff.

RNEL BYID — 253 II 171.6.

RNO — Refers to Bon texts of the 'peaceful' category.  See 273A II 42.3, 43.3.

Gu ru RNON RTSE — (b. 1136)  Kværne 231 no. 97.  See (Bon po) Lha 'bum.  Bio. in 253 II 219.3 ff.  Redisc. tantras in 268Gter ma in 313 I 505‑530.  Redisc. Dung phor ma cache.  Said to be identical with (Gu ru) Jo rtse.  383 419.4.  410 43A.4.  458 I 22.2.

SNA — BA 77.

Mtsho SNA — See Mtsho sna.

Shang SNA DKAR — 253 II 586.5.

Ya 'brog SNA DKAR RTSE — Nangkartse, Nangartse, Nagartse.  A rdzong in vicinity of Bsam sdings.  Tucci, Lhasa 65‑66.  JTL&CT 140.  WylieOr, Sna rtse Rdzong.  Pl.n.  27 131.  Near source of Rong chu.  Wylie 140 n. 229.  Capital of the former myriarchs of Yar 'brog.  Had printery.  162 212.

Nyang stod SNA KHU — A yulBka' ma Rgyas pa XLVI 355.4.

SNA MKHAR —  =Sna dkar. Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 130.

SNA MKHAR DGON PA — Roesler, KSP 63.

SNA'U GANGS RA — Pl. where Sna'u Bya bral ba stayed.  BA 720.

SNA CHEN PO — A nickname meaning "Big Nose."  A nang blon under Srong btsan sgam po.  208 I 206.5 ff.  492 153.3, etc.  Bashey4 195 offers an explanation of the term.

Dbus pa SNA DRUG —  =(Dbus pa) Grwa sum.  17 II 412.1.

SNA NAM — Sometimes spelled Rna nam.  One of 20 principle mts.  Das 212.  It used to be said that it is Samarkand, but this is not believed anymore.  Roerich (1942) 304.  Das 765.  N. of a clan which ruled over Brad and Zhong pa.  28 80, 87.  See 82 83.  T.H. 45.  BA 81, 277.

SNA NAM — See (— —) Rgyal tsha khri gsum.  (— —) Thub rgyal.  (— —) Rdo rje bdud 'joms.  (— —) Rdo rje dbang phyug.  (— —) Tshul khrims byang chub.  (— —) Tshul khrims shes rab.  (— —) Ye shes sde.  (— —) Legs sum sgra.  (— —) Shes rab tshul khrims.  (— —) Lha snang.

Gter ston SNA NAM — His Gu ru'i Rtogs brjod Dum chung Gcig listed in BLP no. 0310.

SNA NAM RGYAL RGAN — A ru dpon of Dbu ru.  28 84.

SNA NAM BTSUN PA — See (— — — —) Skal bzang chos kyi rgya mtsho bsod nams+.

SNA PHU — See Rna phu.  Sna phu Chos lung was meditation pl. of Gling ras pa, upstream from Sgrags on the Gtsang po.  Ferrari 46, 118.  1 10.  BA 665‑668.  For visit of Gtsang pa Rgya ras pa, see 1 10.

SNA PHU PA — N. of Gling ras pa.

SNA PHUR DGON — BA 664.  Sna phu Chos lung gi Dgon pa.  57 IIB 363.3.

Yul chung SNA BA — 210 249.4.

'On gyi SNA BO — OTS 675.

SNA BO LA — BA 256.

SNA BO LA KHA — On top of mt. of Sna bo, situated between Rgyal rtse and Rong Cham chen (?).  "de nas Dol du byon te/ Sna bo La kha nas dung bus nas ."  Evidently, a province of Lho kha.  Das 646, 765.

SNA'U BYA BRAL PA — See (— — — —) Rdo rje mdzes.

Gnyan SNA ME BA — Disc. of Dgon pa ba.  BA 266.  =(Gnyan) Lha mo ba (q.v.).

SNA MO RDZONG — BA 584.  Sna mo Lung.  481 8.5.

SNA DMAR — BA 119, 926.

Jo mo SNA DMAR — A gzhi bdag33 195.2.

Ding ri SNA DMAR — 4 299A.3.

SNA SMAD — Pl. in Tibet.  Das 766.

SNA RTSE RDZONG — See Sna dkar rtse.

SNA TSHOGS KUN 'BYUNG MU TIG 'PHRENG BA'I RGYUD — Bon tantra in 258 II 141‑166.

SNA TSHOGS GLING — Building at Bsam yas.  87 I 51.5, 107.4.


SNA TSHOGS SDE MA — Her consort is Sangs rgyas thod pa, q.v.

SNA TSHOGS MIG LDAN MA — A "snod sbyin goddess."  Evidently gnod sbyin is meant.  Das 766.

SNA TSHOGS GZUGS — Kings of Shambhala.  Pictured in 128 994, 1008.

SNA TSHOGS GZUGS CAN — N. of Sgeg pa rdo rje.  BD of T&TB I 264, 265, 955, 958.

SNA TSHOGS RANG GROL — Name of Klong chen Rab 'byams pa.  BD of T&TB II 498.

SNA TSHOGS RANG GROL — A n. of A 'dzom 'Brug pa.  365 94.1 et passim.

Gnubs SNA TSHOGS RANG GROL — His bio. of Khyung po Rnal 'byor pa listed in BLP no. 0191.  His bio. of Mkhas grub Tshul khrims mgon listed in BLP no. 0271.  Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 1248.

Sprul sku SNA TSHOGS RANG GROL — (1494‑1570)  Note that birth date is same as Rgod tshang ras pa (whose alias is Sna tshogs rang grol!).  B. in Lho brag Man thang.  Studied with teachers of all Tibetan Buddhist schools, but his main teachers were (Mtshungs med) Kun dga' rgyal mtshan and (Mkhas grub) Ma ti dha dza (?).  BD of T&TB III 723.  Cuevas, Hidden History 164‑166 (see also note 33 on p. 260, where Cuevas says one should confuse him neither with Rgod tshang ras pa Sna tshogs rang grol, author of the biography of Gtsang smyon, nor with Rtse le Sna tshogs rang grol [1608‑1680], first incarnation of Mtshungs med Bstan 'dzin rdo rje [1533‑1605]).

Byang chub gling pa SNA TSHOGS RANG GROL — Mentioned in BD of T&TB III 751.  Disc. of Bde chen gling pa.  210 223.1.  There is something strange about this name, since Sprul sku Sna tshogs rang grol was disc. of Byang chub gling pa.

Byams chen Chos rje SNA TSHOGS RANG GROL — Karma pa.  Bio. in 35 I 642‑643.  Mentioned among the disciples of the 7th Karma pa Zhwa nag.  Probably =(Byang chub gling pa) Sna tshogs rang grol (q.v.).

Mnyam med Rgod tshang ras pa SNA TSHOGS RANG GROL — (1494‑1570)  Biographer of Lo ras pa, Ras chung pa and Gtsang smyon, he was a lineage disc. of Gtsang smyon.  36 V 364.  Connected with hermitage of Ras chung Phug.  20 30.  His bio. of Lo ras pa is found in 72 II 237‑381.  His bio. of Ras chung pa, entitled Rje btsun Ras chung Rdo rje grags pa'i Rnam thar Rnam mkhyen Thar Lam Gsal ba'i Me long Ye shes Snang ba (also published separately by Tango Monastic Community, Thimphu 1982 [Bhu Tib 82‑902344] and in a 1992 PRC edition), is found in 72 III 1‑697.  His dkar chags of Bde mchog Snyan rgyud in 118 13‑24.  Disc. of Padma gling pa.  17 III 461.2.  His Bcom ldan 'das Dpal 'Khor lo sdom pa'i Spyi bshad Theg mchog Bdud rtsi'i Dga' ston Ye shes Chen po'i Sman Mchog, "a detailed explanation of the Cakrasamvara and its history according to the Snyan brgyud transmission (D. Tsondu Senghe, Bir 1982 [I Tib 82‑902319]); see 430BLP no. 1603 lists a Mar pa bio. reputedly by him (but probably the wellknown work of Gtsang smyon is intended).

Rtse le SNA TSHOGS RANG GROL — (b. 1608, he lived until at least 1678)  Karma pa contemporary of Rgod tshang ras pa Sna tshogs rang grol.  20 6.  Alias Padma legs grub.  See under Ngag dbang mthar phyin.  Author of story in 152 I 107‑143.  One edition of his Gsung 'bum found in 226.  There was another version, in 5 vols., publ. in 1974.  Also called Karma rig 'dzin rnam par rgyal ba.  226 I preface.  Also called (Rtse le) (Rgod tshang pa) Sna tshogs rang grol.  Autobiography and songs in 226 I.  Bio. of 'Ja' tshon snying po in 231 233 ff.  Verse bio. in 226 VIII 393‑420.  Pictured in 320 XXIII 3. His Chos rje Mi pham mgon po nas Dri ba Snga Phyi Tha dad Mdzad pa'i Dri Lan Thor bu'i Skor rnams Phyogs Gcig tu Bsdebs pa, printed from Rtsib ri blocks kept at Brag dkar Mon. in Solu Khumbu [N Tib 74‑902741].  An extensive bio. by Bzang po rdo rje mentioned in 420 I 190.5.  His bio. of Padmasambhava listed in BLP no. 0367.

Zhabs dkar SNA TSHOGS RANG GROL — (1781‑1850)  Contemplative teacher of A mdo who combined Rnying ma and Dge lugs pa practice.  He studied with (Chos rgyal) Ngag gi dbang po, and meditated at (Rtse gzhung) Dben pa'i dga' tshal, Stag mo Rdzong, Rgod po Rdzong, Ge tho, (Mtsho snying) Ma hā de wa'i Gnas, Rma chen spom ra and (Brag dkar) Sprel Rdzong, Rtsa ri, Ti se and La phyi.  He visited the Nepal valley in 1818.  See 70.  Probably author of 184 and 472.  See also a short article by E. Filibeck, "A Note on Bla ma Zhabs dkar of Amdo," AOH XXIV (1980) 39‑40, where the dates 1841‑1912 are given (obviously, there is some confusion).  Lengthy autobio. listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 348 (nos. 748‑749), where his dates are given correctly as 1781‑1851.  See (Zhabs dkar) Tshogs drug rang grol.

SNA BZANG PA — ?  Jackson, Patron 244.

SNA RA BA — ?  17 II 465.5.  Perhaps same as the Rna ra ba mentioned in  Roesler, KSP 61.

SNA RI — Narshang temple in Nepal.  Kailash VII 82.

SNA RINGS — See Ne ring.  OTA 658.  BA 420.

SNA RU — See (— —) Dri med.

SNA RU TSHENG — Birthpl. of Shākya shrī.  363 12.2.

SNA RO BANDE — See (— — — —) Gshin rje grags.

SNA SHUD — BA 96, 253.

SNA SEL LAG LEN — In title of text in 300 II 85‑88.

SNAG — A tribe name.  Das 766.  17 II 344.4.

SNAG PO CHE — ?  4X I 111.6.

SNAG PHRA — 4 194A.1.

SNAG DBON — 253 II 345.4.

SNAG GI RI — Mt. in Khotan.  Emmerick.

SNANG DKAR RTSE — A fort overlooking Yar 'brog Mtsho.  Tucci, Lhasa 64, 65.  Also, a temple.



Gyer za SNANG RGYAN — 206 562.6.

SNANG BRGYAD — Stein, Tibetica Antiqua I 157.  TPS 723.

Gung ru SNANG NGA — Vai.Ser. 254.


Khyung po SNANG CHEN GRAGS PA — In 4th rab byung253 II 403.2, 475.4.

SNANG STON — See (— —) Zla ba grags pa.  (— —) Zla ba rgyal mtshan.

Mkhas pa SNANG LDAN RGYAL PO — Teacher of Rgod ldem.  481 17.3.

SNANG BA'I GANGS LA — Macdonald 140.

SNANG BA — 128 800.

Dbu ma SNANG BA RGYAN — Text by Kamalaśīla.  Lde'u2 48.

SNANG BA SGRON ME — Mother of 'Jam dpal bshes gnyen.  BD of T&TB I 377.  LGCM 593.1.

SNANG BA BRGYAD — Apocryphal Chinese sūtra translated into Tibetan, Uighur, etc.  See Juten Oda in Sprachen des Buddhismus in Zentralasien (1983) 65‑72 for refs.  Subject of article by Huth in ZDMG 45 (1891) 577‑591.  Article by Oda in Altorientische Forschungen 10 no 1 (1983) 125‑142.  Article by Zieme in same volume of Altorientische Forschungen, pp. 143‑149.

SNANG BA BRGYAD PA'I RAB KLUNG — Epithet of Gangā.  Das 768.

SNANG BA BCU BDUN — N. of a text by Ska ba Dpal brtsegs.  Karmay, Great Perfection 149.

SNANG BA MTHA' YAS — Pictured in 128 868.

SNANG BA MTHA' YAS KYI GLING — At Bsam yas.  87 I 51.4.

SNANG BA DAM PA — Pictured in 320 II 651.  Achard, L'Essence 49.

SNANG BA MDOG CAN — Bio. in 352 658.1.

Lha chen SNANG BA MUN SEL 'DZIN — Davidson in Lungta 16 (2003) 69.  Name of Mahāsammata.

SNANG BA BZHI — 1) Chos nyid Mngon sum gyi Snang ba.  2) Nyams Gong 'Phel gyi Snang ba.  3) Rig pa Tshad 'Phel gyi Snang ba.  4) Chos nyid Zad pa'i Snang ba.  413 523.6.

SNANG BA 'OD LDAN — Creator in Bon.  Tucci, Religions 215.


SNANG BA RAB TU MKHYEN LDAN MA — Mother of Shrī singha.  BD of T&TB I 507.

Rdza mkhan gyi bu Khye'u SNANG BYED — 476 IV 416.2.

SNANG BYED KYI SPU GRI — Title in 320 VII 564.1.

SNANG RTSE SKYE'I LHA KHANG — Or, Snang rtse Gser khang.  In Stod lung.  See BD of T&TB III 763.

SNANG RTSE GRU 'DZIN RI BO — A guide to this place in 239 XXX 215‑229.

SNANG RTSE GTER CHEN — Mentioned in BD of T&TB III 724.  See (— — — —) Zhig po gling pa.

SNANG RTSE BA — N. for Zhig po gling pa.  TS7 I 73.  Chayet in Cardonna, Facets 77.

SNANG RTSE SHAG LAS KHUNG — Lhasa city court.  See 3‑vol. dict. & French, Yoke 270. See Mengele, dGe 68.  See Dung dkar 19.

SNANG MDZAD GRUB PA'I RDO RJE — (b. 1910)  Formerly abbot of Zhe chen mon.

SNANG MDZAD RDO RJE — See Gsang 'dzin rdo rje.  Havnevik, Dissert. 291.

SNANG ZHIG — See (— —) Rgya bo Dgon.  (— —) Dngul sku Dgon.

SNANG ZHIG — See (Snang zhig Drang srong) Nam mkha' blo gros.

SNANG ZHIG MA DGON — 253 II 637.4.  Kværne has visited and wrote about this mon. in Rnga ba.  Thar in TS9 IV 169 says it is perhaps the most important mon. for Old Bon studies in eastern Tibet, with neighboring Rtogs ldan Mon. also very important, although more aligned with New Treasures.  Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 147, which says it was f. by "Jamgön Ada Gyamtsho, b. 1028."

Dbas SNANG BZHER — TS5 661.

Dba's SNANG BZHER ZU BRTSAN — Dotson, Note 80.

Gyer spungs Chen po SNANG BZHER LOD PO — Also, (Zhang zhung).  Also just called Gyer spungs chen po.  Lived 573 years.  206 559.6.  See also 206 542.5, 543.5, 554.4, 557.4, etc.  Bio. in 253 II 326.1 ff.  248 20.5, 21.1, 27.4.  253 II 141.4, 623.1.  Works in 271 463‑473, 533‑550.  286 I 589‑590.  Picture in 327 288.  Achard, L'Essence 232, 238.

SNANG ZER LDAN MA —  ='Od zer can ma.  Das 769.

SNANG BZA' SGRON LEGS — Denwood, TW2 150.

Snye nam SNANG YUL — Birthpl. of Rwa Lo tsā ba.  BA 374.  17 II 412.4.  Gnya' nang Snang yul gyi Ri.  4 198B.2.

SNANG RA SGANG — BA 284.  Snang ru Sgang.  Das 769.

SNANG GSHEN — 2nd Vehicle of Bon.  T.H. 109.  Tucci, Religions 228.  315 preface.  Snang gshen gtsug phud.  Nine Ways 43 ff.  352 729.10 ff.

SNANG SA 'OD 'BUM — (in 1300's)  A woman.  Rnying ma pa.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 99.  =Snang gsal.  Beyer 56‑59.  For sources on this 'Das log figure, see Epstein in TJ 7 no 4 (Wint 1982) 80.

Zhig po SNANG SENG — 253 II 387.6 ff.  Illus. of several pages of a woodblock print in Precious Deposits III 260‑1.

SNANG SEL KHRA 'GYON — Vai.Kar. II 307.  Das 769.



SNANG SRID ZHI BA'I ZIN RIS — And, Snang srid Zhi ba'i Gzhung gi Phrin las.  315 1‑31.

Gu ru SNANG SRID ZIL GNON — See dkar chag of an image in BLP no. 1392.  Henss, CMT 83.

SNANG SRID SEMS CAN YOD PA DGA' BA'I BDAG PO — Second emanation of Yang dag rgyal po.  Tucci, Religions 215.

SNANG GSAL — See (— —) Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan.

SNANG GSAL —  =Snang sa.  BD of T&TB IV 99.  324.  Bio. 453 29.4 ff.


SNANG GSAL — Wife of the Ka gnam Sde pa.  See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 57.

A grags Ru stod Khyung po SNANG GSAL DGON — 253 II 624.1 ff.

Lha gcig SNANG GSAL SGRON MA — 413 117.3.


SNANG GSAL MA BU — N. of a text.  BD of T&TB I 495.

SNANG GSAL RIG 'DZIN — See (— — — —) Bkra shis rgya mtsho.

SNANG GSAL RIN PO CHE — See (— — — — —) Ngag dbang ye shes grub pa.

SNANG GSUM — See title to 412.

SNABS — See (—) 'Dul 'dzin pa.

SNAM — Sometimes, Gnam.  Valley with town of same name downstream from Lha sa in Skyid chu.  This is where 'Brug se ba Mon. is located.  Ferrari 165.  JTL&CT 193.  OTA 663. 

SNAM BU PA — A person.  OTA 685.

SNAR — See (—) Klas mo che.  (—) Khung rong or (—) Klung rong.

SNAR GTAM — Mon. f. in 1153.  Dhongthog 119.  Perhaps confused somehow with Snar thang (q.v.), or to be identified with it.

SNAR STOD — Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 156.

SNAR STON — See (— —) Seng ge 'od.

SNAR THANG — Narthang, Netang.  Village and mon. about 6 miles SW of Bkra shis lhun po.  Place where a famous edition of Kanjur and Tanjur was made (Snar thang Rig pa'i ral gri was responsible for beginning the carving of the woodblocks).  F. in 1153 by (Gtum ston) Blo gros grags pa.  BA 282.  F. 1133.  Dhongthog 118.  Description of mon. in TPS 186‑189.  Ferrari 144.  For Thang stong's visit, see 5 78.3, 255.6.  Printery.  162 219.  Beyer 203. Work listed in SBTD I 115.  BA 81, 272, 282‑283, 305, 319, 336‑339, 592, 749, 782, 810, 1024, 1043, 1068‑1069, 1072.  Among its abbots were Gro mo che ba and (Mchims chen) Nam mkha' grags.  27 25.  83E 477.  Vai.Ser. 210.  Catalog, see Tohoku 6090.  Wylie 138 n. 212.  Guidebooks to reliquary stūpas of the abbots and a guidebook by Drung zur ldan rje Ngag dbang chos 'byor; see Jackson, Misc., no. 791.  Van der Kuijp, in a forthcoming paper on the authorship of the Blue Annals, discusses differences in the dates supplied for Snar thang's founding.

SNAR THANG — The abbots, based on BA 282‑283, are as follows.  [1] Gtum ston Blo gros grags pa 1153 founded the mon., and stayed 14 years (i.e. til 1166/7?).  [2] Rdo ston Shes rab grags.  Served 20 years (i.e., 1166/7‑1186/7?).  [3] Zhang btsun Rdo rje 'od, for 8 years (1186‑1194?) and so forth.  Leonard van der Kuijp has a set of biographies of the early Snar thang abbots, which has to be studied.  A brief one has been published in HS XI 413‑418.

SNAR THANG — See (— —) Rig pa'i ral gri.

SNAR THANG KUN MKHYEN — See (— — — —) Sangga bha dra.


SNAR THANG PA — See (— — —) Rig pa'i ral gri.  (— —) Shes rab 'byung gnas.

SNAR THANG LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — — —) Dge 'dun dpal.

Rtsang rong SNAR PA — BA 916.

SNAR PHA — Clan.  ISTS 201.

SNAR MA — TPS 530.


SNUBS — Spelling variant of Gnubs (q.v.).  A clan.  28 79.  BA 705.  A place in Tibet.  Das 770.

SNUBS — See (Snub kyi) Phu lung.

Rong gi SNUBS CHOS LUNG — In Gtsang.  127 20.

SNUBS GNYA' — N. of pl.  Das 770.  See (— —) To re rtsug lo.

SNUBS MTSHO — See Das 770.  KTDN 123.5.



SNUM PA — N. of a clan.  Das 770.

SNUMS MTSHO — Samdo A I 57r.3.

SNUR LUGS — 224 XV 22.4.  349 II 556‑574.  484 I 858.7.  Mkhas pa'i Dga' ston (PRC ed.), p. 1474.


SNE'U —  =Snel.  The area around Lha sa.  Kuijp in  Lungta 14 (2001) 66. Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 112.

SNE'U GLING KHA — N. of a grove near Lha sa.  Das 771 (q.v.).  Had two overseers.

Khams su SNE DGON — 484 I 835.4.

Rgya SNE STENG — See (— — —) Thub bstan dar rgyas gling.

SNE THANG — 5 255.2 ff.  Sne'u thang, Ne thang, Sne thang mean 'meadow, grassland.'

SNE GDONG —  =Sne'u gdong.  See Tucci, Lhasa 136.  BA 595, 642, 645, 800, 1089, 1090.  5 117.5, 240.5, 241.6, 338.4.  Sne gdong rtse is town where Sne gdong Rdzong is located.  Das 771.  484 I 849.7.  A catalogue of the Sne gdong Bstan 'gyur is listed in BLP no. 1270.

SNE'U GDONG — See Sne gdong.  Palace of the Phag mo gru.  Near Rtse thang in the Yar klungs valley.  BA 586, 703, 1047.  27 131.  T&BS II 247.  Wylie 77, 148 n. 313.  Refs. in Sperling, Dissertation 193.

SNE'U GDONG — See (— —) Kun bzang rtse.  (— —) Ban gtsang Grwa tshang.  (— —) Rtse tshogs Dgon Par khang.


SNE GDONG RDZONG — District in Tibet.  Goldstein 665.  In Yar klungs valley.  T.H. 23.  Cradle of old imperial dynasty.  Headquarters of Byang chub rgyal mtshan.  T.H. 54.  Tucci, Lhasa 133.

SNE PHROM — See under Srid pa sne phrom.  Karmay, Arrow 370.

SNE PHROM LA KHRA — Hoffmann, Symbolik 69.

SNE BA — A mon. in Shel sna in Bhutan.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 96.

SNE BO — BA 507.

SNE BO — See (— —) Grags pa rgyal mtshan.

Grib sel SNE TSHANG MA'I GDAMS NGAG — A guide book to these 'Bri gung teachings is found in 123 II 360A ff.

SNE'U RDZONG — N. of a small fort on bend of Skyid chu opposite 'Bras spungs.  Das 771.

SNE'U RDZONG PA — See (— — —) (Nang so) Grags dbang.

SNE'U ZUR — BA 311, 313.

SNE ZUR DGON PA — Roesler, KSP 38‑41, 83‑87 (detailed plans).  It was founded by Sne'u zur pa Ye shes 'bar.

SNE'U ZUR PA — See (— — —) Ye shes 'bar.

SNE 'OG — BA 959.

SNE LUNG CHU — 17 IV 221.5.

SNE SHAN — Pl.n.  CHMO 15 10.

Gzim shag SNE'U SHAR — Or, Sne'u shag.  Pronounced Liushar.  Printery.  162 240.  The main person known as Liushar is Thub bstan thar pa, q.v.

SNE SHOD — N. of a village in Khams.  Das 771.

SNEL — See Sne'u.

SNOD KHUR — See Dho ka ri pa.


SNON GYI RGYA MA DUM BU RI — Tumbiri.  Mon. founded by Zla ba rgyal mtshan in Rgya ma Khri khang (same valley).  Ferrari 109.

SNON MDA' — See Hazod in TS9 I 34.  Hazod in Tropper, Epigraphic 51.  Site of an A rya de ba'i Lha khang consecrated by Atiśa.  NTSP section NGA 127r.1.

SNOR MANGS MKHAN CHEN — See (— — — —) Nam mkha' rgyal po.

BSNUBS — BA 654, 659.






Yul PA KA — BD of T&TB I 722.

PĀ KAM — In Caribbean in Kālacakra literature (!).  NMH 391.6.

PĀ GA DA — A city in Mo la tā na.  87 I 257.6.  Bā ga da.  17A VII pt. 1, p. 23B.2.  Baghdad.

Gangga PĀ GA RA — BD of T&TB I 566.

PA GOR — N. of pl. in district of Snyan mo.  Das 775.  =Spa gor (?).  Ferrari 129.  Pa gor Phu of G.yas ru.  BA 131.  "Spa gor is some 8 miles from Sne'u gdong, up the 'Phyongs rgyas valley.  I was told it was a nunnery."  (H.Richardson)

PA GOR — See (— —) Bai ro tsa na.  (— —) Rin chen blo gros.  (— —) He 'dod.

PA GOR NA 'DOD — Dotson, OTA 129.  It's possible the Pa gor here is a foreign place name. I was thinking it could be Farkhor, in southern part of modern Tajikistan, where excavated tombs contained etched agate (etc.) beads, if there were only more to support the idea.

G.yas ru'i PA GOR PHU — (Dbus pa) Zhig po stayed here.  BD of T&TB III 343.

PA GRO — ?  5 164.2.  A dgon pa5 170.5.  Seems to equal Pa gor.  17 II 311.5.  See Stag tshang.

PA GRO BA — See (— — —) Bde ba bzang po.

Mon gyi Rgyal po PA MGU — 115 155.1.  This must be Pegu or Paigu, the old Mon kingdom of SE Burma!  But note that Pegu is spelled Pa yi ku in Yongdan, TCW 97.

PA SGAM — Mon. in western Tib. founded in 996.  Vitali, Tho.ling 19.  KWT 84.

PA TA — BA 848.  Pa ta'i Dgon pa.  BD of T&TB I 793.  This is the name by which the Dharmasvamin knew Simragaon (Simraon), the early Nepal capital city (since pattana/paṭṭaṇa usually means 'capital').  He describes it has having seven walls, which is interesting, since Cassiano, who also saw its ruins, describes it as a having been a labyrinth.  After its destruction, the royal family moved to Bhaktapur.  Chag xiii, xiv, xxx, 58.

Grong khyer PA TA'I KIRTI — BD of T&TB I 572.

Yul PĀ ṬA LI PU TRA — Pāṭaliputra.  Presently, Patna.  120 81.3.  Apte, appendix 3.  NMH 34.3.

PA TA LO TAN — A river.  See Das 776.

PA TAN — Ancient capital of Nepal, often called Ye rang in Tibetan works.  Das 775.

PA TAM DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo stod with about 100 monks.


PA TRU — A river.  See Das 776.

Shar phyogs kyi Kla klo PA ṬHĀ NA — BD of T&TB I 924 (Na ṭha na on p. 925).

PA RDA RTOGS LDAN — See (— — — —) Blo bzang rnam rgyal.

PA NA HA NA PA — See U pa na ha.

PA SNAM —  =Dpal gnam.  =Pa nam, Pa rnams, Pa rnam, Spa snams.  A district with fort of same name.  Midway on the main route between Bkra shis lhun po and Rgyal rtse.  Das 776.  JTL&CT 74‑75.  Tucci, Lhasa 153.  17 III 432.1, 432.4.  Panamdsong.  On Nyang chu.  Ferrari 143.  Site of Dga' gdong Mon.  (Gtsang) Pa rnam in 5 254.4.  Photo of the rdzong in Mele, Tibet 71.  An etymology is given in a note in Lde'u 304.

PA RNAM — See (— —) Dga' gdong Dgon.  (— —) Chu bzang Dgon.  (— —) Bsam sdings Dgon.  (— —) Lhun grub rtse.

PA PU — Beckwith, Tibetan Empire 68.

PĀ BA — A city of the Mallas.  Emmerick.

PA MA LE PANG — N. of pl. in Tibet.  Das 776.

PA TSA RI PA — See Ba tsa ri pa.

PA TSA SUR — KTDN 148.2.

PA TSAB —  =Pa tshab.  See (— —) Rgyal tsan thom po.

PA TSHAB — See (— —) Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.

PA TSHAB —  =Spa tshab, Pa tsab.  N. of a Tibetan district.  N. of a family residing there.  N. of its resident officer.  Das 776.  "Bod kyi yul zhig dang de la gnas pa'i rus rigs la'ang."  Dagyab.  For its location, see  Roesler, KSP 57 and note 19 on p. 68.

PA TSHAB SGOM PA — (1077‑1158)  Disc. of (Byang sems) Kun dga'.  BA 923‑929.  17 II 425.2.  See under Tshul khrims 'bar.

PA TSHAB LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — — —) Nyi ma grags.

PA YEN — BA 1073.

PĀ RA NI — Daughter of a king.  413 143.4 ff.

PA RA ME SHWA RA — A pundit who worked with Rong zom pa.  Mtshan tho no. 51.

PA RA PU SI — Or, Par bu se.  =Pa ra su, =Sa ra pu.  Mahāsiddha.  Pictured in 128 60A.

PĀ RA SI KA — Persians.  See Newman in JIABS 21 (1998) 318.

Paṇḍi ta PA RA HI TA — 478 I 217.2.

PĀ RI — See (— —) Rab gsal and (— —) Blo bzang rab gsal.

PA RI THA — N. of a stūpa.  Emmerick.

Chu bo PA RU PA — In Stag gzig.  BD of T&TB X ??.

Gu ru PA RU TSA KRA — Samdo A I 9r.5.

PA RO GZA' — N. of a Khotanese river.  Emmerick.

PA LA KUN BZANG RIN PO CHE — 285 title page.

PA LA PA TRA — King of sa bdag.  With pig's head.  KTDN 142.6.

PA'I LAN — Sometimes misspelled Sa lan.  Also, Pa'i len, Pa'i len dbang.  An official title.  See TS7 II 864.  See the seal illus. in Precious Deposits III 30.

PĀ LI TA PA PĀ DE — Teacher of Kong ka na.  BD of T&TB I 546.

PA LI PA ṬA — (?)  "lam pa li pa ta zhes bya bar brtol."  17 II 448.5.

PA LUNG KU SHING — Newari artist.  17 IV 142.6.

Sprul pa'i Bzo bo PA LE PA — TS5 605.


PA SANGS DBANG 'DUS — Article on O.T. inscriptions in BJZJ (1982, no. 3).



Grub chen PAKSHI — Gter ston of 4th rab byung383 218.6.

PAKSHI — N. of a person.  463 I 118.1.  In about 1707.  Called Bka'i Mdun na 'Don pa Pakshi in  Dung dkar 182.  For a discussion of the term, as a possible explanation of Friar Odoric's Abassi (or Lo Abassi), see D.S. Margoliouth, Review of Henry Yule, Cathay and the Way Thither, contained in: Reviews of Books (April 1918) 268‑270.

PAKSHI LAM NOR — N. of an elevated pastureland North of Tsomoriri.  79 73.

PAKSHU — Oxus (Vakshu) River.  Although the name surely goes back to the name of the Oxus, it is far from sure that everyone understood it to be such (there are cases where the Gtsang po River is intended).  See Wylie 122 n. 69.  N. of a river in Tibet, as in this expression: "Kha ba can Ljongs Pakshu'i 'gram."  4 chapter 29.  Das 623.

PAG SHI GNAS BRTAN — Author of bio. of Klu mes, acc. to BLP no. 0129.  See under Ba shi Gnas brtan.

Chu bo Chen po PAG SHU — In Gzi brjid (Dol po 'Tshal kha ms.), vol. VII, p. 344.2. See also vol. I p. 311.4, for following lists.  Chu bo che:  Pag shu, Si ti, Si 'du, Gyim sho.  Chu bran:  Na ra 'dza ra, Gang gha, Ro ldan bsil, Dang ra smar.  Generally it seems to flow west. The arrangement of rivers in the four directions that you may see at the head of letter "pa" (just above) is from Tenzin Namdak, Life of Lord Gshen rabs, p. 873.

PAG SHOD — Monastery.  See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 46.

PAGS PA'I GOS CAN — N. of Dbang phyug.  Das 909.

PANG KA — See (— —) Dar chung.

PANGKA DZA — Or, Paṃ ka dza.  Tib.: 'Dam skyes.  Mahāsiddha.  Bio. in 120 131.16 ff.  Born from a lotus.  Guru was Klu sgrub.  Saṃ ka dza in BD of T&TB I 705.

PANG MKHAR THUN KHANG — Phag mo gru pa stayed there for 2 years.  57 IIB 356.1.

PANG CHOS SEMS —  =Ma smad ma.  N. of a Buddhist nun.  Das 949.


PANYTSA PĀ NA — N. given to Ti lo pa by a Ḍākinī named Bde ster ma.  17 II 246, 248.

PANYTSA PA NI — N. of Tilopa.  See 116 45.6, 48.1.  A market in a town in Za hor.  467 II 33.3.

Grong khyer PANYTSA SA — BD of T&TB X 23.18.

PAD DKAR — N. of a nāga.  See Hahn in Archiv Orientalni, vol. 71 (2003), p. 534.

Bya yul PAD DKAR DGON — 363 72.5.

PAD DKAR DGON PA — (sp.?) Pekar Gompa, in western Tibet, depicted in Li Gotami, Pictures 184.

PAD KAR NOR BU — Monk at Gru gu Dgon.  363 21.5.

PAD KU — See (— —) Rin chen.

PAD KYIN — N. of a palace (pho brang).  LPNT VII 74.

Spa gro Chos rje PAD DKAR RGYA MTSHO — A 2-vol. autobiography has been published.

PAD DKAR BSTAN 'DZIN — Selected writings and songs have been published.  In 1985, a work entitled was published:  Nyams 'gyur gyi Rtogs pa Brjod pa'i Gtam Bchad Lhug Spel ma'i Do shal ces bya ba Ri khrod pa'i Mdzes rgyan du 'Od pa.

PAD DKAR LDE — A king of western Tibet in circa 1539.  Vitali, Tho.ling 53.

PAD DKAR DBANG PO — Title of a work on astronomy in 76 2.

PAD DKAR 'DZIN PA — Candidate supported by Chinese to replace 6th Dalai Lama, he actually held the throne for a brief period of time.  T.H. 169.  =Ngag dbang ye shes rgya mtsho.  Petech, China 13.

PAD DKAR YID BZHIN DBANG PO — (b. 1527)  Author of Dbyangs 'char 'Grel pa Gzhan Phan Ngo mtshar Brgyan gyi Me tog, a treatise on the Shaivite tantra Svarodaya (Yuddhajaya), found in the Tibetan Tanjur [I(Sik) Tib 78‑918024], publ. by Sonam T. Kazi (Gangtok 1970).

PAD GLING — See (— — iii) Tshul khrims rdo rje.  (— — vii) Dkon mchog bstan 'dzin rab rgyas.

PAD GLING THUGS SRAS — See (— — — —) Zla ba rgyal mtshan.

PAD DGE — Khams pa "name of endearment" for Padma dbang chen.  39 14.

'Gro 'dul PAD RGYAL GLING PA — (1924‑1988)  'Gro 'dul Pad rgyal gling pa yi Sku gsum Dgongs 'dus Chos sde, Trulku Kuenga Rinpoche (Bhutan 2002), in 4 vols. 


PAD RDO DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo smad with about 2580 (?!) monks.

PAD NOR — See (— — ii) 'Jam dpal grub pa'i blo gros.

PAD SPUNGS — BA 285, 1040.

Klu'i Rgyal po PADMA — Rock, Nāga Cult 178.

'Gos PADMA — 410 196A.2.

Ris bral 'gro ba'i lam ston PADMA — Picture caption in 128 814.

Slob dpon PADMA — Met by Nags kyi rin chen (1384‑1468) in Tibet.  17 II 311.5.

Dge slong PADMA KA RA — Thang stong tells of his previous birth as same in 5 179.  Also, 5 219.1 ff.  Pictured as Mahāsiddha.  128 43A.

PADMA KA RA BHA DRA — BD of T&TB I (?) 565.

PADMA KUN SKYONG GLING PA — 410 74B.2.  See Kun skyong gling pa.

Mchog gyur gling pa II PADMA KUN KHYAB YE SHES SNYING PO — Works in 239 II, VI, XXVI.

PADMA KUN GROL — Almogi, MA Thesis 20, 120.

Thugs sras PADMA KUN DGA' — Disciple of Karma chags med who initiated the lower lineage (smad brgyud) of Kar gling Zhi khro.  See Cuevas, Hidden History 157.

Khams sprul PADMA KUN BZANG RGYA MTSHO — 377 32B.5, 37B.1.  408 2B.3.

Si tu x PADMA KUN BZANG CHOS RGYAL — (1854?‑1885)  B. in Byang gam mtsho kha.  A student of Kong sprul noted for his metalcrafting and designs for musical instruments, also called Si rgod ma.  415 XI 128.4. 

PADMA KUN BZANG RANG GROL — See Thub bstan bshad sgrub rgya mtsho.

Sgrol phug khri pa PADMA KUN GSAL — Also, (Rta nag).  At whose behest Tshe dbang nor bu (1698‑1755) wrote verses on Padmasambhava.  10 633‑649.  383 470.2.

'Jig rten dbang phyug PADMA DKAR LDE — A western Tibetan king who visited the Dalai Lama iii in 1555.  TPS 399.  Khri Nam mkha' dbang phyug was his son.

PADMA DKAR PO — [1] King of Shambhala.  128 996.  [2] N. of a lake in Shambhala.  Bernbaum.  [3] N. of a Spo bo temple.  See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 57.

'Brug chen iv Kun mkhyen PADMA DKAR PO — (1527‑1592)  Short bio. in 1.  'Brug pa Bka' brgyud pa.  Died at Gsang sngags chos gling.  Wrote on all subjects.  See T.H. 212.  Many works contained in 36 VII.  Wrote his famous Chos 'byung in 1575.  For his Gu ru Drag po Ki la ya, see 87 XVIII.  Pictured in 128 1044.  Collected Works in 24 vols, publ. 1973.  17.  His autobiography in 17 IV.  410 205A.6.  Also called Ngag dbang nor bu (q.v.) and Pad dkar yid bzhin dbang po (q.v.).  Work in 444.  His Phyag chen Nges don Lta Mig in 129 V 293‑341.  His Phyag chen Rnal 'byor Bzhi Bshad in 129 V 343‑391.  His Phyag chen Zin bris in 129 V 395‑423.  His medical works, see DD 715.  129 I 517‑623.  Bio. in 466 IV 150.3‑163.1.  Edition of his works in 1697, see 466 IV 378.1.  His Tshad ma'i Mdo sde Bdun dang bcas pa'i Spyi Don Rigs pa'i Snying po, publ. in 1968 at Benares [I Tib 343].  His Bsre 'pho'i Lam Dbye Bsdu, publ. from Rtsib ri blocks in 1970 [N Tib 71‑914968].  His Bsangs Dpe Bkra shis Re skong, publ. from Hemis blocks in 1969 [74‑910443].  Three bios. listed in BLP nos. 0035‑0037, and more at nos. 1579‑1583, 2010.

PADMA DKAR PO'I SDE — Author of a guidebook to Ra lung Mon.  See CFMS 270.

Rigs ldan PADMA DKAR PO RNAM RGYAL GRAGS PA BZANG PO — At Ngam ring.  5 194.2.

PADMA BKA' THANG — For clues how the original gter ma text may have been altered when it appeared in woodblock printed form, see Kuijp, Edge 146.

PADMA BKOD — Pemako.  In the far SE corner of Central Tibet.  Wylie xxxi, etc.  See Bernbaum 69 ff.  240ISTS 9.  A Lam yig is found in vol. VIII of the Collected Works of Sle lung Rje drung Bzhad pa'i rdo rje.  See also N.Levine, Blessing Power of the Buddhas.  Sardar‑Afkhami's article in Kailash (1996).  Gtsang smyon Ras pa, etc., Sbas yul Padma bkod kyi Gnas yig, BLP no. 1590.  See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 46 ff.  Ian Baker, Heart of the World.  Hamid Sardar‑Afkhami, "An Account of Padma‑bkod: A Hidden Land in Southeastern Tibet," Kailash, vol. 18, nos. 3‑4 (1996), pp. 1‑21.

Bya yul PADMA BKOD — Vai.Ser. 176.

PADMA BKOD CHUNG — Bailey, No Passport 126.

PADMA BKRA SHIS — Alias O rgyan stobs rgyal.  239 XI contents.  N. of Mkhyen brtse's reading teacher in about 1825.  12 XV 370.1.

Spu sa Gter ston PADMA SKYABS — Also, (Sman pa).  Lived in 1st rab byung383 217.6, 409.4 ff.  =(Sku tsha) Zla 'od 'bar.  =Ku sa Sman pa.  Discovered both Bon and Chos works.  410 42A.6.

Skyabs rje PADMA SKAL BZANG RIN PO CHE — (b. 1942)  Author, Skyabs rje Padma skal bzang Rin po che'i Snyan rtsom Gces btus, Si khron Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Chengdu 2000) in 5001 pp., constituting his collected writings.

Gling dbon PADMA SKAL BZANG — Author of Gnas chung gi Dkar chag listed in BLP no. 1221.

Bla ma PADMA BSKAL BZANG — Artist in about 1831.  471 112.6.

PADMA MKHA' 'GRO — Sister of Khro chen King married by Kun grol grags pa.  485 I 8.2.

PADMA MKHAR PA — An artist.  23 51.  Stoddard, Early 8.

Sder nang Gter chen PADMA MKHYEN BRTSE'I 'OD ZER — Collected Works published:  Zab gsang A ti Yo ga'i Rnal 'byor Chen po Sder nang Gter chen Padma mkhyen brtse'i 'od zer gyi Gsung 'bum Legs bshad Nor bu'i Yang zhun, Si khron Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (2004), in 504 pages.

Mchod rten PADMA 'KHOR LO CAN — KTDN 147.6.

Sku'i Rgyud PADMA 'KHYIL BA — Text in 319 VIII 241‑297.  320 V 386‑441.

PADMA GAR DBANG — Author of story in 152 II 141‑176.

PADMA GAR DBANG — Author of Kālacakra lineage history listed in C. Stearns, Hermit of Go Cliffs 201.

Chos rje PADMA GAR DBANG — 458 I 212.6.

Thugs rje chen po PADMA GAR DBANG — In 87 XXXIX.

Bo dong PADMA GAR DBANG — Alchemical work in 87 XLVIII.

Rig 'dzin Gter bdag gling pa PADMA GAR DBANG 'GYUR MED RDO RJE — See under Gter bdag gling pa.

PADMA GAR DBANG BDE CHEN 'OD GSAL MDO SNGAGS GLING PA — Alias, 'Jigs med mkhyen brtse'i 'od zer 'phrin las drag po rol pa (q.v.).

PADMA GAR DBANG BDE BA'I RDO RJE — Work in 336 397‑402.

PADMA GAR DBANG PHYUG — N. of a form of Avalokiteśvara.  Kreijger, Tibetan Painting pl. 49, lower left.

PADMA GAR GI DBANG PHYUG —  =Ye shes snying po, the 11th Zhwa dmar.  11 70.

PADMA GAR GYI DBANG PHYUG — In title of Hayagrīva tantra in 320 XXIV 2 ff.

PADMA GAR GYI DBANG PHYUG — In bio. of Shar ra Rab 'byams pa.  116 464.7.

PADMA GAR GYI DBANG PHYUG PHRIN LAS 'GRO 'DUL RTSAL — Secret n. of Kong sprul.  23 57.


Khro mo PADMA GAR GYI DBANG PHYUG MA — The yum of Padma dbang chen yang gsang.  307 I 13.3.



PADMA GAR DBANG BLO GROS MTHA' YAS PA'I SDE — N. of Kong sprul.  Work in 239 VIII.  FM 584.00.

PADMA GAR DBANG RTSAL — Alias, Gar dbang zla ba rgyal mtshan.  410 153A.2 ff.

Sras sprul PADMA GARBHA — Work in 239 IX.

Chos kyi Blon po PADMA GUNG TSAN — Picture in 347 3.  =Padma stong btsan.  Bde blon [Bde srung Blon po] Padma gung btsan.  Vitali in TS9 I 84.

PADMA GUPTA — In Tib., Padma sbas pa.  Indian pundit in Tibet in latter half of 10th cent.  Mtshan tho no. 35.

PADMA GRAGS PA —  =(Sgom chen 'Brug pa) (Gnyan ston) Dzam bha la.

Mkha' 'gro PADMA GROL MA — Wife of Gu ru Chos dbang.  210 44.3.

PADMA GLING — A sgrub sde at Zhe chen f. in 1796 (1794, acc. to Dhongthog 133) by Zhe chen Rab 'byams iii.

PADMA GLING — See Sgrub mtsho Padma gling.

O rgyan PADMA GLING PA — (1450‑ )  A famous gter stonDhongthog 114.  B. in Bum thang in Mon to the Myos family.  Collected gter ma in 5 (or 7 or more?) vols., publ. 1975‑76.  Author of Rgyal po Sindha ra dza'i Rnam thar, publ. 1975.  Redisc. (Rdzogs chen) Kun bzang Dgongs 'dus (q.v.) and Bla ma'i Thugs Sgrub Nor bu Rgya mtsho (q.v.).  He lived 1445‑1521, acc. to BD of T&TB III 594.  Gter ma in 87 XXIII, XXXVI.  383 220.1.  The following works were published in 1978 in a two volume set:  1) O rgyan Padma 'byung gnas kyi 'Khrungs rabs Sangs rgyas Bstan pa'i Chos 'byung Mun Sel Sgron me and 2) Sprul pa'i Sras Mchog Zla ba rgyal mtshan gyi Rnam thar Rin chen Rgyan Mdzes (the life of Padma gling pa's chief disciple and son).  The above bio. of Padmasambhava published in 2 vols in 1977.  His Gter chos in 22 vols. publ. 1974.  431217 367.1 ff.  Pictured in 320 XXI 675.  410 85B.4.  411 286A.6.  Padma gling pa is also given as an alias of Rdo rje gling pa.  413 373.6.  438 VI 536.4, 537.2.  Acc. to 413 380.1 ff, he was born in an Iron Tiger year in the lineage of Rdo rje gling pa.  Died at age 68 in a Snake year.  413 383.1.  For his meeting with his disc. Las 'phro gling pa, see 369 379.2.  His Bka' brgyad Thugs kyi Me long gi Sgrub Skor (Thimphu 1979).  Rituals for the Propitiation of the Various Protective Deities of the Bla ma Nor bu Rgya mtsho Cycle of Revelations (Paro 1978).  Autobio. & song collection listed in BLP no. 0990‑0991.

Mkhar rdo PADMA DGA' RDOR — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0245.

PADMA DGA' BA'I LANG TSHO — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 0687.

PADMA DGU SKYID — Havnevik, Dissert. 145.  N. of a servant woman.

Rdzogs chen PADMA'I DGONGS RGYAN — From Dkon mchog Spyi 'Dus.  See 69.  A Bla brgyud Lo rgyus in 69 I 15‑45.

Nga phod Dge rgan PADMA DGYES PA — A gter ma in 87 XIV.  410 218B.5.

PADMA DGYES PA'I SDE — See under Kun dga' rnam rgyal.

PADMA DGYES PA RTSAL — Alias of (Zhi bzang) Dge legs rgyal mtshan (q.v.).

Gling sras Gter ston PADMA DGYES PA RTSAL — (approx. 1747‑1806)  TS5 820.

PADMA DGRA 'DUL — (19th cent.)  Gru mo Tshong dpon.  In colophon to bio. of Mar pa.  FM 212.00.

Dpa' bo PADMA MGON PO — Father of Kun skyong gling pa (1408‑1489).  210 139.6.

PADMA 'GYUR MED — See Dngos grub rgya mtsho.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 237.

Mchog gling PADMA 'GYUR MED — Work in 239 IX.

Mchog gling Sprul sku PADMA 'GYUR MED KUN BZANG YE SHES RGYAL PO — Work in 239 XXI.


PADMA 'GYUR MED GLING PA — A name of Gter ston Dri med.

Rigs sras bgyes pa PADMA 'GYUR MED RGYA MTSHO — (1686‑1717)  Rnying ma pa.  BD of T&TB IV 422.  87 XXVI 332.5.  Eldest son of Gter bdag gling pa (?).  453 71.5.  Gter bdag gling pa's second eldest son.  Cuevas, Hidden History 203.

PADMA 'GYUR MED RGYA MTSHO — Modern author of A chos.

Mchog gling Sprul sku iii PADMA 'GYUR MED THEG MCHOG BSTAN 'DZIN — Work in 239 XII.

Gser bzang Sprul sku PADMA 'GYUR MED NOR BU — Disc. of Tshe dbang nor bu.  383 470.1.  384 I contents.

Gling Gter chen PADMA 'GRO 'DUL RTSAL — TS5 820.

Gling sras Rig 'dzin PADMA 'GRO 'DUL — (fl. ca. 1838)  12 XV 377.2.

Rig 'dzin PADMA 'GRO 'DUL GSANG GSANGS GLING PA — (1881‑1924)  Rnying ma pa.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 599.

PADMA RGYA MTSHO — (d. ca. 1889)  TS7 I 356.  Havnevik, Dissert. 64, 207, etc.  Also named 'Chi med rdo rje.

PADMA RGYAL PO — Father of Pho lha nas.  Petech, China 21.

PADMA'I RGYAL PO — N. of Padmasambhava  87 I 25.2.  Pictured in 128 606; 320 XIV 665.  Alias of Mchog ldan mgon po (q.v.).

PADMA RGYAL PO — Son of Mnga ris Paṇ chen.  DTK5 72.

PADMA RGYAL MTSHAN — Brother of Gter bdag gling pa (?).  458 I 359.3.

Rgan PADMA RGYAL MTSHAN — A modern teacher at Blo gsal gling in Mundgod.  Dreyfus. Sound 161 et passim.

Stag bla PADMA RGYAL MTSHAN — Teacher of Stag bla Padma mati.  Cuevas, Hidden History 148.

Brag dmar Sprul sku PADMA RGYAL MTSHAN — 365 226.1.  Stong za Bla ma.  365 291.2.

Blo gling Mkhan zur PADMA RGYAL MTSHAN — Work Blo gsal Dga' Bskyed Snying gi Nor bu, on Prajñāpāramitā philosophy, to be completed in 10 vols., publ. 1980+.

Ra hor Bla ma PADMA RGYAL MTSHAN — See Mengele, dGe 68.

PADMA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — 28th abbot of 'Bri gung.  37 38.  See Bstan 'dzin padma'i rgyal mtshan.

PADMA SGROL DKAR — Memories of Life 1, 2‑3.

Bla ma PADMA NGES DON — 377 29A.6.

Zur mang Bstan 'dzin Sprul sku PADMA NGES GSANG BSTAN PA RAB RGYAS — Work written in 1917 in 239 XVI.

Mnga' bdag PADMA DNGOS GRUB — (early 14th cent.)  Son of Mdo sde seng ge.  Rnying ma pa.  Bio. in BD of T&TB (vol.?) 134.  210 24.3.

PADMA CAN — BD of T&TB I 271.  Area of India identified with O rgyan.  KB 62.3.  See also Padmo can.  Padmāvatī?  See Sircar, Śākta PīṭhasZlos gar 33, etc.  356 I 203.4.  Rather, it should be Puṣkalāvatī/ Puṣkarāvatī, important early Gandhāran city (in Peshawar district).  The name means 'Lotus City'.  Willis in Soundings449 18.5.  Das.

Rnal 'byor ma PADMA CAN — BD of T&TB I 792.

PADMA LCAM — 453 16.2.

PADMA CHOS SKYID — For sources on this 'Das log figure, see Epstein in TJ 7 no 4 (Wint 1982) 80.

PADMA CHOS SKYID — A Princess of Sikkim, her obituary, by Hope Namgyal, appears in Bulletin of Tibetology, issue no. 1 of the year 1969.

Kong po Bu chu PADMA CHOS GLING — Mon. pictured in BD of T&TB III 578. 

Bon lung PADMA CHOS GLING — 458 I 225.3.

La dwags Khri dpon PADMA CHOS RGYAL — (1876‑1958)  30 I.  Verses of praise to him near end of 337.  Work in 339363 121.  Prayer.  408.  Article devoted to him in Lo 'Khor gyi Deb XI (1986).  481 49.  =(Ngag dbang) Padma chos rgyal, teacher of 'Brug chen xi.  See 129.  Author of Sngon 'gro'i Rtsa Tshig in 129 II 153‑249.  Mentioned in 129 V 69.1.  1 59.  Aziz 21.  Picture in Aziz, Frontier.  An untitled Mahāmudrā text composed by him is translated in Crook, Yogins of Ladakh; it may be described as a Lhan cig skyes sbyor gyi Khrid.

Rgyal sras PADMA CHOS RGYAL — Descendent of Legs ldan bdud 'joms rdo rje.  210 267.4.  410 166B.3.

PADMA CHOS 'PHEL — (18th early 19th cents.)  Rnying ma pa in E Tibet.  See Gsung 'bum in 69.  Was disc. and editor of the autobiography of Kun bzang rdo rje (1738‑1805).  106 preface.  Collected writings published in 1974 (2 vols.) and "More Collected Writings" at Tezu, 1979 (2 vols.).  Have his Skyes rabs Dpag bsam 'Khri shing, published in PRC.  Both he and Kun bzang rdo rje are depicted in the thangka in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 197.

PADMA CHOS 'PHEL — (late 19th cent.)  Author of a Tibetan-Sanskrit dictionary.  See Winder, Cat. of Welcome Institute, p. 30.  Perhaps this is the Padma who drew Lhasa for Waddell (ibid., p. 105).

PADMA CHOS DBYINGS KHYAB BRDAL — See under Chos dbyings khyab brdal.

PADMA CHOS 'BYOR RGYA MTSHO — Bio. in 410 223A.5.

PADMA CHOS 'DZOMS — Sister of Pho lha nas.  TS7 I 258.  See Ehrhard in SCEAR 9 (1996) 48 n. 24.

PADMA MCHOG GRUB — Probably, =Rdo ba Grub chen iii (b. 1865).

PADMA MCHOG GRUB — Scribe for works of Shākya shrī in 334363 121.3, 125.3.  429 121.5.

Bla ma PADMA MCHOG GRUB BZANG PO — A follower of Rdo rje gling pa.  210 139.1.

Dka' chen PADMA MCHOG DPAL BZANG PO — Kachen Padma, A Mirror of the Rtag 'jug Grammar, E.K. Lhundup, Varanasi 1967 (Tibetan title: Rtags 'jug Dka' gnad Gsal ba'i Me long gi 'Grel ba Rigs lam Gser gyi Lde mig).


Rgyal sras PADMA 'JIGS BRAL — Bio. in 228 277.1 ff.

'Phags btsun PADMA RJE — Connected with an aural transmission (snyan rgyud) of Bon.  His Bkra shis Gter Rdzongs, a tantra received by him from a Ḍākinī, is found in the FM collection.  FM 62.00 and others. 

Si tu IX PADMA NYIN BYED DBANG PO — (1774‑1853?)  B. in Sde dge.  36 VI 181 ff.  Root guru of Kong sprul.  11 69.  Pictured in 231 3.  A dgongs gter in 87 XIV.  BD of T&TB VII 643.  Author of short work contained in 126410 215A.4.  PADMA'I SNYING PO — Brother of Atiśa.  BA 241.  114 2B.5.  17 II 280.2.

La ston PADMA SNYING PO — 321 II 453.

Mchod rten PADMA STONG LDAN — At Gnas rnying.  5 163.4.

'Gos PADMA STONG BTSAN — 373 I 12.1.  =Padma gung btsan.

Gter sprul PADMA BSTAN 'PHEL — 471 135.2.

PADMA BSTAN 'DZIN — A monk at Smin grol gling at beginning of 20th century. See Mengele, dGe 63.

Smin grol gling Khri chen iv PADMA BSTAN 'DZIN — His work of rgyab yig has been published (Thimphu 1985).  He was active between 1759 and 1776.

Gnas nang Dpa' bo viii PADMA BSTAN 'DZIN GRUB MCHOG RTSAL — A dgongs gter in 87 XXXI.  383 431.3.

Rba kha Sprul sku PADMA BSTAN 'DZIN — Baker, Heart of the World 29 etc.  Bhakha Tulku Pema Tenzing.  He was b. in around 1945.

PADMA BSTAN 'DZIN RNAM RGYAL — His bio. of Ye shes mtsho rgyal was printed at Gnas chung.  BLP no. 0805.

PADMA THABS MKHAS — Wrote 36 VII 473‑477 in conjunction with Karma chags med.  87 LXVI 550.3.

Kha than gyi Bu PADMA THAL JI — 208 I 239.4.

Nyi grags II PADMA THEG MCHOG BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (1712‑1771)  TS5 817.  His Gser gdung Dkar chag, by Stag phu Blo bzang chos kyi dbang phyug listed in BLP no. 1306.  Cuevas, Hidden History 204, 260 (dates here given as 1712‑1774).

Gur chung Rin po che vi PADMA THEG MCHOG ZIL GNON ROL PA — (b. mid 19th cent., evid. d. ca. 1926)  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 233‑4.

PADMA THOD PHRENG RTSAL — N. of Padmasambhava.  87 I 25.2.

PADMA MTHAR PHYIN — (b. 1963)  Abbot of Gser logs Mon.  Berg in NTFC I 2, 13‑14.

PADMA MTHU STOBS RNAM RGYAL — (ca. 1675)  458 I 152.1, 306.6.

PADMA MTHONG GROL — (b. 888 BC)  Kværne 226 no. 43.  503 122.3. Berounsky, Lapsed 232 (illus.)

PADMA DON GRUB — (1668‑1744)  396.  Disc. of Padma 'phrin las.  Bio. mentioned by Mathes in  JNRC 12 (2001) 186.

Par pa PADMA DON GRUB — A printer.  162 241.

PADMA DON LDAN — A chief steward under the Stag brag Regent, he was executed in prison.  Palden Gyatso, Autobio. 141.

Si tu xii PADMA DON YOD NYIN BYED DBANG PO — (b. 1954)  BD of T&TB VII 300‑302.  More detailed biography at the Tai Situ webpage.

Spo bo Sprul sku PADMA DAR RGYAS — 378 II contents.

Spyan ras gzigs PADMA DRWA BA — 349 XVI 185‑257.

PADMA DRA BA'I GLING — Bodleian Catalogue 84.

Mkhan po PADMA DRI MED CHOS KYI BLO GROS — (recent)  Author of bio. of Mchog gyur gling pa in 239 XXX 299‑303.  See Rin chen dar rgyas.

PADMA DRI MED BLO GROS GZHAN PHAN CHOS KYI SNANG BA — (Karma 'Dul 'dzin pa)  See Karma sangs rgyas chos 'phel and Rin chen dar rgyas.  Works in 239 III.

Tshogs gnyis Sprul sku PADMA DRI MED 'OD ZER — (b. 1828)  Yogi of 'Brug pa tradition.  Bio. in 381.

Zhe chen PADMA DRI MED LEGS PA'I BLO GROS — (1901?-1960)  Kongtrul, Encyclopedia preface 76.  Apparently, =('Jam mgon) Mkhyen brtse 'od zer (?).  358 8.5.  Called Zhe chen Kong sprul Padma dri med, he was principal of the Bshad grwa at Zhe chen Monastery.

PADMA BDUD 'DUL — Artist who carved a stone image of Lag na rdo rje.  BLKC I 63.

PADMA BDUD 'DUL — Redisc. texts in 233 489‑512.  Called Khams pa Bdud 'dul in 233 508.3.  Called Bya bral Sprang smyon Padma bdud 'dul in 233 511.5.  DD 215.

PADMA BDUD 'DUL — Sa skya pa.  Brother of Kun dga' rin chen, with whom he split, forming 2 branches of the Sa skya sect.  See 84 230.  See also under Sgrol ma Pho brang.

Grub dbang PADMA BDUD 'DUL — Teacher of Gsang sngags gling pa.  253 II 504.5.

Nyag bla PADMA BDUD 'DUL NYI ZLA MDZES — (1816‑1872)  His Nyams Mgur publ. 1975, called Grub chen Nyi zla kun mdzes kyi Gsung 'bum las Nyams Mgur Skor Skal bzang Thar lam 'Gos pa'i 'Phrin las.  His bio. by (Nyag rong pa) Ye shes rdo rje publ. 1976.  375.  =('Khrul zhig) Byang chub gling pa (q.v.).  Norbu, Warriors 18.  Ye shes rdo rje,  Nyag bla Padma bdud 'dul gyi Rnam thar dang Mgur 'bum, Si khron Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang 1998, in 272 pp.  See Matthew Kapstein, The Strange Death of Pema the Demon Tamer, in M.K., ed., The Presence of Light (Chicago 2004), pp. 119‑156.


PADMA BDE CHEN — (modern)  Son of Shākya shrī.  340 MA 1B.4.  340 contains prayers by him.

PADMA BDE CHEN — Author of bio. of Rig 'dzin Ngag dbang padma listed in BLP no. 1854.

PADMA BDE CHEN GLING PA — (17th cent.)  Student of (Stag sham) Nus ldan rdo rje.  His principle disc. was (Kaḥ thog Rig 'dzin) Padma nor bu.  His rebirth was Rig 'dzin Tshe dbang nor bu.  BD of T&TB III 787.  Gter ma in 87 XXIV.  His Gu ru'i Bka' thang Dum pa Che ba listed in BLP no. 0300.

PADMA BDE CHEN GLING PA — See under Bde chen gling pa.

PADMA MDO SNGAGS BYANG CHUB GLING PA —  =Mi 'gyur rdo rje.  383 473.1.

Rig 'dzin PADMA 'DUS PA RTSAL — (1810‑1872)  B. at a place in Snyi khog Gzhung.  Dhongthog 99.  383 471.6.

PADMA'I RDO RJE — Prior rebirth of Phag mo gru pa.  Jackson, MB 140.

Dkar leb Drung yig PADMA RDO RJE — (b. 1858)  Also called O rgyan rdo rje.  Wrote grammatical works. He lived to be at least 75. Dung dkar 140.

Rdo Dmar ba PADMA RDO RJE — Teacher of 'Phrin las bdud 'joms.  Velm I 29.  Ehrhard in Prats, Pandita, 43.

Rdzogs chen Mkhan po PADMA RDO RJE — One of the great scholars of the "pure" Rnying ma pa tradition.  One of Mi pham's teachers.  42 6.  Mkhan chen Padma badzra in 116 21.6.  346 33.4.  Almogi, MA thesis 98.

Gling ras pa PADMA RDO RJE — (1128‑1188)  Founder of 'Brug pa.  Guru of Gtsang pa Rgya ras pa.  Also called Sna phu pa.  115 19.2, 145.6.  T.H. 157.  BA 659.  Tucci, Lhasa 117.  Ferrari 118.  His Mgur 'bum appended to 53 II 291‑412.  Ordination n., Shākya rgyal mtshan.  53 II 298.6.  Short bio. with list of books in 57 IIB 362.7 ff (see IIA 16.1 ff for more on books).  His Bla ma Mchod pa'i Cho ga Yon tan Kun 'Byung in 90 I 433‑455.  Bio. by Rgyal thang pa in 119 437‑483.  Pictured in 128 1040.  Bio. in 487 I 26.2 ff.  115 90.3 ff.  Bio. by Bsod dpag rdo rje listed in BLP no. 0404.  Bio. by Dpal ldan Ye shes rdo rje listed in BLP no. 0425.

Gnas bdag Dpon slob PADMA RDO RJE — (fl. 1685)  Ehrhard, Register 158.

Shing tshong PADMA RDO RJE — 17 IV 371.4.

PADMA LDAN — Wife of Asoka.  TPS 496.

PADMA'I SDONG PO — Pedongpo, a place in western Tibet where cave paintings were found.  Neumann in TS9 VII.

Kaḥ thog Rig 'dzin PADMA NOR BU — Principle disc. of Padma bde chen gling pa  (17th cent.).  BD of T&TB III 787.  384 II 148.5.

Dpal yul PADMA NOR BU — (d. 1932)  A teacher of Ngag dga' (b. 1879).  39 17.  365 189.4, 471.3.

Lcags mdud Rin po che PADMA RNAM RGYAL — (20th cent.)  Norbu, Warriors 18.

Mi mi PADMA RNAM RGYAL — Havnevik, Dissert. 235.

Zhe chen Rgyal tshab PADMA RNAM RGYAL — (1871‑1926)  Collected works publ. in one vol. in 1975.  Also, 66 I-IV (supposed to be completed in 10 vols.).  Picture in 320 XXVI 2.

Zur mang PADMA RNAM RGYAL — Author of Gzhung chen Bcu gsum gyi Mchan Thabs dang Mtshan Don 'Grel pa: Blo gsal Nag ri Rgyan, a detailed explanation of how the thirteen basic annotated texts of (Gzhan phan) Chos kyi Snang ba of the Rdzong gsar Yig cha should be taught. A work by him on geomancy, where he signs his name A co Padma rnam rgyal, is found twice: in TBRC Work RID W4PD1207, and once in W2PD17515. Check TBRD also for an interesting text entitled Dbyangs kyi Zlos gar Dbang po'i Gzhu ris.

PADMA SNE SA — Havnevik, Dissert. 213.

PADMA PA TI'I MAN NGAG — 145 IV 35B.3 ff.

PADMA DPAL — King at Taxila.  3 13.  KB 49.3.

PADMA PHUG — 4 98B.5.  T&BS II 242.

PADMA PHRENG GI DON BSDUS — Tantra in 320 XIX 395 ff.

Rje btsun PADMA 'PHRIN LAS — (d. 1950)  A bio. by Elizabeth Benard has been placed on the Treasury of Lives website.

Rdor brag Rig 'dzin II PADMA 'PHRIN LAS — (1641‑1717)  Rnying ma pa.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 348.  Author of 'Jam dpal Gshin rje 'Char ka nag po'i Mdos Chog Skor (pub?).  242 III contents.  307 II contents.  458 I 327.3.  Pictured in 128 1066; 320 XXII 3.  Author of work in 33Essais 134 (p. 144 for ref. to bio.).  His 'Dus pa Mdo'i Dbang gi Cho ga Khrigs su Byas pa Dkyil 'khor Rgya mtsho'i 'Jug ngogs in 3 vols, publ. in Dalhousie 1979.  Uspensky, Prince Yunli 29 has ref. to a Mongolian translation of his autobiography up to the year 1692, as well as a Mongolian tr. of his historical work.  Autobio. listed in BLP no. 1194.

PADMA 'PHRIN LAS RGYA MTSHO — (modern).  237 preface.

PADMA PHRIN LAS SNYING PO — Work written in about 1920 found in 380.  Disc. of 'Jam dbyangs grags pa.


Lha bu PADMA 'PHRUL — See Lha bu Padma 'phrul.

PADMA'I 'PHRENG BA — Disc. of Mai tri pa.  BA 843.

PADMA BADZRA — Rnying ma pa.  See under Padma rdo rje.  128 850.  Works in 194 III.  N. of precepts of Yongs dge Gter chen.  336 preface.

PADMA BADZRA — Mahāsiddha.  Pictured in 128 372, 502 (?).  Disc. of Bde ba'i rol pa mo.  Teacher of Yan lag med pa'i rdo rje.  BD of T&TB I 234, 236‑237.  Author of Slob dpon Padma badzras Mdzad pa'i Rdzogs rim Mar me'i Rtse mo Lta bu'i Gdams ngag, in Sa skya Lam 'bras Literature Series (Dehra Dun 1983), vol. 11, pp. 419‑441.

Sta bu PADMA BADZRA — N. of a teacher of Pha bong kha pa Bde chen snying po.  See Dreyfus in JIABS 21 (1998) 246.

Bal po'i Paṇḍi ta PADMA BADZRA — Vai.Ser. 53.6.

Gsung gi Rdo rje PADMA BADZRA RTSAL — Picture in 320 XXIX 677.

PADMA BLO GROS — Works in 239 III.  See Padma ma ti?  Student of Shar rdza, see  Thar in TS9 IV 157.

PADMA BLO GROS RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of a bio. of Gter bdag gling pa listed in BLP no. 0993.

Mnga' bdag PADMA BLO BZANG BKRA SHIS — (1676‑1743)  DTK5 75.

Sha po sgang pa PADMA BYANG CHUB — (1067‑1131)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 44.  367 I 242.3.  His work, the Be'u bum Khra bo, is cited in Btsan lha 492, 1061, etc.

Shug sgang PADMA BYANG CHUB GLING PA — (19th cent.)  His collected works in 5 vols. have been posted at TBRC.

Gter ston PADMA DBANG — Depicted in a thangka of the 4th Dalai Lama; see Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 128.

Ra mdo Lha bzo PADMA DBANG — An artist mentioned as one of the behesters in the colophon to De'u dmar Dge bshes' famous work on the arts.

Klong rong ba PADMA DBANG RGYAL — 363 116.2.

Khri chen PADMA DBANG RGYAL — Achard, L'Essence 83.

Gnubs PADMA DBANG RGYAL — A son and disc. of Khu lung pa.  17 II 389.5.  Had a disc. named 'Jam dpal.  Bio. in 193 I 302.6 ff.

Rtse sprul PADMA DBANG RGYAL — (b. 1936)  Stag lung rtse sprul sku.  Berg in NTFC I 2.  Tsepak Rigzin & Jeremy Russell, "Taglung Tsetrul Rinpoche, Dorje Drak and the Northern Treasure Tradition," Chö Yang 1 no 2 (1987) 16‑21.

Mnga' ris Paṇ chen PADMA DBANG RGYAL RDO RJE — (1487‑1542)  Sometimes simply Padma dbang rgyal.  Rnying ma pa.  Bio. in 33 304.  Best known for Sdom Gsum Rnam nges, one of the basic texts for Rnying ma students.  B. at Lhun grub Chos sdings in Glo bo Sman thang.  Son of ('Jam dbyangs) Rin chen rgyal mtshan (q.v.).  BD of T&TB III 632.  Lived 68 years.  210 265.5.  Pictured in 320 XX 671.  Work mentioned in Dargyay 255.  410 131B.3.  411 290B.4.  Blondeau 85 (?).  Sometimes called Gter chen.  Redisc. of Rig 'dzin Yongs 'dus cycle from which comes the Dus gsum Rgyal ba'i Spyi Sgrub in 87 VI 123‑140.  His Rig 'dzin Yongs 'dus in 87 X 353‑521.  His Gu ru Sgrub thabs Yon tan Gter Mdzod in 87 XI 1‑112.  Bio. in 210 258.1 ff.  Long name in 210 259.6.  128 848.  217 465.6 ff.  Mentioned in 76 2.  Redisc. in 87 XXX.

Mchog gi Sprul sku Zal Bla ma PADMA DBANG RGYAL — At his behest De'u dmar Dge bshes wrote his famous work on the arts.

PADMA DBANG CHEN — Son of Gu ru Chos dbang.  See 210 44.4.  17 IV 447.2.

Bcom ldan 'das PADMA DBANG CHEN — 320 IX 36.5.

PADMA DBANG CHEN — Considered incarnation of Lang gro.  BD of T&TB III 405.

Ku se PADMA DBANG CHEN — A teacher of Ngag dga' (b. 1879).  39 17.

Skyi ston PADMA DBANG CHEN — (ca. 1682)  458 I 234.4, 328.1.

Zur khang PADMA DBANG CHEN — (1894‑1917)  TS7 I 448.

PADMA DBANG CHEN DREGS PA — Many tantras with this or similar title in 320 XXIII-XXIV.

PADMA DBANG CHEN YANG GSANG KHROS PA — A form of Hayagrīva.  Cycle in 87 XXXIX.  N. of a tantra (13 chaps.) in 320 XXIV 591‑621, where it is said to have been translated by Vairocana and hidden at Yer pa Rdzong and then redisc. by Gter ston Gsum.  See under Dam tshig rdo rje.  Disc. of Nyang ral.  374 II 570.2 ff.  Tantra in Rnying Rgyud (1982) XXXI 395‑431 (in 13 chaps, tr. by Vairocana and hidden at Yer pa'i Rdzong).  This cycle's 3 protectors are subject of a rite in FM 117.19.05.  These 3 are: Has po ri'i Dur bdud (black), Brag dmar Bsam yas Btsan rgod (red).  Lha sa Ne ring Klu mo (white).  See 307349 I foreword.  Padma yang gsang khros pa Khrag 'thung Lha Dgu'i Las byang Gyer sgom 'Jigs med Rdo rje'i Sgra dbyangs, title of FM 310.00 (Taube 967), entitled Yang gsang Khros pa'i Rgyud in colophon, it was tr. by Vairocana and concealed at Yer ba se ba and then redisc. by Gter ston Rnam gsum, and transmitted to 'Dar phyar.  Tohoku 5748‑5754.  Rta mchog Yang gsang gi Brgyud 'debs , see FM 315.01.29.

Si tu xi PADMA DBANG MCHOG RGYAL PO — (1886‑1952)  B. in Li thang.  BD of T&TB VII 300.  Full name, 346 34.5.  Bio. in 346 (includes photograph).  Bio. by 'Jam dbyangs dge legs listed in BLP no. 0969.  See Padma dbang phyug rgyal po.

PADMA DBANG DRAG — Father of Karma chags med.  See Cuevas, Hidden History 153.

PADMA DBANG 'DUS — (b. 1697)  A smyon pa396TS7 I 145.

PADMA DBANG PHYUG — (17th‑18th cent.)  Gter ston of Gling tshang Rdzongs 'go.  TS5 820.

Rgya ston PADMA DBANG PHYUG — His Bla ma Bde mchog 'khor lo was redisc. once again by Mkhyen brtse'i dbang po.  See 87 IX 1‑141.  Gur mgon text in 87 LX.  Bio. in 210 55.5.  217 459.6 ff.  374 I 617.2.  383 219.1 (says he belonged to 4th rab byung).  410 56A.3, 166B.5.

Gter ston PADMA'I DBANG PHYUG — His bio. of Padmasambhava listed in BLP no. 0362.

PADMA DBANG PHYUG — Mon. near Lcags zam Dgon pa.  Ferrari 164.

Ta'i Si tu xi PADMA DBANG PHYUG RGYAL PO — (1886-1950)  Name usually spelled Padma dbang mchog rgyal po.

PADMA 'BUM — (modern)  Author of Dran tshe smin drug ske 'khyog, tr. into English by Lauran Hartley as Six Stars with a Crooked Neck: Tibetan Memoirs of the Cultural Revolution (Dharamsala 2001), in 148 pp.

PADMA 'BUM — One of 3 divisions of Mgo log.  TS5 395.

PADMA 'BYUNG GNAS — His Man ngag Lta ba'i Phreng ba in 205 1‑18 and 36 I.  Comm. on same in 212 XII.  Lam rim works in 36 I.  His Man ngag Rin chen Gser gling in 229 465‑571.  A dkar chag of Tibetan holy places in 239 XXX 1‑40.  Bio. called Bka' thang Dpag bsam ljon shing in 239 XVIII 553‑580.  Kværne, nos. 45, 56.  Bio. in 413 129.1 ff.  Bio., the Bka' thang Zangs gling ma by (Myang ral) Nyi ma 'od zer and verse bio. by Kong sprul and a collection by Tāranātha of Indian traditions about him all contained in 87 I.  Bio. by Sog bzlog pa in 110.  Bio. in 307 I 60‑70.  List of names in 87 I 258.2 ff.  'Gu ru Rin po che'i Rnam thar Bstod pa Dpyid kyi Sgra dbyangs in 116 529‑535.  Bio. acc. to Bon traditions in 87 LXIII.  132 88.4 ff.  4 162A.6.  Picture in 128 604, 668, 872.  206 553.2.  Bon bio. in SFHB 167‑183 (?).  BD of T&TB I 121‑147.  O rgyan Gu ru Padma 'byung gnas kyi Rnam thar Rgyas pa Gser gyi Phreng ba Thar Lam Gsal byed, in 117 chaps., redisc. by Sangs rgyas gling pa (1340‑?) at Shel brag (ZY 465‑2821).  For an impressive list of bios., see BLP nos. 0295‑0364.

PADMA MA TI — Author of story in 152 II 247‑260. 

Stag bla PADMA MA TI — (1591‑1637)  Author of a zhu lan text published in 1985.  See Cuevas, Hidden History 148 ff.

PADMA MI BSKYOD RDO RJE — Author of 'Bri gung pa Khu dbon Gsum gyi Rnam thar, listed in BLP no. 1568.

Rig pa 'Dzin pa PADMA'I MING CAN — TPS 540.

PADMA TSANDRA — A Bhutanese who taught Tibetan at Calcutta University in 1922‑3, and was finally killed, his head displayed at Lhasa in 1925, for allegedly being part of a coup attempt against the Dalai Lama which was supposed to bring Tsarong to secular power.  See McKay, Tibet & the British Raj, p. 113.  Goldstein, History 135.

Thugs rje chen po PADMA GTSUG TOR — In 87 XXXIX.

PADMA'I RTSA BA — See Na li pa.

PADMA'I RTSA LAG — Thondup, EL 39.  TPS 490.


PADMA TSHAL — A hidden country.  TS7 I 144.

PADMA TSHE KHRID — N. of a teaching revealed in a vision to Nags kyi rin chen (q.v.), and passed into the 'Brug pa school by Kun dga' dpal 'byor.  23 11.

Gung thang Chos sde'i Slob dpon PADMA TSHE BRTAN — 116 359.7, 372.5.

Śāstri PADMA TSHE DBANG — Author, Mi tshe'i Bro ba Mngar Skyur (Dharamsala 2001).  A novel.

PADMA TSHE DBANG BKRA SHIS — Aris, Boneless Tongue 154.

PADMA TSHE DBANG RTSAL — Alias of (Rwa ston) Stobs ldan rdo rje.

Gter ston Bstan gnyis gling pa PADMA TSHE DBANG RGYAL PO — (n.d.)  Had a 'Brug pa Mahāmudrā teacher named Bsod nams mchog ldan pa.  BD of T&TB III 447.  217 428.2.  210 195.2 ff.  410 78A.5.  87 LVI preface.  Lived in 7th rab byung acc. to 383 220.2.  383 419.5 ff.  Autobio. listed in BLP no. 1056.

PADMA TSHE RING — Pema Tsering, "Ein enzyklopädischer Text zur Geschichte der tibetischen Heilkunde," contained in: Heilen und Schenken—Festschrift für Günther Klinge, ed. by Herbert Franke and W. Heissig, Otto Harrassowitz (Wiesbaden 1980), pp. 107‑120.

PADMA MTSHO — In Lha thog Stod ma.  363 107.5.

PADMA MTSHO — Mother of Dri med lhun po.  210 246.1.

PADMA MTSHO — Wife of Grub be.  124 497.3.  Was also mother of Kham bu Yag legs (Kham bu Ya le).

PADMA MTSHO SKYID — See Jo mo Sman mor grags pa.

PADMA RDZONG — See under La phug.

PADMA BZHAD PA'I RDO RJE — See under Bzhad pa'i rdo rje.  Fifth incarnate of Lho brag Sgrub chen Las kyi rdo rje.  B. at Zangs ri.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 362.

PADMA BZHIN — In avadāna story.  TPS 460.

Mkhan chen PADMA BZANG PO — BA 412.  17 II 465.3.

Dge ba'i Bshes gnyen PADMA BZANG PO — (recent, 19th cent?)  116 21.4.  Almogi, MA thesis 98.

PADMA 'OD — A kind of paradise.  239 IX contents.

Ri khrod PADMA 'OD GLING — 12 XV 376.4.  Achard, L'Essence 59.

PADMA 'OD 'BAR — Subject of a play.  Blondeau in Zlos gar.

Khram PADMA 'OD ZER — 383 329.2.  420 I 584.4.

PADMA 'OD GSAL MDO SNGAGS GLING PA — See under Padma gar dbang bde chen 'od gsal.  87 LXXXVI 276.  Bio. in 410 185A.4.  411 320B.1.

PADMA YANG SKYID — (d. 1911)  Allione, Women of Wisdom 255.

Gnas chen Lha brag PADMA YANG RDZONG — Or, Yang rdzong, Yong rdzong.  363 12.1, 19.1, 25.2.

PADMA G.YANG RTSE — Pemiongche, Pemiongchi, Pemiangtse.  Sikkim mon. f. in 1704.  State monastery.  T.H. 61.  See Waddell 284‑285.  Singh 12‑13.  TR XV no. 10, p. 19.

PADMA G.YUNG DRUNG — "Author" of Snyan rgyud text in 260 615‑631.

PADMA G.YUNG DRUNG DPA' BO GSAS — Ramble in Mandala & Landscape 138.

PADMA RANG GROL — (d. 1837)  Work in 239 VIII.  Havnevik, Dissert. 65.

Gdong btsun PADMA RANG GROL 'OD GSAL GZI BRJID RTSAL — (b. 1843)  Author of bio. in 381 129‑559.

Rdzogs chen Sprul sku i PADMA RIG 'DZIN — Also, (Gter ston), (Grub dbang Rdzogs chen).  (1625‑1697)  Rnying ma pa.  Contemporary and associate of the Dalai Lama v.  39 7.  B. at Spu bo Ra zhi.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 244.  B. in area of Khams Ri bo che.  Pictures in 128 1068; 320 XXIV 2.  Alias Ra zhi Gter ston.  Bio. in 410 144A.3.  David‑Neel, Magic & Mystery 164.  His Stag gzig Nor Rdzong Phab nas Nor 'Byed Gtang Skor ('Dzam gling Ge sar Rgyal po'i Rtogs brjod las), publ. in Delhi 1967(?). in 73 pp. [79‑929020 or I Tib 219].  Cuevas, Hidden History 186.

Rdzogs chen vii PADMA RIG 'DZIN — (b. in about 1964)  Bio. in Kailash I no. 1, p. 14.

PADMA RIG 'DZIN — An especially brutal prison guard at Drapchi. Palden Gyatso, Autobio. 205.

Sa smad Bla ma Nyag bla PADMA RIG 'DZIN — Rnying ma pa.  Work published in 1977.

Bya bral PADMA RIG 'DZIN DBANG RGYAL — Autobio. listed in BLP no. 1446.

PADMA RIN CHEN — (ca. beginning of 20th century)  A Lama from Rdzogs chen Monastery in Khams, on his way to Bodhgaya when Paul Sherap met and joined him in his pilgrimage in India, and then in Tibet. Combe 29 ff.

Bzhad pa PADMA RIN CHEN — (1171‑1243)  Vitali in TS9 I 99.  He founded Chos sdings in La stod Byang before the 1240's.

Bal po PADMA RU TSE — BD of T&TB I 782.

PADMA LAS GROL — A n. of Klong chen Rab 'byams pa (q.v.).

PADMA LAS 'BREL RTSAL — In colophon of 329.

PADMA LAS 'BREL RTSAL — Esoteric n. of Ngag dbang dpal bzang (b. 1879), used in his tantric works.  39 1.  Author of Drang srong Gza' rgod kyi Sgrub Skor, teachings on propitiation of Rāhu, publ. 1974.

PADMA LAS 'BREL RTSAL — (1291‑1316)  Lived to be 25 (?).  A gter stonBD of T&TB III 435.  Alias, (Sprul sku) Rin chen tshul rdor.  His Mkha' 'gro Snying thig in 87 LXXXVII.  383 422.3.  Alias Tshul khrims rdo rje.  410 61A.6.  See bio. in 210 85.4.  See 217 216.1 ff.  17 IV 491.4, 494.2.  (1291‑1315)  His Mkha' 'gro Snying thig, publ. 1978.  Achard, L'Essence 66, 96.

PADMA LUNG RTOGS RGYA MTSHO — Author, Nye brgyud Gcod kyi Khrid yig Gsal bar Bkod pa Legs bshad Bdud rtsi'i Rol Mtsho, following the revelations of Bdud 'joms gling pa, and focusing on Ma gcig Khros ma Nag mo, publ. in Thimphu in 1978.  Editor of bio. of Bdud 'joms gling pa in 372 (see BLP no. 0200).  Evidently subject of Grub dbang Padma lung rtogs rgya mchog gi Rnam thar Byang chub Lam Bstan, LTWA no. KA 3/ 2506, author given as Tshul khrims blo bzang (total 119 pages).

PADMA LEGS GRUB — Alias of (Rtse le) Sna tshogs rang grol (q.v.).

PADMA SHEL PHUG — A 'place of meditation'.  12 XI (has a eulogy).  Place near Shel brag where O rgyan gling pa found Blon po Bka'i Thang yig (5th book of the Bka' thang Sde Lnga), and the Padma Thang yig.  A dkar chag in 239 XXX 101‑107.

PADMA SHEL RI — A mdo byang of this place in 239 XXX 139‑145 (also, 48.2)  In E Tibet.  Sardar‑Afkhami, Account 13.

Skyid po Dgon pa PADMA SHES RAB — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 117.4.

PADMA BSHES GNYEN — Bio. by Thub bstan bstan 'dzin listed in BLP no. 1307.

PADMA SIDDHI — (b. 1888)  Rnying ma pa.  Said to be incarnate of Avalokiteśvara and Srong btsan sgam po.  CM I 48.

Byang tshang pa PADMA SRI GCOD — A contemp. of Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho, and responsible for much of his medical writing, acc. to 23 19.

PADMA GSANG SNGAGS BSTAN 'DZIN CHOS RGYAL — (1760‑?)  Rnying ma pa.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 460.


PADMA GSANG BA — Indian pundit who came to Tibet about 20 years before Atiśa.  DTK5 76.

Lha lcam PADMA GSAL — Also, (Lha lci).  210 89.1 ff.  413 326.5.  458 I 367.3.

PADMA LHA RTSE — In ('Bri zla) Zal mo sgang of Khams.  23 28.

Re rong PADMA LHA RTSE — Subject of a work by Dis mgo Mkhyen brtse, Coll. Works, vol. 22.


PADMA YA BA BHA SI — N. of Padmasambhava in 87 I 247.4, 249.5.  Or, with sandhi spelling, Padma ba bha si (87 I 247.5.).

PADMA O RGYAN BSTAN 'DZIN — See O rgyan bstan 'dzin.

PADMO DKA' — Kapstein, Dialectic 272.

PADMO CAN — In avadāna story.  TPS 520.

PADMO CAN — N. of (Dpyal) A mo gha.  475 118.6.

PADMO CHOS RDZONG — Horlemann 138.

Nyes ltung 'gog mdzad PADMO DAM PA'I DPAL — Pictured in 128 8.

PADMO LDAN PA — TPS 496.  City in an avadāna.

Yid 'phrog mtshan dpes rab mdzes PAD MO DPAL — Pictured in 128 12.

PAD TSHA — Nickname of Rtogs ldan Shākya shrī.  363.

PAD TSHAL GLING — Dgon pa in Bhutan.  Olschak.  Aris, Discourse 7 n. 12.

PAṆ GRUB GSUM — Evidently refers to Kha che Paṇ chen, Mi tra dzo ki & Khro Lo.  See BLP nos. 1278‑1279.


PAṆ CHUNG — See (— —) Dā na shī la.

PAṆ CHUNG DGU — List in BD of T&TB I 870.

PAṆ CHEN BLA MA — Bell 105.  TPS 73, 412 ff.  Waddell 236.  Wylie 137 n. 204.

i) Blo bzang chos kyi rgyal mtshan (1567‑1662).

ii) Blo bzang ye shes (1663‑1737).

iii) Blo bzang dpal ldan ye shes (1738‑1780).

iv) Blo bzang bstan pa'i nyi ma [phyogs las rnam rgyal] (1781‑1854).

v) Blo bzang bstan pa'i dbang phyug (1855‑1882), alias Blo bzang bstan pa'i dbang phyug dpal ldan chos kyi grags pa.

vi) Thub bstan chos kyi nyi ma (1883‑1937); full name, Blo bzang thub bstan chos kyi nyi ma dge legs rnam rgyal.

vii) Chos kyi rgyal mtshan phrin las lhun grub (1938‑1989), alias Bskal bzang tshe brtan. 

For bios, see BD of T&TB V 546 ff.

Mon gyi Rgyal po PAN TRA LING GA — SFHB 672.4.

PAṆḌI TA DAD PA'I GLANG PO SKUL BA'I LCAGS KYU — Title by Kun dga' grol mchog listed in BLP no. 1276.

Grong khyer PAṆḌU PA'I BYA DNGOS — In Bhanga la?  87 I 254.2.

Slob dpon PAN NA KA PA — Quoted in 137 61.7.

Grong khyer PAṆ TSA PA — City in India.  24 I 89.7.

PAN TSO RA — In India.  56 93, 94.


PAR MKHAN — Pelliot says it is not Ferghana, as may seem, but a name of Aksu.  Pelliot, Notes on Marco Polo 714.

PAR TA NI — "byang phyogs par ta ni ru phyin na 'gro la phan par 'gyur."  Here it is evidently referring to Tibet, although difficult to explicate.  Zhi byed Coll. I 220.3.  I imagine Skt. vartani may be hiding here.

PAR TA PA — Mother of Pha dam pa.  124 432.3.

PAR TI KA — N. of a Bon text.  See discussion by  Mimaki in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 102.

PAR TI SMAL — See =Pra ti smal.  28 56+.

PAR BTAB RMAL —  =Par ti smal (q.v.).  28 58.

PARNA SHA WA RI — 'gro ba'i nad dang gnod pa sel bar byed pa'i rje btsun ma parṇa sha wa ri ri khrod lo ma can zhal gsum phyag drug ma.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 387.4.

PAR BA RONG — In Tsari.  17 IV 237.6, 242.4.

PAR PO SO BRGYAD —  =Bar po so brgyad.  Castle of Gshen rab's father.  Das 782.

PAR PHU — BA 893.

PAR PHU PA — See also Spar phu pa.  See (— — —) Blo gros seng ge.

PAR BAN — Barman, Farman.  LaRocca, Warriors 22 and note 26.

PAR BU —  =Par phu, =Spar phu.  Pl. where Par phu ba f. a mon.  57 IIB 357.1.

PAR MA — N. of a marketplace.  Emmerick.

PAR MOG — See H.W. Bailey, Iranica, BSOAS 11 no 1 (1943) 1‑5.  Evidently ultimately from Skt. pramukha, the head of a monastery.

PAR LUGS — N. of a school of dohā named after Par phu pa Blo gros seng ge.

PAR SHI — A forest in Bengal.  87 I 254.2.

PAR SHIG — Persia.  Das 782.  413 424.1.  Par shig, =Parśika, a kind of flower.  Das 782.


PI TIR RTA SO CHOS SDE — Vai.Ser. 223.

PI ḌA A TSARYA — See Piṇḍa A tsa rya.

PĪ NA PA — Or, Wī na pa.  His Bla ma was Buddha pa.  Or, Pi wang zhabs, Pi wang brdung.  Bio.  120 34‑36.  BD of T&TB I 646‑8.

PI PA SHA NA — ?  BD of T&TB X 22.8.

PI SPAL SKYES — Pippalāyana, in avadāna story.  TPS 500.

PI MU LA — Lit. "knee pass."  In Lo yul (Lahul) lat 32°, long. 77°.  79 87, no. 78.

PI DZI — N. of medical teacher of Gampopa.  46 42.  17 II 512.6.  Chances are this must be read Bi ji.

PI WANG ZHABS — See Pī na pa.

PI RA — A yul in Kālacakra lit.  Derge vol. 77, p. 276.6.

PI RI — See Be ri.

PI LING — A Sa bdag.  Vai.Kar. II 271, 294.

PI LING 'PHAR MA — KTDN 143.3 (Pi ling nag po on p. 144.1).

PI LING ZUR KHA — N. of mt.  4 283B.1.

PINDO PA — See Bhandhe pa.

PINDO PA BSOD SNYONS PA — BA 361.  17 II 411.4.

PINDO Ā TSĀ RYA — Disc. of Tsi lu pa.  17A VII pt. 1, p. 24B.2.  Hoffmann, Religions 128.  BD of T&TB I 780.

PIL COG — Pilchok.  KWT 86.

PU KANG — N. of a 'far island'.  BD of T&TB I 926, 927.  Spelled Pu khang in Chimpa, THBI 336.

PU KHANG — See Pu kang.


Glag gi PU CHUNG — Or, Phu chung.  pl.n.  OTA 674, 685, 694.

PU NYE SHWA RA — Chinese wife of Khotanese King with Indic name.  Emmerick.

PU TA LI PA — Also, Pu tra li pa.  See Su ta li pa.

PU TO DGON — Vai.Ser. 147.

PU TO BA — A teacher of Gampopa.  This would seem to be the early spelling for Po to ba, q.v.

Nyag ri PU TO BA — Student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

PU TRA MING SRING — Texts in 87 LXI.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 38 n. 50.

PU THANG — BA 336.

PU TA NA — N. of a city.  See Das 783.

PU NI SMAL —  =Bsod nams sde.  28 56.

PŪ N.YA CHEN PO — BD of T&TB I 814.

PU N.YA SMAL — Puṇyamalla.  King of Gu ge.  28 55+.

Bya khyung ba PUṆYA RA DZA — 210 125.5.


PU RANGS —  =Pu rang, Pu rong.  District in SE of Mnga' ris Skor Gsum, situated to N of W Nepal.  Das 783.  In Gu ge.  BD of T&TB X 26.6.

PU RAN PU RI — See under Za hor.

Gu ge PU RONG —  =Pu rangs (q.v.).  Has castle called Rgyal ti (q.v.)  5 177.5.

PU RONG PA — See (— — —) Dar ma rin chen.

PU LA HA RI — Pullahari, Phullahari.  73 56.2.  See Niyogi, SBM 287.  Discussion of its locations in Ehrhard, Register 156 (one is close to Nālandā, the other is in Kashmir).  RS 381-383.

PŪ LI PĀ TA —  =Byis pa'i zhabs.  N. of Dza landha ri pa.  BD of T&TB I 459.

Shar phyogs PŪ LI RA MA LA YA — A pl. on bay of Bengal in S Bengal where there is a stone linga.  BD of T&TB X 22.2‑.5.  Das 783.

Za hor gyi Grong khyer PU LU SA LA — BD of T&TB I 791.

Byang PUSHPA HA RI — Marpa studied w/ Nāropa here.  57 IIB 346.6.  46 13.  Tibetans thought it was in Kha che.  17 II 436.5.

PU HRANG RDZONG — One of the 4 administrative divisions of Mnga' ris in time of Dga' ldan Pho brang. TJ XXIII (1998) 108.

PU HRANGS —  =Pu rangs, q.v.  28 19.  Pl.n.  81 103.10, 116.

PU HRANGS LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — — —) Gzhon nu shes rab.

Tha nga PUNG MO THANG — Choix P.T. 1040 (notes).  Stein in McKay, History of Tibet I 601.

Padma Rigs kyi Sgrub lugs PUṆḌA RI KA'I RGYUD — 320 454 ff.

PUṆYA KA RA BHA DRA — See under Ha mu dkar po.

PUṆYA DHA RI — (14th cent.)  Puṇyadharī, a Mongol (or Tangut?) princess in time of Karma pa iv.  Toh, Ming 82.

PURṆA BADZRA — TS7 II 963.  Gang ba'i rdo rje.  A teacher of Tāranātha.  Mtshan tho no. 126.

PURṆA DZA RI — Lho Bal mtha' 'khob yul.  KTDN 57.3.

Dgra bcom pa PURNI KA — Dung dkar 172.

Yul PUR BA DE SHA — 120 147.13.

Rgyal mo Tsha ba rong gi Dge slong PUR RNA — 132 95.1.

PURNA GI RI — Pur ṇa gi ri.  "The Indian Gosain belonging to Joshimot who resided for many years at Tashilhunpo and accompanied Pancchen Rin po che Palden Ye s'es to Peking.  It was he who carried letters to Warren Hastings and founded the monastery of Bhot Bagan opposite Calcutta on the Howray side of the Hughli.  He was killed by dacoits who had robbed him of the large quantity of gold he had amassed during his residence in Tibet."  Das 784.  Engelhardt in TS9 I 238.

PURṆA PĀ LA — In 1583, a Newari artist.  17 IV 32.6.

PURNA BHI RI — Engelhardt in TS9 I 238.

Dgra bcom pa PUR MI — ?  476 III 44.4.

Gung ru Chos sde PUS TI MA — Vai.Ser. 252.

PUS MO SGANG — Near Yatung.  Maraini 197 ff.  See also Bell, Religions 16.  Spelled Pad mo sgang in Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 465.  It traditionally belonged to Zhu lineage.

Rgyal po PE DKAR —  =Pe kar, Pe har.  Appears in story of conversion of P. Sambhava.  87 I 269.2 ff.  4 224A.3.  247 I 285 ff.  Story of his appearance to 'Brom ston pa, see BA 253.

PE KAR GLING — For Pe har gling, at Bsam yas.  87 I 51.5, 135.2.  124 491.6.

Kla klo'i Drang srong PAI KHAM PA — BD of T&TB I 1001.  Laufer, Loan Words 481.  Kālacakra Studies 63.  From Persian Paigāmbar (payghāmbar, paikhambar), 'prophet'.  Means prophet in the sense of 'one who brings a message'.  G. Stroumsa, "Seal of the Prophets: The Nature of a Manichaean Metaphor," Jerusalem Studies in Arabic & Islam, vol. 7 (1986), pp. 61‑74, at p. 70. 

PE GU — N. of a 'far island'.  BD of T&TB I 926.  I think Pri yang ku refers to the same region in eastern coastal Burma.

PE TA — P.n.  See under Mgon mo skyid.

PE TA — Name of a people in proto‑Mongolia.  Nya khri went there, where he was called Por ta Ze ba, and became their king, explaining the origins of the Mongol royal line.  ZZFC 237.

An PE'U TIG — TS5 776.

PE PAR DBU SDE —  =Dpe pa chos sde.  Built by the western Tibetan king Nāgarāja.  Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp, "A Fifteenth Century Biography of Lha bla ma Ye shes 'od (947-1019/1024): Part One, Its Prolegomenon and Prophecies," p. 21.

PE'I MA ZI — Baima Si, the White Horse Monastery, the first Chinese monastery.  Thuken 353.


PE HAR — Pictures in 216A320 XXXIV 2.  See under 'Jigs bral ye shes rdo rje.  Following from Sog bzlog pa, Collected Writings, vol. 1, p. 273:  "Pe kar is [a] god of Hor. Even today the Hor people rely on him.  This is how he came to Tibet.  Padmasambhava appointed Great King Vaiśravaṇa as 'enemy god' of the Tibetan army. When the Tibetans went to war and conquered the meditation school of 'Ba' ta, Pe kar and his retinue fled to the sky. A yaksha messenger shot an arrow, and Pe kar fell to the ground.  Then Padmasambhava appointed him protector of all the gtsug lag khang, including Samye."  dpe dkar / gtsug lag khang gi don la 'jug pa yod deBtsan lha 443.  Karmay, Arrow 360 etc.  Image illus. in Po ta la (1996) 72.  Heller in TJ 27 no 1/2 (2002) 50 n. 20.  Kuijp, Edge 150 ff.  RRA 342-355.

PENTA PA — Disc. of Nāropa.  17 II 285.2, 453.  Said to have died in A mdo, where people say his body turned to stone and levitated.

PO RGYAN — BA 542.

PO NYA NA RE TA — Arhat.  Emmerick.

PO TA RI — BA 71, 93.  Henss, CMT 98.

PO TA RYA — Mon.  Emmerick.

PO TA LA — For the way Srong btsan sgam po's palaces on Dmar po ri were believed to have looked, see the illus. in Po ta la (1996) 120.  For a sketch of the history of the building, see Sørensen, Restless Relic 861.  The Fifth Dalai Lama believed a Potala existed in early imperial times; see Ahmad 47.  Kuijp in RET 46 (2018) 16, notices that the term "Potala" was already associated with Dmar po ri in mid-14th century, well before the rise of the Dalai Lamas.

PO TA LA KA — TPS 552‑3.  On the Chinese holy island by this name, see for example Toh, Ming 116‑118.

Gong dkar ba Slob dpon PO TA LA PA — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0380.

PO TI BLA MA — See (Ser byes po) (— — — —) (Rje drung) Shes rab dbang po.

PO TI DMAR CHUNG — Text on Lam 'bras.  374 I 465.2.

PO TO — 'Phan yul gyi Dgon pa where Sgam po pa went after his wife died.  4 223A.2.  Po to Dgon pa.  BA 268.  Description in  Roesler, KSP 46‑49, with photos.

PO TO BA — See (— — —) Rin chen gsal (1031‑1105).  (— — —) Phyogs las rnam rgyal.

PO BSTOD — Verses of praise to Spyan ras gzigs by Dge slong ma Dpal mo contained in Tanjur.  Comm. in 505 285‑310.

PO MTHON — One of the 10 Rgod stong sde of Sum pa'i Ru.  28 84.

PO DONG — BA 147, 273.

PO POR KHAL — 208 I 239.3‑.4.

PO BRAG PA — See Spom brag pa.

PAU YAN THAU —  =Buyantu Khan, =Jen Tsung (1311‑1320).  27 22‑24.

PO YEN DO — Nunnery.  Emmerick.

PO RUB — BD of T&TB VII 167.

PO RE — BA 185.

PO LO NA JO — Nunnery.  P'o lo na in Chinese =Ferghana.  Emmerick.

PO LON — An ancient people.  && 175, 151 [unfortunately the ref. is lost].  In SW Amdo.  Had non‑Buddhist population, acc. to Thu'u 460.  See Po lan in Beckwith, Tibetan Empire 23.  See also So lon, which may be the correct reading.

PO LON SHAN — From Chinese Po lung tui, meaning White Dragon Hills.  See 82 91.

PO SHOG THU — TS5 602.  Galden Boshugtu Khan (Po shog thu Han).  Thuken 376.

POG TO CHA HAN — See (— — — —) Bkra shis rgya mtsho.  =Bog to Cha han.

POD SER — Lit. "Yellow Volume." An early Lam 'bras anthology.  Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 178.

Yul lha POM TING — Dotson, D&L 23.

POR TA ZE BA — Haarh, Yar luṅ 96.

POR MDZOD — N. of Tibetan tribe.  Das 786.

PYUGS SPOS MA NYE DU — Bellezza, L&T 37.

Bram ze mo PRA KĀ SA SHĪ LA — "rab tu gsal ba'i ngang tshul ma."  BD of T&TB I 355.

PRA GA RDZYO TI SHA — Prāgjyotiṣa.  N. of mt. said to be situated beyond mts. of Susrīmo Parvata inhabited by gods, where asuras cause the gods constant trouble.  Sometimes identified w/ Assam.  Das 786.

Zhang zhung gi yul PRA TA SI RA — 491 70.5.

Kong po PRA TI BA — BD of T&TB III 775.

PRA DUN RTSE — A lha khang, one of a set of 12 temples said to have been erected by Srong btsan sgam po, this one being in the north or northwest part of Tibet.  Das 786.  5 182.4.  Pra dum rtse re built on left knee of she demon.  17 II 318.2.  Gcad Pra dum rtse'i Lha khang.  87 I 135.5.  253 II 224.2‑3.  396 pref. 2‑3.  TS7 II 1035, etc.  Havnevik, Dissert. 241.  Ramble in RET 15 (2008) 490.  Article by Ramble in Sørensen Festschrift (note the spelling Kra rum).

PRA DHA MU NYA — A pl. in Za hor.  Kuijp, Edge 142.

PRA DHA RA — Nyingma tantric.  320 XIX 2.

PRA BHA SHA — A shrine in 'Gum tir Mon.  Emmerick.

Shri PRA BHA TA — See =Kam bha la.  120 92.16.

PRA BHA HA STI — Picture in 320 IX 3.  Pra bha ha ti.  Bio. in BD of T&TB I 205.

Smad tshong PRA MA NI LA TA — 87 I 89.3.

PRA MU RA BADZRA — Or, more correctly, Pra mu da badzra.  =Pramuditāvajra.  Disc. of Nāropa.  17 II 409.3.  BA 384.

PRADZNYĀ — A Mongol descendent of Qubilai who requested from Bu ston Kālacakra initiations in Tibet in 1353.  An astronomical treatise, in Arabic, was dedicated to him.  Kuijp, KPTB 48.

PRADZNYA KHI KHAR —  =Shes rab 'od zer.  Abbot of Sman ri in 1686.  Kværne no 162.  Work in 278 167‑91.


PRADZNYA DHWA DZA — 373 I 28 (picture, p. 29).

PRADZNYĀ PĀ LA — One of the three ordained by Dharmapāla in the Stod 'dul tradition.  Mtshan tho no. 30.


Paṇḍi ta PRA DZNYĀ BA LI — At (Dbus) 'Gyur 'chang in time of Ye shes 'od.  17 II 349.3.

PRA DZNYA BHA DRA — Subj. of bio. listed in BLP no. 1321.  Shes rab bzang po, evidently.

PRA DZNYA BHA BA — N. of Dga' rab rdo rje.  BD of T&TB I 301.  LGCM 587.3.

PRADZNYĀ WARMA — In Tib., Shes rab go cha, q.v.  Author of the Khyad par 'Phags Bstod kyi 'Grel pa, who may or may not have visited Tibet.  Mtshan tho no. 39.


PRADZNYĀ INDRA RU TSI —  =Shes rab dbang po mdzes pa (q.v.).

PRA WARDHA — BD of T&TB I 565.

PRA YA GA — A yul in India.  BD of T&TB I 798.

PRA SHO ZANG HE — 253 II 382.3.

PRA SU TI — A yul in India.  132 107.

PRA SE NA DZIT  Prasenajit.  Uspensky in TS9 I 222.

PRA SEN DBAB PA — Title of work in 145 34A.1 ff.

Smad tshong ma PRA HA RA TI — 413 144.5.

PRA HA RA ṆI — BD of T&TB I 300.

Slob dpon PRA HASTI — Teacher of Padmasambhava  87 I 16.5, 17.1, 19.5, 30.4.  Picture in 128 66A.

PRAGS — See (— kyi) Glang ma gur phub.

PRANG — See (—) Rdo rje kun grags.

PRANG TI — See (— —) Rgyal nye mkhar bu.

PRA TI SMAL — Pṛthvīmalla.  King of Gu ge.  Patron and donor of Sa skya.  28 55+.

PRA BA KA RA — Prabhākara.  Roesler in Facets 156.

PRI YANG KU'I GLING — 413 424.1.  This country name appears in several listings, sometimes spelled like Spri yang gu, etc.  See especially the entry "Piyaṅgudīpa" in Encyclopaedia of Buddhism.

'Dul 'dzin PRE TA KA — In Bal po, 10th‑11th centuries.  17 II 353.6.  He taught Vinaya text to Zhang zhung pa.

PRE TA PU RI — A n. for Tibet, or a part of it, given by Atiśa.  Btsan lha 440.  It would seem to mean "City of Hungry Ghosts."

DPAG MED RDO RJE — Kurtis Schaeffer's  Dissert. 154, 156.  Sanskrit n. should be Amitavajra, or possibly even Amṛtavajra.

DPAG MED GNON MA — A Tārā.  128 1114.

DPAG MED 'BAB PA — Das 413, no. 52.

DPAG SHOD — (sp?)  N. of village in Khams belonging to estate of Kun bde gling.  Das 787.

DPAG SHOD RNGU — Kuijp in  Lungta 14 (2001) 68.


DPAG BSAM KHA — Buxa.  Aris, Discourse 68 n. 38.

DPAG BSAM 'KHRI SHING — Avadāna Kalpalatā by Kṣemendra, composed in 1052.  See Jackson in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation 112.

DPAG BSAM RGYA DRUNG — Aris, Discourse 7.

DPAG BSAM LJON BZANG — Subj. of article in TJ VI, no. 1; VI, no. 2; VI, no. 4.

DPAG BSAM DAR RGYAS — 'Brug pa.  Disc. of Dpon slob Grub dbang (a disc. of Stag tshang ras pa) and teacher of ('Khrul zhig) Ngag dbang tshe ring.  95 preface.  B in L. 17.

Tre ho II DPAG BSAM DBANG PO — B. in southern La stod.  Ordination n., Karma bslab gsum rgya mtsho.

'Brug chen DPAG BSAM DBANG PO — (1593‑1641)  Dus zhabs pa Dpal rgyas dbang po, Dpal 'Brug pa Rin po che Rgyal dbang Thams cad Mkhyen pa Dpag bsam dbang po thub bstan yongs 'du'i dpal gyi sde'i Rnam par Thar pa Skal bzang Kun tu Dga' ba'i Zlos gar (Darjeeling 2002), in 575 pp.

DPANG — See (— —) Sangs rgyas mgon.

DPANG KHA — See (— —) 'Dar chung.

DPANG NAS SKYES — Disc. of Gautama?  413 28.1.

DPANG LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — —) Blo gros brtan pa.

DPANGS KONG — Province of W Tibet.  Mtsho mo Mngar la ri may be called Mtsho Dpangs kong.  For towns and geographical features, see 79 85 no. 71.

DPA' GOR — See (— —) Bai ro tsa na rakshi ta.

DPA' RGYUD — Branch of 'Gos family.  73 415.2 ff.

DPA' CHAD — An area of Ru lag.  Lde'u 257.


DPA' BDUN — In Zangs mkhar, lat. 33°, long. 78°.  See 79 85 no. 38.  =Dpa' gdum.  B in L. 46.

DPA' BA'I BYIN — Thondup, EL 39.

DPA' BO — Lineage of incarnation at Gnas nang Mon.  Ferrari 168.  Began in circa 1440 w/ Dpa' bo Chos dbang lhun grub.

(— — i) Chos dbang lhun grub.

(— — ii) Gtsug lag phreng ba.

(— — iii) Gtsug lag rgya mtsho.

(— — iv) Phrin las rgya mtsho.

(— — v) Gtsug lag don grub.

(— — vi) Gtsug lag dga' ba.

(— — vii) Gtsug lag chos kyi rgyal po.

DPA' BO SKYE — Skt. Vīraja.  N. of a town S of Vajrāsana.  Das 870.

DPA' BO KHRO 'BAR — A mediumistic diety of demoniac form.  A general of Khams killed in battle.  Hoffmann in TJ X 11.

Me ri Bka' ma DPA' BO BRGYAD PHUR GYI SGRUB PA — Title in 325 475‑89.

Sprul sku DPA' BO CHOS DBANG — 210 166.3.

Byang sems DPA' BO'I STOBS — 128 790.

Gzhon nu DPA' BO STOBS LDAN — Achard, L'Essence 51.

DPA' BO DUL — N. of Bhima, the Pāṇḍava.  Das 98.

DPA' BO RDO RJE — Disc. of E la rda ri.  BD of T&TB I 506.  An Indian pundit who wandered to Tibet to see the snow mountains, but arrived at the place of 'Brog mi and taught Dharma.  Mtshan tho no. 64.  Jackson, MB 140.

DPA' BO RDO RJE — Gsang mtshan of Shes rab dbang po mdzes pa (q.v.).

Rgyal po DPA' BO RDO RJE — 17 IV 371.3.

Dbu ma pa DPA' BO RDO RJE — Uspensky in TS9 I 225.  Teacher of Tsong kha pa.  Dreyfus, Sound 178.  A work transcribed by him is found within TBRC no. W1NLM6793.

DPA' BO RDO RJE DON GRUB — Bio. by Kun bzang padma 'phrin las listed in BLP no. 1337.

DPA' BO'I SDE — Disc. of Atiśa.  17 II 282.3.

DPA' BO SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Rdo rje gtsug lag dga' ba.

DPA' BO RIG RTSAL THOGS MED — N. of Shākya shrī (1853‑1919).  334 colophons.

DPA' BO RO GLUD — Karmay, Arrow 359.

DPA' BO ROL PA — Disc. of Atiśa.  17 II 282.4.

DPA' RTSAL — Protector of Kirti Monastery.  Berounsky, Murdered 29.

DPA' RTSAL PA — Aris in BSOAS 39 (1976) 615.

DPA' ZLA — Subcommanders under the Ru dpon (q.v.).  28 84.

DPA' RI — BA 63.

DPA' RIS — Kuijp, TBMP 457.

DPA' RE SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Dkon mchog bde chen.

So DPA' LEGS — LGCM 650.2.  Achard, L'Essence 81.

DPA' SHI — Official title.  TS5 670.  See (— —) Grags pa dbang phyug.

DPAL KWA — Rock, Nāga Cult I 143.

DPAL SKYED TRE TSHANG DGON — Bon mon. in Amdo.  253 II 638.1.

Khyim bdag DPAL SKYES — 132 95.4.  131 28.2.  Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 2, p. 88.

DPAL SKYONG — King of Shambhala.  128 1012.

Dge bshes DPAL SKYONG — Disc. of Tsong kha pa.  165 I contents.

DPAL KHANG CHOS MDZAD — A Karma pa.  39 5.

DPAL KHANG CHOS MDZAD LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — — — — —) Karma phrin las.

DPAL KHANG LO TSĀ BA — Mentioned in BD of T&TB III 724.  See (— — — — —) Ngag dbang chos kyi rgya mtsho.  (— — — — —) Ngag dbang chos kyi rgyal po.

DPAL KHUD MTSHO — TS7 I 269. See Andrew Quintman, Toward a Geographic Biography: Mi la ras pa in the Tibetan Landscape, Numen, vol. 55 (2008), pp. 363‑410, at p. 382. Hildegard Diemberger, "The Buddhist Princess and the Woolly Turban," Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines, vol. 15 (November 2008), 337‑356, at p. 345.

DPAL KHUD KYI RDZONG — Milarepa stayed there.  4 116A.3.  Dpal khud kyi thang dkyil.  4 191B.6, 200B.4.  Dpal khud.  4 200B.3.

DPAL 'KHOR CHOS SDE — TS5 560.  At Gyantse.  Precious Deposits III 193.

Nyang stod DPAL 'KHOR BDE CHEN — Vai.Ser. 200.  5,000 monks!  17 III 528.5.  This is apparently the earlier name of Dpal 'khor Chos sde, q.v.

DPAL 'KHOR BTSAN — Son of 'Od srung.  DTK5 184.  Achard, L'Essence 20‑21.  He died in his 31st year, a Water Ox year, at Yar lungs Sham po.  HS XXXVI 426.6.

DPAL 'KHOR LO BDE CHEN CHOS SDE — Earlier name for Dpal 'khor Chos sde (q.v.).

DPAL GRONG SHAG PA — Involved in Amban murders of 41 I 7.

Khyung po DPAL DGE — Terton.  Kværne, Canon 39 (no. 117).  Bio. 383 410.3 ff, 420.6.  410 43B.3.  His bio of Gu ru Rin po che listed in BLP no. 0318.

DPAL MGON — See (— —) 'Phrin las.

DPAL GYI MGON — 1st Tibetan king of Ladakh.  DTK5 185.

DPAL MGON BDUN BCU — Allen, Search for Shangri La, map on p. 141.

DPAL MGON 'PHRIN LAS — Kuijp in CAJ 37 (1993) 194.  Alias Dpal 'byor phun tshogs.  http://www.tibet‑encyclopaedia.de/pelgoen‑thrinle.html.

Dmu gshen DPAL MGON GSAS — Father of Klu dga'.  253 II 185.1.

DPAL MGRIN — N. of Dbang phyug.  Das 909.  Lit. "Glorious Neck."

Khyung tsha DPAL 'GRAN — Sister of G.yung drung rgyal mtshan.  4C 24.  4A 11B.6.  Also, Dpal rgyan, or Dpal 'dren.  4X I 84.3.

Paṇ chen DPAL GYI RGYA MTSHO — 17th 'Bri gung abbot.  37 32.

DPAL GYI RGYAL MTSHAN — A contemporary of Gnubs Sangs rgyas ye shes.  See Matthew Kapstein, The Strange Death of Pema the Demon Tamer, in M.K., ed., The Presence of Light (Chicago 2004), pp. 119‑156, at p. 138.

Lad po pa DPAL RGYAL MTSHAN — Terton.  410 123A.5.

DPAL RGYAS — See Henss in Pal, On the Path to Void 109.  See P. Pal et al., Tibet: Tradition & Change (The Albuquerque Museum 1998) 2‑3 (pl. 1).  It seems to be a place in Khyung lung.  See Gur gyam.  Have seen it phoneticized as "Palkye."


DPAL SGANG LO TSĀ BA — Bio. by Lha dbang Kun dga' legs listed in BLP no. 1315.  This might well be Dpal khang Lo tsā ba (?).  See under Karma 'phrin las.

DPAL SGRON — 115 128.1.

DPAL CHU — TS7 I 478.

DPAL CHEN — "yang dag thugs kyi sgrub pa mdzad pas dpal chen po'i zhal gzigs."  Work on Dpal chen Yang dag in 212 V.

Rgyal bu DPAL CHEN — 352 563.10.

DPAL CHEN SKYABS — Vitali in TS9 I 88.

DPAL CHEN GLING PA — C.C. Reedy in J. of the American Inst. for Conservation 30 (1991) 21.

Mgo log gi A skyong DPAL CHEN MGON PO — 440 310.6.

DPAL CHEN CHOS YE — One of chief discs. of 'Jig rten mgon po.  Short bio. in 37 9B.

DPAL CHEN DREGS PA 'DUL — Picture in 320 XXX 2.

Sngags 'chang DPAL CHEN RDO RJE — Stein, Recherches 80.


DPAL CHEN MO — Goddess Mahāśrī, ritual texts in 233 105 ff, 147 ff.

DPAL CHEN TSHE DBANG — Son of (Thod smyon) Bsam 'grub.  124 482.3 ff.

DPAL CHEN 'OD PO — (1150‑1203)  Sa skya pa.  Son of Kun dga' snying po and father of Sa skya Paṇḍi ta.  Dhongthog 74.  Cassinelli, Tib. Principality 13.

DPAL CHEN RI BO — N. of mts. at lower Skyid where Thang stong founded 108 mons.  Wylie 74, 146 no. 284.

Spa ston DPAL MCHOG RGYAL — Disc. of Gshen sgur.  =Dpal mchog bzang po (but see Brgyud rim, where there is a later Dpal mchog bzang po), b. in 1014.  Kværne (entry for the year 1014).  253 II 192.1, 413.6.

DPAL MCHOG DANG PO — Tantra in 320 XVII 177.  339-deity maṇḍala of Yoga class.  349 V 492‑720.

Sum pa Lo tsā ba DPAL MCHOG DANG PO'I RDO RJE — 374 61.6.  Called Sum bha Dpal mchog dang po'i rdo rje in Mtshan tho no. 48, which says that he attained realization through the Tārā teachings he received at Rdo rje gdan as well as the Blo sbyong Snyan brgyud from Phag mo.  He is chiefly remembered for bringing the Bde mchog Mkha' 'gro Rgya mtsho to Tibet.  He was paternal uncle of Sum bha Lo tsā ba Dharma yon tan (i.e., Sum pa Lo tsā ba Dar ma yon tan).

Slob dpon DPAL MCHOG PA — CFMS 95.

DPAL GYI SNYING PO — Brother of Atiśa.  17 II 280.3.  BA 241‑2.  114 2B.5.  Called (Dge slong) Birya tsandra (i.e. Vīryacandra).

Gro DPAL GYI SNYING PO — (9th cent.)  Lde'u 322.

DPAL THANG — Pl. in E Tibet.  TS7 I 478.

La stod DPAL THANG — BA 1021.


DPAL DAR 'BUM — Female disc. of Milarepa.  For their meeting see 4 chap. XII, p. 58B ff.

Men zhang DPAL DRUNG — (b. 1168)  TS7 II 1027, 1034.

DPAL GDUGS — Havnevik, Dissert. 171.

DPAL BDUN — Namdak, Vocabulary, pp. 900‑901.

Khyung pa DPAL 'DREN — See (Khyung tsha) Dpal rgyan.  4X I 84.3, 118.1.

Btsun mo Lha lcam DPAL 'DREN — 115 6.5.

A ne DPAL 'DREN — A lady of Skyid grong who followed Thang stong as his servant.  5 174.1.

DPAL GYI RDO RJE — One of 25 discs. of Padmasambhava.  128 634.

Ma cig DPAL GYI RDO RJE — Vitali in Lungta 16 (Spring 2003) 5.

Lha lung DPAL GYI RDO RJE — (fl. early 9th century)  He was b. in 'Brom stod Gung mo che.  His lay name was Stag nya bzang.  He fought on the borders with China and subdued the Chinese. He read a dhāraṇī that fell from his helmet, which seemed to say that when he would die he would go to hell.  Disturbed by this he went to Bsam yas and was ordained by Vimalamitra.  This biographical info. is found in Mkhas pa'i Dga' ston (PRC ed.), vol. 1, p. 365.  HS XXXVI 419.2.  Hazod in Tropper, Epigraphic 68 ff.

DPAL LDAN — Author of Gling rje Ge sar Rgyal po'i Sgrung Rma med Jo ru Rgyal po'i Rdzu 'phrul gyis Mdzad pa Kha shas Phyogs bsgrigs, Si khron Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Chengdu 2000), 366 pp.  Author of Gling rje Ge sar Rgyal po'i Sgrung Gnam gling Lug rdzong, Si khron Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Chengdu 1999), 499 pp.

Zhag Stag rtse Dgon pa'i Dbu mdzad DPAL LDAN — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 121.4.

Sde pa DPAL LDAN — Kuijp in JAOS (1994) 599.

Mkhas grub DPAL LDAN BKRA SHIS — DTK5 132.

Men ju DPAL LDAN BKRA SHIS — (1377‑?)  BD of T&TB V 633.  Kuijp, Some Remarks 130.  Evidently this person is subj. of the paper by Jia Weiwei contained in: Shen Weirong, ed., History through Textual Criticism: Tibetan Buddhism in Central Eurasia & China Proper (Beijing 2012).  See also Toh, Ming 180‑181.

DPAL LDAN MKHYEN BRTSE'I 'OD ZER — See under Mkhyen brtse'i 'od zer.

DPAL LDAN GRAGS — Minister under Pri ti smal (q.v.).  28 55.

DPAL LDAN GRAGS PA — A Blo gsal gling monk who was publicly humiliated during his Dge bshes exams.  See Dreyfus, Sound 315 ff.

DPAL LDAN GRAGS PA — 38th in gdan rabs of Bkra shis 'khyil.  BD of T&TB V 833.  (1766‑1840)

'Bi lung DPAL LDAN GRAGS PA — Autobio., Bkra shis lhun po print, listed in BLP no. 1409.

Yongs 'dzin Dam pa DPAL LDAN GRAGS PA — 51st in gdan rabs of Dga' ldan (from 1721‑1727).  BD of T&TB VI 183.  Picture in 128 938.

Khyung DPAL LDAN GRUB — DTK5 184.

DPAL LDAN GROS — Beyer 172.

DPAL LDAN DGYES PA'I RGYUD — Text in 319 III 249‑52.

Bde rgu Che ba DPAL LDAN RGYA MTSHO — Abbot of Dgon lung from 1665‑1672.  332 II 20.

Rdo ba Rab 'byams pa DPAL LDAN RGYA MTSHO — Abbot of Dgon lung from 1690‑3.  332 II 22.

Gtsang Mkhan chen 'Jam dbyangs DPAL LDAN RGYA MTSHO — (1610‑1684)  23 48.  His autobio. publ. in 2 vols. (1975) along with Rnam thar of his disc. Grags pa rgya mtsho.  Collected Works in 5 vols. (1976).  Also called 'Jam dpal bshes gnyen.  Author of bios. of Zhabs drung i and Zhwa nag x.  See under Rdo rje phur pa.  Author of a poetic bio. of Atiśa (Thimphu 1982), that has been published also in  HS VI 1‑430.

DPAL LDAN RGYAN — Daughter of Karma pakshi.  TS7 I 272.

DPAL LDAN RGYAL MTSHAN — 40th Khri thog of Dga' ldan (from 1654‑1661).  BD of T&TB VI 164.  Picture in 128 928.

Ngor Mkhan chen xxiii DPAL LDAN CHOS SKYONG — His autobio. publ. in 4 vols. (1974‑1975).  Bio. in 383 621.1 ff, 627.6.  Autobio. listed in BLP no. 0651.

Ngor Phan khang DPAL LDAN CHOS SKYONG — (1702‑1759? d. 1754?) 440 293.6.  33rd or 34th abbot of Ngor and founder of Phan khang.  Autobio. important for religious history of the time.  20 18.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 0239.  He is probably the Bla ma Dpal ldan chos skyong whose name is found on the back of a Virūpa image reproduced in Detlef I. Lauf, Eine Ikonographie des tibetischen Buddhismus, Akademische Druck und Verlagsanstalt (Graz 1979), pp. 64‑65.

Paṇ chen v Rje DPAL LDAN CHOS KYI GRAGS PA BSTAN PA'I DBANG PHYUG — (1854‑1882)  Waddell 236.  (1853‑1882)  Dreyfus, Sound 300‑301.

Lha 'brang Bla ma DPAL LDAN CHOS RGYAL — (ca. 1831)  471 112.3.

Mkhan chen DPAL LDAN CHOS 'PHEL — Ordinator of Blo bzang rta mgrin (1867‑1937).  224 intro.


DPAL LDAN 'CHI MED GRUB MCHOG YE SHES NYI MA 'PHRIN LAS RNAM PAR RGYAL BA'I SDE — Complete ordination n. of 'Brug chen viii.

DPAL LDAN 'JAM DBYANGS BLA MA — (15th cent.)  "gtsang nyang stod du 'khrungs." BD of T&TB III 728.


DPAL LDAN DAR — (1424‑1510)  Author of Rang byon Jo bo 'Phags pa Wa ti bzang po'i Rnam thar Nyi ma'i Dkyil 'khor, existing in a blockprint dated 1525, in Nepal‑German Manuscript Preservation Project, reel no. L546/4.  Ehrhard has reproduced it in his book.

Mngon dga' yi Chos rje DPAL LDAN DAR — DTK5 139.

G.yas ru Bzhad DPAL LDAN DAR LDING — F. by Ye shes blo gros in 1233.  253 II 594.5.  See under Dar lding.

Mkhas grub DPAL LDAN DAR PO — Of Pu rong.  In Thang lugs trans.  29 7.

DPAL LDAN DON GRUB — (19th cent.)  CHMO 15 43 ff.

'Khon DPAL LDAN DON GRUB — Original n. of Sa skya Paṇḍi ta (q.v.).

Stag phu Gru shri DPAL LDAN DON GRUB — Subj. of bio. listed in BLP no. 1027.

Dar han Mkhan po DPAL LDAN DON GRUB — (d. 1871)  440 297.4, 306.6 etc.

DPAL LDAN RDO RJE — (active 1930's)  Peng in TS9 IV 70.

DPAL LDAN RDO RJE — A brass alloy image of "Palden Dorje" was illus., with a lengthy (and partially legible) inscription, in Walter Arader Himalayan Art, catalog for the year 2015, as placed on the internet.  See also HAR no. 30147, although here the back side with the inscription is not shown.

DPAL LDAN RNAM RGYAL — N. of Bdag po dpal, q.v.

A skyid DPAL LDAN DPAL 'BYOR — 253 II 486.4.

Ye shes Mkha' 'gro'i Gtso mo DPAL LDAN 'PHRENG — Picture in 128 552.

DPAL LDAN 'PHRENG BA — A rishi.  3 12.

Mkhan chen DPAL LDAN BLO GROS — Uhlig, On the Path to Enlightenment 194.

Gsang phu ba DPAL LDAN BLO GROS BZANG PO — Author of a comm. on the Skyes rabs So bzhi pa, listed in BLP no. 0169.

DPAL LDAN TSHUL KHRIMS — (1321‑1387).  Disc. and author of bio. of Bla ma dam pa (listed in BLP no. 0781).  Kuijp in TH&L 290 n. 16.  Subj. of bio. (ms. in 17 fols.) by Dkon mchog rgyal mtshan listed in BLP nos. 0772, 1329.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1488.  Bio. listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 334.

Ri khrod ma DPAL LDAN MTSHO MO — In O rgyan Bsnyen sgrub transmission.  17 IV 438.2.

DPAL LDAN BZANG PO — (1318‑1370)  Prince of Rgyal rtse.  TS5 559.  See Lo Bue in Skorupski, ed., Indo‑Tibetan Studies (Tring 1990), p. 181.

DPAL LDAN BZANG PO — (early 15th cent.)  Official at Gro tshang Rdo rje 'chang in Amdo.  Sperling in Lungta 14 (2001) 80.  Presence at Ming court recorded for 1407.

Grub chen DPAL LDAN BZANG PO — A teacher of Grags pa mtha' yas (1469‑1531).  49 preface.

'Dul nag pa DPAL LDAN BZANG PO — His Guhyasamāja comm. publ. in 1979.  See Kapstein, Assimilation 134, on this Dge lugs pa teacher's concealment of a gter ma text at Sre rgyud Mgon khang.

Spyan snga DPAL LDAN BZANG PO BA — (1383‑1407)  Dpal ldan bzang po was his birth name.  Grags pa blo gros was his noviciate name.  Abbot of 'Bri khung.  BA 587.  Son of Shākya rin chen.

Ya ngal DPAL LDAN BZANG PO — 253 II 471.6 ff.

Ma gcig DPAL LDAN BZANG MO — Kuijp in TH&L 301 n. 24.

DPAL LDAN YE SHES — Third Panchen =Blo bzang dpal ldan ye shes.  (1739‑1780).  One Snyoms las pa Dpal ldan ye shes authored the Rgyal sras Thogs med bzang po'i Rnam thar listed in Drepung Catalog 1512.

DPAL LDAN RIN CHEN — A lama at Stag lung in about 16th cent., illus. in Heller, Tibetan Art 196.

Yongs 'dzin DPAL LDAN RIN CHEN RGYA MTSHO — See under Lo chen Sprul sku.

Jo nang Sgrub chen DPAL LDAN LEGS PA — Contemp. w/ Thang stong.  5 255.3.

DPAL LDAN SHES RAB — Founder of Khrig rtse Monastery in Ladakh in 15th century.

DPAL LDAN SANGS RGYAS — Patronized by Rnam rgyal lde.  DTK5 127.

DPAL LDAN SENG GE — (d. 1342)  Rhies & Thurman 150.  He is truly an associate of certain 14th cent. figures.

DPAL LDAN SENG GE — Teacher of Bu ston (1290‑1364) who combined traditions of Rwa and 'Bro.  27 86.  Picture in 128 342.  Author of work in 307 I 544‑9 etc.

Gdan sa Gnyis pa DPAL LDAN SENG GE — 2nd abbot of 'Bras spungs.  Vai.Ser. 92.

Bya khyung DPAL LDAN SENG GE — 210 123.4, 124.1, 125.4.

Bya bral ba DPAL LDAN SENG GE — Drepung Catalog 1524.

DPAL LDAN BSOD NAMS — (14th cent.)  A woman.  Kuijp in TH&L 285.

DPAL SRI THAR — 377 8B.2 ff.

DPAL LDE — King.  17 II 347.6.  DTK5 91.

DPAL GYI LDE RIG PA MGON —  =Dpal mgon, king of Gu ge (q.v.).  28 52.

DPAL SDINGS DGON — Vai.Ser. 212.  In Dolpo.  Map in Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 141.

DPAL SDE — Lake Palti, also called Yar 'brog Mtsho, dedicated to the Bstan ma called Rdo rje bgegs kyi gtso bo.  TPS 728.  See Wylie 117, no. 28. Also called G.yu mtsho.  Dpal sde is actually the name of the village.

Rgyal po DPAL GYI SDE — In avadāna story.  TPS 442.

DPAL GYI SDE CHEN — Monastery in Shing kun in Gansu area.  Kuijp, KPTB 44‑46.  This was an important site of early xylographic printing of Tibetan texts in 13th century.  See Kuijp in Chayet, Edition 450.

DPAL SDE RDZONG — Pede dsong.  At north end of Yar 'brog Mtsho.  Had printery where Sa skya Bka' 'bum was printed.  162 212.

Slob dpon DPAL SDE BZANG PO — 'Excavator' of Kālacakra acc. to Lde'u2 89.

Dur khrod DPAL GYI NAGS — 87 I 252.3.

DPAL GNAM —  =Pa snam (q.v.).

DPAL RNAMS GRONG STOD — In Nyan zhabs.  49 pref.

A jo DPAL PO — Terton.  383 218.5.

'Khon DPAL PO CHE — 17 II 399.3.

DPAL SPUNGS — Si tu Paṇ chen moved there when it was founded in Sde dge in 1729 under patronage of King Bstan pa tshe ring. See Tashi Tsering in Lungta, vol. 13 (Summer 2000), p. 6.  It then became the most flourishing center of higher studies among Bka' brgyud pas in Khams.  Jackson, Patron 10.


DPAL SPRUL — (— —) O rgyan 'jigs med chos kyi dbang po.

Spyan snga DPAL BA — 57 IIB 358.7.  See (— —) Dpal ldan bzang po ba.

'Gar Lha rje DPAL GYI BYAMS PA — His line of the 'Gar family was called Chos rgyud.  One of his ancestors was known by the same name.  73 415.2, 416.3.

Li yul gyi Rgyal po DPAL BYIN — BD of T&TB I 519.  =Dpal sbyin in LGCM 614.1.  Invited Shrī sing ha to Khotan.

Mkhas pa DPAL GYI BLO GROS — LGCM 617.5.

Bram ze mo DPAL GYI BLO GROS — Mother of Nāropa.  57 IIB 343.5.  17 II 251.3.  73 53.2.

'Breng DPAL GYI BLO GROS — A Tibetan Buddhist saint.  Das 933.

DPAL GYI DBANG PHYUG — Disc. of Padmasambhava.  Smith in Linrothe, Holy Madness 71.  Called Mkhar chen Dpal gyi dbang phyug, he is said to be brother of Ye shes mtsho rgyal.

Pham shin DPAL GYI DBANG PHYUG — 253 II 569.4.

DPAL DBYANGS — A n. of Sba Ratna (q.v.).  His Sino‑Tibetan glossary of Buddhist terms preserved in P.tib. 1257.  Stein, Tibetica Antiqua I 219.  Schaik, M&T 175.  A Dunhuang painting of Avalokiteśvara signed by the artist Dpal dbyangs is dated to 836 (now in British Museum's Stein collection, no. 32).  Uray, 'Earliest Evidence', p. 351, with ref. to Heather Karmay's book.  Scherrer‑Schaub in JIABS 25 (2002) 299.

Gnyan chen DPAL DBYANGS — Son of Padmasambhava.  See 58 927.

Btsun pa DPAL DBYANGS — See under Lo chen Sprul sku.  Brother of Lha lung Dpal gyi rdo rje.  T&BS II 239, which says his name is usually Dpal 'byor dbyangs.

DPAL 'BAR — See Dge ba dpal 'bar.

DPAL 'BAR — See Ri bo Dpal 'bar.

DPAL 'BAR — N. of a mountain or a monastery.  "Bla ma'i bka' sgrub phyir skyid grong gi ri bo dpal 'bar la sgom du byon pa."  4 20A.1, 27A.5, 29A.4.  210 203.2.  Dpal 'bar Dgon.  BD of T&TB VII 145.  406 7B.4.  354 12.3.

Dge bshes DPAL 'BAR — Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 241.


Klungs shod DPAL 'BAR SGANG — Vai.Ser. 154.

DPAL 'BAR GTER STON — See (— — — —) 'Gro 'dul drag sngags gling pa.

DPAL 'BUM — Kuijp in TH&L 309.

G.yu thog DPAL 'BUM — Son of (G.yu thog) Yon tan mgon po.  BD of T&TB III 241.

Se ston DPAL 'BUM — Teacher of Rgod ldem in his youth.  481 15.4.

Gnyos DPAL GYI 'BYUNG GNAS — Or, Dpal 'byung.  Disciple and son of Rdo rje bla ma.  Kreijger, Tibetan Painting 72.  See Allinger in TS9 VII 60 ff.

Rgyal po DPAL GYI 'BYUNG GNAS — 5 292.4.

Bla ma DPAL 'BYOR — Son of Buddha badzra.  Has no rnam thar acc. to 210 81.5.

De mo ii DPAL 'BYOR BKRA SHIS — (1454‑1526)  Alexander, Temples 210.

Yu nga DPAL 'BYOR GLING — Chief town w/ fort & mon. in 'Phan yul.  Das 1138.  458 I 228.3.

Rgyal khang rtse pa DPAL 'BYOR RGYA MTSHO — Bio. by Chos rje Sku skye Tshe ring mgon po, and others.  BLP nos. 0499, 0766.

Dus 'khor Slob dpon DPAL 'BYOR RGYA MTSHO — Dalai Lama xiii, Works VII 134.1.

Zhe chen Rab 'byams pa iii DPAL 'BYOR RGYA MTSHO — (1771‑1809)  Also, (Rig 'dzin) Dpal 'byor rgya mtsho thub bstan nyin byed.  Rnying ma, see BD of T&TB IV 458.  F. Sgrub sde — Padma gling in 1796 at Zhe chen.

Sha mi DPAL 'BYOR RGYA MTSHO — Mentioned in BD of T&TB III 724.

DPAL 'BYOR RGYAL MTSHAN — Father of Bde chen gling pa.  210 217.4.

Da rig DPAL 'BYOR DAR — Kuijp in Chayet, Edition 452.

Mtshur phu Rgyal tshab i DPAL 'BYOR DON GRUB — (ca. 1427‑1489)  Also has the title Go shrī, given by the Chinese Emperor Kwan ting.  He was b. in Snye mo & d. at Mtshur phu.  Mentioned in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation 84.  He was disc. of Zhwa nag vi Mthong ba don ldan (1416‑1453) & main teacher of Chos grags rgya mtsho.  Author of Rtsa rlung 'Phrul 'khor ("Mar pa Lo tsā ba dang Dpal 'byor don grub kyis mdzad"), ed. by Thub bstan phun tshogs, Si khron Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Chengdu 1995), in 484 pp.  His bio. listed in BLP no. 0379.

Rgyal nang Mi ngo DPAL 'BYOR RDO RJE — Name of patron for a printing of the Ding ri Brgya rtsa at Ding ri Glang skor.  His wife was Tshe ring skal bzang.  His version of the text was used by June Campbell in making her translation.

Bshad sgra sras DPAL 'BYOR RDO RJE — 438 VI 467.6, 468.3.  He went as an observer at the Trade Regulation talks between England and China in 1893 at Darjeeling, and was insulted by being dragged off his horse and thrown into a public fountain by the British officers (Jamyang Norbu's Shadow Tibet blog of Feb. 6, 2013).

Zur DPAL 'BYOR 'PHRIN LAS RAB RGYAS — Dge lugs pa (1604‑1657)  BD of T&TB V 447.  "'Brom chu Rigs kyi Rgyud."  Dhongthog 74.  Zur ston, bio. in 165 II 727‑30.  His bio. of the Dalai Lama v listed in BLP no. 0529.

DPAL 'BYOR BA — Artist at Rgyal rtse, from Gnas rnying.  TS5 568, 571.

Zhu ston DPAL 'BYOR BLO GROS — 253 II 401.2.

Sgam po pa DPAL 'BYOR DBANG PHYUG — 17 IV 492.3.

Bon lung pa DPAL 'BYOR TSHUL KHRIMS RGYAL MTSHAN — (ca. 17th cent.)  384 II contents.  See under Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.

DPAL 'BYOR BZANG PO — Father of Dri med kun dga'.  210 240.1.

DPAL 'BYOR BZANG PO — Patron of a Gaṇapati thangka in which he is himself represented.  Kossak, Sacred Visions, plate 49.

DPAL 'BYOR BZANG PO — In abbatial succession of 'Gro tshang Rdo rje 'chang.  Sperling in Lungta 14 (2001) 81; his presence at Ming court recorded in the year 1455.

Grub dbang DPAL 'BYOR BZANG PO — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0416.

Gre hos DPAL 'BYOR BZANG PO — There is a brief bio. in HS X 463.5.  I think this may be none other than the author of the Rgya Bod Yig tshang.

Zhang zhung pa DPAL 'BYOR BZANG PO — Author of a history (chos 'byung) finished in early 17th century, now published by Roberto Vitali.

DPAL 'BYOR RAB BRTAN — See Essais 160.  Toh. no. 4198 was translated from an Indian ms. in his possession.

DPAL 'BYOR LEGS PA — Kuijp, KPTB 27‑28.

Bka' lnga pa DPAL 'BYOR SHES RAB — 5 187.3, 45.6.  63 I 45.  Teacher of Thang stong.  Stearns, King 21.

Bshad sgra DPAL 'BYOR BSOD NAMS DBANG PHYUG — 20th cent.  Velm I 127.

DPAL 'BYOR BSOD NAMS LHUN GRUB — Author of bio. of Se ra Chos kyi rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 2003.

Phu'u yin Bla ma DPAL 'BYOR HU THOG THU — Scholar of Peking, student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

Khyung sgom DPAL 'BYOR LHUN GRUB — Works in 271 110.6, 219‑224.  280 I 137‑170.  253 II 400.4.

'Khon ston DPAL 'BYOR LHUN GRUB — (1561‑1637)  Bio. by the Dalai Lama v, see Smith 222‑223 (title listed in BLP no. 0281; Filibeck, Catalog II 711).  His work 'Jad kyi Lung bshad Mkhas pa Gsum gyi Gzhung Btus listed in BLP no. 0811.  Author of Dkar chag of Pha bong kha listed in BLP no. 1352.  The Dalai Lama v wrote a dkar chag for his image kept at Pha bong kha, listed in BLP no. 1356.  Called 'root guru' in a prayer by the Dalai Lama v addressed to him.  FM 132.49.  In the Kawaguchi collection in Japan (Call no. 52, Ref. no. 0768) is listed a work of his, 'Jam dpal Gshin rje gshed Skor gyi Bla ma Brgyud pa'i Chos 'byung Gdul bya'i Re 'dod Skong ba Yid bzhin gyi Nor bu'i 'Phreng ba.  Called 'Khon ston Chos kyi rgyal po in Ahmad, Fifth 85.

Gnyal ston DPAL 'BYOR LHUN GRUB — (1427‑1514)  374 I 835.1.

Pha bong kha pa DPAL 'BYOR LHUN GRUB — 374 II 205.5.

Rje DPAL 'BYOR LHUN GRUB RDO RJE — (1917‑ )  Rnying ma pa.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 714.

'Phyongs rgyas Stag rtse pa Mi dbang DPAL 'BYOR LHUN PO — 17 III 359.5.

DPAL SBAS — Śrīgupta.  BA 34.  Bio. BD of T&TB III 30.  Took ordination under Legs ldan 'byed (q.v.).  Lived in about 12th cent (? actually must have lived far prior to 9th cent.).  TPS 450. See Toh. no. 217, the Śrīgupta Sūtra.

DPAL MANG — See (— —) Dkon mchog rgyal mtshan.  This is a mistaken spelling for Dbal mang, q.v.

DPAL MANG GONG MA — See (— — — —) (Rje) Blo bzang don grub.

DPAL ME — Mon. in Khams which followed a fusion of Dkar brgyud pa and Rnying ma pa practices.  One of its hermitages was called (Mer chen) Lhun grub gling.  341 pref.

DPAL ME MKHYEN BRTSE — See (— — — —) Kun bzang 'gro 'dul.

DPAL ME SGOM — Person?  24 I 371.5.

Rnam grol Mchog gi Sar Gshegs DPAL MO — Picture in 128 578.  Dge slong ma Dpal mo, the one who started the fasting lineage.  Her bio., Dge slong ma Dpal mo'i Rnam thar Mthong ba Don ldan Rgyas pa by Paṇ chen Dpal ldan ye shes, is listed in BLP no. 0460.  There are lots of other biographies.  Gutschow, Becoming a Buddhist Nun 96‑98.

'Phan yul gyi Nya ma DPAL MO — One of las can gyi slob ma bzhi of Mar pa.  57 IIB 347.6.


DPAL MO CHOS LDINGS — Mon. f. by (Bo dong) Phyogs las rnam rgyal (q.v.)  BA 647.  TS7 I 258.

DPAL MO THANG — Or, Dpal mo dpal thang.  See Dpal thang.


DPAL BTSUN — See (— —) Nam mkha' bzang po.

Sgom ston DPAL GYI RTSE MO — Father of Chos sdings pa.  73 417.3.  Notice Sgom byon Dpal gyi rtse mo, who might have been born in 1180 (?).  See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 44.

Lo chen Ka ba DPAL BRTSEGS — 4th of 13 predecessors of Lcang skya line (q.v.).  In Mngon pa Kun btus lineage.  BA 344.  17 II 345.6.  Also, Ska ba Dpal brtsegs.  Picture in 128 618.  His work called Chos kyi Rnam grangs has been translated by Thubten Rikey & Andrew Ruskin as A Manual of Key Buddhist Terms, LTWA (1992).  A Skol mdo Lo tsā ba Dpal brtsegs is mentioned in Bsam gtan Mig sgron.  Achard, L'Essence 50, 54, 55, 96.  Listed in Mtshan tho no. 9.  DCD 54‑57.

Bande DPAL BRTSEGS — Author of a prayer for the protection of Tibet, found among the Dunhuang documents.  See Sam van Schaik's blog Early Tibet, entry dated May 22, 2009.

Slob dpon DPAL TSHUL — Brother of Thang stong.  5 14, 226.5.

DPAL MDZAD MA — See Lakshmī ka ra.

Ban po DPAL MDZES — Appears as sponsor for a bronze image of Buddha, in its inscription.  See Henss in Pal, On the Path to Void 109.  A different reading of the same inscription is offered in P. Pal et al., Tibet: Tradition & Change (The Albuquerque Museum 1998) 2‑3.  See also Pratapaditya Pal, Desire and Devotion, Walthers Art Museum (Baltimore 2001) 170.  Since the inscription also mentions the site of construction for the image as Khyung lung Dpal rgyas (founded by Khyung sprul in 1936, which does make the circa 1000 CE date of the image rather problematic!), I believe Ban po should be read Bon po (this could be looked into further).

Jo lcam DPAL MDZES RGYAN — Sister of O rgyan pa.  115 9.2, 135.6.

DPAL MDZES RGYAL MTSHAN — Mdo sde Me tog Gsil ma (Delhi 1978).

Gur ston DPAL MDZES RGYAL MTSHAN — Contemp. of Sa paṇ.  Jackson in TH&L 234.  (Gung ston) Dpal mdzes cited in DTK5 71.

DPAL 'DZIN — (9th cent.)  BD of T&TB I 552‑3, 772‑6.  NOT the same as the Teacher of Ga ya dha ra of the same name (p. 775).  Disc. of Dpe med 'tsho.  17 IV 439.6.  502 4.5.

Bram ze DPAL 'DZIN — Pictured with a buffalo head in Rhies & Thurman 288.

'Bri gung DPAL 'DZIN — "Alias Rgya mtsho sprin 'brug sgra bzang po, a disc. of Nya dbon Kun dga' dpal (14th cent.)."  Karmay in ISTS 151.  The famous polemicist, his circular must have been circulated in around the year 1400.

DPAL 'DZIN LUGS — Raktayamāri school of Mahāsiddha Śrīdhara.  349 VII 441‑546.

Lcam mo DPAL 'DZIN RDO RJE MA — Lcam mo means 'sister'.  Sister of Thang stong.  5 14, 26‑7.

DPAL 'DZOM BU KHRID — Mother of the Dalai Lama iii.  TPS 392.

Sku Lha DPAL RDZONG — DTK5 89, 101.

'O bran DPAL GYI GZHON NU — 87 I 271.5.  Disc. of Padmasambhava  pictured in 128 632.  Taught reading to Gnubs chen (at age 6).  33 161.1.  115 139.7.

Gu rib DPAL BZANG — 248 17.2.

DPAL BZANG PO — Śrībhadra.  Common ending in names of Sa skya and other monks.  See 27 43.  See discussion in Amy Heller, The Vajravali Maṇḍala of Shalu and Sakya: The Legacy of Buton (1290‑1364), Orientations 35 no 4 (May 2004) 69‑73, at p. 72.  See also Ahmad, Fifth 95.

DPAL BZANG PO — (1257‑1310)  Abbot of Stag lung in 1297.  BA 632.  Called Mnyam med Sangs rgyas dpal bzang in Jackson, MB 107.

Slob dpon 'Phags pa DPAL 'OD — 115 158.2.

DPAL 'OD DAR — In Gshen family lineage, circa 1300.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 443.

DPAL YUL — See (— —) Padma nor bu.

DPAL YUL — Dpal yul Chos spyod (1977).  Dpal yul gyi Bsangs Skor (1977).  Dpal yul Rnam rgyal Byang chub gling.  Mon. founded in 1665 by Rig 'dzin Kun bzang shes rab century.  O rgyan brtson 'grus (20th cent.), Dpal yul Dar thang Dgon pa'i Gdan rabs, Dar thang Bshad grwa'i Gsar rtsom Dpe tshogs (Chengdu 1999), in 581 pages.

DPAL GYI YE SHES — Or, Dpal yes.  Traveling companion of O rgyan pa.  115 47.2 etc., 84.6.

Glangs DPAL GYI YE SHES — A disc. of Padmasambhava, but to be distinguished from another called 'Brog mi Dpal gyi ye shes.  17 II 326.5.  Rlangs.  Achard, L'Essence 20.

Lcam mo DPAL GYI YE SHES — Sister of Nāropa.  57 IIB 343.6.  75 8.  73. 53.2.  17 II 251.3.  Also called Ni gu ma, or (Rnal 'byor ma) Rus pa'i rgyan can, who stayed in So sa gling cemetery.

'Brog mi DPAL GYI YE SHES — Disc. of Padmasambhava  17 II 326.5.  87 I 121.6, 122.6.  Pictures in 128 616; 320 XVII 3, XXX 511.4, and elsewhere.  Achard, L'Essence 82.

Sog po DPAL GYI YE SHES — Disc. of Gnyags Jñānakumāra.  Lde'u 321.

Grong khyer DPAL YON CAN — At the center of this city is the 'Bras spungs kyi Mchod rten.  LPNT VII 88.

Drang nga DPAL GYI YON TAN — Bonpo.  253 II 177.3.

Bran ka DPAL GYI YON TAN — Assassinated before the death of Ral pa can, at age 36, after being accused of committing adultery with Ral pa can's queen named Ngang tshul ma.  17 II 337.5.

DPAL RI — BA 1040.  See Das 789 under Dpal gyi Ri.

DPAL RI DGON —  =Phyongs rgyas dpal ri.

DPAL RI THEG CHEN GLING — A Rnying ma mon. f. in 2nd half of 16th cent. by Bsod nams stobs rgyal (q.v.).  Ferrari  130.  In Phyongs rgyas near Bang so Dmar po.  Tucci, Lhasa 142.  Hazod in Steinkellner Festschrift 272.  Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang.  [3‑150] between Shigatse and Gyantse where incarnate of Slob dpon Hūṃ kā ra resides.  Waddell 277.  See the publication of Marc-Henri Deroche, "History of the Forgotten Mother-Monastery of the Rnying ma School: Dpal ri Monastery in the Tibetan Valley of the Emperors," in Bulletin of Tibetology (Gangtok).

DPAL RI SPRUL SKU — Franz-Karl Erhard, "Turning the Wheel of the Dhamra in Zhing sa Va lung: The dPal ri sPrulskus (17th to 20th Centuries)," Bulletin of Tibetology 44 nos 1-2 (2008) 5-29.

DPAL RI SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) 'Phrin las rnam rgyal.

Nyan po Btsun pa DPAL GYI RIN CHEN — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 0580. 


Chu gong DPAL LE — BA 403.  =Chu gong dpal.

Gnyos DPAL LE — See Allinger in TS9 VII 60.

Slob dpon DPAL LEN —  =Śrīlāta.  Subj. of article by J. Kato in Indianisme et Bouddhisme 197‑213.

Btsun pa DPAL LEN — BD of T&TB I 1000.

DPAL SHUL — Clan n. of the A blo family in Bla brang.  Nietupski, Labrang 115.

Phyi spu DPAL SUM — Author, translator or scribe of a OT document.  Takeuchi, Old Tibetan Manuscripts from East Turkestan, vol. 1, p. 199.

DPAL SENG — 115 116.4 ff.  ?  Blondeau, Controverse 59.

DPAL GYI SENG GE — One Dpal gyi seng ge'i ming can is author of an invective against monastic homosexual practices, a copy in Nepalese National Archives, running no. E29836.

DPAL GYI SENG GE — In the early Gnyos family.  See Allinger in TS9 VII 61.

Slob dpon DPAL GYI SENG GE — Indian teacher of Gnubs chen.  87 XXVI 344.3.  Depicted, with identifying inscription, in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 76.

Rlangs DPAL GYI SENG GE — Rlangs sometimes spelled Glang.  Ordained under Zhi ba 'tsho.  87 I 65.6, 68.5, 69.2, 122.1, 123.1.  132 89.6.  Pictures in 128 616; 320 XVII 627.  DTK5 69.

Shud bu DPAL GYI SENG GE — 87 I 89.5.  132 88.6.  Picture in 128 618.  KTDN 164.5.  Listed among the 25 disciples of Padmasambhava.

Sog po DPAL GYI SENG GE — Achard, L'Essence 28.

Dge slong DPAL SENG RIN CHEN — Author of Bla ma'i Rnam par Thar pa Mthong ba Don yod listed in Drepung Catalog 1513.

DPAL SRUNGS DGON — 346 75.6.

A khu DPAL BSOD — Uncle of Sgam po pa?  4 222B.1 ff.

Ma gcig DPAL LHA — Deity depicted in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 223.  Stearns, King 200.  Identified with Dpal ldan Lha mo (Dpal lha is just its abbreviated form), she is regarded as the guardian goddess of Lhasa.  See also Henss, CMT 79, for the Lhasa images.

DPUNG DKAR — Vai.Ser. 231.


DPUNG RGYAN — Also called Dbang po'i Brag.  Mt. between Mang yul and Se rib.  DTK5 90.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 158.  Everding in TS9 I 114.

DPUNG THANG PA — See (— — —) Rnam grol ye shes.

DPUNG PAS BYIN — Epithet of Gtsang po.  Das 418.

DPUNG DMAR — See Mgon po lde.

DPUNG DMAR CAN — Rgyal po Chen po.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) IV 425.3.

DPUNG BZANG — Subāhu.  Tantra in Tibet, p. 108.


Rmu DPUNG RING —  =Spun rgyang ring po.  TS5 661, 662.


DPE DKAR GLING — At Bsam yas.  BA 257.  Ferrari 114.  Tucci, Lhasa 121.  JTL&CT 295.  Nebesky 103.

DPE CHOS — See 161 preface, for a list of works of this genre.

DPE THUB — See Spi thub.

DPE THUB — Mon. f. in 14th or 15th cent.  DTK5 188. The temple (lha khang or gtsug lag khang) was founded earlier (in 1024?) by 'Od lde, ruler and elder brother of Byang chub 'od.  Thuken 282.  Spelled Dpe thug in Pritzker, Canopy 159.

Kha che Yul gyi Grong khyer DPE MED — Birthplace of Nāropa.  57 IIB 434.5.  17 II 251.2.  Skilling, Mahāsūtras II 141, etc.  I suppose the Skt. ought to be Anupama.  Buddha arrived in this city after only 12 yojanas travel from Kapilavastu.  See the Derge text of the Abhiniṣkramaṇa, p. 62.7.  More discussion in Kazuo Kano's article "Exegeses of the Ratnagotravibhāga," at p. 17.

DPE MED MTSHO — 27 85 mentions his Sbyor drug, also, 449 44.1.  Bio.  BD of T&TB I 817.  17 IV 438.4 ff.  475 104.2, 125.5.  Anupamarakṣita.  Grub chen Dpe med 'tsho'i Lugs kyi Sbyor ba Yan lag Drug pa'i Rnal 'byor gyi Snying po Nges pa and Dpe med 'tsho'i Lugs kyi Rnal 'byor Yan lag Drug pa'i Khrid Rdo rje'i Tshig 'Byed, both in 36 X 364‑372.  Probably the Dpe med depicted in TPS 599.


Rgyang ro DPE DMAR — Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 38 n. 49.

DPE RTSA DGON — F. by Tsandra 'phags pa.  Vai.Ser. 219.

DPE RTSE LA — Pass between Zangs dkar and Dras.  lat. 33°, long. 76°.  See 79 86 no. 75.

DPE BSHED PA — (sp?)  TS5 732‑3.

DPO — A king.  Kværne 223.

DPO BZA' — See (— —) Thang mo.

DPON RGAN DGON PA — 253 II 633.1.

DPON RGYAL BTSAN PO — Achard, L'Essence 238.

DPON CHEN — For the function under Sa skya rule, see 27 7.  Petech (1983) 186, 189, 193‑4.

DPON CHEN BTSAN PO — 248 36.3.

DPON DRUG — Six 'chiefs' of western Tibet: Za rang Ru dpon, Gtso Gtso dpon, 'Bgong pa Dpon, Chu ti Dpon, Gnam ru Dpon and Dpon Do gal che.  TJ XXIII (1998) 109.

DPON DRUNG SGROL MA — A family.  Rhies & Thurman 205.

DPON PO RI — BA 217.

DPON TSHANG — See (— —) Bsod nams rnam rgyal.  'Chief nest' means the family of a (local) chief.

'Khor ra ba DPON TSHANG DGE SLONG — 363 116.5.

Bla ma DPON YIG PA — See (— —) (— — —) Lhun grub rgya mtsho.

DPON GSAS — See (— —) Khyung rgod rtsal.


DPYAD RGYUD NYI KHRI — 352 760.13 ff.

DPYAD BU KHRI SHING —  =Dpyad bu Khri shes.  One of the Sku sras brgyad (q.v.).  Kværne 222, 225.  352 760.9.

DPYAD GSUM DAG RTSIS — Kværne no. 225.

DPYAL — A family name.  See BA 395.  N. of pl. in Tibet.  Das 794.  Dkar, nag and khra branches, see 475 117.6.  A 37‑fol. ms. by Padma rdo rje, Bla chen Dpyal gyi Gdung rabs Za ra tshag (now published), listed in Drepung Catalog 1695, and note also Dpyal las Rgyud pa'i Rnam par Thar pa, on p. 1680.

DPYAL — See (—) Chos bzang.  (—) 'Byung gnas rgyal mtshan.  (—) A mo gha.

DPYAL PA — N. of a teacher.  24 I 347.1.

DPYAL LUGS — 374 249.2 ff.  475 101.6.

DPYAL LO TSĀ BA — See (— — —) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan.

DPYI SA — See (— —) Blo gros rgya mtsho.

Slob dpon DPYID — 17 II 349.5.

DPYID DGA' BA — Das 413 no. 38.

DPYID KYI RGYAL MO — Maraini 201.  Title of praise by the Dalai Lama v to Tsongkhapa.  SBTD I 252.

DPYID KYI THIG LE — Text.  449 40.7.

LPAGS LDAN MA — N. of a river.  See Das 795.

SPA — See (—) Gyim shang gong gong.  (—) Rgyal shes.  (—) La phug.

SPA — See (—) Ji phrom dkar po.

SPA — For Spa trans. of Bon Vinaya, see 253 II 108.3.  Work on the Rig 'dzin of the Spa trad., 257 563‑82.  Gdung rabs in 253 II 292.1.  Kværne no. 202.  For associated mons., see 253 II 604.5 ff.  According to Tsuguhito Takeuchi, this is a name for a type of local Khotanese official.  Actually, it may mean 'general'.  See H.W. Bailey, Ttaugara, BSOAS 8 no 4 (1937) 883‑921, at p. 884.

SPA SKOR BLON CHEN 'PHAGS — Successor of (Snubs) Sangs rgyas ye shes.  17 II 387.5, 389.4.

SPA MKHAR RIG 'DZIN — 415 XI 105.6.

SPA GOR — See =Pa gor.

SPA GRO — See Spa dro.

SPA GRO — See (— —) Chos dbang lhun grub.  (— —) Stag tshang.  (— —) Phug gcal.  (— —) 'Brang rgyas.  (— —) Gsang chen chos 'khor.

Mon SPA GRO SKYER CHU — Parochu.  River flowing through W Bhutan.  Ferrari 140.

SPA GRO GTER STON — See (— — — —) Tshe ring rdo rje.

SPA JI PHROM DKAR PO — 206 543.3.

SPA TI — Evid. a pl. in Gtsang.  A section of Se ra Mon.  Das 796.

SPA THOG — See Spa ba Spa thog.

SPA DRO — Possibly not to be identified with the place in Bhutan, it was apparently located in Central Tibet.  See Schaik, Prayer 202‑203.

SPA'U GDUNG — Mon. & lineage.  ISTS 18, no. 6.

SPA SDE — Acc. to Das, =Spi ti.  Acc. to Wylie 125, no. 90 (q.v.), =Sbal ti.

SPA SNAMS — Spelling in BA 696 for Pa rnam (q.v.).  BA 1006.

SPA BA SPA THOG — Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 457.

Shung ke SPA BA CAN — From Gnyal.  BA 403.  =(Shud dko) Lba ba can, q.v.

SPA BO — A protector. Bellezza, Divine Dyads 402.

SPA BON — See (— —) Khyung thog.

SPA TSHANG DGON — In Yi tha.  474 title p.

SPA TSHAB —  =Pa tshab.  Pl. in upper Tibet.  BA 341.  Das 796.  In 'Phan yul.  17 II 384.3.

SPA TSHAB PA — 115 35.6, 36.4.

SPA RA — Village NW of Lhasa.  Das 796.

SPA RA THANG DGON — Vai.Ser. 245.

SPA RA BA — (16th cent.)  A benefactor of the Sakya School.  Stearns, SR 28.

SPA RI — BA 670.

SPA RI — See (— —) Byang chub gling.

SPA RI BA — Founder of Bar 'brug bu rgan.  1 14.  See BA 670 ff.  (1177‑1237?).  Called Ye shes mgon po.  See 17 II 581.

SPA'U RONG DGON — F. by Dpal ldan seng ge.  Vai.Ser. 235.

Lha btsun SPA SHI BA — CFMS 94.

SPA SA BON PO — Author of Yo ga lha dgyes canLde'u2 98.

SPAG SPOR — TS7 I 145.  A town in "Nepal."

SPAG BHAN DE — See (— — —) Ring mo.

SPANG — In pl.n., refers to grassy places where nomads stay.  79 85 no. 69.


SPANG SKONG — A huge lake stretching from north of Ru thog to La dwags, for one hundred miles.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 35.

SPANG SKYONG MTSHO — Pang kong (Pangkong) lake on Tibeto-Ladakhi frontier.  Das 796.  In 2007, Indian news reports said that uranium had been found there.  See Spang gong Mtsho.

SPANG KHA BTSAN — Aris in BSOAS 39 (1976) 605.

Dpal ldan Ye shes kyi dben gnas SPANG KHANG DGA' LDAN — 169 45.7.  See HS LI 34.2.

SPANG KHANG BLA MA — See (— — — —) Grags pa dpal bzang.

SPANG GONG MTSHO — A salt lake.  56 51.  See Spang skyong Mtsho.

La yag SPANG GRONG — Birthpl. of Gu ru Chos dbang.  210 28.1.

SPANG DGUR — Panggur or Pangar.  In Rub chu, lat 33°, long 78°.  Pl. below Mtsho rul.  79 85 no. 70.

SPANG RGYAS — 'broad valley'.  A n. met with in Rub chu and Dpangs kong.  79 86 no. 74.

SPANG SGANG RDO RJE 'CHANG — See (‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑) Ngag dbang 'phrin las chos kyi rgyal mtshan.

SPANG CHU — See under Bsang chu.

SPANG CHU DUNG — A cave of Mog pa (q.v.).  24 I 362.4.

SPANG CHUNG — Pl.n.  476 V 222.3.


SPANG STENG DGON — Vai.Ser. 239.

SPANG STON — See (‑ ‑) Kun bzang padma tshe dbang.  (‑ ‑) Grub pa'i snying po.


SPANG MDA' — See (‑ ‑) Nyi ma rgyal mtshan.

SPANG MDA' TSHANG — See McGranahan in TS9 IV 107 etc.


SPANG PO CHE — In Nubra.  Lat. 34°, long 78°.  79 86 no. 73.  Macdonald 141.

Li thang SPANG PHUG DGON PA — BD of T&TB VII 265.

SPANG MIG — In Dpangs kong, lat. 33°, long. 78°.  Other places in Nubra and near Leh use the same name for isolated grassy spots.  79 85 no. 72.

SPANG TSA — Pl.n.  Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 182.

Lha phu SPANG RTSA — BA 733.

SPANG RTSI DRUG PA — Medicinal preparation. 361 179‑185.

SPANG ZHOD — See (— —) Chos grags.

SPANG YUL BDE BA CAN — Vai.Ser. 216.

SPANG RING PO — 'Long meadow'.  In Rub chu, lat 33°, long. 78°.  A grassy valley in Dpangs kong district.  See 79 86.

Gshen SPANG LA NAM GSHEN — Teacher of Mi lus bsam legs in his bio.

SPANG LUNG — See (— —) Blo bzang thugs rje.

SPANG SHING — Havnevik, Dissert. 213.

SPANG SA — BA 276.

SPANGS — A place in Tibet.  Das 797.

SPANGS — See (—) Mi pham mgon po.

SPAN THAG MA — Unlocated.  prob. a valley.  See Ferrari 162.

SPAN PHUG PA — See (— — —) Ston rgyal

SPAM MNGA' — See (— —) Stobs rgyal.

SPAR KHA — The 8 trigrams of I Ching.  See text in 233 1‑93.  315 601‑12.

SPAR KHAB — N. of Guhyagarbha comm. See discussion by Dorji Wangchuk in TS9 X 274.

SPAR PHU — Pl. in Tibet.  N. of a mon., acc. to Kurtis Schaeffer,  Dissert. 146.

SPAR PHU DGON PA — F. by Spar phu pa (q.v.).

Gnyan SPAR BA DUNG MGO G.YU'I THOR TSHUGS CAN — 326 I 5.6, 28.6, etc.

SPAR BU PA — Also spelled Spar phu ba, Par bu ba, etc.  See (— — —) Blo gros seng ge.  =Spar pu pa and Spar phu pa?

SPAL TI — Baltistan.  =Sbal ti (q.v.).  28 73.

SPAL SDE RDZONG — On NW shore of Yar 'brog Mtsho.  Pede.  Lhasa 66.  JTC&CT 188‑9.  Wylie 74, 145 no. 276.

SPI TI — Spiti.  One of the Himalayan hill states NWN of Lahul; greatly elevated & very sparsely populated.  Das 798.  On the border of Tibet and Ladakh.  A "Kye" monastery mentioned in Exploring Africa & Asia.  See 14 xiv.  Has mon. called Ta bo.  See Phi dhi.

SPI THUG — Dge lugs mon. in La dwags built by King 'Bum lde.  One of the first of its sect, renowned for austerity & learning.  Zangs skar is branch of this.  See under Spitug in index to 14Vai.Ser. 225.  Also, Dpe thub.

SPI LI SPIN SI KHO YA — Philippines.  Yongdan, TCW 103.

SPIG RDZONG — Pl. in Tibet.  Bu mo'i Spig rdzong (?).  Das 798.

SPU — An ancient n. for 'Tibet'.  77 120 ff.  Spu rgyal =the kingdom of Gnam ri slon mtshan.  77 177.  Spu, in Rong chung, in bio. of Rin chen bzang po.  Klimburg Salter in TS9 VII 4.  According to oral information from Guntram Hazod (2010), Spu is definitely not a clan name, but rather it is explainable as equivalent to the region of Spo bo (Spo bo would be the actual geographic origins of central Tibetan royal lines according to the the'u rang super‑secret account).

SPU GU DOR — Pl. in Tibet.  Das 798.  BA 154, 277, 280.

SPU GUR — ?  253 II 641.4.

SPU GRAGS —  =Phug brag.  TS5 115.

SPU GRI SKOR GSUM — Hail protection.  374 II 472.5.


SPU GRI MUN — N. of a lake.  LGCM 596.2.

Yakṣarāja SPU GRI DMAR PO — SBTD I 233.


SPU GRI REG CHOD GSANG BA'I RGYUD — Title in 320 XXII 102.6.  18 chaps. acc. to 17 IV 494.3.

Phur pa SPU GRI REG PHUNG — Gter ma in 193 XV.

SPU RGYAL — As n. of a protector, see Tucci, Religions 168.  See also Beckwith, Tibetan Empire 8, 14.  A mt. by this name is subj. of a guidebook by Kun grol grags pa in Katen (300+ vol. version), vol. 203: Spu rgyal Gnas kyi Dkar chag Don gsal Sgron ma.

Bod kyi Lo tsā ba SPU NGAN — 320 XXI 211.1, 497.2.

SPU CHEN THANG — Pusethang, spelling uncertain.  In Mnga' ris Skor Gsum, lat 31°, long. 80°.  See 79 87 no. 82.

SPU TI SO RU MTHING SHOG CAN GYI RGYUD — Colophon title to 319 VII 287‑340.

SPU TRA — BA 528.  Acc. to 57 IIB 371.7, was f. by Bsod nams ye shes pa.

La stod SPU TRA — BA 489.

SPU LDE GUNG RGYAL — 83C 200.  Kværne no 48.

SPU NA KHA — Punakha.  Winter residence of Bhutan kings.  Had woodblock printery destroyed by fire for the second time in 1796.  For a picture, see Singh 20‑21.

Yul SPU BO — Lde'u 226.

SPU BO —  =Spo bo?  See (— —) Dga' ba lung.  (— —) Bha ga.

SPU 'O BRAG — Pl. & rock cavern in Tibet.  Das 799.

SPU RANGS —  =Spu hrangs, Pu hrang.  Purang district in SW, in province of Mnga' ris.  Das 799.  BA 976, 1009.  =Taklakot.  Wylie 120 no. 59, 125 no. 98.

SPU RANG — See (— —) Kang tse phu.  (— —) Skyid thang.  (— —) Gdong dmar.  (— —) Rdo dmar.  (— —) Shing 'phel gling.

SPU RANGS LO CHUNG — A teacher of 'Khon Dkon mchog rgyal po.  17 II 399.4, 408.4, 457.1.  BA 382.  BD of T&TB I 855.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 35 n. 37, etc.

SPU YI RI KHROD — 253 II 631.2.

SPU RI DGON — 420 I 122.1.

SPU LA — See (— —) Ldengs tsigs.

SPU SHOD DGON — 253 II 632.5.

SPU SA STON PA — See (— — — —) Padma skyabs.

SPU HRANGS LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — — —) Grags mchog shes rab.

SPUG —  =Sbug.  See (—) Thams cad mkhyen pa.  (—) Rdo rje sems dpa'.  (—) Ye rgyal.  (—) Ye shes dbyangs.

SPUG GYIM RTSAN RMA CHUNG — Appted. governor of Zhang zhung in 653.  See 28 105.  OTA year 653.  Denwood, TW2 150.

SPUNG RINGS — BA 189, 190.

Khyung po SPUNG SAD ZU TSE — Aide and favorite of Gnam ri slong btsan (T.H. 41) who plotted against Srong btsan sgam po.  See Kun Chang in BJZJ X no. 2, p. 119.  Hazod in TS9 I 42 n. 42.  Dunhuang documents have rich information on him, and often refer to him shortly as Zu‑tse.  Very important study in Uray, Narrative 36‑41.

Khyung po PUN ZUNG TSE — Minister of Zhang zhung appted. by Khri srong lde btsan.  28 76.

SPUNGS MO DGON — Bon mon. in Chumbi valley.  253 II 623.4.  Probably should be spelled Pus mo Dgon.  Photo of a Bon Lama.  See Gur gyam.146.

SPUNGS RI DGON NANG — An affiliate mon. of Dpal spungs in Khams (Karmapa).  23 32.  12 IX 85.4.


SPUD TRA — Mon.  Petech (1983) 201 no. 82.  =Phug brag.  TS5 115.

SPUN KHYIM — Aka Sbus khyim pa Bus khyim pa, Spun skyem pa.  A famous artist painting for Tāranātha at Jo nang in circa 1618.  See David Jackson, Traces of Tāranātha and His Previous Lives, a forthcoming paper.

Rmu SPUN RGYANG RING PO — See (Rmu) Dpung ring.

SPUN THANG BDE CHEN — Also, Spungs thang bde ba can.  One of largest mons. in Bhutan.  Waddell 284.  =Punakha, the winter residents of kings.  Spun thang Rdzong is a fort in Spu na kha.

SPUN BDUN — In Dpangs kong.  A group of seven glaciers.  79 87 no. 81.  A group of itinerant singers created by Thang stong rgyal po, in order to raise funds for his building projects. Subsequently served as the name of a village where they evidently settled.  See Heather Stoddard, Thang stong Rgyal po, Jesus and the Fifth Dalai Lama, Archiv Orientalni, vol. 71, no. 3 (2003), pp. 433‑440, at p. 434.

SPUN GSUM — A mon.  Jampa Samten Shastri, Origins of the Tibetan Canon 769.  Located in 'Ol kha.

SPUR RGYAL — See Das 800.

SPUR STENG CHOS SDE — Pl.n.  17 XX 452.6.

SPUR BU — See (— —) Bya mgon.

SPUS RI — A mt.  5 229.2.

SPUS RI SKOR — 602 16r.1.

SPE — A place in Tibet. 

SPE CHEN — Pl.n.  DTK5 126.

SPE THUB — Village in Mnga' ris Skor Gsum w/ mon. of Gelugpa, hear Leh, by the same name.

SPE DI —  =Palti.  See Das JTL&CT 141.  Near Lake Yar 'brog, famous Rnying ma pa center.

SPE MDO'I DGON — Vai.Ser. 269.

SPE NE GU — Karmay, Arrow 368.  ZZFC 228.

SPE BON — See (— —) Thog 'phrul.  (— —) Thog rtse.

SPE RA — BA 1040.

SPE SER — Vai.Ser. 125.

Thang SPE HA RA — Prob. =Tham Bi har.  475 116.7.

SPEG MKHAR — In region of Cog la in upper Sutlej River.  KWT 84.

Rlang Khri sum rje SPEG LHA — Horlemann in TS9 I 53.

Mdog SPENG PA — BA 775.

SPEN TA PA — See (— — —) Nyi ma rgyal po.

SPEN PHUG PA — Teacher of Zhwa nag i.  356 62.5.

SPEL SGO DGON PA — BA 484.  17 II 532.6.

Gangs par SPEL CIG MA — BA 983.  In G.ye?  17 II 425.6.

SPEL MO CHE — TS5 562.


SPEL GZHI — N. of a village in Gtsang.  BA 410.

SPO —  =Spo yul.  District SE of Kong po & North of Dza yul subdivided into Spo stod and Spo smad.  See Spo bo.  N. of a Gelugmon. in Khams.  116 296.6.

SPO KHANG — In Gtsang.  See 28 83.  BA 1068.

SPO CHU — 356 58.2.

SPO CHUNG — See (— —) Tshul khrims 'byung gnas.

SPO CHEN — See (— —) Rgyal ba blo gros.

SPO TO — N. of a village in 'Phan yul.  Das 801.

SPO TO BA — Spelling for Po to ba (q.v.).

Cung 'bum SPO THOG BKRA SHIS SGANG — Vai.Ser. 215.

SPO THA — F. by Po to ba.

Brag dmar SPO MTHO — See under Skyid phug.

SPO NE BRAG DKAR — 239 XXX 51.6.

Dkon gnyer SPO SPO — See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 44.

SPO BO — Haarh, Yar luṅ 217.  Ref. to Spo bo'i Lo rgyus.  Kuijp in TH&L 310.

SPO BO — See (— —) G.yu ru Dgon.

SPO BO CHU MDO — Vai.Ser. 250.

SPO BO CHOS RDZONG — Vai.Ser. 251.

SPO BO GTER STON — See (— — — —) Bdud 'dul rdo rje.

SPO BO SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Padma dar rgyas.

SPO BO GSUM — Vai.Ser. 251.

SPO 'BOR — See (— —) 'Gir ti sgang.

SPO 'BOR — See (— —) Blo bzang chos 'phel.

SPO 'BOR SGANG — One of Sgang drug in Khams.  Das 103.  5 315.2.  379 pref.

SPO SMAD — Fletcher, "Pome."

SPO RA — Havnevik, Dissert. 251, where it is identified with Pokhara.

SPO RAB — Listed as one of 8 Rgod Stong sde of G.yas ru.  28 82.

SPO RI SPO THON — See Spo mtho.  4X I 170.2.

SPO RIG LA RTSA — In Ladakh.  Everding in TS9 I 113.

SPO RONG — Aziz 33.

SPO'I LAB RTSE — N. of a mt. in Mnga' ris Skor Gsum.  Has 3 rounded 'peaks' called the white, the red and the black.  79 87 no. 79.

SPO SER DKON MCHOG BKRA SHIS GLING — A pl. and mon. in Lho brag.

SPONG ZHO — See (— —) Gsal ba grags.


Shar pa SPOBS PA MTHA' YAS — N. of (Kaḥ thog) Dam pa bde gshegs (q.v.).  BD of T&TB III 329.

SPOM — BA 523.

SPOM MDA' — See (— —) Gsang sngags bde chen.

SPOM MDA' TSHANG — See under Spang mda' tshang.

SPOS TE'U — N. of a village and its local deities, the Spos te'u Spun Gsum. Karmay, ed., New Horizons 387.

SPOS MDA' TSHANG — Pangdatsang, Pandatsang.  A wealthy merchant family that tried to create an independent state out of Khams in the 1920's.  One named Rab dga'.  Goldstein, History 450.  See Mengele, dGe 8 where his dates aare 1902‑1979.

SPOM PO — BA 523, 545.

SPOM BOR BA — See (— — —) Blo bzang dri med.

SPOM BRAG — See (— —) Bsod nams rdo rje.  =Sbom brag.

SPOM BRAG DGON — 415 XI 123.4.  239 XXX 62.4.

SPOM RA — See (— —) Ngag dbang rdo rje.

SPOM RA MA — Bon redisc. at Spom ra'i Brag by (Kyu ra) Blo gros rgyal mtshan.  See 253 II 226.3 ff.  Part in 292.


SPOM RAGS — See (— —) Karma tshe dbang dpal 'bar.

SPOR — A school of Rdzogs pa chen po.  BD of T&TB III 294.

SPOR RGYAL — Mt.  See 79 87 no. 80.

Dga' ldan SPOR THOG — Vai.Ser. 194, 220.

SPOS DKAR BA — 115 134.6.

SPOS DKAR DPON SLOB — See (— — — —) Blo bzang mchog grub.

SPOS SKYA — Pl.n.  5 171.5.

SPOS SKYA PA — See (— — —) Seng ge rin chen.

SPOS SKYA'I GTSUG LAG KHANG — Built by (Spos skya pa) Seng ge rin chen.  1 17.

SPOS SKYA GZIMS KHANG — Lit, "the home of Spos skya (q.v.)."  Seems to be at Ra lung.  =Spos khang?  See =Spos skya'i Gtsug lag khang?  5 163.

SPOS KHA DGON PA — Samdo A I 37r.2.

SPOS KHANG — In Nyang stod.  In a ravine on rt. side of Nyang chu between Rgyal rtse and Gzhis ka rtse.  F. in 1213 by Byang chub dpal bzang po.  A major Dge lugs mon.  Ferrari 142.  BA 1073.  57 178.  Sanskrtyayana found some Sanskrit manuscripts there and described the place.  He says it was founded toward the end of the 13th cent. when Rgya gar Phyag na visited Tibet (actually, Phyag na visited Tibet in the 11th century).  See Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Works (1990), vol. 1, p. 14, which has interesting descriptions of its artworks!

SPOS KHANG PA — See (— — —) Rin chen rgyal mtshan.

Yer pa SPOS DGA' — Mon.  Vai.Ser. 130.

Ri bo SPOS KYI NGAD LDAN — A cosmological mountain.  See Spos ri Ngad ldan.

SPOS STON — See (— —) (Shākya kun dga'i sprul sku) Shākya dar rgyas.

SPOS LDAN — N. of mts. said to bein E India.  133 23.1, 23.6.  A grong khyer.  4 233A.6.

'Dzi sgar SPOS SPRUL — 415 XI 134.6.

Mdzod dgon SPOS BLA MA — 415 XI 122.6.

SPOS TSHOGS CHOS SDE —  =Spos khang.  TS5 564.

SPOS RI NGAD LDAN — In Zhang zhung, close to Mt. Ti se.  253 II 566.3 etc, 572.6, 581.2.

SPYANG KI BA — See Sha li pa.

'Dan ma SPYANG KHRA — 363 9.5.

Phra men SPYANG KYI LAS KYI RGYAL PO'I RGYUD — Or, Spyang ki.  320 XXXI 388 ff.

SPYANG KHU LA KHA — "Wolf's Peak."  Hill N of Lhasa on road from Se rwa to 'Phan yul.  Das 804.

SPYANG KHRIG — N. of a tribe.  Spyang khrig Ye shes, a famous Lama of that tribe.  Das 804.  Evid. same as the Spyan khrig ye shes of Stein, Tribus 7, noting var. Spyan phrug.

SPYANG THI — A commander elected as a military leader who gained conrol over Co ne and The bo.  Berounsky, Lapsed 170.

SPYANG NAM — Author of work in 286 I 597‑8.

SPYANG SPRUL — See (— —) Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Tshe dbang bstan rgyal.

SPYANG TSHE — See (— —) Shes rab rgyal mtshan.

SPYANG LUNG — BA 698.  115 13.5.

SPYANG LUNG PA — See (— — —) Gzhon nu blo gros.

SPYAD — BA 686.

SPYAD LUNG SHAR KHA — See (— — — —) Bong ra.

SPYAN RGYAS — BA 82, 98, 99, 100, 101, 1023.

Dwang ra'i SPYAN DGON — 253 II 622.4.

SPYAN SNGA — See (— —) Grags pa bshes gnyen pa (1322‑1381).  (— —) Blo gros rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Gzhon nu byang chub.  (— —) Bsod nams bzang po ba (1380‑1416).  On origins of this title, see  CFMS 32 n. 52, etc.

Tsong kha Btsad po SPYAN SNGA DON CHEN — Petech (1983) 178.

SPYAN SNGA RDO RJE — Petech, China 11.

SPYAN SNGA BA — One of 3 chief discs. of 'Brom ston.  BA 264.  17 II 374.5 ff.

SPYAN SNGA MANG PHU BA — See (— — — — —)  Bsod nams 'bum pa.

Thugs sras SPYAN SNGA RIN LDAN —  =(Spyan snga) Rin chen ldan (q.v.).  Lineage disc. of (Yang dgon) Chos kyi rgyal po.  36 V 363.  Picture in 128 649.

SPYAN SNGA RIN PO CHE — A Drigung incarnation lineage, originating with Spyan snga Grags pa 'byung gnas.  Garratt in TS9 VIII 92.

Zhwa dmar iv SPYAN SNGA RIN PO CHE — (1453‑1525)  See =(Zhwa dmar iv) Chos grags ye shes.

Mkhas grub SPYAN GCIG PA — Bio. by Btsun pa Grags pa rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 0268.  It is contained in Katen (300+ vol. version), vol. 203.

SPYAN MI BZANG — Virūpākṣa.  128 1132.  See Chandra.

SPYAN MED 'BYOR LDAN — N. of Indra bo dhi, King of O rgyan.  =Ru tsa ga'u sha.  431 I 161.6.  Waddell 380.

SPYAN MTSHO — In Tsa ri.  17 IV 232.1.

Dgra lha SPYAN ZHON NAG MO — Text in 286 II 401‑12.

Rgya rje SPYAN BZANG — N. of a Chinese king.  Sba 2.  Probably same as Cang bzang.

SPYAN G.YAS — Region at source of 'Phyongs rgyas Chu.  Ferrari 131.  Mon. f. by Grwa pa Mngon shes.  Vai.Ser. 186.  See Ehrhard in SCEAR 9 (1996) 42.

Phu thang SPYAN G.YAS — F. by Gra pa.  BA 98 ff.  Spelled Spyan rgyas in Vitali, Early Temples 49.

SPYAN G.YAS GSER KHANG — Founded by one Spru ston, acc. to an old inscription in 'Phan yul.  See "A Study on the History and Development of the Chapel Klu Kha Stod Byams khang ('Phan Yul)," posted at asianart.com - "dge bshes spru ston gyis gzhan las dpags te dpyan yas gser khang bzhengs."

SPYAN G.YAS LHA KHANG — Chongyechenyag.  F. by Dge bshes Gra pa.  Completed by Dge bshes Kha che.  Was once seat of flourishing Vinaya school.  Had relic of rt. eye of Śāriputra.  Ferrari 131.  'Gos Lo tsā ba went to school there.  Very interesting description in Lobsang Gyatso, Memoirs of a Tibetan Lama, p. 276.  Alexander, Temples 147.

SPYAN RAS GZIGS — Picture in 128 18, 578, 798.  For gter ma, see 87 XXXVIII ff.  Picture in 320 XXVIII 2.  H. Zimmer, "Der Name Avalokiteśvara," Zeitschrift für Indologie und Iranistik 1 (1922) 73 ff.

SPYAN RAS GZIGS — May refer to the peak of Rma chen spom ra.  Wylie 116.

SPYAN RAS GZIGS MGRIN PA SNGON PO — Depicted in  Kreijger, Tibetan Painting pl. 49.

Btsun pa SPYAN RAS GZIGS BRTUL ZHUGS — BD of T&TB I 567, 745.  Lde'u2 48.

Ston pa po SPYAN LEGS — Sunetra.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 347.

SPYAN GSAL DGON PA — Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 452.


SPYAN GSAL PHO BRANG — In Norbulingka.  Henss, CMT 158.

SPYAL LO TSĀ BA — See Dpyal Lo tsā ba.

SPYI — Pl.n.  See Lci.


SPYI MKHAR DGON — Rnying ma Mon. with 2 incarnates and 1125 monks in Mdo stod.


SPYI TI — Second category of Man ngag gi Sde.  87 LXXXVIII pref.  413 185.4 ff. 

SPYI TI — An apparent spelling for Spiti region in the Lde'u history.

SPYI STON — See (— —) Mgon po rgyal.

Bal po SPYI THER BA — Disc. of Nāropa who taught in Nepal.  Marpa 11 ff.  One of the "7 most famous" disciples.  57 IIB 344.3.  Teacher of Mar pa.  57 IIB 346.4.  17 II 285.4.  Teacher of Ba ri Lo tstshā ba.  TPS 594.

SPYI DE DGON PA — See Spi de.  BA 904.

SPYI MDOS — Ritual.  233 1 ff.

SPYI 'DUL — Bon cycle.  Lo rgyus and other works in 292.

SPYI 'DUL — See (— —) Gshed dmar nag.

SPYI SDE BZHI — See Das 807.



SPYI SPUNGS ZHI KHRO — Bon tantra.  See 251 preface.  Extract in 313 I 111‑164.



SPYI PRI — N. of teacher of Khotanese king.  =Sya pri. =Sa pri?  Emmerick.

SPYI PHU LA — N. of a mt. pass.  458 I 71.5.

SPYI BO — BA 823.

SPYI BO LHAS PA — 17 II 406.1.  BA 314, 1063.  (?1144‑?) acc. to Kuijp in JAOS (1994) 606.


SPYI 'BRAS LUNG PA — See (— — — —) (Dbon po) Rdo rje rgyal mtshan.

SPYI TSHAN LNGA — Five families responsibility for the administration of Tho ling.  TJ XXIII (1998) 108.  Their names are Bla brang, Grwa tshang, Gnyer tshang, 'Bri g.yag and Sbugs pa.

SPYI ZHING — A mon. in Wang yul in Bhutan.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 95.

SPYI RING — deity.  Stein, Mi–ñag 254.

SPYI LUNG SGRON MA — A Bon text.  Berounsky, Lapsed 191, 218, 220.


SPYI LUNG 'OD KYI DRA BA CAN — A prophetic text.  Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 130.

SPYI GSO LHA KHANG — A temple in Ru thog.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 39.

SPYI LHA — A gzhi bdagBD of T&TB VII 140, 141.


Ba ri SPYIL DKAR BA — Disc. of Rgod tshang pa.  BA 687.  F. a mon. at Mog yul 'Bri mtshams.  57 IIB 372.3.  Author of prayer in 129 II 24 ff.  A number of his works, in the form of a bka' 'bum, are available in the Nepal‑German Manuscript Preservation Project (here his dates are given as 1228‑1300).  These include works on 'khrul 'khor, on alchemy, etc.

SPYIL KHYE'U CHUNG — Jinpa, Mind Training 319.

SPYIL PA CAN — A city visited by Buddha.  Kuṭigrāma.  Snellgrove, SFN 400.

SPYIL PO CAN — N. of a city where Śākyamuni taught.  Banerjee, Sarvāstivāda Literature 94.

SPYIL BU — BA 276, 279‑81, 307, 320.  Var. spelling Lcil bu.  Hazod in Sørensen Festschrift 191.

Se SPYIL BU PA — See (—) (— — —) Chos kyi rgyal mtshan.

Klungs shod SPYIL BU PA — Vai.Ser. 154.

SPYOD — May  at times be a variant (or the original?) spelling for Gcod (q.v.).  BA 982.

SPYOD GOS PA — See Tsa rba ri pa.

SPYOD 'CHANG DBANG PO — Bio. by Tāranātha listed in BLP nos. 1348, 2057.  Also listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 332.

SPYOD 'JUG — Comm. SBTD I 312.

SPYOD 'JUG BLA MA — (1816‑1894)  Aka Blo bzang 'gyur med.  Teacher at Dbon po Mon. in Ser shul.

SPYOD PA — Tantras.  General work listed in SBTD I 367.

Rje btsun SPYOD PA — Kuijp, Treatise 418.

SPYOD PA NYI ZLA DANG MNYAM PA — Comm. in 319 II 85‑92.

Rgyal po SPYOD MED — TPS 538.

SPRA KHOG SNANG BA'I RGYUD — Title in 320 XXI 100.5.

SPRA BA THA BA — Temple near Ri bo rtse lnga.  LGCM 605.2.

SPRA BA LUNG PA — See (Mkhas btsun) Jo sras.

Lha phu'i SPRA LUNG — 253 II 421.3.

SPRAGS — OTA 659, 676, 680.

Myang sgom SPRANG LTAG — A disc. of Mar pa.  BA 403.  17 II 456.5.


SPRANG LONG — See (— —) Rdzong kha pa.

SPRAS — BA 615, 617.  'Phan yul Spras kyi Lha khang.  KTDN 98.5.  Roesler, KSP 64.

SPRAS PA — BA 616.

SPRAS PO PADMA — See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 50, 56.  He was the next to last king of Spo bo, killed in around 1910.


SPRING YIG — Epistle as a literary genre.  The letter texts in the Tanjur were tr. by S. Dietz, Die buddhistische Briefliterature Indiens (nach dem tib. Tanjur hrsg.) Dissertation (Bonn 1980).  Velm II 59 ff.  Letter writing guide in 480 181 ff.

Bram ze'i Khye'u SPRIN — 128 762.

SPRIN 'KHOR BA — Das 413 no. 35.

SPRIN GYI 'GROS — Das 413 no. 57.

SPRIN CHEN — A monastery in Old Tibetan times in the far NE of the plateau.  See F.W. Thomas, "A Chinese Buddhist Pilgrim's Letters," p. 553.  The Chinese name is Dayun Monastery, 'Great Cloud.'  See Schaik, M&T 166. Horlemann 130.

SPRIN 'DZIN — See under Ga ya dha ra.

SPRIN GYI ZHON PA — Story, see SBTD I 307.

SPRIN GYI BZHON — TPS 533.  Story told by 'Jam dbyangs bstan pa'i nyi ma listed in BLP no. 0508.

SPRIN ZAM — Cloud Bridge.  Essais 185.

SPRIN RING RGYAL PO —  =(Dgra lha) Bkwan yun cha'ang.  FM 549.01, colophon.

SPRIN SHUGS CAN — Mahāsiddha pictured in 128 66A.  Monk pictured in 128 278.

SPRIN GYI SHUGS CAN — A Mahāsiddha.  5 165.2.  75 12.  Prince of Kong ka na.  BA 360.  17 II 411.2.  502 126.3.

SPRUG CHES — On maps, =Tukuchā.  In presentday Nepal.  See 28 13 & index.

SPRUL PA'I KHRO CHUNG — 'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 378.  N. for the retinue of Acala, evidently.

SPRUL PA'I GLEGS BAM — See Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 1, p. 172.  This volume was passed along in the Dben sa Snyan brgyud, and some even say that it is an invisible book.  See discussion in Janice Willis, Enlightened Beings 161‑2.

SPRUL PA'I DGE SLONG — TPS 538.  Pal, TTC 123.

SPRUL PA'I STON PA — 248 7.4.



SPRE'U'I RGYAL PO — From Jātaka.  Picture in 128 718.

SPRE'U SGOM PA — Disc. of Dus mkhyen.  239 XXX 72.6.


Kong yul SPRE SNA — The first habitation of descendents of the ape ascetic and rock demoness.  Stein 37.  See =(Kong yul) Bres sna.  17 II 315.5.

Rtogs ldan SPRE BO — Disc. of Karma pa iii.  602 3r.6.

Bla ma SPRE BO — TPS 398.

SPRE'U DMAR SER PO — A temple (lha khang) at Yer pa.  Tucci, Lhasa 110.  T&BS II 241.

SPRE'U RDZING — Monkey Pond, visited by Buddha.  Li, NBA.

SPRE'U ZHING — Evid. n. of a mon.  See under Rngogs.  BA 409, 411, 412, 413.  (Gzhung) Spre zhing.  17 II 459.3, 464.1.  Sbre shing.  458 I 288.5.  Site of Mar pa's Gdung khang reliquary.  Bka' brgyud pa center visited by Mkhyen brtse.  In Rnam rabs.  Residence of Rngog Chos sku rdo rje.  Has chorten with relics of Marpa.  BA 409‑12.  Ferrari  134.  235 intro. 3 no. 9.


Sems dpa' SPRE'U'I GZUGS — From Jātaka.  Picture in 128 716.

SPRE'U YUL — Country with its own language.  'Jigs gling Gsung 'bum III 405.  Aris, Discourse 25.

SPREL DKAR RGYAL PO — Karmay, ed., New Horizons 388.

Brag dkar SPREL RDZONG — ?  See under (Zhabs dkar) Sna tshogs rang grol who stayed there.  A short guidebook has been studied & translated by Nakza Drolma.  A volume of guidebooks, with Chinese translations, published under the title Brag dkar Sprel rdzong gi Gnas bshad (see TBRC).

SPRO BDE BKRA SHIS RDZONG — Milarepa stayed here.  57 IIB 352.7.  Spro bde bkra shis sgang in 17 II 516.3.

Shugs ldan Lcogs SPRO BDE KHANG GSAR — Printery in Lha sa.  162 238.  See Dreyfus in JIABS 21 (1998) 244.  On this temple devoted to Rdo rje shugs ldan, which at some point in the recent past became the property of one Don grub rgyal mtshan from Ri bo Chos gling in Yar klungs, see Alexander, Temples 195.

SPRO LDAN — Khyim bdag bu.  352 28.10.

SPRO SDINGS MA — Pl.n.  5 198.5.

SPRO NANG — Evid. an area in Rgyal rong.  BD of T&TB VI 200.

SPRO LUNG — 115 8.2.


SPROG — A village in Ku tang.  TS7 I 141.

SPROS GCOD RTSA RGYUD — In 320 VI 120‑133.  Spros Gcod Sde Lnga'i Rgyud in 320 VI 133‑46.

Slob dpon SPROS PA MED PA — See under Lo chen Sprul sku.






PHA KHOL — See Aspiration, pref.  Disc. of Nāgārjuna.  KB 133.2.  This is one of the many names of Aśvaghoṣa.

PHA RGOD — See (— —) Kun dga' bzang po.  (— —) (Kra chung) Chos kyi rgya mtsho.  (— —) Nam mkha' rgya mtsho.  (— —) Bsod nams bzang po.

Mkhas grub PHA RGOD GZHON NU — Cuevas, Travels 55.

Rdzogs chen PHA RGYUD LTA BA KLONG YANGS — In 87 vol. 88.

PHA LNGA — See 17 II 472.6.

Drung rje PHA LNGA — Rulers over Bya 'ug Sa tshigs.  See 28 79.

PHA CO — N. of a Chinese.  Beyer, index.

PHA CHEN — An early Lama in 17th cent. Nepal.  Macdonald 141.

PHA JO — See (— —) Rta mgrin rgyal mtshan.

PHA JO CHEN PO — In title in 321 I 389.

PHA JO LDING — A Bhutanese mon.  64 I preface.  Called Bya rgod phung po.  135 pref.  Also, Thub bstan bya rgod phung po.  F. in 1749 by Rje Shākya rin chen.  159 pref.

PHA JO 'BRUG SGOM — See (— — — —) Zhig po.

PHA NYA — See Pho nya.  Zhu, Preliminary 48.

PHA DAM PA SANGS RGYAS — (d. 1117)  See under Dam pa Sangs rgyas, Dam pa Rgya gar, Dam pa Nag chung.

PHA DU SPRUL SKU — 253 II 636.1.

PHA DRUG — Pherugh.  BA 219, 220, 687.  Near Mt. Everest.  28 79.  57 IIB 372.3.

PHA DRUG — See (Shel dkar) (— —) Grong dkar.  (— —) Go lung.  (— —) Sman lung.


PHA BA — Hazod in Steinkellner Festschrift 265.

PHA BA — See (— —) Rgyal gzigs gsas chung.

PHA BI NA — A part of 'Dro tir.  Emmerick.

PHA BONG —  =Pa wang (Chinese), said to be an aboriginal area in E Khams.  Stein, Recherches 58.

PHA BONG DKAR LEB — BA 478, 518.

PHA BONG KHA — Pl. where Srong btsan sgam po meditated.  Residence of the Seven Test Monks, or Sad Mi Bdun.  BA 297.  56 74.  Acc. to Wylie 159 n. 400, its hermitage was called Byang chub shing gi Nags khrod.  Vai.Ser. 122.  For the story of origins of its Lokeśvara image, see Hazod in TS9 I 38.  Dkar chag by 'Khon ston Dpal 'byor lhun grub listed in BLP no. 1352, with others listed in 1353‑1356, including one by Mkhar rdo Bzod pa rgya mtsho.

PHA BONG KHA BYANG CHUB SHING GI NAGS KHROD — Dkar chag in vol. entitled Three Khrid on the Nā ro mkha' spyod Practice (1976) 454‑532.

PHA BONG KHA BKRA SHIS CHOS GLING — A mon. on a huge rock N. of Lhasa.  Das 816.  Printing blocks.  348.

PHA WONG KHA PA — See (— —) Ngag dbang bstan 'dzin.  (— —) 'Jam dbyangs grags pa.  (— —) Bde chen snying po.  (— —) Byams pa bstan 'dzin 'phrin las rgya mtsho.

PHA BONG KHA RI KHROD — See Alexandre Andreyev, Tibet in the Earliest Photographs by Russian Travelers, Studio Orientalia (New Delhi 2013), p. 144.

PHA BONG THANG —  =Pha wong thang.  At Rwa sgreng.  Mentioned in BA 267. Roesler, KSP 18.

PHA TSHAB — B. in 'Phan yul.  Went to Ka che.  383 334.6.

PHA TSHER 'THUB PO — One of 3 first settlers of Mang yul.  DTK5 90, 92.

PHA GZHIS — Term applied to noblemen's estates handed down from generation to generation.  Wylie 140 no. 225.

PHA BZHI BU DRUG — The Hor grouping that were supposed to be the original population of Rdza khog.  Thar in TS9 IV 156.

HPHA YAN — The Fayan lineage of Chan.  It hasn't survived.  Thuken 365.

PHA RI RDZONG — Trade center near Yatung (Shar shing ma).  Or, Phag ri rdzong (q.v.).  Tucci, Lhasa 34.  Photos in Li Gotami, Pictures 28 ff.  The Younghusband Expedition famously used it as a staging station on their way to Gyantse.

PHA ROL GNON — Parākrama, a king mentioned in Mañjuśrīmūlakalpa.  Uspensky in TS9 I 224.

PHA LA — See Das 818.  N. of a Tibetan family.

Dzo ki PHA LA — 4X I 230.2.

Ka ma ru pa'i Dzo ki Shrī PHA LA MA TI — A traveling companion of Ba ri Lo tsā ba, q.v.


Kha che PHA LU — Hor khang Bsod nams dpal 'bar, "Kha che Pha lu'i 'Jig rten Las 'bras Rtsi lugs kyi Bslab bya'i Nang don la Dpyad pa," Bod ljongs Sgyu rtsal Zhib 'jug, issue no. 2 of the year 1993, pp. 108‑119.  Mun pa thar, "Kha che Pha lu'i Bslab bya Dngos sgrub Chu mig ces bya ba'i Sgyu rtsal Rang bzhin Skor Che long tsam Brjod pa," Bod ljongs Sgyu rtsal Zhib 'jug, premier issue (Dec. 1989) 45‑55.

PHĀ HYIN — Fa Hsien.  Bio. in 224 I 145.

PHA LHA — Aristocratic family. McKay in TS9 I 264, 266, 271.

PHA LHA — See (— —) Rdo rje dbang phyug.  (— —) Byams pa chos rgyan.

Gzims shag PHA LHA — Printery.  162 240.

PHAG RKYAG — As a protective name, see Epstein, Dissertation 91.

PHAG GIS MTSHON PA — N. of a city in Khotan area.  Zhu, Preliminary 49.

PHAG GRU — A khri skor (q.v.) of Dbus.  27 130.  TPS 21.

PHAG MGO BA — See (— — —) Ye shes brtson 'grus.

PHAG DAR — 'Das log Phag dar.  Bodleian Catalogue 94.  I think the name 'Phags dar, as a shortened version of 'Phags pa dar, is a more likely personal name.  The colophon title seems to be 'Das log Phag dar gyi Lo rgyus Myur tsam Bkod pa.

Rgya nag PHAG GDONG RGYAL PO — Epithet for the 1st Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.  Toh, Ming 71.

PHAG GDONG CHEN MO — 37‑deity maṇḍala.  349 XV 15‑40.

PHAG LDAN — In Kālacakra, =Abraham.

PHAG MO GRU — Pl.n.  BA 198, 476, 498, 560, 567, 582, 595‑6, 607, 612, 614‑5, 619‑20, 642, 644, 653, 656, 661, 663, 642, 644, 653, 656, 661, 663, 706‑7, 963, 975, 995.  476 I 59.2.

PHAG MO GRU PA — See (— — — —) Rdo rje rgyal po.

PHAG MO GRU PA — N. of dynasty first at 'Bri gung, then at Yar klungs.  Deprived Sa skya of power in 1354.  T.H. 151.

Snyal PHAG MO GRONG — In Lho kha, or Mon yul.  5 170.3.


PHAG MO CHES SDE PA — See (— — — — —) Bsam gtan phun tshogs.

PHAG MO CHOS SDE — Vai.Ser. 143.

PHAG MO ZHABS DRUNG — Mentioned as being in Lijiang in 1660.  Jackson, Patron 234.  See (— — — —) Rin chen mchog dga'.

PHAG MO ZAB BRGYA — Texts in 87 LVI.

PHAG MO LO DGON — F. by (Spyan snga) Tshul khrims 'bar.  Vai.Ser. 143.

PHAG SMYON PA — Of Skyid shong.  A member of the regency council of 1491 at Sne gdong.  20 3.

PHAG TSHANG BA — Mahāsiddha, pictured in 128 40A.  See under Yan lag med pa'i rdo rje.  Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 2, p. 21.

PHAG MTSHO — Near Yar 'brog Mtsho.  Wylie 54, 74, 145 no. 280.

PHAG RI — BA 732, 1068.  "de nas phag ri khar phebs."  5 163.5, 170.5.  A district in S Tibet.  163 pref.  N. of frontier station of Tibet situated on the confines of Tibet, Bhutan and Sikkim.  Das 819.  Has valley / lung and fort / rdzong by same name.  David‑Neel, Magic & Mystery 143.  601 21v.4 ff.

PHAG RI — See (— —) Bsam 'grub Lha khang.

PHAG RI RDZONG — Or, Pha ri Rdzong.  S of Rgyal rtse.  Tucci, Lhasa 33‑34.  Wylie 144 no. 262.  Das 819.  253 II 623.5.


PHANGS BON — Tucci, Religions 229.

PHAN — See (— —) Phyung po tshul khrims.

PHAN KHANG — See (— —) Dpal ldan chos skyong.

PHAN CHU — Area in Amdo.  253 II 637.6.

PHAN BDE KHANG GSAR — In Mnga' ris Skor Gsum.  It is the small permanent settlement of Sgar thog situated at 15,090 feet.  79 86 no. 76.

PHAN BDE RGYA MTSHO GLING — See Jalsan, "The Reincarnations of Desi Sangye Gyatso in Alasha and the Secret History of the Sixth Dalai Lama," Inner Asia 4 no 2 (2002) 347‑359, at p. 352.

PHAN BDE'I GTER MDZOD KHANG — Printing house located below Potala.  The official n. is Zhol Par khang (q.v.).  2 14.

PHAN BDE PHO BRANG — One of the 4 palaces of the Ngor pa, which came into being in mid 18th cent.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 90.

PHAN BDE BA — F. by 'Phags pa sangs rgyas.  Vai.Ser. 232.


Rnam rgyal Grwa tshang PHAN BDE LEGS BSHAD GLING — Its collected ritual texts publ. in 1877 in 3 vol. set.  Kollmar‑Paulenz in Brauen, VH 54, says it was founded in 1568 by the Third Dalai Lama.

PHAN BDE LHAG PA — Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 102.

PHAN PA — See (— —) Ba rag.

PHAN BZANG — Sikkimese mon. f. in 1840 w/ 100 monks.  Waddell 285.

PHAN RA RJE — Uray, Narrative 38.

PHAM MTHING — Near Yang le shod.  406  6B.2.

PHAM SHIN — Pham shin brgyud pa sum cu.  253 II 571.1.

PHAM SHIN — See (— —) Dpal gyi dbang phyug.

PHAR — Pl.n.  OTA 698, 699.


Gnya' sgom PHAR PHYIN — 253 II 423.3.

PHAR LA —  =Yar la.  Pass between Shangs and 'U yug.  Ferrari 160.

PHAR LOGS — ?  See 79 97 no. 132.

PHAL CHEN — See (Mdo) Phal po che.

PHAL DRUG — TS7 I 149.

Mdo PHAL PO CHE — Of Yol mo Gangs ra.  406 7B.5.


PHI DHI — Spelling for Spi ti in  Havnevik, Dissert. 155.

PHI RI — See (— —) Stag lung.

PHING GIS — N. of  mt. in S China where some of the finest tea is produced.  Das 822.

PHING GCIG PA — Meaning "first rank."  Kuijp in TH&L 302.

Chab mdo Rgya dpon PHIN THANG LING — 363 75.3.

PHU KHANG DGE BSHES — See (— — — —) Blo bzang rgya mtsho.

PHU GU JO LDAN — 253 II 415.4.

PHU CHUNG — Pl.n.  BA 288.  One of the early Bka' gdams pa monasteries in 'Phan yul.  Today it is completely abandoned, with the buildings in ruins, although chortens remain.  It was founded by Phu chung ba Gzhon nu rgyal mtshan (1031‑1106).  Roesler, KSP 50‑51.

Glag gi PHU CHUNG — OTA 694.  =(Glag gi) Pu chung (q.v.).

Gzad PHU CHUNG — Prob. =Gzad phu and Phu chung (q.v.).  Pl.n.  24 I 378.6.

PHU CHUNG PA — 24 I 376.2.

PHU CHUNG BA — See (— — —) Gzhon nu rgyal mtshan.

PHU'U TĀ LA'I — Meisezahl in Zentralasiatische Studien 2 (1968) 103.  In time of K'ang hsi emperor (1661‑1722).

PHU THANG — BA 998.  Look under Phub thang.

PHU THANG — See (— —) Khro bo Dgon pa.  (— —) 'Khun pa sa.  (— —) Dar dkon.  (— —) Spyan g.yas.  (— —) 'Brong rgyu.

PHU DUD — A Bon mon. in Rgyal rong.  Thar in TS9 IV 158.

PHU MDO — Pl. close to Stag lung on S bank of Skyid chu.  Sumpa, Annals 65 no. 48.

PHU NA — N. of a sacred pl. of Bon somewhere in ancient Persia.  Das 823.  (Now I see this as a mistaken reading for Yu na, i.e., Yavana [Ionian Greek], via the form Spu na.)


PHU GNAM SRAL — Of Mchims, built by Khri lde gtsug brtan.  I believe this is results from a misparsing of Mchims phu Gnam sral (compare Mchims phu Nam ra).

PHU PA — See (— —) Tshe dbang stobs rgyas.

Sde pa PHU PHU LUNG PA — 458 I 190.3.

PHU BOS NU BOR BTAMS SHING BSTAN PA'I MDO — A Dunhuang document (subject of a comm. by Chabs spel Tshe brtan phun tshogs).  This title doesn't seem to be in the Kanjur.

PHU BYUNG BA —  =Phu chung ba.  Misspelling?

PHU SBUG — Pl.n.  Chayet in TH&L 40.

PHU MA BAR MTSHO'I DO — Havnevik, Dissert. 291.

PHU RTSA GYE MO — N. of a village in Stod lung NW of Lhasa.  Birthpl. of 'Brom ston pa.  Das 823.

PHU WER — A deity belonging to the Phywa gshen Vehicle.  Namkhai Norbu came up with the interesting idea it may be the Latin word puer, 'boy'.  See Bellezza, Antiquities of Northern Tibet, p. 45.  It could also be etymologized as phu meaning the primordial sound, and wer the Zhang zhung word for 'king.'

Brin gyi PHU RAG ZA — See (Brin gyi Phu) Rag za.

PHU RI — Pl.n.  DKT5 93, 94.

PHU RI BA — See (— — —) Dkon mchog rgyal mtshan.


PHU LA RDZONG PHUG — 87 I 136.4.

PHU LA HA RI — Mt. in which resides the divinity Sku la mkha' ri.  Also called Ku la ha ri.  40 miles W of Lha khang Rdzong.  Wylie 115 no. 8.  406 8B.1.

Mkhas pa PHU LI GRU 'DZIN CHEN PO — 253 II 375.5.

PHU LI YA NGOR — Bonpo.  253 II 138.3.

PHU LUNG — A valley, side valley of Spyan g.yas Lung.  Ferrari 131.

Snub kyi PHU LUNG — 4X I 17.7.

PHU LUNG CHOS LDING RIN CHEN SPUNGS — See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 44.

PHU LUNG BA — Leader of an expedition from central Tibet sent to drive back the army of Nyag rong.  23 33.

PHU'U YIN BLA MA — See (— — — —) Dpal 'byor Hu thog thu.

PHU LHAGS — As geographical term, it refers to high, cold places or districts as opposed to Rgya shod, which refers to open, lower and milder places.  Das 822.

PHUG DKAR RAB GSAL — A cave at Yer pa.  Tucci, Lhasa 107.

PHUG KHANG — Vai.Ser. 133.

Spa gro PHUG GCAL — Redisc. pl. for Bon tantra in 258 I 1‑155.

PHUG CHUNG BA — 115 134.7.

Mdo mang PHUG CHUNG MA — N. of a sūtra collection preserved at Snar thang Mon.  Jampa Samten Shastri, Origins of the Tibetan Canon 769.


PHUG STON — See (— —) Nam mkha' 'od.

PHUG DAL —  =Phug ta.  Mon. in Zangs dkar.  188 8.  =Phug te.  Vai.Ser. 226.

PHUG PA — See (— —) Rgya dor.  (— —) Bsod nams dbang phyug.  (— —) Lhun grub rgya mtsho.

PHUG PA DGON — Bon monastery f. about 300 years ago.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 248.  In area of Gnam mtsho.

Mar pa PHUG PA BAR GRAGS PA — (13th cent.)  Bka' gdams.  BD of T&TB V 121.  Phug pa ba was one from whom Khyung tshang ba learned Ra li (?).  17 II 508.

PHUG PO CHE — BA 75, 76, 93, 174, 177, 180, 182.  Guide to Dga' ldan Phug po che, see Tohoku 6139.


PHUG MO — Pl.n.  BA 184, 529, 538.

PHUG MO CHE — Pl.n.  BA 530.  Phug mo che'i Dkar chag listed in BLP no. 1363.

PHUG MO CHE — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 1198.

Dug dug PHUG MO CHE — 4X I 195.1.

Gtsang gi PHUG MO CHE — 87 I 136.6.

Yar klungs PHUG MO CHE — BA 477.

PHUG MO'I BRAG — BA 527.  (Dbu ru)  319 II contents.

PHUG DMAR DGON — 253 II 630.5.


PHUG LUGS — System of calendrical calculations introduced sometime between 1694 and 1696 by Sde srid Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho and used by the Tibetan government from 1696 up until 1959, and still the system in general use today.  School of Rtsis distinguished from Mtshur lugs codified by (Mkhas grub) Nor bzang rgya mtsho and (Phug pa) Lhun grub rgya mtsho in the Pad dkar Zha lung Yig cha & refined by (Sde srid) Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho in his Vai dūrya Dkar po.  It was adopted as official by Lhasa government.  105 preface.

PHUG LEB — 253 II 631.4.

PHUG GSUM MDO — In Dolpo.  Map in Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 141.


PHUNG PO — Pl.n.  BA 174.  For a work on the skandhas, see SBTD I 278.

PHUNG PO — See (— —) Ri bo che.

PHUNG BON — See (— —) Mgo dmar.

PHUNG RGOD BDUD RTSI MCHOD PA — N. of text in 286 II 285‑8.

PHUNG G.YAG — See (— —) Thal dkar ru ring.

PHUN KHANG — See (— —) Bskal bzang dbang phyug.  (— —) Mgon po tshe ring.  (— —) Rje drung lags.

Yab gzhis PHUN KHANG GZHIMS SHAG — Or, Phun tshogs khang gsar printery.  162 239, 240.

PHUN TSHOGS BKRA SHIS — Chinese‑speaking brother‑in‑law of the Dalai Lama xiv.  Goldstein, Hist. 552, 759.  He must be the person mentioned in the following quote:  "Puncog Zhaxi, a translator who worked on the translation of the"Agreement of the Central People's Government and the Local Government of Tibet on the Measures for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet" signed in 1951, said that at that time, due to the lack of a Tibetan dictionary, the true meaning of many modern words such as "imperialism" could only be guessed at."

Stag lha PHUN TSHOG BKRA SHIS — (1923‑1999)  A general.  Photo in 424 245.  See Rgya'i Yig tshang.  His biography has been published in 3 vols. (Delhi 1997).  Mi tshe'i byung ba brjod pa stod cha bar cha smad cha bcas deb gsum stag lha phun tshogs 'bris kyis brtsams  (??).  Garratt in TS9 VIII 71.

Chos rgyal PHUN TSHOGS BKRA SHIS — (1547‑1602)  Bio. in 357 505‑593 & ff.  Abbot of 'Bri gung from 1582 to 1602.  In lineage found in 207 23.6. Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 120.  Son of Rin chen phun tshogs, the previous abbot of 'Bri gung. Called Mtshungs med Chos rgyal Phun tshogs bkra shis in Linrothe, Holy Madness 345.

Tre ston PHUN TSHOGS GRAGS PA — (b. 1602)  Kværne no. 150.  253 II 474.4.  Work in 302 I 249‑78, 151‑68; II 421‑9. 

Li kya Zhabs drung ii PHUN TSHOGS GRAGS PA BSTAN 'DZIN — Abbot of Dgon lung, 1754‑1756.  332 II 26.

PHUN TSHOGS GLING — Pujisi Temple in Lijiang, f. in 1771.  Debreczeny in Kapstein, BBTC 123.

Dga' ldan PHUN TSHOGS GLING — A gnas bshad listed in BLP no. 0435.


PHUN TSHOGS DGE LEGS RAB BRTAN — King of Gling tshang.  TS5 812.

Mo lha pa Dga' ldan Byang rtse PHUN TSHOGS RGYA MTSHO — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1637.

Yer pa PHUN TSHOGS RGYA MTSHO — Bios. listed in BLP no. 1788‑1790.

PHUN TSHOGS RGYAL MO — Became wife of Nam mkha' rgyal po.  DTK5 138.

Brag sgo PHUN TSHOGS RGYAL MTSHAN — Guru of Phur bu lcog.  226 III contents.  Author of polemical works directed at Rdor brag Rig 'dzin Padma 'phrin las.  MHTL p. 674 (nos. 15813‑15814).  He is depicted as the patron of a thangka in TPS plate 85.

Dpal PHUN TSHOGS CHOS 'KHOR GLING — Mon. in Kalimpong.  (Mdo smad) Phun tshogs chos 'khor gling.  174 16B.1.  Beyer 16.

Khams sgar PHUN TSHOGS CHOS GLING — 'Brug pa Bka' brgyud mon.  Rites publ. in 1975.  See under Khams sgar.

Be'u sras PHUN TSHOGS CHOS 'GRUB — (19th cent.)  336 contents.

PHUN TSHOGS CHOS LDAN — Grandmother of the Bhutanese king Seng ge dbang phyug, she died in Aug. 24, 2003, at the age of 92.  Yon tan phun tshogs, 'Brug gi Chen Rjes dran: Mi dbang Rgyal yum A shi Phun tshogs chos sgron dbang phyug Mchog gi Mdzad rnam Bstan 'gro'i Mdzes rgyan (Thimphu 2013), in 370 pages.

PHUN TSHOGS CHOS SDE GLING — [4‑200]  Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang.

PHUN TSHOGS BSTAN PA — See =(Bla chen) Kun dga' phrin las rgya mtsho.

Sde pa PHUN TSHOGS BSTAN 'DZIN — 463 I 185.1.

Gshen PHUN TSHOGS BSTAN 'DZIN RNAM DAG — Towards end of 19th cent., lived at Dar lding.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 444.



Rkyang tshang PHUN TSHOGS DAR RGYAS GLING — Bon mon. in Amdo w/ 400 monks.  253 II 636.4 ff.

PHUN TSHOGS 'DU LAM — Name of a gate of the Potala.  Memories of Life 11.

PHUN TSHOGS RDO RJE — Modern Tibetan artist.  TS5 693.

PHUN TSHOGS LDE — (1338‑1370)  King of Gung thang who ascended the throne in 1365.  TS7 II 1030.  D. in 33rd year in an Iron Dog.  DTK5 71, 117.

PHUN TSHOGS RNAM RGYAL — Became abbot of Sman ri in 1805.  Kværne no. 183.

PHUN TSHOGS RNAM RGYAL — (late 20th century)  He was once the Deputy Director of the Cultural Relics Bureau in Lhasa.  He wrote several books:  Tibetan Buddhist Monastery Bkra sis lhum po (Beijing 1998), nTho ling Monastery (Beijing 2001), and The Potala Palace (Beijing 2002).  Also, Rescue Report and Conservation Projects on Ali's Cultural Heritages in Xizang Autonomous Region, Science Press (Beijing 2002), on Mnga' ris artworks, especially Tho gling and Rtsa pa rang.

Ka ring Dka' bcu pa PHUN TSHOGS RNAM RGYAL — Abbot of Dgon lung from 1612 to 1617.  332 pref. 17.  Autobio. listed in BLP no. 1.

Karma PHUN TSHOGS RNAM RGYAL — Gtsang pa king (the first) at time of Dalai Lama iv.  Defeated by Mongol army.  T.H. 56.  Favored the Karma pa school.  Conquered Tibet in 1618.  TPS 697 no. 453.  See Rdzong rtse Byams pa thub bstan's history of Bsam 'grub rtse, p. 18.

Chos rgyal PHUN TSHOGS RNAM RGYAL — Founder of Tibetan dynasty of Sikkim.  Enthroned in 1604.  T.H. 61.  Other sources say he became king in 1642.  58 929‑30.  TR XV no. 10, p. 18.

Brag sgo Rab 'byams pa PHUN TSHOGS RNAM RGYAL — Author of bio. of Tsong kha pa listed in BLP no. 0896.  He also seems to have written the criticism of the Ma ṇi Bka' 'bum listed in BLP no. 1598.  His name seems to be misspelled as Brag sgo Rab 'byams pa Phun tshogs rgya mtsho in 443 VI 598, where he is dated to the time of the Dalai Lama v.  See Dreyfus in JIABS 21 (1998) 234.  See the essay in RS 925-932.

Gtsang Sde srid PHUN TSHOGS RNAM RGYAL — DTK5 145.

G.yu thog Sras chung PHUN TSHOGS RNAM RGYAL — 438 VI 442.2.

Sum pa Chos rje PHUN TSHOGS RNAM RGYAL — Abbot of Dgon lung from 1729‑1734.  332 II 24.

Rgyal dbang Rin chen PHUN TSHOGS DPAL BZANG PO — "bod chos rgyal mu tig btsad po'i rnam rol."  16th 'Bri gung abbot.  Died in 49th year.  Apparently was a Gter ston.  Short bio. in 37 29 ff.


Mnga' bdag PHUN TSHOGS DPAL — Patron of Rgod ldem.  481 47.6.

PHUN TSHOGS DPAL 'DZOMS — Wife of Gter bdag gling pa.  453 40.2.

PHUN TSHOGS PHO BRANG — A branch of Sa skya occurring from a schism of circa 1775.  See also Sgrol ma Pho brang.  84 230.

Sku mdun PHUN TSHOGS BLO GROS DBANG RGYAL — (b. 1876)  Kværne no. 212.  Bonpo.  Bio. in 253 II 42.3 ff.  F. G.yar skya (q.v.) Monastery.

Khams pa PHUN TSHOGS DBANG RGYAL — Translator for Chinese side in 1951 negotiations in Peking.  Goldstein, History 761.

Mkhan chen PHUN TSHOGS DBANG RGYAL — Bonpo.  253 II 54.3.

Bar zhi ba PHUN TSHOGS DBANG RGYAL — Byang chub sems dpa'i Spyod pa la 'Jug pa'i 'Grel Gsar Blo bzang Bla ma'i Zhal lung (Dharamsala 1981).

'Ba' pa PHUN TSHOGS DBANG RGYAL — (modern)  Tsering Shakya, Dragon 168, etc.

Ri nag yar pa PHUN TSHOGS DBANG 'DUS — Sikkimese.  438 VII 282.5.

Rje dbon PHUN TSHOGS DBANG 'DZIN — Phyag mdzod at Smin grol gling.  242 II contents.

PHUN TSHOGS GTSUG RGYAN NOR BU — (circa 1710)  King of Mustang.  Alias Tshe dbang, A mgon Tshe dbang.  ISTS 135.  A thangka depicting him as central figure is illustrated in Kreijger, Tibetan Painting 64 (plate 17), and this is supposed to be dealt with by David Jackson in a future publication.  Here his full name is given as Kun bzang che mchog chen po phun tshogs gtsug rgyan nor bu.  His son and successor was Bkra shis rnam rgyal.  His Bka' brgyud teacher was Stag rtse ba Sku skye.  He received all the Rnying ma cycles from Mnga' bdag Mnga' dbang chos rgyal [Ngag dbang chos rgyal?].  He received the Ma cig Khros nag Skor from Dol po Bla ma Ngag dbang don 'grub.  He even composed some titles on Thugs sgrub practices.

PHUN TSHOGS 'DZAM GLING — 1st head of Sman pa Grwa tshang at Byin chags gling (q.v.).

PHUN TSHOGS RAB BRTAN — A palace (pho brang) raised on the hill of the Potala in 1608.  Sørensen, Restless Relic 867.

Nga phod PHUN TSHOGS RAB BRTAN — Nga phod Phun tshogs rab brtan gyi Them deb Nor bu'i Phreng ba, title listed in BLP n. 0615.

Bo dong PHUN TSHOGS RAB BRTAN — N. of a palace.  Stearns, SR 46.

Byar PHUN TSHOGS RAB BRTAN — Pad dkar wrote work on Tsa ri there.  17 IV 273.4.

Grwa phyi PHUN TSHOGS RAB BSTAN PA PA — 453 40.1.

PHUN TSHOGS LUNG RTOGS — (20th cent.)  In Calcutta 1924‑5.  Stein, Recherches 81.  Apparently he is the same as the associate of van Manen by this same name.

PHUN TSHOGS SENG GE — (1773‑1844)  37th in Gdan rabs of Bkra shis 'khyil.  BD of T&TB V 832.


'Dar pa Lo chen PHUN TSHOGS LHUN GRUB — 458 I 348.1.  Shastri in TS9 I 139.

PHUN SUM TSHOGS PA'I MDO — Text in 320 I 241 ff.

PHUB THANG — Ras chung stayed here.  24 I 218.2.  Perhaps, =Phu thang (q.v.).

PHUR — Pl.n.  Kværne no. 208.

PHUR KHU — Roesler, KSP 65.

PHUR DGON — Recent Bon mon.  253 II 486.3.


PHUR SGRUB BSTAN 'DZIN — 377 22A.2, 36B.3.

PHUR LCOG — See (— — i) Ngag dbang byams pa.

PHUR LCOG RIN PO CHE — An incarnation recognized in 1954.  Garratt in TS9 VIII 97.

Snye mo PHUR DAR — Bodleian Catalogue 21.

PHUR SDINGS — A hermitage.  Vitali in TS9 I 102.

PHUR NAG LHA KHANG — 253 II 628.5.

PHUR PA — Campbell, Mithraic Iconography 254‑5.

PHUR PA — See (— —) Gnam lcags spu gri.  (— —) Spu gri reg phung.  (— —) Yang gsang bla med.

Jo sras PHUR PA SKYABS — A person who extracted alchemical terma texts and then, together with his niece, achieved immortality.  The source is in the Gnas rnying Chos 'byung.

Ya ngal PHUR PA SKYABS — 253 II 346.1.

PHUR PA BCU GNYIS — Tantra in 320 XIX 2‑199.


PHUR PA CHOS DAR — 377 14A.1.

PHUR PA RDO RJE — Bhutanese.  Za ma tog gi Sngon 'gro, publ. 1977.

Rgya Jo sras PHUR PA 'PHEL — Vitali in TS9 I 89.  He was the spiritual head of Gnas rnying in 1045.

PHUR PA RTSA BA'I RGYUD — 320 XXXII 217 ff.  See Karmay, General Introduction 198.

PHUR PA TSHE RING STOBS RGYAL — (b. 1944?)  Author of two military histories of Eastern Tibet.

PHUR PA RIG SNGAGS — 300 preface.

PHUR PA RONG GI MANDAL LDEM — Picture(?) in BD of T&TB III 577.

PHUR PA'I LHAG PA — Kīlahastin.  A deva.  Emmerick.


PHUR BAS — 208 I 238.4.

Rgya PHUR BU —  =Phur bu mgon.  A Gter ston.  217 464.1 ff, 410 98B.3.

PHUR BU LCOG — A hermitage (ri khrod) near Se ra.  Also, the n. of the hill it is on.  Pupocho.  Waddell 269.  Ferrari 103.  Das 826.  Printery.  162 194.  See Alexandre Andreyev, Tibet in the Earliest Photographs by Russian Travelers, Studio Orientalia (New Delhi 2013), p. 138 with photos.

PHUR BU LCOG — See (— — — i) Ngag dbang byams pa.  (— —) Byams pa rgya mtsho.

PHUR BU TSHE RING — An artist of 19th century active in Khams.  See Pal, AHC 207.  Pal, TTC 5.  A 4th-generation descendent named Bsod nams dge legs, also an artist, depicted in BLKC I 167.

PHUR BU TSHE RING — A reincarnate teacher at Tehor Kardze Monastery who was arrested without any public charge in May 2008.

PHUR BU 'BUM — See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 44.

PHUR BU RAGS PA — See Tucci, Lhasa 64.  A Gzhi bdag.

Mchod rten PHUR 'BUM — T&BS II 244.

PHUR MI — ?  476 II 44.3.

PHUR MONG SGANG — BA 132.  Das 826.

PHUR MTSHO — Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 2, 160.

PHUL PO — See (Phul po'i) Nya sha tshal.

PHUL BYUNG —  =Phul du byung ba.  Uttama.  Prakṛṣṭa.  Seldom encountered Tibetan tr. of personal n. of Atiśa.  Das 826.  Phul byung Legs bshad ma.  Comm. see SBTD I 251.

PHUL DMAR BA — A teacher of Yang dgon pa (1213‑1258).  BA 690.

Bla mkhyen PHE'U — A Sa bdag.  Vai.Kar. II 270.

PHE RENG — "Franks."  Phe reng pa in 498 IVB 75.6.  NMH 73.2.  Discussion in Trent Pomplun's Jesuit on the Roof of the World, p. 265, where it is spelled Phe rang.

Yon bdag mo PHEL LE — 476 V 185.2.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) VI 53.7, 58.5.  Any resemblance to the Hawai'ian volcano goddess must be entirely coincidental.

PHO KONG — N. of a sku rus.  210 223.3.

PHO DKAR — Bokhara.  Pelliot, Notes on Marco Polo 713.

PHO GYONG BZA' RGYAL MO BTSUN — A queen of Khri srong lde'u btsan.  87 I 34.2, 51.2.

Dam pa PHO SGOM — 253 II 415.4.  Pho sgom Skye med.  253 II 418.1 ff.


PHO CHEN — See (— —) Nam mkha' 'od zer.

PHO NYA — A pl. in Khotan.  Emmerick.

PHO THONG — BA xvii.

PHO BA KHUG — An Rnying ma pa Mon.  Thar in TS9 IV 161.

Rgya PHO BA DRUG 'GYUR — 124 454.4.

Ru mtshams PHO BA LUNG — BA 426.  475 98.7.

Rgya PHO BA LUNG PA — In Guhyasamāja transmission.  BA 426.

PHO BRANG — See 'Pho brang.  As a title, it is discussed in KWT 85, 86-87.

PHO BRANG — Fadung.  Sikkimese mon. f. in 1740 w/ 100 monks.  Waddell 285.

PHO BRANG — In Tsa ri.  17 IV 255.5 and elsewhere.

PHO BRANG DKAR PO — In Mang yul.  DTK5 102.

PHO BRANG SDINGS PA — See (— — — —) Gzhon nu 'od.

PHO BRANG NANG PO CHE —  =Nang so chen mo.  Temple f. by Ras pa dkar po.  467 II 168.3, 172.1.

PHO BRANG DMAR PO — Part of Potala containing the reliquaries of 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 13th Dalai Lamas, plus other chapels.  TS5 654 ff.

PHO MA G.YU MTSHO — At border between Yar 'brog and Lho brag.  See BLP no. 1791.

PHO MO — Pl.n.  BA 669, 953.

PHO MO — Pl.n.  BA 473.  Pho mo Lha khang also mentioned.

PHO MO BYANG THANG MTSHO — Large lake on Bhutan frontier.  Das 827.

Dam pa PHO BTSUN — 253 II 415.5.

PHO RTSE — Family n.  253 II 448.

PHO TSHED ZANG MANG — Takata Tokio, A Note on the Lijiang Tibetan Inscription, Asia Major 19 nos 1‑2 (2006) 161‑170, at p. 164.

PHO YONG BZA' RGYAL MO BTSUN — One of the wives of Khri srong lde btsan.  17 II 324.4.  Das 828.

PHO RENG RĀ DZA — 128 822.  TPS 538.

PHO ROG — See (— —) Mdo sde mgon.

PHO RON — S of Mun nying.  NMH 77.2.

PHO ROL — See Precious Deposits II 29.

PHO LA — One of 20 principle mts of Tibet.  Das 212.

PHO LEGS MO LEGS — Aris in BSOAS 39 (1976) 609.

PHO LONG — "gru gu'i ming." A Turkish word (for polo?) or a word for ball of yarn?  Dagyab 414.

PHO LHA — Pho lha Mched Gsum, etc., in 286 V 275, etc.

PHO LHA — N. of a valley and one of its village SSW of Rgyal rtse.  Wylie 143 no. 255.  JTL&CT 75.  An estate in Gtsang.  Petech, China 21.

PHO LHA — See (— —) Gnam the'u dkar po.

'Brum PHO LHA — See Das 938.

PHO LHA NAS — See (— — —) Bsod nams stobs rgyas.

PHO LHA BA — Or, Pho lha thal che (or Tha'i rdzi).  Family descended from Mi dbang Pho lha Tha'i rdzi, originally from village of 'Dus chung in Gtsang.  Das 828.

PHOG DPON — Title of an officer at Gshis ka rtse.  Das 829.

PHOGS ZAN — Class of student monks who are subsidized by the monastery, as distinguished from Rgyab sdod pa.  Tucci, Religions 114.

PHONG MDO — BA 322, 616‑7, 620, 625, 628, 631, 649.  See Phod mdo.



PHOD — In Dolpo.  Map in Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 141.

PHOD DKAR — Listed as one of the 8 Rgod Stong sde of G.yas ru.  28 82.

Sum pa PHOD KHA CAN — A disc. of (Rngog) Chos rdor.  BA 406.  57 IIB 348.1.

PHOD MDO — See (— —) Rdo rje rgyal mtshan.

PHOD MDO CHU —  =Phong mdo.  Tributary of Skyid chu originating at Bsam gzhung.  Velm I 120.

PHOM — See (—) Lha khab.

PHOR RTSE BRAG RI DGON PA — 377 7B.2, 10A.4.

PHYA — T.H. 107, 108.  170 69.6.  phya dang dbang phyug.  N. of a clan presiding in 'Dam shod dkar mo (q.v.).  28 80.  12 IX 74.6.  352 778.9 ff.  Karmay, Great Perfection 2.  Aris in BSOAS 39 (1976) 633.  There is an article by Chu Junjie, "Study of Phyva and Dmu, Two Important Clans in Ancient Tibet" (in Chinese).

PHYWA — Pl.n.  BA 79.

PHYA — See (— —) Stag sgra kyi shag.  (— —) Keng tse lan med.  (— —) Mi mkhyen dgu mkhyen.

PHYA MKHAN — Sthapati.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 347.

PHYWA LCAM — See (— —) Gung ma ron.

PHYWA STON — See (— —) G.yung drung rgyal mtshan.

PHYWA CHOS — Abbrev. form of the n. (Phywa pa) Chos kyi seng ge (q.v.).

PHYA RJE — See (— —) Yab lha bdal drug.

PHYWA PA — See (— —) Chos kyi seng ge.

PHYWA BTSUN — See (— —) Drung mu wer zhi.


PHYWA ZA — See (— —) Ngang 'brang ma.

PHYA YUL — BA 469.  Or, Phywa yul.  See 28 26, etc.

PHYA G.YANG DKAR — Tucci, Religions 235.

PHYA G.YANG RGYAL PO — Iconography in Gser 'od Nor bu 'Od 'bar gyi Mdo (1985) 276.2.

'Dul 'dzin PHYA RU BA — Also spelled Cha ru ba.  Kuijp, Rivers 322.

Li skor PHYA RU BA — Disc. of Milarepa.  For meeting with Milarepa, see 4 250A.6‑251B.2.

G.yen sangs PHYA LA 'THEN — See Das 1155.

PHYWA GSHEN — 1st Vehicle of Bon.  T.H. 109.  Tucci, Religions 228.  352 729.4 ff.  Good definition in 253 II 526.5 ff.

PHYWA SANGS — See (— —) 'Ol la 'then.

PHYWA SRAS YID 'ONG RGYAL PO — In title in 303 491‑510.

Gco gshen PHYAG DKAR — Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 447.

Lho brag pa PHYAG KHRI MCHOG — Disc. of Atiśa. Bio. in 165 367.

PHYAG RGYA GCIG PA — Teachings in 87 vol. 86.

PHYAG RGYA CHEN PO — H.V. Guenther, "Mahāmudra: The Method of Self Actualization," Tibet Journal 1 no 1 (xxxx) 5‑23.

PHYAG RGYA BZHI — Caturmudrāniścaya.  Tr. as part of dissertation by Anthony J. Fasano (Fordham 1981).  Phyag rgya Bzhi pa, a text attributed to Nāgārjuna, but disputed.  Shākya mchog ldan, Works VII 81.6.

Dam pa PHYAG CHEN — Disc. of Pha dam pa.  12 IX 93.3.  Should be corrected to Phyar chen.

PHYAG CHEN SKOR GSUM — Bibliography in 17 IV 369 ff.  383 294.4 ff.

PHYAG CHEN GA'U MA — Shangs pa teaching.  36 VIII.  384 III 337 ff.

PHYAG CHEN LNGA LDAN — A system of Phyag chen acc. to 'Bri gung school.  A Khrid yig in 123 II 306A ff.  Defined in 116 434.3 ff.  Thuken 147.

PHYAG CHEN THIG LE — Text in 493 27.4.

PHYAG CHEN YI GE MED PA'I LAM SKOR — By Ngag gi dbang phyug.  BD of T&TB X 3.18.

PHYAG RJE — Pl.n.  BA 292.

PHYAG DAR STON PA — Disc. of Atiśa.  Bio. in 165.

Mgon po PHYAG DRUG — Picture in 216A.

PHYAG RDOR — Or, Phyag na rdo rje.  Vajrapāṇi.  Gter ma in 87 XLIV.

Nang so PHYAG RDOR BKRA SHIS — Father of (Dga' ldan Khri pa) Ngag dbang mchog ldan.  Dhongthog 44, says the latter was b. in 1665.

PHYAG RDOR 'KHOR CHEN — A metal image, 12th cent., illus. in Po ta la (1996) 89.

Zur tsho ba PHYAG RDOR MGON PO — Author of Man ngag Gces bsdus Rin chen 'Phreng ba, on medicine of the Gong sman tradition (1975).

PHYAG RDOR GTUM PA — In 87 vol. 45.

Sgom smyon PHYAG RDOR NOR BU — Disc. and brother of Yol mo ba iii (1598‑1644).  373 preface.  122 49.5.  Text on bardo in Hungarian Csoma collection by someone with this name Phyag rdor nor bu (article by Kara), and some of this person's works have been published as well.  His history of the Byang gter lineage listed in BLP no. 1452.  Stearns, King 17.

Dngul chu PHYAG RDOR NOR BU — Subj. of autobio. listed in BLP no. 0657.

PHYAG RDOR RNAM RGYAL — 3rd Mahārāja (Chos rgyal) of Sikkim.  58 930.  B. 1686 to a Tibetan mother.  Took throne in 1700 at age 14.  He is said to have invented the Lepcha alphabet & founded Pemayangtse Mon.  He was assassinated by a Tibetan surgeon during a royal bath in hot springs.

Mkhan chen PHYAG RDOR PA — ?  Mgon po rin chen (15th cent.) studied under him.  BD of T&TB III 582.

Grub chen PHYAG RDOR PA — One of the lesser figures depicted in Krieger, Tibetan Painting 78‑9.

Lho brag PHYAG RDOR BA — T&BS II 247.  Author of bio. of Sngags 'chang Kun blo listed in BLP no. 0672.  See also BLP no. 0884.  Autobio., BLP no. 2091.

Lha rgya ri Zhabs drung PHYAG RDOR DBANG CHEN — 453 234.5.

Sde pa PHYAG RDOR RAB BRTAN — Mentioned in Padma dkar po's Rdo rje'i Glu (p. 383.3).

Bla ma PHYAG NA — A disc. of Mai tri pa.  BA 842, 384, 857.  17 II 431, 409.3.

Rgya gar PHYAG NA — An Indian teacher Vajrapāṇi, who visited Tibet toward end of 13th cent., acc. to Sanskrtyayana (see under Spos khang) [but this dating is incorrect].  He was b. in 1017, according to BA 866.  Kurtis Schaeffer's dissertation, p. 126 et passim.  He traveled to Tibet in 1066, and settled in Ye rang.

'Dul 'dzin Mchog Gyur Rgyal ba PHYAG NA — Picture in 128 542.

PHYAG NA RDO RJE — Picture in 128 262, 318.  349 II 588‑644.  374 I 173.6 ff. Kreijger, Tibetan Painting pl. 55.  An image, believed to be Imperial period, illus. in Precious Deposits I 136-7.

PHYAG NA RDO RJE — (b. 1017?)  Disc. of Mai tri pa.  BA 843.  BD of T&TB I 837.

'Gro mgon PHYAG NA RDO RJE — (1239‑1267) Dhongthog 75.  Sa skya pa.  Nephew of Sa skya Paṇḍi ta.  27 4.  Precious Deposits 31.  Said to have been poisoned; see Kuijp, Rivers 314.


PHYAG NA PADMA NGUR SMRIG GAR ROL DRUG PA — Vai.Ser. 84.  Perhaps Dalai Lama vi?

PHYAG PO SGANG DKAR BA — Petech (1983) 189.

PHYAG DBANG — Blessing by laying on of hands, explained in 332 IX 661‑2, etc.

'Ching bu PHYAG SBAL — Site of Gter ma.  320 XVIII 449.4.  Cuevas, Hidden History 182 ("Chakbel" located in Nang chen).

PHYAG TSHA — One of Sde chen Bco brgyad.  Nomads 20.

PHYAG TSHA SPRUL SKU — TS7 II 982.  The first was named Kun bzang nges don dbang po.



PHYAG 'TSHAL LA — A pass near Shel brag.  Ferrari 128.

PHYAG MDZOD CHEN PO — Title of the regent of the 4th Panchen Lama.  Engelhardt in TS9 I 231.

Ye shes kyi Mgon po PHYAG BZHI PA — A Dharmapāla.  For texts, see 90 VI 79 ff.  In vision of O rgyan pa, 115 94.7 ff.  213 93‑113.  Picture in 320 XXXII 2.  349 XXII.

PHYAG LA — BA 625.

Rong pa PHYAG SOR PA —  =(Rong pa) Rgya sor pa (q.v.).  BA 365.  17 II 524.4.  =Phyas sor pa in BA 465.  Identified as source of 'dream inspired Bodhicitta rites', acc. to Go rams pa's comm. on Sdom Gsum (Rhoton, Dissert. 107).  Jackson, MB 74.

PHYAM DGON PA — See (— — —) Bsam gtan bzang po.

PHYAM PO CHE — "Gtsang po la'ang." Dagyab4 240A.1.

PHYAR CHUNG — Disc. of Pha dam pa Sangs rgyas.  BA 913‑5, 921, 947.  12 IX 93.4.

PHYAR CHEN — A son of Rtse lde (q.v.).  28 53.

Dam pa PHYAR CHEN — A disc. of Pha dam pa Sangs rgyas.  BA 913, 925, 947, 977.  17 II 425.1.

PHYAR THUL CAN — See Shes pa rang grol.

PHYAL BA — Classed with those philosophies that do not transform the mind.  211 89.6.

PHYI SKOR BA DAN KHRA BO — A Sa bdag.  Vai.Kar. II 307.

PHYI CHU — "Marmot rivulet."  Arctomys Bobac of maps.  33°, by 78°.  79 86 no. 77.

Drang srong PHYI MTHA' — ?

PHYI PA — See (— —) Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan.

PHYI BO — See (— —) Ga ra dmar po.

PHYI DBANG — Village with mon. of 'Bri gung pa, including a temple (lha khang) built by king Bkra shis rnam rgyal (1500‑1532).  Roerich, Trails 18.  F. by Kun dga' grags pa.  See 14 21, 122‑3.

PHYI DBANG — A large cave complex in Gu ge, with more than 3000 caves, it is an important troglodyte settlement.  ZZFC 67.


Dge bshes PHYI 'BRAS PA — 115 105.1.


PHYI TSHOGS PU'U — Public Bureau (an office for United Front spies and informants).  Memories of Life 14.

Gle PHYI RI — Together with Shangs, it made up one of the eighteen Dbang ris.  28 80.


PHYI ROL PA — P.n.  Bāhyaka.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 346.

PHYI LUNG — Near 'Phyongs rgyas.  28 80.

PHYING DKAR — See (— —) Don yod rdo rje.

PHYING DKAR BA — N. of pl. in Tibet.  Das 836. 

Jo bo PHYING DKAR BA — N. of demigod.  Das 450.  N. of an image of Buddha at place of same name.  Das 836. Roesler, KSP 18 (protective deity brought by Atiśa).  "Ching‑karwa" in Alexander, Temples 175 (Dge bsnyen Phying dkar ba).  Phying dkar is both mountain and mountain god serving as protector of Rwa sgreng Monastery.  The name may mean White Felt Hat.

PHYING SNGON — Minister of Ge sar.  Stein, Recherches 195.

PHYING NA — Conn. w/ Phyi lung.  See 28 80.

PHYING MA — N. of the Royal residence in Yar lung in the time of Gnam ri slon mtshan.  See Hazod in TS9 I 29.

PHYING LUNG — Ancient n. of 'Phyongs rgyas.  Macdonald, Lecture 200.

PHYIN GUR — See (— —) Phun tshogs khang gsar.

PHYIN WANG — Aka Phyir wang.  TVS 155.

PHYIR CI WANG — Aka Ci wang.  TVS 155.


PHYIS KHUL TI — 208 I 238.5.

Mdo mang PHYUG RGYAL MA — N. of a sūtra collection preserved at Snar thang Mon.  Jampa Samten Shastri, Origins of the Tibetan Canon 769.

Khyim bdag PHYUG PO'I STOBS — Kurtis Schaeffer, Dissert. 239.

PHYUG PO'I BU — Picture in 128 710.

Phan PHYUG PO TSHUL KHRIMS — Mkhan po at Dge tshul ordination of Phag mo gru pa.  57 IIB 355.4.

Gnam mtsho PHYUG MO — See Gnam mtsho phyid mo.

Nyang stod PHYUG MO DPAL — Pl. where texts in 256 were redisc.  A Mt. where Khyung sprul meditated.  306 chap. 5.

Dang ra PHYUG TSO DGON — Also spelled Phyung gtso, Phyug 'tsho.  F. by G.yo lag Mkhan chen.  253 II 621.1 ff.  Combe 114, etc.  Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 66, which says it was f. in 1849.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 371 ff.  For its abbots, see note 17 on p. 407.  It was founded in 1849 by G.yo lag Sgom chen Smon lam bstan pa.

PHYUG GTSO MKHAN PO — Of Dwangs ra.  286 I title p.  342 title p.

PHYUG TSHANG BYA BRAL — Author of text in 271 571‑82.

PHYUG 'TSHO DGON GSAR — See (— — — —) Mthar bstan smin grol gling.

PHYUG GZHUG PA — See (— — —) Bsod rgyal.

PHYUG SO MKHAN PO — See (— — — —) G.yung drung rgyal mtshan.

PHYUG LHA SNYER 'BUM — Dotson, D&L 23.

Mon mkhar PHYUGS DGON — Vai.Ser. 187.

PHYUGS BDAG — N. of Dbang phyug.  Das 909.

PHYUGS MTSHAMS — One of the Rgod Stong sde of Dbu ru.  28 81.

Klung shod PHYUGS MTSHAMS — In A mdo.  28 80.

PHYUGS LHA SPUN BDUN — Tucci, Religions 166.

Gangs dkar ba PHYUNG PO KHRI DPAL — TS7 I 272.

PHYUR KHU — (?)  Roesler, KSP 65.

PHYE MA — N. of a town in vicinity of Khotan, evidently the Pein (Chinese Pimo, Khotanese Phema) located in Pem province mentioned by Marco Polo.  See Rong in JAH 49 (2015) 169.

Lha lcam PHYE MA LAM — Bellezza, D&B 134.


PHYE LEGS — Prob. =Ghiling (?).  28 14.

PHYOGS — Pl.n.  BA 348.

PHYOGS KYI GO CHA — An Indian king.  75 21.  A dpon slob.  4 162B.1.

PHYOGS KYI GO CHA'I SDE — Author of Paṇ chen Mkhas pa'i Dbang po Shanti pa Chen po'i Rtogs brjod and Mtho lding Gtsug lag khang gi Mkhan rabs Rim byon gyi Mdzad rnam Mdor bsdus listed in Drepung Catalog 1506.

PHYOGS KYI GLANG PO — Dignāga.  Also, Phyogs glang.  Pictures in 128 71 and 320 XII 3.  128 878.  Bio. in 165 185 ff.  BD of T&TB I 427‑430.  Bio. in 413 122.4 ff.  For his 'last words,' see Zhi byed Coll. V 431.4.


PHYOGS BCU PA — See (— — —) Rin chen bstan 'dzin.

Sar ban PHYOGS MED — A gter stonBD of T&TB III 503.  See 217 281.5.  In 1st rab byung.  383 217.6.  410 100B.

PHYOGS MED SGOM DAD PA — In Bon lineage.  206 587.5.

PHYOGS BZHI'I RAKSHI TA — N. of a disc. of Nāropa.  57 IIB 344.4.

PHYOGS LAS RNAM RGYAL — (1708‑1736?)  In Phyogs las Sprul sku incarnation lineage.  59 pref.  May be subject of bio. in 135 II 441‑486.

Sgam po Sprul sku PHYOGS LAS RNAM RGYAL — Work written at his behest contained in 226 159‑216.

Jo nang PHYOGS LAS RNAM RGYAL — (1306‑1386)  Disc. of Dol po pa and composer of his bio.  Stearns, Dissert. 48.  Acc. to Roerich's dictionary, vol. 10, p. 324, a teacher of Kālacakra to Tsong kha pa.  See Ruegg, JSBO 81, note 38, for a discussion on the confusions between the various persons named Phyogs las rnam rgyal.

Po to ba PHYOGS LAS RNAM RGYAL — F. of Bsam ldings.  TPS 704 no. 848.  17 II 422.4.

Bo dong PHYOGS LAS RNAM RGYAL — For confusion over identity of persons with this name, see Smith 165.

Bo dong PHYOGS LAS RNAM RGYAL — (1376‑1451)  Stearns, Dissert. 48.  His collected works in 118 volumes mentioned in JTL&CT 138.  'Jigs med 'bangs, Bo dong Phyogs las rnam rgyal gyi Rnam thar, Si khron Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Chengdu  1990), in 457 pages (also contained in the first volume of Encyclopaedia Tibetica, and translated in summary form by Diemberger, Feast of Miracles; note also 'Jigs med 'bangs aka A mo gha si dhi in 1453: Dpal ldan Bla ma Dam pa Thams cad Mkhyen pa Phyogs thams cad las rnam par rgyal ba'i Zhabs kyi Rnam par Thar pa Ngo mtshar gyi Dga' ston, Bod ljongs Bod yig Dpe rnying Dpe skrun khang [1991], in 415 pages.).  A work on how Khyung po G.yu khri gained faith in letters, listed in BLP no. 0195.  Bio. by Yar 'brog Khri dpon Nam mkha' bzang po listed in BLP no. 1425, bio. by 'Jigs med 'bangs at no. 1426, Rnam thar Ngag dbang ma at 1427, and bio. by Dbon yig pa Dkon mchog rgyal mtshan at 1428.  A funny story about him is told in Dreyfus, Sound 122.

Zhabs drung Gsung sprul i PHYOGS LAS RNAM RGYAL — (1708‑1736)  Dpal ldan Bla ma Dam pa Grub pa'i Dbang phyug Rdo rje 'chang Chen po Ye shes dngos grub zhabs kyi Rtogs brjod (1978).

Mi pham PHYOGS LAS RNAM PAR RGYAL BA — N. of Mi pham (1846‑1912).


The Gsung sprul of (Spa gro) Gsang chen chos 'khor.

0. Ngag dbang rnam rgyal (1594‑1651).

1. Phyogs las rnam rgyal (1708‑1736?).

2. Shākya bstan 'dzin (1736‑1778).

3. Ye shes rgyal mtshan (1781‑?).

4. 'Jigs med rdo rje (1830‑1850).

5. Ye shes dngos grub (b. 1851).

Chos rje PHYOGS LAS 'OD ZER — Contemp. w/ Paṇ chen i.  185 contents.

'Jam dbyangs PHYOGS LHA 'OD ZER — His logic work published in Dharamsala in 1980.

PHYONG PO LO SHAN — Mt. range at Chinese border in time of Ral pa can.  DTK5 182.

PHYOS BDE BYAMS — 'Phyos?  A mon.  Ferrari 131.

PHRA PHUG — Pl.n.  247 I 257.

Bi zha PHRA BA — Khotanese princess.  Emmerick.

PHRA 'BRUG —  =Khra 'brug?  27 131.

PHRA MA CAN — In avadāna story.  TPS 532.


Zar gyi PHRA SMAN — Sp?  58 926.

Paṇḍi ta PHRA LA RING BA — BD of T&TB I 782.  Phra la ring mo.  Almogi, MA Thesis 79‑80.  It is uncertain what his Indian language name would have been.  Acc. to Mtshan tho, he was in Tibet in the 10th cent.; it is said that he did grong 'jug on a corpse of a boy in Gtsang rong, and became the Rdzogs chen pa Rong pa Chos bzang (i.e., Rong zom pa).

PHRA GSAS GZHON NU — N. of 'Jam dpal dkar po of Bonpo.  Das 842.

PHRAG PA RI — 33 193.6.

PHRANG PO GTER STON — See 'Phreng po Gter ston.

PHRANG BTSAN — Pl.n.  Das 843.

PHRU NYO — N. of a mchod rten.  F.W. Thomas, "Matriceta and the Maharajakanikalekha," Indian Antiquary 32 (1903) 349.

PHRU THOG — An old form of the n. Ru thog (Hoffmann).

Rnal 'byor pa PHRU MA — 145 V 419.

Rnal 'byor po PHRU MA PA — Jackson in TH&L 240.

PHRUL GSHEN — 3rd Vehicle of Bon.  T.H. 109.


PHRENG RING — ("Taring")  See (— —) Rin chen sgron ma.  (— —) 'Jigs med.

PHROM —  =Khrom.  See Stein 57.  N. of Tibet (??).  253 II 642.2.  See Das.  Discussion in Kuijp, Earliest 191.

Mkhas pa Nang tshang 'PHAGS SKYABS — Prob. 'Phags pa skyabs.  Author of bio. of Chos legs mtshan can listed in BLP nos. 0785, 1320, 1493.

'PHAGS SKYES PA — One of the Four Great Kings, or Rgyal po Chen po Bzhi (q.v.).  He holds a sword.  Pictured in 128 1134.  N. of a human (?) king.  432 1143.1.  His capital was Dza lan dha ri.  Subject of avadāna story.  TPS 456.  "grul bum gyi rgyal po chen po 'phags skyes po."  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 403.1.

'PHAGS 'KHRUNGS —  =Rgya gar.  Das 304.

'PHAGS RGYAL — F. in 1862 with 8 monks.  Sikkim mon.  Waddell 285.

'PHAGS RGYAL — The city named Ujain, Ujjāyini, Ujjayinī, Avanti, Avantikapur.  See Dung dkar 21.  Jamspal, Treasury 7.

'PHAGS RGYAL DAG — Ujjayin.  TPS 513.

'PHAGS CHU — River w/ valley of source of an upper branch of Skyid chu.  Ferrari 81.

Chab mdo 'PHAGS CHEN RIN PO CHE — 363 56.5.  Togden 264 n. 182.

'PHAGS MCHOG — A Stag lung pa incarnation lineage.  See (— —) Chos dbyings lhun grub.

Bsam rdzong Chos sde Pho brang pa 'PHAGS MCHOG CHOS NYID YE SHES — In Thang lugs transmission.  29 7.

'PHAGS MCHOG RDO RJE — (1893‑1943)  Author of 61 (q.v.).  Physical and spiritual son of Shākya shrī (1854‑1919).  Kongtrul Encyclopedia, preface, p. 74.  Verses of praise to him near end of 337.  A teacher of 'Brug pa Gdung sras Rin po che.  1 57.  363 115.2.  Author of 464.  Alias, Kun bzang rdo rje.  His collected works published in 3 vols. in 2004.  Amy Holmes‑Tagchungdarpa, "His Father's Keeper: Ethics, Ambiguity & Responsibility in the Life of Tibetan Buddhist Teacher Se Phagchog Dorje (1893‑1943)," a paper given at the AAR (Montreal 2009).

'PHAGS MCHOG PA — See (— — —) Bsod nams dpal.

'PHAGS SDE DGON — Vai.Ser. 176.

'PHAGS PA — Often used as the name of ('Gro mgon) ('Phags pa) Blo gros rgyal mtshan (1235‑80), q.v.  Bio. by L. Petech contained in:  Igor de Rachewiltz et al., eds., In the Service of the Khan, Harrassowitz (Wiesbaden 1993).  Remarkable jade image illus. in Precious Deposits 12, note also the jade seal on following pages, as well as shoes supposedly worn by him.  Bio. by Rdor 'dzin Ye shes rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 0473.  Chos rgyal 'Phags pa'i Rnam thar Rin po che'i Phreng ba, listed in BLP no. 0754.  Bio. by Ye shes rgyal mtshan listed in BLP nos. 1382, 1385.  For an image, see Chiara Bellini's article in Orientations 45 no 5 (June 2014) 95.

'PHAGS PA — Refers to 2 contemporaries of Bu ston (1290‑1364), one staying in Thu gu, the other in Skyi mkhar.  27 98.

'PHAGS PA — DTK5 95.

Nang chen 'PHAGS PA — Contemp. of Bu ston.  27 156.  IT IV/1, p. 79 ff.  TPS 663B.

Thang pe ba 'PHAGS PA SKYABS — Also, Thang spe.  In 'Tshur transmission lineage.  BA 419.  17 II 469.3.  See under Gsang 'dus.  Picture in 128 286.

'PHAGS PA CHOS SMAD — Disc. of 'Brog mi.  BD of T&TB X 50.11.

'PHAGS PA RNAM GSUM — Three great Bon saints important in the history of Bon in A mdo.  Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 419.

'PHAGS PA DPA' BO — Āryaśūra.  See Aspiration preface.  Beyer 76.

'PHAGS PA DPAL BZANG PO — (b. 1318)  1st prince of Rgyal rtse.  F. temple at Rtse chen (q.v.).  Ferrari 142.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 41.

Nang chen 'PHAGS PA DPAL BZANG PO — (1318‑1370)  Kuijp in TH&L 285.  Birthdate given as 1317 in Kuijp in CAJ 39 (1995) 295.

'PHAGS PA DPAL 'OD — See Dpal 'od.

'PHAGS PA WA TI — See under Wa ti.

'PHAGS PA 'OD — Successor of Chos sku rdo rje (1214‑1292) in Guhyasamāja lineage.  27 40.  Picture in 128 290.  From other sources, his surname seems to be Jo mtsho ba.  Dung dkar 70.

'PHAGS PA RIN CHEN — (1320‑1376)  Kuijp, KPTB 57.

'PHAGS PA RIN PO CHE — 5th Rab byung.  Terton.  383 219.4.

'PHAGS PA SHING KUN — Dkar chag, see Ind. Off. Cat. no. 440.  Work by the Dalai Lama v, see Toh. no. 5651.12.  Dkar chag by Paṇ chen Dpal ldan ye shes listed in BLP no. 1386.  Bal yul Mchod rten 'Phags pa shing kun gyi Dkar chag Rgyas pa, listed in BLP no. 1400.  Dkar chag by Blo bzang chos 'phel listed in BLP no. 1401.  Bal po Mchod rten 'Phags pa shing kun gyi Dkar chag Bsdus pa, BLP no. 1402.  Bal yul mchod rten gyi Dkar chag, by Rgyal ba Thub bstan rgya mtsho, listed in BLP no. 1403.  Ehrhard, Register, p. 147, tells a story accounting for the name, here interpreted to mean all kinds of trees.  Hubert Decleer, "The Tibetan Name of Svayambhu, 'Phags pa shing kun, 'Sacred All‑Trees', What does it Really Mean?" contained in: Tsering Palmo Gellek & Padma Dorje Maitland, eds., Light of the Valley, Renewing the Sacred Art and Traditions of Svayambhu, Dharma Publishing (Berkeley 2011) 240‑271.  In 122 81-90 is a cursive ms. of a dkar chag by one Su na shrī'i bha dra.

'PHAGS PA SHES RAB — Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 309.

Sgye 'PHAGS PA SHES RAB — (9th cent.)  Lde'u 322.

Zangs dkar ba 'PHAGS PA SHES RAB — He was present at the council of 1076; studied with Kha che Dgon pa ba, Kha che Dznyā na shrī etc., was responsible for bringing the Rnam sras cycle to Tibet, and worked on the restoration of 17 vihāras, including Bsam yas; was unable to study directly with Rin chen bzang po, but studied with his student Lo chung Legs shes instead.  Mtshan tho no. 33.  Gutschow, Becoming a Buddhist Nun 98‑99, where she gives his dates as 1045‑1115(?).

'Phags pa lha i 'PHAGS PA SANGS RGYAS — (1507‑1566)  Bio. by Dkon mchog 'byung gnas listed in BLP no. 1379 (see also no. 1377).

'PHAGS PA LHA — Āryadeva.  Pictured in 128 42, 70A, 272, 1058.  Song in 331 415‑18.  Bio. in 165 271.  Picture in 320 XI 633.  A nice embroidered thangka illus. in Po ta la (1996) 147.

'PHAGS PA LHA — See (— — — i) 'Phags pa sangs rgyas.  (— — — iii) Mthong ba don ldan.  (— — — v) Rgyal ba rgya mtsho bsod nams lhun grub.  (— — —) Ye shes 'jigs med bstan pa'i mgon po.  Note that sometimes the predecessor of 'Phags pa sangs rgyas (1507‑1566), Bde chen rdo rje (1437‑1487), is considered the First in the line (and the numbering of incarnates would need to be adjusted accordingly).  See Gardner in TJ XXVIII no. 3 (2003) 68.

'PHAGS PA LHA — Khenchung Phakpala.  A monk known to be a Chinese collaborator, stoned to death by the crowds on Mar. 10, 1959, at the Norbu Lingka.  Patterson, Requiem for Tibet 170.

'PHAGS PA LHA KHANG — Chapel in upper storey of Potala.  Believed to be one of the oldest parts.  Located directly above Chos rgyal Sgrub phug.  TS5 658.  'Phags pa Lha khang sogs kyi Rten tho, listed in BLP no. 1378.  Henss, CMT 102.

'PHAGS SPRUL — See (— —) G.yung drung rgyal mtshan.

Snye mo 'PHAGS PHU'I SGRUB SDE — 253 II 603.5.

'PHAGS 'OD PA — See (— — —) Yon tan rgya mtsho.

'PHAGS YUL — Translation of Āryadeśa.  =Rgya gar.  India.  Das 304.  'Phags yul gyi Rtogs brjod by Paṇ chen Dpal ldan ye shes listed in BLP no. 1387.  'Phags yul gyi Paṇḍi ta Lnga brgya'i Mtshan brjod, by Lcang lung Paṇḍi ta, listed in BLP no. 1388.

Rin po che 'PHAGS LAM BKOD PA'I RGYUD — 320 IV 152‑74.

'PHAGS LUGS — Beyer 117, 119, 136.  School of Gsang 'dus coming from ['Phags pa] Klu sgrub.  349 VII.

'PHAGS SENG — Haribhadra.  TS7 II 832.

Chab mdo 'PHAGS LHA HO THOG THU — 438 558.4.

'PHANG THANG — "High Plain."  Pl.n.  BA 43.  'Phang thang Ka med.  Pl.n.  27 31.  (Pho brang) 'Phang thang.  87 I 262.4.  'Phang thang ma, n. of an early dkar chag of snga dar translations.  242 III 300.4.  A general outline of its contents is found in Rig pa'i ral gri's history, fol. 25v ff.  CFMS 12.  According to one author, it is the first of the two earliest dkar chag to scriptures; see 443 VI 496, which also discusses Phang thang's present‑day location.

Glang pa 'PHANG THANG — Monastery.  Vitali in TS9 I 95‑6.

Dkar chag 'PHANG THANG MA — N. of an old dkar chag of scriptures mentioned along with the Ldan dkar ma (=Lhan dkar ma).  'Jigs gling, Gsung 'bum III 415.4.  BLP no. 0068.  This was the first of 3 imperial period catalogues.

Mes po 'PHANGS BRTSON — Das 974.

Btsan mo 'PHAN — Wife of Glang dar ma & mother of 'Od srung.  28 52.  Imaeda in: Paul Harrison & G. Schopen, eds., Sūryacandrāya: Essays in Honour of Akira Yuyama (Swisttal Odendorf 1998), p. 92.

Ra shag 'PHAN SKYABS — 253 II 191.1.

Ra sangs 'PHAN RGYAL — Bonpo.  206 542.2.  248 25.4.

Gnon 'PHAN LNGA SUM — TS5 661.

Nam pa 'PHAN NE — Disc. of Sgam po pa.  BA 462.

Ljang tsha 'PHAN SNANG — Bonpo.  Bio. in 253 II 141.2.

'PHAN PO — Bio. of Thang stong.  5 14.

'PHAN PO —  ='Phan yul, "the nearest alpine valley North of Lhasa"  Das 847.  BA 783.

'PHAN PO SGO LA — Penbogo la.  Pass on northern route from Lhasa, near Glang thang. Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 94.  See under Sgo la, Mgo la, etc.

'PHAN PO NA LENDRA — See book by David Jackson.  Rituals for the Practice of the Sarvadurgatiparisodhana (and other teachings of the 'Phan po Na lendra tradition), N. Delhi (1978). 

'PHAN PO SBAS GRONG — Birthpl. of Blo bzang mkhas mchog.

'PHAN BLA RJE — Petech (1983) 175.  Schaik, M&T 66.

'PHAN YUL —  ='Phan po?  87 I 266.1.  Beyer 321.  Roesler, KSP.  Bsod nams chos dar, 'Phan yul gyi Gnas bshad Ngo mtshar Rig gnas kyi Bang mdzod, Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Beijing 2009), in 264 pages.

'PHAN YUL — See (— —) Rgya lcags ri.  (— —) Rgyal, or, Rgyal Lha khang.  (— —) Stag mgo.  (— —) Stong rtse ra.  (— —) Po to.  (— —) Bya bzang.  (— —) 'Bran mo Phug.  (— —) Yu nga.  (— —) Yo mo Brag phug.  (— —) Sha ba 'Bum pa

'PHAN YUL RGAN MO — 'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) IV 345.4.

'PHAN YUL STONG SDE — One of the 18 dbang ris under clans of Sgro and Rma.  28 80.

Lo ro 'PHAR — BA 568.

'PHAR CHEN DGON — 253 II 638.5.

'PHAR CHEN TSHANG — A small Bon mon.  253 II 610.1.


'PHAR BA MGO DGU — "A devil of the sa bdag class"  Das 847.  Vai.Kar. II 293.

Stod lungs 'PHAR TSHANG — BA 463.

'PHUNG PHUNG — Langelaar, Chasing 12.

'PHUR BA'I ZHABS — See U dhi li pa.

'PHUR BYED KYI GRONG KHYER — Tibetan translation of Otantapūri.  BBNP 480.  The real spelling of this monastery ought to be Uddaṇḍapura, as this spelling was found on a pedestal inscription, according to Sanderson in Einoo, ed., Genesis & Development of Tantrism, p. 92.

'PHEN ZHOL — Mon. in Rdza khog.  Thar in TS9 IV 165.

Ljongs dga' 'PHEL RGYAS GLING — Ljongs dga', =Rdzong dga'.  A mon.  Wylie 64, 65.  438 VI 441.6.

'PHO SKUD — Subj. of work in 239 X.

'PHO BA — Work on Cig char 'Pho ba in 212 IV.  239 VII, 243 IV 765 ff.  280 I 637‑9.  325 253‑69.

'PHO BA LUNG PA — Disc. of 'Dul ba 'od.  17 IV 456.4.

'PHO BAR SMRA BA PA — Saṃkrāntika.  One of 10 sub‑schools of Sarvāstivāda.  BA 28.

'PHO BRANG — Or, Pho brang.  Title of the second son of a ruling family.  28 52.  Yamaguchi rejects this interpretation, and thinks it simply means 'palace' (and therefore 'Od srungs is the name of a palace).

Rje btsun ma 'PHONGS SEL SGRON MA — SBTD I 359.

'PHYA NANG DGON — [12‑1875] Mon. in Mdo smad.

'PHYANG BA — The land of Lambaka in an avadāna story.  TPS 482.

'PHYING DKAR — 243 IV 793 ff.

'PHYING DKAR JO BO CHEN PO — Propitiation.  FM 117.16.

'PHYING PA STAG RTSE — Castle above 'Phyongs rgyas, residence of early kings before Srong btsan moved to Lha sa.  Tucci, Tombs 31, Tucci, Lhasa 140.

'PHYING BA STAG RTSE — TS5 535.  Place in 'Phyong rgyas where in 1688 the Sde srid compiled a Tanjur collection in 224 volumes.  Jampa Samten Shastri, Origins of the Tibetan Canon 774. Henss, CMT 313.

'PHYING YUL — A valley, traditional place of interment for Emperors.  T.H. 104.  For history of the toponym, see  CFMS 11.  In later times the area is called 'Phyong po.

'PHYING YUL DAR THANG — Also called Nga ra thang, Ngar thang, Ngar ma thang.  Hazod in Steinkellner Festschrift 260, 266 etc.

'PHYING LUNG — One of 8 rgod stong sde in G.yo ru.  28 82.  May be spelled 'Ching lung.

'PHYIL PHU — BA 1001.

'Gram gyi Sa bdag 'PHYE BO — Vai.Kar. II 308.

Tsang kun 'PHYE BO MTHING NAG — Sa bdagVai.Kar. II 270.

'PHYOGS — See (—) Dog pa.

'PHYONG — 'phyong dgu, =mchong dgu, ='chong dgu.  See 251 pref.  275 pref.  Texts in 284, 299 485‑92.  The Nyingma have klong dgu.  BA 172.

'PHYONG RGYAS — Or, 'Phyongs rgyas.  District in Lho kha in central Tibet.  See Das 852.  N. of a valley connected with Yar klung Valley, site of imperial tombs.  T.H. 40.  The Dalai Lama v was born there.  Also, n. of a river.  Tucci, Lhasa 139 ff.  Macdonald, Lecture 200.  56 61 ff.  Photo of buildings in Mele, Tibet 70.

'PHYONG RGYAS — See (— —) Ngag dbang rnam rgyal.

'PHYONG RGYAS PAṆḌI TA — See (— — — — —) Blo bzang bstan 'phel.

'PHYONG PO — BA vi.  Hazod in Steinkellner Festschrift.

'PHYONG PO KHE RU — BA 155.  Das 852.

'PHYOS — A side valley of Spyan g.yas.  BA 438, 1030, 1059.  Ferrari 131.

'PHYOS — See (—) Kha sging.  (—) Bde byams.  (—) Lam rim theg chen.

'PHRAG RTSE RI THUNG — Pl.n.?  In S Lha stod.  115 7.6.

'PHRAG YUL — For Thang stong's visit, see 5 152.6, 142.6, 144.1.  Evidently in Kong po.  "'Phrag yul gyi nags thang spang."  5 134.3.

'PHRANG — See (—) (Rgya ston) Zhig po.

'PHRANG KHA — See (— —) Ber chung.

'PHRANG PO — Pl.n.  BA 663.

'PHRANG 'OG — Pl.n.  BA 208.

Gung thang 'PHRANG RA — Birthpl. of Ras chung pa.  17 II 499.6.

'PHRANG LHA'I DBANG PHYUG — Bonpo gter ston253 II 175.4.

'PHRAL BDE LAS KHUNG — A name for the state treasury, in the Potala.  Tsarong in TJ XXIII no 3 (1998) 24.

'PHRIN YIG — For a treatise on letter writing, see under Bis pa Mi pham zla ba.

Dpal mgon 'PHRIN LAS — Picture in 16 21.  A date of 780 is given in 253 II 592.5.

'Brug pa Bla ma 'PHRIN LAS — A teacher of Ngag dga' (b. 1879).  39 17.

Yongs 'dzin 'PHRIN LAS KUN KHYAB — 150 contents.

'PHRIN LAS KUN KHYAB DPAL BZANG PO — See under 'Jigs med bstan pa'i nyi ma.

'PHRIN LAS RGYA MTSHO — (1856‑1874/5)  The Dalai Lama xii.  Waddell 233.  "'ol dga' rdzing phyi zhol du 'khrungs."  128 862.  His bio. is listed in BLP no. 0551.  Bio. by Phur bu lcog (1845‑1914) listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 350 (no. 760).  Thurman & Rhie, Shrine for Tibet, p. 129 identifies an image as being his, in the absence of an inscription.

'PHRIN LAS RGYA MTSHO — (b. 1876, near Ri bo che, d. 1935/6)  He is also known as (Ri bo che) Mgar ba Bla ma, as Mgar ra Bla ma, as Nor bla Hu thug tu and as Nor lha Hu thug tu (Nuola Hutuktu).  He was brother of  Phrin las byams pa 'byung gnas, the Ri bo che Rje drung vii.  He was imprisoned by the Tibetan gov't for apparent collusion with Chinese troops in the 1910's.  He showed up in Peking in 1924 after traveling through Nepal & India.  In China he was known as Nora Rinpoche, and he had many followers among diaspora Chinese following Communist takeover.  Yogi Chen is one of his followers.  More information on him in Peng in TS9 IV 68 ff. and in Ling Hsiao Ting, "A Reassessment of the Issue of the 9th Panchen Lama's Return to Tibet, 1934‑1937," JAH 37 no 2 (2003) 129‑154, at p. 139.

Nyang phran 'PHRIN LAS RGYA MTSHO — Sde srid of Tibet from 1660‑1668.  Vai.Ser. ix.  438 VII 438.2.

'Khrul zhig PHRIN LAS RGYA MTSHO — In Nang chen.  473 40.

Do'u ge'i De yan ci 'PHRIN LAS RGYA MTSHO — (d. 1656)  332 II pref. 4.

Dpa' bo v 'PHRIN LAS RGYA MTSHO — (1650‑1699)  Karma pa.  Bio. in 35 II 339.

Sgrub sprul Mi pham PHRIN LAS RGYA MTSHO — See Mi pham phrin las rgya mtsho.

Mi dbang PHRIN LAS RGYA MTSHO — In Skyid shod in circa 1660.  458 I 56.5.  He was responsible for the printing of Las chen's Bka' gdams history under orders of Dalai Lama v.

Sems dpa' 'PHRIN LAS RGYA MTSHO — Teacher of Gter bdag gling pa.  458 I 328.2.

'PHRIN LAS BRGYA BZHI'I ZIN RIS — Text in 315 259‑271 ff.

'PHRIN LAS CHOS GRAGS — Article in BJZJ (1982, no. 3), p. 120 ff.

'PHRIN LAS CHOS SGRON — Havnevik, Dissert. 105.  A young nun who led the revolt of Snye mo in 1969.  Tsering Shakya, Dragon 344.  'Gyur med 'phrin las chos sgron.  Achard, L'Essence 83.

Karma 'PHRIN LAS CHOS 'PHEL — (modern?)  Collected works have been published.

Rab 'byams pa 'PHRIN LAS CHOS 'BYOR — Abbot of Dgong dkar Bshad sgrub gling.  438 VI 602.2.

'Dam dkar Dul mo Sprul sku PHRIN LAS BSTAN 'DZIN DAM PA — 346 121.5.



PHRIN LAS MTHA' YAS RTSAL — See Las rab gling pa.

Dge slong 'PHRIN LAS MTHAR PHYIN — 458 I 179.3.

Bla ma 'PHRIN LAS DAR RGYAS — 363 116.1.  N. of Pha bong kha pa's phyag mdzod (said to be still living).  Barlocher 616 ff, 772.  Goldstein, History 362.

'PHRIN LAS 'DUS PA — In title in 320 XXXII 217 ff.

Rig 'dzin 'PHRIN LAS BDUD 'JOMS — (1725‑ca. 1789)  Alias, Bstan gnyis gling pa, Karma bdud 'joms.  Disc. of Padma rdo rje.  See Velm I 28 ff.  TS7 I 260.

PHRIN LAS RDO RJE — Birth n. of (Kirti) Blo bzang 'phrin las.  SBTD I 45.

'PHRIN LAS NOR BU — (1931-2011)  Eldest son of (Bdud 'joms) 'Jigs med ye shes rdo rje, author of Magic Dance.  =Thinley Norbu. 

'PHRIN LAS NOR BU —     Author of Account of the Great Chaitya of Thimbu (1974). 

'PHRIN LAS KYI GNAS CHEN — See (— — — — —) Mon kha ne ring Seng ge rdzong.

'PHRIN LAS RNAM RGYAL — See Gar dbang 'phrin las rnam rgyal.  See 'Gyur med 'phrin las rnam rgyal.

Khri chen PHRIN LAS DBANG RGYAL — Achard, L'Essence 83.

Bde mkhar ba 'PHRIN LAS RNAM RGYAL — Srid blon Klu khang pa'i Sku tshe'i Mdzad rjes Snying bsdus, by Bde mkhar ba 'Phrin las rnam rgyal, LTWA (Dharamsala 1997).  Son of the minister Klu khang pa.

Dpal ri Sprul sku 'PHRIN LAS RNAM RGYAL — 458 I 47.6.  BD of T&TB III 284.

Sprul sku PHRIN LAS RNAM RGYAL — Author of works listed in BLP nos. 0376, 0577, 1005‑1006.

Rab 'byor Dgon gyi Bla ma PHRIN LAS RNAM RGYAL — 346 98.4.

Rig 'dzin 'PHRIN LAS RNAM RGYAL — Rebirth in circa 1686.  458 I 292.3.

Dge tshul ma 'PHRIN LAS DPAL MO — 463 I 108.4.

'PHRIN LAS PHUN TSHOGS — Said to be incarnation of Nāropa.  19th 'Bri gung abbot.  37 32 ff.


Ri bo che Rje drung vii 'PHRIN LAS BYAMS PA 'BYUNG GNAS — (fl. early 20th cent.)  Aka 'Phrin las byams pa'i 'byung gnas.  Alias (Rje drung) Khrag 'thung bdud 'joms nam mkha'i rdo rje.  =Bdud 'joms nam mkha'i rdo rje.  =Byams pa 'byung gnas.  The Rje drung of Ri bo che in Khams.  He upheld the teachings rediscovered by Ratna gling pa.  Root guru of the present Bdud 'joms Rin po che.  91 preface.  Redisc. work in 240 489‑99.  Collected Works  (1979) in 6 vols. (one vol. of collected works published in Darjeeling 1978).  Achard, L'Essence 28.  See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 54.  Sardar‑Afkhami, Account 13.

Mkhas grub PHRIN LAS DBANG PHYUG — Bio. by Rgyal Mkhan po Grags pa rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 0269.

'PHRIN LAS DBANG PHYUG — (1772‑1812)  TS7 I 260.

Rig 'dzin 'PHRIN LAS DBANG PHYUG — Father of Yol mo ba iii.  373 preface.  He is also called Lo chen, being a reincarnation of Lo chen Ratnabhadra, a teacher of the Jo nang pa school.  Ehrhard in Prats, Pandita 30.

'O yug Rdza ra Grub thob 'PHRIN LAS DBANG PHYUG — 363 118.6.

Mkhas grub 'PHRIN LAS DBANG PHYUG — (?)  BD of T&TB V 646.  Bio. in SBTD I 319.

Nang chen Chos rgyal U'i jing Tha'i ji 'PHRIN LAS TSHE DBANG MTHAR PHYIN — At whose behest was written the work by Khams sprul iii in 229 35 ff.

'PHRIN LAS BZHI — See under Lha tshogs bzhi and Buddhist Himalayas 257‑8.

'PHRIN LAS BZANG PO —  =Dkon mchog 'phrin las bzang po?  23rd abbot of 'Bri gung.  B. in Kong yul.  Studied w/ Gter bdag gling pa.  F. of Yang ri Dgon.  Ferrari III.  37 37.  His dates are 1656‑1718, according to Jackson in Damani, Dating 111.

'PHRIN LAS YAR 'PHEL — Karma pa teacher of Mi pham kun gzigs chos kyi snang ba.  414 67‑8.

PHRIN LAS RAB RGYAS — His Yang tig Gces Sgron in 87 XVIII.

De mo 'PHRIN LAS RAB RGYAS —  =Ngag dbang blo gros 'phrin las rab rgyas.  Regent in minority of the Dalai Lama xiii.  19 194‑5.  438 VI 644.6 ff.  McKay in TS9 I 272.

Rtse drung 'PHRIN LAS RAB RGYAS — 438 VI 563.2.

'PHRIN LAS RAB BRTAN — (1667‑1744)  BD of T&TB V 604.  Called Rdzong phu Sprul sku.  383 458.4.  Phrin las rab brtan pa'i Rtogs pa Brjod pa Pad dkar Chun po Skal bzang Mos 'dun Sbrang rtsi'i 'Tsho gsos, by Su ma ti, listed in BLP no. 1391.

'PHRIN LAS RAB 'PHEL — Jackson, Patron 10.

'PHRIN LAS RAB YANGS — (late 15th cent.)  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 96.  Founded several Ngor pa monasteries in Bhutan.

'Brug chen vii Bka' brgyud 'PHRIN LAS SHING RTA — (1718‑1766)  1 40.  Successor of (Kaḥ thog) Tshe dbang nor bu in Jo nang Lugs (q.v.) no. 24.  20th in 'Brug pa Gdan rabs (q.v.).  Picture in 231 2.  122 25.3.

Rig 'dzin 'PHRIN LAS LHUN GRUB — Achard, L'Essence 83.

Gsang bdag 'PHRIN LAS LHUN GRUB — Called Gnyos ston.  Called Rig 'dzin 'Phrin las lhun grub.  Father of Gter bdag gling pa and scion of Gnyos lineage of Rnying ma teachers.  39 6.  "Chag Byang chub gling du 'khrungs."  (1611‑1662)  "Yab Gnyos ston Mdo sngags bstan 'dzin."  Dhongthog 76.  Disc. of (Gong ra Lo chen) Gzhan phan rdo rje (1594‑1654).  B. at (Chag) Byang chub gling.  BD of T&TB III 806 (includes a long list of his teachers).  410 207B.3.  458 I 327.2.  Alias O rgyan tshe 'phel.  Father of Gter bdag gling pa.  217 504.1.  ? 382 preface.  Cuevas, Hidden History 166.

'Ol dga' Rje drung 'PHRIN LAS LHUN GRUB — Incarnation lineage of (Lho brag Grub chen) Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan.  Student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

'PHRUNG — BA 178.

'PHRUL DGA' — A Buddhafield.  Nirmāṇarataya.  Das 79.

'PHRUL RGYUD — Branch of 'Gos family.  73 415.2 ff.

'PHRUL GYI SGRON ME — Title in 501.

'PHRUL GYI LDE MIG — In colophon title in 320 II 252.5.

'PHRUL SNANG — =Ra sa 'Phrul snang.  Temple at Lhasa in which the Chinese princess's image was installed.  See Ferrari 85.  =Jo khang.  BA 40, 44, 219.  Beyer 5.  Bsod nams don grub, 'Phrul snang Dkyil 'khor Dkyil gyi Gu ru Snang srid zil gnon gyi Sku brnyan Gsar bzhengs Bgyis pa'i Dkar chag, a 50 fol. ms., listed in BLP no. 1392.  Dalai Lama v, 'Phrul snang Gtsug lag khang gi Nang mjal Drug gi Dkar chag, listed in BLP no. 1393.

'PHRUL PA'I SDE — Mon. where Sa paṇ died.  Petech (1983) 198, no. 47.  Identified as Silimji.  See Grupper, Buddhist 41, and refs. given there.

'PHRUL BUM DGON — 415 XI 136.1.

'PHRUL BON — See (— —) Ngar drag byams pa.

'PHRUL GYI ME LONG DGU SKOR — Text conn. w/ Vimala.  Toh. 4444, 4445.  The Me long Dgu Skor are ancillaries to the Zhi ba Don Drug in Bon.  See 273A II 42.6 ff. for a listing.

'PHRUL ZHIG MDO SNGAGS GLING PA — (late 19th, early 20th cent.)  Rnying ma.  BD of T&TB IV 619.

'PHRUL GSHEN — 3rd Vehicle of Bon.  Tucci, Religions 228.  352 730.2 ff.

'PHRUL GSHEN SNANG LDAN — 248 9.5.  253 II 371.1.

'PHRUL GSHEN GTSUG PHUD — Nine Ways 99 ff.

Mtha' bzhi 'PHRUL GSAS — Bonpo.  253 II 170.3.

'PHRENG 'GO — Site of Neolithic remains, in Gong dkar.  Precious Deposits I 5 ff.

'PHRENG CAN MA — Mālikā, in avadāna.  TPS 456.

Lha mo PHRENG THOG MA — Depicted in Po ta la (1996) 87.

'PHRENG DU DGE BSHES — See (— — — —) Gzhu.

'PHRENG PO — See Hazod in TS9 I 30.  Name of a place where copper was found, see Bka' chems ka khol ma (1989) 136.

'PHRENG PO GTER CHEN — See (— — — —) Shes rab 'od zer.

'PHRENG BA — Work on rosaries in 17 IV 299‑302.

'PHRENG BA CAN — See Ma la wa.


'PHROG MA — Hārītī.  Emmerick.  Subj. of avadāna.  TPS 457.  Schopen in JIP 30 (2002) 376.

'PHROG BYED — In avadāna story.  TPS 521.

'PHROG BYED DGA' BO — Vitali in Rocznik Orientalistyczny LXVII (2014) 250.

'PHROG BYED 'OD — See Gzhon nu 'phrogs byed 'od.

'PHROG RTSE — In avadāna story.  TPS 521.





BA KA RA — Bokhara, Bukhara.  Laufer, Loan Words 476.

BA KU LA — Area named after a flower or tree.  See Dagyab 466 for full explanation.

'Phags pa BA KU LA — Picture in 128 1076.

Gnas brtan BA KU LA — Image carved in stone, illus. in Precious Deposits II 118.

BA MKHAN SMUG PO — Also, Ba mkhal, Ba mkhar, Bal kham, Ba khal.  (12th cent.)  BD of T&TB III 306.  Bio. in 210 75.1 ff.  217 485.1.  In 5th rab byung383 219.2.  410 102B.6.  Blondeau in ISTS 45.

BA GA — The stong bu chung of Zhang zhung Stod.  28 83.  This is a Persian (?) word (consistently spelled Ba ga, rather than the Indian form Bha ga).  Bellezza, L&T 39.

BA GA RGYA GRONG — Vitali in TS9 I 85.

BĀ GA LA — In E India near Bengal, to the SW of Ba lendra.  87 I 255.6.

BA GA LUNG — Vitali in TS9 I 85.

BA'U GAN CHAG RTAG —  =Ba'u rgan chag stag.  132 95.1, 96.4, 96.6, 97.2.  See Rgan chag stag.  Evidently the 'native' name of Bai ro tsa na.  The spelling A 'u Gan chag stag also occurs.

BA GAM LHA RTSE — 352 742.19.

BA GE — Pl.n.?  463 I 56.4, 105.2.

BA GOR — See (— —) Dod de.  (— —) Dben sa kha.

BA GYONG DGON — Vai.Ser.  257.

Mon BA GRO — BA 150.

BA GLANG SKYONG — N. of a serpent in avadāna.  TPS 494.

BA GLANG BDAG — In avadāna. TPS 500.

BA GLANG LDAN — Das 858.

BA GLANG GNAS PA — Gokulika.  A branch of Mahāsanghika.  BA 28.

BA GLANG SPYOD — Godānīya.  One of the continents of Buddhist cosmology.  Has 5 rivers: Yangs pa can, Tsun tsum pa tī, Zla ba'i shug pa, Chu bzang po, Kun tu 'dres pa.  Das 417, 858.  =Gocarī?  Pandey.

BA GLANG RWA — In avadāna story.  TPS 505.

BA GLANG SRUNG —  =Go raksha (q.v.).

Grub thob BĀ GHA LA — Disc. of Bi rū paksha met by Nags kyi rin chen.  17 II 310.6.

BA MGO — Fanhe (Panhe).  Horlemann in TS9 I 60.

BA SGO — Basgo.  sp?  In La dwags.  A fortress.  Also called Rab brtan lha rtse.  14 3, 82, 84, 85, 87, 93‑7. 135.  For a thangka that originated in Ba sgo, see TPS 364.

BA CHOS GUNG DANG — OT pl.n.  Khetsun Sangpo, History 97.

BA'I MCHOG SBYIN — See Go ra wa ri.

BĀ JO'I DGON — TS5 846.

BA JON — Mon. in Chab mdo.  363 14.2.

Rdo rje gdan gyi byang phyogs BA TA'I RI — No doubt equivalent to Pa ta la'i ri (q.v.).  124 449.4.

BA TA HOR — 17 III 545.6.

Rgyal po BATTI BHANDRE MAL — 406 7A.1.

BA TU BA — A country mentioned in Bon works.  Das 859.

BA THUR — One of Sde chen bco brgyad.  Nomads 20.

BA THO — See Ba do.

BA DAG SUM PA — Badakshan.  Pelliot, Notes on Marco Polo 713.  Bon histories often spell this Ba dag shan, an even more perfect match.

BA DAN KHRA BO — See Phyi skor Ba dan Khra bo.

BA DAN SEN PO — "A demon of nāga class." Das 859. 

Sa bdag BA DAN SER PO — KTDN 143.4.

BA DU RA'I YUL — Visited by Padmasambhava  431 I 165.5.

BA DO — A monastery.  57 IIB 348.3.  BA 405.  In Gtsang rong.  Called Ba tho in 17 II 466.4.

Klu bon BA NAM SKYOL PO — Person.  206 541.4.  248 21.4, 21.6.

Zhang zhung BA NAM SKYOL PO — 206 541.4.

BA NE SHA RA — The place where Shākya shrī and Khro phu Lo tsā ba met in 1204.

BAḤ GNAS SPRUL SKU — 370 pref. 7.

BĀ GNAS BLA MA — See (— — — —) O rgyan phun tshogs.

BA SPU — "Babu."  ISTS 10.

BA SPU GZHONG — ?  See Gzhong Grub chen.

BA BAMS — See (— — gyi) G.yag ru thang.

BA BYA — See 'Ba' phya.

BA BYI — Pl.n. said to be in W with O rgyan.  KB 55.6.  *Ba be ru (Babylon?), see Encyclopaedia of Buddhism, the entry, "Bāveru."  Eugeniusz Sluszkiewicz, “Pāli Bāveru 'Babylon,'” Rocznik Orientalistyczny 41 (198) 107–117.

Gu ru BA BHA HI — Tib.: Chu la 'o ma len pa, or, Chu las 'o ma len pa.  A Mahāsiddha, also called Bha ba ha, or, in Tib., Srid bsnun.  Bio. 120 106.13 ff.  BD of T&TB I 692.

Shab BA MO CHE — Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 453.

BA TSA RI BA —  =Pa tsa ri pa.  Tib., Mchod mkhan pa.  Mahāsiddha.  Bio. in 120 150‑153.  His guru was Avalokiteśvara.  BD of T&TB I 722‑4.

Drang srong Chen po BA TSA SU TSA RA — KB 28.5.

BA TSI GE RA GLING — NTSP section NGA 75r.5, 76v.2.  Eimer, NG 108.  On one hand it seems to be synonymous with O rgyan, but then it has been located in the east or in 'coconut country' (meaning in the south).

BA BRTSE — See (— —) Kun dga' rgyal mtshan.

BA TSHA CHU KLUNG GI MDO — An apparently unknown sūtra cited by Atiśa (see Shelburne's book Complete Works of Atiśa 50).

BA TSHA DBANG RGYAL — Died in circa 1829.  Ramble in RET 15 (2008) 487.

BA DZRA KI RTI — Initiation n. of Mai tri pa.  57 IIB 345.1.

