Teacher Reports

From Special Ed…

It was great for our SLC students to get back to more APE field trips. They had a great time at the bounce houses and the park.  We were also excited to get Peer Buddy up and running again this year.  Mrs. Hazelet and Ms. Watson had several lunch group activities for our students in 1-5 grade.

2nd Grade Highlights

Mrs. Turnow is using active participation activities to make learning about Force and Motion fun and exciting:

All of second grade will be publishing books soon that the children will contribute to about what they want to be when they grow up. They are so excited!

From Katie Guehl, GIS - I am excited to reach more students this year by getting a little creative!  Students who could benefit from some math enrichment in grades 3 and 4 can now get into some lessons I record and post each week. These lessons can be done at school when students finish their regular classroom work early, or done at home. Access to these lessons was given by teachers telling me about interested/ advanced math students and I added them to my Math Enrichment Google classes. Any parent who is interested in having their child join one of my classes can reach out to me or have their child reach out.  This has been a nice way to reach more students and essentially double my caseload and challenge children. I present information from the next grade level to students who like a math challenge (for example, grade 3 students get to try some grade 4 challenges). This opportunity is not as wonderful as if I was full time at Thomas and could meet with students in person, but it is a great way for me to offer services for students and support teachers. I hope to add some cognitive and creativity lessons for all teachers grades 3-5 next year! 

2nd grade is having a great time! Most second graders are exploring measurement and place value in math. Many of us will be using math to explore pumpkins this upcoming Halloween. We are reading many different versions of fairy tales and learning about comparing and contrasting. 2nd graders have been writing personal narratives and opinions. Many of us have been using this Fall season to explore and observe short and long term weather changes.

In Mrs. Weber's class is learning about apples! We are doing apple experiments, learning about the life cycle of an apple, and even writing a recipe card about how to make applesauce.We even put our learning into a real life experience by making and eating our very own applesauce!

Our students are also doing investigations around apples! Some of the things that we are doing include taste testing, apple browning experiments, virtual tour of an apple facility, writing a how-to list for making applesauce, and then making applesauce as a class!

We have also been having a great time building our read to self stamina (up to 12 minutes now!!!) and exploring math workplaces.

The students had SOOO much fun at Super Games and Tiger Trek! Thank you so much for putting on this great event. The students talk about it all year!

“Kindergarten classes are just having fun getting to know each other and learning about school!”

thank you!

Our Thomas Teachers and Staff are LOVING their lounge updates!!! Thank you, PTO!