Campaign : Savage Pathfinder


I often find myself writing session summaries for the campaigns that I run, free or otherwise. I have long since lost my old homebrew accounts, however I have been keeping notes for some of my more recent including my Savage Worlds Pathfinder Game, Savage Phandelver. I enjoy writing, even in little half tired spurts (most of the notes for this campaign to date were complied at around 11:30 PM to Midnight) so I thought I might flesh them out into a bit of a larger narrative. I thought it would be something that some folks might enjoy and give those who read it an idea as to how I like to run a campaign and the sort of shenanigan's that me and my players might get up to. I should warn that this adventure uses a lot of D&D modules as the basis, starting with the Lost Mines of Phandelver beginner module, ported for use with the Savage Worlds Pathfinder ruleset. As such reading through here may give away important information about the actual campaign,  even though there are many different potential ways to go about this and the other adventures we will run.  Continue reading if you wish :).

Each entry are based on my session summary notes, written to read like a short series of narratives. The session in question run for about 3 hours of game play give or take 15 minutes. Hope you enjoy

Savage Phandelver Session 1

Having left the city of Neverwinter to bring some backordered supplies to Phadelin at the request (and pay) of their mutual friend Gundern Rockseeker, the adventurers, the human fighter Calix, the Dwarven warrior Durin, the Mysterious Drow Rogue Ashaia, the gnome druid Andar, and the Dwarven wizard Thorin, stumble upon a troubling sight, butchered horses and a broken wagon. As is quickly discovered, this is the sight of an ambush and a pack of goblins, who quickly fall to the blades bows and especially the warhammer of our heroes. It is after the dust settles that the discovery of a rugged trail deep into the woods is made, as is the discovery that these slain horses belong to the Rockseeker family. Passing a number of crudely designed and hidden  traps along the way, a cave serving as the hideout of their ambushers' compatriots is discovered. The group rushes the sentries, overcoming them before they can raise an alarm. Our heroes then proceed along the river deeper into the cavern.

Andar manages to calm a number of mangy wolves, while Calix rushes up a slippery embankment only to find himself greatly outnumbered by goblins and their leader, the ultimately ineffectual Yeemik. The party manages with some difficulty to follow and Ashaia identifies the goblin's prisoner as Sildar Hallwinter, close friend and compatriot of Gundren. Once defeated the heroes gently cut the old warrior down from the ceiling and it is here, true believer, that we must stop and wait till next time to discover what will come next.

Savage Phandelver Session 2

After rescuing Sildar, he informs our heroes that their friend and employer Gundren Rockseeker has been both captured and whisked away on the orders of someone known only as "the Black Spider". The leader of this band of goblins, who are all members of the Cragmaw Clan, is a bugbear by the name of Klarg.

The group moves as silent as the night up and across the bridge, handily dispatching of a number of goblins before encountering Klarg, his wolfhound Ripper, and his few remaining henchmen. As strong as Klarg is, our heroes were more powerful still, felling their adversary with blade, magical burst, and bow.

After defeating the gang and releasing the remaining hounds into the wild, the party discovers much of Gundren's provisions in the lair, as well as a number of crates marked with the blue lion of the Lionsheild Coster trading company, who have a location in Phandalen. Loading up their wagon, the group completes the two day trek to the town, delivering Gundern's goods to Barthen in exchange for their reward.

While in town they also manage to return the goods the the Lionsheild, letting them know where the rest might be found, Ashaia speaks with the town’s sole holy woman at a makeshift temple of luck while seeking medical attention for Sildar while the rest manage to make themselves comfy at the Stonehill inn.

During their rest and exploring, they manage to pick up a few interesting tidbits of information, notably that a local gang known as the Redbrand Ruffians have been causing trouble, more so now due to their new leader, a mysterious figure who goes by the name of “Glassstaff”. Durin's curiosity is more than peaked by the mention of orc raiders by the miner Lamar, the raider’s apparently attacking and ransacking the claims of a number of prospectors in the hills several days' journey to the east. Finally a barmaid, appearing to fish for a tip, suggests the group go visit Daran Edermath at the Edermath Orchard if they are interested in adventure, Daran being a former adventure turned orchard farmer. We leave the group at the Inn discussing their next move….

Savage Phandelver Session 3

The group decides to speak with Daran Edermath, former adventurer and now orchard farmer, regarding the happenings around town and how to find Gundren Rockseeker, who they learn is believed to be in the possession of King Grol at Cragmaw Castle. Unfortunately Edermath does not know the location of the castle beyond vague generalities, but he does know someone who does, Glassstaff, leader of the Redbrand Ruffians. Daran asks that the group help the town by helping themselves, defeating the Redbrands and their leader will give them the information and give Phandalin some much needed peace.

It is during this encounter that Thorin who had been aiding Sildar in his recovery, receives a message of an urgent family matter back in Neverwinter. He regretfully informs his companions that his time in this has come to an end, and wishes them good luck in finding Gundren.

The group gets their first chance to measure up the Redbrands when they come across a quartet of then traumatizing the miner Lamar outside the Stonehill Inn. The heroes make short work of the four leaving one, named Martin, alive.  Martin is convinced to tell all he knows in exchange for his life, a promise the group lives up to after Martin spills the beans regarding a secret entrance into their lair, an old tunnel that leads deep into the basement under Tresender Manor.

The heroes make their way through the dark and winding secret passage, only to find the monster that Martin warned of, a Nothic. Using the element of surprise, the creature attacks young Andar before being driven back into the crevasse by Durin. Injured, it pleads a deal with the group, its life and food for its knowledge. It tells the group of a secret passage that leads the way to Redbrand prisoners. The group finds not one but two secret doors and following the directions of the Nothic, and run afoul of a trio of reanimated skeletons. Quickly dispatching the skeletons leaves the group with a choice, the similar wooden and iron banded door to the left, or the fancy copper plated set of double doors to the right….

Savage Phandelver Session 4

Andar decides to investigate the double doors and finds an astonishingly beautiful engraving of a sorrowful angel on both sides. The group backtracks to find a pair of jail cells guarded by two ruffians on the other side. After defeating both ruffians and locking the survivor in the cells, the group learns from Mirna Dendrar and her sons that the Redbrand’s leader Glassstaff is a powerful spell caster that has a number of monsters under his employ. As a thanks for being rescued, Mirna also tells the group of a valuable emerald necklace in the now abandoned town of Thundertree before sneaking out the secret entrance (the Nothic is nowhere to be found, having likely fled.)

The group learns that there is an elaborate pit trap down the corridor the brass door leads to and that beyond that is a storage area with a cistern and a number of ill gotten supplies. A trio of redbrands attempts to sneak up on the group, while they are going through the recently discovered bug-out bag belonging to Glassstaff, but fail to press the advantage. They are equally unsuccessful in defeating our heroes. The last surviving redbrand gives up the secret entrance to Galssstaffs chambers allowing the group to try and get an edge against the gang leader.

