Humanizing Online STEM Showcase
Thy Nguyen, MLT instructor at Saddleback College
This site provides examples of instructional resources created in the Humanizing Online STEM Academy, a professional development program funded by the California Education Learning Lab and administered by the Foothill DeAnza Community College District.
Where I was.
I was a new instructor who enter the profession in the middle of Covid where not only I had to learn how to teach, but also had to learn how to teach online with Canvas. I am a content expert but once I start teaching, I know I have so much to learn. Knowing how to use Canvas is one thing, but mastering Canvas and making sure my students know that I am here for them through the online learning environment is another thing.
Where I am.
This course has provided me with many invaluable lessons. I learn so many new techniques and applications that I can use to make my Canvas shell not only look better but also warm and welcoming. After the course, I now have a brand new homepage and a liquid syllabus that I can implement in my class right away.
Where I am going.
After this course, I will continue to explore ways to humanize my online classes to help my students succeed, even if they never had an online course before. I will continue using Liquid Syllabus to establish trust and help the students navigate the course better. I will also implement the micro-lectures and the course bumpers because I realize these are fantastic tools to help students grasp sticky concepts.
Liquid Syllabus
My liquid syllabus starts with a friendly welcome video to let students see me as a person first before a professor. It also provides clear expectations both from me and from the students about the class. The liquid syllabus also provides links to necessary websites, in case the students are not used to navigating the school home page. And the most important thing is, the liquid syllabus brings all the important information and due dates of week 1 to prepare the students for a good start.
Course Card
This course card represents our class very well, as it shows various equipment to be used in the lab. I think this course card is suitable for the title of the class: Basic Laboratory Procedures.
The homepage is my humanizing touch as it shows a nice welcome passage when the students first open up the Canvas shell. It also has a link that takes them directly to the liquid syllabus where the humanizing element shines even more.
Getting to Know You Survey
The "Getting to know you" survey is a way for me to know how my students prefer to be contacted, to receive feedback, and other elements that will help me help them succeed in the course.
Ice Breaker
This Ice Breaker is assigned on the first week of class to help students get to know each other. The online environment can make students feel isolated at times so this assignment helps them build a community and have a sense of belonging. With the video, they can see their peers and learn about them better.
Bumper Video
This course bumper serves as an introductory video that explains the concept of dilution and it leads nicely to the main lecture portion of the week.
I choose to explain how to differentiate different pipettes in my microlecture because it is important to know how to choose the right pipettes and when to use which type. The microlecture helps isolate 1 important concept and helps students pay attention more to this concept.