Behavioral Science
Service Offer

Service offer as a behavioral scientist

As a behavioral scientist working together with Behavioural by Design, I am here to help you and your business unlock their full potential by incorporating cutting-edge behavioral science to better understand your own work, your team's work, your customers and clients, and how humans think and operate overall. We apply behavioral science for good and have already successfully helped companies in New Zealand, who have benefitted from all of the services outlined below.


Training people in how to apply behavior change tools in their daily lives, at work, and how to apply those to policy and other design challenges. We create a tailored masterclass for your team or you personally and teach you (r team) behavioral science tools and basic knowledge to better understand what barriers and opportunities people have in their daily decisions.

Behavioural by Design Lab

Following the masterclass, your and/or your team might be interested in more hands-on knowledge and ongoing support. Become a behaviorally informed team embracing the mindsets and methods of behavioral science for innovation. We help your team think more like a behavioral scientist from the initiation until the successful delivery of each project or idea.

Testing and experimentation

Develop and test behavior change strategies that resonate with your audiences. We can co-create and test experiments and carry out studies that are tailored to your team’s needs and your company’s goals.

Data science

Gain data-driven insights and answers to your questions from your own data. We are here to help with the design and evaluation of your experiments and studies. We generate data with you, analyze the data, and create insightful reports. If you wish to use this service, we would like to ask for your permission to use the carried-out studies and their de-identified data to publish peer-reviewed journal articles (with or without acknowledgment of your financial support on the paper).

Contact us

Visit us on our website at or send us an email directly to Behavioural by Design is based in New Zealand, but I am based in Luxembourg and available for a meeting in-person or virtually.

Want to learn more about Behavioral Science? Check out the following

Resource center

Teams applying Behavioral Science to real-world problems

  • The Behavioral Insights Team (BIT) in the UK was the first so-called Nudge Unit that applied behavioral science in policy, addressing social and environmental issues. Since then similar teams have been deployed in the USA, Canada, Germany, Australia and other nations.

  • The Mind, Behavior, and Development Unit at the Worldbank applies behavioral science to the Worldbank's mandate of improving the lives of everyone on this planet.

  • The European Commission's Joint Research Center's Unit for Foresight, Modelling, Behavioural Insights and Design for Policy applies behavioral insights to improve the lives of all Europeans.

  • BEworks and ideas42 are teams of consultants applying behavioral economics to all sorts of challenges that our world faces.

  • The BE Center for Behavior and the Environment applies behavioral science to tackle climate-related issues step-by-step, similar to some work done by the Green Climate Fund.

  • The Decision Lab in Canada applies behavioral science for good, improving the lives of Canadians and world-wide.