Unfortunately it is Calix's turn to be noisy, falling through the door and alerting Glassstaff to their approach. Glassstaff and his henchmen attempt to put up a spirited fight, but the heroes are simply too much for them. Calix carries the villain, savaged by Durin's Warhammer, outside and Andar brings him back from the brink of death using magic while Durin and Ashaia discover a letter, seemingly about them. It had been sent to Glassstaff by someone who signed it with a drawing of a spider, to which the group believes was the Black Spider that Sildar had mentioned. The heroes also find a number of coins, gems and items (including a scroll tied with red ribbon and another with orange) in addition to Glassstaff’s diary and his magical staff of defense.

It is here we leave our heroes, who must now plan their next move.

Savage Phandelver Session 5

The heroes have cleared out the rest of the villainous scum found in the cellars below Tresendar manor, and inadvertently picked up a hanger-on in the form of Droop the Goblin, who they accidentally rescued from a number of bugbears who were in the process of tormenting him. He is able to tell the group that Cragmaw Castle can be found to the north though questions asking where in the north are answered simply by Droop pointing.

Once out of the Manor the group ties up a few loose ends. Ashaia returns Mirna's husband's bracelet, found in the Nothic pit,  to her. Both Ashaia and Calix donated the reward later given to them by the Warden, Townmaster Harbin Wesker, for capturing the mercenary leader Glassstaff. Wesker lives up to his reputation as a coward, at first almost refusing to take the group's prisoner and eventually offering the group money for his incarceration. Wesker also offers the group money from the town coffers to find and dispatch the problem with the Cragmaw in the woods to the north and the orcs in Wyvern Tor in the mountains to the far east. The group decides to take care of the last remaining Redbrand’s found hanging out in the Sleeping Giant tavern - and arrive just as they are being organised by a would-be leader, a bugbear named Sledge. The group deals with the last of the ruffians fairly quickly, now they must discover which quest or quests are best suited to them.

Savage Phandelver Session 6

The Heroes, having vanquished the last of the Redbrand Ruffians, make their way back to the Stonehill Inn to both celebrate and recover from the exertion of the task, Daran Edermath finds them in the inn and thanks them for ridding the town of the scoundrels, as do many other villagers, some of whom express their thanks in the form of free drinks. Edermath also lets them know that local rumours place the undead, zombies and perhaps ghouls, in the area of the ruins of Old Owl Well. Ashaia and Calix make the suggestion that perhaps the town should do something about its incompetent and possibly corrupt leadership, Edermath mulls the idea in his head, he also promises Ashaia that he will look in on Mirna who has been through and lost much thanks to the gang members.

The next day the group exchanges some of their spoils for coin and head north out of Phandalin in search of Cragmaw Castle. They cross a river, during which Andar and Slinky are beset upon by Stirges, giant bloodsucking mosquitos. Ashaia dispatches many from the mortal realm with her magical black fire and the rest of the group congregate on last remaining stirge, sending it to join its friends in the afterlife

Having reached the woods, the group is on edge, Ashaia notices a trap on an old hunting road that Calix and Andar had come across heading in the right direction. A battle between the group and a band of goblins and hobgoblins arises, with the group quickly wearing down the rank and file villains and Durin dispatching hobgoblins left and right. The marauder’s cagey leader manages to strike a devastating blow against the dwarf. Andar and his magic rush to the rescue as Ashaia, Calix, and the ineffectual Droop bring their final opponent to heel. It is after searching the bodies of the fallen that Calix discovers a crude wanted poster of himself drawn on a piece of leather, offering any who find and bring him to Cragmaw Castle a 50 gold reward. Aware that their enemy now knows who they are, the group makes camp in a defensible area, prepared to set out in search of the elusive castle with only a semi-intelligent goblin as their guide

Savage Phandelver Session 7

The Heroes notice that their would-be captors have left a trail leading back to Cragmaw Castle. Apparently the villains were not  interested in covering their tracks. Andar, with help from Calix and Ashaia, managed to follow it through a muddy hollow, across a rushing river, and around a skillfully set deadfall trap. It is not long after that the group are in full view of the crumbling manor that is Cragmaw Castle.

With suggestions from Droop and some successful sneaking, the group makes their way to a partially hidden and unguarded entrance in the north facing wall. Quietly making their way in, They dispatch a pair of Hobgoblin guards before entering what turns out to be the chamber of King Grol himself. Grol and his forces try their best to hold their own against the heroes but Andar's magic, Slinky's claws, Calix's swords, Ashaia's arrows, and Durin's hammer quickly wear down all opposition. There was a tight moment when a Drow appeared from behind a door and stuck a surprising and near mortal wound on Andar, however Durin rushed the fiend and quickly struck it down, only for it to reveal its true form - a doppelganger - in death.

With help from Droop and Calix, Ashaia struck a fatal blow against the bugbear king. Gundren Rockseeker is found in a room along with the Halfling Karra.. His map, which he refuses to allow to be left behind, is soon found after a quick and intensive search. Gundrem promises the characters that his map, which is what the Black Spider wants, will make them all set for life, though it may also lead to some danger along the way. The group attempts to heal Andar while telling Gundren that they need a few short minutes to rid the building of its goblin infestation. A code of 4 sharp knocks is agreed on by the waiting Gundrem as the party sets out.

Savage Phandelver Session 8

Having found Gundren and his associate Karra, a Halfing archeologist who specializes in time based magics and the knowledge of past civilizations. The group decides to clear out the rest of Cragmaw Castle as part of their arrangement with the Warden of Phandalin, Townmaster Harbin, to receive the bounty for the removal of the troublesome clan. A number of goblins and hobgoblins are encountered in various parts of the castle ruins, all falling in battle against our heroes. While searching the area, a number of ceremonial religious objects were discovered as was Sildar Hallwinter's longsword and chainmail, a gravy stained wooden spoon, some scrolls later identified as a scroll of silence and a scroll of resurrection, and someone's bastardised attempt at Dourback Death Spiral, Durin' s family’s ale. Having cleared out the goblins, the group retrieves Gundern before saying goodbye to Andar, who has felt nature’s spirits call back to the forests of the north from where he originally came.

On route to Phandalin, Durin broods about the ale, feeling he is close to an answer yet so far away. Ashaia tries to recall the lessons learned from Andar regarding survival in the woods. Calix, with the unwavering support of Droop, ponders a run for townmaster of Phandalin, pondering if he could do better than Harbin (undoubtedly) but also if he would better be able to protect their newfound friends and contacts through political rather than militant means. Karra, for her part, identifies the scrolls as well as a smooth quarterstaff carved with feathers (a featherlight staff, reduces damage from falls to 0, but falls slowly giving anyone trying to shoot them a +2 to their shooting roll)

We leave our hero's on the cusp of returning to Phandalin, curious as to see what changes a few days away may have brought to the community.

Savage Phandelver Session 9

Upon returning to Phandalin the heroes, looking to sell some of their goods and to bring Gundren to finally reunite with Sildar, find a terrible discovery at the Townmaster's home.

