Meet the Teacher

Hector Rivera

Phone contact: (786) 601-7668


School Website:

*Emails and communications will be answered between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

*Please allow up to 24 hours for a response, thank you!


My name is Hector Rivera and I will be teaching your child Math and Science this year. I am an Air Force veteran, a father of two, and this will be my second year teaching third grade. I look forward to working together with you and your child. By working together, we can ensure your child has the best chance to be successful during this academic year. Welcome, or welcome back, and I am very excited to be teaching your child Math and Science this year.

Classroom Expectations

  • Be on time

  • Be prepared for class

  • Treat others with respect and kindness

  • Listen when others are speaking

  • Try your best!

Academic Calendar