Bal po BADZRA KĪRTI — Pundit in about 12th cent., listed without further info. in Mtshan tho no. 104.

BADZRA KRODHA — Disc. of Dam pa sangs rgyas.  BA 913.  17 II 425.1.

BADZRA SKYABS — See Jalsan, "The Reincarnations of Desi Sangye Gyatso in Alasha and the Secret History of the Sixth Dalai Lama," Inner Asia 4 no 2 (2002) 347‑359, at p. 349.  His son was the first reincarnation of the Sde srid Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho.

Paṇḍi ta BADZRA GA ṆA BHA DRA — Translator.  450 297.4.

BADZRA DE WA — BD of T&TB I 567.

She'u Lo tsā ba BADZRA DE WA — Listed as a translator belonging to the 11th cent., but with no further information, in Mtshan tho no. 58.

Rgya gar gyi Paṇḍi ta BADZRA NA THA — Met by Rin chen phun tshogs.  210 269.4.  A yogi.  380 218.3.

BADZRA BO DHI — Tr. as Rdo rje ye shes.  488 534.1.  Das 860.

Rgya gar Gter ston BADZRA MA TI — BD of T&TB III 560, 731.  Bio. 210 78.3.  217 494.6.  Bal po Gter ston, in 5th rab byung.  383 219.4.  410 115A.6.

BADZRA RA KA — See Gnyis med rdo rje.

Paṇḍi ta BADZRA RAT NA — 320 XVIII 315.1.

Rnal 'byor pa BADZRA SHRĪ — 129 V 77.5.  BD of T&TB I 887‑888.

BADZRE SHWA RA — =Rdo rje dbang phyug.  A Karma pa.  Author of 331 525‑35.  =Zhwa nag ix.

BADZRA ALPA — =Rdo rje chung ngu?  Author of letter writing guide in 480.

BA BZI — See (— —) G.yung drung rin chen.

BA 'UG — Pl.n.  In Gtsang.  28 79.

BA YAGS — BA 271.

BA YAN THU BO NONG — Mongol.  208 I 237.4.

BA YAN DA RA THAL BYI — 208 I 236.3.

BA YAN DA RAS — 208 I 239.6, 240.2, 240.4.

Kong po BA YU BLA MA — (ca. 1682)  458 I 239.2.

Nub BA YU'I TSHAL — 253 II 568.2.

BA YUL — BA 718, 986.

BA YO THA BU NONG — Mongol.  208 I 237.4.

BA RA NI — Daughter of Dha he na ta lo.  132 42.5, 48.1, 49.6, 76.5.

Smad tshong ma BA RA NI — Not to be confused with the other Ba ra ni.  This one was daughter of Ra hu ta and Dga' ldan Dha ri.  See 132 51.6 ff.

BA RA SA HA — Mother of Pha dam pa Sangs rgyas.  BD of T&TB I 851.  Used in a letter from the Dalai Lama viii in 1793.  Engelhardt in TS9 I 238.

Lha rje Phan pa BA RAG — Disc. of Ston skya.  See BA 688.

BA RANG SGOM CHEN — See (— — — —) G.yung drung grags pa.

BA RANG LBA BA CAN — One of eight chief discs. of Marpa.  46.

Shrī BA RATNA — See Nags kyi rin chen.

Gsas khang BA RAB YONGS 'DUL — 352 745.18 ff.

BA RI — Pl.n.  BA 177.  "gtsang gi ri zhig."  Dagyab 433.  See Das 860.

BA RI GLA TSHAL — Vai.Ser. 229.

BA RI BRGYA RTSA — 374 II 57 ff.  SBTD I 139, 180.

BA RI ZING KHYUNG — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 170.

BA RI LO TSĀ BA — (1040‑1112)  Sometimes said to be "eleventh century."  Ba ri Rin chen grags.  Also, Ba ri pa.  Met Atiśa at age 15.  In 1102 he headed Sa skya on the death of 'Khon.  BD of T&TB X 93.1.  BA 73, 211, 405.  56 138.  17 II 399.4, 401.3.  4 82B.2, 4X I 139.5 ff.  145 V 371‑2.  115 8.1.  Beyer "Bari" in index.  206 575.2.  His Be'u bum was published in 1974.  A brief biography has been published in the recent 3-volume collection of previously unpublished works by the Sa skya Gong ma Lnga.  It is by Bsod nams rtse mo!  According to this last mentioned work:  Ba ri is his clan (gdung) name.  He was b. in G.yar mo thang.  His father & mother's names are unknown.  He went from his home in eastern Tibet at age 19 to Dbus Gtsang.  At Dbu ru Stod he took complete ordination from Ku su lu pa Zhang Yon tan rin chen. and Stan gcig pa Brtson 'grus grags.  Receives name Rin chen grags.  Studied Mngon pa Kun btus from Dge bshes Gnya' ra ba Don grub.  In India, he studied with Rdo rje gdan pa chung ba, Paṇḍi ta Don yod rdo rje, etc.  He returned to Tibet in 43rd year (1082), after 9 years in "lho bal."  At first he stayed with Lung steng pa Dge bshes Dkon mchog skyabs.  Then Dkon mchog rgyal po invited him to Sa skya.  Age 63 he became head of Sa skya and stayed as the gdan sa for 10 years.  He died age 73.  Acc. to TPS 594, he introduced the cult of Simhavaktrā into Tibet.  See Schaeffer in JIP 28 (2000) 370, which dates him to 1040‑1158, and supplies the names Rin chen grags, Dar ma grags and Chos kyi grags.  Acc. to Mtshan tho no. 36, he studied with Rdo rje gdan pa, etc., practiced mainly Don zhags (Don yod zhags pa), beheld face of Thugs rje chen po, and even served as Bla ma of Sa skya; invited Paṇḍi ta Don yod rdo rje (Amoghavajra) to Tibet, and composed Sgrub thabs Brgya rtsa.

BA RING — See (— —) Bal sgom.

BĀ RIN BLA MA — See (— — — —) 'Jigs med blo gros rgya mtsho.

BA RU GNAM TSHAL — ?  5 123, 240.  See Wa ru Gnam tshal.

BA RUN TSA — N. of a monk.  Emmerick.

BA RE NANG — N. of pl. in Tibet.  Das 860.

BA REG —  See (— —) Thos pa dga'.


Yer pa BA RENG — BA 74.

BA REN DRA — In the east.  BD of T&TB I 268.  See Schaeffer in JIP 28 (2000) 375 n. 17.

BA REN DRA RU TSI — See under Ha mu dkar po.

BA LA — N. of a pass.  463 I 139.5.

Ba dzi ya BA LA — N. of a Li king.  Emmerick.

BA LA BHA DRA — A young Pundit from Kuru area of N. India, who visited Tibet in 1631.  Shastri in TS9 I 138.  Name translated as Stobs bzang.  One of 3 pundits who taught grammar to 'Dar pa Lo tsā ba Ngag dbang phun tshogs in time of the Dalai Lama v.  Corrected translations of the grammatical work Dbyangs can Sgra mdo in Po ta la.  Mtshan tho no. 127.  Smith, Philology 22.

Rgyal po BA LA MAI TRI — 437 I 20.3.

Bla ma BA LA TSANDRA — Ras chung met him at Ta pa sa ta in India.  17 II 500.  He was a disciple of Ti bu.  17 II 502.  4 46B.2, 47A.2.  17 IV 324.3, 324.6.

BA LA SHA — See Das 860.


Rta'i Rgyal po BĀ LA HA — Story in 226 I 475‑96.  Zlos gar 27.  Samosyuk in TS9 VII 71.  Acc. to Gautama V. Vajracharya, Symbolism of Ashokan Pillars: A Reappraisal in the Light of Textual & Visual Evidence, Marg 51 no 2 (Dec 1999) 53‑78, p. 70, valāha means 'cloud'.

Drang srong BA LANG RNA BA — BD of T&TB I 275.

BA LAM — OTA 677, 678.  See Hazod in TS9 I 34 n. 18.

BA LAM — See (— — Nub) Chos rdzong.



BA LAM CHOS 'KHOR — Vai.Ser. 132.

Bla ma BA LAM PA — Kuijp in TH&L 296.  4th abbot of Lha phyug Mon.

BA LAM SHA TSHA — BA 74, 75.

BA LI — A part of Spo bo.  See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 45.

Mon gyi Blon po BA LI RA DZA — DTK5 75.

A tsarya BA LING NAG PO — 17 IV 340.6.

BA LINDA Ā TSARYA — See under Gnyos 'Byung po.

BA LIM A TSARYA — Balyācārya.  Disc. of Mai tri pa.  BA 843.  Perhaps the Balin mentioned in Kreijger, Tibetan Painting 72.  See Allinger in TS9 VII 61.

BA LU MA — A legendary dwarf, local deity of Zangs dkar.  Gutschow, Being a Buddhist Nun 266, n. 46.

Kun mkhyen BA LU ME TOG PA — 210 154.3.  116 184.7.  501 3v.3.  502 14v.5.  He taught extraction of essence of flowers (flower alchemy), hence the name.

BA LE PA — See (— — —) Sangs rgyas dpal bzang.

BA LE RAB 'BYAMS PA — See (— — — — —) Karma mkhyen brtse.

BA LENTRA — Near Bengal.  87 I 255.6.

BA SHA KA — In Assam.  Aris, Discourse 23.

Lho brag BA SHI — BA 76.

BA SHI GNAS BRTAN — Disc. of Klu mes.  His history cited in DTK5 79.  Also cited in Blue Annals.  See under Pag shi Gnas brtan.

BA SHEL — Vai.Ser. 194.

BA SA — N. of a region.  Vatsa?  Emmerick.

Rgyal po BA SU KA LA BA — Ba su kalpa, important for transmitting the Guhyasamāja.  211 43.1.  242 III 266.6.

Bal po'i Rgyal po BA SU DHA RA — 17 II 387.1.  KTDN A XI 46.1.  Teacher of Gnubs chen.  87 XXVI 344.3.  320 XXI 211, XXV 337.7.

BA SU DHA RA RAKSHI TA — Translated the Tshad ma Kun btus together with Zha ma Seng rgyal.  Mtshan tho no. 56.

BA SU MI TRA — Bodhisattva at 3rd council.  211 28.1.

Dur khrod BĀ SING — Far to the E of Bodhgaya.  See Bha sing.  BD of T&TB I 519.

BA SO — Large village in Gtsang.  Das 861.

BA SO — See (— —) Chos kyi rgyal mtshan.

BA SO CHOS RJE — See (— — — —) Ngag dbang dkon mchog nyi ma.

BA SO RJE DRUNG — Ba so Rje drung gi Skye rabs Rnam thar Ngo mtshar Nor bu'i 'Khri shing, a ms. listed in BLP no. 1398.


BA SO SPRUL SKU — BLP no. 0876.  Ba so Sku phreng Gong ma rnams kyi Skyes rabs Rnam thar Ngo mtshar Nor bu'i Phreng ba, by Blo bzang 'phrin las rnam rgyal, listed in BLP no. 1396.

BA SO SPRUL SKU xi — TS7 I 450.  Ref. to a bio.

Gnas po Chen po BA SLA — ?

BA HU RI — See Ma ṇi bha dra.

BA LHI PHUR — Yul of Shya li pa.  =Bi gha pu ra.  120 72.14, 72.15.  BD of T&TB I 661.

BAG GRONG — ?  5 170.3, 169.6.  N. of a bridge in Lho kha or Mon yul. 

BAG LA — As name for Balkh, see H.W. Bailey, Ttaugara, BSOAS 8 no 4 (1937) 883‑921, at p. 887.  This Tibetan form is actually closer to the Bactrian (Baxlo, Baxla). The Tibetan form Sbal kha would seem to ape the Arabicized form of Bactra, which is Balkh.

BAG SER DGON — Nyingma in Nang chen.  473 66.

BANG — Pl.n.  BA 114.

BAṂ KA DZA — See Pangka dza.

BANG GA — TS7 I 86.

BANG STON — A story about him is told to show that the blessings do not come from the grammar of the mantra, but from good thoughts.  NTSP section NGA, fol. 39r.  I believe he is one of Atiśa's disciples.

BANG MDO — BA 548.  Bang mdo on the border of Kong po and Dbus.

BANG SDE RAB 'BYAMS PA — See (— — — — —) Blo bzang bstan pa.

BANG SNA — Village in Kong po.  TS5 531.

Bya bon BANG BA THANG REG — Bellezza, L&T 41.

BANG MDZOD 'PHRUL GYI LDE MIG — Tantra title ending at 320 II 207, 253.7 etc.

BANG RI DGON — 420 I 41.1, etc.


BANG RIM CHOS SDE —  "Dgyer smad du."  Vai.Ser. 169.

BANG SO DMAR PO — Mound over grave of Srong btsan sgam po.  Near 'Phying ba Stag rtse.  Tucci, Tombs 32.  Ferrari 130.  56 61.

BAD — BA 625.

BAD SA — N. of a tribe or a class?  Das 864.  108 XLVI 26.5.

Nags shod BAN DKAR SPRUL SKU — 438 VI 519.2.

BAN SKYA — ?  116 328.7.

BAN SKYE — Jackson, Patron 244.

BAN KHRAM — See (— —) Gar dbang chos rgyal.

Rgya shod BAN MKHAR — Vai.Ser. 262.

Bla ma BAN MKHAR BA — TVS 61, with many alternative readings.

BAN GUR DGON — Or, Ban rgud Dgon.  Near Mtsho sngon in North Amdo.  Stein, Les Tribus Anciennes, p. 110 & n. 787.

BAN SGAR KUN MKHYEN — See (— — — —) 'Jam dpal bzang po.

BAN CHAR KHAL — 208 I 238.2.

BAN CHUNG — An epithet Gnubs chen applies to himself in the Bsam gtan Mig sgron.  See Schaik in JIABS 27 (2004) 197.

Gu ru BAN CHUNG — Bon Terton.  253 II 228.4.

BAN CHEN DGON — 346 91.5.  This was the original monastery of Khra 'gu (Thangu) Rin po che, near Jyekundo.

BAN TA — N. of a tribe in Nepal.  Das 865.  Banta pa Chen po is n. for Penta pa in 17 434.1.

BAN THA SANG — 208 I 239.1.

BAN THANG DGON PA — Havnevik, Dissert. 203.

BANDE GRONG BZHI — N. of a sa bdagBD of T&TB X 93.19.

BAN DE CHEN PO — Schaik, M&T 151.

BANDE PA — A yogin disc. of Nāropa.  57 IIB 344.4.

BAN DE MI GSUM — Or, Gter bton Rnam Gsum.  Three Buddhists who rediscovered Bon books at Yer pa.  See Karmay, Treasury.  Gter ma in 246 47‑129.  264 731‑799.  FM 310.11 (colophon).

BAN DE RO — N. of a Persian king, aka Khuni mampta.  Chimpa, THBI 137.

BAN DHE NAG PO — Story told in Samdo A IV 221r.2.

BAN PA THIG PHYI — Or, Ban pa Thag phu.  In Penpa Chu valley in Lho brag.  Ferrari 136.

BAN PA DRUG RAL — N. of a temple.  =Ban pa Phyag rdor.  At head of Ban pa valley in Lho brag.  Has large image of Padmasambhava  F. by (Gter ston) Mchog ldan mgon po.  Ferrari 56.

BAN BON — I don't believe this is a proper name, but just an abbreviation of the terms bande and bon po.  With relation to circumambulating G.yung drung dpal Ri - "ban bon sbyar nas bshad /  bskor ba g.yas bskor g.yon bskor ci 'dod bya."  239 XXX 253.6.

BAN BLON 'BAR PO — Father of Stag lung thang pa.  17 II 546.4.

BAN TSA — See (— —) Rgyal ba 'od zer.

Sne'u gdong BAN GTSANG GRA TSHANG — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang.

BAN TSHANG — Pl. or family in Dol po. of which Dol po pa was a member.  BA 776.  17 II 417.5.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 143.

BAN YAN CING — Wan yen.  Ruled N China from 1115‑1234.  Petech in T'oung Pao n.s. L 343.

Bla ma BAN ROGS PA — Roesler, KSP 63.

BAN SA — 210 219.4, 219.5.

BAN SAR PHYOGS MED — An associate of Gu ru Chos dbang.  See 87 XXV preface.

BABS LUGS CHEN MO GSUM — Germano in TS9 X 257.

BABS SO BDUN — Different stages in the transmission of Rnying ma doctrine in the Snga dar.  See 242 III 301.1 ff.

BAB PHRO — N. of one of the originators of the 'Dod dpal tradition of art.  23 41.

BAM SGRUB — Rite.  See Karmay in ISTS 160.

Kong po BAM STENGS SPRUL SKU — Long form of the n. of Kong sprul (q.v.).  23 58.  12 IX 85.2.  It indicates he was a reincarnation of a Bam Steng Sprul sku.

BAM PO — Discussed in TS5 141‑142, 218‑220.

BAM SO MGO — Sp?  In Zal mo sgang.  115 125.4.

BAR KA BONG LA — N. of a plain in the environs of Ti se.  (There is a "Parkha" North of Kailash)  115 41.4.

Lha sa BAR SKOR — Described in 438 VII 438.2.

BAR SKOR BYAMS PA LHA KHANG — Alexander, Temples 164 ff.  The building itself is old (15th century), but it was totally gutted and even left without a roof in the Cultural Revolution.

BAR SKYA — Also called Bar gyog.  Vai.Ser. 226.

BAR KHA — An area of Pu hrang; for list of its temples, see  Vitali, Tho.ling 152.

BAR GA RTA ZAM — Havnevik, Dissert. 195.

BAR GWAD — Pl. w/ non-Buddhists in Sog (Mongolia).  Thu'u 460.

Mang yul gyi Rong gi BAR SGANG — P.n.?  115 6.1.  Bar sgang pa.  115 6.2.

Bla ma'i Thugs Sgrub BAR CHAD KUN SEL — Rediscovered cycle of Gter bdag gling pa (also, Mchog 'gyur gling pa?).  Texts in 233 353‑411, 413‑418.

BAR MCHOD RTEN — The chorten at the entrance to Lhasa.  Alexandre Andreyev, Tibet in the Earliest Photographs by Russian Travelers, Studio Orientalia (New Delhi 2013), p. 120.

Yul BAR TI KA — Zhi byed Coll. I 433.5.

BAR BTAB RMAL — King of Gu ge.  28 54.

BAR THA'I SGRUB SDE — 253 II 630.3.

BAR THA — Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 462. ZZFC 22.

BAR THANG — BA 318.  BD of T&TB X 50.17, 51.10.

Dbal BAR THAR — Bonpo birth n. of 'Jig rten mgon po.  476 I 47.4.

BAR DAR — Rig ral had the idea that there was an 'intermediate spreading' of the doctrine which was patronized by royalty, followed by a Phyi dar of translations not sponsored by royalty. This idea didn't catch out among other historians.

Slob dpon BAR DU TSI STE MCHOG SRED — 87 I 252.3.

BAR DO — Intermediate state.  Subject of works in 184 IV.  353 321‑439.  209 II 461, IV 351.  230 245‑289.  244274 II 95‑155.  226 VIII 569‑690.  325 209‑52.

BAR DO 'PHRANG SGROL — Comm., see SBTD I 116.

Rdzogs chen BAR DO GSANG BA'I RGYUD — Text in 319 IV 68‑74.

BAR DHA — See Bha ra ta.

'Dzam gling byang phyogs BAR DHA NA — 4 144A.4.

BAR SNANG KHU BYUG — 248 10.3.

BAR PO SO BRGYAD — Palace in 'Ol mo lung ring.  Kværne 220.

BAR PHUG RONG PA — See (— — — —) Byams gling pa.


BAR BAR — Skt. Barbar.  Name of a barbarian people.  See discussion in Kuijp, Earliest 184.

Yi dwags BARBA RE — A yul.  87 I 283.3.

A myes BAR DBON — See Valentina Punzi's article in RET 26 (Apr 2013).

BAR 'BRUG — See 'Brug.  See Dge sbyor bdun.  =Abbot lineage of Ra lung.  484 I 865.1.

BAR 'BROG — BA 691.

BAR 'BROG — See (— —) Rdo rje gling.

BAR MO RO NYA — Takeuchi in TS6 855.

BAR ZHI — Aristocratic Lhasa family.  Henss, CMT 81, 83.

BAR ZHI BA — See (— — —) Phun tshogs dbang rgyal.

BAR YANG — Pl.n.  TS7 II 1027, 1035.

BAR YUL — BA 76.

BAR GSHIS — See (— —) Ngag dbang bstan skyong.


BAR LHA 'OD GSAL — A place frequented by Gshen rab mi bo.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 158.

BAL — BA 354.

BAL KHAM SMUG PO — See Ba mkhan Smug po.

BAL KHAR KHA CHAR CI — Mongol.  208 I 237.3.

BAL 'GROGS SPRUL SKU — 363 88.1.

Ba ring BAL SGOM — Bonpo in time of Milarepa.  476 I 46.3.

BAL LCE RMANG RU TI — He lived in a nine‑doored castle of Kha rag.  Bal is probably his place name, Lce his clan.  Bellezza, L&T 62.

BAL TI ONG — 208 I 239.2.


BAL THOG DGON — Vai.Ser. 245.

BAL DUR KHAL — 208 I 239.2.

BAL DUR THA BU NONG — 208 237.6, 238.2.

BAL DUR NU YON — 208 I 237.1.

Bram ze BAL NAG — 348 34.5.

BAL PO — In old sources, refers to an area or valley near Yar 'brog Mtsho.  OTA 675, 690, 695, 697.

BAL PO — See (— —) Glang sna.  (— —) Bri'u tang.

BAL PO THUGS RJE CHEN PO — See under Dī pam ka ra rakshi ta.

BAL PO SBA RO — Follower of Gu ru Chos dbang.  See 210 47.3.  Went to Bal po and Gar sha and Stod.

BAL PO RDZONG — BA 253, 361.  17 II 411.3.  4 173A.1, 174A.3, 175B.5.

BAL PO LAGS — Pebola.  Jailer of Reting.  Goldstein, History 378.

BAL BU — BA 175.

BAL BU GONG PA — See under Ngo rje ras pa.  He is also known as Zhe sdang rdo rje, q.v.

BAL BU MCHOG RUM — Name of a horse belonging to Rma myi da'i btsun po. Tan, Theses 144.

BAL MO MTSHO — 124 442.4, 471.4.

BAL PO SGOM CHUNG — Achard, L'Essence 81.

BAL ZHO SGOM CHEN — Bon Terton.  253 II 217.5.

BAL YUL — Nepal.  Kirti Tulku Lobsang Tenzin, "Early Relations between Tibetan and Nepal," Tibet Journal, vol. 7, nos. 1‑2.

BAL RIS — Newari style painting.  23 38.

BAL LUGS — A school of dohā coming from Bal po A su.  Schaeffer, Dissert. 143.

BAS KO SHES SHING — 208 I 238.5.

Rgyal po BI KA ṬA — BD of T&TB I 928.

Bi dza ya BI KRA MA — A king of Li.  Emmerick.

BI KRA MA DITYA — The title Rgyal po Bi kra mi ji ta'i Spyod pa Shing mi Dang po nas Bcu gsum gyi Bar du Rgyal po A rji bu rji dang Phan tshun Smra bar Byed pa'i Lo rgyus, published in Raghu Vira, Araji Booji (N. Delhi 1961).


BI KRA MA NI PU RA — A great city in Za hor.  114 2B.4.

BI KRA MA PU RA — Vikramapura.  See discussion in Tatz, LSPM 700.

BI KRA MA SHĪ LA— Vikramaśīla (or perhaps Vikramaśilā, meaning 'divided rock,' or 'walk-through rock'?).  87 I 257.4.  BD of T&TB I 933 ff.  Acc. to Niyogi, BSAB 29, it was founded by Dharmapāla of the Pāla dynasty in 8th cent., but others say Devapāla was its founder.  See HS XIX 67.4, where the name is interpreted to mean in Tibetan Rnam par gnon pa'i tshul khrims kyi Gtsug lag khang.  However, Eimer, NG 130, says the Tibetan meaning is Tshul khrims kyi ngad dang ldan pa or 'Possessed of the Aroma of Discipline' (compare HS V 419.2).  Another text cited there says it is the name of a yakṣa, and the name means "Gnod sbyin mnan pa'i Gtsug lag khang."

BI KRA MA LA SHĪ LA — Śrī Vikramaśīlā (with or without the long 'a').  Etymology of name discussed in BBNP 470‑471.  The odd spelling Bri ka ma la shī la said to be a Tibetan mistake in HS XIX 67.4, where it says it was built to the north of the Diamond Seat on the S bank of the Ganges on a rock prominence (brag de'u).  For its utter destruction, see Chag 64.  Chattopadhyaya says that the Tibetan version of the name ought to be Rnam gnon ngang tshul [shortened form of Rnam par gnon pa'i ngang tshul can], although Rnam gnon tshul occurs in Tāranātha's text.  Dutt, Buddhist Monks & Monasteries, p. 358 ff. says that it took over the old prestige of Nālandā during the Pāla age.  Its site some regard as still uncertain, said to be 'east of Magadha' on the lower course of the Ganges, it should be on a tall bluff hill overlooking the Ganges...  Tāranātha & Sum pa Mkhan po both ascribe its founding to Dharmapāla (this is not unanimous), but other sources suggest it was founded during time of Devapāla (for example, HS V 419.2).  It had 6 gates (Nālandā had only one), and hence 6 gatekeepers.  Khang dkar, Green Annals, pp. 212‑214, says that it was founded in about 770, and that its ruins have been located in Bihar, in Bhagalpur district, a place called Antichak.  It is supposed to have six gates (rgyal sgo), just as Tāranātha said.  Dharmapāla (ca. 775‑812!) founded it, and particularly supported Haribhadra and Jñānapāda. Khang dkar has an interesting list of its officials, including the mouse keeper, and the pigeon keeper. References to scholarship in Tatz, LSPM 700 n. 23.  More discussion of the Antichak site and its probable identity in a note by Sanderson in Einoo, ed., Genesis & Development of Tantrism, p. 88 (he shows the correct spelling is Vikramaśīla, but Chattopadhyaya's Atiśa book, p. 104 shows this too).  Notice that Kapstein in HR 54 (2015) 465, says the identity with the Antichak site has been well established for decades on the basis of excavations reported in B.S. Verma, Antichak Excavations 2 (1971-1981), Archaeological Survey of India (New Delhi 2011).

Yul BI KRA MA SU RA — 120 102.10.

Klu BI KRI ḌA — BD of T&TB I 268.

BI KHYA TA DE WA — Indian disc. of Abhayākaragupta.  17 II 301.1.  Teacher of Shā kya shrī bha dra.  17 II 305.

BI GHA PU RA — See Ba lhi phur.

BI RGYA LA — City in W. India.  LGCM 624.4.

BI CHER — In Dol po.  Phijorgaon.  =Bi byer.  Nine Ways 5.  Map in Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 141.  Heller, Hidden 31 et passim.

BI JI — See (Shangs) Lha bu'i Bi ji. 

BI JI — See (— —) Rin chen grags.

Rgya nag gi Mkhas pa BI RJE BTSAN PO— (8th cent.)  Translator of tantric works.  Said to be called Kong rtse 'phrul rgyal.  BD of T&TB I 495, 505.

BI TA KA — A Kashmiri artist.  56 142‑3.

BI TA KARMA — Alias of Ka ro pa.

BI TASTA — A river.  Vitastā.  =Jhelum.  Wylie 57.  T'oung Pao n.s. L 338.

BI TA SHE CA — Khotanese princess.  Emmerick.

BI TOTTA MA — BD of T&TB I 206.

Slob dpon BI TA PĀ DA — 397 III 248 ff.

BI THUNG NO YON — See (Bdag chen) Bsod nams bzang po.

BI DA GA MA — Ceylonese mon.  449 17.5.

BI DAD — A Li minister.  Emmerick.  The final syllable could be ‑datta, 'given' [by].

BI DI KO ṬI — In SE India.  BD of T&TB I 342.

BI DU RA — TPS 513.

BI DYA KĀ RA SING HA — 320 XVIII 448.1.  Vidyākārasiṃha.

BI DRU MA'I SHING DANG LDAN PA — Das 413 no. 37.

BI DHA — A vihāra (gtsug lag khang).  87 I 284.4.

BI DHA RA ṬṬA — N. of a king.  BD of T&TB I 494.

Bgegs Rgyal BI NĀ YA KA — KTDN 44.5.  See 216 451.2.  Protector of Swayambhunath.  406 5A.1.

BI NA YA TSANDRA — Indian upadhyāya.  T&BS I 58.

BI NA YA SHRĪ — In Tibetan, 'Dul ba'i dpal.  A pundit in about 12th cent., listed without further info. in Mtshan tho 110.

Gdon Chen po BI ṆI LLI — BD of T&TB I 1000.

Rgyal po BI BA DE BA — 406 2A.3.

BI BYI DGA' BYED — One of two earliest Indian doctors in Tibet.  3 14.  3 10.  It seems that only Dga' byed is his proper name, the Bi byi standing for Bi ji, a borrowed word for 'physician'. Is it the case that this figure only belongs to the G.yu thog biographies?  He arrives at court of Lha tho ri gnyan btsan, which makes him quite early indeed.

BI BYER — See Bi cher.

BI BHŪ TI — Comm. on Nāmasaṅgīti.  449 40.3.

BI BHŪ TI DĀ SA — Disc. of Dza landha ri pa and teacher of Bu ston (!).  BD of T&TB I 469.

BI BHU TI TSAN DRA — Came to Tibet at beginning of 13th cent.  F. Srin po ri.  BA 600.  Ferrari 119.  17 II 416.1.  BD of T&TB I 799, 867‑868.  475 118.3.  His Trisamvaraprabhamala (=Sdom Gsum 'Od kyi Phreng ba) published in Tibetan in 6 pp. (1968).  It is said that this was written after he had seen the Sdom Gsum of Sa paṇ.  Mtshan tho no. 91.  He did many singlehanded translations (rang bsgyur).  His name means, in Tibetan, Rnal 'byor zla ba.

BI'U 'BYIN CHU YI ZHAGS PA CAN — A sa bdag.  Vai.Kar. II 258.

BI MA'I SGRUB PHUG — Evidently a cave where Vimalamitra practiced.  Thang ston went there.  5 256.1.

BI MA SNYING THIG — Also, Bi ma la'i Zab thig.  In 87 vol. 87.

Rig 'dzin BI MA LA — Picture in 128 65A, 668; and 320 IX 2.

'Dul 'dzin BI MA LA KO SA LA — BD of T&TB I 791.

BI MA LA BA HA — BD of T&TB I 923.

BI MA LA MI TRA — See Dri med bshes gnyen.

Rgyal po BI MA LA TSANDRA — BD of T&TB I 403.

BI MA LA SHRĪ — Wrote verses of praise to Sman lung Gu ru.

Lho phyogs BI MA SAMBHA WA — BD of T&TB X 39.13.  Called Bi ma la sa bha ba in 211 26.5.  Connected with the compilation of Mahāyāna sūtras by bodhisattvas.  397 V.  413 75.3.

BI MING ZI — A Chinese monastery, Siming Si.  Thuken 359.

Li Rje BI DZA YA BIRYA — Thu'u 461.

Bal po BI DZA RĀ DZA — Newari artist.  17 IV 140.4.

BI DZI GI RI PA — BD of T&TB I 801.

BĪ RA BAN DHU — BD of T&TB I 927.

BĪ RA DZA — Tibetan form is Dpa' bo skye (q.v.).

Slob dpon BI RĀ SĀ DA — SBTD I 13.

Rnal 'byor gyi Dbang phyug BI RU PA — Or, Bi rwa pa, Bir wa pa, 'Bir wa pa, etc.  Virūpā (trans. in Tibetan, Ngan pa'i Zhabs).  A Mahāsiddha considered by Sa skya school (and the Lam 'bras) as the first master of their tradition.  Ferrari 143.  His Do ha Mdzod in 331 400‑414.  17 II 245, 405.2.  BD of T&TB I 324‑350, 413.  BA 390.  Bio. in 120 6‑14.  Work in 349 XXIV 84‑94.  Picture in 128 23A.  115 5.4, 86.2 ff.  BD of T&TB X 2.19 ff, 4.5, 5.4.  Uhlig, On the Path to Enlightenment 178‑9.  Bir ba ba'i Rnam thar, listed in BLP no. 1408.

BI RU PA CHUNG BA — Teacher of Bya da li pa.  See Nag po Bi ru pa.  Disc. of Dza landha ri pa.  BD of T&TB I 374, 415, 469, 494‑5. 

BI RŪ PAKṢHA — Nags kyi rin chen met him at U ru pa sa.  17 II 310.6.

Dge slong BIRYA TSANDRA — See =Dpal gyi snying po.  BA 241.

Chang 'tshong ma BI LA SRA BADZRA — Skt. Vilasyavajra.  Tibetan, Sgeg mo rdo rje.  Also called (Rnal 'byor ma) Tsinto (q.v.).  A royal beer maker of O rgyan.  Disc. of Dombi He ru ka, Bī na sa and Lakshmi ka ra.  BD of T&TB I 373‑4.

BI LI SA HEB — Either Bell or Bailey ?  438 VII 492.3, 421.5, 424.6.

BI LIG NO MON HAN — See (— — — — —) (Rab 'byams pa) Ngag dbang bsod nams bstan 'dzin.

BI LUNG — F. by (Mkhyen rab) Grags bzang (q.v.).  17 II 382.3.

BI LUNG SPRUL SKU — 377 40B.4.

BI LE KI TI — Tantra teacher of Shrī sing ha at Ri bo rtse lnga.  LGCM 600.1.


BI SHWA MI TRA — 320 XVIII 448.1.

BI SHUDHA SIM HA — See Rnam dag seng ge.


BIṢHNU NA GA RA — Town in E India.  120 46.7, 70.8, 70.11, 74.15, 85.11, 87.17.  BD of T&TB I 654, etc.

BI SĀ PA — N. of a river.  Wylie 57.  =Vipāśā.  =Beas River.  T'oung Pao n.s. L 338.

Rgyal po BI SU KALPA — Picture in 128 266.  17 IV 336.5, 372.4.

BI LHA DGA' MDZES — One of two earliest Indian doctors in Tibet.  3 14.

BING DU — 208 I 237.2.

Thal skyi BING DBANG — KTDN 146.5.

BING DU THA BU NONG — 208 I 239.1.

Al than gyi bu che ba BING DU NU YON — 208 I 236.4.

BIDYA HA SU MA TI — Same as Hasumati.  Called Kha che'i Mkhan po.  With Pa tshab, he translated the Rtsa shes.  Mtshan tho no. 55.

Bi dza ya BĪ RYA — Khotan king.  Emmerick.

BIR LUGS — Works in 349 VIII.

BIS MDO'I DGON CHEN — Horlemann 142.

BU KYI BU NAM — See Bu ci bu nam.

BU KHAM — Vihāra in Nepal.  Chag 54.  Spelled Bhu kaµ in LPNT IV 47.

BU KHUR — See Smug ma bu khur.

BU KHRID RGYAL MO — Mother of Sde srid Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho.  See Jalsan, "The Reincarnations of Desi Sangye Gyatso in Alasha and the Secret History of the Sixth Dalai Lama," Inner Asia 4 no 2 (2002) 347‑359, at p. 350.

BU GLING — N. of a park or grove of Lha sa belonging to the state.  Das 870.

BU CI BU NAM — Bon Terton.  253 II 230.2.  Karmay, Treasury 178.  Spu kyi Bu nam. Todd Gibson's dissertation (1991) 197.

Kong po BU CHU — BD of T&TB III 577, 578, 751.  A temple (lha khang).  BD of T&TB III 751.  Temple built on rt. elbow of she demon.  17 II 318.1.  Das 870.  226 II contents.  David‑Neel, My Journey to Lhasa 251.  TS5 531.  Dung dkar 99.

Rgyud BU CHUNG BCU GNYIS — See 248 145 ff.  See also Karmay, Great Perfection 222‑223.  Lde'u 126.

Lcog ro Bza' BU CHUNG BZA' — 87 I 273.2.

BU CHOS — Bka' gdams works; see 374 II 88.2 ff.

BU STON — See (— —) Rin chen grub.  (— —) Seng ge 'od.

BU STON MA — ?  Bu ston ma'i Dkar chag Nor bu'i Phreng ba, listed in BLP no. 1417.

BU DRA — General of Sa tham.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 143.

BU THAL — A market center.  See Bu dal.  115 149.2.

Dmyal ba'i Gyad BU THUNG — 352 5.5.

BU DAL — A market place.  G.ye Bu dal.  BA 279.  115 149.3.

BU SHONG SGOM PA — A Zhi byed follower of Pa tshab who served as chaplain (mchod gnas) at the Tangut king's palace.  BA 928.

BUDDHĀ KA RA BHA DRA — A pundit who worked with Rong zom pa.  Mtshan tho no. 50.

BUDDHA GU RU RTSAL — A 'secret' name of Kheng zi Chin wang.  Uspensky, Prince Yunli 18.

BUDDHA GŪHYA — See also Sangs rgyas gsang ba.  87 I 19.6.  BD of T&TB I 536, 542‑556.  List of works in BD of T&TB I 545.

BUDDHA GUPTA — 413 149.6.  TS7 II 955 ff.  Visited Tibet in 1590.  Shastri in TS9 I 136.  See Sangs rgyas sbas pa.  Bio. by Tāranātha listed in BLP no. 0406.

BUDDHA DA SA — BD of T&TB I 201.

Mi'i dbang po BUD DHA STA RA — ?  Seems to have been a Phag mo gru ruler.  Wylie 68.  Is this perhaps supposed to be Buddhasāra as a Sanskritic version of a name like Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho?

BUDDHA RDO RJE — Gsang rnam, by Kirti Blo bzang 'phrin las, listed in BLP no. 1420.

BUDDHA PA — Guru of Pī na pa (q.v.).  120 35.1, 35.12.

BUDDHA PAKSHA — Buddhapakṣa.  Uspensky in TS9 I 223.

BUDDHA PĀ LA — Tib., Sangs rgyas skyong.  Indian pundit listed in Mtshan tho no. 32.

BUDDHA BADZRA — BD of T&TB III 560.  210 78.6.  Had son named (Bla ma) Dpal 'byor.

Lung zin BUDDHA BADZRA — Descendent of the older Buddha badzra.  Bio. in 210 80.4 ff.  When he was five, (Zhwa nag) Rol pa'i rdo rje went to China.

Slob dpon BUDDHA DZNYĀ NA — Buddhajñāna.  In Tib. tr., Sangs rgyas ye shes.  Acc. to Mtshan tho no. 26, he came to Tibet in time of Ral pa can and stayed until the time of Khri Bkra shis brtsegs.

BUDDHA SHĀNTA SHRĪ — Buddhaśāntaśrī.  In Tib., Dpal Sangs rgyas zhi ba.  This might perhaps be the Paṇḍi ta Zhi ba bzang po invited by Rtse lde.  Mtshan tho no. 37.

BUDDHA SHI RA — In Sanskrit/Bactrian inscription.  Bongard‑Levine, Complex Study of Ancient India 276.

BUDDHA SHRI — Thu mud King.  208 I 236.1.

BUDDHA SHRĪ — Buddhaśrī.  A son of (Rgyal po) Gsal rgyal.  DTK5 172.  Image in Rhies & Thurman 249.

Grub chen BUDDHA SHRĪ — Sa skya.  (1339‑1420)  Dhong thog 77.  "ka stod byang phyogs mdog gi dgon pa sgo phu zhes par 'khrungs."  A Buddha shrī is depicted in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 87.  Bio. by Dge slong Kun dga' bzang po listed in BLP no. 0407.  A 77 fol. ms. of his bio. listed in BLP no. 0774.  A bio. by Ngor pa listed in BLP no. 1421.  Bio. listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 334 (no. 670.10).  Kuijp, KPTB 27.

Bal po BUDDHA SHRĪ — Contemp. w/ (Kha che) Shākya shrī bha dra (Śākyaśrībhadra).  BD of T&TB I 884.

BUDDHA SHRĪ MA TI — (12th‑13th cents.)  Buddhaśrīmati.  BD of T&TB I 886.

BUDDHA SHRĪ DZNYĀ NA — Buddhaśrījñāna.  B. in Kho khom to a Kashmiri father and Indian mother.  Teacher of Khro phu Lo tsā ba.  At age 63, he was invited to Tibet.  BD of T&TB I 865‑866.  He had been invited by the king of Nepal, and Khro Lo studied with him five years.  He assisted Khro Lo with the erection of the great Maitreya at Khro phu.  See Mtshan tho no. 89.

Smad tshong ma BUDDHA SA MA YA — BD of T&TB I 313.

BU PA — Also, Bu lugs pa.  N. of Zhwa lu pa following Bu ston.  T.H. 158.

BU 'BUR SGANG — See Gardner in TJ XXVIII no. 3 (2003) 65.

BU MAR PA — A teacher of Yang dgon pa (1213‑1258)  57 IIB 369.4.

BU MO SGUR MO'I YUL — See Dung dkar 6.

BU MO THAL SHI — 208 I 238.3, 239.2.


BU TSHAL GSER KHANG — BA 62.  17 II 324.4, 342.2.  Bu tshab gser khang in 87 I 51.3, 134.6.  Pho brang Zur phud Rkyal bu tshal.  87 I 268.6.  210 262.1.

BU 'TSHO — See (— —) Srid pa'i rgyal po.

Dru gu BU ZAN YUL — OTA 687.

BU RAM SKRA — N. of Arjuna the Pāṇḍava.  Das  98.

Rnam 'dren BU RAM SHING PA — Vināyaka Ikṣvāku.  N. for Gautama Buddha.  BA 131.  Wylie 129, n. 131.

BU RIG — Purig.  Place n.  Das 236.

BU LA HA RI — Pullahari.  N. of a mon. on the Ganges in the Monghyr district said to be still resorted to by Tibetan pilgrims.  Das 871.

BU LI — N. of holy pl.  17 IV 214.6.

BU LUGS — The school of Bu ston.  See 27 12 for doctrinal data.  Often more or less equated with Zha lu pa (q.v.).

Jo bo BU LE — N. of one of 20 principle mts. of Tibet.  Das 212.  BA 690.  BD of T&TB III 506.  115 83.5, 103.2, 109.6.  A gnod sbyin.  210 50.1. 

Gangs BU LE — A retreat place where Red mda' ba stayed.

Nyag sked BU LONG MA — See (Nyag sked) A mgon.

BU LHA NOR BU — 232 I 13.  Stein, Recherches 65.

BUG PA CAN — A king.  BA 96.  Local dynasty of Yar stod.  CFMS (explanation of the name on p. 13, 14 ff.).  See Hazod in TS9 I 29.

BUNG DKAR DGON — 420 I 648.1.


BUD — N. of a hidden country (sbas yul) in the S.  377 5B.1.

BUD RDO SGOM CHEN DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus Gtsang.  [1‑60]

G.yor po BUM GLING — BA 78.

BUM SGRUB — SBTD I 257, 401.

BUM CHU — Bum chu Rin po che Byung tshul, by Ri mthil Dbu mdzad Chos dbang, listed in BLP no. 1419.

BUM THANG — BA 421, 676, 1076.  (Mon) Bum thang in 5 199.2.  N. of temple built on left foot of she demon.  17 II 318.3.  124 492.2.

BUM THANG — See (— —) Dge gnas.  (— —) Thar pa gling.  (— —) Spa gro Skyer chu.  (— —) Rtsis lung.

BUM THANG DGE BSHES — See (— — — —) Shes rab rdo rje.

BUM PA NAG PO — Teaching.  210 229.5.

Gnye yul BUM NAG — E sector of Sum pa'i Ru.  Prob. corresponds to Rgyal rong.  See 28 79.

BUM PA'I MTSHAN CAN — Mother of Mchog ldan mgon po.  210 249.6.

BUM SANGS DBANG PO — Kuijp, Some Remarks 162, where it is interpreted as "governor of Bum sangs."  Sba 6.

BUR — BA 258, 556, 670.  Pl. where the meditation center (sgom grwa) called Dgon pa ba was founded.  17 II 372.5.

BUR SGOM NAG PO — One of 13 chief discs. of Ras chung.  BA 439, 556.  Pur sgom nag po in 24 I 220.4.  A teacher of Phag mo gru pa.  57 IIB 355.6.  17 II 539.4.


BUR THAL KHA — 208 I 239.3.

BUR SDIS KHA — 208 I 238.5.

Nag shod BUR RDZUM ZHU TSHANG — 253 II 630.3.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 455.

BUR SRAS THA BU NONG — Mongol.  208 I 237.4.

BUL MA THAL BYI — 208 I 236.4.

BE KO TA — N. of a pass near Nepal.  40 6.

BE GU PA — See under Dgyer.

BE RGA 'DRA — A Khotan district.  Emmerick.  Zhu, Preliminary 48.

BE SGO DGON — 253 II 631.5.

BE CA NAG — Pečeneg.  Takao Moriyasu, New Developments in the History of East Uighur Manichaeism, Open Theology, vol. 1 (2015), pp. 316-333, at p. 324.

BE TA— "lho phyogs be ta'i yul du."  73 17.4.  Pha dam pa was born in a place in Be ta called Tsa ra sing ha.  124 432.3.  BD of T&TB I 508.  413 120.5.  bi kra ma la shī la'i dge tshul zhig lho phyogs be ta'i tshal na pho skyes thams cad dpa' bo / mo skyes mkha' 'gro yod zer bas bltar 'gro zer nas phyin pa la / de na khyim btsun pho mo zhing rmos pa 'ba' zhig 'dug.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) VI 146.2.

BE TA LA — Vetala.  BA 391, 394, 868.  shar phyogs be ta la.  Kurtis Schaeffer, Dissert. 239.

BE DA — A country.  The name is said by some to mean Rig byed (i.e., Veda).  Others say Bai da is Rtsa 'jag ma.  BBNP 482.

Paṇḍi ta BE DA TIKSHA — BD of T&TB I 926.

BE DĀ NANDA — BD of T&TB I 927.

BE DUR — BA 1066, 1067.

Yam bu'i Thang BAI DHA RI — 406 4A.3.

BAI DŪR — Pl.n.  BA 710.  N. of Pho brang in city of Rin po che 'bar ba.  87 I 3.1.

BAI ḌŪ RYA DKAR PO — The famous astro work by (Sde srid) Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho.  437.  Remarkable manuscript version illus. in Precious Deposits IV 256‑9.

BAI ḌŪ RYA SNGON PO — Work by Sde srid Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho.  Manuscript illustrated in Precious Deposits IV 214‑5.

BAI DURYA THA KA — See under Kam lā sha.

BE NA SA — In E India.  BD of T&TB I 324.

BE SNA LAG CHEN — A sa bdag.  Vai.Kar. II 296.

BE BA LA — Variant of Be ta la (q.v.).

BE BI BHA RA — 115 70.3.

BE'U BUM KHRA BO — 499 10.1.

BE'U BUM SNGON PO — Lha 'bri sgang pa, Bka' gdams kyi Man ngag Be'u bum Sngon po'i 'Grel pa (Bir 1976).  Explanation of the title in Roesler, KSP 5.

BE'U BUM NAG PO — Medical text by Skyes bu Me lha, q.v.  It has recently reached publication.

BE BUM DMAR PO — Text mentioned in 420 I 396.6.

BE RTSE — See (— —) 'Dod yon rdzong.

BE'U TSHANG — A family.  Chayet in Cardonna, Facets 75.

BE RA GA NA THA — Teacher of Nā go pa.  BD of T&TB I 416.

BE RI — See (— —) Khro gnyan rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Don yod rgyal po.

BE RI RU BA — The element ru ba means yak hair tents.  115 36.7.

BE RŪ — Be rū'i Rnam thar, listed in BLP no. 1424.

BE RU BA — ?  In Khams.  363 12.2.

BE RU BA — See (— — —) (Sna ru) Dri med.

Smyon pa BE RE — Also, Be ro.  See (Smyo ba 'Bo re.  A Zhi byed pa.  BA 997.  17 II 426.6.

Tshe sgrub BAI RO'I THUGS TIG — Text in 87 LXIII.

BAI RO'I DBEN KHROD — 253 II 636.1.

BAI RO TSA NA — Vairocana.  Khyung po Rnal 'byor met him in Nepal.  17 II 427.  BA 729.  Maker of Khotanese script?  Thu'u 461.  Rje btsun Thams cad Mkhyen pa Bai ro tsa na'i Rnam thar 'Dra 'bag Chen mo is a biographical work said to have been excavated by Jo sman, also said to have been compiled by 'Brom ban Bkra shis 'byung gnas.  ZY.  In BLP nos. 1422‑1423, two versions of the 'Dra 'bag Chen mo are listed, one by Dharma seng ge (in around late 19th century), the other by G.yu sgra snying po (Vairocana's direct disciple). The one 'edited' by Dharma seng ge is listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 350 (no. 762).  His bio. of Gu ru Rin po che listed in BLP no. 0313.  Pa gor Bai ro tsa na listed among the translators in Mtshan tho no. 8.  See Gardner in TJ XXVIII no. 3 (2003) 64, on his time spent in Khams.

Rgya gar gyi Bla ma BAI RO TSA NA — Met by Dus gsum mkhyen pa (1110‑1193) in the latter's youth.  17 II 530.1.  This means the 12th-century Vairocanavajra.

BAI RO TSA NA — N. of a monk.  Emmerick.

BAI RO TSA NA BADZRA — Snang mdzad rdo rje, Vairocanavajra.  An alchemist, he traveled to China.  In front of the Chinese emperor he drank a whole cup of quicksilver.  Then he came to Tibet.  He taught both Dus gsum mkhyen pa and Zhang Tshal pa.  Mtshan tho no. 65.

BAI RO TSA NA RAKSHI TA — Indian translator in time of 2nd spread.  BD of T&TB I 847‑849.  Also called Vairocanavajra, he was the translator of the Doha songs into Tibetan in the mid 12th century.  He must not be confused with the 8th century Tibetan monk.  His name is sometimes prefaced by Dngul chu, 'mercury', because of the alchemical feats he performed for a Chinese emperor.

Dpa' gor BAI RO TSA NA RAKSHI TA — One of 7 first Tibetan monks.  17 II 325.3.  Aka Rnam par snang mdzod srung ba.

BAI LO — Also, 'Be lo.  See (— —) Tshe dbang kun khyab.

BE HA RA — Wife of Sa tham.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 143.

BE HU — See Dbe hu.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 88, 98.

BE HU — See (— —) Khri rgyal.  (— —) Nor bu rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Lha dge.

BE HU KHANG — 253 II 610.2.

Ra shul BE HU DPON TSHAD — 346 125.5.

BAI HU RKYANG — See (— — —) Nor bu dgra 'dul.

BEG RTSE — Bek tse, Lcam sring.  Terrific protective deity of Dge lugs pa  TPS 595‑596.  Nebesky 88‑93.  Ferrari 156.  138.  Amy Heller has published on this subject.  Mon ba Beg tse means Paektche (in Korean peninsula) in P.T. 1283.  Thangka illustrated in Christie's New York catalogue (Mar 2000), no. 139. TPS 595.  Thangka in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 227.  Kreijger, Tibetan Painting plate 34.  Alexander, Temples 129.  MBKP 111.

BEG TSE BE'U BUM — Collection publ. in 1978.

BEG SIM 'DO — Iwao, Preliminary 180.

Ra sa BENG KHANG — Also, Hen khang, Heng khang, Stong khang...  This could be the original name of the Jo khang, named after the Indian (or Chinese?) temple after which it was patterned.  See Sam van Schaik & Kazushi Iwao, "Fragments of the Testament of Ba from Dunhuang," Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 128, no. 3 (2008), pp. 477‑487, at p. 482.

Mgon po BENG MA — In 194 XIV.

Ye shes Mgon po BENG DMAR — FM 117.12.  376 I 427.1 ff.

BEN TA BA — Perhaps should be read Penta pa.  A disc. of Nāropa preaching in Nepal.  Paiṇḍapātika.  75 99.

BEB TSHAN GYAD — Sp?  See 58 929‑30.

BER MKHAR — Ancient fort in Mon yul.  ISTS 10.

'Phrang kha BER CHUNG — Contemp. of 'Brom ston.  Patron for building of Rwa sgreng.  473 42.  BA 252, 263, 322.  17 II 374.1. Roesler, KSP 18.

Mgon po BER NAG CAN — Sādhana in 87 LIX.  See under Mkha' khyab rdo rje.

BER NAG CHE — See Rdo rje ber can.

BER TSHANG CHOS RJE — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 0842.

BO KHA RA — Bokhāra.  Laufer, Loan Words 476.

BO RGYAL — (d. 1772)  440 293.3 ff.

BO THAR — 31st in Gdan rabs of Sde dge.  TS5 816.  See Gardner in TJ XXVIII no. 3 (2003) 68.

BO DAR — See (— —) Rgyal mtshan.

BO DONG — Pl. NW of Bkra shis lhun po in Gtsang.  DasBA 79, 345‑6, 379, 787, 1009.  'Jad Bo dong gi mi.  5 192.2.  'Jad Bo dong lung.  5 255.4.

BO DONG — See (— —) Rdo rje brtson 'grus.  (— —) Padma gar dbang.  (— —) Phyogs las rnam rgyal.  (— —) Bya rgod gshongs (pl.n.).  (— — Rin po che) Rin chen rtse mo.  (— —) Rin rtse (pl.n.).  (— —) Sangs rgyas mgon po.  (— —) U pa de dkar ba.

Gtsang BO DONG KHA — F. by (Gshen) Dam pa rgyal tshab.  For hist., see 253 II 593.6 ff.

BO DONG THAMS CAD MKHYEN PA — Patronised by Lha dbang rgyal mtshan (1404‑?).  =Bo dong 'Jigs med.  DTK5 122, 123, 126.

BO DONG LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — — —) Shes rab me lce.

BO DON CHAR MU GAN — Ahmad, Fifth 90.

BO DHI BA — N. of Dus zhabs chung ba.  BD of T&TB I 812.

BO DHI BHA DRA — Son of Bha dra bo dhi.  Also called Na landa pa Phyi ma.  17 II 298.6 ff.  12 IX 23.1.  BD of T&TB I 776.  11th cent.  He was a teacher of Abhaya.  Mtshan tho no. 45, where he is called Nālanda pa.

BO DHI MI TRA — 17 II 331.1.  BD of T&TB I 565.  Byang chub bshes gnyen.  Listed as being in Tibet in time of Ral pa can (with evidence from the Sgra sbyor Bam po Gnyis pa), in Mtshan tho no. 21.

BO DHI RA DZA — Son of Yum brtan.  See Red Annals 41‑2.  Possibly to be identified with Ngam rdzong ston pa?  Lha btsun Bo de ra tsa in Lde'u2 157.  "King of Bsam yas" when Atiśa visited.  Son of Khri pa.  DTK5 76.

Ā tsarya BO DHI SA TWA — (8th cent.)  =Śāntirakṣita (=Zhi ba 'tsho).  Ordained under Ye shes snying po.  He is also known under this name in Bon works.  BD of T&TB III 32. 

BO RO CHU 'GAG — BD of T&TB I 20.

BO RONG — A county in Ru thog district.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 35.

BO LEGS — N. of Shar rdza's mother.  Thar in TS9 IV 156.

BO LOD BAL DUR — 208 I 238.6.

BO SHAN — 208 I 238.4.

BO SHOG THU — N. of Mongolian province and its king.  Das.

Bi dza ya BO HAN — Khotanese king.  Emmerick.

BOG TA — See (— —) Su rug shog.

BOG PA — See (— —) Seng rdzong ma.

BONG DGON — Vai.Ser. 257.

BONG CHU — TS7 I 269.

BONG STAG — See (— —) Bstan 'dzin blo bzang rgyal mtshan.  Bong stag pa Phun tshogs, Bong stag Lo rgyus Bgres po'i Ngag sgros Rang grol, Kan su'u Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Xining 1994), in 246 pages.

BONG BO RI — Less commonly, Bong ba Ri, or Bong bu Ri.  Hill SW of Potala & not far.  Colloquially called Spar ma Ri.  Ferrari.  It has a Ge sar Lha khang at its top, as well as monastery of Kun bde gling.  See Wylie 82, 157 n. 385.  Stein, Recherches 114‑5.

Bde mchog BONG ZHAL CAN — Kharamukha.  37‑deity.  349 XIV 134‑271; XXV 443 ff.  374 360.1.  SBTD I 133.  Depicted in Kreijger, Tibetan Painting pl. 64.

Spyod lung Shar kha BONG RA — BA 784.  Sbyin lungs Shar kha Bong ra in 17 II 420.1.

BONG RA STENGS — Pl. in G.yang shod.  BA 610, 621, 627, 633.  17 II 546.4.

BONG SHOD — BA 920.  A location in the region of Rtsib ri.  Andrew Quintman, Toward a Geographic Biography: Mi la ras pa in the Tibetan Landscape, Numen, vol. 55 (2008), pp. 363‑410, at p. 378.

BONG SHOD — See (— —) Ri bo che.

BOD — On the argument that Bod and Bon are interchangeable in O.T., see for example Stein, Tribus 11 n 28.  Probably the idea originated with M. Lalou, although I am not sure of it.

BOD SKYID RGYAL PO — Petech in T'oung Pao n.s. L 340.  Prob. mistake for Bde skyid rgyal po, q.v.

BOD MKHAR BA — See (— — — Mai tri) Don grub rgyal mtshan.

BOD MKHAS PA — See (— — —) Mi pham dge legs rnam rgyal.

BOD CHEN — Great Tibet which, acc. to Das 141, consists of Khams and Sgang.

BOD CHEN PO — TS5 801.

BOD THANG — See under Thang chung.

BOD 'BAG — N. of text in 132.

BOD YUL — Tibet.  There is an explanation for the foreign name "Tibet" that finds its origin in a Old Turkish form töpä/töpü which simply means 'the height, peak'.  See Behr's review of S. Beyer's book in Oriens 34 (1994) 558.

Tshe dbang BOD YUL MA — Bon terma.  See 256.

BOD SHING SGO CAN — "Tibet having wooden doors," as distinguished from nomadic culture.  Wylie 155 n. 373.  TPS 698 n. 486.  Ahmad, Fifth 90.

BON — For Dur bon and Gnam bon, see Ruegg 317.  For synthetic treatment of the varieties of Bon doctrines, see 296.  Rdzogs chen.  297.  Brgyud rim texts in 298.  David‑Neel, My Journey to Lhasa 251.  387 122‑138.  For some Bon apologetic, see the songs of (Ban tsha) Rgyal ba 'od zer contained in Bonpo Tantric Comm. 566.3.  317.

BON SKU'I SMON LAM GTI MIG GNYID SKROG — Comm. on this work in 279.


BON GRONG NAS — See (— — —) Tshe brtan.

BON GRONG PA — Rdel rtsis work in 480.

BON GRONG SHOD PA — See (— — — —) Tshe brtan dbang rgyal.

BON BRGYA — N. of a Bon mon. in Reb gong.  For photos, see Mori in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 523.

BON BRGYA — See (— —) Dge legs lhun grub rgya mtsho.

BON GCOD CHEN MO — An oral trans. of Drung mu ha ra.  253 II 428.3 ff.


BON MCHOD — A Bhutanese harvest festival.  TS7 II 1087.

Hor BON THA — Pl. of origin of printing blocks for works in 256.

BON BDAG — Protector of S quarter.  Nine Ways 103.

BON NAG — See (— —) Rin chen blo gros.

BON GNAS BRAG — 116 323.1.

BON PO — See (— —) Brag tshal.

BON PO SGANG — Sikkim mon. f. in 1850, with 8 monks.  Waddell 285.

Ri BON PO RI — 4 259B.6.

BON SPYOD — Genre equivalent to Chos spyod333.

BON BLON — See (— —) Gsas chen.

BON DBYINGS RANG GROL — Contemporary Bon teacher who attained Rainbow Body in 1994.  TS7 II 589.

BON MANG — In local Amdo usage, pronounced, 'won mang', this means the collectivity of lay tantrics of Bon religion.  See paper by Tsering Thar on the subject.  In the singular, they are called Dpon (pronounced 'hon').

Dpon mo BON MO — Kuijp in TH&L 279 n. 3; 301 n. 24.


BON TSHANG— "bon tshang gi rigs su sku 'khrungs ste."  73 281.4.

BON ZHIG — See (— —) Khyung nag.  (— —) Blo bde.  (— —) G.yung drung gling pa.

Khyung po BON ZHIG — Accused of changing Buddhist scriptures to Bon.  253 II 538.3.

BON ZHIG GLING PA — See =(Bon zhig) G.yung drung gling pa.

BON RI — A Bon sacred mt. E of Bu chu Lha khang in Kong po.  Das 879.  Texts in 285 557‑92.  Kværne (120).  David‑Neel, My Journey to Lhasa 250.  253 II 432.3, 614.1.  420 I 426.5.  A nice map of the circumambulation route in Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 87.

BON RI YANG DGON — 253 II 615.4.

BON LUNG — Pl. in Gtsang.  Bon lung Padma chos gling.  458 I 50.6, 225.3.

BON LUNG PA — See (— —) Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.

BON SLOB — See (— —) Nam mkha' bstan 'dzin (b. 1932).

BON GSAR — New Bon.  For history of this trend, see 259 pref.  Also, 260 pref.  They can claim Blo ldan snying po (1360‑85) as founder of their movement, although other Bonpos may not agree with this.  All Bonpos agree on Mi zhig rdo rje (b. 1650) belonging to this category (and very probably its initiator).

BOM 'BOR — See 253 II 478.6.

BOR GAN — Iwao, Preliminary 177.

'Jad kyi BOR MO DAR SDINGS — 'Or mo dar sdings?  115 137.1.

BOS MO — BA 937.  A pl. where Rten ne concealed books.

BYA — N. of a myriarchy w/ its capital at Chos rgyal lhun po.  BA 272, 1087‑1090.  KTDN 66.1.  20 8.

BYA — See (—) Ngur mo (pl.n.).  (—) Chos kyi ka ba.  (—) 'Chad kha pa.  (—) 'Jam dbyangs bkra shis rnam rgyal.  (—) 'Dul 'dzin chen po.

BYĀ KA RA ṆA — Bya ka ra ṇa'i lugs.  17 II 331.6.  N. of a language.  320 IX 468.2.  17A VII pt. 1, p. 12A.1.  Must be Skt. vyākaraṇa.

BYA KA RATNA — 363 122.2.

BYA KAG GI KUN DGA' RWA BA — Site of 2nd general council.  BD of T&TB X 39.4.

BYA DKAR RDZONG — Castle in E Bhutan.  Olschak.  Petech, China 23.

Ri bo BYA RKANG — In middle part of Yunnan.  In Chinese called Jizushan.  Jackson, Patron 236.

Ri BYA RKANG CAN — Kukkuṭapāda.  5 57.2.  27 51.  BD of T&TB I 357.  413 109.5.  Mt. near Bodhgaya, & also in Khams.  NMH 42.  449 29.1.  Cock's Foot Mountain, as the place where Kāśyapa waits in concealment in order to pass the robe on to Maitreya.  Kieschnick, Impact 104.

BYA RKOG DGON PA — 356 61.5.

Chos rje BYA LKOG — Mon. (dgon pa) where Dus gsum mkhyen pa stayed.  BA 477.  35 I 6.

BYA SKAD ZHIG PO — 413 374.2.


Gser gyi BYA SKYIBS CAN — BA 540.



BYA SKYUNGS PA —  =(Pho rog) Mdo sde mgon (q.v.).

BYA KHANG PA — See (— — —) Bsod nams rin chen.

Khri lxiii BYA KHUNG BA — See (— —) (— — —) Ngag dbang chos grags.

BYA KHYI LHA KHANG — BA 554.  17 II 537.5.

BYA KHYUNG — Kuei tö.  232 I 14.


BYA KHYUNG MKHAN PO — See (— — — —) Rtsa ba.

BYA KHYUNG DGON PA — In A mdo.  BA 1073.  Monastic chronicle, see 332 II preface 14.  Vai.Ser. 264.  Thuken 284 (Bya khyung Brag, the site where the Chos sde was built). Bya khyung bshad sgrub gling.  Horlemann 142.

BYA KHYUNG THUB BSTAN DAG THER GLING —  =Bya khyung Dgon.  Dalai Lama xiii, Works VII 130.3.  Has tomb of Karma pa iii.

BYA KHYUNG LDENG BA'I RGYUD — One of 3 basic tantras of Gtad sprugFM 346.25 (colophon).

BYA KHYUNG BA — See (— —) Ngag gi dbang po.  (— —) Ngag dbang padma.  (— —) Rgyal dbang bstan 'dzin.  (— —) Chos rgyal bkra shis.  (— —) Puṇya rā dza.  (— —) Dpal ldan seng ge.

BYA KHYUNG 'BAB SA — Hazod in Steinkellner Festschrift 275, etc.  Hazod in Sørensen Festschrift 192 etc.



BYA GAG GI KUN DGA' RWA BA — 211 27.5.


BYA GRI —  =Bya khri, son of Gri gum.  Stein 49.

Spar bu BYA MGON — Terton in 2nd Rab byung.  383 218.1.  (Mar po) Bya'u mgon in 410 195B.4.

Sde pa BYA RGOD NAS — A Rnying ma pa living in early 18th cent.  68 contents.

Khams pa BYA RGOD SPRUL SKU — 458 I 131.1, 133.5.

BYA RGOD — See (— —) Chos skyong rgyal mtshan.

BYA RGOD STOBS LDAN — An associate of the Nor bla Bla ma in the 1930's.  Peng in TS9 IV 71.

BYA RGOD PHUNG PO — See Pha jo lding.

BYA RGOD PHUNG PO'I RI — Gṛdhrakūṭa.  Vulture's Peak.  Where 1000 Buddhas of good kalpa conceive the thought of Enlightenment & where Bya rdzi ma obtained Enlightenment.  Wylie 23.  BA 669.  Near Wa ra na si.  BD of T&TB X 28.17.  Aziz 28.  NMH 44.5.  Encyclopaedia of Buddhism V 336 ff.

BYA RGOD TSHANG — See (— — —) Stobs ldan.

Mnyan yod BYA RGOD GSHONG — "Vulture ravine."  In Bo dong.  5 77.4.  See Mnyan yod+.  Not included in 12 temples listed by Bu ston, but said to be one of Srong btsan sgam po's temples for converting the border regions.  =(Bo dong) Bya rgod gshong.  Ferrari 156.

Bo dong BYA RGOD GSHONG —  =(Mnyan yod) Bya rgod gshong (q.v.).  Ferrari 156.  5 77.4.

Mgo li BYA RGYAL — (12th cent.)  Bonpo.  476 I 53.5.


BYA SGOM — See (— —) Rdo rje seng ge.

BYA RNGON ZHABS — See Gudhu ri pa.  See Bya da li pa.

BYA CHU DKAR MO — See (— — — —) Ngag dbang pad dkar.

BYA RJE — ?  Lde'u2 99.  Author of a history that had the extra-secret (yang gsang) account of kingly origins.

BYA NYANG — N. of a clan (rus).  BD of T&TB VII 258.

BYA TA RA LA MO PA — See (— — — — — —) Yon tan dbang phyug.

BYA BTANG — See (— —) Nam mkha' 'od zer.  (— —) Dbang phyug rin chen.  (— —) Ri khrod ras pa.

BYA BTANG SKU MCHOG — See Ngag gi rdo rje.

BYA BTANG SNGON PO — See (— — — —) Yon dar.

Kho bo BYA BTANG CHOS DAR —  =Ngag dbang nor bu bzang po.


BYA BTANG RAS PA — 195.  See (— — — —) Padma don grub.

BYA STON — See (— —) Rgyal she.

BYA THANG — See (— —) Sdab gzhung.

BYA DA LI PA — Tib., Bya rngon zhabs (q.v.).  Disc. of Bi ru pa Chung ba & teacher of Ku sa li bha dra.  BD of T&TB I 374‑6.

BYA DUR — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 251.

BYA DUR — See (— —) Nyi ma 'od zer.  See (— —) Nyi 'od.

Byang BYA DUR — Donatella Rossi, Holy Mountains and Saint Immortals in the Bon Tradition, Rivista degli Studi Orientali 78 (2005), contains a summary of a guidebook.

BYA DUR DGON — There was both an 'upper' and a 'lower'.  253 II 619.2.

BYA DO — Site of a monastery named Bya do Bkra shis bsam gtan gling.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 251 ff.

BYA DO RIN PO CHE — See (— — — — — iv) Chos 'phel rgya mtsho.

BYA DOR BDE CHEN GLING — A Bon mon. in Rgyal rong.  Thar in TS9 IV 158.

BYA'I GDONG PA CAN — Nickname for (Lo chen) Rin chen bzang po.  Spos khang pa, Sdom Gsum comm. III 205.5.  I believe the source of it is in a prophecy in chapter 16 of the Bka' chems Ka khol ma (1989 ed., p. 281): de'i dus nub phyogs dag tu sku 'khrungs pa'i // dge slong bya yi gdong pa can zhig 'byung.

BYA GDONG MA — Decleer in Lungta XIII (2000) 50.

BYA 'DUL 'DZIN PA — See (— — — —) Brtson 'grus 'bar (1031‑1106).

Rgyug chen BYA RDANG — Nine Ways 53 n. 19.

Btsan po BYA SDE — Led an army from Mnga' ris to Bru sha.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 447.

Yar 'brog BYA SDE 'KHRUL ZHIG — See (— —) (— — — —) Rin chen.

'Byams pa Khrag mgo'i BYA NAG DBANG RGYAL — Subj. of text in 286 II 493‑520.

BYA'I SNAG DPON — See (— — —) Chos dbang.

BYA PA — See (— —) Bkra shis dar rgyas.  (— —) Bkra shis rnam rgyal.

Brkos mkhas BYA PA DAR RGYAS — 57 IIB 373.5.  Name of a skilled wood carver.

BYA SPREL GYI GTAM BRGYU — " 'Phags mchog Thams cad Mkhyen Gzigs Chen po Rje btsun Mkhas grub rgya mtshos mdzad pa."  Ed. by Lama Lobzang Migyur (head Lama, Darjeeling High School), 1st ed., 500 copies. Printed by the Rev. G.P. Pradhan (Darjeeling 1909).  IIAS Library, Leiden:  Kern 883 /Dal13 / 1.  "A Story of Birds and Monkeys."


Gtsang rong BYA PHO'I ZE BA — A building.  DTK5 108.

Bde chen stengs kyi BYA PHO ZE BA'I SHOD — 'Cockscomb Lowlands'.  115 94.5.

BYA 'PHUR BA — See (Mtshan ldan) Nam mkha'i rnal 'byor.

BYA 'PHUR BLA BRANG — In Amdo.  253 II 637.5.

BYA BANG BON PO — ?  476 I 60.5.

BYA BON — See (— —) Bang ba thang reg.

BYA BRAL — See (— —) Ngag dbang rnam rgyal.

BYA BRAL GRUB PA'I DBANG PHYUG — See (— — — — — —) Blo bzang rnam rgyal.

BYA BRAL DGE BSHES — See (— —) Snyan grags.  (— —) 'Od zer.

Grub dbang BYA BRAL RDO RJE — (early 19th cent.)  Havnevik, Dissert. 65.  Of Rebkong.

BYA SBUG PA — See (— — —) Ye shes 'byung gnas.

BYA MA ZHU RU — N. of a horse.  TS5 663.



BYA MO MGUL — Vitali in TS9 I 87.

BYA MO SNA — Vai.Ser. 258.


BYA MONG — See (— —) Brtson 'grus grags.

BYA DMAR — At W gate of Ti se.  Tucci, Religions 219.  KTDN 143.2.  Exorcism.  Nine Ways 47.

BYA DMAR RLUNG ZHAGS — N. of a horse.  BA 467‑8.

BYA RTSI RNAM RGYAL THAR PO — A fort built in 13th cent. by 'Bum lde.  Dung dkar 133.

'Go ba BYA TSHA — A grwa pa.  33 232.6.


BYA TSHANG PA — See (— — —) Padma sri gcod.

BYA RDZI MA — Chicken-Keeping Woman.  Legendary founder of Bya rung kha shor.  Waddell 316.  Bya rdzi mo.  87 I 88.1.  Picture in 373 I 9.

Tshogs pa BYA RDZONG — List of abbots beginning with Dkon mchog rgyal mtshan.  BA 1072.


BYA ZE SPRUL SKU — 346 95.5.

Mar pa BYA ZE BA — BA 403.  17 II 456.5.  =(Mar pa) Bya se (q.v.).

BYA'I ZE BA CAN — A sa bdag.  KTDN 143.5.

Khyung gser Gdan sa BYA ZE YANG RDZONG — Bya ze Bla brang.  253 II 608.1, 609.3, 631.3.


'Phan yul BYA BZANG — Pl.n. in title of work in 356 I 315.

BYA BZANG BA — Roesler, KSP 63.

BYA 'UG SA TSHIGS — See (Bya 'ug) Sa tshigs.

BYA YUL — BA 289‑92, 296, 301‑8, 319, 438, 612.  5 11.6.  N. of a district in Lho kha.  N. of a rdzong.  N. of river which is confluence of Gnyal chu and Lo ro Chu.  Ras chung pa visited a "Bka' sdom gyi grwa sa" there.  4 288A.2.  In upper reaches of the Subansiri.  Fletcher "Cha yul."

BYA YUL — See (— —) Rdo rje pho thog Dgon.  (— —) Pad dkar Dgon.  (— —) Padma bkod.  (— —) Mang ra.


BYA YUL PA CHEN PO — See (— — — — —) Gzhon nu 'od.

BYA YUL BA — 4 227B.3, 228A.5.  Bya yul ba Rdo rje btsun.  4 230A.5.  Roesler, KSP 63.

BYA RA MA — One is tempted, with analogy to Enoch, to translate this as Watcher, as in any case 'watcher' appears to be the literal meaning of it. In title of FM 72.00.

BYA RA GSUM — N. of work in 264 801‑4.  313 II 57‑63.  Bya ra ma gsum text in FM 521.00.  Treasure protectors in 253 II 378.6.  Karmay, Treasury 314.39.  Bya ra ma Gsum kyis Bsgrub pa, title listed in Everding's Bon catalog, no. JS 1859.

BYA RAG — A messenger bird.  KB 139.3.

BYA RI —  =Rgya ri.  ISTS 163.

BYA RI GTSUG LDAN — E of Khyung lung, at head of river Rma bya.  253 II 567.5, 582.2.

BYA RU — "bird horn."  G.yu'i Bya ru.  SKC 98.1, 128.2.  Worn by priests, deities, and on top of chortens.

BYA RU — See (— —) Dben tsha.

BYA RU CAN — Parallelled by 'Khor lo can kings.  SFHB 559 ff.  Namdak, History of Tibet 34.8 ff, should be 18 of them (listed).  They ruled simultaneously in the 18 regions of Zhang zhung and therefore should perhaps be taken to mean 18 royal lineages of the empire.  Explanation of the name on p. 37.  Headdresses in shape of Garuda 'horns'.  SKC 127.3.  258 I 63.  283 97‑108.  As part of a chorten, 258 I 180.7.  LGCM 595.6, 625.2, 631.3.  The peculiar thing about this just-mentioned early 12th cent. Nyingma work is that Nyi zla and Bya ru seem to be two distinct parts of the same chorten!  Lcags kyi Bya ru can.  312 398.1.  See under Lcags kyi Bya ru can.

Stag lo BYA RU CAN — SFHB 676.3.

BYA RU LUNG PA — BD of T&TB X 89.15.

BYA RUNG KHA SHOR — The Great Chorten near Kathmandu.  Bodhnath.  See under Lha btsun Sngon po.  Waddell 315 ff.  BA 39, 230.  87 I 88.1.  KTDN A VIII 24.4.  Restoration.  210 256.5.  BD of T&TB I 530 ff.  363 140.5.  383 457.6.  Bya ri kha sho ka.  458 I 267.5.  A sandalwood model illus. in Precious Deposits IV 162‑3.  Dkar chag by Paṇ chen Dpal ldan ye shes listed in BLP no. 1386.  Bya rung kha shor gyi Dkar chag Thar lam Dkar po, Zhabs dkar Tshogs drug rang grol, listed in BLP no. 1449.  Buffetrille in FBTB 136 ff.

BYA RUNG KHA SHOR — N. of mt. in Tsa ri?  17 IV 237.5.  Perhaps named after the Nepalese monument as a kind of substitute holy place?

BYA ROG GLING — Zhi byed Coll. V 226.3

Bdud BYA ROG MGO BRTSEGS — In title in 320 XXXIII 249 ff.

Las mgon BYA ROG GDONG CAN — Kākāsya, the raven faced Mahākāla.  Laufer, Bird Divination 15.  In n. of tantra in 320 XXXIII 3 ff.  Text in 213 115‑128 (includes lineage).  Pictured in 216A. Kreijger, Tibetan Painting pl. 57.  A story of origins in vol. 4 of the Collected Works of Mkhan po Karma rin chen dar rgyas.  Dpal Nag po chen po Bya rog ma zhal gcig phyag bzhi pa.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 396.1.

BYA ROG MA — Bstan srung.  History & biblio. in 17 IV 329 ff.


BYA ROG TSHANG — BA 78, 684, 990.  17 II 343.3.  Nyang ro Smad kyi Bya rog tshang.  115 7.2.  208 218.3.  Located in Pa rnam.  Kuijp, Rivers 308.

BYA ROG RDZONG — BA 582.  Everding in TS9 I 118.  Ahmad, Fifth 98.


BYA LI PA — Mahāsiddha.  Tib.: Stag can, or, Sbrul can.  Bio. 120 201‑4.  He practiced alchemy with no success, wasting his wealth.  He threw his book and vessel (athanor) into the Ganges.  A woman found them.  They achieved results by an accident when a flower stuck to her finger while she was bathing which then fell into the vessel.  BD of T&TB I 768.

BYA SHES — In avadāna story.  TPS 486.


BYA SA — N. of a mon. near Rtse thang on Yeru Tsangpo w/ a hide boat ferry place called Bya sa ko khar.  Das.  Ancient Sa skya mon.  Tucci, Lhasa 144.  BA 277, 930, 936, 945, 1087.  56 144.  Haarh, Yar luṅ 211.  Jamyang Norbu studies this place (and gives a photo) in his "Shadow Tibet" blog of Dec 6, 2009.  There was apparently a second Bya sa near Phag ri.

Yar klungs BYA SA — BA 567.  CFMS 79.

BYA SA LHA KHANG — A temple where migratory birds make their stop (a kind of Tibetan Capistrano) on banks of Tsangpo, upstream from Rtse thang.  JTL&CT 234, 307.  Home of Dbus pa Zhig po.  BA 130.  F. by Dgongs pa rab gsal.  Tucci, Lhasa 144 n. 178.  Ferrari 131.  CFMS 80, with further refs.

BYA SANG THA BU NONG — Mongol.  208 I 237.6.

BYA SANG UR LUG — 208 I 239.3.

Mar pa BYA SE —  =(Mar pa) Bya ze ba (q.v.).  A disc. of Mar pa.  57 IIB 347.6.

Lho brag BYA SE — BA 126.

BYANG — A khri skor (q.v.) of La stod in Gtsang.  BA 918.  For the various usages as a pl.n., see Vitali in TS7 II 1023.  It especially is used for the SW part of the Byang thang.

BYANG — (—) Klag brag.

BYANG KA SNAM BRGYAD — Dotson, Horse 276.

BYANG KA DMAR MO — Bellezza, L&T 78.

Dge slong BYANG SKYABS — See Quintman in RET 23 (2012) 24.

'Jad pa BYANG SKYABS — 17 II 346.4.  N. spelled differently in BA 345.

BYANG SKRA BDUN RTSE'I LHA KHANG — Pl. where G.yas ban Ya bon excavated texts.  BD of T&TB III 328.

BYANG BSKOR — In titles in the vicinity of 320 XXXI 310.5.

BYANG KHA SNA BRGYAD — Also, Byang ka Snam brgyad.  Pl.n.  ISTS 201.  TS7 II 1025.  Stein in McKay, History of Tibet I 602.  A Turkic country.  Also, Byang ka Snam bzhi, etc.

Ldan ma BYANG KHRA — TS5 799.

BYANG GLING — BA 686.  A trading family in Lhasa.  McGranahan in TS9 IV 110.

BYANG GLING PA — Disc. of Rgod tshang pa (1189‑1258).  BA 686.  17 II 421.4; compare BA 786.

BYANG GLING LHO MA — The way Btsan po No mon han referred to South America.  See Yongdan, TCW 124.

Gyang gyi Mkhan po BYANG RGYAL — DTK5 112.

BYANG GI SGRA MA SNYAN — Uttarakuru.  A pl.n.  Waddell 377.  It is a little ironic that Tibetans took this name to refer to an alien continent, when in origin it may well have been applied to they themselves.  Ptolemy has Tibetans (Baitai) located N of the Ottorokorras Mts.  See the entry on Uttarakuru in EoB VIII 460‑461.

BYANG SGRON MA — 17 IV 449.6.

BYANG NGAM RING — North of Lha stod.  Ferrari 153.  Ngarib dzong.  Has mon. called Chos sde Byams pa gling.  Thang stong studied there.  5 32.  Ruegg, JSBO 81, 91, which dates its founding to 1225, restoration in 1354.

BYANG NGOS —  =Liang chou (Liangzhou) region.  Petech (1983) 181.  Velm I 129 n. 72.  See Sperling, Further 8‑9.

BYANG NGOS — See (— —) Rig 'dzin rdo rje.

Kong Brag gsum Rtogs ldan BYANG CHUB — 363 118.2.

BYANG CHUB SKYABS — Kuijp, Treatise 417.

BYANG GRAGS — (active 1195)  See Sperling, Further 8. Probably short version of Byang chub grags (q.v.) or Byang chub grags pa.

Jo mo BYANG CHUB — A wife of Khri srong lde btsan.  80 105.

Gnod sbyin mo BYANG CHUB — Picture in 320 VI 2.

Glo bo ba Jo bo BYANG CHUB GRAGS — Traveled to India with Ba ri Lo tsā ba, q.v.

Chos lding Mkhan po BYANG CHUB GRAGS PA — DTK5 112.

Stod lung Rgya dmar ba BYANG CHUB GRAGS — Teacher of Phag mo gru pa in Mādhyamika and logic.  46 59.  Teacher of Dus gsum mkhyen pa at Stod lung Se thang.  35 I 5.  Gtsang pa met him at Myang stod Stag tshal.  17 II 507.  Disc. of Gangs pa She'u and Khyung Rin chen grags.  17 II 380.2.  Rhoton, CD 76.

Spyan sng ba BYANG CHUB GRAGS — (1218‑1277)  Kuijp in Chayet, Edition 454.

Myang BYANG CHUB GRAGS — A lama from 'Ug pa lung.  Rwa lo 9.  Disc. of ('Chos kyi Khu 'gyur) Gsal ba'i mchog (late 11th‑12th).  BD of T&TB III 257.  BA 173.  Matthew Kapstein, The Strange Death of Pema the Demon Tamer, in M.K., ed., The Presence of Light (Chicago 2004), pp. 119‑156, at p. 141.

BYANG CHUB GRAGS PO — Ancestral relation of O rgyan pa.  115 7.7.

BYANG CHUB GLING — A building at Bsam yas.  87 I 51.5, 107.3, 116.2, 143.3.

BYANG CHUB GLING — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang, with 103 monks and one incarnate lama.  See Waddell 73.  BA 95.

Chag BYANG CHUB GLING — Birthpl. of (Gsang bdag) 'Phrin las lhun grub (1611‑1662).

Gnam 'brug se ba BYANG CHUB GLING — Pl. where the blocks of Padma dkar po's Gsung 'bum were kept.  17162 235.


BYANG CHUB GLING PA — 6th rab byung.  383 219.5, 634.2.  Disc. of 'Jig rten mgon po.  12 XV 366.2.

BYANG CHUB GLING PA — See (— —) Sna tshogs rang grol.  (— —) Dpal gyi rgyal mtshan.

'Khrul zhig BYANG CHUB GLING PA — (1816‑1872).  Rnying ma pa.  BD of T&TB IV 681.  See =(Nyag bla) Padma bdud 'dul.

Chag BYANG CHUB GLING PA — (ca. early 15th cent.)  410 129A.2.

Rig 'dzin BYANG CHUB GLING PA — In early lineage of Kar gling zhi khro.  Here he is a teacher of Sna tshogs rang grol.  Cuevas, Hidden History 164.  See (Byang chub gling pa) Bsod nams chos skyong.



BYANG CHUB DGE MDZES — (1084‑1167)  Teacher of Skor chen.  Ferrari 126.  BD of T&TB V 119.

BYANG CHUB DGON PA — Kapstein, Assimilation 134.

Spyan snga BYANG CHUB MGON PO — 473 27.

BYANG CHUB RGYA MTSHO — Son of Byang chub yon tan.  115 6.7.

Stag lung pa BYANG CHUB RGYA MTSHO — (1403‑1448)  10th abbot of Stag lung.  Kuijp in  Lungta 14 (2001) 67.

BYANG CHUB RGYAL PO — N. of Ngam rdzong ston pa (q.v.). 


BYANG CHUB RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. circa 1717)  Alias 'Jigs med kun grol.  See Aris, Discourse 5 ff.

Karma pa Byams chos pa BYANG CHUB RGYAL MTSHAN — Disc. and biographyer of Bla ma Dam pa. Kuijp in Lungta 14 (2001) 62.

Ngam lam BYANG CHUB RGYAL MTSHAN — (10th‑11th cent.)  Lived 172 years.  Disc. of (Spangs) Mi pham mgon po.  (Za lam) Rin chen dbyig was his disc.  BD of T&TB III 256.  BA 173.

Ngab mi BYANG CHUB RGYAL MTSHAN — Also, Ngab thung.  Disc. of ('Gos) Lhas btsas.  BA 364, 109.  17 II 412.1.  (Ngab mi) Byang chub rgyal po, teacher of Milarepa.  17 II 478.4, 481.3.

Ta'i Si tu BYANG CHUB RGYAL MTSHAN — The political leader who probably died in 1364.  See Kuijp's article on the subject.  Achard, L'Essence 230.  He composed the Khrims yig Zhal lce Bco lnga (BLP no. 0224).

'Dren mchog BYANG CHUB RGYAL MTSHAN — (1858‑?) Dhongthog 77.

Li thang BYANG CHUB RGYAL MTSHAN — (1858‑1921).  Active in producing religious revival in Khu nu.

BYANG CHUB SGRUB THABS — Bon teachings in 250.

Khyung byid za BYANG CHUB SGRON — 206 573.6.

'Brog bza' BYANG CHUB SGROL MA — TS5 796.

La yag pa BYANG CHUB DNGOS GRUB — Disc. of Mar pa Do pa.  17 II 409.5.  =La yag Jo sras and (La yag pa) Lba ba can.  Disc. of Sgam po pa, whose Chos bzhi precepts are subject of his comm. in 137.  Picture 137 13.

BYANG CHUB CHEN PO — N. of a pl. in Tibet.  TS7 II 961.

BYANG CHUB CHEN PO — Mahābodhi.  N. of one of the 9 lesser pundits who accompanied Kha che Shākya shrī.  Smith, Philology 12.

lta ngan rab bzlog BYANG CHUB CHEN PO — Picture caption in 128 714.

Tre ho Sprul sku iv BYANG CHUB CHOS KYI SNYING PO — B. in Yar 'brog.  Father, Bka' brgyud yar 'phel.  Ordination n. Blo bzang chos kyi dbang po.

BYANG CHUB CHOS 'PHEL — (1756‑1838)  69th Khri thog of Dga' ldan (1808‑1814), & guru of DL IX.  B. at Khams cha 'phreng ba.  BD of T&TB VI 204.  Long bio. in 55.  First of the Khri byang incarnations.  128 956.  TR XVI no. 10, 7A.  Bio. by Mkhan sprul Blo bzang phrin las rnam rgyal listed in BLP no. 0214; Filibeck, Catalog II 349 (no. 755).

Tre ho Zhabs drung iv BYANG CHUB CHOS KYI DBANG PO — Teacher of Tshe dbang nor bu.  383 456.2, 454.2.

BYANG CHUB CHOS KYI SENG GE — Author of full length bio. of Tshe dbang nor bu called Dpal Rig 'dzin Tshe dbang nor bu'i Rnam par Thar pa'i Gtam 'Dzam gling Dga' bar Byed pa'i Rna Rgyan.  383 471.3.

BYANG CHUB MCHOG — Son of Byang chub gzhon nu.  115 6.5 ff.

BYANG CHUB MCHOG GI SKAL PA DANG LDAN PA — Mon. n. of Sgeg pa rdo rje.


Chos 'khor Mkhan chen BYANG CHUB SNYING PO — (late 13th cent.)  DTK5 112.

Dol po BYANG CHUB SNYING PO— A disc. of Rin chen bzang po.  Heller, Hidden 19.

BYANG CHUB BRTAN PA — 'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) VI 239.4.

Chu mig BYANG CHUB BDUD RTSI — A valley in Nepal, not too far from Ṛṣīśvara (*Drang srong dbang phyug?).  Ehrhard, Old & New 107.

BYANG CHUB BDE LAM — A Dge lugs transmission which was passed on with the Dben sa Snyan brgyud & codified by the Panchen Lama.  165 II contents.  SBTD I 205, 314, 344, 392.

Rlangs BYANG CHUB 'DRE BKOL — (ca. 1050).  See 232 I 16‑17.  Says that he was not a personal disc. of Padmasambhava, as some say.  DTK5 69.  TS5 799.  Vitali in Lungta, vol. 16 (Spring 2003), p. 4.

Ra la'i Btsun ma BYANG CHUB 'DREN — DTK5 93.

BYANG CHUB RDO RJE — Sha yi Dam tshig can gyi Ston pa.  A heretical teacher of the Gos sngon can, identified with Ma dhu ma ti (i.e., Mohammed).  Derge vol. 77, p. 274.4.  Seems to refer to Shaivite worshippers of Sngon po'i gzugs (Shiva) who perform animal sacrifices.

BYANG CHUB RDO RJE — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 116.4.

BYANG CHUB RDO RJE — Disc. of 'Jam dpal bshes gnyen.  BD of T&TB I 379.

BYANG CHUB RDO RJE — At rab byung ordination of Sangs rgyas gling pa (ca. 1360?).  210 104.6, 105.1.

BYANG CHUB RDO RJE — (1377‑1428)  Son of Shākya rin chen.  Kuijp in Lungta 14 (2001) 60.

Rgyal sras BYANG CHUB RDO RJE — A n. of (Smyo shul) Lung rtogs (q.v.).

Rngog BYANG CHUB RDO RJE — Karmay, Treasury 149.

Chags bral BYANG CHUB RDO RJE — (contemporary)  B. in Golok.  Thondup, EL 9.

Nyag bla BYANG CHUB RDO RJE — Teacher of Nam mkha'i nor bu.  Perhaps the author of the text listed in TS7 II 985?  Terrone in TS9 VIII 219.  His dates have been given as (1826‑1961/1978), although some give 1961 as his definite deathdate and put a question mark next to the 1826 birthdate.  In any case, these dates would make him very probably the most long‑lived person in modern times.

Gter ston BYANG CHUB RDO RJE — (18th cent.).

Bu chung BYANG CHUB RDO RJE — Kuijp in Lungta 14 (2001) 60, 72 n. 22, where he is identified with the future Spyan snga Grags pa byang chub.

Rma tsho BYANG CHUB RDO RJE — One of 4 chief discs. of Rgya 'Dul 'dzin, & teacher of Bya 'Dul 'dzin.  17 II 344.1.  BA 79‑80.

Zhwa nag xii BYANG CHUB RDO RJE — (1703‑1732)  35 II 443‑448.  383 416.1.  On the circumstances of his death, in the same year as the Zhwa dmar, see Uspenky, Prince Yunli 10.  Depicted in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 177, together with the Zhwa dmar. Dung dkar 40.

Lang lab BYANG CHUB RDO RJE — (ca. 12th cent.)  A contemp. of Mar pa Lo tsā & Rwa Lo tsā & Gnyan Lo tsā.  BD of T&TB III 303‑305.  A personal enemy of Rwa Lo, who is said to have murdered him.  BD of T&TB III 316.  BA 156.

Sprul sku Sangs rgyas gling pa BYANG CHUB RDO RJE RTSAL — Bonpo of Bon gsar school.  (1705‑1735)  Kværne no. 168.  Four volumes of gter ma, see 259 preface, for contents.  Received oral transmission of the Bkra shis Gter Rdzongs Tantra in FM 65.00, etc.  Author of Bon texts in FM 61.00, 96.00, 355.00.  Puja works in 252.  Works on 16 Arhats in 257.  Alias, ('Phags sprul) G.yung drung rgyal mtshan.  Excavated work in 259 145‑6.  Alias, Brten gnyis gling pa, Bstan gnyis gling pa.  FM 61.00.  He was still alive in Rgya rong in 1737, and it is not clear when he died (the date of 1735 is too early).  For a painting with him as main subject, see HAR 200002.

BYANG CHUB NAM MKHA' — 83rd Dga' ldan Khri pa (1886‑1890).  BD of T&TB VI 210.  B. in Khams Rgya rong ba.  128 970.

BYANG CHUB NOR BU — The Biography of Zhabs drung 'Jigs med grags pa by Byang chub nor bu, published.

BYANG CHUB DPAL — (late 13th‑14th cent.)  BD of T&TB III 528.  Dbu 'od Ye shes 'bum (1194‑1257) gyi Rgyal tshab.  Lived 64 yrs.  ?  410 196A.6.

BYANG CHUB DPAL — 17 II 345.6.  BA 34.

BYANG CHUB DPAL — Ordination n. of Lus med rdo rje.

BYANG CHUB DPAL — (1360‑1446)  Son of Don grub dpal.  He met Tsong kha pa.  BA 411‑412.

Mkhan po BYANG CHUB DPAL — Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 96.

Mkhan po BYANG CHUB DPAL — Of Qoco, translated a Tibetan work into Uighur Turkic.  Zieme, Survey 18.

Rgyal sras BYANG CHUB DPAL — (b. 1298)  Abbot of Tshal Yang dgon Monastery who fl. in about 1328.  He wrote some colophons to the Tshal pa Bka' 'gyur which were preserved in the Lithang.  See Jampa Samten Shastri, Origins of the Tibetan Canon 766.

Rngog ston BYANG CHUB DPAL — (1367‑1449)  Of Spre'u zhing. Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 96.

Rngog BYANG CHUB DPAL — Great teacher at time of 'Gos Lo Gzhon nu dpal.  Teacher of Kun dga' dpal 'byor (1428‑1476).  1 22.  17 II 465.6.  39 5.

Lho brag BYANG CHUB DPAL — First abbot of Dge 'dun sgang.  Jackson, Patron 56.

A po BYANG CHUB DPAL — Disc. of Rgod tshang pa.  391 V 134.

Lcog pa BYANG CHUB DPAL LDAN — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0707.

Yang dgon Mkhan po BYANG CHUB DPAL BA — T&BS I 60.

BYANG CHUB DPAL BZANG PO — F. of Spos khang (q.v.) in 1213.  Disc. of Kha chen Paṇ chen.  Ferrari 142.

Rin po che BYANG CHUB DPAL BZANG PO — (1281‑1356)  Became abbot of Gung thang in 1310.  BA 717.


Rgya nag Rtogs ldan BYANG CHUB 'PHAGS DBANG — Bio. in 482.

BYANG CHUB BLO GROS — Father of the author of Memories of Life 1.  He served as superviser of the mission that went every 4 years to make offerings of religious offerings in Nepal at the chortens there.  He died in around 1948 in western Tibet where he was to serve as a trade officer.

Khams kyi Ban chung BYANG CHUB BLO GROS — 87 LXXXVI 289.

Rma BYANG CHUB BLO GROS — Killed in the civil war between 'Bro and Dba', his spirit turned into a 'king' (rgyal po) spirit.  Karmay, Arrow 363.

Sum pa BYANG CHUB BLO GROS — A gter stonBD of T&TB III 505.  Ordination n.: Bsod[ nams] rgyal mtshan.  217 462.1 ff.  Mdo khams Dbu ma pa.  383 218.1.  410 104A.4.

BYANG CHUB DBANG RGYAL — Author of a bio. of Kun dga' rnam rgyal.  Title in Tucci, Lhasa 179 n. 54, also listed in BLP no. 0756.

BYANG CHUB 'BAR — 4 84B.6.  ? picture in 128 588.

Kun mkhyen BYANG CHUB 'BUM — Another name for Byang chub 'od zer, founder of Se ra Smad?  Thuken 280.

Rgyang ro BYANG CHUB 'BUM — 83E 477.

Gnyal pa BYANG CHUB 'BUM — (12th cent.)  He attempted to poison Dwags po 'Dul 'dzin.  BA 467.


Rdog gi BYANG CHUB 'BYUNG GNAS — F. Gzhu yi Kun dga' ra ba in 1014.  Pupil of Klu mes.  Dhongthog 117.  17 II 342.3, 372.6.

BYANG CHUB 'BRE BKOL — (968‑1076)  BD of T&TB III 164.

Tsong kha BYANG CHUB SBYIN PA — Name given in the form Tsonkha Janjup Jinpa, he was the camera‑man for film footage taken when the Dalai Lama escaped from Tibet in 1959, according to Jamyang Norbu's blog entry for Feb. 22, 2010.


Gnod sbyin mo BYANG CHUB MO — Or, Byang chub ma.  132 48.1, 51.2 ff, 78.5 ff, 82.1 ff.

'Bro bza' BYANG CHUB SMAN — Also, 'Gro bza'.  17 II 324.4.  A queen of Khri srong lde'u btsan.  87 I 34.2, 51.3.  'Bro bza' Byang chub ma in 87 I 169.3, 272.1.  This is her Dge tshul ma name.  She was chief patron of the Hwa shang Mahāyāna.

Mkhan chen BYANG CHUB RTSE MO — (late 13th‑early 14th cent.)  DKT5 116.

Dpal ldan BYANG CHUB RTSE MO — (1303‑1380)  Abbot of Bo dong E.  Nephew of Dpang Lo tsā ba.  Ferrari 156.  BA 786‑8.  17 II 422.2.  Under the name Dbon po Lo chen Byang chub rtse mo, author of bio. of Blo brtan Gsum pa listed in BLP no. 1510.  Under the name Lo tsā ba Byang chub rtse mo, author of a biography of Bla ma Dam pa.  Kuijp in Lungta 14 (2001) 61.  His bio. by Zha lu Grags pa rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 1921.

BYANG CHUB BRTSON 'GRUS — Collected Works in 2 vols, 1975.

BYANG CHUB BRTSON 'GRUS — (1877‑1916)  Work published (1975).  Perhaps this is the 19th century eccentric, influential in Bhutanese political history, whose works were preserved at Ogyen Chöling according to the catalogue published as Samten Karmay, The Diamond Isle (Vienna 2003), p. 25; he was at first a Dge lugs pa monk at Dben Dgon, but later wandered about between Tibet and Bhutan and adopted an impartial perspective.

Rma bya BYANG CHUB BRTSON 'GRUS —  =(Rma bya) Brtson 'grus seng ge (q.v.).

BYANG CHUB TSHUL KHRIMS — "Life of Damba Darja Jaya Yin, The First Bandido Hambo Lama (1766‑1777)," contained in: Lokesh Chandra, Cultural Horizons of India International Academy of Indian Culture (New Delhi 1998) vol. 7, pp. 265‑351.  Rje btsun Bla ma Dam pa Grub pa'i Dbang phyug Byang chub tshul khrims dpal bzang po'i Rtogs brjod Skal bzang Dwang ba'i Kunda 'Byed pa Zla ba'i 'Od zer.  A different title of a biography found in BinR 35: Dpal ldan Bla ma Dam pa Rnal 'byor gyi Dbang phyug Byang chub tshul khrims dpal bzang po'i Rtogs brjod Gus ldan Dad pa'i Chu gter Phel ba'i Zla ba'i Snang ba.

Mgo nga BYANG CHUB TSHUL KHRIMS — (ca. 10th cent.?)  Lde'u 324.

Mnga' ris Dgra bcom BYANG CHUB TSHUL KHRIMS — Pictured in 128 532.

Sum pa BYANG CHUB TSHUL KHRIMS — A gter stonBD of T&TB III 311.  Achard, L'Essence 225.

BYANG CHUB RDZONG — A pl. where Milarepa went in Rag ma phu'i gnas.  4 27B.6, 29A.6.  (Rag ma) Byang chub rdzong.  4 52B.1.  377 27B.4.  Andrew Quintman, “Toward a Geographic Biography: Mi la ras pa in the Tibetan Landscape,” Numen 55 (2008) 363‑410, at p. 380.

BYANG CHUB ZHING — A temple.  See master's thesis of Todd Gibson.

BYANG CHUB GZHON NU — Contemp. w/ Khri srong lde'u brtsan.  115 6.5 ff, 12.4.

BYANG CHUB GZHON NU — Kuijp in TH&L 286.

Spyan snga BYANG CHUB GZHON NU — Disc. & nephew (?) of Lus med rdo rje.  467 II 185.2.

Mkhar chen BYANG CHUB GZUNGS — Aka Mkhar chen Chos rje Gnyos ston.  DTK5 93.

BYANG CHUB BZANG PO — Helped compile yig cha contained in 74 (see preface).  "Most probably flourished during the early decades of the 16th century."  He was disc. & biographer of Shar kha Ras chen and Kun dga' dar po.  74.  Author of 74 I 375‑389, 471‑492.  A teacher of the young Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan.  602 6v.6.

Gnas brtan BYANG CHUB BZANG PO — Called Kashmiri (Kha che).  One of eight principle discs. of Nāropa.  17 II 275.1.  He was guru of Jo bo rje and Rdo rje gdan pa.  A Kashmiri scholar.  17 II 276.3.  Teacher of Atiśa.  17 II 280.5, 408.3.  BA 382.  17 II 409.3.  BD of T&TB I 789.

BYANG CHUB 'OD — One by this n. wrote a bio. of Rgod tshang pa.  50 preface.

Gter bton Gsum pa BYANG CHUB 'OD — Also, Sum pa.  210 83.4.

BYANG CHUB 'OD — See under Nā ga rā dza.

Khu BYANG CHUB 'OD — In lineage from Gnyags and Rma Rin chen mchog.  Germano in TS9 X 256.

Lha btsun BYANG CHUB 'OD — Grand nephew of Ye shes 'od.  T.H. 140, 144.  Monk king of Gu ge when Atiśa arrived.  28 52.  Wylie 126 n. 100.  Son of Lha lde.  17 II 350.6.  Gter ston.  208 I 271.1.  Titled Lha 'i Btsun pa and Lha Bla ma.  BD of T&TB III 237.  Bio. in 165 362.  Gter ma in 87 LXI.  Bio. in 210 82.4.  217 460.2 ff.  383 I 217.2.  410 96A.5.  A title, Byang chub 'od kyi Gsung Dri ma med pa is listed in Taube, no. 2471.  His embalmed body was kept at Rdzong dkar Gtsug lag khang [Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 14].  His gter ma, the Mon bu Pu tra'i Grub thabs Ka khol ma is mentioned by  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 38 n. 50 (see also Kapstein, Assimilation 134).  For his portrait in Tabo murals, see CHWT 239 ff.  Dates given as 1026 to 1078, with reign dates 1037-1057, in KWT 87.

Slob dpon BYANG CHUB 'OD PA — Became abbot in 1458, and served for 12 years.  CFMS 95.

BYANG CHUB YE SHES — Abbot of Gung thang from 1208 to 1210.  BA 716.

Rma bya BYANG CHUB YE SHES — Or, Byang yes.  Disc. of Phywa pa and Spa tshab.  17 II 385.1.

Gze bsgom pa BYANG CHUB YE SHES — BD of T&TB X 56.3.

Sho sgom BYANG CHUB YE SHES — Sho sgom Byang yes.  17 II 518.3.  May  be equivalent to the Sho sgom 'Phags pa of BA 464 and the Sho rom 'Phags pa of BA 462.  Should not be confused w/ another disc. of Sgam po pa with a similar sounding name.  He was responsible for compiling some of the Tshogs chos collections in Sgam po pa's works.

Ar BYANG CHUB YE SHES — (12th cent.)  Prajñāpāramitā master.  17 II 346.6.  BA 330.  TS7 I 449.

BYANG CHUB YON TAN — Son of Byang chub mchog.  115 6.7.

BYANG CHUB YON TAN — Mentioned as a teacher of Sengge rgyab pa.  BD of T&TB III 387.

Sman lung BYANG CHUB RI — 253 II 617.2.  354 17.6.

BYANG CHUB RIN CHEN — A local chief (dpon chen).  Petech (1983) 189.

BYANG CHUB RIN CHEN — (active, but near to death, in 1282)  Kuijp, Rivers 311.

Zul phu Mkhan chen BYANG CHUB RIN CHEN DPAL BZANG PO — Gser tog Blo bzang tshul khrims rgya mtsho, Byang chub rin chen dpal bzang po'i Rnam thar, BLP no. 1451.  A biography by his disciple 'Bri gung Lo tsā ba Nor bu dpal gyi ye shes (lived either 1349‑1423 or 1359‑1433) has been published in Sørensen, Rare Texts, Text D.

Skyo ston Rin po che BYANG CHUB RIN CHEN — (1126‑1200)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 101.  2nd abbot of Kam kam.

Rnal 'byor pa BYANG CHUB RIN CHEN — (1015‑1077)  Dhongthog 78.  Mdo smad du 'khrungs.  Disc. of Atiśa.  Bio. in 165 371.  He is usually called simply by his title Rnal 'byor pa Chen po, q.v., or Rnal 'byor Chen po.  Acc. to Las chen's history, he lived from 1015‑1078.  Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 1, p. 150.

Sbas BYANG CHUB RIN CHEN — Vitali in Rocznik Orientalistyczny LXVII (2014) 245 n. 7.

Dge slong BYANG CHUB SHES RAB — Translator.  320 XVI 375.2.

Dpon BYANG CHUB SHES RAB — 476 V 57.6.

Mang 'or BYANG CHUB SHES RAB.  Also, Mang 'od.  Translator of Kālacakra tantra.  BA 837.  =Byang she in 17 II 419.2.  383 328.3.  TS7 II 875.

BYANG CHUB BSHES GNYEN — Tib. tr. of the name Bo dhi mi tra, q.v.

BYANG CHUB SENG GE — Disc. of Zla ba seng ge the disc. of U rgyan pa.  BA 703.  17 IV 436.5.

BYANG CHUB SENG GE — His account of his return from the dead ('das log):  Spyan ras gzigs kyi Sprul pa 'Das log Byang chub sengge'i Dmyal Snang Shar ba las Dge sdig gi Shan dbye dang+.  For sources, see Epstein in TJ 7 no 4 (Wint 1982) 81.  Cuevas deals with his account in a forthcoming paper.  To him is attributed the origins of the jo dar.  See St. Petersburg collection, no. B9217/4, with the title Chos rgyal Chen pos Bka' yis 'Phrin Lon pa Sprang Byang chub seng ges Bar do Dmyal bar Byon nas 'Khor 'das kyi Dkar nag Dbye ba'i 'Bras bu'i Rnam thar Mdor bsdus Zhig.


Rnal 'byor BYANG CHUB SENG GE — Contemp. of Grags pa rgyal mtshan from 'Phan yul.  145 276C.5.

Bla ma BYANG CHUB SENG GE — Kaḥ thog Dam pa bde gshegs (1122‑1192) took ordination under him.  BD of T&TB III 330.  502 159.1.

Mar lung pa BYANG CHUB SENG GE — (1153‑1241)  A Tshal pa Bka' brgyud pa, direct disc. of Zhang Rin po che.  See Vitali, Kingdoms, throughout the book (see index).  Vitali's Tho ling book says his biography was composed in 1241 by Thon Kun dga' rin chen and Byang chub 'bum, and anonymously revised in 1292.  He has a copy of a manuscript.  It is mentioned in Heller, Hidden 26.

BYANG CHUB SENG GE DPAL — (1520‑1571)  Kuijp in Chayet, Edition 453.



BYANG CHUB SEMS BSGOM PA — Text & similar titles in 319 II 339 ff; V 269‑303.  320 I 500 ff; (11 chaps.) III 88‑108.


BYANG CHUB SEMS DPA' BRGYAD — See under Nye ba'i Sras chen Brgyad.

BYANG CHUB SEMS DPA'I LTUNG BA BSHAGS PA — Text published in 1970 in Solu.

BYANG CHUB SEMS DPA' GSANG BA'I THAG PA'I RGYUD — Also, Thigs pa'i rgyud.  Text in 319 VIII 381‑7.

BYANG CHUB GSUM — They are: (Rgya ston) Blo gros byang chub.  (Mar pa) Yon tan byang chub.  (Sna nam) Tshul khrims byang chub.  3 discs. of (Gnubs) Ye shes rgya mtsho.  BD of T&TB III 167.

BYANG CHUB BSAM LDING — Proper n. of He mis (q.v.) Mon.

BYANG CHUB LHA KHANG — A sanctuary in Kong po.  Das.

BYANG CHEN — Mon.  Vai.Ser. 212.

BYANG JI STON PA — Author of an imperial history.  Macdonald, Lecture 192.

BYANG GTER — Northern gter ma tradition begun by Rgod ldem.  See 370 preface.  For list of rites & cycles covered by the term, see 483 preface.  Its chief mon. was Rdo rje brag.  The Byang gter of Bon is a different matter.

BYANG GTER SGRUB SKOR — Title of text publ. in Gangtok (1979).

BYANG RTA SGO — N. of a bridge at Tho ling.  Vitali, Tho.ling 105.


BYANG STENG DGON — Vai.Ser. 240.

BYANG STOD — A county in Ru thog district.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 35.

Mal gro'i Lho pa BYANG STON — A disc. of Ras chung.  24 I 222.6.  Disc. of Sum pa.  57 IIB 351.1.  BA 439.

BYANG STON RIG 'DZIN CHEN MO — BLP nos. 0034, 1581.

Sgang ru BYANG THA'I DGON — 253 II 630.5.

BYANG THANG — Generally, this means the high plateau north of Central Tibet with salt lakes and internal drainage.  Ferrari 56 refers to a place between Lcags rtse gri gu and Smra bo lcogs.  BA xvii.

BYANG DO SKYA DGON — [1‑150]  Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang.

BYANG BDAG — See (— —) Rnam rgyal grags bzang.

BYANG 'DREN PA — See (— — —) Brtson 'grus 'gyur med.

BYANG RDOR GNYIS KYI CHOS SDE — F. in 1225.  Dhongthog 121.

BYANG SDINGS — A monastery (dgon pa) where Thang stong studied and took ordination.  5 25.

BYANG NAGS CHUB — See (— — —) 'Jam dbyangs rgyal mtshan.

BYANG PA — See (— —) Ta'i dbang po.  (— —) Rnam rgyal grags bzang (physician).

BYANG PA KHRI DPON — See (— — — —) Bkra shis dar rgyas.

Slob dpon BYANG DPAL — Biographer of Rgod tshang pa.  50 preface.  64 I 265‑511.

Zhig po BYANG DPAL — A follower (nye gnas) of Rgod tshang pa.  115 18.3, 18.5, 33.7, 107.1, 110.7.

BYANG SPYI — A 'governor of the north' appointed by Lhasa to collect taxes, etc., in the Nag‑chu region.  Schrempf in Schrempf, ed., Soundings 116.

BYANG PHUG MA — N. of a yaksha.  87 I 44.1.


BYANG BAR — Pl.n.?  "byang bar du mthu'i phyag len la shin tu mkhas shing."  53 II 297.6.

BYANG BU DRUG PA — 307 I 53‑57.

'Gos ston BYANG 'BAR — Disc. of (Yar 'brog pa) Gu ru yang dag.  BD of T&TB III 316.  BA 156.

BYANG 'BRUG — See under Lho 'Brug.


Chos lung BYANG RTSE — In Gtsang stod, center for Kālacakra inhabited by successors of Rwa Lo tsā ba.  Wylie 68, 136 n. 187.

BYANG RTSE GRWA TSHANG — A college at Dga' ldan.  Ferrari 107.  Had printery.  162 201.

BYANG RTSE CHOS RJE — He and the Shar rtse Chos rje were guaranteed to serve next as Dga' ldan Khri pa.  Geshe Sopa's autobio. (2012) 97.

BYANG RTSE SLOB DPON — See (— — — —) Sangs rgyas chos 'phel.


BYANG TSHAL — See (— —) Rlung gnon.

BYANG BZHU — Byang bu Bzhu ba'i Cho ga458 I 222.3, 222.6.

Shes sgom BYANG YE — 73 261.2.

BYANG RA BZHI — 253 II 567.6.

BYANG SMAD — A county in Ru thog district.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 35.

*BYANG RI LA — Hypothetical Tibetan form said to underlie the name Shangri la.  TS7 I 535.

Dpon chen BYANG RIN — 115 136.5 ff.

BYANG RONG E YI SMAN PA — See (— — — — — —) Nyi ma 'od gsal.



BYANG LA — "North pass" in Ladakh, 34° X 77°.  79 79 no. 35.

BYANG LAG — TPS 606.  Perhaps this is the Dpyang lag in Michael Willis' article "From World Religion to World Dominion," p. 248, said to be a source of high quality gold in eastern Tibet.

BYANG LUGS — A minor school of art (see 23 47) characterized by an exaggerated realism.  There was also a Byang school of medicine named for (Byang pa) Rnam rgyal grags bzang (q.v.).  Hofer in Schrempf, Soundings 399 also argues that the name Byang lugs comes from the geographic name, and therefore does not mean in any literal sense 'north'.  Perhaps the same is true of the school of art, I don't know.

BYANG SA — N. of a mon. founded by Ti shrī ras pa in Tangut land.  See Sperling, Further 9.

Gnas brtan BYANG SENG PA — Disc. of Tsong kha pa.  165 I contents.

BYANG SEMS — As part of a n., is usually prefixed to names given in conjunction with the taking of Bodhisattva vows.  Also, Rgyal sras.  23 56‑57.

BYANG SEMS — See (— —) Sbyin pa bzang po.  (— —) Tshul khrims rin chen.  (— —) Shes rab bzang po.

BYANG SEMS KUN DGA' — Met by later Rin chen gling pa.  210 155.6.

BYANG SEMS GAB PA DGU SKOR — Rdzogs chen comm. in 317 243‑311.

BYANG SRIN — See Ljang srin.  TS5 534.

Mkha' 'gro BYAD DRUG — In title of 325 153‑189.


BYAMS KHANG —  =Sog kha'i Mchod khang.  T&BS II 245.

BYAMS KHANG — Maitreya chapel at top of Potala.  TS5 659.

BYAMS GLING —  =Byams pa gling?  BA 412.

BYAMS GLING PA — See (— — —) Bsod nams rnam rgyal.

Bar phug gling pa BYAMS GLING PA — Teacher of (Mkhas btsun) Gzhon nu grub (q.v.).  27 89.


Rje BYAMS MGON — Label for person depicted in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 122.


'O ru BYAMS CHEN — Lde'u2 135.


BYAMS CHEN CHOS RJE — See (— — — —) Sna tshogs rang grol.  (— — — —) Shākya ye shes.

Rong BYAMS CHEN CHOS SDE —  =Rong Byams gling.  Jamchen Rong chu chen.  BA 340.  Near mouth of Rong chu.  F. by Gzhon nu rgyal mchog, built in 1367.  Has 4 Sa skya and one Dge lugs colleges.  TPS 695, 256.  Waddell 320.  Wylie 142 n. 247.  Vai.Ser. 191.  Byams chen Brgyad sde.  5 292.2.  Has three storey high statue of Maitreya, hence the name.

BYAMS CHEN GZHI 'OD 'BAR BA — A temple in Sman thang.  28 16.

BYAMS CHEN RAB 'BYAMS PA — See (— — — — —) Sangs rgyas 'phel.

BYAMS CHOS SDE LNGA — Vostrikov, Critical 74 ff.

BYAMS CHOS PA — See (Karma pa) (— — —) Byang chub rgyal mtshan.

BYAMS SNYOMS MI 'GYUR — A n. of Khra 'brug, q.v.

BYAMS MDUN PA — See (— — —) Byams pa tshe ring.

'Gro kun la brtse ldan BYAMS PA — Pictured in 128 816.

BYAMS PA — See (— —) Yon tan mgon po.

Bla ma BYAMS PA — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1498.

A mdo BYAMS PA — (1911-2002)  Dalai Lama's official painter.  Henss, CMT 162.

BYAMS PA KARMA DAR RGYAS  — This seems to be the identity of a statue based on its inscription, although the reading is uncertain.  The object is in The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, and may be seen at their website.

Skyu ra Yongs 'dzin BYAMS PA KUN KHYAB — Author of Byang chub Lam rim gyi Sgo nas Rang Sems Dge sbyor la 'Jug pa'i Man ngag Rin chen Snying po (1977) publ. in 3 vols.  Pictured in 128 498.

Yongs 'dzin 'Jam pa'i Dbyangs BYAMS PA KUN DGA' BKRA SHIS — (1754‑1817)  Dhongthog 78.  Sa skya pa.  Bio. in 383 662.3.

Ngor Mkhan chen BYAMS PA KUN DGA' BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (1829‑1870)  TS5 818.  Byams pa kun dga' bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan gyi Rnam thar Yon tan Mtha' yas pa'i Rgya mtsho Dngos grub kyi Rba rlabs Rnam par G.yo ba, listed in BLP no. 1461.

Thar rtse Mkhan chen Rdo rje 'chang BYAMS PA KUN DGA' BSTAN 'DZIN — (1776‑1862)  Brang ti Mkhas pa'i rigs su 'khrungs.  Dhongthog 78. Served as head Lama to Derge ruling house.  12 XV 369.2, 381.2.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 90, which adds that he was Thar rtse abbot from 1811‑1821.

BYAMS PA KUN DGA' BSTAN 'DZIN GRAGS PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — Byams pa kun dga' bstan 'dzin grags pa'i rgyal mtshan gyi Rtogs brjod Yal 'dab gnyis pa, listed in BLP no. 1460.

BYAMS PA KUN DGA' YE SHES — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1462.

BYAMS PA KUN DGA' SANGS RGYAS BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — Monastic n. of Tshe dbang rdo rje rig 'dzin.

BYAMS PA BKRA SHIS — (1618‑1684)  BD of T&TB VI 167.  43rd Khri thog of Dga' ldan, from 1675‑1681.  Pictured in 128 930.  A Lama by this name ("Cham‑pa‑tra‑shi") is depicted in a copper alloy statue at the Huntington Archives (Scan no. 0000381), kept in Tibet House, New Delhi (see also HAR, item no. 71823, which has the badly spelled inscription mkhas sgrub byam pa kra shis sku 'di // dge byong sangs rgyas grib pa byang phyir zhengs // dge bas sangs rgyas thob par shog.  Of course it ought to read mkhas grub byams pa bkra shis...).

Mkhas chen BYAMS PA BKRA SHIS CHOS 'PHEL — 377 40B.3.

BYAMS PA MKHAS GRUB — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 116.3.  Barlocher 720?

BYAMS PA MKHAS GRUB — A title seen in E.Gene Smith's library:  Yongs kyi Dge ba'i Bshes gnyen Dam pa Rje btsun Blo bzang byams pa mkhas grub mchog gi Rnam thar Dad pa'i 'Jug ngogs.

Dge bshes BYAMS PA MKHAS GRUB — (active 1920's & 50's)  A chos 15, etc.  Teacher of Dge bshes Rab brtan.  Dreyfus, Sound 272.

BYAMS PA GLING — A temple at Bsam yas.  87 I 51.4, 107.4.

BYAMS PA GLING — Byams pa gling Mchod rten gyi Dkar chag, by Bsod nams seng ge, listed in BLP no. 1467.

Klungs shod BYAMS PA GLING — Vai.Ser. 155.

Grwa BYAMS PA GLING — Gelug mon.  =Sku 'bum Mthong grol+ (q.v.).  In Grwa. F. in 1472 by (Thu mi) Lhun grub bkra shis.  Said to be largest in Tibet, dedicated to Maitreya.  56 119 and plate 81.  Tucci, Lhasa 148 & picture on p. 86.  See Chab mdo Chos 'khor.  Also, Chos sde Chen po Dgon lung Byams pa gling.  BA 338, 815, 822, 826, 827, 830, 836.  Had printery.  162 212.

'Gi ba kha BYAMS PA GLING — F. by Bla ma Sgang ring.  Vai.Ser. 235.

Dbus stod BYAMS PA GLING — Where Kun dga' don grub f. a tantric college.  Tucci, Religions 112.

BYAMS PA GLING PA — See (— — — —) (Chos rje) Bsod nams rnam rgyal.

BYAMS PA GLING PA — Byams pa gling pa Chen po'i Rnam thar, by Rgya ston Lcags ri pa Byang chub rnam rgyal, listed in BLP no. 1465 (see also Kuijp, TBTC 400).  Byams pa gling pa Chen po'i Rnam thar Rin chen Phreng ba, by 'Jam dbyangs dga' ba'i blo gros, or, Legs pa chos 'byor, BLP no. 1466.  Still more bios. are listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 339 (no. 699); here his dates are given as 1401‑1475.  Probably the same biography listed in Drepung Catalog 1410.

BYAMS PA DGE LEGS — Present abbot of G.ya' bzang Mon.  CFMS 7.

Mi pham BYAMS PA MGON — Pictured in 128 16.

Rje btsun BYAMS PA MGON PO — Maitreyanātha.  Bio. in 165 141.

BYAMS PA RGYA MTSHO — (b. ca. 1960)  Incarnate at Sgo mang mon. in S India.  Barlocher 587, 590.

Chos rje BYAMS PA RGYA MTSHO — (1516‑1590)  24th Khri thog of Dga' ldan (at age 60).  Zhogs kyi gram phur 'khrungs.  BD of T&TB VI 144.  Pictured in 128 912.  Vai.Ser. 75.

Dge bshes BYAMS PA RGYA MTSHO — A scholar & abbot of Dga' ldan Shar rtse mon. during Dalai Lama xiii's times.  Origin of Phu ra Sprul sku lineage.  Barlocher 598‑599.

Phur bu lcog BYAMS PA RGYA MTSHO — (1825‑1901)  Yongs 'dzin, tutor.  Author of So sor Thar pa'i Tshig Snga Phyi'i Sdom pa 'Bog Chog Snang Gsal Sgron me (1975).  Apparently the modern lama in 85 2.  Pictured in 128 242, 252.  His textbook on logical debate has been translated by Daniel E. Perdue.  Bio. by Rgyal ba Tshul khrims rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 1367.  Sku gdung Dkar chag by Rgyal ba Thub bstan rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 1803.

A rig Ri khrod pa BYAMS PA RGYA MTSHO — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 0021.

Brag mthon ? BYAMS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of article in TR no. 2/3, p. 12A.  Astrologer.

BYAMS PA NGAG DBANG GRAGS PA — Author of bio. of Lha btsun Chos rgyal listed in BLP no. 1071.

Gzim 'og Sprul sku BYAMS PA NGAG DBANG BSTAN 'DZIN SNYAN GRAGS — Author of work on Vajrapāṇi in form 'Byung po 'dul byed, publ. in 1974.

BYAMS PA NGAG DBANG BLO GROS RIN CHEN — Sa skya pa.  Work on general Vajrayāna, publ. 1950?

BYAMS PA NGAG DBANG SANGS RGYAS — Author of a biography entitled Grub mchog Dam pa Sangs rgyas rgyal mtshan gyi Rnam thar Gsol 'debs dang Rnam thar Dngos bcas (NGMPP, Reel no. L579/8‑L580/1).

BYAMS PA NGAG DBANG LHUN GRUB — Bio. in 383 563.4 ff.

BYAMS PA CHOS GRAGS — 90th Dga' ldan Khri pa (1921‑1927).  BD of T&TB VI 218.  B. in Khams Tre hor Brag 'go ba.  128 978.  Title of bio. listed in BLP no. 0279.

Dga' ldan Khri pa BYAMS PA CHOS GRAGS — 438 VII 415.5.

BYAMS PA CHOS GRUB — (1433‑1504)  See under 'Bum phrag gsum pa.  Leonard van der Kuijp has composed a biographical sketch.


Pha lha BYAMS PA CHOS RGYAN — 432 VI 538.6.


BYAMS PA CHOS LDAN — Dge lugs pa.  Bio. in 165 II 739‑41.  E cung Dga' mtho Yor ba Rgyud smad Bla ma Dbu mdzad Byams pa chos ldan gyi Rnam thar listed in BLP no. 2101.

Mgron gnyer BYAMS PA CHOS DBANG — See Yu Dawchyan, preface.

Mkhan chung BYAMS PA CHOS BZANG — Shakabpa, History II 165.

BYAMS PA 'JAM DPAL DBANG PHYUG — Ngam khul Dge slong.  Disc. of Ngag dbang nor bu bzang po.  377 71B.3, 4A.4.

BYAMS PA SNYAN GRAGS — Contemp. of Thang stong (his nephew and disciple).  5 259.4, 339.2.  Stearns, King 15.

Gnod sbyin 'dul mkhas Rgyal po BYAMS PA'I STOBS — Fed the Yakshas with his own blood.  Pictured in 128 700.  36A IV 62.3.  476 II 197.5.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) VI 56.5.

BYAMS PA STOBS LDAN— Described as "mgar thar mkhan po 'bras spungs 'phar ra dge bshes."  438 VI 560.1.

Ser byes Dge bshes BYAMS PA BSTAN SKYONG — (contemp.)  438 VII 416.1.  Barlocher 409, 410, 765.

Mkhas drung BYAMS PA BSTAN DAR — (20th cent.)  Shakabpa, History II 197.  Goldstein, History 67.

Dwags nyag Rig ral gyi Sprul sku E lum pa BYAMS PA BSTAN PA — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1111.

Ngam ring BYAMS PA BSTAN 'PHEL — Vai.Ser. 218.

BYAMS PA BSTAN 'DZIN — (b. 1965)  Boyhood n. of Pha ra Sprul sku.  Barlocher 609.  ?  438 VI 559.4.

Tsha ba Khri sprul BYAMS PA BSTAN 'DZIN — (20th cent.)  Shakabpa, Bod kyi Srid don II 210.  I believe he was the Tsawa Tritul sent together with two other Tibetans by the 13th Dalai Lama to study in Japan.

Hor Grub chen Zhabs drung BYAMS PA BSTAN 'DZIN — Student of Rol rdor, an incarnate.

Mnga' bdag BYAMS PA BSTAN 'DZIN — Inscribed depiction.  Kreijger, Tibetan Painting 178 n. 35.

BYAMS PA BSTAN 'DZIN 'PHRIN LAS RGYA MTSHO — (1878‑1941)  Pha bong kha pa.  Beyer 395.  Author of 385Byang chub sems dpa'i Spyod pa la 'Jug pa zhes bya ba Bka' Mchan Thor bu dang bcas pa (Gangtok 1972).  Zab lam Dga' ldan Lha brgya ma'i Rnal 'byor Nyams su Len tshul Snyan brgyud Zhal shes Lhug par Bkod pa'i Man ngag Rin chen Gter gyi Bang mdzod (Delhi? 196‑).

BYAMS PA THOGS RGYAL — Named as the earliest of all the ministers in a Mustang text; see D. Schuh's article in Ancient Nepal (1995) 45-46.

BYAMS PA MTHA' YAS — See Dar rtse Blo bzang chos 'byor, Rigs brgya'i Khyab bdag Rdo rje 'chang Chen po Dang Ngo bo Dbyer ma Mchis pa Yongs kyi Dge ba'i Bshes gnyen Chen po Rje btsun Byams pa mtha' yas dpal bzang po'i Rnam par Thar pa Dad Gsum Pad tshal Rgyas pa'i Nyin byed  (LTWA KA3/17020 & 17021 KA; library photocopy).

BYAMS PA MTHU STOBS KUN DGA' RGYAL MTSHAN — (1835‑1895)  Skal bzang legs bshad, Rje btsun Byams pa mthu stobs kun dga' rgyal mtshan gyi Rnam thar, Krung go'i Bod kyi Shes rig Dpe skrun khang (1994).  He is also known as Bla ma Dkar po.  He was b. in Wood Sheep year of the 14th rab byung.  Kuijp, KPTB 58.  See TBRC, where his incarnation lineage is listed, and the biography is made available.

Bla ma BYAMS PA BDE LEGS — His account of the post mortem state contained in Three 'Das log Stories, publ. 1977.  For sources on this 'Das log figure, see Epstein in TJ 7 no 4 (Wint 1982) 81.

Thar rtse Mkhan po BYAMS PA NAM MKHA' 'CHI MED — Sa skya pa.  Author of Yum Rgyas 'Bring rnams kyi Don Bsdus pa Shes rab Snying po'i Sgo nas Bdud Bzlog gi Cho ga Bar chad Kun sel (1974).  Mkhan chen Byams pa nam mkha' Khu dbon Gsum Thun mong ba'i Rtogs brjod, by Shes rab rgya mtsho, listed in BLP no. 0240 (for longer title see 1464).  Byams pa nam mkha' 'chi med bkra shis grags pa rgyal mtshan gyi Rtogs brjod Yal 'dab Dang po, listed in BLP no. 1463.

Sku zhabs BYAMS PA RNAM GROL — Active in 1050's.  A chos 15.

Chos 'khor rgyal gyi Mkhan po BYAMS PA RNAM RGYAL — Flourished circa 1708.  463 I 138.1.

BYAMS PA'I RNAL 'BYOR — Dhargyey 117.  Teacher of Atiśa.  36A IV 78.6.  See Ku sa li Chung ba.

Thar rtse Mkhan chen BYAMS PA RNAL 'BYOR 'JAM DPAL BZANG PO — (1789‑)  Sa skya pa.  Dhongthog 78.

Khro phu Lo tsā ba BYAMS PA'I DPAL — (1173‑1225 or 1236?)  N. in Buston for Khro phu Tshul khrims shes rab (q.v.).  Pictured in 128 472.  =(Gnubs) Byams pa'i dpal.  410 105B.2.  (1172‑1236)  See Kuijp in JAOS (1994).  A 90‑fol. ms. in Beijing: Khro Lo Chen pos Mdzad pa'i Dpag bsam 'khri shing (ref. in CFMS 271).  Mtshan tho no. 69 gives his birthdate as 1173, saying he invited Mi tra dzo ki, Buddha shrī & Kha che Paṇ chen to Tibet.

Chos rje BYAMS PA DPAL — Bio. by Nam mkha' bsam grub rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 0775.

'Jag chen BYAMS PA DPAL — Also called 'Jag chung (?!).  Nephew of Rgyal mtshan 'bum & teacher of Gtsong kha pa in 'Jag pa lineage.  29 7.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 0810.

Lha rje BYAMS PA'I DPAL — Great grandson of Mgar Stong btsan yul  bzung.  He moved to Khams in the early 9th century.

Mang yul BYAMS PA SPRIN — Havnevik, Dissert. 225.

BYAMS PA PHUN TSHOGS — The ethnically Tibetan governor of the TAR in March 2008 when the demonstrations took place.  His name often appears in Pinyin: Xiangba Pingcuo.

Rab 'byams pa BYAMS PA PHUN TSHOGS — (1503‑1581)  His autobio., Mkhas grub Chen po Byams pa phun tshogs kyi Rnam thar, in a 93 fol. xylo. from 16th cent., see  JNRC 12 (2001) 238 (listed also in BLP no. 0259).  Ehrhard in NTFC I 155.  I believe this is the same person who, before his death, sponsored the xylograph of the Jātakamāla, which has been reprinted on the basis of a manuscript copy of it (Darjeeling 1974).

Sa skyong Sde dge Bla ma BYAMS PA PHUN TSHOGS — Pictured in the Sde dge Rgyal rabs (FM 209.00).  See Gardner in TJ XXVIII no. 3 (2003) 70.  See Cuevas, Hidden History 151.

BYAMS PA PHUN TSHOGS RNAM RGYAL — Author of Mkhas grub Deb gter Phrin las Rab dkar (a kind of Sa skya history?) listed in BLP no. 0265.

Yongs kyi Dge ba'i Bshes gnyen BYAMS PA PHUN TSHOGS DPAL BZANG PO — Dge lugs pa.  (1812‑)  Dhongthog 78.  Bio. in 383 642.4 ff.


There was a gap here in the original cards [ending at next note]



Phur lcog Sku tsha Dka' bcu BYAMS PA BLO GROS — Author of bio. of Subhūti listed in BLP no. 1376.

BYAMS PA 'BUM GLING— A place with rock carvings including a giant Maitreya 20 fathoms high.  LPNT VII 86.  Called Longxingsi in Chinese. Horlemann 128.

BYAMS PA MI 'GYUR GLING — N. of Khra 'brug, q.v., and of a temple in Rgya ma, q.v.  See Hazod in TS9 I 28.  Henss, CMT 273.

Ke'u tshang BYAMS PA SMON LAM — (d. 1790)  17th abbot of Se ra Byes.  His bio. told in Dung dkar 92.  His rebirth (b. 1791) was Ke'u tshang Blo bzang 'jam dbyangs smon lam?

BYAMS PA TSHE BRTAN — Artist who painted the 'realistic' murals in the Nor bu Gling ka.  Harris, In the Image of Tibet 50.

BYAMS PA BZANG PO — Kreijger, Tibetan Painting 178 n. 35.

BYAMS PA 'OD — A royal descendent.  CFMS 30.

BYAMS SPRIN — Temple in Mang yul.  Cuevas, Hidden History 190.

BYAMS MA'I BU GANG PO — Pūrṇa Maitrāyaṇīputra.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 346.

BYAMS ME 'PHO LUNG PA — Cuevas, Hidden History 182.

BYAR PA — Meditation center f. by Ti shrī ras pa.  See Sperling, Further 16.

BYAS PA'I BLO — Kṛṇmati in Kālacakra Tantra.  TPS 598.  This corresponds to the Arabic(?) Aristotelian expression behind "active intellect."

BYI GLANG SDE GZAR — Rat & Ox Year Warfare, name of the war of 1612‑1613.  Sørensen, Restless Relic 867.

BYI'U DGON PA — Near Kailash. Allen, Search for Shangri La 77.

BYI'U SGANG PA — A famous painter, aka Bye'u sgang pa, Sprul sku Bye'u.  See Jackson in Denwood & Singer, Tibetan Art at 258‑259.  Jackson, Patron 12.

BYI'U CHUNG SKYA MO — Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 69.

Lha BYI RJE — Dotson, D&L 24.

BYI DO LA — A pass in upper Dolpo.  Heller, Hidden 32.

BYI BA MKHAR — A fortress in Glo.  TS7 II 1033.  Heller, Hidden 32.

Gad kyi BYI BA MKHAR — A fortress of western Tibet known to Bon histories.  Bellezza, D of T 97.

BYI BA TSHANG — N. of a family. See Mengele, dGe 66.

BYI BA LAG GSER — Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 69.

BYI SHI ZA'I GNAM MTHA' 'KHOR — Bellezza, L&T 65.

BYI SA MA — N. of images made out of clay stolen by mice.  BA 596.  Jackson, MB 136.

BYIN BYIN — A member of the 'Bro clan in late imperial times.  See Yamaguchi's contribution in Jean-Pierre Drège, ed., De Dunhuang au Japon: Etudes chinoises et bouddhiques offertes à Michel Soymié, Droz (Geneva 1996), at p. 253.

Khri dpon BYIR MA — First of the Glo bo Khri dpon.  DTK5 115.  See also Jackson, Mollas.

BYIS STON — Toh, Ming 182.

BYUR LHA — Deity associated with 'Jang.  Norbu, Drung Deu & Bon 8.

Snye mo BYE MKHAR — Achard, L'Essence 19, 38.

BYE'U CHU — The place called Woochu or Woo, in Bhutan.  LaRocca, Warriors 24.

Dge bshes BYE BRAG SMRA BA — Dreyfus, Sound 361.

BYE BRAG BSHAD MDZOD CHEN MO — A work partly translated by Alamkāradeva & Steng pa Lo tsā ba in early 11th cent.  Mtshan tho no. 53.

BYE MA THANG — Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 157.

BYE MA BDAL DRO— Bellezza, L&T 45.

BYE MA MI 'GYUR G.YUNG DRUNG — In the Brahmaputra headwaters. ZZFC 248.

BYE MA G.YUNG DRUNG — TS7 II 1027, 1035.

Chu srin BYE MA LAG RING — Haarh, Yar luṅ 150.  Ahmad, Fifth 11.  Hazod in Steinkellner Festschrift 264.

BYE TSHANG PA — In Simply Being: Texts in the Dzogchen Tradition by James Low, Vajra Press (London 1998), a piece by Bye tshang pa Chos rje Rin po che is translated, although he is considered unidentifiable.  In Gangs can Mkhas grub 723, a Mal Bye tshang ba is mentioned as a teacher of Rta ston Jo yes (1163‑1230).

BYE RDZING PA — One of 4 monastic communities stemming from Shākya shrī.  Kuijp in JAOS (1994) 603.

BYE RAGS — The 'sand dike' at Lhasa.  See Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 103, map; 107 etc. 

BYE RU — yul zhig gi ming ste / yul de'i gnas tshul sgrung dpe las 'byung tshul dang bstun na sog yul dang nye ba'i kha che'i yul "nyi sha" zhes pa de'am de dang nye phyogs zhig yin par mngon noNomads 280.

BYOL RABS — See Bellezza, L&T.

BRA GU — See (— —) Ngom ngan.

BRAG DKAR GLING KHA — Site of a battle in Central Tibet.  602 27r.4.

BRAG DKAR RTA SO — Grub pa'i Gnas chen Brag dkar Rta so'i Gnas dang Gdan rabs Bla ma Brgyud pa'i Lo rgyus, work by Brag dkar Chos kyi dbang phyug, title listed by Mathes in  JNRC 12 (2001) 186.  A work in 310 folios in NGMPP, reel nos. L380/5 through L381/1 (source: Kurtis Schaeffer).

BRAG DKAR STAG RTSE BA — Disc. of Po to ba.  Roesler, KSP 64.

BRAG DKAR PO — Brag dkar po'i Gnas yig Bkod pa Rgya mtsho'i Sprin thang, listed in BLP no. 1471.

BRAG DKAR BA — Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 112.

BRAG DKAR BYA RGOD — A mountain in Amdo where Skyang 'phags discovered some 30 volumes of texts.  Berounsky, Lapsed 175.  Berounsky in Asiatische Studien 67 (2013) 794.

BRAG MGO — Pl.n.  Thar in TS9 IV 158.

BRAG MGO GTER STON — His Padmasambhava bios. listed in BLP no. 0352.

BRAG RGYAB — A monastery in 'Phan po, built on top of a huge flat rock.  Early Bka' gdams pa teachers stayed there.  Roesler, KSP 44‑45.

BRAG RGYAB KUN SPANGS PA — Zhi byed pa.  Roesler, KSP 64.

BRAG SGO RAB 'BYAMS PA — See under (— — — — —) Phun tshogs rnam rgyal.

BRAG SGOM CHEN MO — Place where Rten ne died.  BA 938.

BRAG STENG — One of the 18 traditional kingdoms of Rgyal rong.  Thar in TS9 IV 158.

BRAG STENG PA — See (— — —) Yon tan tshul khrims.

BRAG THOG — Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 313.

Bla ma BRAG NAG PA — Roesler, KSP 62.

BRAG PHUG PA — Bio. by Dpal ldan blo gros listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 334 (no. 670.4).

BRAG PHYI — In Kong po.  TS5 527.

BRAG MO — Vitali in TS9 I 88.

BRAG DMAR BA — (12th cent.)  Bka' gdams pa.  Jinpa, Mind Training 299 (& note).

BRAG RAM CHOS SDE— Stearns, SR 44.

BRAG RI LCO BA — Roesler, KSP 62.

BRAG SHING MDO — Nepalese mon.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 114.

Rod kyi BRAG RDZONG NAG PO — DTK5 109.

BRAG G.YAB — Pl.n. in Khams.

BRAG G.YAB SPRUL SKU — There were two incarnation lines, termed greater and lesser, which incarnated Rngog Lo tsā ba Blo ldan shes rab and Rngog Legs pa'i shes rab.  Thuken 283.  Brag yab Che Chung Sku phreng gi Rnam thar listed in BLP no. 1473. Brag yab Chung tshang gi Rnam thar, BLP no. 1474.

BRAG G.YAB BLA DGON — Brag yab Bla dgon gyi Lo rgyus Stod Smad Gnyis, by Padma dbang 'dus & Blo bzang chos ldan, listed in BLP no. 1475.

BRAG G.YAM — In Dolpo.  Map in Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 141.

BRAG G.YUNG DRUNG — A nunnery in Amdo.  D. Rossi, Holy Mountains and Saint Immortals in the Bon Tradition, Rivista degli Studi Orientali 78 (2005) 413‑415.

BRAG RAL — A place in the lower part of 'Phan yul Valley.  Stearns, King 206.

BRAG GSUM DENG MA — TS5 661, 662.

BRAG GSUM MTSHO MO CHE — See Ehrhard in SCEAR 9 (1996) 45.  Wangdu (Dbang 'dus), Brag gsum mtsho, Bod ljongs Mi dmangs Dpe skrun khang (Lhasa 2006), in 118 pages.

BRAG GSUM GYI MTSHO RDZONG — A temple for Padmasambhava in a lake in Kong po.  Dung dkar 99.

BRAG LHA BKRA SHIS — Palace built for the Nepalese queen.  Yamaguchi in NTFC II 315.

BRANG KHANG — Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 86 n. 2.

BRANG TI — Family n.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 91.

BRAN KA — See (— —) Mu la ko sha (7th cent.).

BRAM MTSHO — See Drangs so.

BRAM ZE DGON KHANG — Alexander, Temples 108.  Its main image is one of Bram ze gzugs can.

BRAM ZE GZUGS CAN — A common form of Mahākala in the form of a Brahmin.  For the story of 'Phags pa that may be its origin (?), see p. 209 of B. Laufer, "Inspirational Dreams in Eastern Asia," Journal of American Folklore 44 no. 18=72 (Apr 1931) 208‑216.

BRI DZI'I GRONG — The town[s] of Vṛji.  Buston II 57.

BRI SHA — N. of a country.  BBNP 485.

BRIS PA — Person in avadāna story.  TPS 490.

BRU ZHA — Word for Hunza, related to Burushaski.  Stein 35, 57.  See Bru sha.  BD of T&TB I 565 mentions translations from 'Bru sha.  Btsan lha 563.  Scherrer‑Schaub in JIABS 25 (2002) 272.  See Bu ston's Yogatantra history, p. 166, for a story about a Tibetan translator who was seized by the Bru sha army and made chaplain of the Bru sha court (his name was Sbrags Li chung).  Equivalent to Gilgit/Little Bolor/Palola (in Iranic source called Prusava).  See Karl Jettmar, The Gilgit Manuscripts and the Political History of Gilgit, Pakistan Archaeology 25 (1990) 305‑314, at p. 309 ff.  Bellezza, D of T 80.

Rkong yul BRE SNA — Village in Kong po.  TS5 531. Dung dkar 102.  Sometimes explained as meaning Spre sna or Ape Nose.  In OTC; see Hill in RET 10 (2006) 94.  =Spre'u na (Monkey Beginning [or rather Monkey Meadow]).  Hazod in Steinkellner Festschrift 261.

Bram ze BRE BO — Droṇa.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 345.

BREG GSUM PA — Jinpa, Mind Training 320.

BRES KHA — A part of Shangs valley.  602 4v.5.

BRES DGON GSAR — Cuevas, Hidden History 189.

BRES GSHONGS PA — (1602‑1677)  TS7 I 260.

BLA DPON — A title "reserved for those men of the Phag mo gru who were not only abbots of Gdan sa Thel, but also, simultaneously, rulers at Sne gdong."  Kuijp in TH&L 289.

BLA BRANG — One of the 5 families responsible for the administration of Tho ling.  TJ XXIII (1998) 108.

BLA BRANG — N. of a Rnying ma mon. in Ru thog.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 39.

BLA BRANG DKAR PO — Lineage at Khang gsar.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 91.

BLA 'BRUM GYANG MDO — TS5 534, 536.

Btsun pa BLA MA — Uttara.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 345.

Bram ze'i Khye'u BLA MA — Uttara, a previous rebirth of Śākyamuni.

BLA MA DKAR PO — See (— — — —) Kun dga' rgyal mtshan.

Thang skya'i Bi ji BLA MA BKRA SHIS — Mentioned as a behester in the colophon of De'u dmar Dge bshes' famous work on the arts.

Go 'jo BLA MA RGYAL MTSHAN — (13th cent.)  TS5 804.

Gling gi Gter ston BLA MA RGYAL MTSHAN — His abbreviated bio. of Padmasambhava listed in BLP no. 0342.

Stag tsha BLA MA RGYAL MTSHAN — Bla chen Stag tsha.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 14.

Ke'u tshang BLA MA RNAM GROL — Aka Blo bzang rnam grol.  Student of Rwa sgreng Khri chen Bstan pa rab rgyas.  His bio. by his disc. Blo bzang bkra shis is listed but not available.  Dung dkar 93.

BLA MA LHA KHANG — Chapel at top of Potala.  TS5 659.

Gtum ston BLO GROS GRAGS PA — Roesler, KSP 58, 62.  Disciple of Sha ra ba and founder of Snar thang Monastery.

Mal gyo Lo tsā ba BLO GROS GRAGS PA — (11th cent.)  He was especially influential at the close of the 11th cent.  He brought to Tibet several cycles of Mahākala.  He gave the teachings of Gri gug Lcags sor ma (Mahākala) to Smyal pa Nyi ma 'bar, after which they became known as Ber nag.  He translated Cakrasamvara and Tārā according to the Nyi sbas Lugs (the latter teachings he received from Dānaśīla). 

Khya dge BLO GROS RGYA MTSHO — Autobio. listed in BLP no. 0188.

Gung thang BLO GROS RGYA MTSHO — (1851‑1930)  TS7 I 440.  Bio. by 'Bul sdud pa Bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 0375.  Author of bio. of Rje btsun Chos kyi rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 0938.

Dpyi sa BLO GROS RGYA MTSHO — (contemp.)  Rje Dpyi sa Blo gros rgya mtsho'i Gsung rtsom, Mtsho sngon Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (1996).  Includes a photo of the author.

Spyan snga BLO GROS RGYA MTSHO — Author of bio. of Rin chen sgang pa listed in BLP no. 1865.

La stod pa BLO GROS RGYA MTSHO — A disciple of Bu ston present at the time of his death.

Sbyar ra ba BLO GROS RGYAL PO — One of the 4 Bka' blon in the post‑1721 period.  Dung dkar 176.

Zur mkhar BLO GROS RGYAL PO — (b. 1509)  Sman pa rnams kyis Mi Shes su Mi Rung ba'i Shes bya Spyi'i Khog dbubs, Si khron Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Chengdu 2001), 385 pp.

BLO GROS RGYAL MTSHAN — Bio. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 1538.

Khyung po BLO GROS RGYAL MTSHAN — For an argument for a roughly 14th‑century date of this author of the Rgyal rabs bon gyi 'byung gnas, see Berounsky, Lapsed 191.

Dge slong BLO GROS RGYAL MTSHAN — BLP no. 0798 is his bio. of Atiśa.

Rgya ma Spyan snga BLO GROS RGYAL MTSHAN — (1402‑1470)  Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 108.

Rgyal tshab BLO GROS RGYAL MTSHAN — (1915‑1952)  Disciple & nephew of Shar rdza who attained Rainbow Body in 1952.  A chos 38.  Thar in TS9 IV 156, 166.  Matthew Kapstein, The Strange Death of Pema the Demon Tamer, in M.K., ed., The Presence of Light (Chicago 2004), pp. 119‑156, at p. 147 (but note that here his attainment of Rainbow Body is dated to 1937/8).

Chu rags pa BLO GROS RGYAL MTSHAN — Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 106.

De mo thang pa BLO GROS RGYAL MTSHAN — Bio. by Sangs rgyas rdo rje listed in BLP no. 1134.

Bdag chen BLO GROS RGYAL MTSHAN — His bio. by Tshar chen Blo gsal rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 1163, with autobio. at no. 1164.

Paṇ chen Shanti pa BLO GROS RGYAL MTSHAN — See under Shanti pa.

Spyan snga BLO GROS RGYAL MTSHAN — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1345.

'Phags pa BLO GROS RGYAL MTSHAN — See under 'Phags pa.

'A zha BLO GROS RGYAL MTSHAN — (1198‑1263)  Bonpo author.

Sog bzlog pa BLO GROS RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1552).

BLO GROS RGYAL MTSHAN DPAL BZANG PO — Subj. of bio. by Shākya ye shes chos listed in BLP no. 1539.

BLO GROS RGYAL MTSHAN DPAL BZANG PO — 3rd abbot of Ri bo che, serving from 1366 to 1384.  He was also called Mkhas grub rgyal ba.  Jackson, MB 122.

Shel grong Paṇ chen BLO GROS CHOS KYI KHYU MCHOG — Founder of Gdung phud Chos 'khor, q.v.

BLO GROS CHOS 'PHEL — Founder of Bya do Monastery.  He was originally a monk of Bkra shis lhun po.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 253.

Rdo rje 'dzin pa BLO GROS CHOS 'PHEL — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1186.

'Jam mgon Kong sprul iii BLO GROS CHOS KYI SENG GE — (1954-1992)  Full name, Karma blo gros chos kyi seng ge bstan pa'i go cha.

BLO GROS MCHOG LDAN — (15th cent.)  King of Ladakh.  DTK5 188.  Dungkar Rinpoche's history, p. 1513.

BLO GROS STOBS LDAN — See Gardner in TJ XXVIII no. 3 (2003) 68.  Aka Bo thar.

BLO GROS BRTAN PA — Sthiramati.  One of the four outstanding disciples of Vasubandhu, said in Tāranātha to be contemporary of Dignāga.  Leonard van der Kuijp has written an as yet unpublished paper in which he distinguishes the various persons with the name Blo gros brtan pa (there were a number of Indians and Tibetans with this name).

Dpang Lo tsā ba BLO GROS BRTAN PA — Brother of Shong ston Rdo rje rgyal mtshan.  Jackson in TH&L 237 n. 14.  Published in 1999 is a dpe cha publication in 743 pp. entitled Dpang Lo tsha ba Blo gros brtan pa'i Gsung gi Dkar chag.  The only text it contains is:  Chos Mngon pa Kun las Btus kyi Rgya cher 'Grel pa Shes bya Gsal byed.  Cited in TJ 26 no 2 (Summ 2001) 93.  His bio. by Zha lu Lo tsā ba listed in BLP no. 1313.  Smith, Philology 16.

Ri khrod pa BLO GROS BSTAN PA — Bio. by Dpal ldan tshul khrims listed in BLP no. 1843.

Mu li Btsan ra Dge bshes BLO GROS BSTAN 'DZIN — Autobio. listed in BLP no. 1630.

Khod po BLO GROS THOGS MED — Bonpo.  Bio. in Katen (300+ vol. version), vol. 203.

BLO GROS RNAM RGYAL — (1618‑1683)  Student of Tāranātha.  Gruschke in TS9 I 204.

Jo nang Lo tsā ba BLO GROS DPAL — (14th cent.)  Jo nang pa.  He has been given different dates (one may search the internet for examples).  The preface to his commentary on the Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra gives his dates as 1300‑1354.  He was an abbot of Jo nang for about 15 years.

Gur chung Rin po che BLO GROS DPAL 'BYOR BZANG PO — (b. 1927)  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 125 n. 2, 234.

BLO GROS DPAL BZANG — Author of work on porcelain.  Chayet in TH&L 30.

BLO GROS PHUN TSHOGS — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 0832.

BLO GROS BYANG CHUB — Bhikshu Ma ti bo dhi Rang nyid 'Khor bar 'Khyams pa'i Ngang tshul Gsal bar Bkod pa De nyid Gsal ba'i Sgron me, listed in BLP no. 1406.

BLO GROS DBANG PHYUG — Achard, L'Essence 81.

Sbas BLO GROS DBANG PHYUG — Achard, L'Essence 81.

'O bran BLO GROS DBANG PHYUG — Lde'u 394.

Gro lung pa BLO GROS 'BYUNG GNAS — (ca. 1200?  perhaps a hundred years earlier?)  Student and biography of Rngog Lo tsā ba.  His commentary on the 8,000 PP is listed in Btsan lha 1044.

Rnal 'byor gyi Dbang phyug BLO GROS SBAS PA — Dalai Lama ii wrote a commentary on a brief song (glu) by this person.  Note the title by one Blo gros sbas pa, Byang chub Lam rim gyi Dmigs rim, in Drepung Catalog 1681.  Probably this is the person mentioned in Thuken 287, under the name 'Dul 'dzin Blo gros sbas pa.

BLO GROS TSHUL KHRIMS — Author of the story of the hermit and the rats tr. by Waddell in Indian Antiquary 25 (1896) 105‑109.


Rong ston BLO GROS MTSHUNGS MED — Author of bio. of Mi nyag Lha 'bri Shes rab rdo rje, q.v.

Mkhan po BLO GROS BZANG PO — His work, Dam chos Rgyu 'bras la Yid ches Rnyed nas Skyabs 'gro dang Theg chen Sems bskyed kyi Phan yon was published in Bull. of Tibetology 9 no 1 (Feb. 15, 1972) 17‑33.

Gtsang pa BLO GROS BZANG PO — (1360‑1423)  Toni Huber is writing about this person who visited the NW Indic regions. 

Dpa' rtsal BLO GROS BZANG PO — See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 44.  Aka Dkon gnyer Spo spo.

Gsol ja pa BLO GROS BZANG PO — Kuijp, Rivers 313.

BLO GROS RAB YANGS — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 257.

Khams pa BLO GROS RAB GSAL — Contemp. of Sa paṇ.  Jackson in TH&L 239.

Rma se Rtogs ldan BLO GROS RIN CHEN — Bio. by Rgod tshang pa Sna tshogs rang grol listed in BLP no. 1646.  See Cuevas, Hidden History 153.

Btsun pa BLO GROS RIN CHEN — Author of bio. of Lha rtse ba listed in BLP no. 2077.

Tshangs gsar BLO GROS RIN CHEN — (modern, fl. in 1980's)  Name given in Sanskritic form, Ma ti ratna.  His historical works on the 'Ba' rom pa are used by Sperling in AOH 57 (2004) 2 ff.  Tshangs gsar Blo gros rin chen, Dpal ldan 'Ba' rom Bka' brgyud kyi Rnam thar Chos 'byung Mdor bsdus Gsal byed Sgron me, Mtsho sngon Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Xining 2005), in 319 pages.

Kun mkhyen BLO GROS RIN CHEN SENG GE — 5th abbot of Se ra.  Also called Mus krad pa.  Dung dkar 71‑72.  Also called Mus srad pa.  His writings were banned (see E. Gene Smith's writing entitled, "Banned Books in the Tibetan Speaking Lands").  He was the founder of Se ra Byes.  Geshe Sopa's autobio. (2012) 91.

BLO GROS LEGS PA RGYA MTSHO —  =(Rta tshags) Bstan pa'i mgon po.  253 II 613.3. 

BLO GROS LEGS PA RGYA MTSHO— Dge lugs pa.  Author of 2 bios. of Klong rdol Bla ma listed in BLP nos. 0132‑0133.  Author of bio. of Tsong kha pa listed in BLP no. 0919.

Spar phu ba BLO GROS SENG GE — (12th cent.)  Important for Dohā transmissions in Tibet.  See Kurtis Schaeffer, Dissert. 132, 146.

BLO GLING — A county in Ru thog district.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 35.


BLO MCHOG GRAGS PA — See Su ma ti kirti.

Khra tshang pa Chen po BLO MCHOG RDO RJE — He is depicted at the left hand of Dalai Lama v in a thangka illus. in Po ta la (1996) 171.  Dalai Lama v wrote his bio. listed in BLP no. 0954.  One Blo mchog rdo rje is given as one of the authors of the Rlangs Po ti Bse ru in BLP no. 1986.

BLO GTER DBANG DGA' TSHANGS BYUNG SNYEMS PA'I ZLA SNANG — Literary n. of Kong sprul Blo gros mtha' yas.  Smith, Philology appendix II.

'Jam dbyangs BLO GTER DBANG PO — (1847-1914)  Subj. of bio. listed in BLP no. 0817.  His correct dates are 1847‑1914 (and not 1907‑1974 as is sometimes given).  Some of his works have been published.

BLO BRTAN SHES RAB — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1511.

BLO BRTAN GSUM PA — Bio. by Dbon po Lo chen Byang chub rtse mo listed in BLP no. 1510.

Gcod smyon Yan pa BLO BDE — Alias of the consecrator (and author of the verses on the verso) of a thangka at Rubin Museum no. 223.  See the following.

Bya btang Yan pa BLO BDE — Shangs pa Bka' brgyud pa from Glo bo.  Biographical notes listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 332.

BLO BDE BA — (16th cent.)  A governor of Myang.  See Schwieger in Kailash 18 (1996) 84 ff.

Gu ge BLO LDAN —  =Gu ge Shes rab blo ldan, member of Zhang zhung Snyan rgyud lineage.  ZZFC 247.

Bla ma BLO LDAN CHOS 'PHEL — Bio. by Brag dkar Blo bzang bstan 'dzin listed in BLP no. 1499.

Gu ru BLO LDAN MCHOG SRED — ?  Huntington Archive Scan no. 0000428 has photo of an image from Tibet House, New Delhi, identified as "Guru Loden‑Chogse."

Bka' bzhi 'dzin pa BLO LDAN BZANG PO — Author of bio. of Bsod nams bzang po listed in Drepung Catalog 1507.

BLO LDAN SHES RAB — (15th cent.)  Composed a Rgyal rabs of Gung thang in time of (Khri) Lha dbang rgyal mtshan (i.e., in 15th cent.).  DTK5 149.

Rngog BLO LDAN SHES RAB — For biographical resources, see Leonard van der Kuijp, "On Some Early Tibetan Pramāṇavāda Texts of the China Nationalities Library of the Cultural Palace of Nationalities in Beijing," Journal of Buddhist & Tibetan Studies, vol. 1 (1994), pp. 1‑30, at p. 5.  Ralf Kramer, rNgog Blo ldan shes rab (1059‑1109): The Life & Works of the Great Translator, M.A. thesis, Universität Hamburg (1997) contains a text & translation of the biography by Gro lung pa (which was also subject to a seminar by F.-K. Ehrhard & Dramdul at Vienna University in 2000). A 4‑fol. ms. is in the St. Petersburg collection, no. B13056/14, with title Lo tsā ba Blo ldan shes rab la Bstod pa Rgyal ba'i Mdun du ma Gro lung ba Blo gros 'byung gnas kyi Mdzad pa bzhugs so.  He worked on canonical translations together with the Indian pundit Tilakakalaśa (Thig le bum pa).  Bio. by Shes rab seng ge listed in BLP no. 0666 (note also no. 1924).  He is given the dates 1059‑1109 in Mtshan tho no. 40, which says he went to Kashmir and relied on six pundits, studied for 17 years, came to Tibet and made many new translations and corrections of old ones.

Brag g.yab Rin po che BLO LDAN SHES RAB — (modern)  Tsering Shakya, Dragon 128.



There was a gap up to this point in the original cards, that has only been partially filled later on.


BLO BZANG DKAR MO — Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 184.

BLO BZANG DKON MCHOG — (1802‑?)  44th in gdan rabs of Bkra shis 'khyil.

Yab tshang BLO BZANG DKON MCHOG — (1907‑1959)  He undertook the block carving for the Chab mdo Kanjur.  Jampa Samten Shastri, Origins of the Tibetan Canon 780.


BLO BZANG BKRA SHIS — (d. 1751)  Mgron gnyer during the rule of 'Gyur med rnam rgyal.  See this website page: http://www.tibet‑encyclopaedia.de/lobsang‑trashi.html.

BLO BZANG BKRA SHIS — (fl. 1950's)  Acted as 1 of 2 representatives (srid skyabs) of the Dalai Lama when he escaped to Gro mo in Dec. 1950.  Tsering Shakya, Dragon 51.

BLO BZANG BKRA SHIS — BD of T&TB VI 201.  64th khri thog of Dga' ldan (1789‑1795).  128 952.


BLO BZANG BKRA SHIS RAB RGYAS — Bio. of Blo bzang bkra shis rab rgyas, see SBTD I 19.  Bio. by Kirti Blo bzang phrin las, BLP no. 1494.  Bio. by Blo bzang 'jam dpal bstan 'dzin listed in BLP no. 1512, with bio. by Dge slong Brtson 'grus rgya mtsho, BLP no. 1513.


Rgyal dbang BLO BZANG BSKAL BZANG RGYA MTSHO — See under Bskal bzang rgya mtsho.

BLO BZANG MKHAS MCHOG — 63rd Khri thog of Dga' ldan (from 1788‑?).  B. in 'Phan po Sbas grong.  BD of T&TB VI 201.  Work mentioned in 332 II preface 14.  Picture, 128 950.  Bio. by 'Jigs med bsam gtan listed in BLP no. 1514.

Rtse drung BLO BZANG MKHAS MCHOG — 438 VI 520.4.

Dwags zur BLO BZANG MKHAS BTSUN — Author of bio. of Na kha pa Thar pa'i rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 1209.

Ser smad Yer pa Sprul sku BLO BZANG MKHAS BTSUN — 438 VII 467.4.

La mo Bde chen Sprul sku BLO BZANG MKHYEN RAB MCHOG GRUB — DL xiii, Works VII 128.6.

BLO BZANG MKHYEN RAB DBANG PHYUG — 76th Dga' ldan Khri pa (1853‑1859).  BD of T&TB VI 206.  128 964.

BLO BZANG GRAGS PA — See Tsong kha pa.

Rgya ston BLO BZANG GRAGS PA — Mchog ldan rdo rje was ordained under him.  BD of T&TB III 307, 367.

Mchims ston BLO BZANG GRAGS PA — Of Snar thang Mon.  Author of Chos Mngon pa Gsal byed Legs par Bshad pa'i Rgya mtsho (Sarnath 1978) in 2 vols.

'Dar ston BLO BZANG GRAGS — (1429‑1511)  11th Khri thog of Dga' ldan.  BD of T&TB VI 129.  Pictured in 128 898.  Vai.Ser. 70.

Rgyal ston Chos rje BLO BZANG GRAGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0503.

Khri chen BLO BZANG DGE LEGS — 68th Khri thog of Dga' ldan (1807‑1808).  128 956.  BD of T&TB VI 203.  Bio. by Tshe gling Rgyal tshab Ngag dbang 'jam dpal tshul khrims rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 0211 (see also nos. 1515, 1517).

Tre hor BLO BZANG DGE LEGS — Student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).

Rtse drung BLO BZANG DGE LEGS — 438 VI 564.6.

BLO BZANG DGE LEGS NYI MA — 346 99.2, 104.4.

BLO BZANG DGE LEGS RAB RGYAS — Name of Rje btsun dam pa iv, q.v.

BLO BZANG RGYA MTSHO — Sumatisagara.  One of the 9 lesser pundits who accompanied Kha che Shākya shrī.  Smith, Philology 12.

BLO BZANG RGYA MTSHO — See Ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho, the Dalai Lama v.

Dge bshes BLO BZANG RGYA MTSHO — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0455.

Co ne BLO BZANG RGYA MTSHO — Author of the Lha sa Bka' 'gyur Dkar chag listed in BLP no. 2082.  Mkhas mchog Co na Blo bzang rgya mtsho, see 128 1062.

Bstan skyong BLO BZANG RGYA MTSHO — (d. 1631)  Sørensen, Restless Relic 868.  A Tümed Mongol monk‑prince.

Snar thang BLO BZANG RGYA MTSHO — Author of Rtogs brjod Yal 'dab Bcu gsum, a Snar thang print, listed in BLP no. 1014.

Phu khang Dge bshes BLO BZANG RGYA MTSHO — (d. 1997)  His Legs bshad 'Phrul gyi Lde mig  publ. in 1977.  Author of bios. in 441 I 1‑55, 57‑243, etc.  Collected Writings of Mkhas dbang Blo bzang rgya mtsho (1928‑1997): Rigs slob Dbu Dge Dam pa Mkhas dbang Blo bzang rgya mtsho'i Gsung 'bum Phyogs sgrigs, in 3 vols., publ in 2000.  Garratt in TS9 VIII 61.

Tshar pa Chos rje BLO BZANG RGYA MTSHO — Bio. in 383 615.6 ff.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1682, composed by the Dalai Lama v.

A mkhar BLO BZANG RGYA MTSHO — Alias Mtsho ldan dgyes pa'i lang tsho.  Author of Snyan Gsum Rig pa'i Pad tshal Skyed pa'i Nyi gzhon, publ. in 2001 in 152 pages.

BLO BZANG RGYAL MTSHAN — (?‑1672)  BD of T&TB VI 165.  41st Khri thog of Dga' ldan (from 1662‑1668).  Pictured in 128 928.

BLO BZANG RGYAL MTSHAN — Born in Gtsang.  86th Dga' ldan Khri pa (1901‑1907).  BD of T&TB VI 212.  128 974.

BLO BZANG RGYAL MTSHAN — Born in Khams Ya ra ba.  91st Dga' ldan Khri pa (1927‑1933)  BD of T&TB VI 220.  128 978.

BLO BZANG RGYAL MTSHAN — Director of Tibetan Affairs Commission, & of the Sixth Panchen Lama's office in Nanking, active in early 1930's. Jaguo in TS9 IV 94.

Dka' chen BLO BZANG RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of bio. of Lo chen Sprul sku xviii.  144 278‑433.

Dus 'khor Paṇḍi ta Zhabs drung BLO BZANG RGYAL MTSHAN — F. of Pad dkar chos gling.  Mongol scholar.  Student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).  Das 633.

Bya khyung Mkhan po Rtsa ba BLO BZANG RGYAL MTSHAN — Student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717). 

Rtsa ba Che ba BLO BZANG RGYAL MTSHAN — (1700‑1785)  BD of T&TB V 560.

Li kya Dpon slob BLO BZANG RGYAL MTSHAN — Abbot of Dgon lung mon., 1675‑1680.  332 II 20.

Shar pa Chos rje BLO BZANG RGYAL MTSHAN — 438 VII 416.6.

Seng chen BLO BZANG RGYAL MTSHAN — (modern)  Shigatse incarnate. Tsering Shakya, Dragon 301.  He became a CCP member, and even served as mayor of Lhasa in 1996‑7.  McKay in TS9 I 275.

Khri chen Sprul sku BLO BZANG RGYAL MTSHAN SENG GE — (1757‑1849)  BD of T&TB V 607.  Bio. by Bstan pa rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 1516.

BLO BZANG RGYAL MTSHAN SENG GE — (1756‑1830's?)  For three of his grammatical works, see Berkeley 114B/3‑5.

Bya btang BLO BZANG SGOM CHUNG — Bya btang Blo bzang sgom chung gi Sku tshe Stod kyi Rnam thar Mgur ma, listed in BLP no. 1448.

BLO BZANG SGROL MA — Havnevik, Dissert. 207.  Chayet in Cardonna, Facets 75.

Rje btsun ma BLO BZANG SGROL MA — Laura Wein (Laura Weinstein), "Translating the Tibetan Buddhist Thangka (An Adapted MA Thesis)," Tibet Journal, vol. 41, no. 1 (Spring 2016), pp. 9-64, at p. 16, as sponsor for a Medicine Buddha painting.

Dge bshes BLO BZANG NGAG DBANG — 1st teacher of present Khrom thog Sprul sku.  Barlocher 714.

BLO BZANG NGAG DBANG 'JIGS MED YE SHES GRAGS PA — See 'Jigs med ye shes grags pa.

Sgrub khang Sprul sku BLO BZANG NGAG DBANG BSTAN 'DZIN RGYA MTSHO — 438 VII 266.6.

Rgyal sras BLO BZANG NGAG DBANG THOGS MED BSTAN 'DZIN RGYA MTSHO — (1813‑?)  Yar lung Rag rtsis su 'khrungs.  Dhongthog 63.  Works listed in SBTD I 344.

Bsam 'grub sgang pa BLO BZANG NGAG GI DBANG PO — Abbot of Dgon lung (1650‑1651).  332 II 19.


Rtse mgron BLO BZANG DNGOS GRUB — 438 VI 557.2.

Cung gar pa BLO BZANG CHOS GRAGS — Student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).

Dar mo Sman rams pa BLO BZANG CHOS GRAGS — Physician to 5th Dalai Lama.  The Dar mo Bka' rgya ma: Man ngag Zab mo Kun gyi Snying khu Bsdus pa, publ. in 2 vols (Leh 1978).  Medical works listed in DD 716.  Called Dar mo nas in 458 I 238.1.  Editor/author of bio. of G.yu thog pa.  23 19.  See 3TM‑BH 15.  After death of DL V in 1682, he became lecturer in medicine college at Bkra shis 'khyil and from there his medical teachings spread to Mongolia where his writings were very important.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1121.  His bios. of the Elder and Younger G.yu thog Yon tan mgon po listed in BLP no. 1810; see also Filibeck, Catalog II 345 (no. 726).  Some of his medical works are studied in Janet Gyatso's "Authority of Empiricism" article.

BLO BZANG CHOS GRAGS — Author of Dngul chu Btso bkru'i Lag len Bklag pas Don Kun Grub pa, handwritten in 5 pp.  Berkeley 149/17.

Rong bo BLO BZANG CHOS GRAGS — Dgag lan Mun sel Sgron me la Rnam par Dpyad pa Log rtog Nyes Rdul Sprung pa'i Rnga yab (Gansu 2005).

Rme ri Dge slong BLO BZANG CHOS KYI GRAGS PA — Wrote comm. on Rnam dag Bde chen Zhing gi Smon lam of Karma chags med, publ. in 1974.

BLO BZANG CHOS GRAGS RGYA MTSHO — (1795‑1844)  BD of T&TB V 589.

Ldan ma Stong dpon BLO BZANG CHOS GRUB — (recent)  441 I 52.6, etc.  Bio. 441 I 57‑243.

BLO BZANG CHOS RGYAN — Pictured in 128 352, 598.

Mkhan chen BLO BZANG CHOS RGYAN — Bio. by Dalai Lama v, listed in BLP no. 0241.

A mdo ba BLO BZANG CHOS RGYAL — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 117.5.


Paṇ chen BLO BZANG CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — (1569/70‑1662)  The 1st Panchen Lama.  Bio. BD of T&TB V 465.  Given title by DL v.  Wrote important sub‑commentary on Kālacakra.  T.H. 211.  Bio. by Das, JASB LI, pt. 1, no. 1 (1882) 25‑27.  b. 1570, acc. to Sumpa, Annals 31. TPS 72, 131.  (1567‑1662), became monk in 1582, full vows in 1591.  16th abbot of Bkra shis lhun po in 1600 and of 'Bras spung in 1617.  Ferrari 145.  Pictured in 128 210, 658.  Bio. in 165 II 88‑235.  Works, see 185.  Work in 36 II.  Gsung 'bum, see 243Beyer 319.  Bio. 243 I 5‑454 (by Blo bzang ye shes).  Bio. Vai.Ser. 113.  Willis in Soundings.  His Nam mkha' Sgo 'byed, see 452 401‑9.  His Kun rig gi Sgo nas Tshe 'Das Rjes su 'Dzin Tshul, Tohoku 5923.  His Gcod kyi Gdams pa Thar 'Dod kyi Ded dpon, Tohoku 5956.  Thangka depicted him in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 131.  Author of bio. of Tsong kha pa listed in BLP no. 0895.  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 1284‑1287 (also, Drepung Catalog 1507).

BLO BZANG CHOS SGRON — N. of the Gung ru Mkha' 'gro ma, q.v.  Chayet in Cardonna, Facets 74.

Bkra thang BLO BZANG CHOS KYI NYI MA — (1763‑1821)  Aka Blo bzang nyi ma bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan.

Mkhan zur BLO BZANG CHOS KYI NYI MA — 346 99.1.

Rnal 'byor pa BLO BZANG CHOS KYI NYI MA — Bio. by Dge slong Blo bzang 'jigs med listed in BLP no. 1263.

Thu'u bkwan iii BLO BZANG CHOS KYI NYI MA — (1737‑1802)  40 8.  Important Dge lugs pa polymath.  A Tibetanized Mongol.  Wrote on all religions known including Confucianism & Taoism.  T.H. 212.  Pictured in 128 404.  Beyer 137.  Collected Works.  332.  Bio. by Gung thang pa.  SBTD I 252 (also, BLP no. 1094‑1095).  For life by Gung thang pa, see 332 IX 479‑949 (also, vol. X?).  Here is a partial outline:  685.4: age 30 (1766).  745.2: age 33 (1769).  777.2: age 35 (1771).  779.6  End Chap 8 (on rten bzhengs, etc.).  783.5  He and Lcang skya meet with Jebtsun Dampa.  793.1: age 36 (1772).  810.6  ends chap 9 (on 2 trips to see Emperor).  811.1  Goes back to Dgon lung.  813.2:  Age 37 (1773).  832.2: age 40 (1776).  837.2: age 41 (1777).  850.2: age 43 (1779). 

Sgo mang Mkhan chen BLO BZANG CHOS DAR — (1732‑1812)  Bio. listed in BLP no. 0605.

Sgo mang Dpon slob BLO BZANG CHOS DAR — (19th cent.)  BD of T&TB V 692.  22nd in gdan rabs.  BD of T&TB V 691.

A mdo Ka ring ba BLO BZANG CHOS DAR — Student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

Dge bshes BLO BZANG CHOS LDAN — (20th cent.)  Geshe Sopa's autobio. (2012) 99.

BLO BZANG CHOS 'PHEL — See (Dngul chu) Dbyangs can grub pa'i rdo rje.  Bio. by Dngul chu Blo bzang 'jigs med dbang po listed in BLP no. 0948.  Bio. by 'Jam dbyangs bzhad pa'i rdo rje, BLP no. 1518.

Dge slong BLO BZANG CHOS 'PHEL — Patron for printing of 406.  For a discussion of his identity, see Franz‑Karl Ehrhard, The Register of the Reliquary of Lord Raṅ‑rig Ras‑pa, Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Süd und Ostasiens, vol. 46 (2002), pp. 146‑167, at pp. 150‑151.

Sngags 'chang BLO BZANG CHOS 'PHEL — Subj. of bio. listed in BLP no. 0675.

Mnga' ris pa BLO BZANG CHOS 'PHEL — Yongs 'dzin of Paṇ chen iv Bstan pa'i nyi ma (1781‑1852).

Ja sag Bla ma BLO BZANG CHOS 'PHEL — Attendant of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

Rje Bka' 'gyur Bla ma BLO BZANG CHOS 'PHEL — (1680‑1775)  Dpal bzang may be added at the end of his name.  B. in Shabs of Gtsang stod.  Bio., BD of T&TB VI 74.

Pho gang Bka' 'gyur ba BLO BZANG CHOS 'PHEL — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1369.

Shar rtse Chos rje BLO BZANG CHOS 'PHEL — Also, (Spo 'bor).  47th Khri thog of Dga' ldan (from 1695‑1701).  Pictured in 128 934.

Sog po BLO BZANG CHOS 'PHEL — See under Dar rgyas gling, which he f. in 1645.  Medical work:  Gces Btus Snying Nor (have copy from Kokonoor People's Printing Press), listed in DD 718.

Srad Rin chen brag Bla ma Brag rgyab Sngags ram pa BLO BZANG CHOS 'PHEL — Ascetic student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).


BLO BZANG CHOS KYI DBANG PHYUG — Alias: Skal bzang gar gyi dbang po, author of FM 466.01.

Stag phu Sprul sku ii BLO BZANG CHOS KYI DBANG PHYUG — Alias: Gar dbang padma shwa ra.  Works listed in MHTL.  See 385.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 100.  Evid. author of bios. of Klong rdol Bla ma listed in BLP nos. 0135‑0136.  Author of Nyi grags II's Gser gdung Dkar chag listed in BLP no. 1306.

Ldan ma Dge bshes BLO BZANG CHOS DBYINGS — (d. 1925)  Wrote refutation of a work by Mi pham.  Author of Sngags kyi Thal 'phreng Bla ba'i Gsung la 'Jug pa, publ. 1978.  Bio., 441 I 1‑55 (on his refutation of Mi pham, see p. 38).  441 I 72.3  Teacher of Ngag dbang chos grub. Wrote a biography of Buddha (copy in St. Petersburg collection), but perhaps this is someone else?

Bya khyung Mkhan zur pa BLO BZANG CHOS DBYINGS — Author of bio. of Don grub rin chen listed in BLP no. 0765.

Dar rtse BLO BZANG CHOS 'BYOR — See under Byams pa mtha' yas.

Rong tha Chung tshang Sprul sku iv BLO BZANG CHOS 'BYOR LHUN GRUB — Collected works in 3 vols, publ. in 1975.  Bio. by Blo bzang dam chos rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 1519.

Yum BLO BZANG CHOS MTSHO — Mother of the Dalai Lama Skal bzang rgya mtsho.  Das 1139.  Petech, China 17.

BLO BZANG CHOS 'DZIN — (modern)  A Lhasa‑born monk who, in exile, claimed to be the true Che tshang Rin po che.  See Elmar R. Gruber, From the Heart of Tibet, Shambhala (Boston 2010) 239‑241.

BLO BZANG CHOS 'DZIN — (1784‑1862)  46th of the gdan rabs of Bkra shis 'khyil.  BD of T&TB V 870.

Bka' 'gyur Bla ma BLO BZANG CHOS 'DZIN — Bio. by Blo bzang bstan pa listed in BLT no. 0086.

Rje drung Rin po che'i Dbon po BLO BZANG CHOS 'DZIN — (fl. ca. 1700)  463 I 43.6.

Seng tshang Smyung gnas pa BLO BZANG CHOS 'DZIN — See under Sangs tshang Smyung gnas pa.

A rtse Chos rje BLO BZANG CHOS 'DZIN — A teacher of Rol pa'i rdo rje at Peking.

Spos dkar Dpon slob BLO BZANG MCHOG GRUB — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1343.

Rje drung BLO BZANG 'JAM DPAL — CHMO 15 21.

Dpon slob BLO BZANG 'JAM DPAL — (ca. 1705)  463 I 92.6.

BLO BZANG 'JAM DPAL BSTAN 'DZIN — Author of bio. of Blo bzang bkra shis rab rgyas listed in BLP no. 1512.

Khri chen Sprul sku BLO BZANG 'JAM DPAL BSTAN 'DZIN SENG GE — Bio., see SBTD I 19.  Bio. by Dge slong Brtson 'grus rgya mtsho (etc.) listed in BLP no. 0212.


De mo Sprul sku BLO BZANG 'JAM DPAL LUNG RTOGS BSTAN 'DZIN RGYA MTSHO — (1900‑1973)  Father of Ngawang Gelek Rinpoche.  Barlocher 512 ff, 524 ff.

BLO BZANG 'JAM DPAL LHUN GRUB RGYA MTSHO — Bio. by Blo bzang lung rtogs bstan 'dzin 'phrin las listed in BLP no. 1520.

BLO BZANG 'JAM DBYANGS — (1656‑1708)  BD of T&TB V 639.

'Bri lung gi Chos mdzad BLO BZANG 'JAM DBYANGS — 463 I 55.6.

BLO BZANG 'JAM DBYANGS RGYA MTSHO — See (A kya) Gsang 'dzin rdo rje.

BLO BZANG 'JAM DBYANGS SMON LAM — (b. 18th cent.)  Author of a text entitled: Grub rgyal Lugs kyi Tshe khrid Thun mong ma yin pa'i Dben sa Snyan brgyud kyi Man ngag Zhal shes Shin tu Zab pa Dad can Bka' rgya ma.

'Jam dbyangs bzhad pa V BLO BZANG 'JAM DBYANGS YE SHES BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (1916‑1947)  Nietupski, Labrang 22 ff.  He was also known as (Dpal shul) Ngag dbang brtson 'grus.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1521.  Bio. in Dung dkar 67‑68.  He had something to do with creating the famous globe of Bla brang Monastery; see Yongdan, TCW 78.

BLO BZANG 'JIG RTEN DBANG PHYUG DPAL 'BAR — Secret n. of 6th Dalai Lama.  ISTS 12.

BLO BZANG 'JIGS MED — (b. Jan. 5, 1930)  State oracle.  Avedon 199.

Paṇḍi ta Chen po BLO BZANG 'JIGS MED — Bio. by Dkon mchog dam chos yar 'phel listed in BLP no. 1272.

BLO BZANG 'JIGS MED RGYAL MTSHAN — "Hu‑tuk‑tu Taktsa‑Rimpoche."  Met by Gokhale in 1949.  He belonged to the Kun bde gling Monastery.  Vasudev Gokhale, "Der Sanskrit‑Text von Nāgārjuna's Pratītyasamutpādahṛdaya‑kārikā," contained in Otto Spies, ed., Studia Indologica: Festschrift für Willibald Kirfel, Orientalischen Seminars der Universität Bonn (Bonn 1995), pp. 101‑106, at p. 102.

'Jam dbyangs bzhad pa vi BLO BZANG 'JIGS MED THUB BSTAN CHOS KYI NYI MA — (modern)  Nietupski, Labrang 25.

Stong 'khor Ho thog thu xi BLO BZANG 'JIGS MED TSHUL KHRIMS — (1891‑1909)  Met the Dalai Lama xiii & went together with him to Peking.  Shakabpa, History II 148.

BLO BZANG NYI MA — (1439‑1492)  9th khri thog pa of Dga' ldan.  BD of T&TB VI 127.  Also, 4th abbot of 'Bras spungs.  Vai.Ser. 70, 93.

BLO BZANG NYI MA — (b. 1928)  100th Dga' ldan Khri pa.  He became Chairholder in 1995.

Rje dbon BLO BZANG NYI MA — Disciple of First Dalai Lama.  Thuken 281.

Shar pa Chos rje BLO BZANG NYI MA — (1925‑1995)  Garratt in TS9 VIII 61.

BLO BZANG SNYAN GRAGS — Author of bio. of Mkhas grub rje listed in BLP no. 0251.

Khri chen BLO BZANG SNYAN GRAGS — 13th gdan rabs of Bkra shis 'khyil.  BD of T&TB V 683.  Bio. by 'Jigs med 'phrin las rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 1523.

Khri chen BLO BZANG SNYAN GRAGS RGYA MTSHO — (20th cent.)  89th Dga' ldan Khri pa.  128 976.



Rje btsun BLO BZANG RTA MGRIN — (1867‑1937)  Collected works in 20 vols. publ. 1975.  224  A Mongol, b. in Gobi.  F. Bka' gdams chos sdings in 1926.  Author of Gser gyi Deb ther, or Golden Annals.

BLO BZANG RTA DBYANGS — 441 I 33.2.  Alias of (Dge bshes) Rta mgrin.  Mongolian scholar in about 1910.  Barlocher 265. 

BLO BZANG RTA DBYANGS — Another name for Blo bzang rta mgrin (1867-1937).

Mkhan drung BLO BZANG BSTAN SKYONG — 438 VII 425.4.

BLO BZANG BSTAN DAR — (1727‑1747)  BD of T&TB V 606.

Mer gan Ho thog thu BLO BZANG BSTAN DAR MKHAS GRUB BSTAN 'DZIN — Bio. by Gung thang pa listed in BLP no. 1635.

BLO BZANG BSTAN PA — Author of bio. of Tsong kha pa listed in BLP no. 0906.

'Ba' ba ser Dge bshes BLO BZANG BSTAN PA — 363 117.6.

Bag sde Rab 'byams pa BLO BZANG BSTAN PA — (ca. 1704)  463 I 87.3.

Brag yab BLO BZANG BSTAN PA — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 0572.  Author of bio. of Tsong kha pa listed in BLP no. 0932.

BLO BZANG BSTAN PA — B. in Khams Tsha ba rong.  60th Khri thog of Dga' ldan (from 1770 to 1775).  BD of T&TB VI 199.  (Khams Tsha ba) Blo bzang bstan pa,  60th abbot of Dga' ldan, in late 18th cent.  Preceded Ye shes rgyal mtshan as Yongs 'dzin for the Dalai Lama.  Pictured in 128 948.

Mnga' ris Lha btsun BLO BZANG BSTAN PA — 6th abbot of Bkra shis lhun po (starting in 1516). 

Rta tshag Rje drung BLO BZANG BSTAN PA'I MGON PO — (1760-1810)  Aka Ye shes blo bzang bstan pa'i mgon po, q.v.  Pictured in 128 494.  Author of Gser gdung Dge legs Gzi 'bar gyi Dkar chag listed in BLP no. 2033.

Pha bong kha pa BLO BZANG BSTAN PA RGYA MTSHO — BLP no. 1357.

BLO BZANG BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of hymn to Tārā tr. in Beyer 60.  N. of subject of bio. listed in SBTD I 355.

BLO BZANG BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (1581‑1659)  BD of T&TB V 586.  BD of T&TB VI 69 ff.

BLO BZANG BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — Bio. by Thar shul Dge slong Chos skyong rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 1524.

BLO BZANG BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (1635‑1723)  Alias, Ye shes rdo rje.  This is the Rje btsun dam pa i.  Son of Tushiyetu Khan Mgon po rdo rje.  Heissig.  His works were published under title Life and Works of Jibcundampa i (N.Delhi 1982) (I Tib 82‑903729).  TS5 600.

BLO BZANG BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (1712‑1771)  BD of T&TB V 639.



BLO BZANG BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (1862‑1909)  BD of T&TB V 585.

Stag lung Sprul sku BLO BZANG BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — Student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).  Incarnation from eastern Tibet.

Chu bzang II BLO BZANG BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — Abbot of Dgon lung.  332 II 20‑21.

Stag phu Sprul sku BLO BZANG BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (d. 1765?)  In incarnation lineage of Stag phu Gu shri Dpal ldan don grub.  Author of 3 khrid on Nā ro Mkha' spyod ma, publ. in 1976 in one vol.  39 appendix 2.  Autobio. listed in BLP no. 1030.  In a dialogue of H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama with Ven. Sheng‑yen, he refers to him (correct dates 1714‑1762) as universally recognized as having clairvoyant powers.

Rong zla BLO BZANG BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — Subj. of bio. by Blo bzang sbyin pa listed in BLP no. 1892.

Gser tog No min han BLO BZANG BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — Student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).

A kya Hu thog thu BLO BZANG BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — Born as early as 1708.  ISTS 97 ff.  (1708‑1768)  His collected works in 2 plus 1 vols., A kyā Blo bzang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan gyi Gsung 'bum (Sku 'bum 2001) have been acquired by TBRC.  He wrote a work on the "new Chinese astronomy" entitled Rgya nag Rtsis gsar, in which he introduced Kepler's ideas about planetary motion (explicitly mentioning the round earth).  Yongdan, TCW 76.

BLO BZANG BSTAN PA'I SGRON ME — (1821‑?)  BD of T&TB V 643.  Probably pictured in 128 390.

Rje btsun dam pa II BLO BZANG BSTAN PA'I SGRON ME — (1724‑1757).

BLO BZANG BSTAN PA'I SGRON ME — Disc. of the Dalai Lama ii (1475‑1542).

Stag lung Zhabs drung BLO BZANG BSTAN PA CHOS KYI NYI MA — Abbot of Dgon lung, 1701‑1704.  332 II 22.

BLO BZANG BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — (1689‑1762)  BD OF T&TB V 575.

BLO BZANG BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — (1782‑1836)  BD of T&TB V 813.  32nd in gdan rabs of Bkra shis 'khyil.

Khri chen Sprul sku BLO BZANG BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — (1689‑1746)  Also called Dga' ldan Shi re thu.  His 'partial writings', see Berkeley 83‑86.  With dates given as 1689‑1772(?), works listed in SBTD I 286.  With dates given as 1689‑1746, in incarnation lineage of Rje Rin po che.  Rebirth of Khri xliv (Rgya nag pa) Blo gros rgya mtsho (1635‑1688).  Both teacher and student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).  41 (?) I 4.  (1689‑175x?), bio. by the Dalai Lama vii written in 1746 (?).  Berkeley 118/2.  Uspensky, Prince Yunli 16 ff.  His bio. by Rgyal ba Bskal bzang rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 0210.

Gro tshang Mkhan po BLO BZANG BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — Student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).

Paṇ chen iv BLO BZANG BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — (1781‑1854 [1852?])  Phyogs las rnam rgyal  may be added to his name.  Sometimes, Blo bzang dpal ldan bstan pa'i nyi ma.  Ferrari 145.  Waddell 236.  =Bstan pa'i dbang phyug chos kyi nyi ma.  BD of T&TB V 545.  One of his writings translated by Sopa & Hopkins.  13.  Pictured in 128 884.  His Sadhana Mala (Yi dam Rgya mtsho'i Sgrub thabs Rin chen 'Byung gnas kyi Lhan thabs Rin 'byung Don Gsal), publ. in 1974 in 2 vols.  Haven't been able to learn about the existence of his collected works.

Yil gog san Er ti ni Mer gan Paṇḍi ta Hu thog thu BLO BZANG BSTAN PA DAR RGYAS— (1757‑?)  Dge lugs pa.  Bio. by Gung thang pa, SBTD I 251.  Dhongthog 83.  This might be the Mkhan po Er ti ni Paṇḍi ta whose bio. is told in BLP no. 0233. 

BLO BZANG BSTAN PA'I DBANG PHYUG — (1919‑1990)  A member of the Chu bzang incarnation lineage.  His bio. was published at Mtsho sngon in 2001 with title Rje btsun Bla ma Dam pa Blo bzang bstan pa'i dbang phyug dpal bzang po'i Rnam thar Dpag bsam ljon shing, composed by Bsod nams rgya mtsho.

Paṇ chen v BLO BZANG BSTAN PA'I DBANG PHYUG — (1855‑1881?)  Aka: Blo bzang dpal ldan chos kyi grags pa.  BD of T&TB V 546.  Pictured in 128 884.  Born a Bonpo?  See Karmay, Treasury 139.  He died in a smallpox epidemic on August 31, 1882. McKay in TS9 I 267.  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 1292‑1294.

BLO BZANG BSTAN PA'I DBANG PHYUG TSHUL KHRIMS PHUN TSHOGS — Bio. by Zhwa dmar Dge 'dun bstan pa'i rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 1526.

BLO BZANG BSTAN PA RAB RGYAS — (1564‑1643)  BD of T&TB V 638.

Er te ni Mer gan Paṇḍi ta BLO BZANG BSTAN PA RAB RGYAS — Bio. by Gung thang pa listed in BLP no. 2107.

BLO BZANG BSTAN 'PHEL — B. in Dbus ru Chu shul Khri smad Spe'u.  Belongs to Thang stong Snyan brgyud.  Aka (Bsgrub brtson Yongs 'dzin) Bstan 'phel.  Bio., 63 I 171.

'Phyongs rgyas Paṇḍi ta BLO BZANG BSTAN 'PHEL — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 0119.

BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN — A prisoner at Drapchi accused of murdering a Chinese policeman in 1988.  Photo in Palden Gyatso, Autobiography of a Tibetan Monk.

BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN — A modern artist who was living in Dharamsala at least into the mid 1970's.  His drawings were used by R.A. Stein in his Tibetan Civilization, and by Norbu & Turnbull in their book Tibet.  Other drawings of his featuring Lo gsar activities were also displayed in 1979 in Bloomington Indiana in a museum exhibit designed by Peter Gold.

BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN — (modern)  Disc. of Dka' chen Blo bzang rgyal mtshan.  144 contents.

BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN — Leader of the revolt of 1724 in Amdo.

BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN — (1783‑1846)  BD of T&TB V 610.

BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN — Bio. by Blo bzang bstan pa'i nyi ma listed in BLP no. 1526.

BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN — (b. 1916)  This former monk and government official in the office of the treasury (bla phyag las khung) escaped to India, but returned to Tibet in 1980.  His memoirs has been published.

BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN — Current abbot in Rgyal rtse.  TS5 573.

Khya dge Bla ma BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN — (1730‑1797)  Also, Kha dron Nang pa.  BD of T&TB V 634.  Works listed in SBTD I 140.  Title of his bio. by Dkon mchog dam chos yar 'phel listed in BLP no. 0181.

Gu ge Yongs 'dzin BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN — (1748‑?)  Aka Gdong drug Grub pa'i rdo rje.  Collected works in 7 vols. publ. in 1976.  His biographies of the heads of Bkra shis lhun po Tantric college in 147 1‑185.  Also published separately in 1980.  Pictured in 128 360, 402.  Works listed in SBTD I 229.  Bio. by Paṇ chen Bstan pa'i nyi ma listed in BLP no. 1805.

Rgyal sras iv BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN — (d. shortly before 1696).  332 preface 16, 20.  Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 0118.

No yon Bla ma BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN — Also, Or du su.  Mongolian scholar student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).

Pakshi No mon han BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN — Author, together with Dge slong Blo bzang chos 'phel, of Nyi ma Mdung gang ma, a text listed in CFMS 268.  It has been filmed by the NGMPP.  It is listed in Drepung Catalog 2053.

Brag dkar BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN — Author of Phyi Nang gi Grub mtha'i Gnad sdus Rin chen Gsal ba'i Sgron me listed in BLP nos. 1370, 1373.  Author of Smyung gnas Bla ma Brgyud pa'i Rnam thar dang Yig drug dang Smyung gnas Phan yon, listed in BLP no. 1654.

Dza sag Bla ma Mkhan che BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN — (20th cent.)  438 VII 503.6.

Ri kha BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN — Author of Rgyun mkho'i Chos srid Shes bya Gnas Bsdus, publ. in Varanasi (Pleasure of Elegant Sayings Press), 1972, including a bibliography on pp. 230‑237.

La kha Sprul sku BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN — (b. 1977)  Rin po che of Dga' ldan Shar rtse Mon.  Barlocher 413‑419.

Hor pa BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN — A modern Ge sar chanter or bard (sgrung pa) whose version of Ge sar Epic was used in Mirielle Helffer, Les chants dans l'épopée tibetaine de Ge sar d'apres le Livre de la Course de Cheval: version chantée de Blo bzaṅ bstan 'jin, Librarie Droz (Geneva 1977).

BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN RGYA MTSHO — (1700‑1736)  Dge lugs pa.  Bio. in BD of T&TB V 550.

BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN RGYA MTSHO — (1716‑1781)  BD of T&TB V 573.


Rgyal khang Rtse pa Sprul sku iii BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN RGYA MTSHO — (prob. late 1600's, early 1700's).

Rgyal sras BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN RGYA MTSHO — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0581.

Rje Gser khang pa BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN RGYA MTSHO — Rje Gser khang pa Blo bzang bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho'i Rnam thar, Mtsho sngon Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (1996), in 250 pp.

Dben sa Sprul sku iii BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN RGYA MTSHO — (1505‑1643/4).

Gser khang pa BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN RGYA MTSHO — Rje Gser khang pa Blo bzang bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho'i Rnam thar, Mtsho sngon Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Zi ling 1996), in 250 pp.  Bio. by 'Jigs med bsam gtan listed in BLP no. 2027, & another bio. by both Snye tshang and Che shos Ngag dbang bshad sgrub, no. 2028.


Mkhan chen BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN RGYAL MTSHAN — (1639‑?)  Works listed in SBTD I 198.  Aka (Mkhan po No mon han).

BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN CHOS 'PHEL — Born at Skya mkhar.  See under Lo chen Sprul sku.

Lhun grub Khang gsar Sprul sku BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN CHOS 'PHEL — (20th cent.)  438 VII 507.2.

BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN 'JIGS MED 'PHRIN LAS — (1916‑1978)  The 7th reincarnation of Skal ldan rgya mtsho, he died in prison after being held thirty years. 

Kirti Sprul sku BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN 'JIGS MED YE SHES RGYA MTSHO — (b. 1942)  The 9th (or rather the 11th) Kirti Rinpoche.  B. in Gansu, he lives in the new Kirti Monastery in Dharamsala.  He wrote a book called Drug bcu Rgan po'i Re 'dun, which was banned as reactionist by the Chinese authorities.  He had visited Tibet in 1985, but a request to permit his visit was denied in 2002.  What is evidently his bio. of Dge bshes Blo bzang rab rgyas is listed in BLP no. 0456.  He is mentioned in Dung dkar 51.

Seng chen BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN DPAL 'BYOR — (1784‑1843)  Also, Slags chen.  Is it possible this could be the Seng chen who was patron of Sarat Chandra Das at Bkra shis lhun po?  Has 3‑vol. Gsung 'bum23 34.  Gsung 'bum (apparently in 1 vol.) publ. 1977.  Pictured in 128 362. See Smith, Among 333 n. 847.  Evid. the subj. of bio. listed in BLP no. 0676, where (Sngags chen) Blo bzang bstan 'dzin dpal 'byor is said to have the alias 'Jam dbyangs smon lam.  Author of bio. of Paṇ chen Bstan pa'i nyi ma listed in BLP no. 1291, and of Paṇ chen Bstan pa'i dbang phyug, BLP no. 1292.

BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN 'PHRIN LAS — (b. ca. 1738)  332 II preface 4.

Lho sprul BLO BZANG BSTAN 'DZIN DBANG RGYAL — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 1294.

BLO BZANG THABS MKHAS — (19th cent.)  ISTS 12.

Blo gling Kre hor BLO BZANG THABS MKHAS — Author of Blo gling Kre hor Dge slong Blo bzang thabs mkhas kyis Rta dbang Grwa tshang gi Gtsug lag khang Rten dang Brten pa bcas Legs bcos Rab gnas dang Chos Rgyun Sbyor 'Jags Gnang Skor gyi Byung ba Brjod pa'i Dkar chag, history of Tawang Monastery (Rta dbang Grwa tshang) in Arunachal Pradesh (I Tib 81‑905498).

Spang lung BLO BZANG THUGS RJE — (1770‑ca. 1835)  Collected works, in 1 vol. publ. 1976.  Held title of Ser smad Dad pa Mkhan po.  Pictured in 128 236, 246.  Work, see Ind.Off.Cat. no. 33.  Evidently wrote bio. of Khri chen No min han Ngag dbang tshul khrims listed in BLP no. 0209.

Ser byes Mkhan zur Bka' 'gyur ba BLO BZANG THUB BSTAN — Subject of autobiography:  Ser byes Mkhan zur Bka' 'gyur ba Blo bzang thub bstan Bdag gi Lo rgyus Ma bcos Lhugs par Bkod pa'i Gtam ("Autobiography of Former Abbot of Sera Jhe Khagurva Losang Thubten"), Drepung Loseling Printers (Mundgod 1993), in 234 pp,

A mchog iv BLO BZANG THUB BSTAN MKHYEN RAB RGYA MTSHO — (1944‑ )  Velm I 266.  Aka Tshe ring don grub.  Barlocher 169‑97, etc.  TS5 799.


Cha han No mon han Sprul sku BLO BZANG THUB BSTAN DGE LEGS RGYAL MTSHAN — An eastern Tibetan Tulku & student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).


BLO BZANG THUB BSTAN RGYA MTSHO — Reincarnation of the Alashan Dalai Lama vi.  See Jalsan, "The Reincarnations of Desi Sangye Gyatso in Alasha and the Secret History of the Sixth Dalai Lama," Inner Asia 4 no 2 (2002) 347‑359, at p. 352.


BLO BZANG THUB BSTAN 'JIGS MED RGYA MTSHO — A portrait bronze is pictured in J. Hackin, La sculpture Indienne et Tibétaine au Musée Guimet, Librairie Ernest Leroux (Paris 1931), plate XLII, where he is pictured bald but bearded, rt.: teaching; lft.: meditation.

De mo BLO BZANG THUB BSTAN 'JIGS MED RGYA MTSHO — Authored bio. of the Dalai Lama ix, publ. 1979 at LTWA (Rs. 210.00).

Rta tshag Rje drung BLO BZANG THUB BSTAN 'JIGS MED RGYA MTSHO — His bio. of the Dalai Lama viii listed in BLP no. 0545.

'Jam dbyangs bzhad pa iii BLO BZANG THUB BSTAN 'JIGS MED RGYA MTSHO — (1792‑1855)  BD of T&TB V 746.  27th in gdan rabs of Bkra shis 'khyil.  Bio. in Dung dkar 65‑66.

Dgon gsar Shod Sprul sku BLO BZANG THUB BSTAN 'PHRIN LAS RGYA MTSHO — 438 VII 275.5.

Brag g.yab Sprul sku BLO BZANG THUB BSTAN DBANG PHYUG — Student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).

BLO BZANG THUB BSTAN DBANG PHYUG 'JIGS MED RGYA MTSHO — Full name of Rje btsun dam pa iv (1775‑1813).



BLO BZANG THUB BSTAN RIN CHEN BZANG PO — (b. 1923)  See under Lo chen Sprul sku.  Bio. in 144 278‑433.

BLO BZANG THUB BSTAN LUNG RTOGS RGYA MTSHO —  =Lauthang Tulku (Lauthang is mon. near Dar rtse mdo).  Bio. in Thondup, EL 15.

Stong 'khor Sprul sku xii BLO BZANG THUB BSTAN LUNG RTOGS BSHAD SGRUB RGYA MTSHO — (1910‑1920).

Rgyal rong Chos mdzad BLO BZANG THOGS MED — Author of Two Instuctions on the Lam rim Teachings, the Lam rim Myur lam and the Lam rim Bde lam of the Bkra shis lhun po Tradition (Delhi 1979).

Ser smad Rgyal rong BLO BZANG THOGS MED — Chinese (?) translator for the Dalai Lama xiii.  438 VI 637.3.

Dga' shar Rdo khang Dge bshes BLO BZANG MTHA' YAS — 438 VII 456.5.

Dge bshes BLO BZANG MTHAR PHYIN — 85 5.

Ser smad Mkhan zur BLO BZANG MTHAR PHYIN — (b. 1921)  Has been teaching in New Jersey since 1972.  He was abbot of Se ra Smad in S. India from 1991‑2 or so, hence the title.

BLO BZANG MTHU STOBS — (fl. 1818)  384 I contents.

Dge slong BLO BZANG MTHU STOBS — Dennison, India Office no. 4.

Sde srid BLO BZANG MTHU STOBS — (17th cent.)  I believe he is the one also called Zangs ri ba, or Zangs ri Sde srid.  Made Prime Minister in 1669.  Removed from office in 1675 because of involvement with a nun of Sa skya family.  Younger Bro. Don Yod 4.  Essais 132.  458 I 146.3.  For a costume made 'for' (?) him, see illus. in Po ta la (1996) 182.  Precious Deposits III 147. Dung dkar 156.

BLO BZANG DAM CHOS RGYA MTSHO — (1840‑?)  Rebirth of Blo bzang bstan pa'i nyi ma (1792‑1836).  BD of T&TB V 815, 905.

Rong tha Che tshang Sprul sku BLO BZANG DAM CHOS RGYA MTSHO — (b. 1865)  Author of Rdor phreng dang Mi rta sogs Dkyil 'khor So so'i Nang Thig Mi 'dra ba'i Khyad par Bshad pa Bzo rig Mdzes pa'i Kha rgyan, with drawings illustrating types of maṇḍalas, publ. 1978.  Author of bio. of Tsong kha pa listed in BLP no. 0892.

Drung pa Rta phug pa BLO BZANG DAM CHOS RGYAL MTSHAN — (1494‑?)  BD of T&TB V 329.  Also, (Zab chos Mnga' bdag).  Pictured in 128 206, 216.  Bio. 165 II 409‑433.  Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 1, p. 25, his birth date is given as 1619.

BLO BZANG DAR RGYAS — (1659‑1723)  BD of T&TB VI 181.  49th Khri thog of Dga' ldan from 1707‑1713.  Pictured in 128 936.  Roesler, KSP 64.

BLO BZANG DAR RGYAS — (1759‑1824)  BD of T&TB V 569.

Mtshan sgrog Mkhan chen BLO BZANG DAR RGYAS — Scholar of Peking, student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).

Shing bza' Paṇḍi ta BLO BZANG DAR RGYAS RGYA MTSHO — (1759‑1824)  Sponsored & supervised the Ra rgya edition of the Kanjur.  Jampa Samten Shastri, Origins of the Tibetan Canon 778.

Or du su Hang gin Dge slong BLO BZAN DAR MA — Thuken 396 (a scribe named in the colophon).

BLO BZANG DON GRUB — (modern)  Bio. in Sylvain Mangeot, Adventures of a Manchurian: The Story of Lobzang Thondup (London 1974).

BLO BZANG DON GRUB — Bio. by Bsod nams ming can listed in BLP no. 0777.  Subj. of another bio. listed in BLP no. 1527.

BLO BZANG DON GRUB — (1639‑1717)  BD of T&TB V 614.

BLO BZANG DON GRUB — (1662‑1692) 10th in the ruling dynasty of Co ne.  Berounsky, Lapsed 171.

Khri Rin po che BLO BZANG DON GRUB — Bio., see SBTD I 264, a work listed also, it seems, in BLP nos. 0213, 1201, 1204.

Grub pa'i Dbang phyug Chen po BLO BZANG DON GRUB — (1800's)  3rd in gdan rabs of Bkra shis 'khyil.  BD of T&TB V 681.

Drung yig BLO BZANG DON 'GRUB — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 116.5.

Rgya tig Smon ram pa BLO BZANG DON GRUB — Student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).  Abbot of Dgon lung, from 1743‑1746.  332 II 25.

Rgyal ba Sngags ram pa Rwa sgreng Yang dgon pa BLO BZANG DON GRUB — Teacher & student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).

Dbal mang Gong ma Rje BLO BZANG DON GRUB — (18th cent.)  6th in gdan rabs of Bkra shis 'khyil.  BD of T&TB V 682.  Dbal mang Dkon mchog rgyal mtshan (1764‑1853) was recognized as his reincarnation.

Dben sa pa BLO BZANG DON GRUB — (1505‑1566)  BD of T&TB V 242.  (1445‑ ) Dhongthog 83.  10th predecessor of Paṇ chen Bla mas, q.v.  B. in Gtsang G.yas ru Lha khud kyi Phu Dben sa.  Collected works in 2 vols, publ. 1976.  He was a disc. of Dge 'dun rgya mtsho.  Wylie 71, 140 n. 230.  TPS 131.  Pictured in 128 98, 206, 350, 484, 598, 656, 880.  Bio. in 165 II 2‑57.  243 I 456.1; IV 917 ff.  Willis in SoundingsSBTD I 215, 218.  Bio. by Paṇ chen i listed in BLP no. 1554.  Memories of Life 16.

A rol BLO BZANG DON GRUB — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 0620.

Dgon gsar BLO BZANG DON 'GRUB RAB RGYAS — (ca. 1880‑1946)  Barlocher 328, 323‑336, 341, 351.  Teacher of Ngawang Nyima (Ngag dbang nyi ma).

Tā Bla ma BLO BZANG DON LDAN — Called Spyi khyab pa Mkhan drung.  438 VI 559.4.

Lha sa BLO BZANG DON LDAN — (modern)  Author, Bod kyi Gtam Dpe Don ldan Gzhon nu'i Dga' tshal.

BLO BZANG DON YOD — (1602‑1678)  BD of T&TB VI 166.  42nd Khri thog of Dga' ldan, from 1668 to 1674.  Pictured in 128 930.  See Rnam dag rdo rje.

Dge bshes BLO BZANG DON YOD — (modern)  "Geshe Donyo," a native of Tsang Province in western Tibet.

Spom bor ba BLO BZANG DRI MED — 56th Khri thog of Dga' ldan, 1751‑1757.  BD of T&TB VI 197.  Pictured in 128 944.

Sman pa BLO BZANG MDO SDE — (ca. 1707).  463 I 124.6.

BLO BZANG RDO RJE — Prince and ruler of Alasha in late 18th century.  See Jalsan, "The Reincarnations of Desi Sangye Gyatso in Alasha and the Secret History of the Sixth Dalai Lama," Inner Asia 4 no 2 (2002) 347‑359, at p. 352.

BLO BZANG RDO RJE — Byang chub Lam gyi Rim pa'i Mtha' dpyod Gsung rab Rgya mtsho 'Jug pa'i Gru gzings (N. Delhi 1980).

Khu nu ba BLO BZANG RDO RJE — 438 VII 267.3.

Sgo mang Lha rams pa BLO BZANG RDO RJE — 438 VI 572.1.

Rje btsun dam pa i BLO BZANG RDO RJE — 399 preface 8.

Stag mtsher BLO BZANG RDO RJE — Abbot of Sku 'bum Mon. at time Vai.Ser. was written (1698).  Vai.Ser. 364.

Ldan ma BLO BZANG RDO RJE — Also, 'Dan ma.  His "Three Texts" publ. in 1977, composed in 1949.  348.  Work on Lam rim Chen mo publ. 1978.

Tre bo BLO BZANG NOR BU —་Bio. by Se ra Rgyal byed Kham tshan gyi Rigs rams pa listed in BLP no. 0977.

Bla ma BLO BZANG NOR BU — Disc. of Rdo Grub chen, in about 1838.  12 XV 377.2.

Ser byes Slob zur BLO BZANG NOR BU — Author of a Yer pa'i Gnas bshad, listed in BLP no. 1786.  Ser byes Bla zur Byams chen Mkhan po Blo bzang nor bu'i Rnam thar Dad pa'i Sgo 'byed Byin rlabs kyi Rol mtsho, listed in BLP no. 2006.

Ching Su dzug thu Bla ma BLO BZANG NOR BU'I SHES RAB — An 18th-century Khalkha Mongol of Gelugpa school.  His collected works in 7 vols. have been scanned for TBRC.  B. in 1677, author of Gter bum Sba tshul dang La rtse Brtsegs tshul gyi Lag len, in 32 folios.  See Noble Mountaineer 270 (here called Blo bzang nor bu shes rab).

Ke'u tshang BLO BZANG RNAM GROL — Bio. by (Dngos chos Dge slong) Blo bzang bkra shis listed in BLP 0060, 0417.  Yongs 'dzin Ye shes rgyal mtshan, Grub dbang Blo bzang rnam rgyal gyi Rnam thar Thub bstan Mdzes rgyan and Grub dbang Blo bzang rnam rgyal gyi Gsang rnam Dngos grub Snye ma, listed in BLP nos. 0418‑0419.

BLO BZANG RNAM RGYAL — (20th cent.)  State oracle.  Avedon 212.

Ru dpon BLO BZANG RNAM RGYAL — (20th cent.)  See Rakra Tethong, "Gendun Chöphel in My Memory," TJ 47 no 1 (Spr 2022) 45-68, at p. 60.

Bkra shis rtse pa Nang so BLO BZANG RNAM RGYAL — See under (Bka' blon) Bkra shis rtse pa.

Mkhan chen BLO BZANG RNAM RGYAL — His bio. written by Skal bzang thub bstan dbang phyug, listed in BLP no. 0232.

Bya bral Grub pa'i Dbang phyug BLO BZANG RNAM RGYAL — (1670‑1741)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 300.  B. in Gtsang Lcags lung.  Dhongthog 83.  Of Skyid grong Dga' ldan Phung po che.  Teacher of Ye shes rgyal mtshan (b. 1713) at Bkra shis lhun po.  40 5.  Pictured in 128 222.  Bio., 165 II 345‑409.  Bios., see Tohoku 6073‑6074.  Bio. by Ye shes rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 1529.

Sman ri ba Skyabs dbyings BLO BZANG RNAM RGYAL — Author of a lengthy poem on Vessantara entitled, 'Phags mchog Thugs rje chen po'i Sprul pa Chos rgyal Dri med kun ldan legs pa'i blo gros kyi Rtogs brjod Bsngags 'os Bsngags pa (N. Delhi 1979).  Listed in BLP no. 0755.

Pa rda Rtogs ldan Sngags 'chang BLO BZANG RNAM RGYAL — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 122.2.

Brag g.yab Skyabs mgon iv BLO BZANG RNAM RGYAL — (1693‑1751)  His biography subject of a paper by Dorjee N. Ragnubs, to be given at the IATS in Königswinter in 2006.

Tre bo Lha mgon Sprul sku BLO BZANG RNAM RGYAL — Student of Rol pa'i rdo rje.

Yongs 'dzin Dam pa BLO BZANG RNAM RGYAL — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1800.

BLO BZANG PA — (1687‑?)  BD of T&TB V 644.

BLO BZANG PADMA BKRA SHIS — Vitali, Tho.ling 55.


BLO BZANG PAṆ CHEN — Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 316.

BLO BZANG DPAL LDAN — N. of 3 famous Mongolian lamas.  399 preface 4.

Sgis steng BLO BZANG DPAL LDAN — (1880/1‑1944)  Author of the play Gzhon nu don grub.  Subject of paper given by Jamyang Drakpa at 10th IATS (Oxford 2003).

Dze smad BLO BZANG DPAL LDAN — (1927‑1996)  Author of detailed history of Shar rtse Grwa tshang, called Dga' ldan Shar rtse Nor gling Grwa tshang gi Chos 'byung.  His dates were 1927‑1996, acc. to Dreyfus in JIABS 21 (1998) 255.  The publication of his 'Yellow Book' in 1975 was the main source of the present-day controversy about Shugs ldan.  Dreyfus says it was published in 1973.  Dreyfus, Sound 300.  Garratt in TS9 VIII 61.



Rta tshag Rje drung BLO BZANG DPAL LDAN RGYAL MTSHAN — In incarnation lineage of (Ba so) Chos kyi rgyal mtshan (1402‑1473).


Seng chen Bla ma BLO BZANG DPAL LDAN CHOS 'PHEL — Subject of McKay in TS9 I.

Rje btsun dam pa vi BLO BZANG DPAL LDAN BSTAN PA — Blo bzang dpal ldan dam pa (?).  (1843‑1848).  Shortlived, evidently.

BLO BZANG DPAL LDAN BSTAN PA'I SGRON ME — (1871?‑1890?)  6th Lcang skya (q.v.) at Peking.

BLO BZANG DPAL LDAN BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — Form of the name Blo bzang bstan pa'i nyi ma occurring in 13 47.

BLO BZANG DPAL LDAN BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — Author, Ind.Off.Cat. no. 440.

Tre hor Brag dkar BLO BZANG DPAL LDAN BSTAN 'DZIN SNYAN GRAGS — (1866‑1928)  Wrote refutation of a work by Mi pham.  From Tre hor Dkar mdzes.  42 8.  Friend of the Norwegian missionary Theo Sørensen.  An almost complete set of his works has now been sponsored by Tsadra Foundation: Brag dkar Gsung 'bum, Dmangs khrod Dpe Dkon Sdud sgrig khang (Chengdu 2001), in 18 vols. (plus a booklet).

Brag dkar BLO BZANG DPAL LDAN BSTAN 'DZIN SNYAN GRAGS — (b. 1809)  See entry in Dung dkar's dictionary, p. 1493.

Dze smad BLO BZANG DPAL LDAN BSTAN 'DZIN YAR RGYAS — (b. 1927)  See under Blo bzang dpal ldan.

Paṇ chen iii BLO BZANG DPAL LDAN YE SHES — (1737/8‑1780)  Waddell 236.  Ferrari 145.  T.H. 62.  Panchen at time of Bogle (1774‑5).  Died of smallpox at Peking where he was invited by the Emperor (Ferrari 145).  BD of T&TB V 519.  Dates were 1738‑1781, acc. to 41 I 10.  Gsung 'bum publ. in 3 vols in 1975‑6.  Author of Shambha la'i Lam yig.  Pictured in 128 234, 244, 314, 358, 400, 882.  Author of Dpe chos la Nye bar Mkho ba Gtam rgyud Rin chen Phreng mdzes161 preface.  Bio. 165 II 544‑590.  See Gsung 'bum, 225.  Autobio. described in Petech, China 3.  Collected Works in 13 vols, publ. N. Delhi 1975‑9 (biographical materials found in vols 3, 11‑12; letters to Emperor in vol. 7, p. 269, etc.; Text on Sho mo in vol. 7, letters in vol. 8, p. 309; his dkar chag to Shambhala & India, as well as letters in vol. 10;  His "Sealed Works" (Bka' rgya ma) in vol. 13 include answers to Kālacakra questions, Shambhala rebirth prayers, Dus 'khor Lam rim; supplement to autobio. in 11‑12;  there is a very interesting geography, including Europe, in vol. 8, pp. 330 ff.).  For information on his mother, who was originally from Mustang, and had been married to the king of Ladakh, see TS7 II 670.  A thangka depicting him in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 134.  Another in Thurman & Rhie, Shrine for Tibet, p. 130.  His Sku gdung Dkar chag, by Rgyal ba 'Jam dpal rgya mtsho, and another by 'Jam dbyangs bzhad pa 'Jigs med dbang po, are listed in BLP nos. 1295‑1296.  Bio. by 'Jigs med dbang po listed in BLP no. 1297.

BLO BZANG DPAL LDAN RIN CHEN RGYA MTSHO — See (Yongs 'dzin) Dpal ldan rin chen rgya mtsho.

Rje btsun BLO BZANG DPAL 'BYOR — See under Lo chen Sprul sku.

Rgyal khang rtse pa Sprul sku V BLO BZANG DPAL LHUN GRUB — (1796‑1846)  Bio. SBTD I 354.

BLO BZANG PHUN TSHOGS — A companion of Snellgrove (Asian Commitment 92, etc.).

BLO BZANG PHUN TSHOGS — ?  27 XVI.  185 contents.

BLO BZANG PHUN TSHOGS — Patron figure included in the painting illus. in Rossi & Rossi, Beyond Lhasa, pl. 21.

Sgo mang Dpon slob BLO BZANG PHUN TSHOGS — (18th century)  Thuken 376.

'Tsho byed Rje drung BLO BZANG PHUN TSHOGS — Main donor for printing of FM 433.

Grab shul ba BLO BZANG PHUN TSHOGS — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 118.4.

BLO BZANG 'PHRIN LAS — (1698‑1764)  BD of T&TB V 621.

BLO BZANG 'PHRIN LAS — Subj. of autobio. listed in BLP no. 1530, and a bio. by Blo bzang bstan pa grub pa'i rgyal mtshan, no. 1531.

Kir ti BLO BZANG 'PHRIN LAS — (1849‑1904/5)  Works listed, SBTD I 18 ff.  Incarnate of Stag tshang Lha mo Dgon.  His works in 12 vols. have been scanned by TBRC (they were originally published privately by Tala Lama).  Bio. by A rig Ri khrod Byams pa rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 0021.  His bio. of Rgyal bu Zla mdzes listed in BLP no. 0568.  His work Mchod sdong Mthong ba Don ldan gyi Dkar chag listed in BLP no. 0789, with his Bstan pa Spyi'i Rnam bzhag listed at  no. 1035.  Author of bio. of Buddha rdo rje listed in BLP no. 1420.

Dung dkar BLO BZANG PHRIN LAS — Now with Central Institute of National Minorities.  T&BS I 59 ff.  Author of Gu ge Rgyal rabs kyi Mkhar shul (Lhasa 1988), 2 vols.

Rtse mgron BLO BZANG 'PHRIN LAS — 438 VI 579.2, 603.1.

Tre ho Khams grwa BLO BZANG 'PHRIN LAS — 421 2v.1.

Rje drung Sprul sku BLO BZANG 'PHRIN LAS — (1697‑ )  Also, Sle lung Rje drung.  Composed treatises based on Gsang ba Ye shes cycle redisc. by Gter bdag gling pa.  His followers were known for their fondness for  women and wine.  Khangkar 109.  See 453 120.3.  =(Sle lung Rje drung) Bzhad pa'i rdo rje, q.v.  Received this n. from Panchen ii.  463 I 87.6.  Thu'u 79‑80 has negative assessment of him, mentions his Bdud rtsi Mchod pa and Rig ma Mchod pa.  Autobio. listed in BLP no. 1764.

Dza ya Paṇḍi ta BLO BZANG 'PHRIN LAS — (b. 1642)  Still alive in 1702.  TBRC gives his dates as 1642-1708/1715.  See Wayman, BT 225, ff.  L. Chandra, Eminent Tibetan Polymaths of Mongolia, intro, p. 8, text p. 10.  Bio. see SBTD I 132.  Thu'u 454.  His bio. of Rje btsun Dam pa I.  TS5 601 ff.  Autobio. work listed in BLP no. 1700.

Zhabs drung Lha sa Sprul sku BLO BZANG 'PHRIN LAS — (1700's)  BD of T&TB V 298.  Zhabs drung Lha pa Sprul sku.  Bio. 165 II 341‑5.

Rong po BLO BZANG PHRIN LAS — Author of work listed in BLP no. 0576.

BLO BZANG 'PHRIN LAS RGYA MTSHO — (1821‑1832)  BD of T&TB V 906.

Kirti viii BLO BZANG 'PHRIN LAS BSTAN PA RGYA MTSHO — (1850‑1905)  BD of T&TB V 642.  His collected works have been released in the form of a CD by TBRC in 2003.

Kong po Rgyal dbang Chos rje BLO BZANG 'PHRIN LAS RNAM RGYAL — (fl. 1840's-1860's)  Aka Dar han Mkhan sprul.  Completed his bio. of Khri byang Byang chub chos 'phel in 1846.  55 preface.  Author, Chos Mngon pa Mdzod kyi Dgongs Don Gsal bar Byed pa'i Legs bshad Nyin byed Dbang po'i Snang ba, publ. N. Delhi 1982.  TS7 I 67.  He composed the printing colophon (par byang) to the Tshal Gung thang Dkar chag, where his name appears as Ser stod Mkhan po Rgyal dbang Sprul ming Blo bzang 'phrin las rnam rgyal. He also composed the bio. of Khri chen Bstan pa rab rgyas, listed in BLP no. 0207, and the bio. of Khri Byang chub chos 'phel in BLP no. 0214.  Author of BLP no. 0559.  Prob. author of bio. of Tsong kha pa listed in BLP no. 0891.

Ser smad BLO BZANG PHRIN LAS RNAM RGYAL — Author of bio. of Lcang lung Paṇḍi ta listed in BLP no. 0704.

BLO BZANG 'PHRIN LAS DBANG PO — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1532.

Che shos BLO BZANG BYANG CHUB BSTAN PA'I SGRON ME — (1861‑1933)  His collected works were published in Sku 'bum in 1990, and exist in the LTWA collection.  Contents are listed in SBTD.  Autobio. listed in BLP no. 0713.

Yongs 'dzin BLO BZANG BYAMS PA — Bio. by Paṇ chen Bstan pa'i nyi ma listed in BLP no. 1805.

Rnga rgod BLO BZANG BYAMS PA RAB RGYAS — (1781‑1849)  Works listed in SBTD I 417.  Bio. by Dbal mang Dkon mchog rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 0663, where he is called Rnga rgod Sprul sku.

Bkra shis rtse pa Nang so BLO BZANG DBANG RGYAL — Dennison, India Office, no. 13.  Evidently a disc. of Paṇ chen i.  185 309 ff.  243 V 835 ff.

BLO BZANG DBANG RGYAL RDO RJE — An uncommon n. of Kheng zi Chin wang.  Uspensky, Prince Yunli 18.

BLO BZANG DBANG LDAN — A recent Mongolian.  399 preface 3.

Gsol dpon BLO BZANG DBANG LDAN — (ca. 1708)  463 I 140.1.

Dge bshes BLO BZANG DBANG PHYUG — (d. 1987, aged 75)  He spent most of his adult life in prison, and died the day after his release.  Palden Gyatso, Autobio. 187.

Mkhan zur BLO BZANG DBANG PHYUG — (modern)  Late ex-abbot of Se ra rje Mon. in S. India, he died in September 1979.  Barlocher 404, 448, 619, 767, 776.


BLO BZANG SBYIN PA — Lubsan Zhimba Akhaldaev, the founder of Gusino Ozero Datsan in Buriatia.  He was a Buriat educated in Tibet.

BLO BZANG SBYIN PA — (19th cent.)  79th Dga' ldan Khri pa, 1867‑1870.  BD of T&TB VI 208.  128 966.

Dkyil zur BLO BZANG SBYIN PA — (1821‑ )  Works listed, SBTD I 111.  Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 1290.  Dung dkar 150.  Wrote a work called Rlung gi Bstan bcos.

Grub brnyes BLO BZANG SBYIN PA — A teacher of Dga' ldan bstan 'dzin (1741‑1803).

Tre hor Bka' 'gyur Rin po che BLO BZANG SBYIN PA — 441 I 28.5.

Dwags po Dge bshes BLO BZANG SBYIN PA — (18th cent.)  Disc. of Zhog Don yod mkhas grub.  He did the planning for a three dimensional maṇḍala in 1732.  Dung dkar 149.

Sa skyong BLO BZANG SBYIN PA — (17th cent.)  Sde srid from 1675‑1679.  Vai.Ser. ix.  458 I 151.3.

Go shri Chos rje BLO BZANG MI 'GYUR RDO RJE — Author/compiler of astrology text.  FM 228.01.

BLO BZANG MI PHAM BSTAN 'DZIN RNAM RGYAL — N. given by the Dalai Lama viii to 'Brug chen viii.  23 55.

Rgyal rong pa BLO BZANG SMON LAM — (18th cent.)  Dga' ldan Khri pa LXII (1781‑1788).  B. in Rgya rong Sbro nang.  BD of T&TB VI 200.  Pictured in 128 950.

A mdo BLO BZANG SMON LAM — (1672‑1735).

BLO BZANG BRTSON 'GRUS — (1939‑1998)  Abbot of Ngari Gacho monastery.  Garratt in TS9 VIII 61.


Spyan g.yas Don pa ba BLO BZANG TSHAD LDAN — A Bonpo mentioned in bio. of the Dalai Lama v.

BLO BZANG TSHUL KHRIMS — Author of bio. of Tsong kha pa listed in BLP no. 0902.  I guess this probably means Cha har Dge bshes Blo bzang tshul khrims.

BLO BZANG TSHUL KHRIMS — Of Dge rtse.  Kaḥ thog tradition.  TS7 II 982.

BLO BZANG TSHUL KHRIMS — (1740‑1810)  ISTS 98.  Subj. of bio. by Blo bzang bsam grub nyi ma that is listed in BLP no. 1533.

BLO BZANG TSHUL KHRIMS — (b. 1745)  Yongs 'dzin of Paṇ chen iv.  In incarnation lineage of Se chen of 'Brong rtse.  23 34.

BLO BZANG TSHUL KHRIMS — 84th Dga' ldan Khri pa, 1890‑1896.  BD of T&TB VI 210.  128 972.

Bka' 'gyur ba BLO BZANG TSHUL KHRIMS — (beginning of 18th cent.)  Disc. of Dza ya Paṇḍi ta.  =Mer ken Chos rje.  Works listed in SBTD I 119.  See Uspensky, Prince Yunli 14 ff.  Brief bio. note in Dung dkar 156.

Bla ma BLO BZANG TSHUL KHRIMS — Modern abbot of mon. in Nepal.  85 4.

'Brong rtse Yongs 'dzin BLO BZANG TSHUL KHRIMS — Works publ. in 2 vols in Delhi, 1981, from Bkra shis lhun po blocks.

Cha har Dge bshes BLO BZANG TSHUL KHRIMS — Collected Works publ. by Chatring Jansar Tenzin (N. Delhi 1973) in 10 vols.  Author of bio. of Tsong kha pa listed in BLP no. 0894.  Works in 10 vols. published at Sku 'bum in 2001 (acquired by TBRC).


BLO BZANG TSHUL KHRIMS RGYA MTSHO — (1832‑?)  BD of T&TB V 572, 821.  Rebirth of 'Jam dbyangs skal ldan.



Sgo mang BLO BZANG TSHUL KHRIMS RGYA MTSHO — (1841‑ )  BD of T&TB V 692.  Works listed in SBTD I 347.  Author of bio. of Mkhan po Ngag dbang thub bstan rgya mtsho, listed in BLP no. 0231.

Sgo mang Mkhan chen Sprul sku BLO BZANG TSHUL KHRIMS RGYA MTSHO — Bio. by 'Jam dbyangs bzhad pa Skal bzang thub bstan dbang phyug listed in BLP no. 0607.

Rdo rams pa BLO BZANG TSHUL KHRIMS RGYA MTSHO — Astrological work publ. in 1976.

Gser tog V BLO BZANG TSHUL KHRIMS RGYA MTSHO — (1845‑1915)  63rd abbot of Sku 'bum.  332 II preface 13.  Author of Sku 'bum Gdan rabs.  His Gsang chen Rdo rje theg pa'i Sa dang Lam gyi Rnam par Bzhag pa Zung 'jug Khang Bzang du Bgrod pa'i Rin chen Them skas, publ. by Damchoe Sangpo at Dharamsala in 1982 in 416 pp (reproduction of prints from Amdo blocks).  Bio. by Che shos Byang chub bstan pa'i sgron me listed in BLP no. 2029.

BLO BZANG TSHUL KHRIMS CHOS 'PHEL — (1865‑1926)  Ladakhi author of a collection of songs.  His collected works and bio. of Tshul khrims nyi ma have also been published.

Rje btsun dam pa BLO BZANG TSHUL KHRIMS 'JIGS MED BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (1815‑1840)  Probably pictured in 128 364.

Khang gsar BLO BZANG TSHUL KHRIMS BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — Also, Tre bo Khang gsar.  (1848‑ )  Works listed, SBTD I 143.  This may be the Gangsar Tulku who appears in the time of the 12th Dalai Lama in Jamyang Norbu's The Mandala of Sherlock Holmes 180.

BLO BZANG TSHUL KHRIMS DPAL LDAN — 85th Dga' ldan Khri pa, 1896‑1901.  BD of T&TB VI 211.  128 972.  TR XVI #10, p. 7a.

Khri byang BLO BZANG TSHUL KHRIMS DPAL LDAN — (1839‑1900)  Dge lugs pa.  Dhongthog 84.

Phur lcog Rje btsun Bla ma BLO BZANG TSHUL KHRIMS BYAMS PA RGYA MTSHO — (1824‑1901)  Dge lugs pa.  BD of T&TB VI 82.  Picture in 128 408.  Yongs 'dzin of Dalai Lama xiii.  348 196.3.  Died in August of 1901.  Vostrikov, Critical 67.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1534.  Bio. by the Dalai Lama xiii listed in BLP nos. 1368, 1806.

Gu shri Dka' bcu pa BLO BZANG TSHE 'PHEL — (b. ca. 1760)  Also, (Mer ken Mkhan po).  Works listed in SBTD I 238.  Gu shri Tshe 'phel, Rtogs brjod Brgya lnga bcu rtsa gcig pa listed in BLP no. 1012.

BLO BZANG TSHE DBANG — (1903‑1997)  Gov't official participating in testing of the Dalai Lama xiv.  Avedon 5.  A brief bio. in  Garratt in TS9 VIII 72.

Rje drung BLO BZANG TSHE RING — Disc. of Dngul chu Dharmabhadra, whose published notes on the former's lectures are found in The Utpattikrama and Sampannakrama Practice of the Vajrabhairava Tantra (Leh 1979) in 210 pp.

BLO BZANG TSHE RING — (mid-20th cent.)  An Amdo tribal leader.  Patterson, Requiem for Tibet 25.  He was locally known as Apa Alo.  See  Nietupski, Labrang 77.  He was b. in March 1903.

BLO BZANG BZANG PO — [1] A modern Mongolian lama.  See Lessing, Lamaist Notes in CAJ 2 no 1, p. 62.  [2] A Sa skya Lama sent as representative of the Dalai Lama iii to Mongolia in about 1586.  Heissig 27.  [3] Tibetan name of the Japanese traveler Nishikawa Kazumi.

BLO BZANG BZOD PA — Author of Khri tshogs Khrims Rnam par Dag pa'i Gling gi Mkhan Brgyud Rnam thar Dad pa'i Rgyan Mchog (Thimphu 1979).  455.

BLO BZANG BZOD PA — Subj. of bio. by Paṇ chen Dpal ldan ye shes listed in BLP no. 1537.

Khrig tse Dka' chen BLO BZANG BZOD PA — His Collected Works  publ. in N. Delhi in 1979 (at least vols 1 and 3 were published).  A modern Ladakhi polymath.

Rje BLO BZANG BZOD PA — Subj. of bio. listed in BLP no. 0881.

Blo gling Lho pa BLO BZANG BZOD PA — Abbot of Mongolian mon. Rab brtan Dgon.  438 VI 519.6.

Yongs 'dzin BLO BZANG BZOD PA — Dge lugs pa.  Pictured in 128 356.  A praise of him in 225 III.

Dar pa Paṇḍi ta BLO BZANG BZOD PA RGYA MTSHO — Subject of an article by Lygzima Chaloupkova.

BLO BZANG 'OD ZER — Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 310.

BLO BZANG YAR 'PHEL — (1686‑1749)  BD of T&TB V 631.  Bio. by Chos grags listed in BLP no. 1801.

Rje btsun BLO BZANG YE SHES — Gsang ba'i Rnam thar.  Wojkowitz, Tib. Blockprints & Mss. 206.

Las tshan BLO BZANG YE SHES — Photo.  424 245.

BLO BZANG YE SHES — A person who, in around 2000, evidently forged documents recognizing him as the reincarnation of Kun bde gling Rta tshags Rin po che.  Garratt in TS9 VIII 101.  Often known as the "Nga Lama" or simply as Kundeling, he was much involved with the Shugden controversies in India.

BLO BZANG YE SHES — Shudrun Lobsang Yeshi.  Patterson, Requiem for Tibet 174.

BLO BZANG YE SHES SGROL MA — An American nun, alias Maryjane Mathews.  85 5.

BLO BZANG YE SHES BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (1860?‑1870?)  5th Lcang skya (q.v.) at Peking.

'Bul sdud Rin po che BLO BZANG YE SHES BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — SBTD I 66.  Author of bio. of Rta tshag Ngag dbang dpal ldan chos kyi rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 1002.

Rwa sgreng Khri chen BLO BZANG YE SHES BSTAN PA RAB RGYAS — (1759‑1815)  Gsung 'bum, see Berkeley 180‑183 (also, 98‑99).  Tohoku.  Rwa sgreng ii Blo bzang ye shes bstan pa rab rgyas, with the dates 1759‑1816.  TS5 818.

Khri byang iii BLO BZANG YE SHES BSTAN 'DZIN RGYA MTSHO — (1901‑1981)  Dga' ldan Khri chen Byang chub chos 'phel gyi Skye Gral du Rlom pa'i Gyi na pa zhig gis Rang gi Ngang tshul Ma bcos Lhug par Bkod pa 'Khrul snang Sgyu ma'i Zlos gar, autobiography, publ. Dilli, Sog sprul Gu ru de wa, 1975.  Dhongthog 84.  Formerly the Junior Tutor to the present Dalai Lama.  55 preface.  Pictured in 128 414, 460.  Collected Works, publ. N. Delhi, 1978 (5 vols.?).  Died in Nov. 9, 1981.  TR XVI #10, p. 7.  Author, Rnam grol Lag bcangs su Gtod pa'i Man ngag Zab mo Tshang la Ma Nor ba Mtshungs med Chos kyi rgyal po'i Thugs Bcud Byang chub Lam gyi Rim pa'i Nyams khrid kyi Zin bris Gsung rab Kun gyi Bcud Bsdus Gdams ngag Bdud rtsi'i Snying po publ. by Mongolian Lama Guru Deva, Sarnath 1965, in 678 pp.  Author, Sud si lan du Skyabs mgon Rgyal ba'i Yongs 'dzin Khri byang Rdo rje 'chang Chen pos Stsal ba'i Gsung bshad Rin po che, speech at Rikon Institute in Zurich.  For biographical material, see TJ VII nos. 1/2.  Barlocher has many refs.  His name appears as commissioner and consecrator of a temple hanging illustrated in Pal, TTC 203.

Paṇ chen ii BLO BZANG YE SHES DPAL BZANG PO — (1663‑1737)  Waddell 236.  Voluminous writer, wrote an introduction to Lam rim Chen mo.  On bio. by Paṇ chen ii, see Ferrari 145.  Supposed narrator of Gcung po Don yod.  BD of T&TB V 494.  Gtsang Thob rgyal Brul tshang du 'khrungs.  Dhongthog 84.  Pictured in 128 214, 224, 234, 392, 882.  Bio. 165 II 255‑339.  His bio. of Paṇ chen i.  243 I 5‑454.  Autobio. described in Petech, China 2‑3.  Collected Works publ. in N. Delhi, 1981+ (supposed to be complete in 4 vols.).  His person described in 463 I 85.1.  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 1288‑1289, as well as in Filibeck, Catalog II 345 (no. 729).


BLO BZANG YON TAN — (1824‑?)  BD of T&TB V 565.

BLO BZANG YON TAN — Author of bio. of Nam mkha' seng ge listed in BLP no. 1216.

Mi nyag BLO BZANG YON TAN — 443 I 12.2.

Dka' bcu BLO BZANG RAB RGYAS — (ca. 1700)  463 I 59.5.

Dge bshes BLO BZANG RAB RGYAS — Bio. by Kirti Blo bzang bstan 'dzin listed in BLP no. 0456.

Byang rtse Dge bshes BLO BZANG RAB RGYAS — 438 VII 511.5.

BLO BZANG RAB BRTAN — (15th cent.)  King of Gu ge.  Rhies & Thurman 66 n. 11.

BLO BZANG RAB BRTAN — (1676‑1745)  BD of T&TB V 618.

BLO BZANG RAB BRTAN — (1682‑1765)  BD of T&TB V 558.

Rgya yags pa BLO BZANG RAB BRTAN — Co‑author of FM 232.00, on Gsang 'dus.

Chos rgyal BLO BZANG RAB BRTAN — A contemporary of Ngag dbang grags pa (who was disc. of Tsong kha pa).  See 83E 483‑5.

Thu'u bkwan BLO BZANG RAB BRTAN — 17th abbot of Dgon lung, 1672‑1675.  332 II preface 5, 20.

Bde khang pa BLO BZANG RAB BRTAN — Student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

Pā ri BLO BZANG RAB GSAL — Contemp. & refuter of Mi pham.  42 9.  His work 'Ju Lan Ga bur Chu rgyun publ. in Delhi in 1969 (contains 3 works).

BLO BZANG RIG 'DZIN — Dge tshul gyi Blangs 'Das So drug gi Mchan 'Grel (publ. 1972).  Commentary on novice ordination (dge tshul).

BLO BZANG RIN CHEN — Student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).

Kham 'brog lung pa BLO BZANG RIN CHEN — His bio. listed in BLP no. 0184.

Mkhar rdo Sprul sku BLO BZANG RIN CHEN — A student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).

Rtog ge ba BLO BZANG RIN CHEN — A disc. of ('Jam dbyangs bzhad pa) Ngag dbang brtson 'grus (1648‑1721).  None of his works, which were highly synthetic, have survived.  23 21.

Mi nyag Rgyud zur BLO BZANG RIN CHEN — Autobio. listed in BLP no. 1619.

Rtse drung BLO BZANG RIN CHEN — 438 VI 560.4.


BLO BZANG LUNG RTOGS RGYA MTSHO — Author of bio. in BLP no. 0145.


Snyan grags Sprul pa'i Sku BLO BZANG LUNG RTOGS NYI MA — (1801‑1862)  BD of T&TB V 910.  Bio. by Rgyal ba Thub bstan rgya mtsho, in 157 fols., listed in BLP no. 1535.

BLO BZANG LUNG RTOGS BSTAN 'DZIN 'PHRIN LAS — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 1520.

Gling Rin po che BLO BZANG LUNG RTOGS BSTAN 'DZIN 'PHRIN LAS — Pictured in 128 410.  438 VI 492.6.

BLO BZANG LUNG RIGS RGYA MTSHO — Bio. by A rig Ri khrod pa Byams pa listed in BLP no. 1536.

A rol BLO BZANG LUNG RIGS RGYA MTSHO — Bio. by Zhwa dmar ba Dge 'dun bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 2100.


Rgya ston BLO BZANG LEGS PA — Cuevas, Hidden History 199.

BLO BZANG SHES RAB — (20th cent.)  Servant of Patterson.  See Patterson, Requiem for Tibet 33 ff.

BLO BZANG SHES RAB — (d. ca. 1940)  Last of the chief lamas of the Kalmuck.  See Kolarz, Religion in the Soviet Union, 462‑3.

Brag dgon pa BLO BZANG SHES RAB — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1472.

'Bras spungs Sngags Bla ma BLO BZANG SHES RAB — Disc. of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).

Mkhan po BLO BZANG BSHAD SGRUB — Mongolian abbot of Gsang sngags chos 'khor gling.  438 VI 452.4.  Nom chi Mkhan po Blo bzang bshad sgrub kyi Rnam thar Nor bu'i Them skas, by Sog po Lha btsun, listed in BLP no. 1218.

Shar gdong BLO BZANG BSHAD SGRUB RGYA MTSHO — (d. Aug 12, 2001)  Rje Shar gdong Blo bzang bshad sgrub rgya mtsho'i Gsung 'bum, Mtsho sngon Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (1998), in 2 vols.

'Jam dbyangs BLO BZANG BSHES GNYEN — (20th cent.) His Sa lam gyi Rnam gzhag Skal bzang Mig 'byed, publ. in 80 pp. Delhi 1979.  An obituary with vita was circulated by TIN.  He was 81 when he died.

BLO BZANG SANGS RGYAS — See Yu Dawchyan, preface.

BLO BZANG SANGS RGYAS — (20th cent.)  438 VII 501.4.

Chu bzang Sprul sku BLO BZANG SANGS RGYAS BSTAN PA'I SGRON ME — Editor of a continuation of the rnam thar of Shel dkar Bka' 'gyur Bla ma (q.v.).

BLO BZANG BSAM 'GRUB — A monk artist of Sku 'bum.  332 II preface 9.  Stein, Recherches 33.

BLO BZANG BSAM GRUB — (1820‑1882)  Mongolian who wrote a vocabulary to the Dpe chos.

BLO BZANG BSAM GRUB — Mongolian active in 1731.  Meisezahl in Zentralasiatische Studien, vol. 2 (1968), p. 118.

Su ma ti Pakshi BLO BZANG BSAM GRUB — Bio. SBTD I 354.

BLO BZANG BSAM GRUB NYI MA — Author of bio. of Blo bzang tshul khrims (1740‑1810), listed in BLP no. 1533.  ISTS 98. 

Rnal 'byor pa BLO BZANG BSAM GTAN — Bio. by Blo bzang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 1264.

Lwa kha BLO BZANG BSOD NAMS RGYA MTSHO — Bio. by Blo bzang bstan 'phel listed in BLP no. 1899.

Gro bo lung Grub thog BLO BZANG LHA MCHOG — (b. 1672?)  Ordained at Lha sa in 1696.  462.  See Ehrhard in SCEAR 9 (1996), where he is given dates 1672‑1747.  There was a line of his incarnations called Bdud 'joms gling pa'i Sprul sku.

BLO BZANG LHUN GRUB — 74th Dga' ldan Khri pa, 1819‑1850.  BD of T&TB VI 205.  128 962.

Gu shrī Chos rje BLO BZANG LHUN GRUB — See under Lhun grub Paṇḍi ta.

Mtha' bzhi BLO YES — Bonpo.  253 175.3.

BLO RAB BRTAN — Goddess.  Emmerick.

Sgrub chen BLO SHE PA — Karma pa.  35 I 674.

Paṇḍi ta BLO SEMS 'TSHO — BD of T&TB I 530.  19 25.  BA 38.

BLO GSAL — Author of a work on Dud sol ma in 90 V 1‑15.

Dbus pa BLO GSAL — Disc. of Bcom ral and 'Jam dbyangs.  BA 337 ff.  =(Dbus pa) Blo gsal byang chub ye shes, q.v.  83E 477.  His work on Grub mtha' has been translated into French by Katsumi Mimaki.  An early list of rare works made by him, entitled Bstan bcos kyi dkar chag, in 81 fols., is signalled in Kuijp, Treatise 435.  It is a list of rare works that had been procured for the monastery by Rgyang ro [Byang chub 'bum].

Rdzogs chen Mkhan po BLO GSAL — A teacher of Ngag dga' (b. 1879).  39 17.

BLO GSAL GLING — One of 4 colleges of 'Bras spungs.  Teaches logic.  Ferrari 97.  Has printery.  162 188.  Its Khams tshan include Tre hor, Go bo and Nyag re.  Vai.Ser. 115.  'Bras Blo gling gi Dngul gdung Dkar chag, by Ngag dbang dge legs rgyal mtshan, listed in BLP no. 1564.

'Bras spungs BLO GSAL GLING BLA MA — See (— —) (— — — — —) Go bo 'Jam dbyangs phun tshogs.

Sngags smyon BLO GSAL RGYA MTSHO — A teacher of Bzhad pa'i rdo rje (b. 1697).  216 preface.

Tshar chen BLO GSAL RGYA MTSHO — (1502‑1566/7)  Sa skya pa.  See Ferrari 152.  He initiated the Tshar lugs Slob bshad (q.v.).  Ma sang gi rigs.  Dhongthog 85.  Founder of Tshar pa Lugs, he was given the monastery of Grong mo che by the Dar (q.v.) family.  See 23 15.  His chief disc. was Mkhyen brtse'i dbang phyug.  23 44.  Work on Beg tse in 138.  Bio.  62 264.5 ff.  Work in 307 I 549 ff, etc.  Pictured in 128 442.  Bio. 383 611.3 ff.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 10.  Cyrus Stearns informs me that he often signs his works as Bande Blo gsal.  The same says that his autobiographical travelogue about his trip to Central Tibet, entitled Dpyid kyi Rgyal mo'i Dga' ston (and sometimes referred to as Lam yig, Lam glu [?] or Rtogs brjod) is not available, even if perhaps preserved in the Potala collection (the Dalai Lama v used it frequently in his biography of Tshar chen).  See now Cyrus Stearns, Song of the Road: The Poetic Travel Journal of tsarchen Losal Gyatso, Wisdom (Boston 2012).  Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 1163.  Dalai Lama v, Blo gsal rgya mtsho grags pa rgyal mtshan gyi Rnam thar Slob bshad Bstan pa'i Nyi ma, listed in BLP no. 1541.

BLO GSAL RGYAL MTSHAN — Could this be mistake for Blo gsal rgya mtsho?  Donor for a painting; TPS 371.  The thangka originated from Ngor Monastery. 

Zhwa lu Ri phug BLO GSAL BSTAN SKYONG — (b. 1804)  Abbot of Zhwa lu.  Teacher of Mkhyen brtse.  12 XV 381.3.  Works in 36 VII; 349 I.  Work of 1847 in 400.  He was granted permission in 1874 to reopen the printery at Dga' ldan phun tshogs gling for printing Jo nang pa works, and he made a list of its woodblock books (which may be reproduced in MHTL?).  A Kālacakra master from Gtsang.  23 34.  397 XXIV 316.2.  Author, Zhwa lu'i Chos spyod (Delhi 1979).  TS7 I 442.  His autobio., as printed at Zhwa lu Gser khang in 1039 fols., is listed in BLP no. 1719.  See Filibeck, Catalog II, nos. 751 (an autobiography) & 1158 (songs).  Cuevas, Hidden History 209.

Snyan brgyud Mnga' bdag BLO GSAL PHUN TSHOGS — Pictured in 128 452.

Dbus pa BLO GSAL BYANG CHUB YE SHES — Or, (Dbus pa) Blo gsal, q.v.  BA 338.

BLO GSAL BZANG PO — Author of bio. in BLP no. 0838.

BLON CHEN — For the 'four great ministers' in Old Tibetan times, see Dotson, D&L 8.

BLON CHEN GUR DKAR PHUG — See =Blon po Mgul.  For Gur dkar Phug, see Tibet Journal 31 no 4 (2006) 83.

BLON PO — Minister.  H.E. Richardson, "Ministers of the Tibetan Kingdom," Tibet Journal II no 2, pp. 10‑27.

BLON PO'I GANGS — 253 II 568.1.

BLON PO MGUL — A cave where Padmasambhava stayed 3 mos.  Ferrari 116.

BLON PO BA — 253 II 423.2, 425.1.

BLON MO DAS CHAD KYI RGYUD — Bon tantra.  258 II 506‑519.

BLON RDZONG— Buffetrille in NTFC I 50.


BLOS BSLANGS LHA KHANG — Chapel at top of Potala.  TS5 659.

BHA KA LA — Gling ge sar Rgyal po'i Sgrung Bha ka la 'Phrul gyi Rgyal po, Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Beijing 1998), in 538 pages.

BHA KE RA KUṬ  — N. of town in country of Tamal.  Das 861.

BHA KRO LA — Or, Bha tro la.  115 52.2.

BHAKṢA NA — See Bhikṣa na.

Kong po BHA KHA — For Thang stong's visit, see 5 130.6.  Stearns, King.

BHA KHRO BHA SA — 115 55.7.

Spu bo BHA GA — A hermitage (ri khrod).  BD of T&TB III 809.

BHA GA BLA MA — (ca. 1707)  463 I 119.1, 202.6.

BHA GA BI HĀ RA — BD of T&TB I 433.

Lha chen BHA GAN — DTK5 188.

BHA GI RA THA — Aris, Discourse 35.

BHA NYUNG — N. of country.  210 152.6.

BHA TA — Bha ta Hor gyi Yul.  87 I 128.4, 128.5, 134.1.  This is a Zhang zhung word for "100,000."  253 II 641.4.  Discussion of location by Lin in RET 19 (2010) 20 et passim.  Schaik, M&T 63.  Kuijp, Edge 150 ff.

BHA TA HA RI — See Bha dri ha ri.

Bram ze BHA ṬA A TSARYA — Disc. of Saṃ ga ra a carya.  BD of T&TB I 452.

BHA TAK SHAN — Badakhshan, land of the Tu ru shka.  =Bha dag shen, said to border on northern part of Mnga' ris Skor Gsum (Wylie 56, 120 n. 54).  Spelled Ba dag sha Dung gi Sgo mo can, defining the border of Ral pa can's Tibet with Stag gzig.  HS 36, p. 412.6.

BHA TI — A river in Tsembārṇa'i yul.  87 I 255.2.  A place in the Tangut kingdom?  484 I 825.3.  LPNT VII 292.

BHA TIR — Also, Bha tid.  There is confusion whether this is a Tangut king's name or a place name (Bha ti with the 'r' ending).  See Sperling, Further 9 ff.

Paṇḍi ta BHA TRI MI SHRA — (17th cent.)  Seems to have come to Tibet and helped Tāranātha with translations.  Mtshan tho no. 128.

BHA TRO LA — Or, Bha kro la.  115 52.1.

BHA RTAN DNGUL BA — See Nyi ma ras chen.

BHA DA LA — BD of T&TB I 462, 463.

BHA DANTA — Bha ranta.  17 II 286.3.  BD of T&TB I 785.

BHA DE TSHING DBEN — A Mongol.  27 122.

BHA DRA — General under Sa tham.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 143.

BHA DRA — See Thod pa bha dra.

BHA DRA PA — Mahāsiddha.  120 77.8 ff.  Tib.: Bzang po'i zhabs, or Bzang po pa.  Pictured in 128 34A.  BD of T&TB I 665.

Shrī BHA DRA BO DHI — (early 11th cent.)  17 II 419.1.  BA 766.  Disc. of Nā ro pa and Dus zhabs chen po.  B. in Manydzu ha de ṣha in eastern India.  His son was Bo dhi bha dra.  17 II 298.5 ff.  Also called Dge bsnyen Bo dhi, he came to Tibet at the invitation of Gyi jo, to whom he passed Kālacakra teachings, in early 11th cent.

Shrī BHA DRA SA DZNYĀ NA — Śrī Bhadrasajjāna.  BA 729.  17 II 427.

BHA DRA HA RI — See Bha dri ha ri.

BHA DRA LHUN GRUB — (15th cent.)  Rnying ma.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 158.

BHA DRI HA RI — See Gadjin Nagao, Studies in Indology and Buddhology (Kyoto 1955).

BHA DHO KO RA — N. of a country.  120 61.10.

BHA LDE —  ='Bar lde.  King of Gu ge.  28 53.

BHA NI RU PA — A country in India.  120 105.2.

BHA BA NYA — Mon.  Emmerick.

BHA BA PA — Mahāsiddha.  Picture in 128 31A.

BHA BA HA — See Ba bha hi.

BHA WA BHA ṬA — BD of T&TB X 36.1.

BHA BA BHA DRA — Blessed by Cakrasamvara in a dream, had a vision of Tārā and attained several siddhis.  BD of T&TB I 553.

Bla ma BHA BAN CAN — 115 160.6.


Rnal 'byor ma BHA DZA RU — BD of T&TB I 903.

Slob dpon BHA WI LA — Author of Bla ma Lnga bcu pa349 XXIII.  See Mahāmudrā 159.

Rgyal po BHA YA PĀ LA — BD of T&TB I 850.

BHA YAN THWO HUM — See 224 XII 475.

BHA YI NI — Mahāsiddha pictured in 128 61A.  Bha ya ṇi in thangka reproduction inscription.

Lha chen BHA RA — DTK5 188.

BHA RA TA — Or, Bha ra ta'i Dum bu, or Bhar ta, or Bar dha.  Bharatakhaṇḍa, or Hindustan.  Jaeschke 386.

Bram ze BHA RA DHWA DZA — Thondup, EL 129.  TPS 490.

BHA RA DWA DZA BSOD SNYOMS LEN — An Arhat (Gnas brtan).  Pictured in 128 1082.

BHA RA NA — See Das 861.

BHA RA MU GUNG 'OD TSHAL — 253 II 380.2.

Bhangga la'i Sa skyong BHA RA SA HEB — In 1776.  'Jam dbyangs bzhad pa ii, Works III 711.2.

BHA RANTA —  =Bha danta.  348 120.6.

A tsa ra BHA RAM PU RI — In 1776, visited Paṇ chen iii.  'Jam dbyangs bzhad pa ii, Works III 709.5.

BHA RI MA — Female disc. of Ti pu pa.  4C 11.7 (compare Lhalungpa, pp. 9‑10).  17 II 503.  Evidently a feminine form of Bha ro.  4A 1r.6.  Met by Ras chung pa in Nepal valley (Bal po).  4 191v.2.  4A 6r.6, 6v.4, 7v.1, 8r.1.

'O lam BHA RU — One of Pe kar Bu Bzhi inspired by Pe har.  478A II 459.1.

BHA RE — Or, Bha e.  King of Gu ge.  28 56.

BHA RE TA — Or, Bha ri ta.  A country of Magadha where Mai tri pa was born.  57 IIB 344.6.


BHA RO — A general Newar title of respect.  A Nepalese sorcerer in Rwa Lo tsā ba's Rnam thar.  See 4 8r: Bal po'i Bha ro'i rnam pa'i gdong chen po.  A Nepalese Bha ro also figures in the bio. of Gu ru Chos dbang; see esp. BD of T&TB III 399‑401.  For an explanation of Bha ro ('Ba' ro), see Lo Bue, Newar Scholars, p. 642 (some discussion also in Kuijp, ZH).  The Newari title Bhāro simply means 'nobleman'.

BHA RO PHYAG RDUM — Teacher of Rwa Lo tsā ba in Nepal.  17 II 412.5.  BA 377.  Phyag rdum means 'Hand Stump.'

Bal po BHA RO GTSUG 'DZIN — An important disc. of Gu ru Chos dbang.  BD of T&TB III 399‑401, 406.

Bal po'i BHA RO MA NU DHA RA — 5 52.1.

Gu ru BHA LA — Nepalese.  Pictured in 373 I 14.  Bha la ho.  488 14.6.

BHA LAG — Yongdan, TCW 113.

BHA LAD — Described as "a far distant country."  =Pho ling, used for Europe.  Jaeschke 386.  Evidently a western Tibetan borrowing from Urdu (or otherwise Indic), it is related to "Old Blighty."

Drang srong BHA SHĪ TĀ — 132 56.1 ff, 133.5, 121.5.  (Slob dpon) 320 XVIII 382.7.

BHAṢKA RA GUPTA — Indian disc. of Abhayākaragupta.  17 II 303.1.

Dur khrod BHA SING — BD of T&TB I 537.  464 22.4.

BHA SO BA — 115 55.7.

Paṇḍi ta BHA HA NA — Guru of Dhi li pa.  120 156.9.

BHA HI TAN — An area in India.  120 54.7.

Rnal 'byor ma BHA HU RI — 120 161.9.

Dge slong BHA HŪ LA — 132 95.5 ff.

BHA HU BON DGON — 253 II 632.1.

BHANGGA LA — Trans. into Tib. as Zhig 'dzin or 'Jig 'dzin.  BBNP 483.

BHAD LANG A TSAR RGYA — See Allinger in TS9 VII 61.

BHAṂ GA LA — Mahāsiddha.  Pictured in 128 52A.

BHAM GA LA — See Dung dkar, p. 13, where he seems to imply that this is the way Tibetans in the past referred to the city of Calcutta.

Mkha' 'gro ma BHANDHE — 120 62.6 etc.

Gu ru BHANDHE PA — Tib.: Nor lha 'dzin pa, or Nor 'dzin.  Mahāsiddha.  Bio. in 120 95.12, 97.4.  Also called Pindo pa or, in Tib., Bsod snyoms zhabs.  His Guru was Nag po spyod pa.  BD of T&TB I 682‑684.

Yul BHAM DWA — BD of T&TB I 922.

BHAM DAM — BD of T&TB I 930.

BHAR TA — See Bha ra ta.

Rgyal po BHA THA RI — King of Ma la wa.  BD of T&TB I 416, 458.  Bharta ha ri.  BD of T&TB I 465.  Bha ra ṭhā ri.  BD of T&TB I 469.

BHI KA LA — BD of T&TB I 873.

BHIKṢA NE — Mahāsiddha.  Also, Bhikṣa na, or Bhakṣa na.  Tib.: Bsod snyoms pa, or So gnyis pa.  Bio. in 120 155‑6.  His Guru was a Ḍākinī, and as his name implies, he was a beggar.  BD of T&TB I 727.

BHI DHA KA — Also spelled 'Bi ta ka, the artist from whom Rin chen bzang po commissioned the statue still found at the Go khar Lha khang in Kha tse, W Tibet.  Von Schroeder, Buddhist Sculptures in Tibet I 71.

Rgyal bu BHI DHA BHU RA — 352 97.21.

BHI NA PA — Mahāsiddha pictured in 128 41A.

Rnal 'byor ma BHI NA BA DZRA — 4 149A.3.

BHI NA SA BADZRA — 53 II 306.4.  A beer-selling woman met by Dom bi pa.  24 I 78.6.  Bhi na sa.  24 I 79.3.  Became disc. and successor of Dom bi pa (see Bka' babs Bzhi).  =Bi nā sa, q.v.

Rje BHI NA SA RI — Samdo A I 13r.5.

BHI NA SE — 17 II 352.1.

Ru spongs BHI RGYA RĀ DZA — 132 89.6.

BHI DAṂ PA LI — N. of a disease.  4 156r.1.

BHI BHI BĪ RA'I TSHAL — 132 107.6.

BHI ME SA RA — Country of S India.  BD of T&TB I 337.  Bhi ma sa ra in Phag gru, Bka' 'bum (2003) VI 14.

Rdo dkar Dgon Bla ma BHI TSHE RING — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 122.2.

BHI RA PĀ LA — BD of T&TB I 840.

BHI LA TI — "Blighty."  I.e., England.  Aris, Discourse 55.

BHI LUNG — See (— —) Mkha' 'gro gsang mdzod.

Drang srong BHI SHA TI — Pictured in 320 V 601.

Rgyal po BHI SA DE BA — 122 82.7.

BHI HU LA — A mt.  TPS 567.

Lha rtse BHIG TIG — BA 64.

BHIN DHA PA — See Bhande pa.

BHIM GA DE BA — BD of T&TB I 892.

Grong khyer BHIRYA — In the W.  BD of T&TB I 539.

BHIR LING — A grong khyer in India.  120 166.14.

BHU TA KUG TA — Buddhagupta.  132 59.5 ff.

BHŪ TA KO TI PA — Teacher of Atiśa.  17 II 283.5.

BHU MI SHRI — A Kashmiri pundit.  15 69.5, 70.4.  Teacher of Kriyā tantra to Yar klung Lo tsā ba Grags pa rgyal mtshan (q.v.).

'Brug BHU LI SPRUL SKU — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 115.5.

BHU SU KU — Mahāsiddha pictured in 128 23A.  Bio. in 120 109.3‑115.14.  A monk of Nalanda who ate & slept instead of studying the sūtras.  Tib.: Zhi ba lha (Śāntideva).  He surprised the monks by reciting sūtras & preaching the Spyod 'Jug.  Later he slipped away from the monastery and became a swordmaster; he made swords from wood & coated them with gold, etc.  BD of T&TB I 498 ff.

BHE TA'I YUL — In S. India (see under Ka ra ha).  Bhe ta'i Ri.  24 I 63.3.  Bhe ta'i Tshal.  115 123.2.  I believe this means nothing more than 'coconut country,' and therefore may not be intended as a proper name at all, just a general word for south India where the coconut palm is ubiquitous.

BHE DAR BHA —  =Vidarbha?  17 II 232.

BHE DRANG — See (— —) Kun dga' dbang ldan.

Rgyal po BHE YA PĀ LA — BD of T&TB I 826.

BHE RAM GI — Aris, Discourse 39.

BHE LA KIRTI — Teacher of Śrī Siµha.  Todd Gibson in IIJ (1997) 46.

BHO KHAR — Yongdan, TCW 113.

BHO GA BI HA RA — Roberto Vitali, "The Transmission of Bsnyung gnas in India, the Kathmandu Valley and Tibet (10th‑12th Centuries)," contained in: Ronald Davidson & Christian Wedemeyer, eds., Tibetan Buddhist Literature and Praxis, Brill (Leiden 2006), pp. 229‑259, at p. 242.

BHO TRA PAṆḌI TA — 115 124.3, 126.4.

Dge bsnyen BHO DE SA NGHA — A translator.  206 553.1.

Ti ra hu ti'i Rgyal po BHO DHE BHO — 115 95.7.

BHO NE ME — Or, Bho ne le.  115 56.3, 56.4.

BHO RONG GI — Aris, Discourse 43.

BHO HAR — Bokhāra.  Laufer, Loan Words 476.

Bka' drung BHRUM PA SRAS — (19th cent.)  CHMO 15 32 ff.  Shakabpa, History II 134.  438 VI 567.5.  For full name Bhrum pa sras Tshe brtan dbang phyug, see Venturi in Sperling Festschrift, p. 488.

DBANG — See (—) Chos kyi rgyal po. (—) Rin chen dpal gyi rgyal mtshan. 

Rgyal bu DBANG SKYONG — 352 120.6, 458.17.

DBANG BSKUR — 12 IX 179 ff.:

bya rgyud:

1. chu.

2. cod paṇ / dbu rgyan / thod pa.

spyod rgyud:

3. rdor.

4. dril.

5. ming.

rnal 'byor rgyud:

6. rdo rje slob dpon.

bla med rgyud:

7. bum dbang (may be further sub‑divided).

8. gsang dbang.

9. sher dbang.

10. bzhi pa.

For the difference between the Rnying ma and Gsar ma categories of initiations/empowerments, see 211 112 ff.  Bonpo initiations: 325.



DBANG BSKUR RI — N. of the hill Dga' ldan Mon. lies on top of.  Ferrari 107.  Called Dbang 'khor in Waddell 268.  So called because Srong btsan was consecrated from its waters.  Das 907.  Said to have decent cannabis indica (N).  See Hazod in TS9 I 31, 40.

DBANG MKHAR DGON — Vai.Ser. 245.

Rta bon DBANG GRAGS — Grandfather of (Rta ston) Jo yes, and father of (Rta ston) Jo 'bum.  He followed both Chos and Bon.  BD of T&TB III 333.  BA 141.

Lha rtse ba DBANG GRAGS — A patron of Thang stong.  5 259.1, 259.2.

Gyer ston DBANG 'GRUB — Bonpo.  253 II 182.5.


DBANG RGYAL — (modern)  Tibetan pen name of the Chinese Tibetological writer Wang Yao.

Dge bshes DBANG RGYAL — (d. Jan 30, 1983, at age 81)  Geshe Wangyal.  Titles of two of his books: The Door of Liberation and The Prince Who Became a Cuckoo.  Some biographical materials have emerged recently.

Gor nub ri ba Bla ma DBANG RGYAL — A disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 118.5.

Dge bshes DBANG RGYAL — Subject of article in TJ VI no. 1.

La stod DBANG RGYAL — Author of Kālacakra text in Bo dong Paṇ chen, Encyclopedia Tibetica, vol. 118, pp. 795‑834, its title is Dus kyi 'khor lo'i Gegs sel Mig gi Sgron me.

De mo Sprul sku viii DBANG RGYAL DON GRUB — Autobio. listed in BLP no. 1135.  He was banished to the Mtsho sngon and died age 35 in circa 1855. Alexander, Temples 210.

DBANG RGYAL RDO RJE — (ca. 1780)  King of Mustang.  ISTS 135.

Zab lung Gdan sa pa DBANG GI RGYAL PO — Dargyay 73.

'Dzi ston DBANG GI RGYAL MTSHAN — SFHB 726.1.  253 II 191.2.

DBANG RGYUD RIN CHEN 'PHRENG BA — Bon tantra, 258 II 1‑51.

Rje btsun DBANG GI SGRON MA — (b. 1866)  Terton of Bon gsar.  A woman visionary who rediscovered religious objects.  259 preface.  Generally, she is called Bde chen chos kyi dbang mo.

DBANG BRGYA — Listed in 383 335.3 ff.

Sgyer ston DBANG NGE — Rdzogs chen teacher of Mi la ras pa.  17 II 478, 481.3.

'Tshur ston DBANG NGE — Also, Mtshur ston Dbang nge.  A disc. of Ras chung.  BA 405, (bio.) 414 ff, 439, 445.  One of the Bka' chen Bzhi of Mar pa.  57 IIB 347.4, 348.1.  Dbang nge is short for Dbang gi rdo rje (BA 416).  Called Ras pa Dbang nge (BA 445).  =Dol gyi Mtshur ston in 17 II 456.1.  Dol 'Tshur Dbang nge.  Disc. of Mar pa, full name Dbang gi rdo rje.  BA 73, 364, 403, 414, 439.  17 II 467.4 ff.  4X I 40.2, 47.7, 65.7, 74.2, 74.6, 79.2, 82.2.  BD of T&TB VII 20‑22.  413 425.4.

Spyi spungs Khro bo DBANG CHEN — Works in 312.

DBANG CHEN KUN 'DUS NGO MTSHAR STON PA'I RGYUD — Bon tantra in 258 III 129‑140. 

DBANG CHEN NGO MTSHAR RGYAS PA — In 293.  Also, 325 451‑474.

Zur khang DBANG CHEN DGE LEGS — (20th cent.)  Velm I 128.  Photo: Goldstein, History 376.

Lab skyabs mgon DBANG CHEN DGYES RAB RDO RJE — A teacher of Mi pham.  42 6.

Gling dkar Rgyal po DBANG CHEN BSTAN 'DZIN CHOS RGYAL — 365 469.2.

Gling tshang Rgyal po DBANG CHEN BSTAN 'DZIN — Following what I find on Wikipedia entry for "Lingtsang Gyalpo," he was the king of Gling tshang who was regarded as an incarnation of Gling Ge sar.  He is the Phur pa practitioner whose photograph (from Schaeffer expedition) was published in H. Hoffmann's Religions of Tibet among other places. 

Ka gnam Sde pa DBANG CHEN BDUD 'DUL — See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 57.

Bla ma DBANG CHEN BDUD 'DUL — Teacher of Ngag dbang nor bu bzang po (1850‑1934).  377 22v.1.

DBANG CHEN 'DUS PA'I RGYUD — 320 XXIV 224 ff, 539 ff; XXXII 181 ff.


Rgyal po DBANG CHEN SDE — Mahendrasena.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 346.

DBANG CHEN PADMA — In picture caption.  320 XVI 543.

Zur khang DBANG CHEN TSHE BRTAN — (1891‑1953)  TS7 I 448.


Sngags 'chang DBANG CHEN BZANG PO — 410 95v.4.  TS7 II 1026.


DBANG MCHOG — P.n.  Scherrer‑Schaub in TH&L 434.


Rtsa nang Sku zhabs DBANG NYI — 420 I 415.5 ff.

DBANG THANG — A mon. f. by Dran pa nam mkha', acc. to Ne'u's history.  Gibson in TJ 23 no 4 (1998) 82.

Zhabs sdod pa DBANG DRAG — (d. 1717)  Held military position under Lha bzang Khan (re. 1705‑1717), & was slain by Dzungars at 'Dam in 1717.  40 4.

DBANG DRAG RGYA MTSHO — N. of Klong gsal snying po, q.v.  383 444.5; 420 I 421.1.

DBANG DRAG RDO RJE — Alias of Zil gnon dbang rgyal rdo rje, q.v.

DBANG DRAG 'BAR BA — Protective deity.  87 LXIII.  Called Bon gsas in 239 XIX.  See the article by van Manen, "Concerning a Bon Image," p. 202.

Sde dge ba Rdis ban DBANG DRUG — 363 117.1.

DBANG 'DANG CHUNG — 33 233.2.

DBANG 'DUD — (20th cent.)  Correct spelling more likely Dbang 'dus.  He was a monk famous in Lhasa for giving all he had to the poor, but then eating in restaurants without paying, since people were afraid of him. Melvyn Goldstein, "A Study of the Ldab ldob," CAJ 1 no 2 (1964) 138.

DBANG 'DUS — A district in Gtsang, and the fort (rdzong) of same.  Das.

DBANG 'DUS — See (— —) Rdo rje gling Dgon pa.

DBANG 'DUS — A monk of Zhe 'dzang Monastery, of Sga pa family.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 103.

Rgya ma Khri khang pa Ja sag DBANG 'DUS — "Noble student" of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

Sde pa DBANG 'DUS — (ca. 1718)  453 81.2.

DBANG 'DUS SNYING PO — (ca. 2763‑1806)  29th Sa skya Khri 'dzin.  For a painting, see Himalayanart, page for "Wangdu Nyingpo."


Skyid sbug DBANG 'DUS NOR BU — 19 250.

DBANG 'DUS PHO BRANG — Palace in Bhutan.  E of Thim phu.  Olschak.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 250.

DBANG GI RDO RJE — Name of (Mtshur ston) Dbang nge, q.v.

DBANG LDAN — Pl.n.  Village in Gtsang famed for carpets.  Das 907.  A valley near Rgyal rtse.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 453.

DBANG LDAN  — N. of a king descending from Ye smon rgyal po.

Rgyal bu DBANG LDAN — 352 32.6, 120.6.

Ru dpon DBANG LDAN BKRA SHIS — Modern army general.  Photo in 424 248.

Lcang can DBANG LDAN RDO RJE — (20th cent.)  Velm I 128.

Nang so DBANG LDAN NOR BU — 463 I 204.2.

DBANG LDAN DPAL 'BAR — A house in Lhasa. See Mengele, dGe 64.

DBANG LDAN GSHEN SRAS — P.n.?  253 II 403.2.

DBANG LDAN LHUN GRUB SGANG — F. about 800 years ago.  253 II 597.6.

DBANG LDE — A king of Gu ge.  28 52.  DTK5 71.

DBANG SDUD SNYING PO — (1863‑1899)  Prayer to Padmasambhava published in 1973.  Aka Mthu stobs dbang sdud, he was the 33rd throne holder of Sa skya, and an opponent of Shugs ldan.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 96.

DBANG BSDUS KYI RGYUD — Hayagrīva tantra in 320 XXIV 70 ff.

DBANG PO — In Kālacakra, equivalent to "Jesus" by way of Skt. Īśa. 

DBANG PO — Pl.n.  BA 829.

DBANG PO'I MGON PO — Kla klo general to be defeated in apocalyptic battle.  Thu'u 466.

Rtogs ldan DBANG PO 'GAG MED — N. (?) of disc. of Lha btsun pa.  116 345.3.

DBANG PO'I TOG — Indraketu.  A Buddha pictured in 128 888.

DBANG PO'I SDE — A hierarch of Hemis Mon.  178.


DBANG PO'I 'BYOR PA — See Indra bhu ti.

DBANG PO'I ZLA — In an avadāna.  TPS 472.

Slob dpon DBANG PO YE SHES — Teacher of Klong chen.  210 228.2.

DBANG DPAL — Kuijp in TH&L 280.

DBANG PHYUG — As protector, pictured in 216A.

DBANG PHYUG — A king of Shambhala.  128 1018.

Kong po'i Dge slong DBANG PHYUG — Author of bio. of Tsong kha pa listed in BLP no. 0897.

Gtsang po Dung khur ba DBANG PHYUG BKRA SHIS — Said to be first Tib. monk in Mongolia, arriving in about 1209‑1210.  Petech (1983) 180.  Disc. of Zhang Tshal pa.  473 9.  See history by Dung dkar, p. 69.  See Red Annals. Kuijp in TH&L 296.

Klu mes DBANG PHYUG GRAGS — Panglung in TH&L 400 n. 4.

Tsang pa DBANG PHYUG GRAGS — In Vinaya lineage of Dge 'dun sgang.  For a depiction, see Jackson, Patron 112, 113.

Rtsa ri DBANG PHYUG GRAGS — A royal descendent.  CFMS 36.

'Or ston DBANG PHYUG GRAGS — Blondeau 99.

Snyoms las pa DBANG PHYUG GRAGS PA — Author of Bla ma'i Rnam thar Nyi ma'i Snying po listed in Drepung Catalog 1513.

Mkhyen rab DBANG PHYUG GRAGS PA BZANG PO — Bio., Ind.Off.Cat. no. 36.

Kong ston DBANG PHYUG GRUB PA — Author of a bio of Go rams pa; title in 76 2 (also, BLP no. 0027).  Rje Bla ma'i Rnam par Thar pa Ngo mtshar Rin po che'i Phreng ba, published on basis of Rta nag Thub bstan block print by T.G. Dhongthog Rinpoche (N.Delhi 1973).  I Tib 73‑907025.

Zhang DBANG PHYUG MGON — Chatt. 356.

DBANG PHYUG MGON PO — Bellezza, D of T 98.

Myang DBANG PHYUG RGYA MTSHO — Also, (Nyang).  320 VII 387.4; VIII 157.7.

Se 'bro DBANG PHYUG RGYA MTSHO — Rong zom pa wrote his work on cremation rites at his behest.  He is described as "Blang ro Gad kha'i Dge ba'i bshes gnyen."  Almogi, MA Thesis 157‑8.

DBANG PHYUG RGYAL PO — Phag mo gru pa'i dpon po.  115 147.2.

Lcang can DBANG PHYUG RGYAL PO — (20th cent.)  Velm I 130.  A Bka' blon Dbang phyug rgyal po signed convention of 1908.  Kolmas, Ch'ing shih kao 94.

Phyug mtshams DBANG PHYUG RGYAL PO — Appears as revisor in a canon colophon.


Bshad sgra DBANG PHYUG RGYAL PO — (d. 1864)  440 298.2.  Authored works about Bsam yas (see, for example, BLP no. 2044).  Article devoted to him by Petech (1971).

DBANG PHYUG RGYAL MTSHAN — Wrote rnam thar of Ti lo and Na ro in 1523.  51 I.  See 20 28 n. 29.  Also wrote bio. of Rgod tshang pa.  50 preface.  Bio. of Nā ro pa in 72 I 77‑123.

Dgon pa ba 'Dzeng DBANG PHYUG RGYAL MTSHAN— (1016‑1082)  Bka' gdams pa.  Also, ('Dzeng sgom).  Mdo khams sgang du 'khrungs.  Dhongthog 39.  Abbot of Rwa sgreng.  See BA 266; 17 II 376.3 ff.  Roesler, KSP 4.  Pictured in 128 84A and in Essen & Tingo, Die Götter des Himalayas 122.  Bio. 165 438.  Beyer 172.

Grub dbang DBANG PHYUG RGYAL MTSHAN — Successor of ('Jag chung) Byams pa dpal (1310‑1391) in Shangs pa transmission.  53 I 495‑527.  His own successor was (La phyi pa) Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan.

Cha gan DBANG PHYUG RGYAL MTSHAN — Work, see Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 197.

Sde bdun Rab 'byams pa DBANG PHYUG RGYAL MTSHAN — Karma pa.  35 I 657.

Rin rdzong pa DBANG PHYUG RGYAL MTSHAN — Subj. of bio. in BLP no. 0393.

Sna nam za DBANG PHYUG SGRON MA — 476 I 44.7.

DBANG PHYUG CHEN PO — Pictured in 216A.

DBANG PHYUG 'JIGS MED RTSAL — A secret n. of Rgyal po Dzaḥ.  BD of T&TB I 955.

DBANG PHYUG NYI MA LAGS RIN PO CHE —  =Dbang nyi.  420 I 11.1, 673.3.

Zhwa sgab pa DBANG PHYUG BDE LDAN — (1907‑1989)  TS5 795.  See under Zhwa sgab pa.

DBANG PHYUG RDO RJE — 210 19.3.  413 328.1.

DBANG PHYUG RDO RJE — Subj. of bio. by Mkhan po Karma 'jigs med listed in BLP no. 1542.

DBANG PHYUG RDO RJE — (ca. 13th cent.)  BD of T&TB IX 543‑4.

'Go ston DBANG PHYUG RDO RJE — Apparently =(La stod pa) Zangs ri ras pa, q.v.  Apparently same as Dbang phyug rdo rje in BD of T&TB III 337.

Zhwa nag ix DBANG PHYUG RDO RJE — (1556‑1603)  35 II 146‑242.  (1554‑1603)  Dhongthog 85.  Tre shod smad kha ba Glang ri'i zhol du 'khrungs.  (1556‑1603)  11 70.  Author compiler of 'Phags Lam Bgrod pa'i Shing rta, the basic liturgical work of the Karma pa sect.  Mentioned in BD of T&TB III 751.  217 598.7.  Portrait bronze, see Uhlig, On the Path to Enlightenment 186.  A remarkable silver portrait statue, made in 1601, is illus. in Heller, Tibetan Art 188.  A thangka of him in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 106.  Dung dkar 38‑39.  An image of him from the Sir Charles Bell collection illus. in Emma Martin, "The Tibetan Collection at World Museum Liverpool," Orientations, vol. 36, no. 6 (Sept. 2005) 90‑96, at p. 95.

DBANG PHYUG LDE — Son of Rtse lde, King of Gu ge.  28 53.  Kuijp, Contributions 32.

DBANG PHYUG LDE — Western Tibetan royalty.  Son of 'Od lde.  DTK5 71, 93.

Slob dpon DBANG PHYUG SDE — BD of T&TB I 490.  Lde'u2 47.


DBANG PHYUG RNAM RGYAL — Son of Nyi ma rnam rgyal.  95 preface.

Snubs Bande DBANG PHYUG DPAL — N. of Gnubs chen.  320 XXII 94.4.

Ngo khro Rab 'byams pa DBANG PHYUG DPAL — Karma pa.  35 I 648.  Jackson, Patron 78.


Kha rag Sgom chung DBANG PHYUG BLO GROS — Bio. 165 449.  Story about him told, with teaching on importance of the teacher, in Zangpo, Sacred Ground 37.  Nalanda Translation Committee, The Rain of Wisdom, Shambhala (Boston 1980), pp. 256‑258.

Sgom sde DBANG PHYUG BLO GROS — A teacher of Kun dga' dpal 'byor (1428‑1476).  57 preface.

DBANG PHYUG 'BAR — A n. of Grwa pa Mngon shes.  383 411.4.  458 I 16.4.  See illus. from ms. in Precious Deposits IV 214.


DBANG PHYUG 'BUM — Contemp. of 'Phags pa.  348 35.3.


Dpon chen DBANG PHYUG BRTSON 'GRUS — Sa skya Dpon chen.  Contemp. of Bu ston (1290‑1364).  27 139.  See Lo Bue in Skorupski, ed., Indo‑Tibetan Studies (Tring 1990), p. 181.

Rgyal ba Lo ras pa DBANG PHYUG BRTSON 'GRUS — (1187‑1250)  Disc. of Rgya ras pa.  Founded Smad 'Brug.  Work in 447 19‑24, 130‑156.  Compiled a bio. of Rgya ras pa.  Alias, Dbu ri pa.  24 II.  Founded Dkar po chos lung in 1241.  20 33.  Bio. by Rgod tshang pa, 72 II 237‑381.  17 II 464.2; BA 409.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 162 ff.  Lo ras pa Grags pa dbang phyug gi Gsung 'bum, Khenpo Shedrup Tenzin (Kathmandu 2002), in 5 vols.


Rgya 'Dul 'dzin DBANG PHYUG TSHUL KHRIMS 'BAR — (1047‑1131)  17 II 343.1.  BA 78‑79.  Ferrari 167.

DBANG PHYUG TSHE RING — A young Khams pa who helped the Dalai Lama xiv in his escape to India.  Patterson, Requiem for Tibet 174.

DBANG PHYUG RDZOGS PA RTSAL — One of the gsang mtshan of Sgro phug pa, q.v.  BD of T&TB III 283.


Mar pa DBANG PHYUG 'OD ZER — Father of Mar pa.  57 IIB 346.3.

Khyab bdag DBANG PHYUG RAB BRTAN — (1559‑1636)  Dhongthog 85.  Sa skya pa.  "Gtsang G.yas ru Smyug Bkra shis rgyal gyi Pho brang du 'khrungs."  Library has work.  Pictured in 128 444, 548.  374 I 434.5.  Author of appendix to Mkhyen brtse's autobio. listed in BLP no. 0833.

'A zha Sngags 'chang DBANG PHYUG RAB BRTAN — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 1197.  He must be the same as Khyab bdag Dbang phyug rab brtan, whose father was said to belong to the clan of the 'A zha.

DBANG PHYUG RAB BRTAN BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — Subj. of bio. by the Dalai Lama v listed in BLP nos. 1543, 1840.

DBANG PHYUG RIN CHEN — Abbot of Gnas rnying.  Vitali in TS9 I 98 ff. He was active in late 12th century.

Bya btang DBANG PHYUG RIN CHEN — A disc. of Spyan snga Rin chen ldan.  57 IIB 370.3.  391 V 150.

Mkhan chen DBANG PHYUG SHES RAB — Disc. of Gzi brjid rgyal mtshan, in lineage of Gtsang smyon, q.v.  See Quintman in RET 23 (2012) 23.

Cag DBANG PHYUG SENG GE — 476 V 93.3.

Rtsegs DBANG PHYUG SENG GE — Also, (Rtse ram).  17 II 406.1.  467 II 87.1.

A lce DBANG MO — A Bhutanese princess.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 95.

Slob dpon DBANG TSHUL — In Kālacakra tradition, he instructed Klong chen in Spyod 'Jug52 2.

Sum pa DBANG TSHUL — Disc. of Zur po che.  33 211.5, 232.6.  253 II 182.1.

DBANG 'DZIN — A deity.  Rhies & Thurman 339.

A ni DBANG 'DZIN — Subject of a paper given by Amy Holmes-Tagchungdarpa at the AAR in Atlanta in 2010 entitled "Forgotten Lives: Forgetting & Remembering Women in Tibetan Buddhist Traditions of the Himalayas through Oral Life Stories."  She was active between the 1880s and the 1920s.

Ri bo DBANG ZHU — 239 XXX 60.2.  12 XV 369.1.

Slob dpon DBANG GZHON — 467 II 72.6, 73.1.


DBANG RIN PO CHE 'KHOR LO — Tantra in 320 V 92 ff.

DBANG RIS — The 18 "power shares" held by various clans.  For list, see 28 79.

DBANG LAG GI RGYUD — "Dbang lag gi Rgyud Sog skad nas Bod skad du Bsgyur ba."  MHTL 5762.

DBANG LU — Sperling in TH&L 459.

Nyang nag DBANG GI SHES RAB — (11th cent.)  Also, (Myang nag); (Myang nag mdo pa).  BD of T&TB III 255.  Secret name: Rdo rje shog rgod rtsal.  Teacher of Rog Shes rab 'od.  211 preface.

'Go chung DBANG SENG — A monk (grwa pa).  33 232.6.

DBANG SRAS MO — Epithet of Sgrol ma.  Das 909.


DBA' — They were one of the original clans who in the 6th cent. joined in an alliance to form the Tibetan state.  They were especially powerful in the time of Khri srong lde btsan. They supported Indian Buddhism.  This is identical to the Sba family.  See Stein, Tribus 17 (he notes that Dpal and Dpa' are frequent yet mistaken corrections).

DBA' — See (—) Gshen blon.

DBAL KHYUNG DMAR PO — A bskang rite in 313 I 631‑8.  FM 730.00.

DBAL CHU — Bon rites performed in event of illegitimate births.  See 299.

DBAL CHUNG GTER CHEN — Correct to:  Dbal khyung Gter chen (=Dbal gter).  Alias of (Nyag gter) Gsang sngags gling pa, q.v.

DBAL PHUR — Cycle redisc. by Khu tsha Zla 'od.  Texts in 258 IV; 259 65‑71; 312 393‑722; 313 245 ff.

DBAL PHUR NAG PO DGRA BGEGS — Kriejger, Tibetan Painting 176.

DBAL BAR THAR — See (Dbal) Bar thar.

DBAL BON — See (— —) Rom po.

DBAL GYI BRAG PHUG — 253 II 580.3.

DBAL 'BAR STAG LAG CAN — See (Dbal 'bar) Stag lag can.

DBAL MANG — See (— —) Dkon mchog rgyal mtshan. 

DBAL MANG CHUNG BA — See (— — — —) Dkon mchog chos 'phel ba.

DBAL MANG TSHANG — An incarnate.  See 'Jigs med tshul khrims rnam rgyal.

DBAL MO — A class of goddesses.  See Karmay, Treasury (vocab.).

DBAL MO LAS THIG — Bon.  See 251 preface.  See under Khro bo Drug.


DBAL RONG — 253 II 573.2.

DBAL SO MDUNG RTSE CAN — Bon deity depicted in Kriejger, Tibetan Painting pl. 69.  The name means sharp tooth with spear point.

DBAL GSAS — Bon tutelary.  See 278, 286, 309

DBAL GSAS — See (— —) Rngam pa.  (— —) Me 'bar.

DBAL GSAS RTSOD BZLOG — 300, 253 II 407.4.  See under Khro bo Drug.

DBAL GSAS ZHI KHRO'I BSKANG BA — 313 I 235‑244.  Nine Ways (glossary). 

DBAS — Old Tibetan form Dba's.  Also spelled Sbas or Dba', and in later sources Sba.  A clan name.  T.H. 16.  Supported Gnam ri slong brtsan.  T.H. 40.  Noble of Dbas assassinated Ral pa can.  T.H. 47.  Tucci, Tombs 66.  N. of a place in Lho brag or Mon.  Ferrari 137.  For the role of the Dba' in imperial times, see Karmay, Btsan po Rgyal sras Dar ma 84‑5.

DBAS — See (—) Kong bzher.  (—) Rgod ldongs btsan.  (—) Rgyal to re.  (—) Rgyal ba ye shes.  (—) Manydzu shrī.  (—) Bzang dpal legs.

DBAS WEN 'PHAN THOG — Family (rigs) of Phag mo gru pa.  Dhongthog 67.  BA 553.  17 II 537.1.

DBU — Pl.n.  BA 702, 936, 1080.

Gco DBU DKAR — Clemente in TS6 133, n.4.

Lha rtse'i Gyi ljang DBU DKAR — Disc. of 'Brog mi.  BA 208.  17 II 298.3.  Translator.  320 XIII 414.6.  Listed in Mtshan tho no. 38.

DBU RGYAN BTAGS PA'I MCHOD RTEN — Banerjee, Sarvāstivāda Literature 97.

DBU RGYAB PHO BRANG — In Nor bu gling ka.  Henss, CMT 155.

DBU LNGA SRUNG BA — CFMS 33.  Chorten erected by Srong btsan after the slaying of a five headed lake demon.

DBU STOD — BA 542.

DBU GDUGS SKU NGO — A lawyer nobleman.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 94.

DBU NAG MI'U 'DRA CHAGS — Bon text cited in Hoffmann, Religions 104. Prins in ZAS XXXVI (2007) 195 ff.  ZZFC 260.

DBU BA'I 'PHRENG BA — Das 413 no. 23.

DBU MA DKAR PO 'CHAR BA — An obscure text by one Devasharma, cited by Atiśa.  See Sherburne, Complete Works ... 585.  This is supposed to be a commentary on the Shes rab Sgron ma by Bhavaviveka.

DBU MA CHEN PO — Great Mādhyamika.  See Ruegg, JSBO 89.

DBU MA THAL 'GYUR BA — Mādhyamikaprāsaṅgika.  School of Buddhapālita & Candrakīrti.  Bu ston I 135.

DBU MA PA — See (— —) Brtson 'grus seng ge.

Dbyar ston DBU MA PA — Cuevas, Hidden History, p. 46.

DBU MA SHAR GSUM — See Lde'u2 48.

DBU RTSE DKAR PO — And Dbu rtse Dmar po, are names of the two colleges of G.yas ru Dben sa kha.  Karmay, Treasury 142.

DBU RTSE RIGS GSUM — BA 806.  Descriptive name of the central temple at Bsam yas.  KTDN B XI 259.2.  17 II 342.2, where it is simply called Dbu rtse.  Called Dbu rtse Rim gsum in 87 I 134.5.


DBU ZA — See (— —) Rin chen sgron gsal (or, Rin chen gsal).

DBU ZUR — See (— —) Legs bshad zla ba.

DBU 'OD — See (— —) Ye shes 'bum.

DBU YON MA — Name for images of Atiśa 'with tilted head'.  There was one large one and one small one.  Jackson, MB 78.

DBU RA — BA 878.

Se sgom DBU RAL — 253 II 358.4.

DBU RI — BA 675, 679.  Mon. f. by Lo ras pa, a day's journey N. of Mtshur phu.  484 I 871.2.

DBU RI PA — Alias of Lo ras pa.  24 II.

DBU RI BA — See (— — —) Chos kyi dbang phyug.

DBU RU — "Central Horn."  District including Lha sa.  Das 911. Including Stod lung.  T.H. 42.  For ancient division into Ru, see T.H. 46.  Dbus is sometimes divided into Dbu ru and G.yo ru.  Therefore it is a (common enough) mistake to identify Dbu ru as simply another name for Central Tibet (=Dbus).

DBU RU — See (— —) Skar chung.  (— —) Ngan lam ral gsum.  (— —) 'Brom pa. 

DBU RU ZHWA — N. in Blue Annals for Zhwa Lha khang, q.v..  BA 173, 192.  Achard, L'Essence 55.


DBU RU SHOD — N. of an area.  OTA 684.

Khams pa DBU SE — N. of Dus gsum mkhyen pa, q.v.  N. of a deity acc. to Stein, Mi–ñag 254.

DBUGS KHANG — At Bsam yas, the name means breath house.  See David‑Neel, My Journey to Lhasa 301.

Drang srong DBUGS 'BYIN — 17 IV 371.1.  Mkhas pa'i Dga' ston (PRC ed.), p. 1475.


DBUR STOD — Pl.n.  17 II 513.6.  Evidently, same as Dbu ru Stod.

DBUR STON — See (— —) Chos 'khor sgang.

DBUR SMYON — See (— —) Thugs kyi rdo rje.

DBUL SDE — Lde'u 257.

DBUS — The central province of Tibet.  Formerly divided in to Dbu ru and G.yo ru.  28 77.

DBUS KYI KA CHEN — "Great Central Pillar" at Vikramaśila.  1) Rin chen rdo rje.  2) Dznyā na shrī mi tra.  BD of T&TB I 823‑6.

DBUS KHU — BA 327.

Shug gseb DBUS GLING — BA 894.  Vai.Ser. 129.

Snye phu Shug gseb DBUS GLING — BA 893.  Shugs pa seb in 57 IIB 357.3.

Bla ma DBUS BSNGAL — (sp?)  In colophon to FM 18.00.

DBUS CHU —  =Skyid chu, acc. to Wylie 147, n. 302.

DBUS MTHA' RNAM 'BYED — For comm., see SBTD I 306.  Article by de Jong in CAJ XXI.

DBUS SDE — BA 445.  See Hazod in Tropper, Epigraphic 61, where the spellings Dbul lde, Dbu sa skor, Dbus sde, and 'Bud bde are noted.