Sildar Hallwinter has been stabbed and Harbin badly beaten. It turns out that Glassstaff recovered and managed to escape into the surrounding wilderness, stabbing Sildar and beating the townmaster in the process. Sister Graeale had stopped the bleeding but it was Karra's healing magic  which miraculously undid the villain's handiwork.

Sildar revealed he recognized Glassstaff and Iarno Albek, a mercenary wizard who once worked for the forces of good, but has now apparently turned to evil. Words are exchanged between Harbin and Sildar before Calix declares via poster his intent to usurp Harbin as townmaster. Harsh words are exchanged and numerous townspeople join into the fray. Once everything settles Calix has the support of his companions plus a small number of townsfolk including Daran Edermath, Mirna and her boys, Lamar the dwarven miner, Gundren, Sildar, and sister Gareale. Harben has a number of supporters as well including a very well dressed woman unknown to the heroes. A large number of the townsfolk appear to be undecided.

Sildar and Gundren are returned to the Stone Hill Inn where Sildar is most pleased to receive his sword and chainmail, thought lost forever, promising Ashaia that he will be sure to return the favour. The group then sells a number of items and seems to gain the support Linere Greywind of the Lionshield Coster who suggests that she could get the staff on board if they find a missing textiles shipment boosted 2 months ago, this time by human bandits

The group sells most of their goods to the Smith, the half orc Gran Thorsal, who promises that he will put his skills to whatever project the group might have for him if the coin is right

Attempts to leave Droop with Gundren and Sildar fail as the hero's rent horses and make their way north, running afoul of a hobgoblin patrol, apparently returning to Cragmaw Castle from a patrol. The party ambushes the patrol with moderate success and after a few close calls, dispatches them to meet their brethren in eternal rest. It is here in the mid-day sun that we leave our heroes to continue on their quests.

Savage Phandelver Session 10

After their encounter with the goblins and hobgoblins, the group manages to track the site of the robberies back to a small wooded area off of the main road. Moving carefully, they discover a bandit camp festooned with stolen gear. After dispatching the bandit’s charismatic leader, the gang picks up their new bounty and brings it back to the Lionsheild coster.

They are rewarded by the Lionsheild, who promises their support of Calix in the coming election, the group learned that Durin, who had hung back to help Gundren and Sildar, had to quickly leave to follow up a lead on the theft of his family’s Ale recipe. The group then conducts a display in the form of a protest in front of Harbin’s home. Harbin refuses to engage with the heroes outside of leaving money on the doorstep to pay the Cragmaw bounty. Some in the crowd take notice of events and seem to shift their support to Caelix.

The group then decides that their best bet would be to follow up on Lamar's claim of orc raiders and claimjumpers around Wyvern Tor. They outright buy their steeds, Ashaia's Bonecrusher, Calix's Phandalin, and Karra's Ebony. On the way the group took a bit of time to practise and to further develop some of their skills and abilities. Making their way deep into the mountain passes, they search the area rather carefully, eventually coming across a lone orc guarding what appears to be the entrance to a cavern.

Savage Phandelver Session 11

Ashaia approaches the lone lookout, who assumes that she works for the Black Spider due to her being, for all appearances, a drow. After a brief bit of deception based conversation, she appeared to leave before plugging the orc sentry with a single arrow, dispatching him handily

The group then carefully moves deep into the cavern, eventually following the partial voices bouncing off of the cave walls and coming across an orc berserker and his raiding party, which includes a large ogre. Using a clever combination of magic, Ashaia and Karra managed to gain a significant advantage for the heroes against their foes which was capitalized on by Calix's steel, Karra's mithril, and Ashaia's bow. Though their opponents were strong and enduring, the heroes managed to dispatch them while only suffering minor temporary wounds. A quick search of the cavern revealed a little treasure, a signet ring with an unfamiliar sigil, and a minor bag of holding among the bones of their victims.

Shortly after exploring the cave, the group makes their way north, as dusk begins to settle, to explore rumours of the undead at Old Owl Well. With just over two weeks before the townmaster election, we leave our heroes here.

Savage Phandelver Session 12

Old Owl's Well is definitely overrun by the undead, as the trio soon discovers. Calix decides to strike out against what quickly appears to be overwhelming odds, Karra and Ashaia are preparing to render aid when a booming voice demands an explanation. The voice belongs to the Red wizard Hamun Kost of Thay, who is apparently conducting an archeological dig at the site. After a conversation, the group decides to part on good terms, given the fact that Kost has apparently broken no laws nor harassed any miners. He has asked the party to ask the Banshee Agatha for the name of the wizard who had built the tower as well as for aid in "harvesting" a young dragon living near Thundertree.

The group, on their way to Conyberry to speak with the Banshee, ran into a gnome peddler named Boscar Gribbins. Many of Boscar's items are less than they appear, and they do not appear legitimate. The group warns him not to peddle his scams in Phandalin, something that Boscar takes great offence to the two groups part ways.

After detecting an ominous presence, the trio warn Droop off and confront Agatha, the Banshee of Conyberry. With the aid of the gift of a silver comb, they manage to convince her to tell them the owner of the book Sister Garaele is Tsernoth of Ireiabor. On their way back the share this information with Kost, presenting Tsernoth as the builder of the tower, something that they do not know to be true. Kost seems a little unsure of it, but accepts it as true (for now).

Upon returning to Phandalin the group ties up their loose ends and commiserates with a number of people. Here thy learn that Gundren and Sildar are ready to make their way out to the mine, however the group also learns that there is a new group of mercenaries in town, the Jayhawks who might be able to help according to the rumors swirling around town that they are here to “clear out trouble” in the area. In reality they claim they were hired by Harbin to run trouble makers, like the heroes specifically, out of town. After defeating the mercenaries the group sits in the Sleeping Giant and ponders their next move.

Savage Phandelver Session 13

The group, after discussing the Jayhawks situation with each other, decide to confront Townmaster Harbin at his front door while Ashaia sneaks in from the back to see what she can see. Much arguing and conversation takes place and while Calix and Karra get in their verbal barbs with the assistance of friends, Ashaia discovers potential fraud and a connection between Harbin and the proprietor of the exchange, Halia Thornton, a likely key member in the Counsel of Concern backing Harbin for Townmaster. No mention of the Black Spider is found, however the town leaders are definitely involved in some shady stuff, Sildar decides to rally Daran Edermath to the group's cause while Gundren and the rest head to the mine on the map.

On the way the heroes encounter a situation where a group of bugbears try and yet fail to ambush them. The group dispatches them handily, however Droop is dealt an almost fatal blow during the fight. Thanks to Karra's healing magics, Droop will be able to continue on but is currently exhausted, as is Karra when it comes to magic. The group finds a small safe cave in which to rest, determined to make their way to Wave Echo Mine, only a few hours away, with the rising of the next sun.

