
In the Scaffidi group, we study emergent phenomena of quantum matter, including hydrodynamics, quantum chaos, topological matter, superconductivity, and applications to quantum computing. We are part of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at UC Irvine. Some of our group members also have affiliations with the University of Toronto. You can learn more about our research in the Research tab. For a complete list of publications, please see arXiv or Google Scholar.

Working with me

We regularly have openings in my group at the Undergraduate, Master, PhD and Postdoctoral level, please get in touch at firstname.surname@gmail.com.

PhD applicants should apply here, the deadline is December 15.

We currently have an opening for a postdoctoral researcher, apply here before Jan 1st 2024: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/26518


Featured in PRL, with a simple sketch which summarizes the paper, by Tianrui Xu =>