

Summer 24 (current)

    -Organizer and teaching assistant (2 classes) for the course on Linear Algebra I of Priv.-Doz. Dr. Karin Halupczok

Winter 23/24

    -Organizer and teaching assistant (2 classes) for the course on Mathematics for Computer Science I of Dr. Nadja Valentin 

Summer 23: 

    -Organizer and teaching assistant (1 class) for the course on (Algebraic) Topology II of Jun.-Prof. Dr. Holger Kammeyer 

    -Organizer and teaching assistant (1 class) for the  course on Linear Algebra I of Prof. Dr. Immanuel Halupczok

Winter 22/23: 

    -Organizer and teaching assistant (1 class) for the course on (Algebraic) Topology I of Jun.-Prof. Dr. Holger Kammeyer 

    -Organizer and teaching assistant (1 class) for the course on Number Theory I (Algebraic Number Theory) of Priv.-Doz. Dr. Karin Halupczok

Summer 22: 

    -Organizer and teaching assistant (2 classes) for the course on (Abstract) Algebra of Prof. Dr. Immanuel Halupczok

Winter 21/22: 

    -Organizer and teaching assistant (1 class) for the course on Introduction to (Algebraic) Topology of Jun.-Prof. Dr. Holger Kammeyer 

    -Organizer and teaching assistant (1 class) for the course on Linear Algebra I of Prof. Dr. Marcus Zibrowius

Summer 21: 

    -Organizer and teaching assistant (2 classes) for the course on Linear Algebra II of Prof. Dr. Immanuel Halupczok

Winter 20/21: 

    -Organizer and teaching assistant (2 classes) for the  course on Linear Algebra I of Prof. Dr. Immanuel Halupczok

Summer 20: 

    -Organizer and teaching assistant (2 classes) for the course on Linear Algebra I of Dr. Peter Arndt

Winter 19/20: 

    -Organizer and teaching assistant (1 class) for the course on (Algebraic) Topology I of Prof. Dr. Marcus Zibrowius

Summer 19: 

    -Teaching assistant (1 class) for the course on Linear Algebra I of Dr. Sasa Novakovic 

    -Instructor of revision classes for the course on Analysis I of Prof. Dr. Axel Grünrock

Winter 18/19: 

    -Instructor of revision classes for the course on Analysis I of Prof. Dr. Oleg Bogopolski 

Summer 18

    -Instructor of revision classes for the course on (Abstract) Algebra of Prof. Dr. Immanuel Halupczok

    -Voluntary Instructor of support classes (1 class) for the course on (Abstract) Algebra of Prof. Dr. Immanuel Halupczok

Summer 17

    -Instructor of revision classes for the course on Analysis I of Prof. Dr. Oleg Bogopolski 

Winter 16/17: 

    -Instructor of revision classes for the course on Linear Algebra I of Prof. Dr. Immanuel Halupczok

    -Voluntary Instructor of support classes (1 class) for the course on Linear Algebra I of Prof. Dr. Immanuel Halupczok