Savage Phandelver Session 14

The group has finally made their way to Wave Echo Cavern. Home to the ancient and forgotten dwarf mine of the Phandelver pact. The elation soon turned to sorrow as Gundren Rockseeker discovered the badly beaten corpse of his brother Tharden Rockseeker. Learning that there was indeed another brother, Nundro, who appeared to have been taken. The group lowered themselves down the cliffside to the lower level and ventured east where Ashaia, using her uncanny night vision, was able to detect a number of insects swarming around remains. Concerned that they might find Nundro there they investigated and were set upon by a number of stirges. The heroes then discover a number of rooms occupied by undead of one sort or another, Including a guardian flame skull. Spent, the group retrieves the still grieving Gundren and makes their way back to an easily defensible stock room to rest and recuperate from their ordeal and explorations to this point. As of present, they still have not encountered any sign of Nundro, the Black Spider, or his henchmen

Savage Phandelver Session 15

Having recovered in the store room with both Gundren and Droop. The group decides to explore the glowing fungal hallway to the east. In the process they discover a number of fungi common to the underdark, including one that Karra identifies that releases colourful poisonous spores. The group manages to circumvent this threat safety before encountering an area of the mine where the walls are saturated with a glittering quartz-like rock that gives the impression that one is under a starry night sky.

This section had two outbuildings, one where the door lock and the hinges had been partially melted and fused together, and another one that concealed traces of magical energy. The source of the energy was what remained of the legendary mine's mystic forge, weakened with time but still retaining enough power to temporarily imbue items with a bit of mystic strength. The forge was not abandoned but had a guardian, a floating head with four eyestalk tentacles known as a spectator. The creature attacked using its innate abilities to discourage Karra's magic and used magic of its own to nearly cause Calix to die of fright! The battle was ultimately won with Ashaia's keen skill with a bow.

The group managed to find a small number of magical items before heading further north to discover the reason the Wave Echo Cave is so named. The churning underground sea whose waves crashed against the jagged shoreline extended beyond even the sight of Ashaia. The group continued to explore areas of the mine, finding some valuable ingots in the process, before being themselves discovered by a group of bugbears led by a drow. The bugbears were quickly dispatched by Ashaia's magical flames. Calix was dealt another savage blow in the form of a bugbear’s spear. The heroes defeated these foes, however their leader, himself a drow, felt deeper into the cavern network.

Savage Phandelver Session 16

The group proceeds into an uncharted part of the mine, believed to be the center of the Black Spider's forces. They overcome a group of bugbears before moving on and discovering the remains of an ancient human wizard. Moving carefully to the north, they discover the chambers of the Black Spider himself, holding Nundo Rockseeker hostage! A pitched battle takes place in which Nundo is revealed to be a doppelganger. Nezznar's giant spiders fall to magic and staff, the doppelganger is consumed in magic fire, and the Black Spider, though a fearsome opponent, is brought down by Calix wielding the enchanted mace Lightbringer while Karra fights to keep everyone on their feet. The group discovers a few treasures, such as a map to a tunnel network, apparently nearby the village of Orlane, and a letter between the Spider and someone called Lareth the Beautiful.

A door is forced down only to discover the actual Nundo, who is terrified at first thinking the PCs had come to torture him. He soon realises that they are his liberators upon the showing of Nezznar's body. Nundo and Gundren are reunited with plans to bury their brother Thardan upon their return to Phandalin.

In the meantime the group tries to ensure that the mine itself is safe. They explore the old tunnels to find them empty except for an ochre jelly (perhaps the very reason why the tunnels remain unoccupied). After a struggle, it is burned to a crisp. It is here that we leave our heroes ready to venture and explore the remains of the original mine entrance.

Savage Phandelver Session 17

Exploring the former mine entrance leads the heroes to discover a long forgotten payroll box and many long forgotten skeletons, animated by the ambient magic of the place, hungry for the flesh of the living. The skeletons were dealt with in short order and the trio with droop and the dwarves were able to make it back to Phandalin with the corpse of Tharadin Rockseeker.

Upon returning they met up with Sildar and were able to touch base. Calix spent the next ten days speaking with the townsfolk and politicing, learning their hopes concerns and desires for the future. Ashaia decided to evaluate some of the inventory they had picked up, and managed to find that an old dwarven tome that was in their possession was worth money to a collector in Neverwinter. Using the services of the Lionshield Coster, she was able to make the sale without even leaving town. Karra managed to convince the Rockseekers to give her Tharadin's magic boots. The group also contributed to his burial, as is dwarven custom, and were present while he was laid to rest in the Edermath orchard.

The new quiet was interrupted by an invasion of undead, Halmut Kost, angry at being deceived, marched his undead forces into Phandalin looking for Ashaia and the others. The foul beings caused some minor damage, and inflicted a nasty wound on Droop, but were quickly routed. Kost himself fell before Calix and Lightbringer while Ashaia and droop brought down is ogre zombie. Karra used her magic to give her comrades the speed and strength needed to get the task done. Even Sildar got into the action feeling brought back to his glory days.

A few days later the election were called, both Calix and Harbin were permitted to speak their piece with input from their supporters, by the end it appeared obvious to all but the most oblivious that the majority of the townsfolk were being Calix. The town then left to go vote at the temple of luck and it is here, awaiting on the results with baited breathe, that we again leave our heroes…

Savage Phandelver. Session 18

Calix has won the election and has taken the position of Townmaster which he has quickly changed to Mayor. (Former) Townmaster Harbin has left in a huff, leaving Calix in charge. Thankfully he has the support of his friends as well as Sildar and Daran, both of whom have elected to offer support in running the town.

Things seem to be calming down in the region now that the Black Spider has been vanquished, Calix begins setting about running a town, Ashaia journeys out to Old Owl Rest, searching the remnants of Hamun Kost's excavations and finding a few items of interest, Karra takes up a job at the mine identifying and cataloging any unique and interesting artifacts that the miners find. There are also some new faces around Phandalin. Burne of Hommlet, a sorceror/wizard, and his small retinue have been hired by Gundern to assess the state of the Mystic Forge, while Skadi, a fierce barbarian and combatant, is hired to provide defense at the mine and with Ashaia and Burne's trips back and forth from town. Finally after years or worry danger and corruption under Townmaster Harbin, it looks like Phandalin's fortune is ready to increase.

And it is then, roughly 3 weeks after the election that placed Calix in power, when things begin to go wrong, beleaguered and injured prospectors and miners from out east are coming back into town in droves, stories of bands of orcs savaging the landscape and claims, many tales of misfortune are shared but one thing is agreed on, the orcs are coming this way. Gundren is able to hear that there are a number of small bands and one large group of roughly 100 or more ! Thankfully the large group appears to be made up largely of non combatants. but they still pose a major threat.

The group makes their way out of town to investigate and on their second day out, discovers an advanced patrol. Attacking from an element of surprise, Ashaia's skills with a bow and an impressive display of magic from Burne all but eliminate the band. Ashaia questions a survivor who throws down his arms, and learns that their leaser Chief Mog Ghrol, has had a vision that the clan must move to Phandalin and make it their own. It appears the orcs are willing to blindly fallow their leader. It is after this that the group finally manages to track and dispatch the last remaining orc who fled when the going got tough.

