Courses Taught 

Overview of Economics Courses Taught at The University of Manitoba

ECON 3670 - International Trade

Sections: A01

Terms: SUMMER - 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021

Course Description

The University of Manitoba Undergraduate Calendar describes this course as follows:

This course will help you understand different models (for example Gravity Model and the Heckscher-Ohlin Model) of international trade and theories in International trade- for instance, comparative advantage. Throughout the course, we will discuss the economic well-being of a nation, economic integration, and international environmental issues in the context of international trade."

Pre-Requisites: A grade of "C" or better in one of ECON 2010 or ECON 2451 or the former ECON 2450 (018.245) or the former ECON 2700 (018.270). ECON 3010 or ECON 2461 or the former ECON 2460 (018.246) is recommended.

ECON 3020 - Macroeconomic Theory 2

Sections: A01

Terms: WINTER - 2024

Course Description

Theories of national income, employment, inflation, the balance of payments, stabilization policy, and economic growth within the framework of macroeconomic models of an open economy with particular attention to empirical evidence from Canada, the U.S., and other countries".

Modern macroeconomics is based on microeconomic foundations. This course requires the use of calculus.

Pre-Requisites: [ECON 2020 (C+) or ECON 2471 (C+) or the former ECON 2470 or the former ECON 2800] and [MATH 1230 or MATH 1500 or MATH 1501 or MATH 1520].

ECON 2050 - Economic Analytics Using Computer-Based Method

Sections: A01

Terms: WINTER -2024; FALL - 2022, 2021, & 2020. 

Course Description

"This computer-based course will introduce basic economic analytics such as index numbers, cost- revenue-profit relationships, demand/supply dynamics, decision-making using probability models, investment decisions, time-value of money, seasonal adjustment of data, forecasting, measures of poverty/inequality, and optimization methods such as linear programming. Students will also gain proficiency in numerical computation conducted in Excel, an important analytical tool used in business, government, and academic research for managing and analyzing data.

Pre-Requisites: A grade of “C” or better in six credit hours of 1000-level Economics. Students may not hold credit for both ECON 2050 and the former ECON 2610 when titled “Measurement and Computation in Economics.

ECON 2040 - Quantitative Methods in Economics

Sections: A01, A02, D01 

Terms: SUMMER - 2024, 2023; D01: FALL - 2021, 2020, & 2019; SUMMER - 2021 & 2020

Course Description

The University of Manitoba Undergraduate Calendar describes this course as follows:

An introduction to statistical methods relevant to Economics, which include: descriptive statistics; probability and probability distributions; hypothesis testing; and ordinary least squares regression. The use of contemporary econometric software [R] is required. Students may not hold credit for both ECON 2040 and the former ECON 3170 (018.317)". 

Pre-Requisites: A grade of "C" or better in six credit hours of 1000-level Economics.

ECON 2020 - Macroeconomic Theory-I

Sections: A01, A02, A03, D01 

Terms: FALL - 2023; WINTER - 2021, & 2020; 2023,& 2022.

Course Description

"This course studies the concepts behind key economic aggregates, their measurement and inter-relationships. We will use economic models to understand how the economy and stabilization policy work. One focus of the course is to work with macroeconomic data and use the analytical tools developed in class to understand recent developments in the Canadian and U.S. economies, the budget deficit and debt, and other special topics such as income inequality". 

Pre-Requisites: A grade of "C" or better in ECON 1020 or ECON 021 or the former ECON 1200 (018.120) or the former ECON 1201] or [a grade of "C" or better in both ECON 1210 (or ECON 1211 (018.121)) and ECON 1220 (or ECON 1221 (018.122))]

ECON 1020 - Introduction to Macroeconomic Principles

Sections: D02 

Term: SUMMER - 2020

Course Description

"This course introduces students to the study of macroeconomics. Topics include: aggregate performance and policy; the determinants of national income, employment and the price level, the role of monetary and fiscal policies in stabilizing the economy and promoting economic growth". 

Pre-Requisites: Students may not hold credit for ECON 1020 and any of: ECON 1021 or ECON 1210 or ECON 1211 or ECON 1220 or ECON 1221 or the former ECON 1200 or the former ECON 1201. 

ECON 1010 - Introduction to Microeconomic Principles

Sections: D01 

Terms: FALL - 2022

Course Description

"This course introduces students to the study of microeconomics. Topics include demand and supply, price determination, market structure and resource allocation; the behaviour of consumers and firms; and market intervention by the government. Selected economic topics are examined, such as welfare programs, environmental regulation, the economics of discrimination, pay equity, and taxation.". 

Pre-Requisites: Students may not hold credit for ECON 1010 and any of: ECON 1011 or ECON 1210 (018.121) or ECON 1211 (018.121) or ECON 1220 (018.122) or ECON 1221 (018.122) or the former ECON 1200 (018.120) or the former ECON 1201 (018.120)."