Non-Bennett Borrowers

Triad Academic Library Association (TALA) Borrowers

Students, faculty, and staff of all TALA member colleges and universities may directly borrow materials from the Holgate Library at Bennett College. Borrowing directly requires that you pick up and return materials yourself, and that you present your current college or university ID at the time of checkout.

Borrowing and circulation privileges for TALA borrowers are outlined in the TALA Privileges Chart. Individuals who borrow materials from Bennett College are solely responsible for any fines accrued due to loss, damage, or late return of materials.

To borrow materials, bring your current college or university ID to the Circulation Desk. Inform the librarian on duty that you are a current student, faculty, or staff member at a TALA member institution, and that you want to borrow materials. Library staff may call your home institution to verify your current enrollment/employment status and good standing. Once you are verified, you will complete registration and be able to check out materials. Below is a list of TALA member institutions:

TALA Institutions

See the TALA Privileges Page at Wake Forest University for more detailed borrowing and loan period information.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Borrowers

All Interlibrary Loan (ILL) materials lent to borrowers at other institutions are arranged through the ILL or Document Delivery service of the borrower's home institution. If you currently are in possession of ILL materials borrowed from Bennett College, please contact your home institution with any questions.

Need additional help? Contact Ms. Joan Williams, the Library Director, or the Access Service Desk at 336-517-2139.