DBUS PA — See (— —) Jo bsod.  (— —) Ston Shākya.  (— —) Zhig po.

DBUS PA STON PA — Evid. a n. for Sgam po pa.  4 229A.4, 230B.2, 237B.5, 240A.2.

DBUS PA NAG PO — Or, Dbus Nag.  LPNT IV 14.

DBUS PHUG — Cave in Kong po.  TS5 533.

DBUS PHUG — See (— —) Gsang ba yang rdzong.

DBUS SMYON — See Kun dga' bzang po.  There were also others known by the same name.

DBUS GTSANG — See (— —) Kun bde gling.

DBUS GTSANG 'DRES MA — Achard, L'Essence 28.

DBUS RAS PA — Roesler, KSP 63.

DBUS LUGS — See under Khams lugs, or BA 108. See also Germano in TS9 X 257.

DBUS LUNG THANG KHUNG — Vitali in TS9 I 85, 93.

Khams pa DBUS SE — A n. for Dus gsum mkhyen pa, q.v.  BA 462.

DBE HU — 239 XXX 70.1.

DBEN DGA' BA — Mentioned (probably Bka' brgyud) in 42 3.

DBEN GNAS LNGA — See Ehrhard in SCEAR 9 (1996) 37 ff.

Rtse gzhung DBEN PA'I DGA' TSHAL — Zhabs dkar Sna tshogs rang grol (q.v.) went there.

Bsam gtan Rab brtson Khyim bdag DBEN PA 'DOD — In Jātaka.  Pictured in 128 732.

Khu byug DBEN PA RDZONG — 4 251B.3.  BA 527.

DBEN DMAR — BA 790‑793.

Bya ru DBEN TSHA — BA 706.  Dben tsha Lha khang in 210 36.4.

DBEN RIN PO CHE — See under Dge mdzes 'od.

DBEN SHAR SNGA MA — Roesler, KSP 63.

DBEN SA — See (— —) Chos kyi pho brang.

G.yas ru DBEN SA — Bon mon. f. in 1072 by Bru chen Rgyal ba g.yung drung (but is this possible, since his dates are 1242‑1290!?).  Kværne 83.  Destroyed by flood after 1386.  Kværne Canon 22 (n. 26).  Its two colleges, Karmay, Treasury 139, 142.  Karmay, Great Perfection 218.

Ba gor DBEN SA KHA — Chief mon. of Bru lineage.  F. by G.yung drung bla ma in 1082.  253 II 586.6 ff.  This spelling also in Karmay, Great Perfection 219.

Bzhad DBEN SA DGE 'PHEL — Vai.Ser. 210.

DBEN SA SNYAN BRGYUD — See under Byang chub bde lam.  Text in 227.  For definition and history (lo rgyus), see 383 267.2 ff.  SBTD I 29, 48, 336.  Thuken 291‑292.

DBEN SA PA — See (— —) Blo bzang don 'grub.

DBEN SA SPRUL SKU — (— — — — i) (Mkhas grub) Sangs rgyas ye shes (1525‑1590).  (— — — — ii) Ye shes rgya mtsho (1592‑1604).  (— — — — iii) Blo bzang bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho (1505‑1643/44). 

DBEN SA SPRUL SKU — 43.  It seems that the Dga' ldan Bo shog thu was considered a continuation of this line.

DBON GO SHRI KARMA CHOS RGYAL — See (Dbon Go shri) Karma chos rgyal.

DBON RGAN — See (— —) Karma theg mchog bstan 'phel (d. 1842).  See Dpal spungs Dbon Rgan.

DBON SGOM — See (— —) Tshul khrims snying po.

DBON STON RIN PO CHE —  =Sangs rgyas dbon ston, q.v.

DBON PO — Incarnation lineage at Kaḥ thog.  Also called Dbon sprul, or, Kaḥ thog Dbon sprul.  See under Karma nges legs bstan 'dzin.

DBON GZIM DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang.  [1‑50].

DBON RAS — See (— —) Dar ma seng ge.

Stag sras DBON RIN PO CHE — (1138‑1210)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 115.

Gter ston DBON GSAS KHYUNG THOG — (11th cent.)  Rnying ma.  BD of T&TB III 300.  Called (Gter ston) Dbon gsal khyung po in BLP no. 0353.

DBOR — A place in Tibet.  Das.

DBYANGS SGROG — N. of Ghoṣaka.  See Tāranātha's history of India.

Dngul chu DBYANGS CAN GRUB PA'I RDO RJE — (1809‑1887)  Nephew of (Dngul chu) Dharma bhadra, & teacher of Sangs rgyas bstan 'phel (1817‑1884).  55 preface.  Description of his collected works in 162 233.7.  Pictured in 128 456.  His Gcod work in Laufer collection, FM 433.  377 40A.1.  Alias Blo bzang chos 'phel.  Works listed in SBTD I 397.  Dhāraṇī  reciting text in 451.  Bio. by Dngul chu 'Jigs med dbang po listed in BLP nos. 0658, 1555.  Aka Dngul chu Blo bzang chos 'phel, 'Jam dbyangs rdo rje.  Smith, Philology appendix II.

A kya Yongs 'dzin DBYANGS CAN DGA' BA'I BLO GROS — Collected works, 367.

Mu stegs DBYANGS CAN DGA' BA — Debated by Jñānaśrī.  Sa Paṇ, Sdom Gsum (1971) 82A.3.

DBYANGS CAN DGYES PA'I RDO RJE — Literary n. of Gzhan phan Chos kyi snang ba.  Smith, Philology appendix II.

DBYANGS CAN DGYES PA'I BLO LDAN GDONG DRUG SNYEMS PA'I LANG TSHO — Literary n. of Sde srid Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho.

DBYANGS CAN GYI MGUL RGYAN — Composition of Vararuci.  Chag 84.

DBYANGS CAN SGEG PA'I BLO GROS 'JIGS MED RIG PA'I RDO RJE — Literary n. of Gu shrī Dka' bcu pa Blo bzang chos 'phel.  Smith, Philology appendix II.

DBYANGS CAN SGRA MDO — Sarasvatīvyākaraṇa.  Vostrikov, Critical 70.

Lha 'dzin DBYANGS CAN SGROL MA — Mother of Gter bdag gling pa.  Daughter of Don grub dbang rgyal.  Still living in 1689.  458 I 36.5, 370.4, 372.6.

Hor Chos rje DBYANGS CAN SNYEMS PA'I LANG TSHO — Sperling in TH&L 455.


DBYANGS CAN PHUN TSHOGS NGAG GI DBANG PO'I SDE — Alias of Blo gros rgyal mtshan, author of 155.

DBYANGS CAN MA — Sarasvatī.  Pictured in 128 1098.  374 I 164 ff.  Catherine Ludvik, Sarasvatī: Riverine Goddess of Knowledge, Brill (Leiden 2007).

DBYANGS CAN BZHAD PA — Author, see SBTD I 8, 15.

Thams cad Mkhyen pa DBYANGS CAN BZHAD PA DGE 'DUN RGYA MTSHO — 10th abbot of 'Bras spungs.  Vai.Ser. 94.

Bdag mo DBYANGS CAN BSOD NAMS SGRON — Wife of the ruler Bsod nams lde (b. 1577).  DTK5 143.

DBYANGS 'CHAR — Svarodaya Tantra.  See under Pad dkar yid bzhin dbang po.

Dpal ldan DBYANGS 'CHAR — Text in 259 537‑82.

DBYANGS SNYAN PA — Das 413 no 11.

DBYANGS LDAN — See Glu mkhan Lkugs pa.

DBYANGS LDAN MA —  =Dbyangs can ma.  Das 913.

A ne DBYANGS 'DZOMS — Nun and author (?) of text in 240 209‑297.

DBYAR DGA' BA — Das 413 no. 49.


Bram ze DBYAR BYED — 476 III 37.4.

DBYAR MA DGON — Vai.Ser. 255.

DBYAR MO THANG — May =G.yar mo thang, q.v.  Area with its military headquaters in Hezhou, evidently.  BA 696.  Scherrer‑Schaub in JIABS 25 (2002) 291.  Dotson, D&L 25, note 29.  There is an article by Helga Uebach. Horlemann 132.

Mkhas pa DBYAR MO THANG PA — (b. 1144)  Abbot of G.yas ru Dben sa kha.  Karmay, Introduction 184.

Lha DBYAR MO THANG — Dotson, D&L 23.

DBYAR TSHUL — Varṣākāra.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 346.

DBYAR LHAS DGON — Vai.Ser. 254.

Dba's DBYI TSHAB — See Hazod in TS9 I 36 n. 24.

DBYI LANG — Modern name for Iran.  Yisun 1021.

DBYI LUNG DGA' LDAN RTSE — Stearns, King 157.

DBYI SHOD — In Khams.  See (— —) Ri bo che.

DBYIG GI KHU BA — Epithet of Gtsang po.  Das 418.


Ded dpon DBYIG DGA' — Mentioned in 26 7.

Mtshur ston DBYIG GI RGYAL MTSHAN — A student of Rgya gar Phyag na who translated Mahāmudrā & Dohās.  Mtshan tho no. 63.

DBYIG GI SGROL MA — 319 VIII 135‑146.

DBYIG CAN — Hiraṇyavatī.  N. of a river, near place of Buddha's death.  Banerjee, Sarvāstivāda Literature 95.

DBYIG GNYEN — Vasubandhu.  Tibetan bios. studied by Mejor in T&BS II 159‑173, with list of works.  Pictured in 128 70A. Bio. 165 172 ff.  Pictured in 320 XI 3.  BD of T&TB I 389‑400.  374 I 44.5.

Ston pa DBYIG GNYEN — Younger brother of Zur po che.  33 217.4.


DBYIG LDAN — N. of Dbang phyug.  Das 909.

Khyung po DBYIG 'OD — Germano in TS9 X 256.

DBYINGS KHYUNG — A Tibetanizing transcription of Chinese Yingzong, meaning Gegen Qaghan.  The Chinese could be Sanskritized as *Siddhipala.  Kuijp, KPTB 40.


DBYINGS PHYUG MA — Epithet of Kun tu bzang mo.

DBYINGS KYI MA MO DRUG — Dung dkar 158.

DBYINGS GSANG BA'I 'KHOR LO — Tantra.  320 XXXI 443 ff.

DBYIBS KYI MA MO BDUN — Dung dkar 158.

DBYIL — Clan name.  ISTS 314.  It is of possible relevance that yil is a Turkic clan name, and also a Turkic n. for 'wind', 'ether'.  Esin 135.

DBYIL STON — See (— —) (Dpon gsas) Khyung rgod rtsal.  (— —) Rdor seng.  (— —) Nam mkha' bsod nams.

DBYIL STON HE RU KA — N. of Khyung rgod rtsal, q.v.

DBYIL BON — See (— —) Dor seng.

DBYUG CHU — Sato in Acta Asiatica 29 (1975) 13.

DBYUG CHOS — See BA 790 for an explanation.  24 I 404.4.

Khro bo DBYUG PA SNGON PO — Tantra in 320 XXVIII 459 ff.

DBYUG PA CAN — Skt. Daṇḍin, the famous literary figure.

DBYE — See under E yul.

DBYE BO DGON GSAR — Vai.Ser. 155.

Shangs DBYE DMAR — Pl.n.  27 120.


DBRA — N. of a Tibetan tribe.  Das 916.  See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 43.  Berounsky, Lapsed 169.

DBRA DKAR DWAGS MA'I MGAR — See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 43.

DBRA STON — See (— —) Ngag dbang bskal bzang bstan rgyal.

DBRA DAGS DGON — Vai.Ser. 241.

DBRA NAG — Family name.  253 II 444.4.

DBRA SPRUL — See (— —) Bstan 'dzin dbang rgyal.

DBRA TSA'I SNGAGS DGON — Bon mon. in Amdo with 15 monks.  253 II 637.3.

DBRA BTSUN — See (— —) Rgyal ba g.yung drung.  (— —) Nam mkha' rin chen.  (— —) Tshe dbang nyi rgyal.  (— —) Rin chen dbang ldan.  (— —) Sher rgyal.

DBRA SRAS — See (— —) Zla ba grags pa.

DBRAG ZI — N. of a clan.  BA 610.  See Zi.

DBRONGS KA — Pl.n. (?)  17 II 513.2.

Glang 'khor gi Smyon pa 'BAG CHUNG — 115 111.3.

'BANGS YAG DGON — 346 123.5.

'BANGS YAG SPRUL SKU — 346 126.4.

'BAN — N. of a person.  BA 345.  17 II 346.4.  This is actually ('Ban) Dkon mchog rdo rje, q.v.

'BAN — See (—) Dkon mchog rdo rje.  (—) Dha phug pa.  (—) (Gung rgyal) Tshul khrims rgyal ba.

'BAN DHA HOR — Mon. in ruins in 443 I 35.3.

'BAN BZLOG — Title in 313 II 387‑407.

'BAN GYI SHOG RIL LDE MIG GI ME LONG — Title listed in BLP no. 1556.

'BAB RONG PA — See (— — —) Dar ma dbang phyug.

'BAB ROM — Pl.n.  BA 469‑470.

Gtsang gshis 'BAM DGON — Vai.Ser. 242.

'BA' THANG — A place in Khams.  Das 917.  Fruit and vinyard region.  Stein 25.  'Ba' chung in Nomads 20.  Coleman in TS9 IV 31 ff.  The names Baan &  Batang discussed by Peng in TS9 IV 64.

'BA' CHOS SDE — Dge lugs mon. in Khams.  23 32.

'BA' JI BA — Also, 'Ba' 'ji ba; 'Ban 'dzi.  Group of bad tantrics criticized by Lha Bla ma Ye shes 'od.  ISTS 152 ff.  Karmay in ISTS 152, 162.  Karmay thinks it reflects an Indian form of "Vajrin."  I think it originally meant specifically 'Manichaean' but subsequently generic 'heretic.'  For Ramble's idea that it may connect with Gurung term Bijuwā meaning sorcerer, see Scherrer‑Schaub in Raffaele Torella et al., eds., Le parole e i marmi, Istituto Italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente (Rome 2001), p. 698.  Davidson, TTBR 11 (discussion in note 78 on p. 389), wants to translate it 'absorbed in religious conduct.'

'BA' NYAG — See (— —) A thing.  "Burmiok."

'BA' DE'U — A messenger sent to India.  Sba 5.

'BA' TIS PHUR DGON — Jackson, Patron 237.

'BA' RTA 'UR DGON — 346 102.4.

'BA' DA SHI — OTA 700.

'BA' MDA' — See (— —) Thub bstan dge legs rgya mtsho (1844‑1904).

'BA' NO CO — Mon.  Emmerick.

'BA' PA — See (— —) Phun tshogs dbang rgyal.  See (— —) Skal bzang rnam rgyal.

'BA' BA SER DGE BSHES — See (— — — — —) Blo bzang bstan pa.

Slob dpon 'BA' PHYA — Lde'u2 48.

Klung shod 'BA' TSHAG CHOS SDE — Vai.Ser. 153.

'BA' ZHIG BU SHU BHAṂ  — A tutelary acc. to Rock, Nāga Cult I 143.

'BA' 'U 'BA' GNYER — 127 20‑21.

'BA' RA DKAR BRGYUD KYI CHOS SPYOD — Text edited by Ngag dbang ye shes published in Gangtok in 1980.

'BA' RA BA — See (— —) Rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po.

'BA' RA BRAG DKAR — In central Shangs.  F. by 'Ba' ra ba in 14th cent.  BA 692.  Ferrari 158.

'BA' RI — A mon.  BA 692.

'BA' RE — See (— —) Rin chen bzang po.

'BA' RO — In 17 II 412.5, a different way of spelling Bha ro.

'BA' ROM BKA' BRGYUD — One of 4 main branches of Bka' brgyud lineages.  F. by Dar ma dbang phyug.  See 235 intro. 5.  See under 'Bar ba'i rdo rje.  467.

'BA' ROM BKA' BRGYUD PA'I BSANGS DANG GSOL KHA'I SKOR — Includes gter ma of 'Bar ba'i rdo rje, publ. in 1977.

'BA' ROM PA — See (— — —) Dar ma dbang phyug.

'BA' LA SHI — Chinese monk.  Emmerick.

'BAR KHAMS — Bon mon. Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 421.

'BAR MKHAR DGON — Mon. in Mdo smad [3‑470].

Rong pa 'BAR DGE — Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 33 n. 33.

Zhang btsun 'BAR TANG PA — Author of bio. in SFHB 374‑388.

'BAR RTA DGON — Vai.Ser. 258.

'BAR GDAN — Mon. in Zangs dkar.  B in L 48.  Schwieger in Kailash 18 (1996) 104.

'BAR SDE — Also, 'Bar lde and Bha le.  King of Gu ge.  28 53 ff.

Grum 'BAR BA — See (Grum) Ye shes rgyal mtshan.

Sgom chen 'BAR BA — 253 II 415.4, 416.3 ff.  Bio. 342 10.3 ff.

Dur khrod 'BAR BA 'KHRUGS PA — One of "8 great cemeteries."  Das 630.  87 I 252.2.

Gshen 'BAR BA GLANG NAG — 206 564.1, 565.3.

Mar pa 'BAR BA RGYAL MTSHAN — Father of (Mar ston) Tshul khrims 'byung gnas.  BA 444.

Ra shul Gter ston 'BAR BA'I RDO RJE — 346 94.6.

Gter ston 'BAR BA'I RDO RJE — (1836‑1920)  Autobio. in 456The Vajrakila Teachings from the Revelations of Bde chen 'Bar ba'i rdo rje and a collection of rituals from the 'Ba' rom Bka' brgyud pa Tradition (Bir 1978).  See also under 'Jigs med chos kyi seng ge (b. 1836) and Bde chen 'bar ba'i rdo rje.  An autobiography has been published, translated by Lama Yeshe Gyamtso, entitled Precious Essence: The Inner Autobiography of Terchen Barway Dorje.

'BAR BAS BSGYUR BA — Tib. translation for the name Dza len dha ra, acc. to 64 I 145.2.

'BAR BA NAG PO — Mt.?  KTDN 60.1.  Dbal chu 'Bar ba Nag po.  299 131‑142.  Byi la 'Bar ba Nag po.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum IV 469.1.

'BAR BA SPUN BDUN — Tucci, Religions 166.

'BAR BA'I PHUG —  =Jwālinī, =Dzwa li ni'i Brag phug.  BA 22.

Paṇḍi ta 'BAR BA'I GTSO BO — 1st in line of predecessors of Rje btsun Dam pa (q.v.).  Almogi, MA thesis 27.  Bio. by Kun dga' grol mchog listed in BLP no. 1277.

'BAR BA'I 'OD CAN MA — A Tārā.  128 1112.

'BAR BA RA DZA — KTDN 142.5.

'BAR MA GSUM — 1. Dbang phyug 'bar ma.  2. Shes rab 'bar ma.  3. Rdo rje 'bar ma.  KTDN 89.5 (note also, on p. 95.1, Bdud mo 'Bar ma Spun Gsum).

'BAR MI LA — Pl.n. (?)  115 51.2.

'BAR RA — Karma Bka' brgyud mon.  12 IX 85.4.

Cog ro bza' 'BAR RE — Wife of Dpal lde.  DTK5 91.

'BAR SENG — Patron of Mi la ras pa.  73 250.4.

'BAL — The gdung rus of Skyer sgang pa.  17 II 429.  BA 740.  See Yamaguchi in Acta Asiatica 29 (1975) 20‑42.

'BAL — See (— —) Smon lam dpal 'byor.  (— —) Rin chen seng ge.

'BAL 'KHOR ZHER LEGS — Evil minister of Glang dar ma.  DTK5 183.

'BAL LJI MANG RU TI — Denwood, TW2 149.

'BAL BU SONG DAR — Indian king.  Emmerick.

'BAL BROG — BD of T&TB X 94.6, 94.7.

'BAL MA ZUG BTSAN — 81 103.3, 115.

'BAS NO NYA — Maitreya mon. in Khotan.  Emmerick.

'BI LUNG — See (— —) Dpal ldan grags pa.

'BI LUNG PA — See (— — —) Dge 'dun bzang po.

'BIGS BYED — Mt. in Tsa ri to west.  17 IV 237.5.

Ri bo 'BIGS BYED — Vindhya range of mts. in India.  Also, a certain mt. N of Kathmandu.  Wylie 23.  133 23.1, 23.2.  Das 918.

'BIR WA PA — See Bi rū pa. 

'BIS KHOG — TS7 I 478.  See Gardner in TJ XXVIII no. 3 (2003) 63.

'BIS MDA' — A temple 25 km. S of Jyekundo.  TS7 I 390 ff.

'BIS RNAM SNANG — Yoshiro Imaeda, "The Inscription(s) at 'Bis Rnam‑snang (Eastern Tibet)," contained in: Prats, Pandita 92‑93.  This article has ref. to a 1958 composition by Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho, Mdo stod Gnas chen 'Bis Rnam snang zhes Lha gcig Rgya bza' Kong jos Brkos pa'i Dkar chag Don bzhin Ston pa'i Zhal lung.  The Vairocana image here dates to 804 CE.  See Tashi Tsering in JIATS 7 (2013) 128.  RS 208-212 discusses the Gupta script used in this inscription.

'Phags pa 'BU KHANG — "N. of a much worshipped deity of Nepal."  Das 919.

Jo bo 'BU GONG — 'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) VI 158.3.

'BU TSHANG — See Mgo log.

'BU RAM SHING PA — The progenitor of the "solar race," an epithet of Gautama who descended from him.  Das 871.

'BU LUNG DGON — 253 II 632.4.

'BUG CHOR — Beckwith, Tib.Empire 58.  This is not only used in P.T. 1288, but also in the Old Tibetan Annals, since a 'Bug chor envoy came to the Tibetan court in 720 CE.  It is used for an 8th-century grouping of Turks called in Chinese Muchuo, and in Old Turkic, Bäg Chor or Bögü Chor.  See Saito Shigeo, "What is the 'Bug-chor? A Factor in the Collapse of the Second Türk Qaghanate," Journal of Northern Cultures Studies, vol. 7 (2016) 279-291 (PDF).

'BUD RMAD — Bon mon.  Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 420.

'BUM — 'Bum rnying and 'Bum gsar are two of the Sde chen Bco brgyad.  Nomads 20.

Chos rje 'BUM — Disc. of Phag mo gru pa.  57 IIB 356.4.  Prob. =(Chos rje) Ldum, q.v.

Zhang lcam 'BUM SKYID — CFMS 106.

Se ma 'BUM SKYONG — DTK5 111.

Bya bral ba 'BUM KHRI — Blondeau 92.

Khri dpon 'BUM KHRI 'OD — CFMS 91, 97.

A mye 'BUM RGYAL — BD of T&TB VII 297.

Ra shag 'BUM RJE — Also, (Ra lcag) or (Ngar shag).  253 II 181.1.  Bonpo gter ston.  Redisc. texts at Gnyan gyi Se ri in 1137.  Kværne 231 (98).  Identified with (Ra shag) Chos 'bar, also called G.yung drung 'bar.  383 418.5 ff.

Yang ston Dam pa 'BUM RJE 'OD — In Bon lineage.  Bio. in 206 578.3 ff.  Called Dam pa 'Bum rje 'od, or Yang ston 'Bum rje 'od.  248 81.2.  253 II 342.1. Dam pa 'Bum rje. ZZFC 247.

'BUM TIG MKHAN PO — He did an early chronological calculation.  476 III 62.6.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) IV 424.4.

Ma mo 'BUM TIG GI RGYUD — 320 XXXI 2 ff.

'BUM THANG — N. of a place in Mon yul (in this case, Sikkim).  Das 920.  Is there some confusion with Bumthang in Bhutan?

'BUM THANG — Pl.n.  See (— —) Skyer chu'i Gnas.

'BUM THANG — P.n.  See (— —) Rgyal mtshan blo bzang.

'BUM THER — Tucci, Religions 157.

'BUM DIL — Mon.  Vai.Ser. 258.  441 I 42.2, 65.3.

Pho brang 'BUM GDUGS — N. of a palace built by Gnam ri srong btsan.  Das 828.

'BUM LDE — A king.  Roerich, Trails 14.  See under Grags 'bum lde (?).

'BUM LDE MGON — (1253‑1280)  Dharma King of Western Tibet (Mnga' ris Chos rgyal).  28 17.  TS7 II 1028.  DTK5 71.  Built a temple in 1270.  Dung dkar 191.  Son of Btsun pa lde.  ='Bum lde.  DTK5 96‑110.  Dung dkar 133, lists the 14 forts he built.

'BUM LDE BA GA DBYINGS 'BUM — In 13 sections.  253 II 407.3, 407.4.

'BUM SDE — A Tangut king.  TS7 II 859.


'BUM SDE 'OD — CFMS 30.  A royal descendent who became a monk known as Go ra gdong pa Sangs rgyas lha sgom.

Lce 'BUM PA — A lay leader (dpon po) of Zha lu.  Ricca & Fournier in TJ 26 no 3/4 (Aut/Wint 2001) 104.

Paṇḍi ta 'BUM PHRAG GSUM PA — BA 345‑6; 17 II 346.3.  BA 407; 17 II 461.4.  The Blue Annals translator identifies him with Brtan skyong, or Sthirapāla (q.v.).  See Chimpa, THBI 311.  It seems that there was an Indian as well as a Tibetan with this name.  See the article by L. van der Kuijp, where he says there were besides one Indian two Tibetans, one of the latter being Paṇ chen 'Bum phrag gsum pa Rin chen chos kyi dbang po, biographer of Zhwa lu Lo tsā ba.  The Tibetan 'Bum phrag gsum pa was Paṇ chen Byams pa chos grub (1433‑1504), and it is, given the dates, probably the Indian who is intended in the Blue Annals passages (where he appears in about the early 12th cent.).  His bio. by She dkar ba Nam mkha' dkon mchog listed in BLP no. 1283.

Yon bdag mo 'BUM ME — 4X I 251.4.

Gu rub 'BUM ME — A Bonpo.  206 542.5.

Lce 'BUM ME — In Bon lineage.  206 566.2.

Lha rje 'BUM ME NAG PO — SFHB 242.2.

'BUM MER — N. of Ma cig Lab sgron received at her ordination (rab byung).  124 453.4.

Rgyangs 'BUM MO CHE — Temple near Lha rtse Rdzong.  Its Sku 'bum was built by Bsod nams bkra shis with the help of Thang stong rgyal po.  Description in TPS 179‑185.  Ferrari 154‑5.  5 35.  56 119.  Wylie 135 n. 182.

'BUM RMAD — A Bon Mon. in Rdza khog area.  Thar in TS9 IV 159, 164.

Mang ra 'BUM SMYON — See BD of T&TB III 788.

'BUM MTSHO GDONG — Thang stong went there.  5 190.2.

'BUM RDZONG BLA MA — 346 102.6.

'BUM ZHING — BA 655.

Mgos 'BUM YU 'BYIN — 87 104.5.

'BUM RAB 'BYAMS PA — See (— — — —) Rin chen chos dbang.

G.yu thog 'BUM SENG — Son of G.yu thog Yon tan mgon po.  BD of T&TB III 241.

Rwa 'BUM SENG — In Gshin rje gshed trans.  17 II 413.4.  BA 379.  Pictured in 128 378.

'BUM GSAR DGE BSHES — See (— — — —) Ngag dbang 'byung gnas.

Bre ston 'BUM LHA 'BAR — BA 96.  See Grwa Ston 'bar.

Btsan gro 'BUR THOG DGON — Vai.Ser. 179.

'Byag rgyal gyi Smad Zhol 'BUR SNA — N. of Bon mon.  253 II 610.5.

'BUR PA — N. of a family in Gtsang province, nomadic chieftains.  Acc. to Charles Ramble.

'BE STON — "Chos 'bul mkhan."  367 I 243.3.

'BE TSHA — See (— —) Grags pa rgyal mtshan.

'BE YI RIG 'DZIN — See (— — — —) Sho khram chen po.

'BE LE — Bailey?  See Bi li.  Bell?  See 'Bel Blon.

'BE LO —  =Bê lo.  See (— —) Tshe dbang kun khyab.

Gnod sbyin 'BE LOG CAN — KTDN V XI 52A.2.

'BE HO DHARMA — Thang stong met him at Ri bo Rtse lnga in China.  5 227.5 ff.

'BEN — Subject of a kind of 'simple simon' story.  See Epstein, Dissertation 69.

'BEL BLON — Charles Bell.  438 VII 424.6.  See Bi li Sa heb.

'BO — Langelaar, Chasing 21.

'BO DKAR RIN PO CHE — (1940‑2004)  An important modern Bka' brgyud teacher of Karma pa and Shangs pa lineages.  For a bio. and photo, see Rigpawiki on intenet under "Bokar Rinpoche."

'BO DAR SDEB DGON — 253 II 631.3.

'BO MI DGE BSHES — (ca. 1945)  At Rgyud smad.  Barlocher 652.

'BO YUL — TS7 I 483.

Smyo ba 'BO RE — See (Smyon pa) Be re.  124 437.4.

'BO LA — A Bon mon. in Dar rtse mdo. Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 421.

'BOG — See (—) Rdo rje rgyal po.

'BOG GONG NAS — Rdzong dpon of Rgyal rtse.  458 I 255.2.

'BOG 'CHOL — Pl.n.  See discussion in 82 85.  See also Stein, Tribus 4, where he identifies this as the Turkic people called 'Bug chor in O.T.

'BOG LA THAM — Pl.n.  See 82 85.

Gdams ngag 'BOGS PA'I RGYAL PO — See BD of T&TB I 565.

Byang 'BONG NGU DGON GYI BU — See (—) (— — — — —) Shes bya rtogs ldan.

'BONG PA — For a list of temples in this area of western Tibet, see  Vitali, Tho.ling 153.

'BONG PA DPON — See TJ XXIII (1998) 109.

'BOD BHA LONG — Pl.n. in Khotan.  Emmerick.

'BOB SA DKAR SGANG — BA 483.  Spelled 'Bob pa Skar sgang in 17 II 532.5.

'BOM RNAM SNANG — Tashi Tsering, "Smar khams 'Bom Rnam snang ngam / Lha 'dus Rnam snang gi Skor la Cung zad Gleng ba," contained in: Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines, vol. 14 (October 2008), pp. 157 ff.  This Vairocana image dates to 806 CE.  See Tashi Tsering in JIATS 7 (2013) 129.

'BOM BE STENG — Vai.Ser. 240.

Grub chen 'BOL GYI BYANG CHUB SEMS DPA' — See Smith in Linrothe, Holy Madness 74.  Dated to early 11th century.

'BOL YUL — See 'Bo yul.

'BYAD PA RTSI 'DUL — Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 182.

'BYAM PO KLU PHRUG — Mt. & mt. deity.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 401.

Zhang zhung gi Yul 'BYAM MDZES — 491 6.2.

'BYAMS PA KHRAG MGO — Bon protector.  See 426.

A rig Dge bshes BYAMS PA DGE LEGS RGYAL MTSHAN — See under (— — — —) Rgyal mtshan 'od zer.

'BYI — BA 612.

'BYI LIG — Contemporary of Gnubs Nam mkha'i snying po.  Matthew Kapstein, The Strange Death of Pema the Demon Tamer, in M.K., ed., The Presence of Light (Chicago 2004), pp. 119‑156, at p. 139.

'BYIGS BYED —  ='Bigs yo.  Vindhyā.  Range which divides Āryavarta & Dakṣināvarta.  Das 918‑919.

'BYIN 'JIG — TPS 514.

'BYIM LO TSĀ BA — A teacher of Phag mo gru pa.  17 II 540.1.  BA 556‑557.

Bres kyi Mi nyag 'BYUNG GRAGS — Disc. of Zur po che.  33 211.1.

Mar pa 'BYUNG NGE — A teacher of Mi la ras pa at (Yar 'brog) Do.  17 II 478.5.  This is certainly Mar pa Do pa, q.v.

Klog skya 'BYUNG GNAS RGYAL MTSHAN —  =Klog skya Jo sras, q.v.  BA 403.

Dpyal 'BYUNG GNAS RGYAL MTSHAN — Student of Nā ro pa and Smri ti.  17 II 409.6.  BA 395.

Dbon po 'BYUNG GNAS RGYAL MTSHAN — See under Khu Dbon Gnyis.  75 109.

Mang ra 'BYUNG GNAS RGYAL MTSHAN — Jackson, MB 126.

Ram sding ma 'BYUNG GNAS RDO RJE — A disc. of Po to ba.  Roesler, KSP 59.

Lce'i Sngags 'chang 'BYUNG GNAS BZANG PO — Disc. of U rgyan Gsang ba shes rab.  Teacher of Gnubs Rgyal ba ye shes.  TPS 590.

Bla ma 'BYUNG GNAS SENG GE — 29 66.1.  413 431.4.

Gnyos 'BYUNG PO — Contemp. of Mar pa.  BA 372, 373, 759.  17 II 433.3.  He might also be called Gnyos Lo tsā ba, in the latter half of the 11th cent., he translated Kālacakra with Somanātha, at the same time 'A zha Rgya gar brtsegs was serving as translator.  After going to India, he cultivated the Ye shes zhabs system of Guhyasamāja with Ba linda Ā tsarya.  While in India, he traveled together with Mar pa Lo tsā ba, as is clear in the latter's biography.  Mtshan tho no. 54.

'BYUNG PO KUN 'DUL — Tantra in 32 chaps. in 320 V 33‑92.  Vajrakīla tantra in 320 XXVII 256 ff.

'BYUNG PO'I MGON — N. of Dbang phyug.  Das 909.

'BYUNG PO'I SNYING KUN — 247 I 472.3.

Bcom ldan 'das 'BYUNG PO 'DUL BYED — 115 119.3‑4, 147.6.  N. of a form of Phyag na rdo rje, illus in 216A and in TPS 403.  For work, see under Byams pa ngag dbang bstan 'dzin.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 92.

'BYUNG BA'I LHA — Sa bdag.  Vai.Kar. II 308.

'BYUNG BZHI ZAD PA'I RGYUD — 445 III 18.1.  Achard, L'Essence 50.

'BYER 'JIG — In an avadāna.  TPS 474.

'BYOR 'BYI — N. of a shrine.  Emmerick.

'BYOR RA SING — One of the names by which Zoravar Singh is known in Tibetan sources.  Vitali, Tho.ling 56.  See also Dza ra ba Seng.

'BYOR LEN — TPS 478.

'BRA KO — A noble caste (rje rigs) into which Klu sgrub was said to have been born.  24 I 53.5.

'BRA MON SGRONG PA — Ehrhard, Register 156.

'BRAG LA MKHAR — See "Taklakot" in Santi e Briganti esp. p. 25.

'BRANG DKAR — Bellezza, D&B 93 (Lha bu 'Brang kar).

Spa gro 'BRANG RGYAS DGON PA — 601 16r.1.  602 15v.5.

'BRANG RGYAS KHA — Mon. in Paro, Bhutan.  235 intro. 11 n. 27.

'BRANG SPRUL — See (— —) Karma bstan 'dzin.

'BRANG MTSHAMS — One of the Rgod stong sde of Dbu ru.  28 81.  See ref. in 28 83.  One of the 8 Rgod stong sde of G.yas ru.  28 82.

'BRANG SPRUL — 346 127.5.

'BRANG RU — See (— —) Shes rab rdo rje.

'Phan yul 'BRAN MO PHUG — 253 II 573.5.

Grwa pa 'BRAM RAS — 5 274.5.

'BRAS — Pl.n.  BA 457.


'BRAS KHA BA — Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001)  37.

'BRAS KHU'I CHU — Gustav Roth, "Ayodhyā and Gaṅgā," contained in: Gedenkschrift J.W. de Jong, p. 129.

Nyang stod 'BRAS DGE 'DUN SGANG — Vai.Ser. 229.

'BRAS LJONGS — See also 'Bras mo ljongs.  Sikkim.  Das 928.  58 926 ff.  Rtogs brjod in 398 I 307‑313.  Kanchenjunga is located in the middle of the western side of the country.  The main passes are, starting in the NW and going clockwise, Jongsong Pass (in the far NW corner), Komgralama Pass (in the N), Donkhia Pass (in the NE), Cho La, Yak La, Jelep La (Natu La?).  The river system includes the Ranjit/Rangit River, all rivers flowing into the Tista River.  La chen and La chung are small river valleys in the north part of the country.  Ahir, Himalayan Buddhism 136:  "When first established in 1642, the kingdom of Sikkim was inn [~in an] area many times more than the present day Sikkim.  It touched Thang la, near the town of Phari, in Tibet, in the north; Tegong La, near Paro, in Bhutan, in the east; in the west it was bounded by the rivers Arun and Tambur, which now run through the eastern parts of Nepal; and in the south the present day Darjeeling and Kalimpong area formed part of Sikkim.  The Sikkim kingdom was reduced to its present size as a result of the aggression and manipulations by its neighbours during the 18th and 19th centuries."  A print of Padma dkar po's Sbas yul 'Bras ljongs kyi Lo rgyus listed in BLP no. 1591.  Dpal 'Bras mo gshongs kyi Mngon par Rtogs pa Brjod pa, in 9 fols., no author named, listed in Bodleian Catalogue 40, and notice the text attributed to Klong chen Rab 'byams on p. 85: 'Bras mo gshongs kyi phan yon kar chab.  See also Chowang Acharya and Acharya S.G. Dokham, "Sikkim: The Hidden Holy Land and Its Sacred Lakes," Bulletin of Tibetology 3rd issue for the year 1996. The Namgyal Dynasty kings and their reign periods are listed in same work (140), as follows (names put into regular Tibetan transcription): 

1.  Phun tshogs rnam rgyal (1642‑1670). 

2. Bstan srung rnam rgyal (1670‑1700). 

3. Phyag rdor rnam rgyal (1700‑1717). 

4. 'Gyur med rnam rgyal (1717‑1733). 

5. Phun tshogs rnam rgyal II (1733‑1780). 

6. Bstan 'dzin rnam rgyal (1780‑1793). 

7. Gtsug phud rnam rgyal (1793‑1863). 

8. Srid skyong rnam rgyal (1863‑1874). 

9. Mthu stobs rnam rgyal (1874‑1914). 

10. Srid skyong Sprul sku Rnam rgyal (1914). 

11. Bkra shis rnam rgyal (1914‑1963). 

12. Dpal ldan don grub rnam rgyal (1963‑1975).

'BRAS RTAGS PA'I MKHAN PO — Roesler, KSP 64.  He founded Rin chen brag in Spras.

'BRAS BRDUNG ZHABS — See Ḍengi pa.

'BRAS PA — A ferry.  458 I 234.2.

Dpal ldan 'BRAS SPUNGS — F. in 1416.  T.H. 55.  Largest mon. in Tibet.  Named after Shrī Dhānya Kataka Mon. in Kalinga (central E Indian coast), associated with the Kālacakra.  Waddell 268‑9.  Founded by 'Jam dbyangs chos rje Bkra shis dpal ldan pa, a disc. of Tsong kha pa.  See Ferrari 96‑97 for details and refs.  BA 412, 583, 1078.  17 II 310.4.  Tucci, Lhasa 105 ff (has names of the 4 Grwa tshang).  See Das 929.  Wylie 151 n. 343.  History, see Vai.Ser. 91 ff.  For printery, see 162 184 ff.  Dkar chag, see 162 81‑102.  Geshe G. Lodrö, Geschichte der Kloster Universität Drepung 1. Teil: tibetischer Text (Wiesbaden 1974).  'Bras spungs kyi Rten gyi Dkar chag A mra'i Skyed tshal, perhaps by the Dalai Lama v, listed in BLP no. 1563.

Dpal ldan 'BRAS SPUNGS GLING — Tib. n. of the Buriat Zongol Mon.  Vostrikov, Critical 54.

'BRAS SPUNGS KYI MCHOD RTEN — 224 VI 411 ff.  Site of preaching of Kālacakra Tantra, near Śrī Parvata.  351 4.1.  449 21.7.

'BRAS SPYI BLON CHEN — Work on Ing ji.  Berkeley 175.3.

'BRAS BU GLING — A Sa skya center near Rtse thang.  Tucci, Lhasa 136.

'BRAS BU MTHAR PHYIN PA'I RGYUD — Title in 320 VII 304.6.



'BRAS MO LJONGS — Sikkim.  Also called 'Bras ljongs, 'Bras mo gzhong.  Das 928.  Story of Sikkim in Rdzong gsar 'Jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros, Works I 307‑313.  16th century visit, see 601 23r.1.  'Bras mo Gshong Gnas kyi Mdo byang, in Dis mgo Mkhyen brtse, Collected Works, vol. 22, p. 187.

'BRAS YUL — BA 340.

Gre 'BRAS YUL — Pl.n.  27 120.

'BRAS YUL SKYED TSHAL — Sa skya mon. f. in 1464 by Byams chen Rab 'byams pa.  See under Skyed mo tshal.  76 8.  BD of T&TB III 287.

'BRAS YUL SKYED TSHAL MKHAN PO — See (— — — — — —) 'Jam dbyangs kun dga' chos bzang.

'BRAS YUL SKYED TSHAL MKHAN ZUR — See (— — — — — —) Sum pa Zhabs drung.

'BRAS YUL SKYED TSHAL CHOS SDE — See under Skyid tshal, Skyed mo tshal.

'BRI — BA 315, 599.

'BRI GU DGON — Vai.Ser. 268.

'BRI GUNG — N. of an area, a monastery and a sect ('Bri gung Thil/Mthil/Thel).  Spelled Dugong, Digong, Dikung, etc.  About 100 miles NE of Lha sa.  District to NE of Dga' ldan.  T.H. 157.  Waddell 276 says it was founded in 1166 by Koncho Yal po, son of Sakya Lama (this is surely wrong).  Ferrari 144 says it was f. by Sa skya Paṇ chen Kun dga' rgyal mtshan (this is also wrong).  Also called 'Bri thel Thugs dam Bkra shis Sgo mang (Ferrari 111).  F. by Me nyag Bsgom ring in 1179, acc. to Dhongthog 120, but his date conversions are often incorrect.  See especially BA 560‑580, 598‑610 (and many other refs.).  F. by 'Jigs rten mgon po.  18 137.  5 214.3.  Has printery.  162 208.  List of abbots with dates in Elmar R. Gruber, From the Heart of Tibet, Shambhala (Boston 2010) 287‑289.

'BRI GUNG — A khri skor (q.v.) of Dbus.

'BRI GUNG — See (— —) Nyi ma lcang ra.  (— —) Yangs ri sgar.

'BRI GUNG BKA' BRGYUD — One of the "8 lesser" branches of Bka' brgyud pa, f. by 'Jig rten mgon po.  14 20, 21.  See 22150.  See extensive Gdan rabs in 16835737.  For two gdan rabs, see 359 I 451‑539.

'BRI GUNG SKYOB PA — See (— —) 'Jig rten gsum mgon.

'BRI GUNG GLING PA — 12 IX 87.1.  484 I 844.1.  Alias of (Dbon) Shes rab 'byung gnas.  Heller, Hidden 25.

'BRI GUNG GLING LOG — N. of the 'Bri gung revolt of 1290.  BA 217.  Wylie 134 n. 170.  Tshe ring, "'Bri gung Gling log gi 'Byung rkyen Skor Cung zad Gleng ba, Bod ljongs Zhib 'jug, issue 4 of 1988, pp. 45‑55.  Mkhas pa'i Dga' ston (PRC ed.) 723.  TS5 803‑4. For an essay on its causes, RS 816-821.

'BRI GUNG SGOM CHEN PA — (— — — — —) Kun dga' rin chen.

'BRI GUNG PA — See (— — —) Kun dga' rin chen.  (— — —) Chos rgyal phun tshogs.  (— — —) Rin chen phun tshogs.

Sgom chen 'BRI GUNG PA — See (Dbon po) Rin chen.

'BRI GUNG DBON PO — Title of (Dbon po) Rin chen, q.v.

'BRI GUNG RDZONG GSAR — Administrative headquarters of district governed by 'Bri gung.  Ferrari 111.

'BRI GUNG ZHABS DRUNG — See (— — — —) Dkon mchog 'phrin las.

'BRI GUNG ZUR PA — Mentioned in BD of T&TB III 724.

'BRI GUNG RIG 'DZIN — (— — — —) Chos kyi grags pa.

'BRI SGANG — Mon. in 'On phu f. by Lha 'bri sgang pa, q.v.

Lha 'BRI SGANG PA — See Lha 'bri sgang pa.

'BRI SGOM — See (— —) Gling kha pa.  (— —) Don grub.

'BRI SGOM RAS PA — Disc. of Mi la ras pa.  10 10.4.  B. in Brda' mo.  Short bio. in 57 II B 352.3.  =('Bri sgom) Gling kha ba, q.v.  Teacher of Mal Yer pa ba in 17 XXII 14.1.  4 192A.3, 224A.6, 286B.4.  4A 5B.5.  To see a portrait, see HAR 19838: of the 6 standing figures he is the first.

'BRI LCAM — A hermitage of Upper Sa skya.  BA 527.

'BRI CHU — Yangtse/Yangtze.  T.H. 2.  Lan tshang kyang is a Tibetan form of the Chinese name.  Khams Sde dge is the common Tibetan name.  BA 158.  See Wylie 118 n. 39.  NMH 84.6.  See Pelliot, Notes on Marco Polo 106‑108.

'BRI CHU GSER SDUD PA — A gov't official charged with collecting gold in eastern Tibet.  Tsarong in TJ XXIII no 3 (1998) 30.

'BRI GNYAN GDONG — See ('Bri) Gnyan gdong.

'BRI TI RA MDO — A dgon pa where Gtsang ston (1126‑1216) stayed when he was 21.  BD of T&TB III 360.

'BRI THANG — 17 II 423.2.  ='Bring thang in BA 870.

'BRI LDANG — See (— —) Ko ro.

'BRI NANG — Kuijp in TH&L 298.

'BRI NU — Consort of Skor chung.  She was a Newar.  Lo Bue, Newar Scholars 651.

'BRI BAN — See (— —) Ma ti.

Brag gsum 'BRI BAR DGON — Vai.Ser. 234.

'BRI BHO — N. of mt. south beyond ocean in which reside the species of vipers called Takṣako.  The finest species of sandalwood called Gosirsa and Hurianacandan grow there.  Das 930.

'BRI MTSHAMS —  ='Brin mtsham, 'Brig mtshams, 'Bring mtshams.  One of the 8 Rgod stong sde of Dbu ru.  There is a 'Bri mtshams in Gtsang; see 28 81.  Has lake called Snga dre chung, q.v.  ='Brig mtshams, q.v.

'BRI MTSHAMS — See (— —) Bcin lung.

Mog yul 'BRI MTSHAMS — Pl. where Spyil dkar ba f. a mon.  57 II B 372.3.

'BRI ZUR DGE SLONG — See (— — — —) Bzang po.

'BRI ZLA — See (— —) Zal mo sgang.

'BRI BZA' THOD DKAR — See under Tshe spong bza'.

'BRI YUL — See (— —) Bsod nams dbang rgyal.

'BRI G.YAG — One of the 5 families responsible for the administration of Tho ling.  TJ XXIII (1998) 108.

'BRI RA BA — See (— — —) Shākya 'od.

'BRI RA DGON PA — Allen, Search for Shangri La map on p. 141.

'BRI RU DGON PA — See (— — — —) Chos 'byor dbang phyug.

'BRI LUNG DGON PA — 253 II 356.5.

'BRI LUNG DAM PA CHOS PHUG — BA 485.  17 II 533.1.

'BRI LUNG PA — Bio. 342 18.2 ff.  =(Zhang) Dam pa tshul shes.

'BRI LUNG PA — 253 II 423.6.

'BRI LOD — Son of Nepalese King.  492 78.4.

'BRI SA THOD DKAR — Mother of Srong btsan sgam po.  Das 930.

'BRIG — See (—) Gnyan rtse gad dmar.

'BRIG MTSHAMS —  ='Bri mtshams.  See (— —) Lnga de'u chung.  (— —) Mtha' dkar brag.  (— —) Mtha' rkas Mtsho.  (— —) Mang la rtse.

'BRING — BA 687.  N. of a clan which together with the Chag clan headed the dbang ris comprised of Nam ra and Chag gong.  28 80.  In Lha sa area, see Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 105.

'BRING — See (—) Mchams zhang.  (—) Ye shes yon tan.



'BRING THANG — BA 870.  Called 'Bri thang in 17 II 423.2.

'BRING SDE — BA 1087.


'BRING MTSHAMS — BA 1029.  ='Bri mtshams.

'BRING MTSHAMS — See (— —) Lcim lung.

'BRIN BZANGS — Bu ston's spelling for Mgrin bzang, q.v.

'BRU — One of the 6 ancient tribes of Tibetans.  Most likely =Bru tsha (?).  For origins of this family, which produced the royal lineage of Nang chen, see 473 21 ff.

'BRU STON — See (— —) 'Dul ba rgyal mtshan.

'BRU LA — Vai.Ser. 231.

'BRU LA MKHAN CHEN — N. of a reincarnation lineage in Kong po.  Dung dkar 99.

'BRU LA MKHAN CHEN — See (— — — —) Ye shes bstan pa'i sgron me.

Kong 'BRU LA DGON PA — 363 118.3.  On a thangka featuring a protector spirit of this monastery, see the blog at tsanpo.com dated October 11, 2017, authored by Tshangs dbang.

'BRU LA SGANG — N. of a place in Tibet.  Das.

'BRU BSHAD LAS KYI 'KHOR LO — Text in 319 II 371‑409.

'BRU SO LO NYA — Pl.n.  Emmerick.

'BRUG — Pl.n.  BA 608, 664, 667, 669‑670, 674, 678, 681, 693.  79 71.  'Brug, or Lho 'Brug, may refer to Bhutan.

'BRUG SKU STOD PA — See (— — — —) Thub bstan kun 'dus.

'BRUG KHYUNG SENG GE — N. of a horse.  BA 626.

'BRUG MKHAN CHEN — See Lho brag Mkhan chen.

'BRUG GRAGS DGON LAG — Incarnation lineage at Kaḥ thog.

Bka' srung Sngon mo 'BRUG MGO — Bon protector.  Text in 292 I 259‑265.

'BRUG RGYAL SKYU RA — A clan name.  See under Skyu ra.  Ferrari 112.

'BRUG RGYAL SPRUL SKU — Author of bio. of Rta tshag Rje drung Blo bzang bstan pa'i mgon po.

'BRUG RGYAL DBANG CHOS RJE — Aka Blo bzang 'phrin las rnam rgyal.  Composed his biography of Tsong kha pa in 1845.  Kuijp, KPTB 58.  Kuijp in Lungta 14 (2001) 60‑61.

'BRUG SGRA — "Little Thunderclap Monastery."  Toh, Ming 49.

Dol po Shel gyi Ri bo 'BRUG SGRA — 377 28A.6.

Zhang 'BRUG SGRA RGYAL MTSHAN — 7th of the predecessors of Rje btsun dam pa line.  Bio. by Kun dga' grol mchog listed in BLP no. 1739.  Biography listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 332.  This biography is entitled Zhang 'Brug sgra rgyal mtshan gyi Rtogs pa Brjod pa'i Yal 'dab in Drepung Catalog 1522.  Depiction in MBKP 194.

'BRUG SGRA RDO RJE — A gter ston who suffered death by execution, perhaps because of his political prophecies (see E. Gene Smith, "Banned Books in the Tibetan Speaking Lands").  He dates after Padma gling pa, and I believe his prophecies have been published, or are at least known in Bhutan.

'BRUG SGRA DBYANGS —  =Meghanādaghoṣa.  Gampopa 128.

Zhang zhung Bon po 'BRUG GI SGRA 'BYIN — For a tantra translated by him together with Bai ro tsa na, see 258 III 61‑67.

Rdzogs chen 'BRUG SGRA BZANG PO — A teacher of Gsang bdag 'Phrin las lhun grub (1611‑1662).  BD of T&TB III 806.

'BRUG LCAM KUN GRAGS MA— Bellezza in RET 29 (2014) 220.

Rgyal dbang 'BRUG CHEN — Title of the most prominent incarnation lineage of 'Brug pa Bka' brgyud pa.  Short bios. in 1.

1. Gtsang pa Rgya ras pa (1161‑1211).  The following are his reincarnations.

2. (Rgyal ba'i Dbang po) Kun dga' dpal 'byor (1428‑1476).

3. ('Jam dbyangs) Chos kyi grags pa (1478‑1523).

4. Padma dkar po (1527‑1592).

5. Dpag bsam dbang po (1593‑1641).

6. Mi pham dbang po (1641‑1717).

7. Bka' brgyud phrin las shing rta (1718‑1766).

8. Kun gzigs chos kyi snang ba (1768‑1822).

9. 'Jigs med mi 'gyur dbang rgyal (1823‑1883).

10. Mi pham chos kyi dbang po (1884‑1930).

11. Bstan 'dzin mkhyen rab dge legs dbang po (1931‑1960).

12. 'Jigs med mi 'gyur dbang gi rdo rje 'phrin las kun khyab dpal bzang po phyogs las rnam par rgyal ba'i sde (1963‑ ).

'BRUG CHEN GDUNG SRAS RIN PO CHE — See Ngag dbang bde chen 'gyur med.

'BRUG RJE SNGON — A sa bdagKTDN 143.2.

'BRUG RJE LOG PA — A sa bdagKTDN 143.3.

'BRUG STAG — See (— —) Bsod rgyal.

'BRUG RNAM RGYAL — The 22nd Sde srid of Bhutan (re. 1799‑1803).

Sgom chen 'BRUG PA — Disc. of Gu ru Chos dbang.  383 218.6.

'BRUG PA KUN LEGS — See (— — — — iii) G.yung mgon rdo rje.

'BRUG PA BKA' BRGYUD PA — The five main incarnation lineages of this sect are evidently, 1. 'Brug chen.  2. Bde chen chos 'khor Yongs 'dzin.  3. Chos mgon.  4. Khams sprul (?).  5. ?  For its introduction to Bhutan, see T.H. 61.  For Bhutanese incarnation lineages, see Zhabs drung and Phyogs las Sprul sku.  See 235 intro., p. 6 ff.  'Brug pa'i Lo rgyus Zur tsam by Rgod tshang pa.  64 III 285‑288.  The following subdivisions are according to 1 13‑14:

1. Smad 'Brug.  F. by Lo ras pa (1187‑1250); "sa gzhi'i rdul grangs lta bu."

2. Stod 'Brug.  F. by Rgod tshang pa (1189‑1258); "nam mkha'i skar ma lta bu."

3. Bar 'Brug.  (Rwa lung is included here).

a. Bu rgan.  F. by Spa ri ba.

b. Bu chen.  F. by Rkyang mo kha pa.

c. Bu chung.  F. by Ras pa gsum, etc.

'BRUG PA SKU CHEN — See (— — — —) Chos dbyings rol pa'i rdo rje.

'BRUG PA GDAN RABS — Abbots of Rwa lung monastery (listed according to 1): 

1. Rgya ras pa (1161‑1211). 

2. (Dbon ras) Dar ma seng ge. 

3. (Chos rje) Gzhon nu seng ge. 

4. (Byang sems) Nyi ma seng ge. 

5. (Rgyal sras) Seng ge shes rab. 

6. (Spos skya pa) Seng ge rin chen. 

7. (Bcu gsum pa) Seng ge rgyal po. 

8. ('Jam dbyangs) Kun dga' seng ge. 

9. ('Jam dbyangs) Blo gros seng ge. 

10.  (Sprul sku) Shes rab seng ge. 

11. ('Jam dbyangs Sprul sku) Ye shes rin chen. 

12. (Phyag rdor Sprul sku) Nam mkha' dpal bzang. 

13. (Spyan ras gzigs Sprul pa) Shes rab bzang po. 

14. (Rgyal ba'i Dbang po) Kun dga' dpal 'byor (1428‑1476). 

16. ('Jam dbyangs) Chos kyi grags pa. 

17. Padma dkar po (1527‑1592). 

18. Dpag bsam dbang po (1641‑1717). 

20. 'Phrin las shing rta (1718‑1766). 

21. Kun gzigs chos kyi snang ba (1768‑1822). 

22. 'Jigs med mi 'gyur dbang rgyal (1823‑1853). 

23. Mi pham chos kyi dbang po (1884‑1930). 

24. Bstan 'dzin mkhyen rab dge legs dbang po (1931‑1960). 

25. 'Brug chen xii.

'BRUG PA BLA MA — See (— — — —) 'Phrin las.

'BRUG PA'I BLA MTSHO —  =Dmar nag rakta.  17 IV 255.5.

'BRUG PA YONGS 'DZIN — See (— — — —) Shes rab kun mkhyen.

'BRUG PA RIN PO CHE — A title of Gling ras pa.  ='Brug chen.  Wylie, TG 126 n. 105.

'BRUG PA LHA BTSUN PA — Met by Lha btsun pa (1473‑1557).  116 295.7.

Khra tshang 'BRUG BLA — See (Khro tshang) 'Brug lha.

Se rib 'BRUG MO RDZONG— One of the four or six rdzong in outer areas of Zhang zhung, this one in the southern lowlands.  ACTP II 5.

'BRUG SMYON — See Kun dga' legs pa.

'BRUG TSHA — See (— —) Bkra shis dbang phyug.

Mdo smad 'BRUG TSHANG BA — See (— —) (— — —) Chos grags dar rgyas.

'BRUG YUL — BA 676, 1029.  History of Buddhism in Bhutan, see work by Dge 'dun rin chen, entitled Dpal ldan 'Brug pa'i Gdul shing Lho phyogs Nags mo'i Ljongs kyi Chos 'byung Blo Gsar Rna ba'i Rgyan (Tago 1976).  NMH 70.2 ff.  T. Marks, "Historical Observations on Buddhism in Bhutan," Tibet Journal 2 (1977) 74‑91.  The oldest name for Bhutan in Tibetan sources is Lho mon Kha Bzhi.  See Aris, Discourse 17.  On Bhutanese dance, see 157.

'BRUG LA MKHAN CHEN — 420 I 380.2.

'BRUG LA ROG — (?)  Roesler, KSP 63.

Gnam 'BRUG SE BA BYANG CHUB CHOS GLING — Mon. that gave the name to the 'Brug pa sect, f. in 1189 by Gtsang pa Rgya ras pa.  BA 669.  In Snam Valley.  Padma dkar po went there.  1 27. Mentioned in  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum IV 466.

'BRUG SENG STAG SENG — ?  87 I 129.1.

Ri pa 'BRUG GSAS — (b. 1290)  Kværne 232 (116).  253 II 432.3, 615.3.  Ramble in Mandala & Landscape 139. TS5 530.  Founder of Srid rgyal Dgon chen, q.v.  Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 95.

Rje btsun 'BRUG GSAS CHEN PO — In title in 303 449‑482.

Rje 'Brug Khro tshang 'BRUG LHA — Bon gter ston253 II 176.3.  A contemporary and acquaintance of Pha dam pa Sangs rgyas.  258 V preface.  Redisc. Byams ma texts in 258 V.  Work in 286 II 573‑582.  B. in 956 acc. to Kværne (61).  Karmay, Confucius 577.  Met Pha dam pa on his 2nd visit.  12 IX 93.3.  BD of T&TB I 854.  Karmay, Treasury 124 ff.  Teachings from Pha dam pa, see BA 871.  He appears as a disciple of Yar klung Smra ra ser po in a Gcod lineage; see Kollmar Paulenz, Schmuck 287.  His bio. entitled Rje btsun Khro tshang 'Brug lha'i Rnam thar Mu tig 'Phreng ba published in Bon Tanjur, vol. 228, pp. 21‑62 (Katen 1298, & see also 1297).

'BRUG LHA DGON PA — Sp?  Fletcher ("Drukla Gompa").

'BRUG LHA GSANG BA — Spirit(s).  KTDN 144.1.

'BRUG LHAG PA — See (— — —) Ngag dbang dpal bzang.

'BRUM MDA' PA — See (Dwags po) (— — —) Bkra shis rnam rgyal.

'BRUM PHO LHA — N. of a district.  See under Pho lha.  Also, Das 933.

'BRE — BA 75, 330.  Clan which, with Lce clan, presided in the areas of Nyang ro and 'Grom pa.  28 80.  Das 933.  Vitali in TS9 I 86 etc.

'BRE — See (—) Ko de lung pa.  (—) Khro chung.  (—) Rgyal ba'i blo gros.  (—) Shes rab bla ma.  (— A tsa ra) Sa le.

Ra shag 'BRE CHUNG — 253 II 177.5.

'BRE STON — See (— —) Bkra shis 'bar.  (— —) Tshul seng.  (— —) Lha dga'.

'BRE RTSE'I GANGS — 4 94A.5.

'BRENG — See (—) Dpal gyi blo gros.

'BRENG BA BRAG DKAR — Also, 'Bring ba Brag dkar.  Site of a fort of a king named Thar ba rgyal (Thar pa rgyal?).  Birthplace of Gung thang pa Dkon mchog bstan pa'i sgron me.  Berounsky, Lapsed 177.

'BRO — A clan name.  T.H. 40, 43.  Originally Zhang zhung.  Ruling clan in Gtsang Stod.  28 80, 87.  Karmay, Btsan po Lha sras Dar ma 84 says that the homeland of the 'Bro was originally on the E side of the Kokonoor.  Its queens married into imperial family.

'BRO — See (—) Ko de lung.  (—) Dkon mchog dpal.  (—) (Stag snang) Khri gsum rje.  (—) Rgyal mtshan seng ge.  (—) Shes rab grags.

'BRO SGOM RAS PA — Teacher of Sangs rgyas ras chen (1148‑1218).  BD of T&TB VII 88.

'BRO MNYEN LDE RU — Macdonald, Lecture 196.

'BRO LDOG — BA 571.

'BRO DMAR YU — Disc. of Sgam po pa.  BA 462.

'BRO ZA 'KHOR SKYONG — Wife of Skyid lde Nyi ma mgon.  81 103.11, 116.

'BRO BZA' — See (— —) Byang chub sman.

Zangs ri 'BRO RAS — From him Rta ston Jo 'bum (1123‑1174) learned the Lo ro Ras chung pa'i Chos skorBA 141.  BD of T&TB III 334.  =Zangs ri ras pa, q.v.

'BRO LUGS — N. of a major transmission lineage of the Dus 'khor.  For a petitionary prayer (gsol debs) to its masters, see 12 IX.

'BRO LUNG — BD of T&TB X 91.10.

'BROG — BA 133.

'BROG — See (—) Mngon pa.

Go cha 'BROG SGAR SPRUL SKU — 415 XI 121.3.

'BROG SGOM — See (— —) Don grub.

'BROG JO SRAS — See Kurtis Schaeffer, Dissert. 127.  He was active in late 11th cent, and had connections with the Indian Vajrapāṇi aka Phyag na.

'BROG CHEN — See (— —) 'Khor 'dul.

'BROG GNYEN LDE RU — Chayet in TH&L 32.

'BROG STON — See (— —) Rdo rje snying po.

'BROG GNAS — N. of a deva, yakṣa or nāga king.  Aṭavaka.  Emmerick.

'BROG GNAS MCHED LNGA — KTDN B XI 52B.4.  Nebesky 339.

'BROG PA — Nomads.  See Bya dur Bsod nams bzang po, Bod kyi Gna' bo'i zhing 'Brog Lam lugs, Central Tibetan Administration (Dharamsala 1994).

'BROG BRAG RA DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang.  [1‑60]

'BROG MI — See (— —) Dpal gyi ye shes.  (— —) Shākya ye shes.

'BROG MI SPRUL SKU — (modern)  Spelling uncertain.  In 1999 he was 82 years old.  Involved in the recognition of the PRC Panchen Lama.  Garratt in TS9 VIII 88.

'BROG MI LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — — —) Shākya ye shes.

'BROG MO SPUN DGU — Tucci, Religions 166.

'BROG SMAD BRGYUD — See (— — —) Gu ru Lha khang.


'BROG YUL — "Nomad country."  Wylie 120 n. 57.

'BROG RI —  =Dbang bskur Ri.

Gzhi bdag Phu thang 'BRONG RGYU — 478A I 115.7.

'BRONG NGA DGON — Vai.Ser. 261.

'BRONG GNYAN LDE'U — A king.  3 14.

'BRONG STENG — A college of Se ra mon.  Ferrari 100.  Vai.Ser. 146.

'BRONG PA — In the Byang thang.  TS7 II 1023, 1035.

'BRONG PA — See (— —) Rgya mtsho dar rgyas.

'BRONG PA SPRUL SKU — Beyer 21‑22.

Bzhad 'BRONG PHU DGON — Vai.Ser. 208.  Also a 'Brong phu Dgon gsar in Vai.Ser. 210.

'BRONG BU — BA 714, 723.

'BRONG SMYON HE RU KA — See BLP no. 1585.

'BRONG RTSE — Near Rgyal rtse.  Tucci, TL&B 76.  Vai.Ser. 200.  N. of an incarnation lineage.  23 34.  253 II 573.2.  McKay in TS9 I 264.

'BRONG RTSE — See (— —) Legs ldan rdo rje.

'BRONG RTSE LHA BTSUN — Author of 'Brong rtse Be'u bum, a collection of instructions on medicine and magic (publ. 1975).  "A descendent of the royal house of Tibet."  ='Brong rtsa Lha sras Rgya mtsho.  DD 714.  A bio. by Rin chen tshul khrims is listed in BLP no. 1586.

'BRONG RDZONG — Prins in ZAS 36 (2007) 202.

'BRONG RI — 33 214.3.

Gser gyi 'BRONG RI SMUG PO — In Gser tha.  See Nomads 28, 248.

'BRONG LUNG CHU — Allen, Search for Shangri La map on p. 141.W

Cog ro 'BRONG SHOR — He was one of the seven skilful men in the time of Emperor 'Dus srong.  Ahmad, Fifth 47.


'BROM — An ancient family.  Das 935.  BA 295, 860.  Both a territory and a clan ("yul zhig dang rus rigs").  Dagyab 477.

'BROM — See (—) Chos kyi snying po.  (—) Ye shes snying po.  (—) Rin chen 'bar.  See (—) Lo lding.  (—) Shes rab 'od.

'BROM CHUNG — See under Klu mes 'Brom chung.

'BROM GNYAN LDE'U — Son of Lha Tho tho ri.  132 85.5.

'BROM STOD — Dronto, Bom te (Singh, Records 43).  E of Lha sa on N bank of Skyid chu.  Birthplace of Lha lung Dpal gyi rdo rje.  T&BS II 239. Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 112.

'BROM STON — See (— —) Rgyal ba'i 'byung gnas.  (— —) Gzhan phan rnam rol (17th cent.).

'BROM STON RAS PA — Disc. of Ras chung pa.  17 IV 327.2.

'BROM MDO PA STON CHUNG — Or, 'Brom do pa Ston chung.  Disc. of 'Brog mi.  BA 208.  17 II 398.4.

Dbu ru 'BROM PA — Pl.n.  BA 863.

'BROM BAN — See (— —) Bkra shis 'byung gnas.

'BROM ZHIG DBON — Work in 325 277‑293.

'BROM ZA — See (— —) Sril la.

'BROM BZA' — See (— —) Bsod nams rgyan.

'BROM LUGS — A Lam 'bras tradition.  Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 179.

Rgya rje 'BROM SHING HWAN — N. of a Tang Chinese ruler.  Sba 2.

'BHAG DAR SKYAB — Luczanits in TS9 VII 117.

RBA — See (—) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan.

RBA KLONG CHU — River.  Sato in Acta Asiatica 29 (1975) 14.

RBA KHA — Evid. =Sba kha.

RBA KHA SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Rig 'dzin rgya mtsho. See (— — — — viii) Khams gsum rig 'dzin yongs grol.  See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 55.

RBA SGOM — Achard, L'Essence 40.

RBA SGOM — See (— —) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan.

RBA STON — See (— —) Rin chen rgyal mtshan.

Rgya la RBA DONG — "gshin rje'i pho brang."  5 220.4, 220.6.  Evidently the same as (Gshin rje'i) Dong kha, q.v.

RBA BAN DHE — See (— — —) Dha ra shri.

RBA 'BRING — 484 I 816.3.

RBA BTSUN — See (— —) Blo gros 'byung gnas.

RBA RAG — N. of a pl. in Tibet.  Das 935.  Actually, it is a name of two different monks in the time of the Later Spread, as well as the names of the monastic factions that stemmed from them.  See Lde'u2 157.

RBA LAG DGON — Vai.Ser. 261.

RBU'I CHOS SDE — Vai.Ser. 268.

Rngog LBA BA CAN — Author of Gze ma Ra mgo413 583.3.

Pa LBA BA CAN — Disc. of (Rngog) Chos rdor.  57 IIB 347.7.  =(Sba) Wa ba can, q.v.  Perhaps =(La yag) (Pa ba rang) Lba ba can in 17 II 456.4.

Zangs ri LBA BA CAN — Meaning of lba ba is 'goiter'.  5 136.6.  Evidently what we have here is the name of an earth or mountain spirit.

Shud dko LBA BA CAN — Disc. of Mar pa.  57 IIB 347.6.  =(Shung ke [Shud ke?]) Sba ba can, q.v.  Called (Gnyal gyi Shud kyi) Lba ba can in 17 II 456.3.

LBU BA GDONG — Pl.n.  Kuijp in TH&L 304.  Spelled Wu ba gdong in Dung dkar 133.

SBA — Family n. of a minister (blon po) among whose descendents is Rgyal tshab Rje.  Dhongthog 64.  N. of a rus, to which Sba Ratna belonged.  BD of T&TB III 103.

SBA — See (—) Stag sna.  (—) Wa ba can.  (—) (A tsa ra) Ye shes dbyangs.

SBA KHA GSANG SNGAGS GLING — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang.  [2‑120]

SBA GOR BRAG NAG —  =Spa gor (?).  BA 81.

SBA SGOM — Early master in A ro Lugs.  DKT5 84.

SBA SGOM — See (— —) Ye shes byang chub.

Gru sgom SBA 'GYING — Disc. of Zur po che.  33 211.5.

SBA CI — Havnevik, Dissert. 181.

SBA GDONG — ?  "Shing 'brug sba gdong smon skyid kha ra bon mtsho 'phreng ring gur khang rgyal grong bkras su bcas kyi gzhis deb gsar bskrun nor bu'i gter mdzod dge," fragments of a document recording estate holdings.  Ind.Off.Cat. no. 568.

SBA NAG MKHA' 'GRO MA — Berounsky, Murdered 31.


SBA BA — N. of a place in Khams.  Das 936.

Mu tig Shel gyi SBA MA GANGS — 87 I 144.6.  =(Mu tig) Spa ma gong.

SBA MANG RJE GSAL SNANG — (8th cent.)  In time of Khri srong lde brtsan he was sent to China in search of canonical texts and later on was sent to ask Mkhan po to return.  Buston.  See under Gsal snang and Sba Ratna.  Appted. as blon po of Mang yul, hence the name Mang rje.  He also visited Vajrāsana & brought Shanti rak shi ta from Nepal to Tibet.

SBA ZHABS BRAG — Kværne 232 (117).

SBA BZHED — Or, Rba bzhed, 'Ba' bzhed, Dba' bzhed.  The "Statements of Sba."  Historical chronicle on the reigns of Khri srong lde brtsan and Mu ne btsan po quoted in BA and elsewhere.  BA v.  87 I 261.3 ff.

SBA ZAM — A bridge.  Sato in Acta Asiatica 29 (1975) 10.

SBA RA DGON PA — 253 II 635.6.

SBA RATNA — (late 8th-early 9th cent.)  His ordination name was Dpal dbyangs.  Disc. of Bo dhi sa twa.  B. in Yar lung.  BD of T&TB III 103.  (Slob dpon) Dpal dbyangs.  24 I 346.5.  Appted. Mkhan po after Ye shes dbang po went to meditate in Lho brag Mkhar chu.  17 II 328.3, 328.5.  See 17 II 328.5, where Sba Ratna and Dpal dbyangs are treated as two separate persons.

SBA RAM PA — Bka' gdams teacher of Sgam po pa.  57 IIB 353.3.

Kong po SBA LA — Also, Kong po Bar la.  A pass which must be crossed in old Tibet between Lha sa and Mal dro to reach Kong po. Dung dkar 99.

SBA LE —  =Bha le, q.v.  28 62.

SBA SHANG — N. of Viśvantara.  Emmerick.

SBA SHES — Site of the grand palace of the Naxi King of Lijiang.  In Chinese, Baisha.  Yamada, Mu 122, 126.

SBA YI SANG GUR — 208 I 238.5.

SBA SANG SHI — A contemporary of Sba Gsal snang, he traveled together with the latter to China according to the Dba'‑bzhed.

SBAG TI RAB 'BYAMS PA — See (— — — — —) Bsam gtan bzang po.

SBAG SA — Buxar, town in India.  Some Tibetan texts were published there in the 1960's, since it was one of the places where exiles were settled.

SBANG NANG RIN PO CHE — (ca. 1950)  Barlocher 569.

SBANG MA BYANG — See (— — —) Gting.

SBAN LONG — Stein, Mi–ñag 225.

SBAM — See (—) Mi pham mgon po.

SBAR CHU MDO — Vai.Ser. 257.

SBAR ZHAB BRAG KAR — Place where gter ma were redisc. by Khod spungs Blo gros thogs med rtsal.  FM 346.18.

SBAR GSAS RNGAM — Tucci, Religions 230.

SBAL — A province in S Mongolia.  Das 936.

SBAL TI — Or, Sbal te.  Baltistan.  Also spelled Spal ti, q.v.  28 73.  On Bolor, see Yules & Cordier, Marco Polo, vol. 1, p. 178 ff.

SBAL TI JO SRAS — Disc. of (Thag ma) Rdor gzhon.  17 II 345.5.  BA 79.

SBAL TI RIN PO CHE — Builder of Gzung 'khor Ra mo che, q.v.  Heads of Skyor mo lung Mon.  The present Sbal ti Rin po che is younger brother of 13th Dalai Lama.  Ferrari 166.  Wylie 149 n. 320.

De yi Mag pa SBAL TE — Sa bdag.  Vai.Kar. II 269.

Kham pa SBAL STON — Also, (Mkhas pa).  145 IV 98B.6 ff.

SBAL GDONG MA — Henss, CMT 79.

SBAL 'DRA — BA 990.

SBAL NAG SDIG PA'I RGYUD — One of the 3 basic tantras of the Gtad SprugsFM 346.25 (colophon).

SBAL PA G.YU MTSHO — Huber, Pure Crystal 66.

Yar 'brog SBAL TSHANG — Place where Mes ag tshoms died.  Lde'u 300.

SBAS — Probably same as Dbas, q.v.  BA 1000.

SBAS — See (—) Dang la 'byams pa.  (—) Blo gros dbang phyug.  (—) Manydzu shrī.  (—) Dznyā nendra rakṣi ta.  (—) Ratna rakṣi ta.

SBAS SKYES BZANG STAG SNA — A ru dpon of Dbu ru.  28 84.

SBAS CHAGS SHRI —  =Sba chag shri.  Map name, Pachakshiri.  See Elliot Sperling, "The Politics of History and the Indo‑Tibetan Border (1987‑88)," India Review, vol. 7, no. 3 (2008), pp. 223‑239, at p. 237, n. 11, et passim.


Gsang mdzod SBAS PA MIG 'BYED — 17 IV 393.2, ff.



SBAS PHUG — Lies between Tendong & Mainom Mts. approx. 5 miles from Yangang.  A vast cavern, it is one of the 4 great caves of Sikkim, located in the eastern direction.  Waddell 257.

SBAS PHUG DGON PA — In Sku thang.  386 preface 3.

SBAS BLON PO — 28 80.

SBAS MANG RJE — See (— — —) Gsal snang.

SBAS MI BLO GROS — 210 78.5.

SBAS YUL — "Hidden country," a generic term.  See Bernbaum239240.  The following 'Hidden countries' are mentioned in 240:  'Bras mo ljong (227.3), G.yu yi lung (227.5), Padma bkod (228.1), (Mkha' dbyings) Rgyal mtshan rakta (232.1), Dza lan dha ra (233.5), Padma shel ri (234.5), Mkhan lung (237.1), 'Bras dkar rdzong (237.1), Nyi ma lung (237.1), Dpal lung (237.2).  KTDN 137.3, 157.2.  There is a Sbas yul cycle of Chos rje gling pa in Rin chen Gter mdzod, vol. 68.  It is interesting that a Bon text, SKC, which has been dated to 1313, has a section on Hidden Countries (at p. 277 ff; here the Du ru kha evidently mean the Mongols).  This suggests an origin of the idea during the Mongol period (and in a time preceding the birth Rgod ldem, who seems to have popularized the idea among Rnying ma pas).

SBAS YUL — Pl.n.  Place between Rgyal rtse and Gzhis ka rtse.  Tucci, Tombs 66.  Ferrari 137.  5 220.5.  205 I 223.1.

SBAS YUL — See (— —) Mkhan pa lung.  (— —) Gnam sgo zla gam.  (— —) Padma bkod.  (— —) 'Bras mo ljongs.  (— —) Ru dam.  (— —) Lan 'de. 

Zab chos Bdun pa SBAS YUL SGO 'BYED — A redisc. cycle of Rdo rje thogs med taught by Padma chos 'phel.  See 69 preface.  69 II 46‑172, etc.


SBAS YUL RIG 'DZIN RNAM GSUM — See Sardar‑Afkhami, Account 8.

SBAS LUNG CHU — Allen, Search for Shangri La map on p. 141.

SBAS LO TSTSHĀ BA — 476 I 58.7.

SBI NANG KHA CHE — Pl. in Lho kha or Mon yul.  5 170.3.

SBIR YA KOB — "Pir Jacob," or Pir Yaqub, a founding figure for Islam in Lhasa in time of 5th Dalai Lama.  See Dung dkar 17.

Sum pa'i Rig 'dzin SBU KHA — Bonpo.  Bio. in 253 II 131.1 ff.

Gze ston SBU GU RGYAL MTSHAN — Bonpo.  253 II 183.1 ff.

SBU CHU — BA 278. 


SBU TRA —  =Sbud tra, q.v.  115 13.7, 22.3, 73.6, 73.7, 110.6.  It is located not far from Ding ri.  Kuijp, Rivers 307.

G.ye yi SBU TSHAL — 253 II 396.2.

SBUG — Also, Spug.  See (—) Ye rgyal.

SBUGS PA — One of the 5 families responsible for the administration of Tho ling.  TJ XXIII (1998) 108.

SBUD TRA — BA 198, 698.  N. of a place in Tibet.  Das 937.  115 85.7, 114.2, 119.7.  =Sbu tra.  Sbud tra Bde chen gling.  115 114.3, 129.6, 136.1, 157.7.

SBUR THAL — 208 I 239.4.

SBUR BU BYAMS MGON — A gter ston before Gu ru Chos dbang.  210 43.2.

Nags shod SBUS MDA' RNAM RGYAL DPAL 'BAR — Vai.Ser. 260.

SBA KHA KHAL — 208 I 239.4.

SBE THUB —  =Dpe thub.  Wylie 60, 124 n. 87.

SBE NE GU — A ma mo of Yar klungs.  206 552.5.

SBE RA — Nepal?  T.H. 196.  Burma?  232 I 10.  Stein, Recherches 89.

SBE SER — Place with a mon. SW of Lhasa.  Das 938.  The mon. was formerly the seat of (Rngog ston) Legs pa'i shes rab.

SBE SER DGON — 438 VII 468.4.

SBED BYED — Gopaka.  Pictured in Chandra 1744.  128 1088.

SGO 'BOR BA — In southern Khams.  Yamada, Mu 111.

SBO SHOG — See (— —) Thu hung Tha'i ji.

Zhang tshe SBONG BA — Disc. of (Rngog) Blo ldan shes rab.  17 II 379.6.  Called (Zhang tshes) Spom in BA 326.

SBOM PO — BA 158.

Khra shod SBOM BRAG — BA 484.  =Spom brag.  A mon. f. by Spom brag pa.  17 II 533.1.

SBOM 'BOR —  =Spo 'bor, one of the Sgang Drug of Khams.  Stein, Recherches 184.

Khra shod SBOM RAG SNA — BA 486.

SBOR THA CHE — Kværne, Mongols 95.

SBOS ROD THAL SHI — 208 I 238.5.

SBYANGS PA'I YON TAN — Cakrasamvara cycle.  349 XIII 401‑506.

SBYI GTSANG — One of 4 rgod stong sde of Zhang zhung Smad.  28 83.  Spyir rtsang in Lde'u 259.

SBYIN PA — Sudatta of Srāvasti.  TPS 466.

SBYIN PA RGYA MTSHO — Youthful n. of Ngag dbang bkra shis, 2nd abbot of Bkra shis 'khyil.  TS7 II 1005 ff.

Bka' 'gyur ba SBYIN PA RGYA MTSHO — (1629‑1695)  Uspensky in TS9 I 225.  Same as Dge slong Sbyin pa rgya mtsho, active in 1692 in Peking, when he was chief sponsor of the Peking Kanjur of that date.  See Silk in JIABS 22 no 1 (1991) 216‑7, 226‑7, where he is identified with the 46th Dga' ldan Khri pa.

Mdo smad pa SBYIN PA RGYA MTSHO — (mid 20th cent.)  Memories of Life 18.

Se chen Chos rje SBYIN PA RGYA MTSHO — TS5 846.

Bsam blo SBYIN PA RGYA MTSHO — (1629‑1695) 46th khri thog of Dga' ldan, from 1692 to 1694.  BD of T&TB VI 173.  Also called Ngag dbang dpal bzang.  Pictured in 128 934.  Bio. in 165 II 736.

A mdo SBYIN PA RGYA MTSHO — TR XVI no 6, p. 7.  A field commander, photo in 424 231.

SBYIN PA RGYA MTSHO DKON MCHOG BSTAN 'DZIN — A Rinpoche born in 1916 in Kansu.  He renounced his status in 1943 and fought against the Kuomintang, then joined the Communist Party.  Killed in a traffic accident in 1947.  PCKC 277.  His biography has been published in Chinese.

Rdzi bo SBYIN PA RGYAL MTSHAN — Also, (Bya bral Sgom chen).  253 II 438.5, 494.1 ff.

SBYIN PA'I NGANG TSHUL — Tib. tr. of the name Dānaśīla (see Dā na shī la).

SBYIN PA CHOS BZANG — Student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).

SBYIN PA MTHA' YAS GLING — One of the 12 continents acc. to Bon.  Das 258.

Mkhas grub SBYIN PA DAR RGYAS — TS7 I 449.

Mi nyag SBYIN PA DON GRUB — Student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).

SBYIN PA NOR BU — 407 4r.

SBYIN PA TSHUL KHRIMS — Dānaśīla.  Smith, Philology 12.  One of the 9 lesser pundits that accompanied Kha che Shākya shrī.

Byang sems SBYIN PA BZANG PO — Of Byang Rdo rje gdan.  In Thang lugs transmission.  29 7.  Thang stong studied Ni gu'i Chos Drug with him.  5 62.4.  Stearns, King 149.

Bdag nyid brlag nus Tshong dpon SBYIN PA DPA' — (Sbyin pa dga'?)  Pictured in 128 696.

SBYIN PA LEGS PA — N. of a scribe.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 21.

SBYIN LUNGS SHAR KHA — See (— — — —) Bong ra.

SBYIN SREG — Ritual in 87 LXVII.  299 603 ff.  301 I & II.

SBYIL BU PA — See Spyil bu pa.


SBYOR RTSE — Or, Sbyor ra rtse.  A village S of Lha sa.  Das 942.

SBYOR LAM PA — See (— — —) Kun dga' rgyal mtshan.

SBRA —  =Dbra.  An important clan.  ZZFC 259.

SBRA CHEN — TS7 I 260.

SBRA STOD — Site of a garden where the 822 CE conference with T'ang China was held.  Sato in Acta Asiatica 29 (1975) 15.  It was in Rgya ma, well known as the place where Srong btsan was born.  Hazod in Tropper, Epigraphic 43.

SBRA NAG — See Velm I 109 ff.

SBRA NAG SHOL RGYAL KHANG — An oracle temple, site of the spirit protector Rgyal po Shing bya can.  Alexander, Temples 201.

SBRA MA RA — Incorrect spelling of Bong bo ri, q.v.

SBRA SER — See (— —) Nam mkha' dbang phyug.

SBRAG CHANG DGON — Vai.Ser. 244.

SBRAGS LA — Pass.  458 I 308.5.

SBRANG —  ='Brang(?).  Family in Rgyal mo rong.  Yamaguchi in Acta Asiatica 29 (1975) 40.

SBRANG PO — See (— —) 'U lu.

SBRANG RTSI 'JOMS — N. of Bhima, the Pāṇḍava.  Das 98.

SBRANG RTSI'I BLO GROS —  =Mohammed in Kālacakra literature.  BD of T&TB I 1002.  NMH 136.5.  484 II 668.4 ff.

SBRANG RTSI'I DBYANGS — In avadāna story.  TPS 518.

Rgyal po SBRANG RTSI 'BYUNG PA — Lde'u 32.

SBRAS — Pl.n.  BA 615.

SBRUM LA — (Drum, Tum)  Pass North of Padma gling.  458 I 71.5.






MA — One of 6 principal Rnying ma lineages.  See Bka' ma.

MA KU TA'I MCHOD RTEN — 413 171.6.

MA KO CANG — P.n.  Coblin in TH&L 71.

Hwa shang MA KO SE — Translator of Sher phyin 'Bum (Prajñāpāramitā) in 9th cent.  BD of T&TB I 564.

MA BKOD — BA 75, 76.

MA RKO — A country to the S of Dhanaśrī.  See Das 946.

MA SKYANG — A wild mountainous district of Tibet inhabited by herdsmen to the W of Lha sa.  Also, n. of a bla maDas 946.

MA SKYE DGRA — Or, Ma skyes dgra, lit., Unborn Opponent.  Ajātaśatru, a n. of Yudhiṣṭhira.  Das 98.

Rgyal po MA SKYES DGRA — Ajātaśatru, king of Magadha.  Emmerick.  Husband of Vimalaprabhā, king of Pataliputra (Patna).  Patron of the first general council after the Parinibbana.  BD of T&TB X 38.16.  211 27.3.  KB 106.5.  449 29.2.  476 IV 415.2.


MA KHA — Mecca.  BA 516.  Jaeschke 409.  17A VII pt. 1, p. 23B.2.  BD of T&TB I 1001.  413 424.2.  In a list of places where Buddhism exists in the world.

MA KHU BA — A very mysterious 10th (!) vehicle of Bon, known only to the Bka' thang Sde Lnga.

MA KHOL — See Aspiration, preface.  N. of a Shaivite teacher.  BD of T&TB I 471.  KB 133.5.  Cited in Sa Paṇ, Sdom Gsum (1971) 96B.3.  A Mu stegs pa.  476 II 568.2.

MA KHRID CHEN MO — A Gcod teaching.  602 20v.3.

MA GA — See Harold Bailey, "Maka," JRAS (1982) 10‑13.  J. Bronkhorst, "The Magas," Brahmavidyā: The Adyar Library Bulletin 78-79 (2014-2015) 459-486 [PDF].  Article in CAJIBK170 107.4.  Chatto 54‑55. 

MA GA — A river of Ru thog district.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 35.

'A zha MA GA DO CIN — Rona-Tas in his review in CAJ 42 (1998) 324.

MA GA DHA — BA 13, 20, 243, 342, 367, 368, 371, 383, 390, 798, 844, 1031, 1053, 1058.  Interesting account of its derivation as an abbreviation of a longer phrase Madhyagatadhāra (Dbus 'gyur 'chang) by Verhagen in  TS9 II 144.


MA GA PI TSA — TS7 II 970.

MA GAR — A Nepalese people.  373 preface.

Rtsi MA GI TA — An ointment?  BD of T&TB I 509.

MA GE DKAR NAG — ?  253 II 219.1.

Blon po MA GLIG — Bod phyogs kyi blon po.  See 5 303.6, 305.2.  It certainly looks like a transcription of Malik.

MA GHA — Me nyag Ma gha zung yod pa la.  Tangut and Magha form a pair.  468 I 291.5.

MA GHA HU RA — A yul in India.  BD of T&TB I 635.

MA DGA' DGRA DGA' — Name of a military commander.  CFMS 98.

MA 'GAGS PA — 1) Disc. of Buddha Gautama.  128 30.  2) N. of a king of Shambhala.  128 1016.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 344.

MA RGYUD — Mother tantras of Bon have 3 groups:  1) Phyi'i Rgyud: Rnam dag Padma.  2)  Nang gi Rgyud: Byams ma.  3) Gsang gi Rgyud: Thugs rje Nyi ma.  288 preface.  Initiation texts in 290.  The Bon texts corresponding to Father Tantras (Pha Rgyud) are called Spyi spungs, q.v.  Kværne (139).  Kværne, Canon 22 no 22, 38 no 110.  Srid rgyal Dre'u dmar mo'i Rgyud (1973) contains Mother Tantra comm. by Nyi ma'i ming (on pp. 363‑578).  The Bon Mother Tantra's brgyud rim in 2 vols. is in Snellgrove collection (Karmay, Treasury 195).

MA RGYUD THUGS RJE NYI MA — 288 preface.  313 I 505‑530.  258 VI 375‑453, 455‑560.

MA RGYUD THUGS RJE NYI MA'I BSKANG BSHAGS — Title of a redisc. of Gu ru Rnon rtse (b. 1136) publ. in 313 I 505‑530.  Lung and man ngag conn. w/ Thugs rje Nyi ma found in 258 VI 375‑560.

MA RGYUD SANGS RGYAS RGYUD GSUM — Bon tantras in 268 and their initiation rites in 290.

MA NGUD PA — King in an avadāna story.  TPS 505.

Lo pa MA NGOR — 253 II 230.4.  Karmay, Treasury 179.

MA CIG — See Das 386 (column B). 

MA CIG — See (— —) Grub pa'i rgyal mo.  (— —) Rgyan 'bum.  (— —) Chos sgron.  (— —) Zha ma.  (— —) 'Ong jo ras ma.  (— —) Yang dgos.  (— —) Re ma.  (— —) Lab sgron ma.  (— —) Ong jo.

Srid gsum rgyal mo MA GCIG — An image in Jo khang described in JTL&CT 158‑9.  Wylie 80, 154 n. 368.

MA GCIG GSANG SPYOD SNYAN BRGYUD — Equiv. to Thang stong Snyan brgyud.

Sangs rgyas MA CHAGS PADMA CAN — 115 100.2.  Perhaps this ought to be Ma chags padma'i spyan.

MA CHEN — Pl.n. in Tsa ri.  487 I 81.1.

Stag lung MA CHEN SPRUL SKU — 470 43.

MA CHEN LA WA PHUG — 17 IV 242.4.

A ro MANYDZU — A Tibetan sent to India in time of Khri srong listed in Mtshan tho no. 12.

MANYDZU KIRTI — Disc. of Nāropa.  17 II 303.3.  BD of T&TB I 813.

MANYDZU GHO SHA — An Indian pundit who came to Tibet in early 11th cent.  Mtshan tho no. 68.

Tā dben MANYDZU GHO SHA — (d. 1375)  TS7 I 273.  Ruler of La stod Byang.

Rig 'dzin MANYDZU SHRI — N. of a Mahāsiddha.  Pictured in 128 64A.

Lo tsā ba MANYDZU SHRĪ — Accompanied Vanaratna in Tibet in 1453.  Shastri in TS9 I 134.  He was a scholar of Vikramaśīla who later helped Sa bzang Lo tsā ba Blo gros rgyal mtshan with translating the Kri ya'i Dkyil chog at Sa skya.  Mtshan tho no. 122.

Sbas MANYDZU SHRI — 17 II 326.2.

Hal ha MANYDZU SHRI — (1639‑1682)  BD of T&TB V 555.

MANYDZU SHRI DZNYĀ NA — In Tibetan, 'Jam dpal ye shes.  A pundit who worked in association with Rong zom pa.  Mtshan tho no. 48.

MANYDZU SHRI WARMA — 17 II 331.2.  In Tib. tr., 'Jam dpal go cha.  In Tibet at beginning of 11th cent., where he worked with Rong zom pa.  Mtshan tho no. 47.

MANYDZU HA RA — Pl.n.  17 II 303.4.

The brang MA SNYA U BE RA —  =Mang snya u be ra.  Lde'u 226.  Todd Gibson, dissertation (Bloomington 1991) 110, 126.  This is the birth name of the Emperor Gnya' khri according to the The'u rang Lugs, but some Bon sources connect this name to Dri gum instead.

Rnal 'byor ma MA TANG KI — 115 64.3.

MA TANG GA — A Buddhist Arhat, said to be the first to introduce Buddhism to China.  K. Ch'en, Buddhism in China 34.

MA TAṂ KI — Or, Ma ti ki.  A yogi who initiated Ti lo pa into Guhyasamāja in S India.  17 II 233.  Ma tang gi in 53 II 306.2.  Successor of Klu sgrub.  57 IIB 342.  24 I 61.7 ff.  He tended cattle before meeting Nāgārjuna, & when he asked N. if he should meditate, N. told him to meditate while watching the cattle.  In this manner he obtained the siddhis.  Acc. to 24 I 63.7, he is also called Gho kṣhar or Klu'i byang chub.  Pictured in 128 268.  Bio. in 165 272.

MA ṬAM SGROM BU BCUG PA — Text in 292 II 149‑158.

MA TI — Pen name of author of 147 222‑239, and therefore post‑mid‑16th century.

Bi dza ya MA TI — Khotan kings. Emmerick.

'Bri ban MA TI — Author of colophon in 476 I 523.

Rnal 'byor pa MA TI — A powerful magician of U rgyan defeated in a contest of skills with Ti lo pa.  17 II 236.

MA TI KIRTI — 17 II 286.3.

MA TI 'GU LING — Kværne 222.

Mkhas grub MA TI DHA DZA — A teacher of Sna tshogs rang grol.  BD of T&TB III 723.

Rje btsun MA TI BA DZRA KA — 361 contents.

MA TI BI HA RA'I GTSUG LAG KHANG — At Rdo rje gdan.  17 II 281.6.

MA TI BHI HA RA — Pl.n.  BBNP 477.

MA TI TSI ṬA — Author of story of the bodhisattva who gave his body to the tigress, listed in BLP no. 1450.

MA TI TSI TRA — Mātṛceṭa.  Or, Ma ti tsa tra; Tib., Blo gros bkra.  Aspiration preface.  Slob dpon Ma ti tsi tra.  224 I 89.  BD of T&TB I 474.  See under Ka ni ka.  See Bdud rtsi bum pa.

MA TI RAT NA — Gter ston.  383 220.6.  410 138B.2.

MA TI RI TRA — T&BS I 193.

MA TU MYA NGAM GYI YUL — N. of a desert in neighbourhood of Jalandhara.  Das 947.

MA TRA RTSE — Rock, Nāga Cult I 143.

MA TRANG SE NA — A mu stegs kyi ston pa who was debated by Mai tri pa.  17 II 295.2.  Tatz, LSPM 708.

MA TRI SGRUB SKOR — Cover title of Bon work, publ. 1978.

MA TRI RIN CHEN SGRON MA — Text title, 253 II 407.3.

Gzhag MA THANG DGON — Vai.Ser. 238.

MA THI ZI DGON PA — 332 II 25.  Ma thi se, see Stein, Recherches 120.

MA THU RA — Mathurā.  Bcom brlag in Tibetan translation.  Das 947.

Rnal 'byor pa MA DA NA — BD of T&TB I 847.

Rgya gar gyi Gshen rab  MA DA BI SHA — 206 204.2.  See Ma dha bhi sha, below.

MA DO RU SMAN PA — See (— — — — —) Rgyal mtshan.

MA DROS PA — Or, Ma dros Mtsho.  Anavatapta.  =Mtsho Ma pham.  Das 947.  BA 526, 1091.  5 176.6.  Wylie 116 n. 25.  N. of a lake near which the Buddha preached.  Grousset.  Silk, Dissert. 73, tells story about Subhadra & Cunda, who stayed there.  See Daniel H.H. Ingalls, "Source of a Mūlasarvāstivādin Story of the Origin of the Ganges," HJAS 14 (1951) 185‑188, at p. 176 for the real mythic etymology.

MA DHA BHI SHA — Bonpo.  253 II 142.4, 381.4, 471.6.

O rgyan gyi gling phran MA DHI MA — BD of T&TB I 264.

MA DHU DA KA — City in avadāna story.  TPS 493.

MA DHU MA TI — Derge vol. 77, p. 244.4, 283.5.


MA BDUN PA — Disc. of Rgod tshang pa.  BA 687, 688.  Also called Mdo bo che ba.  Mtshan gzhan Sge 'o che zhes kyang bya57 IIB 372.5.  See under Tshe dbang 'chi med mgon pa.  Longer name is Ma bdun ras chen Rnal 'byor chos ldan, and the name refers to his devotion to the cult of the Ma‑mo Bdun.  He combined the Upper and Lower 'Brug school lineages and had some Rnying ma influences.  TJ 35 no 3 (Aut 2010) 81.

MA ṆA —  =Mani.  Kālacakra Studies 66 ff.

MA NA KA SHRI — Disc. of Nāropa.  397 VII 9.

MA NA 'DI — N. of a stūpa & mon.  Emmerick.

Shrī MĀ NARTHA SIDDHI — Comm. on Bla ma Lnga bcu pa349 XXIII 432‑473.

Ku lu MA NA LI — 4 319A.4.

Hentu'i Rgyal po MA NA SHING — BD of T&TB I 925.

MA NA HO — Author of work on eye medicine.  Toh. no. 4443.

MA NANG BYANG CHUB GLING — Vai.Ser. 223.  See under Mang nang.

MA NAM — See under Mang nang.

MA ṆI BKA' 'BUM — Ma ṇi Bka' 'bum Chen mo, revealed from its place of concealment by Gu ru Chos kyi dbang phyug, and Thugs rje chen po'i Rgyud Rang 'byung Ye shes. revealed from its place of concealment by Mnga' bdag Nyang ral Nyi ma 'od zer: Two Texts of the Avalokiteśvara Cult from the 13th Century, reproduced from rare mss. from the library of the Late Lopon Choedak at the order of H.H. Dingo Khyentsey Rinpoche.  Chos Skyong ba'i Rgyal po Srong brtsan sgam po'i Zhal gdams: a sixty-six section version of a portion of the Ma ṇi Bka' 'bum, reproduced from a ms. from the library of Lhakhang Lama in 229 pp., 15X38 cm. (Delhi 1978).  Ma ṇi Bka' 'bum (Smon thang 1972) printed from extant blocks preserved in Mustang in Nepal, with many blocks, including the title page, missing (BQ4710.A84T55/1975).  Bodleian Catalogue 59, 66, etc.

MA ṆI DUNG SGRUB — Tucci, Religions 148, 170.

Yul MA ṆI DHA RA — 120 77.9.  BD of T&TB I 665.

Stod lung MA ṆI LDAN SKYOG — A place in Stod lung.  Das 554.

MA ṆI PA — See (— — —) Dkon mchog bsam 'grub.

MA ṆI PA TRA — Newar artist in 12th cent.  476 IV 75.3.

MA ṆI PU RA — NMH 73.2.

MA ṆI PHĀ LA — Newari artist.  17 III 550.3.

Sgom pa MA ṆI BA — (early 13th cent.)  Lobsang Shastri, "Jalandhara in the Eyes of Tibetan and Trans‑Himalayan Pilgrims," Tibet Journal 34 no 2 (Summ 2009), p. 11.

MA ṆI BHA DRA —  =Nor bu bzang po.  Non-Buddhist householder.  Das 948.

MA ṆI BHA DRA — Chief Newari architect of the memorial stūpa for Phag mo gru pa.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 362.3.

MA ṆI BHA DRĀ —  =Nor bu bzang mo.  A Mahāsiddhā.  Her guru was Kukku ri pa.  Apparently her name is also Bha hu ri, or Ba hu ri.  Bio. in 120 161‑164.  BD of T&TB I 733‑736.

Kaḥ thog MA ṆI RIN CHEN — Mentioned in BD of T&TB III 406.  This is evidently another n. of Dam pa bde gshegs, q.v.  He was chief of transmission discs. of Gu ru Chos dbang and founded Kaḥ thog Mon.  210 47.2.  Cuevas, Hidden History 185.  Garje, Memories 61.

MA ṆI RIL SGRUB — Jamyang Wangmo (Helly Pelaez Bozzi), Dancing in the Clouds: the Mani Rimdu, Dumche and Tsogchen Festivals of the Khumbu Sherpas, Vajra Publications (Kathmandu 2008), in 236 pages.

MA NI LHA KHANG —  =Ma ṇi padma.  =Yig drug Lha khang in Yer pa.  T&BS II 246.

Snyas kyi Btsun pa Ldum bu MA NI ARGA SIDHI — Evidently a Sanskritized version of Rin chen don grub.  Kapstein, Assimilation 213.  He appears as scribe of the Sba bzhed in its Beijing reprint edition.

MA NING — For the five kinds of hermaphrodites acc. to the Dalai Lama v, see 397 III 730.3.

Mgon po MA NING — Text in 87 LX.  213 171‑188.  Pictured in 216A and in 320 XXXII 2.

Ye shes kyi Mgon po MA NING NAG PO — Form of Mahākāla.  Practice redisc. by 'Ja' tshon snying po.  226 VI 263‑304.  A gter bdag320 415.7.  Dpal Ye shes kyi Mgon po Ma ning Nag po'i cho ga dang Lha mo Gtsos pa'i Dge gsol Yongs rdzogs Chab gcig tu Sgrigs pa (Thimphu 1978).

MA NU — Beyer 289.

MA NU SHA SŪ RYA — South Indian pundit.  449 21.7.

MA NU SARBA YA NA — A lha khangKTDN 136.2.

Las thams cad pa'i bu MA NE RU KA — KB 29.3.


MA PANG SPOS MO MKHAR — One of the four forts of the central part of Zhang zhung, as a group called Dbus kyi Mkhar Bzhi.  ACTP II 5, 14 ff.

MA SPRO — The only Sa skya mon. in La dwags.  14 4, 133.  Soundings 163.

MA PHAM — Manasarovar.  See Mtsho Ma pham and Ma dros pa.  BA 526, 726.  KTDN 42.1, 123.3.  115 42.4, 42.5.  An OT spelling seems to be Ma bang Mtsho, acc. to Btsan lha 623.  It's entirely possible that the name is an original Zhangzhung name, Ma pang (as it in fact appears at least 6 or 7 times in OT documents), that later received a Tibetanizing/Buddhacizing interpretation.  Spelled Mtsho Ma 'phang in Hackin, Formulaire 36.

MA PHAM RDO RJE — Student & biographer of Grags pa mtha' yas.  (Wrote bio. in 1533‑1535).  See 49 preface.  Also student of 'Brug chen iii, 'Brug pa Ngag dbang chos rgyal, Bsod nams mchog ldan and Lha btsun.

MA PHAM PA — A Sthavira.  See under Gnas brtan.  Picture in 128 1078.

MA PHAM G.YU MTSHO — See Ma pham (the lake).


MA BANG MTSHO — Variant spelling of Ma pham Mtsho, q.v.

MA BAN — See (— —) A chos.

Lha MA BAR — Dotson, D&L 22.

MA BLA CHUD — Nine Ways 71.

MĀ MA KI — BD of T&TB X 40.9.

MĀ MA MTHAR —  =Mā ma thar.  A 'heretic'.  BD of T&TB I 1000, 1001.

MA MI RYA — N. of a wild tribe in the easternmost hills of Assam and Himalayan region, to the E of the Miri people.  The males are dwarfish and crooked, the women are pretty looking.  They are fond of meat and salt, and also of human flesh.  This is all according to Das 949.

MA MIG — Pl.n.  206 543.2.

Dur khrod MA MO — Text in 213 309‑311, 425‑438.  Bon text on Ma mo Sde Lnga in 256 523‑4.  286 II 61‑64.  Tantras in 320 XXX.  Beyer 44, 294, 342, 373, 390.  Pictured in 364 591.

MA MO MCHED DGU — Tucci, Religions 166.

Rengs byed kyi MA MO BDUN — 445 III 31.7.

MA MO 'DUS PA'I RGYUD — 320 XXX 579 ff.


MA MO 'DUS PA YANG SNYING — Works in 270 1‑60. 

MA MO GNAS — BA 104.

MA MO SPYI'I RGYUD — Canonical text in 90 V 231‑299.

MA MO RBOD GTONG — Section of Rin chen Gter Mdzod87 LI-LIV.  Sixth of the Bka' brgyad.  See under Kun grol grags pa.

MA MO RDZONG —  =Ma mo sbed pa'i Phug pa, or, (Sbas phug) Ma mo rdzong.  4 108B.4, 116A.2, ff.

MA MO YANG THIS GSANG BA'I RGYUD — Bon tantra in 258 III 469‑491.

MA MO LAS MKHAN SROG GI RGYUD — Bon tantra in 258 III 531‑551.

MA MO GSANG BA LAS KYI THIG LE — Almogi, MA thesis 142.

MA SMAD MA —  =Pang chos sems, q.v.

MA ZHA — N. of pl. in Khotan region.  Emmerick.

MA ZHANG — Ma zhang Grom pa skyes, or Ma zhang Khrom pa skyabs.  Powerful opponent of Buddhism in time of Khri srong lde brtsan.  Tricked into being buried alive.  Buston 188.  T.H. 129.  17 II 321‑322.

MA ZHO PO TA RYA — Mon.  Emmerick.


MA ZLA BA'I BU MO'I BU — Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 344.

MA BZANG — See under Ma sangs.


MA YUM LA — A pass E of Manasarovar.  See Wylie 124 n. 83.

MA YUL — BA 568.



MA YO GANGS RA — 239 XXX 58.4.

Brag phug MĀRA TI KA — 87 I 21.3.  Shar phyogs Ma ra ti ka.  87 I 206.4, 213.3.  Mā ra ta ki'i Ke'u tshang, near Vajrāsana.  377 6A.3.  377 43A.2.  413 131.6.  431 I 287.5.

MA RA HA TA NA — Pl.n.  BD of T&TB I 415, 890, 925.

MA RAN — Morrung, an aboriginal tribe in Himalayan Terai and E Nepal districts, acc. to Das 950.  See under Rgya klo.

MA RI — Place of Rngog Lo's death, near Samye.  Kramer, rNgog 115.


MA RIG MUN SEL BYED PA'I LTA BA — In title in 320 VIII 2.

MA RU — A yul in India.  BD of T&TB I 205, 236, 242, 467.  This is Bu ston's spelling for Rme ru.  In 115 43.4, it stands for Ma ro, q.v.  Btsan po No mon han wanted to identify it with Morocco.

Sku mkhar MA RU — Place in Lha sa where Thon mi Sambho ta worked.  17 II 317.3.  N. of a castle & mon. in NE quarter of Lha sa.  Das 950.

MA RU RTSE — N. of a medicinal fruit.  N. of a country.  Das 950.  Jaeschke 409.  A tutelary connected with the cycle of Red Yamāntaka.  194 VI preface.  Bielmeier in NTFC I 27‑36, believes (see p. 32) that this is a Tibetan transcription of a Burushaski term meaning 'gold panning', maruts, also found in neighboring languages like Shina.  It means the people who traditionally pan gold on the Indus River.  As he points out, it also connects to Zhangzhung mar, 'gold'.

MA RU TSE'I SNGAGS RGYUD — Yamāntaka tantra in 320 XXI 497 ff.  Similar title in same vol, p. 513.  320 XXII 294.1. 

MA RU TSE THUGS RGYUD — 320 XXII 126.7 ff.

Bshan pa MA RU RTSE PA — (sp?)  Story in Rinjing Dorje, Food in Tibetan Life 23 ff.  See under Rme ru rtse.

MA RU SU KHA YA — Morocco.  Yongdan, TCW 109.

Nub byang MA RO — BD of T&TB X ii.14, 27.5‑27.9.  Near and to the North of Dzā lan dha ra.  Called Ma ru in 115 43.4.  =Manidesha (acc. to Hoffmann).

MA LA KI — Madeira Island.  Yongdan, TCW 109.

MA LA KO TRI — 115 52.2, 52.4.

MA LA KO SHAN — King of Ka ma ta in about 1564.  17 III 522.4.

MA LA GNOD — In avadāna story.  TPS 456.

O rgyan gyi Yul MĀ LA PUR — 120 90.3.

MA LA BHO — Somewhere in NW India.  115 51.6.

Byang shar MA LA WA — BD of T&TB X 9.9, 24.1 ff.  Called by the Tibetan form Phreng ba can in BD of T&TB I 458.

MA LA YA — Malaya Mountains.  See Jaeschke 409.  (Ri bo) Ma la ya in 87 I 17.5.  132 14.1, 20.2.  Mts. said to be in W.  133 23.1, 23.6.  Byang phyogs Dur khrod Ma la ya.  KTDN A VIII 19.6.  Apte, Appendix III.  Ri Ma la ya gnam lcags yod pa, place where Anu yoga Tantras descended, described in BD of T&TB I 257.  211 35.6.  The sandal scented winds from Malaya are proverbial, for instance, in Jamspal, Treasury 18.

Pū li ra MA LA YA — See Pu li ra ma la ya.

MA LI YA —  =Rgya mtsho'i skar ma.  Maria, mother of Jesus.  488 461.4.

MA SHA MA BA — Disc. of Pha dam pa.  Vai.Ser. 144.

MA SHA SE DZA — 253 II 382.3.

MA GSHIN — Texts in 259.

MA SANGS — KTDN 148.5.  Beyer 293‑4.  Bdud btsan Ma sang.  12 IX 74.1.  Ma sangs Dpun Dgu.  ISTS 201.  TS7 II 1025.

MA SANGS — See (— —) Dwa'u ngo ngan.

MĀ SI TA — N. of a Muslim teacher born in Mecca, evidently Mohammed (Das 951).  The main site of the Lalo ("Kla klo'i gnas gzhi").  BD of T&TB I 882.  'Mosque' acc. to Laufer, Loan Words 484.

MA SU RAKṢHA — Indian Buddhist author in Tanjur.  Das 951.  See Flick, Carrying Enemies.

MA BSAM BU — Sperling in TH&L 458.

MA HĀ KĀ LA — Mahākāla Sādhanas of the Indic Tradition, from mon. of Khyung dmar in Ladakh (Delhi 1979).  Ma hā kā la'i Rgyud, title in 320 XXXII 441 ff.  For a history of Mahākāla, see under Ngag dbang kun dga' bsod nams.

MA HĀ KYIN DA — (mid-8th cent.)  A Chinese physician invited to Tibet in the time of Mes ag tshoms.

MA HĀ GA NI — 87 I 285.4.

MA HĀ MCHOD PA — An annual observance at Zha lu Monastery, in which there was a kind of yogic competition.  See Puchung's dissertation (Oslo 2011).

Ho shang MA HĀ DE WA — [1] Chinese teacher invited by Srong btsan sgam po.  17 II 318.5.  MKB 437.  BD of T&TB I 435, 505.  [2]  A protector pictured in 320 XXXIII 2.

Mtsho Snying MA HĀ DE WA'I GNAS — (Zhabs dkar) Sna tshogs rang grol, q.v., went there.

Bal po MA HĀ PA NA — Pundit listed, without further info., in Mtshan tho 103.  He apparently visited Tibet at around 12th cent.

Hwa shang MA HĀ PŪ TRA — Chinese translator in Tibet in 9th cent.  BD of T&TB I 493, 505.

MA HĀ PRADZNYĀ — 413 119.6.

MA HĀ SPAR PA RTA — Pass at border of India & Nepal.  115 121.2.

Slob dpon MA HĀ BA DZRA — 87 I 20.1.  410 196B.3.

MA HĀ BIM BA — "reg pa med pa'i mchod rten" in S India.  BD of T&TB I 551.

Paṇḍi ta MA HĀ BO DHI — 5 51.6 ff.  BD of T&TB I 870. He was one of the 9 lesser pundits who came with Shākya shrī, skilled in Phar phyin and Spyod phyogsMtshan tho no. 99.

MA HĀ MĀ YĀ — See under Sgyu 'phrul chen mo.  Sa bcad, see SBTD I 84.

MA HA MAD — A spelling for Muhammed used by 'Phags pa.  See Kuijp in CAJ (1995) 283.

MA HĀ DZA NA — "Son" of Rin chen rdo rje.  BD of T&TB I 824.  Listed as an 11th century Indian pundit who came to Tibet, but with no further details, in Mtshan tho no. 60.

Mkhan po MA HA YA NA — Also, (Hwa shang).  Opponent of Kamalaśīla in Bsam yas debates.  80.  Participated in building of Bsam yas.  87 I 52.4.  8017 II 328.4 ff.  Pictured in Chandra 2525.  BD of T&TB I 505, 564.

Bla ma MA HA YO GI — A teacher of Ba ri Lo tsā ba (q.v.) in India.

Hwa shang MA HĀ RĀ DZA — BD OF T&TB I 505.

O rgyan gyi Mkhan po MA HĀ RĀ DZA — 132 53.2 ff.

Jo bo MA HĀ LO TSĀ BA — BD of T&TB I 790.

MA HĀ SHRĪ RATNA — BD of T&TB I 581.2.

MA HA SHRI RATNA BODHI SA TWA — See Rin chen dpal.

MA HI PA — See Ma hi la pa, Tib.: Nga rgyal can.

Rgyal po MA HI PĀ LA — BD of T&TB I 774.

MA HI LA PA — Mahāsiddha.  Tib.: Chen po zhabs, or, Nga rgyal can.  He was a strong man.  Bio. in 120 103.9 ff.  BD of T&TB I 462, 689.

MA HE — Maheketang (Ma he skad gtong) in David‑Neel, Magic & Mystery 207.

MA HE'I GZUGS — In Jātaka.  Pictured in 128 724.

Tsam pa ka'i Rgyal po MA HE LA — BD of T&TB I 732.

MA HE GSUM MDO — In Kamaon, lat. 30°, long. 79°, at confluence of Looka and Girthi Rivers.  79 83 no 59.

MA HEN DRA BHA DRA — Teacher in 13th century Tibet.  Smith, Philology 16.

MA HEN DRA SE NA — See Man 'dre seng ge.

MA HOR STAG GZIG — ?  248 20.1.

MA A RA LI — BD of T&TB I 313.

MAG DGE SDINGS — Mon.  TS5 559.

MAG PA LA — Called Sau'i Blon po.  208 I 237.3.

MANG KAR MDA' — BA 1030.

MANG KE ONG — 208 I 238.2.

MANG DKAR — N. of a place in Gtsang.  Das 951.



MANG BKUR RGYAL PO — The first king of the world, elected by common consent of the people.  Das 952.

MANG BKUR BA —  =Kun gyis bkur ba, q.v.

MANG MKHAR — One of the 20 principle mts.  Das 212.  Valley of the river flowing S into Gtsang po above Lha rtse Rdzong.  Contains mon. of Dga' ldan dar rgyas gling.  Ferrari 182.  Area of Myu gu lung.

MANG MKHAR — See (— —) Dga' ldan dar gling.  (— —) Lcags 'phrang.  (— —) Cha lung.

MANG MKHAR — See (— —) (Dgon sar Brgyud 'Dzin) Blo gros rgyal mtshan.



Shar rdza MANGGA WER SHI — N. of (Shar rdza) Bkra shis rgyal mtshan, q.v.

MANGGA LA — A Bon abbot in about 1403.  TS7 I 331 ff.

Sgam po MANGGA LA — BLP no. 0599.

Chos rje MANGGA LA GU RU — (1231‑1297)  Stag lung pa.  17 IV 459.5.  Nephew of 'Phags pa?  484 I 854.7.  Son of Chos yags, b. in Iron Hare (1231).  Successor of Shes rab bla ma as khri (chair holder) of Stag lung Ya thang.  Became abbot of Stag lung in 1273.  BA 629 ff, 651.

MANG GA LA 'OR — In O rgyan.  115 58.2.

MANGGA LA SHRĪ — In Tibetan, Dge 'dun dpal (Saṅghaśrī?).  Pundit in around 12th cent., listed without further info. in Mtshan tho no. 111.

MANG GAR — Listed as one of 8 Rgod stong sde of Ru lag.  28 83.  S of the Gtsang po NW of Sa skya.

MANG GAR — See (— —) Smu pa Bshes gnyen.

MANG GUR BA — Abbreviated form for Mangga la Gu ru.  BA 651.

MANG GIR — 208 I 238.5.

MANG GON THAL JI — 208 I 236.6.

MANG GOS THAL JI — Thu mad King.  208 I 236.1.

La stod MANG 'GAR — BA 917.

MANG 'GAR SGANG — BA 560, 569, 570.

MANG SGAR — "military encampment."  N. of a fort in Mang yul.


MANG NGAN — 83E 483.

MANG RJE ZHIG PO — 476 II 234.3.

MANG NYA MA — Wife of (Dpon) Bsod nams bzang po.  Kuijp in  Lungta 14 (2001) 67.

Mgar MANG NYEN STAG TSAB — OTA 681.  Called Mang zham stag tsab in OTA 682.

Gnubs MANG NYEN BZHI BRTSAN — OTA 681, 682, 687, 694, 696.  See Yar gnyen btsan po (?).

The brang MANG SNYA U BE RA — Lde'u2 99.

MANG STON PA —  =Sa srung sde, q.v.

MANG THOS — See (— —) Klu sgrub rgya mtsho.  (— —) Dam chos bzang po.  (— —) Bsod nams chos 'phel.

Dus 'khor ba MANG THOS RDO RJE — Composed a Rgyal rabs of Gung thang in about the time of the later life of Bsam lde Phyi ma.  DTK5 149.  His Rgyal rabs cited in DTK5 121.

Lho brag MANG DIS PA — See (— — —) Smon lam rab bzang.

MANG DU THOS PA — Bahuśrotīya, one of 8 branches of Dge 'dun phal chen pa.  BA 27.

MANG DUR — See (— —) Dga' ldan bsam gtan gling.

MANG LDOM STAG BTSAN — A forefather of the Phag mo gru pa family.  83C 198, 202.  Vitali in Lungta, vol. 16 (Spring 2003), p. 4.  Stein, Tribus 16, Mang ldong Stag btsan.

MANG SDE — A district in Bhutan, including Grong sar Rdzong.  Aris in BSOAS 39 (1976) 609.

MANG NANG — BA 352.  56 91, 142 ff.  There is a Mangnang River mentioned in 79 74 no 12.  See TJ XXIII (1998) 115, gives n. of Mang nang Byang chub gling Dgon pa.  Vitali, Tho.ling 135‑9.  Tucci, in his article "Indian Paintings in Western Tibetan Temples," describes a set of mural paintings of the Twelve Deeds of the Buddha (mdzad pa bcu gnyis) that he found there.

MANG PO BKUR BA — See Mang bkur.

Da rgyal MANG PO RJE — Mang po rje is a title meaning 'prince' or 'princeling'.  In OTA seems to refer to a specific person.  See OTA 653 where it refers to a king of the 'A zha.  OTA 659.

MANG PO RJE ZHANG NAM — ZZFC 224.  Myang Mang po rje Zhang snang.  Uray, Narrative 40.  Denwood, TW2 149.

MANG PO BYIN — N. of Indus.  Das 418.

MANG MA — One of 4 Rgod stong sde of Zhang zhung Stod.  28 83.  On boundary of Bod and Gru gu.  Chang in BJZJ X no 2, p. 120.

Btsun mo MANG MO RJE — OTA 696.

MANG WER — One of the Five Zhang zhung Brothers, or Zhang zhung Mched Lnga.  KWT 82.

MANG WER ZA — See (— — —) Rgyan chung.  (— — —) Sgron ne.

Mchims MANG BZHER NAN PA — Mang bzher ngan pa po.  Uray, Narrative 30, where he is identified with a name found in later sources, Mchims Mang gnyer.

Khang MANG ZIGS — Stein, Mi–ñag 235.

Blom MANG GZIGS — Schaik in JIABR 1 (2013) 247, which actually reads Man gzigs.

MANG BZA' KHRI LCAM — Tibetan queen of Srong btsan sgam po.

MANG 'OR — See (— —) Byang chub shes rab.

MANG YUL — N. of a district in "upper" Tibet bordering Nepal, its chief town is Skyid grong.  BA 42, 44, 207, 767, 855, 973, 1034.  87 I 191.4.  May be confused with Mar yul to the west; see 28 74.  Monasteries, see Vai.Ser. 225.  Mang yul Ljongs kyi Rtogs brjod Dal ba'i Sna brgyan zhes bya ba Byang rta Dben pa Chen po Legs par Bshad pa, a work in 24 folios, NGMPP reel no. L3872/2 (source: Kurtis Schaeffer).  Mang yul and Mar yul (q.v.) are often confounded; see discussion in Heller, Hidden 19 n. 11.

MANG YUL — See (— —) Gung thang.  (— —) Byams sprin.

MANG YUL GUNG THANG — Subj. of work by Kaḥ thog Rig 'dzin; see DTK5 89 ff. (etymology on p. 89).

Dge bshes MANG YUL BLO LDAN — 73 246.2.

MANG YEL — Gtsug lag khang in Bya yul.  5 12.1.

Bya yul MANG RA — The ancient Myang.  N. of a Bka' gdams Mon. in Gzho Rong chu area.  Ferrari 110.  BA 78.  Myang stod Mang ra.  17 II 343.2.  Vai.Ser. 156.

MANG RA — See (— —) 'Bum smyon.  (— —) G.yu mtsho.  (— —) Seng ge rgyal mtshan.

MANG RONG — In Dwags po.  27 132.

Myang MANG LA SNANG — N. found in an imperial period inscription at Spiti.  See RET XLI 57.

'Brig mtshams MANG LA RTSE — Bon mon., about 950 years old.  253 II 592.6.

MANG LAM — N. of  Lam 'bras transmission.  BD of T&TB X 56.

Ri khrod pa MANG LAM BZANG PO — A gter bton.  Often called Ri khrod pa chen po, or Ri khrod pa bzang po.  210 10.2; bio. in 210 47.4 ff.  Lived in rab byung IV.  383 219.2.  Bibliography in 374 766.2.

MANG LUNGS PA — (1239‑ )  BA 790‑791.  =Mang lung Gu ru in 17 II 416.1.

MANG SLON MANG BRTSAN — Or, Mang srong mang brtsan (this may be a later form).  Reigned 649‑76.  Grandson of Srong btsan sgam po, and his successor.  OTA year 649 ff.  In OTA 676 he dies, and is succeeded by his grandson Khri 'dus srong.  See ZZFC 224, where his dates are given as 655‑676 (evidently his reign dates).

MAN GONG — A pl.n. in China, where 'Phags pa stayed.  See Kuijp, KPTB 15.

MAN NGAG BRGYUD — See Bka' Chims phu ba.


MAN NGAG THAMS CAD KYI SDOM PA — Text in 319 II 239‑311.  320 II 208‑226.

Bka' gdams MAN NGAG PA — Equivalent to the blo sbyong transmission.  165 II 818 ff.


Byang sems MAN NGAG RIN CHEN PHRENG BA — Text in 320 II 149 ff.

MAN NGAG LUGS — 9‑deity Hevajra.  349 XVIII.

MAN NGAG LUNG GI RTSA BA LNGA — Text in 319 V 383‑395.

MAN NGAG GSUM — Thuken 288‑289.

Mtsho MANDAL NAG PO — Cuevas, Hidden History 92.  In Dwags po.

MANDAL RI KHROD — 253 II 631.6.

MAN TRA KA LA SHA — Indian pundit, translator.  320 XVII 470.3.  Listed as an Indian pundit in Tibet, with name spelled Man tra ka laksha, but with no other details, in Mtshan tho no. 62.

Ri bo MAN DA RA —  =Ri rab?  KB 36.2.

MANDAL — On 'mandal' offerings, see Toh. 6103.

MAN DU KHAGS — 208 I 238.6.

MAN DU KHAL — 208 I 239.3.

MAN DU CHOM THAL SHI — 208 I 238.6.

MAN DHA RA BA — Mandāravā Kumāri Devi.  Consort of Padmasambhava.  TPS 695 n. 336.  Waddell 382.  87 I 21.1 ff, 206.4.

MAN 'DRE SENG GE — Mahendrasena.  Emmerick.

MAN LUNG PA — 115 123.1.  Man lungs Gu ru.  See under Mang lung pa & Sman lung Gu ru.

MAR — N. of a place and a clan in Lho brag.

MAR SKUL— Markula/Mirkulā, the old name for Udaipur in Lahul.

Shun MAR KHU SPUS KYU — Vai.Ser. 135.

MAR KHE SI — Ma kha se, etc.  Marx.  BD of T&TB I 1002.

MAR RNGOG GDAN SA — In Dbus?  4 278B.6, 279A.5.

MAR STENGS — BA 544, 550.

MAR STON — See (— —) Grags pa rgyal mtshan.  (Sman gong pa) (— —) Rgyal legs.

Shangs pa MAR STON — See (— —) (— —) Tshul khrims 'byung gnas.

MAR MTHO LING — "The lower Mtho ling."  See (Mar) Mtho ling.

MAR DO — Shortened version of Mar pa Do pa, q.v.

MAR NAG 'TSHONG PA — See Dhi li pa.

MAR SNON — BA 298.

MAR PA — 'Khrul 'khor text in 414 395 ff.

Lho brag MAR PA — Sgra bsgyur Mar pa.  Mar pa Lo tsā ba.  Chos kyi blo gros.  (1012‑1098)  B. 1010 acc. to Waddell 66.  (1012‑1097) Ferrari 134.  BA 406‑7.  (1012‑1099) Dhongthog 86.  (1012‑1096) 11 3.  TPS 257 n. 163.  Birth name was Chos kyi blo gros.  Short bio. in 57 IIB 3462 ff.  Four chief teachers were Nā ro, Ye shes snying po, Zhi ba bzang po & Mai tri pa.  Four chief discs. were Rngog ston, Tshur ston, Me ston & Mi la ras pa.  Bio. 73 106‑174.  BA 399 ff.  17 II 431.5 ff.  Bio., said to be by Mi la ras pa, in 74 63‑96.  Bio. by Rgyal thang pa, 119 137‑187.  His Snyan rgyud kyi Dkyil Chog in 74 I 493‑532.  His Mchog Dbang Gsum Dngos su Bskur ba'i Lag len, or, Zab mo Dbang Gsum gyi Lag len in 74 I 533‑546.  Other works in 74 II 47‑68, 207‑214, 683‑709.  His Rgyal po Chos nyid Mi 'gyur ba'i Gdams pa, or, Rdo rje rnal 'byor ma'i Sgrub thabs in 74 II 207‑214.  His Bde mchog Lhan skyes Sgrub thabs in 118 281‑285.  His bio. by Zhwa dmar ii missing in 121 I.  His bio. by Zhang Rin po che (1123‑1193) in 131 327 ff.  Pictured in 128 282, 466.  Bio. by Gtsang smyon (ca. 1505) in 72 I 215‑484.  Chronology & bio. in 331 148‑170.  Bio. in 357 34‑41, 168 50.5 ff.  Bios. by Dpa' bo Gtsug lag phreng ba & others listed in BLP nos. 1603‑1608.  Listed in Mtshan tho no. 28 with dates 1012‑1097.

MAR PA — See (— —) Khrom rgyal.  (— —) Mgo yags.  (— —) Stag la dbang.  (— —) Phug pa bar grags pa.  (— —) Bya se, or, Bya ze ba.  (— —) Dbang phyug 'od zer.  (— —) 'Bar ba rgyal mtshan.  (— —) 'Byung nge.  (— —) Mon nag.  (— —) Yon tan byang chub.  (— —) Lam thang pa.  (— —) Shes rab rgyal.  (— —) Shes rab 'od.

MAR PA GLING — "Now" called Stong sde Legs bshad gling.

MAR PA DO PA — See (— — — —) Chos kyi dbang phyug.

MAR PA 'OD — Disc. of Zhang ston (1123‑1193).  17 II 529.5.

MAR PO — See (— —) Bya'u mgon.

MAR SPUNGS — Mon.  See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 53.

MAR PHAGS — On maps, "Mārpha."  28 index.

MAR MA — In upper Dbu ru.  BA 919.  Ro ling gi Mar ma in OTA 699.

MAR MIG — Name of an area and its monastery in western Tibet.  Rnying ma pa.  Vitali, Tho.ling 153.

MAR MUN — Lord of Rtsang bod defeated by Gnam ri slon mtshan.  Beckwith, Tibetan Empire 16.  Denwood, TW2 149.

Dpal MAR ME MDZAD DPAL YE SHES — Dīpamkaraśrījñāna.  N. of Atiśa.  17 II 351.4.  Pictured in 128 92A, 374.  Mar me mdzad ye shes Snga ma'i Bla ma Dang zhing Chos Zhus pa'i Lo rgyus, listed in BLP no. 1609.

MAR ME LHA — Mahāsiddha.  Pictured in 128 40A.

MAR ME LHA KHANG — Temple at Muktinath.  JTM 67.

MAR RDZONG DGON — 253 II 630.6.

MAR ZAN — See (Pag shi) Nag po.

MAR YUM LA — TS7 II 1023, 1035.

MAR YUL — "Low country" in valley of Indus.  Das 955.  =La dwags.  T.H. 1.  BA 37, 30, 352, 700.  5 268 & elsewhere.  28 51. 5 311.4.  79 84 no 63.  81 103.8, 115.  115 76.1 ff.  It is very often mistakenly corrected to Mang yul (for instance, in Thukan 283, where I believe it is the fault of the author and not the translator).

MAR YUL — See (— —) Skyi rong shel ri.  (— —) Nub snang.

Bla ma MAR YUL BA — 129 V 118.4.

MAR YUL BA — See (— — —) Bkra shis bzang mo.

MAR LUGS — As a school of Hevajra, 115 12.2.  See texts in 90 II 1 ff.  As school of Guhyasamāja, 90 IV 1 ff.

MAR LUNG PA — See (— — —) Byang chub seng ge.

MAR LO BA BLA MA — Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 419.

MAL — N. of pl. in Tibet.  Das.  May refer to Himalayan tribe of Ladakh & surrounding areas called Mālava.  28 72, 94.  See Mal yul.

MAL —  =Smal.  =Smar?  See Gyad.

MAL — See (—) Kha ba can pa.  (—) Rte'u ra pa.  (—) Yer pa ba.

MAL GYO — Sp?  Teacher of 'Khon Dkon mchog rgyal po. 17 II 399.4.

MAL GYO LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — — —) Blo gros grags pa.

MAL GRO — Also, Mal dro.  "Metoma."  A river valley, E fork of Skyid chu, NE of Lha sa.  Ferrari 109.  N. of a district SE (!) of Lha sa.  Das 955.  BA 193, 275, 286, 305, 565, 602, 614.  17 II 547.3.

MAL GRO — See (— —) Rgyal bzangs sgang.

MAL GRO GUNG MKHAR — Fort of the town of Mal gro.  Das 955.

MAL GRO'I MDA' — KTDN 103.5.

MAL GRO'I PHU — 17 II 324.1.

MAL GRO BA — An epithet of 'Chad kha ba.  Jinpa, Mind Training 299 (& note).

MAL GRO MTSHO SHOD — One of 37 sacred places of Bon.  Das 955.

MAL GRO GZI CAN GYI MTSHO — 87 I 124.4.  Mal gro Gzi can.  KTDN 103.5, 104.2, 144.3.  A nāga king converted by Padmasambhava.  Henss, CMT 144.

MAL GRO RA BA — One of 37 sacred places of Bon.  Das 955.


MAL GRO'I LHO BA — See (— — — —) Byang ston.

MAL TRO —  =Mal gro, Mal dro.  OTA 660.

MAL TRO — See (— —) Ske byi.  (— —) Brdzen tang.  (— —) Gzi can 'bar ma.

MAL 'DUL 'DZIN — Mkhan po of Dus gsum mkhyen pa.  35 I 5.

MAL YUL — May be corrected to Mar yul or Mang yul, or may =Mal from name of a Himalayan tribe in Ladakh & bordering areas called Mālava.  28 72.

MAL LA — See (— —) Rgyung dkar nag.

MAL LO TSĀ BA — Translator under whom Kun dga' snying po studied.  86 iii.  Pictured in 128 428.  BD of T&TB X 92.20.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 11, who identifies him with Mal gyo Lo tsā ba, q.v.

MAL ZHO NE GU — 4X I 155.6.

MAL DRO — See Mal gro.

MAS DRO — See (— —) Rgyal bzang.  (— —) Chos 'khor sgang.  (— —) Yad dben Dgon.

MI BSKYOD RDO RJE — (late 12th-13th cent.) Disc. of Nyang ral.  413 338.2.  477 136.1. This probably means La stod pa Mi bskyod rdo rje.

MI BSKYOD RDO RJE — Initiation n. of Klu sgrub.  24 I 54.3.

MI BSKYOD RDO RJE — Author of several works in 74, including bio. of Chos grags dpal bzang po.  See 74 I 247‑248.  Must have lived in about 15th to early 16th cent. or later.

'Dan ma MI BSKYOD RDO RJE — Author of work, in 1946, in 348 245‑473.

Gnam mtsho ba MI BSKYOD RDO RJE — Gcod teacher of Zhwa nag iii.  BA 490.  17 II 536.1.

Bla ma MI BSKYOD RDO RJE — A teacher of Yang dgon pa (1213‑1258).  57 IIB 369.4.

Sman lung pa MI BSKYOD RDO RJE — One of the chief transmission discs. of Gu ru Chos dbang.  BD of T&TB III 406. I wonder if he isn't the famous traveller Sman lung Gu ru.

Zhwa nag viii MI BSKYOD RDO RJE — (1507‑1554)  Author, So sor Thar pa'i Mdo'i 'Grel pa Rin chen 'Byung gnas, publ. 1976.  Work on Bde mchog in 90 VI 1‑55.  His Sku Gsum Ngo sprod kyi Rnam par Bshad pa Mdo Bstan pa Mtha' dag gi E wam Phyag rgya, comm. on work by Karma pakshi in 4 vols, publ. 1978.  Author of 123.  Collection of works in 153.  Visited 'Bri gung in 1537.  Songs & verses of instruction, publ. 1978.  35 II 5‑55.  B. in Ngom.  Dhongthog 86.  His Gdams 'Khrid Man ngag gi Rim pa 'Chi med Bdud rtsi'i Ljon Bzang publ. in 2 vols. in 1976.  His Chos Mngon pa'i Mdzod kyi 'Grel pa publ. in 2 vols. in 1975.  His 'Dul ba Mdo Rtsa Nyi mo'i Dkyil 'khor Glegs bam publ. in 2 vols, 1976.  His Dbu ma la 'Jug pa'i Rnam bshad Dpal ldan Dus gsum mkhyen pa'i Zhal lung Dwags Brgyud Grub pa'i Shing rta publ. in 1975 (and also in 1969).  Aka Chos grags dpal bzang, acc. to 11 70.  His Dbu ma Gzhan stong Smra ba'i Srol Legs par Phye ba'i Sgron me publ. in Rum btegs in 20 pp. in 1972.  His Rnal 'byor Rgyud kyi Rnam bshad publ. in 4 vols. in 1979.  Work in 403.  Bio. in BD of T&TB VII 163 ff.  Works listed in SBTD I 4.  His autobiography listed in BLP no. 0012.  A collection of bios. by him mentioned in BLP no. 1252.  His work Dbus Gtsang 'Khrug pa'i Dus Lo Gsum gyi Ching Bsdoms pa'i Sa 'byed, listed in BLP no. 1552.  Dung dkar 37‑38.  Silver portrait image, with identifying inscription, in Weldon & Singer, Sculptural Heritage p.189.  Another image in Precious Deposits 194‑6 (right hand teaching mudrā, left hand holding vase above lap).  Central subject of an inscribed thangka illus. in Pal, AHC 187 (here his wrists are crossed, with hands holding vajra and bell).  Brief autobio. listed in Drepung Catalog 1508 (see also p. 1511).

Yu mo MI BSKYOD RDO RJE — Achard, L'Essence 248.  Yisun 2583‑4:  yu mo mi bskyod rdo rje, rab byung dang po'i dus su byon, dang po rnal 'byor pa, phyis rab tu byung nas mtshan dad pa rgyal por btags, kha che paṇ chen zla ba mgon po nas dus 'khor rgyud 'grel zhib tu gsan te bsgoms pas rtogs pa brnyes, gzhan stong gi lta ba'i srol phye, yig cha 'ga' zhig mdzad pas lugs de'i bla ma gong mar bkur, dgung lo brgyad cu gya gnyis par 'das, de'i slob brgyud thugs rje brtson 'grus dang dol bu bas jo nang dgon pa btab ste grub mtha' rgya cher spel, de nas bzung brgyud 'dzin rnams la jo nang pa zhes grags.  Monastic name, Dad pa rgyal po. Ruegg, JSBO 80.

MI BSKYOD PA — Pictured in 128 14.

MI BSKYOD PA — Disc. of Nyang ral.  210 24.1.

MI BSKYOD ZHABS — Gter ston of 8th rab byung383 220.4.

MI YI KHU BA — "Human Semen."  N. of Dbang phyug.  Das 909.

Mnga' bdag mo MI KHYIM — Gter bton, bio. in 210 83.4.

MI KHRUGS PA — Text in 243 III 795‑834.  349 II 407‑492.

Phya MI MKHYEN DGU MKHYEN — Lde'u2 100.

Si tu iv MI 'KHRUGS CHOS KYI GO CHA — (1542‑1585)  B. in Zur mang Rtsa rgyud.

MI 'KHRUGS RDZA RI —  =Min drug Rdza ri.  Velm I 124.

MI GA'I MTSHAN CAN — 374 II 467.6.

MI GLING — An imperial census taker of 1268.  Petech (1983) 186.

Sdig chen MI DGU — Story in 352 792.14 ff.

MI 'GYUR RGYAL MTSHAN — Bon founder of Rgyal ri U rgyan smin grol gling, at Kong po Bon ri.  Loseries in TS7 II 589.

MI 'GYUR RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1717)  Bio. in 383 624.6 ff, 640.5 ff.

MI 'GYUR RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1753)  Bon Gsar.  259 preface.  Bio. in 253 II 460.1.

Mchog sprul MI 'GYUR RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 617.

Yang ston MI 'GYUR RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 473.2.  Author of a history of Ya ngal lineage of Bon, publ. in 1978.  Yang sgom Mi 'gyur rgyal mtshan, The History of the Ya ngal Lineage of Lamas of Dol po, Khedup Gyatso, TBMC (Dolanji 1978).

MI 'GYUR BRTAN PA — Led campaign into what is now eastern Bhutan in 1675.  Aris in BSOAS 39 (1976) 616.

Kaḥ thog iv Dri med Zhing skyong MI 'GYUR BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN —

MI 'GYUR DON GRUB — The hypothetically existing bla ma of Tuesday Blo bzang Ram pa.

MI 'GYUR RDO RJE — See Padma mdo sngags byang chub gling pa.

Rdo dmar Zhabs drung MI 'GYUR RDO RJE — (b. 1675)  Disc. of Zil gnon dbang rgyal rdo rje (b. 1647).  Collected works, 230.  Collected works in 1 vol., publ. 1981 (Tib C/BQ7662/.R38/1981): p. 1—nyams glu.  2—bslab bya.  231—abecedariums.  239—gsol 'debs.  245—sna tshogs.  355—Gnam sgo zla gam.  383—zhus lan.  489—bar do.

Sprul sku MI 'GYUR RDO RJE — (1646‑1667)  His Dgongs gter, the Gnam Chos, was set down by Karma chags med & was the specialty of Dpal yul Mon.  39 6.  See Karma mi 'gyur rdo rje.  383 220.6.  The Zhi khro Dam pa Rigs Brgya from his revealed cycle the Gnam Chos (which was put in writing by Karma chags med) in 87 IV 339‑346.  Work on Vajrabhairava in 87 XXVIII.  Other gter in 87 XXIV, XXIX.  Work on Amitāyus in 87 XXXI.  Lived 1645 or 1667 to 1703 (?) acc. to 232 I 12.  Also called (Yongs dge Gter ston) and (Yon dge), but see below!  Excavator of Padma Badzra Grub thob Rgya mtsho'i Dkyil 'khor cha lag Lnga'i Skor and Tshe Sgrub Thabs Shes Kha sbyor Chos Skor, publ. in one vol. in 1975.  Commentary of Kong sprul in 12 XIV.  336 preface.  363 115.5.  Rdo rje gro lod Rtsa Gsum Sgrub thabs Skor publ. in 1974.  B. 1628, bio. in 381 1‑127.  Alias Drag po nus ldan rtsal.  Pictured in 381 3.  Cuevas, Hidden History 180 (here said to have been b. in 1628).

Brang stod pa MI 'GYUR RDO RJE  (b. 1912)  Under the spelling "Dangtopa Mingyur Dorji" more may be learned about him in H. Richardson's Who's Who in Tibet (my immediate reference is The Tibet Album at this Oxford website: http://tibet.prm.ox.ac.uk/biography_34.html).

Rig 'dzin MI 'GYUR RDO RJE — 410 211A.6.

Yongs dge MI 'GYUR RDO RJE — In Georgios Halkias' dissertation, he says Yong dge Gter ston Mi 'gyur rdo rje (1628‑1

641?) was a student of Karma chags med.  He should not be confused with Gnam chos Mi 'gyur rdo rje, whose dates were 1645‑1667.  But seeing that both lived about 22 years, I wonder if they may be identical.

MI 'GYUR RDO RJE DRAG PO NUS LDAN RTSAL — Alias of Karma bsam 'grub.  410 154A.4.

Rdzogs chen iv MI 'GYUR NAM MKHA'I RDO RJE TSHE DBANG GRUB RTSAL —  ='Jigs med mkhyen brtse'i dbang phyug phrin las rnam rgyal rdo rje, q.v.  Bio.  383 497.5 ff.  410 226A.3.  Almogi, MA thesis 96.

Smin gling Rje btsun ma MI 'GYUR DPAL GYI SGRON MA — (1699‑1769)  Rnying ma.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 338.  Of Smin grol gling tradition, daughter of Gter bdag gling pa (1646‑1714).  Works in 194 IV.  Author of 238.  Bio. by 'Gyur med 'od gsal, q.v.  453.  Achard, L'Essence 83.

MI 'GYUR BA'I THIG LE — Text in 320 I 457‑461.

MI 'GYUR BA'I RI BZHI — 17 IV 237.4.

Gshen tshang Khri chen MI 'GYUR GTSUG PHUD DBANG RGYAL — (b. 1757)  Kværne (174).  He is mentioned in a passage in the biography of Dharmabhadra (Dharma bha dra dpal bzang po'i Rnam thar Zhwa ser Bstan pa'i Mdzes rgyan) 64r:  skabs der bzhad khul du bon gyi ring lugs 'dzin pa gsh[e]n tshang khri chen mi 'gyur gtsug phud dbang rgyal zhes pa snyan ngag la mkhas pa'i grags pa yod gshis khang gsar dpon tshang lags brgyud snyan zhu mdzad de sku gam du bcar nas dogs gcod mdzad par...  Bio. in Katen (300+ vol. version), vol. 203.


Dga' bzhi MI 'GYUR BSOD NAMS — CHMO 15 9.

Shel dkar gling pa MI 'GYUR LHUN GRUB — Brief bio. by Nor brang O rgyan in Bod kyi Rtsom rig Sgyu rtsal, 4th issue of 1994.

MI 'GRO GSUNG BYON — Form of Mar me mdzad.  Essais 169.


Gre'i MI'U CHUNG — See =(Grib) Me'u thung.  BA 403.  Gra'i Me'u chung in 17 II 456.3.

MI CHOM MA — N. of a tribe.  Das 957.

MI CHOS — Pl.n.  BA 75. 

MI CHOS — The 16 laws (mi chos) listed by 'Jig rten mgon po (1143‑1177).  476 I 437.1.

MI 'JIGS PA SBYIN PA DPAL —  =Abhāyadānaśrī.  Indian author of 120.

MI NYAG — See Me nyag.  Place in Minya Konkar Mountain district of Khams.  T.H. 42.  Das 958.  58 927.  Inhabitants called Rtsa mi or Shing mi in epics.  Stein 24, 29.  Until 13th century these are Tangut or Hsi-hsia/Xixia (self-designation: Mi-nia).  BA xvii, 58, 64, 501‑3, 510‑1, 928.  Mi nyag as a rus, see 5 14.1, 233.4.  82 88.  =Tang gud, acc. to Jaeschke 413.  210 155.3.  A language, Beyer 8.  Ferenczy article in T&BS I 241‑249.  Title in language in Bon work, 489 594.2.  See titles listed in BLP no. 1616‑1620.  See Gardner in TJ XXVIII no. 3 (2003) 68.

MI NYAG — See (— —) Kun bzang bsod nams.  (— —) (Rab 'byams pa) Mgon po dpal.  (— —) 'Byung grags.  (— —) Sbyin pa don grub.  (— —) Rig 'dzin rdo rje.

MI NYAG SKYOR DPON — See Mengele, dGe 53.  Dreyfus, Sound 313.

MI NYAG GRWA TSHANG — Mienasi or Mienata.  Horlemann 139.

MI NYAG PAR LHA KHANG — Miniagpar Lhakhang.  David‑Neel, Magic & Mystery 131.

MI NYAG GA — Ning hsia.  BA 486, 492, 740.

MI NYAG GANGS DKAR — See (— — — —) Karma bshad sgrub chos kyi seng ge.

Rtogs ldan MI NYAG SGOM RINGS — Disc. of Phag mo gru pa.  BA 563.

MI NYAG SGOM RINGS — Illiterate yogin, disc. of Phag mo gru pa, who founded first small mon. which later became 'Bri gung.  Ferrari 111.

MI NYAG RTOGS LDAN — See (— — — —) Grags pa rin chen.  (— — — —) Blo gros rin chen.

MI NYAG ZHANG ZHUNG — A person.  BA 426.

MI NYAG ZHABS DRUNG — See (— — — —) Ngag dbang blo gros dar rgyas.


MI NYAG RAS PA — A teacher of Dung mtsho ras pa Phyi ma.  BD of T&TB III 506.

MI NYAG LO TSĀ BA — The one who invited the pundit Su na ya shrī to Tibet.  Mtshan tho no. 52.

Paṇḍi ta MI'I NYI MA — Nags kyi rin chen met him in La lingka.  17 II 310.3.  Manuṣasūrya, S Indian poet.  449 23.4, etc.

MI MNYAM RDO RJE —  =A tulya badzra, Atulyavajra.  BA 729, 843.  17 II 427.  Disc. of Mai tri pa and teacher of Khyung po rnal 'byor in Nepal.  Met by Mar pa at Ra ma do le (Ramadoli, at confluence of the 2 rivers at Kathmandu).  17 II 453.3.  476 I 45.7.

Khams pa MI MNYAM RDO RJE — A disc. of 'Tshur ston.  57 IIB 348.1.  =(Khams pa) Ro mnyam rdo rje.


MI TRA GHU PA — Probably, Mitragūhya, an Acarya met by O rgyan pa at Klu grub Phug.  115 45.7.

MI TRA BRGYA RTSA — A collection of teachings.  12 XII 199 (comm.).  349 XXIII.

Paṇḍi ta MI TRA CHEN PO — Teacher of Atiśa.  57 II 283.5.

Mkhas chen MI TRA TA RA — BD of T&TB I 791.

MI TRA BA — In thangka inscription.  Kreijger, Tibetan Painting 72.

MI TRA DZO KI — Or, Mi tra dzwa ki.  5 53.3.  B. in Ra ḍa.  A personal disc. of Tilli pa's disc., Rol pa'i rdo rje.  17 II 307.4‑309.5.  Also called A dzi ta mi tra gupta.  Bio. by Rin chen rgyal mtshan, alias 'Od zer 'bar, found in 118 449‑563.  Pictured in 128 55A.  Bio., see under Dri med kun dga'.  BD of T&TB I 872‑876.  =Dzakma ta ananta.  =Mi tra a nanta.  Invited to consecration of Khro phu Byams chen in 1212.  Med. text, DD 713.  Bio., see SBTD I 133.  See list of bios. in Kuijp in JAOS (1994) 602.  Bios. by Rgod tshang pa Sna tshogs rang grol, Dza ya Blo bzang 'phrin las & Khro Lo listed in BLP no. 1624‑1627.  Dzagma ti tra a nanta, Khro Lo invited him in 1198, and he stayed 18 months before returning to India.  Later he was known as Mi tra dzo ki.  Khro Lo had met him at age 26 while in Nepal.  More of the story told in Mtshan tho no. 88.

MI TRA SA RA — A cemetery in vicinity of the royal palace, at or near (?) Dza landha ra.  115 45.7.

MI THUB ZLA BA — Met by Rin chen bzang po at Bi kra ma la shī la.  17 II 351.5, 395.5.  BD of T&TB X 5.7.  Disc. of Ḍombi He ru ka.  BD of T&TB I 420, 562, 568‑571.  =Thub dka' zla ba.  =Dza ya tsandra.

Tsa'i MI THOD GAD PA CAN — A village (?).  4X I 12.3.

MI DHA DKA' THUB CAN — A n. of Yudhisthira.  Das 98.

MI'U GDUNG DRUG — The six original tribes of Tibetans, often there are said to have been 4 main ones.  Langelaar, Chasing 6.


MI'I BDAG PO KUN DGA' RDO RJE — See 'Tshal pa Kun dga' rdo rje.

MI BDUD — Protector.  489 489.2 ff.

MI RDUM — See 79 84 no 65.

Gu ru MĪ NA PA — Mahāsiddha.  Tib.: Nya pa'i zhabs.  Bio. in 120 26‑29.  Probably the same as Mi na ra pictured in 128 47A.  A fisherman.  BD of T&TB I 637‑639.  His guru was Shiva (Mahādeva).  Stayed 12 years in the belly of a great fish.  Aka Rdo rje'i zhabs and A tsinda pa to.

MI NUB — Pl.n.  Seems to be in Burma.  232 I 10.  Stein, Recherches 89.  A mon. in Nyag rong in Khams.  Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 418.  Nomads 285:  yul zhig gi ming ste / sgrung las 'byung tshul la ltos na yu nan zhing chen nang khongs tha'i rigs kyi yul yin par sems so.

Lha mo MI NUB RGYAL MTSHAN 'DZIN — 485 I 6.4.

Lo ro MI SNA — Pl.n.  BA 439.

MI LPAGS THANG — 363 86.2.

MI LPAGS G.YANG GZHI — A holy lake in Ra bang.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 52.

Dpa' thul MI SPYANG DKAR PO — A legendary warrior.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 88.

MI PHAM — See (— —) Bkra shis blo gros.  (— —) 'Jam dpal dpa' bo ye shes snang ba'i gter.


MI PHAM BKRA SHIS CHOS RGYAL — (modern)  377 44A.3.

MI PHAM SKRA'I LA BA CAN — One of the Rtog ge Drug, q.v.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 344.

Bod Mkhas pa MI PHAM DGE LEGS RNAM RGYAL — 'Brug pa poet in the time of the Dalai Lama v.  23 19.  Author of a work on marital astrology in 105 429‑466.  Medical works, DD 716.

Chos rje MI PHAM MGON PO — See 184.  Work in 226 I 313‑383 written at his behest (placing him therefore in the 17th cent.).  Replies to his questions in 226 V 1‑405.  See under Sna tshogs rang grol.

Spangs MI PHAM MGON PO — (9th-10th cent.)  Also, Sbam Mi pham mgon po.  Lived 9th to 10th cent., and lived over 100 years.  Bio. in BD of T&TB III 256.  His disc. was Ngan lam Byang chub rgyal mtshan.  BA 172 ff.  Received teachings from Vairocana.  Karmay, Great Perfection 208.  A chos 34 ff.  Achard, L'Essence 30, 39.  Matthew Kapstein, The Strange Death of Pema the Demon Tamer, in M.K., ed., The Presence of Light (Chicago 2004), pp. 119‑156, at p. 141.

MI PHAM MGON PO'I GTSUG LAG KHANG — Temple founded in Lhasa in 1927.  Dhongthog 136.

'Jam mgon MI PHAM RGYA MTSHO — (1846‑1912)  He has many names.  Bio., see Bdud 'jom Rin po che's Rnying ma Chos 'byung, pp. 671‑690.  BD of T&TB IV 531.  42 intro.  Studied under Dpal sprul & other great teachers of his day.  Work, 98.  Collected works in 15 vols. in Ngagyur Nyingmay Sungrab Series, vols. 60‑74, publ. in 1974.  212.  Pictured in 128 690.  Work in 166Kværne (201).  Bio. & list of works in 212 VII.  422.  Medical works, see DD 718.  His Sgyu ma'i Be'u bum, and Sngags kyi Be'u bum published in one vol. in 1974. His Tibetan Sanskrit glossary, Skad Gnyis Shan sbyar Rab gsal Nor bu'i Me long, publ. in Leh, 1979.  His Don Rnam par Nges pa Shes rab Ral gri publ. in 10 folios in 1970 (from Junbesi blocks).  His Shes rab Le'u'i Tshig Don Go Sla bar Rnam par Bshad pa Nor bu Ke ta ka, a comm. on the last chapter of the Spyod 'jug, publ. in Gangtok, 1979.

MI PHAM RGYAL MO — A Tārā.  128 1116.

MI PHAM SGRUB BRGYUD — See (— — — —) Yar 'phel dbang po.

Cog grwa MI PHAM NGAG DBANG SNYAN GRAGS — In library of E.Gene Smith: photocopy of woodblock print entitled Rje btsun Rdo rje 'chang Dngos Mi pham ngag dbang snyan grags dpal bzang po'i Rnam par Thar pa Ngo mtshar Rgya mtsho'i Zlos gar, in 126 fols. 'Brug pa Dkar brgyud pa teacher.  This same bio. is listed as a work of Phun tshogs shes rab in 126 fols. in BLP no. 1621, and made use of in Kuijp, FCTC2 17.

Cog gra MI PHAM NGAG DBANG BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — Author in colophon in 337 130.

Spyan snga MI PHAM CHOS KYI RGYA MTSHO — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 1167.

MI PHAM CHOS KYI RGYAL PO — (1543‑1604)  'Brug pa.  Bio. contained in 24 IV.  20 36.  210 216.1.  Waddell 243. Teacher of Yol mo ba iii.  373 preface.

Ta'i Si tu vi MI PHAM CHOS RGYAL RAB BRTAN — (1658-1682).

Sprul sku MI PHAM CHOS 'PHEL — Introduced painting as an educational discipline during the 17th cent.  23 48.

Mdzod pa MI PHAM CHOS 'PHEL — 136 contents.  174 16A.5.

MI PHAM CHOS KYI BLA MA — N. of G.yag phrug pa Sangs rgyas dpal.  TS7 II 836.

'Brug chen x MI PHAM CHOS KYI DBANG PO — (1884‑1930)  23rd in 'Brug pa Gdan rabs, q.v.  1 45.  Teacher of 'Brug chen Gdung sras.  Wife & daughter mentioned in Fletcher 92.

Sgam po MI PHAM CHOS KYI DBANG PHYUG — Author of BLP no. 1112.

Chos mgon ii MI PHAM CHOS KYI DBANG PHYUG — (1639‑1703)  'Brug pa.  7.

MI PHAM CHOS KYI DBANG PHYUG BDUD 'JOMS RDO RJE — See preceding.  Tulku of Chos kyi mgon po (who lived ca. 1589).  17 IV 83.4.

MI PHAM 'CHI MED GRUB PA CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — Alias of Chos kyi dbang phyug (b. 1775).  465 IV 221.1.

MI PHAM 'JAM DPAL DGYES PA'I RDO RJE — (1846‑1912)  His collected works fill 19 vols.  T.H. 213.  =('Jam mgon 'Ju) Mi pham rgya mtsho, q.v.  Pictured in 320 XXV 627.

MI PHAM 'JAM DPAL MTHU STOBS RDO RJE — Incarnation of Stag tshang ras pa.  Alive in 1753.  384 II contents.  His name appears in the Hemis inscription as published by Emil Schlagintweit in 1864.

Chos mgon MI PHAM 'JAM DPAL RDO RJE — 460 263.2.  Check the 'Khrungs rabs in 337 123 ff. (This is the 'Brug Lugs kyi Mchod brjod Rab gsal).


MI PHAM 'JAM DPAL RGYAS PA — Author of work in 409.

Yab chen MI PHAM BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — (1567‑1619)  Father of Zhabs drung i, part of the house of Rwa lung.  Aris in BSOAS 39 (1976) 630.  59 preface.


Stag rtse MI PHAM PHUN TSHOGS SHES RAB — See 116 523‑527.  Collected works in 197.  Precepter of King of Mustang in about 1680.  ISTS 135.

Sgrub sde Sprul sku MI PHAM PHRIN LAS RGYA MTSHO — Disc. of Khams sprul V (1781‑1847).  Works in 186 II 191‑531.  Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 120.3.

'Dzi sgar iii MI PHAM PHRIN LAS DPAL 'BYOR — 382 preface.

Si tu vi MI PHAM PHRIN LAS RAB BRTAN — (1658?‑1682)  Bio. in 35 II 339‑340.  B. in Mdo khams Sde dge.

MI PHAM BLO GROS — Pupil of Lha rtse ba in early 17th cent.  Schwieger in Kailash 18 (1996) 102.

MI PHAM DBANG PO — Prince of 'Phyongs rgyas.  59 preface.


'Brug chen vi MI PHAM DBANG PO — (1641‑1717)  1 39.  Evidently subject of bio. in 135 II 379‑440.  Probably his picture in 196B in L 10.  Bios. in 466 IV 97‑455.

MI PHAM DBYANGS CAN DGA' BA'I RDO RJE — Literary n. of 'Jam dbyangs bzhad pa ii (1728‑1791).  Smith, Philology appendix II.

Zhwa dmar xiii MI PHAM SMRA BA'I GO CHA — (1952 to present).

MI PHAM TSHANGS SRAS DGYES PA'I RDO RJE — Literary n. of Gser tog Sprul sku Blo bzang tshul khrims rgya mtsho (b. 1845).  Smith, Philology appendix II.

Rdo rje gdan pa MI PHAM TSHE DBANG BSTAN 'DZIN — (1574‑1643)  Alias (Pha jo) Rta mgrin rgyal mtshan.  Associate of Zhabs drung i.  Bio. in 59 741‑807.  Bio. listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 340 (no. 701.3).

MI PHAM ZLA BA — Author of biography of Skal ldan iii Dge 'dun phrin las, listed in BLP no. 0141.

Bis pa MI PHAM ZLA BA — Author of work entitled 'Phrin yig gi Rnam gzhag Dper brjod dang bcas pa Padma Dkar po'i 'Phreng mdzes, listed in Btsan lha 1055.

MI PHAM ZLA 'OD BSTAN 'DZIN 'PHRIN LAS BZANG PO — At whose behest the treatise in 226 V 441 ff. was composed.

MI PHAM SHES BYA RDO RJE — See =Smon lam rab bzang.

MI PHAM BSHAD SGRUB CHOS KYI NYIN BYED — N. of 'Brug chen Gdung sras Rin po che.

La dwags No no MI PHAM BSHES GNYEN — 378 II contents.


MI PHYED — Abheda.  An Arhat.  Pictured in Chandra 1805.  128 1090.

MI BU GDUNG DRUG — The six primordial clans.  Das 713.  ISTS 202.

MI BON — See (— —) Khri lde zam bu.

Dbon po MI DBANG — See =Pho lha nas Bsod nams stobs rgyal.

MI DBANG 'KHOR CHEN — A Mani temple in Lhasa built by Pho lha nas.  See Dung dkar 20.

MI'I DBANG PO — Tibetan meaning of the name Nalanda.  Chag 90.

MI'I DBANG PO — See (— — — —) Bud dha sta ra.

MI DBANG 'PHAGS PA — Composed biography of Rab brtan kun bzang 'phags in 1479.  Kuijp, KPTB 57.

MI 'BYED SENG GE —  =Nyin byed seng ge.  BD of T&TB I 957.  413 128.3.  Karmay, Great Perfection 139.


MI MI RAS RKYANG — Havnevik, Dissert. 159.

MI MANGS TSHOGS 'DU — Tsering Shakya, Dragon 147, etc.

MI MO BYA MO BTSUN — See Todd Gibson's dissertation (Bloomington 1991), p. 110.

Cong ro MI ZHAR RTA THING — Vitali in Lungta, vol. 16 (Spring 2003), p. 5.

MI ZIM BU SPUN DGU — Nine sons of Mi zim, a blacksmith.  Evidently known for their smithery.  Das 960.

MI ZLUM — In Kamaon, lat 30°, long 79°.  See 79 84 no. 65.

MI BZAD MIG — N. of Dbang phyug.  Das 909.

MI'AM CI —  =Kinnara.  Human headed birds, or horseheaded humans?

MI'AM CI'I RGYAL PO'I DRIS LAN — Commentary, see SBTD I 314.

MI YUL SKYI MTHING — Or, myi yul skyi mthing.  Said to refer to the entirety of the human realm.  See Bellezza, L&T 59.

MI YUL SKYID THING — Cemetery in Kong po where Dri gum's tomb lies.  Ramble in Mandala & Landscape 185.  There are many ways to spell it. Hazod in Steinkellner Festschrift 260.

MI YUR CHEN PO — Great Human Weeding.  Evidently a Mongol practice to control peasant populations (and keep land open for grazing).  Tucci (TPS 14) thinks it might be the name of a temple.

MI G.YEL — (sp?)  Holy place.  Gnas yig in 460 1‑10.

MI G.YO KLONG BZANG MA — One of the five Tshe ring ma sisters.  4 149B.5.

Chos rje MI G.YO MGON PO — (1409‑1454)  Aka Rin chen shes rab dpal bzang po, sixth throne holder of Khams Ri bo che.  CFMS 101.  Kuijp in  Lungta 14 (2001) 67.

Khro bo MI G.YO MGON PO'I RGYUD — 320 XXVIII 469.9 ff.

MI G.YO BA — Ācala.  Special deity for the Bka' gdams pa.  T.H. 147.  KTDN B XI 51B.1.  White and blue forms.  374 I 127.4 ff.  Tibetan text edition of Acala Mahākrodharāja kalpa (Toh. 495) contained in Acta Indologica IV.  On early tapestry thangkas of Acala, see Linrothe's article in J. of Sung Yuan Studies (1998), p. 101, n. 32.  A great textile thangka of Acala from Kharakhoto is illustrated in Anne Wardell, "Important Asian Textiles," Oriental Art 38 no 4 (1992‑3) 244‑251.  For a Gsang phu bronze, see Uhlig, On the Path to Enlightenment 172.  Early bronze & thangka illus. in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 160‑161.  A 10th-cent. (!?) silk tapestry, see Po ta la (1996) 144.

Khro bo Gtum po Chen po MI G.YO BA — 349 VIII 176‑243.

Chos rje Rin po che MI G.YO BA — See CFMS 101, where he is identified with Mi g.yo mgon po (1409‑1454).

MI G.YO BLO BZANG MA — Pictured in 216A.

MI G.YO BSAM GTAN GLING — One of a set of 12 gling in Bon geography.  Das 258.

MI LA — A gdung rus of Gung thang.  45 Gemur 21.5.  For the origin of the name, see 4A 9A.6 ff.  N. of a district (nang tshan).  4X I 6.6.

MI LA — See (— —) Mdo ston seng ge.  (— —) Rdo rje seng ge.  (— —) Shes rab rgyal mtshan.

MI LA DGON PA — ?  Mon. located among the mts. of Myang stod where Gling ras pa met the Lama from Dbus named Zhang.  24 I 347.1.

MI LA TSA KRA — The subdued gdon that gave the name to Mi la ras pa's ancestors.  57 IIB 348.6.  Not named in 4A 9A ff.

MI LA RAS PA — (1038‑1122) acc. to Waddell 66 (he's surely wrong).  See 4, 4A.  (1040‑1123) acc. to T.H. 155.  Ferrari 134.  Born in Gung thang.  BA 427‑436.  (1052‑1135) acc. to 11 3, 71.  Bio. in 17 II 472.6 ff.  See De Fillipi, An Account of Tibet, 224.  See explanation of dates in 20 23.  Bio. in 57 IIB 348.5 ff.  Bios. in 73 174‑245.  His bio., said to be by Ras chung pa, see 74 I 97‑125.  By Rgyal thang pa, see 119 189‑265.  Brief biographical sketch by Glo bo Mkhan chen in 76 432‑426.  Work entitled Rje btsun gyi Gtad rgya (instructions to Ras chung pa) in 74 I 371‑373.  Other instructions to Ras chung pa in 74 II 467‑497.  His Mkha' 'gro'i Gsang Sgrog pa 'Og sgo Bde ba Chen po'i Rang Lus Thabs ldan in 74 II 393‑401.  For dating, see Wylie 130 n. 135.  Birthplace, Ko ron sa.  Work in 118 25‑45.  Pictured in 128 466, 642.  Bio. by Zhwa dmar ii in 121 I (incomplete).  Bio. by Zhang Rin po che (1123‑1193) in 131 333 ff.  Bio. by Rje Mkhan po IX (1710‑1759).  135 I 109‑178.  "Snying dang 'dra ba'i bu bzhi," see 4 285.4 ff.  List of discs. also in Reynolds 109.  Text on protection from bandits & thieves in 87 LXXII.  Bio. w/ chrono. in 331 174‑180.  Reference to bio. by Ngam rdzong and Ras pa Bcu gnyis in 17 IV 310.4.  For a version of his life by Lha btsun pa, see Smith 226.  Comm. on his "I'm Crazy" song, see SBTD I 149, 208.  Bio. in 168 59.5 ff.  Milarepa's ancestry went as follows:  Rnying ma Bla ma, Khyung po Jo sras, Mi la Mdo ston rdo rje (and his unnamed brother), Mi la Mdo ston rdo rje, Mi la Rdo rje seng ge, Mi la Shes rab rgyal mtshan + Myang tsha Dkar mo rgyan, Mi la ras pa and his sister Be ta.  Mi la ras pa had an uncle named G.yung drung rgyal mtshan, while his aunt was Khyung tsha Dpal 'gran (also called Bdud mo Stag 'dren).  Compare also Karmay 12‑13 (also, Three Sources 430.1).  Myi la ral pa?!, in time of Mang yul king Lha mchog lde.  DTK5 93.  For a standard series of 5 thangkas depicting his life, see  Nomads 285.  A remarkable ms. biography, with Karma pa lineage at end (hence claiming direct handing down from Ras chung pa) is illus. in Precious Deposits III 258‑9.  List of bios. in BLP nos. 1610‑1615. For essays on his dates and other topics, see RS 447-504.

MI LA — Pl.n.  Wylie xix.

MI LI BYI — A Mongol commander.  Blue Annals 577.

Rgyal gshen MI LUS BSAM LEGS — King of Rgyal mkhar Ba chod.  Comm. on Bon Mother Tantras in 268253 II 370.2.  Bio. in 352 645.14.

MI LO PA TRA — A ngan sngagsChag 56.

MI SHA HA — A spelling used by 'Phags pa for Messiah.  See Kuijp in CAJ (1995) 283.

Sprul sku MI SHIG RDO RJE — (b. 1650)  Alias (Shel zhig) G.yung drung rgyal po.  Received snyan brgyud and gter ma revelations.  Recognized by Bon as the earliest proponent of Bon Gsar.  259 preface.  Karmay, Treasury 185.  260 preface.

MI SHIG RDO RJE SNYAN RGYUD — Text in 299 629‑32.

MI SHIG G.YUNG DRUNG 'BYUNG GNAS — Bon n. of 'Jam dbyangs Mkhyen brtse'i dbang po.  Kværne no 191.

MI SIG — A n. for Russia, acc. to Yongdan, TCW 120, where the name Ru shi si ya is also seen.

MI'I SENG GE — King of Shambhala.  128 1016.  Also an epithet of Mañjuśrī, and a Bon deity.

MI SER — Theoretically would refer to Egypt, if it exists at all.  Pelliot, Notes on Marco Polo 640.

Sku bsrung MI GSOD SE SHAR — Vai.Ser. II 264.

MI'I LHA — Mānavadeva.  N. of Srong btsan sgam po in late works, after a prophecy in the Mañjuśrīmūlakalpa TantraBA xi.

MI LHOD THOGS PA — Rmi lhod thogs pa.  Gter ston in FM 99.02.

Klu'i Rgyal po MIG BKRA — Rock, Nāga Cult 177.

Khye'u MIG GI DGA' STON — The child named Feast for the Eye.  Khye'u Mig gi dga' ston gyi Rtogs brjod Rin po che'i Phreng ba, MHTL 5939.

MIG GO — Name for America via Mandarin Meiguo.  20th century only.

MIG GO'I PI CING CHIN KHRAL — Meiguo Beijing Qinchai, title for the American 'imperial commissioner' stationed in Peking.  This title was used for W.W. Rockhill when he had an audience with the Dalai Lama xiii (Sperling, Tibeto‑Mongol Treaty).

MIG DGU'I YUL — S. of Tibet.  253 II 642.2.

Gsal byed MIG GI THUR MA — Comm. cited as source in Lde'u 2 90.

MIG GI PHO BRANG — ?  A Castle at Wam le.  81 103.18, 117.

MIG GI PHRENG BA RI — N. of a fabulous mt. in Purvavideha.  Das 963.

MIG 'BYED SPYAN RAS GZIGS — See the essay by Olaf Czaja, "The Eye-Healing Avalokitevara: A National Icon of Mongolia and Its Origin in Tibetan Medicine."

MIG MANG BRAG — 210 196.6.

Stag sde MIG MANGS — 17 II 432.6.

MIG MI 'DZUM — Animiṣa.  Epithet of Avalokiteśvara.  N. of a prince.  Das 964.

MIG MI BZANG — One of the Rgyal po Chen po Bzhi, q.v.  Woodblock illus. in  BLKC I 290.

MIG MED MKHAR — In Sbal ti, lat. 35°, long. 75°.  79 84 no 64.

MIG DMAR — A heretic in an avadāna.  TPS 466.

MIG DMAR BSTAN GRUB — "Migmar Tendup."  His help is acknowledged in E.H.C. Walsh's 1904 publication in JASB of the Tibetan books from Lhasa brought by Ekai Kawaguchi.

MIG BTSUMS PA'I RI — A fabulous mt. beyond the ocean called Glog gi 'Phreng ba where there is a cavern in which beautiful women are born at sunrise, mature, and die by night time because of their karma.  Das 965.

MIG RA PHUG — In Tsā ri.  17 IV 239.1, 256.3.

MIG GSUM PA — Trilocana.  N. of Dbang phyug.  Das 909.

A ro Hor chin MING GE THU GU SHRI — Lost ref.

MING CHEN — One of the five first followers of Gautama Buddha.  413 19.2.  TPS 449.  Mahānāma, a member of the Śākya clan.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 346.

MING SRING DPAL BGOS DANG LHA 'DOG — Text in 315 417‑54.

Glu Gar gyis 'Tsho ba'i MING SRING GSUM — BD of T&TB I 208‑9.

MID LA — See Mi la.


MIR LI — N. of a river of Kucha.  See Schaik in JAOS 140 no 2 (Apr 2020) 273-286, at p. 277.

MU KU ṬA — N. of an island.  DG 91.1.

Rgyal po MU KUN DA DE BA — BD of T&TB I 915.

MU KHAM PUR — N. of an ancient place on Nepalese borderland to the north of Kapilavastu and Malladesa (modern Balia).  Das 966.

MU KHU LUNG — Eccentric spelling for Myu gu lung.  BD of T&TB X 45.1.


MU KHUM RI — 253 II 580.1.

MU KHYUNG — Sub‑clan of Khyung po.  See 23 29.

Rgyal po MU KHYUD — 128 788.

Rgyal po MU KHYUD CAN — BD of T&TB I 324.

Rgyal po MU KHYUD MTHA' YAS — KB 114.6.

MU KHYUD BDAL BA'I MTSHO — One of the great lakes of Tibet mentioned in the "G.Bon" 7.  Das 966.  352 743.1.

MU KHYUD 'DZIN — Nimindhara.  See Rgyun shes kyi bu. 

Rgyal bu MU KHYUD 'DZIN — Tucci, Religions 190.

MU KHYUD 'DZIN — N. of one of Gser gyi Ri Bdun.  Das 1310.

MU KHYUD 'DZIN RI — Nemandhara, Nemindhara.  One of the 7 golden mts. surrounding Sumeru.  Das 966.  A mt. in 'Gran.  253 II 579.6.

MU KHRI BTSAD PO — (b. 1974 BCE)  Kværne no 35.

MU KHRI BTSAN PO — For a depiction, see TPS 538.

Se chen MU KHRI BTSAN PO — Work in 286 II 259‑267.

MU GA — Nepalese.  See Szerb in Soundings 171.

MU GE RGYAG PA — Goldstein, Hist. 441.

MU GE LIGS CUNG — A Zhang zhung‑like name that appears with a petroglyph of a chorten in Wakhan (in the Pamirs).  See ZZFC 183‑184.

MU GLE'U LUNG — A small Sa skya mon. near the Bon mon. Dar lding.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 444.  Perhaps same as Myu gu lung?

MU RGYUD DKAR PO — 258 24.6.

MU NGUR — See under Mu dur.  It may be the correct reading??

MU CHU —  =Yon tan, acc. to Collected Tantras of Bon III 83.

MU CHO LDEM DRUG — Promised "paraclete" of gShen, according to T.H. 103.  Kværne 225, 27, 28.  352 779.2.  See Hoffmann, Probleme und Aufgaben 358 for equivalence of Mu cho with Môzak, 'teacher'.  Generally, Mu cho is regarded as one of the physical sons of Lord Shenrab. His frequent epithet is gdung sob, or gdung tshob, which  means a substitute or representative of someone not or no longer present, and not necessarily a 'descendent' at all. His main significance is for serving as the collector of the teachings of Lord Shenrab after his death.  Still, the Mdo 'dus explicitly states that he was son of Lord Shenrab with his no. 3 wife Lha za Gung drug, and gives an etymological analysis of the parts of his name.

MU CHO'I KHROM 'DUR — N. of an 11th-century Bon funerary text.  Bellezza, D&B 11 et passim.

MU CHOS — One of the Sku sras Brgyad, q.v.

MUNYDZA'I YUL — A Hor country, n. of Kailash range.  Country to the North of Tibet.  The Tartar Muñza.  Das 969.

Bog to MU TAN — The Mongol prince (Bog to) who entertained the Dalai Lama Bsod nams rgya mtsho on his visit at invitation of Altan Khan for introducing Buddhism to Mongols.

Bran ka MU TI KA — 17 II 326.2.  See Mu ri tri (?).

MU TIG — Pl.n.  BA 695, 948, 953.

MU TIG — See (— —) Spa ma gong.

MU TIG 'KHRI SHING — In avadāna story.  TPS 450.

Rgyal sras MU TIG SGAM PO — 253 II 177.2.

MU TIG PHRENG BA — "Pearl Strand."  A Dzogchen Tantra frequently cited in the auto-commentary to the Chos dbyings Mdzod of Klong chen pa.  Tantra in 320 IX 523.5.

MU TIG GI BYE MA LDAN MA — Das 413 no. 33.

MU TIG BTSAN PO — See (— — — —) Sad na legs.

MU TUR — Bio. in 206 562.6 ff.

Bla ma MU TO BA — (13th cent.)  BD of T&TB IX 552‑3.  See under Mu lto ba.

Ri bo MU RTOIn Rgyal mo rong.  FM 99.02  Dmu rdo?

MU LTO BA — See ('Jing ston) Lha dga'.  Mu to ba in 484 I 819.3.  Not a proper name, really, this means something like 'pauper'.

MU STEGS — Tīrthika.  In this case, a medical school.  KB 95.2.

MU STEGS LHA GNON — In inscription in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 85.

MU THANG BU — Of Xixia (Tangut).  See Schaeffer in JIP 28 (2000) 367.

Lha sras MU THUG BTSAN — SFHB 731.4.  Mu thug btsad po in 253 II 192.3. 

MU THUR — ?  247 I 540.2.  Kværne nos 60, 70.

Khyung byid MU THUR — In Bon po lineage.  206 576.6.  248 58.4.  Bio. in 253 II 330.6 ff.

Zhang zhung Dkyel chen MU THUR — 253 II 22.1.  Zhang zhung Rgyal chen Mu thur.  ZZFC 237.

MU DUR NAG PO — See Childs in AO 60 (1999) 133.

Dge ba'i bshes gnyen MU DRA CHEN PO — Also, Mu dra ba.  Founded E Dgon (q.v.), but otherwise not known.  Ferrari 156.  17 II 346.2.

Smad shod Phyogs kyi Zo dor MU NAM — Protector.  FM 806.18.06.

Rngog MU NE — BA 556.  =(Brdog) Mun ne.

MU NE DGON PA — 253 II 634.1.

MU NE BTSAN PO — (re. 797‑799)  Son of Khri srong lde brtsan, as well as successor.  He three times redistributed land & wealth.  Poisoned by his mother, and succeeded by Sad na legs.  17 II 327.5, 330.1.  87 I 216.5.  Pictured in 320 XVIII 3.  Sde srid Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho, Lha sras Mu ne btsan po'i 'Khrungs rabs Gsol 'debs, listed in BLP no. 2083.  He gets the mistaken dates 822‑845 in Dhongthog 88.

MU NE WARMA — BD of T&TB I 565.  Tib. tr. of the name as Thub pa'i go cha, in Tibet in time of Ral pa can.  Mtshan tho no. 22.

Sum pa MU SPUNGS GSAL THANG — P.n.  SFHB 630.5.

Li bon MU PHYA — Bon po.  P.n.  253 II 139.5.

Sum pa MU PHYA — Bon po.  P.n.  253 II 140.4, 375.6.

Zhang zhung MU PHYA — Bon po.  P.n.  253 II 140.5.

MU MU — Pl.n.  N. of a Buddhist sacred place, somewhere in E India, prob. in Bengal.  Das 967.  Thuken 173.

Rdzogs chen MU MED BDAL PA — Bon teaching.  Texts in 258 II 406‑672.  Note especially the Dpe'u ris illustrating visionary unfolding of Thod rgal practice.

MU MEN MTHING MTSHO — In Tswa ri.  17 IV 226.3.  466 IV 397.2.

Zhang zhung Dgra MU TSA MED — KTDN 59.3, 69.5.  87 I 41.1.  Stein's article on Zhang zhung, at p. 251.  HS XXXVI 386.1, has an account, calling her Gu ge Zhang zhung gi dgra lha'i rgyal mo Mu tsa med.

Lha MU TSA MED — Dotson, D&L 23.  Nishida, TTDD 144.

MU TSA KUN DA — Mucukunda.  Ancient king, son of Māndhātā.  See Das 968 for the story.

Yul MU TSE RA TA — DG 86.1.

Sprul sku MU RTSA RIN PO CHE — Work in 313 II 373‑386.

Rtang chen MU TSHA GYER MED — Nine Ways 3.

MU TSHA LGA — One of the 6 early Tibetan tribes known as Mi'u Gdung Drug.  Das 968.

MU'I WA MGO — Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 444.

MU WER STAG SNA — A king.  ZZFC 249 n. 143.

MU ZA'I DUG MTSHO — 132 108.2.

MU ZI — Stein, Tribus 5 n 16; 15, with var. spelling Ma zi.

MU ZI GSAL BZANG — Bon po.  253 II 143.3, 571.3.  Kværne no 42.

MU ZU — See (— —) Ka ra 'phan.  (— —) Gsal 'bar.

MU YU — In China.  Vai.Ser. 456.  Compare Grousett, p. 121, Teng li Meu yu.  See Chavannes in JA I (1913) 153, 579.

MU YE —  =Loka.  =Srid pa.  320 XXXIII 327 ff.

MU YE LHA RGYUD — Bon po.  206 541.5.  248 23.2.

Bran kha MU RI TRI — May be same as (Bran ka) Mu ti ka?  132 89.4.

MU RU — There is an old and a new Mu ru.  Temple at Lha sa devoted to Chos skyong.  Tucci, TL&B 91.

MU RUG BTSAN PO — Or, Mu rub.  Murdered in 804 by members of the Sna nam clan.  T.H. 45.  He was a son of Khri srong lde'u btsan, and lived 822‑845 according to the (mistaken) dates of Dhongthog 88.  Pictured in 320 XVIII 3.  There is a story of his being the product of the passion of the queen Tshe spong bza' with a dog and a goat (based in misunderstanding the sources).  He was banished to the frontier, and hence had something to do with the founding of Bhutan.  See Per Kværne, "A Preliminary Study of Chap. VI of the Gzer mig," contained in: Michael Aris and Aung San Suu Kyi, eds., Tibetan Studies in Honour of Hugh Richardson, Vikas (New Delhi 1980), pp. 185‑191, at p. 189.

MU RUṆḌA KA LA — BD of T&TB I 255.  N. of  mt.  BD of T&TB I 268, 269.

MU RUN TA KA — Muruṇḍaka.  One of 10 branches of Sarvāstivadins.  BA 27.  Sometimes subst. of Rnam par phye ste smra ba.

MU LA — Pl.n. in eastern Tibet.  TS5 806.

Khyung btsun MU LA — Work in 301 I 551‑561.

Bran ka MU LA KO SHA — A translating apprentice of Thon mi in 7th cent.  Mtshan tho no. 4.

MU LA THOGS MED — A peculiarly hybrid Zhang-zhung/Tibetan name.  See Nam mkha' thogs med.

MU LA BLO GROS RGYAL MTSHAN — See Nam mkha' thogs med.

MU LA MU SANGS — King of Zhang zhung.  253 II 571.4.  Kværne no 42.  Namgyal in TJ 23 no 4 (1998) 11.

Skya tsho MU LA RAD NA — Bon po.  The name might be read as Mu la ratna, which could then be restored into Tibetan as Nam mkha' rin chen.  Excavated work in 249 505 ff.  Mu la rin chen.  253 II 235.4.  300 III 219‑298.

MU LA SA'I KRO TA — 115 65.6.

MU LI — Yamada, Mu 112 ff.


MU LI MU GYUR — Bon po.  253 II 138.2.

MU LI BTSAN RA DGE BSHES — See (— — — — — —) Blo gros bstan 'dzin.

MU LI LHA KHANG — Dkar chag listed in BLP no. 1631.

MU LU — Famous clan equivalent to Bro ('Bro?).  See 28 104.

Dbyin ji'i Rgyal tshab MU LU LA — 438 VII 187.4.  A British representative. 

MU LUNG —  =Rmu lung, q.v.

Rje btsun MU LE — 115 158.3.

Bran ka MU LE KO SHA — N. of a Tibetan.  BD of T&TB I 544.

MU LE KHYUD MTSHO — 253 II 573.1, 581.1.

MU LE GANGS RI — See 28 11.  A mt. in Nepal.  Mu li Rin chen gangs, see under Chu mig brgya rtsa.  Dhaulagiri.  Kailash VII 90.

MU LE GONG — BA 976.

MU LE SGANGS — Local n. of the Dhaulagiri in Nepal.  See 28 11.  It is inhabited by a sa bdag called Chu bya sngon po, 'Blue Water Bird.'

MU LE DRUM SHING — In Bon texts often spelled Mu le grum shing, although I believe the "drum" element is borrowed from a rather common Sanskrit word for 'tree.'  See Bellezza, D&B 98.  Huber, SofL I 70 etc.

Khrag mtsho MU LE LDING — KTDN A X 40.6.

MU LE 'JI — A cattle herd boy.  Emmerick.

Mtsho MU LE 'PHRUL GYI ME LONG — A lake below Zangs mdog Dpal ri. See the label in the thangka in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 202.


MU SANGS LA 'THEN — Das 861.

MU SIG — Identified as Moscow.  Kuijp, TBMP 450.

MUKTI MI TRA — In Tib., Grol ba'i bshes gnyen.  An Indian pundit in Tibet in around late 10th century?  Mtshan tho no. 36.

MUG TUN — Mukden.  Liaoning, nowadays.  Thuken 367.

MUG DHA — In avadāna story.  TPS 490.

MUG LIG — A Tibetan form of the Sanskrit proper name Mukuri, used for Korea in T'ang times in Central Asia.  Pelliot, Notes on Marco Polo 235.  See Karsten, T‑K 4, for a discussion.  The Tibetan form Mug lig, as far as I know, only occurs once in the Dunhuang documents, and this passage, as I understand it is saying that the place is called Mug lig by the Turks and Ke'u li by the Chinese.  See the essay by Christopher Atwood, "The Earliest European Reference to Korea," contained in: Agata Bareja-Starzynska et al., eds., A Window onto the Other, Elipsa (Warsaw 2014), pp. 43-51.

MUG SHU DHA — Murshidabad.  Aris, Discourse 35.



MUN CAN DBANG PO — Proper name?  In Kālacakra lit.  Derge vol. 77, p. 282.5.

MUN NYING — Country E of India, including Bhamo.  Das 968.  NMH 73.1, 76.3.  Mienning in Yunnan.  Interpreted as Burma in Yongdan, TCW 97.

MUN DHA DZA LI — N. of a disease.  4 156A.1.

Stong dpon MUN NAG — Pl.n. (sp?).  58 926.

Brdog MUN NE — 17 II 539.3.  =Rngog Mu ne.

Slob dpon MUN PA KUN GSAL — 253 II 370.5.

Rgya gar gyi Dur khrod MUN PA SGRA SGROGS — 4 162B.1.

Rngog MUN PA CAN — Disc. of Rngog Chos rdor.  57 B 348.1.  Prob. =(Rngog) Dad pa can, q.v.

MUN PA NAG PO — One of the "8 great cemeteries."  See Das 630.

MUN PA MI BZAD PA — Pl.n.  BA 741.

MUN PA ZER LDAN YUL — Land of Bdud.  432 1149.6.

MUN TSA MUN TRA PA LA PATRA — In title in 320 XXII 157.4.

Sprags gyi MUR GAS — Pl.n.  OTA 680.

Grub thob MUN SEL — Kuijp, ZH 38.

MUN SEL SGRON ME — Cuevas, Hidden History 123.

MUN SEL RIN PO CHE — Tibetan Nyingmapa teacher, whose Dharma name was "Chr Cheng Jia Zuo" (perhaps Chos skyong rgya mtsho?), teacher (beginning in 1953) of Qigong Master Zi Sheng Wang.  Source:  webpage of "International Tibetan Qigong Association."

MUR RDO — See Dmu rdo.

MUR PA TSHUR STON — Said to have been learned in letters in 11th century.  Almogi, MA Thesis 84.

MUR SHING — "Trees on the border," i.e., "bordering trees."  In Bhutan.  See 79 90 no. 97.

MUR SU RA MEN — Mussalman (Muslim).  115 51.3.

Yon chen MUL — Inscription on image of Buddha shrī.  Rhies & Thurman 249.

Rtogs ldan MUL LTOS — In colophon to rare printing of Mi la Mgur 'bumFM 206.00.  Compare Mu lto ba.

MUL BAI BRAG BTSAN — 505 471 ff.

MUS — See (—) Gle lung (pl.n.).  (—) Dang ma gling skya.  (—) Sa nag.

MUS — Area of Mus chu.  N. of Mang mkhar.  Ferrari 158.  N. of a village in Gtsang.  Das 969.  BA 1015.  5 293.5.  Everding in NTFC I 184.

MUS KRAD PA — See (Kun mkhyen) Blo gros rin chen seng ge.

MUS CHEN — For bio. of  a Mus chen, see SBTD I 280.  See (— —) Dkon mchog rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Rgyal mtshan dpal bzang.  (— —) Nam mkha'i rnal 'byor.  (— —) Rnam rgyal dpal bzang.  (— —) Sangs rgyas rgyal mtshan.

MUS MTHA' GONG — Shangs pa Bka' brgyud mon.  29 6.

MUS PA — Subj. of bio. by Bsod nams seng ge listed in BLP no. 0883.

MUS DPAL PHROGS ROL — Bellezza, L&T 60, with variant Mus pa 'phrul rol.

MUS SMAN PA — See (— —) Sangs rgyas dbon ston.

MUS RAB 'BYAMS PA — See (— — — —) Thugs rje dpal.

Srin po Za byed ME KA TA — 491 26.5.

Rong ME DKAR MO STAG TSHANG — A "place of meditation."  12 XI, for a eulogy.

ME KO PA — Mahāsiddha.  Tib.: 'Jigs 'jigs su lta ba.  Bio. in 120 118.7 ff.  BD of T&TB I 695.

ME SKAR —  =Myes kar.  District in Khotan.  Emmerick.  Zhu, Preliminary 48.

ME SKYES — In avadāna story.  TPS 452.

ME KHA RGYA MTSHO — See BA 765.  Me mkha' rgya mtsho.  351 7.1.

ME KHA LA — Mahāsiddha.  Also, Me kha li.  Tib.: Ske rags can.  Bio. in 120 164‑166.  A Rnal 'byor ma.  BD of T&TB I 736‑738.  The guru was Kanha.  Her younger sister was Ka na kha la pa.  Picture in Eliade, Patanjali and Yoga 132.

ME KHA LI SA — NMH 73.2.

ME 'KHOR — Human fire sacrifice.  BA 644.

ME GE — See (— —) Rgyal ba rdo rje.

ME GO PA — Disc. of Mai tri pa.  BA 843.

Grang ME GRAGS — Said to have been especially skilled in ritualism in 11th century.  Almogi, MA Thesis 84.

ME GRU'I GDAN SA — 'Jig rten mgon po stayed here 3 years.  57 IIB 357.6.


Rgya ME MGO — 17 II 321.2.

ME RGYUD DKAR NAG — 253 II 568.1, 573.2.

ME SGOM — A person.  24 I 372.4, 373.3.  See Dpal me sgom.  =Mes sgom?

ME SGOM ZHIG PO — 253 II 466.1 ff.

ME SGYOGS RI —  =Smin drug Rdza ri.  Velm I 124.

ME CU RU DI — Town in India in Buddha's time.  Das 970.

ME LCE 'PHRENG BA — 320 XXXII 563.7.

'Brom ME LCE PHRENG BA — Author of an old and unavailable guidebook to Rwa sgreng Monastery, listed for example in BLP no. 1827.  It has now appeared in print.

Btsan rgod ME LCE 'BAR BA — deity.  SBTD I 236.

ME LCE 'BAR BA'I RGYUD— 320 XXXIII 102.4 ff.

ME CHAR — See under Mo char.

ME CHIMS — A Rnying ma temple near Charkhā in Nepal.  28 34.

Gri'i ME'U CHUNG — One of 8 lesser discs. of Mar pa.  46 27.  See =(Grib) Me'u thung.

ME NYAG — See (— —) Grags 'byung.  (— —) Bsgom ring.  (— —) Lce tsha.  (— —) Ne gu.  (— —) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan.

ME NYAG —  =Tang hsiang.  77 147.  253 II 634.5.  King, see 356 99.5.  See Mi nyag.

Lha rje ME NYAG — 206 574.1. 

ME NYAG KYI PHU — See (— — — —) Tsa mi shing mi ba.

ME MNYAM RDO RJE — Misspelling of Mi mnyam rdo rje, q.v.  17 II 453.3

ME TO PA — Mahāsiddha.  Pictured in 128 61A.

ME TOG — A south Asian yogini who visited Tibet in about 1160.

Rgyal po ME TOG KUN TU RGYAS PA — KB 152.6.

Bod bza' ME TOG BKRA SHIS MTSHO — TS5 810.

ME TOG GLING — See Ehrhard in SCEAR 9 (1996) 41.

ME TOG RGYAS PA — An Indian king.  See Bu ston I 153‑4.  N. of a city.  BD of T&TB I 298, 492.


Tshe spong bza' ME TOG SGRON — Mother & poisoner of Mu ne btsan po.  Acc. to 17 II 316.4, ='Bri bza' Thod dkar, queen of Gnam ri srong btsan, and mother of Srong btsan sgam po (but adding this up would require bridging early 7th and mid 8th centuries, of course).  17 II 324.3.  87 I 271.6.

ME TOG GIS BRGYAN PA — *Puṣpālaṅkāra, the Buddha realm of Vairocana.

ME TOG CAN — Kusumapura, n. of the city Pātaliputra.  Chag 77.

Pho brang ME TOG CAN — Capital of King Rāma.  Das 829.


Chos 'khor Rgyal ME TOG THANG — A chos sdeVai.Ser. 99.

Dpal ME TOG MDANGS 'PHROG PA'I GTSUG LAG KHANG — Perhaps not really a proper name.  Near Gur kum on a mountain.  17 II 271.3.

ME TOG SDE — In avadāna story.  TPS 521.

ME TOG SNAM BU — N. of a cemetery.  75 29.

Rje btsun ma ME TOG PHRENG 'DZIN — SBTD I 300.

ME TOG ZLA MDZES — A Bodhisattva.  BA 452.  17 II 511.6.  476 II 366.6.

ME TOG ZLA MDZES — Thondup, EL 39.

ME TOG RA BA — BA 214.

ME TOG RA BA — A temple.  Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 190.  Kuijp, KPTB 42.

'U yug ME TOG LUNG — Kuijp, Rivers 313.

Las can Bu mo ME TOG GSAL SGRON MA —  =Me tog sgron, q.v.  Bio. contained in title beginning A lce Rig stong..., publ. 1977.

ME TOG LHA — In avadāna story.  TPS 518.

ME TOG U MO TA — A park.  Clemente in TS6 128.

MAI TRA KA MĀ LA — BD of T&TB I 957.

MAI TRI MKHA' SPYOD MA — Lineage, see 397 VIII 270.

MAI TRI GUPTA — Bsnyen par Rdzogs pa ordination name of Maitripa.  57 IIB 345.2.

MAI TRI SNYAN BRGYUD — Initiation text in 414 445 ff.

Grub dbang MAI TRI PA — Author of bio. of Tsong kha pa listed in BLP no. 0928.

Bal po MAI TRI PA — BD of T&TB I 784.

Rje Mnga' bdag MAI TRI PA — Teacher of Mar pa.  46 15.  Teacher of Atiśa.  One of 7 most famous discs. of Nā ro pa.  57 IIB 344.3.  Biographical sketches: 57 IIB 344.6 ff; 17 II 286.6‑298.  One of 8 main discs. of Nā ro pa.  17 II 274.6.  17 II 284.3.  17 II 439.4 ff.  BA 347 (compare 17 II 385.3).  Teacher of Tsa lu ka.  120 143.10.  Pictured in 128 63A.  Doha in 331 457 ff.  Bio. with list of discs. in BD of T&TB I 836 ff.  Alias Gnyis med rdo rje (Advayavajra) and A wa dhu ti (Avadhūti).  BD of T&TB I 838.  Bio. in 487 I 14.4 ff.  Three Tanjur works listed in Schaeffer, Dissert. 155; one of the three is extant in Sanskrit.

Gser gling MAI TRI PA — BD of T&TB I 582.

MAI TRI PA — Uncle of Shanti pa (1487‑1567).  See  Vitali, Tho.ling 43, etc.

MAI TRI LUGS — Sampannakrama of Cakrasamvara.  383 300.5.

ME LTAR 'BAR BA — JTM 62.  Chandra 1836.

Ri bo ME LTAR 'BAR BA'I DUR KHROD DNGOS GRUB CAN GYI DGON PA — Place where Mar pa met Mai tri pa.  17 II 439.5.  Tatz, LSPM 708‑709.

ME STON — See (— —) Grags dpal.  (— —) Nyi ma rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Shes rab 'od zer.

Grib ME'U THUNG — One of "mnyes pa'i bu chen bzhi" discs. of Mar pa.  57 IIB 347.5.  =(Gri'i) Me'u chung.  =(Gre'i) Mi'u chung.

Bram ze ME THOD CAN — 87 I 133.6.

ME DHI NI — Mahāsiddha.  Tib.: Zhing pa, or, Zhing las can.  Bio. in 120 30.6 ff.  BD of T&TB I 703.

ME RDO THANG — Pl.n.  DTK5 100, 101, 102.

Rnal 'byor ma ME NA KA — BD of T&TB I 918.  Mai na ka in 373 I 27.2.

Mkhas pa Chen po ME PA RA DZA — B. in Shambhala.  Also called Ka lam pā tsha (Columbus).  =Lham gyi rgyal po.  NMH 392.1.  =Columbus, acc. to Wylie (1959 article).

G.yor po ME DPAL — (b. 1134)  He died age 35.  Kværne 231 no 95.  Bio. in A tri 24 ff.  342 20 ff.  See FBTB 23-26, where the sparse sources on his life are surveyed.  His chief disciple in the A khrid lineage was 'Gro mgon Bdud rtsi rgyal mtshan.  Me ston G.yor me is a possible form of his name (FBTB 27), and his name is sometimes abbreviated down to G.yor Me.  Very brief bio. (or is it just a song?) in Katen (300+ vol. version), vol. 203: G.yor Me'i Dbyangs chung Drug ma.

Rong pa ME DPUNG — Compiler of a work in Rong zom pa's collected works entitled Chos kyi Rnam grangs kyi Tho yig.  Almogi, MA Thesis 225.  Almogi in TS9 I 75.


ME PHUG PA — See Ye phug pa.

ME PHYAR MA — See under Mo char.

Gtum drag Dmar nag ME PHRENG CAN — Pictured in 193 I 719.

ME BA RA — In west India.  BD of T&TB I 800.

ME BA RAL BA CAN — Banerjee, Sarvāstivāda Literature 161.

ME BAN — See (— —) Rin chen gling pa.

ME DBANG — Aris in BSOAS 39 (1976) 609.

ME 'BAR — Temple at Muktinath.  JTM 67.

Tha ru ME 'BAR — Monk of Se ra.  Goldstein, Hist. 503.

Dbal gsas ME 'BAR — Pronounced, "Wé se Mémbar."  See Rock, Nāga Cult I 130 for picture.  One of the high deities of Bon.  His yum is Rngam mo Yum chen.  270 preface.

ME 'BAR GYI DGON PA — Place where Maitrīpa composed his 24 works on amanasikāra.  Tatz, LSPM 708.

ME 'BAR MTSHO — In Tswa ri.  17 IV 226.4.  TS7 I 62.

ME 'BRUG CHOS 'KHOR — Name of the council of the year 1076.  See TS7 II 873 ff.

Rgyal po ME SBYIN — KTDN 137.7.  Possibly conn. w/ Jag pa me len.  N. of a Drang srong Chen po.  476 II 226.7.

ME MA MUR PA — N. of Nā ro pa (?).  17 II 274.5.

ME MED GDUNG THUNG — N. of the evil character in a story about a sea captain (ded dpon) who saved 500 merchants he had planned to kill and rob .  Told as a story to show how evil may be used by bodhisattvas to prevent greater evil.  Similar story told in the Dpe chos collection, but this name is not there.  His name means something like 'burnt log'. 

Paṇ chen ME TSA LING PA — See under Dī pam ka ra rakshi ta.

ME'I TSHANG — See Mgo log.

ME ZHAGS — A rite.  Tucci, Religions 92.

ME BZHIN 'JUG — Agniveśa, "fire face" or "enters like fire."  See Rgyun shes kyi bu.  Medical sage.  KB 93.6.

ME ZUG DRANG SRONG — See (— — — —) G.yung drung 'od zer.

Khams pa ME ZOR — Gter ston.  410 195B.3.

ME RA SE — BD of T&TB X 22.8.

ME RAG MDO — A great retreat place in the eastern land of Kong po.  Shar Kong po'i Yul gyi sgrub gnas chen po.  17 XX 350.2.  Fletcher index under "Mera."  17 IV 43, 44.

ME RAG BLA MA — See (— — — —) Blo gros rgya mtsho.


ME RI'I BKA' MA — See (— — — —) Dpa' bo brgyad phur.

Zhang zhung ME RI'I BON SKOR — 206 542.6.  Gsang sngags Me ri'i Bon.  206 559.3.  Me ri is a Bon tutelary.  271286 I 589‑90.  313 I 369 ff.  Me ri Gyad phur gyi Lo rgyus & Me ri Gsang ba 'Khor lo'i Rgyud & Me ri Gsang Don 'Grel pa in 317 313‑408.  Bonpo Tantric Commentaries from Dolpo.  Depiction of Me ri in Kriejger, Tibetan Painting pl. 71.

ME RI 'BAR BA — Pl.n.  132 12.5.  Place where Yogatantras descended to human realm.  211 35.4.  Indian cemetery.  413 153.1.

Rgyal rong Rtogs ldan ME RI 'BAR BA — 253 II 450.5.

ME RIS — Modern Miri tribe inhabited the forest in upper valley of the Dihong; their chief village being called Miri Patam.  Das 972.

ME RIS 'BAR BA'I RGYUD — Bon tantra in 258 IV 307‑372.

Mkhar chu ME RU — 476 I 112.6.

ME RU TSE — Me ru tse'i Skad.  87 I 133.5.

Shan pa ME RU RTSE — See under Rme ru rtse.

ME LONG SKOR GSUM — 499 10.4.


Grub thob ME LONG GU RU — (1239‑ )  Dhongthog 88.  Rnying ma.  =Sman lung Gu ru.

ME LONG DGU SKOR — See 'Phrul gyi Me long Dgu Skor.

Phyag chen ME LONG LNGA SKOR — 467 II 103.2.

Rgyal bu ME LONG GDONG — Prince Mirror Face.  128 746.  See Kuijp in CAJ 43 (1999) 268.

Grub chen ME LONG RDO RJE — (1243‑1303)  B. in Sgrags kyi Phu.  Dhongthog 88.  Teacher of Klong chen pa's teacher.  Guenther, KBTEU xv.  Famous Rnying ma b. at Grags phu.  Pupil of 'Khrul zhig Seng ge rgyal ba.  Ferrari 118.  BA 196.  (1234‑1303) Ferrari 137.  (1243‑1303)  BD of T&TB III 422‑424.  Bio. in 193 I 226.6 ff.  Pictured in 128 680.  Gter bton bio. in 210 62.3 ff.  17 IV 450.2.  410 111A.5.  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 0409‑0410, one by Klong chen pa and the other by 'Jigs med gling pa.

ME LONG BZHIN — In avadāna story.  TPS 462.

Mkhar chu ME LONG 'OD GSAL PHUG PA — Place where Me long rdo rje passed away.  210 64.3.


Rgyal rabs ME LONG GSAL BYED — History by Ratna contained in 488 135‑173.


ME SHEL BA — 115 128.5.

ME HA RA — A heretical sect & work among the Hindus.  See Das 972.

ME HĀ LŪ PA RE SA HE PHU— An unidentified informant (a Sahib) of Btsan po No mon han iv.  He was a Russian general.  Yongdan, TCW 107.

ME HOR — Or, Mo hor.  See (— —) Gsang sngags chos gling.

ME LHA — 4 216B.5.  Works in 301 II 85‑88.  315 33‑40.

Skyes bu ME LHA — Author of Snyan brgyud Be bum Nag poDD 713.  He was called Bha ro Phyag rdum (but evidently shouldn't be confused with a near contemporary teacher of Rwa Lo by that name in the Kathmandu Valley).

ME LHA KHANG SNA BA — In Guhyasamāja lineage.  BA 426.


MENG — A Chinese family name that pops up in Dunhuang sources.

MENG GE — BA 232.

MEN JU — See (— —) Dpal ldan bkra shis.

MEN ZHANG — See (— —) Dpal drung (d. 1168).

MEN ZHANG —  =Mes zhang, q.v.  BA 643, 644.  TS7 II 1024.

MER KE — Or, Mer khe.  Pl.n.  OTA years 650, 654, 655‑658, 661. Dotson, D&L 7.  Guntram Hazod has a forthcoming article on the protector figure of the Stag lung pa named Rgyal po Mer khe.

MER KEN MKHAN PO — See (Gu shri Dka' bcu pa) Blo bzang tshe 'phel.

MER KEN CHOS RJE — See (Bka' 'gyur ba) Blo bzang tshul khrims.

MER GAN HO THOG THU — See (— — — — —) Blo bzang bstan dar mkhas grub bstan 'dzin.

Slob dpon MER GE BA — (ca. 1170?)  476 I 65.2.

MER CHEN — Place where the funerary chorten of Ti shri ras pa was located. TBRC lists a guidebook to both Mer chen and Mer chung.

MER CHEN — See (— —) Lhun grub gling.

Sog gi MER NAG KHA — BA 555.  17 II 538.1.

Mon MEL PO — 210 225.1.

MES — A rus4 191B.6.

MES KUN PO — Or, Mes Kun bsod.  BA 405.  57 IIB 348.3.  17 II 467.3.

MES SGOM RAS PA — Disc. of Mi la ras pa.  4 XXVII 191B ff, 278A.5, 278B.4.

MES CHEN PO — See (— — —) Rin chen rgya mtsho.

Gtsang rong gi MES STON — See (— — —) (— —) Tshon po.

MES PO'I RAL KLUNG — An epithet of Ganges river.  Das 974.

Yab MES SBYIN — Father of Rgyal ba'i sde, who is also depicted in illus. in Precious Deposits IV 114.

MES DBON RNAM GSUM — Srong btsan, Khri srong & Ral pa can.  Das 974.

MES ZHANG —  =Men zhang, q.v.

MES 'AG TSHOMS — Mes ag tshom, or, Khri lde btsug btsan.  17 II 319.3 ff.  132 86.5 ff.

MES LUGS — See BA 405‑406.  17 II 466.3‑467.4.

MO — A sa bdag/composite creature.  Vai.Kar. II 282.

MO — Divination. Three Canonical Texts on Divination from a Lahoul Village Library: Tibetan renderings of the Sardulakarnavadana, the Dvadasalocanasutra (Manali 1978).

MO KAṂ KA — N. of a mkharNMH 73.3

MO GOL — Moghul.  115 51.4.  Mo khol in BD of T&TB I 925.

Dmag dpon MO GHA LI — LPNT VII 312.

MO GHO DING RI'I SGRA TSHAD — Title of a 160 fol. ms. text by Karma pakshi, located at Dpal spungs, written about by Matthew Kapstein.  Kapstein translates the title 'The Doctrine of Eternal Heaven' [Monke Tengri in Mongolian]. 

MO DGE LUNG — Vai.Ser. 163.

MO 'GOR RGYAL PO — 170 101.4, 101.6.

MO RGU BDE SHIL — Not a proper name, even if it looks like one, but a Tibetan transcription of a Khotanese religious title mārgaupadeśaka, derived from Skt. mārgopadeśaka.  Defined in Tibetan as lam ston pa, 'way shower.'  See discussion in Nattier, Once Upon a Future Time 199.  See also Sam van Schaik's "Red Faced Barbarians," near the end.

MO CHAR — (fl. circa 1185)  In other texts his name is given as Me phyar ma and Me char.  CFMS 69.

MO NYAG — In 82 88, is said to be same as Mi nyag, q.v.

Rdzu 'phrul can Mchog MOODGAL BU — Pictured in 128 24.

MO MDA' BA DGE BSHES — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 116.5.

MO RDO — "Oracle Stones" in Rab chu, lat. 33°, long. 78°.  See 79 85 no. 67.

MO BON — 499 104.3.

MO BYA BTSUN BYA — Haarh, Yar luṅ 229, etc.

MO RA 'GYEL — BA 74.  See under La mo ra 'gyel!  Founding date given as 1009 CE in Singer, PCT 91.

MO LA — BA 1076.

MO LA TA NA —  =Multan.  Wylie 57.  87 I 257.6.

MO LA WA DGON — Vai.Ser. 237.

MO HYO RA — N. of a place.  Emmerick.

MO LHA PA — See (— — —) (Dga' ldan Byang rtse) Phun tshogs rgya mtsho.

MOG THANG —  =Yog thang?  Hoffmann, Quellen 400.

MOG PA — See (— —) Tshe skongs.  (— —) Lha rtse.

Lo ro MOG PO — Pl.n.  53 II 343.5.

MOG YUL — See (— —) 'Bri mtshams.

MOG RONG DGON PA — 253 II 633.1.

MOG SHA KO SHA — N. of a queen.  Emmerick.

MOG SA — BA 663.


MONG GAR RDZONG — In SE Bhutan.  Olschak.

MONG GOR — Vijayapur.  Aris, Discourse 27.

MONG GOR DO PAKSHI — 208 I 239.1.

Stag gzig MONG GOL — BD of T&TB I 919.

MONG DGE RDO RJE 'CHANG— See Per Sørensen's book, Thundering Falcon, p. 98.

MONG SNGON PO — Uray, Narrative 40.

MONG PU SRAL 'DZONG — N. of a place?  OTA 654.  Dotson, D&L 7.


MOD GAL GYI BU — BD of T&TB I 114 ff.  For sources on this 'Das log figure, see Epstein in TJ 7 no 4 (Wint 1982) 81.

MOD PA CANG SHES — N. of a horse.  Haarh, Yar luṅ 332.

MOD RONG MGO — Vai.Ser. 256.

MON — Occasionally means Lahul.  BA 198, 478, 602, 676, 976, 1076.  Refers to Himalayan tribal peoples in general.  As a specific area, it is NE of Lho 'brug.  Wylie 119 n. 51.  Mon Rgyal po.  SBTD I 16.  For "Mon of the East," see Stein, Recherches 186.  Jinpa, Mind Training 485.  Discussion in ZZFC 116.  Bellezza, D of T 81.

MON — See (—) Ba gro, pl.n.  (—) Blo gros.  (—) Lung mgo stengs, pl.n.

MON DKAR DGE LDING — Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 448.

MON DKAR BA — See (— — —) (Dpal ldan) Ye shes seng ge.

Ra lcag MON SKYID — 253 II 191.1.

MON KHA — See (— —) Chu mo phug.

'Phrin las kyi Gnas chen MON KHA NE RING SENG GE RDZONG — BD of T&TB III 751.  Mon kha Ne'u ring.  87 I 136.2, 144.5.

MON KHA ZER MO — A lake.  BA 181.  Mon kha (?).  Ferrari 136.

MON MKHAR — 210 36.1.

MON MKHAR — See (— —) Mgon po gdong.  (— —) Phyugs dgon.

MON GRWA PA — See (— — —) Tshul khrims bkra shis.

MON GRAB — BA 320.


MON 'GAR — BA 183, 653.  Franz‑Karl Ehrhard, "Spiritual Relationships between Rulers and Preceptors: The Three Journeys of Vanaratna (1384‑1468) to Tibet," contained in: Christoph Cüppers, ed., The Relationship between Religion & State (chos srid zung 'brel) in Traditional Tibet, Lumbini International Research Institute (Lumbini 2004), pp. 245‑265, at p. 255.  There is an area and town with the exact same name in Bhutan (see Gyurme Dorje, Tibet Handbook).



MON 'GAR BA — BA 975.

MON RGYAL — See (— —) Ga rung.

Ldems dbus Gro yag MON RGYAL — A gzhi bdagFM 119.13.07.


MON GYI MTHIL — Mon mthil gyi Steng.  Unlocated, but somewhere in Lha kha.  Ferrari 137.

MON DO — N. of a Mdo mang collection from Zha lu Mon.  Jampa Samten Shastri, Origins of the Tibetan Canon 769.

MON GDONG MA — 17 IV 454.2.

MON SDANG — A variant spelling of Sman thang, q.v.  82 90.

Mar pa MON NAG — Cousin of Mar pa Lo tsā ba.  See BA 414.  17 II 468.1.  Mon nag Kha khra?  33 165.6.

MON PA BLA MA RIN PO CHE — Refers to the Dalai Lama Ye shes rgya mtsho.  Sumpa, Annals 42.

MON BAN SMYON PA — Author of bio. of Kun dga' legs pa.  Rikon Catalogue 461.

MON BU PU TRA — A form of Pe har, q.v.  87 I 129.2.

Mnga' bdag MON MI 'KHYIL — His gter ma in 87 XL.

Bkra shis MON MO RDZA — A ri khrod.  See 112 colophon.

MON RTSE RTOGS LDAN — See (— — — —) Kun dga' legs bzang.

MON RTSE PA — See (— — —) Kun dga' dpal ldan.

MON MTSHER — For a list of temples in this area of western Tibet, see  Vitali, Tho.ling 153.  Probably same as Mon 'tsher, a site of modern excavations.  Bellezza, D&B 129.

MON RDZU NAG PO — N. of a people said to live somewhere toward Kamchatka who have tails like dogs and wear dog skins.  Das 976.  But compare Stein, Tribus 7, noting var. Bon rdzu nag po.

MON RDZONG RAS PA — 602 16v.3.

MON YUL — See Aris article in ISTS, especially p. 20 (n. 23) where administrative units are listed.

MON RI ZUR GSUM — 253 II 581.1.

MON LA DKAR CHUNG — Petech, China 24.

MON LUGS — Cuevas, Hidden History 142.  Bhutanese transmission of Kar gling Zhi khro.  Cuevas, Hidden History 142.

MON SHRI — (sp?)  Range in Mi nyag.  58 927.

MOL THE — See A.H. Francke, Tibetische Handschriftenfunde aus Turfan, SPAW (1924), pt. 3, p. 18.

MOL MI 'KHYIL — A gter stonBD of T&TB III 504.  Excavated Rta mgrin Dpa' bo Gcig Sgrub, among others.  410 103A.5.

MOL WER — KWT 97 (inscriptional Mo lo, also).

MOS GUS SROG 'KHOR — Phyag chen instructions in 257 193‑299.


MOS BTSUN — Mother of Gnya' khri btsan po, according to a 'secret' version.  See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 42.

MYWA — See Bryson in KRNT 62-63.


MYA NGAN MED — Aśoka.  BA 35.  Patron of second general council after the Parinibbana.  BD of T&TB X 39.3.  Bio. in BD of T&TB I 271‑299.  Ma ṇi Bka' 'bum I 111.6.

'Gro ba'i Gdung Sel MYA NGAN MED PA'I DPAL — Pictured in 128 4.

Rdo rje gdan pa MYA NGAN MED DPAL — Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 8.

Zhang Lo tsā ba MYA NGAN MED PA'I SA DPAL — See BA 1025.


MYA NGAN LAS 'DAS PA'I SGRON MA — Text in 319 III 143‑176.

MYA NGAM — Iwao, Preliminary 177.

MYA NGAM GYI THANG — 61 4B.3.  Not likely a proper name, but just has meaning of desert or wasteland.

MYA TO — A country located in the north (Bhe ta in S, U rgyan in W, Ka ma ru in E).  Zhi byed Coll. V 479.6.

MYA LA KAG — Probably to be identified as the Nanchao ruler Piluoge.  Bryson in KRNT 61.

MYAG — Myag Dwags Kong gsum.  124 463.4.  =Nyag?

MYANG — See Nyang (although Myang is the older way of writing it).  BA 126‑128, 676‑679, etc.  4A IIB.3.  For the origins of its three divisions into upper, lower and middle, see Vitali in TS9 I 91.

MYANG — See (—) Ting 'dzin bzang po.  (—) Byang chub grags.  (—) Dbang phyug rgya mtsho.  (—) Ye shes 'byung gnas.  (—) Sher chog (or, Shes rab mchog).  (—) Shes rab 'byung gnas.

MYANG SGOM — See (— —) Sprang ltag.

MYANG CHU — See BA 457.

MYANG STOD — See (— —) Khro gangs.  (— —) Rtsis Gnas gsar.


MYANG NAG — See (— —) Dbang gi shes rab.


MYANG PO — Disc. of Ratna gling pa.  210 176.1.

MYANG PO — BA 257, 494‑5, 505, 507, 542, 547‑550, 662, 668, 688.

MYANG BAN — See (— —) Chos ldan.  (— —) Sha yi spyan can.

MYANG BRAN — Teacher of Phag mo gru pa.  BA 555.  17 II 539.2.  73 282.6.

MYANG TSENG SKU — A song or two by this person is preserved in Dunhuang text P.t. 1287.  An article about this is contained in: Bstan go, Bod kyi gna' yig zhib 'jug, Bod ljongs mi dmangs dpe skrun khang (Lhasa 2019).

MYANG TSHA — See (— —) Dkar rgyan.  (— —) Gsal sgron.

MYANG MTSHAMS — See (— —) Rin chen bla ma.


MYANG RAM PA — The grib tshod, 'shadow measurer' or time calculator at Pad dkar's ordination.  1 28.

MYANG RAL — See (— —) Nyi ma 'od zer.

MYANG RIG — See (— —) Shes rab grags pa.

MYANG RO —  =Nyang ro, q.v.  Listed as one of the rgod stong sde of Ru lag.  28 80, 83.  BA 79, 119, 332, 335, 405, 675.  The places Myang ro Sham po and Myang ro Thal ba mentioned in Todd Gibson's dissertation (Bloomington 1991) 122.

MYANG RO — See (— —) Bla rings.

MYANG GSHEN GRONG PA —  =Nyang gshan grong pa, q.v.

MYAR MA — Earlier spelling of Nyar ma, q.v.

MYAL NAG PO — "Black torment."  See 83C 202.

DMYAL BA'I GYAD — See (— — —) Bu thung.

MYAL BA NAG PO — An emanation of Yang dag Rgyal po.  T.H. 107.  Tucci, Religions 214.

MYI BO LAG RING — Bellezza, L&T 88.

MYU GU SNA — BA 326.  Kramer, rNgog 114.

MYU GU LUNG — A mon. f. by 'Brog mi in 1043.  In Mang mkhar.  Ferrari 152.  Near Sa skya in Gtsang province.  BA 112, 207, 208, 399, 1029.  17 II 395.6, 396.3, 396.6, 432.3.  Note:  Mar pa went there to study at the age of 15 (in 1027), making the above date of founding doubtful, although it could be the name of the place before the monastery was founded there.

MYUNG TI — For Nyung ti.  Havnevik, Dissert. 79.  Kulu valley.

MYUR BA'I CHU — Das 413 no. 43.

MYUR MA DPA' MO — Or, Dpal mo.  Pictured in 128 1098.  320 XXXI 3.

MYUR MDZAD YE SHES — Works on this deity in 36 VIII.

MYES KAR — See Me skar.

MYOS — Variant of Gnyos.

MYOS — See (—) Rin chen grags.

DMAG — For a military history, see under Rnam rgyal dbang 'dud. 

Chu DMAG GI KA RU — 115 80.3, 80.4.


DMAG LDAN — Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 347.

DMAG PA SGANG PA — A disc. of (Bal po) Skye med.  17 II 431.  BA 862.

DMAG DPON CHEN PO — Bon protector.  Bskang rite in 313 207‑218.

DMAG DPON SROG THIG — Bon text.  333 414 ff.

DMAG ZOR MGON PO — Ruler who sponsored carving of Sde dge blocks for Kanjur.  FM 451.00.

DMAG ZOR RGYAL MO — Text, see SBTD I 262.

DMAG ZOR MA — Goddess presiding over lake of same name.  A form of Dpal ldan Lha mo.  Nebesky 24‑31.  See also Chos 'khor rgyal gyi Gnam mtsho.  The lake is consulted by all Dalai Lamas at least once.  It is near Rgyal Me tog thang.  Ferrari 122.  Picture in 216ABeyer 52, 54.  Arts Asiatiques 40 (1985).  Work in 225 XIII.  Depiction in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 226.

DMAG ZOR MA — Pārvatī.  128 1138.  See under Mkha' spyod Bde ldan dbang ma.

DMAG BZLOG — Army deflection ritual.  Of Rdo rje shugs ldan, see 224 XIII.  Brief discussion of the ritual in Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 95‑96.

DMAG BZLOG NYER LNGA — 208 I 210.1, 215.1.  210 216.4.

DMAN PA RNAMS SKRAG PAR BYED PA — In title in 320 VIII 478.2.

DMA' BA'I CHU — Das 413 no. 54.

DMAR — See (—) Chos kyi rgyal po.  (—) Chos kyi rgyal mtshan.  (—) Shākya mu ni.

DMAR KHAMS— Markham.  BA 481, 482, 484, 513.  Name of a modern county.

DMAR KHAMS SGANG — One of Sgang Drug of Khams.  Das 103.

DMAR KHRID — See BA 927.

Tshe spang bza' DMAR RGYAN MA — A queen of Khri srong lde'u btsan.  87 I 34.2, 51.3, 83.5.

Lha khang DMAR CHAG — A Bon hermitage visited by Belezza at Da rog Mtsho.  TJ (Spr 1999) 59 ff.

DMAR STON — See (— —) Rgyal mtshan 'od zer.

DMAR STON CHOS RGYAL — Zhi byed pa.  BD of T&TB I 855.  Author of a 13th century commentary on the Subhāsitaratnanidhi.  See Eimer, Dbyangs 52 and note 17.  But this just‑mentioned work was certainly by Dmar ston Chos kyi rgyal po, a Sa skya pa, and author of a Lam 'bras history, who lived in first half of 13th century.  One Mar ston Chos rgyal (identified with a mchan‑note with Chos kyi blo gros, obviously meaning Mar pa), in the 3rd volume of the works of Mar pa published in 2011.

DMAR STON 'JAM DPAL — (Rta ston) Jo 'bum heard Bde mchog from him.  BA 142.  BD of T&TB III 334.

DMAR NAG RAKTA — Lake in Tsā ri.  17 IV 226.4, 255.3 & passim.

Bla ma DMAR PA — Disc. of Phag mo gru pa.  BA 564.  Founded Sho dgon in Khams.  See Smar pa.

Sprul sku DMAR PO — Excavated mngon spyod works from the black stūpa at Bsam yas.  210 84.3.

Grub chen Rtogs ldan DMAR PO — F. Shel brag Dgon in 15th rab byung.  253 II 629.6.

Dam pa DMAR PO — (mid 11th cent.)  A Tibetan also known as 'U yug pa Wa thod Dmar po.  He studied with Bla ma Rdo rje gdan pa, requested Thugs rje chen po precepts, attained siddhis, defeated Tīrthikas, etc.  He went together with Mar pa Lo tsā ba to India.  Mtshan tho no. 39.

A tsa ra DMAR PO — Indian who seems to have been active in western Tibet.  BA 697, 1049‑50.  193 I 771.1.  Nebesky 492.  217 498.6.  TS7 II 895. 

DMAR PO SKOR GSUM — Sa skya teachings.  374 I 544 ff.

DMAR PO LDE —  =Dmar po btsan.  DTK5 91, 92.


DMAR PO RI — BA 43, 71, 93.  In Sbal ti, lat. 35°, long. 75°. 

DMAR PO RI — Dmar po ri of Lha sa.  79 84 no. 61.  87 I 262.4.  For sketch of the history of buildings on this site, see Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 119‑120.

DMAR DPON DGON — 253 II 631.

DMAR BU CAN GYI GRONG — Pāṭaligrāma.  Banerjee, Sarvāstivāda Literature 94.  Snellgrove, SFN 400

DMAR BU BRAG PA — 484 I 798.4.


DMAR MO — BA 653.

DMAR MO MKHA' 'GRO — Pl.n.  CFMS 68.

DMAR MO SKOR GSUM — Sa skya teaching.  374 I 519.2.

DMAR GTSANG — In A mdo.  The pl. where Dgongs pa rab gsal was entombed.  332 II preface 3‑4. Baimasi. Horlemann 138.

DMAR RTSE — A mon.  235 intro. 11.


Dge bshes DMAR ZHUR PA — See (— — —) Shes rab rgya mtsho.

DMAR ZOR MGON PO — (b. 1686)  He was king of Co ne under whom the Co ne edition of the Kanjur was carved.  Jampa Samten Shastri, Origins of the Tibetan Canon 776.

DMAR RIL BA — See (— — —) Karma brtson 'grus.

DMAR RU — See Rme ru.

DMAR RO — BA 995.

DMAR RONG DGON — 253 II 630.6.

Rong tsha DMAR LEB — 232 I 15.

DMAR SER — Refers to form of Hayagrīva in 320 XXIV 422.2.

DMAR SER CAN — A type of monk.  Pāṇḍulohitaka bhikṣu.  Banerjee, Sarvāstivāda Literature 224 ff.

DMAR GSAR SKU SKYE — See (— — — —) Bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho.

DMIGS SKOR BCU GCIG — A teaching of Tsongkhapa.  Dhargyey 123.

DMIGS PA SKOR GSUM — N. of a teaching.  BA 180.

DMIGS PA BRTAG PA'I 'GREL PA — Text in JA 214 (1929).


DMU — Type of celestial spirit.  T.H. 95, 107.  See also Rmu.  See also Mgur lha.  BA 78, 792.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 383.  A family important for the Vinaya of Bon.  253 II 68.2 ff.  Beyer 293‑4.  For associated monasteries, see 253 II 592.4 ff.  One of 6 clans of 'Ol mo lung ring.  Clemente in TS6 127.

DMU — See (—) Rgyal ba blo gros.  (—) Tso ge or Tsog ge.  (—) Tso stangs.  (—) Shod tram.

DMU DGE — In Rgyal rong.  Stein, Mi–ñag 254.

DMU DGE — See (— —) Bkra shis 'khor lo'i mgon.  (— —) Bsam gtan.

DMU RGYAL — For the six, see Karmay, Confucius 576.

DMU RGYAL RNAL 'BYOR — See (— — — —) Nyi ma rgyal mtshan.


DMU RGYAL BTSAN PO — 352 605.18.

DMU CHAS BCU — Haarh, Yar luṅ 33.  Weapons associated with Emperor Gnya' khri.  This may have to do with the can dgu set of regalia.

DMU THAG — Tucci, Religions 219.

DMU RDO — In Rgyal mo rong.  Gnas yig found in Padma bde chen gling pa, Klong gsal Mkha' 'gro Snying thig (1984) 51‑54.  For what might suggest the origin of the name, see Berounsky, Lapsed 181.

DMU RDO — See (— —) Lha gnyan.

DMU DBANG — See (— —) Nyi ma rgyal mtshan.

DMU TSO — See (— —) Ting rum.

Stag gzigs Mkhas pa DMU TSA TRA HE — Bonpo.  Bio. in 253 II 135.6 ff.  Berounsky, Lapsed 183.  For what appears to be a painted icon centered on him, see Rubin Museum no. 85550 (appears to be labeled "Mu tsha he").

Stong chen Grub thob DMU TSHA GYER MED — Bonpo.  Bio. in 253 II 134.6 ff.  Source of oral transmission in 258 II 1‑406.  Work, 274 I 427‑430.  386 247‑263.  489 587.4.


DMU BZANG LCE 'BAR — Rock, Nāga Cult I 151, 269.

DMU RI — Peak next to Bon ri.  TS5 533.  A different Bon holy mt. in The bo County in Amdo.  Berounsky, Lapsed 179 ff.

DMU RI CHU — Stein, Mi–ñag 254.

DMU RIGS — See (— —) Shel bla.

DMU LA — Zhang zhung equivalent for Gshen rab.

DMU GSHEN — See (— —) Dran pa nam mkha'.  (— —) Dpal mgon gsas.

DMUS TE LONG PA —  =Rmu te long pa.  TS5 661, 663.

Rgya'i Gong bu DME RU — Near Tachienlu.  253 II 581.4.

DMOG 'BU CANG — Dalton, Crisis 138.  See Thomas, "A Chinese Buddhist Pilgrim's Letters," p. 554.

RME RU — Or, Rme ru Grwa tshang.  In Lhasa, where the Kanjur and Tanjur are now being printed.  Dung dkar 140.  Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 86 note 2.  This temple is named after the 'butcher' Rme ru rtse, a general of either King Ral pa can or King Gesar.  His sword was once preserved here.

Shan pa RME RU RTSE — Story in  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) VI 66.2.  See under Ma ru tse.

DME SHUL RIN PO CHE — Bio. by Yongs 'dzin Grags pa rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 1640.

DMOG 'BUM BDAG — A Tibetan official who issued letters of passage.  Schaik, M&T 151, 168.  Sam van Schaik's article:  "Ruler of the East, or Eastern Capital: What Lies Behind the Name Tong Kun?"

DMOD PA DRAG SNGAGS — Eighth of Bka' brgyad.  See 87 LII.

DMYAL — BA ii, 975, 1087‑1088, 1090.  =Gnyal, to SE of Gri gu Mtsho between Lo ro Chu and Gnyal Chu.  One of the 8 rgod stong sde in G.yo ru.  28 82.  Clan of Sgam po pa.  73 245.6.

DMYAL — See (Dmyal smad) Gser phye 'bum pa.

DMYAL GYI DGON GSAR — 115 149.5.

Gnyi sman DMYAL BA — See under Gnyi sman.

Sdig chen DMYAL BA 'BUM PA — Character in a 'cham in Karma gling pa tradition.  440 277.4.

DMYAL SMAD — 115 153.4.

DMYAL ZHIG — See (— —) (Rdza dmar) Tshul khrims seng ge.

RMA — BA 70, 874.  Name of the clan which, with Sgro clan, headed the Dbang ris of 'Phan yul Stong sde.  28 80.

RMA — See (—) Dge ba'i blo gros.  (Rma sgom) Chos kyi shes rab.  (—) Smon lam.  (—) Rin chen mchog.  (—) Shākya seng ge.


RMA 'GRIL DGON — Vai.Ser. 258.

RMA RGYAL LDONG SKAR — Lady of the Tshes pong clan, mother of Khri lde srong brtsan.  Dotson, Note 85.

RMA RGYAL SPOM RA — See Rma chen spom ra.

RMA RGYUD — See (— —) Sku bla brag dkar khrod.

RMA CO CO — ?  87 I 272.5.

RMA CHU — Huang ho, or Yellow River.  Begins in A mdo.  T.H. 2.  BA xvii xviii.  Rises from Mtsho Skya ring sngo ring.  Wylie 118 n. 43.  NMH 83.5.  Das 985.

RMA CHU SKYANGS — River that flows into China.  It reversed its course for 3 days.  DTK5 183.

Gyim tsa RMA CHUNG — See Gyim tsa rma chung.

RMA CHEN SPOM RA — Powerful deity who controlled headwaters of Rma chu.  Has 3 high peaks: Spyan ras gzigs, Am nye rma chen, and Dgra 'dul rlung shog.  Wylie 116 n. 19.  41 I 11.  87 I 49.5.  Works in 87 LXII, LXIII.  167 427.3, ff.  Text in 213 453‑463.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 132, II 475.  239 XIV.  Beyer 297, 298.  Work in 260 391‑2.  313 II 311‑318.  Title of text, see Stein, Mi–ñag 255.  As the local protector (yul lha) of Gtsong kha pa, see Dreyfus in JIABS 21 (1998) 243.

RMA CHOS GSHES — Disc. of Pha dam pa Sangs rgyas, who met him in 1073.  T.H. 147.  I believe this means Rma Chos kyi shes rab.

RMA STON — See (— —) Lcam me.  (— —) Shes rab 'bum.  (— —) Shes rab seng ge.  (— —) Srid 'dzin.

RMA THOG RIN CHEN — Disc. of Padmasambhava  Pictured in 128 634.

'Dur gshen RMA DA — Bellezza, L&T 36‑37 has a detailed discussion.  Langelaar, Chasing 10.

RMA SDE DGON — 253 II 632.4.

RMA PO — Tucci, Religions 230.

RMA SPRUL RIN PO CHE — See (— — — — — xi) Bstan 'dzin kun bzang 'jigs med.

RMA BAN — See (— —) Chos 'bar.

RMA BU MCHING RGYAL — Bellezza, L&T 94.

RMA BU LDAM SHAD — Dotson, Horse 276.

RMA BU LDAM SHAR — Bellezza, L&T 43.

RMA BON — See (— —) Thugs dkar.

RMA BYA — Mabya, Mapya.  Village SW of Sa skya District visited by Das.  JTL&CT 242.  See also Das' dictionary.

RMA BYA — See (— —) Byang chub ye shes.  (— —) Brtson 'grus seng ge (also, Byang chub brtson 'grus).

RMA BYA KHA 'BAB — River in Nepal, =Karnali River.  79 83 no. 58.  See Wylie 121 n. 61.  Santi e Briganti has "Mapcia."  253 II 582.3.

RMA BYA'I GOS CAN — See Sha ba ri pa.

RMA BYA CHEN MO — A Tārā.  128 1114.  Protects from 3 poisons.  KB 129.5.

RMA BYA 'JING RNOL GYI RGYUD — Also, Snol.  Text in 319 VI 77‑93, 95‑105.  320 II 460 ff.  445 III 18.1.


Pho brang RMA BYA TSHAL — OTA 700.

Lho phyogs kyi Nags RMA BYA'I TSHOGS CAN — N. of the forest where descendents of Ape Bodhisattva and Rock Ogress lived.  345 5A.1.

RMA BYA'I TSHOGS KYI RI — Mt. in Lus 'phags pa.  Das 417.

RMA TSO BLA ZUR — A teacher of (Bya 'Dul 'dzin pa) Brtson 'grus 'bar (1031‑1106).  BD of T&TB III 278.

RMA TSHO — See (— —) Byang chub rdo rje.

RMA ZLA SGANG — In Khams.  28 13.

RMA RA SER PO — 17 II 425.4.  =Ram par Ser po in BA 982.  =Rmang ra ser po, q.v.  A work by one Grub chen Smra ba Ser po is in the Kern Institute collection, entitled Rtag bstod.

RMA RI MDO GAM — 253 II 582.4.

RMA RI RAB 'BYAMS — Mt. just west of Lha sa on which 'Bras spungs is located.  =Ri bo Dge 'phel.  Wylie 116 n. 22, also p. 79.  Vai.Ser. 193.4 ff.  See Rdo rje drag mo.

RMA LA — Southern sector of Dbu ru.  See 28 77.  Rma la La brgyad, the eight passes of Rma la.

RMA LUGS — One of the 3 schools of Zhi byed, q.v., collectively called Bka' babs Bar pa, Middle Word Descent.

RMA LUNG — Province in North A mdo near to Rma chu.

RMA LUNG RDO RJE BRAG RA'ANG CHUNG GNAS RDZONG DAR RIG SHEL GYI YANG DGON — Mon. in southern A mdo where 3 monks stayed in time of Glang dar ma.  Bu ston II 201.  See Chu bo ri.

RMA LO — Disc. of Gshen rabs.  Perhaps equivalent to Śāriputra, acc. to T.H. 103.  Kværne 225 no. 29.

RMA LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — —) Dge ba'i blo gros.

RMA SHA BO — Dotson, D&L 23.

Dur khrod RMA SHA'I RTSA — ?  116 75.1.

RMA GSHEN — See (— —) Legs bzang.

RMA SE RTOGS LDAN — See (— — — —) Blo gros rin chen.

RMA LHOD THOD PA — 489 489.1.

RMAG SGO — ISTS 10, 19 n. 17.


Yar klungs RMANG RA SER PO — BA 871.  BD of T&TB I 854.  =Rmar ser po, q.v.  =Sma ra ser po.

RMANG RIGS RGYAL PO — 352 796.4 ff.

Byang sems RMAD DU BYUNG BA — Text in 319 II 105‑203.  320 II 1‑68 (42 chaps.), II 567‑624, III 1‑33 (11 chaps.).  Cited in 319 V 99.3.


RMAD BYUNG DON GYI SNYING PO — In title in 320 VII 305.

Yar klungs RMAR SER PO —  =Rmang ra ser po.  17 II 426.5.

RMAL — Or, Smal, =Malla dynasty which once ruled over Gu ge.  See 28 51.

RMAL LA —  =Rma la, q.v.

Rgya sgom RMI RAS — 17 II 542.4.  BA 561.1.

RMI LAM BRTAG PA — SBTD I 349.  Work on dream interpretation at Library of Congress (see 1918 Handbook of Manuscripts).

RMU —  =Dmu, Dmu rgod.  One of the 6 earliest Tibetan tribes.  See also Mgur lha.

Tshe myi RMU RGYAL— Bellezza, D&B 145.

RMU CHU DING BA — Bellezza, L&T 45.

RMU BTSAN — Protector of Lho brag Nyi lde.  FM 118.11.04.

RMU RDZING — A lake.  For its origin, see 4 7B.3, 12B.5.


RMU LI — N. of a place in Khams.  Das 986.  Visited by Joseph Rock acc. to S. B. Sutton, In China's Border Provinces, p. 73 ff.

RMU LUNG —  =Mu lung.  28 3, 11.

RMU LSANG DGON — Rnying ma mon. with 225 monks, 5 incarnates.  In Mdo stod.

Lde gshen RMUN BU — Bellezza, D&B 145.

Yar rje RMUN BU— Bellezza, D&B 147.

RME'U — For Rme'u transmission of Bon Vinaya, see 253 II 75.1 ff.  A gdung rabs in 253 II 303.5.  For associated monasteries, see 253 II 600.6 ff.  Karmay, Treasury (vocab.).

RME'U — See (—) Rgyal mtshan lhun grub.

RME'U STON — See (— —) Lha gnyen.  (— —) Lha ri gnyan po.

RME PHU DGON — Vai.Ser. 235.

RME BA'I DGON CHEN — See Wa shul Rme ba'i Dgon chen.

Khro rgyal RME BA BRTSEGS KYI BSKOR — An excavated cycle.  210 56.1.

RME BAD — Very old mon. in Lha sa with rdo ring of treaty with Ral pa can and Chinese emperor.  Das 986. 

RME'U GTER — See (— —) Tshe dbang 'gyur med.

RME'U STON — One of 6 chief discs. of Khyung po rnal 'byor, q.v.

RME'U STON MCHOG SPRUL — See (— — — —) Bskal bzang rgyal mtshan.

Rdza dmar RME'U TSHANG BLA BRANG — 253 II 630.3.

RME RI DGE SLONG — See (— — — —) Blo bzang chos kyi grags pa.

RME RU — Name in full:  Rme ru Phun tshogs nor gling Grwa tshang.  Northeast of Lha sa.  Ancient temple from times of the imperial dynasty.  Place where Thon mi finished his alphabet.  Said to have been built by Ral pa can.  Das 986.  Time of the Dalai Lama iii, became Dge lugs pa.  Closely connected with Rgyud Smad.  Wylie 157 n. 388, 155 n. 371.  Vai.Ser. 121.  A different Rme ru built on Chinese border, acc. to Tucci, Tombs 26‑27.  See Lha ldan Rme ru Phun tshogs Nor gling Grwa tshang gi Lo rgyus Rab gsal, Bod ljongs Gna' shul Gnas mchog (Lhasa 2015).

Bshan pa RME RU — Stein, Recherches 127.


RME RU GRWA TSHANG — Has printery.  162 207.

RME RU RNYING PA — See Essais 160.  Alexander, Temples 103 ff.

RME RU BA CHEN PO — 226 III contents.

RME RU BSAM GRUB — Vai.Ser. 257.

RME SHONG — Birthpl. of Phag mo gru pa, q.v.  =Rne shod.  =Dme' shod.  73 281.4.

RMO MDA' DGON — Vai.Ser. 249.

RMOG GRUB — See (— —) Nam mkha' chos dbang.

RMOG COG — BA 737.  On side of mt. North of Dpal chen ri bo.  Wylie 74.  A mon. in upper Shangs.  T'oung Pao n.s. L 341.

Dge bshes RMOG COG PA — 115 134.6.

RMOG LCOG PA — See (— — —) Kun dga' dge legs dpal 'bar.  (— —) Rin chen brtson 'grus.

RMOG LCOGS ZHABS DRUNG — 1st head of Rig gnas Sna tshogs Grwa tshang at Byin chags gling, q.v.

RMOG STON — See (— —) Rdo rje dpal 'bar. 

RMOG SAR — 253 II 639.1.

RMOR — Not located.  Ferrari 119.

RMOR CHEN — See (— —) Kun dga' byung gnas.

RMOR CHEN RDO RJE 'CHANG — See (— — — — —) (Ngag dbang) Kun dga' lhun grub.

RMOR TSHA — An incarnation line at Kaḥ thog.

SMA KHAMS — See Smar khams.

SMA RA CAN — 332 II preface 4.  Teacher of Bkra shis rgya mtsho (d. 1627).

SMAR SER PO — BA 997.  124 433.4, 436.3, 437.3, etc.  =Rmang ra ser po, q.v.

SMA RI DGON — 253 II 632.5.

SMAG SGO — Pl.n.  See Elliot Sperling, The Politics of History and the Indo‑Tibetan Border (1987‑88), India Review, vol. 7, no. 3 (2008), pp. 223‑239, at p. 237, n. 13.

SMAD — BA 305, 876.

SMAD DKRIS PA — Mahāsiddha.  Pictured in 128 48A.


SMAD RGYUD GRWA TSHANG — Smad rgyud Grwa tshang gi Chos spyod Rgyas pa (Hunsur 1982).  I Tib 83‑903663.

SMAD RDO RJE BRAG — Founded following birth of (Rdor brag Rig 'dzin) Khams gsum zil gnon, son of the ruler of Dar rtse mdo (Lcags la Rgyal po at Tachienlu).


SMAD 'BRUG — Sub‑branch of 'Brug pa, f. by Lo ras pa.  See under Thub pa Lnga.

SMAD LUGS — See also Stod lugs.  Vinaya lineage begun by Dgongs pa Rab gsal.  23 55.  BA 1062.  Or, refers to E Indian Yogatantra tradition.  27 109.

SMAD HOR — 438 VII 459.2.  Acc. to Bell, Portrait of the Dalai Lama, p. 350, refers to Japanese.  This seems highly doubtful, however.  See Kuijp, Rivers 302‑303 for discussion (in Mongol times it clearly refers to the Mongols in China, as distinguished from the Mongol khaganates in the western parts that were called Stod Hor).

SMAN — In list of 8 types of spirits.  KTDN 142.3.

Thod dkar SMAN SKYID — A person.  206 558.2.


SMAN GONG PA — See (— — —) (Mar ston) Rgyal legs.

SMAN GRO — BA 354.

SMAN GRONG — Hofer in Schrempf, Soundings 377.  Discussion in Kuijp, ZH 37.

SMAN 'GAB RU RINGS — Place name?  115 8.6.


SMAN SGOM — See (— —) 'Od zer seng ge.

SMAN SGRUB — One of 2 parts of the Bdud rtsi Yon tan gyi Sgrub Skor, q.v.

SMAN GCIG — Pl.n.  BA 949, 966, 970.

SMAN CHU — Evidently the river in Sman lung.  57 IIB 351.7.

Ra mo SMAN CHU KHA — BA 929.

SMAN CHU SPRUL SKU — 383 455.2.

Pha drug gi Go lung SMAN CHU'U PHUG PA — Zhi ba 'od stayed there.  4 84B.2.

SMAN CHU BA — See (— — —) Nam mkha' rin chen.

Glo SMAN THANG — The area of Mustang in Nepal.  Goldstein 217.  5 143.2.  28 8, 15.  Variant spellings: Mon sdang, Smon thang, Smos thang.  82 90.  Wylie 127 n. 116.  The wealth of this kingdom is explained by its ability to control the trade of the Byang nomads with 'the south'.  TS7 II 1032.

SMAN THANG CHEN PO — School of painting, evid. =Sman, or Lho brag Sman ris, q.v.  23 39 ff.  For art texts by Lho brag Sman thang pa, see Filibeck, Catalog nos. 1206‑1207.

SMAN SDONG MTSHAMS PA RIN PO CHE — See (— — — — — — —) Karma nges don bstan rgyas.

Slob dpon SMAN PA'I ZHABS — SBTD I 13.

SMAN PHUG — Mon.  Blondeau 92.

SMAN PHYI — TS7 I 269.

SMAN BLA — Bhaiṣajyaguru.  Ferrari 84.  Pictured in 128 510.  374 I 101.4.  It is interesting to note that while followers of Chos refer to Sman bla and Dgra lha, Bonpos speak of Sman lha (or Smon lha) and Sgra bla.  Maṇḍala in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 187.  A very old thangka illus. in Precious Deposits II 60‑61.  A very large brocade tapestry thangka illus. in Precious Deposits V 44‑5 (gold ink thangka pp. 48‑50).

SMAN BLA — See (— —) Don grub.


SMAN GYI DBANG PO — N. of a city in east India.  BD of T&TB I 324.

SMAN MO — BA 875.  N. of a monastery.  Cuevas, Hidden History 123.

Jo mo SMAN MO — Consort of Gling ras pa.  24 I 346.7.  Hidden text revealor by same name in 132 preface.

SMAN MO RGYAL — Pictured in 216A.

SMAN MO THANG — Thang stong went there.  5 138, 239.6, 285.3.  Thang stong founded a sgrub sde there.

SMAN MO SPUN GSUM — Roesler, KSP 62.

SMAN MO BA — Cuevas, Hidden History 126.

SMAN BTSUN — As consort of Rdo rje legs pa.  See 87 LXI preface.

SMAN BTSUN CHEN MO — See (— — — —) Rdo rje g.ya' ma skyong.

SMAN BTSUN DE MO — See under Kong btsun De mo.

SMAN BTSUN UG CHOS — See (— — — —) Rdo rje g.yar mo.

SMAN RTSWA BA — Mentioned in Roesler, KSP 61.

SMAN RTSIS KHANG — General name of the Lcags po ri medical school, or of the smaller school inside Lha sa.  It just means "medicine astro building', and is not a 'proper' name.  The Lha sa center was founded by Mkhyen rab nor bu.  TM‑BH 16.  It had a printery. 162 238.  It was built in Lha sa on the site of the old Bstan rgyas gling monastery.

SMAN RTSE — Man tzu, apparently name for the pre‑Mongol kingdom of South China, or Manzi, often known as the Southern Song.  BA 56, 502.  57 IIB 369.6.  Sometimes spelled Sman rtsi.  Spelled Sman tse in HS XIX 22.6, where it is said to be a degenerated form of the name Mahācīna (Ma hā tsi na), although this must be mistaken, I think (yet we find a similar idea was held by Rashid ad-Din; see the entry in Pelliot's Notes on Marco Polo, vol. 1, p. 275).  For Khri srong's invasion of a place in Rgya nag Dman tshe called Wi ci'u ci'u dgar nyer bzhi... (?), see HS XXXVI 399.6.  Story of a woman from Sman rtse who had horns growing on her head.  LPNT VII 78.

SMAN TSHA 'BAR — Disc. of Mgo bya tsha.  Founded temple of Ldum ra.  BA 688.

SMAN TSHANG — Bon mon. in A mdo.  253 II 639.2.

SMAN ZHABS — See Sman pa'i zhabs.

Dge le SMAN BZANG — Pl.n. (sp?)  58 926.

SMAN 'ON PA — Disc. of Nyang ral.  477 136.2.

SMAN YUL — In Mnga' ris skor gsum.  Lat. 31°, long. 79°.  79 83 no. 60.


SMAN RI — A Bon mon. in Gtsang.  23 53.  For its history, see 253 II 2.1 ff.  F. in 1405.  Kværne 232 no 129.  For its Bon Spyod, see 333.  F. in 1406.  253 II 587.6 ff.  For its Protectors, see 426Dkar chag, see 448 121‑134.  Thob rgyal Sman ri Dgon pa'i Dkar chag, listed in BLP no. 1102.

SMAN RI BA — An esoteric tradition of Bon.

SMAN RI BSHAD SGRUB SMIN GROL GLING — Official name of Bon brgya Mon.  Mori in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 508.

SMAN RIS — N. of a painting style and its school.  See 23 38 ff.

SMAN LUNG — BA 155; 17 II 494.5. 

Pha drug gi SMAN LUNG — 57 IIB 351.7.  4 155B.4.

SMAN LUNG — See (— —) Byang chub ri.

SMAN LUNG GU RU — Refers to (Sman lung) Shākya 'od.  See also Mang lung Gu ru, and other spellings.

SMAN LUNG PA — See (— — —) Blo gros mchog gi rdo rje.  (— — —) Blo mchog rdo rje.  (— — —) Mi bskyod rdo rje.  (— — —) Shākya 'od.

SMAN LHA RI — 4 160A.5.

SMAR KHAMS — Or, Sma khams.  N. of a district where a Rdzongs dpon from Lha sa with the designation, "Ma kham Thal chi" holds office.  Das 988.  5 315.5.  Vai.Ser. 241.  Stein, Recherches 131.  Patterson, Requiem for Tibet 80.  Haarh, Yar luṅ 149.

SMAR KHAMS GTER STON — See (— — — —) Chos dbyings shes rab.

SMAR KHAMS PA — See (— — —) Grags pa bzang po.

SMAR KHAMS RIN CHEN RDO RJE — A Tibetan official who issued a letter of passage.  Schaik, M&T 151.

SMAR DAR THANG DGON — In Mdo smad.  A mon. with 1525 monks and 2 reincarnates.

SMAR PA BKA' BRGYUD PA — Sometimes spelled Dmar pa.  F. by Smar pa Shes rab seng ge.  Its mother convent was Sho dgon in Khams.  See 235 intro. 7.

Chos rje SMAR PA GRUB THOB — See (— —) (— — — —) Shes rab ye shes.

SMAR TSHANG BKA' BRGYUD — One of the 8 lesser branches of the Bka' brgyud, f. by Chos rje Smar pa Grub thob Shes rab ye shes, aka Shes rab seng ge.  Bios. of him and 2 others of his tradition are contained in 73.

SMAR G.YO GTSANG GSUM — Refers to the originators of the later spread (phyi dar) of monastic ordinations: Gtsang pa Rab gsal.  Bo dong pa G.yo Dge 'byung.  Stod lung pa Smar Shākya mu ni.  BD of T&TB III 127.

Stod lungs pa SMAR SHAKYA MU NE — See (Dpal) Chu bo ri.  Lived in late 9th or 10th centuries.

SMAL — See Rmal.

SMAL LCAGS — Stearns, King 516, n. 493.

SMAL PHU — ?  5 166.6.

SMI RI — BA 783.

Rtogs ldan SMIN GROL — See colophon to text in 414 353 ff.

SMIN GROL GLING — Mindolling.  Lies in a river valley of the same name.  An important monastery for Rnying ma pas.  Waddell 73.  Abbot always selected from the Gter bdag gling pa family.  Pillaged by Dzungars in 1718.  JTL&CT 235.  Lies across Gtsang po from Bsam yas.  Waddell 277.  The mother convent of Lho gter teachings.  Ferrari 132.  Founded by Gter bdag gling pa, q.v.  39 6‑7.  Founded in 1676.  16 38.  Has printery. 162 211.  Its gtsug lag khang was founded, also by Gter bdag gling pa, in 1676.  458 I 172.3 ff.  Sometimes called by a longer name Gra phyi O rgyan Smin grol gling.  Had about 400 monks and 3 recognized incarnates.  Had (and has) many branch monasteries.  Home of the Old Translation Gnyos school.  Widely known for cultivation of literary arts and in fact turned out poetry teachers for government officials at Lha sa.  During the time of the Dalai Lama v, teaching of minor language sciences was not allowed in monasteries, so those who wished to officially study these subjects had to go to Smin grol gling.  Graduates could go on to join government service.  Dungkar in TJ 8 no 4 (Wint 1993) 11‑12.  The biography of the Dalai Lama v contains a title Smin gling Dkar chag Ngo mtshar Rgya mtsho (BLP no. 1652).  Dkar chag by Padma dbang 'dus or Bstan pa'i sgron me, published in Beijing, is listed in BLP no. 2109.

SMIN GROL NO MON HAN SPRUL SKU — See (— — — — — — —) Ngag dbang 'phrin las rgya mtsho.

SMIN GROL YAR 'PHEL — 363 121.3. 

SMIN GROL RAB BRTAN GLING — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang.  Had 60 monks and 2 incarnates.

SMIN GLING LO CHEN — See (— — — —) Dharma shrī.

SMIN CHU — In Sikkim.  Lat. 27° long. 88°.  Originally the name of a spring and now the name of a small nearby village.  79 84 no. 66.

SMIN DRUG RDZA RI — Near Lhasa.  See Velm I 124.  =Mi 'khrugs rdza ri.

SMU — An alternative spelling for the Rmu clan.  See 82 85.

Grub thob SMU SGOM — 17 IV 488.6.

Mang gar SMU PA BSHES GNYEN — 5 304.6.

SMU LI — See (— —) Dga' ldan bshad sgrub rnam rgyal gling.

SMU HER RGYAL PO — ?  63 I 101.

'Jang ri SMUG PO — Also, (Ljang ri).  Rock, Nāga Cult I 155, 249.

Dmu ri SMUG PO — See Ramble in Mandala & Landscape 162.

SMUG PO DGON — 415 XI 125.4.

SMUG PO'I RONG — Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 144.

SMUG MA BU KHUR — N. of a country of cannibals.  Das 991.

Stong rgyong SMUG MO RI — 253 II 568.1.

Dge bshes SMUG RUM PA — 73 246.4.

Ku se SMUGS SANGS — 239 XXX 60.6.

SMUGS SANGS BAN DE — See (— — — —) 'Jam dpal bzang po.

SME CHU — Acc. to Wylie 118 no. 44, is mistake for She chu, q.v.

SME'U TI — See (— —) Grags pa rin chen.

SME'U STON — See Rme'u ston.

SME SPRUL — See (— —) Bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho.

SME BA DGU — Vai.Kar. II 277 ff.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 202.

Khro bo SME BA BRTSEGS PA — Text in 243 III 987 ff.  374 I 180 ff.  Image in Weldon & Singer, Sculptural Heritage p. 116‑7.

SME BRTSEGS MA — Texts in 87 LXXV.  Form of Vajravārāhī.  384 III 369 ff.

SMENG — See (—) Seng ge ye shes dpal.

SMER — TS7 II 973.


Nya mo SMON DKAR DGE LDING — 253 II 586.  See under Mon dkar Dge lding.

Dge slong SMON GRUB SHES RAB — Translator of 120.  Listed as author of Grub thob Brgyad cu rtsa bzhi'i Rnam thar in BLP no. 0401.

SMON GRONG — See (— —) Mkhyen rab kun bzang.

SMON GRONG — Bridge near Lha sa.  Goldstein, Hist. 435. 

SMON GRONG SKYID TSHAL — Estate awarded to the 15th 'Bri gung pa Kun dga' rin chen. Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 116.  Also called Smon gro Nang pa.

SMON 'GRO SGRUB SDE DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang.  Had 102 monks and 2 incarnates.

SMON GRO PA PAṆḌI TA — Teacher of Kāvya to the Dalai Lama v who, acc. to Si tu Chos kyi 'byung gnas, slandered the Jo nang pa sect.  23 20.  "Seems to have been a student of Sgang rgad 'Od zer rgyal mtshan and Grangs can 'Jam pa'i rdo rje, who were the disciples of Zhwa lu Lo chen Chos skyong bzang po."  23 20.

SMON RGYAL — Mon. in Rdza khog area.  Thar in TS9 IV 159, 165.

SMON RGYAL — See (— —) Dam pa rang grol.  (— —) Nam mkha' grags pa.  (— —) Nam mkha' ye shes.


SMON RGYAL SANGS RIN — See under Kun grol grags pa.


Khyung ser ba Sgom chen SMON BSTAN — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 407.

SMON THANG — A variant spelling of Sman thang, q.v.  82 90.

Bkra shis lhun po SMON 'BYED SHAG — Printery.  162 233.

SMON MI — Berounsky in FBTB 101.

SMON MO SGANG — Pl.n.  5 136.4, 138.6, 139.5.  =Sman mo sgang, q.v.?

Lha bu SMON GZUNG — Also, Smon gzugs.  Hazod in Steinkellner Festschrift 263.

Bla ma SMON BZANG BA — Karma pa.  35 I 674.

SMON RAM PA — See (— — —) Bstan dar.

Rnal 'byor pa SMON LAM — Answers to his questions in 226 VI 399‑450.

Rma SMON LAM — Father of (Rma) Chos kyi shes rab.  BA 872.  17 II 423.5.

Sku mdun SMON LAM BKRA SHIS — (1500-1590)  Kværne nos. 140, 148.  253 II 477.1, 614.6 ff.

Rgyus SMON LAM GRAGS PA — He died in magical combat with Rwa Lo.  He translated the Sdom byung after studying it with Paṇḍi ta Gzhan phan in India.  He was in India at the time Bar [i.e., Ba ri] Rin chen grags arrived there.  Mtshan tho no. 44.  His name appears on a Sanskrit manuscript as the original possessor of it, acc. to KCDS, p. 140.

Slob dpon SMON LAM GRAGS PA — At his behest, in 1480, 'Gos Lo tsā ba Gzhon nu dpal composed his Doha commentaries.  Kurtis Schaeffer, Dissert. 119.  He evidently wrote a biography of 'Gos Lo tsā ba upon which Zhwa dmar iv based his own composition.

SMON LAM GRUB — 124 446.4.  A former incarnation of Ma cig.  124 445.2 ff, 471.6.

SMON LAM MGON PO — 17 IV 377.6.

SMON LAM RGYA MTSHO — A collection of prayers "reproduced from a rare ms. from Gnas Padma bkod in SE Tibet" (Delhi 1979) in 133 pp.

SMON LAM RGYAL BA — An unidentified Buddhist monk mentioned in a colophon.  Kuijp in CAJ 37 (1993) 192.

Gur sgom SMON LAM RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 431.5.

Grub dbang SMON LAM RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1842)  Kværne no 200.  Bon gsar259 preface.  Family: Tsha be.  Birthpl.: Gyim shod.  253 II 489.2 ff.  Lived 75 years.

Mnga' ris Drang srong SMON LAM RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 402.4.

SMON LAM SGROL MA — Woman disc. of Smon lam rgyal mtshan.  53 II 498.3.

SMON LAM CHEN MO — Gyatsho Tshering, "The Great Prayer Festival," Tibet Society Bulletin 5 (1972) 1 ff.  Precious Deposits III 182‑3.  Dreyfus, Sound 258, argues that its main motive is to bring about the coming of Maitreya.  See Khyongla Rato, My Life and Lives for a chapter on his personal observations at the Lhasa New Year.

SMON LAM CHEN MO'I DAR RGYAS GLING — Title of a work by Lcang lung Ngag dbang blo bzang listed in BLP no. 1653.

Khyung gser ba Sgom chen SMON LAM BSTAN PA — 253 II 621.2.

G.yo lag Sgom chen SMON LAM BSTAN PA — Founder of Phyug 'tsho.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 407.

Gzhung rje SMON LAM MTHA' YAS RGYA MTSHO — Author of gcod work called Man ngag Zab mo Bdud kyi Gcod yul Stan tho[g] Gcig ma, FM 433.00.

SMON LAM RDO RJE — See Kun bzang bde chen rgyal po.

Drung chen SMON LAM RDO RJE — Also, (Khri dpon).  17 IV 457.1.  Father of 'Tshal pa Kun dga' rdo rje.  See T&BS I 60, 61.  His bio. by Dpon Sangs rgyas bzang po is listed in BLP no. 1685.

SMON LAM RNAM GSUM — Set of 4 Bon prayers.  333 211.2.

SMON LAM DPAL — (1414‑1491)  8th Khri thog of Dga' ldan.  BD of T&TB VI 125.  Also 7th abbot of 'Bras spungs.  Pictured in 128 896.  Vai.Ser. 69, 93.  Uspensky in TS9 I 225.

SMON LAM DPAL 'BYOR — (1680‑1774)  BD of T&TB V 573.

SMON LAM BLA MA — "Author" (or author's informant) in 356 I 44.6.

SMON LAM BLO GROS — 253 II 386.4.  Bio. in Vai.Ser. 140.  See Grags pa smon lam blo gros.

SMON LAM DBANG PHYUG — Bio. contained in 53.

Grub thob SMON LAM 'BAR — (13th cent.)  A disciple of Rgyal ba Rin po che Grags pa brtson 'grus (1203‑1267).

Sgom chen SMON LAM 'BAR — (1085‑1171)  Zhi byed pa.  Disc. of So chung ba.  Also called Sha mi (his family name). Belonged to a Vinaya transmission.  BA 879 ff; 17 II 424.4.  CFMS 69.

Cog la SMON LAM 'BAR — A playmate of the young Khri srong lde brtsan.  Sba 5.  He is listed among the proponents of Bon in the account of the debate.  Bashey4 200 (Lcog la Smon lam 'bar).

Lha rje SMON LAM 'BAR — Father of 'Ol kha ba Grol sgom Chos g.yung (1103‑1199).

Skyog ston SMON LAM TSHUL KHRIMS — His bio. by Nyi ma rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 0175.  This ought to be same as Skyo ston Smon lam tshul khrims, the 8th abbot of Snar thang.  BA 283.

Zhang G.ye ba SMON LAM TSHUL KHRIMS — 12th cent.  TS7 II 834.  One Smon lam tshul khrims is author of a bio. of Mchims Nam mkha' grags listed in BLP no. 0786.

Mnyam med SMON LAM 'OD ZER — 253 II 434.5.

Mkhan po SMON LAM 'OD ZER — Author of work in 239 XXX 75‑99.

Drang srong SMON LAM 'OD ZER — 253 II 363.6.

SMON LAM RAB 'BYAMS PA — See (— — — — —) Bstan 'dzin grags pa.

SMON LAM RAB BZANG — (1878‑1945)  Alias Mi pham shes bya rdo rje.  Wrote 47 in 1911 on Chos Drug.  Disc. of (Rtogs ldan) Shākya shrī (1873‑1919). Lho brag Mang dis pa. 363 121.3.  Author of other works in 414 and 429.  His biography, in Dzongkha language, has been published by the National Archives of Bhutan in 2010, author's name given as Dorji Gyelsten (Rdo rje rgyal mtshan).  He was known not only as a learned scholar, but as a painter and sculptor.

'Bal SMON LAM SENG GE — Stag lung pa.  17 IV 459.5.

Gangs lung SMON LAM SENG GE — Bon work in 267 355‑368, 421‑426.  Bio. in 253 II 434.3‑434.5.

Gnas chen SMON LAM LHA BRAG — 253 II 634.2‑3.

Rtogs ldan SMON LAM LHUN GRUB — 253 II 478.3.


Klu bdud SMON SHRI — May be n. of mt. where the spirit dwells.  Stein, Mi–ñag 238.


Dge bshes SMYUG RUM PA CHEN PO —  =Snyug rum pa, q.v.  Bka' gdams pa teacher of Sgam po pa at Dbu ru Stod.  46 43.  17 II 513.6.  Bio. in 165 I 589.

SMYUG LA — A place mentioned in an image inscription. Weldon & Singer, Sculptural Heritage 178.

SMYUG LA PAṆ CHEN — See (— — — —) Ngag dbang grags pa.

SMYUG TSHAL — BA 199, 1042.


SMYUGS 'DZIN — See (— —) Bstan 'dzin rgyal mtshan.

SMYUNG GNAS — Ritual fast.  Lineage in 225 VIII.  Text in 43 III 869‑904.  SBTD I 164, 167, 287, 350, 381.

SMYUNG GNAS BLA MA — (1887‑ )  Photo in Goldstein, Hist. 371, 464 ff.

SMYO SHUL — See (— —) Lung rtogs.

SMYO SHUL MKHAN PO — 393 title page.


SMYON PA — See preface to 20.  Se Ra smyon, 'Brug smyon, Gtsang smyon, etc.  Kong smyon, Mang ra 'bum smyon, Khams smyon, and Sngags smyon.

SMYON PA — See (— —) Ldom chung.  (— —) Be re (also, Be ro).

SMYON PA'I BRTUL ZHUGS BSHAD PA'I MDO — A text quoted in Āryadeva's Caryāmelāpakapradīpa, chap. 11, as well as in the Subhāṣita samgraha (edited by Bendall), where we find it also called the Buddhakāpāla Tantra.  All this is acc. to Christian Wedemeyer's dissertation.

SMYON PA'I ZHABS — See Ka la pa.

SMYOS LONG — A township. ZZFC 30.

SMRA — A tribe of Upper Tibet.  Bellezza, D of T 84.

Mu stegs kyi Rgan mo SMRA MKHAN MA — 478 I 247.4.

Khyim dag SMRA MKHAS — Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 347.

SMRA LCAM SI LE MA — Also, Smra lcam Sil ma.  Bellezza, L&T 72.  See Bellezza, D&B 98.

SMRA RJE BTSAN PO — N. of a deer hunter.  Bellezza, L&T 69.

SMRA THEN PA — Bellezza, L&T 70.

Mkhas grub SMRA BA'I NYI MA — See (— —) (— — — —) Dge legs dpal bzang.

Ta'i Si tu vii SMRA BA'I NYI MA — (1683‑1698)  Son of the king of Gling.

SMRA BA RIN CHEN — Translator.  Pictured in 320 XVIII 2.

SMRA BA'I SENG GE — A Brahmin in an avadāna.  TPS 481.

SMRA BA'I SENG GE — Or, Smra seng, a common way of referring to Brtson 'grus seng ge (1186‑1247) in the Later Zhi byed lineage.  Called Snye mdo Smra ba'i seng ge in Dung dkar, p. 949, where there is a brief biography.

Nyang stod SMRA BA'I SENG GE — (10th cent.)  127 709.3.  394 II 18.  208 I 279.6.

Dan bag pa SMRA BA'I SENG GE — (12th cent.)  TS7 II 835.

Kun mkhyen Rong ston Chen po SMRA BA'I SENG GE — (1367‑1449)  Sa skya pa.  B. in Bon family in Rgyal mo rong.  Studied at Gsang phu Ne'u thog.  Ferrari 84.  BA 340, 1080.  =(Rong ston) Shes bya kun rig, q.v.  Founded 'Phan po Na lentra Mon.  A teacher of (Go rams pa) Bsod nams seng ge (1429‑1489).  Author of Bon Chos kyi Bstan pa Shan dbye.

SMRA BO LCOG — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang.  Had 60 monks and one incarnate.  346 66.2.  458 I 260.1, 262.2.  17 III 469.6.  477 114, etc.  In Lho brag.  Residence of Mnga' bdag Nyang ral.  In Gtam shul valley.  Recently Rnying ma, but once Karma pa.  Taken in time of the Dalai Lama v.  Ferrari 134.

SMRA MI DRAN PA — Bellezza, L&T 41.

SMRA 'DZIN — A deity.  Rhies & Thurman 339.

SMRA BZANG SGANG — Pl.n. found in bio. of Gling bza' Chos skyid, p. 489.2.

SMRA YUL THAG RGYAD — Var. sp. Smra yul thang brgyad, Smra yul thags brgyad, Smra yul thag brgyad.  See Bellezza, L&T 59, 67.  Huber in N‑T I 276 ff., 283 ff.  Bellezza, D of T 76.

Shes rab SMRA SENG — Also, Smra ba'i seng ge.  For a Bon text, see 343 453 ff, 481 ff.

SMRA LHA MO —  =Dbyangs can ma.  Das 913.

Mkhas pa Chen po SMRI TI — A disc. of Nā ro pa.  57 IIB 344.4.  17 II 275.1.  Called Smri ti dznyā na, he went to Gung thang and became a herdsman.  17 II 278.3‑280.1.

SMRI TI CHU NAG — Northern sector of G.yas ru.  See 28 78.  River may be the Nag chu in A mdo.  Also, southern sector of Sum pa'i Ru.  28 78.

SMRI TI DZNYĀ NA KĪ RTI — (late 10th-early 11th cent.)  Smṛtijñānakīrti.  He was translating Old Translation scriptures in eastern Tibet while Rin chen bzang po began translating New Translations in the west.  39 2.  211 47.4.  Teacher of (Rong zom) Chos kyi bzang po.  BD of T&TB III 243.  A title Smri ti dznya na kri tis Dri ba'i The tshom Bcad pa'i Lo rgyus Chen mo, is listed in BLP no. 1658.  The Tib. tr. of his name is Dran pa ye shes grags pa.  He was in eastern Tibet in the 10th century.  Acc. to Mtshan tho no. 27, his translator died on his way to Tibet, and he worked as a shepherd in Rta nag; later on he went to Khams and established the teaching of Abhidharma at 'Dan Klong thang; he did singlehanded translations (rang 'gyur) of texts including the Gdan bzhi & 'Jam dpal Gsang ldan, and composed the Sgra'i Bstan bcos Smra sgo Mtshon cha.  The Tibetan story is that, in latter half of 10th cent., he wandered Tibet in search of his mother, who had been reborn as an insect in Rta nag.  Unable to speak Tibetan, he worked as a shepherd for a wealthy nomadic household of Rta nag, under whose hearth his mother's rebirth was living.  He was recognized as a pundit by Dpyal Lo tsā ba.  Wrote Smra sgo Mtshon cha, a charming work filled with examples and figures of speech that he came to know in Rta nag.  "It is possible that this work was originally written in Tibetan.  Many of the words he uses are unknown."  E. Gene Smith translated a sample of his grammar. 





TSA — See (Tsa'i) Mi thod Gad pa can.

Rgyal rigs Dge bshes TSA — Bonpo.  In colophons to FM 99.03, 361A.34, 361A.49.

TSA KA LI — Illustrated cards used for ritual substitution.  Bon text in 300 II 589‑594.

TSA KRA GLANG PHUNG — A klu73 425.4, 425.6.

Mu stegs TSA KRA WARMA — BD of T&TB I 249.

Rgyal po TSA KRA YU DHA — BD of T&TB I 934.

TSA GONG — 5 134.6, 135.1.  See Tsa ri Tsa gong.  Tsa gong 'Du khang.  5 138.6, 152.4.  Dgon pa Tsa gong Dpal gyi gnas gsar.  5 220.2.  Tsa gong Gnas gsar.  5 221.2, 239.4, 285.2.  In E Kong po.  5 284.4.  5 339.2.  Tsa kong Gnas gsar.  124 492.3.  Tsa gong and Tsa mchog explained in 17 IV 231.6.

TSA'I RGYAL BA — See (— — — —) Lo.

TSA RGYAL BA — See under Bka' babs bzhi.

TSĀ ṬI GRA MA — Town in Bengal.  Perhaps it is Chittagong?  BD of T&TB I 459.

TSA TRA PA — Mahāsiddha.  Tib.: Slong mkhan zhabs.  Bio. in 120 75.15 ff.  BD of T&TB I 663‑665.

TSA DRA BHAG — N. of a river.  Wylie 57. Chandrabhaga?

TSĀ 'DRA RIN CHEN BRAG — A hermitage closely connected with Dpal spungs.  Aka Kun bzang bde chen 'od gsal gling.  For a gnas yig, see 12 XI.  Also a history and description in 12 XI.  For a dkar chag, see 239 XXX 109‑116.

TSA NA KA — Cāṇakya.  N. of ancient king of India with works in Tanjur.  Acc. to Indian authorities he was prime minister of Chandragupta, the king who reigned from Pātaliputra.  Das 995.  BD of T&TB I 826.

TSA'I NANG — N. of mon.  BA 565.  Tsa nang in 5 136.5.

TSA PA RI — Mahāsiddha.  Pictured in 128 53A.  Carpaṭi.  83D 136.  BD of T&TB I 731‑733.

TSA PA LA — Also apears in the form Rtsa ba li, evidently.  Buston II 57.

TSA PA LA'I MCHOD RTEN — Capala caitya.  Banerjee, Sarvāstivāda Literature 95.

TSA PHU GANG ZHUR MO — N. of a place in upper Tibet, the birthplace of (Zhwa nag) Rang byung rdo rje.  Das 994.  =Tsa'i phu Gangs Zhur mo.  BA 488.

Yul TSA MA PĀRṆA — BD of T&TB I 457.

TSA MA RI PA — A Mahāsiddha.  Bio. in 120 46.5‑49.1.  Tib.: Lham mkhan zhabs.  BD of T&TB I 654‑656.

Rgyal po TSA MA SHA — BD of T&TB I 273.

TSA MI LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — — —) Sangs rgyas grags.

TSA MI LUGS — A Kālacakra school that passed through O rgyan pa.  17A VII pt. 1, p. 25A.6.

Me nyag gi Phu TSA MI SHING MI BA — 17 II 419.5.  Here Tsa mi and Shing mi seem to exist in the Tangut uplands.

Dge bshes TSA MING PA — Tsan ming pa.  ?  Text in 300 II 313‑320.

TSA MUN TRI — 132 71.2.  Stearns, Luminous Lives 143.

TSA MUN SHRĪ — 132 71.2.

TSA MO — Listed as one of the four rgod stong sde of Zhang zhung Stod.  28 83.  Chang in BJZJ X no. 2, p. 120.

TSA MO GLING —  =Tsho smon gling, q.v.

TSA TSI KĀ MA NI— ?  =Carcika, a name of Durga.  Wylie 154 n. 368.

TSA RA KA —  =Caraka, the Indian doctor.  3 8, 11, 202.  413 127.5.  His Sde brgyad, see KB 72.3, 94.2.

TSA RA TSA — River in Lus 'phags pa.  Das 417.

TSA RA SING NGA — In S India.  17 II 304.2.  Carasiµha.  Wylie 133 n. 153.  In Be ta ("coconut country), this was the birthplace of Pha dam pa Sangs rgyas.  124 432.3.

TSA RA HUR — A yul115 52.5, 52.6, 53.1, 53.2, 54.1, 68.2.  One of the 'four doors' to O rgyan.  Also spelled Ra tsa hur.  Spelled Ra tsha hur (Ra dza hur) in Kuijp, Rivers 328.

TSA RI — Located in vicinity of Dwags po.  Sacred valley where pilgrimage is made every 12 years.  Ferrari 127.  Also Tswa ri, Rtsa ri.  Stein 25.  Especially important for Bka' brgyud pa.  20 8.  For Thang stong's visit, see 5 123, 136.5, 220.2.  17 II 423.2.  Tsa ri Gnas bshad Rgyas par Bshad pa'i Le'u found in 122 1‑59.  210 105.4.  BA 200, 498, 544, 579, 602‑603, 668‑669, 683, 686, 719, 729, 748, 815, 829, 832, 870, 884‑885, 895, 953, 975, 986.  Das 995.  For the story of its 'opening', by Gtsang pa Rgya ras pa, see 157 B1.  Combe 127.  Deity residing there, see Gcig car dmar po.  406 8A.1.  ISTS 9.  Lo chen Bsod nams rgya mtsho'i sde, q.v., wrote something about this place.  429 8.4.  487 I 72.4, 80.6.  See Shal ma li in JD 123.  Dargyay 133.  Its Turquoise Lake, as a source of cinnabar.  DG 140.3.  SBTD I 11, 16.  476 I 118.2.  NMH 199.  De Fillipi, p. 225.  Wallace, Life & Teaching of Geshe Rabten 64.  476 IV 95.1.  NMH has a note on Klu bdud rdo rje on p. 199. 484 I 863.1, 867.5.  Work on guardian by the Dalai Lama v.  Toh. 5693.  Shākya mchog ldan, Works VII 42.3: tsa ri dang ti se la sogs pa'i gnas chen rnams skor ba na / rtsa mdud grol nas rtogs pa khyad par can rgyud la skye ba yin no // zhes zer / (more on p. 138.3 ff.).  RS 684-691, 759-767, 994-1002.

TSA RI — See (— —) Dom tshang.  (— —) Zer chen phug.  (— —) G.yu mtsho.

TSA RI SGOM CHUNG — Disc. of Ras chung pa.  BA 439.  484 II 551.6.


TSA RI NGA LA'I GANGS — One of 20 principle mts.  Das 212.

TSA RI TRA —  =Rtsa ri.  A land of Ḍākinīs.  See 17 XX 350.1.  BA 826.  BA 813.  1 44.12.  Wylie 115.  "Opened" by Rgya ras pa.  61 6A.6.  BD of T&TB VII 271.  129 V 341.1.  Subject of work in 17 IV 207‑274.  283 311.5.



TSA RI BA — Disc. of Phag mo gru pa.  484 I 840.4.

TSA RI TSA GONG — See also Tsa gong.  5 111.4.  87 I 145.2.

TSA RI TSA NANG TSA GONG GSUM GYI RI RGYUD — The three mountain ranges called Tsa ri, Tsa nang and Tsa gong.  5 136.5.

TSA RI RAB 'BYAMS PA — 116 307.4.

Mgon po TSA RI RAS CHEN — See 17 IV 181.3.  Nephew of Lo ras pa?  484 I 871.3.  179 2A.3, 2A.4.  177 1B.4.  228 88.6.  17 IV 260.3.

TSA RI RAS PA — Disc. of Dung mtsho ras pa.  BA 720.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1873: Rin chen Tsa ri ras pa'i Rnam thar.

TSA RI LUNG CHUNG — 17 IV 214.4, 229.4, 229.5.

TSA RI GSANG SNGAGS — A pho brang5 14, 111.3.

TSA RI GSAR MA — BA 543.  57 IIB 367.2.


TSA RYA PA — Mahāsiddha.  Pictured in 128 50A.

Rgyal po TSA LA BHA DRA — BD of T&TB I 335.

TSA LU — See (— —) A lags.

TSA LU KA — Or, Rtsa lu ka, Tsa lu ki.  Mahāsiddha.  Tib.: Gnyid che ba.  Bio. in 120 143.9 ff.  His teacher was Mai tri pa.  He always fell asleep and had no energy to do anything.  BD of T&TB I 715‑716.

TSĀ LUN DA 'BAB PA — Das 413 no. 46.

TSANG KUN — Vai.Kar. II 258, 261.

TSANG KUN — See (— —) Khyi mgo mig sman.  (— —) 'Phye bo mthing nag.

Dmag dpon TSANG KUN — A sa bdagVai.Kar. II 269.

TSANGGA LA RA DZA — 5 242.5.

TSANG MA KE'U GLING — Possible spelling for Tshang mang ke ru, q.v.

TSAN DA NA — N. of a valley.  Wylie 57.

TSANDA PHA LA — Aris, Discourse 27.

TSAN DAN JO BO — A famous sandalwood image of the Buddha.  Tsan ldan Jo bo'i Lo rgyus Skor tshad Phan yon Mdor bsdus Rin po che'i Phreng ba, by Lcang skya Rol pa'i rdo rje, at behest of Dga' ldan Shar rtse Mkhan po, a blockprint in 20 folios described in Ind.Off.Cat. no. 494.  Luboš Bělka, Spread of Buddhism and Wandering of Statues: Case of the Beijing Santalwood Buddha, Studia Asiatica 11 no 1 (2010) 197‑214.  A. Terentyev, The Sandalwood Buddha of the King Udayana, Narthang (St. Petersburg 2010).

Rang sangs rgyas TSAN DAN BYIN — KB 122.3.  TPS 524.

TSAN DAN MUN SHI — 387 preface 2.

TSAN DAN TSHAL — A cemetery.  87 I 17.5, 18.1.

TSAN DAN G.YU'I LHA KHANG — Mon. in Yar klungs.  Das 1130.  Founded by Srong btsan sgam po.

TSA NDA LI — Mahāsiddha.  Pictured in 128 51A.

TSAN DAR 'BUM — From Snye nam.  A Bonpo said to have been responsible for Milarepa's death.  TS7 II 994.

TSANDRA GUPTA — A teacher of Shākya shrī bha dra.  17 II 305.6.

Thos chung TSAN DRA GONG MING — Author of text in 259 31‑40.

TSANDRA GO MI — Mahāsiddha.  Pictured in 128 29A and 320 XIII 2.  BD of T&TB I 219‑221, 235.  374 I 26.3.

TSAN DRA GO MIN — See Mark Tatz, "The Life of Candragomin in Tibetan Historical Tradition," Tibet Journal VII no 3.  Work on music by yet another person by the name.  T&BS I 193.  Aris, Discourse 61.  Story of him being sealed in copper and thrown in the water.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) X 116.4.


TSANDRA DWI PA — Aris, Discourse 61.

TSANDRA PA — ?  27 11.

TSANDRA RĀ HU LA — Kha che Grib brtan gyi Mkhas pa.  17 II 303.5, 411.3.  BA 360.  Dgra gcan zla ba.  Came to Tibet, invited by Rtse lde, in late 11th cent.  With Lo tsā ba Nyang Ting 'dzin bzang po & others he tr. Gsang 'dus 'Phags skor, Bde mchog Rdo rje Mkha' 'gro, Gdan bzhi, Ma ha ma ya, Kye rdor, etc.  Mtshan tho no. 74.

TSAN DRA SING — 373 I 15.6.

TSAN DRA A KA RA — BD of T&TB I 923.

TSAN DRA BHA GA — Chandrabhaga.  A tributary of Indus formed by confluence of Chandra & Bhāgā rivers.  115 50.3, 50.4.

Chu TSAN BHAN DHA GHA — 115 50.3, 50.4.  Probably the Chandrabhāgā, a river of Punjab running into the Indus.  It is the confluence of two rivers called Chandra and Bhāgā.  Now called Chenab (an Islamic period name).

TSAN MING PA — Author of text in 300 II 321‑322.

TSAM PA — Campā.  One of the six great cities of India.  See Gustav Roth in Gedenkschrift J.W. de Jong, p. 123.

TSAM PA KA — A grong khyer of India, birthpl. of Thang lo pa.  24 I 65.6.  Tsam pa ka'i Yul is one of the 96 provinces of Shambhala.  See Das 998.  North of Si ta river.  'Jigs gling Gsung 'bum III 405.  413 424.1.  In Kālacakra literature, Derge LXXVII 276.7.  See Pelliot, Notes on Marco Polo 706, where he thinks it is Lahul.  The Chinese travelers' San po ho is probably Sam pa xa.  See also TPS 453.

TSAM PA KA — Mahāsiddha.  He was native to Tsam pa ka (which can also be the name of a flower).  Bio. in 120 153‑155.  He was a king who once asked a yogi if he had ever seen a king like him or flowers like the Tsam pa ka flowers.  The yogi replied "The Tsam pa ka flower has the best scent, but in my body is one without various scents.  The king and his kingdom are higher than others, but at the time of death they will be nothing at all."  BD of T&TB I 725‑726.

TSAM BA — Chamba, a state E of Kashmir with a city of the same name at 76° 05' by 32° 30'.  See Wylie 124 n. 85.  Das 997 under Tsam pa.  87 I 255.1.


TSAR STOD — Pl.n. in Mnga' ris (?).  476 I 44.3.

TSAR PA ṬI PA — Indian Buddhist.  Das 998.

TSARPA TRI — BD of T&TB I 656.

TSA RBA RI PA — Mahāsiddha.  Also, Tsa rba pa ri.  Tib.: Spyod gos pa.  Bio. in 120 159‑161.

TSAR MA — N. of pl. in upper Tibet or the mon. of Tsar ma in Li yul (Tsar ma'i Gtsug lag khang).  Das 998 (a marginal note by H.H. says "no, kingdom of Khotan").  EmmerickThu'u 461.

TSI KRO TRA — 115 68.7.

TSI TA BA RI — A yul in India.  BD of T&TB I 205.

TSI TOR —  =Chitor in Rajasthan district of India.  Wylie 127 n. 110.  See Dzi tar.

Lha mo TSI TTA DUG THUGS MA — 210 248.2.

TSITTA DMAR PO — N. of a teaching.  210 229.5.

TSITTA SROG GSANG BA'I RKYAL BU — N. of tantra in 320 XXXIII 76.5.

TSI NA — Cīna. China, or the 'eastern country'.  Das 998.

TSI MA RA — Rock, Nāga Cult I 143.  See =Rtsi ma ra.

Bstan srung Gnod sbyin TSI DMAR BA — Or, Tsi'u dmar po, Rtse dmar.  Pictured in 128 1154.  Work in 87 LXII.  Text in 213 397‑414.  Pictured in 216A.  Rites under the title Three Saskya Ritual Texts (1977).  Story in 440 289.3 ff.  SBTD I 223.  There is an article by della Penna on this subject.  McGranahan in TS9 IV 107.  Cuevas, Hidden History 55. Alexander, Temples 211.  Acc. to Todd Gibson's dissertation (1991), his various names include Spu gri dmar po, Gnod sbyin chen po, Btsan rgod chen po. and Tsitta Dmar po.  He is the leader of the group Ya ba rkya bdun.

TSI LI PA —  =Tsi lu pa.  He was known as Dus zhabs chen po, while Nā ro pa was called Dus zhabs chung ba.  15 8.  Hoffmann, Religions 126 ff.  16 91.  Tsi lu Paṇḍi ta.  BD of T&TB I 778‑780.  17 II 245, 252.5.  Bio. in 17 IV 321.5 ff.  128 1020.  Kværne no 64.

TSI LUNG — BA 565.

'Dan ma TSI LUNG PA — Ordinator of 'Jig rten mgon po.  207 4.4.

TSI SHA — Zi Xia. Thuken 334.

TSI SHANG — A 16th-century temple at Rgyal thang.  Yamada, Mu 123.


Rnal 'byor ma TSIN TO — Or, Tsinto.  In bio. of Ti lo pa.  17 II 244.  See Bi la sra badzra.

TSIN DHI LI KRA MA — N. of a border state of Magadha.  See Das 998‑999.

TSIN TSI LING — BA 851‑853.

TSHĪR KHAB — A temple in Tangut land renovated by Ti shrī ras pa.  See Sperling, Further 12.

TSU TA — Cuta, Cūta.  See Das.  Aris, Discourse 31 (and note).  A race of one‑legged people.  In Cuta, two legged people are not considered human.  Jamspal, Treasury 45.  Kapstein in Pollock, Forms 348.  Corpses of some of them were excavated.  See Rgya Bod Yig tshang (1988 ed.), p. 205.

TSU DU — Town where 'Jig rten mgon po was born.  476 I 44.3.  207 3.1.  Spelled Tsung ngu in RS 625-636, with discussion of its location.

TSU LE —  =Cu le.  Emmerick.

TSUNG MEN — Ch. Zongmen, 'Gate of Realization.'  Thu'u bkwan compares it to the Bka' brgyud, as a symbol transmission of Mahāmudrā.  He goes on to defend the Zongmen in general, saying you shouldn't condemn them all on account of the mistaken statements of Hoshang Mahoyen.  Thuken 365 (on p. 366, he identifies Zongmen with Tib. sgrub brgyud).

TSUN DA — First of the 13 predecessors of Lcang skya line, q.v.

Shing mkhan gyi Bu Dge bsnyen TSUN DA — KB 75.1.

TSUN TSUM PA TĪ — N. of river in Ba glang spyod.  Das 417.

TSUM — Also spelled Btsum.  A valley in northern Nepal.  Ehrhard in Prats, Pandita 36.

TSE KUR 'BAL CHU — 406 7A.1.

TSE KYANG — Zi Chang. Thuken 334.

Yul TSE BA LA — BD of T&TB I 889, 906.

TSEMBĀ RṆA — A yul in India.  87 I 255.2.

Khyung po TSE TSE — Bashey4 200.

TSE LE RIGS 'DZIN CHEN PO — 208 I 228.1.

TSE LE'U — Zi Lu.  Thuken 334.

TSHENG TSE — Disciple of Confucius.  Zengzi.  Thuken 334.

TSO — Tso Dbal Gnyis kyi Lag len in 299 193‑196.  =Dzwa?

Gu rub kyi Grub thob chen po Dmu TSO GE — 206 559.2.  Dmu Tsog ge.  248 33.2.  253 II 327.2.

Gu rub Grub thob chen po TSO TANG — Bonpo.  Bio. in 206 560.2 ff.  Also, Tso stangs.  248 33.6.  253 II 327.4.



TSO DMAR 'KHYIL BA — N. of text in 260 213‑311.

TSO TSHANG DGON Bon mon. in A mdo.  with 200 monks.  253 II 636.6.  Tso tshang Sngags Dgon had 15 monks.  253 II 637.3.

TSO RA YA SHA — Saurāṣṭra?  475 127.7.

TSAU RĀNGGA PA — Disc. of A tsinta.  Tib.: Rkun mo can.  Bio. in 120 31.14, 33‑34.  BD of T&TB I 644‑645.

TSO LA — N. of a region.  413 424.3.

Dmu TSOG GE — See (Dmu) Tso ge.

Ri khrod TSOG PU'I SDE — 253 II 568.4.  =Dur khrod Nyan thos Bog bu'i Sde.  Das 807.

TSONG KA — Tsong ka che chung.  OTA 698.

TSONG KA'I DGE BSHES — Bonpo.  253 II 226.6.


TSONG KHA — Pl.n.  BA 1073.  Region between Tsong chu and Rma chu in A mdo.  See Wylie 119 n. 47, 48.  Rtsong kha.  17 II 339.2.  Its history in 11th‑12th centuries is subject of a monograph by Bianca Horlemann (Frankfurt 2004).  Location discussed in Kuijp, TBMP 455.



'Jam mgon TSONG KHA PA — (1357‑1419)  Tsong kha pa Blo bzang grags pa.  Dhongthog 82.  16 39.  Bio. from Vai.Ser. found in BD of T&TB VI 94 ff.  Bio. in 127 15 ff.  165 I 649‑814.  Pictured in 128 92A, 97A, 296, 346, 382, 480, 888.  Works in 36 II.  Bibliography in 374 II 213.5 ff.  Alex Wayman, Calming the Mind and Discerning the Real (NY 1978).  Drang nges Legs bshad Snying po (Varanasi 1973).  The Collected Works (Gsun 'bum) of the Incomparable Lord Tson kha pa Blo bzan grags pa (Rje Yab Sras Gsum gyi Gsun 'bum) in 35 vols (N.Delhi 1978).  The Collected Works (Gsun 'bum) of Rje Tson kha pa Blo bzan grags pa, "reproduced from an example of the old Bkra shis lhun po redaction from the library of Klu 'khyil Mon. in Ladakh" (N.Delhi 1975) in 28 vols.  Shes rab kyi Pha rol tu Phyin pa'i Man ngag gi Bstan bcos Mngon par Rtogs pa'i Rgyan 'Grel pa dang Bcas pa'i Rgya cher Bshad pa (Byalakuppe 1977) in 2 vols.  There is a story frequently related by earlier scholars (perhaps beginning with Huc) that Tsong kha pa had met a priest from the West with a large nose, whom they identify as a Nestorian, and influenced his 'reforms' (thus explaining perceived similarities with Christian rites); see for example Bell, Religion 95.  A biographical thangka, an early one from Tho ling, is studied in TPS 339 ff.  For a thangka of him riding a tiger, in his yogi aspect, see TPS 399 ff.  Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 146 ff.  A tapestry thangka illustrating his life in Precious Deposits III 1801.  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 0890‑0931.

TSONG KHA BTSAD PO — See (— — — —) Spyan snga don chen.

TSONG CHU — Tributary of Rma chu flowing north of Tsong kha region.  =Sining Ho.  Wylie 119 n. 47‑48.

TSONG THAR — Pl.n.  BA 1073.

Shar phyogs TSONG HOR — 247 I 445.7.

TSOM MDO GNAS GSAR — Kuijp in Chayet, Edition 453, with list of its early abbots.

GTSANG — West central province.  Gzhi ga rtse is chief city.  Anciently divided into 2 provinces of "Rulag and San 'gyed." Das.

Lho'i Sa bdag GTSANG KUN —  =Rtsang kun.  KTDN 143.1.

GTSANG SKOR — See Mgo log.

GTSANG KHA — Pl.n.  BA 935.  Site of the tomb of Dgong pa rab gsal.  LPNT VII 86.

GTSANG MKHAN CHEN — See (— — —) ('Jam dbyangs) Dpal ldan rgya mtsho.

GTSANG GRONG — Opposite the river from Bsam yas, it used to have a stone pillar (rdo ring).  TS7 I 393.


GTSANG 'GRAM — Mon. built by Srong btsan to weight down the right leg of the demoness.  Buston 184.  17 II 318.1.



GTSANG RGYAL PO — Kings of Gtsang.  1. Tshe dbang rdo rje (re. 1565‑ ).  2. Karma bstan srung dbang po (re. 1611).  3. Karma phun tshogs rnam rgyal (re. 1611‑1621).  4. Karma bstan skyong dbang po (re. 1621‑1642).

GTSANG SNGAGS — See (— —) Khrun smar wer zur.

GTSANG CHEN — See (— —) Chos kyi dbang phyug.

Chos rje GTSANG CHEN PA — (active in around 1450)  Cuevas, Hidden History 125.

GTSANG STOD — See (— —) Dar ma mgon po.

GTSANG STOD RGYAL PO'I RNAM THAR — Title listed in BLP no. 1669.

GTSANG STON — See (— —) Kun rgyal.  (— —) Chos 'bar.  (— —) Hral chung.

GTSANG THE LEN DRA —  =Gtsang theg chen.  132 96.1.

GTSANG THEG CHEN — 132 96.1.

Rtogs ldan Chen po GTSANG DAR LDOM BU BA — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 167.  Kuijp in Lungta 14 (2001) 70 n. 11.

Btsun ma GTSANG GDONG MA — 115 106.3.

GTSANG MDA' DGON — In Mdo smad.  Had 550 monks and 2 incarnates.

GTSANG SDONG SHOD — May or may not be a pl.n.  4 56A.5.

GTSANG NAG PA — BA 420, 465.  17 II 524.4.  115 8.2.

