thank you.

A huge HUGE thanks to AMAAS for the financial support on this project! You guys are fantastic and we really appreciate your support in helping emerging work and fairly paying young artists of colour ♥♥♥

This entire festival and project is based around fear. And as terrifying as it is, this group helped me overcome my own fears.

Life as a mixed woman can be terrifying. You don't fit into any community, there are so many prejudices set up against you. Working with this group made me understand why people try to suppress other people.

The pure talent, and light, and hope within this group is amazing. It's gorgeous and blinding. Not only does it inspire me but it banishes all my fears of being different.

Thank you Isabella and Eunice, this opportunity is incredible. Eye opening. Life changing.

I adore these humans. So thank you. Thank you for letting me capture little moments of you. Thank you for teaching me.

You're made of star stuff and pixie dust. Don't forget it.