Research/ Recherche


" Dis moi ce que tu penses de la propriété intellectuelle, je te dirai qui tu es.", (with Rémy Guichardaz, Mathieu Lefebvre, Herrade Igersheim , Julien Pénin), Revue Economique, Vol. 60, 2019, 909-922 [CNRS cat. 2 / HCERES]

"A new insight on the inflation persistence: the role of severance pay", Brussels Economic Review / Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles, Vol. 58, n° 1, 2015 [CNRS cat. 4 / HCERES]

Working and ongoing papers / Documents de travail et articles en cours

"German fiscal reforms, the current account and macroeconomic imbalances in the Euro Area : a GVAR approach", with Thierry Betti, 2018

"How harmful are cuts in public employment and wage in times of high unemployment?", with Thierry Betti, Working Papers of LaRGE Research Center n° 2016-05, 2016

"Inflation persistence and labor market institutions", 2016