GTSANG NAG PA — See (— — —) Brtson 'grus seng ge.

GTSANG PA — See (— —) Chos dbyings rgya mtsho.  (— —) Sum pa.

Sde srid GTSANG PA— Aka Tshe dbang rdo rje.  Took power in 1565.  Dhongthog 127.

Bla ma GTSANG PA — Went to Chinggis after conquest of Tangut.  484 II 592.1.

GTSANG PA RGYA RAS PA — See (— — — — —) Ye shes rdo rje.

GTSANG PA'I CHU — Das 413 no 3.

Zhai ho'u Bkra shis lhun po Mkhan po GTSANG PA PAṆḌI TA — Scholar of Peking, student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).

GTSANG PO — BA 112, 256, 550, 718, 854, 968, 1082.  Wylie 117 n. 34.  79 95 n. 121.

GTSANG PO — J.A. Ardussi, "The Quest for the Brahmaputra River and its Course According to Tibetan Sources," TJ 2 no 1 (Spring 1977) 35‑49.  Its course was described in Tibetan in 1820; see NMH 86.2 ff.

Yar chab GTSANG PO — BA 496.

GTSANG PO PA — See (— — —) Dkon mchog seng ge.  .

GTSANG PO RIN CHEN PO — (1077‑1161)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 80.  Rin chen po Grags pa'i Rnam thar, listed in BLP no. 1869.

GTSANG 'PHRANG — 115 139.1 ff.  Site of Bon scriptural excavations.  Kværne no 82.

GTSANG MA SHANGS STON — Of 'Jag chung dpal dgon.  (1234‑1309)  29 6.  Bio. in 53 II 179‑199.  =Shangs chen Chos rje.  Also called Chos rje Shangs ston.  Successor of Sangs rgyas ston pa in Shangs pa transmission.  Bio. in 383 568.2 ff.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1936.

GTSANG SMYON — See (— —) Kun dga' dpal bzang.

Grub chen GTSANG SMYON HE RU KA — (1452‑1507)  20.  B. at Mkhar kha, North of Rgyal rtse.  Also called Rus pa'i rgyan can, q.v.  Also, Sangs rgyas rgyal mtshan.  B. in Nyang family.  Das 182.  Ferrari 127.  "Gtsang Nyang stod Mkhar dga' ru 'khrungs." Dhongthog 89.  His lineage guru was Shar Rab 'byams pa Sangs rgyas seng ge, q.v.  Calls himself Du ma'i Ming can in 36 V 739.3, where his lineage is also found.  For a lineage of Mi la Rnam thar, see 217 597.4 ff.  Yig cha, see 234.  Bio., see 234 IA 1‑129.  In Fire Snake year, he repaired Swayambhu.  406 6B.5.  Mentioned as author of Mi la'i Rnam Mgur in 374 II 93.4.  Gtsang smyon He ru ka Phyogs Thams cad las Rnam par Rgyal ba'i Rnam thar Rdo rje'i Theg pa'i Gsal byed Nyi ma'i Snying po by Rgod tshang Ras pa Sna tshogs rang grol in 1547, see ZY 467‑2823.  A biography was written by Dngos grub dpal 'bar, q.v.  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 1666‑1668.  Subject of remarkable portrait image in Linrothe, Holy Madness 373.

GTSANG BTSAN — See BA 932, and Kun dga', Zhi byed Skor IV 407.3.  See Todd Gibson's dissertation (1991), p. 192.

GTSANG TSHA — See (— —) (Jo tshul) Tshul khrims bla ma.

Dar yul GTSANG RA MO — KTDN 98.3.

GTSANG RAG DGON — 253 II 638.3.

GTSANG RANG BYA PHO'I ZHE WA —  =Chārāng.  28 18+.

GTSANG RING SHES RAB —  =(Gtsang pa) La ba ring mo, q.v.

GTSANG RONG — BA 314, 380, 402, 405, 428, 664, 723, 1005.



Lha rje GTSANG SHOD PA — One of 30 Tibetans who studied with Phyag na.  17 II 431.

La stod GTSANG SO — BA 900.

GTSANG SO BA — (d. 1217)  Priest patronized by Tangut King Tha'u hu (near end of 12th cent.).  Disc. of Zhwa nag i.  484 II 14.3, 587.1.  He must be the one called Dge ba'i bshes gnyen Rtsang so Te zhi in LPNT VII 293, 302 (p. 306 tells how Rtsang so ba was elevated to the position of Te zhi, and p. 310 tells of his death in 1217).  Rhies & Thurman 49.

GTSANG LHA — Bod kyi gnod sbyin115 103.2.

GTSAM — A yulOTA 656.



GTSUG RGYAN BA — See (— — —) (Dbu mdzad) Chos 'phel.  (— —) Shes rab grags pa.

Shākya thub pa GTSUG TOR DGU PA — 349 VI 321‑429.

GTSUG TOR RGYAN — 115 135.6.

GTSUG TOR DRI MED — An action tantra (bya rgyud).  See 194 II.  Vimaloṣṇīṣa.  349 II 1‑107.  374 I 121 ff.

GTSUG TOR NAG PO — False scripture acc. to Sa paṇ, Sdom Gsum (1971) 88A.1.

Shag rgyal GTSUG TOR RNAM RGYAL — 352 429.16, 792.15.


GTSUG TOR RNAM RGYAL MA — Uṣṇīṣavijaya.  Pictured in 128 1100.  9‑deity.  349 XXII.

GTSUG TOR DPAL — 115 135.7.

GTSUG TOR 'BAR BA — 374 I 126.2 ff.



GTSUG NA NOR BU — In avadāna story.  TPS 444.

Gnod sbyin GTSUG NA ME 'BAR — KTDN 62.2, 100.1 ff.

GTSUG NA ZLA BA — N. of Dbang phyug.  Das 909.

GTSUG NA RIN CHEN — A Nāga king.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 9. Dung dkar 116.  Vitali in Lungta XVI (Spring 2003) 5.  Cuevas, Hidden History 92.  Lde'u 196. 

Bla ma GTSUG NA RIN CHEN — A Tibetan who emigrated to Dol po in early times.  Heller, Hidden 31.

GTSUG NAS ZU DGON — Vai.Ser. 241.

GTSUG GI NOR BU — Cūḍāmaṇi.  A southern kingdom of India.  Bu ston I 152.  A monastery.  75 96.  116 50.1.

GTSUG PHUD RGYAL — N. of Dbang phyug.  Das 909.

Ga cu GTSUG PHUD RGYAL BA — 253 II 568.6.


Yang ston GTSUG PHUD RGYAL MTSHAN — 354 4.7.

GTSUG PHUD LNGA PA — In sūtra story used to explain origin of Gnyan chen thang lha.  478 I 196 ff.

De bzhin gshegs pa GTSUG PHUD CAN — See Rin chen gtsug phud can.

Chos rgyal GTSUG PHUD RNAM RGYAL — Seventh Mahāraja of Sikkim.  B. in 1785.  Took throne in 1793.  58 931.

Bzod ldan Khro med GTSUG PHUD BYANG CHUB — lost ref.

GTSUG PHUD DBANG RGYAL — See Mi 'gyur gtsug phud dbang rgyal.

GTSUG PHUD TSHUL KHRIMS — SFHB 629.5.  253 II 567.1. 

Gshen gyi Drang srong GTSUG PHUD TSHUL KHRIMS — A Bon lama in thangka in Kværne, The Bon Religion of Tibet, plate 31 (although here the name is read as "Tsugpü Gyaltsen" or Gtsug phud rgyal mtshan.

GTSUG PHUD 'OD ZER — Became abbot of Sman ri in 1697.  Kværne no. 165.

Khro tshang Bla ma GTSUG PHUD 'OD ZER — (contemp.)  Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 420.


GTSUG BON DGON — 253 II 633.3.

Dpa' bo iv GTSUG LAG KUN BZANG — (1633‑1649).

GTSUG LAG KHANG — Defined: gtsug lag khang ni gsungs rab bzhugs pa'i khang pa'o171 440.4.  Zha sgab pa, Gtsug khang gi Nyams gso'i Dkar chag Mu tig 'Dzad med Phan bde'i Rgyan, BLP no. 1670.  Dalai Lama v, Gtsug lag khang gi Nang mjal Drug gi Dkar chag, BLP no. 1671.

GTSUG LAG KHANG DMAR PO — In La dwags.  See 14 82.

GTSUG LAG KHANG 'DZIN — Lin in RET 19 (2010) 20.

Dpa' bo vii GTSUG LAG DGA' BA'I DBANG PO — (1718‑1781?)  383 468.5.  35 468.5.

GTSUG LAG DGU'I RGYUD — Text tr. by Chag Lo.  Chag 109.

Dpa' bo iii GTSUG LAG RGYA MTSHO — (1567‑1633)  (1568‑1630)  Bio. in 35 II 242‑252.  Author of text on Phag mo in 90 II 477.  210 169.3.

Ngan sngags GTSUG LAG GI RGYUD — Title in 320 XXII 183.4, 193.6.

GTSUG LAG DGU'I RGYUD — Chag, chap. 14.

Dpa' bo vii GTSUG LAG CHOS KYI RGYAL PO — (late 18th to early 19th cent.)  410 218A.3.  Long life prayer.  465 IV 149‑150.  Achard, L'Essence 83.

Dpa' bo vi GTSUG LAG CHOS KYI DON GRUB — (1701‑?)

GTSUG LAG CHOS KYI SNANG BA — Famous artist.  23 41.  Si tu Gtsug lag chos kyi snang ba's Sde dge'i Bka' 'gyur Dkar chag is listed in BLP no. 1205.  See under Si tu Karma bstan pa'i nyin byed gtsug lag chos kyi snang ba, aka Chos kyi 'byung gnas (1700‑1775).

GTSUG LAG CHOS KYI SNANG BA — Literary n. of Si tu viii Chos kyi 'byung gnas (1700‑1775).  Smith, Philology appendix II.

Dpa' bo ix GTSUG LAG NYIN BYED — (?‑1911?)  BD of T&TB VII 264.

Dpa' bo v GTSUG LAG DON GRUB — (1701‑1718?)  Karma pa.  35 II 672‑674.

GTSUG LAG DPAL DGE — (11th cent.)  A Newar teacher (Bal po'i slob dpon).  Contemp. w/ (Lha Bla ma) Ye shes 'od.  BD of T&TB III 236.  N. of Chinese in SFHB 630.4.  Bio. in 383 409.2.  410 41B.6.  413 124.2.  His Gu ru'i Rnam thar listed in BLP no. 0312.

GTSUG LAG GI DPAL 'BUM DKAR PO — Bon sūtra.  Das 835.

Dpa' bo iv GTSUG LAG PHRIN LAS RGYA MTSHO — (1649‑1699)  Aka Kun bzang snying po.  He was b. near Mdo khams Ta'u shal khog.

Dpa' bo ii GTSUG LAG 'PHRENG BA — (1504‑1566)  Bio. in 35 II 55‑63.  Karma pa monk who wrote Mkhas pa'i Dga' ston, completed in 1564, a very important historical source which quotes from ancient chronicles in verse and which probably dates back to imperial times.  T.H. 24‑25.  Ferrari 169.  Author of Dpal Rje btsun Rdo rje rnal 'byor ma'i Gsang ba'i Sgrub thabs kyi Rnam bshad Zab mo Rnam 'byed, publ. 1975.  Author of Byang chub sems dpa'i Spyod pa la 'Jug pa'i Rnam par Bzhag pa+, publ. 1975. Author of Lho brag Chos 'byung (i.e., Mkhas pa'i Dga' ston).  484210 168.3 ff.  A separate bio. exists, with title:  Dpal Gtsug lag phreng ba'i Rang tshul Mdor bsdus pa Don tshan Dgu pa, in Hamburg institute library "brochures" no. M V c 455/4.  Achard, L'Essence 16, 21.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1338.

'Jam dpal Dga' ba'i Bshes gnyen GTSUG LAG SMRA BA'I NYI MA — Writer of a dedication prayer on an inscribed Sa skya lineage painting, for which see P. Pal et al., Tibet: Tradition & Change (The Albuquerque Museum 1998) 68‑69.

Dpa' bo x GTSUG LAG SMRA BA'I DBANG PHYUG — (1912‑recently deceased)

GTSUG LAG 'DZIN — A king of Za hor, q.v., in 87 I 21.1.  210 281.6.  394 I 126.  413 541.6.

GTSUG LAG LUNG RIGS NYI MA SMRA BA'I SENG GE — Literary n. of Rdzong gsar Mkhyen brtse 'Jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros (1896‑1959).  Smith, Philology appendix II.

GTSUG GSHEN RGYAL BA — Kværne 225 no 29.

GTSUG GSHEN RGYAL BA — 352 292.19.

Skyang Bla ma GTSUG GSHEN RGYAL BA — Depicted in a painting illus. in Berounsky, Lapsed 232.

GTSUG GSUM — Stein, Tribus 16.

GTSUGS — Animal kingdom in Bon.  T.H. 108.

Khro bo GTSO MCHOG MKHA' 'GYING — One of 5 deities of Spyi spungs275 preface.  See Khro bo Rgyud Drug.

GTSO MCHOG DGRA BRUB — Texts in 313 II 409‑432.

Smar khams GTSO MDO — Tsomdo, in S. Amdo.  Petech in TH&L 418.

GTSO 'PHAGS — A Bon saint active in the The bo area of A mdo.  Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 419. Depicted in a painting illus. in Berounsky, Lapsed 232.  See Berounsky in Asiatische Studien 67 (2013) 793; he lists a title on p. 806:  Rig 'dzin Gtso 'phags Chen po'i Gsol 'debs Yon tan Cha shas Gsal ba'i Me long, existing in ms. form.

GTSO'U NO — A nunnery.  Emmerick.

GTSO BONG RKANG — I suppose this name, meaning Chief Donkey Foot, is the corrected spelling for Co Bong Skang, a wicked Ladakhi ruler of folklore.  See Vohra, Mythic 226 ff.

GTSO MO GLING — See Tshe smon gling.

GTSO GTSO DPON — See TJ XXIII (1998) 109.

GTSO TSHANG — Gtso tshang Dbon pa'i Lo rgyus, composed from memory in 1983 by Ldong rigs A skal.  A ms. was utilized by Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons (see biblio.).


GTSONG KHA — Evidently, =Tsong kha.  BA 504.

GTSOD TSHOGS THOL — "Plateau of Antelope Herds"  N. of an elevated tableland of Gu ge area lying between the courses of the Sutlej and one branch of the Indus; styled on maps Cho chho Thol.  Das 1003.

Ldan stod GTSON DU — BA 596.

GTSOS KHRI CHEN — See (— — —) Rgyal mtshan seng ge.

GTSOS RAMS PA — See (— — —) Ngag dbang 'phrin las.

GTSOS RI — Near Tre hor in Khams.  See 370 preface.  Pl. of pilgrimage of Rta phag.  483 preface.

BTSAG KHUR — N. of a forest in Sman lung where Thang ston went.  5 35.

BTSAN — Type of spirit.  TS7 II 1095.  Even in modern times, in places like Porong in Western Tibet and Dbang 'dus pho brang (in Bhutan), sheep and bulls have been sacrificed at the mountains that serve as their dwellings.  See the articles by Diemberger and by Tandin Dorji in RET 15.

Phyug BTSAN GRAGS — Chag 102.

Slob dpon BTSAN DGON PA — Achard, L'Essence 230.

BTSAN 'GRO — BA 302, 304.

BTSAN GRO — See (— —) 'Bur thog Dgon.

BTSAN 'GRO BA — See (— — —) Tshul khrims mgon po.


BTSAN RGOD — See (— —) Hur pa.


Khyung po BTSAN SGRA DON 'DZUG — Name of a sku gshenZZFC 224.

Ram BTSAN CAN — A disc. of Rngog Chos rdor.  BA 406‑407.  57 IIB 348.1  His nephew was Ram Rdo rje btsan.  17 II 461.3, where he is called Rams Klu gong pa.

BTSAN NYA RIN PO CHE — Goldstein, Hist. 489.

Mgar BTSAN NYEN GUNG RTON — One of 4 sons of Mgar Stong rtsan, he was executed for treason.  OTA 695.  Emmerick.

BTSAN SNYA — Made the Mkhos (settlement) of Zhang zhung in 675.  28 105.  See =(Mgar) Bstan snya ldem bu.

BTSAN SNYA LDEM BU —  =Bstan snya ldem bu, q.v.

Mgar BTSAN SNYA LDOM BU — Denwood, TW2 152 (at Gu ran of Zhims?).

Zhang BTSAN TO RE LHAS BYIN — Member of 'Bro clan.  Dotson, Note 83.

BTSAN THANG — BA 76, 187, 180. 319, 827, 875.

BTSAN THANG SGO BZHI — Stein, Tribus 12.

BTSAN THANG LHA KHANG — See JTL&CT 233.  A temple on a small plateau of Lha bab Ri.  Btsan thang g.yu'i Lha khang.  A temple associated with the period of Srong btsan.  It's not far from Rtses thang, and affiliated with Khra 'brug.  Alexander, Temples 84.

Zhang Blon chen BTSAN THOG 'BUM — (13th cent.)  TS7 II 1028.

Gu rub Mkhas pa BTSAN DOR MI SAD — 253 II 375.5.

BTSAN DRO BA — N. of a yul.  Site of Btsan dro Dgon.  Vai.Ser. 134.

'Gar BTSAN PA DRED PO — Perhaps to be identified with Bstan snya ldem bu?  See 73 415.2.

BTSAN PO — See (— —) Dga' ldan dam chos gling.

BTSAN PO NO MON HAN — Incarnate Lama of Gser khog Mon. in A mdo, recognized by Manchu emperor.  Wrote 'Dzam gling Chen po'i Rgyas bshad Snod Bcud Kun Gsal Me long, a geographical work.  Das 1004.

BTSAN PO NO MON HAN — See =Smin grol No mon han Sprul sku.  See (— — — — —) 'Jam dpal chos kyi bstan 'dzin 'phrin las.  (— — — — —) Skal bzang thub bstan 'phrin las rgya mtsho.

i) 'Phrin las lhun grub chos kyi rgyal po (1622‑1699).

ii) Blo bzang bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho (1700‑1736).

iii) Ngag dbang 'phrin las rgya mtsho (1737‑ca. 1788).

iv) 'Jam dpal chos kyi bstan 'dzin 'phrin las (1789‑1838).

BTSAN PO PA — See (— — —) Don grub rgya mtsho.

BTSAN PO RIM BYUNG GI LO RGYUS — N. for the Old Tibetan Chronicles, Pelliot tibétaine, no. 1287.

BTSAN PO HU THOG THU — See (— — — — —) Bskal bzang thub bstan 'phrin las rgya mtsho.

BTSAN PHYUG DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang with 90 monks, 3 incarnates.

BTSAN PHYUG LDE — A king of Gu ge.  28 53.  Heller, Hidden 24.

BTSAN BON — Clemente in TS6 127.


BTSAN 'BRU NANG RGYAS — (sp?)  A mt. in Sikkim.  27° lat., 88° long.  See 79 73.

BTSAN BZHER MDO LOD — Of the Dba's clan.  Dotson, Note 81.

Zhang Mchims rgyal BTSAN BZHER LEGS GZIGS — Dotson, Note 85.

Btsan bzang BTSAN LA BRTAN — Khotanese King.  =Btsan legs.  Emmerick.

BTSAN LA LO RO — See (— — — —) Rdo rje sman gcig ma.

BTSAN LUGS — School of Byams chen Chos Lnga exegesis.  BA 347.

Byang BTSAN GYI SHA BA RU MDOS — Text in 300 III 489‑519.  Byang here means 'north'.

BTSAN LHA NGAG DBANG — Author of article on royal tombs in BJZJ (1982, no. 7).

BTSUN CHUNG — A member of the Mgos clan of Gnas rnying.  Vitali in TS9 I 106.

BTSUN CHUNG MA — A common name.  Second daughter born after death of the first is called 'nun'.  Likewise for sons, who are called 'Bande.'

Mchims bza' BTSUN NE — Wife of Dpal 'khor btsan.  DTK5 70.

BTSUN PA LDE — See (Rgyal bu) Sgro spangs.  DTK5 94.

Bla ma BTSUN MO CAN — See under Stong nyid ting 'dzin rdo rje.

Za hor gyi Mkhas pa BTSUN MO CAN — BA 360, 361.  17 II 411.2, 411.4.

Lho ru BTSUN MO'I MCHOG MDOS — Text in 300 III 545‑580.

BTSUN MO TSHAL — Hazod in Tropper, Epigraphic 51.

BTSUN MO TSHAL GYI CHOS SDE — Vai.Ser. 139.2.  See Hazod in TS9 I 39.  Btsun mo Tshal gyi Dkar chag listed in BLP no. 1674.  Acc. to Dungkar Rinpoche's dictionary, p. 1669, it was founded in the 15th century by 'Dul 'dzin Grags pa rgyal mtshan.  It was here that Thon mi's verses were carved in the rock.

BTSO — 'Bonpo bombs'.  Works in 299.

BTSONG KHA PA BLO BZANG GRAGS PA — T.H. 163 ff.  See under Tsong kha pa, the more common way of spelling the name.

RTSA — Short for Skya rnga rtsa in 4A 11B.1.

Gung thang RTSA'I KO RON — Birthplace of Mi la ras pa.  Das 221.

RTSA BRGYUD MA — Gelugpa hymn.  Article by Helffer in Aris, Tibetan Studies 120‑130.

RTSA RNGA — 'grass cutting'.  377 10B.5‑6.  Evidently not sa proper name.

RTSA MCHOG GRONG — See Ha dzo ga 'ong and Das 1325.  Kushinagara.  Holy place in Assam where Buddha died.  See Waddell 307 ff., for a long discussion.  24 I 364.6.  BA 663.

RTSA MCHOG DRUNG — BD of T&TB I 39.3,108.

RTSA 'JIB — Heller, Tibetan Art 149.  A deity.

RTSWA THAGS MKHAN — See Dha gu li.

RTSA DAG — N. of a mountain.  Emmerick.

RTSWA MDA' — A modern county in Mnga' ris. Phyi dar period caves with painted murals, as well as pre-7th century tombs, are found there.  The name of the county is sometimes spelled "Sangda" or "Sangmda."

RTSWA 'DRA RIN CHEN BRAG — 409 2B.2.  Mt. near Dpal spungs.  239 XXX 55.3.

RTSA PHU — Pl.n.  4 48A.3.

RTSWA PHU — See (— —) Khyung tshang.

RTSA PHU RAS PA — For his meeting with his guru Milarepa, see 4 chap. IX, p. 48A. 

RTSA PHU'I GANGS ZHUR MO — See (Rtsa phu'i Gangs) Zhur mo.

Bya khyung Mkhan po RTSA BA — See (— — — —) (— —) Blo bzang rgyal mtshan.

RTSA BA CAN — In avadāna story.  TPS 530.

RTSA BA CHE BA — See (— — — —) Blo bzang rgyal mtshan.

RTSA BA'I DPON CHEN — Title.  Petech (1983) 187.

RTSA BRANG — Tsaparang.  Ancient capital of Gu ge.  T.H. 51.  Located there are temples called Lha khang Dmar po and Lha khang Dkar po & 'Jigs byed Lha khang.  See 83E 483 ff.  For photos, see Li Gotami, Pictures 152 ff.  See Rtsa rang Rdzong.  See the page at himalayanart.org, entitled "Tibet: Nyag Lhakang Karpo (Guge Lhome)" for photographs of the wallpaintings in the Lha khang Dkar po.

RTSA MI — Conquered by Srong btsan sgam po.  See discussion in 82 89.

RTSA MI — See (— —) Sangs rgyas grags.

RTSA MI SHING MI — In eastern border regions of Tibet.  253 II 642.2.

RTSA RANG RDZONG — One of the 4 administrative divisions of Mnga' ris in time of Dga' ldan Pho brang. TJ XXIII (1998) 108.  Connects to India with the so called Gu gum bridge.  Photo in ZZFC 45.

RTSA RAM — Rtsa ram.  Two old western Tibetan monasteries located in that area, named 'Bri ldan and Blos stang, along with others, became Dge lugs pa in early 15th cent.  Thuken 282 (here the translation seems inaccurate).

RTSA RI —  =Tsa ri.  Stein 25.  Wylie 115.  17 IV 30.3.  Story of its opening by Rgya ras pa.  17 III 41 ff.  17 III 411 ff.  Vision of a klo pa, 'protector' of Rtsa ri.  17 III 449.6, 471‑477, 578.3, 590.3.  Writing of gnas yig17 III 595.6.  In bio. of Dpag bsam dbang po.  466 IV 168.3 ff, 171.2, 175.5.  Visit by Sle lung Rje drung.  463 I 465 ff.  466 IV 356.2‑364.1, 381‑5‑390, etc., 408.6, 415.4, 419.6.

RTSA RI — See (— —) Cig char. 

RTSA RI — See (— —) O rgyan bstan 'dzin.

RTSA RI GSAR PA — Goldstein, History 415.

RTSA RLUNG GAG SEL GYI DMIG PA — Title listed in Everding's Bon catalog, no. JS 1852.


RTSA RLUNG GNAD KYI MAN NGAG — Title listed in Everding's Bon catalog, no. JS 1853.

RTSA LU KA — See Tsa lu ka.


RTSA BSHAD PA — Epithet of Nāropa.  Das 1008.  BD of T&TB I 827.

RTSA GSUM — TS5 166.

RTSA GSUM DGONGS 'DUS — A gter ma of Kong sprul, q.v.

Thugs rje chen po RTSA GSUM SNYING THIG — In 87 XXXVIII.

Gter ston RTSA GSUM GTER BDAG GLING PA — Author of Thugs rje chen po 'Khor 'Das Zil gnon, publ. 1976, an excavated Avalokiteśvara practice.  A gter ma in 87 XX.

RTSA GSUM GTER BDAG GLING PA — (17th cent.)  =Gar dbang Gnam lcags rdo rje, =Bkra shis phun tshogs.  Gter ma published in 1979, ff.  Bio. in 383 422.5 ff; 410 169A.4.  See Ehrhard in SCEAR 9 (1996) 46.

RTSA GSUM DRIL SGRUB — Gter ma of Sangs rgyas bla ma, q.v.


RTSA GSUM GNAS — 352 764.16 ff.

RTSA GSUM SPYI 'DUS SNYING THIG — A gter ma of 'Jam dbyangs Mkhyen brtse'i dbang po, q.v.

RTSA GSUM 'BRAS BU — Gter ma of Ratna gling pa, q.v.

Rong chen RTSA GSUM MTSHAL RI — 253 II 580.3.

RTSA GSUM ZAB MO KUN 'DUS — Gter ma of Kun bzang bde chen rgyal po, q.v.


RTSA GSER — A place in Shangs.  Das 1230.

RTSA HRANG — See (— —) Rang rig Dgon.

RTSAG BLA MA — Disc. of Zur po che.  33 211.4.

RTSAGS — See (—) Chos kyi rgyal po.

RTSANG — See (—) Legs grub.

RTSANG — Note: Rtsang is, in OTA, the spelling for Gtsang.

RTSANG YUL — See Zuiho Yamaguchi, Localisation de Rtsang yul, AOH 34 (1989) 329‑336.

RTSANG RONG — See (— —) Snar pa.

RTSANG RONG — 4X I 95.5.


RTSANGS — See (—) Lha'i dbang po srung ba.

Gnya' nang RTSAR MA — Pl.n.  4 6B.2, 12A.2, 12A.5, 19B.6, 264A.5, 296.3.  17 II 492.4.

Byang sems RTSAL CHEN GYI RGYUD — See text in 320 I 465‑475.

RTSAL CHEN SPRUGS PA — In 319 V 306‑8, with comm. on pp. 329‑339.  320 I 423‑4.

Shud ke RTSAL THING SHAGS — Dotson in JIABR 1 (2013) 213.

RTSI — See (—) Bde ba ring mo.

RTSI RKE — See 239 title page.

Li bdud RTSI GRAGS — BA 345.

RTSI BA — Pl.n.  467 II 104.4, ff, 107.1.

Gnod sbyin RTSI MA RA — Pictured in 320 XXXIV 2.  "Dsimara" in Combe, Tibetan on Tibet, p. 82.

RTSI'U DMAR PO — King of btsan spirits.  See T.H. 95.  Tucci, Religions 166.

RTSI DMAR SDE CHEN — 253 II 638.5.

RTSI 'OR — BA 75.

RTSI LUNG PA — Disc. of Phag mo gru pa.  BA 563.  476 I 73.1, IV 447.7, V 92.7.  Lam 'bras teacher of 'Jig rten mgon po.  For a note on him see Sobisch, Dissert. chap. 14, at note 682.


RTSIB RI — See (— —) Rgod tshang.  (— —) Chos bzang bla ma.

RTSIB RI BA — See (— — —) Rtogs ldan zla ba.

RTSIBS KYI RGYUD CHEN PO — Or, Rtsibs Sbyor.  320 XXXI 175.1.

RTSIBS KYI MU KHYUD — A Cakravartin king.  73 404.6, 405.2.  A Buddha?  128 776.

RTSIBS RI — Rib Mountain.  BA 421.  =Rgyal gyi Shrī ri.  See 20 29‑30.  Rgyal gyi Rtsib ri.  87 I 145.1.  La stod Rtsib ri, see 129Aziz 21, 30.  Aziz, FrontierMacdonald 143.  Means 'spur of a mt.' Buck.  La stod Lho Pha drug na Rdzing dge ming Thub bstan shes rab (contemporary), Rgyal gyi Shrī'am Rtsibs ri'i Gnas bshad Dad Gsum 'Dren pa'i Zhing sa (Boudha 2004), in 381 pages; 1,000 copies of this first edition were printed.  The place was once known as Shi ri, 'mountain of the dead.'  Buffetrille in NTFC I 37‑63.  Vitali in Rocznik Orientalistyczny LXVII (2014) 241.

Dgra bcom pa RTSIBS LOGS — In time of Kaniṣka.  See Dung dkar 7.

RTSIBS KYI LHA — See (— — —) Dkar ma yol sde.

RTSIR KHAB — A fort in Ling cu.  LPNT VII 307.

RTSIS — Astrology & calendrical calculation.  Two schools are current: the Phug Lugs and the Mtshur Lugs, q.v.  Works in 212 X, XI.  310331 13‑96.  History, see 374 32.4 ff.  SBTD I 337.  Tibetan Rtsis Texts: a collection of Tibetan texts on the astrological & calendrical calculations from the Library of Tibetan Works & Archives by Brag dkar Rta so Sprul sku Chos kyi dbang phyug and others (Dalhousie 1979), in 261 pp.

RTSIS KYI MKHAN PO — See (— — — —) Nam mkha' rin chen dpal bzang po.

RTSIS 'DUL 'DZIN — See (— — —) Gzhon nu seng ge.

RTSIS GNAS GSAR — Also called Rtsis Lha khang.  Bu ston 208.  N. of 'Brong rtse (?).  Has temple called Yum chen mo.  Ferrari 142.  Stearns, SR 89.

Myang stod RTSIS GNAS GSAR — 4 227A.1.

RTSIS PA — See (— —) Kun dga' gsal ba.

Lha mo RTSIS RTSIS RAS PA — ?  Diemberger in TH&L 144.

Bum thang RTSIS LUNG — 87 I 135.4.


Gu rub RTSU GU — Father of (Dmu) Rgyal ba blo gros. 206 561.3.

RTSUB 'GYUR TSHAL — Cemetery visited by Padmasambhava.  87 I 15.4.  There he had a vision of Rdo rje phag mo.

RTSE — Pl.n.  BA 585.

RTSE — See (—) Rnam rgyal grwa tshang.

RTSE MKHAR — 'Peak Fort.'  Evidently this was the name of the pre-Potala fortress at the top of Dmar po ri, Lhasa.  Henss, CMT 98.

RTSE DGA' — TPS 525.

RTSE DGU DGON PA — (sp?)  Allen, Search for Shangri La 55.  Dge lugs pa monastery near Purang.

RTSE RGYAL —  =Rtse sgang plus Rgyal rtse, evidently.  5 255.1.

RTSE SGANG — BA 946, 948, 962, 963, 965, 966.  "Rgyal rtse Rdzong gi rgyab la Rtse sgang."  BD of T&TB III 713.

RTSE SGANG — See (— —) Khe 'od bde ba can.

RTSE BRGYA PA — Author of bio. of Rgod tshang pa.  50 preface.  Possibly the subject of the title Rje Rtse brgya ba'i Rnam thar, written by Grub bzang rgyal mtshan, for which see Filibeck, Catalog II 352 (no. 770.3).

RTSE BRGYAD RI PHU — 253 II 567.3.

RTSE GCIG GI RGYUD — Colophon title in 320 VIII 569.

RTSE CHEN —  =Sham bu rtse dgu.  Rocky hill at North end of valley of Rgyal rtse.  With temple founded by 'Phags pa dpal bzang po, q.v.  Ferrari 142.  5 255.4.  A Monastery.  See Kuijp in CAJ (1995) 295.  See Michael Carrington's article "Officers, Gentlemen and Thieves: The Looting of Monasteries during the 1903/4 Younghusband Mission to Tibet."  Modern Asian Studies 37 no 1 (Feb 2003) 81‑109, at p. 97, where the spelling is Tsechen.  It was stormed and looted during the Younghusband Expedition.  See Dramdul, "A Historical Study of rTse‑chen Monastery of rGyal‑rtse (abstract)," contained in: D. Klimburg‑Salter et al., The Cultural History of Western Tibet (Vienna 2008) 207‑210.

RTSE CHEN CHOS SDE — Vai.Ser. 205.

RTSE RJE — 'Town prefects'.  ISTS 312.  A title.  Mvy. 3705 gives the Skt. as koṭṭapāla, which is then defined as 'guardian of the fort', which might also mean the guardian deity of the city.  This is the same syllable kot that occurs at ends of many Indian placenames to this day.

RTSE THANG — A large town.  See also Rtses thang, Rtsed thang.  Chethang on maps.  At confluence of Yar klung river and Gtsang po.  3rd largest town in Tibet.  SE of Lha sa.  W of Kong po.  Capital of Yar klung.  5 338.4.  79 96 no 125.  83c 201, 204.  Origin of name, see Combe 36.  Bailey, No Passport 174. Mon. f. in 1351.  Kuijp in TH&L 315.  Abbot lineage, see  Kuijp in  Lungta 14 (2001) 64‑5.  A title Rtse thang Chags tshul, by one Shākya Chos rje, listed in BLP no. 1677.  Alexandre Andreyev, Tibet in the Earliest Photographs by Russian Travelers, Studio Orientalia (New Delhi 2013), p. 184.

RTSE THANG DGON PA — Mon. f. in 1390.

RTSE MTHON —  =Rtse mton, Rtse thon.  One of 10 rgod stong sde of Sum pa'i Ru.  28 84.  =Se thon.

Khyung nag Gdan sa RTSE DRUG RI KHROD — 253 II 607.6, 609.1.

RTSE DRUNG RIN PO CHE — Someone by this name was apparently a near‑convert of the Capuchins in Lhasa in early 18th century.  See Engelhardt, Between 70.

Shangs RTSE GDONG — BA 792.

RTSE RDUM — One of 20 principle mts.  Das 212.

RTSE LDING GI DGE RGYAL LHA KHANG — In Byang 'brog.  253 II 396.4, 596.5.

RTSE LDE — A king of Gu ge.  28 52 ff.  He may be dated by the religious council he held in 1076.  BA 405.  BA 328. 28 66.  Pictured in 128 530.  Contemp. of Sgam po pa.  73 247.4.  He evidently ascended the throne in 1055.  His assassination occurred, at latest, in 1092, acc. to  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 13.  He was son of 'Od lde; see illus. in Precious Deposits II 9.  A Kashmiri or Gilgit bronze from circa 700‑725 CE, with an evidently later added inscription Mnga' bdag chen po Rtse lde is illus. in Pal, HAA 287.

Jo bo RTSE LDE BA — Invited 'Jig rten mgon po to Yar lung in 1200 or so, acc. to main bio. of the latter.

RTSE PA SGANG — BA 944, 962.

RTSE SPRUL — See (— —) 'Jigs med go cha.  (— —) Thub bstan rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Padma dbang rgyal (b. 1936).

RTSE PHO BRANG — Common Tibetan name for Potala.  Ferrari 88.

RTSE BO LA — District.  See Beyer 15.

RTSE BRAG GANGS — Bhutanese mts.  Olschak illus no 80.

Ldan ma RTSE MANG — A person.  87 I 104.4, 118.3.  Ldan ma rtse mang rnams.  87 I 108.2.  Pictured in 128 616.  210 21.3.  "[A] member of the Shar kha family which founded the Rgyal rtse principality."  Vitali in Rocznik Orientalistyczny LXVII (2014) 245.

RTSE MO — Fort at Sle.  14 3.

RTSE MO'I NGANG — Das 413 no 30.

Byang sems RTSE MO BYUNG RGYAL — Text ends 320 I 442.

RTSE MO LA 'KHOR BA — River in Lus 'phags pa.  Das 417.

RTSE MO LA 'JUG PAR DGA' BA — Das 413 no 40.

RTSE DMAR — See Tsi dmar.

Sne'u gdong RTSE TSHOGS DGON — On map, Chesok.  At foot of hill of Sne'u gdong.  Tsong kha pa said to have been ordained here.  In Yar klungs valley.  JTL&CT 306.  Tucci, Lhasa 136.  Ferrari 124.  Has a printery (par khang).  162 210.

RTSE ZHIG — A Bon mon.  Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 419, 423.  A history has been written by A lags Bon brgya, entitled Rtse zhig gi Lo rgyus Mdor bsdus.  Called Rtse zhig g.yung drung bon bstan 'phel rgyas gling (and the village called Rtse dbus).  Noble Mountaineer 279.  Berounsky in Asiatische Studien 67 (2013) 790.

RTSE ZHIG BLA MA — Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 423.

RTSE ZHOL — A Rtse zhol gyi Dgon pa mentioned in 5 162.5.  Rtse zhol gyi Lha khang.  5 324.1.  This is a shortened version of the names of the Potala and the Zhol area of Lha sa.  Goldstein 896.

RTSE GZHUNG — See (— —) Dben pa'i Dga' tshal.

RTSE BZANG KHA STOD — Chichacotta.  Aris, Discourse 23.

RTSE RI RGYAL DGON — F. by Dmu Nyi ma rgyal mtshan at age 30.  253 II 595.5. ff.

RTSE RIG GNAS SLOB GRWA — A government school for the training of monks who would become officials during time of the Dalai Lama vii (that means early 18th cent.).  The main subjects were script, composition and grammar.  Dungkar in TJ 8 no 4 (Wint 1993) 12.

RTSE RE DGON PA — 346 92.5.

RTSE LA SGANG — TS5 529, 537.

Bla ma RTSE LA BA — CFMS 92.

RTSE LE — An account of these mons. in Khams in 226 I 313‑383.  383 404.1 ff.

RTSE LE — See (— —) Chos kyi rgyal po.  (— —) Sna tshogs rang grol.

RTSE SHO RGYA RI — Pl.n.  81 103.7, 115.

RTSE SLOB GRWA — Mon. f. in 1754.  Dhongthog 132.

RTSE GSUM LDAN — N. of Dbang phyug.  Das 909.

RTSE LHA SGANG RDZONG — In Kong po.  10BA 507‑8, 516, 544.

RTSEGS — See (—) Dbang phyug seng ge.

RTSED 'JO'I CHU BO — N. of Indus.  Das 418.


RTSEN RTSE — See (— —) Shes rab ye shes.

RTSEN MIN — The Chinese for rim skyes, the 'gradualist' party which debated the Ston mun pa, q.v.  17 II 328.5.

RTSES THANG — BA 338‑9, 413, 585‑93, 642, 649, 749, 779, 781, 799‑802, 808, 822, 828, 935, 1082, 1084, 1089, 1090.  449 43.7.  17 II 311.5.  See also Rtse thang.  463 I 84.3.


RTSES DENG PA — Pl.n.  5 240.4‑5.  Rtses dang pa in 5 241.3.  Vai.Ser. 180.

Nyang RTSONG DGU — TS5 661.

RTSOD CAN — N. of Yamunā.  Das 418.

RTSOD LDAN — N. of a king in an avadāna.  TPS 480.

RTSOD PA'I 'KHOR LO'I RGYUD — 319 VI 549‑555.

RTSOD BZLOG — Ritual texts in 273A I 477‑538.

BRTSE MCHOG GLING — One of the 4 gling of Lha sa.  See Waddell 253 for others.  S of Lha sa on S bank of Skyid chu, in tract of land called Grib.  Ferrari.

Rje btsun BRTSE BA CHEN PO — He received precepts of Gnyan Lo tsā ba from Gnam kha'u pa and passed them on to the Sa skya sect.  BD of T&TB III 302.



BRTSON 'GRUS GO CHA — Father of Pha dam pa Sangs rgyas.  Waddell 74.  124 432.3.  BD of T&TB I 851.

Bya mang BRTSON 'GRUS GRAGS — Gter ma in 87 LXXII.

Zhang Rin po che BRTSON 'GRUS GRAGS PA — (1123‑1193)  Often called Zhang G.yu brag pa.  Member of Tshal pa family (?), b. at Tshal pa Gru.  Founded Tshal Yang dgon.  Erected Lha chen Dpal 'bar and Gung thang and 'Bum mo che.  Bios. 57 IIB 361.7.  BA 711 ff.  Disc. of Phag mo gru pa (well, not really!).  Ferrari 105.  "Heart disciple" of Dbon sgom Tshul khrims, q.v.  The Tshal pa Bka' brgyud stemmed from him.  46 53.  Two short works in 36 V 744.  His Bka' 'Thor bu, see 131.  His Gsung 'bum has only recently surfaced in Nepal.  217 592.2 ff.  Bibliography in 17 IV 453.1 ff.  Pictured in 128 1038.

Byang 'dren pa BRTSON 'GRUS 'GYUR MED — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 117.3.  460 160.1.

BRTSON 'GRUS RGYA MTSHO — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 121.1.  Dbu mdzad of Rgya mtsho Gra tshang.

BRTSON 'GRUS RGYA MTSHO — Disc. of Karma chags med who initiated the Upper Lineage of Kar gling Zhi khro.  See Cuevas, Hidden History 157.

Dge slong BRTSON 'GRUS RGYA MTSHO — Author of bio. of Blo bzang bkra shis rab rgyas listed in BLP no. 1513.

BRTSON 'GRUS RGYAL PO — (late 13th cent.)  DTK5 109.

BRTSON 'GRUS RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of work in 459 143‑368.

Dge slong BRTSON 'GRUS RGYAL MTSHAN — Also, (Drang srong).  Author of text in 283 1‑48.  301 I 1‑68.  B. in 1914, acc. to Kværne no 223.  Publisher of 328253 II 507.6 ff.

Gu ge BRTSON 'GRUS RGYAL MTSHAN — Rgyal sras Blo bzang bstan 'dzin, Dkyil khang Dpon slob Gu ge Brtson 'grus rgyal mtshan gyi Rnam thar.  BLP no. 0118 (and 0119, another bio. composed by 'Phyongs rgyas Paṇḍi ta Blo bzang bstan 'phel).  Perhaps the Zangla prince of early 17th century mentioned in Gutschow, Being a Buddhist Nun 274‑275.

Gung shing BRTSON 'GRUS RGYAL MTSHAN — Disc. of Rin chen bzang po.  17 II 353.3.

Snyug rum pa BRTSON 'GRUS RGYAL MTSHAN — (1042‑1109)  Bka' gdams.  Bio. in BD of T&TB V 123.  Teacher of Sgam po pa.  4 223B.  BA 453.  57 IIB 353.3.  In Dbus.  See Smyug rum pa.  125 V 119.1.  Beyer 419.  Smyug rum pa, Smug rum pa.  Jackson, MB 126.

Drung pa BRTSON 'GRUS RGYAL MTSHAN DPAL BZANG PO — See Blo bzang brtson 'grus rgyal mtshan.  Pictured in 128 204.  Bio. in 165 II 235.

'Gro ba'i Ded dpon BRTSON 'GRUS CHEN PO — Jātaka.  Pictured in 128 228.

G.yag sde Paṇ chen BRTSON 'GRUS DAR RGYAS — (1299‑1378)  A disc. of Karma pa Grags pa seng ge, the first Zhwa dmar.  In 1359 he founded E wam Mon.  BA 532‑536.  Ferrari 166.  Disc. of Zhwa nag iii.  57 IIB 360.7.  Evidently became Sa skya pa and wrote against the Karma pa.  170 preface.  210 231.2.  Vai.Ser. 142.

Bo dong BRTSON 'GRUS RDO RJE — 374 I 833.5 ff.

BRTSON 'GRUS DPAL — An author of a work critical of the Jo nang school Bder gshegs Snying po Gsal bar Byed pa'i Sgron meThuken 209.

'Phan yul ba BRTSON 'GRUS DPAL — Contemporary of 'Jig rten mgon po.  476 I 332.4.

BRTSON 'GRUS 'PHAGS PA — Pictured in 128 304.

Srad rgyud pa BRTSON 'GRUS 'PHAGS — (mid 15th cent.)  Aka Rgyud chen Brtson 'grus 'phags pa.  Author of Gsang 'dus Rgyud 'Grel, being a commentary on the Guhyasamāja Tantra, published in 1973.

Bya 'Dul 'dzin pa BRTSON 'GRUS 'BAR — (1031‑1106)  "Sne bo Grags pa rgyal mtshan gyi mkhan bu."  Founded Zul phu Bshad grwa.  (Rtsis 'Dul 'dzin pa) Gzhon nu seng ge was his mkhan buBD of T&TB III 277‑278.  Phag mo gru pa also took ordination from him.  He is also known as Zul phu ba, q.v.  See the following entry.

Bya 'Dul 'dzin BRTSON 'GRUS 'BAR — (b. in 1091)  BA 80, 322.  27 78.  17 II 344.1 ff.  His actual dates have to be 1091‑1166, and not 1031‑1106, as stated in the previous entry.

BRTSON 'GRUS SMYON PA — N. of Thang stong rgyal po.

BRTSON 'GRUS BZANG PO — N. given to Nāropa by Tilopa.  120 72.5.

BRTSON 'GRUS BZANG PO — N. of a printer; see under (Rong ston) Shes bya kun rig.

Mkhan chen BRTSON 'GRUS BZANG PO — (1313‑1385)  Bka' gdams.  BD of T&TB V 107.

Thang stong rgyal po BRTSON 'GRUS BZANG PO — (1385‑1468)  TPS 163.  (1385‑1509) Dhongthog 61.  For dating problem, see 29 4.  D. in 1485, acc. to 5 preface.  F. (Dpal) Chu bo ri near his iron bridge on Gtsang po.  Bio. by (Lo chen) 'Gyur med bde chen written in 1609.  See 5.  For story of his name, see 5 75, 47.3.  Founder of Sde dge in 1616 (!) Dhongthog 128.  5 25.3.  B. in 'Al ba Lha rtse in Gtsang stod.  Received Rnying ma Byang gter from (Kun spangs) Don yod rgyal mtshan.  Received Shangs pa teachings from Rdo rje gzhon nu and (Byang sems) Sbyin pa bzang po.  B. in Lcags mo glang year (1361/1421/1481) acc. to 5 19.  Works and bios. in 4461 22.10.  Waddell 385.  JTL&CT 143, 191‑2.  TPS 163, 550.  See Ferrari 90.  Collected works in 20 vols, publ. 1976‑7.  See BD of T&TB III 565 ff.  Founder of what is called A lce Lha mo.  BD of T&TB III 566.  410 125A.3.  411 289A.3.  27 49.  Gsung 'bum, see 63.  Bio. as a Gcod master, see 63 I 43 ff.  Together with Bsod nams bkra shis (1352‑1417) he founded a mchod rten at Rgyang.  57 119.  Wylie 135, n. 182.  Tucci, Lhasa 36.  Pictured in 128 1030.  217 501.5 ff.  Beyer 342.  Bio. in 383 431 ff.  Pictured in 320 XXII 2.  Chinese built iron cable suspension bridges in the 6th century.  The first European one was built in 1741.  TR XVI no. 11, pp. 9‑10.  Article in ISTS 111.  See Hummel's 'The Tibetan Ceremony of Breaking the Stone.'  For an image that, acc. to the inscription, contains his own consecration barley (phyag nas; note: this does not mean "from his own hand"), see Weldon & Singer, Sculptural Heritage 184.  A thangka with him as central figure, see Precious Deposits III 252‑3 (photo of one of the chains he used on p. 254; carving on rockface at Lcags po ri, p. 282).  According to the end of FM 715.00, the following verse was composed by Thang stong rgyal po and carved on a rock at the chorten of Chu bo ri:

bdud dpung 'joms mdzad smug nag khro bo'i sku //

lta ba'i gding ldan brtul zhugs spyod pa skyong //

sbas pa'i rnal 'byor 'gro ba yongs kyi mgon //

u rgyan lung bstan skyes mchog sprul pa'i sku //

thang stong rgyal po'i zhabs la gsol ba 'debs //

A nice, but badly misidentified, rock carved image illus. in Precious Deposits II 305.  For a large sized sculptured image, see Li Gotami, Pictures 31.  Following are notes from 446 I:  82. Thang stong's vision of Avalokiteśvara who prophesies:  "On Se border are Mtha' 'khob glo.  They never heard the words Buddha Dharma & Saṅgha."  119.4:  Mon.  123.3:  Thinks to go to U rgyan and goes.  175.2: Goes to Lha rtse and Bde chen.  179.3: Another prophecy: It is time to civilize the Glo.  183.4  Earth Hen year in Lhasa.  186: Decides to build a bridge because poor people cannot afford the coracle boat.  206:  Dwags po.  208: Byar po, Gnyan Lo ro.  220:  He 'opens' Rtsa ri.  In vol. 2, p. 201 ff. is an account of his conversion of the Klo people.

Ra dza BRTSON 'GRUS BZANG PO — Previous existence of 'Jig rten mgon po.  73 410.6.

Bya BRTSON 'GRUS 'OD — In inscription on thangka.  See Kossak, Sacred Visions, p. 59, n. 10.

BRTSON 'GRUS 'OD ZER — Work in 271 1‑94, 415‑422.

Khu ston BRTSON 'GRUS G.YUNG DRUNG — (1011‑1075)  An abbot of Thang po che and one of the three foremost discs. of Atiśa in central Tibet along with Rngog and 'Brom.  After him the school and abbatial series came to an end replaced by Bla brang pa.  He authored the Lo rgyus Chen mo.  Macdonald, Lecture 203.  Vostrikov 139.  BA 93, 1327.  Ferrari 130, 79.  Bio. in 165 375.  484 I 693.2. Dhongthog 89.  B. in Yar klung.  75 109.  =G.yung drung brtson 'grus in 413 400.1.  BA 345.  17 II 371.6.  Pictured in 128 866.  BD of T&TB X 89.20.  Roesler, KSP 59 (his miraculous relics).

A lci BRTSON 'GRUS RIN CHEN — 391 V 330.

Mkhas pa BRTSON 'GRUS SENG GE — (1186‑1247)  Installed as abbot of Snye mdo in 1207, he is usually known as Smra ba'i seng ge, an important member of the Later Zhi byed lineage.

Rgya BRTSON 'GRUS SENG GE— (late 10th‑early 11th cent.)  Aka Rgya Lo tsā ba, Rgya ston.  Accompanied (Nag tsho) Tshul khrims rgyal ba as a guide to India.  17 II 354.3, 355., 365.6, 368.6.  BA 245 ff.  KTDN 57.6.  602 7r.4.  Listed as author of a Chos 'byung in BLP no. 0723 (but this must mean the one by Gtsang nag pa).  Mtshan tho no. 20, has him active in the early 11th cent., and says that he was sent to invite pundits from India by Lha Bla ma Ye shes 'od.

Mchims BRTSON 'GRUS SENG GE — The author of the very first Tibetan authored comm. on the Abhidharmakośa, called the Nag 'jam (or Nag 'byam).  He based himself on Smṛti's teachings on the subject.

'Chus pa BRTSON 'GRUS SENG GE — Zhi byed pa.  BD of T&TB I 855.

Dbu ma pa BRTSON 'GRUS SENG GE — (14th cent.)  Disc. of O rgyan pa.  Became teacher of Tsong kha pa.  BA 1075‑6.  TPS 159.  115 107.5, 108.1, 114.3 ff.

Rma bya pa BRTSON 'GRUS SENG GE — Author of Dbu ma Rtsa ba Shes rab kyi 'Grel pa 'Thad pa'i Rgyan (a 12th cent. commentary), publ. in Sikkim in 312 pp. reproduced from Sde dge print in 1976 (BQ2795.R58/1975) (76‑900088).  Called Byang brtson in BA 343.  =(Rma bya) Byang chub brtson 'grus, nephew of (Rma bya) Byang chub ye shes, acc. to 17 II 385.1.  (?‑1185).  Kuijp in CAJ 37 (1993) 193.

Gtsang nag pa BRTSON 'GRUS SENG GE — Lived in late 12th and early 13th cent.  One of 4 chief discs. of Phywa pa, he was renowned in the field of logic.  42 2.  Wrote bio. of Phywa pa, acc. to Kuijp in Brauen, Tibetan Studies.  His history has recently been published for the first time.

Yar klungs pa BRTSON 'GRUS SENG GE — 4th rab byung383 218.6‑219.1.

Sangs rgyas ston pa BRTSON 'GRUS SENG GE — Lineage disc. of (Gnyan ston) Ri gong pa in the Shangs pa transmission.  29.  Two of his disciples founded 'Jag and Nyang smad Bsam sdings (q.v.) transmissions.  Bio. in BA 743.  17 II 430.  Bio.  228 88.1 ff.  Bio. in 383 613.4 ff.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1990, by Gnubs Sna tshogs rang grol.

Rgya ston BRTSON 'GRUS SENG GE DAR — Gter ston.  410 99B.1.







TSHA — One of the 4 Mgur lha, q.v.  N. of Tibetan tribe.  Das 1017.  An mda'5 184.1.  449 33.1.

TSHWA KHA — An area in Dge rgyas in western Tibet, containing the Bka' brgyud mon. Bkra shis chos gling.

TSHA KHANG RTA RA — Wife of 6th Rje btsun dam pa.  Shakabpa, History II 134.


TSHA KHO — Pl. in Rgyal mo rong.  Das.  Had many Bonpos.  348 173.6.  Tsaka in Bailey, Journey through a Portion 192.

TSHA KHO DPON PO — A disc. of Tsong kha pa, identical to Tsha kho Ngag dbang grags pa.  Sopa, P&T of TB xiv.  Wayman, BI 407.  See (— — — —) (Mkhan chen) Ngag dbang grags pa.

TSHA GUNG — BA 920, 921.  Tsha gud in 17 II 425.2.  Valley near Ding ri.  415 I preface.


TSHA SGANG — One of 6 Sgang of Khams.  Das 103.

TSHA SGANG — See (— —) Ye chen Ri khrod.

TSHA CHU RONG — 377 28A.2.

Rtogs ldan TSHA CHUNG BA — Disc. of U rgyan pa.  57 IIB 371.5.  17 XX 101.5.  17 IV 438.1.

TSHA TIG — See (— —) Chos 'bar.


'Ol kha TSHA THANG — Pl.n.  27 131.

TSHA DOR DGON BKRAR SHIS BYAMS PA RNAM GLING — Chadao'ersi, or Yanjiasi. Horlemann 143.

TSHA MDA' — 115 135.5 ff.

TSHA MDA' SDE PA — See (— — — —) Bsod nams rgyal po.

TSHA MDA' BA — Shastri in TS9 I 133.  See (— —) Rgyal mtshan dpal.  See Tsha.

TSHA SNA — BA 255, 786.

TSHA SPRUL — See (— —) Ngag dbang blo bzang.

TSHA SPRUL RIN PO CHE — (modern)  Tsering Shakya, Dragon 145.

TSHA 'PHRANG NAG PO — BA 481, 490.

TSHWA BA — See (— —) (Rab 'byams pa) Ngag dbang rgyal mtshan.

Mkhan che TSHA BA KHRI SPRUL — 438 VII 419.5.

TSHA BA GRU — Pl.n.  Located in Lha sa area.  17 II 525.3.  =Tshal pa Gru, q.v.

TSHA BA RGANG KE BLA MA — See (— — — — — —) Nor bzang Sprul sku.


TSHA BA — See (— —) Them thog Dgon.  (— —) Mdzo sgang.

TSHA BA DMAR THAG — N. of a country.  LGCM 630.2.

TSHA BA TSHA SHOD — Mchod rten Dmar po.  KTDN A VIII 24.6.


TSHA BA RONG — See Tsha rong.  It may literally mean 'hot gorge,' but it is sometimes a shortened form of Rgyal mo Tsha ba rong.

Bla ma TSHA BA RONG — Ramble in Sørensen Festschrift 381.

TSHA BA GSUM — N. of an Indian monastery Trikaṭuka.  Obermiller, Bu ston, pt. 2, p. 158.  See under Tri ta ṭu ka.

TSHA BE — Family name.  253 II 489.3.

TSHA BE — See (— —) Ye shes seng ge.

TSHA 'BAG — N. of text in 132.

TSHA 'BOD DGON — Vai.Ser. 262.

TSHA MIG — BA 75. =Tshogs chen pa.  One of the 4 monastic communities stemming from Shākya shrī.  Kuijp in JAOS (1994) 603.

Stod TSHA MO KHUD — 253 II 594.3.

TSHA TSHA DGON — Bon mon. in A mdo, with 150 monks.  253 II 636.4.

TSHA TSHA SMYON PA — A teaching.  210 229.5.


TSHA TSHA RIN PO CHE — This is the Zhwa dkar Rin po che, awarded his white hat (that otherwise resembles the famous black hat) by the 8th Karmapa.  The 9th incarnate has only recently been identified.  This information appeared in the June 9, 2011 news section of Himalayan Art Resources website.

TSHA TSHI KA — Unidentified river.  Wylie 5, 117.

TSHA MTSHO — "Salt Lake."  =Lob Noor.  At approximately 89° X 40°.  Wylie 116 n. 27.  See Tshal byi.

TSHA RI ZLUM PO — 115 135.2.

TSHA RONG — Also, Tsha ba rong.  Stein 25.  BA 79, 170, 313, 340, 560, 612, 918.  Rgyal mo Tsha ba rong.  87 I 84.2.  Tsha ba rong in 87 I 85.1.  17 II 542.1.  David‑Neel, Magic & Mystery 143.

TSHA RONG — See (— —) Dgra 'dul rnam rgyal.

TSHWA RONG PA — See (— — —) Tshe brtan bkra shis.

TSHA LU MKHAR — 453 16.2.

TSHA LUNG — BA 732.  Gro shul Tsha lung in 210 217.3.  Monastery in Rme ba county in Rnga ba.  Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 418.

TSHA LUNG — See (— —) Stag tshang Dgon.

TSHA SEB — See Brag Tsha seb.

TSHA BSUR — N. of a rite.  243 IV 957 ff.  SBTD I 317.  Article in Soundings.

TSHANG — In personal names in Khams and A mdo, this means 'house' [of so and so], while in Central Tibetan this would be expressed with gzim shag.  McGranahan in TS9 IV 105‑6.

TSHANG BANG SNA — The royal tombs.  OTA 674, 676.

TSHANG MANG KE RU — A temple at Bsam yas.  KTDN B XI 259.2.  Elsewhere spelled Tsang ma Ke'u gling.

Dur khrod Chen po TSHANG TSHING 'KHRIG PA — Where Su ma ti and Thang lo pa and Shing lo pa stayed.  24 I 68.1.  87 I 252.1.  One of the 'eight great cemeteries'.  Das 630.

TSHANG GSAR DPON — 235 Introduction 5.

TSHANGS PA — Pictured in 128 1130.  Rites in 225 VII.  The rang gi rig pa is called Brahma, creator of all, in 'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) IV 434.1 ff.  MBKP 185.

TSHANGS PA DKAR PO — Pictured in 216A.  Protector of Khra 'brug.  CFMS 87.  See Hazod in TS9 I 40.  See discussion in FitzHerbert's article "Constitutional Mythologies..." pp. 318-319.

TSHANGS PA BKRA SHIS — Son of A mgon bzang po.  Also called Bkra shis mgon, q.v.  28 19.


Yang dag Lam ston TSHANGS PA'I 'JIG RTEN SKYES — Pictured in 128 720.

TSHANGS PA DUNG GI THOR TSHUGS CAN — See Bstan srung Bse'i khrab can.  Tshangs pa Dung thod can.  224 XII 267.  307 II 87.

TSHANGS PA DRA BA'I MDO — 484 I 391.2.

TSHANGS PA PAD DKAR — Father of Ye shes rgyal mtshan (b. 1713), q.v.



Lha sras TSHANGS PA'I DBANG PO — (ca. 1686)  458 I 287.3.

Lho za mo TSHANGS PA'I DBYANGS — A letter of Kamalaśīla is addressed to her (well, probably a 'her').  See Dietz, Briefliteratur 75 ff.


TSHANGS PA GTSUG PHUD — Kværne 225 n. 29.  Nine Ways 125 ff.


TSHANGS PA RAB 'BYOR — A hunter.  Bellezza, L&T 70.

TSHANGS PA'I SRAS MO — N. of Dbyangs can ma.  Das 913.

TSHANGS PAS BYIN — Past king of Kāśī.  Brahmadatta.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 346.

Rgyal po TSHANGS BYIN — 128 742.  413 544.5.  TPS 449.

TSHANGS DBANG RGYAL — Son of Sgron mtsho and Grub pa.  124 496.4.

Tā la'i Bla ma vi TSHANGS DBYANGS RGYA MTSHO — (1683‑1706)  Author of history of O rgyan gling Mon. in S Tibet [Tib C/BQ6349/.O73 T75], publ. in 1979.  Notes on the same follow:  p. 80, defense of old tantras and Rnying ma; p. 86, defense of gter ma;  100 ff, 112.6 ff, bio. of Padma gling pa; 105.2, Tsa ri Tsa gong; 151.3, Bdud rtsi Sman gyi Chu;  153.5, Rab byung twelve; 156, Images in the temple; 171.6, phabs rgyun; 161, books in the temple; 169, consecration and relic categories; 180‑202, vows and commitments; 101‑105, calendar of ritual events; 206, benefits of building sku rten; 208, gsung rten; 211, thugs rten.  The name of the author is given as Smyos rigs Blo bzang 'jig rten dbang phyug, and it was composed in an Iron Snake (See ISTS 12).  Rgyal ba Tshangs dbyangs rgya mtsho'i Mgul Glu publ. in Delhi in 1966(?) [PL3748/.T75 M4].  Waddell 233.  "Mon gyi La 'og Yul gsum du 'khrungs" Dhongthog 89.  See under O rgyan gling.  ISTS 12, etc.  Said to have lived in hiding until death in 1739.  See (Kun grol No min han) Chos grags rgya mtsho.  Bio. by Sde srid, see 486.  For a thangka representation, see Kreijger, Tibetan Painting 92‑3 (pl. 31).  A woodblock of his secret biography illus. in Precious Deposits V 8‑9.  Bios. listed in BLP no. 0538‑0543.

Dung dkar Sprul sku TSHANGS DBYANGS 'BRUG SGRA — (ca. 1707)  d. in 1708.  463 I 127.5, 148.2.

TSHANGS SRAS DGA' BA'I NYI MA — Literary n. of an abbot and teacher of the 'Bri gung pa teacher Don grub chos dbang mentioned in the colophon to the latter's work on Sanskrit grammar.

TSHANGS SRAS DGA' BA'I LANG TSHO — Literary n. of Nam mkha' seng ge (18th cent.).  Smith, Philology appendix II.

Gung thang pa'i Mchog sprul Rin po che TSHANGS SRAS DGYES PA'I RDO RJE — BD of T&TB V 682.  5th in gdan rabs of Bkra shis 'khyil.  Probably the subject (here named Alak Gungthang Tshang) of the photo in Nietupski, Labrang 58, taken in 1934, when he was 10.  He is evidently the same Gung thang Rin po che who died Feb. 29, 2000, in his early 70's.

TSHANGS SRAS DGYES PA'I BLO LDAN — Literary n. of Bka' blon Mdo mkhar ba Tshe ring dbang rgyal.  Smith, Philology appendix II.

TSHANGS SRAS DGYES PA'I BLO LDAN — Literary n. of 'Jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse'i dbang po Kun dga' bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan (1820‑1892).  Smith, Philology appendix II.

Ma gcig TSHANGS SRAS DRAG MO — 438 VI 621.5.

TSHANGS SRAS BZHAD PA'I RDO RJE — N. of Dalai Lama v.  Essais 125.  Work in 587 fols. listed in BLP no. 1010.  This is also a poet name of Ngo mtshar gzhan phan phul 'byung sangs rgyas rgya mtsho, q.v.


TSHANGS SRAS BZHAD PA'I RDO RJE 'JIGS MED SPOBS PA'I SDE — Literary n. of Blo bzang rgyal mtshan seng ge (b. 1747/57‑?).  Smith, Philology appendix II.

Bstan bcos TSHAD CHUNG MIG GI SGRON MA — Comm. SBTD I 302.

TSHAD MA — 'Logic'.  See 374 I 36 ff.

TSHAD MA'I SKYES BU — N. of a person (?).  BA 345.  17 II 346.5.

TSHAD MA BSDUS RA — Tradition of debating grounds started by discs. of Rngog Blo ldan shes rab.  12 IX 80.1.


TSHAD MA RIGS GTER — A work of Sa skya Paṇḍi ta in 212 X.  Work by Horváth on it, see T&BS I 267‑302.

TSHAD MA'I LAM RIM — A system revealed to Rol pa'i rdo rje by Mañjuśrī in a dream in 1785.  The work he dictated from memory in the morning was called:  Gnyid mo che'i Rmi lam gyi Rol mtshor Shar ba'i Bstan bcos Ngo mtshar Zla ba'i Snang brnyan, contained in 41 I 679‑696.

TSHAD MA GSAR MA — This 'New logic' begins with Rngog Lo tsā ba (1059‑1109).  See 76 5.

TSHAD MED BYA BA GLING — Bon, 12 continents.  Das 258.

TSHAD MED BYAMS PA GLING — Bon, twelve continents.  Das 258.

Sprul pa'i Ston pa TSHAD MED 'OD LDAN — Bon deity.  206 541.1.  248 8.6.

TSHAD GSUM — 'Three authorities'.  Kværne 241 n. 232.

TSHAN STONG — A text previously unheard of in Tibet that Tāranātha wanted to translate.  Shastri in TS9 I 1138.

TSHAN DHO — A word in language of Srin po.  BD of T&TB X 10.13.

TSHAN BON — See Huber in N‑T I 266, with several different spellings:  Tshan bon Thod dkar lcog, Tshan bon Thor cog, Mtshan bon Mtho spyod, Thab bon Me 'bran, Mgal bon Kha nag.


TSHAB MA GRAGS — Birth n. of (Yang ston) Shes rab rgyal mtshan.

TSHAB TSHA — Schrempf in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 326.

TSHAB TSHA MKHAN PO — See (— — — —) Karma thub bstan.


TSHAB TSHA BLA MA — Jackson, Patron 6.

Khams sgar TSHAB SHIS SPRUL SKU — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 120.5.

TSHAB SHRI — Family name.  467 II 186.6.


TSHAR CHEN — See (— —) Chos kyi rgyal po.  (— —) Blo gsal rgya mtsho.

TSHAR CHEN MKHYEN BRTSE — 8th rab byung terton.  383 220.4.

TSHAR CHEN BLO GSAL — N. of a lineage.  See Blo gsal rgya mtsho.  Ferrari 152.

TSHAR STON — See (— —) Sgo mangs pa.

TSHAR PA — A splinter branch of Sa skya pa.  Ferrari 119.  It was inspired by (Yar klungs) Seng ge rgyal mtshan.  Its parent monastery was Bsam gtan gling.  16 36.  F. by (Tshar chen) Blo gsal rgya mtsho, q.v.  See esp. 23 15.  The split from the Ngor pa was caused by the rivalry of two families in La stod—the 'Dar and Gdong dga'.  

TSHAR PA CHOS RJE — See (— —) Blo bzang rgya mtsho.

TSHAR PA BE BUM — Of (Nyal pa) Nyi ma shes rab in 87 LXXX.


TSHAR LUGS SLOB BSHAD — System of Lam 'bras handed on by (Tshar chen) Blo gsal rgya mtsho.  36 IV intro.  History of Tshar pa'i Ring lugs in 62 262 ff.

TSHAR GSUM KHUG PA — A teaching.  See 145 III 94 ff.

TSHAL — See (—) Kun dga' rdo rje.

TSHAL KHA GDONG SKYA TI SNYUG — N. of mon.  253 II 618.5.

TSHAL SGANG —  =Mtshal sgang.  17 II 542.1.

TSHAL PA — A Khri skor (q.v.) of Dbus.

TSHAL PA BKA' 'GYUR — T&BS I 61.  It was 260 volume manuscript with alternating lines of gold and silver.  See Jampa Samten Shastri, Origins of the Tibetan Canon.

TSHAL PA BKA' BRGYUD — Also, Mtshal pa.  One of 4 main branches of Bka' brgyud transmission founded by Zhang G.yu brag pa Brtson 'grus grags pa, q.v.  See also (Bla ma) Zhang.  17 II 539.5.  A Mtshal pa hermit mentioned in 115 30.6.

TSHAL PA KHRI DPON — See Dga' bde bzang po.

TSHAL PA GRU —  =Tsha ba gru, q.v.  BA 711.

TSHAL BYI — Lob Nor or Lop Nor.  ISTS 314.  See Tsha Mtsho.  O.T. pl.n.  Coblin in TH&L 75.

Snye mo TSHAL MIG — Pl.n.  27 120.

TSHAL MIN — Pl.n.  5 118.3. Stearns, King 208.

TSHAL SE — N. of a village in district of Stod lung Mtshur phu.  Das 1025.

TSHAL GSEB — "O rgyan Zur rje gling pa'i gdan sa."  BD of T&TB III 805.

TSHI PHRI — N. of an area in western Tibet, its temples listed in  Vitali, Tho.ling 154.


TSHI EN ZI — A monastery, name meaning Loving Kindness Monastery (Byams pa gling), in Chinese: Cien Si.  Thuken 359.

Dag snang TSHIG BDUN BLA SGRUB — A revealed cycle of Kong sprul in 87 XVI.

TSHIG LAB RING MO — A short work by Po to ba on impermanence.  367 I 243.2.

TSHIGS SU BCAD PA BRGYA PA — Work edited in T&BS I 17 ff.

TSHIG GSUM NAD BRDEGS — Title of a work of Dga' rab rdo rje in personal collection.  See Hanson Barber in JIABS vol. 9 no 2, p. 60.

TSHIGS GSUM PA'I RGYUD — In 320 V 301‑14.

TSHIGS KHA'I SNGAGS RAM PA — (1684‑?)  BD of T&TB V 580.


TSHIM PA — In a list of river names.  Kuijp, Rivers 327, believes it is the Hlādinī.

TSHUNGS MED CHOS RGYAL PHUN TSHOGS — Called Rgyal sras Lha rje'i Rnam phrul.  18th 'Bri gung abbot.  37 32.

TSHUGS — Chhuk on map.  In what is now Nepal.  28 14.

TSHUGS DKA' — Also, Tshugs par dka'.  Ayodhyā.  See Gustav Roth in Gedenkschrift J.W. de Jong, p. 125.

TSHUR — See (—) Gzhon nu seng ge.

TSHUR SGANG — A mon.  =Mtshur phu?  BA 515.

Dol gyi TSHUR STON — See (— — — —) Dbang nge.

Mur pa TSHUR STON — See Mur pa Tshur ston.

Rgyal dbang TSHUR TSHA SRANG DAR — Father of Zhwa nag ii.  Also, Tshur tsha sprang dar.  17 II 533.1.  BA 485.

Zhogs kyi TSHUR LUNG — OTA 688.

Sprul sku TSHUR LO —  =Tshul khrims bzang po.

TSHUR LOGS — In La dwags.  Lat. 334° long. 77°.  See 79 97 no. 132.

Gung thang TSHUL KHRIMS — Tibetan leader assasinated in India.  Subject of the following work: Dalai Lama xiv, Bod rgyal lo 2105 phyi lo 1978 zla 9 tshes 28 kyi snga dro mdo smad tshogs chen thengs dang po'i tshogs mi rnams / gong sa skyabs mgon chen po mchog mjal bcar skabs stsal ba'i bka' slob (Dharamsala 1978) in 49 pp [I Tib 81‑900301].

Bla ma TSHUL KHRIMS — 363 116.2.

Mtha' bzhi TSHUL KHRIMS — In a dedicatory inscription on the back of an image of Bzang za Ring btsun.  Kværne, Bon Religion of Tibet, plate 41.

Mon grwa pa Chen po TSHUL KHRIMS BKRA SHIS — (1300's?)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 144.  Pictured in 128 87A.  Bio. in 165 I 571.  Bio. by Mtsho sna Dgon rtse Sprul sku listed in BLP no. 1638.

Thur la TSHUL KHRIMS SKYABS — In transmission from 'Tshur.  BA 419.  See under Gsang 'dus.  17 II 408.5, 469.2.  Pictured in 128 286.

Khang dkar TSHUL KHRIMS SKAL BZANG — Author of Byams Zhus Le'u'i 'Phros Don dang bcas pa'i Dpyad Zhib "A thesis on Prajnaparamita philosophy based on the Bodhisattvasikaprabheda (83rd chap. of Astadasasahasrika (N.Delhi 1981) in 106 pp.  Selected works published as: Khang dkar Tshul khrims skal bzang gi Gsung rtsom Phyogs bsgrigs, Krung go'i Bod kyi Shes rig Dpe skrun khang (Beijing 1999), in 893 pages.

Slob dpon TSHUL KHRIMS BSKYANGS — BD of T&TB I 567.  Author of Vinaya comm. listed in Btsan lha 1054‑5.

Mkhas grub Khyung po TSHUL KHRIMS — Successor of (Mkhas grub) Shangs ston in Jo nang pa Lugs (q.v.).  (1297‑ )  "Shangs kyi Skya rar 'khrungs / yab Dpon po Mgon po /  Dhongthog 90.

Klungs dkar TSHUL KHRIMS GRAGS — Also, (Klubs dkar).  Disc. of Sha mi.  17 II 345.3.  BA 82.  CFMS 69.

Zhang TSHUL KHRIMS GRAGS — (11th cent.)  Comm. on Hevajra Tantra, published in 1979.

Khyung po TSHUL KHRIMS MGON PO — Shangs pa.  Subj. of bio. listed in BLP nos. 0193 & 0271.

Rdza yig pa Kun mkhyen TSHUL KHRIMS MGON PO — A follower of Kun skyong gling pa.  210 153.2.

Btsan gro ba TSHUL KHRIMS MGON PO — (?‑1363)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 99.

TSHUL KHRIMS RGYA MTSHO — (1587‑?)  BD of T&TB V 551.

TSHUL KHRIMS RGYA MTSHO — Lama of Zangs dkar, teacher of Csoma de Körös.  188 7 etc.

TSHUL KHRIMS RGYA MTSHO — (1819‑1837) Waddell 233.  (1816‑1837)  Dhongthog 90.  128 860.  Dalai Lama x.  Given as 73rd Dga' ldan Khri thog in 128 960.  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 0548‑0549;  Filibeck, Catalog II 349 (no. 757).  Dar han Mkhan sprul Blo bzang phrin las wrote Rgyal ba Tshul khrims rgya mtsho'i Gser sdong Khams Gsum Rgyan gcig gi Dkar chag, listed in BLP no. 0559.  His bio. of Phur bu lcog Byams pa rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 1367.

'Khrul zhig TSHUL KHRIMS RGYA MTSHO — (1399‑1473)  TS7 I 442.

'Dan ma Grub chen TSHUL KHRIMS RGYA MTSHO — (17th cent.)  Abbot of Dgon lung from 1637‑9.  332 preface 16, 18.

TSHUL KHRIMS RGYA MTSHO — Ho thog thu of Mongolian mon. Rab rgyas gling.  438 VI 557.3.

Zhang Kun spangs pa TSHUL KHRIMS RGYA MTSHO — (late 14th cent.)  Ruler of Gung thang.  TS7 II 1030.


Khams sgom TSHUL KHRIMS RGYAN — BA 896 ff.

Dge slong TSHUL KHRIMS RGYAL BA — Tr. in 320 XXXII 455.6.

Nag tsho Lo tsā ba TSHUL KHRIMS RGYAL BA — Also called (Dge bshes) Gung thang pa.  Head of the Tibetan mission that fetched Atiśa from India.  Bio. 165 361.  Ferrari 79.  BA 245.  17 II 355.6, 368.3, 393.1, 410.4.  Bio. of Atiśa see 374 II 92.1.  Acc. to Mtshan tho, he was b. in 1011, and served as Atiśa's translator in Dbus and Gtsang; later on he returned once more to Nepal.  Actually, he retired in western Tibet before Atiśa's death.

Dge bshes 'Ban gung rgyal TSHUL KHRIMS RGYAL BA — Disc. of Dgon pa ba.  Bio. in 165 I 446.  In Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 1, p. 128, n. 26; pt. 2, p. 69, n. 44; p. 107.  "jo bo 'ban gung rgyal bzhin spang bya la gnyen pos btsan chod du bcad cing spong bas myur du chags pa dang bral bar gyur ba la."  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) IV 547.5.

TSHUL KHRIMS RGYAL MTSHAN — ?  Author of the Bon history entitled Sangs rgyas Bstan pa'i Byung khyungs Lo rgyus Snang ba Dkar po'i Dpal contained in 448 257‑290, composed in 1964.

TSHUL KHRIMS RGYAL MTSHAN ME — N. of a modern teacher who helped edit the 3-volume collection of previously unpublished works by the Sa skya Gong ma Lnga.

Kun mkhyen TSHUL KHRIMS RGYAL MTSHAN — Rin chen mchog grub dpal 'bar, Kun mkhyen Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan gyi Rnam thar Dad pa'i 'Od zer Phyogs Bcur 'Phro ba, ms. listed in BLP no. 0038.

Sku mdun TSHUL KHRIMS RGYAL MTSHAN — Bon work in 283 217‑8, 387‑8.  330 87‑111, 417‑29.  Became abbot of Sman ri Mon. in 1511.  Kværne no 142.

Sku zhang TSHUL KHRIMS RGYAL MTSHAN — Mkhas pa'i Dga' ston [PRC] 722.  A 'Bri gung pa who led an army into Lo (before 1290, and before Bya yul was burned). 

Mkhan chen TSHUL KHRIMS RGYAL MTSHAN — Collected Works seen listed in a catalog in 2013, in 13 vols.


TSHUL KHRIMS RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1893)  Kværne no 216.  253 II 499.5.  Prob. author in 418.

'Gru sgom TSHUL KHRIMS RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1898)  Kværne no. 218.  Grammar & poetics work in Bon Dag.


Sga ston TSHUL KHRIMS RGYAL MTSHAN — Author, Kun las Btus pa Srid pa'i Mdzod phug gi Gzhung 'Grel, TBMC (Dolanji 1974) [I Tib 74‑901392].  (14th cent.)  Work cited in Kværne, Canon 23.  I've seen in a new publication of his work Bstan pa Bon gyi Klad don (2016), he is given a birthdate of 1238.

Sgang ru Dpon slob TSHUL KHRIMS RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1893)  Teacher of Bstan 'dzin rnam dag between 1945 and 1950.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 247.

Ngo zhu TSHUL KHRIMS RGYAL MTSHAN — Founded Kha rag Dgon, q.v.  His dates are unsure.

Cog lo TSHUL KHRIMS RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1919)  Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 421

Chos kyi Rje TSHUL KHRIMS RGYAL MTSHAN — Bio. by Glo bo Mkhan chen.  SBTD I 70.


Gnyon TSHUL KHRIMS RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1144)  Kværne 231 no 99. Bonpo.  Texts in 251 31‑88, 335‑344. 

Gnyos TSHUL KHRIMS RGYAL MTSHAN — Author, Snod Bcud kyi Gzhung (Delhi 196X), on Bon Abhidharma [I Tib 76‑900350].

Rtogs ldan TSHUL KHRIMS RGYAL MTSHAN — Disc. of Rig pa rang shar.  371 preface.

Na lendra Dge bshes TSHUL KHRIMS RGYAL MTSHAN — (modern)  Jackson in TH&L 243.


Bon lung po TSHUL KHRIMS RGYAL MTSHAN — A teacher of (Gsang bdag) 'Phrin las lhun grub (1611‑1662).  BD of T&TB III 806.  Teacher of Gter bdag gling pa.  217 709.6.  384 II contents.  458 I 47.4, 327.3.  BD of T&TB III 286, 291.

'Bru ston TSHUL KHRIMS RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1239)  Bonpo.  253 II 469.1 ff.

Zhang zhung TSHUL KHRIMS RGYAL MTSHAN— Bonpo.  253 II 401.6.

Bzhag sgom TSHUL KHRIMS RGYAL MTSHAN— Bonpo.  253 II 400.5, 435.4, 622.5.

Yar me ba TSHUL KHRIMS RGYAL MTSHAN — A skyes rabs gsol 'debs text by Gsang sngags gling pa in Katen 430.

Yongs 'dzin TSHUL KHRIMS RGYAL MTSHAN — Teacher of Dpal tshul (b. 1904).  253 preface.

She ston TSHUL KHRIMS RGYAL MTSHAN — (2nd rab byung)  Bonpo.  253 II 467.3 ff.

Gshen Mkhas grub TSHUL KHRIMS RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1783)  Bon astronomical work in 310.  See 442.

Sa le 'od TSHUL KHRIMS RGYAL MTSHAN — Bonpo.  248 75.3.

TSHUL KHRIMS SGRON — Khotanese nun met by Vairocana.  Karmay, Great Perfection 25.

Chos rje TSHUL KHRIMS CHOS 'PHEL — (1560‑1623)  BD of T&TB VI 154.  32nd Khri thog of Dga' ldan (at age 60).  128 920.

TSHUL KHRIMS CHOS 'BYOR — Author of a guidebook to Khra 'brug, title listed in Tucci, Tombs 84 n. 130.

TSHUL KHRIMS MCHOG RGYAL — Student of Shar rdza.  From Nyag rong.  Thar in TS9 IV 157.  Uncle of A g.yung Rin po che.  Thar in TS9 IV 167.  Jardins in JIABR 1 (2013) 69 & ff., with a listing of his record of teachings he received.


Khyung po TSHUL KHRIMS MCHOG LEGS — 12 XI 330.1.

Kho tshe TSHUL KHRIMS 'JAM DPAL DGYES PA'I BLO GROS — (modern)  Author of Sngags chen Lam rim gyi 'Grel pa Byang Bgrod Lam bzang Gsal ba'i Rin chen Sgron me, Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Beijing 2000), 320 pp.  Commentary on a text by Sngags chen Dkon mchog rgyal mtshan (1612‑1687).

TSHUL KHRIMS NYI MA — (1796‑1872)  Founder of Ri rdzong, q.v.  14 119.  N. of author of 227.  Lengthy bio. listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 348 (no. 747).

TSHUL KHRIMS NYI MA — (d. 1968)  See 272 title page.

TSHUL KHRIMS NYI MA — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1686.

TSHUL KHRIMS NYI MA — (c. 1790‑1865)  18th cent. Ladakhi teacher of Dge lugs pa.  B in L 4, 12.  His bio. by Blo bzang tshul khrims chos 'phel.  See also Lobzang Zodpa, Ldum ra'i Rgyal rabs dang Chos 'byung.

Blo gsal gling Rgyal mo rong Dge bshes TSHUL KHRIMS NYI MA — Dben sa Snyan brgyud kyi Bla ma'i Rnal 'byor Thun mong ma yin pa dang 'Brel ba'i Phyag chen gyi Khrid (publ. 1974).  Works listed in SBTD I 336.

Khyung bla TSHUL KHRIMS NYI MA — (b. 1926)  Kværne no 226.

Mkhan drung TSHUL KHRIMS NYI MA — (fl. 1910)  Shakabpa, History II 161.

Rgyal rong TSHUL KHRIMS NYI MA — Author of a work called Sa rgyan lam sgrigs, cited in  Btsan lha 448, 793, 1044.

TSHUL KHRIMS NYI MA BKRA SHIS — (fl. late 20th cent.)  Abbot of Sman ri Mon. in Tibet.  Batchelor, Tibet Guide (1998) 231.

Dbon sgom TSHUL KHRIMS SNYING PO — (1116‑1169)  See 235 introduction 3.  A chief ("sun moon") disc. of Sgam po pa.  46 53.  See =Sgom pa or Sgom tshul.  17 II 522.6.  Depicted in Jackson, Patron 180.

Mkhas grub TSHUL KHRIMS BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — Author (?) text in 259 379‑80.  Bio. in 253 II 506.3 ff.  A disciple of Shar rdza, his painted portrait may be seen at Rubin Museum item no. 90022 (an inscription identifies the subject).

TSHUL KHRIMS BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — (1675‑1737) Dge lugs pa.  "Mdo smad Bum par Rte'u chung du 'khrungs."  Dhongthog 91.  Bio. by Gung thang pa, SBTD I 251 (listed in BLP nos. 0457, 1688).

TSHUL KHRIMS BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — Bio. by Er te Mer gan Paṇḍi ta listed in BLP no. 1687.

TSHUL KHRIMS BSTAN PA'I NYI MA (1755‑1817)  BD of T&TB V 581.

TSHUL KHRIMS BSTAN 'DZIN — Name appears as Tshul bstan.  Phur pa work in 269 911‑926.

'Bo la Bla ma TSHUL KHRIMS BSTAN 'DZIN — (b. 1952)  Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 421.

Khyung po ba TSHUL KHRIMS MTHAR PHYIN — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 117.6.  365 76.4.

TSHUL KHRIMS DAR RGYAS — Born in Spom 'bor.  77th Dga' ldan Khri pa, from 1859 to 1861.  BD of T&TB VI 207.  128 964.

Khra Dge slong TSHUL KHRIMS DAR RGYAS — (1866‑1937?)  From Golok.  Khra Dge slong Tshul khrims dar rgyas kyi Gsung rtsom Gces bsgrigs, Mtsho sngon Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Kokonoor 2000), in 247 pp.

Co ne ba Rje TSHUL KHRIMS DAR RGYAS — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0689.

Se ra Sngags pa Grwa tshang Khang gsar Mkhan po TSHUL KHRIMS DAR RGYAS — Author of Bde mchog Lha Lnga Dril bu Zhabs Lugs kyi Chos Skor, publ. 1974.

TSHUL KHRIMS RDO RJE — Actual name of Padma las 'brel rtsal.

TSHUL KHRIMS RDO RJE — Recent abbot of Smin grol gling.  420 I 120.2, 318.2.

TSHUL KHRIMS RDO RJE — 12th abbot of Gnas gsar in Dol po in circa 1350.  Heller, Hidden 31.

Mkhan chen Gu ra ba TSHUL KHRIMS RDO RJE — (1154‑1221?)  1st abbot of 'Bri gung.  37 23.  Born in Wood Mouse (shing pho byi) year.  Bio.  357 80‑81.  467 II 104.2.  Bio.  168 155.3 ff.

Pad gling Gsum pa TSHUL KHRIMS RDO RJE — (=Gsung sprul).  458 I 50.3, 327.2.  BD of T&TB III 286.  Rnying ma.  (1598‑ )  Dhongthog 91.  Dated to 1598‑1669 in Cuevas, Hidden History 150, 166.  Called Kun mkhyen Gnyis pa in Cuevas, Hidden History 164, yet Cuevas says they are the same.


Lha chen TSHUL KHRIMS RDO RJE — He is placed between O rgyan pa and Rang byung rdo rje in the Rtsa mi Kālacakra transmission.

Skyang sprul TSHUL KHRIMS NAM MKHA' BSTAN 'DZIN — Author of a piece in Mtsho sngon Slob gso, 6th issue of 1998, entitled: 'Ja' lus pa Zla ba grags pa'i Rnam thar Mdor bsdus.

TSHUL KHRIMS PADMA — Physician, ancestor of the Badmaev family who immigrated to Russia in 1857.

TSHUL KHRIMS DPAL — (1095‑1132)  A monk disciple of Sgam po pa and Dbus se.  See BA 462‑463, 521‑522.  BD of T&TB I 846.

Rme'u TSHUL KHRIMS DPAL CHEN — (b. 1052)  F. Bzang ri Mon.  See Bzang po ri.  Kværne no 79.  Karmay, Treasury xxxvi, 134.  253 II 602.5. His massive Khams brgyad commentary has been published in the Bon Tanjur (Katen, pp. 1007‑8).


Bya bral ba TSHUL KHRIMS DPAL LDAN — (16th cent.?)  Author of Mkhas grub Rdo rje 'chang Bsod nams blo gros kyi Rnam thar Yon tan gyi Sbrang rtsi la Dad pa'i Bung ba Rnam par Rol pa, NGMPP microfilm, running no. L833/3 (in 54 fols.).

Jo gdan Mkhan chen TSHUL KHRIMS DPAL 'BYOR — 210 179.3.

Sdom brtson Chen po TSHUL KHRIMS DPAL 'BYOR — Pictured in 128 544.

Dbon po TSHUL KHRIMS DPAL BZANG — 601 16r.1.  602 15v.5.

Shar pa TSHUL KHRIMS DPAL BZANG — Bonpo.  Bios. in  248 124.5; 253 II 354.2 ff.

Sems dpa' chen po TSHUL KHRIMS DPAL BZANG — Pictured in 128 652.

Bla chen TSHUL KHRIMS DPAL BZANG PO — Grandfather of Bu ston.  27 66, 68.  Source of some of Bu ston's lineages.

TSHUL KHRIMS PHUN TSHOGS — Bio. by Zhwa dmar Dge 'dun bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 1689.

Nag ru Mkhan po TSHUL KHRIMS PHUN TSHOGS — (1784‑1852)  Work in 260 597‑606.  Born in 1783 acc. to Kværne no 178.  Bio. in 253 II 507.5.  Grammatical works in Bon Dag.  His songs in 503.

Sna nam TSHUL KHRIMS BYANG CHUB — (late 10th, early 11th cent.)  BD of T&TB III 167.  Disc. of (Gnubs) Ye shes rgya mtsho.

Spo chung TSHUL KHRIMS BLA MA — A disciple of Gzus Rdo rje rgyal mtshan in Lowland Vinaya lineage.  See Dung dkar 3.

Dbus kyi Mkhan po TSHUL KHRIMS BLA MA — 253 II 424.2.

Gtsang tsha Jo tshul TSHUL KHRIMS BLA MA — (1115‑1158)  Or, Tshul khrims shes rab.  Son of (Rngog) Mdo sde.  BA 409.  17 II 463.5.  His son was (Rngog) Kun dga' rdo rje.

Sog TSHUL KHRIMS BLA MA — From him (Bya 'Dul 'dzin pa) Brtson 'grus 'bar (1031‑1106) learned 'Dul ba (Vinaya).  BD of T&TB III 277.  Disc. of Sne bo Grags pa rgyal mtshan.  17 II 343.1.

Sog mtshan TSHUL KHRIMS BLA MA — Also, (Sog ston).  TS5 744.

TSHUL KHRIMS BLO GROS — Klong chen pa's ordination n. given him by Bsam grub rin chen.  210 226.3. Dung dkar 72.

Sba TSHUL KHRIMS BLO GROS — Also, (Rba).  Ordained under Dgongs pa rab gsal.  17 II 340.3.  Buston II 202.

Drang srong TSHUL KHRIMS BLO GROS — 253 II 616.1‑2.

Zhang ston TSHUL KHRIMS BLO LDAN — Bonpo.  Wrote comm. on Gzer mig432 1138.3.

Rje btsun Mnyam med TSHUL KHRIMS DBANG GRAGS — 253 II 483.2. 

TSHUL KHRIMS DBANG RGYAL — Bonpo.  Bio. in 253 II 41.5, 55.2, 458.3.

'Gru sgom TSHUL KHRIMS DBANG RGYAL — (recent)  Bonpo.  Native of Khyung yul.  Disc. of Smon lam rgyal mtshan.  253 II 495.1 ff.

TSHUL KHRIMS DBANG DRAG — Author, Bon text in 300 III 85‑8.

Stong rje TSHUL KHRIMS DBANG LDAN — Also called Don ldan tshul khrims dbang ldan.  253 II 357.3, 447.4 ff.

TSHUL KHRIMS DBANG PO BYANG CHUB — Tib. tr. of the name Shī lendra bo dhi, q.v.

Zer 'phro TSHUL KHRIMS DBANG PHYUG — (d. 1960)  Thar in TS9 IV 166.

Gar gzhung Dge btsun TSHUL KHRIMS DBANG MO — 253 II 498.3.

Spa tshab TSHUL KHRIMS 'BAR — (1077‑1158)  A follower of Kun dga' in the Zhi byed Phyi ma lineage. 

Spyan snga TSHUL KHRIMS 'BAR — (1032‑1103)  BD of T&TB V 67.  (1033‑1103) Dhongthog 91.  (1032‑1116)  Ferrari 112.  (1031‑1106) Roesler, KSP 4.  Founded Lo dgon in 1095.  B. in Nyan gyi Snang ra Sgang.  17 II 375.6.  BA 284 ff.  Pictured in 128 98A.  Bio. in 165 I 576, where birth date is 1033, & he gets nickname Spyan snga Ko sham pa, because he put leather patches on his tattered robes.  Beyer 418, 467.  Vai.Ser. 143.  His name appears in an inscribed thangka; see Jane Singer in Artibus Asiae 54 (1994) 114, where the inscription of what could be a depiction of 'Brom ston pa, reads as follows:  spyan snga tshul khrims 'bar gyis sku phyags nas ma ... gzim chung shar ma'i lha ri mo sdug ma'o.  Childhood name, Stag tshab 'bar.


TSHUL KHRIMS 'BYUNG GNAS — Lama of Zangs dkar of the late 18th cent.  Alias Bzhad pa'i rdo rje, q.v.  Son of Ngag dbang tshe ring (1717‑1794).  His Rnam thar Mgur 'bum in 171 1‑223.  See under Ngag dbang tshe ring.  B in L 2 ff.

Gru mer TSHUL KHRIMS 'BYUNG GNAS — Leader of Thang po che, q.v., mon. f. in 1017.  One of 4 chief discs. of Klu mes.  BA 77.  Called Ye shes 'byung gnas in 17 II 342.3.

Glan TSHUL KHRIMS 'BYUNG GNAS — One of Bu chen Bzhi. the Four Great Sons, of (Gzus) Rdo rje rgyal mtshan.  BD of T&TB III 234.

Steng pa Lo tsā ba TSHUL KHRIMS 'BYUNG GNAS — (1107‑1190)  Bio. in BA 1052.  17 II 431.  Disc. of A bha yā kā ra gupta.  17 II 303.2, 419.3.  Chag xl.  Kurtis Schaeffer, Dissert. 140.  In India he studied with 13 pundits including Tsa mi, and introduced to Tibet the transmission of the Mdo mang.  On his 2nd visit to Rdo rje gdan, Tsa mi had already died.  He invited Kha che A langga de wa to Tibet.  The 3rd visit he studied the Bye brag Bshad mdzodMtshan tho no. 66.  He seems to have been the first in Tibet to give Kanjur authorization readings (Bka' 'gyur gyi lung).  Dung dkar 155.

Spo chung TSHUL KHRIMS 'BYUNG GNAS — One of Bu chen bzhi of Gzus Rdo rje rgyal mtshan.  17 II 343.2.  BD of T&TB III 234.  Myang mtshams Rin chen bla ma was his disc.  Alexander, Temples 149.

Rag shi TSHUL KHRIMS 'BYUNG GNAS — One of 5 men of Dbus ordained under Dgongs pa rab gsal.  Bu ston II 202.  Evid., =(Gru mer) Tshul khrims 'byung gnas (?).  17 II 340.3.  Lde'u 157.

Shangs pa Mar ston TSHUL KHRIMS 'BYUNG GNAS — Disc. of Khyung tshang pa.  See 17 II 509 and BA 444.  His bio. by Zhang Lo tsā ba in 74 I 165‑169.

Ga rod Lo tsā ba TSHUL KHRIMS 'BYUNG GNAS SBAS PA — Translator of 'Dul mdo'i Rang 'grel by Gunaprabha, publ. 1976 in 2 vols.  He is surely one and same as Steng pa Lo tsā ba Tshul khrims 'byung gnas.

TSHUL KHRIMS GZHAN PHAN CHOS KYI ZLA BA — Evidently the subject of 78 (see p. 2A).

TSHUL KHRIMS BZANG PO — (recent)  370 preface 8.

Grub mchog TSHUL KHRIMS BZANG PO — Author of Thugs rje Chen po Yi ge Drug pa'i Gsol 'debs Sgrub thabs Byin rlabs can, described as "grub thob thang stong rgyal po dang thugs gcig pa mnga' ris stod kyi gu ge rong du byung ba'i sbas pa'i rnal 'byor pa."  The preceding work was published in Rum btegs in 1972 in 5 leaves [I(Sik) Tib 72‑906615.  Probably the same as the Mnga 'ris pa listed below.

TSHUL KHRIMS BZANG PO — (recent)  Author of Gter chen Las rab gling pa Phrin las mtha' yas rtsal gyi Gsang ba'i Rnam par Thar pa Rmad byung Ngo mtshar Padma Dkar po'i 'Phreng ba Dad pa'i Khri shing Byin rlabs Sprin Dpung Sdud pa'i Ma dros Dga' ba'i Glu dbyangs, reproduced from a tracing of a print from Eastern Tibetan blocks from the Library of Dudjom Rimpoche by Sanje Dorje (N.Delhi 1974) [I Tib 75‑900296].  A biography of Gter ston Bsod rgyal (1856‑1926).

Gla Khams pa TSHUL KHRIMS BZANG PO — Vai.Ser. 238.

'Gar ston TSHUL KHRIMS BZANG PO — He is mentioned in bio. of (Rong zom) Chos kyi bzang po, as a teacher of his when he was a young man.  BD of T&TB III 248.  204 preface.  Almogi, MA thesis 25.  Almogi in TS9 I 69.

Mnga' ris pa TSHUL KHRIMS BZANG PO — Gter ma in 87 XXXVII.  Picture in 128 1070.

Tā Bla ma Rab 'byams pa TSHUL KHRIMS BZANG PO — One of two lamas who carried out geographic surveys in Tibet on behalf of the Jesuits in the 1710's.  He was also involved in translating a Jesuit astro-chronological work into Tibetan in 1719.  See Yongdan, TCW 76.

Stag gsham pa TSHUL KHRIMS BZANG PO — 502 159.1.

Gnas brtan TSHUL KHRIMS BZANG PO — (17th cent.)  Yamada, Mu 117.

Bya btang TSHUL KHRIMS BZANG PO — Bonpo.  248 75.3.  Bio. in 253 II 340.1 ff.

Sman sgom Rig 'dzin TSHUL KHRIMS BZANG PO — (17th cent.)  226 II contents.  Replies to his questions in 226 IV 515‑536.

Shugs chung Sprul sku TSHUL KHRIMS BZANG PO — Author of Kun bzang Dgongs pa Zang thal gyi Dgongs Don Phyogs Gcig tu Bkod pa Khrid yig Skal bzang Re skong Rig 'dzin Dgongs Rgyan (Leh  1977), in 224 pp.

A zhe TSHUL KHRIMS BZANG MO — 346 33.4.  A woman sādhaka (grub pa mo) mentioned in 602 29r.6.

TSHUL KHRIMS 'OD — He belonged to the 'Bro clan.  14 5 (and see index).  Papa Kalantari in TS9 VII 87.  This 12th- or 13th-century figure is identified in several inscriptions in Alchi as the founder of the same temple, the Gsum brtsegs.  See Goepper in Damani, Dating 15 ff.  Luczanits in Jackson, MB 175.

TSHUL KHRIMS 'OD ZER — He is praised in a thangka inscription.  TPS 600.

Khyung zhig TSHUL KHRIMS 'OD ZER — 253 II 474.6.

Sgo btsun pa TSHUL KHRIMS 'OD ZER — Scribe of FM 346.23 (a Garuḍa sādhana).

Mnga' ris pa TSHUL KHRIMS 'OD ZER — Author of a Lam 'bras Chos 'byung, acc. to BLP no. 1900.

'Dam ston TSHUL KHRIMS 'OD ZER — 253 II 403.3‑4.  Songs of one 'Dam ston pa in 448 231‑56.

Rong ston TSHUL KHRIMS 'OD ZER — A Bonpo whose works were published in 1975.  281 231.5.

Shar btsun TSHUL KHRIMS 'OD ZER — Author of FM 364.01.


Khrom tshang TSHUL KHRIMS YE SHES — 253 II 477.1.  See 489.

Gnubs TSHUL KHRIMS YE SHES — A junior translator (lo chung) who worked together with Mitrayogin.  Dietz, Briefliteratur 339.  This should read Tshul khrims shes rab, and is most definitely none other than Khro phu Lo tsā ba.


Bla ma Byang sems TSHUL KHRIMS RIN CHEN — Bonpo.  Bio. in 448 135‑230.  Alias Tshe dbang lha skyabs.  Has vision of Mi la ras pa.  448 139.4.

Zhu chen TSHUL KHRIMS RIN CHEN — (1697‑1774)  Editor of Sde dge edition of Tanjur in 1744.  Kāvya master.  His Gsung Thor bu has been published.  B. in Sde dge Ldan mang, lived 1697‑1769, acc. to Dhongthog 91.  Gsung 'bum in 7 vols. publ. in 1976.  Work in 349 I.  Bio. in 62 254 ff.  Pictured in 128 1052.  Author of Sde dge'i Bstan 'gyur gyi Dkar chag: Kun mkhyen pa Chen po Nyi ma'i Gnyen gyi Bka'i Lung gi Dgongs Song Rnam 'grel pa'i Bstan bcos Gangs can pa'i Bskal pa'i Bsod nams kyi Sprin Sbyin Rgyun Mi 'Chad pa'i Mtshar 'Phur gyi Phyi Rdzongs, etc., publ. in 2 vols. in 1974.  An 11‑vol. set of his collected works published in Kathmandu (2006) in pothi format.

Klu mes TSHUL KHRIMS SHES RAB — He was b. at Glag Ba lam, a site now in vicinity of Stag rtse, north of Lhasa.  Disc. of Bla chen Dgongs pa rab gsal.  Reintroduced monasticism in Dbus.  Lived in about 950 to 1025 (?).  T.H. 50, 138.  Ferrari 104.  Bio. BD of T&TB III 134‑5.  17 II 340.3.  Klu mes lived from 950‑1025, acc. to Tucci.  Klu mes kyi Rnam thar, by Pag shi Gnas brtan, listed in BLP no. 0129.  Klu mes kyi Brtsams chos (lo rgyus skor yod 'dug).  BLP no. 0130.  Dung dkar 122‑123.  DCD 28‑31.

Khro phu TSHUL KHRIMS SHES RAB — (1173‑1225)  Studied in Nepal and was closely connected with Kha che Paṇ chen whose bio. he composed.  Also called Snub Byams pa'i dpal.  BA 306, 708‑711, 1064 ff.  Bu ston 222.  Ferrari 157.  TPS 179.  27 14, 42.  484 I 858.4.

Sna nam TSHUL KHRIMS SHES RAB — See BA 156.  BD of T&TB III 316.

Gtsang tsha Jo tshul TSHUL KHRIMS SHES RAB — See (— —) (— —) Tshul khrims bla ma.

Gdung brgyud pa TSHUL KHRIMS SHES RAB 'OD ZER — CFMS 90.

Mkhan chen Dge g.ye ba TSHUL KHRIMS SENG GE — At whose behest Bsod nams lha'i dbang po wrote his Chos 'byung in 1484.  54.  Referred to in 484 I 863.4.  See Dung dkar 16, where there is a citation from his work entitled Mngon brjod Sna tshogs Gsal ba.  He was probably the Tshul khrims seng ge who proofed the blocks for Rngog Lo's biography.  Kramer, rNgog 117.

Dgyer sgom TSHUL KHRIMS SENG GE — (1144‑1204)  F. Shug gseb Mon. in 1181.  Disc. of Phag mo gru pa, Rnal 'byor Chos g.yung, and Mal Kha ba can.  57 IIB 357.1.  BA 890 ff.  Belonged to Khang gsar pa family of the Dgyer Be gu clan.  Birthname: Chos kyi seng ge; ordination n.: Tshul khrims seng ge; secret n. Rdo rje rgyal po.

Ldan ma TSHUL KHRIMS SENG GE — Some of his translations are in Tanjur. A native of Khams and travel companion of Chag Lo tsā ba.  Chag 57.

'Bre TSHUL KHRIMS SENG GE — Achard, L'Essence 225.

Dmyal zhig Rdza dmar TSHUL KHRIMS SENG GE — 321 II 459.

TSHUL KHRIMS LHAG BSAM — Teacher of Stag 'tsher Rin po che.


Mkhan po TSHUL DAR — (14th cent.)  Kuijp in TH&L 288.

Sgom tsa pa TSHUL DAR — 115 149.6.

Co ni TSHUL DAR — Vai.Ser. 84.

Tsā pa TSHUL 'BAR 'OD — CFMS 21, 96.

Rgya TSHUL LE — (fl. ca. early 12th cent.)  BA 345.  In an Abhidharmasamuccaya lineage, he is also called Rgyal bu tshul le.

Ri pa TSHUL SHE — 253 II 622.4.

'Bre ston TSHUL SENG — 253 II 182.1.

TSHE SKOD — N. of pl. in Lo.  53 II 333.4, 343.4‑5.  Tshe skong Dpal gyi Dgon pa.

Mog pa TSHE SKONGS — Pl.n.?  28 I 350.2, 359.6.  Evid. =Mog sa of BA 662.

TSHE GLING — See (— —) Bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan.

TSHE SGRUB — Rites in 87 LXXVII.

TSHE SGRUB 'CHI MED DPAL STER — A gter ma of Thang stong.  BD of T&TB III 565.

TSHE SGRUB GSANG BA 'DUS PA'I CHOS SKOR — A gter ma of Rin chen gling pa, q.v.  See 91 VII, XIII.  Bodleian Catalogue 39.

Bya btang TSHE GCIG SREB PA — (?)  Roesler, KSP 63.

TSHE BCU GLING — Mon. on E side of Chu bo ri.  Ferrari 164.

TSHE CHU — A Bka' brgyud mon. in Nang chen.  Ferrari 123.  The boiling of the long-life water is regarded as a 'sign'.  466 IV 408.6.

TSHE CHU 'BUM PA —  =Tshe rgyal 'bum pa.  Front of Gung thang 'Bum pa.  Tucci, Lhasa 143.  Got its name from fact Cog ro Klu'i rgyal mtshan presented to Khri srong lde brtsan a rock crystal image which was deposited in it.  Ferrari 129.

TSHE MCHOG GLING — See (— — —) Ye shes rgyal mtshan (1713‑1791).

Grib TSHE MCHOG GLING GRWA TSHANG — See also Rtse mchog gling of Grib.  Has printery.  162 206.

TSHE MCHOG GLING BLA BRANG — Or, Tshe mchog gling gling.  Shouldn't be confused with Tshe mchog bsam gtan gling after which it was named.  One of the 4 gling from which the regents were chosen.  See 40 6.

TSHE MCHOG BSAM GTAN GLING — Built by the Dalai Lama viii near Lha sa for his Yongs 'dzin, named Yongs 'dzin Ye shes rgyal mtshan, in 1790.  40 6.  An account of its founding, with details of its construction and content, is found near the end of the Dalai Lama viii's biography of his teacher Tshe mchog gling Yongs 'dzin.

Par pa TSHE BRTAN — A printery.  162 241.

Bon grong nas TSHE BRTAN — Author of stories in 152 I 443‑465; II 115‑131.  Bon grong Tshe brtan, Bon grong ba'i Chab shog 'Dems Bkod, Jo mo Glang ma 1st issue of 1985 (and 1st in the general series), pp. 27‑36 (copy seen in Hamburg).  Gzhung gsher Dpon drung pa Tshe brtan, author of Gtam rgyud Lha Mi Dgyes pa'i Rol mo, listed in BLP no. 0980.

Sman pa Tshwa rong pa TSHE BRTAN BKRA SHIS — In Brang ti lineage, author of story in 152 I 1‑46.

TSHE BRTAN 'GYUR MED — (b. 1946)  Abbot of 'Bri gung and the 7th Che tshang Rinpoche.

TSHE BRTAN RGYA MTSHO — (1520‑1576)  BD of T&TB VI 143. 23rd Khri thog of Dga' ldan at age 49.  Pictured in 128 910.  Vai.Ser. 74.

Gu ru TSHE BRTAN RGYAL PO — 253 II 410.4.

Gter ston TSHE BRTAN RGYAL MTSHAN — Gter ston in 4th rab byung383 219.1.  =(Gu ru) Brtan rgyal mtshan.  =Chos kyi blo gros.  410 62B.5.  Identity discussed & refs. given by Childs in AO 60 (1999) 130.  His bio. of Padmasambhava listed in BLP no. 0361.

Ngam ring Mkhan chen TSHE BRTAN RGYAL MTSHAN — Contemp. of Paṇ chen i.  185 contents.

TSHE BRTAN RDO RJE — (b. 1961)  N. of author, in 1998, of Tsong kha'i Rgyal po, a historical novel.  TS9 II 465.

TSHE BRTAN RDO RJE — (ca. 1642)  466 IV 191.6.

Khang dmar TSHE BRTAN RDO RJE — Became Rdzong dpon, or Sgar dpon, in western Tibet in 1685, appointed from Central Tibetan gov't.  Vitali, Tho.ling 49.

Mnga' thang pa TSHE BRTAN RDO RJE — Along with Blo bzang rab brtan authored comm. on Guhyasamāja.  FM 232.00.  363 70.4, 150.6.

Zhing shag pa TSHE BRTAN RDO RJE — See Rdzong rtse Byams pa thub bstan's history of Bsam 'grub rtse, p. 9.

Shod phyag nang TSHE BRTAN RDO RJE — (20th cent.)  438 VII 501.4.

TSHE BRTAN PHUN TSHOGS — A Ladakhi active in 1930's.  See Kristoffer Brix Bertelsen, Protestant Buddhism and Social Identification in Ladakh, Archives des sciences sociales des religions, vol. 99, no. 1 (1997), pp. 129‑151, at p. 138.

Chab spel TSHE BRTAN PHUN TSHOGS — A wellknown modern historian, his article on Jo khang is in BJZJ (1982, 2nd month).

Bon grong shod pa TSHE BRTAN DBANG RGYAL — (20th cent.)  Velm I 128.  See under Bon grong Tshe brtan.

TSHE BRTAN DBANG 'DUS — Sp?  A member of the 1st Everest Expedition in 1921. Used as an informant in articles by Sarat Chandra Mitra.  He served as a soldier in Egypt during World War One.

TSHE BRTAN DBANG PHYUG — Apparently he is the only Tibetan who set down an eyewitness account of what took place at Chumik Shenko, when the Tibetan troops were slaughtered by the Younghusband Expedition. This is according to Charles Allen in his article 'The Myth of Chumik Shenko.'

TSHE BRTAN ZHABS DRUNG vi — Sp?  (1915‑1985)  Grammatical work.  DD 719.

'Khor ra ba TSHE BSTAN 'GYUR MED — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 120.5.

Gu ru TSHE BSTAN RGYAL MTSHAN — Gter bton.  Bio. in 210 55.5.  217 451.2 ff.

TSHE THAR BTANG THABS — Rites in 87 LXXVIII.  See tshe lug.


Sngags 'chang TSHE BDAG BKRA SHIS — A teacher of Padma dkar po.  17 IV 492.3.

Gtsang pa TSHE BDAG RGYAL PO — Disc. of Bstan gnyis gling pa.  210 206.2, 206.6.

Rong pa TSHE BDAG RGYAL PO — Disc. of Bstan gnyis gling pa.  210 206.2.

'Jam dpal TSHE BDAG NAG PO — In title of tantra in 320 XXI 100‑188.

Zing po Sngags 'chang TSHE BDAG DPA' BO — (ca. 1686)  458 I 295.1.

TSHE NE LHA BZO — Jackson, Patron 13.

Khro ru TSHE RNAM — (b. 1928)  Author, Gso rig Rgyud bzhi'i 'Grel chen Drang srong Zhal lung, Si khron Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Chengdu 2001), in 6 volumes (vol. 5 is illustrations only).  A medical encyclopedia, it is quite expensive.

TSHE'U PA NA —  =Dze'u pa ni.  N. of an image.  Emmerick.


TSHE DPAG — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 118.3.

Sku tsha Bla ma TSHE DPAG DBANG RGYAL — 253 II 624.3.

TSHE DPAG MED — See 87 XXX ff. for gter ma.  Bon work, 343 529 ff.  Amitāyus.  16 105 ff.  Ritual text following Zhi byed tradition in 94 II.  Pictured in 128 638.  Be'u bum, see under 'Jam dbyangs 'phrin las.

TSHE DPAG LHA KHANG — Not far from Ra mo che in Lhasa.  Alexander, Temples 143 ff.

TSHE DPAL RNAM RGYAL — (1808‑1830)  Ladakhi king.  B in L 11.

Rnal 'byor pa TSHE DPAL BZANG PO — Autobio. listed in BLP no. 1262.

TSHE SPANG BZA' — See (— — —) Dmar rgyan.

TSHE SPUNG — See (— —) Zla ba rgyal mtshan.

TSHE SPONG — Clan ruling over Brag rum, q.v.  28 80.

TSHE SPONG — Klu mes stayed at Se ra cave here.  BA 75.  See Hazod in TS9 I 30.  Name of a place where gold was found, see Bka' chems ka khol ma (1989 ed.), p. 136.

Zhang TSHE SPONG BA — See (—) (— — —) Chos kyi bla ma.

TSHE SPONG BZA' — See (— — —) Me tog sgron.

TSHE DBANG — Son of Snying po grub pa, q.v.

TSHE DBANG — Legendary Bonpo.  Texts in 313 I 445 ff.

TSHE DBANG — King of Mustang.  See Phun tshogs gtsug rgyan nor bu.

Skyems pa TSHE DBANG — Medical works listed in DD 715.  Tshe dbang Skyem pa (15th cent.), Rgyud bzhi'i Rnam bshad, Mtsho sngon Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Xining 2002), in 1247 pages.  Kuijp, ZH 27.

Mkhyen ldan Lo tsā ba TSHE DBANG — 224 I 651 ff.

Gra ma lung TSHE DBANG — Modern military man.  Photo in 424 249.

'Be lo TSHE DBANG KUN KHYAB — Also, (Bai lo)  18th cent. disc. of (Si tu viii) Chos kyi 'byung gnas.  "Zol mo sgang dang Smar khams Ke re sgang gi bar 'Be rdza Nyin dam thog sgang du 'khrungs."  b. 1718.  Clan: A lcags 'Bru.  Dhongthog 92.  12 IX 85.1.  Bio. 383 646.4 ff.  Medical works in DD 717.  Wrote history of the Karma pa.  T&BS I 60.  His work Dpal Reg pa Med pa'i Mchod rten gyi Snang brnyan listed in BLP no. 1333.

TSHE DBANG GRAGS PA — In bio. of Ratna gling pa.  210 171.1, 176.2, 176.4.  Physical son of Padma gling pa (?).  217 709.5.

Mkhar mdo Gter ston TSHE DBANG GRAGS PA — A Bon po gter bton.  Gter ma in 240 111‑141.  253 II 461.3.  In 1878, see 470 34.  Author of bio. in 503.

Rje stod TSHE DBANG GRAGS PA — An artist.  Jackson, Patron 13.

Stag lung Sde pa TSHE DBANG GRAGS PA — (d. 1499)  Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 119 n. 78.

Rme'u gter TSHE DBANG 'GYUR MED — 253 II 484.3.  (Bya btang) Tshe dbang 'gyur med.  253 II 507.2 ff.

Sha dur TSHE DBANG 'GYUR MED — 253 II 633.6.

Ri bo che Dpon tshang TSHE DBANG RGYAL — Author of Lho rong Chos 'byung, acc. to Dung dkar, History.

Khrom btsun TSHE DBANG RGYAL PO — Work in 286 II 461‑91.  'Opened' a hidden country.  239 XXX 61.6.

G.yung drung TSHE DBANG RGYAL PO — Also, (Sprul sku).  Redisc. Rdzogs chen Gser zhun ma texts in 281, 428.  Lineage, see 253 II 410.4 ff.  Achard, L'Essence 131.



Mdo chen pa TSHE DBANG 'CHI MED MGON PO — For works, see Brag dkar Rta so Sprul sku Chos kyi dbang phyug,  ed., Collected Writings and Autobiographical Materials of Mdo chen pa Tshe dbang 'chi med mgon po (Dalhousie 1979).  See under Ma bdun.  Gur gyi Sngags ban Tshe dbang 'chi med mgon po'i Rang tshul Chu 'babs su Brjod pa Lhung lhung Snyan pa'i Chu sgra, an autobiography in 80 folios, NGMPP reel no. L376/4 (source: Kurtis Schaeffer).

TSHE DBANG 'JIGS MED — (19th-20th centuries)  Scribe for work of Shākya shrī.  334.  Shākya shrī's physical son.  =Tshe dbang 'jigs med rdo rje.  363 210.1.  363 29.6, 31.3, 74.6, 114.6.  "Middle son."  363 100.5.

Dbra btsun TSHE DBANG NYI RGYAL — Mentioned in colophon to FM 339.00.

Rong sgom TSHE DBANG SNYING PO — Author of Mi rtag pa'i Tshig Bshad in 256 409‑10.

Phu pa TSHE DBANG STOBS RGYAS — (modern)  Author of Gangs can Bstan srung Blangs dmag: Smar khams Sgang gi Rgyal srung Dmag 'thab Lo rgyus, Narthang Press (Dharamsala 1998), a military history of Markham.

'Bri gung TSHE DBANG BRTAN PA — Medical work.  DD 716.  Also called Dkon mchog 'gro phan dbang po, there is a beautiful cursive ms. of his medical text in St. Petersburg Oriental Institute, no. B9535/1, with the title Gso ba Rig pa'i Man ngag Kun gyi Gces bsdus Phan bde'i Snying po.

Spyang sprul TSHE DBANG BSTAN RGYAL — 253 II 610.2.

TSHE DBANG BSTAN PA —  =Dkon mchog 'gro phan dbang po, q.v.

TSHE DBANG BSTAN MA — 210 210.2.

TSHE DBANG BSTAN 'DZIN — (d. 1735)  Ruler of Mtsho sngon region.

TSHE DBANG BSTAN 'DZIN PADMA 'PHRIN LAS — See colophon to the rnam thar of Princess Mandarava.

TSHE DBANG MTHAR PHYIN — Chief of Nang chen.  473 41 ff.

TSHE DBANG DAR PO —  =Gu ru Jo tse.  Prophesied by Padmasambhava as gter ston of Zang yag.  Lived in 13th century and excavated texts on Gur mgon.  TPS 259.  Ferrari 167.  410 55A.4.  His bio. of Padmasambhava listed in BLP no. 0357.

TSHE DBANG DON GRUB — 324 225.4.

TSHE DBANG DON GRUB — (1640‑1679) 9th in the ruling dynasty of Co ne.  Berounsky, Lapsed 170.

Smon 'gro ba TSHE DBANG DON GRUB — Philological teacher of Dalai Lama v.  Rabsal 214.

Mkhan po TSHE DBANG DON RGYAL — Author of a history in 2 vols. publ. in 2000, entitled Khyad chos Che ba Drug gi Tshul nas Brjod pa'i Mkhan Slob Chos rgyal Lo paṇ rnams kyi Bka' drin Rjes dran gyi Gtam Mchod sprin Kun tu Dgyes pa'i Me tog.

Sde dge Chos rgyal TSHE DBANG BDUD 'DUL — BD of T&TB VII 292.  Bio. 346 164.6 ff.  Dates are 1915‑1942.  He was believed to be a reincarnation of Mi pham.  Almogi, MA thesis 10.

Shel ston TSHE DBANG BDE CHEN — 253 II 242.4.

TSHE DBANG BDE CHEN SNYING PO — Alias G.yung drung thogs med rtsal.  Work in 298 565‑580.  Alias, Drung mu'i Ming can; G.yung drung grags pa bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan; Wa skyes Seng lpags Gyon pa'i Te rgan pa [Tigin]; Drung mu thogs med rtsal; Kang ka'i Rigs Grol; Rgya bon.  425.

TSHE DBANG RDO RJE — (re. 1565-?)  King of Gtsang.

Lha klu TSHE DBANG RDO RJE — Aka Lha klu Zhabs pad.  Member of Lhalu family, quite involved in Tibetan government affairs in the early 20th century, becoming Zhabs pad in the mid '40's.  His father was the famous Lung shar.  Author of an article in 1995 issue of Krung go'i Bod ljongs about the recognition of his 3 sons as reincarnations.  Garratt in TS9 VIII 96‑7.  A story about him appeared in China Daily (April 26, 2008), "Ex‑Commander of Old Tibet Sees Error of His Ways," in which he condemns the violence of March 14, 2008 along CCP lines.


TSHE DBANG RDO RJE RIGS 'DZIN — (b. 1786)  Appears in colophon to Sde dge Rgyal rabsFM 209.  23 25.  440 294.6.  Also called Sde dge Yab chen.  Prince of Sde dge and son of Sa dbang bzang po and Tshe dbang lha mo, q.v.  Also called Byams pa kun dga' bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan (his monastic n.). Author of Dpal Kye rdo rje'i Phyi nang Bskyed Len Gnad kyi Gsal byed Snyan brgyud Bstan pa Rgyas pa'i Nyin byed, publ. 1976.  471 105.3.

Rgung TSHE DBANG NOR BU — A Mongolian 'duke' of 18th cent. known for hostility toward Nyingma.  Smith 95.

Kun bzang 'jigs med TSHE DBANG NOR BU — Author of a work in 1905, in 239 VI, VII.

Rig 'dzin TSHE DBANG NOR BU — (1698‑1755)  Long bio. cited in 383 471.4.  See under Byang chub chos kyi seng ge.  Bio. & Collected Works in 384.  His bio. by Brag dkar Rta so Sprul sku Chos kyi dbang phyug in 384 I (see also 10 preface).  Bio. 35 II 664‑672.  39 8‑9.  Successor of Mgon po rnam rgyal in Jo nang lugs, q.v.  (1710‑1755)  BD of T&TB IV 375.  Richardson, "A Tibetan Antiquarian in the 18th Century," Bulletin of Tibetology IV no 3, pp. 5‑8.  For his bio. entitled Dpal Rig 'dzin chen po Rdo rje Tshe dbang nor bu'i Zhabs kyi Rnam par Thar pa'i Cha shas Brjod pa Ngo mtshar Dad pa'i Rol Mtsho, see ZY 502‑3045.  This bio. is incomplete.  His dgongs gter called Bsam pa Lhun grub in 87 XIV.  For work on Zhong skyong Gtor ma, see 90 III 557; IV 541‑565.  Pictured in 231 2.  396 preface 4.  383 221.2.  Bio. 383 445 ff.  For his history of Kings of Gung thang, see ISTS 137 n. 5.  See 488 175‑224, 627‑669.  Dkon mchog Spyi 'dus kyi Brgyud pa'i Gsol 'debs Yid bzhin Gter Sbyin publ. in 1970 from xylographic blocks preserved in Teng po che Mon. in Khumbu.  See Dung dkar 4‑5.

TSHE DBANG RNAM RGYAL — (last decades of 16th cent.)  King of Ladakh who conquered much of western Tibet.  DTK5 190.

TSHE DBANG RNAM RGYAL — A Ladakhi King.  (1752‑1782).  14 85, 93.  B in L 11. 

TSHE DBANG RNAM RGYAL — A person by this name (name partly torn away) seems to be the patron for the Bon scripture found in Endangered Archives Project no. EAP687/1/10.

Khu nu Bla ma TSHE DBANG RNAM RGYAL — His Collected Works, publ. 1974.

Zas gzhis TSHE DBANG RNAM RGYAL — (b. ca. 1912)  His work entitled Dag yig Ma nor Lam Bzang, in 647 pages.

TSHE DBANG PADMA NOR BU BKRA SHIS — (ca. 1836)  471 129.2.

TSHE DBANG DPAL SGRON — See under Bde chen mkha' 'gro.

TSHE DBANG DPAL BZANG — See Dga' ldan tshe dbang dpal bzang.

TSHE DBANG PHUN TSHOGS — The sde pa of Rta ra mdo in Kong po.  10.

TSHE DBANG BOD YUL MA — Bon cycle, its maṇḍala in Tucci, TPS 554, no. 120, plate 155.

TSHE DBANG MI 'GYUR — (b. 1946)  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 465.  Later given n. Tshe ring rdo rje.

Tre ston TSHE DBANG TSHUL KHRIMS — 253 II 387.2, 436.2.  428.  There is an image with the inscription mkhas btsun tshe dbang tshul khrims la na mo in Rubin collection of Tibetan art (HAR 90067).  Its right hand is in teaching gesture, left hand holding book.  Yet another statue is stated to be that of Tre ston Tshe dbang tshul khrims (HAR 66766), with long‑life vase in left, earth‑touching on the right. Notice the silver inset eyes.

TSHE DBANG GZHUNG BZHI — Title in 325 491‑498.

Spa TSHE DBANG 'OD ZER — 253 II 617.1.

Do dmar TSHE DBANG RAB RGYAS — 354 6.7.

TSHE DBANG RAB BRTAN — (1830‑1835, re.)  King of Ladakh.  B in L 11.

TSHE DBANG RAB BRTAN — (20th cent.)  Son of Rig 'dzin g.yung drung, he took monastic vows and took charge of Ri zhing. He died in detention sometime after his arrest in 1959.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 465.

Klu khang pa TSHE DBANG RAB BRTAN — Also called Bde mkhar ba.  Acted as one of two representatives (srid skyabs) of the Dalai Lama when he escaped to Chumbi (Gro mo) in Dec. 1950.  Tsering Shakya, Dragon 51 (photo after p. 258).  A book about his life:  Srid blon Klu khang pa'i Sku tshe'i Mdzad rjes Snying bsdus, by Bde mkhar ba 'Phrin las rnam rgyal, LTWA (Dharamsala 1997).  An article by the same person on the same subject: Dekhar Trinlé Namgyal (Bde mkhar 'Phrin las rnam rgyal), A Short Biography of Silön Lukhangpa, TJ 34 no 2 (Summer 2009) 101‑118.

TSHE DBANG RAB BRTAN — Ruler of Dzungaria, 1697‑1727.  Sum pa, Annals 87.

TSHE DBANG RIG 'DZIN — A wellknown ancient Bon figure even if he is no more datable than is Dran pa nam mkha'.  5 257.6.  Biography contained in SFHB.  Bio. 253 II 154.6.  Pictured in 280 I 7.  Disc. of Dran pa Rje.  253 II 382.6.  Verses of praise in 333 90 ff.  253 II 640.5.  Bio. in 8 vols. listed in BLP no. 0366.  Image illus. in Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 172.

Shab smad Tsha rong pa TSHE DBANG RIG 'DZIN — (16th cent.)  A medical author, several of his works now available.

Mnga' ris pa Mkhan chen TSHE DBANG RIG 'DZIN — (modern)  Author of several books published in early 21st century.

TSHE DBANG RIG 'DZIN BKA' BLON — A Ladakhi active in Buddhist politics in the 1930's. See Kristoffer Brix Bertelsen, Protestant Buddhism and Social Identification in Ladakh, Archives des sciences sociales des religions, vol. 99, no. 1 (1997), pp. 129‑151, at p. 147.

TSHE DBANG RIN CHEN — (modern)  Scribe for Shākya shrī in 334363 115.1. 

TSHE DBANG RIN CHEN — (modern)  A 20th century member of the Sga pa family, who served as an attendant at Ngor.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 88.

TSHE DBANG RIN CHEN — (20th cent.)  Member of Zhu family. Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 465.

TSHE DBANG RIN CHEN — A Ladakhi colonel, who was 15 years old in 1948.  Gutschow, Being a Buddhist Nun 25.

TSHE DBANG RIL BU — Long life pills.  361 43 ff.

TSHE DBANG LHA SKYABS — N. of Tshul khrims rin chen.  448 139.2.

Hor rje TSHE DBANG LHA RGYAL — 474 285.3.

TSHE DBANG LHA MO — (ca. 1790)  Widow of Sa dbang bzang po, q.v., who became regent for their son.  She favored Rnying ma over Ngor pa sect, and along with Rdo ba Grub chen i, who was reputed to be her lover, was exiled, whereupon many Rnying ma pas were executed.  39 13.  (ca. 1700) 463 I 43.3, 64.2.  Achard, L'Essence 59 (Sga rje Tshe dbang lha mo).

Stag rtse TSHE DBANG LHUN GRUB — Bio. 253 II 454.4 ff.

TSHE DBEN —  =Tshen dben.  TS5 670.

TSHE SMON GLING — Printery, 162 207.  Tshe smon gling gi Bla brang gi Rten Gsum Gtsug lag khang gi Dkar chag listed in BLP no. 1693.

TSHE SMON GLING — The regent deposed in 1844, after being in power for 24 years.  His name was 'Jam dpal tshul khrims.

TSHE SMON GLING NO MIN HAN — See (— — — — — —) Ngag dbang tshul khrims.


Gser lha TSHE YE SHES SENG GE'I DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo smad, with 8 incarnates and 1150 monks.

TSHE RI LJONGS — A mt. hermitage in Don mkhar founded by 'Jigs med gling pa.  Hazod in Steinkellner Festschrift 272.

TSHE RING — One of 20 principle mts.  Das 212. 

TSHE RING GANGS — Mt. next to Jo mo lha ri.  Olschak.

Go sha TSHE RING — 443 I 34.6.

Chus khyer Sprul sku TSHE RING — Of Lho brag.  Painting teacher of Zhwa nag x (1604‑1674), a follower of Sman ris school.  23 42.

TSHE RING BKRA SHIS — Wife of Lha bzang Khan.  Vai.Ser. xii.  Evidently the Sde srid and Lha bzang were rivals for her affections.  See Richardson, HP,PE 457. 




TSHE RING RGYAL MO — Wife of Kun bzang nyi zla (1514‑1560).  DTK5 138, 144.

TSHE RING SGROL MA — Younger sister of Tsha rong Zhabs pad.  She married the Ka gnam Rgyal po.

Par pa TSHE RING CHOS 'PHEL — A printer.  162 241.

TSHE RING MCHED LNGA — Mt. goddesses of Mt. Everest and La phyi Gangs.  1) Bkra shis tshe ring ma (white).  2) Mthing gi zhal bzang ma (blue).  3) Mi g.yo blo bzang ma (yellow).  4) Cod paṇ mgrin bzang ma (red).  5) Gtad dkar 'gro bzang ma (green).  Wylie 130 n. 142.  See Nebesky 177‑181.  Work in 186 II.  TS5 729.

TSHE RING MCHED LNGA — Group of texts dealing with same in 90 V 363‑472.  For names, see 4 171A.2‑3.  Each source gives different set of names.  Ritual text, 233 413‑18.  4A 8A.6.  87 LXIII.  Text in 213 243‑261.

TSHE RING LJONGS — Near Phyongs rgyas.  Tucci TL&B 142.  Residence of 'Jigs med gling pa.  Ferrari 130.  Fuller name is Tshe ring ljongs Padma 'od gsal theg mchog gling.  Schaik in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 5.

TSHE RING DON GRUB — Chief of Zunghar Mongol army of 1717.  453 78.4.  Pomplun's Jesuits on the Roof of the World, pp. 129, 176, 190.

TSHE RING DON GRUB — Brother of Kong sprul.  470 40.

TSHE RING DON GRUB — Father of Khri byang iii.  TR XVI no. 10, p. 7A.

Sgrung pa TSHE RING DON GRUB — Of Sde dge.  232 I 14.

Snye mo Yon bdag TSHE RING DON GRUB — Patron for a thangka of the end of the 19th cent. illus. in Rossi & Rossi, Beyond Lhasa pl. 24.

TSHE RING DON LDAN — Recognized in 1999 as the incarnation of Rato Chuwar Rinpoche.  Garratt in TS9 VIII 90.

TSHE RING DRUG 'KHOR — Six symbols of long life.  Heissig 80.

TSHE RING RDO RJE — (modern)  Ladakhi of royal family.  Crook, Yogins of Ladakh 327.

TSHE RING RDO RJE — See under Tshe dbang mi 'gyur (b. 1946).

TSHE RING RDO RJE — An inscribed painting is identified by this name, described as a Mahāsiddha with attendants from Tibet ca. 1400.  See illus. in Orientations (March 2008) 166.

Spa gro Gter ston TSHE RING RDO RJE — Redisc. of 87 vol. 90.  8th rab byung383 220.4.  458 44.6.

Zhu TSHE RING RDO RJE — (contemp.)  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 455.

A lo Chos mdzad TSHE RING RDO RJE — (modern) Tsering Shakya, Dragon 145.  McGranahan in TS9 IV 116, says his autobiography, printed in Australia, was banned by the Tibetan Government in Exile.  On a Mani Lha khang he built in Lhasa in 1948, see Alexander, Temples 170.

Go 'jo TSHE RING RNAM RGYAL — 365 379.3.

TSHE RING RNAM RGYAL — See under Tshe rnam?

Smin gling Rje btsun ma Mkha' 'gro TSHE RING DPAL SGRON — (b. 1967)  Eldest daughter of Smin gling Khri chen, she has become a very important Buddhist teacher, in part because of her very fluent English which requires no translation.  She was recognized as a reincarnation of O rgyan gtso mo, aka Mtshur phu Mkha' 'gro ma, consort of the Zhwa nag xv.  There is a biography at her official website: http://www.vkr.org.

Dol pa Bla ma TSHE RING DPAL BZANG — (ca. 1689)  458 I 311.5.

TSHE RING PHUN TSHOGS — N. of a person who, in 1917, prepared an English translation of the Zhal lce Bcu gsum for Sir Chas. Bell.  Also name of a Lhasa policeman interviewed for an article by Israel Epstein.

Spu ring TSHE RING 'PHEL — SBTD I 151.  Perhaps Tserempil, a monk and Russian agent?

TSHE RING BU KHRID — Havnevik, Dissert. 157.

TSHE RING DBANG RGYAL — Long time editor of Tibetan Review, he died Nov. 24, 2000, in a hospital in Toronto, Canada.

Mdo mkhar Zhabs drung TSHE RING DBANG RGYAL — (1697‑1763)  Studied under Lo chen Dharmaśrī.  Close associate & biographer of Pho lha nas.  Author of a Sanskrit dictionary (Śata–piṭaka Series no. 77).  In 1716 was tax collector for Shigatse; fought for Lhasa during civil war of 1727‑1728.  2 8.  Petech, China 261‑266.  His lexicon entitled Nye bar Mkho ba'i Legs sbyar gyi Skad Bod kyi Brda' Ka la'i 'Phreng Bsrigs Ngo mtshar Nor bu'i Do shal.  See 23 22.  DD 719.  His bio. of Pho lha nas is entitled Dpal Mi'i Dbang po'i Rtogs pa Brjod pa 'Jig rten Kun tu Dga' ba'i Gtam, publ. in 2 vols.  Other names: Tshangs sras dgyes pa'i blo ldan, Dbyangs can dga' ba tshe ring dbang gi rgyal po.  Autobio. listed in BLP no. 1168.  He edited a bilingual version of the 150 Avadāna stories, listed in BLP no. 1981.

TSHE RING DBANG 'DUS — 20th cent. doctor.  See TR XIII no. 5 (May 1978) 9 ff.

TSHE RING DBANG 'DUS — (b. 1948)  A Ladakhi painter.  See Lo Bue in Skorupski, ed., Indo‑Tibetan Studies (Tring 1990), p. 197.

Sding chen TSHE RING DBANG 'DUS — Dingchen Tsering Wangdue, 18th-century author of Chos rgyal Nor bzang gi Rnam thar.  Acc. to Jamyang Norbu, "Newspeak & New Tibet," it might be considered to be a novel.

Skyi ston TSHE RING DBANG PO — Rnying ma of late 11th‑12th cents.  BD of T&TB III 320‑324.  33 376.

Bshad sgra TSHE RING DBANG PHYUG — Zhabs pad.  440 305.5.

Lha bdag TSHE RING DBANG PHYUG — 387 preface 2.

TSHE RING MA'I MGUL CHU BO BZANG — River on the banks of which was a cave where Milarepa stayed.  4 253A.2.



TSHE RING LHA RGYAL — King of Nang chen, b. in Fire Bird (1897?).  473 49.

TSHE ROG RDZONG — Presently in Nepal.  See 28 13 & index.

TSHE LUG — Freed sheep.  Havnevik, Dissert. 60.

TSHE LE — In Nepal.  28 14.

TSHE LHA RNAM GSUM — Allen, Search for Shangri La, map on p. 141.

Myang TSHENG SKU — See Hazod in TS9 I 36 n. 24.

TSHEM BU PA — Mahāsiddha pictured in 128 41A.  See Kanta li pa.

TSHEM BU LUGS — A tradition of Thugs rje chen po.  374 II 81.6.  Thugs rje chen po Tshem bu Lugs kyi Skor, Sa skya tradition, Sherab Gyaltsen Lama (Gangtok 1981) in 92 pp [BQ4710.A84 T574 1981].

Gu ru TSHEMS CHEN — A contemp. of Mi la ras pa at La stod.  4 172B.6, 173A.4.

Gung thang TSHER YUL — Evid., ='Tsher sa, 'Abandoned Land'.  Das 1044.  Pl. in Gung thang.  17 II 500.

La mo TSHER GSEB — See Hazod in TS9 I 39.

TSHES — BA 76.


TSHES GNYAN RO DGU — A sa bdagVai.Kar. II 304.

TSHES SPONG NAG SENG — See Hazod in TS9 I 36 n. 24.

TSHES BZHI — See (— —) Rnying ma ba.  (— —) Gsar ma ba.

TSHES BZHI RNYING MA PA — Alias of (Ta'i Si tu) Byang chub rgyal mtshan.

TSHES GSUM PHUN KHANG — See (— — — —) Bskal bzang dbang phyug.

TSHO KA SHE'I LUGS — ?  Bsam gtan Mig Sgron 503.5.

TSHO CHIS RKYANG NAG DGON — Bon mon. in A mdo.  253 II 637.2.

TSHO NAG — "Dark community," perhaps Tshogs nag is meant.  In eastern Tibet and north of Rta dbang.  79 96 no 129.

TSHO SMON GLING — Chomoling in JTL&CT 216 n. 3, 209‑210.  Waddell 253 n. 10.  Ferrari 94.  Just S of Ra mo che, one of the 4 gling of Lha sa.

TSHOG — Area of Zhang zhung.  28 104.

TSHOG THU — A king and commander of 40,000 soldiers who moved to Kokonoor region.  TPS 650‑655.  Thu'u 457.

TSHOGS KHANG — Defined: tshogs khang yang rig 'dzin rnal 'byor ba mo tshogs kyi 'khor lor 'du ba'i khang pa'o171 440.4.

TSHOGS GAR CHEN PO — A tradition established by Rma se Rtogs ldan.  12 IX 84.3.

TSHOGS RGYUD CHEN PO — Tantra contained in 320 XIII 224 ff.

TSHOGS BRGYA DGON — 363 120.2.

TSHOGS BRGYA PA — See (— — —) Rab dga'.

TSHOGS BRGYAD — Yogacaryā idea.  TR XVI no 10, p. 20c.

TSHOGS BSGRAL — In titles in vicinity of 320 IX 160.

TSHOGS CHEN PA — BA 826.  Prob. =the Mon. Tshogs chos lung.  17 II 344.5; BA 80.

TSHOGS CHEN PA — See under Tsha mig.

TSHOGS MCHOD — Ritual.  87 LXVI.  Work by Rgod tshang pa, see SBTD I 299.  By Sa skya Paṇḍi ta in 145 V 358D.4 ff.  Cho ga Lag len text in Collected Works of Bu ston {JA} in 24 folios.

TSHOGS MCHOD SMON LAM — See under Lha rams pa.

Rab 'byams pa TSHOGS GNYIS — (ca. 1660)  BD of T&TB III 287.

TSHOGS GNYIS GRUB DBANG —  =Tshogs gnyis Rin po che.  Chief disc. of Chos rgyal rdo rje (1789‑ca. 1859).  336 preface.  Mkhan chen Tshogs gnyis in 1 57.  363 20.4, 21.3.

TSHOGS GNYIS RGYA MTSHO — See Karma tshogs gnyis rgya mtsho.

TSHOGS GNYIS SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Padma dri med 'od zer.

TSHOGS DRUG — See TR XVI no 10, p. 20C.

TSHOGS DRUG RANG GROL — A celebrated lama of Amdo ordinarily known by the name Lama Shabkar & believed to be an incarnation of Milarepa.  His incarnation still exists in Amdo.  Das 1033.

Bya btang TSHOGS DRUG RANG GROL — B. in Amdo.  Bio. & minor works, 407.  Disc. of (Chos rgyal) Ngag gi dbang po.  I think there is no doubt he is none other than Zhabs dkar.

Zhabs dkar TSHOGS DRUG RANG GROL — (1781‑1850/1)  Rnying ma.  BD of T&TB IV 410, which seems to date him two sixty‑year cycles too early, at 1661‑1731.  Cf. (Zhabs dkar) Sna tshogs rang grol (1781‑1850).  His dkar chag to Bodhanath listed in BLP no. 1449.

TSHOGS DRUG LAM KHYER — In title in 370 321.

TSHOGS BDAG — Gaṇapati.  Pictures of various forms in 216A320 XXXII 3.  "Red" form in SBTD I 313.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 399.5.




Chos rje TSHOGS BSNOM PA — Bio. listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 334 (no. 670.6).


TSHOGS PA — See (— —) Bya rdzong.


TSHOGS 'DZIN — This pl.n. occurs in Lde'u 152, in a context where it has to mean Gandhāra, although I think Gandhāra was usually translated into Tibetan as Sa 'dzin?  Compare the spelling Tshig‑'dzin in note 466 on p. 66 of vol. 2 of Obermiller's tr. of Bu‑ston's history.

TSHOGS RAMS PA — See under Lha rams pa.  443 I 21.

TSHOGS LAS SKYES — N. of Bhima, the Pāṇḍava.  Das 98.

TSHOGS SHING — Lineage trees of various sects studied by George E. Hibbard.  For an example, see HRB 6 (1986) 10.  Gelugpa example in MBKP 169 (also, 178).

TSHOGS SHUL BLA MA — See (— — — —) Nor bu bstan 'dzin.

TSHONG 'DUS — Also, Tshong 'dus Pho brang, Tshong 'dus Tshogs pa (this name recieved only in time of Kha che Shākya shrī).  Chinduchoka.  Residence of 'Gos Lo.  BA 25.  Temple built by Klu mes at Grwa phyi in 11th cent.  BA 25, 75, 149, 454, 642, 679, 1068.  Later became Sa skya pa.  JTL&CT 307.  On survey maps mistakenly called Danang (Grwa nang).  Between Bya sa and Smin grol gling.  Tucci, Lhasa 145.  Ferrari 132.  It still survives in a sad state.

Grwa phyi TSHONG 'DUS GRWA TSHANG — A mon. f. by Klu mes.  BA 256.  Has a printery.  162 212.

TSHONG 'DUS GLING — 458 I 234.3.

TSHONG 'DUS MGUR MO — BA 238, 448.  Kuijp, Rivers 308.  Kuijp, ZH 25.


Dwags po TSHONG SDE — BA 985.

TSHONG DPON CHE — From Jātaka?  Pictured in 128 712.


TSHONG SA — See Precious Deposits II 29.

Mes ston TSHON PO — See (— —) (— —) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan.

TSHOB HANG KA'I — Evid. a Mongol Buddhist protector.  224 XII 433.

Lha'i Rig 'dzin TSHOM BU 'BUM SDE — BD of T&TB I 940.

TSHOMS — Udānavarga.  Full Tibetan name: Ched du Brjod pa'i Tshoms.

MTSHAN SGROG MKHAN CHEN — See (— — — —) Blo bzang dar rgyas.

MTSHAN SGROG MKHAN PO — See (— — — —) Dge 'dun don grub.

MTSHAN 'CHANG — N. of Dbang phyug.  Das 909.

MTSHAN NYID MKHAN PO — See (— — — —) Ngag dbang rdo rje.

MTSHAN NYID KYI GRWA SA — Early Phyi dar institutions where the more philosophical and text exegetical approaches were followed.  Acc. to  Dung dkar 172, they were Gsang phu, Bde ba can Rwa stod Grwa tshang, Tshal Gung thang, Pa snam Dga' gdong, Skyor mo lung, & Zul phu etc.

MTSHAN NYID CAN — In avadāna.  TPS 505.

Rdza stod MTSHAN NYID SPRUL SKU — See (— —) (— — — — iv) 'Jam dpal nor bu.  (— — — —) Bsod nams bstan 'dzin.

MTSHAN 'BUM — Sangs rgyas kyi Chos kyi Mtsham 'Bum, a collection of names of Buddha from various canonical sources arranged for liturgical recitation, publ. in Paro in 1978 in 533 pp.

MTSHAN MTSHAR — Havnevik, Dissert. 139.

MTSHAN ZHABS — See (— —) Ngag dbang rdo rje.

Bde gshegs MTSHAN LEGS YONGS BSGRAGS — Picture in 128 504.

MTSHAMS KHUNG — A nunnery in presentday Lha sa, it once had the image known as Nga 'dra ma.  For something on its history, see Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 99.  See under A ni Mtshams khung.

MTSHAMS BCAD — See (— —) Grags pa bsod nams.


MTSHAMS STON — See (— —) Go cha.

MTSHAMS THO — See under Mtsho mtho.

MTSHAMS PA — See (Mtshams pa Bla ma) Bsod nams rnam rgyal.

Slob dpon MTSHAMS PA NOR BU — Guru of Kazi Dawa Samdup in Punakha, Bhutan.  See Cuevas, Hidden History 218.

MTSHAMS BRAG — Monastery.  183 title page.

MTSHAMS KYI RA BA DMAR PO — See 81 103.17, 117.

MTSHAR KHA —  ='Tshar dga'.  Pl.n.  Kuijp in TH&L 282.  In Dolpo.  Map in Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 141.

MTSHAL — BA vi, vii, 722.

MTSHAL — Sometimes, Tshal or 'Tshal.  See (—) Gung thang.

MTSHAL SGANG — BA 559, 560.  'Tshal sgang in 'On.  Phag mo gru pa went to meditate there after the death of Sgam po pa.  73 287.2.


MTSHAL RI — A marvelous mt. in W Tibet.  Ramble in RET 15 (2008) 483.

MTSHAL RI ZUR GSUM — 253 II 573.1, 580.4.

MTSHUR — See (—) Legs pa.

MTSHUR STON — See ('Tshur) Dbang nge.  See (— —) Dbyig gi rgyal mtshan.

MTSHUR PHU — See (— —) Lha mo che.

MTSHUR PHU — In the upper part of Stod lung Valley, a side valley of the Skyid chu.  Also, less correctly, Mtshur phug.  Described as Gdan sa of Mdo bo lung.  Mon. f. by Karma pa i in 1189.  Seat of Karma pa hierarchs W of Lha sa.  Das 1040.  TPS 91.  Dates to time of Ral pa can.  T.H. 23.  For gdan rabs of Mtshur phu, see 35 I 480.  Wylie 150 n. 329.  Combe 112.  Printery.  162 234.  BA 197, 198‑9, 338, 467, 480 (!), 485‑9, 490, 494, 498‑500, 504, 506, 508, 519 (!), 524, 540, 544, 549, 600, 742, 810, 989, 1069, 1070.  Lineage of abbots, see BA 519 ff. Two guidebooks to Mtshur phu are listed in Tucci, Tombs of the Tibetan Kings, p. 77 n. 34:  [1] Gnas Chen po 'Og min 'Tshur bu'i Gnas yig Bstod pa Mdor bsdus, by Dkon mchog 'phangs [i.e., Dkon mchog 'bangs],  [2] 'Og min Mtshur phu'i Mdo'i Gan dho la'i Mchod khang rnams kyi Gtsos Gnas Rten Khag gi Gnas yig Dkar chag Dad pa'i Pad mo'i 'Byed pa'i Nyin byed, by Karma pa xv.

MTSHUR PHU LA — A pass W of Mtshur phu.

MTSHUR LUGS — A school of astrology common to Karma pa and also 'Brug pa which was nearly eclipsed by the Phug lugs, q.v.  See 105 for texts of this school,

MTSHUR LEGS — Achard, L'Essence 81.


MTSHE MI — See (— —) Shākya 'bar.  See 'Tshe mi.


MTSHO DKAR — In Rub chu.  Lat. 33° long. 77°.  79 95 no 123.

MTSHO DKAR PO — In SE border area.  Goldstein, History 415.

MTSHO SKAM — "Dry Lake."  In Rub chu.  Lat. 33° long. 78°.  79 96 no 126.

MTSHO SKYES — See Sa ka ru.  See Sa ro ru.

Ri bo che pa Bsgom chen MTSHO SKYES — Student of ('Bri gung) Kun dga' ye shes.


MTSHO SKYES RDO RJE — Tr. of Padmavajra or Saroruhavajra.  =Padmasambhava.  BA 389.  Ferrari 115.  Waddell 381.  87 I 22.6 ff. Mahāsiddha.  "Mtsho skyes rdo rje padmar lhan cig rol."  Pictured in 128 52.

MTSHO SKYES RDO RJE — Abbot of Stag lung.  TS5 749.

MTSHO SKYES RDO RJE — Second Stag tshang ras pa incarnate at He mis Mon.  95 preface.

Bya yul nas Mi dbang MTSHO SKYES RDO RJE — (active ca. 1543‑6)  17 III 401.6, 417.3.  See under Mtsho skyes pa.  601 52r.4.

Rig 'dzin MTSHO SKYES RDO RJE — Appears as the commissioner of a Uṣṇīṣavijaya image.  See Uhlig, On the Path to Enlightenment 156.

Rin spungs pa MTSHO SKYES RDO RJE — 5 336.2.

Nang so MTSHO SKYES PA — 601 42v.1, 53r.3.  Later on he is called Mi dbang Mtsho skyes rdo rje, who is listed above.


MTSHO SKYES LUGS — A system of Hevajra.  349 XVIII. Dung dkar 106, 108.

MTSHO KHAG MI TSHAN — Printery.  162 188.



MTSHO RGYAL — See (— —) Brag dmar.

Khyung za MTSHO RGYAL — Queen of a Zhang zhung king.  206 551.5, 554.4.

Mkhar chen bza' MTSHO RGYAL — A wife of Padmasambhava  9 6.  Das 182.  87 I 116.3, 121.5, 122.6, 203.4, 216.4, 272.2.  See also Ye shes mtsho rgyal.  210 13.3.  Pictured in 320 XVII 3.

MTSHO SGO — See (— —) Dngos grub rdo rje.

MTSHO SGO — Early 20th cent. military commander.  Goldstein, History 97.

MTSHO NGOS — The Stong bu chung of Ru lag.  28 83.

MTSHO LNGA BRAG — 253 II 593.4‑5.

MTSHO SNGON — Kokonoor.  Bla ri of Khri shog rgyal mo.  Wylie 131 n. 145.

MTSHO CHEN — An area of western Tibet. For a list of its temples, see  Vitali, Tho.ling 154.

MTSHO NYA'I BZANG SGOM — See (— — — —) Shes rab rgyal po.

MTSHO SNYING — See (— —) Ma hā de wa'i gnas.

MTSHO SNYING BA — See (He Bla ma) Sangs rgyas bkra shis.

MTSHO SNYING RI — Small island in Mtsho sngon.  Sperling in Lungta 14 (2001).

MTSHO GTER — A Gter ma cycle of Rol pa'i rdo rje, q.v.

MTSHO MTHO — Bon mon., residence of Li shu Bla ma.  Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 420.  The spelling Mtshams tho also occurs.  Thar in TS9 IV 158.


MTSHO BDUN — Dolon noor.  ISTS 99.  See Rol pa'i Mtsho Bdun.  'Phags pa founded a temple there.  It was the summer residence for the Lcang skya.  The Kang hsi Emperor built temples there to commemorate submission to his power.  Thuken 368.

MTSHO BDUN DGON — Rnying ma mon. with 5 incarnates and 730 monks.  SBTD I 25.

MTSHO LDAN DGYES PA'I LANG TSHO — See (A mkhar) Blo bzang rgya mtsho.

MTSHO LDAN MA —  =Dbyangs can ma.  Das 913.

MTSHO NAG — A Stong ra (myriarchy) in A mdo.  OTA 659.  Uray, Narrative 29.

MTSHO SNA — BA 656, 702, 976.  Mon Mtsho sna.  115 155.1.  Mtsho sna Rdzong.  ISTS 9.  Near Bhutan.  Fletcher "Tsona."  458 I 142.6.

MTSHO SNA — See (— —) Dril chung.  (— —) Lhun grub bde chen.

MTSHO SNA BA — See (— — —) Shes rab bzang po.

MTSHO SNA BA CHEN PO — (1300's)  Called 'Dul ba 'Bum Sde'i Mnga' bdag.  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 140.  Printing of his 'Dul Ṭīk438 VI 461.2 ff.

Mon MTSHO SNA'I SA STENG — Vai.Ser. 179.


MTSHO PADMA — In Himachal Pradesh.  See 421.  Ron Davidson, Hidden Realms and Pure Abodes, Pacific World, 3rd series, no. 4 (Fall 2002), pp. 154‑181, with discussion at p. 163.

MTSHO SPANG — Lake in Rub chu.  Lat. 33° long. 78°.  79 96 no. 130.

MTSHO PHU GRUB CHEN — See (— — — —) 'Gyur med chos dbyings rang grol.


MTSHO BON — See (— —) Khyung gsas.

MTSHO BYUNG DGYES PA'I BLO GROS SGRA DBYANGS RGYA MTSHO'I ZLA BA — Alias of Karma tshogs gnyis rgya mtsho, q.v.

MTSHO BYED DBANG PHYUG — Father of Dpal ldan shes rab (1290‑1366).  210 91.5.

MTSHO MA PHAM — See Ma pham (the lake).

MTSHO MER — A hamlet in lower E'i Ngam shod.  124 451.2.

MTSHO MO MGUL — Pl.n.?  Bashey4 199.

MTSHO MO DRE 'THUNG — In Rub chu.  Lat. 33° long. 78°.  79 96 no 128.  Mtso mo dre btung, 80 m. NE of Mt. Everest, less than 5 miles from Gting skyes Rdzong.  Wylie 131 n. 144.

MTSHO MO MNGAR LA RI — A lake in Dpangs kong.  Lat. 33° long. 78°.  The largest in W Tibet.  Called Tso Pangkong on maps.  Also called Churu.  79 95 no 124.

MTSHO MO RI RI — In Rub chu.  Lat. 32° long. 78°.  See 79 96 no 127.


MTSHO DMAR TSHOGS PA — A festival celebrated in upper A mdo in the 6th month.  Topgyal in TJ XXIII no 3 (1998) 48.

MTSHO SMAD — Mon. f. by Klu mes.  Vai.Ser. 135.

MTSHO SMAN RGYAL MO — Bellezza, D&B 43.

MTSHO SMAN SPUN LNGA — KTDN 128.5.  For Mtsho sman, see Aris in BSOAS 39 (1976) 605.

MTSHO BTSAN SKYES — Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 448.

MTSHO RDZONG — BA 181, 874.  O rgyan Chen po'i sgrub gnas.  5 128.1.  Stearns, King 219 ff.

MTSHO RUM — Takata Tokio, A Note on the Lijiang Tibetan Inscription, Asia Major 19 nos 1‑2 (2006) 161‑170, at pp. 163, 187 (identified as Shigu of present day).

MTSHO RUL — In Dpangs kong.  Lat. 33° long. 78°.  Name given to several lakes (probably because the water is not drinkable).  79 97 no 131.

MTSHO LUNG — BA 232, 235.


MTSHO LHA MO — The bla mtsho of Dpal ldan lha mo.  A very small lake.  Wylie 131 no 145.

MTSHON CHA'I 'KHOR LO — Title in colophon of 319 VI 549‑555.

MTSHON CHA'I 'KHOR LO — N. of a mchod rten.  17 II 306.4. 

MTSHON CHA'I 'KHOR LO — N. of a teaching.  Dhargyey 5.

Kyai rdor MTSHON CHA CAN — Dung dkar 108.

Slob dpon MTSHON CHA RDO RJE — Work in 223 27 ff.

MTSHON PA GTAM RGYUD KYI SGRON MA — Title listed in Everding's Bon catalog, no. JS 1856.

MTSHOR GOR — Large valley E of Nya nang.  Wylie 67.



'TSHAR STON — Dbu ru Stod kyi Bla ma.  From whom (Rta ston) Jo 'bum learned Phyag chen.  BD of T&TB III 334.  BA 141.


'TSHAL — BA vi, 642, 1023.  'Tshal pa'i mi mang po.  5 245.1.


Dge bshes 'TSHAL NAG — 478A I 102.1.

'TSHAL PA — On its fighting with Dag ra ba.  356 78.1.

'TSHAL PA — See (— —) Kun dga' rdo rje.

'TSHAL PA DBON PO — See (— — — —) Rnam rgyal bzang po.


'TSHUR — BA 479.  As family name, see BA 414.

'TSHUR — See (—) Lha lung.


'TSHUR CA RA — BA 530.

'TSHUR STON — See (— —) Dbang nge.

'TSHUR NAG — N. of a pl. in Tibet.  Das 1044.

'TSHUR PHU — Spelling for Mtshur phu, Mtshur phug.  Spelled 'Tshur bu in 17 II 532.2, 533.5.


'TSHE MI RGYAL — Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 447.

'TSHE'U — See (—) Dar ba.

'TSHEM DGON — Vai.Ser. 240.

'TSHEL MIN — BA 814.

'TSHO'U — See (—) Dar re.

'TSHO NYA — BA 111.

'TSHO SPRUL — Bon gter ston253 II 230.5.  Karmay, Treasury 182.

'TSHO BA BDE — Subj. of avadāna story.  TPS 514.

'TSHO BYED GZHON NU — Kumārajīva.  Disc. of Rgyun shes kyi Bu.  See 3 13.  His chief medical disc. was Nāgārjuna.  KB 117.4.  476 II 98.3.

'TSHO BYED RIS MED KUN LA BRTSE — Proper name?  Pictured in 128 560.

Lha lung 'TSHO BZHER SNYAN LEGS — Bashey4 196.





DZWA — Bon term often translated as 'bomb' although a product of ritual magic; may be equivalent of Tso.  See 299Zhang zhung Dzwa Dmar Skor, see 299 21‑2, 341‑57.  Dzwa Dbal, see 354 19.3.

Rgyal po DZA — Figures in a prophecy of the Buddha.  See 132 13.4 ff.  Rgyal po Dza'am Indra bo dhi.  124 484.3.  Za hor gyi Rgyal po Dza. 211 35.1, 35.5.  Pictured in 320 VIII 2.  The 'middle' Indrabhūti.  Had 7 dreams.  BD of T&TB I 944.  413 93.3 ff.  Stein in McKay, History of Tibet I 563 has discussion (identifies Dza with Jambhala).

Gnod sbyin DZA — See Pritzker, Canopy 79.  In some sources we find comparable Gnod sbyin 'Dza ya.

DZAḤ KA MCHOG SPRUL — See (— — — —) Kun bzang rnam rgyal.

Gnas bdag Bal po DZA GĀ DHA RA — 363 189.4, 190.5. 

DZA GAD DA LA — N. of a Gtsug lag khang in E India.  BD of T&TB I 900.  Jagaddala.  See discussion by Sparham in Changing Minds 208.  See the note by Sanderson in Einoo, ed., Genesis & Development of Tantrism, p. 88.

DZA GAD DHA RA — Pl.n.  17 II 307.1.

DZA GAD NĀ THA — Tirthika temple.  BD of T&TB I 902.4.

DZA GAD PĀ LA — Jagatpāla.  Disc. of Mai tri pa.  BA 843.

DZA GAD SMAL — Queen of Ya tse in 15th cent.  Ha sti rā tha was the King's name (i.e., Nāgārjuna).  28 114.

DZA GAR PHA LA — Nepalese artist.  17 IV 142.6.

DZA GO — Yul shar phyogs Dza go.  Place of Ti lo pa's birth.  17 II 226, 245.  57 II 342.

Lho phyogs DZA ṬA SO GHA RA — KB 130.1.

DZA THIG DZA LA — 413 397.2.

Byang DZA GDONG — N. of an area.  363 181.1.

Rgyal po DZA NA PA — 120 187.16, 188.15.

DZA PA NA — Transcription for Japan (he transcribes the Chinese Riben as Zhwi bin). Yongdan, TCW 102.

Rgyal po DZA BA RI — LGCM 555.2.

DZA BHA LA SHRĪ —  ='Jug ngogs dpal.  BD of T&TB I 871.  Spelled Dza bha ma shrī in Mtshan tho no. 114, where we also learn that he was invited to Tibet, together with Trai lo kya ā nanda, by Khro Lo in 1228. 

DZĀ MA BĀ MA LA — King of Nepal.  406 6v.5.

Jo bo DZA MA LI — See Khur chags.

Ma mo DZA MUN TI — Vai.Kar. II 280.

DZWA MEN GYER CHEN — Author of work in 283 307‑9.

DZA WA RI PA — 17 II 304.6.  Javāri.  BA 869.  Called Rdo rje gdan pa (?), Sau ri pa (?).  476 V 215.3.

Bi zha DZA YA — Khotanese princess.  Emmerick.

DZĀ YA KĀ RA — See Bstan pa rin chen.  402 130v.2.

DZA YA DATTA —  =Rgyal bas byin.  BD of T&TB I 869.  One of the 9 lesser pundits who came to Tibet with Shākya shrī.  He was skilled in mantra and Vinaya.  Mtshan tho no. 93.  Smith, Philology 12.

DZA YA DE WA — In Tibetan, Rgyal ba'i lha.  Pundit in around 12th cent., listed with no further info. in Mtshan tho no. 112.

DZA YA NA — 17 II 468.2 (compare to BA 415).

DZA YĀ NANDA — Tib.: Rgyal ba kun dga'.  Mahāsiddha.  Bio. 120 149‑150.  He was minister of a king and liked to give gtor ma offerings.  People thought it a waste, so they told the king to imprison him.  As he was being taken captive, a man heard the birds say, "The king is taking away our mother and father."  On hearing this, the king released him.

DZA YA PAṆḌI TA — See (— — — — — —) Blo bzang 'phrin las.

DZA YA TSANDRA — See Mi thub zla ba.

DZA YA RAKSHI TA — 17 II 331.2.  (Brang ti).  320 XXVII 93.5.

DZA YA SHRĪ — BD of T&TB X 5.6.  Disc. of Dombi he ru ka.  BD of T&TB I 420, 568.

DZA YA SAM BHA WA — Thu'u 461.

DZA YA SE NA — A king.  17 II 309.2.

Bal po'i Paṇḍi ta DZA YA SE NA — Rgyal ba'i sde.  Also called Dam pa Khang gsar ba.  Lived in late 12th cent., and had contact with Sa skya Grags pa rgyal mtshan.  Mtshan tho no. 113.

DZA YA Ā KA RA — BD of T&TB I 848.

DZA YA A NANTA — Teacher of Pa tshab in Kashmir.  17 II 384.4.  BD of T&TB I 850.  Mahāsiddha.  BD of T&TB I 721.2.  Came to Tibet in 12th cent., where he debated Madhyamaka philosophy with Phywa pa and lost.  He went on to practice Mañjuśrī at Ri bo Rtse lnga (Wu‑t'ai Shan) in China.  Mtshan tho no. 87.

DZA YIN TA PU RA — City in India.  120 94.13.

DZA RA BA SENG — Zoravar Singh.  Dza ra ba Seng gis Bod la Dmag Brgyab tshul, listed in BLP no. 1701.

DZA RI KHAN ḌA — BD of T&TB I 924.

DZA RI MA — An Indian pundit in early 11th cent., apparently, but with no further information, listed in BLP no. 63.

DZA RONG — See (— —) Nam mkha' rin chen (modern).

DZA LA MA ṆA LA —  =Chu'i Dkyil 'khor.  Place in S India.  BD of T&TB I 904.

DZA LA MU KHE — Temple at Dza len dha ra.  64 I 145.3 ff.  See Jvālāmukhī.  A form of Devī.  BD of T&TB X 22.12.  115 45.6.  NMH 128.2.

Rgyal po DZA LANDRA — A king of Langka pu ri in U rgyan.  120 116.2, 198.8.

Byang DZA LANDHA RA — Jālandhara.  Apte Appendix III.  BD of T&TB X 9.1.  NW of Gu ge.  See BD of T&TB X 22.6‑20.  115 45.3, 46.6, 47.2, 74.1, 84.7.  Dza lan dha ra'i gnas rnam par bsgyur ba.  194 XIII 303‑321.  Site of third Bka' bsdu.  211 28.1.  Pandey 577, etc.  "rdo dang chu la me 'bar ba'i gnas."  BD of T&TB I 456.  See Schaeffer in JIP 28 (2000) 375 n. 21.  Lobzang Shastri, Jalandhara in the Eyes of Tibetan and Trans‑Himalayan Pilgrims, TJ 34 no 2 (Summ 2009).

DZA LANDHA RA'I DUR KHROD — 87 I 25.4, 26.2.

Bla ma DZA LANDHA RA BA — Or, Dza landha ri pa.  Mahāsiddha.  120 43.6.  Pictured in 128 38A, 326.  Tib.: Dra ba 'dzin, or, Chu 'dzin zhabs.  Bio. in 120 124.8 ff.  Initiated by a Ḍākinī in a graveyard.  BD of T&TB I 414.  Disc. of Rus sbal zhabs.  Named after the place Jalandhara.  BD of T&TB I 423‑4, 454‑470.  Disc. of Indra bhu ti and Lwa ba pa.  See Pū li pā ta.  Pictured in dancing posture in Precious Deposits II 289.

DZA LAN DHA RI — N. of capital of king 'Phags skyes po, S of Ri rab kha khyer.  432 1143.1.

DZA LAS RGYAL — Medical figure.  KB 95.1.


DZA LU KA'I TSHAL MANG PO — Jālukamahāvana.  Banerjee, Sarvāstivāda Literature 95.

DZA LEN DHA RA — Tib. tr. as 'Bar bas bsgyur ba'i Rgyal khams, see 64 I 145.2.

DZA SHING PHĀL — Bal po Dpon mo che.  17 II 575.2.

DZA SHO DHA RA — ?  17 II 305.2.

Grub pa'i Dbang phyug DZA HA BHI RA — 380 218.1 ff.  See Walter in JIP.

DZA HA'I BU MO — N. for the river Ganggā.  Rtse le VIII 427.

DZAKMA TA A NANDA —  =Mi tra dzo ki.  Tib.: Skye 'gro kun dga'.  BD of T&TB I 872.

DZAB KHANG DBYE BA — ?  239 V contents.

DZAM GLING DKAR MO — BA 1053.  See 'Phags pa Wa ti.

Bla ma DZAM GLING CHOS RJE — Of Dkar dung.  Teacher of 'Khor re.  28 63.

DZAM GLING NYIN SKOR — N. of a horse said to have been able to orbit the world in a day.  JTL&CT 91.

DZAM SNGON — Bon protector.  Rite in 313 II 243‑4.

DZAM CHEN PO — See Dzam Dza se.

DZAM BHA LA — 374 I 183 ff.

Gnyan ston DZAM BHA LA — In 4th rab byung383 218.6.  Aka Don grub seng ge, Padma grags pa.  410 112v.5.

DZAM BHA LA NAG PO — Bronze dated to 12th cent. in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 239.

DZAM BHA LA SER PO — Bronze in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 238.

DZAM DZA SE — (13th cent.)  Stag lung pa.  Aka Dzam Chen po.  B. in Mdo khams.  BD of T&TB 549‑551.

DZĀM LANG —  =Jumla in W Nepal.  Wylie 127 n. 109.


DZI TAR — A rock fortress in Rajput.  See also Tsi tor.  Aris, Discourse 49. 

Rgyal phan pa DZI NA — A chief pundit of the Rgyang 'phan philosophical school defeated by Ti lo pa.  17 II 241.  57 IIB 343.4.  116 64.2 ff.

DZI NA GUPTA — He was one of the 9 lesser pundits who came with Shākya shrī.  In Tibetan, Rgyal ba sbas pa. He was skilled in Byams chos.  Mtshan tho no. 98.  BD of T&TB I 870.  Emmerick in Cambridge History of Iran III, pt. 2, p. 963.

DZI NA DHI — ?  57 IIB 369.6.

DZI NA MI TRA — His story, see TS5 120 (bad ref.!).

DZI NA MI TRA — "Bye brag Smra ba'i 'dul 'dzin."  From whom Nā ro pa took rab byung ordination.  17 II 251.5.

DZI NA MI TRA — "Nyi 'og gi Mkhan po ā tsārya Dzi na mi tra.  Worked on translations in time of Ral pa can.  17 II 331.1.

Kha che DZI NA MI TRA — See BA 344 and 17 II 345.6.  In Mngon pa Kun Btus lineage; teacher of Ka ba Dpal brtsegs.  Name translated as Rgyal ba'i bshes gnyen, and placed in time of Ral pa can.  Mtshan tho no. 17.

DZI PHU — See (Dzi phu Bco brgyad Zhabs drung) Blo bzang rgya mtsho.

Yul DZI RA THA — BD of T&TB I 894.

A tsarya DZU NAG — 374 II 469.6.

DZUNG DZUNG — Fifth T'ang emperor.  Stein, Mi–ñag 225.

DZUM LI — Pl.n.  DTK5 75.

DZE — 115 135.4.

DZE TA — N. of a country.  210 154.1.

DZE TA RI — 75 20.  Dze tā ri.  17 II 270.3.  Keeper of the North gate of Bi kra ma shī la before Nā ro pa.  Dze tā ri Dgra las Rnam rgyal, met by Atiśa.  17 II 280.4.  Mahāsiddha, pictured in 128 42A.  115 148.2.  BD of T&TB I 379.

DZE TA RI'I LUGS — System of Tshe dpag med Lha Dgu.  349 II 108‑196.  Kriya Tantra.

DZE'U PA NI — N. of an image.  Emmerick.

DZE SMAD — See (— —) Blo bzang dpal ldan.

DZO KA NA — Jagannātha.  Aris, Discourse 49.

DZO KI PA — Mahāsiddha.  Tib.: Rnal 'byor pa.  Bio. in 120 142.12 ff.  His guru was Sha wa ri pa.  He belonged to gdol pa Cāndala caste.  BD of T&TB I 714.  Perhaps to be identified as Ayogi.

DZO KI BHA RA — Nepalese carpenter.  363 145.1.

DZO GI GHO BA — Jogighopa, in Assam.  Aris, Discourse 25.

DZO NA GHA ṬA — City in India.  BD of T&TB I 919.

DZO DBAL THIG — Nine Ways 109.

Yul DZO MA NA SHRĪ — 120 157.14.

DZO MEN GYER RGYUNG — Bonpo.  Bio. in 253 II 137.2.

DZONG JI — Kuijp in TH&L 297.

Kha che DZNYA NA KA RA — A pundit disc. of Nāropa.  57 IIB 344.4.  17 II 411.3.  BA 361.

Gnyags DZNĀ NA KU MĀ RA — Jñānakumāra.  (9th cent.)  Rnying ma pa.  Bio. in 33 148.  "Slob dpon Dznyā na la dbang gi chu bo bzhi babs pa."  BD of T&TB III 112.  17 II 327.2.  87 I 35.3, 108.4, 159.1.  17 II 389.3.  Bio. in 193 I 281.4 ff.  Pictured in 320 XVII 2.  Translator in 320 XIX 422.6.

DZNYA NA GARBA — 115 100.3, 101.1, 101.7, 102.3.  Rgya gar gyi Mkhan po.  320 XXVII 224.7.  Mtshan tho no. 18 says that he translated together with Co ro (Cog ro) the Rtsa shes and the Shes rab Sgron ma in time of Khri srong.

Slob dpon Chen po DZNYA NA GUPTA — Indian.  BD of T&TB I 245, 467.

Kha che DZNYĀ NA GUHYA — Received Bka' babs Snga ma from Dam pa Sangs rgyas.  36 IX introduction.  BA 871.  BD of T&TB I 855.

DZNYĀ NA TA PA — Indian, subject of a thangka portrait illus. in Kossak, Sacred Visions, plate 33.

DZNYĀ NA BADZRA — Zanzabar, the famous Mongol artist.  Heller, Tibetan Art 193.

DZNYĀ NA MI TRA — A Ka chen of Bi kra ma shī la, evid. not to be confused with (Kha che) Dznyā na mi tra.  See 17 II 313.2.  87 I 107.6.

DZNYĀ NA LUGS — School of Dznyā na badzra.  9‑deity Hevajra.  349 XIX.

DZNYA NA SHRI — Teacher of Ye shes rgyal mtshan (b. 1713) at Bkra shis lhun po.  40 5.

Kha che DZNYĀ NA SHRĪ — Ye shes dpal.  Came to Tibet in late 11th cent., without invitation, but in time of Rtse lde.  Khyung po Chos brtson served as his translator, and they translated the Rgyud Rdo rje Rtse mo, Spyod Rgyud, and Rnam nges, etc.  Some say he was invited by 'Od lde.  Mtshan tho no. 73.

Paṇḍi ta DZNYĀ NA SHRĪ — A teacher of Maitripa.  57 IIB 345.1.  BA 347.  17 II 385.6. 

Paṇḍi ta DZNYĀ NA SHRĪ — Ordinator of Ye shes 'od and Khri thang pa Ye shes bzang po?  Dung dkar 141.

DZNYĀ NA SHRĪ MI TRA — At Bi kra ma shī la.  17 II 271.2.  Bio. in BD of T&TB I 825‑826.

Ma ga ta'i Rgyal po DZNYĀ NA BSHES GNYEN — 115 95.2.

Bla ma DZNYĀ NA SA GA RA — BD of T&TB I 562.

DZNYĀ NA SIDDHI — Subj. of bio. listed in BLP no. 1336.

DZNYĀ NA SŪ TRA — Disc. of Shrī sing ha.  CM I.  Pictured in 128 666; 320 V 2.  Bio. in BD of T&TB I 517‑519, 537.

Dge slong DZNYĀ NA SI DDHI — 406 2r.2.  Present at origins of Swayambhunath.  122 82.7 ff.

Lce DZNYĀ NA SI DDHI — From times of Khri srong lde btsan.  See 27 31.  Name, slightly misspelled Ce Dznya na se rdi, and with no further information, listed in Mtshan tho no. 6.

DZNYĀ NA SE NA — 17 II 331.2.

DZNYĀ NA SYA NA — B. in Kam po dza.  BD of T&TB I 878.

DZNYA NA HRI DHA — Author texts in 300 III 89‑102.

DZNYĀ NA Ā KA RA — Yogi.  Pictured in 128 372.

DZNYĀ NA A KA RA GUPTA — (12th‑13th cent.)  BD of T&TB I 886.

Sbas DZNYĀ NENDRA RAKSHI TA — See (Sbas) Ye shes dbang po srung ba.

DZHO KI DUR KHROD PA — A n. for Thang lo pa, q.v.

MDZANG — A village in Sle mi.

MDZANGS BLUN — The Sūtra of the Wise and the Fool.  TJ II, no. 4.

MDZAD DGE — See (— —) Dge 'dun dpal bzang.

MDZAD PA BCU GNYIS — For 12 deeds of Padmasambhava, see TS7 II 854.


MDZA' SHOD DGON — Vai.Ser. 256.

MDZE PHO SHA LUNG — Place where Gling ras pa practiced sorcery.  24 I 346.6.

MDZES BKOD — N. of Indian teacher.  BD of T&TB I 934.

MDZES DGA' BO — Sundarānanda, in avadāna story.  TPS 454.

MDZES BCU DPON RGAN — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 119.4.

MDZES LDAN — Jatumati.  An Indian city where Spyan med 'byor ldan (Indrabhūti) ruled.  Waddell 380.

Khyim bdag MDZES LDAN — Appears in Kha mchu Nag po Zhi bar Byed pa'i Mdo.

MDZES LDAN MA — N. of a female klu87 I 9.2. 

Lha mo MDZES LDAN MA — Consort of Gsang bdag 'khor lo.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 369.3.

MDZES PA — In avadāna story.  TPS 528.

MDZES PA'I TOG — Kuijp, KPTB 46.

Gung snang pa MDZES PA'I DBANG PHYUG — 458 I 328.1.

MDZES PA GZHON NU — 491 61.4.

MDZES 'BYOR — A river in India.  See 83D 146.

Btsun mo MDZES MA BZANG MO — Time of Karma pakshi.  Thu'u 450.


MDZES SE — 4 224A.6.  Brin pa'i yon bdag mo.  4 227B.6, 275.6, 308B.3.  Mdzes se 'bum.  4 308B.4.

MDZO DGE — Dzorge.  A district with a chieftain.  Stein 23.  See Mdzod dge Dgon pa.  Yamaguchi in Acta Asiatica 29 (1975) 36.


MDZO MO MKHAR — Vai.Ser. 266.  =Hung shan ssu in Monguor area.  Petech in T'oung Pao n.s. L 343.

Khyung yul stod kyi MDZO TSHANG — 253 II 495.2.

MDZO RDZI RJE DRUNG RIN PO CHE — 346 102.3.  Note the chapel called Rje drung Gzim 'khyil at Lha thog Mdzo rdzi.  Jackson, Patron 169.

MDZO RA — BA 616.


MDZOD — Short way of referring to Abhidharmakośa.

MDZOD DGE DGON PA — BA iii.  Mdzod Dgon.  415 XI 122.6.

MDZOD LNGA STAG RTSE — Stag rtse is the loftiest peak of Gangs chen mdzod lnga.  59 926.

MDZOD BDUN — The major body of works by Klong chen Rab 'byams pa, which includes:

1. Chos dbyings Mdzod.

2. Yid bzhin Mdzod.

3. Grub mtha' Mdzod.

4. Theg mchog Mdzod.

5. Gnas lugs Mdzod.

6. Tshig don Mdzod.

7. Man ngag Mdzod.  23 14.

The first 2 have been published recently.  See description in 210 235.6 ff.  445 I VI.

MDZOD LDAN  — See under Ko sham bi.

MDZOD NAG — BA 1088.

MDZOD NAG MA — Andrew Quintman, Toward a Geographic Biography: Mi la ras pa in the Tibetan Landscape, Numen, vol. 55 (2008), pp. 363‑410, at p. 380.

MDZOD PA — See (— —) Dge legs rnam rgyal.  (— —) Mi pham chos 'phel.

MDZOD PHUG — Bonpo equivalent of Abhidharma.  See 304 preface.  See under (Sgo ston) Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.  Comm. in 501.

MDZOD MA — BA 894.

Brag g.yab MDZOD ZUR — See (— —) (— —) Mkhyen rab dri med.

'DZANG — BA 238.

'DZANGS PA MI BDUN — Listed in 488 9.1.  A group of Tibetan inventors and culture heroes.

'DZAD PA — See 'Jad pa.  DTK5 93.

'DZAB — In titles in 300 I.  See also Rdza 'dzab.

'DZAM GLING — See also Dzam gling.  For more on this family, see TS7 I 257.

'DZAM GLING — See (— —) Chos grags rgya mtsho.

'DZAM GLING KHRI 'KHOR — Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 69.

'DZAM GLING GRAGS PA — Common epithet for Dwags po Lha rje.

Dge slong Rdo rje 'dzin pa 'DZAM GLING GRAGS PA — N. given to Sgam po pa by Mi la ras pa.  4 239B.6.

'DZAM GLING RGYAN — Ri bo che'i Sgrub khang.  5 296.3, etc.

'DZAM GLING RGYAN MCHOG — Rten 'Dam 'Dzam gling Rgyan Mchog Dgon gsar Nang Bzhugs pa'i Dkar chag, by Rig pa rnam rgyal etc., listed in BLP no. 1007.

'DZAM GLING RGYAN DRUG — Das 1052‑3.  352 899 (Namdak, vocab.).

'DZAM GLING CHOS GRAGS — 602 28v.4. 

'DZAM GLING RDO RJE — In Bde mchog Snyan brgyud lineage.  397 VII 17.6.

'DZAM GLING RDO RJE — See under Chos rje gling pa.

'DZAM GLING SPYI NOR — Rten bsdus 'Dzam gling spyi nor gyi Phab rta'i Dkar chag, listed in BLP no. 1009.

Gshen 'DZAM GLING DBANG 'DUS — (early 20th cent.)  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 462.

Dmu 'DZAM GLING 'BRUG GRAGS — (b. 1904)  Kværne no 220.

'Jam sne 'DZAM GLING RDZONG KHA — Vai.Ser. 263.

'DZAM SNGON — Text in 286 I 481‑506, 596‑7.

'DZAM STON — See (— —) 'Gro ba'i mgon po.

'DZAM THOG TSHA DKAR DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo smad with one incarnate and 1005 monks.

'DZAM BU'I GRIB MA CAN — In Pali, Jambukhādaka.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 347.

'DZAM BU GLING — Jambu Island.  The world at large, or the southern continent of the four continents arrayed around Mt. Meru.

'DZAR KA SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Kun bzang rnam rgyal.

'DZI DGON — 4 319A.4.

'DZI SGAR — See (— —) Stag ris kun dga'.  (— — iv) Rdo rje drag po (1740‑1798).

Khams 'DZI SGAR BKRA SHIS CHOS GLING — Pl.n.  1 48.1.  Monastery.  1 57, 58.  In Khams near Go 'jo.  382 preface.  415 XI 118.6.

'DZI SGAR MKHAN CHEN — See (— — — —) Ye shes chos dar.

'DZI SGAR MCHOG SPRUL — A volume of collected writings, mostly by the 1st and 4th: Skyabs rje 'Dzi sgar Mchog sprul Yid bzhin nor bu Mchog gi Zab gsang Rdo rje'i Gsung Dri ma Med pa rnams Phyogs gcig tu Bsdebs pa, ed. by 'Dzi sgar Mkhan po 'Jam dbyangs (n.p., n.d. 2002), in 12 vols.

i. (Grub dbang) Bsod nams rgya mtsho (1608‑1669).

ii. Dge legs mchog grub bstan 'dzin.

iii. Mi pham phrin las dpal 'byor.

iv. Rdo rje drag po (1740‑1798).

v. Chos kyi nyi ma.

vi. Ngag dbang bstan pa'i nyi ma.

vii. Ngag dbang bstan 'dzin dpal bzang.

viii. Karma 'phrin las shing rta nges don kun khyab.

A recent rebirth recognized in Bhutan.

'DZI SGAR RIG 'DZIN — See (— —) Rdo rje drag po.

'DZI SGAR RIN PO CHE — Alive in 1884.  BD of T&TB VII 268.  Must be one of the 'Dzi sgar Mchog sprul, q.v.  A 'Dzi sgar Mchog sprul 'Khrungs rabs in 337 137.  1 57.11, 58.11.

'DZI SGAR RIN PO CHE — See (— — — — —) Bka' brgyad phrin las rnam rgyal.  (— — — — —) Nus ldan drag po.

'DZI CHUNG — yul gyi ming.  Nomads 247.

'DZI STON — See (— —) Dbang gi rgyal po.

'DZI THAR SMAL —  ='Ji thar smal, q.v.

'DZI MDA' — See (— —) Nor lu.

'DZI PHU TSHANG — A family.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 97.

'DZI SMAD — See (— —) Mkha' 'gro shel phug.

'DZI SMAL — See =A jid smal.  28 56.

'DZING ZLA DBU DGON — 253 II 633.3.

'DZING YUL — See (— —) G.yung drung dpal ri.


'DZIN — Pl.n.  BA 184.

'DZIN KHOG — Thar in TS9 IV 159.

'DZIM — See (—) Sher 'od.  (—) Shes rab 'od zer.

'DZIM PA — See (— —) Shes rab 'od.

'DZIMS — BA 78.

'DZUM CHEN — See (— —) Ldong khrom.

'DZUM LANG —  =Jumla.  In Nepal.  Kailash VII no 2, p. 75.

'DZENG — See (—) Jo sras (disc. of Dharma bo dhi).  (—) Dharma bo dhi.  (—) Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.

'DZENG SGOM — See (— —) (Dgon pa ba) Dbang phyug rgyal mtshan.

'DZER 'BAM PHO BRANG — 346 32.4.

'DZOM — N. of an iron bridge, lcags zam.  5 169.5.  Cf. 'Jong in 28 84.


'DZOM PA — Mother of Dri med kun dga'.  210 240.1.

'DZOMS BYED BU — N. of Rna can.  See Das 98.

'DZOMS G.YANG BLA MA — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 117.2.

'DZOL BON — Supposed to be a period of Bon history from time of Gnya' khri btsan po to Khri lde btsan po (Das 879), but I think just a later corrupt version of Rdol Bon (which is likely the original expression).

RDZA — Evidently native place of Dpal sprul, q.v.

RDZA — See (—) Khro tshang Dgon.  (—) Steng chen Dgon.

RDZA DKAR —  =Rdza zhig Brag dkar.  A Bon holy mt. in Rgyal mo rong.  See article by Peng Wenbin.

RDZA DKAR 'GRO MGON PA — 602 25r.4.

RDZA KHOG — Thar in TS9 IV 164 ff.

RDZA MKHAN ZHABS — See Kum bha ri pa.  "Potter."


RDZA GA — Pl.n.  Sperling in TH&L 459.

Kwan ting Go'i shri RDZA DGE — Toh, Ming 189.


Smyon pa RDZA MGO — (ca. 1180)  476 I 100.1.

RDZA RGYAL — "Tre shod Bkra shis bsam 'grub dgon gyi Bsrung ma."  FM 118.11.05.

RDZA RGYAL DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo stod with one incarnate and 340 monks.

RDZA RGYAL 'PHAGS PA — A Bka' gdams pa in 1902?!  Thar in TS9 IV 161.

RDZA RGYAL 'PHAN PHYUG — N. of mt.  Nomads 11, 247.

RDZA SGOM — See (— —) Jo dar.

RDZA CHAG — Place name?  17A VII pt. 1, 24A.1.

RDZA CHAB SIL MO — Rdzi yi chu.  Nomads 247.

RDZA CHU — This is the Mekong; the Salween is called Dngul chu in Tibet.  T.H. 2.  Acc. to Das 1057, n. of river in Khams said to be headwaters of Salween; issues from Dung 'bud sgra mt. range; flows through Chab mdo, Tsha ba Sgang and 'Ju, as well as Chinese province of Yunnan, finally entering Burma.  See Wylie 117 n. 36.  Not to be confused with Rdza chu kha, q.v.  NMH 85.4.

RDZA CHU — See (— —) Dar mo.

RDZA CHU KHA — N. for upper reaches of the Nyag chu.  Wylie 118 n. 41.  Combe 104, 160.

RDZA RTOGS — See (— —) Ye shes bstan 'dzin.

RDZA STOD — See (— —) Go bo khyung phug.

RDZA STOD PA — See (— — —) Bkra shis don ldan.

RDZA STOD MTSHAN NYID SPRUL SKU — See (— — — — — — iv) 'Jam dpal nor bu.

RDZA SNOD ZHABS — See Dho ka ri pa.

RDZA SPO — BA 694.

RDZA SPRUL — See (— —) Ngag dbang bstan 'dzin nor bu.

RDZA 'DZAB — Occurs in titles in 299.

RDZA MA'I MGON PO — See Go len nā tha.  BD of T&TB I 416.

RDZA DMAR — See (— —) Rme'u tshang Bla brang.  (— —) Tshul khrims seng ge.  (— —) Sha ru Dgon.

RDZA YIG PA — See (— — —) Tshul khrims mgon po.

RDZA YUL GRUB DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang with 50 monks and one incarnate.

'O yug RDZA RA — See (— —) (Rdza ra Grub thob) Phrin las dbang phyug.

RDZA RA BA — 208 I 235.5.

RDZA RAG GSER LDAN — Rnam thar in collected works of Bkra thang Blo bzang chos kyi nyi ma (see SBKC 540).

RDZA RI — See (— —) Bsam gtan gling.

RDZA RI 'GUL DGON — 346 102.1.

RDZA RI RAS PA — 17 IV 445.2.

RDZA RONG — Modern mon. in Ding ri.  F. by Ngag dbang bstan 'dzin bla ma (1867‑1940).  Aziz, Frontier.

RDZA RONG PHU — See (— — —) Mdo sngags chos gling.

RDZA RONG PHUG DGON PA'I BLA MA — See (— — — — — — —) Ngag dbang bstan 'dzin nor bu.

RDZA LA — A pass.  458 I 271.3.


RDZANG LA MKHAR — See 185 preface.

RDZAB NAG — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 273.

Dwags po RDZAM GYI MKHAR KLU BZANG — 27 133.



Lha rje RDZAS SNANG BA — At his behest, Rong zom pa wrote one of his works.  Almogi, MA Thesis 131.

RDZAS SA THA NU NONG — Mongol.  208 I 237.4.

RDZI MGO DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo stod with 202 monks, 2 incarnates.

RDZI SGOM — See (— —) Skyes se.

RDZI THO DGON — Vai.Ser. 253.

RDZI BO — See (— —) Khro gsas.  (— —) Nam mkha' rgyal po.  (— —) Sbyin pa rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Rig pa rang shar.

Khri mun las grol RDZI BO — 128 826.

RDZI BO THOD DKAR — N. of a rdzong473 29.

RDZI BO RAS PA — For his meeting with Milarepa, see 4 108A.3‑109A.2.  =Lug rdzi ras pa, q.v.  Perhaps same as Ra rdzi ras pa (?), q.v.

RDZI'U — Family with gdung rabs in 448 1‑120.

RDZI'U — See (—) Rig pa rang shar.

RDZI LUNG— Stearns, SR 50.

RDZI'U LHAS PA — Named as a teacher of Gro mo che ba (12th cent.).  BD of T&TB III 384.

RDZING KHA DGON — Vai.Ser. 250.

RDZING PHYI —  =Dzinchi.  In region of 'Ol kha Stag rtse, 5 miles NE.  Ferrari 121.  Has 3 main temples, the Byams pa Lha khang is often mentioned in Tsong kha pa's biography.  Tucci, Lhasa 131.  F. by (Gar mi ston) Yon tan g.yung drung (sp?).  See Ehrhard in SCEAR 9 (1996) 42.  Tsong kha pa refurbished it in 1398‑1400.  Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation 32.  See Hazod in TS9 I 38 n. 27.  Gdan rabs listed in BLP no. 1765.

RDZU 'PHRUL DRWA BA RTING RDZOGS KYI RGYUD — Bon tantra in 258 I 546‑563.


RDZU 'PHRUL PHUG — 4 99B.4.  407 47r.  Allen, Search for Shangri La, map on p. 141.

Mkhan po RDZU 'PHRUL YE SHES — Ancient Bon sage.  Kværne no 32.  Came to Tibet from Stag gzig in about 3600 BCE.  253 II 565.5.

RDZOGS CHEN — Three Rare Rdzogs chen Texts of the Bdud 'joms Tradition (Thimphu 1976) 151 pp.  General n. for certain rediscovered (and snyan rgyud) religious works of the Rnying ma.  See esp. BA 130, 191 ff.  See also Snying thig.  Most widely spread of Bon Rdzogs chen teachings are Zhang zhung Snyan rgyud and A khrid.  282 preface.  Lineages and histories in 253 II 369 ff.  1. Zhang zhung: Bsgrags pa Skor Gsum (253 II 369.2 ff.).  2. Rgya gar: Ye khri Mtha' sel sogs (253 II 379.1 ff.).  371.  Rdzogs chen is believed to be a 'process' beyond bskyed rim and rdzogs rim39.  The texts that form the principle foundations of this doctrine are Snying thig and Gsang ba Snying po'i Rgyud16 38.  There are 3 sections:  1. Sems.  2. Klong.  3. Man ngag (or, Snying thig).  See ref. in 27 68 and BA 107 and 17 II 390.5.  139.  Short work on the sde gsum in 209 IV 309.

RDZOGS CHEN — See (— —) Bstan 'dzin 'jigs bral lhun po (b. 1965).  (— — v) Thub bstan chos kyi rdo rje (b. 1872).  (— —) Nam mkha' 'brug sgra.  (— — vii) Padma rig 'dzin.  (— — Mkhan po) Blo gsal.  (— —) 'Brug sgra bzang po.  (— — iv) Mi 'gyur nam mkha'i rdo rje.  (— — Rgyal sras) Gzhan phan mtha' yas (b. 1740).  (— — Mkhan po) Bsod nams chos 'phel.

RDZOGS CHEN — Monastery.  See (— —) Ru dam Bsam gtan chos gling.

RDZOGS CHEN — Teachings.  See (— —) Kun bzang dgongs 'dus.  (— —) Klong gsal snying thig gi Chos Skor.  (— —) Skor bdun Rang chas.  (— —) Skor lugs.  Rta mgrin Snying thig gi Chos skor.  (— —) Nam mkha' spyi spyod.  (— —) Mu med bdal pa.  (— —) Yang tig nag po, q.v.  (— —) Yang rtse'i Dpung dang Yang rdzogs.  (— —) Gser zhun ma.

RDZOGS CHEN KHAMS PHUG — See (— — — —) 'Od gsal sgrub pa'i rtse mo.

RDZOGS CHEN MKHAN CHEN — See (— — — —) Padma rdo rje.

RDZOGS CHEN PA — See (— — —) (Kun mkhyen) Bstan pa'i nyi ma.  (— — —) Bsod nams dbang po.

RDZOGS CHEN DPON SLOB — See (— — — — vi) Thub bstan 'jigs bral tshe dbang rdo rje bshad sgrub.

RDZOGS CHEN SPRUL SKU — (ca. 1686)  458 I 288.6.

RDZOGS PA SPYI GCOD — Text in 319 I 316‑7.  320 I 455‑6.

RDZOGS PA YAR LONG DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo smad with 705 monks and 1 incarnate.

RDZOGS BYED — Sngar mu stegs kyi ston pa zhig.  Btsan lha.

RDZOGS BYED — A deity.  Rhies & Thurman 340.

RDZOGS BYED 'OD SRUNG — One of Rtog ge Drug, q.v.

RDZOGS GSAL — N. of a Chinese (?) teacher who wrote a commentary to the Saṃdhinirmocana.

RDZONG — Administrative headquarters.  Rdzong khag gi Ming tho, a title listed in BLP no. 1706.

RDZONG — Pl.n.  BA 222.

RDZONG — See (—) Srin po mgo dgu.


RDZONG DGA' — 19 158, 160, 163, 166, 181‑2.

Pho brang RDZONGS DKAR — For Khyung rdzong dkar po.  116 313.6.

RDZONG DKAR DGON — Vai.Ser. 256.

Mnga' ris RDZONG DKAR — 5 310.6, 174.2.  =Mnga' ris Rdzong.  =Rdzong kha Rdzong.  =Rdzong kha.  =Rdzong dkar.  =Khyung rdzong dkar po.  Chief town of district North of Skyid grong.  28 17.  Capital of Gung thang, which is a part of the general area of Mang yul (which also includes Skyid grong).  Mang yul is one of the three skor which make up Mnga' ris.  Called Tongkha Dzong on the maps.  The birth place of Milarepa is in Mang yul Gung thang, in the town Skya rnga rtsa.  In colophon said to be S of Khyung rdzong dkar po.  Bdud 'dul mgon po lde was a king of Gung thang who within his life gained power over Mang yul skyid grong.

RDZONG DKAR CHOS SDE — Dge slong Thub bstan 'jam dbyangs (b. 1936), Rdzong chos Chos 'byung Bdud rtsi'i Zil mngar (Mang yul gung thang rdzong dkar chos sde dang / skyid grong 'phags mochg wa ti bzang po / rdzong dkar yul lung bcas kyi chos 'byung bdud rtsi'i zil mngar; "History of Zongkar Choede Monastery"), Zongkar Chode Monastery (Gurupura, Mysore district 1999), in 295 pp., plus photos.

RDZONG DKAR RAB 'JAM PA — See (— — — — —) Bstan pa'i nyi ma sangs rgyas 'phel.

RDZONG SKYA RING — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 401.

RDZONG KHA — A variety of Tibetan adopted as the Bhutanese national language, with its own spelling standards.  A justification for calling it this rather than Tibetan is found in a work of Lopon Nado (publ. 1971).

Mnga' ris RDZONG KHA — See (— —) (Rdzong kha'i) Chos khri thang.

RDZONG KHA CHOS SDE — Tib. mon. now reestablished in Hunsur, S. India.  TS5 118.

Sprang long RDZONG KHA PA — For zhus lan of Rgod tshang pa and Rdzong kha pa, see 64 III 567‑620.  SBTD I 299.  391 {DA}.

RDZONG KHA RDZONG — Capital of Gung thang, q.v.  =Mnga' ris Rdzong, q.v.

RDZONG KHAM PHUG — Unidentified pl. in Sgrags.  Ferrari 118.

RDZONG KHUL — See (— —) Bsam gtan bde chen gling.

RDZONG GLO DGON — Vai.Ser. 249.

RDZONG DGA' — See (— —) 'Phel rgyas gling.

Gling tshang RDZONG 'GO DGON PA — TS5 809.

RDZONG CHU — Allen, Search for Shangri La, the map on p. 141.

RDZONG CHUNG DGON — 253 II 632.1.  Vai.Ser. 256.

RDZONG CHUNG DGON PA — Gling ras pa stayed there.  24 I 385.7, 386.7.


RDZONG JI —  =Rdzong phyi, etc.  Represents Chinese title tsung ch'i.  Sperling, Dissertation 239.

RDZONG GTER — See (— —) Kun bzang nyi ma.

Jo bo RDZONG BTSAN PA — See 216 470.5 ff.  KTDN 133.4.  Pictured in 216A.

RDZONG DRUG — BA 527.  In the 13th century Mila biography by Bde thang pa, only four are listed:  1. Ling nga brag dmar.  2. Smin rgyud grib ma.  3. Rkyang dpal nam mkha'.  4. Rag ma byang chub.  Andrew Quintman, Toward a Geographic Biography: Mi la ras pa in the Tibetan Landscape, Numen, vol. 55 (2008), pp. 363‑410, at p. 375.

RDZONG PA — Pl.n.  BA 478.  A Sa skya mon.  17 II 408.2.  N. of a branch of the Sa skya pa f. by Rdzong chung pa.  12 IX 93.1‑2.

RDZONG PA — See (— —) Kun dga' rgyal mtshan (1382‑ ).  (— —) Kun dga' rnam rgyal (1432‑1496).

RDZONG PHU SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) 'Phrin las rab brtan.

RDZONG 'PHRANG — Oral transmission teaching of Rnying ma.  BA 138.  Bon text in 317 217‑226.  See under G.ya' ma G.yu ral.  Blondeau 83.

RDZONG SMAN SKYES CHUNG PHAN MO — A demoness.  KTDN 98.3, 99.4.

RDZONG BZHI — [1] Four divisions of Mnga' ris in the Dga' ldan Pho brang period. TJ XXIII (1998) 108.  [2] Four divisions of Kong po in Dga' ldan Pho brang period.  Pasang Wangdu, The Slebs ri Tombs and the Mchims Clan, IN: Hildegard Diemberger and Karma Phuntsho, eds., Ancient Treasures, New Discoveries, IITBS (Saale 2009) 73‑96, at p. 91.


Lha gnyan RDZONG RI RTSE DGU — Kuijp in Lungta 14 (2001) 62.

RDZONG LUGS — System of Lam 'bras exegesis transmitted by Rdo rje gdan pa Kun dga' rnam rgyal.  36 IV introduction.

RDZONG LUNG — This may or may not be a valley around Ti se.  4 98B.5.

RDZONG SHAR RTSE DRUNG — Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 94.

RDZONG SHOD — ?  Rdzong shod Mdo byang in 239 XXX 29‑38.  BD of T&TB VII 267.

RDZONG GSAR — BD of T&TB VII 267.  346 38.4.  397 XXIII 246.5.  Rdzong gsar Gnas kyi Mdo byang, Dis mgo Mkhyen brtse, Collected Works, vol. 22, p. 186. Thar in TS9 IV 163.  See Gardner in TJ XXVIII no. 3 (2003) 86.

RDZONG GSAR MKHYEN BRTSE RIN PO CHE — Tsering Shakya, Dragon 179.

RDZONG LHA DGON — Vai.Ser. 240.

Mal tro'i BRDZEN TANG — Brdzen thang(?).  OTA 694.






WA SKYES SENG GE LPAGS GYON PA'I TE RGAN PA— An old skunk (te?) bon of a fox and dressed in lion skin.  See Tshe dbang bde chen snying po.

WA KHA MKHAR PO CHE — Luczanits in TS9 VII 117.

WĀ GĪ SHWA RA GUPTA — Indian disc. of Abhayākaragupta.  17 II 303.1.  Met by Rwa Chos rab (q.v.) in India.

WA DGE DGON — 253 II 631.6.

WA DNGUR GSER LEGS DGON — Bon mon. in Amdo.  253 II 637.2.

WA CHUS DGON PA — 253 II 634.2.

Dge bshes WA TA STON PA — In bio. of Gling ras pa.  53 II 332.1.  Appears as Paṃ rta ston pa in 53 II 332.2.  =Waṃ rta pa.

'Phags pa WA TI — BA 828, 1008.  Wa ti Gser gyi Gnya' shing la.  24 I 215.7.  Also called Jo bo Wa ti bzang po.  Wylie 64, 129 n. 127.  Rang byung Wa gi bzang po.  4 195B.1.  On border of Tibet and Nepal.  BA 1008.  ='Ja' ma li, q.v.

WA TI PUR — Pl.n.  A source of saffron.  Perhaps Fatehpur?  115 70.3, 73.4.

Gshin rje WA THOD DMAR PA — In title in 320 XXI 521.2.

'U yug pa WA THOD DMAR PO — Evidently a name of Dam pa Dmar po, q.v.

WA 'DAS — TS7 II 983.

Paṇ chen WA NA RATNA — Teacher in time of 'Gos Gzhon nu dpal.  39 5.  Clearly this means Vanaratna.

Sba WA BA CAN — BA 406.  =(Pa) Lba ba can, q.v.

Grub dbang WA BA PA — Mahāsiddha.  Pictured in 128 28A.  120 116.16, 196.10.

WA BRAG DKAR — Pl.n.  See Das 1061.

Dge bshes WA BRAG DKAR BA — Author of Dpe chos Rin chen Spungs pa161 preface.  A story about him in Lo ras pa, Gsung 'bum IV 319.1 ff.

WA MO KHYUNG CHEN — Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 69.

WA RTSE — A village in Sle mi.

WA DZA PĀ NA — N. of a place on way to Udyana.  Das 1062.

WĀ RA ṆA SI— Benares, Varanasi.  17 II 308.1.

WA RA ṆI — BD of T&TB I 312.

WA RA'I PHE KE — ?  Petech in T'oung Pao n.s. L 340.

WA RA RI KHROD PA — See (— — — — —) Dam chos bstan pa.

WA RIN ḌA — Vārendra.  In North Bengal.  Das 1062.

Klu rgyal WA RU — Vai.Kar. II 278.

WA RU ṆA — Klu'i Rgyal po Chu bdag.  5 123.  Klu rgyal Wa ru na'i Mchod chog. Dung dkar 116.  Stearns, King 215.

Kong yul WA RU GNAM TSHAL — Birthpl. of 'Ja' tshon snying po.  BD of T&TB III 772.  See Ba ru gnam tshal.  Stearns, King 215.

WA RU SE SO — Stearns, King 215.

WA LA TSANDRA — See Ba la tsandra.

WA LUNG — Valley in E Nepal.  Goldstein 961.  See Das 1062.  Franz‑Karl Ehrhard, "Turning the Wheel of the Dharma in Zhing sa Va lung: The dPal ri sPrul skus (17th to 20th Centuries)," Bulletin of Tibetology 44 nos 1‑2 (2008) 5‑30.

WA LUNG DGON PA — 253 II 635.6.

WA SHUL — N. of locality in Khams & also of its lineage of chieftains and their clan.  As a lineage, it is divided into 3 branches with authority over Khrom thar, Sde gzhung, & G.yon ru.  Name comes from the story of a girl who was conceived on the same day people saw fox tracks (wa shul) in the snow.  39 16.  365 36.5.  Nomads 20, 26.  364 36.5.  A dialect name.  Stein, Mi–ñag 227.  Washul Serthar in Gansu (Washul being most influential clan).  TS7 I 317.

WA SHUL BA — See (— — —) Bstan pa rab rgyas.

WA SHUL RME BA'I DGON CHEN — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo smad with 1010 monks and 7 incarnates.

WA SHONG DGON — 253 II 631.5‑6.

WA SENG GE — BA 173.  Wa Seng ge brag.  N. of a precipice with a cavern.  A holy place of Mdo khams.  Das 1062.  Matthew Kapstein, The Strange Death of Pema the Demon Tamer, in M.K., ed., The Presence of Light (Chicago 2004) 119‑156, at p. 141.

WANG KU LA — A Kashmiri artist.  28 62.

WANG KHYI — N. of a sa bdagDas 1062.

Dmag gi WANG GING DMAR PO — Vai.Kar. II 269.

WANG CHOS RJE — See (— — —) Grags pa dpal 'byor.

WANG THE — See 'Di na Rgya Rgyal Wang thes mdzad pa'i Byur 'Bud kyi Cho ga.  Jackson, Misc. no. 915.  See under Wen wang.

WANG TSUN — Hsüan‑tsang (?).  See Das 1062.

WANG ZHABS DRUNG — See (— — —) Skal bzang ye shes dar rgyas.

WANG SHING DMAR PO — The general under the king of the sa bdagDas 1062.


WAN LA — Luczanits in TS9 VII 116.

WAṂ RTA PA —  =Wa ta ston pa, q.v.

WAṂ STENG CHEN — ?  5 167.4.

WAM LE — Pl. in Mar yul.  10.  This place has a gtsug lag khang called Bde chen rnam rgyal.  81 103.18, 117.  DTK5 185.


WAR TI'I BRAG — In eastern Tibet.  239 XXX 51.1

WAL SNA — BA 536.

WĪ NA PA — See Pī na pa.

WI NYU MYIN — (Wi nu min?)  Helmut Neumann, The 11th Century Wall‑Paintings of the Rediscovered Caves of Duṅ‑dkar in Western Tibet, in: M. Taddei & G. de Marco, eds., South Asian Archaeology 1997: Proceedings of the 14th Int'l Conference of the European Assoc. of S. Asian Archaeologists III 1383‑1402, at p. 1390.  Female protector figure (gtsug lag khang srungs ma) at Tabo, labelled.  Klimburg‑Salter in CHWT 246, 251.  KWT 90.

WI PHUG — Dalton in Sørensen Festschrift 107.

WI PHUG MO — Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp, "A Fifteenth Century Biography of Lha bla ma Ye shes 'od (947-1019/1024): Part One, Its Prolegomenon and Prophecies," at p. 27.

WIG CHOS RDZONG — Vai.Ser. 257.

WING DZUNG — See Das 1062.

Dkar chung WU BA GDONG — Dung dkar 133.

WUN SHING KONG JO — Wife of Srong btsan sgam po.  Das 1062.  This is none other than Mun chang Kong co, the Mun chang being equiv. to Ch. Wêng‑ch'êng.  Uray, Narrative 33.

WE'I YANG — The Guiyang lineage of Chan.  It has not survived.  Thuken 365.

WEN ḌHI — Chinese emperor.  See Das 1063.

WEN WANG — An ancient Chinese emperor, he composed the Zhou yi (in Tibetan letters, Ci'u yī).  There were two earlier texts on Spor thang, but they were burned, so the Zhou yi is the earliest to survive.  Tibetans have mistakenly spelled his name as Wang the.  Thuken 336‑337.

WER TI WER DGU — In Ldan.  Stein, Recherches 184.

WER MA — Zhang zhung word.  May equal Ge khod (?).  See T.H. 106.  A class of minor Bon deities.  Das 1063.  232 I 294.9.  There are 360 of them.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 136.  Nine Ways 63 ff.  On the Assyrian storm god Wêr, see Daniel Schwemer, "The Storm‑Gods of the Ancient Near East: Summary, Synthesis, Recent Studies, Pt. 2," Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions, vol. 8, no. 1 (2008) 1‑44, at p. 27 ff.

WER ZHI — See (— —) Drung mu.

WER ZHI —  =Rnam rgyal.  =Vijaya.

WO TI — As form of "Bodhi," see Das 1063.






ZHWA DKAR BA — Translation of a Chinese n. for Parsi (or perhaps Uighur Manichaeans?), based on their white headdress.  NMH 279.

ZHA GANG SDE GSUM — One of 18 dbang ris headed by Sbas Blon po.  28 80.

Dar 'bag ZHWA MGO — Havnevik, Dissert. 323.

ZHWA SGAB PA — Shakabpa, the late Tibetan historian.  Full name & title is Rtsis dpon Zhwa sgab pa Dbang phyug bde ldan, q.v.

ZHWA SGOM SKU SKYE — Mentioned as being in Lijiang in 1660.  Jackson, Patron 234.  See (— — — —) Skal bzang snying po.

Jo mo ZHWA CHUNG — Supposed to be a nickname of Ma cig Lab sgron.  124 454.5.  Zhwa chung ma in 124 462.5.  This name "in reality" ought to belong to Ma gcig Zha ma, but early women's identities and life stories are often confounded.

ZHWA DE'U 'KHRUL ZHIG — "Small hat tulzhig."  See 154.  See  Havnevik, Dissert. 84.  An incarnation lineage.

ZHWA DO — N. of one of the smaller islands in Gnam mtsho.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 164.  Called Zhwa mo do in Lo ras pa's biography.

ZHWA NAG KARMA PA — Usually named in English as simply The Karmapa.  Bios. of all in 34. First 12 in 3511 5.  List with dates in Dung dkar 24‑25. Recently some have argued that the origins of the black hat goes back to Song, Liao and Xia government official hats (see Sun Penghao's dissertation, p. 113).  The Fifth Zhwa nag was probably the first to actually wear this kind of hat.

1. Dus gsum mkhyen pa Chos kyi grags pa (1110‑1193).

2. Karma pakshi (1206‑1283).

3. Rang byung rdo rje (1284‑1339).

4. Rol pa'i rdo rje (1340‑1383).

5. De bzhin gshegs pa (1384‑1415).

6. Mthong ba don ldan (1416‑1452/3).

7. Chos grags rgya mtsho (1454‑1506).

8. Mi bskyod rdo rje (1507‑1554).

9. Dbang phyug rdo rje (1556‑1603).

10. Chos dbyings rdo rje (1604‑1674).

11. Ye shes rdo rje (1676‑1702).

12. Byang chub rdo rje (1703‑1732).

13. Bdud tshogs 'dul ba'i rdo rje (1733‑1797).  Also, Bdud 'dul rdo rje.

14. Theg mchog rdo rje (1797‑1867).  36 VI 240‑246.

15. Mkha' khyab rdo rje (1871‑1922).

16. Rang byung rdo rje rig pa'i rdo rje (1924‑1981).

17. O rgyan 'phrin las rdo rje (b. 1985).

ZHA BRA — See (— —) Dge 'dun phun tshogs.

Ma cig ZHA MA — BA 557.  =(Ma cig) Zham.  Dgon phu ba was her younger brother.  166 15.2.  TS5 569.  B. in 1062, acc. to Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 185.


ZHA MA TSAṆḌI — BD of T&TB X 54.13.

ZHWA MA LO TSĀ BA — See (— —) Seng ge rgyal po.  (— —) Seng ge rgyal mtshan.

ZHWA DMAR KARMA PA — Image of a Zhwa dmar pa from Ming times illus. in Precious Deposits III 201.  List of the 1st 10 in Dung dkar 41.

0. Bkra shis grags pa.

1. (Rtogs ldan) Grags pa seng ge (1283‑1349).

2. Mkha' spyod dbang po (1350‑1405).

3. Chos dpal ye shes (1406‑1452).

4. Chos grags ye shes (1453‑1524/5).

5. Dkon mchog yan lag (1525‑1583).

6. (Gar dbang) Chos kyi dbang phyug (1584‑1630).

7. Ye shes snying po (1631‑1694).

8. (Dpal chen) Chos kyi don grub (1695‑1732).

9. Dkon mchog dge ba'i 'byung gnas (1733‑1741).

10. Chos grub rgya mtsho (1742‑1792).  Aka Dkon mchog chos kyi nyi ma.

11. 'Jam dbyangs rin po che (d. ca. 1947).

12. An infant who was never named (b. 1948).

13. Mi pham smra ba'i go cha (1952‑present).

ZHWA DMAR — See (— —) Ngag dbang 'phrin las.

Shud bu ZHWA DMAR CAN — A teacher of Ma cig Lab sgron.  124 459.5.

ZHWA DMAR BA — See under Zhwa dmar Karma pa.

ZHWA DMAR BA — Meaning of Chinese n. for Muslims, given in Tibetan spelling as Hu'u rtsi.  NMH 279.2.

ZHWA DMAR BA — See (— — —) Dkon mchog 'bangs.

ZHWA DMAR RAB 'BYAMS PA CHEN PO — See (— — — — — — —) Bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan.

ZHWA TSAM CHAGS — "Forming a mere hat."  Name for a group of kings of Gu ge.  See 28 59.  Also see Lham tsam chags.

ZHA 'ON — N. of a person.  BA 95, 96.

ZHWA LU — Mon. f. by Lce Ston pa, q.v.  Its full name is Dpal Zha lu gser khang khra mo.  It's special school is called Zhwa lu pa, later called Bu pa or Bu lugs pa.  T.H. 158.  It is sometimes rather mistakenly taken for a sub‑sect of Sa skya pa.  BA 335, 338, 342, 366, 417, 423, 794.  For references, se 27 9, 10.  See Precious Deposits III 9 for a document from Sa skya Paṇḍi ta about the rights of Zhwa lu Monastery.  Zha lu'i Kha sar pa ṇi'i Dkar chag listed in BLP no. 1710.  Ricca & Fournier in TJ 26 no 3/4 (Aut/Wint 2001).  Some give its date of founding as 1027 or 1040, but Puchung Tsering, in his dissertation (Oslo 2011), supports the earlier founding date of 1003.

ZHA LU — A khri skor, q.v., of Gtsang.  Its four divisions or stong skor are listed in Vitali in TS9 I 102.

ZHA LU — See (— —) Mkhyen rab chos rje.

Gtsang ZHA LU — A district of Gtsang a few miles SW of Bkra shis lhun po with large monastery by the name.  Land of Bu ston.  Das 1064.

ZHWA LU SKU ZHANG CHOS RJE — See (— — — — — —) Nam mkha'i mtshan can.

ZHWA LU SKU ZHANG GI GDUNG RABS LO RGYUS — BLP no. 1708.  For the origin of the sku zhang title, see  Ricca & Fournier in TJ 26 no 3/4 (Aut/Wint 2001) 104.


ZHA LU MKHAN CHEN — See (— — — —) Bsod nams mchog grub.

ZHWA LU MKHAN PO — Uspensky, Prince Yunli 6.

ZHA LU MKHAN PO — See (— — — —) Rin chen chos skyong bzang po.

ZHWA LU MTHIL — Has printery.  162 219.

ZHA LU PA — Sub‑sect of Sa skya.  27 10, 14.

ZHA LU PA CHEN PO — Author of text Drug cu pa'i Rtsa tshig contained in 243 II 885 ff.

ZHA LU BA MTHU STOBS KYI DBANG PHYUG — See (— — — — — — — —) Bsod nams dpal bzang po.

ZHWA LU RI PHUG — Hermitage NW of Zhwa lu.  Mkhyen brtse went there.  Ferrari 143.  TPS 169.  Wylie 70, 139 n. 216.  Has printery.  162 219.  It is spelled sometimes Ri phug, and sometimes Ri sbug.

ZHWA LU RI SBUG SPRUL SKU — See (— — — — — —) Blo gsal bstan skyong.

ZHWA LU LO CHEN — See (— — — —) Chos skyong bzang po.

ZHA LU LO TSĀ BA — (1441‑1528)  See (— — — —) Chos skyong bzang po.  Wrote important grammar.  See Waddell 326.  Wrote description of divinities called Sgrub thabs Brgya rtsa.  His autobio. listed in BLP no. 1721, & bios. by Rin chen bkra shis blo gros, Sangs rgyas rdo rje, Byang pa Lo chen Ratna bha dra & Paṇ chen 'Bum phrag gsum pa Rin chen chos dbang together with Skyog ston Rin chen bkra shis listed at BLP nos. 1722‑1725.

ZHA LU GSER KHANG — The Gser khang is the central temple at Zha lu.  Designed by Bu ston, & rebuilt by the Sku zhang princes of Zhwa lu: Grags pa rgyal mtshan & his son Kun dga' don grub.  27 17.  TPS 177‑8, Indo-Tibetica IV 71.  See also TPS 169.  27 10, 90.  Wylie 70.  The upper storey is called Yum chen mo'i Lha khang, while the lower is the Tshogs khang.

ZHWA LUNG PA — A tantric siddha & guru of Me long rdo rje (1243‑1303).  Or, a disc. of (Ko brag pa) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan (1182‑1261).  Or, a master of Zhi byed and Bka' brgyud pa.  52 2.

ZHWA LHA KHANG — In lower part of Gzo rong valley, opposite 'Bri gung.  50 miles NE of Lha sa.  For inscriptions, see Richardson in JRAS (1952) 133; (1953) 1‑12.  Founded by Myang Ting 'dzin bzang po.  Later became Dge lugs pa.  Restored by Klong chen pa, and later by the Dalai Lama vii.  Ferrari 110.  Mentioned in BD of T&TB III 239.  Vai.Ser. 156.  Subject of text in 498 IVB 232.6 ff.  Karmay, Great Perfection 210.  LGCM 646.5.  Guidebook by the Dalai Lama v listed in BLP no. 1553.  Dkar chag by Klong chen Rab 'byams pa listed in BLP no. 1726.

Khyung po ZHAG GCOD SPRUL SKU — 346 149.6.

ZHAG STAG RTSE DGON PA — See (— — — — —) (Dbu mdzad) Dpal ldan.

ZHAG BDUN SANGS RGYAS — 'Seven Day Buddha,' his story is told by Jamyang Norbu in his essay "Back to the Future: Enduring Phobias and Superstitions in Tibetan Society," World Tibet News, March 23, 2005.

ZHAGS GROL — Epithet of Gtsang po.  Das 418.

ZHANG — See  (—) Dkon mchog dpal. (—) Bkra shis rdo rje (1097‑1167).  (—) Skye med rtogs grol. (—) Grom pa skyes.  (—) Rgyal ba dpal.  (—) Rgyal yon. (—) Nyam bzang.  (—) Stag dkar.  (—) Dar ma 'od.  (—) Mdo sde dpal.  (—) 'Brug sgra rgyal mtshan.  (—) Brtson 'grus grags pa (1123‑1193).  (—) Bsam gling pa.  (—) Bsod nams mkhar. 

ZHANG — Pl.n.  BA 254.  District of Gtsang North of Bkra shis lhun po.

Bla ma ZHANG — See (Zhang G.yu brag pa) Brtson 'grus grags pa.  (1123‑1193)  A chief disc. of Sgom pa (who was nephew of Sgam po pa) who founded (Mtshal) Gung thang Mon. near Lha sa in 1175.  18 137.  BA 568 ff.  Gling ras pa visited him.  53 II 298.2.  A bio. written by (Tshal pa) Kun dga' rdo rje.  T&BS I 61.  Ref. ca. 1170.  476 I 76.1, 108.4.

Blon po ZHANG — 17 II 330.5.

ZHANG KA MA — N. of pl. in Tibet.  Das 1065.

ZHANG KA MA PA — Disc. of Dgon pa ba.  BA 266.  Spelled Zhang Ka ma la in 17 II 376.6.  =(Kam pa) Shes rab 'od, q.v.

ZHANG KHROM — See (Rgya) (— —) Rdo rje 'od 'bar.

ZHANG KHROM PA RGYAN — See (Sna nam) (Zhang) Khrom pa rgyan.


ZHANG NGO — Title of a monk official.  Petech (1983) 202 n. 97.

ZHANG DGA' LDAN — Pupil of Rma sgom.  Waddell 74.


ZHANG RGAN — See (— —) A bu.

ZHANG SGOM — See (— —) Chos seng.

Rig 'dzin ZHANG CHUNG DBANG MO — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 279.

ZHANG CHEN PO — Of Rgyal, ordinator of 'Brom ston.  17 II 370.6, 371.6.  BA 253.

ZHANG NYAM BZANG — Minister in time of Khri srong lde btsan.  Bu ston 187.

ZHANG STON — See (Zhang ston) Bkra shis rdo rje.  He discovered transmission of snying thig (to be distinguished from Snying thig ya bzhi) in 12th cent.  Klong chen's comm. is on this book.  T.H. 161.

ZHANG STON — See (— —) Kun dga' grags.  (— —) Dkon mchog dpal.  (— —) Bkra shis rdo rje.  (— —) Grags sbyor.  (— —) Dgon pa skyabs.  (— —) Dgra 'jigs.  (— —) Sgom min pa.  (— —) G.yu brag pa.

Mkhas grub ZHANG STON — In Bon lineage.  206 587.6.

Rgyang ro ZHANG STON — One of "las can gyi slob ma bzhi" of Mar pa.  57 IIB 347.6.  Probably same as (Gtsang rong Rgya mkhar) Zhang ston in 17 II 456.4.

Rgyal ba ZHANG STON — Rgyal ba Zhang ston Man chad kyi Lo rgyusBLP no. 0564.

ZHANG STON CHOS RJE — Bio. listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 334 (no. 670.3).

ZHANG STON CHOS 'BAR — BA 95, 97.  Specialist in Samvara, Hevajra, Guhyasamāja & Kālacakra.  Probably b. in late 10th cent. (?)  Ferrari 155.  Passed on Lam 'bras teachings to Kun dga' snying po.  17 II 400.3 ff.  124 486.2.  Uncle of Grwa pa Mngon shes.

Rje btsun ZHANG STON LO TSĀ BA — Disc. of (Ma cig) 'Ong jo ras ma in lineage of Gtsang smyon, q.v.  =(Zhang Lo) Phur pa skyabs, q.v.

Lo tsā ba ZHANG DRUNG — 320 XIII 352.6, 430.2.  Rdo rje zhang drung.

ZHANG MDA' — In Yarlung area.  Lde'u 251.

ZHANG NAG — Medical student of Sgam po pa.  46 42.  Zha nga nag in 17 II 512.6.

ZHANG GNAS GSAR BA — 132 preface.

ZHANG PA DGON — A Bon mon. in Songpan.

ZHANG PAGS THANG DING — "Ting" of maps.  On S bank of Gtsang po above Phun tshogs gling.  Ferrari 155.

ZHANG PO'I YUL — 87 I 100.4.

ZHANG BYE DPE BA — (14th cent.)  Contemp. of Bu ston (1290‑1364).  27 157.

ZHANG BLON — See (— —) Rdo rje bdud 'dul.

ZHANG BLON NAG PO — Pictured in Essen & Tingo, Die Götter des Himalayas 34.

ZHANG 'BRO RJE — A mt. deity.  Zhi byed Coll. V 215.7.

Ma gcig ZHANG MO — BD of T&TB X 94.18.  Daughter of Zhang gzhung Gu ra ba.  Mother of Kun dga' snying po (the latter fathered by Dkon mchog rgyal po at age 58!).

ZHANG TSAN BA — Or, Zhang Btsan ba.  A Tibetan minister, written to by a Chinese official in around 762. Horlemann in TS9 I 61.

ZHANG BTSAN — A dpon chenPetech (1983) 189.

ZHANG BTSUN — See (— —) 'Bar tang pa.

ZHANG BTSUN — A teacher from whom Gro mo che ba received precepts of Sha ra ba.  BD of T&TB III 384.

ZHANG TSHE — Also, Zhang tshes.  See (— —) Sbong ba.

ZHANG TSHA BYA — One of 36 borderlands of Tibet.  Das 1066.

A tsa ba Rtogs ldan ZHANG ZHANG — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 118.5.

ZHANG ZHUNG — In Chinese sources, Yang-t'ung.  T.H. 22, 39.  The later Gu ge, though this needs qualifying.  A district of Mnga' ris province.  Das 362.  BA 34, 37, 84, 87, 1008.  For changes in the geographical areas included under the name, see 28 74‑5, ff, 91 ff.  Old Zhang zhung covered all of western Tibet of which Gu ge was a part.  Later the same general area became known as Gu ge, of which Zhang zhung was a part.  See 28 76.  79 89 no 95.  Became subject to Tibetan rule in 649 (OTA 649) or in 643 (19 27, also pp. 13, 32).  OTA 653, 662.  Had king in time of Bu ston.  348 50.5.  Mentioned in early Spiti inscription.  TS7 II 976.

ZHANG ZHUNG — N. of the language of Zhang zhung.  Title of Rnying ma tantra given in Zhang zhung in 320 XXXIII 327.

ZHANG ZHUNG — See (— —) Bkra shis rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Khra snya stag sgro.  (— —) Dga' rab.  (— —) Chos dbang grags pa.  (— —) (Dge slong) Ye shes mtha' yas.  (— —) G.yu lo.  (— —) Sad ne ga'u.



ZHANG ZHUNG DGRA LHA — Kreijger, Tibetan Painting plate 16 inscription.

ZHANG ZHUNG RGYAL PO — See (— — — —) Sri kra gug ge.

ZHANG ZHUNG SNYAN RGYUD — A Bon cycle of Rdzogs chen.  See 206327.  Orally transmitted from sages of Zhang zhung.  Texts in 281282.  Chapter in 253 II 317.1.  317 93‑215.  330.  Main texts (4 or 5) listed in Karmay, Treasury 52.  For a history, see Zhang zhung Snyan rgyud kyi Rnam thar Chen mo sogs dang Brgyud phyag bcas kyi Gsung pod, publ. in 1974.


ZHANG ZHUNG LA — Pass NE of Tengri Nor.  See 28 92.

ZHANG ZHONG RDO RJE GDAN — Also, (Zhong zhong).  F. by Khyung po rnal 'byor, q.v. in central Shangs valley.  BA 733.  Ferrari 159.

ZHANG YAM — Person mentioned in life of Bu ston.  27 71, 80.

Rgyal tsha ZHANG YE — Teacher of Bya 'Dul 'dzin.  17 II 344.2.  BA 80.

ZHANG G.YU BRAG PA — See (— — — —) Brtson 'grus grags pa.

ZHANG LING — N. of mt. in FM 140.02.27 (p. 2v).

ZHANG LUGS — BD of T&TB X 53.15.  School of Rdo rje 'jigs byed.  349 X 42‑228.

ZHANG LO TSĀ BA — Ferrari 115.  See also index to BA.  See (— —) Grub pa dpal bzang po.  (— —) Phur pa skyabs.  (— —) Mya ngan med pa'i sa dpal.

ZHANG SUM — See (— —) Thog pa.

ZHANG YE PA — BA 1029.



ZHABS DKAR — See (— —) Sna tshogs rang grol.  (— —) Tshogs drug rang grol.

ZHABS RJES THAR GLING — Pl. in Dwags po where an emanation of Thang stong left footprints.  5 329.2.

ZHABS DRUNG — The line of 'Heart Incarnations' (Thugs sprul) of (Rta log) Gsang sngags chos gling, acc. to 59 preface.  He was the head of the Lho 'Brug.  The present Zhabs drung Rin po che was exiled from Bhutan to India, and stayed in Manali.  See Crook, Yogins of Ladakh 165, 249.

1. Ngag dbang rnam rgyal (1594‑1651). 

2. 'Jigs med grags pa (1725‑1761). 

3. Chos kyi rgyal mtshan (1762‑1785). 

4. 'Jigs med grags pa (1791‑1830?). 

5. 'Jigs med nor bu (1831‑1861). 

6. 'Jigs med chos rgyal (1862‑1904). 

7. 'Jigs med rdo rje (1905‑1931).

ZHABS DRUNG — See (— —) Dkon mchog bkra shis.  (— —) Skal bzang dge legs rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Ngag dbang rgya mtsho.  (— — viii) (Chos mgon Sprul sku) Mthu stobs chos kyi rgya mtsho (1887‑1964).

'Bras spungs Bde yangs Bla ma ZHABS DRUNG — Student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

ZHABS DRUNG DKAR PO — The 8th in this supposed Bonpo incarnation lineage died in 1998.  Garratt in TS9 VIII 77 (on p. 90, his name is given as Yang rgyal 'bum [sp?]).

La mo ZHABS DRUNG DKAR PO — See (— —) (— — — — vii) Dge 'dun bstan 'dzin nor bu (1873‑1927).

Stag lung ZHABS DRUNG RTSE PA — 208 I 242.1, 242.2.

ZHABS DRUNG RIN PO CHE — Title of Dharmaraja of Bhutan.  Das 1067.  All their names begin with Ngag dbang.  Waddell 242.  See also Olschak, Bhutan 49 ff.  TR XIII no 11, p. 13.

ZHABS DRUNG LHA SA SPRUL SKU — See (— — — — — —) Blo bzang 'phrin las.

ZHABS SDOD PA — See (— — —) Dbang drag.

ZHABS PAD — See (— —) Rdo ring pa.

ZHABS RA DKAR PO — Unidentified mt.  Wylie 116 n. 18.

ZHAR BA MTSHO — Lake in Sbal ti.  Lat. 35° long. 76°.  See 79 90 no 96.

Ma cig ZHAM — 17 II 540.4.  See (Ma cig) Zha ma.

ZHAL DKAR — Half brother of Ge sar.  Stein, Recherches 159.

Zhang ZHAL DKAR BA — (13th cent.?)  217 710.3.

ZHAL DKAR LHA GDONG — Evidently a sgrub khang of Thang stong.  5 89, 172.5.  "Dben gnas Thar pa gling gi Sgrub khang."

ZHAL 'GYUR SGROL MA — Tārā image at Bodhgaya.  Chag 75.

ZHAL NGO — Title of rulers of Gzhis ka rtse before rise of the central govt. at Lha sa.  Wylie 136.

ZHAL LCE BCU GSUM — Smith 187.  Translated by Tshering Phuntshog, publ. in Kalimpong in 1917.

Phag mo ZHAL GNYIS MA — 374 I 537 ff.

ZHAL 'DON NYER MKHO PHYOGS BSDEBS — Publ. in Sarnath in 1971 in 165 pp.  A prayer book.

ZHAL BU MDO — See Sperling, Further 8.

ZHAL MO SGANG — A district in Mdo khams.  Birthpl. of Mkhyen brtse.  Ferrari xx.

Mgon po ZHAL BZHI PA — Pictures in 216A and 320 XXXII 3.  Also, 6‑faced.  374 I 743 ff, etc.

ZHAL BZANG BRAG — Site of rediscovery in 1198.  Kværne 231 no 105.

ZHAL RI — Heller in TS9 VII 47.

ZHAL SHES YIG CHUNG — Title listed in Everding's Bon catalog, no. JS 1846.

ZHAL SHES GSUNG GI SGRON MA CHE BA — Title listed in Everding's Bon catalog, no. JS 1858.

ZHAL RAS LHA KHANG — 463 I 64.1.  This part of the Jo khang complex was added in the 11th century (see Alexander, Temples 51 etc.).

ZHI KHRO DGONGS PA KUN 'DUS — See under Kun grol grags pa.

ZHI KHRO DGONGS PA RANG GROL — A redisc. of Karma gling pa, q.v.  Zab chos Zhi khro Dgongs pa Rang grol, publ. (Thimphu 1978), with comm. by Lo chen Dharmaśrī.  Zhi khro Dgongs pa Rang grol (Thimphu 1979).

ZHI KHRO'I RGYUD — 4 221B.3.

ZHI KHRO MCHED GSUM — Three sons of Lha lde.  Pritzker, Canopy 128, 159.

ZHI KHRO 'DUS PA'I RGYUD — Title in 320 XXXI 516.6.


ZHI KHRO LHA KHANG — Printery.  162 240.

Dge slong ZHI 'DUL BA — Proper name?  120 194.13.

ZHI NO — P.n.  Chang in BJZJ X no 2, p. 122.

ZHI GNAS — tranquility, peaceful abiding.  Subj. of article in TJ II, no. 4.  SBTD I 232.

ZHI 'PHAGS — Zhi 'phags Sku 'phreng gi Rnam thar, title listed in BLP no. 1744.

ZHI BA'I GO CHA — Son of a king.  Bu ston I 161.  N. of Zhi ba lha.  BD of T&TB I 496.

ZHI BA'I GO CHA — A learned disc. of Nā ro pa.  57 IIB 344.4.  An upāsaka of Varanasi.  KTDN 131.1.

ZHI BA'I SNYING PO — Author of Yer pa Dkar chagT&BS II 238.  Contained in 504 55‑122, & listed in BLP no. 1783.  It has now been separately published:  Sgrub pa'i Gnas mchog Yer pa'i Dkar chag Dad pa'i Sa bon, n.p. (Lhasa, n.d. [2012?]), in 42 pp. with plates.

ZHI BA CHEN PO — In title in 320 XXXI 564.2.

ZHI BA 'DUS PA'I RTSA RGYUD — Title in 320 XXXII 11.4.

ZHI BA'I BLO GROS — In Jātaka.  128 748.

Skyabs rje ZHI BA'I BLO GROS — 36th abbot of 'Bri gung.  B. in Dwags po.  Ordained by Chos kyi blo gros.  Considered a rnam rol of Zla ba grags pa.  37 45 ff.  He is also the Sixth Che tshang Rin po che.

Sprang po Skyabs mgon ZHI BA'I BLO GROS — In Thang stong Snyan brgyud.  Bio. 63 179 ff.  This is the same as the abbot of 'Bri gung, just mentioned.

ZHI BA 'BYUNG GNAS — See discussion by Sparham in Changing Minds 208.

Grub chen ZHI BA SBAS PA — 87 I 286.6.  Varahi cycle: 349 XV 41‑64.  Bio. in BD of T&TB I 904.

ZHI BA'I SBYIN SREG GI RGYUD — Title in 320 XIII 468.5.

ZHI BA TSHUL KHRIMS — See under Kun ldan ras pa.

ZHI BA 'TSHO — (8th cent.)  (705‑762)  9 6, but these dates are incorrect.  1st abbot of Bsam yas.  Author, Madhyāmakālamkārakārika (Dbu ma Rgyan gyi Tshig le'ur Byas pa).  87 I 35.2 ff, 105.4, 108.2.  132 87.3.  Pictured in 128 518; 320 XVI 2.  Bio. in 165 198.  Kværne no 55.  The death date of 762 cannot be correct.  The deathdates 783, 788 and 797 have been proposed.

ZHI BA 'TSHO — Ḍākinī met by Padmasambhava at So sa gling.  87 I 15.2.

ZHI BA BZANG PO — One of 7 "most renowned" discs. of Nāropa.  57 IIB 344.3.  Met by Mar pa.  17 II 438.3 (at Dug mtsho'i Gling). 17 II 447.1.

ZHI BA BZANG PO — A disc. of the original 'Phags pa Lha.  Thuken 283.

Rgyal po'i Khab kyi ZHI BA BZANG PO — 17 II 411.3.  BA 360.

Paṇḍi ta ZHI BA BZANG PO — 'Brog mi studied under him in Nepal.  17 II 394.2.  He was disc. of Shānti pa.  17 II 394.5.  Teacher Marpa met at Lho Dug mtsho'i Gling, & learned Mahāmāya Tantra.  46 14, 20.  Shāntibhadra, disc. of Nāropa.  75 99.  Called Chos kyi pa, or 'Gro bzang snying po.  17 II 276.1, 252.1.

ZHI BA 'OD — See De wa rā dza.

ZHI BA 'OD — A king of Gu ge.  28 52.  =Cal led Pho brang.  Son of Lha lde.  17 II 350.6.  Vitali, Kingdoms, p. 147, calculates his dates to be 1016‑1111.  KWT 87 dates his reign to 1078-1111.

ZHI BA 'OD — Śāntiprabha.  Bu ston I 161.

Ras pa ZHI BA 'OD — Disc. of Milarepa.  Earlier called Dar ma dbang phyug.  Mi la gave him his new name.  See 4 chap. XV, p. 84B.  17 II 511.  Vai.Ser. 218.  B. in (La stod) Rgyal khams.  Belonged to the gdung rus of Zhu yas.  Short bio. in 57 IIB 351.5.  4 154B.5, 155A.1, 169A.3, 171A.5, 224A.5, 228B.4, 229A.5, 229B.1, 237B.6, 238A.4, 260A.3, 285A.3, 292.3, ff, 303A.5, 312B.6, 315B.1, 317A.4.  Epithet, Sgom stag jo dar in 4 296B.3.  To see a portrait, see HAR 19838: of the 6 standing figures he is the 5th.


ZHI BA'I LAG PA — Father of Dznyā na sū tra.  BD of T&TB I 517.

ZHI BA'I SA — See 'Gu zhan.

ZHI BA'I SRING MO — Epithet of Yamunā.  Das 418.

Rgyal sras ZHI BA LHA — Śāntideva.  See Bhu su ku.  Pictured in 128 274, 1058.  Also called Blo gros mi zad pa.  Bio. 165 292.  Avadāna in 243 I 637 ff.  Pictured in 320 XII 2.  BD of T&TB I 496 ff. Birthn. Zhi ba'i go cha.  A title perhaps published in India (?) listed under LTWA KA3/10149:  Rgyal sras Zhi ba lha'i Rnam par Thar pa Rin chen Phreng ba, medium lengthed folios, in 101 pp. (compare BLP no. 1746).  Blo bzang chos kyi rgyal mtshan, Zhi ba lha'i Rtogs brjod Padma Dkar po'i Phreng ba listed in BLP no. 1745.

ZHI BA LHA RGYUD — Text in 320 XIII 2.

Spyan snga ZHI BAR GSHEGS PA — Kuijp in TH&L 286, 289.

Sdug bsngal ZHI BYED — Waddell 74.  Teachings introduced to Tibet by Dam pa sangs rgyas, although not yet known by that name.  See 16 38‑9.  See (Rog) Shes rab 'od.  See 17 II 423.4 ff.  384 III 381‑386.  Zhi byed is traditionally broken down into three Bka' babs:  1) The early school:  Snga ma (or, Dang po) bestowed by Dam pa Sangs rgyas on Kha che Jñānaguhya & Ong po Lo tsā ba.  Centers around the 3 cycles of the Zhi byed Tārā.  It passed through Rog Shes rab 'od into the major religious traditions of Tibet.  2) The middle school:  Bar pa.  Passed through Rma, So, & Skam into schools of the same names, spreading widely in Tibet.  3) The later school:  Phyi ma, taught at Ding ri Glang 'khor, it would eventually be widely practiced at Smin grol gling.

ZHI BYED SKOR BDUN — Or, Zhi byed Lha mo Bdun.  239 XXIV.

ZHI BYED MGON PO — Disc. of Rgod tshang pa.  BA 687.

ZHI BYED SGRON MA SKOR DGU — Precepts granted to Grwa pa Mngon shes by Pha dam pa.  124 488.1.  BA 96.

ZHI BYED RI PA — Author of a Milarepa bio. mentioned in the colophon of the Milarepa bio. probably mistakenly labelled as the Mdzod nag ma (this should be yet another Mila bio.).  His Mila bio. has recently surfaced.

ZHI SBAS LUGS — 9‑deity Hevajrra.  349 XIX.

ZHI TSU HU'ANG DHĪ — Shizu Huangdi (re. 1644‑1662).  Thuken 367.

ZHI MDZES — Zhang Zhi mdzes.  LPNT IV 65.  He's probably the same as the Sgom Zhi mdzes mentioned elsewhere in this index.

ZHI ZHI DBANG LDAN — A local deity.  Karmay, ed., New Horizons 388.

ZHI BZANG 'PHAGS PA — See (— — — —) Dge legs rgyal mtshan.

ZHI YANG — Interpreted to mean Sweden.  Pollock, Forms 344.

Thub bstan sde ZHI RAB RGYAS GLING — A mon. f. by Don grub chos kyi rgyal po, q.v.

ZHIG CHEN BCO BRGYAD — A group of important lamas in the history of Bon in Kham and A mdo. Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 421

ZHIG PO — "... means a person who has overcome the conception of ultimate existence and attachment (bden 'dzin dang gces 'dzin thul ba'i gang zag), and acquired miraculous power as a result."  TS7 II 835.  Berounsky in Asiatische Studien 67 (2013) 788, with discussion of the fact that persons with this name mostly lived in the 12th century (the term seems to have no Indic background).

ZHIG PO — See (— —) Kun grol.  (— —) Bdud rtsi (1149‑1199).  (— —) Snang seng.  (— —) Byang dpal.  (— —) Rin chen shes rab (1171‑1245).  Shes rab pa.

'Gag sgom ZHIG PO — Also, 'Gar sgom Zhig po.  129 V 282.3.  Disc. of Sgam po pa.  Evid. same as Mgar sgom dkar po, q.v.

Pha jo 'Brug sgom ZHIG PO — (1162‑1251)  A disc. (nyid kyi slob ma) of Dbon ras Dar ma seng ge (1177‑1237).  1 15.  Aris in BSOAS 39 (1976) 603.  Probably should follow the dates given in the translation of his biography, 1185‑1251.

'Phrang gi Rgya ston ZHIG PO — One of 8 chief discs. of Mar pa.  46 28.  BA 403.  57 IIB 347.6.  17 II 456.4.

Dbus pa ZHIG PO — (1126‑1195)  Stayed at Bya sa, q.v.  Ferrari 131.  BA 130.  BD of T&TB III 342‑344.

ZHIG PO GLING PA — (1524‑1583)  Gter ston, a teacher of Sog bzlog pa (1552‑1624).  Also called Snang rtse Gter chen.  39 5.  Mentioned in BD of T&TB III 751.  Dates are 1524‑1583, acc. to BD of T&TB III 763.  'Khrungs yul Stod lung Snang rtse Skye'i Lha khang dang nye ba'i sar 'khrungs.  Work in 87 XXX.  His bio. by Sog bzlog pa (1599) in 208 I 9‑109.  210 209.5, 210.1.  Called Nam mkha' tshe brtan rgyal po, or Nam mkha' tshe dbang rgyal po.  Beyer 420.  383 220.3.  TS7 I 73.  His bio. of Padmasambhava listed in BLP no. 0356.  His Zab bdun rtsa gsum in 87 VI 249‑408.  His Bla ma Padma Badzra from the cycle Thugs chen 'Khor ba las Sgrol in 87 XI 113‑171.  Bla ma Rgyal ba 'Dus pa is one of his cycles.  Other gter ma in 87 XIX, XX, XLII.  208 I 205.1, 207.5.  217 434.4.  His writings were banned (see E. Gene Smith, "Banned Books in the Tibetan Speaking Lands").  Acc. to Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 121, he is also called Snang rtse pa Gar gyi dbang po.

Gar dbang ZHIG PO GLING PA — Gter ma in 87 XXXVII.  Alias, Gar gyi dbang phyug.  410 91B.4.

ZHIG PO BCO BRGYAD — See list in Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 455.  Discussed by Berounsky in Asiatische Studien 67 (2013) 787 etc.

ZHIG PO BDUD RTSI — (1149‑1199)  In Rnying ma lineage.  Bio. BA 133‑141.  See Bdud rtsi zhig po (?).  Disc. of Nyang ral.  413 338.2.  477 136.1. Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 102.

ZHIG PO 'DUL GRA PA — See (— — — — —) Rin chen 'byung gnas.

ZHING SKYONG — Line of rebirths of Bdud 'dul rdo rje, the chief incarnation of Kaḥ thog.  39 6.


ZHING SKYONG GTOR CHOG — For a work on this ritual by Tshe dbang nor bu.  90 III 557.

Rnged ru ba ZHING SKYONG BLA MA PHRIN LAS PA — 363 118.1.

ZHING SKYONGS LHA MO — Pictured in 320 XXXIII 621.


ZHING GI RDO RJE — Kṣetravajra.  BA 729; 17 II 427.  Disc. of Mai tri pa and teacher of Khyung po rnal 'byor in Nepal.

ZHING PA — See Me dhi ni.



ZHING RINGS — Pl.n., apparently.  115 8.2.

ZHING RUL — "Rotten Land"  N. of a salt lake in Dpangs kong.  Lat. 33° long. 78°.  79 90 no 98.

ZHING LAS CAN — See Me dhi ni.

ZHING SHAG — Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 117.

ZHING SHAG PA — See (— — —) Tshe brtan rdo rje.

ZHING BSHAG — See (— —) Karma tshe brtan.

Lo ro ZHING GSAR — Pl.n.  BA 273.

ZHIB PHYOG — Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 148.  Bon mon.

ZHIM 'BYI TSE — Or, Zhim 'bi tse.  Iwao, Preliminary 180.

ZHIMS — See (Zhims kyi) Gu ran.

ZHIR ZHAG — See Shir zhag.

ZHU — For Zhu transmission of Bonpo Vinaya, see 253 II 100.4 ff.  See also 260Ancestral lineage (gdung rabs) in 253 II 275.3.  For connected monasteries, see 253 II 597.1 ff.

ZHU — See (—) Bsod nams dbang ldan.

ZHU SGOM 'KHRUL ZHIG — Bio. & songs in SFHB 390‑437.  Met by Bon zhig Khyung nag.  244 371.7.  See Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 454.  He says there are two persons called by this name in the Zhu family lineage.  His precepts and songs contained in Bon Tanjur, vol. 142, pp. 585‑589.

ZHU CHEN — See (— —) Tshul khrims rin chen.

ZHU SNYE — Refers to both main valley of Snye mo and side valley of Snye mo Gzhu, birthpl. of Khyung po Rnal 'byor.  Seat of Dus gsum mkhyen pa.

Dge bshes ZHU RTA STON PA — Possibly =(Zhu ston) Bsod nams shākya, q.v.  28 I 358.5.

ZHU STON — See (— —) Bsod nams shākya.

ZHU BLA MA — See (— — —) Rnam rgyal grags pa.

ZHU 'BROG — In Gtsang.  Kuijp in TH&L 308, 309.

ZHU 'BROG GNAS — Pl.n.  27 157.

ZHU BTSUN — See (— —) G.yung drung khri 'od.

ZHU TSHA — A rus383 409.4.

ZHU YAS — The gdung rus of Zhi ba 'od.  57 IIB 351.5.  Achard, L'Essence 54‑55.

ZHU YAS — See (— —) Legs po.

Gter bton Snye mo ba ZHU YAS — (b. 1002)  Kværne no 69.  Bio. 210 56.2 ff.  Zhu g.yas Legs pa in 253 II 191.6.  Personal n. Gnod sbyin 'bar, acc. to 383 408.5 ff.  410 40B.4.  413 320.6.  Achard, L'Essence 55.  His two bios. of Gu ru Rin po che listed in BLP no. 0325.

ZHU G.YAS — See (— —) Rgyal mtshan nyi ma.  (— —) Rnam rgyal grags pa.

ZHU RU — BA 182.

Dwags po ZHU RU — BA 182, 184.

ZHU LAN PA — Zhus lan pa in BA 365.  In Gsang 'dus lineage.  17 II 410.4.

ZHU LHAN — See (— —) Shes rab grags.

ZHUGS NGAMS — A pl. in Khotan region.  Emmerick.

ZHUNG GAR BA — See (— — —) Rab rgyas.

ZHUNG THING BA — Or, Zhung mthing ba.  Belonged to Dwags ris school of art.  23 47.

ZHUR SDE DRUG — Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 34.

Rtsa phu'i Gangs ZHUR MO — Birthpl. of Rang byung rdo rje.  17 II 535.3.  BA 488.

ZHUS LAN PA —  =Zhu lan pa, q.v.

ZHE CHEN — See (— —) Padma dri med legs pa'i blo gros.

ZHEN CHEN KONG SPRUL — The 2nd 'Jam mgon Blo gros mtha' yas.  B. in 1901.  Apparently identical to ('Jam mgon) Mkhyen brtse 'od zer, q.v.  CM I 48.

ZHE CHEN RGYAL TSHAB — See (— — — — iv) 'Gyur med padma rdo rje theg mchog bstan nyi.  (— — — —) Padma rnam rgyal.

ZHE CHEN BSTAN GNYIS DAR RGYAS GLING — Rnying ma mon. with 9 incarnates and 200 monks in Mdo stod.  F. by (Rab 'byams) 'Gyur med kun bzang rnam rgyal in Wood Tiger (1734/5).  Belongs to Smin grol gling tradition.  F. in 1734, acc. to 16 38.  Cuevas, Hidden History 195.

ZHE CHEN DRUNG YIG — See (— — — —) Bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho.

ZHE CHEN DBON SPRUL — See (— — — —) 'Gyur med mthu stobs rnam rgyal.

ZHE CHEN SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) 'Gyur med bshad sgrub dar rgyas.

ZHE CHEN RAB 'BYAMS — See  (— — — — i) Bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan (1654‑1709).  (— — — — ii) 'Gyur med kun bzang rnam rgyal (1713‑1769).  (— — — — iii) Dpal 'byor rgya mtsho (1771‑1809). (— — — — vi) Kun bzang chos kyi nyi ma.

Rgyal po ZHE GDUG CAN — bram ze rtogs pa can rnams la // rnam par mi rtog pa zhes mtshon // rgyal po zhe gdug can rnams la // yid la mi byed pa zhes bstan.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) IV 308.2.  I suppose this is not a proper name.

ZHE SDANG RDO RJE — N. of a deity.  "dbus kyi ling tshe la bcom ldan 'das zhe sdang rdo rje zhal gsum phyag drug pa yum reg bya rdo rje ma dang gnyis su med par bzhugs."  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 366.5.

ZHE SDANG RDO RJE — 'Secret' n. of Bal bu gongs pa.  A n. of 'Jig rten mgon po.  359 II 398‑406.  BD of T&TB IX 433‑434.  He belonged to the Ngo rje clan, hence his name Ngo rje ras pa.  He lived in the 13th century, studying as a child with Śākyaśrī.  There is a list of his works, including Bstan pa'i Snying po Rtsa 'grel, Bde mchog Rtsa rgyud 'Grel, Ngan song Sbyongs ba sogs la mngon rtogs dkyil chog, Lho sgo Rab gnas, Sbyin sreg.  His Theg chen Bstan pa Byung tshul Gsal bar Bstan pa Rin po che'i Gser gyi Mchod sdong, listed in BLP no. 1099 (and in Drepung Catalog 1685).

Rngog ZHE SDANG RDO RJE — Author of Brtag gnyis kyi 'Grel pa Rin chen Rgyan 'dra, cited in 413 549.1.  I believe (based on gsan‑yig lineages) that he has to be identical to Rngog Mdo sde (b. 1078), son of Rngog Chos kyi rdo rje.  He's earlier than the 'Bri gung pa named Zhe sdang rdo rje.

Se ZHE SDANG RDO RJE — In main Lam 'bras lineage.  Phag gru, Bka' 'bum (2003) VI 27.2.

ZHE SDANG RNAM DAG RDO RJE — N. of Kun dga' grol mchog.  383 387.1.




ZHE 'DZONG DGON — 346 75.1.  415 XI 122.1.

ZHE ZHOL — See (— —) Stag rtse.


ZHE HO — Name of Jehol.  The spelling is Zhe hor Rdo rje'i Ri in L.A. Waddell, "Chinese Imperial Edict of 1808 A.D. on the Origin and Transmigrations of the Grand Lamas of Tibet," separatum from the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, January 1910, pp. 69‑86, at p. 76.  Hung Shih Chang & Jessica Hsu, Buddhist Art from Rehol (Taipei 1999).  Spelled Zhai ho'u in Thuken 368.

ZHAI HO'U BKRA SHIS LHUN PO MKHAN PO — See (— — — — — — — —) Gtsang pa Paṇḍi ta.

ZHE SHONG DGON — 253 II 633.2.

ZHEN TING RGYAL PO — King Wen Di (6th century).  Thuken 361.

Blo sbyong ZHEN PA BZHI BRAL — A teaching of Sa skya pa.  "Parting from the Four Attachments."  1. tshe 'di la mi zhen pa.  2. 'khor ba la mi zhen pa (or, khams gsum 'khor ba la...).  3. bdag gi don la mi zhen pa.  4. dngos po dang mtshan ma la mi zhen pa (or, lta ba ma zhen pa? or phyogs 'dzin kun bral).  8636 IV 795 ff.  Basic texts in 349 XXIII.  See 374 73 ff.  Kun dga' snying po received these lines in a vision from Mañjuśrī in gesture of teaching:  tshe 'di la zhen na chos pa min / 'khor ba la zhen na nges 'byung min / bdag don la zhen na byang sems min / 'dzin pa byung na lta ba min. 

ZHEN MED RAS PA — Alias of Gsum pa ras pa.  Bio. in 228 86.6 ff.  17 IV 466.1.

ZHER — BA 68.

ZHES YUL — (?)  Vitali, Tho.ling 52.

ZHO KHA — BA 494.

ZHO KHANG — Pl. in Tibet.  Das 1076.

Drang srong ZHO 'THUNG — Child of Ba tsa su tsa ra.  KB 28.5‑6, 39.2.


ZHO NE GU — See Mal zho Ne gu.

ZHO SPANG — Birthpl. of Dge 'dun chos 'phel. See Mengele, dGe 49.

'Bri gung Mkhan po ZHO RA BA — 17 IV 464.1.

ZHOG — N. of pl. in Dbus stod E of Lha sa.

ZHOG PA SPRUL SKU — 460 538.5.

ZHOG LHA RGYUG PA — Named in the same category as Gnyan chen Thang lha.  Thuken 257.

ZHOGS — BA 273, 292, 302.

ZHOGS — See (—) Gur sngon.  (Zhogs gyi) Tshur lung.


ZHOGS PHU 'OD GSAL — Vai.Ser. 146.

ZHONG PA — Together with Brad forms one of the dbang ris, both located in G.yo ru and headed by the clan Sna nam.  28 80.  87 I 266.2.


ZHONG PA LHA CHU — See 87 I 266.3.  Also, Gzhong pa Lha chu.

ZHONG PONG — Matthew Kapstein, The Strange Death of Pema the Demon Tamer, in M.K., ed., The Presence of Light (Chicago 2004), pp. 119‑156, at p. 138.

ZHONG ZHONG — BA 732‑33.  =Gzhong, q.v.  Mon. in Shangs valley f. by Khyung po Rnal 'byor.  Wylie 141, n. 239.  458 I 250.1.

ZHONG ZHONG — See (— —) Nam mkha' bkra shis.

ZHONG SHAN RI KHROD — Xiongxiansi. Horlemann 142.

Zu spug gi ZHON PA — OTA 694.


ZHOL — The area of Lha sa directly in front of and below the Potala, now largely destroyed.  Goldstein.

ZHOL KHANG —  =Zhol Par khang.  The printing press under the Potala.  =Phan bde'i gter mdzod khang.  Tucci, Lhasa 114.  162 172‑84.  162 239, 242.

ZHOL KHANG YON TAN — Scribe for the 13th Dalai Lama.  His death is described in Palden Gyatso, Autobio. 135.

ZHOL RGYAL BA — Roesler, KSP 63.

ZHOL PAR KHANG — See Smith 229.

ZHOL LAS KHUNG — See Mengele, dGe 68.  This 'office' had prison cells.

GZHAG — See (—) Ma thang Dgon.

GZHAG BLA — See (— —) Kun dga' dpal ba.

GZHAN DGA' — (1871‑1927)  =Gzhan phan chos kyi snang ba.  Author of Rdzong gsar Yig cha.  Main intellectual thrust was that he tried to put an end to sectarian differences by going back to the major Indian śāstras & comment on them as the Indians themselves would have understood them.  In this sense, his ris med differed from that of Mi pham.  42 10.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 89.


GZHAN STONG — Emptiness of other, or other emptiness.  23 34.  See Ruegg 307.  Work in 212 XI.  Gzhan stong Dbu ma12 IX 95.2, etc.  Karma pa viii Mi bskyod rdo rje, Dbu ma Gzhan stong Smra ba'i Srol Legs par Phye ba'i Sgron me, prints from blocks preserved at Rum btegs Karma chos sgar in Sikkim, publ. in 20 folios.  I(Sik) Tib 72‑905479.

Paṇḍi ta GZHAN PHAN — Teacher, in India, of Rgyus Smon lam grags pa, q.v.

Sman pa Grwa tshang GZHAN PHAN KUN KHYAB GLING — 224 III 593.1.

Rgyal sras GZHAN PHAN CHOS KYI GRAGS PA —  =Karma bka' brgyud bkra shis.  See 456.

GZHAN PHAN CHOS KYI SNANG BA — (1871‑1927)  See also Gzhan dga'.  Taught at Rdzogs chen, Rdzong gsar, Dpal spungs.  In earlier years stayed at Dge mang with Bstan li.  23 26.  402 130b.2.  166 22.5.  Comm. on Bodhicaryāvatāra, publ. 1976.  Work on Rigs pa Drug cu pa, publ. 1976.  Comm. on Rtsod zlog and So thar, publ. 1976 & 1975.  Sgyu 'phrul Drwa ba'i Rgyud kyi Mchan 'grel Nyi zla'i Snying po, publ. in 1973.  Gzhung chen Bcu gsum gyi Mchan 'grel, publ. in 6 vols. (Dehra Dun 1978).  Phar phyin 'Grel Mchan Gzhan phan Snang ba, comm. in Abhisamayālaṅkāra publ. in Thimphu in 1978.  TS7 I 443.  Almogi, MA thesis 19, where D. Jackson suggests there were two persons by this name.

GZHAN PHAN CHOS KYI ZLA BA — See Tshul khrims gzhan phan chos kyi zla ba.

Rdzogs chen Rgyal sras GZHAN PHAN MTHA' YAS — (b. 1740)  Rnying ma pa monastic reformer.  He and his disc. lineage were closely connected with Dge mang, q.v., and from there diffused all over Khams.  39 10.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 473.  Pictured in 128 688.  See 194.  Pictured in 320 XXIV 3.  CM I.  The Collected Works (Gsung 'bum) of Rgyal sras Gzhan phan mtha' yas, publ. in 2 vols.  More reliably, I believe, his dates should be 1800‑1869/70. 

GZHAN PHAN RDO RJE — (1654‑1714)  Rnying ma bio. in BD of T&TB IV 359.

Gong ra Lo chen GZHAN PHAN RDO RJE — (1594‑1654).  'Bras yul Bkra shis gling du 'khrungs / Gnubs Khro phu pa'i gdung rigsDhongthog 92.  A teacher of (Bres gshongs pa) Chos rgyal rdo rje (1602‑1677).  BD of T&TB III 790, 283.  Achard, L'Essence 28, 59, 60.  His books were banned (see E. Gene Smith, "Banned Books in the Tibetan Speaking Lands"), as noted also in Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 122 n. 87.  Cuevas, Hidden History 166.

'Brom ston GZHAN PHAN RNAM ROL — 458 I 189.3, 201.3, 271.2.

'Jam mgon Bla ma GZHAN PHAN SNANG BA — 346 148.4.


Sprul sku GZHAN PHAN DBANG PO — 458 I 267.1, 318.5.

Kha che Zangs dkar gyi Rgyal po GZHAN PHAN BZANG PO — The Phyag chen Zin 'bris of Padma dkar po was written at his behest, as well as the work on Nā ro Chos Drug (see colophons of the above, as well as TY&SD 154).  17 III 493.4.

Lo tsā ba GZHAN PHAN SHES RAB — BD of T&TB X 49.19.

GZHAN GYIS MI THUB — A Tārā.  128 1104.  Khro bo Chen po, Tantra in 320 XXVIII 481 ff.  Emmerick.

GZHAN RA SMYON — N. of (Phyag rdor Sprul sku) Nam mkha' dpal bzang, q.v.  1 20.

Slob dpon GZHAN LA PHAN PA — BD of T&TB I 576.

GZHAN LA PHAN PA'I DBYANGS — See (— — — — —) Dgon pa ba.

GZHAN LAS RNAM PAR RGYAL BA — A Tārā.  128 1104.


GZHAS PA — Hazod in Steinkellner Festschrift 272, 273.

GZHI GA TSE — BA 222.  Gzhis ka rtse (?).

GZHI BCU BDUN — 209 II 411.

GZHI CHEN MKHAR DMAR GSANG SNGAGS DGON — Rnying ma mon. with 15 incarnates and 1100 monks in Mdo smad.

GZHI THOG BLA BRANG — Correctly spelled, Bzhi thog Bla brang, q.v.

GZHI BDAG — Shipta.  Mt. NE of Rgyal rtse inhabited by the 'guardian' of that city.  Tucci, Lhasa 42.

GZHI BDAG SKU LA HA RI — A mt.  5 198.5.  See Sku la ha ri.

GZHI SDE — Seems to be two different monasteries of same name, one in Ra mo che.  See Ferrari 94.  See Bzhi sde!

GZHI MAL LA — ?  TS7 II 975.


GZHIS KA RTSE — The capital city of Gtsang province.  Lat. 29° long. 89°.

GZHIS KHA LNGA — Five divisons of Dwags po, also called 'five forts' (rdzong lnga):  Sku rab rnam rgyal, Snang, Rgya tsha, Lha gsol, and Skyems.  Pasang Wangdu, The Slebs ri Tombs and the Mchims Clan, IN: Hildegard Diemberger and Karma Phuntsho, eds., Ancient Treasures, New Discoveries, IITBS (Saale 2009) 73‑96, at p. 91.

GZHIS DGON — Or, Dgon lag.  'Estate monastery' or 'dependent monastery.'  A mon. subordinated to a larger one.  Tucci, Religions 146.

GZHIS 'PHRO DGON — Pl.n.  Stein, Recherches 86.

GZHIS RTSA SDE DGU — A Bonpo village in Rgyal mo rong.  See 1998 article by Peng Wenbin.  Jiuzhaigou is the Chinese map version of the name.  The spelling is given as Gzi rtsa Sde Dgu at Daniel Winkler's website.  These are all modern names.  Old Bon sources call it Khod po.

GZHIS RTSE SNGAGS TSHOGS — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang with 3 incarnates and 100 monks.

GZHU — BA 75, 76, 251, 479, 1002.

Snye mo GZHU — N. of a fort.  Beyer 387.

GZHU — See (—) Snye mo, or Gzhu snye.  (—) Spro lung gi Gtsug lag khang.

GZHU — See (—) Kun dga' ra ba.

'Phreng du Dge bshes GZHU — 17 II 405.5.

GZHU KHANG PA — TS7 I 73.  Roerich's dictionary X 331.


GZHU SNYE — BA 1069.  601 3v.6.


GZHU STON — See under Zin shing.

GZHU NANG — See (— —) Kun ra Dgon.  (— —) Rab rgyas gling.

GZHU SNA — Gzhu sna'i lcags zam.  5 243.3.  Perhaps has something to do with Gzhung gru sna (?), q.v.

GZHU BA MO — 253 II 600.2.

GZHU BYANG GLING — Vai.Ser. 191.


Snye mo GZHU YAS — Also, Zu yas.  N. of Gter ston in 12th cent.  In BD of T&TB III 309, there is a story where he receives the completion of a cycle of teachings through a vision of Padmasambhava, saying that this story is well known in the Shangs pa Bka' brgyud.

Slob dpon GZHUGS THOG RGYAL — 253 II 218.6.

GZHUNG — BA 300, 406, 672, 673, 674, 694.

GZHUNG — See (—) Spre'u zhing.  (—) Ri bo.

GZHUNG KHANG BA — See (— — —) Dge legs lhun grub.



GZHUNG BRGYA PA — See (— — —) Dngos grub dpal 'bar.

GZHUNG BSGYUR CHEN MO — A festival day held at Zhwa lu monastery since the first occasion in 1383.  The Snar thang holiday of the same name was instituted somewhat earlier. See the dissertation of Puchung.

GZHUNG RJE — See (— —) Smon lam mtha' yas rgya mtsho.

Bka' gdams GZHUNG PA — See lineage in 165 I contents.  See under (Dge slong) Shes rab snying po.

GZHUNG PA — See (— —) Tshul khrims rgya mtsho.

Rngog GZHUNG PO — See (Gzhung gi Rngogs ston) Chos rdor.

GZHUNG SPRE'U ZHING — See (Gzhung) Spre'u zhing.

GZHUNG TSHONG — An official government trader sent to Mnga' ris region.  Tsarong in TJ XXIII no 3 (1998) 31.

GZHE MA — N. of a female Arhat.  Emmerick.


GZHED — Rare n. of lower terrestrial spirits.  T.H. 94.

GZHO — BA 272, 274‑5.

GZHO — See (—) Ti sgro.

GZHO STOD — Site of 'Bri gung mon.  476 III 83.5.

GZHO RONG CHU — An upper branch of Skyid chu.  50 m. NE of Lha sa.  Spelled Zho rong in Sørensen, Restless Relic 866, where Gzho dkar and Gzho nag are also mentioned.

Sngags kyi GZHOGS STENGS — B.pl. of Me long rdo rje.  210 62.3.

GZHONG — BA 733.  =Zhong zhong in the valley of the Shangs chu.  Listed as one of the 8 Rgod stong Sde of G.yas ru.  28 82.

Lcags ra Ba spu GZHONG GRUB CHEN — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 118.3.

Stod lung GZHONG PA'I MDO — 87 I 44.4.  Gzhong pa Mda' in KTDN 101.3.

Stod lung GZHONG PA LHA CHU — Pl.n.  See BD of T&TB III 814.  For story of its appearance due to the miraculous power of Padmasambhava, see 87 I 44 and KTDN 101.4 ff.  At mouth of Stod lung Chu.  Miraculous springs created by Padmasambhava  Small building with 2 pools full of fish.  Ferrari 167.  Allen, Search for Shangri La 141 (map).

GZHOD STON — See (— —) Dngos grub grags pa.  (— —) Bsod nams grags pa.

GZHOD GAR — Pl. in Bhutan.  Olschak.

GZHON SKYONG — Flick, Carrying Enemies 11.

Slob dpon GZHON RGYAL — Not to be confused with Gzhon nu rgyal po, he was a Madhyamaka teacher of Klong chen pa.  52 2.

Khams pa Lo tsā ba GZHON NU GRAGS — 17 IV 328.2.

Gyar Sgom chen po GZHON NU GRAGS PA — (1090‑1171)  N. also spelled Dgya ra, Dgyer, Sgyer.  Disc. of Sne'u zur pa who founded Rin chen sgang Mon.  Ferrari 109.  BA 315.  17 II 377.4.  Also, disc. of Bya yul pa.  Bio. in 165 I 604.  Founded Rgya ma Rab rgyas gling in 1138.  Alexander, Temples 145.

Mkhas grub Chos rje GZHON NU GRUB — Shangs pa.  Bio. by Byang chub shes rab listed in BLP no. 0262.  Author of a 60‑folio ms. entitled Mdo rgyud rgya mtsho listed in Drepung Catalog 1029.  Author of Phyag rgya chen po'i ga'u ma'i khrid yig gsal ba don ldan, listed in Drepung Catalog 735.  Probably the same as Bsam lding pa Gzhon nu grub, author of Phyag rgya chen po ga'u ma'i khrid listed in Drepung Catalog 1253.  Probably author of Snying po gcig bsdus zhes pa sngags kyi nyams len listed in Drepung Catalog 990.

Mkhas btsun GZHON NU GRUB — (d. 1319)  Founder of Nyang smad Bsam sdings transmission.  29 7.  Kumārasiddhi.  Disc. of (Bar phug rong pa) Byams gling pa, a Bka' gdams pa.  27 87.  See the entry "Samdingpa Shönu Drub" at shangpafoundation.org, where his dates are given as ca. 1250's-1260's to 1319.

GZHON NU RGYA MTSHO — Father of Dpang kha 'Dar chung.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 38 n. 49.

GZHON NU RGYAL MCHOG — (1311‑1390)  Pupil of Zur phu ba.  F. of Byams chen Chos sde.  BA 340.  Ferrari 162.  Erector of the famous image of Maitreya at Byams chen Chos sde.  Das 1195B.  Compiler of blo sbyong works in 36 II.  Aka Dkon mchog 'bangs.  374 I 61.4.

Rig 'dzin GZHON NU RGYAL PO — (1266‑1343)  =Ku mā ra rā dza, a Tibetan considered an embodiment of Vimalamitra.  Chief teacher of Klong chen pa, who met him in about 1336.  210 227.4.  Disc. of Me long rdo rje.  Birthn. was Thar pa rgyan.  BD of T&TB III 427.  Pictured in 128 680.  Bio. in 193 I 229.6 ff.

Rnal 'byor GZHON NU RGYAL MTSHAN — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1266.

Phu chung ba GZHON NU RGYAL MTSHAN — (1031‑1106)  Bka' gdams pa.  Disc. of Atiśa and one of 3 chief discs. of 'Brom ston.  Ferrari 82.  BA 167.  17 II 374.5 ff.  Roesler, KSP 4, 50.  Bio. in BD of T&TB V 37.  Lived 1031‑1109 acc. to Tibetan-Tibetan dictionary, p. 1712.

Bla ma GZHON NU RGYAL MTSHAN — A Dzogchen teacher who plays a role in a 'das log story.  See Cuevas, Travels 49.

Ri pa GZHON NU RGYAL MTSHAN — (1311‑1390)  57 IIB 370.4.  Disc. of Zur phug pa. BA 692.

Rgyal bu GZHON NU CHOS 'TSHOL — 128 744.

GZHON NU 'JIGS MED — KB 98, etc.

'Gro mgon GZHON NU CHOS BZANG — 116 311.6.



Ras phug gi Sras chung GZHON NU SNYING PO — 391 V 67.

GZHON NU DON GRUB — A Rnying ma master who transmitted Mdo Sgyu Sems teachings to Klong chen pa.  210 227.4.  52 2.

'Jam dbyangs GZHON NU DON GRUB — 210 245.2.

Pha jo GZHON NU DON GRUB — 374 II 467.3.

Zur chen GZHON NU DON GRUB — Father of (Zur chen) Chos dbyings rang grol (1604‑1664).

GZHON NU GDONG DRUG — Kārtika, a Hindu deity.  Wylie 59.  See Dung dkar 14.

GZHON NU RDO RJE — A student of Sa paṇ.  See Gardner in TJ XXVIII no. 3 (2003) 67.  He was a first‑born son of the Sde dge royal family.  LaRocca, Warriors 26.

GZHON NU RDO RJE — Bka' gdams pa teacher of Klong chen pa.  52 2.  210 227.5.

'Gar Dam pa Chos sdings pa GZHON NU RDO RJE — (1180‑?1240)  Bio. by his nephew O rgyan pa (not the famous one by that name).  Kuijp in CAJ 37 (1993) 189.  See under Chos sdings pa.


GZHON NU RDO RJE SDE — Kumāravajrasena.  See the Vimalaprabhāpariprcchāsūtra476 IV 422.4.  Captured by Gar log.

GZHON NU SDE — BD of T&TB I 1000.  Aris, Discourse 41.  Supposed composer of Islamic doctrines.

GZHON NU NUS LDAN — Son of king Bde spyod.  KB 131.6.

GZHON NU NOR BZANG — In Jātaka story.  128 780.  Bio. in 224 I 117 ff.

Btsun pa GZHON NU RNAM RGYAL SDE — Author of Rje btsun chos kyi rje rdo rje gdan pa chen po ji ltar byon pa'i lo rgyus mdor bsdus, listed in Drepung Catalog 1513.

GZHON NU RNAM PAR ROL — Pictured in 320 III 2.

GZHON NU PADMA LEGS GRUB — N. of Ngag dbang dpal bzang (b. 1879) given by Rdzogs chen v (b. 1872) at the ceremony of tonsure.  39 1.

GZHON NU DPAG SHOD — Vai.Ser. 250.

GZHON NU DPA' BO — See (— — — —) Stobs ldan rgyal.

Singga la'i Rgyal po GZHON NU DPAL — 413 120.4.

Go lung pa GZHON NU DPAL — Work on O rgyan Bsnyen sgrub mentioned in 17 XX 96.4.  Disc. of O rgyan pa.  17 IV 437.3.

'Gos Lo tsā ba GZHON NU DPAL — (1392‑1481)  Author of the famous historical work Deb ther Sngon po (BA) in 1476 at Chos rdzong Mon.  Yid bzang rtse Gzhon nu dpal, abbot of Karma rnying Mon.  Bio. in  35 I 636‑637.  Studied with most of the great teachers of his time.  He was guru of Zhwa nag viii, Zhwa dmar iv.  He argued in defense of Rnying ma.  39 5.  Dhongthog 93.  BD of T&TB III 568.  17 II 422.6.  17 IV 440.3.  Pictured in 128 1048.  His bio. of Vanaratna, 449.  Portrait image in Weldon & Singer, Sculptural Heritage 183 (the inscription reads: thams cad mkhyen pa gzhon nu dpal la nā mah).  His biography, composed in 1517 by Chos kyi grags pa (i.e., Zhwa dmar iv Chos grags ye shes), had the title Gzhon nu dpal gyi Rnam par Thar pa Yon tan Rin po che Mchog tu Rgyas pa'i Ljon pa; see Kurtis Schaeffer, Dissert. 119 and Kuijp in Lungta [special issue entitled "Aspects of Tibetan History," guest edited by Roberto Vitali], vol. 14 (Spring 2001), p. 70 n. 13 (also noted by Mathes in TS9 II 94).  There had been an earlier biography written by Smon lam grags pa.  Composed the bio. of Sku zhang Bsod nams mchog grub listed in BLP no. 0153.  Three bios. of him listed in BLP nos. 0470‑0472.  Available works, listed by L. van der Kuijp in a forthcoming paper, include his 'Khor lo Gsum gyi Rnam par Bzhag pa Chos kyi Dbyings Rgya mtsho'i Rgyan Rnam par Bkod pa, his 1467 Dpal Dus kyi 'khor lo'i Rgyud kyi Dka' 'grel Snying po'i Don Rab tu Gsal ba'i Rgyan, as well as a 1473 huge commentary on the Ratnagotravibhāga (woodblocked in 1479)

Rgwa Lo GZHON NU DPAL — See under Rgwa Lo tsā ba (he is but rarely referred to as Gzhon nu dpal).

Mkhan po Nya ra pa GZHON NU DPAL — Met by Sangs rgyas gling pa in circa 1354.  210 104.5.

Mdze po GZHON NU DPAL — 210 87.1.

Bla ma GZHON NU DPAL BA — 475 124.4.

Ras chen GZHON NU DPAL LDAN — Disc. of (Bya btang) Ri khrod ras chen in lineage of Gtsang smyon, q.v.

Rgyal po GZHON NU 'PHROG BYED 'OD — BD of T&TB I 889.

Rgya gar gyi Mkhan po GZHON NU BUM PA'I ZHABS — Kumārakalaśa.  Tr. of text in 319 VII 249‑85.  BD of T&TB I 840.  Invited to Tibet in late 11th cent. by Zangs dkar Lo tsā ba 'Phags pa shes rab.  Mtshan tho no. 80.

GZHON NU BYANG CHUB — Mkhan po at ordination of Zhwa nag iii, in about 1301.  17 II 536.2.  BA 490, 528, 537, 1024, 1072.

Spyan snga ba GZHON NU BYANG CHUB — Kumārabodhi.  Author of bio. of Zhwa nag i in 356 I 204.6 (title listed in BLP 0010).  See Schaeffer in JIP 28 (2000) 371.

GZHON NU BYANG CHUB — Slob dpon at novitiate of Tsong kha pa.  127 16.

Ko'u ba GZHON NU BYANG CHUB 'OD ZER — (b. ca. 1300) 

GZHON NU BLO GROS — An emissary of the Lhasa government, in Kham in around 1700.  Cuevas, Hidden History 197.

Chos sdings Rin po che Kun mkhyen GZHON NU BLO GROS — Met by Sha ra Rab 'byams pa.  116 458.6.

Rgyal bu GZHON NU BLO GROS — A 'king' or rather 'prince' (?).  352 477.8, 799.2 ff.

Spyang lung pa GZHON NU BLO GROS — In lineage of O rgyan Bsnyen sgrub17 IV 437.3.

Yol Mkhan chen GZHON NU BLO GROS — (1587‑1660)  Sa skya pa.  Bio. by his disc. Blo gros rgyal mtshan in 155.  Notes on same in 383 619.6 ff.  Prob. his bios. listed in BLP no. 1753, 1952.

GZHON NU BLO GROS — (1527‑1600)  Bio. by Blo gros rgyal mtshan publ. in 1978.  The dates may be wrong (compare dates in entry of Yol Mkhan chen!).

Rje btsun Red mda' ba GZHON NU BLO GROS — (1349‑1412)  Gtsang Sa skya dang nye ba'i sa'i cha Red mda' Khab sor 'khrungs / blon po Mgar Stong btsan gyi rgyudDhongthog 93.  A Sa skya teacher of Tsong kha pa.  Tucci, Lhasa 161.  His Dbu ma Bzhi brgya pa'i 'Grel pa, comm. on Āryadeva's 400 verses, publ. 1974.  A pupil of Gnyag dbon (Nya dbon) for some time, but later came to disagree with him, and wrote polemics against the Gzhan stong and against the Kālacakra.  76 8.  Bio. in 62 225 ff.  383 332.5.  17 II 382.1.  Bio., etc., in Gces 536.6.  127 18.  Pictured in 128 294.  Dbu ma la 'Jug pa'i Rnam bshad De kho na nyid Gsal ba'i Sgron ma,  publ. in 1974.  He lived from 1348/9‑1412, acc. to Kuijp in Berliner Indologische Studien I (1985) 75.  C. Stearns, in his dissert., gives the dates 1348‑1413.  See Leonard van der Kuijp, "On Some Early Tibetan Pramāṇavāda Texts of the China Nationalities Library of the Cultural Palace of Nationalities in Beijing," Journal of Buddhist & Tibetan Studies, vol. 1 (1994), pp. 1‑30, at p. 14 ff. (he is preparing a study of his Gsung 'Thor bu) and the biography by Mnga' ris pa Sangs rgyas rtse mo listed on p. 30.  DTK5 120.  2 vols. of his Gsung 'bum have been published in 1999 (vol. 1 in 498, and vol. 2 in 482 pp.).  Kurtis Schaeffer makes use of a ms. from the Cultural Palace of Nationalities (Beijing), in 38 fols. (numbered fols. 44‑82), with marginal title NGA, entitled Dpal ldan Red mda' pa Chen po'i Rnam thar Ngo mtshar Rmad byung.  Bios. by Mnga' ris pa Sangs rgyas rtse mo & 'Dul 'dzin Grags pa rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 1882‑1883.  He's quoted in LPNT VII 89.

GZHON NU DBANG PHYUG — A dpon chenPetech (1983) 189.  TS7 I 273.

GZHON NU 'BUM — Mentioned as a teacher of Senggge rgyab pa.  BD of T&TB III 387.  Indian translator in 320 II 650.4.

Gnyal ston GZHON NU 'BUM — Bonpo.  253 II 177.1, 219.6.

Ma gcig GZHON NU 'BUM — Daughter of Sku zhang Mgon po dpal who was married to Bzang po dpal (1262‑1323), the nephew of 'Phags pa and heir of the 'Khon family.  Ricca & Fournier in TJ 26 no 3/4 (Aut/Wint 2001) 116.

Gser khang pa GZHON NU 'BUM — Succeeded O rgyan pa in O rgyan Bsnyen sgrub trans.  Bu ston, Works XXVI 92.

Kir rna GZHON NU 'BYUNG LDAN — (late 14th‑15th cent.).  Also, Ker sna.  Lived to be 70.  Bio. in 467 II 199.2  Disc. of Skyo brag Chos rje Bsod nams bzang po.

GZHON NU MA BDUN — Saptakumārī.  Jo bo Brgya rtsa 297 ff.

Stag Lo GZHON NU BRTSON 'GRUS — (11th cent.)  Traveled with 'Brog mi to India and did mainly pilgrimage there without studying much; went to India in 1008.  Mtshan tho no. 30.

Stag Lo GZHON NU TSHUL KHRIMS — Companion of 'Brog mi.  17 II 393.6, 396.1‑3.  Called Gzhon nu brtson 'grus in BD of T&TB X 44.11.


Se Lo tsā ba GZHON NU TSHUL KHRIMS — BA 761, 765, 795.  17 II 419.3.  Placed in 11th cent. in Mtshan tho no. 49, where it says he studied with Tsa mi and Abhaya, etc., in India.

Zangs dkar Lo tsā ba GZHON NU TSHUL KHRIMS.  In early 11th cent. he invited Karmavajra to Tibet.  At 'Dam he translated the Rtse mo.  He seems to be earlier than Zangs dkar 'Phags pa shes rab.  Mtshan tho no. 23.

Pho brang Sdings pa GZHON NU 'OD — Disc. of Po to ba (1031‑1105).  Bio. in 165 I 502. I believe he was responsible for the earlier and shorter version of the Dpe chos that doesn't seem to be now extant.

Bya yul pa Chen po GZHON NU 'OD — (1075‑1138)  Bio. in BD of T&TB V 70 ff.  B. at (Stod lung) Gol go lung.  Dhongthog 93.  Teacher of Phag mo gru pa and Sgam po pa.  BA 453.  Bio. in BA 286 ff.  Disc. of (Spyan snga) Tshul khrims 'bar.  F. Bya yul gyi Gnas Bzhi.  17 II 376.1.  Pictured in 128 90A.  476 IV 364.1.  Bio. in 165 I 590.  73 246.4.

Gser sdings pa GZHON NU 'OD — In 'Tshur lineage.  BA 420‑421.  F. mon. of Gser ldings.  17 II 469.4.  See under Gsang 'dus.  Pictured in 128 288.  475 100.4.

GZHON NU YON TAN — (13th cent.)  He served as Khri dpon from 1282‑1287.  Kuijp in TH&L 281.  An agent of the Mongols under Temur Buka.

'Od 'jo ba GZHON NU YON TAN — (1213‑?)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 66.

Rgyal bu GZHON NU LEGS LDAN — 352 16.16.

GZHON NU LEN — Kumāralāta.  Subject of article by J. Kato in Indianisme et Bouddhisme 197‑213.  Acc. to Roerich's dictionary X 331, a name of Tāranātha.

Grwa pa GZHON NU SHES RAB — Disc. of Rin chen bzang po.  17 II 353.2.

Pu hrang Lo tsā ba GZHON NU SHES RAB — BD of T&TB X 46.13, 93.1.

Mtshan ldan GZHON NU SANGS RGYAS — Disc. of Dri med kun dga'.  210 243.2, 245.1.

Yer pa Rin po che GZHON NU SANGS RGYAS — BD of T&TB VII 393.  (Chos rje) Ku mā ra buddha in T&BS II 247.

Chos rje GZHON NU SENG GE — (1200-1266)  His mortal remains are in the mchod rten in center of Rwa lung Dgon.  Tucci, Lhasa 61.  3rd in 'Brug pa Gdan rabs, q.v.  Bio. in 1 15.  "lcags pho sprel lor 'khrungs / kha cig rab me'i lcags sprel la 'khrungs zer /"  D. at age 67 (me stag).  Lived 1200 to 1266.  Bio. by Nyi ma seng ge (1251‑1287).  24 II 135‑163.  BA 671.  57 IIB 366.3.  Bio. in 478 I 36.1 ff.

Rtsis 'Dul 'dzin pa GZHON NU SENG GE — (late 11th‑12th cent.)  Chief disc. of (Bya 'Dul) Brtson 'grus 'bar.  BA 80.  17 II 344.4.

Tshur GZHON NU SENG GE — 17 II 405.5.  Mtshur ston Gzhon nu seng ge, Tshad ma Shes rab Sgron ma.  See Kuijp, Treatise 436.

Rgya ma Spyan snga GZHON 'OD PA — Franz‑Karl Ehrhard, "Spiritual Relationships between Rulers and Preceptors: The Three Journeys of Vanaratna (1384‑1468) to Tibet," contained in: Christoph Cüppers, ed., The Relationship between Religion & State (chos srid zung 'brel) in Traditional Tibet, Lumbini International Research Institute (Lumbini 2004), pp. 245‑265, at p. 259.

Lha rje GZHON SENG —  =Gzhon nu seng ge.  Zhi byed Coll. V 312.4.  Later on (at p. 321.1) a Zhang btsun Gzhon seng is mentioned.

Mtshungs med GZHON NU BSAM GRUB — 210 245.2.

Tshal Gung thang pa GZHON NU BSAM GTAN — (fl. early 13th cent.) Man who brought the gter ma of Badzra ma ti from Nepal to Tibet.  BD of T&TB III 731.  210 78.4.  Invited by Ögödei in early 13th cent.


Khyung po Lhas pa GZHON NU BSOD NAMS — (14th cent.)  A disc. of Bu ston, and teacher of Tsong kha pa.  See Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 2, p. 23.

Stod lung GZHON PA STENG — BA 876.

'Jad pa GZHON BYANG — 17 II 346.4.  Name spelled differently in BA 345.  LPNT IV 14.

GZHON TSHUL — Official of Phag mo gru.  Chag 109.

Lo tsā ba GZHON GSUM — Ka ba Dpal rtsegs, Lcog ro Klu'i rgyal mtshan, and Zhang Bande Ye shes sde.  211 109.5‑6.

BZHAG SGOM — See (— —) Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.

BZHAG GSAR — N. of a place in Li thang, location of 'Gro mgon Mon.  Thar in TS9 IV 158.

BZHAD — See also 'Jad.  In Gtsang.  Valley on W tributary of Rungchu North of Gtsang po.  Ferrari 158.  N. of a pl. in Gtsang.  Das 1084.

BZHAD — See (—) Bkra shis dge 'phel.  (—) Dga' ldan chos sdings.  (—) Dngul chu chos rdzong.  (—) Steng kha Dgon.  (—) Dang ra Dgon.  (—) Dpal ldan dar lding. (—) Bres kha Dgon.  (—) 'Brong phu Dgon.


BZHAD PA'I RDO RJE — Secret n. of Mi la ras pa given by ḍākinīs.  17 II 489.3.  4x I 70.4.

BZHAD PA'I RDO RJE — (1747‑1816)  A n. of the lama of Zangs dkar called Tshul khrims 'byung gnas, q.v.  He painted the chapel at Shilatse in Zangs dkar.

BZHAD PA'I RDO RJE — Appears as commissioner in a thangka inscription.  Kreijger, Tibetan Painting 178 n. 33.  Perhaps this is really Sle lung Rje drung?  The thangka depicts Padmasambhava surrounded by his deeds of subjugating the local Tibetan spirits.

Sle lung Rje drung BZHAD PA'I RDO RJE — B. at Zangs ri in 1697.  His Gsang ba Ye shes kyi Chos skor in 16 vols. (publ. 1974‑7) is devoted to his visions.  Author of Dam can Bstan srung Rgya mtsho'i Rnam par Thar pa Cha shas tsam Brjod pa Sngon med Legs bshad "a study of the sources, origins and natures of the Buddhist protective deities of Tibet" in 1734.  Had son named G.yung mgon rdo rje.  23 21.  See 215216 preface.  216.  See =Blo bzang 'phrin las.  For a polemic against him, see 493 36 ff.  Dam can Bstan srung Rgya mtsho'i Rnam par Thar pa Cha shas tsam Brjod pa Sngon med Legs bshad (Paro 1978), 2 vols.  Gsang ba Ye shes kyi Chos skor (Delhi 1974‑7) 16 vols.  Collected works, including biography, see 463.  Names listed in 463 I 745.6 ff.  See Ehrhard in SCEAR 9 (1996) 41 ff.

BZHAD PA RTSAL — Unidentified person (?).  Wylie 68.

BZA' SANG GRE RE MA — A vihāra.  Emmerick.

BZHA' SER MA — A vihāra.  Emmerick.

BZHI KA RTSE — This is spelling of Shigatse, acc. to 79 75 no 20, but seems unattested in Tibetan literature.  See Gzhis ka rtse.

BZHI BRGYA PA — Comm., see SBTD I 330.

BZHI MCHOD SMON LAM — A festival.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 44.

BZHI THOG — BA 217.  A Sa skya pa temple.  56 177.  Gdan rabs in 383 374.5 ff.  Palace at Sa skya.  TS5 561.

BZHI THOG BLA BRANG — Four towered castle, official residence of Sa skya Bla mas in center of the town.  One of the Sa skya Bla brang Bzhi, q.v.  TPS 172.  Ferrari 150.

BZHI DAR — Alias of (Chos rgyal) Bsod nams lhun grub.  24 I preface. Luciano Petech, The Missions of Bogle and Turner according to the Tibetan Texts, T'oung Pao, vol. 39 (1950), pp. 330‑346.  Bogle called him Deb Judhur. Eden called him Deb Jeedah.  His name is sometimes spelled Zhidar.

BZHI SDE — See Gzhi sde.  Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 86 n. 2.  See Pomplun in History of Religions 50 (2011) 394; 59 (2020) 209.

BZHI SDE GRWA TSHANG — Has printery.  162 207.  Alexander, Temples 223 ff.  Evidently the name makes reference to the 'four [monastic] communities' that were warring with each other before the peace made by Sgom tshul.  Or is there another explanation?

Mkhan po BZHI MO LUNG PA — Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 181.

BZHENGS — See (Bzhengs kyi) Glang po sna.

BZHED HOR —  =Jehol in Manchuria.  Smith 7‑8.

BZHER — Gdung rus of 'Brom ston.  BA 251.  17 II 370.1.

BZHON PA DKAR PO — N. of Arjuna, the Pāṇḍava.  Das 98.






ZA KHA BHU TA — Country in India.  132 109.2.

ZA NGAM — See (— —) Rin chen dbyig.

Sde brgyad ZA NGU'I BSKANG CHUNG DGRA GSHED — Text in 313 II 365‑371.

ZA NGU MA — Said to be 8 of them.  In title of FM 521.01.

ZA CHU 'DUS — BA 481.

ZA BU LUNG — 5 271.5.


ZA BYED 'BAR BA'I RGYUD — Title in 320 XXVII 464.3.

ZA 'OG — Means 'silk'.  See (Za 'og) Phag mo che.

ZA 'OG PHUG — DTK5 93.

Ra la'i Phu ZA 'OG PHUG — 234 Ib 94.3.

ZA YIG SNGAGS 'BUM — ?  Texts in 87 LXVII.

ZA YIN A KA — Mongol.  484 II 592.1, 592.5.

Kong po ZA YUL BA — Disc. of 'Jam dbyangs Chos rje.  BLP no. 0815.

ZWA RA DGON — BA 653‑657.  See 235 intro. 7.

ZWA RA BA — See (— — —) Skal ldan ye shes seng ge.

Rgya'i ZA RANG — Berounsky in Asiatische Studien 67 (2013) 789.

ZA RANG RU DPON — See TJ XXIII (1998) 109.  For a list of temples in Za rang, see  Vitali, Tho.ling 151.


ZA LAS RGYAL BA — A rishi.  3 12.

ZA LUNG — BA 720.  Das 1089.  For its founding, see Mtshal Gung thang Dkar chag.

ZA HOR— pl.n.  =Sābhāra [voiced aspirates turned to 'h' in late Prakrit].  Acc. to some, =present day Mandi, small principality in Punjab between Rivers Vyas and Ravi.  Das 1089.  "Rgya gar gyi Rgyal rigs shig."  DagyabBA 39, 159, 241, 350, 847.  87 I 14.6.  Ti lo pa was connected with this area.  1 1.  See 82 82.  114 2B.3.  Clearly placed SE of Rdo rje gdan in 211 45.2.  Visit of Khyung sprul.  306 chap. 9, 11.  363 126.5.  Identified with Jalandhara in Nine Ways 15.  In 431 I 280.3, it is dpag tshad lnga to the west of O rgyan, & ruled by Gtsug lag 'dzin from the capital Pu ran pu ri (the king was father of Mandarava).  There is a discussion of different ideas of its location by Lin in RET 19 (2010) 19.

