Btest Server Download


Does anyone know how to do this? I have tried 2 seperate log-ins, one for prod one for test, but had no luck thus far. I cannot change the server myself within the app but I need to run some testing on the mobile app.

With 2 fingers, double tap the SAP CONCUR icon on the Concur app screen login page. then tap system, then tap on server, this should then bring up a list of available servers. Tap on which one you require then navigate back out.

Download the file from (the blue button that says "Bandwidth Test"). Run it and go to the Server tab. Check "Enabled" and I recommend doing the "Authentication Required" and setting the username/password. Set the Max Connections and Allocate UDP Ports From settings as desired. Click Apply Settings. Next make sure that ports are open on any firewalls - the btest program will request all TCP and UDP ports be opened for it in the local Windows firewall, but if you have any other firewalls in the way (like if you want to open this on your public IP) then you'll need to allow TCP port 2000 (you can't change this) and UDP ports from the value you set to that value plus the max connections (so if you leave it at the defaults of 10 and 2000, then you need to allow ports 2000-2009).

Before I get into the patch, _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ You can find the full patch notes here and the test server at Patch notes will be updated daily as the test server changes, and checking them once a day is the best way to stay up to date on what's new on the test server.

This test server will probably last for most of July, with 5.8.0 launching either late July or very early August. I still plan on adding some new SA items, implementing more QOL/bug fixes, and much more over the course of the test server. However, the big main feature of the patch is ready for testing, and I'm excited to see what you all think!

1_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ - There are some new story messages in explaining the Mutations, with more to come during the test server! Z200 will always have Rage with a story message explaining it, 201 will always have Cell Compression, 202 will always have Nova, and 203 will always have Row Randomizer. Starting at 204, mutations are different every run.

As always I'll be active on Discord during the test server, taking suggestions/feedback/bug reports, and will keep a close eye on this reddit post for the same. Thank you so much for taking the time to check our the 5.8.0 Test Server, I hope you love the new Mutations!

If so, top on my wish list is a server serving test data, which I can use to make my first experiments and code samples. For FHIR I found HAPI-FHIR, which is available both via Docker and as a life server at

I am trying to build Epicor Test server. We have 2 servers Epicor Apps and Epicor Database in VM. I already did clone these two VMs then changed the hostname, remove from domain and configure new IP address. Now individually I can login to these two servers and these two servers can ping each other.

I have cloned my VMs and changed the setup on the Test versions and they work. No matter how you do this you have to do parts of the setup and deploy for the new configuration to point to the rights app and sql servers. There is KB0020119 on Epicweb that goes over steps that could need to be performed, but again configurations will vary, so you have to be able to adapt this to your environment.

Thank you. In your earlier post, you decided to cloned all your production VM servers. I am thinking of doing the same. I have a VM for the DB Server+Report Services, Epicor Application Server, and Epicor Reports Agent Servers. Did you encounter any issues with Cloning the Database Server. By Cloning the DB server first and assigning a new IP address and Server name. Could you elaborate an outline of the sequence of steps you followed for all servers?

If you are using Veeam for your VM Backups you can create a Virtual Lab which gives you an exact copy of your prod servers including IP addresses on their own virtual lan. We use this for testing major upgrades.

A test web server has been set up and upgraded with Cascade Version 8.3. All Cascade sites have been copied to this Cascade test environment so that site owners can get hands-on experience and can review their sites using the latest version of Cascade Server.

If you want to set up DICOM server on public internet for hosting non-public data then I would recommend to let a professional service provider (a hospital or a reliable cloud computing company) to manage it. It is not just about technical ability to set up and operating the server, but taking full responsibility for it. Large companies employ many experts in setting up and managing secure information systems, and they still buy liability insurance to cover the costs incurred by inevitable hacks and information leaks.

We are currently using Vmware infrastructure at my work where all our production servers are virtual. At the moment we are not having any good test servers and I have been thinking that it should be easy to create them based on our production servers, so I want to present my idea in order to see if it is possible and if you recommend any other solution instead.

In this way we would always have our test server in sync with our production server. Would this be possible to accomplish with Vmware and windows 2008 RC servers, and do you have any other ideas of how to keep the test and production server in sync?

Part of what you are asking I do each day, make a image based backup of productions servers. I use a product called vReplicator to replicate my guests to another virtual host. These servers remain off but can be brought up at a moments notice.

For what you seem to be asking, create dev environments based on production, I do as well. I just clone the replicated VM, bring it up on an internal network to 'tweak it', reboot and there you have a new dev server that is nearly identical to production.

I am trying to get gradle to start a server on a different process. I have the following task, but it is not working, also this is not OS independent. Is there a way to execute something like this on a different process in a way that os OS independent?

These days a SAS environment is set up normally as a complex Multi-Tier services way with: Meta-dataserver(s), App-servers (compute), Web (midtier) and a lot of clients(web and thinclients). These clients, all those versions, have relationships/requirements to server versions. All of those components are communicating with IP-adresses and port numbers. Using duplicate IP-adress names (ports) intended or accidently can cause a lot of trouble.

The metdataserver is maintains a metadatabase that is containing als of server-ip/dns names (technical part). Roll-back and Roll forward are new fucntionality with 9.4 at this part. The Smu or dedicated import/export can be used to migrate metadatabase content from the old to the new metadata.

Perhaps more specific about our license setup. Our install is just the standard SAS analytic products 9.3 (see setinit output below), which the 7 or so user remote into the server and start the a sas session as if it was loaded locally with either the standard sas interface or EG. Our license does not allow us to connect through a local instance of EG to the sas installed on the server. So in other words no thin clients, meta, web reporting, or app servers.

I still trying to get more information from IT about the issues they are having. Right now all I know is: "Due to the way SAS does their server licensing and that we are running in a VMware environment, my efforts to clone have failed, many times. " I will post more information once I get clarification.


This should be a simple situation. It is looking like a shared PC approach by 7 users. running on a Win64 server instance delivered by VMWare. The only complicating issues are the virtualization (VMWARE) and the licensing type. The licensing type you have is a sub-cpacity one. See: 41121 - Starting in SAS 9.2, a SAS subcapacity license for a Microsoft Windows operating system is...

The interesting thing is our SID file does not reference the server computer name ... it is actually blank. Not sure we have a subcapacity license since when it was first researched it was CPU count that was effecting the pricing (of course this could just have been a mixture of jargon). In any case, I see a call to tech support in our future, either for a limited use test SID file and / or guidance in setting this up.

You can verify that you SID isn't tied to you computer name. Windows has the ability to support multiple NetBIOS computer names. If you are comfortable with editing the Windows registry you can add an OptionalNames string value to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\LanmanServer\Parameters section. Once the key has been added you can set the value to the production server's name. To test this requires that you stop the existing production VM and alter the DNS entry to point to your new VM. I have used this in a cold spare scenario to replace a failed compute tier server in a three tier EBI platform. SAS never complained. 5376163bf9


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