Trade Remedies : Anti-dumping, Subsidies and Safeguard Measures

Trade Remedies are measures that can be utilised in the form of tariffs and in some instances quota's to help to allow domestic producers to defend against unfair trade practices, such as dumping, subsidies and a surge in imports. Specific conditions have to be met in order for domestic producers to access these measures. They can only be triggered after the submission of a properly documented complaint to the national investigating authority that must conduct an investigation to determine whether the domestic producer is being injured as a result of the unfair imports or surge in imports, and make a determination as to whether and what measure is to be imposed.

Specialist economic, and legal expertise is required to submit a properly documented complaint. As one the main practitioners in this area in Jamaica and having spearheaded the development of the procedures and practices and assisted with the development of the legislation in Jamaica, you need look no further.

Also having conducted the analysis in all but two of the National Authority's investigations to date I have assisted private sector firms in assessing whether they met the requirements to submit a complaint, and have also assisted in challenges to the use of certain procedures. I have also assisted with the development of trade remedy investigation manuals and procedures to guide the work of investigating authorities.

Let me provide both your legal and economic analysis in one single service offering.

Importers and exporters also will need representation in a trade remedy investigation. Failure to submit the requested information to the Authority could lead to adverse inferences. This could result in high anti-dumping tariffs. It is therefore recommended that you seek local representation so that accurate data and information can be submitted to the Authority to counter the allegations from domestic producers, who may be suffering injury from other factors than imports, and ensure that this injury is not attributed to the imports.

Everyone benefits from fair trade.