ZA HOR — The royal family of which the chiefs of 'Phyongs rgyas are said to have descended.  Ferrari 130.  Tib. deriv. from Skt.: Sa ho ra.  =rgya gar gyi rgyal rigs yan gar ba zhig gi ming.  Blaṅ 309.1.  Btsan lha 793.

ZAG RUM — N. of a mon.  Cuevas, Travels 83.

ZANG — N. of a merchant.  Emmerick.

ZANG KA'I RGYUD — 320 VI 364 ff.

ZANG SKAR —  =Zangs dkar.  Branch mon. of Spi thug in La dwags.  Roerich, Trails 27.

ZANG ZANG — Northeast of Gcung Ri bo che.  N. of place in Lho brag in southern Tibet.  One of 37 holy places of Bon.  Das 1090.


ZANG ZANG NE RANG —  =Ne rings.  F. in 1259 by Bde legs rgyal mtshan.  BA 688.  Ferrari 153.


ZANG ZANG LHA BRAG — 206 561.4, 562.2.  253 II 223.5, 440.6, 581.6.  Kværne no. 139.  ZZFC 254.

ZANG ZANG LHA BRAG PA — See (— — — — —) Thub bstan dar rgyas.

ZANG ZANG LHA BRAG SPRUL SKU — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 115.5.

ZANG ZANG LHA RTSE — 253 II 573.3.

ZANG ZING NE RING PA — See (— — — — —) 'Chi med rab rgyas.  See Zang zang Ne rang, above.

ZANG YAG — Also, Zang yag Brag, Zang yag Nam mkha' rdzong.  Unlocated.  Where Gu ru Jo rtse found gter maFerrari 167.  Zang yag, variously spelled, is an interesting Old Tibetan term of uncertain meaning.

ZANG YAG BRAG — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang with 1 incarnate and 65 monks.

ZANGS DKAR — Zangskar.  N. of a district in Mnga' ris.  =Zangs mkhar.  SW of Ladakh.  N. of a fertile valley.  Das 1090.  28 73.  N. of a river which joins Indus in La dwags.  See 14 3.  Has a mon. called Kanika.  75 intro. 2.  79 97 no 137.  171.

ZANGS DKAR — See (— —) (Rdzong khul) Bsam gtan bde chen gling.

Kha che ZANGS DKAR GYI RGYAL PO — See (— —) (— — — — —) Gzhan phan bzang po.

Dge bshes ZANGS DKAR BA — 129 V 118.3.

ZANGS DKAR BA — See (— — —) Thub bstan rgyal mtshan.  (— — —) O rgyan rang grol.

ZANGS DKAR LUGS — School of a Bde mchog cycle.  17 II 513.4.  4 234B.4‑5.  N. of a Rnam thos sras cycle.  See lineage in 213 209.

ZANGS DKAR LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — — —) 'Phags pa shes rab.  (— — — — —) Gzhon nu tshul khrims.

ZANGS KHA BA — From Don mo ri.  Vitali in TS9 I 101.

ZANGS KHANG GLING — Part of Bsam yas compound.  17 II 324.4, 342.2.  87 I 51.3, 135.1.  210 207.2.

ZANGS MKHAR —  =Zangs dkar, q.v., acc. to 79 97 no 137. 


ZANGS KYI GRAGS PA — 24 I 79.2, 81.4 ff.  Became a disc. of Bhi na sa who made him to be a servant of a prostitute for 3 years before finally granting him precepts.

ZANGS GLING — BA 796, 855.  Acc. to some, =Ceylon, acc. to others, =Tāmralipti (see Basham 223; Dasgupta ORC 10 equates it to Tamluk in Midnapore).  Said to be surrounded by water.  5 57.  BD of T&TB I 927.  See Nihar‑Ranjan Ray, Sanskrit Buddhism in Burma (Amsterdam 1936), p. 78, where there is a footnote discussion, concluding that Tāmradvīpa is probably identical with the whole length of the Malaya Peninsula.

ZANGS GLING PA — [1] A n. of Ni ru pa.  17 II 430.6.  BA 855.  [2] Listed as a pundit in about early 13th cent., but with no further information given, in Mtshan tho no. 119.

Skyes bu ZANGS GLING DBANG PHYUG — Author of spell reversal (yang bzlog) works in 87 LXXXIV.  217 492.4 ff.  3rd rab byung383 218.5.  410 195B.5.

ZANGS GLING MA — Bio. of Padmasambhava  See 374 II 519 ff.

Lha mo ZANGS LCAM MA — See Hazod in TS9 I 37.

ZANGS LCOG NANG SNGAGS DGON — Bon mon.  253 II 638.4.

ZANGS CHE BA — P.n.  Petech (1983) 188.


ZANGS CHEN PA — See (— — —) Dar ma bsod nams.

ZANGS KYI MCHU DMAR PO — Beyer, Buddhist 135.

ZANGS THANG MA — (?)  17 II 299.6.  Name of a particular Buddha image; see Kuijp, FCTC2 18.

Dol pa ZANGS THAL — B. at Mtshur phu in the Dol pa family.  Bio. in 124 512.4 ff.  Disc. of Khu sgom Chos kyi seng ge.  228 82 ff.

ZANGS MDOG — Tāmravara is among the puranic 9 dvīpas, and has been identified with Ceylon.

ZANGS MDOG DPAL RI — N. of paradise of Padmasambhava.  TPS 604.  Depicted in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 200.  Supawan Pui Lamsam et al., eds., Zangdok Palri: The Lotus Light Palace of Guru Rinpoche, Gatshel Publishing (Bangkok 2012), in 376 pages.

Pha ri ZANGS MDOG DPAL RI — Mt. in E Tibet.  239 47.1.

ZANGS PO CHE — BA 278‑9, 1089.  Vai.Ser. 174.



ZANGS PHUG — Guidebook in 504.

ZANGS TSHA — See (— —) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan.

ZANGS MTSHO — N. of a retreat f. by 'Od gsal klong yangs.  See Cuevas, Hidden History 159.

Gnod sbyin gyi Bu mo ZANGS KYI 'OD 'PHRO — 413 122.3.

ZANGS YAG BRAG — 210 213.3.

ZANGS RI — BA 178, 476, 662‑3, 706, 1039.  216 preface.  Precious Deposits I 188.

ZANGS RI — See (— —) Jo mo mkhar sgom.  (— —) 'Bro ras.  (— —) Lba ba can.  (— —) Lu gu sgang.

ZANGS RI KHA DMAR — Mon. on banks of Gtsang po in Yar klungs f. by Ma gcig Lab sgron.  Das 1130.  JTL&CT 227.  =Zangs ri Khang dmar.  BA 984.  5 120.  17 II 426.1.  Crook, Yogins of Ladakh 313 ff.  Stearns, King 210.

ZANGS RI MKHAR DMAR —  =Zangs ri Khang dmar.  Sangri Dsong.  Ferrari 121.  Residence of Ma gcig Lab sgron ma.  Just E of Gdan sa mthil.  A dependency of Mnga' ris Grwa tshang in more recent times belonging to the Dge lugs pa.  BA 984.  124 464.6 ff.  346 65.5.  Havnevik, Dissert. 78.  Visited in early 16th cent.  602 16r.1.

ZANGS RI 'KHYIL BA — A gzhi bdag124 465.2.  Appeared as a red man on a red horse.  Also, 124 511.1.

ZANGS RI SDE SRID — 458 I 157.1, 369.4.  463 I 186.4.

ZANGS RI BA — He extracted a guidebook to Yer pa while doing renovations there.  See Mkhas pa'i Dga' ston (PRC), vol. 1, p. 365.

ZANGS RI RME'U TSHANG — Located just north of the Gtsang po river in Gtsang, at or near the town of Snye mo.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons (see map. on p. 431).  Photo in Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 137.

La stod pa ZANGS RI RAS PA — (12th cent.)  One of 13 chief discs. of Ras chung pa.  BA 439.  24 I 220.4.  Also called ('Go ston) Dbang phyug rdo rje.  BD of T&TB III 328.  =Zangs ri 'Bro ras, q.v.  17 II 532.3.  Pictured in 170 58.  Terton.  410 102A.1.  T&BS II 241.

ZANGS LUNG — BA 464, 572, 642.  17 II 519.1.  Sgam po Zangs lung Yang dgon.  129 V 31.5, 122.6.  478A I 118.2.  This was a retreat place associated with Dwags la Sgam po Monastery in the early years of the Kagyü order.  Sgom chung died here after falling off a rock.

ZAD PHU GRAG DMAR — 124 517.1.  Bzang phu Brag dmar in BA 990.

ZAN NAM ZIN — Name of a Tibetan king. ZZFC 229.

ZAN ME'O — A Chinese army leader who came to Tibet in old times, and from whom the people of Tibet are said, in Chinese sources only of course, to descend.  Haarh, Yar luṅ 176.  See also Bonnefoy, Asian Mythologies 311.

ZAN ZUNG — T'ang emperor.  Stein, Mi–ñag 225.

ZAB CHOS BDUN PA — (Or, Zab Bdun).  See (— — — —) Sbas yul Sgo 'byed.

ZAB DON MKHA' 'GRO GSANG MDZOD — Cycle of Gcod & Atiyoga.  483.


Ha'o dgon ZAB DON 'BRUG RGYAS — Mon. in Central Tibet.  49 pref.

ZAB BDUN SGYU 'PHRUL — Cycle of Mchog gyur gling pa.  239 XIV XVI.

ZAB BDUN RTSA GSUM — Gter ma of Zhig po gling pa, q.v.

ZAB PA'I CHOS DRUG — Rnying ma doctrine associated with Gnubs chen.  87 XXVI 344.1‑4.

ZAB PHU MKHAN PO — Schwieger in Kailash 18 (1996) 86.

Shangs ZAB PHU LUNG — BD of T&TB III 286, 810.

ZAB PHU LUNG DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang with 1 incarnate and 100 monks.

Gnubs chen ZAB BU LUNG — Pl.n.  BD of T&TB III 779.  Author of 210 was an abbot.  208 I 245.6.  BD of T&TB VII 265.

ZAB MO'I CHU — Das 413 no. 1.

ZAB MO LTA RGYUD — See lineage in 165 I contents.

Rgyal po ZAB MO'I PHYOGS — BD of T&TB I 362 ff.

ZAB YANGS 'KHYIL PA —  =Bde yangs, q.v.  Vai.Ser. 115.  In thangka inscription; see Rhie & Thurman, Wisdom & Compassion, plate 11.

ZAB LAM THUGS KYI NOR BU — A gter ma of Chos rje gling pa, q.v.

ZAB LAM RDO RJE'I RA BA — An isolated valley in Rtsa ri.  Cuevas, Hidden History 188.

ZAB LUNG GDAN SA PA — See (— — — — —) Dbang gi rgyal po.

ZAM KLU GUN MIN DBEN HU — Title.  Petech (1983) 186.

ZAM GHA —  =Zam kha.  See Sam gha.

ZAM GDONG — Or, Chos zam gdong.  363 87.2.

Lha mo ZAM GDONG — 17 IV 263.3.

ZAM PA — Replacing a bridge.  466 IV 412.4.

ZAM BU LUNG — In upper branch of Shangs chu in Gtsang.  Ferrari 160.  5 190.

ZAM TSHA — Evid. a place named, "Zam tsha'i ka de'u mgo."  BD of T&TB VI 185.

ZAM TSHA SPRUL SKU — See (— — — — i) (Dga' ldan Shar pa Chos rje) Nam mkha' bzang po.


ZAM GSAR — NW of Lhasa.  Velm I 136.

ZAR — BA 286.  N. of a district 15 miles North of Tashi rab ga [~Bkra shis rab dga'], the latter being the 1st Tibetan outpost beyond the Kangla chen mo pass.  There is a Jong pon over the 2 districts of Zar and Ting ke.  Das 1092.

ZAR — See (Zar gyi) Skya ra brag.  (—) Chos 'khor bde chen.  (Zar gyi) Stag sna.  (Zar gyi) Phra sman.

ZAR PO — BA 671.

ZAR RA'I DGON PA — Built by Mchan bu Rgya ras pa, q.v.  Or, Zar dgon.  See (Mon gar) Ye shes seng ge.  At Gra rabs.

ZAL DKAR DGON — Vai.Ser. 258.

ZAL BLA MA — See (— — —) Padma dbang rgyal.

Rdza 'bri ZAL MO SGANG — The ridge between the 'Bri (Yangtse) and Shar zla rivers in Khams.  23 28.  Das 103.  5 225.2, 245.4.  The region of Derge.  167 419.2.  115 124.2, 125.4.  397 XXIII 239.2.  ISTS 202, 290.  Stein, Recherches 129.  473 61.

ZAS — See (—) Chos 'khor yang rtse.

ZAS DKAR — Śuklodana, an uncle of Gautama Buddha.  Das 1094.

Dwags po ZAS DKAR — Birthpl. of Dwags po 'Dul 'dzin.

ZAS GTSANG MA — Śuddhodana, father of Gautama Buddha.  5 165.1.  Das 1094.

ZI — Gdung rus of Stag lung thang pa.  57 IIB 361.5.  See Dbrag zi.

ZI KO'U MKHAR — Yamaguchi in Acta Asiatica 29 (1975) 39 n. 68.

ZI RGYAL MANG PO — Hazod in Steinkellner Festschrift 265.

ZI CUNG RNAM NYIS — Pritzker, Canopy 127, 158.

ZI'U CHON — Szechuan.  Sperling, Dissertation 184.

ZI NA — Clan name.  Kuijp in  Lungta 14 (2001) 67.

ZI NA — See (— —) Rdo rje rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Legs pa rgyal mtshan.  (— — Chos rje) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan.

ZI PU RI — Pl.n. in Tangut land.  LPNT VII 296.

ZI MA KHOL — In Ta‑fei valley.  T.H. 43.

Phrag pa ri'i Gzhi bdag ZI RE ZE BTSAN — 33 193.6.

ZI LA DGON PA — 253 II 633.1.

ZI LING — Sining, Hsi-ning, Xining.  In A mdo.  Wylie xxxiii.  A Chinese town in Gansu 80 miles E of Kokonoor.  Trade center for Tibetan, Chinese and other merchants.  Das 1094.  232 I 9.  Laufer, LW 518‑519.


ZI LING SGAR DPON — An official sent with trade caravans.  Tsarong in TJ XXIII no 3 (1998) 31.

ZI LING STONG 'KHOR — A province in lower Khams.  Das 1094.

ZI LING PAṆ CHEN — ?  12 IX 98.2.

ZI SHE'U — Name for the four textbooks of Confucians studied by those who want to be Mandarins.  They are listed as Tā she'u, Cung yung, Lān yus, and Ming tse — The Great Learning, Doctrine of the Mean, Analects and Book of MenciusThuken 334, 338 (sishu).

ZING CHU — In A mdo.  253 II 636.3, 639.6.  This is a Bon reading of the name of the river, generally known rather as Zong chu or Zung chu.  D. Rossi, Holy Mountains and Saint Immortals in the Bon Tradition, Rivista degli Studi Orientali 78 (2005)  417, n. 20.

ZING CHU — See (— —) Nag ring Sgrub grwa.

ZING PA MTHU CHEN — See D. Rossi, Holy Mountains and Saint Immortals in the Bon Tradition, Rivista degli Studi Orientali 78 (2005), esp. note 20.  Note the interesting discussion in ZZFC 231‑232.

ZING PO SNGAGS 'CHANG — See (— — — —) Tshe bdag dpa' bo.

ZING PO CHE — See Hazod in TS9 I 29.

ZING BA RTSE — Hazod in Tropper, Epigraphic 53.


ZIN GUG SHI — LPNT VII 302, 305.

Lhe'u rje ZIN TAGS — Dotson, D&L 22.  Lhe'u rje Zin dags.  His wife was Dbal bdag Btsun mo, their son Thong nam gcig.  Bellezza in RET 29 (2014) 172.

ZIN NA MA — Way of naming Sītā.  CFMS 53.  Also, Gzin ldan ma.

ZIN 'PHUD — A sa bdagVai.Kar. II 270.

ZIN SHING — "Taoists."  Laufer, LW 526.  E.Sperling, Dissertation 92, 127.  Kaḥ thog Rig 'dzin, in his defense of the Hwa shang, says there are three main traditions in China:  Hwa shang (the only one of them to be Buddhist), Zin shing (Taoist), and Gzhu ston (Confucianist??).  As a n. for Taoists, see Kuijp in CAJ (1995) 285.

ZIM SHI — BA 994.

ZIM SHING — See (— —) Ye shes snying po.


Zhum med Tshong dpon ZIL GYIS MI NON PA — Pictured in 128 696.

Thams cad mkhyen pa ZIL GNON — Unidentified person.  Wylie 68.

Sde pa ZIL GNON PA— Stearns, SR 67, 136.

Gnubs kyi Sngags 'chang ZIL GNON RDO RJE — 87 XXVI 512.6.

Chos rje ZIL GNON RDO RJE — Disc. of Lha btsun (1473‑1557).  116 323.1.

Rig 'dzin ZIL GNON DBANG RGYAL RDO RJE — (1647‑1716)  Rnying ma pa.  Wrote his own autobiography up to 1717 (!).  B. at Rgya gling Dgon pa in Gtsang.  Alias, Dbang drag rdo rje.  Chief teacher of his youth was (Yol mo ba) Bstan 'dzin nor bu, the regent of Rdo rje brag (This is a chronological impossibility!).  68 preface.  His Bka' 'bum, see 68, 347.  Mentioned in preface to 230.  Pictured in 347 298.  "Gtsang 'Dul chung gi Rgya gling Dgon par 'khrungs."  Dhongthog 93.  He presided at the consecration of Bodhanath Stūpa in 1686, and did more renovation work there in 1606‑7.  Ehrhard, Register 161.

Za hor gyi Sngags smyon ZIL GNON BZHAD PA RTSAL — 87 XXVI 513.2.  Za hor gyi Rigs las Sngags pa Nag po Zil gnon drag po rtsal.  87 XXVI 465.6, 489.3.

ZU GUR CHE — Johan Elverskog, "The Mongolian Big Dipper Sūtra," Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, vol. 29, no. 1 (2006), p. 106.

ZU SPRUG — Pl.n.  OTA 688, 694.

ZU RTSE — See Gyer nam Zu rtse.

ZU RTSO — Pl.n.  Aziz, Frontier 219.

Gter bdag ZU RWA BA — Treasure protector.  364 200‑217.  Zo ra ba, pictured in 364 592.

Dge rgyal ZU RU DGON — 346 93.2.

ZU LE MA — See Rdo rje zu le ma.

ZUG STON — See (— —) Rgyal mtshan g.yung drung.  (— —) Ra 'phan.

ZUNG KAR — Scherrer‑Schaub in JIABS 25 (2002) 289.  Place where Khri srong lde btsan spent the last days of his life.

ZUNG MKHAR — BA 148.  =Zur mkhar, acc. to 56 74.

Mgar ston ZUNG NGE — (1074‑1134)  Rnying ma.  BD of T&TB III 291.

Rgya'i Sa ZUNG CE'U — HS XXXVI 361.3.

ZUNG 'JU KHAMS TSHAN — Has printery.  162 201.

Mchims phu ZUNG SPRUL — 438 VI 603.6.

ZUR — Besides being added to titles after retirement (and so often translated 'former' such and such), it may also be added to a family name by an in‑marrying family for official purposes.  McGranahan in TS9 IV 110.

ZUR — Pl.n.  BA 110‑127, 545.  TPS 166‑167.  Ferrari 144.

ZUR — One of the 6 principle Rnying ma lineages.  See under Bka' ma.  A family, lineage of lo tsā bas, and bla mas of Rnying ma. Their descendents reside at Gsang sngags gling.  For story of Zur family, see 193 I 304.5 ff.  253 II 259 ff.

ZUR — See (—) Dpal 'byor 'phrin las rab rgyas (1604‑1657).  (—) Byams pa seng ge (1283‑ ).  (—) Shākya 'byung gnas (14th cent.).  (—) Shākya seng ge (1074‑ ).

ZUR KHANG — "Bod kyi sde dpon che khag cig."  Dagyab.  An aristocratic family with its own private printing house.  See 52 1.  "Zur khang gzim shag."  52 6.  BA 225.  Aziz 24.  See Essais 160.

ZUR KHANG — See (— —) Dbang chen dge legs. (— —) Sri gcod tshe brtan.

ZUR KHANG DZA SAG — (20th cent.)  Tibetan foreign minister.  Photo by Dolan/Tolstoy, Tung plate no. 42.

ZUR MKHAR — Zungkar, Tsungkar.  North bank of Gtsang po not far from Bsam yas.  =Zung mkhar.  Ferrari 117.  Tucci, Lhasa 119, 178.  56 74.  BA 720.


ZUR MKHAR BA — See (— — —) Mnyam nyid rdo rje.  (— — —) Blo gros rgyal po.  (— —) Zla ba'i 'od zer.

ZUR MKHAR 'TSHO BYED — See (— — — —) Blo gros rgya mtsho.

ZUR MKHAR LUGS — Influential school of medical thought.  TM‑BH 14.

Srad lugs ZUR DGU PA — SBTD I 326.

ZUR SGOM — See (— —) Rdo rje 'byung gnas.

ZUR 'GYUR — A n. for a Phyag chen lineage passing through Mar pa.  See BA 843.

ZUR LCAM DGON — Vai.Ser. 254.

ZUR CHUNG — See (— —) Shes rab grags pa.

He ru ka Dpal ZUR CHUNG PA — (b. 1013)  Belongs to Rnying ma transmission from Padmasambhava  CM 1.  =Rgya bo pa.  =(Zur chung) Shes rab grags pa, q.v.

ZUR CHEN — See (— —) Chos dbyings rang grol (1604‑1664).  (— —) Gzhon nu don grub (father of Chos dbyings rang grol).

ZUR CHOS PA — A word that means 'teaching assistant'.  Stearns, Dissert.

ZUR RJE — See (O rgyan) Zur rje gling pa.

O rgyan ZUR RJE GLING PA — BD of T&TB III 804, 805.  His gdan sa was at Tshal gseb.

ZUR STOD — BA 963.

ZUR STON — See (— —) Byams pa seng ge.

ZUR THAMS CAD MKHYEN PA'I RNAM THAR — Publ. in Thimphu in 1979.

Lha rje ZUR PO CHE — See ='Ug pa lung pa.  See =(Zur po che) Shākya 'byung gnas.

ZUR PHU — In 17 II 539.1. =Zul phu.

ZUR PHUG — See (— —) Rgya lcang tshal.

Shrī ZUR PHUG DGON — Has printery.  162 213.

Kun chen ZUR PHUG CHOS RJE — Lineage disc. of (Thugs sras) Spyan snga Rin ldan.  36 V 363.  =(Zur phug pa) Rin chen dpal bzang.  His chief disc. was 'Ba' ra ba.  30 I.  Pictured in 128 649. Dung dkar 72 tells of a bio. by his disciple Mkhas btsun Gzhon nu rgyal mtshan.

ZUR PHUG PA — See (— — —) Rin chen dpal bzang.


ZUR PHUD LNGA BA — Gandharva king.  87 I 43.5.  =Rdo rje 'bar ba rtsal (?).  See 216 480.4 ff.

ZUR BU — King of Kha che.  BD of T&TB I 841.

ZUR MANG — BA 511.  BD of T&TB VII 270.

ZUR MANG — See (— —) Gar dbang.  (— —) Padma rnam rgyal.  (— —) Legs bshad sgra dbyangs.

ZUR MANG BKA' BRGYUD — See BA 511.  A snyan brgyud transmission, and offshoot of Karma pa.  Zur mang has a complex of monasteries in Khams.  This transmission stemmed from Rma se Rtogs ldan Blo gros rin chen, q.v.  36 VI, contents p. 2.  Had important school of Gcod practice.  36 IX.  A collection of these Gcod practices was published in Bir in 1979 under the title Gcod Tshogs Yon tan Kun 'Byung, which contains 13 separate texts. For more on the gcod transmission, see 12 IX 94.6.  See 235 intro. 4.  BD of T&TB VII 335.  383 454.1.

ZUR MANG MKHAN PO — See (— — — —) Karma tshogs gnyis rgya mtsho.

ZUR MANG CHE TSHANG — The 5th one is mentioned in 23 46.  Jackson, Patron 7.


ZUR MANG BSTAN SPRUL — Author of 381 69‑127.  Associate of Si tu X.  Jackson, Patron, 221 no. 39.

ZUR MANG BSTAN 'DZIN SPRUL SKU — See (— — — — — —) Padma nges gsang bstan pa rab rgyas.  (— — — — — —) Blo gros mtsho'i sgra dbyangs dri med 'od kyi snang ba.

ZUR MANG DRUNG PA — See (— — — —) Kun dga' rnam rgyal.

ZUR MANG BYA BTANG — See (— — — —) Blo gros rgya mtsho.

ZUR MES DBON GSUM — Refers to 3 Rnying ma masters of the Zur family.  See BD of T&TB III 170 ff.

ZUR MO — See (— —) Dge ba 'bum.  (— —) 'Od 'bum.

ZUR TSHO — TS7 I 269.

ZUR TSHO BA — See (— — —) Phyag rdor mgon po.

ZUR MTSHO'I SPYAD PHU — Pl.n.  5 183.1.

Chos skyong ZUR RA RWA SKYES — Diemberger in TH&L 139.  TS5 421.

ZUR RA RI — BA 174‑175.

ZUR RUS PA — Depicted in a thangkaTPS 366.  In Tshe khrid lineage.

ZUR HAṂ  See (— —) Shākya 'byung gnas.

Dben dgon ZUL PO DGON — Gling ras pa stayed there.  53 II 298.7.

ZUL PHU — BA 212, 410, 964.  17 II 344.2, 464.3.  See Zur phu.

ZUL PHU MKHAN CHEN — Bio. by Maṇikaśrī listed in Drepung Catalog 1511.  This is a biography of Byang chub rin chen dpal bzang po.

ZUL PHU BA BYA 'DUL BA 'DZIN PA — Eimer in his 1997 essay in Glimpses of the Sanskrit Buddhist Literature (Sarnath), p. 16, discusses his dates.  Las chen gives him the dates 1100‑1174, while BA gives him the dates 1091‑1166. Evidently author/editor of the Atiśa bio. listed in BLP no. 0799.

ZUL PHU SMAN CHEN RATNA — Pictured in 128 562.

ZUL PHU BSHAD GRWA — F. by (Bya 'Dul 'dzin pa) Brtson 'grus 'bar (1031‑1106).  BD of T&TB III 278.

ZUL PHUG — 87 I 44.5.  Mon.  116 480.1.

ZUL PHUL — BA 80, 83, 555.

ZE MKHAR — See (— —) Dga' ldan phan bde gling.

ZE MKHAR CHOS SDE — Vai.Ser. 218.

Gnas po Chen po ZE SNGON — KTDN 64.1, 128.2, 129.4, 130.6, 133.3.

ZE PHU — 420 I 441.

ZE MA GDONG DGON — Vai.Ser. 172.  Ze gdong.  463 I 170.1.

Grub thob Chen po ZE DMAR PA — Bu ston studied with him.  27 97.

ZE'U — See (—) Grags pa brtson 'grus (1253‑1316).

ZE'U STON — See (— —) Ye shes byang chub.

ZE RA RAS — 210 178.5.

ZE RO — Brother of Khotanese king.  Emmerick.

ZER THANG — In Sbal ti.  Lat. 34° long. 76°.  The palin of Kápalu.  79 98 no 138.

ZER 'PHRO — Mon. in Rdza khog.  Thar in TS9 IV 165.

ZEM RIN PO CHE — (1191‑1256)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 93.

Rtsa ri ZER CHEN PHUG — 5 220.3.

ZER RO 'DZO — Nunnery named after Ze ro.  Emmerick.

ZEL DKAR DGON — 383 631.6.

Shab ZO NGA BA — BA 518.

ZO THANG — Place where monkey & ogress met, acc. to one version, and place of the first cultivated fields.  Stein 28.  KTDN 132.1.

ZO THUNG — BA 177.

ZO DANG GANGS PO RI — Mt. at mouth of Yar klungs where the Ape meditator descended.  JTL&CT 301.  Tucci, Lhasa 133, 179.  Ferrari 123.  Zo dang Gong po ri.  5 240.5.  CFMS 13.  The zo dang in the name is the imperative for "Eat!"

ZO DOR — See (— —) Mu nam.

ZO ZO RING PO— A srin spirit.  Bellezza, D&B 121.

ZO RA BA — See Zu rwa ba.


ZO LUNG RJE BTSUN MA — See (— — — — —) Kun bzang 'phrin las dbang mo.

ZOG PO MI DRUG — 488 32.6.

ZOGS PA — See (— —) Don yod mkhas grub.

ZONG CHU — In A mdo.  253 II 62.2, 451.6.

Shangs ZONG PA TSHAL — Zong is in Shangs North of Gtsang po and NW of Gshis ka rtse.  28 78.

ZONG YUL — In E A mdo.  253 II 53.2.

ZON CHING DBEN — See Swon ching dben.

ZON TE — Son of the Yung lo Emperor.  Thuken 278.

ZON PHUD — 115 151.2.  Velm I 130.  =Zom phu, =Zur phud, =Gzims phud.

ZON SHRI — TS5 670.

ZOM PHUD — See (— —) Thub bstan dbang phyug.

ZOM SHING — Karmay, Arrow 345.

ZOR BA DMAR NAG — Tantra in 320 XXII 112‑126.

ZRID — Or, Zred.  See OTA 665, 666, 674.  Zrid mda' in OTA 681, 696.  Probably for Sred or Srid.  See Hazod in Dotson, OTA 215.  Hazod in Tropper, Epigraphic 55.

ZLA KLUNGS — A sa bdagVai.Kar. II 286.


Yang dag He ru ka ZLA GAM DGU PA — SBTD I 49.

ZLA GAM CHAGS MED — Berounsky, Lapsed 176.

ZLA GONG — P.n.  Coblin in TH&L 85.

Rgyal po ZLA DGA' — 128 770.

ZLA DGON — Mon. in Khams (Mdo stod) f. by 'Gru rgyal, q.v.  BA 579, 582, 663.

Kha che ZLA MGON — 17 II 303.4.  Aka (Kha cher Bram ze) Bzang po'i zhabs.  Also, Sūrya ka tu.

ZLA RGAN SPRUL SKU — 415 XI 124.5.

ZLA RGYAL LUGS — A system of Thugs rje chen po.  374 II 81.6.

ZLA RGYAS — 352 3‑7.  N. of a Tangut king.  476 IV 78.7.

ZLA DNGOS — Sa bdagVai.Ser. II 287.

ZLA CHU — TS7 II 983.  The upper waters of the Rdza chu.  See Sperling, Further 22.

A ma ZLA CHUNG — Barlocher 395.


Khyung po ZLA THANG — See BLP no. 0194.


Tu rushka'i Rgyal po ZLA BA — BD of T&TB I 888.  A letter by Mitrayogin is addressed to him.  Dietz, Briefliteratur.

Rgyal bu ZLA BA — Prince Moon.  Jātaka.  Pictured in 128 722.

ZLA BA — Pl.n.  BA 908.

Khye'u ZLA BA — Child Moon.  128 812.

Rnal 'byor ZLA BA — Yogi Moon.  A name of Vibhūticandra found in Tibetan sources.

ZLA BA SKYES — Epithet of Indus.  Das 418.

ZLA BA BKRAM PA — Pl.n.  27 53.

Rgyal po ZLA BA GO CHA — 115 153.6.

ZLA BA GRAGS PA — Candrakīrti.  75 12.  pictured in 128 45A, 73A, 270.  Bio. in 165 275.  Pictured in 320 XI 633.  BD of T&TB I 223‑233.

ZLA BA GRAGS PA — A physical son of the Fifth Dalai Lama?  Btsan lha 491.

ZLA BA GRAGS PA — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 0638.

Kun mkhyen ZLA BA GRAGS PA — Achard, L'Essence 83.

Gyer btsun ZLA BA GRAGS PA — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 0270.

'Ja' lus pa ZLA BA GRAGS PA — See under (Skyang sprul) Tshul khrims nam mkha' bstan 'dzin.

Dbang chen Sprul pa ZLA BA GRAGS PA — ?  208 I 227.5.

Dbra sras Drang srong ZLA BA GRAGS PA — 253 II 503.5 ff.

Shu ston ZLA BA GRAGS PA — N. of a celebrated lama of Shu.  Das 1239.

Rgyal sras Kun mkhyen ZLA BA GRAGS PA — (late 14th‑15th cent.)  Son of Grags pa 'od zer.  BD of T&TB III 573.

Dgyer btsun ZLA BA GRAGS PA BZANG PO — Disc. of Yongs 'dzin i.  Author of 175.

ZLA BA'I GLING — Island near India.  171 307.2.  BD of T&TB I 900.  Dasgupta, Obscure 384.  Associated with the origins of the Siddha lineages (see White, Alchemical Body: it may be a mountain, an island, or both).  Btsan po No mon han identified it with Sumatra; Yongdan, TCW 103.  I think it ought to refer to a large island at the mouth of the Brahmaputra, "Chandra Dwip."

Kha che ZLA BA MGON PO —  =Somanātha, q.v.  BA 96, 367, 755, 758 ff.  Came to Tibet during later part of the life of (Grwa pa) Mngon shes.  17 II 413.5.  124 488.2.  =Zla mgon, q.v.  BD of T&TB I 777.  475 97.2 ff.  Achard, L'Essence 248.  Arrived in Tibet in late 10th (no! 11th) century.  He was disc. of Dus zhabs pa Chung ba.  Mtshan tho no. 83.

ZLA BA MGON PO — Non-Buddhist deity, Somanātha.  Chag 82.

ZLA BA RGYAL PO — Ka gnam Sde pa.  Aka Spras po Gsang sngags.

ZLA BA RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1796)  Bon po.  253 II 49.6 ff, 462.5.  B. 1796 acc. to Kværne no 181.  F. Ra lag G.yung drung gling in 1834.  Kværne no 194.  His lengthy bio. by G.yung gling Mkhan chen Skal bzang nyi ma listed in Katen p. 1298.

ZLA BA RGYAL MTSHAN — F. of Snon gyi Rgya ma Dum bu Ri, q.v.

Gar dbang ZLA BA RGYAL MTSHAN — See Gar dbang zla ba rgyal mtshan.

Lcags mdud ZLA BA RGYAL MTSHAN — (contemp.)  Head of Lcags mdud Mon. in Shar khog.  Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 418.

Ldum ra ba ZLA BA RGYAL MTSHAN — A Bonpo mentioned in bio. of the Dalai Lama v.

Rnal 'byor pa ZLA BA RGYAL MTSHAN — Evidently a disc. of Sha ra Rab 'byams pa & author of his biography.  116 500.4.

Stong 'khor ZLA BA RGYAL MTSHAN — Had incarnation line in E Tibet.  Chrono. in 3‑vol. dict. gives dates as 1476‑1556.

Snang ston ZLA BA RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 610.1, 640.6, 641.3.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 407.  Dungkar Rinpoche's dictionary, pp. 1244‑1245.

Pad gling Thugs sras ZLA BA RGYAL MTSHAN — (16th cent.)  39 5.  A teacher of Sog bzlog pa (1552‑1624).  His bio. is included in a 2‑vol. set publ. 1978 (see under Padma gling pa).

Byang sems ZLA BA RGYAL MTSHAN — A teacher of Phag mo gru pa.  46 60.  BA 472, 557, 561, 1024, 1025, 1055.  17 II 540.1.  He had a Bonpo brother.  476 IV 374.5; V 234.4.  His gter ma on Black Hayagrīva in 87 XLII.  Had incarnation line in E Tibet.

Byang chub sems dpa' ZLA BA RGYAL MTSHAN — Epstein, Dissertation 170.

Tshe spungs ZLA BA RGYAL MTSHAN — Bon po.  206 542.2, 543.1.  248 15.1, 25.5.

Ras pa ZLA BA RGYAL MTSHAN — Bla thang Mkhan po.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1509.

Shangs sgom ras pa ZLA BA RGYAL MTSHAN — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1933.

Shud bu Mkhan chen ZLA BA RGYAL MTSHAN — Founded Sgro ba Dgon, q.v.

ZLA BA RGYU BA — Das 413 no 6.

ZLA BA MNGON DGA' — A pundit from Kashmir.  A doctor.  3 14.  =Zla ba mgon dga' in Klong rdol 769.3.  TM‑BH 14.  Disc. of Aśvaghoṣa.  KB 153.5 ff.

ZLA BA CHEN PO'I BU — Kla klo general to be defeated in apocalyptic battle.  Thu'u 466.

ZLA BA'I SNYING PO — Birthname of Atiśa.  17 II 280.2‑3.  BA 241.  114 2B.5.

ZLA BA'I MDO — Text by E. Waldschmidt in BSOAS 33 (1970) 179‑183.

ZLA BA RDO RJE — 410 195B.1.

Grub chen ZLA BA RDO RJE — (20th cent.)  TS7 I 356.  Havnevik, Dissert. 107.

Nam nang ZLA BA'I RDO RJE — In Mngon pa Kun btus transmission.  BA 345.  17 II 346.1.

ZLA BA NAG PO — Spiritual descendent of Nyi 'od grags pa.  Nebesky 492.  374 I 832.5.

ZLA BA NOR BU — (1949-2006)  Article in Asian Survey 19 no 3 (1979) 245‑59.

Tshong dpon ZLA BA NOR BU — 4 65A.4.

Slob dpon ZLA BA PADMA — BD of T&TB I 576.

ZLA BA PHUG — Cave at Yer pa where Padmasambhava is said to have meditated.  Tucci, Lhasa 110.  T&BS II 242.  458 I 194.6.


ZLA BA 'BUM — Brother of Nyi ma 'bum and father of Jo 'ber.  Bka' ma Rgyas pa XLVI 364.6.

Grub chen ZLA BA MUN SEL — 320 IX 435.3.  17 IV 475.5.

ZLA BA'I TSANG KUN — Vai.Kar. II 296.

Rgyal sras ZLA BA GTSUG PHUD — 352 15.19.

G.yu lo ZLA BA TSHE RING — (modern)  TS7 I 312.  He was in prison from 1960 to 1979, and again arrested in 1987 when he was dining with an exile Tibetan monk who had settled in Italy.  This arrest provoked Ganden monks to demonstrate for his release on March 5, 1988. There is a photo in Palden Gyatso, Autobiography of a Tibetan Monk.  He was released in Nov. 1994.

ZLA BA RDZONG — A fort on the Moon River.  Photos in Li Gotami, Pictures 124 ff.  Anagarika Govinda describes it in his books.  He believes it dates to the 11th century, but was eventually abandoned due to lack of water.

ZLA BA'I ZHABS — Son of Padma gling pa.  Emanation of Rta mgrin.  208 I 227.4.

Gnas Lnga Gzigs pa ZLA BA GZHON NU — Pictured in 128 580.

Grub chen ZLA BA BZANG — Mahāsiddha.  Pictured in 128 44A.

ZLA BA BZANG PO — Sucandra.  King of Shambhala to whom the Kālacakra Tantra was revealed.  TR XIV no 10 (Oct 1979) 18B.  128 988.

ZLA BA BZANG PO — (20th century)  An associate of Gendun Choephel.  See Rakra Tethong, "Gendun Chöphel in My Memory," TJ 47 no 1 (Spr 2022) 45-68.

Mkhan chen ZLA BA BZANG PO — A follower of Chos rgyal rdo rje (1789‑1859).  336 preface.  346 98.5.  He is depicted on a thangka in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 149. 

Jo gdan Mkhan chen ZLA BA BZANG PO — Disc. of the Dalai Lama i.  Dung dkar 99.

Paṇḍi ta ZLA BA BZANG PO — 17 II 502.

Gnya' nang pa'i Tshong dpon ZLA BA BZANG PO — 4 227A.4.

ZLA BA 'OD — King of E India.  413 142.6.

ZLA BA'I 'OD — King of Shambhala.  128 1008.

Rgyal po ZLA BA'I 'OD — 431 I 176.6.

La stod du Sprul sku ZLA BA 'OD ZER — BD of T&TB I 849.

Gyi jo Lo tsā ba ZLA BA'I 'OD ZER — (fl. early 11th cent.)  One who first introduced Kālacakra to Tibet in 1026 (60 years after it reached India).  T.H. 144.  17 II 397.6.  BD of T&TB X 5.12, 49.15.  383 328.3.  Dated to early 11th cent. in Mtshan tho no. 22, which adds that in 1027 he first translated the Dus 'khor together with Shrī Bhadrabodhi.

Zur mkhar ZLA BA'I 'OD ZER — Gter ma in 87 XXXI.  =Rang grol ting 'dzin rgyal po.  Bio. in 410 175B.5.

Lha rje ZLA BA'I 'OD ZER — (1123‑1182)  A Lam 'bras teacher.  BA 229 ff, 232.

ZLA BA RONG — See Jamyang Norbu's Mandala of Sherlock Holmes 258.

Yig mkhan gyi Rgyal po ZLA BA ROL PA — BD of T&TB I 401.

ZLA BA'I SHUG PA — N. of river in Ba lang spyod.  Das 417.

ZLA BA'I SA RGYAL — Sa bdagVai.Ser. II 287.

ZLA BA SENG GE — Dawa‑Sengei‑Dvangma, Tibetology in Sikkim, Maha Bodhi 67 (1959) 133‑137.

Rgyal po ZLA BA SENG GE — In Kālacakra literature.  Derge LXXVII 276.3.  Subj. of story in Lo ras pa, Gsung 'bum II 224.2 ff.

Rtogs ldan ZLA BA SENG GE — A disc. of O rgyan pa (1229/30‑1309).  BA 703.  57 IIB 371.6.  Author of O rgyan pa's bio in 115.  PK based his work contained in 17 XX 301‑306 on his Khrid yig.  A work by Sprang po Zla ba'i seng ge entitled Gsung sgros Rin po che'i Snye ma listed in Drepung Catalog 602 (it brings to an end a collection called Snyan rgyud 'Khor lo Skor Gsum).

ZLA BA'I SRING MO — N. of Dbyangs can ma.  Das 913.

ZLA BAN — See (— —) Gzi brjid 'bar.

ZLA BAS BYIN — King of Shambhala.  128 992.

ZLA SMAD — 356 77.2.

Rgyal bu ZLA MDZES — SBTD I 18.  Bio. by Kirti Blo bzang phrin las listed in BLP no. 0568.

Gzhon nu ZLA MDZES — Subj. of story by Ngag dbang dge 'dun rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 1756.

ZLA BZANG — Disc. of Atiśa.  17 II 282.4.

ZLA BZANG — King of Shambhala who constructed one of its two three-dimensional mandalas.  LPNT VII 94.

Mchog sprul ZLA BZANG — (beginning of 20th cent.)  See Mengele, dGe 63.

Tsha rong ZLA BZANG DGRA 'DUL — A general commander of Tibetan army.  Pictured in 424 26.  McGranahan in TS9 IV 118.  Dundul Namgyal Tsarong, In the Service of His Country: The Biography of Dasang Damdul Tsarong, Commander General of Tibet, Snow Lion (Ithaca 2000).

ZLA BZANG SPRUL SKU — See (— — — — i) Nges don bstan pa rab rgyas.

Kun spangs ZLA 'OD — Alchemical work in 87 XLVIII.

Khu tsha ZLA 'OD — (b. 1024)  269 preface.  Excavations in 246 147‑498 and 258 I 1‑155.  258 III.  See Ku sa Sman pa.  258 IV.  See Karmay, Treasury.  Phur pa excavations in 269.  Excavations in 261 31‑41.  271.  Bio.  383 417.6.  Excavations in 294, 301 II.  302 II 1‑14.  313Kværne nos. 73, 77.  Said to be, but then again likely isn't, identical to (G.yu thog) Yon tan mgon po.  Dbal phur Nag po Sgrub pa'i Las tshogs Skor, publ. in 1974 in 5 vols.

Rgyal po ZLA 'OD — Pictured in 128 774.  TPS 448.

Rgyal bu ZLA 'OD — 4 87B.1.

Jo btsun ZLA 'OD — Vitali in TS9 I 100.

Ston pa ZLA 'OD — Contemp. of 'Jig rten mgon po.  476 I 51.5.

Rnal 'byor ma ZLA 'OD — BD of T&TB I 903.

Nyi slob Sprul sku ZLA 'OD RDO RJE — (modern)  Alias 'Od gsal bstan pa'i sgron me.  Works in 364.

Bstan 'dzin ZLA 'OD RDO RJE — (15th cent.)  Rnying ma.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 216.

Lha rje Kun spangs ZLA 'OD DBANG LAG — (4th rab byung383 219.1.  Alchemy excavator.

Sku tsha ZLA 'OD 'BAR — See (Sman pa) Padma skyabs.

Sgam po pa ZLA 'OD GZHON NU — (1079‑1153)  Also called Bsod nams rin chen, q.v.  Bio. BA 451 ff.  Guenther article in JAOS LXXV 90 ff.  Also called Dwags po Lha rje.  "Nyal stod Bod snyir 'khrungs."  Dhongthog 112.  F. Dwags la sgam po in 1122.  Dhongthog 119.  Collected works in 2 vols publ. in 1975.  16 33.  Birth name was Kun dga' snying po.  57 IIB 353.1 ff.  His bio. by Sgam po pa Bsod nams lhun grub (1488‑1552) found in 72 II 1‑235.  Bios. in 165 I 602‑4, 357 51‑59.  Oral account of his life set in writing by his disc. 'Ba' rom pa contained in 73 245‑270.  Guenther uses a Gsung 'bum in 38 vols. (sic! he means 38 texts).  75 283.  His bio. in 119 267‑339.  Pictured in 128 468, 642.  Bio. by Zhwa dmar ii in 121 319‑433.  His Sems kyi Mtshan nyid Gab pa Mngon du Phyung ba, along with Zhus lan contained in 129 V.  Text of his Chos Bzhi with comm. of La yag pa contained in 137.  Picture in 137 13.  He tells the story of his life in 129 V 106 ff.  In 4, especially on p. 221B, his birth name is given as Dar ma grags.  Beyer 15, 39, 395, 399, 418, 419.  Chronology & bio. in 331 185‑187.  Verses of praise by Phag mo gru pa in 337 53 ff.  List of bios., see 17 IV 311.  Works in 129 I 33‑515.  Bio. in 168 76.4 ff.  Among his disciples are the following:  I. Thugs kyi Sras bzhi'am Grub pa Thob pa Bzhi:  1. Sho ram 'Phags pa. 2. Zim shi Ye shes snying po.  3. Gser sgom Ye shes snying po.  4. Ram nyi Chos kyi g.yung drung.  II. Brgyud pa 'Dzin pa'i Sras Bzhi:  1. Dwags po Sgom tshul.  2. Phag mo gru pa.  3. 'Bam rom pa Chen po.  4. Dus gsum mkhyen pa.  III. Nye ba'i Sras Bzhi:  1. Mkhan po 'Dul 'dzin.  2. 'Gag bsgom Zhig po.  3. La yag Jo sras.  4. Skyes bu Ye shes rdo rje.  IV.  Nye gnas Bzhi:  1. Jo gdan legs mdzes.  2. Bsgom pa Sher gzhon.  3. Nye gnas Gsal byang.  4. Gsal yes.  V. Khyad par can gyi Grub thob Gnyis:  1. Gsal stong shor bsgom.  2. Rnal 'byor Chos g.yung.  Collected Works in 2 vols publ. in Darjeeling (KSNK 1982+), reproduced from a Hemis ms (I Tib 82‑902155).  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 0600‑0601, 0771, 1110.  Bio. listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 331, no. 659, said to be compiled by Bran kha Rin po che and four disciples; no. 661.

ZLA 'OD GZHON NU GYUR PA — A Bodhisattva.  Pictured in 137 12.  Bio. in 378 I 135‑225.

ZLA 'OD RIN CHEN — A Bka' brgyud pa teacher.  Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 2, p. 39.

Paṇḍi ta ZLA 'OD BZANG PO — 17 II 352.1.

ZLA SHEL MYU GU — Medicinal preparation.  361 175‑177.

ZLA SHUL DGON — 253 II 632.1.

ZLA GSANG CHEN PO — Tantra in 320 XIII 591‑635.

ZLA GSANG THIG LE — Tantra that ends at 320 XVI 543.  See comment by Mayer in JIABS 21 (1998) 283, on the comparison of this Nyingma Tantra with its Gsar ma version.

Ma mo Srid pa ZLA GSANG THIG LE — Tantra in 320 XXX 593 ff.

ZLA GSANG SDIG PA STOBS CHEN — Yamāntaka tantra.  397 III 455.6.

ZLA GSANG NAG PO — Yamāntaka tantra in 320 XX 2‑237, 237‑491, 492‑671; XXII 414‑639 (on p. 491.6 called Ngan sngags Thams cad Rtsa ba'i Rgyud).  Drag sngags Zla gsang Nag po'i Rgyud.  320 XXI 477‑486.


ZLA GSANG DMAR PO — In title in 320 XXII 112.3.

Bram ze ZLA GSAL — KTDN 138.2 ff.

ZLUM KHYUNG PA — See (Ldum chung ba) Don grub dpal pa.

Dpal ri ZLUM CHEN — Mt. in Rtsa ri.  17 IV 237.5.  Zlum can also occurs.


ZLOG 'GRO — In a rather surprising correspondence with the Antipodes, this name means 'walking in reverse position.'  It occurs in the Shambhala guide by Rin spungs pa.

ZLOS GAR — 374 I 32.3.  Treatise, see SBTD I 360.

GZAD — BA 129, 132‑133, 138, 142.  N. of a district in Lho kha.  Das 1102.  A N. tributary of the Gtsang po River, its mouth is located just to the west of the confluence of Skyid chu and Gtsang po rivers.

GZAD — See (—) Phu chung.

GZAD PHU — BA 140.

GZAN LA 'BEBS PA'I RGYUD — In title in 320 XXIV 8.1.

GZA' — Eclipse deity.  Rock, Nāga Cult II 388.  History & biblio., see 17 IV 491.3 ff.

Gnam gyi GZA' CHEN LHA RGOD — See picture in Rock, Nāga Cult I 88, where we may see that the pictorial representations of Rā hu have obvious correspondences.  307 II 97 ff.  Vai.Kar. II 310.

Drag po GZA' GDONG — Made a protector by Padmasambhava.  247 I 285 ff.  Texts in 307 II 183 ff.

GZA' GDONG DMAR NAG — 4x I 17.5.  373 I 32.1.

Bstan srung GZA' BDUD CHEN PO — Bon text in 284 311‑322.

GZA' BDUD CHEN PO — See (— — — —) Khyab 'jug.

GZA' 'DZIN — A deity.  Rhies & Thurman 339.

GZA' YUM — Wife of planets?  See 145 V 372‑375.  See Chandra.  Work in 194 I.  349 I 358‑408 (Bya rgyud).

GZAR — Oblation ladle.  See 397 III 247. 


GZI — A kind of stone.  BD of T&TB VII 297.

GZI DGA' — Also spelled Bzi dga'.  Monastery f. by Ti shrī ras pa.  See Sperling, Further 9.

Dar thang GZI 'GAGS MCHOG SPRUL — 365 446.1.

Dpal yul GZI 'GAGS SPRUL SKU — See (— —) (— — — —) 'Jam dbyangs shes rab chos kyi snang ba (1854‑1893).

GZI 'GAL — Also spelled Bzi 'gal.  Founded by Ti shrī ras pa.  See Sperling, Further 15 (seems identical to the monastery called Gzer mnga', f. in 1204/5, at p. 17).

Dpon mo GZI SGRON — 440 310.6.

Mal gro GZI CAN — A klu subdued by Padmasambhava  87 I 269.1.

Mal dro GZI CAN 'BAR MA — Pictured in 216A.

GZI BRJID — King of Shambhala in Dus 'khor trans.  128 990.

GZI BRJID — 'Dus pa Rin po che'i Rgyud Dri ma Med pa Gzi brjid Rab tu 'Bar ba'i Mdo, the 12‑vol. life of Gshen rab mi bo.  Publ. in Dolanji in 1978+.  Nine Ways 3.  253 II 407.2.  This was an aural transmission to Blo ldan snying po (b. 1360).

Gnyan ston GZI BRJID — Also, (Gnyag ston).  Bonpo.  His excavations in 251 317‑318.  253 II 182.2, 392.5.  Achard, L'Essence 225.

Rta ston GZI BRJID — (13th cent.)  Disc. of Sangs rgyas dbon ston.  Wrote comm. on Gsang ba Snying po.  For list of later teachers in his transmission, see BD of T&TB III 378‑383.  Bio. in 193 I 386.1 ff.

Rngog GZI BRJID GRAGS PA — (1202‑1281)  Son of (Rngog) Kun dga' rdo rje.  BA 409.  17 II 464.1.  Rgyal po dga' was his younger brother.  467 II 171.5.

GZI BRJID RGYAL MO — Mdos chog in SBTD I 138.

Mkhas btsun GZI BRJID RGYAL MTSHAN — (1230?‑1300?)  Disc. of Kun ldan ras pa in Gtsang smyon's, q.v. lineage.  =Mkhas btsun Gzi brjid pa in 17 II 510.  Ri khrod pa Gzi brjid rgyal mtshan.  Bio. written by Dus zhabs pa contained in 74 I 226‑236. Works in 74 I 569‑608, 613‑633.  A biography written by him, Drin can Ras ma'i Rnam thar, listed in Drepung Catalog 1091, in 6 fols. (a biography of him written by Bya bral ba Rin chen rgyal mtshan is listed on the same page).

GZI BRJID DRAG PO — 128 792.

Zla ban GZI BRJID 'BAR — 217 493.2 ff.  410 195A.4.

Klu mo GZI BRJID 'OD LDAN MA — N. given to spirit converted by Zur chung.  33 224.3.

GZI LDAN 'BAR BA — In title in 320 XIX 561.4.

Nags shod GZI 'PHRANG — N. of a sector of Sum pa'i Ru.  28 79.

GZI BA RTOGS LDAN — See (— — — —) Bkra shis lha dar.

Gcung GZI BYIN 'BAR — 17 II 400.4.

Gnyan chen GZI 'BAR DBANG PHYUG — A locality protector in Amdo.  Berounsky, Lapsed 177.

GZI DMAL BA — ?  348 116.3.

GZI 'OD 'BAR BA — N. of an image of Mañjuśrī at Sa skya Mon.  56 138.

Stag rong gi GZIG PHAN — TS5 799.

GZIG 'PHAN — Das 547.  Country W of Tibet.  473 14.  See under Stag gzig.

Sa bdag GZIG GI GZHUG MA CAN — KTDN 143.5.

GZIGS RGYAB RIN PO CHE — A Lama from Trehor, in early 20th cent.  See Dreyfus in JIABS 21 (1998) 256.

GZIGS SNANG GSANG BA RGYA CAN MA — See Ehrhard in SCEAR 9 (1996) 49‑50.  This is the title of the cycle of secret biographies of the Fifth Dalai Lama.

GZIGS ZHU — Village in Kong po.  TS5 532.

GZID — BA 75.

GZIN LDAN MA — See under Zin na ma.


'Bras spungs GZIMS KHANG GONG MA — See under Paṇ chen Bsod grags.

'Bras spungs GZIMS KHANG 'OG MA — See under Tā la'i Bla ma.

GZIM KHANG SHAR PA — Sa skya mon.  Vai.Ser. 130.

GZIM 'OG SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Byams pa ngag dbang bstan 'dzin.

GZIMS CHUNG — See (— —) Nyi 'od dga' 'khyil.

GZIMS CHEN PHUG — Of Gru gu.  363 23.2.

GZIMS SHAG MKHAN PO — Bio. by Drung rams pa Ngag dbang chos grags listed in BLP no. 1761.

GZIMS SHAG LHO PA MKHAN PO — Bio. by Mkha' spyod Bla ma Ngag dbang bstan pa dar rgyas listed in BLP no. 1762.

GZU — Or, Gzud.  See (—) Dga' ba'i rdo rje.


GZUGS CAN SNYING PO — Bimbisāra.  A king.  See 27 116.  476 IV 415.2.  KB 96.2, 112.6.  Buston II 31.

GZUGS KYI NYI MA — See Tucci, Lhasa 40.

GZUGS BYED — In avadāna.  TPS 477.

GZUNG 'KHOR RA MO CHE — Near Lha chu.  Built by Bal ti Rin po che.  Ferrari 167.

Lce GZUNG SKYAB — In Bonpo lineage.  206 566.3.

Lce GZUNG NGO — In Bonpo lineage.  206 566.3.

GZUNG LJANG MDO BA — Gsang ston at ordination of Zhang G.yu brag pa.  17 II 526.2.

GZUNGS MDO — Mdo mangs: A Reproduction of a Bhutanese ms. representing the Tongsa Redaction, publ. in Paro in 1978 in 2 vols.

GZUNGS 'BUL LAG LEN — Gzungs 'bul Lag len: A Collection of Texts of the Byang gter and 'Bri gung Bka' brgyud pa Traditions on the Design and Consecration of Sacred Images by Rdo rje brag Rig 'dzin Padma 'phrin las, 'Bri gung Rig 'dzin Chos kyi grags pa and others,  publ. in Bir in 1977.  More on Gzungs 'bul, see 12 XII 97‑148, 149 ff.

GZUNGS MA — Sister of O rgyan pa.  115 9.2, 80.7.

GZUNGS BZHUGS — Receptacle for relics of saints.  Ferrari  98.  Gzungs gzhug, 243 IV 799 ff.

GZUS — See (—) Rdo rje rgyal mtshan.

GZE RGYAL GWA PA — In upper Nang chen.  239 XXX 58.4.

GZE SGANG — Pl.n.  115 148.6.

GZE BSGOM PA — See (— — —) Byang chub ye shes.

GZE STON — See (— —) Sbu gu rgyal mtshan.

GZE BA — Disc. of Mar pa Do pa.  =(Gze ba) Blo ldan, q.v.  17 II 408.6.  BA 385.

GZE BA — See (— —) Jo bde.  (— —) Blo ldan.

GZEG MA SGRA SGROG — See Ka na da ro ru.

GZEG GZAN — Also, Gzeg zan.  Atom Eater.  Kaṇāda, founder of Vaiśeṣika philosophy.  Gser Sbram 185.  mu stegs pa'i bye brag cig.  Btsan lhaDas 1107.

GZED — Kind of spirit.  Hoffmann, Symbolik 71.  Bellezza, D&B 56 et passim.

GZER MGA' — Probably same as Gzi 'gal, q.v.  See Sperling, Further 17‑18.

GZER LNGA — N. of a precept.  BA 442, 448.

GZER MIG — Middle length version of life of Gshen rab.  Nine Ways 3.  See Karmay, Confucius.  Kværne, Canon 34.  Kalsang Norbu Gurung, in his dissertation, gives evidence that its rediscovery must date to late 11th or early 12th centuries.  I believe the best way to understand the title is that it is equivalent to gser mig, and gser mig means not necessary 'eye of gold,' but better 'gold setting' (as in a gold setting into which a turquoise might be inserted...).

GZER BU NYER CIG — Bon precepts.  248 503 ff.

GZER BU BDUN PA — 464 22.3.  LGCM 615.1.

Mi 'gyur GZER BZHI — See 383 618.2.

GZO — BA 183, 193.

GZO RI KHROD — 415 XI 118.2.

BZANG — Pl.n.  BA 269, 751.

BZANG — See (—) Sum tsal.

Gnas brtan BZANG SKYONG BA — Pictured in 128 298.  Disc. of Tsong kha pa.  165 I contents.



BZANG SGOM — See (— —) Shes rab rgyal po.

BZANG CHEN PA — See (— — —) Dar ma bsod nams.

BZANG LDAN — One of the five first followers of Gautama.  413 19.2.

BZANG LDAN — N. of a mon. (chos grwa).  See Ruegg, JSBO 91.


BZANG PO — See under Gnas brtan.  Bhadra.  Pictured in Chandra 2094.

BZANG PO — N. of a river in Lus 'phags pa.  Das 417.

BZANG PO — A king of Shambhala.  Pictured in 128 998.

'Bri zur Dge slong BZANG PO — Vitali, Tho.ling 76.

Paṇ chen BZANG PO BKRA SHIS — (1410‑1478)  Great Dge lugs pa founder of Gangs can chos 'phel gling.  Abbot of Bkra shis lhun po at death of Dge 'dun grub in 1474, up until 1478.  Ferrari 157.  TPS 72.  Wylie 138 n. 211.  Paṇ chen Bzang po bkra shis kyi Gsung 'bum, Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (1999).

Sprul sku BZANG PO GRAGS PA — (14th cent.)  BD of T&TB III 519‑522.  Excavated Le'u bdun ma, q.v., which was 'transcribed' by Rgod ldem (N Tib 73‑928269).  Ferrari 154.  Ri khrod pa Bzang po grags pa.  217 283.2 ff.  410 118B.3.  He is depicted as a cotton clad ascetic in a thangka in Bod kyi thang ga, Bod Rang skyong ljongs Rig dngos Do dam U yon Lhan khang (Lhasa 1984), p. 78, your lower right, near the throne of the Sde srid.

BZANG PO RGYAL MTSHAN — (d. 1370)  See Dramdul, "A Historical Study of rTse‑chen Monastery of rGyal‑rtse (abstract)," contained in: D. Klimburg‑Salter et al., The Cultural History of Western Tibet (Vienna 2008) 207‑210.

Dka bcu 'Dzin pa BZANG PO RGYAL MTSHAN — 116 364.1.

Mkhas grub BZANG PO RGYAL MTSHAN — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0272.

Rje BZANG PO RGYAL MTSHAN — Patronized by Lha dbang rgyal mtshan (1404‑?).  DTK5 122.

Rta nag Mkhan chen Brag g.yab pa BZANG PO RGYAL MTSHAN — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1008.

Du khang BZANG PO RGYAL MTSHAN— Toh, Ming 189.

Ldan ma Dbon po BZANG PO RGYAL MTSHAN — Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 41 n. 58.

BZANG PO BCU GSUM — Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 458.

Sgam po Sprul sku BZANG PO RDO RJE — Pictured in 196.

Mchog sprul A wa dhū ti pa BZANG PO RDO RJE — Work written at his behest in 226 V 469 ff.


BZANG PO RGYAL MTSHAN — Ordination n. of A me dpal, q.v.

BZANG PO CHOS GRUB — Wrote bio. of (Dus zhabs pa) Rin chen rgya mtsho in 1357 (?).  74 I 237‑246.

Sgam po pa BZANG PO RDO RJE — Teacher of Gter bdag gling pa.  458 I 327.6.

Rje btsun BZANG PO RDO RJE — Author of an extended bio. of Rgod tshang Sna tshogs rang grol.  420 I 190.5.

BZANG PO'I SDE PA DRUG CU DAG — Bhadravargīya, ṣaṣṭi.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 346.

Bdag nyid chen po BZANG PO DPAL — (1262‑1324)  Sa skya pa.  "Stag tshang dang Nyi lde ltar Na bo Dong er 'khrungs."  Dhongthog 94.  Dates given as 1262‑1322 in Petech (1983) 192.  DTK5 113.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 41 n. 58.  Precious Deposits III 35 (Bzang po dpal 'bar).

Zur BZANG PO DPAL — (fl. early 14th cent.)  TS7 I 262.  Stayed at the court of the Yuan emperor Buyantu (re. 1311‑1320).  Responsible for one of the earliest Rnying ma Rgyud 'bum collections.  For his 1317 printing of the Lam Rnam par Bkod pa; see Kapstein, Dialectic 274.

A chen BZANG PO DPAL — Kuijp in Lungta 14 (2001) 64.

BZANG PO SPYOD PA — Comm. listed in SBTD I 358.

BZANG PO'I ZHABS — N. of (Kha che) Zla mgon, q.v.

BZANG PO'I ZHABS — See Bha dra pa.

Dpal ldan BZANG PO RI — 253 II 602.4‑5 ff.  Seat of Rme'u lineage f. in 2nd rab byung by Tshul khrims dpal chen.  See =Bzang ri.

BZANG PO'I LAM PA — Bhadrayānīya.  One of ten subschools of Sarvāstivādins.  BA 27.

BZANG PO LHUN GRUB — 374 II 559.4.

'Or BZANG DPAL — Author of a bio. of (Gnas rnying pa) Rin chen rgyal mtshan (1364‑1422) in 74 I 249‑257.

Dbas BZANG DPAL LEGS — Chibs kyi Khod dpon under Khri srong lde btsan.  28 76.  Dbas Btsan bzang Dpal legs.  Uray, Narrative 42.


BZANG BA DBANG RDOR — See Bzed pa dbang rdor.

BZANG BYED — Bhadraṅkara.  Pl.n.  Banerjee, Sarvāstivāda Literature 204.

BZANG MO — Thondup, EL 39.  Courtesan in an avadānaTPS 490.

Byang sems BZANG MO DPAL — Mother of Rab brtan kun bzang.  TS5 571.

BZANG MO LA NYE MA — 352 404.9.

BZANG BZA' — See (— —) Ring btsun.

'Jed BZANG 'OR — A temple (lha khang).  253 II 594.2.

BZANG YUL — BA 759, 906.

BZANG RI — N. of a village. Karmay, ed., New Horizons 387.  See Zangs ri Rme'u tshang.

BZANG RINGS — Taught at Khro phu.  17 II 381.1.  BA 335.

BZANG LA — [1] Ladakh monastery.  188 7.  [2] A pass in S Tibet.  463 I 83.6.

BZANG SHU DKA' CHEN — See (— — — —) Shes rab dar rgyas.


BZANG LHUN MKHAN PO — Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 316.

BZAD — BA 141.  Prob. an alternative spelling for Gzad, q.v.  See (—) Chu shul ('water puddle').

BZA' BE — 124 469.5.

BZUNGS — Spelling for the Sung Dynasty.  See Hugh Richardson's article "Smallpox Edict," p. 121.

BZED PA DBANG RDOR — From whom Khyung tshang pa learned Spyod 'jug17 II 508.  This could be a misspelling for Bzang ba dbang rdor, q.v.

BZO RIG — Industry, industrial arts, craft.  374 I 38.4.  Bzo rig Kha shas kyi Patra Lag len ma, 480.

BZO RIG GNAS MDO DGON SPRUL SKU — See (— — — — — — —) Bstan 'dzin rnam rgyal.

Jo gdan BZOD PA — Roesler, KSP 59.

BZOD PA GU SHRI — Translator at Peking.  Student of Rol rdor (b. 1717).

Mkhar rdo Mkhan chen BZOD PA RGYA MTSHO — (b. 1672)  Bio. in BD of T&TB V 361.  "Lha sar 'khrungs."  Dhongthog 94.  Pictured in 128 490.  Bio. in 156 II 462.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 0246.  Author of Pha bong kha'i Dkar chag Rgyas Bsdus Yongs kyi Don bsdus Mkhas rabs, listed in BLP no. 1354.

Rnal 'byor BZOD PA RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1866)  Also, (Ldong btsun).  Kværne no. 209.  Bon gsar.  259 preface.  ? 309 contents.  Lived 95 years.  Bio. in 253 II 492.5 ff.  For a text composed by him, see Kværne, Aspects, p. 31.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 394.  Long bio. entitled Skyabs rje Mkhas btsun Sbas pa'i Rnal 'byor pa Gyer chen Zla med Dngos Gzugs Bzod pa'i Mtshan Bla med Mdzad phrin Rnam thar Chu zla'i Tshul Skal bzang Dad mos Yid kyi Bdud rtsi in Bon Tanjur, vol. 197, pp. 227‑418.

BZOD PA RGYAL MTSHAN — A monk converted to Christianity.  Christened as Nathanael in Feb. 1872.  TS5 372.

Mā yang BZOD PA RGYAL MTSHAN — It is said he adapted Jesuit astronomy and chronology in his work Rgya rtsis snying bsdus in 1744.  See Yongdan, TCW 76.

BZOD PA CHOS LDAN — Abbot of Rdzong dga' 'phel rgyas gling.  438 VI 441.6.

BZOD PA BRAG — A stūpa at Thang po che.  Chag 88.

Go bo BZOD PA 'OD ZER — Vai.Ser. 245.

Rnal 'byor BZOD PA RIN PO CHE — 253 II 612.5.

BZOD PAR SMRA BA — Picture in 128 720.

BZLOG — Bon rites in 292 II.  320 IX 102 ff.






'On kyi 'A GA TSAL — OTA 690, 697.

'A SGOM KLU PO — 17 IV 475.3.

'A STON — See (— —) Bdud rtsi.

Tho dkar Gshen po 'A BA SHANG SHANG — SFHB 630.4.

Rgya 'A MA CAN — Sp?  Disc. of (Rngog) Chos rdor.  BA 406, 688.

'A ZHA — N. of a rigsDhongthog 42.  =T'u-yü-hun, Tuyuhun.  77 143, ff.  See discussion in 82 86.  OTA 659, 660, 661, 663‑666, 669, 693, 696.  3 14. "Ha sha."  Stein 34.  They were assimilated to Tibetans following their conquest in 663 A.D.  Beckwith, Tib.Empire 31.  Berounsky, Lapsed 169.  Schaik, M&T 61.  For an account of the conquest of "Tu lu hun," see HS XXXVI 361.

'A ZHA — See (— —) Rgya gar brtsegs.  (— —) Blo gros rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Gsang ba mdo sdud.

'A ZHA'I BON PO — Came from Ta zig in time of Gri gum btsan po.  Tan, Theses 138.

'A LA GZI CHEN — N. of a learned lama.  Das 1114.

'A LOD — N. of a monkey.  Beyer 56.

'ANG TE'U — A king of the klu.  Stein in McKay, History of Tibet I 602.

'AN 'GA' BO — BA 501.

'AN SE — Or, 'An ce, 'An tse.  See discussion in Pelliot, Notes on Marco Polo 713‑4.

'AM PHU — ?  5 49.6.

'AR GON — In Ladakh, a child born of a foreign Muslim father and a Ladakhi mother who converted to Islam.  Dollfus in Karmay, Inhabitants 478. Possible English spellings include arghon, arghand, arghaun.

'AR 'UR LTAG DGON — Vai.Ser. 246.

'U GU DO — Pl.n.  BA 1070.

'U TEN — ='U then.  From Chinese form, but still equivalent to  Khotan.  T.H. 46.  Indians called it Gosthāna.  A small city kingdom whose kings were always named with Vijaya (Rnam rgyal).  Actually, the principle city of Li yul.  82 91.

'U THEN — Capital of Khotan region.  Emmerick.  See 'U ten.

'U DUM BTSAN — 'Bald headed'.  Nickname of Glang dar ma.  Das 1115.

'U 'DUR — 5 167.6.

'U 'DUL — Pl.n.  5 168.2.  'U 'dul Rdo dkar, in Lho kha or Mon yul.  5 170.3.

'U ZE DGON PA — 253 II 635.4.

'U BZANG — See (— —) Dad pa bzang po.

'U YI KOR — See Rona-Tas in CAJ 42 (1998) 323.  An ethnonym for Uighur, coexisting with Ho yo hor, Ho yo 'or.

'U YUG — N. of pl. in Gtsang.  Das 1115.  Unsurveyed valley E of Shangs valley.  Ferrari 160.  'U yug Sa nag, sacred place of Bon.  BA 179, 193, 227, 230, 739, 768, 1026.  See 'O yug.  KTDN 71.6.

'U YUG — See (— —) Gong sngon.  (— —) Bye tshang.  (— —) Bre mo sna.

'U YUG MNGA' PA — See (— — — —) Bsam gtan.

'U YUG CHU — N. of river flowing through 'U yug valley.  Wylie 140 no. 235.

'U YUG PA — See (— — —) Wa thod Dmar po.  (— — —) Rig pa'i seng ge.  (— — —) Bsod nams seng ge.

'U YUG PA — Author of bio. of Rwa Lo tsā ba listed in BLP no. 1835.


'U RI — See (— —) Seng ge rgya mtsho.

'U RU — See (— —) Khri skyabs.

'U RU KHA GA SHO KHA — A Mongol.  208 I 237.5.

'U RU RU'I SGRAS 'BAB PA — Das 413 no. 13.

'U RONG GA — Daughter of Gesar.  Emmerick.

Sbrang po 'U LU — BA 134.

'U SHANG RDO — BA 335.  Gter ston Lha btsun Sngon po, Gu ru'i Bka' thang 'U shang rdo Gdan ma, listed in BLP no. 0302.  Stoddard, Early 4.

'U SANG — See (— —) Sgom dkar.

'U SANGS — A gdung rus253 II 347.2, 468.1.

'UG SKAD — BA 132, 141, 144.


'UG PA — Ulūka.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 345.

'UG PA GLING — Waddell 73.

'UG PA GLING PA — See (— — — —) 'Jam dpal grags pa.

'UG PA LUNG — Das 1115.  The Lama 'Ug pa lung pa was from there.  Mon. in region of Gser mdog can, founded by Zur po che, which in early period was great Rnying ma center.  Now nothing remains, just a village.  Ferrari 162.  BA 111, 114, 151.  33 207.6.  458 I 252.3.  Ramble in L'Ethnologie (1987) 238.  See Kapstein's article "The Sun of the Heart," p. 285, for an oral story about efforts to catch the 'life' (srog) of a Heruka image that had been constructed at "'Up‑pa‑lung" by Zur po che.

'UG BYA LUNG PA — Name of Zur po che.  See 33 193.5.

'UG PHRUG PA — N. of a tīrthika teacher.  Gser Sbram 185.

'UM PHUG — BA 79.

'UM BU GLANG MKHAR — Earliest historical palace in Yar lung.  Built for first king Gnya' khri btsan po.  Evidently, ='Um bu bla mkhar.  RS 253-258.

Pho brang 'UM BU BLA MKHAR — BA 812.

Brag dmar 'UM BU TSHAL — BA 42.

Brag phug 'UR DING — An 'ur ting is a brass basin used to make a noise (Das), and this may not be a proper name.  4 283B.4, 286A.3.

Jo mo 'UR MO — Mother of Rgyags phu ba.  4 12A.4, 14B.1.

'E MDA' DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo smad with 1 incarnate and 800 inmates.

Kha che'i Spyi pa 'E MO — 438 VII 431.5.

Bying mda' 'O DKAR BRAG — In Bying, upper part.  Meditation place of O rgyan Rin po che.  BA 183.  Probably same as Yar lung 'Ol dkar brag where Tsongkhapa studied Saµvara, Ni gu, and Kālacakra.  Ferrari 132.


'O GLING DGON PA — 253 II 486.3.

Bstan ma Ri khrod pa 'O DGE — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 116.4.

'O RGYAD 'PHAN LOD — Heller in JIABR 1 (2013) 273.  What is most likely a personal name, inscribed beneath the base of a gold cup.

'O SGOM — Gter ma in 313 II 89‑110.

'O CAG — ?  17 II 393.3.

'O CO —  ='O tsho, one of 4 rgod stong sde of Zhang zhung Stod.  28 83.  On boundary of Bod and Gru gu.  Chang in BJZJ X, no. 2, p. 120.

'O CHU SGRA BRAG — Milk water sound(ginger?) rock.  Pl.n.?  5 167.2.

'O CHUNG — Mon.  Vai.Ser. 258.

'O THANG — Also, 'O ma thang.  'Plain of milk'.  In Skyid chu valley (the heart of the srin mo), where Srong btsan sgam po built Jo khang in middle of lake.  Stein 38.  See 'O ma thang; 'O thang gi Mtsho.

'O THANG GI MTSHO — Essais 174.  17 II 317.5.

'O THOG GI 'DAM — Das 413 no. 7.

'O DANG — Pl.n.  OTA 670.

'O DO CU — P.n.  Coblin in TH&L 72.

'O DE GUNG RGYAL — A Mahāsiddha who traveled to Rebkong.  Said to have been a student of Lha Bla ma Ye shes 'od, hence 11th century.  See Smith in Linrothe, Holy Madness 74.  This spelling for 'O lde gung rgyal the ancestral sky/mountain deity occurs (see Dotson, D&L 21).  Bellezza, D&B 52 ('Od de gung rgyal), with many references.  And of course now Huber, SofL.

'O SDE GUNG RGYAL — N. of an ancestor, a god and of a mt. lying between 'Ol kha and Kong po.  83c 201, 202.  See 'Od de gung rgyal.

'O LDE GUNG RGYAL — Mt. connected with descent of first king, as is Lha bab ri.  Stein 28.  BA 457, 458, 656.  17 II 518.4.  In vicinity of Zangs ri on North side of Gtsang po river.  See Wylie 116 no. 21.  Tucci, Lhasa 130.  N. of protector.  216 329.1.

'O PUR TSOR KEN — See Rock, Nāga Cult I 144.

'O PHUG — BA 547.

'O PHUG — See (— —) Karma rab rgyas.

'O PHRAN — N. of pl. in Tibet.  Das 1116.

'O BA — 'o ba zhes bya'i shar mdun du / brtson 'grus zhes bya'i ming can byung (a prophecy of Thang stong rgyal po).  5 3.  'o ba zhes bya'i grong khyer.  5 13.  'o ba zhes bya'i lung pa.  5 12.

'O BA LHA RTSE — "Thang stong rgyal po'i 'khrungs yul gyi rgyab ri.  5 66.5, 67.1.  Stearns, King 153.


Dwang ra 'O BU DGON — 253 II 622.1.

'O BON 'BRANG — Also, 'Brang zhu, 'Phrang zu.  Stein in McKay, History of Tibet I 600.

'O BRAN — See (— —) Dpal gyi gzhon nu.  (— —) Blo gros dbang phyug.

'O BRAN DRAG DMAR — Protector.  Works in 194 XIV.

Chos rje 'O BRAN PA — Contemp. of Sog bzlog pa.  208 235.5.

'O MA RGYA MTSHO — Roof over the skylight on the roof of the Potala.  TS5 660.

Kla mchod 'O MA'I RGYA MTSHO — In titles in 315 105‑226.

'O MA'I CHU — Das 413 no. 4.

'O MA CHUNG — See 'Om chung. 

'O MA THANG — Extensive tableland at foot of Kharula Pass on the road from Rwa lung to Nangar tse Jong.  Das 1117.  See 'O thang.

'O MA THANG PA — Gling ras pa took ordination from him.  24 I 347.5.

'O MA MTSHO — See Katia Buffetrille, "Preliminary Remarks on a Sherpa Pilgrimage: The Pilgrimage to the Milk Lake in the District of Solu (Nepal)," contained in: French Cultural Center, The Anthropology of Nepal, U.P. Shrre Almora Book Depot (Almora 1993), chapter 6; also contained in G. Toffin, ed., The Anthropology of Nepal: From Tradition to Modernity (Kathmandu 1993) 97‑111.

G.yung drung 'O TSHAL GLING — 253 II 628.2.

'O TSHO —  ='O co, q.v.

'O YUG —  ='U yug, q.v.  BA 443, 677.  87 I 42.2, 264.5.  OTA 690.

'O YUG — See (— —) Rdza ra.

'O YUG BGE'U TSHANG — Pl. in 'O yug where Padmasambhava subdued Rdo rje legs pa.  Ferrari 160.  A place called Brag dmar Ge'u tshang is depicted in BLKC I 12.

'O YUG SA NAG — 253 II 577.6.

'O YUL — See Hazod in TS9 I 34.

'O RU — See (— —) Byams chen.


'O LAM — See (— —) Bha ru.

'O LA JO SRAS — Anspal, Space 131, etc.

'O LA SHA BTSAN — Bellezza, L&T 84.

'O LE — 478A I 119.5.

'O LO — King of Mustang in circa 1600.  ISTS 134‑135.


'OG GRO — Cuevas, Travels 71.

'OG RNGU — A pl. in Khams.  Das 1117.

'OG GDONG — BA 111.

'OG MIN KARMA'I GTSUG LAG KHANG — Epithet of Mtshur phu monastery.

'OG MIN GLING — Fuguosi.  A mon. in Lijiang founded in about 1627, belonging to Karma Bka' brgyud.  Jackson, Patron 236.  Name given as 'Og min Rnam gling by Debreczeny in Kapstein, BBTC 119.

Lha rtse 'OG MIN GLING — Has printery.  162 214.

'OG MIN RGYAL BA'I KHANG BZANG — Built by Rje mkhan po IX at Pha jo lding in 1749.

Lho kha Grwa phyi 'OG MIN SMIN GROL GLING — See (— —) (— —) (— — — — —) Nges pa don gyi dga' tshal.

'OG MIN GSANG CHEN ROL BA'I DUR KHROD — N. of paradise of Rdo rje 'chang in Smon lam rab bzang's Mun Sel Nyi 'od, p. 9.

'ONG CHU — BA 953.

'ONG CONG — The Chinese woman invited to be queen of Srong‑btsan-sgam‑po.  Lde'u 276, 277.  Identical to Wencheng Gongzhu, I believe.

Ma cig 'ONG JO RAS MA — Disc. of (Khyung tshang) Ye shes bla ma, in lineage of Gtsang smyon, q.v.  17 II 509.

'OD DKAR RGYAL MTSHAN — In Ge sar epic.  232 I 15.


'OD DKAR 'DZIN — Nine Ways 103.

'OD SKU — See (— —) Nam mkha' dbang ldan.

'OD KHA — Variant spelling for 'Ol kha.

'OD KHRI — Pl.n.  BA 435.

'OD KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — ?  Son of Bkra shis mgon in western Tibetan royal lineage.  17 II 348.  He also appears in the two Lde'u histories, where he is some times called Spa tshab 'Od kyi rgyal mtshan.

Mnga' rigs pa 'OD BRGYAD SPUN GNYIS — Refers to 2 brothers of Gtsang ordinated under Dgongs pa rab gsal.  17 II 340.1.

'OD CAN — BA 75.

Jo sras 'OD MCHOG — 17 II 402.1.  Slob dpon 'Od mchog in 131 16.5.

Kwa 'OD MCHOG GRAGS PA — Went to Nepal before Phyi dar.  Dung dkar 105.  Bka' 'Od mchog grags pa in  Dung dkar 180.  See Gardner in TJ XXVIII no. 3 (2003) 64.

'OD MCHOG SPRUL SKU — 458 I 223.1, 243.2.

'OD 'CHANG MA — Bride of Padmasambhava.  Waddell 381.  413 130.1.  Bhasadhara (?).

'OD 'JO — Pl.n.  BA 284.

'OD 'JO'I MDO — TS5 741.

'OD 'JO BA — See (— — —) Gzhon nu yon tan.

'OD KYI TOG — Prabhāketu.  Pictured in Chandra 2111.

'OD DE GUNG RGYAL —  ='O lde gung rgyal.  One of 20 principle mts. of Tibet.  Das 212.  476 IV 420.4.

Klu 'OD DE BED DE RING MO — In Old Tibetan Chronicles; see Hill in RET 10 (2006) 93.

Rgyal po 'OD LDAN — 128 762.

Rgyal po 'OD LDAN DUNG SKYONG — 352 332.1, 764.18, ff.

Mkha' 'gro ma 'OD LDAN 'BAR MA — Revealed Bon teachings to Blo ldan snying po.  254 preface.

'OD LDE — Acting king under Byang chub 'od, whose younger brother he was.  T.H. 141.  (But note that Lde'u has him as the elder brother of Byang chub 'od.  This source also equates 'Od lde the son of Lha lde, with Rtse lde...)  Ruler of Gu ge.  28 52.  17 II 347.6.  Son of Lha lde.  17 II 350.5.  Pictured in 128 530.  Invited Jñānaśrī.  DTK5 74.  =Rtse mo.  Youngest son of Btsan lde.  DTK5 93.  Western Tibetan royalty in later years of Milarepa.  DTK5 71, 73.  476 I 101.4.  King of Gu ge.  He is pictured in Precious Deposits II 9.

'OD LDEM — Daughter of Du gu Rin chen seng ge, who preserved his gter.  Bradburn, Masters 131.

Klongs shod 'OD SNA CHOS SDE — Vai.Ser. 155.

'OD SNANG — N. of a monastic establishment.  Schaik, M&T 174.

'OD SNANG NYI MA — King of Shambhala.  128 1006.

Ston pa 'OD PA — 73 426.6, 427.2, ff.

'OD PA STON CHUNG — Performed magic against his teacher.  478A II 459.1.

'OD DPAG RDO RJE — 349 XVI contents.

'OD DPAG PADMA — This may or may not be the correct Tibetan version of Zemindar Hopaphema, a member of the first Mount Everest expedition of 1921 (he lived in the vicinity of the mountain).  An account of this "reconnaisance" mission was published by C.K. Howard-Bury in The Summit.

'OD DPAG MED — Gter ma in 87 XXXII ff.

'Phags pa 'OD DPAG MED KYI BKOD PA — Amitābha vyūha.  Translated by Max Muller in Sacred Books of the East.

A lci 'OD DPAL SKYID — 391 V 335.


Lha lcam 'OD 'PHRO — TS7 II 977.

Paṇḍi ta Chen po 'OD BYED LHA — 475 126.4.

'OD 'BAR — N. of people in A mdo area, not under Tibetan rule after collapse of Tibetan Empire.  =Wu-mo or Hun-mo in Chinese.  Petech (1983) 174.

Klu sras 'OD 'BAR — 352 30.20.

'OD 'BAR LDE— To follow Lde'u, this king is a grandson of 'Od‑lde, and so should not be confused with him.

'OD 'BAR MTSHO — 17 IV 259.4.

'OD 'BAR SENG GE — (late 11th or 12th cent.)  BD of T&TB III 296, 306.  Belonged to the transmission of the teachings known as Rdo rje zam pa, q.v.  He was son of (Slob dpon) Kun bzang, q.v.  BD of T&TB III 325.

Zur mo 'OD 'BUM — 33 217.1.

Skyo 'OD 'BYUNG — F. of Skyo lugs of Rdo rje 'jigs byed.  349 X 1‑40.  Disc. of A tsa ra Dmar po.  17 IV 449.2.

Gnyos 'OD MA — Disc. of Se Lo tsā ba.  BA 761.  In Tsa mi Lugs transmission.  17 II 419.4.  Most likely same as (Gnyos) Dar ma 'od in BA 796.

'OD MA'I GLING — BA 1033.

'OD MA CAN GYI GRONG  — Beluvagāmaka, or in more correct Skt., Venugrāmaka.  A place where Buddha went into retreat and fell ill not very long before his death.  Snellgrove, SFN 400‑401.  In Li, NBA, it is spelled 'Od ma ldan pa'i grong, or Veṇumatī.

'OD MA'I DBYUG PA CAN — Ambalaṭṭhikā.  Banerjee, Sarvāstivāda Literature 94. 

'OD MA'I TSHAL — Veṇuvana, Veluvana.  Bamboo Grove.  193 I 293.3.  EoB VIII 521‑522.

'OD MA'I TSHAL BYA KA LAN DA KA'I GNAS — Kalantakanivāsa Bamboo Grove, a gift from king Bimbisāra, it became the first monastery (vihāra) of the Buddhist monks.  Banerjee, Sarvāstivāda Literature 103.

Khye'u 'OD MI 'KHRUGS PA — Pictured in 320 II 651.  Achard, L'Essence 49.

De bzhin gshegs pa 'OD MI 'KHRUG PA — Lde'u 288.

Dpal 'OD MDZAD — Kuijp in CAJ 37 (1993) 194.

'OD MDZAD YE SHES TOG — A Buddha.  128 796.

'OD MDZES — Roca.  One of 1st kings descended from Mahāsammata.  Das 1119.

Khye'u 'OD ZER — 128 816.

Bya bral Dge bshes 'OD ZER — Yogi student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).


'OD ZER GO CHA — Aṃśuvarman.  Nepalese king whose daughter married Srong btsan sgam po.  17 II 316.6.  Buston 184.  210 256.5.  406 4r.1.  476 IV 360.5.

'OD ZER GO CHA — (14th cent.)  "Bsgrags rdzongs mkhar Chos sder 'khrungs."  Studied Rdzogs chen with Klong chen pa.  BD of T&TB III 580.

'Dul ba Chos rje 'OD ZER RGYA MTSHO — At Sku 'bum.  Vai.Ser. 264.  Builg Gtsang Dgon gyi Grwa tshang.  Thuken 284.

'Bras spungs Dge bshes 'OD ZER RGYA MTSHO — Abbot of mon. in Ma hā tsi na.  438 VI 599.3.

Gyur pa 'OD ZER RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of work in 292 I 191‑219.


Sgang ra Lo tsā ba 'OD ZER RGYAL MTSHAN — 374 I 27.6.

Sgang rgad 'OD ZER RGYAL MTSHAN — A disc. of (Zhwa lu Lo chen) Chos skyong bzang po.  23 20.

Cu ra 'OD ZER RGYAL MTSHAN — Also, (Kyu ra).  253 II 358.4, 428.4, 431.4.

Ldong 'OD ZER RGYAL MTSHAN — Slob dpon at dge tshul ordination of Phag mo gru pa.  57 IIB 355.5.

Yang ston 'OD ZER RGYAL MTSHAN — Lived 63 years.  253 II 472.5.

Lhing nge 'OD ZER RGYAL MTSHAN — At ordination of Phag mo gru pa.  BA 554.  17 II 537.6.

'OD ZER CAN MA — A Tārā.  128 1118.  224 XII 504, XIII.  Chandra 2091.

'OD ZER CAN MA — See Rgun shes.

'OD ZER STON PA — Gter ston410 195A.6.

'OD ZER MTHA' YAS — Birthn. of Si tu xi.  346 31.1.

'OD ZER DRI MED — See 194 II.  349 I 160‑231.  SBTD I 163.

Bla ma 'OD ZER RDO RJE — (active circa 1920)  A chos 6.

Sog po Mkhan chen 'OD ZER RDO RJE — 443 I 42.1.

'OD ZER LDAN — Second emanation of Yang dag rgyal po.  Tucci, Religions 215.

'OD ZER LDE — Western Tibetan royalty.  Son of Dpal lde.  DTK5 71, 91.

'OD ZER NAM MKHA' — One of 5 wang of Mongol period.  From Go 'jo in Khams.  E.Sperling, Dissertation 162 ff.  See Gardner in TJ XXVIII no. 3 (2003) 68.

'OD ZER NAM MKHA' — (14th cent.)  Dpon chen of Go 'jo.  TS5 805.  Evidently same as the preceding.

Sprul rgyal 'OD ZER DPAG MED — Also, (Gshen chen).  253 II 370.3.  Anspal, Space 166.

'OD ZER DPAL — Mother of Atiśa.  17 II 280.2.

Rgyal gsar sgang pa Mkhan chen 'OD ZER DPAL — Kuijp in JAOS (1994) 605.

Byams pa Gser mchog 'OD ZER DPAL — (15th cent.)  Verse bio. contained in 74 I 273‑280.  In Ras chung Snyan brgyud.

A ba dhu ti pa 'OD ZER DPAL — 6th in predecessors of Rje btsun dam pa, q.v.

Khams 'OD ZER SPRUL SKU — Also, (Smar khams).  See Taube no. 1938, which is a prayer for his speedy rebirth of Rwa sgreng A chi thu No min han.  438 VII 232.4.

Spang Mkhan chen 'OD ZER BLA MA — 12 IX 89.1.

Smar khams 'OD ZER BLA MA — See (— —) (— — — —) Dkon mchog rgyal mtshan.

Mkhan chen 'OD ZER BLA MA — (1295‑1376)  Kuijp in Chayet, Edition 454.

'OD ZER 'BAR — Alias of the Rin chen rgyal mtshan who authored the bio. of Mitrayogin in 118 449‑563.

'OD ZER 'BUM — A name appearing in an inscription at Wanla.  See Luczanits in TS9 VII 123.

Gsas khang Chen po 'OD ZER 'BUM GLING — 352 793.7 ff.


A shag 'OD ZER SBYIN PA PHUN TSHOGS— Khyung po Dpal rgyal, Nges pa Don gyi Bstan 'dzin Rnam 'dren Rtsa ba'i Bla ma A shag 'Od zer sbyin pa phun tshogs Rin po che'i Sku tshe Stod kyi Mdzad rnam Dad ldan Yongs la Bshams pa'i Dga' ston, Bod ljongs Mi dmangs Dpe skrun Khang (Lhasa 2009).

'OD ZER SMAN — ?  87 I 212.4.

'OD ZER SENG GE — 12th Dpon chen.  Petech (1983) 203 no. 113.  TS7 I 273

'OD ZER SENG GE — (?‑1339)  Kuijp in TH&L 301 n. 24.

Dwags po 'OD ZER SENG GE — CFMS 31.  He appears in the Dge ye history, as immediate predecessor of the author in a lineage.

Sman sgom 'OD ZER SENG GE — Lineage disc. of (Bya btang) Ri khrod ras pa.  36 V 363.

Gser gling gi Rgyal po 'OD ZER GSAL BA — 413 148.2.

Rgyal bu 'OD BZANG — 352 575.20.  TPS 500.

Drang srong 'OD BZANG — 128 782.

Grub chen 'OD BZANG DPAL — See Drepung Catalog 1012.

'OD YANG — Aṅgiras.  See Rgun shes.

'OD YUG — Acc. to Wylie 140 no. 235, ='U yug, q.v.

'OD YUG — See (— —) Brag dkar Dgon.

Grub thob 'OD RAS — Rdzogs chen teacher of Lus med rdo rje.  467 II 171.5.

'OD SEL — N. of a monk.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 347.

'OD SRUNG — One of 2 sons of Glang dar ma.  28 52.  Pictured in 128 524.  See Imaeda's article in: Paul Harrison & G. Schopen, eds., Sūryacandrāya: Essays in Honour of Akira Yuyama (Swisttal Odendorf 1998), p. 92 in particular.  Here his dates are given as 843‑905.  His mother's name was 'Phan.

'OD SRUNG — Kāśyapa.  Buddha immediately before Gautama.  Das 1120.

Rgyal bu 'OD SRUNG — 352 184.5.

'OD SRUNGS — See Gnam lde 'od srungs.

'OD SRUNGS — Disc. of Gautama Buddha.  Pictured in 128 28; 320 IV 2.

'OD SRUNGS BGRES PO — Achard, L'Essence 52.

'OD SRUNGS CHE — Disc. of Gautama Buddha.  Pictured in 128 32.

'OD BSRUNG MCHOD RTEN — 122 85.6.  406 3v.6.

'OD SRUNGS PA — Kāśyapīya.  One of 20 sub‑schools of Sarvāstivādins.  BA 28.

'OD SRUNGS RDZOGS BYED — Pūrṇakāśyapa.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 346.

'OD SRUNG GI LE'U — Article in TJ V no. 4.

'OD GSAL — Pl.n.  BA 99, 302.  An early mon. in upper Zhogs.

'OD GSAL KUN KHYAB — Temple.  28 14, 81.

Yib phyi'i Bla ma 'OD GSAL KLONG YANGS — 458 I 91.1, 194.4.  Disciple and son of Nam mkha' rdo rje.  Cuevas, Hidden History 66, 159, etc.

'OD GSAL RGYA MTSHO — Disc. of 'Gro 'dul las 'phro gling pa, q.v.  369.

Spa ston 'OD GSAL RGYAL MTSHAN — Bonpo.  Bio. in 253 II 77.6, ff, 603.1.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 458, 461.  Nephew of Spa Dpal mchog.

Klong rdol Gling stod 'OD GSAL SGANG — ?  See Kun dga' 'brug dpal.


Rdzogs chen Khams phug 'OD GSAL SGRUB PA'I RTSE MO — In A ta rong in Khams.  For verses on it, see 12 XI.

Mnga' ris pa 'OD GSAL MCHOD LDAN — See Gsal mchog?  410 209A.6.

'OD GSAL SNYING THIG — Cycle associated with 'Jam dbangs mkhyen brtse'i dbang po.  In 87 CIV.

'OD GSAL BSTAN PA'I SGRON ME — See =(Nyi slob) Zla 'od rdo rje.

'OD GSAL BSTAN DZIN — Vajra regent of Chogyam Trungpa.  Appointed in 1978.  Formerly named Tom Rich.

'OD GSAL BDUN SKOR — Text in 330 205 ff.

BDE CHEN GLING — A sgrub sde founded by Grags pa 'od zer, q.v.  5 8.


'OD GSAL PHUG — At Thanggu.  David‑Neel, Magic & Mystery 69.

Ron phu'i 'OD GSAL PHUG — 4 48A.3.


Ri khrod pa 'OD GSAL ZLA BA — Tshe dbang nor bu wrote advice (gdams pa) for him.  10 614.

'OD GSAL RANG GROL — (d. in 14th cent.)  Rnying ma pa.  BD of T&TB IV 201.  Rin chen 'Od gsal rang grol gyi Rnam thar, by 'Jigs med gling pa, listed in BLP no. 1874.

Rgya ston 'OD GSAL RANG GROL — (ca. 1679)  Rong pa Bla ma.  458 I 198.2, 216.1, 327.4.

'OD GSAL RIN CHEN SNYING PO — Esoteric n. of Ngag dbang dpal bzang (b. 1879).  N. used in his tantric works.  39 1.  Bio, with n. Padma las 'brel rtsal, listed in BLP no. 1308.

Stag gzig 'OD KYI LHA RI — 253 II 580.6.

'ON — Wön.  Valley that joins the Gtsang po below Rtse thang.  Yar 'on.  5 338.4.  Tucci, Lhasa 126.  BA 178, 573, 612, 655, 692, 1039, 1040, 1077.  DTK5 76.

'ON — See (—) Bkra shis yang dgon.  (—) Dga' ldan chos 'khor sdings.  (—) Chos sdings Bla brang.  (—) Sna bo.  (—) 'A ga tshal.

'ON RGYAL SRAS — Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 2, p. 44.

'ON RGYAL SRAS — See (— — —) Thub bstan 'jigs med rgya mtsho.

'ON CANG RDO —  =U shang rdo, q.v.  9‑storied building built by Ral pa can.  Buston.  More properly, 'On ljangs rdo'i Lha khang, q.v.  Its ruins existed near village of 'U shang, and there was rebuilding in modern times.  Wylie 75, 147 no. 294.  Tucci, Tombs 15‑16.  Lhasa 117.  OTA 700.

'ON CHOS SDING — Part author of work listed in BLP no. 0577.

'ON LJANGS RDO'I LHA KHANG —  ='On cang rdo, q.v.  BD of T&TB III 242.  See also (Pho brang) Kyi'i 'On ljang ngo.  F. by Ral pa can.  17 II 337.1.

Gnas brtan 'ON PA — NTSP section NGA 104v.4.


'ON GYI STAD DKAR — Lde'u 245.

'ON GYI SPANG CHUNG — Pl. where Phag mo gru pa made a monastery and gathered his followers in late 1150's.  73 287.5.

'ON PHU STAG TSHANG — Stag tshang in the upper valley of 'On.  Gave its name to Stag tshang Bka' brgyud pa.  Ferrari 120.

'ON MO LUNG RING — Tucci, Religions 242.  'Ol mo lung ring??


'ON SMIN BDE PHUG — Place where Gling ras pa stayed.  24 I 353.7.  Probably identical to 'On smin ldings.  24 I 368.7.  A cave in the place called 'On rmi sdings, q.v.


'ON LUNG LA KHA — 413 325.6.

'ON LHA KHANG KE RU — See Ke ru.

'OBS KHA — Pl.n.  5 79.2.

'OBS MTSHO — 601 4r.4.

'OM CHUNG DPAL GYI NAGS 'DABS — 4 155A.1, 169A.2, 242A.4.

Mkhan po OM PHUG PA CHEN PO — Died in Fire Tiger year, which must mean 1206.  LPNT IV 3.

'OM BU — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 393.  The largest village at Dang ra G.yu mtsho.

'OM BU GLA SGANG — N. of 'Um bu glang mkhar.

Pho brang Brag dmar 'OM BU TSHAL — 87 I 266.5.  Bashey4 197.

'OM LO — A spelling for Humla in western-most Nepal.  See for example Ramble in RET XV 491.

'OR — N. of a village in Snye thang district near Lha sa, where Atiśa spent his last days.  Das 1121.

'OR — See (—) Bzang dpal.


'OR SGOM — See (— —) Kun 'dul.

'OR SGOM PHUG PA — A gter ston of Bon school.  Lived in about 11th to 12th cents.  See 9 11.  Or, 'Ol sgom phug pa, q.v.  253 II 217.1 ff.  Gter ma in 275.


'OR STON — See (— —) Dbang phyug grags.

Yar 'brog 'OR STON MCHED GNYIS — 253 II 203.5.  Karmay, Treasury 155.


'OR MA — Rtsa'i Nye 'khor 'Or ma zhes bya ba'i yul mi zhig.  4C 23.8.  The man who sold 'Or mo Gru gsum ('Fertile Triangle') to Mi la Rdo rje seng ge.  4A 11B.1.

'OR MANG — Pl.n.  OTA 667.

Stag tshal 'OR MO — Pl.n.  27 120.

Zhing 'OR MO GRU GSUM — Field of Milarepa's family.  4X I 118.6.

'OR MO DAR SDINGS — (?)  See Bor mo dar sdings.

Sbas gnas 'OR MO LHA SA — See Ehrhard in SCEAR 9 (1996) 41.

Kus pa'i 'OR MYONG NAG — Emmerick 93.

'OR LU SU NU MUN — 208 I 238.5.

'OR SHOD — For Thang stong's visit, see 5 155.1.  Birthpl. of Dri med lhun po.  BD of T&TB III 556.  'Or sho in 210 246.1.  Site of a battle.  BD of T&TB VII 171.  Stearns, King 243.

'OR SHOD — Apparently means "Lower 'Or."  5 285.3.

'OL KYI SPANG BZANG — Bellezza, L&T 86.

'OL KHA — Okadzong.  District in Lho kha.  Das.  "kha dog nag po dang Bod Dbus kyi Lho kha'i yul zhig."  Dagyab.  Once had an important town Stag rtse.  BA 187, 465, 468, 477, 888, 892, 918, 1040, 1076.  Tucci, Lhasa 130 ff.  28 77.  History of the area, see 332 II preface 14.  Vai.Ser. 159 ff.  463 was woodblock printed there.

'OL KHA — See (— —) Bkra shis thang.  (— —) Gar phug.  (— —) Gyang sar (or, Gyang gsar).  (— —) Stag rtse.  (— —) Tsha thang.  (— —) Shug cig.

'OL KHA PA — See (— — —) Grol sgom.

'OL KHA'I SHUG PA DPUN BDUN — In eastern sector of Dbu ru.  28 77.

'OL KHAR CHOS LUNG — Place of retreat for Tsong kha pa.  Dreyfus, Sound 178.

'OL GA — Pl.n. in Nepal.  NTSP section NGA 104v.4.

Stag gzigs 'OL GLING — 253 II 370.4.

'OL DGA' —  ='Ol kha, q.v.

'OL DGA' GYANG GSAR BA — See (— — — — —) Dge legs dpal bzang.

'OL DGA' RJE DRUNG — See (— — — —) 'Phrin las lhun grub.

Mjed kyi 'OL SGOM PHUG PA — 253 II 217.1.

'OL DRUG THANG PO — One of sku sras brgyad, q.v.  Kværne 225 no. 29.  352 790.21 ff.

'OL PHU LUNG RINGS — Bellezza, L&T 86.

'OL PHUG RGA — Bellezza, L&T 86.

'OL BA JO SRAS — 36 I 408.

'OL 'BOL BA — See (— — —) Yon tan.

'OL MO TSHAL — 33 166.5.  193 I 293.2.

'OL MO LUNG RINGS — Rock, Nāga Cult I 82.  'Ol mo gling, one of 12 continents of Bon.  Das 258.  For work on its geography, people, languages, etc., see 352 864.12 ff.  Dkar chag, 428.  For photo of a wall painting, see Mori in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 534.

Phywa sangs 'OL LA 'THEN — TPS 583.

'OL SANGS YUM LA 'THEN — See Das 1139.






YA KOB — Jacob, Yakub.  See Sbir Ya kob.

YA KHRO — TS7 II 983.

YA GA CI DBANG CHEN — 208 I 239.3.

YA GA BA — See (— — —) Bsod nams kun sdud gling.

YA GAD — Pl.n.  BBNP 464.

YA GAD PA — Jinpa, Mind Training 316.

YA GAD GTSUG LAG KHANG — The place where Atiśa's Mahāsūtrasamuccaya was translated into Tibetan.

YA GAL — Evidently a place in Nepal (see BA 850); the Tibetan text reads here Yi gel (yi ge la?), but later in the text it is indeed spelled Ya gal.

YA GONG MKHAN BRGYUD — ?  253 II 570.6.

YA GOD — Yakutia.  Pollock, Forms 344.

YA GYAL — 'solitary, single, one of several'.  A pl. north of Lha sa with palace of Dalai Lama.  Das 1123.  G.yas ru Gtsang gi Ya gyal.  44 3A.4.

YA GYAL GTER STON — See (— — — —) Dngos grub rgyal mtshan.

Ton YA BGO KHA GAN — Also, (Thon).  This is only a title.  In OTA 694, probably is a ruler of Tokharistan.  OTA 699, 700.  Tong Yabgu, Yabghu.

YA 'GAL —  =Yam 'gal.  BA 231, 392, 850, 851.

YA RGYAL — BA 606.

YA NGA'I DGON — 253 II 631.1.

YA NGAL — See (— —) Bkra shis rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Bstan rgod.  (— —) Dpal ldan bzang po.  (— —) Phur pa skyabs.

Rgyal gshen YA NGAL — Rgyal gshen Ya ngal gyi Bka' brgyud kyi Gdungs rabs, work on genealogy of lamas of Bsam gling.  Nine Ways 4.  Ya ngal is the family of the lamas of Bsam gling.  Yang ston is a contraction of Ya ngal Ston pa.  253 II 471 ff.  For history, see under Mi 'gyur rgyal mtshan.

YA NGAL GYIM KONG — Huber in N‑T I 266 ff.  Also spelled Gyim kong, Gyim kyong, Gyin dgon etc.  Bellezza, D&B 123.  See especially Huber, SofL.

YA NGAL GSAS RGYAL — 206 558.2.  Ya ngal gyi Gdan sa.  294 180.1.

La stod Gnyan gyi Thar ma YA CHANGS — BD of T&TB X 85.20.

YA 'CHANG — N. of pl. in Upper Tibet.  Das 1124.

YA TA MA RI — ?  476 IV 13.6, 17.7.

Rje YA TI NA — 116 481.

YA THANG — BA 622.

YA DING — Nomads 249.

Sa skyong YA PA — See under 'Jigs med dpa' bo.

YA 'PHEL — Lhasa official.  Goldstein, Hist. 450.

YA BA KYA CIG — See Todd Gibson's dissertation (1991), p. 192.

Gnod sbyin YA BA SKYA BDUN — Text, see 213 397‑414.  Stein, Recherches 122.  Tshul khrims rin chen, Gnod sbyin Dgra bla'i Rgyal po Ya ba rkya bdun la Gsang mchod 'Bul ba'i Cho ga Lha'i Rnga chen (in a Delhi publication; LTWA 67 KHA).  Bzhad pa'i rdo rje, Jo bo Brdal lha dang Ya ba skye gcig gi Gsol mchod (Delhi 1983) 128‑130 [LTWA 4114 KHA].  Acc. to Todd Gibson's dissertation (1991) 200, this group of 7 btsan is called variously Ya ba rkya bdun, Gnod sbyin mched bdun, Rol pa rkya bdun, or Btsan rgod 'Bar ba spun bdun.  They are headed by Tsi'u dmar po.  In Lde'u 395, we find Rta pa skya bdun.

YA BA TI — Attendant of Gshin rje.  Das 1124.

YA BA DWI PA —  =Gser gling, or [rather] Java.  Newman, Dissert. 98.  Pelliot, Notes on Marco Polo 755‑757.  For the Tibetan form of the name of Java, see under Nas gling.

Gter ston G.yas ban YA BON — (12th cent.)  Excavated Rlung 'khor Srog gi Spu gri at Byang Skra bdun rtse'i Lha khang.  BD of T&TB III 328.  217 490.6 ff.  383 218.1.  410 106A.1.  TS7 II 1026.

YA 'BROG —  =Yar 'brog, evidently.  BA 350.

YA 'BROG — See (— —) Khob le.  (— —) Gangs khyim ku rings.  (— —) Do.  (— —) Sna dkar rtse.

Bdag mo YA 'BROG MA — DTK5 140.

Rtog ge la Mkhas pa YA MĀ RI YA — BD of T&TB I 797‑8.  Contemp. with discs. of Nāropa in 11th cent.

YA MU NA'I GLING — 413 424.2.

Chu bo YA MU NĀ — Yamunā.  Epithets: Nyi ma'i Bu mo.  Gdung byed ma.  Zhi ba'i Sring mo.  Rtsod can.  Kā linda'i Bu mo (see Dagyab 678).  Gshen rje'i Sring mo.  Das 418.

YA MU BLA MA GU RU — Bonpo teacher of Hor in epic.  Stein, Recherches 190.

YA TSE — Sometimes, Ya rtse, Ya tshe.  Pl.n.  For identification, see 28 107, 112 ff.  In Gu ge.  =Semjā, Sijā, or Sijjā.  Now in Nepal, 14 miles NW of Jumla.  Wylie 126 n. 99.  Ya rtse.  17 II 347.5; 177 1A.5.  484 I 848.4.  488 6.4.  478A I 108.7.  Ya tshe.  BA 38, 580, 583, 787.  Name of a royal lineage of Gu ge.  28 55 ff.  5 304.3.  484 I 825.7.  This place ought to have been at the epicenter of the great earthquake of 1505.  Jackson in TS9 I 158.  For its royal genealogy, see Ahmad, Fifth 86.

YA RTSE — DTK5 74.

YA TSHA SI THA — Yongdan, TCW 111.

YA TSHE MKHAR DMAR — Stein, Recherches 122.

Gdan sa YA BZHI — 129 II 7.1.

YA BZHUR — Stein 192.  Note Lha Thang lha Ya bzhur in Dotson, D&L 22.

YA BZHER — N. of a tribe.  See Das 1125.

YA ZI — See (— —) Dar ma shes rab.

YA ZI BON STON — (10th century)  Achard, L'Essence 28‑9.  He was not only a successor of A ro Ye shes 'byung gnas in a Dzogchen lineage, but also of Dgongs pa rab gsal in a Vinaya transmission. It occurs to me that the Ya zi element of his name may conceivably be Turkish, as his Dzogchen disciple was a Turk, but in Old Turkic yazig is 'free, released,' while yazici/yaziji means clerk or scribe (perhaps a family name?).  My suspicion is that ya zi is Turkish in origin and means 'scribe.'

YA GZIGS — Pl.n.  See Das 1125.

YĀ RA MO RO — A great sea, identified as the Dead Sea.  Yongdan, TCW 110.

YA RAB — A gold source.  Karmay, Arrow 345.


Kham bu YA LE — Or, Yal le.  Son of Snying po grub pa by Padma mtsho.  BA 986.  17 II 426.3.  Kham bu Yag lags in 124 497.4, 508.1.  His ordination n. was Bsod nams rin chen.  CFMS 72.

YA SHA — Minister of Aśoka.  Thu'u 461.

Klu mo YAK SHA KHA 'DUL — BD of T&TB I 312.

Paṇ chen YA SHO MI TRA — At Rajgarh in early 13th cent.  Chag 89.

Khro rgyal YAKSHA ME DBAL — Text in 382 167‑180.

YAKSHA LTAG 'OG — Yaksha Tsi'u dmar (Lcog dbug khang).  Dwelling of the oracle at Bsam yas.  KTDN B XI 259.2, 263.4.  Ferrari 114.  87 I 51.2, 135.1.


Hor YAG KRA KA MA — N. of  a person.  87 I 52.4.

YAG TSHA SPRUL SKU — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 120.2.

YANG DKAR — BA 684, 686.

Skyer lung gi YANG KHENG BLA MA — Also, Skyeng lung gi.  Disc. of Zur chung.  Secret name: Thig le 'gyur med rtsal.  Also, Yang khyeng and Yang khye.  33 232.2.  BA 120.

YANG KHYENG BLA MA — 33 232.2.  See =Yang kheng Bla ma.

Shab YANG KHYED BLA MA — Almogi, MA Thesis 88.

YANG GRUB — Youngest son of Ma cig Lab sgron, aka Thod smyon Bsam 'grub.  124 463.5.  Ferrari 121.

YANG DGA' — A ferry (gru).  458 I 229.3.

YANG DGON — This may be a generic, rather than a proper, name (see BA 530).  Yang dgon Dpal gyi Dgon pa has "large number of miraculous objects like the chair in which Tsongkhapa composed the Lam rim."  At Rwa sgreng, below Seng ge brag.  "A Branch of the Stag lung at Gye re on the Gtsang po SE of Lha sa.  Ferrari 38, 80.  BA 530, 617, 628, 630, 745.  Vai.Ser. 129.  A branch of Stod 'brug school; for content of Gser phreng, see 20 36‑37.  Phag mo gru pa died here,  24 I 364.6. 

YANG DGON — See (— —) Chos kyi rgyal po.

YANG DGON NANG SO — BA 591, 645.

YANG DGON PA — A disc. of Mnga' bdag Nyang ral.  Ferrari 115.

YANG DGON PA — See (— — —) Rgyal mtshan dpal.  (— —) Thugs kyi rdo rje.  (— —) Ye shes rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Sangs rgyas grags.

YANG DGON RI KHROD — Vai.Ser. 153.

Ma cig YANG DGOS —  =G.yang dgos.  BA 440.  24 I 219.7, 221.1.

YANG RGYAL 'BUM — (sp?)  See under Zhabs drung Dkar po.

YANG NGA DKAR PO — A Bon sect.  Das 1126.  Something to do with Ya ngal?

Thugs rje chen po YANG SNYING 'DUS PA — Cycle of Gu ru Chos dbang, publ. under title Thugs rje chen po Yang snying 'Dus pa'i Chos skor (Paro 1982).

YANG TI — Third class of Man ngag Sde.  87 LXXXVI preface.

Srog ga Chan pa YANG TI NAG PO'I RGYUD — Text in 319 VI 233‑234.  Colophon title: 320 VIII 527.7.

YANG TI NAG PO'I 'BRU GCIG PA — Text in 319 VIII 395‑403.  See under Dung mtsho ras pa Phyi ma.



YANG TIG GCES SGRON — Text mentioned in Essais 142.  See under Yang thig Gces Sgron.

Rdzogs chen YANG TIG NAG PO GSER GYI 'BRU GCIG GI GDAMS SKOR — A gter ma of Dung mtsho ras pa Phyi ma.  BD of T&TB III 506.  413 34.1.

Bla brang YANG STENG — A mon. situated on rock in neighborhood of Phagri Jong.  Das 1126.

Khams YANG STENG DGON — Monastic chronicle, see 332 II preface 15.  Yang steng gi Gdan rabs, by Dpon Bkra shis rgyal mtshan, listed in BLP no. 1771.

Lngab YANG STENG DGON — Formerly Karma pa (Kar Lugs).  Turned to Dge lugs pa under Blo gros rnam rgyal.  Vai.Ser. 237.

YANG STON — May serve as contraction of Ya ngal Ston pa (see Nine Ways 4). 

YANG STON — See (— —) Gdan sa ba.  (— — Dam pa 'Bum rje 'od.  (— —) Mi 'gyur rgyal mtshan.  (— —) 'Od zer rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Rig 'dzin 'dus pa.  (— —) Rin chen rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Shes rab rgyal mtshan.

YANG STON CHEN PO — Author of text in 327 27‑30.

YANG THIG GCES SGRON — Gter ma of 'Phrin las rab rgyas, q.v.  See under Yang tig Gces Sgron.

YANG THUNG — Di Mattia in TS9 III 93.  Isn't this rather Chinese Yang t'ung, equiv. to Zhang zhung?


YANG DAG — Maternal aunt of Khri srong lde btsan.  80 105.

Dpal YANG DAG — Vajraheruka texts in 87 XXXXIV.  A Rnying ma division of Tantras.  See 211 74.5.  A lineage prayer in 239 XXX 391.  320 XXV.  Pictured in 320 XXVIII 3.

YANG DAG SKYABS — Vitali in TS9 I 88.

YANG DAG RGYAL PO — Bon deity.  T.H. 107.  Tucci, Religions 214.

YANG DAG RGYAL BA CAN — One of Rtog ge Drug, q.v.  476 V 176.6.


Gnubs YANG DAG GTER — Translator of Snga dar.  319 IV contents.  =(Gnubs chen) Sangs rgyas ye shes.

Ston pa YANG DAG DPAL —  =Byes 'gol ba, q.v.  One of the discs. of Ras chung pa.  17 II 507.  Bye mgo ba Bsod nams ye shes in 24 I 220.4.

YANG DAG SBYOR BA'I RGYUD — 37‑deity.  349 XX.  Sampuṭikā Tantra.  Commentary by Abhayākaragupta, the Man ngag gi Snye ma.


YANG DAG SHES — A yaksha.  Emmerick.

YANG DAG HE RU KA — Works in 194 V.  349 XV.  He is a wrathful and winged deity, with 6 arms, 4 legs.  Right hands are holding (top to bottom) handled drum, vajra, and trident (Che mchog looks quite similar, but holds vajras in all three right hands).

YANG DOG — Mon. in Mang yul.  Chag xlii.

YANG 'DUL — BA 40.

YANG NI WER — A btsan, one with a likely Zhang zhung name.  Karmay in Lungta, vol. 16 (Spring 2003), p. 10.  Yang ne ber.  See Todd Gibson's dissertation (1991), p. 193.

YANG PHUG RING MO — 87 I 136.6.

YANG PHUR — The 2 Rnying ma cycles, Yang dag and Phur pa, accepted by Sa skya pa.  374 II 401.5 ff.

YANG BON RI KHROD PA — See (— — — — —) Seng ge.

Gru gu YANG DBANG —  =Rdo rje bzhad rtsal.  His gter ma in 87 XL.  410 103.3.

YANG DBEN — BA 235, 237, 238, 505.

Dwags kyi YANG DBEN — 253 II 604.6.

Mas dro YANG DBEN DGON — Vai.Ser. 144.

Dge bshes YANG DBEN PA — Eimer, NG 113.

YANG SBAS GSAL BCO BRGYAD — Medical text on sexual ailments.  Beineke Library Tib. Coll. Bernard 53/pa, ff. 1‑14b 3.  28 pp.  55 X 10 cm.

YANG MA BCU GNYIS — KTDN 72.1, 72.3.

YANG BTSUN — See (— —) G.yung drung rgyal mtshan.

Rdzogs chen YANG RTSE KLONG CHEN — Also called Yongs rtse Klong chen, an important cycle of Bon Rdzogs chen teachings set down by Snya chen Li shu stag ring, and redisc. at (Lho brag) Mkho mthing by Gzhod ston Dngos grub grags 'bar in 1088 A.D.  305 preface.  Texts in 305.  Commentaries in 311.  In 2007, a set edited by Snang mtha' Bstan 'dzin nyi ma was published in 660 pages (details at TBRC).

Rdzogs chen YANG RTSE'I DPUNG DANG YANG RDZOGS — Title listed in Everding's Bon catalog, no. JS 1847.

YANG RTSE BA — See (— — —) Rin chen seng ge.

Sgrags YANG RDZONG — A fort of Sgrags.  BA 174.  Gnubs chen Sangs rgyas ye shes was born here.  BD of T&TB III 136.



YANG ZHUN THIG LE 'DUS PA — Text in 319 VI 359‑369.

YANG ZAB DKON MCHOG SPYI 'DUS Bodleian Catalogue 45.

YANG BZLOG ME'I SPU GRI — 'Jam dpal Gshin rje'i gshed Yang bzlog Me'i Spu gri'i Chos Skor (Bir 1977) to be published in 4 vols.  Includes works by Rig 'dzin Chos kyi grags pa, Dkon mchog 'phrin las, Padma'i rgyal mtshan, etc.

YANG RA — N. of pl. in Tibet.  Das 1127.

YANG RI — See (Yang ri Bla ma) Rnam 'joms pa.

YANG RI DGON — At 'Bri gung.  See Ferrari 111.  Sgrub pa'i Bsti gnas Byang gling Dpal gyi Yangg rir Rdo rje slob dpon Rim byon gyi Rtogs brjod Nor bu'i Ljon shing, listed in BLP no. 0612.

'Bri gung YANG RI BSGAR — 150 619.4.  'Bri gung Yang ri sgar.  Has printery.  162 208.


YANG LA ZA — See (— — —) Bsam gtan sgron ma.

YANG LE — Pl.n.  Sam van Schaik & Kazushi Iwao, "Fragments of the Testament of Ba from Dunhuang," Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 128, no. 3 (2008), pp. 477‑487, at p. 485.  Michael Willis's forthcoming article "From World Religion to World Dominion," p. 245.

Gnod sbyin YANG LE BER — Subject of a bsang mchod in 167 479 ff.

YANG LE SHOD — N. of rock cave where Padmākara meditated.  Das 1128.  In Bal yul.  132 88.6.  406 6v.1.  87 I 29.3, 30.5, 37.5, 38.2, 207.6.  KTDN A VIII 19.1, 21.2, 58.5.

Rta mchog YANG GSANG — See Rta mchog Yang gsang.

Rta mgrin Padma YANG GSANG KHROS PA — Depicted in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 139.

Phur pa YANG GSANG BLA MED — Excavated cycle of Ratna gling pa.  1291 X.

Thugs rje chen po YANG GSANG BLA MED — In 87 XXXVIII.

Li tsa byi YANGS PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — 73 410.6, 411.1.

YANGS PA CAN — Vaiśālī.  A city in Magadha, not to be confused with (Byang) Yangs pa can in Tibet.  Das 1128.  Birthpl. of Ti pu pa.  17 II 298.4.  Site of 3rd turning of the Wheel of Dharma.  BD of T&TB X 29.20, 39.2.  NMH 33 ff.  EoB VIII 532‑539.

YANGS PA CAN — N. of a town in Stag gzigs.  Kværne 220.

YANGS PA CAN — City in India.  Chag 61.

YANGS PA CAN — One of Chu bo Chen po Lnga in Ba lang spyod.  Das 417.

YANGS PA CAN — Has printery.  162 208.  Famous for its art, with murals by Sman thang pa Sman bla don grub.  Jackson, Patron 5.

Thub bstan YANGS PA CAN — Anchen Gompa, Hyangpachen.  List of abbots in 35 I.  On the Lho rong Chu, an upper branch of Stod lung river.  Founded by Mus Rab 'byams pa Thugs rje dpal in 1490.  See Ferrari 161.  Originally Zhwa dmar Karma pa, but later taken because of implication of Zhwa dmar ix in Nepalese invasion of 1792.  TPS 642.  Wylie 78, 50 no. 331.  Mentioned in BD of T&TB III 723.  Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 116 (called Byang Yangs pa can).

Dga' ldan YANGS PA CAN — Mon. in valley of Stod lung Chu W of Lhasa.  F. in 1416.  76 7.  BA ii, 1058, 1093.  See Das 1128.

YANGS RTSE — BA 1088‑1089.

YAN DHI SHEN HYUNG ZHI — Ancient Chinese emperor Yan Di Shen Nong Shi, who composed the first Chinese medical text.  Thuken 338.

YAN LAG SKYES — Pulaha or Aṅgaja.  See Rgun shes.

YAN LAG BDUN PA — See 4Chang 562.

YAN LAG 'BYUNG — One of the gnas brtan, or Arhats.  Waddell 376.  Pictured in Chandra 2139.

YAN LAG 'BYUNG — See under Dar ma da sha.

Seng ge'i Rgyal po YAN LAG MA SMAD PA — Pictured in 128 760.

YAN LAG MED PA'I RDO RJE — Anaṅgavajra, an Indian.  75 12.  Pig herding siddha, also called Phag tshang pa.  BD of T&TB I 234.  Disc. of Padma badzra (Padmavajra).  See Allinger in TS9 VII 61.

Dge ba'i Bon spyod YAN LAG GSUM PA — Title in 325 1‑733.

YAB — Pl.n.  BA 75, 694.


Bdud po YAB RJE NAG PO — 87 I 128.6.

YAB DUN — (Ya bdun?)  A Sikkimese spirit.  TR XV no. 10, p. 19.

YAB GZHI — Perhaps more correctly yab gshis?  The estates granted to the parents of the Dalai and Panchen lamas.  Tucci, Lhasa 76.

YAB SRAS BCUD DRIL — Text in 87 LXIII.  Lineage in 253 II 438.2 ff.

Phya rje YAB LHA BDAL DRUG — Bon deity.  Kværne no. 33.  In Dunhuang document account of kingship origins.  Macdonald, Lecture 199.  See under ya bla bdag drug in Btsan lha 832.  I think yab lha and yar lha (yar bla) may be one and the same term, meaning a divine forefather or predecessor of the original human king. The name appears with a different spelling in the Kong po stele inscription.

YAM BU — Derived from a Newari n. for Kathmandu, perhaps Yeṃdey.  Wylie (Nepal geography) 14.  "Bal yul gyi Rgyal sa."  BA 850.  N. of the ancient capital of Nepal, the modern Kathmandu being also called by this name.  Das 1129.  Also called Kho bom (?? ‑ Das 151 ‑ actually I think Kho bom has to be be Bhaktapur, so there is confusion here).  BD of T&TB I 912.  406 6r.1.

YAM BU BLA SGANG — Or, Yum bu kla sgang, q.v.  17 II 316.1.  Lcang glang rol pa composed a guidebook to Yam bu bla khang, according to Rgyal mo 'brug pa, Bod kyi Lo rgyus Gleng ba'i Gtam, p. 33.  The same author is called Lcang lung pa Rol pa'i rdo rje in Btsan lha 1059.  Called Lcang glang pa Rol pa'i rdo rje in BLP no. 1778.  Listed in Btsan lha 1059.  Sku mkhar Chen po Yum bu bla sgang gi Dkar chag 'Bring po; Ngang wū tha Gtsug lag khang Che mo'i dkar chag; Zhwa Lha khang gi Dkar chag; 'Phrul snang Gtsug lag khang gi Nang Mjal Drug gi Dkar chag Mkhas pa'i Ngag sgrong, Bod ljongs Mi dmangs Dpe skrun khang (Lhasa 2010), in 77 pages.

YAM YOG — Pl.n.  Matthew Kapstein, The Strange Death of Pema the Demon Tamer, in M.K., ed., The Presence of Light (Chicago 2004), pp. 119‑156, at p. 138. Notice Slar yam yog dben sa in Horlemann 131, a hermitage of Nam mkha'i snying po in Khri ga Mong yog Mda'.

YAM SHUD — See (— —) Rgyal ba 'od.

YAM SHUD DMAR PO — Tucci, Religions 166.  Text in 307 II 94.  See Ehrhard in SCEAR 9 (1996) 41.  See Todd Gibson's dissertation (1991), p. 190.

YAR KLUNGS —  =Yar lung.  Principal part of Lho kha province, of which the chief city is Rtse thang on the Gtsang po river.  A very fertile valley.  Das 1130.  BA 77‑79, 170‑178, etc.  28 82.  CFMS 11 has etymologies, etc.

YAR KLUNGS — See (— —) Skya'o.  (— —) Gcen pa.  (— —) Rnam rgyal.  (— —) Phug mo che.  (— —) Bya sa.  (— —) Rog pa.  (— —) Gshong pa.

YAR KLUNGS 'CHOS KYI KHU 'GYUR — See (— — — — — —) Gsal ba'i mchog.  ?

YAR KLUNGS JO BO — Author of a Rgyal rabs374 II 178.4.


YAR KLUNG PA — See (— — —) Seng ge rgyal mtshan.

YAR KLUNG LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — — — —) Grags pa rgyal mtshan.



YAR DGON CHOS RJE — Depicted in a thangka. TPS 366.

YAR RGYAB — BA 824.  5 119.

YAR RGYAL —  =Ya rgyal?  BA 693.

YAR CHAB — See (— —) Gtsang po.

YAR RJE — See (— —) O rgyan gling pa.

YAR RJE'I GANGS — 253 II 567.6.

YAR RJE LHA KHANG — Not far from Byams pa gling. Birthpl. of Klong chen pa.  Ferrari 133.

Gnubs kyi Mkhas pa YAR GNYEN BTSAN PO — 253 II 376.4.

YAR STOD — BA 76, 348, 603, 872, 875, 937.  79 97 no. 135.

YAR STOD — See (— —) Skyer sna.  (— —) Khrom sa Thang.

YAR STOD BRAG — See =Srin po ri.  Mountainous massif separating Skyid chu and Gtsang po before their confluence.  Tucci, Lhasa 118.  Ferrari 119.

YAR MDA' — BA 875, 878, 929, 930, 932, 935.  CFMS 12.

YAR SNON — See Hazod in TS9 I 34 ff.

Mi pham sgrub brgyud YAR 'PHEL DBANG PO — Disc. of Yongs 'dzin II Kun dga' lhun grub (1617‑1676) and author of his biography.  Is presumably the first of the incarnation lineage of (Lho brag) A jo rdzong.  8444 177.1, 206.3.  Two of his works are available in Collected Instructional Texts of the Dkar brgyud pa and Rnying ma pa Tradition for the Practices Followed in Western Tibet, Repr. from a ms. coll. from library of Seng brag Sprul sku of Yol mo, Konchhog Lhadripa (Darjeeling 1985).

YAR 'BRUG KHRI DPON — See (— — — —) Kun dga' bsod nams lhun grub.

YAR 'BROG — Yamdok.  Often called Yar 'brog G.yu mtsho.  The name means 'upper pasture'.  Das 1130‑1131.  Lies between Dbus and Gtsang.  The area around the lake.  Sumpa, Annals 71.  Also n. of a khri skor, q.v.  For Yar 'brog Mtsho, see Manning/Markham in Bibliotheca Himalayica series, p. 244.  =Ya 'brog.  BA 465, 606, 788, 831, 930, 1002, 1004‑5.  Yar 'brog Sgang.  5 171.3.

YAR 'BROG — See (— —) Kha ba klungs.  (— —) Glang bu.  (— —) Do.  (— —) Bran mda'.  (— —) Bla do'i rgyags.  (— —) Bla ba mkhar.

YAR 'BROG PA — See (— — —) Gu ru yang dag.

YAR 'BROG MTSHO — Apparently, =Dpal sde, q.v.  =G.yu mtsho.  Bernard 133 ff.

YAR MI CHU — In Sbal ti.  Lat. 34° long. 76°.  A river, lateral affluent of the Shayok River.  79 97 no. 134.

YAR ME — See (— —) Shes rab 'od zer.

YAR MO THANG —  =G.yar mo thang, q.v.  District in province of lower A mdo and Khams.  Das 1131.

YAR MO SNA BZHI — District in Lho kha.  Das 1131.  KTDN 66.6.  Haarh, Yar luṅ 99.  CFMS 13.

YAR GTSANG — One of 4 rgod stong sde of Zhang zhung Smad.  28 84.

YAR MTSHAMS — One of 8 rgod stong sde of G.yo ru.  28 82.  Perhaps =Byar, east of Yar lha sham po, & North of Lho kha. 

YAR GZIGS — A place at the northwestern edge of the Yar 'brog Mtsho.  Schwieger in Kailash 18 (1996) 91.

YAR G.YEN — 13 'upper classes' of spirits.  Listed in Clemente in TS6 133, n. 6.

YAR LA —  =Phar la, q.v.

Gser YAR LA DKAR PO — TS5 726.

YAR LUNG —  =Yar klungs, q.v.  See (— —) Dar rgyas.  (— —) Sog kha.

YAR LUNGS GONG MA — See (— — — —) (Spyan snga) Ngag dbang grags pa.

YAR LUNGS JO BO'I RGYAL RABS — Historical work often cited in Mkhas pa'i Dga' ston484 I 459.1.

YAR LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — —) Grags pa rgyal mtshan.

YAR GSHEN — See (— —) Ldem bu.

YAR LHA SHAM PO — Deity and mountain.  Hoffmann, Religions 18, 55.  Das 212.  T.H. 95.  Waddell 383.  BA 995.  See Sham bu.  At S end of the Yar lung valley region.  See Wylie 115.  See 83C 202, 203.  87 I 42.6.  KTDN 68.3.  115 149.3, 156.1.  476 IV 420.4.  CFMS 11‑12, 61 ff.  In my opinion, yar lha had the same meaning in its origin as yab lha, meaning the divine forebearer (of the earthly king), as we find it in the names of the yar 'ded kyi lha bdun (see Lde'u 197).

Bla ma YAL — (fl. ca. 1170)  476 I 76.6.

YAL MO BA — N. of a group of people.  BA 430.  Yol mo ba (?).

YAS PA — Chinese Yipa.  Yamada, Mu 118.

YAS PHYIN — N. of a large estate.  See Das 1132.

YI GE DRUG PA — Kreijger, Tibetan Painting pl. 49.

YI GE DRUG MA — Picture in Chandra 2142.

Dol po'i YI GE DRUG MA — A building.  DTK5 108.

Ācārya YI GE PA — See Allinger in TS9 VII 61.

YI GE 'BRU BSHAD LAS KYI 'KHOR LO — Text in 319 II 371‑409.

Chos Thams cad Nam mkha' dang Mnyam pa YI GE MED PA'I RGYUD RDZOGS CHEN RGYUD — Text in 319 II 1‑103.  Similar titles in 320 I 365 ff, 495 ff; II 69‑75; IX 364.1.

YI GE BZHI PA — Phyag chen teaching.  226 IV 39‑154.  See Karmay, Great Perfection 144.  An explanation appears in BA 183.  A work without author attribution in LTWA GA/2/32/7093 in 32 fol. cursive ms.:  Phyag rgya chen po Yi ge Bzhi pa'i 'Khrid yig Nor bu'i 'Phra bkod.  LTWA GA/2/32/7084, a print from Brag dkar Rta so carved in the year lcags mo bya:  Rgyud kyi Dgongs pa Gtsor Ston pa / Phyag rgya chen po Yi ge Bzhi pa'i 'Grel bshad Gnyug ma'i Gter mdzod.


YI GYANG JU — See Kuijp, KPTB 56.

YI NGOGS — See (— —) Bsam gtan rgya mtsho.

YI THA — Pl.n.  474 title page.  489 title page.

A khu YI DAM — Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 463.

YI DAM KUN 'DUS DNGOS GRUB LAG BCANGS — A gter ma of Thang stong.  5 116.5.

YI DAM DGONGS 'DUS — Excavated teachings of (Stag sham) Nus ldan rdo rje, q.v.

Byang sems Seng ge'i Rgyal po YI DAM BRTAN — In Jātaka.  Pictured in 128 726.

YI SPI O PHI YA — Ethiopia.  I imagine it's a slight misspelling for Yi thi yo phi ya, which would be much more accurate!  Yongdan, TCW 107.

Khyung po YI BZHIN RGYAL BA — 253 II 478.1.  Shouldn't this be Yid bzhin rgyal ba?

YI RU SĀ LO — Jerusalem.  Yongdan, TCW 110.

YI LA'O DBEN DPON — Kuijp in TH&L 304 n. 29.

YI'I SHYUNG ZHI — One of the original Chinese emperors, Yi Xuan Shi, the Yellow Emperor.  Thuken 335.

Ta zig gi Gong ma YI SHI TA — BD of T&TB I 1002.

YIG DRUG BSGOM LUNG — Texts on the work of Thang stong contained in 12 VIII 501‑515, 517‑521. 

YIG DRUG LHA KHANG — A temple in Yer pa.  T&BS II 246.

Rgyal rabs sogs Bod kyi YIG TSHANG GSAL BA'I ME LONG — 488 79‑123.

YID KYI KHYE'U CHUNG — Story in 352 191.11, 757.11.

YID KYI SHING RTA — An eastern Indian teacher at Vajrāsana in the 15th century; see biography of Karma pa vii.

YID DGA' CHOS GLING — "Yiga Choling."  Monastery in Ghoom, evidently a residence of Gro mo Dge bshes.  Photo in Li Gotami, Pictures 195‑203.

YID DGA' CHOS 'DZIN GYI ZHING — Retreat place.  SBTD I 252, 260, 314.

YID CHES LUNG GI SGRON MA — Title listed in Everding's Bon catalog, no. JS 1857.

YID BDE BAR 'BAB PA — Das 413 no 22.

YID PHAM PA'I RI — 17 II 290.1.  BD of T&TB I 209.

YID 'PHROG MA — N. of daughter of a gandharva king.  157 B 10.21.  Beyer 56.

YID SMON RGYAL PO — 484 I 849.4.

Sgrol dkar YID BZHIN 'KHOR LO — Two texts in 87 LVI, LVII.  Pictured in 320 XXXI 3.

Spyan ras gzigs YID BZHIN 'KHOR LO — In 87 XXXIX.

Rgyal po YID BZHIN MCHOG — 352 17.2.

Thugs rje chen po YID BZHIN NOR MCHOG — In 87 XXXIX. 

'Gro 'dul YID BZHIN NOR BU — 349 XXII.

YID BZHIN NOR BU BSAM PA LHUN GRUB MA — Called Thugs sgrub.  History of this teaching in 383 338.6 ff.

YID BZHIN NOR BU — (Skor Gsum).  73 68.3.  Snyan brgyud Yid bzhin nor bu.  4 285.2.  Snyan dril Yid bzhin nor bu.  4X I 73.2.  355Snyan brgyud Yid bzhin nor bu'i Rnam bshad subcommentary to Padma dkar po's study of Cakrasamvara, publ. by Kunzang Tobgey (Thimphu 1976).  Snyan rgyud Yid bzhin nor bu'i Bskyed pa'i Rim pa Rgyas pa 'Dod pa'i Re skong, by Padma dkar po, including also his Dngos grub kyi Gan mdzod,  publ. in 19 plus 33 folio woodblock print at Dāl hor [I Tib 185]. 

Sde pa YID BZHIN NOR BU — (early 17th cent.)  Brother of the Skyid shod Sde pa.  Chayet in Cardonna, Facets 79.  Sørensen, Restless Relic 867.

Sems Khrid YID BZHIN NOR BU — Teaching of Sgam po pa excavated by Dung mtsho ras pa.  413 395.1.  484 I 848.5.  A historical work (lineage biography) is listed in Drepung Catalog 1524.

Gser thar Mkhan YID BZHIN NOR BU — Active in 1998.  A chos 23.

Gcung YID BZHIN LEGS SGRUB — (?‑1717)  Rnying ma pa.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 387.  Son of Gter bdag gling pa.  453 88.2.

YID BZANG — In an avadana story.  TPS 486.

YID 'ONG — A monastery in Spo smad.  See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 45, 53.  The area of the Yid 'ong river was flooded and abandoned in 1901.

YID 'ONG LDAN PA — N. of a river.  TPS 481.  I think this simply must mean the Gaṇḍakī River (or a tributary of the same) that flows from Nepal.

YID 'ONG GSANG SNGAGS GLING — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang with 1 incarnate and 100 monks.

YID LA SKYES — A rishi who figures in the Rgyud bzhi, which was given at his request.  3 10.  He was the only one to fully comprehend its meaning.  KB 112.6.

YID LA MI BYED PA'I CHOS SKOR NYI SHU RTSA LNGA — 17 IV 374.2.  A group of tantric texts, listed in appendix B of Kragh's thesis on Sgam po pa.

Paṇḍi ta Chen po YID KYI SHING RTA — BD of T&TB VII 154.

YID LHUNG STOD — 253 II 633.5.  SE of Tachienlu.  Stein, Recherches 129.

YID LHUNG GZHI — Stearns, King 57.

YID LHUNG LHA RGYA DGON — Sa skya mon. f. by (Klu sdings) Rin chen mi 'gyur rgyal mtshan in 1767.  Dhongthog 132.

YIB PHYI — See (— —) 'Od gsal klong yangs.  458 I 91.4.

Shang po YU DKAR GYI RONG — Ras chung pa stayed there.  24 I 219.1.

YU GU GU SHUN GYI MAG PA — 208 I 238.2.

Pho brang YU GU DO — Pl.n.  27 131.

YU GU LI — ?  122 89.4.  Ehrhard, Old & New 118.  A pair of brothers who acted as local Newar 'sponsors' (or gnas po, whatever that means) of the Tibetans who came to repair Swayambhunath.

YU GUR — Also, Yu gur gyi Yul.  Uighur.  See under Hor.  BA 49, 501.  Also called Yu ge ru.  Das 1138.  253 II 641.4.

Al than gyi Tsha bo YU GUR CHI — 208 I 236.3.

YU GU RU — Variant of Yu gur, q.v.

YU GE RA — Once spelled Yi ge ra.  Uighurs.  Uray, Narrative 56.


YU NGA — N. of a place in 'Phan yul.  Das 1138.

YU NGA — See (— —) Dpal 'byor gling.

YU TANG — An ancient mon. in Nepal.  See Das 1138.

YU TING — Yongzheng Emperor, re. 1722‑1735.  Thuken 368.

YU NA— Skt. Yavana.  I.e., Ionian, Greek.  See the entry "Yona" in EoB VIII 807‑808.  Some Indian sources use the term rather promiscuously, for any kind of foreigner.

YU SNA — Pl.n.  See 28 82.  See Hazod in TS9 I 36.

Yul YU SPO SPU — ?  Lde'u 2 99.

Brag phug YU BA CAN — 132 73.5, 74.4.

Gcung pa YU BA GDONG — BA 749.

YU MO — N. of a pl. in Tibet.  Das 1138.

Grub chen YU MO — Disc. of (Sgra ston) Gnam la brtsegs.  BA 767, etc.  17 II 414.6.  475 97.7.  Important early Kālacakra teacher.  Author of Gsal sgron Skor Bzhi.  Acc. to Stearns, his full name should be Yu mo ba Mi bskyod rdo rje.  Bio. info. in Bu ston, Works IV 63.  He was youngest of four sons of Rngam khrom pa Dad pa rgyal po.  The Kālacakra history of the year 1360 (Museé Guimet ms.) has his bio., and connects him with the texts on the Gsal sgron Bzhi, that have been published.  It says he lived up to age 80.  He had a son, Dharmeśvara, when he was 55.

YU LIM — "Kwa cu'i yu lim gtsug lag khang gi rtsis tho." See Gong ba Klu 'bum rgyal, Spu rgyal Btsan po'i Skabs kyi Brda rnying Yig cha Slob gsar Stong gi 'Jug sgo, Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Beijing 2006), pp. 320‑325.  Hugh Richardson studied this text (HP,PE, pp. 279 ff.).  Dotson, D&L 51.  Kapstein, BBTC 39.

YUG THANG — Pl.n.  476 I 51.7.

YUG NAM STENG — Vai.Ser. 179.

Lho brag YUG RDZONG — 210 262.2.

YUG RDZONG — See (— —) Nor bu dbang rgyal.

YUG RDZONG PA — 374 II 466.1.

YUGS — BA 76.

YUNG — BA 273.

YUNG DGON TĀ BLA MA — See (— — — — —) Dkon mchog 'byung gnas.

YUNG PA — One of 18 dbang ris headed by Bran ka clan.  28 80.

YUNG PHANG HU — In Yunnan.  NMH 73.5.

YUNG BA — N. of a place in 'Phan yul, probably the same as Yu nga, q.v.  Das 1138.  475 97.6.  See Hazod in TS9 I 36.

YUNG BA NANG — In eastern 'Phan yul.  See Hazod in TS9 I 36.

YUNG LO — In Ch., Yongle Emperor. Toh, Ming 107.

YUNG SHO PO LA — 208 I 237.1, 237.5.

YUNG HE GUNG MKHAN PO — See (— — — — —) Sangs rgyas 'od zer.

YUN NEN — Yunnan province.  Das 1139.

YUN MEN BRGYUD PA — The Yunmen lineage of Chan, it hasn't survived.  Thuken 439.

Ban de YUN HYWE'I HE — Scherrer‑Schaub in TH&L 434.

YUM CHEN MO — A lha khang at Rtsis Gnas gsar with image of goddess consecrated by Padmasambhava  Said to have been built by Khri srong lde brtsan.  Ferrari 142.

YUM CHEN MO — Pictured in 128 3.

YUM GYI SNYING PO — Bon Prajñāpāramitā text.  333 189 ff.

YUM 'JANG — Kuijp in TH&L 285.

YUM BU GLA SGANG — Believed to be oldest building in Tibet, founded by Gnya' khri btsan po in ancient times, although the building itself has certainly been rebuilt many times.  Ferrari 125.  On lower Yar klungs river.  56 73.  Das 828‑829.  Picture: frontispiece to Dhongthog. Yum bu bla sgang gi Dkar chag, by the Dalai Lama v, listed in BLP no. 1777, and another by Lcang glang pa Rol pa'i rdo rje, no. 1778.

YUM BU BLA MKHAR —  =Yum bu gla sgang, q.v.

YUM BRTAN — Later n. of Khri lde, q.v.  Yum btsan, son of Glang dar ma.  17 II 347.3.  Probable dates are 843‑878.  CFMS 26.



YUM RIN CHEN BRAG — Pl.n.  602 24v.6.

YUM SANGS RGOD LA 'THEN — N. of one of 'Ol sangs Yum la 'then.  Das 1139.  His own son was Yum sangs 'Ol la 'then.

YUM SANGS 'OL LA 'THEN — See Das 1139.

YUM SRAS SDE LNGA — Bon protectors.  Text in 300 III 395‑410.  313 II 145‑155.

YU'US HWANG — Ch. Yu Huang.  Jade Emperor.  Thuken 341.

YUR 'OG — BA 75.

YUL SKYONG — A temple in general area of Amdo. BA 607.  See Sperling, Further 18.

YUL KHRUS — SBTD I 178, 257.

YUL 'KHOR — Part of A lci complex in La dwags.  See 15 3, 28.  A hamlet of about 14 houses.

Chos rgyal YUL 'KHOR SKYONG — 406 1v.5.  Dhṛtarāṣṭra.

YUL 'KHOR BZANG PO — Sauraṣṭra.  A country.  Bu ston I 161.

YUL 'KHOR SRUNG — N. of one of the Rgyal po Chen po Bzhi, q.v.  He holds a lute.  See under Lo chen Sprul sku.  Pictured in 128 1132.

YUL CHAB KYI YA BGO — I'm not at all sure this is a proper name (and ya bgo may not even be Tibetan, but Turkic yabghu!), but anyway see the discussion in Bellezza, L&T 39, 71.

YUL CHEN PO BDUN — Subject of a work.  SBTD I 75.

YUL CHOS — BA 1005.

YUL SPONG BYED RNAMS — The Vajjians, opponents of Ajātaśatru.  Banerjee, Sarvāstivāda Literature 93 ff.

YUL BZHI'I DGON GSUM — Vai.Ser. 258.

YUL BZUNG — See Stong rtsan yul bzung.

YUL LA — BA 1043.

YUL SHUL — A small district to the N. of Jyekundo.  TS7 I 478.

Blon po YUS — Minister under the Zhun Rgyal po who invented the five‑stringed Khin and the 25‑stringed Shī instruments.  He composed a treatise on songs entitled Zhi'u (Ch. Shao), which formed the basis of the opratic dance performance Khran zhi.  Thuken 338.

YUS KHYU WAN RI — Yuchuan Mountain.  Thuken 361.

YUS HRU'U — TS7 I 478.

YE KHYEBS — In title of tantra in 328 B 101 ff.

YE KHRI — N. of Rdzogs chen cycle.  Ye khri mtha' sel.  253 II 379.1 ff, 386.1.

Sum pa YE KHRI BZANG — An imperial sku gshen. ZZFC 224.

YE GONG — BA 548.

Sbug YE RGYAL — Also, (Spug).  BA 409.  17 II 462.1.

YE RGYAL NAM MKHA' RDZONG — In E Tibet.  239 XXX 49.4.


Tsha sgang YE CHEN RI KHROD — 346 114.6.

YE RJE — Tucci, Religions 234.

YE RJE SMON PA — Kind of Sgra bla.  Nine Ways 59.

YE NYID KYI STON PA — 248 5.4.

Hor yul YE THA — 253 II 606.2, 628.5.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 459‑60.

Skye po YE RDOR — Also, Kye po.  Disc. of Sgam po pa.  BA 462.  Skyes bu Ye rdor in 57 II B 353.7, 355.2.  484 I 843.2.

Lho YE PHUG — BA 565.

YE PHUG PA — Disc. of Phag mo gru pa.  BA 564.  17 II 546.2‑3.  Spelled Me phug pa in 57 II B 356.5.

YE PHYI MA — Primeval grandmother, n. of a Bon Rdzogs chen text.  Karmay, Great Perfection 175.

YE BRAG PA — Sangs rgyas Ye brag pa'i Rnam thar listed in BLP no. 1994.  Probably Ye brag pa is to be read Yar 'brog pa.

YE DBANG — Also, Ye dbang Rgyal po.  Emperor Yongle.  Chayet in TH&L 31.  Yanwang (=Zhu Di), the Jianwen Emperor, who was deposed and became a Tibetan Buddhist monk. Toh, Ming 101, 106 ff.

YE DBANG MTHU — Kind of Sgra bla.  Nine Ways 59.

YE DBEN — Emperor Yün‑wên.  Toh, Ming 100, where it is determined that it's just a mistranscription of Ye dbang, q.v.

Sum ston YE 'BAR — Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 38 n. 49.

YE MU RGYUNG — Bon po.  206 542.2.

Klu za YE MO BTSUN — Bellezza, L&T 69.

YE SMON RGYAL PO — N. of Sangs po 'Bum khri.  T.H. 107.  "First king" who introduced agriculture.  Tucci, Religions 201.  See Yid smon rgyal po. Haarh, Yar luṅ 258, etc.  Stein, Tribus 7.  Langelaar, Chasing 11.

YE SMON NAG PO — Stein, Tribus 7, noting var. Ye smon nag mo.


YE TSHO — DTK5 93, 94.

YE RDZU — Seems to be n. of gnas bdag in 334 section ki.

YE WANG — Princely title of Ming Chen tsu (re. 1402‑1424).  Sperling, Dissertation.

YE BZANG RTSE BA — 469 129.2.  Dalai Lama v, History 95, 102.  Yid bzang rtse ba in TS7 I 73.  N. of 'Gos Lo tsā ba Gzhon nu dpal, q.v.

YE RANG — Lalitagrāma, Lalitapattana.  N. of city next in importance to Khobom (Kathmandu) in Nepal.  Das4 131A.1.  Tibetan name for Patan (Pā tan, q.v.).  Das 775.  Wylie (Nepal geography) 13.  18 141.  406 6r.6.  Identified with Kathmandu in Dung dkar 21.  Ought to be translated Lalitpur (Lo Bue, Newar Scholars, passim).  A Newar name for this town is in fact Yala, so it is likely the Tibetan form has a basis in the Newar.

Lho brag YE RANG — BA 679.

YE RANG JO BO — See (— — — —) A khang bu khang.

YE RANG PAṆḌI TA — A name for the Nepalese Pundit Ānanda, a teacher of Ba ri Lo tsā ba, q.v.

YE RAN — BA 231, 361, 447, 789, 856, 1046.

Khams sgar Bla ma YE RAB — 363 120.5.

YE'U LA — Son of Sa nu.  Emmerick.

Cha phreng YE SHES — (modern)  Barlocher 416.

Ra mo Shel sman YE SHES — Work in 87 XLVII.  Bio.  210.  Ra mo Shes sman, born in Ra mo Sman chu.  Found medical texts.  383 413.2.  Named Ye shes bzang po.  410 51A.4.  His Gu ru'i Rnam thar Padma Shel khug ma is listed in BLP no. 0321.

Sku zhang YE SHES KUN DGA' — Lay leader of Zhwa lu in 14th cent.  Ricca & Fournier in TJ 26 no 3/4 (Aut/Wint 2001) 105.  In 1368, Togon Temur issued a document for him.  Everding in NTFC I 180.

Ras ma Zhig mo YE SHES KUN LDAN — Bio. by Gzi brjid rgyal mtshan found in 74 I 207‑214.  =Kun ldan ras ma, q.v.  =Ma cig Kun ldan.  17A VII pt. 2, p. 13v.2.  O rgyan pa seems to have recognized her as a reembodiment of 'Gro ba bzang mo, making her perhaps the first recognized female incarnate in Tibetan history.  Kuijp, Rivers 307.

YE SHES KLONG GI RGYUD — In 320 VIII 478‑522.  Guenther, Indian Buddhist Thought in Tibetan Perspective.

Sngags rams pa YE SHES SKAL LDAN — (d. 1752)  Teacher of Ye shes rgyal mtshan (b. 1713).  40 5.

YE SHES BSKAL BZANG — In Bde mchog Snyan brgyud lineage.  397 VII 17.6.

Grub dbang Stag mtsher Zhabs drung YE SHES SKAL BZANG — Student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).

Mkha' 'gro YE SHES KHYAB GDAL — 280 II 491‑539.

YE SHES MKHAS GRUB — Memories of Life 2.

YE SHES KHYUNG — Allen, Search for Shangri La map on p. 141.

YE SHES KHYUNG KHRA — Deity.  243 II 905‑910.  SBTD I 257.  Roesler, KSP 65 (a self manifesting image).

YE SHES KHYUNG GRAGS — A gter bton208 I 219.2.  Bio. 210 76.4 ff.  383 217.5.  458 I 22.3.  Blondeau 112.  Prophecy excavated by him cited in 481 15.1.  Karmay, Great Perfection 220.  Said to have lived in first 60‑year cycle.

YE SHES MKHA' 'GRO — "Ishkhand."  Remarkable Red Thangka (dmar thang) painting illus. in MBKP 138.

Phag mo Dkar mo YE SHES 'KHOR LO — In 87 LVI.

YE SHES 'KHOR LO'I RGYUD — Text in 319 VI 31‑41.




'Dan ma YE SHES GRAGS — 476 III 18.3.

'Jam dpal YE SHES GRUB PA — See 'Jam dpal ye shes grub pa.

YE SHES DGA' BA — One Yishigava presented Raghu Vira with a number of texts in Beijing in 1955.  He was Abbot of Yung-ho-kung.

YE SHES DGON — 253 II 633.6 ff. Thar in TS9 IV 163.

YE SHES MGON PO — N. of Spa ri ba, q. v.  17 581.

YE SHES KYI MGON PO — Deity.  Work in 36 VIII.

YE SHES KYI MGON PO — See (— — — — —) Phyag bzhi pa.

YE SHES RGYA MTSHO — See Ferrari 96 for various people by this name.

YE SHES RGYA MTSHO — Alias of 'Brug chen xi (1931‑1960).

YE SHES RGYA MTSHO — Supported as the 'true' the Dalai Lama vi in about 1707.  463 I 118.2, 132.5.  19 135 ff.

Ko bo YE SHES RGYA MTSHO — 253 II 401.4.

Klu smyon He ru ka YE SHES RGYA MTSHO — (b. 1969)  A literary figure, his book Bdag dang 'Brong gi Pha sa, published in Kathmandu in 1999.

Chu bzang Yongs 'dzin YE SHES RGYA MTSHO — A teacher of Sangs rgyas bstan 'phel (1817‑1884).  55 preface.  Pictured in 128 240, 250.  Collected works publ. 1981.

Rje btsun YE SHES RGYA MTSHO — Successor of Tāranātha in Jo nang Lugs, q.v.

Gnubs YE SHES RGYA MTSHO — Rnying ma pa (late 10th cent.)  33BD of T&TB III 163‑164.  Son & disc. of (Khu lung pa) Yon tan rgya mtsho.  BD of T&TB II 163.  See Byang chub Gsum for 3 of his discs.  Bio. in 193 I 302.2 ff.

Dben sa Sprul sku ii YE SHES RGYA MTSHO — (1592‑1604)

Rwa sgreng Srid skyong YE SHES RGYA MTSHO — Regent from Rwa sgreng who was forced into exile in 1862.  See McKay in TS9 I 272.

Shar pa YE SHES RGYA MTSHO — Disc. of Bu ston. 17 II 472.1.

Su nyid Smon ram pa YE SHES RGYA MTSHO — (19th cent.)  Author of Abhisamaya comm. publ. in 1979.  Berkeley 156/—.

YE SHES RGYAL MCHOG — Of Mus.  In Thang stong transmission.  29 7.

YE SHES RGYAL PO — In title of text in 319 V 169‑221.  320 II 75‑128.

YE SHES RGYAL PO — See Jalsan, "The Reincarnations of Desi Sangye Gyatso in Alasha and the Secret History of the Sixth Dalai Lama," Inner Asia 4 no 2 (2002) 347‑359, at p. 349, where this is given as the name of the unaccepted second Sixth Dalai Lama.

YE SHES KYI RGYAL PO — Name of a spirit.  Bellezza in RET 29 (2014) 200.

Ka dam YE SHES RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of a guidebook to Mt. Ti se and Manasarovar.  ZZFC 247.

Ko bo YE SHES RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 358.5, 391.2 ff, 432.1, 613.1.

Skam YE SHES RGYAL MTSHAN — (d. 1119)  Pupil of Dge bshes Grwa pa.  Waddell 74.  F. of a Zhi byed lineage, the Skam lugs.  BA 896 ff.  Disc. of Pha dam pa Sangs rgyas.  17 II 424.4.  BD of T&TB I 861.

Khu YE SHES RGYAL MTSHAN — 124 490.6.

Mkhan po YE SHES RGYAL MTSHAN — A teacher of Ngag dga' (b. 1879).  39 17.

Mkhas grub YE SHES RGYAL MTSHAN — BD of T&TB III 529.

Grum YE SHES RGYAL MTSHAN — Ordained under this n. by Dgongs pa Rab gsal, his earlier n. was Grum 'Bar ba.  Lde'u2 154‑155.  Vinaya teacher of Klu mes.  Bu ston II 203.  17 II 341.5.  Dates are 865‑935, acc. to H. Richardson, "Tibetan Inscription from Rgyal Lha khang," p. 62.  Schaik, M&T 71.

Chos rje YE SHES RGYAL MTSHAN — Depicted at bottom of  Kriejger, Tibetan Painting pl. 66.  Most likely a Ngor pa.

Rje dpon YE SHES RGYAL MTSHAN — A chief destroyed by the magic of Gling ras pa.  53 II 297.7.

Rtogs ldan Dbon po YE SHES RGYAL MTSHAN — Bonpo.  248 86.1.  Author of 304 445‑489.  Bio. in 253 II 345.3 ff.

Stag ston YE SHES RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 401.3.

Rtogs ldan YE SHES RGYAL MTSHAN — Kālacakra teacher of Tsongkhapa.  127 20.

Mdo sprang YE SHES RGYAL MTSHAN — Work in 418.

Rdor 'dzin YE SHES RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of a bio. of 'Phags pa listed in BLP no. 0473.

Phyogs las Sprul sku ii YE SHES RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1781)  59 preface.

Bu 'bor YE SHES RGYAL MTSHAN — (1395‑1458)  Leader (rgyal tshab) of Kaḥ thog.  Cuevas, Hidden History 144.

Rme'u YE SHES RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 601.2.

Tsha la na YE SHES RGYAL MTSHAN — Name of a royal descendent in the line of Yum brtan.  Lde'u 389.

Yongs 'dzin Dka' chen YE SHES RGYAL MTSHAN — (1713‑1793)  Dhongthog 95.  =(Tshe mchog gling Yongs 'dzin i) Ye shes rgyal mtshan.  Collected works in 25 vols. publ. 1974‑77.  Tutor of the Dalai Lama viii.  Author of bio. of Tsong kha pa listed in BLP no. 0924.  Bio. by Dge bshes Shes rab rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 1792, two bios. by Rgyal ba 'Jam dpal rgya mtsho, nos. 1793‑1794; bio. by Ding ri ba Chos kyi rgyal mtshan, no. 1795.  Story about his disciples by Jo nang Ngag dbang bstan 'dzin listed in BLP no. 1797. Dung dkar 129‑130.  Depicted in a giant silk applique thangka; see Pal, AHC 199.

Yang dgon pa YE SHES RGYAL MTSHAN — (1185‑1245)  Acc. to 73 contents, belonged to the teaching lineage of Smar pa Grub thob, & probably should be identified with (Yang dgon pa) Sangs rgyas grags, q.v.  This is according to the Ris med Chos 'byung of Kong sprul, ff. 10‑11.  Kuijp in Chayet, Edition 454.

Rag shi YE SHES RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 428.5, 431.6.

Lo tsā ba YE SHES RGYAL MTSHAN — Son of Khri dbang phyug btsan.  Teacher of Gnyos Lo tsā ba.  DTK5 75‑76.

Sog btsun YE SHES RGYAL MTSHAN — (14th cent.)  Founder of Khyung mo Mon. (Bon po). Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 423.

YE SHES SGRON MA — Consort of Nāropa.  75 87.

YE SHES SGRON ME — Yishe Tönme, an initiation name given to A. David-Neel.

Sgom chen YE SHES SGROL MA — (b. 1908)  TS7 I 359.

YE SHES DNGOS GRUB — A n. of Nāropa given him after his 12 hardships.  =Jñānasiddhi.  15 9.  17 II 265.6.  BD of T&TB I 827.

Kom 'phrang Chos rje YE SHES DNGOS GRUB — (1641‑1727)  Of Bhutan.  Bio. by Zhabs drung Gsung sprul i, publ. in 1978.

Phyogs las Sprul sku v YE SHES DNGOS GRUB — 59 preface.  His bio. published in 1978 at Thimphu.  See under Phyogs las rnam rgyal.

YE SHES RNGAM PA GLOG GI 'KHOR LO — Tantra in 320 XII 276‑438.

YE SHES 'JAM DBYANGS — N. of a 'Bri gung pa painter, born in Ladakh in 1932.  Subject of paper by Jackson in TJ 27 nos 1‑2 (2002).

'Phags pa lha YE SHES 'JIGS MED BSTAN PA'I MGON PO — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1381.

Mkhan po YE SHES CHOS DAR — Author of Mnyam med Dwags po Bka 'brgyud..15.

'Dzi sgar Mkhan chen YE SHES CHOS DAR — (b. 1927)  Author of Dpal ldan 'Brug pa'i Bstan pa De 'Dzin Rten dang bcas pa'i Byung tshul Mdor bsdus Bdud rtsi'i Zeg ma (Darjeeling 1980).

YE SHES CHOS 'PHEL — 82nd Dga' ldan Khri pa (from 1880‑1886).  BD of T&TB VI 209.  128 970.

Sku bcar Mkhan che YE SHES CHOS 'PHEL — 438 VI 516.5.

Lcam YE SHES MCHOG — Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 106.

Gnyos ston YE SHES MCHOG — 17 II 414.2.  Hoffmann, Religions 129.

Lo tsā ba YE SHES MCHOG — A previous birth of Gtsang ston Kun rgyal (1126‑1216).  BD of T&TB III 360.

YE SHES MCHOG GRUB — See Gar dbang ye shes mchog grub.

YE SHES NYI MA — Homa work in 271 409‑444.

Khams sgar Pad lung Ri khrod pa Rtogs ldan YE SHES SNYING PO — 363 121.4.

YE SHES SNYING PO — (11th cent.)  Bon po.  253 II 415.4.  Bio. in 352 656.21.

YE SHES SNYING PO — Disc. of Atiśa.  Teacher of Mar pa.  17 II 286.5.

YE SHES SNYING PO — B. in O di bi sha.  Met Dpal sbas in Bhangga la and took ordination from him.  Wrote many treatises on Dbu ma philosophy.  Lived in about 13th cent.(!?).  BD of T&TB III 31.  Apparently same as (Dpal) Ye shes snying po, q.v.  "Rnal 'byor Spyod pa'i Dbu 'ma Rang rgyud pa'i Slob dpon zhig." Dagyab 626.  BD of T&TB I 879.  Associated with Dbu ma Rang rgyud also in  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) X 108.3.

Bka' stod YE SHES SNYING PO — Teacher of Zur po che.  33 189.5.

Rgya ston YE SHES SNYING PO — 253 II 420.3.

Bde gshegs YE SHES SNYING PO — In Mes lugs.  BA 405.  57 IIB 348.4.  Disc. of (Zhang ston) Bsod nams mkhar.  17 II 467.4.

Dpal YE SHES SNYING PO — Lesser teacher of Mar pa at Tu la kshe tra'i Dgon pa.  46 14.  57 IIB 346.7.  75 12.  17 II 437.2 ff, 447.4.  BA 400.  BD of T&TB I 521.

'Brom YE SHES SNYING PO — Gter ston.  319 VIII contents.  320 VII 202.2; VIII 157.7, 522.6.

Zhwa dmar vii YE SHES SNYING PO — (1631‑1694)  Bio. in 35 II 336‑339.  Others give date 1639‑1694.  Also called Padma gar gyi dbang phyug.

Zim shing YE SHES SNYING PO — Disc. of Sgam po pa.  BA 462.  57 IIB 353.6.

Gser sgom YE SHES SNYING PO — Disc. of Sgam po pa.  BA 462.  57 IIB 353.6.  Not to be confused with (Zim shing) Ye shes snying po.

Sgyu 'phrul YE SHES SNYING PO'I RGYUD — 320 XV 310 ff.

YE SHES SNYING PO KUN LAS BTUS PA'I MCHAN 'GREL MU TIG GI PHRENG — Title in Mi pham, Works (1979) XI 297‑330.

YE SHES GTING RDZOGS PA'I RGYUD — In 27 chapters.  In 320 II 33‑65.  320 VIII 2‑157.

Bru la Mkhan chen Sprul sku YE SHES BSTAN SGRON — Student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).

Rgyal tshab YE SHES BSTAN PA'I MGON PO — Rgyal rtsab Ye shes bstan pa'i mgon po'i Dngul gdung Dkar chag, by Blo bzang phrin las rnam rgyal, listed in BLP no. 0574.

YE SHES BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (1787‑1846)  3rd Lcang skya, q.v., at Peking.

YE SHES BSTAN PA'I SGRON ME — (1717‑1786)  =(Lcang skya) Rol pa'i rdo rje, q.v.  This name appears on an 18th-century thangka inscription; see Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 149.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 0242.

'Bru la Mkhan chen YE SHES BSTAN PA'I SGRON ME — Bio. by 'Jog po Ngag dbang rin chen listed in BLP no. 1570.

YE SHES BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — (1849?‑1859?)  4th Lcang skya, q.v., at Peking.

Rje btsun Dam pa ii YE SHES BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — (1758‑1773)  From Li thang.  Ordained by Rol pa'i rdo rje.  41 I 9.

YE SHES BSTAN 'DZIN — (1794‑1849)  BD of T&TB V 563.  Pictured in 128 496.

YE SHES BSTAN 'DZIN — Modern novelist.  TS7 I 338.

Khang gsar Zhabs drung YE SHES BSTAN 'DZIN — Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 102.

Rdza rtogs YE SHES BSTAN 'DZIN — 253 II 461.1.

Lha rtse YE SHES BSTAN 'DZIN — Subj. of bio. listed in BLP no. 2078.

YE SHES THABS MKHAS — (20th cent.)  Mongolian lama.  399 preface 2.

YE SHES THAR 'DOD — B. at Kong po 'Bru.  71st Dga' ldan Khri pa, from 1828‑1829.  BD of T&TB VI 205.  128 958.  332 II preface 15.  Evidently it is his bio. listed in BLP no. 0428.


YE SHES THUB BSTAN — See Ngag dbang blo bzang.

The bo YE SHES THUB BSTAN RGYA MTSHO — Author of a series of biographies of the Khri chen.  332 II preface 15.  Author of bios. listed in BLP no. 0186, 0428.

Gser tog YE SHES THUB BSTAN RGYA MTSHO — (b. 1786)  47th abbot of Sku 'bum, author of work on Sku 'bum.  332 II preface 13.

YE SHES THOGS MED — (20th cent.)  STT 714.

Dka' chen YE SHES THOGS MED — A teacher of Ye shes rgyal mtshan (b. 1713) at Bkra shis lhun po.  40 5.

Zhang zhung Dge slong YE SHES MTHA' YAS — Yogin student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).

YE SHES DON GRUB — (1910?‑1995)  99th Dga' ldan Khri pa.  Garratt in TS9 VIII 61.

Lha rams pa YE SHES DON GRUB — Described as Thu med Pe'i zi'i Dgon sde'i Khri ba Gzhung brgya smra ba'i Lha rams pa.  Thuken 395.

YE SHES DON GRUB BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — See Don grub rgyal mtshan.

Rdzogs chen YE SHES BDUN GYI RGYUD — Text in 319 III 340‑363.  320 I 508 ff.

YE SHES MDO — See Dzñā na sū tra.

YE SHES RDO RJE — An 11th century Indian pundit listed, with no further information, in Mtshan tho no. 58.

YE SHES RDO RJE — (14th cent.)  Described as successor of Sangs rgyas gling pa.  BD of T&TB III 572.  210 127.3. 

YE SHES RDO RJE — See =Blo bzang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan (1635‑1723).

YE SHES RDO RJE — An officer of the Panchen Lama's entourage, active in the late 1930's.  He married Bde chen dbang mo.

YE SHES RDO RJE — N. of the 14th Dalai Lama's weather controller.

Skye po YE SHES RDO RJE — Figures in the 'opening' of Tsari.  17 IV 246.1.

Grub chen YE SHES RDO RJE — Bio. in 53.

Gtsang pa Rgya ras pa YE SHES RDO RJE — (1161‑1211)  Often, 'Gro mgon.  Sometimes referred to as Chos kyi rje.  Among his names is Bsod nams snying po.  Considered to be 'Brug chen i.  Disc. of Gling ras pa.  Das 1161.  BA 664 ff.  5 176.5.  Excavated gter ma of Ras chung pa at Snar phu.  Ferrari 140.  B. in Nyang stod.  Dhongthog 89.  F. Rwa lung Mon. in 1189.  Dhongthog 121.  His rnam thar and mgur 'bum publ. in 60 pp. at Thimphu in 1975.  Short bio. in 57 IIB 364.1 ff.  Name given at his 'haircutting' was Shes rab bdud rtsi'i 'khor lo.  His rab byung name was Ye shes rdo rje.  57 IIB 364.3.  His 3 main teachers were G.yu brag pa, U se (i.e. Dbus se), and Sna phu pa (i.e. Gling ras pa).  As prophesied by G.yu brag pa, he founded Klong rdol, as prophesied by Sna phu pa, he founded Ra lung, as prophesied by Dbus se, he founded 'Brug Dgon.  57 IIB 364.6.  List of his discs. in 57 IIB 365.4 ff.  Bio. by Rgyal thang pa in 119 485‑525.  Bio. by Rje Mkhan po IX in 135 I 315‑354.  Pictured in 128 1042.  484 I 861.2 ff.  For his works and precepts on Rten 'brel, see 447.  Bio. in 487 I 28.4.  For a probable portrait bronze of him, see Uhlig, On the Path to Enlightenment 180.  Evidently he composed the bio. of Gling ras pa listed in BLP no. 0425.  Bio. by 'Brug chen iv listed in BLP no. 0474.  Another bio. by Rin chen rnam rgyal, BLP no. 0475.  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 0778, 1664.  Biography by Padma dkar po listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 333.  Collected works in one vol. published in Kathmandu in 1998, in 661 pp.

Chos rje Grub dbang YE SHES RDO RJE — Subj. of bio. by Dri med grags pa listed in BLP no. 0762.

Bya 'Chad kha ba YE SHES RDO RJE — Also, Dge bshes.  (1101‑1175)  Bka' gdams.  BD of T&TB V 48.  17 II 375.5.  BA 273 ff, 280.  B. in Lo ro.  Dhongthog 52.  Pictured in 128 91A.  'Chad ka ba.  17 II 547.3.  Bio. in 165 I 541.  Works in 36 II.  Comm. on his famous Blo sbyong work, see SBTD I 244.  ? 17 IV 452.4.  He seems to appear in thangka inscription.  See Kossak, Sacred Visions, p. 59, n. 10.  See Hazod in Sørensen Festschrift 189, for idea that Bya shows his connection to the ruling Bya ba lineage.

Nyag rong pa YE SHES RDO RJE — Author of bio. with mgur of (Nyag bla) Padma bdud 'dul, publ. in 1976.  375.

Mdo Mkhyen brtse YE SHES RDO RJE — (1800‑1859?)  Also, Ye shes rdo rje rol pa rtsal.  Tantrika who is often called 'Ja' lus chen po.  The Body Sprul sku of 'Jigs med gling pa.  39 13.  Author of excavated Gcod work, 'Dzin pa Rang grol gyi Chos skor, publ. in Paro in 457 pp. in 1975.  Also publ. in 605 pp. by D.G. Khocchen Trulku in Dehra Dun in 1975 [I Tib 75‑904947].  Stein, Recherches 90.  Pictured in 128 686.  375 preface. See Mengele, dGe 51.  His biography published under the cover title Mdo Mkhyen brtse Ye shes rdo rje'i Rnam thar, Si khron Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Chengdu 1997), in 308 pages.  Bio. listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 347 (no. 741).  For an autobio., see TBRC no. W18047.  Subject of a remarkable portrait painting illlus. in Linrothe, Holy Madness 376.

Bram ze YE SHES RDO RJE — Disc. of 'Jam dpal bshes gnyen.  BD of T&TB I 379, 572.

Bla ma YE SHES RDO RJE — (active 1904)  See Thar in TS9 IV 161.

Zhwa nag xi YE SHES RDO RJE — (1676‑1702)  35 II 349‑350.  B. in Mgu log.  Dhongthog 95.  Pictured in 196473 42.  Dung dkar 40.

Rgyud 'bog Klong chen YE SHES RDO RJE RTSAL — Pictured in 320 XXXIV 3.

Rgyal po'i Bu mo YE SHES LDAN — ?

Sna nam YE SHES SDE — Also, (Sna nam Zhang), (Zhang), (Zhu chen Lo tsā ba).  Translator of Sūtras in early period.  87 I 108.1.  Disc. of Padmasambhava.  Pictured in 128 624.  132 94.3, 94.4.  In Mngon pa Kun btus transmission.  BA 345.  17 II 345.6.  Same as Sna nam Ye shes sde.  Translator of Dbu ma Rgyan gyi Tshig le'ur Byas pa of Zhi ba 'tsho (see colophon of same).  Zhang Bande Ye shes sde in 211 109.5.  Listed in Mtshan tho no. 11.

YE SHES NAM MKHA' MNYAM PA'I RGYUD — Tantra in 212 chaps. in 320 VIII 124‑478.

Rdzogs chen YE SHES NAM MKHA' MDZOD KYI RGYUD — Text in 319 VIII 357‑379.

YE SHES SNANG BA — A n. of 'Jam dpal shes bya kun rig, q.v.

Mkhyen rab Bul byung Bla ma YE SHES DPAL — Pictured in 128 380.

Gu ge Khri tang pa YE SHES DPAL — Author of bio. of Rin chen bzang po in 144 51‑128, also found in HS VI 431‑441.

Sgom pa YE SHES DPAL — (d. 1350)  Kuijp in TH&L 294.

Lam 'bras pa YE SHES DPAL — Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 184.

Cung grwar Dge slong YE SHES DPAL LDAN — Thuken 396, where he is a scribe named in the colophon.

Lha rje YE SHES DPAL 'BAR — Alive in 1736.  384 II contents.

YE SHES DPAL 'BYOR — Autobio. listed in BLP no. 1782.

Gtsang pa YE SHES DPAL 'BYOR — Bio. by Mtsho sna Rgod rtse Sprul sku, edited by Blo bzang 'phrin las, listed in BLP no. 1665.

Sum pa Mkhan po YE SHES DPAL 'BYOR — (1704‑1777)  A Mongolian Dge lugs pa author, abbot of Dgon lung Mon. in Amdo from 1736 to 1749.  Wrote the Annals of Kokonoor, as well as a history of Buddhism in India, Tibet and Mongolia.  T.H. 27.  Collected Works in 9 vols. publ. 1975/1979 in New Delhi.  332 II 25‑26.  See article by de Jong in HJAS 27 (1967) 208‑217.  Uspensky, Prince Yunli 17.  Autobio. listed in BLP no. 2002.

'Bras yul Skyed tshal Mkhan zur YE SHES DPAL 'BYOR — (1704‑1788)  Also, (Yongs 'dzin Paṇ chen), (Sum pa Zhabs drung).  Evidently identical to Sum pa Mkhan po (but note dating difference).

YE SHES DPAL BZANG — A teacher of Ratna gling pa (1403‑1478).  91 preface.

'Dam pa YE SHES DPAL BZANG — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1174.


YE SHES PHUN TSHOGS — As of 2000, the president of the National Democratic Party of Tibet, an exile party.  Acharya Yeshi Phuntsok.

YE SHES BYANG CHUB — See Kuijp in CAJ (1996) 277.

Sba sgom YE SHES BYANG CHUB — (late 11th‑early 12th cent.)  Lived 98 years.  His home area was Lo mo ba, his clan (rus) Sba.  Disc. of (Myang) Shes rab 'byung gnas.  BD of T&TB III 258‑260, 308.  BA 173‑175.  Matthew Kapstein, The Strange Death of Pema the Demon Tamer, in M.K., ed., The Presence of Light (Chicago 2004), pp. 119‑156, at p. 141.

YE SHES BYIN — BD of T&TB I 567.

Khrid yig YE SHES BLA MA — Text by 'Jigs med gling pa.  Comm. in 393.

Ko khyim pa YE SHES BLA MA — Disc. of 'Jims pa (i.e., 'Dzim) Sher 'od.  17 II 343.1.  TS5 741.  BA 78.  He founded Ko khyim Mon. in 'Dam gzhung. Dung dkar 93.  Mentioned in Roesler, KSP 61.

Khyung tshang YE SHES BLA MA — (1115‑1176)  Disc. of Ras chung pa in the lineage of Gtsang smyon, q.v.  One of 13 chief discs. of Ras chung pa.  BA 439, 441 ff.  Disc. of Sgam po pa.  46 48.  17 II 519.5.  B. in Stod lungs.  17 II 508.  Among his discs. were Ma cig 'Ong jo, Dge sdings pa, Mar ston and Rta sgom.  Called Rwa lo'i Bla ma in 24 I 347.3.  B. in Stod lungs Ru lu ba.  Bio. in 57 IIB 351.2 ff.  His bio. by Zhang Lo tsā ba in 74 I 51‑164.  His instructions to Rgya ras pa, see 74 II 525‑548.

Stag lung pa YE SHES BLA MA — (1279‑1312)  He traveled to the regions west of Tibet, to O rgyan, and Vitali has studied his biography.  The bio. in BD of T&TB IX 557‑9 gives his dates as 1279‑1324.  Lobzang Shastri, Jalandhara in the Eyes of Tibetan and Trans‑Himalayan Pilgrims, TJ 34 no 2 (Summer 2009) 3‑33, at pp. 11‑12.

YE SHES BLA MA CHEN PO'I RGYUD — Text in 319 VI 61‑76.  320 V 469 ff.

Sum pa YE SHES BLO — One of five men of Dbus ordained under Dgongs pa rab gsal.  Bu ston II 202.  17 II 340.3.

YE SHES BLO GROS — Las slob of Dus gsum mkhyen pa.  35 I 5.

Gshen Kun mkhyen YE SHES BLO GROS — F. Dpal ldan dar gling in 1233.  253 II 594.5.

Rgyal sras YE SHES BLO GROS — Work in 278 41‑48.  Work in 313 II 199‑205.  Founded Dar lding gser sgo in 1173.  Kværne 231 no 103.  253 II 400.3, 401.2.

Mtha' bzhi YE SHES BLO GROS — Bon chos kyi Dar Nub kyi Lo rgyus: Bsgrags pa Rin chen Gling grags ms. in 95 folios (pagination problematic) found in Oslo University Library (location no. ōstas II 14).  Note: This ms. was made in 1919 by a Tibetan servant of Campbell (? 'Bras Spyi blon chen Me 'dzar Kim 'bel Si A'i I Chen po) named Tshe brtan rdo rje.  The name of the author is taken from the literature and is not found in the ms. itself!  He supposedly lived from the 10th‑11th cent.  His gter ma is cited in Kværne, Canon 27 no 48.

Rta tshag YE SHES BLO BZANG — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1246.

Dza sag YE SHES DBANG BSGYUR — 438 VII 415.6.

Khri chen YE SHES DBANG LDAN — 93rd Dga' ldan Khri pa, from 1933‑1939.  BD of T&TB VI 221.  128 980.

Kyi YE SHES DBANG PO — Early Phyi dar monk.  Dung dkar 105.

Si tu Rnal 'byor YE SHES DBANG PO — (1220‑1281)  Regarded as an early predecessor of the Si tu incarnation lineage.

Sba YE SHES DBANG PO — Jñānendra.  2 5.  (Sbas) Ye shes dbang po srung ba, one of 7 first Tibetan monks.  17 II 325.1.  Appointed Mkhan po after death of Śāntarakṣita.  17 II 328.3.  Ruegg 305.  BD of T&TB I 558.  Prior to his ordination, his name was Sba Gsal snang.  First Tibetan abbot of Bsam yas. Dotson, D&L 47.

Btsun pa YE SHES DBANG PO — Mentioned in an added note to Bsam gtan Mig sgron 15.

Kyi nor YE SHES DBANG PHYUG — 17 II 353.2.

Grub chen YE SHES DBANG PHYUG — (ca. 1703)  466 IV 394.6.

Dge bshes YE SHES DBANG PHYUG — Dge bshes Ye shes dbang phyug gi Gsung 'bum, Kan su'u Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Lanzhou 1999), in 3 vols.  Aka Ser smad Spom ra Dge bshes.  Photo included. 

So YE SHES DBANG PHYUG — Disc. of Khu lung pa.  17 II 387.4, 389.4, 389.6.  Pictured in 320 XIX 2.  Disc. of Gnubs chen.  Lde'u 326.

Slob dpon YE SHES DBANG PHYUG — (15th cent.)  Contemp. of Kun dga' dpal 'byor (1428‑1476).  57 II 463.  ?  475 86.6, 414.4.

YE SHES DBAL MO — 274 I 309‑332.  A treasure protector (gter bdag).  Text in 286 II 81‑82.

Spug YE SHES DBYANGS — (late 8th-9th cent.) Karmay, Great Perfection 154.  He died in 866, was abbot of Khri ga Monastery near Kokonor.  See Amy Heller's forthcoming article on the cult of Vairocana.

Sba A tsa ra YE SHES DBYANGS — (9th cent.)  87 I 104.4, 118.3.  Disc. of Padmasambhava  128 622.  210 152.4.  This name is attested in an inscription of the year 806; see TS7 I 390 ff, where it says he died in 862.

Glan YE SHES 'BAR — Pupil of Klu mes.  17 II 342.3.

Gnyags YE SHES 'BAR — Kuijp, Treatise 417.

Dge bshes Sne'u zur pa YE SHES 'BAR — (1042‑1118)  BD of T&TB V 109.  Incarnation of Samantabhadra.  In 1067 (age 26) went to Rwa sgreng where he became a disc. of Dgon pa ba (BA 226, 17 II 376.6.) & later a disc. of Po to ba.  Built hermitage at Sne'u zur and had many discs.  BA 311‑314.  Ferrari 83.  17 II 377.1 ff.  His father was Zhang Stag po.  Dhongthog 95 (where the wrong dates 1062‑1138 are given).  Pictured in 128 85A.  Bio. in 165 I 453.  Beyer 322.  Story in 476 IV 348.3.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 0454.  A letter written to him from Po to ba is listed in Btsan lha 1053.  Davidson in Lungta 16 (2003) 78, including woodblock portrait.  Roesler, KSP 5, 38 (image of him reproduced).

Dbon po YE SHES 'BAR — Also, (Sgom pa).  Disciple of Zwa ra ba.  CFMS 71.

Myang stod YE SHES 'BAR — A story about A tsa ra Dmar po appears in a hail prevention ritual text contained in Rin chen Gter mdzod, vol. 71, pp. 277 ff.  He passes these teachings, in Upper Myang, to one named Myang stod Ye shes 'bar.

Zhang btsun YE SHES 'BAR — A direct disc. of Atiśa.  Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 2, p. 28.

YE SHES 'BAR BA CHOS KYI DBYINGS — Text in 319 II 62‑64.

Rong ston YE SHES 'BUM — 253 II 386.3.

Dbu 'od YE SHES 'BUM — (1194‑1257)  Rnying ma pa.  Dhongthog 96.  BD of T&TB III 411.  See Byang chub 'od.  Dates given as 1245‑1311 in Aris, Bhutan 153.

YE SHES 'BYUNG GNAS — A disc. of Sa skya Paṇḍi ta who presided at Shar pa Bla brang at Sa skya.  76 3.

Ko bo YE SHES 'BYUNG GNAS — BA 345.  17 II 345.3.  In Abhidharmasamuccaya transmission in about 1100 or somewhat later.

Gru mer YE SHES 'BYUNG GNAS —  =(Gru mer) Tshul khrims 'byung gnas, q.v.

Myang YE SHES 'BYUNG GNAS — Disc. of (Myang) Shes rab mchog.  17 II 389.6.  BA 109.

Zhang Thang sag pa YE SHES 'BYUNG GNAS — Disc. of Spa tshab.  Founder of Thang sag.  BA 343.  17 II 385.1 ff.  Roesler, KSP 36.

Bya sbug pa YE SHES 'BYUNG GNAS — (18th cent.)  A teacher of Dga' ldan bstan 'dzin (1741‑1803).

A ro YE SHES 'BYUNG GNAS — (10th cent.)  217 709.7.  Karmay, Great Perfection 126, 208.  Author of Theg pa Chen po'i Rnal 'byor502 153.6.  A Bka' gdams pa Rdzogs chen practitioner?  502 153.1.  DTK5 84.  This must be the 'great teacher A ro' who is mentioned in  Zhi byed Coll. V 213.4.  See Gardner in TJ XXVIII no. 3 (2003) 64, 85.  Phag mo gru pa and Zhang Rin po che both received Rdzogs chen precepts that came from (or were passed on through) him.

Bde chen pa YE SHES SBYIN PA — Bio. by Dpon slob Dbu mdzad Chos 'phel rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 1157.  Source of Gcod precepts work written by Panchen Lama I, see Ind.Off.Cat. no. 145.

YE SHES MAR ME'I RGYUD — 320 V 289‑301.

Paṇ chen YE SHES RTSE MO — (b. 1433)  4th abbot of Bkra shis lhun po from 1487 to 1512.  His Bka' gdams Chos 'byung written in about 1495.  146 preface.  He also composed a bio. of Dalai Lama i Dge 'dun grub listed in BLP no. 0510.  His bio. by Dge 'dun rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 1298.


Yel pa Grub thob YE SHES BRTSEGS — (1134‑1194)  TS5 813.  F. Yel phug and Rta rna.  See 12 IX 89.2 ff.  17 II 549.3; BA 566.  Author of Gnas lugs Phyag rgya chen Khrid yig in 36 VII 341.

Khams pa YE SHES BRTSON 'GRUS — 17 IV 469.4.

Phag mgo ba YE SHES BRTSON 'GRUS— (1761‑1816)  B. in Kong po, he was a great Chos mdzad (a wealthy sponsor monk) of 'Bras spungs Blo gsal gling.  In 51st year f. Kong po Dga' ldan bsam gtan gling.  Dung dkar 99‑100, with listing of titles.  42 3.

Leng YE SHES BRTSON 'GRUS — Contemp. of 'Brog mi.  BD of T&TB X 44.12.

Bse YE SHES BRTSON 'GRUS — Also, Se.  Mkhan po of Grom pa rgyang.  17 II 393.4.  BD of T&TB X 44.6.

'Jam dbyangs bzhad pa II YE SHES BRTSON 'GRUS GRAGS PA'I SDE— (1728‑1791)  Also, Dkon mchog 'jigs med dbang po.  The chief disc. of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).  His Dam chos Bdud rtsi'i Snying po tr. by Martin Wilson in vol. entitled The Essential Nectar.

Khyung po Drang srong YE SHES TSHUL KHRIMS — A Bon lama depicted in thangka in Kværne, The Bon Religion of Tibet, plate 9.

Gu rub YE SHES TSHUL KHRIMS — 253 II 437.4.  Ancient sage.  253 II 566.2.  I believe he is to be identified with the Gung rum Ye shes who was later given the ordination name Ye shes tshul khrims in Karmay, Treasury 36, 37.

Lha smon YE SHES TSHUL KHRIMS — (modern)  Tsering Shakya, Dragon 129.

Stag phu Yongs 'dzin YE SHES MTSHAN CAN — Collected works publ. in 1 vol. in 1975.

Grub chen YE SHES MTSHO RGYAL — One of the early persons to spread Bon in Reb gong area.  See Tsering Thar's paper on tantric practitioners in Kokonoor area.

Mkha' 'gro'i Gtso mo YE SHES MTSHO RGYAL — Inaccurately dated 805‑912 in BD of T&TB III 104.  Also called Mkhar chen bza' Mtsho rgyal, q.v.  17 II 326.5.  Pictured in 128 614, 672.  See under (Stag sham) Nus ldan rdo rje.  For a list of 3 bios., see BLP no. 0803‑0805.  For sources on her as a 'Das log figure, see Epstein in TJ 7 no 4 (Wint 1982) 81.


Byang sems YE SHES RDZOGS PA'I RGYUD — 320 IV 84‑107.

YE SHES ZHABS — An Indian.  75 12.  87 I 253.5, 285.4.  A tradition of Gsang 'dus named for him.  17 II 412.3.  BA 367.  BD of T&TB I 542.

Gnyags YE SHES GZHON NU — Jñānakumāra.  Disc. of Padmasambhava.  27 68.  BA 104‑105.  Pictured in 128 620.

YE SHES BZHI SBYOR — In title in 327 311‑334.

Rtogs ldan YE SHES ZANG THAL — 253 II 358.3.

YE SHES ZLA BA — BD of T&TB I 566‑567.

YE SHES GZUNGS — This name occurs in a lineage prayer of the Red Gshin rje gshed in 194 V 509.4.  He was the only son of Padma dbang rgyal and his wife 'Bang mi Dpal sgron.  194 VI 12.2.  He pulverized a mt. with his magic power.  194 VI 13.1.  "Mi las drag sngags gsan pa'i Lha rje Gnub chung zer ba yang 'di yin."

Snying thig Mnga' bdag Sum ston YE SHES GZUNGS — Pictured in 128 554.  Ra mo Shes sman Sum ston Ye shes zung.  210 93.5.  His Bshad rgyud kyi 'Grel pa 'Bum NagDD 714.

Gtsang rong Lha rje YE SHES GZUNGS — A Rnying ma Bla ma of Mi la ras pa whose lineage is in 17 II 389.5.  See also 17 II 475.5, 476.1.  Disc. of Rgya Zhang khrom in one lineage.  219 II 92.2.

YE SHES BZANG — "bzod brtson dad pa'i stobs 'bags."  Pictured in 128 580.

YE SHES BZANG PO — Ordinator of Lo chen Rin chen bzang po in 971.  Gutschow, Becoming a Buddhist Nun 96.

YE SHES BZANG PO — 10th khri thog of Dga' ldan.  BD of T&TB VI 128.  Pictured in 128 898.  Vai.Ser. 70.

Blo chen YE SHES BZANG PO — Evidently wrote, together with Paṇ chen Ye shes rtse mo, a text about Buddha's deeds listed in BLP no. 1070.  Author of Yig tshang Mdor bsdus, listed in BLP no. 1776.

Gtsang sman YE SHES BZANG PO — Medical work, Byang khog Yul thig Rtsa 'grelDD 718.

Ra mo Shel sman YE SHES BZANG PO — See (Ra mo Shel sman) Ye shes.

YE SHES 'OD — Slob dpon at novitiate of Nāropa.  75 18.  73 56.1.

Lha btsun YE SHES 'OD — 115 147.3.

Lha Bla ma YE SHES 'OD — Monk king of Gu ge. T.H. 23.  Handed government over to his brother Srong nge (but Khor re and Srong nge are so often confused with each other?!).  T.H. 138.  Founded Mtho ling.  28 52.  Throne name was 'Khor lde or 'Khor re.  See 83E 485.  Karmay in ISTS 150.  Vitali, Kingdoms, p. 146, calculates his dates to be 947‑1024.  Gangs ri ba, Mnga' ris Skor Gsum gyi Sngon byung Lo rgyus, p. 74, calculates his dates on the basis of a work by Kaḥ thog Rig 'dzin, at 959‑1036.  For his mention during his own life in a colophon of the 100,000 Prajñāpāramitā (dated to 1019 or 1031), see C. Scherrer‑Schaub & George Bonani, "Establishing a Typology of the Old Tibetan Manuscripts: A Multidisciplinary Approach," contained in: Susan Whitfield, ed., Dunhuang Manuscript Forgeries, British Library (London 2002) 184‑215, at p. 209.  For his portrait as found on the walls of Tabo monastery, see D. Klimburg‑Salter's article in CHWT.

Nam mkha' dang mnyam pa YE SHES 'OD KYI RGYUD — In title in 319 II 103‑123.

Thugs rje chen po YE SHES 'OD MCHOG — A teaching.  210 245.6.  413 392.6, 394.6.


YE SHES 'OD KYI BLA MA — 253 II 380.2.

Bon bla YE SHES 'OD ZER — 375 93.

'Bring YE SHES YON TAN — One of 10 central Tibetan monks ordained under Dgongs pa rab gsal.  17 II 340.3, 378.2.

Mgo ba YE SHES G.YUNG DRUNG — Ricca & Fournier in TJ 26 no 3/4 (Aut/Wint 2001) 103.

Spa gong YE SHES G.YUNG DRUNG — Lde'u 392.

Gter chen YE SHES G.YUNG DRUNG ROL RTSAL — 253 II 242.5.

YE SHES RANG GROL — See Ngag dbang ye shes rang grol.

A pho Rin po che YE SHES RANG GROL — (1922-1974)  Owner of books published as 336, 365.  Some bio. info. in Crook, Yogins of Ladakh 252, etc.

Bstan gling Dza sag YE SHES RAB BRTAN — 438 VI 475.4.

Gu ru Drag pa YE SHES RAB 'BAR — 58 929.

Lde btsun YE SHES RAB GSAL — 253 II 569.5.

Rgya ston YE SHES RIN CHEN — Bonpo.  248 70.6.  Bio. in 253 II 339.1.

'Jam dbyangs Sprul pa YE SHES RIN CHEN — (1364‑1413)  BA 672.  "rab dus shing pho 'brug la 'khrungs / dgung lo lnga bcu pa chu sprul la gshegs."  1 19.  11th in 'Brug pa Gdan rabs.  57 IIB 368.2.  Bio. by Shes rab bzang po (1400‑1438).  24 III.  487 I 63.5 ff.

Tī shrī YE SHES RIN CHEN — (d. 1294)  See article by H.Franke in Asia Major, 3rd series, vol. 7, pt. 1 (1994).  Ricca & Fournier in TJ 26 no 3/4 (Aut/Wint 2001) 104.  He was responsible for the relic deposition & consecration of the White Stūpa in Beijing in 1279 (as studied by Herbert Franke).

Dus 'khor ba YE SHES RIN CHEN — In Shar pa lineage, preceptor to Yüan emperors.  See 76 3.

Zhu chen YE SHES RIN CHEN — (b. 1123)  Kværne no 93.  Karmay, Treasury 168.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 454.  Aka Sangs rgyas Zhu chen, aka Khro rgyal 'bar.

G.yu ba Rtogs ldan YE SHES RIN CHEN — 253 II 392.1‑2.

Shar pa YE SHES RIN CHEN — (13th cent.)  Petech in TH&L 419.

A thog YE SHES RIN CHEN — Bonpo.  Bio. in 248 109.8.  253 II 347.5.

YE SHES RIN PO CHE 'OD KYI RGYUD — Text in 319 III 309‑363.

Glan YE SHES SHES RAB — Glan is the clan name.  F. Klung shod Rgyal sar sgang in 1016.  Dhongthog 117.

Slob dpon YE SHES BSHES GNYEN — Jñānamitra. BD of T&TB I 900, 906 ff.


Byang chub sems dpa' YE SHES SENG GE — Jackson, MB 140.

Gdan sa ba YE SHES SENG GE — A teacher of Tsongkhapa.  Thuken 219.

Zwa ra ba YE SHES SENG GE — Also, (Mon dkar ba) (Dpal ldan) or (Mon dkar ba) (Skal ldan).  Also, (Zar ba Skal ldan).  B. in Mon gar.  Founded Zar Dgon (=Zwa ra Dgon).  Founder of G.ya' bzang Bka' brgyud (or was the founder his disciple G.ya' bzang ba?).  57 IIB 356.6.  BA 652, ff.  17 II 550.6.  12 IX 89.4‑5.  CFMS 70, etc.

Tsha be YE SHES SENG GE — 253 II 433.6 ff.  A title, "Tsha ne Ye shes seng ge'i Zhal gdams," is listed in Everding's Bon catalog, no. JS 1917.

Rwa YE SHES SENG GE — Author of the bio. of Rwa Lo tsā ba called Kun khyab Snyan pa'i Rnga SgraBA 379.  17 II 413.4.  Pictured in 128 376.  He is listed as a translator in Mtshan tho, no. 73, which says it is unclear from the 'Jigs byed Chos 'byung (where there is a brief bio.) if he went to India or not.

YE SHES SEMS DPA' — See Beyer, index under "knowledge being."  The Jñānasattva, contrasted to the Samāyasattva (Dam tshig sems dpa').

YE SHES GSANG BA'I 'KHOR LO'I RGYUD — Tantra in 320 XXVI 2 ff.

Rdzogs chen YE SHES GSANG BA'I RGYUD — This & similar titles in 319 III.  320 IV 35 ff.


YE SHES GSANG BA'I RDO RJE — Secret n. of Atiśa.  BD of T&TB I 593.


Rdzogs chen Kun tu bzang po YE SHES GSAL BAR STON PA'I RGYUD — Text in 319 III 221‑234, 235‑238; IV 53‑86.  320 III 108 ff; VIII 101‑113, 113‑116, 116‑119, 119‑121, 121‑123.

Phyag chen YE SHES GSAL BYED — Bde mchog Snyan brgyud text by Mi la ras pa.  502 137.5.

YE SHES GSAL RDZOGS GSANG BA'I RGYUD — Bon tantra in 258 III 69‑81.

YE SHES BSAM 'PHEL — Dge skos at Skyor lung Dgon.  438 VII 464.1.

YE SHES BSOD NAMS — A doctor at Leh.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 312.

Slob dpon YE SHES LHA — Disc. of Zhi ba lha.  BD of T&TB I 203.



YE SHES LHA MO — A nun in Zangs dkar in about 15th century, said to have attained rainbow body.  Gutschow, Becoming a Buddhist Nun 100.

Bstan 'dzin Bdun pa Rin po che YE SHES LHUN GRUB — In Thang stong Snyan brgyud.  63 I 155.  Also called (Bde chen Rnam rol) 'Chi med grub pa'i dbang phyug.  Stearns, King 17.

YE GSHEN — 8th Vehicle of Bon.  T.H. 110.  Tucci, Religions 229.  352 737.6.

YE GSHEN — See (— —) Bsam grub.



YE GSHEN SEMS DPA' — 352 728.20.

YE BSHER GTSUG PHUD — N. of a predecessor of Gshen rab Mi bo.  Das 1143.

YE SANG DKAR PO — N. of a tribe in Tibet.  N. of a Bon deity.  See discussion in Stein, Tribus 7.

YE SU — Jesus.  See Das 1143.  488 461.4. 

YE SU BO KA — Kuijp in Chayet, Edition 452.

YE SUN THAL — A Mongol.  208 I 238.1.

YE SUN THE MUR — See 1 18.  See Dungkar Rinpoche's dictionary under Ye sun thi mur tsing dbang (aka Tha'i ting Rgyal po).

YE SRID RGYAL PO — Collected Tantras of Bon II.

YE SRID 'PHRUL — Type of sgra blaNine Ways 59.

YER KHEN — Yarkand.  Between Kashgar & Khotan in W part of what is now Xinjiang.  In 5th Dalai Lama's time it seems to have been called Yer khyim or Yer khin (Christoph Cüppers).

YER PA — See Tucci, Lhasa 106 ff.  N. of a place, a temple and monastic settlement occupying a group of caves.  56 49.  Yer pa Lha ri is sacred mt. in Yer pa, 10 miles outside Lhasa.  For Thang stong's visit, see 5 114.  BA 44, 75, 259, 260, 295, 642, 844, 907, 908.  17 II 414.6.  See also Brag Yer pa.  Sgrub gnas of Klu'i dbang po srung ba.  BD of T&TB X 87.19.  Tucci, Religions 156.  Lha sa G.yer pa.  246 contents.  Subject of article by Filibeck in T&BS II 237‑247.  Guidebook by Zhi ba'i snying po in 504 55‑122.  Guidebooks listed in BLP nos. 1783‑1787.  Roesler, KSP 14‑17.  Noticed in a book catalog:  Sgrub pa'i Gnas mchog Yer pa'i Dkar chag Dad pa'i Sa bon, in 42 pages.  Alexandre Andreyev, Tibet in the Earliest Photographs by Russian Travelers, Studio Orientalia (New Delhi 2013), p. 170, shows buildings that were once there in ca. 1900.

YER PA — See (— —) Spos dga'.  (— —) Ba reng.

Mal YER PA BA — (1105‑1170)  Dating, see Schaeffer in JIP 28 (2000) 374, where there is ref. to his bio. in Lho rong Chos 'byung.  Disc. of Ras chung pa.  BA 439.  Disc. of Rngog Mdo sde.  BA 408; 17 II 463.3.  A bio. of Yer pa in 131 383.1‑426.4.  Disc. of 'Bri sgom ras pa and teacher of Bla ma Zhang in 17 XXII 14.1.


YER PA'I RDZONGS — "Dbus kyi Bsam yas kyi yang dben Yer pa'i Rdzongs la sbas so."  295 19.2.

YER BA DGON BSAM SGRUB GLING — Houjiasi. Horlemann 143.


YER RDZONG MA — N. for a cache of Bon excavations.  See Karmay 152.  Text in 295 1‑19.  SFHB 746.2 ff.  253 II 181.6 ff, 382.6 ff, 392.4 ff.  One text in 320 XXIV 621.3.

YER SHONG — Pl. in Khams.  See G.yer shong.  Das 1143.

YEL PA — Pl.n.  BA 297.

YEL PA — See (— —) Bkra shis brtsegs.  (— —) Ye shes brtsegs.

YEL PA BKA' BRGYUD — One of the 8 lesser Bka' brgyud branches.  F. by Yel pa Bkra shis brtsegs pa.  Also, Ye phug pa Bka' brgyud pa.  See 235 introduction 7.  I've seen on a website that Jamme Tulku and others have plans to revive the main center of the Yel pa school, so it may be premature to say that this lineage is no longer an institutional entity.

YEL PHUG — Yel pa Bka' brgyud mon. f. by Ye shes brtsegs pa.  235 introduction 7.

'Gro mgon YEL PHUG PA — 484 I 857.5.

YEL ZHABS — Pl.n.  Bran kha said to be presiding clan.  28 80, 81.

YEL ZHABS — See (— —) Sdings po che.

YEL RAB — Yel rab was in G.yas ru.  It formed a military division called Stong bu chung.  28 81.

YO KHOM BZA' — TS5 741.

YO GA PA — See (— —) Mgon bzang.  (— —) Rgyal mtshan grags pa.

YO GA GTSUG DGU — Text?  115 12.3.

YO GI HA — 57 IIB 369.6.

YO DGON — 463 I 168.4.


Sngags 'chang YO MO — (14th cent.)  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 444.

'Phan yul YO MO BRAG PHUG — KTDN 98.2.

YO DZI NA DHI BA — This and Ni ba ya kwa lang te ya seem to refer to Australia and New Zealand; Yongdan, TCW 104.

YO ZO 'JO — A nunnery.  Emmerick.

YO RU PA — Europe.  Yongdan, TCW 114.

YO SHA RGYA — See Sho rgya.

YO SEB DGE RGAN — See (— — — —) Bsod nams tshe brtan.

YOG THANG — Bon mon.?  Hoffmann, Quellen 224.

YOG LHA — Haarh, Yar luṅ 213.

YONG DGE — 10th rab byung.  Gter ston383 220.6.

YONG LEGS DGON PA — Aris, Discourse 6.

YONG SHA BU — TS5 646.

YONGS DGE GTER STON — See (— — — —) Mi 'gyur rdo rje.

YONGS LDAN — (1899‑1955)  Generally called Lama Yongden, or Bla ma Yongs ldan, I have seen a photograph of him labelled in Tibetan script as A phur Yongs ldan Sa heb (here he is dressed in formal jacket and tie, not monastic robes, which would explain why he is called by his lay family name here).  He is the adopted Sikkimese‑Tibetan protegé of Madame Alexandra David‑Neel (in 1929).

YONGS RTSE KLONG CHEN — See Yang rtse Klong chen.

YONGS RTSE BLA MED THEG PA — 9th Vehicle of Bon.  352 738.2.

YONGS 'DZIN — As part of a name, means 'tutor'.  40 5.

YONGS 'DZIN — See (— —) Dpal ldan rin chen rgya mtsho.

Bde chen Chos 'khor YONGS 'DZIN — A 'Brug pa reincarnation line.  7'Khrungs rabs in 337 116 ff.

i. (Lha rtse ba) Ngag dbang bzang po (1546‑1615).

ii.  Kun dga' lhun grub (1617‑1678).

iii. Dge legs bzhad pa.

iv.  Mi pham 'jam dpal dpa' bo (1720‑1780).

v.  'Jam dpal ye shes grub pa (1781‑1845).

?  'Jam dpal shes bya kun rig.

vii.  Ngag gi dbang po.

viii.  Ngag dbang phun tshogs.

YONGS 'DZIN NO MON HAN — N. of (Rgyal sras) Skal bzang thub bstan 'jigs med rgya mtsho.  SBTD I 341.

YONGS 'DZIN PAṆḌI TA — Dge lugs pa.  Pictured in 128 402, 492.  =(Yongs 'dzin) Blo bzang bstan 'dzin, q.v.

Sa skya Chos grwa Chen po YONGS 'DZIN MA TI — In Thang lugs trans.  29 7.

YONGS RDZONG — A fort at Sgrags.  See Ferrari 117.  Mentioned in Padma Thang yig.

Gtsang stod YONGS RU — Pl.n.?  5 258.6.

Lha bon YONGS SU DAG PA — Ancient Bon sage.  206 541.3.  248 21.3.  Bio. in 352 644.20.

YONGS SU RDZOGS PA'I MDO — 320 I 321 ff.


Ko bo YON SGOM THAR MO — Also, (Rko bo).  Bonpo gter ston253 II 175.1.  Aka Yon sgom shar pa, excavated cache of texts at Ka ba Khra mo in 962.  Kværne no 63.  Kværne, Canon 33.

'Ol 'bol ba YON TAN — 363 116.4.

Bande Chen po YON TAN — 17 II 332.4.  Prob. =Dpal gyi yon tan.


Bzo mo YON TAN SKYID — Unidentified.  She is mentioned among the patrons in the colophon to the Tibetan translation of the Buddhacarita (done circa 1270).  Sometimes Bzo mo is spelled Bzang mo.

Gnyos Lo tsā ba YON TAN GRAGS — (time of Phyi darBD of T&TB I 778.  Allinger in Kreijger, Tibetan Painting 72.  See Allinger in TS9 VII 60.  Vitali in TS9 I 91, gives dates of 973‑ca. 1113.

Dar YON TAN GRAGS — A teacher of Khyung tshang pa.  BA 441.  17 II 508.  Disc. of Spa tshab.  17 II 385.1.  BA 343.

Sha ra ba YON TAN GRAGS — (1070‑1141)  Aka Shar ra ba, Shar ba pa.  BD of T&TB V 47.  For 18 years a disc. of Po to ba (they met in 1087).  "Yol Rom po zhes par 'khrungs / Rom po'i rgyud.  Dates given as 1070‑1130, he is said to have known the Bka' 'gyur by heart.  Dhongthog 103 (dates in this book are often wrong).  Teacher of Sgam po pa and Dus gsum mkhyen pa.  BA 271 ff.  Ferrari 83‑84.  46 42, 54.  17 II 375.3 ff, 384.5, 513.1.  Pictured in 128 80A.  Bio. in 165 I 522.  Titles of some of his works in Btsan lha 1061.  Roesler, KSP 6, 34, 57 ff.

YON TAN GRAGS PO — Ancestral relation of O rgyan pa.  115 7.7.

'Khrul zhig YON TAN GRAGS BZANG — In Thang stong Snyan brgyud.  63 I 99.

YON TAN MGON — Pictured in 128 554.

Rtogs ldan YON TAN MGON PO — 374 I 833.1.

Byams pa YON TAN MGON PO — Successor of (Rje btsun) Ye shes rgya mtsho in Jo nang Lugs, q.v. (no. 19).

G.yu thog YON TAN MGON PO — "The Elder."  Court physician to Khri srong lde btsan.  Author of medical works listed in TM‑BH 10. Studied at Nālandā.  Das 1152.  Bio. printed at Sde dge.  N. of bio. found in Ferrari 141.  "Gnya' khri'i dus kyi Bod kyi Sman pa'i thog ma sman pa Dung gi Thor cog can gyi rgyud pa."  Dhongthog 96.  Bio. translated in 3BD of T&TB III 240‑242 (where his dates are given as 888‑1012).  TR XV no. 2‑3, p. 15A (where his dates are 703‑835).  217 485.7 ff.  More on his dates, see Kuijp, ZH 24.  Ms. of one of his works illus. in Precious Deposits II 152‑3.  Bios. located in listing in BLP no. 1808‑1812.

G.yu thog YON TAN MGON PO — "The Younger"  (1127‑1203)  Disc. of Rog ston Dkon mchog skyabs.  TR XV no. 2‑3, p. 15A.  Lived in 3rd rab byung383 218.4  Identified with Khu tsha Zla 'od (b. 1024).  383 417.6  410 198B.6.  Bio. printed at Sde dge (Kolmas, medical section, no. 1565).  Bios. located in listing in BLP no. 1808‑1812.

YON TAN GYI MGRON — Work in 315 51‑60.

YON TAN RGYA MTSHO — A n. of Nam mkha' dpal bzang po (1333‑1379), q.v.

YON TAN RGYA MTSHO — (1557‑1587)  BD of T&TB V 554.  9th abbot of 'Bras spungs.  Vai.Ser. 93.

YON TAN RGYA MTSHO — (1589‑1617)  Dalai Lama iv.  Waddell 233.  Belonged to family of Altan Khan.  "Sog yul du 'khrungs / Jing gir rgyal rigs."  Dhongthog 96.  T.H. 168.  128 854.  For bio., see under the Dalai Lama v.  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 0524‑0526.

Bka' 'gyur ba YON TAN RGYA MTSHO — A teacher of Dga' ldan bstan 'dzin (1741‑1803).

Mkhas btsun YON TAN RGYA MTSHO — (1260‑1327)  Jo nang pa.  Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 191.  Brief bio. in Dung dkar 72.

Bya bral ba Bla ma YON TAN RGYA MTSHO — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 116.2.  377 51.1.

'Jam mgon Kong sprul YON TAN RGYA MTSHO — (1813‑1899)  Mentioned in 37 2r.  Rnying ma/Bka' brgyud pa.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 481.  =Blo gros mtha' yas, q.v.  "'Bri zla Zal mo sgang rong rgyab sbas pa'i ljongs su 'khrungs."  Dhongthog 97.  This was the name given him upon his ordination as a Karma pa monk in 1833.  11 69.  See 23 preface.  His medical works, see DD 718.  Works listed in SBTD I 49.  His autobiography has been analysed in detail by Dieter Schuh in his foreward to his catalogue of Kong sprul's works.  Bios. & autobio. listed in BLP nos. 0063‑0064.  He edited a collection of Padma Bka' thang texts listed in BLP no. 0340.  A new set of collected works, including some not previously available, was being published by the Tsadra Foundation in 2002, vols. 6‑9 acquired by TBRC.  Richard Barron (Chökyi Nyima), The Autobiography of Jamgön Kongtrul, Snow Lion (Ithaca 2003).  Dung dkar 100.

Khams ston YON TAN RGYA MTSHO — 253 468.4.

Khu lung pa YON TAN RGYA MTSHO — Also, (Gnubs Khu lung pa).  Also, (Gnubs ban).  Rnying ma.  BD of T&TB III 155‑162.  Teacher of (Gnubs) Ye shes rgya mtsho (late 10th cent.).  17 II 387.5 ff, 389.4‑6.  A successor of (Gnubs) Sangs rgyas ye shes.  Bio. in 33 176.  Note Rong Khu lung pa in 33 179.  BA 108‑109.  Bio. in 193 I 300.3 ff.  Called Snubs Yon tan rgya mtsho in Lde'u 394.

Mkhan chen Bla ma YON TAN RGYA MTSHO — Pictured in 320 XXV 627.

Mkhas btsun YON TAN RGYA MTSHO — A teacher of (Dol po pa) Shes rab rgyal mtshan (1292‑1361).  Disc. of (Byang sems) Rgyal ba ye shes, but not to be confused with ('Phags 'od) Yon tan rgya mtsho.  17 II 417.5, 418.3.  BA 776.

Rgyad mkhar Jo tsha'i 'Phags 'od pa YON TAN RGYA MTSHO — A teacher of Bu ston.  17 II 416.6, 417.4, 470.4.  BA 422, 794.  Bio. in 475 112.3 ff.

G.yu lung pa YON TAN RGYA MTSHO — A teacher of Gtsang smyon.  234 IA 15.5.

G.yung drung YON TAN RGYA MTSHO — Work in 298 525‑526.

Har gdong YON TAN RGYA MTSHO — 438 VII 426.5.

YON TAN RGYAL PO — See under Shing bya can.

Rwa Ban de YON TAN RGYAL PO — See H. Richardson, "The Inscription at Ra Tshag Dgon pa," BSOAS 58 (1995) 534‑539.

YON TAN RGYAL MTSHAN — Beneficiary of a Mongol decree of 1362, granting him exemptions.  He belonged to the Batang area.  The document mentions Bonpos, although it seems he wasn't one of them.  See Christopher Atwood, "Validation by Holiness or Sovereignty: Religious Toleration as Political Theology in theMongol World Empire of the Thirteenth Century," International History Review, vol. 26, no. 2 (June 2004),  p. 250.

Rje Mkhan po xxxi YON TAN RGYAL MTSHAN — Has bio. in Biographies of three Bhutanese Prelates by Bstan 'dzin phun tshogs, publ. 1976.

Mkhas btsun YON TAN RGYAL MTSHAN — A member of the Vinaya lineage of Dge 'dun sgang.  See Jackson, Patron 112.

Yongs 'dzin YON TAN RGYAL MTSHAN — A teacher of Dga' ldan bstan 'dzin (1741‑1803).

YON TAN RGYAS PA'I GLING — Bon: 12 continents.  Das 258.


Dan YON TAN MCHOG — Successor of (Snubs) Sangs rgyas ye shes.  17 II 389.4.  Is it possible that this Yon tan mchog is the one mentioned in a Dunhuang document?  See F.W. Thomas, "A Chinese Buddhist Pilgrim's Letters," JRAS (1927) 546-558, at pp. 549, 550.  See also Schaik, M&T 151, 155‑157.

Dka' bcu pa YON TAN SNYING PO — 5 201.3.

YON TAN GTER LDAN RIN PO CHE'I KUN 'DUS KYI RGYUD — Bon tantra in 258 III 121‑128.

Gu ru Sgrub thabs YON TAN GTER MDZOD — A gter ma of (Mnga' ris) Padma dbang rgyal, q.v.

YON TAN THAMS CAD 'BYUNG BA — N. of a city in S India.  BD of T&TB I 508.

Rje Mkhan po xiii YON TAN MTHA' YAS — (1724‑1783[1784?])  Collected works in 2 vols, publ. 1975.  20 36.  Co‑author of bio. in 159 I.  Author of Gnas chen Mdo sde brag gi Bsrung ma'i Cho ga+, publ. 1975.  Aris in BSOAS 39 (1976) 619.

Grub thob YON TAN DPAL — (1237‑1323)  Disc. of Sa paṇ.  For bio., see Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 187.  Bio. by Glo bo Mkhan chen, acc. to 76 3, 10.  SBTD I 74.

YON TAN DPAL BZANG — A Dge bshes Rab 'byams pa who said that Tibetan prophecies had said that monks of an alien religion would come and destroy Tibetan Buddhism, with the omens being the building of a church and a flood.  This was evidently aimed at the Capuchins.  See Engelhardt, Between 67.  It must be this same person who was charged with directing the philosophical studies of Desideri and Orazio della Penna in the monastery of Bzhi sde.  See Pomplun in History of Religions 50 (2011) 394, 396.

O'u han Dka' bcu YON TAN DPAL BZANG — Thuken 395.

Mnga' bdag YON TAN PHUN TSHOGS — Kreijger, Tibetan Painting 178 n. 35.

Mar pa YON TAN BYANG CHUB — (late 10th‑early 11th cent.)  Disc. of (Gnubs) Ye shes rgya mtsho.  BD of T&TB III 167.

YON TAN BLO GROS — Author of bio. of Tsong kha pa listed in BLP no. 0923.

YON TAN DBANG PHYUG — At his behest the work in 226 VI 451‑452 was written.

Bya ta ra la mo pa YON TAN DBANG PHYUG — Mentioned in BD of T&TB III 422.

YON TAN DBEN GNAS YAR KLUNG SHEL BRAG — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang with 1 incarnate and 50 monks.

Shākya'i Dge bsnyen YON TAN 'BUM — Person associated with Kālacakra precepts.  450 558.3.

Dge slong YON TAN 'BYUNG GNAS — Former existence of Chos sdings pa.  73 410.5.

Dpal YON TAN 'BYUNG GNAS — Achard, L'Essence 35.

YON TAN MED PA — See Na gu na.

Brag steng pa YON TAN TSHUL KHRIMS — Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 15 ff.  Probably a direct disc. of Rin chen bzang po.

Bla ma Chen po YON TAN GZUNGS — (b. 1126) acc. to Dhongthog 97.  (b. 1186) acc. to BD of T&TB III 366.  TBRC agrees with the later birthdate.

YON TAN BZANG PO — 17 IV 492.2.

Ku se Gser ljongs YON TAN BZANG PO — (b. 1927)  Commonly known as A pad Rin po che.

'Khrul zhig YON TAN BZANG PO — A teacher of Kun dga' dpal 'byor (1428‑1476).  57 preface.

YON TAN 'OD — An Indian, disc. of Dbyig gnyen.  Pictured in 128 72A; 320 XII 693.  Bio. in 165 181.  BD of T&TB I 431‑432.  Author of a Vinaya work.  374 I 22.2.  Bio. in 413 116.1 ff.

YON TAN 'OD — Disc. of Dus gsum mkhyen pa.  57 IIB 360.1.

Rgyal sras YON TAN 'OD — (late 14th cent.)  Disc. of the Sa skya Bla ma Bsod nams rgyal mtshan.  Works listed in SBTD I 346.

Slob dpon YON TAN 'OD — (b. 1927)  Work on Gzhi gsum Cho ga & Cakrasamvara (=Lam Zab Bla sgrub Thun mong ba'i Khrid kyi 'Bru 'grel Rin chen Sgron me), publ. at Thimphu in 1978.  'Brug pa Dkar brgyud pa Liturgico-Contemplative Texts, publ. 1978.  Phyag chen Sngon 'gro'i +, publ. 1976. 

Shākya'i Dge slong YON TAN 'OD — Author of 140, which he wrote in his 42nd year, a Fire Horse year.

Mthu stobs YON TAN YE SHES — Of Dwags po.  Bio. by Padma dkar po.  20 35.  24 III IV.  71A VII pt. 1, p. 5A.6.  Kālacakra teacher of Padma dkar po.  17 XIII 532.5.  466 IV 155.3.  The name Yon tan ye shes is inscribed on a thangka in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 116, bottom.

Bla ma YON TAN YE SHES — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1505.

Gar mi YON TAN G.YUNG DRUNG — Tucci, Lhasa no. 48.  Disc. of Dgongs pa rab gsal.  Founder of Rdzing phyi.  BA 345.  He was also in the Abhisamayasamuccaya (Kun btus) transmission.

YON TAN RIN CHEN — Pictured in 128 594.

Khyung chen YON TAN RIN CHEN — 253 II 409.1, 409.6, 476.4.

Ya thang YON TAN RIN CHEN — Karmay, Treasury 184.  253 II 231.2.

YON TAN SENG GE — Monk interpreter for the Dolan & Tolstoy expedition.  Tung.  See the Ilia Tolstoy article in Nat.Geo. (1946).

Gu ru YON TAN SENG GE — 253 II 231.3, 389.2.  Karmay, Treasury 184.  353 II 391.2, 622.4.

Mnga' ris pa YON TAN SENG GE — A teacher of Kun dga' dpal 'byor (1428‑1476).  57 preface.


YON TAN A PA KHAL — 208 I 239.4.

Bya btang Sngon po YON DAR — ?  5 135.3.

Yar 'brog  YON DO SPRUL SKU — Havnevik, Dissert. 137.

'U yug YON PO'I BRAG DKAR SGRUB SDE — 253 II 601.5‑6.

Rgyangs YON PO LUNG — Rnying ma temple & cave near Rgyangs 'Bum mo che, where Padmasambhava meditated and concealed the text Le'u Bdun ma253 II 223.5.  Ehrhard in Prats, Pandita 34.


Dga' ri YON BZANG — Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 97.

YOB CHEN — Pl.n.  See Sperling, Further 4.

YOR MDA' — BA 550.

YOR PO PA —  =G.yor po pa, q.v.  17 II 431.

YOR MO — Name of a fantasy fish of immense size, comparable to a Leviathan or a Loch Ness monster. Sometimes mentioned in the Milarepa corpus, but not common. I assume it is indigenously Tibetan.

YOL — N. of a place in Tibet.  DasBA 327, 741, 749.

YOL — See (—) Rin chen gling.

YOL DKAR — 185 478.4.

YOL SKU MCHED GSUM — Disciples of Atiśa.  Bios. in 165 365.

YOL MKHAN CHEN — See (— — —) Gzhon nu blo gros.

YOL DGE BSNYEN — See (— — —) Rdo rje dbang phyug.

YOL SGOM NAG PO — Disc. of Zur po che.  33 211.5.

YOL LCAGS — Vitali in TS9 I 87.

YOL LCAGS DGE BSNYEN — See (— — — —) Rdo rje dbang phyug.

YOL CHOS DBANG — Student of Atiśa.  35 I 5.  Met by Dus gsum mkhyen pa (1110‑1196) when the latter was in his late teens.  Vitali in TS9 I 90.  Bio. by Yol Bla ma Bstan 'dzin nor bu listed in BLP no. 1807.

YOL DRANG SRONG — Vitali in TS9 I 93.


YOL PHU — Pl.n.  BA 745.

YOL PHU — See (— —) Brag rtsa Dgon.  (— —) Ri gong.  (— —) Gser gling.

YOL BLA MA — See (— — —) Bstan 'dzin nor bu.

Dge bshes YOL MO — A Zhi byed practitioner.  BD of T&TB I 855.

YOL MO GANGS KYI RA BA — Described as a 'Hidden Country' (Sbas yul).  =Helmu (Helambu) in Nepal.  Ferrari 154.  4 33B.2, 39A.1.  'Opened' by Shākya bzang po.  210 256.3.  373 I 32.1.  407 7v.5.

YOL MO BA —  =Yol mo pa.  See (— — — ii) Shākya bzang po Gnyis pa.  (— — — iii) Stobs ldan dpa' bo.

Rig 'dzin YOL MO BA — See (— — — i) Shākya bzang po.  (— — — ii) Nam mkha' brgya byin.  (— — — iii) Bstan 'dzin nor bu.

YOS MGO — See Mi sngon yos mgo.


Sbas yul G.YAG GU LUNG — 420 I 328.5.

Rdu rgyud G.YAG MGO DGON — Vai.Ser. 247.  17 IV 125.1.

Rtog ldan G.YAG MGO BA — Disc. of U rgyan pa.  57 IIB 371.5.

'Gos G.YAG CHUNG — He was one of the seven skilful men in the time of Emperor 'Dus srong.  Ahmad, Fifth 47.

G.YAG CHOS SMYON PA — A well known 'mad cap' of Bkra shis lhun po. 

G.YAG SNYING RONG — 210 76.5.

G.YAG STON — See (— —) Sangs rgyas dpal.

G.YAG THOD 'KHAR — 'Yak Skull Fort'.  TS5 663.

G.YAG RDO RJE 'DZIN PA — See under (G.yag) Rdo rje 'dzin pa.

G.YAG SDE — BA 269, 478. 

Rong G.YAG SDE — 5 249.2.  4 301B.1.

G.YAG SDE 'DUL 'DZIN — See (— — — —) Mkhyen rab rgya mtsho.

G.YAG SDE PA — See (— — —) Chos kyi rgyal mtshan.  (— — —) Sangs rgyas rin chen.

G.YAG SDE PAṆ CHEN — See (— — — —) Brtson 'grus dar rgyas.


G.YAG BRDUNG MA — Beyer 238‑240.

Gnya' nam G.YAG PO'I SNA — S sector of G.yas ru, otherwise not identified.  28 78.

G.YAG PHU BA — 17 IV 445.1.  Disc. of Ngam rdzong pa.  Teacher of Gling ras pa in Ngam rdzong Snyan brgyud.


G.YAG PHYAR SNGON MO — See (— — — —) Rin chen rgyal po.

G.YAG PHRUG — See (— —) Sangs rgyas dpal.

G.YAG SBUB PA — Disc. of Yang dgon pa (1213‑1258).  57 IIB 371.7.

La kem G.YAG MIG — Perhaps same as Yamik tso, in which case it would be located near Tok jalung.  The W sector of Ru lag.  28 78.  Might it be same as La g.yag, q.v. (?).


G.YAG ZE SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Kun bzang.

Ba bams gyi G.YAG RU THANG — OTA 680.

Dge bshes G.YAG RU THANG PA — Met by Mi la ras pa.  4 65A.4, 66A.6 ff.

G.YANG SKYABS — Gser 'od G.yang skyabs, see 254 preface.  SBTD I 153, 291, 294.


G.YANG 'GUGS — Type of ritual.  Example in 229 137‑144.

Lha rje G.YANG NGE — 4 299A.4 ff.

G.YANG CHAGS RA DKAR — For a guidebook to this place entitled Dkar chag Mthong ba Don yod, see Bodleian Catalogue 50.

G.YANG CHOG — Example of this type of ritual in 233 105‑214.

G.YANG CHOS SDE — Vai.Ser. 206.

G.YANG PA CHOS RJE — Author of bio. of Dalai Lama ii, listed in BLP no. 0516.

Mar ston G.YANG 'BAR — 475 118.6.

Bal mo G.YANG 'BUM — Mother of Rin chen gling pa.  210 155.

G.YANG 'BOD — SBTD I 313, 350.

Dbon mo G.YANG 'DZOM — 72 I contents.

Se tsha nang Zhu tshang G.YANG SHOD DGON — 253 II 630.4.

G.YANG SHOD — See (— —) Bong ra stengs.


G.YAM DGON — 253 II 631.4.

G.YAM GZHUNG — 253 II 627.6.

G.YAM BZANGS — BA 541, 656‑659, 829, 974, 994‑995.

G.YAM BZANG CHOS RJE — See =G.ya' bzang Chos rje.

Chos rje G.YAM BZANG PO — Cited in DTK5 58.  =G.yam bzang Chos rje.

G.YA' GANGS — 'Rust Mountain'.  4 17A.1.


G.YA' SNANG — Pl.n.  BA 781.

G.YA' SPANGS — N. of a mt. connected with origins of 'Khon family.  W of G.yas ru Shangs.  BD of T&TB X 84.19, 85.8 ff.

G.YA' SPANG SKYES G.ya' spang means 'slate'.  One of the generic names of Sa skya hierarchs.  See Das 1151.  He defeated the Srin po named Skya rengs khrag med, then married his wife G.ya' 'brug Si le ma, having a son who was named 'Khon bar skyes.  This explains the origin of the 'Khon family name.  Thuken 169.

G.YA' MA SKYONG — Picture in 216A.

Sgyu ri G.YA' MA GYU RAL — Place in China whence was excavated the text Man ngag Gnad kyi Rdzong 'phran gyi Skor (publ. Dolanji 1981); this is the only Bon text cited by title in the Thu'u bkwan Grub mtha'.

Sham po'i G.YA' MA DMAR PO — 253 II 217.4.

G.YA' MA LUNG — In upper branches of Gtsang po tributary N of Bsam yas.  Ferrari 113.  Meditation place of Vairocana, and of Padmasambhava  Tucci, Lhasa 124.  56 74.  346 65.3.

G.YA' DMAR — 'Red Rust'.  Nya mkhar phu'i Gzhi bdag.  5 282.2.

Ri bo G.YA' DMAR — 28 76.  Uray, Narrative 45.

G.YA' BZANG — A khri skor, q.v., of Dbus.  Pl.n.  BA 134.  27 130.  TPS 21.  115 118.6.

G.YA' BZANG BKA' BRGYUD — One of 8 lesser branches of Bka' brgyud.  F. by Ye shes seng ge.

G.YA' BZANG CHOS RJE — (b. 1169), acc. to Dhongthog 97.  Disc. of Rgya ras pa whose lineage came to be known as G.ya' bzang Bka' brgyud.  Disc. of (Mon gar) Ye shes seng ge.  G.ya' bzang ba.  217 497.7 ff.  Bio. in 17 II 551.2 ff.  BA 653 ff.  B. in Earth Ox.  484 I 856.4.  His novice monk vow name was Chos kyi smon lam.

G.YA' BZANG RTA PA — ?  57 IIB 358.6‑7.

G.YA' BZANGS GDAN SA — 115 146.2, 146.3.

Gnubs 'Dul 'dzin G.YA' BZANG PA — 374 200.6.

G.YA' BZANG RIN PO CHE — Met by Dri med lhun po (b. 1352).  210 247.3.

G.YA' RI GONG — 87 I 44.6.  KTDN 116.2.

G.YA' RI SGO LNGA — ?  5 53.3.

G.YA' LUNG — BA 773.  BD of T&TB X 51.13.

G.YA LE GONG — Todd Gibson's dissertation (Bloomington 1991) 111.

Sman mo G.YA' GSAS DKAR MO — Text in 275 349‑370

G.YAR SKYA — F. by Phun tshogs blo gros.  253 II 591.5.

Khams kyi G.YAR MO THANG — May be same as Dbyar mo thang, q.v.  87 I 49.6.  33 186.1.

G.YAL — BA 200, 296.

G.YAS — Pl.n. BA 923.

G.YAS BAN — See (— —) Skyabs se.  (— —) Ya bon.

G.YAS RU — 'Right horn.'  Part of present Gtsang province, bordering on area of Lhasa.  In ancient division of 3 ruT.H. 46.  BA 131, 677, 773, 1043.  Names of its 8 Bon establishments.  253 II 577.6 ff.

G.YAS RU — See (— —) Khang khri.  BA 116.  (— —) Dben sa kha.

G.YAS RU PHYANG — See (G.yas ru Phyang gi) Cung mchog dkar.

Gtsang G.YAS RU BYANG — 4 65.3.


G.YI LI BA — 438 VI 564.4.

Cog la G.YU SKYID — 253 II 191.6.

G.YU KHOG BYA BRAL DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo smad with 1 incarnate and 710 monks.

G.YU KHOG BYA BRAL BA — See (— — — — —) Chos dbyings rang grol.

Khyung po G.YU KHRI — See BLP no. 0195.

G.YU MKHAR MO — N. of Sgrol ma Lha khang at Sa skya.  Ferrari 149.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 30.  The Tārā image was the object of devotion (thugs dam rten) of Ba ri Lo tsā ba.

G.YU GONG BAR MA — Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 69.

G.YU MGON — Tsha mda' ba'i Dpon.  115 135.6, 136.2.

G.YU RGYAL — TS5 810.

G.YU SGANG BRAG — At Grwa.  Ferrari 133.

G.YU SGOM — See (— —) Jo 'bar.

G.YU SGRA — Pl.n.  BA 269.  KWT 83 (G.yu ra, G.yu sgra, G.yu sbra).

G.YU SGRA SNYING PO — Rnying ma.  Bio. in 33 109.  87 I 101.3, 101.5, 103.2, 103.4.  Disc. of Padmasambhava  73 415.1.  Pictured in 128 620.  320 I 597.7.  Disc. of Vairocana.  LGCM 643.2.  Achard, L'Essence 30, 39‑40.

G.YU SGRA — BA 75.

G.YU SGRON — A mistress of Dge 'dun chos 'phel. See Mengele, dGe 72.

A cag G.YU SGRON — Dalai Lama viii, Works VII 208.1.

Dar bza' G.YU YI SGRON MA — TS5 796.

Sha med G.YU SGRON MA — Tucci, Religions 166.

A lce G.YU SGRON MA — 487 I 591.3.

A mthu'i Sras po G.YU NGOG — See Smith in Linrothe, Holy Madness 74.  Siddha associated with the place Mtha' smug Rdzong dmar.

G.YU CAN — Spelling for G.yu spyan, q.v.

G.YU'I CHU CHIG — 253 II 580.5.

G.YU THOG — David‑Neel, My Journey to Lhasa 272.

Rje btsun G.YU THOG — A student of Phag mo gru pa.  73 290.2.

G.YU THOG — See (— —) Sgra gser bzang. (— —) Dpal 'bum.  (— —) 'Bum seng.  (— —) Yon tan mgon po.



G.YU THOG SNYING THIG GI YIG CHA — Publ. in Ladakh (Leh 1981) in 591 pp., reproduced from prints from the 1888 Lcags po ri blocks by O rgyan rnam rgyal [I Tib 82‑903299].

G.YU THOG PA — N. of ancient family of Lha sa which included G.yu thog Yon tan mgon po.  Das 1152‑1153.  There were supposed to have been two famous physicians by this name, an elder and a younger.  See Klong rdol 769.3 ff.  The elder didn't exist, although his biography does exist.

G.YU THOG ZAM PA — At Lha sa.  463 I 65.1.

G.YU'I THOR TSHUG CAN — See Spar ba Dung mgo G.yu'i Thor tshugs can.

G.YU YI DRIL BU — See (— — — —) Rdo rje zu le ma.

G.YU SNA — See Hazod in TS9 I 36.

G.YU SNA — See (— —) Legs pa'i don grub.

G.YU SNA RES PA — LTWA no. KA 3 / 32 / 2087:  Rgyal po G.yu sna res pa'i Rnam thar, ms. in over 40 fols., & very badly spelled.

G.YU SPYAN — N. of a royal descendent.  CFMS 80.  HS VIII 560.1.

Ra sgom G.YU PHO — 253 II 179.5.

G.YU PHRUG — N. of a horse.  Goldstein, Hist. 486.


Rgyal po G.YU 'PHRING CAN — 210 264.3.

G.YU BA RTOGS LDAN — See (— — — —) Ye shes rin chen.


Dwang ra G.YU BUN SGRUB SDE — 253 II 622.1 ff.

G.YU BUN DGON PA — G.yu bun Bshad sgrub grags rgyas gling.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 379.  "Ü Wün" in Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 67 ff.

G.YU BUN BRAG — 253 II 581.3.

Zhang G.YU BRAG BKA' 'BUM — Bibliography in 374 II 187.6 ff.

Zhang ston G.YU BRAG PA — (1123‑1193)  Dhongthog 98.  Tshal pa Bka' brgyud pa founder.  Appears to Thang stong in a vision.  5 106.  Teacher of Rgya ras pa.  57 IIB 364.4.  Disc. of Tshul khrims snying po (1116‑1169).  See bio. in 17 II 525.3 ff.  Bsnyen rdzogs n. was Brtson 'grus grags pa, q.v.  Names of discs. in BA 715‑6; 17 II 529.

G.YU 'BANGS — One of 8 rgod stong sde of G.yo ru.  See Yu sna.  See 28 82.

Lce G.YU 'BUM — Father of Lce Shes rab 'byung gnas.  Ricca & Fournier in TJ 26 nos 3‑4 (Aut/Wint 2001) 103.

G.YU 'BRANG PHYUG MO — A cave.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 466.


G.YU 'BRUG — BA 173.  At S gate of Ti se.  Tucci, Religions 219.

Lha thog pa G.YU 'BRUG SPRUL SKU — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 120.5.

G.YU MA — BA 546.

Sog po G.YU MIG — 413 56.4.

Grub thob G.YU MO CHE BA — A zhal slob of Gzhon nu seng ge.  1 16.1.

Sog po G.YU'I SMIN MA CAN GYI YUL — 445 III 19.1.  LGCM 557.2.  Achard, L'Essence 52.

G.YU RTSE — Pl.n.  BA 75.  In NE Tibet, in Mi nyag.  167 435.1.  Stein, Recherches 191.  Ramble in RET XV 489.

Ka chu'i G.YU RTSE— Horlemann 135.

Byang gi Btsad po G.YU RTSE — P.n.  LPNT IV 25.  He had a younger brother named Lha Lde po.

Gsas mkhar G.YU RTSE 'OD DU 'BAR BA — Pl.n.  352 778.17 ff.

G.YU MTSHO — One of the names by which lake Yar 'brog is known in Tibet.  Most lakes in Tibetan plateau are turquoise colored, so they could all be called so.  For Thang stong's visit, see 5 123.  Das 1153.  (Rtsa ri) G.yu mtsho.  BA 491, 601, 683, 815; Cuevas, Hidden History 92.  An old Tibetan name is said to be Gnubs mtsho.  Btsan lha.

Mang ra G.YU MTSHO — Pl.n.  BA 64.

G.YU MTSHO GLING MA — Karmay in Lungta, vol. 16 (Spring 2003), p. 8.

G.YU MDZOD SNGON MO — A sa bdagVai.Kar. II 328.

G.YU 'DZIN SNGON MO — Spirit.  KTDN 144.1.

Rtogs ldan Dam pa G.YU ZHIG — 253 II 398 ff.

G.YU RI RTSE RGYAL — See G.yu rtse.

G.YU RU — BA 75, 141, 201.  See G.yon ru.

G.YU RU GRA — BA 195.

Spo bo G.YU RU DGON — 415 XI 119.5.

G.YU RU STON SHAG — See Ston shāk.

G.YU LUNG — Mon. f. by Khyung btsun ma in 1808.  Kværne no 185.  253 II 485.1, 629.1.

G.YU LUNG PA — See (— — —) Yon tan rgya mtsho.

G.YU LUS BYA MGO — N. of Gyer mi Nyi 'od.  Karmay, Treasury 157.

Li G.YU LEGS — P.n.  Coblin in TH&L 87.  TS5 784.

G.YU LO — Disc. of Gshen rab, perhaps equivalent to Maudgalyāyana.  T.H. 103.  G.yu lo Zur phud.  Kværne 225 no. 29.

Zhang zhung G.YU LO — 248 20.4.

Rig 'dzin Thugs sprul G.YU LO DKAR PO — Bon gter ston263 II 218.5.

G.YU LO BKOD — A paradise depicted in a thangka at Tho ling.  Vitali, Tho.ling 67.  It is usually said to be the Pure Land of Sgrol ma / Tārā.

G.YU LO MKHAR — La shang G.yu lo mkhar.  One of the four forts of the central part of Zhang zhung.  ACTP II 5, 18 ff.

G.YU SHUL — Sato in Acta Asiatica 29 (1975) 9.

G.YU SE —  =Dbu se, =G.yu bse.  Stein, Mi–ñag 254.

G.YU'I LHA KHANG — Of Btsan thang, a temple where P.Sam. concealed texts.  It wa later occupied by Bsod nams rgya mtsho (1424‑1492).  BA 78, 827.  Das 1130.  JTL&CT 305.  Kanden in Tucci, Lhasa 143.  Ferrari 128.

G.YUG — Pl. in Rkong po.  OTA 653, 662.  Probably the Kong Gyo in BA 507, 515.

G.YUNG — N. of pl. in Tibet.  Das 1153.

Mtshams chen Rtogs ldan G.YUNG DGA' RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 491.6 ff.

Bya bral G.YUNG DGA' RIN PO CHE — 253 II 612.5.

Grub dbang Rin po che G.YUNG MGON RDO RJE — (18th cent.)  Rnying ma.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 365.  He was the third 'Brug pa Kun legs incarnation at Dre'u lhas in Gnyal.  23 21.  Son of Sle lung Bzhad pa'i rdo rje.  A teacher of Rje Shākya rin chen.  159 preface.  Alias: Kun dga' mi 'gyur rdo rje, q.v.  Alias: Ngag dbang dge legs rgya mtsho.  Work in 380 425‑449.  Author of gter ston bios.  433 preface.

G.YUNG RGYAL — N. of uncle of Mi la ras pa, acc. to BA 428.

G.YUNG CING — Became Emperor of China in 1722. Kværne no 170.

G.YUNG STON — See (— —) Khro rgyal.  (— — Chen po) Mkhas btsun sangs rgyas.  (— —) Rgyal ba rdo rje.  (— —) Rdo rje dpal.  (— —) Ri khrod pa.  (— —) Shākya rgyal mtshan.

G.YUNG DRUNG — As part of name, often substituted by the Zhang zhung version: Drung mu.

Ko ston G.YUNG DRUNG — 253 II 226.6.

G.YUNG DRUNG KLONG RGYAS CHA LAG BCAS — Title published in Delhi in 1972.  Includes several titles including: Lha yi Bon Yan lag Brgyad pa'i Mdo, Zhang zhung Snyan brgyud kyi Sngon 'gro'i Gsol 'debs, Lho brag ma'i Sngon 'gro, Gshen rab kyis Phrin las Bco brgyad kyi Don Bstan pa'i Mdo G.yung drung Klong Rgyas Cho ga etc.

G.YUNG DRUNG BKOD PA — Bon temple.  253 II 567.3.

G.YUNG DRUNG BKOD PA'I GLING — Bon, 12 continents.  Das 258.

Mgos G.YUNG DRUNG SKYABS — He was a contemporary of the Yol brothers.  He discovered Bon texts and introduced Bon to Nyang stod.  Vitali in TS9 I 104.  This could possibly be the Sgom chen G.yung drung skyabs (of Ma rgyud lineage) mentioned in SFHB 741.1, 742.5.


Zhu btsun G.YUNG DRUNG KHRI 'OD — 253 II 400.4‑5, 598.6.


Gshen G.YUNG DRUNG 'KHOR LO — Father of (Bon zhig) Khyung nag.  244 368.6.  253 II 394.6.

Zhu G.YUNG DRUNG GRAGS RGYAL — Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 465.

Ba rang Sgom chen G.YUNG DRUNG GRAGS PA — Wrote down snyan brgyud in 260 251‑265.  253 II 218.1, 218.2, 232.2.

G.YUNG DRUNG GRAGS PA BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — See Tshe dbang bde chen snying po.

G.YUNG DRUNG GRUB — (??)  TS7 I 329.

G.YUNG DRUNG GLING — Bon monastery.  5 183.2.  For history, see 253 II 49.5 ff.  For founding, in 1834, see Kværne 237.  List of abbots, see Kværne 247‑248.  Founded by Zla ba rgyal mtshan in 1836.  For history and list of its 4 grwa tshang, see 253 II 590.2 ff.  253 II 641.3.  Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 142.

Sog G.YUNG DRUNG GLING — 253 I 598.5 ff.

G.YUNG DRUNG GLING MKHAN CHEN — See (— — — — — —) Shes rab blo ldan dbang rgyal.

G.YUNG DRUNG GLING PA — Co‑author of text in 239 XXX 147‑160.  Alias of Rdo rje gling pa.  413 373.6.  See Blondeau 109.  Depiction in Essen & Tingo, Die Götter des Himalayas 113.

G.YUNG DRUNG GLING PA — (15th century)  Bon po. H. Diemberger, "The Buddhist Princess and the Woolly Turban," Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines, vol. 15 (November 2008), pp. 337‑356, at p. 341.

Bon zhig G.YUNG DRUNG GLING PA — A Bon gter ston.  See 256 preface.  Bon historians identify him with Rdo rje gling pa, and this seems nearly certain.  B. 1228 acc. to Karmay, Treasury 175, note 6.  His Tshe dbang Bod yul ma in 256253 II 227.2‑3, 234.3, 405.2.  285 289‑294.  Made excavations at Spa gro Stag tshang in 1250.  Kværne 231 no 109.  Made excavations at Bkra shis phyug mo in 1269.  Kværne 232 no. 114.  253 II 438.3.  Acc. to Karmay, Great Perfection 219, he is the same as Rdo rje gling pa, but the Bon chronology puts him two 60‑year cycles too early.  His excavation entitled Rdzogs chen Gser gyi Thur ma  published in 1977.

Dpon gsas G.YUNG DRUNG GLING PA — 253 II 639.2.

G.YUNG DRUNG DGA' BA — A Bonpo tulku who nowadays represents Nag chu as a party member in the congress and TAR branch of the Chinese Buddhist association.  His father was the last King of Hor, head of the 39 Hor tribes. 

Stag bro G.YUNG DRUNG DGA' TSHAL GLING — 253 II 614.4.


G.YUNG DRUNG DGRA 'DUL — Berounsky, Murdered 36.

A bswe Brag btsan G.YUNG DRUNG DGRA 'DUL RTSAL — Bon protector.  Text in 286 I 447‑480, 592‑594; II 521 ff.

G.YUNG DRUNG 'GYUR MED — 253 II 480.4.

Jo sgom G.YUNG DRUNG RGYAL — 253 II 191.2.

G.YUNG DRUNG RGYAL PO — 253 II 382.2, 472.1.

Mkhan drung G.YUNG DRUNG RGYAL PO — Donor pictured in a thangka in Kværne, The Bon Religion of Tibet, plate 12.

Mtha' bzhi G.YUNG DRUNG RGYAL PO — 253 II 231.1.  Karmay, Treasury 183.

Shel zhig G.YUNG DRUNG RGYAL PO — Alias of Mi shig rdo rje, q.v.  Karmay, Treasury 185.  253 II 231.5.

Hor bla G.YUNG DRUNG RGYAL BA — 253 II 628.1.

G.YUNG DRUNG RGYAL MTSHAN — Alias of Dpal ldan tshul khrims, q.v.

G.YUNG DRUNG RGYAL MTSHAN — Uncle (a khu) of Mi la ras pa.  4X 9.2.  Called G.yung dpal in 4X 84.3, 117.7.

G.YUNG DRUNG RGYAL MTSHAN — Son of the 1st cousin of Mi la Shes rab rgyal mtshan.  10 24.

G.YUNG DRUNG RGYAL MTSHAN — An envoy from G.yung drung lha sding to the Ming Court in 1448.  TS7 I 328, 332.

Rgyal rong G.YUNG DRUNG RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 405.5.

G.YUNG DRUNG RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. ca. 1814)  Abbot of Dar sdings.  JTL&CT 208, etc.  "Je Kadub rinpoche."  He was 68 years old when Das's co-worker Ugyan visited him in 1881‑2.

G.YUNG DRUNG RGYAL MTSHAN — Son of (Ra shag) Chos 'bar.  383 418.6.

Khyung po G.YUNG DRUNG RGYAL MTSHAN — A Bon lama in thangka in Kværne, The Bon Religion of Tibet, plate 9.

Ga shel G.YUNG DRUNG RGYAL MTSHAN — (1892/3‑1953)  =G.yung drung thogs med rtsal.  =G.yung drung grags pa bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan dbang gi rgyal po.  =(Shel ston) Tshe dbang bde chen snying po.  =(Ga shel Khri chen) G.yung drung rgyal mtshan.  Also, (She ston).  Also, (Shel zhig).  A Khams pa born into the Shel lineage.  His Snyan brgyud teachings in 284.  Works in 287.  A Bon gter ston.  His Rig 'dzin Chen po Stong rgyun mthu chen gyi Sgrub Skor in 3 vols, publ. in Dolanji in 1978 [I Tib 78‑904209].  Author of Rtsa gsum Bde gshegs +.  A bio. and list of his teachings in 253 II 496.2 ff.

Tre ston G.YUNG DRUNG RGYAL MTSHAN —  =Drung mu wer [zhi].  428 21.8.

Rtogs ldan G.YUNG DRUNG RGYAL MTSHAN — Disc. of (Rgya rong) G.yung drung ye shes (b. 1621).  Bio. in 342 82 ff.

Rnal 'byor Dam pa G.YUNG DRUNG RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 458.2.

'Phags sprul G.YUNG DRUNG RGYAL MTSHAN — Alias of (Sangs rgyas gling pa) Byang chub rdo rje rtsal (b. 1705), q.v.

Phywa ston G.YUNG DRUNG RGYAL MTSHAN — Son of (Ra shag) Chos 'bar.  383 418.6.

Phywa ston G.YUNG DRUNG RGYAL MTSHAN — (17th cent.)  =(Phywa btsun) Drung mu wer zhi, q.v.

Phyug so Mkhan po G.YUNG DRUNG RGYAL MTSHAN — Modern Bonpo.  267 preface.  B. 1910, Kværne no 221.

Sman ri'i Sku mdun G.YUNG DRUNG RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of work in 363 7‑12.  298 597‑598.

Rme ra Phyug po G.YUNG DRUNG RGYAL MTSHAN — 206 544.2.

Yang btsun G.YUNG DRUNG RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 472.6.

Shel khogs Rtogs ldan G.YUNG DRUNG RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 460.5.

Shel ston G.YUNG DRUNG RGYAL MTSHAN — See (Ga shel) G.yung drung rgyal mtshan.

Shel zhig Khri chen G.YUNG DRUNG RGYAL MTSHAN —  =(Ga shel) G.yung drung rgyal mtshan.

G.YUNG DRUNG MCHOG STENG — N. of mon.  253 II 566.5.

Skam G.YUNG DRUNG NYI RGYAL — Author of works in 286 I 265‑297.  Uncle of Nyi ma bstan 'dzin.  Kværne, Canon 22.  253 II 479.3.

G.YUNG DRUNG NYI SHAR — Hoffmann, Quellen, takes it as name of a monastery, but I think it may be the name of a student of Bon zhig Khyung nag.


G.YUNG DRUNG LTUNG BSHAGS — Text in 333 175 ff.

G.YUNG DRUNG BRTAN PA — A name that occurs on an inscription on the base of a silver vase (believed, partly because of the inscription, to be 8th or 9th century).  See Amy Heller, "Archaeological Artefacts from the Tibetan Empire in Central Asia," Orientations vol. 34 no 4 (Apr 2003), pp. 55‑64, at pp. 62‑63.

Skam G.YUNG DRUNG BSTAN RGYAL — Work in 277 361‑370.

Lcang lung G.YUNG DRUNG BSTAN RGYAL — Also, Lcang lung Drung mu.  (recent)  253 II 501.1 ff, 504.5.  Bon disciple of Mkhyen brtse, see Blondeau, Controverse 57.


A mdo Shar pa G.YUNG DRUNG BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 621.4.  Probably the one mentioned in Bellezza, Divine Dyads 408, which says he was an A mdo born monk of G.yung drung gling who became abbot of Phyug 'tsho at Dang ra.  It seems that the one who died "several years ago" by the name G.yung drung bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan is a different abbot of Phyug 'tsho with the same name.

G.YUNG DRUNG BSTAN PA 'BRUG GRAGS — Author of text in 300 I 27‑127; III 103‑194.

Dmu gshen G.YUNG DRUNG BSTAN DBANG — 25th abbot of Sman ri Monastery.  354 4.4. A bio. in Katen (300+ vol. version), vol. 203, where his name is given as Shes rab g.yung drung dbang gi rgyal po.

G.YUNG DRUNG BSTAN 'DZIN — Father of Kong sprul.  23 29.

G.YUNG DRUNG BSTAN 'DZIN — Modern lama who recently died in a hospital in Gangtok.  Many miraculous objects that belonged to him are kept at Bonpo Monastic Centre, Dolanji.

G.YUNG DRUNG BSTAN 'DZIN — Alias of (Dbal 'bar) Stag lag can, q.v.

Dge bshes G.YUNG DRUNG BSTAN 'DZIN — B. of Dbra family in Rgyal mo rong.  253 II 460.6.  At age 16, took ordination from Sman ri abbot G.yung rgyal (who was abbot from 1662‑1677).  Teacher of Kun grol grags pa.  Bio. in 342 84 ff.

Nang so G.YUNG DRUNG BSTAN 'DZIN Author (?) of texts in 260 385‑402.  292 II 201‑215.

Bra btsun G.YUNG DRUNG BSTAN 'DZIN — Bio. of (Sku mdun) Bsod nams blo gros.  Work in 448 1‑120.

G.YUNG DRUNG BSTAN 'DZIN RNAM RGYAL — Bon incarnate.  346 116.6.

Mkhan chen G.YUNG DRUNG BSTAN 'DZIN DBANG GI RGYAL — Bonpo.  Abbot of G.yung drung gling.  Bio. in 253 II 52.6 ff.  Kværne no 157.  ? 489 450.2.

G.YUNG DRUNG BSTAN 'DZIN GTSUG PHUD — Authored FM 99.03 at behest of king named Tsa.

Hor po G.YUNG DRUNG THANG MDA' — A 12th-cent. Bon monastery mentioned in bio. of Dam pa bde gshegs, as found in Kaḥ thog history by 'Jam dbyangs rgyal mtshan.

G.YUNG DRUNG THOGS MED RTSAL — Alias of Tshe dbang bde chen snying po, q.v.

G.YUNG DRUNG DAR RGYAS — 253 II 485.6.  N. of mon.  253 II 638.4.  Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 149.

Khyung po G.YUNG DRUNG BDUD 'DUL — (1923‑1996)  Thar in TS9 IV 167.


Spa ston G.YUNG DRUNG NAM BZANG — 253 II 606.2.

G.YUNG DRUNG RNAM BKOD — Or, G.yung drung rnam par bkod pa.  A Mdo byang for this place in 239 XXX 231‑241.  E of (Lha ri) Gyang ma gyang mtho.  239 XXX 234.1.

G.YUNG DRUNG RNAM RGYAL — (b. 1923)  A senior teacher at TBMC in Dolanji.  Chronology of his life in TJ vol. 12, no. 2, 10‑11. (There is something wrong with this reference.)

Rang grol Grub dbang G.YUNG DRUNG RNAM RGYAL — 253 II 458.4.

Grub chen G.YUNG DRUNG RNAM DAG — 253 II 458.5, 615.5.

'Dzing yul G.YUNG DRUNG DPAL RI — Mdo byang of this place in 239 XXX 243‑251.  Site of Bon mon.  253 II 493.5.

Rnal 'byor G.YUNG DRUNG SPROS LDAN — 352 95.10.

Dka' bcu G.YUNG DRUNG PHUN TSHOGS — Disc. of Kun grol grags pa who composed the Khro skyabs Par ma Dkar chag in 1773.

Skyang dbon G.YUNG DRUNG PHUN TSHOGS — 272 preface.  253 II 461.2.  Probably the Rgyal ba G.yung drung phun tshogs, depicted in a painting illus. in Berounsky, Lapsed 232.

Dgon bdag G.YUNG DRUNG PHUN TSHOGS — One of the 5 main sculptures on the altar at Bon brgya mon. Mori in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 510.

Thar bde Ri khrod Rtogs ldan G.YUNG DRUNG PHUN TSHOGS — Chief Bon teacher of Kong sprul.  23 29.  BD of T&TB VII 642.  471 98.4, 102.1.  Kong sprul wrote about his gdung rten12 XI.

G.YUNG DRUNG PHUN TSHOGS GLING — Mon. f. by Ka ru Grub dbang.  Ramble in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 292.  G.yung drung phun tshogs gling gi Gdung rten Dkar chag, by Karma ngag dbang yon tan rgya mtsho (Kong sprul), listed in BLP no. 1816.


G.YUNG DRUNG 'PHAN — Bonpo.  206 542.1.

Mdo G.YUNG DRUNG BON DGON — 346 116.4.

G.YUNG DRUNG BLA MA — N. of Blon po ba.  253 II 425.1.

Bru ston Rje btsun G.YUNG DRUNG BLA MA — 253 II 413.4.  Said to have been b. in 1040, and founded Dben sa kha in 1072.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 449.

Lha gzher G.YUNG DRUNG BLA MA — 253 II 220.3.

G.YUNG DRUNG BLO GROS — Perhaps the G.yung drung lo nas of TS7 I 329 etc.

Sngags 'chang G.YUNG DRUNG BLO LDAN — 253 II 477.5.

G.YUNG DRUNG DBANG RGYAL — Became abbot of Sman ri in 1789.  Kværne no 180.  253 II 462.5.

G.YUNG DRUNG DBANG LDAN — Kværne 223, 225.  352 792.10 ff.

G.YUNG DRUNG 'BAR — N. of Khyung rgod rtsal.  383 413.1.

G.YUNG DRUNG 'BAR — N. of (Ra shag) Chos 'bar.  383 418.6.

U go G.YUNG DRUNG 'BUM — Bon gter ston253 II 230.5.  Karmay, Treasury 183.

Mi shig G.YUNG DRUNG 'BYUNG GNAS — Kværne no 191.

G.YUNG DRUNG 'BRUG GRAGS — (b. 1892)  Kværne no 215.

G.YUNG DRUNG GTSUG PHUD — 253 II 458.4., 616.1.

G.YUNG DRUNG GTSUG PHUD RNAM RGYAL — (b. 1983)  Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 420.

G.YUNG DRUNG GTSUG LAG — As a n. of Vairocana, see Karmay, Great Perfection 217.

G.YUNG DRUNG BRTSEGS PA — A gsas khangSFHB 629.5.  At Gron pa Dpal gyi Ri.  At Hrom po Dpal gyi Ri.  253 II 566.6 ff.  F. by Gtsug phud tshul khrims.

Khu ston G.YUNG DRUNG BRTSON 'GRUS — Disc. of Atiśa.  413 400.1.  See Brtson 'grus g.yung drung.

'Khrul zhig G.YUNG DRUNG TSHUL KHRIMS — Bio. in 253 II 448.2 ff.

G.YUNG DRUNG TSHUL KHRIMS — Das 1154.  SFHB 629.4.  Bio. in 253 II 64.3, 403.6.  (Mkhan chen), work in 261 105‑131.  288 369‑412.  (Gshen btsun), work in 285 1‑18.  Work in 290.  N. of a teacher of Khyung sprul.  306 chap. 4.  325 475‑489.  B. 1667, Kværne no 160.  Abbot of Sman ri in 1706, Kværne no 169.

Zhang zhung Mkhan po G.YUNG DRUNG TSHUL KHRIMS — F. G.yung drung lha rtse.  253 II 566.4.

Drang srong G.YUNG DRUNG TSHUL KHRIMS — (b. 1868)  Kværne no 211.

G.YUNG DRUNG TSHE DBANG — Rebuilt G.yu bun Mon. in early 20th cent. Bellezza, Divine Dyads 381.

G.YUNG DRUNG MTSHO —  =Manasarovar, acc. to Rock, Nāga Cult I 115.

G.YUNG DRUNG 'TSHO — Mother of Dga' rab rdo rje.  BD of T&TB I 304.


G.YUNG DRUNG 'O TSHAL GLING — See 'O tshal gling.

G.YUNG DRUNG 'OD GLING — Bon mon. f. in 1864.  Kværne no 208.

Rtogs ldan G.YUNG DRUNG 'OD ZER — Author of gsol 'debs in 256 401‑409.

Me zug Drang srong G.YUNG DRUNG 'OD ZER — 253 II 465.4.

Ra sgom G.YUNG DRUNG 'OD ZER — Disc. of (Gnyan ston) Sher rdor.  253 II 201.1.

G.YUNG DRUNG YE KHYEBS — Bon tantra in 328 II 101 ff.

Go lde 'Phags pa G.YUNG DRUNG YE SHES — (b. 1215)  Alias, Gshen gsas Lha rje.  Alias, (Gnyos) Nyi ma shes rab.  See 265 and 266.  Snyan brgyud work in 286 II 355‑399.  His excavations in 291.  Work in 302 II 221‑275.  Gter ma in 313 I 531‑549.  Identified with the Chos pa (Gnyal) Nyi ma shes rab.  383 419.3.  It isn't sure what the birthdate is based upon. What may be a brief bio. of him is in Katen (300+ vol. version), vol. 203.

Grub chen G.YUNG DRUNG YE SHES — (b. 1861)  Bon gsar259 preface.  Kværne no 206.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 408.

Dge bshes G.YUNG DRUNG YE SHES — (b. 1600)  Kværne no 149.

Rgyal rong G.YUNG DRUNG YE SHES — Also, (Nang so).  B. in Iron Bird (1621?).  253 II 356.6, 447.3.  Bio. in 253 II 451.1 ff.  Bio. in 342 79 ff.

Rtogs ldan G.YUNG DRUNG YE SHES — 253 II 621.3.

G.YUNG DRUNG YONGS RTSE GSANG BA'I RGYUD — Bon tantra found in 258 II 90‑99.

G.YUNG DRUNG YONGS RDZOGS — See Gsas mkhar Rin po che G.yung drung Yongs rdzogs.

G.YUNG DRUNG RAB BRTAN — Bon mon. f. in 1847.  Kværne no 202.

G.YUNG DRUNG RAB BRTAN GLING — Mon. of Spa lineage f. by (Spa ston) G.yung drung nam bzang in 1847.  History in 253 II 606.2.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 460.  F. by (Spa ston) Nam mkha' bzang po in 1847.


Sgo ston G.YUNG DRUNG RIN CHEN — Former owner of FM 354.00.

Ba bzi G.YUNG DRUNG RIN CHEN — 253 II 402.1.


Rgan G.YUNG DRUNG RIN PO CHE — Barlocher 518‑519.


G.YUNG DRUNG LAS RNAM PAR DAG PA'I RGYUD — Bon tantra in 258 I 1‑155.  See under (Rma ston) Srol 'dzin.  Categorized as mdo sde, contained in 485 I.

G.YUNG DRUNG SHUG LDING — 448 230.1.  G.yung drung shug tshal, a hermitage.  448 143.4.

G.YUNG DRUNG GSANG CHEN GYI RGYUD — Bon tantra in 258 III 83‑90.


G.YUNG DRUNG GSAL — Bonpo.  206 542.1.

Ra sangs G.YUNG DRUNG GSAS — 248 23.6.

G.YUNG DRUNG LHA SDINGS — N. of Bon mon. at Rgyal rong.  Because of the conflict involving the Rab brtan Rgyal po, it was turned into a Chos mon. called Dga' ldan gling, 1st headed by Sangs rgyas 'od zer.  41 I 10.  G.yung drung lha steng in 253 II 636.2.  387 187.  438 VII 511.5.  Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 149.

G.YUNG DRUNG LHA MO — Group of 13 goddesses.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 153, 170.  N. of daughter of Kun grol grags pa.  Blondeau, Controverse 57.

Dgon pa G.YUNG DRUNG LHA RTSE — Bon mon., & also n. of mt. where that mon. was built.  206 564.6, 565.5.  SFHB 629.4.  253 II 566.4, 627.3. Bellezza, Divine Dyads 390 ff.

G.YUNG DRUNG LHUN PO — 253 II 644.4.

G.YUNG PO — Pl.n.  BA 923.  In lower 'Phan yul.  Thar in TS9 IV 155.

G.YUNG SPRUL TSHE DBANG — (sp?)  Abbot of Steng chen.  See the article on Bon by Li An‑che.

G.YUNG PHU — 210 54.5.

Rong G.YUNG PHU — 210 62.2.

Ra sangs G.YUNG 'PHAN — 248 24.1.

Bla ma Rtogs ldan G.YUNG RIN MCHOG — 253 II 388.6.

Jo bo G.YUNG RUNG — See under Jo bo G.yung drung.

G.YUNG GSHEN — See Hoffmann, Quellen 255.

Rtogs ldan G.YUNG SA BA — Kuijp in TH&L 288 n. 12.

G.YUR SPE — BA 608.

Sde pa G.YUL RGYAL — Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 127.

'Dan ma G.YUL RGYAL THOG RGOD — 363 9.5.

G.YUL NGOR BRTAN PA — Yudhiṣṭhira.  See Das 98.  Roesler in Facets 164.

G.YUL BZLOG — A rite.  243 III 955‑968.  Excavation by Nyang ral.  374 II 608.1.

G.YUL LAS RNAM PAR RGYAL BA — N. of the Yuddhajayārṇava Tantra.  See 89.  N. of a king of Shambhala.  128 998.


G.YE — Pl.n.  BA 95, 273, 321, 566, 718, 888, 983, 984, 986, 994, 1087‑1088.  CFMS 13.  Once formed part of the G.ya' bzang Khri skor.

G.YE — See (G.ye yi) Sbu tshal.


G.YE CHUNG PA DGE BSHES KHYUNG PO —  =Khyung tshang pa, q.v.

G.YE CHEN MO BA — One of 13 chief discs. of Ras chung pa.  BA 439.

G.YE PA — See (Zhang) (— —) Smon lam tshul khrims.

G.YE BYED CHUNG GI RI — Ras chung stayed here.  24 I 219.7.

G.YE MO — G.ye mo yul drug.  KTDN 66.2.

G.YE DMAR — Temple f. by Lha rje Chos byang.  56 144.  Yemar is also called Iwang Temple (E waṃ Lha khang).  See photos in Li Gotami, Pictures 44 ff.  Also, Roberto Vitali's book.  Singer, PCT 92.

G.YE RU — BA 279.

G.YE RONG — Pl.n.  115 149.1, 149.2.

G.YENGS BYED ZHABS — See Kir ba la.

G.YEN — N. of a royal family.  See Das 1155.

G.YEN KHAMS — 352 718.18.  Namgyal in TJ 23 no 4 (1998) 8.

G.YEN KHAMS SUM CU SO SUM — Clemente in TS6 127.

G.YEN SANGS — See (— —) Phya la 'then.

G.YER —  =Yer?  BA 318, 458.

Khams kyi G.YER MO THANG — Das 1155.  KTDN 86.2, 123.1.  115 6.4. Horlemann 132.

G.YER ZA — A group of three mountains near Shar rdza's hermitage.  Thar in TS9 IV 155.

G.YER SHONG — See (— —) 'Jam dbyangs blo gros.

G.YEL — N. of a pl. in Kong po.  Das 1155. 

G.YEL PHUG — 235 introduction 5.  12 IX 86.2.

G.YES — BA 481.

G.YO — Pl.n.  BA 1070.

G.YO — See (—) Dge 'byung.

G.YO STON — See (— —) Lhun dpal.

G.YO MDA' DGON — Vai.Ser. 249.

G.YO LDAN — In an avadāna story.  TPS 490, 514.

G.YO RU GRA —  =G.yu ru gra (?).  BA 566.

G.YO LAG MKHAN CHEN — 253 II 621.1.

G.YO LAG SGOM CHEN — See (— — — —) Smon lam bstan pa.

G.YON GYI LHA — N. of Dbang phyug.  Das 909.

G.YON RU —  Also spelled G.yo ru and G.yu ru (although these may be more recent forms).  'Left horn'.  Eastern part of the ancient Tibetan kingdom.  See T.H. 46.  Now part of Dbus.  Ferrari 37.  This area is first mentioned in the OTA for the year 690 (CFMS 14).

G.YOB 'DZIN — A deity.  Rhies & Thurman 340.

G.YOR — Pl.n.  BA 95, 693, 695, 702, 936, 1018, 1080.

G.YOR STOD — BA 63.  I believe this could mean the western 'higher' part of the G.yo ru district (G.yo ru being G.yon ru, the Left Horn).

G.YOR PO — Pl. between Ta nang, Dol phyi and Dal ngan in Lho kha.  Das 1157.  BA 656, 736, 759, 885.  115 144.1.  Pl.n. discussed in BBNP 468.  CFMS 67.

G.YOR PO — See (— —) Rgya mo che.  (— —) Me dpal.

G.YOR PO PA —  =Yor po pa, q.v.  BA 862.

G.YOL BAN — See (— —) Nyi 'bum.







RA — N. of a yul in Kālacakra literature.  Derge LXXVII 277.1.

RWA — The area from which Rwa Lo tsā ba, q.v., came.  A clan which presided over 'Dam shod Dkar mo, q.v.  28 80.

RWA — See (—) Khri bzang.  (—) Chos rab.  (— 'Bum seng.  (—) Ye shes seng ge.

RA KA BRAG — BA 639.

RAKSHA STON PA — A gter ston of 13th cent.  BD of T&TB III 440.

E'i RA DKAR — 124 460.3.

RA SKYEL BRAG PA — Author of a bio. of Sangs rgyas yar byon (acc. to Lho rong Chos 'byung, p. 506).  See under (Rwa skyes brag pa) Rin chen rdo rje.  Kuijp in Lungta 14 (2001) 70 n. 11.

RA'I KHA — Pl. where O rgyan pa found the remains of the fort of Indra bo dhi.  115 57.7, 58.1, 58.3, 59.1, 59.7, 67.3.

RA KHA THAL JI — 208 I 236.2.

RA KHANG — N. of a 'far island'.  BD of T&TB I 926.

RA KHANG GA — Yul in India.  BD of T&TB I 245.

Sku 'bum Mkhan po RA KHO DPON SLOB — See (— — — —) (— — — —) Shes rab chos 'bar.

RA KHO ZHABS DRUNG — Nephew of Rol pa'i rdo rje.  41 I 10.

RA KHO SHING — Raghu Singh.  Thuken 379.

RA KHO HU THOG TU — 332 II preface 4.


RA KHYIM DGON — Vai.Ser. 145.

RWA KHRO GTER STON — (— — — —) O rgyan 'gro 'du kun 'dus gling pa.

RA GA NĀ THA — BD of T&TB I 892.

RĀ GA BAḤ  Indian king in country of U ru ba sa, q.v.  Considered rebirth of (Gong ma) Grags pa 'byung gnas.

RA GA'I BRAG — See Hazod in TS9 I 30.  Ra ga, name of a place where iron was found.  See Bka' chems Ka khol ma (1989 ed.) 136.

RĀ GA A SYA — Frequent pen name of Karma chags med, q.v.

Yon bdag RA GAR BA — 115 116.7.

RA GU NĀ THA — Physician from royal family of Ma thu ra.  Derge Tanjur CCXI 717.6.  See Ra ga nā tha.

RA GU A MYE — 232 I 13.

RA GU A MYES — Stein, Recherches 107.

RA GUD — Pl.n.  Chag 111.

RA GED DGON — 346 102.6.


RA DGON — Meditation center in Lha lung f. by Ti shrī ras pa.  See Sperling, Further 16.

RA DGRA — A btsan spirit.  Padmasambhava renamed him Dge bsnyen Chen po.  Probably the name is really Ra 'dra pa (?), after the name of his mountain.  See Tandin Dorji, "The Cult of Radrap" (in RET XV).

RA DGRA GRUB PE — N. of Rgyal ba don grub.  124 494.6, 495.2.

RWA RGYA DGON PA — On bank of Rma chu, opposite Rma chen spom ra mt. where the incarnate of Tsongkhapa's mother resided.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 133, II 476.  For its 1814‑1820 edition of the Kanjur, see Jampa Samten Shastri, Origins of the Tibetan Canon 778.

G.yas ru RA RGYAB DGON — ?  Lost ref.

RA SGOM — See (— —) G.yu pho.  (— —) G.yung drung 'od zer.

La mo RA SGYEL — F. by Klu mes in Bird year.  DTK5 79, 80.  See under Mo ra sgyel!

RA SGRENG — Reting.  Called rgyal ba'i dben gnas.  Mon. f. by 'Brom ston in 1057.  T.H. 142.  Dhongthog 118.  Waddell 89, 274.  Has famous statue of 'Jam pa'i rdo rje.  Ferrari 77.  BA 187, 233, 253, 263, 264‑269, 272, 279, 284, 296, 306, 312‑313, 325, 330, 595, 641, 649, 682, 710, 1001‑1002, 1004, 1070.  17 II 374.1, where spelling is Ra spreng.  Dkar chag of a stūpa there in 243 II 755 ff.  Vai.Ser. 149.  Beyer 387.  Its building patronized by ('Phrang kha) Ber chung, q.v.  A Dkar chag, including history, has been published recently in Tibet.  Several works about the place are listed in BLP nos. 1825‑1828, 1831‑1832.  Roesler, KSP 18‑23.  Roesler, Palace 129, explains the name as meaning 'perennial spring' (chu mig ring mo).

RWA SGRENG — See (— —) Dge 'phel gling.  (— —) Bsam gtan gling.

RWA SGRENG KHRI CHEN — Bio. by Lcang skya listed in BLP no. 1826.

RWA SGRENG KHRI CHEN — See (— — — —) Blo bzang ye shes bstan pa rab rgyas.

RWA SGRENG RGYAL TSHAB — See (— — — —) Thub bstan 'jam dpal ye shes rgyal mtshan.

RWA SGRENG SGOM CHEN — Teacher of 'Jig rten mgon po.  207 3.6.

RWA SGRENG GTER STON — Diemberger in TH&L 139.

RWA SGRENG GTER STON — See (— — — —) Sangs rgyas dbang 'dus.

RWA SGRENG RIN PO CHE — The first Rwa sgreng Sprul sku was the Dga' ldan Khri pa Ngag dbang mchog ldan, who took over Rwa sgreng Mon. in 1738.  The 6th died in about 1997 (b. 1948).

RWA SGRENG RIN PO CHE — See (— — — — —) 'Jam dpal ye shes rgyal mtshan.

RWA SGRENG HU THOG THU — See (— — — — —) Ngag dbang blo bzang ye shes bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan.

Gzhi bdag Dge bsnyen RA SNGON CAN — 224 XII 497 ff.

Ltam gyi RA SNGON — OTA 671.

RWA CAN PA —  =Shing khī pa, q.v.


RA LCAG — See (— —) Ston tshul.  (— —) 'Bum rje.  (— —) Mon skyid.

RWA CHO RNAL 'BYOR — Śṛṅgayogin.  BA 843.  Disc. of Mai tri pa.  =Ra tsho Rdor ba, q.v.

RWA CHOS RAB — Started chain of Rwa lugs transmission of Kālacakra. Studied with Kha che Samantaśrī.  Rwa lugs entered into Sa skya and Jo nang pa schools.

RA RJES PHUG — Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 44.

RA LJAGS SKYI RGYAL — Bellezza, D&B 132.

RA NYAG — Monastery.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 88.

RA TA — A yul in E India.  73 38.5.

RA TĀ KA RA — BD of T&TB I 923.

RA TA BADZRA — Disc. of Ḍombi He ru ka.  BD of T&TB I 420, 563.

RA TAN BHA HU LA — The 3rd of the predecessors of the Rje btsun Dam pa, q.v.  Bios. by Kun dga' grol mchog listed in BLP nos. 1820‑1821.

Paṇḍi ta Chen po RA TI GUPTA — Indian Buddhist.  Das 1159.  BD of T&TB I 245‑246, 904.  B. in S India to a trader caste.  Disc. of A ko ra nā tha.  BD of T&TB I 440.

RA STAG — A yul gyi bye brag of Tre shod Gangs kyi Ra ba.  Birthplace district of Dus gsum mkhyen pa.  35 I 4.


RA STON — See (— —) Dngos grub 'bar ba.  (— —) Stobs ldan rdo rje.  (— —) Dar ma blo gros.

Rgyal po RA THI KA SE NA — BD of T&TB I 884, 887.

RA THUNG — See (— —) Shes rab tshul khrims.

RA ḌA — Birthpl. of Mi tra dzo ki in E India.  17 II 307.4.  Yul in E India.  BD of T&TB I 343.


RA DHA — Pl.n.  Rāḍha.  BA 1030.  BD of T&TB I 417.

RĀ DHAR SKYES — Rādhātanaya.  N. of a Pāṇḍava brother.  Das 98. A name for Karṇa.

Bla ma RA DHO BA — 458 I 292.1.

RA MDA' — Pl.n.  Kuijp in TH&L 302.  =Ram zla.

RA MDO LHA BZO — See (— — — —) Padma dbang.

RA 'DRA SGANG — See Tandin Dorji, "The Cult of Radrap" (in RET XV).

RA BRDA — Located in Sga pa.  Jackson, Patron 6.

Paṇḍi ta RA NA — BD of T&TB I 848.

RA NU SRI CHOD — Vai.Ser. 103.

RA RNA DGON — 239 XXX 73.1.

RA PA SA GSUM — Reting, Pandatsang & Sandutsang, the 3 main Tibetan 'trading companies'.  Goldstein, History 331.

RA PAGS RA RTSA — Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 69.

RA SPRENG — Spelling for Rwa sgreng, q.v.

RWA PHA — Clan.  ISTS 201.

Zug ston RA 'PHAN — 253 II 180.1.

RA BA —  =(Rwa Lo tsā ba) Rdo rje grags, acc. to Wylie 136 n. 188.

Brul gyi RA BA DKAR PO — BA 288.


RA BA TI — A Kashmiri Buddhist monk who possessed miraculous powers and foreknowledge.  Das 1160.

Gsang phu RA BA STOD — Small mon. in upland tract of Snye thang near Lha sa where Klong rdol stayed for a long time.  Das 1160.  Vai.Ser. 124.  A guidebook, Rwa ba Stod Gtsug khang gi Dkar chag, listed in BLP no. 1829.

RWA BA SMAD — Ramedh, Ravame.  S bank of Gtsang po just west of Gdung phud Chos 'khor.  Tucci, Lhasa 149.  Ferrari 134.  Small Sa skya mon. W of Rdo rje brag.  Gdan rabs in 332 II preface 14.  Rwa ba Smad kyi Gdan rabs Bstan pa'i Rtsa lag, by Drung chen pa, listed in BLP no. 1830.


RA BANG — A county in Ru thog district.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 35.  For a list of temples in this area of Ru thog, see  Vitali, Tho.ling 153.

RWA BAN — See (— —) Chos dpal bzang po.

RA BYANG — BA 700.

RA BYANG ONG — 208 I 239.1.

RA BYE LO TSĀ BA — 'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum IV 453.4.

RA BRANG — Havnevik, Dissert. 177.

RA BLA — See (— —) 'Dul ba tshul khrims.

RA 'BUR DGON — Vai.Ser. 246.

RA MA — Legend.  Beyer 56.

RA MA — Disc. of Sa ka ra, q.v.

RA MA — In story of Byā li pa may refer to king Rāmapāla (1083‑1130/1126?).

Ma gcig RWA MA — Ehrhard in Prats, Pandita 35.

Gzhung RA MA DGON — 235 Introduction 11.

RA MA RGYA MO — Essais 172.

RA MA DO LE — Ra ma rdo li.  Ramadoli, at Kathmandu, the confluence of the two rivers.  N. of a dur khrid where Thang stong did sādhana.  63 I 45.  5 90.  BA 225, 804.  For Mar pa's visit, see 17 II 453.3.  406 6r.5.  'Gar Chos sdings pa also visited this place.

RĀ MA NA —  =Rama in Kālacakra literature.  Derge LXXVII 275.7.  Story of how Rama story came to Tibet in BJZJ (1982, mo. 7).  Some titles in Btsan lha 1059.

RĀ MA PĀ LA — Disc. of Mai tri pa.  =Dga' ba skyong ba.  BA 842.  BD of T&TB I 837.

RA MA LA MKHAN — N. of an intelligent goat.  Havnevik, Dissert. 59.

RA MANGS — In Snye mo.  Khyung po rnal 'byor was born and served as a Bon master in this place before his conversion.  28 15.  BA 728.  17 II 427.2.  243 I 599.6.

RA MI KO TRA — Across a river from Ra me shwa ra.  115 69.2.

RA MI SO MA HUR — A yul115 52.5.

RA ME SHWA RA — N. of dur khrod in Kashmir (Kha che).  5 178.6.  =Dga' ba'i dbang phyug, Rāmeśvara (a name of Vishnu).  "Lang ka'i Gling 'Gram na yod."  Das 1160.  120 39.10.  Lho nub Ra me shwa ra.  BD of T&TB X 9.8, 23.11‑14.  115 69.2‑3, 69.6.  Seems to be name of two different places in India, one in the S, and one in the NW.  See Puranic Encyclopedia.  Stearns, King 19.

RA MO — Pl.n.  BA 655, 876.  Ra me in 17 II 424.2.  =Ra mo in BA 876.

RA MO — See (— —) Sman chu kha.

Rgyal tsha RA MO — (1146‑1182)  Son of (Rgyal tsha) Thogs med grags.  BA 413.  17 II 466.1.

RA MO LNGA — A small Buddhist mon. Bellezza, Divine Dyads 398.

RA MO CHE — F. by Chinese wife of the Emperor Srong btsan by Tibetan tradition, although Henss, CTM 89 argues that it was in fact built by the later Chinese queen Kim sheng Kong jo sometime after 710.  Long ago associated with Rgyud stod, which is centered in a building nearby.  BA 40‑41, 219, 342, 591.  17 II 318.4, 384.6.  Vai.Ser. 122.  A guidebook on its restorations was written by Dalai Lama xiii, and included in his collected works, vol. 5.  Thub bstan rgya mtsho [Dalai Lama xiii], Ra mo che Gtsug lag khang Rten dang Brten par bcas pa Nyams bsos Bgyis pa'i Dkar chag Mu tig Do shal Gsar pa Mdzad med Phan bde'i Rgyan Gyur (Delhi 1981, prob. in Gsung 'bum of the same year), LTWA 14151 KA. (Also listed in BLP no. 1822.)  Alexander, Temples 76 ff.  See the article by Gonkatsang & Willis in JRAS (2008).

Brang RA MO CHE — BA 79, 300.

Rje RA MO BA — 116 474.7.

RA MO LU GU — Mother of Dmu shod tram.  206 560.6.

RA MO SHEL SMAN — See (— — — —) Ye shes.

RA DMAR RI KHROD KYI DGON PA — 244 374.7.  (Yar 'brog) Ra dmar ri.  253 II 371.3.

RASMI SHWA RI — A gnas chen115 67.7.

RA SMYON — A n. of Nam mkha' dpal bzang.  1 20.3.

RA TSA GA'U SHA — See (Ra tsa) Ga'u sha.


RA TSA HUR — See Tsa ra hur.

RWA BTSUN — See (— —) Rig 'dzin rgyal mtshan.

RA RTSIGS KHANG PA — A castle where Atiśa stayed once.  Das 1161.

RA TSHAG THAR RGYAL — F. in 1036 by Sna nam Rdo rje dbang phyug.  Bu ston 204.  BA 75, 529‑530, 541.  Ferrari 166.  Near Dga' ba gdong.  (Stod lung) Ra tshag in Vai.Ser. 135.  H.E. Richardson, "The Inscription at Ra Tshag Dgon pa," BSOAS 58 (1995) 534‑539.  This inscription has no mention of Sna nam Rdo rje dbang phyug, although tradition says he founded this monastery somewhere between 1008 and 1012.  Vitali in Roczik Orientalistyczny LXVII (2014) 247.

RA TSHAG DGON — Vai.Ser. 255.  See the article by Joona Repo in RET 45 (2018).

RA TSHO RDOR BA — 17 II 288.3, =Rwa cho Rnal 'byor in BA 843.  Disc. of Mai tri pa.

Rgyud stod RA DZA — 253 II 230.2.

RA DZA GRA MA — In Ceylon.  Emmerick.

RWA DZA DHE BA — King of O rgyan.  115 56.1.

Yul RĀ DZA PA RA — 120 82.10, 82.13, 83.5.  Ra dza pu ra.  BD of T&TB I 670.

Thu bo RA DZA HA TI — Also, (Sras Thu bo).  See =Mthu 'o Ra tsa ha ta ma.  132 45.3, 46.1, 47.6.  Called Rgyal po Ha ti in 132 76.5.  Ra dza has ti.  211 37.3.  BD of T&TB I 312.  413 143.2.  Lde'u2 88, 90.

RĀ DZNYI — City in E India.  Sa ra ha was born in a part of this city known as Ro li pa.  120 21.14.

RA RDZA SPUN BDUN — "gzhi bdag gi ming."  Nomads 249.

RA RDZI RAS PA — A disc. of Mi la ras pa.  BA 435.  57 IIB 352.6 ff.  Perhaps same as Rdzi bo ras pa, q.v.

RA ZHI GTER STON — See (Gter ston) Padma rig 'dzin.


RA ZA G.YUNG ROL — See Ra sa g.yung drung rol pa.

'U yug RA YA'I MCHOD RTEN — 208 I 240.5, 241.2.

RA RA — N. of a yulBD of T&TB I 418.

RA'I RU — 'Goat's horn'.  N. of a village in Zangs mkhar.  Lat. 33° long. 77°.  79 87 no. 83.

RWA RU CAN — Lo Bue, Newar Scholars 651.

Gung thang gi Phu RA LA — Site of Za 'og Phug, which is the place where Mi la ras pa is said to have first met Ras chung pa.  To the E of the Gung thang Rgyal khab Khyung rdzong dkar po.  10.  Called (Gung thang gi Phu) Ra la in 4 44A.6.  See also under (Za 'og) Phug mo che.  4 45B.5.  Ra la'i Chos 'byung, by Lha mgon Phun tshogs rnam rgyal, listed in BLP no. 1823.

RA LA — See (— —) Khang dmar.

RA LA MKHAR DMAR — Pl.n.  DTK5 184.  Its year of founding by Stod Nyi ma mgon was probably 910 CE.  ZZFC 146.

RA LA'I RGYUD — Pl.n.  81 103.6, 115.

RA LA PA TRA — BK 95.5.  Mu stegs kyi Mkhan po.  BK 148.5.  I no longer know to what "BK" refers (perhaps it is KB?).

RA LA'I PHU — See (— — —) Za 'og Phug.

RA LA'I BTSUN MA — See (— — — —) Byang chub 'dren.

RA LI — N. of a teaching?  17 II 508.

RWA LUNG — Village & monastery 2 days journey E SE of Rgyal rtse in Nyang stod in Gtsang, where Gtsang pa Rgya ras pa founded the monastery of Rwa lung mthil, the gdan sa of the 'Brug pa school.  T.H. 61.  For abbots of 'Brug pa Gdan sa, see also JTL&CT 129.  Tucci, Lhasa 52, 60 ff, 173.  F. in 1189, acc. to Dhongthog 121.  F. 1180 acc. to 16 33.  Padma dkar po was abbot there and wrote a guidebook, for title of which, see Tucci, Lhasa n. 18, where the story of its name is discussed.  17 IV 175‑205.  BA 665, 667, 670, 672, 680, 683, 684.  Restoration of 'Brug chen viii.  1 43.  Wylie 73.  115 86.1.  A text by Padma dkar po'i sde entitled Gdan sa Chen po Ra lung gi Khyad par 'Phags pa is found, in xylo. in the National Library of Bhutan (ref. from CFMS 270).  Ra lung gi Khyad 'phags Cung zad Brjod pa, by Padma dkar po, listed in BLP no. 1824.

Brin RA LUNG — 4 310B.5.

RWA LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — —) Rdo rje grags.

RA LOS DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo smad with 2 incarnates and 450 monks.

RA SHAG — See (— —) Skyid dpal 'dus.  (— —) Chos 'bar (=Ra shag Gter ston).  (— —) 'Phan skyabs.  (— —) 'Bum rje.  (— —) 'Bre chung.  (— —) Bsod nams rdo rje.

RA SHAG CHEN PO — BD of T&TB III 302.  Kværne, Canon 39 no. 117.

RA SHI STON PA — Bio. in 383 42.4 ff.

RA SHIS RLUNG DGON — 346 99.1, 103.3.

RA SHUL — See (— —) Khra rug Dgon.  (— —) Be hu.

RA SHUL GTER STON — See (— — — —) 'Bar ba'i rdo rje.


Byar po pa RA SHER SNANG — Probably Shes rab snang ba.  One of 13 chief discs. of Ras chung pa.  BA 439.  "Sul dro'i Ra shel snang sbun."  24 I 219.6.  His bio. of Ras chung pa in 74 I 125‑150.

RA SA — Old n. of Lha sa.  BA 79.  Said to mean 'goat place', but more likely 'walled place'.  77 133.

RA SA KU LA — N. of a well at Rdo rje gdan.  BD of T&TB I 91.

RA SA NA WA SE — 115 114.3.

RĀ SA PĀ LA — N. of a prince.  BD of T&TB I 494.

RA SA 'PHRUL SNANG — Gtsug lag khang built by Srong btsan sgam po in 653 or 641??  Dhongthog 115.  17 II 318.4.  Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 86 ff.


RA SA G.YUNG DRUNG ROL PA — 253 II 573.2, 583.3.

RĀ SA RI — Ancient city in Sind.  Das 1162.

RA SANG — N. of a person.  Ra sang Rje'i Blon in OTA 653.  Ra sang is a Zhang zhung title.  OTA 678, 680.

RA SANGS — See (— —) Ku ma ra dza.  (— —) Klu rgyal.  (— —) Khod ram.  (— —) Khrin ne khod.  (— —) 'Phan rgyal.  (— —) G.yung drung gsas.  (— —) G.yung 'phan.  (— —) Bsam grub.  (— —) Bsod nams rtsegs.

RA SANGS RJE — Uray, Narrative 42.

Srin RA SLAG — 476 V 209.3.

RA GSUM PA — River in Lus 'phags po.  Das 417.

RA HU TA — 132 51.6.

RĀ HU LA — N. of a Buddhist teacher who wrote on dramaturgy.  Pandey 186.

RA HU LA — As a protector, see 216 340.2 ff.  Combe index under "Za."  224 XIII 303.  Text in 239 XXX 515‑519.  Tucci, Religions 164.  Pictured in 364 591.  KTDN 142.5.  Pictured in 216A320 XXXIII 3.  363 78.5.

Gu ru RĀ HU LA — Mahāsiddha.  Tib.: Sgra gcan 'dzin.  On growing old, he reflected on his lost youth like a moon swallowed by the Rāhu of age & on the abuse by his children.  He then went to a cemetery wishing to die.  There he met a master who taught him yoga.  See 120 125.14 ff.  BD of T&TB I 700‑702.

Paṇḍi ta RĀ HU LA — BD of T&TB X 5.15.

Bla ma RĀ HU LA — Teacher of Atiśa.  17 II 280.6.

Bla ma RĀ HU LA GUPTA — Teacher of Atiśa.  BD of T&TB I 593.1.

RĀ HU LA GUPTA BADZRA — Teacher of Khyung po Rnal 'byor.  17 II 429.  BA 732.  Disc. of Mai tri pa.  Bio. in BD of T&TB I 781.

RĀ HU LA BADZRA — Disc. of Mi thub zla ba.  BD of T&TB I 562‑563.

RA HU LA SHRĪ — A pundit in about early 13th cent. listed with no further info. in Mtshan tho no. 119.

RA HOR DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo smad with 5 incarnates and 1000 monks.  See Kailash I no. 1, p. 13.  Kværne, Tibetan Studies 103 ff.

RA HOR RAB SGRUB — 346 102.4.

RAHMA — In connection with Mohammed.  17A VII pt. 1, p. 23B.1.

RAK CHAB DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo stod with 5 incarnates and 437 monks.


RAK RA SPRUL SKU — Listed as author of a bio. of Dge 'dun chos 'phel in BLP no. 0448.

RAKSHA GTER STON — A gter ston before Gu ru Chos dbang.  210 42.4.  Known for his Ma mo cycles.  Bio. in 210 77.6 ff.  Raksha Gter ston 'Od 'bar ram Bsod nams rdo rje.  217 272.2 ff.  383 217.6.  410 46A.5.  Gave kha byang to Nyang ral.  477 120.7.

RAGSHA KRO TA — Pictured in 347 299.

Khro rgyal RAKSHA DBU 'BUM — Bzlog pa texts in 292 II 1‑13, etc.

RAKSHA MANG 'CHAMS — Cuevas, Hidden History 95.

Nor ban RAK SHI TA — 413 311.6.

RAKSHI STON PA — Gter ston.  Kværne, Canon 39 no 117.  410 57A.4.

RAG SKYA DGON — 463 I 56.4.


RAG KHA SHAR — Essais 160.

RAG KHROM BYAMS PA GLING — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo smad with 5 incarnates and 1300 monks.

RAG MGO MCHOG SPRUL — See (— — — —) Thub bstan bshad sgrub rgya mtsho.

Slob dpon RAG SGOM — P.n.  CFMS 87.


RAG SNANG DGON — Mon. n.  253 II 638.3.

RAG THAG — Pl.n. in Nang chen area.  See Sperling, Further 23, n. 66.

RAG DONG — Sp?  A bridge in Sikkim.  TR XV no. 10, p. 18.

