The Zack Wansley clash

August 19th, 2023 Hosted by Chapel Hill High School

This race is in honor of one of Chapel Hill High's most beloved runners...Zack Wansley.  

Zack was a remarkable young man who ran for both Chapel Hill High and then Georgia Tech.  Tragically, Zack passed away while training for the Atlanta Marathon.  In honor of this remarkable young man and his passion for nature and running, his family and CHHS have dedicated awards and this race in his name. 

Race Information

Parking is $5 if paid in advance.  Use this QR Code to pay. Show your digital receipt to the parking attendant the morning of the race.

You can also click HERE to pay for parking.

The price for parking is $10 on race day. 

Race Schedule:

Boys Varsity 8:00 am

Girls Varsity 8:35 am

Boys Jr. Var. 9:10 am

Girls Jr. Var. 9:45 am

Awards will follow after each race.  

Medals will be given in the finish chute.

The 5 K Course (high school Purple and Black Divisions)

This is a 2 loop course.  After the start, runners make one loop around a field then begin their 1st of 2 loops around "The Horseshoe", "The Pond", and "The Woods".  After exiting the Woods, runners have 150 meters of hill to concur before crossing the gravel road and beginning loop 2.  After the 2nd loop, runners have a downhill finish parallel to the start.  Spectators can watch the start, then head to the exit of The Horseshoe or the field after The Pond, and still have time to make it back to watch runners come up The Hill after exiting The Woods or watch the finish.  

Concessions, Restrooms, Tents, Playground

Be Kind to your Neighbor.

If someone is jealous because you have access to The Zack Wansley Clash Website and they don't, you can let them scan this QR code right from your phone.

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Site created by: Coach Chris Wilson