The Lord said to Moses, Why do you cry to me? Tell the people of Israel to go forward. Lift up your staff, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it, that the people of Israel may go through the sea on dry ground.

I am moving forward and getting ready to enter the Promised Land whether crawling, walking, running, dancing, jumping, leaping or climbing. This post meant so much Sharon. You will never know how your words intersected with what God has been doing in my heart over the last year, the last month and even the last few days. It was like he had you write the words that are literally pulling all the pieces together. Thank you.

Through Jesus Christ I Am Moving Forward Mp3 Download


So when bowed down under the weight of your personal cross, arise in the power of Christ, pick up your cross and keep moving forward. There will be relief at the end of the valley. The journey will be rough, but like gold tested in fire, you will come out stronger as long as you remain faithful in the end.

Great article, Edward! I remember one time someone commenting on the movie, Castaway, and saying how they were inspired by the fact that the character kept moving forward, one day at a time. I thought a lot about that, but the thing that struck me is that we can move forward for the wrong reason. We can move forward in sin and selfishness. We can move forward in wrong thinking. Only, when we embrace the cross as Jesus did, scorning its shame for the joy that is before us, are we truly moving forward! Thank you for such a wonderful reminder of this!

I like your point that not only comfort but fear and negativity keep us from progressing along The Way. Redemption is now available to all, His is the victory over death. However, our participation in the New Exodus is mostly traveling through the desert. The temptation is to go back to the slavery of Egypt because it was more comfortable or to refuse to go into the Promised Land (Joshua and Caleb) because of fear and negativity. The Good News is that Jesus made it all the way! He provides the Way and our job is to walk it with His help. Yes, keep going forward on The Way! Practically, though, this means staying away from those who would enslave us with fear and negativity and temporary comfort. So, going forward requires focusing on Him alone. Thanks.

In this series, we have covered what a faith walk is and the different pathways you can take to have a joyful walk with the Lord every day of your life. That leads to a rewarding spiritual life. A joyful walk starts with knowing Jesus Christ. It is enhanced as you bask in the grace of God for you and understand how wonderful your new identity in Christ really is. As in any aspect of life, there are choices to make. We have covered the importance of choosing to actively serve Jesus as your master and trusting in the Holy Spirit in you as a greater power over master sin. Another choice is to pursue godliness to avoid the trap of legalism. And when life gets difficult, you need to keep moving forward.

Jesus uses those tough times when you are under stress, pressure, pain, or suffering to float to the surface the parts of your character that are not so beautiful, not so strong, and not so godly. Those are the hindrances and entanglements that keep us from moving forward. And if we let Him, He will remove that not-so-beautiful stuff and strengthen what is left so we can persevere. The result is having stronger faith.

The picture I get is being on a carnival ride called the tilt-a-whirl. It is being tossed back and forth, unstable, and not anchored. Is that all you want for your life? Jesus wants more for you than that. Humble yourself, admit you have been doing it your way, and turn back towards Jesus. Let Him grow you up so you can faithfully persevere through any trial. It is knowing where you are going. With Jesus. Not against Him. That is how to move forward.

We can know what perseverance looks like when we see the example of our Lord. He endured pain, shame, opposition and so much more. When we look at His example, we can keep moving forward in our storms of life and not grow weary or lose heart. But it is even better than that.

Be tenacious to hold onto Jesus. Keep standing and walking forward when the storms of life try to knock you down. Go wherever Jesus leads you to go. Persevere. Focus on what He is doing in the midst of what you are doing. Listen to His voice, drowning out all the others. Even when it hurts. When you are tired. When you want to give up. When you want to settle for less. Believe it or not, persevering through the really tough times will lead to a joyful walk of life with Him.

God really wants Christians to be on the offensive, pushing back and conquering every device and system of the enemy. Jesus said that the gates of hell would not prevail against us, but if we are not moving forward, they are pushing us back! We must put feet to our faith, take dominion, and make disciples of all nations. We must be the Kingdom of God in this Earth and bring Heaven to Earth!

