II Chronicles

The Book of Chronicles (Hebrew: דִּבְרֵי־הַיָּמִים‎ Diḇrê Hayyāmîm 'The Matters [of] the Days') is a Hebrew prose work constituting part of Jewish and Christian scripture.

The books of Chronicles likewise comprised a single volume that has been made into two books. While the time period and material covered by Chronicles is much the same as Samuel and Kings, there are some striking differences. First, the emphasis on sins and its consequences found in Samuel and Kings are not found in Chronicles. And sin, when it is found, is largely seen in the light of God’s forgiveness. Thus, with Manasseh, Kings leaves him a sinner while Chronicles tells of his repentance. Second, the Chronicles emphasizes the priestly aspects of the period, with great stress placed upon the temple and the worship. Third, the Chronicles focuses on the Judaic line of kings, mentioning only 8 of Israel’s kings. Finally, where Samuel was probably written by Samuel and Nathan and Gad, and Kings by Jeremiah, Chronicles was most likely written by Ezra. These two books are the last of the books in the Hebrew Old Testament, closing out the third section of the Tanakh. (2 Chronicles 24:20-21; Matthew 23:35)

Date: Around 1010 to 538 B.C.

Divisions: The book of Chronicles may be divided as follows:

The Book of 2 Chronicles

I. Solomon 1-9

Commencement of Reign 1

The Temple 2-7

Other Achievements 8-9

II. Rehoboam to Ahaz 10-28

Rehoboam 10-12

Abijah 13

Asa 14-16

Jehoshaphat 17-20

Jehoram 21

Ahaziah 22

Joash 23-24

Amaziah 25

Uzziah 26

Jotham 27

Ahaz 28

III. Hezekiah to Judah’s End 29-36

Hezekiah 29-32

Manasseh 33

Josiah 34-35

Judah’s End 36

Key Word: “. . . house of the LORD . . .”

69 times in Chronicles; 61 times in Kings, 184 times in all of the Old Testament. (1 Chronicles 6:31, 32; 22:1; 28:12-13; 2 Chronicles 7:2, 7, 11; 23:5, 6, 12, 14, 18; 24:4, 7, 8, 12; 29:3, 5, 15, 16-20)

Key Passage:

2 Chronicles 36:15-17; see also 1 Chronicles 29:17; 2 Chronicles 6:12-42; 26:5; also repentance forestalls Judgment (2 Chronicles 34:27-28; 33:12-13, 19.

Key Lesson:

Godliness is a choice of each person (it does not carry from generation to generation)
