Verse 2

 These are the days of Ezekiel,

 The dry bones becoming as flesh.

 And these are the days of Your servant David,

 Rebuilding a temple of praise.

 These are the days of the harvest,

 The fields are as white in Your world!

 And we are the laborers in Your vineyard,

 Declaring the word of the Lord!

The second verse refers to the restoration of unity of the body, what Jesus prayed for - "that they may be one even as I and the Father are one..." by reference to Ezekiel's prophetic vision of the valley of the dry bones becoming flesh and being knit together. There are lots of interpretations of this picture, but one of a united church rising up in unity and purpose, is a powerful call on us in these days.

This Are The Days Of Elijah Mp3 Download


These thoughts were in my head when I came to church early one Sunday in 1995. We have two services and the Pastor spoke during the first service on the "valley of dry bones" from Ezekiel. I took a prompt from this and, in the 30 minutes between the services, wrote down the words and chords in the kitchen of our church building and we sang it, as a body, at the end of the second service.

How do you express the sense that these might be days, not of failure and submission, but of the sort of resilient, declaring, even arrogant trust and hope that Elijah had in his God? That these are not days of God stepping back and allowing the world and the church to roll uncontrolled towards eternity, but rather days when he is calling on his body to make a stand, to offer right praises and to declare that He is totally in control. Well, I reckon you may write the words "These are the days of Elijah" and "These are the days of David". I've used word pictures and Biblical characters to make that expression, but this is no different from many of the great hymn writers and even David himself.

It is an unusual song, for sure. All of these restored things like Justice, Righteousness, Integrity, Unity, Praise and Worship and Revival are considered by many to be a herald of the last days and Christ's return. Personally I don't know - I believe I wrote what God was telling me to write and He seems to have used the song in many ways for many people.

I hope the explanation is clear. The song is, perhaps, a little complex - but I can assure you that this was not deliberate. I have written lots of simple, straightforward hymns and songs covering lots of themes. This song seems to have been used particularly by God in the ministry of Praise and Worship and the themes and pictures it uses seem to have been grasped by God's people all over the world.

On the odd occasion my theology class discusses the theology of worship songs. Yesterday a student asked me about the song Days of Elijah, wondering if it seemed to be okay theologically since one church objected to him singing the song. I imagine many people have wondered about this, but even more so what on earth the song means :).

But what all the above passages indicate is there will be a ministry that will manifest itself in the last days before the return of Jesus which will prepare the people for the coming of Messiah. And this ministry is needed today as much as it was needed in the times of the kings of Israel.

I happened onto a video of the performance of this song, done before a large,enthusiastic group, who were also really getting into it. It was an elaborateproduction with a procession carrying large banners and people dancing in theaisles and performers on the stage, laying it out.

But I couldn't help wondering how much God was on their mind and how much theperformance was on their mind? Now God forbid that I should criticize that sortof display, but I recall something that C.S. Lewis said about what he called'the liturgical fidget'. When he went to church, he said, he wanted to have hismind on God, not the latest innovation in service or performance to the peoplewho were there. And all of this conspired to call to memory from the words ofthe song, 'These are the days of Elijah' and I wondered how many of theperformers and the singers knew what that was all about? What exactly are 'TheDays of Elijah' and why are they singing about them?

The song begins, 'These are the days of Elijah, declaring the word of theLord and these are the days of your servant Moses, righteousness being restored,and though these are days of great trial of famine and darkness and sword.Still, we are the voice in the desert, crying, prepare ye the way of the Lord.'

He is described in the Bible as a hairy man wearing leather. I guess if hewere to come to your town today, he might come riding in on a Harley. He was aman of few words. He is introduced to us this way in First Kings 17 and verse 1"And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said untoAhab, "As the LORD God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall beno dew nor rain these years, but according to my word."

This must be one the most brief and to the point prophecies in the entirehistory of the Bible, and it comes out of the blue for most of us, I guess, butnot if you have read the context that led up to this. This was the last timethat anyone in Israel heard from the man for 3 1/2 years, and more important,there was neither dew nor rain for 3 1/2 years. But where did this come from,why such a dire prophecy?

