Policy Goals

Tax Reform

  • Repeal the grocery tax

  • Repeal the income tax

  • Repeal the property tax

  • Introduce a grandchild tax credit

Economic Development

  • Expansion of the hemp and bamboo industries

  • Regulatory Reform

Education Reform

  • Support school choice with education dollars to FOLLOW THE STUDENT

  • Place greater emphasis on trade schools and agriculture education

  • Complete transparency of state & local school boards and schools

Defending Alabama

  • Adopt constitutional carry legislation

  • Improve self-sufficiency and minimize dependency on imports for essential goods

  • Stand up to illegal immigration & Federal-overreach

  • Abolish the CON and subsequent boards

Election Reform

  • Require an audit after every election

  • Strengthen absentee ballot security

  • Voter list maintenance

Cannabis & Criminal Justice Reform

  • Fully Decriminalize and Legalize Cannabis for medicinal and recreational use and sale

  • Expunge the records of Alabamians with non-violent cannabis convictions