So onto a quick look at the book. The first few chapters go over problem solving skills outside of the programming environment, like puzzles and day-to-day problem solving- utilizing critical thinking and analytical thinking to solve real world problems before you jump into your programming environment. From there the author goes into the skills necessary to problem solve in a programming environment, and then immediately jumps into the C++ examples.

As human activity and environmental change come to be increasingly recognized as intertwined phenomena on a rapidly urbanizing planet, the field of urban ecology has risen to offer useful ways of thinking about coupled human and natural systems.

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Cities That Think like Planets advances strategies for planning a future that may look very different from the present, as rapid urbanization could tip the Earth toward abrupt and nonlinear change. Alberti's analyses of the various hybrid ecosystems, such as self-organization, heterogeneity, modularity, multiple equilibria, feedback, and transformation, may help humans participate in guiding the Earth away from inadvertent collapse and toward a new era of planetary co-evolution and resilience.

Both deep and broad, Alberti's book offers a compelling new perspective that places cities in their proper context for a changing planet. With most of the human population moving into urban areas, rethinking the role cities play in their interaction with the biosphere and other Earth systems is critical. Alberti provides a deeply creative and highly original vision for how cities can become engines for sustainability and greater human well-being. This is a must-read for anyone interested in the future of cities and city science.

Recent progress in artificial intelligence has renewed interest in building systems that learn and think like people. Many advances have come from using deep neural networks trained end-to-end in tasks such as object recognition, video games, and board games, achieving performance that equals or even beats that of humans in some respects. Despite their biological inspiration and performance achievements, these systems differ from human intelligence in crucial ways. We review progress in cognitive science suggesting that truly human-like learning and thinking machines will have to reach beyond current engineering trends in both what they learn and how they learn it. Specifically, we argue that these machines should (1) build causal models of the world that support explanation and understanding, rather than merely solving pattern recognition problems; (2) ground learning in intuitive theories of physics and psychology to support and enrich the knowledge that is learned; and (3) harness compositionality and learning-to-learn to rapidly acquire and generalize knowledge to new tasks and situations. We suggest concrete challenges and promising routes toward these goals that can combine the strengths of recent neural network advances with more structured cognitive models.

My best friend and I frequently get in disagreements over dating, as we have different cultural and philosophical attitudes about the process. But far from ruin our friendship, I think these disagreements help us both in refining our thinking. Being challenged on my ideas forces me to think them through.

I think there is a tradeoff between comfort and growth. Like-minded friends have an easier time comforting you in moments of doubt, because they reinforce your current worldview. However, divergent friends force you to reevaluate and consider new options.

There is a difference between delegating task versus outcomes. Think about when you are faced with a problem. I often see managers thinking about the problem, doing the research, formulating a plan to solve it, identifying the tasks needed to be done, building the framework to measure the results, and then delegating the tasks to their team to do the work?

Think about how much of the work to solve the problem was done by the manager versus the team and think about what the team learned to prepare them to be self sufficient next time. Probably not a lot.

I feel deeply aggrieved that I would visit any old, faulty and poorly built hives or equipment upon my girls. We humans like to live in homes with temperature controlled climates and weatherization. It gives us the ability to feel comfortable and prosper. Why would we ask anything less of our honeybee hives, if we care about their health?

Oh, and by the way, I have my first summer harvest of delicious alfalfa or wildflower honey available! Message me for pick up at or text 505 514 4982. $16/pint and $30/quart.

This worker bee colony had had enough. They had been in bondage to a severely inept queen. Without a new monarch in the oven(so to speak), they could only carry on like good soldiers, doing their myriad daily work detail. By collaborating with them, I had broken the spell. The honeybee democracy had spoken. They were done with the chaotic, distressingly sub-par, destructive lack of order and this incapable queen. With astonishingly swift action, they had swapped out their ailing bee democracy with hope for an orderly, humming queen- right future. In one fell swoop the hive chose to remove her. The fresh brood I had inserted, and subsequently the queen I would install next week, would lead to a future after all.

If men are from Mars and women are from Venus, it is little wonder that these two genders have a hard time understanding what the other thinks. Boys and girls are typically brought up in different ways, and that can make a huge difference in their patterns of mind by the time they reach adulthood. If you are trying to better understand the perspective of a man, or if you're just looking for a fun thought experiment, here are some ideas to consider.

Thanks Emilia & Eva for writing this. Focused, consistent and uncompromising. For all the ones wanting to better understand; or for the ones who have taken steps for health or environment reasons towards flexitarian -> vegetarian, this book effectively but empathically challenges this approach with the logic of equality between humans and animals. Stimulating and likely to drive action or at minimum pause and reflection, and helpful conversation to progress in the right direction.

I really enjoyed this wide ranging take on veganism, which went well beyond food content. The politics and economics of veganism were set out too, a valuable take on the subject which changed the way I think.

Students learn how to develop grit, study content, improve their success with test-taking strategies, and provide authentic holistic patient care. As a result, students begin to establish a professional identity so they can start to think, feel, and act like a professional nurse. Best suited for fundamental students.

The move from individual contributor to first-time 'leader of people' is one of the most daunting career moves for many employees. It doesn't matter what line of business you're in either. When you're asked to lead -- when you're given your first opportunity to become a leader of people -- it can feel like the first time you put on ice skates. For me at least, my first time skating was a wee bit of an experiment, wobbly ankles and all.

The only way to think like a leader is to first act: to plunge yourself into new projects and activities, interact with very different kinds of people, and experiment with unfamiliar ways of getting things done. In times of transition and uncertainty, thinking and introspection should follow action and experimentation - not vice versa.

The second key pillar to the Outsights model is to 'Redefine Your Network'. Of the three components to the model, I personally like this the best. Any position I've ever held -- any article, post or book I've ever written -- has come as a result of my network. I even wrote something entitled, 'My Net Work Is My Net Worth' about five years ago. If a leader believes she is 'acting' like a leader while holed up in a Fort Knox-like office, afraid to mingle with the masses inside or outside the organization, it's the epitome of passive and ineffective leadership, in my opinion. To me, that's not leadership ... it's cowardship.

She encourages leaders to network outside the organization, often an untapped source not only of contacts and people but of potential innovations and creative solutions to business problems. She is very correct in asserting leaders need operational, personal and strategic networks, to get things done but also to develop and 'act' like better leaders.

Ibarra wants leaders to play around with their identity. For example, instead of relegating yourself to continually being in the performance mode (presenting yourself in a favourable light - think 'managing up') try to use a playful learning model, "one that allows you to reconcile your natural yearning for authenticity in how you work and lead with an equally powerful motivator; growing and, most of all, learning about and extending the possibilities for yourself."

She also suggests -- within the Redefine Your Self pillar -- to steal like an artist (observe others and take what you can to improve your self) and not to stick to the story. In other words, try different versions and edit, edit, edit.

For more than 10 years, I've taught design in places like the University of Lund in Sweden, the HfG Offenbach in Germany, and Parsons School of Design. Teaching inspires me, challenges me, helps me question my point of view on design, and keeps me connected to the next generation. My students often start out with a problem-solver mindset and want to rely on technology. I encourage them, instead, to start with a question, large or small, that puts humans at the center.

Kotov - and this book itself - have been a little controversial in the chess world. Partly because Kotov was a bit of a Soviet toady, but also because many chess players disagree with his belief that a player's strength depends on how organized is his thinking. I also doubt that most strong chess players think in such a rigid and computer-like way as Kotov suggests that one should aspire to. Nevertheless, I still think it is a good book and was very influential for me. 2351a5e196

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