Rmug nag Khros pa'i Rgyal po RAG GDONG MA — Protector.  320 X 530.5.

Se ra RAG RDO SPRUL SKU — 348 30.6.

RAG SDI — Tsering Shakya, Dragon 349.

Go 'jo RAG SPRUL — See (— —) (— —) Thub bstan bshad sgrub rgya mtsho.

Khams kyi RAG PHROM BRAG — 253 II 225.3.

RAG MA — N. of a village mentioned in 4Das 1162.  4 27A.5.  Rag ma Phu'i Gnas.  4 27B.5, 29B.2, 50A.2.  Rag ma Byang chub Sgrub pa'i Rdzong.  4 172B.1.

RAG MA — See (— —) Nam mkha' rdzong.

RAG MA BYAMS KHANG — See location in map in Roesler, KSP 11. & 24.

RAG MA PA — 476 V 212.4.



Brin gyi Phu RAG ZA — 4 254B.1.  253 II 569.5.

RAG ZA THANG ZLUM — 253 II 578.6.

RAG RA — See (— —) Bkras mthong.

RAG SHA — Turuṣka.  Turk or Tartar.  Das 1163.

RAG SHI — N. of a country and its people.  Das 135, 1163.  An ancient clan.  82 85.

RAG SHI — See (— —) Nyi ma rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Tshul khrims 'byung gnas.  (— —) Ye shes rgyal mtshan.

RAG SHI MKHAN PO — 476 III 42.3.

RAG SHI STON PA — His bio. of Gu ru Rin po che listed in BLP no. 0314.


RAGS KHA SMAD — Location of the old Mosque in Lhasa.  See Dung dkar 17.

RAGS RGYAB PA — People who live on the back side of the dike.  A Lhasa term for homeless beggars, they have often been mentioned by foreign travelers.  Note a use of this word in Dung dkar 42.

RAGS PA 'DUL BA'I RGYUD BCU — Achard, L'Essence 51.


RANG GROL TING 'DZIN RGYAL PO — See Zla ba'i 'od zer.

RANG GROL RDO RJE — Teacher of Bstan 'dzin ras pa.

RANG GROL BLA MA — See (— — — —) Rgyal mtshan.

RANG RGYAL — Achard, L'Essence 56‑7, 143.

Dbu ma RANG RGYUD — Svatantrika.  Tibetan adherents included Rong ston Shes bya kun rig, Khra tshang ba Blo mchog rdo rje, and Rdo rje brag pa.  12 IX 98.4.

RANG SGRA — A modern author of a historical novel about Thon mi Sambhota, published in 1999.  TS9 II 465.

RANG SGRENG —  =Rwa sgreng.

RANG NYE — See (— —) Chos g.yung.

Karma pa RANG BYUNG KUN KHYAB 'PHRIN LAS — Ordination n. of Kalu Rinpoche.  232 I 9.

Lha mo RANG BYUNG RGYAL MO — Pictured in 216A.


RANG 'BYUNG MCHOD RTEN — BA 869, 971.  Cave & pilgrimage place in modern Nepal.  See 28 11‑12.

RANG BYUNG BDE BA'I 'KHOR LO'I RGYUD — Text in 319 II 171‑203.  Title in 320 VII 304.5, 305‑341.  Similar title in 320 VII 341 ff.

Zhwa nag iii RANG BYUNG RDO RJE — (1284‑1339)  Was in Peking in 1332‑1334.  BA 488‑493.  Huth 167‑169.  Famous work on Gcod in 36 IX 501‑527.  Bio. by Zhwa dmar ii.  121 II 123‑163.  Author of biography and songs of Milarepa in 4X.  Disc. of O rgyan pa.  Author of Do ha'i Lo rgyus, 374 I 20.4.  Author of a work of Doha interpretation.  450 567‑645.  Ferrari 169.  Bio. in 35 I 184‑233.  Dhongthog 98.  See 100128 794.  17 II 535.3 ff.  Beyer 419.  His Rtsa gsum Dril sgrub in 87 V 463‑505.  His Rgya mtsho Mtha' yas kyi Skor in 2 vols publ. 1978.  His Karma snying thig in 87 LXXXVI.  Bio. in 193 I 236.5 ff.  Author of bio. mentioned in BA 775.  410 200A.3.  Medical works, see DD 714.  Works listed in SBTD I 1.  A bio. listed in BLP no. 0013.  Dung dkar 31‑33.

RANG BYUNG RDO RJE — See Mkhyen brtse Rin po che.

'Jigs med gling pa RANG BYUNG RDO RJE — (1729/30‑1798)  Author, Sgom phyogs Dris lan dang Zhal gdams Skor, publ. 1976.  Author, Bden tshig 'Grub pa'i Pra ni dha nam Mkhyen Grong 'jug, publ. in 1970.  See under 'Jigs med gling pa.

RANG 'BYUNG MA — Beyer 52, 54.

Thugs rje chen po'i Rgyud RANG 'BYUNG YE SHES — See reference under Ma ṇi Bka' 'bum.  N. of a gter ston410 196A.3.

Rdzogs chen RANG BYUNG RANG SHAR — Part of Padma Snying thig in 87 LXXXVIII.  See under Ka dag Rang byung Rang shar.

Zhwa nag xvi RANG BYUNG YE SHES RIG PA'I RDO RJE — (b. 1923/4)  Died in 1981 in Chicago, age 58.  Early life with list of names, see 346 84 ff, 151 ff.  Disc. of Si tu xi.  TR XVI no. 10, p. 6.  Work, see 419.

Skyabs rje RANG BYUNG LAGS MCHOG — 377 21.3.


RANG BYON LNGA LDAN — Statue of Avalokiteśvara in Jo khang.  BA 672.  JTL&CT 52.  Waddell 304.  Wylie 80, 154 n. 364. Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 110.

RANG BZHIN ZANG THAL — In Gsang ba Lam khyer lineage.  210 17.2.

RANG ZOM — See Rong zom Chos kyi bzang po.

Rtogs ldan RANG RIG — Allione, Women of Wisdom 239 ff.

Rtsa hrang RANG RIG DGON — Vai.Ser. 227.

Gter ston RANG RIG RDO RJE — Dalai Lama xiii, Works VI 366.5, 432.6, 638.1, 639.4.

Nyag Bla RANG RIG RDO RJE — (1847‑1903)  Aka Rig 'dzin Sku gsum gling pa.  Bio. publ. in Bir, 1991.  Havnevik, Dissert. 76, 339, etc.  Disc. of Rig 'dzin Padma bdud 'dul.  Matthew Kapstein, The Strange Death of Pema the Demon Tamer, in M.K., ed., The Presence of Light (Chicago 2004), pp. 119‑156, at p. 147.  Garje, Memories 64.  BLKC I 139.

RANG RIG RTSE — A temple in Charang.  Klimburg-Salter in TS9 VII 5 ff.  It has a manuscript collection of about 85 vols., not yet accessible to research.  Tauscher & Lainé in CHWT 347.

RANG RIG YE SHES — 'Brug pa.  Disc. of Dpon slob Grub dbang.  Teacher of ('Khrul zhig) Ngag dbang tshe ring.  95 preface.  Bio. & picture in 197.

RANG RIG RAS CHEN — His songs edited by his disc. (Nas lung pa) Ngag dbang rdo rje found in 222.  Rang rig ras pa.  Bio. in 197129 II 13.4.  A 'Brug pa.  383 458.5.  406 5v.4, 7r.1.  Met by Nyi ma grags pa in 1675.

Khye'u RANG LA DAR PO — Hazod in Steinkellner Festschrift 263.

RANG SHAR SDE PA — Thar in TS9 IV 161.  A Rnying ma mon.

RANG SHAR RIG PA'I RGYAL PO —  =Kun tu bzang po.


RATNĀ KA RA SHĀ NTI — 75 12, 20.  Rin 'byung zhi ba.  =Shan ti pa Chen po.  He came to Tibet on his way to China, to seek wealth for building a Vihāra.  He taught Dus gsum mkhyen pa and Zhang Tshal pa as well as Slob dpon Snye mdo ba the precepts of Lany tsa Mchog gyur (?).  Mtshan tho no. 67.


Tshes bcu RATNA KĪRTI — Gruschke in TS9 I 208.


RATNA GU RU — (1288‑1339)  Became abbot of Stag lung in 1309.  BA 633.  17 IV 459.5.  I've seen listed a biography by him of Po to ba and his disciples, "Po to ba Yab sras kyi Rnam thar" (for example in BLP no. 1310).  Jackson, MB 107.

RATNA GLING PA — (1403‑1478)  For his Gter Chos, see 91.  He was famous for his arrangement and cataloging of the Rnying ma Rgyud 'bum. See 23 9. It was actually one of his followers who compiled the Rgyud 'bum in 56 volumes.  413 469.3.  The names Zhig po gling pa and 'Gro 'dul gling pa were used to refer to parts of his life.  91 preface.  For long bio., see 91 I.  Bio. in 413 374.5 ff.  Pictured in 320 XXI 3.  For excavations, see 320 XXIV 436.4.  383 220.1.  His Tshe sgrub Gsang ba 'Dus pa in 87 VIII 299‑455.  His Thugs sgrub Yang snying 'Dus pa in 87 X 117‑305.  His Rtsa gsum 'Bras bu in 87 V 505‑VI 38.  His Thugs rje chen po Gsang ba 'Dus pa in 87 XXXVI.  Other excavations in 87 XVIII, XXVIII, XXIX, XLI, XLII, XLIII.  217 343.5 ff.  Among his patrons was Zhwa nag Mthong ba don ldan.  413 379.3.  444 153.5.  He was born in Lho brag Gru shul.  Dhongthog 98.  He excavated the Bla ma Gsang ba 'Dus pa, q.v. and the Phur pa Yang gsang Bla med, q.v.  Collected excavated teachings publ. in 19 vols. in 1977.  BD of T&TB III 583.  410 127A.3.  411 284.6.  Two volume set of Vajrakīla rites publ. under the name Ratna gling pa Rin chen dpal bzang po.  His Padmasambhava bio. listed in BLP no. 0360.  Bio. by Don grub rgyal po listed in BLP no. 0988, bio. by Yol mo Sprul sku Bstan 'dzin nor bu, BLP no. 0989.  A verse bio. listed in BLP no. 1839.  Brief sketch of his bio. in Togden 248 n. 88.

RAT NA MCHOG RAB RTSAL — Refers to king Sa tham.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 143.

RATNA THOD PHRENG RTSAL — Pictured in 320 XIII 635.

RATNA DWI PA — Work in 239 X.

RATNA DHA DZA — 13th abbot of 'Bri gung.  37 26.

RATNA PĀ LA — 11th cent. king over Assam.  Kakati viii.

Bram ze RATNA PHA LA — Ratnapāla.  Teacher of Khyung po Rnal 'byor in Nepal.  BA 729.  17 II 427.

Chos ldan pa RATNA PHRIN LAS — Teacher of Gter bdag gling pa.  458 I 328.1.

RATNA BADZRA — 402 130A.4.

RATNA BADZRA SŪ RYA — See (Bog ta) Su rug shog.

RATNA BI DZA — Son of Gter bdag gling pa.  453 103.3.

RATNA BHA DRA — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 0391.  Author of bio. of O rgyan pa listed in BLP no. 0395.  Probably same as (Ri 'go ba) Ratna bha dra, q.v.  See Rig pa'i ral gri.

Ri 'go ba RATNA BHA DRA — (1281‑1343)  Si tu?

Lo chen RATNA BHA DRA — (1489‑1563)  A teacher of 'Gyur med bde chen (b. 1540).  5.  See Ehrhard in Prats, Pandita 30.  Probably the one mentioned in Havnevik, Dissert. 165.  A Lo chen Sprul sku Ratnabhadra is visited by Stag tshang ras pa I in about 1600.  Schwieger in Kailash 18 (1996) 94.  This is probably the subject of the ms. with LTWA no. KA3/32/2087:  Lo chen Ratna bha dra'i Rnam thar, with fols. 1‑9, 15‑19 (note, this has been translated by one Zsoka Gelle).  See Stearns, King 8, where his dates are supplied.

RATNA RAKSHI TA — In Nepal, Zhang Phur pa skyabs studied grammar & logic with him.  17 II 509.  BA 447.  BD of T&TB I 799, 885‑886.  Beyer 123, 281.  He came to Tibet in early 13th cent., after the destruction of Magadha, but didn't stay long.  He composed a comm. on Sdom byung, and is said to have been more skilled in mantra even than Shākya shrī.  Was especially active in Nepal.  Mtshan tho no. 100.

Sbas RATNA RAKSHI TA — 17 II 324.6.  One of 7 first Tibetan monks.  =Rin chen srung ba, q.v.  17 II 331.2.

RATNA SHĪ LA — A teacher of Shākya shrī bha dra.  17 II 305.2.  87 I 257.2.

RATNA SHRĪ — At around end of 12th cent., Chag Dgra bcom pa relied on him for making his translations.  Mtshan tho no. 102.

RATNA SIDDHA — 124 460.3.  Known in Bonpo works.

RATNA Ā KA RA — Disc. of Dus zhabs chung.  BD of T&TB I 813.

RATNA A KA RA — A teacher of Maitripa.  57 IIB 345.1.  See (Ratna ā ka ra) Shānti pa.

RATNA A KA RA — (1300‑1361)  Ratnākara.  Became abbot of Stag lung in 1339.  BA 634.  Jackson, MB 107.

RATNA Ā KĀ RA GUPTA — N. of Rdo rje gdan pa, q.v.  =Sau ri pa.  17 IV 330.6.

Slob dpon Chen po RATNA Ā KA RA SHĀ NTI — BD of T&TB I 648.  Beyer 13.

RATNENDRA RAKSHI TA — See Rin chen dbang po srung ba.


RAD SLA WER MA — Ramble in RET 15 (2008) 486.

Shangs kyi RAB KA TSHAL — OTA 673.  Rab kha tshal.  OTA 684.


'Bras ljongs RAB GLING BLA MA — 415 XI 126.2.

RAB DGA' — N. of a gandharva.  TPS 514.

RAB DGA' — See Spom mda' tshang.

Tshogs brgya pa RAB DGA' — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 122.4.

RAB RGYAL RTSE — Kailash VII 109, photo.


Zhung gar ba Bla ma RAB RGYAS — 363 121.6.

Gzhu nang RAB RGYAS GLING — Vai.Ser. 190.


Dpon RAB RGYAS LHUN GRUB — Monastic administrator at Ru thog in 1950's.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 43.

RAB SGANG — One of the sgang drug of Khams.  Das 103.  BA 501.

RAB SGANG DBON PO — In an inscription at Do rog Mtsho.  See Belezza in TJ (Spr 1999) 63.

RAB 'JOMS RGYA MTSHO — David‑Neel, Magic & Mystery 154.


RAB NYI — ?  253 II 484.4, etc.


RAB TU DGA' BA GYUR PA'I CHU — Das 413 no. 24.

RAB TU DANG BA'I CHU — Das 413 no. 2.

Dur khrod Chen po RAB TU SNANG BYED — BD of T&TB I 539.  LGCM 624.5.

RAB BRTAN — As in Rab brtan Rgyal po, n. of a small kingdom in Rgyal rong.  253 II 636.2.  Has sacred mt. (Dmu rdo) Lha gnyan.  352 890.  Karmay, General Introduction 189.

RAB BRTAN — For study of 16 arhats, see TPS 555‑570.

RAB BRTAN — See (— —) Kun bzang (also, Kun bzang 'phags pa).  (— —) Phun tshogs gling.

Dge bshes RAB BRTAN — 85 2.  Barlocher 237, etc.

RAB BRTAN KUN BZANG — (1389‑1442)  TS5 562.

RAB BRTAN GLING — Entchi.  Mon. in Sikkim with 15 monks f. in 1840.  Waddell 285.

RAB BRTAN GLING — Vai.Ser. 261.

RAB BRTAN DGON PA — Bon mon.  Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 149.

Khri chen RAB BRTAN RGYA MTSHO — (1852‑?)  18th in gdan rabs of Bkra shis 'khyil.  BD of T&TB V 684.

RAB BRTAN RGYAL PO — Ruler of Bonpos in Rgyal rong in about 1775.  They caused trouble for several years, but were defeated by Qing imperial forces.  See under G.yung drung lha sdings.  See under Kun grol grags pa.


RAB BRTAN MA — Special form of Lha mo.  TPS 591.  Ferrari 144.

Sa yi Lha mo RAB BRTAN MA — A sa bdagVai.Kar. II 277.

RAB BRTAN BZANG PO — A king who sponsored a consecration in 1417.  See Thurman & Rhie, Worlds of Transformation 35.

RAB BRTAN LHA RTSE — A n. of Ba sgo, q.v.  14 93.


RAB GNAS — 'Consecration rites' in 243 IV 813 ff.  SBTD I 26.  See the published dissertation of Yael Bentor.  Sku Gsung Thugs kyi Rten la Rab tu Gnas pa'i Cho ga, publ. New Thobgyal, 1973. 

RAB SNANG — Ancient Indian king.  Das 1168.  Son of Mu khyud mtha' yas.  KB 115.1.

Kha che'i Mkhan po RAB SNANG — 132 52.4 ff.  Pictured in 320 VI 2.  Son of Kashmiri King Sucandra.  413 145.2.

Lha'i bu RAB SNANG RGYAL PO — 73 277.1.

Rgyal bu RAB SNANG — Gtam rgyud (story) in 352 26.3.

RAB BLA RIN CHEN — See (— — — —) Sems nyid gling pa.

RAB DBEN — A Bon monastery in Rgyal mo rong.  See the 1998 article by Peng Wenbin.

RAB 'BYAMS PA — High academic title of Red Hats, acc. to Waddell 186.  Actually, as an 'academic' title, it was first granted in 1625 on the occasion of the Smon lam Chen mo.  Dreyfus, Sound 144.  See also Thuken 177, who dates the title to an earlier time.

RAB 'BYOR — Disc. of Buddha, Subhūti.  Pictured in 128 27, 868.  Avadāna in 243 I 585 ff.  Considered to be first of the predecessors of Paṇ chen Bla ma, q.v.  Bio. by Phur bu lcog Sku tsha Dka' bcu Byams pa blo gros, listed in BLP no. 1376.  'Phags pa Gnas brtan Rab 'byor gyi Rtogs brjod Tshangs dbyangs, by Chos kyi rgyal mtshan, listed in BLP no. 1384 (note also no. 1862).


RAB 'BYOR DGON — 346 98.4.

RAB 'BYOR DBANG PO —  =Rab 'byor dbyangs.  Brother of Lha lung Dpal gyi rdo rje.  T&BS II 239.

Lha lung RAB 'BYOR DBYANGS — See under Rab 'byor dbang po?

'Phags pa RAB 'BYOR ZLA BA — Author of comm. on 'Chi med MdzodKB 33.2.  DD 718‑719.  This name seems to occur in Tibetan as a name of Vibhūticandra (see C.Stearns' article).  Smith, Philology 12, gives Rnam par sbyor ba'i zla ba.

'Phags pa RAB KYI RTSAL GYIS RNAM PAR GNON PA — Suvikrāntavikrāmi.  108 XXXIV 39 ff.

Lha'i bu RAB RTSAL — Dung dkar 162.

RAB RTSE 'DUS — King of Me nyag.  Karmay, Treasury 105.

RAB ZHI MA — A Tārā.  128 1112.

RAB BZANG — Merchant in an avadāna story.  TPS 452.

Kun tu rgyu RAB BZANG — Dung dkar 78.

RAB LO DGON — Vai.Ser. 247.

RAB SHIS BE SPRUL RIN PO CHE — 346 121.2.  I think Rab shis Be hu is name of a line of rulers in Yushu area (search in TBRC).

Rgyal po RAB GSAL — In avadāna story.  TPS 442, 529.

Pā ri RAB GSAL — See Mi pham rgya mtsho, 'Jam mgon 'Ju (1846‑1912), Gzhan gyis Brtsad po'i Lam Mdor bsdus pa Rigs Lam Rab gsal De nyid Snang byed, "a reply to Pā ri Rab gsal's queries raised against the author's exegetical writings on the Bodhicaryāvatāra of Śāntideva (Dehra Dun 1982).  422.

Gtsang RAB GSAL — Hoffmann, Religions 112.  17 II 338.5.  BD of T&TB X 43.10.

G.yon ru RAB GSAL — (d. ca. 1949)  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 102.

RAB GSAL BTSAN KHANG — A small temple in Lhasa devoted to Klu btsan Mthu stobs dbang phyug.  Alexander, Temples 191.

Rgyal po RAB GSAL ZLA BA — BD of T&TB I 572.

RAB GSAL ZLA BA — See (— — — —) Dis mgo Mkhyen brtse.

Sangs rgyas RABS BDUN — Teachings in 447 25, etc.  The seven generations of Buddhas are these:  Vipaśyin (Rnam par gzigs) came, then Śikhin (Gtsug tor can), then Viśvabhū (Thams cad skyob), Krakucchanda ('Khor ba 'jig), Kanakamuni (Gser thub), Kāśyapa ('Od srung) and Śākyamuni (Shākya thub pa).

RAM — N. of a transmission of Hevajra.  BA 407.

RAM — Or, Rams.  See (—) Rdo rje btsan (nephew of Btsan can).  (—) Btsan can.

RAM NYE — Also, Ram rnying or Rang nye.  Gdung rus of Chos g.yung.  57 IIB 354.6.

RAM NYI BA — See (— — —) Chos kyi g.yung drung.

RAM SDINGS — See (— —) Gnam phug.

RAM SDINGS MA — See (— — —) Bde gshegs 'byung gnas (aka 'Byung gnas rdo rje, q.v.).

RAM PA — N. of a region.  413 424.1.

RAM PA LHA SDINGS — BA 322. Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 100.

RAM PAR SER PO — Disc. of Pha dam pa Sangs rgyas.  BA 982.  =Rma ra Ser po in 17 II 425.4.

RAM SPUR — Rampur in Kinnaur.  Havnevik, Dissert. 167.

Slob dpon RA MBU GU HYA DE BA TSANDRA — 87 I 20.2.

RAM MTSHO — Lake near Dochen.  Tucci, Lhasa 34.

RAM 'TSHO — See Kong ram 'tsho.

RAM ZLA — Pl.n.  Das 589 (under Tho gar).

RAM ROL — ?  253 II 532.1.

RAM LO — Mon.  Vai.Ser. 224.

Zhang Khri zur RAM SHAGS — A Great Councillor under Khri lde srong brtsan.  Uray, 'Contributions to the Date of the Vyutpatti Treatises', pp. 12‑13.  'Bro Khri gzu Ram shags, Zhang Rams shags.  Dotson, Note 85.

RAL KLUNG — N. of Ganges.  See Das 1170.

RAL KHRI TSHE DBANG — Depicted in TPS 554.

RAL GRI ZHABS — See Khad ga pa.  See Shangga pa.

RAL GCIG MA — Ekajatī.  Das 1171.  17 II 314.4.  Tantras in 320 XXXIII 10 ff. Kreijger, Tibetan Painting 131.  Depicted with 24 arms.

RAL PA GYEN BRDZES KYI RGYUD — A tantra.  See Silk in JIABS 22 no 1 (1999) 217, etc.

Gung thang RAL PA — Birthpl. of Ras chung pa.  24 I 211.1.

Gu ru RAL PA CAN — Alias of Bkra shis stobs rgyal.

Rgya RAL PA CAN — 602 7r.4.

Khri gtsug RAL PA CAN — (re. 817‑836)  T.H. 45‑46.  (866‑901)  Dhongthog 33, gives the dates 866-901, but as so often, the dates he gives are not correct.  Tucci, Religions 14, says 815‑835.  His father was Sad na legs Mjing yon.  17 II 330.3.  Succeeded Mu ne btsan po.  Alias: Khri lde srong btsan (no, the truth is, this is throne name of Sad na legs; Ral pa can was named Khri gtsug lde brtsan).  Glang dar ma was his brother.  (re. 817‑838), killed at age 36 by (Dbas) Rgyal to re and (Cog ro) Legs sgra.  Wylie 147 n. 295.  Pictured in 128 522, 844.  Pictured in 320 XVIII 567.  A Korean porcelain bowl used by him illus. in Po ta la (1996) 188.

Seng ge'i Rgyal po RAL PA CAN — In Jātaka.  128 778.

Tshong dpon RAL PA 'DZIN — KB 55.4.

RAL PA 'JOMS PA — KB 130.1.

RAL GSUM — BA 544.  A n. of Lahul, acc. to Das 1170.

Rin po che RAS NGA RTSE BA — Follower of Kun skyob gling pa.  210 153.2.

RAS CHU LHAD — See (— — —) Dar ma rgyal mtshan.

RAS CHUNG — See (— —) Dpal 'byor bzang po.

Kun ldan Gtsang pa RAS CHUNG — (1148‑1217)  Disc. of Phag mo gru pa.  BA 563.  57 IIB 361.7.  See also Kun ldan.  Bio. in Dung dkar 82‑83, acc. to which he is aka Zhi ba tshul khrims, but most widely known as Kun ldan ras pa (q.v.). 

RAS CHUNG SNYAN BRGYUD — A lineage f. by Ras chung pa.  See BA 437.  Their teachings are preserved in a collection called Ras chung Bka' 'bum16 33.  See 17 XVII.  Main branch was the lineage of Gtsang smyon, q.v.  17 II 510.  Designates teachings transmitted through Khyung tshang pa and Zhang Lo in 57 IIB 351.5.  Also called Bde mchog Mkha' 'gro Snyan rgyud.  For yig cha, see 74.  See 234.  Lineage in 17A VIII pt. 2, p. 13B.1 ff.  Texts in 33112 IX 80.5 ff.  349 XXI.  363 88.6.  A list of basic works in 116 305 ff, given to Lha btsun pa.  Lha btsun pa was instructed not to tell anyone about them until his death.  The titles in a 3‑vol. collection, in manuscript form, are listed in PPTK 326‑331.

RAS CHUNG PA — (1084‑1161)  =Ras chung Rdo rje grags.  Hoffmann, Religions 155, 208.  (1083‑1161) 16 33.  Sometimes called Lo ro pa (although here he might be confused with others connected with the same area, Lo ro).  Bio. in 17 II 499‑511, along with short bios. of his chief discs.  He got the name Ras chung after Mi la ras pa, who was called Ras chen.  17 II 502.  Bio. by Rgod tshang ras pa found in 72 III 1‑697.  Name mysteriously given in plural in 4 230A.4.  This is because other disciples of Milarepa are referred to by this name.  Notice the expression 'one [of the] Rechung[s]' ("Ras chung cig gis)."  4 252A.5.  115 23.4.  Bio. composed in 1503 by (Lha btsun) Rin chen rnam rgyal in 72 I 485‑833.  Bio. by 'Brug chen iii mentioned in 487 I 19.1.  4X I 212 ff.  410 198A.3.  Waddell 66.  Bio. in BA 436 ff.  Probably not to be identified with (Gnyan) Rdo rje grags, q.v.  Bio. in 24 I 209‑223.  Bio. by Ra Sher snang ba in 74 I 125‑150.  For meeting with Mi la ras pa, see 4 45.5 ff, and 17 II 493.4 ff.  4 173.2, 198B.3 ff, 200B.2 ff.  Bio. by Rgyal thang pa in 119 341‑385.  Bio. by Rje Mkhan po IX in 135 I 189‑262.  For prophecy of his rebirths, see 4 238A.5.  Pictured in 128 640.  Bio. in 331 180.  Rnal 'byor gyi Dbang phyug Badzra kir ti'i Rnam par Thar pa Rin po che Mi zad pa Rgyan gyi 'Phreng ba las Ngo mtshar Nor bu'i Snying po, biography with songs of Ras chung pa, redacted by Rgod tshang ras pa Sna tshogs rang grol, publ. in Delhi in 1979.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1841.  His name is listed in Mtshan tho no. 55, which says he studied with Ti phu Gsang sngags sdong po in India, and brought to Tibet the Lus med Mkha' 'gro'i Chos skor.  Bios. listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 330‑331 (nos. 657.3‑657.4).

Slob dpon RAS CHUNG PA — Not to be confused with the more famous Ras chung pa.  See story in 24 I 378.7 ff, and also 24 I 390.5.

RAS CHUNG SPRUL SKU — A young man named Jason Mayo, born in Crestone, Colorado in 1979, has (in 2006 or 2007?) been enthroned in Nangchen as the 10th Rechung Tulku.

RAS CHUNG BLA MA — See (— — — —) Karma tshe dpal.

RAS CHUNG PHUG — Small mon. at cavern where Ras chung pa meditated in Yar klungs.  Das 1130.  Mentioned in JTL&CT 231, 304.  Tucci, Lhasa 139.  56 49.  Waddell 67.  Has printery.  162 211.

RAS CHUNG MA — Apparently a female disc. of Ras chung pa.  24 I 218.  Disc. of Mi la ras pa.  4 116A.5‑123B.5.

RAS CHUNG RIN PO CHE — See (— — — — —) 'Jam dpal kun bzang.

RAS CHEN — N. of a rock face where there was a Sgrub phug.  4 198B.5.

RAS CHEN — See 4 83B.5, where Mi la ras pa refers to himself as Ras chen.

RAS CHEN — See (— —) Dpal 'byor bzang po.

Bdag mo RAS CHEN — A wife of Mchog grub lde, she had no children.  DTK5 118.

RAS CHEN PA — Beyer 419.

Sangs rgyas RAS CHEN — Disc. of Zhwa nag i.  331 262.2.

'Gro mgon RAS CHEN SANGS RGYAS GRAGS — See Sangs rgyas ras chen.

Rje Gsang ba RAS PA DKAR PO — (fl. ca. 1198-1262)  Tangut-born disc. of Ti shri ras pa.  Successor of O rgyan pa (1230‑1308/9) in O rgyan Bsnyen sgrub transmission.  Bu ston, Works XXVI 92‑93.  B. in Xixia in Earth Horse (1198?).  Bio. in 467 II 167 ff.  Ordained as Shes rab byang chub.  D. age 65 (d. age 64 in 1262)  =Shes rab byang chub.  Kuijp in TH&L 296.  See Sperling, Further, where his dates are given as 1198/9‑April 9, 1262.  The bio. he composed of his teacher is now (2018) available in published form.

RAS PA DAR RGYAS — Named as teacher of Gro mo che ba (12th cent.).  BD of T&TB III 384.

RAS PA DRI MED 'OD — Mentioned as teacher of Seng ge rgyab pa.  BD of T&TB III 387.

RAS PA GSUM — Name for founder[s] of Bar 'brug Bu chung.  1 14.

Rnal 'byor RAS PHYAMS DMAR PO —  =Tshe dbang Ri khrod pa.  253 II 384.3.

RAS 'PHAGS — Tibetan n. of temple of Triloknath in Lahul.  See Schubert in Artibus Asiae, vol. 5, fasc. 1 (1935) 76, etc.  I see the spelling Re phag in Verena Widorn & Gerald Kozicz, The Temple of Triloknath: A Buddhist Nāgara Temple in Lahul, South Asian Studies, vol. 28, no. 1 (online publication, March 2012), pp. 15‑35.  See Diana Cousens' article in NVTC.

Lho phyogs RASMI SHWA RA — BD of T&TB I 465.

Kha che'i Dur khrod RASMI SHWA RA TE — Place where Thang stong received revelation from Ma gcig in form of Vajravārāhī.  63 I 46.

A ni RAS MO — (recent).  Died in about 1960 at Chiwang Mon.  Diemberger in TH&L 148.

RAS GZHUNG GI CHU MIG DKAR PO — Subj. of a history (lo rgyus) in 382 675‑677.

RAS RIS — Vai.Ser. 256.  Many tantras have chapters on this subject of painting on cloth.


RI BKRA RDZA BKRA — N. of a mt.  Nomads 250.


RI SKYES MA — Draupadī.  Wylie 60.  Das 98.

RI KHA CHOS SDE — F. by Ri kha ba.  Vai.Ser. 228.

RI KHUD — Aka Ri khud Bde sgang.  In Gung thang.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 458.

RI KHUD DGON — Vai.Ser. 209.  Cuevas, Hidden History 191 ("Rikhu").

RI KHROD — Pl.n.  BA 971.


RI KHROD DGON — Vai.Ser. 255.

RI KHROD DGON PO — A n. of Sha ba ra pa, q.v.

RI KHROD CHEN PO — See (— — — —) Dar ma rgyal mtshan.

Dgongs mdzod RI KHROD CHEN PO — Or, Dam pa Ri khrod pa.  (1038-1096)  Bio. by 'Dul seng in SFHB 326‑344.  He originated the A khrid system of Bon Rdzogs chen.  262 preface.  Birthdate of 1038 is acc. to Kværne no. 77.  D. in 1096.  Kværne no. 90.  Pictured in A tri.  Bio. in 342 3 ff.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 461. He is said to be the first Bon monk during 2nd spread times.  His biography is listed in Everding's Bon catalog, no. JS 2066.  Jean-Luc Achard has posted a brief biography at treasuryoflives.org, with the title "Meu Gongdzo" (here it says that his ordination name was G.yung drung rgyal mtshan).

RI KHROD PA — See (— — —) Nam mkha'i mtshan can.  (— — —) Sher tshul.

Bon RI KHROD PA — Gter bton217 492.5 ff.

Rgyal ba RI KHROD PA — Chos rje Rgyal ba Ri khrod pa'i Rnam par Thar pa Rin po che'i Phreng ba, microfilmed by NGMPP (running no. L8572, reel no. L976/9.

G.yung ston RI KHROD PA — Subject of an avadāna in 243 I 625 ff.  Apparently this is the Paṇ chen i's name for himself.

Rje RI KHROD PA CHEN PO — Subj. of bio. in BLP no. 0885.

RI KHROD PA BZANG PO — A gter bton210 52.3.  Also called Ri khrod pa Chen po.  210 53.2.  See =(Ri khrod pa) Mang lam bzang po.

Rje RI KHROD DBANG PO — (1683‑1745)  BD of T&TB V 609.

RI KHROD MA — A Tārā.  128 1116.  Śabarī.  BA 869.  476 II 388 ff.

RI KHROD ZHABS — See =(Dpal) Sha ba ra'i dbang phyug.  Name of Sha ba ri pa.

RI KHROD RAS CHEN — See (— — — —) 'Jam dbyangs lhun grub.  (— —) Sangs rgyas seng ge.

Bya btang RI KHROD RAS PA — Lineage disc. of (Kun chen) Zur phug Chos rje.  36 V 363.  Disc. of (Mkhan chen) Dbang phyug shes rab in lineage of Gtsang smyon, q.v.

Zangs RI KHROD RAS PA — 3rd abbot of Bi cher in Dol po.  Heller, Hidden 33.

Padma'i Rigs kyi Khro mo RI KHROD LO MA GYON MA — 374 I 163.4.  SBTD I 320.

Rta nag RI MKHAR CHOS SDE — Vai.Ser. 207.


RI GAM — Mt. worshipped by Abors.  =Ri mgo?  Waddell.

RI GONG — The hermitage of (Gnyan ston) Ri gong pa, q.v.  Mon. built by Sangs rgyas mnyen ston.  BA 743.  Ferrari 164.  BA 746‑748.

RI GONG STOD BRGYUD — N. of the snyan brgyud included in Thangs lungs (q.v.) transmission.

RI GONG PA — See (— — —) Chos kyi shes rab.

Gnyan ston RI GONG PA — (1175‑1255)  TS5 471.  Bio. by Nam mkha' bsam grub rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 0958.

RI DGON — Sikkim mon. f. in 1852 with about 30 monks.  Waddell 285.

RI'U DGON PA — A religious complex in NE Ru thog.  ZZFC 22, 31 etc.

RI MGUL — See (— —) Karma tshul khrims 'gyur med phrin las.

Yul lha RI MGO — TS5 801.

RI 'GO BA — See (— — —) Ratna bhadra.

RI RGYA DGON — BA 564.  484 I 857.5.

RI RGYAL — A n. for the Kailash Range.  See 79 88 no. 85.

RI RGYAL — Ri rgyal Dgon Khri brtan Nor gling gi Lo rgyus, a ms. used by Dhondup in his article in New Horizons.

RI RGYAL — See (— —) Gshen dar.

RI RGYAL RIS MED RIN PO CHE — See (— — — — — — — ii) Lung rtogs rgyal mtshan.

RI SGO CHOS SDE — Vai.Ser. 170.

RI LNGA — N. for a five pointed hat.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 243.  Actually, this should be spelled rigs lnga.

RI SNGON DGON — 253 II 631.1.

RI CHAB — A Dge lugs mon. in Khams.  23 33.

RI CHUNG RING MO — See Ngan lang gi Ri chung ring mo.

RI CHE — "khams ri bo che la ri che zhes brjod srol yod 'dug kyang / sgrung las bshad tshul la ltos na li yul gyi nang tshan zhig yin par mngon no." Nomads 250, 291.

RI CHE 'GONG NYAG — Bellezza, L&T 53, where var. spellings given are Re ti 'gong yag, Re ste 'gong nyag.

RI CHE ZHABS DRUNG — See (— — — —) Ngag dbang blo bzang tshul khrims.

RI'U CHOS GLING — Large mon. rebuilt by the Dalai Lama Skal bzang rgya mtsho in Yar klungs valley.  Tucci, Lhasa 137.

RI CHOS — Mountain Dharma.  See Thuken 148‑149.

RI CHOS SKOR GSUM — History and biblio. in 17 IV 426.5.  383 302.6.

RI CHOS DGON — Vai.Ser. 153.

RI LJONGS DGON — Vai.Ser. 238.

RI TI — A place name.  Although it may mean 'water mountain', it is the name of an island in a lake.  See discussion in ZZFC 209.

RI STENGS — Pl.n.  BA 321.  Vai.Ser. 174.

Lha rje RI STON — BA 365.  =Lha ri Ston pa.

RI THANG MTSHAMS —  =The Terai.  Das 1173.

RI THEL — BA 622.


RI DAGS KYI TSHAL — "Deer Park."  Emmerick.

RI DAN TIG — BA 65.  See Dan tig.

RI MDA' BA — See (— — —) Bsod nams tshe ring.

RI NAG — BA 732.  17 II 429.

RI NAG PO — BA 242.

RI NAG SPUNGS PA — In title in 307 II 92.

RI NUB — Stein, Recherches 89.

RI PA — See (— —) Karma tshe mchog.  (— —) Byams shes.  (— —) Blo gros.  (— —) 'Brug gsas.  (— —) Tshul she.  (— —) Gzhon nu rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Shes blo.

RI PA KARMA BAG YOD — See (— — — — — — vii) Karma sgrub brgyud 'phrin las rab rgyas (1876‑1942).


RI PI RGYA'U — Goldstein, History 443.

RI SPUN — Bon mon. Thar in TS9 IV 163.

RI PHIN — Japan.  438 VII 459.3.

RI PHUG —  =Ri spug.  Pl.n.  BA 95, 96.  A hermitage near Zha lu.  27 41, 120.  F. by Byang chub sems dpa'.  124 489.4.  Ri phug gi Gzims mal Sku 'dra Rin chen Rten Bshad, title listed in BLP no. 1845.

RI PHUG MA — Guardian deity?  27 133.

Gzhung RI BO — Also, Ri bo.  BA 403, 404, 430, 473, 1030.  Birthpl. of (Rngog ston) Chos rdor.  17 II 459.4.

RI BO BKRA BZANG — Trasang.  W. of Zang zang.  On North side of Gtsang po, W of Ngam ring.  Ferrari 153 n. 539.

RI BO BKRAG BZANG — Acc. to Wylie 131 n. 146, not to be confused with Ri bo Bkra bzang.  E of Nya lam and North of Everest, to be identified with Tazang of Bell's map, 28 miles E of Nya lam Rdzong.

RI BO GANGS GLING KHROD — Snellgrove, Nine Ways 223.

RI BO DGE RGYAS DGA' LDAN BSHAD GRUB GLING — Monastery in Urga called Takhureye.  Jampa Samten Shastri, Origins of the Tibetan Canon 779.  Wallpainting illus. in Po ta la (1996) 141.  Ri bo Dge rgyas gling.  Thuken 376.

RI BO DGE 'PHEL —  =Rma ri Rab 'byams, q.v.

Khams RI BO CHE — See =(Dpal) Ri bo che.

Sgrags RI BO CHE — Site of graveyard of Gnubs family.  139 preface.  33 160.4.

Dpal RI BO CHE — F. by Sangs rgyas dbon, q.v. in 1276 in Khams.  Later called Stag lung ma thang, q.v., forming a split off from the Stag lung ya thang.  5 236.4, 269.5, 275.4.  In the 15th cent. it was the most important mon. in Khams.  NW of Chab mdo.  5 186.2, 270.3, 272.2.  Ferrari 123.  SteinBA 507, 550, 652, 1049.  F. by Stag lung thang pa, acc. to 57 IIB 361.5.  31 I.  See 117 preface.  17 II 548.5.  235 introduction 6.

Phung po RI BO CHE — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang with 1 incarnate and 50 monks.  BA 150.  Ferrari 162.  On S bank of Gtsang po river E of Gser mdog can in Gtsang province.  33 166.2.  Gnubs chen concealed texts there.  87 XXVI 69.4.

Bong shod RI BO CHE — F. by (Khra pa) Byang chub rgyal mtshan.  Vai.Ser. 219.

Dbyi shod RI BO CHE — See =(Dpal) Ri bo che.

RI BO CHE'I GRA TSHANG SPRUL SKU — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 120.5.

RI BO CHE RJE DRUNG — 346 100.6.  See (— — — — — vii) 'Phrin las byams pa'i 'byung gnas.

RI BO CHE DPON TSHANG — See (— — — —) Tshe dbang rgyal.

RI BO MCHOG RAB — Epithet of Mt. Meru.  BA 968.

RI BO BDE CHEN — Riudechen.  Dge lugs mon. on slope of hill above 'Phyongs rgyas.  Tucci, Lhasa 142.  Modelled after Dga' ldan.  Tucci, Tombs 31.  Gdan rabs, see 332 II preface 14.  See also BLP no. 1390.  Vai.Ser. 184.  Ri bo Bde chen gyi Dkar chag dang Bla rabs, listed in BLP no. 1848.

RI BO MDANGS LDAN — Vai.Ser. 261.

Gra RI BO RNAM RGYAL — Vai.Ser. 188.

Paṇḍi ta RI BO PA — BD of T&TB I 813.

Mang yul RI BO DPAL 'BAR —  =Dpal 'bar.  Mon. & estates given to Rgod ldem.  DTK5 119.  Erhardt in Prats, Pandita 28.  See the title Mang yul gyi Gnas chen Ri bo Dpal 'bar gyi Dkar chag in NGMPP L3598 (have PDF).

RI BO DPAL 'BAR — Vai.Ser. 260.

RI BO'I BU MO — Epithet of the Indus.  Das 418.

RI BO DBEN DGON — Vai.Ser. 182.

RI BO ME LTAR 'BAR BA'I DUR KHROD — See Ri Me ltar 'Bar ba'i Dur 'khrod.

RI BO RTSE LNGA — Tibetan name for Wu-t'ai Shan.  Tibetan name for a counterpart of Wu‑t'ai Shan, a ridge S of U shang rdo.  Ferrari 166.  BA 184, 220, 227, 336, 381, 492, 598, 669, 679, 783, 846, 898, 911.  SBTD I 315.  224 I 623 ff.  250 359 ff.  Birnbaum in JAOS 106 (1986) 119‑137.  Byang gzhon (Byang chub gzhon nu), Rtse lnga'i Bkod pa Gsal bar Byed pa Lhun po'i Rgyan, listed in BLP no. 1676.  For visits by Indians and Tibetans in early times, see Schaik, M&T 39 etc. For a photo of a lengthy Tibetan inscription found at this site (not legible in the photo), containing a dkar chag to a chorten, see BLKC I 75.  Sman lung Gu ru says he has written a separate work on this place.  LPNT VII 81-82.

RI BO BRTSEGS PA'I RGYUD — In 319 VIII 213‑239.  320 VI 323‑349.

RI BO LA RGYU BA — Das 413 no. 34.

RI BO GSER GLING — Vai.Ser. 161.

RI BONG 'DUL MKHAN — Ramble in L'Ethnologie (1987) 244.

RI BONG DBEN PA LA DGA' — In Jātaka.  Pictured in 128 734.

Byang sems RI BONG GZUGS — In Jātaka story.  Pictured in 128 698, 824.

RI BRAG — See (— —) Kun dga' rgyal mtshan.

Rgyal po RI DBANG — NMH 17.5.


RI SBAL KHRA BO'I RGYUD — One of 3 basic tantras of Gtad sprugsFM 346.25 (colophon).

RI SBUGS —  =Ri phug.  See Zhwa lu Ri sbug.

Stod lungs RI MO — BA 917.

RI MANG — N. of a Mgo log tribe.  Rock, Nāga Cult 252.

RI MUN BCAN — A jungle.  75 105.

RI ME LTAR 'KHRUG PA'I DUR KHROD — A charnel ground n the banks of the Ganges where Mar pa met Mai tri pa.  57 IIB 347.2.  Also called Ri bo Me ltar 'Bar ba'i Dur khrod Dngos grub can gyi Dgon pa.  F. by Mai tri pa.  17 II 297.4.

RI MER — BA 302.

RI MO CAN — BA 292.

RI MO MDO — BA 986.

RI MO'I BUD MED — See 27 54 for refs. and explanation.

RI MO'I MTSHAN NYID — Citralakṣaṇa.  Work translated by Berthold Laufer.

RI DMAR DGON — 253 II 630.6.

RI DMAR SNA — 253 II 631.5.

RI TSHOGS — Mon. in Bhutan.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 95.

RI RDZONG — A Ladakhi mon. of Dge lugs pa school f. by Tshul khrims nyi ma in 19th cent.  14 119‑120.  Nat.Geo. 153, no. 3, p. 351.  Lobzang Jivaka, Imji Getsul 195, etc.  Founded in 1870.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 284.

Mnga' ris Mi la RI RDZONG SRAS SPRUL — Pictured in 128 1074.  For origins of "Rizong Shas," see Lobzang Jivaka, Imji Getsul 197.

RI ZHING — A rebuilt Bon mon. of Zhu lineage.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 466.

Zhu RI ZHING — Zhu Ri zhing seems to be behind the name Shurishing Yungdrung Dungdrakling Monastery, "being situated in Sosing in South Sikkim, this is the only monastery in Sikkim that follows the Bon faith" see Rajesh Verma, Sikkim: A Guide & Handbook, S. Verma (Gangtok 1990/95), p. 109.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 455.  See now Karmay & Nagano, eds., Survey of Bonpo Monasteries 742, where we find the correct spelling:  Zhu Ri zhing G.yung drung kun grags gling.

RI ZHING PA —  Toh, Ming 182.

Skyid mkhar RI ZHING RTSA PHU — A bla brang253 II 597.3, 623.5. 

Paṇ chen RI ZANGS TOG PA — Kuijp, Edge 145.

RI BZAR — See (— —) Rgod po lung.

RI RAB — Mt. Meru.  RS 304-310.

RI RAB RGYAL PO — Disc. of Atiśa.  17 II 282.4.

RI RAB TU 'KHRUGS PA'I DUR KHROD — 17 II 440.1.  =(Ri bo) Me ltar 'Bar ba'i Dur khrod, q.v.

Mtsho mo RI RI — See Mtsho mo Ri ri.

RI RI BA — Belonged to Brahmin caste.  One of the "Three Noble Disciples" of Ti lo pa.  Bio. in BD of T&TB I 816.  57 IIB 343.4.  75 96.  17 II 449.2.  116 77.7. 

RI RI PA PHYI MA — A disc. of Na ro pa.  BD of T&TB I 809.

RI RONG STOD DGON — There is also a Smad dgon ('lower monastery').  253 II 631.6.

RI RONG NAG PO'I RGYUD — Bon tantra in 258 IV 203‑306.  Listed in Everding's Bon catalog, no. JS 1993.

RI LU SMAL —  =Re'u smal, q.v.  28 56.

RI LUNG DGON — Bon mon. in Amdo.  253 II 637.6.

Bla ma RI SHI RAS PA — 129 IV 134.3.

Ti ra hu ti'i Rgyal po RI SHING RGYAL PO — 115 95.6, 95.7.

RI SUL GYI RNAL 'BYOR MA — A teacher of Gnyan Lo tsā ba.  383 315.6.  For a depiction, see Harry Halen, Mirrors of the Void: Buddhist Art in the National Museum of Finland, Museovirasto (Helsinki 1987), pp. 172‑3.

Kar mo Dgon Bla mchan RI LHA — 363 120.4.

A lce RIG STONG RGYAL MO — Rnam thar found under the title A lce Rig stong+, publ. 1977.

RIG LDING GRA TSHANG — See Chos sde Rig lding Gra tshang.

RIG GNAS LNGA — For a general work on the traditional sciences, see Rig gnas phyogs bsdebs, LTWA (Dharamsala 1981), pp. 1‑105, a work authored by a disc. of 'Brug pa Sangs rgyas rdo rje.

RIG GNAS 'PHEL RGYAS GLING — A mon. near Sa skya Pho brang.  2 11.

RIG PA KLONG RDZOGS KYI RGYUD — Text in 319 IV 274‑279.

RIG PA'I KHU BYUG — A teaching.  See 206 566.2.  Rig pa'i Khu byug Yab kyi Rgyud300 preface.  320 I 419.  253 II 407.5.

RIG PA'I KHU BYUG CHUNG BA — See (— — — — — —) A wa dhu ti pa.

RIG PA'I KHU BYUG CHE BA — A teacher of Atiśa.  17 II 280.5, 282.2.  One of 3 principal teachers of Atiśa.  17 II 284.1.  Bio. 165 284.  Disc. of Zla grags.  BD of T&TB I 804.  Vidyākokila.  BA 243.


RIG PA'I KHU BYUG GSUNG GI RGYUD — Text in 319 IV 267‑271.

RIG PA MGON — Son of Khri lde mgon.  DTK5 75.

RIG PA MGON — King who controlled Mar yul as far as 'Bru sha.  DTK5 73.

RIG PA'I RGYA MTSHO GLOG GI 'PHRENG BA — "Actual name" (mtshan dngos) of the Rnying ma pa commonly known as Lha btsun Sngon mo, q.v.  BD of T&TB III 300.

RIG PA'I RGYAL PO — Bon equiv. of Kun byed rgyal po.

Snyan rgyud RIG PA GCER MTHONG — See 244.  Lineages in 253 II 394.2 ff.  Rare Bonpo Texts belonging to the Abhidharma and Snyan rgyud Rig pa Gcer Mthong Cycles, Tashi Dorji TBMC (Dolanji 1976).

Don rgyud RIG PA GCER MTHONG — Teaching of Pha dam pa Sangs rgyas.  217 583.7 ff.

Rnal 'byor RIG PA'I NYI MA — An old rdzogs chen work mentioned in BA.

RIG PA NAM MKHA' LTAR GSAL BA'I RGYUD — Text in 319 II 193‑205.

RIG PA RNAM RGYAL — Author of Kun dga' rgyal mtshan gyi Sku 'dra'i Dkar chag, listed in BLP no. 0046.  See also BLP no. 1007.  One of the authors of Ser byes Phur pa'i Lo rgyus, BLP no. 2007.

Rje RIG PA'I BADZRA — (1880‑1938)  Rebirth of Shākya rgyal mtshan.  Rnying ma pa.  BD of T&TB IV 658.


Rnal 'byor RIG PA ME TOG — Stein in McKay, History of Tibet I 566.


Rgyal bu RIG PA ZLA BA — 492 139.6.

RIG PA'I YE SHES — A rishi who emanated out of the chest of the Medicine Buddha while he was preaching the Rgyud bzhi3 10.  Pictured in 128 512.

RIG PA RANG GROL — "Awareness Self-Released."  An Atiyoga tantra of the Precepts Class (Man ngag gi Sde), frequently quoted by Klong chen pa.  Text in 320 X 334.

RIG PA RANG GI BRTSAL SHAR BA'I RGYUD — Text in 319 IV 505‑525.  In 14 chaps. as found in 320 III 416‑433.

Rgyal rong pa RIG PA RANG SHAR — Author, Rdzogs chen Yang rtse Lta ba Thog Rtsa 'Grel, publ. in 2 vols. in 1974.  371.  =Rdzi bo Rig pa rang shar.  371 preface.  B. at end of 13th cent.

Rdzi'u RIG PA RANG SHAR — Bonpo.  Orally transmitted text in 256 529‑538.  253 II 235.1.  FM 39.01.  Rdzi ba in 253 II 438.4.  See preceding.

RIG PA RANG SHAR CHEN PO'I RGYUD — Cited in 91 I 574.1.  Text in 320 X 2‑332.

Bcom ldan RIG PA'I RAL GRI — (1227‑1305)  The date is give by Ehrhard in IIJ 44 (2001) 174.  Of Snar thang.  A guru of Bu ston (1290‑1364).  39 5.  Disc. of Skyo ston.  Teacher of (Dbus pa) Blo gsal and (Btsun pa) 'Jam dbyangs.  Teacher of U rgyan pa (1230‑1308).  57 IIB 370.7.  27 22.  Called Snar thang Bcom ral in 17 II 378.1, 381.4.  BA 336 ff.  Cited by Nel pa.  488 4.2.  83E 477.  115 138.4 ff.  Also called Ratna bhadra.  11 70.  A Mahāmudrā teacher.  (Snar thang pa) Rig pa'i ral gri was a teacher of Sangs rgyas 'bum, q.v.  BD of T&TB II 502.  He composed his historical work in 1261.  Kurtis Schaeffer makes use of a ms. of his work, Rdo rje gdan gyi Rnam bshad Rgyan gyi Me tog, as well as a biography composed by Bsam gtan bzang po (14th cent.), Bcom ldan Ral gri'i Rnam thar Ldad pa'i Ljon shing, in 26 fols. (Ldad is not a typological error!)  His dkar chag of the Snar thang Bka' 'gyur ms. is listed in Dung dkar 156, and although he seems to have no information about its existence, it has in fact been preserved.  Kuijp, Treatise, p. 406, says that his true original name was Chos kyi rgyal mtshan, which is equated with Dar ma rgyal mtshan.  He also signals a recently surfaced biography in 26 fols. by Bsam gtan bzang po.  A 14‑fol. ms. has now been published in HS VI 557‑583.

'U yug pa RIG PA'I SENG GE — Tshad ma Rnam 'grel gyi 'Grel pa Rigs pa'i Mdzod, Patshang Lama Sonam Gyaltsen (Delhi 1982).  A famous logician, student of Sa skya Paṇḍi ta.  See ('U yug pa) Bsod nams seng ge.  Ferrari 144.  Scherbatsky, Buddhist Logic I 56.  76 7.  Placed in first half of 13th century, he is cited by Kuijp in BSOAS 57 (1994) 606.  I have seen his Collected Works in 3 vols. listed in a catalog in 2013.

RIG PA'I GSUNG — In title in 320 VII 341.


RIG BYED SKYES — Epithet of Draupadī.  Das 98.

RIG BYED DBANG MO — Sādhana.  397 XXIV 215‑224.  SBTD I 380.

Lha mo RIG BYED MA — A Tārā.  128 1102.  Depicted in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 176.  BLKC I 125.

RIG BYED MKHA' 'GRO — In title in 325 341‑373.

RIG BYED MA KHYUNG ZHON PA — Kreijger, Tibetan Painting 179 n. 105.

RIG BYED MA DKAR MO — Kreijger, Tibetan Painting 179 n. 105.

RIG BYED 'OD ZER — Tib. tr. of the name Dī nya pra bha, q.v.

RIG MA MGON —  =Dpal mgon, q.v.  King of Gu ge.  28 56.

'Go log Rnal 'byor pa RIG RTSAL RDO RJE — 365 4.1, 23.4.

RIG 'DZIN — Vidyadhāra.  In Bon, tends to refer to masters from time of Zhang zhung Empire and before.  Verses of praise in 333 14 ff.

RIG 'DZIN — See (— —) Rdo rje thogs med (b. 1763).  (— —) Padma 'dus pa rtsal (1810‑1872).  (— —) Tshe dbang nor bu (1698‑1755).


Nub pa RIG 'DZIN GRAGS — Disc. of (Rje btsun) Grags pa rgyal mtshan (1147‑1216).  Work in 36 IV 804.

Rba kha Sprul sku RIG 'DZIN RGYA MTSHO — Student of Mdo sngags bstan 'dzin (1516‑1568).  BD of T&TB III 753.

Myang ston Mnga' bdag RIG 'DZIN RGYA MTSHO — (early 18th cent.)  TS7 I 256.  Disc. of Gter bdag gling pa, he was responsible for the Snar thang blockprints made at Shel dkar.

RIG 'DZIN RGYA MTSHO 'DUS PA — See 285.  See Rig 'dzin yongs 'dus (?).  Rig 'dzin 'Dus pa.  Karmay, Treasury xxv.

Grub dbang RIG 'DZIN RGYAL PO — (b. 1692)  His Rnam thar Zhal gdams Bka' 'bum, publ. 1977.

Skyog ston RIG 'DZIN RGYAL PO — Bio. by Skyog ston Bsod nams rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 0176 (see also 0243).

RIG 'DZIN RGYAL MO — A modern Bhutanese 'das logTS5 681.

Rwa btsun RIG 'DZIN RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of Bon Theg pa Chen po Sa lam, publ. 1974.  423.

Rgya gar RIG 'DZIN BRGYAD — Indian masters met by Padmasambhava.  431 I 162.6.  Listed in 431 I 163.3.  Listed also in 397 V 187.  Listed in Dung dkar 89.

RIG 'DZIN CHEN PO — An incarnation lineage at Rdo rje brag.  The first was Ngag gi dbang po (1580‑1639), who founded Rdo rje brag in 1610.  Ferrari 118.  The second was Padma 'phrin las (1640‑1718).  The third was Blo bzang 'gyur med lhun grub rdo rje, who died, age 31, in a Wood Dog year.  The fourth was 'Jam dpal mi 'gyur lhun grub rgya mtsho'i sde, who was born in a Fire Mouse year with the name Bsod nams stobs rgyal.

Shug gseb Rje btsun RIG 'DZIN CHOS NYID BZANG MO — (1840‑1951)  Author of Gangs shug Ma ṇi Lo chen Rig 'dzin Chos nyid bzang mo'i Rnam thar Rnam mkhyen Bde Ster, her autobiography, in Ngagyur Nyingmay Sungrab series vol. 92, in 1975.  Considered a reembodiment of Klong chen pa.  Bio. in Parabola 5 no 1, pp. 54‑56.

RIG 'DZIN CHOS BZANG — (b. 1929)  A nun at Shugs gseb.  TS7 I 361.

RIG 'DZIN NYI MA — Biographer of A g.yung Rin po che.  Thar in TS9 IV 167.

RIG 'DZIN BSTAN PA — Gyen Rigzin Tenpa.  A modern teacher at Drepung. Photo in Palden Gyatso, Autobiography of a Tibetan Monk.  Kinnauri by birth, he acted as an ecclesiastical delegate to India.

RIG 'DZIN THUGS THIG — Gter ma of Gter bdag gling pa, q.v.

Nang sgrub RIG 'DZIN GDUNG SGRUB — Excavated by Rgod ldem.  370 preface.

RIG 'DZIN 'DUS PA — Sādhanas of the Rig 'dzin 'Dus pa and Bla ma Gsang 'dus, publ. by Dingo Khyentsey Rinpoche.

Yang ston RIG 'DZIN 'DUS PA — 253 II 473.6.

RIG 'DZIN 'DUS PA THABS KYI RGYUD — 300 preface.  Rig 'dzin 'Dus pa'i Rtsa rgyud320 XXXII 304 ff.

'Brug sku Stod pa RIG 'DZIN RDO RJE — 363 121.6.  379 33A.2.

Ga zha Mkha' 'gro gling pa RIG 'DZIN RDO RJE — 363 119.3.

Rin sgang RIG 'DZIN RDO RJE — Also, (Byang ngos).  19 250.  Velm I 129.  Photo in Goldstein, History 382.  http://www.tibet‑encyclopaedia.de/ringang.html.

RIG 'DZIN BRDA YI BRGYUD PA — As a form of transmission according to Bon, see 253 II 322.1.

Ras chen RIG 'DZIN RNAM RGYAL — 458 I 228.6, 233.4, 266.3.  He makes a finger lamp offering in 1689.  458 I 312.5.

RIG 'DZIN DPAL 'BYOR — (1933‑1991)  Artist who painted the 'Three Kings' in the Dharamsala temple.  Harris, In the Image of Tibet 55.

RIG 'DZIN BYIN 'BEBS — Text title in 87 LXV.

Kham lung pa RIG 'DZIN DBANG RGYAL — 383 459.2.


RIG 'DZIN DBANG PO — Nephew of Tharchin the newspaper man, he was the first Tibetan to get a research invitation to SOAS in London in 1948.  MTLSC 10.

RIG 'DZIN DBANG PHYUG — Rinzin Wangchuk Rongae is the younger son of Tenzin Rongae.  At age 9 he became a monk under Khamtrul Rinpoche.  Presently a thangka painting teacher.

RIG 'DZIN DBANG MO — A princess of the royal family of Matto who married the crown prince of Spiti.  TS7 II 670.

RIG 'DZIN DBANG MO — Patron for the publication of the biography contained in A chos.  She is a Chinese Tibetan Buddhist, and this is her Tibetan name.

RIG 'DZIN ZHAL LUNG — Rdzogs chen work by the Dalai Lama v.  Karmay, Great Perfection 145.

RIG 'DZIN YONGS 'DUS — Gter ma cycle of (Mnga' ris Paṇ chen) Padma dbang rgyal, q.v.  See Rig 'dzin Rgya mtsho 'Dus pa.

RIG 'DZIN G.YUNG DRUNG — (active 1890's)  Member of Zhu family.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 465.

RIG 'DZIN SROG SGRUB — N. of a dag snang of Nam mkha'i 'jigs med in 87 XII.

RIG 'DZIN LHA KHANG — In Potala.  Po ta la (1996) 64‑5.

RIG RAL — Short for Rig pa'i ral gri, q.v.

RIGS — The 3 and 5 families discussed in Shākya mchog ldan, Works VII 113 ff.

RIGS LNGA GSANG KHRID — Title listed in Everding's Bon catalog, no. JS 1850.

RIGS LDAN — Kulika.  The kings of Shambhala.  An extended eulogy in 384 II 611‑639.  The correct Sanskrit for rigs ldan is kalki rather than kulika.

Bla ma RIGS LDAN — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 120.3.

RIGS LDAN GRAGS PA — King of Shambhala.  Avadāna in 243 I 593.

RIGS PA'I DBANG PHYUG — A Tibetan nickname for Dharmakīrti.

Sgo mang Bla ma RIGS PA'I DBANG PHYUG — Student of Rol pa'i rdo rje.

Rigs gra RIGS PA'I RAL GRI — Author of bio. of Thu'u bkwan Chos kyi nyi ma listed in BLP no. 1096, and of bio. of Dri med grags pa in BLP no. 1147.

RIGS KYI DBANG PHYUG — N. of a Mkha' 'gro ma met by Nā ro pa.  17 II 257.6.

RIGS MED — Nakula.  As n. of a Pāṇḍava, see Das 98.  See Rna gu li.

RIGS TSHOGS — As a group of texts on philosophy, see Ruegg, JSBO 89, n. 76.

RIGS 'DZIN ZHABS — See Kaṃ ka ri pa.

RIG 'DZIN LHA KHANG — In Potala.  TS5 656.

RIGS SRAS BGYES PA — See (— — — —) Padma 'gyur med rgya mtsho.

RIGS GSUM MGON PO — Refers to the three Bodhisattvas and the areas of India, China and Central Asia (Stod) over which they preside as well as the medical systems that came from those places.  KB 92.  N. of a triad of peaks close to Kailash.  Allen, Search for Shangri La map on p. 141.

RIGS GSUM — Refers to 'Jam dpal, Spyan ras gzigs and Phyag na rdo rje.  349 I 1‑67.

RIGS GSUM SNYING THIG — Of Mchog gyur gling pa, in 87 LXXXXI.

RIGS GSUM RNAM 'PHRUL — Disc. of 'Brom.  383 330.5.

RIGS GSUM LHA KHANG — A set of 8 temples (4 survive today) laid out in maṇḍala pattern in Lhasa.  See Alexander, Temples 90 ff.

'Gos RING CHU NAG PA — Mentioned as a teacher of Gro mo che ba (12th cent.)  BD of T&TB III 384.

RING PA — Das 413 no. 29.

RING PO LEN — Dīrghala.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 345.  Banerjee, Sarvāstivāda Literature 221.

RING SPYOD — Cārāyaṇa, in avadāna story.  TPS 456.

RING MO — Pl.n.  BA 999.  A Ringmo chor, at lat. 35° long. 75°.  79 88 no. 86.

Sbag Bhan de RING MO — TS7 II 1027.  Active in 1168.

Se ston RING MO — Gter ston410 98A.6.

Lcog la RING TSUG SKOR — N. of a person.  OTA 677.

Bzang za RING BTSUN — Wife of Tshad med 'od ldan.  206 541.1.  248 11.1.  268 7.1.  352 614.20.

Rngog RING LA NAG PO — He was one of the seven skilful men in the time of Emperor 'Dus srong.  Ahmad, Fifth 47.

Shangs RING SLE BYA — In Gtsang.  28 80.

RING BSREL — Story of one emerging from an image.  17 III 766 (or nearly).

Du gu RING BSREL — Gter bton known for his excavations of evil spells.  210 84.2.

RID STAG RHYA — Name of Zhang zhung origin.  He is described as a minister of Ra sang rje in OTA 653.

Glo bo RIN — BA 1055.

Gnas brtan RIN RGYAL BA —  =Shar pa Rin chen rgyal mtshan, q.v.

RIN SGANG — See (— —) Rig 'dzin rdo rje.

Kong za RIN CHEN — Spelled, Kong za Rin cen in Dunhuang ms.

Yar 'brog Bya sde 'Khrul zhig RIN CHEN — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 155.4.

Ga du RIN CHEN — Son of Hulegu, he led the troops from Stod Hor.  Everding in TS9 I 120.  According to Everding, this has to be Khaidu (1236‑1301).  However, Soyoung Choi argues that it must be the 5th Ilkhan Gaikhatu (d. 1292, he was given the lay ordination name Rin chen rdo rje), and this idea is strengthened by the fact that during the years of the 'Bri gung gling log, he seems to have disappeared from the scene.

Rgyal bu RIN CHEN — Riñcana Bhotta.  14th cent. prince who seized power in Kashmir and reigned for 3 years.  56 181.  Quote from World Tibet News (June 1998):  "The spread of Islam in the area can be traced to rGyalbu Rinchen (or Rinchana Bhoti), a Tibetan prince who ruled Kashmir from 1319‑1323.  Inspired by the example of a Muslim sage, Bulbul Shah, Rinchen converted to Islam and changed his name to Sadruddin. By the late 1300s, Sufi preachers had begun to arrive from Persia, ushering in the Islamic era in Kashmir and Baltistan."

Pad ku RIN CHEN — One of the A tsa ra Gsum.  383 417.4.

Bram ze RIN CHEN — 128 826.

Bla ma RIN CHEN — In Mes lugs.  BA 405.  57 IIB 348.4.

Dbon po RIN CHEN — Of 'Bri khung.  Son of Hu la hu under whom the 'Bri khung pa fought the Sa skya pa.  The temple at 'Bri khung was burned down in 1290.  Wylie 134 n. 170. I guess this is the same as Ga du Rin chen, listed above.

Sgom chen U pa RIN CHEN KUN DGA' RTEN 'BREL RAB 'BYOR — An apparently 19th century lay hermit figure depicted in the center of a painting illus. in Rossi & Rossi, Beyond Lhasa pl. 24.  Seems to also be referred to as "Snyigs dus bya btang khyad 'phags U pa la."

RIN CHEN KUN 'DUS — Bon precepts.  244 372.4.

Sprul sku RIN CHEN KUN LDAN — Scribe for works of Shākya shrī in 334363 71.3, 114.6.

RIN CHEN GYI KUN 'BUM KHRA'O — I.e., Kun 'bum Khra bo.  Bon sūtra.  Das 835.  The Kun 'bum is cited in Bellezza, D of T 92.

RIN CHEN BKOD PA — See Rin chen rnam par bkod pa.


Mkhas grub RIN CHEN BKRA SHIS — 253 II 390.4, 391.6.

Dbus stod pa RIN CHEN SKAL BZANG — Student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).

RIN CHEN SKYABS — (fl. late 13th cent.)  KTDN 148.5.  Yan Lien chenchia (Yang lianzhenjia), desecrator of Sung imperial tombs in 1284.  Jagchid in JIABS, 2 no 1, p. 23, Tibetanizes his name as Rin chen dga' ba.  He was actually a Tangut by birth.  See Weirong Shen, "Magic Power, Sorcery and Evil Spirit," contained in: C. Cüppers, ed., The Relationship between Religion and State (chos srid zung 'brel) in Traditional Tibet (Lumbini 2004), pp. 217 ff.

RIN CHEN 'KHOR LO — N. of tantra in 319 IV 118‑141.  Similar title in 320 IV 84‑107.

Khyung RIN CHEN GRAGS — Disc. of (Rngog) Blo ldan shes rab.  17 II 379.6.  BA 326.  A teacher of Sa chen (1092‑1158) at Nyang stod.  17 II 401.3.  BD of T&TB X 58.4.  Vitali in TS9 I 95.

Nye gnas RIN CHEN GRAGS — A minor disc. of Ras chung pa.  BA 439.  =Rin chen rdo rje (?).  A Rin chen grags is mentioned in 4 306A.6.

Ba ri RIN CHEN GRAGS — See under Ba ri Lo tsā ba.

Bi ji RIN CHEN GRAGS — Disc. of Sa paṇ.  Jackson in TH&L 238.

Myos RIN CHEN GRAGS — A layperson, contemp. of Padmasambhava.  87 I 167.4.

RIN CHEN GRAGS PA — Co‑author, with B.A. Rooke, of In Haste from Tibet (1971).

RIN CHEN GRAGS PA — Subj. of a bio. by Zhwa dmar ii listed in BLP no. 1864.

Slob dpon Chen po RIN CHEN GRAGS PA — An Indian.  BD of T&TB I 245.

Sad gu RIN CHEN GRAGS PA — 253 II 172.6.

Bla ma RIN CHEN GRAGS PA — Translator of excerpts from T'ang shu called Rgya'i Yig tshangBA vii.

Ti shri RIN CHEN GRAGS PA — See Quintman in RET 23 (2012) 24.


Rngan RIN CHEN GRUB — 391 V 42.

Kun mkhyen Bu ston RIN CHEN GRUB — (1290‑1364)  T.H. 51.  Belonged to Zhwa lu pa subsect (or rather his Bu lugs became synonymous with Zhwa lu pa).  Wrote Chos 'byung in 1347.  T.H. 24, 158.  His Chos 'byung composed in 1322.  BA i.  Ferrari 143.  B. in Shab smad Gnas gsar Dgon.  Dhongthog 99.  Bio. (written in 1366) tr. by Ruegg 27.  For his iconography, see 27 15.  Beyer 9, 52.  Two works on Gsang 'dus in 90 IV.  Arrived at Zhwa lu in 1320.  83E 478.  BA 345, 793.  17 II 346.5, 416.4.  Pictured in 128 290, 344, 476.  Bio. in 475 113.2 ff.  Belonged to Khro phu'i Bka' brgyud.  484 I 859.4.  List of works with bio. in Tohoku 5992.  Remarkable early portrait bronze and biographical thangka illus. in Heller, Tibetan Art, color plates 63‑64.  He is shown in both with an unusual cranial indentation in the back.  (Other representations of him in T. Bartholomew's article in Feb. 1987 issue of Orientations, also in reprint volume.)  Another thangka with him as central figure, see TPS 372.  Biblio. & bio. works listed in BLP nos. 1410‑1418.  Dung dkar 70‑71.

Dgon RIN CHEN GLING — BA 687.  A mon. f. by 'Phags pa.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 36 n. 39.


Lha thel RIN CHEN GLING — BA 602.

RIN CHEN GLING PA — (1403‑1479)  Famous gter ston.  Maybe the same as Ratna gling pa, q.v.  BD of T&TB III 444.  Gter ma in 87 XXIX.  Bio. in 210 155.2 ff.

Gter ston RIN CHEN GLING PA — (1295‑1374)  Contemporary of Ta'i si tu Byang chub rgyal mtshan.  Often confused with the other Rin chen gling pa.  BD of T&TB III 444.  210 87.4.  Bio. in 210 169.5.  Lived in 5th rab byung383 219.4.  Rdor sems dang Thugs rje chen po'i Sgrub Skor, publ. in Delhi in 1979.

RIN CHEN GLING PA — See Sangs rgyas gling pa.

Chos rgyal RIN CHEN GLING PA — In Guhyasamāja transmission, which he got from disciples of both ('Khon) Gad pa kir ti and (Khams pa) Ro mnyam rdo rje.  BA 426.

Rnal RIN CHEN GLING PA — 235 introduction 7 n. 15.

Me ban RIN CHEN GLING PA — Alias Rin chen rgyal po.  410 63B.1.

Sku yal ba RIN CHEN MGON — Nephew of Stod lung thang pa who rebuilt and expanded Stag lung thang Mon.  See Ferrari 81.  BA 621.  Called Ku pa in 57 IIB 361.5.  Called Sku yal ba and Dkar po in BA 621.  484 I 854.2.  17 II 548.4.  He is often depicted in existing thangkas from Stag lung.

Rgyal tsha RIN CHEN MGON PO — Also, Rgya tsha.  Disc. of (Rngog) Mdo sde.  BA 408.  17 II 463.  Disc. of Phag mo gru pa.  484 I 857.6.

RIN CHEN RGYA MTSHO — Tantra.  29 73.3.

Slob dpon RIN CHEN RGYA MTSHO — 116 363.7.

Dus zhabs pa RIN CHEN RGYA MTSHO — (d. 1340?)  Bio. written by Byang po Chos grub in 1357 (?) at behest of (Bla ma) Rin chen chos grags.  74 I 237‑246.

Dpon slob RIN CHEN RGYA MTSHO — (b. 1638)  BD of T&TB V 636.

Mes chen po RIN CHEN RGYA MTSHO — Teacher of Zur po che.  33 187.1, 187.3.

Lha btsun RIN CHEN RGYA MTSHO — Bio. by Rin chen tshul khrims listed in BLP no. 2072.

Lha'i Btsun pa RIN CHEN RGYA MTSHO'I BLO GROS DPAL BZANG PO — Author of Bcud len Skor [gsum?] in 'Brong rtse Be'u bum.

RIN CHEN RGYAL PO — N. of (Me ban) Rin chen gling pa.  N. of 'Bri gung gling pa.  478A I 98.6.

RIN CHEN RGYAL PO — Monastic name of Sher 'byung.

G.yag phyar Sngon mo RIN CHEN RGYAL PO — Gter ma in 87 LV.  Kværne, Canon 39 no. 117.  383 421.6 ff.  N. of Rdo rje 'bum in 410 58B.6.  His Gu ru'i Bka' thang Dum bu Chung ngu, listed in BLP no. 0298.

Lha RIN CHEN RGYAL PO — (b. 1201)  Founder of the Gye re Monastery in 1231.  See the Kha rag Gnyos family history.

RIN CHEN RGYAL MTSHAN — Bonpo lama of Bsam gling.  Nine Ways 4.

RIN CHEN RGYAL MTSHAN — Alias 'Od zer 'bar.  Author of bio. of Mitrayogin in 118 449‑563.

Kyu ra RIN CHEN RGYAL MTSHAN — Gter ma in 292 II 161‑179.

Skyang Dpon po RIN CHEN RGYAL MTSHAN — Depicted in a painting illus. in Berounsky, Lapsed 232.

Gus gum RIN CHEN RGYAL MTSHAN — See 5 30.2.  Stearns, King 111.

Rgyal tshab RIN CHEN RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1360)  Also, Mkhas btsun.  Kværne 232 no. 125.  Appointed successor to the founder of Sman ri.  Kværne 233 no 131.  Verses of praise in 333 51 ff.  Bio. in A tri 52 ff.  342 60 ff.  Kailash I 48.  For a metal image belonging to the Rubin Museum, see HAR 65572.

Ge re Bka' ba RIN CHEN RGYAL MTSHAN — Also, (Gnas brtan).  Founded Gsang sngags Pho brang.  Disc. of Tsong kha pa.  Ferrari 144.  165 I contents.

'Jam dbyangs RIN CHEN RGYAL MTSHAN — (1446‑1558)  B. in Mnga' ris Glo bo.  BD of T&TB III 598.  See 76 3.  Probably his picture in 128 542.

Bstan 'dzin RIN CHEN RGYAL MTSHAN — Became abbot of Sman ri in 1485.  Kværne 233 no 138.

Gnas rnying pa RIN CHEN RGYAL MTSHAN — (1364‑1422)  Also, 'Jam pa'i dbyangs.  Bio. by ('Or) Bzang dpal in 74 I 249‑257.  In transmission of Ras chung Snyan brgyud.

Spos khang pa RIN CHEN RGYAL MTSHAN — (15th cent.)  His Sdom pa Gsum gyi Rab tu Dbye ba'i Gzhung lugs Legs bshad, publ. in 3 vols. in Thimphu in 1977.  His Sdom Gsum Rab Dbye Rnam bshad publ. in 3 vols. in Thimphu in 1979.  A large number of titles of his works listed in Drepung Catalog 584‑592.

Spyan mnga' RIN CHEN RGYAL MTSHAN — Son of Lha ri dpal.  210 80.4.

Rba ston RIN CHEN RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of the bio. of (Rba) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan in 74 I 197‑206.

Yang ston RIN CHEN RGYAL MTSHAN — Founded headquarters of Yang ston called Bsam gling.  253 II 618.2.

G.yung drung RIN CHEN RGYAL MTSHAN — Work in 298 526‑528.

Rin chen gling RIN CHEN RGYAL MTSHAN — (1266‑1341)  Kuijp in Chayet, Edition 454.

Lo tsā ba RIN CHEN RGYAL MTSHAN — 450 297.4.

Slob dpon RIN CHEN RGYAL MTSHAN — Sa skya pa.  (1238‑1279)  B. at Sa skya.  His father was Zangs tsha.  Dhongthog 100.

Shangs dkar ba RIN CHEN RGYAL MTSHAN — (1353‑1434)  Successor of (Ri khrod ras chen) Sangs rgyas seng ge in Jo nang pa Lugs, q.v.  Lived from 1293 to 1374 acc. to Dhongthog 100.  His father was Dpon yig Bzang po dpal.  Subject of inscribed bronze in Dagyab, Ikonographie.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1930.

Shar chung RIN CHEN RGYAL MTSHAN — Disc. of Shar pa Rnal 'byor.  253 II 223.5, 430.3.

Shar 'Jam dbyangs RIN CHEN RGYAL MTSHAN — (late 13th early 14th, d. 1305)  For bio., see Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 188.

Se ston RIN CHEN RGYAL MTSHAN — In Yamāntaka lineages.  87 XXVI 334.4.  87 XXVI 1.4.  189 I 37.2.  Number of works listed in 217 246.6 ff.  Depicted as a small figure in a thangka in Kreijger, Tibetan Painting plate 17, lower registers.

Lha gzigs RIN CHEN RGYAL MTSHAN — BA 544 ff.

RIN CHEN SGANG — BA 216, 313.  One of the Sa skya Bla brang Bzhi, q.v.  Vai.Ser. 162, 205, 207.  Gdan rabs, see 383 375.5.

Rgya ma RIN CHEN SGANG — Foremost mon. in area of Rgya ma khri khang, q.v.  F. by (Dgyer) Sgom pa chen po in 1119.  Ferrari 109.  Dhongthog 119.  BA 1070.

Go bo rong RIN CHEN SGANG — Vai.Ser. 239.

RIN CHEN SGANG PA — Here apparently means the community of the Sa skya Bla brang Rin chen sgang.  An official document concerned with its properties and corvée duties illus. in Precious Deposits III 28‑9.

Dge ba'i bshes gnyen RIN CHEN SGANG PA — 476 V 18.1.  He is mentioned in an inscription on the back of a thangka of Atiśa.  See Jane Singer's article in Artibus Asiae, vol. 54 (1994), p. 113.  He performs a consecration.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 433.3.  Bio. by Spyan snga Blo gros rgya mtsho listed in BLP nos. 1865, 1997.  His Lam rim text is listed in Btsan lha 1060.

Sangs rgyas RIN CHEN SGANG PA — In St. Petersburg collection, no. B5917/3, is the title: Sangs rgyas rin chen sgang pa Khu dbon gyi Rnam thar Dad pa'i Chu rgyun, but in the colophon called Rgya ma Rin sgang pa.

RIN CHEN SGRON MA 'KHOR BA DONG SPRUG — See Everding's Bon catalog, nos. JS 1887‑1903.


Snyan rgyud RIN CHEN SGRON GSAL — Text in 313 I 487 ff.  Transmission in 253 II 437.1 ff.

Dbu za RIN CHEN SGRON GSAL — Her 'das log account in 276 565‑693.  For sources on this 'Das log figure, see Epstein in TJ 7 no 4 (Wint 1982) 81.

Phreng ring RIN CHEN SGRON MA — Phreng ring is Anglicized as "Taring." Biography entitled Daughter of Tibet (1970).  She died at age of 92 in July 2000.

RIN CHEN SGROL MA — Sa skya lady.  DTK5 142.  S


RIN CHEN LNGA — Precepts brought to Tibet by Ras chung pa.  17 IV 413.1.

Zhwa lu Lo chen RIN CHEN CHOS SKYONG BZANG PO — (1441‑1527/8)  Also, Zhwa lu Mkhan chen.  9th mkhan chen of the new abbatial sucession of Zhwa lu.  Author of grammatical work.  Taube 2676.  He had two biographies that haven't surfaced so far (acc. to Kuijp in his unpublished essay on 'Bum phrag gsum pa).  One is by Paṇ chen 'Bum phrag gsum pa Rin chen chos kyi dbang po, and one by Zhwa lu's student Skyogs ston Lo tsā ba Rin chen bkra shis.

RIN CHEN CHOS GRAGS — At whose behest the bio. of (Dus zhabs pa) Rin chen rgya mtsho was written in 1357 (?).  74 I Contents.

RIN CHEN CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN— (1446‑1484)  =Rin chen chos rgyal.  14th abbot of 'Bri gung (from 1467‑1484).  357 171‑177.  37 26.  210 223.6.  Bio. in 168 218.4 ff.

RIN CHEN CHOS 'PHEL — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 116.3, 116.4.

'Bum Rab 'byams pa RIN CHEN CHOS DBANG — 17 IV 459.2.

Rma RIN CHEN MCHOG — Lived in time of Khri srong lde brtsan.  Translated Gsang ba 'Dus pa cycle.  Killed in retaliation for murder of Glang dar ma.  Bu ston 190, 199.  BA 104, 167, 191.  Ferrari 152.  27 68.  17 II 327.3, 338.4, 389.2.  87 I 94.6.  320 XIV 61.6; XV 96.7.  Achard, L'Essence 50.  See Dorji Wangchuk in TS9 X 276‑7.

Nang chen ba RIN CHEN MCHOG GRUB — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 117.5.

Phag mo Zhabs drung RIN CHEN MCHOG DGA' — Karma pa.  Bio. in 35 II 347.

RIN CHEN JO SRAS — (d. 1255)  CFMS 87.


Stod lung pa Chen po RIN CHEN SNYING PO — (1032‑1116)  Bka' gdams pa.  Dhongthog 100.  B. in Gser phug Lcang ma can.  A teacher of Bya 'Dul 'dzin.  17 II 344.2.  BA 80.  Bio. in 165 I 585.

Yar 'brog pa RIN CHEN TOG — He composed works against the ideas of the Jo nang pas entitled: Nyam med Dbang po'i Rdo rje, Ye shes Thog tog, Rdo rje'i Thog chen, and Rdo rje'i Tho ba.  See Ruegg, JSBO 88.  Thuken 209.

RIN CHEN GTER MDZOD — Great compilation of gter ma by Kong sprul.  A sort of dkar chag in 1919 7.  16 37.  87Dkar chag by Kong sprul listed in BLP no. 1866.

RIN CHEN BRTAG THABS — Jewel quality handbooks.  For examples, see DD 717, etc.

Phyogs bcu pa RIN CHEN BSTAN 'DZIN — Author?  331 145.3.

RIN CHEN DAR RGYAS — (recent)  Alias Padma dri med blo gros gzhan phan chos kyi snang ba, q.v.  Also, Dus go ba Mkhan chen.  Author in 239 XXX 423‑425.  BD of T&TB VII 262.  346 46.6.  Jackson, Patron 221 (Mkhan po Rin chen dar rgyal).

RIN CHEN DAR RGYAS — A Gesar bard born in 1885, acc. to Stein, Recherches 131.

Grub rams pa RIN CHEN DON GRUB — (ca. 1700)  463 I 55.5.

Bra ti RIN CHEN DON GRUB — (late 18th cent.)  See Kuijp in CAJ 43 (1999) 279.

Bslab Gsum Lam Ston RIN CHEN DON GRUB — Pictured in 128 212, 222.

RIN CHEN 'DUS PA — Karmay in Lungta XVI (Spring 2003) 8.

RIN CHEN RDO RJE —  =Ratna badzra.  His mgur publ. 1976.

RIN CHEN RDO RJE — Companion of Nā ro pa whom he appointed as mkhan po of Na landa when going in search of Ti lo pa.  17 II 254.6.  (Kha che) Rin chen rdo rje at Bi kra ma shī la in 17 II 271.2.  17 II 313.1.  Spent the later part of his life in O rgyan.  BA 1049.  See bio. in BD of T&TB I 823‑824.

RIN CHEN RDO RJE — Ratnavajra.  Teacher of Khyung po Rnal 'byor in Nepal and a disc. of Mai tri pa.  17 II 427.  BA 729.  Called Bram ze Rin chen rdo rje in BD of T&TB I 253.

RIN CHEN RDO RJE — (d. 1295)  A Tibetan name that appears in Arabic transliteration on a 13th century coin in the British Museum.  "Rinchindorji."  According to the online Berzin Archive, "When Arghun died in 1291, his brother Gaihatu [Gaikhatu] became the Il Khan. Tibetan monks had given Gaihatu the Tibetan name Rinchen Dorje, but he was a degenerate drunkard and hardly a credit to the Buddhist faith. He introduced paper money to Iran from China, which caused economic disaster."

Kha che RIN CHEN RDO RJE — A Kashmiri.  Identified by inscription in a thangka.  See Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 57.  In the text it is suggested that he was responsible for importing the Vaiśravaṇa tradition into Tibet.  See also Essen & Tingo, Die Götter des Himalayas 122.

Khang RIN CHEN RDO RJE — Earlier teacher of Dgongs pa rab gsal.  332 II preface 3.

Mkhas pa RIN CHEN RDO RJE — Also, (Kha che).  A Kashmiri scholar at time of Ye shes 'od.  17 II 349.2, 350.1.  BD of T&TB I 777.

Gra stag RIN CHEN RDO RJE — 208 I 219.3.

Sgom pa RIN CHEN RDO RJE— Jackson, MB 158, where this name appears in an inscription.

Bcu gnyis pa RIN CHEN RDO RJE — (1218‑1280)  Disc. of Spyan snga Rin po che.  Became abbot of 'Bri gung in 1267.  BA 580 ff.

Nye gnas RIN CHEN RDO RJE — Disc. of Khyung po Rnal 'byor.  27 15.  BA 749.

Dpag thog pa RIN CHEN RDO RJE — Author of Mnga' ris La dwags kyi Rgyal khab Lo rgyus listed in BLP no. 0660.

Bram ze RIN CHEN RDO RJE — A Buddhist in Kashmir who defeated Gsang ba shes rab in a debate, and converted him to Buddhism.  Mtshan tho no. 59.

Smar khams RIN CHEN RDO RJE — A Tibetan who a wrote letter preserved in Dunhuang, IOL Tib J 754, noted in an article on cursive script by Sam van Schaik.

Rwa skyes brag pa RIN CHEN RDO RJE — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 167.

Rig byed Mang thos RIN CHEN RDO RJE — Pictured in 128 588.

Bla ma RIN CHEN RDO RJE DAM PA — Teacher of Ngag dbang nor bu bzang po (1850‑1934).  377 21B.3.

Spyan snga RIN CHEN LDAN — (b. 1202?)  36 VII 204.  Disc. of (Yang dgon pa) Rgyal mtshan dpal.  57 IIB 370.2.  20 29.  BA 691‑692.  Sgom rin is his common way of signing his name in colophons.

RIN CHEN LDING KHANG PHUG — For a ritual handbook used by their tantric college, see Ind.Off.Cat. no. 96.  For a list of contents of bundles of official documents, Sammlung Waddell no. 135s.

RIN CHEN SDINGS — N. of a rgyal khab chen po.  See 5 13.2, 20.1, 270.3, 320.1.  Birth area of Thang stong.  See Stearns, King 36 etc.

Ku sa li Chung ba RIN CHEN SDE — An Indian.  Bio. in 165 223.  Also called Dge ba can and Byams pa'i rnal 'byor.  BD of T&TB I 505‑506, 554.  Dung dkar 58.

Zhang Pa tshab RIN CHEN SDE — Minister under Nyi ma mgon, q.v.  28 54.  NTSP section NGA 87r.6.  Name appears as Zhang Pa tshab Rin chen to.  HS V 425.1.

RIN CHEN NOR BU 'OD 'BAR — Also, Yid bzhin Nor bu 'Od 'bar.  Also, Nor bu 'Od 'bar Tan tra.  FM 457.02.

RIN CHEN RNAM RGYAL — Author of bio. of 'Gos Lo tsā ba listed in BLP no. 0471.

Gu ru RIN CHEN RNAM RGYAL — 253 II 622.1.

Sgra tshad pa RIN CHEN RNAM RGYAL — (1318‑1388)  Successor of Bu ston at Zhwa lu in years following 1356.  27 41, 147.  A chief disc. of Bu ston and author of his rnam thar27 XI 11.  374 II 155.5.  Two different titles of rnam thar of Bu ston composed by him are listed in BLP no. 1411, 1414.  Bio. by Shākya dpal listed in BLP no. 1418.  He is none other than the Thugs sras Rin chen rnam rgyal who authored Sne gdong gi Bstan 'gyur Dkar chag, listed in BLP no. 1270.

'Bri gung RIN CHEN RNAM RGYAL — (1520‑1576)  TS5 746.

Mi dbang RIN CHEN RNAM RGYAL — Lived in the time of the Dalai Lama v.  Alias (Nang chen) A nyog.  473 39.

Lo tsā Chen po RIN CHEN RNAM RGYAL — Bio. by Dge slong Shākya dpal listed in BLP no. 1922, with another bio. at no. 1923.

Lha btsun RIN CHEN RNAM RGYAL — (1473‑1557)  See 20 25.  Most important teacher was Gtsang smyon.  Built small mon. of Brag dkar Rta so near Skyid grong.  Editor of Rgyal thang pa's bio. of Rgod tshang pa.  Author of Guenther's version of Nā ro Rnam thar and many other important biographical works.  116 contains a few of his biographical works, specifically on Phag mo gru pa and Te lo pa.  His bio. of Gtsang smyon in 234 IA 1‑129.  Bio. of Ras chung pa composed in 1503 in 72 I 485‑833.  His bio. of Tilopa in 72 I 1‑17.  331 594.1, name of his own biography?  Also called (Lha btsun) Chos kyi rgyal po, q.v.  His autobio., entitled Dpal ldan Bla ma Dam pa Mkhas grub Lha btsun Chos kyi rgyal po'i Rnam mgur, xylograph in 54 fols., listed by Rospatt in  JNRC 12 (2001) 238.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 2073.  Bios. listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 331 (nos. 657.5‑657.6).  It is possible he is the Lha btsun Chos rje depicted in Portraits of the Masters 197.

A wa dhū ti pa RIN CHEN RNAM RGYAL — Author of bio. of Kun dga' dpal 'byor (1428‑1476) dated 1479.  20 34.  57 I 7‑67.

Mgo stod RIN CHEN RNAM PAR BKOD PA — A guide or Gnas yig in 239 XXX 257‑270.  In E Tibet to the E of Zal mo sgang.

Thugs sras Lo tsā ba RIN CHEN RNAM PAR RGYAL BA — Subj. of bio. by Dge slong Shākya dpal listed in BLP no. 1086 (note also no. 1867).  BLP no. 1868 lists a bio. by Ke'u tshang 'Jam dbyangs smon lam.

'Phags pa RIN CHEN PA — (1320‑1376)  TS5 561.  See Dramdul, "A Historical Study of rTse‑chen Monastery of rGyal‑rtse (abstract)," contained in: D. Klimburg‑Salter et al., The Cultural History of Western Tibet (Vienna 2008) 207‑210, at p. 208.

RIN CHEN DPAL — Tibetan name of Ma ha shri ratna bo dhi satwa.  128 812.  Bio. in 165 I 302.

RIN CHEN DPAL — Tibetan translation of the name Ratna shrī, pundit associated with Chag Dgra bcom pa.  Mtshan tho no. 102.

RIN CHEN DPAL — Irincenbal.  The Ningzong Emperor who reigned from Oct. 13 to Dec. 14, 1332.  Kuijp, KPTB 41.  Dungkar Rinpoche's dictionary, p. 699.

RIN CHEN DPAL — (1221‑1279)  Abbot of Gnas rnying from 1255 to 1279.  Vitali in TS9 I 105.

Byang sems chen po RIN CHEN DPAL — Bodhisattva vow name of 'Jig rten mgon po, q.v., and the name by which he signed his works.

Gangs dkar ba RIN CHEN DPAL — TS7 I 271.

Drung Dka' bzhi ba RIN CHEN DPAL — (1350‑1435)  Gruschke in TS9 I 202.

'Gar ba RIN CHEN DPAL — 475 122.1.

Pra nag RIN CHEN DPAL — (13th cent.)  Petech in TH&L 420.

Brag lung pa RIN CHEN DPAL — Teacher of Rgod ldem.  481 18.4.

An ston RIN CHEN DPAL — 17 II 426.2.  Called An ston Rin chen 'bar in BA 985.

Sa skya pa RIN CHEN DPAL — CFMS 93.

Lho pa Kun mkhyen RIN CHEN DPAL — Author of a yig cha.  Disc. of Sa skya Paṇḍi ta.  76 7.  TS7 I 444.  Author of a comm. on Bodhicaryāvatāra, a photocopy of the rare Khams woodblock is in possession of David Jackson.

Grub thob O rgyan pa RIN CHEN DPAL — (1230‑1308/9)  Aka Seng ge dpal.  For his bio, see 115.  Karma pa/'Brug pa.  Bio. in 35 I 162‑184.  BA 487, 697‑703, 1088.  Disc. of Rgod tshang pa (Hanson confuses the two in 11 71).  Author of a 'Bri gung Dkar brgyud Gser 'phreng (73 — but this isn't actually by him!) and other biographical works.  Wrote life of Rgod tshang pa.  24 II 73‑82; also, 64 I 127‑135.  57 IIB 370.5.  17 II 421.2.  Translator of alchemical works.  Dash 13.  Appointed as regent by Zhwa nag ii upon his death.  17 II 534.3 ff.  Author of work called Phyi Nang Gsal ba, acc. to 115 41.2.  235 intro. 8.  He wrote a lam yig of O rgyan.  17 IV 435.2.  Beyer 419.  As a gter ston, see 413 394.5, 426.  Title of his mercury purification text, see DD 714.  Work in 447 28‑30, 160 ff.  Work, see SBTD I 303.  Work in 444 197‑206.  Bio. in 484 I 868.1 ff.  L. van der Kuijp has shown that there was another early O rgyan pa who was the nephew of 'Gar dam pa Chos sdings pa (b. 1180); and see BA 602‑3.  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 0395‑0400 (the last is an autobio.).  In Mtshan tho no. 72, given the dates 1230‑1309, it says he learned Kālacakra from the lineage holder of the Rong lugs named Sangs rgyas rdo rje, that he received realization through Rgod tshang pa, that he went to Magadha, Jalandhara, O rgyan, etc., and when he returned to Tibet, he taught the oral precepts to G.ya' bzang pa and Mkhar chu ba, spreading the Rdo rje Bsnyen bsgrub (in the 'Jigs byed Chos 'byung, it isn't clear that he went to India [he doesn't seem to be even mentioned there, but then again, why should he be?]).

Dwags po Dbang RIN CHEN DPAL GYI RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1395)  Abbot of 'Bri gung from 1427‑1435 (?).  Bio. in 357 153‑157.  For sources, see Sperling, Dissertation, p. 172, ff.

Bdag mo RIN CHEN DPAL SGRON — From Zur tsho.  2nd wife of Rnam rgyal lde.  DTK5 129.

Co ne Dpon mo RIN CHEN DPAL 'JOMS — Bio. by Padma dga' ba'i lang tsho listed in BLP no. 0687.

RIN CHEN DPAL LDAN — (early 16th cent.)  Tibetan name taken by Ming Emperor Wu‑tsung (Wuzong), re. 1505‑1521.

Chos rje RIN CHEN DPAL LDAN — See Quintman in RET 23 (2012) 23.

RIN CHEN DPAL 'BYOR — Artist at Rgyal rtse.  TS5 571.

Rje btsun RIN CHEN DPAL 'DZOM — 17 III 358.1.

Zur phug pa RIN CHEN DPAL BZANG — Disc. of (Spyan snga) Rin chen ldan, and teacher of 'Ba' ra ba.  BA 692.  57 IIB 370.3.  See Zur phug Chos rje.

RIN CHEN DPAL BZANG PO — 1. Author of 323, which was composed in an Earth Tiger year.  Calls himself a latter–day Gter ston.  2. In Kālacakra lineage, as in 475 119.4.  3. Ordination n. of Nam mkha' bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan, q.v.

Rje drung Chen po Chos rgyal RIN CHEN DPAL BZANG PO — (1421‑1467)  Abbot of 'Bri gung from 1435 through 1467.  Bio. in 357 157‑171.  Bio. in 168 210.1 ff.

RIN CHEN SPUNGS — A small mon. in Gtsang po bend.  Rinchenpung.  Bailey, No Passport.  A lesser mt. near Kailash. Allen, Search for Shangri La map on p. 141.  Sardar‑Afkhami, Account 9, details its founding in 1794.

RIN CHEN SPUNGS PA — N. of a sacred mt.  See Ehrhard in SCEAR 9 (1996) 46‑7.

RIN CHEN SPUNGS PA'I GLING — Bon, 12 continents.  Das 258.

RIN CHEN SPUNGS PA PHO BRANG — The fort (rdzong) of Sde pa Rin chen spungs pa.  2 16.  Wylie 72, 142 n. 245.  BA 560, 1013.  TPS 641‑642.  17 II 542.3.

RIN CHEN PHUN TSHOGS — Founded 'Bri gung Mon. in 1177 (this is mistaken!  See below).  Waddell 69.  A Gter ston217 478.2 ff.  Perhaps his bio. listed in BLP no. 1870.

Glang thang pa Brag yab Bya btang RIN CHEN PHUN TSHOGS — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0422.

'Gru btsun RIN CHEN PHUN TSHOGS — Disc. of Dkar ru Grub dbang.  354 preface.

Chos rgyal RIN CHEN PHUN TSHOGS — A 'Bri gung gter stonGter ma in 87 XIX, XLVIII.  Lived in 8th rab byung383 220.2.

Rgyal rong pa RIN CHEN PHUN TSHOGS — Also, ('Gru btsun).  354 13.3, 16.4.

Sde pa RIN CHEN PHUN THOGS — 18th cent.  Havnevik, Dissert. 135.

'Bri gung pa RIN CHEN PHUN TSHOGS — (1509‑1557)  See =Gnam lcags me 'bar.  Also, ('Bri gung Gter ston) (Chos rgyal). Disc. of Padma dbang rgyal.  210 265.2.  Autobio. with continuation by Rin chen dpal found in 490.  His bio. of Dbon Shes rab 'byung gnas in 490 and 478A was written in 1535.  The Rtsa gsum from his Dam chos Dgongs pa Yang zab and also his Sgrol dkar Yid bzhin nor mchog cycle in 87 VI.  Amitāyus teachings in 87 XXX.  210 267.3, 268. ff. (1509/10‑1557)  TS5 747. Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 102.  Cuevas, Hidden History 147 ff.

RIN CHEN PHYAG — King of Shambhala.  128 1000.

Grub chen RIN CHEN PHYAG RDOR — Bio. by Grub chen Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no.0392.


RIN CHEN BYANG CHUB — 3rd abbot of 'Bras spungs.  Vai.Ser. 93.

Spyan snga RIN CHEN BYANG CHUB — His Dgongs gcig commentary was published in 707 pp. (Delhi 2002).

RIN CHEN BRAG — Monastery in 'Phan yul.  See Roesler, KSP 42‑43, 64.

Dge slong RIN CHEN BLA MA — Scribe of an O.T. text, Pelliot tib. no. 103.

Bsgom pa RIN CHEN BLA MA — A direct disc. of Atiśa.  Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 2, p. 101.

Myang mtshams RIN CHEN BLA MA — Disc. of (Spo chung) Tshul khrims 'byung gnas.  17 II 343.2.  Disc. of 'Ba' rom pa, named Ston pa Rin chen bla ma, in 467 II 87.2.

Mkhas grub RIN CHEN BLO GROS — (14th cent.)  B. at Dben sa kha.  Disc. of Rnam rgyal ka ra.  Bio. in A tri 48 ff.  Disc. of (Rong ston) Shes bya kun rig (b. 1367).  253 II 403.4, 406.6.  342 50 ff.  Kailash I 48.  Two brief bios are available in Katen (300+ vol. version), vol. 203.

Ba gor RIN CHEN BLO GROS — Work in 286 I 57‑68.  300 IV 535‑50.

Bon nag RIN CHEN BLO GROS — (placed in 6th rab byung253 II 475.2.

Bya btang RIN CHEN BLO GROS — Work in 269 735‑8.  278 231‑8, 425‑438.  280 II 31‑59.  302 I 207‑220.  Bio. in Katen (300+ vol. version), vol. 203.

Ri phug Byang gling pa RIN CHEN BLO BZANG MKHYEN RAB — Sometimes called 'retired abbot' (khri zur).  Works in 400.

Sde khri RIN CHEN BLO BZANG DON GRUB — Bio. by Gung thang pa listed in BLP no. 1201.

RIN CHEN BLO GSAL — Autobio. listed in BLP no. 1872.

Zhu RIN CHEN DBANG GRAGS — (1942‑1959)  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 466.

RIN CHEN DBANG RGYAL — Bio., see SBTD I 46.  Bio. by Ke'u tshang 'Jam dbyangs smon lam listed in BLP no. 1871.

Khe smad RIN CHEN DBANG RGYAL — (1874‑1927)  Havnevik, Dissert. 74.  Shakabpa, History II 164.  Goldstein, History 338.

Rje btsun Bla ma Dam pa RIN CHEN DBANG RGYAL — (1741‑1812)  Dge lugs pa.  B. in Gtsang Rgyal rtse Sna phu.  Dhongthog 101.

Smyung gnas Bla ma RIN CHEN RNAM RGYAL — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1657.

Dbra btsun RIN CHEN DBANG LDAN — 371 preface.

Rab sgang Thar skas RIN CHEN DBANG LDAN — Also, (Rtogs ldan).  253 II 409.6, 410.4. 477.3. 

RIN CHEN DBANG PO SRUNG BA — One of 7 first Tibetan monks.  17 II 325.2.

Rgyal po RIN CHEN DBYANGS — 115 117.4.

Za ngam RIN CHEN DBYIG — Lived in late 10th to early 11th cents.  Lived no more than 144 years.  Disc. of (Ngam lam) Byang chub rgyal mtshan.  BD of T&TB III 257.  BA 173.  A chos 35.

'Brom RIN CHEN 'BAR — (1st rab byung)  Gter ston.  383 217.5.  LGCM.  Achard, L'Essence 81.

RIN CHEN 'BAR BA — Ratnajvala.  Rin chen 'Bar ba'i Sa bcad145 III 283‑286.

RIN CHEN 'BYUNG GNAS — Ratnākara.  In Skt., it can be a poetic epithet for 'ocean.'  Wylie 122 n. 68.

Zhig po 'Dul Gra pa RIN CHEN 'BYUNG GNAS — (1187‑1254)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 103.

Zhabs drung RIN CHEN 'BYOR LDAN — Author of Gsang phu'i Gdan rabs332 II preface 14.


RIN CHEN MANG — Previous Buddha.  Emmerick.  P.n.  Beyer 221, 351.

Klu sdings RIN CHEN MI 'GYUR RGYAL MTSHAN — (1717‑1780)  Sa skya pa.  Dhongthog 101.  Founded Yid lhung lha rgyal Mon. in 1767.  Dhongthog 132.

Bcom ldan 'das RIN CHEN GTSUG PHUD CAN — KB 50.1.

Srad RIN CHEN RTSE — A Dge lugs mon.  Tucci, Lhasa 160‑161.  =(Bo dong) Rin rtse (?), q.v.  Wylie 72, 143 n. 253.

Bo dong Rin po che RIN CHEN RTSE MO — (fl. mid 13th cent.)  Kālacakra teacher of 12th cent.  He was alive in 1250.  BA 335, 783.  Ferrari 156.  Ordinator and teacher of O rgyan pa.  BA 345, 698, 699.  17 II 346.5, 38.3.  115 12.6, 15.1.  I think it is him depicted in a thangka, with the label Bder gshegs Rin rtse (inaccurately read as Bde gshegs Rin tha).  Pal, TTC 122.

RIN CHEN RTSE MO — Mahāsaṃnipāta Ratnaketu Dhāraṇī.  Publ. together with Pañcarakṣa in Paro, 1978.

RIN CHEN BRTSON 'GRUS — A 13th cent. chief of Tsong kha.  =Rin chen rgyal mtshan.  Petech in TH&L 418.  Stearns, SR 140.

Rmog lcog pa RIN CHEN BRTSON 'GRUS — One of 6 chief discs. of Khyung po Rnal 'byor.  29.  He received the entire transmission of the Ni gu teachings.  Founded Rmog lcog Mon. from which he took his name.  28 15.  57 IIB 345.7.  Petech in T'oung Pao L 341.  Compiler of bio. of Ni gu ma.  Of Lha phu Sgang rtse.  Lived for 73 years.  Pupil of Khyung po Rnal 'byor and contemporary of Sgam po pa and Phag mo gru pa.  Disc. of Sgam po pa.  BA 462.  BA 733‑741.  Ferrari 159.  Bio. in 53 II 239‑279.  Bio. by Nam mkha' bsam grub rgyal mtshan & another bio. listed in BLP nos. 1500‑1501.  Bio. by Sprang ban, BLP no. 1644.

RIN CHEN BRTSON 'GRUS RGYAL MTSHAN — A hermit monk who in 1560 founded a small monastery at the white sandalwood tree where Tsong kha pa was born.  The 3rd Dalai Lama turned it into a larger monastery Sku 'bum Byams pa gling.

RIN CHEN TSHUL — A gtsug lag khang in Nepal where Mar pa stayed.  17 II 454.1.  46 25.

RIN CHEN TSHUL KHRIMS — Author of bio. of 'Brong rtse Lha btsun listed in BLP no. 1586.  Author of bio. of Lha btsun Rin chen rgya mtsho in BLP no. 2072.

RIN CHEN TSHUL KHRIMS — Composed a logic work at Gsang phu Ne'u thog.  See Leonard van der Kuijp, "On Some Early Tibetan Pramāṇavāda Texts of the China Nationalities Library of the Cultural Palace of Nationalities in Beijing," Journal of Buddhist & Tibetan Studies, vol. 1 (1994), pp. 1‑30, at pp. 13‑14.  Probably the same as the Jo nang follower whose bio. is told in the Jo nang Kālacakra history by Byang sems Rgyal ba ye shes, p. 192 ff.

Klong chen ras pa RIN CHEN TSHUL KHRIMS — Of Dol Lha sna.  See 20 37 no. 17.  See 235 introduction 11.

RIN CHEN TSHUL KHRIMS 'OD ZER — Apparently this name appears in an inscription.  TPS 600.

Sprul sku RIN CHEN TSHUL RDOR — A name of Padma las 'brel rtsal, q.v.

RIN CHEN TSHE RING — A chieftain of Dra'u.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 99.

Lha RIN CHEN MTSHO — DTK5 94, 95.

Stag za RIN CHEN MTSHO MO — 253 II 235.6.

RIN CHEN 'TSHO — Ratnarakṣita, met in Nepal by Chag Lo tsā ba.  Chag 53.  Translated the Dkon mchog Sprin, or Ratnamegha, together with Chos nyid tshul khrims.  Dung dkar 143.

Zi na RIN CHEN 'DZOM PA — Wife of Shākya rin chen.

Rgyal sras RIN CHEN GZHON NU — 352 7.9.

RIN CHEN GZHON NU — Successor of (Rma) Rin chen mchog.  17 II 389.2.  He is depicted in a thangka; see TPS 332.  Jackson, MB 29.

RIN CHEN GZHON NU — (b. 1333)  See Quintman in RET 23 (2012) 25.

Mtshungs med RIN CHEN GZHON NU — In a 'Brug pa lineage.  57 IIB 372.1.


RIN CHEN ZLA BA — A prince.  KB 96.3.  SBTD I 402. 

RIN CHEN ZLA BA — This name is inscribed at Nako Monastery.  See Laxman S. Thakur, "The Buddhist Monuments of Himachal Pradesh: From the Tenth to the Twelfth Century A.D.," contained in: Devendra Handa & Ashvini Agrawal, eds., Ratna‑Chandrikā: Panorama of Oriental Studies, Harman Publishing House (N. Delhi 1989), pp. 323‑336, at p. 329.

Bde gshegs RIN CHEN ZLA BA — Pictured in 128 504.

RIN CHEN BZANG— Probably Rin chen bzang po, this occurs as name of a patron on the back of a painting.  Jackson, MB 146.

RIN CHEN BZANG PO — In abbatial succession of 'Gro tshang Rdo rje 'chang.  Sperling in Lungta 14 (2001) 81; he is mentioned in Ming official entries for 1462 and 1472.

RIN CHEN BZANG PO — Ordination n. of Dung mtsho ras pa the Earlier (fl. 1315).

RIN CHEN BZANG PO — (15th cent.)  King of Mustang.  ISTS 134‑135. 

Khri RIN CHEN BZANG PO — Western Tibetan king in 14th cent.  Middle of 3 sons of 'Bum lde mgon.  Died in China, visiting the Mongol Khan.  DTK5 71, 111.

Ku sa li Che ba RIN CHEN BZANG PO — An Indian.  Bio. in 165 220.  BD of T&TB I 554.  Dung dkar 58.  A personal disciple of Haribhadra.  He was teacher of Ku sa li Chung ba.

Rje RIN CHEN BZANG PO — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0886.

'Dar 'phyar RIN CHEN BZANG PO — (3rd rab byung)  Gter ma in 87 XL.  Received transmission of texts excavated by Ban de Mi Gsum, q.v.  FM 310.00.  Taube 967.  Tohoku 5748‑5754.  Bio., etc., in 307.  Lived in 3rd rab byung383 218.4.  354 I 62.6.  374 I 832.6.  Uspensky in TS9 I 224.

Nang so RIN CHEN BZANG PO — Father of 'Brug smyon, q.v.

Bla ma RIN CHEN BZANG PO — (1243‑1319)  Son of Rgyal po dga'.  BA 410.  17 II 464.3.

'Ba' re RIN CHEN BZANG PO — Disc. of Skyo brag Chos rje.  D. age 70.  Bio. in 467 II 204 ff.

Lo chen RIN CHEN BZANG PO — (958‑1055)  T.H. 139.  16 31.  39 2.  Dhongthog 101 (death date given as 1051).  Widely regarded as the initiator of the Gsar ma pa, or the 'New Translations' schools in Western Tibet.  27 14.  14 index.  B. in a part of Gu ge called Snyung wam ratna.  Dhongthog 101.  17 II 351.1 ff, 392.5.  Bio., see 144.  Pictured in 128 1032.  Bio. in 165 359.  According to Vitali (Kingdoms, p. 186), Rin chen bzang po went to Kha che when he was eighteen (in pig year 975), returned to western Tibet after thirteen years (this is what the original ms. says, not the copy of it that was published!), in a pig year of 987.  Thangka depiction in Essen & Tingo, Die Götter des Himalayas 119.  Rin chen bzang po, Rnal 'byor Rgyud Spyi'i Lo rgyus, listed in BLP no. 1265.  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 1918‑1920.  Listed in Mtshan tho no. 14.  For a photo of his famous 3‑storey temple at Tho ling, see Li Gotami, Pictures 151, and for a large image once at Tsaparang, p. 181.

Lo chen RIN CHEN BZANG PO — Contemporary of Thang stong rgyal po, and originater of the Lo chen line. He should obviously not be confused wit the more famous Lo chen Rin chen bzang po just listed.  Subj. of bio. in LTWA KA 3/ 32/ 2087:  Lo chen Rat na bha ṭa'i Rnams mthar.

Sog dbon RIN CHEN BZANG PO — Karma pa.  Bio. in 35 I 512‑515.  Jackson, Patron 78.  Debreczeny in Kapstein, BBTC 132.

Bla ma RIN CHEN 'OD — (13th cent.)  Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 192.

Ye shes snang ba RIN CHEN 'OD 'PHRO — Pictured in 128 6.

RIN CHEN 'OD ZER — Yang ston of Mkhyen brtse'i dbang po.  397 VII 18.1.

RIN CHEN 'OD ZER — Became abbot of Sman ri in 1722.  Kværne no. 170.

RIN CHEN 'OD ZER — (1453‑1540)  14th Khri thog of Dga' ldan.  Note that the 13th Khri thog and the 14th were both born in Stod lung mda' and had same birth year and life span.  BD of T&TB VI.  Pictured in 128 902.  Vai.Ser. 71.

Kyu ra RIN CHEN 'OD ZER — Gter ma in 302 II 307‑315, 329‑333.

Skyabs kyi Ston pa RIN CHEN 'OD ZER — (b. 1353)  =Skyabs ston Rin chen 'od zer.  Works in 293, 311, 312.

Mkhas grub RIN CHEN 'OD ZER — 253 II 389.5.

Rgya bo RIN CHEN 'OD ZER — 253 II 476.6.

Rtogs ldan RIN CHEN 'OD ZER — Disc. of U rgyan pa Rin chen dpal.  67 IIB 371.6.

Sde dge Bla sman RIN CHEN 'OD ZER — Dates unknown, he was physician of the Sde dge ruler.  His work: Bdud rtsi Snying po Yan lag Brgyad pa Gsang ba Man ngag gi Rgyud las Rtsa rgyud dang Bshad rgyud kyi 'Grel pa, Si khron Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Chengdu 2001), 554 pp.

Rong bon RIN CHEN 'OD ZER — 253 II 231.3.  Karmay, Treasury 184.

RIN CHEN RI BO — Ratnagiri, in Orissa.  BA 755.  Encyclopaedia of Buddhism VII 520‑521.

RIN CHEN RIL BU — Kind of medicinal pellet made of precious substances.  361 11‑14.  Rin chen Ril nag Chen mo.  471 135.3 ff.

RIN CHEN SHEL BRAG — A gnas yig in 239 XXX 197‑203.


Zhig po RIN CHEN SHES RAB — (1171‑1245)  A brother of Rog Sher 'od.  =(Zhig po) Nyi ma seng ge, q.v.  BD of T&TB III 364.  BA 949‑954.  458 I 21.3 ff.

Gnas lugs Don Rtogs RIN CHEN BSHES GNYEN — Pictured in 128 652.

RIN CHEN SENG GE — 1. Author of Gcod work.  36 IX 848.  2. Author of life of (Sangs rgyas Dbon ras) Dar ma seng ge.  24 II.  See 20 33 n. 36.  3. Contemporary of 'Jig rten mgon po.  476 I 413.3.  4. Subj. of autobio. listed in BLP no. 0779.

Dkar po Brag pa RIN CHEN SENG GE — 374 I 433.3.  Autobio. listed in BLP nos. 0071, 1929 (here he is called "Shangs Dkar po Brag gi Bla ma").  He is probably also the subject of the title listed at BLP no. 1932.  Biography entitled Chos rje Dkar po Grags pa'i Rin chen seng ge'i Rnam thar, in 18 fols., listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 334 (no. 670.8).

Khrom bzher RIN CHEN SENG GE — (1040‑1110)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 100.

Khrom bzher RIN CHEN SENG GE — (1305‑1365)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB III 464; V 105.

Khrom bzher Jo sras RIN CHEN SENG GE — (1163‑1200)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 102.

Dge slong RIN CHEN SENG GE — Author of bios. of Grub chen Gling ras pa and of Dpal ldan Phag mo gru pa. Their titles are listed in the catalog of the LTWA K3/1524 KHA.

Thog kha ba RIN CHEN SENG GE — (1226‑1284)  Bio. in 357.  Abbot of 'Bri gung (the 5th) from 1278‑1284.  B. in Fire Pig year, acc. to 37 24.  B. in Fire Dog year, acc. to 484 I 851.3.  484 II 521.1.  Bio. in 168 170.5 ff.

Du gu RIN CHEN SENG GE — Also, (Gu ru).  A gter stonBD of T&TB III 500.  Gter ma in 87 LIII.  Also called (Dru gu) Ring bsrel.  383 218.3.  410 107B.1.  TS7 II 1026.  Vitali in TS9 I 99 has him teaching the Gnas rnying abbot Dbang phyug rin chen, which makes him active in the late 12th cent.

Dpon RIN CHEN SENG GE — 115 148.5.

Dbon po RIN CHEN SENG GE — Nephew of Lha mchog seng ge (1468-1535).  Stearns, SR 139.

'Bal RIN CHEN SENG GE — 17 IV 459.5.

Yang rtse ba RIN CHEN SENG GE — Directly preceded Bu ston in Khro phu transmission.  27 14, 74.  Disc. of (Khro phu) Sems dpa' chen po.  BA 711.  17 II 408.6.  A person named Yang rtse ba taught Phyag chen to Ma cig Lab sgron.  124 459.5.  Pictured in 128 476.

RIN CHEN SEMS NYID — See (Rin chen) Sems nyid gling pa.

Sbas RIN CHEN SRUNG BA —  =(Sbas) Ratna rakshis ta, and also probably same as Sba Ratna.  One of the 7 original Tibetan monks.  17 II 324.6 ff.

Dbu zu RIN CHEN GSAL — 253 II 236.1  Snyan rgyud work in 301 II 617‑620.  See the text Dbu za Rin chen gsal gyi Bar do'i 'Khrul snang Rigs Drug gi Sbyang tshad Bder gshegs gi 'Jal snang Gsal ba'i Sgron me in Katen, vol. 200, pp. 223‑343.

Dge bshes Po to ba RIN CHEN GSAL — (d. 1082)  Acc. to BA 269, he lived 1031‑1105.  Roesler, KSP 4, 46 (brief bio.), 47 (photo of image), gives dates as 1027/31‑1105, with bio. at p. 5.  3rd abbot of Rwa sgreng.  T.H. 147.  Founded mon. in 'Phan yul after which he was named.  Dhongthog 73 gives his dates as 1027‑1105.  Bio. in BD of T&TB V 38.  Spelled Spo to ba in 17 II 374.5 ff.  Became monk at Rgyal Lha khang.  Went to Rwa sgreng in 1058 and became one of 3 chief discs. of 'Brom ston, serving as abbot for 3 years.  Sgam po pa met him.  4 223A.2 ff.  16 31.  Blo gros grags pa (1106‑1166) said to be a disc. (but compare the dates!).  Bio. in 165 I 475.  BA 263‑264, 268‑269.  Wylie 74, 145 n. 279.  Pictured in 128 79A.  Author of the root text of the Dpe chos, and its commentary.  161 preface.  Quoted in 476 IV 350.2.  Ref. to his bio. by Glang byar ba in 499 8.6.  For his Tshig lab Ring mo, etc. see Berkeley 182/2.  List of his 8 discs., etc. found in 367 II 125.3.  A biography by Dge slong Ngag dbang rnam rgyal (listed in  Btsan lha 1053), for which, see BBNP 487‑502.  This same biography of Po to ba has now been published in HS, vol. 11 (da), pp . 513‑529.  Central figure of a thangka in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 19 (?).  Acc. to Dza ya, Thob yig II 567‑8, he was b. in me mo yos year, came to Rwa sgreng in his 28th year, a sa pho khyi year, and died in his 79th year, shing mo bya.  To follow this, his dates were 1027‑1105 (although if he arrived at Rwa sgreng in sa khyi year, he would have been in his 32nd year!).  He may also be called Dge bshes Stag lung pa.  Nam mkha' grags pa Snar thang Mkhan chen vii (1210‑1265/1287), Pu to ba'i Rnam thar, a 15 fol. ms. in Cultural Palace of Nationalities, Beijing (used by Kurtis Schaeffer).  Po to ba Yab sras kyi Rnam thar, by Stag lung Chos rje Ratna gu ru, listed in BLP no. 1310.

RIN CHEN GSAL SGRON — Daughter of king Dha he na.  BD of T&TB I 305.


RIN CHEN BSAM GTAN DPAL BZANG PO — (1322‑1371)  Abbot of Gnas rnying.  Kuijp in  Lungta 14 (2001) 63.

Mkhan po RIN CHEN BSOD NAMS — (ca. 15th cent.)  Of Spiti.  28 19.

Gdung sprul ii RIN CHEN BSOD NAMS CHOS 'PHEL — A Sa skya pa born in Nyag rong.  Dhongthog 101.  Bio. by Dka' bzhi pa Bsod nams rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 1878.

RIN CHEN BSOD NAMS MCHOG GRUB — (1602‑1681)  Sa skya pa.  Work in 194 II.  His Gtor ma Brgya rtsa in 400 304‑354.  458 I 109.3, 327.4.  Bio. by the Dalai Lama v listed in BLP nos. 1715, 1877; with bio. by Byang chub ngag dbang bsod nams, no. 1716; and yet another bio., no. 1717.  Bio. by one Rdo rje'i mtshan can listed in BLP no. 1876.  Biography by the Dalai Lama v listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 344 (no. 723), where his dates are given as 1603‑1659.  Rubin item no. 65340, a painting of Virūpa, has an inscription containing his name on the back.

Zha lu RIN CHEN BSOD 'PHEL — Author of bios. listed in BLP nos. 1322‑1323.


RIN CHEN LHUN GRUB — Became abbot of Sman ri in 1735.  Kværne no. 171.

Gnyag sgom RIN CHEN LHUN GRUB — Author of bio. of Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan in Katen no. 041‑31.

Spa ston RIN CHEN LHUN GRUB — 253 II 216.6.  Works in 275.

Zhwa lu Slob dpon RIN CHEN LHUN GRUB — Teacher who taught Kālacakra to Skal bzang tshe dbang.

Yang ston RIN CHEN LHUN GRUB — A Bon lama in thangka in Kværne, The Bon Religion of Tibet, plate 9.

Rin po che'i Sbyin bdag Chos rgyal RIN CHEN LHUN PO — Name in an inscription at Ger.  Richardson, Corpus 157.  He belonged to Brag dkar family in time of Great Fifth Dalai Lama. 

Co ne RIN CHEN LHUN PO — (1475‑1527?)  Founded Co ne Mon.  Thuken 285.  Called Co ne Dpon po in BLP no. 0685, which lists a bio. by Blo bzang dpal 'byor.

RIN PO CHE BKOD PA'I RGYUD — Title in 320 VIII 101.4.

RIN PO CHE 'KHOR LO — N. of tantra in 319 III 207‑220.  Ten chapter work in 320 II 313‑332.  Eight chapter work in 320 IV 24‑35.  Similar title in 320 IV 84‑107.

RIN PO CHE 'KHOR LO BRTSEGS PA'I RGYUD — Text in 319 IV 425‑466.  320 ? 399‑426.





RIN PO CHE BCUD KYI YANG SNYING — In title in 320 VI 120.

RIN PO CHE NYI ZLA BRTSEGS PA'I RGYUD — Text in 319 V 247‑268.

RIN PO CHE DRA BA 'BRU'I DON — Text in 319 VII 341‑449.

RIN PO CHE GDAMS NGAG SNA TSHOGS 'KHOR LO'I RGYUD — Text in 319 VI 319‑328, 557‑582.  320 IV 123‑152.

RIN PO CHE BDUD RTSI BCUD THIGS — Tantra in 320 VI 146‑170.



Byang sems Thugs rgyud RIN PO CHE SPUNGS PA'I RGYAN — 320 III 115‑130.  Similar title in 320 V 30.5.



'Phags pa RIN PO CHE'I PHUNG PO — The Ratnarāśi nāma Mahāyāna Sūtra, edited and translated by Jonathan Silk in his dissertation.  It is chapter 45 in the Mahāratnakūṭa.



RIN PO CHE DBYIG GI SGRON MA — In title in 320 V 112.2.

RIN PO CHE 'BAR BA — A city in U rgyan.  87 I 2.6, 3.1,

RIN PO CHE 'BYUNG BAR BYED PA — In title in 320 X 386.

RIN PO CHE 'OD KYI RGYUD — Text in 319 III 309‑363.


RIN PO CHE GSAL BA CHEN PO — Tantra in 320 VI 349‑364.

RIN PO CHE GSER GYI RGYA MDUD — Text in 319 VIII 389‑393.

RIN SPUNGS — BA 338, 692.  Rin spungs Rdzong, a district in Tibet.  Goldstein, History 1090.  In La stod (?).  5 193.1.  See =Rin chen spungs.  Subj. of gdung rabs in 488 125‑134.

RIN SPUNGS — See (— —) Bkra shis smin grol gling.

RIN SPUNGS PA — See (— — —) Ngag dbang 'jig rten dbang phyug grags pa.  (— — —) Ngag dbang 'jigs med grags pa.  (— — —) Mtsho skyes rdo rje.  (— — —) Sa spyod dbang po.

Sde srid RIN SPUNGS PA — Took control of Tibet in 1435.  Dhongthog 125.  See =Nor bu bzang po.

RIN SPUNGS SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Shes rab rnam rgyal.

RIN PHUG — Ma mkhar Bsod nams dbang phyug, Rin phug Lha chu'i Gnas bshad Dwangs gsal Yid kyi Me long, Bod ljongs Mi dmangs Dpe skrun khang (Lhasa 2008), in 39 pages.

RIN 'BYUNG ZHI BA — Tib. tr. of the name Ratnākaraśānti.

Bo dong RIN RTSE —  =Rin chen rtse mo, q.v.  BA 702, 783.  Wylie mistakenly takes it as a place name.

Khrom bzher Dbon po RIN GZHON — (1255‑1327).

RIM GRO PA — See (— — —) Kun tu bzang po.

RIM LNGA — Five Stages.  Work on Nāgārjuna's work on this topic in 243 II 135.

RIM PA GNYIS PA — Birthpl. of 'Jam dpal bshes gnyen, W of Vajrāsana.  BD of T&TB I 308‑377.  17 IV 474.2.  464 18.3.  LGCM 593.

RIL NAG CHEN MO — Medicinal pellet.  17 III 451.6.

RIL PU MAL — Essais 187.

RIL BU — 'medicinal pellet'.  Treatise in 226 V 407‑440.  On 'Ja' tshon Ril bu, see 231 505‑549.  465 IV 141 ff, on 'Ja' 'od Ril bu.  SBTD I 287.  Text by Nāgārjuna, see Tohoku nos. 4435, 6041.

RIS RGYA 'PHAGS MCHOG — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 122.4.

RIS PU — Pl.n.?  OTA 667.  Beckwith, Tib.Empire 32.

RIS MED — "Eclectic" movement of tolerance, understanding and sometimes synthesis, centered in Sde dge of Khams in late 19th cent.  See 11 6‑7.  Often said to be founded by Mkhyen brtse'i dbang po (1820‑1892) and 'Jam mgon Kong sprul (1813‑1899).  For title of Ris med Chos 'byung see 235 introduction 4.

RU GA LA — A yul to west of Tibet in India (?).  115 52.5.

Byin chung gi RU DGON — Vai.Ser. 144.

RU RTA — N. of a town that features in the life of the Buddha.  Kuṣṭhagrāma.  Snellgrove, SFN 402.

RU THA'I DGON GSAR — 253 II 631.3.

RU THOG — Or, Ru rdog.  A fort and district in Tibet, E of Ladakh.  Das 1186.  At about 33° lat. & 80° long.  See Wylie 120 n. 56.  81 103.16, 117.  See Phru thog.  115 33.5, 42.5, 43.2, 116.4.  Monastery.  Vai.Ser. 159.  For a list of its temples, see  Vitali, Tho.ling 153. Skor dpon Blo bzang mkhyen rab, Ru thog Rdzong gi Snga phyi'i Lo rgyus, listed in TBRC.

RU THOG — See (— —) Khyung tshang brag.

RU THOG PA — See (— — —) Rnam rgyal dbang 'dud.

RU THOG RDZONG — One of the 4 divisions of Mnga' ris in the time of Dga' ldan Pho brang.  TJ XXIII (1998) 108.

RU THOG SENG GE RDZONG — One of the four or six forts in outer parts of Zhang zhung, in its northern highlands..  ACTP II 5.

Sbas Gnas RU DAM — Ru dam Gnas yig in 239 XXX 75‑99.  A mountain chain.  239 XXX 52.3.

Rdzogs chen RU DAM BSAM GTAN CHOS GLING — A Rnying ma mon. in Mdo smad (?) with 11 incarnates and 850 monks.  F. by (Rdzogs chen) Padma rig 'dzin in Wood Ox year (1685).  Has many branch monasteries.  Dhongthog 130.  F. with patronage of Sangs rgyas bstan pa at Sde dge and Mgon po lhun grub of Gling tshang.  F. 1685.  16 38.  Visited by Madame David‑Neel (D‑N, Magic & Mystery 164).  Also called Ru dam Bsam gtan gling. 

RU MDOR — A county in Ru thog district.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 35.

RU RDOG — See Ru thog.

RU GNON GTSUG LAG KHANG — Attributed to Srong btsan sgam po.  On hillside at Rtsis Gnas gsar.  Ferrari 142.  Ru gnon, see 17 II 393.2.

RU PA SKYES — Same figure as the following.  Lde'u 240.

RŪ PA TI — Rūpati.  One of the commanders of the Kaurava army who fled from the battlefield at Kurukṣetra and took shelter in Tibet.  Das 1186.  17 II 313.6.  KWT 82.

RU PA BSAM GTAN RGYA MTSHO — See (Ru pa) Bsam gtan rgya mtsho.

RU DPON DGON — 253 II 633.3.

RU DPON — Title of army commanders of the Ru Lnga.  28 84‑86.

RU SPONGS — See (— —) Bhi rgya rā dza.

RU PHIN GO'I — Competed for emperor's realm.  438 VI 497.2.

RU BA — Riba.  "Woven cloth tent."  Snow peak in Sbal ti lat. 35° long. 75°.  79 88 no. 48.  467 II 101.2.

RU MTSHAMS — Pl.n.  BA 331, 522.  87 I 265.1.

RU MTSHAMS — See (— —) Chu bzangs.  (— —) Pho ba lung.  (— —) Lug ra kha.

RU MTSHAMS PA — See (— — —) Dga' thed.  (— — —) Bsod rin.

RU MTSHON DMAR PO — Tutelary in cycle of Red Yamāntaka.  194 VI preface.  In title in 320 XXII 102.6.

Sku 'bum pa RU ZHO GCOD PA — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 117.2.

RU BZHI — Four horns, a Tibetan geographical and administrative concept. BA 162.  For the four horns, see Wylie 64, 128 no. 122.  TPS 737‑738.  They are Ru lag, G.yas ru, Dbus ru (Dbu ru) and G.yon ru.  Das 912.  Usually, these are translated as the 'four horns', but it may be that ru bzhi would be a name for the [four sided] frame of a door (if so then the spelling Dbu ru would make better sense).

RU BZHI'I GTSUG LAG KHANG BZHI — Four temples of the four flanks of the srin mo.  Built by Srong btsan to pin down the srin mo.  See Bu ston 184.  17 II 318.1.

RU YONG BZA' — The princess of Ru yong who was married to Srong btsan sgam po and built temple of Brag cha Klu phug Lha khang.  Das 1186.  Dotson, Note 88.

RU RINGS — Pl.n.  OTA 680.  See Sman 'gab Ru rings (?).

Sems dpa' chen po Ri dwags RU RU'I GZUGS — Pictured in 128 718.

RU LA SKYES — See 83C 202, 203.  =Ngar la skyes.  Son of Yar lha sham po and Gri gum's queen.  Stein 49+.  See Cuevas, Hidden History 30.  Story told in 1st section of Old Tibetan Chronicles.  Hill in RET 10 (2006) 93 ff.  Todd Gibson's dissertation (Bloomington 1991) 124.  Hazod in Steinkellner Festschrift 259.  Discussion by Dotson in RET XXI (2011) 91.

RU LAG — SW part of Gtsang, inherited from Zhang zhung.  One of the Ru bzhi, q.v., added before 733.  See T.H. 46.  BA 205.  28 78.  17 II 393.2.  166 4.1.  List of 9 ancient Bon establishments there.  253 II 578.3 ff.

RU LAG KHA GSUM — Vitali in TS9 I 84.

RU LU — N. of a mantra of Che mchog.  BA 115.  Yang dag Ru lu Gser phreng.  BD of T&TB I 251.

RU LU SGRA DANG LDAN PA'I PHUG — Achard, L'Essence 51.

Stod lungs RU LU BA — Birthpl. of Khyung tshang pa.  57 IIB 351.2.

RU LE — See (Ru le'i) Sim ha rā dza.

RU SHIN PYA LIGS — A Zhang zhung‑like name that appears with petroglyph of chorten in Wakan (in the Pamirs).  See ZZFC 183‑184.

Lcags skud Sa heb RU SU MA YER — Note: Lcags skud means 'telegraph wire'.  438 VII 510.4 (see also 198.2, 181.2).

RUG PA — Pl.n.  BA 267.

RUG MA — Pl.n.  87 I 287.6.  Rug ma Su ram ma (two place names!).  394 I 77.  413 424.1.  =Rug me in Kālacakra literature.  Derge LXXVII 276.7.  Chashab in Rocznik Orientalistyczny 68 (2015) 59, with misspelling Tugma.

RUB CHU — Large mountainous district of Rupchu in S of Ladakh.  Das 1187.  Many of its geographical features in 79Jaesche 532.

RUM — Pl.n.  TS7 II 970.

RUM TEG— Rumtek.  Lepcha name meaning 'god forsaken'.  A very significant Karma pa monastery in Sikkim.  Rum btegs (apparently a Tibetanizing spelling).  BD of T&TB VII 301.  TR XVI no. 10, p. 6c.  Said to have been founded by 9th Zhwa nag in 1740.  Jenia Mukherjee, "A Bid‑adieu to the Buddhist Philosophy, Praxis and Preaching: Experiences at Rumtek," Society & Change, vol. 5, no. 1 (Jan. 2011), pp. 42‑49, where the monks are criticized on two fronts, for not following the original Buddhist tradition, and for not modernizing.

RUM 'THAG — 438 VII 463.5.

RUM PA CHA RGYAL — N. of a country.  TPS 599.

RUM WER — KWT 82, 97.

RUM SLOB DPON — See (— — —) Sangs rgyas rgyal mtshan.

Rgya gar RUM YUL — Whence Csoma de Körös was said to have come (did Ladakhis think he was from Byzantium? Was Byzantium in India?).  171 441.4.  See Das 1187.  Also, Jaeschke.  Laufer, Loan Words 491.  T'oung Pao n.s. L 339.

RUS CHOG — "Bone rite."  SBTD I 382.

RUS DAM BLA MTSHO — TS5 423 n. 20.

Rje btsun RUS PA'I RGYAN CAN — Lineage disc. of (Sha ra Rab 'byams pa) Sangs rgyas seng ge.  =Gtsang smyon He ru ka, q.v., the biographer of Mi la ras pa.

Shar RUS PA'I SA — Birthpl. of Rje Mkhan po IX & therefore would seem to be in Bhutan.  135 preface.

RUS SBAL — At north gate of Ti se.  Tucci, Religions 219. 


RUS SBAL GYIS GANG BA — Das 413 no. 20.

RUS SBAL ZHABS — Kūrmapāda.  BA 754, 803.  Pictured in 128 324.  See 145 III 346A.2.  Disc. of Dril bu pa.  Teacher of Dza landha ra pa.  BD of T&TB I 423.

RE KONG NYIN DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo smad with 12 incarnates and 1240 monks.

RE KONG SRIB DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo smad with 26 incarnates and 1760 monks.

RE SKAM — (sp?)  Of Dbu ru shod.  OTA 684.

RE SKONG — An important Dge lugs mon. in A mdo.

RE SKONGS — See (— —) Sangs rgyas ye shes.

RE KHRI — One of the 21 temples listed in Rin chen bzang po's biography.  Di Mattia in TS9 III 104.  Apparently it is also spelled Re hri.

RE GAD — A holy place of Bon in Snam.  Das.

RE RGYAB — BA 542.

RE SGRUNG — Beyer 56.

Gnyan 'thing RE NGAN — See (Gnyan ston) Shes rab rdo rje.

RE LNGA PA — ?  17 II 406.4.

RE TI RANG BYUNG RGYAL MO — Protector.  194 XIV.

Bdud rgyal RE TE — KTDN 44.5.

RE MDA' PA — More correctly, Red mda' ba.  See (— — —) Gzhon nu blo gros.  Note, Red mda' means 'spent arrow'.

RE SPOM SA GSUM — A kind of wool business cooperative between Rwa sgreng Bla brang, and the Pangda & Sadhu families.  McGranahan in TS9 IV 104.

RE BĀ CHU BO — N. of Indus.  Das 418.

RAI BA TA KA — In avadāna story.  TPS 532.


RE BEN DRA — A teacher of both Chag Chos rje dpal and Glo bo Lo tsā ba Shes rab rin chen (q.v.).

Ma gcig RE MA — In lineage of Rgyal tsha.  BA 711; see also 1039.  Called Ma gcig Sangs rgyas re ma.  Stearns, Hermit 181.

RE MA TI — 132 132.1.  Sādhana in 87 LIX.  Pictures in 216A, 320 XXXII 629.

RE MA TI MCHED BZHI — 87 I 31.3.  KTDN A X 40 ff.

Rta lha Ā rya RE MANTA — SBTD I 208.

RE'U RMAL — King of Gu ge.  28 54, 55.

RE'U TSAL — Also, Re'u tshal.  "Little goat park."  OTA 694.

Jo mo RE BZA' — Mt. in Mang yul.  DTK5 90.

RE RONG — See (— —) Padma lha rtse.

RE LA RDZONG — TS7 II 1027, 1035.  In eastern Gro shod.  Perhaps this is the Rhe monastery & fort visited by Tucci?

RE SHEG ZHE CHEN — Hermitage f. by Nyi ma grags pa.  Cuevas, Hidden History 195.

RE SHOD — BA 542.  LPNT VII 284.

Mu stegs RE HE MAN — 348 34.5.

Pha bong REG PA DUG CAN — "Poisonous by contact."  N. of a boulder in Brin sding ma.  4 171A.6.


RENG MTSHO — In Dolpo.  Map in Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 141.

RED MDA' BA — See (— — —) Gzhon nu blo gros.

RED PA — A county in Ru thog district.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 35.

REB KONG — BA 334.  An area of A mdo.  253 II 639.1.

REB SKONG — Dge lugs mon. in A mdo.  97 preface.  F. by Skal ldan rgya mtsho.

Khams pa REL PA — Tibetan "gypsies."  TR XV no. 10, p. 9.

RES RKANGS — Probably the same as Re kong.  In Mdo khams Smad.  407 1r.

RES PA — Lit., 'one who takes turns'.  Bodyguard of emperor or imperial prince.  TS5 671.

RO SKAM — An early Tshal pa Mon.  Alexander, Temples 147‑149 (alternative spellings Rong skam, Rol khang).

RO KHRU PHU'I DGON — Vai.Ser. 249.

RO GLING LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — — — —) Rdo rje dbang phyug.

RO DNGOS GRUB CAN — Stein, Recherches 40.  Published under the title Blo dpon Klu sgrub Snying po dang Bde spyod dbang po Gnyis kyis Mdzad pa'i Ro Dngos sgrub can gyi Sgrung Ngo mtshar Smad du Byung ba'i Gtam rgyud Le'u Nyer bdun pa (note misspellings).

RO CO G.YUL GSAR DGON PA — 467 II 106.1.  Ro co Yul gsar in LPNT VII 344.

RO MCHOG GI GLING — 124 440.6.

RO JE GRO MA — Image in 'U then.  =Rgyal po'i Khab.  Emmerick.

RO 'JE — N. of pl. or tribe?  Das 235.  =Ro rje.  KTDN 66.1.

Khams pa RO MNYAM RDO RJE — BA 416.  =(Khams pa) Mi mnyam rdo rje, q.v.  17 II 468.3.  484 I 794.3.  He is listed in Mtshan tho no. 64, which says:  He went to India hoping to study Guhyasamāja, but Mai tri pa had already died, so finding nobody to study with, he returned to Tibet and studied with Mtshur ston Dbang gi rdo rje (i.e., Dbang nge, the disciple of Mar pa).

RO SNYOMS SKOR DRUG — 'Brug pa teachings.  Teaching concealed by Ras chung pa at Mkhar chu.  BA 438.  487 I 22.2.  See also BA 668, acc. to which it was excavated by Gtsang pa Rgya ras pa.  "Dpal 'Brug pa'i Khyad chos Ro snyoms."  115 88.1.  Work in 196197 tha.  Work by Padma dkar po, 414 433.  413 394.6.  Kapstein, Assimilation 134.  Thuken 148.  Biblio. & history.  17 IV 392 ff.  383 298.3.

Rgod tshang pa'i RO SNYOMS SGANG DRIL — A khrid yig found in 123 II 321A ff.  Root text, see 391 chi.


RO SNYOMS RDO RJE — Cuevas, Travels 55.

RO SNYOMS SPRUL SKU — See Karma lung rigs zla ba.  346 101.2.

RO THANG LA — Pass between Manali and Lahul.

RO LDAN — Pl.n.  17A VII pt. 1, p. 16A.4.

RO DPAG — TS7 II 968.

Gnubs kyi Sngags 'chang RO ZIN NAG PO — 219 III 97.1 ff.

RO LANGS — Vetalas, zombies.  See under Na ra da, for a story of corpse resuscitation.  For Vetala stories, and earliest knowledge of them in Tibet, see Roesler in Facets 156.  Smith, Philology note 1, notes a 21-chap. version in the Copenhagen library with the title Slob dpon Klu sgrub kyis mdzad pa'i Ro langs Gser gyi Chos sgrungs le'u rtsa gcig.

RO LANGS BRGYAD BSKOR — A Bhairava cycle.  185217 533.1 ff.  243 II 447‑470.  349 IX 125‑223.  SBTD I 169.

RO LANG THAL MDOG — N. of Dga' rab rdo rje.  BD of T&TB I 301, 377.  LGCM 587.5.

Mu stegs RO LANGS BDUN — KTDN 135.4, 149.3, 156.3.

Byang sems RO LANGS BDE BA — Bodhisattva in 320 II 475.7; VIII 523.5.  A n. of Dga' rab rdo rje.  BD of T&TB I 301.  LGCM 587.5.

RO LANGS NAG MO — Tantra.  17 IV 336.1.

Rdo rje RO LANGS MA — In Gshin rje gshed cycles.  BD of T&TB I 266.

RO LANGS GSANG BA'I RGYUD — Part of title in 320 XXI 513.

RO LANGS GSER DU SGRUB PA — Text in IX 92 ff.  See Karmay in ISTS 160.

RO LI PA — See under Rā dznyi.


RO LINGS PA — A disc. of A bha yā kā ra gupta.  17 II 303.2.  Ro lings Lo tsā in 17 II 419.3.

RO BSREG — Cremation rite.  SBTD I 125.

RO SREG THAL BA NAG PO THAMS CAD RDZOGS PAR 'DUS PA'I RGYUD — Text in 319 VIII 147‑155.  320 IV 471‑478, etc.  Similar title in 320 IX 78.1.

RO HI TA — N. of Gtsang po when it reaches India.  See Wylie 118 no. 38.  =Lo hi ta.  See also Das 1222.  4 35A.2.  N. of a fish.  17 XX 104.3.  Lu hi ta in 458 I 243.6.  Cuevas, Hidden History 129.

Yul RO HI TA KA — KB 104.3.

RO HE — A consort of Saraha.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 365.4.

ROG — The rus of Klong chen Rab 'byams pa.  BD of T&TB III 465.  KTDN 66.1.  Variant in Das 255: Rag shi.

ROG — See (—) Bkra shis grags pa (father of Shes rab 'od).  (—) Mngon pa.  (—) Chos kyi brtson 'grus.  (—) Shes rab 'od (1166‑1244).  (—) Shes rab seng ge.

Ta'u ROG RJE GLING PA — Gter ma in 87 XXXI.  Rog rje gling pa 'gro 'dul rtsal.  Bio. in 383 414.5 ff.  =(Chos rje) 'Jam gling rdo rje.  =Bde ba'i rdo rje.  410 69B.4, 173.2.  Perhaps same as O rgyan rog rje gling pa, q.v.  'Dzam gling bde ba'i rdo rje, depiced as a smaller lama figure (first of two) to the right of the main figure in Jackson, Patron 217.

ROG STON — See (— —) Dkon mchog skyabs.

Yar klungs ROG PA — BA 97.

ROG PA RTSA —  =Rog pa sa.  A meditation cave just south of Spa gor.  Ferrari 129.  BA 75, 97, 982.

ROG PA RTSA PA — One Rog pa rtsa pa Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan is named as the artist for a portrait image of Vanaratna.  Portraits of the Masters 341.

ROG PA SA — BA 1078.

ROG BANDE — See (— — —) Shes rab 'od.

ROG BYANG — A county in Ru thog district.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 35.

Rme'u ROG DBAL BON — B. in Gur zhog in Gtsang in decades around the year 1000.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 461.

ROG TSHO SGRUB SDE —  =Bsam grub bde chen.  Vai.Ser. 212‑213.

ROG TSHO CHOS SDE — See (— — — —) Bsam grub bde chen.

ROG GSUM — An area of Ru thog, where the temple Mtshe lung Lha khang is found.  Vitali, Tho.ling 153.

ROG LUGS — See BA 939 ff.  Phur pa texts of this school in 194 VIII.

ROG SHUD ZA — See (— — —) Rge ma.  (— — —) A lo sman.

ROGS — See (—) Shes rab rgya mtsho.

RONG — Gtsang Ru lag Smad kyi sa'i cha Snar lung Rong zhes...  166 4.1.  Mountainous country in the North of Gtsang where a huge Byams pa image was built by Gzhon nu rgyal mtshan.  Das 1193.  Often, Gtsang rong, q.v.

RONG — (pl.n.)  See (—) Ngur smrig.  (—) Chu tshan.  (—) Me dkar mo stag tshang.  (—) G.yag sde.  (—) G.yung phu.

RONG — One of 6 principle lineages of Rnying ma.  See under Bka' ma.  May be short for Rgyal mo rong.  See Rong chen and Rong chung.  As a pl.n., see BA 68, 109, 160, 235, 255, 262, 388, 430, 615, 617‑618, 773, 789.  Same as Gtsang rong connected with Gnubs family.  193 I 296.2.

RONG — See (—) Rtog med zhig po.  (—) Byams chen chos sde.

RONG KLONG — An abbreviated way of referring to Rong zom pa and Klong chen pa, who together were considered to belong to a stream of Guhyagarbha interpretation that contrasted with that of the Zur tradition.  The former interprets Guhyagarbha as Atiyoga, the latter as Mahāyoga.  Almogi, MA thesis 23, 136.

RONG SKAM — BA 78, 100, 319.  See Ro skam.


RONG RGYAB — Birthpl. of 'Jam mgon Kong sprul.  Near Padma lha rtse in ('Bri zla) Zal mo sgang.  23 28.  N. of a Bon mon.  253 II 633.1.

RONG SGOM — See (— —) Tshe dbang snying po.

Sum ldan RONG SGOM — In Bon lineage.  206 587.5.


RONG CHU — Rises in mts. W of Yar 'brog Mtsho between the rdzong of Dpal sde and Sna dkar rtse, entering the Gtsang po at about 89°50' long.  Wylie 140 n. 229.  Also called Gser chu.  ISTS 163.  N. of river in Balkh?  "Golden River."  Markwart 127 (this ref. leads nowhere, and I think Marquart was intended).

RONG CHU CHEN — N. of a mon.  =Rong byams gling, q.v.  166 4.4.

RONG CHUNG — Lateral valley of Rong chen in which Skyed mo tshal is located.  Ferrari 163.  See (Dwags po) Sgom chung.

RONG CHUNG — In Ladakh, lat. 34° long. 77°.  79 88 no. 87.

RONG CHUNG — Area in western Tibet; for list of its temples, see Vitali, Tho.ling 152.

RONG CHUNG RAS PA — Disc. of Mi la ras pa.  BA 435.  4 108A.2; chang 238.

RONG CHEN — See (— —) Rtsa gsum mtshal ri.

Gtsang RONG CHEN — Valley of Rong chu NE of Rgyal rtse.  Ferrari 162.

RONG STON — See (— —) Bde chen gling pa.  (— — Chen po) Smra ba'i seng ge (1367‑1449).  (— —) Tshul khrims 'od zer.  (— —) Ye shes 'bum.  (— —) Shes bya kun rig (1376‑1449).  (— —) Lha dga'.  (— —) Lhun grub rgya mtsho.

RONG THA CHUNG TSHANG SPRUL SKU — See (— — — — — — iv) Blo bzang chos 'byor lhun grub.

RONG THA CHE TSHANG SPRUL SKU — See (— — — — — —) Blo bzang dam chos rgya mtsho.

RONG MDO — In Sbal ti, lat. 35° long. 75°.  Also called Rong yul.  79 88 no. 88.

RONG MNAR MDA' — Achard, L'Essence 82.


RONG PA — A Nepalese people.  373 preface.  Generally, the inhabitants of the Nepal valley, in particular Newaris (since Nepali/Gurkhali come from the hills, and ultimately from the Punjab).

RONG PA — See (— —) Kha drug kha ta'i Sman khang.  (— —) 'Gar dge.  (— —) Rgya sor pa (=Phyag sor ba).  (— —) Chos kyi bzang po.  (— —) Phyag sor ba.  (— —) Me dpung.  (— —) Shes rab seng ge.

RONG PA GTER STON — See (— — — —) Bdud 'dul gling pa.

RONG PUS MO — 253 II 618.4.

RONG PO — BA 642.

RONG PO — See (— —) Bde chen chos 'khor gling.

RONG PO — See (— —) Lce nag pa OR Ljags nag pa.

RONG PO MKHAS GRUB CHEN PO — 'Khrungs rabs noted in SBTD I 18.  Rong po Mkhas grub kyi Rnam thar listed in BLP no. 1887.

RONG PO GRUB CHEN — See (— — — —) Skal ldan rgya mtsho.

RONG PO DGON — Vai.Ser. 255.  Nagano in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 569.

RONG PO DGON GONG — Vai.Ser. 269.

RONG PO DGON CHEN — 'Jigs med theg mchog, Rong po Dgon chen gyi Gdan rabs Rdzogs ldan Gtam gyi Rang sgra, listed in BLP no. 1888.

RONG PO NO MON HAN SPRUL SKU — See (— — — — — — —) Dge 'dun 'phrin las rab rgyas.

Rje btsun RONG PO RAS PA — 476 II 497.7.

RONG SPRUL — 415 XI 119.1.

RONG PHU — Rangpur.  Aris, Discourse 25.

RONG PHU — See (Rdza) (— —) Mdo sngags chos gling.

Rdza RONG PHU BLA MA — See (—) (— — — —) Ngag dbang bstan 'dzin nor bu.

RONG BU A TSA RA — 253 II 190.6.

RONG BO DGON — A small mon. to west of Bkra shis 'khyil (not Bla brang Bkra shis 'khyil!), which should not be confused with Rong bo Dgon chen, a large monastery in Amdo.

RONG BO DGON CHEN — Longwusi.  Horlemann 143.

RONG BON — See (— —) Rin chen 'od zer.

RONG BYAMS GLING — See Byams chen Chos sde.  Also called Rong chu chen.  Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 2, p. 43.

RONG BRAG NAG PO — 239 XXX 61.4.

RONG MI — N. of an area.  253 II 635.6.

Mkha' spyod RONG MO SDINGS — Nam mkha' 'jigs med stayed there.  See 241 419‑554.

RONG SMAN — See (— —) Nyi ma'i 'od.

RONG BTSAN DKAR DMAR — Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 315.


RONG TSHA — See (— —) Dmar leb.


RONG ZOM — See Rang zom.  See (— —) Chos kyi bzang po.

RONG ZOM LUGS — School of Phur pa in 194 IX.

RONG WO — BA 334.

RONG YUL — See under Rong mdo.  See Das 1194A.

RONG RI SNA DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang with 2 incarnates and 55 monks.

RONG LING LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — — —) Rdo rje rgyal mtshan.

Gnyal RONG LINGS — BA 1060.

RONG LUGS —  =Nyang lugs.  Rnying ma lineages.  193 I 303.6.  See (— —) Sgom yig Chen po.

RONG SHAR — A valley E of Nya nang.  Wylie 67.

Mi nyag RONG SHAR BA — See (— —) (— — —) Thub bstan legs bshad bzang po.



ROD CI — See U dren 'dra.

RON PHU — See (— —) 'Od gsal phug.

ROB DGON — 253 II 623.4.

ROM STON — 476 V 212.3.

ROM PO — N. of the family & locale of Sha ra ba's, q.v., birth.  Roesler, KSP 57.  It is located in Byang.

Dbal bon ROM PO — Teacher of Li shu stag ring.  253 II 372.6.  Stein in McKay, History of Tibet I 600.

ROM BU GU HYA — Pictured in 128 67A.  Teacher of Padmasambhava  413 131.2.  Depicted, with identifying inscription, in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 76.

Btsan ROL PA RKYA BDUN — Sku lha of descendents of Khri srong lde btsan.  DTK5 130.  Bellezza, L&T 50‑51.

ROL PA MKHA' 'GRO GLING — Near La phyi.  377 6A.5.


ROL PA RDO RJE — (17th cent.)  Macdonald 141.

ROL PA'I RDO RJE — Lalitavajra.  Disc. of Mai tri pa.  BA 843.  Teacher of Mai tri dzo ki.  17 II 307.4.

Lcang skya II ROL PA'I RDO RJE — (1717‑1786)  B. in Mdo smad Btsong kha.  Dhongthog.  Pictured in 128 404.  Alias: Ye shes bstan pa'i sgron me.  For his Dag yig Mkhas pa'i 'Byung ngas see 158.  Bio. by Thu'u bkwan in 1792‑1794 in 41 I.  Bio. by his younger brother Chu bzang iii dated 1787 listed in Smith and published in supplement to Peking Canon.  See Kämpfe.  Works listed in SBTD I 478.  Author of bio. of the Dalai Lama vi listed in BLP no. 0543, a Lhasa print in 558 fols.  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 0696‑0699.

Lcang gling pa ROL PA'I RDO RJE — (fl. 1577)  17 IV 14.3.  Author of a guidebook to Yam bu bla sgang, q.v., acc. to Btsan lha 1059, where he is called Lcang lung pa Rol pa'i rdo rje.

Gter chen ROL PA'I RDO RJE — (d. 1720)  Belonged to Zur mang Monastery.  Jackson, Patron 7.

Zhwa nag iv ROL PA'I RDO RJE — (1340‑1383)  Also (Chos grags).  B. in Rngod A la rod.  Dhongthog 102.  35 I 321‑395.  BA 493 ff.  Ordination n. was Chos kyi grags pa.  Known for his magic powers, and, at least among the Dge lugs pa, as a teacher of Tsong kha pa.  Invited to Hor yul by Thog gan Thi mur (Toghan Timur).  57 II B 360.7 ff.  Bio. by Zhwa dmar ii in 121 II 203‑319.  Met by Sangs rgyas gling pa.  210 105.3.  Beyer 418‑419.  Dung dkar 33‑34.

Rig 'dzin Chen po ROL PA'I RDO RJE — A gter ston belonging to the 10th rab byung383 220.6.  410 162A.6.  458 I 92.3, 192.5, 327.6.  =Dkon mchog lhun grub.  Text from Mtsho gter cycle in 87 XXXI.  Another gter ma in 87 XX, and 3 more in 87 XIII.  Rig 'dzin Dbang phyug Rol pa'i rdo rje'i Rnam thar Dbyangs can Mgur gyi Sgra dbyangs, by Bstan pa'i nyin byed, listed in BLP no. 1857 (another bio., no. 1858).

Gzhon nu ROL PA RNAM PAR BRTSE BA — Achard, L'Essence 50.

Bu mo ROL PA MO — Queen of O rgyan.  17 IV 371.2, 385.5.  She is also called Klu las Skyes pa'i Rnal 'byor ma.  Dung dkar 123.

ROL PA'I MTSHO BDUN — 445 III 30.3 ff.

ROL PA GZUNGS SNGAGS — 300 preface.

ROL MO — For treatise on music, see 145 V 77‑80.

ROL MO KHANG — Vai.Ser. 183.

ROL TSHO SNGAGS PA — Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 444.  Aka Sngags 'chang Yo mo.

ROS SKAM — Pl.n.  484 I 825.4.

Glag gi RYU BYE — Pl.n.  OTA 678.

Ra sang Rje Spung RYE RYUNG — Teacher of Lord Ra sang (?).  OTA 678.

RYE SHIN — See (— —) Khu bul bu.

RLANGS — N. of the family from which the chiefs of Rtse thang descended.  See 83C 201.  Family of Phag mo gru pa.  20 2.  TPS 633, 690 n. 248.  Wylie 77, 148 n. 314.  See Rlangs Po ti Bse ru in 163.  A rigs87 XXVI 621.3.  232 I 16.  Vitali in Lungta, vol. 16 (Spring 2003), p. 4.

RLANGS — See (—) Karma drag po.  (—) Dpal gyi seng ge.  (—) Byang chub 'dre bkol. (Rlang) Su ga ta go ba.

RLANGS STON RIN PO CHE — Mentioned in preface of 133.

RLANGS PA — One of the first 5 followers of Gautama.  413 19.2.



RLABS CHEN SPYOD RGYUD — See lineage in 165 I contents.

RLABS 'BYUNG BA — Das 413 no. 14.

RLABS RAB TU 'JUG PA — Das 413 no. 44.

RLUNG 'KHOR SROG GI SPU GRI — N. of teachings excavated at Byang Skra bdun rtse'i Lha khang by G.yas ban Ya bon.  BD of T&TB III 328.

RLUNG RJE BAM — 82 82.

RLUNG RTA — For texts on them, see 101SBTD I 210.

RLUNG STON PA — See (— — —) Rgya gar mchod gnas.  (— — —) Rgya ba Paṇ chen.  (— — —) Sangs rgyas dbang ngo.  (— — —) Sangs rgyas mi chog.  (— — —) Sangs rgyas ri bo.  (— — —) O rgyan dpal bzang.

Byang tshal RLUNG GNOD — Temple on right palm of the srin moBu ston 184.  Rlung gnon in 17 II 318.2.

RLUNG GNON SNANG SRID ZIL GNON — Title of a text that forms part of the Klu 'bum scripture, I believe.  Listed in Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Cod.tibet 547.

RLUNG GI BU — Pavanaputra.  N. of Bhima, the Pāṇḍava.  Das 98.

RLUNG GI BU MO — Karmay in Lungta, vol. 16 (Spring 2003), p. 9.

Pho brang RLUNG TSHUBS — 17 II 322.1, 322.6.

RLUNG MTSHUNGS PA — Das 413 no. 25.

RLUNG 'DZIN — N. of a deity.  Rhies & Thurman 339.

Mu stegs RLUNG GI ZHAGS PA GRUB PA — Gces 467.6.

RLUNG SHOD — Pl.n.  BA 860, 872.  TPS 3.

RLUNG SHOD — See (— —) Dar chos sdings.

Rigs ldan RLUNG GSHOG CAN — 438 VII 507.6. 

RLUNG SANGS 'OD LA 'THEN — Son of Yum Sangs 'od la 'then.  Das 1198.

RHYE LIG — Clan name.  See under Gnye ma.  28 83.






LA KEM — See (— —) G.yag mig.

LA KHA — BA 177, 320.  5 120.6, 182.1.  La kha means the top of a mountain pass (see Tibetan-Tibetan dictionaries), and may not be a proper name at all.  See Das under la ka.  Lho brag Gang dkar gyi La khar.  4X I 92.5.

LWA KHA — See (— —) Blo bzang bsod nams rgya mtsho.

Snye nam LA KHA — BA 920.

LA KHA DGON — Bon mon. in A mdo.  253 II 639.2.  Vai.Ser. 254.

Rta nag LA KHA DGON — Vai.Ser. 209.

LA KHA SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Blo bzang bstan 'dzin.



LA GA — A king of Gu ge Byang ngos.  Vitali, Tho.ling 136.

LA GO SPAL — Vai.Ser. 224.

LA GYIN — See Tha'i shang la gyin.

Mkha' 'gro ma LA GHI — 17 IV 243.4.

LA GHU RA —  =Lam ghu ra, q.v.  115 46.3.

LA DGU LUNG DGU — Pl.n.  4 11B.6.

LA BGIN — A mysterious reference used by 'Phags pa for some non‑Buddhist religious founder or another.  See Kuijp in CAJ (1995) 283.

LA 'GREMS 'PHRANG BA'I RTSE — N. of a place.  Karmay, Confucius 575.

LA RGAN — Indicates the highest pass of a series.  Ferrari 162. 

LA RGAN CHU — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 231.

LA RGAN LA — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 231 etc.

LA SGANG DGON — Vai.Ser. 245.

LA NGAG NUB DO — 253 II 567.3.

LA NGAG MTSHO — 253 II 581.1.  ZZFC 209.

Mtsho LA NGAG BSIL MO — TPS 712.

LA NGAR MTSHO — Or, Lag ngar mtsho, q.v.  Rakastal.  Lha ngar Stong Gsum is same as La ngar Rdzong Gsum.  115 40.7.

LA CHUNG — Picture of mon. by this name in Sikkim contained in Singh 128‑129.  Also n. of the river that flows through this high valley.  See Bla chung.

LA CHEN — Sikkim mon. f. in 1858 with 8 monks.  Waddell 285.  See Bla chen.  BA 976.

LA CHEN RIN PO CHE — TR XVI no. 11, p. 5A.

LANYDZA KAR — N. of a town.  BD of T&TB I 916.

LA TU BA — See (— — —) Bsod nams seng ge.

Rgyal po LA GTAM — Chag 80.

LA STOD — Also, Las stod.  Region S of Gtsang po, W of Mang mkhar.  Bu ston 205.  Ferrari 153.  BA 132, 147, 208, 219, 229, 233, 235, 236, 270, 427, 449, 495, 684, 688‑689, 693, 695, 739, 741, 771, 786, 787, 796, 830, 846, 852, 917, 926, 974, 1008, 1018, 1026, 1070, 1080.  In time of Pha dam pa, it was already divided into southern & northern parts (se Zhi byed Coll. III 1.7), and it is often called Nyi ma La stod for some reason, perhaps just because it was sunny?

LA STOD — See (— —) Gro lung.  (— —) Gcung.  (— —) Gcung pa Mchog dkar.  (— —) Stag sde.  (— —) Ldog pa.  (— —) Na zlam.  (— —) Dpal thang.  (— —) Spu tra.  (— —) Dbang rgyal.  (— —) Mang 'gar.  (— —) Gtsang so.  (— —) Rtsib ri.

LA STOD DGON — Vai.Ser. 236.

LA STOD RGYAL — See (La stod Rgyal gyi) Shrī ri.

LA STOD PA — See (— — —) Dkon mchog mkhar.  (— — —) Rgyal mtshan 'bum.  (— —) Chos drug rdo rje.  (— — —) Zangs ri ras pa.

LA STOD BYANG — Principality N of the Gtsang po (La stod Lho is on the S side of the Gtsang po).  TS7 I 271, etc.

LA STOD DMAR PO —  =Dam pa Dmar po.  BD of T&TB III 503.

LA STOD RI PA — See (— — — —) Sher blo.

LA THOG DGON — Vai.Ser. 239.

Mar yul LA DWAGS — Ladakh.  Area in the valley of the Indus between Mnga' ris and Sbal ti.  Das 1201.  Also called Stag mo La dwags.  Waddell 265.  See Nat.Geo. (May 1951 and May 1963).  See 14.  "History and Religion of the Ladakhi Kingdom," TJ vol. 2 no. 2, pp. 38‑56.  Stotras: A Collection of Poems in Praise of Gelukpa Lamas of Ladakh (Saspola 1968), printed from blocks preserved at Ri zong Mon.  The area of Mar yul (Imperial period name for Ladakh) came under Tibetan control by the year 719 CE, when there was an official census.

LA DWAGS BKA' BLON — See (— — — —) Dngos grub bstan 'dzin.

LA DWAGS KHRID DPON — See (— — — —) Padma chos rgyal.

LA DWAGS SHAR KHUL PHUN TSHOGS GLING — Mon. f. by Bstan 'dzin chos kyi blo gros, q.v.

LA DOS DGON PA — 253 II 632.4.

LA DRUG — BA 1066.

LA LDE — Also, La ldebs.  TS7 I 258.

LA PHUG — Note: La phug means 'radish'.  La phug zhes bya ba'i yul zhig yod pa.  4 109A.3.  La phug Padma rdzong. 4 116A.4. Hildegard Diemberger, "The Buddhist Princess and the Woolly Turban," Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines, vol. 15 (November 2008), 337‑356, at p. 345.

LA PHUG — See (— —) Bde chen sgang.

Spa LA PHUG — A Bon mon. in Tibet.  260 preface.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 458.  Baumer has written about its mural paintings.


LA PHYI — One of 20 principal mts.  Das 212.  BA 434, 648, 726.  5 184.5, 185.4.  4 6.1.  4A 37 (map).  Wylie 115 no 12, 130 no. 142.  406 7B.4.  4 89B.3, ff.  17 II 492.4.  4 96B.4, 152B.1, 271A.1 ff, 283B.1.  Called 'Khor lo sdom pa'i gsung gi pho brang in 377 6A.4.

LA PHYI — See (— —) Chu bzang.

LA PHYI PA — See (— — —) Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan.  See (La phyi'i Btsun pa) Shes rab 'od zer.

LA PHYI SPRUL SKU — His 'das log story told in 278 483‑563.  For sources on this 'Das log figure, see Epstein in TJ 7 no 4 (Wint 1982) 81.

Rje LHA PHYI BA — Subj. of bio. by Bsam gtan bzang po listed in BLP no. 0887.

LA BA PA — 53 II 306.4.  Successor of Bi nā sa, succeeded by Indra bo dhi and Ti lo pa in the 'Od gsal Bka' babs.  See under Bka' babs Bzhi.  Son of Bhi na sa and Zangs kyi grags pa who got his name from the sort of gown (la ba) he wore.  24 I 85.3.  Through him Tilopa received especially the Clear Light ('od gsal).  See Indra bhu ti Chung ba.  115 26.3, 58.7, 59.2 ff, 105.5.

LA BA PA — A Tibetan in Guhyasamāja transmission.  Successor of ('Khon) Gad pa kirti.  BA 426.

LWA WA PA DMAR PA — Acc. to TPS 590, a name of U rgyan Gsang ba shes rab.

LA BA PA LUGS — System of Cakrasamvara (13‑deity).  349 XIII 401‑506.

Gtsang pa LA WA RING MO — A Gter ston.  Also called Gtsang ring Shes rab.  BD of T&TB III 504.  410 108A.3.

LA BAR — 17 IV 222.3.  BA 983.

Dags po LA BAR — BA 546.

LA BAR ZUR MKHAR — Place in Dwags po. 

LA BO CHE — N. of the high mt. situated to the back of the mon. of Bsam yas.  Das 1202.

LA BYI DAR MA — Todd Gibson's 1991 dissertation, p. 197.

LA DBYANG CHAGS — Area of Skag rdzong.  See 28 15.

LA DBYIL — See (— —) Rgyal mtshan 'od zer.

LA MA YU RU — (sp?)  N. of 'Bri gung pa mon. in La dwags f. in 11th cent.  14 1, 6, 20.  Nat.Geo. vol. 153 no 3, p. 353.

LA MER MU — Thomas (1935) I 273.  B. Litvinsky et al., eds., History of Civilizations of Central Asia (Delhi 1999) vol. 3, p. 382.  One of two Ta zig (Stag gzig) kings mentioned in an OT document (they're confused, actually it is in the Rgyal po bka' thang).  This one may be 'Amr b. Muslim.  Others suggest al‑Mahmun, 9th century Abbasid caliph.  The second of the pair is Hab gdal (which does look like a name for the Hephthalites; see under He bdal).

LA MO — One of the five great Tibetan oracles.  41 I 8.  N. of village E of Lhasa.  La mo Chag de'u, NE of Dga' ldan, is residence of monks founded by Klu mes.  Ferrari 109.  BA 61, 269.  463 I 69.4.  La mo Byang chub lcog.  See Hazod in TS9 I 39.

LA MO — See (— —) Dung thod can.  (— —) Zhabs drung Dkar po

LA MO KHRI CHEN — See (— — — —) Blo gros rgya mtsho.

LA MO BDE CHEN SPRUL SKU — See (— — — — — —) Blo bzang mkhyen rab mchog grub.

LA RTSE — Means 'top of a pass'.  79 71.  See Lab rtse.  See Das.

Gung thang LA RTSE GNAS PO CHE — Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 180.

LA WA PA — He who wears woolen (la ba) cloth.  Tsārya Klu sgrub La wa pa.  17 II 233.  SBTD I 71.  See under La ba pa.

Rgyal po LA WANG SE NA — BD of T&TB I 887.

LA WO SI — Name for Laos, along with Lā na chan and Sum pa (?).  Its king lived in "Lan thi thā na ka."  Yongdan, TCW 98.

LA ZHING — May be a proper place name or simply mean 'field of a mt. pass', but most likely the former.  4 194A.1, 292A.1.  I've seen it as an actual geographic name.

Brin gyi LA ZE DGON PA — 4 254B.1, 255A.5.

LA ZLO — See (— —) Gsang ba'i 'khor lo.

LA 'OG YUL GSUM — 458 I 208.4, 209.5.

LA YA SMON MDA' — BA 1004.

LA YAG — Pl.n.  BA 976.  (Lho) La yag.  5 198.5.  In western Lho brag.  383 413.6.

LA YAG — See (— —) Gu ru Lha khang.  (— —) Spang grong.

LA YAG JO SRAS — Disc. of Sgam po pa.  BA 462.  See =(La yag pa) Byang chub dngos grub.

LA YAG PA — One of 8 chief discs. of Mar pa.  46 28.

LA YAG PA — See (— — —) (Ba rang) Lba ba can.  (— — —) Byang chub dngos grub.

Lho'i LA YAG PA — See (— — — —) Byang chub dngos grub.

LA YAG LHA LUNG — Thondup, BM 161.

LA RU — See (La ru'i) Gad rdzong dkar po.

LA RU BA — See (— — —) Bsod nams seng ge.

LWA RUL GRWA TSHANG — See Geshé Sopa's autobiography (2012), p. 27.

LA LA NYE MA — A rich landlady.  352 404.17.


LĀ LI TA — Pictured in 128 370.

LĀ LI TA BADZRA — See Sgeg pa'i rdo rje (?).  211 43.2.  BD of T&TB I 266‑270, 794.  Disc. named Lī la badzra.  Excavated Gshin rje gshed cycles in O rgyan.  Disc. of Tilli pa.

LA LI TA HRI DA — Teacher of Shākya shrī bha dra.  17 II 305.2.

LA SHING RI — Pl.n.  253 II 134.2, 581.5.

LA SHAN CHEN PO — In title of work in 320 VII 505.

LA GSHIS — Village. Jackson, Patron 239.

LA SING — One of the ways Zoravar Singh is known in Tibetan sources.  Vitali, Tho.ling 56.  See also 'Byor ra sing.

LA SO — BA 449.

LA HOR ZHI CHING — N. of a person?  1 40.

LĀK — N. of a valley.  Wylie 57.

LAKSHA MĀNA — In S India.  87 I 255.3.

LAKSHA MA SE NA — Father of Rā ga baḥ, q.v.  5 242.5.

LAKSHMĪ DHA RA — A teacher of Shākya shrī bha dra.  17 II 305.2.

LAKSHĪṂ KA RA — Mahāsiddhā.  Or, Laksmīkara.  Tib.: Dpal mdzad ma.  Daughter of Indra bhu ti.  120 116.3 ff.  Bio. in 120 196‑200, where she is said to be the 'sister' (lcam mo) of Indra bhu ti.  When she found out that her future husband was to be an 'extremist,' she fled and acted as if she were insane.  BT XII no 1.  See also Legs smin.  BD of T&TB I 374, 764‑767.  17 II 303.5.  Pictured in 128 63A.

LAKSHĪṂ KA RA — Pundit who visited Tibet in late 13th cent., in time of Dpon chen Shākya bzang po.  Shong Lo Rdo rje rgyal mtshan invited him from Nepal to Tibet, where he translated mainly poetical works.  Thar Lo Nyi ma rgyal mtshan also worked with him.  Mtshan tho no. 116.  Smith, Philology 16.  His verses of praise to 'Phags pa are in the Tanjur (Toh. no. 1172), as pointed out in Smith, Philology 18.

LAG — Pl.n.  81 103.7, 115.

LAG NGAR MTSHO —  =La ngar mtsho, q.v.  Rakas Lake.  Near Ti se.  Wylie 59, 123 no. 74.

Gnyos LAG DRUG — Ordinator of Bru G.yung drung bla ma.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 449.

LAG BDE KHANG — Kuijp in Lungta 14 (2001) 65.  Lag bde means a domestic or kitchen servant.

Gcer bu LAG RDUM — A sa bdagVai.Kar. II 311.  Lag rdum means 'arm stump.'


LAG PA'I CHU BO — A name of (Chu bo) Si tā.

LAG PA CHEN PO — Vai.Kar. II 257.

Khyab pa LAG RING — See under Khyab pa lag ring.


LAG SOR BA — Author of a lam rim treatise.  499 8.3.

LANG KA — [1] A yul in Za hor.  BD of T&TB I 942.  [2] Possibly connected to the Nicobar Islands.  See Bogin's article in Himalaya 34 no 2 (Dec 2014) 15, where the story about leaving trade items on the beach is told, a way of trading without actually meeting the inhabitants of the island.

LANG KA — See under Lang ka'i mkhan po.  There is a Dunhuang text titled Lang ka'i mkhan po dang slob ma'i mdo, evidently translated from Chinese.

Srin po LANG KA — KTDN A X 44.5. 

LANGKA'I GRONG KHYER — Laṅkapurī.  Sa paṇ says it is on an island in the southern ocean, but that some Tibetans ignorant of Sanskrit think it means Pu rangs.  Rhoton, CD 170.

LANG KA MGRIN BCU — BD of T&TB I 940.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 401.1.

LANGKA RGYAL BA BZANG PO — (9th cent.)  A Singalese who went to Vikramaśīla and accomplished the sādhana of Cakrasamvara.  BD of T&TB I 551‑552.

LANG KA'I BDAG PO — A bodhisattva appearing in 320 XI 2‑537.

LANG KA PAR PA TA — 476 IV 414.2.

LANGKA BU RI — In O rgyan.  120 16.1.  Grong khyer Langga pu ra.  120 196.15.

Srin yul LANG KA PŪ RI — 87 I 148.2, 152.2.  KTDN 67.3.

LANG KAR GSHEGS PA — Laṅkāvatāra.  Its date of translation, see  Scherrer‑Schaub in JIABS 25 (2002) 292, 298.

LANG GRU'I MKHAR — Lanzhou.  At (or in) the Sprul pa Sde'i Mchod rten outside the city are said to be the remains of Sa skya Paṇḍi ta.  Thuken 373.  The temple known as Sprul pa'i Sde, or Sprul sde, is subject of a story by Sman lung Gu ru in LPNT VII 83-86.

Rta nag LANG GRO — 253 II 600.2.

LANG GRO — See (— —) Dkon mchog 'byung gnas.  (— —) Jo gshen.  (— —) Sma ra can.


LANG GRO MCHAD PA — Achard, L'Essence 82.

LANG GRO ṆA RA — ?  17 II 322.4.

LANG GRO LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — — —) Dkon mchog 'byung gnas.

LANG MNGAR BO NGES SU — N. of mon. in A mdo.  253 II 640.1.

LANG BAN — A Lung ban Dharma ku mā ra in 129 V 267.5.  Vitali in TS9 I 87.

LANG MI — Listed as one of rgod stong sde of G.yas ru.  28 82.

LANG LAB — See (— —) Byang chub rdo rje.

LANG LAB KYI LUGS — School of Phur pa.  194 IX.

LAD — See (Lad kyi) Lde mchog dkar po.

LAD PO PA — See (— — —) Dpal rgyal mtshan.

LAN DKAR — Mon.  Also spelled Ldan mkhar, La mkhar.  CFMS 90.

LAN 'KHAR NANG — Pl.n.  BA 429.

LAN GRO — BA 443.

LAN CHAGS KYI MGRON — Work in 315 61‑69.  The lan chags are called 'creditors' in Beyer (index).

LAN DE DGON PA DKAR — Havnevik, Dissert. 229.

Sbas pa'i Yul Mchog LAN 'DE — In colophon of Mi la Mgur 'bumFM 206.  K. Schaeffer says this must be the Lande Khola, a river separating the Langtang range from Skyid grong district in Tibet to the north.  Vairocanavajra established a monastery there, evidently.  See Schaeffer in JIP 28 (2000) 371.  TJ 35 no 3 (Aut 2010) 83.

LAN PA — Pl.n.  BA 260, 311, 458, 884, 904.

Kong rtse LAN MED — Gzungs in 427.  See article by S.G. Karmay.

LAN TSHANG KYANG — Chinese name for 'Bri chu.  Das 930.

LAB — Name of a region (yul ming), the native place of Ma cig Lab sgron.  63 I 12A.  Lab lung.  124 453.2, 454.1.  (E'i) Lab.  124 457.2.

LAB SKYABS MGON — See (— — —) Dbang chen dgyes rab rdo rje.

LAB DGON — 253 II 632.3.  In Nang chen.  473 65.

Ma cig LAB SGRON MA — (b. 1054) acc. to Waddell 74.  (1031‑1129) acc. to Dhongthog 86.  (1055‑1149) acc. to BA 983‑984.  Founded mon. of Zangs ri Kha dmar, q.v.  Met Pha dam pa on his 3rd tour of Tibet (his middle sojourn).  Regarded as a reincarnation of the mother of Asaṅga and Vasubandhu, she had 3 sons and 3 daughters.  T.J.Norbu saw her embalmed corpse in a temple on the Gtsang po (this must have been Zangs ri Mkhar dmar, q.v.).  "Khye zhes grags pa'i gdung rigs."  Bio. in 63 I 11.  Her two disciples to whom she transmitted Gcod were (Khu sgom) Chos kyi seng ge and Rgyal ba don grub.  16 39.  Bio. in 453 25.2 ff.  Called Lab khye Sgron me in 63 I 40.  Her native place was Khe'u gang, acc. to BA 983.  17 II 425.4 ff.  Her given name was Sgron ma tshe ring, while her ordination name was 'Bum mer.  124 453.2, 453.4.  Also called A ma Jo mo.  Bio. in 124 451.3 ff.  Pictured in 128 1118.  Bio. cited in Aziz 25.  An anonymous biography in collection of Chime Rigdzin was translated by J. Low in Crook, Yogins of Ladakh.  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 1593‑1595.

LAB CHOS SDE — Vai.Ser. 258.

LAB TU'I DGUS 'KHOR — Pollock, Forms 346.

LAB TU YA — N. of Greenland.  Yongdan, TCW 122.

LAB SDE DGU — Nine counties in the Nub sna part of Ru thog district.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 34.

LAB RTSE — See 79 81 no. 48.  =La rtse.  SBTD I 207.

LAB SO — BA 1002.

LAM — BA 575.

LAM SKOR DGU PO — Nine "Path Cycles" originating in India and preserved especially by Sa skya school.  For a list, see BD of T&TB X 3.

LAM KHYER GSUM — Shangs pa teaching.  36 VIII.  ISTS 141, etc.

LAM MKHYEN — See (— —) Nges don chos grags rgya mtsho.

'Bri gung LAM MKHYEN RGYAL PO RIN PO CHE — Author, Phyag rgya chen po Lnga ldan gyi Sngon 'gro'i Khrid yig Nges don Grub pa'i Shing rta, Sgam po pa'i Chos gling (New Jersey? 2001?), in 175 pp.

LAM 'KHYER RNAM LNGA — 476 I 307.7.

LAṂ GHA LA DHE WI — Image of Tārā near Dhu ma tha la.  115 60.4, 61.2, 64.6, 65.6.

LAṂ GHA LA PA NI — A spring in O rgyan.  115 65.4, 65.6.

Dur khrod LAM GHU RA — In vicinity of Dza lan dha ra and Dza la mu khe.  See =La ghu ra.  115 45.6.

Ma mo LAM RGYUD LUNG — Title in 320 XXX 258 ff.



LAM CHUNG — P.n.  Story told in Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 1, p. 116 ff.


LAM STON BSGOM PA'I LAM — Title in 320 IX 63.4.

LAM BSTAN — Or, Lam brtan.  A gnas brtan.  Pictured in 128 1084.

Mar pa LAM THANG PA — Ordinator of Stag lung thang pa.  17 II 547.4.

Stod lung LAM PA — Vai.Ser. 134.

Lho nub LAM PA KA — Modern Laghman, a province along the Kabul river.  BD of T&TB X 10.12, 25.9‑11.  Grousset 86, 88, 89, 90, 201.  Joshi, Studies in the Buddhistic Culture 12.

LAM PA STHĀ — ?  87 I 285.6.

LAM PHUG — BA 464.  17 II 523.2.

LAM PHRAN BSTAN — A gnas brtan, q.v.  Pictured in 128 1080.

LAM 'PHRANG BCOS PA — Doing road repairs as a meritorious action.  Man ngag Gnad kyi Rdzong 'phrang, p. 369.2.  Man ngag Rin po che Spungs pa (1971), p. 217.

LAM 'BRAS — Its basic text is the Lam 'bras Rdo rje'i Tshig rkang, which was delivered by Virūpa to Nag po pa.  Introduced into Tibet by 'Brog mi Lo tsā ba.  See Ngor lugs, Tshar lungs and Rdzong lugs and Stag lung Bka' brgyud.  36 IV.  Short work in 145 V 366‑369.  BD of T&TB X preface.  349 XXIII, and especially XXVI.  For 'Brug pa transmission through Phag mo gru pa, see 17 IV 460 ff.  See under Kun dga' dbang phyug.  412.  Some of the Lam 'bras lineage holder images, practically lifesized, that were returned to Tibet from Beijing were lodged in Smin grol gling monastery; see illus. in Precious Deposits III 267‑271; notice also Virūpa image from Dpal 'khor Chos sde in Rgyal rtse misidentified as an Arhat on pp. 274‑5.



LAM GTSO RNAM GSUM — Comm. in SBTD I 312.  This work by Tsong kha pa has a comm. by Panchen iv that has been translated by Geshe Wangyal and by Geshe Sopa & J.Hopkins.

LAM ZAB — A chapel at Ngor E wam.  At cave where Ngor chen slept.  Ferrari 147.

LAM BZANG GSAL MDZAD STON PA RIN PO CHE — Picture in 128 83A.  Story of Lam bzang, see SBTD I 75.

LAM YIG — For a 'passport' (or rather letter of safe conduct), see E. Schlagintweit, Buddhism in Tibet 278.

LAM RIM — Bon texts in 325 521‑579.

LAM RIM CHEN MO — 374 I 78.3 ff.

'Phyos LAM RIM THEG CHEN — A mon. near Shel brag nang.  Ferrari 131.  Vai.Ser. 184.


LAM RIM YE SHES SNYING PO — Excavation of Mchog gyur gling pa in 87 LXXXXVI.  With comm. by Kong spru.  Also in 239 XXIX.  Subcommentary in 380.

LAM RIM RANG GZUGS GSAL STON — Title listed in BLP no. 1906.

LAM RIM LHA KHANG — In Potala. Po ta la (1996) 66.

LAM LUNG — In Kamaon.  Lat. 30° long. 79°.  A halting place North of Mi bzlum.  79 82 no. 49.

LAM LHA — Dotson, D&L 21, 22.

Lcam mo LAM LHA — Subject of text in 286 I 606.

Shog Lnga LAM LHA DGON — 253 II 632.3.  Fletcher ("Shoga"?).


LAS KYI MKHA' 'GRO MA — In title in 320 XXXI 175.1.

LAS KYI 'KHOR LO NAG PO — In title in 320 XXI 210.7.

LAS 'KHRO GLING PA PHYI MA— His clan (sku rus) was Kher.  BD of T&TB III 502. This may seem to be the same as Las 'phro gling pa Phyi ma, q.v., although they seem to belong to different clans.

LAS 'GRO GLING PA PHYI MA — (11th cent.)  Gter ston b. in Gnyal stod, belonging to the clan (sku rus) called Rnyi ba.  BD of T&TB II 744.  Nam mkha' rdo rje is one of his names.  See (Gter ston) Las 'phro gling pa, below.

Ma mo Thams cad kyi LAS RGYUD — 320 XXX 126 ff.

Kaṃ ka ni LAS KYI SGRIB PA RGYUN GCOD PA'I RGYUD — 17 IV 348.3 ff.

LAS CHEN — See (— —) Kun dga' rgyal mtshan.

LAS STOD —  =La stod, q.v.  BA 198, 340, 354, 388, 399, 402, 406, 478, 603, 685.  45 Gemur 25.6.


LAS THAMS CAD PA'I BU — See (— — — — —) Ma ne ru ka.

LAS KYI THIG LE'I 'PHRIN LAS KYI RGYUD — Bon tantra in 258 I 565‑583.  See Las kyi Thig le in Nine Ways 109.

LAS DANG PO PA'I SGRON ME — Tantric work.  Sanskrit text by Poussin in his Bouddhisme: Études et matériaux.

LAS KYI RDO RJE — As n. of an Indian pundit, see Karma badzra.

Lho brag Grub chen LAS KYI RDO RJE — Teacher of Tsong kha pa  Wrote volumes called Lho brag Snyan rgyudDas 1336.  See (Lho brag) Nam mkha'i rgyal mtshan.  Beyer 395.  463 I 88.1.  Ref. to biographies in Mongolian, see Uspensky, Prince Yunli 29.  Haarh, Yar luṅ 182.  What seems to be his outer bio. with a gdung rabs is listed in BLP no. 1371, with medium-lengthed outer bio. at no. 1372.

Mkhan chen LAS KYI RDO RJE — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0244.

LAS KYI PHRENG BA —  =Karma ma le.  Tantra in 320 XVII 470 ff.

LAS 'PHRO GLING PA — Four different figures by this name are distinguished in note 7 on pp. 258‑259 of Cuevas, Hidden History: [1] a Sngags 'chang Las 'phro gling pa of Do la (Dol?), disc. of Rdo rje gling pa (1346‑1405); [2] 'Gro 'dul Las 'phro gling pa of Gnyal, disciple of Padma gling pa; [3] Mi 'gyur Las 'phro gling pa of Rgya ma; and [4] Gar dbang Las 'phro gling pa of E yul, in 16th century.

LAS 'PHRO GLING PA — (16th cent.)  TS5 474.

LAS 'PHRO GLING PA — His gter ma were, acc. to Waddell, adopted by the Karma pa school.

Gar dbang LAS 'PHRO GLING PA — 217 445.2 ff.  410 142B.4 ff.

Gro shul LAS 'PHRO GLING PA — Gter bton217 443.1 ff.

'Gro 'dul LAS 'PHRO GLING PA — Gter ston of the 16th century in SE Tibet.  Gter ma in 87 XXXVI.  410 130A.6.  Rig 'dzin Chen po Gter bton Las 'phro gling pa'i Dus Gsum gyi Skye Brgyud dang Rnam par Thar pa Che lon tsam zhig Bkod pa Me tog Phreng Mdzes, autobiography of 'Gro 'dul Las 'phro gling pa with continuation by his disc. 'Od gsal rgya mtsho (Gangtok 1979).  369.

Rgya ma Mi 'gyur LAS 'PHRO GLING PA — See (— — — —) (— — — —) Kun dga' dpal bzang.  His (Bla ma Drag po) Padma Gtum po in 87 XIX.  217 442.6.

Sngags 'chang LAS 'PHRO GLING PA — (ca. 15th cent.)  Evidently not to be identified with 'Ja' tshon snying po, who uses the same name.  B. in Dol.  BD of T&TB III 726.  Excavated the Bla ma Yongs Rdzogs kyi Chos Skor.

LAS 'PHRO GLING PA — A name of 'Ja' tshon snying po, q.v.

Gter ston LAS 'PHRO GLING PA — (7th rab byung)  B. in Nyal stod to the Snyi ba family (compare Las 'gro gling pa Phyi ma).  Father was Dpal 'byor rgyal po and mother was Bkra shis lha mo.  Also called Nam mkha' rdo rje (his monastic name).  210 185.3 ff.  Is to be identified with the 'Gro 'dul Las 'phro gling pa of 369.  Summary bio. at end of 369410 118A.6.  Bios. of Padmasambhava listed in BLP no. 0358.

LAS 'PHRO GLING PA PHYI MA — A gter ston.  In nephew lineage of Ratna gling pa.  His rus was Kher.  Contemp. of Zhig po gling pa (1524‑1583), apparently.  Bio. in 210 207.6 ff.

Rtogs ldan LAS DBANG — 253 II 627.2.

Mkha' 'gro LAS KYI DBANG — Pictured in 320 VIII 3.

LAS 'BRAS KYI LUGS — A name for the esoteric lineage particularly associated with the Sa skya school.

LAS 'BREL RTSAL — Gter ston of the 5th rab byung383 219.3.


LAS BZHI'I 'KHOR LO — Yamāntaka tantra in 320 XXI 549 ff.

LAS BZHI RGYUN LNGA — One of the 'Phyong chen Dgu.  275 preface.

Gter ston LAS RAB GLING PA — (1856‑1926)  23 35.  Author of Rten 'brel Nyes Sel gyi Chos skor, publ. 1974, 1975.  Pictured in 320 XXVII 2.  =(Gter ston) Bsod rgyal.  See 370 preface 7.  See under Tshul khrims bzang po for bio.  432 VI 542.6, 613.3.  See Rdo Grub chen 'Jigs med bstan pa'i nyi ma, Works (1974) IV 377‑447.  Also called Las rab gling pa phrin las mtha' yas rtsal.  (1856‑1926)  The Dalai Lama xiii wrote a letter to him.  Dhongthog 102.  A physical description of him found in Mengele, dGe 50.

LAS RAB RDO RJE — 365 68.6, 332.1.

LAS RAB RDO RJE BDE BA RTSAL — TS7 I 69.  Secret n. of Tsongkhapa.

LAS RAB RTSAL — In picture caption in 320 XXXVI 643.

LAS RAB BRTSEGS PA — Named as one of 4 important zhing khams in the north.  413 11.6.

LAS RAB ZHIG PO GLING PA — Alias of (Nyang po) Mchog ldan rdo rje, q.v.

Rgyal po LI — 406 2A.1.

LI — See (—) Chos grags.  (—) Bdud rtsi grags.

LI KYA DPON PO — See (— — — —) Shes rab dpal bzang.

LI KYA DPON SLOB — See (— — — —) Blo bzang rgyal mtshan.

LI KYA ZHABS DRUNG — See (— — — — ii) Phun tshogs grags pa bstan 'dzin.

LI SKOR PHYA RU BA — See (Li skor) Phya ru ba.

LI KHAR SHING 'PHEL — BA 1008.  Li kha ra shing 'phel, Puṇḍravardhana, ancient Malda & Dinajpur district where sugar used to grow luxuriantly during the Buddhist period.  Das.  Acc. to Monier-Williams, it is n. of a town in Gauḍa, but for more on the location of Puṇḍravardhana, see the note by Sanderson in Einoo, ed., Genesis & Development of Tantrism, p. 88.

Rgya rje LI KHRI BZHER LANG MIG SER — N. of a Chinese king.  Sba 2.

'Phags pa LI KHROD — See Smith in Linrothe, Holy Madness 74.  He was associated with the place 'Dam bu'i Brag dkar Gser khang.

LI GA DUR — Beyer 283.

LI NGUR LHA RTSE — Bon mon.  253 II 567.2.

LI CHU — In Nyag smad.  253 II 634.3.


LI CHUNG — See (— —) Bdud rtsi.

Sbrangs LI CHUNG — His story is told in Bu ston's Yogatantra history, pp. 167‑168.

Byang ngos LI JU KA BA KHRA BO — 170 126.4.

LI RJE — Subject of legend in Karmay in Lungta, vol. 16 (Spring 2003), p. 8 ff.

LI RJE GSER GYI COD PAN CAN — See Todd Gibson's dissertation (1991), p. 194.

LI NYIN — Lenin.  BD of T&TB I 1002.

LI STON — See (— —) Chos grags.

LI THANG — N. of city and province in easternmost Tibet, bordering China.  A mon. in this area had Bka' 'gyur woodblocks.  The Dalai Lama vii was found there.  Not far W of Dar rtse mdo.  Monastery, see TR XV no. 2‑3, p. 20A.

LI THANG — See (— —) Thub chen Dgon pa.  (— —) Spang phug Dgon.  (— —) Byang chub rgyal mtshan.  (— —) A thar.

LI THANG BKA' 'GYUR — See Jampa Samten Shastri, Origins of the Tibetan Canon 776.  Carving began in about 1609.  It had 110 volumes and 38,612 blocks.

LI THANG CHOS SDE — See (— — — —) Dga' ldan thub chen chos 'khor gling.

LI THI — TS7 I 149.

LI DAM 'GUNG — Scherrer‑Schaub in TH&L 434.

LI BDUD — See (— —) Rtsi grags.  (Li) Bdud rtsi grags (?!).

LI NAD NO TSUR PA NI TRAM — This is a rdzu ma entry, intended to encode the name of the compiler of this index for future discovery in case someone changes the name.  Leinad Notserp Nitram is each of the three parts of the complete name spelled backward, then transliterated into Tibetan Wylie; clever disguise, huh.  The city of residence is Me la Su rej.

Bram ze LI PI KA RA — Indian Brahmin who taught Sanskrit to Thon mi Sam bho ta.  Ought to double check if this spelling actually exists in a Tibetan language source, although it appears to be Sanskrit meaning 'scribe,' and therefore not a proper name.

LI PHU HWAR — Dotson, D&L 10.

Sum pa LI PHYO HA RA — 254 II 221.1.  Sum pa Li bya ha ra.  ZZFC 237.

Rna chen LI PHYOGS — Reviver of Bon.  Hoffmann, Quellen 400.

LI BON — See (— —) Mu phya.

Rgya gar Mkhas pa LI BYIN — Invited by Srong btsan sgam po.  132 86.1.  226 I 6.3.  413 166.1.

Rgyal po LI BYIN HA RA — A spirit.  SBTD I 404.  TS5 489.

Dge rgyas LI MA GLING — 17 II 324.4, 342.2.

LI MA BOD — Or, Li mang bod.  See P.T. Denwood & N.F. Howard, "Inscriptions at Balukhar and Char Zampa and Archaeological Observations on the Fort of Balukhar and Its Environs," contained in:  Tadeusz Skorupski, ed., Indo‑Tibetan Studies, The Institute of Buddhist Studies (Tring 1990), pp. 81‑88, at p. 85.

Zhang zhung gi Gshen LI MU KHOD STANGS — SFHB 751.7.

Zhang zhung LI MUR GTSUG PHUD — Bonpo.  253 II 117.2.

LI MO'I BU — N. for Po to ba, as his mother was named Li mo.  Acc. to BA and Bka' gdams Chos 'byung Gsal ba'i Sgron me, the mother of Po to ba was named Le mo, while the mother of Spyan snga ba was named Li mo.  BBNP 466.

LI TSA BYI — Licchavi.  See 17 II 315.6.  N. of a noble family of Magadha to which Tibetan kings could have their origins traced.  Das 1213.  413 128.2.

Jag dpon LI TSI CHING — Bandit chief Li Zicheng.  Thuken 367.

LI TSI TSI — Li Siqi.  Toh, Ming 82.

LI WER —  =Le'uwei, main town in the center of Rab brtan.

Stag za LI WER — 253 I 372.2.

LI ZA STAG RING — Bonpo  253 II 143.5.

Ma Gsod shu LI 'UR MA — A Mahāsiddha at Rebkong b. in 11th cent.  See Smith in Linrothe, Holy Madness 74.

LI YUL — 'country of bell metal' [?].  28 86.  See 'U ten.  Refers to Khotan, and sometimes Nepal.  Das.  Beyond northern Tibet, land of the Sog po (pre-Mongols?).  T.H. 225.  BA 40, 110.  27 179.  See Emmerick and Thomas, Tibetan Literary Texts17 II 319.3.  For the prophecies in the Tanjur, see Bu ston, Collected Works XXVIII 550.7.  Discussion of its identity in NMH 296.  King of Khotan captured by Qarluq King.  Gces 468.4.  Pha dam pa mentions an invasion by armies of Khotan in western Tibet in the Zhi byed Coll. that must have taken place in the late 11th century.  On the Khotan/Nepal confusion, and its resolution in the 18th century, see Ehrhard in Steinkellner Festschrift 129.  RS 108-113.

LI YUL — See (— —) Ljang ra Smug po.

LĪ LA PA — Or, Longs spyod pa.  Or, Sgeg pa'i zhabs.  A Mahāsiddha.  120 205.  BD of T&TB I 633.4.

LĪ LA BADZRA — Disc. of La li ta badzra.  BD of T&TB I 268, 568.  Devotee of Vajrabhairava.

Khyung pho LI LA BRTSAN — Apparently a name, it's found in a rock inscription.  I suppose it could also commemorate some victory of the Khyung po people over the Khotanese (?).  See ZZFC 186‑187. 

Gsas mkhar LI LI BANG BANG — Yamaguchi in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 563.

Bal yul LI SHAN TI — Pl.n.  BD of T&TB III 731.  Li shin ti in 115 85.6, 160.2.  210 78.3.

LI SHI GUR KHANG — Poetic title of a work about older Tibetan vocabulary items.  Smith 11.

LI SHIN — On border of Bal and Bod.  391 III 2.4.

LI SHIN TI — See Li shan ti.

Grong khyer LI SHIM — Area of a city and its population offered to 'Phags pa.  Silimji in a Mongol source.  Thu'u 451.  Lixin.  Thuken 374.

LI SHIR DE — P.n.  Takeuchi in TS6 855.

LI SHU — Ancient Bon sage.  Kværne no 31.

Snya chen LI SHU — Bonpo.  253 II 138.1.  Kværne no. 49.  N. for Li shu stag ring, q.v.

Snya chen LI SHU STAG RING — Author of text in 299 257‑264.  Author of Yang rtse Klong chen, q.v.

LI SHU STAG RINGS — Zhang zhung period pundit at Bsam yas.  T.H. 219.  Li shu stag ring.  Works in 246.  The name may be prefaced by Gnyan bon.  253 II 371.6 ff.  Worked for sentient beings 2,500 years.  253 II 373.2.  Berounsky, Lapsed 184.

LI SHU BLA MA — Lama resident in Mtsho mtho.  Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 420.

Gar mi LI SHO — See Gar mi li sho.

LI SEG GAGS SEL — Title of work in 249 395 ff.

LI SRAS — In a story about Khotan.  See Todd Gibson's dissertation (1991) 203 ff.

LIG — N. of dynasty of Zhang zhung acc. to 28 105.  See Zhang zhung glossary, where Lig is defined as meaning Tibetan Srid pa.

LIG KAR DHE NA — "King" of Sra ho ra.  115 51.5.

LIG GNYA' ZHUR — =Lig mi rgya.  =Lig snya shur.  28 105.  82 89.  OTA 649.  Old Tib. sources usually have a spelling like Lig myi rhya.  T.H. 40.  206 543.5.

LIG MI RGYA — Also Lig myi rhya.  See discussion in Stein's article on Zhang zhung, at pp. 248‑9.  Following Francke's study of Bunan language, ligmengya could simpy be a verb form meaning 'I did make' based on the root lik-, to make.  See the article by Manuel Widmer entitled 'The Evolution of Egophoricity & Evidentiality in the Himalayas,' p. 18.

LIG MUR GTSUG PHUD — Work in 283 371‑386.

LING KA'I MKHAN PO DANG SLOB MA'I MDO — Stein, Tibetica Antiqua I 152.  Is this a mistake for Lang ka'i mkhan po (q.v.)?


LING CU — Or, Ling chu.  It has sometimes been taken as Tibetan version of the city of Liangzhou, but Sperling believes it transcribes the name of a different Tangut city, Lingzhou (Liangzhou is usually Byang ngos in Tibetan).  See Sperling, Further 8‑9.  LPNT VII 290.

LING CHU KHRI RTSE — In Mdo smad.  HS XXXVI 377.6.

LING TOG RIN PO CHE — Also, Ling tog Sgom chen.  Sp?  Modern Sikkimese Rnying ma pa teacher.  Bio. in Kailash I no 1, p. 10.

LING THAM — Lepcha village with a monastery of same name, f. in 1855, with 20 monks.  Waddell 285.

LING PA — Ling pa'i Brag phug.  4 20A.1.  Ling ba Brag.  4 20A.5.  Ling pa Brag.  4 27A.5.  4X I 282.1, 262.2.


LIN GYI BRGYUD PA — A Chan transmission, it became the Rinzai in Japan.  Thuken 365.

LINDA'I BU MO — N. of the Ya mu na river.  Dagyab 678.

LIṂ A TSA RYA — (sp?)  Teacher of Atiśa.  17 II 283.5.

LU'U KYA GRUB CHEN — See (— — — —) Dge 'dun dar rgyas.

LU'U KYA CHOS RJE — See (— — — —) Don yod chos grags.

LU SKAM RAS PA — Disc. of Mi la ras pa.  BA 435.

Zhang bon LU GU DGRA 'DUL — Bonpo.  253 II 183.3.

Zangs ri LU GU SGANG — BA 464, 572, 642.

LU GU GDONG — Or, Lug gdong.  In Shangs or 'U yug.  See Ferrari 160.

LU'U CUN KRANG — A Kuomintang governor.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 97.


LU PE SHANG — Liu Pin Shan.  BA 505.  Lu‑pe Shan, Liupanshan.  Toh, Ming 82.

Chos rje LŪ MA — 17 II 546.2.  Same as (Chos rje) Ldum, in BA 563.

Gtsang LU MA MGO DGU — See TS7 II 1024, n. 3.

LU TSI KA — Also, Tsa lu ki.  Also. Lu tsi ki.  Tib.: Kog langs mkhan.  Note that Tsa lu ki may be a confusion with still another Mahāsiddha.  Bio. in 120 146‑147.  Kog lang ba means 'to splinter off' or 'to split' (in the colloquial sense).  BD of T&TB I 718.

LU RU — BA 238.

LU RU'I GRAG — BA 238.

LU RO — BA 273.

LŪ I PA — Also, Lo hi pa.  Also, Lū hi pa.  Tib.: Nya lto zhabs.  Successor of Saraha in Phyag chen transmission.  57 II 342.  Bio. in 24 I 44.6 ff.  Met Saraha at Mnyan yod.  Received his name because he lived on fish entrails.  Bio. in 120 2.  Pictured in 128 40, 322.  Pictured in 320 X 3.  BD of T&TB I 383, 401, ff.  Work in 349 XXIV 485‑501.  For etymology of his name, see Sa paṇ, Sdom Gsum (1971), p. 91A.2.

LUG MGO CAN — CFMS 81, etc.

LUG NGAN DA BU SA — See Takeuchi, Old Tibetan Contracts, p. 246, and discussion by Rona-Tas in his review in CAJ 42 (1998) 324.

LUG GDUR — Pl.n.  Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 182.

LUG PA'I MCHOD SBYIN — See Log pa'i Chos Sbyin.

LUG RDZI RAS PA — See Rdzi bo ras pa.

Ru mtshams LUG RA KHA — BA 746.

LUG GI RWA BA — Hermitage in Bhutan.  Aris in BSOAS 39 (1976) 603.


LUG LO BA — P.n., one that means the person was born in a Sheep year.  253 II 256.5.

LUG LHA BAL CHEN — Tucci, Religions 234.

LUGS — Pl.n.  BA 989.

LUGS KYI BSTAN BCOS — Nītiśāstra.  Collections of practical advice for worldly life, promoting nīti, which means political skill or cleverness in secular affairs.  See Roesler in Facets 158.  The ones included in the Tanjur have been studied by M. Hahn in a short article.

G.yor po LUGS SMAD — BA 706.

LUNG DKAR — See (— —) Gshen bstan rin gling.

LUNG KHA — Pl.n.  Area in Mnga' ris acc. to Wylie 124 no. 84.  It is equivalent to Sa dga' Rdzong.

LUNG KHUNG — A vihāra.  Scherrer-Schaub in TH&L 429.

LUNG DGA' LDAN — Vai.Ser. 216.


Gshen lha LUNG SGRA — Stein in McKay, History of Tibet I 599.  Bellezza, L&T 38.

LUNG CHUNG — The text cited by this title in the Bsam gtam Mig sgron is actually to be found in the Dunhuang mss. at Stein Tib. 689‑1.

LUNG CHEN — See (— —) Rdo rje bkod pa.

LUNG CHEN KUN 'DUS SGRON ME — In 258 VI 562‑666.

Smyo shul LUNG RTOGS — (1827‑1901)  A student of Dpal sprul and teacher of Ngag dbang dpal bzang.  39 14.  Fuller form of his name is Smyo shul Lung rtogs bstan pa'i nyi ma.

Skyang sprul LUNG RTOGS SKAL BZANG RGYA MTSHO — His biography, by Skyang sprul Tshul khrims nam mkha' bstan 'dzin, in Mtsho sngon Slob gso, 2nd issue of 1998.

LUNG RTOGS RGYA MTSHO — The Dalai Lama ix.  (1805‑1815)  B. in Mdo khams Ldan Chos 'khor.  Dhongthog 102.  Bio. by (De mo) Blo bzang thub bstan 'jigs med rgya mtsho, publ. in 1979.  Waddell 233.  128 860.  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 0545‑0547 and in Filibeck, Catalog II 348 (no. 746).  His funerary chorten is subject of De mo Blo bzang thub bstan 'jigs med rgya mtsho's work Rgyal ba Lung rtogs rgya mtsho'i Gser sdong Dkar chag listed in BLP no. 0558.

Mkhas grub LUNG RTOGS RGYA MTSHO — 272 preface.  Work in 285 429‑438 ff., 469‑474.

LUNG RTOGS RGYA MTSHO — See Padma lung rtogs rgya mtsho.

Ri rgyal Ris med Bla ma Rin po che LUNG RTOGS RGYAL MTSHAN — (1931‑1997)  Garratt in TS9 VIII 61.

Dge bshes LUNG RTOGS NYI MA — (modern)  See TR XIII, no. 5 (May 1978), p. 9.

Sprul sku LUNG RTOGS BSTAN PA'I SGRON ME — N. of a modern teacher who helped edit the 3-volume collection of previously unpublished works by the Sa skya Gong ma Lnga.

Sku mdun LUNG RTOGS BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — (1929-2017)  33rd abbot of Sman ri.  Bio. in 253 II 46.4 ff.  Fled to India, then stayed in London and Norway.


LUNG STENG PA DGE BSHES — See (— — — — —) Dkon mchog skyabs.

LUNG STONG — Pl.n.  BA 976.

LUNG STONG SMYON PA — A n. of Thang stong rgyal po, q.v.

LUNG STON — See (— —) 'Khor lo rgyal po.  (— —) Lha gnyan.

LUNG STON BYAMS PA'I DKAR CHAG — A title by Gung thang pa listed in BLP no. 1908.

LUNG BSTAN — As a literary genre, see for example, 285 289‑340.  Both Desideri (De Fillipi's book, p. 280), and Waddell (Lhasa & Its Mysteries) found reason to believe in particular Tibetan prophecies.


LUNG BSTAN DUS GSUM GSAL STON — See Sde dge 'Jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse'i 'od zer la Dwangs gsal Me long Gu ru Bde ba chen pos Gsungs pa'i Lung bstan Dus Gsum Gsal ston, in 30 folios, publ. in 1971 from woodblocks preserved in Blo Smon thang, Nepal [N Tib 76‑902819].

LUNG BSTAN RDO RJE — (ca. 1586)  17 IV 81.3.

Bcom ldan 'das LUNG THAMS CAD KYI RANG BZHIN — Text in 319 II 205‑239.

LUNG DRUG — Bon text studied by Kumārarāja.  See Karmay, Great Perfection 211.

LUNG 'DREN GSAL BA — One of the Sku sras Brgyad, q.v.  Kværne 223, 225.  352 793.17 ff.

LUNG PA — One of the 8 Rgod Stong sde of G.yo ru.  See 28 82.

LUNG PONG LHA GANG — Or, Lhung pong lha sde.  Horlemann 130.

LUNG BON — See (— —) Lha gnyen.

Lha LUNG GI DBANG PHYUG — (1098‑1172)  BD of T&TB V 54.  B. in Pho brang Khang dmar and lived from 1158 to 1232, acc. to Dhongthog 112.  Bio. in 165 I 556.

LUNG SMAD PA — Jinpa, Mind Training 316.

Paṇ chen LUNG RIG RGYA MTSHO — 3rd abbot of Bkra shis lhun po (from 1478 to 1487).  BD of T&TB III 287.

Sog po LUNG RIG BSTAN DAR — Author of Sman gyi Rgyud bzhi'i Brda' Don 'Ga' zhig Dkrol ba Rnam rgyal A ru ra'i Phreng ba'i Mdzes Rgyan, published together with his Man ngag Lhan thabs kyi Dka' gnas Dkrol ba Rnam rgyal Gser mdog gi 'Phreng ba, publ. in N.Delhi in 1979 in 2 vols.  DD 718.

Snar LUNG RONG — See under (Snar) Khung rong.

LUNG LAG — N. of a fort.  Beyer 387.

LUNG LUGS — A school of Phur pa.  239 XVIII.

Ldan LUNG LON DGON — Vai.Ser. 259.

LUNG SHAR — See (— —) Rdo rje tshe rgyal.

Rtsis dpon LUNG SHAR — ISTS xvi.  See 19, index under "Lungshar."

LUNG SONG — N. of a mon.  See Schaik, M&T 169.  Sam van Schaik has now written an article entitled "Ruler of the East, or Eastern Capital: What Lies Behind the Name Tong Kun?"  Here the Chinese of this monastic estate name is Longxing.

LUNG GSUM LJONGS — On NE boundary.  See Das 471.

Bla ma LUNG BSAM — (17th cent.)  Macdonald 140.

LUN TI LHA KHANG — In Kathmandu.  LPNT IV 43.

LUN PA BA — Beyer 172.

LUM PA GLONG GA — Das 1216.

LUM PA NAS — A minister executed Chinese style (using lingchi) for treason in 1727.  Alexander, Temples 179.

Slob dpon LUM PO PA — (ca. 1170)  476 I 74.6.

LUM BI BA'I LAM RIM ZIN BRIS — Btsan lha 1060.

Shar LUS 'PHAGS PA — Videha, the eastern continent of cosmology.  Name of Mithila or ancient Tirhut.  Das 1218.  For a list of its rivers, see Das 417.

Dpal ldan LUS MED MKHA' 'GRO — 17 IV 452.3.

LUS MED MKHA' 'GRO'I CHOS SKOR DGU — Basic text revealed to Tilopa, found in 36 V.  For story behind it, see 116 50.1 ff.  Abbreviated as Lus med Chos skor, etc.  Explanations, see 383 315.2 ff.  For references in the songs of Milarepa, see 4 Chang 398, 399‑401, 423‑428, 442, 452‑453.  BA 437, 446, 894.  BD of T&TB VII 45.1 ff.  See Chandra4 189B.6, 190A.5‑6, 201B.6, 203A.4.  Hoffmann, Religions 156.  4A Lhalungpa 92.  4X I 85.4.  17 IV 30.1.  BA 894 says "He [Dgyer sgom Tshul khrims seng ge] bestowed on him [Sangs rgyas dbon] the snyan brgyud of Bde mchog, the System of Lus med Mkha' 'gro [Sri Vajradākaniskāya dharma nāma, Tg. rGyud #1527; a doctrine preached by Ras chung pa containing nine sentences."  BA 437 says, "He [Ras chung pa] again rejoined the Rje btsun who said to him, 'In India there exist 9 classes of doctrines of the bodiless Ḍākinī.  Mar pa had said that I had not obtained more than five (the Sanskrit originals are preserved at the Gro bo lung monastery in Lho brag) out of the 9 classes of these doctrines, and he had suggested to me to bring the complete doctrines from India.  Now Raschungpa, you should go to India and bring back all of these doctrines...  Ras chung pa received all the teachings from Ti phu pa... Milarepa bestowed them on Ngam rdzong pa who composed a guidebook on them.  The lineage he founded became known as Bde mchog Snyan rgyud, while that founded by Ras chung pa was called Ras chung Snyan brgyud." (The Tibetan for this passage is found in BD of T&TB VII 45.1 ff.  Chandra 2318, doesn't add anything to this information.)  4 189B.6:  Milarepa talks to Rechungpa who wants to go to India to learn the sciences in order to defeat the logicians on their own ground.  "khyod cis kyang mi nyan par rgya gar la 'gro na rig pa slob tu mi btang / nga lho brag mar pa'i drung nas 'ong dus snyan brgyud kyi cha lag lus med mkha' 'gro'i chos skor dgu las bzhi gnang nas / lnga da dung rgya gar na yod pas nga rang gi bu brgyud kyis phyin nas na ro'i brgyud pa la zhus na longs shing sems can la phan thogs gsungs pa'i lung bstan na'ang sngar sgom blos btang ma nus par ma 'ongs, etc.  4A Lhalungpa 92: (Mar pa is speaking) "However, in India there are nine other forms of oral transmission of the invisible Ḍākinīs which are not so restrictive as the one to one transmission between master and disciple.  Of these I have given you four.  Concerning the five others, someone of our lineage should go and ask for them from the descendents of Nāropa.  They will be profitable to sentient beings.  Learn them as well as you can."  Zhang Lo tsā ba obtained Ngam rdzong Snyan brgyud and Lus med Mkha' 'gro'i Chos from a disc. of Gnyal pa Gsung bcad (BA 446).

Spyan snga LUS MED RDO RJE — Chief disc. of Ras pa dkar po, he was born in Tangut land to the Sga clan.  Bio. in 467 II 170.1 ff. (one of his works, on the Thabs lam chos bzhi, is found in vol. 1)  B. in Fire Pig (1227?)  Ordained as Byang chub dpal.  Secret name was Mi bskyod rdo rje.  D. aged 66 in Water Dragon (1292?)  See Gsang ba lus med rdo rje.

LUS MED ZHABS — See A nanga.

Gter ston LUS RAB GLING PA — This is a mistake for Las rab gling pa in Dhongthog 102.

LUS SEMS 'CHI MED — Shangs pa teaching.  36 XIII.

LE DGE — A Khams pa 'name of endearment' for Li thang Dge bshes Byams pa phun tshogs.  39 14.

LE'U BDUN MA — Basic text of sgrub thabs focussing on the outer guru.  Excavated by (Rig 'dzin) Rgod kyi ldem 'phru can and Bzang po grags pa.  See 87 XII 137 ff.  A famous gter ma in 7 chapters.  Ferrari 154.  TPS 179.  It was concealed by Padmasambhava at (Rgyangs) Yon po lung.

LE NO — A prince of Khyi than (Khitans).  476 IV 84.5.

LE'U BLON — See the names listed in Ngondzin Ngawang Gyatso, "The Lhadag Leu (lha bdag le'u), Ritual Specialists of the Black Water Bon of the Phenomenal World in Southern Amdo: A Brief Introduction," Archiv Orientální, vol. 84 (2016), pp. 561-575, at p. 573:  Le'u blon Lha bza' Byin byin, Le'u blon Klu bzher, Le'u blon Klu rma — all figures from the time of Khri srong lde btsan.

LE DBAL MTSHO — Todd Gibson's dissertation (Bloomington 1991) 119.

LE MO — See Li mo.  BBNP 466.

LE SMIN TSHOGS BDAG — Chinese who got teachings from Ye shes mdo.  LGCM 615.4.

LE'U TSHE — A transcription of Lao‑tzu.  See Matthew Kapstein, "The Strange Death of Pema the Demon Tamer," contained in M.K., ed., The Presence of Light (Chicago 2004), pp. 119‑156, at p. 145 and n. 37.  Kalsang Norbu Gurung has listed references to the identity between Lao‑tzu and Gshen rab in his article, "The Role of Confucius in Bon Sources," at footnote no. 18.

LE'U LUG — ?  A part of Rgyal rong.  253 II 640.4.

LE LO CAN — See A dzo ki.

LE SHOD — 87 I 266.1.  Must be same as Yang le shod.

LE SEG GAG SEL — ?  Title of work in 249 395 ff.

The god za LEG MO — In a Dunhuang painting inscription, apparently the name of the [woman] artist!  See Whitfield & Farrer, Caves of the Thousand Buddhas, plate 53.

Dge slong LEGS SKAR — 368 12.2.

LEGS SKYONG — See Sā dhu pā la.

Gyer spungs LEGS GRUB — 248 20.6.

Rtsang LEGS GRUB — Ordained under Zhi ba 'tsho and sent to India with Bai ro tsa na.  87 I 74.5, 80.4.  132 102.4, 103.4, 103.6, 104.1, 123.5.  See =(Rtsangs) Lha'i dbang po srung ba.  Achard, L'Essence 38‑9.

Khyung po LEGS MGON — 248 19.3, 20.5.

Phya gshen LEGS RGYAL THANG PO — In chap. 1 of Nine Ways.  See Bon polemic of Rong ston, p. 520.1.

Co ro LEGS SGRA — Assassinator of Ral pa can.  17 II 337.5.  T.H. 47.  Evil minister of Glang dar ma.  DTK5 183.

Cog ro LEGS SGRA LHA LEGS — Minister under Nyi ma mgon, q.v.  28 54.  NTSP section NGA 87r.6.  His name appears in the form Co ro Ya yag Dgra Lha legs in HS V 425.1.

Gtsang LEGS SGRUB — 132 96.2 ff.  See Rtsang Legs grub.

Mkhas pa Chen po LEGS MCHOG — Rebirth of Thang stong's brother 'Phan po.  See 5 28.  Stearns, King 110.

Rgya nag Mkhas pa LEGS TANG RMANG PO — Bonpo.  Bio. in 253 II 136.5 ff.  Karmay, Arrow 344.  Stein in McKay, History of Tibet I 600.  He is actually named in a Dunhuang text, Pt 1285, as Bon po Rgya bon Leg tang rmang ba.  See under Legs ldan rmang po.

LEGS THOS — Suśruta  A rishi, and founder of a medical school.  3 12.  KB 95.1.

LEGS MTHONG — 413 73.4.

Rgyal po LEGS MTHONG CHEN PO — Mahāsudarśana.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 346.

Mgon po LEGS LDAN — Sādhana text in 87 LIX.  In 194 XIV.  Pictured in 320 XXXI 685.

Cha har LEGS LDAN — (d. 1634)  King when most of the Kanjur was translated into Mongolian.  Chahar Ligden.  Thuken 375.

Drang srong LEGS LDAN RGYAL — 352 810.21 ff.

LEGS LDAN RJE — Gter ston of the 8th rab byung383 220.3.

LEGS LDAN STON PA — Father of 'Jam dpal bshes gnyen.  LGCM 593.1.

LEGS LDAN RDO RJE — Younger brother of Padma dbang rgyal (1487‑1542).  Famous Rnying ma teacher and immediate predecessor of the Rdor brag Rig 'dzin incarnation lineage.  Mentioned in 76 2.  Gter ma in 87 XXXVII.  His Gu ru Drag po Dbu Dgu in 87 XVIII.  His Bdud rtsi 'Khyil ba in 87 XLVII.  410 137A.6.

Mnga' ris Rig 'dzin LEGS LDAN RDO RJE — (b. 1290)  Rnying ma lama.  Little known about him.  Ferrari 164.  Bio. in 33 445.  217 473.2 ff.

'Brong rtse LEGS LDAN RDO RJE — Smith 96.

Rig 'dzin LEGS LDAN RDO RJE — Also, (Mnga' ris pa Chen po) Legs ldan bdud 'joms rdo rje.  Rnying ma.  Bio. in 33 335.

Rig 'dzin Mnga' ris pa Chen po LEGS LDAN BDUD 'JOMS RDO RJE — Also, (Mnga' ris Rig 'dzin).  (1512‑1625)  210 266.1 ff.  BD of T&TB III 664‑708.  Secret name: Rdo rje gro lod.  Also called Legs ldan rdo rje.  Also called Nyi zla 'od zer.  Karmay, Great Perfection 145.  He was a younger brother of Mnga' ris Paṇ chen Padma dbang rgyal (1487‑1542).  Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 124, where his dates are given as 1488‑1569.

Rig 'dzin LEGS LDAN PA — 17 IV 491.3.

LEGS LDAN 'BYED — B. in Ma la ya.  Disc. of Nāgārjuna.  See BD of T&TB III 30.  =Bhavya, or, Bhāvaviveka (6th cent.).  75 12.  Bio. in 165 273.  BD of T&TB I 207.  T&BS I 212.

Slob dpon LEGS LDAN 'BYED — 3rd predecessor of Paṇ chen Bla mas, q.v.  Pictured in 128 870.

Rgya nag LEGS LDAN RMANG PO — In colophon to FM 364.01.  See under Legs tan rmang po.


Dpal LEGS LDAN TSHOGS BDAG — Nomads 28, 30.

LEGS LDAN LAGS — This is the right spelling for the one commonly referred to as Laden La, according to McGovern, To Lhasa in Disguise 16‑17, which has a description.  Goldstein's history agrees with the spelling, and has still more information.  Nicholas Rhodes, et., A Man of the Frontier, S.W. Laden La (1876‑1936): His Life and Times in Darjeeling & Tibet, Library of Numismatic Studies (Kolkata 2006), in 89 pp.

Mtshur LEGS PA — LGCM 650.2.

LEGS PA'I SKAR MA — 476 IV 328.4.  TS7 I 68, etc.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum IV 491.5.

LEGS PA'I GLING — Author of dkar chags listed in BLP nos. 1150, 1846.

Rgya sgom LEGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — Successor of (Grub chen) Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan in Jo nang Lugs, q.v., no. 14.  Bio. by Kun dga' grol mchog listed in BLP no. 0492 (also, Drepung Catalog, p. 1553).

Zhwa lu ba LEGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — TS5 801.

Zi na LEGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — Founder of Tantra college at Sku 'bum.  Vai.Ser. 264.

Zur LEGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — In lineage stemming from Rgyal thang pa.  119 preface.

Zha lu pa LEGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — (1375‑1450)  4th Khri thog of Dga' ldan.  BD of T&TB VI 120.  Pictured in 128 384, 892.

Shu ke LEGS PA RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 437.3.

Sru LEGS PA'I SGROL MA — Disc. of (Gnubs) Sangs rgyas rin chen.  17 II 389.4.  320 XXVI 493.6.

LEGS PA CHOS 'BYOR — 185 contents.  8th abbot of 'Bras spungs.  Vai.Ser. 93.

Chos rgyal Chen po G.yu sna LEGS PA'I DON GRUB — Subject of a story in 50 327‑528.  Havnevik, Dissert. 173.

Khye'u LEGS PA'I DPAL — 352 7.16.

Sho Rgyal sras LEGS PA DPAL LDAN — See (Sho) Rgyal sras legs pa.

Brgyud 'dzin LEGS PA DPAL LDAN — (14th cent.)  BD of T&TB III 518.  His secret name was Rdo rje thogs med rtsal.

LEGS PA'I BLO GROS — N. of an artist.  Vitali, Kingdoms 387.

LEGS PA'I BLO GROS — Rnam thar listed in BLP no. 1909.

Dge slong LEGS PA'I BLO GROS — Subject of bio. in BLP no. 0461.

Mkhas grub LEGS PA RIN CHEN — 17 IV 396.3.

Gzhad sprul Gsum LEGS PA RIN CHEN — I believe this name is to be found on an amulette box, and that the inscription has not been read correctly.  J.C. Singer, Gold Jewelry from Tibet & Nepal, p. 93.

LEGS PA RIN PO CHE — (d. 1941)  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 102.

Rngog LEGS PA'I SHES RAB — (11th cent.)  Also, Legs she.  Of Yar 'brog.  Settled in Dbus in 1045 & became pupil of 'Brom ston.  BA 324‑326.  Ferrari 166.  Bio. in BD of T&TB V 126.  17 II 372.6, 378.6 ff.  B. in Yar 'brog Sgog mkhar.  Founded Brag nag and Ne'u thog.  Kuijp, Contribution 30.  Pictured in 128 866.  Bio. in 165 376.  Beyer 27, 322, 417, 418.  Author of Dpal Kye rdo rje'i 'Grel pa Rin chen Rgyun (Delhi n.d.) [LTWA GA1/1704 KA].  Roesler, KSP 63 (his chorten).

Lo chung LEGS PA'I SHES RAB — Also, Legs she.  Companion of Rin chen bzang po on his first trip abroad.  17 II 351.1, 352.1, 353.2.  He seems to have the name Lo chung Grags 'byor shes rab in Mtshan tho no. 15, where he is said to have accompanied Rin chen bzang po to India and translated Tshad ma and Bde mchog Skor.

'Bro rje'i LEGS PA'I HOR DRUG — Lde'u 227.  Perhaps Kho ma 'Bro rje is a name here...



LEGS PAR PHA ROL PHYIN — In Jātaka.  Pictured in 128 706.

LEGS PAR RAB SAD — In avadāna story.  TPS 489, 498.

Zhu yas LEGS PO — (11th cent.)  Bon po.  A bio. is used by Dhondup Lhagyal in his article in New Horizons (listed on p. 471).  A work by him entitled Rig pa khu byug gi 'grel pa, in the form of a 64‑fol. ms., is listed in an article by Achard in RET.  Bio. in Katen (300+ vol. version), vol. 203.

Mkhan rabs iv Drung pa LEGS SPYAD DPAL BZANG PO — 4th abbot of Yangs pa can.  35 I 625.

Rgyal bu LEGS SPYOD — 352 588.11.

Gnas brtan Chen po LEGS SPYOD 'BYUNG GNAS — A teacher of Zhang Lo Grub pa dpal, as well as student of Abhayākaragupta.  Acc. to colophon of Paṇ chen i's bio. of Abhayākaragupta.

LEGS BYAS DPAL — ?  Legs byas dpal gyis Mtho ba Sa heb Sba dur Si A'i Gang de'i Drung du, a Tibetan letter.  See Ind.Off.Cat. no. 565.  Evidently written to an English official.

Bram ze'i Khye'u LEGS BYIN — 445 III 10.2.

LEGS BYIN NYI MA — Translator during First Spread period.  87 I 118.3.

Khyung po LEGS BLO — 263 II 218.3.

LEGS 'BYUNG — Kriejger, Tibetan Painting pl. 66, lower register.

Lcam LEGS SMIN — Sister of Indrabhūti.  More properly, her name is Lakṣmīṅkara, of which this name is a 'Tibetanization'.  Das 399.  BT XII no. 1, p. 25.  17 IV 373.4.

LEGS SMON — Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 2, p. 234.

Sna nam bza' LEGS BTSUN — Wife of Dpal 'khor btsan.  DTK5 70.

LEGS MDZAD — Medical teacher of Si tu.  Jackson, Patron 240.

LEGS MDZES — Attendant of Sgam po pa.  BA 462.  73 261.1 ff, 262.6, 267.6.

Rgyal po LEGS GZHER — 87 I 84.2, 85.3.

Shud pu LEGS ZIGS— I.e., Legs gzigs.  Takeuchi in TS6 854.

LEGS BZANG PA — Author of bio. of Tsong kha pa listed in BLP no. 0911.

Rma gshen LEGS BZANG — Bon po.  206 541.5.  248 23.3.

'Phags pa LEGS 'ONGS — 476 IV 384.3.

Lo chung LEGS SHE — See =Legs pa'i shes rab, q.v.  17 II 352.1.

LEGS BSHAD — Subhāṣita.  This is a Skt. literary genre in Tibetan translation, mainly, although some Tibetan writers tried their hands at it.  See Malanova in T&BS II 141‑151.


LEGS BSHAD GLING — Mon., evidently Karma pa.  Grub mchog dbang po, q.v., was its abbot for 7 years.

LEGS BSHAD RGYA MTSHO — Evidently contemporary author of a 2001 publication entitled G.yung drung Bon gyi Rnam grangs.

LEGS BSHAD RGYA MTSHO — (b. 1807)  BD of T&TB V 922.

Bco brgyad Khri chen LEGS BSHAD RGYA MTSHO — (20th cent.)  Author of a shorter Sa skya Chos 'byung.  For title, see 62 399.5.  His biography by David Jackson has been published.

Karma LEGS BSHAD SGRA DBYANGS — (20th cent.)  Father of Kalu Rinpoche.

Zur mang LEGS BSHAD SGRA DBYANGS — (16th cent.)  467 II 217.2.


LEGS BSHAD SNYING PO — Tsongkhapa's well known work.  See Vostrikov, Critical 64.  Comm., see SBTD I 336.

LEGS BSHAD NOR BU — Rgyud bzhi comm. by Byams pa (14th cent.).  T&BS II 249.

Si tu vii LEGS BSHAD SMRA BA'I NYI MA — (1683‑1697/8)  He was recognized as Si tu, but was never installed because his father refused to give him over to the monks at Lho Karma dgon.  TS5 817.  He was b. in Gling tshang Bar ma.  See E. Gene Smith in Lungta XIII (2000) 22 n. 53.

LEGS BSHAD 'TSHOL BA — King in an avadāna.  TPS 493.

Dbu zur LEGS BSHAD ZLA BA — 363 121.1.


Sna nam LEGS SUM SGRA — A Tibetan Phrin blon206 551.6.

LEGS SE — A childhood friend of Milarepa, to whom he seemed to have been engaged.  4A Lhalungpa 19.  4X I 11.2, 12.4, 119.2, 147.6, 148.2 ff, 150.1.

LEGS SE 'BUM — A nya ma of Mi la ras pa.  4C 10.7.  For their first meeting, see 4 6B.3.  4 16A.6, 190A.3, 264A.5, 166B.1 ff.  4A 5B.6.  Legs se mo.  4X I 209.2.

LEGS GSUNG — See under Su bha ṣhi ta.

LENG — See (—) Ye shes brtson 'grus.

LENG CHU — Probably this always means Liangzhou, although there is some discussion.  Horlemann in TS9 I 60.  Schaik, M&T 46 (Leng cu, Ling cu).  Schaik, M&T 163.

LED KONG — P.n.  Coblin in TH&L 70.

LEN KE RA — Eimer, NG 114.

LEN STENG — Mon. in Sga.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 103.

LEN STENG MKHYEN BRTSE — See (Dgon chen Mkhyen brtse) Chos kyi dbang phyug.

LEN PA MI BZHI — The four receiving men.  See Thuken 337.

LEB KHOG — Pl.n.  TS7 I 392.

LO — Pl.n.  BA 94, 285, 287, 294, 296, 299, 303, 1070.  Seems to be short form for Lo ro.

Tsa'i Rgyal ba LO— Lo is a clan name.  One of the discs. of Ras chung pa.  17 II 506.  B. in Gnyal stod. Also figures in Gling ras pa's biography as a teacher.  =Lo byi mgo ba, q.v.  See 24 I 220.6 ff.  57 IIB 350.2 ff.  Bio. in 487 I 25.2.

LO KA PRA DĀ PA — Disc. of Ka na ka shrī.  BD of T&TB I 881‑884.

LO KI CHUNG — 87 I 104.5.

LO KOTTA RA — An Indian Pundit from Hamsvatī, who went to Tibet in 1462.  Shastri in TS9 I 136.

LO KHA BRAG — N. of a wild mountainous country NE of Bhutan with wild tribes.  Das 132.  Probably identical to Lho Kha bkra.  The Kha khra are certain tribal groupings like the Aka and Mishmi of E Tibet and Assam.

LO GYA DUNG — See (— — —) Bde mchog rang 'byung.

LO GYON MA — Texts in 87 LXXIII.

LO DGON — Just North of Skyid chu, 50 miles NE of Lha sa.  F. in 1095 by Spyan snga Tshul khrims 'bar.  Ferrari 112.  See Phag mo Lo dgon.

Brtan LO DGON GSAR — F. by (Mi nyag) Bstan 'phel nyi ma.  Vai.Ser. 235.

LO DGON PA — See (— — —) Bsod nams lha'i dbang po.

LO SGOM — See (— —) 'Jam dpal.


LO NGAM — Probably ancient place in Nyang district.  N. of person involved with Dri gum's severing of the dmu thagStein 49.  Kværne no. 47.  Kværne, Canon 29.  Macdonald, Lecture 197.

LO CHUNG — Pl.n.  BA 178.

LO CHEN — In western Tibet, this is the local term for the occupation elsewhere called Bla ma Ma ni pa.  Havnevik, Dissert. 60.

LO CHEN — See (— —) Bstan 'dzin rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Rin chen bzang po.

LO CHEN SPRUL SKU — A line in Lahul Spiti.  See 144 preface.

1. (Nyan thos Chen po) ('Phags pa) Yul 'khor skyong.

2. (Slob dpon) Ka min chen po.

3. (Slob dpon) Spros pa med pa.

4. (Grub thob) Shing ka ba chen po.

5. De ba bha ma.

6. (Lo chen) Rin chen bzang po.

7. (Btsun pa) Dpal dbyangs.

8. (Rong pa) Rga lo.

9. (Rtog ldan) A yur pa.

10. (Zhang zhung pa) (Mkhas grub) Chos dbang grags pa.

11. (Mkhan chen) Ngag dbang brgya byin.

12. (Rje btsun) Blo bzang dpal 'byor.

13. (Mkhas grub) Dge legs bsam 'grub.

14. Blo bzang bstan 'dzin chos 'phel (b. at Skya mkhar).

15 (Lo chen) Bstan 'dzin rgyal mtshan (disc. of Paṇ chen Bla ma iii Dpal ldan ye shes).

16. (Rje btsun) Bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan (b. in Na'o).

17. (Yongs 'dzin) Dpal ldan rin chen rgya mtsho (b. in Gsum srag, guru of Paṇ chen Chos kyi nyi ma).

18. Blo bzang thub bstan rin chen bzang po (b. 1923). 

19. Bstan 'dzin skal bzang. 

Chu bo LO TA HAN — N. of a river.  4 143B.1, 147B.3, 169A.4.

Lha mo LO TOG 'BYOR MA — 484 I 841.7.

LO RTA DPON — Sperling, Dissertation 221.

LO STON — See (— —) Dge 'dun 'bum.

LO THUNG — Disc. of Zur po che.  33 211.5.

'Brom LO LDING — Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 2, p. 89.

LO RDO RJE BRAG — Horlemann 139.

LO NANG — BA 672.

LO PA — Pl.n.  "O rgyan gyi grong khyer."  115 66.7, 67.2.

LO PA — See (— —) Ma ngor.

LO PA SPYAN SNGA — See (— — — —) Chos kyi grags pa.

LO PAṆ RAS PA — See (— — — —) 'Jam dpal chos lha.


LO BA — Pl.n.?  4 152B.1.

LO BE STENG DGON — Vai.Ser. 240.

LO BYI MGO BA — One of 13 chief discs. of Ras chung pa.  BA 439, 440.  =(Tsa'i Rgyal ba) Lo, q.v.  Kurtis Schaeffer, Dissert. 145.

LO 'BANGS PA BLA MA — Diemberger in TH&L 141.

Klung stod LO MA DGON — Vai.Ser. 247.

LO MA CAN GYI GSANG TSHIG — See Aris, Discourse 41.

LO MA THUR DU 'PHYANG BA — River in Lus 'phags pa.  Das 417.

LO MO — BA 174, 178, 320.

LO MO BA — Area where Sba sgom was born (spelled Lo ma ba, in same source).  BD of T&TB III 258.


LO TSĀ BA — Word used for translator.  Acc. to Ngag dbang nyi ma (443 VI 498.3), this is a late development (zur chag pa) of Lokacakṣu, 'eye of the people'.

LO TSĀ BA CHEN PO — Title of (Cog ro) Klu'i rgyal mtshan, q.v.

LO BTSUN CHUNG — BD of T&TB I 855.  Ong Lo Btsun chung?

LO YO KHYI — Pl.n. in China.  Thuken 353.

LO RAS PA — See (— — —) Chos skyong dpal.  (— — —) Dbang phyug brtson 'grus. 

LO RING SPRUL SKU — 415 XI 37.4.

LO RO — BA 142, 143, 273, 304, 439, 469, 476, 661, 663, 672, 1070, 1088.  District along the Lo ro Chu.  Often, just Lo, q.v.  In Lho kha, S of Gnyal district.  N. of a city in the district of the same name.  Where Dus gsum mkhyen pa met Ras chung pa.  Where 'Chad kha ba was born.  458 I 220.2, 221.2.  (Gnyal) Lo ro in BA 142, 702.  S. of Lho kha.  28 82 (where it is a Stong bu chung division of G.yo ru).  24 I 219.3.  17 II 376.1.  4 287B.6, 279A.5, 305A.4.  Lo ro Mi sde Chen po Drug, in KTDN 66.3.

LO RO — See (— —) Bkra shis tshul gru.  (— —) Khye lab.  (— —) Rgam phag.  (— —) 'Phar.  (— —) Mi sna.  (— —) Mog pa.  (— —) Zhing gsar.

LO RO CHU — 'Black' and 'white' rivers.  Fletcher "Loro."

LO RO'I MCHOD RTEN — See (— — — —) Dkar po don ldan.

LO RO PA — A n. of Ras chung pa.  BA 556.  Of course it could be name of any person associated with Lo ro area.

Bla ma LO RO ZHIG PO — 244 369.2.  253 II 395.6.

LO ROG — Disc. of Zur po che.  33 211.5.

LO LO LHA CHOS 'KHOR — Vai.Ser. 219.

LO SE BA — See (— — —) Dkon mchog bzang po.

LO GSAR — New Year.  Gergan article in TJ 3, no. 3.  Aris in BSOAS 39 (1976).  R. & B. Miller in American Anthropologist 58 (1956) 179‑183.  Farmer's Lo gsar, celebrated at the end of the 10th lunar month, described in Gutschow, Being a Buddhist Nun 63.  See also under Smon lam chen mo.

LO HI TA — See under Ro hi ta.  Kramer, rNgog 114 (here identified as poetic name for Tsangpo River).

LO HI PA — Probably =Lu yi pa.

LO'U HU — Site of Mchod rten Dkar po.  See 332 II preface 10.

LOK TRI PĀ LA — Text in 87 LIV.  Text in 212 V.  Loktri pa la'i Chos Skor, "A collection of revealed texts concerned with the rites of propitiation of Loktripala, a deity of the Dmod pa Drag sngags Class of the Bka' brgyad," publ. in Kangra in 2 vols in 1979.  This publication belongs to the 'Bri gung pa tradition.

LOG GRONG — Pl.n.  BA 784.

LOG GNON CHEN MO — Alternative title of the Lo rgyus Chen mo composed  by Khu ston Brtson 'grus g.yung drung.  484 I 458.7.

LOG PA'I CHOS SBYIN — A king.  Zlos gar 25.

LOG PA DANG SEL — Kakucchanda, one of Shakyamuni's predecessors in the present aeon.

LOG PHUG PA — BA 421, 423.

LOGS DGA' LUNG — Vai.Ser. 189.  F. by Shing dgon dkar ba.

LONG KYOG THANG — Sato in Acta Asiatica 29 (1975) 12.

LONG PO — District in Kong po.  Das 1224.  Ferrari 122.  See Cuevas, Hidden History 17 (and index), where it is said to lie North of Dwags po.

LONG PO BDE CHEN DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang with one incarnate and 83 monks.

LONG BA'I DMIGS BU — Title of a text described in Petech, China 4.  It means Guide for the Blind.

LONG BA'I YUL — N. of a region.  413 424.3.  This must be Andhra (misread as andha, 'blind').

LONG MO LHA STENG — See Ehrhard in SCEAR 9 (1996) 38.

LONG LA DAGTakata Tokio, "A Note on the Lijiang Tibetan Inscription," Asia Major 19 nos 1‑2 (2006) 161‑170, at p. 163.  See also H. Uebach's article "Tibetan Officials in the 8th-Century Southeastern Part of the Empire."

LONGS SKU'I ZHING SMON — Comm. on this work in 279.

LONGS SPYOD — N. of a town.  Banerjee, Sarvāstivāda Literature 95.

LONGS SPYOD GRONG — Bhoganagara, a city that figures in the life of the Buddha.  From here, he traveled to Pāvā.  Snellgrove, SFN 402.  Li, NBA.

LONGS SPYOD RDO RJE — An Indian pundit who came to Tibet at about the end of the 12th century.  Listed, with no further info., in Mtshan tho no. 101. The Sanskritic version of his name is likely to be *Bhogavajra or *Sambhogavajra.

LONGS SPYOD PA — See Lī la pa.

LOM RKED CHOD — N. of a sword.  Bellezza, L&T 74.

LOM TING SGO CHEN — In Bon lineage.  Bio. in 206 567.3.

LYAN SHAN — A Chinese book title.  Thuken 335.

LYU'I MIN — Lumen.  The transmission of Vinaya knowledge in China.  Thuken 366.




SHA KA NI — Cambridge History of Iran III 1231.

Ston pa SHA GU — See Shag gu.  4X I 190.2, 203.7.

Khyung nag SHĀK DAR — 374 I 35.6.  Shar dar.  464 38.1.

Spos ston SHĀKYA KUN DGA' — He reincarnated as Shākya dar rgyas, q.v.

Ri khud SHĀKYA KUN DGA' — Author of bios. of the five Tangut scholars listed in BLP no. 1616.

SHĀKYA BKRA SHIS — (ca. 1230‑1300)  Kuijp, Rivers 312.

Bal mo SHĀKYA KHRI — Wife of Shī la manydzu.  KTDN 45.4, 46.1.

SHĀKYA GU NA — See 4 chap. XI, p. 56A ff.  For first meeting, see 4 7A.3, and also 12B.1, 12B.4, 13B.  17 II 492.5.  4A 5B.6.

SHĀKYA'I DGE SLONG — See (— — — —) Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan.  (— — — —) Yon tan 'od.  (— — — —) Shes rab byung gnas (=Dwags po Sgom chung).

Bsam yas Btsad po SHĀKYA MGON — Kuijp, Rivers 312.

SHĀKYA'I RGYAL PO — In Mes lugs.  BA 405.  57 IIB 348.4.

Slob dpon SHĀKYA'I RGYAL PO — (1383‑1474)  BD of T&TB II 563.  BA.

SHĀKYA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — Ordination n. of Gling ras pa.  53 II 298.6.

SHĀKYA RGYAL MTSHAN — He is mentioned in an inscription.  Luczanits in TS9 VII 123.

Mkhas pa'i Mthar Son SHĀKYA RGYAL MTSHAN — Pictured in 128 226, 236.

Gu shri SHĀKYA RGYAL MTSHAN — See below.

G.yung ston SHĀKYA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — 453 32.1.

Kaḥ thog Hor po SHA KYA RGYAL MTSHAN — A chos 37.

Rgyal mo rong pa SHĀKYA RGYAL MTSHAN — 17 II 382.2.  See =(Rong ston) Shes bya kun rig.

Lce sgom SHĀKYA RGYAL MTSHAN — Disc. of Zur po che.  33 211.5.

'Jam dbyangs Gu shri SHĀKYA RGYAL MTSHAN — (1340‑1373)  Kuijp in Lungta 14 (2001) 59.  He was brother of Shākya rin chen.  Appointed in 1352 as head of the Rtse thang Mon. until he became ruler in 1365.  Kuijp in TH&L 316.  Precious Deposits III 89.  Toh, Ming 86.

Gu shrī 'Jam dbyangs SHĀKYA RGYAL MTSHAN — Phag mo gru pa leader who ruled from 1372‑1384.  TS7 II 874.

A ye SHĀKYA RGYAL MTSHAN — 13th cent. general.  TS5 804.

Dgongs gcig pa SHĀKYA CHOS 'PHEL — 478A I 123.1.

Dge gong gi ce SHĀKYA MCHOG — 17 II 390.1.

Paṇ chen SHĀKYA MCHOG LDAN — (1428‑1507)  Also, Gser mdog Paṇ chen.  From Sa skya.  Took over Gser mdog can in 1469.  Ferrari 162.  His Gsung 'bum in 24 vols., publ. in 1975.  Also called Shākya mchog ldan dri med legs pa'i blo gros.  Bio. in 62 243.1 ff.  17 II 382.4.  Preceptor of ruler of Mustang.  ISTS 134.  Kuijp, Contributions 8 ff.  Karma pa bio. in 35 I 646.  116 312.3.  Bio. by Kun dga' grol mchog listed in BLP no. 1299 (see also Filibeck, Catalog II 341, no. 708).  His writings were banned in the past, and survived because Shākya rin chen (1710‑1759) of Bhutan was able to get permission from the Tibetan government to make a print from the woodblocks (see E. Gene Smith, "Banned Books in the Tibetan Speaking Lands").

SHĀKYA'I TOG — Buddha pictured in 128 692.

Phyogs las Sprul sku ii SHĀKYA BSTAN 'DZIN — (1736‑1778)  Bhutanese incarnation.  59 preface.  Author of bio. in 435.

SHĀKYA DAR RGYAS — Incarnation of Spos ston Shākya kun dga'.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1344.

Btsun mo SHĀKYA DE BA — 87 I 29.4.  Lha lcam Bal mo Shākya de ba.  KTDN 21.4, 24.5, 25.2, 25.3 ff., 51.1.

SHAKYA DON GRUB — A royal descendent.  CFMS 30.

Sgrub chen SHĀKYA DHWĀ DZA — Karma pa.  Bio. in 35 I 673‑674.

SHĀKYA BDUD 'DUL — Cuevas, Hidden History 189.

SHĀKYA RDO RJE — Author of Rdo rje gdan Shambha la 'Phags yul Gnas chen Bod kyi Bsngags brjod, listed in BLP no. 1188.

Grub chen SHĀKYA RDO RJE — 481 72.6.

Grangs chen Lo tsā ba SHĀKYA NOR BU — 458 I 348.1.

Rgyal po SHĀKYA PU RI — 413 143.2.

Mchim SHĀKYA PRA BHA — One who went to invite Padmasambhava.  132 88.6.

SHĀKYA DPAL — N. of Chos sdings pa, q.v. 

SHĀKYA DPAL — Rin chen Shākya dpal gyi Rnam thar Ngo mtshar Snye ma, listed in BLP no. 1875.

SHĀKYA DPAL — A royal descendent.  CFMS 30.

Dge slong SHĀKYA DPAL — Author of bio. of Thugs sras Lo tsā ba Rin chen rnam par rgyal ba listed in BLP nos. 1086, 1418.

'Brom de ba SHĀKYA DPAL — Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 179‑180.

Sngags 'chang SHĀKYA DPAL BA — 349 I contents.

Bu chen SHĀKYA DPAL BZANG — 5 317.6.

Grub chen SHĀKYA 'PHEL — 17 IV 433.2.

Slob dpon SHĀKYA BO DHI — BD of T&TB I 957.

Glan SHĀKYA BYANG CHUB — (12th cent.)  217 709.4.

Bla ma SHĀKYA BYANG CHUB — Appears in a thangkaTPS 332.  He appears in the position of the patron, and the thangka is quite old.  Rnying ma pa figures are represented in the top register.  See especially Jackson, MB 29.

Lha gnyer SHĀKYA BYANG CHUB — =Shag byang.  438 VI 557.2.


'Brog mi SHĀKYA BLO GROS — He is listed without further information, except that he apparently belonged to the middle of the 11th cent., in Mtshan tho no. 27.

Ka ba SHĀKYA DBANG PHYUG — Met by 'Brom ston.  17 II 370.6.  BA 253.  Probably =Ka ba chen po in 17 II 372.6, 373.4, 373.5.  See Dung dkar 9.  Eimer, NG 217 (Ska ba Shākya dbang phyug); 226 (Ska ba, Dge bshes Ka ba).

Mtsho smad Mkhan po Sman bla SHĀKYA DBANG PHYUG — 374 II 424.1 ff.  16th‑century author of a medical history.  He was named after the earlier Ka ba Shakya dbang phyug.  See Olaf Czaja, "A Hitherto Unknown 'Medical History' of mTsho smad mkhan chen (b. 16th cent.)," Tibet Journal, vol. 30, no. 4, combined with vol. 31, no. 1 (Winter 2005 and Spring 2006), pp. 153‑172.

Dus zhabs pa SHĀKYA DBANG PHYUG — Karma pa.  35 I 657‑658.  A teacher of 'Brug chen iii (1478‑1523).  1 24.10.

Mtshe mi SHĀKYA 'BAR — 253 II 190.6.

Ma sangs SHĀKYA 'BUM — TS7 I 272.

Ras pa SHĀKYA 'BUM — 502 159.3.

Rin po che SHĀKYA 'BUM PO — (1265‑1310)  Became abbot of Gung thang in 1301.  BA 717.

'Ching phu'i Rog SHĀKYA 'BYUNG GNAS — Also, (Bsam yas 'Chims phu'i Rog)  Disc. of Zur po che.  17 II 390.1.  Teacher of Zur po che.  33 189.1, 191.3.

Zur po che SHĀKYA 'BYUNG GNAS — (11th cent.)  Also called 'Ug pa lung pa because he founded 'Ug pa lung, q.v.  A great tantric teacher who lived for 61 years in the 11th cent.  BA 109‑113.  Ferrari 159.  33 185.  BD of T&TB III 170‑203.  Successor of (Myang) Ye shes 'byung gnas.  17 II 389.6.  Father: Zur Shes rab 'byung gnas.  His three brothers mentioned in 33 217.3‑4.  Studied Rdzogs chen under a Bon po named Gshen rgyal G.yung drung lha rtse.  206 566.1.  Pictured in 320 XIX 3.  See Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation 17 ff, where he seems to be illustrated in a thangka.

Zur SHĀKYA 'BYUNG GNAS — (14th cent.)  Also, (Zur ham).  Shākya 'byung gnas was his ordination name.  Known as Zur Thams cad mkhyen pa.  Must be distinguished from Zur chen Shākya 'byung gnas of the 11th cent.  See BD of T&TB III 511 ff.  ? 141 14.5.  Called the "later" (phyi ma) in 141 15.4.

SHĀKYA MA TI — Disc. of Devendramati, author of Pramānavārttikatīkā.  76 5.

Dmar SHĀKYA MU NI — Also, Stong lung pa,  17 II 338.6.  Hoffmann, Religions 112.  BD of T&TB X 43.11.

Dge slong SHĀKYA MAI TRI — Met by Padmasambhava  87 I 16.5.

Drang nga SHAG TSHUL —  =Shākya tshul khrims.  Karmay, Rdzogs chen 151.  348 36.1.

Rgya SHĀKYA GZHON NU — 17 II 393.4.

Gsang phu Gling smad pa SHĀKYA GZHON NU — 17 II 536.1.  BA 490.

SHĀKYA BZANG PO — Another n. of (Ston pa) Shākya 'od, q.v.

Mkhan chen SHĀKYA BZANG PO — Karma pa.  35 I 675‑676.

Go shri SHĀKYA BZANG PO — Bio. in 35 I 482.

Nang gnyer ba Grom pa SHĀKYA BZANG PO — Petech (1983) 197, n. 42.

Glan SHĀKYA BZANG PO — Teacher from whom Sgro phug pa (1074‑1134) learned the Gsang ba Sgyu 'phrul gyi Skor at an early age.  BD of T&TB III 282.  Chu bar gyi Glan Shākya bzang po sgyu 'phrul gyi ka ba gsang mtshan Rdo rje myu gu rtsal.  33 232.2.  Jackson, MB 29.

Sngags 'chang SHĀKYA BZANG PO — (16th cent.)  BD of T&TB III 525‑527.  Rebirth of (Mnga' bdag Chos blon) Padma gung btsan.  B. in La stod Lho Gram so rdzong.  Bio. in 210 256.1 ff.  Pictured in 373 I 29‑33 (pictured on p. 34).  410 129A.4.  Considered to be the first Yol mo ba, q.v.  Prob. subj. of autobio. listed in BLP no. 1860.

Dpon chen SHĀKYA BZANG PO — (13th cent.?)  122 86.2.  DTK5 98.  Smith, Philology 17, places his death no later than 1272.  406 4A.4.  Derge LXXVII contents.

Si tu Dpon chen SHĀKYA BZANG PO — Last of the 'Bri gung sgom chens.  Belonged to Skyu ra lineage.  Allied with Byang chub rgyal mtshan against the Sa skya pas, but later became at odds with him and thereby brought destruction to 'Bri gung.  52 3.  208 I 218.1.

Yol mo ba SHĀKYA BZANG PO — Teacher of the king Kun bzang nyi zla (b. 1514).  DTK5 137.

Yol mo ba ii SHĀKYA BZANG PO GNYIS PA — See =(Sprul sku) Nam mkha' brgya byin.

SHĀKYA 'OD — Indian.  Pictured in 128 72A; 320 XII 693.  Ordination n. of Pra bha ha ti.  BD of T&TB I 205.  Mural painting of him illus. in Precious Deposits II 99.

Khri SHĀKYA 'OD — Thuken 282.

Rtogs ldan SHĀKYA 'OD — He composed the bio. with title Grub chen O rgyan pa'i Rnam thar Tshigs bcad ma listed in BLP no. 0298.

Ston pa SHĀKYA 'OD — (15th or 16th cent.)  'Teacher of Lhasa' (Lha sa'i Ston pa).  BD of T&TB 726.  A rebirth of (Sngags 'chang) Shākya 'od.  Also called Shākya bzang po. Excavated the Rgyal po Bka' 'bum gyi cha lag Mdo Skor.  Called Dbu ru'i Ston pa in 217 494.4 ff.  410 39B.3.  410 101B.3.  Blondeau 81, etc.

'Bri ra ba SHĀKYA 'OD — (12th cent.)  Disc. of Zhang Rin po che.  BA 715.

Sman lung pa SHĀKYA 'OD — (b. 1239)  Also, (Sman lung Gu ru).  BA 155, 581, 790.  Famous pilgrim who wrote substantial book on holy places of India called Man lungs pa'i Lam yig (it was made available to the world only recently).  Built chapel in 'Phyongs rgyas belonging to Rnying ma sect.  BA 790.  Tucci, Tombs 32.  17A VII pt. 1, p. 7B.6.  BD of T&TB III 314‑315, 319‑320.  17 IV 448.5.  BA 155.  =Me long gu ru.  Verses of praise to him by the Indian Vimalaśrī are found in Derge Tanjur (here he is called Bsod nams dpal).  Cuevas, Hidden History 125.

Zur SHĀKYA 'OD — (1205‑1268)  Petech (1983) 199 n. 67.

SHĀKYA 'OD MCHOG — Roesler, KSP 63.

SHĀKYA YAR 'PHEL — (20th cent.)  State oracle in time of DL xiii.  Avedon 212.  438 VI 571.6.  Alexander, Temples 105.

SHĀKYA YE SHES — Slob dpon at rab byung of Sangs rgyas gling pa.  210 104.6.

Dge bshes SHĀKYA YE SHES — Also, (Skya ston).  124 435.4.  Disc. of Zur chung.  Secret n., Rdo rje snying po rtsal.  33 232.1.

Mnyam med SHĀKYA YE SHES — (1147‑1207)  Successor of Zhang Lo tsā ba.  Became 2nd abbot of Mtshal Gung thang when Zhang was 67 (1189?).  D. age 61.  Disc. of (Rngog) Mdo sde.  BA 408.  17 II 463.4.  17 IV 457.4.

Dpon chen SHĀKYA YE SHES — See under Sa skya'i Lha khang Chen mo.

Byams chen Chos rje SHĀKYA YE SHES — (1354‑1435)  Disc. of Tsong kha pa who spent many years at Chinese capital.  After his return to Tibet, he founded Se ra Mon. in 1419.  See JASB LXXIII, pt. 1 (1904‑5) 80.  Went to Ha yan si, in China.  See Ferrari 100.  10th of 13 predecessors of Lcang skya line.  BD of T&TB V 184.  B. in Tshal Gung thang.  Belonged to the dpon rigs known as Tshal pa.  Dhongthog 103.  128 984.  Bio. in 165 I 839.  Vai.Ser. 118.  See silk thangka in Precious Deposits III 150‑151.  Byams chen Chos rje'i Rnam thar Tshigs bcad ma, by Bra ti Dge bshes, listed in BLP no. 1468.  Byams chen Chos rje'i Rnam thar 'Dod pa'i Re bskongs Dpal ster Nyi ma, BLP no. 1469.

'Brog mi SHĀKYA YE SHES — (11th cent.)  Translator on whose works the Sa skya pa was founded.  Introduced Lam 'bras teachings to Tibet.  Taught Mar pa Sanskrit.  T.H. 152.  Spiritual master of the founder of Sa skya Mon.  Pupil of Śāntibhadra in India.  Contemporary of Rin chen bzang po.  BA 206, 399.  Lived 993 to 1050, acc. to Dhongthog 85.  Ferrari 126.  B. in Mang mkhar.  He brought Virūpa (the Mahāsiddha's) teachings to Tibet and brought his pupil Gayadhara to Myu gu lung.  Founded Myu gu lung in 1043(?).  'Khon Dkon mchog rgyal po was his disc.  16 34.  17 II 393.5.  See BD of T&TB X 4.  He received Bka' babs of the Lam Skor Dgu po.  BD of T&TB X 44.11.  Pictured in 128 1034 and in Essen & Tingo, Die Götter des Himalayas 121.  (993‑1074/1087).  Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 175.  There is a brief bio. in Lobsang Dorjee Rabling, Five Treatises 180‑181, but here he is named 'Brog mi Lo tsā ba Shākya blo gros.  He is given the dates 993‑1075 in Mtshan tho no. 18, where it adds that he invited Ga ya dha ra to Tibet, and that Sa chen Kun dga' snying po took Lam 'bras teachings from him.

SHĀKYA YE SHES CHOS — Author of bio. of Blo gros rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po listed in BLP no. 1539.

Khams pa lung pa SHĀKYA YON TAN — (1025‑?)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 66.  (1023‑1115)  Dhongthog 32.  Founder of Kham lung Dgon pa, and author of Blo sbyong Thun brgyad ma.  Roesler, KSP 5, 52. B. in 'Phan yul Yung ba.  Disc. of 'Brom ston.  Bio. in 165 435.

SHĀKYA RAKSHI TA — BD of T&TB I 879‑880.

SHĀKYA RAB 'PHEL — Disc. of Zhig po gling pa (1524‑1583).  208 II contents.

SHĀKYA RAS PA — A disc. of Rgod tshang pa.  BA 687.  115 80.4, 81.3, 81.7, 82.2, 82.4.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 353.

SHĀKYA RIG 'DZIN — 421 2A.3.

SHĀKYA RIN CHEN — 6th abbot of 'Bras spungs.  Vai.Ser. 93.

SHĀKYA RIN CHEN — Author of bio. of Nyi ma seng ge (1251‑1287).  24 II 165‑183.  Probably =Spos skya pa.  20 33.

Khri dpon SHĀKYA RIN CHEN — (b. 1347, appointed khri dpon in 1361).  Kuijp in Lungta 14 (2001) 59. ff.  He had six sons with his wife Rin chen 'dzom pa, names listed on p. 60.

Rje mkhan po ix SHĀKYA RIN CHEN — (1710‑1759)  B. in eastern Bhutan.  Gsung 'bum publ. in 8 vols. in 1976; see 135 I VIII.  Author of bio. of Zhabs drung i (1594‑1651) in 24 IV.  20 36.  Studied with Byams mgon Ngag dbang rgyal mtshan.  Served as Rje mkhan po from 1744 to 1755.  Autobio. and bios. in 159 I.  Founded Pha jo gling.  380 contents.  Author of 386.  Author of bio. in 435.  His Autobiography and Selected Writings publ. 1974.

Sgo mo Chos rje SHĀKYA RIN CHEN — (ca. 1660)  BD of T&TB III 288, 328.2.

'Bri khung Sgom pa SHĀKYA RIN CHEN — Aka Shag rin.  484 I 849.7.  It is probably him referred to in colophon to 492 303.3.  Sgom pa Shag rin. LPNT VIII 326.

'Bring ston SHĀKYA RIN CHEN — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 168, 169.  Student of Sangs rgyas yar byon.

Jo gdan SHĀKYA SHES RAB — Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 186.

Hor gyi Dge bsnyen SHĀKYA SHES RAB — (9th cent.)  488 30.2.

Rkyang chen SHĀKYA SHRĪ — (1369‑1448)  A Kālacakra teacher of 'Gos Lo tsā ba.

Grub dbang SHĀKYA SHRĪ — (1853‑1919)  Also, (Rtogs ldan).  Rnying ma.  Dhongthog 103.  Grub pa'i Dbang phyug Chen po Sa ra ha'i Sprul pa Shākya shrī dzñā na, teacher of 'Brug chen x.  1 46, 47.  Author of a gsol 'debs in 129 II 37‑38, where his dates are given correctly as 1853‑1919.  Aka 'Ja' lus rdo rje rtsal, or Tshogs drug rang grol 'ja' lus rdo rje rtsal.  Aka Kun bzang gang shar rang grol.  Aka Dpa' bo rig rtsal thogs med.  Works in 334, 335, 338.  Pictured in 129 II 4.  Verses of praise to him near end of 337Beyer 239.  Aziz, Tibetan Frontier Families 84.  365 72.1, 98.1.  Selected Visionary Writings of Rtogs ldan Shākya shrī, Kelang 1969, printed from blocks preserved in the Kardang Temple in Gar zhwa.  Prayer for his quick rebirth:  415 XI 110.2.  His esoteric teachings: 429.  Teacher of Smon lam rab bzang.  Bio., see 363Indo Asian Culture (Jul 1957) 8.  Kailash I, no. 1, p. 9.  1 46‑47.  377 40B.5 ff, 44A.1 ff.  Met in Rtsa ri in 1910.  377 2B.2, 47B.5.  397 XXIII 297.5, XXIV 392.6.  His name appears in the guide (Dkar chag) to restorations of Swayambhunath by DL xiii, Works C 713.  Works: 340.  His disciple Bsod nams bzang po edited a few volumes of his teachings:  Snyan rgyud kyi Nyams len Skor, 'writings on Rdzogs phyag system of Shākya shrī (Thimphu 1981), including a history.  Nā ro Chos Drug gi Nyams len (a collection of works by various authors).  Shākya shrī'i Sras mo, a ref. to his daughter, see 415 XI 174.3.  Among his physical sons was Ngag dbang chos dbyings.  On a famous clay statue of him, see Mengele, dGe 53. 

Kha che Paṇ chen SHĀKYA SHRĪ BHA DRA — (1127‑1225)  BA 1063‑1071, 349, 485, 893.  TPS 335‑336.  Invited to Tibet by Khro phu Lo tsā ba.  Became monk in 1149.  Arrived in Tibet in 1204.  Taught logic to Sa skya Paṇḍi ta.  Ferrari.  For dating problems, see 27 42‑43.  Bio. in 383 613.1 ff.  476 I 113.4.  5 249.4.  17 II 305. ff, 405.6.  210 25.5.  Pictured in 128 1026.  Beyer 171, 239.  410 198B.2.  David Jackson, Two Biographies of Śākyaśrībhadra: The Eulogy by Khro phu Lo tsā ba and its "Commentary" by Bsod nams dpal bzang po, Franz Steiner Verlag (Stuttgart 1990).  On his compositions, see Kragh's thesis on Sgam po pa.  Bio. by Khro phu Lo tsā ba listed in BLP no. 0180, and see also no. 1300.  TPS 334‑339, including translation of Khro phu's verses of praise; this thangka of his lifestory also reproduced in P. Pal et al., Tibet: Tradition & Change (The Albuquerque Museum 1998) 44‑45.  He came to Tibet with nine lesser pundits (paṇ chung).  Mtshan tho no. 90.  Smith, Philology note 57 discusses the different dates given in the Rgya bod Yig tshang (1122‑1220, with the visit to Tibet in 1206‑1218) and in the Blue Annals (1145‑1225).  Biographies listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 333 (one by Khro phu Lo tsā ba and a longer one by Bsod nams dpal bzang po).

SHĀKYA BSHES GNYEN — An Indian Buddhist monk.  Pictured in 128 270.  Bio. in 165 271.  Also, Shākya mi tra.  Disc. of Nāgārjuna.  Author of De kho na nyid Bsdus pa'i 'Grel paBD of T&TB I 206.  75 12.  N. of a monk met by Padmasambhava  87 I 16.5.  As a Mahāsiddha, depicted in 128 51A.  This is also the ordination name of Klu sgrub.  24 I 54.1.

Mkhas grub SHĀKYA BSHES GNYEN — (b. 1549)  Also, (Pha rgod).  Part of the Thang stong Snyan brgyud.  Bio. in 63 I 61.  Stearns, King 20.

Grub dbang SHĀKYA BSHES GNYEN — 2nd of the predecessors of Lcang skya line, q.v.

SHĀKYA SENG GE — Rab byung n. given to Padmasambhava  87 I 17.2, 17.4.  Pictured in 320 XV 2.

Grub mchog SHĀKYA SENG GE — 383 459.4.  Taught Ras chung Snyan brgyud to Tshe dbang nor bu (1698‑1755).

Ngag dbang SHĀKYA SENG GE — Fifth Bhutanese hierarch.  Preceded 'Jam dbyangs rgyal mtshan.  Waddell 242.

Stag rtse La rgyab pa SHĀKYA SENG GE — Founded Chos sde Byams pa gling, q.v.  Wylie 135 n. 184.

Gtsang po Thang chung ba SHĀKYA SENG GE — DTK5 95.

Rma SHĀKYA SENG GE — Mentioned as a teacher of Gro mo che ba (12th cent.).  BD of T&TB III 384.

Zur SHĀKYA SENG GE — (b. 1074)  =(Gsang bdag) Sgro phug pa. 

Zur SHĀKYA SENG GE — One Zur Shākya seng ge was a teacher of Zur Shākya 'byung gnas (14th cent.), q.v.

Hor gyi Dge bsnyen SHĀKYA SRA BA — Lde'u2 154.

SHAKRA PU TI — BD of T&TB I 525.2.

SHA DKAR — As a name for Greeks, see Kazmi in C.Ramble & M.Brauen, Anthropology of Tibet & The Himalaya, (Zurich 1993), pp. 162‑3.

Srin po SHA RKYANG — Stein, Recherches 48.

SHA SKAM LA — 363 86.3‑4.  Pass in Tsā ri.  17 IV 239.1.

SHA KHUD — Family.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 91.


SHA KHRI — A son of Gri gum.  Stein 49.  Hazod in Steinkellner Festschrift 267.


SHWA DGON — Founded by Chos rje Dmar pa.  46 66‑67.

SHA SNGON CAN — See Das 1227.

SHA CIN THO SA LAG CHE — ?  178 5A.1.

SHA CU — See 82 91.  Transcription from Chinese.  A name for Dunhuang.

Bi dza ya SHA TA — Khotanese king.  Emmerick.

SHĀ TRA PU TRA — See Indra bhu ti Chung ba.  Sha tra pā ri in BD of T&TB I 955.

SHA STON — See (— —) Rdor 'dzin.

SHA DUM — Pass in Tsā ri.  17 IV 239.1.

SHA DUR — See (— —) Tshe dbang 'gyur med.

SHA DO — At Gnam mtsho.  ZZFC 210.

SHWA NA — Skt. Śvāna.  Dog headed protectress in Phur pa system.  See Mayer in JIABS 27 (2004) 149.  Also spelled Sho na.

SHA NA'I GOS CAN — Disc. of Gautama named Śānavāsika.  Pictured in 128 34.  BBNP 474.  TPS 510.  413 73.  SBKK I 317‑318.

SHWA NA CHEN PO — Text in 87 LX.  N. of a protector.  239 XVIII contents.

SHWA NA MA — 413 132.5.

SHWA NA BZHI SKOR — See Rta mgrin Shwa na Bzhi Skor.

Dge bshes SHWA PA GLING PA — Teacher of Sgam po pa.  4 223B.

SHA PIS GLING — Scimpuling.  Santi e briganti 26.

SHA PO SGANG PA — See (— — — —) Padma byang chub.


Myang ban SHA'I SPYAN CAN — BD of T&TB I 539.



SHA PHUR BLA MA — 458 I 208.5, 209.4.

SHA BA — Pl.n.  5 78.1.

SHA BA GO CHUNG — Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 69.

Dge bshes SHA BA GLING PA — 73 246.2.

Lha sras SHA BA SGRON MA — Mother of Grwa pa Mngon shes.  124 484.4.

Myang SHA BA CAN — A n. of Sba sgom.  BD of T&TB III 308.  Or, perhaps, (Myang) Byang chub grags pa.  BA 174.


SHA BA GDONG LHA KHANG — A temple near Da rog Mtsho.  Bellezza in TJ (Spr 1999) 65 ff.

'Phan yul SHA BA 'BUM PA — 'Phan yul Sha ba 'Bum pa'i Dkar chag Rnying pa, a title listed in BLP no. 1389.

Dpal SHA BA RA'I DBANG PHYUG — Mai tri pa met him in the SW.  57 IIB 345.4.  Called Sha wa ri in 17 II 289.2.  =Ri khrod zhabs.  BA 841, 842.  =Sha ba ri pa, q.v.  120 142.13.  Dzo ki pa was one of his discs.  Met by Vanaratna at Śrīparvata.  449 24.5.  Bio. in 487 I 11.5 ff.  Also called Rma bya'i gos can and Ri khrod mgon po.  Tantric disc. of Nāgārjuna.  Das 1229.  Said to have instituted the cult of Vajrayoginī.  Lived to be about 657.  11 71.  Hunter converted by Spyan ras gzigs.  5 58.4 ff.  Bio. in 120 18‑21.  =Sha ba ra'i dbang phyug, q.v.  Pictured in 128 35A, 320.  BD of T&TB I 210‑219.

SHA BA RI PA — Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 193.

SHA BA RU RGYAS — Title in 315 477.  Mentioned in bio. of Khyung rgod rtsal.  See BMBM 101.  Clemente in TS6 133, n. 11.  Subj. of an essay by Samten Karmay.

Dge ba'i bshes gnyen SHA BA LUNG PA — Ordinator of Sgam po pa.  =Shab pa gling pa, q.v.  57 IIB 353.3.

SHWA BAN — See (— —) Dpal ldan shes rab.

SHA BO SGANG — A monastery in upper 'Phan yul.  It was founded by a disciple of Glang thang pa.  Roesler, KSP 24.

SHWA BO SGANG — District in Khams.  Das 1229.

SHA BRAG — A monastery.  Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 130.

SHA 'BAM — Person or place?  BD of T&TB III 366.

SHA 'BAL NAG PO GSANG BA NGAN SNGAGS 'DUS PA'I RGYUD — Bon tantra in 258 IV 373‑446.  506 38.2.

SHA LBE TA KSHA — Sweden.  Yongdan, TCW 122.

Lha mo SHWA MA ṆA — 17 IV 157.3.

SHA MI — Disc. of Jo brtan Nag po dar tshul.  17 II 345.3.  BA 79.  See under Smon lam 'bar.

SHA MI — See (— —) Rdo rje rgyal po.  (— —) Dpal 'byor rgya mtsho.

SHA MI 'DUL 'DZIN — BA 466.  17 II 524.5.

SHA MED GANGS DKAR — Dotson, D&L 24.

SHA MED GANGS DKAR — See (— — — —) Rdo rje spyan gcig ma.  (— — — —) Rdo rje g.yu bun ma.

SHA MED RDO RJE G.YU SGRON MA — KTDN 71.6.  Text in 213 325‑337.  225 X.

SHWA NO NĀ THA — 179 2B.2.  See Shambhunatha in 14.  Identical to Stag tshang ras pa I.

SHA TSAL — I.e., Sha tshal, 'Stag Park.'  OTA 695. Dotson, D&L 16.

SHA RDZA MA ṆI — Nomads 292.

SHWA RDZONG RI KHROD — Xiazongsi Monastery.  Horlemann 138.

SHA ZA BRTSEGS PA — 17 IV 334.5‑6.

SHA GZUGS PA — See (— — —) Bkra shis rnam rgyal.

Rin po che SHA GZUGS PA — Disc. of Yol mo ba III.  373 preface.

SHA 'OG — Havnevik, Dissert. 171.

SHA 'UG — BA 196.

SHA 'UG — See (— —) Stag sgo.  (— —) Stag sgo'i Dom tshang.

SHA RA — N. of a river crossing place.  Stearns, SR 110.

Sprags kyi SHA RA — OTA 659, 668, 676.

SHA RA DGON — Roesler, KSP 34‑35, 55‑66.  The neighboring Sha ra Bum pa is a famous pilgrimage site.  Founded by Sha ra ba Yon tan grags (1070‑1141).

SHA RA THA LA — Pl.n.  See Sumpa, Annals 33.  Stein, Mi–ñag 232.

SHA RA NU — 208 I 238.4.

SHA RA BA — See (— — —) Yon tan grags (1070‑1141).

SHA RA BA DBANG PHYUG — Met by Nags kyi rin chen in Ka lingka.  17 II 310.4.

SHA RA BHA — From Jātaka.  Pictured in 128 716.  Generally this ought to mean a fabulous 8-legged lion-like creature.

SHA RA 'BUM PA — In 'Phan yul.  See Ferrari 83.  Location in map in Roesler, KSP 11.

SHA RA MA NI — See Bi sha ra ma ni.

SHA RA RAB 'BYAMS PA — See (— — — — —) Sangs rgyas seng ge.

SHA RA HOR PA — Ancestor of the Bshad sgra family who lived in time of the Dalai Lama v.  Had office of nang so.  Sha ra Hor pa is evidently the older name of the family.  CHMO 15 1 ff.

SHA'I RI — See Emmerick "Mamsa barna parbata."

Shrī SHĀ RI PU TRA — Indian abbot of Bodhgāya invited to China.  He stayed at Gyantse in 1414.  TS5 562‑3.  Shastri in TS9 I 130‑1.  He was a Kālacakra teacher, and teacher of the Gyantse king.  Lo Bue mentions him in  TJ 26 no 2 (Summ 2001) 76.  Listed, but without any added information, in Mtshan tho no. 121.

Shes rab can gyi Mchog Gyur SHĀ RI'I BU — Pictured in 128 24.  BD of T&TB I 111.

SHA RI 'U CHEN— Sometimes, Sha ri dbu chen.  Zhang zhung pundit at Bsam yas.  T.H. 219.  Work in 246 17‑46.  Bio of Se bon Shā ri dbu chen in 253 II 132.5 ff, 371.4.  Translator of Bonpo texts at the time of the first propagation of Buddhism.  For example, he translated the Klu 'bum into Tibetan.  T.H. 104.

Yar klungs SHA RINGS — 206 555.2.

Rdza dmar SHA RU DGON — 253 II 623.6.  Kværne, Canon 18.  Visited by Roerich; see his Trails to Inmost Asia (1931).

SHA RU BRAG BTSAN — Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, Pt. 2, 182.

SHA RO LA — Pass south of Kokonoor.  Sato in Acta Asiatica 29 (1975) map.


SHA LI PA — Tib.: Spyang ki ba.  See Shya li pa.  BD of T&TB I 661‑663.

SHA LI HO TRA — KB 30.5.  Śālihotra.

SHA SHO — In E of Sman lung.  5 23.3.

SHA SA NA — N. of a mantra.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 23.

SHA SLONG — In Kamaon.  Lat. 30° long. 80°.  79 89, no. 94.

SHAG — Pl.n.  Kuijp in TH&L 299 n. 21.

SHAG KYA THUB PA — The usual spelling for Śākyamuni in Tun Huang documents.  Emmerick.

SHAG SKOR — One of the defunct colleges of 'Bras spungs.  Ferrari 116.  Vai.Ser. 116.  Dreyfus, Sound 277.

Ston pa SHAG GU — Patron of Milarepa at Snye nam.  4X I 193.5.

SHAG RGYAL — See (— —) Gtsug tor rnam rgyal.

SHAG CHU — Sato in Acta Asiatica 29 (1975) 12.

SHAG PO KHA CHAR CI — Mongol.  208 I 237.5.


Lung pa SHAG RAL — (?)  Place where the water was drying up and Thang stong felt sorry for the fish.  5 176.6.  Evidently =Ma pham G.yu mtsho (?) or the valley it belongs to.

SHANG — See (—) Dga' ldan chos 'khor.  Spelling for Shangs.

SHANG — A small Bon mon. of Zhu lineage.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 455.

SHANG KA RA — A Bram ze invited to Tibet by Srong btsan sgam po.  17 II 318.5.  BD of T&TB I 432.  Mtshan tho no. 2.  MKB 437.

SHANG KA SHYA — Pl.n.  TPS 460.

Bram ze SHANG KU — BBNP 481.

SHANG MKHAR DGON — Vai.Ser. 153.

SHANG MDO — Pl.n.  Ch. Shangdu.  Kuijp in TH&L 300 n. 24.

SHANG RDO — Shang tu, capital of Yüan near Peking.

SHANG PO — See (— —) Yu dkar gyi Rong.

SHANG RTSE — For a list of temples in this area, see Vitali, Tho.ling 152.

Gu ge SHANG RTSE GZHUNG — 253 II 567.5.

SHANG YANG HU — Also, Sha yang hu.  Kuijp, KPTB 49.

SHANG RONG — A hamlet in La dwags near A lci Dgon pa.  14 3, 27, 28.  In the index of 14 it is spelled Shar rong (?).

SHANG SHANG — Aris, Discourse 53.

SHANG SHEL RONG — 253 II 567.6.

SHANGS — District of Gtsang to the north of Bkra shis lhun po.  Mkhyen brtse calls it the principle meditation center of Gtsang.  BNA 79, 111, 115, 120, 171, 193, 199, 272, 354, 444, 692, 732, 739, 906, 919.  With (Gle) Phyi ri district it formed one of the 18 dbang ris28 80.  The Stong bu chung of G.yas ru.  28 82.

SHANGS — See (—) Dga' ldan chos 'khor gling.  (—) Mthong smon.  (—) Dbye dmar.  (—) Bde chen rab rgyas.  (—) Rnam gling rdzong.  (—) Rtse gdong.  (—) Zam bu lung.  (—) Zong pa tshal.  (—) Rab ka tshal.  (—) Ring sle bya.  (—) Shel rong.  (—) Sreg zhing.  (—) Lha phu.

Rgya za SHANGS KAR — Dotson in JIABR 1 (2013) 216.

SHANGS DKAR BA — See (— — —) Rin chen rgyal mtshan.

SHANGS SGOM RAS PA — See (— — — —) Zla ba rgyal mtshan.

SHANGS CHU — River flowing through Shangs district which enters the Gtsang po just E of Gshis ka rtse from the north.  Sumpa, Annals 93.  Wylie 140, n. 236.  33 226.2.

SHANGS CHUNG — See (— —) Dar ma bsod grags.

SHANGS CHEN — 28 82.  Ought to be equiv. to the Shangs Valley.  Listed as one of the 8 rgod stong sde of G.yas ru.

SHANGS CHEN CHOS RJE — A n. of Gtsang ma Shangs ston, q.v.

SHANGS STON — See Gtsang ma Shangs ston.

SHANGS STON CHEN PO — Bio. by Nam mkha' bsam 'grub rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 0274.

SHANGS RNAM GLING — Town with a mon. under a rdzong dponDas.

SHANGS PA — Pl.n.  BA 919.

SHANGS PA — See (— —) Chos kyi rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Jo brtan.  (— —) Blo gros legs.  (— —) Shes rab rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Bsam grub dpal.

SHANGS PA BKA' BRGYUD PA — One of the 4 great branches of the Bka' brgyud pa, founded by Khyung po Rnal 'byor pa.  Kalu Rimpoche is said to be the main surviving recipient of its complete transmission.  11 7, n. 6.  For a Shangs pa Bla mchod, see 12 11.  For collection of texts, see 53.  Its characteristic teachings (khyad chos) were Phyag chen Ga'u ma and Ni gu Chos Drug, which separate it from the main trunk of the Dwags po Bka' brgyud.  Work on Shangs pa esotericism in 138.  For a Shangs Chos Dkar chag, see 12 X.  210 57.2.  See 36 VIII.  History, see 12 IX 90.1‑91.1; 484 II 546 ff.  SBTD I 59‑60.  An interesting early essay on the subject written by Fa‑tsun is found in Encyclopaedia of Buddhism, vol. 7, pp. 750‑753.



SHANGS PA RING MO — Proper name?  115 29.1.

SHANGS PA'I RIN CHEN RNAM BDUN — The 'Nine Gems' of the Shangs pa School.  1. Rdo rje 'chang.  2. Ni gu ma.  3. Khyung po Rnal 'byor.  4. (Rmog lcog pa) Rin chen brtson 'grus.  5. (Dbon ston) Skyer sgang pa Chos kyi seng ge.  6. (Gnyan ston) Ri gong pa Chos kyi shes rab.  7. Sangs rgyas ston pa Brtson 'grus seng ge.

SHANGS PO YAB SRID —  =Tshangs pa Yab srid.  Tucci, Religions 215.

SHANGS KYI BRAG RTSA — See (— — — —) Se nag pa.

SHANGS RTSA GSER — Pl. in Shangs.  Das.


SHANGS KYI ZHONG TSHAL — Bon holy place.  Das.

Gu ru SHAḌ GA PA — Tib.: Ral gri pa.  Disc. of Tsar pa tri.  BD of T&TB I 656‑658.  Isn't this just a misspelling for Khadgapa?  Probably so.



SHAN KHA BA — See (— — —) 'Gyur med bsod nams stobs rgyal.

SHAN JUNG — Shandong, the country in which Confucius was born.  Thuken 333.

SHANTA GUPTA — Disc. of Dus zhabs Chung.  BD of T&TB I 814.

SHĀNTA PU RI — A gtsug lag khang of 'Phags pa Shing kun.  17 II 311.2.  BD of T&TB I 498.  449 36.6.  For an interesting spelling Shan ta spu gri (perhaps because of the wheel of knives that guarded its gates), see Ehrhard, Old & New 115.

SHĀNTA PUR — Aris, Discourse 35.

SHĀNTA RAKṢI TA — N. given to Padmasambhava in 87 I 14.4.

SHĀNTA RAKṢI TA — Acc. to Mtshan tho no. 8, he was prince of Za hor in eastern India.  A Mūlasarvāstivādin, he stayed 40 years in Tibet before he died at Bsam yas.  He was 1st to ordain Tibetan monks.  Tibetan sources most often refer to him as Bodhisattva, in various ways of transcribing the word.

Ri bo SHĀ NTI — Near Tsa ri.  17 IV 250.5.  476 II 319.4.

Rig 'dzin SHANTIṂ GAR — Pictured in 128 67A; 320 IX 645.

Slob dpon SHĀ NTI GARBHA —  =Zhi ba snying po.  Phung byed Shānti garbha.  87 I 20.2, 279.5.  132 89.4.  Indian teacher of Gnubs chen.  87 XXVI 344.3.  BD of T&TB I 535.  Translator of materia medica in 361 359‑583.  Officiated at the consecration of Bsam yas in time of Khri srong.  Mtshan tho no. 12.

SHANTI PA — One of Nā ro pa's 7 'most famous' disciples.  57 IIB 344.3.  A teacher of Maitripa.  57 IIB 345.1.  17 II 288.2.  Ā ka ra shānti pa was a teacher of Nā ro pa.  17 II 252.1.  A keeper of the E gate of Bi kra ma shī la.  17 II 270.6.  One of Nā ro pa's 8 principle discs.  17 II 274.6.  Teacher of Atiśa.  17 II 282.2.  17 II 312.5.  Mahāsiddha pictured in 128 36A.  120 120.1.  BD of T&TB I 648‑653.  Taught Vinaya to 'Brog mi.  BD of T&TB X 4.3.

Paṇ chen SHANTI PA — 7th abbot of Bkra shis lhun po.  Subj. of bio. by Ngag dbang bsod nams rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 1301.

SHANTI PA — (1487‑1567)  Shanti pa Blo gros rgyal mtshan.  He had a paternal uncle Mai tri pa.  Abbot at Lang ka Chos sde.  See  Vitali, Tho.ling 43, etc.  'Jam dbyangs Shanti pa Blo gros rgyal mtshan, Shes rab kyi Pha rol tu Phyin pa'i Man ngag gi Bstan bcos Mngon par Rtogs pa'i Rgyan 'Grel pa dang bcas pa'i Rnam bshad Snying po'i Rgyan gyi Dgongs don Gsal bar Byed pa'i Me long las: Skabs brgyad kyi Spyi don (Bylakuppe 2004), in 448 pp.n  Idem., Thun mong Bsdus pa'i Bsdoms tshig Blo gsal Dga' bskyed dang De'i 'Grel pa Lung rigs Smra ba'i Rgyan (Bylakuppe 2005), in 328 pp.

Ratna ā ka ra SHĀNTI PA — Tib.: Zhi ba'i zhabs.  Mahāsiddha.  Bio. in 120 36‑41.  Ā ka ra Shānti pa, a teacher of Nā ro pa.  17 II 252.1.  A pundit of the Sems tsam school and keeper of the E gate at Bi kra ma shī la (or at Nālanda?), later became disciple of Nā ro pa.  To be identified with Shānti pa, q.v.  17 II 275.5.  Teacher of Atiśa.  17 II 283.6, 394.4, 394.5.

SHANTI PU RI — BD of T&TB I 820.  'Phags pa Shing kun Shanta pu ri'i Gtsug lag khang.  BD of T&TB I 897.  406 3B.5.

SHĀ NTI BHA DRA — One of the 8 principle discs. of Nā ro pa.  17 II 274.6  See under Zhi ba bzang po.

SHANTI RAKSHI TA — 17 II 328.1, ff.  BD of T&TB I 520‑525.  Story briefly told in 'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) IV 106.5.

Slob dpon Sngags mkhan SHĀ NTI RŪ PA — 87 I 248.1.

SHAN TI RO ZAN — Rock, Nāga Cult I 143.

Gdol pa SHAN TI LAG PA — LGCM 606.4.

SHANTI SO MA — BD of T&TB I 567.


SHAN DUNG — The Chinese provinces of Shantung.  Das 1231.

Dbugs len gyi SHAN PA BCU DRUG — Tucci, Religions 166.

SHAN PA MCHED BZHI — Karmay, ed., New Horizons 388.

SHAN PA NAG MO — 'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 400.1.

Blon po SHAN PA TSI TUNG — Nagano in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 576.

SHAN PA RA MGO — Nagano in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 576.


SHAN PA SROG SGRUB MA — A Protector.  Thondup, BM 151.

SHWAN MA MCHED BZHI — 87 I 31.3.  Read: Shwa na ma mched bzhi?

SHWAN YWAN — Xianyuan, name of a mountain in China.  Thuken 335.

Dge bshes SHAN SHEN STON DGE — 356 I 215.5.

SHAB — A lung SW of Bkra shis lhun po.  Ferrari 157.  In Gtsang.  BA 82, 162, 222, 224, 227, 420, 705, 732, 906, 918.  District between Sa skya and Gzhis ka rtse.  Das 1231.  BD of T&TB X 22.7, 89.10.

SHAB — See (—) Dge sdings.  (—) Sgo lnga.  (—) Lcang ra.  (—) Ba mo che.  (—) Zo nga ba.

SHAB STOD — See (— —) Lhun po rtse.

SHAB PA GLING — BA 305, 464.

Dge ba'i bshes gnyen SHAB PA GLING PA — Ordinator of Sgam po pa.  =Sha ba lung pa.  BA 453.

SHAB KYI BRAG RTSE — See (— — — —) So nag pa.

SHAB SMAD BSGOM GNAS — N. of dgon pa where Bu ston was born.  27 65.  =Shab Sgom gnas in 17 II 416.4.

SHAB YA KHYER BLA MA — Contemp. of Rong zom.  205 preface.

SHAB HAB — N. of a mt. range.  Uebach in Daffina (1990) 402.  This place name appears in Uebach's study of Nel‑pa's history at p. 59, note 202.

SHABS — In Gtsang stod.

SHAM KA RA — See Shang ka ra.

SHAM THABS SNGON PO CAN — An Indian personage, he therefore ought to have an Indian name apart from this Tibetan nickname.  BD of T&TB I 349.  Accused of mixing Buddhism, heresy and Bon.  348 130.1.  253 II 537.2 ff.  484 I 680.6.  The story of this [former] monk's visit to a whorehouse is even told in Ceylon, in a 14th century historical work called the Nikaya Saṅgraha; see Selected Essays of Rahul Sankrityayan, People's Publishing House (New Delhi 1984), pp. 119‑120.  RS 274-278.

Sku lha SHAM PO — Protector.  Pictured in 216A.

SHAM PO GANGS — BA 986.  17 II 505.  Sham po in 87 I 268.2.  =Yar lha sham po.  87 I 269.4.  Sham po'i Gangs Phug mo che.  124 478.5, 479.1, 479.2.  4 305A.4.  Sham po Gangs Zhol is a village at foot (zhol) of Sham po Gangs.  KTDN 66.2.

SHAM PO GTER MA — Bon excavation by (Rma) Shes rab seng ge.  293 preface.

Nyang ro SHAM PO RTSE — 253 II 573.4.

Lce phu SHAM PO LUNG — 87 I 42.5.

SHAM BU — Pl.n.  BA 491, 696, 814, 937, 953, 987‑988.  CFMS 12 explains this as a borrowing from Shambhu, name for Shiva.

SHAM BU — See (— —) Lcal.


SHAM BU NĀ THA — Pandey 12.

SHAM BU RTSE DGU —  =Rtse chen, q.v.  TS5 560.  Kuijp in CAJ (1995) 295.

SHAM BHA DA TA — BD of T&TB I 889.

SHAM BHA LA— As John Newman has shown, the correct spelling in the Sanskrit texts is Sambhala, not Shambhala, although the latter is still the common spelling used in Tibetan Studies.  Sham bla la'i 'Phro khrid; 224 X 369 ff.  Lam yig in 225 X 1‑100.  Kværne no. 44.  243 I 595.4.  KTDN 131.2.  Tibetans identify it with Siberia, acc. to David‑Neel, My Journey to Lhasa 249.  See Gar je K'am trul Rinpoche, "A Geography & History of Shambhala," TJ 3 no 3, pp. 3‑11.  Thangka in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 203, depicts the final battle.  Mural depiction from Dzam thang, see BLKC I 210.  Sman lung Gu ru seems to identify it with the northern half of the small Jambu Island, combining under one common name three different great countries on its north side.  LPNT VII 93.  RS 318-325.

SHAM BHAR — BA 792, 793.  BA 516, 699, 753, 756‑757, 761, 783, 814, 825, 1045.  Stearns, SR 102, 104 (Lha snyan Sham bhar).

SHAM BHAR CHOS RJE — Stearns, SR 102.

ṢHAṂ RAG ṢA — A city.  87 I 247.6.

SHAR — Pl.n.  BA 1040.

SHAR KA PA — Subject of a gdan rabs in 488 51‑78.

SHAR SKYA BA — A well to do farming family connected to the Sa khud nang pa family.  See 40 4.

SHAR KHA — A pl. in Tibet.  Das 1232.  BA 46‑47.  TS5 803.

