Download Image Color


Basically I am trying to convert the below output image to color(RGB). The image that this code currently outputs is grayscale, however, for my application I would like it to be output as color. Please let me know where I should convert the image.

This is currently set up to expect a grayscale image as input. I think that you are asking how to adapt it to accept a colour input image and return a colour output image. You don't need to change much:

The cvtImage routine will simply copy your gray element to each of the three elements R, G, and B for each pixel. In other words if the pixel gray value is 26, then the new image will have R = 26, G = 26, B = 26.

If indeed you want color to appear in the image (when you view it), this is truly impossible to go from grayscale back to the ORIGINAL colors. There are however means of pseudo-coloring or false coloring the image.

I'm including a number of PDF images in my document using \includegraphics. I'm wondering if there's a way for LaTeX to adjust their color profile, hopefully the same way it can flip images upside down, resize, and crop, as here: _Graphics#Including_graphics

Let me detail a little more my desired outcome, in case there's another way to achieve this:The images are brightly colored---I'd like to reduce color levels, or possibly render them grayscale, and I'd prefer to not have to do external pre-processing, if this is possible.

No, \includegraphics can't change the image color. You need to use an external image editor. The graphics/graphicx packages are more or less just interfaces which pass the image to the output driver, like dvips or pdftex. Therefore you are limited to the features provided by these drivers. Image manipulation is not part of these drivers and even if it would be very difficult to have an identical interface for these in graphics/graphicx.

For anything except resizing, trimming/clipping and rotating you need to use an external image editor. However, using PGF/TikZ you can place some overlays before and behind the image. If the image has transparent parts you could add a background color etc.

However: this fails in some cases when the color model is cmyk; and this does not allow to change the color space from whatever color space the image has. My impression is that changing the color space from within pdfTeX (i.e. turn grayscale to rgb, or rgb to cmyk, etc.) is impossible.

Grayscale is the easiest. Say we want to reduce contrast and make the image overall darker. We'll map black (0) to some dark gray (0.2) and white (1) to some lighter gray (0.5). This is done using decodearray={0.2 0.5} (braces can be omitted).

For an rgb example we can use hacker.jpg from the ConTeXt examples. For a cmyk example, create a copy of example-image.jpg with this color space; I used the convert command-line tool from imagemagick:

Note that for the rgb color profile the /Decode array contains 6 numbers, and for cmyk, 8 numbers. Each pair of numbers describes the linear transformation to operate on the corresponding channel. The first array thus imposes the amount of red, inverts the amount of green light, and puts lots of blue.

Why is the second /Decode array there? Well, there appear to exist two types of cmyk, with slightly different conventions on whether white should be all zeros or all ones, and pdfTeX is clever enough to detect things and insert the appropriate /Decode array: without it, (some?) jpg images in the cmyk color space would be displayed and printed with inverted colors.

NB: In general, it is better practice not to include the file extension in the argument of \includegraphics, but since there is a need here to know color spaces precisely, so I don't want to worry about getting a png instead of jpg, or whatever.

I ran into this issues for jpg and was able to use the decodearray to achieve my desired results. Unsure how it works with pdf. It seems by setting all arguments, besides the first one to .5 the color is washed out. The first argument allows you to change the darkness. 1 gives you inverted and 0 is extremely dark.

I noticed that when I place a white or black UIImage into a UISegmentedControl it automatically color masks it to match the tint of the segmented control. I thought this was really cool, and was wondering if I could do this elsewhere as well. For example, I have a bunch of buttons that have a uniform shape but varied colors. Instead of making a PNG for each button, could I somehow use this color masking to use the same image for all of them but then set a tint color or something to change their actual color?

As of iOS 7, there is a new method on UIImage to specify the rendering mode. Using the rendering mode UIImageRenderingModeAlwaysTemplate will allow the image color to be controlled by the button's tint color.

______________ appear in their respective image colors. Setting the button type to "System" in the storyboard (or to 1__________________ in code), will render the button's image with the default tint color.

