For the longest time in WT hitting the windows key on my keyboard has minimized the game and brought up the desktop. I like this feature because I often turn the game volume way down and listen to podcasts while I play (playing casually helps reduce my frustration) and this is a very convenient way to pause the podcast or change what I'm listening to or what have you. Unfortunately it seems that something has updated, and now hitting the windows key only brings up the taskbar at the bottom of my screen, which is far less convenient. I want to switch it back to the way it used to be but I can't figure out how to do it. I'm not even sure if the change was due to a game update or a Windows system update on my PC.

I play war thunder on Win 11. So far it worked well and I had no problems but lately I have about 50% chance of getting blue screen while starting the game. No problems with other games only this one, not sure if it's caused by the Dagor engine not working properly on Windows 11 or some Gaijing thing that happens on other OS versions. Dows anyone else have the same issue? Have you solved it? Or is it just me and I should do some system repairs.

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I think I've seen this game running with DxWnd. Have you tried yet to drag & drop the game executable on top of DxWnd windows and run it with default settings? 

In any case, ASAP I'm going to test it myself, I see that the game configuration is missing from the exported collection. Stay tuned for news...

yes it is. I used the add function on Dxwnd and on windows 10 without dxwnd I find the game nearly unplayable. the infinite loading screen is with Dxwnd and I'm playing it windowed with Dxwnd. the loading screen freezes after i load anywhere from 15-25 levels. It is after I select the level that it freezes during the loading screen

I've recently purchased an HP Zbook G2, which I believe is shipping with windows 10. That seems to be the most commonly used version around here, so I will probably leave it, but I'm not looking forward to the switch. I am mostly wary of automatic updates and losing some control of things. Not to mention getting my DAW reconfigured.

You'd be surprised to know that Windows 10 is much more stable with new tech than the ancient Windows 7 (granted, this is not directly eGPU related; I am talking about using various hardware products with windows 7/windows 10 in a corporate environment - W10 makes things EASY). We are talking 2015-2016 tech versus 2007 tech.

Although no place outside is safe during a thunderstorm, you can minimize your risk by assessing the lightning threat early and taking appropriate actions. The best defense is to avoid lightning. Here are some outdoor safety tips that can help you avoid being struck.

"I had some windows smashed in my truck," he said. "I thought it might have been because I left a couple tools in the truck. I thought it might have been a theft-related situation. But it was every window smashed on my truck, and the tools were left, so it was just vandalism."

I've been digging into the Hydro Thunder game, which is pretty similar setup to artic. Some of the issues are, they locked the thunder games down to a 3dfx card. Now some have used assembly tools to unlock that a little so a voodoo card can be put into the arcade cab to play. But the lock has not been broken to get the game to run on a normal pc.

Ah I must of confused Rush the rock I was working on with Artic thunder. It has been some time. My bad. I was working with the pc version of rush, I think, and from what I recall it was Bundled with the voodoo. I can check back in my drive to see.

I agree that before SU7, thunder and lightning were exaggeratedly annoying, but I think, in balance is virtue. Nor does it make sense to suppress them altoged.

Hopefully in the next update it will implement lightning and thunder, in a logical way in areas with storms.

Thunder and lightning are alive and well in Australia today using real weather. Airport YCSV. Typical afternoon thunderstorm common in this part of the world in Summer.

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For a realistic thunderstorm simulation it takes more than just randomly adding lighting and thunder. The clouds have to match too. But as long as the weather model does not properly implement Cumulus or Cumulonimbus, I think having (almost) no lightnings at all is the better way to go.

During a thunderstorm, it's best to take shelter in a house, other structure or a hard-topped, fully enclosed vehicle. But as one of these options may not be available to you, your safety and wellbeing may depend on knowing the difference between these lightning myths and the facts.

I was buffled the protocol using most of my bandwidth is something I've never heard of: I decided to do a google search on what this thunder protocol is and the scanty information i got was that this is a P2P protocol, something like bit-torrent. The first suspect was the windows work-stations within the network. I checked whether there were any installed suspicious programs and I uninstalled them. I then called the ISP to check whether thunder was still accessing the internet from my IP and it was still there. I wiped the harddrives on the windows stations and installed fresh copies and then called the ISP again and thunder was still there. Now I am left with the ubuntu-mate stations as suspect. How can I identify the applications or processes using this protocol and how can I stop them from doing it.

However, whenever I did so, my screen went completely black, except for my cursor. But I can still switch windows with alt-tab, and whenever the launcher window is not the active window, it shows up perfectly fine.

I was going to open war thunder to try the new update and then the game doesn't run. It started to give me the start window but nothing, after a few seconds everything closes and the game doesn't start. Please help me.... I want to play :(

There's a widespread belief among most of the people I know that all windows should be closed during a storm as having them open is supposed to attract lightning (or, according to some people, can allow the lightning to 'strike inside').

John Jensenius: It's better to be a few feet away from windows and doors. Glass is an insulator, but so is air. You're probably a little better off with the window closed, but it's more important to put a couple feet of air between you and the window. Both windows and doors can be made of or contain metal, so the glass may not make much difference. I know of several incidents of people being struck with their hand on the doorknob while peering outside at the storm.

Although there is always a chance that lightning travels through the closed window, with lightning strikes you are always playing in the realm of probabilities and the best thing you can do is keep your body out of the potential path of any nearby lightning strikes. You could be injured by shards of glass from a shattering window but it is preferable to being part of a closed circuit between a thundercloud and the earth.

Storms are sometimes generated by the live weather system but in general once the system can actually create a thunderstorm (where a METAR is not close by) they are pale to a real thunderstorm; never extending more than about 5,000 feet in height. We all know Thunderstorms can reach over 35,000 feet in height.

Depends if you define the "best" as the most accurate to the metar data, or if visuals and immersion also are valid points for "best". After decades of 2d weather, these days I rather take an inaccurate cloud type in volumetric 3d and excellent lighting over a correct 2d cloud sprite. Especially since the important part - airport weather - is mostly correct and realistic in MSFS by now.

That said, thunder and lightning are not in an acceptable state in MSFS.

Interesting review. Would be better without the clickbait title, since there doesn't seem to be any thunder being stolen here. And the "it's hard to recommend the M1 Pro for video editing" should probably be "it's hard to recommend the M1 Pro for Premiere Pro", since there are other video editors, at least one of which is Mac only.

But I want to be clear- I don't mind dpreview finds this a good laptop for Windows owners or as you say- those who don't need much of a battery. My objection is the general conclusion that this laptop puts a good fight to M1 where "steals Apple's thunder" because it does not, and I point out why.

As for Windows notebooks being so much cheaper and faster, the Macbook Pro 14 they compare actually costs less than the tested MSI that supposedly steals its thunder, and the Mac still actually beats it in a few of the tests, all on AC power. The Mac would beat it on all tests on battery, and actually have the battery life to function a full work day, which does matter to some laptop users.

Horrendous battery life. Serious performace hit when running just on battery ( This plagues all Intel based laptops and not just MSI ). Fit and finish resembles last generation Dell Latitudes. Pales compared to DELL XPS line. Writer still kept the straight face and said it will steal apple's thunder. Clickbait, to say the least.

the requirements are probably different. is not to say that I mean that the macbook is better. I find the MSI Creator Z16 much better. RTX30XX yes, a reason for the socket. But it is faster and has the better monitor. and it's windows, which also has advantages, at least for me. but everyone should do what they want. I have a socket everywhere and yes, my Ipad pro lasts a long time and I like to take it with me.

u say clickbait, i say u post spam! lol 2351a5e196

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