Formulating a loose plan to strike at the chief, the group continues forward, looking for any groups of orcs hoping that they will be able to stymie the threat one band of marauding orcs at a time. The group encountered a second group of orcs, these ones much more ready for hand to hand combat. A pitched battle was fought where are heroes, though spent, again defeated the squad. It is after this battle that we leave our heroes, sitting in a make shift camp at near dusk awaiting the best course of action to take tonight…

Savage Phandelver. Session 19

Our hero's after battling a number of scouting parties, decided with the aid of Skadi to find the location in the hilly plains best suited to conceal themselves for an ambush. After an evening of practicing skills and brooding, the group had their opportunity to put their plan to the test. A trio of orc squads was seen marching within sight of each other along the Tribore trail towards Phandalin. A surprise attack took out the first wave followed by a staggered attack on the second and third groups. Tired, spent, but satisfied they had successfully dealt with the scouts, our heroes decided to seek out a defensible chokepoint and ultimately deciding on a bridge cross a turbulent river. Successfully sabotaging the bridge the group lays in wait as the nearly 60 orcs and associated prepare to cross. Tense? You better believe it! 

Savage Phandelver. Session 20

The group prepares for the oncoming orc forces. Caelix gives a rousing and heartfelt speech that bolsters his comrades in arms in unexpected ways. Ashaia and Burne get into position and prepare their formidable offensive abilities and Skadi get herself psyched up for what appears to be the battle of a lifetime.

It is not long before the orcs arrive. One goes out to inspect the bridge in a tense moment, but finds nothing noticeably wrong with it. The first squad of Orcs attempts to quick march across the bridge but Burne strikes with a fireball sending many to their graves and those remaining into the drink. Skadi rushes up and, with a single sweep of her bone axe, cuts down 3 orcs.  Ashaia dispatches a number of troops across the river with her mastery of the bow.

The orcs surge across the rushing river as best they can, thinking to overwhelm with their superior numbers but many more are defeat on route, some in the river others once they crossed the shore. The Orc leader Mash Varbuk endures an incredible onslaught of arrow and flame before falling to a knee and surrendering to our heroes.

Under questioning, Mash informs the group that, while Mog Ghrol has had guiding visions in the past, this one feels different and wrong, but none of the generals wish to oppose him. This vision to move came after the sudden death of his wife, and Mash notes that he has been different ever since her recent death.

An idea to hopefully avoid any bloodshed, Mash and the group decide to send a few of the survivors back to Cheif Mog with a message and proof of Mash's involvement. While waiting the group takes some time to reflect on the situation. A day later and the messengers return, Chief Ghrol is willing to meet the group with a small number of his armed retinue…on the grounds of Cragmaw castle in 2 days. The party must now decide how to proceed with this offer from the stubborn chief.

Savage Phandelver. Session 21

The group ultimately took the advice of Mash and journeyed to the ruins of Cragmaw Castle, familiar to both Ashaia and Calix from the defeat of King Ghrol and the rescue of Karra and Gundren. Mog arrives on the evening of the second night and sets up camp. The next day He discusses the situation with the heroes. At first he is unimpressed but after a few doubts arising from Burnes interjections and an appeal from Skadi, he takes the time to meditate on the issue and consult the spirits.

He returns and believes that the vision may have directed them towards Thundertree, he believes that they must defeat the dragon and he must possess its head. If the group is successful, then he will take the ghost clan to Thundertree and leave Phandalin unscathed. Mog decides to accompany the characters along with the disgraced Mash and the ogre Ougoulth. Killing the Dragon together will seal the deal, Mog claims, and has ordered his orcs to wait 10 days before, should they not hear from him, attacking Phandalin.

Skadi manages to earn the respect of Mog by demonstrating her ferocity and strength, Calix and Skadi converse with Mash to try to learn a bit more of life in the Ghost Wolf clan, Calix also picking up a few pointers on planning battle. Burne discusses Mog's visions endeavoring to learn a bit more about them and how they happen, while Ashaia remains quietly cautious. Skadi does try to strike up a bit of conversation with Ougoulth, realizing just how out of place the ogre feels in this situation and Calix converses with Mog regarding his vision of the greedy fat townmaster of Phandalin having sent prospectors into his tribe's lands.

Arriving at the ruins of Thundertree the group was attacked by a group of creatures identified by Skadi as Tree Blights. The creatures were quickly dispatched of, but the fight gained the attention of Reidoth, a slightly mad and crazy druid living in the ruins. He cautioned them of the dangers of facing Venomfang, thinking not too much of their chances of survival. the group was able to learn of the dragons lair, that it typically only comes out during the day, that it was a large adult green dragon, and that there were a number of crazy cultists worshiping it from afar. Thundertree is, according to Reidoth, the home to a number of blights and bizarre zombies the expel a harmful ash like gas. With all this to take in and digest the heroes and their unlikely orc allies hunker down and must decide how to best approach the challenge ahead. The fate of Phandalin and the Ghost Wolf tribe lay in the balance.

Savage Phandelver, Session 22

The group makes their way from Reidroth's home towards the tower. On the way they encounter an number of twig blights and Quartet of ash zombies locked in an old abandoned brewery. Skadi attempts to sneak up on the tower, entering it quietly but not quietly enough as Venomfang, slightly dozy at first, takes notice of the intruder.

The mighty green dragon flies up and breathes a violent acidic spray on the orcs and Cinquo. Burne quickly hastens his allies and sinks into the safety of the ground. Calix drags Skadi, who downs a flying potion to safety and plans his next move.

Skadi flies up to meet her foe, dealing a number of severe axe blows to the creature in the air. The orcs launch their javelins and Ashaia strikes with her arrows. The terrible beast gets a few horrific bites in on Skadi and Uogoulth, but in the end Skadi's axe brings the monster down. The horde, containing a number of magical items and a small mountain of gold coin. The coin is divided and the Ghost Wolf Chief Mog Ghrol takes the head and the heart of the dragon for himself.

Mog confides in Calix of the monster that drained the life from his wife, killing her and disfiguring him. Mog notes that their are Drow and things far worse than Drow" In the deep, and to be wary. The Chief promises Calix a favor if as some point the beast, which Burnes feels may be a Wraith, is destroyed. The group harvests some potentially valuable parts of the the Dragon and cooks up some of the rest before heading back to Phandalin the next day as Heroes.

The Black Spider is vanquished

The Red Wizard of Thay is defeated.

The Maurading Ghost Clan is no longer a threat

The Dragon Venomfang is slain.

While a few loose ends persist, the town of Phandalin has never felt as safe and has never felt as much hope as it now does in more than 500 years. Secure in the knowledge that here he can now rest easy and that the region in and around the town is truly safe and secure. Calix says his parting words to his friends and decides to take a break from adventuring and embrace his role as Mayor of Phandalin. Ashaia is charged with helping to negotiate trade with Hommlet in the weeks or months to come.