I understand that unless God completely heals me, I will no longer have physically wonderful days. Some are good, some are bad, and on occasion, some are still horrible. Am I happy about that? No, but I am no longer miserable about it either. Sitting at home giving up on myself solves nothing. I refuse to let this take me out. I will continue to do all I can to keep moving forward. It was a lot to take in at first, and I know I will spend my entire lifetime discovering how I can make my life and body better.

The only thing that I would say about the assembly is that many of us who live throughout the world as religious leaders or just average people don't really know the other. At times, we don't even know our neighbor who's next door to us or the individual across the street. We as religious leaders and people of faith and churches and whatever don't often know one another. And we do want that, we want to know one another. We want to work together, and we want the walls of fear to come tumbling down. We're not afraid of each other. We want dialogue, cooperation and moving forward in the name of Jesus Christ.

to keep moving forward we need gods grace because we stumble a lot trying to get to the other side. but luckily for us if grace is an ocean we are all sinking! because God loves us thanks for the great post!

Property Reserve Inc, the private real-estate arm of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is moving forward with plans to build Tower 8, a proposed commercial office tower at the northeast corner of the intersection of 100 South and State Street.

The Statesboro group is discerning where they want to align. The majority of the group want to remain Methodist or in the Wesleyan stream. However, they are still discerning what this may look like moving forward.

Connor Creasy, in his second season as assistant baseball coach, is poised to lead the Competitors for Christ moving forward. Creasy was a five-year member of the Lion baseball team before trading his glove for a clipboard. During his time as a player, Creasy was involved with weekly Bible studies with the team and frequently led personal Bible studies with teammates and other students on campus.

1) Describe how being a student-athlete at FHU impacted your development as a person.

Being a student-athlete at Freed-Hardeman taught me the value of having important relationships with people. When you are around people who are very genuine and truly care about you, you will be more willing to do more things. I was surrounded by great teammates that wanted to push each other and make each other better on the field while maintaining strong friendships outside of soccer. The professors here at Freed-Hardeman do a great job of finding that challenge in students. The way professors build student relationships here on campus is the reason why I think more students are able to achieve more academically.

2) What are some key lessons you took from your time at FHU that have helped you in your professional life?

Some key lessons that I have learned from FHU is that when things get tough that is when you will truly learn the importance of working hard and continuing to strive moving forward. Things will never get easier. There will always be an obstacle that brings an unforeseen challenge, instead of focusing on the particular obstacle I focus on the steps I am taking to overcome it while keeping in mind the end result I want to achieve.

3) Describe what it means for you to be able to be involved in the holistic development of the young women you get to work with.

I love the opportunity to be able to work with young women. I myself did not ever play a sport with a female head coach. I started my career with the idea of what kind of coach I wish I had when it came to understanding not only things on the soccer field, but things outside of the field that impact the way I think or make decisions. Being able to help female players see that they are capable of more of what they think is a huge part of coaching. Once female athletes feel like their coach believes in them, they will have a different level of confidence and will use that in order to make more things happen.

4) How do you measure success at the end of a student-athletes four years at FHU?

I want student-athletes to feel they did everything they could and do not have any regrets for when they leave FHU. Success does not necessarily have to be measured by wins or losses or by GPA, but by the fact that you do everything that you could do to make yourself better. If you can leave campus a better athlete and person I feel you had a successful college career. I would also encourage student-athletes to not wait until your senior year to try to be the best on the team or to really focus on your career. Start the process early and you will be able to achieve more later on.

After the pastoral pause necessitated by the bankruptcy and related issues, I have sensed that many of you seem to be ready to roll up your sleeves to address some of the pastoral needs that had been placed on the back burner. The enthusiasm surrounding the new Lay Advisory Board would seem to confirm that. Without losing sight of either the critical importance of our Catholic schools or the urgency of creating safe environments and engaging in outreach to those who have in any way been harmed by the Church, we now need to be deliberate in moving forward on other fronts. 006ab0faaa

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