The World Of Pegs

By A.M

This book is dedicated to our marketing manager

 and one of my truest friends, O.G




Pegs, or clothespins, were first made in 1809 by Jérémie Victor Opdebec who patented his version of the clothes peg. Nothing else is known about this man except for the fact that his name sounds Beligan. Now there are a few different types of peg. Stainless steel, wooden and plastic. 

Wooden pegs have their advantages, but if you want pegs that don’t get wet and gross in the rain, you should try either stainless steel ones or plastic ones– in my opinion, stainless steel is better out of the two. 

Now you know what pegs are, how about I tell you what The World Of Pegs is..?

The World Of Pegs is a website made by two people, A.M and O.G. We are hoping to recruit some people but that is besides the point. We educate you on all things peggy! And what is the point of this book? It’s to give you answers on some of the most frequently asked questions, to tell you what all of her peg-cellent words mean! (Like the word peg-cellent) and to give you a little history.. 

                                                                                             Chapter One

Answering Popular Questions


Have you ever wondered whether Sainsbury’s sold pegs? No? What about the meaning of ‘clothespins’? Of course you have. And if you haven’t, you must have at least one burning question. In this chapter, we answer some of the most asked questions on Google!

What are clothespins called in the UK?

A clothes peg.

What is the meaning of clothespins?

A small plastic, wooden or metal object that is mostly used to hang clothes on the line for them to dry.

How old are clothes pegs?

They date back to a long, long time ago but if you’ve been reading this book then you’ll know.

What do Americans call clothing pegs?


Are wooden or plastic pegs better?

Wooden pegs break less and splinter less whilst plastic pegs are more resistant to weather. 

Do Sainsburys sell clothes pegs?

Yes. They sell recycled plastic pegs.

What pegs do not mark clothes?

HEGS pegs.

What are pegs of wood called?

Treenail, trenail, trennel or trunnell.

What is another word for a wooden peg?

A dowel. 

Are wooden pegs any good?

Yes. They are cheap and easy to use.

What are wooden pegs used for?

Lots of things. Check out The World Of Pegs first ever blog to find all the ways!

Chapter Two

PEg-cellent Dictionary!


It’s the official World Of Pegs peg-cellent dictionary! Filled with peggy terms that only the most peg-ucated people know the meaning of..

Read this chapter and you will become a certified peg-xpert!



  ‘Woah, so peg-cellent!’



  ‘How peg-xquisite!’



  ‘Your logic is peg-straordinary’



  ‘That is pegs-actly right! Well done!’


Educated in the field of pegs.

  ‘Woah! You know your stuff. So peg-ucated!’


An expert in the field of pegs. 

  ‘Are you some kind of peg-xpert or something?’


Need a break from talking about pegs.

  ‘Give me a second, man. I’m pegs-hausted!’


A bit of information about pegs that isn’t relevant anymore.

  ‘Oh my gosh! That is so peg-spired!’

Chapter Three

Why Pegs?


I swear. So many times in my life, I have been asked the same exact question from so many different people. Family, friends. But what is that question, I hear you asking…

‘Why are you so obsessed with pegs?’

It is a good question. But I never give anyone the right answer because, to be completely honest, It sounds a bit stupid. But I’ll be honest here and now. 

Here is the real answer to- ‘Why are you so obsessed with pegs?’

As an eight-year old, I felt like I needed something to define myself. Something that would make me different from all the rest. So one morning, I woke up and got ready for another day at school. After eating my breakfast, I opened my desk drawer and can you guess what I saw..?

A wooden peg.

‘Hm’ I thought, ‘Not many people would be in love with pegs’. So, I started writing about pegs, I started talking to my friends about pegs and, over time, something I never expected happened…  

I actually started to fall ‘in love’ with pegs. So, in a way, my eight-year-old self got what she really wanted. An obsession that would make her stand out. I never thought that this would happen. Eventually, I had genuinely started to like pegs. Deep down, there will always be a space in my heart for pegs– no matter how stupid it sounds. They’re cool. 

A year later, The World Of Pegs was born. A website created by me to communicate my love of pegs. And I guess without my silly eight year old self, I would not even be writing this story right now. 

Chapter Four

The World Of Pegs’ History


The World Of Pegs didn’t always look like how it did now. It was different, before. And that is what this chapter is about. 

On the 17th of December in 2022, I made the World Of Pegs website. It wasn’t much. Almost the exact same. Except for the fact that we had a few different pages and our description was much, much different.

‘The World of Pegs uploads posts on pegs and keeps you updated on all the peg-cellent news that happens! This website is run by a girl who LOVES pegs! All of your peg-dreams can come true here.

Have a look at the news page to find out about all the recent (and old!) news about pegs! Take a peek at the blog page to see if the peg-girl has uploaded some new peg articles! Check the updates page to see some short articles about pegs!’

We used to have a News page, an Updates page and we never had a help centre, like we do now. 

Over time, our team grew. We had gotten ourselves a marketing manager (O.G), a site manager (F.K) and an article writer (T.I).

But suddenly, we stopped. No more articles, no more blogs, no more updates, no more anything! I don't know why, we just.. Stopped. I knew we couldn’t just start from where we left off. The website needed a change. It needed to look better and it needed a loyal team.

After getting rid of everything, even my team, and starting again, I was worried. I didn’t have my old blogs. Putting that out of my head, I restarted. I made a help centre, a navigation page. I made blogs from scratch and an about page.

But something was missing. A team.

So I told everyone that I was rehiring and one old employee came back. Our old marketing manager, O.G. I gave them their job back and we worked together on the website, improving it and improving it until we had The World Of Pegs that we all know and love.

                                                    Final Notes

Thank You’s + Goodbyes


Congrats! You made it through our book. Pretty pegs-austed, huh? That’s fine, you can relax. And so can I, now knowing that I have properly peg-ucated you. 

Make sure to share our book, and website, with your friends and family. Thank you for reading! Bye!

For O.G, an amazing person, employee and an amazing friend.