Though they now rest easy, there are rumblings beyond the horizon that call to them.

Daran Edermath has received a message from Mayor Zarkarias Ormond of Orlane, himself and old adventuring companion, seeking assistance with the strange and sinister goings on in the village.

Burne received a message from Rufus noting an increase in bandit activity, espeically in the vicinity of the Old Moathouse.

Knowledge of Drow or worse deep below Wyvern Tor unsettles Ashaia and concerns Calix.

Where will our heroes go from here ?

Savage Decent to the Depths of the Earth, Session 23

Enjoying the quiet life that is the fruit of their victories for a while, Ashaia, Skadi and Burne meet Eskil a travelling northman bard. Skadi and Eskil. Needing a forth, Skadi's love of tales, and Eskil's voice in his head telling him to accompany the group was all they needed to encourage the Bard to join. Using a number of tricks and persuasiveness a stocking trip to Neverwinter was made before heading out towards the caverns

The group makes the week long journey from the big city to the remote depths of Wyvren Tor, along the way the very bridge that was their salvation during the orc advance becomes an obstacle, Eskil struggles with a more internal obstacle, his seperation from his people and culture, but resolves it. Burne comes across the corpse of a ghoul like creature that seems to have emerged from the hills, upon examination Burne realizes it is...or was at one point in time...human.

Within the group searches the former room of chief Mog, finding a number of small personal valuables in the process as well as the narrow opening that Mog's assailant entered through. A narrow squeeze but the group makes it through into the wider tunnel beyond. They observe their surroundings noted the faintly glowing green lichen, moss and fungi. Skadi takes a specific interest in this, deciding that while edible, perhaps easting something that tastes of dried ink is not the best strategy.

Making their way along the passage, they soon come to a section that looks like it was crudely shaped with tools. While approaching to examine, Skadi is ambushed by the wraith, but is able to fend off its soul sucking assaults. While it is quickly discovered that mundane attacks do not work, thankfully Ashaia Burne and Skadi are all able to employ magic and enchantment against the undead and vanquish it.

It is in the aftermath of this struggle that Skadi and Ashaia hear voices, some in the tongue of Ashaia's father - undercommon. It would appear that nearby a number of Drow (confirmed by stealthy recon) have abducted a pair of Phadalin prospectors and are in the process of interrogating them before carting them off to become slaves in their city below or worse, a sacrifice to the Goddess Lloth. Our heroes, having none of that attack making short work of the small scouting party. The survivor refuses to answer questions stating that while the party can only kill her, the Martron Mother Eclavdra can destroy both body and soul.

The rescued prospectors are much more willing to talk. They tell of their abduction, as well as a rash of disappearances in the region, prospectors missing from their claims. They mention that the Drow who captured them seemed to be responsible and even asked a number of questions regarding the "Magic Forge" found in Wave Echo. The pair were able to lead the group to another, not so narrow exit to the surface before promising to pass word of the threat to Calix. It would appear to the heroes that the Drow may be the next big threat to the region…but what are they planning?

Savage Cult of the Reptile God, Session 24

Dispatching their Drow prisoner, the group carefully makes their way further east and. moving carefully, encounter a patrol or scouting party of drow, all wearing the same deep purple and black regalia, all with the same onyx spider on a silver web emblem. Axe swings, magical fire, and some emotionally scaring remarks and the drow have been vanquished. After some discussion, the group feels that the best course of action is to seal the caverns and make Calix and Phandalin aware of the trouble. It takes them the better part of the day, but through mundane and mystical measure, all the know tunnels leading down to the drow have been collapsed or otherwise made inaccessible. With this the party begins their week long journey to the town of Orlane to respond to Zacharias Ormand's letter of distress.

After an uneventful week, the group arrives in Olane, having passed mountains, rolling plains and marshy forests to arrive at the clearing that houses the town. They are greeted by the sight of parents grabbing their children and taking them indoors out of fear and suspicion. They pass over a rough somewhat rundown looking in for a much nice looking one, the Slumbering Serpent, just across the river. It is here that they take rooms and become acquainted with Belba and Ollwin Cralloon, the proprietors of what is tonight a very sleepy and quiet establishment. The Cralloons are more than happy to provide their vacant rooms to the group and fill their bellies with stew and drink while talking about the disappearances, the hostile and aloof changes in personality of some of the townsfolk, strange cloaked figures being seen in the woods, and the general angst and worry in the town. the old man Ranme and Alan Clayborne and his family still seem fine, as does the lady who lives down the road, but most other folk that they can think of are different and missing, causing Ollwin to stress when he makes the realization. After a hearty meal and a decision to see the mayor in the morning, all but Burne, who sleeps like a baby, endure a restless night of worry before rising the next day.

The group splits, Skadi goes to visit the "druid" in the grove, who turns out to be an elderly wizard Ranme with his Ferret familiar Whiskers. Skadi and Ranme have a conversation about nature and man-s (or woman's) connection to it. Skadi feeds Whiskers with some of her rations before settling down with Ranme to learn a cleansing meditative mantra.

The rest of the heroes, meanwhile, head to Mayor Ormand's home. The show the letter from Daran and Zacharias ushers them in. After discerning what the characters know. Zacharais confers that a change has come over much of the town, much more than Ollwin suspects. AS of now, according to Zacharias, at least the carpenter, smith, temple, and the store keeper have been recruited by some sort of cult or cabal. He only began putting two and two together after family in the southeast corner of town disappeared, not too long after the fire at the foaming mug. Zacharias thinks that somehow Ranme is at the heart of all this. He has no proof, but just knows that the old man knows more about something than he is letting on.

It is here that we leave our heroes thick in the middle of a mystery, trying to discover what is goin on in this other wise quiet town of Orlane

Savage Cult of the Reptile God, Session 25

As she learns the mantra from Ranme, Skadi is cautioned by the old wizard to take care around the Temple of Merrika and the Golden Grain Inn, there is something sinister in those places she is told as she sets off to meet the rest of the group at the Mayors house, but has forgotten where that is. On the way she meets the constable, a gruff unfriendly man who asks many questions but is short on answers himself. Eventually Skadi finds her way to Zachariah's home just as the group, having learned all they can from the mayor, has come to the conclusion that they must investigate the missing families before turning their attention towards the Temple of Merrika

The heroes make their way to the southwestern portion of town, being eyeballed by a few gruff looking townsfolk along the way. Ashiaa and Burne go over the Robinson farmhouse while Eskil notices they are being watched by an older woman from across the way. The pair manage to find mild signs of a quick struggle and the Robinsons hidden stash of coin and valuables. The disappearance is not making sense and is looing more and more like something untoward has happened here.

As Ashaia shares this info with the others back in the street, a 50s something human woman comes out of the home across the street and inquires in a friendly way about the characters business, asking if they are friends of the Robinsons. The woman, Amy. has an answer for everything, suggesting people have just been a bit too paranoid due to the fire. She can't really think of anyone who has been acting too strange in town and recommends that the group, if they dont have a room already, hit up the Golden Grain and tell Bertram Beswill that Amy sent them there to get a discount.