Dpal ldan SHAR KHA BA — A famous bla maDas 1232.  Name of a family.  Kuijp in  Lungta 14 (2001) 63 ff.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 41 n. 58, translates passage from Rgya Bod Yig tshang on their origins.

SHAR KHA RAS CHEN — (15th cent.)  A teacher of Grags pa mtha' yas (1469‑1531).  49 preface.  Included in Ras chung Snyan brgyud transmission lineages, he helped compile its yig cha.  See 74 preface.  Bio. by his disc. Byang chub bzang po in 74 I 281‑291.  Work in 74 I 425‑470.  Pictured in 176 2A.  Work on Vajra Body (Rdo rje'i Lus) in 331 337‑380.  See also (— — — —) Bde chen dpal 'bar.  For an inscribed portrait bronze, see Weldon & Singer, Sculptural Heritage 138, as well as HAR no. 68473.

SHAR KHA RAS PA — A name given to Stag tshang ras pa I by his teacher Lha rtse ba.  Schwieger in Kailash 18 (1996) 88.

SHAR KHUL PHUN TSHOGS GLING — See La dwags Shar khul Phun tshogs gling.

SHAR GANGS — Mang yul Skyi rong gi Ri bo.  115 127.2.

SHAR 'GO LHA — In La dwags.  Roerich, Trails 12.

SHAR RGYUD NA KHA — The site of the Capuchin church, near Mo ru Monastery, in the NE part of Lhasa.  Engelhardt, Between 66.  The bill of sale was concluded by Pope Innocence xiii and the Dalai Lama.  There is a document from the 7th Dalai Lama giving the Capuchins permission to preach, and another from Pho lha nas, in Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek, Cod.tibet 507 508.  Isrun Engelhardt traces the provenance of these documents in a footnote to her article "Between Tolerance and Dogmatism."

SHAR CHUNG — See (— —) Rin chen rgyal mtshan.

SHAR CHEN — A lineage.  27 11.

SHAR GTAD MTSHO — Site of paleolithic remains.  Precious Deposits I 2 ff.

SHAR RTOGS — Pl.n.?  4 69B.3.  Rtog khang means 'place for amusement on top of a building', which hints to the meaning here.  Probably not really a proper place name.

SHAR DUNG RI DGON — Mon. in Amdo.  253 II 637.2.

SHAR GDONG — See (— —) Blo bzang bshad sgrub rgya mtsho.


SHAR NOR DRUNG PA — A local incarnation lineage of Lijiang area.  Jackson, Patron 240.

SHAR PA — A Sa skya mon. in Ru thog.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 39.

SHAR PA — A lineage of religious princes which preceded the 'Khon in the area of Sa skya.  There was a Shar pa Bla brang at Sa skya.  The lamas of the Klu sdings Bla brang at Ngor are said to be descendants of this lineage.  See 76 3.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 91.  There is a gdung rabs by Glo bo Mkhan chen.  See SBTD I 70.

SHAR PA — In 358, =Sherpa.  This seems to be the usual Tibetan spelling for Sherpa.

SHAR PA — See (— —) Spobs pa mtha' yas.

Yongs 'dzin SHAR PA CHOS RJE — Pictured in 128 248.

SHAR PA RNAL 'BYOR PA— Bon po.  His mgur 'bum published in 1976.  428253 II 233.5.  Works in the Chicago Field Museum's Laufer Collection.

SHAR PA PAṆḌI TA — A Sa skya monk sent as spiritual counsellor to Ligdan Khan (1604‑1634).  Heissig 30.  Author of a history of Mongolian princes.

Bshes gnyen SHAR PA BA — Subj. of bio. by Bdag chen Rdo rje blo gros rgyal mtshan, printed at Sa skya, listed in BLP no. 1951.

SHAR PA RIN CHEN RGYAL MTSHAN — Founder of the Shar rtse college.  Ferrari 107.

SHAR PO — See (— —) Rdo rje 'od zer.

Gdan sa Chen po SHAR DPAL SPUNGS — A chief gdan sa of Karma pa.  46.

SHAR PHU DGON — 346 99.4, 112.2.

SHAR PHYOGS PA — See (— — —) Dkon mchog phan bde.

SHAR BA — The Sa skya version of the ldob ldob.  Tucci, Religions 139.

SHAR BA — Pl.n.  BA 217.

SHAR BA PA CHEN PO — See (Sha ra ba) Yon tan grags.

SHAR BRAG — BA 1040.

Rkyang tshang SHAR MA'I DGON — Bon mon. in Amdo with 100 monks.  253 II 636.5.

SHAR RTSE GRWA TSHANG — A college at Dga' ldan.  Ferrari 107.  Name of the first of 3 grwa tshang founded at Bkra shis lhun po.  Wylie 137, n. 200.  Has printery.  162 201.

SHAR RDZA — A district in Khams.  Karmay xv.  A hermitage.  253 II 501.5, 627.2, 633.4.  The eastern (shar) part of Rdza khog, hence the name.  Thar in TS9 IV 155.  In modern Sde dge County; see the map in Thar in TS9 IV 171.

SHAR RDZA — See (— —) Bkra shis rgyal mtshan.

SHAR ZAR BU DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang with 3 incarnates and 155 monks.

SHAR ZLA CHU — River in Khams.  23 28.

SHAR 'OD DGON — Rnying ma mon. with 30 incarnates and 2100 monks.

Mnyam med SHAR RAB 'BYAMS PA — See (— —) (— — — —) Sangs rgyas seng ge.

SHAR GYI RI BO PA — Pūrvaśaila.  One of 8 branches of Dge 'dun Phal chen pa.  BA 27.

SHAR SHING MA — Original Tibetan name of Yatung in Chumbi Valley.  Tucci, Lhasa 17.

SHAR GSUM — Name for the 3 main Svatantrika philosophers.  Lde'u2 48.


SHAL THA BU NONG — 208 I 239.2.


SHAL MA RI — Allen, Search for Shangri La, map on p. 141.

Lcags kyi SHAL MA LI — An infernal tree.  Rock, Nāga Cult II 495.

Bi dza ya SHĀS TRA — N. of a Khotan king.  Emmerick.

SHI DKAR — Large village NNE of Skar rdo, centre of trade between Baltistan and Khotan.  82 90.

SHI SKYID — BA 1055.  Sog po Shi skyid.  115 50.2.

Rgya gar SHI GI RI — ?  5 164.6.

SHĪ TA — 17A VII pt. 1, p. 8B.3.

Slob dpon SHI BA KAR — 87 I 252.3.

SHĪ BAS THĀ NA — I.e., Shī ba sthā na.  Place in S India where there was a natural linga of Dbang phyug about 15 feet long.  87 I 255.3.

SHI BI RGYAL — In Jātakas.  Story told how he gave his own eyes away.  Pictured in 128 694, 704, 774.

Bai'u Ldong dmar SHI TSU WER MA — Father of (Dkar ru) Bstan 'dzin rin chen.  354 preface.  The name is apparently Zhang zhung (she tsu) for Bsod nams rgyal po.

SHI RA GWOL — Stein, Recherches 121.

SHI RI — A Hor tribe, named as an element in early Tibetan population by Btsan po No mon han.  Gruschke, Amdo I 12.

SHI RI DAN — Royal treasurer.  Emmerick.

SHI RI PHUG PA — Author of praise in 476 IV 161 ff.  476 III 37.3, 69.1.  Very likely identical to Shrī phug pa.

Rgyal po SHI RI TSANDRA — BD of T&TB I 446.

SHI RI SHA KA — In avadāna story.  TPS 456.

Drang srong SHI LA DHA JA — Bonpo.  Work in 259 521‑536.  261 567‑580, 583‑586.  489 689‑718. The name likely Tibetanizes to Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.

Bram ze mo SHI LA BLO GROS — 132 115.3.  Called Shel gyi blo gros in 132 117.4.

SHI LA BHA RO — Contemp. of Mi la ras pa in Nepal.  4 173A.1.

Bal po'i Rgyal po SHĪ LA MANYDZU — Contemp. of Srong btsan sgam po.  KTDN A X 42.3, A XI 46.1.  BD of T&TB I 440.  MKB 437.

Bal po'i Blon po SHĪ LA MADZNYU — Mtshan tho no. 5.

SHĪ LA RAKSHI TA — Ordinator of Atiśa.  17 II 281.6.

Paṇḍi ta SHĪ LA SĀ GA RA — Teacher of Nags kyi rin chen in Nepal valley.  17 II 311.1.  449 31.4.  He appears as an eastern Indian who visited the Karma pa vii and had him invited to go to Vajrāsana.

Gnas brtan SHĪ LA Ā KA RA — Śīlākara.  At Vikramaśīla in time of Atiśa.  17 II 366.4, 368.3.  Called Ratnākara in Hoffmann, Religions 121.  BA 247.

SHI LING KHA BAL DUR — 208 I 239.2‑3.


SHĪ LENDRA BODHI — 17 II 331.1.  Name tr. into Tib. as Tshul khrims dbang po byang chub; in Tibet in time of Ral pa can.  Mtshan tho no. 19.

SHI LO — See discussion by Rona-Tas in the journal Oriens 17 (1964) 240.

SHI HU'ANG — Emperor of the Qin dynasty, Shihuang (255‑210 BCE).  Thuken 331.

'Phags pa SHIG CAN — A false sūtra according to Sa paṇ, Sdom Gsum (1971) 87B.6.  The name apparently means 'Having Lice.'

SHIG RA PHUG — Buffetrille in NTFC I 50.

SHIG SHA TA — Yüan imperial envoy, who brought a request to Chag to visit Mongolia.  Chag 104.

Grub thob SHING KA BA CHEN PO — See under Lo chen Sprul sku.

SHING KUN — Pl.n.  [1]  BA 1057.  17 II 368.6.  Short for 'Phags pa Shing kun, Svayambhūnātha.  See 82 90.  Note the confused discussion about "Shin kun" and Glang ri (Glang ru?) in LPNT VII 89.  [2] A Tangut city, presently Lin Tao in Gansu (see Shing khun).  See Schaeffer in JIP 28 (2000) 367.  Kuijp, KPTB 44‑45.  Toh, Ming 91.  Krug, PVG 124, where it is identified with town of Lintao in modern Gansu.

SHING DKYIL — Kāṣṭamaṇḍapa, meaning 'wood temple'.  The Tibetan translation takes maṇḍapa to equal maṇḍala.  This temple in the old city Darbar of Kathmandu is actually the origin of the name Kathmandu.  The original name of Kathmandu was Kāntipur.  Wylie 13.


SHING SKYONG LBA PA — A gzhi bdag.  See Tucci, To Lhasa & Beyond 64.

SHING KHAMS SGA — A rus12 XV 366.2.

SHING KHĪ PA —  =Rwa can pa.  BD of T&TB I 204.

SHING KHUN — HS LV 201.1.  See Shing kun.

SHING KHUN MKHAR — Liang chou.  BA viii, 501, 846.

SHING KHRI — A king of Mon.  232 I 10.  Stein, Recherches 4, 44.

SHING GHI RI — Singri.  Aris, Discourse 17.

SHING DGON DKAR BA — Disc. of Phag mo gru pa.  Vai.Ser. 189.

SHING MGO RAS PA — 235 intro. 7, n. 15.  12 IX 89.1.

SHING RGYAL — As part of place name, see 79 90, no. 97.

SHING SGO LTAG GYONG — Petech, China 23.

SHING SGO BA — See (— — —) Dkon mchog rgyal mtshan.

SHING CU — Shang chou.  BA 51.

Rgyal po SHING RTA'I 'KHOR LO — 17 IV 322.5.

SHING RTA CAN — A king.  17 II 308.1.  BD of T&TB I 271.

SHING RTA MO — A jātaka character.  Pictured in 128 726.

Ma ga dha'i Rgyal po SHING BSTAN CAN — BD of T&TB I 813.  Shing stan can.  See Newman, Dissert. 83 n. 30.

Grong khyer SHING THAG CAN — History of this city listed in BLP no. 0420.  Shing thags can, or Kaṣṭhavaṭa, the city where Maudgalyāyana was born.

SHING DRUNG MI RTAG PA'I SDE — 253 II 568.3.  See Das 807.



SHING SDONG DKAR — Place E of Dga' ba gdong where there is a rdzong built by Gtsang Sde pa Gzhi rtse pa.  Wylie 78, 151 n. 335.

SHING PAR PA TA — 115 65.5.

Spa rang SHING 'PHEL GLING — A Dge lugs mon. in the west.  Wylie 61.

SHING BYA CAN — N. of a spirit.  58 929.  Also called Yon tan rgyal po, acc. to Wylie 150 n. 334.  KTDN B XI 51B.6.  See Nebesky.  Possible shamanist conception, 'tree with a bird'.  124 493.5.  See 28 fig. 35.  Pictured in 128 1154.

SHING MI — A people conquered by Srong btsan sgam po.  See 82 89.  253 II 642.2.  "mi rabs Shing Rtsa'i lugs."  See 387 9, where the Shing and Rtsa stand for Shing mi and Rtsa mi.


SHING BZA' — See (— —) A chos.

SHING BZA' PAṆḌI TA — See (— — — — —) Blo bzang dar rgyas rgya mtsho.

SHING GI RI — A dur khrod in India.  63 I 46.  BA 693.  BD of T&TB I 562.

Ka ba SHING LO CAN — Special pillars in the Jo khang, described by Das in JTL&CT.

SHING LO PA — N. of a person.  53 II 306.3.  See under Bka' babs Bzhi.  Successor of Thang lo pa, and succeded by Karna ri pa.  24 I 67.1 ff.

SHING SHANG — Pl.n.  Emmerick.

SHING SHAN — Also Shin shan.  Pl.n.  ISTS 311.  See Rong in JAH 49 (2015) 165.  Ancient name for Mazar Tagh.

Di pam ka ra'i Nya thos SHING SHUN — Picture caption in 347 90.

Gu rib SHING SLAG CAN — 248 20.5.

Blon SHIN TI — 440 278.4.

Rdol ba SHIN TING LAG PA — Father of Ye shes mdo.  464 21.2.

SHIN TU JU — A place in Chinese border area.  LPNT VII 71, 73.

SHIN TU BRTAN — In avadāna story.  TPS 518.



SHIN TU BZANG PO — King of Shambhala.  128 1004.

Khang SHIN THAR — Stein, Mi–ñag 235.

SHIB PA GSHEN 'BRANG — Bellezza, L&T 89.

SHIB PE — See Vitali, Kingdoms, p. 167.

SHIB BE LCOG — 'Dun sa of Bru zha.  SSKB V 147C.2.

SHIR ZHAG —  =Zhir zhag.  Śīrṣaka.  N. of a teacher.  Emmerick.

SHU — N. of a pl. in Tibet.  Das 1239.

SHU KE — See (— —) Legs pa rgyal mtshan.

SHU KE'U — P.n.  Coblin in TH&L 83.

SHU BKOD PA — See the biography of Tsipon Shuguba by Sumner Carnahan.


SHU TO KA — Khotanese queen.  Emmerick.

SHU STON — See (— —) Zla ba grags pa.

SHU DAG — See (— —) Stag rtse Dgon.

SHU NI KA RA NA — N. of a city situated to the S of Kalāpa, the capital of Shambhala.  Das 1237.

SHU BHA KĀ KA RA GUPTA — Evidently Śubhākaragupta.  Indian disc. of Abhayākaragupta.  17 II 303.1.

SHU BHA KA RA SING HA — Śubhakarasiṃha.  The tantric master in China.  488 535.3.

Mdo sde 'dzin pa SHU BHA MI TRA — BD of T&TB I 567.

SHU MI DHUR — See (— — —) Kun sprul.

SHU LIG —  =Kashgar (from the Chinese name).  At the western meeting place of the branches of the silk route through Central Asia.  Used in Li yul Lung bstan.  See Kas dkar.  See 82 91.  Emmerick.  Shu li ka.  BD of T&TB I 1000.  Kālacakra Studies 64.  Pelliot, Notes on Marco Polo 196 ff, 713.

SHUG MGON — Nine Ways 63, etc.

SHUG SGANG — (- -) Padma byang chub gling pa.

SHUG SGANG DGON — Rnying ma.  See 370 preface.  For Shug sgang Rig 'dzin and history of the mon., see 383 471.5 ff.

'Ol kha SHUG CIG — One of 37 holy places of Bon.  Das 1121.


SHUG THANG DGON — Vai.Ser. 261.

SHUG LDING — See G.yung drung shug lding.

Nyang ro SHUG PA RI — ?

SHUG RTSAR BA — Disc. of Phag mo gru pa.  BA 563.  See =Shugs mtsher ba.



SHUG GSEB — Pl.n.  BA 893‑895. Also, Snyi phu Shug gseb.  235 introduction 7.  Mon. f. by Kun dga' dbang phyug.  Vai.Ser. 146.  LGCM 652.3.  Founded in 1181, acc. to Kurtis Schaeffer's  Dissert. 147.

SHUG GSEB — See (— —) Dbus gling.

SHUG GSEB BKA' BRGYUD — One of 8 lesser branches f. by (Snying khu) Gyer sgom chen po.  Also, Snyi phu.  484 I 857.6.

SHUG GSEB DGON — Rnying ma nunnery in Dbus gtsang with 1 incarnate and 410 nuns.

SHUG GSEB RJE BTSUN — See (— — — —) Rig 'dzin chos nyid bzang mo.

SHUGS — BA 994.

SHUGS CHUNG — See (— —) Tshul khrims bzang po.

SHUGS LDAN — A guardian divinity favored in some sectors of the Sa skya pas and Dge lugs pas.  14 109.

SHUGS LDAN LCOGS — See (— — —) Spro bde khang sar.

Rin po che SHUGS MTSHER BA — Disc. of Phag mo gru pa.  57 IIB 356.4.  See =Shug rtsar ba.

SHUNG KE — See (— —) Spa ba can.

SHUD — BA 77.

SHUD KE — Chag 109.

SHUD KE — See (— —) Rtsal thing shags.

SHUD DKO — See (— —) Lba ba can.

SHUD KHUD PA — See (— — —) Bsod nams dbang rgyal.

SHUD DGE — 'Bri gung Mon.  Petech in TH&L 421.

SHUD PHU —  =Shud bu.  Refers to an ancestral complex of religious establishments in Lho brag.  A rigsBD of T&TB III 582.  Family n.  TS5 49, 53.

SHUD BU — See (— —) Dpal gyi seng ge.  (— —) Zhwa dmar can.  (— —) Seng ge bzang po.

SHUD BU MKHAN CHEN — See (— — — —) Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan.

SHUD BU LO TSĀ BA — BA 985.  17 II 426.2.

SHUN — See (—) Mar khu spus kyu.

SHUR SHE NA — N. of a tract in the neighborhood of Mathura, not far from Agra.  Das 1239.

SHUL — Pl.n.?  17 II 414.6.

SHUL MO — See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 50.


Yul SHUL SHA RU — Mon.  Vai.Ser. 258.

SHE'U — The Chinese word behind it, ru, means 'literature, learning', and here is used to mean Confucianism.  Thuken glosses it with Tibetan yi ge, or yi ge'i srol.  Thuken 332, 342.

Kha che'i Yul SHAI KE TA KA — BD of T&TB I 473.

SHE CHU — A tributary of the Nyag chu.  See Wylie 118 (n. 44).

SHE STON — See (— —) Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.

SHE'U STON BYANG — 348 36.3.

SHE TSU — In Zhang zhung names, equivalent to Bsod nams.  Haarh.

SHE TSU DRUNG MU —  =Bsod nams g.yung drung.  Became abbot of Sman ri in 1610.  Kværne no. 151.  342 79.4.

SHE TSU WER YA — 354 24.6.  Ramble in RET 15 (2008) 483 (here spelled She tsu wer ma).

SHE TSU U YUG ZUR WER —  =Bsod nams dbang rgyal (?), an abbot of Sman ri.  Work in 418.

SHE'U LUNG GSUM — Vitali in TS9 I 84.

SHE LE MIG DMAR — See Todd Gibson's dissertation (1991), p. 195.

SHE LE RU TSHE — Bellezza, L&T 48, 53 et passim.

SHE'U LE'I SPYAN SNGA — See (— — — —) Ngag dbang chos grags rgyal mtshan.

SHE'U LO TSĀ BA — Disc. of A bha yā kā ra gupta.  17 II 303.3.

SHE'U LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — — —) Badzra de wa.

SHEG SANG SI — Hazod in Tropper, Epigraphic 42.

SHENG YONG PHUR — In Khotan region.  Emmerick.

SHED KHOG — Pl.n.  BD of T&TB VII 147.

SHED CAN — Davidson in Lungta 16 (2003) 69.

SHED BYED — A gnas brtan, q.v.

SHED LA GROGS — Davidson in Lungta 16 (2003) 69.

SHEN — See (—) Rdo rje seng ge.

SHEN KUS— Shengui, the miraculous turtle that had the 'river chart' (Lū tho'u) on its back.  Thuken 336.

SHEN 'JA' — An image.  Emmerick.

SHEN ṬE'U — Shenzhou.  The Chinese people's own term for China.  Evidently it means 'park of the gods' (lha gling).  Thuken 331.

SHEN THUNG ZE'I DGON PA — Xiantong Si Monastery.  Thuken 354.

SHEN NONG — Chinese author of the Guizang yiThuken 335.  See Hoong Teik Toh, Ch. Qiong ~ Tib. Khyung; Taoism ~ Bonpo — Some Questions Related to Early Ethno‑Religious History in Sichuan, Sino‑Platonic Papers, no. 147 (March 2005), p. 6.

Chu mig pa SHER GRAGS — A teacher of Gro mo che ba.  BD of T&TB III 384.  Chu mig pa.  Beyer 172.  Ref. to a work in 499 9.5.

Dbra btsun SHER RGYAL — Author of work in 286 I 603‑605.

Myang SHER CHOG —  =(Myang) Shes rab mchog.  17 II 389.6.

SHER PA — DTK5 143.


Nyang stod pa'i Bru sha SHER PO — N. of a person?  BD of T&TB I 787.

SHER PHYIN — Abbre. Shes rab kyi Pha rol tu Phyin pa.

La stod ri pa SHER BLO — Bonpo.  Bio. in 248 104.1.  253 II 347.2 ff, 348.1 ff.

SHER 'BUM PA — A disc. of Bu ston who specialized in the arts.

Dbon SHER 'BYUNG — See (Dbon po) Shes rab 'byung gnas.

SHER 'BYUNG BLO GROS — Had an incarnation lineage...?

Ri khrod pa SHER TSHUL — Also, (Gnyag sgom ri pa).  In Bon lineage.  206 587.1.  248 65.6.  Bio. in 253 II 337.3.

SHER ZHIG — See (— —) Bde chen bzang po.

Byang sems SHER GZHON — Wrote two bios. of Rgod tshang pa.  50 preface.  64 I 1‑89, 171‑182.  391 III 96.1.

SHER BZANG —  =Zhugs ngams.  Emmerick.

'Dzim SHER 'OD — One of the four Great Sons, Bu chen bzhi, of (Gzus) Rdo rje rgyal mtshan.  BD of T&TB III 234.

Kham ston SHER SENG — Associate of Gu ru Chos dbang.  210 39.5.

SHER LHA MO — N. of Dbyangs can ma.  Das 913.

SHEL — N. of a merchant.  Emmerick.

SHEL — Usually spelled Shey in English.  A palace in Ladakh.  See 14 4, 87, 89.  Shel Dgon pa.  Nat.Geo. vol. 153, no. 3, p. 344.  Picture of Shakyamuni image.  A Khyung po lineage of Khams.  284 preface.

SHEL DKAR —  =Shel brag.  Rnying ma mon. with cave of Padmasambhava  See Waddell 320.  See Dkyil 'khor Lha sgrub.  BA 255, 684, 686, 696. 

Lho SHEL DKAR — 5 270.6.

SHEL DKAR — See (— —) Pha drug Grong dkar.

Nyang stod SHEL DKAR — See (— —) (— —) Rgyal rtse.

SHEL DKAR BKA' 'GYUR BLA MA — See (— — — — — —) Ngag dbang blo bzang bstan 'dzin tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.

SHEL DKAR GANGS RI — Nat.Geo. vol. 128, p. 602.

SHEL DKAR GLING KHA — Has printery.  162 213.


SHEL DKAR GLING PA — See (— — — —) Mi 'gyur lhun grub.

SHEL DKAR DGA' LDAN LEGS BSHAD GLING — A Dge lugs mon.  55 preface.

SHEL DKAR CHOS SDE — Monastery near Shel dkar Rdzong.  Wylie 66, 133 n. 158.  Has printery.  162 213.  Was f. in 1387 by Lo chen Grags pa rgyal mtshan (1352‑1405).  TS7 I 269.  DTK5 121.

SHEL DKAR CHOS LUNG — F. by (Bros gong pa) Nam mkha' gsal ba.  Vai.Ser. 213.


SHEL DKAR RDZONG — BA 421, 915.  Or, Shel dkar Rdo rje'i Rdzong.  Near Ding ri.  Wylie 66, 133 n. 157.  83E 480.  Aziz, Frontier.  In southern La stod.  DTK5 144.

SHEL DKAR 'OD — Nine Ways 103.

SHEL SKU SBUG — 253 II 617.5.

SHEL KHOG — Area in eastern Tibet.  TS5 806.

Rgyal po Chen po SHEL KHRAB CAN — Also, (Srog bdag).  Sādhana in 286 I 507‑542, ff, 598‑600; II 209‑220, etc.  Text in 313 II 259‑273.

SHEL GING DKAR PO — Text in 307 II 83.

SHEL GRONG GSANG SNGAGS GLING — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang with 3 incarnates and 50 monks.  Shel grong is in Dbus.  See BD of T&TB III 720.

SHEL RGYUNG — N. of a mt.  ZZFC 254.

SHEL CHAB — Two rivers, an upper one and a lower one.  See Takeuchi in TS6 855.  Zhu, Preliminary 48.  Rong in JAH 49 (2015) 165.

SHEL STON — See (— —) Tshe dbang bde chen.  (— —) G.yung drung rgyal mtshan.

SHEL DRUNG — See (— —) Chos kyi rgyal mtshan.

SHEL PHUG — See (— —) Chu shing Rdzong.

SHEL PHRENG — Short title of a medical work of Til dmar Dge bshes.  361 preface.

Yar lung SHEL BRAG — Or, Shel gyi brag phug.  N. of mountains.  N. of Rnying ma mon. on hill above Gtsang po in Yar klungs.  See JTL&CT 231 ff, 304‑305.  Contains sacred Rnying ma shrine at a cave of Padmasambhava  Das 1130B.  Tucci, Lhasa 143.  BD of T&TB III 808.  5 117.5.  27 9.  87 I 145.1.  Yang rdzong Shel brag in 87 I 110.6.

SHEL BRAG DGON — F. by (Rtogs ldan) Dmar po in the 15th rab byung253 II 629.6.

Chos rje SHEL BRAG PA — A 'Brug pa.  BA 705.

SHEL BRAG PHUG — 253 II 580.4.

SHEL BRAG MA — Excavations of Bon.  See Karmay 153.  SFHB 736.4 ff.  253 II 199.1 ff.  For the similarly titled bio. of Padmasambhava, see under Bka' thang Shel brag ma.


Dmu rigs SHEL BLA — Work in 275 449‑464.

Bram ze mo SHEL GYI BLO GROS — See Shi la blo gros.  132 117.4.

SHEL MO — See (— —) Rgya lcam.

SHEL DMAR — A mon. in Skyabs khra in Bhutan.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 96.

SHEL ZHIG — See (— —) G.yung drung rgyal po.

SHEL ZHIN — In Zhang zhung names, equivalent to Bstan 'dzin.

Sgrags Yang rdzong SHEL GYI 'OD GSAL PHUG — 120 14.2‑3.

Shangs SHEL RONG — Pl.n.  206 560.4, 565.1.

SHEL LE RGYA SKAR — Many other spellings possible.  There is a 'biography' of this place reproduced in 'Phags pa'i Gnas brten gyi Mchod pa Mdo sde Me tog 'Phreng ba, "ritual for the worship of the sixteen sthavira [arhats] of the New Bon tradition by the Bonpo gter ston Sangs rgyas gling pa of Khyung po with other texts of the tradition by Bstan pa 'brug grags and Skyang sprul Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan, reproduced from rare mss. from Sbra chen Spa tshang Dgon pa," Tashi Dorji, TBMC (Dolanji 1985): part two entitled Sher le Rgya skar gyi Rnam thar, pp. 215‑248 (it's also found in form of a direct reprint in Katen 152, pp. 155‑188).

SHES DGA' RAB LDAN — A libertine philosopher known to Bon tradition.  See Kapstein, Assimilation 14‑15.

SHES SGOM — See (— —) Byang ye.

SHES CAN — TS7 II 973.

Byar po pa SHES SNANG — See (Byar po pa) Ra sher snang.

SHES PA MKHAN MI GNYIS — Stein, Tribus 11.

SHES PA CAN BCU GNYIS — Clemente in TS6 127.  Stein, Tribus 11, giving a listing of sources then available.

Gcung po SHES PA NYID — 352 717.21.

Rtogs ldan SHES PA RANG GROL — A volume of his songs have been published.  Other names are Shes rab mi ldan kun bzang yangs pa can, 'Jigs pa rang grol, Phyar thul can.

SHES PHRUG — Ruling family of La stod Lho from last half of 13th cent.  TS7 I 269.

'Brug pa Yongs 'dzin SHES BYA KUN MKHYEN — 1 46.  =(Yongs 'dzin) 'Jam dpal shes bya kun rig.  363 34.5.

Rong ston SHES BYA KUN RIG — (1367‑1450?)  =Shes rab rgyal mtshan, =Shākya rgyal mtshan.  =(Kun mkhyen) (Rong ston Chen po) Smra ba'i seng ge, q.v.  From Rgyal mo rong.  B. 1345, acc. to Kværne no. 122.  F. Nā lendra in 1436.  Dhongthog 125.  Author of Dbu ma Rtsa ba'i Rnam bshad Zab mo'i De kho na nyid Snang ba, publ. 1975.  Bio. in 62 226 ff.  17 II 345.2, 382.2 ff.  BA 340.  He was disc. of (G.yag ston) Sangs rgyas dpal.  Author of a lam rim work.  17 II 384.1.  A tri 49.  Author of Bon prayer in 418.  Bon work in 412449 35.4.  Author of Theg pa Chen po Rgyud Bla ma'i Bstan bcos Legs par 'Grel ba, in 192 pages (Gangtok 1979).  Author of Shes rab kyi Pha rol tu Phyin pa'i Lam Nyams su Len pa'i Rim pa Mun Sel Sgron me, publ. in 2 vols.  An extremely old woodblock print of one of his works in only 6 fols. seen in library of E.Gene Smith, title illeg., incipit: Om swa sti / gsung rab thams cad kyi snying po shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa nyams su len pa'i man ngag / lam lnga gsal sgron zhes bya ba; 3 woodcut illus. each on fols. 1v & 2r; captions mostly illegible.  Colophon: ces pa 'di ni / rong ston pa shes bya kun rig gis / dpal na len tra rnam par rgyal chos sde chen por sbyar ba manga lam bha wa tu // bod yul dbus kyi snye phu dga' ldan du / dbon mo dgar 'dzom a ce a rgyan gyis // lhag bsam dag pas par 'di bsgrubs pa yis // bal mo skyid kyi bsam la rdzogs pa dang / thub stan phyogs dus kun du rab rgyas shing // 'gro kun rnam mkhyen thob pa'i rgyu ru bsngo // par la mkhas pa brtson 'grus bzang pos bskos // bkra shis par 'gyur cig.  Two vols. of his Gsung 'bum have been published in 1999.  Shastri in TS9 I 133.  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 0039‑0040, 1891. Dung dkar 72‑3, including a bio. & list of works.  His 10 volumes of collected works have recently been printed (in computerized script) in eastern Tibet.  A bio. authored by Nam mkha' dpal bzang, and another by Shākya mchog ldan dri med legs pa'i blo, have been listed in Drepung Catalog 1507.

Byang 'Bong ngu Dgon gyi Dbu SHES BYA RTOGS LDAN — 363 118.2.

Sprul sku SHES RAB — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 115.6.

Ldang ma SHES RAB KUN DGA' — Eldest son of Kun bzang nyi zla (1514‑1560), who died young.  DTK5 138.

SHES RAB BKRA SHIS — Envoy of (Ta'i Si tu) Byang chub rgyal mtshan.  Kuijp in TH&L 311.  Kuijp in Lungta 14 (2001) 60.

Rtis tshang Ma ni SHES RAB BKRA SHIS — (1647‑1716)  BD of T&TB V 596.  A direct disciple of Skal ldan rgya mtsho, the poet.  Bio. of Ma ṇi ba Shes rab bkra shis listed in BLP NO. 1599.

SHES RAB SKYABS — Official in 1256.  Chag 105.

SHES RAB SKYABS — A mysterious figure who appears as a translator of a text or two in the canon, seemingly unknown otherwise.

Slob dpon SHES RAB GO CHA — Prajñāvarma.  17 II 313.5.  Cited in KB 25.1.  17 IV 155.3.  See Pradznyā warma.  A Bengali pundit who lived in the 2nd half of the 8th century and assisted in Tibet with many translations; this acc. to Roesler in Facets 163 (some of his works listed here).

Dge bshes SHES RAB GRAGS — Disc. of Tsong kha pa.  165 I contents.

Gnas brtan SHES RAB GRAGS — BA 464.  17 II 523.4.

'Bro SHES RAB GRAGS — Also, ('Bro Lo tsā ba).  Originator of the second (but most longlasting) introduction of Kālacakra into Tibet through his invitation of the Kashmiri Somanātha.  The two of them translated Vimalaprabhā commentary, starting the so called 'Bro transmission.  T.H. 144.  TR XIV no. 4 (Oct 1979) 18c.  Pictured in 128 1022.  Listed in Mtshan tho no. 45, which says he translated the Kālacakra teachings of the 'Bro system.  He studied with, and invited to Tibet, Somanātha, with whom he co-translated all but the chapter called Mchog mi 'gyur ba'i le'u (which was translated singlehandedly [rang 'gyur] by Somanātha).

Zhu lhan SHES RAB GRAGS — Pictured in 128 532.

SHES RAB GRAGS PA — Monk at Rta dbang Mon. in 1850's  CHMO 15 29.

SHES RAB GRAGS PA — (9th cent.)  Berounsky in Asiatische Studien 67 (2013) 785.

Chu mig pa SHES RAB GRAGS PA — A work of his listed in Btsan lha 1046.

Gtsug rgyan pa Rtogs ldan SHES RAB GRAGS PA — 363 116.4.

Myang rig SHES RAB GRAGS PA — Excavator of medical texts.  210 93.6, 85.1.  (Gtsang gi Nyang ston) Shes rab grags pa in 410 195B.2.

Zur chung SHES RAB GRAGS PA — (1014‑1074)  One of the 4 chief discs. of Zur po che.  Also called (Bde gshegs) Rgya bo pa, and Lha rje Zur chung.  B. in G.yas ru Gtsang gi sa cha.  D. in Brag Rgya bo.  Dhongthog 104.  Died of smallpox.  Son of Zur po che's youngest brother.  33 217.4.  Bio. in 33 217.  BA 111, 113‑124.  TPS 166‑167.  Ferrari 144.  BD of T&TB III 204 ff.  17 II 390.3 ff.  Pictured in 320 XIX 3.  Zur chung Shes rab grags pa'i Gdams pa Brgyad cu pa, Pema Thinley (Gangtok 1999), in 54 pages (a work now published in English translation).

SHES RAB GRUB — An Indian pundit.  BA 939.

SHES RAB DGONGS RGYAN — A n. of Bsod nams blo gros, q.v.  The abbot of Sman ri.  23 53.  253 II 236.3  Works in 258 461‑8; 286 I 481‑506, 592‑594; II 611‑613.  Work in 313 II 293‑300.  333 502.4.  Works in 418, 427448 has his Sman ri Dkar chag, a guidebook to Sman ri Monastery.

La stod pa SHES RAB MGON — Spiritual grandson of Yang dgon pa (1213‑1258).  TS5 117.  BA 695‑6.  Biographer of Ko brag pa.  Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 185.  Stearns, Hermit of Go Cliffs gives title as Chos rje Ko brag pa'i Rnam thar.  

Rtogs ldan SHES RAB MGON PO — In Shangs pa lineage.  57 IIB 370.5.  115 116.4.  He is quoted in Phyag‑chen Rgya‑gzhung 714.

SHES RAB RGYA MTSHO — (b. 1905)  Aka Go 'jo A pho Bla chung, since he was b. in Go 'jo to the Bla chung tshang family.  He died in 1975 in a village near Darjeeling.  See Mengele, dGe 16.  He went to India on pilgrimage in 1942.  He was a student and friend of Dge 'dun rgya mtsho in the later years of the latter's life (from age 43 to his death).  He composed a biography of Dge 'dun chos 'phel in 1972.

Kun spangs SHES RAB RGYA MTSHO — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0058.

Klu 'bum SHES RAB RGYA MTSHO — (1884‑1968)  Works listed in SBTD I 65.  See below.  His name is given as Dge bshes Shes rab rgya mtsho 'Jam dpal dgyes pa'i blo gros in Mengele, dGe 140.  He was a teacher of Dge 'dun chos 'phel at 'Bras spungs, and he should not be confused with the latter's friend Shes rab rgya mtsho (b. 1905).  A polemicist, he said the guidebooks to Padma bkod were made up of lies which led people to their deaths.  Sardar‑Afkhami, Account 15.

Mkhan chen Bla ma SHES RAB RGYA MTSHO — (fl. 1900) Mongolian.  Abbot of Ghoom, he had formerly been an associate of the Seng chen Bla ma.  He is listed as author on the Tibetan title page of Sarat Chandra Das' dictionary.  Acc. to McKay in TS9 I 270, he must not be confused with a 2nd Mongolian (Buriat), but a younger one, named (Zhabs drung Bla ma) Shes rab rgya mtsho (d. 1909), q.v.  "[On the publication of the Si tu Sum rtags] to which is to be added an appendix, in further elucidation of the text and commentary, by Lama Sherab Gyatsho, the old Mongolian Lama now residing at Ghum, near Darjiling, whose unremitting labour in searching out, from the classical Tibetan texts, passages in illustration of the use of philosophical and other terms, has been of the utmost value to Babu Sarat Chandra Das in the compilation of his Dictionary."  "The Lama [Sherab Gya‑tsho] has hardly an equal in Tibetan scholarship on this side of the Himalayas; and as he is approaching eighty years of age, though still a man of remarkable energy, it is desirable to utilize his great erudition while it is still at our disposal."  See L.A. Waddell, "The Tibetan Press at Darjiling," The Academy, no. 1212 (July 27, 1895), pp. 75‑76. According to Emma Martin's article "Translating Tibet in the Borderlands," p. 109 ff., Ghum was founded by him in 1875 (some biographical details are given there, also on the Buriat lama with the similar name mentioned before).

'Jar man SHES RAB RGYA MTSHO — 438 VII 282.5.  A German?  (See under 'Jar man.)

Rtogs ldan SHES RAB RGYA MTSHO — B. in Dar lding to the Res tshang family.  253 II 355.2 ff.

Dung rab SHES RAB RGYA MTSHO — N. of Dung mtsho ras pa, q.v.

'Khrul zhig Sangs rgyas Dbon po SHES RAB RGYA MTSHO — (14th cent.)  A disc. of Klong chen pa.  Excavated Snying thig teachings.  BD of T&TB III 507‑509.

Thugs sras SHES RAB RGYA MTSHO — (19th cent.)  BD of T&TB V 725.

Rdo sbis Dge bshes SHES RAB RGYA MTSHO — Collected Works published in 3 vols (N.Delhi 1979).  Geshe Sherab Gyatsho, see TR XVI no. 10, p. 7B.  Lived from 1884 to 1968, acc. to TS7 I 440.  Also called Klu' 'bum Dge bshes (see above).  He had been an abbot of Se ra Rje in Lha sa, but also Deputy Chairman of the Qinghai Provincial government.  Tsering Shakya, Dragon 37.

Dge bshes Dol po Dmar zhur pa SHES RAB RGYA MTSHO — (1059‑1131)  Also called (Rog) or (Rogs).  Bio. in 165 I 504.  Disc. of Po to ba, and teacher of Lha 'bri sgang pa.  BD of T&TB V 42.  Depicted as a small figure in a thangka in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 19.  Roesler in Facets 157.

Zhabs drung Bla ma SHES RAB RGYA MTSHO — (d. 1909)  He was employed by O'Connor as a personal language teacher, and used by British intelligence (he even accompanied O'Connor on the Younghusband Expedition).  McKay in TS9 I 270‑271.  More about him in Emma Martin's article "Translating Tibet in the Borderlands."

A khu ching SHES RAB RGYA MTSHO — (1803‑1875)  A 19th-century Dge lugs pa bibliophile.  His Collected Works have been published.  Dhongthog 104.  332 II preface 13.  TS7 I 440.  He composed a work on some famous paintings, listed in BLP no. 0147.  Bios. by Mkhan po Ngag dbang thub bstan rgya mtsho & Gung thang Blo gros rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 2092‑2093.

Jo mo SHES RAB RGYAN — In bio. of Gling ras pa.  She was his consort and outlived him.  24 I 391.5, 429.2.  53 II 297.3, 309.2.

Mar pa SHES RAB RGYAL — 253 II 191.2.

Mtsho nya'i Bzang sgom SHES RAB RGYAL PO — 33 207.1, 211.2.  =Bzang bsgom in 467 II 108.5.

SHES RAB RGYAL BA — Ordination n. of Grwa pa Mngon shes, acc. to BA 95.

SHES RAB RGYAL MO — Ehrhard in NTFC I 154.

SHES RAB RGYAL MTSHAN — Ordination n. of Dri med kun dga'.  210 241.2.

Gshen gyi Drang srong SHES RAB RGYAL MTSHAN — (1356‑1415)  Author of Sa lam 'Phrul gyi Sgron me, publ. in 1960's.  Author of Rnam 'byed 'Phrul gyi Sgron me'i Gzhung, publ. by Sangji Tengji Lama & Samtin Jansin Lama  (Delhi 196x) in 15 folios (subject is logic).  Also called (Mnyam med).  Works in 261 153‑186, 301‑318, 340‑341, 350‑351, 353‑356, 359‑361.  Founder of Sman ri Mon.  Phur pa works in 269.  Works in 273 541‑584.  277 263‑279.  278 83‑116, 137‑165, 193‑226.  280 I 429‑439; II 159‑207.  283 233‑282, 325‑329.  286 I 25‑54, 598‑600.  303313.  Pictured in 280 I 25.  Kværne 232, no. 123.  Bio. in A tri 50 ff.  253 II 403.4.  Bio. in 342 53 ff.  Work in 418501.  Work on bsang, 489 381‑408.  Bios. in Katen, vol. 152, pp. 49-78 (Rje Rin po che'i Rnam thar Mdor bsdus Skal ldan Dang ba 'Dren byed Ngo mtshar Pad mo Stong ldan), 189‑264 (Rgyal ba Gnyis pa Shes rab rgyal mtshan gyi Rnam thar Ngo mtshar Pad mo'i 'Phreng ba, by Grags pa rgyal mtshan), pp. 265‑291 (Sku mdun Rin po che Mnyam med Shes rab rgyal mtshan gyi Rnam thar Gna' bo'i Zhal lung).

Rje Mkhan po xxv SHES RAB RGYAL MTSHAN — ( 1772‑1847; re. 1836‑1839)  Has an autobio. completed by (Zhabs drung v) 'Jigs med nor bu, publ. in Biographies of Three Bhutanese Prelates by Bstan 'dzin phun tshogs, publ. 1976.  Author of bio. of (Rje Mkhan po xvi) Shes rab seng ge, publ. 1976.  See Aris, Boneless Tongue 161.  Collected Works published in Thimphu in 1982 in one volume. 

Dol po pa SHES RAB RGYAL MTSHAN — (1292‑1361)  56 119.  Also called (Jo nang pa) and (Jo nang Kun gzigs)  Founder of the Jo nang pa school which was primarily based on Kālacakra and Tathāgatagarbha systems.  T.H. 158.  For meeting with Thang stong, see 5 76.  Bio. in BA 775‑777.  17 II 417.5.  Wylie 136 no. 186.  His best known work is Ri chos Nges don Rgya mtsho.  His Theg chen Rgyud Bla ma'i Bstan bcos Legs bshad Nyi ma'i 'Od zer with his Dus 'khor Chos 'byung publ. 1976.  Pictured in 128 1046.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 0031.  Bio. by Zha lu Lo tsā ba listed in BLP no. 1143.  Bio. in Dung dkar 61‑62, 70.

Bdag chen Rgya gar SHES RAB RGYAL MTSHAN — (1436‑1486)  Sa skya pa.  Dhongthog 105.  Founded (Sga) Skye rgu Don grub gling Mon.  Dhongthog 126.  =(Rgya gar) Shes rab rgyal mtshan (1436‑1482), whose works are listed in SBTD I 304.

Snar thang SHES RAB RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of bio. of 'Brom ston pa listed in BLP no. 1584.

Spyang tshe SHES RAB RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 400.4, 401.3.  Also, (Rkyang tshe).

Mi la SHES RAB RGYAL MTSHAN — Father of Mi la ras pa.  Son of (Mi la) Rdo rje seng ge.  57 IIB 348.6.  4C 23.  4A IIA.6.  4X I 7.6.

Shangs pa SHES RAB RGYAL MTSHAN — 115 115.6.

Yang ston SHES RAB RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1040 or 1077?)  In Bon lineage.  206 574.6.  At birth named Tshab ma grags.  B. in 1040.  Ba ri Lo tsā ba was among his teachers.  Met (Rong) Rtog med zhig po.  206 577.2.  248 60.5.  Bio. in 253 II 334.5 ff.  Khro 9B.5.  Given birthdate of 1077 (with other biographical details) by Ramble in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 291.  There his four names are listed as:  Tshab ma grags, Yang ston Chen po, Spang la nam gshen & Shes rab rgyal mtshan.  He was father of Klu brag pa Bkra shis rgyal mtshan.

Rong ston SHES RAB RGYAL MTSHAN — Work in 427.

A mi pa SHES RAB RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1931)  Amipa.  Modern teacher whose bio. has been published as Der Juwelen Spiegel (Rikon 1977).

SHES RAB SGRON MA — N. of Mi 'gyur dpal sgron.

SHES RAB CHEN PO RGYUD — In 320 IV 478 ff.

Cog grwa Rin po che SHES RAB CHOS 'PHAGS — (ca. 1592)  17 IV 145.5.

Sku 'bum Mkhan po Ra kho Dpon slob SHES RAB CHOS 'BAR — Student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).

SHES RAB CHOS BZANG — 14 48.  Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 122.1.

Myang SHES RAB MCHOG — BA 109.  Sher chog in 127 II 389.6.

SHES RAB NYI MA — Bon works in 285 509‑523.

SHES RAB SNYING PO — A Buriat active in 1887.  Khamaganova in TS9 I 312, 323.

Dge slong SHES RAB SNYING PO — Author of Bka' gdams Gzhung pa'i Bka' brgyud kyi Rnam thar sogs / Le tshan Lnga, listed in BLP no. 0115.

Sangs rgyas mnyan sprul vii SHES RAB SNYING PO — No further information.

Zhang zhung pa SHES RAB SNYING PO — A las slob of Sgam po pa at the opening of his religious career.  46 43.  17 II 513.2.

SHES RAB BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (1911-1979)  Work in 303 401‑412.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 168.  Abbot of G.yung drung Mon. in Central Tibet.  Dates are as found in BDRC.

SHES RAB BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — Modern Bonpo.  253 II 57.2.

SHES RAB BSTAN 'PHEL — Tibetan n. given to Marion Griebenow.  See Nietupski, Labrang 61.  Dge 'dun chos 'phel is said to have gone regularly to visit him to ask questions about the world outside Tibet.

SHES RAB BSTAN 'DZIN — Became abbot of Sman ri in 1760.  Kværne no. 175.

SHES RAB BSTAN 'DZIN — (contemp.)  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 266.

Dge slong SHES RAB BSTAN 'DZIN — (contemp.)  An old monk of G.yung drung gling who restored the mon. in 1981.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 464.

SHES RAB BSTAN 'DZIN RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1915)  20th cent. leader of Phug pa Dgon.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 248, 280.

SHES RAB MTHAR PHYIN — Schrempf in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 329.

Bzang shu Dka' chen SHES RAB DAR RGYAS— =Ngag dbang chos ldan, q.v.

SHES RAB DON GRUB — (modern)  One of the first Tibetan members of the Chinese communist party.  Tsering Shakya, Dragon 34.

SHES RAB BDUD RTSI'I 'KHOR LO — A n. of (Rgya ras pa) Ye shes rdo rje, q.v.  484 I 861.4.

SHES RAB RDO RJE — Author of 113.

SHES RAB RDO RJE — (fl. early 13th cent.)  LPNT VII 359.

SHES RAB RDO RJE — A Ras pa from Gtsang who plays a role in a 'das log story.  He deceived his teacher Bla ma Yon tan rgya mtsho, and seduced the queen.  See Cuevas, Travels 49.

SHES RAB RDO RJE — (1394-1467)  Author of a Sa skya Gdung rabs.  Kuijp in TH&L 280.  In a forthcoming paper, Kuijp gives him, ordinator of Grags pa rdo rje (b. 1444), the dates 1394‑1467.

Lce sgom SHES RAB RDO RJE — BA 1025.  Ferrari 92.  Author of Dpe chos Rin chen Spungs pa'i 'Grel pa [on metaphors used in (Po to ba) Rin chen gsal's Dpe chos Rtsa ba] publ. in 1975.  161Btsan lha 1045‑6 lists his works:  Lce sgom pa'i Mgur, Man ngag Rin chen Spungs pa, & Lag len Rin chen Spungs pa.  Kapstein, Assimilation 77.

Gnyan ston SHES RAB RDO RJE — (11th cent.)  Also, (Gnyan 'theng) and (Gnyan mthing)  A Bonpo gter ston253 II 199.3 ff.  Gter ma in 261 46‑51.  Gter ma mentioned in 304 preface.  Made excavations in 1067.  308Gter ma in 313 II 515‑38.  Kværne no. 82.  Gter ma in 353 1‑320.  Also called (Gnyan 'thing) Re ngan, and later (Gnyan ston) Shes rab seng ge.  His Mdo Phran Nyi shu rtsa gcig, see 491.

Thal Mkhan po SHES RAB RDO RJE — 17 IV 446.4.

Rnal 'byor pa SHES RAB RDO RJE — Disc. of Atiśa.  Bio. in 165 373.  Disc. of Sha ra ba with both of whom Dus gsum mkhyen pa studied Bka' gdams pa teachings.  35 I 5.  Roesler, KSP 58.

Dpa' shi SHES RAB RDO RJE — Kuijp in TH&L 285.

Bum thang Dge bshes SHES RAB RDO RJE — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 118.5.

Bla sgang pa SHES RAB RDO RJE — Ordinator of Stag lung thang pa.  17 II 546.4‑5.

'Brang ru SHES RAB RDO RJE — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 117.1‑2.

Mi nyag Lha 'bri Ston pa SHES RAB RDO RJE — Bio. continued by his disc. Rong ston Blo gros mtshungs med, listed in BLP no. 1620.

Rin spungs Sprul sku SHES RAB RNAM RGYAL — Schrempf in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 326.

Ston pa SHES RAB SNA TSHOGS CAN — In Jātaka story.  128 752.

Zhig po SHES RAB PA — Founder of Dga' ba gdong, acc. to Wylie 150.

SHES RAB DPAL — A possible or even probable re‑Tibetanization of the name "Sha lo pa" (1259‑1314).  See Leonard van der Kuijp, The Kālacakra and Patronage of Tibetan Buddhism by the Mongol Imperial Family, Dept. of Central Eurasian Studies, Indiana University (Bloomington 2004), p. 2.  See also Weirong Shen, "Magic Power, Sorcery and Evil Spirit," contained in: Christoph Cüppers, ed., The Relationship between Religion & State (chos srid zung 'brel) in Traditional Tibet, Lumbini International Research Institute (Lumbini 2004), p. 191.

SHES RAB DPAL — Disc. of (Gcig chod) Dad shes and (Bru ston) Mnyam med rgyal ba.  253 II 356.5.

Tre bo SHES RAB DPAL — Disc. of Abhayākaragupta.  17 II 303.3.  He translated the Gnad kyi Zla zerMtshan tho no. 61.

Sde snod Gsum gyi Mnga' bdag SHES RAB DPAL — Disc. of 'Ba' ra ba.  Pictured in 128 650.

Mkhas grub SHES RAB DPAL LDAN — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0275.

Thugs sras SHES RAB DPAL LDAN — Also, (Las stod Byang pa).  His bio. of Thang stong in 446 I, written in his 36th year.  He met Thang stong when he was 26 and for 16 years served as his attendant (nye gnas) and for 32 years served as his representative (sku tshab).  5 343.6, 344.1.

SHES RAB DPAL 'BYOR — Appears as the 'erector' of an image of Buddha in an inscription (the artist was a Gu ge pa).  See Uhlig, On the Path to Enlightenment 70.

SHES RAB DPAL BZANG — (ca. 1706)  463 I 109.1.

Gong ma SHES RAB DPAL BZANG — Son of Rnam rgyal lde and Sangs rgyas rgyal mo.  He ruled part of Gung thang from Pho brang Byang.  He was slain.  DTK5 131, 135.

Bsam gtan pa SHES RAB DPAL BZANG — A dge slong to whom one of Padma dkar po's Rdo rje'i Glu is addressed.

Li kya Dpon po SHES RAB DPAL BZANG — Author of Mdo smad kyi Rten Rags rim gyi Dkar chag, listed in BLP no. 1172.

SHES RAB KYI PHA ROL TU PHYIN PA SDUD PA TSHIGS SU BCAD PA — The verse text of the Perfection of Wisdom.  Separately published in Gangtok in 1978, for example.

SHES RAB KYI PHA ROL TU PHYIN MA — As focus of a thangka, see Essen & Tingo, Die Götter des Himalayas 58.

Ldong rigs Sprang btsun SHES RAB PHUN TSHOGS — (recent)  Work in 425.

Mgos SHES RAB 'PHEL — Vitali in TS9 I 88.

Rgyal sras i SHES RAB 'PHEL — (b. 1429)  332 preface 16.

Bla ma SHES RAB 'PHEL — Kuijp in TH&L 288 n. 12.

SHES RAB BYANG CHUB — [1] Ordination n. of Ras pa dkar po, q.v.  [2] N. of (Dags po) Sgom chung (d. 1171?), q.v.

SHES RAB BLA MA — (ca. 1380)  Ruler of Mustang.  ISTS 134‑135.

Ston pa SHES RAB BLA MA — (ca. 1163)  476 I 53.1.

'Bre SHES RAB BLA MA — A gter stonBD of T&TB III 311.

'Bre Chen po SHES RAB BLA MA — Also, Shes rab 'bar.  (Bya 'Dul 'dzin) Brtson 'grus 'bar (1031‑1106?) took ordination from him.  BD of T&TB III 277.  Prajñāpāramitā master.  17 II 346.5, 392.6.  Disc. of (Rngog) Blo ldan shes rab.  17 II 379.  BA 326, 330.  17 II 413.1; BA 376.

Zhang SHES RAB BLA MA — Almogi, MA thesis 109 n. 328.

Sangs rgyas Yar byon SHES RAB BLA MA — (1203‑1272)  Chair holder of Stag lung Ya thang, in 1236.  Had meditation cell at Gser gling Rgod tshang.  BA 627.  17 II 548.4‑5.  B. in chu phag484 I 854.5.  Thangka portrait in Kossak, Sacred Visions, plate 19.  The author of the Lho rong Chos 'byung (at p. 506 of PRC ed.) made use of a biography by Ra skyel brag pa.  Kuijp in Lungta 14 (2001) 70 n. 11.  John Bellezza, "Notes on Three Series of Unusual Symbols Discovered on the Byang‑thang," East and West, vol. 47 (1997), pp. 395‑405, at p. 400.

SHES RAB BLO GROS — The real name of Gnyal zhig 'Jam dpal rdo rje.  TS7 II 835.

Drung pa SHES RAB BLO GROS — Also called Sher blo.  116 359.7.

Mkhan chen SHES RAB BLO GROS — (1935‑1963)  Kværne no. 227.  Abbot of Sman ri who died in India.  Kailash VIII 25‑41.  Bio. in 253 II 45.3 ff.  266 523.2.  Works in 283 283‑285, 663‑664.  An earlier person by the same name became abbot of Sman ri in 1677.  Kværne no. 161.

Gu ge'i Grub thob SHES RAB BLO LDAN — In Bon lineage.  206 576.5.  248 55.6.  Called Mkhan chen in 253 II 640.6.

Rig 'dzin SHES RAB BLO LDAN — Shes rab blo ldan gyi Rnam thar dang Mgur 'bum, published.  He is a rebirth of Ratna gling pa active in the Lho brag area of SE Tibet.  401.

G.yung drung gling Mkhan chen SHES RAB BLO LDAN DBANG RGYAL — (b. 1882)  Kværne no. 214.  Teacher of Dpal tshul (b. 1904).  253 preface.  Bio. in 253 II 55.4 ff.

Mkhan chen SHES RAB DBANG RGYAL — Work in 286 II 235‑236.  Became abbot of Sman ri in 1776.  Kværne no. 177.  Bio. in Katen (300+ vol. version), vol. 203.

Dran mchog SHES RAB DBANG PO — 17 IV 489.2.

Ser byes Po ti Bla ma Rje drung SHES RAB DBANG PO — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0194.

SHES RAB DBANG PO MDZES PA —  =Pra dznyā indra ru tsi.  Disc. of Mi thub zla ba.  Met by 'Brog mi at Ku ba tshal.  17 II 395.1 ff.  His gsang mtshan was Dpa' bo rdo rje.  BD of T&TB X 5.7.  BD of T&TB I 571.

SHES RAB DBANG PHYUG — Bonpo.  12 XI 333.3.

SHES RAB DBANG PHYUG — (recent)  A teacher of Se ra.  Dhargyey 2.

Go 'jo Bla ma SHES RAB DBANG PHYUG — (recent)  397 XXIV 392.6.

Sgom pa SHES RAB DBANG PHYUG — BA 311.  17 II 377.1.

Chos rgyal Chen po SHES RAB DBANG PHYUG — BLP no. 0753.

SHES RAB DBANG MO — Consort of Ngag dbang yon tan rgya mtsho.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 98, where it says they married in about the mid 1940's.  She had three children, and is still alive in Bylakuppe.  She spent some 20 years in Chinese prisons.

SHES RAB 'BAR — Acc. to 124 485.6, the ordination n. of Grwa pa Mngon shes.

'Dre Chen po SHES RAB 'BAR — See =('Bre Chen po) Shes rab bla ma.

'Bre SHES RAB 'BAR — (early 12th cent.)  TS7 I 449.  Vitali in TS9 I 95.


SHES RAB 'BUM — Appears in Vajravārāhī (according to the Dpyal Lugs) thangka picture caption in Kossak, Sacred Visions plate 21.  Name of a Ḍākinī who brought to Sha ra ba an arura fruit from India.  Roesler, KSP 59.  A biography by Dge slong 'Jam dpal bzang po of one named Shes rab 'bum is listed in Drepung Catalog 1675.

Byang ji Ston pa SHES RAB 'BUM — Wrote a history in about 1286, no longer available.  Its title was Rgyal rabs Dpag bsam ljon shingRed Annals, 45, 335 n. 258‑259.

Rtogs ldan SHES RAB 'BUM — 253 II 598.1.

Rma ston SHES RAB 'BUM — Bon po Gter ston.  Bio. in 253 II 212.5 ff.

Mtshams pa SHES RAB 'BUM — A teacher of Khyung po Blo gros rgyal mtshan in the transmission of the Nyi zla Sgron ma.  Must belong to 15th century or so.

Yon tan Rin chen Mdzod Mnga' SHES RAB 'BUM — Picture caption in 128 590.

Rin po che SHES RAB 'BUM — In a 'Brug pa lineage.  57 IIB 373.1.

'Gar SHES RAB 'BYUNG — 320 XXVII 633.4.

SHES RAB 'BYUNG GNAS — Keeper of E gate at Nālanda.  75 12, 20.  Keeper of W gate at Bi kra ma shī la.  Called Shes rab 'byung gnas blo gros sbas pa in 17 II 271.1.  17 II 312.6.  Tāranātha distinguishes more than one person by this name.  BD of T&TB I 246.

Nyang SHES RAB 'BYUNG GNAS — In Rdo rje zam pa transmission.  Anspal, Space 179.  His father was Nyang Byang chub grags.

Dbon po SHES RAB 'BYUNG GNAS — (1187‑1241)  Ferrari 137.  Monastic name, Rin chen rgyal po.  Also called 'Bri gung gling pa.  Disc. of 'Jig rten mgon po whose bio. he composed.  73 291‑398.  Met 'Jig rten mgon po in about 1217.  37 10 ff.  Author of Dgongs gcig Yig cha  publ. in 2 vols in 1975 and again in 1976.  57 6.  17 IV 458.  Works in 479.  Bio. by Ratna'i ming can in 478A I 96‑123.  BA 468, 604 ff.  17 II 524.6.

Slob dpon SHES RAB 'BYUNG GNAS — Disc. of (Chos rje) Thogs med pa in a line from Rgyal thang pa.  119 preface.

Lo tsā ba Skyogs SHES RAB 'BYUNG GNAS — (ca. 11th cent.)  Disc. of Gru mer.  From Grwa phyi.  BA 77.  Ferrari 132.

Lce btsun SHES RAB 'BYUNG GNAS — (b. 997)  F. Zhwa lu in 1040.  =Lce ston pa, q.v.  Ferrari 143.  27 10.  Ricca & Fournier in TJ 26 no 3/4 (Aut/Wint 2001) 103.

Snar thang pa SHES RAB 'BYUNG GNAS — 17 II 472.4.

Myang SHES RAB 'BYUNG GNAS — (late 11th to early 12th cent.)  Disc. of (Myang) Byang chub grags.  BD of T&TB III 258.  His disc. was Sba sgom.  BA 173‑174.  115 128.1.  Matthew Kapstein, The Strange Death of Pema the Demon Tamer, in M.K., ed., The Presence of Light (Chicago 2004), pp. 119‑156, at p. 141.

Zur A tsarya SHES RAB 'BYUNG GNAS — Father of Zur po che.  33 217.3.

Shar pa SHES RAB 'BYUNG GNAS — Petech (1983) 197 n. 42.

SHES RAB 'BYUNG GNAS BLO GROS — F. of (Stod lung) Chu bzang, and a personal disc. of Tsong kha pa.  Wylie 149 n. 322.

SHES RAB 'BYUNG GNAS BLO GROS SBAS PA — See under Shes rab 'byung gnas.

Nyi ma thang pa SHES RAB SBYIN PA — See Vostrikov, Critical 69.


SHES RAB ME LCE — Author of a dkar chag, acc. to Lhun grub chos 'phel, Rwa sgreng Dgon pa'i Dkar chag (Chengdu 1994), p. 90.  This has now been published in HS XI 233‑296, where the author is called 'Brom Shes rab me lce, with the date of composition being a Wood Pig year 242 years after the founding of the monastery (I suppose this places it around 1300 more or less).  The colophon title given here, on p. 295, is Rgyal ba'i Dben gnas Rwa sgreng gi Bshad pa Nyi ma'i 'Od zer.  It was composed at the behest of Dge 'dun dbang phyug and others.  An article based on a lengthy citation from this work, see Kazuo Kano, "The Transmission of Sanskrit Manuscripts from India to Tibet: The Case of a Manuscript Collection in the Possession of Atiśa," contained in: Carmen Meinert, ed., Transfer of Buddhism Across Central Asian Networks, Brill (Leiden 2016), forthcoming.  Some recent publications of Maho Iuchi have made use of this dkar chag, and she has also published an annotated text edition:  An Early Text on the History of Rwa sgreng Monastery: The Rgyal ba'i dben gnas rwa sgreng gi bshad pa nyi ma'i 'od zer of 'Brom Shes rab me lce, Harvard University (Cambridge 2016).

Bo dong Lo tsā ba SHES RAB ME LCE — DTK5 116.

Khams sprul SHES RAB ME 'BAR — (b. 1650)  F. 'Khor gdong Mon. in the 12th rab byung (i.e., 1687‑1746).  371 preface.  483 preface.

Gter ston SHES RAB ME 'BAR — (about 14th cent.)  BD of T&TB III 527.  58 926.  210 97.3, 97.5‑6, 132.2, 133.2, 133.3., 177.1.  217 456.6 ff.  410 177A.3.  Huber, SofL II 135.

SHES RAB SMON LAM — Traveling companion of 'Gos.  BD of T&TB X 49.1.


SHES RAB SMRA BA'I SENG GE — Subject of works in 285 429 ff.  427.

Klog skya SHES RAB RTSEGS — (11th cent.)  Son of Klog skya Chen po, q.v.  17 II 408.2, 443.1.  BA 382.  Pictured in 128 334, 426.  BD of T&TB I 785.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 33 n. 33.  Active in mid 11th cent., acc. to Mtshan tho no. 25, he translated the Mtshan brjod etc.  Dung dkar 124.

SHES RAB TSHUL KHRIMS — N. of Dgongs pa rab gsal.  Achard, L'Essence 28.

'Khon rogs SHES RAB TSHUL KHRIMS — 14th hierarch of the 'Khon family who was dismayed by public tantric displays and decided to follow only new translations, largely breaking with the family's Rnying ma traditions.  His younger brother was Dkon mchog rgyal po.  BD of T&TB X 89.18.

Ldan ma SHES RAB TSHUL KHRIMS — Yang dag teacher of Zur po che.  33 189.1.

Lde ston SHES RAB TSHUL KHRIMS — See under (Dge bshes) Lde'u.

Sna nam SHES RAB TSHUL KHRIMS — 193 I 471.2.

Ba yu ba SHES RAB TSHUL KHRIMS — Jackson, MB 74.

Ra thung SHES RAB TSHUL KHRIMS — Disc. of (So) Ye shes dbang phyug.  193 I 304.1.

Gser tsha Rtogs ldan SHES RAB TSHUL KHRIMS — 272 preface.

SHES RAB TSHE 'PHEL — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 1026.

SHES RAB GZHON NU — See Sher gzhon.

Dge slong SHES RAB GZHON NU — Responsible for putting together one of the Tshogs chos collections in Sgam po pa's works.  Kragh believes he did this in the 13th cent., since Karma pakshi is mentioned in it.

Tshong dpon SHES RAB BZANG SKYONG — 352 8.13.

SHES RAB BZANG PO — Tilopa's religious name.

SHES RAB BZANG PO — (1395‑1457)  Disc. of Tsong kha pa who founded the first Dge lugs mon. in Ladakh.  Shīrāza I no. 2 (Leh 1979).  Gutschow, Becoming a Buddhist Nun 99, where his dates are given as (1395‑1457).

SHES RAB BZANG PO — (early 11th cent.)  Disc. of Atiśa.  17 II 282.3.  Teacher of Atiśa.  17 II 283.6.

Gung ru SHES RAB BZANG PO — (1411‑1475)  Author of bio. of Mus chen.  374 I 434.3.  Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 177.

Rgya'i Drung pa SHES RAB BZANG PO — A personal disciple of Lha rtse ba.  Schwieger in Kailash 18 (1996) 105.

Drang srong SHES RAB BZANG PO — 253 II 401.5.

Bdag chen Rgya gar ba SHES RAB BZANG PO — Author of works contained in Bsangs yig Dgos 'dod Kun 'grub, publ. in Bir in 1982.

Byang sems SHES RAB BZANG PO — (1400‑1438)  Sometimes called a Tulku of Avalokiteśvara (Spyan ras gzigs Sprul sku).  B. in lcags 'brug, d. in sa rta, his 39th year.  1 20.  13th in 'Brug pa Gdan rabs, q.v.  Father of Kun dga' dpal 'byor.  57 preface.  57 IIB 368.4.  Elder brother of Drung rdor ba, q.v.  "Rje'i dngos slob."  F. Chab mdo Chos 'khor Byams pa gling, q.v., in 1437.  Dhongthog 125.  Author of bio. of Shes rab seng ge (1371‑1392) and others.  13th in 'Brug pa Gdan rabs.  20 34.  Bio. by Ngag dbang chos kyi rgyal po (1465‑1540) in 24 III.  Subj. of bio. by Brag g.yab Rtogs ldan 'Jam dbyangs blo gros, listed in BLP no. 1457.

Mi nyag SHES RAB BZANG PO — See Kurtis Schaeffer, Dissert. 120.  He composed a work on the Upper Mahāmudrā school (Stod 'gyur).

Mtsho sna ba SHES RAB BZANG PO — (14th cent.)  Famous Vinaya scholar, probably early 14th cent.  Disc. of (Zangs chen pa) Dar ma bsod nams.  Served as abbot at convent of Bra gor.  17 II 345.4.  BA 83.  Pictured in 128 86A.  Bio. in 165 I 568.  All schools accept his Vinaya sūtra commentary as definitive.  Dreyfus, Sound 117.  Mentioned in Gutschow, Being a Buddhist Nun 63.

Yar 'brog gi Slob dpon SHES RAB BZANG PO — Scribe for 323.

Yor gshis pa Byang sems SHES RAB BZANG PO — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0019.

A kya SHES RAB BZANG PO — Became abbot of Kumbum in 1686.  ISTS 98.

Sle kha ba SHES RAB BZANG PO — Teacher from whom Thang stong received the higher initiations of Kālacakra and the six yogas of the Jo nang Lugs.  5 74.  5 260.2.  Stearns, King 159.

Khyung nag Rje btsun ma SHES RAB BZANG MO — F. G.yu lung Dgon in 1808.  253 II 629.1.

Kam pa SHES RAB 'OD — (1057‑1131)  Also, Ka ma pa.  =Zhang Ka ma ba, q.v.  Dates as given in BD of T&TB V 108.  Disc. of Dgon pa ba.  B. in Klung shod Rug pa.  Dhongthog 105.  See BA 31.  Bio. in 165 I 445.  See Dung dkar 10.

Mdo smad pa SHES RAB 'OD — Contemp. of 'Jig rten mgon po.  476 I 326.1.

Ras pa SHES RAB 'OD — 145 V 422‑423.

'Brom SHES RAB 'OD — Gter ston in the 3rd rab byung, and that means between 1147 and 1206.  383 218.3.

Mar pa SHES RAB 'OD — (10th cent.)  217 709.3.

'Dzim pa SHES RAB 'OD — TS5 744.

Rog SHES RAB 'OD — (1166‑1244)  Also, (Rog ban).  BD of T&TB III 364.  Through him the early transmission of Zhi byed began to enter the other major religious traditions of Tibet.  36 IX introduction.  In 17 II 425.3, he is called (Rog) Shes rab seng ge.  He had the nicknames Lcags so can and Rgya mon.  BA 939‑949.  Student of (So) Dar ma snying po and Myang nag mdo pa.  Teacher of Snye mdo Thams cad mkhyen pa.  Author of 211.  For his excavations, see 210 59.2.  BD of T&TB I 855.  17 IV 450.1.  410 195A.4.  Blondeau 86, etc.

Rong ston SHES RAB 'OD — One of 4 main discs. of Sha ra ba (b. 1070).  Roesler, KSP 57.

SHES RAB 'OD ZER — Became abbot in 1647.  Kværne no. 156.  See Pra dznyā ki kar.

Go 'jo Bla ma SHES RAB 'OD ZER — (ca. 1685)  458 I 281.5.

'Gro 'dul gling pa SHES RAB 'OD ZER — Gter ston410 135A.6.

Sga ston SHES RAB 'OD ZER — Author of Bon work in 295.

'Jam sar SHES RAB 'OD ZER — In Dus 'khor lineage.  BA 769.  17 II 415.1.  475 99.1 ff.

'Phreng po Gter chen SHES RAB 'OD ZER — (1518‑1584 or 1585)  Also, (Phrang po).  BD of T&TB III 755.  Gter ston who recovered Padma Thang yig.  Resided at Phyongs rgyas Dpal ri.  Ferrari 131.  Wrote Sa Mtha'i Rnam dbye.  A teacher of ('Bri gung Chos rgyal) Rin chen phun tshogs.  BD of T&TB III 743.  B. in Byang 'Brog.  Bio. in 210 282 ff.  Pictured in 320 XXIII 649.  383 220.3.  Bla Rig 'dzin Kun 'dus from his cycle Grol tig Dgongs pa Rang grol in 87 XI 187‑354.  His Zhi khro in 87 IV 283‑337 (from same cycle as preceding).  Gter ma contained in 87 XXXVII and XLI.  Work from Grol tig in 87 XLIII.  87 XXX.  217 480.3.  Collected works published in 1977.  Kuijp, Edge 145 gives year of death as 1584.

Bya bral SHES RAB 'OD ZER — B. in Tsha sgang to the Go lam family.  Bio. in 253 II 354.6 ff.

Yar Me ston SHES RAB 'OD ZER — (1058‑1132)  Work in 250.  Bio. in SFHB 346‑373.  Kværne nos. 81, 94.  253 II 415.4.  Bon Vinaya work published in 1960's in 72 pages.  Author (?) of text in 259 429‑434.  Called Yar me in 253 I 201.1. 

Shar btsun SHES RAB 'OD ZER — Author of work entitled Rnam rgyal 'Bring po'i Mchog Khrid Rin chen Spungs paFM 364.01.  Disc. of Shes rab rgyal mtshan and Rin chen 'od zer.

La byi'i Btsun pa SHES RAB 'OD ZER — Work in 277 1‑27.  Evidently a Bön monk of La phyi, Labchi.

Grub chen SHES RAB YAR 'PHEL — (18th cent.)  Rnying ma pa.  Bio. in BD of T&TB.

Kong btsun SHES RAB YE SHES — Disc. of (So) Ye shes dbang phyug.  193 I 304.1.

Lce btsun SHES RAB YE SHES — Younger brother of Lce Shes rab 'byung gnas, and his successor as abbot of Zhwa lu.  Ricca & Fournier in TJ 26 no 3/4 (Aut/Wint 2001) 104.

Brag dkar SHES RAB YE SHES — Bio. by Slob dpon Dar tshul listed in Drepung Catalog 1512.

Smar pa Grub thob SHES RAB YE SHES — (12th cent.)  Also, Shes rab seng ge.  A disc. of Phag mo gru pa and founder of Smar pa Lugs.  Bio. composed by Chos kyi ye shes.  73 672‑716.  12 IX 88.6 ff.

Me nyag Rtsen rtse SHES RAB YE SHES — 468 I 171.6.  Tangut servant of Sa paṇ.  Stein, 'Nouveaux documents', p. 281.  484 II 596.6.

SHES RAB G.YUNG DRUNG — (b. 1838)  Bonpo.  Bio. in 253 II 39.3 ff.  Author of prayer in 256 639‑641.  286 I 347‑386.  Kværne 248 no. 198.

Rgyal khams pa SHES RAB RAB RGYAS — (ca. 1877)  A Buriat in colophon to Spyod 'jug print from Buriatia (in T.J. Norbu's collection).

SHES RAB RIN CHEN — Author of Bon work in 283 197‑208.

Glo bo Lo tsā ba SHES RAB RIN CHEN — (13th cent.)  Astro work named in 76 2.  145 V 414.  Contemp. of Sa skya Paṇḍi ta.  See TR XIV no. 10 (Oct 1979) 20A.  Mtshan tho no. 67 places him in the last part of the 12th cent.  He invited Dar paṇ A tsarya to Tibet and studied the Gshed Skor, translated the Rnal 'byor Bzhi Rim, the Dbyangs 'char astro text, etc., also studied with the teacher of Chag Chos rje dpal, Re ben dra.

Sgra pa SHES RAB RIN CHEN — Subject of controversy in 243 IV 559 ff.  This is a name of Stag tshang Lo tsā ba, q.v.

Nye gnas SHES RAB RIN CHEN — 115 80.6, 87.1, 87.2, 87.7, 88.2, 88.6, 90.7, etc., 94.4, 104.3, 105.1, 107.2, 107.4, 109.4.

Stag tshang Lo tsā ba SHES RAB RIN CHEN — (b. 1405)  Sa skya pa.  Author of Grub mtha' Kun shes nas Mtha' 'bral Sgrub pa zhes bya ba'i Bstan bcos, publ. 1975 (also found in St. Petersburg, Oriental Institute Library, no. B9330, in 2 parts, Kha & Nga).  Bio. in 62 253.3 ff.  Refutations of his criticisms of the philosophy of Tsong kha pa in 185 373‑462.  See 350.  Title of his medical works.  DD 715.  His Rig gnas Kun shes cited in T&BS I 193.  Dus 'khor Spyi Don Bstan pa'i Rgya mtsho, publ. 1973.  Vostrikov, Critical 69, 70.  Author of Rten Gsum Bzhengs pa'i Chog Dpal 'byor Rgya mtsho, mentioned in vol. 9, p. 879.1 of the works of 'Jam dbyangs bzhad pa II.

Dwang ra SHES RAB RIN CHEN — 253 II 435.1, 622.5.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 385.

Gtsang pa Ring mo SHES RAB RIN CHEN — Gter ma in 87 LIII.

A mdo Bla ma SHES RAB LAGS — 253 II 619.6.

SHES RAB SENG GE — Described as Tshong btsun of (Shab) Sgo lnga.  One of the 5 men of Gtsang ordained under Dgongs pa rab gsal.  17 II 340.4.

SHES RAB SENG GE — (b. 1251)  2 7.

SHES RAB SENG GE — Subj. of bio. listed in BLP no. 0888.

SHES RAB SENG GE — N. of (Kaḥ thog) Dam pa bde gshegs, q.v.  BD of T&TB II 329.

SHES RAB SENG GE — Author of 'Dul ba Me tog Phreng mdzes, publ. in Thimphu in 1979.

Dka' bzhi pa SHES RAB SENG GE — Of Snar thang.  Author of vinaya commentary publ. 1977.

Mkhas grub Chen po SHES RAB SENG GE — (late 1400's to 1500's)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 403.  Bio. in 165 II 591‑608.

Dge tshul SHES RAB SENG GE — One of 7 chief discs. of Nāropa.  57 IIB 344.3.  75 98, 99, 102.  17 II 434.4.  BA 400.

Rje btsun SHES RAB SENG GE — Label for a person depicted in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 121.

Lce sgom SHES RAB SENG GE — Disc. of Zhang Rin po che.  131 89.3.

Rje SHES RAB SENG GE — (ca. 1400?)  Disc. of Tsong kha pa and founder of the Tantra College (Sngags rgyud Grwa tshang) at Dga' ldan.  Ferrari 107.  Tucci, Religions 112.

Rje Mkhan po xvi SHES RAB SENG GE — He has a bio. by Rje Mkhan po xxv, q.v.

Rtogs ldan SHES RAB SENG GE — 253 II 434.2.

Sprul sku SHES RAB SENG GE — (1371‑1392)  BA 672.  B. in Sixth rab byung Iron Pig year.  D. in his 22nd year in Water Monkey.  1 19.  10th in 'Brug pa Gdan rabs, q.v.  Bio. by Shes rab bzang po, dated 1427, see 24 III.  487 I 62.6 ff.  57 IIB 368.2.

Rma ston SHES RAB SENG GE — (fl. 12th cent.)  Also, (Lha rgod).  Story about him in SFHB 310‑325.  Gter ma in 256 493‑503; 258 III 531‑551.  Also called Gnyan 'thing (=Gnyan 'theng, Khye'u Gnyan 'thing).  Bio. in 253 II 216.2 ff.  Khams bsdus, gter ma, in 291.  Alias (Rma) Lha rgod thog pa.  Gter ma in 293, 301 II, 309.  Grandson of (Rma) Srol 'dzin (b. 1092).  293 preface.  See =(Gnyan ston) Shes rab rdo rje.  Other names: Gnyan 'thing Re ngan, Gnyan ston Shes rab seng ge, Gnyan mthing Shes rdo.  Karmay, Treasury 153.  Kværne, Chronological 230.  (12th cent.)  TS5 470.  Notice Rma ston Shel seng (11th cent.) in ZZFC 249, 250.  There exists an autobiographical account of his visionary experiences.

Smar pa Grub thob SHES RAB SENG GE — See under (Smar pa Grub thob) Shes rab ye shes.

Rong pa SHES RAB SENG GE — (1251‑1315)  See BA.  Master of Rdo rje rgyal mtshan (1283‑1325) and Skyi ston 'Jam dbyangs (who was teacher of Dol bu pa, 1292‑1361).  27 87.  17 II 417.6.  Pictured in 128 380.

Rog SHES RAB SENG GE — In 17 II 425.3, =(Rog) Shes rab 'od, q.v.

Paṇḍi ta SHES RAB GSANG BA — A teacher of 'Khon Dkon mchog rgyal po.  17 II 399.3.  BD of T&TB X 92.18.  Identified as the A tsa ra Dmar po.  BA 1050.

SHO — See (—) Rgyal sras legs pa.

SHO SKYAM — BA 187, 874.

'Be yi Rig 'dzin SHO KHRAM CHEN PO — 253 II 375.4.

SHO 'KHYAM NAG PO — City in Rgya nag po. "China."  BD of T&TB I 507.  464 19.5.

SHO DGON — Mon. in Khams f. by Dmar pa, q.v.  BA 564.  145 V 338.  484 I 857.4.  Kuijp in Chayet, Edition 453.

SHO DGON PA — Used as a synonym for Smar pa Bka' brgyud pa.  CFMS 43.

SHO DGON PA — See (— — —) 'Gro mgon rin chen.

SHO RGYA — Wife of 'Don 'dros.  Emmerick.

SHO SGOM — See (— —) Byang chub ye shes.

Gsal stong SHO SGOM — Disc. of Sgam po pa.  129 V 282.4.  =(Gsal stong) Sgom shor.  235 intro. 5.  =(Gsal stong) Shor sgom.  His spiritual lineage did not survive long, but his family lineage did.  12 IX 86.1‑2.

Sum pa'i SHO CHIGS — ?  Probably a pl.n.  OTA 692.

SHO'ANG 'JOMS NAG PO — City where Shrī Sing ha was raised.  LGCM 598.

SHO THO — ?  210 139.6, 140.1.  Sho tho'i Ri.  210 154.5.

SHO MDO — 363 138.1.

SHO NA DKAR NAG — Tantra in 320 XXVII 493.4.  Here Sho na must be equivalent to Shwa na, q.v.

SHO NA BHRAM — Aris, Discourse 39.

SHO NA MA BZHI — A group that accompanies Hayagrīva.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 381.2.  See under Shwa na.

SHO PA MDO — Kuijp in Lungta 14 (2001) 68.

'Dul 'dzin SHO PA RIN PO CHE — (1631‑1704)  BD of T&TB V 636.

Skyi shod SHO MA RA — 28 76.  29 66.5.  Schaik, Prayer 202.  Site of winter assemblies in imperial times, located in the lower part of Stod lungs valley, not far from the Skyid‑chu valley.  Uray, Narrative 43 (with a long discussion), 56.  Hazod in Tropper, Epigraphic 55.  An important administrative center during imperial times, it later became famous for a Bka' gdams pa monastery.

Stod lungs SHO MAR — BA 729.  17 II 427.  Sho ma ra in BA 615.  It is probably a different place than the one in Skyi shod.

SHO MO GZA' CHE LCAM — Mother of Sgam po pa.  BA 453.  Called Bde mchog lcam.  57 IIB 353.2.

SHO'I DZA YA — Elder sister of Sho rgya.  Emmerick.

SHO RAL LO TSA CHEN PO — 210 92.4.

SHO RU — BA 189.

SHO RONG — 377 53A.1.

SHO ROM 'PHAGS PA — Or, Sho ram.  A disc. of Sgam po pa.  57 IIB 353.5.  BA 462.  Sho ra in 57 IIB 354.5.

Rgya nag SHO SHA'I GLING — 151 37.  See So sa'i Gling, and especially So sha'i Gling.

SHO HO — ?  467 II 105.4.  Name of Tangut king who ruled from 1206‑1211.  See Sperling, Further 18, 21.  A mention of the enthronement of Spya nga Sho ho at LPNT VII 297 (see also 305, where evidently King Sho ho is replaced on the throne by Spya nga Rgyal rgan).

SHOG LNGA — See (— —) Lam lha Dgon.

SHOG DRIL DGU PA — Oral precepts in 9 scrolls.  17 IV 446.3.  In 15 (bco lnga), see 17 IV 446.5 ff.

SHOG DRUG PHAN BDE — Vai.Ser. 237.

SHONG — See (—) Blo gros brtan pa.

Mon yul SHONG CHEN KHA — (?)  601 10v.3, 16v.5.

SHONG STON — See (— —) Rdo rje rgyal mtshan.

SHONG SNA — Pl.n.  OTA 686, 692.

SHONG PHYA — In Khotan region.  Emmerick.


SHONG RONG — A name for Solu Khumbu.  Berg in NTFC 8.

SHOD MGUR — Vitali in TS9 I 94‑5.

SHOD 'GAG — Name for the regent's office.  Tsarong in TJ XXIII no 3 (1998) 25.

Mdo stod SHOD CHEN BCO BRGYAD — TS5 801.

Dmu SHOD TRAM — Bonpo.  Bio. in 206 560.5 ff.

SHOD TRAM CHEN PO — 248 34.4.

SHOM RA — Pl.n.  17 II 547.4.

Zhang SHOM RA BA — Ordinator of Stag lung thang pa.  17 II 547.4.

SHOR BA GZHON NU — N. given to Padmasambhava in 87 I 14.6.

SHOR MA 'PHAGS PA — Listed as one of 4 grub thob discs. of Sgam po pa.  =Sho ram 'Phags pa, q.v.  129 V 282.1.

SHOL BLA TSAM — Mon.  TS5 559.

SHYAN SHEN — Ch. xiansheng.  A person who has mastered the Confucian classics, it literally means 'firstborn', but has the sense of 'great man.'  Other Confucian titles mentioned here are: she'u tsha'i (Ch. xiucai) and cang ywon (Ch. zhuangyuan).  Thuken 343.

SHYI LI PA — Tib.: Spyang ki'i zhabs.  Mahāsiddha.  Native to Ba lhi phur, he stayed near a cemetery, and for his practice he was to make no distinction between the sounds of the world and the wolf's cry (of which he had been afraid).  120 72‑74.  See Sha li pa.

SHYANG RI'I SNGAGS — ?  BD of T&TB I 801, 802.

SHYAM — A country.  Likely Siam, I would think.  NMH 77.5 ff.

Lha mo SHRA MA NA — 116 473.4.

SHRADDHĀ KA RA WARMA — Sent to Tibet by Nor bu gling pa.  17 II 352.2.  BA 373, 1051.  320 XVII 177.3.  Tib. tr. of his name being Dad byed go cha, he might have come to Tibet in the latter half of the 10th cent.  He taught Rin chen bzang po Yogatantra in the Indian city Ta ma la sinta.  Mtshan tho no. 33.

SHRĪ — Pl.n.  BA 388.

SHRĪ KA RA WARMA — In Tib. tr., the name of this Indian pundit is Dpal 'byung go cha.  Apparently in Tibet at the time of Ral pa can or shortly after.  Mtshan tho no. 25.

SHRĪ RGOD TSHONG — Pl.n.  5 271.4.

Ka ba SHRĪ KU TI RAKSHI TA— Evidently the Sanskritized Tibetan name Dpal rtsegs srung ba.  =Ka ba Dpal rtsegs, q.v.

Mkhas pa SHRĪ RGYAL PO — ?  209 IV 731 ff.

SHRĪ TA PA RI — BD of T&TB I 638.

SHRĪ NA GA RA — Evidently, =Srinagar.  17 II 241.

SHRĪ PHUG PA — Sometimes spelled Shrī ri phug pa.  Disciple of 'Jig rten mgon po who went to Tangut land.  See Sperling, Further 18.

SHRĪ BYANG NGOS — Vai.Ser. 219.

SHRĪ BHA DRA — Tibetan author of 'Ba' rom Gser phreng in 467 II 1‑258.

Stag tshang pa SHRĪ BHU TI BHA DRA — Author, Rgya Bod kyi Yig tshang Mkhas pa Dga' byed Chen mo 'Dzam gling Gsal ba'i Me long, publ. in 2 vols, Kunzang Tobgey and Mani Dorji (Thimphu 1979).

SHRI MA NI YA — Also, Kirma ni ya.  Germany.  Yongdan, TCW 119.

SHRĪ MAN RATNA — Connected with 6‑limbed yoga.  116 467.6.  Perhaps Dpal ldan rin chen?

Chos rje SHRĪ MAN SING HA — 116 282.4.

Rje btsun SHRI MAN SENGHA — DTK5 127.

Rgyal po SHRĪ DZA YA DZO MAL DE BO — A king of Nepal.  122 89.1.

Rgya gar gyi Mkhan po SHRĪ DZNYĀ NA — 320 XXVIII 567.5.

SHRĪ ZUR PHUG DGON — See Zur phug.

Sba SHRĪ RATNA — Blondeau 114.

SHRĪ RI — BA 527, 684, 686, 688, 691, 696, 700, 915, 917.  4 65A.3.  (La stod Rgyal gyi) Shrī ri.  4 68.3.  (Rgyal gyi) Shrī ri.  4 68A.6.  "lho phyogs Shrī zhes bya'i Ri bo."  210 48.1.  406 7B.2.  Kailash VII 107.  See under Rtsib ri. 

SHRĪ RI — See (— —) Gnam sdings.


SHRI RI SING HA — See Shrī sing ha.

SHRI RIN DRA — "Rgya gar shar phyogs kyi paṇḍi ta."  115 118.2.

SHRĪ LA MANYDZU — A Nepalese invited by Srong btsan sgam po.  17 II 318.5.

Ye shes Lus can SHRĪ SING HA — A teacher of Padmasambhava and of Vairocana.  Bio. in 33 96.  87 I 20.3, 75.3, 80.2, 94.4.  Also called Shri ri Sing ha, and Shri Sing ha pra pa ta.  Works in 319 II.  132 60.4 ff, 83.2 ff, 109.2, 110.6, 114.2.  Pictured in 128 666.  211 46.1.  Pictured in 320 IV 645.  BD of T&TB I 507‑516.  BD of T&TB I 507‑516.  For secret names, see BD of T&TB I 516.  One Rgya Shrī Seng had something to do with building a flower railing (me tog gi ra ba) around the Bodhi tree at Bodhgaya.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 27.

SHRĪ SING HA PHYI MA — 413 149.3.

SHRĪ HAR SHA — King of Kashmir.  BD of T&TB I 197, 434.

Nam zlum gyi GSHAG RINGS — 115 11.2.

GSHANG SPO YO RGYAL BA — Bellezza, L&T 64.

GSHAR — Pl.n.  BA 157.

GSHIN RGUR GLU DGA' — A deformed version of the name of Gshen rgur Klu dga'.  See 23 6.

GSHIN CHU NAG PA NGO RO CAN — Tucci, Religions 195.

GSHIN RJE — Lineage prayer in 239 XXX 393‑394.

Sna ro Bande GSHIN RJE GRAGS — 374 I 433.1.


GSHIN RJE 'CHAR KA NAG PO — A form of Yāma, with associated magical rites.  124 497.6.

GSHIN RJE MTHAR BYED — Son of Padma dkar po, the king of Shambhala.  17A VII pt. 1, p. 17B.2, etc.

GSHIN RJE'I 'DU KHANG — In Tsa ri.  17 IV 214.3, 228.2.

GSHIN RJE NAG PO GSANG BA'I RGYUD — 320 XXI 314 ff.  Similar title in 320 XXII 42.6.



GSHIN RJE DMAR PO — Work in 212 IV.  In title in 320 XXII 67.5.  An amazing thangka illus. in Precious Deposits V 51.

GSHIN RJE ZAM PA — Tucci, Religions 195.

GSHIN RJE ROL PA — Unidentified.  See Ferrari 117.

GSHIN RJE GSHED — For texts on the red form with 5 deities, see 90 XI 133 ff.  194 V VII.  Works in 212 IV V, 229 229‑243.  Pictured in 320 XXVI 633.  349 VIII ff.  An old thangka with maṇḍala illus. in Precious Deposits II 93.  See also image in Precious Deposits IV 128‑9 (fabric/tapestry thangka pp. 130‑1).

GSHIN RJE GSHED KHRO BO RNAM PAR RGYAL BA PHRA KHOG SNANG GI RGYUD — This text was omitted from the Tshal pa Kanjur because Bu ston doubted its authenticity.  Discussion in Jampa Samten Shastri, Origins of the Tibetan Canon 767.


Khro bo Chen po GSHIN RJE GSHED PO'I RGYUD — 320 XXVIII 464 ff.

GSHIN DAR LDING — An old village with a Bon mon. of Rgyal Gshin dar nearby.  About 32 miles W of Gshis ka rtse.  JTL&CT 205‑8.  Wylie 143 n. 250.  Obviously intended is Gshen Dar lding, q.v.

GSHIN PO RJES 'DZIN GYI CHO GA — 225 IX.  SBTD I 148, 367.  487 I 291‑318.

GSHIN GYI PHO ROG — Vai.Kar. II 305.

GSHIN ZOG DGON — Rnying ma mon. with 5 incarnates and 808 monks in Mdo smad.

GSHIN YUL — A land that the deceased must evade or pass through without getting trapped there on their way to Happy Land (Dga' yul).  Bellezza, D&B 40, with discussion.

GSHIN LAM BSTAN PA — A Dunhuang text studied by Lalou (see Studholme, Origins 61).

GSHIS TSHANG — See (— —) 'Jam dbyangs thogs med.

GSHUNG PA — For a list of temples in this area of western Tibet, see Vitali, Tho.ling 153.

GSHED 'DUR — A rite.  Tucci, Religions 92.

Spyi 'dul GSHED DMAR NAG — 253 II 407.5.

GSHED BZLOG — Text in 315 465‑476.

GSHEN — One of the 6 traditional Bonpo hereditary lineages.  See 260.  See 253 II 245.2 ff.

GSHEN — See (—) Rdo rje seng ge.  (—) 'Bar ba glang nag.

GSHEN GYER — Pl.n.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 234 ff.

GSHEN GRONG — Pl.n.  BA 565.

GSHEN DGON MKHAR BA — See (— — — —) Rdo rje dbang phyug.

GSHEN RGYAL LHA RTSE — Bio.  206 564.1 ff.  248 40.5.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 390.


GSHEN SGAR — See (— —) Bkra shis lha steng.

GSHEN SGER — A way of spelling the pl.n. Gshen gyer, q.v.

GSHEN SGOM DKAR BA — See (— — — —) Rdo rje dbang phyug.

GSHEN SGOM RAS PA — Disc. of Mi la ras pa.  For their meeting, see 4 116A.2.  He belonged to a Bonpo family, but was converted by Mi la ras pa when the latter cured his dying father.  4 132B.4, 133A.6, 252B.4.  4A 5B.6.  4X I 230.1.

GSHEN RJE'I SRING MO — N. of Yamunā.  Das 418.

GSHEN TE THUL — Opponent of Rwa Lo tsā ba.  Stein in McKay, History of Tibet I 591.

GSHEN STON — See (— —) Nam mkha'i rgyal mtshan.

Dpal GSHEN BSTAN BDE CHEN GLING — Bon mon. f. in 1410.  Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 149.

Dpal GSHEN BSTAN G.YUNG DRUNG DAR RGYAS GLING — Official name of Bya dur Dga' mal Dgon chen.  Schrempf in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 328.

GSHEN BSTAN DAR RGYAS — A n. of A g.yung Rin po che.

Dpal GSHEN BSTAN RNAM RGYAL KUN GRAGS GLING — N. of G.yung drung gling, q.v.  253 II 590.3.

Lung dkar GSHEN BSTAN RIN GLING — Or, Rin chen gling.  Bon mon. f. in 1868.  Kværne no 211.  253 II 629.3.  489 352.3.

Dpal GSHEN BSTAN SHEL BRAG PHUG — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 247.  Better known by its shorter name Phug pa Dgon.

Ri rgyal GSHEN DAR — Sp?  JTL&CT 205 ff.  =Dar sdings.  See under Gshin dar lding (i.e., Gshen Dar lding).  Kapstein, Assimilation 256.

GSHEN DAR SDE — 387 187.

GSHEN RDOR MO — A nya ma of Mi la ras pa who met her when she was proprietress of a beer house at (Gnya' nang) Rtsar ma.  17 II 492.5.  4X I 135.3, 190.1 ff. (Bshan rdor mo), 231.5, 257.6.  4 7r.1, 12r.5, 12v.1, 14r.1, 190r.3, 264r.5 ff.  4A 6r.1.  Cyrus Stearns says the translators made her a woman, when she was in fact a man.  This kind of thing does happen.

GSHEN PA — See (— —) Rdo rje seng ge.

GSHEN SPRUL — See (— —) Thugs kyi nyi ma.

GSHEN BOM SGOM CHEN — In time of phyi dar328 B 517.3.

Dba' GSHEN BLON — A Bonpo called at the birth of 'Jig rten mgon po.  476 I 47.3.

Lcam mo GSHEN BZA' — See (— —) (— —) Ne chen.

GSHEN RAB MI BO — Biographical materials, see 352.  Mkhas grub rgya mtsho, Illustrated Life of Mi bo Gshen rab, illus. by Lha bzo Nam mkha' of Rgyal rong Brag steng and Yon tan rgya mtsho, in 4 vols., publ. 1977.  Kuznetsov, "Who was the Founder of the Bon Religion?'  TJ 1 no 1, pp. 113‑114.  His eight discs. (sku sras brgyad) were 1. Mu chos.  2. 'Ol drug thang po.  3. Gto bu Bum sangs.  4. Dpyad bu Khri shing.  5. Lung 'dren.  6. Brgyud 'dren.  7. Kong tsha Dkar po.  8. Kong tsha 'Phul bu chung.  Das 91.  A neglected biography of Gshen rab may be seen in the following: 'Phags pa'i Gnas brten gyi Mchod pa Mdo sde Me tog 'Phreng ba, "ritual for the worship of the sixteen sthavira [arhats] of the New Bon tradition by the Bonpo gter ston Sangs rgyas gling pa of Khyung po with other texts of the tradition by Bstan pa 'brug grags and Skyang sprul Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan, reproduced from rare mss. from Sbra chen Spa tshang Dgon pa," Tashi Dorji, TBMC (Dolanji 1985), text no. 3: Rgyal ba Dmu sras mgon po'i Rnam thar Rtogs brjod, by Bstan pa 'brug grags, on pp. 249‑403, this being a biography of Lord Gshen rab with 360 numbered sections.

GSHEN SRAS RIN PO CHE — See =(Gshen) Nor bu dbang rgyal.

GSHEN GSAS LHA RJE — Alias, (Go lde 'Phags pa) G.yung drung ye shes, q.v.  =Gshen sras Lha rje.  253 II 233.6.

GSHEN LHA DKAR PO — 206 540.5.  352 714.6.

GSHEN LHA 'OD DKAR — Wisdom deity in Bon.  T.H. 105.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 152, 169.  Pictured in 280 I 6.  Thangka illustrated in Christie's New York catalogue (March 2000), no. 134.

La stod GSHER LUNG — Birthpl. of Yang dgon pa.  57 IIB 369.2.

GSHOGS PO CHE — Ancient Bonpo who came to Tibet from Gurnavatra (?).  488 5.1.

GSHONG DGON — 17 IV 222.4.

GSHONG STON — See (— —) Rdo rje rgyal mtshan.

Yar klungs GSHONG PA — BA 890.

Gdung rigs GSHONG WANG PA — 377 6B.1.

GSHONGS — Pl.n.  BA 109.

GSHONGS RONG —  =Solu.  Macdonald 141.

Bla ma GSHONGS CHEN — TS5 471 n. 27.

GSHONGS CHEN PA — In Thang stong Snyan brgyud.  Bio. in 63 I 85.  See (Gshongs chen) Bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po.

GSHOL 'GRO SKYES — 'Born walking behind the plow'?  See Rgyun shes kyi bu.

GSHOL MDA' 'DZIN — One of the Gser gyi Ri Bdun, or Seven Mountains of Gold.  Das 1310.

BSHAD SGRA — See (— —) Dga' ldan dpal 'byor.  (— —) Dpal 'byor bsod nams dbang phyug.  (— —) Dbang phyug rgyal po.  (— —) Tshe ring dbang phyug.

Gzims shag BSHAD SGRA — Printery.  162 239.

BSHAD SGRUB GLING — See Lho lung Dkar dgon Bshad sgrub gling.

Dwags po BSHAD SGRUB GLING — Printery.  162 208.  See Pomplun in History of Religions 50 (2011) 399.

Rgyal mtshan brag BSHAD SGRUB CHOS 'KHOR GLING — Vai.Ser. 265.

Chos mgon BSHAD SGRUB CHOS KYI NYIN BYED — (b. 1829)  'Brug pa.  7.  Author of bio. in 136 395‑440.

BSHAD SGRUB CHOS KYI SNANG BA — Also called (Rdzogs chen Mkhan po) Bsod nams chos 'phel, q.v.

Sngags rams pa BSHAD SGRUB BSTAN DAR — Works of Bstan dar Sngags rams pa, publ. Sharada Rani (N.Delhi 1982).  Gelugpa scholar from inner Mongolia. [I Tib 82‑902694]

BSHAD SGRUB BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — See under Glag bla Bsod nams chos grub.

BSHAD SGRUB BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — See Ngag dbang bshad sgrub bstan pa'i nyi ma.

BSHAD SGRUB BSTAN PA'I NYI MA — (b. 1920)  The reincarnation of Smyo shul Lung rtogs bstan pa'i nyi ma (1829‑1901).

Gling Rje drung BSHAD SGRUB BSTAN 'PHEL — TS5 812.

BSHAD SGRUB DAR RGYAS GLING — See Khams bye Bshad grwa.

Ko'u ba BSHAD SGRUB DAR RGYAS GLING — Guwasi.  Horlemann 142.

Skyid 'jo BSHAD SGRUB DAR RGYAS BDE CHEN — Vai.Ser. 237.

BSHAD SGRUB SPRUL SKU — See 376 title page.

BSHAD SGRUB MING CAN — Author of FM 721.00.

BSHAD SGRUB ZUNG 'BREL — See under Ser dgon.

BSHAD 'PHEL GLING — Santi e Briganti 26.  377 29B.1.

Gzim shag BSHAD ZUR — Printery.  162 239.

BSHAN RDOR MO — See Gshen rdor mo.

BSHAN PA DGU SKOR — Gter ma of Gnubs chen.  374 I 830.4.

Nyang ro BSHAM PO MKHAR — Small town in Gtsang.  Das 475.

BSHEN PA — One of the powerful heroes who lived during the time of King Ge sar.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 35.

BSHES GNYEN — In avadāna story.  TPS 521.

Chos rje BSHES GNYEN GRAGS PA — (1546‑1618)  The 29th khri thog of Dga' ldan.  BD of T&TB VI 151.  Pictured in 128 916.

BSHES GNYEN STON SNYING — (11th‑12th cent.)  217 709.4.

Lha mthong Lo tsā ba BSHES GNYEN RNAM RGYAL — (b. 1512)  Wrote bio. of Dbus smyon in 1537; listed in BLP no. 1546, and found in 72 II 561‑660.  17 II 481.5.  Author of a Bal yul gyi Lam yig acc. to the Ocean Annals (listed in BLP no. 1404).  Drepung Catalog, 1470, says he was a direct disc. of Karma pa Mi bskyod rdo rje.  Stearns, King 10.

BSHES GNYEN BZANG — A king of Shambhala.  128 1000.

BSHOL BA KHA — See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 46, 57.






SA — See in Tib. Vocab.

SA KA RA — Mahāsiddha.  =Sa ro ru ha.  Tib.: Mtsho skyes or Mtsho skyes gzhon nu.  Bio. in 120 176‑181.  His guru was Avalokiteśvara.  His father was Indrabhūti.  He cleared up a famine and had a disciple called Ra ma.  In general, his life corresponds to that of Padmasambhava.  For following, see BD of T&TB I 239‑244, 748‑752.  A disc. of Phag tshang pa.  When he met Phag tshang pa, the latter was carrying a club accompanied by a low class woman and herding pigs (3 symbols for the 3 poisons, obviously).  His own disc. was Indra bhu ti Bar pa.

Dge tshul SA KA RA SIDDHI — 17 II 289.5.

SA KANDHA PA — Skandhapā, disc. of Mai tri pa.  BA 843.

SA DKAR DGON — A mon. in present day Nepal.  28 13 & index.  253 II 396.4, 596.5.

SA DKAR BA — 210 245.4.

SA DKAR RTSE — Mountains.  Sato in Acta Asiatica 29 (1975) 8.

SA DKYIL — Village.  Nagano in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 570.

SA DKYIL 'KHOR — Hazod in Steinkellner Festschrift 260.


Dpal SA SKYA — Also, Sa skya Chos grwa.  A mon. in Gtsang province on the Grum river which flows into the Gtsang po river near Lha rtse.  Ferrari 63‑64.  Wylie 66, 133 n. 159.  T.H. 149.  Waddell 274.  JTL&CT 239 ff, 312.  TPS 7‑17, 625‑629.  84, references on pp. 229‑230.  Founded by ('Khon) Dkon mchog rgyal po in 1073.  For references on Sa skya period see 27 3.  56 137 ff.  4 82A.5, 227A.2.  Has printery.  162 216.  Story of founding, see BD of T&TB X 93.10 ff.  BA 56, 194, 196, 205‑208, 211‑213, 216‑218, 281, 316, 325, 337, 339, 405, 492, 527‑528, 556, 582, 632‑634, 651, 669, 695, 708, 750, 774‑776, 785, 1012, 1045, 1059, 1088.  Discussion of the Sa skya'i Dkar chag (Gdan sa Chen po Dpal ldan Sa skya'i Gtsug lag khang dang Rten Gsum gyi Dkar chag by Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 20‑21.  See the Sa skya'i Gnas bshad title listed in the bibliography of Stearns, Luminous Lives 277.  Dkar chags listed in BLP nos. 1955, 1965.  A "Guide to the Sa-skya monastery" in 92-folio ms. (photocopy from collection of Giuseppe Tucci), is listed in Raghu Vira catalog, "TIB. 575."

SA SKYA BKA' 'BUM — 374 II 94.1 ff.  SBTD I 80.  Compiled in 15th cent. in Gung thang.  DTK5 129.


SA SKYA CHOS GRWA CHEN PO — See (— — — — — —) Yongs 'dzin Ma ti.


SA SKYA PA — The six subsects are (the first 3 still existing, the other three nearly vanished):  1. Ngor pa.  2. Tshar pa.  3. Gong dkar.  4. Jo nang pa.  5. Bu lugs.  6. Bo dong Lugs.  Also, there existed Stag tshang pa and Zhwa lu pa (although the latter may be identified with Bu lugs).  T.H. 51.  Sa skya monasteries may be identified by the grey stripes on their red walls.  JTM 54.  12 IX 91.1 ff.  16 34‑36.  Chos 'byung, see 62TPS 91.  Waddell 68‑71.  BA 210‑218.

SA SKYA PAṆḌI TA — See (— — — — —) Kun dga' rgyal mtshan.

SA SKYA BLA BRANG BZHI — 1. Bzhi thog.  2. Rin chen sgang.  3. Lha khang.  4. Dus mchod.  27 108.

SA SKYA BLA BRANG SHAR — At Sa skya.  56 46.

SA SKYA LEGS BSHAD — Note the illus. of a woodblock printed edition in Precious Deposits III 66.

SA SKYA LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — — —) 'Jam dbyangs kun dga' bsod nams grags pa rgyal mtshan.  Or, see ('Jam pa'i rdo rje) Kun dga' bsod nams.

Chos rje SA SKYA LO TSTSHĀ BA — Fl. at beginning of 13th cent.  Bka' ma Rgyas pa XLVI 365.2.

Dpal SA SKYA'I LHA KHANG CHEN MO — Founded in 1268 by Dpon chen Shākya ye shes.  Dhongthog 122.

SA SKYONG — King of Shambhala.  128 1010.  See also Chandra.

SA SKYONG SGOM CHEN — Sp?  David‑Neel, Magic & Mystery 55.  I imagine she must mean the famous Sgom chen Rin po che of Sikkim.

SA KHA NAG PA — Stearns, King 69.

SA KHUD NANG PA — Aristocratic family of Rta nag in Gtsang.  Important landowners of Sa khud in Rta nag.  40 4.

SA KHUN DING BA — Bellezza, L&T 45.

SA 'KHAN — Mongol.  208 I 237.3.

Tshe dang ldan pa SA GA — Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 347.

SA GA MA — N. of a laywoman.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) IV 324.4, 491.1.

SA GA RI — N. of a city.  BD of T&TB I 362.

SA'U GANGS — TS7 I 355.  Havnevik, Dissert. 197.

SA DGA' — (sp?)  Region in west.  Stein 23.  "Saka."

SA DGA' RDZONG — An area in Mnga' ris.  See Wylie 124, n. 84.

Mon gyi Rgyal po SA MGU — 115 155.1.

SA MGO — Sangkhu, the town in the Nepal valley.  406 5A.6.  This is an example of a 'Tibetanizing' spelling, as it bears meaning in Tibetan, 'earth door.'

SA SGONG DGON — Vai.Ser. 249.

SA'I DNGOS GZHI — Work by Asaṅga.  Lati Rinbochay, Death 76.

SANGGHA RMAL — King of Gu ge.  28 54 ff.

SANGGHA SHRI — 17 11 405.6.

SA GCOD BLA MA — See (Tshogs shul Bla ma) Nor bu bstan 'dzin.  Lama who cuts off the letter "sa."  See Dorji Wangchuk's blog Philologia Tibetica, entry dated August 25, 2012.

SA CHEN — As title, short for Sa skya Bdag chen.

SA CHOG — 397 XXII 41‑42.  SBTD I 372.

SA JING — ?  KTDN 130.4.

SA NYE — A Sde dpon of Khotan.  Emmerick.

SA SNYAN DRA — See Skan rdar bhig.

SA SNYING — Disc. of Atiśa.  17 II 282.3.

SA'I SNYING PO — Pictured in 128 20.  Works in 212 IV.

SA'I SNYING PO — Bhūmaṇḍala.  =Rgya gar, or rather an epithet of India.  Das 304.

A tsarya SA'I SNYING PO — Servant of Vimalamitra who accompanied him on the journey to Tibet.  He died in Mchims phu.  LGCM 638.3, 646.2.

SĀ TRA DRU — N. of a river.  Wylie 57.  =Śatadru.  Sutlej.  T'oung Pao n.s. L 338.

Si tu Drung che SA TA'I ZHING CHEN — (1345‑1376)  Lost ref.

SA TRA NA — 115 70.2.

SA TRIG DBANG RGYAL — A name of Shes rab dbang rgyal.

SA TRIG ER SANGS — "Great Mother of Infinite Space."  Form of the highest female principle in Bon.  T.H. 105.  =Byams ma.  Meaning, in Tibetan: Shes rab byams ma.  Sūtras in 491 84 ff.  Thangka illus. in  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 125.

SA STAG — See (— —) Nam mkha' gzungs.

SA STOD DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo smad with 10 incarnates and 1800 monks.

SA STOD STOBS CHEN DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo smad with 7 incarnates and 1250 monks.

SA STON GYI MDO — Mahīśāsaka Sūtra.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 346.

SA STON PA'I SDE — Mahīśāsaka Nikāya.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 346.

SA THANG — A king of Sa thang is mentioned in an inscription on a conch illus. in Precious Deposits III 231.

Stod lungs SA THANG — BA 475.

SA THAM —  ='Jang Sa tham.  232 I 9.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 2, 101, 142‑143.  346 105.5.  SBTD I 15.  The modern name for this area of Yunnan is Lijiang.  See Sa dam, below.


SA THAM LHA BTSUN — See (— — — —) Karma rin chen.

SA MTHA' — Pl.n.  BA 1087.

SA DA KA NA DA'I RTSANG PO —  =Alakānanda river, a tributary of the Ganges.

SA DAM — NW region of Yunnan.  'Jang Sa dam, =Sa tham, q.v.  Sum pa, Annals 77.

SA DHU KIRTI — A pundit, listed with no further info., in Mtshan tho no. 109.

SA DHU PĀ LA — One of the 3 ordinands of Dharmapāla in the Stod 'dul tradition.  Mtshan tho no. 31.  In Tib. tr., Legs skyong.

SĀ DHU PU TRA — BD of T&TB I 812.

Khrod yul SA MDO DGON — Vai.Ser. 247.

SA LDANG — In Dolpo.  Map in Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 141.

SA LDUM — Pl.n.  CHMO 15 24.

SA SDE — N. of a work of Asaṅga.  Tantra in Tibet 113.  See under Sa'i Dngos gzhi.

Rta nag SA SDE CHEN — Vai.Ser. 209.

Gtsug lag khang SA NA PA RA — Lde'u 400.

Mus SA NAG — Pl.n.  5 193.1.

SA NAG — A locality in the eastern part of Lha sa. Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 116‑117.

SA NAM — DTK5 90.

SA NU — "Earth breast."  Gostana, =Khotan.  Emmerick.

SA NON GYI LHA KHANG — Built by Srong btsan sgam po.  17 II 318.3.

SA YI RNA BA — Bhūmikarṇa.  N. of the oldest Pāṇḍava brother.  Das 98.

SA SNA BA — A minor figure; see 5 115.2.

Gu rub SA SNANG SNA SGRON — 206 551.5.

SA PRA MKHAN PO — ?  17 II 348.1.

SA PRI — An Arhat.  Emmerick.

SA DPYAD — Geomancy.  The word could perhaps be interpreted as 'earth diagnostic test.'  A geomancy text is translated in Lungta, vol. 16 (Spring 2003), p. 5.

SA SPYOD — Bhūcarī.  Pandey.

SA SPYOD KYI GNAS — N. for Hi ma la ya.  "Sa spyod kyi 'Jigs byed Brgyad kyis Bzung bas Sa spyod kyi Gnas zhes bya'o."  BD of T&TB X 26.3‑4.

SA SPYOD NAM MKHA' — 128 770.


Rin spungs SA SPYOD DBANG PO — Cited in KB 19.5.

SA SPRIN — N. of a temple.  Ehrhard in Prats, Pandita 38.

SA PHU — BA 627.


SA PHUD — A small Ladakhi religious house dependent on Dpe thub.  See 14 109.

SA PHUD BLA MA — Lama who omits the letter "sa."  See Dorji Wangchuk's blog Philologia Tibetica, entry dated August 25, 2012.

SA YI 'PHUNG BYED NAG MO — A sa bdagVai.Kar. II 311.  Wife of Rāhu,  ATPP 64, she wields a sickle in her right hand and a bag in her left.

SA BA RI PA — See Dza ba ri pa.

Slob dpon SA'I BU — 87 I 252.2.


SA BLA MGON SKYABS — Bellezza, D&B 45.

SA BLA BA — See (— — —) Srid pa Chags pa'i Lha Dgu.

SA DBANG BZANG PO — One of the most important pundits at the court of Dpon chen Shākya bzang po.

SA DBANG BZANG PO — (d. 1790, age 22)  King of Sde dge.  His young widow was Tshe dbang lha mo.  39 12.  23 24.  218 preface.

SA 'BO RA — Place in Gnyal where a religious council was held in 12th century.  Hazod in Sørensen Festschrift 191.

SA 'BRUG — Bon mon. in Shar khog.  Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 421.

SA MA TI — Mother of Thod pa bha dra.  124 460.3.

SA MA TI PAKSHI — Title, see 332 II preface 9.  Sa ma ti represents Skt. samādhi.  In Chinese, Chanshi.  Thuken 368.

Na ga ra dza SA MA TRA — Human birth of the Nāga King Dga' bo.  1132 76.4.

SA MA NA SE — 476.  Probably simply a mistake for A ma na se, q.v.


SA MANTA SHRI — Former pupil of Nāropa.  BA 789.  See Rwa Chos rab.  17 II 415.3.  In Tibetan, Kun nas dpal.  Translated 'Jigs byed Rgyud Rtog Bdun, slightly after Mal Lo, in early 12th cent.  Mtshan tho no. 84.

SA MANTA SHRI BHA DRA — A disc. of Manydzu kīrti.  17 II 303.4.  Born in Ye rang (Lalitpur).  BD of T&TB I 814.

Smad tshong SA MAN TI — N. of a prostitute.  413 146.3 ff.

SA MU DRA — Mahāsiddha.  Tib.: Rgya mtsho zhabs.  Bio. in 120 200‑201.  He was a pearl driver (he got jewels from the ocean) and one day didn't get anything, so he went to a graveyard in despair.  There he was met by the yogi A tsinta, who initiated him.  Spelled Sa mu da in BD of T&TB I 768‑769.

SA MUNDRA SU KHA — 17 XX 286.6.

Rgyal po SA MUTSTSHA YA — BD of T&TB I 419.

SA DMAG — A sa bdagVai.Kar. II 288.

SA DMAR — BA 90.  See Gardner in TJ XXVIII no. 3 (2003) 67.  South of Dpal yul, the Sa skya monastery by this name was founded in 13th century by Bsod nams rin chen.

SA SMAN — A sa bdagVai.Kar. II 289.

SA SMAN 'JAM LE — Bellezza, D&B 45.

Rgyal po SA TSA NA — BD of T&TB I 847.

Paṇḍi ta SA'I RTSA LAG — BD of T&TB I 495.  This would seem to be an older Tibetan translation of the name Vasubandhu (later translated Dbyig gnyen), according to one source, but this is incorrect.  Karmay, Great Perfection 150.

Bya 'ug SA TSHIGS — ?  One of the dbang ris.  See 28 79.

Rag bza' SA MTSHO — TS5 796.

SA DZDZA NA —  =Sañjana.  Teacher of Pa tshab in Kashmir.  BA 342.  17 II 384.4.  BD of T&TB I 824.

SA 'DZIN —  =Gāndhāra (or Gandhāra).  Levi in BEFEO V (1905) 259.

Klu'i Rgyal po SA 'DZIN — KTDN 143.3.

SA 'DZIN PAKṢHI — 208 I 239.1.

SA BZANG PAṆ CHEN — See (Sa bzang Ma ti Paṇ chen) Blo gros rgyal mtshan.  Ruegg, JSBO 91.

SA BZANG 'PHAGS PA — In thangka inscription in Rhies & Thurman 226.  Another in lower register of Kriejger, Tibetan Painting pl. 66. 

SA BZANG BLA MA — See (— — — —) Ngag dbang bstan 'dzin.

SA BZANG LO CHEN — A teacher of (Zur) Shākya 'byung gnas.  BD of T&TB III 511.

SA 'UG — BA 669.

SA 'UG — See (— —) Stag sgo.

SA 'OG NA SPYOD PA'I GNAS — A n. of Ku lu ta.  BD of T&TB X 27.14.

SA G.YEN — Eleven 'earthly classes' of spirits.  Listed in Clemente in TS6 133, n. 6.

SA RA DGON — Vai.Ser. 144.

Rgyal po SA RA NA — BD of T&TB I 841.

SA RA PU — See Pa ra su.

SA RA SI KA — A language.  A misspelling for Par si ka (due in part to the dbu med similarity of 's' and 'p').  394 I 77.3.

SA RA HA — (circa 633?)  Tib.: Mda' bsnun zhabs.  Indian Mahāsiddha.  11 71.  Bio. in 24 I 41.6‑44.6.  His Do ha Skor Gsum in 116 107‑179.  Bio. in 120 21‑24.  Pictured in 128 40, 264, 318.  Teacher of Sarba bhaksha, q.v.  Pictured in 320 XIII 2.  165 16.3 ff.  His De kho na nyid Rtse mo in 331 392‑400.  Sku Gsung Thugs Yid la Mi Byed pa'i Phyag rgya chen po, a song in 331 420‑457.  Bio. in 17 IV 372.3 ff.  BD of T&TB I 159.  Work in 467 II 237 ff.

SA RA HA CHUNG NGU — Evidently a disciple of Sa ra ha.  24 I 44.5.  He was present at ordination of Klu sgrub.  24 I 53.7.

SA RAL — Birthpl. of Gtsang pa Rgya ras in Myang stod.  1 8.2.  Myang sdod Sa ral.  44 3A.4.  On a shoulder/slope of Ha bo'i Gangs bzang.  57 IIB 364.1.

SA RAS KHAG — 208 I 238.6.

SA RAS THAL JI — 208 I 236.2.

SA RI — A Hor tribe, named as an element in early Tibetan population by Btsan po No mon han.  Gruschke, Amdo I 12.  The same author also gives Sa ri as name of the Sahara Desert.  Yongdan, TCW 109.

SA RIS DANG RDE SKOR GYI MAN NGAG — Text in 319 II 92‑100.  Evidently these are instructions on pebble and geomantic divination.

SĀ RU PĀ STI — Father of 'Jam dpal bshes gnyen.  BD of T&TB I 377.

SA RU PA —  =Si ro pa.  BD of T&TB I 348.

SA RO RU HA — See Sa ka ra.

SĀ LA GAN DHA — 406 2A.3.

SA LA DGON PA — 253 II 632.4.

SA LA TA TSE — BA 849.

SA LA'I NAGS GSEB — Visited by Tilopa.  116 45.2.

SA LA BU TRA — In eastern India.  120 59.4, 59.11, 70.7.

SĀ LA BHANDHA — An Indian king who learned bcud len from Nāgārjuna.  120 54.6 ff.

Rgyal po SA LA WA HA NA — BD of T&TB I 454.

SA LA RAB BRTAN — N. of an elephant.  Zlos gar 33.

SA LAN — See under Pa'i lan.

SA LI PU TRA NA GA RA — 120 83.18, 93.2, 107.16, 129.2.  BD of T&TB I 411, 680.

SA LU CA — N. of a queen.  Emmerick.

SA LU SPE SAR — Vitali in TS9 I 91.

Ban de SA LE — A Nepalese.  Chag 101.

'Bre A tsa ra SA LE — See BA 156.  BD of T&TB III 316, 804.

SA LE LJON — Taken as a name of a celestial place (but perhaps just an epithet?).  Bellezza, D&B 35.f

SA LE 'OD — Disc. of Mi la ras pa.  See 4 193B ff. (chap. 28).  She is named by Mi la ras pa in 4 197B.2.  See 4 200B.1‑2 where it is said that Ngan rdzong Ston pa wrote her history.

SA LE 'OD — See (— — —) Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.

La stod SA LE 'OD DKAR PO — 253 II 358.6.

SA'I LEGS DRUG — Second group of legendary kings.  Bu ston 182.

SA'I LEN DBANG — See (— — —) Grags pa rgyal mtshan.

SA LO TSĀ BA — See Sa skya Lo tsā ba, who may be called simply Sa Lo.

SA LOG GNAM LOG — Title of a work of Zhang Rin po che.  602 30r.1.

SA SHOD — BA 579.


SA YI SANG GA — An Indian king Bhūmisanga, who visited Tibet in time of 'Brom ston pa.  Das 1261.  443 VI 468, 469.

SA SER — BA 545.

Bdag SWA STI DHWA DZA — See (Zur) Legs pa rgyal mtshan.

SA SRUNG SDE — Mahīśāsaka.  One of 10 sub‑schools of Sarvāstivādins.  BA 28.

SA GSUM MNGON DGA' — Reliquary of DL IX.  TS5 659.

SA GSUM LHA KHANG — Chapel at top of Potala.  TS5 659.

SA BSEN GDUG BYED — Vai.Kar. II 278.

SA'I HAB — At the boundary between China and Tibet.  HS XXXVI 362.1.

SA HOR —  =Za hor (?).  BA 241.

SA YI LHA MO — Pictured in 216A.

SA YI LHA MO BSTAN MA — Vai.Kar. 289.

Sbas yul SAG TI — 356 101.6.

SAG BRDAS — 208 I 238.4.

SAG RI DU — 208 I 238.4.

SAGS KHA — BA 1061.

SANG KA DZA — A Mahāsiddha.  BD of T&TB I 705‑706.  See Pang ka dza.

SANG KA DZA TI — BD of T&TB I 235.

SANG KA RA — See (— — —) Dar chung.

SANG GA STA — An Arhat.  Emmerick.

SANG GA PAR PA TA — Disc. of Gautama Buddha.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) IV 425.2.

SANG GA PO LONG — In Khotan.  Emmerick.

SANG GHA PAKṢI — 208 I 239.1.

SAṂ GHA — Samgha.  Bio by H. Franke contained in:  Igor de Rachewiltz et al., eds., In the Service of the Khan, Harrassowitz (Wiesbaden 1993).

SAṂ GHA BHA DRA — See Dus bzang.  Kashmiri teacher.  BD of T&TB I 372, 390.  Bio. by Kun dga' grol mchog listed in BLP no. 0041.


SANG GHA SHĪ LA — BD of T&TB I 870, 926.

SANG GHA SHRĪ — In Tibetan, Dge 'dun dpal.  He was skilled in Sgra Tsandra pa and Mngon pa Brjod.  One of 9 lesser pundits who came to Tibet with Shākya shrī.

SANG CHU SHA PANG — Disc. of G.yag sbub pa.  57 IIB 372.1.

SANG TIR — Pl. in Khotan.  Emmerick.

SANG DO BRO 'GO — Vai.Ser. 234.

SANG PA KA — A Mongol.  208 I 238.1.

SANG SHI — One of 4 sent by Khri srong lde btsan to find Dharma.  17 II 319.6 ff, 321.3. 

Blon Khri bzher SANG SHI — 2 5.  Also, (Khri sher).  17 II 267.1, 331.5.

SANG SING DGON — 463 I 139.4.

SANGS RGYAM PA — Short form for Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho, q.v.  Wylie 69, 136.

Mkhan chen SANGS RGYAS — Teacher of Blo bzang rta mgrin.  224 intro.

Drin chen ma SANGS RGYAS KUN GROL — A person.  210 45.1.



Nyi thog pa SANGS RGYAS KUN SMON — A pupil of ('U yug pa) Rig pa'i seng ge.  76 8.

SANGS RGYAS DKON MCHOG — This was D'Andrade's translation for the Christian concept 'God.'  See Pomplun's book Jesuit on the Roof of the World, p. 146.

Dka' bcu pa SANGS RGYAS BKRA SHIS — In a line originating from Rgyal thang pa.  119 preface.

He Bla ma SANGS RGYAS BKRA SHIS — (d. 1413)  Bka' brgyud pa.  Originally from Gro bo Lung, he moved to Amdo and founded, in 1392, Gro tshang Lha khang.  See Sperling in Lungta 14 (2001).  He was also known as Mtsho snying ba and Glang dkar pa.  See the Treasury of Lives website and the entry for Bsam blo Bla ma Sangs rgyas bkra shis, where his death date is given as 1413.

Lha rje SANGS RGYAS BKRA SHIS — He and one Bla ma Kun rig composed a work entitled Dpal ldan bla ma dam pa'i Rnam par Thar pa Rnam dag Yon tan gyi Rgya mtsho, listed in Drepung Catalog 1511.

SANGS RGYAS SKAR RGYAL — 394 II 59.5.  See also under Skar rgyal.

SANGS RGYAS SKYABS — Buddhapālita.  Mkhan po at the dge tshul ordination of Nā ro pa.  75 18.  73 56.1.  T&BS I 211‑240.  Pictured in 128 274.  Disc. of Nāgārjuna.  Bio. in 165 273.  =Sangs rgyas skyobs.  BD of T&TB I 486.

Mtsho byed SANGS RGYAS SKYABS — SBTD I 80.  This would seem to be the name of a physician ('Tsho byed).

Ras pa SANGS RGYAS SKYABS — A disc. of Mi la ras pa.  See 4 49B (chap. 10).  Nephew or grandson of Zhi ba 'od.  57 IIB 351.6.  Blan btsun Sangs rgyas skyabs.  Glen btsun Sangs rgyas skyabs.  4 84B.2.  4A 5B.6.

SANGS RGYAS SKYONG — See under Buddha pā la.


SANGS RGYAS KHROM RAS — Disc. of Rgod tshang pa.  BA 687.

SANGS RGYAS MKHA' 'GRO — Born Kathleen McDonald in California in 1952.  An ordained Buddhist nun, author of a bestselling book on how to meditate.

Rgya sman pa SANGS RGYAS GRAGS — (12th cent.)  B. in the rus called Gnya' in the area called Rgya sman Stag rtse pa.

Myos Mthing ma ba SANGS RGYAS GRAGS PA — Also, (Gnyos).  Disc. of Myang ral.  210 23.5.  A teacher of Klong chen pa.  52 2.  210 229.6.

Rtsa mi Lo tsā ba SANGS RGYAS GRAGS — BA 530, 699, 761, 795, 796, 837, 1009, 1021, 1053.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 280.  See 23 8.  Disc. of A bha yā kā ra gupta.  17 II 303.1, 419.3, 419.4 ff.  17 II 457.1.  Disc. of Dus zhabs chung.  BD of T&TB I 814.  476 IV 368.5.  Kuijp in CAJ 37 (1993) 196‑7.  Some of his Sanskrit compositions said to be still extant.  Chag xl.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 8, says he was active in 12th century and died before the year 1190; he also mentions that Ba ri Lo tsā ba was supposed to have met Rtsa mi in around 1054.  The entry in Mtshan tho places him in the 11th century & mentions that he was born in Khams Mi nyag.  I think it most likely his active years were somewhere between 1100 and 1150, a contemporary of Abhayākaragupta.

Yang dgon pa SANGS RGYAS GRAGS — Also called Mi bskyod rdo rje.  Of Smar khams.  A disc. of Smar pa Grub thob.  Bio. in 73 656‑670.

SANGS RGYAS GRAGS PA — (1646‑1719)  A Bhutanese pupil of Gtsang Mkhan chen (1610‑1684).  An important artist in Bhutan.  23 48.  He built temples and painted frescoes at (Spa gro) Stag tshang in 1692‑3.

Nang chen Gu shrī SANGS RGYAS GRAGS PA — BD of T&TB VII 167.

Gter chen SANGS RGYAS GLING PA — (1340‑1396)  "Kong po'i yul Nyang po'i sa'i cha O rgyan sgrub gnas Gyin phu G.yu lung gi mda' gdab steng du 'khrungs."  Dhongthog 105.  Excavated the Bla ma Dgongs 'dus, q.v.  BD of T&TB III 541.  Bio. in 210 104.3 ff.  His dge bsnyen name was Dkon mchog rin chen.  His rab byung name was Sangs rgyas bzang po.  Met Rol pa'i rdo rje (1340‑1383).  210 105.3.  His gter ma in 229 391 ff.  Pictured in 320 XXI 675.  Waddell 68.  Alias: Rin chen gling pa.  410 82A.1.  411 279A.3.  Alias Dkon mchog rin chen.  Met (Karma pa) Rang byung rdo rje (1238‑1339!) in his later life.  Therefore, it would seem that he actually lived in the previous 60‑year cycle, so the chronology needs study!  413 355.3.  One of his gter ma in 87 XXV.  Works on Yamāntaka in 87 XXVII, XXIX.  His Thugs rje chen po Nor bu Skor Gsum in 85 XXXV.  Texts from his Bla ma Dgongs 'dus in 87 IX.  Lived in 6th rab byung, acc. to 383 219.5.  B. in Iron Dragon year.  Bio. in 413 351.3.  His gter ma sponsor (chos bdag) was a Spo bo King.  See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 45.  Some of his guidebooks to Bon ri are in Katen (300+ vol. version), vol. 203, pp. 643-658.

SANGS RGYAS GLING PA — Author of Bon text in FM 61.00.  Also, FM 96.00.

SANGS RGYAS GLING PA — See (— — — —) Byang chub rdo rje rtsal.

SANGS RGYAS DGE SLONG — Gcod pa.  Bio. in 124 517.4 ff.  BA 990 ff.  Also called Rtogs ldan Dge slong in bio. in 228 86.3 ff.

Bon SANGS RGYAS DGONGS 'DUS — Rdzogs chen text in 428.

Dpang SANGS RGYAS MGON — Also, (Spangs).  Disc. of Bai ro tsa na.  217 709.2.  BA 171.  See also Mi pham mgon po.

Bo dong SANGS RGYAS MGON PO — Excavated Seng gdong Snyan brgyud text in 87 LI.  410 205A.3.

SANGS RGYAS RGYA MTSHO — (n.d.)  BD of T&TB V 596.  Pictured in 128 306, 654.

Grub dbang SANGS RGYAS RGYA MTSHO — A Ngor pa.  Stein, Tribus 21.

Rgyud chen SANGS RGYAS RGYA MTSHO — Kapstein, Assimilation 134.

Sde srid SANGS RGYAS RGYA MTSHO — (1653‑1705)  Wylie xxxiv.  Regent who ruled from 1676 on.  T.H. 59.  Layman who wrote extensively, mastering all the religious systems.  See T.H. 211, for some of his works.  Author of Baiḍūrya G.ya' selT.H. 168.  Wylie 136 n. 197, 155 n. 376.  TPS 257 n. 145, 76, 136.  Killed by Lha bzang Khan.  83A 481.  Some scholars say he was natural son of the Dalai Lama v.  As an astrologer, see TR no. 10 (Oct 1979) 18c 19a; XV no. 2‑3, pp. 14c 15.  Pictured in 128 576.  Patron of Gter bdag gling pa.  458 I 348.5.  463 I 29.2.  Death noted in 466 IV 396.6.  Composed his Bai ḍūrya Sngon po in 1687 (2 versions have been reprinted in India in 1973 and 1974).  Dhongthog 130, 106.  Klong rdol 769.6.  Author, Phug lugs Rtsis kyi Legs bshad Mkhas pa'i Mgul rgyan Baiḍūrya Dkar po'i Do shal Dpyod ldan Snying Nor,  publ. in 2 vols. in Dehradun in 1978.  For 1972 reprint, see 437.  See under Khrims yig. See Vai.Ser. for life & works.  His work Pur tshwa Med 'dzin ma'i Dkar chag Dad pa'i Sa bon gyis Bskyed pa'i Byin rlabs Ro Bda', in 19 fols., kept in TBRC.

SANGS RGYAS RGYA MTSHO MA — N. of a painting.  478A I 120.7.

Gnas brtan SANGS RGYAS RGYAL PO — 116 323.5.

SANGS RGYAS RGYAL MO — Second wife of Rnam rgyal lde.  Sister of his earlier wife.  DTK5 128, 131.

SANGS RGYAS RGYAL MTSHAN — Dge tshul ordination n. of Gtsang smyon.

SANGS RGYAS RGYAL MTSHAN — (1389‑1444)  Son of Shākya rin chen.  Kuijp in Lungta 14 (2001) 60.

Mkhas btsun SANGS RGYAS RGYAL MTSHAN — Shangs pa.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1483.

Che sa SANGS RGYAS RGYAL MTSHAN — (1389-1457)  BA 412.  17 II 465.3.  Dates given as 1389‑1457 in Franz‑Karl Ehrhard, "Spiritual Relationships between Rulers and Preceptors: The Three Journeys of Vanaratna (1384‑1468) to Tibet," contained in: Christoph Cüppers, ed., The Relationship between Religion & State (chos srid zung 'brel) in Traditional Tibet, Lumbini International Research Institute (Lumbini 2004), pp. 245‑265, at p. 249.


Rdor 'dzin SANGS RGYAS RGYAL MTSHAN — In a 'Brug pa lineage.  57 IIB 372.1.

Mus chen SANGS RGYAS RGYAL MTSHAN — His bio. by A myes zhabs, see 62 398.6.  A copy in 297 fols. is listed in Drepung Catalog 1508.  It has now been published in HS LIX.

Gtsang chung SANGS RGYAS RGYAL MTSHAN — 234 IA 36.6.


A sding SANGS RGYAS RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 436.5.

SANGS RGYAS SGOM PA SENG GE SKYABS — (1160‑1229 or 1179‑1249)  An abbot of Snar thang for 10 years.  BA 282‑283, 300‑301, 319.  Ferrari 146.  Pictured in 128 536.  His letters (sprin yig), in 4 fols., listed in Drepung Catalog, p. 1088.

SANGS RGYAS SGOM PA — (1160‑1229)  Bka' gdams pa.  Bio. in BD of T&TB V 91.  Abbot of Bya yul.  Met at Yel pa by Ti shrī ras pa.  467 II 102.2.  See Sperling, Further 7 n. 22.

SANGS RGYAS SGOM PA — (1224‑1278)  Bka' gdams pa  BD of T&TB V 99.  A Sangs rgyas sgom pa is mentioned as a Bka' gdams pa teacher of (Mchims chen) Nam mkha' grags.  BD of T&TB III 385.

SANGS RGYAS NGAG GI DBANG PO — See =(Stag lung pa) Ngag dbang rnam rgyal.


Lam rim SANGS RGYAS NGO SHES — Text in 325 521‑567.


SANGS RGYAS CHOS SGRON — Mother of Chos dbang rgyal mtshan.  601 2r.3.  602 5r.6.

SANGS RGYAS CHOS 'PHEL — Author of Zhabs brtan 'Chi med Bdud rtsi'i 'Dod 'jo, woodblock print from blocks preserved at Dgon steng Bshad sgrub chos gling Mon. in Solu, Nepal (LC acquisition, 1971).

Byang rtse Dpon slob SANGS RGYAS CHOS 'PHEL — (18th cent.)  Yogin student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).

SANGS RGYAS CHOS 'DZOM — For sources on this 'Das log figure, see Epstein in TJ 7 no 4 (Wint 1982) 82.  Bhutanese 'das logTS5 678.  Bio. published in Delhi.  Tshering Gyeltshen Kharchungpa, tr., The Narratives of Sangay Chezom and Jalue Repa ['Ja' lus ras pa?], Kuensel Corporation (Bhutan 2013), in 198 pages.

SANGS RGYAS JO BO — (1232‑1312)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 96.


SANGS RGYAS GNYAN STON — See =(Ri gong pa) Chos kyi shes rab.

SANGS RGYAS GNYAN PA — See (— — — — ix) Karma bshad sgrub bstan pa'i nyi ma.

SANGS RGYAS GNYAN PA RIN PO CHE — (modern)  BD of T&TB VII 301, 302.  Modern teacher who left Tibet for Bhutan.  415 XI 135.3.

SANGS RGYAS MNYAN PA CHEN PO — Teachings on Phyag bzhi pa preserved in 90 VI 79‑96.  12 IX 85.2.

SANGS RGYAS GNYAN RAS —  =Sangs rgyas snyan ras, q.v.  Bio. in BA 568.  SBTD I 15.

SANGS RGYAS GNYAL CHUNG — A teacher of Phag mo gru pa.  17 II 540.2.  BA 557.

SANGS RGYAS MNYAM PA — See (— — — —) Bkra shis dpal 'byor.

SANGS RGYAS MNYAM SBYOR — Works in 194 V.  Tantra in 320 XVI 163‑273, 273 ff.  BD of T&TB I 257, 281.  349 X 511‑736.  Rong zom pa composed an extensive commentary.  Almogi, MA thesis 207.

Rdzogs chen Yang ti SANGS RGYAS MNYAM SBYOR — Teachings of Gu ru Chos dbang in 87 XC.  In titles in 321 I 423 ff.

SANGS RGYAS MNYAM SBYOR LCAGS SNYUG MA — Title of text revealed by Gu ru Chos dbang, published by Dingo Khyentse Rinpoche in 2 vols.

SANGS RGYAS SNYAN PA — In section TA of Shangs pa Gser phrengSangs rgyas snyan pa Grub thob kyi Rnam thar Bla ma Sangs rgyas Ston pa'i Rang rnam, listed in BLP no. 1986.

SANGS RGYAS SNYAN RAS — 57 IIB 357.3.  =Sangs rgyas gnyan ras.

SANGS RGYAS SNYING PO — Abbot of Gung thang from 1231 to his death in 1237.  BA 716.

SANGS RGYAS STONG SKU — A name by which the Mahābuddha temple in Lalitpur is known to Tibetans.  Shakya, Self‑Arisen 199.


SANGS RGYAS STON PA — A Shangs pa successor of Sangs rgyas gnyan ston.  Bio. in 53 II 97‑112, 125‑161.  His bios. listed in BLP nos. 1986‑1988.

SANGS RGYAS STON PA — (13th cent.)  TS5 476.

SANGS RGYAS STON PA — See (— — — —)  Brtson 'grus seng ge.  (— — — —) Yo mo ba.

Rin po che SANGS RGYAS STON PA — (d. 1315)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 98.

Rig 'dzin SANGS RGYAS BSTAN PA — A teacher of Shākya bzang po (16th cent.).  BD of T&TB III 525.

Sa skyong Sde dge Bla ma Khri chen SANGS RGYAS BSTAN PA — Picture in Sde dge Rgyal rabsFM 209.

Chu bzang Sprul sku SANGS RGYAS BSTAN PA DAR RGYAS — A teacher of Sangs rgyas bstan 'phel (1817‑1884).  55 preface.

SANGS RGYAS BSTAN 'PHEL — (1817‑1884)  Of Shel dkar Pha drug Grong dkar.  For a list of teachers and a long bio., see 55 preface.

SANGS RGYAS BSTAN 'DZIN — (modern)  A teacher of Ngag dbang nor bu bzang po.  Bernbaum 71.  377 22A.5.

Sa skya Mkhan po SANGS RGYAS BSTAN 'DZIN — (d. 1990)  Author of comm. on Bshes sprin, publ. 1980.  Author of Dbu ma la 'Jug pa'i Rtsa ba'i Sbyor Tik Zla ba'i Dgongs Bcud Snying po Rab gsal, publ. in Musoorie in 1966(?) [I Tib 115].  See Tanya M. Zivkovic, The Biographical Process of a Tibetan Lama, Ethos, vol. 75, no. 2 (June 2010) 171‑189, which is largely about the death, and the accompanying signs of saintly death (SSD), of this abbot of Sakya Guru Monastery in Darjeeling.  His reincarnation, Bstan 'dzin kun dga' rgyal mtshan, was enthroned in 1997.

Slob dpon SANGS RGYAS BSTAN 'DZIN — (d. 1968)  Bon po.  Slob dpon of Sman ri Gsar pa before Bstan 'dzin rnam dag.  Kailash VIII.  An internet source gives him the dates 1917‑1978.

Gser dgon SANGS RGYAS BSTAN 'DZIN — Also, Shar pa'i Bla ma.  (b. 1924).  Autobio. & other works in 358.  Name given as Serlo Khenpo (Ser lo Mkhan po) Sanggye Tenzin (1924‑1990) in Matthew Kapstein, The Strange Death of Pema the Demon Tamer, in M.K., ed., The Presence of Light (Chicago 2004), pp. 119‑156, at p. 120.

Hor bla SANGS RGYAS BSTAN 'DZIN — 253 II 625.6.

Sman slob SANGS RGYAS BSTAN 'DZIN — (b. 1912)  Also, (Sman ri Slob dpon), (Ljong ldong), (Yongs 'dzin).  Kværne no. 222.  There are two important Bonpo lamas of Sman ri Gsar pa by this name.  The one is the abbot who just recently died, while the other one died in 1968.  Work in 261 580‑582.  263 321‑326.  Kværne 206.  Pictured in Karmay, Treasury.  Work in 295298 588‑589.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 168 etc.



Bcom ldan 'das SANGS RGYAS THOD PA — For works on same, see 90 III 85 ff.  4 212B.2, 213A.1.  Beyer 41.  According to Rngog lugs, 349 XV.  Maṇḍala in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 190.  His consort is Sna tshogs sde ma.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 376.2.

SANGS RGYAS MTHO MED — (sp?)  Bernbaum 69.

Shar sgom SANGS RGYAS DAR — Bio. by Btsun pa Grol mchog (Kun dga' grol mchog?) listed in BLP no. 1945.

SANGS RGYAS DAR PO — Compiled bio. of Rgod tshang pa in 1540.  This is listed in BLP no. 0481.  He was a student of Gtsang smyon.  20 30.  50 preface.  116 363.2.

SANGS RGYAS DON GRUB — (fl. ca. 1838)  12 XV 377.3.


SANGS RGYAS DRI MED — Disc. of Nyi zla 'od zer in the early part of lineage of Kar gling Zhi khro, otherwise unidentified.  See Cuevas, Hidden History 159.

SANGS RGYAS BDUD RTSI — In title in 320 XXVI 583.

SANGS RGYAS MDUD PA'I RGYUD — Partial title.  320 XXIX 645 ff.

Ye shes kyi Mkha' 'gro ma SANGS RGYAS 'DREN — Mother of Gtsang smyon.  234 IA 4.5.

SANGS RGYAS RDO RJE — 2nd abbot of Ro skam.  Tshal pa.  Appears in Red Annals with abbreviated name Sang rdor.

Mkhas dbang SANGS RGYAS RDO RJE — (1569‑1645)  'Brug pa poet in time of the Dalai Lama v.  23 19.  Probably the Ngag dbang sangs rgyas rdo rje who is author of bio. of his teacher Lha rtse ba (1546‑1615) in 181.  Work on Bardo (tr. by me) found in 129 XII 73‑81.  Author of bio. in 466 1‑95.  Author of bio. of 'Brug chen iv listed in BLP no. 1582.  His collected and selected works have been published several times.

Dge slong SANGS RGYAS RDO RJE — Author of Karma bstan skyong dbang po'i Rtogs brjod, listed in BLP no. 0015.

Sgang A drag Rdza pa SANGS RGYAS RDO RJE — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 119.2.

Dus 'khor ba SANGS RGYAS RDO RJE — A teacher of O rgyan pa.  115 16.1, 18.7.  BA 699.

Bya bral SANGS RGYAS RDO RJE — (b. 1913)  Khra leg Mkhan po Bstan 'dzin 'od zer, Skyabs rje Bya bral Sangs rgyas rdo rje'i Rnam thar dang Bla ma Rgyang 'bod Yul Dus Rang Gzhan la Skyo ba'i Nyams mgur, publ. in 2000 in 27 + 19 pp.

Sog po SANGS RGYAS RDO RJE — Student of Rol rdor.


SANGS RGYAS SDE — A Bihar king.  Chag 64.

SANGS RGYAS RNAM RGYAL — Disc. of Smon lam mtha' yas rgya mtsho at whose behest FM 433 was written.


SANGS RGYAS DPAL — "Sang rje dpal."  Said to be nephew of Ti shrī Grags pa 'od zer, he became abbot of Sa skya, then from 1305‑1314 served as Ti shrī for the Yüan Emperors.  See Precious Deposits 25‑27, 28.

Snye mdo ba SANGS RGYAS DPAL — Kuijp in JAOS (1994) 605.

Bla ma Byang sems SANGS RGYAS DPAL — (14th cent.)  He had his residence in Sman lung Chu dbar.  See Quintman in RET 23 (2012) 24.

Zhwa lu pa SANGS RGYAS DPAL — Subject of a portrait in bronze with silver eyes & copper lips illus. in P. Pal et al., Tibet: Tradition & Change (Albuquerque 1998) 60‑61.  Probably this is Mkhas grub Sangs rgyas dpal rin pa (1376‑1422), abbot of Zhwa lu for several years.  See F. Ricca & L. Fournier, "Notes concerning the Mgon khang of Zhwa lu," Artibus Asiae 56 (1996) 358.  Check if this is the Sangs rgyas dpal rin mentioned in BA 202.

G.yag ston SANGS RGYAS DPAL — (1348‑1414)  Also, (G.yag phrug).  His father was Rtse thang gi chen po Byang chub rin chen.  Dhongthog 106.  Called G.yag brugs in BA 1017.  17 II 381.6.  BA 339 ff.  Bio. in 62 224.  Teacher of (Rong ston) Shes bya kun rig.  DJ 6.  383 332.3.

Se sdings pa SANGS RGYAS DPAL — 17 IV 492.2.  Se sdeng pa Sangs rgyas dpal in Cuevas, Hidden History 123.

Lcags dpon SANGS RGYAS DPAL 'BYOR — See M. Oppitz in Khumbu Himal XIV (1982) 285‑295.

Kong po Chab nag pa SANGS RGYAS DPAL 'BYOR — A bla ma of the Shel dkar Chos sde Mon. who established a new Dge lugs pa school at Bsam gtan gling.  Wylie 129 n. 130.

Ku cor Rtogs ldan SANGS RGYAS DPAL BZANG — (1386‑1445)  A disc. of Tsong kha pa.  See Dung dkar 54.  Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 99, 109.  He founded the institution that later became Mtshams khung Nunnery.

Mkhan rabs vi Ba le pa SANGS RGYAS DPAL BZANG — Abbot of Yangs pa can.  Bio. in 35 I 626‑627.

Chos rje SANGS RGYAS DPAL BZANG — (ca. 15th cent.)  Disc. of Sangs rgyas byams bzang and Byams pa bshes gnyen and Ngag dbang grags pa.  Built a lha khang at (Ri bo) Bkra bzang.  BD of T&TB III 578.

Mnyam med SANGS RGYAS DPAL BZANG — (1398‑1465)  Successor of (Shangs dkar ba) Rin chen rgyal mtshan in the Jo nang Lugs, q.v., no. 12.  Prob. the same as in the Shangs pa bio. listed in BLP no. 1995.

Mnyam med Chos rje Rin po che SANGS RGYAS DPAL BZANG — (1338‑1405)  Bka' gdams pa.  B. in Gtsang Stag tshang Phu'i 'Ching khung.  Dhongthog 106.  Most likely identical with preceeding (note that they lived the same number of years!).  Disc. of Dge 'dun rgya mtsho.  Vai.Ser. 218.

Sman pa SANGS RGYAS DPAL BZANG — Subj. of bio. by Mkhyen rab dpal bzang listed in BLP no. 1648.

Zha lu pa SANGS RGYAS DPAL BZANG — Subj. of inscribed image illus. in Portraits of the Masters 266.

Slob dpon SANGS RGYAS DPAL GYI YE SHES — Or, Sangs rgyas ye shes.  Teacher of Padmasambhava  87 I 252.6, 253.2.

SANGS RGYAS SPYAN MA — Yum of Mi bskyod pa.  236 {ka} 15B.4.

SANGS RGYAS KYI SPYOD PA — Buddhacarita refs., see T&BS II 25.

Ngor Mkhan chen SANGS RGYAS PHUN TSHOGS — 349 I contents.

Zangs dkar Slob dpon SANGS RGYAS PHUN TSHOGS — Teacher of Csoma de Körös.  Csoma V.  188 5, 8 ff.  Article by Le Calloc'h in TR 19 (1984) no. 11, pp. 12‑17, 20.

SANGS RGYAS KYI PHO NYA — An Arhat.  Emmerick.

Rgyal po SANGS RGYAS PHYOGS — Aris, Discourse 39.

Byams chen Rab 'byams pa SANGS RGYAS 'PHEL — (1411‑1485)  Pupil of (Rong ston) Smra ba'i seng ge.  BA 340.  Ferrari 163.  Founded Skyid tshal in 1449.  Dhongthog 106.  Founded Sked tshal in 1464.  76 8.  Bio. in 62 231.6 ff.  Kværne 233 no. 136.  Vai.Ser. 97.  383 446.4.  443 I 20.4.  Subject of inscribed bronze in Dagyab, Ikonographie.

Lha ri'i SANGS RGYAS BAR PA — A biography of this figure by one Thugs kyi sras Dbon is listed in Drepung Catalog 1504.  I believe this would be the middle [of three?] persons with Sangs rgyas in their names who headed the Lha ri Monastery of the Tshal pa school.

SANGS RGYAS BYANG CHUB — Man accused of turning a certain Chos scripture into Bon in time of Khri srong lde btsan.  Li An‑che.

SANGS RGYAS BLA MA — The first of the Rnying ma pa gter stons.  According to Kong sprul, he lived during the earlier half of Rin chen bzang po's (958‑1051) life.  B. at La stod Mtsho bar in W Tibet, he excavated the Bla Rdzogs Thugs Gsum, Rtsa Gsum Dril Sgrub, & Rta mgrin Dregs pa Zil gnon39 4.  Also, 23 7 n. 15.  See chart in 23 74 no. 1.  Pictured in 320 XX 2.  383 407.2.  210 12.3, 104.1.  His Rtsa Gsum Dril Sgrub which was re‑revealed to Mkhyen brtse'i dbang po, contained in 87 V 405‑461.  410 36A.3.  411 258A.5.  413 320.4.  What is evidently his bio. of Gu ru Rin po che is listed in BLP no. 0320.

SANGS RGYAS BLA MA — (1856‑1939)  TS7 I 262.  Active in Nepal.

Drung pa SANGS RGYAS BLO GROS — Son of Sangs rgyas gling pa.  210 121.3.

Rlung ston SANGS RGYAS DBANG NGO — Or better, Sangs rgyas dbang nge.  BD of T&TB III 560.  210 79.3.

Snye mo Rgya gong ri pa SANGS RGYAS DBANG CHEN — (12th cent.)  A gter ston who excavated cycles of the Rta mgrin Gsang sgrub which he passed on to (Skyer sgang pa) Chos kyi seng ge, who founded the (Rta mgrin) Skyer sgang Lugs.  BD of T&TB III 329.  410 102A.5.  Gter ma in 87 XL.  210 455.2 ff.  383 218.3.

Rwa sgreng Gter ston SANGS RGYAS DBANG 'DUS — (20th cent.)  =Sangs rgyas ye shes nyi ma.  See 364.  Some of his story is told by E. Gene Smith's essay "Banned Books in the Tibetan Speaking Lands."  Because of his support for the ruler Rwa sgreng Rin po che, his teachings have become quite obscure.  Rather strangely, Alexander, Temples 226, lists him as the 4th Rwa sgreng Sprul sku and gives his dates as circa 1863‑1911.

Stag lung pa SANGS RGYAS DBON — (1251‑1296)  He belonged to the clan of Stag lung Ga zi.  B. in G.yang shod Bong ra Steng.  He was a Gter stonBD of T&TB III 386.  His Thugs Sgrub Bde gshegs 'Dus pa in 87 VIII.  410 104B.3.  He was a unsuccessful candidate for the khri (chair) of Stag lung Ya thang.  He went toward Khams & founded the mon. of Dbyi shod Ri bo che in about 1276.  31 I.  A number of thangkas with his personal inscriptions are found in Kossak, Sacred Visions, where he is called "Onpo."  There was a 14-vol. edition of his Gsung 'bum done by Grags pa bkra shis dpal bzang po (1372‑1409), on which see Kuijp in Lungta 14 (2001) 70 n. 11.  According to a website, Tiger Valley Sacred Texts, his works have been recovered (no details given), and will be reprinted.

SANGS RGYAS DBON — See (— — —) Bsod nams grags pa.

Lha ri'i SANGS RGYAS DBON — Bio. by Mkhas grub De wa ku ma ra (Lha'i gzhon nu?) listed in Drepung Catalog 1504.  Evidently a Tshal pa connected with Lha ri Monastery.

Grub thob SANGS RGYAS DBON PO — Contemp. of Me long rdo rje.  210 62.4.  'Khrul zhig Sangs rgyas dbon po,  Achard, L'Essence 82.  Title of bio. by 'Jigs med gling pa listed in BLP no. 0282 (another bio. by Bya bral ba Shes rab rgya mtsho, no. 0283).

SANGS RGYAS DBON CHEN PO — (d. 1298)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 123.  Probably pictured in 128 92A.

Mus Sman pa SANGS RGYAS DBON STON — Teacher of Gro mo che ba (12th cent.).  BD of T&TB III 384.

Dge bshes SANGS RGYAS DBON STON RIN PO CHE — Bka' gdams pa (1138‑1210)  Belonged to the family (rigs) of Dgyer Lha snang.  Dhongthog 107.  Younger brother of Dgyer sgom.  Disc. of Sne'u zur pa.  BA 315.  17 II 377.4 ff.  Bio. in 165 I 617‑636.  His bio. is found at Gangs‑can Mkhas‑grub 366‑367, where he is called Rgya ma Dbon ston Gzhon nu 'byung gnas (and here his dates are also given as 1138‑1210).

SANGS RGYAS DBON RAS — See (— — — —) Dar ma seng ge.

SANGS RGYAS DBYANGS — Abbot at dge tshul ordination of Nags kyi rin chen.  17 II 309.6.  BD of T&TB I 896.  449 7.2, 46.5.  Shastri in TS9 I 132.

SANGS RGYAS 'BAR — Gter ston410 98A.4.

SANGS RGYAS 'BUM — (early 13th cent.)  Abbot of Tshal Mon., from 1214‑1219.  Kuijp in TH&L 296. Abbot of Yang dgon from 1214‑19/31, acc. to Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 106, 107.  A Sangs rgyas 'bum was abbot of Gung thang from 1214‑1231.  BA 716.

'Bras mo Rje btsun SANGS RGYAS 'BUM — Compiler of a bio. of Nā ro pa and others.  24 I 95‑135.  405.  Wrote bio. of Rgya ras pa. 

Mkhas btsun Chen po SANGS RGYAS 'BUM PA — Pictured in 128 340.

Dbus pa SANGS RGYAS 'BUM — Among his teachers was (Snar thang pa) Rig pa'i ral gri and 'Jam dbyangs ral gri.  BD of T&TB III 502.

Mkhan po SANGS RGYAS 'BUM ME — BA 406.

Dge slong SANGS RGYAS 'BRUG RGYAS — Contemp. of Padma dkar po.  See Pad dkar Mgur phreng, p. 353.2.

Grub chen SANGS RGYAS SBAS PA — Bio. by Tāranātha listed in BLP no. 0394.

Rlung ston SANGS RGYAS MI MCHOG — BD of T&TB III 560.  210 79.3.

SANGS RGYAS GTSO MO — Gsang yum of Ku cor Rtogs ldan Sangs rgyas dpal bzang.  See Dung dkar 54.

Mnga' ris pa SANGS RGYAS RTSE MO — Author of a biography of Red mda' ba.  See See Leonard van der Kuijp, "On Some Early Tibetan Pramāṇavāda Texts of the China Nationalities Library of the Cultural Palace of Nationalities in Beijing," Journal of Buddhist & Tibetan Studies, vol. 1 (1994), pp. 1‑30, at p. 30.  This bio. is listed in BLP no. 1882.  He also composed a bio. of Bu ston listed in BLP no. 1413.

SANGS RGYAS ZHI BA — Disc. of Ye shes zhabs.  BD of T &TB I 542.  Buddhaśānti as well as Buddhaguhya were disciples during the latter half of the life of Sangs rgyas ye shes; he was learned in the Kriyā, Caryā & Yoga tantras, and was accomplished in the Yoga tantras.  See under Buddha shānta shrī.


SANGS RGYAS GZHON NU — Abbot of Gung thang from 1238 until he died in 1260.  BA 716.  Some of his works are listed in Drepung Catalog 831‑832.

SANGS RGYAS BZANG PO — Rab byung n. of Sangs rgyas gling pa.  210 105.1.  413 351.6.

SANGS RGYAS BZANG PO — B. in (Khams) Rma zla sgang.  Active in North Nepal & responsible for a revival of Buddhism there.  For sketch of life, see 28 13.

Gyog yi SANGS RGYAS BZANG PO— Toh, Ming 189.

Rngogs ston SANGS RGYAS BZANG PO— B. in an Earth Snake year.  HS XL 481.7.

Dpon SANGS RGYAS BZANG PO — Author of bio. of Dung mtsho ras pa listed in BLP no. 1122.  Author of bio. of Tshal pa Drung chen Smon lam rje (i.e., Smon lam rdo rje) listed in BLP no. 1684.

Shud bu SANGS RGYAS BZANG PO — Founder of Glo bo Dgon.  Vai.Ser. 178.

Skyid shod pa SANGS RGYAS 'OD ZER — Subj. of bio. by Mang thos Klu sgrub rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 0162.

SANGS RGYAS 'OD ZER — (1346‑1369)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 105.

Paṇḍi ta Mkhan po SANGS RGYAS 'OD ZER — See G.yung drung Lha sdings.

Yung he gung Mkhan po SANGS RGYAS 'OD ZER — Scholar of Peking and student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).

SANGS RGYAS YAR BYON — See (— — — —) Shes rab bla ma.

SANGS RGYAS YE SHES — Indian ācārya in Tibet in late and post‑imperial period.  See under Buddha dznyā na.

SANGS RGYAS YE SHES — Commissioner of a portrait bronze in Uhlig, On the Path to Enlightenment 194.

SANGS RGYAS YE SHES — (d. 2008)  One of the first Tibetan (Khampa) members of the PLA, he went on the Long March.  Tsering Shakya, Dragon 34.  He died Feb. 21, 2008, at the age of 92, according to an obituary from AP (Beijing, Feb. 27, 2008).  In Chinese, he was known as Tian Bao.

SANGS RGYAS YE SHES — Mahāsiddha.  Pictured in 128 26A.  N. of slob dpon at Nalanda.  BD of T&TB I 250, 469.  Disc. of Dza landha ri pa.  Bio. in 484 II 655.5 ff.

SANGS RGYAS YE SHES — Dge tshul n. of Nā ro pa.  57 IIB 343.6.  75 18.  73 56.1.

Sgrags SANGS RGYAS YE SHES — Achard, L'Essence 21.

Gnubs chen SANGS RGYAS YE SHES — (832‑962??)  BD of T&TB III 136‑155.  B. at (Sgrags) Yang rdzong, q.v.  9 6.  27 68.  A Rdzogs chen master, he studied in India & became a siddha during the 9th century suppression.  Wrote Mdo 'grel Mun pa'i Go chaBA 159, 104, 153.  Ferrari 118.  17 II 326.4, 386.6 ff, 389.4.  Often called Sangs rgyas ye shes rin po che.  87 I 121.4, 122.5, 162.5.  For his Bsam gtan Mig Sgron, see 139, where there is a preface with a list of works, etc. and his birth date is said to be 772.  This work is mentioned in 33 169.6.  His birthname was Rdo rje khri gtsug, while his esoteric name was Rdo rje yang dbang gter, and his religious name was Sangs rgyas ye shes.  Pictured in 128 612.  Bio. in 33 160‑176.  Mentioned in 141 14.5.  320 XIII 223.6, XXI 420.2, 476.5, XXII 142.2.  Disciples, see 33 170.3 ff.  Bio. in 193 I 291.1.  Pictured in 320 XVI 543.  See Spu ngan, which seems to be a nickname.  Also, Khri gtsug.  348 34.1.  Achard, L'Essence 16‑22, etc.  Gnubs chen gyi Bka' shog Rgya bo che, listed in BLP no. 1241.  Gnubs chen gyi Bstan srung Drug Mgon gyi Dkar chag Nyer bsdus, listed in BLP no. 1242.

Slob dpon SANGS RGYAS YE SHES — (ca. 1163)  476 I 54.1.

Mkhas grub SANGS RGYAS YE SHES — Gsang ston at ordination of Padma dkar po.  1 28.

Mkhas grub SANGS RGYAS YE SHES — (1525‑1590/1)  Dge lugs pa.  Dhongthog 107.  B. in Gtsang rong gi yul Lha na drug brgya.  Collected works in 2 vols publ. 1973‑76.  See Willis in Soundings.  Pictured in 128 99A, 208, 350, 388, 486, 656.  Bio. in 165 II 57‑88.  Author, Byang chub sems dpa'i Ltung ba Bshags pa'i Tikka Mthong ba Don ldan, publ. in Delhi in 1966 or 1967, in 34 pages.  He is also known as Dben sa Sprul sku i.  Bio. in BD of T&TB V 266.  Works listed in SBTD I 215.  Information on his works translated into Mongolian, see Uspensky, Prince Yunli 32.

Rgya ston SANGS RGYAS YE SHES — 502 6.1.

Re skongs SANGS RGYAS YE SHES — Pictured in 128 598.

A mes Chen po SANGS RGYAS YE SHES — Aka Sku zhang Sangs rgyas ye shes (because of marriage alliance with the 'Khon).  A lay leader (dbon po) of Zhwa lu.  Ricca & Fournier in TJ 26 no 3/4 (Aut/Wint 2001) 104.  He gave his daughter Mkha' 'gro 'bum in marriage to 'Gro mgon Phyag na.

SANGS RGYAS YE SHES NYI MA — See =(Gter ston) Sangs rgyas dbang 'dus.

SANGS RGYAS YE SHES ZHABS — Buddhajñānapāda.  Disc. of Seng ge bzang po.  Bu ston I 159.  17 II 349.6.  BD of T&TB I 546‑550.  476 IV 361.2.



SANGS RGYAS RAB BRTAN — Gcod pa.  Disc. of Rgya nag Gcer bu.  124 517.1 ff.  Called Sangs rgyas rab ston in bio. in 228 85 ff.

SANGS RGYAS RABS BDUN — See (— —) Rabs bdun.

SANGS RGYAS RAS PA — Father's name: Lcags btun.  210 80.1.  Teacher of Me long rdo rje.  464 36.2.

SANGS RGYAS RAS CHEN — N. of a disc. of Zhang Rin po che.  Called (Grwa zang pa) Nam mkha' 'od, q.v.  BA 715.  17 IV 457.1.  One by this name is counted among the prior rebirths of Tāranātha.  A set of Bka' brgyud biographies authored by him is listed in Drepung Catalog 1503‑4.  His own biography, by one named Dge slong Lhar dge, is listed on p. 1504 (look also on p. 831).

SANGS RGYAS RAS CHEN — See (— — — —) Bsod nams grags pa.

'Gro mgon SANGS RGYAS RAS CHEN — Bio. by Mkha' spyod pa Dri med dpal ye shes listed in BLP no. 0476.  Note the title 'Gro mgon Sangs rgyas ras chen gyi Zhal gdams in Drepung Catalog 1849.

SANGS RGYAS RAS CHEN RGYAL BA LHA NANG PA — See under Rdo rje gzi brjid.

Rlung ston pa SANGS RGYAS RI BO — BD of T&TB III 560.  210 79.3.

SANGS RGYAS RIN CHEN — Sangs rgyas rin gyi Rnam thar Mtshan Brgyas Legs par Brgyan pa, bio. by Kun dga' grol mchog listed in BLP no. 1996  Sangs rgyas rin chen, Lha sar Glang gi Lo la Cho 'phrul Chen po'i Dus mchod Phul ba'i Rim pa, listed in BLP no. 2081.

'Gro mgon SANGS RGYAS RIN CHEN — (early Bka' brgyud pa)  =Sangs rgyas ras chen Dpal grags.  121 I contents.

Sgrol chen SANGS RGYAS RIN CHEN — Great teacher at time of 'Gos Gzhon nu dpal.  See Kuijp in BIS I (1985) 94.

Chos rje SANGS RGYAS RIN CHEN — (1540‑1612)  27th khri thog of Dga' ldan.  BD of T&TB VI 148.  Pictured in 128 914.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 0217.

Snubs SANGS RGYAS RIN CHEN — (8th cent.)  Lde'u 317 (Sangs rgyas rin chen on p. 325).  Here it is clearly just an unusual form of the name of Gnubs chen Sangs rgyas ye shes, q.v.

Mkhas grub Gtsang ston SANGS RGYAS RIN CHEN — Pictured in 128 556.

G.yag sde pa SANGS RGYAS RIN CHEN — Kuijp in JAOS (1994) 605.

Si tu 'Gro mgon SANGS RGYAS RIN CHEN — (1088‑1158)

SANGS RGYAS RIN CHEN RGYAL MTSHAN — (1350‑1413)  Dhongthog 108.  B. in Gnas gsar.  Father was Sgrol chen Bsam 'grub rdo rje.  =(Sgrol chen) Sangs rgyas rin chen.  BD of T&TB III 552.

Gnubs SANGS RGYAS RIN PO CHE —  =(Gnubs chen) Sangs rgyas ye shes.

*SANGS RGYAS BSHES GNYEN — The name Buddhamitra is inscribed on a vase in 3 scripts in region of Samarkand (lecture by Litvinsky).

SANGS RGYAS SENG GE — Rnam thar listed in BLP no. 1998.

Ngor Mkhan chen SANGS RGYAS SENG GE — (1504‑1569)  11th abbot of Ngor.  Heller, Tibetan Art 150.  He is central figure in a thangka reproduced in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 88.  He is the apparent patron, in lower lefthand corner, of a thangka in Krieger, Tibetan Painting pl. 66.  He is very likely the Rdo rje 'chang Sangs rgyas seng ge in memory of whom the Hevajra maṇḍala thangka depicted in Pal, TTC 148 was 'erected' by Nam mkha' dpal bzang.

Bka' bcu pa SANGS RGYAS SENG GE — Appointed mkhan po of Ngam ring Chos sde.  5 270.1 ff.  Contemp. with Thang stong rgyal po.

Mnyam med Sha ra Rab 'byams pa SANGS RGYAS SENG GE — (15th cent.)  His root guru was (Stag lung thang pa) Ngag dbang grags pa (1418‑1496).  36 V 363.  =(Ding sang) Shar Rab 'byams pa of 17 II 510.  Guru of Gtsang smyon.  Bio. in 116 451‑501.  B. in the Khyung po clan.  234 IA 9.7.  Studied Sbyor Drug with Gzhon nu blo gros.  116 458.6.  Bio. by one Zla ba rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 0273.

Ri khrod Ras chen SANGS RGYAS SENG GE — Successor of (Khyung po) Tshul khrims mgon po in the Jo nang Lugs, q.v., transmission, no. 10.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1842.

Sgrub pa SANGS RGYAS SEMS PA — Depicted in a thangka; TPS 332.


SANGS RGYAS GSANG BA — Rgya gar gyi Mkhan po.  Contemp. of ('Brog mi) Dpal ye shes.  320 XVII 177.3.  BD of T&TB XVII 177.3.  'Bu ta ku ta in SKC 135.6, although this ought to be name of Buddhagupta.  Story in 476 IV 361.4.

Slob dpon SANGS RGYAS GSANG BA — Buddhaguhya.  Teacher of Tāranātha.  Bio. in 33 94.  17 II 326.1.  Hoffmann, Religions 71.  There was an earlier teacher by the same name.  Work in 36 I.  Pictured in 320 VIII 3.  Author of a Gter 'byung413 313.3.  87 I 253.6.  132 89.4.  Beyer 41.  141 15.1.  Bio. in BD of T&TB I 321 ff.  See Germano in TS9 X 229 ff.  Mtshan tho, no. 6, lists him as being invited to Tibet by Mes ag tshoms, and although he stayed at Mt. Ti se without coming to the center of Tibet, still he conferred the five Mdo sde and made an aspiration for the spreading of the teachings.  His letter to the Tibetan emperor has been translated by Dietz, Buddhistische Briefliterature Indiens.


Go ra gdong pa SANGS RGYAS LHA SGOM — CFMS 30.

Rab 'byams pa SANGS RGYAS LHUN GRUB — Author of verse Rgyal rabs of Gung thang.  DTK5 149.

SANGS PO — See (Sangs po) Khrin khod.

SANGS PO 'BUM KHRI — World ruling god or demiurge of Bon, acc. to T.H. 106.  352 750.16 ff.  Verses of praise, see 491 174.1.

Rje SANGS BLO BA — Karma pa.  35 I 674.  Is it short for Sangs rgyas blo gros?


SANGS TSHANGS SMYUNG GNAS PA — Sangs tshangs Smyung gnas pa'i Rnam thar Rgyal sras Lam bzang, by Blo bzang bstan pa'i nyi ma, listed in BLP no. 1999.  BLP no. 2009:  Seng tshang Smyung gnas pa Blo bzang chos 'dzin gyi Rnam thar.

SANGS RIN PA — (1247‑1301)  Became abbot of Gung thang at age 46.  Evid. short for Sangs rgyas rin chen.

SAD GU — See (— —) Rin chen grags pa.

SADDU MI DHAM — Author of text in 285 439‑440.

Se SAD NA GU — Bio. in 352 660.20.

Mu tig Btsan po SAD NA LEGS — Sometimes Mjing yon is added at the end.  See Khri lde srong brtsan Sad na legs.  Before his coronation he had the birthname Lde srong.  He followed the reign of Mu ne btsan po.  17 II 330.2.  87 I 142.5 ff, 179.5, 202.5.  Pictured in 128 520.  Pictured in 320 XVIII 567.  His throne years were 800‑836 [826??], acc. to Karmay, Btsan po Lha sras Dar ma 4.  The wrong dates 824‑877 are given in Dhongthog 87.  He was father of Ral pa can and Glang dar ma (and acc. to some at least, of Gtsang ma).

Zhang zhung SAD NE GA'U — 248 16.5.  Bio. in 352 661.9.

SAD MAR KAR — Daughter of Khri srong lde btsan, who was given as a marriage alliance with a king of Zhang zhung, Lig myi rhya.  28.  There have been several studies about her and her songs.  See for example Bellezza, D of T 105‑106.  Denwood, TW2 150.

SAD MI MI BDUN — First 7 monks ordained at Bsam yas.  Generally understood to have been 'test monks.'  See Bu ston 190.  The sad mi could be explained as half translation, half transliteration of Sanskrit Satpuruṣa.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) IV 107.2.  See the discussion and listing of sources by Kuijp, Some Remarks 149, note 76, with listing of their names on pp. 151‑152.

SAD BSRUNG — A rite.  SBTD I 348, 404.

SAN CA DZO KI — ?  4 132B.5.

Yul SANDHO NA GAR — 120 191.3.  BD of T&TB I 663.  I suspect one of the several cities named after Alexander might be concealed in this.

SAN YANG — BA 806.

SAM KA DZA — See Sang ka dza.

SAM KHU — The town Sankhu, in Nepal Valley.  Wylie 129 n. 132.

SAM GYA RU — A Chinese teacher of Mchog ldan legs pa in about late 13th century.  He could evidently speak Tibetan.  Kuijp, KPTB 57.

SAM GHA RA Ā TSARYA — Hindu teacher.  BD of T&TB I 452.

Bi dza ya SAM GRA MA SENG GE — Khotanese king.  Emmerick.  Sam gra ma spud was his son.

SAM GHA — (d. 1291)  =Zam gha, =Zam kha.  Tibetan official in Yüan court.  =Sang ko.  Petech (1983) 188, 201 n. 86.  Rin chen bkra shis, Yon Rgyal rabs kyi Krung dbyang Srid gzhung Nang gi Bod rigs Blon chen Sang gha, Bod ljongs Zhib 'jug, 3rd issue of 1984, pp. 63‑77.  He was executed in 1291.  See Weirong Shen, "Magic Power, Sorcery and Evil Spirit," contained in: C. Cüppers, ed., The Relationship between Religion and State (chos srid zung 'brel) in Traditional Tibet (Lumbini 2004), pp. 217‑219.

SAM NYA — N. of a vihāra & stūpa.  Emmerick.

SAMPU ṬI — Text title  For texts on same, see 90 II 359‑467.  349 XXVII 18‑31.

SAM BU LO TSA — 17 II 525.5.

Bi da ya SAM BHA BA — Khotanese king (912‑966).  Emmerick.

Thon mi SAM BHO ṬA — (7th cent.)  17 II 317.1 ff.  Wylie 146 n. 283.  BA 218‑219.  TPS 647, 696 n. 421.  132 86.1.  374 I 27.4.  Li ma image of him, from 13th cent., depicted in Po ta la (1996) 90 & in Precious Deposits I 166‑7.  His apprentice translators were Dharma ko sha, Lha lung Rdo rje dpal & Bran ka Mu la ko sha.  A note about him in Mtshan tho no. 1.  The works he is best known for, his Lung ston pa Rtsa ba Sum cu pa dang Rtags kyi 'Jug pa, published at Sems rtogs kha near Thimphu in 1976, to give one example.

SAM BHO LA — 120 115.17, 196.7.  One of the 2 parts of U rgyan.

SAM DBRA DGON — Vai.Ser. 258.

SAM DZA PA — Pl. in India.  Wylie 58.  Mistake for Pam dza pa, =Punjab.  T'oung Pao n.s. L 338.

SAR KA PA — (sp?)  Mahāsiddha, pictured in 128 36A.

SAR BRDAS O PA — 208 I 239.1.

Yul SARBA ṬĪR — 120 200.5.

SARBA BHAKṢHA — Mahāsiddha.  Tib.: Thams cad za ba.  Bio. in 120 181‑182.  He had such a big belly, he ate everything in sight.  Saraha came to him.  He complained that his stomach was so hot that no matter what he ate, it wouldn't cool.  Saraha told him he would be born as a preta ghost, and then taught him to regard the whole phenomenal world as food.  Once eaten, it would be extinguished.  BD of T&TB I 752‑753.

SARBA DZNYA DE BA — BD of T&TB I 565.  The Kashmiri Sarvajñādeva, or, in Tibetan, either Kha che Kun mkhyen lha or Thams cad mkhyen pa'i lha.  Listed in Mtshan tho no. 23, as being in Tib. in time of Ral pa can.

SAR BAN — See (— —) Phyogs med.

Gtsang po SAR BO — Ro, Sar sbos.  BA 343.  BA 421.  Or, Sa rbos.  17 II 384.6.  Disc. of Spa tshab.

SAR SI — 57 IIB 369.7.

SAS DU SHUS LA MA SHONG — 208 I 238.5.

SI KA DHA RA — 87 I 287.6.

SI KHRON — Szechuan.  Article in BJZJ 1982, no. 2.

SI RGOD MA — A common name for (Si tu x) Padma kun bzang (1854‑1885).  23 51.

Chu bo SI TĀ — Tibetan for the Gtsang po (?!).  5 199.2, reads Si dpal Chu.  Other names are Brgyar gyes, Zhags grol, Dpung pas byin, Srid sgrub ma, Rtags tu 'bab, Khrag 'bab, Dbyig gi khu ba, Lag pa'i chu bo.  Das 418.

SI TA —  =Tarim River.  See Wylie 123 n. 71.  Shī ta?  Sītā.  See Rhoton, CD 137, 190.  Pelliot, QT 74, where it is said it has long been known that the "Cold" river is not the Jaxartes, but the Tarim.  I don't believe the identification is that securely established.

Mon SI TA 'UG — 210 255.2.

SI TU — A place in Khams.

SI TU — A Karma pa incarnation lineage (see Śatapiṭaka, vol. 7, for list) beginning with ('Gro mgon) Sangs rgyas ras chen (1088‑1158).  At first, they were at Lho Karma Dgon, and later at Dpal spungs.  Note that the numbering often differs from the following list, so that the 9th would be the 15th.  After no. 8, a separate lineage called Kaḥ thog Si tu, q.v., broke off.  The following list based on that of E. Gene Smith in 35.

A. ('Gro mgon) Sangs rgyas ras chen (1088‑1158).

B. (Rnal 'byor) Ye shes dbang po (1220‑1281).

C. (Ri 'go ba) Ratna bha dra (1281‑1343).

D. (Si tu Drung che) Sa ta'i zhing chen (1345‑1376).

1. (Si tu) Chos kyi rgyal mtshan.

2. Bkra shis rnam rgyal (1450‑1497).

3. Bkra shis dpal 'byor (1498‑1541).

4. Chos kyi go cha (b. 1542).

5. (Chos kyi rgyal mtshan) Dge legs dpal bzang (d. 1657?).

6. Mi pham 'phrin las rab brtan (1658?‑1682).

7. Legs bshad smra ba'i nyi ma (1683‑1698).

8. Chos kyi 'byung gnas (1700‑1774), also called Bstan pa'i nyin byed, acc. to 11 70.

9. Padma nyin byed dbang po (1774‑1853?).

10. Padma kun bzang (1854?‑1885).

11. Padma dbang mchog rgyal po (1836‑1952).

12. Padma don yod nyin byed dbang po (1954‑present).

SI TU — See (— —) Bkra shis dpal 'byor.  (— —) Chos kyi go cha.  (Kaḥ thog — —) Chos kyi rgya mtsho.  (— —) Chos kyi rgyal mtshan.  (— — viii Paṇ chen) Chos kyi 'byung gnas.  (— —) Bstan pa'i nyin byed.  (— —) Rnam rgyal grags pa.  (— — ix) Padma nyin byed dbang po.  (— —) Mi pham phrin las rab brtan.  (— —) Rab brtan kun bzang 'phags pa.  (— —) Shākya bzang po.  (— —) Bsod nams dpal ba.

SI TU DRUNG CHE — See (— —)(— —) Sa ta'i zhing chen.

SI TU DBON — See (— — —) Karma nges legs bstan 'dzin.

Drung pa SI TU RIN PO CHE — Bio. listed in BLP no. 1148.

Klu'i Rgyal po Na ga ra dza SI TRI TA — See (Klu'i Rgyal po) Dga' bo.

Grub pa'i Skyes bu SIDHWA PA — Siddha pa?  Ms. bio. listed in BLP no. 0412.

SI NOS WA —  =Sems nag po'i Ri.  468 I 170.4.

Rgyal po SINDHA RA DZA — His rnam thar by O rgyan gling pa.  A legendary 8th cent. ruler of Bumthang in E Bhutan.

SINDHU — Pl. in India where the River Sindhu ra flows.  BD of T&TB X 27.2‑27.4.

SIN DHU'I NAG TSHAL — 320 XX 491.7.

SI DPAL — ?  See 5 199.2.

SI BA KĀ — Servant of Bya rdzi ma who built Bya rung kha shor.  Pictured in 347 3.

SI YA LI — Mahāsiddha pictured in 128 54A.

SI YANG — Religion in China originated there.  The teachings of Thi'an ṭu, "Lord of Heaven."  488 461.

SI RI KRA TA — A part of Canada that belonged to British.  See Yongdan, TCW 124.

SI RO PA — See Sa ru pa.

SI LUNG DGON PA — Mon. f. by ('Gar) Chos sdings pa.  57 IIB 359.1.

Do'u si'i Gtso bo SI LE'U — A Daoist defeated at the introduction of Buddhism to China.  Thuken 354.

'Gro mgon SI SI RI BA —  =Se ston ri ba.  6th of 13 predecessors of Lcang skya, q.v., line.

SI HA CI'U — BA 53.

Rnal 'byor pa SI HI — BD of T&TB I 847.

SING GA GLING GI NAGS GSEB — In Yol mo Gangs.  4 33B.2‑3.  =Singga la yi Nags gseb.  4 37B.1.  4X 229.7.

SING GA LA — Ceylon, Sri Lanka.  Das5 95.2.  17 II 306.1.  Works from here translated in Snga dar.  242 III 300.3.  413 120.4.  Pṛthivībandhu was from Sing ga la.

SING HA LA — King who is shipwrecked with 500 merchants on a rākṣasī inhabited island in the Kāraṇḍavyūha (Studholme, Origins 20‑21, etc.).

SING GHA LA'I RI BO — In Tsa ri.  17 IV 233.5.

Dpal SING GA LI PA — Met by Mar pa.  17 II 441.3.  46 16.

SING GRAGS SPRUL SKU — (modern)  See Aziz, Frontier.

SING GHA'I DUR KHROD — In S India.  24 I 89.2.

SING NGA LA'I NAGS TSHAL — 132 12.4.  Place where Anuyoga Tantra descended.  413 101.6.

Khyi khyon SING NGA RA TSA — 352 131.21, 740.10 ff.

SING TUNG — Also found with the spelling sing thong.  A Tibetan transcription of the Chinese monastic title of Sengtong, the highest Buddhist official in the region of Dunhuang.  Schaik, M&T 152, 174.


SING TOG MKHAR — The actual spelling is Seng tog mkhar.  See Nyang ral's history (1988 ed.), p. 424.

SING PA — Sikhs.  On Sikhs who settled in Tibet after the mid 19th century Ladakh war, see CHMO 15 24.

SING SING DUNG DKAR DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo smad with 2 incarnates and 1208 monks.

Bi dza ya SING HA — Khotan king.  Emmerick.

SINGHA GU HYA —  =Seng ge sbas pa, q.v.

SING HA'I GLING — BA 315, 580.  27 51.  See =Seng ga'i Gling.  17 II 310.2.  BD of T&TB I 648 ff.

SINGHA PA — Mahāsiddha pictured in 128 48A.

SING HA PU TRA — A king.  BD of T&TB I 256, 964.

SING HA BHO — 115 56.4.

SING HA RĀ DZA — Teacher of U pa rā dza.  BD of T&TB I 261.

Dur khrod SING HA LA — 4 149A.2.

SING HA U PA RĀ DZA —  =U pa rā dza and Sing ha rā dza.  BD of T&TB I 259, 261, 262.

Gar log gi Gung blon SIN THIG BHAG — This high minister of the Qarluq invited (Dbon po) Sher 'byung in 13th cent.  478A I 109.4.  Stoddard in Damani, Dating 66, identifies him as Sulayman Bheg.  See under Sin wig bho gi (probably the more 'accurate' version of the name).

SIN DHA RA DZA — See the work excavated by Padma gling pa entitled, Rgyal po Sindha ra dza'i Rnam thar, publ. in 59 pages at Thim phu in 1975.

Chu bo SIN DHU — N. of the Indus river.  Sin du ha in 491 174.3.  =Rtsed 'jo'i Chu bo, Sngon gyi Ganggā, Zla ba skyes.  Ri bo'i Bu mo, Mang po byin, Re bā Chu bo.  Das 418.

Chu bo SINDHU — 115 53.2, ff, where its course is described.  See Sengge kha 'bab.

Lho nub SINDHU RA — BD of T&TB X 11.11.  115 56.1.

SIN DHU RA'I MTSHO — 17 IV 256.1.

SIN WIG BHO GI — BD of T&TB IX 230‑237.  Sher 'byung (1187‑1241) goes to Byang Gnye gong, border between Gar log and Tibet, and meets the Gar log gi Gung blon Sin wig bho gi.  See under Sin thig bhag.  The 2nd half of the name at least resembles the name of Ariq Böke (d. 1266), which may be a clue.

SIB RDZOGS CHEN PA — See (— — — —) Dkon mchog blo gros.

Ru le'i SIM HA RĀ DZA — Ordained by Zhi ba 'tsho.  87 I 65.6.

SIL SNYAN BDUN PA — Kuijp in JAOS (1994) 601.

SIL THANG GONG — Pl. where temple was built by the Dalai Lama xiii as prophesied.  438 VI 621.4.

SIL PA — Pl.n.  115 51.2.

SIL BO SIL MA — N. of a mt.  Nomads 252.

SIL MA — For the 12 (sil ma bcu gnyis), see Tucci, Religions 216.

SIL MA — Pl.n.  BA 743.

SIL MA LA — Pl.n.  BA 942.

SIL MA LA KHA — Pl.n.  BA 986.

SIS BLA MA — See (— — —) Gar dbang bde chen dbang phyug.

SU KUṆḌA LA — A Bodhisattva whose story is told in Studholme, Origins 21.

SU KE KA MANG DGON — Modern mon. in Darjeeling.  1 60.

SU KHA TA — Pl.n.  5 340.4.  =Su kha wa ti, Bde ba can.

SU KHA'I THA BU NONG — 208 I 238.3.

Tshong dpon gyi Bu SU KHA DE WA — (11th cent.)  Disc. of Tsandra go mi.  87 I 248.2.  Bio. in BD of T&TB I 235.

Smad tshong ma SU KHA DHA RI — 87 I 248.3.

SU KHA SHRI LA — Mkhan po at rab byung of Shākya shrī bha dra.  17 II 305.3.

Mkha' 'gro ma SU KHA SI DDHI — Disc. of Bi ru pa met by Khyung po Rnal 'byor.  17 II 429.  BA 731.  Tib.: Bde ba'i dngos grub.  124 425.1 ff.  Su kha si ddhi'i Chos skor and Lo rgyus in 36 VIII.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1781.

SU KHAL KHAL — Mongol.  208 I 237.3.

SU KHAL THU BU NONG — Mongol.  208 I 237.4.

Dge bsnyen Paṇḍi ta SU GA TA — BD of T&TB I 923.

Rlang SU GA TA GO BA — Mentioned in a Dunhuang ms.  Meinert in TS9 II 298.  I suppose he is the same as following.

Glang SU GA TA WARMA RAKSHI TA — See (Glang) Bde bar gshegs pa'i go cha srung ba.

SU GA TA SHRI — See Bde gshegs dpal.

SU GAR NA MA LA —  =(Lha) Gser gyi 'phreng ba can.  Tutelary of Khotan.  Emmerick.

SU GUR CHE — Panglung in TH&L 407.

Bran ka SU DGU SHO KA — DTK5 179.


SU NYID SMON RAM PA — See (— — — — —) Ye shes rgya mtsho.

SU TA LI PA — Also, Pu ta li pa or Pu tra li pa.  Tib.: Sku bsnyen pa zhabs.  Mahāsiddha.  Bio. in 120 189‑191.  BD of T&TB I 757.

SU TA LO GI — "Smad tshong khol 'dzin."  Pictured in 128 38A.

SU TA SO MA — Subj. of a story in Lo ras pa, Gsung 'bum II 218 etc.

SU TING — N. of the monkey, progenitor of Tibetan people.  82 85.  Stein, Tribus 3.

SU STONG NYA — N. of a stūpa in Khotan.  Emmerick.

SU THU — See (— —) A skyid.

SU DA SA — TPS 505.

SU DDHĀ — N. of a Gtsug lag khang.  87 I 284.4.


SU NA DHARMA — Daughter of king of O rgyan U pa rā dza. She became a nun who miraculous conceived a child who would become Dga' rab rdo rje.  413 118.4 ff.  Or, Su dharma.  464 17.4.  LGCM 582.2.

SU NA YA SHRĪ — In Tib. tr., Legs rig dpal.  Came to Tibet in later 11th cent.  He, together with Gnyan Lo, taught the tradition of Ye shes zhabs Lugs in Tibet.  He was invited to Tibet by 'Od lde and Mi nyag Lo tsā ba.  Mtshan tho no. 72.

Sgra mkhan SU NA SHRĪ — 17 IV 322.5.

SU NA SHRI'I BHA DRA — ?  Author of guide to Swayambhu in 122 81‑90.

SU PHAN PĀ HE — Wylie 63.


SU BHA ṢHI TA — In Tib., Legs gsung.  An Indian pundit, invited to Tibet by Khor re, son of Lha sde.  Mtshan tho no. 38.

SU BHŪ TI SHĀNTI — Or, Su bhu ti shrī shanti.  A great pundit of Kashmir.  He translated the Rnam 'grel Rtsa ba with Rma Dge ba'i blo gros.  Acc. to the Dalai Lama v, he came to Tibet at the invitation of Lha sde, and translated mainly treatises related to the Prajñāpāramitā.  Mtshan tho no. 40.

Rgya gar gyi Mkhan po SU MA TI — Trans. of work in 145 IV 30B.5.  Pandey 145.

Ye shes kyi Mkha' 'gro ma SU MA TI — See under Bka' babs Bzhi.  Called Su ma ti in 24 I 41, 65.3 ff.  "Rdo rje 'chang Chen po'i Yum."  =(Dha ki ma) Skal ba bzang mo.

SU MA TI KIRTI — Sumatikīrti  A pundit disc. of Nā ro pa.  57 IIB 344.4.  Teacher of Mar pa do pa in Nepal.  17 II 409.4.  BA 384.  In Tib., his n. is translated as Blo mchog grags pa.  He translated Spyod 'jug Chen mo with Rngog Lo, and the Bde mchog cycle with Mar pa do pa.

SU MA TI PAKSHI — See (— — — — —) Blo bzang bsam grub.

SU MA TI SA GA RA — BD of T&TB I 870.  In Tibetan, Blo bzang rgya mtsho.  One of the 9 lesser pundits who came with Shākya shrī.  He was skilled in Mngon pa Gong 'Og (i.e., the two Indic Abhidharma texts regarded by Tibetans as the most important ones).  Mtshan tho no. 96.

SU MAL THAL JI — 208 I 236.5.  Mongol 'king' Su mi thal ji.  17 IV 103.5.

Rdo rje gdan pa SU ME GHA — BD of T&TB I 927.

SU DZA TA RATNA — Slob dpon at dge tshul of Nags kyi rin chen.  17 II 310.1.  BD of T&TB I 896.  449 7.3.

SU WARNA'I DGON PA — The Mahāsiddha Nāgārjuna stayed there.  120 182.17.

Lho phyogs SU WARNA DE WI — BD of T&TB X 11.7, 26.17.  Probably more properly Su warna dwi pa, or Gser gling.

SU RA PĀ LA — BD of T&TB I 847.

SU RA SU RA —  =Bdud rtsi.  KB 33.4.

SU RAG — N. of an Arhat.  Emmerick.

SU RANDRA BODHI — Translator in time of Ral pa can.  17 II 331.1.  BD of T&TB I 565.  Surendrabodhi, in Tib., Lha dbang byang chub, in time of Ral pa can.  Mtshan tho no. 18.

SU RAM MA — 394 I 77.  =So ra me, in Kālacakra literature.

SU RU — Luczanits in TS9 VII 117.


SU RUG — N. of a village, or a group of villages, in Amdo.  Noble Mountaineer 274.

SU RUG SPRUL SKU — 415 XI 125.1.

Bog ta SU RUG SHOG — A mt. near Chinese emperor's palace.  See Mkhyen rab bstan pa chos 'phel, Works, vol. 2, contents.  Its local deity is Ratna badzra sūrya.

SU SHA DE WA — In Jātaka.  128 780.

SU SIDHI KA RA — BD of T&TB I 419.

SU HA TSHO HA — N. of a person.  Emmerick.

SUG CU — Chinese prefecture in what is now Gansu.  ISTS 310.  See Hackin, Formulaire 37.  Horlemann in TS9 I 60.

SUN BZLOG — Type of rite in 87 LXXVIII.


SUM BCU — BA 948.

SUM BCU PA — Text title  This and other grammatical works, see SBTD I 389.

Shangs kyi SUM CHU BO — OTA 672.  Smad Sum Chu bo, OTA 673.

SUM STON — Zhi byed pa.  17 II 426.6.  BA 999.

SUM STON — See (— —) Chos dar.  (— —) Ye 'bar.  (— —) Ye shes gzungs.  (— —) Lha 'bum.

SUM PA — The Su p'i (in Chinese).  An ancient Ch'iang tribe.  See T.H. 39.  N. of a language (T.H. 220, 224).  "Sum pa zhes bya'i lung gsum mdo."  5 127.1.  See 27 76 ff.  See 82 87‑88 for a discussion.  Yamaguchi in Acta Asiatica (1975) 20‑42.

SUM PA — N. of a province & monastery in A mdo. 

SUM PA — See (— —) Skyil mkhar.  (— —) Glang gi Gyim shod.  (— —) Ne'u mkhar, or, Nye mkhar.

SUM PA — See (— —) Byang chub tshul khrims.  (— —) Byang chub 'od.  (— —) Blo rgyal.  (— —) Dbang tshul.  (— —) Mu spungs gsal thang.  (— —) G.yung drung rgyal po.  (— —) Li phyo ha ra.

SUM PA — One of 13 disciples of Ras chung pa.  To be distinguished from Sum ston Chos 'dar.  Short bio. with names of 4 disciples in 57 IIB 350.4 ff.  Bio. in 487 I 25.4.  24 I 220.3.

Gtsang pa SUM PA — Among the 13 chief discs. of Ras chung pa.  BA 439, 440.  17 II 506‑507.  To be identified with Gtsang pa Sum pa, q.v. and (Sum pa) Nye'u mkhar pa.  B. in (La stod) Gcung, his father was Sum pa Dbang phyug and his mother Rma mo khyi khar.

SUM PA MKHAN PO — See (— — — —) Ye shes dpal 'byor.

SUM PA CHOS RJE — See (— — — —) Phun tshogs rnam rgyal.

SUM PA'I STONG BU CHUNG — Bellezza, L&T 39.

SUM PA MA SHAGS — An O.T. text.  Stein, Tibetica Antiqua I 218.

'Bras yul Skyed tshal Mkhan zur SUM PA ZHABS DRUNG — See (— — — — — —) (— — — —) Ye shes dpal 'byor.

SUM PA LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — — —) Dar ma yon tan.  (— — — — —) Dpal mchog dang po'i rdo rje.

SUM PA SLOB DPON — See (— — — —) Dam chos rgya mtsho.  (— — — — Chung ba) Dam chos rgyal mtshan.

SUM PHRANG — "Sombrang," A Rnying ma pa Mon. in U ra valley of Bum thang in Bhutan.  Aris, Discourse 6.

SUM 'PHRENG — Pl.n.  BA 860.

Dge ba'i Bshes gnyen SUM BU — ISTS 292.


Bzang SUM TSAL — OTA 687, 693.

SUM RTSEN — There is a discussion of this in Thub bstan phun tshogs, Bon dang Rgya gar Rig gnas Bar gyi 'Brel ba Gleng ba, in: Bod kyi Shes rig Zhib 'jug [Tibetan Cultural Research], series vol. 9, Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (Beijing 1998), pp. 9‑10.

Rgyal thang SUM RTSEN GLING — Often Dga' ldan sum rtsen gling.  Dkar chag listed in BLP no. 0505.  This is a large monastery not far from the modern "Shangrila" in Rgyal thang.  It was destroyed, but then rebuilt with huge investments as a draw for the tourism industry.  Supposed to have been founded in the time of the 5th Dalai Lama, today hardly anything Buddhist in terms of teaching or ritual takes place there, and monks serve as caretakers primarily.

SUM TSHOGS — 410 106B.3.

SUM 'DZOM — See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 47.

SUM YUL — Pl.n.  BA 670.

SUM RING RING PO — Also, Sum ri ring po.  Lde'u2 107.

SUR PI KA — TPS 464.

SŪ RYA KA TU — 17 II 303.5.  See under (Kha che) Zla mgon.

SURYA KIRTI — Nyi ma grags.  An Indian pundit who visited Tibet in the early 11th cent.  Mtshan mtho no. 69.

SURYA KHA RI — Author of text in 300 II 327‑328.  This is the "Zhang zhung" name of Spa ston Nyi ma 'bum gsal, q.v.

Rnal 'byor SURYA RDA DZWA — Works in 299.  See (Sga ston) Nyi ma rgyal mtshan.

SURYA TSANDRA — Author of Rang byung Ye shes Gtan tshig brgyad cu pa, printed from Rtsib ri blocks preserved at Brag dkar Mon. in Solukhumbu Nepal in 20 folios [N Tib 79‑905170].

SUR YA SENG GE — Gter ston413 320.5.

Gter ston SURYA SENG HA — Three differently lengthed bios. of Padmasambhava listed in BLP no. 0336.

Slob dpon SŪ RYA SING HA — In works of Rong zom pa.  116 417.5.

SUR SHOR RI — One of the "4 doors" of O rgyan.

SUL DRO — ?  Pl.n.?  24 I 219.6.

SE — One of 6 early Tibetan tribes.  Das 237.  For discussion of Tangut Se (perhaps Zhang zhung gsas, 'divinity'), see Stein, Mi–ñag 248 ff.  For discussion of this as a word for Tamangs or Tamangic people in northern Nepal area, including discussion of the language‑name Se skad, see Honda in Nagano, ed., Issues in Tibeto‑Burman Historical Linguistics (2009) 101‑103.

SE — See (—) Sad na gu.

SE — See (—) Sbyil bu pa.

SE KA — N. of a valley.  Wylie 57.

SE DKAR STON PA — See (— — — —) Khri thung.

SE SKAD — The language of Se.  See under Se.

SE KHUN — CFMS 13, 29.

SE KHROM — N. of pl. in Tibet.  Das 1273.

SE KHROM — See (— —) Rgya mtsho 'bar.

SE MKHAR CHUNG —  =Lngog Mkhar chung, q.v.  BA 778.

Grub chen SE MKHAR CHUNG BA — Master of Lam 'bras who founded Lngog Mkhar chung.  An elder contemp. of Ma gcig.  BA 225.  Disc. of 'Brog mi.  17 II 398.4.  Equivalent to the (Se ston) Kun rig of BA 208.  17 II 399.4 ff.

SE GU — See (— —) Ldang khrom.

SE GLE — Pl.n.  BA 615, 620, 637.

SE SGOM — See (— —) Dbu ral.

SE SGOM BYANG YAS — 17 II 400.4.

SE CU — Xizhou?  Also, Se'u cu (Suzhou).  Horlemann in TS9 I 60.  Bailey in AM 11 no.1 (1964) 10.

SE CHE — See (— —) Nor rgyal.

SE CHEN KHAL — 208 I 239.2.

SE CHEN RGYAL PO — Khubilai.  115 120.3, 160.7.  Precious Deposits III 20.

SE CHEN CHOS RJE — Tibetan n. of one of the "Tartar" emperors of China.  Das.

SE CHEN BLA MA — 208 I 218.1.

Sprul sku SE GNYAN ZHIG PO — Bon excavation in 254 429‑453.  Works and excavations concerning the Mu med Bdal ba teachings contained in 258 II.  Bio. in 253 II 228.1.

SEE TĀ — BD of T&TB I 1001.  Meant to represent Sayyid (the Arabic name)?  Kālacakra Studies 63 ff.

Sa bdag SE'U RTA KHRID — Vai.Kar. II 265.

SE STON — See (— —) Kun rig.  (— —) Thugs mchog 'od 'bar.  (— —) Ring mo.  (— —) Rin chen rgyal mtshan.

SE STON RAS PA — In 4 88A.1.  =Se ban ras pa, q.v.

Gung thang SE STON RI PA —  =Si si ri pa, q.v.

SE THANG — Pl. in Stod lung.  35 I 5.

SE'U THANG — A festival held at Dga' ldan.  Memories of Life 22.

SE THON — See =Rtse mthon.

Rgya SE'U DEN PANG — A Chinese general, Su ting fang.  OTA 659.

SE DOR STON PA — 253 II 231.4.

Sa bdag SE BDUD — Vai.Kar. II 305.

SE BDUD NAG PO — Rock, Nāga Cult I 361.


SE RDUR — N. of pl. in Tibet.  Das 1273.

SE SDINGS PA — See (— — —) Sangs rgyas dpal.

Shangs kyi Brag rtsa SE NAG PA — Disc. of 'Brog mi.  17 II 398.3.  =(Shab kyi Brag rtse) So nag pa, q.v.

SE SPYIL BU PA — See (— — — —) Chos kyi rgyal mtshan.

SE PHU — N. of a mountain.  Stein, Mi–ñag 238.

Lho rdzong SE PHU DGON — 363 122.4, 138.3.

SE PHU RGYAL DBANG SPRUL SKU — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 115.4.

SE BA BLA MKHYEN RTSIS MKHAN — A sa bdagVai.Kar. II 262.

SE BA RANG RTA RGYAL PO — A sa bdagVai.Ser. II 264.  KTDN 143.6.

Gnyal SE BA LUNG — Birthpl. of Sgam po pa in Gnyal.  46 42.  17 II 517.4.  BA 457, 616, 620.  4 221B.1.  129 V 122.1.  73 257.3.

SE BA LUNG DGON BKRA SHIS RTSE — E of Ma pang Mtsho.  253 II 567.2.

SE BAN — See (— —) Nyi ma'i snying po.

SE BAN 'DZAM GLING PA — An owner of a book of magic listed in BKC 22‑23.

Mdo bkra'i SE BAN RAS PA — Disc. of Mi la ras pa.  For their meeting, see 4 chap. XIII, p. 65A ff.  Aka Se ban Ston chung.  57 IIB 352.4.  This was his name before meeting Mi la ras pa.  4 68A.1 ff.  4 84B.5.  See Se ston ras pa.  4 217A.3, 224A.5, 228B.4, 242A.5, 285A.3, 312A.3, 316A.3.  "Mdo bkra'i Se ban Bkra shis 'bar."  4 285A.4.  4A 5B.5.

Tsong ga SE BU — Stein, Mi–ñag 247.

SE BE RE — Jinpa, Mind Training 369.

SE BO — Pl.n.  BA 1088.

Grub thob Nyag re SE BO — Disc. of Phag mo gru pa.  BA 563.  363 73.6.  He built a monastery in Sla (or Slas).

Gtsang pa SE BO — 253 II 421.6, 422.1.

SE BO CHOS GRAGS — 482 67.2.

Gnyan gyi SE BO RI — Site of Bon excavations.  253 II 181.1.

SE BON — See (— —) Karma mu phyo.  (— —) Khro rgyal.  (— —) Shā ri Dbu chen.

Dus 'dzin SE BYA — A sa bdagVai.Kar. II 265.

Nor bsrungs SE BYI — Vai.Kar. II 263.

SE BYI LI —  =Se byi la.  Stein, Mi–ñag 254.

Byang ri SE BRAG SGRUB GLING — Pl. where Byang chub bzang po (early 16th cent.) wrote bios. contained in 74 I 281‑312.  Perhaps =Se sbrag, q.v.

SE 'BRU'I TSHAD LDAN — N. of a medicine.  361 207‑210.

SE SBRAG — BA 38.  This is evidently a short form of a longer place name: Brag se ba Kha sbrag.  BD of T&TB III 388.  Se brag G.ya' lung gi Ri bo, see 17 XX 367.

Dam pa SE SBRAG PA —  =(Dbus pa) Ston shāk, q.v.

Zhang ston SE MIG PA — Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 185.

SE MIG BYIS PA — Pl.n.  27 130.

SE MO — A class of female spirits who first manifest as beautiful women, then turn into dangerous hags.  Ramble in Mandala & Landscape 156.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads.  Perhaps Gsas mo or Bsen mo with a different spelling??


SE MO CHE — BA 769.

SE MO CHE BA — See (— — — —) Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan.

Rkong yul SE MO THANG — 253 II 573.5.

Kong yul SE MO PHUG — Hazod in Steinkellner Festschrift 264.

SE MO DO — BA 461, 439, 499, 522, 675.  24 I 218.6.  Gnam mtsho Phyug mo'i Se mo do.  4 123B.3.  153 88.1 ff.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 159 ff.  601 3v.2.  602 13v.3.

SE DMAR — A ferry near Bsam yas.  Das.

SE TSA DMAR RU — Vitali in Roczik Orientalistyczny LXVII (2014) 246.

SE BTSUN — ?  BA 345, 324.  Jo bo Se btsun.  BA 251.  17 II 370.2, 378.3.  Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 2, p. 11.

SE TSHA — See (— —) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan.

SE TSHA — See (Se tsha Zhu tshang) G.yang shod Dgon.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 455.

SE TSHANG — See (— —) Nam mkha' rgya mtsho.

SE ZHIG — A mon. at Dang ra G.yu mtsho.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 399 ff.  Is this the same as the Rtse zhig Monastery?

Sprul sku SE ZHIG — Author, FM 14.02, 16.00.

SE ZHIG DGON — Bon mon. in A mdo, with 40 monks.  253 II 637.5.

Sta sgo'i SE ZHIG DGON — 253 II 620.6.  Same as the mon. at Dang ra G.yu mtsho listed above.  Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 57 ff. says it was founded in early 15th cent. (a photo supplied).

SE ZHIG SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Bstan 'dzin 'gyur med.

SE'U — Stein, Mi–ñag 244.

SE'U RGYAL PO — See 58 927.

SE'U RTA KHRID — "The groom of a chief of a class of demons."  Das 1274.


SE RA — BA 75, 729.

SE RA — See (— —) Sngags Grwa tshang.  (— —) Rta mgrin khang.

SE RA MKHA' 'GRO — See (— — — —) Bde ba'i rdo rje. (— — — —) Kun bzang bde skyong dbang mo (b. 1892).

SE RA THEG CHEN GLING — Also, Theg pa chen po'i Gling.  Founded in 1419 by Byams chen Chos rje Shākya ye shes, 2.5 miles north of Lha sa.  Kawaguchi, Three Years in Tibet 287‑296, 323‑328.  T.H. 55.  Waddell 63, 189, 269.  Ferrari 99.  Wylie 82, 158.  For printery, see 162 190.  Dkar chag, see 162 102‑130.  History, see Vai.Ser. 118 ff, where there is a list of abbots.  Se ra Theg chen gling gi Rgyab ri'i Gnas yig Rwa sgreng Spyi chos Yer pa sogs kyi Skor, BLP no. 2005.  Discussion of Se ra Smad, Se ra Stod, and Se ra Byes.  Geshe Sopa's autobio. (2012) 91.

SE RA CHOS SDINGS — Mkhas grub rje met Tsong kha pa there in 1407, while the more famous Se ra was founded in 1419.

SE RA BYES — A section of Sera Monastery that was formed by exiles from Drepung.  Geshe Sopa's autobio. (2012) 91.

SE RA SMAD KONG PO — See (— — — — —) Ngag dbang tshul khrims.

SE RA SMAD GRWA TSHANG — Printery, see 162 191.

SE RA SMAD PA — See (— — — —) Grags pa mkhas grub.

SE RA SMAD BLA BRANG — Printery, see 162 193.

SE RI — Unidentified hermitage.  Sum pa, Annals 32.

Lha rje SE RINGS — BA 403.  (Lha rje) Se rin, in 57 IIB 347.6.  A disc. of Mar pa.  17 II 456.5.

SE RIB — See Chang in BJZJ X, no. 2, p. 124.  See discussion in Heller, Hidden 17 et passim.

SE RU NGANG YAG — Dge bsnyen Chen po.  LPNT VII 322,.

Rgya pa SE RE — Elder brother of Sgam po pa, and father of Sgom pa.  BA 463.  17 II 522.6.

SE RA DPAL — Brother of Thang stong.  5 14.

SE'U LA — A place, evidently in Bhutan.  135 preface.

SE'U LA BYAMS MGON — See (— —) (— —) Ngag dbang rgyal mtshan.

SE LUGS — BD of T&TB X 53.14.

SE LUNG LA KHA — Vai.Ser. 168.

SE LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — —) Gzhon nu tshul khrims.


SE LO SA 'PHYAG — A sa bdagVai.Kar. II 267.

SE LO SER PO — KTDN 143.6.

SE SHA RI — ?  A translator.  206 543.4.

Thab lha SE SHAR — Das 571.  Se shar Mi sod, see KTDN 143.6.  Vai.Kar. II 297, 306, 314.

SE SHUL — One among the sde chen bco brgyadNomads 20.

SE GSEB — BA 569.

Mkhan po SE GSEB PA — 115 147.3.

SE HU —  =Se'u, Si'u.  Ancestor of the Mi nyag.  Stein, Mi–ñag 238.

SENG GE — King of Shambhala.  128 1012.

Khams pa SENG GE — Author of a very early (pre 13th cent.) work on the religious history of Mdo khams Smad.  211 47.3.

'Khrul zhig SENG GE — Prob. same as 'Khrul zhig Seng ge rgyab pa, q.v.  Bio. by Klong chen Rab 'byams pa listed in BLP no. 0284, and another by 'Jigs med gling pa, nos. 0285, 1394.

Yang bon Ri khrod pa SENG GE — Gter ston of the 6th rab byung383 219.6.  410 195B.6.

Rngog SENG GE KHA PA — Disc. of Phag mo gru pa.  BA 563.  484 I 835.5.

SENG GE KHA 'BAB — Name for the Indus at its source (where it is supposed to fall from the mouth of a lion).  See Sindhu.  79 89 no. 92.  Wylie 121 n. 61.  115 53.3.

Dpon gsas SENG GE GRAGS — Son of Khro 'bum in Gshen family lineage. Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 443.

Slob dpon Chag SENG GE GRAGS — Under him, Dus gsum mkhyen pa took ordination.  35 I 5.

SENG GE GRAGS PA — 363 88.1.

SENG GE'I GLING — BA 797.  =Sing ha'i Gling, q.v.


SENG GE DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo smad with 12 incarnates and 990 monks.

SENG GE MGO LHA LUNG — A person sent to India to invite Padmasambhava to Tibet.  87 I 38.4.

'Khrul zhig SENG GE RGYA PA — 17 IV 475.5.

'U ri SENG GE RGYA MTSHO — 253 II 392.1.


'Khrul zhig SENG GE RGYAB PA — (13th cent.)  Pupil of Jo 'ber.  B. in G.yo ru Gra'i Phu So gad 'phreng gi grong.  Lived for 65 years, and although his chief teacher was Jo 'ber, who taught him the Snying thig, he had Zhi byed, Phyag chen and other teachers.  BD of T&TB III 387‑388.  Pictured in 128 678.  Bio. in 193 I 225.1 ff.  His story is summarized in Bell, Religion 75.

Zha ma Lo tsha ba Ston pa SENG GE RGYAL PO — Tr. in 415 I 300.7.  Called Zha ma Dge bsnyen Seng rgyal in Mtshan tho no. 75, which says he studied with Paṇ chen Nor bu bsrungs pa and others, and translated the Tshad ma Kun btus, with its commentary; it seems he went to India.

Bcu gsum pa SENG GE RGYAL PO — (1289‑1326)  BA 671.  Considered to be the 7th in the 'Brug pa Gdan rabs, q.v.  57 IIB 367.3.  B. in Fire Ox (1277?).  Some say he was born in Earth Ox (1289).  He took ordination under Spos skya pa.  He died in 38th year, in a Wood Ox year (1325?).  Bio. written by his disc. ('Jam dbyangs) Kun dga' seng ge.  24 II 303‑361.

SENG GE RGYAL MTSHAN — Disc. of Dus zhabs Chen po.  BD of T&TB I 812.

SENG GE RGYAL MTSHAN — Two images of one Chos kyi Rje Seng ge rgyal mtshan are found in Portraits of the Masters 343‑346.

SENG GE RGYAL MTSHAN — (fl. 1386)  Toh, Ming 98‑99, where it is suggested he may have been an astrologer.

Khu ston SENG GE RGYAL MTSHAN — Eimer, NG 217.

Khyung po SENG GE RGYAL MTSHAN — Lde'u 394.

Mkhas pa Mdo ston SENG GE RGYAL MTSHAN — A teacher of the young Rong zom Chos kyi bzang po.  BD of T&TB III 249.  204 preface.

Gling dpon SENG GE RGYAL MTSHAN — TS5 806.

Stag sde pa SENG GE RGYAL MTSHAN — (1212‑1294), but given who his teachers were, the correct birth date must be 1332.  Disc. of Bo dong pa.  BA 791, 783‑784.  17 II 416, 420.1.  BA 786.  17 II 421.5.  See Leonard van der Kuijp, "On Some Early Tibetan Pramāṇavāda Texts of the China Nationalities Library of the Cultural Palace of Nationalities in Beijing," Journal of Buddhist & Tibetan Studies, vol. 1 (1994), pp. 1‑30, at p. 3.


Mdo ston SENG GE RGYAL MTSHAN — Almogi, MA Thesis 87.

'Brom SENG GE RGYAL MTSHAN — 'Brom Seng ge rgyal mtshan gyi Rtogs brjod 'Brong smyon He ru ka'i Rnam thar, by Ras chung Rdo rje rgyal mtshan, listed in BLP no. 1585.

Mang ra SENG GE RGYAL MTSHAN — In Gsang 'dus lineage.  BA 364‑365, 418.  17 II 412.1.

Zhwa mo Lo tsā ba SENG GE RGYAL MTSHAN — Mentioned in 36 IX 451.  76 5.  Same as Zha ma Lo tsā ba Seng ge rgyal mtshan.

Yar klung pa SENG GE RGYAL MTSHAN — (1344‑1412)  Sa skya pa.  "Lding gi rigs las Rgya tsha lu mang po Chos kyi dbang phyug sogs dge ba'i bshes gnyen rim par byon nas Dpal ldan Sa skya pa'i gdung brgyud rnams dang bla res slob res su gyur pa'i dbon brgyud du 'khrungs."  Dhongthog 108.  The Tshar pa sect was founded under his inspiration.  16 36.  Pictured in 128 436.

Slob dpon Yar lung pa SENG GE RGYAL MTSHAN — (fl. ca. 1200)  See Sperling, Further 8.  He is surely the Yar lung pa who was already established in Tangut land when Ti shri ras pa arrived, often mentioned in LPNT VII 292 et passim.

Rlangs SENG GE RGYAL MTSHAN — Also, (Glang).  476 II 460.3, IV 462.1, V 131.7.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) VI 22.4.

SENG GE SGANG — At Lamayuru.  Luczanits in TS9 VII 122.

Grong khyer SENG GE SGANG — DTK5 186.


SENG GE'I SGRA — Deity.  243 III 911‑934.  MBKP 191.

Sdig rgyal ngan spyod rab bzlog SENG GE'I SGRA — Picture in 128 818.

Rgyal po SENG GE SGRA — N. of a king.  116 67.3.

SENG GE SGRA SGROG — A n. of Padmasambhava in wrathful form.  87 I 29.1.  Pictured in 128 610 and 320 XV 2.  An image is in the Newark Museum collection.

'Khrul zhig SENG GE BRGYA PA — Contemp. of Me long rdo rje.  210 62.4.

SENG GE DAR — King of Byang.  Stein, Mi–ñag 237.

SENG GE GDONG — Text in 213 227‑240.  374 I 394.6 ff.

Sog po SENG GE'I GDONG — LGCM 557.5.

Mkha' 'gro ma SENG GE'I GDONG BA CAN — 4 149A.2, 288A.4.  Work in 87 LXI.  Pictured in 320 XXIX 3.  Protector of Sgo mang.  Dreyfus, Sound 300.



SENG GE GNAM RDZONG — 239 XXX 60.5.  471 110.1.  Note title in Everding's catalogue of Schuh's microfiche, no. 2742: Gzi shod G.yu mo lung gi Rgyu lag Gnas chen Seng ge Gnam rdzong Rdo rje Yang rdzong dang Gnyis kyi Dkar chag Me tog Phreng ba.

SENG GE RNAM RGYAL — (ca. 1570‑1642)  Ladakhi king during whose time Ladakh stretched as far as Gtsang province & parts of what is now India and Nepal.  14 xii, xiii.  Description of a meeting with him exists by de Azevedo.  He built most of the Sle citadel.  14 3.  Overcame western Tibet in 1630.  28 107.  83E 481‑482.  Son of 'Jam dbyangs rnam rgyal.  See 14 86.  TS7 II 669.  Patron of Stag tshang ras pa.  (re. 1616‑1642).  DTK5 192.

SENG GE PA — Mahāsiddha pictured in 128 49A.

Dge bshes SENG GE DPAL — Disc. of Phag mo gru pa.  BA 564.  17 II 546.3.

Chu mig SENG GE DPAL — BA 336.  His work on logic signalled in Kuijp, Treatise 435.

Sde pa SENG GE DPAL — 473 31.

Ri khrod pa SENG GE DPAL — Author of a bio. of Ma gcig Lab sgron listed in BLP no. 1593.

Lha rje SENG GE DPAL — One of the Sa skya Dpon chen.  An imperial letter addressed to him in Bod kyi Lo rgyus Yig tshags Gces btus (1990) document 1.

O rgyan pa SENG GE DPAL — See (— — —) Rin chen dpal.


SENG GE BYANG CHUB — Lama patronised by Lha dbang rgyal mtshan.  DTK5 124.

SENG GE BRAG — [1] A rock face at Rwa sgreng.  Ferrari 80.  [2] A hermitage at Rtsib ri.  Buffetrille in NTFC I 52.

SENG GE DBANG PHYUG — DTK5 146.  He belonged to the E wam Mon. (Sa skya pa) in Nyag rong.  Thar in TS9 IV 163.

Lce btsun SENG GE DBANG PHYUG — (late 11th‑12th cent.)  BD of T&TB III 239, 299.  Called 'Od lus grub pa (an epithet).  BA 192‑194.  Studied Rdzogs chen with (Ldang ma) Lhun rgyal.  Pictured in 128 674.  Excavations in 87 LXXXVII.  Concealor of gter ma320 V 314.5.  Gter ma in Rnying rgyud 1982 XIII.  Karmay, Great Perfection 187.  Bio. in LGCM 648.1 ff.  210 61.1, 61.4 ff.  383 217.4.  374 II 329.6.  410 99B.4.  464 26.3.  Achard, L'Essence 81, 94, 154, 232.

SENG GE 'BUM — (14th cent.)  4th son of Chos rdor (1246‑1311) and younger brother of (Slob dpon) Chos kyi rgyal mtshan.  He was father of Don grub dpal pa.  BA 411.  17 II 464.6.  475 119.1.

Bla ma SENG GE 'BRUG SGRA — 253 II 388.4.


SENG GE BTSAN PO — N. of Chinese king whose daughter married Srong btsan sgam po.  Bu ston 184.  The name just means Lion Emperor.

SENG GE RTSAL RDZOGS CHEN PO'I RGYUD — Text title  320 IX 238 ff.

SENG GE BRTSEGS PA — Sp?  "Sengetzegba."  Turkish architect said to have been invited to Tibet in 704.  Esin 123.  The name, if this is the right spelling, would seem to mean "Stacked Lions."  Hazod, in his study of the imperial tombs, perhaps holds the key to figuring out where this came from.  According to him, the tomb of 'Dus srong Mang po rje (d. 704) was a trapezoidal building called Seng ge brtseg pa can (elsewhere Seng ge brtsig pa, proper name Lha ri can), said in later chronicles to be erected by Hor people who, as Hazod explains probably relates to Western Turks.

SENG GE TSHE RING — (20th cent.)  A contemporary Baltistani.  Quote from World Tibet News (June 1998):  "For Mohammad Hasnain, a textile engineer settled in Lahore who goes by the Tibetan nickname "Senge Tshering," cultural erosion began with the arrival of the first Islamic missionaries, who introduced the Arabic and Persian languages as the media for religious instruction."

SENG GE'I MTSHAN DGU — Refers to the 1st nine abbots of 'Brug pa, following Rgya ras pa.  1 19.6.

SENG GE RDZONG — The name means Lion Fort, and could mean one of several places.  BA 197, 869.  A small fort in Bhutan, lat. 27° long. 92°.  79 89 no. 93.  "In the East."  Pha dam pa stayed there.  BD of T&TB I 852.  On the Gtsang po (and therefore obviously not in Bhutan!).  Bailey, No Passport 124 ff.

SENG GE ZIL GNON — BA 81, 82.  17 II 345.1.

Rgyal po SENG GE ZLA BA — 116 76.3, 77.1.  King of the city A bhi ra.  120 181.7.  This may be Haricandra, first king of the Candra dynasty.

Mkhan chen SENG GE BZANG PO — (1300's)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 152.  Pictured in 128 89A, 94A.  Bio. in 165 I 627.  TS5 53.

Rgyal po SENG GE BZANG PO — King of Kamarupa.  Vimalamitra was his court priest for 20 years.  BD of T&TB I 539.  LGCM 624.1.

Rgyal sras SENG GE BZANG PO — Depicted in Essen & Tingo, Die Götter des Himalayas 122, where he is one of the lesser figures surrounding Dgon pa ba.

Rje SENG GE BZANG PO — (14th cent.)  DTK5 120, 121.

Slob dpon SENG GE BZANG PO — (9th cent.)  An Indian.  Haribhadra.  Bio. in 165 216.  Disc. of Shānti rakshi ta.  BD of T&TB I 523.  Teacher of Sangs rgyas ye shes zhabs.  BD of T&TB I 546, 555‑556, 745.  Biographical source listed in BLP no. 1234.

Snar ston SENG GE 'OD — Mentioned in BD of T&TB III 422.

Bu ston SENG GE 'OD — 475 122.3.

Grub thob SENG GE YE SHES — (1181‑1255)  Has epithet Ri khrod dbang phyug.  Heller, Hidden 25, 34.

Smeng SENG GE YE SHES DPAL — (14th cent.)  Disc. of Bu ston (1290‑1364).  27 87.

SENG GE RI — BA 676.  See Ehrhard in SCEAR 9 (1996) 38, 40.


Spos skya pa SENG GE RIN CHEN — (1242‑1297)  BA 671.  "sa pho stag lor 'khrungs / kha gcig rab bzhi'i sa rta la 'khrungs zer / dgung lo bcu gcig pa la nyi ma seng ge la rab tu byung / spos skya'i gtsug lag khang bzhengs / dgung lo drug cu pa chu glang la gshegs."  1 17.  6th in 'Brug chen Gdan rabs, q.v.  Bio. by (Spen ta ba) Nyi ma rgyal po in 24 II 235‑301.  57 IIB 366.7.  Sometimes given the dates 1258‑1313.  20 33.  Bio. in 487 I 42.6 ff.

SENG GE LAG — Bailey in AM 11 no 1 (1964) 9.


Rgyal sras SENG GE SHES RAB — (1238‑1280)  B. in Earth Dog, and died in 41st year, an Iron Dragon.  1 16.  5th in 'Brug chen Gdan rabs, q.v.  He was the 'haircutter' of Dpang lo (1276‑1342).  He was teacher of Spos skya Seng ge rin chen (1242‑1297).  He is also called (Rdo rje gling pa) Seng ge shes rab (1238‑1280).  His bio. by Grags pa seng ge is in 24 II 185‑233.  Bio. in 487 I 39.2 ff.  57 IIB 366.5.


SENG GE SIDDHA — This would seem to be the subj. of a bio. by Byams pa lha btsun grags pa listed in BLP no. 2008.  Actually, the subject is Gzhung brgya pa Dngos grub dpal 'bar (1456-1527).


Ka ba SENG MGO CAN — Special lion-headed pillars in the Jo khang described by Das in JTL&CT.  See also Kapstein, Assimilation 133 for more on these pillars.

SENG MGO ZAM PA — "Singo Samba."  Fletcher.  Could translate as Lion Head Bridge.

SENG MGO LHA LUNG GZIGS — 87 I 264.2.  Fletcher, "Singo Samba."  Seng 'go Lha lung gzigs, Bashey4 199.

SENG RGYAN — A wife of Nyi 'bum.  464 31.3.

SENG CHEN — N. of an incarnation lineage.  "A recent instance... was that of the Seng chen Lama, who, in 1882, helped the late Sarat Chandra Das—a noted Bengali explorer in Tibet and a scholar in things Tibetan—to reside for over a year in Ta shi Lhün po and to visit Lhasa.  For this and other things he was put to death and forbidden to reincarnate."  Bell, Religion 156.  Even though the reincarnation was forbidden to be recognized, in 1887 the Rje btsun Dam pa recognized a three year old child as the Seng chen incarnation; this Mongolian was assassinated in 1935 (McKay in TS9 I 275).  Hiis successor was Seng chen Blo bzang rgyal mtshan.

SENG CHEN — See (— —) Blo bzang bstan 'dzin dpal 'byor.  (— —) Blo bzang rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Blo bzang bstan 'dzin chos 'phel.

SENG CHEN 'GYINGS PA — N. of a rock.  4 283B.1.

SENG CHEN 'CHONGS PA'I RGYUD — Text in 319 IV 262‑265.

Dgra lha Chen po SENG MTHO — Subject of Gsol mchod by Thu'u bkwan I, in FM 140.01.19.

Rgya la SENG GDONG — Chief city of Rgya la, q.v.


SENG GDONG MA — Depicted in a Karma pa thangka in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 177.

SENG LDENG SGO MO — 438 VII 438.3, 442.3.

SENG LDENG NAGS SGROL MA — Pictured in 128 1106.  374 144.2 ff.

SENG LDENG GI NAGS TSHAL — 4 134B.2.  Seng ldeng Tsher ma'i Nags tshal.  4 152B.1.

SENG LDENG CAN — One of the Gser gyi Ri BdunDas 1310.

SENG PHRUG STAG RTSE — Palace of Ge sar.  TS5 795.

SENG BRAG SPRUL SKU — Of Yol mo.  See 444 title p.

SENG BRAG RIN PO CHE — See (— — — — —) Ngag dbang 'gyur med chos kyi rgyal mtshan.

SENG BLON — Earthly father of Ge sar.  232 7.  TS5 799, 810.

SENG RTSE CHOS SDE — Vai.Ser. 211.

SENG TSHANGS SMYUNG GNAS PA — See under Sangs tshang Smyung gnas pa.

Bog pa SENG RDZONG MA — A cache of Bon excavations.  SFHB 745.2.

SENG BZANG ZHABS — Pictured in 128 78A.

SENG LE PA — Mahāsiddha pictured in 128 58A.

SED SED NA GU'I ZHAL GDAMS — See under (Rma ston) Srol 'dzin.

SEN DHA BA — BD of T&TB I 813.  See Templeman, SIL 42 and note.  The Sendhapas were in control of Bodhgaya at one time, and persecuted Vajrayāna.  See Mkhas pa'i Dga' ston (PRC ed.), p. 1472.  Laufer, LW no. 79, explains it as an epithet of anything that originates from sea (and then imagines it means anything [salt, horses, swords] that originates from the Indus region; Skt. sindhuja).  Stearns, Luminous Lives 251.  English, Vajrayoginī 18.  It is said that they were once powerful at Vikramaśīla, where they even burned an image of Heruka and some tantric works.  See Anantalal Thakur, ed., Jñānaśrīmitranibandhāvalī, Kashi Prasad Jayaswal Research Institute (Patna 1959), p. 1.  There is a discussion in a footnote in David Gray, "Eating the Heart of the Brahmin," History of Religions 45 (2005) 67.  EoB VIII 91 ("Saindhava").  There are also articles about salt by Walter Slaje (which make me think the Saindhavas were a philosophical school that had an argument involving the invisibility of salt when it is dissolved into water).

Yul SENDHO NA GA RA — Pl. in India.  120 42.11, 45.11, 75.16, 77.4.

SEMS BSKYED — A rite.  SBTD I 371.

SEMS KHRID — A gter ma of Sgam po pa excavated by Dung mtsho ras pa in 1315.  See 235 introduction 4.  Kapstein, Assimilation 134.

SEMS GYA NOM — "Samgdun."  In Kamaon, lat. 30° long. 79°.  79 88 no. 89.

SEMS 'GREL SKOR GSUM — 502 189.4.

SEMS 'GRO BA — N. of a river.  Das 413 no. 12.

SEMS NGAL GSO BA'I RI — 17 II 290.2.  BD of T&TB I 209.


Rab bla Rin chen SEMS NYID GLING PA — Works in 303 433‑490.

SEMS NYID NGAL GSO — Name of a text and/or teaching.  See BA 677.  A text entitled Sems nyid Ngal gso'i Brgyud 'debs is listed in Drepung Catalog 1217, with author given as Rje btsun Lo tsā ba Chos kyi mtshan can.

Jo bo SEMS NYID NGAL GSO — See Gardner in TJ XXVIII no. 3 (2003) 62.

'Phags pa SEMS NYID NGAL BSO — A name of Mahākārunika.  Ferrari 115.  For the tradition going under the name which passed through Khro phu Lo tsā ba, see 27 68 and BA 677, 1033.  There is a famous embroidered silk thangka with this image as subject in the Bowers Museum exhibit catalog, pp. 168‑169.  BLKC I 131.

Rtogs ldan SEMS NYID RDO RJE — A contemporary yogi of 'Brug pa school.  Allione, Women of Wisdom 247.

SEMS NYID NANG SO — P.n. or title.  332 preface 17.


Grol mchog SEMS KYI MDUD GROL —  =Kun dga' grol mchog, q.v.

SEMS SDE — Classed under Anuyoga; see 87 vol. 86.  Works in 194 XIV.  Atiyoga tantras listed in 413 34.5 ff.

SEMS DPA' CHEN PO — Someone by this name was apparently a near‑convert of the Capuchins in Lhasa in early 18th century.  See Engelhardt, Between 70.

Khro phu SEMS DPA' CHEN PO — Son and spiritual successor of Khro phu Lo tsā ba.  BA 711.

SEMS DPA' RDO RJE — (modern)  A teacher at Sarnath, who went on to be tutor for the alternative Karma pa in Delhi.

SEMS DPA' BRDA YI BRGYUD PA — Bonpo transmission.  See 253 II 320.6 ff.

SEMS SBYONG RIN PO CHE'I 'PHRENG BA — Text by Tsa mi.  131 20.2.

Snyam rgyud SEMS KYI ME LONG — Title in 327.

SEMS SMAD SDE DGU — A group of Bon texts, see Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 468, n. 3.

SEMS TSAR — Rock, Nāga Cult I 143.

SEMS BZHA' SMI — And Sems gzha' kun.  See Rock, Nāga Cult I 143.

SEMS BZANG DPAL GROS — Chinese who got teachings from Ye shes mdo.  LGCM 615.5.


SEMS SEMS BZHA' — Rock, Nāga Cult I 143.

Yi dags kyi Grong khyer SER SKYA — 171 314.3.  Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 2, p. 162.  Town in India.  BD of T&TB I 540.

SER SKYA — N. of a deva, Kapila.  Emmerick.

SER SKYA — Pl.n.  See under Ser skya'i gzhi.

Bram ze SER SKYA — In astrological tradition.  TR XIV no. 10 (Oct 1979) 19B.

SER SKYA'I GZHI — BA 11.  Or, Ser skya'i Gnas, =Kapilavastu.  Or, just Ser skya.  17 II 439.4.  124 444.2.

SER GYI — A sa bdagVai.Kar. II 278.

SER DGON BSHAD SGRUB ZUNG 'BREL — F. in 1959.  Macdonald 144.

SER CAN — Indian prince.  BD of T&TB I 272.

SER CHAGS — BA 699.  Gtsang po steng la.  115 16.4, 16.5, 16.6.

SER THE SHI — A Chinese minister.  Emmerick.

SER LDING ZHABS DRUNG — See (— — — —) Ngag dbang chos ldan.

SER PA — See (— —) Rdo rje bzang po.




SER BYES RJE BTSUN — See (— — — —) Chos kyi rgyal mtshan (b. 1649).

SER SBRENG — Monk procession held at end of New Year period.  Goldstein, History 496.

SER MO TSHE SGRUB — Title in 325 271‑275.

SER SMAD DAD PA MKHAN PO — See (— — — — — —) Blo bzang thugs rje.


SER RA SGANG — 124 485.6.

SER LUNG DGON PA — Allen, Search for Shangri La map on p. 141.

SER LOGS — Pl.n.  Macdonald 144.

SER SRUNG — Important figure for weathermakers.  Nebesky 470‑474.  Ferrari 168.  Hail protection.  270 289‑292.  Subject of tantra in 320 XXIV 414 ff.

'Phrang sgo SEL RONG — 373 preface.

SO — One of the 6 principal lineages for Rnying ma pas.  See Bka' ma.  Also n. of Zhi byed lineage stemming from (So chung) Dge 'dun 'bar.

SO — See (—) Dar ma snying po.  (—) Dpa' legs.  (—) Ye shes dbang phyug.

SO KED — N. of a city.  Emmerick.

SAU KHYA DE BA — 87 I 66.4.  BD of T&TB I 958.

SO KHYAM — See Todd Gibson's paper in IIJ (1997), at p. 46.

SO KHRI BTSAN PO — Successor of Gnya' khri btsan po.

SO CHUNG BA — See (— — —) Dge 'dun 'bar.

SO GNYIS PA — See Bhiksha ne.

Khab SO STAG THOG — BD of T&TB X 89.3.

SO STON — Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 103.  At Rgyal Lha khang in 1240 when he was killed by the Mongols.

SO STON KHRI PA — Disc. of Nyang ral.  413 338.3.  477 136.2.

SO THANG — BA 96.  See (Snye mdo'i) Bso thang.

SAU DI PĀ LA — BD of T&TB I 573.

SO NA DZA RA — See under Sorṇa badzra.

Paṇḍi ta SO NA SA — 17 II 303.5.

Shab kyi Brag rtse SO NAG PA — Disc. of 'Brog mi.  BA 208.  =(Shangs kyi Brag rtsa) Se nag pa, q.v.

Rnal 'byor ma SO NI — 115 64.3.

SO BA NĀ THA — BD of T&TB I 343.

SO BYI — Acc. to Petech, to be identified with the western Sum pa.  See 82 87‑88.  Chang in BJZJ X no. 2, p. 121.  Pelliot, Notes on Marco Polo 713.

SO MA DE WA — Pandey 144.

SO MA NĀ THA — Somanātha.  Kashmiri teacher.  See ('Bro) Shes rab grags.  =Zla ba bzang po.  17 II 303.6.  BD of T&TB X 26.15.  Hoffmann, Religions

SO MA NĀ THA — Name of an image of Kumārakartika.  Phag gru, Bka' 'bum (2003) VI 23.1.

SO MA PU RA — Nowadays called Paharpur, the ruins of this 8th—12th century Buddhist monastery lie within the borders of Bangla Desh.  One name that appears in clay sealings is Dharmapāla Mahāvihāra, probably named so because of patronage by the 8th century king Dharmapāla.  Atiśa stayed here for some time as a student.  Now subject of a book:  Enamul Haque, Pāhārpur alias Somapura Mahāvihāra: A World Cultural Heritage Site, International Centre for Study of Bengal Art (Dhaka 2014), in 616 pages.  According to the book blurb, this monastery was founded around the end of the 8th century by Dharmapāla (re. ca. 770-810).

SO MA PU RI — A gtsug lag khang in the western parts where Tilopa stayed practicing sādhana for 12 years.  So ma pu ri Dur khrod kyi Gtsug lag khang.  17 II 231.  In Bengal.  Hoffmann, Religions 142.  BD of T&TB I 325 (where it is said to be in the East).  4 45A.  24 I 61.5.  120 57.13.  In Tibetan, Zla ba'i Grong gi Gtsug lag khang.  HS 66.4.

SO MA RA TSA — A medical text in 115 chapters.  484 II 698.2.  Lde'u2 48.

SO MO GZA' CHE LCAM — Mother of Sgam po pa.

Btsun chung SO TSHAB CAN — 321 I 484.2.

SO ZUR GNUB — Three Lamas of Rnying ma school (only their clan names are supplied).  Das.

SO YAN THU — Thu'u 452.

Rgya nag po SO YAR THA — LGCM 600.2.

SO RA ME — See Su ram ma.

Rgyal po SO'U RA TSA — 352 756.13 ff.

Gu wer SO'U RA TSA — 352 281.14.

Nub SAU RA ṢHṬA — BD of T&TB X 11.6, 26.13‑16.  BD of T&TB I 918.  "Yul 'Khor bzang po can."  3 and a half months journey W of Bodhgaya where is a place holy to So ma nā tha.  See So so rashta.

SAU RA ṬA — See Paul Donnelly, "Where the Heroes and Sky-Goers Gather: A Study of the Saurata Pilgrimage," Religions [online journal] 8 (2017), in 23 pages.

SAU RI — Area of S India.  17 II 300.1, 301.6.

SAU RI PA — N. of Rdo rje gdan pa, q.v.

SO RINGS — Younger brother of So chung ba.  BA 876.  17 II 424.3.

SO LUGS — One of 3 schools of Zhi byed, q.v.  Called the Bka' babs Bar pa.

SO LON — One of the insignificant corners of the Mongol world that still practiced non‑Buddhist religion according to Thu'u bkwan.  Thuken 380.  The other one he names is Barga (Bar gwad).  Pollock, Forms 345.  Acc. to Karsten, T‑K 6‑7, it is transcribed from a Mongolian term for Korea (or a neighboring Tungusic people?) meaning "People from the Land of the Rainbow."  See Po lon, a misspelling resulting from misreading.

SO SHA'I GLING — Area of China, birthplace of Shrī sing ha.  LGCM 598.5.


SO SHUM BA — P.n.  TPS 460.

SO SA GLING — Cemetery to NW of Bodhgaya, the presentday Tsa ri (?!).  17 II 474.2.  LGCM 595.5.

SO SA GLING — BA 730.  17 II 240, 428, 441.1, 448.5.  Cemetery in E India.  =So so gling.  46 16.  24 I 52.2.  Where Mar pa met Ni gu ma.  In south part of U rgyan, visited by Padmasambhava  87 I 15.2.  116 64.2.  See Sho sha'i gling.  Cuevas, Hidden History 84.

SO SO RA TSHA — Saurāṣṭra.  Wylie 58.

Rig sngags kyi Rgyal mo SO SOR 'BRANG MA — Text in 230 356 ff.

SOG — P.n.  See (—) Rdo rje snying po.

SOG — Pl.n.  See (—) G.yung drung gling.

SOG — N. of mon. f. by Lhun grub dbang ldan, q.v.  =Nor bu gling.

SOG — BA 238, 50, 542, 549, 555.

Dzambu'i gling SOG KA'I YU BA — 87 I 148.3.

Yar lung SOG KHA — The scapula-shaped Yarlung Valley.  One of 37 sacred places of Bon.  Das 1131.  T&BS II 245.  Discussion in CFMS 11.

Hor bla SOG RGYAL BA — 253 II 625.6.

SOG CHU — BA 524, 637.  A river in E Tibet.  Das.

SOG CHU — See (— —) Mdo Nyi grags Dgon.  TS5 745.

SOG CHU KHA — NTSP section NGA 115r.4.

SOG STON — See (— —) Khri 'bar tshul khrims.

SOG DAG — Sogdian.  Emmerick.  Early Tibetan word for the Sogdians, borrowed from Soghdaq.  Sog can refer to Mongolian speaking nomads in Kokonoor region.  Stein 34.

SOG PO — In later literature, means Mongol, but in earlier times meant Saka of Khotan (Li yul).  T.H. 225.  17 II 336.6.  Das 1284. At the same time there is confusion with a name for the Sogdians, who ought to be called, in early texts, Sog dag.  It seems, at times, it is used to mean Muslim.  See Newman in JIABS 21 (1998) 335.  See Childs in AO 60 (1999) 132.

SOG PO — See (— —) Dpal gyi ye shes.  (— —) G.yu'i smin ma can.  (— —) Seng ge'i gdong.

SOG PO RGYAB MDA' — Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 40.

SOG PO RGYAL MTSHAN — Brother of Gtsang smyon.  [BQ 7668.9/G78 R4, p. 7]

SOG PO SGO MANG CHOS RJE — (?)  Cuevas, Hidden History 200.

SOG PO STAG KHRID — Mongolian leading a tiger.  A scene often painted on monastery walls.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 418, n. 63.  See Humphrey in Bulag, MTI, where it is argued that these illustrations come from a legendary Mongolian warrior called Dugar Jaisang.  Somehow it symbolizes the Mongolian assistance given to the Gelugpa school against its opponents.  Some give an elaborate interpretation of the tiger, the Mongol and the chain as symbolizing three Bodhisattvas.  Note the brief statement in Robert Beer, Handbook of Tibetan Buddhist Symbols, p. 95 (in the Tittira Jataka, where there are only 3 animals, it is also about respecting age).  For a Tibetan-language essay, see Khab-brda website, entry dated Dec. 27, 2015.  A similar type of monastery wall painting is the Atsara leading the elephant (a tsa ra glang khrid).  It's interesting that in China, a Khotanese king leading a lion on a leash is a symbol of Mañjuśrī; see Wen-shing Chou in Archives of Asian Art, vol. 65 (2015) 152.  I wonder if it's possible it has to do with Mgar Sta gu being taken captive by the Sog dag in the OTA.

SOG PO BA RDZOGS CHEN BLA MA — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 117.5‑6.

SOG PO TSHO CHEN ZHE DGU — The 49 banners of Inner Mongolia.  Thuken 367.

SOG PO LUNG BO — Valley of a branch of the Shangs chu.  Sog po town in same area.  Ferrari 160.

SOG PO LHA DPAL — Disc. of Padmasambhava  Pictured in 128 624.  See Smith in Linrothe, Holy Madness 70.

SOG DBON — See (— —) Rin chen bzang po.

SOG 'BOM MDA' BA — Cuevas, Hidden History 185.

Klu'i rgyal po SOG MA MED PA — 476 II 220.2, 221.6.

Sman shod SOG MO PHO BRANG — Also, (Rme shod).  346 32.6.  Stein, Recherches 131.

SOG TSAN DAN DGON — Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 455.  A Dge lugs mon.

SOG BTSUN — See (— —) Ye shes rgyal mtshan.

SOG RDZONG — TS5 745.  ZZFC 30.

SOG ZAM — TS5 745.

SOG ZAM KHAR — Cuevas, Hidden History 197.

SOG BZLOG PA — See (— — —) Blo gros rgyal mtshan.

SOG G.YUNG DRUNG GLING — Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 455.

SOG RI — Nagano in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 573.

SOGS KHA — Pl.n.  Tucci, Religions 273.

Yar lung SOGS KHA — Bellezza, L&T 64, with the alternative spelling Yar khyim Sogs kha.

Rjes sman SON PA — Disc. of Nyang ral.  413 338.3.

SWON CHING DBEN —  =Zon ching dben.  N. of the Department of Buddhist & Tibetan Affairs during the Yüan.  Petech in TS5 669.

SON BYING DBEN — Title.  Petech (1983) 187.  "Court for administration of Buddhist Affairs."

SWON WI SI PA — Kuijp in TH&L 309.  Petech in TS5 669.  You can see this title near the beginning of the Tibetan document illustrated in Precious Deposits III 9.  Everding in NTFC I 183 reads Xuanweisi.

SWON WE SE — Office of Pacification.  Petech (1983) 192.

SOR THANG — Teacher of W India.  431 I 176.4.


SOR ME — N. of a yulDerge Kanjur LXXVII 276.7.

SOR MO LTA BU'I BSHAD PA — A very obscure work by Āryadeva.  See the work of Atiśa in Shelburne, Complete Works ... 238‑9.  He wrote another work, somewhat less obscure, called Lag pa'i Tshad.  See Tibskrit.

Gsal ldong SOR RE — Disc. of Sgam po pa.  BA 462.  =(Gsal stong) Sgom shor, q.v.


SOL NAG — See (— —) Thang po che.

SOL NAG THANG — "Sonagthang."  Large mon. in area of Yar klung valley (?).  Tucci, Lhasa 142.  Founded in a Fire Snake year.  Lde'u 157.  See (Sol nag) Thang po che.

SOL RI — "Coal Mountain."  Tucci, Religions 234.

O rgyan gyi Sgyu ma STHI RA — BD of T&TB I 253.

STHI RA PĀ LA — In Tib., Bstan skyong (i.e., Brtan skyong), he was also called 'Bum phrag gsum pa.  He was guru of Rngog Lo, founded E bu dong Chos sde (i.e., E Bo dong).  Invited to Tibet by Rtse lde in late 11th cent.  Mtshan tho no. 75.

Gu ru STHI RA MA TI — BD of T&TB I 965.

SYA SKU — N. of mon. in Zhugs ngam.  Emmerick.

SRA DO — U rgyan language name for Srig dha ra.  87 I 246.5.

Kha che Mkhan po SRA MI RA CAN — SFHB 630.3.

SRA HO RA — A city.  115 51.5.

SRAD — "Rhe" or "Re."  BA 214, 419.  N. of a valley & a river, the Srad chu.  Located from long. 88° 30' to 89° long. & 28° 50' lat.  Tucci, Lhasa 160.  Wylie 143 n. 251.  JTL&CT 75.

SRAD — See (—) Rin chen rtse.

SRAD RGYUD — A printery.  162 214.

SRAD RGYUD PA — See (— — —) Brtson 'grus 'phags.


SRAD PA — First head of Rgyud pa Grwa tshang at Byin chags gling, q.v.  N. of a lineage.  332 II 21.

SRAD PA — See (— —) Dkon mchog bstan dar.  (— —) (Kun mkhyen) Blo gros rin chen seng ge.

SRAD RIN CHEN BRAG BLA MA — See (—) (— — — — —) Brag rgyab Sngags ram pa.


SRAM PA — Pl.n  BA 111, 115.  33 208.3, 215.4.  Sram pa Sgrub khang.  33 224.5, 226.4.

SRAS MKHAR DGU THOG — A 9‑storied mon. f. by Mi la ras pa.  See description in Ferrari 138.  5 199.1.  55 75, plate 49.  =Gsas mkhar.  346 66‑67.  420 I 128.2 ff.  Article in BJZJ (1982).  Guidebook in 504.  Rje drung Bzhad pa'i rdo rje, Lho brag Sras mkhar dgu thog sogs kyi Gnas yig, listed in BLP no. 2089.  Some early (13th cent.?) wall paintings are illus. in Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 128‑9.  See the entry "sku mkhar dgu thog" in DCD 62‑63.

Chos drug SRAS MKHAR MA — Teaching of Gu ru Chos dbang in 87 LXXXV.  116 364.6.  See 87 LXXXV.  413 394.5.  Teachings of Nāropa excavated by Gu ru Chos dbang.  458 I 322.5.

SRAS CHEN BRGYAD — See Nye ba'i Sras chen Brgyad.

SRI — Pl.n.  BA 258.  "Ding ri dang Sri'i Mi thams cad."  115 09.6.  N. of a side valley upstream from Lhasa; sometimes Kri, it is site of a tomb that probably belonged to a famous general (acc. to Hazod in Dotson, OTA 181‑183).

SRI'U — Type of spirit.  4A 11A.5.

Zhang zhung Rgyal po SRI KRA GUG GE — In colophon to Bon sūtra.  491 316.2.

SRI'I RGYA PHIBS — N. of one of the gilt domes of Bsam yas.  Das 1288.

SRI GCOD RDO RJE — Early personal name of Tāranātha.  Taube in ZAS II (1968) 56.

SRI GCOD 'BUM PA —  ='Khon bsdums, a mchod rten in Yar lung.  Ferrari 127.

Thon pa SRI GCOD TSHE BRTAN — Zhabs pad from 1728.  Petech in T'oung Pao n.s. L 341.

Zur khang SRI GCOD TSHE BRTAN — CHMO 15 13.

SRI'I CHU — N. of a tributary of the Gtsang po which flows just North of Lha rtse in Gtsang Stod. "Jag pa Byung ba la Sre'i Chu phar stan na Jag pa'i yul."  Das 1288.

Brag dkar Mi dpon SRI CHOD — Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 115.  Active in 1500.

Thon pa Zhabs drung SRI CHOD TSHE BRTAN — See above.

SRI 'DUL DPAL — Father of Rgod ldem.  481 10.2.

SRI MNAN — Rites.  See under Kun dga' blo gros.

Gru gu SRI BA LUNG — 363 74.6.

SRI ZHU'I MGRON — Text in 315 41‑50.  =Srid zhu.


SRIG DHA RA —  =Sra do.  87 I 246.5.

SRING MO RDZONG — Cuevas, Hidden History 184.

SRID SKYONG RNAM RGYAL — (1819‑1874)  Ruler of Sikkim.  58 932.  Note the 60‑year difference in dates with the following (this would ordinarily suggest to me that the two figures would be one person, however Wikipedia gives the two separate entries and separate reign dates).

SRID SKYONG SPRUL SKU — (1879‑1914)  "Sidkeong Tulku." met by David‑Neel in about 1910.  415 XI 107.5.  "Sikyong."  JTL&CT 206.  Dalai Lama xiii, Works VII 219.6.  He studied at Oxford, and ascended the throne of Sikkim in 1914.  TS7 II 671 (here there are letters from his marriage negotiations with the Burmese royal family).  He was considered by Charles Bell to be too assertive, so in 1914 when he was sick, a British physician from Bengal gave him heavy transfusion of brandy and put him under a number of blankets, killing him (Ahir, Himalayan Buddhism 146), but the cause of death is not well established.  A letter to his subjects requesting them to refrain from animal sacrifices and tobacco is listed in Bodleian Catalogue 68; I believe the me ta date of its issuing should be corrected to me rta (therefore 1906).

SRID RGYAL DGON CHEN — Bon mon. in area of Kong po Bon ri.  TS7 vol. 2, p. 589.  Ramble in Mandala & Landscape 147.  TS5 532.  Gyurme Dorje, Tibet Handbook 304‑5, says it was f. in 14th cent. by Ri pa 'Brug gsas.  Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 93 ff, with photo (on p. 159, a photo of its "complete edition of the Bön canon, comprising 406 volumes," although this is not really valid).  It's the oldest monastery in the vicinity of Bon ri.

Phag ri Rdzong rtse SRID RGYAL SGRUB KHANG — 253 II 623.5‑6.

Dgon chen SRID RGYAL PHO BRANG — 253 II 615.3.

SRID RGYAL MA — 4 97A.5.

SRID SGRUB — Tibetan translation of the name Arjuna.  The Pāṇḍava and others.  Das 98.  BD of T&TB I 925.  Roesler in Facets 164.

SRID SGRUB — "Sita or Arjuna."  N. of a mathematician astrologer who taught Gautama Buddha.  Das 1289.  I believe Arjuna is the form of the math teacher's name in the Lalitavistara, although this ought to be checked.

SRID SGRUB MA — Epithet of Gtsang po.  Das 418.  Epithet of river Sitā.  Das 1289.

SRID RJE — See (— —) Brang dkar.

SRID BSNUN — See Ba bha hi.

SRID PA DKOR RJE DRANG DKAR — Equated to creator Brahma in 'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) IV 434.2.  This is undoubtedly the Srid rje 'brang dkar in chap. 1 of the Mdzod phug.  [I don't find anything like these forms of the name in the index to Choix, or at the OTDO site.]. Bellezza, D&B 55 (Srid rje 'brang dkar).

SRID PA'I GO CHA — In avadāna story.  TPS 517.

Bu 'tsho SRID PA'I RGYAL PO — Bonpo gter ston253 II 215.2 ff.

Ma mchog SRID PA'I RGYAL MO — Perhaps the most important female deity of Bon.  See 244270.  For various forms, see 270 preface.  As yum of Lha rgod, see 270 preface.  Sādhanas.  274 I 141‑152.  286 I 247 ff.  299 365 ff.  333 423 ff.  Text in 489 429 ff.

SRID PA RGYUD — Original lineage of existence.  Clemente in TS6 128.  Continuing evolution?

Ma mo SRID PA'I RGYUD LUNG CHEN PO — Title in 320 XXX 13.3 ff.

Sa bla ba SRID PA CHAGS PA'I LHA DGU — 476 IV 420.4.  Bellezza, D&B 146.

SRID PA 'JIG — N. of Dbang phyug.  Das 909.

SRID PA'I GTER KHYIM — Destructive magical texts in 229 245‑571.

SRID PA'I GTO NAG MGO GSUM — Text in 315 513‑562.

SRID PA SNE PHROM — Discussed in Karmay, Arrow 259 etc.

SRID PA SPYI MDOS — Clemente in TS6 127.

SRID PA 'PHRUL GYI ME'U THUNG — Vitali in Lungta, vol. 16 (Spring 2003), p. 5.  Perhaps Me'u thung should be read as Mi'u thung?

Rin po che SRID PA BAR DO RANG SNANG BA'I RGYUD — Text in 16 chaps. in 320 IV 416‑434.

SRID PA'I BEMS — 320 XXXIII 327 ff.


Ma mo SRID PA'I RDZONG LUNG CHEN MO — Title in 320 XXX 195.

SRID PA SANGS PO — 352 715.10.

SRID PA HO — See Hummel article.  Precious Deposits V 111 has a labelled version of the turtle chart.

SRID BON — Clemente in TS6 127.

SRID 'BYOR — Bhavabhūti, n. of a celebrated Sanskrit poet who lived in the latter half of the 7th cent.  Das 1290.

Rma ston SRID 'DZIN — (b. 1092)  Kværne no. 89.  Meeting with Gyer mi Nyi 'od.  208 388‑308(?).  Story of his excavations, see 253 II 209.3 ff.  Called Srol 'dzin in Karmay, Treasury 167.  Work in 263 557‑567.  Gter ma in 275, 278 389‑408, etc.  313 I, II.  286 I 229‑246, II 313‑331.

SRID ZHI PHUN TSHOGS — An assembly hall in the Red Palace of the Potala, with the throne of Dalai Lama vi.

SRID ZHI'I GTSUG RGYAN KUN MKHYEN — See (— — — — — —) Dkon mchog 'jigs med dbang po.

SRID ZHU — See under Sri zhu.

SRID GSHED — A sa bdagVai.Kar. II 293.

SRID GSHEN — The 4th Vehicle of Bon.  T.H. 109.  Tucci, Religions 228.  352 732.9 ff.

SRID GSHEN GTSUG PHUD — Nine Ways 121, etc.

SRID SRUNG 'DZIN — N. of Dbang phyug.  Das 909.

Phur pa SRID GSUM BDUD 'DUL — N. of a phur pa.  DTK5 119.

SRIN CHU — BA 906.

Rdzong SRIN PO MGO DGU — A 'rebellious region.'  27 132.

La stod Rtsang so'i SRIN PO GDONG — LPNT IV 55, 64.

Dpon SRIN PO GDONG PO — Traveling companion of O rgyan pa who was dismissed over some disagreement.  115 35.6, 36.4‑7, 46.4, 47.5, 49.1, 84.6.

Ka gnam SRIN PO RDZONG — See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 44.

La stod SRIN PO RDZONG — Pl.n.  BD of T&TB III 506.

SRIN PO RI — Mt. at confluence of Skyid chu and Gtsang po.  Opposite Chu shul.  On North bank of Gtsang po.  Also called Yar stod brag.  Tucci, Lhasa 119.  Also, a village of same name with a small temple.  56 80.  BA 140, 349, 450, 600, 601, 799, 1069, 1071.  17 II 311.4.  253 II 586.5.  Hazod in Tropper, Epigraphic 50.

Drang srong SRIN PO RI — "Semori."  Residence of Vibhūti, q.v., the founder.  Today a lay village with a chapel of Samvara, belonging to Sa skya pa school.  Ferrari 47.

SRIN BU GO CHA — The elementary school teacher of Śākyamuni, according to some scriptures, including Vinayavastu (in the Lalitavistara he has a different name).

SRIN MO GAN RKYAL — Supine demoness.  See illus. in Precious Deposits I 87‑9.

SRIN MO MTHA' RTSA — See =Bsen mo mtha' sa.

SRIN MO DO — Also, Nang do, Se mo do, Sri mo do, etc.  The largest island in Gnam mtsho.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 160 ff.

SRIN MO BRAG — Ras chung pa stayed there.  24 I 219.1.

SRIB SKYES BU MO SPUN GNYIS — See TJ XXIII (1998) 111.  Vitali, Tho.ling 86.

SRIB THA NYIN SHOG DGON — 253 II 631.1.  Srib Dgon in 253 II 631.3.

SRIB MA STOD DGON — 253 II 631.1.

Lho brag SRIBS MO SER PHUG — BA 988.

'Brom za SRIL LA — Mentioned in Dunhuang ms.  Meinert in TS9 II 298.  She is counted among practitioners who achieved enlightenment 'without remainder'.  She is one of two that are definitely women.

SRU — BA 1013.

SRU — See (—) Legs pa'i sgron ma.

SRU NYO — Pl.n.  Emmerick.


SRU RONG GROD DGON — 253 II 631.6.

SRU LUNG — See (— —) Kun dga' smon lam.

SRUG GAN PA — BA 1011.

SRUNG MKHAR DPON — Local ruler of upper Kong po.  373 preface.

SRUNG 'KHOR BA — Monastic official in Bhutan.  Aris in BSOAS 39 (1976) 635.

SRUNG BA LHA MO LNGA — Pañcarakṣādevī.  349 I 232‑318.


SRE'U GZHUG — "tail end of a little Sri."  OTA 691.

SREG — N. of a family to which the Dalai Lama ii belonged, and its spiritual transmission lineage.  See 23 8.

SREG STON — See (— —) Kun dga' rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Sgom btsun.  (— —) Char 'bebs.

'Bar me'i mthu bcom Sems dpa' SREG PA'I GZUGS — Jātaka story depicted in 128 708.

Gnubs SREG PA LUNG — BA 569.  G.yas ru nub kyi Sreg pa lung.  Place where Gling ras pa met Rwa lo.  24 I 347.2.

Shangs SREG ZHING — BA 82, 103.  See 23 8.  Hermitage where Sa skya Paṇḍi ta found a Sanskrit ms. of the Phur pa Rtsa Dum.

Cog ro SRED — Pl.n.  24 I 349.3.

SRED PA STAN CHUNG — N. of a field.  4X I 11.4, 14.2.  Compare 4A Lhalungpa 19.

Shabs pad SRES CHUNG PA — A shapé (zhabs pad) with an estate at Skyor mo lung.  Das 118.

SRO — See (—) Dran pa ye shes.


Bla ma SRO BA — Author of Rde'u Skor Bdun pa.  Karmay, Great Perfection 206.

SROG GI 'KHOR LO — Text in 320 I 445‑448.

SROG GRUB MA — 'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 396.5.

SROG CHAGS DES PA — A fish that cures diseases.  128 766.

SROG GI CHAN PA — See (— — — —) Yang ti Nag po'i Rgyud.

SROG STAM CHEN — Dotson, D&L 23.

SROG BDAG GROGS MCHOG BSKUL BA — Text in 313 II 275‑287.

SROG BDAG RGYAL PO — Text in 489 501 ff.


Phur pa SROG GI SPU GRI — In 87 L.

SROG GI 'BYUNG BA RGYUD KYI RGYAL PO — Text in 319 VII 249‑285.  320 II 615‑650.

SROG LHA STAM CHEN — Dotson, D&L 24.

SRONG NGE —  =Srong lde, q.v.

SRONG NGE — King of Gu ge.  =Drang srong lde.  DTK5 73.

SRONG LDE — Or, Srong nge.  A king of Gu ge.  28 52, 55 ff.  Son of Bkra shis mgon.  BA 37.  17 II 348.1.  Younger brother of 'Khor re, q.v.  Vitali believes that it was Srong nge, full name Khri lde Srong gtsug btsan, who went on to become ordained as Ye shes sde (Records of Tho.ling, p. 4, etc.).

Chos rgyal SRONG BTSAN SGAM PO — (d. 649 or 650)  Dhongthog 108, gives mistaken dates 629‑710?!  B. in Pho brang Byams pa Mi 'gyur Gling.  His father was Gnam ri srong btsan.  Pictured in 320 XVIII 2.  Dates given as 617‑698 in BD of T&TB III 37.  Died in 649, acc. to 56 61.  Reigned 69 years, acc. to 17 II 318.6.  See =Khri srong btsan.  83C 197 ff.  17 II 317.4.  128 840.  Kværne no. 51.  His clay sculpture and his crown illus. in Precious Deposits I 71‑73 (note also the gilt copper statue on p. 193‑5).  He is certainly identified with Avalokiteśvara in a prayer found in 'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (1991) I 325.2.

Rgyal bu SRONG BTSAN 'BAR — Almogi, MA thesis 219.

Ri bo SROD BYED — LGCM 622.1.

Rma ston SROL 'DZIN — See (Rma ston) Srid 'dzin.  His G.yung drung las Rnam par Dag pa'i Rgyud and Sed Sed Na gu'i Zhal gdams publ. in 1979.

SLA — See (—) Brtan dar.

SLA BO SLA SRAS — Dotson, D&L 24, 25.  Elsewhere spelled Bla bo Bla sras, Lha bo Lha sras.  See for example Bellezza, L&T 83 (which also has spelling Lha sras Lha bo).

SLAS DGON PA — Mon. in Khams built by Nyag re se bo.  46 62.

SLE — "Leh."  Also, Slel, Sles.  N. of capital of Ladakh.  Das.  Roerich, Trails 21 ff.  Permanent residence of the La dwags kings beginning with 'Bum lde in the 15th cent.  14 index.

SLE KHA BA — See (— — —) Shes rab bzang po.

SLE'U CHUNG — "De nas Sle'u chung du dge 'dun sbyangs Mdo phug pas Dga' ldan phul bas / der dgon pa mdzad."  24 I 384.7.  N. of a mon. destroyed by people from Mkhar chu.  24 I 387‑388.

SLE'U CHUNG BA — An artist about whom little is known.  Mentioned in bio. of Paṇ chen i.  23 51.  Stearns, King 484, n. 204.

SLE THUL CAN — ?  57 IIB 372.7.

SLE NAG PA — Beyer 387, 418‑419.

SLE MA TSHE DBANG — Karmay, Arrow 360.  An oracle who died in 1689.

SLE MI — "Limi."  High mountain valley in NW Nepal bordering Tibet with 3 villages: Mdzang, Wa rtse and Til.  Goldstein in TSB X 17 ff.

SLE'U RDZONG — Near Lha sa.  40 5.

SLE LUNG — Branch of Smin grol gling Mon.  Waddell 73.  463 I 63.6.  Sle lung Chos sde'i Mkhan brgyud Rin po che Bstod pa Dri med Nor bu'i Phreng ba, listed in BLP no. 2050.

SLE LUNG RJE DRUNG — See (— — — —) Blo bzang 'phrin las.  (— — — —) Bzhad pa'i rdo rje.

SLE LUNG BLA BRANG — Has printery.  162 209.

SLE'U SHAR MA BA — A sger pa family.  40 5.

SLEB RE DGON — Vai.Ser. 163.

SLEBS — Site of tomb mounds, including a tortoise shaped base of a stele.  Precious Deposits I 101.  Said to be in Snang county.  See now Pasang Wangdu, "The Slebs ri Tombs and the Mchims Clan," contained in: Hildegard Diemberger and Karma Phuntsho, eds., Ancient Treasures, New Discoveries, International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies (Saale 2009), pp. 73‑96.


SLONG MKHAN ZHABS — See =Tsa tra pa.

Ded dpon SLONG LDAN — In Jātaka pictured in 128 778.


SLOB PA'I RDO RJE — Pictured in 128 276.

SLOB DPON CHEN PO — Or, Slobs dpon chen po.  A rank mentioned in O.T. letters.  Schaik, M&T 151.

SLOB DPON JO BO — Name by which Lha 'bri sgang pa signed his commentary to the Be'u bum Sngon poBBNP 464.

SLOB MA LTA BUR — N. of a city.  TPS 478.

GSAG THANG — Pl.n.  17 II 401.4.


GSANG SKOR — Achard, L'Essence 60.

GSANG MKHAR — A small religious house connected with Dpe thub, q.v.  See 14 109 ff.

GSANG GLING PA — Work in 298 581‑582.  Mentioned in BD of T&TB VII 268.

GSANG GLING PA — See (— — —) Chos dbang bstan 'dzin.

GSANG SNGAGS BKRA SHIS DBANG PHYUG — (19th cent.)  336 contents.


Zur GSANG SNGAGS GLING — A mon. SE of Gshis ka rtse, f. by (Ge re Bka' pa) Rin chen rgyal mtshan.  Ferrari 144.

Nyag gter GSANG SNGAGS GLING PA — (b. 1864)  Also, (Nyag rong Gter ston), (Dbal gter).  Bonpo.  Kværne no. 208.  Alias Dbal khyung Gter chen.  Excavations in 257259 preface.  Work in 285 557‑580.  253 II 241.5.  Bio. in 253 II 504.4 ff.  His Rnam thar G.yung drung Gsang ba'i Mdzod chen, an account of the life of Dran pa nam mkha' in 8 volumes, published at Dolanji in 1978+.  He could be identical to Nyag rong Gter ston Dri med known to Rnying ma pa sources, although this requires investigation.  Thar in TS9 IV 157.  I believe he may be depicted in a painted statue; HAR 66753.

GSANG SNGAGS DGA' TSHAL GLING — Karma Bka' brgyud mon. on slopes of 'Jang ri smug po.  See Rock, Nāga Cult I 249.

Yar 'brog Stag lung GSANG SNGAGS CHOS 'KHOR GLING — Picture in BD of T&TB III 727.  In Padma bkod?  433 preface.

GSANG SNGAGS CHOS GLING — A mon. in Kinnaur in H.P. India.  53 title page.  "Orgyan Sanag Choling."

GSANG SNGAGS CHOS GLING — [1] Founded in 1697 in Sikkim, where it was probably the first monastery ever.  See Waddell 285.  T.H. 61.  [2] Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang with 3 incarnates and 123 monks.  1 38.12, 39.11, 43.7, 47.11.  [3] 'Brug pa Bka' brgyud mon. near Tsa ri.  363 77.2.  Fletcher "Sanga Chöling."  Visited in 1876.  420 I 266.4 ff.

Rta log GSANG SNGAGS CHOS GLING — Seat of Zhabs drung incarnations of Bhutan.  59 preface.  In Punakha Valley.  TS5 606.

Me hor GSANG SNGAGS CHOS GLING — Also, (Mo hor).  Mon. of 'Ju, affiliated to Zhe chen and ultimately to Smin grol gling.  'Ju Mi pham entered this mon. at age 12.  42 5.

'Dren mchog GSANG SNGAGS CHOS RGYAL — Author of Gcod work.  See 420 I 421.2.

GSANG SNGAGS CHOS RDZONG — David‑Neel, My Journey 94.

GSANG SNGAGS BSTAN 'DZIN — (19th cent.)  Brother of O rgyan bstan 'phel.  Rnying ma pa.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 427.  In colophon in 334TS7 I 259 (18th cent?).

Sga rje Bla ma GSANG SNGAGS BSTAN 'DZIN — Kong sprul heard many gter ma teachings from him.

Khum bu Steng po che GSANG SNGAGS THEG MCHOG CHOS GLING — A mon. renovated in 1915 by (Rdza sprul) Ngag dbang bstan 'dzin nor bu, q.v.  "Tengboche" in Bernbaum 53, etc.  377 50B.2, 60 ff.

GSANG SNGAGS BDE CHEN — Acc. to Stag 'tsher Rin po che, an important Bon site near Sku 'bum.

Spom mda' GSANG SNGAGS BDE CHEN — Vai.Ser. 244.

Sde dge Nya gshis GSANG SNGAGS BDE CHEN GLING — 172 1.3.

GSANG SNGAGS RDO RJE — N. of the founder of Pangboche & Tengboche.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 114.

Sngags chang ba GSANG SNGAGS RDO RJE — Teacher of King Kun bzang nyi zla (b. 1514).  DTK5 137.  Ehrhard in NTFC I 157, with depiction on the following page.

GSANG SNGAGS BYANG CHUB GLING — Karmay, Arrow 351.  Mon. f. by the Dalai Lama v in 1651, belonging to Rnying ma pa.

GSANG SNGAGS ZIL GNON GLING — In Chu shur.  Sum pa, Annals 77.


Spa gro GSANG CHEN CHOS 'KHOR — Bhutanese mon., seat of Phyogs las Sprul sku, q.v.  59 preface.

GSANG CHEN SMIN RGYAS GLING — Noble Mountaineer 272‑273.  A sngags pa temple not far from Bla brang Bkra shis 'khyil.

GSANG THIG — A cycle of Kong sprul in 87 XVI.

GSANG BDAG — See (— —) Grub pa'i dpa 'bo.  (— —) Sgro phug pa Chen po (b. 1074).  (— —) Bde chen lhun grub.  (— —) 'Phrin las lhun grub.

GSANG MDA' — "Sangda."  The lower part of the valley of which Gsang phu is the upper.  Also Gsang mda' Sku 'bum.  Across the Skyid chu from Snye thang.  Nearby is Blo ldan shes rab's tomb.  Ferrari 166.  Kuijp, Contribution 10.  Kramer, rNgog 44.

GSANG MDA' BA — See (— — —) Chos ldan rab 'byor.

GSANG 'DUS — Or, Gsang ba 'dus pa.  Guhyasamāja Tantra, lineage and deity.  Pictured in 128 262.  Dge lugs lineage treated in 165 II 959.  Work on bskyed rim, see 243 II 299 ff.  Work on rim lnga, see 243 II 453 ff.  Guruyoga in 243 I 603 ff.  The following Guhyasamāja lineage is from 90 IV 1‑2 (by Bu ston?):  Rdo rje 'chang > Blo gros rin chen > Klu sgrub snying po > Ma tang gi pa > Te lo pa > Nā ro pa > Mar pa > Dbang gi rdo rje > Gad pa gīrti > Bsod nams rin chen > Tshul khrims skyabs > 'Phags pa skyabs > Gzhon nu 'od > Chos sku rdo rje (1214‑1292) > 'Phags pa 'od. 

GSANG 'DUS BLA MA'I THUGS SGRUB KYI SKOR — Collection of excavations of Gu ru Chos dbang published by Dingo Khyentsey Rinpoche.

'Jam pa'i dbyangs GSANG LDAN RIGS BSDUS PA — 349 VI 631‑703.  BA 987.

GSANG PHU — N. of a district to W of Lha sa.  Das 1303.  The original name is Ne'u thog, q.v.  Often called Gsang phu Ne'u thog.  See Ferrari 118, 165.  BA 141, 155, 201, 307‑310, 322, 325, 332, 334‑335, 339‑341, 464, 490, 524‑525, 529, 532, 570, 596, 630, 678, 751, 781, 802, 1043, 1080.  17 II 378.4, 538.4.  Mon. f. in 1073.  Kværne no. 84.  Chronicle of Gsang phu Mon. in Dbus, see 332 II preface, 13, 14.  For an Acala image that belonged to this monastery, see Uhlig, On the Path to Enlightenment 172.

GSANG PHU — See (— —) Nyi ma thang.  (— —) Ne'u thog.  (— —) Brag nag.  (— —) Ra ba Stod pa.

GSANG PHU GLING SMAD PA — See (— — — — —) Shākya gzhon nu.

GSANG PHU DBYAR CHOS — Summer monastic debating sessions held at Gsang phu.  Dreyfus, Sound 234.

GSANG PHUG — "Secret Cave."  A cave of Padmasambhava in Nepal.  28 11.

Mkha' 'gro GSANG BA KUN 'DUS — Gter ma in 87 LV.

La zlo GSANG BA'I 'KHOR LO ZHES BYA BA'I RGYUD — Text in 319 I 437‑461.  320 I 343 ff.

GSANG BA DGU 'PHAR BSGOM PA'I RGYUD — Bon tantra in 258 I 393‑443.  See Khro bo Drug.



GSANG BA'I MGON PO ZHAL BZHI PA — Text in 213 153‑169.

Rdzogs chen GSANG BA'I SGRON MA'I RGYUD KYI SDUS DON — Text in 319 V 353‑367.  Comm. in 319 VII 111‑247.  Similar title in 320 IV 2‑24.

GSANG BA'I SNYING PO — Disc. of Atiśa.  17 II 282.4.

GSANG BA SNYING PO — N. of tantra in Rnying ma Rgyud 'bum and its transmission.  See 27 68.  Sgam po pa knew of it, acc. to 4 221B.3, 223A.4.  See Karmay, Rdzogs chen 148.  See BA 534, 965.  Important commentaries in 199, 204Gsang snying Lo rgyus in 209 II 177.  Comm. in 331 193‑260.  Its title is listed in a late Dunhuang text; see Hackin, Formulaire 5.

GSANG BA'I SNYING PO DE KHO NA NYID NGES PA — Tantra in 320 XIV 2‑61, with similar titles following.


Zhang zhung GSANG BA GTING RUM — ZZFC 250.


GSANG BA THAMS CAD KYI ME LONG — Tantra in 320 XV 119 ff.



GSANG BA'I BDAG PO — Pictured in 320 XXX 2.

Thugs sras GSANG BA MDOR SDUD — Kværne 225 no. 29. 

'A zha GSANG BA MDO SDUD — 352 124.10.  In text of Bon sūtra in FM 457.01.

GSANG BA 'DUS PA — See also Gsang 'dus.  For works by Bu ston and Kong sprul on it see 90 IV 1 ff.  4 213A.2, 121B.2.  As a Rnying ma tantra, see 413 396.2.  Tantra in 320 XVII 2 ff.  349 VII, XXIII.  374 259.4 ff.  Francesca Fremantle, A Critical Study of the Guhyasamāja Tantra, dissertation (University of London 1971).  Thangka in Kreijger, Tibetan Painting pl. 43.  Precious Deposits IV 126‑7.

GSANG BA 'DUS PA — As a Bon personage, see 248 12.6.  Bio. in 352 643.20.

Gshen GSANG BA 'DUS PA — Also, (Gshen chen).  Also, (Slob dpon).  206 541.2.  278 447‑463, 649‑662.  Work in 292 I 383‑388.  253 II 371.2.  Author of FM 13.01.

Gsang bdag GSANG BA 'DUS PA — A primordial Bon Siddha.  284 preface.

Sngags 'chang GSANG BA RDO RJE — (17th cent.)  Rnying ma.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 249.  Macdonald 140.

GSANG BA RDO RJE PHUG — A secluded area near Rdo rje gdan.  5 61.2.

GSANG BA'I GNAS DGU — 253 II 579.3 ff.

GSANG BA SPYI RGYUD — Work in 25 chapters in 320 III 130‑163.

GSANG BA PA — Pictured in 128 328.

Rta mgrin GSANG BA'I 'PHRIN LAS KYI RGYUD — 320 XXIV 479 ff.

Rje btsun GSANG BA'I BYIN — Author of Bka' gdams pa work, Skyes bu Gsum gyi Lam rim Rgyas pa Khrid du Sbyar ba, publ. N.Delhi 1979.  I saw a photocopy of the original woodblock prints, 305‑fols., quite nicely made in Mang yul Gung thang area, with woodcut illus. on 1st few folios including Atiśa and 'Brom ston pa.  The composer's colophon is on fol. 296v.3, where the name is spelled Gsang bas 'byin.  The printing colophon begins there, and is quite long. The final prayer is by 'Jigs med grags pa.

GSANG BA'I BLA MA — N. of Dbang phyug.  Das 909.

GSANG BA DBYINGS ROL — Ma rgyud Gsang mchog Gsang ba Dbyings Rol gyi Sgrub Skor, publ. in Dolanji in 1979.


Gu ru GSANG BA ZIL GNON — A form of Padmasambhava  344 393‑400.

GSANG BA YANG CHUNG — Walter in Lungta, vol. 16 (Spring 2003), p. 22.

GSANG BA YANG GTER SKU GSUM GYI RGYUD — Text in 319 VI 107‑112, with similar titles in 277‑291.

Dbus phug GSANG BA YANG RDZONG — 253 II 615.6‑634.3.

GSANG BA YE SHES — Precepts.  See 216 preface.  "Chief of Ḍākinīs," pictured in 320 XXXI 2.  See under Bzhad pa'i rdo rje.  Dung dkar 174.  A female deity who resides in a boulder near Reting.  Roesler, KSP 18.

Bka' brgyad GSANG BA YONGS RDZOGS — Excavation of Gu ru Chos dbang, q.v.  Dung dkar 158.



GSANG BA LAM KHYER — In 87 LXXXV.  For lineage, see 210 17.1.  239 XXV.


U rgyan GSANG BA SHES RAB — Talley-stick 163.  TPS 590.

GSANG BA BSEN THUB — See 273.  See under Khro bo Drug.

GSANG BA LHA SNYING — 253 II 381.6, 382.1.

Padma Dbang chen Dregs pa GSANG BYED KYI RGYUD — 320 XXIII 503 ff.

GSANG MTSHAN — "Secret name" given in initiations.  They are determined by the rigs to which the initiate is found to belong.  For a list, see 90 VI 57‑59.

A kya II GSANG 'DZIN RDO RJE — ISTS 97 ff.  Aliases: Blo bzang 'jam dbyangs rgya mtsho, Rtag pa'i rdo rje, Snang mdzad rdo rje, Snang mdzad dgyes bzhed rdo rje, Dgyes bzhed rdo rje, Snang mdzad dngos grub rdo rje.

GSANG YIB — A place about 3.5 miles NE of Lha sa.  It was originally a place to isolate smallpox victims, but is evidently the same place as the prison now known by that name.  See Richardson's article "The Smallpox Edict of 1794 at Lhasa," p. 118.



GSA' MDA' — Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 455, 465.  Mon. of Zhu lineage in Hor area.

GSAR MDA' — See (— —) Khra lung.

Gzim shag GSAR BYUNG — Printery.  162 240.

Tshe bzhi GSAR MA BA — See (— —) (— — —) Grags pa byang chub.

GSAR LEN — Pl.n.  BA 464.

GSAL KHANG DGON PA — Vai.Ser. 147.

GSAL DGA' — Khams pa name of endearment for Rab gsal zla ba.  39 14.  346 149.4, 163.2.

GSAL KHANG SPRUL SKU — Incarnation lineage, see 43.  1. (Khri xix) Ngag dbang chos grags (1501‑1551).  2. (Khri xxxiv) Ngag dbang chos kyi rgyal mtshan (b. 1575).  3.  Took rebirth among the O rod G.yon ru.

GSAL MKHAR DGON — Vai.Ser. 239.

Ko sa la'i Rgyal po GSAL RGYAL — DTK5 172.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) VI 195.4, about his offerings of a thousand pots of grain oil and lamp wicks.

Mnyan yod Rgyal po GSAL RGYAL — 413 544.5.  472 215.6.  356 I 252.2.

GSAL SGRON — N. of Te lo pa's (Tilopa's) sister.  17 II 226, 245.

Myang tsha GSAL SGRON — Beyer 57‑58.


Mnga' ris pa GSAL MCHOG — Disc. of Ras chung pa.  BA 439.  Disc. of Sum pa.  57 IIB 351.1.  See 'Od gsal mchog ldan (?).

Rnal 'byor GSAL MCHOG — In Bon lineage.  206 576.5.

Rgyal bu GSAL MCHOG DAM PA — 352 598.1.

GSAL RJE — One of 20 principle mts.  Das 212.  BA 696, 988.

Spu rangs GSAL SNYING — Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 42.  =Gsal ba'i snying po.

GSAL STONG — See (— —) Sgom shor.  (— —) Sho sgom.  (— —) Shor sgom.  All three of these names are referring to the same person.

Gnas mchog GSAL DWANGS RI BO CHE — See Ehrhard in SCEAR 9 (1996) 47.

GSAL LDAN MA — Pl.n.  Kāsi.  Modern Benares.  Das

GSAL LDAN MA — P.n.  N. of Ti lo pa's mother.  17 II 226, 245.

GSAL LDONG — See (— —) Sor re.

Sbas Mang rje GSAL SNANG — Also, (Rba), (Sba).  Buddhist leader appointed governor of S Tibetan province bordering Nepal (Mang yul) by Khri srong lde brtsan.  17 II 321.1.  87 I 38.4, 39.2, 262.5, 263.3 ff.  132 87.3.  This must be the same as Sba Gsal snang (who must not be confused with Sba San shi ta aka Sba Ratna).

GSAL PA — N. of Ti lo pa's father.  17 II 226, 245.

GSAL SPRUL DGON — 253 II 633.4.

GSAL BA — 128 800.

GSAL BA KUN SHES — Rock, Nāga Cult I 151, 269.

Spong zho GSAL BA GRAGS — Disc. of Abhayākaragupta.  17 II 303.2.  He is listed as a translator active in the 11th cent., but with no further information, in Mtshan tho no. 56.

GSAL BA RGOD 'BAR — P.n.  491 23.2.

GSAL BA'I RGYAN — Indian met by Gnubs chen who lived 1600 years.  33 I 292.2 ff.

Bla ma GSAL BA SGANG PA — 115 137.3, 138.1.  Kuijp, Rivers 311.

Yar klungs 'Chos kyi Khu 'gyur GSAL BA'I MCHOG — (late 10th—11th cent.)  Disc. of (Za ngam) Rin chen dbyig.  His disc. was (Myang) Byang chub grags.  BD of T&TB III 257.  BA 173.  A chos 366 says he achieved Rainbow Body at age 117.

Skam GSAL BA'I SNYING PO — 17 II 343.2.  BA 78.  See also Gsal snying.

Gnubs GSAL BA DBANG PHYUG — Father of Gnubs chen.  193 I 290.5.  139 preface.  33 160.4.

GSAL BA'I TSHUL KHRIMS — Prasannaśīla or Prakāśaśīlā.  Mother of Asaṅga and Vasubandhu (by two different fathers).  BD of T&TB I 997‑998.  413 109.3.  492 22.3.

GSAL BA 'OD KYI GLING — Birthpl. of Lord Shenrab.  Das.

GSAL BA RANG 'BYUNG — One of 5 deities of Bon (in East).  Nine Ways 261 n. 59.

GSAL BA SHES RAB — A Dunhuang Tibetan Ch'an text by Mahoyen.  See  Buddhist Studies Rev. 17 no 1 (2000) 87.

GSAL BYANG — Attendant of Sgam po pa.  BA 462.  Gsal bya in 73 261.2.

GSAL BYED — Hero of the Vetala stories.  See Roesler in Facets 156.

GSAL BYED MIG GI THUR MA — A comm. cited as a source in Lde'u2 90.  This text has now been identified.

GSAL BYED SEMS KYI ME LONG GI RGYUD — Bon tantra translated into Tibetan by 'Brug gi sgra 'byin and Bai ro tsa na.  Contained in 258 III 61‑67.

Mu zu GSAL 'BAR — Name of Dgongs pa rab gsal before his conversion.  17 II 339.2.  332 II preface 3.  See also Gsas 'bar.

'Jings GSAL 'BAR — A translator (lo tsā ba).  320 XIX 288.7, XXVI 583.4.

GSAL 'OD — Birthn. of Ti lo pa.  17 II 226, 245.

Glan GSAL 'OD — 115 8.3.

Mkha' 'gro GSAL YID MA — Appears in 320 IX 601.

GSAL YES — Attendant of Sgam po pa.  BA 462.

Dge bshes GSAL SHES — See Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 1, p. 154.

GSAS — See (—) Khyung rgod rtsal.

GSAS MKHAR —  =Gsas khang.  Sacred places.  Gshen rab visited 360 of them.  Now used for special receptacles for protective gods on houses or on mountains.  Tucci, Religions 217.  Gsas mkhar Mchog Lnga, see 274 I 107‑117, 233‑236.  283 preface.

GSAS MKHAR DGU THOG — See Sras mkhar dgu thog.


GSAS MKHAR RIN PO CHE SPYI SPUNGS GSANG BA GSEN THUB — See under Spyi spungs.  Bon tantra in 258 I 233‑391.  Extracts (?) in 300.


Gu rub GSAS DGA' — Bonpo.  206 542.2.  248 25.5.

Gshen GSAS CHUNG — N. of a commoner who appears in an O.T. contract.  See Takeuchi, Old Tibetan Contracts, p. 243.

Bon blon GSAS CHEN — 253 II 377.2.

Rnal 'byor GSAS MCHOG — 248 57.5.  Bio. in 253 II 330.4 ff.

GSAS RJE MANG PO — Rock, Nāga Cult 60, 151.


GSAS MDA' BON DGON — 253 II 630.3.

GSAS 'PHAN — See (— —) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan.

GSAS DBANG — 253 II 627.2.

GSAS 'BAR — Bon n. of Dgongs pa rab gsal.  Lde'u2 155.

GSI DKAR — See (— —) Kun spangs pa.

GSING THAN GSI — Xitansi.  Jackson, Patron 237.

GSING RUL — "Rotten moor."  In La dwags, lat. 34° long. 77°.  N. of a village near swampy ground, hence the name.  79 90 no. 99.

GSUNG GI RGYAL PO — See under Gnas chung.  Illus. in MBKP 106.

GSUNG NGAG RIN PO CHE — Honorific designation for Lam 'bras teachings.  BA 207.  BD of T&TB X 92.14.  349 XXVI.

GSUNG CHOS RA BA — Essais 160.

GSUNG GI SNYING PO — In title in 320 XV 15.2.

GSUNG LDAN RDO RJE — Macdonald 143.

GSUNG SPRUL — See (— —) Bstan pa'i nyi ma.

'Jam dpal GSUNG GI DBANG PHYUG — 349 VI 430‑630.

Dol GSUNG RAB GLING PA — 438 XI 652.2.

GSUNG RAB RGYA MTSHO — A teacher of Grags pa mtha' yas (1469‑1531).  49 preface. 

GSUNG RAB RGYA MTSHO — Called a "Rig 'dzin" teacher of Tshe dbang nor bu (1698‑1755).  383 452.2, 454.1.  Called Che tshang Gsung rab rgya mtsho.  Jackson, Patron 7.  Prob. same as Karma Rig 'dzin Gsung rab rgya mtsho in Jackson, Patron 219.

Drung btsun GSUNG RAB RGYA MTSHO — A disc. of Lha btsun pa (1473‑1557).  116 351.3.


Chos rje GSUNG RAB MANG THOS — Karma pa.  Bio. in 35 I 655‑666.

GSUM RGAL — 'Three fords.'  In Turkestan, lat. 33° long. 78°.  Like the word [g]sum mdo, it seems to be associated with the confluence of 2 rivers.  79 91 no 104.

Phyag rdor Drag po GSUM BSGRIL — 128 1120.  Chandra 1546.

GSUM MDO — "Sumda."  A place in Zangs dkar, lat. 33° long. 77°.  May refer to the confluence of any two rivers (which may also mean that 3 roads meet).  79 91 no 103.  Compare the toponyms Grog gsum and Gsum rgal14 6, 19.  Map in Nat.Geo. CLIII no. 3, pp. 335, 342.  Bailey, No Passport 55.

GSUM PA RAS PA — See Zhen med ras pa.  228 86.6.  Compiler, in 1195, of the lost text entitled Ngo mtshar Nor bu Snying po.  See Sernesi in E&W 54 (2004) 258.

GSUM BRTSEGS — "Three tier" temple at A lci Dgon pa.  See 14 index under "Sum tsek."

GSUM ZAM PA — In Garhwal, lat. 30° long. 79°.  A bridge over the Vishnuganga below a confluence.  79 91 no. 105.

GSUM SRAG — Birthpl. of (Yongs 'dzin) Dpal ldan rin chen rgya mtsho.

Tshe dang ldan pa GSUS PO CHE CHEN PO — Mahākauṣṭhila.  Skilling in JIABS 23 no 2 (2000) 346.

GSER KA — Territory near Byi'u Dgon pa near Manasarovar.  28 97.

GSER KONG —  =Gser rkong.  See (— —) Ngag dbang tshul khrims rgya mtsho.

GSER DKAR DGON PA —  =Gser dkar chos gling.  Dge lugs pa Mon.  Sato in Acta Asiatica 29 (1975) 7.

Gnod sbyin GSER RKANG — 445 III 31.6.

GSER GYI SKRA — "Golden Hair," a Nāga king.  Emmerick.

GSER BRKO — "Surserko" or "Sunsarka."  In Mnga' ris Skor gsum, lat 31° long. 80°.  The "Sur" is Garhwali word for 'gold'.  79 91 no. 106.

GSER KHANG — A temple at Mtho gling, f. by Rin chen bzang po.  T.H. 139.

GSER KHANG — See (— —) Blo bzang bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho.


GSER KHANG CHOS RJE — See (— — — —) Gu ṇa ma ti.

GSER KHANG CHOS RJE — Author of bio. of Tsong kha pa listed in BLP no. 0922.

GSER KHANG SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Ngag dbang tshul khrims don ldan.

GSER KHANG STENGS PA — See (— — — —) Kun dga' rgyal mtshan.

GSER KHANG PA — See (— — —) Gzhon nu 'bum.

Tsong ka GSER KHANG G.YU KHANG — See Thomas, "A Chinese Buddhist Pilgrim's Letters," p. 552.  Horlemann 129.


GSER KHOG — N. of a mon. in A mdo, burnt down after the revolt of Bstan 'dzin Ching wang, q.v.  41 I 3.  =A mdo Sgo mang Dgon pa.  332 II preface 5.  See Schram, Monguors II 27‑37.

GSER KHRAB CAN — 73 415.5.  See Bse khrab can.

GSER KHRI — Pl.n.  "Sagti."  In La dwags.  See 14.

Rgyal po GSER MKHAR CAN — BD of T&TB I 312.

Rgyal po GSER GYI 'KHOR LO CAN — BD of T&TB I 324.

Rgyal po GSER GYI GO CHA — 122 84.1, 85.5.  TPS 532.  406 3B.5, 3B.2, 5A.6.

GSER GYU — BA 987.

GSER GLING — An area/country of India?  24 I 76.7.  Sa gzhi, Dagyab87 I 133.5.  A town in W India.  BD of T&TB I 515.  The island Suvarṇadvīpa.  BD of T&TB I 578‑580.  TS7 II 976.  W.J. van der Meulen, "Suvarṇadvīpa and the Chrysê Chersonêsos," Indonesia, vol. 18 (Oct. 1974), pp. 1‑40.  According to this, Suvarṇadvīpa is most of the time certainly intending the island of Sumatra (from 7th century onward), and not the Malay Peninsula.  Btsan po No mon han identified it with Borneo; Yongdan, TCW 103.

Rta nag GSER GLING — Vai.Ser. 207.

Ri bo GSER GLING — Where Mar pa met Nā ro pa.  17 II 268.4.

Yol phu GSER GLING — A Shangs pa mon.  29 7.  BA 750.

GSER GLING MKHAN PO — See (— — — —) Dkon mchog rin chen.

GSER GLING RGOD TSHANG — See Si li Rgod tshang.  A hermitage on a high rock near (3 & 1/2 miles from) Sgag lung, pictured in Bell, People of Tibet 190.  North side of 'Phags chu valley between Stag lung and Phong mdo.  Ferrari 81.

GSER GLING PA — Indian precursor of Bka' gdams pa lineages pictured in 128 91A.  An epithet of Dharmakīrti, acc. to Ferrari 78.  Sgam po pa 129.  BA 361.  Pictured in 128 30A.

