Thi Ha Kyaw

Quantum physicist

Hello and welcome to my academic website. I am a staff research scientist at LG Electronics Toronto AI Lab, spearheading a quantum computing and algorithms research group. My research focuses on developing near-term quantum algorithms, quantum simulation, quantum control, and quantum computing. For more details, see my Research page.

In my past academic life, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the Alán Aspuru-Guzik Matter Lab, affiliated with the Department of Computer Science and Chemistry, University of Toronto. I obtained my physics Ph.D. under the supervision of Leong-Chuan Kwek at the Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore. 

I enjoy mentoring students and promoting physics across various levels. I had mentored high school, undergraduate and graduate students from diverse backgrounds. For more information, please refer to my curriculum vitae.

Besides physics, I love meditation, reading, long-distance swimming, open water swimming, long-distance running, hiking, scuba diving, and practising my cello. 

A fun fact: I have an advanced scuba diving license that allows me to explore the deepest underwater without using any sophisticated equipment.