Before they part ways, Amy also recommends visiting the temple on the northern edge of town. As the group heads north, Ashaia notices the amount of weeds and overgrowth and a few other things that put a few holes in Amy's version.

Being the middle of the day, there is no reason the group cannot enter the temples ground, circled by a 20 foot granite wall and heavy wooden gate with a relief of Merrika carved into it. As the group enters the central sanctuary the meet Misha Devi, and strike up a conversation with her. She asks many questions of the PCs and tries to avoid answering theirs, claiming that as far as she knows no one has been acting strange and people didn't disappear they simply left, something that the group sees through. After they ask after Abramo and tell Misha that Amy suggested they come, she offers to go see Abramo and tells the characters to wait for her return.

They do, but not exactly. Burne sends Baron around the site to see what is going on while Ashaia, being under and enchantment, walks through the stone walls to do the same. Ashaia does find a large number of monks making their way in the direction of the characters and has just enough time to warn them before they arrack to take the surprise out of it. The battle is short and in a matter of moments the evil monks are chopped or burned to the ground. On the trail of Misha the group encounters and dispatches of more Monks, finds a secret passage to the basement. They enter a maze fight the worlds shortest and possibly most unlucky ogre, before eventually finding a way out to the other side through a number of secret passages. On the other side.

It is here that Skadi encounters a bizarrely violent species of fungus, one that emits a powerful screech when killed. The screech alerts the troglodytes of impending trouble, and they prepare for battle. However prepared, it did not stop the group resisting the attacks and smell of the lizards. Once defeated they find a chest that contains a broach of shielding, and are left with the realization that they took a wrong turn in their pursuit of Misha.

Savage Cult of the Reptile God, Session 26

Having explored the bizarre basement of the temple, the group decides to search the upper levels for the fleeing cleric Misha. They climb the ladder and find themselves in a simple bedchambers, bizarre scrawlings ae found in old papers on the desk. They follow a trail of muddy footprints along a hallway full of solid gold statues of various foodstuffs that have been left untouched. Burne attempts to take a few for "safekeeping" but is able to deflect and determine that the objects are under divine protection (at least for now) and best left where they lie.

The group continues upstairs, running headlong into a group of beleagured undead, who are made short work of. A library is found full of books on religion and nature, but with one beautiful and ornate book dedicated to the study of a goddess torn and defiled. Moving along Skadi makes a grime discovery, the room once used for preparing corpses has been repurposed, though it could be said that the torture room is still preparing corpse, just in a different more sinister way. Still leading Skadi discovers a large meeting room full of goblins as well as the cleric Misha and another, who is identified as Abramo. A vicious battle takes place in which the villain's appear to quickly gain the upper hand only to have victory snatched away by a combination of Skadi;s Ax Ashaia's bow, Burne's counter magic, and Eskil's put downs. Abramo and the goblins are killed in the fight, but Mischa is kept alive for questioning when she comes to. 

Through chance the group finds a hidden wall in the bedchambers of Abramo which leads to a room of old junk and the missing Cirilla, daughter of the shop keeper. Cirilla begs for the PCs to get her out of there, telling them that the clerics and others around town have been worshipping and charmed, all by some creature with the body of a snake and the head of a woman. It is at this time that Ashaia returns with Mayor Ormand, who is quickly caught up on the situation. He takes Cirilla to the druid Ranme, while our heroes dispatch of the last remaining "Security" tasked with serving the mind controlled clerics.

Savage Cult of the Reptile God: Session 27

Having rid the Temple of Merrika of the evil that has infested it, The group takes their captive cleric and marches her to the grove of trees where Cirilla, Zacharias and the wizard Ramne await. Burne and Eskil are able to combine their magical prowess with Ramne's magic and break the cursed enchantment plaguing Misha Demi, only for her to fall unconscious from the experience. Through the accounts of Cirilla, the group is able to piece together that a powerful naga of some sort is responsable for the cult Ramne notes that its charming enchantment is too powerful and pervasive to be normal. Ramne mentions that, while waiting for Misha to arise from her slumber there is one other lair of villiany in Orlane, The Golden Grain.

At Ramne's request they head to the Grain and find a somber, suspicious, but bustling scene. The head barkeep, Bertram Beswill, keeps the conversation going, very curious, asking questions of the heroes business and what they are doing in Orlane as his kitchen boy Snigrot brings the food and drink. It is shortly after getting their meal that Eskil and Burne notice they are drifting off to sleep. The guests are not what they seem, they band together in effort to overwhelm the still awake Ashaia and Skadi. Even calling in staff from other parts of the hotel, they fail to overcome the two warriors. The upstairs worker turned assassin manages to survive by offering a quick surrender when he can see what direction the wind is blowing. They get as much info after as they can out of him prior to cracking his head hard on the ground and taking him captive

The group with Ranme's help has enough curatives to undo the poison effecting one person, The group decides to wake Eskil and to allow Ranme to take Burne back to recover. Their plan forward is then discussed. Three of the four heroes set out, following a very crudely drawn map leading to the cavern where the old Wizard has seen the Trogladytes congregate. The map takes them to a river that they must follow north to the cave entrence. The group makes it to the river, and has a quick encounter with a group of gators, dispatching of a few before the others run off. Next they came across a band of troglodytes and manage to rescue a travelling merchant for the clutches of a band of troglodyes. Grateful, Boscar Gribbins (who Ashaia denies knowing) offers to give them useful objects, some of which might actually be helpful!

It is here that the adventures, having dicovered the entrence to the creatures cavern, wait for Burne, who has shortly before Ashaia's Sending, awoke. They wait and rest, recuperating their strength as Burne hurries to their position.

Savage Cult of the Reptile God: Session 28

Ready to enter the cavern, Burne receives a magical summons and, without explanation, vanishes in a cone of white light, leaving our trio of heroes to continue the work in finding and removing the cult that has been plaguing Orlane for the last few months. With a few last minute preparations, the group makes their way down the muddy boggy cavern below.

Trying to cautious Skadi fails and slips down a slick staircase right into the middle of a number of cultists, who run and get more until a score of crazed fanatical villains rush them and raining a series of blows on the party, Skadi mostly.

Towards the end of this pitched battle, a green slime, long dormant but awoken during the sounds of combat and attack, melting a number of cultists live or dead but managing to fall to the blade of Skadi, who in an impressive feat of combat prowess manages to cut it down without damage to herself.

Further investigation of the area shows the relatively simple existence that the cultists, all with a fanatical gleam in their eye live under, the riches that have been taken from the town and the victims or Orlane have clearly been cached somewhere else. A trickling stream into a pool, a large underground pond, and a number of rooms, slowly being reclaimed by the swampy earth are uncovered before the heroes make their way towards a large arched room supported by a number of wooden pillars fashioned from tree trunks. Ashaia takes note of the bark on said trees having been stripped by what first looks to be claws but upon a closer look…talons.

