
About Me

I'm a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the University of Waterloo,  working on extremal and probabilistic combinatorics under the supervision of Prof. Luke Postle. I completed my PhD at UNSW Sydney in 2023, supervised by Anita Liebenau. Topics I have recently worked on include graph Ramsey theory, arithmetic Ramsey theory, extremal problems for hypergraphs, random graphs and finite geometry.

I also obtained in 2009 a Master in Statistics and Economics from the ENSAE, Paris, and I worked for about 10 years in consulting for insurance companies and financial institutions.

You may find a detailed CV here.


My primary field of interest is extremal and probabilistic combinatorics. I am particularly interested in the application of probabilistic techniques to Ramsey theory problems. Coloring the edges or vertices of a large enough (hyper)graph tends to force the apparition of monochromatic subgraphs or sub-structures. Ramsey theory explores the sufficient and/or necessary conditions upon which this happens. I'm also interested in various aspects of extremal combinatorics (inducibility, Hamiltonicity, ...)

The up-to-date list of my research articles is on Google Scholar here. You can also check arXiv


1.The minimum degree of minimal Ramsey graphs for cliques, 2020, with A.Bishnoi and J.Bamberg. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society.

2. On the minimum degree of minimal Ramsey graphs for cliques versus cycles, 2023, with A.Bishnoi, S.Boyadzhiyska, D.Clemens, P.Gupta and A.Liebenau. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics.

3. On the use of senders for asymmetric tuples of cliques in Ramsey theory, 2022, with S.Boyadzhiyska, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B.


4. A new upper bound on the minimum degree of minimal Ramsey graphs, 2022,with A.Bishnoi

Master Thesis

Discrete duality principle in different random graph models, 2019.

Conferences and workshops



University of Waterloo, Department of Combinatorics and Optimization

200 University Ave West, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada

Email: tlesgourgues at gmail.com