Why should you reconsider storing these items in your garage?

Many homeowners consider their garage as a convenient storage space for various items. However, there are certain things that should not be kept in the garage due to potential dangers or damage that may occur. Let's take a closer look at five common items that you should think twice about storing in your garage.

The Hazards of Storing Paint

While it may seem logical to store leftover paint cans in the garage, this can actually pose a risk. Extreme temperature fluctuations in the garage can cause the paint to degrade and become unusable. Additionally, if the cans are not properly sealed, they can leak and create a messy situation. Consider storing paint cans in a cool, dry place indoors to extend their shelf life and prevent any mishaps.

Propane Tanks: A Flammable Risk

Storing propane tanks in the garage is an accident waiting to happen. Propane is highly flammable, and in case of a leak or accidental ignition, it can lead to a dangerous explosion. It's crucial to store propane tanks outside in a well-ventilated area, away from any potential sources of ignition. Ensuring proper storage of propane tanks reduces the risk of a catastrophe.

Food and Perishable Items

The garage may seem like a convenient overflow space for your pantry or extra refrigerator, but it's not the best idea. Fluctuations in temperature and humidity can spoil food quickly and attract pests. Instead, keep perishable items in a temperature-controlled environment like your kitchen or basement to ensure their freshness and prevent any unwelcome surprises.

Garage Clutter Warning: Think Twice
Smart Garage Choices, Think Twice

Musical Instruments and Electronics

If you're considering storing your beloved musical instruments or delicate electronics in the garage, think again. The extreme temperatures and humidity levels can damage these items, causing irreversible harm. It's best to store them in a climate-controlled space, such as a spare room or a dedicated storage unit, to protect their integrity and prolong their lifespan.

Photos and Important Documents

Storing precious memories and crucial documents in the garage can be a recipe for disaster. The risk of water damage and mold growth is high, especially if there are any leaks or floods. Protect your cherished photos and essential paperwork by storing them in a secure, waterproof location inside your home. Utilizing a fireproof safe is an excellent option for added protection.


While the garage may be a convenient space for storage, it's crucial to think twice before storing certain items that can be adversely affected by the environment. By considering alternative storage options and protecting your belongings from potential hazards, you can ensure their longevity and maintain their value. Take the necessary precautions and avoid the regrets that can come from storing these five items in your garage.

Garage Space: Choose Wisely
Think Before Garage Clutter

Think Twice Before Storing 5 Things In Garage Q&A

Q: What are some items that should not be stored in the garage?

A: Some items that should not be stored in the garage include paint cans, propane tanks, food and perishable items, musical instruments and electronics, and photos and important documents.

Q: Why shouldn't paint cans be stored in the garage?

A: Paint cans should not be stored in the garage because extreme temperature fluctuations and improper sealing can degrade the paint and create a messy situation. It is best to store paint cans in a cool, dry place indoors.

Q: What is the risk of storing propane tanks in the garage?

A: Storing propane tanks in the garage can lead to a dangerous explosion in case of a leak or accidental ignition. It is important to store propane tanks outside in a well-ventilated area.

Q: Why is storing food and perishable items in the garage not recommended?

A: Storing food and perishable items in the garage is not recommended because fluctuations in temperature and humidity can spoil food quickly and attract pests. It is better to store perishable items in a temperature-controlled environment like the kitchen or basement.

Q: What can happen to musical instruments and electronics if stored in the garage?

A: If stored in the garage, musical instruments and electronics can be damaged by extreme temperatures and humidity levels, causing irreversible harm. It is best to store them in a climate-controlled space.

Q: Why should photos and important documents not be stored in the garage?

A: Storing photos and important documents in the garage can pose a risk of water damage and mold growth, especially if there are leaks or floods. It is recommended to store them in a secure, waterproof location inside the home.

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Gulliver Garage Doors Calgary

4733 Bowness Rd NW, Calgary, AB T3B 0B5, Canada

