
Welcome to the homepage for SPLAT's 2023 Things from Future Libraries event at the Idaho Library Association conference! This event was adapted, prototyped, and run by staff from the Idaho Commission for Libraries and members of the Special Project Library Action Team (SPLAT). 

This preconference was a design jam and creative gathering like no other! Participants came together to transform everyday objects into unique "artifacts" that represent services and borrowable items from libraries of the future. They provoked, amused, and inspired one another through the power of imagination and storytelling — all while developing skills in thinking about the future. Participants gained practical experience in design thinking, problem-solving, and envisioning the future. We moved towards the future we want, and not the one we might feel stuck with! 

We've collected information from different libraries from the future and the objects, services, and programs they offer to their communities. Use the tabs above to navigate to different groups to learn about the future library that group created, or click the links below.

This event was adapted by from Situation Lab's Futures Bazaar by Deana Brown and Annie Gaines.

Deana & annie

Action shot from the event

Re-Wilding Humanitarian Library

Building the Re-Wilding library

Testing Future Library items

Checking out library items from the future

Are you interested in joining the Special Projects Library Action Team (SPLAT)? We're recruiting new members! Reach out to Deana Brown (deana.brown@libraries.idaho.gov) or Annie Gaines (annie.gaines@libraries.idaho.gov) or any of the other SPLAT members for more information.