It involved child prostitution and even child sacrifice. Now this was thepart and parcel of the worship invented by humans from the first civilizationover in Mesopotamia, and it died hard. It permeated the Middle East in ancienttimes and King Ahab, who ought to have provided leadership to the contrary,married into that and became wholly absorbed in it. He was a weak man andJezebel was the wrong woman.

I have a toolbox theory of God, that He has this toolbox down here full ofpeople that fit the job at hand. So what about Elijah? This was a man who neverused two words when one would do. He was a man who would not dress to kill. Hewas a man who dressed roughly. He was a hairy man. He wore leather and I have avision in my mind about what this man looked like.

Are these, then, 'The Days of Elijah'? Well if so, the song goes on. 'Theseare the days of the harvest. The fields are as white in your world, and we arethe laborers in your vineyard, declaring the word of the Lord.'

Well it came to pass, First Kings 18, and verse 1, "After many days,(three and one half years in fact), the word of the LORD came to Elijah in thethird year of the drought, saying, "Go, show yourself to Ahab; and I willsend rain upon the earth."

Ahab said to Obadiah "Let's go look for water all over this place. Yougo one way and I will go the other. They divided the land and took off. AsObadiah was in the way, Elijah met him. Obadiah recognized him immediately andfell on his face and said in verse 7, "Is that you, my lord Elijah? Heanswered him saying, "I am. Go tell your Lord, behold, Elijah ishere." Normally this would be good news. It meant maybe some rain, butObadiah was nobody's fool. When a prophet of God shows up, it is not to tell ushow well we are doing!

Poor Obadiah! Elijah scared the daylights out of him. I can visualize him inthis next passage with the speech that he makes walking around, pacing, wavinghis hands in the air. He's afraid. He said, "What are you trying to do getme killed?" That is essentially what he is saying in the modern vernacular.He says, "I will go tell Ahab that you're here, but then if we go lookingfor you and we do not find you, you know what is going to happen to me, he'lltake my head off. So Elijah swore with an oath, and he said, "As the Lordof Hosts lives, before whom I stand, I will surely show myself to himtoday."

So Obadiah went to meet Ahab (1 Kings 18:16), and told him, and Ahabwent to meet Elijah. That would've been something to see, this confrontation.And just as Elijah came into sight, Ahab probably put out his hand and pointedto him and said, "Are you he who troubles Israel?" Isn't that the wayof it? It was Ahab's leadership that had brought this nation to ruin, and heblames Elijah for it. It never crossed his mind that Elijah could not havestopped the rain on his own without God's hand being in it. It was a miracle.And God had spoken to him through that. But Ahab didn't get it.

Then Elijah said the people (1 Kings 18:22) "I, even I only, remain aprophet of the Lord. Baal's prophets are 450 men. Let them give us two bullocks;let them choose one bullock for themselves and cut it in pieces and lay it onthe wood and put no fire under it. I'll dress the other bullock and I will putit on the wood and will not put a fire under it. Now you call upon the name ofyour gods, and I will call upon the name of Jehovah and the God who answers byfire, let him be God. And all the people said, "Well, okay, fair enough, wewill go along with that." So Elijah told the prophets of Baal, "Youpick which ever one you want. You dress it. There are lots and lots of you. Youshould be able to do this quickly. Call upon the name of your gods, but don'tput any fire under it." So they took the bullock, they dressed it, theycalled upon the name of Baal from morning till noon, saying, "O Baal, hearus."

So they said, "O Baal, hear us. But there's no voice, and none thatanswered. They danced around the altar that was made and what a spectacle theywere putting on. And it came to pass at noon (verse 27), Elijah made fun of themand he said, "Cry louder, he is a God. Maybe he's talking. Maybe he's gonehunting. Maybe he's on a journey, well I know, he's taking a nap and you need towake him up." Well, now that is not very nice is it, making fun of someoneelse's religion. But he did. Are these the days of Elijah?

"So it came to pass (1 Kings 18:36), at the time of the eveningsacrifice, that Elijah the prophet approached and said "Jehovah, God ofAbraham, Isaac and Israel, let it be known this day that you are God in Israel,and that I am your servant, and I have done all these things at your word, hearme, Lord, hear me, that these people may know that you are Jehovah God and youwill turn their heart back again." 2351a5e196

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