GSER GLING PA — See (— — —) Bkra shis dpal.  (— — —) Chos kyi grags pa.

Rgyal sras GSER GLING BYAMS PA — Bio. in 53.

GSER DGON — See (— —) Sangs rgyas bstan 'dzin.

GSER 'GYUR G.YU 'GYUR — Rdo rje gling pa's teachings, see 413 367.4.

GSER GYI RGYAL MTSHAN CAN — BA 241.  114 2B.4.  BD of T&TB I 904.  King of Za hor in the E, mentioned, together with his descendents, in Tsongkhapa's Byang chub Lam gyi Rim pa (RIFIAS no. 55, p. 2B.3).  Eimer, Testimonia 30.  I think this is in fact the name of the royal palace (or perhaps a royal house), and not a personal name.

GSER SGO — See Dar lding Gser sgo.  For 'Golden Door' as reference to the Chinese capital, see Uray, Earliest Evidence 353.

GSER SGO KHRA MO — Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 444, 464.

GSER SGOM — See (— —) Ye shes snying po.

GSER GYIS BRGYAN PA'I GLING — W of India.  BD of T&TB I 382.


GSER CHU — Yamaguchi in Acta Asiatica 29 (1975) 39.

GSER GYI CHU — Das 413 no. 31.  For Gser chu, see under Rong chu.

Gangs bar GSER CHU KHA — CFMS 79.

GSER CHEN — See (— —) Rdo rje glang mo che.

Bu mo GSER MCHOG 'OD DPAL — Sa paṇ, Sdom Gsum 23B.6.

GSER 'CHANG RDO RJE — See He ma la badzra.

Ku se GSER LJONGS — N. of a mon.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 100. 

Ku se GSER LJONGS — See (— — — —) 'Jam dbyangs dge legs.

GSER GYI NYA MO — In title of text in 319 II 241‑287.

GSER TIG — Lde'u 247.

GSER TOG — See (— —) Blo bzang tshul khrims rgya mtsho.  (— —) Ye shes thub bstan rgya mtsho.

GSER TOG HU THOG THU — Bio. listed in BLP no. 2030.

GSER TOG NO MIN HAN — See (— — — — —) Blo bzang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan.

GSER TOG SPRUL SKU — Biographical work by Gser tog Blo bzang tshul khrims listed in BLP no. 2031.

GSER RTA — Dga' shar Sog pa Gser rta'i Tshul khrims 'od zer, Smad mdo khams ri bo brtse lnga'am / mdo smad dpal shul gser rta'i sngon dang da lta'i dngos yod kyi lo rgyus snying bsdus ma bcos drang por brjod pa gser 'brong ri smug po'i brjod nyams (Mundgod 2007), in 64 pages.

'Gu log GSER RTA — 370 preface.

GSER STOD MGON PO 'BRONG RIR GNAS 'GO'I DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo smad with 15 incarnates and 220 monks.

GSER THA — Nomad area in Khams.  Nomads 26.  Perhaps the Serthar of TS7 I 317?

GSER THAR — See Thar in TS9 IV 157.

GSER GYI THIG PA'I MAN NGAG — Text in 319 II 71‑73.

GSER THUB — 122 83.3.

Rdzogs chen GSER THUR — Bon teaching redisc. by Rdo rje gling pa.  See 256 preface.  413 363.1.  Excavation of G.yung drung gling pa; see lineage in 253 II 405.1 ff.  383 419.4.

Sog GSER THUR DNGUL THUR — 253 II 627.3.

GSER THOG CAN — Pl.n.?  17 II 306.3.

Phrom la Mkhas pa GSER THOG LCE 'BYAM — SFHB 630.5.  Bio. in 253 II 137.1.

Rma bya'i Rgyal po GSER DU SNANG BA — ?  225 VII.

Man ngag GSER GDAMS NYER CIG — Bon Rdzogs chen precepts.  253 II 402.5 ff.

GSER GDUNG — Stūpas in Potala where the remains of the Dalai Lamas are contained.  Generally speaking, hon. of gdung rtenFerrari 89.  463 I 68.2.

GSER MDOG — Indian pundit.  See under Ka na ka warma.

Mu ge'i Gdung 'Phrog Rgyal po GSER MDOG CAN — In Jātaka story pictured in 128 728.  TPS 485.

Gtsang GSER MDOG CAN — Sa skya mon. f. by (Paṇ chen) Don yod dpal ba.  (Paṇ chen) Shākya mchog ldan went there in 1469 and evidently gets the credit for founding it.  In any case, it was because of the latter that the place became well known.  Dhongthog 126.  F. in 1473 by Don yod dpal. 76 8.  Gdan rabs, see 332 II preface 14.  Built between 1452 and 1488, acc. to Kuijp, Contributions 9.  Also, Thub bstan Gser mdog can, "Sindukchen," f. by Shākya mchog ldan in 1469 on S bank of Gtsang po E of Gzhis ka rtse.  Ferrari 162.


GSER LDAN — N. of river in life of Buddha.  Hiraṇyavatī.  Li, NBA.  The place where the Buddha died is located on its banks.  Nowadays in NE Uttar Pradesh.

GSER LDAN MA — In avadāna story.  TPS 492.


GSER LDINGS PA — See (— — —) Gzhon nu 'od.

Rgyang ru GSER SDINGS DGON — Vai.Ser. 205.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 41.

GSER PA— An old Tibetan district in Amdo, known in O.T. letters.  Schaik, M&T 147.

GSER PA MCHOG SPRUL — Thar in TS9 IV 161, where he is further identified as Mkhyen brtse chos kyi blo gros.

GSER PA RTOGS LDAN — Disc. of Khyung rgod rtsal.  253 II 358.3.


GSER DPON — A gov't official charged with collecting the tax on western Tibetan gold.  Tsarong in TJ XXIII no 3 (1998) 30.

GSER GYI SPRE'U — Rock, Nāga Cult I 205.

GSER PHYE KHA — Vai.Ser. 175.

Dmyal GSER PHYE 'BUM PA — 5 201.2.

GSER GYI PHYE MA CAN — See Klung Gser gyi Phye ma can.  I suppose the correct spelling ought to be Gser gyi Bye ma can.

GSER PHRENG — Usually translated 'golden rosary', i.e., a string of biographies.  In 363 we find Gser Ri'i 'Phreng ba, "Chain of Golden Mountains."  In 377 44A.4, we find Dkar brgyud Shel Phreng.

GSER 'PHRENG — N. of a Devaputra.  Emmerick.

Bal mo GSER PHRENG — Nepalese disc. of Padmasambhava  413 124.3.



Rgyal rabs GSER GYI PHRENG BA — History by Tshe dbang nor bu in 488 175‑224.

GSER GYI PHRENG BA CAN — See Su gar na ma la (Su varna ma la??).

GSER BE'U — See under Gnas brtan.  Pictured in 128 1088.

Klu sgrub kyi Dgon pa GSER GYI BYA RKANG CAN — Ma ṇi Bka' 'bum (1975) I 117.6.

GSER GYI BYA SKYIBS — 413 578.6.



GSER BRAG BYA KHYUNG TSHAL — In India.  Hūµ kā ra stayed there.  87 I 66.3, 70.2.

GSER DBYIG — Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 2, p. 237.

Rtse Gsum GSER 'BUM DGON — Vai.Ser. 239.

GSER MIG — N. of a region.  413 424.1.  Name of an oasis along the Indus in Baltistan area.  http://www.tibet‑encyclopaedia.de.

Drang rje Btsun pa GSER MIG — Also, (Drang btsun).  Also, (Drang nga Mdo la).  253 II 178.3.  Karmay, Treasury 164.  Excavator of Gzer mig.  Karmay, Confucius.  For a story about 'golden eye' in Indian puranic sources, see Studholme, Origins 30.

GSER GYI ME TOG — A deva, a Buddha.  Emmerick.

GSER GYI ME TOG MDZES PA — In title in 320 IX 578.

GSER TSHA — A sub‑clan of Khyung po.  See 23 29.  471 94.6.


GSER TSHA RTOGS LDAN — See (— — — —) Shes rab tshul khrims.

Gnas brtan GSER MTSHO — Student of Atiśa, evidently.  NTSP section NGA 114r.6.

GSER MDZOD SER PO — A sa bdagVai.Kar. II 312.

GSER ZHING DAR RGYAS DGON — N. of a mon.  253 II 638.2.

Rdzogs chen GSER ZHUN MA — Cycle of teachings in 239 XXX 427 ff.  Bonpo cycle of texts in 281 excavated by Tshe dbang rgyal po.  Short for Gser gyi Yang zhun, q.v.  Colophon title in 320 VIII 522.4.

GSER GZHUNG RI MO —  =Nyang chu Lung, q.v.

GSER GZHONG — Allen, Search for Shangri La map on p. 141.

GSER ZANGS LHA KHANG — A temple (with gold, silver and copper printed[?!] Kanjur) at Ba sgo.  14 87, 96.

GSER BZANG — N. of a family.  375 preface.

Bde gshegs GSER BZANG DRI MA MED PA'I DPAL — Pictured in 128 506.

GSER BZANG SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) 'Gyur med bstan 'dzin don ldan.  (— — — —) Padma 'gyur med.

Dgra bcom GSER 'OD DAM PA — Pictured in 320 III 631.  Achard, L'Essence 52.

Snyan rgyud GSER 'OD NOR BU 'OD 'BAR — Bon teaching.  See 254.

Rdzogs chen GSER GYI YANG ZHUN — "Super Refined Gold."  See also under Yang zhun and Gser zhun ma.  Lineage of this Bon cycle in 253 II 410.2 ff.

GSER YIG PA — 'Imperial envoy.'  BA 486.

GSER GYI RI BDUN — Das 1310.  171 305.5.  Listed in 445 III 30.1 ff.

GSER GYI RIGS —  =Suvarṇagotra.  Usually said to be in E Tibet, but acc. to Hoffmann is in the west, in Indus valley.  See 28 92 ff.  77 149, etc., 174.  Swarna ('Gold') family was name of Kucha Kings.  Grousset 99.

GSER GYI RUS SBAL — In title of text in 264 3‑31.  319 IV 271‑273.  Bon and Rnying ma works by this title, see Blondeau 111.  Karmay, Treasury 150.  The Golden Turtle is believed to be the source of all life acc. to Chinese Gyim shang school.  SBKK II 347.  Thu'u 399.  Thuken 337.  506 50.6.

GSER GYI RUS SBAL RDO RJE THEG PA RTSA RGYUD — Text in 319 IV 159‑190.  320 I 598 ff.

Chos rgyal GSER GYI LAG PA — King who offered his hand as a lamp to the Buddha.  See story in Zhi Khro Dgongs pa Rang grol (Na lentra'i Lugs), publ. 1972.  There is a text containing this name in the Kanjur.  TPS 485.

GSER LUNG — BA 188‑189, 994.



GSER LHA — BA 937.  472 131.5.

GSER LHA — See (— —) Tshe Ye shes Seng ge'i Dgon.

GSO BA RIG PA — Bhagwan Dash, "Ayurveda in Tibet," TJ I no. 1, pp. 94-104.

Rgyal po GSO SBYONG 'PHAGS — In avadāna story.  TPS 446.

GSO RIG — 'medical science.'  Bon works in 318.  1661 work by a 'Bri gung pa in 359 553‑667.  374 I 39 ff.

GSO RIG GRWA TSHANG — See (— — — —) Drang srong 'Dus pa'i Gling.  See (— — — —) Ngo mtshar Lta na Rig byed Gling.

GSO RIG 'DUS PA'I GLING — A short lived medical school founded in time of the Dalai Lama v at Lha dbang cog at the Po ta la.  Dungkar in TJ 8 no 4 (Wint 1993) 11.

Bkra shis 'khyil GSO RIG GZHAN PHAN GLING — 438 VII 504.3.


GSOL SDER KHA — Mon.  Beyer 239.  363 97.5.  429 59.3.


BSAG MO — BA 722.

BSAG RANG DGON — 253 II 638.3.

BSANG — Pl. in Sikkim.  TR XV no. 10, p. 18.

BSANG RNGAN — A rite.  SBTD I 222.

BSANG CHU — Also called Spang chu.  Called in Chinese Hsia ho or Ta hsia ho.  Its valley is called Bsang khog.  Wylie 119 n. 46.  It merges with the Rma chu.

BSAM DKAR GU RDO — (sp?)  N. of a mon. in Lho brag.  Illus. in Precious Deposits 239.

BSAM GYIS MI KHYAB PA'I LAM SKOR — Cycle of teachings from Tog rtse ba.  BD of T&TB X 3.13.

BSAM GRUB — Pl.n.  Sato in Acta Asiatica 29 (1975) 13.

BSAM 'GRUB — A Dge lugs mon. in Rdza khog.  Thar in TS9 IV 164.

Thod smyon BSAM GRUB — Son (?!) of Tshe dbang who was son of Snying po grub pa.  BA 986.  =(Thos smyon) Bsam grub.  Acc. to 124 478.4, he was the youngest of 3 sons of Ma cig Lab sgron.  Also called Yang 'grub.  Thos smyon Bsam grub in 17 II 426.4.  Monastic ordination n. of Grub se.

Ye gshen BSAM GRUB — 248 20.6.

'Dan ma BSAM GRUB — Nang blon of Gling Ge sar.  363 89.1.

Ra sang BSAM GRUB — A person.  206 541.4.  248 6.2, 22.3.

BSAM GRUB GLING — Dkar chag, see SBTD I 80.

BSAM GRUB GLING PA — "Commander of Nyang troops."  Petech, China 22.

BSAM GRUB DGA' LDAN — Vai.Ser. 215.

BSAM 'GRUB DGON — Bon mon. in A mdo with 300 monks.  253 II 637.6.

BSAM GRUB RGYA MTSHO — Pictured in 128 302.

Dka' bcu pa BSAM GRUB RGYAL MTSHAN — 116 359.7.

Khun po BSAM GRUB RGYAL MTSHAN PA — Roesler, KSP 63.

BSAM 'GRUB SGANG PA — See (— — — —) Blo bzang ngag gi dbang po.

BSAM GRUB CHOS GLING — (Chos lding?)  A Bka' brgyud mon. near Gshis ka rtse.  Tucci, Lhasa 153.

BSAM 'GRUB DAR RGYAS GLING — N. of Kalu Rinpoche's mon. in Sonada near Darjeeling.

Rog tsho Chos sde BSAM GRUB BDE CHEN — Vai.Ser. 203.  CFMS 31.


BSAM GRUB RDO RJE — King of Mustang in about 1620.  ISTS 134‑135.

Sgrol ma ba BSAM 'GRUB RDO RJE — (1294‑1375)  Dates uncertain.  Also, (Sgrol chen).  Rnying ma pa.  Bio. in 33 261.  Father of Sangs rgyas rin chen (1350‑1431).  B. in Rta nag Gnas gsar.  Dhongthog 109.  Given dates 1295‑1377, a teacher of (Zur) Shākya 'byung gnas.  BD of T&TB III 511.  208 I 219.3.  Kawamura, Golden Zephyr 44 (Sgrol ma Bsam 'grub rdo rje).  The following is surely the same person.

Sgrol ma ba 'Bro don BSAM 'GRUB RDO RJE — (1294‑1375)  The second thugs sras of (Glan ston) Bsod nams mgon po.  He was b. in Rta nag in the rigs of 'Brog.  At age 19, he studied under (Nyang ston) Rdo rje seng ge.

Sngags 'chang BSAM GRUB RDO RJE — Almogi, MA thesis 101.

Khri rgyal BSAM GRUB LDE —  =Bsam lde.  2nd (or rather 3rd) son of Rnam rgyal lde.  B. in Earth Hare (1459).  He shared a wife with his half brother Nor bu lde.  Ruled part of Gung thang from his base in Pho brag Lho.  DTK5 130, 131, 134.  Said to be the eldest son of Rnam 'phrul lde.  DTK5 141.  =Bsam lde.  Died in 1593.  DTK5 142.  See Todd Gibson's dissertation (1991) 206.

Mkhas btsun BSAM GRUB DPAL — Depicted in NTFC I 149.

Shangs pa BSAM GRUB DPAL — 13th abbot of Bkra shis lhun po in late 1500's.

BSAM GRUB DPAL 'BAR — King of Mustang in about 1680.  ISTS 135.

BSAM GRUB PHO BRANG — N. of a family.  Essais 160.  Velm I 126.

BSAM GRUB PHO BRANG — Feudal palace at Zangs ri Mkhar dmar.  Tucci, Lhasa 129.

BSAM GRUB RTSE — Old name of Gzhis ka rtse.  The fief (gshis ka) in the valley of Nyang chu of which the chief city is Gshis ka rtse.  Wylie 138 n. 210.  For notice of a rare dkar chag, see Leonard van der Kuijp, "On Some Early Tibetan Pramāṇavāda Texts of the China Nationalities Library of the Cultural Palace of Nationalities in Beijing," Journal of Buddhist & Tibetan Studies, vol. 1 (1994), pp. 1‑30, at p. 24.

Tshong dpon BSAM 'GRUB TSHE RING — Contemp. of Zhwa nag xii (1733‑1797).  23 42.

BSAM GRUB RAB BRTAN — King of Mustang in about 1650.  ISTS 134‑135.

BSAM GRUB RIN CHEN — Abbot of Bsam yas who presided over Klong chen pa's ordination in 1319.  Little is known about him.  52 2.

BSAM 'GRUB LHA KHANG — Thang stong laid the foundations.  5 172.1.  Evidently is equivalent to (Phag ri) Bsam 'grub Lha khang.  5 298.5.

BSAM GLING — BA 519.  A small shrine in Nepal near Muktinath.  28 29.  JTM 68.  N. of a mon. in Dol po.  244 preface.  245246Nine Ways 4.  253 II 618.1.  A text on its history, Bsam gling Gdung rabs, mentioned in Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 165.

Zhang BSAM GLING PA — Slob dpon at ordination of U rgyan pa.  BA 699.  Called (Zhang) Bsam rin pa in 57 IIB 371.1.  115 15.1.

BSAM GLING PHU — Mon. f. by ('Khrul zhig) Nam mkha'i rnal 'byor in Thimbu Valley.

BSAM GLING BLA TSHOGS — Rnying ma mon. in Dbus gtsang with 1 incarnate and 50 monks.

BSAM GLING TSHE BZANG — (Contemp.)  Terrone in TS9 VIII 220.

Gab rtse mkhan BSAM RGYAL — DTK5 69.

BSAM RGYAL KHA CHE — (14th cent.)  Kuijp in TH&L 281.  Bla chen Bsam rgyal Kha che, a disc. of Kun dga' seng ge (1314‑1347).  1 18.

Dmu dge BSAM GTAN — (modern)  A historian.  TS5 798.  Author of bio. of G.yu thog pa listed in BLP no. 1812.

'U yug Mnga' ba BSAM GTAN — Contemp. of Rong zom.  205 preface.  'U yug Mda' ba Bsam gtan.  Almogi, MA Thesis 88.

BSAM GTAN BKRA SHIS — A representative of Yar 'brog that arrived at Ming court on July 18, 1430.  Toh, Ming 178.

BSAM GTAN GLING — A temple at Bsam yas.  87 I 51.4, 107.4.

BSAM GTAN GLING — Temple on hill at Rtse thang.  Bsod nams rgyal mtshan & others lived there.  Has relics of Seng ge rgyal mtshan.  Tucci, Lhasa 135.  BA 153, 814, 831, 836, 968.  =(Ru dam) Bsam gtan gling, q.v.  It was parent mon. of Tshar pa sect.  16 36.

Skyid grong BSAM GTAN GLING — Mon. said to have been erected where Zhi ba 'od, the disc. of Mi la ras pa, had meditated.  Later changed into a Dge lugs mon. by (Kong po) (Chab nag pa) Sangs rgyas dpal 'byor.  Wylie 65, 129 n. 130.  Acc. to Ehrhard in Prats, Pandita 40, it was founded by Yol mo ba iv, in Rag ma in the valley of Mang yul Skyid grong.

Mgar BSAM GTAN GLING — Vai.Ser. 167.

Stag lung brag BSAM GTAN GLING — Collected rituals of this mon. published as Dgon Gnas Stag brag Bsam gtan gling gi Phyag bzhes Mdo Sngags Chos spyod, publ. in 4 vols, 1975.  Has printery.  162 235.


Rdza ri BSAM GTAN GLING — Place where Dbang phyug rgyal mtshan wrote his bios. of Na ro pa and Ti lo pa in about 1523.

Rwa sgreng BSAM GTAN GLING — Vai.Ser. 153.

Ru dam BSAM GTAN GLING — Near Rtse thang.  A Sa skya mon. connected with Bsod nams rgyal mtshan.  Ferrari 123.  Tucci, Lhasa 135.  See under Ru dam Bsam gtan gling.

BSAM GTAN GLING PA — Karma pa.  35 I 676.

Gter ston BSAM GTAN GLING PA — (early 14th to 15th cent.)  Rnying ma pa.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 214.  Bio. in 210 193.5 ff.  =Nam mkha' bsod nams.  410 204A.4.

Gter ston BSAM GTAN GLING PA — Probably b. in 1871.  See Janet Gyatso's Introduction to The Lives & Liberation of Princess Mandarava.  His full name in the colophon of the Mandarava bio. is He ru ka O rgyan 'jigs med mi 'gyur bsam gtan gling pa phrin las 'gro 'dul las rab bde ba rtsal, and he is associated with one Rdor shul Tshe dbang bstan 'dzin padma 'phrin las.  O rgyan bsam gtan gling pa, Gu ru Padma'i Rnam thar Dpyal gyi Shel brag ma listed in BLP no. 0355.

BSAM GTAN GLING PA — Also called Stag sham Nus ldan rdo rje, q.v.  Excavated Mkha' 'gro Bdud 'dul Drag mo'i Chos Skor Gter Gzung, publ. 1977.  Teachings revealed by Seng ge gdong ma.  410 157B.5.

Yi ngogs BSAM GTAN RGYA MTSHO — (1616‑1678)  BD of T&TB V 590.

Mang thos Dge slong BSAM GTAN RGYA MTSHO — (circa 1705)  463 I 101.6, 109.1, 109.3.

Ru pa BSAM GTAN RGYA MTSHO — Karma pa.  35 I 644.

Rgya ra BSAM GTAN RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 409.2, 476.5.

Yang la za BSAM GTAN SGRON MA — Mother of Sgam po pa.  4 221B.1.

BSAM GTAN CIG CAR 'JUG PA'I SGO — A Dunhuang Tibetan Ch'an text by Mahoyen.  Buddhist Studies Rev. 17 no 1 (2000) 87.

BSAM GTAN CHOS DRUG — Teachings of Maitripa.  499 7.4.

BSAM GTAN NYI MA — 309 contents.

BSAM GTAN BSTAN 'DZIN — Gter ston belonging to 11th rab byung (i.e., 1627‑1686).  383 221.1‑2.

BSAM GTAN THUN 'JOG — Phyag chen teaching for thod rgal ba17 IV 376.6 ff, 378.1 ff.


Zangs dkar Rdzong khul BSAM GTAN BDE CHEN GLING — Residence of ('Khrul zhig) Ngag dbang tshe ring.  95 preface.  In Ladakh.  Csoma de Körös stayed there.  Rdo rje rdzong khul in 171 441.4.  188 7, etc.  B in L 4, etc.  Article by Bethlanfalvy in AOH 34 (1980) 3‑6.

BSAM GTAN BDE CHEN GLING PA — His Bka' brgyad Yang gsang Dregs 'Dul in 87 XXIV.  410 91A.2.

BSAM GTAN NOR BU — A brother of H.H. Dalai Lama xiv.

BSAM GTAN PA — See (— — —) Shes rab dpal bzang.

Zangs mgar ba BSAM GTAN DPAL 'BYOR — 5 296.1.

BSAM GTAN DPAL LE — Nalanda Translation Committee, The Rain of Wisdom, Shambhala (Boston 1980), pp. 259‑264, 274 (see p. 332, where his dates are given as 1291‑1366; it says he is a 'Brug pa).  Stearns, King 198.

BSAM GTAN PHUG — "Samde puk."  A dependency of Stag mo Gling kha.  Picture in Hedin, South Tibet III 272.  Ferrari 158.  A name like this is bound to belong to any number of meditation caves.

BSAM GTAN PHUN TSHOGS — BD of T&TB III 198.  B. in Dbus Stod Lo 'dab Phag mo.  57th khri thog of Dga' ldan (from 1757 to 1763).  Pictured in 128 944.  Also called (Phag mo Chos sde pa) Bsam gtan phun tshogs.

BSAM GTAN BYANG CHUB GLING — A Karma Bka' brgyud mon. near Da rog Mtsho.  Bellezza in TJ (Spr 1999).

Dbyar gnas Mkhan po BSAM GTAN BLO GROS — (1868‑1931)  TS7 I 444.  Ref. to a bio.

Dgon chen Mkhan Rgan BSAM GTAN BLO GROS — 346 161.3.

Gro tshang Has Bla ma BSAM GTAN BLO GROS — Founded Ko'u tam Sde.  332 preface 17.  Successor of He Bla ma Sangs rgyas bkra shis at Gro tshang Lha khang.  Sperling in Lungta 14 (2001).

Chos rje BSAM GTAN DBANG PHYUG — Chos rdzong Mkhan po.  17 II 430.4.

Rdzogs chen BSAM GTAN MIG SGRON — Text title  See 374 II 333.6 ff.  TS7 I 443.

BSAM GTAN SMIN GLING — Also, Bsam gtan smin grol gling.  Bon mon. in Sde dge, f. in 1859.  Kværne no. 205.  253 II 626.6, 633.1.

Bying BSAM GTAN RTSE — Vai.Ser. 186.

BSAM GTAN TSHUL KHRIMS — Of G.yu lo clan.  Bsam bstan (sic!).  448 137.3.

BSAM GTAN 'DZIN PA — Pelliot guessed this was the correct spelling of the name of the Mongol from Kansu who was in the employ of Huc and Gabet.  Actually, this spelling can be found in Hazlitt I 9.

Gnod can bde la 'god mdzad BSAM GTAN BZANG — 128 828.

BSAM GTAN BZANG PO — 14th cent. author of a bio. of Rig pa'i ral gri, q.v.

BSAM GTAN BZANG PO — Author of bio. of La phyi ba listed in BLP no. 0887.

BSAM GTAN BZANG PO — In abbatial succession of 'Gro tshang Rdo rje 'chang.  Sperling in Lungta 14 (2001) 81.

Phyam dgon pa BSAM GTAN BZANG PO — 217 709.5.

Sbag ti Rab 'byams pa BSAM GTAN BZANG PO — Vai.Ser. 238.

BSAM GTAN 'OD — 391 V 145.

Rgyal thang BSAM GTAN 'OD ZER — Started Rgya thang school of Gcod.  12 IX 94.4‑5.  Thu'u 172.20.


BSAM DU MED PA — See A tsinta.

BSAM BDE — Short for Bsam grub bde chen, q.v.

BSAM BDE GLING — Most important mon. in Skyid grong.

BSAM LDING CHOS SDE — Monastery of the Rdo rje phag mo incarnate at Ya 'brog Lake.  JTL&CT 130 ff.  Founded by Rje btsun 'Phrin las mtsho ma (sp? Je tsun T'inle Ts'oma).  Waddell 274‑6.  Wylie 144 n. 271.

BSAM LDINGS — "Samding" or "Samten."  On Yar 'brog Mtsho, f. by (Po to ba) Phyogs las rnam rgyal.  Tucci, Lhasa 64.

BSAM LDE — (b. 1268)  DTK5 72, 111.  See Bsam grub lde.

BSAM LDE PHYI MA — Western Tibetan royalty.  DTK5 72.

BSAM SDINGS — Pl.n.  BA 750, 829.

Pa snam BSAM SDINGS DGON — Vai.Ser. 205.

BSAM SDINGS PA — See Nyang smad Bsam sdings pa.

BSAM SDE — Way of spelling Bsam grub bde chen, q.v.

BSAM PA LHUN GRUB — A dgongs gter of Tshe dbang nor bu, q.v.  Text in 384 II 245‑301.  Chanted 10,000 times.  358 I 202.2.

BSAM PHO — See (— —) Bstan 'dzin don grub.

Cha 'phrin BSAM 'PHEL GLING — Vai.Ser. 238.  Spengen in TS9 IV tells of its siege by Chinese solders in 1906.

BSAM 'PHEL DON 'GRUB — 226 I 14.1.

Dpon chen BSAM 'PHEL DON GRUB — (active 1564)  Cuevas, Hidden History 124.

BSAM 'PHEL DBANG RGYAL PO — A medicinal preparation.  361 11‑14.


BSAM BLO — One of the 3 khams tshang of Sgo mang Grwa tshang.  Das 46.

BSAM BLO — Short for Bsam gtan blo gros.  In Chinese, Sanla.  See Toh, Ming 95.


BSAM 'DZIN — deity.  Rhies & Thurman 339.

BSAM RDZONG CHOS SDE PHO BRANG PA — See (— — — — — — —) 'Phags mchog chos nyid ye shes.

BSAM GZHUNG — Place at source of Phod mdo Chu.  Velm I 120.

Chos 'khor BSAM YAS — Full name: Bsam yas mi 'gyur lhun gyis grub pa'i Gtsug lag khang.  Founded in 775 (?).  16 30.  T.H. 44‑45.  Famous debates of 792‑794 may have been held there (see Gary Houston's doctoral thesis).  JTL&CT 222 ff.  Waddell 266.  Mostly destroyed by fire in 1810.  Primarily belonging to Rnying ma school.  F. in 809, 810 or 811, acc. to Dhongthog 116.  Sørensen, TBH 376 concludes it was built during 762‑775, celebrated in 776 and given final consecration in 779.  Restored in 1775 by De mo.  Dhongthog 132.  Restoration by 'Brug chen viii.  1 43.  See 83BBA 42‑44, 60, 93, 95, 102‑103, 106, 201, 254, 257‑258, 261, 309, 315, 326, 328‑329, 336, 378, 443, 492, 498, 568, 570, 575, 577, 582, 606, 642, 663, 792, 806, 807, 844, 942, 957, 975, 1030, 1070.  79 88 no. 90.  16 131.  Restored by (Rwa Lo) Rdo rje grags after the fire of 986.  Wylie 130 n. 136.  Dkar chag in KTDN B XI.  17 II 324.1 ff.  The 5 monks from Dbus ordinated by Dgongs pa Rab gsal stayed here.  17 II 342.1.  Hoffmann, Religions 114.  87 I 32.2 ff, 51.1 ff.  132 87.4 ff.  Kværne no. 54.  David‑Neel, My Journey to Lhasa 300.  A mural painting reproduced in Precious Deposits I 134‑5 (note also BLKC I 15).  Titles about Bsam yas listed in BLP nos. 2040‑2044.

BSAM YAS — Pl.n.  See (— —) Khrims khang gling.  (— —) 'Chims phu.

BSAM YAS PA — A n. of Klong chen Rab 'byams pa, q.v.

BSAM YAS MA — Bon excavations made at Bsam yas.  See (Bsam yas) Skor khang ma.  (— —) Kha khol ma.  (— —) Ci ti ma.

BSAM GSANG SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Chos kyi nyi ma.

BSI CHON —  =Szechwan.  BA 48.

BSIL BA TSHAL — Śītavana.  Cool Grove.  BA 701, 869, 1028.  87 I 13.2, 207.2.  One of the 'eight great cemeteries', also called Bkra shis tshal.  Das 630.  132 12.5.  115 101.1 ff.  Cemetery in large forest NW of Nalanda.  Chag 85.  Cuevas, Hidden History 84.

BSIL BA TSHAL GYI DUR KHROD — Place where Buddha is said to have died in Assam.  Waddell 310.  Śītavana.  See 27 30.  See Aziz 37.  253 II 582.3.

Dur khrod Chen po BSIL BYIN — BD of T&TB I 537.  A cemetery in China.  LGCM 605.3.

BSIL RI— Cool Mountain.  A name for the north pole.  See Yongdan, TCW 123.

BSUR — Rites found in 259 387‑427.

BSE — [1] Rare word for lower terrestrial spirits.  T.H. 95.  [2] A clan.  Stein, Tribus 17, with vars. Se, Seng.

BSE — See (—) Ye shes brtson 'grus.

BSE SKU — A minister of the protector Tshangs pa dkar po.  CFMS 87.

Bstan srung BSE'I KHRAB CAN — Bse khrab can.  One of 2 forms Brahma assumes in Tibet.  Tshangs pa Dung gi Thor tshugs can is the other.  Nebesky 149‑151.  Ferrari 166.  Wylie 76.  Pictured in 128 1140.  Pictured in Kreijger, Tibetan Painting plates 33, 58.  For an image, see Indian and Southeast Asian Art, Sotheby's auction catalog (NY Sep 16, 1999), p. 81, item no. 92.  LaRocca, Warriors 45‑47.

BSE SGROM DMAR PO — Tantra in 320 XXVII 470 ff.

BSE STON — See (Bse ston Ring mo) Kha la me 'bar.

BSWE THAR — See Gser thar.

Pe har BSE 'BAG SMUG CHUNG — Vitali in Roczik Orientalistyczny LXVII (2014) 244.

BSE MO MCHED BZHI — 87 I 31.4.

BSE RAG — A type of spirit.  Converted by Padmasambhava  FM 518.08.  Beyer 315, 316, 356.  505 419 ff.

BSE'I LHA MO MCHED BZHI — 'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 402.1.

BSEN MKHAR — In Dags.  Macdonald, Lecture 196.

Gsang ba BSEN THUB RGYUD — An important Bon tantra.  See 273.  See Karmay, Treasury 159.

BSEN MO — A type of spirit.  476 V 220.4.

BSEN MO MTHA' SA — N. of a sgrub sde253 II 616.6 ff.  =Srin mo Mtha' rtsa.

BSEN MO 'THAB SA — 253 II 447.3.

BSO KHA 'THAM — One among the Pe kar Bu Bzhi, inspired or possessed by Pe kar.  478A II 459.1.

Skye mdo'i BSO THANG — 124 489.4.  See =So thang in BA 96.

Bre za BSOD GE MA — Mother of (Bon zhig) Khyung nag.  244 369.1.

Glan BSOD RGYAL — Son of (Glan) Rdo rje 'od po.  Teacher of (Sman lung pa) Shākya 'od.  BD of T&TB III 315.  BA 155.  217 709.4.

Che ston BSOD RGYAL — Disc. of Mtshur ston.  57 IIB 348.1.  Ches ston Bsod nams rgyal mtshan in BA 416.

Gter ston BSOD RGYAL — (1856‑1926)  Rnying ma pa.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 548.  Called Nyag rong Gter ston.  23 35.  See =Las rab gling pa.  See =Chos skyong gling pa.  1897; 420 I 467.1.  438 VI 505.3, 551.5, 562.6, 564.6, 651.2.  Goldstein, History 42 ff.

Nyag bla Gter ston BSOD RGYAL — 363 177.5.

Spyan snga BSOD RGYAL — A teacher of Shes rab bzang po (1400‑1438).  1 20.  See under Bsod nams rgyal mtshan (1386‑1434).

Phyugs gzhug pa BSOD RGYAL — 12th abbot of Bkra shis lhun po.

'Brug stag BSOD RGYAL — Alias of Ka dag mthong grol.  474 preface.

Kha rag Grub chen BSOD RGYAL BA — A teacher of Kun dga' dpal 'byor (1428‑1476).  57 preface.  See =Bsod nams rgyal po.

BSOD SNYOMS PA — As a name of Shākya shrī bha dra, see 17 II 305.4.

BSOD SNYOMS PA — See Bhiksha na.

BSOD SNYOMS ZHABS — See under Bhandhe pa.

BSOD NAMS — (1684‑1752)  BD of T&TB V 556.

Lha bzo BSOD NAMS — An artist (lha bzo) mentioned in Wanla inscription.  Vitali, Kingdoms 387.

A wa dhū ti pa Btsun pa BSOD NAMS — Evidently a follower of Bu ston.  Author of 475.

A ga ba BSOD NAMS KUN SDUD GLING — A Mongolian affiliate of Se ra Byes.  It had tantra and medical colleges.  94 preface.  The monastery of Lcang lung Paṇḍi ta.

BSOD NAMS BKRA SHIS — Tibetan name of the famous eunuch sea captain Zhang He (1371‑1435).  Toh, Ming.

BSOD NAMS BKRA SHIS — (fl. 1430)  A 'Bri gung pa representative sent to the Ming court, arriving on May 4, 1430.  Toh, Ming 178.

Bdag chen BSOD NAMS BKRA SHIS — (1352‑1407 or 1417)  Also, (Bdag po).  Also called Slob dpon Bkra shis.  Kuijp in TH&L 301 n. 24.  (1352‑1417)  Builder of the Sku 'bum at Rgyangs 'Bum mo che, q.v.  Dates given as 1352‑1407 in Dhongthog 109.  His father was Ta dben Chos kyi rgyal mtshan.

Ru dpon BSOD NAMS BKRA SHIS — (modern)  A modern general.  Photograph in 424 248.  Goldstein, History 641.  His biography has been published with the title Bod dmag Gcig gi Mi tshe (Life of a Tibetan Soldier), see TBRC site.

Dge rgan BSOD NAMS SKYABS LDAN — Son of Yoseb Gergan.  387.

Gling Dpon mo BSOD NAMS SKYID — (18th cent.)  TS5 818.

Zhang BSOD NAMS MKHAR — In the Mes lugs.  BA 405.  57 IIB 348.3.  He met Mar pa and Mes ston.  17 II 467.3.

BSOD NAMS GRAGS PA — Punyakīrti.  Bu ston I 161.

BSOD NAMS GRAGS PA — Student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).

Khri chen BSOD NAMS GRAGS PA — 17th in gdan rabs of Bkra shis 'khyil.  BD of T&TB V 684.

Mkhan chen Byang chub sems dpa' BSOD NAMS GRAGS PA — (1273‑1345)  Bka' gdams pa.  Bio. in BD of T&TB V 456.  B. in Snye mo Phun sum.  Dhongthog 109.  Bio. in 165 II 832‑839.

Chos lung Mkhan chen BSOD NAMS GRAGS PA — (14th cent.)  Under him Khyab brdal lhun grub (14th cent.) took ordination.  BD of T&TB III 509.  17 II 344.6.  BA 80.

Paṇ chen BSOD NAMS GRAGS PA — (1478‑1554)  The 15th khri thog of Dga' ldan (taking throne at age 53).  BD of T&TB VI 134.  Wrote many commentaries, treatises and histories.  Vai.Ser. 72.  Author of Rgyud sde Spyi'i Rnam par Bzhag pa Skal bzang gi Yid' phrog, publ. 1975.  For his Chos 'byung of the Bka' gdams pa, written in 1527, see 54.  Contained in 147 240‑444.  See preface to his work in 142.  His biography by Lha dbang rgya mtsho in 147 186‑221.  Vostrikov, Critical 65.  Bio., see SBTD I 355.  Pictured in 128 902.  Author of Shes rab kyi Pha rol tu Phyin pa'i Man ngag gi Bstan bcos Mngon par Rtogs pa'i Rgyan 'Grel pa dang bcas pa'i Rnam bshad Snying po Rgyan gyi Don Legs par Bshad pa Yum Don Gsal ba'i Sgron me, publ. 1963 [I Tib 251].  When he was assassinated, he changed into the spirit Rdo rje shugs ldan, which was then made a protector.  Hoffmann in TJ X, p. 8.  Mediumistic diety of the zhi ba type.  Waddell 288.  Ordained the Dalai Lama iii; TPS 396.  Author of bio. of the Dalai Lama ii listed in BLP no. 0515.  Bio. by Bya bral Lha dbang rgya mtsho listed in BLP no. 1304, with autobio. listed in 1304, and bio. by Rab 'byams pa Ngag gi dbang po in no. 1305. Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 121.

Spyan snga BSOD NAMS GRAGS PA — (1359‑1408)  Became abbot of 'Bri gung in 1386.  BA 586.

Dbang ldan BSOD NAMS GRAGS PA — See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 45.

Zhang ston Chen po BSOD NAMS GRAGS PA — Pictured in 128 540.

Gzhod ston BSOD NAMS GRAGS PA — Story about him in SFHB 310‑325.

Sangs rgyas Dbon BSOD NAMS GRAGS PA — (1199‑1247?)  B. 1187, abbot from 1222 to 1234.  BA.  2nd abbot of 'Bri gung.  Bio. in 357 81 ff.  B. in a Me Mo Lug year.  37 23.  He set down in writing the words of 'Jig rten mgon po.  476 IV 346.3.  Bio. in 168 157.3 ff.

Sangs rgyas ras chen BSOD NAMS GRAGS PA — Disc. of Dus gsum mkhyen pa.  35 I 53‑67.  The first Si tu (?).  11 71.  Bio. in BA 480‑483.  57 IIB 360.1.  Born in Dbus in Gru bu [Gru gu] clan.  17 II 532.2 ff.  Disc. of Zangs ri ras pa.  Bio. by Zhwa dmar ii is not contained in 121 I.  Bsod nams grags is his dge bsnyen name.  BD of T&TB VII 87‑95.  See =Gru gu ras pa.  Bio. in 484 II 17.4 ff.

BSOD NAMS GRAGS PO — Ancestor of O rgyan pa.  115 7.7.

Paṇ chen Mchog gyur BSOD NAMS GRUB PA — Teacher of Lha btsun pa.  116 294.5 ff.  20 preface 25.

BSOD NAMS GLANG PO STOBS SKYES KYI 'KHOR LO ZAB MO — A gter ma excavated by A jo Dpal po inside a pillar of the temple of Bum thang.  BD of T&TB III 498.

Rdzogs chen Mkhan BSOD NAMS DGE LEGS — 365 364.3, 457.2.

Paṇ chen Bsod grags iii BSOD NAMS DGE LEGS DPAL BZANG — (1594‑1615)

Bka' bzhi pa BSOD NAMS MGON — He was given an official document in 13th year of the Ming Dynasty's Yongle Emperor.

BSOD NAMS MGON PO — (14th cent.)  He was "a dharma protecting minister for the one called Ta'i Si tu Chos kyi rin chen."  See Quintman in RET 23 (2012) 25.

Sgog mkhar ba BSOD NAMS MGON PO — 19 249.

Chos rgyal BSOD NAMS MGON PO — (d. 1761)  440 293.1.

Tshad ma'i Skyes bu BSOD NAMS MGON PO — 17 II 345.1.  BA 82.  Among the ordinators of Bu ston in 1307, he served as las kyi slob dpon.

Yon btsun BSOD NAMS MGON PO — 115 46.3.

BSOD NAMS RGYA MTSHO — (1543‑1588)  The Third Dalai Lama.  Waddell 233.  Visited Mongolia in 1528 (impossible date! 1578 was meant!) at invitation of Altan Khan, and this was called the 'second conversion of the Mongols.'  T.H. 56, 168.  B. in Stod lung Khang sar Gong.  Founded Sku 'bum Byams pa gling in 1578.  Dhongthog 127.  Work in 36 I.  128 854.  For bio. see under the Dalai Lama v.  Bio. in 165 II 703‑721.  Subject of a biographical thangka, TPS 392‑399.  Skyabs mgon Sku phreng Gsum pa'i Dus mchod dang 'Brel ba'i Rnam thar, by Shes rab rgya mtsho, listed in BLP no. 0159.  List of bios. in BLP nos. 0518‑0523.  Rgyal ba Bsod nams rgya mtsho'i Gser gdung Dkar chag listed in BLP no. 0554.  Bsod nams rgya mtsho'i Thugs rten Khams gsum zil gnon Byung tshul, BLP no. 2046.  Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 121, 122 n. 87, 125 ff. (thangka portrait on p. 126).

BSOD NAMS RGYA MTSHO — (1785‑1852)  BD of T&TB V 913.

BSOD NAMS RGYA MTSHO — (1910‑1937)  Mongolian Lama.  399 preface 6.

Khrim khang Lo tsā ba BSOD NAMS RGYA MTSHO — (1424‑1482)  Shastri in TS9 I 133. BA 805‑831.  Translator and Kālacakra teacher.  See Bsod nams rgya mtsho'i sde, below.  Bio. by Zhwa dmar iv Chos kyi grags pa listed in BLP no. 0220.

Grub dbang 'Dzi sgar i BSOD NAMS RGYA MTSHO — 382 preface.

'Grus khang pa BSOD NAMS RGYA MTSHO — Karma pa.  Bio. in 35 676.

Ngor Mkhan po BSOD NAMS RGYA MTSHO — (1617‑1667)  His portrait thangka is kept in the Newark Museum, and dated to about the time of his death.

Thar rtse Zhabs drung BSOD NAMS RGYA MTSHO — Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 102.

Dpal yul BSOD NAMS RGYA MTSHO — His Mtsho byung Rgyal ba'i Rtogs pa Brjod pa Ngo mtshar Rgya mtsho'i 'Jings Bsnams listed in BLP no. 0365.

Al than gyi Bu chung BSOD NAMS RGYA MTSHO — 208 I 236.2.

Lo tsā ba BSOD NAMS RGYA MTSHO'I SDE — (1424‑1482)  Evidently wrote something about Tsari.  17 IV 241.5.  Bio. in 35 I 637‑638.  CFMS 100.  BA 805‑831.

BSOD NAMS RGYAN — 124 501.1, 503.5.

Lha rtse Dpon mo BSOD NAMS RGYAN — Chayet in Cardonna, Facets 72.

'Brom bza' BSOD NAMS RGYAN — Mother of Klong chen pa.  210 225.5.

BSOD NAMS RGYAL MCHOG — Sa skya pa.  Pictured in 128 438.

Kha rag Grub chen BSOD NAMS RGYAL PO — In lineage of O rgyan Bsnyen sgrub.  17 IV 436.6.

Lcang lo can Gung BSOD NAMS RGYAL PO — Author, Rgan Byis Gsum gyi 'Bel gtam Snang ba Rab gsal, "a moral advice of an old woman to two young women regarding moral decay," G. Tharchin (Kalimpong 1963).  Photo in Goldstein, History 450.

Tre ston BSOD NAMS RGYAL PO — 253 II 474.3.

Mdo smad Gter ston BSOD NAMS RGYAL PO — See Bsod rgyal.  438 VI 434.5, 539.3.

Tsha mda' sde pa BSOD NAMS RGYAL PO — (16th cent.)  DTK5 140.

Dge bshes BSOD NAMS RGYAL BA — (active end 14th cent.)  He took a message from Tsong kha pa to the Mongol court in 1380.  Kuijp, KPTB 58.

Glo bo Bdag mo BSOD NAMS RGYAL MO — Wife of Kun bzang grags pa rdo rje.  DTK5 141.

BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — Ordination n. of (Sum pa) Byang chub blo gros, q.v.

Kaḥ thog pa BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — Author, Theg pa Thams cad kyi Shan 'byed Nyi 'Od Rab gsal composed in 1290? (see Aris, Bhutan 153), publ. in Thimphu in 1979 in 2 vols.  See preface to Rnying Rgyud (1982) I.  He must have been from the 13th‑14th centuries, since he was a disc. of (Dbo 'od) Ye shes bum pa (1245‑1311).  His biography by Rnam grol ye shes bzang po, his disciple, has been published in 1979 in 246 pp., with title Shar Kaḥ thog pa Bsod nams rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po'i Rnam par Thar pa Dri med Yid bzhin nor bu'i Phreng ba.

Kaḥ thog pa BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — (active end of 15th to early 16th cent.)  Founded O rgyan rtse mo in Bhutan.  Cuevas, Hidden History 140 ff.

Ko brag pa BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — (1181/2‑1261)  See BA 726.  Founded mon. of Ko brag.  BD of T&TB X 55.5.  ?  Aziz 36.  Cyrus Stearns has published a book on him.  (d. 1219).  For bios., see Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 185. Dung dkar 95.


Skyog ston BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 0176.

Rgyal mkhar BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of bio. of Chos kyi grags pa listed in BLP no. 0721.

Brag g.yab Gdong kom Sprul sku BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — 420 I 544.3, 555.4.

Khu ston BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — Father of Padma gling pa.

Khu nu ba BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 119.3.  Another Bsod nams rgyal mtshan mentioned in 363 122.3.

Khyung po BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — Early Bon po.  253 II 403.3.

Khyung btsun BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — A recent Bon po, publisher of 330.

Khro tshang BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — Bon po.  253 II 416.1.

Mkhan po BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — (1408‑1463)  BA 705.

Gar tsha BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — Karmay, Treasury 183.  253 II 230.6.

Glan ston BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — Also, (Glen ston).  Bon po.  248 77.4.  253 II 340.4 ff.

Gling BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — (13th cent.)  TS5 804.

'Gran bral BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — (b. 1785)  Bon gsar.  259 preface.

'Gro mgon BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — 17 IV 262.1.

Mnga' ris BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — Bonpo.  Author of text in 283 695‑732.  325 295‑339.  253 II 357.2.  ZZFC 249 n. 142.

Chab la kha pa BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 357.2.

Chos rje BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — (early 16th cent.)  Shangs pa teacher.  602 25r.1.

Tre bo Rtogs ldan BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 629.3.

Dpyal Lo tsā ba BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — 17 II 278.6.  Spelled Spyal Lo tsā ba in 115 8.1.  BD of T&TB I 782.

Spyan snga BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — (1386‑1434)  Died at Gdan sa Thel when Thang stong went there.  Resided at 'Bri gung beginning in 1417.  5 120.  Bio. in BA 589‑595.  Probably pictured in 128 478.  Kuijp in Lungta 14 (2001) 59.  Subj. of bio. by Kun dga' rgyal mtshan listed in BLP nos. 0773, 1346.

Byang sems BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — Disc. or Rnga ra shri ri in lineage of Gtsang smyon, q.v.  =(Chos rje) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan in 17 II 509.  =(Rba) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan, q.v.

Byar po Sgom chen Chos rgyal BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — Author of bio. of Ngag dbang grags pa (1506‑1538).  20 35.  24 IV.

Bru ston Mtha' bral BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — (1268‑1321)  Kværne 231 (n. 113).  253 II 403.3.  Kailash I 48.  Bio. in 342 44 ff.

Bla ma Dam pa BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — (1312‑1375)  Works, see 36 IV.  Guenther, KBTEU.  A Sa skya pa.  Greatest Sa skya teacher of the 'Khon lineage in the 14th cent.  Teacher of Klong chen pa.  52 3.  Teacher of Tsong kha pa for a short while at Snye thang.  Ferrari 164.  9th of 13 predecessors of Lcang skya, q.v. lineage.  Dhongthog 110.  B. at Zhwa lu Khang gsar, his father was Bdag nyid Chen po Bzang po dpal.  He belonged to Rin chen sgang, q.v.  27 09.  Pictured in 128 292, 436.  Author of the famous Rgyal rabs Gsal ba'i Me long156; also published in Delhi in 1979.  Author, Rgyud kyi Rgyal po Dpal Kyai rdo rje'i Rgya cher 'Grel pa Nyi ma'i 'Od zer, publ. in N.Delhi, 1980.  TS5 561.  Bios. listed in BLP nos. 0781‑0782.  Bios. by Rin chen dpal, Dpal ldan tshul khrims, Mnyam med Dkon mchog rgyal mtshan & Lo chen Byang chub rtse mo listed in BLP nos. 1489‑1492.  Bio. by Dpal ldan tshul khrims listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 334 (no. 670.5).

Rba BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — Also, (Rba sgom).  His bio. by (Rba ston) Rin chen rgyal mtshan in 74 I 197‑206.  =(Byang sems) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan, q.v.  BA 1000‑1002, 1005.

Me nyag BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — Work in 301 II 215‑230.

Mes ston Tshon po BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — Of Gtsang rong.  One of the Bka' chen Bzhi discs. of Mar pa.  46 27.  57 IIB 347.4.  Mentioned in 17 II 382.5, 456.1, 466.3 ff.  4X I 40.2, 74.1‑2, 74.5, 79.7, 81.3.

Rtse mgron BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — Led army versus British in Sikkim in 1890.  438 VI 380.1.

Zangs tsha BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — (1184‑1239)  Dhongthog 110.  B. in Skya bo Kha gdang.  His father was Dpal chen 'od po.  374 I 558.1. DTK5 94.


Se tsha BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — Nephew (dbon) of Dpyal 'Byung gnas rgyal mtshan and disc. of Pham mthing ba.  BA 395.  See =(Se che) Nor rgyal.

Gsas 'phan BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 391.4‑5.

Hor rje BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 627.2.

A shag BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 430.5.

U ri BSOD NAMS RGYAL MTSHAN — 248 66.5.  U ri Bla chen.  Works in 286 II 275‑284, 333‑353.  253 II 337.5.  Bio. and works in 423.  Bio. in Katen vol. 222, pp. 563‑572 (with his Rdzogs chen teachings in the same volume, but this is just a reprint of the Indian publication 423).  His mother died when he was 5, and his father remarried...

BSOD NAMS RGYUN 'BYUNG —  N. of a mon. in Kathmandu, mentioned in a colophon.  Kuijp, Some Remarks 137.

Byang chub gling pa BSOD NAMS CHOS SKYONG — See under Byang chub gling pa.  Cuevas, Hidden History 164.

BSOD NAMS CHOS GRUB — Successor of Mkhas btsun Chos rje in Shangs pa transmission.  53 preface.

Glag bla BSOD NAMS CHOS 'GRUB — (1862‑1944)  His collected works in 5 vols. were published in Delhi in 1997.  In his 79th year, he wrote a biography of Klong chen pa.  In its colophon he has alternative name Bshad sgrub bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan.

'Das shul Bla ma BSOD NAMS CHOS LDAN — TS7 II 982.

BSOD NAMS CHOS 'PHEL — (1595‑1658)  1st Sde srid, appointed in 1642 by Gushri Khan.  Sum pa, Annals 68.  Also, an abbot of Gsang phu (BA 329).  Also, one from Dgon gsar b. in 1527, and another b. in 1595.  Ferrari 152.  Essais 130.  See Dreyfus in JIABS 21 (1998) 230 ff.

BSOD NAMS CHOS 'PHEL — King of Nang chen who met the Dalai Lama ix.  473 46.

BSOD NAMS CHOS 'PHEL — 363 117.3.  (Sde pa).  420 I 350.5.

BSOD NAMS CHOS 'PHEL — Author of the title Bsod nams chos 'phel gyis Rgyal khams Bskor ba'i Rtogs brjod kyi Phreng ba Bzhad gad Chen mo, listed in BLP no. 2045.

Dgon gsar BSOD NAMS CHOS 'PHEL — Autobio. listed in BLP no. 0463.

Sngags 'chang BSOD NAMS CHOS 'PHEL — Subj. of autobio. listed in BLP no. 0677; a bio. by Rdo rje'i ming 'dzin, no. 0678; and an appendix to the autobio. by Mchod dpon Dkon mchog rdo rje, no. 0679.

Snya BSOD NAMS CHOS 'PHEL — See Cantwell in TS9 X 361.  His name appears in tiny letters beneath the central miniature of a Rnying ma Rgyud 'bum collection.  In my view Snya could be Snye or even Snyom.

'Bru'i Sngags 'chang BSOD NAMS CHOS 'PHEL — Bhu su ku'i Rnal 'byor pa 'Bru'i Sngags 'chang Bsod nams chos 'phel gyis Rgyal khams Bskor ba'i Rtogs brjod kyi Phreng ba Bzhad gad Chen mo, in: Sa skya Lam 'bras Literature Series (Dehra Dun 1983), vol. 4, pp. 153‑335.

Rdzogs chen Mkhan po BSOD NAMS CHOS 'PHEL — A teacher of Ngag dga' (b. 1879).  39 17.  Also called Bshad sgrub chos kyi snang ba.

A mchog Dge bshes BSOD NAMS CHOS 'PHEL — (18th cent.)  Barlocher 165‑166.

Dka' bcu pa BSOD NAMS CHOS DBANG — (ca. 1707)  463 I 116.4.

Dom Nyag pa BSOD NAMS CHOS BZANG — A Blo gsal gling Dge bshes in early 17th cent.  See Dungkar in TJ 8 no 4 (Wint 1993) 9.

Sku zhang BSOD NAMS MCHOG GRUB — Bio. by Gra lnga rdo rje, listed in BLP no. 0152, and one by 'Gos Lo tsā ba listed in BLP no. 0153.

Zhwa lu Mkhan chen BSOD NAMS MCHOG GRUB — Pictured in 128 550.  Snar thang Mkhan chen.  BD of T&TB I 898.

BSOD NAMS MCHOG STER MA — Pictured in 128 1100.

Mgon po BSOD NAMS MCHOG LDAN — Included among teachers of (Gsang bdag) 'Phrin las lhun grub (1611‑1662).  BD of T&TB III 806.  ('Gro ba'i Mgon po) Bsod nams mchog ldan pictured in 128 446, 548.  Bio. by Dalai Lama v listed in BLP nos. 0085, 0469, 1240, 1861.  Called Bka' 'gyur ba Mgon po bsod nams mchog ldan.  He was son of 'A zha Nam mkha' mgon po (younger brother of Rdo rje 'chang Dbang phyug rab brtan).  Bio. in Dung dkar 156.

BSOD NAMS MCHOG LDAN PA — A 'Brug pa Mahāmudrā teacher of Bstan gnyis gling pa.  BD of T&TB III 447.  Mentioned in 49 preface.

'A zha BSOD NAMS MCHOG LDAN — Teacher of Gter bdag gling pa.  458 I 327.4.  I suppose he would be the same as Mgon po Bsod nams mchog ldan, listed above.

Lha gdong pa BSOD NAMS MCHOG PA — 5 47.6, 260.6.  Stearns, King 129 ff.

BSOD NAMS SNYING PO — N. of an Arhat.  1 4.

Lo chen BSOD NAMS SNYING PO'I SPRUL SKU — Disc. of Rtogs ldan Shākya shrī.  363 120.2.

Rgyal po BSOD NAMS STOBS — In Jātaka story pictured in 128 730.  Rgyal bu Bsod nams stobs in 128 782.  TPS 496.

Lha btsun BSOD NAMS STOBS — Author of bio. of Rgod tshang pa.  50 preface.  391 V 304.

BSOD NAMS STOBS RGYAL — Chief of 'Phyongs rgyas who founded Dpal ri Theg chen gling, q.v.  Ferrari 131.

BSOD NAMS STOBS RGYAL — (1935‑2012)  Bka' blon Khri zur.  He served as a minister in the Tibetan government in exile.

Shan kha ba 'Gyur med BSOD NAMS STOBS RGYAL — Military leader.  Goldstein, History 103.

Pho lha nas BSOD NAMS STOBS RGYAS — (1689‑1747, served as regent 1728‑1747)  Also, 'Gyur med bsod nams stobs rgyas.  Nobleman who expelled the Dzungars.  T.H. 60.  Built Bcom lha khang gdong monastery temple.  Ferrari 81, 131.  Promoted religious tolerance.  Studied under Dharma shrī.  Had scriptures printed at Snar thang.  TPS 80.  Tucci, Lhasa 63.  See 23 22.  Das 933.  Wylie 143 n. 256.  Title of bio. in 83E 480.  Printed the work in 405.  See under (Mdo mkhar) Tshe ring dbang rgyal.  Bio. discussed in Petech, China 3.  Bio. listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 345 (no. 730).  453 102.4, 125.4, 234.5.  His daughter was Bde ldan sgrol ma.  453 182.4.  See Ehrhard in SCEAR 9 (1996) 42 ff.  Paintings he patronized, see TPS 417, 564.  A summary of his biography has been done by Hor khang Bsod nams dpal 'bar, Mi dbang Rtogs brjod kyi Snying don Tshig bsdus Gzhon nu Mgu ba'i Rol dbyangs, Bod ljongs Mi dmangs Dpe skrun khang (Lhasa 1998).

BSOD NAMS STOBS LDAN — Padma 'gyur med gling pa (=Gter ston Dri med), Khyab bdag Bla ma Bsod nams stobs ldan gyi Rnam thar Dri med Snang ba, listed in BLP no. 0189.

Bkras mthong BSOD NAMS STOBS 'BYOR — (20th cent.)  Velm I 130.

Glang nag BSOD NAMS BRTAN PA — A Sa skya scholar.  42 6.  Polemicist.  Smith 201.

BSOD NAMS BSTAN RGYAL — Works in 286 57‑64. 

Dmu gshen BSOD NAMS BSTAN RGYAL — 354 4.4.

Nyan chen BSOD NAMS BSTAN PA — 374 I 433.3.  His bio. by Dkar po Grags pa rin chen seng ge listed in BLP no. 0955.

Mtshan nyid Sprul sku BSOD NAMS BSTAN 'DZIN — 363 120.3.

Rngog btsun BSOD NAMS BSTAN 'DZIN — Author of work on Dud sol ma in 90 V 17‑39.

BSOD NAMS BSTAN 'DZIN DBANG PO — (17th cent.)  King of Mustang.  ISTS 135.

BSOD NAMS DANG LDAN PA — Punyāvatī.  Birthpl. of Nāgārjunā.

Snye mo BSOD NAMS DAR — Bodleian Catalogue 21.  This name is in a list of scribes that also includes Kun grub, Snye mo Phur dar, Dpal po, and Yon seng.

'Phags mchog BSOD NAMS DAR — Subj. of bio. listed in BLP no. 1375.

BSOD NAMS DAR RGYAS — (d. 1744)  Father of the Dalai Lama vii.  Petech, China 16.

Kun mkhyen BSOD NAMS DON GRUB — See Mthu stobs rdo rje.  116 466.2.

Grub thob Dmar po BSOD NAMS DON 'GRUB — Disc. of Skyo brag Chos rje.  467 II 206.6.

Sdom brtson BSOD NAMS RDO RJE — Ordinator of Tsongkhapa.  Thuken 217.

Spom brag BSOD NAMS RDO RJE — (b. 1170)  Disc. of Sangs rgyas ras chen.  11 71.  Mentioned as teacher of Gtsang ston.  BD of T&TB III 361.  Bio. in 46 56.  35 68‑75.  BA 483 (lived 1126‑1216).  57 IIB 360.3 (where he is called Dar ma grags).  Bio. in 17 II 532.4 ff, 533.3.  Bio. by Zhwa dmar ii missing in 121 I (it may be located in St. Petersburg collection).  Beyer 419.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 168, mentions a Bsod nams rdo rje present at the death of Sangs rgyas yar byon.

Ra shag BSOD NAMS RDO RJE — N. of Raksha Gter ston, q.v.

BSOD NAMS LDAN — N. of a city in avadāna story.  TPS 496.

Pu rangs BSOD NAMS LDE —  =Punya smal, q.v.  Punyamalla.  King of Gu ge.  28 55 ff.  TS7 II 1030.  Heller, Hidden 27.

BSOD NAMS LDE — (1371‑1404)  Son of Phun tshogs lde (1338‑1370).  DTK5 117, 118.  He was king of Gung thang and must not be confused with the king of Khasa by the same name who ruled before his time.  Heller, Hidden 28.  DTK5 71.

Rgyal sras BSOD NAMS LDE'U BTSAN — (1673?‑1723)  Son of Klong gsal snying po and reincarnation of Bdud 'dul rdo rje.  39 6.  Ordinator of Tshe dbang nor bu.  384 I contents.  A nice thangka of him is reproduced in Tibetan Legacy: Paintings from the Hahn Kwang‑ho Collection no. 42.

BSOD NAMS SDE — King in an avadāna story.  TPS 474.

BSOD NAMS NOR BU — A Ladakhi active in 1930's.  See Kristoffer Brix Bertelsen, "Protestant Buddhism and Social Identification in Ladakh," Archives des sciences sociales des religions, vol. 99, no. 1 (1997), pp. 129‑151, at p. 135.

Khri smon BSOD NAMS NOR BU — (10th cent.)  Velm I 127.

BSOD NAMS RNAM RGYAL — (1874?‑1952)  Of Stag rong family in Yid lhung Valley in Khams.  Father of 'Gyur grags (d. 1975).  Thondup, BM 138.  He attained Rainbow Body; see A chos 38.  Called Derge Yilungpa Sonam Namgyel in Matthew Kapstein, "The Strange Death of Pema the Demon Tamer," in M.K., ed., The Presence of Light (Chicago 2004), pp. 119‑156, at p. 147.

Dpon tshang BSOD NAMS RNAM RGYAL — Of La stod.  Contemp. of Sog bzlog pa.  208 II contents.

Byams pa gling pa Chos rje BSOD NAMS RNAM RGYAL — (1401‑1475)  Also, (Paṇ chen).  Younger brother of (Thu mi) Lhun grub bkra shis.  Built Sku 'bum Mthong grol with help of (Lo chen) Bsod nams rgya mtsho.  BA 412, 814.  Ferrari 132.  A teacher of Kun dga' dpal 'byor.  57 preface.  17 II 422.6, 465.4.  Pictured in 128 1052.  Shastri in TS9 I 130.  To him is attributed a famous sculpture of Tsong kha pa, the one named Bkra shis Rdo kha ma.  Dung dkar 195.  Franz‑Karl Ehrhard, "Spiritual Relationships between Rulers and Preceptors: The Three Journeys of Vanaratna (1384‑1468) to Tibet," contained in: Christoph Cüppers, ed., The Relationship between Religion & State (chos srid zung 'brel) in Traditional Tibet, Lumbini International Research Institute (Lumbini 2004), pp. 245‑265, at p. 255.

Tshong dpon BSOD NAMS RNAM RGYAL — (ca. 1687)  458 I 306.3.

Mtshams pa Bla ma BSOD NAMS RNAM RGYAL — 207 contents.

Rig 'dzin Chen po BSOD NAMS RNAM RGYAL — Founder of Rtse le Gsar pa.  Cuevas, Hidden History 124.

BSOD NAMS DPAL — Name given in Sanskritic form, Puṇya shrī.  He was a rather obscure disc. of Bsod nams 'od zer, & teacher of Rig 'dzin Byang chub gling pa, in the early Kar gling Zhi khro transmission.  Cuevas, Hidden History 164.

Mkhar drung BSOD NAMS DPAL — 4th spiritual successor of Ratna gling pa who founded a particular tradition based on the gter ma of the same.  91 preface.

Rngog BSOD NAMS DPAL — Author of a collective biography of the Rngog lineage listed in Drepung Catalog 1508.  It has now been published in HS XXII, as well as in Rng I.  I guess he must have flourished around the mid‑15th century.

Chos sgo ba BSOD NAMS DPAL — Author of bio. of Phag mo gru pa listed in BLP no. 1161.  Also, Drepung Catalog 1526 (woodblock print in 263 fols.

Snye mdo ba BSOD NAMS DPAL — Zhi byed pa.  Work in 36 IX 405.

Snye mo Bong ra ba BSOD NAMS DPAL —  =(Snye mo Mdo khra ba).  Kuijp in JAOS (1994) 605.

'Phags mchog BSOD NAMS DPAL — (b. 1349)  Disc. of Byang chub seng ge (who was a disc. of Zla ba seng ge).  BA 703.  17 IV 436.5.

Sman lung pa BSOD NAMS DPAL — (?1239‑?after 1299)  Kuijp, Rivers 316.

Brag phug pa BSOD NAMS DPAL BA — Bio. by Blo gros brtan pa listed in BLP no. 0561.  See also Filibeck, Catalog II 334 (no. 670.4).

Zhang ston BSOD NAMS DPAL — 253 II 393.1.

Mkha' 'gro ma BSOD NAMS DPAL SGRON — Subj. of paper by Tashi Tsering to be given at IATS in Leiden, 2000.

BSOD NAMS DPAL LDAN — Sonam Panden Trangjun.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 168.  Snellgrove in Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines, vol. 14 (October 2008), p 4, etc.

Mgo log Bla ma BSOD NAMS DPAL LDAN — A teacher of Ngag dga' (b. 1879).  39 17.

Mkha' 'gro ma BSOD NAMS DPAL 'DREN — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0227.  Subject of dissertation by Suzanne Bessenger.

Jo gdan Khan chen BSOD NAMS DPAL PA — T&BS I 60.

Si tu BSOD NAMS DPAL BA — 449 333.6.

BSOD NAMS DPAL GYI BU KHRID — Mother of Ngag dbang rnam rgyal.  Aris in BSOAS 39 (1979) 630.

Hor khang BSOD NAMS DPAL 'BAR — His collected writings were published recently by the Krung go'i Bod rig pa Dpe skrun khang.

BSOD NAMS DPAL 'BYOR — (17th cent.)  King of Mustang.  ISTS 134‑135.

BSOD NAMS DPAL 'DZOM — This looks like a women's name, which it might be, but it is also a name for the herb cilantro.

Lcam sring ma BSOD NAMS DPAL 'DZOM — (ca. 1678)  458 I 182.3, 210.4, 314.2, 324.5.

Shug gseb Rje btsun Rin po che BSOD NAMS DPAL 'DZOMS — (1840‑1951)  Bio. in Parabola V no. 1, pp. 54‑56.  Bio., see  Havnevik, Dissert.  See Rig 'dzin Chos nyid bzang mo.

BSOD NAMS DPAL BZANG PO — Author of guide to Swayambhunath.  122 90.2.  I think this is the same as the author of the guidebook to Swayambhu dated 1413 translated in Ehrhard, Old & New, as well as author of the commentary on Khro phu Lo tsā ba's biography of Śākyaśrī (text in David Jackson's book).

Zhwa lu ba Mthu stobs kyi Dbang phyug BSOD NAMS DPAL BZANG PO — (1408‑1450)  Also, (Bdag chen)  Dhongthog 111.  Sa skya pa.  B. in Rin chen sgang.  Father was Bla chen Kun dga' rgyal mtshan.  Mother was Nam mkha' rgyal mo.  Pictured in 128 448.  He could conceivably be the monk Bsod nams dpal bzang who appears in an inscription as the commissioner, but the dates make this impossible.  See Portraits of the Masters 271.

Lha btsun BSOD NAMS DPAL BZANG PO — Dge lugs pa.  Bio. in 165 II 702‑703.

BSOD NAMS PHUN TSHOGS — (modern)  See Gling gi Dpa' brtul.

Dge bshes BSOD NAMS PHUN TSHOGS — (modern)  He was in his 40's when he was arrested in 1999.  According to the TIN report, he has written histories of 13 monasteries in the Kandze area, 2 of which have been published.  He was one of the best known Buddhist teachers in Kandze area, and protests broke out when he was arrested.  He must be the disciple of A chos (aka Mkhan po A chung, 1918‑1998) mentioned in A chos 23.  He wrote a biography of A chos, and an autobio. has also been published.

Rgyal dbang BSOD NAMS PHUN TSHOGS — 253 II 462.4.

Rwa sgreng BSOD NAMS PHUN TSHOGS — On January 16, 2000, this two‑year old was announced to be the 7th reincarnate of the Rwa sgreng Rin po che.  Garratt in TS9 VIII 96.

Lha thob pa BSOD NAMS PHUN TSHOGS — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 118.4.

BSOD NAMS PHYOGS KYI GLANG PO — (late 1400's)  9th predecessor of Paṇ chen Bla ma, q.v.  The Grand Lama, bSod nams phyogs glang (1439‑1505) is central figure in a painting illus. in Odette Monod‑Bruhl, Peintures tibetaines, Albert Guillot (Paris 1954).

Rgyal tsha BSOD NAMS 'PHAGS — 115 8.2.

Ta'i Si tu BSOD NAMS 'PHAGS — At Rgyal rtse.  5 194.3.

Skyo BSOD NAMS BLA MA — 16 39.  BA 871, 982, 984, 997.  A lineage successor of Pha dam pa Sangs rgyas.  17 II 425.4.  Native to the upper Brahmaputra, Skyo was his family name.  See 124 437.4 ff.  Initiator of Ma gcig Lab sgron, whom she called her rtsa ba'i bla ma124 458.1‑2, 459.6.

BSOD NAMS BLO GROS — A difficult to read inscription seems to identify the central lama as Bsod nams blo gros, so Kreijger, Tibetan Painting 76, identifies him with a Sa skya abbot of Tehura (Te'u ra?) Monastery who lived from 1413‑1468.  But Jackson will show in a future paper that in fact the thangka depicts the Dol po Bla ma Bsod nams blo gros (1516‑1581). q.v.

Sku mdun BSOD NAMS BLO GROS — (1784‑1835)  Also, (Bru) or (Bru ston).  Also, (Rgya gar).  Kværne nos. 179, 186, 189, 195.  Abbot of Sman ri Mon. from 1810 to 1835 (the 22nd).  Better known by the name Shes rab dgongs rgyal, q.v.  Work in 261 341‑342, 351‑353, 361‑362, 503‑510.  23 53.  253 II 227.6.  Kværne 208.  Works in 278 1‑14; 286 I 205‑228, 591‑592, 507‑542, 596‑597, 600‑602; II 209‑220, 569‑572, 583‑596.  299 467‑472.  309 111‑535.  315 115‑226.  There is a Bru ston Bsod nams blo gros who lived from 1277 to 1341.  309 preface.  253 II 405.3.  For his astro work, Rta Bdun Dbang po, written in 1815, see 310 preface.  Works in 313 II.  Ordinator of Kong sprul.  BD of T&TB VII 642.  Biography in 448.  His bca' yig, see Soundings 43.

Gling gshen BSOD NAMS BLO GROS — 253 II 236.2.

Bla chen BSOD NAMS BLO GROS — (1332‑1362)  Sa skya pa.  Dhongthog 111.  B. in Stag tshang Rdzong kha.  Father was Dbang Kun dga' legs pa'i 'byung gnas; mother was Dpon mo Dge 'dun 'bum.

Kar tsa BSOD NAMS BLO GROS — Also, (Gar tsa).  248 112.2.  253 II 348.4.

Mnyam med BSOD NAMS BLO GROS — (1277‑1341)  Also, (Bru zha).  Kværne 232 nos. 115, 121.  Kailash I 48.  Bio. in 342 46 ff.

Dol po Bla ma BSOD NAMS BLO GROS — (1516‑1581)  A Sa skya pa teacher of Dol po.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 142, 171.

Byang sems BSOD NAMS BLO GROS — TS5 559.

Bru ston BSOD NAMS BLO GROS — (1277-1341)  309 preface.  See (Mnyam med) Bsod nams blo gros, above.

Dmar sgom BSOD NAMS BLO GROS — (1456‑1521)  Teacher of Chos skyabs dpal bzang, q.v.  His bio. and collected songs by Chos skyabs dpal bzang published in 1976.  461.  Snellgrove, Four Lamas of Dolpo, originally gave the dates as 1456‑1521, but in the new edition of the book corrected this to 1516‑1581.  In a forthcoming work David Jackson will show how Kreijger, Tibetan Paintings, pl. 23, is perhaps the original behind the copy Snellgrove had made (Four Lamas of Dolpo, pl. 39).

Rgya gar Bla ma BSOD NAMS BLO GROS DBANG GI RGYAL PO — 489 480.2.

Rje btsun BSOD NAMS DBANG — Pictured in 128 474.

BSOD NAMS DBANG RGYAL — Student of Rol pa'i rdo rje (b. 1717).

Skyid sbug BSOD NAMS DBANG RGYAL — (b. 1904)  Velm I 129.

Dge rgan BSOD NAMS DBANG RGYAL — He was an important tutor of the Panchen Lama, and was made refugee to Ladakh when the 4th Panchen died in 1854 under mysterious circumstances.  He was baptised and helped translate the Pentateuch.  He was father of Yoseb Gergan.

Rgod phrug BSOD NAMS DBANG RGYAL — Rtse le Sna tshogs rang rgyal, Works VIII 434.4.

Pha lha Se BSOD NAMS DBANG RGYAL — (1870‑1936)  An aristocrat who served as a personal aide for Charles Bell (they were more or less of the same age).

'Bri yul BSOD NAMS DBANG RGYAL — (b. 1891)  Velm I 130.

G.yon ru Dpon BSOD NAMS DBANG RGYAL — (modern)  Tsering Shakya, Dragon 141.  His heroic actions have been immortalized in a modern comic book format with the title Zhum med Snying stobs kyi Dpa' bo G.yon ru Dpon (Dharamsala 1997).

Shud khud pa BSOD NAMS DBANG RGYAL — (1915? ca 1974/5)  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 102.

Zur khang Bka' blon BSOD NAMS DBANG CHEN — (d. 1901)  TS7 I 445.

BSOD NAMS DBANG DRAG — Disc. of A 'dzom 'Brug pa.  365 499.4.

Kun rtse BSOD NAMS DBANG 'DUD — Evid. the same person as the following.  His Rgyal dbang Bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho Ngos 'dzin Skor Bden Gtam Rna ba'i Bcud len is listed in BLP no. 0553.

Khe smad BSOD NAMS DBANG 'DUS — (b. 1901)  Author, Gnas dus dang mthun pa'i gzhung sger zhu 'phrin dang, skyabs tho, bsngo yig, mdza brtse'i sgor gsar bsnon bcas, Thopkung (Dharamsala 1967), on letter writing.  Author, Gsung bshad don tshan bcu bdun skor, publ. in Dharamsala in 1966, on foreign relations with China, particularly on the 17‑point agreement.  Author, Lhar bcas 'gro ba'i 'dren mchog gong ma skyabs mgon rgyal dbang sku phreng bcu bzhi pa..., publ. in 1968 in Dharamsala.  His autobiography has been published (Dharamsala 1982).  He was a former Tibetan army chief.  He assisted in the search party for the 14th Dalai Lama.  See Part One of Discovery, Recognition and Enthronement of the 14th Dalai Lama, LTWA (Dharamsala 2000), pp. 1‑48.

Rme'u BSOD NAMS DBANG 'DUS — Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 466.

Zhu BSOD NAMS DBANG LDAN GRAGS PA — Work in 286 II 247‑257.

BSOD NAMS DBANG PO — Son of Sngags 'chang Kun rin.  Author of Gu ru Padma'i Bka' thang Tshigs bcad Lhug Gnyis, listed in BLP no. 0330.

Khri chen BSOD NAMS DBANG PO — DTK5 142, 143.

'Jam dbyangs BSOD NAMS DBANG PO — (b. 1559)  Author of Sa skya chant manual, publ. 1977.  This must be the Mgo dkar ba Bsod nams dbang po, author of Dpal Nag po chen po 'Khor dang bcas pa'i Dbyangs yig Tshangs dbyangs Rnga chen, acc. to Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 6.  See the interesting gnas yig of Sa skya by him, listed in biblio. of Stearns, Luminous Lives 277.  His bio. listed in BLP no. 1954.

Rje drung BSOD NAMS DBANG PO — Bio. listed in BLP no. 0879.

Rdzogs chen pa BSOD NAMS DBANG PO — (1550‑1625)  Of Kong po.  Lha btsun Nam mkha' 'jigs med (1597‑1653) studied Snying thig under him for 17 years.  BD of T&TB III 778.  Bio. in 226 I 385‑405.  226 I preface.  Cuevas, Hidden History 66.

Mkhyen pa'i Spyan mnga' BSOD NAMS DBANG PO — Evidently a doctor.  Pictured in 128 562.

Khri BSOD NAMS DBANG PHYUG — A ruler of Gung thang.  373 preface.

Ston pa BSOD NAMS DBANG PHYUG — 210 51.3.f

Bdag chen BSOD NAMS DBANG PHYUG — (ca. 1674)  458 I 145.2.

Phug pa BSOD NAMS DBANG PHYUG — (15th cent.)  Disc. of Skyo brag Chos rje.  D. age 61.  Met Zhwa nag vi (1416‑1453).  467 II 201 ff.

Khri rgyal BSOD NAMS DBANG PHYUG LDE — (b. 1577)  Son of Bsam grub lde.  Rather than battle the Gtsang pa, he abdicated and died soon after.  He had only one daughter and no son.  The daughter became a consort of the Yol mo ba Bstan 'dzin nor bu.  DTK5 142.

Dol po Bla ma BSOD NAMS DBANG PHYUG — (1660‑1731)  Abbot of G.yas mtsher and Mtha' dkar monasteries.  Cuevas, Hidden History 168.

Bla ma BSOD NAMS DBANG PHYUG — Nephew of Khro phu Lo tsā ba.  Kuijp in JAOS (1994) 601.

BSOD NAMS DBANG 'PHEL LEGS LDAN — This is the early 20th-century political personality generally known as Laden La.

Lcags la'i Btsun mo BSOD NAMS DBANG MO — 365 107.2.

BSOD NAMS 'BUM — (early 13th cent.).  DTK5 95.

BSOD NAMS 'BUM — Wife of Bkra shis lde.  DTK5 113.

Chims pa BSOD NAMS 'BUM — A 14th cent. painter who signed his names on murals in Zhwa lu.  See  Ricca & Fournier in TJ 26 no 3/4 (Autumn-Winter 2001) 115.

A gzi BSOD NAMS 'BUM — Cuevas, Hidden History 145.

Spyan snga ba Chen po BSOD NAMS 'BUM PA — (1223‑1283)  Rnying ma pa.  Dhongthog 111.  Also (Spyan snga Mang phu ba).  Las slob at ordination of Byams pa 'bum (1179‑1252).  BD of T&TB III 366, 406.

BSOD NAMS 'BYOR 'PHEL — Miranda Shaw, Passionate Enlightenment, is dedicated to him.

BSOD NAMS 'BRUG RGYAS — Author of a verse eulogy on ('Khrul zhig) Ngag dbang tshe ring in 95 I 333‑343.  B in L 2.

Dpal dge Sprul sku BSOD NAMS SBYIN PA — The earlier teacher of whom Rdza Dpal sprul was (the final?) rebirth.  39 14.

BSOD NAMS MA — Epithet of Draupadī.  Das 98.

BSOD NAMS MI DMAN — A king in an avadāna story.  TPS 493.

Slob dpon Rin po che BSOD NAMS RTSE MO — (1142‑1182)  Short English bio. in 86 iv.  Sa skya writer and hierarch.  Wrote Chos la 'Jug pa'i Sgo on essentials of Buddhism (including a famous history).  See T.H. 149.  Wrote Rgyud sde Spyi'i Rnam par Bzhag pa.  2nd son of Kun dga' snying po.  BA 211.  TPS 100.  B. in Sa skya.  Dhongthog 111.  Pictured in 128 338, 430.

Rje btsun BSOD NAMS RTSE MO — Of Zhe Dgon.  A teacher of 'Gyur med bde chen (b. 1540).

Ra sangs BSOD NAMS BRTSEG — 248 21.1.

Dpa' sgom BSOD NAMS TSHUL KHRIMS — 253 II 462.6.

La stod BSOD NAMS TSHUL KHRIMS — 253 II 434.6.

Yo seb Dge rgan BSOD NAMS TSHE BRTAN — (d. Aug. 11, 1946)  Author of 387.


Ri mda' ba BSOD NAMS TSHE RING — 363 63.6, 166.3.

BSOD NAMS KYI TSHOGS NYI SHU PA — An apparently obscure work by Nāgārjuna, cited by Atiśa (see Shelburne, Complete Works 179).  See Tibskrit.

Slob dpon BSOD NAMS BZANG PO — Died in about 1983 at over 90 years of age.  Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 121.6, 196.5.  Aris, Bhutan, index.  Edited 414 and 429.


BSOD NAMS BZANG PO — A Bon monk who brought tribute to Ming court from G.yung drung lha sdings in 1466.  TS7 I 331.

Go shri BSOD NAMS BZANG PO — BD of T&TB VII 167.

Kan pa Dpon btsun BSOD NAMS BZANG PO — Wife of Rnam rgyal lde who had 3 sons.  DTK5 127, 130.

Skyang tshang Bla ma BSOD NAMS BZANG PO — The founder in 1290 of the Zhang pa Dgon.

Skyo brag Chos rje BSOD NAMS BZANG PO — (15th cent.)  'Ba' rom pa.  467 II 28.6, 194 ff.  B. in Water Mouse.  Disc. of Glang ras pa and Zhwa nag v (1384‑1415).  D. age 78.  Author of prayer in 467 II 229 ff.

Sgo sel ba BSOD NAMS BZANG PO — Son of Shākya rin chen.  Kuijp in Lungta 14 (2001) 60.

Jo gdan BSOD NAMS BZANG PO — Author, Bcu gcig zhal gyi Bla ma Brgyud pa'i Rnam thar listed in Drepung Catalog 1513.  I believe he is identical to the following entry's Snyag phu ba (or Gnyag phu ba) Bsod nams bzang po.

Snyag phu ba BSOD NAMS BZANG PO — (1341‑1433)  Thang stong met him at Tshal min (? Mtshal min gyi dgon pa).  See 5 118.4.  A woodblock of Kālacakra Tantra was made in his memory (Tibet Library, no. 13013).

Bdag chen BSOD NAMS BZANG PO —  =Bi thung No yon.  TS5 811.

'Dul 'dzin BSOD NAMS BZANG PO — Successor of Bsod nams grags pa as abbot of Chos lung.  Gsang ston at ordination of Bu ston.  27 78.  BA 80, 322.

Pha rgod BSOD NAMS BZANG PO — (fl. ca. 1481)  A Shangs pa Bka' brgyud pa.  383 614.6.  116 183.3 ff, 294.7.  He is depicted on a thangka; see TPS 366.  Ordinator of the 7‑year old Chos dbang rgyal mtshan.  601 2v.2.  Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan (1475‑1530) met him when he was 7 in an Iron Ox year (i.e., 1481).

Bya do BSOD NAMS BZANG PO — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 352.  A modern person.

Brag thog BSOD NAMS BZANG PO — (mid 15th cent.)  Predecessor of Rdo rje gdan Kun dga' rnam rgyal in spiritual lineage of the Gong dkar ba.  Ferrari 164.

Spyan snga BSOD NAMS BZANG PO BA — (1380‑1416)  Student of Tsong kha pa.  Became abbot of 'Bri gung in 1403.  He is the one who encouraged Tsong kha pa to write his Sngags rim Chen mo (see colophon of the same).

BSOD NAMS BZANG MO — A mother to whom a Mi la ras pa image was dedicated.  Weldon & Singer, Sculptural Heritage 178.  A mother to whom an Atiśa image was dedicated (see von Schroeder's bronze book, vol. 2, p. 1080).

BSOD NAMS 'OD MDZES — (fl. late 15th cent.)  CFMS 32, 92.  He founded mon. of Chos rdzong.

BSOD NAMS 'OD ZER — In 1248, was Gsang slob at ordination of O rgyan pa.  57 IIB 37.1.  BA 699.  115 15.1.

BSOD NAMS 'OD ZER — 15th century king of Spo bo.  See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 45.

Spyan mnga' BSOD NAMS 'OD ZER — Brother of Lha btsun Dpa' shi.  CFMS 31, 36.

Lo tsā ba BSOD NAMS 'OD ZER — 83E 477.

Rje Mkhan po II BSOD NAMS 'OD ZER — (1613‑1689)  Bio. by Ngag dbang dpal ldan bzang po in 435.

Slob dpon Chen po BSOD NAMS 'OD ZER — Also, (Mkhas btsun).  A disc. of O rgyan pa.  BA 703.  Work on O rgyan Bsnyen sgrub mentioned in 17 XX 96.5, and in 17 IV 434.5.  Author of bio. of O rgyan pa listed in BLP no. 0396.

Lha BSOD NAMS 'OD ZER — (abbot from 1404, d. 1425)  CFMS 92.

Lha btsun BSOD NAMS 'OD ZER — (14th cent.)  Student of Bu ston (1290‑1364).  27 133.

BSOD NAMS YE SHES — Name of a woman, who is named, in Sanskritic form Pu nye dznyā na, in the colophon of the larger collection of songs, as the one who assembled them.  It is surmised that she might be the Regent's own daughter.  See review article by Hubert Decleer.

Slob dpon BSOD NAMS YE SHES — (16th cent.)  Bon po.  248 70.1.  Ascended throne of Sman ri in 1532.  Kværne no. 143.  Sngags 'chang.  253 II 390.6, 403.5.

'Gar BSOD NAMS YE SHES — A teacher of (Lce ston) Rgya nag (1094‑1149).

Sprul sku BSOD NAMS YE SHES — Subj. of bio. by Sangs rgyas rdo rje listed in BLP no. 1350.

Bye mgo ba BSOD NAMS YE SHES — 24 I 220.4.

Dbu rtse ba BSOD NAMS YE SHES — (1249‑1309)  Kuijp in Chayet, Edition 454.

BSOD NAMS YE SHES BSTAN 'DZIN NYI MA PHRIN LAS 'OD ZER KUN KHYAB — Composed work in 1950.  See 337 157, where there is another long name for him.

Mkhas grub BSOD NAMS YE SHES PA — Disc. of O rgyan pa.  Founded the Gdan sa of Spu tra.  57 IIB 371.7.

Paṇ chen Bsod grags II BSOD NAMS YE SHES DBANG PO — (1556‑1592)  Reincarnation of Bsod nams grags pa and the 15th Dga' ldan Khri pa.  Vai.Ser. 72.  His Bstan pa Spyi'i Rnam bzhag listed in BLP no. 1034.


Khyung nag Bla ma BSOD NAMS G.YUNG DRUNG — 253 II 629.4.

A skyid BSOD NAMS G.YUNG DRUNG — Founded mon. of G.yung drung 'od gling at Phur in 1864.  Kværne no. 208.  253 II 486.1, 628.3.

Sku mdun BSOD NAMS G.YUNG DRUNG — Bon po.  Lam rim work in 250.  Became abbot of Sman ri in 1575.  Kværne no. 1575.  See =She tsu drung mu.

Bod sgom BSOD NAMS G.YUNG DRUNG — 253 II 430.4.

Rtse zhig Bla ma Zhabs drung BSOD NAMS G.YUNG DRUNG DBANG RGYAL — (1894‑1949) ་Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 423.

Gar zhwa ba BSOD NAMS RAB RGYAS — He traveled in 1752, at insistence of 'Brug chen vii, who sent him to relocate Bodhgaya.  Toni Huber is writing about him.  For his account, entitled 'Phags pa'i Yul Dbus Dpal Rdo rje gdan du Garsha'i Rnal 'byor pa Bsod nams rab rgyas kyis Legs par Mjal ba'i Lam yig Dad pa'i Snye ma, see Yamaguchi, Tibetan Works on History, no. 285‑2446 (p. 90).

Mi dbang BSOD NAMS RAB BRTAN — (ca. 1642)  466 IV 193.6.  Po ta la (1996) 22.

BSOD NAMS RAB BRTAN — Scribe of Vai V.

BSOD NAMS RAB BRTAN — Maternal uncle of Gter bdag gling pa.  458 I 372.6.

BSOD NAMS RAB BRTAN — Father of Byang chub blo gros, and grandfather of the author Tubten Khétsun, Memories of Life in Lhasa under Chinese Rule, translated with an introduction by Matthew Akester, Columbia University Press (New York 2008), p. 1.

BSOD NAMS RAB BRTAN — See Phrin las rgya mtsho.

BSOD NAMS RIN CHEN — Ordination n. of Kham bu Ya le.  124 497.5.

BSOD NAMS RIN CHEN — (1214‑1286)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 103.

BSOD NAMS RIN CHEN — At Dwags la Sgam po in time of Sha ra Rab 'byams pa.  116 468.5, 470.7.

BSOD NAMS RIN CHEN — A Sa skya throne holder who wrote a text of propitiation for Rdo rje shugs ldan.  See Dreyfus in JIABS 21 (1998) 241‑2.

Dge slong BSOD NAMS RIN CHEN — Vision at Ri bo Rtse Lnga.  240 359‑370.

Sgam po pa BSOD NAMS RIN CHEN — See =(Sgam po pa) Zla 'od gzhon nu.  See 4 223B.1, 229A.3.

Dwags po BSOD NAMS RIN CHEN — Author of bio of Nor bu rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 0603.

Bya khang pa BSOD NAMS RIN CHEN — Brother & successor of ('Khon) Gad pa kirti.  See under Gsang 'dus.  BA 418.  17 II 469.1.  Pictured in 128 284.

Rdzogs chen pa BSOD NAMS RIN CHEN — Mentioned in BD of T&TB III 723.  See Cuevas, Hidden History 159 ff.

Zhang ston BSOD NAMS RIN CHEN — 253 II 392.6.  Author of an explanatory text on tantra entitled Gsang sngags kyi Don Gsal bar Byed pa'i Rgyan in Katen, vol. 82, pp. 309‑435.

Dbur smyon BSOD NAMS RIN CHEN PHRIN LAS — See (Dbur smyon) Thugs kyi rdo rje.

BSOD NAMS LEGS PA — (active mid 15th cent.)  Bonpo.  TS7 I 332.

Dge ba'i bshes gnyen BSOD NAMS LEGS PA — 479 529.3.

Zhu ston BSOD NAMS SHAKYA — Disc. of (Rgya ston) Blo gros byang chub.  BD of T&TB III 168‑169.  Teacher of Zur po che.  33 189.3.

Rngog BSOD NAMS SHES RAB — Author of lo rgyus in 194 VI.

BSOD NAMS SA GZHI — Punyabhūmi; Land of Merit.  =Magadha.  Das 304.

BSOD NAMS SENG GE — Bon po.  Bio. in 253 II 62.4 ff.

BSOD NAMS SENG GE — Attendant of Bu ston.  27 132.  Probably pictured in 128 474.

Khro phu BSOD NAMS SENG GE — BA 345.  17 II 346.5.

Khro phu ba BSOD NAMS SENG GE DPAL BZANG PO — Kuijp in JAOS (1994) 601.  Author of a bio. of Bu ston listed in BLP no. 1416.

Go rams pa BSOD NAMS SENG GE — (1429‑1489)  Also, (Go bo Rab 'byams pa).  Sa skya pa.  Bio. in 62 233.6 ff.  Founded Thub bstan rnam rgyal, q.v.  "Nothing else known."  Ferrari 158.  A student of (Rong ston) Shes bya kun rig.  Author of Rgyal ba Thams cad kyi Dgongs pa Zab mo Dbu ma'i De kho na nyid Spyi'i Ngag gis Ston pa Nges don Rab gsal, publ. 1974.  Author, Sde Bdun Mdo dang bcas pa'i Dgongs pa Phyin ci ma log par 'Grel pa Tshad ma Rigs pa'i Gter gyi Don Gsal bar Byed pa, publ. 1975.  For title of his bio. by (Kong ston) Dbang phyug grub pa (q.v.), see 76 2.  Bio. by Glo bo Mkhan chen in the latter's Gsung 'bum (ka).  SBTD I 70, 87.  Author, Sdom Gsum Rab dbye'i Kha skong Rtsa 'grel publ. in New Delhi in 1978 in 247 pages.  Works listed in SBTD I 277.  Bio. by Kong ston Dbang phyug grub pa listed in BLP no. 0027.

'Bru zha BSOD NAMS SENG GE — Disc. of Phya pa.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 449.

'U yug pa BSOD NAMS SENG GE — Taught at Sa skya.  Was a student of Sa skya Paṇḍi ta.  BA 335.  17 II 381.2.  =('U yug pa) Rig pa'i seng ge, q.v.  Pictured in 128 340.  'O yug pa Bsod nams seng ge, in time of Sa paṇ.  Petech (1983) 197 n. 42.

La ru ba BSOD NAMS SENG GE — Also, (La tu ba).  374 I 492.3.  SBTD I 74.

Lo dgon pa BSOD NAMS LHA'I DBANG PO — Author of Bka' gdams Chos 'byung in 1484, see 54.

Ba ge'i 'Brog pa BSOD NAMS LHAS SBYIN — (ca. 1700)  463 I 56.5.

BSOD NAMS LHUN GRUB — Bonpo.  Work in 251 327‑328.

BSOD NAMS LHUN GRUB — (1456‑1532)  Brass image, see Rhies & Thurman 205.

Glo bo Mkhan chen BSOD NAMS LHUN GRUB — (1420‑1489)  Collected Works (in 4 vols.?) publ. in 1977+.  Works listed in SBTD I 68, where his dates are given as 1441‑1525.  THDL gives his dates as 1456‑1532.  Author of work on logic contained in 76.  See introduction for names of his teachers and contents of his Gsung 'bum, publ. in 1977.  A long form of his name is Bsod nams lhun grub legs pa'i 'byung gnas rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po.  Ref. to autobio. and to bio. by Kun dga' grol mchog.  ISTS 137 n. 5.  Author, Mkhas pa rnams 'Jug pa'i Sgo'i Rnam par Bshad pa Rig gnas Gsal byed, publ. in N.Delhi in 1979.  Kreijger, Tibetan Painting 78, where he is a lesser figure of a thangka.  See also Thurman & Rhie, A Shrine for Tibet, p. 109, for a portrait bronze that is identified as being him, but without an inscription.  Bio. by Kun dga' grol mchog listed in BLP no. 0426.  A very nice portrait image with inscription, appears in an advertisement for the art dealer Carlo Cristi inside the front cover of Orientations (June 2014).

Sgam po pa BSOD NAMS LHUN GRUB — (1488‑1552)  Descendent of Dwags po Lha rje who, in 1520, composed the latter's biography found in 72 II 1‑235.

Chos rgyal BSOD NAMS LHUN GRUB — Alias Bzhi dar.  He was the Sde srid xvi of Bhutan, ruling from 1768‑ca. 1772.  24 I preface.  Aris, Discourse 3.

BSOD DPAG RDO RJE — Author of Grub thob Gling ras pa'i Rnam thar Mgur 'bum Bsdus pa Seng ge'i Sgra dbyangs listed in BLP no. 0404.

Bla chen BSOD DBANG — Followed Khro phu Lo tsā ba in the lineage.  27 14.  Thuken 136.

BSOD DBANG LDE — West Tibetan royalty.  DTK5 72.

Rtogs pa BSOD RIN — A teacher of Bu ston.  27 75.  Bsod rin is, of course, a short form of Bsod nams rin chen.

Ru mtshams pa BSOD RIN — BA 956.

BSRUNG BA'I 'KHOR LO BRGYA RTSA BRGYAD PA — "A Collection of mystical bijas for use in various yantras and related esoteric diagrams," publ. in Dalhousie in 1979; 84 pages.


BSRE 'PHO GNAD KYI MTSHAMS SBYOR — History & bibliography.  17 IV 381.3. 


BSLAB MCHOG GLING — A monastery.  For bca' yig, see 322 II preface 8.

BSLAB BTUS — Short-form title for the Śikṣāsamuccaya.


Mkhan chen BSLAB GSUM RGYAL MTSHAN — Pictured in 128 444.  374 I 434.5.  Bio. by Dbang phyug rab brtan listed in BLP no. 2060.

BSLEB RI — Site of tombs. TS7 II 929.






HA GOL —20th-century name for France.  Not sure how to account for it, although likely derived from some Chinese form like Faguo.

HA CO — Acc. to Toni Huber, this is a Tibetan spelling for Hajo, a pilgrimage destination for Tibetans in Assam.

HA NYAMS SU — N. of a mon.  253 II 640.6.

Srin gyi Rgyal po HA TA YA NAG PO — KTDN 98.6, 99.1.

Rgyal po HA TI — 132 76.5.  Ha sti in picture in 320 V 3.

HA TI BHA LA — Indic name of the 1st teacher of Shrī sing ha (in China).  LGCM 599.1.

HA STI RĀ DZA — Hastirāja.  =Nāgarāja.  King of Ya tse in 15th cent.  28 114 ff.

HA ḌI BA — BD of T&TB I 459, 460, 463.

HA DE — Phag gru, Bka' 'bum (2003) VI 8.1  Name of a trade festival.

HA DHA NAG PO — Or, Ha dha skyes gcig.  Karmay, Confucius 564, 577.

HA GDONG — See (— —) Don yod rgyal mtshan.

HA NE — Pl.n.  5 144.5.

HWA PA KYAU — A prince of Shuofang by this name sent a letter to the court of Khotan.  Rong in JAH 49 (2015) 167.

HA PA SI — Yongdan, TCW 105.

HA 'PHAN 'KHOR LO DGON — Bon mon. in A mdo.  253 II 637.1.

HA BO GANGS BZANG — One of 20 principle mts.  Das 212.  Most likely =Ha 'o gangs, q.v.  (Gtsang) Ha bo Gangs Bzang po.  28 I 385.3.  210 45.4.

HA BO GANGS RI — A part of Khu le.  Das 146.

HA MA GO NA — ?  346 230.1.

HA MU DKAR PO — (12th cent.)  Aka Varendraruci, Puṇyākarabhadra.  A Newar scholar important for Mahāmudrā transmissions.

HA ME HU BĀ TSA PA — BD of T&TB I 929.

HA DZA DE WI — A form of Devī.  BD of T&TB I 341.  Phag gru, Bka' 'bum (2003) VI 19.5.

HA DZOG 'ONG — Tib. =Rtsa mchog grong.  See Das 1325.

HA ZHA GSANG BA — A person.  See 28 25.  For Ha zha (a tribe), see 28 25.  Evidently this is just Tucci's transcription for 'A zha Gsang ba mdo sdud.

HA'O GANGS — BA 664, 986.  Most likely =Ha bo Gangs bzang.  1 19.2.

HA 'O DGON — See (— — —) Zab don 'brug rgyas.

HA 'O RGOL — BA 109.

HA YA GHO ṢA — Disc. of Ha ya pā la.  BD of T&TB I 159.

HA YA PĀ LA — Bio. in BD of T&TB I 154.

Rgyal po HA YA LĪ LA — King of O rgyan.  87 I 246.4, 249.2.

HA YAN SI — Chinese mon. f. by Shākya ye shes.  Vai.Ser. 118.  See Sperling, Dissertation 185.

HA RA CI PAR — 253 II 126.2 ff.  =Ye shes bla ma.

HA RA NAG PO — Chinese teacher.  BD of T&TB I 505.

HA RI KĀ LA — City in Za hor.  467 II 33.1.

HA RI GE LA — Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 26 n. 26.

Dpal ldan HA RI RDO RJE G.YA' MA SKYONG — Pictured in 216A.

HA RI NI SA — 477 160.1.

HA RI PUNYTSA — N. of a town.  BD of T&TB I 879, 880.

HA RI BHA DRA — BD of T&TB I 823, 999.

HA RI MAN DA — Mon.  Chag 102.

HA RI TSANDRA — King in Bengal.  BD of T&TB I 999.

Paṇḍi ta HA RI HA RA — Met by Nags kyi rin chen.  17 II 310.5.  449 26.1.

HA RI HA RI — Ha ri ha ri la zhon pa.  Vai.Kar. II 39.3.

HA RI HA RI LO KESHWA RA — Kreijger, Tibetan Painting pl. 49, bottom center.

HA RI RTSES PA — See 115 121.3‑4.


HA RE HI RU HAM — Bsam gtan Mig Sgron 220.3.

HA LA PA ṬA DUG MTSHO KHOL BA'I GLING — See also Dug mtsho gling.  17 II 438.4.

HA LA YUN LOG — Peter Golden (based on Venturi 2008) has identified as Ula Yondlugh, "possessors of piebald horses."  Erkoç 307, identifies them as Alayuntlugh Turks.

Drag byed HA LA RA TSA — In vol. 4 of Gzi brjid.  See 276 preface.  Kværne 222.  352 254.4, 755.8 ff.

HA LA SHAN — Gzhi bdag and mt. chain.  Stein, Mi–ñag 226.  Ri bo Chen po Ha la shan. LPNT VII 333.

HA LA HA LA — Tantric aspect of Avalokiteśvara.  Das 132.6.  100‑faced.  17A pt. 1, p. 30B.1.

HA LANG GDONG RA — N. of a gzhi bdag.  Nomads 253.

HA LAS SE — Holy place in eastern Nepal.  Work by A.W. Macdonald in HRB VI (1986) 52.  Study by K. Buffetrille.

Dmag dpon HA LU MAN — 17A VII pt. 1, p. 24A.3.

HA LU MAN THA — RS 326-331.

Spre'u'i Rgyal po HA LU MANYDZU — 406 5A.4.

HA LE — Pl.n.  See 82 88.

HA SHA — Place name (?).  3 14.  This is actually 'A zha, q.v.

HA SHANG — Equiv. of Hwa shang. 

HA SHANG — See (— —) Te tsa.  (— —)  De ba.  (— —) Ma ko se.  (——) Ma hā kyin da.  (— —) Ma hā de ba.  (— —) Ma hā pū tra.  (— —) Ma hā ya na.  (— —) Ma hā rā dza.

HWA SHANG — As ultimately representing a Chinese 'transcription' of Skt. upādhyāya, see Scherrer‑Schaub in JIABS 25 (2002) 293.

Bal po'i Rgyal po HA SHANG KHRI PA — 492 78.3.

HA SHANG RGAD PO — Invited during reign of Mes ag tshoms.  132 86.6.

HA SHANG 'BAR NA'I SKAD DU — ??  320 IX 468.1.

HA SHRI HAR — Name of army from Kashgar that fought in war between Sa skya and 'Bri khung.  Wylie 67, 134 n. 170.  Petech in T'oung Pao n.s. L 340.

HA SA GARBHA — Rnying ma protector.  Gter ma of 'Ja' tshon snying po.

Rgyal po HA SA DE WA — BD of T&TB I 773.

HA SA BADZRA — BD of T&TB I 818.

HA SAG — Kuijp, TBMP 448.

HA'I SAN KHU LUG — Thu'u 452.  King Heshan Külüg (1281‑1311).  Thuken 374.

HA SU RĀ DZA — Hasurāja, a Kashmiri king at the end of the 11th century.  He introduced new techniques of sculpture and painting according to Tāranātha.

HA SE —  =Gnod sbyin Gangs bzang, q.v.

HA SE — The Hexi corridor in vicinity of Gansu.  Part of the historic northern Silk Route.

HA SE 'PHAGS PA — Considerable discussion of this name in Vitali, Kingdoms, p. 194 (see also the index).

Dur khrod Chen po HA HA SGROG PA — One of the 8 great cemeteries.  17 II 239.  116 61.4.  =Ha ha rgod pa of Das 630.

HA HA SGROL MA — Tārā image.  Chag 76.

HAG KHYU G.YA' SKYA'I RI — 206 568.2.

Bha ro HANG — Chag 51.

HANG KRO'U — Modern Tibetan for Hangzhou in eastern China. There are some stone-carved images there believed to be in Tibetan style.  See BLKC I 63, 76.

HANG GU DZO —  =Hang 'gu 'jo.  Pl. in Khotan.  Emmerick.

Lo chen HANG SGRA — Havnevik, Dissert. 58.  Also called Lo chen Mgo dkar.

HWANG JE'U — Hwang chou.  BA 56.

Rgyal po'i Btsun mo HANG PHAN — Sa bdagVai.Kar. II 260.

Nub kyi Sa bdag HANG PHAN — KTDN 143.1.  Vai.Kar. 258.

HANG PHAN SER PO — A sa bdagVai.Kar. II 263.

HANG BA — Guru of Ba na ratna.  397 II 427.6.

Klu'i Rgyal po HANG ZUNG — Lde'u 31.

HAD — A city in Bhutan.  Goldstein, Hist. 1215.

Bal yul HAD DU — BD of T&TB I 372.

HAB GDAL — Thomas (1935) I 273.  B. Litvinsky et al., eds., History of Civilizations of Central Asia (Delhi 1999) vol. 3, p. 382.  This may be 'Abdallah b. al-Zubair.

Dbon po HAB SHA — 115 150.2.

HAB SI — A word for Africans.  Yongdan, TCW 106.


HAM MDO — BA 301.

HAṂ PA HA SA DZA — Name of a Maheśvara image.  Phag gru, Bka' 'bum (2003) VI 19.3.

HAṂ BU SPYI THOD — Disc. of Nā ro pa.  17 II 286.3.

Kong stod HAM BU RI KHROD — 420 I 41.1, 297.5, 523.4.

Grwa pa HAR STON — 124 507.6.  A n. of Gnyan chung Lo tsā ba.  124 509.1.

HAR GDONG — Toh, Ming 92.

HAR GDONG DGE BSHES — See (— — — —) 'Jam dbyangs zla ba.

Sgo mang HAR GDONG KHAMS TSHAN — Has printery.  162 201.

HAR GDONG PA — 363 66.1.


HAR SHA — See Shrī Har sha.

HAL KHYI NAG PO — KTDN 143.6.  Sa bdagVai.Kar. II 267.

HAL MAG — People of Hor and Sog.  NMH 136.3.

HAL HA — See (— —) Manydzu shrī.  (— —) Rje btsun dam pa.  See also =Khal kha.

HAS — 5 168.3.

HAS — See (Has kyi) Khyung 'dus.  (—) Stag tshang.

HASTI NA PU RA — A city.  BD of T&TB I 267.

'Gar gyi Mkhas pa HAS PO DUG 'DUL — 253 II 376.1.

HAS PO RI — Hill from which Padmasambhava went to meet Khri srong lde btsan.  Bu ston 189.  Tucci, Lhasa 122.  Ferrari 115.  Short walking distance from Bsam yas.  Das 1328.  KTDN B XI 51A.6.  56 74.  132 87.5.  Hal po ri in KTDN 120.6.

HAS PO RI THANG — A place of Bon pilgrimage.  Das 1328.

Gro tshang HAS BLA MA — See (— —) (— — —) Bsam gtan blo gros.

HI PANG — Equivalent to Tib. mu stegs in Bru sha language.  Bonpo Grub mtha' 563.

HI MA LA YA — Himālaya.  17 II 314.5.  In NE India.  BD of T&TB X 10.16, 25.17‑20, 29.19.  Also called Sa spyod kyi Gnas.

HI RA RDZIL — Aris, Discourse 37.

HI LA PA — Mahāsiddha pictured in 128 56A.  See Mi ha la pa (?).

HI LON SHAN — River mentioned in a Purāṇa, probably the Mongolian river Khelenchuan.  Das 1328.  To judge from the 3rd syllable, it would seem to be a mountain.

HING GU MAR DA NA — City in an avadāna.  TPS 494.

HIN DU — Hindu.  115 51.3.

Nub phyogs HIM GA LĀ CI — BD of T&TB I 439.  Modern Hinglaj in Baluchistan.  Hingulā.  Their local name for Shakti is Bībī Nānī.  Sircar, Śākta Pīṭha.

HIM BABS — N. of a river in Dras (?).  79 78 no. 33.

HU — [1] N. of town, =Byang ngos (?).  Stein, Mi–ñag 239.  [2] N. for Iranians in Central Asia.  Zeisler, "East of the Moon," p. 8.  Perhaps this modern meaning has something to do with the Hos people of 'Ol mo lung ring?

HU'I KHE — Huike, disciple of Bodhidharma.  Thuken 364‑365.

HU KYA'U WANG — Hu chiao wang.  TS5 806.

HU KYA HO DBANG — Fu chiao wang, a title.  Sperling, Dissertation 236.

HU'U RKYEN — Hou Hsien.  See Sperling, Dissertation 75.

HU KHYU — 413 352.2.

HU KHRI — In Darjeeling.  Dalai Lama xiii, Works VII 208.3.

HU THUG — One of 36 border countries of Tibet.  Das 1328.

HU NA — Hūṇa.  Mongols or Indo Mongol family to which Tibetans are allied, or n. of a place in Tibet.  (All of this is probably mistaken!).  Das 1328.

HU MANG SHA — Area bordering Sum pa.  BJZJ X no. 2, 121.  See Hu mang Gorge in Pelliot, Notes on Marco Polo 718.

HU MAR — A king of Nam.  Emmerick.

Jo mo HU MONG ZA — 413 165.6.

HU WANG — TVS 155.

HU LA — A king, but not Hulagu.  Petech (1983) 189.

HU LA HU — Elder brother of Se chen who established a Hor kingdom in Stod ('the west').  Wylie 134 n. 170.  115 52.3, 89.7.  Aris, Discourse 45.  Everding in TS9 I 112 ff.

HU LAN DEB THER — Work of Kun dga' rdo rje, q.v.

HU LOR — A nāga king.  Emmerick.

Dge bsnyen ma HU SHA — An incarnation of Vimalaprabhā.  See 28 92 ff.

HU SHRI — An official rank.  TS5 670.


HU SHRI DU DBEN SHWA — Deputy commanders in chief.  Kuijp in TH&L 300.

Tha'i Rgyal po HU HANG — Sperling, Dissertation 74.

HU HU — ?  "Hu hu'i dpon rigs."  346 91.4.

HUG LI — Hooghly (?).  NMH 88.6.

HUNG — Rgyal po Hung Gsum.  The Three Huang Kings.  Thuken 335.

Sbo shog thu HUNG THA'I JI — (Qôsot?)  Huang ta'i tzu is a Chinese title (TPS 256 n. 124).  Identification uncertain.  See Wylie 136 n. 198.

HUNG HPHA ZI — Hongfu Si.  N. of the monastery in which Xuanzang stayed after his return from India.  Thuken 359.


HUN DBEN — Kuijp in TH&L 280.  TS5 669.

HŪṂ KA RA — Brahmin b. in Nepal.  5 223.2 ff.  87 I 19.4, 66.3.  Pictured in 128 65A.  132 89.5.  Pictured in 320 IX 2.  BD of T&TB I 250‑252.  413 125.4.

Khro bo HŪṂ KA RA'I RGYUD — 320 XXVIII 445 ff.

HŪṂ KA RA DZA YA — Chayet in TH&L 30.


Mtsho HŪṂ SGRA SGROGS PA — Another n. given to the lake Smyong kha dga'.  BA 958.

Lha rje HŪṂ CHUNG — Magic teacher of Mi la ras pa, acc. to BA 109.

Lce nag tshang HŪṂ CHEN — Author of paper on Sngags pa in A mdo given at 10th IATS (Oxford 2003).  He has also published a book called Reb kong Sngags mang gi Lo rgyus Phyogs bsgrigs (Beijing 2004).

HŪṂ CHEN 'GRO 'DUL GLING PA — See (Hūṃ chen) 'Gro 'dul gling pa.


Mdo'i Khyung po HŪṂ SNYING — Contemp. of Rong zom.  205 preface.  Almogi, MA Thesis 88.

Bla sgrub HŪṂ NAG SNYING THIG — Esoteric sādhana of 'Ja' tshon snying po.  Texts in 231 255 ff.

HŪṂ NAG NAM MKHA'I RDO RJE — A n. of Klong gsal snying po, q.v.

HŪṂ NAG ME 'BAR — A n. of 'Ja' tshon snying po, q.v.

Gu ru HŪṂ 'BAR — Early excavator.  210 95.4 ff.  "Stag sde'i Gu ru Hūṃ 'bar."  217 463.2 ff.  383 217.2.  410 96A.3.

HŪṂ MDZAD MGON PO GRI GUG CAN — Depicted in Essen & Thingo, Die Götter des Himalaya 211.


HŪṂ RAL BDUD 'DUL RTSAL — Author, Thugs rje Chen po Padma Dri med Dkar po las Mna' Sdig Bshags pa Ngan song Kun 'joms, publ in Sgang tog in 1972 in 31 folios.  I(Sik) Tib 76‑904856.  Author, Spyan ras gzigs kyi Mdo Padma Dri med Dkar po, publ. in 19 folios in 1972.  N Tib 76‑902948.

HUR TA —  =Hur tang.  Petech (1983) 182.

Btsan rgod HUR PA — Protector.  See 426.

HUR MU DZU — N. of a gling87 I 287.5.

HE — Pl.n. in E Tibet.  239 47.3.  Family name of the present Dalai Lama's mother.  Acc. to Sperling in Lungta 14 (2001) 87, it probably goes back to the name He Bla ma (q.v.), in which the He is Chinese for 'lake'.

HE BDAL — This name occurs in an Old Tibetan text, possibly referring to the Hephthalites, as suggested long ago by Bacot.

Pa gor HE 'DOD — 87 I 74.5.  132 91.4, 92.2 ff, 96.6.  Father of (Pa gor) Bai ro tsa na.  Karmay, Great Perfection 34, etc.


HE NA — "Klo yul gyi Kha stod He nar phebs."  5 144.5.

HE NAN — Henan.  Thuken 335.

HE NAN HPHU'I MKHAR — Fortress of Henan Fu.  Thuken 354.

HE PA LUGS — Also, He lugs.  N. of a lineage of Kar gling Zhi khro.  Cuevas, Hidden History 142.

HE BO — BA 443.

HE BRAG DKAR PO — 239 XXX 47.4.

HE BLA MA — See (— — —) Sangs rgyas bkra shis.


Rgya gar HE MA CAL MNGA' SDE — Birthpl. of 'Brug chen xii.  Said to be the place where the king of Za hor tried to burn Padmasambhava  1 50.  Certainly looks like Himachal.

HE MA LA BADZRA — Disc. of Dombi he ru ka.  Tib.: Gser 'chang rdo rje.  BD of T&TB I 420.

HE MA'I SHING SPRE'U — Bellezza in RET 29 (2014) 195.

HE MIS —  =He mis Byang chub bsam lding, He mis Byang chub chos gling.  Lat. 34° long. 77°.  79 89 no. 9.  Mon. f. in La dwags in 1604.  T.H. 61.  Built by Stag tshang ras chen (1602‑1642).  See Waddell 282‑283.  22 miles S of Sle.  See Nat.Geo. CXXIII (May 1963).  Stein 83.  Restoration by 'Brug chen viii.  1 43.  See 14 129‑130, ff. (see also the index).

HE YIN ZI —  =Ha yan si, etc.  Sperling, Dissertation 185.

HE RA — N. of a valley.  Wylie 57.

HE RAM PA — ?  BD of T&TB I 913.

HE RI KHROD — Havnevik, Dissert. 237.

Dpon chen HE RU — Led a revolt in Gung thang in the late 16th cent.  DTK5 142.

HE RU KA GAL PO — ?  4 221B.3.  N. of tantra in 320 XXV 338 ff.


HE RU KA 'DUS PA'I RGYUD — 320 XXV 2 ff.

HE RU KA PA — Title of Lha btsun Chen po.  Waddell 51.

Dpal HE RU KA ROL PA'I RGYUD — 320 XVIII 2‑184; in title in XVIII 356.7, etc.

HE LA PHUG — Helambu.  ISTS 79.

Bal mo HE LE 'BAR MA — One of the names or forms of Lha mo, she is responsible for the disease called bal nad (see under bal nad in Yisun Chang dictionary).

Gnam gyi Bya khyung HENG PHAN — Sa bdagVai.Kar. II 308.

HENDU SHRĪ — See (— — —) Kun dga' bsod nams lhun grub.

HO'U ZI — Thuken 385.  I think it must be a Muslim-inhabited area in China.

HO YO HOR — See Rona-Tas in CAJ 42 (1998) 323, where he lists ethnonyms for Uighurs, including this as well as Ho yo 'or & U yi kor.

HO RO SAN — A way of spelling Khurasan used in Dung dkar 17.

HO RON 'DZO — A nunnery.  Emmerick.

HO LI SHAM PA — N. of a grub mtha'Three Sources 645.3.

HO SHOD — Qoshot, one of the 4 groups of A mdo Mongols.  Thuken 367, 376 (Khoshot)

Ju rig thu HONG THA'I JI — 453 45.2.


HONG THAL BYI — King of Ur thus.  208 I 236.5.

Rgya nag Gong ma Rgyal po HONG DE — 486 I 269.6.

HONG PO — KTDN 142.2.

Ban de HONG BEN — Scherrer‑Schaub in TH&L 434.  This name appears as Hong pen in a Tibetan language inscription in a Dunhuang cave mentioning the dates 832 & 834; see Uray, 'Earliest Evidence', p. 350.  He was preceptor of the Dunhuang Buddhists before 848 when Tibetan domination came to an end, after which he became head of the Buddhists of the entire Chinese military district in the territory of the Gansu corridor.  The inscription is further studied in Y. Imaeda, "T‑shaped Inscription Frames in Mogao (Dunhuang) and Yulin Caves," Report of the Japanese Association for Tibetan Studies, no. 53 (June 2007) 89‑99.

HON RI PA TRI — 253 II 382.3.

HOM — "'Bar ba Nag po'i Hom shing dang Hom brtsegs."  283 683‑687. Isn't it just a transcription of Skt. homa?

HOR — BA xvii, 471, 486, 492, 551, 702.  "18 tribes."  Das 806, q.v.  87 I 274.5.  May refer to Yüan Dynasty.  Wylie 149 n. 316.  See Hoffmann in Oriens III 195 (his article "The Qarluq in Tibetan Literature").  In old times, mostly used for Uighurs and sometimes other Turkic tribes.  It is said the Tibetan derived from Chinese 'Hu'.  Tibetans also use U gur, U ge ru.  In later times means 'Mongol.'  Also can refer to a place & people in Nag chu, so there is much potential for confusion.  For 2 instances of its usage with meaning Uighur in OT documents, see Kuijp, Edge 155.  Bellezza, D of T 80.  For a discussion of changing meanings through history, see the essay by Tunzhi (Sonam Lhundrop) et al., contained in: Selma K. Sonntag and Mark Turin, eds., The Politics of Language Contact in the Himalaya, Open Book Publishers (Cambridge UK 2019).

HOR — Turks.  Emmerick.

HOR — See (—) Yag kra ka ma.

HOR KOG TRE'I MGON KHANG — In Khams, founded in 1284 under patronage of Se chen Rgyal po.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 15.

Gzim shag HOR KHANG — Printery.  162 239.


HOR KHOG — N. of a region of which Rta bo is a part.  Wylie xxxii.

HOR GRAGS — A childhood name of Ti shrī ras pa.  See Sperling, Further 5.

HOR GRUB CHEN ZHABS DRUNG — See (— — — — —) Byams pa bstan 'dzin.

HOR GLING G.YUL 'GYED — For a manuscript of this section of Ge sar epic, see Ind.Off.Cat. no. 44.

HOR SGOM SHAKYA — Kuijp, Edge 145.

HOR CHIN — Khorchin group of Mongols.  Thuken 367.

HOR CHU — An area of Pu hrang; a Bka' brgyud temple named Gser ra lung is located there.  Vitali, Tho.ling 153.

HOR CHOS RJE — See (— — —) Ngag dbang phun tshogs.

HOR TI CHEN PO — Also, Gshen Hor ti chen po.  A Bon po teacher.  206 542.2.  248 13.5, 25.1.

HOR CHOS 'BYUNG — Name of Tibetan-language history of Mongolia.  Roerich, "The Author of the Hor chos hbyun," JRAS (1946).


HOR DA DAR — Kuijp, Edge 158.

HOR DAR —  =E pa Lkugs pa, q.v.  23 41.

HOR GDONG — One of the 3 khams tshang of Sgo mang Grwa tshang.  Das 46.

HOR NAG MO — A group of Turks who invaded Mnga' ris circa 1037. Bellezza, Divine Dyads 410.

HOR PO — Village in Derge area famous for metalworking.  LaRocca, Warriors 22.

HOR PO — See (— —) G.yung drung thang mda'.  (— —) Shākya rgyal mtshan.

HOR SPRUL SPRUL SKU — (b. 1967)  At Se ra Rje Monastery in S. India.  Barlocher 24.

HOR PHA SHUL — A tribe.  TS7 II 983.

HOR PHRUG — See (— —) Mgon po tshe 'phel.

Lha HOR PHRUG LDE — Disc. of Zhang zhung pa Chos dbang grags pa.  HS XLIII 108.8.

HOR BYA ZHU RING PO — Khos dpon of Sum pa under Khri srong lde btsan.  28 76.  Uray, Narrative 42.

HOR BLA — See (— —) Bstan pa rgyal mtshan.  (— —) Bstan pa dar rgyas.  (— —) G.yung drung rgyal ba.  (— —) Sangs rgyas bstan 'dzin.  (— —) Sog rgyal ba.

HOR MI TSHAN — Printery, see 162 188.

HOR MU TSA — A yulDG 83.6.  This surely does resemble Hormuzd, a late form of Ahura Mazda.  I noticed Hor mu as a name of a horned lion deity in Bellezza's new book on metalwork, Tibetan Silver, Gold and Bronze Objects (2020), p. 22.

HOR DMAG — Hor army.  253 II 398.5.

HOR BTSUN — See (— —) 'Jigs med nam mkha'.  See (— —) Bstan 'dzin blo gros rgya mtsho (1889‑1975).


HOR TSHANG RIN PO CHE — See (— — — — —) 'Jigs med rig pa'i seng ge.

HOR TSHO SO DGU — TS5 743.  See the following.

HOR TSHO GSUM CU SO DGU — A group of 39 nomadic tribes in Nag chu.  Tsarong in TJ XXIII no 3 (1998) 28.

HOR BZLOG — 391 V 190.

HOR YUL — "Hor has been used in various periods to designate Mongols & other, possibly Turanian, peoples within and on the borders of Tibet.  It certainly means Mongol, & may designate the Dzungars."  Younger Brother Don Yod 147.  5 311, etc.  Wylie 119 n. 52.  17 II 339.1.  Hoffmann, Religions 112.  Discussed by Childs in AO 60 (1999) 132.  See also under Hor.

HOR LO CHEN — (ca. 1681)  485 I 217.4.  See (— — —) Blo gros mchog ldan.

HOR SER KHAG — 253 II 634.6.

HOS KHANG — See Kværne, Canon 24 n. 39.

HOS BZA' — 352 758.5.

HOS MO GLING — Kværne, Mongols 88, which also has discussion of Hos.

HOS YUL — See 352 292.19, 757.11.  The OT document P.t. 1136 has something about the Hos rulers of Zhang zhung (acc. to R. Vitali).

Mu stegs pa HOS HOS — N. for the Chinese Muslims.  332 II 24.

HYAL GYI BRAG — In E Tibet.  239 XXX 58.3.

HYE TSHE — Stein, Tibetica Antiqua I 219.

Sbal ti HRANG RDZONG — One of the four or six forts (rdzong) in outer areas of Zhang zhung, this one in the western part.  ACTP II 5.

HRAB — In Dolpo.  Map in Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 141, 169.

Gtsang ston HRAL CHUNG — 478A I 120.5.

This chen HRING NI MU TING — Bon po.  Bio. in 253 II 130.5 ff.


Zhang zhung Mkhas pa HRIS PA GYER MED — Bonpo.  Bio. in 253 II 134.4 ff. See Todd Gibson's dissertation (1991), p. 195.

HRUGS KUN KHYAB — Probably this is the Tibetan behind the Chinese forms in a Ming period document studied by E. Sperling in his article in China Perspectives, issue 3 of 2009.  Hrugs is name for the clan of Lo chen Rin chen bzang po.

HRUGS WER — KWT 82, 95 (also, Hrugs 'or, Hrugs 'er).

HROM PO DPAL GYI RI —  =Grom pa Dpal gyi Ri.  253 II 566.6.

RHYA — Haarh, Yar luṅ 195.  Btsan lha 324.  As a clan name.  Hazod in Steinkellner Festschrift 263.

LHA — A royal clan to which the ancestors of Mi pham rgya mtsho belonged.  42 5.

LHA — Pl.n.  BA 256.

LHA — See (—) Spyil bu pa.

LHA KLU — A noble family in Tibet.  Lamb, McMahon I 321.  Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 131.

LHA KLU SGUG BRAG — Cameron D. Warner, "Re/Crowning the Jowo Śākyamuni," History of Religions 51 no 1 (Aug 2011) 1-30, at p. 15.


Mar pa LHA DKAR — Artist for the great image at Tshal Gung thang.  Henss, CMT 268.

Rgya bza' LHA DKAR SGROL MA — TS5 810.

Dge bshes LHA SKYABS — 124 489.4.  Called Lhab in BA 96.

Rgyal po LHA SKYES — 128 804.

Rgyal po LHA SKYONG — BD of T&TB I 640.  A way of referring to Emperor Ch'ien lung.  See Richardson's article "Smallpox Edict," p. 121.

LHA KHANG — Pl.n.  BA 138.  One of the Sa skya Bla brang Bzhi, q.v.  For a Gdan rabs, see 383 377.1 ff.

LHA KHANG CHEN MO — Pl.n.  BA 216.

LHA KHANG GNYAN RU —  =Lha ru Sman brgyad, q.v.

LHA KHANG SER PO — Temple in Beijing where the Panchen iii passed away.  Uspensky in TS9 I 217.  Thuken 367.

LHA KHANG SO MA — N. of a temple at A lci Dgon pa.  14 index.

Phom LHA KHAB — Pl.n.  BA 683, 686. 

LHA KHAB G.YU MTSHO — 447 70.5.

LHA KHAB PA — Author of a work in 447 61‑70, ff.


LHA KHYUNG — Sub‑clan of the Khyung po.  See 23 29.

Khyung LHA GRA 'DUL — SFHB 776.1.

LHA GLANG RU DKAR — Karmay, Arrow 367.

LHA DGA' — N. of an amazing artist who made a statue of Kālacakra that was consecrated by Bo dong Grags pa rgyal mtshan (Bo dong pa's Gsang 'dus History, p. 485.6).

'Jing ston LHA DGA' — Bon gter ston253 II 218.2‑3.  Also called Mu lto ba.

'Bre ston LHA DGA' — Also, (Rong gi 'Dre ston).  Rdzogs chen teacher of Mi la ras pa at Rong.  BA 430.  45 Gemur 21.6.  Called Rong ston Lha dga' in 4 70A.5, 120B.3.  17 II 478.6, 481.3.  4X I 30.6, 38.1.  Called a Rnying ma pa in 4X I 95.5, 97.3, 99.5, 112.4.  'Bre, q.v., is a family in Gtsang.  17 IV 83.5.

Gyad LHA DGA' KLU DGA' — 4 225A.4.  See Aris in BSOAS 39 (1976) 629.  They are 2 'champions' who are said to have obtained a Buddha image from China for Srong btsan sgam po.

LHA DGU — See Karmay, Arrow 342, 436, 449, etc.

Be hu LHA DGE — 440 292.6.

Dbon po LHA DGE — Abbot of Lha ri kha.  BA 715.

LHA DGYES — Teacher of Si tu xi.  346 45 ff.

LHA MGON SPRUL SKU — See (— — — —) Blo bzang rnam rgyal.

LHA 'GRO BA'I MGON PO — Of Spyil bu.  Teacher of (Zangs chen pa) Dar ma bsod nams, q.v.  Kuijp, Rivers 320, gives him the dates ?1246‑?1319. 

LHA 'GRO BA'I MGON PO — See (Lha) 'Gro ba'i mgon po.


LHA RGOD THOG PA — One of the 5 great deities of the Spyi spungs.  275 preface.  Bellezza in RET 29 (2014) 226.

Rma LHA RGOD THOG PA — Alias of (Rma) Shes rab seng ge.  293 title page.

LHA RGOD RTSE — A name that appears in the colophon of the Bi ci'i pu ti kha ser.  The name Rngu sman A khu Rin khro (Rin chen khro bo?) also appears there.

LHA GYA RI — Capital of E yul, q.v.  See Precious Deposits II 10.

LHA 'GAR RGYAL MTSHAN — Tucci in TPS studied, unsuccessfully, an inscription on a conch shell with silver casing from Spos khang, that includes Zhangzhung language in it, as well as this artist's name.  Lha mgar Rgyal mtshan, as we would expect it to be spelled, means the 'divine smith' Victory Banner.

LHA RGYA RI ZHABS DRUNG — See (— — — — —) Phyag rdor dbang chen.

Mkhan po LHA RGYAL — A teacher of Ngag dga' (b. 1879).  39 17.

Sngags 'chang LHA RGYAL — 253 II 231.6.

Lha zur khang pa LHA RGYAL — Author of a narrative work with the title Gzhon nu Dpa' bo Sde'i Lo rgyus listed in BLP no. 1754.


LHA YI RGYAL PO — 128 820.

LHA'I RGYAL PO — Central figure in a thangkaTPS 538.  See also Pal, TTC 122.

LHA RGYAL MANG MO RJE — Lady of the 'Bro clan, mother of Ral pa can.  Dotson, Note 86.

LHA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — Sculptor at Rgyal rtse.  TS5 571.

Gha rung pa LHA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (1319-1401)  B. in Sde thang; father, Ye shes bzang; mother, Dpal btsun ma.  B. in Earth Sheep.  His novice ordination n. was Lha'i rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po.  D. in his 83rd year, a Fire Sheep.  Bio. in the Jo nang Kālacakra history by Byang sems Rgyal ba ye shes, p. 196 ff.

Bla ma LHA RGYAL BZANG PO — 5 189.3.  Also called (Shab pa) Lha rgyal bzang po.  5 191.4.

LHA RGYAL RAB BRTAN — (d. 1689)  458 I 322.4.

Stag rtse Mi dbang LHA RGYAL RAB BRTAN — An image called Stag rtse Jo bo, erected by him, is found at Se ra Monastery, illustrated in Se ra Theg chen gling, Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang (1995) 30.

LHA RGYAS — See Jalsan, "The Reincarnations of Desi Sangye Gyatso in Alasha and the Secret History of the Sixth Dalai Lama," Inner Asia 4 no 2 (2002) 347‑359, at p. 349.

LHA RGYUD RIN PO CHE SPUNGS PA — Text in 319 VI 459‑501 (similar title, 503‑524).  320 IV 489‑528.

LHA RGYUD RIN PO CHE DBANG GI 'KHOR LO — Tantra title in 320 V 92 ff.

LHA SGANG — N. of a pl. in Khams.  Das 1334.  See Gillian Tan, "Transforming History & Myth: On the Mutuality & Separation of Shared Narratives in Eastern Tibet," Australian Journal of Anthropology (2013), where it is spelled Lhagang.

LHA SGOM — Rong zom wrote one of his works for him.  Some source or other reads Lho sgom.  Almogi, MA thesis 164.

Bcad po LHA SGOM — Disc. of Sgam po pa.  BA 462.

Rig 'dzin Chen po Rje chen LHA SGOM — Bonpo.  Bio. in 253 II 135.4.

LHA SGOM DKAR PO — A n. of Lom ting sgo chen.  206 568.2.  248 44.5.  253 II 333.3 ff.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 392.

Zhang gi LHA SGOM RING MO — 253 II 171.6.

LHA SGROM CHEN MO — See Aris in BSOAS 39 (1976) 625.

LHA BRGYA RI — A mountain in area of Ru thog.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 35.

Yon bdag mo LHA BRGYAN — 391 V 287.

LHA NGU — BA 301.

LHA CIG LDEM BU — Patron of Ras chung.  24 I 218.2, 218.7, 219.3.

Sgam po'i LHA CHU MKHAR GYI LHA KHANG — 87 I 136.1.

LHA CHU DGON — F. by Nyang Ting 'dzin bzang po.  Vai.Ser. 234.

LHA CHU RNGAM BA — Bellezza, L&T 45.

LHA CHEN — Mahādeva.  N. of a wicked monk who spread wrong teachings after the 2nd Buddhist Council.  Story in Sa paṇ, Sdom Gsum (1971) 92A.5 ff.  Dung dkar 171.

LHA CHEN DPAL 'BAR — A huge image of Buddha at Mtshal Gung thang.  See Stearns, King 194, for an incident of its restoration by Thang stong.

LHA CHEN DPAL 'BAR DGE BA — Author of bio. listed in BLP no. 1508.

LHA CHOS — Bka' gdams teachings.  374 II 86 ff. 

LHA CHOS BDUN LDAN — Tohoku 6035.  Dung dkar 169.  Equiv. to Lha Bzhi together with Chos Gsum.  DCD 42‑43.

Lha bu ba'i Bdag mo LHA CHOS DRUNG — 208 I 226.6.

Lho brag Mkhar chu pa Dge slong LHA MCHOG — Bio. listed in BLP no. 2087.

Rig 'dzin LHA MCHOG RDO RJE — (recent)  ='Dzi sgar viii.  382 preface.  Autobio. listed in BLP no. 2066.

LHA MCHOG LDE —  ='Dol le.  Son of Btsan lde.  DTK5 92, 93.

Rgyal ba LHA MCHOG SENG GE — (b. 1468)  9th abbot of Ngor.  ISTS 134.  His name appears in an inscription in Rhie & Thurman, Worlds of Transformation plate 87, and in another inscription in Pal, HAA 254.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 2067.  His name, (Rig pa 'Dzin pa) Lha mchog seng ge, appears on the inscription of a Ngor pa Lam 'bras lineage thangka studied by Jackson.  Jackson in Prats, Pandita 95.

LHA RJE — Pl.n.  BA 71.

LHA RJE — Son of younger queen of Sad na legs.  DTK5 181.

LHA RJE CHOS BYANG — See under G.ye dmar.  He came to Tibet in 1204.  56 144.

LHA RJE DPAL BYAMS KYI CHOS BRGYUD — See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 44.

LHA RJE MA — A woman guru who gave precepts to Phag mo gru pa.  476 II 456.1, V 85.2.

LHA RJE RAGS — BA 256.  Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 100.

Lung ston LHA GNYAN — Also, (Lun bon) Lha gnyen.  Bio. by his son Lung sgom 'Khor lo rgyal po in SFHB 276‑286.  He was son of Lung ston 'Od 'bar.  SFHB 277.6.  253 II 182.6.  An orally transmitted tantra given him by Ri khrod pa Tshe dbang rig 'dzin contained in 258 I 605‑723.  Kværne no. 87, says he was b. in 1088, an Earth Dragon.  B. in chu pho 'brug or Water Dragon, acc. to 253 II 233.1, 383.3 ff.  Visionary work in 423253 II 233.1 says he came after Mar ston Rgyal legs, which causes a chrono. problem!  Achard, L'Essence 225, 230‑1.

Dmu rdo LHA GNYAN — Sacred mt. in Rab brtan.  352 890.


Rme'u ston LHA GNYEN — 253 II 413.3.

LHA'U RTA RA — See (— — —) Thub bstan bstan dar.

LHA LTAG — See under Lhas stag.

LHA STENGS — Pl.n.  BA 490, 514, 550.

Karma LHA STENG — Bca' yig in 397 XXIII 252.5.

LHA STENG DGON — 346 104.2.

Rgya mtshams LHA STENG — See (— —) (— —) Dga' ldan dar rgyas gling.

Rgyal po LHA BRTAN — Chag 64.

LHA THEL — See (— —) Rin chen gling.

LHA THOG — See map in Beyer 16.  Beyer 16, 18, 22, 241.  253 II 633.5.  363 137.6.

Rgyal LHA THOG STENG — Vai.Ser. 171.

LHA THOG PA — See (— — —) G.yu 'brug Sprul sku.

LHA MTHONG LO TSĀ BA — See (— — — — —) Bshes gnyen rnam rgyal.

LHA DRUNG — In eastern Tibet.  Lat. 29° long. 92°.  79 82 no. 53.

LHA DO — A hermitage.  Vitali in TS9 I 102.

LHA DOG RTOGS LDAN — See (— — — —) Lhun grub dbang ldan.

LHA GDONG — See Dgon pa Lha gdong.  BA 132, 690, 691, 695.  5 208.3, 208.6, 260.6.

LHA GDONG PA — See (— — —) Rgyal mtshan dpal.  (— — —) Bsod nams mchog pa.

Rgya gar Mkhas pa LHA BDAG SNGAGS GROL — Bonpo.  Bio. in 253 II 136.4.

Mes pho LHA BDUD — Father of Klong chen pa.  210 225.5.

LHA BDE SPYOD — 124 442.4.

LHA MDO — Pl.n.  BA 75.

LHA 'DUN RI'I GSANG PHUG — 253 II 580.4.

LHA'I 'DON PA KUN GSAL — Text in 491 160 ff.  Lha'i 'Don pa Kun 'joms rgyal po.  491 169 ff.

LHA 'DRE GNYIS MED KYI RGYUD — Text title of 319 VII 1‑109. 

LHA 'DRE STONG GI DRA BA'I RGYUD — Title in 320 XXXIII 550, etc.

LHA 'DRE LAM KHYER — SBTD I 298.  391.

LHA LDAN — N. of Lha sa that was adapted from 'Jam dpal gyi Rtsa ba'i Rgyud prophecy in 15th cent.  BA x xi, 45, 46.  17 II 314.4.  Wylie 153 n. 360.

LHA LDAN GTSUG LAG KHANG — Rgyal ba Thub bstan rgya mtsho, Lha ldan Gtsug lag khang Chen mor Nyams gso Bgyis pa'i Dkar chag, listed in BLP no. 2079.


LHA LDING — Or, G.yung drung Lha lding.  A Bon mon. in Rgyal mo rong destroyed by the Manchu Imperial Army.  Rebuilt as a Dge lugs mon.  348 173.5‑6.

LHA LDE — A king of Gu ge.  28 52.  17 II 350.5.  His 3 sons were 'Od lde, Byang chub 'od, and Zhi ba 'od.  Pictured in 128 528.

Zhang zhung LHA LDEM — Bonpo invited by Srong btsan from Zhang zhung.  Blondeau 87.  Ma ṇi Bka' 'bum (1975) I 414.2.

LHA LDONG DKAR PO — Pl.n.  356 58.3.

LHA SDINGS — Mon. in Yar lung in 11th century.  Eimer, NG 257.

Dga' ldan LHA SDINGS — 225 II 338.6.

Chums LHA SDINGS — Mon. f. by Dbus smyon.  Vai.Ser. 206.

LHA SDINGS DGON — Mon.  438 VII 416.5, 511.5.

Dwags lung LHA SDINGS DGON — Vai.Ser. 168.

LHA YI SDE — Devasena, in an avadāna story.  TPS 485.

LHA SDE DKAR PO — Stein, Tribus 21.

LHA BRDONG SPRUL SKU — Sardar‑Afkhami, Account 16.

LHA NANG — Pl.n.  BA 372.

Ti se LHA NANG — 37 8.

Gnyos Rgyal ba LHA NANG PA — (1164‑1224)  8th in line of predecessors of Rje btsun dam pa, q.v.  One of chief discs. of 'Jig rten mgon po.  "Ti se Lha nang du sgrub pa mdzad pas Rgyal ba Lha nang du grags."  37 8.  BA 601‑602.  235 intro. 5.  Dznyā na badzra, 'Bri gung Skyob pa 'Jig rten mgon po'i Dngos slob 'Phrin las Rang Mnyam Bcu gsum las Dpal Gnyos Rgyal ba Lha nang pa'i Rnam thar, 'Bri gung Bka' brgyud Gtsug lag Slob gnyer khang (Dehra Dun 1996/1997).  In the published collected works of Kun dga' grol mchog (N.Delhi 1981), pp. 195‑226, is this title:  Gnyos chen Rgyal ba Lha nang pa'i Rtogs pa Brjod pa'i Yal 'dab Brgyad pa, which contains great stories about Gnyos' sugar feasts and visits to Tsa ri and Ti se; on p. 224, effects of Mongol invasions of Tangut country & eastern Tibet; the author takes as his witnesses the Rnam thar 'Jam dpal ma and the Ye rdor ma.  Bio. by Kun dga' grol mchog listed in BLP no. 0959.  Biography listed in Filibeck, Catalog II 332.  An essay on whether he went to Bhutan, see RS 692-696.

LHA NANG TSHUL GSUM — Barom Bios. 9r.7.

Dol LHA SNA — ?  20 37.

Blon chen Sna nam LHA SNANG — KTDN 164.5.

LHA PA — Name under which the (Kha rag) Gnyos lineage was known in Bhutan.  163 preface.  Lha pa Bka' brgyud pa.  235 introduction 5.  Eva Allinger in Kreijger, Tibetan Painting 72.

Rgyal sras LHA PA — A member of the 'Ba' rom Bka' brgyud lineage of circa 13th century.

Zhabs drung LHA PA RGYAL — Or, Lha pa.  Pictured in 128 216, 226.

LHA'I DPAL LDAN — 128 994.

LHA SPRUL — Mentioned often in 420 I.

LHA PHU — BA 444.

LHA PHU — See (— —) Spang rtsa.

Shangs LHA PHU — BA 126.

LHA PHYI — N. of an outer mountain peak of the Gauri Shankar or Everest group as seen from Tibet.  Das 1334.


LHA PHYUG MKHAR BA — Abbot of Gung thang from 1210‑1214.  BA 716.  Disc. of Rngog Mdo sde.  BA 408; 17 II 463.4.  Lha phug mkhar ba.

LHA PHYUG PA — See (— — —) Nyi ma 'od.

A jo LHA PHRUG — Imprisoned.  DTK5 131.

LHA BAB RI — Place where first legendary king Gnya' khri btsan po was first seen by Tibetans.  JTL&CT 233.

LHA BU — N. of a place in the district of 'Ol dga'.  Das 1334.

LHA BU DAM PA — 352 849.10 ff.

LHA BU PADMA 'PHRUL GYI MDO — Text title  245 411 ff.

Shangs LHA BU'I BI JI — Pl.n.  BD of T&TB III 586.

Lcog ro bza' LHA BU SMAN — 87 I 273.2.

'Bro LHA BU RIN CHEN — A name mentioned in an inserted note in the Bsam‑gtan Mig‑sgron, p. 15.

LHA BON — N. of a ritual tradition.  Clemente in TS6 127.

LHA BON — See (— —) Thod dkar.

Gnas chen LHA BRAG — See (— —) (— —) Padma yang rdzong.

Gnas bdag LHA BRAG DKAR PO — N. of mountain and protector in Mdo smad.  Mentioned in colophon in 334.

LHA BRAG KHA — Pl.n.  BA 280.

LHA BRAG KHA BA — See (— — — —) Blo gros ye shes.


Brin LHA BRON — 4 307A.1.

LHA BLA DGON PA — 253 II 633.1.

Lhag bsam rgyud 'byong LHA YI BLA MA — Pictured in 128 528.

LHA'I BLO GROS — Disc. of Atiśa.  17 II 282.

LHA BLO GROS 'OD — (1285‑1350)  Bka' gdams pa.  Bio. in BD of T&TB V 63.

LHA DBANG — In Dus 'khor transmission.  A king of Shambhala.  128 990.

LHA DBANG BKRA SHIS — For Kong sprul's Zhal gdams to him, see 12 X.

LHA DBANG GRAGS PA — Hazod, Blauschaflinie 167.

Chos sku LHA DBANG GRAGS PA — Successor of Kun dga' grol mchog in Jo nang pa Lugs, q.v., no. 16.  Succeeded by Tāranātha.

LHA DBANG DGA' BYED — Achard, L'Essence 49.

LHA DBANG MGON PO — Allione, Women of Wisdom 243.

LHA DBANG RGYA MTSHO — Author of a bio. of Paṇ chen Bsod nams grags pa in 147 186‑221, listed in BLP no. 1303.  See also MHTL 6628.

LHA DBANG RGYA MTSHO'I BLO GROS — See Lha btsan Sngon po.  DTK5 76.

Lha btsun Sngon mo LHA DBANG RGYA MTSHO'I BLO GROS — See Lha btsun Sngon mo.


Khri LHA DBANG RGYAL MTSHAN — (1404‑1464)  Took throne of Gung thang in 1419 and lived until his 61st year.  DTK5 121, 149.  Dates given as 1404‑1464 in Franz‑Karl Ehrhard, "Spiritual Relationships between Rulers and Preceptors: The Three Journeys of Vanaratna (1384‑1468) to Tibet," contained in: Christoph Cüppers, ed., The Relationship between Religion & State (chos srid zung 'brel) in Traditional Tibet, Lumbini International Research Institute (Lumbini 2004), pp. 245‑265, at p. 249.

LHA DBANG MCHOD SBYIN BZANG PO — Name of Rnam rgyal (1748‑1808), q.v.

De mo iv LHA DBANG BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — (1623‑1668)  Alexander, Temples 210.

Kun spangs LHA DBANG RDO RJE — Dung dkar 84.

Drung LHA DBANG RDO RJE — (late 15th, early 16th cent.)  Cuevas, Hidden History 146.

Bla chen LHA DBANG RNAM RGYAL — King of Ladakh.  DTK5 189.

LHA'I DBANG PO — "Who teaches intoxicants as the root cause of all faults"  (myos byed nyes kun rgyur bstan).  In Jātaka.  Pictured in 128 708.

Rtsangs LHA'I DBANG PO SRUNG BA — One of 1st 7 Tibetan monks.  17 II 325.4.  =(Rtsang) Legs grub, q.v.

Gong dkar ba LHA DBANG DPAL 'BYOR — 5 212.3.

LHA'I DBANG PHYUG — King of Shambhala.  128 992.

De mo iii LHA DBANG PHYOGS LAS RNAM RGYAL — (1527‑1622)  Alexander, Temples 210.

LHA DBANG BYANG CHUB — Tib. tr. of the name Surendra bo dhi (Surendrabodhi), q.v.

LHA DBANG BLO — Devendrabuddhi.  A pundit.  See Bu ston I 154.  Mkhas grub Rje was considered his reincarnation.  HS XXXVIII 218.2.

LHA DBANG BLO GROS — Portraits of the Masters 222.

Nyang pa LHA DBANG BLO GROS — 15th abbot of Bkra shis lhun po in late 1500's.  A teacher of Ngag dbang rnam rgyal.  See Aris in BSOAS 39 (1976) 601.

Sgrung pa LHA DBANG TSHE RING — Storyteller of Nang chen.  232 I 14.

Mkhas grub LHA DBANG MTSHAN CAN — Disciple of Rgya ra ba.  Cuevas, Hidden History 131.

LHA DBANG RIG 'DZIN — (20th cent.)  STT 714.

Ljang tsha LHA DBON — (mid-8th cent.)  17 II 319.4.  See Kapstein, Assimilation 215 n. 20, etc.  A son of Mes ag tshom, his name implies that he was product of a marriage alliance with Ljang Kingdom, I think.  There doesn't seem to be anything 'proper' about this name, simply descriptive of his relationship to the ruling family...

LHA 'BAB THANG — Gyalpo in Sørensen Festschrift 181.

LHA 'BAR — A patron (yon bdag) of Mi la ras pa.  4 29B.3.  Called a rich man (phyug po) in 4 30B.4.

Gnyan ston LHA 'BAR — Also, (Gnyag ston).  Bon po.  253 II 182.2.  383 419.2.  In Yer rdzong ma, q.v., transmission.  =(Lung ston) 'Od 'bar.

Snyag ston LHA 'BAR — 210 54.4.

Lha rje LHA 'BAR — Disc. of Ras chung pa.  See BA 439 and 24 I 220.5.

LHA 'BUM — The 3rd of 7 brothers of Gtsang pa Rgya ras pa.  24 III 101.4.

Dkor gnyer LHA 'BUM — 4X I 84.6, 117.6.

Bon po LHA 'BUM — (11th cent.)  His rus was Bon po.  From time of 'Brom ston (mid or late 11th cent.).  Apparently (!!?) he is known to the Bon tradition as Gu ru Rnon rtse.  BD of T&TB III 236.  368 28.1.  458 I 22.3.

A ya Bon po LHA 'BUM — (b. 1136)  Name in Buddhist sources for Gu ru Rnon rtse.  258 VI preface.  His excavated Bon tantras, Thugs rje Nyi ma, found in 258 VI.  Kværne, Canon 39 n. 116.  Bio. in 383 409.6 ff.  His Gu ru'i Bka' thang Dum chung, is listed in BLP no. 0297.

Sum ston LHA 'BUM — (b. 1135)  Kværne 231 no. 96.

'Gro lding gi Slob dpon LHA'I 'BYUNG LDAN — 87 I 287.1.

LHA 'BRI SGANG PA — (12th cent.)  Founder of 'Bri sgang Mon.  42.  Author, Bka' gdams kyi Man ngag Be'u bum Sngon po'i 'Grel pa, a comm. on a book by (Dol pa) Shes rab rgya mtsho, publ. in 1976.  See under Be'u bum Sngon po.  Descendent of Yum brtan.  DTK5 76.  Eimer in TH&L 164.  Kuijp, Some Remarks 167, which says he must have been alive in 1193.

Gu rib LHA SBYIN — 248 17.1.

LHA SBYIN NAG PO — 'Black Devadatta.'  Name for the false teacher who devoured his disciples.  Berounsky, Lapsed 191.

A ne LHA MA — 440 281.2.


LHA MI'I RGYAN MCHOG — N. of a sūtra collection put together by 'Phags pa.  Jampa Samten Shastri, Origins of the Tibetan Canon 769.

LHA MIN 'JOMS — Skt.: Atri.  See under Rgun shes.

Dpal ldan LHA MO — Nebesky 22‑37.  TPS 590‑594.  JTL&CT 158‑159.  Waddell 364‑365.  Combe 404.  "Lha mo dus mtshan 'od chen 'bar ma."  216 240.4 ff.  A Potala wallpainting illus. in Po ta la (1996) 142.  A Ming gilt copper image in Precious Deposits III 216‑7.  RS 356-364.

LHA MO SKYABS — I think I can read the words "Thas kyi Lha mo skyabs" on a butter lamp made of jade illus. in Precious Deposits IV 174.

Jo dar bza' LHA MO SKYID — Mother of Zhwa nag vii.  BD of T&TB VII 141.

Lho brag LHA MO MKHAR — See Snyon kha'i Rje btsun.

LHA MO DGON — 253 II 638.3.

Yon bdag mo LHA MO SGRON MA —  =Ma cig Lab sgron.  124 460.1.

Mtshur phu LHA MO CHE — Built by Zhwa nag ii.  57 IIB 360.5.

Rin spungs pa'i Bdag mo LHA MO CHOS SKYONG — 210 154.6.


LHA MO GNAS MKHAR — A false tantra according to Sa paṇ, Sdom Gsum (1971) 88A.

Gnyan LHA MO BA — Disc. of Dgon pa ba. 17 II 376.6.  =(Gnyan) Sna me ba, q.v.

Ma gcig LHA MO 'BUM — Consort of (Khri) Rin chen bzang po.  DTK5 111.

LHA MO SMAN — Wife of Bzang po dpal.  Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 41.

'Chims bza' LHA MO BTSAN — 87 I 272.2.

LHA MO TSHE RING — (1924‑1999)  Mentioned in Tsering Shakya, Dragon 178, etc.  Garratt in TS9 VIII 71 & note 67.

LHA MO 'OD ZER CAN GYI RGYUD — Text in 319 VI 349‑357.


LHA MO RONG — In Tsa ri.  17 IV 238.1.

LHA SMAN — See Talley-stick 173‑174.

LHA SMAN RGYAL MO — Apparently n. of a mt.  4 169B.4.

LHA SMAN RGYAL MO — Epithet of Bkra shis tshe ring ma, q.v.

LHA SMON — See (— —) Ye shes tshul khrims.

'Gos Lo tsā ba Khug pa LHA BTSAS — (2nd half of 11th cent.)  B. at Khug pa in upper Rta nag.  Disc. of 'Brog mi, Ti lo pa and Nā ro pa.  Went to India 3 times.  Atiśa's 1st disc. in Gtsang.  Translator and commentary writer.  5th predecessor of Paṇ chen Bla ma, q.v.  Bu ston 217.  BA 360‑364.  Ferrari 158.  17 II 410.4 ff.  Pictured in 128 278, 874.  Bio. in 165 364.  His polemic work Sngags Log Sun 'byin publ. in Thimphu in 1979, and cited by Sa paṇ in 145 V 319B.6.  493.  His Gsang 'dus Stong thun has been published by Trayang (N.Delhi 1973).  The English preface says that he also composed a Rgyud sde'i Rnam bzhag, and we find also in the end of the work that he composed a separate work on Guhyasamāja hermeneutics called Rgyan Bdun pa Bshad pa'i Stong thun (at p. 538.1).  Vitali in TS9 I 90 n. 6, which tells the story of why he got his name.  There are two interpretations of his name, one of them with clear polemical motivation.  Listed in Mtshan tho no. 29, which says he went three times to India and studied with 72 masters, translated much of the Mother Tantras, and composed a work called Sngags Log Sun 'byin.

LHA BTSUN —  =Lha'i Btsun pa.  Title applied only to ordained monks who were descendants of the old royal dynasty.  20 25.  83E 482.

LHA BTSUN — See (— —) Kun dga' chos kyi rgya mtsho.  (— —) Bkra shis dar rgyas.  (— —) Rin chen rnam rgyal.  (— —) Bsod nams dpal bzang po.

Ta'i Si tu LHA BTSUN SKYABS — 5 270.6 ff, 272.1.  Precious Deposits III 142.

Gter ston LHA BTSUN SNGON MO — "Lha rigs kyi sngags btsun yin pas Lha btsun / bla dwags las Sngon mo / mtshan dngos Rig pa'i rgya mtsho glog gi phreng ba zhes pa'o //"  Contemporary of (Pa tshab Lo tsā ba) Nyi ma grags.  See 373 I 13.  410 60A.2.  BD of T&TB III 300.  210 83.1.  383 422.2.  Under the name Lha btsun Sngon mo Lha dbang rgya mtsho'i blo gros, he is given as the excavator of Mchod rten Chen po Bya rung kha shor gyi Lo rgyus Thos pas Grol ba [N Tib 75‑905475].  Actual name, Lha dbang rgya mtsho'i blo gros.  Gter ston.  DTK5 76.  Gter ston Lha btsun Sngon po, Gu ru'i Bka' thang 'U shang rdo Gdan ma, listed in BLP no. 0302.

LHA BTSUN CHUNG PA — Sørensen, Restless Relic 868.

LHA BTSUN CHE CHUNG — Sørensen, Restless Relic 868.

LHA BTSUN CHEN PO — See (— — — —) Kun bzang rnam rgyal.  (— — — —) Nam mkha' 'jigs med.

LHA BTSUN NO MON HAN — See (— — — — —) Ngag dbang lhun grub.

LHA BTSUN PAṆḌI TA — See Jalsan, "The Reincarnations of Desi Sangye Gyatso in Alasha and the Secret History of the Sixth Dalai Lama," Inner Asia 4 no 2 (2002) 347‑359, at p. 352.

LHA BTSUN MU NE — N. of a mt. and its deity.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 401.4.

LHA BTSUN SMON RAM PA — See (— — — — —) Mthu stobs nyi ma.

LHA RTSE — A hermitage.  For its bca' yig, see 12 XII.  Pl.n.  BA 205, 208, 778.

LHA RTSE — Listed as one of the rgod stong sde of Ru lag, to the North of Sa skya.  28 83.  17 II 393.3, 396.3. 

Gtsang LHA RTSE — 240 337‑352.

LHA RTSE — N. of the Pho brang in 'O ba where Thang stong was born.  5 13.  Stearns, King 95.

LHA RTSE — See (— —) Mkha' phug.  (— —) Bhig tig.  (— —) 'Og min gling.

Mog pa LHA RTSE — 129 V 292.2.

LHA RTSE DGON GSAR — Vai.Ser. 155.

LHA RTSE CHOS RDZONG — Btsan gnyer Skal bzang mkhas grub, Gtsang ljongs lha rtse chos rdzong gi byung rabs thub bstan mdzes rgyan: a short history of Lha rtse monastery and its rdzong, LTWA (Dharamsala 2008), in 307 pages.

LHA RTSE RTOGS LDAN — Subj. of bio. listed in BLP no. 2076.

LHA RTSE DPON MO — N. of the first Gung ru Mkha' 'gro ma, q.v.

LHA RTSE PHYUG MO — N. of a gzhi bdagNomads 253.


LHA RTSE BA — See (Yongs 'dzin i) (— — —) Ngag dbang bzang po.  See (— — —) Dbang grags.


LHA RTSE RDZONG — In Gtsang po in Mang mkhar area.  JTL&CT 209, 277.  Ferrari 153.  Waddell 272.  Wylie 67, 135 n. 176.  Called Byang Lha rtse by Paṇḍit Singh.



LHA TSHOGS BZHI — In a Bon text, equivalent to the divine assemblages of the 'four actions'— zhi, rgyas, dbang & drag.  Note that Milarepa's towers form a maṇḍala pattern of these same deities, starting with zhi in the E, rgyas in the S, dbang in the W, and drag in the N.  See FM 728.00 (p. 4A):  C—me lha rgyun gyi lha tshogs.  E—zhi ba'i lha tshogs [lhun gyis grub pa].  N—rgyas pa'i lha tshogs [mthu ru phyin pa].  W—dbang gi lha tshogs [khro bo rmad du 'byung ba].  S—drag po'i lha tshogs [dgra gegs sgrol ba].

Btsun mo LHA MTSHAMS — 1st queen consort of Rnam rgyal lde.  DTK5 128.


Lho pa LHA BZHER — (ca. 1181)  476 I 102.3.

LHA GZHER — See (— —) G.yung drung bla ma.

Mkhar chen LHA GZHER 'CHES PA — 253 II 376.5.

*LHA YI GZHON NU — Autobio. of a Tshal pa named De wa ku ma ra listed in Drepung Catalog 1505 (and see also 1504).

LHA ZAB CHU — A spring in Mnga' ris Skor gsum.  Lat. 31° long. 79°.  79 83 no. 55.

LHA ZUR — Pl.n.  BA 182, 184.

LHA ZUR KHANG PA — (1277‑1337)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 61.

LHA ZUR KHANG PA — See (— — — —) Lha rgyal.

LHA ZE MO — 33 233.5.

LHA'I ZLA BA — Nephew of (Gter bton) Las 'phro gling pa.  210 193.2‑3.

LHA GZIGS — N. of a clan.  57 IIB 358.1.  BA 571.  Mtsho bzang lha gzigs.  Vitali in Lungta, vol. 16 (Spring 2003), p. 4.

Spyan snga LHA GZIGS RAS PA — 17 IV 459.1.  374 II 177.1 ff.  Work in I.U. library (uncatalogued in 1982), a Mahākāla rite.  This work was carved into blocks in 1895 in Lahul (printed in 15th Wood Sheep year).  He is also author of a Yig tshang, cited at Dza ya Paṇḍi ta, Thob yig, vol. 4, p. 263 (fol. 132r), noted also by Haarh in his book, and in TPSBA: Lha gzigs Rin chen rgyal mtshan (Lha gzigs pa), II, 544‑6.  acc. to this his dates were 1372‑1454, and he was disc. of Zhwa dmar Mkha' spyod dbang po.  Dalai Lama's thob yig, vol. 2, 177.1: lha gzigs ras pa.  Here at least it is possible to see his place in a lineage.  This places him as a spiritual grandfather of Dbus smyon Kun dga' bzang po (1458‑1532).  Therefore he was probably active in early 1400's.  Refs. to him in Haarh's book, pp. 253, 255 (here, lha gzigs seems to be as epithet of the rlangs family, but Haarh, in a footnote says that it refers to the author of the genealogy of the Rlangs family, citing authority of TPS), 279 (here he cites TPS again, which says that the Yig tshang of Spyan snga Lha gzigs is cited in the biography of Bsod nams mchog ldan rgyal mtshan, but I was unable to identify this latter person).  He seems to have been instrumental in spreading the lung of the Rgyal rabs of Yar klungs Jo bo (DL V, Gsan yig, vol. 2, p. 178.5) although the DL didn't have the list of transmission teachers that followed him (only the three most recent teachers before the DL himself).  This means he simply must postdate 1376, when the Yar lung Jo bo was written.  He is mentioned in biographies of Tsongkhapa (and might have been among his teachers of Mahāmudrā).

Blon chen Dmag dpon LHA BZANG KLU DPAL — KTDN 164.3.  Vitali in Roczik Orientalistyczny LXVII (2014) 243.

LHA BZANG KHAN — (re. 1705‑1717)  Vai.Ser. xi.  See Wylie 136 n. 198.  40 4.  Articles in TJ VII, nos. 1‑2; VII, no. 3.  Ruled Tibet from 1703 to 1717.  Thuken 379.

Dge bshes LHA BZANG PA — (late 14th early 15th cent.)  A son of Kun dga' rgyal mtshan.  Rnying ma pa.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 150.


LHA YANGS DA LAM — A place where Rngog Lo was active, in places it is spelled also Lha mangs Ngan lam and Lha yangs Ba lam.  Kramer, rNgog 114.

LHA RAMS PA — This means those who receive Dge bshes degree at the Lha sa Smon lam, while those who receive it at Tshogs mchod Smon lam are called Tshogs rams pa.  If at the Tshogs chen Rdo bcal steng of 'Bras spung Mon., they are called Rdo rams pa.  443 I 21.

'Phags pa LHA RAS PA — Disc. of Stong nag ras pa.  467 II 187.4.

LHA RI — BA 175.  Mon. in Gtsang.  Vai.Ser. 190.  SBTD I 292.  A Tshal pa monastery important in 13th century.  For what looks like a series of abbatial biographies, see Drepung Catalog 1504‑1505.

LHA RI KHA — Mon. f. by Sangs rgyas ras chen.  See BA 715.

LHA RI GYANG TO — TS5 532.  Vitali in Lungta, vol. 16 (Spring 2003), p. 5.

LHA RI GYANG THO — 83C 202.  17 II 315.6.

LHA RI GYANG MTHO — Three early Tshal pa monasteries were built there.  BA 715.

LHA RI MGO — In Khams.  Wylie xix.


Lho LHA RI NYI PHUG — 253 II 623.4.

Rme'u ston LHA RI GNYAN PO — (1024‑1091)  Dating acc. to Kværne nos. 73, 88.  206 575.2.  253 II 601.1.  A long bio. is available in Katen (300+ vol. version), vol. 203.

LHA RI RNYING PHUG — 3 days journey North of Bkra shis sdings.  Most holy of 'four great caves' of Sikkim.  In northern parts.  Waddell 256.

LHA RI SNYING PO — BA 908.  T&BS II 240 n. 22.

LHA RI STON PA — 17 II 410.4.  =(Lha rje) Ri ston, q.v.

LHA RI DPAL — Mentioned as a teacher of Seng ge rgyab pa.  BD of T&TB III 387.

'Khrul zhig LHA RI DPAL — 310 80.4.

LHA RI BA — See (— — —) Nam mkha' 'od.

LHA RI MO — BA 678.  24 I 379.7.


Yar lung LHA RI RTSE — 253 II 573.4.

LHA RI RTSE LNGA — 383 414.3.

LHA RI YOL BA —  =Lha bab ri, q.v.  Ferrari 129.

Lung bzang LHA RI SHEL BRAG DBEN GNAS — 253 II 484.6.

'Ol kha LHA RIG PA — A teacher of ('Dzeng) Jo sras's younger years.  BA 187.  BD of T&TB III 326.

LHA'I RIG PA SENG GE — Devavidyāsiṃha (Devavitsiṃha?).  Indian teacher of Thon mi Sambhota.  17 II 317.2.  MKB 370.  It may be an epithet and not a proper name at all, I'm thinking.

LHA RING KLONG CHEN BRAG — A meditation cave.  Unlocated.  Ferrari 167.

LHA RIN PA — See (— — —) Grags pa yon tan.

LHA RU GNAM TSHAL — In Kong po.  23 13.

LHA RU BA — 210 46.2.

LHA RU SMAN BRGYAD — A 2‑storied Dge lugs pa temple to the 8 medicine Buddhas.  Near there is supposed to be the first cultivated field of Tibet.  It is upstream from Yam bu bla mkhar in the Yar lung Valley.  Its lower floor called Dbon Lha khang.  Tucci, Lhasa 137.  Ferrari 125.

LHA LUNG — In W Lho brag, just below Gu ru Lha khang.  Headquarters of Lho brag lung pa subsect of Rnying ma pa.  F. in 1154 by Dus gsum mkhyen pa.  Later the home of Dpa' bo Gtsug lag 'phreng ba.  Taken from the Karma pa by the Dalai Lama v.  Now mixed, sectarian wise.  Ferrari 139.  BA 191, 479, 694.  Residence of the Pad gling Gsung sprul and Pad gling Thugs sras incarnates.  Photograph in Cuevas, Hidden History 172.

LHA LUNG — See (— —) Rdo rje dpal.  (— —) Dpal gyi rdo rje.  (— —) Rab 'byor dbyangs.

LHA LUNG — Pl.n.  See (— —) Theg mchog rab rgyas gling.

'Tshur LHA LUNG — F. by Sgom pa (i.e. Sgom tshul).  BA 464.  17 II 523.4.

LHA LUNG DGON — Has printery.  162 210.

LHA LUNG THUGS SPRUL — See (— — — —) Kun bzang zil gnon bzhad pa rtsal.

LHA LUNG DBANG PHYUG — See (Lha) Lung gi dbang phyug.

Mang rje LHA LOD — One of the Great Councillors in early 9th century.  Uray, "Contributions to the Date of the Vyutpatti Treatises," pp. 12‑13.  His name is spelled Ma rje Lha lod in Lde'u 359.


LHA GSHEN SRID GSUM — A Bon po 'trinity,' it is explained in Karmay, Treasury491 174.2.


LHA SA — Lhasa.  For title of a dkar chag, see Wylie xxi.  Lat. 29° long. 92°.  79 82 no. 54.  A major four‑hundred‑page book on the history of Lha sa was published, in Chinese, in 1994.  See Kuijp in CAJ 43 (1999) 287.

LHA SA — See (— —) Rkyang thang.

LHA SA GLU SGRON — 124 444.2.  Or, Lha sa Klu sgron.  124 445.4, 471.6.

LHA SA SDE BZHI — Sørensen in Lungta 16 (2003) 86.

LHA SA PA — See (— — —) Byams pa smon lam.

LHA SA SMYON PA — 413 394.2.

LHA SA GTSUG LAG KHANG —  =Jo khang, q.v.  BA 1006.

Skyu ra LHA SENG — Kuijp in JIABS 17 (1994) 178.

Slob dpon LHA'I SENG GE — BD of T&TB I 197.

LHA SRIN 'THAB SA — Karmay, Confucius 575.  253 II 580.2.

Brag g.yab LHA SRUNG 'JAM DBYANGS SPRUL SKU — 363 120.4.

Bru sha LHA GSAS — 253 II 191.1.  Perhaps referred to in Kværne no. 78.

LHA GSOL — Place in district of Dwags po, SE Tibet.  Das 1336.  As a ritual gathering, see Tucci, Religions 170.

LHA BSANGS — A rite of the protective deities.  Ferrari 115.  Nebesky 319‑335.

Lha'i Bu Sems dpa' LHAG CAN — He became incarnate in Dga' rab rdo rje.  132 34.5 ff, 42.2.

LHAG PA MKHAS GRUB — Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 195, etc.


LHAG SPYOD — Meditated for a year and then felt hatred when he found a mouse nest in his hair and so went to hell.  476 IV 373.6.

LHAG RU — Pl.n.  BA 723.

LHAG BSAM —  =Tshul khrims lhag bsam.  Teacher of Stag 'tsher Rin po che.

Mkhas dbang LHAG BSAM — Associate of Kong sprul.  Jackson, Patron 221.

Yongs 'dzin LHAG BSAM RGYAL MTSHAN — Tutor of Zhwa nag xv.  Wrote grammatical works.  Implicated in De mo Sde srid's plot.  23 35.

LHAG BSAM BSTAN PA'I RGYAL MTSHAN — Author, Bod kyi Brda sprod pa'i Gzhung Sum cu pa dang Rtags kyi 'Jug pa Nyung ngu'i Tshig gis Go Sla bar Bkral ba Legs bshad Snang ba Dam pa, publ. in Sems rtogs kha [Simtokha] in 1976 in 61 folios [I(Bhu) Tib 77‑902888].



LHAN — Pl.n.  BA 941.

Lcam LHAN SKYES SGRON ME — 4X I 207.6.

LHAN SKYES RDO RJE — See Na te ka ra.

LHAN CIG SKYES — As n. of a Pāṇḍava, see Das 98.

Lcam LHAN CIG SKYES PA'I SGRON ME — Bka' brgyud, woman.  17 II 511.

LHAN CIG SKYES SBYOR — 'Bri gung text in 357 299‑344.  Root text, see SBTD I 297.

Rje btsun LHAN CIG SKYES MA — Sgrub thabs in 229 175‑191.

Dge bshes LHAB — BA 96.  Called Lha skyabs in 124 489.4.

LHAB — Pl.n.  BA 156.  Near Dgon lung.  332 17.

LHAB CHOS RJE — See (— — —) Bkra shis phun tshogs.

LHAM MKHAN ZHABS — See Tsa ma ri pa.  See U pa na ha.

LHAM TSAM CHAGS — See Zhwa tsam chags and 28 59.

LHAR BCAS — Sahadeva.  N. of youngest Pāṇḍava brother.  Das 98.  Roesler in Facets 164.

LHAR CHE SGRA — Pl.n.  BA 95.


LHAS SGANG PA — See (— — —) Kun bzang chos rgyal.

LHAS STAG — A monastery, near which Lab sgron meditated.  See Kollmar Paulenz in TJ (1998), p. 19 etc.  It's spelled Lha ltag in the anonymous bio. tr. by James Low.

LHAS BU DGON — Vai.Ser. 131.

LHAS BRAG DGON — Vai.Ser. 131.

LHAS SBYIN — Devadatta (De ba datta), the cousin of Śākyamuni who is the villain in the traditional accounts.  See Hartzell, Dissert. 677, n. 80, where it is explained that Devadatta means '[that which is] given by deities', and since all names are given by deities, it just means 'such and such' or 'John Doe.'

LHAS BTSAS — See Lha btsas.

LHING NGE — See (— —) 'Od zer rgyal mtshan.




LHU LA DKA' BCU PA — Author of bio. of Tsong kha pa listed in BLP no. 0909.

LHUN GRAGS — A dgon pa f. by Dri med kun dga'.  210 242.5.

LHUN GRAGS DKAR PO — 210 245.1.

LHUN GRUB — Son of younger queen of Sad na legs.  DTK5 181.

LHUN GRUB — N. of a caravanserai (mgron khang) where Mi la ras pa stayed.  4x I 14.4.  Compare 4A Lhalungpa 23.

LHUN GRUB — A temple near Snang dkar Rdzong.  See Tucci, To Lhasa & Beyond 65.

LHUN GRUB — A representative of Phag mo gru pa sent to the Ming court where he arrived October 12, 1430.  Toh, Ming 178.

Jo bo LHUN GRUB BKRA SHIS — Author of bio. of the elder G.yu thog pa, the one translated by Rechung Rinpoche in his book Tibetan MedicineDD 714.  Listed in BLP no. 1811.  He is supposed to belong to the lineage of G.yu thog, according to the colophon (g.yu thog brgyud pa 'dzin pa'i rigs kyi bu // jo bo lhun grub bkra shis bdag gis sdebs).  Sometimes his name appears (mistakenly?) as Bkra shis lhun grub.  Kuijp, ZH 23.

Gur ston LHUN GRUB BKRA SHIS— TJ 35 no 3 (Aut 2010) 82.

Thu mi LHUN GRUB BKRA SHIS — A descendent of Thon mi Sambhota.  See older brother, Chos rje bsod nams+.  Founded the stūpa at Byams pa gling in 1472.  56 119.

Mer chen LHUN GRUB GLING — A hermitage connected with Dpal me Mon.  341 preface.

LHUN GRUB DGON — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo smad with 5 incarnates and 1291 monks.  N. of mon. in Kashmir.  Combe 173.  Vai.Ser. 245.

LHUN GRUB MGON PO — Ordinator of Geshe Sopa; see Geshé Sopa's autobio. (2012) 41.

Sgom chen LHUN GRUB RGYA MTSHO — (ca. 1682)  458 I 239.2.  (ca. 1707)  463 I 123.3.

Phug pa LHUN GRUB RGYA MTSHO — One of the codifiers of the Phug lugs, q.v.  105 preface.  In 1447, he composed Padma Dkar po'i Zhal lung, an astrological comm. on a work of the king of Shambhala.  TR XIV no. 10 (Oct 1979) 18c.  Kværne 233 no. 135.

Bla ma Dbon yig pa LHUN GRUB RGYA MTSHO — Karma pa.  Bio. in 35 I 673.

'Phyongs rgyas Spun Bdun pa LHUN GRUB RGYA MTSHO — Author's scribe to 390.

Rong ston LHUN GRUB RGYA MTSHO — Disc. of (Rig 'dzin) Kun bzang shes rab and founder of Shug sgang Mon.  383 471.5.

LHUN GRUB RGYAL PO — Son of Rnam 'phrul lde.  DTK5 141.

A mchog LHUN GRUB RGYAL MTSHAN — 253 II 357.3.

LHUN GRUB SGANG — Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 454.

LHUN GRUB CHOS SKU MA — A prayer of praise.  SBTD I 149.

LHUN GRUB CHOS LDINGS — Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 39.  Monastery next to the fortress at Rutok in western Tibet.

LHUN GRUB CHOS SDE — Aris, Discourse 6.

LHUN GRUB CHOS MTSHO — 363 73.3, 214.6.

Sde dge LHUN GRUB STENG DGON — Mon. f. by Thang stong rgyal po in 1616 (Dhongthog 128).  BA 492, 543.  Sde dge Lhun grub steng gi Srib Dgon, see 5 225.3.  This is the place where De'u dmar Dge bshes composed his famous work on the arts (according to the colophon).  See Gardner in TJ XXVIII no. 3 (2003) 68.  It includes a Thang stong Lha khang, with a clay image of Thang stong rgyal po.  Stearns, King 57.

rGan LHUN GRUB THABS MKHAS — (20th cent.)  Geshe Sopa's autobio. (2012) 106.

Gter ston LHUN GRUB THOGS MED — 253 II 228.5.  Excavation in 353 411‑505.

LHUN GRUB MTHONG SMON GLING — N. of a mon.  Karmay, ed., New Horizons 387.

LHUN GRUB DAR RGYAS — (18th cent.)  =Dar rgyas No mon han.  Author, in 1757, of Thams cad Mkhyen pa Ngag dbang chos grags dpal bzang po'i Rnam par Thar pa Phul du Byung ba'i Mdzad pa Bzang po'i Gtam Snyan Lha'i Tambu ra'i Rgyud kyi Sgra dbyangs, the 'secret' biography (actually, the original title is missing the 'secret biography' bit, which was added in Lhasa) of the Sixth Dalai Lama (listed in BLP no. 0539).  Prob. the author of BLP nos. 0627, 1680.  Jalsan, "The Reincarnations of Desi Sangye Gyatso in Alasha and the Secret History of the Sixth Dalai Lama," Inner Asia 4 no 2 (2002) 347‑359, esp. p. 351, where he is given the names Ngag dbang rdo rje and Ngag dbang lhun grub dar rgyas and given a birthdate of 1715.

Mtsho sna LHUN GRUB BDE CHEN — Vai.Ser. 179.

LHUN GRUB BDE CHEN GLING — [1] Dge lugs mon. in Buriatia mentioned in colophon to a print of the Bodhicaryāvatāra.  [2] A temple called Da Chongjiaosi in Shaanxi.  Toh, Ming 64.

LHUN GRUB BDE LDAN PHO BRANG — Bon mon. of Gshen family lineage. Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 444.


Ka zi LHUN GRUB RDO RJE — An important supporter of Sikkim's absorption into India, he became chief minister in 1975.

Chos rje LHUN GRUB SDINGS PA — 208 I 243.2.

LHUN GRUB PAṆḌI TA — Author of works on generation & completion stages of Vajrabhairava (translated by Sharpa Tulku and Richard Guard).  It is believed he was a Buriat Mongol scholar, although it isn't certain whether or not he might be Blo bzang lhun grub, aka Lhun grub bstan dar (1781‑1859), the founder of Tsugol Datsang in Buriatia.  The colophon to his Vajrabhairava works says his name sis Gu shri Chos rje Blo bzang lhun grub, also known as Sgeg pa'i rdo rje.  See Gangs can Mkhas grub, p. 262, for a biography.

Slob dpon LHUN GRUB DPAL LDAN — A teacher of 'Gyur med bde chen (b. 1540).

Spa ston LHUN GRUB DPAL BZANG — Excavated the Ma rgyud of Bon in 1486.  Kværne 233 no. 139.

Gshen ston LHUN GRUB DPAL BZANG — 253 II 256.4 ff.  A member of Gshen lineage, he moved to Skyid gzhong & founded a further seat of the Gshen lineage called Lhun grub bde ldan pho brang.  Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 444.

LHUN GRUB PHO BRANG — 210 171.1, 171.3, 171.4, 172.1, 173.2.  Had a printery, BLP no. 0989.


Lha dog Rtogs ldan LHUN GRUB DBANG LDAN — (b. 1703)  Kværne 235 no. 167.  F. Sog Mon. in 1748.  Kværne 235 no. 173.  253 II 481.1 ff, 624.4.  Charles Ramble, "A Nineteenth‑Century Bonpo Pilgrim in Western Tibet and Nepal: Episodes from the Life of dKar ru grub dbang bsTan 'dzin rin chen," Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines, vol. 15 (November 2008), pp. 481‑502, at p. 484.

Mgos LHUN GRUB 'BAR — Vitali in TS9 I 84.

Dpon chen LHUN GRUB MU THUR — 248 38.2.  Bio. in 253 II 311.6 ff. Bellezza, Divine Dyads 391.

LHUN GRUB RTSE — In Pa snam.  TS5 561.

Pa rnam LHUN GRUB RTSE — Name of Pa rnam Rdzong.  Wylie 70, 138 n. 214.

LHUN GRUB RTSE CHOS SDE — F. by Lhun rtse pa.  Vai.Ser. 210.

LHUN GRUB BRTSON 'GRUS — 94th Dga' ldan Khri pa (1940‑1946).  BD of T&TB VI 221.  128 982.

LHUN GRUB RDZONG — TS5 560.  Goldstein, History 433.

LHUN GRUB 'OD ZER — Bon po.  Bio. in 253 II 103.4 ff, 400.2.

Dge sding Rab 'byams pa LHUN GRUB 'OD ZER — Bon works in 325 521‑579.  A work of his is cited in an unavailable manuscript, Dmu gshen Lha yi Gdung rabs Dbyar rnga'i Sgra dbyangs (as described in a paper by Dondrup Lhagyal).

Nyang Rig 'dzin LHUN GRUB 'OD ZER — Author of bio. of Nyang ral.  374 II 559.1.  Author of Gter 'byung Bka' Babs tshul listed in BLP no. 0995.  BLP no. 1642.  Author of a Lo rgyus Gsal ba'i Sgron me listed in BLP no. 1916.

LHUN GRUB RAB BRTAN — Pl.n. in area of Lha sa?  458 I 226.6.

Grub dbang LHUN GRUB RAB BRTAN — (early 19th cent.)  Teacher of Chos rgyal rdo rje (1789‑1859).  336 preface.  N. of a gter ston.  Blondeau, Controverse 57.

Sangs rgyas mnyan pa II LHUN GRUB RAB BRTAN — The 2nd Mnyan sprul, q.v.

LHUN GRUB RIG 'DZIN — Havnevik, Dissert. 217.

Dge bshes LHUN GRUB BZOD PA — (1923-2014)  Usually known as Geshe Sopa in English.  Contemporary teacher who trained at Se ra Mon.  He arrived in the U.S. in 1962.  A professor in the Dept. of S. Asian Studies at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, and founder of Ganden Mahayana Center.

Dol LHUN GRUB LHA RTSE — BA 827, 1090.

Ldang ma LHUN RGYAL — (1st cent.?)  Or, Lhun gyi rgyal mtshan, Lhun grub rgyal mtshan.  A gter ston.  See Guenther, KBTEU xv.  Excavated Bi ma Snying thig (Bi ma la'i Snyig Man ngag Brgya dgu bcu).  BD of T&TB III 239.  Taught Rdzogs chen to (Lce btsun) Seng ge dbang phyug at Kha rag.  Son of (Ldang ma) Dge mchog.  BD of T&TB III 299.  Pictured in 128 674.  Excavations in 87 LXXXVI.  Bio. in 210 59.5.  410 44B.4.  17 IV 475.1‑2.  Placed in the first rab byung (i.e. betwen 1027 and 1086) in 383 217.4, 411.1 ff.  464 26.1.  LGCM 647.4.  Achard, L'Essence 55, 80‑1, 90, 245.  His Gu ru'i Rnam thar Zhwa Lha khang ma Dum chen Gcig, listed in BLP no. 0323.

LHUN THUB BSTAN 'PHEL — (ca. 1938)  T&BS II 238.


LHUN SDINGS — A village in Ngam ring County in western Tibet.  See T. Hofer's article in Schrempf, Soundings 374.

LHUN SDINGS — See (— —) Bdud rtsi 'gyur med.

LHUN PO — N. of a king in an avadāna story.  TPS 530.

Shab stod LHUN PO RTSE — Printery, see 162 219.  See Tucci, Religions 112.  Vai.Ser. 203.

LHUN PO BRTSEGS PA RGYUD KYI MDO — Text title  300 preface. 

LHUN PO BRTSEGS PA'I MDO — Text title  253 II 407.3.

G.yu ston LHUN DPAL — 253 II 388.3.

LHUN BRAG DGON PA — Mon. f. by (Gter ston) Dri med kun dga' in Kong po.  BD of T&TB III 457.

LHUN RTSE — Sikkim mon. f. in 1850.  Had 15 monks.  Waddell 285.  162 210.

LHUN RTSE PA — See (— — —) Blo gros rnam rgyal.

LHE'U RJE — See (— —) Zin tags.

LHE'U BDUN — Karmay, Confucius 576.

LHE'U YANG KA RJE — Bellezza, D&B 17 et passim.  Dotson, Horse 277.


LHO — A khri skor, q.v., of La stod in Gtsang.  Pl.n.  BA 292, 332, 399, 438, 581, 720.

LHO KHA — Area where the Gtsang po River turns southward.  SE part of the province of Dbus.  Chief town is Rtse thang.  Das 1340.  Includes the Yar klung Valley.  Ferrari 126.  General n. of the region S of the Gtsang po and E of Bhutan.  BA 256, 468, 477, 656, 984, 1082.  5 166.4.

LHO KARMA DGON — Where Si tu, q.v., at first stayed.

LHO KHA BZHI — ?  5 165.6, 166.5.  =Lho mon Kha Bzhi.  Old n. for Bhutan.  See Aris in BSOAS 39 (1976) 627.  Gnyos 98 (here referring to Bhutan).

LHO GA LUNG GRUB — =Lho kha Lang drug.  Bellezza, D&B 153.

LHO GRA — Pl.n.  BA vi.

Lcam LHO RGYAL BYANG MO — Bellezza, L&T 38.  Lcam Lho rgyal Byang mo tsun.  Dotson in JIABR 1 (2013) 211 ff.

LHO RGYUD — BA ii, 479, 988, 1090.

Kun rig gi LHO SGO'I SBYANG CHOG — SBTD I 124.

LHO SGOM — See Lha sgom.

LHO CHOS KYI RGYAL MTSHAN — 26th abbot of 'Bri gung.  37 38.

LHO RJE DRUNG — See (— — —) O rgyan nus ldan rdo rje.

LHO GTER — [1] "Southern excavations" school of Rnying ma centered at Smin grol gling.  39 6.  Smin gling Lo chen is one of the gter stons of this so called 'school'.  [2] Bon pos also have 'southern excavations', meaning those of Gshen chen Klu dga'.

LHO DUG MTSHO — See (— — —) Khol ma'i gling.

LHO DUG MTSHO'I GLING — Where Mar pa met (Paṇḍi ta) Zhi ba bzang po, q.v.

LHO NAG — Disc. of (Rngog) Mdo sde.  BA 408.  In 17 II 463.4, he is called Lho nag Gnyal ba rdog.



LHO PA — From whom Khyung tshang pa learned Kha rag Skor.  17 II 508.  Lho pa Rin po che in 36 V 113.3.

Mal gro'i LHO PA — See (— — — —) Byang ston.

LHO PA KUN MKHYEN — See (— — — —) Rin chen dpal.

LHO PA SPRUL SKU — Of 'Bras spungs.  See (— — — —) Ngag dbang mkhyen rab bstan pa'i dbang phyug.  (— — — —) Bstan 'dzin ngag dbang.

LHO PA SI TU — (mid‑15th cent.)  Franz‑Karl Ehrhard, "Spiritual Relationships between Rulers and Preceptors: The Three Journeys of Vanaratna (1384‑1468) to Tibet," contained in: Christoph Cüppers, ed., The Relationship between Religion & State (chos srid zung 'brel) in Traditional Tibet, LIRI (Lumbini 2004), pp. 245‑265, at p. 254.

LHO SPRUL — See (— —) Chos kyi rgyal mtshan.

LHO PHRIN LAS RNAM RGYAL — Thugs sras of (Rje) Rig 'dzin chos kyi grags pa.  Rnam rol of Klong chen and Sog po Lha dpal.  22nd abbot of 'Bri gung.  37 36 ff.

LHO BAL — See Bal po and 14 16 n. 17.  O.T. name to refer to non-Tibetan barbarians.  TS5 784.  I think in 11th-13th centuries, it could serve as a generalized expression for the southern countries, including India.  Stein, Tibetica Antiqua I 206‑7.  Scherrer‑Schaub in JIABS 25 (2002) 312.  In early translations from Chinese, it stands for the Chinese word fan meaning 'barbarian.'  See Schaik, Red 55.


LHO BRAG — Region in Manas Basin S of Palti Lake and of Yar klungs.  BA 132, 159, 302, 373, 403, 414, 437, 606, 607, 656, 657, 676, 680, 682, 693, 695, 710, 829, 930, 941, 963, 970, 975, 1009, 1042, 1070.  SE of Phug mo mtsho up to the northern boundary of Bhutan.  28 82.  One of the 8 rgod stong sde of G.yo ru.  List of local monasteries in Vai.Ser. 177.  A kind of history: Ye 'brog [Ya 'brog?] dang Lho brag Mtshams kyi Pho ma G.yu mtsho'i Gnas nas Mgo bzung Lho brag Stod Smad Lwa phyi Nang gi Lo rgyus, listed in BLP no. 1791.

LHO BRAG — See (— —) Mkhar chu.  (— —) Chag pa.  (— —) Chus khyer.  (— —) Gtam shul.  (— —) Rta nya.  (— —) Stengs chen po.  (— —) Rdo lu chung.  (— —) Ba shi.  (— —) Bye se.  (— —) Ye rang.  (— —) Sribs mo ser phug.

LHO BRAG SKU LHA — See (— — — —) Mkha' ri.

LHO BRAG KHOM MTHING LHA KHANG — See (Lho brag) Khom mthing Lha khang.  Sometimes spelled Mkho mthing Lha khang, q.v., also.

LHO BRAG MKHAN CHEN — See (— — — —) Nam mkha' rgyal po.  (— — — —) Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan.  (— — — —) Nam mkha' seng ge.

LHO BRAG GRUB CHEN — See (— — — —) Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan.  (— — — —) Las kyi rdo rje.

LHO BRAG PA — See (— — —) Phyag khri mchog.

LHO BRAG MA — Bon excavations.  For story, see SFHB 740.4 ff.  Karmay, Treasury 154 ff.  253 II 201.4 ff.  Blondeau 89.

LHO BRAG SMAN BRIS — See (Sman bla) Don grub.


LHO BRAG LHA LUNG PA — Waddell 74, 278.  Subsect of Rnying ma.  See under Lha lung.

LHO 'BRUG — The southern branch of the 'Brug pa headed by Zhabs drung Rin po che, q.v., the branch that rules in Bhutan.  Both the northern and southern branches descend from the teachings of Padma dkar po, and the distinction would seem to be based more on political history than on doctrine or practice.

LHO 'BRUG MKHAN CHEN —  =Rje Mkhan po, q.v.

Tre pa LHO MA — Near Skyid rong.  292 preface.  Has mon. which is headquarters of the Tre ston.  253 II 618.6 ff.

LHO MA NGON LUNG — Lhagyal in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 450.

LHO MON — BA 672.  See Lho kha bzhi.



LHO ZA MO — See (— — —) Tshangs pa'i dbyangs.

LHO 'U — In Bhutan.  Lat. 22° long. 92°.  79 83 no. 56.

LHO YUL — Name for Lahul.  The Ladakhis call it Dkar can, while the Lahulis call their area Songla.  79 82 no 51.  See under Gar zha.

LHO RIN PO CHE — See (— — — —) Grags pa yon tan.

LHO RONG CHU — North flowing tributary of Stod lung Chu.  Ferrari 161.

LHO RONG CHOS 'BYUNG THUB BSTAN GSAL BYED — Title of a historical work by (Ri bo che Dpon tshang) Tshe dbang rgyal.

LHO LAM — There is a South Road of Kong po and a South Road of Spo[ bo].  David‑Neel, My Journey to Lhasa 235.

LHO LUNG DKAR DGON 'OG MIN THUB BSTAN GSHAD SGRUB GLING — A mon. f. by O rgyan nus ldan rdo rje, q.v.


LHONG CHEN THAR — N. of a spirit.  167 420.2 ff.







A — Preceding the first or third syllable of a personal name, used to form Khams pa "names of endearment," such as A dga'.  39 14.

A KA — N. of a pl. in Khams.  Das 1341.

A KA PA RA — BD of T&TB I 929.

Ā KA BADZRA — 81 103.3, 115.

Me nyag pa Ā KĀ BADZRA — Time of Skyid lde Nyi ma mgon.  DTK5 184.

A KA MA — Woman who appeared to Sa ra ha.  24 I 42.5.

Bla ma A KA RA — Kālacakra teacher.  475 122.5.

Ā KA RA — See (— — —) Shānti pa.

A KA RA TSANDRA — Alias: Stong nyid ting 'dzin.  Disc. of Mai tri pa.  BD of T&TB I 836.

Kha che Ā KA RA SIDDHI — One of Nā ro pa's seven best known disciples.  57 IIB 344.3 ff.  17 II 275.1.  75 99.  A Kashmiri scholar.  17 II 277.5 ff, 410.3, 438.1.  Dated to 11th cent., he wanted to go to China, but he came to the place where Nag tsho was teaching the Sgron gsal and granted him Guhyasamāja teachings.  He went to O rgyan, as is clear in the biography of Mar pa.  Mtshan tho no. 46.

Sprul pa'i Dge slong A KAR MA TI — DG 211.6.

A KO'I DGON SDE — See Bde chen lhun grub gling.

A KON — An imperial census taker.  Petech (1983) 186.

A KON KHA CHAR CI — A Mongol.  208 I 237.5.

A KYA — The second syllable is perhaps Chinese for 'family'?  =A rigs?  See ISTS 99.

A KYA — See (— —) Gsang 'dzin rdo rje.  (— —) Shes rab bzang po.

A KYA YONGS 'DZIN — See (— — — —) Dbyangs can dga' ba'i blo gros.

A KYA HU THOG THU — See (— — — — —) Blo bzang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan.

A KROM PA — 601 59r.3.

A KSHA LĪ LA — Son of Ha ya lī la.  87 I 249.2.

A KSHA SU RA — City in A ru ba sa.  5 242.5.

A KSHO HI ṆI — 17A VII pt. 1, p. 24A.4.

A DKAR — 7th of the 9 Vehicles of Bon.  T.H. 110.  Tucci, Religions 229.  352 736.10 ff.


A BKRA — 346 24.5.

A mye A BKRA — 471 99.5, 104.1.

Skyu ra A SKYABS — BD of T&TB X 60.9.

Sgom pa A SKYABS — 476 I 52.2.

A SKYAB BLA MA — (1705‑1785)  Aka Padma lhun grub.  Earlier incarnation of Garje Khamtrul Rinpoche.  Garje, Memories 62.

A SKYID — See (— —) Dpal ldan dpal 'byor.  (— —) Bsod nams g.yung drung.

Si tu A SKYID — Invited Chag Lo tsā ba to Mongolia in 1256.  Chag 105.

Su thu A SKYID — Census taker in 1268.  Petech (1983) 186.  Appears very likely this and the preceding are one and the same person.

A SKYID RKYANG TSHANG DGON — Bon mon. in A mdo.  253 II 638.1.  Stod skyang zhes su grags pa A skyid Skyang tshang Dgon Bkra shis g.yung drung dar rgyas gling gi Byung ba Cung zad Brjod pa Shel dkar Me long, by Dri med 'od zer; a ms. was utilized by Thar in Karmay, ed., New Horizons (see its biblio.).  Source of a thangka painting illus. in Berounsky, Lapsed 232.

A KHA LO KHA KHAG — 208 I 238.6.

Ye rang Jo bo A KHANG BU KHANG — 377 26B.6.  A khang u khang in 406 6A.6.

A KHU CHING — See (— — —) Shes rab rgya mtsho.

A KHENG SGOM CHEN — 'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) VI 159.5.

A KHON LHA MO — Chayet in Cardonna, Facets 70.  Evidently this is the same Akhön Lhamo who was recognized in Alice Zeoli by Penor Rinpoche in 1988.

Khrom dge Mkhan A KHYUG RIN PO CHE — Active in 1990's.  A chos 23.

A KHYUNG — N. of (Byang bdud) Klu btsan.  See 232 I 8.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 231.

A KHRID — Originated by (Dgongs mdzad) Ri khrod chen po.  See 262, 342.  It may be regarded as a practice manual for the Gab pa dgu skor.  See A tri343.  Reference to text in Kværne, Canon 20 n. 11.  Lineages, see 253 II 412 ff.  343 and A tri have several texts in common.  Kværne, A Khrid.  The original "Eight or Ten Sessions" version (from G.yor po Me dpal), and the somewhat later "Fifteen Sessions" version (from Bru Rgyal ba g.yung drung) are still today transmitted separately.  Achard in FBTB 36.

Khams pa A KHRUNG — An account of this person's post mortem experience is contained in Three 'Das log Stories, publ. 1977.

Zhang 'gu A KHRO SPRUL SKU — 346 118.4.

A MKHAR — Pl.n.?  338 8B.5.

A MKHAR — A yon bdag active in about 1163.  476 I 54.2.  See Jackson, MB 44, 64 et passim.

A MKHAR — See (— —) Bde chen rdo rje.  (— —) Blo bzang rgya mtsho.

A GA SKRI — N. of Lha ma srin.  Emmerick.

A GA STYA — Agastya.  N. of an ancient sage or rishi.  Das 1342.  Pictured in 128 698.

A GA BA — See (— — —) Bsod nams kun sdud gling.

A GONG MKHAN PO — He originated the Hor sprul incarnation lineage.  Barlocher 396.

A GRAGS — Pl.n.  253 II 624.1.

Ye shes Mgon po A GHO RA'I SKOR — 217 586.7.  463 I 185.4.

A DGE — (18th cent.)  Prob. at least one of the ways of spelling the name of the Manchu general A‑kuei, who led an army against the Rab brtan kingdom.  A general named Dmag dpon Don grub is also mentioned.  See Jackson, Patron 18.

Nyag sked A MGON — (18th‑19th cent.)  440 285.6 ff.  =(Nyag sked) Bu long ma.  =(Nyag sked) Mgon po rnam rgyal.

Lha sras Rgyal bu A MGON — I suspect him to be a prince (rgyal bu) of Glo bo.  116 527.  =A mgon bzang po.

A MGON BSTAN 'DZIN — A principality.  10.

Chos rgyal A MGON BZANG PO — (b. 1420)  Son of A me dpal.  28 19, 62.  TS7 II 1033.  Heller, Hidden 28.

A MGON BZANG PO — (ca. 1450)  King of Mustang.  ISTS 134‑135.

A MGON RIN PO CHE — Bio. published as 'Bri gung Mtshams pa Grub thob A mgon Rin po che'i Rnam thar, by 'Bri gung pa Chos 'byor, LTWA (Dharamsala 1996), in booklet form in 38 pages.

A RGOD ZHIG PO — (late 12th early 13th)  BD of T&TB IX 544‑549.  He was born to a shepherd and an outcaste (gdol pa) mother.  B. at Pu 'bor sgang, known as 'Khrungs lung.  Disc. of Stag lung thang pa.  Seems also to have the name Chos kyi rgyal mtshan.

A RGYA GDUNG — ISTS 18 n. 5.

A RGYAS — P.n.  Sperling in TH&L 459.

A NGES PA CHEN PO — N. of Pham mthing ba.  BD of T&TB I 784, 789.  =A des pa?

Go 'jo Rgya ra Dgon pa A RGYAL BLA MA — 363 117.4.

A CA SRA BA — KB 30.5.

A CO — N. of an area.  Nomads 253.

A LCAGS — Here evidently a clan name of someone called Rtogs ldan A lcags.  Berounsky, Lapsed 179.

A LCAGS 'BRU — Rus of (Lo chen) Tshe dbang kun khyab.

A LCI — See 14 3, 23‑45, 84, 105.  A group of hamlets in La dwags.  Nat.Geo. CLIII (no. 3) 353.

A LCI — See (— —) Brtson 'grus rin chen.  (— —) 'Od dpal skyid.

A LCE — See (— —) G.yu sgron ma.  (— —) Rig ston rgyal mo.

A LCE LHA MO — Tibetan dramatic/opera tradition originated by Thang stong rgyal po in the 8th rab byung (ca. 15th cent.) acc. to Dhongthog 126.  Tucci, Lhasa 39.  Beyer 56.

A CHI THU NO MON HAN — Imperially given title of Ngag dbang mchog ldan (1665‑1751), q.v.  N. of the regent of Tibet during the time that Bshad sgra was prime minister.  Das 1342.  Petech, China 18.  Laura Wein (Laura Weinstein), "Translating the Tibetan Buddhist Thangka (An Adapted MA Thesis)," Tibet Journal, vol. 41, no. 1 (Spring 2016), pp. 9-64, at p. 16, where he authored the inscription on the back of a Medicine Buddha painting.

Mdo smad A CHUNG GNAM RDZONG — Shes rab rgya mtsho, Phyi dar Bstan pa'i Gnas mchog Mdo smad A chung Gnam rdzong gi Lo rgyus Bden gtam Lha yi Rol mo (Gansu 2008), in 122 pages.  See under An chung.

A CHEN — Stein, Recherches 194.

A CHEN — See (— —) Bzang po dpal.

A CHEN RNA BA KHRA LEB — Karmay, ed., New Horizons 386.

Mkhan po A CHOS — See Chos dbyings rang grol (b. 1918).

Ma ban A CHOS — Another n. of Chos dbyings rang grol (b. 1918), q.v.

Gsang yum A CHOS — 363 71.4.

Shing bza' A CHOS — Mother of Tsong kha pa.  Her reincarnations headed the Rwa rgya Dgon pa.  Rock, Nāga Cult I 133.

Hor dpon A CHOS — 208 I 245.4.

Gdams kha'i A CHOS DPAL BZANG — 346 124.1, 125.5.

A MCHOG — See (— —) Dkon mchog bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan.  (— —) 'Jam dbyangs mkhyen rab rgya mtsho (d. 1940).  (— —) Blo bzang thub bstan mkhyen rab rgya mtsho (b. 1944).  (— —) Bsod nams chos 'phel.  (— —) Lhun grub rgyal mtshan.

A MCHOG DGA' LDAN CHOS 'KHOR GLING — In Amdo.  Monastic printery studied by Meisezahl.

A MCHOG DGE BSHES — See (— — — —) Bsod nams chos 'phel.

A JA NAG LCOG DGON — 253 II 638.2.

A JID RMAL — A king of Gu ge.  28 54.

A JO DPAL PO — B. near Bsam yas.  A gter ston who excavated Bsod nams Glang po Stobs Skyes kyi 'Khor lo Zab moBD of T&TB III 498.  Zung mkhar A jo Bal po.  217 492.1 ff.  410 106A.6.

Lho brag A JO RDZONG — Had an incarnation lineage.  8.

A JO RAS PA — Several photos of this Kagyu teacher in Li Gotami, Pictures 6 ff.  The retreat where he lived is here called "Tse Choling."

A JO RIN PO CHE — Often mentioned in 420 72.5, etc.

A 'JAM SPRUL SKU — See =(Sde gzhung) Kun dga' rgyal mtshan.

A 'JIGS — (20th cent.)  Bon monk from Ye shes Mon.  Thar in TS9 IV 166.


Dpon rgan A NYAG — See Lazcano in RET 7 (2005) 44.

A NYAB LI — N. of a disease.  4 156A.1.

Nang chen A NYOG —  =(Mi dbang) Rin chen rnam rgyal.  473 39.

A GNYAN DAM PA — (1229‑1303)  Tibetan figure in time of Qubilai.  383 631.3.  Stein, Recherches 188.  Sga A gnyan Dam pa Kun dga' grags (1229‑1303); see Vitali in Lungta 14 (2001) 15, where there is a portrait.  For his family and origins, see Garje, Memories 61, where his dates are given as 1230‑1303.  The Sga rje region was named after him.  "Sga A gnyen Pakshi" made a 14th century handwritten Kanjur.  Jampa Samten Shastri, Origins of the Tibetan Canon 776‑777.

A SNYEN SHES RGYAL — Ramble in RET 15 (2008) 487.

A TA RDO LUNG — N. of a cave.  KTDN 128.1.

A TANTA PŪ RI — N. of a mon., translated as 'Phur byed kyi Grong khyer.  The name makes reference to a flying monk in the story of the monastery's founding.  BBNP 480.

A TI — One of the three classifications of the Man ngag gi Sde.  See 87 LXXXVI.

Grub thob A TI KA RA — A Zhang zhung name?  Thang stong is said to have met him at Na lendra.  5 57.3.

Rdzogs chen A TI CHIG CHOD — Teaching revealed by Ratna gling pa.  In 87 LXXXVIII.

A TI CHOS SKOR — A ti Chos skor Dkar chag Theg mchog Rin chen Do shal, by the Dalai Lama v, listed in BLP no. 2095.

A TI SPYI GCOD KYI RGYUD — Text in 319 VI 537‑547.

A TI MU WER — Tucci, Religions 220.  One of the Mgon po rnam gsum, protectors of Ti se.  283 preface.

A TI RDZOGS PA'I RGYUD — Text title mentioned in colophon to 319 VIII 121‑133.

A TI RDZOGS PA CHEN PO'I RGYUD — Text in 319 VI 525‑535.

A TI YO GA — Tantras classified in 413 34 ff.

Jo bo Chen po Dbang ldan A TI SHA — Atiśa.  Very often referred to by the reverential title Jo bo rje, and as Mar me mdzad (the latter translated from his Indian name).  Etymologies of the name discussed in BBNP 470.  Most probable dates are 982‑1054.  Waddell 35.  Lived 73 years.  Ferrari 79.  Left India in 1040 at age of 59.  Went to Mnga' ris in 1042.  Died in Snye thang.  Bio. translated by Das in J. of the Buddhist Texts Society of India (1893), but his dates are mistaken.  Acc. to 16 31, his dates are 958‑1054.  Bio. in 17 II 280.1 ff, 354.2.  BA 241‑262.  Dates are 982‑1054, acc. to 127 5.  Bio. in 165 304 (list of his disciples also in the table of contents).  His 3 principal teachers were Rig pa'i khu byug, Gser gling pa Chos kyi grags pa and Dombi pa.  17 II 284.1.  Pictured in 128 30A, 872.  Beyer index.  For his excavations, see 210 82.2 ff.  331 180 ff, has chronological bio.  Works in 36 II.  Praise of Rdo rje rnal 'byor ma in 36 VIII.  B. in 982, acc. to BD of T&TB I 592‑632.  His Chos Chung Brgya rtsa, see 374 I 87.  Earliest biographies given in 374 II 91.6 ff.  Bio. in 410 963.4.  Bio. by Gtsang Mkhan chen in HS VI 1‑430.  Subject of a work by Thubten Kalsang Rinpoche, Atiśa, publ. by Mahāyāna Publications (Wisdom), in 68 pages [a translation of a biography].  Author, 'Phags pa Shes rab kyi Pha rol tu Phyin pa 'Bum Bsdus pa'i Snying po, a short work available in a woodblock print from Brag sgang tog in Solu Khumbu, Nepal [N Tib 72‑903954].  There is a photograph of his tomb mchod rten, about 15 feet high, in Snye thang, in Bell, Religion opposite p. 58.  Metal sculpture, illus. in Precious Deposits II 39.  List of bios. in BLP nos. 0792‑0801.

A TIG CAN — 478A I 108.5.

A TIR GRAGS — See (Mnyam med) Nam mkha' bsod nams.

A TU PĀ — Das 413 no. 45.

Bal po A TULYA DA SHA — In Tibetan tr., Mnyam med bcu pa.  Both 'Khon phu ba and Rngog Lo Blo ldan shes rab heard his teachings in Nepal.  He evidently came to Tibet (?) in the late early 11th century.  Mtshan tho no. 76.

A TULYA BADZRA — Teacher of Khyung po Rnal 'byor.  17 II 427.  BA 729.  See Mi mnyam rdo rje.

A TO DPON SLOB — ?  4X I 33.5.

Khro chen A TOG DKAR PO — 253 II 430.6.

Dur khrod A ṬṬA ṬṬA HA SA — 87 I 252.3.

A STAG LHA MO — Also, A stag Klu mo?  Sister of Byab btsan A khyung.  232 I 8.  Story listed in BLP no. 2096.  A female commander in Ge sar epic.  ZZFC 22.

A STOBS — Khams pa "name of endearment" for Stobs rgyas.  39 14.

Khang ne Bla rgan A BRTAN PHUN TSHOGS — 346 99.3.

A THA'I RONG — Pl.n.  Stein, Recherches 132.  =A sta'i Rong.

A THANG — See (— —) Yon tan rin chen.

Li thang A THAR — Modern A mdo representative.  Ma 'Khyog Drang Thig vol. 2, no 2&3 (1980) 3.

'Ba' nyag A THING — Burmiok Athing.  =Bkra shis dgra 'du.  488 preface, title p.

A THUB — 346 83 ff.

A THUL CI KHA CHAR CI — A Mongol.  208 I 237.5.

A THEG — N. of father of Chos dbyings rang grol (b. 1918).  A chos 6.

A THOG — See (— —) Ye shes rin chen.

A DWA LAGS — Goldstein, History 104.

Mnga' bdag A DIG — BA 605.

A DES PA CHEN PO — N. of a person (?).  17 II 285.4, 285.6.  BD of T&TB I 786‑787.  See A nges pa.

A DON GYI ZAB KHRID — 453 65.1.

Zla brgyud Gnas mchog A DOR — Pl.n.  Gnas yig in 239 XXX 275‑277.

A DRA — [1] In Kālacakra, =Adam.  [2] Clan name, with vars. A ra, Ar.  Stein, Tribus 16.

A DRAG — N. of an area.  Nomads 72, 253.

Sgong A DRAG RDZA PA — See (—) (— — — —) Sangs rgyas rdo rje.

Long ba A DRUNG — For sources on this 'Das log figure, see Epstein in TJ 7 no 4 (Wint 1982) 82.  Called Khams pa A drung in Havnevik, Dissert. 173.

A DHŪ — Short for A wa dhū ti pa, =Kun spangs.  BBNP 470.

A DHO — BD of T&TB I 1001.

Brag nag Dgon pa A BDE — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 117.4.

A MDO — BA ii, xvii, 173, 213, 334, 386, 418, 480, 501, 595, 607, 696, 777, 1073, 1075, 1079.  Bon monasteries in A mdo, see 253 II 636.3 ff.  K. Enoki, "Mdo =Amdo =Ch'êng‑tu," contained in: Orientalia Iosephi Tucci Memoriae Dicata (1985) 319‑324.

A'O MDO — ?  BA 986.

A MDO SGO MANG DGON PA — Or, Gser khog Dgon pa.  Mon. of Bla ma Btsan po.

A 'DA' BAD — Nāga king.  Anavatapta.  =Ma dros.  Emmerick.

A 'DAR — A gshongs ('deep valley') in 5 234.2.

A 'DRA THANG — A swamp in Padma bkod.  See Ian Baker, Heart of the World 264 etc.

A LDE'U RIN PO CHE vii — Also, Grub rig Khyu mchog, Drub mchog Rin po che (1931‑2007)  A wellknown 'Brug pa Bka' brgyud teacher originally from Tshes bcu Monastery in Nang chen.  A bio. and photo may be found at Rigpawiki on the internet under "Adeu Rinpoche."  He was a student of Bsam gtan rgya mtsho (1881‑1945/6).  An interview with him appeared in Chö Yang no. 7 (1996).

A SDE RIN PO CHE — 473 48.

A NA RĀ DZA — Kuijp in TH&L 281 n. 7.

A NAG LDING DPON — 365 479.2.

Dbu na A NANG — Mentioned in Dunhuang document.  Meinert in TS9 II 298.

A NANGGA — Rnal 'byor ma.  =A nam go.  Tib.: Lus med zhabs.  Bio. in 120 194‑196.  She was very beautiful & became proud because of her many admirers.  BD of T&TB I 762‑764.

A NANTA — Mahāsiddha.  Pictured in 128 44A, 62A.

Bal por Paṇḍi ta A NANTA — A teacher of Ba ri Lo tsā ba, q.v.  Seems he was also known as Ye rang Paṇḍi ta.

Bram ze Ā NANTA — (7th cent.)  Pundit at time of Srong btsan sgam po.  17 II 331.5.  BD of T&TB I 435.  "Bru sha'i Bram ze Chen po."  A translator.  BD of T&TB I 565.  Mtshan tho no. 4 (no special information here).

Kha che Ā NANTA — (8th cent.)  17 II 321.2.  Hoffmann, Religions 73.  KTDN 115.2.  320 XXIII 649.5.  There is some problem differentiating the two just given entries.

Gu ru A NANTA — Secret n. of (Gter ston) Dri med kun dga'.

A NAN TA MA TI — BD of T&TB I 927.

A NAN TA SMAL —  =A nan smal.  28 56.

Ā NANTA SHRĪ — Invited from Nepal by Thar Lo Nyi ma rgyal mtshan, they together translated Kun dga'i Mdo, etc.  Mtshan tho no. 117.

Klu'i Rgyal po A NAN TA U LI — Dung dkar 124.

A NAN RMAL — King of Gu ge.  He repaired Rdo rje gdan and acted as donor to 'Bri gung.  28 54, 55.

Ru dpon A NAN ZLA BA — Goldstein, History 478.

A NAM RGYAL PO — Stein, Recherches 113.

A NI MTSHAMS KHUNG — Alexander, Temples 150 ff.  It was founded by a disciple of Tsong kha pa on a cavern (hence the name) where Srong btsan sgam po meditated.

A NU — Clan name of Thon mi Sam bho ṭa?

Ngam shod A NU — DTK5 76.

Zhang rgan A NU — 253 II 520.3.

Zhu chen A NU RGYAL SRAS — 354 4.5.

A NU TA — BD of T&TB I 312.

Khams pa Bla ma  A NU BA — 208 I contents.

Tshe'i Rig 'dzin A NU PA LA — 391 II 212.2.

A NU YO GA — Tantras classified in 413 38.1 ff.


A NO GHA — In Kālacakra, a name for Enoch perhaps.

A NO SHOD — N. of a Turk.  Emmerick.

Bon po A'U RNAM GSAS — Invited from Zhang zhung by Srong btsan.  Ma ṇi Bka' 'bum (1975) I 414.3.

A RNAMS MGON PO — Khams pa "name of endearment" for Rnam rgyal mgon po.  39 14.  The 'wicked ruler' of Nyag rong.  375 preface.  TS7 I 90.

A PA GA TAS GU SHRI — See (— — — — — —) Ngag dbang bstan 'phel.

A PA TRA RA — Acc. to Hoffmann, a name for Orissa.

A PA HOR — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 40.  Other spellings:  A pa'i hor, A bo'i hor, A pha hor, A po hor, A ba hor, A ga hor, U ga hor, O bo'i hor. Langelaar, Chasing 13.

A PAD RIN PO CHE — (1927-2010)  Aka Ku se Gser ljongs Yon tan bzang po.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 102.

A PAṂ GTER STON — See (— — — —) O rgyan 'phrin las gling pa.

A PAR TA MU — Area in Za hor.  BD of T&TB I 944.

Grub thob A PI TA GHA NA — BD of T&TB I 245.

A PI KO ONG — 208 I 239.1.

A PO — See (— —) Byang chub dpal.

Khrom gyi A DPAL — 253 II 226.6.

Mi nyag Mkhas dbang A DPAL — 346 46.2.  Jackson in Lungta 14 (2001) 101.

A SPANG DGA' TING — Rock, Nāga Cult I 144.

A PHAM GTER STON — See (— — — —) Chos dbyings rdo rje.  (— — — —) O rgyan 'phrin las gling pa. 

A PHUR — See under Yongs ldan.

A PHE RA KA — Africa, evidently.  Btsan po No mon han iv identified it with the western continent of Ba glang spyod.  Yongdan, TCW 105.

A PHO CHOS RJE — See (— — — —) Mnyam nyid rdo rje.

A PHO RIN PO CHE — See (— — — — —) Ye shes rang grol.

A PHYI GANGS SMIN — A peak in Garhwal.  Lat. 30° long. 79°.  Height, 25,500 feet.  For the Hindus, it is the mountain of Nanda.  Its glacier is called Rgan phrug Gsum brgya bdun chu, q.v.  See 79 79 no. 34.

A PHYI GUNG RGYAL — Tucci, Religions 216.  Bstan bsrung A phyi'i Sgrub thabs Be'u bum, containing rites connected to A phyi Chos kyi sgrol ma, publ. in 1975, and again in N.Delhi in 1975 in 2 vols.

A PHYUG — N. of an area.  Nomads 253.

A 'PHRED RGYA BYA — P.n.  Yamada, Mu 118.

A BA — See (— —) Rnam gsas.

A BA GA — See (— — —) Bsod nams kun sdud gling.

A BA GARBHA — Avagarbha.  Pictured in Kossak, Sacred Visions plate 33.

A BA GLANG MGO — A hell fiend in an account of the Buddha's prior birth in the hell realm.  Lde'u 15.  CFMS 47, etc.  I noticed this name in relation to the hell Muni among the Six Munis in Rje Grub chen U rgyan pa chen po'i Mgur 'bum Zhal gdams kyi Skor, Dpal brtsegs (Lhasa 2012), p. 160.

A BA MGO LEGS — 124 495.4.

A BA RTOGS LDAN — See (— — — —) Nam mkha' rin chen.

A BA DA RA'I GLING — Das 258.10.

Dge slong A BA DHU TI — Khri srong lde'u btsan's earlier incarnation.  132 90.3.

Rgya gar A BA DHU TI'I GLING — 132 108.3.

Khyung po A BA LDONG — 248 18.4.

Yul A BA WA RI — DG 243.3.

A BA YA DHAN — An Arhat.  Emmerick.

A BANG THAL JI — 208 I 236.4.

Rig pa'i khu byug Chung ba A WA DHU TI PA — An Indian.  Bio. in 165 286.

Ston pa A BA SENG GE — 374 470.1.

A BANTA KA PA — Āvantaka.  Sometimes substituted by Kun gyis bkur ba.  BA 27.

A BAN TI BARMAN — King of Kashmir (855‑883).  Pandey 137, 216.

A BAR — Honorific form of phru gu, it was a nickname of Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho.  Sum pa, Annals 82.  Mention of the name of a Sde pa A bar in Sørensen, Restless Relic 870.  See Rtse chu Gdugs dkar skyabs, "Sde pa A bar ram Mi dbang Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho Gleng ba," tsanpo.com blog, entry for Nov. 13, 2019.

A BAL SHING — A Newar craftsman.  17 III 481.5.

Btsun pa Chen po A BI TARKA — 12 IX 72.3.

Zhang rgan A BU — Zhang rgan A bu'i Bstan bcos.  A Bon work mentioned in 253 preface.  I haven't been able to identify this work or its author any further.

A BU BYA KHAL — A Mongol.  208 I 238.1.

A BU RIN PO CHE — Name under which (Rdza) Dpal sprul is commonly known.  He usually signed his works A bu Hral po, 'ragged old man'.  23 27.

A BU LAGS — Local Khams term for interpreters (lo tsā ba).  Coleman in TS9 IV 36.

A BO CHOS RJE — A name of (Zur mkhar) Mnyam nyid rdo rje.

A BO DPAL 'BYOR — Secret n. of Sgrub mchog bzang po.  210 122.

Khra tsha A BRAG — A patron (yon bdag).  73 429.5 ff.

A BRAG RDZA DMAR — Near Nag chu kha.  TS5 527.

A BLO — Tibetan family name, for a prominent family in Labrang.  Nietupski, Labrang 115, etc.

A BLO SPUN MCHED KYI RNAM THAR — Text title.  Nietupski, Labrang 109.

A BHA'I GTSUG LAG KHANG — N. of a temple.  BD of T&TB I 894.

A BHA YA KA RA — Mahāsiddha pictured in 128 55A.  N. of subj. of a bio. in 243 I 601 ff.  ='Jigs med 'byung gnas.  His school of Cakrasamvara represented in 349 XIII 101‑130.  Appears in a thangka in TPS 599.  Bio. by Blo bzang chos kyi rgyal mtshan listed in BLP no. 2059.

A BHA YA KIR TI — Pratapaditya Pal, A Collecting Odyssey, The Art Institute of Chicago (Thames & Hudson, London 1997), on p. 225, a brass image of Abhayakirti (Abhayakīrti) inscribed thus:  "rje btsun a bha ya kir ti la na mo."  Probably not an Indian, but rather a Tibetan *'Jigs med grags pa.

A BHA YA KA RA GUPTA — I.e., Abhayākaragupta.  (circa 1084‑1130)  A contemp. of the King Rāmapāla.  Translator of 18 works into Tibetan.  See 16 24.  Bio. in 17 II 300.3 ff.  Bhattacharyya, Studies 3.  Author of Nispannayogāvalī.  Beyer index.  Author, Vajriavalī.  See 362BA 1046.  383 309.3.  See Schaeffer in JIP 28 (2000) 376 n. 36, where an 1125 deathdate appears.  Lce btsun Shes rab 'byung gnas visited him at Bodhgaya.  Heller in TS9 VII 47.


A BHI YUKTA — Abhiyukta.  Disc. of Mai tri pa.  BA 843.  BD of T&TB I 813.

A BHI RA — [1] Evidently same as Mngon dga', the Buddha field.  4 51B.6.  [2] N. of a grong khyer in India.  120 181.7. 

A BHIR SMA SHA NA — A cemetery E of Dhu ma tha la.  115 65.2.

A BHYA — Disc. of Dus zhabs Chung.  BD of T&TB I 814.

A DBANG — In title of text in 300 II 565‑572.

Sgom pa A DBANG — 476 I 52.2.

Shāk Rigs A'I DBANG PHYUG — 124 444.2, 445.4, 471.5.

Lho A DBU TA — BD of T&TB X 9.3.

Yar lung pa A 'BUM — Author of Rin spungs Gdan rabs in 488 125‑134.

A 'BUM KHAL — 208 I 238.2.

Chu stod A 'BEL DGON — 253 II 637.1.

A 'BRUG — See (— —) Mgon po bkra shis.

A 'BYANG SNA LEB — Goldstein, History 105.

A RBI YA — Arabia.  Also, Al pa si (al-Fasi, Alfasi, a person from Fez??).  Yongdan, TCW 110.

A MA CHA — Acc. to Tsuguhito Takeuchi, this is the title of a high Khotanese official.  He was allowed to continue his rule, but in a subordinate position within the Tibetan empire (matters were different in areas called khrom, where direct military rule was established).

A MA CHUNG CHUNG — Daughter of Sgrol ma dbyangs 'dzom.  See Mengele, dGe 131.

A MA JO MO — Nickname of Ma cig Lab sgron.  124 455.3 ff.

A MA TĀ LA — Aris, Discourse 17.

A MĀ NA SE'I CHOS SKOR NYER LNGA — 197 ja 8A.5.  Rdzogs chen cycle allegedly invented by She'u ston Byang.  348 36.3.  569 126.3.  See under Sa ma na se.  Teachings given by Skor Ni ru pa to Khyung po Rnal 'byor.  484 II 546.7.  See Karmay, Great Perfection 144.

A'O MA NI BA — N. of Padma dkar po.  I believe meant by it is a young monk specializing in the maṇi mantra.

Glo bo Chos rgyal A MA DPAL — 384 III 166.3.  =A me dpal.  TS7 II 1032.  Heller, Hidden 40.

A MA RA GCIG MA — Sister of Sha ra ba (b. 1070), known for entertaining 8000 monks at a yoghurt festival (zho ston), miraculously deriving all the necessary yogurt from a single goat (ra gcig).  Roesler, KSP 58.

A MA RA TSANDRA — BD of T&TB I 840.  In Tibetan translation, 'Chi med zla ba.  Came to Tibet in late 11th cent., in time of Blo ldan shes rab.  He may or may not be the Rgya gar gyi Mkhan po 'Chi med.  Mtshan tho no. 78.

A MA RA SING HA — Bio. in BD of T&TB I 195.  Nepalese.  466 IV 227.4.

Bal po Rgyal po Shrī Shrī A MA LA DE BA — 116 347.6.

A MA SA GSUM — Bellezza, Divine Dyads 401.

A MI — Lde'u2 158.  Here the word seems to be synonymous in meaning with myes po (or, a myes), 'ancestor', in this case referring to the ancestor of the ordained monks i.e. Dgongs pa rab gsal.  He was a Khampa, and that is why 'nowadays' we call the Khampas A mi.

A MI GUR MCHOD — 'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) X 121.5 ff.

A MI TSI KA LI — A grong khyer17 II 243.

A ME DPAL — (ca. 1425)  Belonged to Gnam ru Khyung po family.  28 17 ff.  Connected with spread of Ngor pa sect in Sman thang in 15th cent.  Ordination name: Bzang po rgyal mtshan.  A mes dpal in 76 2.  ISTS 134‑135.  TS7 II 1033.

Lce A MES 'BUM 'DAR — A lay leader (dpon po) of Zha lu.  Ricca & Fournier in TJ 26 no 3/4 (Aut/Wint 2001) 104.

A MES 'BUM BSTAN — A lay leader (dpon po) of Zha lu.  Ricca & Fournier in TJ 26 no 3/4 (Aut/Wint 2001) 104.

A MES ZHABS — See A myes zhabs.

A MES YOL PHUG — Vitali in TS9 I 93.

A MO GHA — 15th cent. king of Mustang.  ISTS 134‑135.  TS7 I 273; II 1033.

Rgya gar Grub thob A MO GHA — Prophesized at birth of Khyung po Rnal 'byor.  29 61.2.

Dpyal A MO GHA — Early Kālacakra master belonging to the Tibetan Dpyal clan.  Also named Kun dga' snying po.  475 101.6, 117.5, 117.6 ff. (bio.).

Sgra pa A MO GHA PA — ?  See 1 21.12.

A MO GHA BA DZRA — The wellknown Indian esoteric Buddhist teacher in China.  488 534.1. 

Grub thob A MO GHA BA DZRA — 17 II 502.  A teacher, in India, of Ras chung pa.  24 I 213.4.  Teacher of 'Brog mi in India.  17 II 394.6.  In Tib., Don yod rdo rje Chung ba ('the lesser').  Came to Tibet near the beginning of the 11th cent., invited by Ba ri Rin chen grags.  He is also known as Rdo rje gdan pa Chung ba.  Zhang Lo, although old, heard teachings from him.  His disc. Skyo 'Od 'byung founded the Skyo lugs for the Gshed skor.  Mtshan tho no. 52.

Rje A MO GHA SHRI — 487 I 71.6.

Paṇḍi ta A MO GHA SIDDHI — Bio. by Kun dga' grol mchog listed in BLP no. 1275.

A MO NO SHOD — N. of a Turk.  Emmerick.

A MO SI HA — 253 II 382.3.

A MOG THE ONG — 208 I 239.2.

A MYE — See (— —) 'Bum rgyal.

A MYES SKUNG RI — Noble Mountaineer 277.

A MYES STAG LUNG — N. of a mt.  Nagano in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 570.

A MYES THAR SMUG — A local deity.  Karmay, ed., New Horizons 386.

A MYES BYA KHYUNG — N. of a mt.  Nagano in Karmay, ed., New Horizons 570.

A MYES ZHABS — See (— — —) Kun dga' bsod nams.  (— — —) Ngag dbang kun dga' bsod nams.

Smad tshong ma A MRA SKYONG MA — KB 96.3.  TPS 465.

A MRI TU KHUM PA — BD of T&TB I 495.

Slob dpon A MRI TA PRA BHA — 87 I 252.3.  N. of a queen.  Joshi, Studies 16.

A RMO NIG —  =A mo li ka.  BA 21.

A TSA BA — See (— — —) Zhang zhang.

A TSA BLA MA RIN PO CHE — See (— — — — — — —) Thub bstan rnam rgyal.

A TSA YAN — Pollock, Forms 345.

A TSA RA — Son of Yum brtan.  Red Annals 41‑42.

Sprin lha Chen po A TSA RA — KTDN 144.2.

A TSA RA DKAR PO — Referring to Atiśa.  Dung dkar 133.

A TSA RA NAG PO — N. of Dam pa Sangs rgyas.  BA 926.

A TSA RA DPA' SHI — Kuijp in CAJ (1995) 287.  A disc. of 'Phags pa.  He appears as the commissioner of a Mahākāla image made in 1292.  See Heller, Tibetan Art 87.  Bellezza, Divine Dyads 171.

A TSA RA MI GSUM — Their Bon excavations in 261 41‑46.  292 II 449‑570.  301 II 141‑197.  308 preface.  Kværne no. 59.  Kværne, Canon 38, etc.  TPS 727.

A TSA RA DMAR PO — 348 36.3.  In BD of T&TB I 824, he is identified with one Gu hya pradznyā.  In lineage of Thabs lam17 IV 449.2.  484 I 680.6.  374 II 472.2.  502 124.6.  A story about him appears in a hail prevention ritual text contained in Rin chen Gter mdzod, vol. 71, pp. 277 ff.  He passes these teachings, in Upper Myang, to one named Myang stod Ye shes 'bar.

A TSAN TRA A LO KE — 132 54.4 ff.

A TSAR NAG PO SPU GRI THOGS PA — Kṛṣṇācāryakṣurikā.  KTDN B XI 52A.5.

A TSI KA SA DZA — ?  KTDN 69.4.

A TSINTA — 120 33.8.  Mahāsiddha.  Tib.: Dran pa med pa, or Bsam du med pa.  Bio. in 120 105.1 ff, 200.8.  He was a wood seller by caste and very poor.  He couldn't think of anything besides making money.  BD of T&TB I 690‑692.

Rnal 'byor Chen po A TSINTA — BD of T&TB I 641‑642.

A TSINTA PA TO — See Mī na pa.

A RTSA BA — See (— — —) Rnam rgyal dpal ldan.

A RTSA MTSHO — 363 60.5.

A RTSE CHOS RJE — See (— — — —) Blo bzang chos 'dzin.

A TSHE BLA MA — See (— — — —) Dam chos bstan pa.

A 'TSHO RTOGS LDAN — See (— — — —) Kun dga' rgyal mtshan.

A DZI TA'I TING 'DZIN PHUN TSHOGS — See under Ting 'dzin phun tshogs.

A DZI TA MI TRA GUPTA — A n. of Mi tra dzo ki, q.v.  Author of a Tanjur work on dreams: Rmi lam Dri ma med pa Bsgom pa.

A DZI DHA RA TA — 4 146B.3.

A DZO KI — Tib.: Le lo can.  Mahāsiddha with bio. in 120 81‑82.  He was so lazy he fell asleep no matter what he was doing, so his parents left him in a cemetery where a yogi found him and gave him the precepts.  BD of T&TB I 669‑670.

A 'DZIN RIN PO CHE — (1933‑1997)  Rnying ma pa.  Evid. the 4th in his incarnation lineage.  He was a gter ston active in the Orissa Tibetan exile community, in Bhutan, etc.

A 'DZOM SGAR — Rnying ma mon. in Mdo stod with 1 incarnate and 450 monks.

A 'DZOMS 'BRUG PA RIN PO CHE — (1842‑1924)  Dhongthog 113.  Disc. of 'Jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse'i dbang po, Dpal sprul and Mi pham.  CM I.  Snying thig master.  Also called 'Gro 'dul dpa' bo rdo rje.  His 'Od gsal Rdo rje Gsang Mdzod publ. in 2 vols. in 1975‑6.  363 27.5, 38.2.  397 XXIV 392.5.  He represents a 'splinter' incarnation of the 'Brug chen line.  His seat was at A 'dzom 'Brug pa Chos sgar in Khams.  59 preface.  His zhal gdams, see 365.  Alias, Sna tshogs rang grol.  His Rdzogs chen Lce btsun Snying tig gi Skor publ. 1975.  His Klong chen Snying thig gi Sngon 'gro'i Khrid yig Thar lam Gsal byed Sgron me, publ. 1976.  His Gnam chos Rdzogs chen Sangs rgyas Lag 'chang gi Sngon 'gro'i Khrid yig Bde chen Lam Bzang publ. in 1976 in the Smanrtsis Shesrig Spendzod series, no. 76.

A WA — A region near Burma.  See Yongdan, TCW 97.

A WA — See (— —) Nam mkha' rin chen.

A WA DHU TI PA — Atiśa stayed with him from age 12 to 18.  17 II 280.5 ff. Mahāsiddha pictured in 128 50A.  BD of T&TB I 252, 807; X 4.8.  =Rig pa'i khu byug Chung ba, a disciple of Rig pa'i khu byug Che ba.

A WA DHU TI PA — See (— — — — —) 'Od zer dpal.  (— — — — —) Rin chen rnam rgyal.  (— — — — —) Bsod nams.

A WA DHU TI PA — See A ba dhū ti pa.

A WE DI — N. of a hill.  Stein, Recherches 125.

A ZHA — Group of peoples of NE Tibet.  Stein 34.  See under 'A zha.

A ZHE — See (— —) Tshul khrims bzang mo.

A ZUG — N. of Sde srid Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho's father.  See Jalsan, "The Reincarnations of Desi Sangye Gyatso in Alasha and the Secret History of the Sixth Dalai Lama," Inner Asia 4 no 2 (2002) 347‑359, at p. 350.

Gung pa A 'U — Also, Gung pa A'u.  See Sperling, Further 23.  Student of Ras pa dkar po who served as a civil leader.  Called Gung sgom U'u and Sgom pa A'u in Barom Bios. 7r.1, 7v.2.

A YA — A type of priest.  Charles Ramble, "The Aya: Fragments of an Unknown Tibetan Priesthood," contained in: B. Kellner et al., eds., Pramāṇakīrtiḥ: Papers Dedicated to Ernst Steinkellner on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday, Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien, Universität Wien (Vienna 2007), pp. 683-720.  Hildegard Diemberger, "The Buddhist Princess and the Woolly Turban," Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines, vol. 15 (November 2008), 337‑356, at p. 345.  Until modern times they would annually sacrifice a sheep to the mountain god as part of a g.yang 'gug ritual and share its flesh in a feast.

Mu stegs pa A YA — 115 159.6.

A YA NA SI KHO YA — Somalia.  Yongdan, TCW 107.

A YA BON PO — See (— — — —) Lha 'bum.

A YA BAL THOD — Jinpa, Sacred Landscape 51, 60.  See under A ya, above.

A YA DBANG PHYUG — Minister under Ha sti rā dza.  28 115.  A ya may reflect a Gandhāri form of the Saka word azês, which means 'leader'.  See Harmatta in AA 32 (1989) 300.


A YANG KA RA SPAR TA — N. of a mt.  115 123.5, 124.1.

Rgyal mo A YU — Mother of Jo 'ber.  464 32.2.

A YU MKHA' 'GRO — See Bde chen mkha' 'gro.

Dpon A YU JI — 473 29.

A YU BADZRA — See (— — — —) Theg chen dpal 'bar.

Rtogs ldan A YUR PA — See under Lo chen Sprul sku.

A YE — See (— —) Shākya rgyal mtshan.

A YO DHYA — A town in Indian frontier.  BD of T&TB I 367.

A G.YUNG 'BUM — One of 3 divisions of Mgo log.  TS5 395.

A G.YUNG RIN PO CHE — (1922‑1996)  Thar in TS9 IV 167.  Other names are G.yung drung bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan & Gshen bstan mtha' rgyas.

A RA — N. of a section of the monastery of Se ra.  Das 1345.

A RA DKAR PO — Nickname of the Dalai Lama xiii's Chamberlain Bstan pa dar rgyas.  McGranahan in TS9 IV 118.

Bla ma A RA DKAR PO — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 117.5.  =A rag dkar po?

A RA GLING PA RJE DRUNG — 378 II contents.

'Jam dbyangs A RA PA TSA NA — 5‑deity maṇḍala.  349 III 39‑105.

A RA BYANG BAL DUR — A Mongol.  208 I 237.5.

Smad tshong ma A RA LI — A courtesan.  413 145.4.

A RA LI RNYOG PA MED PA'I RGYUD — Text in 319 III 413‑433.  Tantra cited in 502 83.4.  There is a note on A ra li contained in Thor‑bu blogsite (Aug. 31, 2008).

A RAG DKAR PO — See (Mgron gnyer Chen po) Bstan pa dar rgyas.

A RAB SGANG — N. of place in Khams.  Das 1346.

A RIG — N. of a country of nomads in the west of A mdo.  Das 1346.  Arig Rajel Gompa.  See Combe 151.  Stein, Recherches 126.  See A kya (?).

A RIG DGE BSHES — See (— — — —) Rgyal mtshan 'od zer (1726‑1804).  (— — — —) Byams pa dge legs rgyal mtshan (1726‑1804).

Rngod A RIG THANG — BA 548.  BD of T&TB VII 146.  Vai.Ser. 262.

A RIG RDZA — Nomad area.  Nomads 20.

A RIG SANGS RGYAS — N. of a 'false' teacher in the time of the Paṇ chen i, mentioned in 'Jigs med bsam gtan, Kha rag Sgom chen gyi Dgag lan Gnam lcags 'Khor lo (in Sku 'bum print of collected works found in LTWA).


A RU LA BA DZRA — A teacher of Ras chung pa.  24 I 213.4.  This would seem to be a degenerated form of the name Rāhulabhadra, or more likely Atulyavajra.


A RO — See (— —) Ye shes 'byung gnas.

Mkha' 'gro Snying thig Rdzogs chen A RO'I SKOR — 5 48.1.  On A ro Lugs of Rdzogs chen, see 209 IV 663.  Phag mo gru pa did not think highly of it.  73 283.2 (also, BA).  Kapstein, Record 117.

A RO HOR CHIN — See (— — — —) Ming ge thu gu shri.

A ROG — See (— —) Kun tu rgyal ba.

A ROG CHE — Prince of Hsi p'ing.  Petech (1983) 187.

Rgyal bu A ROG CHE — ?  115 130.5.

A ROG SDE — King of Gu ge.  28 56.

A RYA DE BA — Āryadeva.  Disc. of Sa ra ha.  24 I 44.1.  17 II 304.3.  413 108.3 ff.

A RYA PA LO'I GLING — In Bsam yas.  87 I 51.4, 107.3, 276.4, 279.6, 280.1.  132 101.2, 101.4.  210 37.5.

Rgya gar A RYA PA LO'I GLING — 132 108.4.

A LA — Pl.n.  BA 493.

Gnod sbyin A LA MA BHA RA — Story in 476 IV 414.2.

A LA RONG — Birthpl. of Karma pa x.  Das 1346.

A LA LA BA DZRA — Disc. of Dombi He ru ka.  BD of T&TB X 5.5.  BD of T&TB I 420.

A LA HA SUD — A spirit.  Thondup, EL 79.

A LA HU — KTDN 146.4‑5.

A LAG — See (— —) Gling tshang.  (— —) Bla go Rin po che.

A LAG SNGAGS 'CHANG — Sp?  David‑Neel, Au pays des brigands 193.  The name seems only descriptive, not a proper name of the person, although I'm not sure of it.

A LAG SHA — See (— — —) Ngag dbang bstan dar.

A LAGS — Alak is a local A mdo term for rin po che.  Nietupski, Labrang 25.

A LAGS — See (— —) Karma dbang 'dzin.

Tsa lu'i A LAGS — Rnying ma teacher of Nam mkha' seng ge.  416 preface.

A LANG KA DE WA — (A lam ka ra de wa?)  In Tib. tr., Rgyan gyi lha.  In Tibet at beginning of 11th cent., he worked on translating part of the Bye brag Bshad mdzod Chen mo together with Steng pa Lo tsā ba, acc. to the Blue Annals.  Mtshan tho no. 53.

Drung pa A LI — DTK5 189.

Nang gong Dmag dpon A LI MIR — (early 17th cent.)  DTK5 191.  Obviously an Islamic name, his story is told in Pascale Dollfus, "The History of Muslims in Central Ladakh," TJ XX no. 3 (Aut. 1995), pp. 35-58, at p. 36.  He is none other than Ali Sher Khan, son of Ghazi Mir.

A LI LA BAR TA — N. of a great river.  Das 1346.

Rgyal mo A LU — Bka' ma Rgyas pa XXXVI 364.6.

Rjed pha ba A LUG — 363 116.2.

A LO KHA THAL JI — 208 I 237.2.

A LO CHOS MDZAD — See (— — — —) Tshe ring rdo rje.

Rog shud za A LO SMAN — Mother of Tso tang.  206 560.3.

A LYONG DZA — Khotanese queen.  Emmerick.

A SHWA KA BHRIKSHA — N. of a tree (Skt. vṛkṣa) in O rgyan.  115 65.3, 65.4.

A SHWA BHA DRA SNYAN GRAGS BZANG PO — A n. of Nā ro pa.  17 II 253.

A SHAG — See (— —) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan.

A SHI SHAN — Pl. in Khotan.  Emmerick.

A SHU KA SU MA —  =Dru gu mo, the queen.  Emmerick.

A SHU BRAG — Ras chung pa stayed there.  24 I 219.6.

Dharma rā dza A SHO KA — Patron of the second general council.  211 27.5.

A SHO GA LDE —  =A shog lde, q.v.  28 55.

A SHOG LDE —  =A sho ga lde.  A king of Gu ge.  28 53.  Heller, Hidden 27.

A SHONG — A name for Assam.  See Aris, Discourse 17.

Drag btsan A SHOS — A deity/spirit.  SBTD I 236.

A SANG — See (— —) 'Jam dbyangs kun dga'.

A SANG GA BO DHI — BD of T&TB I 927.

A SANG CHE CHEN THAL JI — 208 I 237.1.

A SI TA GHA NA — Originally a Mu stegs pa yogi.  BD of T&TB I 799, 900 ff, 913.

Bal po A SU — (12th cent.)  Mahāmudrā master met by Ras chung pa (1084‑1161).  17 II 504; BA 438.  Bio. in BA 860 ff; 17 IV 431.  24 I 219.1 (compare 17 II 549.3 and BA 566).  17 IV 375.4.  BD of T&TB I 844.  Acc. to Kurtis Schaeffer, Dissert. 128, he was also known as Skye med bde chen.  He was a Nepalese disciple of the Indian Vajrapāṇi who was responsible for the Smad 'gyur translation transmission of the Doha songs.  He settled in Tibet at 'Phan yul, married a Tibetan woman and had 4 sons & 3 daughters.  This was happening around the late 1070's.  Acc. to story in Mtshan tho no. 66, he settled in Sum phrang, and had many lineages of sons.

A SU TA — Thu'u 454.

A SU RA'I BRAG PHUG — This name can be identified with a number of caves in Nepal, Bihar, Sikkim and Tibet.  5 52.  N. of a cave in Sikkim, pilgrimage place for Rnying ma pas.  Das 1347.  KTDN Z VIII 23.4.  Site of first general council (bka' bsdu).  211 27.4.  BD of T&TB I 257, 258, 943.  253 II 579.5.  406 6B.2.  Lde'u2 46.

A SENG — See (— —) Rdo rje brtan pa.

Rga ston A SENG — (12th cent.)  Contemp. of 'Jig rten mgon po.  476 I 51.4.  Probably the Khams pa A seng who was disc. of Zhang Rin po che.  131 391.5.

Bla ma A SENG — (12th cent.)  17 II 403.2.  Skyu ra A seng.  BD of T&TB X 93.2.  Teacher of Phag mo gru pa with the name A sing.  73 283.1.

A SENG BLA MA — (fl. 1571)  Of 'Dzo dge.  TS5 645.

A SENG MA — Text title.  349 XXVI 104‑106.  Sa chen Kun dga' snying po, Lam 'bras Gzhung bshad A seng ma (2004), published in PRC in 2 vols.

A GSAL — Dbang khrid in 325 375‑393.  Zhi ba A gsal.  489 353 ff.

A BSE — 489 613 ff.  Baumer, Tibet's Ancient Religion Bön 170, illus. of image, here clearly a Btsan like figure.

A BSE RGYAL BA — Depicted in TPS 554.  He is mentioned in a Dunhuang text as Srin Ag se rgyal ba. Karmay, ed., New Horizons 388.

A BSE MDUNG DMAR — Ramble in L'Ethnographie (1987) 232.

A BSWE BRAG BTSAN — See (— — — —) G.yung drung dgra 'dul rtsal.

Dpon A BSOD — 208 I 240.3, 248.2.

A BSRE NAG PO — Or, Ab sre.  17 IV 341.2.  Or, A bse.  253 II 606.1.

A HAM — ISTS 137 n. 5.

AH HUM BRGYAN — Mother of Sangs rgyas gling pa.  210 104.4.


Bal po A HUM 'BAR — BD of T&TB III 298.  217 491.3 ff.  In 3rd rab byung383 218.4.  410 106A.3.

A HRU RA JA — Son of Ha sti rā ja.  28 114.

Slob dpon AK SHO BHYAH — BD of T&TB I 313.

Grong khyer AG TSE — 120 161.9.  BD of T&TB I 733.

AG LEN — Or, Ang len.  A dpon chen under the Sa skya rule.  27 8.  Under his leadership the 'Bri gung with their allies, the Stod Hor, were defeated.  Wylie 134 n. 170.  208 I 218.4.

AG LEN — See (— —) Rdo rje dpal.

Srin AG SE RGYAL BA — See under A bse rgyal ba.

ANG GA'I RGYAL PO — Angarāja.  N. of eldest Pāṇḍava brother.  Das 98.

ANG GI MA MCHED GSUM — Zhing skyong ma17 IV 237.4.

ANG GI RI — N. of a mt.  S of Maghada.  BD of T&TB I 577.

ANG GE THAL JI — 208 I 237.2.

ANG GHO RA — Zangs dkar family.  B in L 46.

ANG CHU — A Chinese town.  Also, n. of a river.  443 I 35.2.

ANG LEN — See Ag len.

Mi chen ANYJI LA — 115 164.1.

AN GHAN — Pupil of Shir zhag.  Emmerick.

AN CI YAN — N. of  Kla klo Sde.  Wylie.  See Petech in T'oung Pao n.s. L 339.

Mdo smad AN CHUNG — Site of Gnam rdzong Brag phug.  KTDN 60.6.  "A Documentation Report of Achung Namdzong Cave Temple," by Tanja Rathjen, for Tibet Heritage Fund (PDF placed on internet in 2005).  Horlemann 128.  See under A chung.


ANTA RA PA — Teacher of Ti lo pa.  Siddha pictured in 128 422.  145 V 281B.6.

ANTRA NI — A city on bank of Chandrabhāgā.  115 50.3.  Antra ni la in 115 51.2.

AN STON — See (— —) Rin chen dpal.

AN DHA KA — KB 34.4.

AN SE — At time of Li yul Lung bstan meant Kuchā.  HH.  Not Parthia (?).

AB RKAN —  =Ebugen, Ergen.  Yüan official in 1256.  Chag 105.

AM NYE RMA CHEN — Properly is name of the central peak of Rma chen Spom ra.  Wylie 116.  But surely a more expected spelling is A myes Rma chen, q.v.

AM BAN — Manchu officials in Tibet during the Ching Dynasty.  See Wylie 157 n. 386.  JTL&CT 178‑180.  They were first established in Tibet following the war of 1727‑1728, as observers for the Emperor K'ang-hsi.  Discussion in  Dung dkar 183‑184.  Photo of the Yamen in Lhasa, see Alexandre Andreyev, Tibet in the Earliest Photographs by Russian Travelers, Studio Orientalia (New Delhi 2013), p. 130.

AR — Pl.n.  BA 330.

AR — See (—) Dge ba chos dpal rgyal mtshan.  (—) Byang chub ye shes.

ARGA'I CHO GA — Or, Ar chog.  145 IV 237.1 ff.  Rites for restoration of damaged devotional objects.  226 II 387‑397.

ARGHAM — Skt. name for Yarkand.  NMH 298.1.

Gra nang AR DGE DGON — Vai.Ser. 187.

Mon gar Bying gi Bu AR JI THAL JI — 208 I 236.3.

ARDHA — A gtsug lag khang87 I 284.4.

AR DHO — See Kālacakra Studies 66 ff.

AR BU TA — In S India.  BD of T&TB X 23.1.

AR BYANG THAL JI — 208 I 236.5.

AR DMAG KHA SGYUR — A rite.  Nomads 18.

AR TSA — Pl.n.  N. of a lha ri463 I 60.1.

AR RTSA BLA MA — See (— — — —) Rnam rgyal dbang ldan.

AR TSHO BANDE BCO BRGYAD — 17 II 348.5.  BA 696.  115 7.3 ff.  See Encyclopaedia of Buddhism, the entry "Arī," where an extremely profligate group of Buddhists is described (they were banned from Burma in 1057 CE).

ARYA DE WA — Disc. of Mādhyamika Nāgārjuna and also of the alchemist Nāgārjuna (in which case he is identified with Karna ri pa, q.v.).  Beyer 78.  BD of T&TB I 471‑473.  See 'Phags pa lha.

Rgya ston ARYA DE BA — This must be a Tibetan of the Rgya clan.  Vitali in TS9 I 91.  I think there was an Arya de ba of the Rngog clan as well.

A RYA BO DHI — 320 XXII 82.6.

O rgyan Rgyal po ARYA SI DDHI — Father of Stobs ldan snying po.  413 551.3.

AR SRAS KHAL — 208 I 238.2.

AL LCI — See A lci.

AL THAN — TS5 644 ff.

Sog po AL THAN RGYAL PO — Altan Khan.  Gave n. to Dalai Lama.  Dhongthog 127.  Vai.Ser. 107.  Depicted in Bod kyi thang ga, Bod Rang skyong ljongs Rig dngos Do dam U yon Lhan khang (Lhasa 1984), p. 78, your lower right.

ALPA STHĀ — 87 I 286.1.

AL LYANG 'GI — Or, An lyang 'gi.  Iwao, Preliminary 180.

Ma la ba'i Grong khyer ASBINTA — BD of T&TB I 436.

I MKHAR SPRUL SKU — 415 XI 63.3, 97.6.

I GA PAR PA TA — 449 30.4.

I JI LAG — Title?  Petech (1983) 187.

I LJI GA MA — Also, E jig ma, Il jig ma.  Mongolian princess of 13th cent.  See Kuijp in CAJ (1995) 285.  E lji ga ma in Kapstein, Dialectic 280.

Rgya mtsho I TA — 120 27.2.  Near Kamarupa.  BD of T&TB I 637.

I TRI RI — Sau ri'i Dur khrod kyi Dgon pa I ti ri.  17 II 301.6.

I PHING LAG — 115 161.3.


Mi chen I BYI LA — Ichilig.  Other spellings possible, like Enydzi la, etc.  See Kuijp, Rivers 306.

I BYIL KOR — N. of a tribe.  Takao Moriyasu, New Developments in the History of East Uighur Manichaeism, Open Theology, vol. 1 (2015), pp. 316-333, at p. 324.

I MA SYA — Chimpa, THBI 46.

I MI BCUN DHA'I GLING — 116 74.7.

I SMA BA RANTA — Wylie 58.  Perhaps Mawarannahr, or 'western Turkestan'.  T'oung Pao n.s. L 338.

I LA — Sog po'i Yul.  170 22.5.

I LA WA TI — A river.  See Das 1349.  I la ba ti, Skt. Irāvatī (Irrawadi).  Bhattacharya, LW 356, no. 87.

I LO PAR PA TA — A mt.  =E lo Par pa ta.  115 57.1.

I SHO MA TI — Iśomati.  N. of a river.  See Das 1349.

I SHO LEGS — Son of Spu lde gung rgyal.  Das 1349.  128 836.

Kha che I SI MA LA — Ishmael?  An artist.  438 VII 259.3.

Yul lha Gnyan po I HI HAS RA HAN — 224 XII 469.

ING KA THAL BYI — 208 I 237.1.

ING JI — See under 'Bras spyi Blon chen.

INDRA MKHA' SPYOD — Ḍākinī.  374 I 536.3 ff.

INDRA PA LA — (11th cent.)  King of Sa li pu tra.  120 93.3.  11th cent. Assam ruler.  Kakati viii.  BD of T&TB I 680.

Rgyal po INDRA BO DHI — King of O rgyan.  Alias: Spyan med 'byor ldan.  Alias, Ra tsa ga'u sha.  431 I 161.6.  A king of O rgyan, father of Padmasambhava.  87 I 3.2 ff.  Mentioned in 132 81.3.  For his role in initiating the preaching of Gsang sngags acc. to Gsar ma traditions, see 211 39.4 ff.  For various views on the three Indrabodhis, see BD of T&TB I 955.

INDRA BODHI — Successor of La ba pa who was in turn succeded by Ti lli pa in the 'od gsal bka' babs.  See under Bka' babs Bzhi.  Hoffmann, Religions 53, 54, etc.  24 I 85 ff.  BD of T&TB X 3.11.  115 57.7, 58.1 ff.  Beyer 115, 117.

INDRA BHO TI — Son of Seng ge rnam rgyal.  DTK5 193.

INDRA BODHI RNAM RGYAL — Middle son of Seng ge rnam rgyal, enthroned as ruler of Guge in 1648 & continued until about 1679.  Vitali, Tho.ling 48.

INDRA BO DHI BAR PA — The middle of the 3 Indrabodhis, he was the father of Padmasambhava, King of O rgyan.  413 129.2.

Slob dpon INDRA BHU TI — His Gdams ngag Rtsa ba, on Phyag rgya'i Lam, elucidated by Grags pa rgyal mtshan (b. 1147).  36 IV 613, 765.  Mahāsiddha pictured in 128 27A.  Bio. in 120 115.15 ff.  He was king of half of O rgyan called Sam bho la.  In Tibetan, his name is said to mean Dbang po'i rnal 'byor pa.  There were at least 3 kings by this name.  For the 'middle' one, see under (Rgyal po) Dza.

INDRA BHU TI CHUNG BA — The lesser Indrabhūti.  He was elder son of the 'middle' Indrabhūti, Rgyal po Dza.  Also called Shā tra pu tra.  =Lwa ba pa?  The same story of the cloak is told in BD of T&TB I 253‑256.

Rgyal po INDRA BHU TI CHEN PO — Bio. in BD of T&TB I 117 ff.

Rtsad po U — BA 485.  17 II 533.1.

U KA RA DZA LA — 413 136.6.

U SKYU 'GUL — BA 1002.

U GO — See (— —) G.yung drung 'bum.

U DGU DGRA 'DUL — Terton of the secret This sngags, at the peak of Mt. Ti se.  See entry in Namgyal Nyima's dictionary.

U RGYAN —  =O rgyan, q.v.  BA 230, 517, 526, 669, 745, 962.  Oddiyāna.  BA 242, 359, 361, 362, 367‑368, 526‑527, 530, 539, 552, 562, 598, 669, 700, 701, 745, 753, 846, 853, 858, 893, 949, 955, 962, 971, 1039, 1049.


U CANG THA BU NONG — 208 I 238.3.

U CANG THAL JI — 208 I 236.4.

U CANG THEL LAS KHA CHAR CI — Mongol.  208 I 237.3‑4.

U'I JING THA'I JI — See (— — — —) 'Phrin las tshe dbang mthar phyin.

U JEN — An Indian pl.n., in Tibetan: 'Phags rgyal.  See Dung dkar 21.  I suppose this means the city of Ujjain, in modern day Madhya Pradesh.

U TA KA — N. of an ancient sage.  Das 1349.  I suppose this ought to be Uttaṅka.

Grong khyer U TA DZA YA NA — BD of T&TB I 195.  A ta.  413 126.2.

A par ta mu'i Rgyal po U TA DZNYA NA — BD of T&TB I 944.

U TA U PA SI KA — BD of T&TB I 936.

U TEN — 'U ten?  Khotan.  T.H. 46.

Dge slong UTPA LA — In Jātaka.  128 790.

Dge slong ma UTPA LA'I MDOG CAN — Pabongka, Liberation in Our Hands, pt. 2, p. 235.

U DA I SHA — Birthpl. of A bha yā kā ra gupta.  17 II 300.4.

U TRA YA NA — Udrāyaṇa.  King of Sgra grogs.  27 116.  476 II 330.4.

U DREN DRA ROD CI — A person.  Emmerick.

U DHA KA RA GUPTA — Mkhan po at bsnyen rdzogs of Shākya shrī bha dra.  17 II 305.5.  Could this be Śuddhākaragupta or Śubhākaragupta?

U DHI LI PA — Or, O ḍī li pa.  Tib.: 'Phur ba'i zhabs.  Mahāsiddha.  Bio. in 120 171‑172.  Guru was Karna ri pa whom he asked for a means of flying.  He had to collect herbs from 24 different places and place them in a copper, then a silver, then a gold vessel.  BD of T&TB I 742‑743.

Blon po U NA BI TA — 17 IV 322.5.

Chung ma U NA RIN TA — 373 I 16.5.

Sgom chen U PA — See (— — — —) Rin chen kun dga' rten 'brel rab 'byor.

U PA ṬA — A king  17 II 307.4.

Bo dong pa U PA DE DKAR BA — One of 5 men of Gtsang ordinated under Dgongs pa Rab gsal.  17 II 340.4.

U PA NA HA — Mahāsiddha.  Also, Pa na ha na pa.  Tib.: Mchil lham can or Lham mkhan zhabs.  Bio. in 120 191‑192.  A shoemaker.  BD of T&TB I 759‑760.

U PA YA SHRĪ MI TRA — A pundit who worked with Rong zom pa.  Mtshan tho no. 49.

U PA RĀ DZA — Disc. of Singha rā dza.  BD of T&TB I 261, 302, 950 ff.  His daughter was Go ma de bī.  King of O rgyan.  413 118.3.  LGCM 582.1.  He is portrayed as the archetypical sinful king; see Phag mo gru pa, Gold Ms. I 193r.1.

U PA RIN — In avadāna story.  TPS 490.

U PAS RJA YONG — 208 I 238.2.

U BE RA — See Ma snya U be ra.  Haarh, Yar luṅ 217.

U BYING THI LAS — 208 I 237.6.

Lha mo U MA — BD of T&TB I 274.

Rnal 'byor ma U MA PA TI — BD of T&TB I 923, 925.

Phyag na rdo rje U TSA RĀ — 374 I 177.4 ff.

U TSI TA RA — 223 319.

U RTSA — U rtsa'i Mngon rtogs.  SBTD I 85.

U TSHO RGYAL 'BAR — Father of Sgam po pa.  See =Snyi ba Rgyal po.  57 IIB 353.2.

U YUG — See under She tsu u yug.

U RI — ?  115 140.3.

U RI — See (— —) Rgyal ba tshul khrims.  (— —) Bsod nams rgyal mtshan.

U RU BA SA — A yul near Rdo rje gdan, with a city called Aksha su ra.  5 242.5.  A lha khang where Nags kyi rin chen met Bi ru paksha and his disc. Bā gha la.  17 II 310.6.  BD of T&TB I 896‑897.  Uruvāsa, a branch monastery of Uddaṇḍapura, according to Sanderson in Einoo, ed., Genesis & Development of Tantrism, p. 95.

U RUG BO GA — Panglung in TH&L 407.

U LA KA BI MA STA NA — Although I lost the reference, this is somehow supposed to be a name for Britain.  It seems to me it is hiding in it the word bimaristan, meaning the premodern hospital of the Islamic world (source of the name of the Muristan in Jerusalem).

U LU KHO CI KHA CHAR CI — Mongol.  208 I 237.5.

U LU GROG PO — A village in La dwags.  See 14 119.

U LUNG — 5 171.2.

U SHANG RDO — Also called Dpe med dge 'phel.  A 9‑storied temple begun by Khri lde srong btsan and finally built by Ral pa can.  Near the lower Skyid chu.  ='On cang rdo.  Bu ston 196.  Richardson in JASB Lett. XV (1949) 63.  Description of the modern temple in Tucci, Lhasa 117.  Tucci, Tombs 15‑16.  Ferrari 166.  56 74.

Drang srong gi Ri U SHI RA — Chag 57.

U SHU RI PA — 5 56.6.  Stearns, King 139.

USHMA PU RA — N. of a gtsug lag khang in city Sa ga ri.  BD of T&TB I 362.

Lha bu U SIRBHA — Newari artist of the late 13th cent.  DTK5 104.

Grub thob U SE — In 57 IIB 353.5, a name for Dus gsum mkhyen pa, q.v.  Also spelled Dbus se and Dbu se.

UD DHA DAG LEG— Ud ha dag leg.  Turkish name of a cannibalistic non-Turkic tribe, said to have ox hooves, bodies covered with hair.  Erkoç 300, 307.  Name said to come from words meaning "ox feet."

UD 'BAR GYI RGYUD — Bon tantra in 258 III 265‑311.

Rā dza UD MA KI MA RA — King of Za hor.  467 II 33.1.

UN RUNG BRAG DKAR — 253 II 567.3.

UM LA PA SO NU MUN SHI — 387 preface 2.

UR — Eastern Tibetan royal clan that could claim descent from Sad na legs.  This is known from statements of Karma pakshi.  DTK5 77.

UR TU SU — Also, Ur thus.  Ordos.  The area and its Mongolian people.  Sum pa, Annals 67 n. 62.  List of kings in 208 I 236.5.

UR KUS — 208 I 238.4.

UR SHA — A kingdom.  115 68.4, 68.6.

UL CU THU A BAL — Mongol.  See 208 237.1.

UL CHING NO YAN — Sperling in TH&L 459.

US MA GI — ?  "dam pas us ma gir yun rings bzhugs skad pa / brgyud pa zin pa'i bu slob ci tsam bdog zhus pas..."  Zhi byed Coll. II 312.7.

E — Pl.n.  BA vi.  Das 1351.

E — A temple in Nepal Valley.  Bal yul E yi Gtsug lag khang.  KTDN A VIII 24.5.

E — See (E'i) Ra dkar.  (E'i) Lab.

Bo dong E — See under Bo dong E Dgon.

Byang rong E — See (— —) (—) Nyi ma 'od gsal.

E KA DZA TI — See Waddell 382.  Beyer 49, 52, 54.  194 XIV.  In title in 320 XXX 305 ff; XXIII 98 ff, 193 ff.  'Jig rten mgon po, Bka' 'bum (2001) V 391.3 (one face, 8 arms).

E KHA DA RA THAL JI — 208 I 236.6.

Smad las E KHROM — ?  239 XVIII contents.

E GES LIG U LAN THE MEN ZHES BU RAD — ?  Pollock, Forms 355.

E DGON —  =Bo dong E Dgon, q.v.

E'I NGAM SHOD — Meadow of E, q.v.  124 451.2.

E CID — A way of spelling the name of Egypt used in Dung dkar 16.  E ka phid; Yongdan, TCW 108.

E CHUNG — Pl.n.  BA 597.  124 460.1.  207 4.3.

E CHUNG PHUG PA — Cave (?) where 'Jig rten mgon po stayed.  37 5.  It may be spelled G.ye chung and Dbye chung (Sobisch, Dissert. chap. 14).

E JEL — Pollock, Forms 345.  Identified as the Volga River.

E DHA KE SHA — A yul in India.  132 108.6.

Se ra Byes pa Bla ma E PA — See (— —) (— — — —) (— —) Blo bzang mkhas mchog.

E PA LKUGS PA —  =Hor dar.  One of the originators of the artistic tradition called 'Dod dpal.  23 41.  Apparently his name is intended to mean Epa the Idiot, so very likely a nickname.

Yul E PA TRAR — In India.  120 201.9.

E PA DBON PO — See (— — — —) O rgyan dpal 'byor.

Gru gu E PAG SHA —  =E bag.  Ordained under Zhi ba 'tsho.  Evidently a Turk.  87 I 65.6, 69.6.  Called Gru gu E bag; 132 89.6.

'Gro mgon E PHUG PA — Disc. of Zur phug pa.  57 IIB 370.4.

E BA DRUNG YIG PA — A Karma pa.  12 IX 85.2.

Gru gu E BAG —  =E pag sha, q.v.

E BU DONG — A Chos sde f. in late 11th cent. by Sthi ra pā la, q.v.

E MA RJE BZANG PO — 363 120.6.

E RDZIR DGON — 377 28B.6.

E WAM — Also, E wam Chos ldan gyi Dgon pa.  Sa skya mon. f. by (Ngor chen) Kun dga' bzang po in 1429.  This is evidently the monastery usually referred to simply as Ngor Monastery.  Dhongthog 125.  BA 535‑536.  A gdan rabs of E wam found in 62 204 ff.  E wam Chos ldan gyi Gdan rabs Nor bu'i Phreng ba, listed in BLP no. 2103.

Grub ri E WAM DGA' 'KHYIL — A mon.  29 7.

E WAM LCOG SGAR — E wam Lcog sgar gyi Gnas yig Ngo mtshar Bkod pa Rgya mtsho, by Padma 'phrin las, listed in BLP no. 2102.

Grwa tshang E WAM CHOS GLING — 224 599.1, 647.1.

Grog E WAM CHOS SDE — F. by G.yag sde Paṇ chen Brtson 'grus dar.  Vai.Ser. 142.

Dil yag E WAM DPAL RI — 239 XXX 70.6.

E WAM PHUG MO CHE — 363 23.2.

E WAM ZUNG 'JUG GLING — A Kālacakra college.  224 VIII 533.

E WER — N. of a Bonpo minister.  See entry in Namgyal Nyima's dictionary.


E YUL — District east of Yar klungs valley.  Center of power of Lha Rgya ri ruling dynasty.  Ferrari 126.  ISTS 163.  Also spelled Dbye.

E RA KA BHU MA — Yongdan, TCW 112.

AI RA BA TI — A river.  Wylie 57, 122.  Irāvatī/Airāvatī, the modern Ravi River in the Punjab.  T'oung Pao n.s. L 338.  Kuijp, Rivers 330 (E ra wa ti).  This is, in name at least, identifiable as the Irrawaddy River.

E RA A RO — A person's name, he went to invite Buddhaguhya to Lhasa.  Dietz, BBI 361.  It's difficult to imagine how to understand what this name is about, it could be Turkish as far as I know.


Slob dpon E LA DHA RI — An Indian.  Bio. in 165 301. 

E LA RDA RI — "Son" of Zhi ba lha.  BD of T&TB I 506.

E LA MYANG — BA 507.

E LUM PA — See (— — —) Byams pa bstan pa.

E LO PAR PA TA —  =I lo Par pa ta.  115 56.6.  N. of a mt.  Mt. Ilam, a holy mountain in O rgyan; see G. Tucci's article "On Swāt, the Dards & Connected Problems," East and West, vol. 27, nos. 1-4 (1977), pp. 9-103, at p. 54.

E SAN THAL JI — Dal bying Nu yon gyi Bu.  208 I 237.1.

E SE NA — Petech in TH&L 420 n. 14.

E SE BO DGON — Vai.Ser. 170.

E'I LHA KHANG — 124 458.3.

EG CHU — Kapstein, Assimilation 71, 72.  Said to be an old name for modern Chengdu.  Rolf Stein's Tibetica Antiqua 166.  Sba 7.

ENG KE SI — Engels, as in Friedrich Engels.  BD of T&TB I 1002.

'Bu ENG TSE — P.n.  Coblin in TH&L 87.

EM CHI BLO BZANG — Actuall spelling E mchi Blo bzang.  Ramble in RET 15 (2008) 490.

ER KHE SHA RA — 463 I 202.6.

ER GA 'O — Also spelled, Er ka 'un, Or ka bo, Erga bo.  Mongolian loan, Erke'ün.  It means Christians (Nestorians?).  See Kuijp in CAJ (1995) 282 (n. 18).  Kapstein, Dialectic 280 (E rga 'o).  Dungkar Rinpoche's dictionary, p. 2203 (Er ka 'un), believes it refers to the original non‑Buddhist religion of Mongolia.  Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim discusses this in her article "Re-Visiting Galen in Tibet," p. 363, finding its origins in the Greek word archon. I suppose it could refer to archdeacons or patriarchs.

ER MO NO —  =En mo no.  A nunnery.  Emmerick.

EL CI KEN — TS5 602.

Grub thob O KO RA NĀ THA — Disc. of Go len nā tha.  BD of T&TB I 245, 423, 439‑440.  Later went to Baluchistan and was referred (by the Goddess) to Go raksha.  Teacher of Rā ti gupta.

O DKAR — Pl.n.  BA 183.

O DKAR BRAG — Havnevik, Dissert. 213.

O SKA NO — A nunnery.  Emmerick.

O SKU — Also, O rgu.  Pl.n.  Emmerick.  Zhu, Preliminary 48.

O RGYAN — Uḍḍiyāna.  Stein 57.  The Tibetan is a simple transcription of the Sanskritic name [the retroflex 'd' turned to 'r'].  Swat is the modern name of the area, and this comes from the older form Suvastu.  HH.  See BD of T&TB X 22.19.  For names of its '4 doors', see 115 52.6.  For a lam yig, see 182.  See Combe 174.  Khyung sprul's visit described in 306 chap. 11.  N. of a lam yig in 17 XX 96.6.  According to Ron Davidson (in his essay "Hidden Realms and Pure Abodes," Pacific World 3rd series, no. 4 [Fall 2002] 154‑181, at p. 160), it has now been demonstrated that Oḍiyāna is surely the Swat Valley, contrary to all the other claims that have been made.  An essay on relations with Tibet, see RS 795-799.

O RGYAN — See (— —) Kun skyob gling pa.  (— —) (Zur rje) Gling pa.  (— —) Nus ldan rdo rje.

Ka ci O RGYAN — Also, (Ka zi).  Subj. of article by Mehra.  This official (of Sikkim) attempted to deliver British letters to the Dalai Lama xiii.  438 VI 599.5, 600.4, 601.5, 603.3.

O RGYAN KUN GROL GLING PA —  =Gar dbang ye shes rol pa theg mchog rdo rje.  383 475.4.

O RGYAN KUN BZANG CHOS 'KHOR GLING — In Darjeeling.  See 210'Don cha text published in Darjeeling in 1979.

Sngags ban O RGYAN SKAL BZANG — 87 XXVI 581.1, 600.1.

'Bum Rab 'byams pa O RGYAN SKAL BZANG — 453 83.3.

O RGYAN BKRA SHIS — Garje, Memories 62.

O RGYAN KHYUNG 'BAR RDO RJE DRAG SNGAGS RTSAL — His excavated prophecy in 240 593‑604.  Probably the same as the disciple of Sgam po pa v by the name of Rdo rje drag sngags rtsal, on whom see Sardar‑Afkhami, Account 10 (and see p. 20 for his text on Padma bkod).

O RGYAN MKHA' 'GRO NOR LHA'I SGRUB THABS — Excavated works in 336.

O RGYAN GLING GI DKAR CHAG — Text attributed to or by the Dalai Lama vi Tshangs dbyangs rgya mtsho, publ. in Thimphu in 1979.  On the monastery in Mon yul corridor, see ISTS 12.  Residence of descendents of Padma gling pa.  486 I 148.6.

Yar rje O RGYAN GLING PA — (b. 1323)  B. in Chu mo phag (1323).  An excavator sponsored by the Phag mo gru pas.  T.H. 24.  He excavated the Padma Thang yig & Bka' thang Sde Lnga.  B. in G.yo ru Gra nang gi Yar rje.  D. in E'i 'Dabs Blo chung.  Dhongthog 113.  Also found the Padma Rnam thar Chung ba16 37.  Pictured in 320 XXII 3.  BD of T&TB III 532.  Lived in 5th rab byung383 219.3.  See 27 9.  His gter ma the Bka' 'dus Chos kyi Rgya mtsho is in 87 XXIII.  Bio. in 210 98.2 ff.  At age 23, he discovered a Gter ma Kha byang at the Red Stūpa at Bsam yas.  217 423.7 ff.  410 65A.3.  411 274A.6.  Bio. in 413 388.3.  His bio. of Padmasambhava listed in BLP no. 0341.  Kapstein, Assimilation 165 ff. comments how little can be learned about his life, while the sources are all quite late.

Chos sku O RGYAN MGON PO — (1293‑1366)  Disc. of Sangs rgyas dbon.  12 IX 87.3.  Pictured in Kossak, Sacred Visions plate 33.  2nd abbot of Ri bo che.  Jackson, MB 106.

O RGYAN 'GYUR MED BSTAN 'PHEL RGYA MTSHO — See under O rgyan bstan 'dzin.

Ra khro Gter ston O RGYAN 'GRO 'DUL KUN 'DUS GLING PA — Excavator of Phyag rdor Thugs kyi Snying khu'i Skor, publ. in Bir in 1981.

Sgam po pa O RGYAN 'GRO 'DUL GLING PA — (b. 1757)  Rnying ma pa.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 398.  B. in 1763, acc. to Dhongthog 113.  Sardar‑Afkhami, Account 7 ff.  He composed a work entitled Sbas yul Padma bkod kyi Lam yig, which was photographed by Sardar‑Afkhami.  His biography has been published.  He is considered the Fifth incarnation of Sgam po pa, and is called Sgam po Mchog sprul v.

O RGYAN RGYA MTSHO — A traveling companion of Sarat Chandra Das. McKay in TS9 I 265.  Biographical sketch of "Lama Ugyen Gyatso" in Man of the Frontier, pp. 8-9.

Bla ma O RGYAN RGYA MTSHO — NMH 453.6.

O RGYAN RGYAL PO — See (— — — —) Ārya siddhi.

O RGYAN RGYAL TSHAB — See (— — — —) Nyi grags Gter ston.

'Ba' ra ba O RGYAN NGAG DBANG YE SHES — Disc. of Tshe dbang nor bu.  383 470.2.  384 II contents.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 2108.

O RGYAN CHE MCHOG — See (O rgyan) Nus ldan rdo rje.

O RGYAN CHOS SKYID — (1673‑1728)  A renunciate woman of Dol po.  Kurtis Schaeffer, Himalayan Hermitess: The Life of a Tibetan Buddhist Nun, Oxford University Press (Oxford 2004).

O RGYAN CHOS GRAGS — Author, Gsang bdag Dgongs Rgyan gyi Spyi don, on Smin gling Lo chen's exegesis of the Guhyagarbha Tantra.  Publ. in Smanrtsis Shesrig Spendzod Series no. 76, publ. 1974.  Also author of a lengthy history of Buddhism.


O RGYAN CHOS 'PHEL — Early n. of Ye shes rgyal mtshan (b. 1713).

O RGYAN CHOS 'PHEL — 377 19A.4, 34B.2.

O RGYAN CHOS 'PHEL — Tibetan name of Michael Aris (1946-1999).  See the title page of his book Bhutan.

O RGYAN CHOS 'DZOM — (d. ca. 1932)  TS7 I 366.  Havnevik, Dissert. 104.

Stag tshang ras pa v O RGYAN 'CHI MED PADMA GAR DBANG 'GRO 'DUL GLING PA — See 421.  See under Gar zha.

Rdza Dpal sprul O RGYAN 'JIGS MED CHOS KYI DBANG PO — (1808-1887?)  Rnying ma pa belonging to the Ris med movement.  He was considered the Speech Incarnate (Gsung gi Sprul sku) of 'Jigs med gling pa.  Known as A bu Rin po che, q.v.  Student of 'Jigs med rgyal ba'i myu gu.  He renounced the life of an incarnate for that of a wandering ascetic.  His Kun bzang Bla ma'i Zhal lung is his most popular work, partly written in Khams pa nomad idiom.  Recognized as a rebirth of Dpal dge Sprul sku Bsod nams byin pa, hence the name Dpal sprul.  Author, Yon tan Rin po che'i Mdzod kyi Dka' 'grel Nyin byed Snang ba.  Author, Gtam Padma 'tshal gyi Zlos gar, a poetical work on impermanence written to console a noble of Sde dge whose wife had died.  23 27.  This was recently translated by Tulku Thondup.  Author, Drang srong Gdol ba'i Gtam23 27.  Pictured in 128 686.  166 21.5.  See his collected works in 209363 108.1.  Bio. listed in BLP no. 1335.

O RGYAN BSNYEN SGRUB — A less-known lineage of Kālacakra.  235 introduction 8.  =Rdo rje Gsum gyi Bsnyen sgrub.  17 XX 95 ff.  For origins, see BA 701, and for lineage, see 702 ff.  BA 779, 810, 996.  History & biblio., see 17 IV 432.2 ff.  Dargyay 202.  397 III 296 ff.  The general outline of the teaching is as follows:  The Rdo rje Gsum are the purifying agents of body speech & mind [equated with rtsa rlung thig le gsum].  The Rdo rje Gsum are sometimes equated with Yid bzhin Nor bu Gsum (Tilopa's teaching). 

1. brgyud:  Transmission of precepts of Sprul sku.  phyi.

2. smin lam.  Long sku precepts of inner experience.  nang.

3. grol lam.  Direct cognition of Chos sku.  gsang.

The Rdo rje Gsum was passed on in Karma pa Kālacakra circles from Rang byung rdo rje (see BA).  Bio. of O rgyan pa by Zla ba seng ge, pp. 62.3, 63.6, 111.7, 112.3, 118.7 ff.  For texts, see 36 X and 36A XV.

Grub sras O RGYAN STOBS RGYAL — Alias of Padma bkra shis, q.v.

O RGYAN BSTAN 'PHEL — (19th cent.)  Brother of Gsang sngags bstan 'dzin.  Rnying ma pa.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 427.

O RGYAN BSTAN 'DZIN — (1708-sometime after 1767)  Bio. in 396.  =Padma o rgyan bstan 'dzin, Padma lhun grub bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho, O rgyan bstan 'dzin 'phrin las klong yangs dpal bzang.  Kailash VII 105, etc.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 167.  A section from his biography translated by Walter in TJ 29 no 2 (Summ 2004) 26.  He was an adopted child of Gter bdag gling pa.  His actual father was Rig 'dzin Nyi ma grags pa.  Called O rgyan bstan 'dzin grags pa and Gu ru Bsod nams bstan 'dzin.  Gter bdag gling pa gave him the name O rgyan 'gyur med bstan 'phel rgya mtsho.  It has been said he only lived 27 years.  Cuevas, Hidden History 168 (but note that here his dates are given as 1701‑1728), 202.

O RGYAN BSTAN 'DZIN — 226 I 12.2.

Kham bu pa O RGYAN BSTAN 'DZIN — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 119.1.

Rtogs ldan U RGYAN BSTAN 'DZIN — (1888‑1962)  Paternal uncle and teacher of Namkhai Norbu.

Dpal O RGYAN BSTAN 'DZIN — (1523‑1560)  Cuevas, Hidden History 124.

Rtsa ri O RGYAN BSTAN 'DZIN — In colophon in 334.

O RGYAN BSTAN 'DZIN 'JIGS MED LHUN GRUB — (b. 1993)  Reincarnation of Dil mgo Mkhyen brtse Rin po che.  He is son of Mchog gling Rin po che (b. 1953), and grandson of O rgyan Rin po che (1920‑1996).  Berg in NTFC 9, 12‑13.

Zhabs drung Mkhan chen O RGYAN BSTAN 'DZIN RDO RJE — 453 229.3.  Achard, L'Essence 83.

O RGYAN BSTAN 'DZIN NOR BU — Comm. publ. 1979 in Paro.

Rgyal tshab O RGYAN THEG MCHOG RDO RJE — Disc. of 'Ju Mi pham.  Lived in late 19th to early 20th cent.  Subject of bio. by Dis mgo Mkhyen brtse (Collected Works, vol. 1, pp. 208‑274, including information on the disciples) entitled, Mkhas shing Dngos grub Brnyes pa'i Rdo rje'i Rig pa 'Dzin Dbang 'Gyur med padma rnam rgyal dpal bzang po Slob brgyud dang bcas pa'i Rnam thar Nyung ngur Brjod pa Ngo mtshar Zla ba Bdud rtsi'i 'Dzum phreng.

O RGYAN DON GRUB — "Ugden Thundup Lal," a young man of Darjeeling who was educated in English school, and served as Vanderhoef's interpreter.  A photo is preserved in the latter's collection.

Sna nam Skyes sprul O RGYAN DRI MED — Modern.  A chos 30.

Sgam po O RGYAN BDUD 'DUL GLING PA — My suspicion is this name is a mistaken or alternative form of Sgam po O rgyan 'gro 'dul gling pa (b. 1757).  Cameron David Warner, "Re/Crowning the Jowo Śākyamuni: Texts, Photographs and Memories," History of Religions 51 no 1 (Aug 2011) 1‑30, at p. 17.


O RGYAN BDE CHEN GLING PA — (1514‑1545)  BD of T&TB III 750.  B. in Gro shul tsha lung.  Author of an important Dkar chag to the Bon Canon (making it perhaps the earliest extensive listing).  474 284.2.

O RGYAN MDO SNGAGS GLING PA — A n. of Klong gsal snying po, q.v.  BLP no. 0346.

O RGYAN RDO RJE — Chant master (dbu mdzad) of Rtsa ri Cig char.  363 121.2.  226 II contents.

O RGYAN RDO RJE — Nephew of the Zhabs drung in Bhutan.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 249.  His 4 daughters all married the present King.

O RGYAN RDO RJE — Rnying ma pa.  11th in the incarnation lineage of Ta'i Si tu Rin po che.

Ding ri ba O RGYAN RDO RJE — 363 119.2.  He is surely to be identified with Dkar leb Drung yig Padma rdo rje (b. 1858), who was born in Ding ri, and who has the alternative name O rgyan rdo rje.

O RGYAN NOR BU — Younger brother of Stag sham rdo rje.  383 476.5.

O RGYAN GNAM LCAGS — A Dur bon master who, according to Hansard, discovered him on the beach in New Zealand at the age of four and taught him everything about Bon funerary (dur) teachings, which then establishes Hansard as an expert in Bon medicine.

O RGYAN RNAM GROL — A jailor of the Reting Rinpoche.  Goldstein, History 507.

O RGYAN RNAM GROL — Rnying ma pa teacher of Tshe dbang nor bu.  383 448.5, 451.1.  453 51.1.  Was a gzims dpon in about 1711.

O RGYAN RNAM GROL DBANG PO — This name appears in a scroll that was enclosed in a Guru Rinpoche image dated to about 18th century (the name of Brag dkar Bkra shis sdings occurs in the content as well; this is a monastery in Sikkim).  See Sotheby's, Indian, Himalayan and South East Asian Art, London auction catalogue (13‑14 June 1988), p. 50.

'Khrul zhig O RGYAN RNAM RGYAL — (19th cent.)  Author of a Sems khrid text entitled Bskal bzang Thar pa'i Them skas, publ. in 1985, based on Rdzogs chen teachings of Zhabs dkar Tshogs drug rnam grol.  TBRC dates him to 19th century.

Lho Rje drung Rig 'dzin O RGYAN NUS LDAN RDO RJE — (recent)  Work in 336 425‑495.

O RGYAN PA — See (— — —) Ngag dbang rgya mtsho.  (— — —) Rin chen dpal.  (— — —) Seng ge dpal.

E pa Dbon po O RGYAN DPAL 'BYOR — Scribe in about 1690.  458 I 228.4, 335.3.

Rlung ston pa O RGYAN DPAL BZANG — (17th cent.)  A teacher of Shākya bzang po (16th cent.??).  BD of T&TB III 526.  Disc. of Bdud 'dul rdo rje (1615‑1672).  Kailash VII 80.  =O rgyan bstan 'dzin.  He founded Sku tshab gter lnga mon. in Nepal.  Snellgrove, Asian Commitment 151.

O RGYAN SPRUL PA'I GLEGS BAM — Text title.  TS5 47.

Bā gnas Bla ma O RGYAN PHUN TSHOGS — (19th cent.)  375 preface.

O RGYAN PHUN TSHOGS — See =Khyung grags rdo rje.  Active in circa 1673.  458 I 131.2, 310.6.

A paṃ Gter ston O RGYAN PHRIN LAS GLING PA — (20th cent.)  Avalokiteśvara work, publ. 1978 in Thimphu.  Tshig Bdun Zab Sgrub Chos Skor, publ. 1973.  'Phrin las gling pa, O rgyan 'phrin las gling pa Rab byung Bcu drug pa'i Nang tshan Bskal pa Sa Yos Lor Lha ldan du Phebs pa'i Lo rgyus Gsal ba'i Sgron me (ms. in 19 pages, medium-length format folios, LTWA KA 3/27/2250).

Lung rig Smra ba O RGYAN PHRIN LAS BSTAN 'DZIN — Also, (Mdo khams).  383 470.2.  384 I contents.

O RGYAN 'PHRIN LAS — The Zhwa nag Karma pa xvii.  Garratt in TS9 VIII 92.

A pham Gter ston O RGYAN 'PHRIN LAS GLING PA — His Gter Chos in 4 vols. publ. 1976.  Bernbaum 68.  See under Chos dbyings rdo rje (his other name).

O RGYAN BLO GROS — 365 26.1.

O RGYAN DBANG PHYUG — (20th cent.)  Bhutanese king, reigned 1907 to 1926.  Aris, Boneless Tongue 160.

O RGYAN DBUS RI — 253 II 580.4.

Grwa phyi O RGYAN SMIN GROL GLING — 12 XV 379.4.

O RGYAN RTSE MO — Mon. in Bhutan.  Cuevas, Hidden History 141.


Mkhan zur O RGYAN TSHE BRTAN — (20th cent.)  He was age 76 in 1991 (it is possible he could be the same as the following entry).  Biographical sketch in Chö Yang (Year of Tibet Special Edition, 1991) 83.

Dge bshes O RGYAN TSHE BRTAN — (1914-2007)  He studied at Se ra and Rgyud smad.  In 60's and 70's he taught at Rikon in Switzerland, and in 2000 he was teaching in Hamburg, finally retiring in India.  His reincarnation was recognized in 2009.  He is also called O rgyan Rin po che.

O RGYAN TSHE 'PHEL — N. of (Rig 'dzin) 'Phrin las lhun grub.

O RGYAN TSHE 'PHEL — Early, pre ordination name of Ye shes rgyal mtshan (b. 1713).

O RGYAN TSHE RING — 59th in royal line of Gling tshang.  TS5 811.

Yar 'brog O RGYAN MTSHO MO — A woman mentioned in the autobio. of Dalai Lama v.  Chayet in Cardonna, Facets 76.

Rta nag O RGYAN RDZONG — A place where Thang stong rgyal po went from Snar thang.  5 255.6.

Grub dbang O RGYAN GZHAN PHAN MTHA' YAS — (1817‑1875)  Grub pa'i Dbang phyug Chen po Rig pa'i Rnal 'byor O rgyan gzhan phan mtha' yas Rin po che Nyid kyi Nyams mgur Dmar khrid Thos grol Ye shes Sgrom bu, a collection of his songs, publ. in 145 pp. in N.Delhi in 1979.  He was from Khams Ri bo che.

O RGYAN BZANG PO — 410 116B.3.  An alias of Rdo rje gling pa.  413 355.5.  A little brother of Padma gling pa.  486 I 144.5.

O RGYAN BZANG PO — A Bon monk who brought tribute to Ming court from G.yung drung lha sdings in 1466.  TS7 I 331.

Zangs dkar ba O RGYAN RANG GROL — Disc. of Shākya shrī.  363 122.3.  415 XI 80.2.  420 I 281.4.

O RGYAN RANG GROL RDO RJE 'JIGS MED GO CHA — Bio. by Kun bzang gsang sngags bstan 'dzin listed in BLP no. 2110.

O RGYAN RANG BYUNG RDO RJE TSHE DBANG GRUB PA RTSAL — (19th cent.)  Rnying ma pa.  Bio. in BD of T&TB IV 474.

Yab rje'i Mchod dpon O RGYAN RAB DGA' — 453 100.4.

Dge slong O RGYAN RAB BRTAN — 453 83.4, 92.3, 105.1.


O RGYAN RIN PO CHE — (late 19th 20th cent.)  Appears in colophon in 334.  Teacher of Zhwa nag xvi.  TR XVI — (no. 11) 6B.

O RGYAN ROG RJE GLING PA — (b. 1682)  Rnying ma pa.  BD of T&TB IV 415. An extensive bio of Padmasambhava listed in BLP no. 0334 (see also no. 0337).


O RGYAN LHUN GRUB — 420 I 195.3.

Gter dbon O RGYAN LHUN GRUB — A teacher of Tshe dbang nor bu.  383 454.3, 470.1.

O RGYAN LHUN GRUB RGYA MTSHO — For biographies, see the three listed by Mathes in JNRC 12 (2001) 187.

O JU DU THAL JI — 208 I 237.2.

O TANTRA GTSUG GI NOR BU'I GTSUG LAG KHANG — Odantapuri Monastery, where Nā ro pa met Ti lo pa.  17 II 258.4, 306.2.  87 I 256.6.  BD of T&TB I 935‑937.

O STE RO PA — Indonesia.  Yongdan, TCW 103.  My first guess is it would mean Öst Europa.

Byang phyogs O ḌI — BD of T&TB X 9.16, 24.11.

Nub O ḌI YA NA — BD of T&TB X 9.2.  See under O rgyan.

AU ḌI YĀ NA PA — See (— — — — —) Ngag dbang rgya mtsho.

O ḌĪ LI PA — See U dhi li pa.

O ḌI SHA — Pl.n.  BD of T&TB I 902.

Nub phyogs O ḌE BI SHA — 145 V 278D.4.  Birthpl. of Sa ra ha.  BD of T&TB I 159, 385.

O DON —  =Khotan.  See 82 91.

O DON KA — Conquerer of Hor in 8th century?  DTK5 180.

O BYANG — A county in Ru thog district.  Khenrap in TJ 25 no 4 (2000) 35.

Sangs rgyas Ston pa O MO BA — (d. 1253)  Bka' gdams pa.  BD of T&TB V 123.

O TSA YA NA — Pl.n.  17 II 258.4.  17 IV 350.2.

O RA MA — Vai.Ser. 224.

O RO SU — Russia.  Thuken 376.

Sde pa O RONG PA — Active in about 1712.  466 IV 415.6.  He seems to have been a patron of Chos rje gling pa.

O RONGS — N. of an area.  363 181.1.

O ROD — See under O lod.  Oirat, Ölöt.  Thuken 376.

O ROD THA BU NONG — Mongol.  208 I 237.5, 237.6.

O LA PA TI'I LAM SKOR — Cycle on the path of Olapati, by Nag po pa.  BD of T&TB X.

O LOD — Also, O'i lod.  Tibetan form of Ölöt (or, Oirat).  The four O lod Mongol tribes are, 1. Ho shod (Qosūt).  2. Ju 'ung gwar (Zunghar).  3. Dörbet.  4. Torgut.  Sum pa, Annals 59.

O LON DHE — Holland.  Aris, Discourse 51.

Bla ma O SHA BA — BD of T&TB IX 553.

O SHIB — In Btsan po No mon han's geography and medical text, this is his way of referring to Joseph Kowalewski (1801-1878).

O SHO — One of the earliest kings of Tibet, of the dynasty of Sa'i Legs.  Das 1352.  I doubt he had anything to do with Rajneesh (he later called himself Osho, although this was just an old Sogdian name for Shiva, I believe).

O Ā THA — The primordial physician.  KB 40.3.

Byar OG OG — CFMS 79.  A place in Bya.

ONG GOR KHAL — 208 I 239.2.

ONG JO — Name of imperial period queen native to China.  Also spelled Ong cong, etc.

Ma gcig ONG JO — A disc. of Khyung tshang pa, she was evidently named after the famous queen.  BA 443.  Bio., presumably by Zhang Lo tsā ba, in 74 175‑176.

ONG PO — BA 919.

ONG PO LO TSĀ BA — The Early Transmission (Bka' babs Snga ma) was bestowed on him by Pha dam pa Sangs rgyas.  BA 871.  Od po Lo tsā ba in 17 II 423.4.  BD of T&TB I 855.

OṂ MA ṆI PADME HŪṂ — The famous mantra.  An article "The Significance of the Six Syllable Mantra Om ma ni pad me hum," by Kyabje Yonzin Trijang Dorje Chang Losang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso Pal Zangpo, in TJ VI, no. 4 (Winter 1982).  Article by Klaproth in JA 7 (1831) 185 ff.  Article by Francke in JRAS (1915) 397 ff.

OR KO THAL THA BU NONG — Mongol.  208 I 237.6.

Chu klung Chen po OR RGI — SBTD I 185.

OR GO THAL ONG — 208 I 238.2, 239.2.

OR NYONG — A mon. in Khotan.  Emmerick.

OR BI PA — One of the yul sde lnga in S India.  BD of T&TB I 778.

OR MYONG NAG — See Kus pa'i.

OL CHOS THAL SHI — 208 I 238.3.

OL JE THU — DTK5 112.

OL LTAG DGON — Vai.Ser. 234.

OL DO HA'I CHOS SDE — 208 XII 457.

OL BYO NAL SHES BYING — Mongol.  208 I 238.1.