2____________Now you can also just the rendering mode of the image in your .xcassets to Template Image and then you don't need to specifically declare it in the var exampleImage anymore


Make sure you don't set the foreground color of the UIButton in Attributes Inspector(see image).Otherwise, if you set it, it will ignore all programmatic configurations!

Hi Tom,

thanks for the replay.

Unfortunately I am quite new to the world of webflow and to the world of web design/programming in general.

The CSS method is not really possible right now.

So is there a way by using the webflow interface to upload a gray image and a colorful one then swap them?

JPEG, VP8, the MPEG family and other codecs use this color model. Suchcodecs often use the terms YUV and Y'CbCr interchangeably, but strictlyspeaking, the term YUV applies only to analog video signals, and Y' (luma)is Y (luminance) after applying gamma correction.

This is what Photoshop tells me when I open the image:

The image uses CMYK colour space. The idea of CMYK is to ensure that it is printable in a colour printing process, but otherways it has a smaller gamut and bigger file size than RGB.

To clarify, I cannot just use the get_channel_names function and assume color is always the same on each channel, since our images often use different colors on different channels depending on the type of probe being used.

You can enforce the colors if you like (see below). Depending on which functions are in your batch processing, you may lose the color information (i.e. applying a median filter will cause a single color channel to become greyscale; merging this with other channels can then result in the default colors being applied).

You can adjust the colors after the fact if you are putting images together for a presentation or similar. To modify a LUT within FIJI, you can use the plugin here. Alternatively, you can check the LUTs folder of your FIJI/ImageJ installation, which includes all of the LUTs you already have downloaded. To add a new one, you can simply add it to that folder, and then you will find it as an option the next time you open the program.

This is already answered in my prior response. Please try the method described following the link to the LUT editor plugin. All you have to do is work through the steps and it will be directly able to be called using the run("[your color name here]"); command.

I am a Mac user. In Canvas > Setting > Course Detail > Image, I am able to select choose an image to insert here. The image shows up, but it is "tinted" the color chosen for the image box. How do I change this so that it shows the "true" picture colors and not the "tint"? My colleague is able to see the "true" colors of his selected image (he is a PC user). Silly question, but it drives me nuts as I prep my courses in Canvas. It does not see to matter if I am using Safari or Chrome.

It seems strange to me that your course image on your course "Settings" page would be tinted. The only place I know that a color overlay can be applied to images on course cards is on the Dashboard...not in a course "Settings" page. When you are on your Canvas Dashboard looking at your course cards (those are the ones with your course image displayed on them), click on the three-dot kebab icon near the upper right corner of the screen and make sure that "Color Overlay" is not selected. If it were selected, you would see color overlays on top of images on your course cards. However, even if your color overlay was turned on within the Dashboard...that shouldn't display the color overlay on your course "Settings" least that is how it is working in my own sandbox course.

I have the same issue on a Mac. I don't see any "Color Overlay" setting when I click on the 3 dots. This is what my dashboard shows when I click on the three dots (I changed the color to almost white, #FEFEFE, to see if that helped, but now the image has a white tint.)

I uploaded a black and white photo in the DALLE preview app and tried to turn it into a color photo, but instead of colorizing it, I get disappointing results (the persons in the photo is replaced by a generated persons).

1: always "embed" the ICC profile when saving an image, the ICC profile is what gives menaing to the RGB numbers for each pixel, the ICC colour profile system relates those RGB (or CMYK) numbers to actual visual appearance (via something called L*a*b* colour).

To convert color from one format to another, select the source format in the 4____________ option and enter each of the color components. Then change the color format, the conversion is automatically applied.

An image displayed on a computer monitor often appears differently when it is printed on a color printer. In recognition of this problem, Windows 2000 and later incorporates Image Color Management (ICM) to perform color correction on images so that their appearance is consistent across a variety of output devices. 5376163bf9

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