The group continues into the next room, similar to the first only with a large dead looking tree extending 30 or more feet into the air, rustling in the leaves reveals that this tree is the home to a number of harpies that likely use the perforation in the chambers ceiling as a way in and out. The harpies are quickly defeated by a combination of bow, axe and cunning jib. A search of the area notes a number of jewels and jewelry items, including a magical necklace that has 4 pearly gems, red, blue, white, and black worked into it. While able to determine that it is magical, it's actual powers are not yet known.

Continued investigation of this underground tunnel reveal a locked and barred door, Ashaia deftly unlocks it and Skadi…well Skadi explodes it off of its hinges. The first thing that our heroes see is the one surviving cultist, the one who fled. "Its them! Kill them". the group is then beset upon by assassins. A number of them quickly fall to our experienced heroes but the battle rages will our heroes fair?

Savage Cult of the Reptile God Session 29

Our Heroes dispatched the rest of the assassins and villain's and began a search of the premise only to turn up empty handed. An unopened door was found, Skadi went to reach for it but Ashaia pulled back her hand before she could grab it, bringing the glyph etched into the brass to her attention. Some debate was had, and in the absence of finding a key anywhere in this part of the tunnel network, it was decided to leave it for now.

The trio then decided to continue north, linking back up with the murky pond that they first say upon arrival. Skadi waded into the waist deep waters, only to be given a tongue lashing by the largest frogs that any in the group had ever seen! A well placed pair of arrows by Ashaia crippled the creatures tongue causing it to fall to Skadi's axe all the quicker. Once the frogs were defeated a section to the north was found, apparently used as a treasure room with thousands worth of gold coins and small gems.

The group continues south, almost losing Eskil in the mud at one point, to see a large pond filled with the remains of sentient beings, some were human others not, under closer inspection they were bitten by something, something with lots of large and sharp teeth. Try as she may, Ashaia is unable to identify the bodies beyond their ancestry as all valuables have been stripped clean, clothing has been shredded with only scraps remaining and the bones have been stripped clean of any meat or flesh. Backtracking slightly, the group comes to the other side of the large pool they had found earlier. The waters quickly become too deep to simply wade through, as Skadi discovers, and must be swan to traverse. It is here that the party discovers the source of those toothmarks, three crocodiles rise to the surface, their rest disturbed by Skadi's motions, hungry for their next meal.

One of the crocs grabs hold of the barbarian, chomping down hard and initiating a death roll. Skadi manages to separate herself from the scaly predator and give as good as she gets. Eskil uses magic to attempt to befuddle the senses of the beasts and Ashaia, practiced and patient, uses a few well placed arrows to help bring a quick resolution to the watery conflict. The group finds a small canoe and a hidden door, well hidden on the other side, leading back towards the entrance. Exploring this area, they find a single passage to the south that they have yet to explore.

Another barred door is found and broken, revealing the foul smell of troglodytes, two guards are quickly cut down, with four more soon to follow. the group discovers a series of steps, leading deeper below. A series of tunnels are encountered, along with a giant spider that simply did not not stand a chance. The ever observant Ashaia realizes something familiar in the meandering tunnels and, putting 2 and 2 together, brings out the map found long ago in Wave Echo Mine. Sure enough, this map's southwest quadrant matches the muddy tunnels that the trio of heroes currently finds themselves in! Armed with this knowledge, they head towards the most likely location of the Naga, a pool of water on the opposite side of the map. Moving stealthfully and carefully northwards, they soon encounter the familiar stench of troglodytes. While they cannot see all of the creatures, it certainly sounds like there are a lot of them, how will they fair against such numbers?

Savage Cult of the Reptile God: Session 30

Having discovered a number of troglodytes our heroes became prepared as best they could prior to Skadi rushing out, axe in hand (and often in troglodyte) Ashaias letting loose and explosion of arrows on her unlucky foes, and Eskil using the power of the Voice (capital V) to browbeat his enemies and uplift his companions. The group manages to overcomes the stench of the troglodytes, the venom of a number of venomous snakes, and the brute strength of a giant lizard before cornering the lone survivor, who stands in defense of the clan's unhatched eggs.

The group manages to convince the trog that his and his clan's best chance at a future would be to tell the heroes everything that they need to know. In gravely undercommon, he gives the group the directions they need to navigate the caverns to the pond that encircles the naga's lair. True to his word, the directions work out leading the heroes to a rowboat on a dark pond, lit only in the slightest by slightly luminescent pillars.

It is partway across that they realize the jig is up. Something, the naga's magic, has grabbed the boat, Ashaia having just enough time to cast a light spell, revealing her location before it and that party tumble into the water. Skadi uses her magic to quickly fling her companions on realtively dry land. Eskil, rising to his feet. Calls out to the submerged naga, his insults tricking her into both revealing her position and her plans allowing Skadi to grapple her in the waves and giving Ashaia a clear target. The vile monster tries to sink its venomous fangs into skadi and to conjure deadly illusions to dispatch Eskil and Ashaia with no success. Ashaia manages to send the naga to a watery grave with two well placed arrows, each imbedded in a different eye.

Bringing the creatures body ashore, the group take its head as well as a variety of valuable items . They then continue south through a few hidden doors, only to discover the evil cleric, Gareth Primo and his undead henchmen. Primo thanks the heroes for killing the naga and allowing him to take its place as cult leader, the adventuress reward? a swift and relatively painless death. The wights and skeletons at Primo's command push through the door, scratching clawing and biting at Skadi. Eventually the group manages to dispatch with enough of the undead that they are able to take arrow and axe directly to the insane cleric, sending him and his macabre constructs to the next life. On him they find a few interesting things, including the key to the room upstairs.

Continuing on the map that Ashaia recovered from Wave Echo mine in what feels like an eternity ago, the party finds a number of prisoners behind the rusted cold iron bars of a long forgotten prison. The captives plea with the party to save them before Primo or the Nagag feed them to the crocs. The heroes are able to reassure them that this will not be possible as their captors are no longer of this world. The captives, who include the son and daughter of the carpener, a merchant from neverwinter, and a missing farmer's wife. They confirm what the party already suspects, that any who do not fall under the nagas spell are fed upon. The group is able to lead them seafetey back up out of the dungeon, stopping to gain access to primo's room on the way out, recoveing a few choice items on the way.

Back in Orlane, the victims of the naga's mind control appear to be coming out of their trances, many remember very little, thankfully as many families have lost members due to the cult and possibly at their own hand. Mayor Ormand and Ranme both address the gathered townsfolk outside of the mayor's residence informing them of the group's heroics and the source of the tension in Orlane, as well as the source of the befuddlement experienced by many. He and the town express their graititude to the party, as well as their desire to move forward as a community that is whole once more. Mayor Ormand mentions the reconstruction of the Foaming Mug as a gift of their appreication, though such a job will take several months. The group helps prepare a letter to Phandalin seeking aid before moving to the Slumbering Serpent, where their money is no longer of any value, before partaking in a party to attempt to restore the bright community spirit for which Orlane was once famous.