Tianxing Zhou


Undergraduate Student

Department of Physics

My fascination with astrophysics began one summer in high school after reading Liu Cixin's novel 'The Three-Body Problem,' which opened my eyes to the vastness and endless possibilities of the universe.

Research Interest: Stellar Astrophysics, Exoplanets, Machine Learning in Astrophysics



BS, Physics w/ specialization in Astrophysics

University of California, San Diego  2020-2024  [La Jolla, CA]

I am a 4th-year undergraduate student at the University of California San Diego. My research interests involve studying stars and exoplanets, as well as machine learning in astrophysics.


Awards & Honors

2021 Undergraduate Summer Research Award ($7500)

2023 Triton Research & Experiential Learning Scholars ($5000)